#global hunger
rjzimmerman · 25 days
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
As much of the world heads into the fall harvest season and agriculture once again enters international policy conversations, humanitarian groups are calling for fundamental changes to the global food system—not only to feed the world’s hungry but also to enlist more farmers in solving the climate crisis.
At the United Nations annual climate conference, being held this November in Azerbaijan, a working “hub” organized by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and conference leaders will focus on agriculture and food systems. Agriculture will also get the spotlight at an upcoming UN conference on desertification and at Climate Week in New York, during the UN General Assembly next month.  
This intensified attention on food systems, which generate between one quarter and one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, adds to momentum building for the past couple of years as advocacy and policy groups have moved agriculture toward the forefront of climate policy discussions. In 2022 and 2023 at the UN’s annual climate conferences, referred to as COPs for conference of the parties, food systems and agriculture got increasingly higher billing.
“Food and agriculture is, indeed, a big part of the agenda again, heading into COP29. I think what we’ve seen in the past few years is a major change in that agriculture and food systems and food security are no longer confined to one small part of the conversation,” said Kaveh Zahedi, director of the office of climate change, biodiversity and environment at FAO. “It took about 20 COPs for food to be even mentioned at a COP. It was invisible.”
The attention, hunger and food advocacy groups say, can’t come soon enough: As agriculture’s role in the climate crisis has become more prominent, so have the inequities in the global food system, prompting more urgent calls for a major agricultural overhaul. 
Within 25 years, the world’s farmers will have to produce 50 percent more food than they do now, and already one in 11 people on the planet doesn’t have enough to eat. As climate change continues to fuel more disruptive weather events, from drought to floods, the UN estimates that 1.8 billion more people could be pushed into hunger by mid-century.
For the past three years, the number of hungry people around the world has stayed at frustratingly high levels, foiling aid and humanitarian groups that celebrated a decline in hunger through the previous decade. In its annual flagship report on global hunger published in July, FAO and the other major UN food agencies said that roughly 773 million people on the planet are facing acute hunger.
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defensenow · 5 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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williamlambers · 2 years
Thanksgiving College FreeRice Challenge Nov. 12-20
Thanksgiving College FreeRice Challenge Nov. 12-20
This Thanksgiving, feed “silent guests” at your holiday meals by donating to the World Food Program (WFP) through FreeRice. Your guest represents one of the world’s 45 million people globally on the brink of starvation according to the latest news from the UN WFP. Join Universities Fighting World Hunger as we begin the FreeRice Thanksgiving Challenge. Every correct answer you get playing…
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happy 4th of july yall 🦅🇺🇸❤️🤍💙
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daisyswift3 · 5 months
UMM so cruel summer and a lot of other songs are making a lotttt more sense now that I’ve realized the “devil” that Taylor keeps referring to is actually the music industry as a whole thanks to @keepingsecretstokeepyoutk (see this post). “He looks up grinning like a devil” // “I would’ve stayed on my knees and I damn sure never would’ve danced w the devil AT 19” // “Dear reader if you aim at the devil make sure you don’t miss.” Do you remember the Top Global Artist vid that spotify released that had cruel summer as the background song and had a bunch of cruel summer references? Yeah go back and watch that again w this context in mind 😃 Taylor (the angel) has had enough of the games and is gonna end them once and for all which is very Katniss Everdeen of her—hello the archer 🏹 if any of you have read or watched the hunger games you know how the story ends
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And you'll also remember that Katniss escapes the games twice by cheating--the first time w poison berries and the second time by destroying the arena itself (which was a clock) WITH itself using a lightning strike current at midnight that shot thru her arrow -> "And there was one prize I'd cheat to win." Not to mention Katniss was the mockingjay, a symbol of rebellion and resistance. And the fire symbolism in this trilogy was meant to represent how that rebellion can spread from a spark of hope. Snow lands on top but fire melts snow. Taylor is a huge hunger games fan so I wouldn't be surprised at all if these parallels were intentional. Also I'm not the first one to notice the hunger games connections, I saw some other gaylors point this out so I can't take full credit for that
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“You play stupid games you win stupid prizes” // “Devils roll the dice” // "Baby let the games begin" // The scrabble instagram post // The mastermind chess board // "You see all the wisest women had to do it this way, cause we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game" // "No more keeping score now I just keep you warm. No more tug of war now I just know there's more"
I think it's possible Taylor knew that her masters were gonna be sold hence all the game imagery and songs abt heartbreak on lover
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She's literally gonna take down the industry as a whole and expose everything. This is the reason for all the cryptic messages and meticulous planning. AND THIS IS WHAT THE ALBATROSS IS ABT TOO. “She’s the albatross she is here to destroy you.” They tried to keep her locked away in cages and towers and closets and tried taming her and pulling out her teeth but it didn’t work
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“Devils that you know raise worse hell than a stranger” SHE’S the devil now and she’s abt to make their lives a living hell
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“She’s the death you chose” i.e. the music industry chose to kill Taylor (which is why TTPD is a post-mortem album) so now she’s coming back to haunt them hence the ghostly Victorian attire. “We gather here we line up weeping in a sunlit room and if I’m on fire you’ll be made of ashes too.” THIS is the karma she’s talking abt that will happen at midnight!!
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“You’ll see me in hindsight tangled up w you all night burning it down”
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Literally feel like I am abt to explode from all the earth-shattering revelations I’ve just had
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months
Sudan’s struggle is obscured by political upheavals, displacements, and hunger after the fall of President Omar al-Bashir and the 2021 coup, but why has the world turned a blind eye to the ‘forgotten war’?
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heremob · 11 months
Cw: Slight Blood!
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theonlinevegan · 7 months
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Feed humanity, not global warming.
Veganism is the only healthy and sustainable solution for world hunger. Yet we keep paying farmers to continue the extortion of animals for their flesh to result a large quantity of nutritional food into a small amount of wasteful steak.
Taste is no longer an argument, as humans have already achieved the taste of meat through plantbased alternatives.
If you’re truly concerned for human rights, world hunger and want to contribute to the solution instead of adding to the problem subconsciously.. go choose veganism today.
🌱 x 🌍 x 🫀
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sparksinthenight · 10 months
I’m thinking about The Hunger Games. It … it somehow manages to represent the world we live in and more specifically the Global North - Global South power dynamics and oppression systems in a truthful and insightful way that no other media does, and yet it completely mischaracterizes the power dynamics within the Global South and the class and race hierarchies that characterize the internal power structures in the Global South. The prequel also horrifically mischaracterizes immigration, the immigrant experience, and what immigrants are like. To the point where that book literally psychologically triggered me and I had to stop reading it because it was such terrible representation, dear gods.
So like, the thing is, there is not and never has been and never will be solidarity between the poor and the comfortable in the Global South. Yes, the North oppresses the South and the North exploits and profits from and metaphorically and often literally enslaves the South. But the well-off in the South do all of these things too. And from what I’ve seen and experienced in my personal life and what I’ve heard from other people who grew up in or live in the South, the well-off Southerners are probably worse than the North when it comes to oppressing and exploiting and profiting off of the poor people of the South. You can say that America is the Big Bad and everything bad happens because of it. But the fact of the matter is that without comfortable Southerners doing all the direct things required to keep the poor in line, the international and intranational hierarchies of the world would fall apart. Global Southern police officers and military members and government and businesspeople and employers and bosses and moneyed people are directly the reason the poor people in the Global South are being exploited, even if the North benefits from this all a whole lot too.
And … what the hell was the mountain scene in District Two? Those guys were peacekeepers. They were COPS. The poor people of the Global South don’t need to and should not feel any sense of solidarity with the COPS that keep them held down. And I’m not only saying this because I’m anti cop but because the people in that mountain benefitted from harming and oppressing the poor people, they benefitted from keeping the poor people from gaining power, and they benefitted from the system that kept the poor people poor. Those peacekeepers and peacekeeper-adjacent were not oppressed in any way, despite being from the Districts (aka Global South). They were the oppressors. You could argue that actually they were oppressed because their kids could be reaped. But two kids get reaped a year and there’s thousands of kids in the district. But even ignoring that fact, the point is that the mountain scene was meant to parallel real-world dynamics. And no real world cops are oppressed. Even ones in the Global South, or perhaps especially them to be honest.
And we need to talk about TBOSAS and the way it paints immigrants. Immigrants are not worse than non-immigrants, but they’re not better either. They are not would-be rebels full of empathy and compassion for the poor people they left behind. They are not brave heroes who will die for the Global South. I’m saying this from experience, I have moved in immigrant circles all my life. Immigrants are no better than anyone else in the Global North, they are only tied to their homelands in the most superficial and shallow ways possible, and they ally and align themselves with the Global North and against the Global South most of the time, just like most Global Northerners do. They’ll wear traditional clothes but those clothes will be made out of fabric the cost of which could feed a whole family back home for a month. Yes, there are immigrants who are the brave hero-martyr with undying loyalty that the book showcases. But those cases are really rare, they are really more of an anomaly than anything else. And I’m not saying this to say that immigrants are bad. I’m saying this to say that immigrants are far more part of and loyal to their adoptive countries, and cannot be expected to act differently from non-immigrants in any way that substantially matters.
I also think that Primrose is an example of all that is wrong with Collins’ understanding of the South. Prim looks like and can be said to symbolize the more affluent parts of the district. She resembles her mother who is from the more wealthy part of town while Katniss represents her father who is from the Seam. Now the moderate wealth of the Town does not hold a candle to the extravagance and excess of rich parts of the South. I’ve been there, I’ve seen it, there are penthouse vacation homes blocks away from shantytowns. Literally. But still, the Town in District Twelve represents what Collins thinks is the wealthy part of the South. (And in my opinion the Town is also very guilty for not sharing what they have and not helping the literal starving people of their district. If you saw someone with no food and you had money and you spent that money on a party dress instead of food for them then guess what? You’re completely fucking evil and going to hell. But anyways, back to the actual point.) Prim has the Town genes and Katniss had the Seam genes. And who is good and pure and innocent and must be protected? Prim. And who is able to withstand inhuman amounts of hardship and do child labour? Katniss. Who has to sacrifice her own innocence and goodness and childhood to protect the other one? Katniss. Whose life and safety is considered not quite as valuable? Katniss.
And Gale and Peeta. I couldn’t care less who Katniss got with. She can pick who she wants. But just like Prim and Katniss, Gale and Peeta represent the rich and poor sides of the South. Despite Peeta not being nearly as rich as the most rich people in the South actually are. He’s still richer. He still fits into the metaphor and symbolism. And who is more kind and reasonable and right? Peeta. Who is more good and pure? Peeta. Who is shown as not being able to see past their emotions and grudges? Gale. Who is seen as stubborn and overly violent? Gale.
There are ways in which The Hunger Games is revolutionary and amazing. But there are ways in which it feels like some kind of disguised psyop.
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the-lady-maddy · 7 months
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russian terrorists aka russian army showed how they hit "Nibulon" food production company facilities with guided air bombs in the village of Kozatske.
Nibulon is a Ukrainian agricultural company specializing in production and export of grains such as wheat, barley and corn. It is headquartered in Mykolaiv. It is the only agricultural company in Ukraine with its own fleet and shipyard.
Russia destroys grain silos & food production in Ukraine, makes global grain prices soar - while some African leaders shake putin’s blood-smeared hands in #RussiaAfricaSummit.
PS. Last year, a 🇷🇺 missile targeted & killed “Nibulon” CEO & his wife in their Mykolaiv home.
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Controversial Fact:
Supporting and popularizing the idea that large families(particularly families with 6+ kids) are a major contributor to climate change(particularly global warming), overpopulation, and supply & demand failure is a capitalist idea that has the same effect as blaming a six year who doesn't like broccoli for world hunger, or one person who flies in planes a lot for natural resource mining. All while ignoring the fact that big families often come not from choice, but from: lack of access to birth control/sex ed, legal sexual assault in religious groups, and IVF miscalculations. It also ignores the fact that regardless of whether it was a choice or not, despite what you see on T.V., most big families are impoverished and full of disability(and other minorities), which just makes things like no access to birth control/sex ed more common.
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
If I had 44 BILLION I would end world hunger and put the rest into stopping climate change
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heremob · 11 months
Hg!Cellbit: I'm so sorry.
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