#but i love them dearly ;--;
wondersinwaynemanor · 14 days
imagine some Gothamites pretending to be in trouble or hurt and calling for a specific bat just because they have a crush on them, but the batkids purposely mess it up by sending another bat.
they also do this because they're little shits.
[i told myself i won't make this too long, but oh well]
scenario 1:
a woman, who's not even in trouble, she mostly wants to see Nightwing's new suit because.. oh.. the new suit causes his behind to form well.
Woman: Nightwing, Nightwing! Where are you? I need help.
Robin! Tim, hops down from the tall building and mind you, his skateboard tucked under his arm: Hi, Ma'am! Sorry, Nightwing is unavailable tonight. I, Robin, will help you.
Woman, judges the skateboard before looking at Tim: Uh. Thank you, Robin, but I was specifically asking for Nightwing. Is he- he around?
Robin! Tim, cheeks red from the cold, shakes his head: No, Ma'am. Sorry.
Woman: That's... That's okay. I'll figure out my problem on my own. Thank you again, kid.
Robin! Tim nods at her way before climbing back up the building.
Nightwing appears from the darkness, laughing his ass off. Tim joins his older brother until their stomach ache from the laughing session.
scenerio 2:
young teenage girl with pink highlights on her hair bikes through the neighborhood and out of nowhere, just falls down on the side of the road, on the grass. but gently. purposely.
Teenager, holds her ankle: Ow, ow. Is The-The Signal around? I kind of.. Uh... Fell.
Robin, comes out from the trees and he looks even brighter than ever with the sun still out: That was kind of careless of you.
Teenager, a bit annoyed: Robin? Don't you only patrol at night? Where's The Signal?
Robin, adjusts his katana and shrugs: You'd be surprised that I happen to do this at morning too. Well. Occasionally.
Teenager, skeptical: Uhuh.
Robin just stares at her, not even answering about The Signal. it makes the teenager a bit uncomfortable.
Teenager, manages to stand: Anyways... I think I feel better now. I'll head home.
Robin, lips twitching to a smirk: Stay safe.
behind the trees, Duke and Tim giggle like little children.
Robin: I must admit.. That was quite hilarious.
scenario 3:
two loud men exit the bar. they've been talking about Spoiler and Black Bat inside, fangirling like teenagers about their crushes.
little did they know, Red Hood was inside that bar as well.
Man 1: Fuck, I'm too drunk. Is Spoiler there? I need help to go home.
they are not even drunk.
Man 2, hides a smile behind his hand: How about Black Bat? We poor men need some saving.
before they can even lift their mouths to laugh, Red Hood apprears from the alley, gun on his hand.
Red Hood, voice so deep from the helmet: Need a lift, boys? There's enough room for both of you on my bike.
Man 1 gulps and Man 2 nearly passes out.
Red Hood, smirks: Not the person you wanted to see, huh?
Man 1: Uh.... You are a sight to see, Red Hood. Uh, Sir.
Man 2: But no, tha-thank you.
Man 1: We can manage. Right, dude?
Man 2: Right. Of course.
Red Hood, wants to laugh so bad but he has to keep this persona first: Well, let me know if you need anything.
both men run to the other direction. one of them even trips.
Red Hood hears Steph and Cass' lively laughs through the comms.
scenario 4:
a young adult man steps outside his building, doesn't mind the drizzle from the Gotham sky.
Man: Shit. I forgot my keys.
Man, looks up at the building: Is Red Robin out there? I need help in finding the keys to my apartment.
there's no sign of the vigilante so the man decides to just re enter his building.
out of nowhere, a sound of someone landing behind him makes him turn around and he is faced with Black Bat, holding his keys around her gloved hand.
Man, shocked: Um.. Hey. You found- you found my keys.
Black Bat doesn't respond, just lifts the keys higher.
Man: Tha-thank you.
Black Bat nods before grappling to the darkness.
the young man feels stupid for doing what he did, which is throw his keys behind the dumpster. and he didn't even get to see Red Robin.
somewhere, Black Bat joins Spoiler and Red Robin on top of a building to share some laughs and enjoy some Batburgers.
scenario 5:
a couple of bestfriends, woman and man, stop by at the side of the road. they were gossiping about Red Hood's arms, modulated voice and height, saying how sexy he looks.
out of stupidity, the man stabs his switchblade on one of the wheels of his car.
Woman, nods at him before calling for help: Someone help us! We don't have a spare tire.
Man, heart beating so fast: Red Hood, can you please help us? Red Hood!
after a few minutes of longing, Nightwing, Spoiler and The Signal appear from behind their car, startling the two of them.
Nightwing, grins cheekily: Good evening.
Signal, smiles: You called for help?
Spoiler, huge smile on her face with a spare tire on her hand: Glad we saw this lying around.
it's actually a spare tire at the back of the man's car.
the woman and man exchange glances, slightly nervous.
Man, touches his chest: Oh, thank goodness.
Woman, pretends to be in relief as well: Thank God for you, guys. We appreciate it.
Signal and Spoiler help each other in putting the tire.
Nightwing, grin hasn't faded: Sorry, the Red Hood is a bit busy tonight.
Signal: Maybe try calling out for him some other time?
Spoiler: We would give his number to you, but he's kind of a private person.
both the woman and man blush, embarassment creeping on them.
by the alley, Red Hood watches the rest of the batkids, a low chuckle on his lips.
a bonus:
a bunch of teenagers play around under the rain, splashing mud on their clothes. one of the blonde girls call out, "Robin, come play with us!" then the rest of her playmates giggle at that. they idolize the young hero.
and who comes out of the darkness? the rest of the batkids except for Robin. they make sure that the children are able to go home and are safe.
meanwhile, Damian is at the Manor with a stuffy nose as he is sick due to playing with his pets under the rain last weekend.
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yvainart · 1 year
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peanut butter M&Ms
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mushyruuu · 1 year
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hugs for everyone who’s reading this 🫂❤️
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matchstique · 7 months
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My ocs. From like, a story I was craftin bout werewolves n’ vampires. I love my kids.
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tripleyeeet · 3 months
i can't stop thinking about zayis and astarion's reactions to getting separated on the nautiloid. like, they've both just experienced one of the biggest arguments that they've ever had and despite that, the second they're separated and the ship starts to go down the first thing they think about is each other. about how, if they make it out alive, they have to find the other and apologize, because feelings may suck but having the only person who's ever understood you get ripped from your grasp in a moment's notice is so much worse.
so when they land it's like a frantic race to find the other. with astarion wandering around the beach calling her name while zayis runs over to shadowheart, praying that she might've seen where he landed. all while they're both thinking about what they could've done to stop the argument all together.
that is, until they see each other again, noticing that the other is seemingly fine aside from a few cuts and bruises. noticing that zayis has found a new ally already, replacing astarion. noticing that astarion is standing completely upright, unharmed by the sun and grinning like a fool. both of which cause them to double back and let the anger from before take over so that they don't have to address what happened earlier on.
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
What's in your opinion alicent's healthier relationship in the show? And what's your favorite?
I think her healthiest relationship is her friendship with Criston. he is the one person truly sworn to her, who will protect her and listen to her and be a shoulder for her to cry on in her court. he also understood what it was like to be taken advantage of by royals who held such immense power of their heads that it was no use to try and fight them. they were allies and friends and damn near only means of staying sane. he was sworn to her on his own will and he was by her side till the very end. he also had s good relationship with her kids and was most likely the closest thing they ever had to a father, especially as they got older and during the dance. I think he was probably the one person she felt truly safe with, and he allowed her the room to breathe and let out her worries and angers she otherwise had to keep bottled up. not to mention she literally saved his life and gave him a time and place to attempt to regain his honor and serve her as he wished. they're both so sad and pathetic (affectionatly) and I love them so much.
my favorite though (even if her and Cole's is very close to being my favorite) is her and Aegon. they have this messy mother/son relationship that just shatters my heart. he was born to her husband and rapist into her prison that was the red keep and the death of what remained of her childhood and yet she still loved him more than anyone could ever imagine in such a messy and frankly painful way. they're so complex and the emotions are so high strung and it's all just so fascinating to poke around at and analyze. you never love something like you love your eldest child, they say, and we see that with Alicent even when she struggles to parent him, because she was a child too when she had him and he is a bit of s troublemaker she doesn't know how to handle. Aegon is an amazing and flawed character as well, while not the best person, and the relationship he has with his mom, where he is just longing for her to be soft with him to love him constantly while also keeping the wedge between them is just *chefs kiss*. I love them and all their messy mommy issues.
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ambalambs · 5 months
I've been thinking about my little scion trio ocs a lot lately and thought y'know what I might as well post a little snippet of fic for them. Cuz why not and then I can say I've posted at least one snippet for all my xiv ocs (except kaien but we dont talk about that lol). I did this one while trying to get a feel for how their personalities would feel on paper and in a more mundane situation. Nothing special lol
"You're gonna love Grams. She's the best!" Saya told Dailoux as they pushed the door to the manor open.
Dailoux gave her a small, nervous nod but froze on the spot as they were immediately greeted by the strong aroma of freshly baked cookies. Saya and Fawkes didn't appear phased by such a greeting but Dailoux couldn't recall a moment where he had smelled something so sweet.
"Grams! We're back!" Saya called out as she set about placing their bags on the nearby hooks. Dailoux had to quickly step to the side to avoid Fawkes' carbuncle as it skittered past them all into the house.
"Oh! Saya darling!" the voice of a kindly elderly woman called back. "Has that boy of mine proposed to you yet?"
Immediately Saya could feel the heat rising up her face as she took a quick glance at Fawkes. He was busying himself with removing his boots and was already making his way further into the room completely dubious to his grandmother's questioning. Saya took a quick glance back at Dailoux who looked at her equal parts amused and sympathetic.
Saya quickly cleared her throat, "No, Grams. We've brought a friend." It was not uncommon for Grams to tease them but of all the times why did it have to be now in front of Dai. Saya groaned inwardly as she removed her shoes. She waited patiently a moment as Dailoux jolted at the realization of the household's no shoe etiquette and stumbled as he tried to rush to follow their example.
The moment he was free Saya grasped his wrist and began dragging him along guiding him to the kitchen. He couldn't help but take notice that Fawkes had left them behind and had snagged a handful of cookies as he hopped up to take a seat on a countertop. A cookie already stuffed in his mouth as he lazily watched the pair of them enter. Grams however shuffled over to them as she removed her oven mitts.
"Oh there she is!" Grams beamed as she leaned in to give Saya a tight hug. She was a portly woman that immediately gave off a warm and loving presence. It was such a contrasting experience from the broody and quiet grandson of hers. Dailoux couldn't help smiling softly as he stood stooped in the entryway. Grams pulled back from Saya, giving her a small pat on the cheek as the young woman grinned back. "And who might this friend be? Is this the one Fawkes mentioned in his letter?" Her gaze turned towards him and he suddenly found himself growing nervous.
"The very one," Saya grinned. She tugged Dai further into the kitchen to stand beside her. "This is Dailoux. Dai, this is Grams!"
Dailoux nervously tipped his head in a bow. What was common Sharlayan courtesy? Was he supposed to shake her hand? Bow more? He suddenly felt like he was burning up. He glanced past Grams to Fawkes on the counter across the room for guidance but he just watched him calmly as he munched on another cookie.
"Oh my well let me take a look at you," Grams carried on looking up at him with a stern look and adjusting her glasses. Dailoux froze under her scrutinizing gaze. For the first time since he had awakened and Fawkes and Saya had found him he hadn't felt so insecure about his elezen height. He was towering over this woman as she analyzed him. Was this a moment of judgement? What would happen to him if she found him unworthy company? Oh how he wished he could be as small as he felt in this moment. Maybe he'd be able to hide behind Saya if he were. Unconsciously he scooted a little behind her. Saya must've noticed because he felt her give his wrist a small squeeze.
Dai jumped as Grams suddenly leaned back and clapped a hand against the oven mitts in her grasp and smiled brightly at him. "My my this one is a keeper! Dailoux was it? Well, dear, if my boy is calling you a friend then you are more than welcome to a helping of Bellveil cookies!" She turned on her heels but Fawkes' gluttony mustve caught her eye. "Tut tut!" she snapped as she smacked his shoulder with a mitt. Fawkes shied away from her beating with a smirk and stuffed another cookie into his mouth. "The least you could do is offer your guests some first! This boy i swear."
Saya giggled as she reached over to grab one for herself. "Actually, Grams, we have a bit of a favor to ask of you. I'm sure Fawkes already explained why we have to keep Dai a bit of a secret." She paused a moment as if unsure how to approach the question. "And we can't keep depending on the generosity of the Students of Baldesion letting him stay at the annex. So could he stay here with Fawkes? Just until we sort things out, of course!"
Dailoux could feel himself beginning to grow nervous again. He new Saya and Fawkes were already risking themselves even bringing him back to Sharlayan. Fawkes had warned him to keep quiet about where they'd found him and his unusual circumstances. But how much had they told his grandmother? He was beginning to worry what their next option would be should she refuse him. Would Fawkes ignore her wishes regardless? Would he be shuffled off to take their chances at Saya's home? But what if her parents refused as well? Where was he supposed to go? He suddenly imagined them turning him back to the docks to sail him away and be left to stagger his way through this unknown land. Alone. Again alone.
His throat was beginning to dry when Grams finally spoke up tearing him from his rapid thoughts. "Of course he can, dear. It's not as if this manor is lacking space. And besides," she leaned in cupping a hand to the side of her mouth hiding it from Fawkes' view. "This house could use some more lively company than this troublesome bookworm."
Fawkes gave her an annoyed look and glanced between her and Saya as the two women shared a laugh. As an act of defiance he reached out and dropped one if his hoarded cookies to the ground where his carbuncle leapt to devour it. Grams tsked at him again and shook her head.
"Well, Dailoux, dear tell me, how do you like Sharlayan since you've arrived?" Grams suddenly asked, turning her attention to him.
Dailoux straightened up and cleared his throat. "It's-it's been...comfortable. Cold," his voice drifted a bit when he realized he didn't know what to say. He sadly didn't have any memory of another place to compare it to. "It's very nice. What I've seen of it." Which hadnt been much to tell the truth. As soon as they got off the ship they rushed him straight to the annex before anyone could ask any questions.
Grams hummed with amusement. "And you'll have to see more, no doubt. We'll have to take you to the market and find you a nice scarf tomorrow. What do you say?"
Saya perked up at that but Fawkes jumped in before she could speak. "It's too dangerous," he frowned.
"Oh hush nobody will bother asking questions if we merely take him shopping," Grams waved him off. Fawkes glared at her as he went back to munching. "Now why don't you make yourself useful and show this boy to his room." She gave him another quick smack to his shoulder causing Fawkes to roll his eyes and hop off the counter. Saya gave Dai a little nudge and he made his way to follow reluctantly behind Fawkes as he tossed one of the cookies still cupped in his hand his way. Dailoux fumbled as he caught it nearly dropping the pastry in the process.
Grams chuckled lightly as she watched the boys leave the room. She turned back to Saya and smiled softly as she watched the girl kneel down and give the carbuncle a soft scratch behind the ear. It always seemed to gravitate towards her when Fawkes was absent. But as she watched the girl her mood suddenly became grave.
"There was actually something I wanted to speak with you about, Saya." The girl looked up at Grams a bit surprised and quickly stood. She watched as Grams turned and rummaged through a drawer a moment. Once she found what she was searching for, she paused and stared at the item for a beat before collecting herself and turning back to face Saya. She then held out a sealed envelope and Saya felt herself swallow thickly. It was a simple letter addressed to Fawkes but her stomach dropped as she focused on the wax seal. The seal from the scions of the seventh dawn.
"This arrived for him not three days ago," Grams explained, her voice hushed and grave. "Now I know he's kept correspondence with them for some time but...something about this one..." Saya finally tore her gaze from the letter to meet Grams' eyes when she paused. "Something in my gut tells me this one is different. This is the one that's going to take him away."
Saya found herself swallowing again and finding it suddenly difficult. It had been some time since the scions had sent him a letter, it was true. Truth be told she new very little about what it was that group did beyond helping those in Eorzea. From time to time they'd send for aid from Fawkes for his intelligence on primals and his echo. He was a perfect source to dig into Sharlayan's library for them but she knew deep down it'd only be a matter of time before they called him to follow their crusade by their side. Out in the field.
"I've never trusted the work Louisoix's little pupils seem to dig up," Gramms continued, "and I won't have them dragging my boy off to his doom. To follow in that man's footsteps. And now this talk of cloaked shadow people." Grams huffed in frustration. "I was just hoping, whatever nonsense is in this letter, you could talk some sense into him. He always seems to listen to you."
Not about this, Saya thought to herself. She remembered him mentioning these cloaked figures to her before. Ascians he said the scions called them. When he spoke of them she remembered how his eyes lit up with intrigue. If the scions were calling upon him now to help with these villains of course he'd agree without question. If they were as bad as they say then they were a threat to not just Eorzea but everything. There was no way Saya would let him rush in to face that alone. Whatever he decided to do she'd help too. It was the right thing to do. At least she hoped it was.
Her only fear was the danger. They were no strangers to combat of course. They'd faced plenty of beasts and minor voidkin during their expeditions into some ruin or another. Not to mention the others they came across when they found Dai. The others like him but unfinished and wrong. Fawkes alone was a force to be reckoned with and Saya wasn't too bad with a spell and sword. But whatever these ascians were, they were worse. Something in her kept telling her they wouldn't stand a chance against them.
Saya reached out and took the letter from Grams and clutched it to her chest. "Don't worry I'll talk to him." She gave the older woman a reassuring smile and it seemed as if a sudden weight had lifted off the woman. Grams patted her cheek, thanking her, and turned her attention back to her baking just as the boys made their way back into the kitchen. Grams' previous grave demeanor was immediately gone and she was beckoning for Dailoux to give her a hand with the oven. The boy rushed over and Grams was going on joyously about something but Saya couldn't find it in herself to listen. Instead she stood there, letter clutched to her chest feeling like a heavy weight was suddenly crushing her lungs. She looked across the way to Fawkes who had already taken notice of her current state, concern furrowing his brow. She could feel his carbuncle bumping its head against her ankles.
"What's wrong?" Fawkes asked her, taking a step in her direction. But as she quickly shook her head with a reassuring smile his eyes fell onto the letter in her grasp. She brushed her thumb over the seal, trying in vain to cover it but it was too late. He'd seen it. His eyes suddenly lit up in the way they always did that worried her. It was that one look that she recognized. The one she learned to fear in him. That hunger. That fire. That desire for more, whatever it was she didn't know. But she did know that in that moment nothing she could say would stop him from leaving.
Quickly she signed his name. The gesture pulling his focus off the letter and back onto her. She gave him a nervous smile, searching in his eyes for that hunger again but it was gone as quickly as it had come. He smiled softly back at her. Such a rare thing, his smile. And that was all Saya needed to know that whatever happened next, whatever crazy journey they were about to be swept up in, they'd be alright. She'd hold onto that hope.
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shelfthe-reader · 8 months
Haven’t had any solid fic updates in a hot second so here are pictures of my cats
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This is Goose: named after that stupid cat from Captain Marvel. She’s orange
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This is Zyra, named after Aziraphale. She jumps too high for her own good and likes to cuddle.
@legendary-dumpster-fire adopted them while I was at work without me knowing
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idol-trickster · 2 years
hey , question for the mun, did u used to run a tapp ask blog?
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I sure did! @tappisonthecase was my first ask blog for the fandom! The blog debuted back in 2019, I feel so ancient now LOL.
I was a hardcore Tapp main when he was released, plus he was the OG cop of the roster. A detective at that! 🥰I have a thing for tactical gear and intelligence, ok. (Ace and Quentin main previously because the roster was so damb small at the time.) He's still one of my favorite survivors and I just can't quit him 😌 (Though I've picked up Felix and Adam as well- and now YunJin n Jake! {who got nerfed to the ground})
The blog was recently going to become a collab blog with my bud (Nax) who has a small Amanda muse, but we both have a hard enough time running our big boy blogs and keeping active that it's sort of on hiatus. ((Maybe get occasional posts in the year))
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
Regularly watching funny youtubers: ❌
Binging compilations of them when I remember the exist every 6 months: ✔
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rikodabirb · 11 months
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And now we arrive in the current era, many many sketches and not that many finished pieces thanks to uni burnout :3
But anyways these guys are the current line-up of my OCs
The long boys' name is Fyren
I mostly use them for silly aus with friends <3
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wildlife4life · 10 months
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This is Sophie… she is one of my parents dogs that I went to pick up while they go on a vacation. Sophie is why I sat outside for an hour waiting for AAA because she couldn’t unlock the car after locking it. (The car was on with the ac running don’t worry!)
The dog she is resting on is Ranger, my parents other dog and a 150lb sweet heart who did no wrong today.
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heathfall · 1 year
thinking... about introducing prairieclan to y’all....
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
The spellman siblings are called the spellman siblings not because Norm raised them but because everyone collectively blames Norm for them becoming what they are now.
oh absolutely. Norms idea of a good time was throwing the kids in the lab, he valued their education and made sure to teach them ll he could and to supply them with whatever materials they wanted.
only problem is, is that they got to smart, they tore through everything they were given, ran rampant through the lab, and had mastered multiple actual languages (people who've been following this idea for a while know why I have to preface that).
they were running everyone rampant as is, and then it got worse.
when norm couldn't keep them leashed anymore he through them in the media room with all the possible content they could ever want, in the form of movies, tv, old recordings, documentaries, books, and more.
life can only go so well when you have 3 intelligent na'vi kids who can recite Shakespeare in Klingon, quote whole movies word for word, or are capable of correcting older documentaries.
they all blame for creating those little monsters (affectionate).
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probablyahazard · 1 year
just me and my 7 little deity ocs for my little dnd campaign against the world
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thefamilyaberration · 27 days
(posting abt my ocs like it's a well known fandom)
Sanity: saying you're going to get bread is one typo away from meaning something entirely different
Corvus: are you on something right now?
Sanity: no I'm high on life
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