#glad to see nothing else has changed haha
batmanisagatewaydrug · 54 minutes
hey, this is the same 14 year old from earlier. first, i want to thank you so much for such a well rounded, thoughtful response. i went through all the resources and they were all very helpful. after thinking about it, i think i probably won't do this after all. technically i think i am ready, i understand the possible consequences, i know how to be safe, etc etc, but i'm just kind of anxious. and it might be a better idea to wait to do things like this with someone i actually have romantic feelings towards, because i'll probably enjoy it more then, right? i'm not exactly sure why i agreed to do it in the first place, i guess curiosity or for the sake of formative teenage experiences or literally just "why not" lmao. i do have one more question if that's alright, do you know of a good way to tell her that i don't really want to do this anymore? we haven't set up an actual date and time yet but she's serious about it and i was serious about it but obviously my opinion has changed. i feel kind of guilty about backing out especially because she kinda wanted this as a rebound after breaking up with her girlfriend of like, six years (which means it might be good if we don't do this anyway, this might be an impulsive decision on her part that she ends up regretting).
also one more question (sorry) if you have the time and energy for it. i know there's a lot of people asking you questions haha. how would you get an STI or STD through oral sex? i understand the basics, its spread through genital fluids and gets into your body that way, but how would the symptoms start showing in your own genitals? or would they not and just show up in your mouth or throat? the planned parenthood link kind of talked about that, but it said that it was rare. anyway thank you so much! you've been genuinely so helpful and kind and i appreciate it so much!
hello! welcome back! it's great to hear from you again, and I'm glad that response was helpful. it's awesome that you were able to weigh all the available information to make that decision. you'll have plenty of other opportunities for formative teenage experiences, very few of which have to involve sex at all - I'd be a bad sex witch if I didn't tell you that I didn't have sex with another person for the first time until I was almost 21!
cancelling this plan with your friend might feel awkward, but it doesn't need to be worse than dipping out of any other activity. "hey, I think I changed my mind about wanting to see this movie; I don't really think I'm going to vibe with it. thank you for inviting me, though!" 'I'm actually not feeling up to going to the game, but I hope you can find someone else to go with." "sorry to change our plans, but I think having sex actually isn't something I want to do right now. thanks for being understanding."
this may hurt your friend's feelings; it can often feel extremely personal and hurtful when someone doesn't reciprocate an interest in sex, and feel much worse than someone saying no to other kinds of plans. this may be especially true if you're right about your friend trying to rebound from a previous relationship - six years is a long relationship for anyone, especially someone for whom six years is almost half of their life, and there's a good chance she's still feeling sore from the loss of that relationship and is seeking comfort and validation from another source (you). good on you for being insightful enough to notice this and recognize this! that's an important trait to have, both as a friend and in your future romantic and sexual relationships.
if your friend doesn't take it well when you change your mind, you may need to get a little space from her while her feelings cool off. remember, while you should be kind when you say no - obviously nothing like "I wouldn't want to have sex with you, you're gross and just rebounding" - you're not doing anything wrong at all by changing your mind, and if your friend starts trying to pester you into changing your mind or acting more harshly to you, we've definitely crossed into the territory where she's the asshole. (not that you're the asshole for saying no; nobody is the asshole in that scenario.) if she takes it poorly, it's okay to ask her for some distance and spend less time around her until the hurt feelings are mended.
remember: you don't need to feel guilty for changing your mind. you are always allowed to do that, even if you're in the middle of having sex. you don't owe anyone else access to your body, ever, and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise can go straight into the trash.
and please don't ever feel the need to apologize for asking about STIs, they're one of my favorite things to talk about!
for many STIs that can be transmitted to the mouth, the symptoms will stay in the mouth and/or throat. sometimes that will look like sores or blisters in or around the mouth, which are sometimes painful and ooze discharge and sometimes don't feel like anything at all. it can also feel like an ordinary cold, with a sore throat and some difficulty swallowing. in most cases, the symptoms won't spread to your genitals unless you also contracted the STI there as well - for instance, if you touched your mouth and tongue to an infected partner's genitals and then also touched your genitals to theirs as well. but while the symptoms looks different, the medicines that treat STIs affecting the genitals are just as effective at clearing up infections in the mouth and throat.
I'm super happy to help, and please know you can send in more asks any time :)
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lulu2992 · 1 year
Planes fly smoother in Hope County now.
Not better, though 😅
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
i think you did one of there with spencer and it was cute so i was wondering if you'd write one for aaron, a full fic or blurb where Aaron guesses she (his gf) is pregnant before she guesses? thanks in advance
i'm glad you liked it !! it's the type of scene i love writing
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Summary: basically as above, but they are married
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
Content Warning: pregnancy (obviously)
Word Count: 1.5k
It's a quiet day at the BAU, and you and Aaron are in his office, having lunch together on the rare occasion you're not out on a case, there aren't any urgent consults, and he doesn't have a meeting.
He starts smirking when you complain about there not being enough pickles in your burger.
"What?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at his sudden change in demeanor.
He leans back in his chair, his hands clasping behind his head. "I don't know, honey. You've been acting kind of strange lately. Do you think it's possible that you're pregnant?"
You roll your eyes, playfully kicking him under the desk. "Haha, very funny, Aaron. You better watch your mouth." You say jokingly.
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm teasing, but if I'd take a bet on it. Seriously, you've been craving some weird foods lately, and if I was dumber, I'd say you were having some mood swings. Maybe you should take a test, just in case."
You shake your head, laughing at his persistence. "I highly doubt it. You know, with the birth control and all that? And you know it's a bad idea to offer me a bet." It might have been why he did it because you're both insanely competitive.
"Why don't we up the stakes?" He offers, the signature smirk that only you're privileged to lighting up his face.
You grin mischievously at him. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, you know how the team bet on if we were dating?" He asks and you nod. "Let's include them. Only if you're comfortable." He's only joking, and you're so sure he's off the mark.
"A chance to show to prove your profiling skills wrong?" You ask with a giggle. "Derek would kill me if I didn't take it."
"You're on," Aaron says, holding out a hand to shake yours and make it official. "But when I'm right, you owe me."
You chuckle again. "Yeah? What will I owe you?"
He grins, his nose scrunching adorably as he thinks. "I'll get back to you about that."
You notice the team walking back in from lunch. "Let's do it."
Aaron and you walk out onto the landing, and he makes his announcement. "Conference room, everyone."
They look at you both with a high level of concern written on their faces, scurrying like something urgent has happened which, due to the nature of your jobs, is reasonable. "Don't use your Unit Chief voice." You scold, hitting him on the shoulder. "And don't even think about bullying anyone into agreeing with you."
"Deal, but you can't make it seem offensive for them to bet against you." He instructs.
"I won't." He assures you, placing a hand on your lower back and guiding you to the boardroom.
Penelope's jumpy when you two walk in and stand in front of the screen, not doing as well as everyone else to hide her worry. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." You tell them all quickly, but it's a message to Aaron as well: that although you're sure he's wrong, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
"Y/n's pregnant," Aaron announces.
You hit him on the shoulder, quickly speaking before everyone jumps up to hug you and offer congratulations. "That's just what he thinks." You say.
Even Spencer had a puzzled look, but Derek verbalizes their thoughts. "What?"
"We're betting," Aaron explains. "I think she's pregnant, she thinks she's not, so like you all bet on whether we were dating or not, we thought you might like to bet on this."
For everyone who has known him longer than you have, it's astonishing to see Aaron so open with his personal life, but you bring the playful side out in him.
The bets are in, more in favor of you, although the doctor of the team bets against you which is a little worrying. Of course, Spencer isn't a medical doctor, but he knows more about pregnancy than even JJ, who has been pregnant.
"So when do we get the results?" Derek wonders.
"Right now?" You offer. "Well as soon as I go get a test."
Aaron shakes his head beside you. "No, no way. I want it to be just us because it's going to be a special moment."
You roll your eyes at him. "Okay, but you're not coming in the bathroom while I pee on a stick." You inform him.
"We'll see." He settles, looking at you fondly before dropping the smile reserved for you when he looks back at the team. "Let's get back to work."
Aaron stops at a drug store on the way home, determined and cemented in his position as he buys three boxes of pregnancy tests.
"I don't have enough pee for all of these." You inform him when you're getting ready for bed that night.
He opens each of the boxes, handing you one of each. "Get your cute butt in there." He directs.
"I'm not taking this for you." You remind him with a smirk. "I'm taking it to prove you wrong."
"So, for me then?" He jokes, chuckling at you.
You're not really sure why you are taking the test. Of course, it's gotten to be a bigger idea with the team's involvement, but now that you're doing it, you're kind of hoping you lose. The excitement engulfing you is a shock, but it's so unlikely that you don't want to give in to the delusion.
"Are you okay?" Aaron taps on the door after you've been in there more than a reasonable amount of time.
You open the door, trying to keep a calm facade, and welcome him in, handing over the capped tests and sitting on the counter.
"You actually want this, don't you?" He profiles within a second.
It's an annoying trait of his when it shows up in your personal life, but sometimes you are glad since you're feeling like you don't have all the words. "It just threw me." You admit. "I didn't realize that I do feel ready until today."
His face drops in an instant, guilt sinking in. "I'm sorry I pushed so hard." He says very apologetically, a hand going to his forehead. "And I got the team involved."
"It's alright." You soothe, taking his hand in yours. "It's not like we can't just make a baby once we know."
Aaron nods, a cheeky smile taking over his face. "I'll give you a baby if that's the prize you want for winning the bet."
"Did you figure out what you want?" You wonder. "If you're right."
He thinks about it for another moment. "Baby or not, I can't think of anything else I need in life." His hand rests on your thigh delicately. "Ready to look?"
You shake your head, the nerves overwhelming you. "Let's not bother. We can go not knowing."
Aaron chuckles, shaking his head. "We both know we can't." He doesn't give you much more of a choice, figuratively tearing the bandaid off as he flips over the test. He's usually so good at keeping his face neutral, having had years of practice, but he doesn't. Not in your tender moment where his eyes go glassy, and he grins broadly. "Mrs. Hotchner, congratulations, you're pregnant."
"Oh, my god." Your hand clamps over your mouth in shock, but you quickly tear it away to take the test from him, needing to see it to believe it. "We're going to have a baby?"
"Yes, we are." He answers.
"I can't believe you realized before I did." You chuckle. Without a doubt, it's going to become a story that frequently gets retold.
Aaron leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours. His warm hand rests on your lower stomach, and it suddenly feels very real. "I know you that well." He reminds you. "But I will still be collecting my betting money."
You giggle at him. "I would."
It's probably clear to the team when you and Aaron are late for work, the team likely assuming you're at the doctor's office. The team is already waiting in the conference room, Rossi waving you two in.
"So, who won?" JJ wonders, struggling to curb her enthusiasm.
You share a quick smile with your husband that no one can decipher if you're gloating about winning. "Fortunately... Aaron." You inform them.
Penelope grabs you in a hug first, and you're sure she's crying. Then you're passed around the team for more hugs, sharing delighted looks with Aaron between receiving congratulations.
He's the last person to wrap you in a hug, holding you tightly to his chest. "You're so incredible." He whispers to you. "And I was thinking we could get lobster rolls with my prize money for dinner."
You quickly pull back, shaking your head. "That thought makes me feel nauseous."
His mouth drops before he quickly recovers. "Alright, pickles it is."
You're in your own little world with him until Derek gets your attention. "So, when do we get to bet if it's a boy or girl?"
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akutasoda · 7 months
can you do a dazai, atsushi, chuuya x reader who is similiar to homura akemi from madoka magica? like, how the reader knew them and their past in previous timelines and has been trying to save them from dying multiple times?
to the ends of time
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synopsis - you've tried so hard to keep them with you, maybe this time it works in your favour
includes - atsushi, dazai, chuuya
warnings - gn!reader, angst with comfort, fluff?, mention of death and injury, dazai things, wc - 834
a/n: i actually read this after re-watching madoka magica haha
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they were your best friend. practically inseperable and people often joked that you two came as a package, one never straying too far from the other. and it was true. but it was almost comical how fate would rip apart the bond between two people.
the only thing that ever came in between the two of you was their death. it ripped them straight from your arms literally or figuratively. it stripped you of your relationship and left you feeling down constantly, feeling as though you never could see them again. but you were still in denial.
the denial led you to believe they were still out there somewhere waiting for you. and that denial led you to the book. it was your escape, your way into gaining back what you had lost and you'd be dammed if you didn't try and start again.
and therefore you spent ages travelling timelines. each and every time something went wrong, they were ripped from your life again and again. feeling more painful each time until you started giving up. you started feeling as thoigh nothing could be done to change the fate that you feared.
your resolve was tested but as you entered yet again another timeline something felt different. you had lost track of which ones you had travelled and therefore didn't know the one you were in but it felt right in some way. and you were right.
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
you had yet again found atsushi working for the agency. however this time you wanted to stay distant as you feared another failure. even if you were absolutely determined to give this one last shot you didn't want it going south.
and soon the very familiar scene replayed in front of you and from time and time again you knew what didn't work. you knew what wouldn't stop atsushi from dying in this mission and yet you were so desperately trying to find what prevented that.
so you gave it one last effort, trying a brand new approach and hoping for the best. and to your absolute surprise it worked. you had saved him in this timeline, you could finally be back with atsushi.
you finally let yourself get close to him again and eventually when he asked why you were always so protective you explained. not the book, just you trying over and over to finally be with him again. and he felt pity, he was grateful you saved him but pity that he had caused you so much struggling. but that didn't seem to matter anymore to you as right here and now you could hug atsushi and know that no time soon wouldhe be ripped away from you.
osamu dazai ★↷
you knew dazai. better than anyone else even though sometimes it did feel like you barely knew him. but you did know him well enough to know how he thought when it came to certain topics. one of which concerned you deeply and when your fears were proved right you never felt so hurt.
and that was why you tried again and again to convince him not to. most thought he was joking but you knew deep down that without intervention he truly would. so you were determined to stop him, stop him from the fate he thought he was worthy off because he deserved better.
and that was a reason you didn't give up, you wanted to save him so much. and now here he was, safely in your arms after you convinced him not to end it. tears flowed from both parties and in that moment you were glad you didn't give up and he was glad you had rescued him.
he knew from the start that you were trying again and agian to save him, so maybe that's why he felt more and more compelled to save himself. to listen to you. as this way he could be with someone he loves and not cause you any suffering or grief. afterall he wants to go without being a burden on anyone.
chuuya nakahara ★↷
you realised saving chuuya was very much a right person, right time kind of thing. what made it that much more painful originally was knowing there was nothing you could do. you hated corruption. you always discouraged him using it unless absolutely necessary as only one person could truly stop it.
so you had tried over and over to gett dazai there in time and you slowly started giving up as you really couldn't bare seeing chuuya struggle until his final moments. but somehow, you managed it. perhaps some small details had changed but it enabled dazai to get there in time.
and dazai knew, of course he did, but you were thankful he left as soon as he arrived. he left you with chuuya as you held his exhausted form as you cried. you had finally managed to save him. you could finally be here with him.
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prof-peach · 3 months
I got to say, I love your take on Pokémon legend Arceus so far. You certainly didn't pull your punches with that one! The game alone has a bunch of potential for angst, and I can't wait to see what you cook. Anyways, remember to stretch and stay hydrated and as always, Have a good day prof!
I'm doing a more adult take, seeing as a lot of fans arent kids anymore! Im glad youre liking it, the themes will be more complex and mature in nature, but i hope to still weave in pokemon facts in every chapter, even if theyre in passing comments, seeing as Peach is babysitting the PC (Rei) who doesnt know as much, its an opportunity for her to teach, even if its somewhat reluctant at the start. I am finally free of ridiculous deadlines and stress, the planning for chapter 2 is finished, and i can start to refine and change up camera angles, shot layouts and the flow of this all. Sadly i am going to be seperated from my tablet for a month or two max so i'll be working slow, but as soon as my move across the world is done, ill be reunited with my tablet and can smash out pages! Im not going to lie, im frustrated about the wait, its ready to go and i cant get stuck in haha! But so be it, i have to accept i cant do comic work for a short while and then get stuck in on nothing else that end. I feel awful with the delays, I want to bring you all this story! It reveals a lot of peachs past, who she is, her family, and expands on the pokemon world, shows so much more to species often overlooked, and makes an ok game the base for (hopefully) a compelling story about someone who gets broken down so far, and built back twice as strong.
I struggle to not gush about it all the time to be honest with you! hahaha it's my precious passion project, and ive poured years into the planning of this, to hand it out freely and hope others enjoy as much as i have. I hope i dont let you all down!
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supercalime · 28 days
yes! exactly! the fact that one of the big things that actually bring buck and tommy closer being that both of them get along with chris, and chris expressing that he likes both buck and tommy is chef's kiss. both of them learn not to feel threatened by that ("chris won't shut up about him") but rather feel invited ("i understand why chris likes you so much because i also think you're cool"). it cemented tommy as a great fit for buck, established him as a new welcome addition to the entire fire fam, and highlighted that tommy must get along with kids swimmingly, something that he has in common with buck and that hints that tommy most likely loves kids as well. and that, in a way, also feels like kids may actually be part of buck's future because bucktommy has been set up so differently to any of buck's previous canon relationships.
they could have done it a thousand different ways, but they chose this route, putting focus on the opinion of a kid that buck loves a lot. it's giving the trope of parent who first makes sure that their child accepts their love interest. maybe it means nothing! maybe it's solely for the fun of it! but given everything else we've seen in regards to evan buck buckley and the children topic, it's feels like one piece of a bigger puzzle. especially with his backstory, questioning his parent's love for all his life, i think buck's story will truly come full circle when he's allowed to unconditionally love his own child. and i think he wants and needs a partner (tommy) to be there with him every step of the way (love is stored in the "of course" ♥).
(as you can tell by now, i also love to ramble lmfao)
You can always ramble anon! And yes to all of this! I doubt everything about buck and tommys connection has been done intentionally (I mean, the writers can’t get the timeline in a single episode consistent) but what we’ve had so far is so good and it would be a waste to not use this love interest to be buck’s forever person (and baby daddy haha)
There’s the whole red thread of fate (or invisible string) theory that connects their stories before and after they met, there’s the stark difference on how tommy behaves in contrast to bucks past partners.
The writers did something different for them, something that feels more substancial. Bucks past partners have always felt like “girlfriend of the season”, almost like the writers didn’t want to fully commit. I’m glad that even though it took seven seasons, a network change and a lot of behind the scenes messes to get to this point.
Tommy could be Bucks forever person and if he does become so, I want to see it really bad!
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neerons · 3 months
Hey, how are you?? I hope you are doing great. I love all of your masquerade kiss posts and everything else you write because you put so much effort into them. You explain the MK characters in such a deep, fascinating way that it's admirable, and I kinda miss your analysis, lol. I have a question, tho if you are interested and free to answer. What is one thing you personally hate and love about the MK mc and the LI all 4 of them and if their is anything you would like to change about the game??. Like any route incident or character trait?? I believe their is a lot to say where MK is heading personally for the characters, both good and bad, tbh I would love to know your answer. Anyways, take care and have a great day ❤️
Hey ❤️ I’m doing alright even though I’ve been sick since yesterday, thank you for asking! I hope you’re doing good as well
Thank you for these thoughtful words. You always make my days whenever you say such nice things 🥹 I’m glad if my analyses are appreciated or helpful, I try to be as faithful to the representation of the title as I can while I give my own thoughts. Telling me I do it well and in a fascinating way means so much to me, thank you again ❤️
Things I love and hate about the Masquerade Kiss characters? Anything I’d like to change about the game?
To answer your question, there are many things I love about the characters and nothing I hate, or particularly dislike. Hatred would be a big word to use and if I hated anything about the title, I would find it hard to read it to be honest. I think this title is perfect for me as it has everything I love within it, which is why I’m really passionate about it. The things that tend to be "less good" about the characters are aspects of their personality that represent their flaws, so it’s only natural to like them less, and I have to say, I think their flaws are very well chosen. Maybe I sound like a simp for the title haha, but then so be it 🤣
The Masquerade Kiss MC
What I especially love about her character is that she successfully represents what I had always hoped to see in a MC. I personally was often used to seeing MCs that, while very lovely in their own way, were very "flat" and not especially interesting with their personality. Due to the fact that writers try to make sure the readers can self insert and project onto the MCs, earlier MCs were somehow very bland, or "weak", and submissive in a bad way for the sake of the self insert and LI. With newer titles, this problem seems to be less present though!
When I say they are weak I don’t mean their physical strength by the way, but rather the fact that they are so kind they are completely selfless. I think that if done right, such a representation can be beautiful, but more often than not, I saw MCs who were so "kind" their character was being crushed by their LI and they completely lacked anything that could be relatable to most readers, if that makes sense. It was in my opinion bad writing, because it was very one sided and only served the purpose to go faster with the story to learn more about the LI.
Compared to that, the MK MC is sooo well written in my opinion. She has everything, and without any extremes. She’s an independent and capable woman with a strong and kind personality, but she doesn’t reject others or love nor does she act as a man hater (thankfully, she didn’t fall into that annoying type of feminist writing). She’s extremely strong both physically and mentally, but she can still be sensitive, cute and have her weaknesses at times. She’s all about justice and doing what’s right, but can admit her own mistakes and adapt her judgment when she sees that what she believes in isn’t always right. Despite her intelligence, she can be a bit silly especially with the right crowd. She fits in very well with the 3S’ due to that reason and is often either as exasperated as Yuzu, or takes part in all their weirdness and banter
She’s also extremely beautiful, which is a breath of fresh air for me because the amount of times that I’ve read stories where the LIs often mentioned that the MC was plain looking or ugly at first… I actually don’t think it’s bad to have an average looking or "ugly" MC, but after the other titles or games that I’ve played, it was good to finally have a MC all the LIs could basically admire and compliment like she’s a literal goddess. Especially if the reader is supposed to project onto the MC (it’s nicer to be expected to look like Venus rather than Gollum…🤣) To be honest, whenever I read titles, I always imagine the MC to look like my OC, so it hurts to see the LIs think she’s not especially pretty at first 🥹
As for what I don’t like about her, nothing really in particular, but there are things I wished I could have seen more. In her character introduction in the app, she’s described as a sort of sister figure to other women, but I’ve never seen that yet.
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I’ve seen women either be friendly, or jealous, but I’ve never seen her have a sort of sisterly role towards any females. Given her career, it wouldn’t be odd for her to be admired by other fellow agents too so I kind of wish to see that. I actually really hope we can even see her actual family and have her meet her younger siblings. We had a few interactions with her parents and especially her mom, but I hope we get to meet her brother and sister as well. It would bring a lot more characterization to her.
Some people could also argue that in Kazuomi’s route, she’s often left aside to give place to Kazuomi who’s always a few steps ahead of her, and therefore her talents and character isn’t as fully explored compared to other routes. Personally that doesn’t bother me a lot, because it’s already been clear how good she is, and Kazuomi is definitely the main guy with a lot of depth to his own character, so it makes sense that it’s tougher for her to shine when she’s against him. That doesn’t remove any of her greatness. Her being the way she is is already exceptional if we take into account that a lot of other MCs never reached her level of characterization
There are many things I like about Kei. His story, first of all, which I didn’t expect to turn out this way at all the first time I’ve read his first season. Seeing his growth and changes have felt like going on a journey. If he’s potentially not interesting to read as a LI, I’d say he’s at least great to read simply for the whole character development and story building. He’s slow burn, which may not be appealing to many, but it feels worth it whenever we reach the stages we have wished to see.
I would argue that the writing of his route make him one of the best, if not the best, story among Voltage titles. I say this despite liking Kazuomi’s route the most, because I can only bow down to such a beautiful route. It’s so unique and difficult and confusing at the same time. It’s like you’re experiencing what he feels about love alongside him. He has so many sides to him that give him a lot of depth, and I didn’t expect to witness this type of character before.
His trauma and story telling is handled in a very bold way. I had never seen Voltage write such a tragic background story before. It’s not like I’ve read every title out there, but from everything I could see, it seems like MK overall is very unique. I also love his sense of humor and his playful attitude. He’s a big tease, which is perfect to enhance Kazuomi’s own playfulness and to get on Yuzu’s last nerves
Something I wish would have been different in his story however would be how Caleb was handled at the end of his arrest once they managed to stop him. I just wish it would have been more spectacular. The final fight wasn’t bad, but it could have had more impact, more spice to it in the fighting scenes ✨
He’s great, and so are his flaws. I always think about how his qualities and flaws are perfect combinations, he is pretty relatable and realistic. I once heard something that approximately said that, in a given trait, all our qualities have a "trap", and that these traps basically lead to our flaws. In this case, I always thought how Yuzu’s perfectionism can turn into stubbornness and lead to frustration. Just like his sensitivity is hidden and shut down by his rationality a lot of times. I think he can be very relatable, especially to those who struggle to open up and communicate their feelings, even with themselves.
I really like that he uses his knowledge about technology to face his problems, such as saying that when he and the MC argue, they have a "bug" that needs to be fixed. It’s really cute and adds to his hard working or nerdy nature. He obviously always tries to do his best and while it’s hard for him to admit it, he’s very fond of his closed ones and will always be there for them. I also love how he is intelligent in many ways. He’s not narcissistic or condescending to those who appear less intelligent than him, he always wants to do better and takes others’ opinions into consideration if they matter.
As for what I’m hoping to see in the game for him, I’d say more interactions between him and Kazuomi. Maybe due to having the same writer, it seems Yuzu and Kei are shown to be especially close but we know they all share a deep bond with different dynamics. It would be nice to see more key moments that would show the type of bond they have as well, since Yuzu is said to respect Kazu a lot in his own character introduction
Of course there are way too many things I love about this man since he’s my favorite. I love how confident he is, how he always manages to stay in control of things, and how fun he can be. He’s the type of character that makes you think everything will be alright in the end. I also love that this personality he has might not be his actual one, and I’m only looking forward to seeing how he really is. He’s really mysterious at times, and his past seems to be deeply present in his mind even now. He’s the only one who is the most discreet when it comes to opening up about it, so it’s really making me curious to know what happened.
What I love the most is how good and unique his relationship with the MC is. They’re at the same time completely compatible personality-wise, and at the same time, their work make their relationship hard to operate like a normal one. I don’t especially wish anything from his route would be altered, but I’m hoping to see he and MC finally reach a sort of stability in their relationship where they can settle down without thinking that what they have might be temporary. With MC’s job and Kazuomi’s tactics that will make him reveal himself to her one day, we don’t know what will happen between them, but I’m optimistic about their future. They were basically made for each other
I absolutely love him, which is why I will take this opportunity to expose my love and rant about all the things I need to rant about. There are a few things that should have been explored before stopping his stories, which is why I’m mad that they decided to stop writing for him. Things such as seeing more of his older sister, who was implied to appear again to fight back against Seiichi and MC, if I remember correctly. In the end, we won’t know what she would have done if they had decided to continue more with his stories. We also needed to know more about him. About how his grandparents raised him, getting more PoVs of his past, etc…
Something that I’ve found very weird is that when you play Kazuomi’s Ultimate Vacation, you can decide to get a PoV of the Boss. If you choose it, Boss then quickly has a thought about his past, about how the island he grew up in had marijuana plantations, and then you learn that his island ended up destroyed as a result. I didn’t understand why they discontinued his story only to reveal things here and there in other routes. I don’t want breadcrumbs about him, I want the whole bakery (and I say that as a French 😡😂)
Really though, I don’t know what was the point of doing this, I love learning more about him, so it’s all fine with me, but why in Kazuomi’s route? Why make a PoV option for him when you’re only going to show a few lines about his past and then move on to Kazu’s story again? I found all this very interesting and mysterious. Maybe they couldn’t follow with his story since he was the least read of the bunch, so they decided to expose what they had planned for him in the other routes for the fans.
Maybe my only wish was that he wasn’t made out to be such a jerk to MC in Kei’s route S1. I don’t mind that he can appear as an antagonist at first, but this really seemed to have killed a lot of readers’ will to try out his route due to that, when he’s actually a great character with good morals. Lacking readers for his route is most probably the reason why they decided to stop writing for him, too.
There’s something else I wish (maybe?) could have been different in his story. There’s the fact that the EAC is, depending on the route, either depicted as controversial in their way of handling things, or as a good agency that wants to bring justice. It would have been good that in the end, MC didn’t become a senior agent for the EAC in my opinion. I was pretty disgusted by the agency to be honest. It was made clear that the EAC higher ups would have never promoted MC to a senior agent position if it weren’t for Seiichi faking his death (and we never knew why they never wanted her to become one in the end), and it was revealed later on that the EAC lacked agents after Seiichi made sure to "take care" of the agents who were rotten.
Technically, we learned that the EAC they were working for had their bad apples as well. Even if Seiichi took care of them after disappearing, I felt pretty bitter to see MC become a senior agent for the EAC when they didn’t have the intention to choose her willingly at first. And of course I was also super sad because Seiichi wasn’t here anymore, which led her to live without him for a few years before finally reuniting again. I loved their reunion, but I just felt sad that things had to turn out this way for them. I’m thinking that this ending wasn’t planned at first, and they they came up with it as a last resort to end his route earlier, because there are quite a few plot holes that were supposed to be filled later on in future stories.
Aside from that, I loved his route overall and only dislike that they treated him "badly" compared to the other LIs. He’s really mysterious which is what made me so obsessed with learning more about him at first, and then made him my second favorite. I also loved how he protected MC against the EAC when they wanted to pin her as a criminal, and how in other routes he also seems to care for her, even if it’s very subtle.
I feel like with his type of characterization, he was made for readers to interpret his acts a lot. He loves to confuse MC at times and they have this sort of banter where they won’t admit their feelings and will unmask the other, which I really love. I love that he yearns for her quietly and will only show her a fraction of it to tease her, and possibly to indulge himself too
Thank you for the ask, and sorry if my answer was long! Take care as well!! ❤️
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ace-oreos · 8 months
Dar Reads Lady Knight: Ch. 3
Finally back at it! This chapter covers a lot of ground considering it's fairly short, so I will probably have more to say than I did for the first two. As usual, commentary/favorite quotes are below the cut.
Love the Alanna and Neal moment on page 49... the whole "good question, next question" conversation. It would be super cool if we got a little short story of Neal's time as Alanna's squire. I can only imagine what that was like given their personalities.
"He said last night you're a bear for vegetables - Sir Nealan, that is" (pg. 50). Tobe's only been with Kel for a short time and Neal is already teaching him well, haha.
Cleon makes his entrance. I have to be honest, I'm happy with the decision Kel makes re: Cleon. She doesn't feel the same way she once did, and she knows it wouldn't be fair to either of them to try to continue the romance, Cleon's impending marriage aside. I was never a huge fan of Kel/Cleon, but I was glad Kel got to enjoy a healthy relationship while it lasted, considering how some of Alanna's relationships went.
"She didn't want Cleon as a lover now, of that she was sure. There was work to be done. She wanted no lovers until she had settled the Nothing Man's account" (pg 51). Not gonna lie, I really, really like these lines. There is work to be done, and devotion to duty has been the foundation of Kel's philosophy since day one.
I should note that I don't dislike Cleon as a character. He's doing the honorable thing by marrying someone in order to provide for the people he's responsible for as lord of Kennan.
I love the scene when Tobe asks Kel why she's crying, and her explanation: "It's not the war, Tobe. I've been shot at. I can bear it. I'm crying because my friend is unhappy and everything is changing." First of all, relatable. Second, I love the respect that already exists between Tobe and Kel - his first reaction isn't to make fun of her, but to sympathize.
Kel asking Duke Baird how he can still go and do his duty even after seeing the brutality of war firsthand makes me feel things. And his response that all he can do is his best. Ugh. Feels.
Baird asking Kel to keep an eye on Neal if they are assigned to the same post alsdkfj. Kel and Neal friendship 2kforever.
Owen's back! Gotta love Owen. The way he tries to be as formal as Wyldon trained him to be while still being irrepressibly Owen is so funny. What a gremlin.
Poor Kel, being worried that Wyldon doesn't trust her ability as a knight after all. If I were in her position, I'd probably feel the same about the possibility of getting a "safe" assignment. Especially since she knows that people will say she's not cut out to be a knight if she's not out on the front lines.
Kel and Wyldon's dynamic. Amazing. Wyldon has come so far since First Test, and Kel is willing to see that. I think anyone else would hold a grudge against Wyldon for the way he treated Kel if they were in her shoes, but she's willing to see past that.
Kel's going to do her duty if it kills her. This girl. I wish I could properly express what she means to me.
Mistress Fanche makes her entrance when Wyldon is showing Kel the refugees. Considering what she's been through, I don't think it would be fair to dislike her for her attitude.
"[Wyldon]'s happy, she realized, stunned. Training us - that was his duty. But he didn't like it. He's comfortable here, in the dirt and the cold, with people to defend" (pg. 70). I wonder if Kel realizes how similar she and Wyldon are when it comes to duty. She'll do whatever he orders, even if she privately disagrees or dislikes it, but at the end of the day she's happiest when there's hard work to be done.
The Kel and Owen moment at the end of the chapter. Kel's right - Owen is growing up well. They are 100% ride or die, and I am here for it. When Owen says he would do anything to help her, he means it. Kel hasn't had a lot of experience with that so far, what with several of her peers trying to sabotage her during her days as a page, so I imagine Owen's genuine loyalty must mean the world to her.
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lilis-doodle-dome · 8 months
I have so many questions about every dynamic you can think of for this au im so interested in hearing more about the tenma siblings (toya included) and nene + emu's relationship with tsukasa
im also interested to hear how the dynamic between ena and mafuyu, emu and mafuyu, + rui and mizuki changes.
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There is not enough space in these charts for any real information aughh, sorry for the weird text sizing. Also I didn’t put that much effort into editing Kasa/Mafu in these images haha
But relationship charts between the group! Sorry it doesn’t answer every question, but hopefully it’s enough? Feel free to ask more if anything needs clarification!
Here’s a transcript:
Tsukasa- Emu: Always tries to make me smile, but should she really waste her energy on me?…Sometimes she reminds me of Saki when she was younger
Tsukasa-Nene: Stronger than she seems. The least chaotic of the others, when we’re together she doesn’t expect anything. It’s…nice, although it might not be good.
Tsukasa-Rui: Always has something new to try, but I think it’s more for his own curiosity than for my self discovery. He knows a lot, could be more helpful if he ever shared it.
Emu-Tsukasa: Someone important to me that I’ll help find the smile of, no matter what! You’re no oohm doom villain Tsukasa-kun!
Emu-Nene: The most wonderhoy singer! Thank you for helping me see what it means to be a leader, I promise to never lose sight of my troupe again.
Emu-Rui: He always has the best, most fun ideas! I really appreciate his support, we always do best with his directing!
Nene-Tsukasa: He can seem pretty intimidating, but he’s actually rather clueless. I hope he can figure himself out, just not at the expense of others.
Nene-Emu: You’ve grown into a person deserving of the title of leader and I’m grateful you brought us together. I know you’re determined about your goal, but don’t forget we’re here too.
Nene-Rui: I’ll get stronger, I won’t turn a blind eye to you ever again.
Rui-Tsukasa: He tests anything I ask of him without complaint, I wish I could say that was a good thing. Let’s keep using each other until we’ve found what we’re really looking for, okay?
Rui-Nene: I’m glad she’s standing up for herself more, but I hope she knows there’s nothing she needs to make up for. It’s just nice to perform with her again.
Rui-Emu: A truly admirable person, she’s dedicated herself wholeheartedly to other’s smiles. Your smile is something precious as well though, don’t forget that.
Mafuyu-Kanade: A musical genius to match my lyrical! Her soft mannerisms belie her unmatched stubbornness, she’ll ever so gently, tell me I’m doing too much, all while she neglects herself! How confounding!
Mafuyu-Ena: She reminds me of those small dogs that get a poor reputation for being aggressive, despite it being people ignoring their fear signals that cause those reactions. That being said, it’s rather entertaining how differently she responds to Kanade versus Mizuki.
Mafuyu-Mizuki: They’ve introduced me to many new styles I’ve never experienced before. It’s amazing how they can make the most intimidating outings seem approachable. I enjoy any and all time spent with them!
Kanade-Mafuyu: She can’t see how she’s hurting herself for the sake of others. I need to help her, someone who can actually save others- shouldn’t have to suffer for it.
Kanade-Ena: Her art is still filled with hurt, but I’m glad she’s found some peace in our group. If only I could do more for her…
Kanade-Mizuki: They always have the frankest opinions of everyone else and seem to speak their mind freely, yet rarely say anything about themself. Their perspective is always appreciated though.
Ena-Mafuyu: Aren’t the big headed types supposed to not actually be good at everything? How is that fair at all, and she’s even got the nerve to be a nice person! I’ll show her-
Ena-Kanade: She’s wonderful. The soft, patient voice-of-reason needed to reign in the group, listening to her music is like a miracle cure for bad days.
Ena-Mizuki: They’re an insistent pest, that won’t leave me in peace. I guess I don’t hate the company though and they are good at putting together outfits for photos.
Mizuki-Mafuyu: A willing dress-up doll, she’s pretty enough to be one too! Kinda reminds me of an old friend with how many questions she asks about everything, guess geniuses have that in common.
Mizuki-Kanade: Always makes sure everyone feels comfortable and safe. It’s really nice to have a space I won’t be judged…
Mizuki-Ena: She’s way too funny not to tease, but she’s just as capable as the rest of the group. It’s kinda scary how easy she is to talk to, wouldn’t want to say anything I regret.
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deadbydangit · 11 months
Oh my god! You have delivered! >////<
Any chance you could do Ghost Face and Pyramid Head with an injured S/O who is in pain? As in, injured?
I am so glad you're doing more than one killer. I can feel myself building an attachment to Pyramid Head haha <3
I'm so glad my writing is making everyone so happy. I'm going to add a few more characters to this. Please enjoy!
With an injured Reader
Ghostface, Pyramid Head, Mastermind, Cannibal
Ha! Dumbass.
He's going to tease the shit out of you first.
How'd you get hurt doing that?
And he will point and laugh.
That's just who he is.
You can't change that.
He doesn't have much medical knowledge, but he's got the basics.
If it's really serious then he'll show a lot more concern.
He doesn't have enough confidence in his first-aid abilities to fix this.
No Herman. Fuck off!
He's not going to attempt to fix that.
He knows he'll just make it worse.
He's actually really scared too.
"Don't worry. Sally's going to patch you up."
But his voice is shaking.
He's going to be holding onto you so tight that he might hurt you more.
He doesn't mean it.
Sally's going to kick him out.
Once he's able to see you, he's going to dote on you.
You won't ever have to lift a finger.
"Don't worry babe, I won't let it ever happen again. I'll protect you."
Pyramid Head
Oh dear.
His poor angel.
You come stumbling in all bruised and bloody and he's immediately running to pick you up.
He can't speak to console you, but he'll pet your hair gently.
He's surprisingly calm.
Perhaps he's just so used to finding people injured that he knows panicking will only do more harm than good.
He has no medical knowledge, so he's probably going to take you to Sally.
Herman may offer, but your boy isn't stupid. He knows Herman would intentionally make things worse.
He's patient and he knows not to interfere.
Sally knows what she's doing.
More so than him anyways.
He trusts her.
After, he'll listen to all the information given and follow all instructions to a T.
He will tend to your wounds, change your bandages, feed you, get you anything you might need.
He's very attentive, if not borderline smoothering.
It pains him to see you brutalized.
You don't deserve this.
Whatever or whoever hurt you will never do so again.
Because he's already destroyed them.
No one should dare hurt his angel.
"Have you learnt your lesson?"
"How did you manage to hurt yourself in that manner?"
He's used to giving orders.
And sometimes giving orders meant not being very nice or sympathetic.
If it's nothing serious, he'll be rather irritated unless it was something completely unavoidable.
But, he doesn't realize you aren't him and can't dodge or withstand the damage he can.
If it's something serious, you'll find yourself in his arms faster than you can see him move.
"Who did this?"
"How did this happen?"
Almost like he wants a debriefing.
Again, it's just how he is.
He'll go after the perpetrator at a later time.
After getting information, he'll make quick work of patching you up.
He's very good at it as well.
All those years as an Umbrella scientist and working for S.T.A.R.S. really makes him well suited for drastic situations.
He'll be giving you a steady supply of what you need.
But he won't indulge you as much as the other would.
And only the minimum amount of drugs.
Unless, of course, you want to give Uroburos a try.
Wesker will spend time with you though, you won't have to worry about being alone.
He won't let anyone harm you again.
Until he leaves one day and comes back an hour later soaked in someone else's blood.
"It's been taken care of dear. No need to worry about them any longer. Now rest. I'm here."
Oh no!
You're injured!
Even if it's minor, he'll be rather panicked.
However, he knows how to take care of it.
If it's something simple or you need stitches, he can help.
He took a very feminine role in his household.
So taking care of others comes as first nature.
If it's something big, he's going to need help.
Bubba can't even begin to think about losing you.
He's not the smartest, but he knows Herman won't be helpful.
He'll turn to Sally for assistance.
He'll be a blubbering sobbing mess trying to explain what was happening.
She knows it isn't his fault.
She will have to keep him out when treating you.
He'll be trying to cling onto you the whole time.
Someone is going to have to physically restrain him so he doesn't burst into the office.
Once he gets you back home, he won't leave your side.
Only to get you what you need.
If you want anything, you tell him.
He feels so guilty that he wasn't there to protect you.
One day you'll be sleeping and wake up to your attacker's severed head and a smiling Bubba.
He loves you so much, he killed the person who hurt you and brought you their head.
Just let him have this. He's really trying.
He wasn't there to protect you before, but you won't have to worry about that ever again.
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queenofmistresses · 4 months
requested by @theangrypomeranian
Tina Belcher x Zeke
a/n- please let me know what you think!! This is one of my first non-reader stories!
Tina felt completely and utterly defeated. With her and Jimmy Jr well and truly over, all her prom dreams were over. The night she had been writing friend fictions about for years come to a complete halt. She felt so lost. She had the gorgeous dress that looked better on her than she had ever hoped, but no romantic date to sweep her off her feet, to dance with her, to give her his jacket when she inevitably gets cold, none of it. 
But Tina is nothing if not determined. And she might wallow in self pity for a while but at the end of the day she won’t let a boy ruin her night. She’s still a smart, strong, sensual woman after all. 
So, on the day of what she’s hopes will stay the best night of her life, she hauls herself out of bed with a determined look in her eye. Time to get her shit together. 
She has breakfast with her family as usual and they all notice the change in her demeanour, and they’re certainly relieved. She asks her mom to help with her makeup, wanting to feel her most confident, and she asked all her friends which of them would be going solo. 
As she had hoped she wasn’t the only one going alone, Zeke was as well, and he had volunteered to pick her up even though that hadn’t crossed her mind before. She did jump at the offer though.
When she was finally ready, even Louise couldn’t find a way to insult her, and if Tina saw a slight glimmer in her eyes as she walked out the door then she wouldn’t say anything to anyone.
Zeke arrived 5 minutes early, as he does to anything, and waits in the car as Tina asked (despite is objections). She hops in the front of his truck and grins at him, he does look great in his suit. 
“T-Bird!” He grins back, “Wow!!” He exclaims, seemingly taking in her outfit, “You look stunning!” To Tina’s surprise when she looks at him, he seems completely genuine, not just putting on a show for her benefit.
And it catches her by surprise because even in her most romantic friend fictions she’s not been called stunning, especially with that much sincerity in the other persons eyes. She can feel her cheeks heating up in shock and she’s glad she’s sat down. “Really? Thank you Zeke. The suit suits you! Um- no pun intended haha.” Feeling awkward around Zeke for the first time since they met, she looks down at her knees, hoping he doesn’t notice how flustered she seems to be.
To her relief he chuckles and thanks her before starting the truck and driving off, they quickly start talking as they usually do and Tina feels herself relaxing and feeling calm and even glad she’s with Zeke for this. 
She’s very glad he doesn’t bring up the break up, him and Jimmy Jr stayed just as close throughout high school so she figured he must know why she’s on her own for prom, but she’s glad to see that he doesn’t have the same pity in his eyes that everyone else has lately. Zeke’s nothing if not a gentleman.
When they arrive at the venue, Zeke insists on opening the door for her and helping her out the truck, saying that she deserves the gentleman experience even she’s going with a friend. They walk up to the venue and there’s a steady but not busy stream off people arriving at the same time. They can hear the music from inside the venue and Tina starts feeling excited and even grinning. 
Then she hears a familiar voice behind her, Jimmy Jr, and despite praying that nothing would ruin her night, she feels her heart shattering all over again hearing him, seeing him with his date. Reminding her of everything that’s happened. And she freezes. Oh god she freezes and she feels mortified. She wants to run, but she hates herself for being this broken up over a boy on the best night of her teenage life. 
She feels Zeke behind her and feels as he places a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay Tina girl?” He asks, clearly hesitant. She feels herself nod but she knows it’s an obvious lie.
“I’m sorry Zeke, I don’t think I can do this.” She says after watching Jimmy Jr walk into the venue and taking some deep breaths. “I’m going to call my dad and ask him to pick me up.” She looks down at the ground, feeling awful that he had gone through the effort of picking her up, just for her to leave before even walking inside. 
“But- you’ve been waiting for years for this! You’ve been talking about your prom night for years! I know you’re hurting T-bird but it’s your prom!!” He’s walked around to face her, leaning down to her level.
“What am I supposed to do? I thought he loved me! And now I’m on my own all over again. I feel like I’m back in middle school chasing after someone with zero interest in me.” She doesn’t want to cry again, not here, not after all this effort.
“Okay, okay, what were you looking forward to with prom?” He asks, and Tina can tell he’s coming up with ideas in his head. She sighs and decides to see what he comes up with for now.
“I just wanted to dance, with a guy who actually wants me. Who loves me, and wants to be with me.” Tina watches and Zeke’s face fills with understanding.
“What if you could?” Tina gives him a look as if he’s being stupid, “We can hear the music from here can’t we? Why don’t we have a dance here?” 
“Zeke you don’t have to dance with me, it’s your prom too, I don’t want to ruin your night. Besides you don’t exactly fit the description of ‘boy who’s in love with me’. It’s okay, I can just go home.” Tina finds herself looking at the ground again, feeling herself fill with self-pity again, and hating it. 
Then she feels his hand draw close to her face, and he lifts her chin with his thumb and index finger to look at him. She goes wide eyed as it clicks. When she looks in his eyes she sees how much love is in his eyes. And she suddenly realises that that is how he always looks at her. “Oh.” She breaths out, not knowing what to say. He nods a little solemnly and Tina feels guilty, here she was talking about unrequited love when she had been blind to him for years. 
The next slow song begins to start and she feels herself smile. “Well in that case, will you dance with me Zeke?” 
He nods, smiling sadly at her. “Anytime T, I’d do anything if it would make you smile for even a moment.” She feels her whole body flush with warmth, never had anyone been this sweet with her.
She knows she’s not ready for a new relationship now, she doesn’t want Zeke to be a rebound, but she knows that right now the idea of dancing with him at her prom, sounds amazing. 
So they draw even closer together and Tina rests her head on his chest, comfortably swaying to the beat of some song she doesn’t recognise. She feels herself really smiling for the first time in a long time, and she doesn’t let go of him until at least 3 more songs have played, and even then she finds herself holding his hand. 
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thelunarfairy · 4 months
So, Amane didn't know that something was inside his brother?
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He looks so shocked. He expected it, he thought about it when they were children, but he didn't know if what had been on his mind since his brother returned was true? [Or were you so afraid that it was real?]
So why did he kill him if it wasn't for the creature inside his chest?
Or is it something that has already happened before? The same surprise, the same words, the same instinct to kill what possesses his brother's body. He raised the knife and was ready to stab; Hanako would have done the same thing he did when he was 13 if Kako didn't interrupt.
This reminds me so much of the theory of his wanting to keep him by his side forever. If it wasn't because of the creature, I don't think there was any other reason why it killed him.
The guardians really made us believe the whole trial, huh. And their little control is at its limit, no wonder the Great Clock is inside the theater room, what good actors.
Although it seems that they have already deleted everything that has happened in the manga, and I think I still haven't finished processing it. This comedy manga is very funny, so much so that laughter turns into crying.
By the way, did it exceed your expectations? Or what did you think when you read the chapter for the first time? I like that as a result of all this, theories are beginning to appear idk
Something tells me he knew, his reaction when meeting Tsukasa for the first time, as if he was really seeing that black spot on his chest.
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Although this may not be the case, he made it clear that on the same day he met Tsukasa again, he found him strange, they hadn't even spoken.
How could Amane know? Hmm…..that's the golden question. How could Amane know that Tsukasa was an impostor on the same day he met him again?
I believe he has been lying to himself for years. That he didn't want to accept that he wasn't his brother, that had to be Tsukasa. No matter who said no, that was his brother.
As time passed, doubt grew and germinated in his chest. "You can't be my brother, my brother would never do that"
He seems to have fought a long and tiring battle against these thoughts. It turns out that Amane didn't accept that this is the real Tsukasa, there is no fake.
That's a side of Tsukasa that he doesn't know, that he doesn't like, and the easiest way he found to deal with it was with denial.
Tsukasa is united with that thing, yes, that thing influences Tsukasa to do things he originally wouldn't do, but it's still Tsukasa.
He may have changed, he may have become something else, but he's STILL TSUKASA.
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And that's what Hanako needs to learn to deal with. But well, I don't judge him, Hanako shouldn't know almost anything about Tsukasa, they don't talk openly.
He doesn't accept that this isn't the four-year-old Tsukasa, he doesn't accept that Tsukasa is leaving. He wants the old Tsukasa, he wants to save him.
The clock keepers, haha they didn't surprise me actually, I even made a post discrediting what happened in that chapter, because it wouldn't make any sense. And well, I'm glad they reacted (finally).
Now we will follow Nene and Kou trying to get things back to normal, a lot of suffering, sadness, some cute moments, the past of number 1, and the boundary being destroyed, so that in the end all the characters pretend that nothing happened.
As usual, Aidairo pattern XDDDDD
The only thing that surprised me was that Akane came back to "fix" the problem. We're going to see a whole new reality and I'm excited about how it will unfold.
Well, in the end everything always returns to normal, so I hope to enjoy what comes next.
Tchau, Tchau 🧡🧡🧡
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abiiors · 6 months
thinking about bbf!george on the first day of the year 🫶🏻💕
oh i'm so glad you're thinking about him haha. he's a sweetie and i miss him a lot so maybe a little new years blurb if you're up for it??? 👀
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in an alternate world where everything is okay with matty, everything is fucking great actually, i think george whisks you off to somewhere warmer for the new year.
he's been planning this for a bit now--he started as soon as he got his first big cheque and presented you with two tickets to tenerife as your (second) christmas gift. watching you open it with a huge grin on your face is enough for him but he's even more excited when three days later you stand outside his apartment with your packed suitcases, waiting for him to tie his shoelaces so you can finally set off for the airport.
he loves how you can't stop bouncing on the balls of your feet and grinning with excitement every five minutes, how you cuddle into him to get some warmth back into your body and how your breath comes out in cold puffs as you make your way inside the airport.
george is absolutely over the moon that everything has worked out perfectly so far. and it even continues to do so--the flight is great, you find your hotel without getting lost, you check in with zero difficulties. and now here you are--flopped onto the cosy bed making plans for the day.
he can tell you're dying to go down to the beach (which starts right as the hotel property ends). from your window, it all looks so lively and happy and warm.
"should we get changed and go out?" he asks and you nod, crouching down to get your swimsuit out from your suitcase.
he lets you do your own thing for a bit while he gets changed into his swimming trunks and looks for some nice restaurants on his phone but when george sees you walk out the bathroom, cute yellow swimsuit on and your hair tied up with a claw-clip, his heart almost stops in his chest.
"why are you looking at me like that?" you ask, barely stifling a smile and a flush that's about to take over your entire body.
he's on the bed in his swimming trunks. just that and nothing else.
his tattoos gleam in the sunlight coming in through the window and he looks almost unreal, especially when he stands up and walks towards you, smirking, fully aware of how it flusters you to see him like this.
"like what?" he asks and stops in front of you.
"like you don't intend on letting us leave this room any time soon."
a giggle slips out of you and suddenly he's lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder. your ass is up in the air, right in front of him and of course, he takes that chance to smack it making you squeal and laugh.
"maybe i don't," he teases and the next thing you know is your back pressed against the mattress and his chest pressed against yours.
his mouth roams over your skin, kisses pressed onto your neck and down your chest, until his face is right between your tits and george looks up.
"do you want me to stop, sweetheart?"
his pupils dilate, fingers digging slightly into your skin. you can feel the way his body shakes with barely restrained control, the hardness of his muscles against the soft curves of your body and you shiver in delight.
"didn't say that now, did i?"
"mmm, no you didn't" he laughs in between kisses and captures your mouth in his. sweet at first and then a bit more urgent. still, it's lazy and languid and cosy.
the sun streaming in from the windows warms your skin and his movements make your blood heat up with desire. his heart beats so loud, the sound is all around you--grounding and calming and peaceful. and you feel his smile against your lips too, the gentleness of his hands against your skin.
it's only day one of your trip, you realise. you still have an entire week full of warmth and sunshine and george. an entire week full if utter fucking bliss.
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cheesiedomino · 2 years
When Worlds Collide Pt 2.
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genre: non-idol au, college au, established relationship, hyunjin x fem!reader, badboy!hyunjin x innocent!reader, pg-15
wc: 6.2k 
tags/warnings: fluff, angst, kissing, cursing, themes of anxiety and insecurities (regarding the reader), alcohol usage, mentions of drugs (weed), has some suggestive moments but nothing that detailed, some violence (fighting), faint mentions of blood, that’s all i think but if i missed anything let me know please !
synopsis: now that you’re dating Hyunjin, things are going seemingly well and he does his best to try and be a good boyfriend for you. you feel as though you have finally found your person, but one night was all it took to cause a shift in your relationship, for better or for worse.
{a/n: hello everyone! i just want to take a moment to thank everyone that’s read the first part of When Worlds Collide. i’m glad so many people liked it and since i planned on making a part 2 anyway i’m more than excited to post this :) i hope you all enjoy it and as always feedback and your opinions are much appreciated, thank you <3}
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You look at yourself through the mirror, you just couldn’t stop staring. It wasn’t because you thought you looked spectacular or anything, it was because you looked different. As in a completely different person that you couldn’t even recognize yourself. You were wearing the most skin-tight black dress with high heels, you did your makeup in a way that you’ve never done before, and you even put on lipstick, which is something you never wear. You wanted to surprise Hyunjin, your boyfriend, with your new look. 
‘He won't see this coming from a mile away’ you thought as you giggled to yourself, getting ready to go to a party with him. However, the confidence that you had a few hours ago came crashing down once the full look was complete. You just didn’t feel like yourself at all. You keep repeating in your head that this wasn’t about you and this was for Hyunjin, if he likes it that’s all that matters to you. You were also going to meet his other fraternity brothers tonight so you prepared conversations in your head to make sure you won’t royally fuck everything up. You wish your roommate Sana was here right now so she could give you words of encouragement but unfortunately she had to do something for her sorority. You felt so alone without her at times but Hyunjin has thankfully filled that void for you. 
As you finally semi-come to terms with the way you looked you sit on your bed and text your boyfriend to ask where he is, texting you back almost immediately.
‘Had 2 pick up stuff b there in 10’ 
You’re so used to his grade school grammar over text that you simply don’t pay much attention to it anymore.
‘Okay see you soon! I have a surprise for you ;)’ You cringed as you typed that winky face out.
‘What is it?’
‘It’s a surprise for a reason!’
‘Haha ok’
You’re so nervous at this point, you don’t know what he’s going to think. What will his friends think? You’re now back to overthinking every little thing. You want to run to your closet and change really quick to something that you’re actually comfortable in. But you don’t, you want to fully commit to this plan, this idea that you’ll look like Hyunjin’s dream girl. Hyunjin is the first boyfriend you’ve ever had, growing up in the small town you did, you didn’t have many good options. All the boys that lived in your town were not your type at all, they all had conservative views and were extremely judgmental. You swore you’d never date a man like that. The boys you have “dated” before were terrible and they would just go for someone else that they deemed was more attractive. 
You felt like a second choice all the time but Hyunjin has never made you feel that way. He’s always telling you how lucky he is to have you, holds hands with you on campus, and even skips going out to be with you if you ask. It’s nice that he does all those things for you but in the back of your mind, you still feel as though you’re not good enough, as if he’s made a mistake. That’s why you’re in the predicament you’re in now, fighting a battle with yourself over the way you look just to get Hyunjin’s attention, which is something you quite literally already have. Your thoughts were halted by your phone vibrating. You look at the notification and it’s from Hyunjin saying that he’s here. 
You let out a deep sigh as you tried your best to prepare yourself to even look Hyunjin in the eye right now. You should be feeling confident in this new look but all you feel is dread and doubt. 
There’s no turning back now so you just grab your bag and start heading out the door. You see the red-headed boy outside leaning on his car like he always does, looking down at his phone. You don’t think Hyunjin heard you walk out since his stance hasn’t changed once from you heading towards him. As you get closer you clear your throat loud enough to get him to hear you, his head automatically shot up. As you accidentally make eye contact with him you begin to panic. His whole facial expression changed, he went from looking relaxed to now being dumbfounded. His eyes grew wide and his mouth was slightly open. It was as if he’d seen a ghost or something. You walked up to him, still no words coming out of Hyunjin’s mouth. 
“Well, what do you think?” You say giving him a weary smile, trying not to hide the obvious fact that you’re anxious out of your mind over his opinion. 
He still doesn’t say a word, all he’s doing is looking at you up and down, if looks could kill, his gaze would have you in a coffin right now. 
“Earth to Hyunjin?” You say waving a hand in front of his face, making sure he’s okay.
He blinks a couple of times in a row and finally speaks “So this is my surprise?” 
“Yeah… what do you think of it?” You say as you look at the ground.
“You wanna know my honest opinion?” 
‘Yes, that was literally the whole point of doing all of this!’ you think to yourself.
“Y-yes..” Is all you muttered though.
“I think you look smoking hot” He admits. 
That was all you needed to hear from him. It was like you could finally breathe again. 
“You’re so sexy, baby. I could just eat you whole right now.” He says while licking his lips. 
Well, you weren’t expecting him to say all that. You never had someone call you sexy before and it made you feel something. Something that you’ve never felt before. All you could do was blush and say thank you though.
“I swear if I have to fight someone tonight over you looking this hot you better not be angry with me,” Hyunjin says as he opens his car door for you. 
“There will be no fighting!” You say, getting into the car, as you do Hyunjin lightly slaps your butt which startled you. You were about to tell him to stop but you remind yourself that he is your boyfriend and he’s allowed to joke around with you like this. You’re so inexperienced with relationships that you’re not even sure how one acts when they’re in one. 
As Hyunjin is driving he tries stealing quick glances over at you, he couldn’t help but stare at you every chance he got. You noticed him doing this and you giggled, 
“What are you looking at?” You ask him, you know what he’s looking at, you just wanted to act oblivious. 
“I’m looking at you baby, you’re kinda driving me insane right now not gonna lie.” He says. 
This made you feel that same rush you were feeling when he called you sexy, he’s never said any of these kinds of things to you. Maybe this new getup wasn’t so bad for you after all, you’re getting your boyfriend all worked up to this party and now he won’t be able to control himself in front of his friends. You were still nervous about meeting everyone though and parties aren’t really your thing so you won’t even be mad if Hyunjin wants to leave early to go back and make out with you. 
“Okay we’re here,” He says, coming to a stop in front of a large house. It was a tad bit smaller than Sana’s sorority house but it was still gorgeous nonetheless. You get out of the car and Hyunjin immediately grabs your waist. He’s being so possessive right now and you couldn’t help but find it endearing. As you both walk in you see the colorful disco ball on the ceiling, you see tons and tons of people, your anxiety shoots right back up, it’s now sinking in that you’re here. You haven’t gone to a party since that night you met Hyunjin and it’s bringing flashbacks from that night. You remembered everything so vividly as if it was just yesterday. Had you not said yes to Sana’s offer you would still be single. You find that insane and you couldn’t be more than grateful for what happened. You sometimes want to thank Sana for being your roommate since if this all wasn’t for her, you would be cooped up in your room all day. 
“Come over here,” Hyunjin says to you as he sits on an empty couch, you sit next to him. 
“Seriously?” He says, frowning at you, at that point you knew what he actually wanted. 
You stand up and sit back down, this time you’re on his lap. 
“Better.” He smiles and puts his head on your shoulder, his arms are hugging you from behind and you felt so appreciated in this moment. You caught a couple of girls staring at you and you wanted to crawl up into a ball from all the attention. You knew that Hyunjin was popular but the fact that almost every girl seemed to hiss with envy really took you aback. You felt so out of place like you didn’t belong there with him. You just wanted to run and hide. 
“Babe,” Hyunjin whispers in your ear.
“Kiss me.” He says bluntly.
You looked around and felt so awkward. Girls were still staring and it made you feel so uncomfortable. 
“But there are people staring.” You tell him, scared of what those people might say about what you’re doing. 
“You think I really give a shit? Let them watch.” He says grabbing your face with his right hand, he brought your lips towards his. Your lips finally came in contact and it felt fiery. You could feel all of his pent-up emotions through the kiss and you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to. His kisses are always so intoxicating, leaving you feeling drunk after them. Every time you stop, you want to go back for more. His tongue intertwines with yours, you fully shifted your entire body to be facing him now and you don’t even care who sees at this point. All you need is Hyunjin’s lips on yours and the rest of the world doesn’t exist anymore. 
“Damn bro, get a room!” You hear a man’s voice shouting at the two of you. 
You immediately pull away from him, getting off his lap, you felt so embarrassed now. You look up and see some guy you’ve never seen a day in your life. He was kinda short but he had a nice build and the smirk on his face was evident from what he had just seen.
“Fuck off Changbin.” Hyunjin retorts, crossing his arms at the man across from him.
“You must be y/n?” The man you’re assuming is named Changbin, asks you.
“Yes, that’s me.” You say shyly, too afraid to make eye contact with the guy. 
“This is my girlfriend.” Hyunjin says, putting his arm around you and kissing your cheek. 
“She’s cute, wonder how long this is gonna last!” The man says to Hyunjin, chuckling.
“Shut the fuck up,” Hyunjin says to him in a serious tone. “You’re really annoying, I hope you know that.”
“Whatever man.” The man rolls his eyes at him.
“Anyways… this is one of my fraternity brothers, Changbin.” Hyunjin finally properly introduces you to him. 
“Hi, Changbin, nice to meet you.” You say reaching out your head to give a handshake, however, he refuses the gesture. 
“Nice to meet you too y/n, we don’t shake hands around here, by the way, to properly introduce yourself in this house you need to take a shot!” 
You gulped as you heard him say that, you don’t enjoy drinking and it’s something you rarely engage in. ‘Just suck it up’ you think to yourself, if this is the way you need to get Hyunjin’s friend’s approval then so be it. 
“Oh okay,” You say as you start to get up from the couch, Hyunjin grabs your arm though.
“You really don’t have to if you don’t want to, Changbin’s just being an ass right now.” He says to you.
“It’s okay Hyune, I want to” You reassure him. 
You get up to go into the kitchen with Changbin, Hyunjin is walking right behind you to make sure no funny business goes on. Changbin grabs a bottle of whiskey and pours it into three shot glasses, giving one to you, him, and Hyunjin. 
“You know I can’t say no to whiskey,” Hyunjin says to Changbin taking a swig of the whole thing already.
“Dude, you were supposed to wait until I counted to three!” Changbin says annoyed at Hyunjin’s low tolerance for being patient. 
“Pour another one then,” Hyunjin says giving his glass to Changbin.
He pours him another shot and Changbin finally starts counting, “Alright, 1, 2, 3, go!” 
You let the liquid consume you and your throat begins to burn. You regret drinking that immediately. You made a twisted face and put the shot glass down, coughing to clear your throat. The coughing only made the burning sensation in your throat worse. 
“How do you guys drink this stuff?” You ask the both of them, still trying to recover from it. 
“You just get used to it,” Changbin says shrugging his shoulders.
“Come upstairs the rest of us are up there,” Changbin says to Hyunjin. 
“The smoke room?” Hyunjin asks. ‘Smoke room?’ you think, this couldn’t be a room just designated to smoke in, that has to be some code name for something. 
“Yeah.” Changbin replies. 
“Come on let’s go y/n.” Hyunjin takes your hand in his as he follows Changbin up the staircase. 
You used your free hand to try and pull down your dress since it kept riding up, you never wore clothing this tight so it was quite annoying having to fix it every 5 seconds. As all three of you continue walking, Changbin stops at a door with a large sign on it, the sign read 'KNOCK BEFORE COMING IN OR ELSE'. You really weren’t sure why it said that but Changbin did as the sign was told and knocked on the door three times. You waited a bit then you heard some shuffling going on in the room,
“Who is it?” You heard a man’s voice from inside the room say.
“It’s just me bro.” Changbin answers. 
“Who else?” 
“Hyunjin too, he brought his girl with him.” 
There was silence for a bit after that, you could hear a girl giggling in the room as well. 
“Let them in.” You heard another voice say, probably to the person that was asking all the questions. The door suddenly cracks open and a head peeps through making sure it was the people that Changbin said were coming in. The door fully opens and a large cloud of smoke hits you in the face immediately. It was so foggy in the entire room you think to yourself that you’ll probably get a second-hand high from just being in here. You looked around to see 6 other men in the room, they were all watching something on the TV and that’s when you saw the person you were least expecting. Your roommate, Sana was in there too. She was talking and laughing with some guy, she had a joint in her hand and she looked so pretty as always. Sana looks up and sees you in the room with Hyunjin and Changbin, the look on her face was just priceless.
“Y/n?!” She says confused yet excited.
“Oh my god, Sana you’re here too?!” You were kind of relieved that she was, you have two of your most favorite people with you right now and you couldn’t be any happier. 
“I always come here to chill with my boys!” Sana exclaims, Changbin comes up to her to give her a hug. 
You should’ve known that she would be here, she’s practically best friends with everyone in this frat and her sorority sisters all love her to death. You can’t think of one person that dislikes her, she’s just so cool. 
The boys you haven’t met yet were all now staring at you, you hate when the spotlight is on you. You wish Hyunjin would hurry up and say something and your thoughts came true within seconds,
“Guys, this is my girlfriend y/n,” Hyunjin says introducing you to all of his friends, you felt so awkward with all of them just looking at you. The outfit you had on wasn’t making you feel any better. 
“Hi y/n, I’m Chan.” A man comes up to you to shake your hand, you took it and he smiled at you. 
“Nice to meet you.” You tell him.
“How long have you and Hyunjin been dating?” He asks.
Before you could answer though, Hyunjin responds for you, “A good amount of time.” is all he says.
Chan just chuckles, Hyunjin always says things in a condescending tone, as if he’s talking down to others. You don’t even know why people put up with it but they do, they adore Hyunjin for his blunt attitude and honesty. You hated the way he acted with you at first, however, your entire perception changed because of his actions towards you. He doesn’t act this way around you and you feel as though he’s his true self when he’s with you. He doesn’t put on a persona for you, he’s just Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin starts pointing to the other guys in the room, “That’s Seungmin, that’s Jeongin, that’s Felix, Minho, and… where’s Han?”
Everyone looks around to realize that Han was missing, you don’t even know who he is yet you want to know his whereabouts too. 
“He probably went to go take a shit,” Minho says laughing to himself as he drinks something out of a red cup. 
“Or went to fuck someone.” Felix chimes in on the conversation.
“I’ll go try and find him,” Hyunjin says, “Come with me.” He motions for you to take his hand and walk out of the room with him.
“You don’t want to smoke?” Jeongin asks Hyunjin as he’s walking out the door.
“Maybe in a bit,” He says.
You’re back to the party and there’s a swarm of people, Hyunjin pushes people out of the way trying to clear space for you. No one dares to say anything to him though since he is part of this frat and a lot of people are pretty scared of him. You feel like you’ve been walking for hours since the house was so big and you felt so tired. You were stopped in your tracks when a girl came up to Hyunjin, she was also wearing a very revealing outfit just like you were but she actually looked confident in it. She smiled at Hyunjin and said something to him, but you couldn’t hear it over the blaring music. Hyunjin said something back to her and he continued walking after that, however, she wouldn’t give up. Hyunjin sighed and told you to stay right here and he’s going to the kitchen for a minute, he’ll be right back. You just stood there completely alone, you grew worried about what he could be talking about with her. ‘Is this one of the girls he used to talk to before you met?’ You wonder to yourself, feeling a bit insecure at that moment. 
“Hey, you look lost.” A man says coming up to you, he had longish brown hair that hid part of his face and he also had a couple tattoos on his arms. 
“No, I’m not, I’m just waiting for my boyfriend.” You say to him, usually, you would say that kind of thing as an excuse but this time you were really telling the truth. It felt so good to say that you actually had a boyfriend. 
“Girl you don’t need to lie to me, and even if you did he doesn’t have to know,” The guy kept trying to flirt with you but you wanted nothing to do with him. You were trapped in this situation though since Hyunjin told you to stay right there until he comes back. 
“I’m not lying,” was simply all you said.
“Okay, well screw your boyfriend come hang out with me tonight, I’ll give you a good time.” 
You wanted to throw up, this is the exact reason why you hated going to parties. The way men try to throw themselves at any woman that gives them the slightest bit of attention always bothered you. You wanted nothing to do with this guy and he wouldn’t leave you alone no matter how hard you tried. 
“My name’s Han, what’s yours?” He asked. 
Then all of sudden it clicked for you. You realized this was one of Hyunjin’s frat brothers trying to hit on you. You knew if Hyunjin caught him doing this he’ll be furious. You’ve got to find a way to get out of this situation quickly. That’s when you heard your boyfriend’s voice behind you,
“Where the hell have you been?” Hyunjin asks Han who’s right across from you. 
“Dude can’t you that I’m fucking busy?” Han says to Hyunjin, he looks back at you as if he’s about to say something but that’s when Hyunjin swiftly interrupts and walks in between the both of you. 
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Hyunjin starts speaking louder, “I always knew you were a dick but to disrespect me in my face like this is so low even for you!” 
“Disrespect? She’s just some random bitch I met at a party, and I have the right to tell you to fuck off!” 
“She’s what now?” 
You can tell that Hyunjin is only getting angrier the more he talks to Han, he’s already made a fist with his hand and is even getting up in Han’s face. 
“She’s my girlfriend you dumbass!” Hyunjin’s ears became as red as his hair as he was filled with rage. You knew what was about to happen yet you didn’t say or do anything to stop it, it was as if you were frozen in time or something. You just stood there watching everything go down, little by little. 
“Well, how the hell was I supposed to know that? I just met her, maybe if she didn’t dress like such a thot I wouldn’t have gone up to her!” Han starts to get up in Hyunjin’s face too.
That’s when you blanked out for the rest of the time. You don’t really remember much of what happened during those 10 minutes but you do remember Han’s nose was bleeding and so was Hyunjin’s right hand. You think Minho and Chan broke up the fight and made Hyunjin leave or else they were afraid of the cops coming from people running out of the house. You heard Hyunjin say how he didn’t give a shit if the cops came since his father could just easily bail him out anyway. He really hated to brag about things like that but he couldn’t help but gloat about the fact he won’t be paying the consequences for any of this. You don’t remember much else so when you woke up inside Hyunjin’s car you were very confused. 
“Finally awake I see.” You heard Hyunjin’s voice as you flutter your eyes open.
“W-what just happened?” You ask him.
“Nothing, I’m just driving you home and I’m going back to my place to sleep.” He says trying to keep a cool and collected image for you. He’s actually still furious on the inside. Han exchanged more words with Hyunjin and got even more disrespectful towards him, and you. You just didn’t know since you fainted from having a really bad panic attack. Everything went black after Hyunjin threw his fist at Han and the rest was just fading in and out. You notice how fast Hyunjin was driving the car and it induces your anxiety levels. 
“I can’t believe he would say some shit like that to my face,” Hyunjin mutters to himself under his breath, “fucking piece of shit.”
You just sat there trying not to focus on how dangerously fast he’s going down this highway right now. You hug your body for protection, not really sure how fast he’s going but it’s fast enough that you don’t even feel safe being in this car anymore. 
“He’s out of his fucking mind for talking to me like that, I should’ve sent him to the hospital with more broken limbs than just his nose!” His voice grew louder at the last sentence. He’s always been short-tempered and it doesn’t take much for people to piss him off but this was next level. He wanted to hurt Han in a way that he’s never done before, he wanted to hurt him so bad that he never wanted to see him ever again. He couldn’t stand to see anyone talk to you like the way Han did, he had to teach him a lesson. He was just so angry in that moment and driving was what he took it out on. He was going so fast you felt yourself getting dizzy.
“Hyunjin,” You say quietly trying to get his attention.
He doesn’t answer you and simply continues muttering under his breath, you can see the dried blood all over his knuckles and his eyes were solely focused on the road.  
“Hyunjin, can you please slow down?” You try asking politely as you wish he would just snap out of this trance and drive normally. 
He still doesn’t listen and only steps on the gas even harder, making you start fearing for your life. You’re going so fast that you can’t even think straight, other cars on the road were honking at Hyunjin’s car, he didn’t pay attention to any of this at all. He continued to keep driving recklessly and you were shouting asking for him to stop repeatedly. 
That’s when you almost crashed into another car as Hyunjin accidentally ran a red light, he swerved out of the way just in the right amount of time, or else you both would’ve been severely messed up. As the car came to a halt you were heavily breathing in and out, you were about to have another major panic attack twice in one day. This was taking a toll on your already poor mental state so you just sat there in the passenger seat sobbing. You saw your life flash before your eyes in mere seconds and you were visibly shaken up from all of this. 
“I’m so sorry y/n…” Hyunjin finally spoke. 
You were still sobbing and shaking from the almost car accident that happened. You were trying to get yourself to stop but the tears just kept coming. 
“Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry y/n I should’ve listened to you,” He says as he turns towards you. “I don’t know what happened it was like something in my mind just took over me.” 
He goes in to hug you but you flinch, you’re just so vulnerable right now any and everything scares you. You wished none of this had ever happened and you regret even going to this party with Hyunjin. That’s when you start to overthink again, you think about how this whole night was basically your fault. Your thoughts trace back to the party, you think about what Han thought of you and him calling you all those horrible names. ‘Had I not worn this ridiculously short dress, none of this would’ve ever happened’ you thought to yourself. You start to cry again, you wanted nothing more than to wish this night never existed.
“I’m really sorry Hyunjin, this is all my fault” You choke out through your tears, you felt as though you were the sole responsibility for what happened tonight. 
“What are you sorry for y/n and how the hell is any of this your fault?” He says with the most confused look on his face.
“Han was right, I shouldn’t have dressed like this, I only wanted to do it to impress you but still…” You look out the window as you said that.
“Look at me,” He said it like a demand more than a question but you couldn’t face him.
“Y/n, please look at me.” He asks you one more time in a stern voice.
You finally do as you’re told and slowly turn your head to look at him. 
“Your actions have nothing to do with what happened y/n. Absolutely nothing.” He says in a calm tone. “What he said about you was not based on your character, he doesn’t even know you.”
Hyunjin takes a deep breath and takes your hand in his, the one that wasn’t stained with blood on them. 
“You also don’t need to change the way you look for me baby, I like you just the way you are already, the girl that I fell in love with.” You were stunned by his sudden words. ‘Fell in love?’ you felt your heart skip a beat. Did he really just mean that?
“You fell in love with me?” You asked in such an awkward way you immediately regret saying that, you hide your face in your hands. 
“If I said I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you, would you think I’m lying?” He says, taking your hands off your face and bringing it closer to his. 
“I- I don’t know…” You say to him.
“I really think I’m in love with you y/n, I’m not afraid to admit it anymore. It’s okay if you can’t say it back right now but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you do one day.” 
You couldn’t help but melt at his words right now, you’ve never felt so appreciated, so loved by anyone before. 
You smiled at him and he came closer to your lips. He pressed his lips against yours and you relax into the kiss right away. You end up aggressively making out with him, he unbuckled your seatbelt and you were now in the driver's seat with him on his lap. Your fingers were entangled in his bright red locks and every time you pulled on it he would wince a bit. Each time you pulled away from the kiss you’d both just grin at each other and go right back to kissing. Each time was more passionate than the last and you would do this all day and night if you could. As you’re both panting and trying to catch your breath from that hot and heavy makeout sesh, you look at how beautiful Hyunjin’s side profile was. His jawline was so sharp, and the way his hair dangled in front of his face was so hot for some reason too. You thought Hyunjin was a walking piece of art, you sometimes couldn’t believe you were dating him. You never thought that he’d felt the same exact way as you did since your self-esteem has always been awfully low, yet Hyunjin reminds you daily how beautiful he thinks you are. He’s told you on numerous occasions how you’re the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen and how much you mean to him. You thank him each and every time yet you never fully believe everything he tells you. You’re not sure if you can 100% say that you love Hyunjin yet, but you do know for sure that you like him a lot. You showed your feelings for him through kissing and he couldn’t get enough of your charisma. 
“Alright, let me finally take you home,” Hyunjin says as he begins driving again. 
This time he’s driving at the speed limit, not giving you the heart attack you once had moments ago. He’s much calmer now and you can tell that making out with him was the perfect remedy for all his rage. Once he made it back to your dorm you gave him a hug and another long kiss that would leave him feeling completely whipped for you. You giggled as he pouted to you while you walked through the door, not wanting you to ever leave his side. He felt so possessive over you, not in the way that would be toxic, but in the way he wants you to himself. He loves smothering you, kissing you, holding you, he just wants to give you all his love and although you’re not used to it, you’ve grown to really enjoy this side of him. He’s not this way with anyone else so it makes you feel different in a good way, like you’re the chosen one. 
You head inside your room and as you turn on your light you see Sana and another guy on her side of the room fumbling with the blankets. They were both underneath the covers and from what you could presume, naked. You now recognize the guy in the bed with her, it was Changbin. Your mouth was wide open, you’ve never caught Sana doing this before and although you know she has an active sex life you’ve never seen it in action before.
You close your eyes and turn back around “Sorry if I interrupted anything, I’ll be on the couch,” quickly leaving the room as you head towards the living room. You couldn’t believe you just accidentally walked in on your roommate with Changbin, there have been way too many traumatizing moments for you in one night to handle. You suddenly heard the door open once again and it was Changbin coming out. He walked past you and faintly waved you goodbye before leaving out the main door. Once he was gone, Sana came out and sat next to you on the couch just wearing a big t-shirt. 
“Hi y/n, real sorry you had to see all that. I just didn’t know if you were coming back tonight.” She says as she plays with her necklace. 
“It’s fine Sana, it’s literally 4 am I get why you would think that.” 
The room went silent for a bit then Sana finally spoke up again, deciding to ask about your mental state.
 “Are you doing okay? You can be honest with me” She put her hand on your shoulder to comfort you. 
“I’m fine right now… to be honest, I was a mess earlier but I’m actually doing okay right now.” You tell her. 
She sighs in relief, “That’s good.”
“Are you and Changbin a thing now?” You ask her. 
She’s now suddenly taken aback by your words and scoffs at your question, “Changbin is a cool guy but I’m basically sleeping with him just to make Chan jealous.” 
You knew Sana and Chan used to date a while back but they had broken up for some reason, Sana really wants to get back with him one day though. 
“Well, I hope that works out for you?” You say, not really sure if her plan will work. 
“Hyunjin told me that he loved me today” You blurted out to Sana, you didn’t even realize you said it, it just came out. 
“Oh my god that’s amazing y/n, you might’ve found the one!” Sana says taking both of your hands and smiling at you. “Did you say you loved him back?”
“No…” But before she could say anything you made sure to clarify, “That doesn’t mean I don’t like him any less! It’s just I want to take things slow for now.” 
“I get it, especially for you, you need to take things slow. I hope he respects that and doesn’t pressure you to do things” She says.
“He doesn’t, don’t worry he’s very patient with me.” You reassure her. 
She smiles once again and gives you a big hug, she can see how much you’ve grown from this relationship. You’re slowly starting to come out of your shell and soon you’ll become a beautiful butterfly. You’re so happy in your relationship with Hyunjin and Sana can see that through you. She couldn’t be more than happy and supportive of you and although he may have been a player in the past, that was before you knew him, you shouldn’t judge him for his past. We all have rocky moments in our life but that’s what makes us human at the end of the day and you appreciate the good and the bad in him.
You and Sana both head to bed and as you’re about to go to sleep you get a text from Hyunjin, it read the following,
‘B ready by 5 tmrw, it’s a surprise ;)’ 
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spaceyaceface · 2 years
The One (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!Henderson!Reader
Warnings/Cliches: Best friends to lovers, pining, nothing else really??? Short and simple.
Request: Could you do a fluff Steve Harrington request where he and Henderson!reader are in love but not officially together after years of being good friends so they call each other endearments like babe/handsome and pine for each other which the rest of the Party is used to other than El who asks Steve if they’re a couple and he comes to the realization that they should be because they clearly know they’re each other’s person? Hope this made sense but I loved your other writing - Anon
A/N: Ok idk why this took me so long to do but I'm very happy with it!!! Thanks so much for the request anon, I hope you like how it turned out! Also Steve and El need to interact more, so that was fun doing a tiny bit of that haha!
WC: 1.2k
“Hey, babe,” Steve said. “Pass my coke, would you?”
Without batting an eye, Y/N picked it up and handed it to him. “Here, hun.” 
No one around the table acknowledged the interaction. Dustin just swore under his breath as Lucas laid down a +2 card, Max laughed at his misery, and Mike shouted Uno as Lucas drew his additional cards. 
It was the regular occurrence. That was just the way it was. Steve Harrington and Y/N Henderson, long time best friends, and that was that. 
The only person who seemed to take any interest in it was Eleven, eyes looking between the two of them briefly before glancing back down at her cards. She hadn’t realized the two were dating, but it made sense. While not knowing them long, she could see that they complemented each other. 
Hopper was out late, and so she had invited everyone over for a game night. Dustin had insisted that Steve come, and, because she was his ride, Y/N had stayed, too. The party let them join after a small debate, and Eleven was glad they had joined. 
Dustin laid down his final card and everyone groaned, firing complaints at one another. He sat there, smug grin on his face. 
“Will, you should have changed colors!” Mike said.
“I tried! Max skipped me!”
“I didn’t realize I was dooming all of us, you only had two cards left!”
“Hey, hey hey!” Steve said. “The dork won fair and square. And it’s late, we have to get you doofuses home.”
Everyone started to talk back, but Y/N stood up. “Come on now, children. Your mother has spoken, now get your butts in gear to go.”
Steve rolled his eyes and stood by her, casually throwing an arm around her shoulder. “I am not a mother.”
“Mmmhmm, nice try, handsome.”
Everyone got ready to go, putting on shoes and jackets. At the last minute, Steve knocked over a game box that had been sat precariously on the edge of the couch, its contents spilling out across the floor. He swore, bending down to pick it up. 
“I can take them home, Steve, I’ve got room if you want to stay and help clean up.”
He nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, babe, see you later.”
“See you!”
They all left, leaving Steve and Eleven picking up the games that were left out. He hadn’t interacted with the girl much. He’d heard a lot about her, and really had only known her through everyone else. It was quiet as they finished picking everything up.
Steve set the now full box on the table. “There we go.”
“Thank you.” She gave a small smile. “I didn’t know you and Y/N were dating.”
That caught him off guard. “What? No, we’re not. We’re just… just friends.”
Her head tilted ever so slightly as she watched him shift his weight uncomfortably. “But… you called her ‘babe’.”
“Yeah, we do that, we’ve known each other for a long time, so we just…” he shrugged, folding his arms. “We just do that.”
“And you put your arm around her.” 
“Like I said. Really, really, good friends.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, and for a brief moment Steve wondered if this is when his brain was going to explode out of his ears. Instead, she simply said, “Okay.”
He sniffed. “Okay. Well, um, I better head out, but if Hopper isn’t home in a bit give me a call and uh, yeah. Stay… safe.”
She smiled a bit at him. “Thanks.”
He walked to the door, giving a small wave before shutting it behind him. He heard the locks engage without her having to walk to the door, and he shook his head. Crazy mind powers. 
As Steve drove home that night, he couldn’t help but think about his conversation with Eleven. Sure, him and Y/N could seem like a couple to those who didn’t know them, but… they weren’t. Of course they weren’t. 
It wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about it before. If he was honest with himself (which he distinctly decided not to do when it came to this topic) he had thought about it a lot. 
And as he pulled into his driveway, Steve felt himself falling down the rabbit hole. Because when he thought about his life, he couldn’t imagine any version of it without Y/N in it, by his side and making him laugh. He didn’t want to think about any version without her, because how lonely would that be? 
Steve laid down on top of the covers on his bed. The thoughts wouldn’t stop, now that he’d let the floodgate open. He wanted her there for every milestone he reached. He wanted to be there for hers. He wanted to hold her hand as they walked down the street in the rain. He wanted to see the world, live life to the fullest, and see the wonder in her eyes as she did it with him. 
He didn’t get any sleep that night. 
Y/N and Steve sat side by side on the couch, sprawled out and overlapping one another. Her legs were thrown over his lap, and his arm curved with the edge of the couch, Y/N’s head resting next to his bicep. 
Steve was looking at her more tonight. They always caught each other glancing at one another; it was something they had both written off and ignored. But tonight… tonight it was almost unbearable. 
The TV made white noise in the background. They’d started out engaged in the show, but slowly lost interest. Now it was still on, wasting electricity and painting their faces with a soft glow. 
“Y’know when I was helping Eleven clean up the other night?” Steve asked.
She hummed a small affirmation. “She’s cute.”
“She is.” He paused. She knew he had more to say, so she stayed quiet. “She thought we were dating.”
Y/N chuckled a bit. “I’m not surprised.” 
Steve smiled in return. “Me neither. Guess I just thought one of the other twerps would have warned her.” 
She shrugged, shifting so she was now sat by him, her feet planted on the floor. “We’ll have to give them a talking to.”
He nodded. There was still something else he was trying to say. “It got me thinking tho…”
He nudged her shoulder with his in a gentle response. “It got me thinking about why we aren’t dating.”
And there it was. The question they had both thought a million times without ever saying out loud.
She shrugged. “You were always dating someone else.”
It was only part of the truth, but it was still the truth. 
“Well maybe I shouldn’t have been.” He looked at her. Really looked at her. “Ever since she said that, there’s this… thing in the back of my head. I just can’t help but thinking, like, maybe you’re it for me? Not like–like I’m settling or anything, I mean that you’re it, you’re the one. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. That sort of thing.” 
Her expression didn’t change. Her lips froze, slightly parted, eyes locked on his, and he couldn't take it any longer so he cleared his throat. “Maybe it’s stupid–”
“No,” she said quickly. “No, it’s not stupid. I just–me too, Steve. I think you’re it for me, too.” 
They both smiled at each other, a bit bashful. He reached out to take her hand, intertwining their fingers. It was the same. But it was so, so different. 
He couldn’t wait for the rest of his life with her by his side. 
TAGLIST: @multi-obsessed-fanfic-writer @familyvideostevie
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bumblebeeenby · 1 year
Does how does everyone else feel about Jay being an android?
Kai, at first, is in disbelief that this Jay is actually Jay. He knows it makes no sense, but he can’t believe there would be something this big and important about one of his friends that he overlooked. He’s got whiplash from the cognitive dissonance of it all. He feels guilt over not seeing it earlier, not being good enough to know. What if Jay had died because he failed to notice something so important? What kind of teammate is he? He feels like he’s failed his friend. After he gets past that, he gets a little paranoid about the whole situation and starts checking over his own body, as well as Cole’s to make SURE they’re not also secretly robots.
Zane is obviously concerned for Jay. He’s been through the process of discovering he wasn’t human, and doesn’t want Jay to go through the same identity crisis he did. Jay’s behavior is also concerning, and while the rest of the group is quick to assume that his unreasonably calm attitude in the first realm is some sort of malfunctioning, Zane is less convinced (he’s right, it’s purely psychological). He also feels regret for relying so much on Jay, Nya, and Pixal to perform repairs on him in the past, as he realizes how many vital robotics skills he lacks, making him unable to even reattach Jay’s arm or care for any of his other injuries. Although he hates himself for thinking it, his first thought after recovering from the shock is “I’m glad I’m not alone”. He can’t get over this shameful feeling of relief in learning that Jay’s also an android. It makes him happy. It alleviates some of his concerns about the state of his own humanity and he hates that he feels that way while Jay is clearly suffering.
Cole is freaked out, but recovers quicker than the others. This is fine, it’s still Jay. They already have two nindroids on the team, this is nothing new. Nothing has to change. Within seconds, he’s offering Jay verbal assurances and totally supporting him as if nothing has changed at all. He goes along with Jay’s calm attitude and keeps the other two in check. He can freak out when they’re all safe.
Nya is already stressed out when the boys return, to the point that she sees Jay and is like “haha…. okay funny prank”. They all look at her blankly and she starts asking them what the hell happened while they were gone?! She deals with it pretty well though, offers Jay comfort, and then goes into full-focus work-mode and makes damn sure she fully understands his mechanics so she can repair him in the future. For a while, Jay isn’t really emotionally ready to study his own mechanics yet, and she ensures him he doesn’t need to until he’s ready for it. (She does, however, have the same paranoid thought that Kai had and starts checking everyone else to make sure they aren’t robots too).
Lloyd asks how this is even possible, and starts trying to reason out how they could have missed all the signs. He’s the one who actually goes over all the things they’ve been through and figures out what details they’d been overlooking. The vengestone “allergy”, the weird seventh-sense Jay seemed to have around electronics, the time Jay hyperfocused so hard on a project that he didn’t eat or drink for three days but seemed perfectly fine. He’s frustrated that he missed all the obvious signs, but brushes off the feeling to instead focus on what they need to do next. No time to process his emotions! Gotta focus on the next crisis!
Finally, Pixal realizes that NO ONE KNEW. And just…. bursts out laughing in a really uncharacteristic way. She can’t believe it. She can’t believe her teammates are all this unobservant. Then she’s just like “Welcome to nindroid club, Jay. Here’s your membership card,” and prints him out an actual card.
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