#go sangha
vampyretaemin · 5 months
Sangha wants a kiss!
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jordansanghaislife · 7 months
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Still not over the beautiful chaos that was this live lol ,, this needs to be a regular occurrence after every CBB episodes
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Being kind and loving
Being kind and loving
Once we accept that not everything is up to us and we can let it go, we also start welcoming change as a part of our journeys and being kind and loving.
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milesbutterball · 4 months
Sunday Sangha
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sparkagrace · 5 months
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We're finally in spring (hopefully!). Plenty of time to go outside with a nice coffee and get some reading done. I read some incredible fics this month!
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392,534 words read over 35 fics (average of 11,215 words per fic, not including wips) 📈 20% from March
current total for the year: 1,378,159 words
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a handful of fic recs
Till there were no more wolves in the West by @dharmasharks stucky | E | 71.6k
It's Time to Live by @bittersweet-in-boston stucky | E | 37k
I Need To Be Youthfully Felt 'Cause God, I Never Felt Young by sangha stucky | E | 2k
Between New York and What Comes Knocking by @dontcallmebree stucky | T | 2k
CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Ficlets (Stucky) by @voylitscope stucky | G | 3.3k
April by @xoxobuckybarnes stucky | E | 3.2k
Tried to drift but don't know how by @dharmasharks stucky | E | 10.4k
I'll hold on a little tighter (maybe you'll stay the night) by glittercake stucky | E | 10.3k
Baby Steps by @bluesimplicity73 stucky | M | 115k
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series recs
E is for Escort by VenusDoom3 stucky | 3 fics | E | 21.7k
All's fair in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] by redcigar stucky | 3 fics | M | 10k
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a couple of author recs
this_wayward_life (@wayward-lives) recs: In the Light of the Candles [stucky | 1.7k], Think I Found Myself a Cheerleader [stucky | 2.4k], Soft [stucky, 2.4k]
@moodymelanist recs: but they've got planes [stucky, 1.7k], sometimes i hold you closer (just to know you're real) [stucky, 1k]
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currently streaming wips started this month
Damage Gets Done by @bonky-bornes stucky | N/A | 4/7
wips completed this month
feel your heart take root in your body by @between-a-ship-and-a-hard-place sam x riley | M | 28k
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be kind, rewind older fics or rereads
Feast On This by goldblooded (@duelingnebulas) stucky | E | 11k
bruise-resistant by mcwho stucky | E | 3.5k
less talk, a little more touch by @endofadream stucky | E | 2.3k
Number of Years by @missbeizy stucky | E | 8k
Deliver Me to Destiny by what_alchemy stucky | T | 2.4k
Steve's Favorite Thing by Just_a_m_ss stucky | E | 3.3k
The Fire We Make by @chiyume stucky | E | 8.8k
Sized Up by @duchessonfire stucky | E | 3k
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non-mcu recs
Tuesday (Break My Heart) by pansys_goth_gf buck x eddie (911) | T | 10k
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talonabraxas · 11 days
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“Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha” Green Tara ॐ Talon Abraxas
Tara’s name is derived from the Sanskrit root tṛ, which means “to traverse” or “to cross.” Tara guides and protects us as we journey across the ocean of the suffering of cyclic existence and arrive at the shore of enlightenment. In Tibetan, she’s known as Jetsun Drölma. Jetsun means “noble, revered” and Drölma means “she who liberates.” Tara is the noble one who liberates us from the ocean of suffering.
She arises in many forms of varying colors and demeanors, each of which has a specific way of supporting us on the path to liberation. Green Tara is a principal form of Tara whose activity is to remove obstacles and protect us from fear and danger. Green Tara has an entourage of twenty-one forms, each of which protects us from a specific type of fear, danger, and calamity.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, various colors represent different facets of awakened awareness and how we experience them on an ordinary level. The color green is associated with enlightened activity, wisdom, and compassion in action. So Green Tara is the embodiment of enlightened activity; her unimpeded action is instantly and precisely attuned to the needs of each moment. She knows just what’s needed to facilitate our liberation. Green is also associated with the wind element, and Tara’s green form expresses her unwavering commitment to act for the benefit of beings with the swiftness of the wind.
Beyond her color, every aspect of Green Tara’s appearance is imbued with meaning. Her boundless, unbiased generosity, joyful diligence, patience, ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom adorn her as fine silks and jewel-encrusted earrings, necklaces, and bangles. Her golden crown expresses her realization of the five disturbing emotions as being wisdom in their essence. Her black hair is partially drawn into a topknot symbolizing that she’s attained full realization, while the rest of her hair flows down her shoulders and back indicating her commitment to benefit all beings mired in suffering.
How to do Green Tara Practice
1. Take Refuge
Find a quiet place to sit and settle into a posture that allows you to be alert yet relaxed. Take several breaths. Let go of any thoughts or concerns and welcome the present moment. When settled, take refuge in all awakened beings and your innate basic goodness by reciting: “Until awakening I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and noble sangha. By the merit of my acts of generosity and other awakening qualities, may I attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings.”
2. Visualize Tam Turning into Tara
With eyes open, gaze into the sky in front of you, taking in the openness of space with a sense of receptivity. Visualize that unconditioned compassion emerges from that openness in the form of a green Tam, the mystical seed syllable associated with Tara. (See the script on top of the lotus at right.) The Tam instantly transforms into Green Tara who sits upon a luminous disk of the moon atop a fully blossomed lotus. Her body is made of blue-green light, the color of a clear, alpine lake. Like a rainbow, she appears, yet her form is not substantial.
3. Empower Your Visualization
Visualize rainbow-colored light radiating out from your heart. It purifies the world, makes offerings to the awakened ones, and invokes Green Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with you. In response, many forms of Tara rain down and dissolve into the Green Tara that you originally visualized, empowering your visualization. Have confidence that all your teachers’ mind streams are united with hers and that she’s truly present in the sky in front of you.
4. Chant Green Tara’s Mantra
Begin to chant Tara’s mantra Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha as a way to connect directly with her. The mantra is Tara’s wisdom and compassion manifesting as sound and vibration. Feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and feel that resonate with Tara’s body. As you chant the mantra, visualize that a stream of wisdom-awareness nectar begins to flow from her open right hand. It’s like liquid light that’s blue-green in color. This river of nectar flows into the crown of your head and removes all fear, gives protection, removes obstacles and obscurations, and transmits awakened awareness to you and all beings. Make any prayers to Green Tara that you would like, and allow yourself to receive her blessing.
5. Know That You Are Tara
See Green Tara dissolve into light and that light dissolve into you. As it enters your body, it illuminates you from the inside out, and your ordinary body now arises in the form of Green Tara. Experience your blue-green body of light as being emptiness and form inseparable. Your awakened qualities adorn you as silks and jewels. Your hands and legs rest in the same gestures and manners as hers. Experience your mind as being inseparable from Green Tara’s mind. In your heart area is a blue-green Tam. As you continue to chant the mantra, light radiates out from your heart, sending joy, compassion, loving-kindness, strength, and equanimity to all beings without exception.
6. Dissolve the Visualization
When you’re done reciting the mantra, take a moment to sit and feel the impact. Then, gradually dissolve the visualization until there’s just a drop of blue-green light left in your heart center, radiating brilliantly the essence of your true nature. Then the light dissolves into space, like a rainbow disappearing into the sky. Rest your mind naturally for a few minutes or longer.
7. Share the Benefit
End this practice session by sharing with all beings any benefit that came from your connecting with Green Tara. Do this by reciting: “Through this goodness may awakening spontaneously arise in our streams of being. May all obscurations and distortions fall away. May all beings be liberated from suffering and the stormy waves of birth, sickness, old age, and death.”
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megyulmi · 6 months
Getou Suguru and Monkeys seen through the lens of Buddhism.
[year by year, the monkey’s mask reveals the monkey. - bashō]
➠ how Suguru became what he told himself he hated the most:
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Depending on the Buddhist school, Monkeys can have various symbolisms. Here I am going to look at them as a metaphor for an Unenlightened Mind. ‘Monkey Reaching for the Moon’s Reflection’ is a common theme in Zen paintings. It derives from a Buddhist story in which five hundred monkeys hold onto each other’s tails and attempt to seize the reflection of a moon in a well (or a lake). They fail when the branch from which they are hanging breaks and they fall into the water, breaking the surface and along with it the moon’s reflection. In this tale, the monkeys stand for unenlightened people who cannot distinguish between reality and illusion, mistaking the reflection of the object for the thing itself and grasping at what in reality is not there. They represent an ignorant one who has yet not found Enlightenment.
Monkeys from Suguru’s perspective are no different. He uses the word to refer to non-sorcerers, who are ignorant of the world of sorcery and what sorcerers go through to ensure their safety. In that sense, Monkeys to Suguru are what Monkeys represent in the above-mentioned Buddhist tale. They do not see the reality the sorcerers live and if they do recognise the existence of sorcerers instead of acknowledging the sacrifices sorcerers make for them, to reference Suguru himself, under the concept of the gods they have created, the non-sorcerers bring harm upon the sorcerers.
However, Suguru’s hate of Monkeys and his actions to eradicate them make him no different from the Monkeys he loathes in the end.
There is a Buddhist concept called ‘Monkey mind’ or ‘Mind monkey’. It is used to describe a state of restlessness, capriciousness, and lack of control in one’s thoughts. The term comes from a Buddhist story where a man receives a magical monkey from a master that can fulfill any task. Thrilled, the man asks the monkey to do numerous helpful things, but soon finds himself overwhelmed by the constant requests as the monkey finishes each task in no time and asks him for more work day and night. Seeking help, the man returns to the master, who gives him a single curly hair and tells him to have the monkey make it straight. The man does so and the monkey sits down, fully focused on the little hair. He pulls it straight, it bounces back, again and again. Despite the monkey’s efforts, the hair always springs back, allowing the man to finally find relief and rest.
This story shows how one can never find peace so long as one continues to obsess over the ideals (or tasks) of the material world, like the Monkey, who would endlessly try to pull the hair straight, failing to recognise its true nature. How can one find freedom then? For one to achieve Enlightenment, one must start by freeing oneself from the ‘Monkey mind’, or the ideals one obsesses over. Buddhists do it through meditation and practising the Three Jewels of Buddhism (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are primary acts of the Buddhist faith that create the learning journey towards nirvana).
What about Suguru? Does he ever find freedom from the ideal he has dedicated his life to?
As we know, Suguru doesn’t let go of his hatred of Monkeys even in his final moments. He holds onto it and in that same sense, he holds himself from attaining liberation (from the indefinitely repeated cycles of birth, misery, and death caused by karma, i.e. samsara), as to find Enlightenment is to escape the three fires, or poisons, of anger (or hatred), greed, and delusion. In Buddhism, hate is a source of dukkha and brings suffering to the person who does the hating. Emotions like hatred, fear and jealousy create karmic prisons for a being and drive them deeper into the illusion of ego. Suguru chooses not to let go of his hatred and in the eyes of Buddhism, remains as ignorant as the Monkeys in the tales and subsequently, the Monkeys he hates.
[Disclaimer: This is only a personal perspective as just another reader and not a claim that this is how Akutami intended to depict him. This particular choice of word has always made me think of these tales, however. Additionally, English is not my native language and I have never read JJK in English, so certain terminologies I use may not be the correct equivalent of the English language.]
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1800-page-not-found · 2 years
Omg, okokok, how would the company/group (sangha, huiwon, etc.) To Dokja getting kisses from his s/o 🤧 (hc or scenario is up to you)
most of kim dokja's company know the fact that you were dating. So in the midst of having a break from chaos and scenarios, you decided to kiss kim dokja on the lips, just a peck. Everyone reacted slightly different...
Yoo Joonghyuk's reaction
blank stare
was not one of the informed that the two of you were in a relationship
"Get a room"
just witnessed bromance betrayal
the type of guy to say he's going to bleach his eyes
half of kdj co had to rush and stop him
going through the stages of grief
Han Sooyoung's reaction
passes Lee Gilyoung 1000 coins
those two bet on you guys
doesn't really care about you two kissing
cares more about her 1000 coins being lost
she in fact did not get 1000 coins from kdj
insert Lee Gilyoung laughing at her demise
Yoo Sangah's reaction
Knew about the relationship
actually was the one to encourage you two make it public
you get dating advice from her even though she's single
"You guys bet on their relationship?"
Jung Heewon's reaction
damn it
she couldve won money.
says congrats
Lee Hyunsung's reaction
he knew about the relationship
pretends not to know when you guys kissed
"Woooowww congratulations!"
really bad liar
everyone stares at him
that was Shin Yoosung, pointing an accusing finger at him
Shin Yoosung's reaction
makes lee hynsung feel guilty
she grabs lee gilyoung by the collar
lets out a war cry and tries to beat him up
Lee Gilyoung's reaction
he's 1000 coins richer now
guessed that you guys were dating
"blehhhhhhhh" sticks his tongue out at shin yoosung
they are running around the company and then he falls
gets hit once before any adult can get shin yoosung off him
Lee Jihye's reaction
starts clapping like someone's getting an award
accidentally overheard you two saying 'i love you' once so
not surprised
stops clapping after seeing her master's expression
...love triangle????
eats popcorn like some k drama betrayl is going on
wishes she was apart of the bet
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all-about-kyu · 9 months
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Summary: You’ve been on hiatus with Jaemin for a while now. Your daughter was born just over five months ago, and you can’t help but miss your fans. Pairing: Jaemin x fem!reader Tropes: idol au, established relationship au, parent au Genre: fluff Warning: pregnancy (not yn), Taeyong’s a bit anxious, body image issues, mentions of breastfeeding, mentions of Taeil’s injury Word Count: 2,334 Note: I know that SAMLFY has been over for 2 years, bUT I MISS THEM!! Happy blog anniversary! The female unit songs are æspa songs <3 (this takes place between epilogue 2 and 3) thank you to @anyamaris and @wooahaeproductions for beta reading this!!
Before You Interact
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“Czennie!” Johnny calls out, “Did you have fun?”
You hear the roars of your fans from backstage. You’ve been on hiatus since your fourth month of pregnancy. Jaemin, of course, went on hiatus with you. He said the thought of you just sitting around your home by yourself drove him wild, knowing he could be helping you out. The two of you have been on hiatus for a full year. While you love relaxing at home with your husband and daughter, you miss seeing your members more often than once a week. The exception, of course, is your brother and Mark, who come over nearly every day.
You feel Jaemin lean his head onto your shoulder. His eyes are fixated on your five-month-old. Hoyeon happily makes babbling noises as if she’s having a full conversation with her father. Jaemin chuckles and responds to her whenever she pauses. You look away from the duo for a moment to see Doyeon resting on a nearby couch. She’s exhausted, and honestly, you can’t blame her. She’s seven months pregnant and very ready to be done sharing her body. You remember when you were tired of sharing and just wanted to hold your little girl in your arms. 
“You sure about this?” Taeyong asks softly.
“I’m sure. I’m not going to break at walking. Walking on the stage won’t induce my labor, I still have two more months; Sangha is safe, and so am I.” His fiancée chuckles, holding his hand in hers.
Taeyong turns his gaze toward you, Jaemin, and Hoyeon. His eyes twinkle when your daughter giggles at him.
“Are you two sure, too?”
You give him a soft smile, passing Hoyeon to Jaemin. Walking up to Taeyong, you give him a short hug and you can practically feel the nerves radiating off of him.
You pull away and give him that same soft but confident look. “We’ll be okay. We’ve posted a few photos with her and have security just in case. You’ve been so worried about us long before we had her. I promise everything will be okay.” You reassure.
Jaemin gets up and kisses your temple when he reaches you. He only adds small comments to help soothe Taeyong’s worries further. With Doyeon starting her final trimester, he’s become more worrisome than he was before. You know it’s all coming from a good place. You do wish he would relax a little bit, though.
Doyeon gets up and walks over to a stagehand. Your eyebrows furrow together not sure what she’s up to. Her left hand is resting on her belly. Her engagement ring glints in the lights of the room. The young man nods and walks away. When he returns, he has a handheld mic in his hand. Doyeon happily takes it from him. You swear Taeyong’s eyes go as wide as saucers. He doesn’t intervene, though. You both watch as she digs through her bag and finds a box you all know well. It’s her in-ears.
“What are you up to?” Taeyong finally asks.
“What does it look like?” Doyeon responds, fixing her in-ears. “The staff knows, the members don’t. I wanted to surprise them. I brought your in-ears, too, if you want them. Jaemin, y/n,  I may or may not have asked your manager to grab yours, too.” She tells you as if she’s speaking about the weather.
Jaemin gives you a look. You know it well. He knows you’re about to join your older friend in her plan. You smile at him brightly and kiss Hoyeon’s cheek. Skipping toward your manager, you hold your hand out. He already knows what you’re asking for, and a moment later, your in-ears are in your hand. You hear the very familiar tune of one of the female unit songs. You know that Chenguang is covering Doyeon’s part while Juliette is covering yours. You’re happy for her. You know she doesn’t get many lines, so to have her covering your parts makes you happy on her behalf.
Doyeon nudges you and nods toward the stage entrance, “You ready to scare the shit out of Rose when we walk on that stage?”
“I hope so.”
“You don’t need to feed Hoyeon before we go on?”
You shake your head, “I fed her a little bit ago.”
“Let’s do this.” She says with determination.
A small bubble of anxiety grows inside you. You haven’t been on a stage in a year. Your body definitely isn’t what it was before your pregnancy. Looking back at your husband, you search for some reassurance. He gives you a small smile, takes Hoyeon’s chubby hand, and makes her motion to cheer you on. That’s enough to quell your anxiety. You fix your in-ears one last time and link arms with Doyeon. Your older friend gives you a sweet smile before the two of you start walking. 
Once you arrive at the side of the stage, you stay hidden from the others. They’re currently performing Illusion. That’s a song neither you nor Doyeon are in any condition to perform. You went on hiatus a month after the album release, and Doyeon is far too pregnant to perform that choreography. Watching the girls perform only makes you want to jump right in and join them despite hardly remembering the choreo.
“I can feel the excitement radiating off of you.” Doyeon teases.
“I missed this.” You admit, “I’ve been off stage for too long.”
Doyeon scrunches her nose at you, “We both have. We were so used to the ‘go go go’ lifestyle that neither of us knew how to sit still for this long. I mean, look at me. I’m seven months pregnant and about to walk on stage.”
“You’re going to give Taeyong a heart attack, you know that?”
She giggles and nods, “We’re gonna wait for them to finish this up, and when it comes to our lines in ICU, we’ll walk out.”
You nod and watch as the rest of the members wrap up the song— your heart pounds in your chest. Your in-ears cancel out the sound of the audience; your member’s voices are clear in your ear along with the metronome as you hear Kaia belt out the last line. The lights fade out while they break out of formation to start walking around the stage for the second song. Yuki’s voice fills your ears as she starts singing the song’s first line. She’s crouched down, waving at fans as she sings. Kaia and Alice are playing around as they walk around the stage, also interacting with fans as they goof around. Chenguang, Rose, and Juliette are all wandering around, admiring the crowd as they wait for their turns to sing.
Your line grows closer, and you take a deep breath. You look over at Doyeon and see her reaching out for your hand and squeezing it tight before standing up. You start to sing before you and Doyeon are visible on the stage. Juliette jumps, not having expected to hear your voice. She whips around and sees you walking up to her with Doyeon in tow. Your member continues to sing as she walks toward you. She’s fighting back tears when she reaches out, and you take her hand. You sing your line with her. The others process what’s happened and rush over to the three of you. Chenguang practically throws herself into Doyeon’s arms as she lets her tears flow. Her lines are completely abandoned, and instead, Doyeon takes it up on herself to sing them. Yuki wraps her arm around your waist and walks around with you as she sings. Rose joins you and Yuki a moment later, wrapping her arm around your other side. Kaia and Alice stay by Doyeon. Your heavily pregnant friend likely doesn’t want to walk too much, and you can’t blame her. When the song wraps up, the eight of you meet up on the main stage and form a large group hug.
Again, the lights fade out. None of you move, though. Of course, the six members not on hiatus are in shock. Doyeon’s pregnancy hormones finally smacked her in the face, causing her to sob despite everyone else’s crying dwindling down to sniffles.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were–” Rose cuts off her own question.
“I had no part of this. It was all Doyeon. I found out right before walking onto this stage.” You chuckle.
The male members don’t take long to file on stage for the encore. Almost immediately, you get the air knocked out of you. Your twin brother practically body-slams you with a hug. He quietly asks if his niece is here; you nod subtly against his shoulder. You hear Johnny open up the encore song, Beautiful. You stay wrapped up in your brother’s arms. When you pull away, you feel a hand graze against your shoulders. You turn to see Mark smiling at you.
“Hey, stranger.” He jokes, “Having seen you in a bit.”
“You were at my house yesterday.” you chuckle.
“I mean on stage.” He adds.
You nod, “I missed this.”
You hear Doyeon singing just as beautifully as always despite the shortness of breath you know she’s been experiencing in the later months of her pregnancy. Starting to walk around, you meet the members on stage again, smiling brightly and playing around as you sing. You didn’t expect to hear Taeyong’s voice flood the speakers. You turn around and see him walking out, singing his verse of the song. He immediately gravitates toward his fiancée and bumps his head lightly against hers. You know that Jaemin likely won’t walk on stage. He wouldn’t leave Hoyeon with anyone, even your manager, for more than five minutes. As you watch the audience and your members, you feel yourself overcome with emotion. Small tears spring from your eyes, but you wipe them away.
The song ends, and Taeyong calls the twenty of you to the main stage. He practically screams out for czennies. He missed them just as much as you, Jaemin, and Doyeon did. He leads the group introduction, relieving Johnny of his temporary leader position for the time being. 
“Czennie!” Taeyong yells again, “I missed you all so much. I know our members have been doing amazing with Doyeon, Jaemin, y/n, and me on hiatus. With Taeil’s injury added, our members did such an incredible job tonight.”
You smile, watching him smile brightly at the audience while holding Doyeon close to him. The other members start doing their ending ments, and you chuckle lightly when Alice teases you and Doyeon for scaring everyone in the midst of performing. You stay quiet and allow the members to speak. You do wish that Taeil could be here as well, but you’d much rather he rest and heal instead.
“My turn?” You question, “Well, hello, everyone! It’s been far too long!” You stop and hear the fans’ cheers for you. “I’ve been trying to keep you all updated a bit on my social media, but being a mom is definitely a full-time job.” You giggle, “I’ve missed you all so much, and I know-”
You get cut off by the sound of babbling over the speaker. Twenty heads snap to the side stage. Jaemin is walking up with Hoyeon. She has sound-cancelling headphones over her small head to ensure her hearing is safe. Somehow, your manager overprepares for the things that may never happen. In this case, you’re very thankful he overprepared. You take your daughter from Jaemin and kiss her little face. Jaemin smiles sweetly at the pair of you.
“Czennie,” You speak into the mic, “Welcome our first NCT baby!”
Knowing some people would abuse the information, you don’t say her name. None of the members meant to be on hiatus are done up for the concert. Jaemin is in a black T-shirt with a light jacket over it and a pair of ripped jeans. Still, he looks devastatingly handsome. Hoyeon’s eyes are wide as she takes in the rather overstimulating surroundings. Her eyes fixate on you, then Jaemin. Suddenly, though, your daughter squirms in your hold and reaches out behind you. She sees her uncle. Donghyuck happily reaches out to her and steals her from your arms. 
The other members continue their ments as Hyuck busies himself, entertaining Hoyeon. Still, she squirms again, reaching out past him. Just behind him is an oblivious Jisung. He’s talking with fans quietly, but your daughter has her mind set on the youngest member. Xiaojun nudges Jisung and points toward your five-month-old. Awkwardly, Jisung takes her, fixing her headphones when they shift. She immediately tries to eat his mic, which is fixated in front of his mouth. The action results in a loud coo sounding through the arena. Yangyang busts out laughing when your baby interrupts Renjun’s ment.
Soon enough, Hoyeon turns her head around trying to find you again. You pull your phone just far enough out of your pocket to check the time. It’s time for her to be fed again. Jaemin glances over at you and has a silent conversation. He knows it’s time to go, too. You walk over to Jisung, who is still fighting to keep his clothes out of Hoyeon’s mouth, to retrieve your daughter. The youngest quickly passes her back to you. Taeyong seems to get the hint, and since all the members have done their closing ments, he leads the final bow. You carefully join, making sure to keep Hoyeon supported and safe. Both you and Jaemin step closer to the edge of the stage and wave to fans before exiting with the others. 
It’s been a while since you’ve been on stage, but you know you’ll never tire of it. For now, though, you’ll focus on your little one. When the time comes, you’ll return to the stage and continue where you left off.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity @cultofdionysusnet
Tag List: @jaehunnyy @ericssmile @anyamaris
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hillbillyoracle · 9 months
What Made My Life Better in 2023
One of the things I'm thinking about a lot as I get ready for 2024 is what actually made an impact for me in the last year. It was interesting to think through because it was neither what I expected nor what I had always heard would help me. Instead it was often small changes that stacked into something much more helpful and interesting when put together.
I wanted to share them in case it's helpful for anyone else.
#1 - Adaptive Cleaning
While I still use elements of other cleaning systems, the base of what I do is firmly rooted in Sarah McGlory's Adaptive Cleaning ideas. I started implementing it about halfway through the year in earnest, though I stumbled upon it a year or two ago, and it's made a huge difference. This is the cleanest my space has ever been and the fewest flares I've ever had and I genuinely do credit her ideas for being a big reason for that.
#2 - My Care Kit
About halfway through the year I also threw together this care kit that I keep by my bed. It has everything I need to do my skincare, brush my teeth, and do my makeup - all without leaving my bed. While I've felt embarrassed at just how much it's done for me, I think it's a great example of "do what works." I just don't like get up once I've sat down for the evening. And it's easier to get up if I already have all that stuff done. Not only have I kept up with skincare and other habits probably the best out of any point in my life, but the mood and self esteem boost it gives me has allowed me to do more of what I want in other areas too.
#3 - 750 Words
I start using 750 Words on a whim. I had liked doing morning pages but could never really keep up with them, especially on days when I was really struggling with my hands. I wound up really taking to it and have only missed a few days since I started in November. I wound up paying for a year of it because I'm that certain of it's benefit. I've written way more for my zines, my mental health is a little better, and it serves as an anchor habit for several others. I love the simplicity of it. I can usually crank out my freewrite for the day in about 10 minutes - I like 10 minutes being my new minimum versus the zero it was.
#4 - Laundry Day
This might seem obvious or silly to you but as someone who has tried a lot of cleaning routines, I was so used to the a load a day rule that I never questioned it. That is until I read Dana K. White's book How To Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind. She talks about her laundry system and it just completely changed my perspective. Laundry day has given me so much of my time back and I more regularly do more of our laundry. I'm sure other people were aware this was an option but I guess I needed someone to tell me.
#5 - Connecting with a Sangha
I'd been putting off connecting with a Sangha for a while. I knew I wasn't going to be in a place to go in person (I'm about an hour and a half any moderate sized city) and only meeting online felt like a pale imitation. But I was wrong. I got connected with the Furnace Mountain Zen Center based here in Kentucky and started attending more of their weekday meditation sessions and at home day retreats as I was able. It really deepened my practice and has remained a touchstone to return back to when I got through times life pulls me away. I wish I would have done it sooner. If you're Buddhist leaning in any way, I really recommend finding a Sangha - even if it's online.
I hope this sparks some ideas for other people. None of the "productivity" stuff I tried this year "worked" in the sense of sticking or allowing me to do more. The closest was probably pomodoros on a visual timer, which are genuinely helpful. But mostly it was acts of nurturance, curiosity, and care that really elevated my life this year.
May 2024 be even better!
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radical-revolution · 3 months
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Tantric Meditation - the Dalai Lama - Happy Birthday to you! (89 today)
I go for refuge to the Buddhas, the fully Enlightened Ones, who guide beings by expounding to them the pure, true teachings of the Dharma, which is the fruit of the supreme wisdom derived from their direct experience.
I go for refuge to the Dharma, which affords full transcendence of all suffering and leads to true happiness; for the Dharma connotes the elimination of all negativity and fulfillment of all creative qualities as a result of Wholesome thought and action, functioning through body, speech, and mind.
I go for refuge to the Sangha, the supreme community, whose feet are firmly set on the path to enlightenment. Upon them, I place my unswerving radiance for that spiritual assistance of which I stand in need.
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. kinda just summer love w doy thoughts. fluffy but also a bit angsty. warnings. jealousy. lots of kissing. drinking. i don't usually write in present tense so if there are mistakes im so sorry i tried to proofread but i’m tired 😭 pairing. doy x fem!reader. wc. 663. request. no. a/n. this is all @eternalgyu's fault that i'm writing for nomad now but srsly doy has me in a chokehold its not funny but also sangha is fighting for bias spot SO???
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waking up completely hung over with doeui, hearing the murmured curses that falls from his mouth as the splitting headache hits you both at the same time. as soon as you look at each other, all you can do is just laugh and huddle closer under the blankets, alternating kisses on the other’s forehead to soothe the headaches. memories from the previous night are foggy, but all you really care about is being next to him and feeling the warmth of his skin underneath you.
after you sleep for a bit longer and wake up for the second time in the late morning, doeui runs to the store to get hangover medication and pizza. everything about the morning is lazy and unplanned, just the two of you in each other’s company until the party starts later in the day.
doeui loves how you look in his oversized shirt when he comes back from the store; your hair a mess, but your eyes shining with excitement whenever you look at him. you share the pizza, taking turns feeding each other and sneaking in kisses before you get properly dressed for going out. 
except doeui’s idea of properly dressed still involves an open summer shirt exposing his abs and toned chest. it’s perfect attire for the beach, but you can’t help but stare a bit. he can’t complete the outfit without your pearl bracelet and necklace, and in return, you steal his black cap.
drinks, games, skateboarding, swimming, sports, dares— all of the classic summer things that you could indulge in are present at every party. and it lasts for hours. you spend most of the time on the opposing team from your boyfriend, giving him teasing looks and boasting every time you won. you’ll never admit that you purposely got a little touchy with sangha just to get doeui jealous, but you couldn’t deny it either. you wouldn’t have if you hadn’t caught one of the girls staring a bit too closely at his open shirt.  
it works like a charm, from the way he pulls your wrist as soon as the game of beach volleyball is finished. when he’s sure that he’s led you out of sight of his friends, his lips find yours faster than you could speak. it’s rushed and a bit rougher than how he normally kisses you, but it’s exactly the reaction you were hoping for when you did everything you could to rile him up. when he’s satisfied with the way he’s smeared your lipgloss and slightly messed up your hair, he mutters a quick, “you’re mine” before he joins the group again, making sure you were on his team for the next round.
as the sun sets, you gather around a cooler of drinks and popsicles. you steal sips of doeui’s beer throughout the time when you’re all laughing and telling stories. he doesn’t mind. each time he catches you reaching for his can, he feels even fonder of you. but he still drinks some of your cider to make things even.
when the sun sets completely and the rest of the friend group leaves, it’s just you and doeui still sitting together on the sand, listening to the waves lap at the shore and feeling the slight chill of the wind. you lean closer to him when he rests a finger under your chin, allowing him to press soft kisses to as much skin as he could reach on your face. his breath feels warm despite how cold the air is, and you think you could easily be able to stay like this forever.
but all good things must come to an end, and for you and doeui, it ends gradually like the summer turning to fall. as the weather gets cooler, so do your hearts. doeui still thinks back to that summer love every time he looks at your pearl necklace that hangs from his car mirror, longing for one more chance to kiss you.
↳ nomad taglist: @eternalgyu,,
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roboticchibitan · 9 days
Update on the temple library project because I am excited about it. I wrote a rough draft of an email calling for donations of books, bookshelves, and, if you have neither, money. Geshela will look at it and make any changes he wants to make and then at some point it will be sent out to the Sangha. Might take a bit cuz Geshela does not understand technology very well (He's 65 and also at one point he lived in a cave for five years so like, his experience is lacking) and the guy who handles the email list is very busy cuz he's going to school right now.
But I got it started! Now I just have to wait to see what kind of response I get! I'm hoping some of the senior Sangha members have a bunch of books to donate but we'll see. I have maybe a shelf's worth of books to donate right now. I have not read all of them but I've been impulse purchasing $5 copies of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's books off thriftbooks and I have a bit of a collection at this point...
I am very excited about this because I'm disabled, I don't work. I'm often in too much pain to function. But this is something I can do for a community I'm part of that matters. And that's really exciting to me because the other volunteer opportunities require regular attendance and I just can't promise that. But this is something I can do! And like, it's good for one's brain to have projects/responsibilities where you are not divorced from the fruits of your labor.
I'm considering seeing if my closer friends and family would want to donate to this project For My Sake because it's important to me but I don't know if that's weird or not. My best friend did offer to do a little graphic design work for it for free, though! So that's exciting!
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raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Become who you really are
Life can be tough, unpredictable, and inexplicable, yet we cannot let this block us. We have in us all it takes to go through life becoming who we really are.
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santoschristos · 9 days
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Green Tara ॐ
Tara’s name is derived from the Sanskrit root tṛ, which means “to traverse” or “to cross.” Tara guides and protects us as we journey across the ocean of the suffering of cyclic existence and arrive at the shore of enlightenment. In Tibetan, she’s known as Jetsun Drölma. Jetsun means “noble, revered” and Drölma means “she who liberates.” Tara is the noble one who liberates us from the ocean of suffering.
She arises in many forms of varying colors and demeanors, each of which has a specific way of supporting us on the path to liberation. Green Tara is a principal form of Tara whose activity is to remove obstacles and protect us from fear and danger. Green Tara has an entourage of twenty-one forms, each of which protects us from a specific type of fear, danger, and calamity.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, various colors represent different facets of awakened awareness and how we experience them on an ordinary level. The color green is associated with enlightened activity, wisdom, and compassion in action. So Green Tara is the embodiment of enlightened activity; her unimpeded action is instantly and precisely attuned to the needs of each moment. She knows just what’s needed to facilitate our liberation. Green is also associated with the wind element, and Tara’s green form expresses her unwavering commitment to act for the benefit of beings with the swiftness of the wind.
Beyond her color, every aspect of Green Tara’s appearance is imbued with meaning. Her boundless, unbiased generosity, joyful diligence, patience, ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom adorn her as fine silks and jewel-encrusted earrings, necklaces, and bangles. Her golden crown expresses her realization of the five disturbing emotions as being wisdom in their essence. Her black hair is partially drawn into a topknot symbolizing that she’s attained full realization, while the rest of her hair flows down her shoulders and back indicating her commitment to benefit all beings mired in suffering.
How to do Green Tara Practice
1. Take Refuge
Find a quiet place to sit and settle into a posture that allows you to be alert yet relaxed. Take several breaths. Let go of any thoughts or concerns and welcome the present moment. When settled, take refuge in all awakened beings and your innate basic goodness by reciting: “Until awakening I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and noble sangha. By the merit of my acts of generosity and other awakening qualities, may I attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings.”
2. Visualize Tam Turning into Tara
With eyes open, gaze into the sky in front of you, taking in the openness of space with a sense of receptivity. Visualize that unconditioned compassion emerges from that openness in the form of a green Tam, the mystical seed syllable associated with Tara. (See the script on top of the lotus at right.) The Tam instantly transforms into Green Tara who sits upon a luminous disk of the moon atop a fully blossomed lotus. Her body is made of blue-green light, the color of a clear, alpine lake. Like a rainbow, she appears, yet her form is not substantial.
3. Empower Your Visualization
Visualize rainbow-colored light radiating out from your heart. It purifies the world, makes offerings to the awakened ones, and invokes Green Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with you. In response, many forms of Tara rain down and dissolve into the Green Tara that you originally visualized, empowering your visualization. Have confidence that all your teachers’ mind streams are united with hers and that she’s truly present in the sky in front of you.
4. Chant Green Tara’s Mantra
Begin to chant Tara’s mantra Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha as a way to connect directly with her. The mantra is Tara’s wisdom and compassion manifesting as sound and vibration. Feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and feel that resonate with Tara’s body. As you chant the mantra, visualize that a stream of wisdom-awareness nectar begins to flow from her open right hand. It’s like liquid light that’s blue-green in color. This river of nectar flows into the crown of your head and removes all fear, gives protection, removes obstacles and obscurations, and transmits awakened awareness to you and all beings. Make any prayers to Green Tara that you would like, and allow yourself to receive her blessing.
5. Know That You Are Tara
See Green Tara dissolve into light and that light dissolve into you. As it enters your body, it illuminates you from the inside out, and your ordinary body now arises in the form of Green Tara. Experience your blue-green body of light as being emptiness and form inseparable. Your awakened qualities adorn you as silks and jewels. Your hands and legs rest in the same gestures and manners as hers. Experience your mind as being inseparable from Green Tara’s mind. In your heart area is a blue-green Tam. As you continue to chant the mantra, light radiates out from your heart, sending joy, compassion, loving-kindness, strength, and equanimity to all beings without exception.
6. Dissolve the Visualization
When you’re done reciting the mantra, take a moment to sit and feel the impact. Then, gradually dissolve the visualization until there’s just a drop of blue-green light left in your heart center, radiating brilliantly the essence of your true nature. Then the light dissolves into space, like a rainbow disappearing into the sky. Rest your mind naturally for a few minutes or longer.
7. Share the Benefit
End this practice session by sharing with all beings any benefit that came from your connecting with Green Tara. Do this by reciting: “Through this goodness may awakening spontaneously arise in our streams of being. May all obscurations and distortions fall away. May all beings be liberated from suffering and the stormy waves of birth, sickness, old age, and death.”
Green LOTUS Tara --Mahaboka
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ome-magical-ramblings · 11 months
Offerings and Salutations to the Teachers, Teachings, and Community.
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This post is dedicated to my friend who's still in prison and will leave this month. I hope to file this post under the practical heading of my index as I see this a very necessary part in the practice itself. Respect and thanks to all the teachers and teachings I was given in my past lives, this life, and future lives. I am so grateful for that.
Let me start it practically and offer you the method. It's really simple and all you have to do is a candle and a glass of water. I don't recommend this for any teacher and only for teachers you know and trust wholeheartedly. I recommend you do this carefully and in case you don't have a teacher you trust then go up to the original founder or a divine figure you trust like Buddha, or Jesus, or someone like Lao-Tzu or Hermes Trismegistus.
Once you have the image of the teacher or their names or your connection to them then you will set up a candle, incense if possible sandalwood or frankincense or frankincense and myrrh AND a glass of water. Then you offer three prayers: 1) Thankgiving 2) Blessing 3) Offering
an example would be like "Thank you Hermes for the teachings of Hermeticism and for the magic you have taught me and inspired me with these techniques" or offer them Psalm 150. Blessing is that you bless the water, the candle, the frankincense in their names. Key of Solomon have stuff to consecrate them, you can also consecrate them by praying Psalm 23 on it, or something from your heart. Lastly the offering , is that you have to word it out and say "O Teacher of This tradition, Thank you for offering and continually supporting my practice by providing the teachings and the magical teachings for us."
edit: I almost forgot but the offering dispose of it under a tree and if you can't then you can flush it down.
Very simple and direct but you can expand on it :) to suits you. Do it often, do it on Wednesday or Sunday or Saturday and what there? there's an incense mix you can use to help with this 1/4th teaspoon Alum , 3 teaspoon of Mace, and a teaspoon of frankincense or benzoin then you make a sincere prayer for an incarnate teacher, finding a good teacher, etc. Now Theory wise or just me talking to you, my imprisoned friend used to do the buddha dhamma sangha vandana to motivate himself and inspire discipline in his practice and that's a good thing! this shows the important of the teacher, teaching, the community/magical chain working in the whole system of practice. Once your practice is a CHAIN then you have this line or this connection going through as arab or muslim call it "madad" which pushes the presence through the community. There's a really good point where you want the teachings to continue, to show you that you're grateful for it and to help the people who deserve it to reach it, no? When you dedicate time to help people reach the teaching then you also open the doors for yourself to reach higher places, it's not a one-way thing and just like we give thanksgiving to our ancestors for their help we also BLESS them and it is like a circle/spiral. We are not disconnected or living in a vacuum, the recluse in mountains or someone who we only hear of them after their death these people are making waves and changes around and stuff are happening!! So don't think that your prayers and incense and thanksgiving are not heard, THEY ARE HEARD. Put yourself out, have faith, and I believe that you will find the blessings and benefits of praying for the teaching we found, for keeping them, for having them "here" and for continual existence in our world. if you do want someone to help you, what are you bringing to the table? and this is a very good read that I recommend from Mark Stavish on Teachers and what you're bringing to the teacher:
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