#go back to darius honey
trafficlightchild · 2 years
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forbidden-sunlight · 2 years
I’m not seducing the female lead’s obsessive father!
[yandere!regis floyen x agent!reader headcanons]
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warning: spoilers from the manhwa, obsessive behavior, implied violence. Please take caution.
Hey guys, hope you’ve been doing well and ready to dive into this next chapter! Special thanks to @d10nsaint, @rouecentric and a few more friends for helping get out of some tough corners that came with writing the draft!
I do apologize for the delayed release, I had it on my laptop ready to post when Hurricane Ian came barreling through my area, knocking out the electricity. It just came back on after three days without that and running water. Thankfully, my family was safe while I had been stationed at my medical workplace and the damage to our home was minimal.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who are still lost in the dark. 
So with that being said, sit back, relax and be prepared to see what happens next~.
It wasn’t too hard to approach Marquess Griddlebone after the Emperor had dismissed the council for the day. Regis was straightforward with his intention of getting acquainted with her as a fellow member. Especially since she will be replacing her father once he has stepped down from his position as the family head. 
She was certainly surprised. Then again, he had been known for not approaching the other nobles, maintaining a ‘stiff’ persona unless someone had insulted his little Jubel. The rumors were not wrong.  Look what happened to Marquis Hessen when he and his family insulted the Floyen duchy. 
However, the shocked expression was replaced with a smile, replying that she is looking forward to being acquainted with a fellow countryman who wishes eternal prosperity for the Ashet  Empire. A fellow countryman who was very good at honeying her words and falsifying a jovial mask when Darius had eyes and ears everywhere. Regis simply nodded and took his leave, not wanting to be here any longer. He wished to have dinner with Jubel for a change instead of by himself. 
Due to his workload, Regis had to wait two days before he sent Selli to deliver a secret message to the Griddlebone estate. It was a simple greeting, nothing more. It was best to be cautious. 
The following morning, the pigeon returned with a response. Inside was a greeting, inquiring about the health of his daughter and staff, and other mundane questions. But behind this letter were two more pieces, both were inscribed in a strange alphabet of the likes he had never seen before. Not even his intelligence network had used this code. A smaller parchment piece fell out of the envelope, written in elegant handwriting were the following words.
                                Want to play a game?
                                The rules are quite simple...
Marquess Griddlebone had sent him a cipher. By using the reference sheet, it should be easy for him to decode the message. Don’t ask anyone for help nor show it to anyone. Decode it, and send it back and he might get a response if he is correct. If, however, he was not interested in this game, she was more than welcome to use another means to communicate with him as he sees fit. 
He paced around his room, eyeing the reference sheet and cipher carefully before deciding to decode on a blank parchment paper. When he saw the hidden message…well, it certainly made him raise his brow. 
For all his talk on being a great leader of the country, one would wonder how the Emperor could allow to make so many enemies by attempting to conquer neighboring nations when he could have easily profited through an alliance via trade or a political marriage. By allowing the crown prince to be placed in charge of the royal army, he is allowing himself to create another contender for the people’s approval. 
Shaking his head, he enclosed it with a note asking how she came about this cipher that he, the nation’s hero, had never seen before, and sent Selli on her way. His response was that it is a secret cipher passed through the Griddlebone family for generations. But who said it is the only cipher that she knows? Is he curious?
This pattern of correspondence continued for three weeks. Each cipher was more challenging than the last one, but to his surprise, it did not annoy him. It was an interesting puzzle, and with each one solved, he learned a little more about Lady Griddlebone. 
If someone had told Regis that he’d be freely interacting with a member of the Emperor’s council, he would have ignored them and said they were delusional or drunk. And yet, here he is, interacting with Marquis Griddlebone’s only daughter as she secretly obtained any information he needed regarding the whereabouts of wizards.
At first, he regretted asking her. Wondering if he had made the right choice in trusting with such a task. But she did not question him, instead going to work immediately and promising to inform him of any news. In turn, if he heard anything about LaRue, please inform her. A working relationship with benefits, so to speak.
Within a week, she regretfully informed him that she was not able to find any such information except for a baseless rumor about the sighting of a wizard in the southern continent. However, there was something about a ring that can control a person, binding them to enslavement. It was forbidden magic, a contract between two people. If she wants to expand the investigation, she will. 
But Regis immediately declined. It was enough for that person to know about Circe’s Ring. He did not want Lady Griddlebone to be in further danger than she is already guilty of: rebelling against the empire, and aiding the enemy. Him. 
Instead, he stirred their conversation by sharing things about each other. In three weeks he learned more about Lady Griddlebone than he wanted to. Her schedule, the people she associated with at banquets, even her favorite colors and least favorite food. On the surface, she appeared as an unapproachable young woman with a silver tongue. 
Regis was now aware that she is kind and protective towards others who are younger than her. It is a virtue he is most grateful for, as he did not have to worry about Jubelian being in Lady Griddlebone’s presence. She would not try to take advantage of his daughter, as others have tried. Like Lady LaRue. 
On occasion, if his schedule would allow it, he’d extend an invitation to the Floyen duchy under the pretense of a meeting between colleagues, even going so far as to call it a tea party. Unfortunately, she would politely reject the offer every time it was brought up. 
Too risky. She confessed. Too many eyes would be on us. It might put Her Grace in danger if the Emperor hears about it. 
But…but he wanted to meet with her. He wanted to see the woman, more than he would have liked to admit. He needed to see her. 
It was to the point that if his aide heard that the lady from the Griddlebone family would be attending a social event, he would go to it. He was being foolish, to allow his heart to waver for a woman such as her…yet he could not stop himself.
In retrospect, Amelia would have wanted him to move on and be happy at this point, would she not?
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Louise did not understand what was happening. She had been putting a lot of effort into being a fine lady of a rich family. Learning about the newest trends, building a network of connections with other aristocrats, making sure not to bring shame to the LaRues, etc. And where has this effort rewarded her? 
Nothing. Nothing but continuous anguish and aggravation. Why? Why is this happening?!
She gritted her teeth, trying very hard to tighten the grip on the champagne glass as she stared at the group of ladies surrounding the bashful female lead. She still hadn’t made any progress in a potential friendship with Jubelian. 
Jubelian coldly continued to rebuff her invitations for tea and pointedly ignored her at social events such as this one, a birthday for a count’s daughter. The only reason she had even to be here is because of her father. Hell, the male lead had the gall to threaten her when she just wanted to say ‘hi’ to Jubelian!
Seriously, why are they acting like this?! She had even stopped approaching the Duke because she thought he’d actually take interest when she pulled away, damn it! But there he was, across the glass greenhouse, surrounded by screeching, vibrant birds who wanted only his title. 
She just wanted a chance to show she was in love with him. Was that too much to ask?! She had to do something. She had to rethink her strategy or else she’ll lose her one chance at happiness!!
“Announcing the arrival of Marquis Griddlebone and his daughter, Marquess Griddlebone.” A servant called out, the guests silencing for a moment as the father-daughter pair entered the greenhouse silently.  Louise’s blood turned icy, watching them intensely while the hosts greeted them before scattering across the greenhouse. 
What? Why is she here?! It doesn’t make sense! They were part of the loyalists, and they were willingly to come to a house that is affiliated with the neutral faction?!
Outrage and anger boiled simultaneously in her veins as she watched the man who did not want a special woman like Louise LaRue, approached the damned loyalist with a foolish, lovestruck expression and a brief kiss on her gloved palm. Etiquette rules dictate that it is polite for a gentleman to kiss a lady’s hand, but such a romantic gesture is reserved for the female lead only!
And that woman isn’t even reacting like a blushing maiden in love! Just an expressionless face hiding behind a fan!  What did a loyalist have that she, a lucky transmigrator, lacked?!
Louise needed Regis. He’s the female lead’s father, an exceedingly handsome man with a prestigious title and a duchy to boot! He was the only one worthy of her affection! There is no way she would settle for less, especially the men that her father wanted to introduce her as potential marriage candidates! There was even someone who is twenty years her senior, for God’s sake!
Is it so much to ask to live a luxurious life with a handsome and rich husband?!
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Regis quickly approached Lady Griddlebone and her father, nodding his head respectfully to them. He did not care much for the marquis yet he had to be courteous,  even though the sole reason he had come here was to talk to his daughter privately. Jubelian was with Lady Veronica and Lady Rose, so she would be fine until he came to fetch her. 
They talked for a few moments before the marquis excused himself to speak to someone across the room. His daughter nodded, watching the portly man scamper away before she turned his attention to him, at last. 
“Would you like to speak in private, my lady?” He asked. She blinked at him, tilting her head slightly before she spoke in a low, monotonous voice. “Of course. I shall follow your lead, Your Grace.”
Distant and polite with so many eyes surrounding them. Forcing all of his willpower to become as composed as the object of his adoration, he led them through the crowd and towards the outside of the greenhouse. 
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Quite frankly, you had prepared to talk about ciphers and the sort with the female lead’s father. However, a loving scolding is something you were not expecting to reach your ears. You watched in stunned disbelief as he fussed over the dark circles beginning to appear under your eyes, if you have been taking care of yourself and so forth with his arms crossed. 
Clearing your voice, you snapped your fan closed and lightly tapped on it against your open palm. 
“Your Grace, please remember that we are in the public eye at a birthday banquet.” She watched as the man’s face flushed ever so slightly before he coughed. 
“My apologies.”
“ ‘Tis all right, Your Grace. Now, how may I assist you?” You asked, getting straight to the point. It would be prudent to not be away too long or else rumors would pop up. “Is everything all right with your daughter, the duchy? Or do you require me to do something else for you?”
He was about to speak when the door to the greenhouse slammed opened, revealing a flushed and angry Louise LaRue. You raised an eyebrow at her darkening expression. Oh? Was she jealous? How quaint. You watched with feigned disinterest as she approached the duke, curtseying before she asked to speak to him in private for a moment.  A few minutes of his time is all she desired.  Regis seemed infuriated, but you could not blame him. You had to give him kudos for his patience with idiots: in contrast to the female lead’s father, you would have snapped her neck a long time ago.
So why in the world was he looking at you for approval? He was a grown man for crying out loud!
You nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders. “Do not mind me, Your Grace. I am curious to see what other flowers are grown here on Count Orleans’ estate aside from their famous irises.” You said, turning on your heel in the direction where they were supposedly blooming when Duke Floyen said, “If Lady LaRue has something to say, then she is more than welcome to say it here.”
Huh? Why is he getting you involved in this matter? Ugh, HR had better prepare a nice compensation for all the trouble you are going through for the completion of this mission.
Looking over your shoulder, you blinked owlishly before giving the pair your undivided attention, waving your open fan in front of your face. “Then, by all means. I shall be a witness to this…conversation.”
Acting as if he had gotten permission from a university professor to continue a presentation, the female lead’s father glared at LaRue. She too was surprised at this turn of events, no doubt she could have anticipated it.
“Lady LaRue, do you even realize the gravity of the situation you have placed yourself in right now?” Regis asked coldly. 
“With all due respect, Your Grace, it is within your best interest to discontinue your association with that woman.” Lady LaRue said, surprisingly calm and collected as the duke. “She is someone whose heart or loyalty cannot be wavered. She is dedicated to the empire and the Emperor. Nothing more.”
“And where is your proof of these allegations?”
“These ‘allegations’ are from reliable sources, rest assured, Your Grace. Please understand that I say this out of concern for you and your daughter -”
“That is not for you to decide.” He said tersely. “If I dare to say so, you have conducted yourself in a manner that is unbecoming of a young woman of high society. You continue to approach my daughter with false intentions, even when she has gently rebuked your company time and time again. If you do so again…I am sure you are aware of what became of Marquis Hessen and his family, do you not?” 
“...I understand.” You smiled behind your fan as the sound of the outsider gritting her teeth in frustration reached your ears. Ah, what such sweet music~! “But please…allow me to ask. Why? What does Lady Griddlebone have that I do not? She and I are of the same social status, almost the same age! What is the difference between us that - that you wish to spend your time with her?!”
Wow. Talk about desperate. She is really trying to reel him in before you apprehend her for interfering with this world, huh? Well, too bad.
Even if she had married the Duke, you’d just erase his memories and drag her arse back to the Chapter’s headquarters. You were going to get back to your vacation, damn it. 
And it was time to end this farce here. 
Snapping your fan shut, you spoke. “Lady LaRue, do you recall the last time we spoke about etiquette? Not only had you been rude to myself, but to Her Grace as well. It is fine to approach another noble lady with the intention of establishing a fellowship amongst peers…but there is a limit to how much…enthusiasm one can place in such a pursuit. I believe they call it ‘stalking’ these days, do they not, Your Grace?” You asked, emphasizing on the word associated with unrelenting harassment with a smirk. 
She sputtered over her words, leaving herself wide open for the vicious mockery that left your mouth as you recalled everything she had done to gain the Duke’s attention. The outsider stood there, red-faced and trembling with her delicate hands fisting into the skirts of her dress. 
She did not deny or claim that these allegations were true. Just seeing her in such a wretched state and having it witnessed by a few spectators was more than enough for now. They would be sure to spread what happened here throughout the social circles by the end of the day. 
Your job is done here now. And it is the last time you would be nice to LaRue. You had no intention of staying in this world any longer than necessary. Turning to the duke, you curtised and excused yourself. 
But for all of the knowledge and experience you have gained as an agent, you did not see the look of longing on Duke Floyen’s face with your back turned towards him. 
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When she had been reborn for a second time, Jubelian swore that she would not seek out her father’s approval and affection. It was obvious that he did not care about her, just as Mikhail did not reciprocate her love for him. 
All she wanted to do was live a quiet, luxurious life and not get married to the tyrannical crown prince. To do so, she had to repair her tarnished reputation as a wicked villainess and make connections. That was why she had accepted the invitation to this afternoon’s event. But when she saw the forlorn expression on her father’s face upon returning from the gardens, she became a little…concerned. 
Later that evening, she asked Merilynn about what the other servants had been saying, as the brunette knew quite a few people beyond the duchy’s gates. According to her maid-in-waiting, Lady LaRue had approached her father yet again, only to be thoroughly humiliated by Marquess Griddlebone. There was a rumor that he is fond of the woman, but it disappeared as quickly as it had been whispered. 
Jubelian knew that the Griddlebone family had been loyal to the imperial family since its founding…why would her father associate himself with a woman like that? She was concerned. 
If he did become involved with Griddlebone, her father might force her to break up with Max and force her to marry the crown prince or worse, someone from the political faction that supported the emperor and fell short of the requirements she desired in a man: someone who is more powerful than her father, money, status, and looks! No, she wanted to have a peaceful life with a man she loved! 
Determined to not let her plans go awry, she asked Merilynn to bring her some parchment and a quill. 
She needed to determine if Marquess Griddlebone was a genuine threat to her happiness and to the Floyen duchy. It was already bad enough that Lady LaRue would not stop following her or her father. And there was no better way to ferret someone’s true intentions than an invitation for afternoon tea out of the blue. 
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cutesharkstudios · 3 months
Owl House Group Chat 2
(Hexsquad) 11:07 Willow has entered
Willow: Hello?
Amity has entered
Amity: Hey Willow. No worries
Willow: Yes worries! I promised I would be off at 10 and lost track of time
Amity: It's cool, this is suppossed to be a casual thing.
Willow: Ok. Side note, what did y'all do when I was gone?
Amity: Scroll up.
Willow: Oh my
Willow: Ok, ok
Hunter has entered
Hunter: Hi Willow
Willow: Hi Honey
Hunter: 0//0
Amity: Cute
Hunter: I like that name.
Willow: Really?
Hunter: I think it's cute, like you
Willow: 0//0
Amity: oh my
Willow: Yeah I deserve that
Darius has entered
Darius: My Hunter senses were tingling
Amity: Uncle Darius?!?!
Willow: Uncle?
Amity: He babysat me a ton as a kid. He and dad claimed they hated each other, but they didn't, and he helped dad take care of me.
Darius: Speaking of him, I need some advice.
Amity: Sure
Darius: Could we do this in a seperate chat with you, me, and the twins? I'll hext you the link
Amity: sure, see ya guys
Hunter: have fun
Willow: bye
Darius: Amity will check in soon
Amity: Hey
Ed: Hi Amity
Em: Hey Ams
Amity: So what's going on?
Ed: Darius needs our help with something wonder what
Darius: And this doesn't leave this chat, ok?
Amity: 100%
Ed: got it
Darius: Em?
Em: Sorry, had to turn off the oven for dinner. Your secret is our secret
Amity: What ya making?
Em: Centaur roast and carrots
Amity: Thanks
Darius: Okay here it goes
Darius: I want to propose to Alador
Amity: WHAT
Ed: Really?
Darius: I've drawn up the plan and will send them soon.
Amity: OMG, Darius, this is awesome.
Darius: Thanks Amity, I hope it goes well. We've really grown over the 4 years of dating, and I hope I can be a good parental figure to you and the twins
Em: You really mean it?
Darius: Yeah, I've always wanted to be a dad, and now I have the opportunity. I hope I do well.
Amity: Well you can't do any worse than you-know-who
Darius: Thanks for the support, though she didn't set a high bar
Em: She set the bar at all?
Darius: Touche
Ed: And hopefully we will be good kids. I know we're adults, so it's probably not what you imagined being a dad would be like, but we promise to be good.
Em: And we'll continue to be good siblings as well. Side note, Amity?
Amity: Yes?
Em: Now that we are at a slower time in our lives, I want to ask, are we good?
Amity: Yes, why do ask?
Ed: Well, we teased you a lot in our youth. We never meant any harm, but we realise we may have been, as much as I hate to admit it, mean to you.
Em: That was never our intention, and we're sorry if we crossed any lines
Amity: Well, the only real line crossed was with the diary and Luz. But given how much of a jerk I was back then, I kind of had it coming.
Darius: I'm just as guilty. I crossed my share of lines in my past that Alador only told me about AFTER we started dating. Oof, not my finest moments
Em: Well what happened happened. We can't change the past, but we can make a better future.
Darius: Anyways, here's the plan…….
Room Created: OldWitches
Raine has entered Eda has entered Lilith has entered
Eda: Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day! Today's the day!
Lilith: Whoa, sister, calm down, what's the occasion?
Eda: After so long of trying to get an appointment, Raine's getting their sigil removing treatment!
Lilith: Awesome. I had mine yesterday, and I gave my sigil a certain gesture before it went away.
Eda: That's my sister. So, Rainestorm, what new magic do you want to try first?
Raine: You're not going to belive this but, of all types, illusions
Eda: I take it you saw that article I sent of Goops moping the floor with Adrian?
Raine: Yep, I had no idea you could tell when someone was hiding behind and illusion. We laughed at Adrian all dang afternoon post incedent.
Lilith: I would have paid SO many snails to see that
Raine: I got the whole thing on my scroll. And backed it up on three of my personal devices.
Eda: Whatever happened to him and the other defect coven leaders?
Lilith: Trying to find them, but so far no activity.
Raine: They should be dormant for now, but the hunt is still on.
Eda: Check out this news article I found. [link]
Raine: What is it?
Lilith: It better not be one of THOSE websites again.
Eda: You'll see
Raine: EDA!
Eda: Yes?
Raine: Why did you not tell me about this wonderful thing called fanfiction? I don't even know who wrote this but, God, they have excellent potential.
Lilith: I think I know who wrote it
Raine: Who is the author?
Lilith: If you scroll all the way up, you'll see the author is AzuraFanOtter, take a wild witch guess who that is
Raine: Well no wonder Luz is getting A's in her writing classes, this is wonderful
Eda: And fitting 20 characters in one scene while giving them all ample screen time is tricky, but she made it work.
Lilith: Maybe she should write her own book. The money made from that could benefit her greatly in the future.
Eda: Indeed, though she'll probably be fine when she marries Boots, cause all the Blights are LOADED.
Lilith: Now now, keep in mind, there is a change things don't work out for them. It's not like they were made with the other in mind.
Eda: …
Raine: …
Lilith: What? I'm serious.
Raine: We know, but I'll eat griffon feathers if they don't work out.
Raine has left
Lilith: Well, I promised Darius I'd help with a "surprise" for Alador.
Eda: Cool, have fun.
Lilith: Thank you for not making an innappropriate joke for that.
Eda: Yeah, sorry about last week's prank, didn't think it go over as bad as it did.
Lilith: No no, I should have just taken the joke.
Eda has left
Lilith has left
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indigooo74 · 2 months
Everything Will Be Okay (An Aladarius Fic)
Chapter 4- Fever
It was the next day, Darius and I were still cuddling with me, he seemed tired from everything that had happened yesterday and it was fair, I caressed his hair.
Darius slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me “Al…you’re awake..” He spoke, I looked at him.
“yea I’ve been awake for about 1 hour, I didn’t want to interrupt you though..” I spoke still caressing his hair.
“..Hey uh, how are we going to get my medication?” He asked
“Oh! Lilith is working on it” I replied and smiled a bit
“That’s good to hear!” He said
“Wanna uh kiss, I don’t really know what to do” I spoke
“Yea..” he replied
Darius grabbed my cheeks and just kissed me, I kissed back, Darius was a bit warm but, I’m assuming it’s because he was cuddled up with me.
A few minutes passed and we were all in the kitchen, Darius was acting strange, he was stumbling a bit, I helped him sit down.
“You okay?…” I asked
“…Yea, I might just be a bit too hungry..or I’m just tired, I’ll be okay though..” Darius spoke, I held onto his hands and he still felt warm, though warmer than before.
Hunter noticed that and became concerned, he approached Hunter and I, Emira looked at us worried.
“Dads? What’s going on?…” Emira asked
“Nothing…d-don’t worry about it..” Darius spoke, he was bruising off the dizziness and then fact that he was really warm.
“Em, get the thermometer please” I asked.
Emira nodded and ran to grab the thermometer, Amity walked to us aswell, Edric just watched, he was worried aswell.
“Dad?…” Hunter said looking at Darius, Emira walked back in and gave me the thermometer, I placed it under Darius’s armpit, as soon as I heard a beep I checked the temperature, my eyes widened.
39 degrees Celsius, Darius had a fever, Darius was getting more dizzy, his body was trembling.
I knew what was happening, Hunter began panicking “what’s going on?! Why is he trembling?!” Hunter spoke.
I grabbed Darius quickly and laid him on the side before the trembling got worse, his eyes were rolled back and he was shaking violently, I grabbed my scroll and used a timer to time his seizures.
Hunter backed away he began to hyperventilate, Amity tried calming him down though, she was panicking aswell, Emira soon figured out what was happening and grabbed a pillow from the other room and laid it underneath Darius’s head, Edric backed away covering his mouth.
“…Keep him on the side dad, he’s starting to foam a bit” Emira spoke.
A bit of foam was dripping from Darius’s mouth as he was seizing, I caressed his hair gently.
“It’s okay…it’s almost done…you can do this honey..” I spoke gently, it was scary but, we all had to get used to it.
“How long has he been like this?..” Emira asked
“…2 minutes” I replied.
“Is he struggling to breathe?..”
“..I don’t think so, he is making a few groaning sounds but, he doesn’t seem to be struggling..”
About a minute passed and Darius stopped seizing, his eyes were closed, he was breathing heavily and he was unconscious, he was recovering slowly.
I looked down for a bit, Hunter seemed to have calmed down too.
“I-Is he going to die?..” Hunter asked
“…No, that can rarely happen, we have to keep him safe though..” I replied
“I’m scared, what if it gets worse!”
“Hunter dear, if he gets worse, we’ll take him to the hospital to figure out what’s wrong with him and if we can get his medication upgraded..”
He had a seizure for about 3 minutes and 42 seconds, Emira was making sure he didn’t hurt himself.
Soon enough we heard a knock, Amity got up “I got it!” She said and ran to the door.
Darius slowly woke up, he was still a bit dizzy after the episode but, that was normal.
I wiped the foam off of his mouth “…hey..you just had a seizure attack…” I spoke and caressed his hair, Darius looked up at me and nodded.
Amity lead Lilith to where we were and Lilith’s eyes widened.
“Did he have one?..” Lilith asked
Emira nodded, Lilith approached us two “I got the potion medications.
“Thanks Lilith..” I spoke “It’s best if he takes one now..” Emira spoke.
Darius grabbed one of the potions and drank it.
“Tastes funky, but, very sweet..” Darius said weakly.
Lilith placed the potion medication bag on the kitchen counter “If you run out, I can make some more..” Lilith spoke
I nodded, Darius sat up and looked at Hunter, Amity and Edric, he then looked at Emira, Lilith and I “…I’m sorry about that…” Darius said and looked down tearing up.
“What? You don’t have to apologize for that..” Emira said
“..I do, I scared you guys and I-“ Darius said before the kids and I hugged him.
“…you don’t need to apologize for that, none of us well, maybe just dad, saw you have that before and we were all worried for you…we all want you to be okay..” Edric said
“…” Darius didn’t say anything and just sobbed.
“Father are you okay?” Amity asked, I was worried for him, Darius kept sobbing.
“…I-I don’t know w-what to say, I-I’m just so glad to h-have a family like you g-guys..” Darius sobbed.
“..Awe Darius..” I spoke and gave him a kiss on the head.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Livia: *Sits in a boat with Darius, staring at the water*
Darius: Can you swim?
Livia: No very well...b-but I am learning
Darius: *Shoves Livia out of the boat* Swim.
Livia: *Flails around, spitting out water and coughing before vanishing under the surface*
Darius: *Stares at the water silently* You can stop joking around now....
Darius: *Frowns, narrowing his eyes* Hey, I told you to swim!
Darius: *Shoots up, his eyes wide, reaching into the water and hauling Livia out*
Darius: *Stares down at her stunned* Why...
Livia: *Walks back to the guest mansion, hugging her stomach*
Thea: Livy, honey! What's the matter
Livia: Uncle gave me sweets....
Thea: Huh?
Livia: *Hurls up the desserts, shocking her mother*
Thea: *Gasps, her eyes widening* OH MY STARS!!!
Darius: *Stares Livia down*
Livia: Un..cle..?
Darius: You're ugly.
Livia: *Flinches in surprise*
Darius: And loud.
Livia: *Flattens her ears back*
Darius: Your hair looks like the grime the maids wash away
Livia: Haha....Uncle is...very handsome...
Darius: *Stiffens startled*
Darius: *Looks away* Your breath stinks
Darius: *Walks beside Livia then perks up when she tripped*
Livia: *Hops up, her knees red* I'm fine!
Darius: *Grabs Livia by the back of her dress erupting a scream from her*
Darius: *Drops Livia, looking away unbothered* Her fault.
Thea: Come on Livia, we leave this afternoon, let's get ready
Livia: *Nods sulking* Okay
Darius: *Watches the two go then turns and walks away* Finally...
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198 @zexal-club
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440mxs-wife · 3 months
Treasure Quest, Chapter 8: Wedding Day
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Pairing: Captain Dean x Rhaya Payton (OFC, eventual) Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Captain Keira, Captain Crowley, Lucifer, Lord Darius Payton, Lord Ashton Kane, Connor (OMC's) Carissa Payton, Darcy (OFC's).
Word Count: 4649
Warnings: Angst, Realization of Feelings, a bit of Rhaya's self-doubt, Unwanted Wedding Ceremony, Slight Medical Issue, but Still Scheming Stepmother and Still Annoying Fiancé
Series Summary: Rhaya Payton is the daughter of the governor of Ochana. She grew up listening to her father tell her stories of pirates and treasure maps. At a gala one night, her stepmother, Carissa, announces Rhaya’s engagement to Ashton Kane, a wealthy nobleman. Only problem is, no one checked with Rhaya first. After overhearing plans made by her fiancé, Rhaya decides to go on the run and stows away on Captain Dean’s ship. What will happen when he finds her?
This Chapter: After a confrontation at breakfast with her stepmother, Rhaya doubles down on her resolve to avoid marriage to Ashton at all cost. Carissa may have her plans, but Keira and Darcy have Rhaya's back as they formulate plans of their own. Captain Dean & Company are racing to get to the church and receive assistance from an unusual source. The closer she gets to "I do", the more desperate Rhaya becomes, so she takes matters into her own hands. Will the Captain of Rhaya's heart arrive in time to stop the ceremony? Tune in to find out....Enjoy!
Rhaya listened as Keira reviewed the events of the past few days. She explained how they arrived at the island, found the treasure, and their narrow escape from the island's inhabitants. When Keira mentioned that some of the crew were injured, she was quick to assure Rhaya that nothing was life-threatening. Jack would make a full recovery, she promised. Both women laughed at Dean's assertions that the young man would now have better luck with the ladies.
"Speaking of Dean, will he....is he....um....he's on his way here, right?" Rhaya asked in a small voice.
Keira thought back to her last conversation with Dean, right before she set sail for Ochana. She knew he was committed to the plan to at least stall, if not stop, the wedding. However, he mentioned some business he had to attend to before he could leave Alcaria. He had sent her ahead to carry out the plan, in case he couldn't get to Ochana in time.
"Honey, I'm not sure. He said he had some things to do once he got home to Alcaria. But he sent me here first to make sure to stop or somehow stall your wedding to Lord Dumbass," Keira muttered.
"Well, I am all for that, you know. But how are we going to do it? I mean, you've got a plan all worked out, right?" Rhaya wondered.
Keira snorted. "Are you seriously doubting my scheming ability right now? I think you've forgotten who you're dealing with," she responded with a slight scowl. "Here's what I've got so far."
Dean stood at the bow of the ship, willing it to find the right winds to carry it faster from Alcaria to Ochana. The plan he had outlined with Keira was only designed to get things to a certain point, which was to prevent Rhaya's marriage to Ashton. After that, the details were a little fuzzy, but Dean figured that the pieces would somehow magically fall into place.
Sam cautiously approached his brother, who continued to stare out at the horizon, wishing they had already reached their destination. "Dean, we're going as fast as we can. Keira knows what she's doing, and she has allies on the inside to help her and Rhaya. No one wants to see her marry Lord Hoity-Toity," Sam grumbled.
"I know, Sam," Dean sighed. "It's just....I want to be there to protect her, you know? It's not only Lord Stuck-Up that I'm worried about, it's also her horrible stepmother. Rhaya told me about her, and it wasn't a rosy picture. Carissa has ways of dealing with people who don't bend to her will, and for that reason, I don't want my girl anywhere near her. There's no telling what that witch will do to Rhaya when this wedding goes south," Dean noted grimly.
Seeing his brother so determined to defend his girl against her stepmother ignited a glimmer of hope in Sam that maybe Dean had found his someone. "Then it's a good thing I see the coastline of Ochana," he grinned. He pointed to a stretch of land in the distance, a sandy beach giving way to a hill of green grass. Wooden docks extended out into the water, with tall, well-muscled men waiting to catch the docking ropes as soon as they were thrown.
"Hot damn, that's it!" Dean exclaimed. Seeing how close they were made him even more anxious to reach their destination. Only problem was, they were at the mercy of the wind currents. Suddenly, as if by the Fates, the sails seemed to catch a tailwind, which increased their speed. Hold on, sweetheart, Dean silently pleaded. I'm almost there, and once I am, I promise I will do everything in my power to protect you.
Sunlight filtered through gauzy curtains, stretching its fingers across the hand-sewn quilt tucked around the sleeping form in the bed. A knock at the door elicited a groan from the body being kept warm under the quilt. As much as she wanted to send away her visitor with a bark of, "Go away!", Rhaya reluctantly sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Just a minute," she mumbled. 
Slowly padding over to the door, she opened it to reveal Darcy and Keira, and gave them a sleepy smile. "Come on in," she said through a yawn as she stepped aside to allow access.
"Your stepmother is expecting you to join her at the breakfast table to discuss some wedding-related details with you. She said, and I quote, 'If she's not here in the next 30 minutes, I will drag her to this table myself and I won't care if she's still in her nightgown'," Darcy explained with a grimace.
The three women looked at each other and all rolled their eyes. "Fine," Rhaya sighed. "I'll wish my father 'good morning', have some breakfast, and hear what the Evil One has to say. Then I will return to my room where I will disregard everything she said that doesn't fit with our plans."
Twenty-nine minutes later, Rhaya sauntered into the dining room, where her father and Carissa were seated. Her father was situated at the head of the table, where she stopped to give him a peck on the cheek. "Good morning, Papa," she wished him with a smile, and then took her seat in the chair to his right. 
"Good morning, Rhaya. I was beginning to wonder if you'd be joining us as I requested, or if you'd run away again," Carissa remarked.
"Good morning, Stepmother. As you can see, I am present and accounted for, and within your 30-minute deadline. Fully dressed as well, because goodness knows I wouldn't want to be brought to the table inappropriately dressed," she challenged, her eyes narrowed at Carissa.
Lord Darius turned to his daughter, barely suppressing a smile. "Today's a busy day for you, sweetheart. Are you nervous with all of this? It would be all right if you were, since you are taking an important step in your life," he pointed out as he reached for her hand.
Rhaya squeezed her father's hand. "No, Papa, as important as all of this is, I'm not nervous. I'm certain that events will unfold exactly as they are supposed to," she replied.
At that moment, a staff member entered the dining room and informed Lord Darius of a matter that needed his immediate attention. He politely excused himself, expressing his apologies to his wife and daughter. He pressed a kiss to Rhaya's temple and told her that he would be waiting for her in the designated area of the church to walk her down the aisle.
As soon as he left the room, the tension between the two women increased to the 11th level. The remaining staff stood off to the side, ready to fulfill any need, but were also prepared for a hasty exit, should the situation require it. They glanced nervously among themselves as they waited for some sort of break that was sure to occur.
"You certainly enjoy pushing my orders to the breaking point, don't you? I ask you to be here in thirty minutes, you show up in twenty-nine," she commented dryly. "Mark my words, Rhaya, this day will unfold exactly as it is supposed to, because I will make sure of it. I will watch your father walk you down the aisle in the dress I have chosen for you. He will then take his place at my side, where we will bear witness to your exchange of vows with Ashton," Carissa concluded.
Rhaya scoffed in response to her last comment. "You know damned well that I do not want to be married to Ashton or to anyone else unless it is my decision. Just because I'm the governor's daughter doesn't mean I'm entitled to anything less than my own choice of who I share my life with. I realize that today is going forward whether I like it or not, but that doesn't mean everything will happen exactly according to your plan," she retorted.
Carissa slammed her hands on the table, causing the dishes to rattle and the staff to jump in surprise. "Watch your language, and DO NOT cross me, Rhaya!" she shouted, then took a deep breath to calm herself. "I will get what I want, which is you married to Ashton and out of this house, away from your father. Should you decide to take your chances and choose to defy me, there will be hell to pay, I assure you."
"Are you threatening me? Your own stepdaughter?" Rhaya exclaimed in disbelief.
Carissa calmly sipped her tea. "No threat, darling, a promise. The last person who got in the way of what I wanted? She suffered a great deal before there was nothing in this world that could save her. Your father, bless his soul, attempted everything to save her, which nearly cost him his own life. Luckily the Fates decided to intervene and spare him. While it's unfortunate that his salvation was at her expense, in the end, I got what I wanted. As I always will," she added darkly.
Rhaya watched as her stepmother returned her teacup to its saucer and rose from her chair. When Carissa rounded the corner of the table, she bent close to Rhaya's ear and whispered, "Don't be late." She patted her stepdaughter's shoulder before leaving the room.
The last exchange left Rhaya and the remaining dining room staff stunned and in shock. They all asked themselves the same questions. Did we hear that correctly? Did the governor's wife just admit that she had something to do with Lady Isabella's illness or even her death?!? What should we do now? With a renewed determination, Rhaya stood up from her chair and flashed a quick, sympathetic smile to the staff before leaving the room.
As soon as she closed the door to her bedroom, Rhaya began to pace the floor, her hands shaking in both fury and fear. Fury that Carissa essentially admitted to playing some part in what happened to her mother. Fear, because if push came to shove, and Rhaya pushed, Carissa would shove. After that, there's no telling what the outcome would be. She's already somewhat proven that murder is not beneath her and would feel zero remorse about it.
Rhaya wrapped her arms around herself, trying to focus on the plan formulated with Darcy and Keira. She glanced at the clock on her dresser and noted that it was time to start gathering what she would need to get ready for the wedding. Her dress and veil were already at the church, but she needed her shoes, makeup and hair accessories. Keira and Darcy would be helping her to apply her makeup and arrange her hair. 
This new development from breakfast with Carissa further solidified Rhaya's decision to abscond from her wedding day. She didn't love the groom and couldn't stand to remain any longer than ten minutes in his presence. In addition, she knew of his plans for her to meet with an unknown "accident", one from which he would make certain that she would not survive. Then there's that last, pesky detail. Her heart would always belong to a treasure-hunting sea captain, and that was unlikely to change.
Crowley paced back and forth beneath the tree while he waited for his counterpart to arrive. He had received a message from a member of the governor's staff, asking for a meeting. The note said it was important and pertained to the upcoming nuptials of Lady Rhaya and Lord Ashton. Crowley was of the opinion that the wedding was ill-advised, due to his perceived reluctance on the part of the bride-to-be.
When he heard the soft footsteps to his right, his hand immediately flew to the dagger at his side. Before he could draw it, the mysterious stranger called out. "Captain Crowley? Thank you for meeting me here." The visitor stepped into view, with beams from the moonlight allowing him to recognize her.
"Ah, Captain Keira, I presume," he drawled. "Currently of The Aurora, as inherited from Sydney "The Sparrow" upon her retirement," he remarked.
She nodded. "I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice and hope you can help me. I assume you are here for the wedding of my sister and her pig of a fiancé," she started. At Crowley's nod of confirmation, she continued. "This wedding must not take place, for many reasons. Not the least of which is Rhaya has developed feelings for Captain Dean Winchester."
Crowley snickered. "You don't say? Well, will wonders never cease. And what, pray tell, does this have to do with me?" he asked.
Keira explained the plan, or as much as had been formulated so far. Crowley listened intently, nodding where appropriate and offering his own suggestions. When she was finished presenting her case, she kept her gaze firmly locked on her fellow captain. "Can we count on your assistance, Captain Crowley?"
He thoughtfully stroked his bearded chin before his face broke into a wide grin. "From one captain to another, I will assist you in your endeavor. The lady Rhaya deserves much better than she has been promised to. Not to mention, it will give me no end of amusement to see Lord Jerk-Face get ditched at the altar," he muttered, sticking out his hand.
A look of gratitude passed over Keira's face as she shook Captain Crowley's hand. "Thank you, Captain, I swear you won't regret this. I promise to see that you are more than fairly compensated at the conclusion of this fiasco," she vowed. After giving Crowley a salute and receiving one in return, Keira reminded him to wait by the tree for the next phase of the plan.
On her way back to the mansion, Connor, the captain of the guards, was on his way to meet her. "Captain Keira, a ship has just entered our sovereign waters, The Black Diamond, and is asking for permission to dock in our harbor. However, Lady Carissa gave strict orders that our harbor is to be closed from now until the newlyweds depart. What shall I do?" he wondered.
Keira pinched the bridge of her nose and gave an exasperated sigh. "Of course she'd order that," she mumbled. "Connor, I've known you almost as long as I've known Rhaya, and I'm sure you'd want what's best for her. In that spirit, please grant docking privileges to The Black Diamond. I accept full responsibility from Lady Carissa," she affirmed, then glanced at her watch. "I am expected to meet with Rhaya to start getting ready for the wedding, so I must take my leave."
"I will do as you suggest, Captain Keira," he nodded, then took a half-step closer to her. "I hope I won't be out of line when I ask if you have some sort of plan for our dear Rhaya?" he asked.
"Absolutely, Connor," she smirked. "Please ask Captain Winchester to meet Captain Crowley at my favorite tree, the one where Rhaya and I first met." He agreed and watched as Keira continued on her way.
Rhaya sat in her chair at the vanity, absently twirling a makeup brush while she waited for her partners in crime. The plan was simple enough, sensible, not too many moving parts. She only hoped it was sufficient to ensure the ultimate outcome of her non-marriage to Ashton. If for some reason this didn't work, well....she shuddered to think of the alternative.
Keira and Darcy entered the room around fifteen minutes later and began the process of preparing the bride. Rhaya's hair was styled in a classic updo, with wispy tendrils on each side loosely curled to frame her face. Her makeup was kept minimal, using mostly neutral colors to allow her natural beauty to shine through.
After those tasks were completed, the women helped the bride to step into her dress. While Darcy laced the corseted bodice, Rhaya closed her eyes and allowed her thoughts to drift towards Dean. Though it had only been a short two weeks since she had last seen him, it had seemed like the longest two weeks of her life. 
It was more than just his friendship she missed. His absence made her heart ache to be with him, see him. She longed to look into his mossy green eyes and not find judgment in them for being her true self in his presence. Especially now, she craved the safety and security she felt when his arms were around her. Only now was she finally able to admit to herself that she loved him, and had been in love with him for some time.
"Time for your veil, my dearest friend," Darcy nudged softly. Rhaya gestured with her hand to where the veil was draped over the back of a chair. The silver tiara was simple, yet held no shortage of crystals to add sparkle to the occasion. Darcy situated it in her hair, careful not to disturb the locks piled on top of her head. Keira fanned out the piece of netting at the back to ensure no wrinkles, then moved to stand in front of the bride.
"For what it's worth, you look beautiful, Sis. Are you ready?" Keira asked as she and Darcy each took one of Rhaya's hands, giving them a gentle squeeze in consolation.
Rhaya took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose," she replied. A knock sounded at the door and she heard her father's voice from the other side announcing it was time to go. Rhaya picked up her bouquet and the trio headed for the door.
Keira and Darcy stepped out first in their floor-length bridesmaids' dresses made of navy blue crèpe back satin, with a lace overlay on the bodice. Their hair and makeup were similar in style to the bride, and each carried a bouquet of white roses with a red ribbon woven among them.
Lord Darius gave each woman a beaming smile and expressed how lovely they looked before giving them a peck on the cheek. When he turned to his daughter, his eyes became glossy as he realized she was no longer his little girl, but a full-grown woman on her wedding day. "How I wish your mother was here to see this," he whispered, a lone tear streaking down his cheek. "Whatever happens today, I want you to know I love you very much, Rhaya."
Tears were threatening in her own eyes as the magnitude of the occasion and all that would unfold suddenly caught up with her. "I love you too, Papa," she replied softly. "Quick, pass me your handkerchief, please. Darcy will have my head if I ruin the work she put in on my makeup," she chuckled.
He did as she asked and watched as she carefully dabbed at her eyes. Once she had her emotions somewhat under control again, he kissed her forehead. Then he reached up and brought the veil down over her face. The doors then opened, and the music began to play the chosen piece for the march down the aisle. There were many expressions of approval rippling among the guests as the bride and her father walked past the pews.
At the altar, Lord Darius placed Rhaya's hand in Ashton's, then moved to take his place at Carissa's side. Rhaya hazarded a glance at her stepmother, who had a satisfied smirk on her face, certain that she had won this particular battle, if not the war. A grin twitched at the corners of Rhaya's mouth, because she knew the day was only getting started.
"Please be seated," the officiant commanded. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...."
Dean was met at the docks by Connor, who relayed Keira's message for him to meet someone in the trees behind the estate. The message was cryptic, but he trusted that the meeting was all part of Keira's plan, thus he followed its instructions. When he got to the designated spot, he could see no one waiting for him. He was about to leave when a figure emerged from behind the giant trunk.
"Captain Winchester I presume?" the man inquired.
"Who's asking?" Dean countered, his hand on his sword.
"Name's Fergus McLeod, but I'm better known as Crowley, Captain of The Moon Raider. I'm here on official business for Lady Rhaya and her friends, whose objective is to stop the wedding," he revealed.
Dean relaxed a bit and held out his hand for Crowley to shake. "I've heard of you. Nice to meet you in person, and I appreciate your help." Leaning closer, he asked, "By the way, what exactly is the plan?"
"Right now, we need to get you and Sam to the church, so I'll explain on the way." Dean started to follow, then stopped short at the mention of his brother. Crowley rolled his eyes at the unasked question of how he knew Sam had tagged along to the meeting. "Your brother must not have done well at Hide-and-Seek when you were wee Winchesters. He sticks out like a sore thumb. C'mon, we don't have much time," Crowley remarked.
The officiant had nearly finished his speech about how important it was to love, honor, respect, and cherish each other. Then he asked the most crucial question. "If anyone here knows of any reason why these two individuals should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Rhaya waited anxiously for someone, preferably Dean, to speak up on her behalf. As the silence grew, so did the beating of her heart until she thought it would nearly leap out of her chest. When a respectable amount of time had passed with no objections, the officiant smiled and prepared to resume the ceremony. Rhaya's heart plummeted to her shoes at the prospect of being legally bound to Ashton, and with that, she would always be at his mercy.
"Do you, Lord Ashton Kane, take Rhaya Payton to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forth?" the officiant asked.
"I do," Ashton replied with a fake smile.
The officiant turned his attention to Rhaya. "And do you, Rhaya Payton, take Ashton Kane to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forth?" 
Rhaya looked into Ashton's eyes and saw nothing but a hardness and an arrogance, with no love for her in them. She was determined to not be trapped in a miserable marriage with him. If Dean wouldn't save her by bursting through the doors and declaring his love, then she would have to save herself. "I....I....," she managed to get out before collapsing to the floor in a puddle of white.
Chaos erupted at the altar, with Keira attempting to assess Rhaya's condition among the ever-growing crowd. Lord Darius broke through and knelt at his daughter's side while bellowing at people to back away and give the bride some room to breathe.
Keira clasped Rhaya's right hand while checking her pulse with the left. She felt an almost imperceptible pressure on her right hand, then noticed a minute twitch in Rhaya's nose. To her relief, Keira realized this was the signal from the bride that it wasn't a true fainting spell.
Nonetheless, she had to get Rhaya somewhere more quiet to reassess the situation. Fortunately, she saw Connor weaving his way through the crowd to offer his assistance, so she called out to him. When he finally reached Keira's position, she told him what had happened. The captain of the guards scooped Rhaya up in his arms and took her back to the room she was in before the ceremony.
Carissa was a mixture of emotions as she watched the picture-perfect wedding crumble before her eyes. She was so close to getting what she wanted, and then Rhaya had to go and faint in front of everyone at her own wedding. Appearances meant everything to Carissa, and this certainly didn't help matters any.
Ashton was sure to be embarrassed by her stepdaughter's inability to suck it up long enough to say "I do". Lord Darius, of course, was beside himself, worried about his precious daughter. He rushed after Connor and the others back to the dressing room, where the doctor waited. Carissa moved to follow her husband, but was stopped short by a look that said he preferred she wait for him to return with news.
Maybe it was the stress of Rhaya trying to meet everyone's expectations of her, or her objection to an arranged marriage that caused her to faint. Frankly, Carissa didn't care. All that mattered was that at the end of the day, Rhaya was legally bound to Ashton in holy matrimony. However, the more Carissa thought about it, the more her anger grew at the distinct possibility that some shenanigans were brewing.
Carissa turned just in time to see Lord Ashton stomping over to where she was standing at the back of the church. "What in the hell is going on? One minute she's about to say 'I do', the next minute she's on the floor passed out!! She must be plotting something," he muttered. "For all we know, she could be escaping out of the window of that little room where they're keeping her!"
"Get a grip, Ashton," Carissa hissed. "I agree, her behavior is rather suspicious, but I have given her ample warning of what will happen if she does not follow through. Besides, I have guards stationed at every possible exit. They are under strict orders that if she tries to escape, one of them will see her and not allow her to leave the grounds," she assured him.
Ashton snorted. "Most of those guards have known her since she was a child. Those who haven't will take their cues from the more senior members of the guard," he grumbled. He scanned the crowd to see if Rhaya was somehow trying to blend in with the crowd to then make her escape. Finally, his eyes landed on Lucifer and a few of his men, standing around and taking in the scene. Ashton marched over to the group with a plan forming in his mind.
"Well, well, Lord Ashton, seems you're having some trouble closing this deal," Lucifer smirked.
"If you want to keep that bonus, you'll help me make sure my bride doesn't escape," Ashton seethed.
Lucifer shrugged. "From what I can see, the escape routes are all blocked by the governor's guards," he replied.
"I want people I can....trust, and unfortunately, you with your men are the best candidates. That's who I need to be guarding the exit points, not Lady Rhaya's 'friends'," he snapped.
"Fine," Lucifer muttered, before going over to his men. He relayed Ashton's instructions, but with a few modifications to make sure the deal was upheld.
"Now, I'm going in there to make sure she finishes what was started," Ashton grumbled as he started towards the back room.
Right as Carissa had picked up her skirts to follow him, Lord Darius returned to her side to give an update to his wife and his daughter's almost-husband. "Rhaya's fine, she just got a bit overwhelmed with the magnitude of the day's events. Keira and Darcy are in with her now, getting her calmed down enough to where she can continue with the ceremony."
Carissa looked at her husband in disbelief, as if he'd sprouted another head. "Are you serious? The three of them are plotting something, I'm sure of it, and I'm going to find out what," she declared. She started to head towards the back room, determined to put a stop to whatever mischief was being plotted.
At that moment, the bride reappeared, veil covering her face, ready to begin the ceremony again. Carissa and Ashton made their way back up the aisle, their actions assuring everyone that the wedding would pick up where it left off.
Once she reached the altar, Carissa moved into her designated pew and Ashton took his place in front of the officiant, while Lord Darius escorted the bride. He turned to face the bride before giving her away again to Ashton. When the governor lifted the veil, a collective gasp rippled through the church.
"YOU'RE NOT RHAYA!!" Ashton thundered.
@janicho88 @yourelivingwrong @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @lyarr24 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @jensengirl83 @wayward-dreamer @idreamofplaid @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @winchesterprincessbride @ejlovespie @deandreamernp​ @emoryhemsworth @never--doubt @winchest09 @watermelonlipstick @makeadealwithdean @krazykelly @imherefordeanandbones @rooweighton @colereads @soaringeag1e @sams-sass @phoenixisred
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angstintensifer · 2 years
Camp fam incorrect quotes again, but with some ships
Kenji : But what about Ben? He was my SOULMATE!
Darius : You said that about a ball of yarn once!
Kenji : You can track Darius ?
Ben: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Darius : And here we see Kenji and Ben in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh.
Kenji : Gaelic bread.
Ben: Grueling brad.
Kenji : Ha ha, glamorous beans.
Yaz : I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Ben: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Kenji walks in*
Ben: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Kenji : Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Ben: I wrote you a poem.
Kenji , already crying: You did?
Kenji : Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Ben: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Kenji : ...
Kenji : You mean ring bearER, right?
Ben: ...
Kenji : Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Kenji : Hey, Ben, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Ben: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Kenji : No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Ben: Can't really say I have.
Kenji : You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Ben: Sorry, Kenji . For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Kenji : I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Ben: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Kenji : I think I'm falling for you.
Ben: Then get up.
Ben: What’s up? I’m back.
Darius : I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Ben: Death is a social construct.
Darius: *sneaks into camp fam house after being late w Dinos*
Ben: *turns in a swivel chair* care to explain where you here?
Darius: I was with… Uh … Kenji!
Kenji: *also turns in swivel chair* Care to- *keeps spinning* Ben- I can’t stop the chair-
Yaz : Why is Brooklynn crying?
Sammy: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Yaz : Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Brooklynn : Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Yaz : Bet you I can!
Sammy: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Brooklynn: Can you cut me some slack, Darius? I’m sort of in love.
Darius: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Brooklynn: I’m in love with you.
Darius: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Darius: You have to apologize to them Brooklynn.
Brooklynn: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Darius: So what’s for dinner?
Brooklynn , staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Darius: Bro-
Brooklynn: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Brooklynn: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
Yaz: I didn't drink that much last night.
Brooklynn : You were flirting with Sammy.
Yaz: So what? She’s my girlfriend
Brooklynn : You asked if she were single.
Brooklynn : And then you cried when she said she wasn’t.
Brooklynn : Ooh, somebody has a crush
Yaz: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Sammy I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Yaz, very much awake: Uh oh.
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specter-writes · 10 months
Pet Names
pets names are cute and fun! You know what else is cute and fun? The owl house! Here you are, my friends!
Warnings: swearing
She'll call you the cheesiest shit you can think of with no remorse. Pumpkin, honey bunch, boo, hermoso/a, bonito/a, carino, and sweetieVpie are her personal favorites. In return, you're even more sappy with names like light of my life, sugar, beloved, love bug. If you speak another language, you call her every compliment you can think of in it.
She gets sort of self conscious with pet names, but her favorites are love and darling. She also calls you chip sometimes, in memory of the time Luz was trying to teach you to make chocolate chip cookies and you ended up putting the bag (plastic and all) in the oven. You call her the same names, but with the addition of smartypants, because you want to teasingly remind her how smart and talented you think she is.
She loves plants, and she loves you more, so it tracks that her favorite pet name for you is flower. You call her sunshine, because she's been a ray of light in your life.
The concept of a term of endearment is pretty foreign to him. He had read about it, sure, but he'd never actually seen it. He just shortens your name most of the time, and occasionally calls you love. He would do more, but he isn't really sure how. You on the other hand, have a million pet names for him. Your favorites are bug, sunflower, lover boy, casanova, nerd and loser (both affectionately).
Oh my god. What don't you two call each other? It goes from insanely sappy to ruthless mocking in a split second. Loser, dickhead, and popsicle sucker to angel, doll, and superstar. You also called her sugar tits once as a joke and it sort of stuck around. She seems like a casual babe enjoyer as well.
The both of you feel like your names are generally sufficient, so you use those, or a shortening. You did overhear Eda calling them Rainstorm, though, and you thought it was creative so you use that from time to time. Melody and moonlight are used too.
You just insult each other.
He doesn't tend to do the whole "pet name" thing. You like to call him the illusionist because it sounds cool and he says it makes him feel powerful. Also, tater tot, because it makes him mad and it's funny.
The Collector:
He calls you doll (fitting), and the both of you like to playfully insult each other. They never go too far though, he's grown a lot from his time back with the stars and he's happy to finally have a friend.
She doesn't seem like a pet name kind of person to me. Maybe she'd call you a nerd every once in a while, and you'd called her a smartass.
She likes Spanish pet names and squeezing your face in front of your friends while calling you her "beautiful/handsome son/daughter/child." She thinks it's funny to embarrass you and she wants to let you know how much she loves you. You just call her mom (I've made Camilla, Darius, and Alador parental figures and you can't stop me)
You use each other's names earlier on. You started off calling him sir back when you part of the emperors coven, but he told you to stop with one of those "it makes me feel old," speeches boomers do, you know the ones. When the emperor's coven falls apart and you have no where else to turn, he brings you in. You'd start to slip up and call him dad, and he'd start to call you his kid. Eventually you accepted it, and now he loves to call you his child, and you love having someone to call dad.
You also call him sir or his name. You were his apprentice at Blight Industries before he quit, and now he teaches abominations at Hexside after the old professor was fired for misconduct. You're his teacher's aid and live with him and his kids. You call him dad sometimes on accident.
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lex-n-weegie · 8 months
September Selfship Prompts
4. Trying on outfits(technically?)
Paring(s): Darius x Laika
Warning(s): None
Writing Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22
"Come'on, follow me." Darius basically commanded, Laika rolling their eyes and following the witch.
"This isn't that necessary-"
"You've been wearing the same four outfits for over two months. It is very much necessary." They followed him into his work room, looking through his bookshelf and pulling out a random one with a leather cover. He flipped through it, mulling over a few of the pages before he summoned an abomination to hold open the book. It was obvious by now, it was a book of various different clothing designs.
"Did you make clothing designs for me?" Laika asked with an amused look. Darius paused, then turned around and posed Laika how he needed.
"Perhaps. What if I did?"
"Dork." They replied.
"You wrote me a song, you're much dorkier than I will ever be."
"Okay okay, fair."
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Laika had to admit, the designs he drew were beautiful. She remembered that before the mentorship with the old Golden Guard, he mentioned wanting to go into clothing design. Admittedly they weren't too sure if he continued to pursue that in any fashion once coven head business took over, but it seems he had.
Though, she also noticed each page had a witch base with the clothes drawn on top. Seemed like he still struggled with anatomy, which was mildly amusing.
"What are you smiling at?" Darius questioned, already kind of knowing the answer and smirking.
"Oooh nothing." They rolled their eyes and tilted their head, only for his abomination ponytail to reach out and grab the bottom of her face, putting it right back where it was before.
"Please don't move, I'd like to not stab you with a needle."
"But it'd be so romantic." She teased, only to quiet down when Darius pointed a newly acquired sewing needle at them.
"I can't make you a brand new wardrobe, at least not today. However once I get your measurements I can make clothing for you without you needing to be here." He explained, an abomination grabbing some different colors and textured fabric.
"It kind of seems like a lot of work. Are you-"
"Don't even." He interrupted, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're worth whatever trouble you think this is." She smiled softly, wanting to reach out and hug him but deciding to stay still like he asked.
"Thank you honey."
"Not a problem in the slightest. Now, how about a dress? That's a good start."
"Oh, absolutely yes! Could it be red? Maybe with blue trims or something?" The bell on his tail jingled as his tail swished back and forth.
"I think I have something perfect in here then."
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mexican-browser · 2 years
Owl House Characters: Before and After, Pt. 2
Raine before: By the titan, she’s a handful but I still miss her. Now then, back to our regularly scheduled mayhem with…The BATTs!
Raine now: Oh my titan I wanna marry her. Yes Amber, I know the apocalypse is still ongoing, but hey gotta make the most of it. I hope she wasn’t too attached to that hand, though.
Lilith before: the boring narc aunt (needs a day off)
Lilith now: the cool nerd aunt (needs a hug)
Principal Bump before: Yeah I’m an educator, but I’m not a jerk. Now get in the detention pit.
Principal Bump now: Yeah I’m an educator, but I’m not a spineless stooge for the government. Now let’s talk about how to topple a monarchy.
Darius before: I am a perfect 10, absolute top of my game, and nothing is holding me back.
Darius now: So, how does one go about adopting a grown child? Yes he’s a handful, but watching him grow makes me oddly proud in a fulfilling way.
Eberwolf before: *feral snarling*
Eberwolf now: *friendlier feral snarling*
Alador before: science science science science sigh yes honey science science science oh a butterfly!
Alador now: The DILF is now pissed. I’m taking custody of the kids. This is nonnegotiable.
Camilla before: I love my daughter, but I’m worried about her “fandom” obsessions. Maybe sending her to camp was a bad idea, but she needs real friends too…
Camilla now: These children are lost and need a home. They’re family as far as I care, and I will keep them safe no matter what. And if anyone messes with my family, they get la chancla.
Tiny Nose before: Hewwo! Cawe to hear my theowy about how we exist foe the entertainment of higher beings?
Tiny Nose now: Awe shit I hate it when I’m wight
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orch1dsworld · 4 months
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗛𝗲𝗿
Part 30
(Wednesday, 9:00 am)
Clarice woke up and yawned. She then turned towards her husband, who was sleeping next to her, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“Good morning, honey,” Clarice whispered.
James then groaned and turned towards his wife. “Good morning, hon.”
“I’m sorry if I woke you up,” Clarice said while getting out of bed.
“No, it’s fine. I need to get up now, anyway.” James then rose from the bed and got up as well.
Clarice walked into her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face like she does every morning. After she was done, she went back into her room.
“I’ll cook breakfast before you leave. You got a meeting today, right?” Clarice asked, putting on her house shoes.
“Writers’ conference. I have to meet with some other writers about some of my ideas and what improvements could be made on my work.” James began to get dressed.
“In that case, I’ll hurry up with breakfast. It’s biscuits, bacon, and fruit today,” Clarice said before leaving her room.
Clarice then went downstairs and into the kitchen to begin cooking breakfast as she does almost every morning.
“Muffin, you know you’ll have to talk to her eventually,” Darius said over the phone.
“I don’t really wanna talk to her right now. She’s being really annoying,” Destiny responded.
“I understand, trust me, I do. But don’t completely ruin your relationship with her. At least talk to her,” Darius suggested.
“Why can’t she just…understand me?” Destiny then sat down on a chair.
“One day she will, but you need to have a real conversation without yelling at each other or talking over each other,” Darius said.
“But, pa-”
“No buts. Look, one of you is going to have to cave in eventually. Has she tried to call you?” Darius asked.
“Yes.” Destiny pouted.
“Have you answered?” Darius questioned.
Destiny answered with silence.
“No. Okay, then.” Darius sighed and then thought about it for a second. “How about you write a letter?”
Destiny looked surprised by the suggestion. She’s never thought about that before.
“A letter? Why?” Destiny asked.
“Well, it could be easier to write your thoughts out rather than saying them out loud. That way you’ll have an easier time saying what you want to say,” Darius explained. “You don’t have to send it to her. Just write about how she makes you feel, why you’re mad and why you left, things like that.”
Destiny processed her dad’s suggestion. “Maybe. I’ll…think about it. Thanks, pa.”
“No problem, muffin. I’m glad we got to talk.”
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Whumptober 2023 Day 10- "Can't you see that you're lost without me?"
Harsh Truth, Cold Love
AO3 Link
Word count: 2667
Summary: Alador could never get away from her. He could never really escape her. No matter what he did or how hard he tried. He would always be trapped with her. And she would always teach him just how bad of an idea it was to try and leave.
“Look who’s back, just as I said you’d be.”
Alador just stood by the front door, holes in his coat from the boiling rain. His face was streaked with tears, eyes red and dark as bags hung under them. In one arm he held Amity, so small and young, completely asleep. His other hand was being held tightly by Emira who was also holding onto Edric’s hand.
“Now why don't you come over here, my love?”
Silently, Alador handed Amity to Emira. Emira held her baby sister securely and nodded, going upstairs with her two siblings, leaving her parents in the entryway. When the kids were gone, Alador slowly walked towards his wife, embarrassed. He didn’t dare look Odalia in the eyes, even when he was close enough that she was able to reach out and cup his cheek in her hand. She scowled for a few moments when he flinched away from her touch, but went back to a calm expression quickly when she saw that he wasn’t resisting anything.
“That certainly was quite the show. The kids are unharmed, correct?”
Alador just nodded.
“Use your words, darling.” Odalia said, venom and masked impatience in her voice, “Our children are the future of the company. And it would be such a bad look on our parts if they got hurt. Especially if the reason they possibly got hurt slipped. Now, are they unharmed?”
“Yes. They aren’t hurt. Some damage to the clothing, but no burns.” Alador said, voice strained and raspy.
“There you go. Now was that so hard?” Odalia said, wrapping her arms around Alador’s neck, acting as if they were a perfectly normal couple.
“No. It wasn’t.”
“Now, it’s quite late, isn’t it? Let’s go to bed and we can talk about this little stunt in the morning.”
Odalia took Alador by the hand, her vice grip preventing him from trying to pull away, and led him over to the stairs. He trailed behind as much as he could, but she didn’t mind so long as he did as he was told. His enthusiasm was unimportant, so long as he was obedient it was enough.
“Now you can only believe my shock and horror at waking up to see not only you were gone, but the kids were gone too. And you all had even taken some of your things? Why I was worried you four had been kidnapped by some thieves who also robbed us and I would be getting a call asking for ransom. But no, just one of my friends telling me they saw you and the kids with suitcases going towards the vacation home of Head Witch Darius. Did he even know you were going to show up?”
“No. He didn’t.”
“And do you really think after what happened between the two of you back at Hexside he would help you?”
“No. He wouldn’t.”
“Well then why was his house the first place you thought of? Not your parents? Or any friends?”
“I don’t have any friends and my parents would just call you. His place felt like the safest option.”
“Ah yes, going to a coven head with stolen money and kidnapped children.”
“It’s both of our money and they’re both of our kids.” Alador said, with only the slightest sense of harshness in his voice so he could stay safe while also getting his feelings across.
“Oh honey, I think you’ve inhaled so many abomination fumes you’ve forgotten our contracts. We may share the company, but I own all the stock. As for the children, well, they are both of ours like you said. So wouldn’t you removing them from me without my consent be kidnapping?”
“They’re not the children, they’re our children.” Alador said, avoiding the question he couldn’t really answer.
“Oh please, you can’t be like that. You never even wanted children. I had to do most of the work. So don’t act like I’m the bad guy here when…what was it you said again? When I told you on our wedding night that I wanted kids?”
“That…that I thought the two of us should come first. And that having children right away could be bad for the business.” Alador sighed, the words having been ingrained in his head as he had relived that night so often.
“And what else?”
“That I would agree to have children so long as I wasn’t obligated to do anything more than expected.”
“And look at you now! Running off in the dead of night during a storm with them to your ex after what I can only imagine being some nonsense revelation or perceived slight. Ha! How times do change.”
The two of them reached the master bedroom door. Odalia opened the door and walked inside, but when Alador reached the doorframe, he froze. Odalia looked back at him, angry and confused, pulling on his arm to get him to come inside. But he couldn’t move.
“Alador? Come inside, darling.”
“N-no. I don’t think I will.” Alador said semi-nervously, finally looking his wife in the eyes.
“Honey, get in here now. Let’s go to bed.” Odalia said, teeth gritting together as she wore a forced smile.
“I think we should sleep in separate rooms. Things aren’t going well between us and it would be for the best of both of us if we had our own spaces to sleep.”
Odalia let go of his hand. She took a few steps towards him. He could see her adjusting her wedding ring. He took a few deep breaths and braced for the inevitable. He could stand his ground, just for the night, and deal with whatever consequences came from that.
“I will give you one more chance, Alador. Come. To. Bed.”
“No. I will sleep in one of the guest bedrooms tonight. Or on one of the couches. Or even in my workshop in the basement. Whatever you so choose, just not here.”
Alador took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, trying to not tense up. And when he exhaled, it was over. He opened his eyes and saw the fury in Odalia’s eyes. With a huff, she turned her wedding ring back so that the sharp metal and gemstone were at the top rather than down by her palm as it had been, turned upside down so that a slap wouldn’t carry a sting, but a slice. Alador didn’t even reach up to his cheek to try and wipe away the blood. He just wore a neutral expression and maintained eye contact as Odalia wiped off the metal and stone with her sleeve before dawning a much more sorry and sympathetic expression. She wrapped her arms around him again, pouting as she looked at him.
“Oh I’m so sorry, my love. You know I love you so much. And I don’t want to hurt you. You know that, right?”
“Of course.” Alador sighed with a neutral tone that had a hint of sadness.
He knew what she was doing to him. He knew that she always did that. He knew that none of it was real, that she didn’t love him or their kids. That all of it was just business and that his feelings would never be reciprocated.
And yet…he could never stand that look in her eyes. He always crumbled at that voice, that face, those words. He was lost without her, he could never leave her. No matter what.
Odalia pulled Alador’s head down and she kissed him. And he kissed back. She was full of passion and ambition and drive…but not love. But he didn’t sign up for love when he married her, no matter how much he tried to deny it. It was just a business arrangement, and nothing more. And he had to accept it.
So he did.
He didn’t put up a fight when she pulled him into their bedroom, only reaching back to close the door behind them. He didn’t say anything as she kissed his neck and unbuttoned his ruined coat. He did what she told him to do and never said a word. He let her do all the work and just laid there, doing everything he could to not cry. And when she was done and had cleaned up, he held her close, wrapping his arms around her and tucking his chin in the crook of her neck as they lay in bed and went to sleep.
The next morning when Alador woke up, Odalia was already awake and ready for the day. She noticed him sitting up in bed as she was just about to open the door.
“I’ve thought about what you said last night. And I suppose you have a bit of a point. I’ll have the abomination servants move your things to the spare room on the other side of the staircase today. You’ll have plenty of distance from me. I know the room isn’t big, but it’s what you deserve and you don’t have that many belongings anyways. I will require you some nights, but for the most part I will allow you to sleep in your own room.”
Alador was shocked, but mostly just filled with joy and gratitude that she actually listened to him and was going to give him that.
“As for the children, I have already spoken with the head of our legal team. I know you ran off because of that little suggestion about the kids being more involved in the company. I’ll have a contract drafted up and we can come to some sort of arrangement.”
Alador actually smiled at that. He got up from the bed and went over to her to thank her, but before he could even lean in to give her a kiss or reach out to hold her, she held up a hand and he stopped.
“I already have my makeup on and it took me ages. You aren’t messing it up. Thank you for the sentiment though, I’m glad you’re so thankful for my generosity.”
Odalia opened the door to leave, but paused as she looked him up and down.
“Now please get dressed. You already traumatized the kids enough last night. Oh, and use some healing patches for that cut on your face. We wouldn’t want there to be a scar, now would we?”
Odalia didn’t wait for a reply, because she already knew what it would be. She just smiled, blew him a kiss, and left to get some food and go to work. Alador just sighed and went to the closet. Sifting through all of Odalia’s things before spotting his own small stacks of clean clothes. As he got dressed, he noticed the small suitcase from last night, the expensive leather ruined from the boiling rain just as his coat was. One of the abomination servants had taken them when they returned, after all, so it made sense that it would have put his back where it belonged.
Moving almost robotically, Alador grabbed the suitcase, dumped out all the stuff inside, mostly just clothes and a few wads of money. He then grabbed his coat from the night before off the floor and put it inside. Then he grabbed the rest of his clothes from the floor and put them inside as well. He finished getting dressed then took the suitcase and left the room. He went to the Edric and Emira’s then Amity’s room, knocking on the door both times to see if they were inside and finding they weren’t, and took their suitcases and clothes from last night, emptied the stuff that they had packed, and put their clothes from last night inside. 
All the suitcases in his arms, each made of very expensive material and now holding equally expensive outfits, Alador went downstairs. He heard the door slam from Odalia leaving and saw Amity, Edric, and Emira all in the dining room with their breakfasts. Edric and Emira were sitting in their booster seats and teasing each other as they ate and Amity sat in her high chair as one of the abomination servants fed her. As he walked past the dining room, trying to not pay attention to the kids, he could feel the twin’s eyes laser focused on him as he carried their suitcases away. He could hear the scrape of chairs as the two of them followed him as he went into the parlor. He set the suitcases onto the ground as he knelt to ignite the fireplace.
“Dada, why are you turning on the fire?” Edric asked innocently.
“And why do you have our bags?” Emira demanded, “Wait…are you destroying our stuff!”
“I have one of my favorite stuffies in there!”
“Ed, Em, don’t worry.” Alador sighed, “I unpacked for you. Well, I dumped out what you put in these. For yourself and your sister.”
“Then what’re you doing?” Edric asked.
“Last night was a bad night, okay? And we’re just going to say it didn’t happen.” Alador said, staring at the fireplace, “So we’re getting rid of any proof that it did. All that's in these suitcases are your clothes from last night, nothing more. I don’t want to…I don’t want you to be reminded of what happened ever again.”
The fire ignited and Alador threw his suitcase atop the flames first, watching as the magical, purple fire consumed the wood and leather, easily eating through all the material. Then, he threw in the twin’s suitcases, and the exact same happened with theirs. As he held Amity’s little bag, he looked at the little paint handprints on the bag. 
What felt like such a long time ago, Amity had been getting her room painted because Odalia decided the color wasn’t smart enough. Amity managed to get her hands covered in paint, which of course led to her getting paint everywhere, including on her expensive, silk bag. Alador managed to convince Odalia to not throw the bag away and it quickly became Amity’s favorite bag. It’s why when Emira was grabbing stuff for Amity while Alador and Edric finished packing their things the night before, she picked that bag to put all of Amity’s stuff in.
And now the bag was not only stained with paint and sentiment, but awful, awful memories.
Alador threw the bag in the fire and just watched as it burned. All the memories, the good and the bad, burning away with it. 
There would be no sign of what happened, no sign at all. He could only hope that Amity was young enough that her developing brain wouldn’t remember it and that the twins would repress it as they grew up. And that he could somehow repress it too.
“Dada, why didn’t we stay with Dari?” Emira asked, hugging Alador’s arm, “We were so close.”
“Well I noticed that one of mommy’s friends saw us and that made me remember that Darius was really busy. He’s a coven head after all. Wouldn’t want to disturb him. Your dad had time to think and realized how silly he was being.”
“What happened to your face?” Edric asked, hugging Alador’s other arm.
“Oh, your dad just fell out of the bed last night. Got a really big scrape.” Alador said with a soft smile, “I’ll be fine, no need to worry. Now, you two go finish your breakfast. It’s a school day.”
“Okay!” The twins said chipperly, rushing back to the dining room, already joking with each other like they had been before as if nothing had happened.
Alador looked back at the fire and extinguished it. He then sighed, got up, and headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat before he went to his workshop.
He could keep up the act. He could pretend everything was fine. What other choice did he have? He had to protect the kids. He had to protect their kids.
He had to protect his kids.
And he could only do that if he stayed exactly where he was.
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zfiledh · 2 years
So...Labyrinth Runners.
I made sure not to look at Twitter or through Tumblr before watching it on the Mouse channel...I’m glad I did.
HUNTER IS OKAY AND IS HIDING AT HEXSIDE. And Gus is so sweet feeding him a decent pack of lunch.
We don’t know yet what happened to the residents of the Owl House.
We get a backstory for Augustus Porter: poor kid has been beating himself up for being easily fooled by jerks. Oh honey, we’ve been there. And who better to commiserate with than with Hunter.
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Look at this best friend meet-cute:
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Props to Willow for being a super supportive pal at the beginning. And showing her new pal Gus how to calm down through a breathing exercise. Also props to Hunter for bungling the breathing exercise when he tried to give it back to Gus near the end, making him laugh and ending the super illusion.
Principal Bump allowing mixed tracks at Hexside is heartwarming to see...until some Coven Head and his mooks arrived. Seeing Edric and Emira in their mixed track uniforms = SWEET.
Unlike another magical school that some of us may be aware of, Hexside isn’t a 100% safe haven, but that doesn’t mean the staff and students won’t kick butt. As Principal Bump once told Eda in S1, “I’m not a stooge.” The man MEANT IT.
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Adrian Graye is a TERRIBLE BOSS. And he’s been incapacitated by a STUDENT. He had it coming.
Willow and Amity’s friendship mending is still in development, with Amity thinking that Willow still needed her protection. She didn’t realize how powerful Willow Park really is with her Plant powers.
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Speaking of Willow: Hunter knows that the real Willow wouldn't be afraid of him. He knows his Captain.
Just go with it...
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Get WRECK’D (Career ended by a prodigy.)
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Hunter is now able to share what he knows about the Day of Unity to Hexside, which hopefully goes a long way to protect the students (at least) from the sigils. I mean, I had hoped that Hunter would be “adopted” by Darius, but Principal Bump would make a formidable protector for the poor kid. Hexside might not be the best place to hide (IMO) for Hunter, but Bump may know some other places.
A MacGuffin? HMMM...
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The description for next week’s episode makes me hopeful that Eda and Lilith made it out of the house safely before the Emperor’s Coven arrived. Eda may have taken to heart what Hooty mentioned about hearing the marching in the woods from last week’s episode and prepared accordingly.
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Amity better have that talk with her dad soon.
ETA: Can someone confirm if Steve was the Coven guard that Willow captured who assured Willow that she got him?
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Jay ~ CYOA Pirate Edition :D
YAYAYAY :)) I've had this in the works for 3 weeks now. So so excited to get feedback, please leave suggestions, comments, etc.
TW: Not much it's mostly intro, threatening, overheating, stress position?, nauseous from sea sickness
Jay’s laugh rang through the streets as he ran, feeling as if the wind powered each of his steps, feeling the world beckon him further down to the sea. To safety. 
He grabbed onto a lamp pole to swing himself, propelling down an alleyway. He tried to sneak a glance behind him but in doing so ran straight into a poor, unsuspecting woman. His eyes widened in alarm as the food in her basket flew everywhere. He bent down at once, trying to pick it everything up for her before she became angry. But it was too late, she was already yelling and admonishing him for going so fast and being so careless! 
“I’m so sorry madam.” He sped off again as the men caught up, turning the corner. “It won’t happen again!” He tossed the words over his shoulder. 
He ran down where the cobblestone turned to dirt, and from there he ran up to the wooden sturdy docks where crates were always being loaded and unloaded. He dove behind a bunch of chests that were all piled up. Looking around carefully before seeing an empty barrel tilted on its side. Grinning before diving inside, pushing his back into the darkness. It was heavy and didn’t shift from his movements. 
He heard the man that was on his heels running up right near the barrel before stopping. Puffing quietly. “Where did you go…” He grunted, kicking at some chests. 
“Hey.” A low growl came from further off. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“Some street thief just ran down to the docks. We were thinking maybe he- whoa! Hey!”
“Don’t touch my things. For all I know you’re a thief too.” 
“I am part of the King’s Royal Guard.” 
“Leave my things alone.”
“You are under no authority-” His voice suddenly dropped and when he spoke again his voice was laced with fear and wariness. “Of course… I can give you a pardon…” 
“Get out of here.” Jay listened as the guard ran back from the way they came. He let out a soft breath. Wondering who had so much authority to stop someone from the Guard. “Cane, Benjamin! What are ye doin’?! Get these blasted crates on the boat, now!” 
“Yes, captain!” 
It took much too long for Jay to process that people were headed his way. And by the time he tried getting out, it was too late, the boxes hiding him were taken away and he was left without anything to block himself if he tried to escape. A man lifted the barrel upright and clothes and boots were thrown inside and on top of him. The last bit of light disappeared as the man took a thin piece of wood and nailed it on top. 
Jay meant to say something. He really did, but his chest filled with a sense of dread. He pushed the clothes down as he tried sitting up before the barrel was lifted sideways and he fell over. He was lifted off the ground and with each step further away from the land, his thoughts spiraled more. If he said something now they’d kill him, wouldn’t they? If the captain put his hands on someone from the royal army, why wouldn’t they slit his throat just for fun?
Darius kept his face neutral as he walked into the captain’s office. “Yes Sir. Is something wrong?”
“What took so long this time?” 
“Hm?” Darius tilted his head, striding over to the cabinet that was full of rum. Getting out a bottle and a couple of glasses. 
“We were here for three extra damn days. What took so blasted long?!”
“You need a drink.”
“What. Took. So. Long.”
“Oh well, you know capt’n. Just some of the men looking for some companionship.” His voice dripped with honey as he set the glasses on the table, ready to pour the first one. The captain snatched the bottle from him, taking a swig from it directly as Darius watched. A smile danced from his lips. “Was I taking too long Sir?”
“Shut up. I hate this damn city. I had to deal with that stupid Guard all week. And one idiot was snooping around our things this morning. A guard. Claiming he was looking for some thief. I know he wasn’t. Likely sent from the King, getting suspicious of us again. I know we shouldn’t have stayed so long.”
Darius cut in. “But can you blame the men? They just wanted a little fun-”
“YES, I CAN!” He yelled, slamming the bottle down on the table. “I can do whatever the hell I want!”
He stared at him indifferently. “Careful captain. You might break the glass.” 
“Pour me a bloody drink.” He grumbled as he sat back in the chair, kicking his legs up on the desk as he watched Darius calmly pour two drinks, handing him one of the glasses. He took a slow sip, staring out the window as they slowly moved away from the docks. “Blundering idiots. They see a woman and they lose all sensibility. You need to take more responsibility for them.” 
“Perhaps. Or you can do your job better.” Darius snipped. 
His eyes snapped over at him. “You need to get your mouth under control.” 
“Or what?” He knew those words were wrong the moment his mouth opened, he should have stopped himself but he couldn’t. It’d be the death of him one day.
The captain stood, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him close. “Or maybe I should tie you to the shrouds and flog you myself. Fix up your attitude Ree, do you understand me?” 
He took a breath, not daring to show an ounce of fear. “Yes, Sir.”
He pushed him back. Growling while grabbing the bottle again, despite his glass not being empty yet. “I want you to take inventory.”
“Someone did on shore, Sir.” He spoke slowly. 
“I know someone did. I want you to take inventory now. I want the report before you go to sleep.” 
“Sir, that could take hours…” He tried to reason.
“I understand that. I think you need to learn some manners though, perhaps you should take on some real responsibility.”
He gritted his teeth. “Yes. Captain. I’ll do as you ask.”
“Damn right ye will.” He finished the bottle. “You’re dismissed.” He carelessly waved him out of the room. 
He sighed while going out, getting a couple of men to help him as he recorded all of the information. Taking crates down and opening them. Moving on to chests. Then the barrels. Most were empty, though a couple had nailed lids on, they’d have to take them off to open them up. Getting them till there was one left. “What’s in this one?”
“Just some extra clothes.”
He sighed. “Go ahead and open it.”
Two of the three nails had been pried off before a yelling voice interrupted the men's work. “YOU IDIOT!”  
“At least I’m not a goddam coward!”
Darius frowned while looking over as the two of them pulled out swords. Running over to break up the two men without getting nicked by the sharp edges.
The two men helping him left the barrel, running over along with half the crew, excited to see a duel commence.
By the time Darius had split the two up the final barrel wasn’t a concern anymore. “You said clothes?”
“Yes Sir.”
“That’s all I need to know. He doesn’t need to find out.” He sighed while writing it down.
Jay let out a breath of relief. He had no clue what he would have done if he had gotten caught. The boat was beginning to sway. He felt sick. Heat building up inside. Being constantly shifted up against the sides and walls of the barrels. Trying to avoid feeling nauseous, closing his eyes as voices surrounded him at all times.
He was getting further from shore each minute. Maybe if he escaped at night when they were all asleep he could jump off the boat and swim back to shore. 
He quietly rubbed the necklace he had in his pocket. He closed his eyes, trying to rest. 
When he woke up he was hot, nearly sweating, but it was quiet. He counted to 60 once. Twice. Three, four, five, six times. He didn’t hear anyone. Any footsteps. 
This was his chance.
He had to escape now. 
He pushed at the lid and managed to pry it open.
He sat up and stood shocked as the wind bit at his skin. His legs tingled alive and he had to wait for a couple of minutes for his body to stop seizing in pain. His skin was burning to the touch and yet the cool sensation of the wind made him feel sick all over again. He looked around but there was no one in sight.
He stood and carefully climbed up and out of the barrel. The boat lurched, and so did his stomach. “Nnh.” He held his head. He fished the necklace out of his pocket, glad to see it was still there. He went to one of the boat’s railings, looking out. He frowned before running across the ship, it was a lot bigger than he thought. He looked that way, but nothing. No lights anywhere.  
He looked around as his brain began speeding up and he went into a panic. His hand worked around the necklace, fidgeting nervously. Where was he… how was he supposed to get home? He bit his lip before going back to the barrel. The boat jumped with a wave and he tripped over a box and fell, hitting his head. “Ow.” He mumbled, moving to get up before feeling a heavy boot land on his back, pinning him there. “Oh no-” He whispered, barely making a sound. 
Darius tilted his head thoughtfully as he stared down at the boy. 
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indigooo74 · 7 months
Wheel Time!!
Took inspo from @bearandbirdfan
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Everything will be okay - Aladarius (The Owl House)
Prompt- Any Type Of Seizures
Darius was home today, he wasn’t feeling to well, he had woken up today with a very terrible headache, Alador had decided to visit him.
There was a faint knock on the door, Darius had gotten out of bed and made his way to the door.
He opened the door and saw Alador “…Hack? What are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to be going out today.” Darius said “Well yes but, I got worried about you” Alador spoke, he was worried about Darius’s well-being.
“…Yea I know that but, I just woke up with this terrible head ache, sometimes my ears start to ring and I just blank out for some odd reason..” Darius explained, he looked exhausted “Well uh come on in..”.
Alador got in the house as Darius sat himself down on the couch even though he was stumbling a bit, Alador sat beside him and held his hand “..Do you need something like water? You do not look well..” Alador said, Darius shook his head, he didn’t really say anything.
Alador kept holding his hand just in case anything bad happened
“….I-I feel very weird…” Darius mumbled quietly, Alador looked over at him and all of the sudden He just felt Darius’s hand start shaking, along with his shoulders, Alador let go of his hand “Darius honey? What’s going on?” Alador spoke as things just got worse.
Darius soon fell to the ground and began to convulse, his back arched slightly, he was shaking violently and his arms jerked, Alador’s eyes widened and kneeled beside Darius laying him on his side, he then removed the necklaces and Darius’s cape and placed it underneath his head as a way so he doesn’t injure himself.
Alador had times the seizure and tried getting Darius to calm down “…you’re okay, everything will okay..” Alador said, he caressed Darius’s hair as his seizure continued for a bit.
About 3 minutes passed and Darius’ seizure had stopped, he was unconscious tho, a bit of foam had fell out of his mouth but, Alador picked up a cloth and wiped it away carefully, he checked Darius’ breathing which was fine and kept caressing his hair.
As soon as Darius had woken up, he felt a little dizzy and confused, he slowly sat up and looked at Alador “..W-What happened? Why am I on the ground?..” Darius said, Alador held his hand and explained to Darius how he had and seizure attack, Darius looked down for a bit, he rarely had them.
Alador comforted him “…If you ever have one again, I’ll be here to help..” Alador said and smiled a bit, Darius laid his head on Alador’s shoulder “Thank you dear..” Darius spoke and gave Alador a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re very Welcome” Alador Said.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Hunger Games: Luz's outfit
Honey, on your knees when you look at me. I'm dressed like a fucking queen and you're begging,"please!" I rule with the velvet tongue, And my dress undone. And I'll get you lost but I'm having fun Holy, holy, holy, yeah Holy, holy, holy Holy by King Princess
Hunter is waiting for Luz with Eda and Darius. To keep with their stylists theme of light and darkness, Hunter is dress from head to toe in a dark midnight purple, almost black. With a white silver cape that looks like moonlight. Tiny see through silver cresent moons handstitched onto the cape. This color makes his skin and hair seem even more pale. Like he himself is made from silver moonlight. His appearance over all is handsome. Like one of those elven princes that Luz likes to gush and read about. He himself feels ridiculous and self conscious. He rather wear his own clothes. His own knitted sweathers, or his wolf shirt he took hours to make. The one his mother Evelyn was so proud of. She smiled so big when he showed her, " Your going to be wonderful seamstrist Hunter, a little artist just like your father! We'll have his wood carvings and your clothes all together in our shop. Our family business" He suddenly misses his parents with a deep burning longing. His father and his gentle smiles and his even gentler birds. His mother and her laughter, always smelling of mapel syrup and flapjacks. His anger at his uncle, President Wittebane grows deeper. He knows his uncle had his name chosen on purpose. Finally a chance to punish his parents for running off together. For being happy. So he'll take his revenge by killing their only son. Real proof of their love killed for the whole world to see.
Hunters dark thoughts are interrupted by Luz's bubbly voice coming down the stairs. "Finally," he grumbles, he goes up to look at her, "Took you long e-" he doesn't finish his sentence. He chokes on his spit as he gazes up at her. In one word she looks like royalty. Like a goddess honestly. He's reminded of the many religious statues he's seen in the Capital. Goddesses, gods and titans depicted forever in golden statues. Luz is her name sake. From head to toe she is covered in a golden light dress. The dress made from glowing golden stars. Or at least the stylist made it seem that way. Sparkley golden ballet shoes adorned her feet. Her face having little golden stars drawn near her eyes and over her eyebrows. Her wild natural curls pined up in a bun with stars sprinkled all over every bit of her hair. In one word she is her name sake. She is light, she is the stars, she is the sun to his moon. Luz smiles self consciously at Hunter, " Either I look really good or really bad," jokes Luz as she's finally at the bottom of the stars. Hunter stares at her dazed, still saying nothing. Luz worried waves a hand in his face and calls to him, " Uh Hunter? Hello are you ok?" Seeing her hand wave and fingers snap to get his attention, Hunter snaps out of it. Blushing red, Hunter turns away frustrated. " You look beautiful, you know you look beautiful." Luz at this finally smiles all relaxed. When Hunter finally turns back to her, he sees Eda handing Luz a plain black hooded cape. She puts it on, hiding her beautiful outfit of stars and light completely. Hunter confused asks, "Why are you doing that?" Luz looks to him from under the hood and explains, eyes looking up at him through her eyelashes, "Eda wants the outfit to be a big surprise for the interview. To dazzle the capital with this outfits hidden surprises." Hunter doesn't understand what she means by hidden surprises till later. When Luz is finally having her interview in front of millions. She gets up out of her chair. Unties the cape, it slowly falling and revealing her dress. The captial audience gasps and aww. Than Luz does something surprising. Having ballet shoes, she makes a pose with her arms, and lifts them into the air. As she does that she goes all the way to the point of her toes. Her yellow ballet shoes sparkles like stars. She lifts one leg gracefully behind her, and starts to twirl. Twirling her dress skirt as well. As she spins, the dress glows brighter. Stars appear and twinkle around her. She spins and gracefully dances here or there. The stars and light glowing happily as they follow her. Gone is the sad sweet girl Hunter knows. Instead here is a young woman. Happy dancing and lighting up the world. The crowd goes wild for this. Cheering her on and clapping. The jump to their feet calling out her name, throwing flowers and roses to the stage. Telling her to twirl and dance more. And Luz does. Smiling all the way. When her dance is finally done she bows to crowd. She's panting and sweaty, but still beautiful. Celestial even. Her hair has fallen out of her pined up star. Wild curls free and down her back. Stars still glittering in hair. She finally sits down. " That was certainly a show," the interviewer exclaims. "What did your designer call this dress?" Luz blinks her eyes and stares out into the crowd. Her eyes finally meets Hunters. When their eyes connect, her face changes. She becomes serious as she stares at him. To crowd she says this, but she's really saying this to Hunter. "My design is to represent that I am the queen. The queen of my name sake. The Queen of light. And as the queen, I plan not to only win this game. But be the queen of them." Hunter swallows hard at that. He is both aroused and terrified at the same time. " So your saying everyone should just give up and bow down to the queen of light ?" Comments the interviewer. Luz still hasn't turned her eyes away from Hunter. Dead serious, gone is the sweet girl and the queen is in her place, " Yes, I am the queen, and honey everyone needs to be on their knees for me."
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