#god i wish it didnt rotate them.
Nature Nthursday
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A cemetary, taken on Not Nature Nwednesday, along side a few other images
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The train's coming. Also pictured that day. Uploaded Ntoday (i'm so sorry screen readers)
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On the bike ride back. I don't really go places right now so I'm just biking around taking pictures. I'm trying to avoid having people in the frame.
0 notes
starrylothcat · 1 year
My queen! May I humbly request to you a dialog burned into my skull for hunter ? I know you have a promt list but I have thought of hunter saying these lines ever since they came to me (I hope u don't mind a suggestion that's not on a list🖤🖤🖤)
"Do you have any idea how intoxicating you are to me? Do you even know what you Do me? How much you drive me wild?"
"Oh I think you do. Oh mesh'la, If I didnt know any better I'd think you like driving me crazy"
-I've had no thoughts other than hunter and his God damn inhanced senses and that scent kink 🙈 Nonthing but sinful smutty thoughts
Ofc my queen, you can go for whatever context you think fits. ☺️🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Your scent drives Hunter wild and his desire for you has been building. He’s been able to hold it together until a new scent from you pushes him to the brink.
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi Fem!Reader
WC: 4700 whoops
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Scent kink, unprotected PiV sex (wrap it yo), cunnilingus, cum eating, praise, Hunter being a horny beast. Takes place during TCW. Reader is a Jedi for fun, not really described.
A/N: Let me tell you, I have no THOTS other than Hunter and his senses either! Thank you so much for this request…this dialogue is DELICIOUS and you sent me down a rabbit hole. I do not mind at all! I got a bit carried away, but I hope this is what you envisioned! This is what I humbly offer in return! Enjoy~
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Ever since you introduced yourself to him all those weeks ago, Hunter has been captivated. 
Whenever his mind was idle his thoughts drifted to you, the ghost of your scent always teasing his senses. He both wished he could be near and as far away as possible from you, your entire being taunting him whether you knew it or not.  
It wasn’t just your beauty that beguiled him or your skill on the battlefield, it was your alluring and downright intoxicating fragrance that overtook his senses any time you were near. 
Hunter was used to people’s smells, it was the downside of being genetically enhanced to notice such things. He often found other’s natural scents overpowering, learning to ignore them quickly.
But you, you were something else. 
Per the Jedi Council’s request, you were assigned to Clone Force 99 to assist with a  few delicate retrieval missions and had been given orders to train with them in the weeks leading up to the assignments.
His brothers grumbled, not liking having a Jedi on the team, even temporarily, thinking it was some sort of insult and insinuating they couldn’t handle themselves.
Hunter was skeptical too, but ever since first meeting you on a landing platform on Coruscant, your natural perfume ignited his senses like a newly formed star.
During missions, he could ignore it long enough to be successful and keep his mind clear. 
But when you were training, or on The Marauder, or just catching him in the halls of Kamino to say hi, he was tormented, and ached in silence.
You had just returned to Coruscant, having completed a mission successfully. You were back at the main GAR Headquarters and Master Kenobi wanted a debrief from you and Hunter. The war was picking up, and more and more Jedi and clones were needed in the coming battles.
Hunter was trying to clear his head before the meeting. He was stuck on The Marauder with you for a few rotations and his body was buzzing with need, his mind cloudy and spinning. He wanted so desperately to explore your body inch by inch, peel back your Jedi robes and become completely lost in you. 
It was all he could think about.
Every night, even when you weren’t near, he dreamt of the sounds you’d make as he took you apart and pieced you back together, how your curves would feel under his palms, desperate to be between your legs and drink at your source. Every morning he’d wake uncomfortably hard, hoping his hand would help him forget, but it only provided temporary relief.
Hunter was almost glad your time with them was nearing an end, not knowing how long he could suffer like this. 
Hunter had another problem, and it also had to do with you. He had been avoiding you the entire trip back to Coruscant and practically ran off The Marauder when you landed.
He knew you noticed, and figured you assumed he was angry at you. He watched as your face fell when you asked if he wanted to join you after the mission debrief for a drink, to celebrate the mission success. 
Hunter mumbled he was busy, not even looking you in the eye. 
How could he when he was seconds from wanting to taste your lips and fuck you senseless?
Hunter stood outside the door to the debriefing room, knowing you’d be in there. It was probably for the best if you thought he hated you. 
It wasn’t like you’d be able to be with him, anyway. 
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You were standing in the conference room, knowing Hunter was going to walk in any minute.
You were trying to figure out Hunter’s increasingly strange behavior toward you, not knowing if you did something to upset him, or if something else was bothering him.
The mission was a success, no losses were sustained, and you and Clone Force 99 worked well with one another, so that couldn’t be it.
Your heart sank a little, thinking maybe he figured out your feelings toward him. He did have heightened senses, maybe he noticed something, and you weren’t as subtle as you hoped? You were trying your best to keep everything strictly professional, the mission always coming first.
You couldn’t deny your growing feelings toward the broody Sargeant though, his smokey voice, curly locks, broad shoulders, and thin waist just begging for you to grab on to. Those exact fantasies were going through your head just a few moments ago when you were in your quarters. 
You meant to take a nap and rest, but your mind wandered along with your hand under your panties. You didn’t mean to think about Hunter, but it was his face that was between your thighs in the dream, his deep voice whispering praises as he entangled his body with yours. 
The chirp of your commlink interrupted your “nap,” alerting you that the debrief was starting earlier than expected. Begrudgingly, you dressed and headed to the meeting, not satisfied and a little more frustrated than before.
Hunter entered the room, and his nerves were immediately on fire. You were chatting with another clone, a Commander from another unit. 
You glanced at him, nodded, and went back to speaking with him.
A new odor from you was assaulting his senses that wasn’t your usual exilarating aroma, this was different.
Very different.
It was arousal. 
Hunter bristled, fighting the sudden and intense urge to rip his clothes off and yours, taking you right then and there in front of everybody.
It was hard enough to ignore your usual natural perfume, but this was almost cataclysmic.
Obi-Wan’s hologram popped up, exchanging short courtesies with everyone, before diving into the topic at hand.
Hunter was barely paying attention, voices fading as he tried to hold himself together.
Why would you smell like sex? 
Hunter scanned the room, looking at the troopers and other Jedi that were listening to the debrief from Obi-Wan. 
Was it one of them? 
Jealousy stabbed his chest like a blade, imagining you in the throes of pleasure with a reg between your legs. You can do better than that. He thought bitterly. It could be me if you wanted.
Your demeanor was calm, listening intently to General Kenobi’s report, which was the opposite of what your pheromones were telling him. 
The other clones seemed at ease too, and Hunter couldn’t pick up the hint of your arousal on anyone else in the room.
Does that mean…?
If Hunter wasn’t sweating before, he was now. 
The image of you laying on your bunk in your quarters, touching your own body, and pleasing yourself was almost too much to handle in this public space. 
Jedi were people too, people with needs. And you were taking care of that need right before this meeting. 
Hunter glanced in your direction, your body radiating arousal, burning him from the inside out. 
You were horny, there was no denying it. Still horny, it seemed, as if your private time before this meeting wasn’t quite enough.  
Hunter’s body went into overdrive, picking up your needy pheromones as they wafted to his nose. 
Was this purposeful? Did you know what you did to him and were testing him? Some sort of kriffed-up Jedi trial of will?
Hunter clenched and unclenched his fist, praying for this debrief to be over soon, or else he might implode, a beast clawing its way out that he wasn’t sure he could contain for much longer.
Who were you thinking of while you writhed under your hand?
The image of some shiny reg popped into his head again, or that Commander you were just speaking to, the sharp blade of jealousy threatening to split him open.
He wanted you, all of you. The thought of anyone else made his blood boil, though he knew he had no stake in you. No one did. You were a Jedi. 
After what seemed like hours, the meeting ended, and General Kenobi signed off.
Hunter had to get out of here, get away from you before he did something he regretted.
He wanted to pull you into the nearest supply closet and give you what your body needed. But did you even want him? Could you feel the same way, if things were different?
Hunter knew the Jedi had their codes, their honor. He didn’t want to put you in a position of temptation or disgrace.
Hunter barely heard you call his name, trying to get his attention as he quickly strode out of the mission room, needing to be alone, needing to get away from you. Once again, he was running away from you.
You were aware of Hunter’s strange behavior throughout the meeting. He almost looked ill, sweating and fidgeting, the muscles in his neck tense and his jaw set tight.
There was definitely something wrong with him. He raced off The Marauder, and now he’s avoiding you again like you were made of bantha dung.
You frowned, your patience thin.
You had to know what was going on. 
You left the room, scanning the hallway to see which way he went. You caught a glimpse of his armor and red bandana turning a corner some ways down the hall, and you jogged trying to catch up with him, calling his name. 
“Hunter! Wait!
Hunter didn’t look back, increasing his pace. His head was throbbing, his codpiece uncomfortably tight,  trying to get you out of his head. It didn’t help that you were chasing him down the hall. 
Hunter took a quick turn down another hallway, opening the first door that he saw. It was an empty training room, with floor mats and other exercise equipment scattered about the room. The door hissed closed behind him, hoping he had lost you.
He wasn’t fast enough, it seemed, as you slammed the button to open the door, stepping in.
“Hunter, what the kriff  is going on?” He could tell you were mad, your lips pursed tight and a flash in your eyes that told him you were here for answers.
Hunter was balling his fists again, not wanting to put you in a situation that made you uncomfortable, hoping he could come up with something to ease the situation.
“Nothing, I just needed some air.”
You glowered, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Hunter, you’ve been avoiding me like I have the plague…did I do something to upset you? If so, let me apologize. You’re acting strange!”
“You didn’t upset me.” Hunter’s response was quick. “It’s just…”
 “Just what?” 
Hunter took in a deep breath. He knew you wouldn’t believe any excuse he came up with. You weren’t stupid.
“You.” Hunter grumbled, unable to look you in the eyes.
“Me?” You questioned. “So it does have to do with me? Hunter, I don’t want to play games!”
Hunter could hear the drop in your voice, not wanting you to think he was angry with you.
“No…it’s something else. My senses…” Hunter scrubbed his face with his hands. 
Hunter sighed. “Whatever you were doing before the debrief…..I can still smell it on you.”
“Hunter, what do you-?” You stopped, processing his words.
Hunter stayed silent.
Heat scorched your face, wanting to become invisible and shrink into nothing. He could smell that?
“Hunter I’m so sorry, I…umm…” You were almost too embarrassed to speak, your anger replaced with mortification, not realizing his senses were that acute.
“Don’t apologize.” Hunter started toward you. “It’s okay, it's just…overwhelming.”
You bit your lip, your face on fire, seeing how disheveled he seemed, but you could tell something was bubbling beneath his surface.
Your Jedi senses were picking up a need, a desire that he was holding back, one that was boiling over, one that has been held down tight for some time that was finally slipping through the cracks.
“I… didn’t have a chance to finish.” You couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of your mouth. “I got a comm for the debrief right as uh…I was almost done.” 
Hunter stared at you, mouth open.
“What are you saying?” His voice was low, his gaze narrowing.
You boldly lifted a hand and traced it down his armored arm. “I’m saying…I’d let you help me finish what I started earlier. If that would fix things, clear your mind.”
Hunter was speechless momentarily, not believing the words coming out of his Jedi’s mouth. 
You were close to him now, closer even than you were in the debriefing room. 
“I…I was thinking about you.” You whispered, your fingers still lightly outlining his armor.
Hunter brought his hand to your neck, tracing his fingers up to cup the side of your face, testing the waters. 
“Has…my scent been making you feel this way the entire time?” You looked up at him through your eyelashes.
Hunter closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing, slowly bringing his forehead to yours. 
“Yes. Every waking moment.” He admitted.
The tension that had been building in Hunter, between the two of you, finally snapped. 
Hunter pressed his entire body into you, walking you back against the wall of the training room, pinning you. Intense heat radiated from him turning your blood into magma, your hands flying to grasp at the back of his head as his armor dug into you.
Hunter leaned down into your neck, inhaling deeply. 
“Do you have any idea how intoxicating you are to me? Do you even know what you do to me?” His tone was a hoarse whisper, like wisps of smoke from a recently doused fire, his hands tracing up your torso over your robes, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“Do you realize how much you drive me wild? How often have I thought of you like this?”
It was all out in the open now, there was no point in holding back.
His lips hovered above your pulse point, watching it beat and hearing the blood rushing through your veins.
Your body was engulfed with want, your core aching as you felt Hunter’s breath pant against your neck. “Your body…your smell…you tear me apart at the seams, mesh’la.”
“I didn’t realize…I didn’t think you’d notice-“ you gasped as his lips connected with your neck, his tongue tracing a pattern on your skin, his fingers locked on your waist. 
“I think you did. Oh mesh'la, If I didn't know any better I'd think you like driving me crazy.”
Hunter lifted his head from your neck, locking his eyes with yours. His usual honey-brown irises were almost black, pupils blown wide with unbridled lust. 
You didn’t realize he felt this way for you for so long and felt a little guilty for unintentionally driving him mad. 
“Tell me to stop, and I will.” Hunter gasped, his cock aching in his pants, waiting for your answer, your arousal stronger than before, your body begging to be ravaged. 
You swallowed, momentarily wondering if you should stop this before it got too far, but his touch and feral desire for you were too enticing to ignore. 
You closed the distance between you,  crashing your lips against him. You dug your hands into his hair, kissing with uninhibited abandon, giving him your answer. 
He immediately kissed back with equal fervor, loving the sensation of you gently pulling on his hair, causing the burning flame in his chest to ignite hotter and brighter as your mouths greedily danced. 
You boldly nibbled at his bottom lip, earning a groan from Hunter as you slid your tongue against his, intensifying the already feral kiss. 
You knew this was wrong, against everything, but you didn’t care. The worries of being caught were carelessly thrown to the ground with your robes and his armor, quickly stripping one another, not wanting to waste a single second. 
You traced your fingers over his broad, powerful body as he gave you equal attention, running his thumbs over your soft curves, marveling at your figure. “You’re beautiful.” Hunter rasped. “Maker, I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.”
He searched your eyes one more time for any sign of doubt or hesitation.
 “I’m flattered, Sarge.” You teased, tracing your hand down his biceps, touching his sculpted muscle under his tanned skin. 
Hunter sloppily kissed down your neck and took one of your nipples in his mouth, suckling and teasing, gauging your reaction with every flick of his tongue, quickly learning what you liked. 
You gripped his hair again, panting and moaning as he lavished your breast before switching to the other.
“H-Hunter…” you could barely speak, still tugging at his locks which seemed to spur him on further. 
 “I can smell how much you want me.” Hunter rasped as he slid to his knees, hands caressing your thighs, looking up at you.
 “Can I taste you? Give you what your body has been begging for?” You looked down at the man kneeling before you, a dark and hungry look on his face, sweat beading at his brow, his chest heaving. 
“I need to know if you taste as good as you do in my dreams.”
You swallowed thickly, a new rush of desire flooding your senses. He's been dreaming about me, like this?
“You’ll have to let me know how it compares.” Your voice was raspy, trying to steady yourself, leaning back against the training room wall. 
Hunter smirked as he pressed his nose into your mound, inhaling deeply. 
He was finally at the source of what has been eating him alive the last few weeks, and it was intensely satisfying.
 “I can’t wait to see if your sounds are as pretty as this pussy. You’re dripping. All for me, hm?”
He brushed his nose against your clit, a jolt of pleasure electrifying your body as a lewd sound escaped your lips, louder than intended.
 “Did you like that? Do you want to cum on my face?” He mumbled, nuzzling his nose again against the sensitive nerve. 
You whimpered, needing more, so much more. 
“Y-yes…please, Hunter. I want to cum in your mouth.” 
You were begging now, his stubble scratching against your thighs and his lips gently kissing your labia. 
“That’s my girl, I’ll give you what you want for asking so nicely.” He rumbled into your soaking cunt, his cock weeping at the sight and the scent of you. 
Hunter wasted no time starting his feast on your pussy, probing his tongue and hungrily lapping at your folds.
He truly was eating you like a man depraved, your nails digging into his scalp. It was intense, better than you could have imagined, better than your hand under your blanket, wishing it was Hunter between your thighs. 
Your body shook and you couldn’t hold back the blissed sobs as Hunter gorged himself, his groans increasing in volume as he felt you get closer and closer to your peak, his jaw soaking with your fluid. 
Once again, Hunter quickly recognized your subtle reactions and knew exactly where to lick and suck.
His hooked nose pressed and ground against your clit, bliss building quickly, your legs threatening to give out at the sheer intensity of it all. 
You were a blubbering mess, words not coherent as Hunter moved his focus solely to your clit, needing you to cum. He flattened his tongue and pressed against your bud, grinding his mouth into you as you reached your peak. 
Hunter was barely holding himself together, his hands tightly squeezing your thighs to keep you upright, holding you as you came apart above him. 
Hunter let out a feral growl as you came, catching your release on his tongue, loving how your pussy clenched and legs quivered as your orgasm hit you like a ship going into hyperspace. 
Your vision went white and anything tangible vacated your mind, letting the ecstasy course through your body.
“Kriff, you’re so beautiful when you cum.” Hunter mumbled into your pussy, still licking and kissing between your folds.
 “So much better than my dreams.” You were breathless, coming down from your high, sliding down the wall. Hunter realized your legs were about to give out, wrapped his arms around you, and held you against him. 
Your heart was pounding, trying to piece together what just happened, Hunter’s cock rubbing up against your stomach as he kissed you again, as ravenous and desperate as before, his face dripping with your release. It wasn’t enough, though, for either of you. 
“Hands and knees.” He demanded between your lips furiously molding together. “Now.”
You immediately complied, any shred of your dignity completely gone. You shakily knelt on the ground on a floor training mat, resting your weight on your elbows, your ass sticking in the air.
You looked back at him over your shoulder, and the look on his face was predatory, dangerous even, his eyes completely black with craving.
Hunter knelt behind you, his chest heaving, rubbing his red cock head through your slick folds. You quivered, your cunt still sensitive from your orgasm. 
Hunter slowly nudged against your entrance. “That’s right, relax, mesh’la.” 
His breath was ragged, holding back wanting to slam straight into you and fuck you into oblivion.
 “There you go, just like that…Kriff you’re so warm.” Hunter’s voice was gravelly, letting out a low hiss as he bottomed out. The stretch was wonderful, being stuffed full of him, his hips meeting your ass. 
Seeing you like this, on all fours willing and taking him so effortlessly was almost overloading his system. 
He squeezed your waist, giving a few shallow thrusts that practically made his mind melt, feeling your walls clench and take him perfectly. 
 “Hunter…” You dug your fingernails into the mat, not caring about how desperate you sounded, or how you were exposing your ass to him like an animal in heat. 
“Fuck me, please.” You gasped, pushing back against him. 
“So needy…” Hunter squeezed your ass, slowly pulling out almost all the way. “You’ll get what you’ve been wanting, mesh’la. Don’t worry.”
Hunter quickly pushed back in, earning a pleasured whine from you. He was deliciously thick, and you could feel his cock head and veins glide against your walls as he picked up his pace, fucking you exactly how you wanted for who knows how long. 
“Is this what you wanted?” He grunted, breathless, his broody Sargeant composure crumbling with every thrust deeper inside you, his pace increasing. 
“Did you want to be fucked by me? Did you dream about me, too? Did you touch your perfect pussy and think of me?” 
You nodded, your eyes half-lidded and your mouth hanging open as he fucked you senseless, your cheek now pressed against the mat.
You knew you would probably have a red mark across your face but you didn’t care, just like you didn’t care how his hands would be leaving bruises on your hips as he pounded into you. 
You were thankful these training rooms were soundproof, the obscene slapping of sweaty skin and excessively loud moans hopefully muffled to any passerby.
Hunter groaned at your admission, his calloused hands leaving a trail of fire as they roamed your backside, one hand reaching under you and his finger finding your clit. 
“Did you touch yourself just like this right before the meeting? Wishing it was your Sergeant’s cock?” 
You nodded into the mat again, tears forming at the sides of your eyes, drool pooling under where your face was pressed into the firm fabric, the sheer intensity of him pulling you apart with every frantic thrust.
“Y-yes Hunter, I wished it was you, I wished it was your cock filling me up…” 
Hunter growled, pleased at your answer. 
He applied more pressure to your clit, causing you to convulse and shake against him, crying out his name, his cock pounding into you without pause. 
 “You’re so close, mesh’la, I can feel it. Be a good girl and cum for your Sergeant.”
Hunter leaned down, pressing his abdomen to your back, truly mounting you like an animal, his hips pistoning into you, growling in your ear. 
His control was gone. He needed one thing and one thing only, his mind now focused on a singular task, to feel you come apart on his cock, inhale your release, hear your voice shake as you cry out his name and his name only. 
Hunter’s hand was rubbing perfect, quick circles on your engorged clit, tears falling down the sides of your cheeks as the coil in your belly was wound tighter and tighter with every movement of his finger. 
“H-Hunter I’m so -“ You sobbed, so close to crashing over the edge, his finger relentless against your practically overstimulated bud.
 “Cum for me, now.”
 Hunter snarled in your ear, needing your orgasm more than you. 
“That’s it…let me hear you…” His voice was strained through his clenched jaw, inhaling deeply in the crook of your neck as your walls clenched and trembled around his cock, soaking him as your release rocked your body, every one of his nerves in charged with electricity at the sound and fragrance of your second orgasm.
“So perfect…just like that…” 
Hitched sobs of his name were more than enough to bring him excruciatingly close to his own explosive orgasm that was building quickly. “Where?” His hand was still working your clit, shocks of pleasure jolting your body, his hand soaked with your cum. 
“Inside…implant.” you gasped, and that was more than enough to unload inside you. Hunter bit into your neck, letting out a final low, guttural moan as his cock swelled and twitched, pulsating his release into your cunt. 
Your body was completely wrecked and overstimulated, clenching around his softening cock, feeling his spend leak out of you and onto the mat below. 
Hunter’s thrusts slowed, mumbling incoherent words in your ear, your head ringing and blood pounding in your ears.
Hunter slowly pulled out of you, watching as his cum dripped from your swollen pussy.
“Gorgeous.” He murmured, not being able to help himself as he grabbed your hips, earning a surprised yelp as he flipped you on your back, yanking your pelvis up. 
You were completely blissed, mind hazy, eyelids fluttering, trying to come down from your high. 
Hunter couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of you. He wasn’t done yet.
You gasped as Hunter lapped at your folds once more, gently this time, tasting himself mixed with your juices. You let out a choked groan as he softly teased your clit, cleaning you up with his mouth.
“Too much…Hunter…” You could barely speak, watching as he slowly ate you out. Hunter locked his eyes on you, continuing his languid pace, putting your boneless legs over his broad shoulders for better access. 
Hunter knew he could get one more out of you. “One more, pretty thing, for me.” He mumbled into your folds, swirling his tongue carefully around your aching clit.
You were grasping at nothing, digging your nails into the mat, your gasping mewls music to Hunter’s ears. His hands carefully caressed where he bruised you, gently suckling on your overworked clit, careful and precise. 
Your legs shook as a slow, rolling orgasm washed over your body, sounds unable to leave your mouth, Hunter’s sudden gentleness surprising but welcome.
Your body was covered in sweat, your hair sticking to your forehead and back stuck to the mat, trying to piece yourself together as Hunter removed himself from between your legs, barely registering him kissing you softly, stroking the side of your face, kissing the bite mark on your neck.
You wanted to say something, but the moment was interrupted by Hunter’s commlink chirping in his pile of armor. He cursed, standing up and rifling through his pockets, still buck naked. You sat up on your forearms, trying to figure out how you’d both get out of this room unseen, and what came after.
Hunter grabbed his device, speaking quickly to Tech who was on the receiving end. You didn’t pay much attention to what he was saying, trying to dress yourself and look presentable.
“Tech wants us to run through a simulation of our next assignment.” Hunter handed you your belt as he fixed his blacks, snapping his armor back into place. “But I told him it could wait until tomorrow.” 
You raised your eyebrow, trying to fix your hair. “I’m surprised you’re not running away from me again, Sarg.” You teased lightly, not quite sure what to say after your intense coupling.
Hunter chuckled. “I figured we could get that drink.” 
You looked at him, a blush forming at your cheeks. “To celebrate a successful mission.” He smirked as he adjusted his viroblade on his arm. 
“Agreed.” You answered, touching his arm like you did before, a mischievous flash in your eye.
“Since we are ditching training tonight for a drink, “ You continued, “perhaps we could discuss future strategies in my personal quarters afterwards?”
Hunter’s eyes met yours, the hungry look from before returning.
“Sir yes sir.”
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Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @littlemissmanga @secretthegriffin @secondaryrealm @sinfulsalutations @anxiouspineapple99 @idontgetanysleep @starqueensthings @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @aconstructofamind @wanderer-six @blueink-bluesoul @the-cantina @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @523rdrebel @dukeoftheblackstar @pb-jellybeans @sleepingsun501 @coraex
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l0cal-catb0y · 11 months
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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carmendeiact2whenplz · 2 months
for the ask game, maybe decarabian or amos?
(Decarabian, since I already did Amos)
Current impression: The same as my first impression with the addition of “If I do not know Everything about him within the next three seconds I will Explode. I have so many headcanons about him I am sooooooo normal about him. I need to consume every media every theory everything about him ever. I need to dissect him and observe him under a microscope. I need to throw him off a cliff (derogatory) (affectionate) (derogatory). I need to put him in a maze with a reward at the end and see how he tries to escape. He is rotating in my mind at light speed. Everyone is wrong about him. I hate him sososo much but at this point I might actually be his number one fan. I am projecting so hard onto him it’s scary. He is truly A Character To Ever Exist”
Favorite moment: I can’t actually answer this as we have no idea what Any of his moments were. We have zero quotes from him, and he’s appeared in zero cutscenes, hopefully we will know more about him in the future
Idea for a story: He gets revived/reincarnated into modern day teyvat, there are a million ways that it could go from there but I need to see that man in an environment where he isn’t a god and isn’t treated like one whatsoever, and how he reacts to it all.
Unpopular opinion: Not quite sure how unpopular this is considering there aren’t many Opinions about him in the first place, but I don’t think he would be an extremely masculine 100% cis man. He should have at least a little bit of Gender in him. For all we know, “lord” and “king” are both apparently gender neutral titles/situational and not gender based arlecchino and navia in the genshin universe, and there is a good chance he probably can shapeshift to some degree. Obligatory “we have no idea what he looked like whatsoever” comment
Favorite relationship: Him and nb, I need to know if their thoughts about eachother went anything beyond mutual hatred. Maybe deep down they both respected and pitied eachother in a way. I need to lock those two in a room where they are forced to have a normal conversation for five minutes without them trying to kill each other.
Favorite headcanon: I think he should be Serious but also secretly have a lot of whimsy that he doesn’t show very often. He likes hoarding Shiny things in the tower. He runs down hallways watching his cape flow behind him. He secretly sings when no one’s watching or listening. He accidentally breaks character in serious moments sometimes. He should be a little bit silly
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afaramir · 7 months
LOLL i was gonna start like ‘hey there im denethor anon’ but u beat me to it. SIMILAR MINDS. Haha i read one of ur fics, was immediately smitten & was like i MUST follow them. (I’m glad i did, love the vibe of ur blog and the Flavour of ur opinions.. TASTY) so im a more recent follower but i’m gathering younger you weren’t a fan of denethor, huh? Can’t say i blame you. PJ certainly made some Decisions. he was like how do i convert a complex character into The most loathsome creature ever. He really did our fav gondorians sooo dirty. I literally watch through those scenes SEETHING in rage.
So I’ve been Thinking about denethor and faramir and nothing else for two days. like i am a denethor girlie. in my mind. spiritually. haven’t posted much abt him on tumblr. but nowww. you’re exactly right, ‘denethor Is a good leader…[insert ur paragraph here]’ yes yes yes you get it. listen denethor was a prideful, angry, resentful man but he was also valiant, resilient and noble. He guarded his city, alone (which takes GUTS, again, he was a badass!!), so well, for literal YEARS that Sauron was fearful/wary of him. i wish people were more understanding of him. he’s such an interesting character there’s so much to explore there. as you said the duty-vs-love, the weapon-first-person-next of it all. the layers. denethor as a weapon. denethor as a symbol of both sword/shield. AAHHH
BUT i think some people dismiss him hate him bc he is the mirror (the ugly side? if that makes sense) of humanity, of us. we ought to show him some compassion tho ‘cause havent u ever been taken under the darkness of life? felt the world slipping away & struggle to keep up w it? dont u ever feel hopeless? that things will never change, no matter what u do? DO YOU HAVE FEARS HAVE YOU FACED THE MONSTERS? WERE YOU ALONE, SCARED AND HOPELESS? AND HAVENT YOU MADE MISTAKES IN YOUR GRIEF AND PUSHED PEOPLE AWAY?? THAT’S what denethor experienced. He was described as a leader & a learned one at that for christ sake. He knew that evil was awaiting him and his kin and his people! he saw his future. yet. yet he soldiered on until. war declared. his sons killed (or so he believed). that’s when hope abandoned him. what was the point of staying alive now anyway? Evil was upon them, they would surely be tortured w a fate worse than death, so why should he not end the pain and kill himself? he fought the war against Time, Evil and The Dark Enemy himself and WON. he was a brave man indeed, to have fought these dark forces so much stronger than him. but he finally lost the war against Despair (and Grief), the cruelest of them all. imma cry 😭😭😭 no no no u don’t understand he didnt give up hope, hope abandoned him he- [GUNSHOT] (i don’t know how much of this even made sense lmao) anyway,
Faramir <333. do i even have to say anything about faramir? he’s the specialest little guy i love himm 🥰. On god i am one step away from rereading lotr just for him (plsss dont tempt me finals are in less than a fortnight) his and denethor’s relationship like u described my godddd XDD. fucked up familial relationships MY BELOVED. i am feral about this trope. the resentment… the jealousy… the mirror image of each other… the you’re-the-same-like-me-and-i-hate-that… mmmhm. hey do u ever think about 12 year old faramir admiring his father much the same way he did boromir and wishing he would grow up to be just like him? and do you ever think about 28 year old faramir knowing that he’s more like his father than anyone else and hating that? hating him? i do.
I’ll stop now lol im afraid my coherency has diminished by now. also sorry sorry for replying so late i am preparing for my exams. but rest assured i WILL be Rotating faramir around in my brain :3
hiiii denethor anon LOL this is the greatest ask ive ever received. every day i endeavour to provide only THE juiciest of opinions. aka this is my diary and you all are subjected to it. anyway im so glad you liked my fic i would love to know which one you read! i got into lotr via the films when i was super young so my past opinions were def coloured by The Choices. i have learned and grown since then<3 i was watching the book-to-film analysis vids on the extended edition dvds a couple weeks back and it made me so mad that i had to get up and turn off the tv. did you know there are other character options besides 'paragon of virtue' and 'one dimensional villain'...truly kind of a "nice dichotomy idiot! now what lies outside of it" situation. A Waste Of Your John Noble, To Be Honest. idk i still hold the films very close to my heart but the choices...i will simply respectfully disagree. and dont even get me started on faramir we WILL be here all night. another time. i have denethor thorongil situationship-fic to write. (i am serious about that) (i was simultaneously playing it 100% straight serious AND kind of joking about them. i shouldve known better. well.........we are so in it.)
you are so real for this. i have ALSO been Thinking about denethor and faramir and nothing else for days. weeks, even. sorry to everyone coming to the faramir goes to rivendell au for faramir and the fellowship the first 10k is literally just Keeping Up With The Stewards. we'll get there. i Will blame you for the impetus for my recent denethorposting on main but also encourage you to also do this. do whatever you want forever<3 nooo but straight up...guy who has so much strength and will that The Lord Of All Evil wouldnt contend directly against him and had to bring out the big palantir guns to bring him down. and if he'd not lost both of his sons i mean...who knows what would've happened. sometimes your sons ARE the only thing keeping you from killing yourself Do It For Them-style and lets be real that is a valid coping method. (i don't have an answer for that one and boy oh boy do i wish i did. it is going to become a massive thorn in my side in, oh, 70k or so when i hit rotk. well...i will blow up that bridge when i get to it.)
im actually putting a read more in this time bc this post broke a thousand words. continue at your own risk. there IS also faramirposting at the end here i promise.
just imagining denethor leading the siege of minas tirith. um. now stay with me here...riding out with imrahil's sortie. STAY WITH ME HERE. what do you think the livery of a steward going to war looks like. jesus christ i need to go lay down. yes i purposefully placed the read more before i decided to go momentarily horny on main. its also lowkey very vague au spoilers. sorry everyone but denethor IS canonically hot and we need to acknowledge it. Anyway.
denethor as a weapon denethor as both a sword and a shield...i am chewing glass for real. you GET IT. god i love person-as-weapon metaphor soooo much. When The Iconography Is Getting A Little Too Real. denethor as gondor, as her vanguard and standard-bearer and. i am straight up frothing at the mouth. all he ever wanted was to be a gentle lord in a time of peace.....and death was his reward...Sorry For Stealing The Fingon Death Quotation But I'm Right. so much of his behaviour and the strain on his relationships with his sons and all that is sooo...informed by the fact that to cope with having to be lord of a country at war he had to be so so unbending. he couldn't allow himself to waver, ever, not even for love, not even to save his sons.
did you know he was 21 when sauron returned. pov you are 21 years young and you have been alone all your life you are the steward's only son you are his strange numenorean heir and no one else has the LITERAL PSYCHIC POWERS AND VISIONS that you do and you have had to contend with that, alone. master your own mind, alone. learn how the shape of politics and lordship and life bends around you. and the dark lord the enemy who brought down your forebears has now set his eye on your lands again. Jesus Christ. How Would You Fucking Deal. sorry i would have a nervous breakdown and go and live in the desert. Man. TWENTY ONE? LIKE ME? most days i feel like a teletubby with a job and a credit card. if you scale it to account for numenorean lifespan inflation i mean i don't know how the math works but like. i bet it comes out to being like. 17. HELLO? basically everyone i know was barely a person at 17. the dark lord of all evil and he's MY problem to deal with?
i mean exactly. haven't we all been prideful and angry and resentful. haven't we all been there. once again [pippin voice] let's all understand poor denethor a little better. havent you ever been taken under the darkness of life [your paragraph here] yeah exactly what you said. the idea that he fucking won the war against the darkness and only lost to despair is..........so much! goodbye i have to go cry!
faramir, me AND fate's most special precious little guy....oh captain my captain....exactly. Exactly. i cant morally endorse a reread right this second but like. After. make it through finals and then it is Faramir Time. (and good luck! you got this!) tactical smartass little bitch master of both man and beast wizard's pupil (complimentary) star and hope and jewel of minas tirith knight in shining armour...my beloved. the idea that like faramir as presented, as the diplomat, as the scholar, as the numenorean, was supposed to be the one to go to rivendell...it haunts me. where is denethor sends the right son to do the right job.txt. he is gondor's no. 1 horse girl he is better suited to the wild than the battlefield he has read every sindarin text in the library he KNOWS the story of elrond and elros. he is literally telepathic and psychic and prophetic. thinking about him interacting with elrond and galadriel (and every other elf. but them in particular) makes me feel deranged. its very...self taught dnd wizard meets guy who went to wizard school energy. he's insane.
YEAH ITS CRAZY THAT THEYRE THE SAME GUY. it's. boromir gets to be boromir but faramir has to be denethor.txt. gracious and lordly as a king of old...now who is consistently referred to as noble and kingly...that a younger faramir would've looked up to...yeah. the perpetuation of denethor's second-best complex. i have a whole nother post in the drafts about that i CANT get into it here but jesus christ men who are NOT breaking the cycle. they even look the same. i mean 37 year old faramir as steward is 100% the spitting image of his father and that makes me....genuinely fucking insane actually. i mean like older councillors are doing double takes every time he walks by. i mean like sometimes people call him by the wrong fucking name. WOW where did that come from. the complex that that would give him...hello? turning this over inside my brain at WARP speed.
you are not late at all lol we are leaving little letters in each other's mailboxes to read when we have the time. i hope your exams go well!!! there will be more Faramir And Denethor Hours soon<33
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auspex · 2 years
-barrels down door- HI HELLO IM BACK AND I HAVE A NEW VTM OC, so sorry for yelling
So uh. I dont know anything about Malkavians except the bare minimum. But i met X in LA by Night (aka my only exposure to VtM), and i wanted to make a Malkavian as a result! Listen I love funky little guys with tragic backstories and bad mental states okay–
So meet Leo West! (Apologies for the bad shading, im new to working with lighting)
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[he does in fact have pupils i just didnt draw them]
All I know about him so far is this: He used to be a librarian, and when he was Embraced, part of him felt like none of what was happening was real. He suffers from derealization and depersonalization as a result of that, and perhaps some schizophrenia as well- sometimes he's convinced there are hidden cameras around (which might be a result of being raised Christian? Yknow, bc of the whole God is Watching You thing).
His best friend (aka my sister's character) was embraced by a Ravnos. Upon learning his friend had to leave town and travel, Leo decided to come along to keep him company, leaving his job and younger sister behind- it was easy in the moment, with derealizing happening in the background of his brain. The two of them are just on an eternal roadtrip for a bit.
Anyway I've just been rotating him around in my brain for like the past 3 days, i still barely know anything about VtM but I like making characters for it. Aha anyway that's all gn
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i am BLESSED THANK YOU for bestowing on me Him
Malkavians are so... so good. Leo has a lot of problems... i wish him the best.
Being raised Christian I feel the whole 'getting issues about being watched at all times due to God Is Watching' things hes got going on.
THATS SO SWEET THAT THEY ARE ON AN ETERNAL ROADTRIP RIGHT NOW.. AWW... I'm curious how their respective sires feel abt this though!
making vtm characters Is Easy Fun and Free. Leo is so cool. ty so much.
also i will teach you anything about vtm v5 that u want to know and ill do my best for v20 message me anytime ty bye
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problemcore · 2 years
Hi hi hi for the ava/m ask thing here are Some: ❤,🌙,☀️,👀
hiiiiiiiiii <333
❤️: favorite character(s)? Why?
hohohoooo. take a shot every time i mention purple. OBVIOUSLY ITS MY BOY OURPLE he's the only one i talk about so lets talk about the others. I LOVE THE SECOND COMING. my silly little guy. he's so powerful, he doesnt even know how powerful he truly is. he is a jack of all trades. he loves his friends and will move mountains for them. he sees the good in every single person he encounters, and he cant help but trust them and love them. i love this guy so much............
im also a big fan of yellow. my boy(?) he is so creative, so stubborn, so easily excitable I THINK HE'S THE ONE WE SEE STIM THE MOST. the stick figures stimming is important to me <3 he looooves his machines and he LOVES to learn and improve and BFJDSHGF. he causes soooo much mischief. i am rotating him in my head.
🌙: what’s something you wish you’d see more of in canon?
ohhhhhh i wanna see more hollowheads....... i wanna learn SO much more about them. what is the extant of their powers.... i wanna see TCO and TDL again, i miss them (im also convinced Dark didnt die, of course)
i wanna see more of the stick city! we got to see a lot of stick society during AVA5 and AVM30 which. makes me so happy. thats so many stick figures omggg. i wanna know how their society WORKS tho! who made them! oh my god!!! will the color gang explode stick city??? i wanna see them go thru the streets! they've never done that before, they've always lived on alan's desktop!! aaaaa!!!
ill unfortunately skip the last two since another anon asked for those two so NHJDFNGFG. but thank you SO much ily :) <333
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ggthydrangea · 2 years
hi tabi my dear!! i'm sorry for my late response 😭
yes exactly!! it's freeing to do stuff alone sometimes, it kinda started bc one summer i wanted to watch a scary movie that came out (hereditary) but no one would watch it with me LOL so i decided i'll just go by myself. i used to worry what other people would think but i realized i quite enjoy my own company so now i'm more comfortable doing it! (and of course, since im a minho bias, this reminds me of his latest vlog where he went camping alone haha that was such a comfy cozy vlog 🥺 my mind is still there)
dont worry, i have "cannot shut up disease" too so i totally understand 😂😂 i have also heard of rowoon but i don't think i watched the dramas he was in! also chani was in that snow prince stage last year with mark and lino 😁 and oh my gosh, that mirotic stage with taeyang and hyunjin 😳 taeyang's pose in the beginning AHH
wait i know some of these sf9 songs you mentioned!! i LOVE o sole mio, what a great song. and i've seen the dance practice for KO because of that beginning part where they're rotating the members, that is simply insane!!!! i listened to all the other songs you sent, and they are really catchy omg?? and their choreos are so cool!! is taeyang the one in the sleeveless shirt in the now or never mv? hahahaha. also i love your sf9 info doc <3 it seems like there are a lot of quiet cuties in the group hehe 🥺 i love that!!! also i watched the horror dance prank video LMAO youngbin saying "i was really looking forward to seeing a ghost" famous last words and the way they all freaked out when the bat fell from the ceiling
yeah snowboarding/skiing are so expensive so we'll see if that happens hahaha 😅 i kinda know how to skateboard though and it seemed fun but idk! def one day it seems cool to learn. oooh have you read any good books lately? i like to read as well ^^ i havent watched any anime recently but i have watched a good amount (did you watch/read spyxfamily? that was the last one i watched i think and it was pretty funny). what video games do you like to play? im only a casual gamer, kpop takes most of my brain space 😂😂 i still havent finished zelda botw lol. and that is so cool that you dance too!! how did you get into dancing? i dont know anything about dancing and it always fascinates me to watch dancers move their bodies the way they do!! there is this duo whose dances i really like to watch (i didnt know this when i first found him but the guy, sean, actually did a dance collab that i love with taeyong and mark from nct too!! (also god mark is so hot in that video hahaha)
All good no worries! I can be slow to respond myself, and life happens!
Oh nice! For me it started in college, just with how classes and stuff worked out, I spent most of my time alone and had to go out of my way to hang out with friends, and I started to enjoy some of that alone time, I like just vibing sometimes.
I wish I could tell you what dramas he's been in, but honestly I'm really bad at remembering anything. XD The Mirotic stage is a lot but it's also fun!!! All of them killed it! Those stages with different groups together are so fun, a multis dream come true. 🥺 Now if there could somehow be a stage with both Chan and Taeyang I would die happy... 😂
You have good taste if you love O Sole Mio. 😔 I'm glad you like them all!!! Lemme check to see the only one I remember being shirtless is Hwiyoung... Okay Taeyang does have some shirtless outfits but so does Hwiyoung so I'm not sure which one you're talking about for Now or Never. XD
I'm glad you love my doc!!! I really love sharing SF9 with people so it made for a nice little reference to help! Haha that video... Those poor guys... It was so funny but I also felt so bad for them. 😂
I haven't been reading much recently, but earlier this year I read this YA dystopian book called Unwind! It was really dark but also really interesting, I liked it a lot! How about you?
I'm so behind on anime but I love some of them out there, I could ramble forever just talking about my favorites. I did watch the first season of Spy x Family, it was cute!
I don't game much these days, but I like a lot of the Nintendo stuff like Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, but also smaller series like TWEWY, Style Savvy, all sorts of games!
My mom wanted me doing something active and after looking around she somehow found Irish dance, I'm not sure how. XD This was back when I was a kid so I don't really remember. Dancing is so fun I love it a lot!!! Ooo those are really cool!!! I'm nowhere that good I just do it for fun, but I love seeing good dancers, it's so amazing to see all the things they do!!!
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Hi I completely forgot to post this but here’s my seven (I forgot who I got this from im sorryyyy)
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I could try and give my reasoning the best I could with the tiny peanut brain I have 😀👍
My immediate first picks were:
Lila, Klaus and Viktor
I lowkey almost forgot to take in personality as a factor and almost went solely on powers alone (if I only did powers Allison would’ve been in here)
Lila for her op power of mimicry and pair that with the overall strongest power that being Viktors and you’re set for offense
The same can be said with Klaus being paired with Lila in terms of healing(?)..defense(?) not really but you know
I will say though, maybe it’s out of balance, but the fact that both Klaus and Viktor dont know how to properly fight is a bit of a setback
And that’s why I brought the others
Five, Ben, Jayme, and Alphonso
Now I bet you’re wondering Peej don’t you have brainrot over Five why wasn’t he in your immediate first picks??🤔🤔
To which I say I’m just really dumb 😌
Anyway Five has years of experience whether that be of 45 years of survival or from his time in the commission but also his power alone is OP as well. Just recently he was able to time travel successfully in S2 so just imagine the amount of slip ups that can be fixed if it doesn’t drain him too much. Also blinking in itself is overpowered with said years of experience of using it and the fact it can be used offensively or defensively. Oh god my brain is slowing burning out oh fuck i didnt mean to write so much LMAO
Uhhhhh Ben yeah the fact that Ben is able to control the stomach squids well is a great power (ngl he was my last pick I’m sorry but I swear I love him rhekshsks)
The person who I got this from put it well that Alphonso and Jayme get along well so it reduces the amount of fights within the team (hence why I had to take Allison off 😔😔)
But the fact that Alphonso is a human voodoo doll is such a cool power and I wish people talked about it more ☹️ I’d say his only setback is his slowness but it balances out if people are trying to fight him and he could use his power you get the idea
And jayme her power is amazing like the fact she was able to deter Five says something, idk how fast she can spit her hallucinogens or how long the hallucinations go but it’s so good ughhhh
Anyway rip Jayme and Alphonso 😔😔
But going back on that team getting along thing I mean 4 of them are umbrellas and 3 are sparrows I’d say if anything the only ones butting head the most would be Five, Ben and Jayme? Nothing too threatening but the occasional side comments happen you know? Klaus would definitely be the mediator between Ben and Five hell even without his power I would’ve added Klaus in here for that LOL
I do NOT play favorites but I do find it hilarious how my favorite characters have the most op abilities just call this group PJ’s favs 💕 or Pep’s dream blunt rotation LMAO
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technowoah · 3 years
could you do 21 and 23 from the prompt list with george x gn! or fem!reader?
btw i adore your writing!! i love all your ideas and your imagines are so original ahhh i love them sm
So Cliché [3:41 am]
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Also sorry this came out so late
I am guessing the prompts are from the fluff list, but if this isn't what you wanted I'll do it from the angst list!
21) "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
23) "Pinki promise kiss"
⚠︎ swearing, fluffy stuff, i didn't proofread 😪
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Your eyes adjusted to the dark bedroom you were in. The door was closed and the curtains were slightly opened letting in the slightest slither of light inside. The sun hasn't rose yet and your body felt heavy. You turned around under the warm covers of your bed and looked at the clock beside your bed that shined 3:41 am.
You groaned as you rotated around in bed until you found a comfortable way to lay down. Time seemed to be going slower when you woke up, the need to sleep flooded your mind but you just couldn't relax. Turning around again you faced your closed door that led to the hallway. The door always had to be at least cracked and not completely closed, but your roomate was making too much noise at an ungodly hour.
Living alone wasn't good for you at all, you didn't feel comfortable living alone. It was so quiet all the time and no one was around to entertain you or comfort you when things went bump in the night until your friend George suggested that you moved in with him. You always complained that you needed a roommate so he proposed the idea that you two moved in together to make you feel safe.
A few days from that conversation you packed your things and moved in with George. Slowly but surely you moved all of your things into George's place and he was always there to help. George had two bedrooms in his house and they were right next to eachother. You both woke up around the same time and went to bed at totally different times.
George and you always made breakfast together, sat around the house thinking of things to do and just end up sitting on the couch watching anything interesting he finds, doing chores and going out quickly to then inevitably end up back to the couch to do absolutely nothing. George always ended up sleeping while you two had this time together because he stayed up so late you dont know how he could sleep like a baby like that all the time. He ended up either laying on the armrest of the couch or on your shoulder. You always thought that was uncomfortable for him, but he always ended up there. The last couple times he ended up laying on your thighs which flustered you the first time, and the second, basically anytime he goes to lay on your lap you tense up.
You weren't afraid of physical touch, but this was new to you, you've grown accustomed to George and you think you a crush evolved from nothing. You two have been really close and it all started with a stupid Minecraft server. Ever since you moved in you two have grown closer than ever and your complicated feelings if you would want George as a boyfriend or not flooded your mind as we speak.
You still couldn't sleep and it was becoming a problem. You tossed and turned until you felt comfortable and began to count sheep, but you already got to 40 and didn't feel sleepy at all. Encasing yourself underneath your covers didn't help, it only made you hot. You were wide awake at this point. You had sat up and got out of your bed slipping on some fluffy socks and quitely opened the door and shuffled your way to the living room. You tried to stay quiet trying to keep George asleep as you turned on the TV.
Turning down the volume you sat there for a while underneath a blanket you and George had on the couch for times like this. You had a throw pillow underneath your head while you layed horizontal, across the couch. Two shows later and your eyes began to droop, it was a sense of accomplishment because you were finally sleeping so you stayed there still so you continue to lull yourself to sleep.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" George asked with tired eyes and gravelly voice. "Are you up? Do you need me to stay up?"
"Fuck you George. I was about to go to sleep. I kinda want you up with me." You complained as you pulled the blanket over your head with your eyes still closed.
"C'mon silly get in your bed. Were you here all night?" George said while leaning against a wall, clearly still tired.
"No. I couldn't sleep. Why are you here?" You asked, but your words mumbled together.
"I heard the TV." George pointed at the TV that was illuminating objects in the dark.
You hummed and he did as well. "Are you okay bub?"
You had a small smile on your face, you loved the small petnames he gave you. You had a small feeling that he didn't mean it in the romantic way you wanted it to be.
"I woke up and cant sleep now. I was almost asleep, but you came in so.." You said still drowsy from staying in the state of in-between being awake and sleep.
"Im sorry." George said with his head against the wall, eyes closed. "Mm sorry I'm tired." George wiped his face.
"Could you sleep with me?"
"What?" George asked laughing slightly.
"No not that, just sleep in the same bed." You said. Your brain was just working on his own. You wouldn't have said this if you were awake, but you were desperate and needed sleep. Also you were touch starved and your crush on George was becoming more apparent each day, but that wasnt the point now.
"Yeah I'll do that." George said while pushing himself off of the wall.
"What?" You said thinking he would reject the offer.
"You sound like me. Come on." George said making his way over to you and reaching his arms out. You sat up looking at him with half open eyes and ended up grabbing both of his hands to pull yourself up.
Once both of you were on your feet you both lazily made your way to your bedroom. You mad yourself comfortable under the covers while George sat ontop, restricting the cover's movements.
"You're ontop of the blankets, it's weird." You mumbled.
"Sorry, sorry. Um, what would you want me to do?" George asked as he got off of the bed and stood there awaiting for an answer.
Your back was facing towards him when you answered. "Come on under the covers, I dont bite." You faced towards him when you said that.
He smiled a bit and then got under the covers with you, he layed on his back facing the ceiling and his hands on his stomach. He was uncomfortable.
You turnedon your side facing George. "Are you uncomfortable? If you want you can leav-"
"No! No. Im just- Ive never done this before you know. I've never comforted anyone like this." George quickly said.
"Like cuddled anyone?"
"Like cuddle, yeah."
A silence fell upon you two until George laid on his side facing you. His face was close to yours and you tried not to freak out right in front of him. He reached his hand across your body and started to rub your back. You shuffled your body a little so that your heads weren't at the same level, you were level with his chest and you got closer leaning your forehead against his chest. You both got more comfortable and got closer in touch, he soothingly rubbed your back trying to lull you to sleep.
It was a while that you both layed like this, basking in eachothers comfort
"I wish I could sing like Wilbur. That would make this moment better." George whispered against your hair.
"You being here makes this moment already great though." You whispered as well hoping he could hear you.
"Really. I mean it. I love this." You pulled him close.
"I love 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ."
"I love you too."
You smiled with your eyes closed. "Promise you love me?"
"Pinki promise I love you." George lazily locked both of your little fingers together.
"Pinki promise kiss." You puckered your lips hoping he would get the hint.
You heard George chuckle and he softly pecked you lips, it was like he was testing the waters. You opened your eyes and he had a small tired smile on his face, the two of you ended up giggling like little kids and then going back into the calming state you both were in.
Thank God for you both being in that state of tiredness. You just hoped that you both remembered what happend at [4:32 am] when you both wake up.
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You were alone in the kitchen this morning making pancakes. George hasnt met up with you yet and you questioned why. Yes you remembered last night and you're glad that you finally had the courage to say that you loved him, but it wasn't how you pictured it happening.
You flipped your pancake as George came put from around the corner looking fresher and more awake than last night. He smiled at you and made his way over to you. He closely stood by you and reached over your head to grab a glass from above. He only stepped that closely to you to grab a glass.
You begun to think that he forgot about last night's kiss. He had filled his glass with ice and then with water he stood over by the refrigerator for a while until he walked over to you.
You had just finished the second pancake of the day and faced George who was stood beside you waiting for your attention. He smiled at you and slowly leaned down and gave you a kiss on your lips. It was slow and longing, like he wanted to do this for quite a while. One of his hands found the side of your face and the other one pulled you closer by your waist. He then pulled away having a big smile on his face, you matched his smile clearly glad that he did that and remember.
"This is so cliché you know that right?" You laughed.
George rolled his eyes playfully. "Exactly, I feel like I've read this somewhere before."
"Like on Wattpad?" You jokingly asked.
"Yeah I read a bunch of DreamNotFound fanfiction on there." George said as he swayed you back and forth along with him.
"I'm just kidding! And I pinki promised didnt I?" George rose his eyebrows.
"You did! You did!" You smiled at him and he matched your smile again.
"I love you." George said.
"I love you too." You replied.
"I could get used to this!"
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racebox-of-higgars · 3 years
Newsies As Things My Friends Have Said - Part Eight
Albert: ᶦ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵏᶦᶜᵏ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵃˢˢ ˢᵒ ʰᵃʳᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵛᵉʳᵗᵉᵇʳᵃᵉ ᵖᵒᵖ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵒᵘᵗʰ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵃ ᵖᵉᶻ ᵈᶦˢᵖᵉⁿˢᵉʳ
Jack: I just wanna put my brain in a jar. I'll proudly show it off to people like "look at my jar of electric meats!"
Crutchie: I wish I could not give a fuck
Crutchie: i give So Much Of A Fuck All The Time
Spot: godDAMMIT we can't iron fries
Spot: mnwo
Jack: qhere
Race: wow homophobic
Spot: fay
Jack: lonth
Les: hama me chees
Davey: literally what the fuck does this mean
Race: y'all ever just. gay disgust
Davey: alas,, suffer
Jack: anyway i'm stupid, moving on
Race: I W A N Y
Race: WABT
Race: FUCK
Spot: wany
Jack: wabt
Race: himjphobic
Spot: hiMjPhoBIc
Race: y'all every just be begging your brain to let you sleep like. in tears. pl,, plea se,,,, when sleep???? and your brain is just like. *sound of a potato rotating*
Jack: Capitalism is the bane of my existence
Race: ah yes, the good ol' scream n stral
Albert: This is a technique I like to call the good ol' Spin n Yeet
Race: swiggity swag taco bell in a bag
Katherine: There's os much representation in this pirate crew of milfs i'm crying
Elmer, sobbing: my soup exploded in the microwave
Race: I'm in spain without the w
Race: Wait
Crutchie: I just don't have,, legs
Jack: n O
Albert: I swear to god I will crush your nuts
Race: Jokes on you god nerfed me and I have no nuts to smash
Jack, having just been kicked in the balls: I wouldn't consider that a bad thing
Race: Homophobic
A Straight: How is that homophobic??
Race: You are inconveniencing me, A Gay
Katherine: Too much is happening there is Several Brain
Davey: Please don't rub my bones
Race: Jesus, he's cool, Jesus is my bitch
Jack, longingly: What is family?
Race: I got to show off my mad feet skills
Davey: Do I want to ask?
Race: No
Elmer: Time to get my blood good and frothy!
Race: The pussy wagon has left
Race: That felt wrong I formally apologise
Race, during a thunderstorm: Clapping them cloud bussies
Davey: Your speaking rights have been revoked
Race: You can't beat a Robin Hood furry costume!
Race: My list of disorders is longer than your dick!
Davey: I don't know whether I should be concerned for you or impressed by how good that insult was
Race: Both
Race: Who says fist fights and running from the cops can't be romantic? Spot: That's true love right there, war crimes
Race: Correct
Race: So,,, wanna go commit war crimes with me?
Race: Bussy full of beans???
Race: He put,,, he put beans in his bussy????
Elmer: What's a bussy?
Jack: I'm a fruit, put me in some granola
Jack: You can't have abs and support Trump, that's just homophobic
Katherine: Y'all ever just,,, cavetown but make it lesbian??
Jack: It's pride month I'm legally required to love myself for this month only
Katherine: Man, sometimes I get sad and just milf
Sarah: how talk to girl girl pretty
Albert: Just do better??? learn to lesbian???
Katherine: I got my milf chocolates!
Jack: How are your milf chocolates?
Katherine: creamy
Spot: Oh, it's a strap
Albert: Famous last words
Jack: self reflection is OUT, being your friends personal fun house mirror is IN
uh yeah i'm sorry
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boxxed-juice · 2 years
i finished season 4 vol 1 of stranger things today and i have Thoughts. spoilers under read more
1) oh my god max and her grief was heart breaking. i almost cried while watching 4.04. yes billy was a major asshole to her, but she obviously still saw him as an older brother and wanted them to be at least friends. then he got taken over by the mind flayer and *sacrificed* himself for her & el. plus listening to Running Up That Hill really leads me to think that max wishes she was the one in billy’s place. i need to expand on my thoughts later but its there
2) jonathan, argyle, and dustin were so funny this season. 10/10 for every scene they were in
3) erica!! im so glad she was back after season 3. she killed every scene she was in
4) venca/peter can go suck eggs. i have no idea why people are so hot and bothered over him. esp after that reveal where he killed his mom and sister + several animals bc they didnt have his powers??? tf???
5) eddie is my beloved blorbo. rotating him in my mind. i want a hellfire club shirt now
6) suzie was also great. love her
7) really all the side characters were amazing?? id love a spin off series of just these guys ngl
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ganondoodle · 4 years
I saw your worldbuilding diagram with the sword spirits; I recognize Emi, I think; the Lokomo sword? If the other spirits we don't see in Skyward Sword are meant to be recognizable, what is Rei in today's time? My first thoughts, color wise, are either Death Sword or the Scimitar of Twilight, both from Twilight princess. Also, is Demise's former world meant to be Lorule? Love the lore, and I'd love to see more of it! Your art style is incredible.
Ah, im glad you like it ! 
i have been getting quite alot of questions about things people think they recognize, but i must admit, most are either just neat lil refs towards some canon lore things, or accidental-
-Emi is not supposed to be any particular sword, their design is a little ref towards the first two evolutions of the goddess sword before it is made into the master sword, but it is NOT the same, Emi was utterly shattered, both blade and spirit so they are gone
-Rei i included bc i heard from someone that (apparently) there was a theory about Demise having been trained to wield two swords based on his moveset in skyward sword; whether or not that is a real theory i dont know, but i liked the idea. Rei’s blade was shattered when Demise was fighting the fragmented imprisoned of Courage (what happened to Demise in ss basically happend to Courage first, although Demise killed Courages imprisoned form after Rei’s blade was shattered by it) their gem, which houses the spirit, was cracked but not shattered, thus they are not dead but comatose still within the gem; Demise embedded it into his right earring, so he always has them with him if he happend to find a way to reforge them (i might make more lore posts explaining some details)
-I am no gonna confirm that Demises home was Lorule, from what i know about a Link between worlds tho it doesnt line up with my lore here so im leaning towards a no its not. i rotated the Triforces each a little to differentiate them from each other, so just bc Demises is flipped that doesnt mean its from Lorule
-(i know you didnt ask, but other things that were asked in replies/twitter) 
-Courages home was indeed first destroyed by a flood, before the planet broke as well, this is just a ref towards windwaker in the sense of it shows in what the gods will do without batting an eye ( i mean they’re gods, what do they care about some mortals life) 
-why Hylia hesitates to seal Demise will be explained in full detail in the comic but in short; she hesitates bc Demise is nothing like she was told he would be like   
-hes not a purely evil entity, but someone with thoughts and feelings
-he doesnt have an army of monsters under his command, hes all alone (aside from ghirahim)
-hes not overwhelmingly powerful but rather weak compared to her
it doesnt line up with anything, and she starts to doubt her orders, should she just follow them blindly without questioning anything ? or is there another way to protect her home from Demise while also not having to seal him ? 
aaaaaaaaand much more, i have also lore about how the blade spirits are forged, and what makes them so unique, about the dragons and their evolutions plus the whole story of “Destiny” which also includes an epilog taking place i botw (plus i have those game ideas that tie into everything as well .. tho that is a bit more on the side of wishful thinking and still pretty losely connected ... and i cant make everything line up perfectly at the same time after all xD i only have one brain to work with here nmdjkfvndjklnvfdjkl)
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clouffymovedd · 2 years
syd talk to me about the cutie mark crusaders pwease pwease
OMGGGG hiii syd 💖💖✨💖✨💖✨✨✨✨!!! I have literally SOOOO many feelings about the cutie mark crusaders my god.... I love them. I'm OBSESSED how they all have their own hobbies like appleblooms potions or scootaloos love for taking apart and putting stuff back together, I wish that it got more explored in the series though :( I would have loved to see them have an episode with these talents rather than just the twilight time episode :( I'm literally rotating bff zecora and applebloom in my mind rn... LIKE. THAT'S ANOTHER THING. we could've gotten more zecora if they explored it... so fucking tragic.......
I love the cmc. they are just little guys :) I love how they end up as teachers as well I think that's so so fitting to their characters... could you imagine having scootaloo as a teacher. do you think they all teach separately or do they teach as a group.......... two very different vibes
I think honestly I could watch a whole show of them running around and getting into trouble those episodes are SO fun. there are a couple frustrating ones but for the most part its such a fun ride to see what pops up next as their solutions. they're craaaazy 🤪 ALSO WHY DIDNT WE SEE BABS AGAIN THAT IS SO EXTREMELY FUCKED UP... She's apart of the cmc too.... like I know we got a letter from her but it isn't ENOUGH!!!! sick and twisted
(sidenote but my phone asked me if I wanted to put a pretzel when I wrote twisted 🥨)
I also really really like the idea of their cutie marks and it's such a nice concept but I feel like maybe the final product was a bit.... :( . y'know?
anyways. 10/10 horses. I love them I will protect them... they deserved more. I don't think I have a favorite necessarily, they all stand out in their own ways :3 ofc I love sweetie belles design the most how could I not you know how I am 💖 pink and purple....
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prince-toffee · 4 years
Entrapdak Month
9. Human AU
“Oh sorry. Is Hector home?” The short woman in purple asked with a smile on her youthful tanned face. Freckles on her cheeks and nose, spread out like stars in the night sky. Her smile wide enough to go ear to ear. Two purple pigtails on the back, a beanie hat covering the top of her head. She wore a sleeveless shirt with ‘Dexter Morgan is my role model’, two strange fingerless gloves, a pair of dirty purple sweat pants and a pair of high welling boots. Also dirty. And muddy. She stood proud, she gave off a feeling of mighty height, always towering with her personality. A bag hanged across her left shoulder. She stood on the welcome mate - which had a red ‘not’ sprayed on it, probably one of V’s pranks. She seemed unphased by it or by the light drizzle of rain that night.
Infront of her, in the doorway of the dark mansion, stood eight or so oddly similar looking siblings. Most towering over her, with the exception of Moe in his wheelchair, and Zed who was ten. All of them looked at each other, heads and eyes turning from side to side, disbelief plastered on their facial expressions. After a few moments of awkward silence of staring at each other the disbelief turned to satisfaction and smug happiness. A smirk formed on each of their faces, except for Lee who never smiled, and Zed who was too young to understand. They looked as if they had won a deal or a prize, which they did.
“Sure. He’s in the living room. He’s been waiting, all nervous like.” said V, he was the one with the short shaved hair dyed red, even though all of them looked identical, boys and girls alike, yet he had a more vulture-y look to him with his pointy chin and even skinnier form then Hector, which Entrapta thought was impossible. His voice held a cocky tone to it.
“Please come in.” The woman with the blue mohawk welcomed her in, moving off to the side giving her space to move past them, gesturing with her hand to come into in the house. This was Dess.
“Oh, thank you.” Entrapta tapped her boots on the not-welcome mate getting off the mud before entering the household. The tap was half-hearted so the boots still left semi-muddy imprints on the nice wooden floor. Which had Moe scrunch up his face at the sight, he decided to just pass it, he was going to take care of that later. But hey, it’s the thought that counts. She was kindly asked to take them off and walk around freely in her socks. Dess gestured to the living room. Once again all observers stayed under the door frame of the living room, looking in on the interaction with giddy expressions on their faces.
Sure enough the short visitor spotted Hector in the centre of the room pacing back and forth, looking down at his phone screen. He looked nervous. Entrapta, from over his shoulder, saw her and Hector’s photo from the science fair, with her name above in contacts. She suddenly realised her phone was buzzing the entire way here, Hector must’ve been texting her all this time. He was always so worried, so self-conscious and unsure of himself, but only around her. She found it cute, in a way. Hector still hadn’t noticed her. Entrapta pulled out her phone and glanced at her messages from ‘Hordikins’, 48 messages unread. A giggle almost escaped her throat, she looked at the stream of continuous texts, her lips curling up. Messages were minutes apart. First:
‘Entrapta, you wished to meet. Where would that take place?’
‘Did you mean at your house? I would like to make sure, I wouldn’t want to intrude unwelcomed.’
‘WAIT, did you mean my house?! Because it is a bad idea!’
‘No. No. No.’
‘That is an awful idea. My Brother would kill me.’
‘My Brother will NOT allow it!’
‘Pls stay away!’
‘No please hold on, that sounded wrong. I’m sorry!’
‘I did NOT mean it like that!!’
‘Entrapta please answer!’
‘I am sorry!!!’
‘We can meet at your household. I could come over to your place.’
‘NO wait i didnt mean it like that either!’
‘Plase text bak’
‘Or call’
‘if you wish’
Entrapta had never seen Hordak’s grammar diminish as it continued, well not in text, he turned to an intelligible red tomato in real life every time he talked to her. And just as she finished reading over the last text bubble a new one blipped in. Hector must’ve heard it, because he turned around, his gaze was met with her own eyes, and for a moment he froze. A blush ran across his face, he was paralyzed on the spot with a heatwave storming inside him. Entrapta took the sight in, he wore a black turtle neck, his standard glasses and a black and gold dress with none of his famous slits - which slightly disappointed her. But it got better when she noticed he was wearing the pair of Star Trek socks she gave him for his birthday, she couldn’t believe he actually wore them. She felt her heart melt a little. She could barely hold back an ‘aw’ and it took all of her willpower to do so.
Hector’s blue dyed hair was messy, like he was, prier to her arrival, running through it frantically. A single lock of hair hung down his face, she looked to see Hector nervous, confused and paniced. They maybe realised that they stared at each other in silence a little too long, so Hector cleared his voice. He combed back the rogue lock of hair to look more presentable. His gaze shifted to the cluster of his siblings in the door way to the living room, pocking their heads in with smiles on their faces. Some suggestive ones too. He scowled at them. He set his phone aside.
“Entrapta, could we step out for a moment?” He asked with a wobble in his voice, trying his best to act tough and strong like he always did.
“No, no. We were all just going out for the game anyway... So you two will have the house to yourselves.” Dess stated as she directed her brothers out to the front door. She and Hector locked eyes, she was up to something he felt like. He narrowed his eyes at them, but didn’t do much else. Entrapta was pretty oblivious to the tension and implication.
Hector rubbed his nose, the unwanted audience wasn’t leaving quick enough for him, so he barked at them to chase them off, “Get out!” he yelled as they exited the house with V being the last one out, showing his tongue to him. The doors closed. He returned his gaze to Entrapta. He gestured with his hand to the coach as he himself sat down, Entrapta gladly followed suit as she plopped down on it. “I- um- I’m sorry about them... W-why are you here, Entrapta?”
Entrapta smiled back at him, “Because I wanted to see you silly. I missed you.” Hector wanted to reseed into the coach and never come out, she missed him? He didn’t know she cared that much for him. He found he didn’t know what to do with his hands so he had them strangely intertwined with each other. “And also because I wanted to show you something!” Stars in her eyes, Hector loved looking into them, he could do so all day. Entrapta unzipped her bag and plunged her hand into it and retrieved an item from it. She held it high into the air, “Ta-Da!”.
“What is it?”
“It’s a movie! I thought we could watch something together. Haven’t seen you all week. I missed you.” There it was again that confession, she missed him. He could not believe it, he couldn’t wrap his head around it. He looked at the DVD cover his guest waved in his face, he did not recognise it, he didn’t watch many movies. Nonsensical activities were not allowed in their household by their big Brother. The first game he ever played was Candy Crush on Entrapta’s phone, two weeks ago. He had very limited knowledge and interaction with pop culture. He did not go out much.
“Again, what is it?” Hector asked discombobulated.
“Well, I don’t exactly know, the blurb is super enigmatic. But I heard it’s really good, or that it’s a sin against god, no real middle ground when it comes to it. But I thought we could watch it together!” She rotated the rectangle container side to side, like a mother dangling keys infront of a baby, “Come on, I know how much you love being negative and critique things. You could actually have fun with it.”
“Fun?! You take that back.” He actually managed to make a joke, and it seemed to get Entrapta as she started to giggle. He really hoped it was genuine rather than a pity laugh. The short woman got off the coach and slotted the CD into the DVD player. Hector almost had a heart attack, they weren’t supposed to use it, it was off limits. He thanked the lord that his older Brother was out of town. Entrapta hopped back to the couch. And laid her own head on his shoulder. He stayed quiet, his pose stiffened, his breathing became heavier, his heart rate became more rapid. He hoped his heart wouldn’t jump out of his chest. He looked down on the resting angel woman, she was otherworldly, outstanding, absolutely gorgeous. He then turned to the screen of the television, and saw the movie starting. Perhaps this wasn’t going to be so bad. This could be fun.
Well, it would’ve been, if he didn’t spot his siblings spying on them through the living room window from the outside.
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romijuli · 4 years
Huh I did promise you a character write-up, didnt i. Slightly complicated by one of our players saying that he might be changing his character (again) (i say this in the most loving way possible!) but hey. We’ll make it work.
ANYWAY: the cast members of One Big Boi and 5 Average Bois (OBB5AB), aka my “irl” dnd campaign run by my dearest Mister Chel and set within Wildemount (thank you Mercer)
Lumen: played by yours truly, originally intended to be a joke only I would get but that was dashed by mister chel continually inviting later additions that had played DQXI. Rip. Anyway, he’s an aasimar Paladin in the service of the sun god Pelor, affectionately known to the team as Swole Baby because he is very sweet and will kick your ass. He’s working his hardest to become a hero...and that’s all I can tell you because the players don’t know! :3
Kipthalem: Kip for short. Our OTHER Paladin (we did not coordinate, a feat that resulted in us both being warlocks in a one-shot and both of us plus another player being wizards in a different one), this one of half-elven flavor. He is delightfully literal and his character stuff is directly responsible for breaking my fucking heart two weeks back.
Lyera: half-elven bard, magically blinded (alongside her brother) by her mother in frustration at their father for being an asshole. (I get the impression everyone involved was a mess.) Questing in search of magical harp strings that can supposedly restore her sight. What you might call a “tsundere,” at least where Kip is concerned. (Kip is dreadfully confused.) Surrogate parent to a baby kenku whom we have affectionately dubbed “Heybuddy.” Heybuddy has learned so many terrible sentences from us.
Jennu: Dragonborn cleric of the Raven Queen. Raised in a church. Self-appointed protector of the small (we are all apparently small). Absolutely terrified of the betrayer god nonsense that may or may not be coming. Is starting to learn to maybe allow himself to be happy.
Amaria: human artificer designed to be as statistically ridiculous as possible. She has a negative FOUR strength modifier. (Her player is either incredibly serious or incredibly ridiculous and has absolutely no middle ground. I have come to accept this.) Professional chef whose first reaction upon entering literally any civilization is “who is your best cook I wish to compete with them.” A giant flirt. Possibly getting rotated out (her player only intended her to be around a short time)
—Fitzwilliam: Amaria’s brother, human rogue slash wizard(?), INCREDIBLY SERIOUS. Don’t mind the various gloves for various activities. Originally taking Amaria’s spot in the party but rotated out for “not sure if he fits within the party” reasons, breaking our fucking HEARTS when this was revealed. Aroace icon. Likely to return someday....Responsible for adopting (and thus giving the party care of) a baby moorbounder known as Gjjeyeoph (pronounced “Jeff”).
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