#I can barely get myself to like him form a character/plot aspect
dirtytransmasc · 9 months
hey there, cool blog <3 I love reading your takes on things
so I wanted to ask your take on larycent and what you think we’ll see in season 2
(wrote this whole thing out and then my computer died before I could post it. my first attempt at this was much better. this is cruel and unusual punishment, this whole thing is now infused with anger. not towards you, just in general.)
I should first start off by saying, thank you, I'm so happy you like reading my stuff, second off, I'll say I may be one of the worst people to ask, cause Larys is one of those characters I hate so much, plot be damned, he could choke on one of his stupid flowers within the first 5 minutes of season 2 and I couldn't give less of a shit. I'm not typically like that with characters, I tend to try and give a character enough grace to care about their place in plot, but Larys just makes me that angry. despite this, I will try to be appropriately opinionated and give you a proper answer lol.
from a story point of view their dynamic is fascinating. here's this guy with such little standing (compared to her as queen) who wields so much power against her. it starts out when she is young and alone, he spots this weakness and befriends her, giving her information, gives her company she so longs for, slowly spinning this web around her. then as she gets older, he becomes a sort of confidant, biding his time, until he finds the right moment to strike. he bends her words, given in great trust and secrecy, most likely not the first dangerous secret they've shared, and uses it to 'justify' (he didn't need her command to do it, he just waited to do it in a way that he could hold her accountable for it) killing his father and brother. this gives him power, he can use this against her, to keep her close. he's piled up blackmail at this point, he's got her bound in his web of secrets, she can't leave.
she knows he's dangerous now, she has to keep him close, or he could hurt her, her kids, her image, the people around her.
the other thing is, he gets off on it all. he gets off on bringing her to his level, by stripping her of her agency as queen so that way they are equals.
then by some means, he gets her to give herself up in a sexual manner. he had already been doing this, in a way; I vaguely remember some sort of statement or interview from Matthew Needham about how Larys gets off on bringing her down, on filling her with shame and guilt, on making her feel dirty. so getting her to truthfully give herself up to him for whether it be to keep him satisfied (I'll come back to this point in a second) or for information, gives him the ultimate gratification.
he was like a parasite, taking and taking and taking from her until he was satisfied. she couldn't get rid of him, as he posed a threat to her and others, she couldn't ignore him because then he would act out and be a threat. he had to be kept satisfied. she had to give him a purpose, a use, an outlet to feel like he had power. like a dog, if he was left to himself, he would grow bored and unruly, she had to offer herself to keep him entertained.
both Olivia and Matthew played this dynamic out so well. Matthew played Larys so slimey and gross and just irksome, I was uncomfortable whenever he was on screen. Olivia played Alicent's discomfort and forced compliance so well, I just felt insanely bad the whole time.
it really built Larys up as this thinly veiled evil, he could be... well behaved and friendly, he could be useful, he could be an ally of sorts, all for a price, and if that price went unpaid or he felt undervalued, he could quickly become something so downright awful. he could be something downright evil if he wanted to really, that he was willing to bend words and step on toes (ironically) to get what he wanted and show off his power.
it also built up Alicent, adding onto her list of horrors in life, and putting her in this power limbo. she was queen, yet she was felled by this nobleman, brought down to his level if not lower. while some (*ahem* team black stans *cough cough*) saught to demonize her for her suffering, it really led me to sympathize with her more than before. she had suffered this mans sick and twisted game since she was a child, and he shows no signs of stopping. she's always stepping around fear, knowing the monster she let into her chambers, unable to get him out.
so, outside of the fact that I hate to see my girl suffering so horrible, I can't say I love their dynamic, but I don't hate it... its like, so horrible but so interesting, and I hate it not because it's poorly done or unnecessary, it just makes me feel gross and horrible. 10/10 characterization, 10/10 portrayal, 10/10 plot building -100/10 making me feel nice lmao.
onto predictions: I think she's going to attempt to stand up to him and fail. at the end of season 1 we see her lose Viserys (abuser number 1) and stand up to Otto (abuser number 2) finally putting him in his place after years of biting her tongue to him, acting against him (ordering Aegon be brought to her, that the crowning of aegon/treatment of Rhaenyra be under her command, etc,). I think she'll attempt to continue this pattern and stand up to Larys, who has been nothing but an aching wound in her side.
its only then that he will truly show how evil he can be. he will show his anger, his wrath, the power he holds over her head. he has years of blackmail against her, he will make this evident. it wouldn't surprise me if we get a scene paralleling Daemon and Rhaenyra and the choking scene, if even if only slightly. he will do something to make her keep him at her side. I think he will be the first to bring true horror to our girl. we have seen fear, strife, anxiety, worry, and disbelief, but we have not seen horror. truthfully, I think he's the only one I believe capable of doing that to her.
he is happy to remain sat loyally at her feet (again, the irony) so long as she respects him and lets him use her to get off when he pleases, so after his little show of power, when he instills fear into her once more, he will lie back down like a good little parasitic inside man, while she waits in fear, forever caught in his web. it brings this new air of sick and twisted to it all; his true self has been revealed, he can no longer be looked at with any level of incapacity or harmlessness (not that he really could before, but I don't really know how to describe what I'm thinking of in any other way), yet he reverts back to his normal self. he may be more assertive of his power over her, his word may have a sharper edge to them, but he will still play his role as her obedient servant, while she suffers the stresses of it all.
its this forced 'trust' Alicent is forced to reenter that will keep him at her side up until the end of it (I believe they separate when he is to smuggle Maelor out of the city, but I'm not sure if/when Maelor will be brought into the city, so we'll see how that goes) and I think that dynamic will be equally awful as it is interesting to watch play out.
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irenedubrovna · 3 years
A post regarding Euphoria for the benefit of myself and basically no one else
So, it really bothers me when people say Euphoria is groundbreaking, progressive media. Here’s a dissection of why I don’t think it is, because this is what I feel like doing at work:
The character of Rue is objectively great. She by far receives the least overt sexualization, and is treated neutrally in terms of active sexuality. She’s treated like a normal teenage girl with mental issues and an addiction to drugs. She falls in love with a girl who she pines for and places on a pedestal. The reason I think she is written this way is because she is a Sam Levinson proxy. She written with gender ambiguity and with little regard to the experiences she’d go through as a black gay female, probably because Sam Levinson has no insight to that aspect of life. Her performance is heightened of course by Zendaya, who breathes unique life to the Sam Levinson’s artistic extension, and without her performance this show would not get even half the acclaim it gets. Attribute that to Zendaya of course, because the director has done little to deserve this acclaim.
The rest of the females, sans Lexi, are pornified to a disgusting extent, not only due to the fact that they are supposed to be underage, but also because their existence as people is treated as being absolutely secondary to their sexual appeal. They are foremost presented in terms of their relation to sex. Cassie, Maddy, Jules, and Kat cannot be removed from their sexuality without disrupting the plot or their journeys in relation to the plot. Why are the females so intrinsically linked to uber fetishized versions of female sexuality, or uber fetishized versions of blossoming female sexual identity?
Maddy is presented not only scantily clad 90 percent of the time, but also dressed in a precariously unattainable sexual fashion. At any given time she is styled to look straight out of, simultaneously, a high fashion editorial, and a “barely legal” porno. She is airheaded and profane, and promiscuous, her mannerisms dictated by the adult films she’s “studied” in order to project an image of perfect hyper sexual femininity. She’s complacent in becoming a prototypical housewife because it will earn her a comfortable place as a trophy wife. She has no aspirations beyond that. So, let’s unpack all of that. Maddy’s role in the show is mostly passive. The most active thing she does in the plot is revenge fuck a man in the pool of a party. Nearly everything else she does in the show that is plot relevant is of someone else’s volition. Even less of what she in the show is related to anything other than a man. She is abused and then pressured into framing another man for said abuse. She has no agency as a character. The only notable difference to this rule is when she takes drugs at a carnival, knocks a pot of chili over, and calls her ex’s mom a cunt. Removed from her active sexual life and carefully cultivated aesthetic, she’s a trite stereotype of an unambitious girlfriend who gets treated poorly. I see people call Maddy iconic, but if she wasn’t gorgeous and well dressed, I doubt anyone would even think twice about her, let alone create fancams and Instagram pages dedicated to her. She exists as a plot device, and as pretty set dressing to build up the shows aesthetic. Her emotions are not well explored, her motivations are sexist, and she is often there to be demeaned, objectified, or to say a bad word. The most damning part of her involvement in this show is her episode where it is stated that she, as a fourteen year old girl, lost her virginity to an adult man, and it is stated she was in control of the situation. This is a dangerous thing to say about a character, to any audience, but especially a young one. To imply that a precocious young girl was in control during her first sexual encounter with a much much older man implies things that frankly border on rape apologist ideology. This show states this unflinchingly and with no further elaboration. If there’s one thing that tells you that Euphoria is a bad show, let it be that. Also, if there’s one thing that tells you about Sam Levinson as a person, and the way he views girls and women, let it fucking be that.
Jules is a young trans girl. She also likes to have sex with men as a means to “conquer femininity”. Scratch that, she likes to have degrading sex with older men in order to “conquer femininity”. This mindset is shown to be toxic, of course, but I think the problem with this idea in general is that there’s no deeper exploration for what this mindset means. It implies that she believes women are the sum of their intrigue and degradations. This mindset I can only assume would be a cultivation of dysphoria and internalized misogyny, which this series is absolutely not prepared to address in a tactful manner. Jules is a teenager with mental illness, trauma, and is undergoing an identity crisis. There’s something powerful in her character, something worth saying, however we only get trimmings of those meaningful things, and are ultimately left with a hurtful depiction of a trans girl because all of her musings on womanhood and identity are incomplete, and they fail to reach beyond the surface of their thesis statement. She wears colorful clothing, is overtly feminine and artistic in her presentation. Everything about her screams insecurity over her own womanhood. That is the crux of her character. Now, I think we should ask ourselves, is trans person who is insecure about their identity peak representation? Is this what trans people deserve? Is it “groundbreaking “? If this show was run by someone else, I might be inclined to say that there’s nothing insidious about this, but this is the guy that made Assassination Nation, so I think we know what he thinks of young women, the way they should be portrayed (that is, for the capitulation of a man) and realize his inclusion of a trans woman in his cast is no more meaningful than the inclusion of any other woman. Women to him are made to be categorized and should, at the end of the day, be easily palatable for the capitulation of a man. The device of having Jules being interested in older men and rough sex for identity reasons is transparent. Trans women are exploited and objectified with a similar fervor to cis women, the caveat being that they are “a forbidden fruit” of sorts to straight men. Jules is sissified, her presentation fetishistic. Her role in the plot is more involved. Her relationship with Rue is sweet, though toxic on both sides. She is ultimately betrayed, blackmailed, and snowballs into something of a manic episode, all well portrayed by Hunter Schafer, but I don’t think her inclusion in the show absolves it of any of its many sins.
Let’s talk about Cassie. Cassie is the Eurocentric beauty standard exemplified. She is the blonde haired blue eyed girl next store, and her boobs are of course always on display. She is notably promiscuous, something I say right off the bat because that’s how she’s introduced, as a so called slut through the words of the devil (Nate Jacobs). She is a girl with daddy issues, which we are all familiar with at this point. Her sexual boundaries begin and end at the whim of her partner. The terms of her consent are much like the terms of consent of many young girls brainwashed by society and the rising tide of degradation porn: everything is alright as long as you provide them comfort and affirmation afterward. You can touch them roughly without asking, you can use them as a tool to affirm your masculinity. This is the way men prefer their women now: just broken enough to say yes to anything they want. It’s become a joke at this point. Men like girls with issues, but only the ones that will feed their own desires. Cassie Howard is meek. Her inclusion in the plot I suppose ties to themes of drug addiction and how it divides and destroys the people you love. It doesn’t show what it does to her beyond shaping her sexual encounters, which is no surprise. Overall I’d say Cassie is in this roster of females as the most traditional categorically, in relation to how men view women and further how they sexualize them. She has a relationship with someone who doesn’t really love her. That mostly what she does here. Gets used. Doesn’t drive the plot or conflict much. More pretty set dressing. More aesthetics. How this show consists of so many women but is driven so much by men is unsurprising, and, again, very enlightening in the grand scheme of things.
Lastly we touch on Kat. I’d like to begin with the fact that self actualization through sexual exploration, in a show run by a man, is just a cloak for a woman to gratify the audience with her sexuality. Regardless of whether or not she is plus sized, this is overt objectification. She is on this show to be sexy. Beyond that, the fact that a minor using sex work as a form of liberation is disgusting. Whether or not she is portrayed as “owning” her sexuality is negligible, and speaks to the same mindset discussed with Maddy. Minors cannot fucking consent to sex, sexual acts, or anything within the confines of such. It’s crazy that this occurs with two different characters in such a similar way. It has echoes of “Well, she looked older..” and “Well, she wanted it..” or “She’s advanced for her age”. Never, not once in the events of the series is there meaningful introspection on what doing this kind of thing does to a minor. Moreover, these acts are explicit, and made clearly for sexual gratification. None of these things are absolved by the fact that she’s plus sized. If anything, her body type is fetishized in this context. It’s also another case of a “good girl to bad girl” transformation, which are archaic and, of course, sexist. With the rise of adult websites targeting minors for explicit content, this is even more reprehensible. Once again, in terms of representation, is this really what speaks to you as progressive? Groundbreaking? A girl gains control of her own narrative by having sex with lots of men. She gains control by being sexy. She gains control by dehumanizing and objectifying herself. No she doesn’t. Media controlled by men will tell this story to you thousands of times, don’t listen because she’s bigger than a size four.
I won’t go further into the plot, other characters, or the structure or the episodes for sake of brevity, but I felt compelled to air my thoughts on this to the void. I can only hope I was critical enough that Sam Levinson will one day see this and cry because another bad feminist thinks something that he made sucks
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somnianus · 3 years
On Chinese and Eastern Dramatic Acting vs Western
Part 1    Part 2
Mostly in ref to the Untamed/Word of Honor, but applies to a lot of East Asian works-
I’ve been getting the sense that people I know from the west (also being Asian-American myself) often interpret Chinese/Japanese/Korean drama and theatre to be too corny/cheesy/over-acted. A quick search on some internet forums confirms this. Maybe it’s because I used to watch a lot of C-dramas when I was a kid (Legend of the Condor Heroes/Return of C Heroes/Journey to the West/The Reincarnated Princess/etc), I personally did not notice that the acting was over the top. 
I don’t really speak for the quality of acting of these actors because I barely follow them in their careers, but I do know that some of them are immature actors or don’t have much formal training (which may cause the cheesiness above). However, Eastern dramatic acting in general does seem like a common complaint, so I decided to look into it - this is all coming from someone who JUST recently got back into watching C-dramas btw, doing my own research so don’t mind me if there’s some incorrect things down here, I am by NO means at all an expert in drama and theater (lol):
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^Villains are often depicted with very exaggerated facial expressions (Above, Xue Yang, The Untamed)
Part 1
1. Chinese concept of mo vs western equivalent of “mimesis” or “imitation”
From this, an excellent chapter on Chinese theatrical concepts vs Western concepts.
Mo plays a significant part in traditional Chinese theatre, usually held to be antithetical to the realism of Western theatre because of its emphasis on theatricality. 
Mo means mimesis or imitation, but in a very different sense from the Western concept. One of the first Chinese scholars to use this term, Fu Sinian, used it to compare Western theatre to Chinese theatre:
Presenting a real event and performing an entertaining show are not compatible. The former emphasizes imitation (yige zhong mofang^b); the latter stresses spontaneity and entertainment. The former performance produces a lifelike image; the latter has nothing to produce. The former puts emphasis on the plot; the latter puts emphasis on theatricality. Therefore they are completely contradictory to one another.
This guy actually goes onto critique Chinese theater, saying it should be more like Western realism, so that there will “be no singing, and the acting will imitate people’s real gestures.” However! Other Chinese critics tried to approach Western vs traditional Chinese drama as two DIFFERENT but still valid forms of art. For example, Yu Shangyuan (1927) said western performance is “writing realistically” (xie shi) and chinese performance as “writing suggestively” (xie yi). Western dramas really rely on an accurate/semi-accurate representation of life and realism. Traditional Chinese drama and acting relied on the “symbolic and imaginative.”
Then what is mo? It is the emotional display, the emotional revelation, that is shown on stage. Starting from the Yuan dynasty, the Chinese drama was thought to be a continuation of poetry rather than its own independent stage art.
Poetry is where the intent of the heart goes. Lying in the heart, it is “intent”; when uttered in words, it is “poetry.” When an emotion stirs inside, one expresses it in words; finding this inadequate, one sighs over it; not content with this, one sings it in poetry; still not satisfied, one unconsciously dances with one’s hands and feet. [anonymous, 1975, from Shi Daxu 200 BCE]
Chinese drama with dancing and singing, was the most expressive product of poetry. The importance of mo cannot be stressed enough - it is the measure by which traditional Chinese drama was judged, how well this drama make you feel? Love, pain, loss, guilt, happiness? Plot becomes something that doesn’t matter as much (more on that later).
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^Beijing/Peking Opera - highly stylized, emotive, “unrealistic” performances
To emphasize how central and important this concept is, it’s thought that a good Chinese playwright never fails to “seize a highly dramatic scene to stage an elaborate presentation of an emotional state.”
Love is of source unknown, yet it grows ever deeper. The living may die of it, by its power the dead live again. [Peony Pavilion, Mu dan ting]
This quote really shows how important it was to show these emotions on stage, to inspire the audience to feel deeply. Chinese critics believed that the best part about drama was how efficient it is to display emotion. Playwrights should “depict extreme bitterness, extreme happiness, extreme silliness, and extreme sobriety; imitate these feelings to the utmost (miao mo jin xing^p).”
Such performances are not necessarily accurately mimicking reality, but they are obtained through the “revelation” of a character’s internal emotional world.
2. Mo vs the depiction of reality or theatrical truth
The Chinese concept of aesthetic truth relates a lot to theatrical truth. In a lot of traditional Chinese art, painting, poetry, etc, aesthetic truth is not empirical, and doesn’t have to be accurate to life, or realistic. It’s a “truth that lies beyond mere superficial likeness.”
To the Chinese artist, an accurate resemblance between art and reality is not only superficial but often distorting. Chinese artists hold a dialectical view on the “form” (xing) and the “spirit” or “content” (shen) of an artistic object. According to them, xing  and shen are not always complementary. On the contrary, they often stand in opposition to one another. (referenced in the chapter above)
Traditional Chinese artists would rather represent the object with the wish that their representation matches its spirit, or abstract identity, than its actual form because a “photographic image is a shallow image.” It’s easy to draw a picture of something realistically, but it’s much harder and more satisfying to depict its nature, its feeling, its spirit.
This also naturally affects theater and dramatic performances.
Dramatic writing can be divided into two types: “a painting-like work” or a “transformed work,” in which the latter has higher artistic value because it reaches more towards the essence of dramatic object. Realistic imitations are fine, but they’re not really enough to reveal the mo or true feelings of something.
In addition, traditional Chinese dramatists believe that “all dramas are nothing but allegories. One need not ask about their origins in actual life.” You might be able to see, then, that these older playwrights and critics really fancied the overdramatic depictions of emotions.
a. The Chinese notion of theatrical truth/aesthetic truth vs European
Onto what we, as part of the Western audience, are more used to:
For Italian neoclassical critics, the pleasure of a drama hinges  on how accurate, how realistic, the depiction is. Castelvetro, the leading Italian Neo-Classical critic and creator of the concept of “the three unities,” claims thus:
We cannot imagine a king who did not exist, nor attribute any action to him.
Another Italian critic, Robortellus, said that a creative/imaginative story with no “verisimilitude” (truthfulness, in this context, realism) is less appealing than one that imitates a real-life event:
Thus if a tragic plot contained an action which did not really take place and was not true, but was represented by the poet himself in accordance with verisimiltude, it would perhaps move the souls of the auditors, but certainly less.
So basically, it’s fundamentally the opposite of Chinese theater. Italian dramatic works prized being realistic, being properly adapted from reality and real events. Chinese dramatic works, however, enjoyed the emphasis on heartfelt emotional demonstrations, or mo. Even in critical writings, the word “truth” is used, but it is usually used to modify the word “heart” or “emotion.” It is very concerned with the internal, the truthfulness of heartfelt emotional expression.
Taken these contexts, you can see why the Chinese stage/dramas are wholly “unreal” as Tao-Ching Hsu puts it. Everything, the makeup, the costumes, the props, is expressive and suggestive rather than imitative.
b. Bejing/Peking Opera, jingju
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A famous example is the Beijing/Peking Opera, jingju. The makeup and costumes themselves are fantastical representations. The colors and patterns suggest different moods, temperaments, characters, and even changes in emotions. Actors would make distinct movements to depict distinct emotions with varying levels of energy. The stage itself may be sparse, because it is not as important as the expression of emotion and drama. 
The stage is sparse not because of the lack of technology or funding, but because it leaves room for the actor themselves to fully express their internal thinking/feeling/emotions. Characters can cross hundreds of miles in a few steps or may take the whole stage to cross a supposed road. This representation looks “unreal” to a realistic-minded audience, but it is very genuine to a Chinese audience.
Summary (so far)
This crucial understanding of the concept of mo (the emotional revelation), and the way traditional Chinese drama depicts life and stories, informs how their modern works are also portrayed. Coming from a Western dramatic background, where realism and plot are the most important aspects of a work, it can be very confusing, right? Even Chinese scholars began to judge their own dramatic works through a Western lens.
How does this traditional background affect modern Chinese dramas and works? I think it still has a very large effect, even though much of Western ideals about dramatic works have been heavily integrated into modern Chinese dramas.
Part 2: On Theatricality and how it transfers into Chinese Cinema
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ranboo5 · 3 years
whats 'the clip' and knifetrick?
Augh. Under the cut for shipping discourse and p/dophilia ment (nothing graphic or specific). Gets long bc I discuss my thoughts on DSMP shipping in general. You are setting me up fr anon
Some quick vocab -
intimacy here is used to refer to. Well. Any kind of intimacy between characters, of any sort, as an umbrella term /r, /p, and /qp here are used as shorteners to denote "romantic," "platonic," and "queerplatonic," both as adjectives And as verbs ("to /r" = "to portray romantically") shipping here is used to refer to any focused examination of intimacy between characters
And some clarity that Should follow from the essay next but may not - """anti-antis"""" and RPF writers delete forever
The Clip is from one of if not the? most recent Discord stage(s) Mr Live has done (which I missed when it was live RIP) wherein he issues a hard ban on shipping him ("do not ship me, in any way, with anyone!") which would less influence c!beeduo (which has been portrayed/stated to be romantic AND nonromantic both conflictingly for a while until being confirmed unconfirmed several months ago, that being the last was heard) without its direct invocation if he hadn't also cited for the reason as being underage ("'Cause, one, it's straight up pedophilia") which is! a) immediately applicable to At Least his DSMP character, Partially and b) while not Strictly True (should b obvious that portraying a relationship within the bounds of what it is in canon and in a nonsexual way is not That, and /r-ing c!beeduo etc was possible to do Appropriately again by remaining w/in the bounds of canon) is Clearly Indicative of the fact that baggage-wise it IS associated with people being fucking creeps
This Really complicates things bc like okay the apparent solution is "lol just don't /r it" but it's really like. A Worse issue than that bc like.
Okay the reason shipping in terms of fictional characters is a Different Bar is bc it's an examination of Intimacy and certain lines exist in certain dynamics of intimacy that Isn't Shown (which is the whole Within The Bounds Of Canon thing) which is important in a medium like DSMP because of the smaller gap + more personal relationship b/w character and streamer. Examining intimacy beyond th bounds of the consent that has been established in that regard is Weird at best and Violating And Creepy more often and, As Mentioned In Ranb's Stage, Literally Evil at worst
Which is why writing abt like. QPR or platonically intimate Techno and Philza (characters) is smth that is fine because that's smth that has been shown and repeatedly stated onscreen; it's in the bounds of canon n thus within th bounds of what the streamers've consented 2 be done with their characters. But writing T3chza making out or whatever is fucked up because it's smth that's beyond those consent barriers
And the thing is right
Slapping a /p on T3chza makeout doesn't. Make it less violating
Like what you CALL romantic is not the measure or whether it's past those barriers yk? And if it's indistinguishable, if it's in extrapolative territory that is Past The Bounds, it Does Not Matter how much you /p it EVEN IF IT IS TECHNICALLY PLATONIC y feel? Like at the end of the day placing a moratorium on some/all forms of shipping is placing a moratorium on certain examinings of intimacy
And okay 2 go back to Mr Live and his character. What it implies taken in context w/ older portrayals of c!beeduo and said by invoking smth that both evokes Really fucked up baggage (that does unfortunately exist btw I'm sorry if you didn't know that but People Really Do B Fucked Up Abt Beeduo) AND applies to his character is a revocation of consent to examining deep intimacies:tm: with his character, which is gonna apply regardless of the nature of that intimacy (even if nonromantic)
Like I don't /r c!beeduo myself, do not, never have, but I talk to people who have and have consumed content where they r background /r; I also don't think it matters. Like I don't Actively /r it and I don't Actively Not /r it because imho w/ the intimacy regarding c!beeduo that is plot relevant and character important whether that intimacy is /p /qp or /r doesn't really matter. I don't consider myself Less of a c!beeduo shipper than someone who /rs them because that would be dumb as hell and while none of the content I've made* is Intrinsically or Intentionally /r it certainly can be read tht way as much as it can be read /qp or /p. It's be dumb and hypocritical of me to like, dunk on ppl for /r-ing c!beeduo when I'm also invested in these two and my tonetags r not gonna suddenly Delete the picking apart I've done of the dynamic @ hand
Which Has Been. Within Bounds Of Canon. It's been what's been shown (sometimes to my great distress. There is a reason that the :canon_beeduo: emote looks the way it does) Directly Onscreen and in general keeping with the tone n intensity/directions of what they've Done With The Characters
As mentioned up there. Revocation of consent
It makes. Full sense 2 me that Mr Live wants to place a moratorium or fullon ban on shipping his characters perhaps where he wouldn't have before because of the Unfortunately Very Extant trends of people being Fucking Weird about shipping his characters AND of using them as a Thinly Veiled Excuse to ship HIM, which. I should not have to explain why shipping real people is fucking abhorrent
THIS creates a problem which is a. Bit of a vacuum in interacting with what is a facet of c!Ranboo's arc, decision making, and character. Like you CAN have c!Ranboo w/o cbeeduo but you Can't Really have his plotline without examining c!beeduo. And as I mentioned earlier: even if your examination of c!beeduo is fully platonic, the significance of it To the plotline means that any examination of it and its relevance to the plotline and characters IS gonna be an examination of intimacy, which. Regardless of it's platonic, Is Still Shipping
Unless some HARD retconning happens it leaves this like. Hole in an aspect of c!Ranboo's arc and decisionmaking and it's very. Uncertain? God. Fucking months ago I was already kind of :huh. Does he know what the fuck he's doing: irt c!beeduo and desperately wishing for things to be cleared up and now it's only That Much Stronger
Knifetrick (or, as it’s actually listed, Bishop’s Knife Trick) is a fic about "Ran and Jackie from The Pit TFTSMP" in a "canon-typical ambiguously romantic relationship." As you can tell from the scare quotes, especially if you've seen me vague, both of these are, to put it politely, Doubtful. I've read the fic; I will not be sharing my opinions because that would be neither productive nor responsible (I will just say I can't recommend it and leave it at that) but I WILL say the following that Is relevant to the conversation:
Ran's and Jackie's characterizations respectively have very little to do with characterizations from The Pit, and bear a dollar-store-version resemblance to tropes and personality motifs found in ESPECIALLY fanon c!beeduo, especially later in the fic. I would not go so far as to say they are Intentionally Literally Ranboo and Tubbo but they are transparent expies and were clearly written at LEAST unintentionally w/ c!beeduo in mind (esp since. Ran and Jackie barely interacted in The Pit), and for a readerbase that, as far as I can tell, is HUGELY dominated by /r c!beeduo shippers. Like. Sorry. This is off-brand c!beeduo.
The dynamic between the two is pretty unambiguously romantic, also; despite what the fic's white knights claim, romantic tropes and implications/motifs/imagery from at LEAST chapter two, and is very much explicitly romantic by the most recent chapter.
"And now, with raised eyebrows and a pursed lip, the newly named General Jackie observes Ran in such a way that makes the enderman’s skin crawl. Ran reminds himself that this kid, as short and harmless as he may look, is trained to kill. [...] Jackie narrows his eyes and tilts his head a little, as if he’s trying to read in between every one of Ran’s imperfect scales."
"It makes Ran’s skin itch with discomfort. [...] 'That actually doesn’t explain much of anything at all,' complains Jackie, and he pops a few croutons into his mouth with one hand. 'Tell me what you’re thinking, pretty-boy.'
"Ran feels his face flush, no doubt mildly glowing green.
"Yes, that was the other thing. The unnecessary compliments to his physical appearance.
"They don’t happen very often, and don’t seem to have very much meaning or intention behind them— Jackie often speaks like an unthinking kid— but when they do happen… they’re embarrassing. [...] It’s annoying how the rug is pulled out from under his feet in these moments when he’s 'embarrassed'. Like the conversation see-saw has temporarily shifted weight in the general’s favor."
I am not going to include excerpts from Chapter 6 because it's just the entire chapter.
I WILL SAY, HOWEVER, STEPPING ON THIS SCORPION BEFORE IT STINGS: they are not written in an RPFy manner and I don't think there's any grounds, including Vibes, of accusing Knifetrick of being like. Closet truthing or whatever. Also, while I think there's certainly Some Weirdness ESPECIALLY around the reaction, the romance itself is Not written in any way I'd call weird or problematic pre-clip; it's nothing inappropriate or like Weirdly Fetishy or whatever. Knifetrick is not #problematic or anything and I don't have beef with like the concept of liking it intrinsically; if I thought it was like. Abhorrent I wouldn't be sharing excerpts lmao dhjfnhdsbvdnfjh. Hence: if anyone uses this post or anyth like it to send harassment or bad faith ANYTHING to anyone involved with Knifetrick I will hunt you down in the fucking night even if it WAS #problematic that'd be the LITERAL OPPOSITE of productive and as it stands it's Literally Not. Essentially: Knifetrick is a (questionably-written /mean) fic using Ran and Jackie from The Pit as a vessel for a large chunk of the dynamics and headcanons of fanon /r c!beeduo in particular
And again, I would not call it problematic in any way (aside from the disingenuity of the insistence that it's TOTALLY UNRELATED TO BEEDUO and TOOOTALLY WASN'T INTENDED TO BE ROMANTIC GUYS like own your shit please)... IF it weren't for the advent of The Clip, which is calling in2 question the Entirety of the problem of /r-ing any variant of c!beeduo or any of Ranboo's characters at all
I really do not have an answer for this tbh. I genuinely wanna hear from the streamer on this more specifically because I like,,, I got no clue where 2 go from here? Do I just consider an arc retconned? Was it an issue of speaking abt a troubling subject kneejerk wise and I'm reading too much in2 it?
I just. I dunno
- The Clip is a clip of a Discord stage where Ranboo (streamer) loudly explicitly decried shipping in a way that implicitly applies to characters he plays - This would be all well and good but is rendered complicated by the plot relevance of c!beeduo, which does not stop being shipping if it's /p'd due to it still necessarily being an examination of a particular intimacy in a way that is in canon hard to distinguish the /p, /qp, or /r nature of - Bishop's Knife Trick is an AO3 fic centered around using TFTSMP characters as /r c!beeduo expies which is not a bad thing in and of itself unless it also is covered under this moratorium - Things remain unclear until and unless we get clearer word from streamer, but considering Mr Live seems to be allergic to clarifying anything abt c!beeduo this is doubtful
*very little if any of the content I personally have made 4 c!beeduo has been posted publicly, for related reasons. You May have seen it if you're in servers w/ me, depending on Which Ones
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
Episode Review: ‘Obsidian’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 2)
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Airdate: November 19, 2020
Story by: Jack Pendarvis, and Kate Tsang, Adam Muto, & Hanna K. Nyström
Storyboarded by: Hanna K Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Iggy Craig, Mickey Quinn, Maya Petersen, James Campbell, & Ashlyn Anstee
Directed by: Miki Brewster (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
Of all the many colorful characters in Adventure Time perhaps none has a more elaborate backstory than Marceline the Vampire Queen. In many ways, Marceline really was the writers’ gold goose, engendering complex story after complex story. By the time the series ended, the vampire’s life had in more ways than one been woven into the very fabric of the show’s mythology.
But because I am a Marceline fanboy—whose zeal for her majesty is rivaled perhaps only by Glassboy himself—I always felt like the show could have done even more with her backstory; I mean, when the series finale aired, there were still plenty of questions that had yet to be answered (What happened to her mom? What is Simon going to do now that he’s “cured”? How did Marcy and Bubblegum meet? Were they romantically involved before the events of the main series? How did it all go south?). Nevertheless, when "Island Song” played for the last time at the end of “Come Along with Me,” I forced myself to push aside this minor, fannish grievance and applaud the show for writing such an excellent character. I didn’t need for every last detail of her life to be explicitly shown on screen. I was happy.
But then, about a year ago, news dropped that one of the Distant Lands specials would really delve into the history of Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship. In an instant, I tossed my stoic “I-am-satisified-with-what-I-received” mentality right out the window. We were going to get another Marceline episode, and it was going to dive back into her elaborate backstory!?! I could barely contain my excitement as I waited for the episode to drop.
Well, was my excitement worth it? Or was “Obsidian” a big ol’ let down—a tragic victim to grandiose expectations that were never meant to be fulfilled?
I’m quite happy to say that not only was “Obsidian” a remarkable special in its own right, but it is arguably one of the strongest episodes of Adventure Time, period.
The plot of this episode is fairly standard, as far as Adventure Time episodes go: Glassboy (a new character voiced by Michaela Dietz, the voice of Amethyst from Steven Universe) accidentally sets a giant fire monster named Molto Larvo loose on the Glass Kingdom, and Marceline and Bubblegum—who we learn have been living their best cottagecore life together in Marcy’s cavehouse—are forced to save the day. But the series’ writers take this otherwise quotidian adventure idea—a story which, at least on paper, could have easily fit in during any of the show’s many seasons—and employ it as something of a Trojan Horse, using it as a pretense to delve into both Marcy’s traumatic childhood and her and Bubblegum’s romantic history. And, boy, is it a ride!
With regard to the former story thread, the audience learns that sometime after the Mushroom Bomb detonated, Marceline and her mother, Elise (voiced this time not by Rebecca Sugar, but by actress Erica Luttrell, who played Sapphire in Steven Universe), roamed the wastelands in search of shelter; after Marceline’s mother came down with some sort of sickness, she sent Marceline to be on her own. Elise was hoping that this would spare Marcy the trauma of seeing her mother die before her very eyes, but due to some communication issues, Marceline never learned what became of her mother. As such, Marceline began blaming herself for “leaving” her mom to die in the wreckage of the world. This plot thread is perhaps one of the bleakest that Adventure Time has ever explored, and the show does it masterfully, balancing the darkness (e.g., Marceline’s mother coughing up blood) with bright spots of comedy (e.g., the "wazzup” dog) that never feel distasteful.
Likewise, when it comes to the story thread about Marcy and Bubblegum’s romantic history, the special does not hold back. We get to see “Bubbline” at its best and its worst. I have a feeling that the word “fan service” is going to be used by a lot of folks when talking about this episode. As the AV Club writer William Hughes notes, this word is usually hurled around like a pejorative, but it aptly describes the appeal of “Obsidian”. After all, this episode really is “fan service at its finest”—not only does it give the ravenous shippers the story tidbits that they have so long to see (e.g., the moment Marcy gave Bubblegum her rock shirt, Bubbline’s epic break-up), but—and this is very important—it does so in a way that is fundamentally meaningful. “Obsidian” does not feel self-indulgent, unnecessary, or pandering. On the contrary, it is overflowing with deep emotion that allows us to better understand how Bubblegum and Marceline really feel about one another. Sure, over the centuries that the two gals have bummed around Ooo, they have bickered and fought, but deep down, their love is passionate. In many ways, it is like the titular obsidian, which means that nothing short of an enchanted diamond pickax is strong enough to break Bubbline apart for good.
(It’s also quite nice that after seasons and seasons of tip-toeing around the question of Marceline and Bubblegum’s sexuality, “Obsidian” can explicitly focus on their life together, showing the two characters cuddling, kissing, and dancing. In terms of LGBTQ+ representation, it’s a huge leap forward, and I’m so happy that Adventure Time has had a part to play in normalizing queer relationships!)
Marceline episodes almost always featured a catchy diddy, but "Obsidian” really cranks things up to 11 by featuring a whole bevy of catchy songs, several of which are perhaps among the show’s strongest. The first right banger, “It’s Funny,” is the song that plays over the special’s credits. With a grunge-meets-riot grrrl feels, this track really sets the tone for the episode, signaling to the audience that we’re in for, as Lumpy Space Princess once put it, some “drama bombs.” The next standout is “Woke Up,” a brutally honest diss track that Marceline used both to contain Molto Larvo and break up with Princess Bubblegum centuries prior to the start of this episode. This song was written by pop rocker Zuzu, and it—as the kids say—slaps. Layers of fuzzed-out guitar and digitally processed vocals are used expertly to sell Marceline’s emotions and convey how, on the surface, she’s delighted to no longer be under Bubblegum’s romantic spell... even if her heart may not be so sure.
But arguably, the musical jewel of the entire special is “Monster,” a somber ballad that Marceline sings to Bubblegum when they find themselves trapped in the collapsing furnace and are facing what they believe is certain death. Written by indie pop artist Half Shy, this song is, in many ways, something of the inverse of “Woke Up”: soft, happy, and filled to the brim with a sort of love that few are lucky to receive and even fewer can honestly express. Not only does “Monster” finally cement Marceline’s real, visceral love for Bubblegum in song form (remember: almost every prior Bubbline song was either indirect or delivered by an angsty, heartbroken Marceline), but it also “tames” Molto Larvo, allowing him to metamorphose into a strange but harmless cat-butterfly critter. Just like “Come Along with Me,” “Obsidian” proves that the power of love and music will save us in the end—if not physically, then at least emotionally.
Regarding the production-side of things, there’s a lot of praise to doll out. First off, the look and style of “Obsidian” is gorgeous. While “BMO” opted to experiment somewhat with the classic Adventure Time art style, trading cel shading for an almost watercolor feel, “Obsidian” echoes the aesthetic of the original series. That said, there’s an undeniable animation bump—likely courtesy of that sweet, sweet HBO money—that lets Ooo and its denizens shine in all their glory. You can tell that Adam Muto, art director Sandra Lee, supervising director Miki Brewster, and all the members of the production staff really went above and beyond the call of duty. The episode's soundtrack, composed by Amanda Jones, as deserves a shout-out. Jones did an excellent job mixing the chiptune style of the original series with a bass-heavy rock sound that highlights Marceline’s starring role. Bravo!
As another production aside, I should point out that CN/HBO’s decision to make these specials each 44 minutes was the right call. The 11 minute format of the original series often left something to be desired when it came to plot development, as many an important episode was forced to end somewhat prematurely due to time constraints; conversely, the 8-episode miniseries format that the show experimented with during its latter days sometimes felt like too much time (Stakes, Islands, and Elements all had whole episodes that felt like nothing more than the show treading water). The length of “Obsidian”, however, was just right, giving us plenty of time to take in what was happening without ever feeling like it was dragging.
A final aspect of this episode that is worth mention is its many call-backs to previous episodes and characters. “BMO” was mostly a self-contained story that, due to its nature as a prequel in space, really couldn’t reference the Land of Ooo without feeling forced. “Obsidian,” however, throws in everything and the kitchen sink (Adventure Time superfan and all-around cool person Jagm has collected most of them here for those of you who want to see everything laid out nicely). Stand-outs for me include Choose Goose (someone who we really haven’t seen since season five) smuggling sketchy products into the Candy Kingdom, post-Ice King Simon trying his hand at open mic nights, Bronwyn as an adventurous hero, and Finn the (Adult!) Human complete with beard and scars! Of note, Jake does not appear in this episode, except as a tattoo on Finn’s chest. Many in the fandom are now speculating that the events of “Obsidian” take place after our beloved shapeshifting dog’s death. Oh say it ain’t so! Perhaps we’ll learn more in “Together Again.”
Mushroom War Evidence: Unlike “BMO,” which directly referenced the Mushroom War and its fallout (both literally and figuratively), this episode returned to the show’s roots by featuring gobs of explicit hints in throw-away lines or elaborate background pieces. Honestly, there is far too many to list here in a pithy paragraph, but some major references include: the reveal that the Glass Kingdom, like the Fire Kingdom, was created by ‘magic’ blaze from the heavens (almost certainly a nuke); the fact that Marceline and her mother wandered for a time in the debris-filled wastelands following the apocalypse; and the reveal that Marceline spent at least part of her childhood holed up in a bomb shelter surrounded by the bones of myriad dead humans. Honestly, while references to the Mushroom War have always been sad footnotes to an otherwise cheery show; in this episode, however, the references are very graphic, illustrating the sorrow and horror of mutagenic war.
Final Grade: As I said earlier, I’m a Marcy fanboy, so I’m horrible biased, but I don’t care. This episode rocked. Q.E.D.
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thewraith8 · 3 years
Shadow and Bone Netflix Show - Brief Analysis
In this post I am going to break down the things I liked, the things I did not like, and just a general overview of my thoughts on the Shadow and Bone Netflix show. This is coming from someone who has read the Shadow and Bone trilogy about three years ago, the Six of Crows duology about a year ago, and has just recently watched the show when it premiered. I am a big fan of the duology and I did find the trilogy decently enjoyable at the time that I read it. 
I would like to preface this by saying that, as this is an overview, I will not be going into a lot of detail with regards to every scene. I may do something like that in future posts where I discuss each scene or character separately but this is more of a general overview. I would also like to clarify that I will not be addressing anything super in depth about the racism in the show as I am not very educated on the topic. I know that a lot of people have many different views on it and as someone who is Asian, my personal view is that it was fine. Some pieces of dialogue would occasionally feel a little forced but I personally do not believe it was a bad idea to make Alina a mixed race character. I know sometimes it can really feel like the producers and writers are trying to be diverse by adding POC to the cast and having the character face some form of discrimination every other scene but this show did not feel like it was pushing it super hard. There was so much else going on in the show that I did not mind those few scenes where they did address racism. 
So this is going to be divided into three parts. The first is production quality. The second is casting, acting, and character portrayals. And third is the writing and storytelling. So now let’s get into it.
Production quality: 
This was one of the biggest things I feared would be terrible about the show and would greatly impact my opinion of it because in a visual medium it is very difficult to get past bad visual effects, sets, etc. I knew it would be the first thing I would notice upon starting the show and I was very pleasantly surprised to see that money was clearly spent in the production with the incredible effects, costumes, props, set designs, and cinematography. I will say I am not educated on the subject of filmmaking and cinematography but from the little I do understand I think it was done very well.
There were also certain aspects I noticed when comparing the filming of scenes between the two storylines.  Mal and Alina’s scenes such as when they are writing letters to each other or when we get flashbacks of them at the orphanage, are more slow and soothing almost like gentle waves swaying back and forth on a beach. Their voices and dialogue are also soft and warm and this really gives a good sense of their relationship and dynamic. In contrast, when you look at scenes involving the crows, the filming is a lot quicker and snappier and things are generally more fast paced. Their dialogue, which involves a lot of banter or back and forths, is also great in showing their dynamic as well as their own individual character. 
Moving on to set designs and costumes, I think these were done really well. The throne room of the Little Palace was almost exactly as I had imagined it to look and the palace in general with the rooms and hallways did appear to be high quality. The Fold was also very well done though something I found a little strange was the occasional bursts of lightning in the sky. I think that sort of defeats the purpose of it being this completely dark place. Other than that it was exactly as I would imagine it to look. Ketterdam was also exactly as I imagined it to be with the dark alleys and dingy streets. With regards to the costumes, I think they were beautiful. Alina’s costumes in particular were really well done. I loved the way they did her hair and make up in certain scenes like when they go through the Fold that last time. The Keftas that the Grisha wore were incredible and accurate to the books with the different colours of each for the different kinds of Grisha. The crows’ costumes were also exactly what I imagined each of them to look like and felt really connected to their characters. Overall I think the set designs and costumes were fantastic.
All in all I would give production a 9.5/10. 
2. Casting, acting, and character portrayals:
Casting was also one of my fears for this show since the characters for me are the most important part of any story and if the cast is not good then the characters will not come across in the best way possible. I was once again so pleasantly surprised with the actors and actresses chosen for each role. I was worried about cringy acting as well and I am so glad there was no point at which I was cringing at any of the acting. The actors all appeared to have great chemistry and it came across wonderfully on screen. I’m going to briefly go through each of the main characters and the actor or actress that plays them and my thoughts on the acting and character portrayals alone. Later in the thrid section of this long post I will talk about each character with regards to how they were written.  
Alina: I personally believe Jessie Mei Li played a perfect Alina Starkov. She really gave off the vibe of being this important figure, a Sun Summoner, without it feeling annoying or as though she knows she is the main character of the story. I think her acting and expressions were generally well done. 
Mal: Though Archie Renaux was not how I imagined Mal to look, I think he did a great job of portraying the character. His interactions with Jessie Mei Li also felt very natural and they definitely had good chemistry. 
Darkling: Again, I think Ben Barnes was the perfect casting for the Darkling and his portrayal of the character was very well done. There were times where he would get teary eyed when talking to Alina and I understand that it was part of his character in being manipulative but it looked just a bit weird because crying is just something that almost humanizes him which I think does not fit with the idea and aesthetic of his character. You can still have him be manipulative and appear a victim to Alina without him crying or getting teary eyed. I think he would be able to get that across better with a tragic expression and tone of voice. But overall I think he made a great Darkling.
Kaz: Once again perfect casting with Freddy Carter. And really for this one, props to the directors and others who cast him for this role because this was a diffcult character to get the perfect casting for. Kaz’s character is probably the one that I have the biggest problem with but that has more to do with the writing aspect of his character. With regards to the casting and acting, I think Freddy Carter was amazing. First of all, he looks exactly as I would imagine Kaz to look. Second, his expressions and mannerisms were on point. And third, he had really good chemistry with Amita Suman (Inej) and Kit Young (Jesper). 
Inej: I feel like I keep repeating myself but once again I think this casting was perfect. Amita Suman as Inej just felt very right. Her portrayal of the character was amazing, she looked just as I imagined Inej would, and her chemistry with the other actors was incredible. 
Jesper: Once again great casting with Kit Young as Jesper. He got across that charisma and humour that Jesper is known for extremely well through his expressions and body language. He also appeared to have great chemistry with the rest of the cast. 
Nina: Another great choice to cast Danielle Galligan as Nina. I think she captured Nina’s energy or “vibe” perfectly with her voice and body language. 
Matthias: Calahan Skogman is exactly as I pictured Matthias to look so I think he was a great choice as well. 
Overall I think the casting, acting, and character portrayals in this show were spectacular so I would give it a 10/10.
3. Writing and storytelling/ How it was as an adaptation:
This is, in my opinion, the section with the most issues even though they were very few. 
Overall I think the writing was great. There were a few cliche pieces of a dialogue but those were very few. The dialogue for each of the characters felt natural and never felt out of character. As I mentioned previously, Mal and Alina’s dialogue had a warmth to it and their dynamic of childhood best friends came across really well through their dialogue. It did not feel as though they were trying really hard to have that dynamic. I also think it was a great decision to have the letters they wrote to each other be narration for many of the scenes that we saw them in. This was a great method of really getting across what they were feeling while they were apart and allowing the viewer to empathize with them. On the other hand a similar sort of technique was used with the crows. Whenever they were carrying out some sort of heist or mission, Kaz would be narrating the plan while we were watching it physically play out on screen. The dialogue between the crows was generally good and mostly in character. Their dynamic came across really well in a lot of their banter. 
With regards to the storytelling and as an adaptation, I also think the show did a pretty great job. Alina’s storyline was coherent and had a logical progression from beginning to end, following the major plot beats of the book. The main issue I have with it is that it felt rushed. I think adding an episode or two may really have helped with the pacing. It felt as though Alina learns about her powers and is taken to the Little Palace where she’s conflicted for maybe an episode and then suddenly she feels at home and like she belongs. We barely get to see her training at the Little Palace with Baghra or Botkin or see the development of her friendships with Marie and Nadia as well as with Genya. That part of her arc, which was a major part of it, felt rushed. Other than that I think the show did a good job of getting her from point A to B in a cohesive way.  
The crows storyline, I thought, was incredible because, since I am a big fan of the duology, I loved getting to see the crows and how they were before the events of Six of Crows. I think it was fun seeing their lives in Ketterdam and the way they worked before Nina, Matthias, or Wylan joined them. I was worried about how they would be incorporated in the story and that it would not feel natural but I think the decision to make their goal be to get Alina was a great way to tie them into the main storyline. It made sense with their characters that they would do something like that to get money and it made Alina’s storyline even more interesting. Getting to see interactions between the characters of both the trilogy and duology was one of the best parts of the show for me. Think about it. These were interactions we could only have hoped to see in the books and the show brought that to life and gave us those interactions. The crows’ storyline did feel a little less cohesive than Alina’s but this also made sense with their characters and the mission they had to carry out. There were many parts of the plan that needed to be completed, different heists and side missions, in order for them to reach their end goal which was kidnapping Alina from the Little Palace so it made sense that their storyline was a little less straightforward. Overall I think they had a very interesting and captivating story.
As an adaptation I think the show did quite well. Further down in this post I am going to discuss the major issues I had with the show as part of this section where I am discussing writing, storytelling, and the show as an adaptation. But in general I think the show did well in adapting the characters as well as Alina’s storyline. The crows’ storyline was obviously something that was not taken from the books but something that I could definitely see them doing. I think the show also did a great job of adapting the world and all of its intricacies as well as giving off that atmosphere that you get a sense of when reading the books. I also liked that there were many pieces of dialogue taken straight from the books which really made the characters of the show feel exactly like those of the book. 
Okay, now breaking down the few issues I had:
Kaz’s character: I think if we look at Kaz in the books, we can break his character down into two parts, the two defining parts:
His intelligence, wit, and strategic mind.
His cruel and brutal nature.
I think the show got both of these wrong on different levels. One of these can be explained while the other cannot. In the show, Kaz is not nearly as intelligent or strategic as he is shown to be in the books. We see on a number of occasions in the show that he has been taken advantage of or that he is not in the upperhand of a situation. I think that is a major change from his character in the book where one of the things you remembered about Kaz was how he was always ten steps ahead of his opponent. But this is an issue that can be explained and given depth by considering that the crows’ storyline in the show takes place prior to the events of Six of Crows and that at this point in time, Kaz hasn’t become that quick-witted, mastermind, strategist we know him to be in the books. We can see the beginnings of that character in the way he is portrayed in the show and can understand that his natural progression would be to the character from the books in the aspect of his intelligence. On the other hand however, there is still the second major part of his character and that part is a little bit of a bigger problem. That has to do with his completely cruel and brutal nature from the books. This was one of his major defining features and was very strongly rooted in his backstory. It was his past with Pekka Rollins and the death of his brother Jordie that brought about this ruthlessness in him. And what made his character so interesting and dynamic was how he was very slowly becoming a more caring person. It was a very slow progression but it was there nonetheless. You could see it in the way he cared for Inej and the rest of the crew. By the end he was still no where near being a gentleman, but there was still a change in him from the beginning to end. This is where I think the show messed up a little and it is an issue that I don’t really think can be resolved. The show made Kaz more soft and kind in nature. He definitely wasn’t entirely nice but you could tell he was a lot nicer compared to his book counterpart. Certain scenes in which he is talking to Inej felt a little too soft in particular the scene in which it almost seems as though he is about to confess something to her when she rushes out of the room and he calls after her. I don’t imagine book Kaz would ever do that. Or when he tells her that no one is like her. These are all moments where he appears to be much softer compared to the Kaz in the books that was cold and cruel. This is also an issue that cannot really be fixed in future seasons because the natural progression for the show then would be that he gets softer then he already is which means we will not get to see the Kaz from the books at all or with any accuracy.  If future seasons do make him exactly as he is in the duology then there will be the issue of it not feeling consistent with the character he was made to be in the shows. However I will end off by saying that even despite his character not being entirely accurate to that of the books, I still very much enjoyed watching every scene he was in and this issue did not ruin the overall experience of the show for me. I think what they did with his character still worked really well with the story, so overall it was not a major issue for me in changing my opinion of the show. 
Nina telling Matthias why she got him imprisoned as a slaver: This I find to be a greater problem that could have so easily been fixed by taking out just a few pieces of dialogue. I think a big part of what made Nina and Matthias’ story so heartbreaking was this pivotal moment when Nina turns him in as a slaver to save his life. And he doesn’t learn the truth until they reunite in the present day of Six of Crows. He spends that time in Hellgate believing that she betrayed him and that she really was the deceitful and dishonest witch he believed her and all other Grisha to be. Then when he finally does learn the truth, it is this big moment and then he has a slow progression to eventually believing it. The show eliminated the entire part of what made their story so tragic by having Nina tell him the truth of what happened immediately after she has him captured. So there is no possibility of this slow journey that Matthias has of accepting that truth. In the show he almost seems mean now for not believing or at least trying to believe what Nina tells him. Overall this is probably one of my biggest gripes with the whole show.
The Darkling creating the Fold: Another issue that could quite easily have been fixed is how the Darkling created the fold. The show made it to be that he came across a small slip of paper, he read what was on it, and then he gained the ability to create the Fold. That is too simple of an explanation for how something as grand as the Shadow Fold was created. I think this could have rather easily have been fixed so that even if it was still easy it wouldn’t be as easy as just happening upon a slip of paper. They could have done it by showing a montage of him looking through all the books in the archive and figuring out that there is some sort of code that he needed to put together and when he does piece it together and perform some sort of ritual, then he gains this ability to create the Fold. That would have made it more believable and the scene would only have been slightly longer than what it was in the show. 
Crows letting Alina escape: This was another issue I had that sort of adds to how they changed Kaz’s character because book Kaz would never have allowed Alina to escape so easily. Even the Kaz in the show would not have been outsmarted by Alina. This was one thing that felt a little out of character for the crows because, fine, I can understand that Alina blinded them for those few seconds with her light and Inej was not in on the plan of capturing her anymore, but how was Alina able to run out of sight so fast that neither Kaz nor Jesper saw where she went. Then on top of that, they aren’t discreet about finding her, as Kaz is always careful to be. Instead they go around the streets describing how she looks and asking people if they’ve seen her. I am not entirely sure what they could have done to solve this issue but I don’t believe the solution was very difficult. Maybe they could have explained through a short piece of dialogue that Alina used her power in a way that blinded them for more than thirty seconds which gave Alina enough time to get out of sight. Whatever the reason, I think this should not have been an issue because, despite seeming small, I think it says a lot about the crows’ characters. And I definitely don’t think this was a bad scene at all because I loved seeing this interaction and seeing Inej’s reaction to Alina. I just think the issue of Alina escaping so easily should have been addressed. 
For now, after watching the show just once, those were the major issues in writing and storytelling that I had with the show. If I have more thoughts about this after watching it again, I will make another post about it. Now I want to talk about some things that the show added that were not in the books and what was changed or kept from the books, that I liked. 
Mal’s character: The change that was made to Mal’s character in the show was probably the biggest and best change that could have been made. One of the major reasons I do not like the Shadow and Bone trilogy anywhere near as much as the Six of Crows duology is the characters. Sure, I found the world and plot interesting when I read the trilogy a few years back and even at times the characters were good, but a lot of the time I was either annoyed with Alina or with Mal. Most of the time it was Mal because he didn’t really feel like he was a great friend to Alina because of the way he treated her for being Grisha. I think a lot of my frustration with him also came from the story being entirely in Alina’s perspective so we never got to see any of what Mal was going through. The times that we did see him, he was either angry at or overly protective of Alina and there were only few occasions where he was being a good friend. The show really changed that with allowing us to see his perspective and all the difficulty and trauma he was going through to be with Alina. The show succeeded in making him an empathetic character and I think that is one of the most necessary things in creating a likeable character. Through his dialogue and actions, we were able to see how much he really cared for Alina. There were never any long stretches of time where he was angry with her or, on the other hand, where he was being overly protective of her. He was continuously being a good and supportive friend and that made the biggest difference in my liking his character. It is also what made me really enjoy Alina’s storyline as well because there was no point at which I found either Alina or Mal or any other character involved in their story, annoying to watch. 
No mourners no funerals: I was overjoyed when this line came up in the show because it is such an iconic line from the duology that I absolutely love and it was great to see it said on screen. Similarly, I was so glad that we also got to see Kaz say the line, “The deal is the deal.” and say it to Alina. 
Interactions between S&B and SoC characters: This was probably one of my favourite things about the show. It really felt like watching two worlds collide. I loved watching Kaz and Inej posing as guards and trying to escort Alina so they can take her. Watching Inej’s reactions to Alina was one of the best things. Then, Mal teaming up with the crows when they are in the Fold was one of the strangest but coolest interactions. Alina giving Inej the knife that she later names Sankta Alina was one of the best interactions I could have hoped for with the crossing of these two casts of characters. And to end it with Alina giving Kaz that valuable piece of jewelry, an interaction I never thought I would see, was incredible. 
Conductor: The addition of this character I think was a great idea. He definitely added to the storyline of the crows and was an interesting character on his own. He was the cause of a lot of the funniest dialogue and moments in the show like when the crows are crossing the fold for the first time. Overall, I think it was a good decision to add him in. 
Now last but not least, the thing that stole the show and beat everything else by far was:
(Drum roll)
Milo the goat!
And with nothing more to say about that, we’ve reached the conclusion of this very long post. My overall rating for this third and last section, which is regarding the writing and storytelling, would be an 8.5/10, a very good score. 
If I were to rate the show over all, I would give it a 9.3/10 because I think it was spectacular in many aspects. The few gripes I did have were not anything too major, though if those aspects were fixed I think this would be a top-tier show and adaptation for me. 
What do you think about everything that I said? Do you agree or disagree? I’d love to have a discussion so feel free to reach out and comment!
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Nine: The One with the Roof
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3082
Sometimes, letting loose of all inhibitions can be a good thing. It could help release stress and create a new sense of relaxation. Or it could create chaos, and let secrets fall from loose lips. And typically, that's what intoxication did to most. And Lily Osborne was no different than others when it came down to it. The lock on her lips came loose whenever alcohol slides past them. But loose lips sink ships. Hence why, before entering the compound, Lily took a personal vow to not let a single drop go past her lips. She not only wanted to remember the night she partied with the Avengers, but she wanted to ensure that nothing would slip out. Not even her attraction to the Winter Soldier.
"Do we just let ourselves in or...?" Rose wondered after finally managing to get Lily out of the car and up to the porch of the large compound. Lily seriously wondered what they needed all of this space for. She understood the whole space for the training aspect but was this really what they needed? Seemed a bit excessive to her. But then again, she was raised in a modest eco-friendly home and lived in a small colonial-style home herself.
"I mean I assume we knock? But maybe superheroes do it differently?" Gen answered, biting on her lip before reaching between the two sisters and knocking on the silver door in front of them. No answer. She tried one more time, but all three collectively agreed that if they could hear the music from outside, there was no chance in hell that they could hear the knocks on the door, "I take it that we just go in."
Rose's manicured hand reached forward and twisted the doorknob, pushing open the door to be greeted by loud music and warm bodies moving around each other. Either dancing or pushing through to get somewhere else. Immediately, Lily's hands clammed up and her entire face burst into a bright shade of ruby red. Her chest heaved up and down at an expeditious rate as her heart rate picked up and air move in and out between her painted lips. She wasn't even in the thick of the party and already her nerves were starting to get the better of her. It didn't help that she was totally sure that this was all a practical joke to embarrass her in front of all of the Avengers and become a laughing stock of Earth’s mightiest heroes. But of course (obviously) this wasn't the case, and everything was being made up in her mind.
Sensing the unease in Lily's demeanour, Rose and Gen hooked their arms into hers and lead the shortest of the three into the compound. The smell of alcohol and a tinge of sweat hit their nostrils like a brick wall, a smell Gen and Rose enjoyed, by Lily found sickening. She wasn't much of a drinker because of the fact she lost control of what came in and out of her mouth, and typically only had a few glasses of wine with Gen or at dinner. But that was it. She never went to bars, never got wasted. Not only because it wasn't her thing, but because she was busy with a baby in her twenties. Something that most people her age wouldn't dream of until they, well, were her age. But Lily wouldn't change it for the world, she got a beautiful son out of it and couldn't be more thankful for that outcome. If it were with a different person and under different circumstances, she might have been more thankful, but, you can't control everything.
"Oh look there's Mr. Odinson- oh he's coming towards us." Gen beamed while attempting to hide the excitement that grew in her chest, "Oh would you look at him. The things I would do for that ma-"
"Ladies!" the God boomed, cutting Genevieve off from finishing her thirsty comment. His shoulders stood wide in front of the three girls, and Lily barely hit the top of his chest in height. He was truly a godly figure and Lily couldn't help but shrink her shoulders, becoming vulnerable. She couldn't help but grow nervous around someone like Thor, he was a literal God. All she was a god at was making an excellent pancake, "I'm so glad you three could make it. go and mingle, I shall steal lady Lily away from you two."
Before Lily could protest or tighten her grip on her best friend and sister’s arms, they slipped away and into the crowd together, sending a wink back to the nervous mother that now stood alone with the God of Thunder. Her breath hitched in her throat when the man previously mentioned entwined his arm with Lily's, leading her away from the entrance and towards the bar that was set up near the side. Thor was boasting about something, but Lily's ears drowned it out as the bass of the music thundered in her ears. People’s laughter and conversations created a nerve-wracking rhythm that danced through her mind. She felt the noises hammering away at her heart that thudded against her ribcage at a worrying pace.
"...Captain Rogers or Sam shall be here in a few to take you to see Sergeant Barnes." Were the last words Lily caught before Thor took off to go tell ancient Asgardian stories to the elder veterans that stood around a table. Again, he was gone too quickly for Lily to protest, leaving her alone at the bar, biting on her bottom lip like it was her last meal before death.
Her hazel eyes turned from the ground back up to scan the crowd that had congregated in the compound, either tipsy, drunk, or sober. Everyone seemed to be having a lovely time, except for Lily. Instead, she stood alone at the bar, picking at hangnails and scuffing her feet off the ground. At that moment, she believed this entire thing to be a mistake. Her heart hammered wildly inside of her and she wanted nothing more than to go home and snuggle in bed with Joey. And, if she had it her way, Hunter would be there too. But instead, she was stuck here at the avengers compound, awaiting Captain America or the Falcon. Life was crazy, sure, but Lily never expected she'd experience something as surreal as this. Let alone want to go home from it.
"You look down, Ms. Osborne," a somewhat familiar voice echoed from behind her. Turning her head, Lily came face to face with Sam Wilson, aka the Falcon. Seeing a face she knew created a sense of comfort inside of Lily, Even though she didn't really know him that well. But he had been so kind to her and to Hunter, Lily couldn't help but feel welcomed by him, by someone who was just a genuinely nice guy, "Why the long face? Not a fan of parties?" It was as if the man was able to read Lily's mind...because that's exactly why.
"That's an understatement. But I couldn't exactly decline an invitation from a God, now could I?" Lily smiled gently, leaning against the bar with her hands clasped in front of her, elbows placed on top of the glowing counter, "Plus, Rose and Gen would never let me say no. Hunter's at his dads so..."
Sam nodded along as she spoke, but Lily caught the slight excitement that flickered across his dark eyes when she mentioned her younger sister. A small smirk pulled at the corners of Lily's lips as she ordered herself ice water with lemon. This too seemed to catch Sam's interest and he leaned forward slightly while nodding down towards the clear liquid in the cup that Lily held. It was cold against her skin, and she was thankful for that because her hands felt as though they had been set on fire.
"Not a drinker?" Sam wondered, eyes glancing over the blonde’s shoulder as she sipped on the cool drink. Lily knew that she'd probably be questioned about the fact she wasn't drinking, and her answer would always be the same. She didn't want to embarrass herself. Especially not in front of this crowd of people.
"Don't really feel like making a fool of myself in front of the Avengers," Lily chuckled, flattening out her dress with her pale hand, "Happy birthday though. Quite the celebration."
The conversation between the two stayed light and airy. Nothing deep being spilled, and no mention of the elusive Bucky Barnes. Whom, might I add, was currently nowhere to be found. Despite Lily's not-so-sly glances around her gave away the fact she had been looking for him. She wouldn't admit it, but she was secretly hoping she'd be able to spend the night getting to know the quiet man. He just looked like he had so many stories to tell, such character hidden behind those gorgeous ice blue eyes. Anytime that Lily caught them, she had always felt fireworks being set off from behind her, as though she had found the one that made her heart whole.
"And here comes the man you've been looking for," Sam teased while nodding over Lily's shoulder. Perhaps a bit too quickly, the blonde turned her head around to spot those same eyes she had found herself thinking about just moments ago, "I see you got my text, terminator."
"How could I miss it, you sent me seven." Bucky's raspy voice called as he took his place beside Sam at the bar, turning his attention to the blonde that stood across from the two, "Oh, Lily. It's nice to see you. I assume that's why Thor was on my phone."
Speechless. No words formed in Lily's mind to return back to the conversation. All she could think about was how beautiful Bucky looked in his black dress pants and blue shirt that matched almost perfectly to Lily's. The top few buttons were left open, exposing a bit of hair growth peaking over, and sculpted collarbones laying beneath the man’s neck. With the way his chest flexed, Lily was sure that the rest of the buttons would give way and pop off one by one, exposing what Lily could only imagine. Olive skin, littered with beautiful scars across a chiselled core. Just the thought made Lily's mouth run dry, which resulted in her chugging back the water she held in her hand.
"Nice to see you too-" Lily finally responded, cutting herself off quickly. God, damn it. Her voice had cracked halfway through the sentence and a heavy blush returned onto Lily's face, her hands becoming slick with sweat once again. How did he do this to her? Was it the eyes? The soft yet deep tone of his voice? The way he seemed to relax around her and Sam? Whatever it was, it had a lasting effect on Lily. Even after she hadn't seen, nor spoken to him in three weeks. And yet here he stood in all of his glory at his close friend’s birthday party.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to it." Sam grinned, patting Bucky on the shoulder before leaning in to whisper something in the tall man’s ear. This resulted in Bucky swatting at the birthday boy as he took off into the crowd after thanking Lily for the birthday wishes. Thus, leaving Bucky and Lily alone at the bar together.
Both were quiet people. Bucky because of the mental trauma he had suffered for over seventy years, and Lily because it was simply in her DNA. She was born quiet, never having anything more to say than what was required. In university, Professors and peers tried and tried again to try and get her to contribute her opinion the same way she did on paper. Her mind was so far beyond her years, and the intelligence she had was unmatched, but she kept it to herself. She saw the world as it was, and by keeping quiet, she was trying to spare herself. She saw how cruel the world around her was, and just how awful people can be. Especially after the relentless teasing, she went through in high school as a nerd-type student. The whole high school archetype was stupid, but Lily fell where she did.
"I won't lie, Thor dropped hints all day that you were coming," Bucky commented while sipping his whiskey, taking a few steps towards the blonde, "Part of me didn't think you would. but uh..." his voice trailed off. Those mesmerizing eyes glanced across Lily's face as if trying to read her reaction. They dipped down farther to look at the radiating outfit that Rose had pulled together, appreciating the natural beauty that stood before him. He could barely speak. But alas, he continued, "I'm glad you did...Steve mentioned if no one else did, he was going to invite you."
So it wasn't just a joke. A weight seemed to release itself off of Lily's shoulders as the man spoke. They were going to invite her here one way or another. And he was actually glad she was here. Not embarrassed or annoyed. It was as if he actually enjoyed her company? But Lily had a hard time believing anyone enjoyed her company most of the time. She found herself to be dull and a bit on the boring and mundane side...but maybe for an ex-assassin, a bit of domesticity and simplicity was what Bucky needed. An escape from the world of avenging and world-saving. To become the man that he had dreamed of being in the ‘40s. Meeting a nice girl, settling down, and dying of old age, happy. But, neither Lily nor Bucky wanted to get too far ahead of themselves. This was only the second time they've really hung out.
But love and fate worked in mysterious ways.
"I'm not a party person, but Rose and Gen figured it'd be good for me to get out of the house while Hunter was at his dads," Lily responded, finger running around the rim of her water glass, deep eyes avoiding any contact with the man in front of her. Her heart thundered wildly inside of her rib cage, throat going dry as he continued to advance closer to her. Though she typically would, Lily didn't move. she never worried that he would try anything disrespectful. He was careful, calculated. He knew already that wasn't who she was, but yet, stuck around.
"Ypur son! He's cute. You two look alike," Bucky commented, biting down on his chapped lips. Lily felt his gaze on her and she couldn't stop herself from lifting her eyes to meet his. The stories they told, the horrors they've seen. He looked so forlorn and tired. Part of Lily wished she could steal him away and keep him away from the messiness of the world. The people that wanted to hurt him. Give him the simple life with blueberry pancakes on Sundays and walks with Joey. Movie nights with Hunter...dinner dates. But his voice snapped her out of her trance, "You said a few weeks ago you and Hunter’s father were split...mind me asking why?"
"What?" Lily called, furrowing her eyebrows and leaning forward. With the music blaring and people talking, the blonde was unable to make out what Bucky had said. Her eyes focused on his lips, but to no avail, she wasn't able to decipher what he was saying, "I can't hear you! Music is too loud!" Lily exclaimed, Exaggerating her mouth in hopes he'd be able to figure out what she was saying. Maybe years of being an infamous HYDRA agent taught him to read lips?
He nodded, signalling that he had understood. The brunette reached his hand out in front of him, offering his flesh hand to the mother in front of him. Lily panicked instantly. Her hands were all sweaty and shrivelled because of her nerves, and she knew it would be just too embarrassing to even think about putting her hand into his. If it were Bucky's metal arm? Well, maybe Lily would have considered it because of the lack of feeling (as far as she knew). But it would have probably left some sort of residue. But, she had to think on her feet. Something Lily was actually quite good at. Discreetly, the blonde slid her palms across her dress, riding the sweat from her skin, before sliding her right hand into his left.
Where he was leading her? Lily had no idea. He could be leading her to her doom for all she knew. Maybe whatever the secret nazi intelligence agency that corrupted him had put inside his mind was still there, and Lily triggered it. Or maybe he was some creep, like most guys Lily had met at parties and bars, well, the limited ones she had been to. That's where she met Scott. In a pretty similar scenario. Lily had been dropped at the bar by Gen while she went off to mingle and dance, and a handsome man approached. A light conversation had started and Lily was informed his name was Scott Harvey. Her later husband and baby daddy, then ex-husband. A little voice inside of Lily's mind told her it would be the same, that it's just the beginning of the same cycle. But a small piece of her heart believed that this was different. Meanwhile, she didn't even know what this was, to begin with. As far as she knew, they were barely even acquaintances. Lily had only met him a hand full of times and only knew what the textbooks told her.
So thinking this would be like Scott? And that she'd end up marrying Bucky? That was a preposterous thought. Once again, she had just met him. And sure, Lily had a history of getting her hopes up, but she tried to restrain herself this time. Remind herself that there may be nothing but friendship here.
But then again, what did she really know? She was a single mother being lead to the roof by an ex-HYDRA assassin that had the ability to kill her and make it look like an accident. Anything was possible when it came to the people around her. What Lily never expected though, was for Bucky Barnes to lead her to the roof of the Avengers compound where a few chairs sat around a fireplace(?), underneath the stars. He gestured for her to sit, and Lily complied without hesitation. Before she knew it, the fire was lit and he sat across from her, a comfortable sigh escaping his lips.
"Tell me everything about you, Lily Osborne."
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fernrisulfr · 3 years
Unpopular FGO Opinion/Rant 2: Bio-Diesel Boogaloo
My second unpopular opinion, though I’ve seen more agreement to this, and there’s a post somewhere that I reblogged which gives a much more comprehensive explanation as to why this is, but “Lostbelt 3: Synchronized Intellectual Nation, SIN” is bad. There’s a few reasons it’s bad.  I will however say this first. Everything about Spartacus? Was good. It was very good. This was a Lostbelt that showed just what Spartacus can be to the narrative. He can be more than just manically shouting about “OPPRESION!!!” in the right setting. My significant other was right when she said the reason he had to die so early in Apocrypha was because had he lived any longer than that, he absolutely would have joined Sieg in starting a Homunculus rebellion. 
So why is Lostbelt 3 bad? A few things. One is that the narrative is very poorly managed. It starts very slow, and almost nothing introduced in the first half actually goes anywhere. Then when we hit the second half of the story the narrative suddenly goes “Oh shit! We’re half done! Better pick up the pace!” and jams it’s foot on the accelerator so that things escalate so quickly barely any of it has time to matter. 
Focusing on the first half of the story, that Vitch was releasing beasts and giants on villages, a point which took up a large chunk of the story, actually went NOWHERE. It really had nothing to do with the story, and the quests themselves brought me back to Orleans where every node and notch was “Here’s two blocks of dialogue. Now fight some Wyverns!”. It was a massive backwards step in FGO’s storytelling. Another issue is that in every Lostbelt so far they’ve tried to give us some sidekick from the world we’re going to prune so we can feel bad about it later, but the one in Lostbelt 3, which he at least got eyes unlike the other anonymous villagers, the kid didn’t even get a NAME. How are we supposed to care about a character with no name and almost no personality to speak of? The kid was quite literally barely more than a generic NPC. 
Speaking of generic NPCs. Let’s talk about how DEEPLY Lostbelt 3 mistreated it’s characters, which is the real crux of why Lostbelt 3 is bad. So Nezha and Mordred just did not matter at all, to the extent they literally got shoved out of the story part way in. Mordred was there for comparison and pairing with Spartacus, but the moment he died she became unimportant and basically didn’t do anything. Nezha started off alright, but then the moment other characters showed up she was likewise shoved to the side, and ultimately out of the story. She basically existed solely to identify that Xiang Yu was a similar existence to herself. Speaking of, Xiang Yu and  Yu Mei-ren’s romance was completely unbelievable. For multiple reasons. Again there’s another tumblr post by someone who’s put more thought into this than I, that explains this better. I’ll try and find it and reblog it again. Anyway. It’s bad and unbelievable. I’ll try to summarize why. Part of the problem is that there’s no real build up to it. It’s a lot of Mei-ren fawning over or being overtly protective of Xiang, and Xiang just being confused. It’s entirely one-sided till almost the end of the story. Then he just does some magic robot calculations and he decides he loves her just like the other Xiang Yu. Which is the other thing the narrative doesn’t pay enough attention to in this “romance”. HE’S NOT THE SAME GUY. Like he’s the “same guy” but an alternate reality version. Mei-ren basically found her husband’s doppleganger and decided to cling to him hoping it’d be the same/because she couldn’t bare to watch another man with that face die. Which could have been very interesting! Really! But it wasn’t paid enough attention to or written properly to BE interesting. Honestly the relationship between Xiang and Mei-ren could have formed an emotional backbone to the story, and instead it’s just kinda off to the side and comes up occasionally, but it’s “super important really!” by the end of the story. 
Related to this is also Gao Changgong, Prince of Lanling, who was UTTERLY UNIMPORTANT. Like he should have been! The Lostbelt started off super strong with that exchange between Gao and Mei-ren in the past, and then the narrative did nothing with it. Gao barely said anything the whole Lostbelt when he should have been more relevant to the plot! He should have been a confidante to Mei-ren! It should have come up that he was happy to be able to see her again in “another life” (such as being a Servant is like living again, albeit briefly). He should have been more involved with Mei-ren and Xiang Yu! Like it could have been done so many ways! He could have been her wingman! Or he could have been her confidante who she talked to about her struggle with Xiang Yu being Xiang Yu but not being HER Xiang Yu. Instead he just didn’t do much, died earlier than any Crypter servant so far in their own Lostbelt, and became utterly irrelevant. 
Red Hare and Chen Gong appeared part way into the story, and served no purpose beyond being Comic Relief, which was a real disservice; especially because their summoning was supposed to be important. It follows after the death of Spartacus, where the Lostbelt suddenly becomes connected to the throne of Heroes because the people regain hope and the concept of a Hero. Their arrival is SIGNIFICANT and then the narrative goes on to do nothing with them. Literally anyone could have been summoned and it would have played out the same. That’s how much their appearance mattered. 
Old Man Li was there, but he also didn’t matter. Specifically it didn’t matter that he was Old Man Li. It doesn’t even come up. It literally could have been anyone. Could have been just some dude, and narratively it would have been the same. 
Which is largely the biggest problem with the narrative. Most of the Servants/Characters present could have been literally anyone and it would have been almost exactly the same. Who anyone was largely did not matter. 
Now let’s address the insect in the room, Emperor Mothman himself,  Shi Huang Di. He was bad. Not like “he was a bad guy”. I mean he was just bad. Poorly written and uninteresting. He was unsympathetic and poorly written. Now. Let me be clear, a villain doesn’t need to be sympathetic. My problem here is that he was unsympathetic, but at the very end of the story they tried to act like he was. I felt nothing for this character, and still do not. He was poorly written and the aspects of him that could have been interesting were under utilized. Also not a fan of his design personally, or at least not compared to images I’ve seen of what he apparently looked like before he became a super-computer, followed by his new moth bod. That’s just a matter of personal preference though and I have no real issues with his physical design. Point is he’s boring. Like everyone else in the story, and despite being there for most of it, he was under utilized, didn’t do much, and his role could have been filled by just about anyone and it would have played out the same. 
And that’s my rant. There’s honestly more to criticize, like the unnecessary on screen torture of Vitch, the generic battles, everything about Liangyu, but I am starting to lose my motivation two rants in, and I fear anything I say at this point will just be me repeating myself. My point is, Lostbelt 3 is bad, and of the first three lostbelts it’s narratively the weakest. (Lostbelt 2 had a LOT of problems, but it was still better. I am at least a little biased though due to a love of Norse Mythology and Sigurd, though those things also make me about three times as judgey as a normal person.).  Anyway. Lostbelt 3 bad. That’s just my opinion. Agree or Disagree, you’re entitled to feel what you do about the matter. 
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macklives · 4 years
session 92 end (bye 413...)
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this session was so long but so fucking hectic what the fuck
im going to try and slim it down to its bare essentials rather than go on a full rant because im pretty sure i want to make a post later on about vriska’s characterisation (not anything about me liking her/disliking her, just an analyse on her life really, so it wont be too bias because thats not the point of an analysis. i also want to do one on aradia, been meaning to for a while... hmm... damn i havent done much analogies lately, and i THINK the last long post on a character i made was about davesprite??? so its been a fucking while. that being said, ill leave a lot of details out for this end of session notes so i dont just repeat myself later on. rather will keep to plot points here and then make character points in another)
first we had a page or two where aradia confided in nepeta about her being dead which means nepeta is the only one to know this revelation. im pretty sure aradia confided because there was no other way around it, since nepeta was her server player, so it was inevitable. either way, aradia still put her trust in nep, which means, if you think about it, nobody else knows and nobody else ever will. and considering aradia asked nep to keep it a secret, it probably wont get explored by others until MAYBE later on, whenever its plot relevant, so everyone will be in the dark about it for a while which ill have to remember for future dialogue and scenes with aradia in them
then we met vriska
which, yes, is a meme. i may not have been on a lot of fandom platforms, but you cant escape some of the stuff that goes around the internet. even if you dont know undertale, im pretty sure you know of sans. or komaeda if you have/havent seen danganronpa. its just.. the memes, ya know? ive heard from many sources of the “vriska did nothing wrong” quote (even through mbmbam which??? WHAT) but since i didnt even know what it meant, i never explored it so then i never knew it was a homestuck thing. imagine my surprise...... i think even at the time, i wouldnt have known what homestuck was either honestly so it wouldnt even matter. i only recently learned about the fandom.... uhh, maybe half a year ago??? yeah, august, so my knowledge was slim but vriska is a thing ive heard before, which still shocks me
anyways back to her
so her intro was something, we pretty much found out she likes DnD (a FANATIC in fact) and feeds her lusus the flesh of living trolls. which is fucked up. but i wont get too much into detail about that until i make a post about her life on alternia and the consequences of such. or maybe just alternia in general...?? or *both* heheheh but i feel i need more information before i go off on a tangent about that
then we met??? white text dude?? who is a major asshole but an asshole with insults that hURted, to think i felt bad for VRISKA when that happened. woah.
i said before, but... karkat, he cant really hit deep because his insults are just HIM and his way to express himself. like some people find it natural to just go “FUCK YOU” to show emphasis on a point, and thats just karkats way. he may do it so aggressively that it takes you a second to realize what he said, but usually i dont take anything to heart whenever he spurts out some insults. ive progressed to the point where whatever he says, is just “karkat” and not him trying to be actively mean. rather, its now funny whenever he does say anything SOMEWHAT creative, dude has an imagination that goes on for miles
but vriska?? she IS trying to be a bully, you can tell. but i feel theres something much more to that. like shes trying to prove herself and her “blueblooded” demeanours or whatever the hierarchy is. she doesnt want to show emotions so she makes herself a barrier by being mean is what i can gather from her conversation with kanaya. im pretty sure youre not supposed to understand her until its pointed out and rather see her as an “antagonist” at first, but yeah, her insults are more pitiful than anything and i also cant take her too seriously. i may not like her as a person but her character is interesting because you cant always have the goodie two shoes as the protags. it doesnt diversify the characterisation so i like vriska as someone who makes the plot work and it becomes more interesting since you have someone that makes it harder for the main crew to progress. a happy-go-lucky adventure with no trouble and no turnabouts would be boring in a way. so having a character like vriska, or like this new white text guy, it makes you stop for a second and realize oh shit okay, here’s where shit CAN go wrong and WHY. and i do especially like it when these bastards of characters somehow have more depth than being the “bastard characters”. kinda humanizes them in a way. doesnt mean you have to LIKE them continuously, but theyre humans (trolls whatever) in the end and every person has their own story whether its for better or for worse
for example, i like her being placed into the story, along with white text, by how its all leading to this “accident” and is slowly showing us hints on what happened, but in the end, it wont be until later that we know the full story. even if it was in the past, it apparently is very vital to the plot and shapes how the characters act in the future, so important aspects like that are to look out for. and usually they only occur when theres been some trouble within friend dynamics. so without these bastard of characters, plot wouldnt grow AS strong and i often keep that in mind when i explore a story.
anyways, I HAD A POINT TO THIS: so vriska and karkat are characters who are yes, mean, but it seems to be their personality, and the way they either show emotions and convey feelings (karkat) or make a barrier so they DONT show emotions to produce vulnerability (vriska), white text guy seems to mostly be out to be an asshole. he told vriska she was useless to sum it up but im not too sure if this is one of those “first dialogue” to mould out a bias opinion before we even get to the character themselves, but judging by how vriska and karkat played out, he surely means something bad and i dont know how to explain it. but i cannot base anything off from one piece of dialogue. i dont even know what else to call him other than white text guy so...... ill just leave that out for now, until we finally get his introduction
though, i do wish to mention, and will expand on, im not wrong when i say karkat and vriska are similar but in different context. sorry if youre favourite is karkat and you dont like vriska, or vice versa, but uhhhh their introductions are so similar its uncanny and the way they’re portrayed is the same except one is more on crack about the meddling, while the other is angry about the meddling. similar to how it was with karkat, we were introduced to vriska talking with someone we knew (tavros) whom she obviously didnt like, so obviously, from her point of view, she wanted to be menacing. like how karkat was menacing to jade because she wouldnt listen to his point... he got angry, so he lashed out. but us, the readers, didnt know that. we thought “oh god its this asshole” until we made it further in the story and started to warm up to karkat. it may not be the same with vriska, she may be a bully regardless, but you cannot tell me we moulded a bias towards her character as we did when we first read karkat. theyre both truly mean to other people, maybe both for different reasons, but i do want to point out the similarities and not leave that out. im pretty sure andrew basically gave us a conversation that formed our opinion of a character right off the bat rather than go into depth of WHY they did it, and how they are naturally without the conditions of the game. which, you can also see with vriska when she conversed with kanaya. andrew started off with a character who only appears to speak once, and makes you judge them from first appearance alone, without any explanation as to why they said what they said and how they are with other characters, let says. so you assume they were simply a rude character. now look how karkat turned out. so im guessing in homestuck, the first impression should never be the opinion you stick with until MAYBE 5 more conversations with that character (each one different)
OKAY done with the vriska introduction, now to slutquius
yes, hes kinda weird, i have stated that many times. i have no idea what to say about him other than he likes porn, he likes centaur dick which just so happens to be his lusus as well and if that isnt a red flag idk what is
he also likes his lusus milk, right from the udders of his guardian
fun times, fun times
my opinion of equius kinda.. differs. which i should really put in place the “dont judge by first impression” rule, because at first i thought he was rude with, then i thought he was hhh okay, because i understood why he was being so protective over nepeta and her team placement, since the people she was going to play with WERE dangerous. but if you think about it, both sides will probably put you in danger. it just depends on which ones you confide in more to protect your back rather than those which would cause trouble on purpose, in my HONEST opinion. so equius was a little overdramatic on that part, but i got what he meant. he was on the blue team and he didnt want to leave nepeta alone without him on the red. but then this session happened. and he went back to being weird again because of the whole porn thing, especially being so open about it like dude chill youre 13. but the thing is, then i felt bad for him because hes basically touch starved. to say that he could break anything he touches, i doubt people would go up to him for hugs. in fear they would be crushed to death by a simple hug. so im guessing hes rather lonely and doesnt really know how to interact because of this. so i felt sad that he had to live a life where he needs to be careful of everything he touches so it doesnt break randomly. see? poor dude. but then things got weird. and im pretty sure hes a masochist. so my opinion on equius is a fucking cosine graph
which brings us to the final point:
gamzee and equius’ conversation
i dont even know.....like.........gamzee was unaware that equius was using him for his own power play roleplay, right? gamzee knew it was a roleplay but it had had some.. idk.... obvious sexual implications? and i bet gamzee didnt really know that? he thought they were only venting out through a simple roleplay and trying to get closer because he originally thought equius hated him, considering equius flat out said “i hate you” and gamzee went “you tell me everyday and im okay with that” so.. gamzee probably wanted only to get closer to equius so he helped out his little problem which.. thats so sweet but i feel bad he was coerced into something he didnt get, especially since he was innocent enough to go along without knowing equius’ true gain
anyways, equius was getting off with the hierarchy thing. considering he’s “lower” than gamzee, and gamzee is surprisingly ...high on the spectrum??? so equius wanted gamzee to boss him around, because it felt only natural to him since he’s the “inferior one” and gamzee is The Big Man. like i get that, but it was written in a way that was so uncomfortable, that i wish i didnt. equius is just a weird character... hes not BAD per say, but hes... hes something alright
but im really liking gamzee. the two things which struck me in that one conversation, was the “i dont get why we should dictate people by the colour of their blood, i just see people as people” piece of dialogue and “i cant go around pleasing just everything so its alright if you hate me”
thats... so good, idk. i really liked that. i also really liked when kanaya said “youre dangerous but dangerous people are needed and are important because it shapes you” like <33 my fucking heart
god homestuck may be a tad on the weird side with some of its characters but it surely knows how to create great lines of dialogue
and that concludes the long 4 hour session i did, hope you all enjoyed it
with that, i rest
147 notes · View notes
bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-06
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♪ HS2 HS2 is baaaaack ♪
♪ HS2bloggin here we gooooo ♪
♪ Structural changes on their team but I don’t caaaaare ♪
♪ Already resooolved myself that its NOOOT gonna beee as good ♪ with inattentiveness to details characters like Terezi forgetting-what-they-used-to-know and an obsession with dwelling on traaageeeDEEE without relief-or-considering how weee’d feeeeeeel~ ♪♪♪ --so just gonna enjoy-what-i-caaaaaan about iiit~ ♪♪♪
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Okay time for bankruptcy
> CHAPTER 11. History's Most Notorious Haters
Let’s see how effectively my perky new lowered-expectations attitude lets me enjoy this comic  *click*
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Oh.  so is this Dave drawing comics about current events or Regular Calliope doing so for our very first lanky look at her presumably-grown-up-more cherub form
> Knight: Keep it real.
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so we just get to SEE them?!  just like that???  no buildup or anything?  :D
Okay I’m marking out a little that’s a good sign.  Also what a nerdy cop-out to turn the roboteyes into glasses that’s barely passable which is perfect, the rest of his outfit looks pretty cool tho
DAVEBOT: and thats reason four hundred nineteen why despite my mans many accomplishments i will never acknowledge big skateboardings contrived message that tony hawk is the quintessential skater of our generation ARADIA: o_o DAVEBOT: not in these trying times
Good to see Ultimate Dave is being true to form with regards to the core of his personality
DAVEBOT: beep boop ARADIA: i have told you several times that i was a robot before and i know for a fact you dont have to say beep boop DAVEBOT: hm that sounds fake does not compute ARADIA: david DAVEBOT: mom
I was with this conversation until the last two lines what the fuck
(I’m reading into it aren’t I, Aradia was trying to be atypically proper -- even though she wouldn’t have the frame of reference to know without being specifically told that “Dave” was considered nickname shorthand for the human name David, and thus if she DID know there’s no reason she’d use it except to troll him -- and Dave’s just mocking her response.  Without any shame about his continued weirdness of calling people Mom, and by without any shame I mean he made the choice EXPLICITLY to intentionally evoke the awkwardness.  Wow I got a lot out of two lines.)
(Oh, also alt!Callie’s true Jade-body incarnation here probably prompted her to start using “David” by example.  There, various mysteries solved via a pile of assumptions probably to be disproven in the next couple lines I read.)
The Knight and the Maid stare at each other briefly, having exchanged enough meaningful glances over their time together to know when to drop it.
Would Time players have an easier time gelling this way, like this particular smoothness?  Dropping it just before it gets weird or excessively irritating?
ARADIA: i think we have exchanged enough meaningful glances over our time together to know when to drop this DAVEBOT: what i enjoy about our conversations is that you just say things like that
OKAY I SNRK’D AT THAT.  That was funny.
Initially.  And now I’m concerned whether Aradia is being controlled by the narrative-speak, or whether they’re both just humorously referencing the meta-text they can both see, or--
ARADIA: oh is that what you enjoy ARADIA: well we are both an infinite number of years old living countless lifetimes at once but thats no reason to waste any of our...
WHAT??!?  She’s an Ultimate Self too?!?
Um, okay!  Yeah!  So they’re BOTH just riffing on the narrative then.  But... why would Dave need a robot body to accommodate his Ultimate Psyche without getting sick but Rose not need it?  I can understand Dirk not needing it because the merging of the full breadth of his multiversal individuality gels well with him being a God of the aspect governing the power of his multiversal individuality, but Aradia?
Were the robot bodies not necessary after all, and the sickness Rose suffered and Obama thought Dave would have suffered some sort of ruse?  Are there shenanigans afoot?  (Or are we going with the “troll biology is better” cop-out?)
She knows how this will play out, having undoubtedly tried this joke on her friend in some timeline or another. Their rapport reflects a unique combination of their matching aspects but greatly differing classes. One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
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Okay if that means anything like it sounds like I guess my class chart is finally blown up, sure, they only waited (*checks last edit date*) SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS TO BLOW THAT GUESS UP, SURE
Wow.  Okay, I feel some obligation to jump to conclusions and say the whole class chart is wrong, but let me stay strapped in to see if “passive” is as literal as one would expect alt!Callie to mean, or it just means “an active class passive compared to other classes”.  And, serving the aspect?  Oh dammit, now people are gonna come at me advocating a Maid / Page dichotomy about actively serving the aspect versus allowing the aspect to be served... or Page / Maid even, jesus
I wish I had enough energy to have those chats anymore.  I’d rather hold on and see the whole ridiculous chart scheme they have in mind... which is definitely (and hopefully) the one Andrew really drew up at the time and not made up by the staff, even if it throws away plenty of my old work...  I’ll just stop thinking about it and keep reading.
--no, I don’t think I can just stop thinking about it yet.  Dammit, brain.
So um.  Maids serving their aspect.  There was a whole “Maids serve” thing going on throughout the whole plot of Homestuck, but despite how prevalent it was, I wrote it off as the story riffing on the classical definition of Maid when the actual stuff Maids accomplished was something different and more specific, just like Knights constantly got riffed on for chivalry and the like.  Furthermore, service seemed like a really shitty class definition, when class definitions are the verbs one uses to interact with reality through Aspects to change the way reality unfolds, and “serving” isn’t really an action that results in change, implying a distinct deficit of agency that I wouldn’t have viewed as fair.  (Especially since you originally think “meant to serve others” and not “meant to serve the aspect”, implying even LESS agency.)  Furthermore, MOST passive classes from their descriptions seem to have a propensity to act “as if by the will of the aspect”, so even with the nuance of “serving the aspect”, devoting an entire class verb to service would just step on the territory of other active/passive class pairs’ passive sides, right?
But... IF we were to take this for granted as what it SEEMS... then concentrating on that angle of “serving the aspect” implies a whole lot more agency than a service class might sound on its surface.  The definition fits with the story better once you contextualize all the Maid-y references to service around Jane, for instance, with the additional idea of “serving Life” by baking prolifically and creating more of its symbols in food and--
--fuck.  “Serving”, like serving to others.  Serving the aspect as its attendant AND serving it out to others that need it.  Maybe this still IS part of the Additive class pair!  Whoa.  :O
Okay okay so, what I/we thought before was:
Create/Add - Maid / Sylph
Destroy/Reduce - Prince / Bard
But “additive” really isn’t an elegant verb compared to the “Destroyer” classes, so... could it be the “Servants” and the “Destroyers”?  Like Maids cleaning up and healing the broken wreckage strewn through the halls by a bratty Prince’s tantrum???
It’d certainly be weird... and it’d CERTAINLY be a wild twist where I was partially wrong in some fascinating ways but not entirely off base?
One a passive but powerful servant to time, the other wielding the aspect like a honed blade.
And yet, I can’t bet on this being the situation yet; not at all.  First, it relies on the idea that alt!Callie’s explicit narrative here is slightly misleading, which would be a pretty extreme thing to commit to, even for a technical truth like “she was saying it was passive relative to other classes even though it’s technically “active””.  Second... it would mean that Muses are even more wildly defined than the previous insinuation of hers, that the Sylph -- what we thought was the passive additive class -- was not enough like a Muse compared to a Witch.  Muses not being that Additive?  I could grudgingly understand that, but Muses not being anything like passive Servants?!  That would be EXTREMELY weird!
So... there’s not a whole lot of chance that I’m not dramatically wrong somewhere about these classes!  In a way that throws the entire chart into disarray!
I’m... oddly excited?  Huh.
That’s a pretty nice surprise that I actually feel that way.
(Don’t hit me up all at once to discuss this Classpect development over Discord, I’ll still need a few days without talking about Homestuck to recharge as usual.  Like... maybe wait and come at me as a group chat? So I’m not talking about the latest developments separately with everyone?  No that wouldn’t work, how about... guh I dunno, look my outlook’s a little more positive right now but dealing with Homestuck still takes emotional energy okay?)
Okay the rest of this page...
ARADIA: ... DAVEBOT: time then make a weird face ARADIA: ........ DAVEBOT: waste time DAVEBOT: time ARADIA:............. DAVEBOT: i experience all points of time simultaneously please just say time and make a weird face
This is true.
ARADIA: .................. DAVEBOT: cmon megido youre killing me clocks ticking ARADIA: ... ARADIA: time o_o
The Maid casts a furtive glance around the empty crew quarters, as though to search for someone more sympathetic to her bit.
ARADIA: tough crowd
> ==>
(Lazy fruit-throwing sword-training I won’t bother to screenshot but looks fun)
(I mean, really lazy looking, these people really don’t have Andrew’s knack for action composition that would make the same amount of gif-creation effort feel like a microcosm of the event they’re depicting, unfortunately.  Again, I don’t blame them; Andrew was just too good at it.)
DAVEBOT: ok heres one DAVEBOT: how old do you think you are ARADIA: emotionally? ARADIA: that is a pretty heavy topic DAVEBOT: you know damn well thats not what i meant ARADIA: you know I have been through a lot dave DAVEBOT: ok ARADIA: its just so kind of someone DAVEBOT: ok i get it ARADIA: to finally ask how i feel ARADIA: i am beside myself with emotions ARADIA: i want to open up DAVEBOT: jesus christ ARADIA: shall i open up about my past traumas to you ARADIA: would you enjoy that ARADIA: to think even a frog like me can work through their pain with a dear friend ARADIA: you have truly blessed me on this day dave strider
Is Aradia JUST trolling here or is her Ultimate Self grappling with a ton of real unresolved trauma too that she’s bullshitting around Dave-style?
DAVEBOT: times fun when youre having flies
Okay that’s a damned good frog pun.
Alright now Davebot’s rapping
DAVEBOT: lacking tact i stay stacked while i breach contract DAVEBOT: sacred vows disavowed got divorce fever DAVEBOT: i leave her DAVEBOT: dont look back dont perceive her ARADIA: do you want to talk about it :( DAVEBOT: about what ARADIA: would you say you are hung up on leaving your wife and friends behind
Goddamnit is DAVE’S ton of real unresolved trauma leaking into his raps unintentionally Dave-style??  I knew we had to address it when we cut to Davebot but how about LESS TRAGEDY IN THIS COMIC MAYBE
DAVEBOT: arent you even a little guilty about ditching your boyfriend ARADIA: what ARADIA: oh fuck
But she knew what she was doing when she did it she explicitly did it didn’t she?  Epilogues quote:
DAVEBOT: what about your boy DAVEBOT: eyepatches ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
And then they stepped through the sky hole more or less.  Did like, distracted Ultimate Aradia not realize exactly how long she was leaving Sollux for, ie forever?  Or did she “ascend” to Ultimate status later and hadn’t thought back to the full consequences of her actions within this timeline?  Or both?  From the looks of the link we’ll probably find out on the next pa--
--Wait.  Something else I just thought of, unrelated.
If Aradia is an Ultimate Self, that’s another coincidentally Ultimate version of someone hanging around that happens to be on the prospective list of Soul-Powered Jujus that might have their creation loops closed in the coming story.  Could those two things play into each other somehow?  Like instead of their souls getting stuffed into the items, their “Ultimateness” is?  Or as if that’s a necessary component, or...  no, I’m probably overthinking things.
> (Months in the past, but not many...)
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Uh huh.  Is that flashing because he’s “watching” Aradia leave?  But I thought Aradia SAID she was leaving--
> (==>)
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--and that black hole portal doesn’t look as cool as it sounded in the Epilogues.  But why was Aradia acting surprised, she said “I’ll probably just cut him loose” mere MOMENTS before entering the portal, did she mean “cut him loose” as in “I’m going to talk to him before leaving” and then just IMMEDIATELY forget that she didn’t say anything to him because she cared so little???
Wait.  Waaaait wait wait.  I think.  I think maybe I missed some subtext.  Lemme do some fuller quotes here:
ARADIA: oh sollux is in one of his moods ARADIA: this was all getting to be a bit much for him ARADIA: if i go ill probably just cut him loose DAVEBOT: good move
His gaze remains fixed on her. She blinks and looks away, unsure what to say next. He’s standing perfectly still, presumably waiting for her to say something. She met him... what was it? Once, twice before? She can’t remember. But she knows this is a very different Dave. Aside from the metal skin, he seems implacably confident. But then, people go through changes. She’s been through more than her share. She cocks an eyebrow, recalling her own stint with a metal body.
DAVEBOT: hey earth to whats your face ARADIA: oh ARADIA: its aradia
DAVEBOT: youre coming DAVEBOT: better decide quick i doubt that dank fuckin hell funnel is staying open for much longer ARADIA: yes i suppose so ARADIA: thats where all the action is right? DAVEBOT: all the action that matters yeah ARADIA: off we go then :) DAVEBOT: word
He holds out his hand. She looks around, and assumes he means for her to take it, so she does. She didn’t know someone could fly this fast. He nearly yanks her arm out of its socket. She considers reminding him that maybe this isn’t necessary, since she can fly too. But she doesn’t want to risk saying more embarrassing stuff around this outrageously cool dude. Besides, they’re through the wormhole before she can even finish the thought. It vanishes the moment they’ve crossed.
...this was a SHIPPING thing wasn’t it.  She’s impressed as hell with Striderbot, she SAID she’d cut things off with Sollux, and then she was so busy being swooped off her feet and into the portal that she forgot to actually say anything to him.  Is that what happened????
Ultimate Self Davebot x Ultimate Self Aradia.  Huh.  Didn’t see that coming.  (Though, again... they could make it SLIGHTLY clearer that this wasn’t just a blatant continuity error.)
Anyway, a rare-don’t-get-used-to-it [S] page...
> [S] (Gaze.)
...Okay that was kinda funny.
> (==>)
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SOLLUX: h0w the fuck am i g0ing t0 get d0wn fr0m here.
HAH!  Okay, he’s taking it pretty well.  :)  --and THAT’s what she realized she forgot, giving him a flight down from the tower before leaving.
> Back to reality.
(Since the black hole is outside “canon” reality.)
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(Lord English’s blood leaving permanent timeless bloodstains would be a cool new thing to squeeze into canon i admit, i wouldn’t blame them for taking the excuse even if you could find small canon counterexamples I’m not sure of but dimly think might exist)
DAVEBOT: so youre telling me you dont even feel a little bad that you ditched him to be a weird death acolyte ARADIA: no i think he found my wiles both charming and irresistible DAVEBOT: not even an ounce of guilt or self doubt huh DAVEBOT: just like that DAVEBOT: no conversations about the greater good DAVEBOT: no revelations about your feelings
Is Aradia a jerk or weird?  Can’t decide.
ARADIA: do you often find your faith in yourself shaken like this or is it a new experience now that your mortal coil has been left behind DAVEBOT: what ARADIA: do you think now that all that is left of you is a literal ghost inside of a machine you are more or less likely to embrace finality DAVEBOT: oh dope more cult of one shit DAVEBOT: immortality changed you ARADIA: could it be that you are projecting your feelings onto my situation DAVEBOT: does not compute rose jr ARADIA: ... ARADIA: we dont have to talk about it DAVEBOT: thanks
Wow, I actually can’t follow this conversation at all.  Let me stare at it for a sec...
...okay, the first part she’s talking about DAVE’s faith in HIMself being shaken, not her own.  She’s not asking if he relates to HER experience, she’s contrasting it.
Then, asking if he’d be more likely to embrace death, or... Time?  Death.  Whether his self-worth has changed because he might view himself as “less real”, something Aradia doubtless struggled with when she was a robot who already had so many excuses to devalue herself at the time?  And then Dave talks about “cult of one” shit what does that even mean-...
OH.  Like she’s a death cult.  Gooot it.  Because Aradia’s of the position that death and ending should be celebrated, and Davebot understandably isn’t entirely bought in.  This is as hard to parse down as one would EXPECT conversations between two Ultimate Selves to be hard to parse down, unlike Rose and Dirk where their insane missions and glaring flaws shine bright enough through it all that you can follow their conversation flow easily.
JADE: They sit in each other's presence, the silence between them as meaningful as any words they could exchange. DAVEBOT: its always really cool to hear how meaningful my silences are DAVEBOT: especially while DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: CALCULATING DAVEBOT: especially while i am attempting to experience them
Alt!Callie pulling a narrative-text AFTER a talk-identifier like “JADE:” is really hilarious in my opinion.
JADE: i do not need your approval. the story will continue how it must. DAVEBOT: beep boop hater detected ARADIA: wow is that true JADE: i am not a hater. DAVEBOT: classic hater line DAVEBOT: i know this because i am pouring through genuine actual quadrabytes of information on historys most notorious haters JADE: no, you aren’t.
Pffffff. This is pretty fun.
DAVEBOT: you are the exact opposite of a hater ARADIA: a liker DAVEBOT: ok DAVEBOT: perfect example your tolerance for whatever is going on with DAVEBOT: all this ARADIA: i think she looks quite lovely covered in the viscera of the all-powerful enemy she consumed ARADIA: floating lifelessly in our periphery ARADIA: observing our every action and noting its relevance :) DAVEBOT: uh huh thats what i mean
I was gonna note “liker” as additive for pointless classpect purposes, but really more quoting it just because I really enjoy this conversation.  I’m starting to get sold on the chemistry of these two a lot faster than I expected.
JADE: even though I understand that it must happen, i am growing frustrated with the direction of this conversation. DAVEBOT: do you want to talk about something else stinky JADE: what would you suggest?
How long has that dried fucking blood been on her
DAVEBOT: ok hear me out DAVEBOT: kanaya DAVEBOT: but like DAVEBOT: wearing huge jorts
That explains Homestuck’s twitter earlier
> Weeks in the future, relative to the original point of interest...
Wait wait which point of interest?  This time we were just viewing? *click*
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I love what must be this shitty imagination-ship they’re using to cross the substrate of reality
> ==>
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Whoaaaa.  So they DIDN’T stay in those outfits for long?  It showed them in a bunk bed earlier, it showed CallieJade still going around blood-covered afterward-- dammit, I’m having a hard time gauging exactly how much time is supposed to have passed between their entry into the black portal, their earlier conversation, and this moment.  And as likely as some are to call this poor scene composition, I can’t think it’s anything but intentional, given we’re dealing with a couple of Ultimate Time players bullshitting with each other.
Moments like these are not rare, and serve a valuable function to the story. They are able to show a passage of time with the bulk of the emotional labor of a lengthy bonding process happening off screen. How did we get here? What have they been through? These questions are often better left open to individual interpretation and can give the one interpreting a sense of ownership of the story.
See?  We’re being trolled is why.  (Even if the authors are pulling the trick Alt!Callie describes maybe a little too damn often, because a cut like this where we’re supposed to fill in the emotional gaps and intervening events ourselves as readers depends on readers’ faith that sensible events and decisions for these characters would OCCUPY the gaps, as if readers don’t have faith that what intervenes WOULD make sense to their understanding of the characters the way the authors are writing them... it just seems like an excuse to do whatever you want without adequately explaining yourself, when in reality if you’d spelled out the events that led to it we’d all cry foul at the mischaracterization.)
...okay, maybe I’m a BIT bitter.  Sorry.  Where were we?
JADE: As a point of curiosity- ARADIA: oh shit!!!!
The dead Cherub possessing the body of an equally deceased Goddess of Space pauses at the interruption.
She doesn’t talk much, then?  Too busy doing whatever talking you’d do as your other possessed Jade body?  Just how temporally related is you controlling THIS Jade compared to when you were controlling the other?  When that Jade pegged you as enjoying contact with friends, are these two just not enough for you, or did you “experience” the trips entirely separately?  I don’t THINK the alt!Callie possessing either Jade is a separate entity from the other, but...
Were she to voice her opinion, it would be that --actually-- it is not unusual for those whose primary concern is The Grander Scheme to have a passing curiosity about the insignificant. So when one really thinks about it, any annoyance with the attendant’s small mindedness is both understandable and warranted.
She pissed
...also, “the attendant”.  Even if “serve” is really the verb here, that phrasing really irks me as if she’s talking down to her.  Which, I mean, makes sense for alt!Callie’s character, but doesn’t make me feel better about this new definition being foisted on us.
ARADIA: :( JADE: as a point of order, you never answered dave’s question. ARADIA: which one he is very chatty JADE: you experience time in a way that is woefully unfamiliar to me and it has... piqued my curiosity enough to learn more. ARADIA: ?_? DAVEBOT: shes asking how old you are
Wait a minute, is Alt!Callie asking a question about a dropped topic from WEEKS ago?!  And is Davebot so in touch with Time and the meta ordering of topics that he actually CAUGHT ON that fast to what she was actually wondering about?????
This is getting more disorienting by the minute.
ARADIA: in this form our bodies stop aging once we reach maturity i think ARADIA: the god tier keeps our physical form locked in a state of undying ARADIA: even in death the bodies do not decay ARADIA: only lay dormant
THAT LAST PART IS FUCKING IMPORTANT.  It’s being brought up intentionally to tell us that JOHN’S DEAD BODY can still be in the wallet Terezi’s carrying around RIGHT NOW without having decayed over the past years.  I remember remarking in SOME previous HS^2 liveblog post of mine that I was alarmed by the decay that would have happened there (can’t find my remark on short notice and don’t really care to), so this explicitly dismisses it so we won’t be surprised by the fact that she could keep it in just-dead condition.
DAVEBOT: like how long have you been alive JADE: yes, that one.
ARADIA: oh maybe a few hundred years or so DAVEBOT: what JADE: what? ARADIA: well if i had known you were going to be so judgy about it DAVEBOT: when did this happen ARADIA: oh i spent some time in other doomed realities and timelines and came back before anybody could tell i was gone
We knew she spent a LONG time in the dream bubbles, enough to talk to “pretty much all of the Nepetas”, but she was actually able to access a universe or universes and hop between them?  That’s not something any time traveller we’ve seen has been explicitly able to do intentionally before, quite like she’s describing.
DAVEBOT: oh just out for a bit of fun then DAVEBOT: just hopped on over to a different reality DAVEBOT: real casual like DAVEBOT: oh hello dont mind me just popping in to see if it really is as doomed as they say it is DAVEBOT: did not disappoint ARADIA: yes almost exactly like that :) DAVEBOT: who did you hang out with are they cooler than me ARADIA: it is complicated to explain DAVEBOT: oh ok nevermind then DAVEBOT: all clear
Yep, he’s kinda bewildered.  Is this Pesterquest stuff she’s referring to?  Did she stop by Pesterquest?
DAVEBOT: a whole alternate universe ripe with the coolest motherfuckers imaginable ARADIA: you were there too i threw your air conditioner into the sun DAVEBOT: wow thats fucked up DAVEBOT: thats not where that goes at all JADE: these events are not-canonical. ARADIA: rude
Ah!  Yeah, almost certainly Pesterquest.  (Still haven’t played that and have little inclination to now that I’m more sure we aren’t being gaslit with intentional continuity errors, just disappointed by actual continuity errors.)  Oh!  And that makes a bit more sense because I imagine that’s Black Hole territory, and that territory outside of Canon seems pretty rich and easy for time-travellers to hop between stories and timelines willy-nilly.  As they’re apt to in fanfics, which is the most appropriate way for things to be in that realm!
DAVEBOT: is that the trope of being hundreds of years old but looking young forever patently sucks ass DAVEBOT: a plot device an asshole would write ARADIA: :( JADE: that is not what i am trying to say at all. DAVEBOT: hmm wow yeah thatd really be a sort of pot/kettle situation i guess DAVEBOT: i cant believe im the only woke one here DAVEBOT: its hard being such a visionary AND such a fine metallic specimen DAVEBOT: but im an altruist first and fucking foremost ARADIA: so selfless JADE: yes, the greater narrative is truly blessed by your beneficent presence. DAVEBOT: oh so you got jokes now huh JADE: i have always had the ‘jokes’ of which you speak, but i have heretofore exercised restraint in laying you low. JADE: i possess knowledge of many of your iterations, as the scope of my powers allows me to exist in several narrative structures at once. DAVEBOT: but can she see why kids love the sweet cinnamon taste of cinnamon toast crunch JADE: i do not know, or care, what that means. ARADIA: neither do i :)
I’m actually really enjoying this conversation
JADE: its cultural significance to you as an earthling is wasted on the two of us entirely, as we have not conflated the misguided notion of clinging to nostalgic cereal advertisement trivia with socially relevant conversation.
Pff she literally checked her meta notes just now to learn what the cereal ads were after admitting she didn’t know what it meant and pretending not to care
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Oh, closer look at Davebot.  Are those actual SHAPED shades over his robotic eye bulges?  Weird, I thought it was just a lazy line drawn between them with red sharpie at first, Sans style.  That would’ve been funny.
> ==>
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Ohh, I get it.  I was gonna say that was an unwarranted reaction... but he just realized that the Time-wait puns will be coming from BOTH his shipmates from now on.  That’s gotta be a downer.  :)
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Ah, was that Jade kicking you out?  Or just the multiverse punishing you for being briefly happy :(
--oh, end of the update.  Guess that’s it for now!
Alright I know I’m A BIT BEHIND on covering the HS2 commentary,
I really would rather wait on that a bit longer if that’s alright.  Real busy and stressful week or two.  (Found out my hair is starting to thin noticeably at age 31!  Quite suddenly, too.  Blood test looks fine so it’s nothing serious... gonna see a doctor to check if anything can be safely done about that, it’s really hurting my self-esteem more than I thought it would.  Didn’t think it would hit my emotions that hard when it eventually happened, knew it was likely but not so SOON... really messing with my anxiety every time I accidentally touch my hair, now.  I’ll deal with it.)
If I sound really aimless in this post, I think it’s cause I am?  My mental and emotional energy’s REALLY drained.  I’m glad that June/July break in HS^2 happened when it did, and I’m definitely glad there’s apparently plenty in HS^2 I can really enjoy, if this update is anything to go by.  Maybe this comic can help lift me up instead of knocking me down.  :)
See y’all later!  More Patreon commentary blogging catchup after some other upd8.
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swaps55 · 4 years
I'm an anon from earlier-I didn't expect your answer so quickly, thank you :D I don't want to spam on your tumblr blog so I logged on my old account and omg! There is a chat now? Last time I was here we didn't have such luxuries! I feel old. Anyway, for now I just want to ask two questions: 1. Why fics in your Opus series are titled after musical forms(I suck at music so probably I miss something obvious)? 2. Do you write smth original with OC? Your charachters seems alive, I bet it'd be awesome
These are such fun questions, thank you for asking!!!
1. Why fics in your Opus series are titled after musical forms?
Don’t worry – you are not missing anything. I do not come from a musical background either, and this has an answer I find very amusing. 
The short version: It’s all songfic! Every chapter of every story in Opus has a song that is tied to it, hence the soundtracks. This is something only I really care about, but I care about it a lot. Therefore every story has a music-themed title, and each chapter title is derived from a lyric of the song it’s tied to. 
The long version: Sam and Kaidan’s adventures started because I went to visit @makoparkingonly in the Before Covid Times, and as we do, we hung out at Starbucks and doodled fic. She had put together an OTP playlist and had the lovely idea to write a quick one shot for each story on the playlist.  
HOW FUN, I thought. I SHOULD DO THAT, I thought. It’ll be quick and simple and fun, I THOUGHT. (Ok, it’s fun, but definitely not the other two things). Next thing you know this playlist had a chronology to it. And narrative arcs! “I will tell Sam and Kaidan’s entire story, from when they met before the Normandy to their happily ever after! And since each story will be based on a song, I’ll give the series a cute music-themed name.” I went with Concerto, because, and I am not kidding, there was a racehorse I really liked in late 90s who was named Concerto. 
So, while working on this now-spiraling out of control series of stories, I got stuck. And joked about writing a fake dating story. The fake dating story went from a one-shot distraction to a 77k fic before I could blink, and then I had a problem, because what was supposed to be an AU of my mildly-AU series was now suddenly full of the best character development I’d ever written, and I couldn’t just…leave it out of Concerto. And it didn’t fit in Concerto. It was very much its own story. 
SO, to make a long story even longer, I named the fake dating fic Sonata, because it was still songfic, and decided to break Concerto up into multiple stories so I could wedge Sonata in where it belonged. 
In some cases, there is a vague attempt to make the music term somehow match the subject matter. In the case of Sonata, it just sounded cool. In the case of Fugue…well, how do you resist that. 
2. Do you write smth original with OC? Your characters seems alive, I bet it'd be awesome
Thank you!!! I have written original fic before, but I am a terrible world builder. I love being handed a world and being creative within it vs being in God Mode and making up all the rules myself. But I do spend a lot of time developing the OC characters in my fic, and often they take on traits or aspects of people I know in real life. Lora Alenko, for example, is a very odd blend of several people I know plus shit I just made up. 
I think the secret to making them feel alive is to really think about how who they are and the perspectives they bring can change and impact a story. How can their character arc both support the plot while also recognizing that character is on their own journey independent of the main protagonist? I’ll stick with Lora because she’s such a good example. Tali, though not an OC, is another one.
The trick to bringing Lora to life (and it took me several tries) was really thinking about how this story looked through her eyes. Is she invested in the main fake dating plot? Well, yes, but not in the same way Sam or Kaidan or the Normandy crew are. So why would she be invested in Kaidan being with Sam? This is the conclusion I came to:
Kaidan is her only child, and she’s missed a lot of his adult life. I thought a lot about what it would feel like if your kid walked out the door at 17, and is now 32, and in that intervening time, she’s seen him twice. She would barely know him. After knowing every little thing there was to know about him growing up, now she has to not only learn who he is now, but reconcile that with the person she used to know. That would be hard. Especially for someone like her, who is intent on fixing all the world’s problems.
So why is Sam important? He’s Lora’s missing link! Sam has a ton of Kaidan’s history she’s missing. She’s invested in them being together because Sam can help her rediscover her own son. In some ways, it’s a selfish act. When this all starts, she doesn’t really care about Sam so much as she cares about what Sam can give her, and the happiness he can give to Kaidan. That’s what she cares about, and so when we’re in her POV, that’s the story she’s telling.    
What this means for the fic is that I have a fully realized character who puts a new perspective on the plot because she has her own motivations. 
I cannot wait until y’all get to see more of her in Fugue. She is, quite simply, a motherfucking hero. 
I am so sorry I wrote this much. These were great questions and I really love to talk about this stuff.
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terramythos · 4 years
TerraMythos' 2020 Reading Challenge - Book 30 of 26
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Title: The Cloud Roads (2011) (The Books of the Raksura #1)
Author: Martha Wells
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction (ish), Adventure, LGBT Protagonist, Third-Person
Rating: 8/10
Date Began: 10/20/2020
Date Finished: 10/28/2020
Moon has spent most of his life as an outsider, wandering from place to place. An orphan with little clue to his origins or past, he has the ability to transform into a large, winged creature. Due to an unfortunate visual similarity to the Fell, a destructive race of marauding shapeshifters, he has to keep his identity hidden. When his current home discovers his secret, the residents assume the worst, poison him, and leave him to die.
By luck, Moon is rescued by a huge shapeshifter named Stone. According to Stone, they're both members of a species known as the Raksura, and a nearby group is in the midst of a dire crisis. Desperate to know more about his past, Moon agrees to help. He follows Stone to Indigo Cloud, a dwindling court of Raksura under threat from the Fell. While the Raksura initially distrust Moon, and Moon has difficulty adjusting to their way of life, they soon discover they need each other to survive. Moon must come to terms with his place among his newfound people and help them overcome an insidious and overwhelming enemy.  
He spoke the thought that had become increasingly obvious all day long, with every interaction he had had. “I don’t belong here.” Maybe if he had been younger, there would have been a chance, but not now. 
Stone made a derisive noise. “You’re afraid you don’t belong here. There’s a difference.” 
Moon seethed inwardly but held his temper, knowing it would give Stone a victory if he lost it. “I’ve been walking into new places all my life. I know when I don’t belong.” 
Stone sounded wry. “You’ve been here half a day, and for most of that you were asleep.” 
Moon said sourly, “I like to make quick decisions.” 
Minor spoilers and content warning(s) under the cut.
Content warnings for the book: Lots of graphic violence, action, and death. Non-graphic sexual content. Mind control/manipulation is a whole thing. R*pe is plot relevant and mentioned several times, but not depicted.  
I read Martha Wells’ The Murderbot Diaries series earlier this year and enjoyed the hell out of it (reviews here and here). Featuring fantastic writing and the most well-written perspective character I’ve ever read, I cannot recommend that series enough. So I was interested in reading other stuff by Wells, and ultimately settled on this series. Murderbot is a tough act to follow, and The Cloud Roads is MUCH different in tone/genre, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to more. 
To me, the worldbuilding is the strongest aspect of The Cloud Roads. The Three Worlds is an interesting and creative setting. Humans are completely absent-- instead, there are dozens of different sapient humanoid races. While there are some cultural analogues to our world, everything feels distinctly alien and science fiction-y. I find it interesting that there don't seem to be countries or empires as such, though I get the sense it’s intentional. The Raksura, a main focus of the novel, are based on insect colonies like bees or ants, but with social complexity more like a wolf pack. 
Moon is a good choice of protagonist for this novel due to his general ignorance of the world around him, so we get a firsthand view of someone learning about it. Furthermore, I think Wells does a great job in heavy worldbuilding without it feeling overbearing. When information is doled out, it's always because it's relevant to the situation at hand, so the learning progression feels very natural. By the end I got the sense of a vast and complex world that we'd barely scratched the surface of-- which is a good thing.  
The Raksuran culture is fascinating. Personally I find insect colonies super interesting so I love to see a fantasy race borrow some elements of that. Without going into a whole essay, the matriarchal Raksura have a biological caste system and a ruling queen responsible for a lot of the reproduction. They're separated into two main groups-- winged and not. Within those two categories are various social roles one performs for the colony. All Raksura are able to shapeshift between a smaller almost-human form and a larger, more animalistic one. Despite the insectoid inspiration, the Raksura seem to be a hybrid of mammals and reptiles. They’re... sort of dragons? Gargoyles? Dinosaurs? There’s no perfect analogy. One thing I particularly admire about the writing is how Wells manages to make the Raksura human enough to be relatable, but with pronounced animal-like behavior to make the distinction obvious. Maybe I’m a bit of a furry, too. Sue me. 
I also enjoyed reading a story where the main characters can fly. I haven't read many books like that; I just think it's neat! It adds an extra element to travel sequences, or even how the characters view and observe the world around them. Journeys in fantasy can be boring to read, but this element keeps it interesting. 
The Cloud Roads’ plot isn’t mindblowing, but I think it serves the purpose of the novel well. It’s a pretty standard stock story-- orphan/loner must set out to reclaim his heritage and a new place in society. I think this plot works here because the worldbuilding is so complex, it would be difficult to also balance a complicated story. What keeps it interesting is that Moon struggles to adapt to Raksuran society; it’s his whole character arc. He is inherently mistrustful of the others and in many cases the feeling is mutual. The Raksura initially see Moon as a means to an end; something he is acutely aware of, and Moon keeps himself deliberately detached. The emotional thrust of the story lies in certain characters genuinely wanting him to stay on his own merits, and Moon realizing he actually wants to as well. 
One thing I hope to see more of in future installments is good ol’ character development. Moon is well-realized in this novel; he’s emotionally repressed, but starts to get over it and find a place to belong over the course of the story. We also gradually learn about his past, which adds more depth and context to his behavior. But I want more from the supporting cast. Jade, Chime, Pearl, and Stone get some development but I found myself wanting to know more about them outside of the main plot and their direct relationship to Moon. All the books are written and published by now so I guess I'll see for myself. One pattern I do like with the side characters is how several are set up to be obvious antagonists, but turn out to not be so bad, or are otherwise open to changing their ways. I like how Moon’s limited perspective influences perceptions of certain characters. Also: loving Moon's Peak Bisexual Energy. I tagged him as an LGBT Protagonist since he's clearly bisexual, though it isn't a big focus in the story. Casual rep is still nice to see. 
My main challenge is the Fell, which are basically an Always Chaotic Evil race of shapeshifters similar to the Raksura, and serve as the novel’s antagonists. I personally don’t find them that compelling. They sort of remind me of Reapers from the Mass Effect series, but thus far lacking the grand ulterior motive. They just come off as pure evil without much nuance. I also have to wonder how the species has survived this far if their main method of survival is targeting entire cities and eating the inhabitants (and each other?). I’m not sure where that whole thing is going. Maybe insight in future novels will help me on this. 
I’ll be honest, while I personally enjoyed The Cloud Roads, it is pretty unusual and I don’t think it’s for everyone. If anything, I recommend reading The Murderbot Diaries before this series, but both are well-written and creative. I’m planning to read book 2, The Serpent Sea, after this one, so look forward to that! 
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floa12 · 4 years
A rant about representation
I recently saw a post on Marvel's Hero Project and I think it's incredible how Marvel (and Disney) have been integrating representation into a lot of their Disney+ content. Marvel's Hero Project is really cool because each episode focuses on a member of the youth that is a real life hero and stands up for really great causes. They've got kids fighting for lgtbq+ rights and kids advocating for disabilities and the homeless, but one thing they don't have is a Muslim kid. Now that isn't to say that in later episodes they won't have one, but as a Muslim and full time hijabi (a Muslim woman who covers her hair with a headscarf and wears modest clothes that covers most of her body) it's getting increasingly frustrating for all these TV shows and movies to get applauded for representation when I rarely, if ever, see any positive Muslim representation. Now I'm mostly gonna be touching on representation of Hijabi woman because I feel that is the most prominent and most easily recognizable image of a Muslim person to the general media.
First, I want to talk about a couple examples of representation that have really got me going (bad and good). I'm gonna start with Halo from Young Justice, mostly because I did a post about how much I appreciated her and am low key regretting it. Obviously they fucked that up and I can't put into words how disappointing it was to see her character lose sight of being Muslim (not that they made it very important to begin with) but I mean I guess I was blind sighted by the fact that she was a hijabi when really that was the only give away that she was Muslim at all. On the other side of the spectrum we have Kamala Khan, who is everyone's go to Muslim representation. I myself am a fan of Ms.Marvel but I can't help but find fault with her representation. I don't want to take away the fact that she's a Pakistani American practicing Muslim but I do want to point out that the fact that she's Muslim isn't really super vital to her story plots. It's a lot about her inhuman abilities and genes. This is a small detail to have a problem with, especially considering people are reading her comics to see a superhero in action and not the domestic day to day problems of a Muslim girl. Really I guess my biggest issue with her is that she doesn't wear a headscarf. I know this is something I'm sure will bug a lot of people that I'm picking on, because after all any representation is better than no representation, but it's the fact that being Muslim is something that she is known for and yet she doesn't fit the image of a Muslim woman in a way that most people would recognize. I'm not invalidating any of my non hijabi sisters, I'm just saying it's a lot easier to recognize a Muslim in a crowd if they're wearing a hijab, so to have a character that is Muslim and not have her look like someone anyone person would immediately recognize as Muslim is a little :/. Both these characters also to wildy different degrees help check off the representation box without having a lot of evidence to support it. (Please don't misunderstand this as hate for Kamala, I love her and am super proud of her as a character, I just think there should be more characters and done better.)
Getting away from animated/cartoon characters I want to talk about Ramy, a sitcom on Hulu, and Amira on Druck, part of Skam. Ramy is this sitcom on Hulu that revolves around a young Muslim Egyptian man and the struggles he encounters while trying to reconnect with his faith of Islam. I love this show and encourage people to check it out because it's created by Ramy Youssef who also stars in it. It's a wonderful show that is super relatable for young Muslim people who struggle with being part of American society and practicing their faith, also it's fucking funny. The show also has serious episodes about his sister and mother and how much a double standard can exist in some Muslim households. I know a lot of conservative Muslims who would HATE this show because it constantly shows Ramy sinning. But I love this show because it's relatable and real and in the end Ramy tries his best (more or less) to be a good Muslim. It shows you the inside of some Muslim practices like Ramadan that a lot of people might be ignorant about. Now before I talk about Amira I just want to say I'm not the most informed on Druck or Skam and the only things I really know for sure is that they do a lot in the way of positive representation. I just wanted to touch on Amira really quick because from what I've seen of her I'm in love. Just from a purely aesthetic point of view the way she fucking wraps her scarves and wears her clothes in the MOST fashionable ways while staying modest and covering her body is a breathe of fresh air (also I'm super jelly). Her arc also shows her struggle with falling for someone who isn't as strong in their beliefs as she is and how that strengthens instead of weakens her. She stays true to being a Muslim and learns how to integrate that aspect of herself into her social life. Imane from Skam is also a great example as well because she is not a full time hijabi and they show how much being Muslim means to her and how much she identifies as such and makes sure people know. It's also a great side to see because it shows her interested in dating a non Muslim and how she naviagtes that and it's lovely. I really love seeing these characters because they show me that despite there being so little representation for Muslims some people are coming around and they're proof that we're getting there...really fucking slowly.
This summer I was fortunate enough to intern at Cartoon Network in Atlanta and I got to attend an event that hosted one of the PR members involved with Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Something he really wanted to hear about from the young audience (all highschoolers) was things that they loved about Cartoon Network but also things they could improve on. Unsurprisingly, a lot of people complained that CN lost the subtle edgy humour that was brought by their early 2000s shows, but what really stuck out to me is when a close friend of mine stood up and told him that while Cartoon Network was doing a great job on representation, they were far from perfect because full representation wasn't accomplished until every kid who tuned in could see a version of themselves on TV. I think it's amazing that we have shows that include LGBT couples like in Steven Universe and I love ALL the forms of representation we get in Craig of the Creek, but everytime I see them pump out a new show I get dissapointed to see the lack of Muslim characters. Now that isn't to say I don't get excited everytime I watch We Bare Bears or Craig of the Creek and I see a hijabi in the background, but obviously that is far from real representation. Of course I'm not criticizing CN only (they just are farther ahead than Disney and other channel's in my opinion), I'm waiting for Netflix to release a show where I get to see a hijabi woman who practices Islam and is proud of her religion and I can't help but wonder when seeing a practicing Muslim on TV will be trendy and cool and mainstream. Anyways this got long and I guess I'm just sad that representation of any group of minorities isn't where I hoped it would be in 2020.
tldr: the Muslim representation that we get is far from enough and in a lot of cases can hardly qualify as completely accurate representation and I'm tired of it.
edit: I forgot about Imane from Skam!!
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a long, meta PSA
Hello, my good readers! Firstly, I’m very glad to see we’re almost reaching 1k followers, and I’m still very determined to finish the next page - I’m nearly done with the whole layout!
Though what I want to talk about today is something I’ve been thinking for a while. As many of you may know, Imaginary Friend was technically going to be a comic adaptation of the original fanfiction I posted a long time ago. Now, I’m not saying I’m going to change the entire plot, yet there’s something in there that’s actually been bothering me, now that I think of it: and that’s about Gaster being a dad before the Void. Please read the whole post before commenting or sending asks!
Even from the first 23 pages, you know that Gaster is drowning in his sorrows and regrets. He keeps saying how he failed at being the Royal Scientist, for not being able to free everyone, and at being a father to Sans and Papyrus. If anyone has gotten to the fanfiction already, it’s claimed that Gaster used to overwork himself and did not spend a lot of time with his sons, and that “he pushed them away.” I’ll be including some chapter pieces here to prove my points:
(chapter 2)
He let his wife die; nothing he had done to cure her from her disease worked. He neglected Sans and Papyrus, barely spent time with them and... treated them like they were just a burden in his life, when they really weren't. He had failed at freeing monsters, he had broken everyone's trust. He had disappointed everyone. He had had one job, and he failed.
(chapter 7)
It’s even implied that Sans looked after Papyrus on his own, too, which is further confirmed in the sequel I made, You’re Home Now (which contains Grillby x Gaster, just warning you guys).
He was very proud of them, despite Sans being lazy... His elder child did a great job taking care of Papyrus when he was younger (...).
(chapter 1)
The little Sans was home (in their very, very old house, the one located in New Home), watching television with young Papyrus. It was already late, the babysitter hadn't been able to come over, leaving Sans the responsibility of taking care of himself and his little brother, which wasn't that bad. Despite being a kid, Sans was actually responsible enough for his father to trust him at this task, though Papyrus could give some hard work sometimes.
(You’re Home Now, chapter 2)
Maybe this hasn’t crossed in anyone’s minds - if they’ve already read the fic - and well, I’m unsure if I’m overthinking this since I didn’t get that much depth to the original story, but this is my work, after all. I wrote this more than 3 years ago, so I’m looking back at it with a more critical perspective. Thus, this aspect about Gaster’s parenting has been bothering me recently.
I’m aware that many children have gone through this; being forced to look after themselves, their siblings or even their own parents (the latter isn’t quite the case here but anyway), as the adults fail to do what they’re supposed to - of taking care of their family and providing them love, attention and everything else. The lack of any of these things has been normalized in many households, and most of the time kids don’t realize how harmful it might be to them, because their own feelings aren’t validated. Since they’re forced to take in the role of the responsible parent, the adult, they excuse and justify their parents’ misdeeds.
Surely, in the original Imaginary Friend, Gaster acknowledges he wasn’t the best dad, yet now that I come to read it again, it never feels like he’s truly called out for that. Alright, he’s already being punished by the loneliness and helplessness for decades inside the Void, and he does show genuine remorse for his actions. Regardless, I feel like I’ve made excuses for his failures at being a parent. I feel like I used the “but he didn’t mean to!” excuse that so many people adopt when we’re talking about abusive and neglectful parents. I used Frisk, a character who I headcanon to have been abused by their biological parents, to justify that Gaster wasn’t all that bad:
"Don't say that! I think they would be glad to see you again." Frisk assured him. "I mean, you deeply cared about them and did everything to offer them proper conditions and-"
Frisk sighed too. They had a feeling that Sans and Papyrus didn't hate him. They just knew it, but Gaster didn't believe.
"But... they never gave up on you, right?" They asked.
"I would've really liked to have a father who would do everything to give me a good life."
Gaster, curious, looked at the child. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
"Toriel is my mom now, and she's the best, but... I've never had a father that cared about me." Frisk admitted. "You know... before I fell into the Underground. My real parents weren't... great. They were very mean to me, specially my father."
"It's okay. At least I found great friends and a fantastic mom." Frisk said, smiling, despite remembering their mean parents. "You are a way better father than my real one. You shouldn't say you're the worst."
Gaster didn't answer.
"You may have not spent much time with them, but I don't think Sans and Papyrus wouldn't be happy to see you." Frisk said.
"I understand, but, just so you know... I think you already made it clear to them that you cared about them, which is why they were always there for you even if you distanced yourself."
(chapter 2)
Sans and Papyrus don’t hold grudges against their father, either, and yet, now that I realize it, the former presents the same “pushing away” behavior Gaster presumably adopted. In the very least, Sans is called out for it, but I never explicitly connected that to how his father treated them:
"SANS, DID YOU SLEEP WELL?" Papyrus asked.
"i'm okay, pap."
"papyrus, i'm okay!" Sans interrupted, sounding annoyed.
Papyrus shrunk out of fear. He had never seen Sans in that state before. He knew something was up with him, but for some reason, he was afraid of asking Sans what was wrong. His brother sounded so grumpy, he felt like he would piss him off if he asked that at the time.
(chapter 6)
"DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE THE HOUSE LIKE THAT!" Papyrus said, somehow pissed, but concerned at the same time.
"l-leave me alone." Sans managed to escape, but Papyrus wouldn't let him go.
Sans teleported himself, escaping Papyrus's grip. He groaned loudly.
Turned out that Sans didn't teleport far away. He arrived in the same street, a few meters ahead.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" Papyrus yelled.
"i don't want to talk, papyrus."
(chapter 9)
That’s NOT to say Gaster is evil. You could say that Gaster believes he was terrible because of his trauma from the Void. The dark dimension causes him to hallucinate things, alter his physical form and twist reality, and so that may be why Sans and Papyrus don’t hold anything against him. But the point is, I don’t feel like I’ve made that clear. And with Sans technically mirroring his past role model, I feel like the narrative swept Gaster’s bad parenting under the carpet.
This topic is very difficult to discuss, I’m very aware of that. I get that some abusers can make it different, they can change. However, that’s not what usually happens. What does happen is society underestimating and devaluating the effects of abuse on people, especially children and teenagers. Nobody tends to focus on the victims, and thus finds ways to justify the abuse. Like that, I feel like I contributed to that, too. That’s why I’m writing this post.
PLEASE NOTE: I’m very proud of having written Imaginary Friend, and I want to continue with the comic. However, I want to truly emphasize that there will be changes in the comic adaptation, and with this theme in mind, I’ll make sure I don’t unintentionally excuse bad parenting again. At the time I wrote the fic, I had no idea it might come off that way (which doesn’t mean I’m condemning myself for not noticing). I think a lot of other people haven’t had the same impression, either; yet now that I do, I want to change what this fic might have defended.
I’m very sorry for everyone who went through this situation in their childhoods, or might still be. It’s not your fault. Your parent(s)/guardian(s) should have been better, and that’ll never be on you. Maybe they “didn’t mean to”, but that doesn’t mean it’s not harmful. I wish you all the happiness and safety in the world. <3
Stay determined!
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mychemicalxmen · 4 years
aight here’s the tea on TUA and “It’s Not Like in the Movies” from the Superhero musical
Thank you so much to @mycosmicspacestorm for the excuse to go off on this!! This is probably wayyyy more than you expected, but I just feel like bein a nerd rn. Much love. <3
*Here’s the song on spotify. 
*Basically, for me, it hits that vibe of when someone asks you what TUA is about and you want to say it’s a superhero show because it technically is but it also sure as hell don’t feel like it, in tone and plot but especially in the fact that the Academy itself was a really unconventional superhero force.  *I’m coining the term Duty Bros to mean 1, 2, and 5, the siblings who seem primarily driven by a sense of duty/responsibility. (Luther with his moon mission, Diego with his vigilante justice, and Five with stopping the apocalypse.) These brothers actively want to save the world and know they’re perfectly capable of doing so. (Allison and Klaus, on the other hand, seem to have been running from responsibility their entire adult lives and are only just now making an effort to change that.)
*Like I kinda alluded to in the tags, there’s two ways I like to imagine this song. If you don’t worry too much about the lyric-by-lyric parallels, you could picture it as Diego/Klaus explaining his past to Eudora/Dave for the first time. The subtext being “Yeah, so here’s this thing that made me Who I Am Right Now, and no one really knows/remembers that about me. No, it’s not how you think it would be. Also, it left me with a ton of weird baggage, so even though I like you, it’s probably best if you keep your distance from me”. The other way is this super abstract Oops All Siblings animatic/amv. 
ok let’s go No one can get too close. No one can get inside of you.  No one can know the secrets that you keep. Your head is always down, hoping that people slide past you, Almost as if you’re walking in your sleep. I feel this for all of the Hargreeves. All of them have trauma. All of them have walls. All of them have secrets. All of them have behavioral, psychological, and/or physical scars from childhood. (Five, especially, has a hell of a wall between him and the rest of humanity, and he has no time to be noticed in 2019 while trying to save the world.) And most of them aren’t especially eager to be recognized as one of the Academy kids. And you can’t cry, though you hurt. You are always on alert. Though you try and you fly, people die. 
ngl, this lyric is pretty weak, but it kinda fits with the Duty Bros. This is what they’ve decided to do, but you can’t save everybody, and there’s no time to be sad about it. Alternatively: “Yo, I’ve seen some shit since I was 12.”
It’s not like in the movies, where the hero’s loved and known. It’s not like in the movies; I spend my days alone.
Again, they’re not recognized as the Academy anymore. They walked away. And currently, they’re all living in some form of isolation. Allison not having a family of her own anymore; Luther on the moon; Klaus’s struggles, etc.  
I don’t even get a hug from the kid stuck in the tree. It’s not like in the movies; No one knows it’s me.
The Duty bros can’t really reap any tangible rewards from their service. They barely get recognition. And none of them really got suitable gratification for the missions they did as kids. No real connection to the outside world.  You don’t drive a tricked-out car. You don’t work at a lab or the Daily Planet for a boss who yells but has a heart of gold.
The Handler doesn’t yell but bitch doesn’t have a heart of gold either. You don’t bleed or scrape or scar – well, at least not on the outside – And you’re at your peak, though you can’t help feeling old. Snarky Five line. New body who dis.  You’re always tired, but you can’t rest. You often lose, though you’ve done your best. There’s no parade, no city key. Just anonymity. It’s not like in the movies. It’s a little more complex. It’s not like in the movies. No CGI effects. I don’t get to learn life lessons from my human family. It’s not like in the movies. No one knows it’s me.
Same stuff as before. The Hargreeves in general. Certain aspects of their careers as children were glamorous, but others really really weren’t. And now all the glamor they once had is gone.  I’ve tried to walk away, so I won’t wake each day To cries of anguish in my head.
This could be pretty damn relevant to Klaus, who tries to “walk away” from not only the past, but from even having his powers. Boy literally wakes up in Episode 2 to cries of anguish in his head. And in the Superhero musical, there’s actually a really cool, spooky “Help me” musical motif that shows up whenever this character hears these voices and needs to spring into action. And he fuckin hates it. Spot-on parallel.
Alternatively, for all the siblings: “walk away” = “totally block out the past”. I’ve tried to repress it all and never look back, hoping the memories wouldn’t haunt me. But it doesn’t work like that. 
But if I disappear, you’ll all implode, that’s clear. It’s gotten worse and worse with every passing year.
You could swing this for Luther trying to take control the way he does (“you’ll all implode” = “you need a leader”) or you could swing it for Five (“you’ll all implode” = “the world will end; but also, you guys are a mess as people, and you have been for a while, and you can’t fix this without me”). And quite literally, if Five decided to disappear halfway through his big mission, he knows for a fact his siblings would die. A lot of pressure there.  I don’t mean to sound so harsh. I’ve also seen the good out there. Empathy and kindness on display. But every time I think I can release myself from this nightmare, someone tries to blow the world away. Duty Bros. Especially Luther on the first two lines. He reads as the least cynical of the lot, and his naiveté and hope is really what keeps him on the moon. Five is the one really living the “nightmare”, trying to track down the one who’s going to “blow the world away”. 
And so I don’t want to sound insincere,  but I think you should just forget what happened here, ‘Cause no one ever truly sees me.
“I got a lot of baggage, bro, you really shouldn’t get involved.” (You’re Jim, the man in 4-B.) An outside voice, reassuring. “You’re not Number Two. You’re Diego.” “You’re not Number Four. You’re Klaus.” Etc. “This new identity you’ve adopted after all that shit went down? That’s the real you. That’s who you are now.” Now Simon, that’s an ending I would really like to see, But I can’t make a life out of my secret identity. The rebuttal. “I can’t just stop being ‘Number X’. I can’t just pretend that wasn’t part of my life. I can’t make that stop haunting me.” 
(Why not? It’s not like in the movies.) No one knows it’s me. You mean, like, maybe I can actually process my emotions like a rational adult, and find a healthy way to cope, stop identifying with the shit Hargreeves put me through, and move on with my life? whack. 
anyway........................ where’s that season 2 trailer at huh
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aeterna---amantes · 5 years
𝓜𝓪𝓭𝓪𝓶, 𝓪 𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓭.
This is a hate-free, semi-selective, multi-verse, multiship roleplay blog. A safe place for all.
I am as slow as a snail. Please, take this into consideration if you decide to thread with me.
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, swearing, smut. I will use tags for everything in such a way: “example tw”, and I will try to tag everything which can be triggering. Smut threads will be under Read More and will be tagged with “nsfwish” always. Male pregnancy happens on this blog – Loki can conceive from men even in his humanoid male form, I tag it as well (”mpreg tw”), but please, do expect it. I will NOT write explicit content with partners below 18.
I do not own pictures. Icons and gifs I use are all reblogged on my blog and can be found here.
Call me Rune Crow. They/them, 30+ years old, 15+ years of writing, 10+ years of roleplay experience. I've been roleplaying Loki roughly after the first Thor movie came out, moved several blogs, rebooted this one in 2017. English is not my first language, but I’ve been learning it for over 20 years. I have ADHD, which means I tend to get carried away with a plot/pairing/idea, and I hyperfixate a lot on them from time to time. It's nothing personal, and I’m trying my best.
My relationship with Loki is old, reaching back to the time when I first saw the first Thor movie back in 2011. We went through a lot of things since then. I am a Lokean — I work with the Deity from the actual myths, who is a bit different from the Marvel character :) —, and I must ask you to please, respect it. Any hate towards him OOC will meet with instant hard block. This obviously doesn't apply to muses, just out of character interactions.
What semi-selective means: I write multiple paras at the bare minimum and long replies in general. Since I tend to get carried away what Loki does/sees/feels/thinks, I love to write a lot about each and every aspect in detail. I'll indulge myself in short roleplays, but that's not the usual length for me. If you constantly only give me one or two sentences to reply to, I will not write with you. If I wrote a page and you give me back a para or two without moving forward or not giving me something to work with, I will not write with you. I will make exceptions with crack threads and as I've said, I do shorties, but I enjoy longer threads a bit more.
No godmodding! Anything you see Loki is doing and could be interpreted as such, has been talked about with the other mun. He will not use most of his abilities unless discussed. And please just don't do something amoung the lines of 'and he died, no resurrection this time' stuff. That's not tolerated here. 💚
I'm invested in various ships: Lokius, FrostIron, WinterFrost, FrostShield, ScarletFrost, FrostSilver, FrostStrange, PepperFrost, FrostWidow, Logyn, Sifki, Sylki (mostly platonic), HammerFrost, Loki x Loki. This means I'm more likely to answer threads with those (and other) canon characters I mentioned above slightly faster. This does not mean I'm canon only, this just means I am hyperfixating and I can't help it as I am emotionally attached to those canon characters, too. Please keep it in mind and try not to take it personally.
I am a friendly and understanding mun. If you have something on your mind – plot, idea, or just want to fan over something you like – drop me a message. Sadly, I am a goldfish, so if I don’t answer in a few hours, pop me another. Sometimes I reply mentally then I exit Tumblr thinking I sent you a reply. :) I get distracted and carried away easily. It's a flaw. Bear with me. I also have a full-time job and also a family to take care of. Again, I am slow, but trying. Keep this in mind, please.
If you see I posted an open and you want to reply to it but someone already did, it's okay, you can still reply to it! Open is open, even if it's answered!
As my Loki is a strange mix of mythology and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many things differ but some click. My Loki is unique as I did not stick to either, but blended both into one mass of tragedy. (Do trust me on that last bit.)
Age: over 1000
Height: 200 cm / 6’6 (why? I explain it here.)
Species: Jötun
Gender: genderfluid, is able to shift, but Loki prefers to appear in his male humanoid form
Sexuality: panromantic pansexual
Build: lithe, muscular
superhuman strength and stamina
regenerative healing
cold immunity
skilled combatant
memory manipulation
enhanced extrasensory perception & dexterity
advanced durability
illusion casting
astral projection
dimensional storage
superhuman strength
clothing generation
energy manipulation
(Extended here.)
Biological father: Laufey (Jötun) /deceased/
Adoptive father: Odin /deceased/
Adoptive mother: Frigga /deceased/
Adoptive brother: Thor
Adoptive sister: Hela /deceased/
Wife: Sigyn, goddess /deceased/
Sons: Váli /deceased/, Narfi /deceased/
Other children
With Angrboða (Jötun) /deceased/
Fenrir /deceased/
Sleipnir from Svaðilfari /deceased/
My Loki already had Sigyn and their two sons before the first Thor movie begun, his affairs with Angrboda were established way before his sons were born. When he fell into the abyss, his sons and wife started to search for him, and eventually found him in Thanos’s grip. The Titan coerced submission out of Loki through killing his family right in front of him, then, when he gave in, Thanos mind controlled him and sent him to Earth to face the Avengers.
I kept what happened in the other movies, although I do not hold onto what happened in the Infinity War, and I do not acknowledge he simply ran off after the events of the first Avengers. It doesn’t sit right with me as his character went through major development throughout the movies and the years, and I grew to love Loki even more after he lost everything he held dear. My version didn’t run away in Endgame – he went forward with the Tesseract, saved himself, and passed on the Tesseract to his older self to make sure his future is safe, then he went back where he belonged.
The older Loki can show up in any realm, any verse, any universe, any setting with the Tesseract. He travels, makes friends, enemies, lovers and more. He could fall in love with a rock, so it doesn’t matter how your muse is – young, old, female, male, whatever you dreamt up –, he’s going to grow fond of your muse over time. He craves affection and loves attention, and he’s also a little shit who loves to make trouble, but deep down, after some time, your muse will discover that he just hides the broken shards of himself with all the mischief and behind that cheeky smile, he’s gone through too much, even for a god.
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After the first season I've decided to add a few variants of my Loki. I'll generally play with my own version, but those I mention down here can be discussed to play with.
Willing to roleplay him upon request. Make it clear somehow you want him, or you'll get my main Loki.
Just as it says, this Loki is set in the Loki show. Plotting required what happens where, but open to all suggestions.
Willing to roleplay him upon request. Make it clear somehow you want him, or you'll get my main Loki.
has insane persuasion skills. Basically can change anyone's mind about pretty much anything. He relies more on his silver tongue than his magic or daggers, but he's not afraid to turn his opponents inside out whenever the situation calls for it.
fell in the abyss and met Thanos, and persuaded the Mad Titan to let him turn humans on his side - without the Chitauri.
got pruned because he won the election. Just as it was announced and he and his crew was about to celebrate, the TVA showed up. He was not supposed to win. Lokis lose.
Renslayer was on the hunter team which was sent to collect him.
he didn't get before the TVA judge. He put up quite a fight and shredded two hunters to pieces with magic before Ravonna pruned him.
losing all he fought for made him impossibly angry, but he couldn't stop there. This was a new place and he could build an empire out of it. He was quite surprised to learn where he ended up and how many other Lokis were there, but he was positive he had the skill to turn even other Lokis on his side. Which, he did.
the constant fight for territory and supplies brought him in a place where he could thrive. He learned of a place where a group of other Lokis were in hiding, and he wanted to get that place.
he is emotionally attached to the outfit he was pruned in. It reminds him what he'd lost, and keeps his anger towards the TVA alive. He's positive he'll get back to his own timeline and finish what he'd started.
Additional headcanons:
So he was brought up by Odin to be The Brain™, because let's face it, as he was growing up, he was much thinner and less of a fighter but much cleverer than Thor. Odin saw that, and decided he'd set Loki on a different path. He wouldn't be taught to be a warrior but rather the leader of the royal council to aid Thor when he'd be King.
His first thing to do to his adopted son was that he banned any and all forms of magic as soon as Loki showed an aptitude for it. He also had forbidden Frigga to help him with it, since he wanted Loki to forget it completely and keep learning about how to help Thor in the future. This way, Asgard would stand on solid feet: they'd be the perfectly balanced mind and power.
But magic is trying to find a way to come to the surface, and Loki was curious for a while, testing it, playing with it, until after a lot of screaming, yelling and pain he learned quite quickly it was worse to use it than to let it boil under his skin. So he did everything in his power to keep it hidden to please Odin - and stop him from hurting him for something he can't control much.
He had been brought to Jötunheim as a negotiator, was caught in the fight - in there, he used only his daggers to fight the Jötuns off, which was enough at the time. He had learned about his heritage the same way as main Loki did, fought Thor, fell into the abyss, met Thanos, persuaded him to let Loki win the mortals a longer way, but without bloodshed. Thanos let him - this Loki could persuade him to! -, thus he ran for President.
All the magic he used on Asgard as well as on Midgard are the following:
outfit manipulation
mind reading
memory manipulation (wiping, correcting, planting false ones, blurring existing ones, etc.)
Anything harder than this, like shape shifting, duplication, illusion casting, telekinesis, etc., are off limits for him. He has an emotional gate that doesn't allow him to reach these in the first place. Odin conditioned him not to use it, and it worked magnificently, he's literally unable to. But magic is a fickle thing. It doesn't like to be restricted for long. So, from time to time, he has to release it, and when he does, it causes him a massive amount of pain. When it does break out, it's quite destructive, too. On Earth he often goes to secluded areas with a jet completely alone, to places where he doesn't cause harm, usually up North where there's nothing but ice.
The only one time he could use it directed at others was when the TVA came for him at the time of his victory. His relationship with magic is a love-hate one; but it did help him kill two hunters and not harm anyone else who worked for him before he got pruned.
This is the reason he didn't use magic in the Void, either; he can put a gang of his own selves together using nothing else but his wit and voice, but if he even tried to do anything a Loki is capable of magic-wise, there's a chance his own magic would destroy him.
Symptoms of keeping his seidr back for too long:
Shaking hands
Bouncy legs
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Willing to roleplay him upon request. Make it clear somehow you want him, or you'll get my main Loki.
He grew up in Jötunheim and as such, he grew up to his full 15' / 450 cm height. and rules it once Laufey dies from natural causes. His realm is thriving because it is on good terms with Asgard, and he's friends with Thor, Asgard's King. There's peace.
And eventually, that's why he gets brought in the TVA and that's why he gets pruned. Because he's too good.
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(The picture manip is not mine, and the blog (lianaslane) doesn't exist anymore. I'm sorry I can't link it.)
And if you’ve read this all, thank you so much, I love you, please, have a cookie!
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