melis-writes · 8 months
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chilljustacat · 1 month
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so im a little late to the party
In this Tumblr post, I will be answering the question literally nobody else has been wondering: When did Samin talk to the Godling?
Let's get this out of the way first; Based off the way the two talked to each other, it's clear that the convo we saw was their first time talking. I say "first time" because I don't think this is the only time they speak to each other.
When talking to Sayeon in the episode "Wishing Well", they tell her "Your sister has always rejected me," which implies that the Godling has tried convincing Samin multiple times and failed every time. (This also disproves the "Samin takes up the Godling's deal for Sayeon's sake" theory")
The line "You don't see it, do you? What your beloved sister is turning into." could mean that this either happens after Sayeon goes to the Corps or before. I originally thought it was after she's sent to the Corps, since that's when the REAL descent begins, but after further investigation I realized that this probably happened before. We already know that Sayeon was a little kooky crazy before going to the Corps (as shown by the episode "Old Dogs") so it lines up with what the Godling said.
The main reason I think this is because at the time of the "Wishing Well", Sayeon had only been at the Corps for two days. And circling back to the point I made before, the Godling has tried convincing Samin multiple times before then, and unless Samin's having concussions on a day-to-day basis, they couldn't have met at least more than once within that time. Plus, the way the Godling says "Your sister has always rejected me," makes me think they've been trying to get her as their champion for years.
If this conversation does happen before Sayeon going to the Corps, then why does the Godling call her inspid and dull? If they were uninterested in her, why did were they considering her as a champion?
Actually, nevermind. I can answer that. They were bluffing. They said that so that they could make Samin their champion via threatening her. They weren't actually going to go through with it until Sayeon's actions in CTF and in the kitchen arc.
This part is pure speculation, but I don't feel like Samin thinks Sayeon will make the deal. Which is understandable, based on how Sayeon acted at the beginning of the series. If the conversation really did happen back while Sayeon still went to school, then she had no reason to think Sayeon would ever want something to the point of giving up her humanity to do so. In fact, had the Godling mention the deal when they originally first appeared, (before Sayeon learned about Jaeil's death and killer) I am 100% sure she would've said no.
Back to the point at hand; Judging by Samin's reaction, it's clear that she doesn't want that to happen, but what would she do if she knew?
Would she just stand by and let Sayeon trade away her humanity because she wants her to "do what she wants" even if it's a very, VERY wrong decision? Would she try and take back control over her?
How far does Samin's unconditional love for Sayeon go? Would she still love her even if she was a more powerful and emotionless shadow of the person she once knew?
Would she still love Sayeon even if she turned out exactly like their mother?
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rherlotshadow · 1 year
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Sometimes a stone seems like more than a stone - a presence, a small god of the place.
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abyssanon · 8 months
Woah... big tower.....
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“You’re no more a monster than I am, though we would both be debatable in the eyes of humans. What are you, a Godling?” Geralt surveyed the small being in front of him with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.
Godlings were harmless. Mischievous? Certainly. But they would hurt a man no more than a child would. He couldn’t kill an innocent creature for pulling a few pranks and being different. Which means that this little excursion was a complete waste of time, energy and food, and he would see not a single coin for his trouble.
The Godling blinked up at him with, hm, what was that? Fear? Wonder? Guilt..?
“Yes mister, a Godling is what I am. Please don’t be angry with me!”
The Godling shuffled its tiny feet in the dirt, looking down at them as if they were suddenly the most interesting thing in all of the lands.
Geralt’s eyes fell closed, an exasperated “hm” vibrating deep in his chest. 
“What did you do?”
“I took them chickens, I did, but I didn’t mean no harm by it, mister, I promise!” The Godling looked up at Geralt with its unnervingly big eyes, it’s bottom lip beginning to tremble slightly.
“It’s just, I needed the people to put up a notice! Needed the ‘elp of someone such as yerself!”
Geralt dropped his pack to the floor, rubbing his temples.
“Go on.”
“Well, see, I got lost out here all on me own,”
“And you’re how many years old? 500?”
“563, actually! But that don’t make no difference. Still lost, still alone.”
“This won’t take long, will it? I’m on my way to meet someone.”
“Oh! Who is it?!”
“He’s a... hm.” Geralt shifted his weight slightly, taking his turn now to find a sudden great interest in his boots. He scuffed at the dirt with a toe.
“A friend?” the Godling gave Geralt a mischievous look, “Witcher’s don’t ‘ave friends!”
“Yes, that’s what I keep telling him.”
“He sounds very persistent! I think we would get along swimmingly!” The Godling began skipping off in front of Roach, singing an ancient tune to itself without a single care in the world.
To no one at all, Geralt said, “You know, I think you’re right.”
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northernolddragon · 1 year
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"We'll visit one of the clients, who tried to slip me a contract on your head, baby. Regis will show his teeth. It would be enough."
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transmisc2 · 1 year
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godling, my storytelling mini TTRPG, is now out and FREE! using the booklet, a 54 deck of cards, and a coin, you and a partner will play as an infant god and the mortal trying to raise them. ♥️👼♠️
download here!
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lisanees · 3 months
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c-alley · 2 months
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cannot stop drawing the babygirl <3
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horned-moon · 13 days
I finally finished my horrorbrew!
Meet Godling and his official lore/refs!
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felrend · 2 years
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thewickedjenny · 6 months
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Little polymer clay Godling magnet I made a few years ago! 💩🌿 He’s still available in my shop if you’d like to take him home.
If you repost anywhere, please credit me wherever you do so. I put a lot of work into my pieces. ✨💀🎨
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vidvana · 2 years
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What a beautiful morning!
Johnny the godling (a kind of a good-natured household spirit).
Unfortunately, the times are tough and there's war all around. And people are mistrustful and immoral - no place for a godling in such a world so Johnny lives on a swamp.
He's really childish in his way of being sometimes, but since he's not a child but an old spirit he can be wise and upstanding at the same time.
I would adopt him UwU
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vyjuarts · 7 months
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Little Pebble (npc)
Little Pebble, the godling boy the dnd party found in the ancient forbidden elven forests and due to their kind heart adopted him until they could safely "deposit" him to a kind family. He was indeed in a great need of a bath and rest - and Octaberg's sacred underground pool in honour of the Mother Goddess is just the best place for it. 🛀🏼
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abyssanon · 8 months
*Eepy noises. She's only somewhat awake, but she's conscious lol*
//Where did Konnie sleep? Same room or different? She would have purposely left her room unlocked if different rooms.
...morning auntie maya...!
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