#godly father
3duardoq · 1 year
The Responsibility of Being a Father
As father's we have a great responsibility to teach our families to love the Lord. God gives us the key ingredients to accomplish this purpose. Intertwined in this is teaching them to love, respect and follow God's Word.
As fathers we have a great responsibility to teach our families to love the Lord. God gives us the key ingredients to accomplish this purpose. Intertwined in this is teaching them to love, respect and follow God’s Word. Notice three things that are vital to teaching our families to love Him. J. Wilbur Chapman often told of the testimony given by a certain man in one of his meetings: “I got off at…
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unh0lyhum4n · 6 months
headcanon that Percy grows facial hair really fast and is constantly shaving it off because then he’s indistinguishable from Poseidon and he fuckin hates it lol.
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warandpeas · 2 years
Hell is Just a Sauna
Hell is Just a Sauna
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PJO/HOO Hot Take -
So I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about who’s the best godly parent, specifically father, in PJO. Most people either say Hades, Poseidon, or Apollo and imo those are all incorrect, here’s why -
1. HADES - straight up, while he payed child support (shocking), he also…
- told his only living child (Nico) that he wished he’d died instead of his sister
- has manipulated him many times, stole his and Bianca’s memories (ethics on this can be debated)
- basically did exactly what Hermes did to Luke and May but with Hazel and Marie
2. POSEIDON - didn’t even pay child support smh
- only began a relationship with Percy after he was singled out by Zeus ( + didn’t defend him in the slightest)
- only continued said relationship because of necessity
- left Sally and Percy without any defences making them turn to a literal abuser for help
- generally just a deadbeat dad, also what about his other kids? Last PJO book he admits he has like 13 demigod kids and we just..never see them? (Uncle Rick probs forgot but I’m still blaming Poseidon for continuity or smth)
3. APOLLO - while he does care about his children he also…
- wasn’t there for the funerals of any of his kids
- had never even spoken to most of his kids despite having visited camp on multiple occasions
- straight up only started fathering after being turned mortal and he wasn’t even good at it (of course people grow, I’m not hating on Apollo/Lester as a character just as a father)
Rather, the best dad in the series has been there since day 1 - Dionysus. Here’s why imo -
- Has been present in both his sons lives since birth, as well as having essentially joint-custody of them
- literally just the whole thing about Castors funeral after the titan war
- genuinely cared about them and claimed all his children without being asked (those were the only 2 he had)
- as well as making sure they were safe and cared for (aside from the war but shit happens)
- understands the issues that come with being a demigod/parenting a demigod because he was one himself
- there’s more but I have a hand cramp rn so yea
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Jason religious trauma au, kinda
Jason grew up in Camp Jupiter where the crime of patricide was considered one of the worst things you could ever do ever. (Like look how reyna was afraid to be arrested, who literally was living under abuse WTF new Rome) so I can imagine the very idea of speaking out against his father fills him with with such deep fear and guilt and disgust that he’d rather die in a hole. Like a Roman version of Christian guilt.
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happyk44 · 10 months
Lol sexually repressed because expectations and close quarter observation children of Zeus Jason and Persephone finding sexual liberation through their tired underworld entity partners Nico and Hades 👍
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puppyduckster · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time Rick Riordan wrote about a character named Luke who swore revenge on his family after being treated unfairly by them, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
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thecruellestmonth · 7 months
I actually enjoy Bruce Wayne as a character a lot, and while I love expounding at length about his flaws and failures, I also like it when he's portrayed as a likeable person.
This might come as a surprise because I'm such a hater about him constantly. But I only act that way because too many people hold up a picture of him being nice to a random child and then say, "Does THIS look like an abuser to you? 🥺"
Which makes me want to bite something—because, you thoughtless ass, that's not how abuse works.
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mossaltminerva · 1 year
Pjo fandom!!
Who would your godly parent be BASED ON THE PARENT THAT WOULD STAY MORTAL
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
hey there, cool blog <3 I love reading your takes on things
so I wanted to ask your take on larycent and what you think we’ll see in season 2
(wrote this whole thing out and then my computer died before I could post it. my first attempt at this was much better. this is cruel and unusual punishment, this whole thing is now infused with anger. not towards you, just in general.)
I should first start off by saying, thank you, I'm so happy you like reading my stuff, second off, I'll say I may be one of the worst people to ask, cause Larys is one of those characters I hate so much, plot be damned, he could choke on one of his stupid flowers within the first 5 minutes of season 2 and I couldn't give less of a shit. I'm not typically like that with characters, I tend to try and give a character enough grace to care about their place in plot, but Larys just makes me that angry. despite this, I will try to be appropriately opinionated and give you a proper answer lol.
from a story point of view their dynamic is fascinating. here's this guy with such little standing (compared to her as queen) who wields so much power against her. it starts out when she is young and alone, he spots this weakness and befriends her, giving her information, gives her company she so longs for, slowly spinning this web around her. then as she gets older, he becomes a sort of confidant, biding his time, until he finds the right moment to strike. he bends her words, given in great trust and secrecy, most likely not the first dangerous secret they've shared, and uses it to 'justify' (he didn't need her command to do it, he just waited to do it in a way that he could hold her accountable for it) killing his father and brother. this gives him power, he can use this against her, to keep her close. he's piled up blackmail at this point, he's got her bound in his web of secrets, she can't leave.
she knows he's dangerous now, she has to keep him close, or he could hurt her, her kids, her image, the people around her.
the other thing is, he gets off on it all. he gets off on bringing her to his level, by stripping her of her agency as queen so that way they are equals.
then by some means, he gets her to give herself up in a sexual manner. he had already been doing this, in a way; I vaguely remember some sort of statement or interview from Matthew Needham about how Larys gets off on bringing her down, on filling her with shame and guilt, on making her feel dirty. so getting her to truthfully give herself up to him for whether it be to keep him satisfied (I'll come back to this point in a second) or for information, gives him the ultimate gratification.
he was like a parasite, taking and taking and taking from her until he was satisfied. she couldn't get rid of him, as he posed a threat to her and others, she couldn't ignore him because then he would act out and be a threat. he had to be kept satisfied. she had to give him a purpose, a use, an outlet to feel like he had power. like a dog, if he was left to himself, he would grow bored and unruly, she had to offer herself to keep him entertained.
both Olivia and Matthew played this dynamic out so well. Matthew played Larys so slimey and gross and just irksome, I was uncomfortable whenever he was on screen. Olivia played Alicent's discomfort and forced compliance so well, I just felt insanely bad the whole time.
it really built Larys up as this thinly veiled evil, he could be... well behaved and friendly, he could be useful, he could be an ally of sorts, all for a price, and if that price went unpaid or he felt undervalued, he could quickly become something so downright awful. he could be something downright evil if he wanted to really, that he was willing to bend words and step on toes (ironically) to get what he wanted and show off his power.
it also built up Alicent, adding onto her list of horrors in life, and putting her in this power limbo. she was queen, yet she was felled by this nobleman, brought down to his level if not lower. while some (*ahem* team black stans *cough cough*) saught to demonize her for her suffering, it really led me to sympathize with her more than before. she had suffered this mans sick and twisted game since she was a child, and he shows no signs of stopping. she's always stepping around fear, knowing the monster she let into her chambers, unable to get him out.
so, outside of the fact that I hate to see my girl suffering so horrible, I can't say I love their dynamic, but I don't hate it... its like, so horrible but so interesting, and I hate it not because it's poorly done or unnecessary, it just makes me feel gross and horrible. 10/10 characterization, 10/10 portrayal, 10/10 plot building -100/10 making me feel nice lmao.
onto predictions: I think she's going to attempt to stand up to him and fail. at the end of season 1 we see her lose Viserys (abuser number 1) and stand up to Otto (abuser number 2) finally putting him in his place after years of biting her tongue to him, acting against him (ordering Aegon be brought to her, that the crowning of aegon/treatment of Rhaenyra be under her command, etc,). I think she'll attempt to continue this pattern and stand up to Larys, who has been nothing but an aching wound in her side.
its only then that he will truly show how evil he can be. he will show his anger, his wrath, the power he holds over her head. he has years of blackmail against her, he will make this evident. it wouldn't surprise me if we get a scene paralleling Daemon and Rhaenyra and the choking scene, if even if only slightly. he will do something to make her keep him at her side. I think he will be the first to bring true horror to our girl. we have seen fear, strife, anxiety, worry, and disbelief, but we have not seen horror. truthfully, I think he's the only one I believe capable of doing that to her.
he is happy to remain sat loyally at her feet (again, the irony) so long as she respects him and lets him use her to get off when he pleases, so after his little show of power, when he instills fear into her once more, he will lie back down like a good little parasitic inside man, while she waits in fear, forever caught in his web. it brings this new air of sick and twisted to it all; his true self has been revealed, he can no longer be looked at with any level of incapacity or harmlessness (not that he really could before, but I don't really know how to describe what I'm thinking of in any other way), yet he reverts back to his normal self. he may be more assertive of his power over her, his word may have a sharper edge to them, but he will still play his role as her obedient servant, while she suffers the stresses of it all.
its this forced 'trust' Alicent is forced to reenter that will keep him at her side up until the end of it (I believe they separate when he is to smuggle Maelor out of the city, but I'm not sure if/when Maelor will be brought into the city, so we'll see how that goes) and I think that dynamic will be equally awful as it is interesting to watch play out.
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
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Apostle's Creed in Middle Scots, 16th century
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newathens · 7 months
pjoiv percy things 🫶
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wecanbeperfect · 8 months
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2 Corinthians 7:10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
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jgracie · 5 months
Zeus/Jupiter was lucky that Jason was a good boy and that he didn’t met Luke otherwise he would’ve had plenty of reasons to join his side and bring the Olympus to their knees
SOOOOO TRUE ANON 😭🙏🏼 the way zeus was never grateful for the Angel of a son he had.... (crying at the fact that i have to use past tense here) because ANYONE else wouldn't have been half as forgiving as jason was w him 😣
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conkeybong · 2 years
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i wish there was more content about callisto she could be such an interesting character if they gave her a chance
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waterfoxy · 7 months
I just took the official godly parent quiz bc I only learned about it now. I got Poseidon and although I do love the sea I'm not sure how to feel about that. Kinda was expecting Demeter xD
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