#god i fucking love this 'hog when you actually do something with him
antirepurp · 8 months
post-06 silver who's permanently fucked up and beyond saving. he lacks any memories beyond a moment of existential terror he had one morning after waking up in a world he didn't belong to, and doesn't remember the timeline he's from that's now gone. someone who slowly loses more and more of their inhibitions the more he starts to vaguely understand the workings of time, but never truly grasping how everything works. his future remains safe and unchanged and the skies are blue, but sometimes when he travels to the past he describes apocalyptic conditions he's convinced are real. everyone believes him, because they could not even dream of arguing against him when he's the one who's time traveling. maybe he catches on to it himself eventually, that something's very wrong with him, but there's nothing he can really do about it. no one has the ability to correct you when you're wrong, to ground you in reality, when they can't tell your lies from the truth. even you don't know where you are really from, where the home you long for supposedly is. is this real, are you even real anymore? did you travel to the past or fall asleep? when was the last time you were sure you were awake, anyway?
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fawnindawn · 6 months
loser! Luke Castellan who has a pathetic crush on you.
loser! Luke Castellan who follows you around camp like a lost puppy, under the guise of having nothing to do and wanting to help you out with your tasks (as if he wasn’t knee deep in camp counsellor responsibilities).
loser! Luke Castellan who gets distracted during sword fight practice because he so happened to hear the ghost of your laughter echoing through the meadows, rendering his heart to a stutter.
loser! Luke Castellan who brings by leftovers from his table to you when you’re stuck in the infirmary if it meant having some alone time with you, not giving a fuck about offerings to the gods when any moment spent with you meant worlds more.
loser! Luke Castellan who very intentionally shows off whenever you’re around with some fancy combat trick or the stretch of his arms, showing off his toned muscles in the hopes that you were watching him.
loser! Luke Castellan who hopelessly longs for you with pining stares obvious to everyone but him, eyes like magnets to your presence, catching you across the room or the battlefield.
loser! Luke Castellan who gets so jealous when he sees you laughing too closely with some other guy at the bonfire, and foolishly stalks over to interrupt the conversation without thinking of a proper excuse.
“Hey, Luke! What’s up?” You call warmly to him, making his heart spasm in his chest at the sound of his name leaving your lips.
“I need your help with.. something.” He stumbles through his words with a wince. “It’s urgent.”
loser! Luke Castellan who feels relief and mind-numbing euphoria settling in his chest when you wordlessly agree without question, choosing him instead. An apologetic smile crosses your face as you bid goodbye to whatever jerk you were talking to before following in Luke’s footsteps.
loser! Luke Castellan who can’t resist the urge to toss the quickest smirk to the kid who was hogging your attention, before it disappears like it was never there.
loser! Luke Castellan who drags you over to a quiet space in camp before admitting quietly to you that he didn’t actually have a reason for dragging you away.
loser! Luke Castellan who tries to pour out his heart to you, hands shaking and heart racing as he tries to form the words that could encapsulate the intensity of his feelings, growing frustrated when his brain keeps freezing when looking at you. The moonlight is casting an ethereal glow over your face, and he goes minutes without speaking in hopeless admiration before realising you're waiting for him to continue.
loser! Luke Castellan who’s on the verge of passing away from the embarrassment before you stop him with a grin so bright his mind stops working over the disbelief that he was the reason for that pretty smile.
loser! Luke Castellan who sees stars when you pull him in for a kiss, and holds onto you like you’re his lifeline.
loser! Luke Castellan who mutters sweet promises into your ear as he pulls you in closer, embracing you so close to his racing heart, in hopes that you would never let go of him.
loser! Luke Castellan who is so completely in love with you he can’t bear the thought of existing in a world without you.
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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This will contain how I think Zach would be in your relationship, just summarized.
Warnings: swearing, banter between Zach and reader, fluff
This is purely fiction, not facts. Please don't come at me if you think something doesn't sound right. Thank you and enjoy.
Zach would definitely show you love by being mean to you, but immediately after he would baby you.
“Yeah just like that big ole forehead.” Zach pokes your head and you jut your bottom lip out, “Stop it.” He sighs, “Fine, fine. I’m sorry, baby. Come here.”
Zach would be the one to wake up and shove you when you’re hogging up the blankets.
You groaned as you felt gentle push to your back, mumbling out a quiet, “Zach.” You hear him huff, “We are so getting another comforter.” You laugh slightly which only makes him more mad. He leans in, giving you a slightly harder shove, but he didnt hurt you. You sit up, “What the hell, Zach?” He shrugs, “if you would quit being a blanket hog, push wouldn’t have to come to shove.” You roll your eyes, “Go to bed, grumpy.”
Zach would definitely be the one to randomly walk up to you with a horribly bad pick up line, but they always seem to make you smile.
You glance up at Zach as he walks into the kitchen, “Hello. Can I help you?” He stops and leans against the counter, “Do you like pancakes?” You furrow your brows and tilt your head, and before you can answer, Zach points, “Well how about IHOP in that ass.” You stare at him for a few seconds before cracking up, “I’ll give you that one. That was good.”
He would be the one to jokingly make a scene if you texted him something that was slightly provocative.
You bite your lip as you send your text to Zach. You rest your phone in your lap and join in on the conversation. You nod, “Yeah, no. I totally agree with you on that. That is exactly who should have-“ Zach cuts you off, “Wait a second. I’m getting a call from the Oscars. They said they want to give you an award for that performance you just did?” You roll your eyes, “What performance?” He tilts his head, “The one where you acted like you just didn’t send me a picture of your bare booty cheeks two minutes ago.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, “Oh my god. Zach.” You hold your hand out, “All I texted him was you’re looking pretty hot today.” You laugh, “I did not send him a booty picture.” Zach raises his brows, “You don’t have to, I see em every night.”
Zach would be the person you trust most.
“Okay, no but seriously. If you had to pick one person in this room you trust with your life, who would it be?” Tara asks and you lean in, instantly giving an answer, “Zach.” Jared raises his brows, “Wow. That was a quick fucking answer, y/n.” You laugh and nod, “I’m serious.” Tara looks at you, “Can I ask why you answered so quick?” You nod, looking at Zach, “Because Zach loves me. If I needed him any time of day of night for any reason, he would be there.” You look at Zach and he winks, “That’s my girl.” He shrugs, “Could be a dead body, but hey. You’re still my girl.”
Zach would make sure you were comfortable and having at good time at any outing, and if you were the least bit uncomfortable he’d offer to leave with you.
“Hey sweetcheeks.” Zach says with a smirk as he peck you on the cheek, “You having a good time?” You nod, forcing a smile. The truth is, you would rather be at home. You were so tired, “Yeah, I’m good. Are you having a good time?” Zach nods, “Only if you are and slap my behind and call me Spider-Man, but my senses are telling me that you’re not actually having a good time.” You stare up at him, “I hate how accurate you have to be.” He shrugs and leans in, pecking your cheek, “C’mon. Let’s go home.”
Okay. I’m actually really proud of this one. Let me know what you think! Love you thank you for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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sadhours · 1 year
Please god picture this:
Billy pinning Steve up against the cold tiled shower wall in the high school. He's fed up with the mind games, the pecocking, the teasing. Steve, intimidated but not standing down, rolls his eyes and struggles underneath Billy's mean smirk and intense stare. He mutters out a "Fucks sake Hargrove, get off me".. Billy, voice laced with need, replies "Make me."
Thank you for this request. I’ve been wanting to delve into Harringrove but haven’t really been super confident. I hope you like this, I had a fucking field day writing it. I love these two.
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warnings; 18+ minors dni, all smut baby, Steve is having bi-panic
Steve used to like basketball. Back when it was actually fun and not a goddamn pissing contest with the new blonde asshole from California. Practice went from a nice way to blow off steam and hangout with people he’d known forever without pressure. Then Billy joined the team and every fucking practice felt like a battle. Steve couldn’t pinpoint why he was so dead set on one-uping him but fuck, was it exhausting. The thing was, Steve thought he didn’t care about the status bullshit anymore. Then when it all fell apart with Nancy, he felt himself getting wrapped back up in it due to the distraction it supplied. Or maybe it was the way Billy was so pushy about it, like because it mattered to him, it should matter to Steve.
Today’s practice was particularly brutal. Billy was making illegal moves left and right but Coach didn’t call it out a single fucking time, like he thought letting Billy play dirty would inspire Steve to play better. The motherfucker talked so much. That was the worst part, he’d hog the ball up and down the court, spouting goddamn monologues at Steve. It was clear from the taunting look in his bright blue eyes that he got something from taunting Steve, whatever the hell it was is a mystery but it got under Steve’s skin.
The night he’d been told Nancy skipped school with Jonathan, Steve tried to jerk off before bed and got sick when he’d thought about her. Then something fucking weird happened and he thought about the shit Billy had said to him on the court and in the shower. It didn’t make him go soft in his hand like he’d expected and he shamefully stroked his dick, imagining Billy criticizing how he was jerking himself off. When he’d spilled spunk all over his hand and stomach, he felt so incredibly embarrassed that he did so while thinking of Billy Hargrove of all people. Steve thought about it the next day when he’d seen Billy and his whole body went white hot with shame and unfortunately, arousal.
Steve tries not to think of it as he showers now. How the fuck he ended up alone in the locker room with Hargrove was a mystery to him. They both took too long shit talking after Coach excused them all. Steve curses himself about it, knowing no one sticks around for long and Coach leaves as soon as he excuses them. Feeling uneasy around Hargrove wasn’t new but it was made ten times worse by the fact that he’d become Steve’s jack off material.
They’re showering. Right next to each other. There’s at least 20 other nozzles Billy could have chosen but no, he picks the one directly to Steve’s left. They’re lathering up, silent and fuck, it’s awkward. Steve won’t let his eyes wander, he’d already done so before so he knows what Billy’s working with but if he does it now, he risks popping a boner and Billy might actually beat his face in if that happens.
“You really play like shit, Harrington,” Billy says, eyes rolling over to Steve.
“Do you ever fucking shut up?”
Hargrove snorts, reaching out to shut Steve’s steam off, “Do you ever make shots?”
Steve turns the faucet back on, “When you’re not breathing down my fucking neck.”
“Did you guys even win a single game before I showed up?”
Steve thinks back, of course they did but to be fair, they’d been winning way more in the short month Billy’s been on the team. He can’t inflate this fuckers ego even more, though.
“Yeah,” he settles on, rinsing his hair out and turning off the flow of water.
“Bullshit,” Billy scoffs.
Steve turns to him finally, telling himself that when Billy’s eyes lower that he’s definitely not looking at his cock. There’s no way.
“Why would I lie about that?”
Hargrove frowns, “To make yourself feel better.”
“It’s high school basketball, I don’t really give a shit.”
“Easy for you to say, pretty boy. Daddy’s gonna make sure you get into college no matter what,” Billy retorts, shutting off his shower.
Steve rolls his eyes, “You’ve got no fucking clue.”
It happens quick, Hargrove’s grabbing his wrists and walks him back against the wall. The tiles are cold as Steve’s back is pressed against them. Billy’s palm presses against Steve’s chest and he shoves him harder against the wall. His skin feels hot against Steve’s. He can’t get a boner from this. He can’t. Grandma’s face, dead puppies, every trick in the book to keep his dick from stirring.
“For fucks sake, Hargrove,” Steve seethes, “Get the fuck off me!”
Billy licks his lower lip, smirk spreading against his face as he says, desperate, “Make me, Steve.”
It’s the first time he’s ever called him by his first name and Steve can’t help the way his dick fills out from it, he stares up at Billy with big, brown wide eyes. They hold onto the stare, each of them panting but Billy’s the first to break it, glancing between their bodies and Steve can’t help but follow. They’re both achingly hard, tips red and leaking an absurd amount.
“Knew it,” Billy mutters before he’s crashing his mouth agains Steve’s, teeth clacking before they both roll their tongues out to taste the other.
His words taint Steve’s mind. What the hell did he mean? Did he know Steve’s been jerking off to thought of him? Was Steve being obvious? He thinks about it too hard apparently because Billy pulls away from the kiss.
“It’s okay, ya know,” he mumbles to which the brunette nods, it feels too good for it to be wrong.
“Okay,” Steve chokes out, wrapping his fingers around the back of Billy’s neck and pulls him back so he can lick into his mouth. Fuck expectations, fuck shame, Billy tastes too good and Steve’s dick wants this more than anything to stop. He’s pushing his body against Steve’s, their cocks rub against each other and it pulls a groan from him, Billy swallowing it while he grinds against Steve. Now he’s glad everyone left before them.
Hargrove is a talker so it shouldn’t surprise Steve when he pulls back, “You been wanting this, Harrington?”
But Steve isn’t easy so he grunts, “Shut up.”
The laugh that erupts from the blonde boy is cruel yet so god damn sexy that Steve grabs Billy’s hips and pulls him closer. It’s eager on Steve’s part but he can’t find it in him to care. Billy’s right, he’s been wanting this and he’s gonna let himself indulge in it.
Billy’s hands grab their cocks, loosely stroking them in his grip while he groans into Steve’s mouth. He’s never felt anything like it. He panics momentarily because shit, this is gay but Hargrove is pretty almost like a girl so is it that gay? He doesn’t have time to really think much about it because Billy’s dropping to his knees but grips Steve’s cock at the base and squeezes.
“Oh, shit,” Steve exhales, “Shit, shit, shit.”
Billy Hargrove is gonna suck his dick. He almost can’t believe it’s happening so he doesn’t dare look away. He’s waiting for the sound of his alarm to go off, this has to be a fucking wet dream. Billy’s lips are so red and swollen from the kissing and fuck, Steve’s worried he’s gonna blow his load the second Billy wraps his lips around him.
“Jesus Christ,” he says in disbelief as it happens. He doesn’t ruin it by coming immediately but his hips jerk and he shoves himself down Billy’s throat with the motion and Steve’s confronted with the fact that Billy’s done this before because he doesn’t choke or gag, instead he sucks, hard. His blue eyes intense as he stares back up at Steve. “Dear fucking lord,” he curses, clenching his fists where he holds them against the tile.
He sees Hargrove’s lips curl up with the hint of smile and he’s annoyed slightly. He just knows this is making Billy just that much more full of himself. It’s barely began but it’s the top tier of blow jobs, the best Steve’s ever had. The way Hargrove swallows around his cock which feels so fucking incredible, he’s whining because of it. He wonders what Billy’s thinking. Obviously, he likes Steve in some kind of way to even wanna get his cock in his mouth. But Steve wonders if the pretty boy bullshit was because Billy legitimately thinks he’s pretty. No time to really stew on it though because Billy cradles his balls in his hand while he bobs up and down on Steve’s pulsing length, sucking his cheeks in whenever he descends. He looks downright ethereal, pink lips, flushed cheeks and glassy blue eyes. Fuck, Billy’s gorgeous. He’s floored by it, moving his hands into the damp curls at the crown of Billy’s head.
“Fuck,” he drawls, “You’re so pretty.”
Billy pulls off of him with a pop, “You’re the pretty one, pretty boy.”
Steve fucking whimpers, it’s pathetic but god damn, the name has taken on a whole new meaning for him. Billy’s wanted him. This whole time.
He curls his tongue around his tip and Steve can’t tear his eyes away, jaw open while pants fall out. It’s never been like this. When Steve’s with girls, there’s a goal in mind, he’s focused on getting off but now, he wants this to last forever and somehow he’s able to hold off on his orgasm, though Billy’s blowing him better than any girl ever has. Then he’s moving away, to lick at Steve’s balls and seriously, he’s in fucking heaven. Girls ignore his sack.
“Jesus,” he breathes, watching in awe while the blonde strokes him slowly, thumb padding against his slit.
Steve’s flooded with the promise of his orgasm, Billy mouthing at his sack while he pulls on his cock.
“Shit,” he curses out, voice wrecked, “Gonna cum.”
Billy moves to wrap his lips around his head and sinks down, swallowing his length and Steve busts, shooting cum down Billy’s throat. He can feel Billy gulp it down which only pulls more from him. He looks obscene as he sits back, lips puffy and pupils blown.
Steve pants against the wall as he stares down at him. He’s a little perturbed as he realizes he wants to get his lips around Hargrove’s cock because in all his times of jacking off with Billy at the forefront of his mind, he was never pleasing the blond. But he wants to now. Wants to see if he’s up to the job.
“Your turn?” Steve proposes, a little shy.
Billy chuckles, standing up and grabbing a hold of Steve’s anxious fingers.
“Don’t know if you’re experienced enough to handle it, pretty boy.”
Steve’s eyebrows knit close, Billy might be right. He’s never had a cock in his mouth but he thinks he’s a quick leaner.
“I can try,” he mumbles but Billy just pats his cheek.
“Next time,” he whispers before making his way toward his locker.
Next time, Steve hangs on the words.
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ghastlyfilters · 1 year
hi, darling!!! how are you??
i don't know how many requests you have gotten for that pretty writing of yours, but if it's okay (and if you'd like), i'd love to see more of your mickey altieri headcanons !!! that man has me on a chokehold... maybe headcanons about gender neutral reader and him having a movie night?? whatever you feel like, to be honest, mickey content is always a win.
remember to eat well and drink and take as much rests as you need. stay safe💌
𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐢 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 :)
pairing: mickey altieri x gn!reader
warning: none, few mentions of horror but that’s it!
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• Friday was always your preferred day of the week. Because you knew exactly what would happen after all your classes were finished for the day..
• He’s not a cheeky lil shit who hogs the blanket whilst y’all are either in bed or watching the film in your living room, so you won’t need to worry about that lol.
• Mickey isn’t fussy about what you watch. (But if you started insulting the movies he LOVES that’s a whole different story babe..)
• Once, you had invited Randy over for a movie night after his date kinda stood him up, and Mickey ended up storming out after a debate about movies that would always be in the ‘classic’ category.
• It pretty much went on for a full fucking forty minutes before Randy pushed your lover’s buttons a little too far for his liking.. 🫡
• it was the literal stupidest thing you’d heard yet..
“Mickey, I worked in a video store for almost two years. Sidney will tell you! We had a whole damn section dedicated to the classics!” Randy stated, burying his head in his hands out of embarrassment for his now angered friend.
“Oh my god! I swear if the two of you don’t let me get up, the popcorn is gonna burn-”
Mickey bit his lip in frustration. “Name one classic. One GOOD classic!”
“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, made in the early 50s. It skyrocketed the minute people found out Marilyn Monroe got one of the lead roles.” Randy said smugly.
• You know how serious Mickey can get when it comes to film. So it’s best to just sit down and shut up tbh.
• He always brings the best snacks. Candy, popcorn, drinks, everything he knows you love!
• It’s a bit awkward if you sit away from him during the film. He just wants to snuggle w you! :(
• The horror genre actually doesn’t scare him that much.
• Though sorry to disappoint, but he will not tell you when the jump scares are ready to be shown.. 😭
(It’s the one time he tries to mess w you and gets a giggle out of himself, hehe)
• Overall, it’s amazing that the two of you can bond over something so simple as a movie. It goes to show how much you love spending time with him, your Mickey! <3
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I rant and rave about DiscoPunk performing and making albums and voguing together - but let the record show,
DiscoPunk goes fucking NUTS on Dance Dance Revolution
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Pavitr and Gayatri are casuals that have a go on it at the arcade during their date nights 😊
For Miles and Gwen, it's a cute way to bond and tease each other, getting to know each other better and tripping over their collective four left-feet (You'd think Gwen would have the rhythm considering she's a dancer AND a drummer - but fam, Ballet is NOT the same as DDR)
But to DiscoPunk, this shit is NOT a game. To them DDR is a goddamn lifestyle.
Keep them away from that arcade cabinet because by God, they're here to wreck that shit. Bout to shake the whole place with it.
They're DDR Champions.
And that's ON TOP of Hobie's numerous Pac-Mac Champion wins, and his Space Invaders High-Score at the top of the credits list.
If you ever see the initials 'DSC0PNK' on a DRR machine? THAT'S THEM.
They play on EXPERT. They're not half-assing it. They're doing the arm motions and all
They're the couple that dance facing away from the screen, just to stunt on everyone there.
The ones that hop and switch dancepads with each other mid-song for fun.
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Hobie's in his big-ass boots meanwhile Diane has on flip-flops. Neither are proper footwear for the intense athleticism they are engaging in. They do not care.
They only way they get away with it is telling Miguel they're 'Training'.
Of course Miguel knew that had to be a crock of bullshit. One afternoon that use that excuse.
Miguel lets them off the hook, but as soon as they leave, he asks Lyla - "They're making out or something, aren't they?"
And Lyla has to be the one to tell him. '....No, they're actually 'training'...'
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "For some reason, I'm not sure I believe you."
Lyla sighs. She pulls up the surveillance footage on Miguel's screen to show him that no, they are not making out, they're just hogging the fucking arcade machine in some Camden arcade going fucking nuts on a Dance Dance Revolution machine.
Miguel takes one look at them and thinks 'Fucking Boomers'
They take it so seriously. TOO seriously.
They'll fist-fight with any couple and even THINKS about clearing their high-score. Seriously, they're about to brawl with Felicia and Flash Thompson of Earth-1294 cause they topped their record-breaking High Score on Aqua's 'Barbie Girl'
- and now Diane and Hobie are training to beat their high score in Smile.dk's 'Butterfly'.
That's their together time.
Hobie can't dance for the fucking life of him but he CAN hit every single arrow on that screen eyes closed. And Diane has never touched a video game in her life - not even Tetris - but this ISN'T a game it's a COMPETITION goddamnit.
They just love being completely in synced with each other, they have full conversations while playing levels.
Hobie even learned how to hack it, so he could upload all kinda songs to the thing.
And when they play AGAINST each other, EVEN BETTER.
Jesus Christ almighty. The TRASH TALK.
Swinging limbs are each other to throw them off, sticking out their hands to cover the other one's screen.
DEATH GLARING at each other because yes Diane loves Hobie but she's not about to let him embarrass her up on this arcade, are you kidding me???
She's like "Think you can keep up with me, toothpicks?" (He has toothpicks for legs 😭😐)
"Who'd of thought the 'Disco Diva' would be 200 points behind, yeah?"
Do you understand? Do you see it???
DISCOPUNK Dance Dance Revolution
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Miles and Gwen staring at them like 'Why are they so cute at everything!!!!! Why do our friends keep out-cute-ing us!!!'
Meanwhile Pavitr and Gayatri are secretly planning to take their title.
For three weeks straight, all you'll hear is Hobie and Diane yelling about the mysterious 'GP4E' duo that took down their score.
Little do they know that stands for 'Gayatri + Pavi 4Ever' (Pavi's idea, of course)
Now.. They must train.
There's an anomaly in 234? Who the hell cares!!! The arcade machine just got Cascada 'Everytime We Touch'!!!! THEY'RE BUSY!!!!!
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Fucked up that you can get banned from tumblr for saying what Adam and Hyde are doing to each other but I will try
First of all, their ship name is Creationshipping <3 @lonely-space-egg came up with it and I'm obsessed with it thank you Peri
They're in an open/polyamorous relationship and Hyde is also dating Utterson, hi Utterson \O. Adam and Utterson are very good friends <3
Hyde loves when Adam holds him but usually he won't ask to be and will instead just start trying to climb up Adam until he picks him up.
Adam is incredibly encouraging of all Hyde's indulgences, they both encourage each other to act without worrying what others think and to Adam? Hyde can commit a few felonies, as a treat. It's cute
Hyde initially avoided telling Adam that he was a scientist since he was afraid Adam would take it badly due to his relationship with Victor
Adam loves animals but animals HATE Hyde so he makes sure to keep them away from him for both their safety. He tried to keep a pet rabbit once and Hyde had to get 30 stitches
Adam is one of the only people Hyde has spilled his entire life story to, along with all the trauma of his childhood has Jekyll and nuances of his relationships with his family and friends, and all the pressure and stress and guilt that lead up to him creating Hyde in the first place. He actually surprised himself with how quickly he opened up to Adam but he just seemed like he could understand on a level no one else could, and he did <3
Hyde has a constant fear of abandonment and sneaks some of Adam's clothing out with him whenever he leaves so he can sniff it if he's feeling lonely. Adam noticed and started leaving out gym clothes for him.
Adam sometimes bends down to Hyde's level in public and whispers something that makes Hyde burst out laughing, falling on the ground and everything, making a scene.
Hyde has trouble sleeping because his form causes him to have a ton of increased adrenaline at all times, but Adam's tired he lets him hold him while he sleeps and Hyde spends pretty much the entire time awake and wide-eyed staring at the wall.
When Hyde does sleep he is a BED HOG, he somehow takes up more space than an 8 foot tall man and sleeps with all of his limbs out. He also takes all the blankets only to then ball them up underneath his feet.
Sometimes Hyde just wordlessly plops his entire body weight onto Adam and they lay like that for hours not saying a word
Hyde was a bit uneasy at first finding out about Adam's interest in religion but he actually ended up being an incredibly good source of comfort whenever Hyde would spiral due to his religious trauma
Adam likes to sing little songs to Hyde when they're alone <3
Usually when they fight it's a result of Hyde getting too riled up or overwhelmed and he storms off somewhere, only to come back later once he's calmed down and plonk down like this so they can actually talk about it (doodle by @internetwerewolf )
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More specific to CC but Hyde buys all of Adam's clothes for him and pays for pretty much anything he needs, partly just to treat him right and partly just because he doesn't want him leaving to go work all the time
And some for Jekyll-sided Creationshipping <3
Jekyll likes to trace his fingers along Adam's stitching, usually he does it absentmindedly while theyre just cuddling/talking but sometimes he gets completely lost in thought studying them. He finds them beautiful and they're one of Adam's biggest insecurities but he's allowed to touch them <3
Adam teases Jekyll way more than he does Hyde, he likes how overblown his reactions get to it
Jekyll really likes the deep pressure stim Adam holding him gives when he's having a meltdown. they are so autism4autism
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^ also Hyde does this.
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simmeons · 1 month
another 10 of the OTP questions with scones
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11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
McCoy likes packing Scotty lunches more since it was a routine when he was married and took care of his kid, but he's not much of a note writer. Scotty is though, and on the days he packs McCoy a lunch he would write something simple; "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not good at rhyming, I love you"
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real].
i can't explain how bad McCoy is at texting back. horrible. he's constantly forgetting to reply. Scotty worried a lot in the beginning of their relationship because he would think McCoy is mad at him or something, but they cleared it up. both prefer calling now
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
definitely stay home. screw going out and looking your best when you can stay home snuggled closely to ur human heater of a boyfriend
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Scotty. he's really bad about it. McCoy purposely picks movies HE wants to watch so he avoids getting sad when Scotty falls asleep
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
if the movie isn't actually sad, i don't think either of them would cry. McCoy definitely cries more during sad animal movies though
16. Who hogs the covers?
Scotty. Scotty so Scotty. he already warms run so he doesn't even need the damn covers but McCoy always finds them wrapped around him. he's tried hogging them back, but he learned now that you just have to wiggle yourself into the bundle of warmth and melt completely against Scotty (these are the nights McCoy sleeps the best- get him warm and he's out like a light)
17. Who is more competitive?
both. they try to act like they aren't but when it comes to board games it comes out in full force
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
ive never gotten drunk before (thank god) and never really been around someone who is drunk IRL (also thank god) so NO ONE look at me for this one. but i think Scotty would be very giggly and McCoy is overall just a bit calmer. when they're together though it's a fucking mess. Scotty is getting them into shit and McCoy is progressively feeding into it by coming up with his own drunk ideas of stupid shit to do
When one of them is drunk and the other isnt; they're used to this. they'll gently guide whoever it is through getting sober, since i don't see either of them getting drunk without the other unless they're going through something and alcohol is the only way they see to cope about it. it's an unspoken rule- if you're drunk without me, you're lost. i'll be there when you're sober to talk about it, no judgment
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
i already answered half of this one, so ill answer the other half. i'd probably say after the episode Empath. McCoy gets FUCKING TORTURED GUYS. Scotty is scared and worried for McCoy, but he's constantly playing it off. Scotty isn't exactly mad at the beginning, but he gets progressively more frustrated when McCoy won't open up about it and let him help. he just wants to help- why is McCoy being so stubborn? it admittedly blew up into something bigger than what it needed to be, but fear can make you act irrationally. thankfully they came together with Scotty apologizing about trying to pry too much and potentially babying McCoy, while McCoy apologizes for pushing Scotty away and not being open and honest about things
20. Who randomly brings home a stray puppy/kitten to adopt?
Scotty. he brings home injured animals and looks to McCoy for help, constantly forgetting he's a DOCTOR not a VET. McCoy still tries to help as much as he can
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
I just finished padawan by kiersten white and had a blast with it -- it was exactly the kind of thing my brain craved this week, just some nice character study and adventure story stuff for my brain to chill in. thoughts:
a) I love obi-wan and his poor anxiety-ridden teenage self so so much. peak a delight to have in class to the point of nervous break representation, someone help him. local boy manages to become parentified child to an absent father somehow. that part where he's so afraid he's so bad and useless that the force itself might just decide it doesn't want him after all........ heartbreaking. that's exactly what I would have thought at sixteen too probably. (also my personal headcanon has always been that obi-wan is on the ace spectrum, so that was a very nice thing to find supported in this book! canon is vast and can support any number of stances that way honestly everyone should go hog wild with it in whatever manner they please, but that's always been my vibe)
b) qui-gon fucking jinn if you don't step up and do something to help the child in your charge with his ACTUAL DEBILITATING ANXIETY DISORDER RUNNING HIM RAGGED other than ask him to meditate so help me I will come over there and do maul's work for him ahead of time I swear to fucking god
c) no, really, it says some not very good things about qui-gon's mentorship abilities that obi-wan really only manages to grow and be calmer when he's outside of his influence. I know this book means you to come away with the feeling that obi-wan takes a big step towards enlightenment and adulthood on this trip (and I do think that's also true to be clear!), but there is a part of me that also thinks that just as much as personal and spiritual development what we're seeing here is an avoidant attachment style definitively entrenching itself as a result of having no adult that can be consistently trusted to meet him emotionally. (which also makes a horrible kind of sense, thinking about what obi-wan and anakin's relationship is going to be like in the future -- obi-wan is avoidant and self-contained when it comes to trying to deal with his emotions, and anakin skews far more anxious and towards lashing out, and they never quite understand each other for all the love that is there. you can trace that all the way back here. sins of the master, huh.) obi-wan finds some agency and catharsis in being able to help a group of abandoned children, you say. hm. I'm sure this means nothing and has no parallels in his own inner world. you let the kid think you'd completely abandoned him instead of communicating with him openly for like five minutes. For His Own Good of course. Wow I didn't realize I was this angry about this but here I am once again livid on obi-wan's behalf, actually. 'I'm an incredible teacher and this lack of honest emotional communication I'm fostering in favour of (benign!) manipulation is never going to come back and bite the jedi order in the ass, surely'; the qui-gon jinn story
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
God. modern Au Usopp would win cosplay competitions for judges choice / most creative because he makes Darkwing Ducks weapons from scratch and puts his entire theatre kid soul into it. Kid Usopp would have woken up at six on a school day to catch reruns of DD and adult Usopp was ECSTATIC when the Ducktales reboot was announced and he heard Darkwing would be in it. I can most definetly see your vision here. Probably likes the new version a bit more but loves that original Darkwing is just such an attention hog while still being a caring person deep down.
Usopp and Sanji start to get closer and one of the hardest things Usopp has to do is let him into his flat were he has just an entire corner dedicated to nerd stuff,several series actually but among other things cells from the original series he spent way more money on that would seem reasonable and autographs and vhs tapes still in their packaging. „Uhh. Yeah it’s- hahh- listen this show is hugely sentimental to me and I love the new one and yea…. You probably think that’s super weird?“ and Sanji just blinks and fumbles and digs around in his bag „No! Nono it’s okay! And pulls out an old, damaged keychain of a figure that probably used to be Card Captor Sakura before all the paint started to chip off. „This is one of my most prized possessions! I admired her so much as a kid!“ And Usopp reconsiders his stances on „faithed love“ and „soulmates“ because obviously god must have made Sanji this perfect on purpose and put him on earth just for Usopp to fall on love with.
I know we don't know each other but I would marry you right now if I could because this is honestly quite exactly what I was thinking about??????????????? Please??????? I- i am having the biggest Ducktales brainrot right now and there you go, adding Usopp and Sanuso sprinkles to it and I am going insane. Thank you.
Usopp would fucking love Darkwing Duck and he would absolutely love Ducktales 2017. I think he'd prefer the new version just a little bit more because it has a bit more depth and he'd relate to Drake Mallard an insane amount. A loser who found comfort in a TV Show (the same as him!!) and then chose to be an actor to bring that happiness to other kids, but then ended up being the hero he had always dreamed of being?? He's overly confident when he wears the suit but there's always something within him telling him that he's not good enough and that he has to keep trying harder. But Launchpad and Gosalyn believe in him!!! And idk, I think Usopp would absolutely love it. It would give him the confidence to be himself and also go back to cosplaying (and also making his own OC! Sogeking!). This is just- The sweetest thing on earth.
And then he meets Sanji and he doesn't tell him about his obsession with Ducktales and Darkwing Duck because it's childish and people always call him a kid for liking these things (personal experience. I fucking hate being 19 and having to hide that one of my fav shows is Ducktales). But he really does want to get to know Sanji better, and the cook keeps insisting on going to his apartment in their early stages of dating (or y'know, starting to know each other with romantic intentions. Pining. Whatever). And then he shows him his room and he has the place full of merchandising (my dream, honestly. Somebody get me a Darkwing Duck figurine for Christmas). And,,, It's exactly what you said,,, They make me so happy,,
Sanji tells him he's a fan of Card Captor Sakura (WHICH BY THE WAY IS ONE OF MY FAV ANIMES OF ALL TIME AND I THINK SANJI WOULD LOVE IT) and they just- Instant love. They start infodumping to each other so hard their faces hurt from smiling so damn much.
I think they'd have cute little dates in which they watch Ducktales and Card Captor Sakura together (Sanji absolutely loves Lena by the end of the show. Something something relating to her story. And I think Usopp loves Kero because silly little guy that's actually the coolest).
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Back to the Old House Ch:2
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 4,456
Tags: PEGGING, dom/sub, family fist fights, racism of the fantasy variety, Aemond hates Strong People, make-up sex, Emotional discussions, planning the sesh while at distressing photo shoots, Daddy Uller is Angy, Politics?, Pentos has good weed hc
A/N: Yes I Named The Dildo That. Also I don’t beta so if something is really dicked up lmk lmfao. The idiots are together what will they face next? Sandy cunts, gay pirates, sacrilegious strap names could be on the docket. Hope y’all ~enjoy~
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2 - You’ve got everything now
Upon awakening you thanked R’hllor for giving you the strength and courage for last night. You stretched and noted the lack of stress on your body. You could still smell the hints of Aegon around— picturing the way he’d hog the covers and cutely scrunch his nose when it was time to get up. Mentally you slapped yourself. It was not time for semantics. You had a phone call to make.
You searched around the covers for your phone, cursing when you couldn’t find it from your prone spot. You sat up and moved around the duvet and pillows. No dice. You probably threw it in your rage last night.
Knock knock knock.
Your body tensed at the noise. Aegon was probably still hungover in a cranny so there was no telling who it was. Rolling out of bed you placed a robe on and tucked your hair behind your ears. Taking a deep breath in you lifted the bar and opened the wooden monstrosity.
Aegon stood there, looking haggard. You made to slam the door but he wedged himself halfway in. You hissed, “Get back you ass!” He yelped, “Ow! Stop! Just let- fuck- let me in!”
You tried pushing him out but the bastard was persistent when he wanted to be. Aegon growled, “Gods dammit I need to explain myself before you jet off! I laid out here all fucking night let. Me. In!” He shouldered fully inside and you jumped back, crossing your arms with a huff. Aegon panted and leaned against the dark oak door. His red-rimmed eyes pierced you.
You turned on your heel and distanced yourself to be closer to the dull fire, throwing a log in angrily. Aegon stumbled into a chair still catching his breath. Back turned you spat, “Explain yourself then. Because it just seems like I’m another little pawn in your life to be tossed about.” In a fit of anger you spun and shoved his chest with a shout, “And you of all people don’t get to talk about my family!”
Aegon held his hands up— bottom lip wobbling. He began, “I. I-uh.” He stopped with a heavy swallow and an aversion of your disappointed gaze. Running a nervous hand through his hair he managed, “I got so mad yesterday because dad’s right. I ruin everything I touch.” Aegon paused again with a sniff. Your posture slightly loosened but remained silent.
“I-I would rather run you off being a dick than actually trying and fucking it all up,” the prince warbled.
“Aegon. You absolute idiot. I would’ve ended whatever this is by now if it were you just being a dick,” you sighed.
Fat tears leaked down his reddening cheeks. You fought the urge to wipe them with a twitch. He replied, “No- no- you’re too good for me. You should leave. I was a monster last night.” Blonde locks shook along with his head. You whispered, heart aching, “Do you want me to really go? Because you won’t see me again.” Violet eyes grew wide and he hugged his middle.
The air between you two grew heavy and stagnant.
Aegon finally snapped, “Please don’t leave me. I think- no- I love you,” he dropped to his knees and fisted his hands in your robe. You stared down imperiously, a hand running through platinum knots. You hid your surprise with a flat reply, “I love you too, asshole.” Tears came unbidden to your lashes. With a laughing sob you added, “My dad isn’t a sandy cunt either.” Aegon’s face lit up at your weak joke.
He hugged your waist and nuzzled against your tits. Aegon promised, “I won’t call him a sandy cunt ever again. I’m fucked up but I can’t see my life without you. I-I’ll do my best.” Dropping to your knees you cradled his cheeks, thumbing away his tears. You whispered against his lips, “It’s about damn time, you better be on your best behavior” He surged forward to kiss you, the sounds of waves crashing and seagulls squawking in glee outside. Aegon gasped, “I’m yours.”
Aegon’s hands covered your own while his chapped lips pressed softly. You shared a couple of gentle kisses together gradually getting more heated until you pulled back with curse. Aegon blinked dumbly and asked, “What?”
You frowned and said, “You were too drunk last night to remember but we have a photoshoot today. Shit.”
Aegon groaned and tried to kiss you again, receiving a finger to his plump lips. You shook your head and stated, “We need to get ready. You look and smell awful.” Aegon groaned against your finger, hands coming up to grip your sides. He whined, “I’m so damn hungover. We could just skip.”
You teased, “If you get nice and pretty, behave for some photos I’ll fuck you with Blackfyre after. Be a good member of the nut jobs today.”
Aegon’s eyes widened and he groaned again, “Ah- you know I can’t resist Blackfyre. Or the wielder of it. Fine babe.” You smirked at his submission and finally being called by a pet name. Blackfyre was the big ass strap-on that you had. Usually it made Aegon wail. So you excitedly dragged the weary Targaryen up and shoved him to the shower.
Aegon scrolled through his phone and murmured, “Fuck- gross- we have to do it the garden.” He was decked in a fitting black suit and you in a fiery red jumpsuit of your house. A black jacket and pumps matched your official boyfriend. The sigil of Uller was pinned to your lapel.
You chuckled, “What’s wrong with the garden?”
Aegon rumbled, “Fucking thorns and shit everywhere,” he paused, “You look hot by the way.” You grinned wildly and pinched his ass, earning a cute yelp. The sheer giddiness filling your chest couldn’t fuck up anything today. Daeron walked up behind you two and hummed, “Wow. You’re up before noon.” The younger brother hit his vape.
Aegon nabbed it and took a puff. Daeron snatched it back with a cry, “Hey fucker get your own!” You stifled a laugh and added, “He needs to calm his nerves before doing absolutely nothing.” Aegon shoved both of you with a scoff, darting down a curved hallway. You still had no idea how this castle was built with dragonflame, it confounded you.
Hellholt was imposing but a pretty simple open layout. The old dungeons were a different matter. Aegon held the door open for you and his sibling, mouth set in a grimace. You eyed the ‘garden’. There was a tall twisted statue of ancient stone surrounded by thick, dark trees. Thistles and cranberries littered the ground. It had a nice scent though.
Alicent turned with a surprised look. She gasped, “My, perfect timing! You two look great. I’m so glad you made it Aegon.” She hugged him again, the man awkwardly patting her back. Daeron snorted, “Gee, nice to see you too mom.” Rhaenyra shook the youngest boy and commented, “You look fetching Daeron.”
She turned her icy gaze to you. Nervously you gave a small bow. The princess stoically offered a hand, holding yours. She smiled with an offer, “Would you like to have some wine with me one evening? It would please me to get to know more about Dorne and her interests.” You nodded vicariously and chirped, “I would be honored to! Just let me know when.”
She winked and strode back to her brood of dark headed boys and Daemon. Who was bitching loudly and frequently. Aegon, now released from his mother, pulled an arm around your waist. He asked quietly, “What did my dear half-sis want?”
“Wanted wine and to discuss Dorne.”
He kissed your cheek and muttered, “Typical ‘Nyra. Proud of my future politician.” You raised a brow and whispered, “Are you being nice because of Blackfyre?” You couldn’t help but be wary, Aegon was of the flaky sort. But he seemed determined earlier. You looked down out of fear.
He snorted, “No! I told you I’m on my best behavior. Maybe you’ve sweetened the deal but I’m yours.”
He nuzzled into your neck sweetly. Alicent did a double take at his behavior and returned to ordering the photographer around. Viserys was rolled in by Criston, the elder recounting fights with Daemon here. The rogue prince guffawed, “I always knocked your ass into the berries.”
Jace shuffled over to you and Aegon. He eyed the PDA and asked, “Better I presume?” You both smiled tightly at Rhaenyra’s eldest. Jace shrugged and covered his mouth when he whispered, “Whose boots do I have to lick to get some good weed around here?”
Aegon snickered and jerked his thumb to Daeron, idly scrolling on his phone. Jace lamented, “Blegh- that Oldtown stuff was mid last time.” Daeron, now perked up, joined in, “Chill man this shits from Pentos. Swear.” All four eyes widened as mutual understanding passed over.
Daeron smirked. He texted into a group chat, “Sesh at 5. Wouldn’t want to go to dinner fucked up or anything ;)” You laughed when you saw Baela’s placid face explode into a grin.
The family was gathered. With minimal bickering. Besides Aemond glaring daggers at Luke. Alicent was placing everyone around Viserys. Daemon bitched, “No no no- I get to be behind my brother! We can share! Otto isn’t going to blow up.” Alicent— in a rare moment— flipped him the bird and moved onto her kids. Viserys slapped his knee and turned to his brother with a grin. Rhaenyra settled her own, the younger Viserys on her hip.
Alicent moved you right in front of Aegon, making sure his hand was on your side not your stomach. You snickered, gods forbid anyone think the wayward prince had impregnated a Dornish girl. Aegon rolled his eyes and looked up at Aemond. He teased, “What happened with that girl? Alys was it? Did she get turned off by you killing animals in your free time?”
Aemond gritted his jaw and coolly stated, “Just you wait.” You did admire the second son’s level-headedness— he really did receive a lot of shit. Aegon’s face drained of color and you hissed between your teeth, “Quit it you ass!” He shot you a look and frowned. A quick peck on the lips lightened his mood. Alicent made her way to behind Viserys, a green gloved hand on his shoulder.
The photographer took many exhausting photos, some smiling, some where the children had to switch places. Viserys the younger cried until Rhaenyra had to retrieve the baby off his grandfather’s lap. Even Criston hopped in for a few. Alicent clapped her hands together and said, “Okay. Let’s just have the royal bloodline in the photos now.” Daemon scoffed, “Hurry up with the bloody pictures!”
The royal bloodline excluded you only. Rhaena seemed concerned but Rhaenyra kept the beautiful girl and her sister by her side. Aegon piped up, “Really?” Alicent ranted about marriage and you nodded, stepping to the side. You stood around awkwardly until asking Ser Criston to guide you back seemed the best idea. Before leaving you announced, “Aegon darling- I’ll be in our room!” Poor thing was probably going to pop wood in the pictures now.
Criston commented behind closed doors, “Did you enchant the boy?”
You shrugged, “I think- it’s that I finally told him no and he realized. R’hllor knows how much I do for his princely ass.”
“Good. Little shit.”
You cackled in the dank hallways, trailing behind the quiet man. You’d set up for the inevitable playtime while waiting on Aegon. After multiple maze-like hallways you were back at the familiar oak doors. With a curt thanks to Cole you entered. You needed a cigarette first.
Gazing out to the sea you reflected on recent events. You really, really hoped Aegon would stay true. He seemed upset by Aemond’s words earlier and expressed insecurity about keeping you around. But would he do the right thing? Flicking the ash you had to stamp out the rolling thoughts. For now Aegon seemed honest. He needed you, not the other way around. Maybe.
You stubbed the cig out and made your way to the closet. Underneath a false bottom in your trunk was the motherlode of toys. Lube, dildos, plugs, cuffs, collars, and the grand jewel: your harness. Aegon was going to drool. You snatched the essentials and Blackfyre. Then some softer rope.
The maids seemed to have already made the bed so you laid everything out on a clean towel. Fuck, now you were horny. But lunch first then destroying your boyfriend’s asshole. A buzz resounded through the room. You checked your phone and received a text from the boyfriend in question.
“i had to tuck my dick for the rest of the photoshoot. you suck. omw to get you now.”
Grinning at your phone your heart fluttered. You placed a blanket over the spread. The last thing needed was Aegon trying to jump you over some fancy food. You lit up another cigarette and watched the gulls dance until the door drug against the floor. You turned to the Valyrian and asked, “Make it with no casualties?”
He rolled his eyes and strode over to you, plucking the tobacco out and taking a puff. On the exhale he remarked, “Aemond’s still pouting about the comment but dad had a coughing fit. Saved by the death rattle.” You snorted and took back the cigarette. Aegon’s arms wrapped around your waist, his chin on your shoulder.
He grumbled, “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this damn lunch without taking you to a a room and fucking you.”
You sniffed, “You’ll be fine. I’m the one taking you anyways, little dragon. Besides don’t you want more awkward tension at the table?”
You regretted your words some odd minutes later. Aemond’s mood was apparently contagious. Rhaenyra and Alicent had exchanged heated jabs over waiting for Viserys or not. Daemon interrupted in his usual rude manner, letting the servants place the food. Aegon sipped on some spiced rum, trying to not gulp it down.
Jace and Luke made mocking gestures of Aemond’s sour face. Helaena caught onto it and laughed, “Ha! That looks like my brother!” Aemond jerked out of his chair and seethed, “Do it to my face then!” Aegon snorted and Aemond turned his searing eye onto the elder brother. He quipped, “I don’t know why you’re amused, brother. You’re the laughingstock of the family bringing a Dornish puppet up here. I didn’t bring Alys because I have respect of not letting lesser blood at the table” He turned back to the trio of Velaryons, “Bastard blood.”
You made a weak attempt to hold Aegon back. All hells had broken loose. Daeron grabbed you by the elbow and escorted you from the fighting family. Helaena joined you two, shaking her head, lilac eyes wide. Aegon and Aemond were struggling on the ground with Jace hopping in. Luke tried to pull Aemond back but instead made contact with Aegon— leading to more fists being thrown. Daemon had shoved Joff back in time. Alicent and Rhaenyra took the chance to exchange barbs before grabbing their offspring. Criston, Otto, and Daemon separated the mess.
You wanted to spit in Aemond’s face but held your tongue. Aegon was shoved towards you by Otto. The uncle hissed, “For the love of the Seven go back to your room.” Your boyfriend’s hair was mussed and nose swollen. You thanked Daeron and dabbed a tissue from your pocket onto Aegon’s lip. He sneered and pulled away.
Aegon murmured, “C’mon. Sorry.”
He grabbed your hand and led you along the winding stone. Aegon licked at his bloodied lip. The prince snapped, “The gall of that one-eyed prick! You have more class in your pinky than this viper’s nest!” You soothed, “Aemond has a fragile ego, he’s going for things you’re sensitive about.” Circling your thumb on his palm seemed to ease some of the blonde’s anger.
You murmured at the door, “Thank you for standing up from me.” Aegon pulled you flush to his body, stealing a kiss. He grumbled, “I told you I would do better. I have half a mind to put nair in his shampoo, fucking prick.” Sharing more kisses you smoothed his wild curls back.
You purred against his lips, “Well…I have just the thing to wear you out. Won’t even remember your name baby.”
He nipped your lip and grinned, pushing you through the doors. Your lips stayed sealed to his as Aegon half-waddled you back towards the bed. With a breathless cry you fell back with your dragon on top. Aegon looked gorgeous smiling down at you— full lips stretched across pretty white teeth. You told him so, enjoying the blush.
Aegon sidled between your legs with a soft noise. He groaned, “Fuck- need this s’bad. Need your cock.” You used a strong thigh to roll him over easily. Now astride Aegon’s lap, you started to unbutton his shirt while the prince pulled off his jacket. Surprisingly deft fingers pulled at the zipper of your jumpsuit and unclasped the bra underneath. You paused the frantic movements of your own hands to strip.
Aegon moaned at you clad in a skimpy thong. He gripped at your ass, shoving his face between your tits. Aegon moaned, “Baby- fuck you’re so hot.” You replied, “Lay back down I gotta get you naked now.” He obliged and cried out when his flushed cock hit his belly. You crudely pumped the taught flesh, enjoying the way the prince’s breath hitched.
Your pussy clenched around nothing watching Aegon pant and writhe. He gave control over to you so easily in bed. He whined, “C’mon where’s the toys I know you ah- have them.” With a smack to his flank you uncovered the spread. Aegon’s lashes fluttered at the sight. You ordered, “Arms out ass up.”
He panted, “okay, okay, yes,” and scrambled up the bed. You took your time shimmying on the harness and tightening it. Blackfyre clicked into place and Aegon’s head jerked to look. You tutted, “Patience sweet thing.” Kneeling onto the down of the mattress you grabbed the rope. Aegon whimpered as you gently tied his wrists up.
Pale arms flexed as he tested out the rope. Good. You purred, “You let me know if anything is overwhelming or painful. Am I understood?” A whimpery yes graced your ears. You grabbed the lube and warmed it up between your palms, eyeing his tight hole. It always delighted you when Aegon turned to putty. His body was lax but thrummed with energy underneath, flushing smooth pallid skin.
Your poured the liquid directly between his cheeks, using two fingers to rub it around. Aegon called your name and his arms flexed again. You shuddered and squeezed thick thighs together to calm your own ache. Wasting no time you eased the tips of your fingers inside him. Slowly you worked the prince open until he was drooling onto the bed.
Two fingers snug inside, you scissored open his tight ass. You cooed, “Oh you’re hungry for it.” Aegon nodded deliriously, pushing back onto the intrusion. His movements eased your way to that familiar sweet spot. Aegon cried out and tossed his pale head. You growled, “S’ been over a day no wonder you’re gagging for it. Slutty prince.”
“T-too fuckin’ long,” he ground out.
You eased another finger in. Then your pinky. Aegon was begging by that point.
“Oh fffuck c’mon c’mon please- MH!,” he cried when you drug all four digits across his sensitive prostate. You figured the babe was going to self-combust so with an off hand you lubed up the crudely named dildo. At the sound of the cap opening Aegon whimpered needily.
“Almost there sweet boy,” you cooed.
You carelessly pulled out wet fingers and wiped them on the towel. For good measure you poured more lube— maybe for some self satisfaction too. You gripped Aegon’s slim hips and eased into his puffy rim. He let out a long moan at the intrusion, back arching easily. He really was a good whore.
Sliding your palms up to his waist you rocked deeper, and deeper, until your hips were flush with Aegon. The prince mewled, “O-oh fuck baby I can’t!” He trembled underneath your palms. Waiting patiently you ever so slowly rubbed circles into his flanks.
The blonde tested the waters first, rutting minutely onto the dick. You were rewarded with a pitchy whine. Kissing up his back you asked, “Want me to fuck you now, your highness?” Aegon turned with pleading eyes and a nod. Sliding back out until just the tip was in you slammed back in.
Aegon writhed and jerked in his bonds, crying out. Giving an enthusiastic slap to his ass you started a punishing rhythm, really grinding into the prince. You grinned and grabbed a fistful of platinum hair, Aegon wailing your name. His swollen cock bounced against his pale belly, leaking profusely.
Your thighs burned but you kept up the pace— Aegon liked it rough. Yanking his head back harder you growled into his ear, “Whose ass is this?” He garbled out nonsense, pretty eyes scrunched shut. You pushed your off hand on his back, arching Aegon into a position you knew would allow access to the sweet spot.
“Ah! Fuuuuck!,” he wailed again.
You demanded, “I asked you a question slut. Whose ass is this? Who else makes you cry like this?”
The blonde sobbed, “You- you, always you! Mm so good I love- ah!” A pull at his cock cut Aegon off with an overwhelmed noise. You cooed, “That’s right. Those King’s Landing girls don’t know how their Prince Aegon really likes it. Like a two-stag flea bottom whore.” Aegon was crying now, squirming on your cock and fist. He drooled and whimpered, violet eyes gazing at you desperately.
Poor thing couldn’t string together a sentence now, brokenly swearing himself to you. The strap was rubbing against your own sex, making you tremble. You sucked in a breath to nudge against his prostate slowly. Your pussy was dripping at this point. There’d be a chance you’d cum before Aegon did. You wanted him to fall apart first though.
Jacking his dick you asked, “You wanna cum now baby boy?”
“Pleasepleaseiloveyouplease,” came the reply.
Using the last of your energy, sweat pouring down your back, Aegon was promptly railed into next week. His violet eyes rolled back up into his head. High pitched moans left his pink lips. The man came onto the towel and your hand, shaking like a leaf. You bit back a whimper and convulsed, cumming from just the sight and the right rub from Blackfyre.
You gasped with wide eyes, crying Aegon’s name breathily. You bruisingly gripped onto his hips through your climax. Gathering your wits you pulled out of him gently. He sniffled and jerked at the movement. You rubbed a soothing hand down his back, cooing.
Quickly discarding the strap you entangled yourself with Aegon. You faced your boyfriend, legs entangled with his own. His glassy violet eyes gazed at you, a tired smile gracing his features. He stole a kiss and pulled your body closer. Aegon rasped, “You, my love, are fucking exquisite. I’m a lucky boy.”
Blushing you snarked, “I bet you say that to all the girls that drill your ass.”
Aegon’s lips pouted as he remarked, “You’re the only one who drills my ass.”
Laughter enveloped the room at the silly conversation. Aegon murmured, “Let’s take a nap. I’m sure dinner will be separate tonight anyways.” You yawned and nodded, feeling the sweet soreness of your body. You whispered, “Love you.” Aegon repeated it back with a kiss on your forehead, a warm hand stroking your hair. You felt blissful— floating in a post orgasmic haze.
Sleep took you easily and tenderly.
Sleep left you rudely and quickly. Your phone was buzzing off the chart. Aegon muttured, “Shut it off- don’ have class today.” You snickered and felt around for the ringing device. Grasping it you checked the caller ID. Your eyes widened drastically.
Papa. Shitshitshitshit.
Your thumb slid across the screen and you answered, “Afternoon papa.”
His gruff response made you wince, “So you tell me you’re going on vacation with a friend, yes?”
You answered, “Yes papa.”
“So why don’t you tell me that you are cavorting around with the drunk Targaryen boy? I get an email from my assistant with you in their family photos. Care to explain my girl?”
You held the phone away and huffed, “Fuck!”
Putting the device back to your ear you responded warily, “I didn’t expect the photos to be released so soon. I was going to call you this morning. I apologize.”
Your father laughed, “No, no, the dragons sent the collection to me personally. Like a threat. This reflects badly on us. What will I say to people asking about my daughter dating a detestable member of the family I call to be disbanded?”
Aegon turned and mumbled, “Wha’re doing?” He groaned while stretching and you slapped a hand over his mouth. The blonde’s eyes opened, staring wildly. You aggressively pointed at the phone, mouthing ‘DAD’. Aegon nodded and stared in horror.
“Papa. I know it seems strange. Aegon is a good man and I like him very much. I always have Dorne’s interests in mind. The princess Rhaenyra and I are having a meeting discussing the welfare of our lands.”
He hummed, “Okay then. I expect a full report back on Rhaenyra. If you like the boy so much I’m expecting a visit to Hellholt. Maybe he’ll learn what real strength is. Enjoy your vacation.”
You sighed, “Yes, papa. We shall visit soon. Love you.“
Awkward silence enveloped the phone before the Dornishman snipped, “Love you. Remember your blood comes first. Bye.”
You shoved a pillow over your face and yelled. Aegon inquired, “The seven hells was that? Your dad?” He peaked under your pillow, smirking softly. You croaked, “He knows about me being here. With you.” Aegon raised a brow as you elaborated, “I didn’t explicitly tell Papa who or where I was vacationing with.”
Aegon’s lips fell into an understanding ‘o’. He deadpanned, “He’s pissed then. My uncle Otto probably sent them to be a dick.” You nodded and shoved your face into Aegon’s warm chest. Mumbling against his skin you added, “Very pissed. He wants to meet you. In Dorne. I avoided catastrophe by mentioning Rhaenyra.”
Aegon stroked your hair, mulling over the situation. He laughed, “I guess I’ll get my sunscreen.” You rolled your eyes.
“Save it for later. I think Dragonstone is growing on me. When the hell is Daeron providing the Pentoshi kush? I need it.”
Next Chapter
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pbaintthetb · 7 months
Invincible s2e5
It's here, it's here!! Some of my thoughts. Spoilers ahead
"He's never on the hook for the lives he destroys. Just leaves it for everyone else to clean up. Again and again." -> incredible
Brothers eh!! and also Debbie saying mark must get his nobility/reluctance to abandon people from her side ;-)))), especially since this is like one of if not the only time mark is compared to his mum and not his dad. (Whether it's a you're nothing like you're dad, you will be your dad, your dad doesn't influence my view on you)
debbie taking time off work ot look after mark's brother just after they all said they wer so glad she was back :-(( I get that she priortises mark's education though
oop the donald sub plot, forgot about that but now Im hella intrigued again, he a cyberman, though he's the six million dollar man to hear Cecil tell it (we can rebuild him...)
william boxed up mark's stuff.... oof that must have been rough (for william i mean, assuming he's dead)
cecil stfu and stop being a creeper- although if he wasn't like that he wouldn't be cecil, his job is to be a bastard in order to do what he deems necessary
"He's an alien. We're more qualified to take care of him."- very ominous very uncomfortable, glad to see mark isn't having any of it but still. actually ingernal loving mark's convo with cecil
Cecil's little side eye at the end, he's scared ohohoh. and that petty "im sureyour mum will love ooking after her ex's kid" like uh, no but she said she'll do it for mark and otherwise mark will do it so so?
Mark and Amber are cool, and yeah it's nice to see him listening to her problems even if maybe it's revealing that uh... yeah he can't be there for her and that's complicated (as mark said)
Rudy and monster girl is intersing, like i get why she's pissed and i get where he's coming from
DECEASED they all knew he was from mars.Almost disappointed because him desperately trying to be human was hilarious but also this reveal was the funniest fucking thing so, even his reveal felt so unhuman
also how noble and excited the abckstory is until the awkard... so I sort of tried to kill him but I didn't even do that right and now he's coming to earth to kill us all possessed by a hive creature
"No, before, I was lying. Now I'm telling the truth. It's very different." hilarious, might steal that.
Rex, gonna go OOC real quick, then pan to Atom Eve AMV... iconic, I wonder what this could mean /s
Ok I was like, stop commenting on everything but like Rex is a prick but the absolute funniest, saying that maybe Eve's parents WANT her to be abducted because they still haven't fixed her broken window lock killed me
also more seriously actually the familiarity with which they talk and rex moves around eve's room (the l atter would be weird if it weren't so obvious eve could make him stop if she wanted) is great? Because yeah they dated for a while, like they should know each other even if they don't get on anymore and it's great to see the evidence of that Similarly the fact taht Eve reveals at teh end she knew rex just wanted something but that she also does think he genuinely helped her see that she helps people
Man, mark :-( spread too thin, and he's realising it but what is the way out?? Butter spread over too much bread and you can't just put it back in the tin
Shapesmith's intonation and diction and also just his timing of what he says is, mwah, chefs kiss, incredibel
when is the shapesmith show coming, we've already had "Allan"???
was gonna say "nice fight scenes" then kate happened, and i mean they're still good but oh fuck holy shit oh god hog do
.um. well post the homeward guardians fight all I have to say is that it seems that Rex is ranking guardian after all.
Or um, them some cliff hangers amirite, sure do hope everybody is fine
but no did like Rex's last line of the episode and also King lizard's smarmy evil pragmatism ooh very nice.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
I return from my inactivity with a hypothetical
What if
Au where sebek ends up staying behind for some reason during winter break
Maybe his family is visiting his dads family and the others would also be busy over the break
So why not take the opportunity to stay a bit at school just for the break and study and TOTALLY not get into any shenanigans
im going to assume this is another kind of winter break and not the one where the whole. scarabia thing went down
Alright to make this extra funny I'm going to put down who exactly stayed behind: Riddle, Cater, Ruggie, Sebek
....okay thats surprisingly a little amount of people what the hell.
ANYWAYS, first day of winter break, Sebek is INCONSOLABLE. He practically locks himself inside Diasomnia, and not a lot of people stayed behind for break, so he's kind of manning the whole thing if ykwim.
Things start picking up when Ruggie sneaks into Diasomnia hoping to find something good to pawn off. He figured out that no one's really around. Everyone from Diasomnia is literally hogging the library. Then he bumps into Sebek in the kitchen
Sebek demands him as to WHY he is inside the dorm and Ruggie plays it off by saying that he was told by a Diasomnia student to get something from their room. Sebek is still suspicious of him and tells him that he'll get it himself. Ruggie sighs, plan foiled, but realizes how tired Sebek looks. Feels a bit bad for the guy, asks if he's alright. "THERE'S NO NEED FOR YOU TO BE CONCERNED!!!" "C-concerned? As if! (lie)"
It ends with Ruggie trying to convince Sebek to leave the dorm because one: how he gonna steal anything now??? two: bro u PALE as hell its like u havent seen the sun in agesss.
He's able to convince him to do so by making him think of it as patrolling the school grounds to better guard NRC. Sebek reluctantly agrees and they both head off. Things are actually great for a while, and Ruggie's thinking of sneaking off to other dorms to find more things, but they get interrupted by a stressed out Cater, saying that Riddle has gone COMPLETELY mental.
Theyre forced by Cater to rush over, and at first they think its overblot all over agian, but are surprised to see Riddle...sitting in front of a board game. It turns out that while Riddle decided to stay at NRC, his mother started sending him a bunch of messages demanding that he come home. To get his mind off of it, Cater suggested joining in on a game that him and the other dorm students were playing.
Long story short, Riddle is SURPRISINGLY good at it, and is getting increasingly competitive. He has won 6 rounds in a row.
Uhhh basically there's these arcs where these 4 try to do something that they all like/planned during the break, that kind of goes off the rails. Riddle's is playing the board game, Cater's is trying to make a day to day post of doing something interesting for the duration of the break, Ruggie's is trying to find something to fucking sell please for the love of god, Sebek is just trying his best to hold on until the break is over.
Yah hearteyes
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stardust-sunset · 7 months
hi hello i am a server at a restaurant by day and a kyle fan by night so i am more than happy to supply you with some waiter!kyle headcanons! warning: very VERY long and this isn’t even all of them
he would be one of the strongest servers in the restaurant. i can see him being really organized and having a system for everything. he’d be good with the hospitality part, dude never forgets to bring your side of ranch and water glasses never go empty. it takes a lot to overwhelm him.
however…on the rare occasions he is in the weeds…he’d sass the other staff and grumble under his breath. i don’t see his tables suffering because of this, he screams in the walk in before interacting with them. if he’s got a real bitchass customer, the sass comes out again. and then he screams in the walk in and complains to all his friends about it for the next week. that being said. he has had to be held back from confronting a guest by his coworkers once or twice after being stiffed.
i was a hostess for years so many thoughts here. if he gets triple sat or triple skipped he would be so nice and forgiving to the hostesses to their FACES, but be thinking in his head “how are you this fucking dumb”. if it keeps happening though he will say something, he wouldn’t yell and be a total dick about it but he would be a little condescending. for really good hosts and bussers he likes though, he tips them out extra because he’s just that generous. he would watch out for the young hostesses and make sure the creepy old men don’t bother them. he’d see that shit and immediately direct the old fart away from the underaged girl. and we love him for that.
never lets anyone borrow his fancy pilot g2 pens (same)
always looking dapper! he gels his hair for work cus it needs to be out of the way. and that apron has been washed, steamed, and pressed by mama broflovski herself baby
has beef with the bartender because one very busy saturday night he super sassed them for taking too long to make a drink only to realize he never actually rang it in…oops. bartender never forgave that one
took forever to learn how to pull a beer from the tap and honestly is still not very good at it (me)
refuses to clean any bodily fluids in any part of the restaurant, he’d quit his job first. don’t get paid enough for that (also me and you’d be surprised how often this is a problem)
master silverwear roller like he flys through that shit. mf always leaves exactly when he’s cut bc all his sidework is done already
if the line cooks give him shit he speaks to them in jersey and they’re like oh we didn’t know you were chill like that nvm
he’d have regulars that he just loves and adores and some regulars that he hates so much that he has forbade the hosts from ever putting them in his section
oh he’s a weekend shift hog, he thinks he deserves the busy shifts because he’s simply just a better server than the others so logically why wouldn’t he? smh
he usually likes it when the guys come to eat while he’s working and they goof off a little, but if those mfs show up on a busy weekend he’s like no god please no because they are like the biggest distractions ever. i would go on about how stan, kenny, and cartman would act while kyle’s working but i fear i’ve made this ask long enough as is
the dumbass smile in my face as i saw this in my inbox, i was SO looking forward to answering this one
i fucking love these ohmygosh-he’s such a bitch but in the best ways?? like he genuinely gets me sometimes-
he gets so damn sassy when things don’t go the way he intended-he’s never really snapped at people, he just makes small bites to the neck like ‘oh i didn’t realize that you were doing my job now for me’ and he would let out the most sarcastic ass laugh istg-i feel like he would be the kind of ‘busy bee’ worker where he absolutely loses track of time and is like ‘oh my break was a half hour ago fuck’
he probably tries to take all the night shifts because that’s just how he is. he’s a night owl and likes sleeping in ‘til noon.
but YES PLEASE-I would LOVE to read more of your headcanons like this!! i really don’t mind how long it gets-the more the better imo! i love reading stuff like this!! don’t feel nervous, i would LOVE to read some more!!
(he also sneaks leftovers out for kenny. i like to think those two get closer in their teens because kyle realizes how much kenny means to them all)
one i personally have is that cartman knows kyle’s schedule like the back of his hand and follows a routine in which he knows when all kyle’s breaks are. cartman will subtly fuck with kyle and make him miss all his breaks, usually including his lunch break. (if he’s working the morning, which he usually ends up doing, unlucky) he comes back later to laugh in kyle’s face because poor boy’s hungry and tired. makes some snide ass comment about how ‘oH kYlE tHaTs So ImProFeSsIoNaL oF yOu To YaWn MiDsEnTeNcE’ or he laughs because ‘aren’t you a waiter? your job is to bring out the food, not to want it, kahl’ dunno how the rest would play out. that’s just one i have-if you wanna add on tho i’d love to hear it!! :)
anyway. i’d love to hear any other headcanons you (or anyone else for that matter) may have! ^^
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First thoughts on Trimax volume 1
I appreciate eriks. Just like, generally. I love how scruffy he is lol.
I do wonder if he’d let his hair grow out like that if he wasn’t in hiding??? He’s had the same haircut since he was a kid though so idk. He’s very attached to his whole look, it seems.
When and how did he replace his prosthetic? What was that like?
YES INDEED, THAT WAS “FUCKIN STUPID” (Wolfwood says fuck guys omg good for him he deserves it)
I laughed out loud for real though I definitely woke up my roommate on accident oops
Oh god the hair. It’s fuckinh coming. The gut punch. (<- does not know the specifics)
Seeing him with the stubble AND the normal hair is doing something bad to my brain. Fix it. It doesn’t compute.
Her hair is. Not exactly bad but that’s not my Meryl.
New Miami, huh? I’m so excited to get absolutely no elaboration on this ever.
Shoutout to the little dude on page 84 who looks like fuckin Wallace
Oh. My god. How many times did he just get shot
OH MY GOD GOOD FOR THEM. God I love milly
Wolfwood is such a chickenshit.
I wonder if Vash has conceptualized himself as human up to this point, and where he’s at with that now?
DAMN I wish I was that balanced
I uh. Man. Wow. I kind of want to make fun of him for doing the most Anime Shit Ever
Babygirl i promise you he knows how plants work lmao
Y’all really weren’t joking about the panty shots
Brad is ALSO a shit. We can’t win here.
Oh. My question is being answered. I don’t like it very much.
On the face of it, I'm pretty solidly in Nico's corner here.
I love how clearly i can hear his little song in my head.
He’s full in monke mode. Just an absolute ape.
love that nightow definitely just got sick of drawing the bullet holes in the coat
Actually looking at this a little harder he did simplify a lot of details. Good refinement, though i do miss the belts.
Vash who the fuck are you calling old. Is the old man in the room with us right now? (Yes)
Oh fucking hell.
I wonder how vash looks at humanity specifically . Is it really something familial? Or is that changing as we progress? I do see how he could be operating from that angle.
My other real question is just how old is he, like, mentally? He really does seem to have the mindset of somebody in his 20s. Knives too? Maybe that’s a thing with them, but i’ll hold off on saying anything conclusive until later. Maybe i’m too quick to say they’re both immature.
I’m sorry it genuinely makes me happy to see characters swear like real people. Wolfwood is so much more fun here.
I hate that I'm going to get through these so much quicker now, especially now that i’m especially hooked. I’m genuinely considering reading ahead but i think i’ll explode if i do. Time will tell.
I may not get around to coloring pages in the next two weeks and just go absolutely hog wild once my class is over. I have to make my own damn comic for once lmao. Ofc i have 0 impulse control so who knows.
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dragonbored · 6 months
Markarth, Throat of the World & Sovngarde?
YAYYY hi bestie (beloved follower)
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be?
oh boy do i have OPINIONS. if i could rewrite on questline in skyrim i would rewrite the companions questline to Not Be The Companions
sorry. racist werewolves aside, i think i agree w u that it would be the dark brotherhood, but i’ve got different ideas. idgaf abt astrid and cicero and the night mother i want oblivion back. the oblivion dark brotherhood questline is my favorite fucking questline in any video game, i swear to god. your first quest is to go sneak aboard a pirate ship?? you dive into the ocean to escape?? you can murder a guy by dropping his stuffed minotaur head or whatever tf that taxidermy is on him?? wildly sprinting away from bruma so his guard doesn’t catch you and you still get the bonus?? THE MURDER MYSTERY DINNER PARTY??????
i’m sorry i just love oblivion so so so much. i would try and return some of that whimsy to the dark brotherhood. i mean, yeah, i guess we can keep the whole betrayal thing, but i never liked the night mother’s portrayal and just am not fond of any of the existing npcs there. also, including an assassination of the emperor was fucking stupid, i hate how tes tries to make it canon that your character is simultaneously the gods’ greatest gift to nirn and also sithis himself (what’s the tes equivalent of the devil)
actually speaking of stupid canonical statuses i would rewrite the civil war questline to also not exist. fuck it the dragonborn is just a messenger now. the war doesn’t have a finish within the game, we leave it at a standstill. like i said i have Opinions
Throat of the World - How do you feel about “Season Unending”?
to be truthful with you beloved follower i didn’t remember what this quest was. in recent times i haven’t even gotten to diplomatic immunity. i always lose interest before i get that far LMFAO. that being said when i remembered what it was i’m vaguely fond of it. i think having a meeting where you just have to sit down and debate shit is fun. don’t remember if it translates very well into a video game. love the idea of the dragonborn sitting there simmering with rage while everyone insults each other. think it’s really stupid that everyone somehow safely made the climb up the 7000 steps at the same time without guards carriages horses or food. you’re telling me elenwen hiked that shit?
Sovngarde - How would your Last Dragonborn celebrate after the battle with Alduin, or would they celebrate at all?
OOF… you’ve hit me with the one oc question. i love to discuss my Opinions (there’s lots of them) but ocs require more thoughts. hm…
azug would celebrate because i think lucien would go hog wild about his friend defeating alduin and erik is just down to party. where the fuck do you go after coming back from skuldafn? how do you come back? do you just fast travel? summon odahviing again? it’s been so long i don’t remember. i’ll just assume you summon odahviing again and he deposits you back in dragonsreach, in which case, jarl balgruuf would probably want to have a feast or something anyway. but azug and the crew would go celebrating on their own after, and, tbh, knowing azug, would probably keep celebrating for a long time after. like, bar hopping in every city for the next year (or until whatever inevitable tragedy happens next for them to help with)
megana is much more reserved. she would enjoy the feast but she doesn’t really. have close friends. at least not yet, i haven’t finished the game with her so idk. she also doesn’t live in whiterun like azug does (well, technically azug lives outside in tundra homestead) so i think she might have less casual friends there. all that being said, i don’t think she would celebrate beyond agreeing to whatever celebrations are held for her, and even then she would quickly find a limit to what she could stand to attend. she’s more of a private person; she’d rather have a few drinks with the others at the college of winterhold (hey i forgot she was gonna do that quest) or relax with thistle in myrwatch than be rowdy all across skyrim like azug
sadly those r the only two i can answer for, cirendil exists in my mind palace but i haven’t played her at all so i don’t have a good grasp of her character or development. friki is… technically a dragonborn because the randomizer feature in the alternate start mod i’m using decided she would be, and because i think it’s funny to imagine her going around stealing shit and not at all being helpful while another dragonborn actually does their job, but she will not be doing the main quests at any point so i don’t bother contemplating her much
thank u for asking!!! this one was super fun to consider <3
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