afancyartblerg · 2 months
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Support me on Patreon / Adoptable Patreon / Ko-Fi / Store / Commission me! / Adoptables / YCHs sometimes the whims of my soul compel me to shitpost, sometimes it's offhand comments in this case i showed up in an ohthatnk stream, and Needed to give this life after hearing her joke that the mustache made the gnath elder yet another white-haired prettyboy to add to the cast two versions, since i couldn't decide which was funnier
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kicktwine · 11 months
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give him one of these bad boys
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oddnub-eye · 16 days
The Gnath are the goofiest beast tribe in FFXIV.
You meet them, find out they killed a half-dead dragon, and went
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axolotlelle · 6 months
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behold: trist's parents who I made way too hot for no reason
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krahka · 7 months
14, 19, 26 and one of your choice from the character ask prompt!
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
Back in Limbo, Gnathe liked to make things that were outside their duties as an anarch. Toys for children, tiny models of buildings and creatures, sculptures of the people they cared for, that sort of thing. On the material plane, matter isn’t as responsive, and for a while they thought they couldn’t shape it at all. They’ve figured out something like it though, carving, painting, smithing. Shaping with their hands instead of their mind. The disconnect from their materials is unpleasant, but it forces them to look at things differently. Limits can keep you fresh, keep you from becoming complacent.
Zirseth likes looking out at the sky, tracking the clouds, keeping an obsessive eye on the weather. He finds both the unpredictability and the inevitability comforting. This is part of his devotions to Talos, so not exactly a hobby, but aside from all the murder, Talos is all he’s got.
19: How do you think they'll meet their end?
Gnathe’s post-game goal is to figure out what Orpheus does that disrupts the illithid hive mind, harness it for themself and use it to free every last mind flayer in the multiverse from the elder brains’ control, and basically be to them what Gith was to the People. I can see a lot of people wanting to kill them once they knew of this plan (maybe even Orpheus, lol), and a whole lot more wanting to kill them once they actually start doing it.
Zirseth would like to die by a thousand lightning bolts. Kneeling in a burning building, thanking Talos with his few remaining breaths as he asphyxiates in the smoke. Nothing would make him happier than to stand outside in a tornado as the winds flay the skin from his unworthy flesh. What Zirseth wants doesn’t matter; it never has.
26: What animal best represents your Tav?
Gnathe is an octopus. Constantly shifting, moving, planning, squeezing through the smallest holes imaginable to escape to freedom.
For Zirseth, I think a Pallas cat? He's a poor little meow meow, but also he’s always thinking about arson.
28: Is your character the de facto leader of the party? Or do they consider someone else to be the leader?
Gnathe is incredibly stubborn. Once they’ve picked a course of action, they will pursue it without doubt or hesitation. If you want to complain, that’s nice, but it’s not going to change their mind. Best you can hope for is that they trust you enough to take advice sometimes.
Zirseth does not consider himself in charge, like, in a cosmic sense, but also, anyone trying to keep him under control or direct him on any particular path is going to find it extremely difficult. Even if the plan is “kill them all,” he might end up including you in the “all” plan, and it won’t be something he can tell you about ahead of time. He gets to be the leader entirely because everyone else is afraid of him, not because he wants to be or has anything resembling good ideas.
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impossible-rat-babies · 11 months
me having done all the beast tribes in the game like well now what
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picaroroboto · 1 month
one of my favorite WoL Moments is still this dialogue choice in Heavensward:
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Context is that during the HW roadtrip, the party gets caught in this Catch-22 where the dragons won't let us pass through unless we get the Gnath to stop bugging (lol) them, but the Gnath have summoned Ravana. It seems obvious that the WoL needs to kill Ravana in order for anything to progress, but Alphinaud asks to make sure they're willing first.
There's a lot you can dig up in this seemingly simple interaction - first, Alphinaud's side of things: during late-ARR and it's post-patches, there's a lot of evidence to be found that shows he treats the WoL like a bodyguard, like a weapon, taking their strength for granted for his political ends while giving little, if any, thought to their own thoughts and feelings. It's not outright malicious manipulation, just a sort of blindness. Since the betrayal at the banquet he's been humbled, and grown closer to the WoL thanks to their continued support of him despite the fact that his vanity caused the disaster. Him asking the WoL is they're okay with fighting Ravana, even though it's a given that they have to, can be seen as him not wanting to repeat the same pattern of using them.
For the WoL, the "choice" seems obvious - kill the Primal. Their first Primal battle, Ifrit, was a fight for survival brought on by a twist of fate. Every one since then has been an active pursuit by choice - if you can even call it a choice when they're the only one who can do it and many people would die if they didn't. By HW they're already firmly locked in to their role of being the guy who kills Primals, and whether they like it or not they continue to choose to fight. By choosing the upper line here they confirm that, while also giving some cool and heroic bravado to reassure Alphinaud. But notably it's just to say that they don't fear their duty. They may hate it, regret the choices that lead them here, all manner of things, but they are not afraid of fighting Primals.
Or they could simply say nothing. Giving silence also recognizes that their choice doesn't really matter and they're going to have to fight anyways. When it comes to silent protagonist-type characters who have few dialogue options, every option they're given has all the more weight. There are cases where choosing to say three ellipses "..." says a thousand things more than not being given a dialogue choice at all, and this is one of them. It's as if the two choices here are actually "Be the Hero" or "Be the Hero (not happy about it)".
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venx-art · 2 years
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Lord of the Gnath
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noosphe-re · 9 months
*gnō-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to know."
It forms all or part of: acknowledge; acquaint; agnostic; anagnorisis; astrognosy; can (v.1) "have power to, be able;" cognition; cognizance; con (n.2) "study;" connoisseur; could; couth; cunning; diagnosis; ennoble; gnome; (n.2) "short, pithy statement of general truth;" gnomic; gnomon; gnosis; gnostic; Gnostic; ignoble; ignorant; ignore; incognito; ken (n.1) "cognizance, intellectual view;" kenning; kith; know; knowledge; narrate; narration; nobility; noble; notice; notify; notion; notorious; physiognomy; prognosis; quaint; recognize; reconnaissance; reconnoiter; uncouth; Zend.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit jna- "know;" Avestan zainti- "knowledge," Old Persian xšnasatiy "he shall know;" Old Church Slavonic znati "recognizes," Russian znat "to know;" Latin gnoscere "get to know," nobilis "known, famous, noble;" Greek gignōskein "to know," gnōtos "known," gnōsis "knowledge, inquiry;" Old Irish gnath "known;" German kennen "to know," Gothic kannjan "to make known."
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apathmakerstale · 2 days
I like to think that since the Echo speaks to the soul directly and auto-translates our speech, that everytime we speak to someone we also mimic their native accent perfectly and that it floors some people.
And that we naturally learn the language over time the more we speak it to the point we can just use it with other people.
Like sometimes when talking to the Bicolor Gem merchant in Radz-at-Han we use a local idiom only used in their small village on the coast perfectly in context without missing a beat and that either freaks them out or makes them happy depending on the day.
Or even dialects, so one of the reasons Jacke likes you so much is cuz’ you’re literally speaking his language of Theives’ Cant and you both use it to mess with other members sometimes.
It’s funny to think that maybe some snobby Ishgardian Elezen makes a snide comment as he walks past my Highlander while we're speaking to a Vath Gnath and is sucker punched in surprise as she roasts him in perfect Ishgardian Elezen in the exact accent of his old speech tutor then turns back and makes the inhuman clicking sounds of the Vath to spite him. Or a Garlean girl's jaw falls as she replicates an accent only found in one specific area in Garlemald for like hundred people that she had to get rid of to not be bullied.
It'd partially make sense why people would end up trusting us so much, and it'd be funny to.
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before-calamity · 2 months
Gnath Using Cut Weapon Model
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On my main while waiting for Dawntrail to come out, I've been going through and unlocking and working on old beast tribe quests.
Imagine my surprise when I saw that the Nameless One uses the cut arcanist weapon from 1.0!
It's kind of cool that they reused the model, honestly, it sort of works for the Gnath culture.
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candycryptids · 28 days
🦇 biggest material fear (ie heights, bugs etc)
Hiii omg sorry this like, the next evening I conked out @u@
So! This is such an interesting question I’ve never actually thought about it before 🫢 (how exciting)
Chuu has a fear of pits where you can’t see the bottom, and quicksand. Not that quicksand is often actually a danger in day-to-day life, but the idea of being sucked under and- dying, essentially. Surprisingly ok with deep water and heights, though.
Tuesdays fear is deep water, because… he can’t really, ah, swim. He sinks, like a stone. And he’s not so much afraid as he is creeped out by things that are not human but DO have human-like faces. Like [Deidar] or the [Fishman] from Windwaker (worse, if they don’t behave in a human fashion, or they come close but it’s Wrong)
Mochiie has a fear of bug stings/bites- he’s not allergic, but he knows enough about toxins to be alarmed if he doesn’t know what just got him. 🫢 yet he’ll still handle bugs, just… cautiously.
Tangy is afraid of Magitek War Machina. Over time she gets to the point where she doesn’t seize up at the clunk of their heavy mechanical legs or the whirr of their engines, but it still sets her fur on end. Going to Chuu’s workshop is an overwhelming hellscape (so it’s good their meetings were in a quieter part of the FC house…)
Colette claims she’s not afraid of anything. Not a damn thing. She’s very freaked out by spiders, though, in a ‘set the whole house on fire’ kinda way. Someone else has to safely remove the poor creature before she DOES accidentally burn the house down casting Flare. She’s been getting better, but it’s down to a very rapid exit of the room no matter the case. [Belladonna] in Saint Mocianes Arboretum was a nightmare- but at least she was allowed to blast it to pieces.
Ishi’li … mm.. They’re tough. Before Eorzea he was afraid of cockroaches? Freaked out by the sensation of bugs crawling on him too. But after being in Eorzea and camping a bunch and getting slimed/torched/waterboarded/blown about/All the other crazy shit that happens to the poor WoL in battle… cockroaches don’t seem so scary anymore? The Gnath are literally giant talking bugs… I think they’re afraid of real deep water though. Like where you can’t see the bottom? It’s hard to say he’s afraid of Krakens but I think he might be a little bit.
Levraut is freeze-sometimes-faint afraid of Dragons. If it’s anything bigger than a Chocobo his knees are rattlin’. He tries to put on a real brave face about it, but…. It’s a hard hurdle to cope with. Their teeth, the vaguely sulfuric hint to their breath, the piercing eyes, the ripping talons…. Yeah, he just can’t. Au’ra are fine, after he’s met a handful. But the first one… 🫢 they had to get him smelling salts.
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krahka · 9 months
kicking my feet in the air with an enormous owo 23 24 29 one of those d20s rolled like shit on all three rolls anyway tell me about gnathe
What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor?
Bad! Don’t trust! There are only two beings of sufficient psionic power to grant visions over the multiverse that Gnathe trusts, and that’s neither Zerthimon nor Menyar-Ag, and no matter how much this gith mystic in the Astral Sea seems to be trying to play on that trust, she’s definitely not them. They would never ask anyone to betray themselves by drawing on the power of the illithids. If they would, Gnathe would renounce them in an instant.
She said that they needed that power to save Toril. Well, in that case, let this plane burn. Whatever fate she's trying to get them to avoid, it's a kinder one than the fate they'd grant these people as a ghaik.
Was your illithid tadpole empowered by anything in Act 1? If so, how does your Character feel about that?
I guess the part where every time they try and get it out, it worms further in might count as making it more powerful, or at least, get it stuck in there further, and Gnathe took literally every opportunity offered to get it out. At least every opportunity, except with Priestess Gut. She was talking about how the parasites are a gift from her goddess, who speaks to her through them, but yeah, sure, drink this potion! It’s definitely not poison, and this is definitely not an illithid cult!
Even past trying everything they can to get rid of the parasite, Gnathe has also been destroying every single tadpole they come across. Fuck you, Dream Visitor!
It’s also a lesser, unintentional fuck you to Astorian, who is not impressed by their hypocrisy. They've made it clear that every path of power is acceptable when it comes to fighting the mind flayers, who haven’t held any power over the gith for generations, but when it comes to fighting Cazador, who has very directly been personally enslaving him for centuries, now there’s a line? Fuck you.
Did you adopt an owlbear? Do you have a name for your child?
Yes! Gnathe rescued him from the goblins who were chasing him around with the usual method they handled problems in the goblin camp, namely, by pretending to be in charge. The cub ran away, and they were content to let him go, but he came back to their camp because he had nowhere else to go, and their disguise self spell didn’t hide their smell. (Given that I’ve had multiple companions mention how their smell turns them on, I can only imagine what it is.) They fed him, over Lae’zel’s objections, and now he’s allowed to stay with them for as long as he likes.
They haven’t given him a name. He can choose one for himself, if he likes.
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keykidpilipili · 1 month
The Gnath and Garlemald parallels are great, two nations that were at the near bottom of the political ladder getting wildly ambitious about war and imperialism.
Just saying Ravana and Zenos would have had amazing chemistry.
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yamisnuffles · 3 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern! (I’d take it literally and just do the first sentence but if I feel like it works better with the first two sentences, that’s what you’ll get lol)
Tagged by @mizgirl100880 and seemed fun (I've been sick so this is late)
In The Beginning: There once was an angel who didn’t Fall. 
Off My Head And Onto Yours: Aziraphale wasn’t sure what made him do it.
Lean Your Weight To Me: Edinburgh had been a dizzying affair. 
And You're To Blame: “Ready!” Crowley didn’t think he’d ever been less ready to do anything in his long life. 
For Want of Words: It wasn’t that Crowley didn’t like Muriel.
All Good Things: It would be easy to assume that little could change for two immortals in a few short years, especially when compared to the thousands that they had been together.
Too Much of a Good Thing: Before the beginning, Crowley’s heart had encompassed the whole of creation.
Starshower: With life came death.
Dragoonsong: By the time Ravana was brought to heel and the Gnath problem solved, the day was on its final legs.
The Heat of Battle: The air smelled of death and ceruleum, of burning metal and flesh. 
I don't know what I've learned lol. I guess I tend toward being relatively succinct in my opening sentences (with some exceptions). Something quick that sets the tone/setting and, with GO, usually I try to set up whether it's Crowley or Aziraphale's POV right away. If not in the first sentence, it was usually there in the second.
Uuuuuh, still sick and brain bad, so idk who to tag. @feralkwe and @icescrabblerjerky and anyone else who might wanna
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transjinako · 11 months
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why do the gnath get the coolest primal to worship 
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