#golden guard raze
jazaesis · 3 months
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“Pride of the Rebublic, soldier of the Jedi Order”
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perpetualexistence · 3 months
Noah and the Beanstalk AU
New AU hot off the press! This one's what I'd call a one-shot AU since this is the main thought without really any other ideas to go along with it. I would still love to answer any questions about it, though!
Look under the read more for an Alenoaheather g/t au! It won't be the last, though it is currently the only one that ends in a villain thruple.
Fantasy AU where giants are a known thing to exist in the clouds. Jack did his thing with the beanstalk and became famous since he's wealthy a la golden goose. This has just encouraged more humans to try to go up and steal from giants, occasionally even killing one. At this point stealing from giants is a profession in itself. An incredibly dangerous one with a very high mortality rate.
With that context out of the way, now onto Noah. He's the youngest of 9, and his life's doing pretty okay up until his mom catches an incurable illness. Being a nerd, he throws himself into research to find some kind of magic that can save her.
Good news! There's a chalice that cures the most pressing of ailments the next town over! The bad news? That town just got razed to the ground and pillaged by a pair of giants. Giants normally don't bother coming down and prefer to stay up to hoard and guard their treasures. These two are particularly greedy though because they go out of their way to come down and take things for themselves. The treasure's their priority but if anyone gets in the way of that? They're going to lose their lives trying to protect what's theirs. Giant thieves have gone up to try to reclaim the wealth and seek revenge. Though some even theorize that these two are only doing this out of desperation and can potentially be reasoned with. People from neither side of this argument have come back down.
There's also another problem in trying to go after these two. A more human one. You see, when everyone started going after giants, the earlier ones had the advantage of stealing from unsuspecting giants with no idea this was going to be an epidemic of stealing. They got power real fast, and started doing what they could to keep that power to themselves. Certain giant thieves went as far as hiring guards to stop other giant thieves from going up and getting rich without at least some hefty fee. The particular beanstalk that Noah's got to get to has royal guards.
Noah's only got a timeline of a couple of months since that's how long the doctors predicted. So he uses that to the fullest extend he dares. Most giant thieves get killed because they think they can just sneak in without a plan and get what they want the first time they get up there.
Noah's plans to do this smart thing called reconnaissance. He's going to make a few trips up before he tries actually stealing the chalice. He needs to know a few things before he's even going to think about touching that treasure:
Where these two keep their treasure
How they guard it
If they know how valuable the chalice is, and subsequently
If they'll notice that the chalice goes missing
Can they track him down if they do notice
He somehow manages to get his way up the beanstalk whether it's through bribing guards or distracting them so he can sneak up. Though he does manage to catch the attention through Justin, the prince or else some kind of royal who wants to make a name for himself but is also too cowardly to try stealing from a giant. Justin can't prove anything, so he just watches and waits as Noah keeps up with his frequent trips.
Through Noah's reconnaissance, he learns a couple of things. The two giants are named Alejandro and Heather. They're both around his age, and they really do only care about the treasure so they can gloat to others about how wealthy they are. They're also clearly in the honeymoon phase of their relationship. It's just incredibly unfortunate that they define a romantic outing as stealing and killing together.
Noah also learns that they have no idea they've got a magic chalice on their hands, which is good. What's not so good is they have a giant dog that guards their treasure room when they're not around. (Is the giant dog a stand in for anyone in particular? Maybe! Part of me wants to say Tyler for some reason. Still trying to figure that out.) However, he does learn that the dog has been trained at least a bit through whistles. This leads to the start of a brilliant plan.
Rather than steal the chalice himself, he trains the dog to steal the chalice FOR him. The dog goes in and out of the treasure room so he won't set off any alarms. Noah already knows some tricks for doing so thanks to training his own dog. It takes a while to make sure the dog becomes familiar with and loves him as a person with treats rather than a person who is a treat. Even longer to go through the training of teaching him how to fetch the chalice through creating a replica so the dog knows what to look for. But eventually it pays off.
He books it with the chalice. He doesn't dare to get greedy because he knows these two will notice if too much goes missing. And he's seen enough of them to know they'll be incredibly vindictive against anyone who injures their pride by stealing. He actually plans to return the chalice after using it on his mother. He'd rather have them never realize it was gone rather than live with the ticking time bomb of waiting to see if they notice.
Before he goes too far with it, he tests it on himself first. It would be a waste to steal it only for it to be for nothing. He cuts the palm of his hand, then pours some water into the chalice and drinks. He was not prepared for the intensity. It feels like he's swallowed liquid fire and he nearly coughs it out, but he forces himself to swallow. As to be expected, his whole body feels like it's on fire. This was a horrible mistake. Fortunately for him, the pain subsides. And look, that cut has been healed! Finally, life is looking up for once!
Noah's biggest mistake was thinking this because the moment he gets off the beanstalk, Justin shows up. He reveals that he's been watching Noah and let him keep going up, which is why it's been so easy for Noah to make repeated trips. Justin rips the chalice out of Noah's hands to claim it for himself so he can have the prestige of being a giant thief without ever putting himself in any danger. Noah gets to live because Justin can't be bothered to kill him, and doesn't see him as a threat. Noah's only saving grace is Justin has no idea what the chalice can do, and Noah sure as hell isn't going to tell him.
Noah's forced to go home empty-handed. He starts trying to plan how to steal the chalice back, and if he even has enough time to do that. Infiltrating a castle with plenty of guards is much different than infiltrating a giant home with only three occupants.
He only gets about a week or two before two rather pissed off giants and their dog come crashing down to reclaim their stolen treasure. Noah's in town doing reconnaissance on the castle so he's close enough to see the dog bounding into the castle to reclaim the chalice and the person who's currently claiming he took the chalice: Justin.
Heather and Alejandro are busy trying to interrogate Justin into telling them how he stole from them. Neither of them are paying attention to their dog, who smells Noah, and comes bounding towards him with the chalice as he's been trained. Noah can't believe his luck.
Literally, he can't. Because if Heather or Alejandro catch sight of this they're going to figure out who the real thief is in an instant. But also this is his one chance of curing his mom while the two are distracted. He just has to pray he's faster than they are. At least he has a giant dog that serves as a great mode of transportation if you're willing to cling for your life and pray to anyone that'll listen to not fall off.
He does manage to make it home and cure his mother, thankfully without her looking too pained by drinking from the chalice. Bad news is this is around the time he hears two incredibly loud, incredibly frustrated screams and he knows they've realized the chalice is gone again.
He tries to order the dog to return the chalice to Alejandro and Heather. Which is pretty difficult considering this isn't a command he's taught the dog. The dog also hears itself being called back by its giant owners, so it comes up with the perfect solution. It lightly bites down onto both the chalice AND Noah and begins bounding back. Cue Noah screaming and trying to give the 'drop it'.
Which works! Partially. It gets the dog to drop the chalice. Down a hill. Rolling off a cliff. To the ocean below. Where it's immediately swept away. Never to be seen again.
His only hope is that Alejandro and Heather will make his death quick.
When he does get brought back to the two, he's immediately snatched up by Heather who demands to know who he thinks he is, and where the chalice is when she realizes it's gone. Noah tries to lie that their dog picked him up on complete accident, but they're not buying it. Alejandro does notice that their dog is acting particularly strange towards this one human, and convinces Heather to drop Noah into the dog's mouth.
Noah does land into his mouth, though out of sheer desperation gives the 'drop it' order. This saves him, but it also reveals himself as the original thief.
They're both at least slightly impressed that Noah managed to scheme his way into the chalice, but they've still got their images to maintain. Plus, he lost the chalice.
So, Alejandro crushes him under his heel. It's quick, although incredibly painful. The two walk off to see if they can recover the chalice, and that's the end of the story.
...Or it would be, if Noah wasn't screaming in confused pain and panic not even a minute after being crushed, perfectly healthy.
Remember when he drank from the chalice to test it out? Well, it only really has one setting: turbo-charged. So with his mother with a terminal illness, it worked exactly as intended. But when he drank from it with only a cut on his hand, it decided to go after a deeper, underlying issue.
This pesky little thing called mortality.
Alejandro and Heather also scream because what?? the fuck?? Heather kicks him into a tree on instinct and Noah goes flying. And not long after, his body rebuilds himself and he's back. The process of killing Noah and him reviving repeats for a few times before they all stop and try to figure out where the fuck to go from here.
Their pride won't allow Heather or Alejandro to simply let Noah live. And Noah plans to do everything in his power to not go through that whole die/revive process again. Alejandro comes up with the idea to just take Noah if they can't have the original chalice. Raze the town so they can still prove a point, and be on their way.
Noah has many problems with this plan, but neither cares about his opinion. Up until he points out that he'll always be looking for a way to escape. With his newfound immortality, he'll get there eventually. (He's completely bluffing about whether or not his lifespan will be extended to and this isn't just regeneration, but they don't have to know that.)
If they agree NOT to destroy the town he grew up in, then he'll promise never to try to escape. And he will want proof that they stick to their end. He doesn't want them to just lie about his town being fine while they destroyed it days ago.
They reluctantly agree to these terms. Justin, who the two had dumped earlier, tries to take claim when they start to head out with their new prize. Leading Noah to just share at the sheer audacity of him before speaking again.
"...You know how I said you couldn't touch a single person in this town? I don't consider Justin to be a part of this town, so you can do whatever you want with him."
"Oh thank god he was getting SO annoying."
"Want to bat him through the air like a human racquetball until one of us inevitably drops him mi cariño?"
"Yes, but you are so the one who's dropping him first."
Eventually Heather realizes they can use Noah to steal from other giants. So he becomes their own pet giant thief, and he eventually gets pampered since they do legitimately enjoy his schemes and sarcastic wit.
All of this because I basically wanted a g/t au where Alejandro and Heather are a bond villain couple with a small Noah as the little bastard cat they stroke on their lap. He 100% pokes fights with human royalty or other giants to watch Alejandro and Heather take them down. Alejandro and Heather know this, and they love this about him. Plus it just gives them more of an excuse to have fun dates involving ruining people's lives.
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laurellerual · 2 years
Arya’s list?
I have a genuine question for people who believe that the next big thing Arya will do once she gets back to Westeros is finish her list. Do you remember which of those people are still alive? Let's recap quickly. 
Killed not by Arya: Joff, the Mountain, the Hound (approx.), Amory Lorch, Polliver 
Killed for Arya: Chiswyck, Weese 
Killed by Arya: the Tickler, (SPOILER) Raff 
Who remains? 
Ilyn Payne: located in a war zone in dangerous proximity to Nymeria 
The Queen: on which hangs a prophecy of death that does not seem to speak about Arya
Meryn Trant: royal guard who is with the queen in a capital that will be razed to the ground by the Golden Company in a few months 
Dunsen: The only name on the list that has a solid chance of surviving until Arya arrives. And this is only because he is such an unimportant character that he is not mentioned by at least two books. 
My question is: do you really think the climax of the storyline of one of the protagonists will be killing a character that many readers don't even remember?
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creepy-crowleys · 9 months
The quiet in the aftermath of the monster’s attack didn’t last long. Crowley jammed on the lighthouse’s fog siren, startling the stunned soldiers on the shore into action just as creature hurled its incredible bulk onto their tiny island.
The small chunk of rock stolen from some distant coast shifted noticeably beneath the weight of a creature almost too large to fit on it.
A brave machine gunner opened fire on the immense beast, anima-lit rounds scoring tiny golden grooves against the monster’s plate-like scales. Vent-like sores along its body puffed fresh clouds of fog into the air as it turned its massive seaweed-crowned head in the soldier’s direction. Scuttling parasites crawling along its hide disembarked in pursuit of fresher, softer meat as a low rumble from its throat rattled the island.
The Lord of the Deep Ones reared back on its muscular tail, left half-trailing into the sea - too long and thick to fit on the tiny island - and on shrunken rear limbs no longer able to fully support its weight. Boiling sea water foamed at the edges of its maw as its chest expanded in preparation to raze the few guards that stood to challenge it.
The attack never came.
The beast tossed its head suddenly, a brilliant spotlight searing its eye, scorching the seaweed cloaking it and blistering its scales. It dropped back onto its belly, attack on the minor inconvenience posed by the guards forgotten in favor of twisting its giant maw towards the greater offense posed by the lighthouse.
Crowley bristled right back at the beast, braced against the lighthouse’s lamp, the lamp shining more brilliantly than ever with the force of her magic.
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legokisser · 10 months
imagine if you were like a relatively normal rabbit guy living in like cartoon animals delaware or something and one day you receive a vision in your sleep from an unfathomable ancient God of chaos and destruction and rage and hes like Hey whats up. sooo im trying to choose someone to be basically my avatar in the mortal world and spread devastation and fire and death across the world and well you're the lucky guy. so like just agree and i'll basically channel my fucked up dragon energy into your puny physical form and make you a horrible unstoppable beast and you can basically fuck shit up everywhere forever. it'll be a blast i promise ive looked into youre dreams i know youre the kind of spite filled bastard who would be into that.
and youre like hmmm that sounds a little Problematic but also you have no friends and hate your job and hate your life and the world so basically why should you care. so you take the deal and for a few hundred years you run around with your cool new lizard satan power sowing distrust in the masses with your trickery and burning down buildings and eating farm animals whole while nobody's looking. and the more you destroy the more the hatred and fear you kick up amplifies your connection with your god powers, widening the scale of your rampage until there are no more cities left to raze, no more kings left to devour, any remnants of civilization are few and far between, and they all know to fear you.
so your god rolls up again like Heyyy you're doing a great job man im giving you a gift. take the power of my claws and tear through reality. go find other universes full of worthless squishy mortals to terrorize.
so youre like Okay cool sure sounds like the reasonable next step here. so you do that, ripping massive holes through reality and destroying everything that dares to exist within your reach. and you do this for what starts to feel like an eternity, endless violence spread across countless worlds, it all starts to blur together.
it gets fucking BORING so you kinda start slacking off, changing your form to enjoy the simple pleasures of mortal life without the stress of actually being one of them, but then homeboy dragon god comes back and is like Hey dude hold on. you can't do that we had a deal. i grant you my power. and you fuck shit up for all eternity right? you cant be doing this pussy shit with my power that's not what it's for.
and youre like well im sick of the destruction and the fire and the screaming it's all the same. it never surprises me anymore. can't i have a break every once in a while? and he's like FUCK no absolutely not. i made a mistake granting my power to you I'm cutting you off. you can keep what you already have but im not giving you any more and you can't have the boon of my dimension-rending claws anymore either. have fun with your smelly little mortals IDIOT! and he disappears.
and for a while you can kinda do whatever, fuck that guy, what does he know? as long as you keep causing mayhem every once in a while you can maintain your power. but eventually your antics get you in hot water with a particularly powerful empire, and they have particularly powerful mages, and they devise a magical trap to contain your power and seal you away for a thousand years. so you end up bound to a pair of enchanted golden bands locked in a chest in an ancient temple for like, wayyy too fucking long. not fun. not cool. big fucking bummer honestly.
once you're finally released, the first thing you see is this weird really tall ripped bird guy with sunglasses. and you naturally expect him to cower or whatever but he doesn't seem to know who you are at all, and he's confused why a bunny man with horns and claws and a tail came out of these weird bands he found while exploring the forest but he's, like, really nice to you and introduces himself as the bodyguard of the unikingdom.
you don't know what the fuck a unikingdom is but you're hesitant to tell a royal guard about your past, especially in your current weakened state, so you kinda just skirt around the issue and say you don't remember anything. so he offers to show you around and shit and you're learning about all the new things that have been invented in the past millennium and it's pretty cool you guess but that little lie sits like a pit in your stomach. it is your nature, your destiny to destroy it all, but hes so nice. no one has ever been this nice to you in your life.
and he introduces you to his friends and they're all really nice too and it just makes you feel even worse because you're getting attached now, but it's only a matter of time until you're forced to face the truth. the truth of who you are, who you have always been for as long as you can recall, a monster. why couldn't some jerk have freed you so you could just backstab them and regain your power? why did it have to be this guy? why is he so pretty what who said that
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
Tangled in Red Ch. 12
AO3 Link Here | Prev Chapter | Next Chapter
Breach learns somethings and goes in because Sova just can't stop getting hurt, hm?
~200 word excerpt
“Breach, my office, ten minutes!” Brimstone called from across the room, just as Breach stood up to refill his coffee.
“Yessir,” he drawled with a mock salute.
What did he want this time? He was already in a piss poor mood because he, against his better judgement, missed the stupid golden boy, and was stressing over his wellbeing. A meeting with captain dickhead was just what he wanted to turn his day around. Fun. Raze saddled up next to him and nudged him with her elbow as a reminder of what she always asked of him: to try and to give everyone a chance. He had given Brimstone a million chances to be civil, it felt like, but everything ended in a fight. When he finally dragged his feet over to Brimstone’s office he was a little late, and though Brimstone wanted to chew him out – Breach could see it on his face – he didn’t. Strange.
“What do you need?” Breach said with a sigh, sinking down into the chair and relaxing a little since it surely wouldn’t last long. “There’s been no news on what you asked me for if that’s the question.”
“What are you doing to Sova?”
The question caught him off guard. Because, well, how was he supposed to know?
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observeroflaplace · 6 months
Grail War AU 2
Standing atop a many-headed beast, a stocky figure clad head to toe in armour, save for bare her left leg, peers down at her foe. Her monstrous steed, clearly not of this world, beats its wings to remain airborn despite its size and clear ferocity.
Her foe glares up at her. She is a tall woman with short, braided hair and golden regalia reminiscent of the Roman imperial armour, accented by a bright red cape. Cavalry sabre and shield in hand, the surface of the water ripples beneath her despite supporting her weight.
“Interesting.” The warrior mounting the demonic beast mused; 15 snarling faces of her steed glaring at her foe as a predator sizing up its prey.
“You are blessed by water it seems. A trait not unheard of, but a rarity nonetheless. Perhaps you have shown your hand, Saber.”
‘Saber’ scoffs.
“You are no closer to comprehending my greatness for it.”
“And you, no closer to reaching me. Without your trump card, what hope does a servant summoned to the Saber class have of reaching me in the heavens?”
With haughty irritation, Saber points her blade towards her foe. With the distinctly resounding bang of a ship’s cannon, a burst of golden light bursts forth from her blade towards the offending beast’s wings, in order to ground its rider.
Though supernaturally nimble, not least due to the inhuman skill of its rider, the great beast is unable to evade entirely; though rather than tear through its wing, the armoured woman guides the winged monster such that its hide is grazed and not struck head on.
Saber’s assault continues; an onslaught of magical radiant blasts, suppressing the movements of even the supernaturally swift monster and rider. Still, though three of the 15 faces of the monstrous mount are seared away by burning radiance, several heads lunge with gnashing fangs and stretching necks, akin to great serpents, the hydra, or even dragons.
Saber is caught momentarily off-guard, barely fending off the many vicious maws seeking to tear her apart with her blade and hoplite. As the beast begins to reach her armour however, Saber shines a brief but intense flicker of red, and she smiles.
“Very well, master.”
Golden light erupts from the taller woman’s body, enveloping her in a blinding pillar. Such was the intensity and sheer force that the monster’s heads were forced away and burned to ash and mana. Still, the monster possessed awareness through faces on its scorched wings, and took flight for what appeared to be the rider’s desperate attempt to retreat and counterattack.
The scope of this attack, capable of razing a fortress and the forces within would not allow such an easy escape.
[Victoria Brittanica - Embodiment of Promised Victory]
Saber gathers the flowing magical energies freely surging from within her through her blade, holding it high. With a great one-handed swing, she brings it down in a vertical arc; wherein the concentrated mana explodes outwards, parting the lake for a time and engulfing the fleeing rider and beast.
With a bright flash and the gradual flow of displaced waters finally returning to place, Saber slumps in momentary exhaustion, catching her breath. The attack, though certainly fatal, not only exposed her true identity, but also greatly taxed her and her master’s reserves of magical energy.
Yet, to her horror, her foe stood before her, in what little remained of the parted lake’s bed that had not yet been reclaimed. The woman’s armour had changed, with a burned greave depicting wings and a few small mask motifs now on her formerly bare leg, and her helm briefly floating above her, as the grotesque face of a beheaded demon.
“It appears you win this round, Saber. However, know that an empire of recent history is nothing before a king of the age of gods.”
Taking advantage of Saber’s evident exhaustion, the other woman and her leering companion vanish into glittering particles of mana, and the water displaced by the final blow swallows their former foothold.
In the distance, gazing at the scene through binoculars, a tall and lean man with dark hair scowls. He grips his fist in frustration, revealing the faded red brand; one of three command seals wasted.
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bananasofthorns · 2 years
on gods and mortal perceptions
@hira-a asked me about the mortals in my god AU and...I don’t have much, but I do have this. I wrote these ages ago but I never actually posted them to tumblr, so here: the various godly emperors and how their citizens see them. (also disclaimer a few people are missing but that’s because I don’t watch their POVs to know enough about them)
Lizzie, god of power and the ocean, patron god of sailors and sea dwellers
Sailors pray to the Ocean Queen for safe passage through her lands. She is often kind to them, but the ocean’s temper is fierce and unpredictable. The beings in her kingdom are not human. She would stop the ocean’s tide to save the ones she cares about, but that power works in the opposite direction as well, and she could raze cities to the ground if she wished.
The citizens of the Ocean Empire know their queen is a goddess, and they respect and even revere her. She keeps them safe from the worst of the ocean's wrath, after all. They don't want to draw her ire.
Joel, god of death, chaos, solitude, and the mesa, known as the Mad King
No one lives in the god of death’s empire. Some say he killed his people and trapped their souls in his terracotta automatons; others say there were never any citizens to begin with. His empire is larger than life, sprawling with color, and it is empty. Some call him the Mad King of Mezalea. Most don’t dare speak his name in fear that his sword will come for them next.
Joel.....part of me wants to say that, once, at the very beginning, Mezalea had living citizens. Once, the god of death dared to have life populate his empire.
There are no longer any Mezalean citizens that aren't automatons.
Part of me wants to say that he trapped the souls of those early Mezalean citizens in his automatons and put empty masks of his own face upon their heads, damning them to an afterlife of servitude. Part of me says that is too cruel; another part asks if I really think it is beyond the god of death and chaos. 
The rest of me says he killed his citizens when the crawling feeling of life got too strong, and then he escorted them across the Ocean Empire to the god of life's empire, where they can freely enter the afterlife. Only those that wish to remain are placed into automatons, and any time they wish, he will release them to whatever comes after death.
Jimmy, god of cod, naivete, and the swamp, known as the Codfather
No one has ever seen the Codfather’s face, but the swamp is bright with the sound of his laughter. It is not the nicest place to live, and its people live in constant wariness of a war on the horizon, but they would go to the ends of the earth for their king. They are comforted by the thought that he would do the same for them.
Scott, god of isolation, winter, and the mountains
The elven king of Rivendell guards his mountains with icy protectiveness. His people pray to a deer statue and golden antlers; they do not know of the matching pair he keeps hidden away. He does not want to be worshipped. They say he has been here for eternity. He will be here for an eternity more, or at least until this world comes to an end.
Scott never outright says he's a god, nor does he ever do anything truly divine in front of his people (usually), but unlike Sausage, he also never tries to convince his people there's ever been more than one Rivendell king. He always is and always will be. Most Rivendell citizens are elves, anyway, so they're used to long lifespans; if the emperor seems to age slowly, or not at all, even for an elf? What does it matter?
Pixl, prophet, god of life, prosperity, and the desert
The god of life’s kingdom thrives in the desert. His people see him as a great man and nothing more, though some whisper of his preternatural ability to track and honor the deaths of his fellow rulers at his Vigil. He leaves them, one day. The conduit eyes of their kingdom keep watch over his people. He is not there, but the desert is still kind.
They welcome him home with warm, open arms.
There has always been something holy about Pixandria. It is an unspoken thing that their leader is more than mortal, but he is so human that it barely matters. The vigil needs a keeper, after all, and there is no one better for the job.
fWhip, the admin and creator of the world, god of destruction, corruption, and the plains
The Grimlands know their ruler loves them, and they know he is not mortal. The deepslate redstone corruption feels exactly like the warmth of his smile and the explosiveness of his weaponry. He could send this world and everything on it back into the fabric of the Universe. He would do anything to keep his people safe.
fWhip doesn't care, and all the Grimlands citizens know their ruler is a god. They know he's kind, usually, and that he cares about them.
Pearl, god of growth, strength, and forests, patron god of farmers
Farmers pray to the god of the Smallholding for healthy crops and bountiful harvest. On summer days, when the sunrises are golden, they hold festivals in her honor. Her symbol is a golden crescent moon with two folded wings; it can often be seen on necklaces worn by her citizens.
Gem, god of crystals, magic, and cliffs, patron god of wizards and scholars
Everybody knows the Wizard is not human. Her kingdom hums with magic; each of her citizens are learned in the arcane arts. A near-invisible wall of crystalline purple surrounds her lands in hopes that she can keep her people safe. There is a dragon egg beside her tower. No mortal is strong enough to protect that power.
Sausage, god of blood, ambition, and dark oak forests
The people of Mythland speak in secrets and rumors. Nobody knows their ruler’s true nature, but the city always smells of blood. Wolves and iron golems protect their gates, but they can do nothing about whatever odd magic saturates the land. 
The god of blood would never purposefully hurt his people, but sometimes he forgets that not everyone on this world sees it as a game.
Sausage doesn't try incredibly hard to hide the fact that he's a god, but he never says it. Don't ask, don't tell, and Mythlanders know the value of secrets. No one ever comments on the fact that all their emperors look the same and never age, but once or twice every century Sausage will fake his death and return as the "reincarnation" of the previous ruler. He's not good at secrets but again: Mythlanders know what isn't to be spoken aloud. Mythland and its king were here before them, and they will be here after them.
In the time between rulers, between Sausage's return, the blood sheep - with fragments of his own blessing within them - protect the empire.
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ineffably-human · 2 years
She's a young woman, but there's a way she looks at him that feels older. Nandor has razed and pillaged many places, taken many women he found pleasing to him, and he thinks he has seen every face a person can make. But she's already watching him approach, when he rides up on his horse (not beloved as his Jahan was, but still a talented beast, a steady one), and her eyes are searching as they meet his. She has an unreadable smile at the corner of her mouth that surprises him, when these days so little does. He opens his mouth to speak, but she is already mounting his horse behind him, arms around his waist without hesitation.
He thinks perhaps she's eager to escape. She is a lush, vibrant thing and her home is so unimportant, a footnote in his latest sweeping campaign. To be taken by a great warlord, it must be like touching the heavens. But he has wives and concubines who pay such respects. They squabble and bicker for his scraps of affection, or to be the first to perform some task, eager for the rewards that come with such devotion. There are others who only come when he raises his voice, whose anger and scorn does not fade with the passing of the years.
This one, she's patient. She waits not for when he calls, but when he needs. She anticipates his moods, his more fanciful whims. She is not the prettiest or the most talented, but she's clever, and she is not afraid of him. (He tries to make her afraid sometimes, back straight and voice booming with all his authority. She merely lifts her brows like a shrug of her shoulders.)
He asks, once, why she was so ready to depart with him to an unknown world. "You looked lonely," she says, and he's not sure if she even speaks the truth, but the answer stays with him. Perhaps they both were.
He returns from campaign one day with deep shadows beneath his eyes, a wound that still throbs when it should have closed. She washes the sweat from him and helps him turn in his bed, as the golden tones leech from his skin and turn to a deathly pallor. She feeds him meat, berries, broth, then holds the hair from his face when he's sick. She is far from the only woman to come and attend him, the guards muttering disapproval, the physicians giving their increasingly nervous council. But he sleeps many hours, still as death, and when he wakes again she's there waiting. She helps him from his bed, to stand on legs that are stronger than ever but shaky like a newborn's.
Nandor hisses at the light of the sun when it so much as peeks through the drapes. He refuses food, snarls his orders, hands trembling like he is fighting some inner thirst he once reserved only for war. He returns from battle in the dead of night, hands and mouth stained crimson, eyes black like an animal's. There are rumors his heart has ceased to beat in his chest. He knows, he knows the tales have reached his wives and lovers. His complaints to the ones who wash him clean have an ugly bite, a kind of self-conscious snarl. He gives orders with a finger extended, jabbing the air, like the moods of a child. The piercing stabs of a dagger.
Like the change, it doesn't happen all at once. There are fewer servants, and then there are fewer concubines. He has not harmed them, not really, not like he could. But one day he realizes there are horses missing from the stable, and as he counts he sees they've simply gone. His wives are next, the ones with young children first, and then the others in turn. It's a deep, angry ache when some of his favorites are missing. It was foolish, perhaps, thinking he'd meant something to them.
But they haven't all left, not yet. There is still a young woman there to take his hand in the morning. She is a lush and vibrant thing, with large, gentle eyes. Her hands are steady as they comb through the tangles of his hair. They only shake a little when he wraps a hand around her wrist, whispers 'please' with an urgency he can't name.
He fucks her fast and rough, relishing her cries of pleasure, the way she clings to the coolness of his body. He smells the perfume at the nape of her neck, and imagines she's craned it towards him. She never pulls away from him. Her fingers stay laced in his, squeezing tightly. It helps to keep the blood flowing.
There are only a few servants left to bury her, and the next day they're gone too.
Nandor will always say that he had thirty-seven wives, and loved thirty-five of them. He won't call what he did to her 'love.' He cannot.
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jazaesis · 3 months
Even if Raze is only a pretty face, I love him and his design!
You said he was chosen by Commander Fox to work with the Jedi Temple Guard - what did that look like? Was there a specific reason he was chosen?
Thanks for sharing your art with all of us 🙏
In the aftermath of Cad Bane’s holocron theft right from under the Jedi’s noses, it became evident the need for heightened security within the Jedi Temple. Recognizing the necessity for an extra layer of protection in areas frequently overlooked by the Jedi, Din Dralig, made a special request that a clone trooper join their ranks.
Raze was among those nominated, demonstrating exceptional skill and unwavering loyalty. ((Plus it didn’t hurt that he played pivotal role in the investigation of Cad Bane and the stolen holocron, where he worked with Dralig personally.)) Dralig took a quick liking to Raze, and combined with his clean record Commander Fox handpicked Raze to join the Temple Guards.
Raze is the perfect example of a trooper, with the exception of being very independent. He is self driven and is especially interested in investigative work, often times solving entire cases alone.
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((And aaaaa tym!!!! I’m so incredibly thrilled to hear you like him??!! 🥺🤲💕💕))
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dangermousie · 3 years
Hello !
I was wondering whether you could rate and tell us of your top 5 favourite webnovels/cnovels of all time ?! (Sorry if this has already been answered lol😅)
Thank you, stay safe and have a nice day🖤
Awww, thank you and that is such a lovely ask!!!
From n1 to n5, here they are (they happen to be all danmei.)
1. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha) - my n1 forever and ever.
Taxian Jun, the horrific cultivation emperor of the world who razed cities and destroyed sects, is surrounded on his mountain. The righteous sects are terrified to confront him but tired of living, Taxian Jun consumes poison and dies by suicide at the age of 32. And opens his eyes as 16 year old Mo Ran, Mo Ran long before he became Taxian Jun, Mo Ran who is excited at a chance to save the one person he loved and lost. Oh, and to deal with his loathed shizun, the unapproachable and strict Chu Wanning, his past life’s biggest enemy.
I have no idea if it’s objectively the best on this list but it hits every trope I love, its bleak worldview (the world will change only incrementally but that’s enough, average person will not appreciate the sacrifice but it’s still worthwhile, and love is worth everything) mirrors mine, and the sheer complexity of the plot and cascade of plot twists each of which is insane and yet completely logical, is amazing (this is a rare novel where it’s even more fun to reread than read for the first time because you keep seeing all the hints and trail crumbs laid out that you did not see the first time.)
And the characters!!! I mean, this novel has multiple universes/timelines, a side trip to the Underworld AND the demon realm, a plot more twisted than a store’s worth of pretzels and yet the thing that hits me the most are the characters. Mo Ran is my favorite web novel character of all time and I love Chu Wanning so. All the secondary characters are wonderfully written (and some of them made me bawl) and they are all complex. My opinion of all of them changed many times over; the novel doesn’t make it easy to love some of them but then you do and it’s so worthwhile! That slow change is one of the delights of the novel - I started out disliking the unpleasant, superior Chu Wanning and cruel, callow Mo Ran and then I loved them so so hard and cried for them so so hard and was in awe of their heroism and sacrifice and selflessness and capacity to love.
Oh, and the fact that this novel does something almost impossible - it has its protagonist start out as so clearly irredeemable and then slowly and painfully and thoroughly redeems him (without ever letting the reader forget what it is he needs redemption for.)
Also, for a novel that made me cry so hard I felt ill, this book is just so damn funny with the most sarcastic sense of humor imaginable (the serious angst doesn’t even kick in until 90+ chapters!)
Anyway I should stop or I will write a dissertation. But this is the one web novel that I would put in my top 5 not just web novels but any novels in any shape or form. The plentiful trigger warnings are there for a reason so stay away if they are an issue, but if not, if anyone hasn’t read it yet, what are you doing with your life?!
2. Stains of Filth (Yuwu) - another novel by the author of 2ha. Clearly she just pushes all my buttons every time. This one is much shorter and has a plot that is twisty but less twisty than 2ha. Still, all that means is that intensity and the pain are more concentrated.
Aristocratic Mo Xi and former slave Gu Mang were both legendary generals of the empire and lovers. But Gu Mang betrayed the country and switched to the enemy. Now he is back as a peace offering by that country and Mo Xi has to deal with the fact that his feelings are as strong as ever.
This novel!!! So much pain and intensity!!! So many amazing plot twists and supporting characters. The same bleak world view, the same unjust society, the same protagonists doing right things despite the cost. Mo Xi’s intensity and inability to let go (he’s imprinted on Gu Mang and that’s it) is romantic, bone-shakingly intense, and tragic all at once. And oh Gu Mang! So many times I just wanted to reach into the book physically to protect him. The novel deals with unjust societies, memory versus personality, what it’s like to be good in a bad universe etc. And it both made me sob and giggle, repeatedly, and sold me on literally death-defying (but not honor-defying!) love.
Oh, and special shout out to the fact that like 2ha, you may start out hating some characters and end up a rabid fangirl (cough Murong Lian!)
3. Qiang Jin Jiu - a dense political tome that takes a while to get going but then it’s a runaway train.
In a fictional dynasty, Shen Zechuan, the only remaining son of a disgraced aristocratic family and Xiao Chiye, the younger son of a family of generals guarding the border join forces (and then something else) to get power and pull down the dysfunctional system.
This is so elegant and smart (a rare web novel I’d recommend to anyone who just loves solid period fiction) and you probably need a notebook to keep track of the politics and military strategy. These characters are very very smart not just because the author says so.
As to the characters, there is a large cast and I love many of them, but for me the novel is made by Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye. SZC is gorgeous and delicate and icy and can kill you before you have time to blink. Saddled with the sins of the family he had no pleasant interaction with, he claws his way out of hell (seeing the sinkhole he was trapped in, literally as well) to take down those who wronged him but also to amass power so all the tragedy and corruption won’t happen again and the whole rotten system comes crashing down. XCY is a military genius who is trapped as a hostage in the capital because the court doesn’t trust his family. He longs to return to the plains of home and to take his rightful place. The two men start out as bitter enemies, then reluctant and sniping allies, then as friends and eventually as one of the most gorgeous, tender, swoony OTPs.
Anyway this is one is a bona fide masterpiece, equal parts smart and emotionally intense.
4. Wu Chang Jie - are you an emotional vampire? I am and this novel is a banquet.
In a highly fantastical setting, we meet our protagonists - the sunny Xie Bian and the intense and surly Fan Wushe. Xie Bian is a human who assists his master in conveying souls to the underworld and making sure no mishaps happen. Bian is concentrated sunshine in human form and to meet him is to love him. When the novel opens, his drunk master brings back another human to be his shidi and assist with duties - said human is uncommunicative, intense and surly Wushe. Bian is excited to have a shidi but little does he know that a story dealing with the horrors of past lifetime is about to start.
Anyway, why WCJ? So many reasons. It has such a dark bleak worldview - this world is a horrifying system where powerful cannibalize each other’s cores for an impossible chance to ascend, where gods have sealed off their realm and all that’s left is neverending human misery and hell (the only way you’d see a deity is if they’d been sent down to suffer over and over and over), where even reincarnation doesn’t fix things and bad acts are often unpunished. And the novel then asks - is it worth being a good person in such a world? More, is it worth being a good person in such a world when nothing good has ever happened to you and you have been repeatedly betrayed due to your goodness? And the answer, on Bian’s part, is an uncompromising yes.
Ah yes, the other reason to love this novel - the protagonists and their fucked up fucked up relationship. Bian (who was Prince Ziheng in the past life) is so genuinely good. But he is that rare thing - good but not saintly, noble but not cloying. So much of the novel is his getting taken apart over and over and barely able to put himself back together every time but his soul is still as amazing as ever.
And then there is Wushe (who was Prince Zixiao in past life, Ziheng’s not-bio-related brother.) Wushe is not a good person. He is a monster. And he loves Bian/Ziheng more than his life and his soul and the entire world but he’s also the one who hurt him more than anyone else ever could and did it over and over. His love survived a literal century of torture in the worst kind of hell and refused the usual memory loss of new life. But it also humiliated and broke Ziheng down to his constituent parts.
One of the things that is so fascinating to me about this novel is the question of what can be forgiven/what should be forgiven/what kind of expiation is enough/can you ever love someone who you loved so much and then he hurt you so badly and is now repentant? And it never sweeps trauma under the rug or hand waves it away but deals with it head on.
If you want healthy relationships, you should stay far away from this novel but if intense insane ones with a feral barely human one capable of destroying the world leashed by love and guilt to the sane deeply good one is your bag, come right in.
There is also the world building and the fact that yes, the big fall out between Ziheng x Zixiao is based on not knowing all the facts but it’s not “why can’t you talk?! This is dumb!” But is totally in keeping with both events and their characters. It’s reasonable for Ziheng to do what he does and for Zixiao to misunderstand and decide Ziheng is now his biggest enemy (but still one he’s fixated on) and for Ziheng to never be able to clarify.
Anyway, once again this is trigger warning central so please heed those, but if they are no issue, this one is wonderful.
5. OK, this is hard and switches between Sha Po Lang, Heaven Official’s Blessing and The Golden Stage depending on my mood. So what the hell, I am gonna write about all of them.
Sha Po Lang - so smart and so much clever world building. There is enough politicking to satisfy a Qiang Jin Jiu fan, it’s steampunk, and our two protagonists - Gu Yun, the empire’s most powerful general, who’s loyal to the empire despite being badly wronged by it, and Chang Geng, a cursed prince with barbarian blood and horrifying childhood - are wonderful separately and together. This is a huge slow burn but it’s totally worth it! They fall in love with each other’s hearts and brains and ability as much as anything. (Yes, this is the one with the yifu thing. Gu Yun is made Chang Geng’s foster father when he rescues him and brings him back to the capital as a way to keep CG safe in imperial strife. They are 12 and 19 at the time so clearly it’s never a parental relationship.)
Heaven Official’s Blessing (TCGF) - I love it’s sprawling narrative and cast, I love its inventive setting and picaresque story. It’s hilarious and can make me cry. But the novel’s place on this list is due to Xie Lian who is part Kenshin part drama WWX part pure goodness wrapped in heartbreak and trauma wrapped in sunshine.
The Golden Stage - two smart and principled (yes, they both have principles different though they may be) men navigate their arranged marriage, their past friendship and their past break up, become a super couple (one of the healthiest danmei couples I’ve ever read and proves healthy doesn’t have to be boring), save the country and bring down the emperor or two and just generally this is my rainy day book.
I guess I didn’t write as much for the three n5 candidates as I did for 1-4 but my brain is beginning to curdle so...
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flautistsandpeonies · 3 years
Read my Prompt [Here]
Word Length: 1,843
Tags: Not for JC Stans, JC Canon Characteristics, Sentient Burial Mounds, Almost Everyone Dies
It started on the anniversary of Yiling Laozu’s defeat.
The cultivation world was aloft in Koi Tower, dining on delicacies and gratifying one another with tales of triumph. They all cheered and danced once again to the destruction of the scourge of the cultivation world. The skies were bright with nary a cloud in the sky; the heavens seemed to shine down upon the righteous cultivators as they indulged themselves in their victory.
Yiling was not so fortunate.
Ever since the siege ended, the people of the death-ridden region noticed the change immediately. When the Yiling Patriarch first arrived four years ago, he enthralled most of the dead from the Burial Mound and used them to guard the perimeter of the mountain he claimed as his domain. The number of deaths had rapidly decreased with his presence. The people of Yiling had become complacent with the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation in their lives, even willingly offering what little payment they could to two black robed men who often traveled down looking for night-hunts.
But now Wei WuXian was dead, and the bodies were piling up once more.
On the day of the anniversary, the skies around Yiling turned as black as the darkest night. The ground turned to bone and ash, and a deep fog spread throughout region.
The sudden omens plaguing their homes sent the people of Yiling straight into their homes, locking themselves inside in fear of sure death.
Soon, the sounds of the ever-present dead echoed throughout the empty streets. Hearts dropped as the civilians though to be torn to pieces by the remnants of the undead army as they once did their master.
Then, the Burial Mounds itself seemed to cry out. The ground rumbled and shook as lightening lit up the sky around the mountain of the deceased.
The hordes of corpses seemed to gather all around the town. The groans of the ringing through the village, chilling everyone to the bone. Children clung to their mothers and mothers to their husbands; everyone wanted to be together as they died.
However, the dead did not raze down their doors and devour them whole. The sounds did not come close to their homes at all.
The sounds of the dead terrified them. But the people of Yiling couldn’t help but peer out their windows.
A man stood in front of the hoard, black and red wisps of energy swirled around ankles and wrists, gliding up arms and legs. Five women danced around them, one as pale as ashes, dressed in robes the color of blood, the same liquid pouring out of her mouth. Four others, each with a different horrific wound signifying their cause of death pressed upon their bodies raised their arms high, too big smiles gigging as they twirled in circles around the being, robes billowing with the same dark energy.
The man’s black robes flowed as he suddenly marched down the roads of Yiling. The dead followed.
His hair was long, falling down to his ankles, bangs tied back with a blood red ribbon trailing behind him. Pale skin, long limbs, broad and sharp features, a striking site indeed to the unremarkable people of Yiling. The other worldly man was death personified.
‘Could it be? ’they thought
‘Yiling Laozu has returned!’
Koi Tower burned. Green flames licked up the walls of the golden palace as servants and retainers screamed, rushing along the halls as everything was collapsing around them.
Cultivator after cultivator was struck down by vengeful spirits, golden robes soaked through with blood, faces trapped in perpetual screams.
Madam Jin grit her teeth as her grandson wailed in her arms, running along the main corridors of the sect. Reaching the outdoors, Koi Tower was surrounded from all corners by seething, snarling undead. Brandishing her sword, she quickly took flight, not noticing the corpses paying her no mind.
“Ahh!, “a scream of terror rang from the throne room
“Get away from me!, “Jin GuangShan screamed while slashing away at the ravenous corpses surrounding him
The dead hissed at the golden clad man, inching forward with dirty claws. Rotting bodies clamored in from the halls as smoke rose throughout the entire room.
“Away!, “he growled while cutting down another body
“Don’t kill him too quickly, now, “the man hummed at the corpses
“No, no!, “Clawed hands wrapped around their pray, twisting his body and wrenching pained screams from his mouth
Starting with his arms and legs, the dead slowly nipped away flesh and bones piece by piece. Jin GuangShan’s golden core tried to heal the wounds, only for the flesh to be ripped away once more. As another small bite was taken out of the man, spirits licked the man’s life essence up off the once opulent floors.
With the Jin Sect Leader’s screams filling their ears, the man huffed before turning it’s head from the frenzy downward to the gasping body on the floor.
Jin GuangYao gripped his shredded waist and glared at the man. Golden eyes seemed to dim as he spat up a mouthful of tainted blood
“St-stop....please, “Jin GuangYao croaked, voice coming out soft and pleading
Stepping around the blood-soaked Jin, the man hummed at him, as if considering his words. They circled him a couple of times, watching as blood coated his fingers and the man cough from the smoke filled room. The came to a stop in front of him. They laughed.
“Pathetic, “they sneered and kicked Jin GuangYao right in the face
“Hhng, “a crack sounded as his nose was broken and he flew onto his back
“You fool, “the man taunted and stomped down on Jin GuangYao, “Begging for your life?”
Labored breaths pouring out, Jin GuangYao raised his head and faced the man. It’s eyes were bright red, a devilish smirk upon its familiar face.
“Wei WuXian taught us many things, “it began,”He taught us hatred, terror, love, despair, hope, all those little emotions that make up you humans. It is simply your own misfortune....that he didn’t teach us mercy!”
Lotus Pier crumbled. It’s wooden gates toppled to the ground as hordes of undead bodies filtered through, groaning and clawing their way into the inner channels of the sect. Resentment rose from the grounds, summoning spirits of the dead to join the battle.
Disciples raised their sword in defense and charged into the fray; however, the corpses did not falter and pushed onward, overwhelming them. Water ghouls jumped from the surrounding water and dragged unsuspecting disciples to their deaths.
“All glitter and shine with no heart, he would have hated this place, “the being stepped into the training grounds, an agitated look upon its face
The purple-clad bodies of disciples littered the grounds, their blood soaked into the earth. Lotus petals wilted against burning ash and flames while the fish quickly died from the resentment poisoning the waters.
The being stood amongst the bodies, observing each one.
“Are these the people he once wished to return to?, “it questioned, “or are these all new?’
“Wei WuXian!”
Turning it’s head, the being was was faced with a man in ostentatious black, violet, and silver robes. His face was set in a sneer, his eyes burned bright with anger and hatred.
It remembered him.
“You hurt him, “it said and a dark shadow crossed over its eyes, “You hurt him so many times.”
Jiang WanYin snarled, “You’ve come to destroy YunmengJiang once again!”
It said nothing, but started to move towards the man. Shadows twirled about their hands as an ever darkening glare pierced through the man before it.
Jiang WanYin lifted Zidian, preparing to strike the “man” in front of him. Lashing out, the spiritual weapon trained in on the being crackling with electricity.
The being did nothing as the whip approached.
Inches from its face, the whip all of sudden bounced back!
“What?, “Jiang WanYin gritted his teeth in shock and anger
“Pathetic, “the being huffed and waved its hand in WanYin’s direction
Surging with resentment, a wave of dark energy came down upon the sect grounds. Overwhelmed by the sudden force, Jiang WanYin’s spiritual energy could not fight back.
With a single move, Jiang WanYin had been brought to his knees.
Striding over, the being bent down and gripped Jiang WanYin by the throat; the man grunted as he was lifted higher by an iron tight grip, hands flying up to try and force themselves loose.
“You truly are a pitiful human being, “a cruel smirk formed on their face as a fearsome glare was directed at them, “No, not pitiful....just utterly vile!“
Thrusting a hand forward, Jiang WanYin’s abdomen was pierced through. His golden core burned brightly in the blood soaked hand of the being.
“Gah!,” Jiang WanYin screamed, blood erupted from his mouth and covered the being’s face
As quickly as taking a breath, Jiang WanYin died, his body falling limp in the being’s grip. Throwing away his useless body, the being held the bright core in their hands. Caressing it, they smiled.
“So powerful...sooo much energy”
Raising the core high above, the spiritual energy slowly darkened as it flowed into the being and nourished its ever growing dark core.
“This...is the least that you could give him.”
The destruction of the Jin and Jiang Sects left many full of dread. However, they would get no reprieve.
In the days that followed, murders of crows covered the skies and armies of the undead littered the grounds. Demon, Yao, and other evil creatures stalked the roads of villages. Anyone and everyone, who set foot on the burial mounds the day of the the siege were relentlessly bombarded with attacks.
The Nie and Lan Sects put all their spiritual power into their barriers. Cultivators who participated in the siege dressed themselves in their robes with the most protective stitching, and held themselves up in the deepest recesses of their sects covered in purification and banishment talismans. But who knew how long that would last.
The minor sects were left to defend themselves against the hordes. There was no need to speak of their fates.
The civilians were frightened, but ultimately, were not harmed. Waiting for the day that the onslaught would end, they could only pray to the heavens that good fortune would come after all this spelt blood.
“We are so close now.”
Standing in the center of the demon slaughtering cave, the being diligently set about cleaning the entire cave. Sweeping and washing away everything until it was spotless, they set down a space for a bedroom and a study and library not far from it. In another spot, it set about creating a kitchen area, a living area, and a washroom.
“Close, so so very close”
Satisfied for now with the state of the living place, the being placed a hand on its chest. Reaching into itself, the corrupted core within them swirled and rumbled with power.
The being sighed.
“Come back to us, will you?, “it muttered
Taking a blade in hand, the being stood over a bucket and quickly slashed their wrist. Blood flowed and quickly filled the receptacle. Resentment rose, and just as quickly as it was injured, the wound healed.
“Come back to them.”
Taking the bucket and a large brush, the being set itself in the center of the cave once more. It set about creating an array, delicate designs against the rough stone of the Demon Subdue Palace.
Turning its head toward the blood pool, it couldn’t help but smile.
“They are waiting for you...Wei Ying.”
Author’s Note:
-My first short fic ever lol
-The “ghastly maidens’ are the Red Lady that torn up Wen Chao and the gals WWX was drinking with.
Read my Other Prompts and WIPs [Here]
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
Now imagine if the reveal about ~The Timeless Child~ had been *dun dun dunnnnn*
The Master is the ~Timeless Child~, and he destroyed Gallifrey because
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[ID start: a gif of a grocery store, with a Black man looking at the camera wearing a retail suit uniform with a dark blue apron on top. He snaps his fingers and raises his eyebrows as he emphatically says "Why? 'Cause fuck 'em, that's why!" In text that appears on the screen in large yellow caption as he speaks. END ID ]
something something something, The Master has always resented the Time Lord's for many reasons, least of all them ruining his lives for their own gain in The End of Time, and this is just him finding out he's existed merely as a tool for the Time Lords to use and throw away For longer than he even remembers, and this is his revenge against their society for how they have wronged him again. (Oh, and he also finds out Neverland and the other hidden horrors of the Time Lord crimes against life)
On an unrelated note. If they wanted us to care AT ALL that the Master ~destroying Gallifrey~..... Then they should have shown us that.
Please. Imagine for me. We see an unknown, "younger" incarnation of The Master finding out about the Timeless Child. From the offhand comments of the other Time Lords before they know anything is wrong, we learn that this Master is the next incarnation after """"Missy"""""" who is still determined to be a force for good in the universe, or whatever.
(That all changes when they find out about what the Time Lords did to them. Here's a handy dandy explanation for turning the Master into an antagonist again. Right here. On a silver platter that is infinitely more interesting and handily explains all of the Masters more uhh..... Odd abilities in the offshoot media (Specifically, snake and weird eyed Master in 8s beloved hilarious movie), much more interesting than The Doctor being the ~Timeless child~)
This new Master finds out they're the Timeless Child after breaking into the Matrix.
They calmly stroll out of the room, and music starts to play, faintly at first as they stroll through the halls, slowly growing in volume as a festering anger slowly forms on their face.
The song is something pop, something fun, brash, and wholly juxtaposed to the violence about to start.
As the first line of the song starts (personal favorite would be "Supernova" by Within Temptation which would be absolutely PERFECT irony), the Master reaches out, grabs the nearest Time Lord guard and snaps their neck.
Another guard immediately shoots at the Master as he advances on them with the first guard's weapon. The Master doesn't even blink as he twists around the energy bolt and kills the next guard, shooting them enough with the energy weapon that they can't regenerate.
The Master slowly, relentlessly, unstoppable-force makes his way through the Citadel as Supernova plays over the scene, cutting down all the Time Lords in his path, not even batting an eye as he himself regenerates *multiple times* during the endless battle as he now knows his lives are infinite, and each regeneration just makes him colder and angrier as he realizes anew each time just how much the Time Lords used him as a resource to be used up and tossed aside at their convenience as he moved more and more past the set "13 regenerations limit".
We watch as the Master goes around killing all of the Time Lords (some of them multiple times as they regenerate), trashing the Citadel in more golden explosions, and razing the entire city to the ground.
The Dhawan!Master, dozens of regenerations later as Supernova finally draws to a close, stands what should have been triumphantly, watching the golden city burn.
Instead, he falls to his knees and stares silently at the destroyed city, the rage slowly fading to leave just the cold horror of his life behind. The song fades away as the scene fades to black.
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sepublic · 3 years
Hunting Palismen Speculation
           Hunting Palismen… Well, I bet Eda’s whistle from the Bat Queen will finally come into play here! She mentioned in the Reddit AMA that the source of wood used to create Palismen is becoming more scarce, and it likely has to do with Belos and his hunger for palismen, desire to control and commodify magic, to ‘tame’ this world by sterilizing it; I can imagine plenty of reasons for him!
           This is possibly where we get out shot of a frantic, panicked Kikimora;
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           As well as this knight from the Emperor’s Coven about to be hit by something;
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           If I had to guess? Several palismen, led by Luz and/or the Bat Queen are leading a counter-attack, or the Emperor’s Coven is finding difficulty in trying to secure the source for palisman wood thanks to the local creatures! We could get a Ferngully kind of plot where the Emperor’s Coven is trying to raze down the woods, convert them for another purpose, perhaps a specific one, or just a bunch of general ones, maybe related to the Day of Unity at hand!
           But speaking of Palismen, this also brings up the red cardinal on Luz’s shoulder;
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           There’s a good chance that this cardinal is a Palisman! Will we see Luz get her own Palisman here, the cardinal? It’d complete her own Clawthorne motif and solidify her as a member of the family! She also has the Golden Guard’s staff… Might we see lore regarding Belos and the Golden Guard’s unique, technological staffs?
           Does Belos intend to replace palismen with this brand of machinery, similar to the training wand we saw Amity use in Adventures in the Elements? A mechanical, controlled way of harnessing an outside source of bile to aid and supplement one’s magic… Seems like something Belos would be fond of! We’ll probably get this shot from the trailer of Belos breaking a staff in this episode as well;
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           This could be showing how Belos devours Palismen, and with the similarities between the Golden Guard’s staff and this one –note the swirl- it’s possible we’ll see the process of Belos ‘civilizing’ the staffs of wild witches, repurposing and reusing their bases as a template for his own technological brand of staff. This could be a flashback introducing how the Golden Guard got his staff, or just Belos tinkering in general; The countdown art by Dana for Day 4 shows him tinkering with his own staff using tools like it’s a car and he’s the mechanic, so who knows?
           Combining technology with magic… I have to wonder if there’s any connection to Blight Industries, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
           Could we see Palismen be reincarnated, repurposed into those red orbs that Belos and the Golden Guard adorn their staffs with? Does Belos devour a Palisman and ‘digest’ its magic to form those red spheres? Could the red cardinal connect with the red crystals on Belos and the Golden Guard’s staffs? I can only imagine… It’d be interesting if we got to see that the Golden Guard’s own palisman is actually the cardinal- Perhaps he abandoned it? Will we get more insight into how palismen are abandoned, no doubt thanks to Belos’ hunts and crusades against wild witches, encouraging them to throw theirs out?
           Not only that, but if this episode has Luz with her special pants, then this other shot of a similar-looking background is probably from the same episode;
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           We see this large structure that looks vaguely organic; Could this be a cut-down stump from a palisman tree? Are these structures carved out from palisman trees? If so, then Luz using that wood to place her glyph combo could lead to some very devastating effects! This could be a town settled around a source of palisman wood, so potentially Luz will go out and travel to deal with this plot; Adding to the new locations for the Boiling Isles that Dana promised us!
           Not only that, but if we have Kikimora and Luz’s cool new pants, possibly given to her by the Bat Queen, or just an aesthetical choice, then…
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           THESE shots could also be from Hunting Palismen! Luz is climbing up some sort of blimp or airship, possibly one containing several caged palismen, a classic plot of poached animals and whatnot, as she tries to stop the Emperor’s Coven. Atop this blimp, she is approached by a dragon with a notable hand motif… And, well; You all know the theory that this dragon is Kikimora, hence the hands and similar coloration, the yellow-and-red eyes! And of course, this theory connects to the Hand Dragon being the same type of hand that steals King’s crown from Eda’s story in the first episode!
           AKA, we could get a look into how Kikimora deposed King in the past, as well as see her transform and reveal her true power- Hence that berserk state of hers from the intro, alluding to something more with this witch! And if you go by the theory that King was the Bat Queen’s original owner… Well, that’d tie things together very nicely; Kikimora might be able to recognize the Bat Queen as the Palisman of the giant she defeated and deposed, a connecting thread between these two characters with missing backstories!
           Also, this shot of Luz climbing up the air ship has what seems to be in tow an orb of palisman wood;
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           This being palisman wood would make sense, and could add to Luz growing a vine around this structure as well, if it’s spawned FROM the wooden orb itself! We might see how the palisman trees can be remade and repopulated, restored after Belos’ destruction.
           Also in the background of our shot of Kikimora, the coloration of the sky looks like it could match what we see with Luz on the air ship! And there seems to be acid melting what looks to be trees in the background… Which again, adds to the idea that the Emperor’s Coven is trying to hunt down Palismen –hence the title- and also seize the wood created to use them as well! But they might get resistance from the locals, some acidic resistance, which could prompt Kikimora to figure out something of her own to handle the situation, even as the Bat Queen implores Luz for help…
           I can’t tell if the sequence where Luz has the Golden Guard’s staff and the cardinal, while combining her Fire and Ice Glyphs, comes before or after all of this! But nevertheless, we could get a look into lore about Kikimora, about the Golden Guard, about Palismen and Belos’ relationship with them, how his coven system has begun to devour and repurpose the wood they’re made of- And insight into those mechanical staffs! 
          Will we get a look into the kind of magic that Belos and the Golden Guard use, perhaps fueled directly by harvested bile, like the Philosopher’s Stone from Fullmetal Alchemist- They’re both red forms of inexplicable, rule-defying energy/magic that run on unethical sources! And hey, if Belos has a sudden need for more Palismen, hence the hunt, maybe it’s because his own condition is worsening?
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obsidiangst · 3 years
Congrats on 100 followers! Could you do a thing for #47?
47: “How many more innocent people have to die?”
WARNINGS: Manipulation, vague nudity, non descriptive sex, body horror(?), stabbing, and open end.
Part 1 | Part 2
Zelda had to get out of this. The longer she stayed there, the more she realized she couldn’t just pretend that everything was so hopeless that there was no point in trying. She couldn’t abandon her people- Link didn’t die for her to do that. Though every plan she thought of to do something about her captivity was riskier than the last. If she was the last thing standing between Hyrule and mass destruction, she had to try to find something that wouldn’t kill her.
First thing: She needed to recover the Master Sword. Which would be difficult because the demon was keeping the sword in his quarters and despite being allowed to wander through the fortress, though she hardly did, she imagined she wouldn’t be allowed into his room for no reason. How would she manage to retrieve the sword then? What would come next when she did manage it?
While she sat in ‘her quarters’ deliberating internally about her plan, she looked over as the door opened, the demon entering as he did just about once every day. Whether he was checking on her or just coming to taunt, Zelda had no idea, but she kept her face flat. Link’s skin had long since turned a deep shade of charcoal grey and his hair was entirely silver. If his face hadn’t been the same and she hadn’t witnessed the slow transformation into this new appearance, she wouldn’t have known it was her Link at all.
“What do you want?” Zelda bit out, looking back down at her hands resting on the empty table before her.
“Well, that’s an awfully hostile way to greet someone who came to offer you a way to save the scraps of your kingdom.” He said dryly and Zelda looked back up at him sharply as he made his way to the chair opposite from her.
“You mean trick me into giving you something you want?” Zelda asked and the demon laughed.
“If that’s what you’d like to call it.” He said, pulling the chair back and taking a seat. “I have Castle Town under siege. At any moment I can say the word and have it razed to the ground.” He said, giving her a look like he’d just locked her into a checkmate in an invisible game of chess on the table before them. Zelda glared at him. “Or- I could call it off entirely.”
Her heart both sang and dropped into her stomach at this. So he was here to trick her. Wonderful. But- If it meant saving her kingdom, she would do whatever it took. Even if he wanted her head on a platter, she’d do that if he promised to end the attacks on villages and innocent people trying to live their lives.
“What do you want from me?” Zelda questioned, less harshly this time. Escape be damned, if she could at least do this one thing for her people-
“Marry me. None of your people will respect me as a ruler without a legitimate claim. If I marry you, then I will gain the right to rule.” Zelda stared at the demon dumbfoundedly. Was he serious? Just like that? When he had quite literally just admitted that he was doing so as a grab for power? As if she would-
She could trick him into allowing her into his quarters if she agreed. She would have easy access to the Master Sword then. She’d just have to lay with him- The thought almost made Zelda want to retch right there. If she gave herself to him under the guise of giving into his advances she could take the sword while he was asleep. It- Wasn’t the best situation, but- If she closed her eyes it could at the very least be Link in her head. And then she could kill him with minimal fuss. Zelda took a deep breath and closed her eyes, struggling with the idea of this plan. It seemed simple and yet-
“Think about it, Princess. I get what I want and you get to save your people. And you’ll get to be married to the person you love in a sense.” He edged her on, trying hard to convince her to accept his proposal. Oh- He really wanted this didn’t he? The demon who hadn’t even bothered to tell her his name since he had taken over Link’s body all those months ago-
“That’s-” Zelda stopped, unsure what to say still. She wanted the violence to end, but- She also didn’t want to use her own body in such a way. It was low and manipulative. But she had been being manipulated this entire time, so why should she care if it was or not?
“Come on, Princess. How many more innocent people have to die before you swallow your pride and submit?” He taunted her again. Oh, she wished she could slap him again right then- Her unease was cut through with anger. How dare he question her loyalty to her people- She’d show him.
“Fine.” She answered finally. “On the condition that you stop all violent activity against my people by this afternoon, I will agree to marry you.” He grinned wickedly.
“Consider it done.”
The demon was beyond pleased with himself and his guards had celebrated loudly for the rest of the day and well into the night at this ‘victory’. Oh, if only they knew the hell they would pay when Zelda got a hold of the Master Sword. Of Link’s sword. She’d make them wish that Link had killed the demon when he came to the fortress in the first place. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and she was a goddess and was fucking livid.
It was late the next evening when Zelda exited her chambers, padding her way barefoot down the hallway to where she knew the demon slept. Her heart was thudding loudly in her ears as she approached the door between her and the demon. Was this really about to happen? Would he be rough with her? Would she bruise? Would he talk down to her like she was nothing but a whore or would the tiny remnants of Link that remained in his behavior towards her come through and he would be gentle with her during her first time? She steadied herself before opening the door to the demon's chambers.
His crimson eyes fixated on her from where he was laid out over his bed that was much like her own. Odd that it wasn’t more lavish, but she supposed that wasn’t important.
“Oh? And to what do I owe a visit from my wife-to-be?” He teased her, propping himself up on his elbow and draping his other arm across his midsection. Damn him- He knew that was something LInk would do when she got his attention. Zelda slipped in and shut the door behind her.
“I’m- Tired of resisting.” She said, making sure that her voice had a tiny whine at the end of it. Like she was close to tears. Lady Impa would have been proud of her acting skills right now as the demon was eating it up. He raised a brow at her and smirked, gesturing her closer with a curl of a single finger.
“Are you now? Well, it’s about time.” He said, sitting up and watching her as she made a show of hesitantly locking the door behind her and ever so timidly making her way to the bed. “Don’t be shy, I won’t bite… Not that hard at least.” He teased, chuckling darkly and Zelda blushed.
Holy Hylia above, she was really about to do this. She didn’t have to fake the nerves as she crawled into his bed and let him touch her and disrobe her. The tremor in her hands as she started to touch him back was as real as the situation she was in. For all the demon’s aggression towards her in the past, he made sure to at least attempt to soothe her nerves, but every thought she had was plagued by the knowledge that this wasn’t Link like she was trying to pretend it was. This was a demon.
Thankfully, Link, or at least his physical body, was also inexperienced and wasn’t able to last too long. It had felt… Alright. Zelda would have been much more relaxed and emotionally fulfilled if she had been with Link instead of this spirit piloting his form.
“See, that wasn’t so bad.” THe demon rumbled into her ear when they were finished. He laid against her back, holding her naked form against his own. “I even made you finish~” He had, in fact, not done so. She had faked it to stroke his ego a little bit more into relaxing. She had been trying to focus on anything other than the demon the whole time: her plan to escape, going home and celebrating the end of the war, mourning everyone they had lost, mourning Link- But it was done now at least, she could turn her attention to her next step.
Of course, he didn’t make it easy.
With his arms around her waist and his face pressed against the back of her shoulder, it would be very hard for Zelda to get up out of the bed without waking him up. Especially because the way he held her wasn’t just a loose hold, he was gripping her firmly. Fuck, this may have been a mistake.
Though- She did have time to look around the room now. She didn’t know where exactly the sword was located or hidden, so she glanced around the parts of the room that she could see. There were weapons and baubles everywhere, but finally, Zelda was able to make out the golden triforce on the scabbard of the Master Sword in the corner of the room, concealed partially by a few other weapons.
Zelda shifted once. Then twice. Then a third time to see if the demon was awake or not. When he didn’t respond to her shifting in any way, his grip even loosening unconsciously around her, she knew it likely was safe to try and get up. If he woke up she could say she needed to use the bathroom or to… clean up from their activities. Carefully, Zelda squirmed and twisted from the demon’s grasp, finding the dress that she came in, not liking the bite of the cold air on her bare skin before picking her way carefully over to the corner where the Master Sword was.
There was no way this was going to be this easy- Surely this demon wasn’t so oblivious to think that she would just- Sleep with him without an ulterior motive. She had resisted doing it for months now, that wasn’t just going to change overnight.
She gripped the hilt of the Master Sword and carefully tried to move it from behind the other blades trapping it against the wall. Finally, Zelda was able to pull the hilt from behind the other blades and then carefully extracted the scabbard and blade from the tangle of weaponry.
That’s when a movement caught Zelda’s eye and she looked at the stack of blades on the wall. One of the swords crossguards caught on the Master Sword’s own crossguard as she freed it and it tilted precariously to one side, then started falling, falling- And clattered loudly on the ground, hitting two more on the way down, adding them to the noise as they also clattered against the stone floors.
Zelda whipped around to face the bed- Sure enough the demon’s eyes were open and fixed on her in a dangerous way.
“And what exactly do you think you’re doing Princess?” The demon questioned as he got up, not bothering to put clothes on as he put his feet on the ground and began making his way to her. This was bad! Very bad! But she had the sword! She had no idea how to use a sword, but! How hard could it be??
Panicking, Zelda yanked the blade out of its scabbard and sent a quick prayer to the Goddesses to help her as the demon paused in his advancements. Then he started to chuckle.
“Ohoho, is this really what you want to do, Princess?” He taunted, narrowing his eyes at her. “What are you going to do? Kill me? Kill him?” He said, edging around her, trying to circle so that he was between her and the door. Zelda stepped closer to the door, keeping her back to the wall and the point of the Master Sword towards the demon’s chest.
“You think this is all a game. You want to use me and him like pawns. It’s going to end. Tonight.” Zelda said. The demon tilted his head to one side and scoffed.
“Perhaps it will.” He said, raising a hand as a myriad of shadows congealed into the form of a blade not unlike the Master Sword but pitch black. “I should have guessed that you weren’t going to concede that easily, but- You put on a convincing show. You were rather determined to do this, weren’t you.” He said, gripping the blade tightly. Oh shit- Oh shit, they were really about to fight weren’t they? Oh this was bad- This was a horrible plan, oh goddesses help her-
The demon swung and by some divine fluke, Zelda parried the strike. How? She wasn’t entirely sure. She’d never used a sword in anything other than formal ceremonies before, by all means he should have just stuck her like a pig- Another strike and she parried again, her feet taking her back half a step, but she wasn’t dying yet so that was fine.
“What-?” The demon furrowed his brow and eyed her, clearly seeing the surprise on her face. “Stop doing that!” He snarled as he struck again. Once again, Zelda blocked. The demon snarled at her now and began rapidly trying to strike her. And as if the Master Sword had a mind of its own and control over her feet, Zelda blocked, parried, and pivoted away from each strike, much to the annoyance of the demon.
When Zelda thought that there was going to be no end to this cycle of strikes and deflections, she saw an opening. The demon raised his sword up as if to bring it crashing down upon her head- and left his entire abdomen open. Zelda pointed the tip of the Master Sword directly at his stomach and stepped forwards, putting her weight and everything she had in her behind the thrust.
The sickening sound of the blade cutting through flesh and sinew was far louder than Zelda had been anticipating and she let go of the sword, staggering backwards as she processed what she had- somehow managed to do. Waves of nausea overcame her as she heard the noise on repeat in her mind. Goddess above, what did she just do? The demon stared at the hilt of the sword as it stuck out of his midsection. The sword was buried so deeply into him the tip was also sticking out of his back.
Then a barrage of disturbing noises and gargles exited Link’s mouth as the demon shuddered, dark black liquid beginning to drip freely from his mouth, nose and eyes and then evaporating quickly away into the air like black little puffs of smoke. He dropped the jet sword, which also faded into smoke before it hit the ground.
“Damn, you- No! I-” The demon gargled out and more and more of the shadowy smoke began to leave Link’s body. Zelda watched in horror as Link’s charcoal grey skin lightened and his ash colored hair grew golden brown again and as his body wretched the last of the shadows out, crimson eyes blinked shut and finally opened blue once more.
Zelda could have cried seeing that beautiful blue.
“Link!” She cried, overjoyed that he seemingly was back for a split moment before a pained grunt left him and he went down to one knee, clutching at the Master Sword lodged in his abdomen. Zelda blanched as she realized that she now had to save Link a second time from something a lot more dangerous than a demon piloting his body. Oh- Oh shit-
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blankdblank · 3 years
Poke Pt 7 - Yacht Party
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Whistling in the exit of your closet Eddie took in your own toga reminiscent style dress the bright white sheer layered skirt was slit up to the upper thigh and met the golden belt that separated the base from the lace top. With thick straps in white and a low dip in the cleavage almost to the belly button that flowed out to reveal the golden glittery heels you had chosen for the event. “Wow. You need a sign to remind gentlemen to pick their jaws up off the floor.”
“Funny,” you teased, folding a stretchy pair of shorts to cover the thigh holsters for a couple of your daggers for worst case scenario that also would help keep guys from peeking up your skirt if the wind blew the slit back too widely. “I’m sure no one will care about my dress as I death grip the wall.”
“I can skip the trip to prison if you need me there.”
“I’m ok. If I feel bad I am not above fainting or breaking into hysterics to have Tony himself fly me home. Or maybe Prince Thor, I think he can fly if he has his hammer.”
“You can beat this evening. I know you can.”
After a hug for him you said, “You’ll miss visiting hours.” And he chuckled hugging you back and kissed you on your cheek taking notice of the one side of your hair braided back so you could flip the rest over to your left side knowing the boat would drive it wild no matter what you tried to do with it.
The ride didn’t calm things and from the concrete pathway to the wooden docks your focus shifted in a means to calm yourself on the pelicans and gulls who watched your stroll beyond the guards at the entrance who took your invitation shared the lit pathway would guide you to the proper ship. At the base of the plank bridge to get onto the yacht you paused hearing the guests already aboard.
Mid stare at a gull hovering above the boat in a try to focus on anything but the fact you would be out on the open ocean for who knows how long you flinched to look at Sam in his step up to your side with an impressed whistle. “My sister would die of envy seeing this ship. She loves to sail.” His eyes landed on you asking, “Ever been on a boat like this?”
“I’ve been on ferries, but I haven’t been over the open ocean yet.”
“You’ll be okay. Stark’s probably built this thing himself. Bound to be unsinkable.”
“Well, there’s a history of unsinkable ships that beg to differ when it comes to that claim.”
He chuckled and said, “We’ll be just fine. Just in case,” he said showing his duffel bag at his side holding his metal wings, “Brought my wings, things go south The Falcon’s got you.” To yourself you grinned and followed him up into the monstrosity of a boat.
Surely one that would make your ancestors weep, not just for the luxurious ability to have food storage, running clean water and plumbing but for the fact that nothing of the earth other than the single fallen tree stump of an end table was here. The wood was fake same as the faux leather seats and imitation marble finish on the metal surfaces. Nothing of this boat showed the respect boat makers used to put into building sea faring vessels to keep from displeasing the Gods in crossing the tumultuous open ocean and you guessed that might be why they always bothered you.
With legs crossed you sat with eyes fixed on the open ocean in your second level seat unable to keep on your feet to mingle in the crowded floor below. “Thirsty?” the voice at your side brought the sudden place of Prince Loki there with two drinks in hand, one of which with a pacifier band around the stem of the fruity blended drink he offered to you. “The bartender insisted I offer you this one.”
Unable to help it you chuckled and accepted the drink, “It’s a virgin margarita. Thank you.”
“What would maidenhood have to do with drink offers?” he asked and you glanced away to keep from spitting your sip of the drink on him. “Is it repulsive? I shall demand a new drink to replace it.”
You shook your head and giggled in catching his eye to say, “Virgin, when related to drinks means alcohol free.” And his eyes narrowed, “It’s illegal for people under 21 years old to drink alcohol in this country. Others it ranges from 14 to 18 depending on their culture.”
“Why would they have such variation?”
“Because hardly any of the countries share the same faiths, histories, cultures or beliefs on how they should be governed. So just stubbornness and idiocy.”
“I had hoped the drink would aid in a welcome of my company, you seemed troubled when I arrived.”
Softly you chuckled and replied, “Quite humorously for my bloodline I have a fear of open ocean outside of wooden boats.” His eyes locked onto yours in a moment of shock, “There’s no earth in this boat. Vikings paid homage to the Gods for smooth sailing across the oceans. Might just be me.”
And he grinned your way stating, “Not only you. Those who can hear Yggdrasil have higher expectations when it comes to vessels. Your ancestors would be proud you wish to honor their traditions, the ocean is not a fair mistress, she is an insurmountable warrior, she demands respect.”
“How have your candles and soaps been?” You asked to change the subject, uncertain of what meaning his lingering stare into your eyes meant.
“Quite exquisite. Thank you again for your care in crafting the mixtures for us to our likings. Your customers have been favorable of temperament?”
“For the most part. Before the shoes Natasha and Steve bought me I got shunned a bit because of my clearly worn name brand shoes, but the new ones have helped to give me a bit of credit to my image. Used to be called an immigrant and now people are asking if I’m paying my dues in the entertainment or beauty world until I get my big break. When Stark came in I almost thought he would just order enough to use that as a means to force me to accept the money he offered.”
“What should it matter what shoes you wear when you are working?”
“The shop has an image to uphold for their most superficial of clientele.”
“Should they ever release you from employment alert my brother and myself and we shall raze the building to cinders.” That had you giggle around your next sip and he said, “You doubt my loyalty.”
“Not at all, Prince Loki. Merely I question how Stark would handle the discovery of who was behind the attack after he’s vetted you both as Heroes.”
“Not one person in my lifetime has been foolish enough to dub me a Hero. I am the God of Mischief and Deceit.”
His eyes lowered to the hand you offered him that his rose palm up to accept, “Fool, right here, pleasure to meet you.” To himself he chuckled and smiled in a glance away. “See, that smile,” he glanced back and chuckled again as you said, “Pure sunshine. You can’t convince me there’s evil in there no matter how many times you stab your brother.”
“I unleashed an army on New  York,”
“Oh who hasn’t unleashed havoc on New York. Havoc is the new pink pumps of the season, everybody has to have some. New York, Washington, California, your brother leveled a town in New  Mexico. Now you go and attack Rhode Island or someplace small like that then we can talk crossing into unthinkable territory, which is seven miles below evil. You have to earn evil.”
He smirked and at the notice he was still holding your hand he released it to take hold of his drink for a sip to break his stare only to look down at that hand resting on his knee when the boat began to pull away from the dock. “I murdered my birth father.” He blurted out as if to try and not lie to you or make you believe he was anything but evil as most from his planet thought.
“Did he raise you?”
“Were you close or just a birthday card once a year type of situation?”
“He abandoned me at birth in a frozen tundra in the midst of a battle between the Jotuns and Asgardians and never acknowledged me as his child or that I even existed.”
You nodded and said, “Selfish quim had it coming then.” Throatily to your sip of your drink he chuckled and bubbled into a few moments of unforgiving laughter. “I’d pick Frigg as a mother any day over that bastard.”
“King Laufey of the Jotuns, or Frost Giants, as some nations dub them.”
“Odin’s half Frost Giant in the legends. They knew each other?”
“Odin,” his eyes fell on you, “Father is half Frost Giant in the legends?” You nodded and he said, “He never speaks of this if it is true.”
“Well he’s probably jealous.” You said and his brow twitched up, “If it was between me and you to be Jotun I’d stay mum simply because you have to be the peak example of Jotun prowess.”
“Asgardians tell bedtime stories of Jotuns to terrify their children and frighten them to behave or they will be eaten.” He said mournfully and looked out at the sea.
“I’d start biting people then.” You said and in the spread of his smile you said, “Always a monster till you’re necessary. How the universe works. The odd one, the new one, that one who doesn’t belong. Till they need you, till they’re scared. So much easier to be scared of the new than to trust it. Well I trust you,” you said and he caught your eye again, “And you can’t stop me. I’m stark raving mad with power and will cackle in their disbelieving faces for not trusting pure sunshine.” You said with a wide smile making him chuckle again.
“Are you certain there is no alcohol in that drink?” He teased.
“Just tons of sugar.” You said taking another giggle laced sip as he took a sip of his own drink. “I heard you’re over seventeen hundred years old? How does that line up to our age progression? If that isn’t too personal.”
“Roughly similar to your age I would presume. Young adulthood.”
You gasped and said, “And they gave you alcohol, someone get this man a pacifier.” You said teasingly turning your head to call it out making him chuckle and simply use his arm closest to you to prop himself up to scoot closer.
“Shh,” he whispered through a chuckle by your ear and you giggled again. “There is little substance on this planet able to inebriate myself and my brother.” He said with his eyes focused on yours when you turned your head slightly to catch his bright gaze and smile.
The ship took a wide turn and your joking mood waned and his hand covered yours at the returned grip of his knee to lace his fingers under your palm, and next to your ear he asked, “How would you like to play a game?” You caught his gaze and he grinned nodding his head at the crowd stating, “Say a name.” He watched your eyes dance over the women in toga influenced gowns surrounded by men in both togas and white and golden suits and you chose one from the back that with a flash of green in his eyes had the man start to dance absurdly awkward luring out your smile and giggle again.
Innocent fun, insignificant playful pranks that had Prince Thor search for his brother in the crowds until he spotted him at your side with his hand on yours. Loki would never have openly chosen such a public display with anyone he dared to imagine courtship until proper tasks of approval had been sought for and by the clear try to not let you have a break to focus on anything but his magic. And the game upon his knowing Thor was looking his way had the Prince conjuring fables and joking tales in front of the possibly distressed young Shieldmaiden he would never dream of damaging her honor. Something was bothering their young respected friend and his brother while Thor saw to his sea wary Mate was distracting his chosen companion for the evening in a far more acceptable use of his magic at this party.
Some food was sampled from the migrating attendees made from faceless drones that somehow had you more weirded out than the ship. One of which that had Peter hanging on his back while it held a bucket and led him to lie down on the couch beside the pair of you. The move had you inch closer to the Prince and had his gaze drop to the thigh pressed against his to something hard he felt tap the side of his leg. He felt himself unable to help but smirk at the clear hilt of a dagger poking out from underneath the shorts that blended into your skirt from afar in its same brilliant white shade. And in a low purr beside your ear as you handed over your empty glass to a drone to free a hand so you could check Peter’s temperature the Prince asked, “Please tell me that’s a dagger on your thigh.”
With a blush to the green mist that eased the hilt of two coiled snakes in bright silver into view widening his grin as he caught sight of the full design. And he could imagine the blade in his mind by the hint of metal beneath the hilt his mist hid away again as Pepper hurried over with some sea sickness medicine. “Where else would I keep it?” you whispered back widening his grin to the point he nipped at his lip to keep from grinning like an idiot.
Pepper in her trot up to Peter’s side offered him a fizzing drink he accepted and took your help to prop himself up to sip on it, “Here you go Peter.” And her eyes rose to you asking, “Are you sea sick too? I haven’t seen you on the main floor since we took off.”
“I’ve got a thing with metal boats in open ocean,” her lips parted, “I’m good sitting. Body just prefers wood boats it seems. Prince Loki’s been distracting me.”
“Well if you need anything let us know.”
“Does he make a lot of these drones?”
Pepper sighed saying, “It’s a new thing. He said he’d make them faceless since I thought fake humanoid ones might bother me, but these aren’t any better, sadly.”
“Because he does know about all the evidence on making AI’s and how devastatingly bad that could go?”
“I remind him daily. Only, seems he forgets, daily. Progress,” she said shaking her head and rising to her feet to go check on another person muttering, “This party is the stuff of nightmares with these waves.”
In a glance at Loki you asked, “If Stark builds AI’s can I plead asylum on Asgard?”
He smirked asking, “AI?”
“Robots with free will. Always turns out that they want to destroy the human race. Borderline Ragnarok for our race.”
“Should there be any danger to this planet we will grant you asylum. I give you my word.”
“How important are potatoes on your planet? Because if they don’t grow there I will be smuggling some there. My ancestors didn’t get to enjoy them in the older generations, but I know they look down on me in envy. Even broke I eat like a King.” Making him chuckle again. “I’m serious, one of the best foods discovered on this planet is the potato.”
“Potatoes are amazing,” Peter sighed after finishing his drink and laying flat again. “I would bring lemons. My aunt gets this big smile when she sees lemons. I don’t get it, but it makes her happy. And I’d have to bring her too of course.”
Loki smiled saying, “We have six variations of potatoes and four lemon breeds. The pair of you and young Peter’s aunt would be amply pleased.”
“Could I have a sheep? My parents promised to get me a sheep when I was bigger. Or is it mainly city spaces without any room for cottages?”
“We have a mixture of both. A quaint cottage could be arranged, or a plot of garden and field to keep your sheep in should you prefer an apartment in the Palace. With ample workers to help train you in treatment and sheering of your sheep when necessary.”
In a giggle you replied, “I would need sheep lessons.” Making him chuckle as well.
At their sides save for a trip to the bathroom you remained until the boat docked again and Loki rose to gently help you up and lead both you and still unsteady Peter to the dock. The assigned car to drive you back however found him reluctantly in release of the hand his had been fixed in for hours now. “Thank you, for the asylum and the sheep,” you said in words that muffled in the ears of the Prince whose cheek you had left a peck upon. “Sleep well, Sunshine.” You said and in a lower to sit inside the car.
“Sleep well and safe on the earth, Shieldmaiden Pear.”
Vision. The newest Avenger had his face plastered across the internet and all you could think of was the promise the Asgardian Prince had made you and it just made your stomach turn. He was so polite and out of everybody he could have spent his time with he seemed to gravitate to your company. Even when a long train ride let you take a long stroll in Central Park that had you run into the Super Soldiers and Sam on a run. When the Zoo was mentioned the Princes seemed to appear in mid air and as if to counter Bucky’s time with your attention another animal would be pointed to and his questions would arise all aimed your direction.
End to end between your fingers your Mate button box was flipped to tap against the counter easing the slide of your fingers to the bottom to aid the lift and flip of the box to do it again. No matter why he was focusing on you there had to be a line and you couldn’t stop hiding from your fears of finding out who your Mate was by humoring the attentions of the Avengers. Onto the counter you settled the button box and gave the button a single tap that almost an hour away had Loki’s eyes twitch off his book confirming he was alone in his gifted apartment followed by an irritated grumble and nestle back into his spot to ignore the unhelpful poke of his Mate from this infuriating planet.
Several taps more in a notice of the muffin bag you had gotten from a café earlier that had you murmur, “Let’s meet for coffee at the Blue Bird Café. Nine AM.” Your fingers tapped before you could think it through just how many could understand Morse Code this day and age, you just had to try and see if anyone would turn up.
And just like you knew it deep down, no one did, at nine or ten when you had finished off pretending to write out something in your pocket journal after you’d finished your first cider and just wanted to go anywhere but there.
Glaring as he made his way to the group lunch after a much needed breakfast alone Loki plopped into his seat and turned his gaze to Natasha at her asking, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“Ten minutes my Mate poked me last night, ten minutes. All in some absurd pattern,” Loki repeated the pattern with the tip of his finger on the table and had her, Bucky and Bruce listening to the meanings of the taps.
Bucky however asked the question the others didn’t, “So did you meet your Mate for coffee?”
Loki glared at him, “I beg your pardon?”
Bruce, “That’s Morse Code. Old school. Must have been eager to meet you rarely hear of people using it these days outside of military or science families.”
Loki asked in a slightly panicked tone, “Where would I meet them?”
Bucky said, “Blue Bird Café, nine am.”
Loki didn’t have to look at the clock but said in his rush from the table, “It’s half past noon!”
He didn’t know where that was but he knew who to talk to to get into Stark’s system. Knowing fully he had links to cameras everywhere. “Red Man, I require your assistance.”
“I am Vision, Green Noble.” The Prince led the way to one of the public labs that linked to his system that Loki linked into the simple online page of the only Blue Bird Café in New York that was located in Queens.
“I need you to help me use Stark’s system to see who was in this café this morning.”
“Are we searching for a culprit in a crime you are aware of?” Vision asked in his hover beside the Prince.
“My Mate used Morse Code to send me a message I did not understand last night and I missed the meeting they tried to arrange. I wish to know who I have spurned to offer my apologies and win back their favor.”
“Oh, very admirable then.” He said lowering as he said, “I am under the understanding that a Mate is the strongest bond you might find in your lifetime. I anxiously await my eighteenth year to have earned my own chance to meet mine.” Raising his hand to link to the system that began to shift the screen windows to delve through the system to first link into the café’s security and the street cameras to watch every person from eight am onwards.
“Pluto,” Loki muttered in the sight of you wearing an anxious expression and a slightly less casual dress entering the café, ordering a drink and muffin with glances at the door to every entrance in a clearly sinking mood as Vision continued to run facial recognition through a database while the video played.
Vision said, “From the 47 customers 24 are legally married and another 17 have announced themselves as engaged on their social media accounts.”
“Pluto Pear, that woman. When did she leave exactly?” Visio read back the time stamp and he said, “I need a print out of this list, I’m going to start with her.”
Vision asked to the print of the page behind him, “Does the young lady hold a certain physical appeal for you to begin with her?”
“I know her. I would never wish for her to believe I have left her there alone. As if I had refused to meet her on the grounds of being my Mate.”
Vision said, “Ah. Then yes, begin with the young Miss Pear.” He said offering the printed sheet that Loki accepted and hurried with rushed thanks in his race out to go and the whole while his mind raced with a single repetition, it had to be you.
Truly for months now any excuse to cross paths was taken including a laughable amount of candles and soap with films, trips out between your shifts and group meals he always made certain to be chaperoned for everyone’s comfort and for your honor the Prince searched. You were the one to make him laugh and find some sense of ease on this planet with a person who seemed to genuinely care about his comfort and tried to keep him from growing too homesick or thoughts on his lineage to spoil his wishes to ever return. If you weren’t his Mate he never desired to meet the person who dared to poke him. He didn’t want to be forced onto anyone else, he had subconsciously chosen you for a while now and would continue to do so.
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Three knocks soon bled to five and before the sixth could land you had opened your front door to the wide eyed Prince who rapidly opened his fist to an awkward wave. “Miss Pear. Might I come in?”
“Sure,” you said letting him inside closing the door behind him in his awkward check of the single room apartment with a lingering gaze at the boat shaped bed he pointed to mid amused smirk. “My first year here there was a play they used that as a prop in and put it up cheap for sale after it closed. Really comfy.” You looked him over and asked, “You have to go on another mission? Only seen you twitchy like this when you had to leave town.”
“No,” he replied and moved closer offering the cider in his hand you hadn’t noticed. “I owe you a drink.”
In the narrow of your eyes you accepted the still warm cup saying, “Thank you. Don’t recall how, but thank you.”
“I don’t know Morse Code.”
Your lips parted to ask over the thunder of your heart in your ears, “Did you want me to teach you.”
“Not today, thank you.” He inhaled sharply and said, “I know you went to the Blue Bird Café this morning and I know that you didn’t meet the person you had hoped to.”
In a step closer he cut you off saying, “Because I don’t know Morse Code and it took me repeating the lengthy set of taps that kept me up last night to those amongst the team who do.”
“Oh,” you squeaked out in realization of what you guessed and halfway hoped he might be saying.
“So I came here to ask you to poke me again,” his eyes lowered to the finger that rose to tap him in the center of his chest that had him let out a breathy chuckle and scan his eyes over your face that was still devoid of anything readable but uncertainty and shock. “No, with your button, do you have it?”
“Oh, button,” sharply your head turned setting the drink down and gingerly he shadowed you in your circle of your bed to the near burrow under the fake fur blanket you had to do to grab the button that seemed to try and keep it hidden for itself. When you stood again you eased your fingers around the sides of the box with its mint colored button now a deep green that with a press of your thumb had him exhale shakily to the poke he felt.
He didn’t know what to do or say and yet all on its own it seemed his body acted to first cradle your cheek then lean in to press his lips to yours in a blind hope that however possible he could seal this bond to never break. Just as loudly as yours his heart thundered in his chest for the action his body had taken without permission.
And when your eyes met again his breath hitched hearing you whisper at the sight of the swirls of green mist that had filled the room with sparkling veins of gold to glimmer around the both of you. His skin now blue with raised ridges trailing across his skin in snowflake like unique markings to just him from his Jotun blood paired with his crimson eyes. “Was that supposed to happen or was it on accident.”
“The mist was unintentional.” He hummed back lowly and in his lean forward to brush his nose to yours his body melted forward at the toe top lift to kiss him again. With the close of your eyes covering his shift back after his notice of the color of his hand still on your cheek. An action and pose he lingered in to savor every second of it.
“Blue is a good color on you, Sunshine.” You said and his lips parted only for the growl of his stomach to make you grin and claim his hand and say, “Let’s feed you and that angry rhino you swallowed.”
Out of your slow cooker some jambalaya was served for the both of you to go with the cheesy mashed potatoes you topped with bacon bits he amusedly poked with his spoon as if it was possibly toxic. “I’m not going to poison you,” you giggled out.
“No, there is a topping like these pebbles on Asgard and it is merely awful.”
“Well this is tiny bits of bacon.”
“Bacon,” he said in an intrigued tone and took a bite he hummed around making you giggle to yourself.
“Midgard isn’t so bad, we’ve done amazing things with bacon.”
“That you have,” he said filling his spoon again with some of the jambalaya that while he chewed it his eyes scanned over your face in your downwards gaze, “Are you pleased?” he managed to ask when he swallowed lifting your eyes again to his.
“Could use more sausage. They’re so stingy on the weight per cent these days.”
“With me?” He asked in a near squeak afraid of the answer.
“As my Mate?” you asked and he nodded, “You are indescribable. You can do magic, I mean come on, I started magic when I was a kid and dreamed to have someone who would be so much more spectacularly talented than myself. Need I say, the essence of pure sunshine in your veins. You accept my Norse roots. Some people would just label me a witch on that alone. And you tolerate my weirdness, major plusses there.”
“I would assume, my title-,”
“Psh,” you said lifting his gaze from his bowls. “I would be honored to be bound to you if you ran a button stand.” You said triggering an awkward grin across his face at the compliment. “If anything the expectations of your possible requirement to take up after Odin on what I would only assume to be a possibly uncomfortable looking golden throne in that floating golden Palace would trouble me for the increase of scowls that would develop from the stress and drive that smile of yours away. Not to mention the heightened risk of stress on the heart from a job of that level.” After a moment of his amused grin your way you asked, “Do you really live forever?”
“Roughly 5071 years.”
“Well Bucky’s close to a century and he hasn’t seemed to age much, Steve was frozen for most of his. So I suppose logically, I can’t say how long I would be around.”
His brow inched up and he said, “I would find you. No matter where in Hel they settle you to spend your afterlife.”
You nodded and asked in a rather embarrassed tone, “No possible way I could get to Valhalla then?”
“You most certainly could well earn place there. Few Midgardians are welcomed, I did not mean to worry you or offer insult.”
You shook your head, “It’s just all different than how I was taught. You’re Frigga’s son, and Thor isn’t a redhead, no telling what else could be different. I mean did you at least give birth to a eight legged horse Odin rides around on?”
“Did I what?” he chuckled out with a widening smile.
“I mean who wouldn’t be able to learn to love a guy who gave birth to Hel, the Goddess of Death; Jörmungand, the serpent that surrounds the world; and Fenrir or Fenrisúlfr, the wolf; and Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse.”
“Thor did advise us the mortals had warped our tales, yet I had no imagination it could be that vastly different.” He paused and asked, “Hel, is she prominent in my life in the tales? I have never heard of a Goddess of that name.”
You said, “Those you had with the female giant Angerboda. You seem to love her in the tales. Though most of your tales I prefer include your other wife, Sigyn. You had a son with her, named Nari or Narfi.” His lips parted, “Odin uses your son’s intestines to chain you to a rock where snakes drip their venom on you and she sits beside you with a bowl to collect it. Though when she dumps it out and the venom drips on your face you thrash around causing the earth to quake. It’s quite the tale of devotion in Norse Mythology. There’s actually quite a tale for how you got married, she was betrothed to another and on the wedding day you kill him and take his shape and then reveal yourself after and she tells Odin she will honor the marriage. Sigyn’s basically known only for her devotion to you.”
“I have never wed, nor know of a Sigyn. I could never imagine my father able to bind anyone with the innards of their own child.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
He shook his head, “No, you have not upset me. Although I am curious to ponder on when the tales stretched so far from the truth. Perhaps an exceptionally harsh winter with little to distract from boredom.”
“Well that’s the thing about legends. Everyone who first heard or saw them happen is dead. Kind of like the phone tree game,” his brows furrowed a moment in confusion to the name, “One person in a circle whispers to another, it can be a word or funnier a phrase and gradually through the circle the words change. Sometimes for the worse. Known a few to end in fist fights when they made us do it in schools in some mock trial to stomp out bullying as a sort of way to display how gossip explodes like wild fire. Then again it could be a testament to hearing loss rather than weak attention spans on trading whispers.” As you eyed his grin after a glance away to fill your spoon you said, “Sorry, got away from me there.”
“You did not wander far. Often I find people who ramble show great promise of intellect. Brains that are rapid to focus on new topics are very welcome amongst our scientists.”
“It must be amazing, your home.”
“My people are brilliant compared to yours, however very gullible. Hence my prowess in mischief.”
“Well, if you assume to have all the answers why would you bother looking for more?” making him smirk proudly at your words. “They’ll learn, with enough shoves in the right direction, or enough books to hurl at them. Sometimes you need a bit of mischief to open some eyes.”
“Thor has been working up the nerve to request a trip for his Mate Jane Foster to Asgard. I imagine her introduction to our scientists would be less productive than to hear from one who has crafted a rainbow portal on her own with only supplies from Midgard. Even our best crafters alive today could not tap into that technology. When Thor broke the rainbow bridge that aids in the control of the Bifrost Mother had to travel to Hel to consult with one of our scientists we had lost a thousand years prior.”
“That must have been fun for you to experience.”
“I wasn’t there,” he whispered in a downward glance then cleared his throat and drew in a deep breath, “Perhaps I should share something else, other than my race with you.” When his eyes did rise he almost flinched seeing yours on his, “There’s a, being, a Titan.”
“Like in Greek Mythology?”
“I’m, not aware of their history.”
“Sorry, Titan?”
“Thanos. I fell from the bridge when Thor broke it. Through the open void of the universe I faded to, I don’t know where. There, Thanos found me. His henchman tortured me.”
“Loki,” you said reaching out to rest a hand on his forearm that had his hand turn over to wrap around the underside of yours welcoming the contact and sadness not pity in your gaze.
“I was gone, for so very long, time is, difficult in varied realms to compare.” He wet his lips and continued shakily, “I managed to escape, with a deal. He sent me with the scepter to bring him the tesseract. There are these stones, with different powers to control parts of the universe, he wants them all and has others to locate them for him. That was why, I opened that portal. Why I killed people. To let them know something bigger is out there, and that it’s coming.”
“He wouldn’t have come on his own, but I lied to him. And my Father can’t protect this planet, or won’t. I won’t let him hurt you though. I swear. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.”
“That’s a tall order in this city. Plus even doors are a danger to me when I’m in a hurry.”
“I’m being serious, he has decimated civilizations before and enslaved millions he allowed to survive.” His eyes scanned yours finding an expression he couldn’t decipher and he asked, “What is that look for?”
“I have secrets, terrible things I should tell my Mate, for fair playing field since you’ve been so open with me. I do trust you, I just,”
“I understand.”
“It’s just been mine, for so long. Nearly my whole life now, and Eddie, he found me at and back again from my lowest point,” Loki nodded and bit the inside of his lip at the tear that rolled down your cheek all of a sudden. “He was the first person who cared since I got here, and I just had to tell someone. It was breaking me, and he got me help with his therapist, which has helped. I just, I don’t know why, but even with you being able to rain aliens down upon us, I’m scared to tell you everything.” Another tear down your cheek had him lean in closer to your side. “Because if you knew, what I am, you would hate me. I don’t know why Eddie hasn’t left yet. He should have left me by now.”
“He is not going to leave, and no matter what pain that lies in your past, I will not leave you. And I will wait until you welcome me into the fold. No matter how long it takes.”
The rest of the meal he remained at your side and moved with you to your couch to inch closer to cuddling through a film that allowed you both to a comfortable silence. Droops of your eyes however had him excise himself to allow you to rest. When you were on your feet however with sight of his back his body went rigid to the poke he felt that had him turn to see you with your button in hand say, “Double checking.”
Gently he claimed your free hand and raised it to his lips to kiss your knuckles on the hand he cradled after, “Get some rest. Tomorrow should Stark not interfere, hopefully I could arrange a lunch to make up for my misstep this morning.”
“Not your misstep. I shouldn’t have assumed anyone else would know Morse Code.”
“I will learn, there is no fault on your part. Only imagination.”
“You get some sleep too, Sunshine.” His grin widened, “Keep that stress on your heart down.”
“I shall try my hardest with Stark in the same tower.” He said stealing another press of his lips to your hand before he released it and led the way to the door you closed and locked behind your unbelievable Mate you secretly wished would have tried to kiss more than just your hand the second time.
Pt 8
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess​, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Loki - @pastelhexmaniac
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