#glittered knows why i chose this answer
tideswept · 6 months
Thoughts on daemon aus? What kind of animal would anakin’s daemon be and what would be Obi-wan’s? 🧐
OH MAN aaaaahhh
If I recall His Dark Materials (which in all fairness I read over twenty years ago) daemons were opposite gender, right? but then a fan asked him if same-gender pairs also meant that person was gay and I think he was like "yes absolutely that's what it means"? so uh that alone brings up some interesting questions. (do bisexuals get two? what about ace people--okay, I'll stop myself.)
so I will ALSO assume (or perhaps I will simply cheat) that we're talking real animals, not GFFA ones. :D
I could literally go on for ninety years about possibilities because I am a nerd but I will go with my gut and say...
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Both of them.
It doesn't start off that way, of course. As a child, Anakin's daemon mostly stuck to small animals that were resilient in the desert; scavengers, predators. Often it was a sand cat, but not always. Other common sights for Anakin's daemon was a jerboa, a kit fox, and a tiger rattlesnake.
So when his daemon settled on the same form as Obi-Wan's, there was definitely some surprise, but most dismiss it as Anakin finally letting go of his childish attachment to where he came from and embracing his new circumstances as a Jedi, taking after Obi-Wan. And why shouldn't he? Obi-Wan is the perfect Jedi, isn't he?
But wait; both of them have Black Swans. Like Mute Swans, they also mate for life.... but 1/4th of all matings are homosexual in nature.
No one says anything. Not at first. Not even them. But by the end of the first year, it's very hard to deny their feelings when their daemons are clearly mates.
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oosleepyfaeoo · 6 months
A Kiss Is All I Need
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Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Chapter One
Summary: 2 months ago, Alys, the love of his life, broke up with him. Their relationship of five years gone by a simple farewell note that she left on their, well now his, penthouse. 2 months crying and feeling like shit but that all stopped when he meet you on that dreadful clothing store.
Warnings: Some angst, Aegon being the wingman, she/her pronouns, slow burn, eventual smut
Words: 2k
A/N: English is not my main language so i apologize for bad grammar but i hope you still like it! Feel free to reblog and comment! It would make me really happy to know you guys thoughts (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
“Seriously, Aemond. Relax a little.” Aegon drawls, eyeing his little brother carefully.
Aemond stood beside his brother, tense as a rock, contemplating his surroundings while his long pale fingers toy with his old, stained t-shirt. They currently stood in the middle of the clothing store, waiting for their sister Helaena while she chose some new and clean clothes for Aemond.
His siblings finally, after a month of rotting in his penthouse, dragged him out of the house to get some fresh air and apparently, some new clothes.
Aemond just shot his brother a glare and continued nervously toying with his t-shirt. Aegon rolls his eyes. “She did a number on you, didn’t she?” He says with a small frown.
2 months ago, Alys, the love of his life, broke up with him. Their relationship of five years gone by a simple farewell note that she left on their, well now his, penthouse. He still remembers how his heart beat so fast against his ribcages while he searched the whole house for her, noticing that all her clothes and jewelry (which he gifted to her) were gone.
He met her at one of his family company parties. Alys was the secretary of Lyonel Strong. Aemond was completely in awe with her when his eye landed on her, the way she moved so gracefully, and how her green eyes sparkled with mischief and wisdom.
When they made their relationship public, it was quite a shock for everyone, especially his mother. He was 23 and she was 35 at the time which was entirely understandable since they had a big age gap, twelve years to be precise.
“I don’t want to talk about her.” Aemond murmurs, trying his hardest to not think about Alys.
Aegon sighs and wraps his arm around his brother's shoulders. “I know you don’t... But try to loosen up a little.” He looks at Aemond worriedly. “Everyone is worried about you... Seven Hells, even Jace, and Luke are worried-”
Aemond looked down with a frown when suddenly he felt a gentle pull on his jeans. By his feet was a little girl dressed in a princess costume, full of pink and sparkly glitter. Her black hair hangs in two cute pigtails and a small simple tiara on top of her head.
The child looks carefully at Aemond, her eyes fixed on his eyepatch. “Are you a pirate?” She asks with an excited grin, her big round eyes shining in mischief.
Aegon burst out laughing while Aemond just stood there, looking down at the small girl in shock.
She huffs in annoyance and pulls the fabric of his jeans again. “Well?”
Noticing that Aemond does not intend to answer the poor girl, Aegon kneels beside the girl and gives her a kind smile.
“Sorry kid but he’s no pirate.” His answer made the girl frown in disappointment. “But he’s a Prince!” Now that made her look at Aemond in surprise and then back at Aegon, eyeing carefully.
“If he’s a Prince then why he doesn't smile?” She asks.
That pierce a little Aemond’s heart. Kneeling, he grabbed her small hand and gave her a small smile. “I’m sad... So that’s why I don’t smile much, little Princess.”
The girl giggles at her nickname but quickly disappears as she frowns, looking into his eye intensely. Then she took a step forward, placed her tiny hands on his cheeks, and kissed the point of his nose. Aemond stood very still, his eye wide in surprise at the girl's gesture.
She pulls back and smiles in excitement. “There! A kiss always pushes the sadness away!” The girl says proudly. “My mommy always kisses me whenever I'm sad or hurt.”
//// \\\\
“Em!” You call while looking everywhere in the clothing store for your daughter. “Emily! Where are you?!”
You can’t take that girl anywhere without getting a panic attack. You love to the death, she was your sun and moon but sometimes you wish that your daughter wasn't so adventurous. You were finishing a client order when you noticed your daughter leaving the bakery and running into the clothing store right in front. This made you leave everything that you were doing and run after her.
Sighing in relief, you spot her by the men's section talking to 2 silver-headed men. “Emily!” You breathe out as you kneel and pull her into a hug. “Don’t you ever disappear on me again! Mommy’s heart can’t handle any more surprise adventures.”
Your daughter grins at you and points to the man with an eyepatch. “Mommy I found a Prince!” She says excitedly. “Don’t worry, he’s not a pirate.” She whispers that part to you which makes you chuckle.
You stood up, holding Emily in your arms. “I’m so sorry. I hope my daughter didn’t bother you too much.” You apologize.
The handsome eyepatch man stood still looking down at you. A light blush appears on your face as you study his face properly. He was tall, really tall, with beautiful silky long silver hair that was loosely braided. His features were sharp which made him even more attractive. His eye was colored in a lovely ice blue shade with a hint of light purple. A black eyepatch covers his other eye, and you notice a long scar coming out of it down to his cheek. He was dressed in a simple green t-shirt (which seems to have seen better days) some black jeans, and black Doctor Martens.
He seemed nervous as he began playing with his fingers. “Huh... It’s no problem. Your daughter is a very sweet child.” he smiles softly.
“Mommy! Mommy! The Prince was sad so I kissed his nose like you do to me when I'm sad or hurt. And now he’s happy!” Emily giggles while resting her head on your shoulder.
“That’s very sweet of you, Em... But you can’t go wander off and kiss strangers.” You sigh while giving an apologetic look to the silver-headed man. “You know that while mommy is working, you need to stay with Maria.”
Emily rolls her eyes and pouts. “Ugh, but Maria is boring! She stays in front of the computer all day and does nothing... I much prefer staying at home, at least I could play with Pumpkin.”
You adjust her tiara on her head and kiss her forehead gently. “I know but I can’t let you be at home alone, sweetheart.”
While you scold your daughter, trying to convince her to stay with your employee. Aegon stays silent studying the scene before him. He had noticed how Aemond suddenly couldn’t take his eye off you or how his pale cheeks suddenly turned pink when you smiled gently at him.
Aegon also noticed you eyeing his little brother which made him grin mischiefly. Oh, he had a plan forming in his head. A BIG plan.
“Excuse me, I don’t mean to intrude but it seems you are in need of a babysitter for this lovely Princess,” Aegon says while smiling at Emily who grins at him. He wraps his arm around Aemond’s shoulders and pulls him to his side. “My baby brother, Aemond, is in need of a job and he’s great with kids. He usually babysits our nephews. So, he knows how to take care of children.”
Aemond shot Aegon a glare and opened his lips to disagree with whatever his brother had in mind, but Aegon just smiled at him and stepped on his foot to silence him.
“So, what do you think?” Aegon grins down at you.
You frown gently. It’s true that you seriously needed a babysitter for Emily, but you don’t have time to look for one since being a single mother and owning a bakery occupy your days. Also, it’s hard to trust a stranger to look after your kid. Your friend, Nat, tried to convince you to hire a babysitter after Emily turned one year old but you quickly refused, saying that you could perfectly manage taking care of Emily and your business alone.
Oh boy, how wrong you were. Since Emily started walking, your life has been a nightmare. She was like a ninja. One minute she was there and the next, she was gone. Every day you would have to run off from your work to go find her. She loves exploring and she makes sure you know that, every, single, day.
Maybe Nat is right.
“Okay,” You sigh. Aegon clapped in victory and smiled at his brother. “But I will be needing an interview with Aemond. To see if he has the training that is needed to look after a child.”
“Of course! When?” Aegon asked while Aemond just stood there petrified.
“Tomorrow at 2 pm.” You took your business card and gave it to Aemond. “You will find me in my bakery shop. It’s right in front of this store.”
Aemond nodded and took your card. “Thank you... I’ll be there.”
You smile gently and say your goodbyes, taking Emily back to your shop. “Bye Bye Prince!” The girl waved to him with a toothless smile which made Aemond smile gently and wave back.
When you and Emily are out of the clothing store, Aemond turns to his brother and slaps roughly on his shoulder. “What in the actual fuck was that, Aegon?!” He growled.
Aegon hissed in pain and pouted. “Ouch!... Is this how you thank your big brother for getting you a date with that hot girl?!”
Aemond rolls his eye. “By making me a babysitter?” He sighs. “Look Aegon, I'm not ready to be with someone yet... Also, did you not think that maybe she has a husband?”
Aegon grins at him. “No ring on her finger so she’s probably single. And you are more than ready to be with someone... It’s been two months since you and Alys broke up, you had your time weep and now it’s time to go back into action.”
Helaena pops beside Aegon with her arms full of clothes that she chooses for Aemond. “Our little brother has a date tomorrow!” Aegon claps excitedly.
Helaena gasps in surprise and then looks back to the clothes in her arms and back to Aemond, frowning gently. “We need more clothes.” She whispers while going back into the clothing store with Aegon on her trail.
Aemond sighs in defeat but a tiny smile appears on his thin lips. He’s not going to lie, you seem really interesting. 
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Thank you for reading! Hope you like it! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which sour and salt could be so sweet when jungkook’s existence reminds you that there is still good in the world.
> fluff, a pinch of angst, suggestive / wc: 3.1k
> warnings: mention of the doctor bc oc missed their period >:(, allusion to s/x, making out, jungkook doing pull ups must be a warning for the faint hearted like me
note: we’re going through the seasons?! partly inspired by #that live and jungkook for calvin klein <3 we’ve all seen those pictures right… right… i hope the onlyswan prophecy continues with this drabble i need to see jungkook do pull ups at the beach <3 + reblogs & feedback are always appreciated :D
jungkook is a sunkissed daydream and a shirtless adonis. his tender hands are on your bare thighs, keeping himself steady on the light brown sand while you sit still and look pretty on a log.
“baby, are you pregnant?”
when a man spits out this question, it usually sounds a little bit something like an anxious and insensitive ‘you’re not pregnant, are you?’ your starry-eyed boyfriend is asking you in a calm tone, joking for the most part, yet genuine wonder is painted on his face as if you’re just supposed to tell him what day of the week it is.
you stare at him with a blank expression, silent for a moment as the fierce waves crash on the shore, finding it difficult to take him seriously. “i don’t know. did you break a condom?”
he breaks eye-contact to space out, pursing his lips as he pretends to be immersed in deep thought.
“uhh, not to my knowledge.”
“then i’m not.” you shrug your shoulders with a cheeky grin, scrunching your nose. “will you steal some mangoes for me now, please?”
“is my baby craving for them that bad?” he coos at you softly, inching closer to press a kiss on your lips. “no but why do you always ask me to steal mangoes for you?”
“what do you mean ‘always’? this is only the second time.” you scoff, offended by the accusation, shoving him lightly but he quickly takes a hold of your arms to save himself from falling.
he chuckles lightheartedly, recounting the first time you visited his hometown and you took a walk around his neighborhood together. you looked at the mango tree with so much longing, and he had so much love for you, it was untameable.
nothing much has changed.
except for the color of the mangoes, perhaps. they were yellow back then, ripe and soft. you ripped off the fragile skin with your bare hands as you devoured the nectar-filled fruit, and the both of you came home to his parents’ house sticky and satiated like little kids who played under the sun from noon to afternoon. today, they’re green and plump, and truthfully, his mouth is watering for a taste.
“you know, since the tree is directly infront of our villa-” he tilts his head to the side, briefly looking at your temporary private residence. “it’s technically ours, so it’s not stealing.”
your eyes are glitter with mischief, and they communicate without words before you burst into a fit of revitalizing giggles, filling your empty tummy with a childlike joy.
for a while before jungkook, you’d forgotten people are kind. you chose to live for yourself, and yourself only, because you thought that if you lose sight of your plans for the future because of a impetuous slip within the thrill of temptation, you would also lose the essence of your being that you’re actively fighting so hard to get a good grasp of. you’re in a never-ending, excruciating process of picking apart your identity; detaching yourself from what you learned in the past to make room for growth; and swallowing bitter pills of hard-taught lessons. but when you’re in a relationship, every decision goes through a filter, a need for an answer to the question of how would this make my partner feel?
your friends still ask from time to time, what it is about jungkook that made you bend this principle and compromise your plans when those were the reasons you impulsively ended relationships in the past.
you’d forgotten people are kind.
jungkook is messy. he always leaves behind a fragment of his heart, and you shake your head and you pick up each one to stuff it in the shallow pocket of your understanding of love… until the weight of them destroyed said pocket, and all of a sudden, you have awoken. he opened your eyes to the underlying implication of that filter, how having something sacred to protect is also what makes life more worth living after all.
more than two hours ago, at seven in the morning, he held back your hair while you emptied your guts in the toilet bowl. a week ago, he held your hand in the doctor’s waiting room and didn’t let go until your name was called. that same night, you sulked about the doctor concluding that the reason you didn’t get your period last month was stress again and he teared up when you said i eat well, and i exercise regularly. but in the end it’s all useless because stress is messing up my body and i can’t control it. what do i do? the next day, he cheerfully asked you if you wanted to go see the ocean with him. right now, he’s hanging on a thick branch of a tree, enthusiastically doing pull ups while you peel the raw mangoes he picked out for you.
the familiar sounds of moans and grunts convince you to move the log you’re sitting on, abandoning the view of the majestic blue sky kissing the sparkling ocean in favor of facing your gorgeous boyfriend. he moves on to doing hanging knee tucks, pulling his knees to his chest and gradually increasing his speed and range of motion after gathering enough leverage.
“ah, this is tiring!” his yell ripples across the near-empty beach. he squeezes his eyes shut, laughing through the pain that hurts so good.
you set aside the paring knife on the plain white porcelain plate, dipping a piece of mango in the hill of salt before taking a bite (you played rock-paper-scissors to decide who would call the front desk for salt and you won after jungkook said he lost because his rock was made of paper). this, it’s just what you needed to cure the lethargy that’s been eating away at you. the combination of sour and salty explodes in your taste buds, remedying your awful loss of taste and appetite.
you shudder in sheer delight, smiling sweetly at the man brazenly showcasing his strength infront of you. “i like this a lot. i can feel my stress melting away… like ice cream under the sun.”
“i’m happy you’re enjoying yourself while i-” he cuts off his sentence, letting himself fall on the sand before jumping again to adjust his grip on the rough wood. once again, he hauls his legs upward repeatedly, reaching higher and higher each time. he releases loud huffs of air, grunting raspily with every exertion of force.
you stifle a scandalous gasp when his knees touch his wrists, covering your mouth as you grind the food with your teeth. okay, you know damn well he is flexible and a human-shaped vessel of physical strength, but you mostly witness their irrefutable testaments during intense moments of love and lust… the blissful memories can be kind of hazy.
he heaves a deep sigh, taking a rest as he hangs motionless on the branch. picture-perfect, center-frame for your adoring eyes to feast upon. his honey skin is glazed with a fine sheen of sweat, further accentuating the well-defined muscles of his torso. you only get a tease of his v-line. it hides beneath the exposed white band of his calvin klein underwear peeking above his black swimming shorts. his stomach rises and falls with each breath, and you can’t help but to marvel at his abs with appreciation. beautifully prominent, sculpted not too much. you love that when you touch them, you still feel the tenderness of his flesh, so rawly and so uniquely jungkook.
“you like what you see?” he grins when your eyes meet, winking at you flirtatiously.
“i do.” you sheepishly admit, scrunching your nose before putting another slice of mango on top of your tongue. “keep going. i want to see more.”
“more? you want more?! aish- so demanding.” he complains, thick satoori accent dripping from his voice but still, he gives you more.
you giggle in satisfaction, closely observing the flexing of his muscles and the veins along his arms popping out. one must think you’re used to his tattoos by now, but you’re definitely not. you just learn how to act unaffected, like you can’t write a book of poems about how his body art never seizes to bring you in absolute awe. his eyebrows knit as he pulls himself up, face crumpling with the amount of force and strength he utilizes with every manuever. it’s a seductive scene, but then the dimples on his cheeks make fondness bloom in your heart.
for the love of god, it’s not compromising your plans, but making jungkook a part of your plans. you no longer fantasize about a perfect life. you just want to keep waking up somewhere safe— to be here, standing on the tips of your toes, planting a delicate kiss on the mole at the lower right side of his ribcage. your lips have made one too many sharp mistakes, but they ghost over his skin and he laughs. laughs so joyfully, a majestic string of musical notes from his mouth no other instrument on earth can recreate. it’s a good mistake, the best mistake you could ever possibly make.
“here, drink.“ you offer him a bottle of cold water.
“i’m so tired. oh, fuck-” he does one final pull up before letting go, deliberately falling on the sand and bumping against your feet when he rolls over.
he sits up, warm body vibrating with giggles as he looks up at you.
“did you pack a first aid kit?“
you put a hand over your hip, raising an eyebrow. “what happened now?”
“my hands-” he stares at his palms, sand coating half of the area, before showing them to you. “they sting like hell! seriously!” his little lisp slips out as he rants.
”then why did you keep going?!” you exclaim, grabbing his tattooed wrist to assess the damage. there’s no blood in sight, but his skin has turned a very bright shade of red.
“because it was fun.” he simply answers, and you can’t argue with that.
of course you brought a first aid kit. it’s a necessity, especially when you’re on vacation with your gym bunny boyfriend, apparently. while you grab the ointment in the bedroom, jungkook decides to clean himself up under the outdoor shower situated in a corner beside the swimming pool.
“what’s wrong with this? why are they going at the same time?” he scratches his head in confusion, looking up at the spraying shower head and down at the gushing faucet. he fiddles with the handle in hopes of fixing his problematic water consumption, unintentionally pushing it up higher as he does so. this causes the water pressure to become stronger, sending thin needles to crash down and pierce his fragile skin.
“aw shit-” he reflexively runs away from the rude attack of the silver device. “yah, you punk! what did i to you, huh?! how dare you-”
he clicks his tongue in irritation, resting his hands on his hips. after glaring one more time, he extends his tattooed arm to push the handle all the way down, turning it off. he proceeds to experiment, tilting it to the left, which turns on the faucet only, and then to the right for the shower.
he laughs sarcastically at his discovery, going back under the water. “ahhh, was i the stupid one?”
“i missed you!” he declares loudly as soon as you step out of the sliding door.
“me too, babe.” you hum as you walk towards him, standing a considerable distance from the shower.
he wipes his face with his hands to unblur his vision before pushing back his wet hair, droplets of water endlessly rushing down his body.
“why are you so far?” he protests. “come here.”
“but i already took a shower.”
“so what? you’ll get wet again when we ride the jet ski later.”
you pout at him. “i told you i’m scared.”
“i’d be jack if i have to, i won’t let you drown! don’t you trust your boyfriend, hm?” he attempts to persuade you again after failing last night, knowing well that you’d enjoy yourself only if you overcome your fear of the deep waters. “it will be fun, i promise.”
“ugh, fine. only because you promised.” you weakly succumb to his wishes, setting down the small jar of ointment on the ground.
he happily pulls you in for an embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck while your arms wrap around his waist. the only barrier between your chests is the thin and small fabric of your red bikini, thoroughly soaked by the cold water combatting the rising heat of the approaching noon. you can feel the rough grains of sand that were washed away from his skin under the soles of your feet, contrasting the feather-light kisses being scattered on your neck. and this feels so utterly liberating, you refuse for it to end, allowing yourself to be hastily pinned against the wall when his supple lips meet yours.
he cups the back of your head and his long and slender fingers dig into your hair, protecting you from accidentally hitting the hard cement. the small thoughtful gesture makes you smile into the kiss. he is not real, he can’t be. if this is a dream, you’re begging the sun to never rise. his gentle hands slowly travel down the expanse of your back, until they reach your hips, teasingly tugging past the side straps of your bikini bottoms before kneading the soft flesh of your ass. he swallows the strangled whine that escapes you, slipping his tongue past your parted lips. he’s addicted to how your body language speaks to him when you get intimate, how you lovingly caress his face and his arms, slow and sensual, but then unconsciously dig your nails to mark crescent moons on his skin when you begin getting lost in your combined passion.
he wants this. he wants you. he wants to spend the rest of his life kissing you and wringing the water from your hair.
you’ve deserted the log to comfortably sit cross-legged with jungkook on the lounge chair, under the shade of the brown umbrella rooted in the soil.
“mhmmm! it’s so delicious!” jungkook carefully dips the slice of mango in the salt once more, wary of the ointment from his hand smearing on the food, before muching on it eagerly. “so crunchy!”
you pause from tending to his left hand, looking at the plate between the two of you to learn that he is nearly finished with the second mango. you only have one left.
“damn!” he dramatically curses with his eyes squeezed shut, punching the salt air. without context, a stranger would probably guess that he tragically lost a bet or remembered an embarrassing memory from highschool. but really, he’s just enjoying some pretty good food. this is the fourth time in the past five minutes that he precisely did the same thing, and yes, you’ve been counting.
“is it that yummy?” you chuckle, extremely endeared and contented when he looks this excited around food. he is the only person in the world who can make you say i’m full just by watching you eat and mean it.
“it was your idea!” he bobs his head while energetically rocking from side to side, cheeks round and full as he chews. “i haven’t eaten something new in a long time. i love it… i should give the resort five stars for my review. just for this. i’ll say i’ll come back again for the mango tree.”
“or i don’t know, we can just plant one ourselves.” you propose before lightly blowing on his inflamed palm.
“but, baby, that would take years!” he interjects. “we need to buy another house, one with a backyard, and wait at least five years for it to grow. i’ll be thirty-two by then. are you hearing that?!”
the disgusted look on his face elicits a burst of amused laughter from you, stomach hurting with a reason miles better than earlier’s. he winces at the thought of entering his 30’s in the very near future. it feels odd to think about, but it’s a little less daunting with the tree added to the picture.
he picks up the final slice on the plate, smothering it with a thin layer of salt before devouring it entirely. he whimpers, high-pitched and wide-eyed, clasping his hand over his mouth before the other one you’re holding slips away from the solace of your care. he free falls from the chair, limply collapsing on the sand. and just like that, he’s covered in them again, from his damp hair down to his wiggly toes.
you move closer to look at him, dangling your legs on the edge. “darling, you’re still alive, aren’t you?”
he spreads out his limbs like a starfish, dreamily peering into the vast cloudy sky. “oh? i think this is exactly what it means to be alive.”
beyond his words, it’s the way he said them. without shyness, without qualms, without pondering. it makes him sound purely sincere, his mellifluous voice gracefully echoing louder than the nihilistic thoughts in your head, and you believe him.
he abruptly sits up, crawling on his knees to reach you. “baby! it’s too good! i want more!” he cries out, feigning desperate sobs as he hugs your legs. “i want more. let’s eat the third one, please.”
“fuck, okay. calm down. we’ll have it.” you cackle, stroking his hair while he rests his head on your lap.
you drag the plate to your side, slicing the last mango with practiced precision and skill. he, then, closes his eyes and bathes in your presence, his warm breath fanning you. it’s peacefully silent for a while, only the sounds of the knife dragging across the fruit and the waves chasing each other to the edge of the sea can be heard. that is until your boyfriend grows bored. he puckers his lips to brush against your soft skin, insatiable, climbing higher and higher until he’s peppering your inner thigh with kisses.
tingling sensations inevitably spark in your lower region, and you click your tongue to rebuke him. “jungkook, behave. i might cut myself if you keep that up.”
his lips curve into a naughty smirk, shifting a bit further down. “sorry.”
“do you want to get sunburnt? get back up here, on the chair.” you bounce your legs to shake him off, but your efforts prove to be fruitless.
he groans, stubbornly holding on to you tighter. “no, i don’t want to.”
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 11
The second one for today. Steve and Eddie have an actual conversation about their wants and needs from the relationship.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Eddie laughed when Steve explained the reason for the flowers that night over drinks. “Do you really think your parents will leave you alone now?”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. But they’ll fuck off for awhile at least. And honestly you can’t buy that kind of peace.”
He smiled. “Damn straight. My own dear ole dad came out of the woodwork when Corroded Coffin hit it big. Tried to take credit for teaching me to play guitar.”
Steve leaned forward, chin on his fist. “I’m guessing that’s nowhere near what actually happened?”
“Oh hell no,” Eddie scoffed. “He taught me how to hotwire cars, blend into crowds to get away from cops, and how to lie through your teeth so convincingly that no one could tell. But you want to know who did teach me how to play? My Uncle Wayne. The man who took me in when the cops finally caught up with the rat bastard.”
Steve sighed wistfully. “God, what I would have given to have an Uncle Wayne. But sadly, when the test came back as infertile all they could think about was how to ‘recoup the loss of having an omega for a son’.”
Eddie’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Are you fucking with me?”
“I wish I was,” Steve said mournfully, shaking his head. “Most of the men on my dad’s side of the family were alphas and if they weren’t then they were omegas pumping out babies like a machine.”
Eddie winced and took Steve’s free hand in his. “I’m sorry, baby. That’s got have been so hard.”
Steve squeezed Eddie’s hand with a sigh. “The disappointment was so palpable in that doctor’s office you could cut it with a knife.” He shook his head. “They even refused further testing, even though my great-great grandmother on my mother’s side was a golden omega.”
“Really?” Eddie said, his eyebrows shooting up. “Damn. Those are super rare.”
Steve nodded. “I have two friends with red hair and that’s more common than a golden omega.”
“But if they were so desperate for money why didn’t they test for it?” he asked gently.
Steve shrugged. “My dad is a skinflint. The cost of the test outweighed the gamble on my chance of being ultra-fertile instead.”
“Damn just think you could have had your choice of any alpha in the country,” Eddie teased, “if they had and you turned out to be one.”
Steve shook his head, wrapping Eddie’s hand in both of his. “Nah, I prefer it this way, I have a job I love, a best friend I couldn’t live without and you. If I had been a golden omega, my parents would have made me chose from the crustiest, conservative assholes they could find.”
Eddied ducked his head and blushed to the roots of his hair. “So I’m assuming the label sent you a copy of the interview today?” he asked shyly.
Steve nodded. “Of course. You were so cute.”
“So call me stupid,” he said clearing his throat, “but I didn’t know escorts were allowed partners. I looked it up, a couple even have bonds. Like how the fuck does that work?”
Steve laughed bright and clear and Eddie went to remove his hand from his, but Steve held on tight.
“I wasn’t laughing at you, babe,” Steve soothed. “I was laughing because Robin thought that you weren’t aware and told me to clear it up with you. That was the main reason for drinks tonight.”
Eddie blinked at him owlishly. “Wait, really?”
“Of course,” Steve said. “But to answer your question about how omegas with bondmates can still be escorts, you forget that a lot of what we do isn’t about sex. Everyone associates escorts with sex, but that’s just a common misconception. Sometimes people just want the attention of a kind omega with no strings attached.” He kissed Eddie’s knuckles gently. “And then there are the ones that want a ‘cheating’ scenario without the drama of actually cheating.”
Eddie frowned. “So how does that work?”
“They want to have sex with a bonded omega,” Steve explained. “But without having to worry that there would an actual alpha gunning for them.”
“And their alpha doesn’t care they’re having sex with other alphas?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side, his eyes gentle and curious, not judging.
Steve shook his head. “Nope. Things can change, of course. A famous Starcourt escort Mia Sanchez retired last year because her alpha asked her to. But they had been bonded for fifteen years before retirement.”
That filled Eddie with a warmth he didn’t know he was missing until that moment. He licked his bottom lip slowly.
“And if I wanted to properly court you,” he asked easily, “what would you say to that?”
Steve grinned back at him. “I’d say yes.”
Eddie leapt from his seat and came around the table to kiss him firmly on the lips.
Steve laughed, breaking the kiss, but Eddie didn’t mind. He couldn’t be happier.
“So you don’t want me to chose between you and my job, then?” Steve asked, referring to their contract.
Eddie shook his head. “If there was a way that you could be happy with both, darlin’, that was choice I was always going to make.”
“What about the Grammy’s and your rut?” Steve asked, concerned. He felt bad, but he still wanted to get paid for those things. He didn’t want to suddenly have Eddie expect them for free now that they were courting.
“Don’t worry, Stevie,” Eddie murmured into his omega’s ear. “The contract will still be for those things, we just won’t have a fake break up of our fake relationship after my rut.”
Steve’s lip wobbled. “Would it be a real break up of a real relationship?” he asked softly.
Eddie pulled him in for a big hug. “Not for all the gold in all the world. Okay?”
He let out a shuddering breath. “I’m okay with that.”
Eddie kissed him again before going back to sit down in his chair. “So for the Grammy’s I looked over those two outfits you sent me for suggestion on what you should wear.”
Steve smiled, grateful for the change of topic to something safer and more comfortable for him. “Yeah, which one did you prefer? I mean, I have closet full of amazing clothes and if nothing suits your fancy...” he half shrugged, “it gives me chance to go shopping.”
Eddie laughed. “No, no. I loved them both. Though taking you shopping has it’s appeal...” He shook his head. “I’m getting off the track here. I want you to wear the mini to the awards and the pant suit to the Vanity Fair after party.”
Steve’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and he grinned. “That is a fantastic idea. I love it.”
“I thought you’d like that,” Eddie said with a grin. “Do you get to wear much stuff that’s just for you or do you have to be ‘Starcourt Escort’ twenty four seven?”
Steve shrugged. “It’s a bit half and half if I’m honest. I don’t have to be dressed to the nines all the time...”
“But if you don’t,” Eddie said with a growl, “all the tabloids say that you’re ‘letting yourself go’?”
Steve blushed and nodded.
“What would you want to wear if you weren’t ‘escort Steve’?” Eddie asked, motioning to the waiter that they needed another round.
“It’s stupid,” he said, tucking his chin tightly to his chest. “I’m a fashion plate. That’s what I’m supposed to be.”
Eddie clicked his tongue and wagged his finger. “None of that. I won’t let anyone talk shit about my boyfriend, not even himself.”
That surprised a laugh out of him. “I like the polos, Henley’s, and chinos look. Lame I know.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. That was not the answer he had expected at all. He thought it would have been sweat pants and baggy sweaters.
“It’s not lame if it makes you feel good about yourself,” he insisted.
Another couple of bottles of beer arrived and Steve grabbed one. He just held it in his hands. He let out a long sigh.
“You know how we can roleplay situations for clients?”
Eddie nodded. They had done the meet-cute in a bar roleplay just last night.
“There’s one you won’t find on my list,” he continued. “At least not anymore.”
Eddie could feel the tension build between them. Whatever this was about was fucking hard for Steve to talk about.
“Sometimes busy executives and business owners like to have a scenario where they come home to a cute little omega housewife. If it’s a female omega, think the 1950s type. Dresses and high heels.”
And suddenly what Steve was talking about hit Eddie like a fist to the solar plexus. Male omegas would be in the polos and chinos. But the roleplay had tainted Steve’s love for those kinds of clothes and it made Eddie furious.
“And if you’re seen out and about wearing them,” he guessed, “people think you’re doing the roleplay, don’t they?”
Steve flushed in shame. He nodded once.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Are you sure you like this job?”
Steve’s head snapped up. “Yes! The good far out weighs the bad. Like ruts without an omega can actually fuck up an alpha body. Like completely wreck it to hell. So I get to go in and help these alphas that don’t have an omega they can trust and help them through one of the worst weeks of their year and that it happens multiple times, anywhere from three to five depending on their age. Yes, I’m trained to be charming and great in bed, but that? That’s what makes everything worth while.”
He was panting at the end of his rant, eyes wild, hands clutching Eddie’s fiercely.
Eddie chuckled. “All right, darlin’. I didn’t mean to offend.”
Steve ducked his head and Eddie gently lifted it back up with two fingers. “I like that you’re passionate about what you love, honey. It makes you sparkle.”
Steve looked down at his watch and cursed. “I’ve got to go.” He looked back up at him. “But I’ll see you on Friday?”
Eddie grinned. “It’s a date, sweetheart.”
Steve hopped off his seat and walked away.
Eddie shook his head and murmured, “Hate to see you leave, but damn do I love to watch you go.”
Steve ass looked amazing in whatever the guy wore. But now Eddie understood his need for hyper-masculinity. Even when he was wearing that golden dress, it highlighted his flat chest and broad thighs.
People made assumptions about who Steve was based on what he was wearing at all times and if he was even the slightest bit not what people expected he got hell for it.
In a lot of ways, Steve’s every move was even more scrutinized than Eddie’s and he was the frontman of a very famous metal band. He couldn’t imagine living the way Steve did. But despite all the hang ups and downsides, Steve was happy and you really couldn’t buy that.
He paid the tab and walked out onto the pavement. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. He let out the smoke slowly and flicked away the ash.
Eddie was content with his lot in life for the first time since he moved in with his uncle, Wayne. Wayne was always supportive of whatever Eddie wanted to do in life and was happy to hear about Steve.
And even happier when Eddie had called him this afternoon to tell him Stevie might agree to date without all the hoopla of the agency. Everything Eddie did, Wayne was sure to hear about it first.
Wayne was home. No matter the distance. Something Eddie never thought he’d find out here in California.
Stevie was quickly becoming home for him. He never thought he would want to mate, not after seeing how horrible his parents acted. But now?
Now he couldn’t wait to start courting the most beautiful omega in the world.
Eddie took another drag of his cigarette and then flicked it away. He hailed a cab and gave directions for home.
He couldn’t wait to show Steve off on live television. And maybe just maybe win a Grammy or two.
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf @melodymeddler @mogami13 @annabanannabeth
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watermelonlovershigh · 7 months
AN: here's a little surprise blurb i've wrote. i hope you like this concept and enjoy reading. keep in mind the harry in this isn't our famous harry so any talks of his sexuality is fake for the story. it's also kinda short but still worth the read. xoxo
This stories contains: talks of breaking gender norms, talks of fluid sexuality, fluff
{ boyfriendrry - soft!harry - any harry era of your choice - au harry }
word count- 791
As Harry watches you do your makeup for a night out, he finally shares his desire to wear makeup too when you gently coax it out of him.
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You were sitting at your vanity doing your makeup while your boyfriend Harry sat on the edge of the bed watching you. You were going out to a local club tonight and wanted to dress sexy for the occasion.
When you began to apply some silver glitter over the tops of your pink eyelids, you notice Harry shifting closer to you, as if he's really studying how you apply your products. You've noticed a few times now that when you're doing your makeup around Harry, he always watches you closely and you find it quite adorable.
But this time, as you glance to the side and look at your boyfriend, he seems nervous. Fiddling with his ringed fingers and moving his mouth like he's wanting to say something but can't find the words.
"Is something wrong, H?" you question carefully.
Harry hesitates before stuttering, "Um, it's just, um. Nevermind actually."
You stop doing your makeup completely so he has your undivided attention and take a wild guess as to what he's wanting to say, or more so, ask. "Harry, by any chance did you want me to put some makeup on you? Because if you did want to wear some, that's fine."
Relief washes over him when you guess correctly. For a while now Harry's had this want to try out and wear some makeup. Not everyday or just anywhere. But to the club or a party, he would fancy a little color and sparkle to his face. He's just been afraid to ask because he was scared you'd judge him.
Nodding his head, Harry replies, "Yes please."
His answer has a soft smile take over your face. You stand up from your vanity chair and walk over until you're stood in front of Harry's legs. "Baby, why didn't you tell me you wanted to wear some makeup? I wouldn't have cared. I think you'd look fantastic with a bit of shimmer on your eyes and rouge on your cheeks."
Looking up, Harry answers sadly, "It's just, I thought you'd judge me. I know anyone can wear makeup and it's not just for girls but, I didn't know if you thought that way. I only fancy wearin' some when we go out on the towns. Not everyday or anythin'."
"That's fine, Harry," you began, "I'd never judge you for wanting to wear makeup sometimes. And you're right, makeup is not just for the girls and the gays. Anyone can wear makeup if they want, okay."
Giggling, Harry says back, "Okay, but I am a little gay aren't I...."
You can't help but giggle back at his words. What he means is that his sexuality is fluid and he told you early on in your relationship that he wasn't straight. Harry was equally as nervous to disclose his sexaulity to you as he was minutes ago, admitting he would like to wear some makeup. But you knew him wanting to wear makeup had nothing to do with his sexuality. Unlike what stereotypes have you believe.
"Alright, go sit on my vanity chair and pick out what color of eyeshadow you want to wear. And pick out a glitter if you want a touch of that as well." Harry listens to your instructions and picks out the colors and shimmers he'd enjoy wearing tonight.
He chose a bright blue for his lids because he said it would pair well with his outfit. Then requested just a small dusting of your silver glitter to complement the blue shadow. You stood in front of Harry and he relaxed as you took your brushes and did your magic.
To pull this look together, you add a little mascara and some coal liner in his waterline. Then apply a clear lip gloss over his perfectly shaped lips. Harry struggled a bit when you applied the mascara, saying it felt like you were poking his eye out. And when you were finished, he kept blinking, not quit use to having eye makeup on.
"Okay, all done." you announce with a clap. "Did you want anything on your face like foundation or concealer or just this for now?"
Harry studies his face in the mirror ahead and decides, "This is all f'now. Wow, do I look stunnin'. Thank you, m'love. And thank you for not judgin' me."
Looking down at his face slightly, you reply, "Of course, H. I'd never judge you. You can wear all the makeup you want. Or if you ever fancy wearing a dress or heels, I'd never judge you for that either."
Smiling, Harry responds, "Only time I've ever had the desire to wear a dress and heels is maybe for a Halloween costume. But if that changes, I'll let you know."
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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verysium · 10 months
if you had to associate a city from the world w any bllk character of your liking which cities with who and why? sorry for the odd question lmao it just crossed my mind. love ur works btw!💗
i love unconventional questions like these cus then i have to really think hard to come up with a good answer. i will admit i am slightly biased because i feel that the current teams they play for already represent them well, so some of these might be a repeat. also i am not that well-travelled (wish i could if i had the money), so i'm merely going off the reputed description of each city.
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rin would be paris. i know it sounds unoriginal, but pxg rin has already grown 10x prettier than he was during the u-20 arc, so something in that city air must be doing him right. also i feel like he just dresses like a stereotypical european lol. the winter coat and scarf combo plus the perpetual scowl on his face. he probably walks super quickly down the metro too. i have this fic in the drafts where rin and reader meet up at his shitty parisian apartment and eat hotpot and smoke cigs on a random sidewalk in winter. rin is also high class. it just comes naturally to him. like if u ever take a walk near place charles de gaulle (the arc de triomphe area), there's this quiet luxury that is prominent in the fancy hotels and brand stores that make up the vicinity. even better if u go during christmas time because they have these intricately detailed light fixtures. i remember seeing this one cartier store with a giant glittering jaguar on the front. not to mention their swarovski christmas tree. rin's like that. i feel like in a few years once he goes fully professional, the media would go wild over his poise and refined grace. he just has that subtly enticing aura, like a silent glamour.
sae would be madrid. not just because it's canon but also because i feel like the city is just the polar opposite of him. madrid is one of the hottest cities in europe, and sae's just perpetually cold. even in the literal sense, i feel like he would have cold hands and feet too. if u see those wes anderson style travel commercials of madrid, it's always some variation of pastel houses, sunshine, and bikini beaches. that is exactly what sae is not like. i also chose this for...*ahem* spoiler reasons in my upcoming fic chapter which i'm not going to delve too much into. but the gist is that the contrast is why sae fits so well in madrid and also why it's a bit tragic to see how drastically he has to change in order to adapt to a new environment. if not spain, i feel like he'd still end up somewhere with a large coastline because of how fundamental the sea is to him throughout his childhood. it's sort of his safe space. if i had the choice to assign two cities, i'd also include his hometown of kamakura since he seems like the type to be secretly sentimental. i picture sae as someone who values his roots even though he constantly says he has bigger and better places to be. like he would tell everyone that he was born in the wrong country but then proceed to sigh melodramatically whenever he actually misses home.
kaiser is a weird mix of munich, new york, and las vegas. i chose munich largely because of his german roots. i also picture him as bavarian. new york and las vegas are mostly attributed to the duality of his character. when we first see kaiser, he's this figure of flamboyance. his entrance was hands-down the most theatrically dramatic one, and there are theatre motifs throughout his dialogue (eg. roles on a stage, rejecting yoichi's script/play). i feel like this would fit well with the extravagant nightlife las vegas is known for and, of course, broadway in NYC. furthermore, kaiser is this prime example of clawing your way to the top. he seems charismatic and welcoming at first, but then we see his internal motives and well...it's something. he is cutthroat when it comes to competition, and he's not afraid of using others in his ascent to the top. i mean...he literally holds people by the hair as if they're mere objects. that seems pretty ruthless and machiavellian to me. i doubt he even humanizes any of his rivals; rather, he views them as opponents to his ideology. there's also a reason why they say if you make it in new york, you can make it anywhere. there's a highly individualistic mindset, and if you really want something, the resources are there for you to achieve it. kaiser is like that in the sense he is willing to put his all into getting something he desires, even up to an obsessive degree.
yukimiya is london. like u know what taylor swift said about the english? that's yukimiya for you. he treats his mother right, sleeps 8 hours a day, and said his first love was when his friend's 16-year-old sister kissed him on the forehead. he cannot be any more perfect. not to mention he's a literal model. like hello? IMG is calling.
shidou is somewhere in ohio. i'm not going to elaborate. the man's just weird.
isagi is somewhere rural. idk why but he strikes me as a country boy. probably helps his parents on the rice farm and bikes long distances to school. i found a lot of parallels between him and hinata shoyo from haikyu mostly because they're both from a smaller, lesser known neighborhood, have a pretty ordinary childhood, and become inspired by this influential role model. my secondary reason is just that isagi doesn't seem like he'd even be familiar with the urban landscape. he's lived his life in humble origins, so i think there might be some culture shock once he actually gets to the city. like...boy was genuinely amazed when he entered that blue lock facility. never seen so much high-end equipment and technology in his life.
ego lives in a sewer. i cannot tell u his precise location just that he probably hasn't washed his hair in 45 days and is still surviving off processed ramen noodles. please pray for him.
barou is los angeles and if not socal, then he's from the bay area. i took one good look at his artificially dyed red hair and the answer was clear. he is not immune to trends guys. it's almost embarrassing. furthermore, i think the general silicon valley area is known to be hardworking, and that encapsulates barou pretty well. he is disciplined to the core, and he knows that success is not going to come to him without him actively trying to reach it. he's also...(let's be real guys)...just a teensy weensy bit arrogant. he calls himself a king, as in a literal monarch. and he says this in the most serious tone too. now he rightfully earned that title, but it doesn't erase the secondhand cringe i felt from reading that dialogue LOL.
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thedeathlysallows · 5 months
Is It Over Now? (13)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: My hand was the one you reached for
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Stockholm Syndrome, infidelity, manipulative Aegon, discussion of character death. Smut, fingering, using murder as dirty talk, hand job, public sex.
Aemma's coin has finally flipped, but where will it land? Greatness or madness?
Tag list: @callsignwidow
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You aren't sure how or when it happened, but it's as though something inside you snapped, slowly but surely shifted your love and loyalty from your mother to Aegon. All your plans, all the playing pretend melted away until it became your reality. When did that happen? When did you become so pathetic? Was it the abject horror of seeing Aemond loving another woman in Harrenhal? Or were you always this weak?
"You seem deep in thought." Aegon looks down at you, head tilted slightly so that the rubies of the Conqueror's crown glitter in the sunlight.
"I suppose," you respond dully.
He hums in annoyance before looking away abruptly. You aren't sure why he insists on walking with you through the gardens, but it was the one reprieve he allowed after your escape. You're kept under a smothering watch at all times now except for when Aegon fetches you for your daily walk. He never lets you go with guards. It has to be him, and you just don't understand it.
Annoyance rises in you, bitter and dark. "I don't understand!"
"What don't you understand?"
Lots of things. You don't understand lots of things, but you don't want to discuss the complicated relationship between the two of you, so you say, "You told Aemond to seduce the witch. Why? Why would you do that?"
Aegon tosses his head back and laughs. "Is that what the bastard told you? And he says I'm the degenerate one."
"Aegon, this isn't the time for jokes. I want the truth." You turn to him fully and he's struck suddenly by the fire in your eyes. It's been so long since he's seen it he thought you'd given up your spark completely.
But of course not.
Of course your fire is still there because his is still there.
Aegon still burns every second of every day for you. The two of you are the last flickering twin flames of Old Valeyria, meant to merge together and raze down everything standing in its way. He loves you, desires you, needs you more than Aemond possibly could.
"You want the truth, my little dragon?" He steps closer to you, following as you move away from him. "I'll give you the truth, but I want you to remember that it was I to do so... not Aemond."
You suck in a deep breath, overwhelmed by Aegon's presence crowding you against a tree. Rough bark bites into your exposed back and arms. Suddenly, the gauzy dress you chose this morning doesn't feel like it covers enough.
"Aemond would never lie to me," you eventually say.
"I see. Is that why he blamed me? All I told him was to keep the witch loyal to us. I don't give a single fuck about her happiness or comfort... but Aemond does, doesn't he?" Aegon traces his thumb across your bottom lip before continuing.
"Let me guess: he told you not to worry and that she could never compare. I've told Helaena the same about my whores. I suppose, in a round about way, it's the truth. She's kinder than them, more of a proper lady. She deserves better."
You want to strike out at Aegon, your palm itches for it, but you stay still. He pets you so gently, running his hands over your body in a comforting way that brings tears to your eyes. You want to ask him why he doesn't give her better if she deserves it, but you already know the answer.
Aegon has spent years pining over you, spiraling when you were taken away like some sort of toy. He's a spoiled brat. You love him anyway... but you love Aemond as well.
"Is love enough?" Your voice comes out as barely a whisper.
"Enough for what?"
"Anything." For Aemond to be loyal, but you don't say it out loud.
Aegon knows what you want to say, but won't say. He knows you better than anyone. Maybe even better than you know yourself. "Love is enough for us if you'll allow it."
Your lips curl up in a wry smile. "You're being awfully sweet today, Your Majesty."
"Maybe it's because I see where my brother is failing and I decided I need to take this chance."
"Failing on your orders."
"Not my orders. I never told him to fuck her, but we both know that's what he's doing." Aegon presses his lips to yours, hot and persistent. "Don't you want revenge, little dragon?"
Yes, you do want revenge.
You want blood and revenge and for this foreign anger inside you to end.
Aegon's lips trail from your lips to the column of your neck, teeth sinking into your skin every so often while his hands grip your waist. He grinds into you and you feel the delicious drag of his hard cock between your thighs. "I have plenty of information from the witch. So much that her life means nothing to me now. You could kill her if you wanted."
Kill her?
"H-have you ever killed anyone?" The idea makes you nervous, but it's hard to concentrate on those nerves when Aegon's hands are slowly bunching your dress around your waist.
"Yes. Would you like to hear about it?" He nips at your ear, chuckling darkly when you yelp. Two of his fingers circle your clit before dipping into your cunt and he moans when he finds you absolutely soaking wet.
You nod, letting out a little whimper. "Yes... please..."
"Mmm, good girl." Aegon pumps his fingers in and out of you at a punishing pace. "It's better than any drunken high, any fuck... it's... ah, fuck, yes..."
Aegon's head falls to your shoulder when your hand slips inside his trousers to stroke his length. You wrap a leg around his waist, silently begging him to go deeper.
"Oh, fuck," he breathes against your skin. "Such a good little whore for me. D'you like this? Like me fucking you in public?"
You do. You really, really do.
"Say it," he demands, wrapping a hand around your throat. "Say how much you like it."
"Aegon... please... I love it."
"Say you love me."
You nod. "I love you!"
Aegon's grin is almost terrifying when he says, "I want to watch you kill Alys Rivers."
The pleasure that had been building in the pit of your stomach crests and washes over the rest of you, leaving you to spasm around Aegon's thick fingers. He kisses you all over as he reaches his own orgasm, spilling into your hand.
"Good girl," Aegon whispers into your hair. "Fuck, you're so good for me. We need to remind Aemond how good you are, yeah?"
That's all you really want, you think to yourself. You just want to be good for the people who love you. That's all you ever wanted.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
From the prompt list
13,18 with Ominis?
A certain necklace of a certain aunt Noctua being gifted to a certain someone as a token of love and to remind others to back off?
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Parting gift
Ominis Gaunt x gn!reader
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Tags: fluff
850 words
"oh, shit. I'm in love with you??" prompt: 18. having them give something of importance to them for you, as a gift
A/n: Thank you for the prompt (and the gif)! I chose 18 for this one. He's a bloody romantic and you can't stop meeeeeeeeeeee.
Ominis had been acting strangely as you approached the end of your time at Hogwarts. The way he'd fiddle with his wand and become lost in thought couldn't be attributed to your examinations now that they were over. He'd secured a job, all was well, so why was he so distracted?
The nervous energy that radiated off of him was catching and set you on edge when you were alone with him. More often than not, you'd end up watching his movements, occasionally losing yourself in his turbulent eyes, wondering just what was bothering him.
You'd tried to ask him, of course, but he'd so far managed to brush off your enquiries. Even Sebastian had thus far been unable to draw an answer out of him. Perhaps a drop of veritaserum in his morning tea would loosen his tongue, you thought idly.
When finally he admitted what he'd been ruminating, it was the last day of term. Celebrations were being had all about the castle and tearful goodbyes exchanged. You had promised to write to Sebastian, as often as you could whilst you were travelling, earning you a heartfelt embrace, but the words didn't seem to elicit the same response from Ominis.
"I'm...not thrilled at the prospect of you being alone on your travels," he admitted.
"Are you worried? I'm more than capable of facing whatever is out there."
Ominis shook his head, whether in disbelief or to convey a misunderstanding, you weren't sure. His hand delved into the coat of his blazer, pulling out a familiar silver chain, draped over his delicate fingers. After a second of contemplation as he brushed the locket with his thumb, he held it out in the palm of his hand.
"Take this with you. For me?"
Reaching forward, you picked up the delicate chain, ignoring the flutter in your chest as you brushed his warm skin. It was beautiful, understated and too precious for you to keep.
"This was your aunt's? I can't take this, Ominis."
"Why ever not? Please, I wish you to have it."
The large opal in the centre of the locket glittered in the waning light, and you turned it over to run your fingers over the Gaunt family crest with a sigh. Returning your gaze to your dear friend, you noticed he finally seemed at peace; his hands clasped in front of him and face relaxed with no hint of a frown.
He been so eager to gift this to you, for reasons you couldn't fathom. His cloudy blue eyes held no answers, but you searched them anyway as your heart raced and a blush crept onto your cheeks. Ominis had always been generous in how he bestowed thoughtful gestures, though you now realised that you'd been their only recipient.
"This is...this is a family heirloom, Ominis. I know you don't care much for your family traditions but..."
"That is exactly the point, you see. I had hoped that one day you...," he trailed off, seemingly unable to finish his train of thought. "Take it with you, so that perhaps you might think of me. When you return I'll be waiting. You may return it then, unless of course you'd prefer not to."
You almost laughed at the thought of needing a trinket to think of him. You'd be thinking of him regardless, though you were no longer sure exactly how. Was he just a friend if the thought of being apart from him illicited such a deep sense of dread? That the jewellery now clasped tightly in your palm radiated comfort and quelled the longing which you already anticipated?
He cared enough to give you something so precious, which spoke volumes of his character and how he really felt for you. You'd been blind to his affections until this moment, and the sharp inhale of breath you took as the realisation hit you sent a ripple through the air between you.
"Do you understand?" Ominis asked quietly.
"Yes, I do."
You stepped towards him, gently brushing the back of his hand as he tilted his head towards the sound of your heavy breathing. Picking up his his hand, you turned it over and placed the locket in his palm, a pained expression crossing his face until you spoke.
"Could you help me put it on?"
Ominis smiled in relief, feeling the chain to find the delicate clasp as you turned to face away from him, exposing your neck. His featherlight touch glided over your exposed skin, tracing your spine before circling around to the side as he brought the necklace in front of you. Your fingertips glided over the opal as it lay perfectly just below your collarbone, turning back towards Ominis and gasping at how close he'd become.
"Ominis, I don't need this to think of you, but I'll take it with me," you whispered.
"Thank you. It's comforting to know you'll have something of me."
"May I ask for something else to take with me?" you asked, a sudden boldness overcoming you.
"Of course, what is it?" Ominis replied, tilting his head in question.
"A kiss."
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james-is-here · 3 months
This inspired what you're about to read
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Mn always came home to a dark apartment. It wasn't that he disliked light; he just often worked late and by the time he got home, he was too tired to bother with the small effort of turning on the lights immediately. The familiarity of his surroundings in the dim glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains was usually enough to guide him. But tonight, as he fumbled for the switch, he felt a strange twinge of unease.
As the light flickered on, Mn nearly jumped out of his skin. Sitting silently on the couch, shrouded in darkness, was Minho. Mn's heart pounded against his ribs.
"Minho! What the-?" Mn's voice came out as a yell. He clutched his chest, trying to steady his breath. "Why are you just sitting here in the dark?"
Minho didn't answer immediately. He stood up slowly, his expression unreadable, and began walking towards Mn. The kitchen light behind Mn flickered off abruptly, plunging them into near darkness again. Mn sighed heavily, turning back towards the kitchen.
"Hold on, let me fix that," Mn muttered, stepping away to flick the switch again. But before he could, the room was plunged into pitch darkness.
When the light snapped back on, Minho was gone. Instead, a glittering cloud of black smoke hung in the air where he had been. Mn’s unease turned into a cold spike of fear.
"Minho?" Mn whispered, his voice shaking.
A tap on his shoulder made him whirl around, heart in his throat. There, standing behind him, was Seungmin.
"Seungmin! Where- where did Minho go?" Mn stammered.
Before Seungmin could answer, the kitchen light flickered again. In Seungmin's place was Minho, his expression still calm but now with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Mn's fear escalated to panic, and he stumbled back, only to bump into Seungmin again.
Mn's legs gave way, and he tripped over his own feet, falling into the living room. His eyes darted between his boyfriends, who now stood side by side, their forms flickering with each intermittent flash of the light.
"What is happening?" Mn demanded, his voice cracking. "Explain yourselves right now!"
Minho and Seungmin exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them before they turned back to Mn.
"Mn," Minho began gently, "we need to explain something to you."
"We're Fadewalkers," Seungmin continued. "We, and some of our friends, have this ability to move through shadows and flicker between places almost instantaneously."
Mn stared at them, his mind struggling to grasp the concept. "Fadewalkers?" he echoed. "What does that even mean?"
"It's a bit complicated," Minho said with a small smile. "But basically, we can manipulate shadows and darkness. It's a power we've had for as long as we can remember."
Mn took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "So, you're saying you're some sort of supernatural beings?"
"Yes," Seungmin nodded. "But we're still the same people you know and love. This is just a part of who we are."
Mn looked at them, the initial shock and fear slowly ebbing away. It was a lot to take in, but as he gazed at Minho and Seungmin, he saw the same warmth and affection in their eyes that he always had.
"Okay," Mn said finally, exhaling deeply. "I guess I can accept that. But why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"We didn't want to scare you," Minho said, stepping closer and taking Mn's hand. "We thought it was better to ease you into it."
"And you chose to do that by scaring me half to death?" Mn retorted, a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself.
Seungmin laughed. "It's kind of a thing among us. We like to use our powers to play harmless pranks on each other."
Mn chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, you certainly succeeded in scaring me. But just so you know, if you keep this up, I might have to break up with both of you."
Minho and Seungmin laughed, and Minho pulled Mn into a warm embrace. "We'll try to keep the scares to a minimum," he promised.
"Good," Mn replied, relaxing into the hug. "Because as fascinating and interesting as Fadewalkers are, I prefer my boyfriends to be a little less ghostly."
With the light now steady, Mn felt a sense of peace settle over him. His boyfriends might have supernatural abilities, but at the end of the day, they were still his Minho and Seungmin, the same men he loved. And that was all that mattered.
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crazycurly-77 · 2 months
The bet - Chapter 1 
Once again you were in the lab with Abby, because your special access to the databases of other agencies were needed. 
As always when you were working together you laughed and joked all the time. You had quite a good time together, but worked hard nonetheless. 
Mainly you were sitting in the bullpen to assist McGee, if needed. But from time to time you were to help Abby in the lab. The two of you cherished these moments, because you had so much fun together and most of the time you could work without any orders from Gibbs or the director. 
You made it a habit that everytime you work together you will bet with each other. The last time you decided on the bet and this time it was Abby's turn. She chose a really nasty one and she was laughing her ass off. 
“Abby you're mad” you laughed. 
“Nononono, I'm not. That's my getting back at you for having to wear a pink glittering gown for a whole day!”
You smirked “you didn't have to do it” 
“Yes, I had to! Because there's no way that I will go shopping with Sheila so she can talk my ears off! This bet was a real bitchy one.”
Now you laughed so hard that tears were running down your cheeks. Sheila was a really nice girl, but she definitely talked too much. 
In fact she was a real wonder, because she seemed to be able to talk all the while without needing any breath of air. Fascinating. 
Abby grinned at you and you saw her imaginary devil's horns coming out of her head. Then she began slowly to talk
“since you presented me with such a mean bet, here's my revenge. You have to kiss Gibbs. If you do it, I won't drink any Caf-Pow for a day. If you don't, you have to watch all three Godfather movies in one go with Tony.”
You were shocked and your blood froze “that's a joke. You can't be serious.”
“Oh yes, I'm dead serious. That's the bet!” 
You blanched and your thoughts were racing. There was no way that you would survive a whole movie night with Tony watching these films. He will say every word that is said in the film and drive you crazy. 
The other option was not better in any way. Kissing your sexy silver fox boss on whom you had a crush on…that would be so embarrassing!
“That's not funny. You know exactly that I wouldn't survive watching these films with Tony!” you tried to argue. 
She smirked widely “yeah, I know. That's why I chose it.”
“Why? Because you wanted to see me dead or arrested for killing him?” you grumbled. 
“No, I want you to kiss Gibbs” she laughed. “And just to be clear: you have to kiss him fully on the mouth. A kiss on the cheek or somewhere else doesn't count.”
You looked at her absolutely dumbfounded and could only speak one word “why?” 
“I have my reasons.”
“Are you insane?” 
Before Abby could make any noise a deep voice from behind you was heard “do you want any answer to your question?” 
Gibbs strolled into the lab and stood right behind the two of you. 
He was in so close proximity that you could smell the sawdust, the coffee he was holding and himself. 
Abby grinned at you and you closed your eyes taking a deep breath to compose yourself. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it would jump out of your chest at any moment. 
The challenge from Abby did nothing to sooth you. No, on the contrary. It caused you to nearly jump out of your skin hearing him so near and him being so near that his shoulder was touching yours so that your hands began to sweat profusely. 
“Whatever you two are planning…Abby, you have anything new?” he asked. 
“No, the fingerprints are not in any navy database. That's why Y/N is here. We are searching further databases and she has the access to do so.”
“Good. Phone me when you've found something,” he ordered and went to the elevator. 
“Will do!” Abby chirped and sipped on her new Caf-Pow which Gibbs brought her. 
With him being gone you let out the breath you were unknowingly holding and tried to calm down. 
“You've missed a chance” you heard Abby telling you. 
You turned around “a chance for what? Embarrassing myself and losing my job?” you were slowly getting angry because you didn't know what to do. 
“Oh! So Tony it will be?!” 
You shrugged your shoulders
“I don't know. I have to think about both options.”
“I am excited about what you will choose.”
She smirked and turned to her computer to go on with the analysis.
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
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Ride On - A Rio/Reader Smut Drabble.
Because my gorgeous @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna​ put this idea into my head! She did originally ask for Manny (Mayans MC) but since I pledged to write more for Rio, I chose him instead.
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Words - 366
Warnings - Smut Below the cut, minors DNI!
In his every day life, Rio is boss. Unquestionably so. He’s the top dog, the one in charge, everyone answerable to him, in his position of power. And he doesn’t deviate from such a role easily. 
Unless you happen to be involved in said deviation, though. 
“You enjoying yourself there, mamas, riding on this big dick?” he pants, hands grasping your butt as you send feverish jolts through his body, rolling your hips rhythmically against him, the soaking velvet hug of your cunt sheathing him in plush heat. 
You nails graze over his short beard, trailing the eagle tattoo across his throat, nodding as you lean to kiss him. “Oh yeah, big man. You know it. How about you, hmm? You liking letting me be the boss for a while, hmm?” 
He hums a rumbling laugh, pushing you back slightly, mouth kissing a constellation across your tits. “Yeah,” he breathes, sucking on your nipple, moving his mouth to the other, bathing it in wet warmth, a hint of teeth giving just the right edge of pain to pulse through your chest. “I never mind my lady being the big boss in the bedroom.” His eyes find yours, those glittering, coal orbs looking up at you with uncontained desire, kissing you hotly, biting your lower lip and letting it glide out from between his sharp teeth. “Does the boss have any demands?”
“She does,” you confirm. “You’re gonna suck my tits while I ride this orgasm out of you.” 
He gives you a little salute. “Consider it done, darlin’.” Pushing you back again, his mouth once again finds the pebbled peaks of your nipples, sucking hard, biting, tongue swirling as you grind yourself down on the thick heat of his cock, feeling it slide effortlessly within your soaking pussy, gripping on him, evoking rumbles of pure sin from deep in his chest. 
He groans, all smoke and grit, teeth clamping on harder. “Fuck yeah, baby. God damnit, you fuck me so good.”
And that’s the job of a boss, to get things done better than anyone else. This is why Rio never, ever has any problems with letting you take charge of him from time to time. 
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itsohh · 8 months
Popstar MK1 Intros
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A/N: Now I've finished off Electra Heart heres some intros set after it. This focus's on popstar reader being in costume when they come to fight + them still being in their relationship with Johnny.
Fighters: Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Smoke, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung
Warnings: None
Intros Part 1 Electra Heart
Johnny: Oh ho-ho-ho gotta say babe that is a great look on you. I always said that the big screen never captured how truly hot I am but I think it also applies to you.
You: Eyes up here Johnathan. I'm not a doll for you to gawk at.
Johnny: Oh fuck that's hot.
Johnny: After this can I eat-
You: Not another word.
Johnny: Ooo you're so dominant in character, should wear that to bed. I might even leave a little bit on you at the end of the night.
You: Hmp.
You: Wait-wait-wait. Ah fuck lemme take these heel's off I can't keep fighting in costume. This was made to sing in no fight.
Johnny: Hey, hey if your feet are hurting go for it. There's no rush, I can wait. Last thing I want is you hurting.
Johnny: Have you written any songs about me perhaps?
You: Oh this is kind of embarrassing, but try an album.
Kenshi: Flashy.
You: And impractical.
Kenshi: When I see you like this it really makes me realize how much you and Johnny are a match made in heaven.
You: Kenshi you're literally blind.
Kenshi: I think any blind man can see how bright the sequins are on that dress.
Kenshi: Why the name Nightingale?
You: It's a long story.
Kenshi: You always say your stage self is a character you play but I've yet to hear any difference.
You: That's ‘cause that shits embarrassing off stage. I can get away with Johnny because… I mean look at him.
Kenshi: Johnny said you wrote an album about him. He hasn't shut up about it.
You: Yeah might have dropped the ball confessing that one.
Smoke: Woah I can't believe your- woah.
You: I'm surprised you're familiar with my work actually.
Smoke: Of course, it's a bit of a guilty pleasure but I loved your second album.
You: You know if you're ever free your welcome to tag along to one of my concerts and hit up backstage or front row whatever you prefer.
Smoke: Really?
You: Anytime! I always let my friends hang out.
Smoke: Your outfit is more stunning in person than I could have possibly imagined.
You: Yeah but the glitter gets everywhere.
Smoke: I remember your fourth album got scrapped, how come?
You: My fucking manager rejected it. Too off brand.
Smoke: Johnny's always talking about bad managers, have you tried talking to him about your situation.
You: ...I haven't. My manager isn't terrible but maybe I should.
You: The timeline you come from, was I like this?
Liu Kang: Admittedly I didn't know you very well.
You: Were we not friends in your timeline? Is that why titan me didn't answer your summon?
Liu Kang: You died man years prior, you were forced to come back only to see Johnny mourning his second wife.
You: So me and Johnny have always been together?
Liu Kang: That I don't know.
You: Am I destined to die again? So that Johnny can remarry?
Liu Kang: That is not what I have planned for you.
Liu Kang: In my timeline you were always in costume. You fought dressed like this all the time.
You: Fuck that. I can barely get through one fight in these shoes.
You: Why change up my destiny? Why not make Johnny happy with his second wife?
Liu Kang: I didn't decide on who you should love. I might have put you in the right place at the right time but that was all you.
Shang Tsung: Well well, this is certainly a change.
You: Don't worry, you're still the king of costumes you fucking snake.
Shang Tsung: You wound me dear.
Shang Tsung: It's a shame you chose to work with these imbeciles-
You: Don't even bother trying to manipulate me. I've been in Hollywood long enough.
You: At least I'll look good, at least I'll look good-
Shang Tsung: What are you mumbling? Don't be afraid to speak up. I don't bite- hard.
Shang Tsung: It's curious the way your people worship you, for music alone…
You: You could always give it up and come a musician instead of the whole ‘murdering everyone with souls’ thing you do.
Shang Tsung: Hahaha, you truly are an entertainer aren't you?
You: Let's get this over and done with.
Shang Tsung: So eager to meet your demise?
You: Had a long concert today- kinda wanna go nap.
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rjthirsty · 1 month
Hi! I'm working on prompts from this list to challenge myself in a variety of ways. I'd ultimately like to actually make a 100-word drabble, as I haven't managed that yet. A friend picked two characters, and my lovely wife chose #14. I present:
Jin and Leon in “I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
Leon twisted the jeweled wedding band between his fingers. When the sinking sun hit it right, the room glittered with rainbows. An awfully beautiful spectacle for what was meant as an awfully ugly message. She was gone. Emma had left. She gave up her name, title, and marriage, and disappeared into the night. Leaving Leon brooding alone with the ring that he had made so many promises on. So many promises that he couldn’t keep.
Suddenly, an empty glass appeared hazy in his line of sight, his vision adjusting to focus on it, and the recipient who he hadn’t heard enter his study. Jin opened a bottle of liquor, filling the glass on the desk, and one more that Leon hadn’t noticed. Jin silently pushed the glass towards Leon, then sipped from his own.
“Do you know where she is?” Leon locked his eyes on his older brother, the one who could get intel from just about anyone, on just about anyone.
“I wouldn’t tell you even if I did.” Jin answered.
“Jin, this is my wife we’re talking about–”
“Not anymore.” Jin nudged the glass towards Leon again.
Leon glared at Jin. He knew his anger was misplaced. He knew he was truly angry at himself, at this mess he was in, at the way everything turned out. He knew Jin was just being the brother he was, trying to help him deal and move on. But he didn’t want to move on.
“She’s gone, Leon.”
“I know! I know she is!” He growled, raising his voice to let out some of his emotions that were suffocating him, that were clouding his thoughts and casting shadows on his heart. “And I know she’s not coming back. But god dammit, Jin, I wish for once she wouldn’t be so stubborn. If she could only change, if she could just–”
“You mean like you’ve changed?” Jin kept his voice cool and even.
There it was. The shot through the heart. The reason for it all. He hadn’t really changed. He hadn’t become the man he had promised to be. He was still the same Leon. Still stubborn and still taking on everyone on his own. If he had changed… If he had simply relied on her…
“We were too similar. I know that’s why she’s gone.”
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wild-karrde · 9 months
One Step at a Time - Part 15
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Master List | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: I have been SO EXCITED for this chapter, and also INCREDIBLY NERVOUS, but HERE IT IS! As always, thank you to the stupendous @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta reading this for me!
Chapter Rating: M
Warnings: language, mention of suicide, mention of character death, grief
Word Count: 8.4k words
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Chuckles didn’t go back to the Starlight.
He didn’t have any idea where his feet were carrying him until he slid onto a stool in the tiny excuse of a cantina the settlement had. As far as he knew, the place had at least three different names, and he’d never been certain which one was the official one. It always seemed to reek of death sticks and sweat, and it attracted mostly miners, leaving smears of dust from their boots across the floor. It wasn’t much, but the camaraderie and feel of the place reminded him of 79s, although the clone bar had definitely been cleaner, even on its worst days.
He wasn’t sure why he’d come here. Throughout his training and the war, he’d had more than enough medical droids warn him against drinking with a concussion, and he’d been stupid enough to ignore that advice only once. The worst hangover of his life combined with the exceptionally loud ass-chewing Crater had given him were enough to ensure he never would make that mistake again. His captain hadn’t normally been one to raise his voice, but he suspected the volume of the reprimand had been part of the punishment. 
Maybe he wanted to be around people, to blend into a crowd. 
Unfortunately, the place was mostly empty. 
Should have guessed that. Could have if my head wasn’t throbbing. 
Only two other patrons were there, tucked into corner booths. Normally, you couldn’t hear the music coming from the rundown player in the corner, but tonight, the notes easily carried across the cantina, cutting through the silence even at their low volume. 
Chuck chose a seat at the far end of the bar, away from the other patrons. He hadn’t gotten a good enough look to determine who they were, but he didn’t want to sit close enough to encourage conversation. Just because he wanted to be around people didn’t mean he actually wanted to interact with them. 
He just didn’t want to feel alone. 
Even with the concussion, he was thinking clearly enough to know he wasn’t ready to go back to the Starlight, to the kids he didn’t have answers for, to the sheets that still smelled like the woman that had just told him killing those kids and the use of inhibitor chips were justified. 
Did she actually say that though?
Chuckles folded his hands and stabbed his thumbs into the crease between his brows, his eyes squeezed shut. 
Stop trying to give her an out. 
He’d always been one to try and justify, to rationalize someone’s bad intentions away in favor of some less malicious reasoning. Crater had teased him about his optimism, but if he was honest, the majority of that optimism had died with Crater and most of his squad. 
But this was Endi. She loved kids, or she at least seemed to tolerate them better than most. She loved to teach. She baked the best desserts he’d ever had. Sunlight sparkled in her eyes and her laugh sounded like music. She was gentle and kind and soft and sweet, and the person he believed her to be simply did not match the woman he’d sat next to tonight. The two women were incompatible in every way, and yet they were the same, and no amount of spin or mental contortions would change the fact that she was a danger to Arni and Nita, a danger to him. 
How did I not see it?
His mind was still churning when he felt someone sit down next to him heavily. He ignored them for a moment before he felt a nudge in his shoulder. 
“I expected a better welcome,” Anj croaked. “You’d think I hadn’t almost died today.” 
He huffed mirthlessly as he tried not to stare. Anj’s head was wrapped in a wad of bandages that hid one eye. The other eye still glittered brightly but sported a massive bruise around the socket, and the cut on her cheek had been bandaged. The arm she had injured was in a sling, and he could see that two of her fingers were splinted. Every movement she made felt slow and carefully calculated, and he’d seen enough injured brothers to be able to see what body parts she was favoring or trying to keep away from scrutiny. In his estimate, she had at least a few injured ribs as well, an ankle that was giving her trouble, and she had all of the same muscle soreness he did. 
If she noticed him tallying her injuries, she didn’t comment. Instead, with her good hand, she slid him an unlabeled green bottle across the worn wooden bartop.
 “It was Lu’s. He kept the strongest stuff in town.” She sighed, her voice breaking slightly. “‘S not strong enough for this, though.” 
Chuckles rolled the bottle between his hands, examining the amber liquid inside. He wasn’t certain she wanted him to ask how she got it. So he didn’t.
“I can’t drink this right now.” He tapped his temple. “Concussed.”
She scoffed, taking the bottle back. “More for me then, I suppose.”
A glass of water brushed Chuckles’s knuckles, and he glanced up to see the barkeep standing on the other side of the counter, watching him carefully. He’d never been certain what species they were and figured it would be rude to guess, but they were at least visibly humanoid, a handful of centimeters taller than Chuck with dark skin and even darker eyes. Their shock of pink hair was woven into tight braids that hung down their back to their waist, and silver piercings sparkled from their nose and ears. They went by Mona and normally, they met their patrons with a smile and joke, but tonight, he could see sadness and sympathy in their eyes. 
Word’s gotten around about what happened.
“Thanks Mona,” he rasped. 
“Let me know if you need more. Anything for you, Anj?” 
The Nautolan raised the bottle she was drinking from wordlessly, and Mona took it, sniffing before wrinkling their nose. 
“I’d normally tell you to take outside shit back outside, but that’s Lu’s isn’t it?” 
Anj nodded, her eyes falling to the wooden bartop. 
“His stuff always could take the lining off your stomach,” Mona said softly, their deep voice suddenly more gravelly. “I’m sorry.”
Anj just nodded again, and Chuckles could see her swallow hard, her teeth digging into her lower lip as her thumb rubbed over the bottle. Mona met Chuck’s eyes one more time before slipping out of view. 
“How’s Hells?” Chuckles asked, hoping the news would be good enough to bring Anj up a little.
“She’ll live. Lost a lot of blood, but we… we got her there in time. A few more minutes, and we’d be having a very different conversation.” 
Chuckles fought off a shudder at the possibility that they’d eluded. 
She’s alive. She’s ok.
“She may never walk unaided again though.” The statement was forced out through gritted teeth, and Anj’s voice broke on the end of the last word. 
“But she’ll walk,” Chuckles said softly. 
“Yeah. Yeah, she will.” Anj rasped with a soft, pained laugh. “Once she woke up, she was already chattering about what sort of cane she’d want, and how I shouldn’t worry because it will make her that much more interesting.” She took a swig from the bottle, hardly flinching at the harshness of the liquor inside. “Her first thought was to comfort me, as if I was the one that almost lost her leg today. As if I was the one that almost bled out in her arms.” She sniffed. “Like I always say, she’s a kindness I never accounted for in my life.”
“Petal?” Chuckles prompted after a moment.
Anj sighed, dropping her voice low as if someone might hear. “The first time she… she touched my face, it was so gentle. I flinched because of my previous partner, but Helly was slow and patient with me. She never pushed me, but it made me want to let her have more of me.” She paused. “There was a tree on one of the small islands near where I grew up on Glee Anselm. I can’t even remember if the island had a name now, but I remember the tree. It would bloom every spring with these pale pink blossoms, and towards summer, it would drop the petals when the wind would pick up. My sister and I loved to run and dance in them when it happened, and that sensation of the petals grazing my cheek, that’s what Helly made me think of the first time she touched my face. So, she’s Petal to me.” 
“Execute Order 66.”
The memory of the tree in the Jedi temple gardens slammed into Chuckles, and tears leapt into his eyes. He swallowed hard, burying that moment of peace and the violence that had followed. 
“That’s… that’s really beautiful, Anj,” he croaked out. 
“So is she,” the Nautolan replied, seemingly not noticing his turmoil or chalking it up to the day they’d both had. 
They sat in silence for a while. Chuckles had a million questions he wanted to ask Anj, but he wasn’t sure if now was the time. She was clearly grieving, and the day’s events had taken a toll on them both. 
But I need to know. I need to know so I can protect the kids. 
“Why’d he do it?” 
The question was out of his mouth before he could overthink it. The Nautolan didn’t meet his gaze, locking her dark eye on the shelves at the back of the bar as if the half-empty bottles were suddenly the most interesting thing in the universe. 
“What makes you think I know?” Her tone was slow, deliberate, just like his had been when he’d been trying to disentangle himself from Endi an hour before. 
“Hells said something in the mine. That she didn’t think he’d do something. That you both didn’t think it.” 
Anj shrugged, taking a drink before answering. 
“Helly was delirious with pain. She didn’t know what she was saying. Surprised she could even get a coherent sentence strung together.”
“Anjii.” Annoyance flared within Chuckles. He leaned closer, dropping his voice low. “I need you to tell me what you know. I need to keep my kids safe, and I can’t do that if I don’t have all the information. I need to know what you know, otherwise you’re putting Arni and Nita in danger.”
Anj said nothing for a moment, but a muscle in her jaw ticked in anger. Her eye darted around the bar one last time, ensuring no one was listening to them before she lowered her voice. 
“I’ve done a hell of a lot to keep your kids safe, Chuckles. More than you’ll ever know.” Her unbandaged eye finally met his, piercing even in the dim lighting. “And I did it without you having to tell me anything you didn’t want to. Even though you didn’t trust me fully.” 
Chuckles shrank back in his seat, his heart thundering in his chest. Anj’s expression softened as she took his reaction in. His mind raced, rapid thoughts bouncing off the pounding throb behind his eyes.
She knows. We have to get out of here. 
He stood. Anj’s good hand clamped around his forearm. 
“Sit,” she hissed. “If you run now, you’ll only make this worse. There’ll be questions. Now, sit.” 
Chuckles stood still, his mind scrambling to pull a stream of logical thoughts together, but panic overwhelmed him. 
What does she know? Who else knows? How long do we have?
“Sit. Down.” 
He sat. 
Anj watched him for a moment before casting another cautious glance around. She leaned in closer, her voice slightly above a whisper.
“The day we helped move the kids down to the hold, Arni ran back up to get one more thing out of the bunk. Now, I was holding the last armful of knick-knacks, so that struck me as odd, but kids sometimes have things stashed, so I thought nothing of it. They came back a few minutes later with something shoved up under their shirt. I didn’t press, but they stumbled on the last step, and that metallic something clattered out onto the floor. I turned, and they were hurriedly shoving it back out of view.” Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “I’ve seen many weapons in my time, Chuck. Several of the variety they were carrying, although never up close.”
Their lightsaber. She saw their lightsaber.
Chuckles felt like the bottom of his stomach was going to drop out. His mind frantically raced, trying and failing to come up with a believable explanation as to why an eleven-year-old would have a Jedi weapon.
She raised her hand to cut him off. “I turned away, and as far as they know and as far as I’m concerned, I never saw it. Got it?” 
He nodded, unable to formulate words. 
Her eye was flicking over every centimeter of his face, taking in his reaction, watching him process the new information. Finally, she spoke again. 
“I need you to understand that you can trust me. That there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you and your kids safe. Hells knows too. I couldn’t keep it from her. She knows me too well. But there are people that you’re close to that wouldn’t do the same.”
“I know about Endi,” he said quietly. 
Anj’s mouth drew into a thin line. 
“Ah,” was all she said. 
“I mean, I didn’t know, not until tonight,” he stumbled. “I thought… I don’t know what I thought, but it wasn’t that. I just… that’s why I’m here. And not at home. I don’t understand what happened, and I don’t have answers.” He scrubbed his hands over his face before tugging gently on his mohawk. “Why didn’t you tell me about her?” 
A look of guilt clouded Anj’s features. She rolled her shoulders, rolling the bottle between her hands. “Thought you’d see it on your own eventually. And I wasn’t sure how to intervene without telling you what I knew. I wasn’t sure how you’d react to me knowing something you didn’t want me to.” 
“It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you, Anj,” he rasped, his throat suddenly tightening on him. “I wanted to. The kids love you and Hells. I just… the last place we were at, I told people. And then those people had to lie for us, and that put them in danger. And I… I didn’t want to do that to you.” 
“You wanted to tell her.”
“I did,” he gritted out. “Almost did tonight. Thank the Maker she told me where she stood first.” 
Anj was quiet for a moment. “There wasn’t much about the war that made it out here. Lots of folks have to just believe what they see on the feeds. That’s all we get out here.” 
“You know better.”
“I do. But I wasn’t always on Lothal.” 
Chuckles paused. “You said you saw… a weapon like Arni’s before.”
Anj nodded, taking another deep pull from the bottle, drawing her lips back from her teeth in a grimace as the liquor burned her insides. “I did. Was in Chaleydonia on Christophsis when the war broke out. The Separatists moved in quick, and then there was a siege and a battle, and I decided I wanted no part of it, so I headed for Lothal. Seemed like it wouldn’t see much action, and my bet paid off. Well, until now, I suppose.” 
“And that was enough? To make you see things differently about the Jedi?”
Anj shrugged again. “I don’t claim to understand the ins and outs of everything that happened politically at that time. But I do know what the Jedi meant to people. Growing up, we were taught that they were peacekeepers. The stuff of legends, really. And regardless of how much of that was true or not, I don’t see how killing off all of them did anyone a lick of good.” She shivered slightly, and her grip tightened around the bottle, now only about half full. Her voice dropped even lower. 
“I’m no fan of the Empire. Wasn’t that big on the Republic either, but they at least felt like they tried at times. The Empire just seems keen to get as much power as they can and quash any naysayers. And all that about the Jedi? I don’t know everything, but I cannot imagine a galaxy that would be better off without Arni and Nita existing.” 
Chuckles’s vision blurred, and his voice cracked. He sniffed hard. “Me either.” 
He felt Anj’s eye on him and turned to meet her gaze. More questions were looming in her expression, and he could guess what they were. 
You can trust her. You know you can. 
He took a deep breath. 
“My chip didn’t work,” he said softly. “I was still in service at the end of the war. I’d gone to the temple to see someone, and that’s when all hell broke loose. I-I saw them, my brothers, killing Jedi, killing children.” His hands were shaking, and he folded them together, clasping tightly to keep the tremors in check. “I found the kids and got them out. At first I thought… I thought it had to be Seppies. That they’d gotten ahold of clone armor and snuck in. There was no universe in which I could fathom them doing that.”
“So the chips were real?”
“I think so. Never got any official confirmation, but when the order was given, there was a sharp pain in my head, like something trying to activate, crazy as that may sound.” His fingers drifted up to graze the place on his scalp where he’d felt that stabbing pressure that day. “I just… they’d never have done that, Anj. Not without something making them.”
“Why didn’t yours work?”
He huffed a laugh. “The only thing I can figure is too many concussions. I’ve come down on that place on my head at least twice. Best guess is I’ve damaged it. So I kept my wits about me by sheer dumb luck.”
Anj chuckled quietly. “So your concussions saved your life. And theirs.” She extended the lip of the bottle towards the rim of his water glass. 
“It’s bad luck to toast with water,” he mumbled. 
“You think we haven’t used up all the bad luck today?”
Chuckles huffed at that, clinking his glass of water against her bottle. “Luck didn’t have much to do with it.”
“Oh, I think we’re luckier than you know,” Anj said softly. 
The Nautolan sighed deeply, clearly still wrestling with how much to tell him. Finally, she gingerly turned, fishing a piece of folded flimsi out of her back pocket and placing it on the bar top. She drummed her fingers on it, still thinking until finally, she let out a long, slow exhale. 
“Judging by the fact that you’re still sitting here and not halfway to hyperspace, I’m going to assume you’ve decided to trust me with your secret. At least, I’m hoping you’re not going to kill me after we leave here.” Her lip was curled into a nervous smirk. 
“Thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. Plus, I think I still like your odds, even with one arm in a sling,” he joked with a pained wink. 
Anj relaxed slightly. “Right. Well, then it’s only fair I put my trust in you.” She tapped the paper. “This was in the breast pocket of the shirt you had on. Hells was still clutching it when they brought her into the med tent.” 
His brow furrowed in confusion. “I didn’t have anything in that pocket.” 
“It’s from Lu.” 
Chuckles’s blood pounded in his ears as his brain raced back to the moments just before the explosion. He remembered Lu’s expression, the way he’d awkwardly patted Chuck’s chest, just above the pocket. 
“Karking hells,” he swore quietly. 
“I’m going to tell you what I know about Lu,” Anj continued, as if she hadn’t heard him. “And then you and I are gonna read this together. I tried. I couldn’t do it. It’s addressed to you. And I just can’t do it.” 
Chuckles nodded slowly. “Alright.” 
Anj studied the bottle between her hands, and he could see she was steeling herself for what she was about to share. He propped his feet on the bar stool and faced forward, occasionally glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. He knew she’d speak when she was ready, and he didn’t want to stare at her or the folded note sitting next to her elbow. Finally, she spoke, her voice gravelly and grief-stricken. 
“Lu was like you and I,” she rasped tightly. “Has a past he’s running from. His homeworld was one of the first to have the Empire clamp a manacle on it. Entire cities occupied with patrols in the streets, picking people up for silly things like being out past curfew. Lu and a few others didn’t take kindly to that and raised a bit of hell about it. Most of his friends got locked up, but Lu had his twin sister Cilli and her family depending on him, so he managed to get out and ran here. He’s been lying low, sending money home to Cilli and her kids. They were close. Real close. Their parents died young, so they’ve been looking out for one another ever since. Cilli’s second pregnancy was so hard, and her man cut and ran when things got tough, so Lu stepped up.” Anj paused to take another swig from the bottle, wincing slightly. “Someone got a message to Lu yesterday. The Empire found out Cilli was getting credits from him. Not sure how. He was so careful, running the credits through all sorts of different places to make sure it didn’t trace back to him. But someone figured it out, and the Imperials classified that as conspiring with a traitor to the Empire. Apparently they take their treason quite seriously, and they raided the house. With detonators.” 
She paused to let out a shuddering breath. 
“The kids were inside, and they didn’t care. Kids. Gone in an instant. They were closest to the door. As you can imagine, Cilli didn’t take it lying down, not after seeing her babies die. From what it sounds like, she went out with a blaster in her hand and a curse on her lips.” 
Anj’s head was down, her tendrils hiding her face. Chuckles could still hear her quivering exhales. The blood was drained from her knuckles, and it was a wonder the bottle in her hand hadn’t shattered in her grip.
“I commed Lu to give him a heads up about the inspectors yesterday, and when he didn’t answer, I went over to check on him. He’s normally pretty responsive, so it struck me as odd. When I got there, I could tell right away something was wrong. He was quiet, more quiet than usual, but there was a tremor in his hands and an anger I could just feel rolling off of him. I finally pressed enough for him to tell me, and when he started talking, it was like he couldn’t stop the words. I told him to take the week off, to not do anything rash. But the minute I saw him today, I knew he hadn’t listened.” 
Chuckles chewed the inside of his cheek as he turned the information over in his head. He certainly understood that anger that Lu had felt. There had absolutely been days where he’d felt the losses so deeply that he’d considered burning everything down. 
The difference is you didn’t. Because your remaining brothers would have faced the consequences.  
“Anger and grief are a deadly combination,” he murmured bitterly. “Keeps you from thinking clearly. And that’s when you put the other people you care about in danger.” 
Anj’s head snapped up, and her eye pierced into him fiercely. 
“Watch your tongue.”
He glared back at her, taking a sip of his water. “He brought the damn shaft down on us, Anj. He almost killed us too. I get his anger, trust me, I do. But I would never have done something that could have gotten others I cared about hurt.”
“And Lu didn’t either,” she snarled under her breath. 
“How do you figure?” 
She sighed, picking at the edge of one of her bandages. 
“I didn’t know the reason for the inspection until this morning. The new shaft was pushed for by the Empire in order to meet their quotas, so they provided small mining corporations with some of the construction materials as incentives to expand. Every screw and strut and gear in that shaft comes from Imperial factories, and apparently, that means they’re built by the lowest bidder.” She scoffed angrily. “Jerrno got notice from some of his partners that the inspectors were coming to look at the construction of the shaft. Apparently, they’ve been making the rounds, claiming shafts aren’t being constructed properly, but they’re just covering their own asses. The beams we were supplied with can’t hold what they’re spec’ed to. Another mine saw a collapse last month, and the inspectors came out and blamed the corp and their construction processes. But when they tested out a few of the extra beams they had leftover, they found the struts didn’t even come close to being as durable as they were supposed to be.” 
Chuckles nodded slowly as she met his gaze once more, her voice quieter. 
“Lu was the best damn demolitions expert I’ve ever seen. He could blow a mite off a massiff without waking it up. He had no way of knowing about the fucking beams. Teef was filling me in right when Lu walked in.” Her voice broke. “You think what you want, but I believe Lu just wanted to take out the shaft and inspectors, not bring the entire cliff down on us. That collapse was far too uncontrolled for one of his explosions.” 
Her fist tightened around the neck of the bottle, and the muscle in her jaw twitched angrily again.
 “They weren’t even going to tell us about the beams. The inspectors just strolled in this morning without so much as a ‘hello’ or ‘fuck you’. They were just gonna tell us it was our fault. Probably still will.” 
She drained the bottle, tossing it into a bin at the back of the bar before she turned to face Chuckles again. 
“Lu didn’t almost kill us, but the Empire sure did.” 
Chuckles let out a long, shuddering breath. All of the anger and resentment he felt leaked out of him, and grief swiftly settled into its place. Of course Lu hadn’t meant to hurt them, not the Lu that had held Nita’s hand or listened to Arni babble on for hours, not the Lu that had quietly showed up with furniture for the kids’ room and watched with a quiet smile as they squealed over it. There was almost a relief for Chuckles, to let the pieces fall into place and find that the Nikto he’d known was the same person he’d always thought he was, the confirmation that Lu was the Lu he’d seemed to be. 
It still felt as though he’d lost two people today, Lu and the Endi he thought he’d known, and he grieved them both. Tears streamed from his eyes, and he wiped at them hurriedly, sniffling hard. 
“I’m so sorry, Anj.” 
“You had no way of knowing,” she croaked. “I just… I know he’s going to get branded as a terrorist, an unhinged and dangerous and cruel man.” 
It’s already happening, Chuckles thought, Endi’s words echoing in his mind. 
“But we know better,” Anj continued. “We knew him.” 
“We did,” Chuckles agreed. Quietly, he reached over for the note. Anj didn’t move. Taking a deep breath, he unfolded the paper. 
I can’t give this to Anj or Hells. They’ll know immediately and stop me. So I’m sorry, but it has to be you. I know you may not get my reasoning, and that’s fine, but I know you’ll understand wanting to keep loved ones safe, and the anger that comes with failing at that. Tell Anj I’m sorry, but I can’t let it stand. I’m sure she’ll tell you why, about my sister. All that I had in this galaxy was spilled on Cilli’s front stoop. I can’t stand for it, but I can damn sure fall making my point. 
I don’t know how Arni and Nita came to be yours, but keep them safe at all costs. I’ve taken your name off the roster for today and for the rest of the week. Left a note for Jerrno that I didn’t want your name involved, especially being a clone. I’m confident that’ll be enough, and Anj’ll see that it is.
You and your kids are special, a symbol of hope in a galaxy turned on its head. I hope they have the future I wanted for my kin. See that they do. And see that Arni keeps that laser sword better hidden. 
It’s better this way. I know too many names and too many places, and I can’t have any more blood on my soul. Tell Anj and Hells I’m sorry. I hope they’ll forgive me and know that they were the family I chose. You all were. 
“That shithead did see,” Anj breathed over Chuckles’s shoulder. “He was right behind me, that day on the ship, but I stepped in front of Arni, trying to hide it better.” She choked out a laugh. “Never reacted, and had a perfect sabacc face about it when I probed later. Karking asshole.” 
“The roster?” Chuckles managed to grit out around the emotions that were overwhelming him.
“I’ll see that it’s handled,” Anj said quietly. “And I’ll testify to whoever that will listen that Lu acted alone, that he’d been nursing anti-Imperial sentiment for a long time, but we never thought it’d get this far.” 
“Anj, I can’t ask that-”
“You’re not askin’. I’m telling you how it’s going to be. Maker alive, Lu wasn’t stupid, but this was impulsive and short-sighted and driven by grief. He planned all these contingencies, but he didn’t really think this through. And now, here we are, picking up the pieces and trying to stay safe while he fucks off into whatever afterlife he believed in.” Chuckles could see her moving through her grief, allowing some anger at her friend to finally show. 
“It won’t even take them long to fix that shaft,” she snorted. “A few months at most, even if we replace all the struts, and we’ll be right back down there. I know I told him to not do anything rash, but if he’d… I’d have…” She took a deep, steadying breath. “I’d have at least helped him make sure it counted for something.”
It was then that Chuckles saw it. Anj sat back, her unbandaged eye glistening with unshed tears, and yes, there was grief there, but more than that, there was betrayal. She’d thought Lu would reach out to her, would allow her to help him when he needed her most, and instead, he’d gone alone. 
“He kept you safe by keeping you out of it,” Chuckles rasped, reaching over and gripping her hand. She tried to yank it away, but he held on tightly. “And for that, I’m grateful, Anj. Because I’d have done the same.”
“I doubt that,” she snorted, wiping at her eye with her good hand. “Even as reckless as you are.” 
Chuckles was quiet for a beat before he folded his hands in front of him. “When I was a pilot, I lost a lot of brothers. Pretty much my entire squad once. I got out by the skin of my teeth. A pilot’s death isn’t like a normal soldier. We don’t bleed out slowly on some battlefield. It’s rare we even get a shot at a medic. If a ship’s done, it’s done, and in the middle of a fight, it’s not like you can take it to a hangar for maintenance.” 
He felt Anj watching him, and he pressed on slowly. 
“Sometimes, when your ship’s damaged and there’s no hope of you making it home, you do something reckless. You do what you can to steer your fighter and take out as many of the bad guys as you can. It’s not an official thing we’re trained to do, but many of my brothers did. Of course they knew it wasn’t always guaranteed to do much. Sometimes, you’re just a spec of flame on the side of a much bigger battle station. But the thing is, you hope that at a minimum, someone will see it happen, will see you doing everything you can with the moments that you have left, and you hope that galvanizes them.” He ran his thumb along the edge of his water glass. “I think Lu knew as well as you do that it wouldn’t take them long to rebuild, but I think what he hoped is that we’ll be galvanized by what he did. We’ll see what the Empire did to him and his family, and we’ll see his final act of defiance, and we’ll carry that spirit with us and spread it.” He tugged lightly at his mohawk. “I’ve been hiding for the last year, worried that if I stepped into the fight again, I’d put my kids and those around us at risk. But now… I don’t know.” 
“I don’t know either,” Anj said quietly. “But what I do know is I’m not sure I can let it all stand. Same as Lu. But I haven’t an inkling of where to start.” 
Chuckles took another sip of his water. “Right now, I think the best thing we can do is keep Lu’s memory and message alive,” Chuckles whispered. “Let the anger and the grief pass so that you think clearly. And then you wait.” 
He nodded. “The opportunities will come. We start small. Maybe someone like Lu or me needs a job, and we help them get one and cover their tracks. Maybe some expensive equipment goes missing.” 
Anj chewed her lip, and he could see her thinking. “Maybe someone with a lot of pull finds out about the construction materials in the mines.” 
“Maybe,” he agreed. Grief was still the main emotion in his system, but Chuckles could feel something sparking in his chest, like a nearly-dead ember being blown upon. He hadn’t felt that spark in over a year, but it felt good, right even. 
Maybe I’m finally on the right path. 
He could feel a similar energy radiating off of Anj. The slump in her shoulders had disappeared, and a hint of her usual smirk was tugging at the corner of her mouth. “For Lu,” she said quietly, holding out her pinky finger on her uninjured hand towards Chuckles. 
He grinned. 
“For Lu,” he promised, locking his pinky with hers. 
“But tonight, we rest.”
“Some of us do,” he corrected her. “I’m not supposed to sleep much.” 
“I don’t know that either of us will do much of that,” Anj said quietly, some of the sadness seeping back in. “But we can still try.”
“We can.” Chuckles pushed his stool back from the bar, standing carefully. He folded the flimsi back up and slid it back to Anj. “You keep this.” 
She nodded wordlessly, taking the note between her calloused fingers and rubbing it gently. “Don’t come ‘round the mine until I tell you it’s safe, got it?” she whispered.
“Yes ma’am.” He gently clapped a hand on her shoulder. “Take care of yourself. And give Hells my love. Let us know if there’s anything we can do.” 
“When she’s better, can you bring the kids around?” Anj asked quietly. Chuckles could hear the emotion she was holding back. “They always make her light up.” 
“You got it,” he said quietly. 
She nodded. 
“‘Night Mona!” Chuckles called over his shoulder. He thought he heard them call a soft response, but he was already out the door.
He wasn’t sure if it was the water or the conversation or his headache finally fading a bit, but a determination had settled into his chest, one that he hadn’t realized had been lying dormant in the year since the war. He wanted to do something, even if he wasn’t sure what that was yet. 
But we’ve got to be safe. I can’t put the kids in danger. 
But what am I teaching them if we just keep running and hiding?
How to survive.
But what if they want more than that? 
His mind was still wrestling with itself, even as he made his way home, his feet carrying him back to the Starlight as if on autopilot. The interior of the ship was dark and quiet, and he could still smell the dinner he’d shared with Arni and Nita hours ago. The familiarity of it all brought a sense of relief, and he was suddenly overwhelmed with exhaustion. He kicked off his boots with a sigh, shutting the hatch behind him. 
Home. But maybe not settled. 
His eyes burned, and he ground the heel of his hand into them, huffing a quiet laugh.
One step at a time. 
A soft shuffling sound broke him out of his haze, an incongruence from his expectations that jarred him just enough to draw his attention. His eyes snapped to the co-pilot seat. 
Arni was sitting in it, wrapped in the heavy blanket from his bunk. They clearly hadn’t anticipated him coming home, but their sharp brown eyes quickly scanned his face, absorbing everything as usual. He was too tired and overwhelmed to try and hide his feelings anymore tonight.  
“Why are you up, kid?” he asked. 
They shrugged. “Woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep.” 
“Out. She was pretty tired.” 
Chuckles nodded, trudging over to the pilot seat and plopping into it. He let his gaze drift out the front viewport to the stars, taking in the mountains and the soft glow of the town, suddenly less welcoming than it had seemed when he’d woken up this morning. 
Maker alive, morning feels like a lifetime ago. When Lu was still here.
It wasn’t all threatening. There was good in the little town still, but there were also threats he’d let slide past his defenses, and now more than ever, he needed to be cautious.
“I’m glad you’re safe,” Arni said softly, interrupting his thoughts. 
He sighed heavily. “Me too, kid. I’m sorry I scared you like that.”
“Wasn’t your fault,” they replied, hugging the blanket closer around them. 
“Is that why you can’t sleep?”
They nodded. “When… when we first heard about the explosion, I knew there was a chance you were gone. So I started trying to think of what we’d do, Nita and me.” 
Chuckles’s heart shattered. 
“I figured I could probably keep doing repairs, and maybe Grinz would let me help out at the store for some credits,” they continued. “I just needed to find a way to keep us fed until I was old enough to go into the mines. I think we could have made it work.” They turned to look at him, their eyes shining with tears. They gave him a small smile. “I’m glad we don’t have to though.”
Chuckles slid out of his chair, kneeling in front of Arni and pulling them into a tight hug. 
“I’m so sorry, Arni. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. His chest swelled with awe at the young Twi’lek and their selflessness, but the fact that they thought they were alone again, that they’d have to take care of Nita on their own tore at him. He bit back a shuddering sob, rocking Arni back and forth. He felt a damp spot form on his shirt where their face was pressed against his chest, and their fingers dug into the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m right here, kid. I’m alright.” 
“I know. I was just scared.”
“That’s allowed.” 
After a few minutes, they released him, wiping at their nose and eyes. Chuckles shifted back in the pilot’s seat, sniffling back his own emotions. 
“Why didn’t you stay at Endi’s?” Arni asked quietly after a few moments. 
Chuckles turned his head to look at them. They were watching him intently, gathering data from his reaction to the question. And that’s when it dawned on him. 
The wariness. The hesitation. It all makes sense. 
He sighed deeply. 
“You knew, didn’t you? About her and how she felt about… about it all?”
Arni’s eyes dropped to their lap. They nodded. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Another shrug. “You seemed happy. And you deserve to be happy.” They met his gaze. “I thought you knew.” 
Chuckles stared at them for a moment before scrubbing his hands over his face, tugging lightly at his mohawk. 
“Arni, there is no universe where I’d want to be with someone like that. That thinks like that.” He sighed again. “Whoever I’m with, I want it to be someone that I could eventually trust with our secrets. Endi and people that see the galaxy the same way will never fit that category, understand?” His voice cracked, and he did his best to keep the anger and grief he felt at bay.
They thought I’d put someone like that above them.
Arni nodded again, meeting his eyes. “Maybe you can convince her.”
Chuckles huffed at the suggestion. “Nah. I don’t want to be with someone that I have to convince that killing children was a bad idea,” he joked dryly. “Or that putting chips in me and my brothers’ heads was wrong.” He shook his head, releasing a mirthless laugh. “I just can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. I’m such a kriffing idiot.” 
“You’re not,” Arni said quietly. “You wanted to see the good in her. And I can’t fault you for that.” They pulled their skinny legs up to their chest, wrapping their arms around their knees. “Being alone is hard. I don’t want you to feel alone, Chuckles.” 
“I’ve got you and Nita. I’ll never be alone.”
“That’s different and you know it,” they countered. “I saw how you looked at Teacher Endi. I’ve never seen you look at anyone else like that.” 
Chuckles blew out a long breath through his mouth. 
Dark curls. Sharp eyes. A twist of a smirk. 
“There was someone else that I looked at like that. A long time ago,” he said quietly. 
“What were they like?” 
He glanced over at Arni. They were watching him intently with wide eyes. 
“Only if you want to talk about them. I’d like to hear,” they added. 
Chuckles nodded, letting his mind drift back to the garages of Coruscant. 
“Her name was Brienna. We called her Bri for short. Well, Bolts mostly. She was a mechanic that worked on our ships. Deep, brown eyes that felt like she knew everything about you from just one glance, dark, wild curls that she always was blowing out of her face. A smile that could light your whole day up just before she ripped you a new asshole. Maker, she was so smart and quick. She was short, but she acted like she was ten meters tall. Took no shit from anyone.” He realized his cheeks were hurting from how big he was smiling. He hadn’t let himself think about Bri in a long time. Not really. But it felt good. 
Arni was smiling too, as if Chuckles’s joy was infectious. “What happened to her?”
The smile on Chuck’s face faded. 
“Not sure. I was going to see her on the day the war ended. We’d been seeing each other in secret, keeping it casual. She didn’t want the other pilots to think I was getting special treatment, so we didn’t tell many people. I’d promised to take her to dinner when the war was over and court her properly. And then… well, you know the rest of that story.” 
“Did you love her?”
Chuckles chewed the inside of his cheek. “Yeah. Yeah I did. Was thinking of telling her that night.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
Chuckles met Arni’s eyes again. “I’m not. I got you and Nita out of the deal.”
“But you never got to tell her.”
He sighed again, shrugging one shoulder. “That’s true. But I’d like to think she knew. And I almost hope she thinks I died. Better that than her thinking I was a child killer or a mindless drone that offered the Republic up on a silver platter.” 
“That’s still sad.” 
Chuckles tucked his hands behind his head, carefully propping his boots up on the flight console of the ship. 
“It is, but I was lucky that I got to experience love like that, kid. Not many of my brothers did. There were some that tried to make things work, but it was hard. You knew tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed, and if you found someone to share your life with, there was a good chance you might leave them behind. Not to mention a good portion of the galaxy didn’t see us as people in the first place. I was lucky to have Bri, even if it was brief and didn’t end the way I wanted it to.”
“Do you miss her?” 
Heat crept up to Chuckle’s cheeks, and his eyes stung slightly. “Sometimes,” he admitted. “When I think about her.” He looked over at Arni. “I think you would have liked her.” 
“What if we tried to find her?”
He forced a smile, touched by Arni’s hopefulness and desire to find someone that meant so much to him. But he didn’t share their optimism. 
“It’s a nice thought, but I wouldn’t even know where to start, kiddo.” He reached over and squeezed their shoulder. 
“I’m alright. I’m sure she’s moved on already. And I want her to be happy, you know?”
Arni appeared to contemplate this for a few moments. 
“You should be happy too.”
Chuckles’s smile came more naturally this time. “I will be, kid. It hurts a bit right now, but I will be happy. Don’t you worry.” 
They sat in silence for a while longer, watching the stars together. Finally, Chuckles could hear Arni’s breathing deepen, punctuated by the occasional soft snore. As carefully as he could, he gathered the Twi’lek in his arms and made his way down to the hold, doing his best not to trip over the toys that were scattered around. Nita was still dozing quietly, her trooper doll tucked close to her side. Chuckles tucked Arni back into bed gently, waiting a few minutes for the confirmation that they were still asleep, and when he heard another snore escape them, he smiled, sneaking back to the cockpit. 
It had been a while since he’d slept in the pilot’s chair, but it felt fitting tonight. He considered what he’d do with the sheets that still smelled like Endi as he retrieved the brown bottle of mystery liquor from its hiding place and sat back down heavily in the weathered seat.
Maybe just a little. There isn’t that much of it left anyway.
Sorry, Crate.
The burn of the booze felt nice and familiar, warming his insides and taking some of the edge off of his feelings. He knew he had to come up with a reason to end things with Endi, one that didn’t create suspicion or out him as an enemy of the Empire. He also knew he’d likely have to carry on the charade for a while longer. He’d acted strangely enough tonight that ending things immediately may make her suspicious. 
He hated this. 
“Now’s just not a good time for the kids. Work’s getting to be too much, especially with what just happened, and I don’t think that’s fair to you.”
No, that lets her counter it. 
“I’m not over the last person I was with. I’m not ready to move on yet. I thought I was, but I’m not.”
That could work. 
It wasn’t exactly untrue now that he thought about it. How many times had flashes of Brienna invaded his mind while he was with Endi? How many times had he almost called her the wrong name?
Maybe I was just trying to find someone to fill that space for me. But no one was ever going to be her.
Chuck glanced over at the now-empty co-pilot chair and noticed Arni had left their sketching supplies in it. Leaning over, he picked up a loose piece of flimsi and placed it on the top of their journal before reaching for a pencil. 
He started with her eyes. Those were her most striking feature, in his opinion. He could get the shape right after a few rough attempts, but never could seem to capture the light in them or the sharpness, the way they’d always felt like they were pinning him down. He moved on to her nose, which proved easier, and then her lips. He couldn’t quite get their fullness right or the permanent skeptical quirk her mouth always seemed to have, but what he finally came up with felt somewhat acceptable. The curve of her jaw was easy enough from memory; he’d touched that place on her enough to never forget it, cradling her face when he’d kissed her, running his fingers along it as she slept. 
Her ears were impossible, and he eventually compromised by deciding to cover them with her hair, but even that wasn’t right. The curls were mostly the right shape, but he couldn’t get them to sit right against her face, nor could he add the shine they always seemed to have. As his frustration grew, so did his level of inebriation, and at some point he tossed the paper and pencil aside with a huff, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders and grumbling to himself before eventually drifting off to sleep. 
Brienna’s loud cackle and brown eyes haunted his dreams. He could almost feel the rough fabric over her coveralls beneath his fingers, smell the oil and grease on her skin. 
Even with the concussion, Chuckles slept through the night, too overcome by exhaustion to worry about protocol. When he awoke in the morning, the paper and pencils had all been cleared away along with the empty liquor bottle.
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blerb-f1 · 3 months
"At the harbour" - Charles Leclerc x fem!german!reader PART 4/FINALE
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Charles and Y/N visit the party but it's just Monaco.
Here's part one, if needed. You can find the other parts and fics on my masterlist!
Blinding lights, ocean waves and shining golden watches are the things making Monaco what it is. The curvy roads leading past apartments the average human will never be able to afford, coupled with cars in price ranges covering the downpayment for one of these places.
Monaco also is Social. Monaco thrives in interaction, in glamor and in gossip. The inhabitants of Monaco, the born ones and the ones less inclined to pay taxes, love to mingle. Gossip, Chatter and Business Deals are done over a flute of champagne, over a delicacy cooked by a specialized cook flown in from Japan - all just as background noise to the large numbers being written on crisp white paper, signed with fountain pens more expensive than an average designer dress.
With the Grimaldi family throning above Monaco, as their glittering leaders, Money is what builds Monaco. The framework keeps everything up.
Being a person not from money, is difficult. The true Monegasque will be able to spit the little hair on the trim of your trousers, the crack in your diamond earring and the hole in the mask covering your identity.
Y/N was 100% underprepared for this.
Charles Leclerc sat next to her, driving his beautiful Ferrari with the Monegasque flag painted on it’s bonnet. He still hadn't gotten his driver’s license back but he clearly chose to ignore this. “Y/N, I can’t have you drive me around here! "My image!" he whined. The way to the ball wasn’t long yet Y/N understood why people went there by car. Walking around normal streets in evening gowns is quite unfashionable, no? 
Once the car came to a stop, a Clerc quickly took the keys and rushed off to park it, surely doing much better than what its owner would be capable of and also surely enjoying this special vehicle. Y/N was feeling nervous, her stomach knotting into a tight ball as Charles already got out, opening the door for her to aid her. The fabric of her dress was incredibly lightweight, making moving around quite easy. The black glittery material was reflecting the lamps and shimmering, illuminating the jewelry along with it.
‘It’s like armor’ she soon realized, looking at all the other people arriving. The women were draped in designer clothes, head to toe. Jewelry attached to them like an overly decorated christmas tree. 
Taking her arm into his, Charles led her inside the building. Large Chandeliers with hundreds of gemstones drooping down low, marmor tiles polished to perfection and waiters in crisp uniforms buzzing about. Her chin would have been hanging low, if the threat of committing a major faux-pas hadn’t been clouding her mind.
“It’s Breathtaking!”, she exclaimed, eyes wide open and still taking in the beautiful ballroom.
“Breathtaking?” Charles asked, one eyebrow quipped. “It’s the average party in Monaco.”
Y/N hissed. “Chuck, not everybody is used to this. I told you so!”
“Yeah-Yeah…” he mouthed, turning to the side before coming to a realization. “Wait a minute. You just called me Chuck? How the hell do you know that nickname?”
Y/N answered him with a defiant expression. “I looked you up, you know. Being famous has it’s downsides. I know way more about you than I ever could have wanted to know or not know.”
Charles was surprised. Y/N had consistently acted as if she didn’t care to know anything he wouldn't directly tell her.  Had Monaco changed her?
“Don’t get any wrong thoughts! I just wanted to know about you in case anyone asked me something. No way in hell I’m going to look that stupid.”
“You already look stupid.”
“Didn’t you just call me breathtaking an hour before?”
Charles turned to the side, realizing hitting him. “That uh…That was a spur of the moment.”
Y/N nodded. “Spur of the moment. Sureee. Just l-”
Before she could continue, Charles interjected. “How about we get some Horsd’œuvre, to not risk your stomach rumbling?”
“How about some Eclairs?”
Charles was too stunned to speak. “No. Not that one as well! God”
Instead, he signalised the waiter to come over. With him was a little plate of, in Y/N’s opinion, weird looking food and some drink. He placed them on a decorated standing table before disappearing again. Y/N stared at the treats with an unsure expression before taking one and popping it into her mouth.
It was not good.
She chewed quickly and swallowed, angrily pointing at the others. “These things probably cost as much as my rent! Why are they so disgusting?!”
Charles looked at them more closely. “Maybe we got a bad batch? But it’s highly unlikely anything bad would be able to pass through these doors. Loss of business and all.”
She huffed. “Well then they better start doing quality control because this is unbearable. Bah~”
As the two were talking, a rich looking business man in a suit approached. Speaking French, he aggressively patted Charles' shoulders while laughing loudly. Was this the so-called money laugh, Y/N had been hearing off before? 
While speaking, the man kept eying her with a suspicious look on his face. Charles kept lifting his hands, deflecting. He was scratching his cheek again, definitely unsure about something. Or trying to say a clear no without saying a clear no. Whatever it was, it looked like he needed help. 
She leaned forward, hooking her arm into his again while looking at the businessman. A shining grin was plastered on her face, just as fake as the one all the surrounding people had on. 
The man made an apologetic gesture, said something and quickly left looking embarrassed. Charles looked just as embarrassed  as he did. 
“What did he say?” Y/N asked curiously. 
Instead of responding, Charles looked around shyly. 
“Don’t pretend like you’re the countryside innocence. Tell me! Afterall, It looks like i rescued you, right?”
“You did…”, he responded quietly.
“Then. Tell. Me!”
“He said that  for young couples we should have gone somewhere else to flirt. And he recommended his Hotel to us.”
Y/N L/N was too stunned to speak.
“What ‘yeah’? I answered you. What now?”
“I uh- I didn’t expect that.” Y/N was very surprised.
Charles just looked at her blankly. “That’s what people here are like. Relationships are superficial, even relationships. Cheating’s quite common, you know? If both sides do it, it’s fair again…”
He sighed. “I hate that. A lot.”
Y/N looked around the hall which was starting to fill up. More and more people were gawking at him. Gawking at their Prince of Monaco.
“I know this invitation is important and all” she said. “But what if we just left?”
Now it was his turn to be surprised. “Didn’t you dream of visiting a big ball? Dancing and whatnot?”
She placed her hands on her hips. “Well, I visited a Ball, didn’t I? Dancing can be done just as easily in any other location. I’d rather just leave now.”
Charles pondered for a moment. “Yeah, me too.” He entwined his hand with Y/N’s, leading her outside. The clerk wanted to bring the car, but was just shushed away.
The sun had started going down now and was reflecting on the harbor. Painted all red, it looked totally different than what it did during the day. 
Y/N looked around the area, imagining a Formula One setup. Cheering fans, Teams working hard. She imagined the party afterwards. The whole place being so alive and real. With beating hearts and loudly screaming voices. 
Charles and her were slowly walking along, not caring how they were looking to others or if this was going to spawn scandals. Just the two of them.
“Charles, have you ever considered leaving this?” she asked him directly, gesturing around. “While you seem to love this lifestyle, it also appears to tire you.”
Charles turned towards her, downtrodden. “I have. Many times actually. I don't want to leave Maman behind. But some days… Some days I wonder what it would be like to live a normal life. One away from glitz and glamor.”
“Like mine?”
He frowned. “Well not THAT far away. But in that direction, yeah.”
Y/N was thinking hard, whether she could ask what she wanted to. She decided that she could.
“Would you like to stay in the countryside with me for a while? That’s not like moving away, right?”
“Well that’s pretty direct.” He chuckled. “If you wanna date me, just say so. I’d like that”
Y/N huffed again. “Stop joking, Idiot. This is me really proposing that idea to you. I like your mom. I’d like to visit her again but I seriously cannot afford Monaco. That would be one hand washing the other, right?”
“Also i can’t imagine personally having a friend-”
The realization hit him like a truck.
Y/N looked lovely, with the low light reflecting of her face. Normally he’d stay silent, keep these thoughts for himself. He decided to go for his heart for the first time in a long while.
 “Y/N”, Charles said softly. “You even like my mother and want me to stay with you, what else do we need to be in a Relationship? A cat?”
“Adopting a cat sounds lovely-”
It was his turn to get angry. “Now you’re the one not being serious!”
Charles took her hands in his, directly staring into her eyes. “Y/N”. He took a deep breath, sorting his thoughts. “I Like you a whole dang lot. Seriously. Please, don’t push away my thoughts. Not like that.”
Y/N was stunned. “Did I ignore you?”
She looked legitimately unhappy with that thought. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Her words came out faster than his. “I- I’m not good with serious emotions. Really. It’s tough saying what you really want to, without sarcasm. So..”
‘How about my actions speak for my words?’, she asked herself.
A strong hand lunged forward, grabbing his tie and pulling his head to her height. The gloved hands took his head between them, placed right on his cheek as she leaned forward, capturing his lips in a short kiss. 
She continued her point from before. “I think I like that idea. Does this count as a first date then?”
Charles was speechless, his face red. Burying it into her shoulder, he mumbled:” If you want it to…” Y/N tightly embraced him back, both of them being more starved for affection that they’d actually think themselves to be. Or ever admit it.
Then, Y/N’s stomach rumbled loudly, causing Charles to laugh out loud. 
“See, that’s why I told you to eat something.”
“Not this weird stuff! I can’t do that again.”
Charles took her hand, before giving it a kiss. 
“Mademoiselle, what about a visit to the restaurant of the golden Seagull?”
Y/N laughed along. “I’d like that a lot, Sir Leclerc.”
Blerb thoughts:
If you want to be added to the tag-list, hit me up!
Proud of myself for finishing this! Though i don't think i'll write any actual series again. One-Shots with more parts, yeah. But no direct series. I don't want to finish on a cliffhanger.
@appl3-0rchard whom i can't seem to tag
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
I Need a Pencil
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: Jack is 18 and Y/N is 17 and they’re in their senior year
"What, Jackman!?"
"I know you hear me so why are you ignoring me!? What if it was an emergency?" Jack immediately whined as you rolled your eyes.
"Because unlike you I'm trying to get a good grade in this class! And you don't have no got damn emergency."
"Yes I do."
"What is it?"
"I need a pencil."
You could have strangled him right then and there and looked at him in disbelief.
"Jackman, what the hell did you do with the one that I gave you last period!?"
"I don't know, babe. It just got up and walked away I guess."
"Be serious for once in your life, please."
"The only time I was serious is when I asked you to be my girlfriend."
“Oh, so your ass has jokes?”
“Nah, but I got some strokes for you if you’re interested.” Jack answered as he wiggled his eyebrows and you immediately rolled your eyes.
You reached into your purple pencil case and handed him another pencil and he immediately turned up his nose to look at it.
“Baby, I don’t want this one.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers Jackman. And right now you are definitely a beggar. You already lost my other one so don’t push it.”
“But yes they can. I begged you to be my girlfriend and you chose to say yes.”
“I swear Maggie dropped you when you were a baby.”
“I’m ignoring that. Babe, give me another pencil! This is the dollar store one! This is going to break before class is over!”
“Hell no. You had your chance and you lost my good pencils, so you get the dollar store ones. You have lost your privilege.”
“Babyyyy, what am I supposed to do with this?”
“Write, dumbass.”
“Stop getting smart with me, mamas!”
“Then stop losing all my got damn pencils! And I just noticed something…. Baby, where is your backpack? You have literally been carrying around your binder all day that has four pieces of paper in it. You could have used a folder for that.”
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen it in like two weeks.”
“How in the world did you study for our text last period if you didn’t have your notes?”
All Jack did was shrug.
“Either way, you aren’t getting another pencil so deal with it.”
Later that day, you were over Jack’s house studying and all he was doing was staring at you  patiently waiting for you to pay him attention even though he still needed to get his own study guide finished. He was getting bored and proceeded to sigh loudly to get your attention.
“Yes, baby?” You asked while over at him.
“Can I have a kiss? I feel like I haven’t gotten any all day.”
“Why of course you can.”
You proceeded to give him several kisses, before he slid you into his lap.
“Baby, why haven’t you started your study guide?” You curiously asked while looking at his blank paper. 
“I’m waiting….”
“I need a pencil.”
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