#go there irl girls!!!
kashilascorner · 1 year
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Read in 2023: Lord of Scoundrels (Loretta Chase)
I should like to see you try.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Master manipulator vs Master manipulator
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purrvaire · 1 year
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he was in the silliest goofiest mood ever
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
sorry no wait responses to that last post have been concerning. do you guys actually not see the problem with nearly every trans femme turtle design using a bow and dresses as a signifier of womanhood and feminine identity? whereas the normal/default turtles are seen as boys? and the idea that you gotta add something Clearly Feminine to the default so that people know this character is a girl?
i thought. i thought we were all just weak for putting the turtles in bows and cute outfits. please tell me you guys have actually been thinking about this.
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satans-knitwear · 6 months
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Fishnets!!! On a Friday?!?! I should hope so.
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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lyralime · 24 days
I literally bought thos makers because it's the same colours of Marina and Pearl
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I also had to draw them
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Good night everyone
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noecoded · 4 months
going to dinner with asmo but youre in the resident evil 7 blackjack finger trap and every time you forget to compliment him or you say something he doesnt like you lose a finger
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kadextra · 9 months
“You are important.”
“I’m really worried about you. You need to take care of yourself, because you’re not okay, we can see it. are you drinking water and eating?”
“You’re scaring me. cause I know that you’re not okay, but I can do nothing.”
“Every day I hope to find something about the eggs because I can’t stand seeing q!Bad sad anymore”
“He’s changing every day, turning into something like a ghost… I’m so worried, it’s like at any moment he could just disappear.”
“I feel powerless. I think q!Bad is suffering a lot, but he doesn't admit it. I really want to help him, I've been thinking really hard about how to help him”
“He took me around, we hang out, he helped me a lot and gave me items. He is my best friend. I don’t know what I should do…”
ough q!bagi. every time she talks about q!bad it makes my heart break, she is so kind. they’ve known each other a week, but she says with her whole chest that this is my best friend and I Will find a way to help. she is the only person q!bad has straightforwardly admitted not being ok to. I’m so….
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liquidstar · 1 month
maybe im overthinking, but do you ever think abt how in episode 1, utena justifies wearing the boys uniform by saying its not against the rules? while this was clearly a "gotcha" moment against that stuffy teacher, i feel like it also shows how shes still functioning within the parameters of the ohtori system. like, yeah, shes being rebellious, but its a form of rebellion that isnt actually revolutionary- shes still following the rules propagating the structure built around the patriarchal prince, shes just doing it in the "opposite" way of whats expected, but shes not actually fighting it. though, of course, even this much deviance still tries to get corrected... its still not against the rules. i feel like from the beginning we're told aspiring to princedom isn't a noble goal, and that utena is still part of the system as long as she pursues it
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cinnamontoads · 2 years
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Something about soggy old men idk
I think they would travel a lot
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ef-1 · 3 months
A day after Daniel fucks over Yuki, you post a photo of yourself wearing enchante,, you're not slick
Skinny white girl like Ricciardo? Ground breaking lol
it's so tragic how you're just gonna have to die mad about it 💋
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toadallytickles · 8 months
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What? Are we gonna study, or are you too distracted~? 🎀
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pricknim · 2 months
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My take on a human Sunset Shimmer in a college au type of situation
-> is studying audio engineering with a minor in physics ; met Twilight through their common mentor Professor Celestia -> is actually older than Twilight, but had a gap year before starting uni -> through Twilight she met Dazzle ; before being introduced to her, she was convinced that Twilight didn't actually like her, because of how cold she would act with her when running into each other (it was Dazzle that she ran into) -> likes to randomly sit in at random classes when she has some free time ; she met Starlight Glimmer (sat next to her) and Spitfire (she was teacher assistant, who spotted Sunset as a new face) this way -> bi (but is actually the lesbinator90000 of the campus) -> kinda popular, as in everyone has seen her around campus, but no one really dares approach her -> is in a band with Coloratura, Tempest Shadows (Fizzlepop Berrytwist) and Autumn Blaze ; she plays the guitar and sings sometimes -> is renting an apartment with Tempest and Autumn -> met Rainbow Dash on tinder ; they hit it off, but they decided to stay friends instead, because it was just not working out -> met Rarity through Twilight -> met Pinkie through Tempest -> her and her band often perform at Pinkie's bakery during special cafe events to boost sales -> through Pinkie's events she met AJ and Fluttershy -> is estranged from her parents, as they had kicked her out when she refused to become a doctor, lawyer or an "actual" engineer -> is working part time as a software developer (usually remote either from home or more recently from Pinkie's bakery) -> is a geek at heart, don't let her looks deceive you -> is addicted to Dazzle's ginger-honey shot coffee
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
i'm so surprised she hasn't realised i want her like girl are you BLIND wait im sorry ily
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growinguparo · 1 year
pet peeve: when characters/people confess their romantic feelings by just saying "i love you" and expecting that to communicate their intent. "i love you" doesn't mean "i have romantic feelings for you" and i don't like that it's commonly used that way. just makes me feel like it's not safe for me to say those words lest i be misinterpreted. say what you mean.
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ezgee-badally · 6 months
Hey dumb dykes…I’m back.
Sorry I’ve been gone. Been a bit busy lately. Did You know you can groom adults too? I didn’t, that is until I realized I could use all the reputation and influence I’ve gained over the years to groom some impressionable young dykes into accepting my sexual aggression as normal. I went a little wild. Almost got caught, but they always turn eventually. Not “turn”straight of course. It’s no fun if they aren’t betraying their identity and relinquishing their entire sense of self just to cum on my fat cock. I mean “turn” as in turn into my broken dumb drooling dyke cock whore.
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