#goldy is always hungry
kindrehd · 5 months
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cat dad
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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MAMMON x gn!Reader 1.3k Words | SFW | Fluff | Pet Names (Babe, Treasure) | Some cursing -> Prompt: Working in the Garden Together [ obey me! masterlist ]
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It started one ordinary afternoon at RAD when you and Mammon were heading to lunch together. Barbatos appeared out of nowhere and stepped into your path to get your attention. He ignored Mammon's annoyed grumbles and bowed to you in apology.
"There's something I'd like to talk to you about, if you have a spare moment?" He didn't usually approach you like this in the middle of the school day, and you were curious about what he wanted.
"You can go on ahead without me," you suggested to Mammon quietly as you pulled your hand away from his.
"Nah, I'll wait here for ya, babe," Mammon muttered as he watched Barbatos lead you across the hall to a little alcove that wasn't quite as noisy.
The hallways were still teeming with other students going to lunch, but Mammon stayed exactly where he was. He leaned against the wall and pretended to scroll through his D.D.D. while glancing up very frequently to see what you and Barbatos were up to. He couldn't hear what you were discussing, but whatever it was lit up your face with excitement, and Barbatos seemed pleased by your reaction.
Fortunately, Diavolo's butler didn't keep you long. He nodded to Mammon before he disappeared into the throng of students, and you returned to Mammon's side with a little bounce in your step.
"Hungry?" you asked him, and you laced your fingers together and tugged him in the direction of the cafeteria.
"Oh, definitely," he responded stiffly. He cleared his throat and glanced at you from the corner of his eye. "So, what'd Barbatos want with ya?"
You flashed him an excited grin that made his heart stutter. "He ordered some new plants for the castle gardens, but he said he overestimated how many he needed. He offered to give us some for the house."
Mammon rubbed the back of his head. "Plants? Like flowers? Why'd he offer 'em to us?"
"I mentioned once or twice that I always wanted to garden. My—well, I knew someone who was really talented, but I didn't have a chance to learn." You chuckled and shook your head. "I'm not much of a green thumb. He said the plants he's giving us are beginner-friendly so maybe it won't be too difficult." You shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to try, right?"
Mammon held your hand while you both stood in line to buy your lunches, and he only let go once you were both seated and he was snug at your side. You seemed fine, but your eyes had that faraway look, the one you got whenever you talked about something that reminded you of the human world.
He glanced down at his lunch tray and moved the food around with his fork without really eating it.
Gardening, huh?
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Chat: 24
Mammon: Yo, Satan.
Mammon: You spend a lot of time in the garden with your cats, right?
Satan: They're not my—
Satan: Yes, I do. Why?
Mammon: What do you know about gardening?
Satan: Gardening?
Mammon: You know, when you stick things in the ground and they grow.
Satan: I know what gardening is.
Satan: Why do YOU want to know about it?
Mammon: It's hard to explain.
Mammon: Meet me in the library, will ya?
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Chat: 12
Mammon: Have I told you lately that you're the best big brother that a second-oldest, second-best brother could ask for?
Lucifer: What do you want, Mammon?
Mammon: I need Goldie back.
Lucifer: Absolutely not.
Mammon: Come on, it's important.
Lucifer: I'll be the judge of that.
Mammon: Look, it's not for me. It's for...it's for the house. I just need to pick up a few things on Akuzon.
Lucifer: I heard from Satan that you were interested in a new hobby.
Mammon: You don't have to be a jerk about it.
Lucifer: Luckily for you, this is something I approve of.
Lucifer: I already purchased the items on the list he gave you. They should be delivered tomorrow.
Mammon: You're the best big brother I could ask for, ya know that?
Lucifer: You mentioned that already.
Mammon: Yeah, but this time I really mean it!
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Chat: 👑 Treasure 👑
You: Barbatos just delivered the box of plants for the garden. The flowers are so pretty!
You: And I think there might be some herbs in the box too.
You: Want to help me if you're not busy?
Mammon: You bet I do. Meet me in the garden, babe.
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When you first arrived in the garden, Mammon took the huge box of plants from you and set it aside so you could see the surprise he spent that morning working on. He pointed out the bags of soil Satan said you would need and the types of tools that would be easiest for you to use.
You looked around in awe, but the longer you stood there without uttering a sound, the more self-conscious he felt. He was still wearing the flower-print gardening gloves Lucifer ordered for him (haha, very funny). His bare arms and clothes were grimy from kneeling in the dirt; he was weeding one of the flowerbeds before you arrived.
He pulled off one of the gloves and ran his hand through his sweaty hair. He shook his head quickly and a handful of leaves and twigs fell to the ground around him. He felt the way he probably looked—like a total mess.
Did he screw this up for you already?
"I know you said this was something you wanted to do, ya know, your dream or whatever. I just thought that—mmph—!" Whatever Mammon wanted to say was cut off when your practically threw yourself at him and drew him into a clumsy kiss. Laughter bubbled out of you and there were tears dotting your lashline, but your cheeks dimpled and you looked so fuckin' happy.
"Thank you so much," you murmured against his chest and hugged him as tightly as you could.
"Anytime, babe. I love ya," he whispered. He peppered kisses against your brow until you giggled in his arms.
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Three days later...
Mammon was supposed to meet you in your room to watch a movie, but he said he had something to do in the garden first. Admittedly, you were curious if there was even anything left to do. With Mammon's help, most of the weeds and dead plants were cleared away and the new ones were freshly planted in their place.
He was as proud of your garden as you were.
This morning he went outside to check on things, but he seemed annoyed when he returned. You asked him if something was wrong but he shrugged it off as nothing for ya to worry about, babe.
He was taking longer than the quick sec he promised, so you headed to the back of the house to see what he was up to. You could hear his muffled voice through the glass doors leading into the gardens, but you couldn't see anyone else outside with him.
You opened the door slightly and were about to get his attention, but you stifled a laugh when you realized he was talking to the crows. They were perched on the fence and watching him with unblinking black eyes, tilting their heads every so often as he spoke to them.
"—and I don't care how amazing everything here looks, you're not allowed to eat 'em. You want something to eat? Barbatos has lots of plants over at the castle, go eat his instead—"
You held up your D.D.D. and snapped a picture of Mammon waving animatedly while he lectured the crows. After you set the picture as your new phone wallpaper, you backed away as quietly as you could and headed back to your room. You sent him a message to bring popcorn to your room when he was finished, and you stared at Mammon's photo with a bashful grin on your face.
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new headcanon, Mc bought matching earrings to share a pair with the Brothers, Mc got one and each of the Brothers got one
Lucifer got one with a peacock tail on it, he'll wear it every time he goes out with Mc
Mc got Mammon one with cartoony depictions of Grimm but Mc changed Mammon's to Goldie, he refuses to ever take it of and always brags about it
Levi got a special edition TSL one, Mc got the Lord of Shadows and Levi got Henry though Mc can swear Levi changed Henry to look more like them
Satan and Mc actually change their earrings sometime one of them either has a cute Green book with a skull on it or a kitten playing with a yarn ball
Asmo probably bought a bunch of earring to share with Mc first, but he'll wear whatever Mc wants to give him he'll even buy entire outfits to fit his new earring
at first Mc wanted to get one with food on it but then decided against it incase he'll get hungry and want to eat them instead they decided to get some fangol themed ones
Belphie got ones with a Moon and Sheep, he also sometimes changes earrings with Mc
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rorywritesjunk · 2 months
Needed some domestic bliss of these two and the baby. Sunny and Buggy. Rated G. And Gold is just a baby!
"Say 'papa', okay? Say it."
Gold looked up at Buggy from his spot on his lap, sticking his tongue out and making grabby hands at him. Buggy kept one hand on his son's back to keep him steady while the other carefully grabbed his face, trying to make his mouth mimic the words.
"C'mon! It's not that hard!" Buggy complained as Gold grabbed his hand and put his mouth on it, staring up at his father with big, bright eyes. "Ugh, no, stop biting me! Babe, he keeps biting me!"
Sunny glanced over at her husband and son in amusement before returning to fixing dinner. This was a familiar scene: Buggy holding Gold while Sunny cooked a meal. He would try in vain to get the baby to start talking but Gold was as stubborn as his parents: he'd do it when he was ready. At most he would babble along with Buggy as they walked around the ship as the captain gave orders to his crew, but he had yet to say actual words.
"Stop putting your hand near his mouth, honey." She told him as she brought a bowl of mushed carrots to them. Buggy reached for the spoon, bringing it to his own mouth, but Sunny stopped him. "That's his food. Your dinner will be ready in a few minutes."
"I was just taste testing it!" He whined. "I'm hungry too!"
Sunny rolled her eyes as Gold tried to reach for the food. Buggy grumbled and redirected the spoon to his son. "Say papa and I'll feed you."
Big eyes stared between Buggy and the spoon that was held out in front of him. Buggy kept repeating the command, almost chanting it, until Gold lurched forward to grab the spoon, knocking the mush off of it and onto Buggy's lap. He groaned as his hands lifted the baby up, passing him over to Sunny. She hugged the baby close and kissed his little cheeks.
"You're just so silly, baby." She chuckled softly as he babbled nonsense at her. "Papa has to clean his pants again while mama feeds you."
Gold looked up at her with a big smile and giggled as Buggy got up to clean his pants off. Honestly, it was the smallest mess Gold made just that day, so there wasn't a need for Buggy to fuss too much.
"You're such a good baby, Goldie." Sunny cooed as she held him, kissing his cheek again as she swayed where she stood. "Your papa likes to try and eat your food so I think it's fair if you spill it on him since he wanted it so badly in the first place."
Buggy's jaw dropped as he stared at his wife. "Are you siding with the baby?!"
''Of course I am!" She grinned. "Mama will always choose Goldie over papa, you know."
The teasing went a touch too far because Buggy actually looked a little heartbroken over that. She held Gold to her chest with one arm before beckoning Buggy over. He shuffled over to her, letting his head drop onto her shoulder as she reached up to stroke the back of his head gently.
"I'm sorry, that was a little too far, honey." She said as she kissed the side of his head. Gold reached for Buggy's hair, bringing it to his mouth as he looked at his parents. "I will never choose between the two of you."
"Promise?" Buggy mumbled against her as she tried to free his hair from the baby. He winced when Gold yanked on his hair.
"Babababaa?" Gold looked at the two of them after asking his question. Buggy made a face while Sunny looked a little surprised. Generally he would just make sounds and babble, but this almost sounded like he was trying to talk to them.
"Papa's okay, mama made him sad." Sunny told him as Gold reached for Buggy. "I think if you say papa he'll feel better."
"Papa." Buggy corrected. "C'mon, kid, say it. Puh-puh-papa." Sounding it out just had Gold staring at his papa curiously before pulling on his hair again. "Hey, cut it-"
"Babapapa!" He giggled. "Papapap."
Buggy lifted his head up with a frown, glancing between Gold and Sunny. She was looking down at her son, shifting him a bit in his arms before pointing at Buggy.
Gold looked at her before looking at Buggy. He lunged forward, reaching for Buggy's face. He caught the baby, taking him from Sunny as Gold grabbed his nose suddenly. Buggy sighed, not bothering to pull away. Gold loved grabbing his nose.
The baby let out a giggle, smiling big at his parents before sticking his tongue out at them again and blowing a raspberry.
Sunny smiled and kissed his cheek before giving Buggy one and pulling away to check on dinner. Buggy sighed and tried to twist his head out of Gold's grasp.
"Stubborn kid." He mumbled. "You'll talk one of these days." He glanced over at Sunny before whispering to his son, "Better say Mama as your first word, got it? Or I'll take the first bite of all your meals for the the rest of your life."
Gold just stared at him before grabbing his nose once again. Buggy just sighed.
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smilingformoney · 6 months
For the Love of Books | Sinclair/Betty (OC)
X. The Lion's Den
Summary: Betty and Sinclair attend a party.
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AN: Now with added Lionel :D
Read now on Ao3 or below the cut:
Betty had never been one for adventure. She preferred to stay in and read about other people having adventures. Moving all the way to London from Falmouth to open her own bookshop had been a terrifying prospect, and certainly the most daring thing she’d ever done.
Learning to drive, being in a relationship, having sex - these were all things that most people did as a normal part of life, but they’d passed Betty by. Then came Sinclair, bringing all these adventures into her life, showing her new ways to experience the world. She loved the adventure that was being with him, and she happily agreed to any crazy idea he came up with.
But even so, his latest idea had taken some convincing and a lot of puppy dog eyes. For there was no way Betty could ever understand the appeal of rollercoasters, yet eventually she caved and agreed to go to Thorpe Park with him.
Leaving Goldie in Mei-Li’s care, Sinclair drove the two of them in the Accord to the theme park, which was only a 20 minute drive away but it felt like an eternity to Betty, especially when the tallest rollercoasters loomed on the horizon as they got closer. Sinclair, of course, told Betty all about the theme park that had opened 13 years ago, and he assured her that the rides were safe.
Sinclair practically bounced out of the car and Betty had to jog to catch up with him at the park entrance. His enthusiasm was admittedly infectious, and Betty thought that some of the rides might be fun, so long as they weren’t too fast or too high.
Somehow, Sinclair convinced Betty to go on the ‘Flying Fish’ ride. He was practically vibrating with excitement when they got off, ready to go another five times, and he turned to Betty to suggest that they go again when she dashed off into the nearest bush and promptly vomited.
Sinclair quickly ran to her side and gathered her hair in his hand to hold it back from her face. With his other hand, he rubbed her back soothingly as she vomited again, then after a few moments she straightened up and Sinclair offered her his handkerchief.
“I’m never doing that again,” she mumbled as she wiped her face.
“Definitely not! Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and have a sit down.”
Ten minutes later, Betty emerged from the toilets feeling as clean as she could having used a public toilet, and found Sinclair at a picnic bench, tucking into some no doubt overpriced food.
He swallowed his mouthful of hotdog and said, “I bought you some fries in case you’re hungry but if you still feel sick and you don’t want to eat that’s okay. How do you feel?”
“Better. When we have kids, you can take them here, I’ll stay home with Goldie.”
“…When we have kids?”
“Well, I fully intend to get married and have kids and grow old with you. You’d better tell me now if you don’t want to, before I get invested.”
Sinclair smiled and wriggled happily in his seat. “I’d love that. Let me just get divorced first, though. Speaking of how much I love you - it’s a lot, by the way - Valentine’s Day is next week.”
Betty popped a fry into her mouth. She was hungry, but she didn’t want to upset her stomach again.
“Yes, it is. Did you want to do something for it? I’ve never had a Valentine’s Day before. What do we do that’s so different to every other day?”
“Well, I was going to offer to take you out somewhere nice to eat, but last night my cousin called me, he’s having a party on Valentine’s Day. He’s no romantic but he’ll take any excuse to throw a party. Would you like to go? He always throws the best parties, he’s got a huge manor in the countryside and all the food and drink is free!”
“You want me to meet the family already?”
Sinclair waved a hand. “It’s only my cousin. Neither of us had siblings and we’re the same age so we’re the closest either of us has to a brother.”
“Big manor in the countryside? Is he rich too, then?”
“Oh, very. Much richer than me.”
“Richer than you, eh? Is he single?”
Sinclair’s eyes widened as he bit into his hotdog, and Betty laughed.
“I’m kidding, Sinclair! Your cousin could be the richest man in the country and I’d still rather be with you.”
“Goo’cuseis,” Sinclair replied with his mouth full of hotdog.
Sinclair swallowed, then repeated, “Good, because he is!”
“He is what?”
“The richest man in the country. He’s a billionaire, I’m just a humble millionaire. Only the Queen is richer than him.”
Betty thought back to last year’s Sunday Times rich list for a moment, then dropped a chip in surprise.
“Your cousin is Lionel Shabandar?”
Sinclair nodded, as if he hadn’t just dropped a huge bomb on her.
“So do you want to go? It’s okay if not, we can stay in or we can go to a restaurant —”
“No, no, I’ll go,” Betty said quickly. “I’d like to meet your family. I want to hear all the stories about what baby Sinclair got up to. I bet you were so cute!”
“What do you mean were?” Sinclair asked in mock offence.
“Well, of course you’re still cute now. What do you want to do for the afternoon?”
“Oh, don’t you want to go home? I thought you might not want to go on any more rides.”
“No, I don’t, but I don’t fancy a car ride either. I’m happy to watch you go on the rides. Plus there’s other stuff we can do. I’d love to go to the petting farm!”
“Yes, let’s do that! But don’t tell Goldie we’ve been petting other animals, he might get jealous.”
Betty decided not to mention that Goldie couldn’t understand English, and if he did he probably wouldn’t be jealous, and instead she fished out the park map to find their way to the farm while Sinclair started listing all the animals the farm had.
“I heard they have ponies, do you want to pet the ponies? And sheep and goats too, but I don’t think I’ll pet the pigs, although they are still very interesting so I’d like to see them.”
“I want to see all of them, and maybe once you see how sweet pigs are, you’ll stop eating their brothers and sisters,” Betty said with a smirk, looking up at Sinclair, who had finished his hotdog and was now licking the mustard from his fingers. He looked at her with alarm.
“Do you think they’ll be able to tell?”
“Well, I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out if one of them jumps at you.”
Betty stood up and Sinclair followed her, eyes wide with worry that an angry pig was going to tackle him.
“Can pigs jump? I have no idea if pigs can jump. Maybe we should ask someone there, just in case —”
Betty laughed and took Sinclair’s hand as they meandered through the crowds towards the ferry station for the farm. “Relax, Sinclair, they’re not going to be able to tell you’ve eaten pork.”
“Do you want me to stop eating pork? I can stop if you want, although I’ll miss the pork sandwiches that David does, but your halloumi burgers do look really nice.”
“Just pork or other meats too?”
“All of them! I’ll stop eating meat from right now. That hotdog was my last meat ever! Oh, no, but I have some chicken in the fridge… well, I’ll finish that off, then I’ll stop.”
Betty stopped walking suddenly, and Sinclair skidded to a halt when he realised she’d stopped, her hand in his preventing him from moving any further.
“You’d give up meat for me?” she asked with a frown.
“Of course,” Sinclair said with a shrug, as if it was a trivial thing. “It makes you uncomfortable so I’ll stop. Besides, when one of us cooks we always eat vegetarian so it’s not like - mmhm!”
She interrupted him with a kiss, which he happily reciprocated, and when they separated Betty was looking at him with such sweet adoration in her eyes that Sinclair wanted to melt.
“You never cease to amaze me with how sweet you are, Sinclair,” Betty smiled.
“I just want to make you happy, Betty. I love you.”
“I love you too. Now, come on, let’s go pet some ponies.”
The following Friday, Betty stepped out of her dingy London flat feeling like an absolute imposter, dressed in a gold dress and heels to go to a party at the home of the richest man in the country. Not only that, but she was attending as the date of said richest man’s also very rich cousin, who had managed to avoid mentioning in the last four months of knowing her that his cousin was Lionel Shabandar.
Sinclair was waiting outside, and they both equally gaped when they set eyes on each other.
”Sinclair - a limo?!”
”Betty… you look amazing.”
She blushed. She’d closed the shop early and spent all afternoon and far too much money at the salon getting her very curly afro straightened and the money she had left after that had gone towards her dress. She knew that the type of people she’d meet tonight were the type who could tell if she wore a dress from Primark, and would judge her hard for it.
”Thanks,” she said with a smile, fiddling with her hair nervously. “You look even more handsome than usual. Have you combed your hair?”
”Have I —? Never mind my hair! Look at yours! I almost didn’t recognise you! Oh - before I forget - since it’s Valentine’s Day…”
He produced a bouquet of roses from behind his back with a grin, and Betty blushed even harder.
”Sinclair! You didn’t have to go to all this trouble…”
”But it’s Valentine’s Day!” he said with his best puppy dog eyes. “And I have the best date in the world!”
”You’re so cute.” Betty leant up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. Let me just put these upstairs —“
”It’s okay, there’s a vase in the limo! It’s so much fun, there’s a mini fridge too, and a TV, and —“
”Are we going to a party at a mansion or in the car?”
”Both! Come on - here, let me help you in.”
Sinclair opened the door for her and helped her in like a proper gentleman, then he tucked the roses into a compartment and instructed the driver to take them to his cousin’s mansion.
”Clair, be honest, do I look okay? I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb among all these rich people…”
”You look so beautiful, Betty! I mean it. How did you get your hair so straight? That must have taken ages.”
”Oh, it took all afternoon. Straightening an afro isn’t an easy task, I wouldn’t dare to try it myself, I had to get someone to do it. It’s why I don’t straighten it often, it’s far too much effort.”
”It looks amazing. So beautiful. I’d love it if you were able to magically straighten it so you could have it like this more often. Not that I don’t love your curly hair, I adore your curly hair, but I love this too. You’d look good with any hair. Or no hair! Please don’t try that, though. And the dress is amazing! Gold suits you. Any colour suits you, but I really, really like this one. Do you want to see what’s in the mini fridge? I had a little peek on the way over, but I haven’t had any of it yet. Only the snacks. There’s still some crisps left, I think, but I ate most of them, sorry. There’ll be loads of food at the party, and loads of drinks, and they’re all free! Lionel really goes all out for his parties. He goes all out for everything. You think I’m rich, wait until you’ve seen his place. He has artwork worth millions of pounds, just sitting there!”
”Is that any different to your cars just sitting there?” Betty interjected.
”My cars aren’t worth that much!” Sinclair insisted. He was pouring the champagne into glasses now, and shooed Betty’s hand away when she tried to help. “Okay, a few of them are worth millions, but not nearly as many. Natalie always said I had more money than sense, but if anyone does, it’s Lionel. Here you go!”
He finally stopped to breathe as he handed her a glass of champagne.
”Happy Valentine’s Day to the best girlfriend ever!”
Betty laughed. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Clair. I love you.”
His eyes lit up as if she hadn’t said it a thousand times before. ”I love you too!”
They clinked glasses and drank, and Betty swore it tasted just the same as a £20 bottle from Somerfield, but she was sure the price tag was significantly higher.
”So, you just kind of dropped the bomb on me the other day that your cousin is Lionel Shabandar,” Betty said as she leant back into his arms on the double-wide seat. “Do you know him very well? I barely know my cousins.”
”Yes, we’re the same age, so we grew up together and went to Winchester at the same time. We were both very interested in business, and obviously we’re both rich and successful, but he’s even better off than I am because he invested a lot of his money whereas I’ve always loved spending. Then he bought all these media companies and put them into one big company so he owns most media companies in the country now and he can afford to spend even more than I ever did.”
”Yeah, I know he’s got a huge publishing house. Most of my stock is published by Shabandar Books.”
”Not just books! He owns TV channels, magazines, newspapers. I keep telling him he needs to invest in the internet, all my research at work says it’s the next big thing.”
”What’s internet?”
Sinclair’s eyes widened in the excited way they did when he realised he could explain something new to her, and so Betty spent the rest of the trip listening to him explaining some miraculous technology that let computers talk to each other even when they were miles apart. She was so focused on listening to him that she almost didn’t notice the limo slowing to a stop as they approached the mansion, and she almost jumped when the driver got up to let them out.
It wasn’t eloquent, but it just about summed up Betty’s feelings when she stepped out of the limo - aided, of course, by her very gentlemanly boyfriend - and saw the mansion before her.
She clung onto Sinclair’s arm and let him guide her down the path. The gardens were packed with partygoers, and Betty didn’t want to get lost in the sea of people.
Sinclair was narrating as they walked down the path, pointing out stories behind statues, most of which seemed to be, “Lionel likes lions because of his name so he buys anything with a lion on it.”
“Oh, there he is!” Sinclair exclaimed. “Lionel!”
A man turned around, around the same age as Sinclair and bearing a strong family resemblance. He smiled and went to greet Sinclair with a handshake, but instead Sinclair pulled him into an embrace.
”Good to see you, cuz!”
”Ah - Sinclair. Good to see you too,” Lionel said with a restrained smile. He endured the embrace until Sinclair let him go. He turned to Betty and smiled very differently - warm, welcoming, and his eyes looked her up and down. “And who is this lovely lady?”
“Elizabeth Bennett,” Betty said, holding out her hand to greet him. She blushed when, instead of shaking her hand, Lionel took it gently and kissed the back of her hand as if the sound of her name immediately turned him into Mr Darcy.
”A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Lionel Shabandar.”
”Yes, I… know who you are.”
Sinclair wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side. Lionel raised an eyebrow and dropped Betty’s hand.
”Betty’s my date for this evening,” Sinclair said firmly. “And every evening.”
”Oh, is that so?” Lionel replied, though he didn’t take his eyes off Betty for an instant. “You’re not tired of my cousin talking your ear off yet?”
”Of course not, I love listening to him talk.”
”Well, someone has to, I suppose,” Lionel shrugged, then turned his attention back to Sinclair. “What happened to that wife of yours? Natasha, was it?”
“Natalie. We’re divorcing. Didn’t your mum tell you?”
”Oh, probably, I don’t really listen when she starts talking about family drama. Well, I’m glad for you, Sinclair. She was such a bore. I’m sure you’re much more engaging, aren’t you, Elizabeth?” Lionel said, turning to Betty once again.
”I hope so.”
”She’s amazing!” Sinclair gushed. “She’s so smart, she owns a bookshop that she runs all by herself, and she used to be a librarian so she’s read almost as many books as I have, and she’s great at memorising things like the Dewey decimal system, cooking recipes, and she can recite most of Shakespeare by heart!”
Lionel chuckled. “A literature lover, I take it? I’m quite partial to paintings myself, and they do say a picture can paint a thousand words.”
”A thousand words isn’t actually all that much. Especially not when you’re dating Sinclair. He can say a thousand words in one breath.”
“She’s right, I can!” Sinclair grinned. “And she’ll listen to every one of them. Or at least pretend to. Say, Lionel, why don’t you show Elizabeth some of your artwork? She didn’t believe me when I told her you had paintings worth millions.”
“Yes, of course I will! But it’ll have to be later, I have rounds to do. Excuse me.”
Lionel took Betty’s hand to kiss it again, then sauntered off to speak to some other important rich white man.
“Well, he’s… charming.”
Sinclair sighed and shook his head. “That’s one way to put it. I should have known he’d try to flirt with you - he loves beautiful things, and you’re the most beautiful thing here. Not that you’re a thing - I mean because you’re beautiful. More beautiful than anything or anyone here.”
Betty laughed and leaned up to kiss Sinclair on the cheek. “You said the food here was free. Shall we go feast?”
Sinclair’s eyes lit up. “Yes, let’s!”
It soon became evident that getting some alone time with Sinclair was going to be impossible. He was constantly running into people he knew, greeting them like seeing them was the best thing ever, then proudly introducing Betty as his partner. The reactions were mixed - some were surprised or confused that he was with someone other than Natalie, some seemed happy to see him rid of her, and one or two looked at Betty like she really shouldn’t be there. Those people, as soon as their faces fell, Sinclair quickly turned cold to and made an excuse to get rid of them.
Sinclair was deep in conversation when Betty finished her food, so she excused herself to get some drinks. On the way back, she saw from afar that Sinclair was already chatting to someone else and was nearly finished with his food, so she stopped at the buffet table to grab him some more as she knew he’d be torn between continuing his no doubt very interesting conversation and eating more food.
She arrived at the table with a plate of food in one hand and drinks on a small tray she’d borrowed from the bar in another. She placed the drinks tray down first, followed by the plate of food, and Sinclair looked at the plate in surprise, then up at her, and his eyes lit up when he realised she’d brought him some more food.
“Ah, more drinks, excellent,” said the man Sinclair had been talking to, an older man in a suit as fancy as everyone else’s there. He helped himself to one of the drinks, and Betty frowned at him.
“Hey, that was mine!”
The man frowned at her, as if surprised she’d said anything. “Excuse me, young lady, these drinks are for guests.”
Betty froze. She didn’t want to cause a scene, not in front of Sinclair. It was their first fancy event as a couple, and she didn’t want to embarrass him. But she knew exactly what the man meant - he thought she was a server.
Sinclair, it seemed, had clocked too, because he straightened up and shot an icy glare at the man.
“I think you’ll find there are three guests at this table, Mr Benson. I did say my partner had gone to get drinks.”
“Well, then, she’ll have to fetch her own, won’t she? Rather than sending a server to bring them over.”
“I am the partner, dickhead!” Betty hissed.
The man looked at her with shock, as if the concept of his fellow rich white man dating a black girl was unprecedented.
“I’ve changed my mind, Mr Benson,” said Sinclair coldly. “I don’t think I have capacity to take you on as a client after all. I think you should leave now.”
“Well, I never!” Mr Benson spluttered, before standing up and storming off.
Betty felt her shoulders relax and she took her seat next to Sinclair.
“I’m sorry,” they both said in unison, then laughed.
“Don’t be sorry, Betty, you handled that very well.”
“I called a potential client a dickhead.”
“Well, he was being a dickhead. Besides, I don’t want someone like him as a client. You’ve just saved me a lot of trouble. I’m sorry you had to go through that at all."
Betty shrugged. “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”
“You shouldn’t be used to it!” Sinclair insisted stubbornly. “People like him are morons. I can’t believe anyone would look at you and think anything other than, Wow, she’s so beautiful, I can’t believe how lucky Sinclair is.”
“Yeah, well… I can’t believe anyone would be married to you and think, Hey, maybe I’ll fuck my brother. There are some strange people out there.”
Sinclair laughed. “We must be the only sane ones!”
“We must be.”
She kissed him chastely on the lips, not wanting to be too affectionate in public, and he responded by squeezing her hand under the table.
“I can’t believe you brought me more food without me even asking!” Sinclair said with a grin when their lips parted and his attention turned to the food in front of him. “You’re so amazing. Here, why don’t you have the drink Benson didn’t touch?”
“That’s okay. Actually, it’s getting a bit crowded in here for me. Do you mind if I go for a wander? You can stay here and mingle, I just need a bit of quiet for a bit.”
“Mmm-hmm!” Sinclair replied, his mouth already full of sandwich. He swallowed, then said, “Of course you can, Betts! Maybe see if you can find Lionel and get that tour from him!”
“Good idea. I love you.”
“I love you too!”
She kissed him on the cheek and left him to his mingling, and she was barely on her feet when he was already waving over someone he recognised.
The crowd thinned when Betty managed to squeeze out of the gazebo, but with so many people she didn’t know it was still quite overwhelming, and she was relieved when Lionel emerged from the crowd and greeted her.
“Elizabeth! There you are. How would you like to have a look at my artwork now? I’m desperate for a break from all this chitchat.”
“I was just looking for you to ask that myself.”
“Perfect timing, then. Come along.”
Lionel offered her his arm and she took it gratefully, glad to have someone to anchor herself to in the busy crowd, and she felt like she could breathe again as they left the chattering people behind and approached the front doors to the manor.
Betty followed Lionel inside, eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at the incredible architecture - and this was only the reception hall. The walls were adorned with painting after painting, and Lionel steered her into a hallway, where more paintings stood proudly on display between lion statues.
”You certainly seem to like lions,” Betty commented.
”Well, they’re the kings of the jungle, aren’t they? And the business world is a jungle in itself.”
”And you fancy yourself the king of it, do you?”
Lionel smirked at her. “I am the king. Come along.”
He placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her down the hall, naming each painting and its artist as they passed it, and Betty wondered how much he’d paid for each one of them. The insurance alone was probably more than she’d make in a year.
”You know, king of the jungle is a misnomer,” Betty commented as they turned a corner to be greeted with yet another lion statue. “Lions don’t live in the jungle. They should be called the king of the savannah if anything.”
”Actually, jungle is a Hindi word for a place uninhabited by humans - such as savannahs.”
Betty glanced at him, surprised, and he shrugged. “Sinclair isn’t the only person who knows things. So what do you think of my collection, Elizabeth? Quite impressive, don’t you think?”
”There’s certainly a theme,” Betty said, glancing between two of the many paintings that depicted naked women.
”Well, I also have a collection of landscapes, but I must admit that I have a penchant for the feminine form. This one seems to have caught your eye.”
She felt more than heard him come up behind her as she examined a painting labelled Otahi .
”What is it about this one that intrigues you, Elizabeth?” Lionel asked softly. “Is it the way she sits? You know, this particular painting was considered rather controversial when it was painted. The way she sits… ready and waiting… exposed. Do you feel an affinity to her, Elizabeth? Does this particular painting arouse something in you?”
When had he got so close? Betty suddenly felt very aware of Lionel’s breath on her neck, his hands on her hips - when had they got there? - and when he pulled her back slightly to press against him, she felt a bulge on her lower back - just where —
“Lionel —”
”Hmm?” Lionel replied absentmindedly, his lips by her ear, the gap between them growing ever smaller as he leant his head down towards hers —
“I’m here with Sinclair.”
”Are you? I don’t see him anywhere. He seems to have abandoned you.”
”You led me here…”
”You were all alone.”
”He was talking to someone…”
”He’s always talking to someone. Gets distracted so easily. But don’t worry… my attention is solely on you, dear. Let me kiss you, Elizabeth. I sorely want to kiss you…”
Can I kiss you? … I’d really like to kiss you now … Can I have another kiss?
Sinclair’s voice rang in her head, and Betty felt as if she’d just been jolted awake from a hypnotic state. She tried to pull away from Lionel, but his arms were wrapped around her torso tightly - when had that happened?
”No, thank you,” Betty whispered, her voice hardly audible. She could hardly believe she was turning down the richest man in the country, but as much as he looked like Sinclair, he wasn’t Sinclair, and she only wanted Sinclair.
Lionel only chuckled. “Must you play hard to get, darling? It’s Valentine’s Day. A day for lovers… for making love…”
“Thank you for the advice. I’d really prefer to make love to my boyfriend.”
”And who says who that has to be? Hm?”
”Lionel —”
Lionel let go of her as if her skin had burnt him. Betty took a sudden, deep breath, as if he’d been suffocating her. Maybe he had been. She turned to see Sinclair standing at the corner of the corridor, looking between them both.
”Sorry, I interrupted,” he said in a cold, detached voice, unlike anything she’d ever heard from him. “Don’t mind me.”
Sinclair turned and left, and Betty followed him as quick as she could.
”Sinclair, wait!”
He left through a side door that led to a quieter part of the grounds, and she jogged as fast as she could to catch up with him.
”Sinclair - come on! I can’t catch up to your long legs in these shoes - ow!”
She hissed as she stumbled, twisting her ankle to the side, and she grabbed onto a nearby lion statue to steady herself. She hopped to a bench and sat herself down to take her shoes off, but before she could do so, Sinclair was suddenly on his knees in front of her, unstrapping the shoe from the ankle she’d rolled.
”Thanks. I don’t think I’ve twisted it. Sprained, maybe.”
”You shouldn’t be running in these,” Sinclair muttered, not looking up at her as he eased the shoe from her foot.
”I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t run off like that.”
He looked up at her, his eyes full of anger and hurt, and it broke her heart to see it.
”What was I supposed to do? You clearly needed your privacy —“
”Sinclair, stop it,” Betty snapped harshly. “I’m not Natalie. Okay?”
”Am I supposed to believe that was innocent?”
”From him? No. Maybe I should have told him to back off more firmly, but… I didn’t know what to do. We were just looking at art and suddenly he’s got his hands on me and I can’t make a scene, not with someone like him, not in his own house, so I just… froze. But I said no. He asked for a kiss and I said no. Then he said it’s a day for lovers so I said the only lover I wanted was you and…” She sighed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let it get that far. Maybe I should have seen it coming when he pulled me away from the party and started showing me his collection of paintings of naked women, but I’m an idiot, okay? I thought he just wanted to share his art. I forgot men are pigs.”
Sinclair didn’t say anything at first. He just held her ankle gently, looking at it as if it held all the answers. Then he looked up at her meekly.
”Not all men are pigs,” he muttered. “You always said I was more of a puppy.”
Betty smiled. “Yeah. You’re my puppy.”
”You know, dogs can get very possessive. They growl at people who try to take what’s theirs. And what’s a little puppy compared to a great lion?”
”Hey.” Betty stroked Sinclair’s cheek softly. “I’d choose my puppy over a lion any day.”
Sinclair’s eyes shone a little more hopefully then. “Really?”
”Yes, really,” Betty laughed. “I love you, Sinclair. Do you really think I’m gonna sneak off to shag your cousin?”
Sinclair shrugged dejectedly. “Better my cousin than your brother, I suppose.”
”Oh, god, don’t even joke about that,” Betty gagged. “Will you get up here and cuddle me already?”
Sinclair got up from his knees, ignoring the grass stains on the knees of his very expensive suit, and sat next to her on the bench. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled up to his warmth.
”I’m sorry,” Sinclair mumbled into her hair.
”Don’t be. At least now I know you don’t want to lose me.”
”Never! I never want to lose you, Betty. You’re everything to me.”
She leant up to kiss him, and he finally smiled.
“I love you, puppy.”
”I love you too, kitten.”
“Do you wanna dance?”
Sinclair’s eyes lit up. “You said you hate dancing!”
“Yeah, well, you have a way of making me see things in a new light. I think I might like dancing if it’s with you.”
“What about your ankle?”
Betty gave it an experimental flex. “It’s okay. I think I was just being a bit dramatic.” She leant down and slid her shoe back on, then stood up, cautiously putting weight on it. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she concluded. “Come on, Mr Bryant, ask the cute girl to dance.”
Sinclair immediately stood and straightened his posture, and Betty laughed when he gave her a little formal bow.
“Miss Bennett, would you do me the honour of accompanying me in a dance?”
“Why, Mr Bryant, I’d be honoured!”
She took his proffered arm and let him guide her back towards the party, which was still in full swing, with plenty of other couples already dancing, but Betty was pretty sure none of them were as in love as she and Sinclair were.
“You’ll need to lead me, I have no idea how to do anything other than the robot,” Betty admitted.
Sinclair spun her around suddenly, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her up against him, their noses almost touching, and Betty felt a blush rise to her cheeks.
“Focus on me,” he said softly. He was quiet, and the music was loud, but Betty still heard him, because to her there was no one else in the world.
She looked at him, his sweet amber eyes alight with excitement, and nodded.
Betty hated dancing because it made her self-conscious, but for the first time, she felt she could move without fear of being watched. Maybe she was being watched, maybe her dancing was terrible, maybe people were laughing. What did it matter? She was with Sinclair. She was holding him, being held by him, their bodies moving in tandem, perfectly synchronised and so clearly made for each other.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” Sinclair murmured in her ear. Betty blushed, shrinking in on herself slightly, and Sinclair gently lifted her chin back up to look at her. “I mean it, Betty. I think you’re even more beautiful than…” He thought for a moment. “Julia Roberts.”
Betty laughed. “Julia Roberts?!”
“She was voted People Magazine’s most beautiful woman last year. And she is beautiful, I suppose, but she’s nothing compared to you.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s your favourite thing about me?”
Sinclair, whose hands were currently around her waist, reached down for a cheeky butt grab.
“You can’t say my bum! Or my boobs. Or my heart, that’s such a cop-out.”
“Okay, okay!” Sinclair returned his hand to her waist and grinned down at her. “I love your eyes. I love how they sparkle when you laugh or smile, and the way your pupils dilate when you look at me. And I love your smile too, you have so many different smiles, but I think my favourite one is when you’re trying not to laugh. And your nose is so cute too - and I love your hair, of course. Can I just say everything?”
“Sinclair, saying everything is your whole thing.”
“That’s true! If you think I don’t shut up now, just ask me to list everything I love about you, I really won’t shut up then!”
“If we ever get married, you might well set the record for longest wedding speech ever.”
“If I was on Mastermind, my specialist subject would be you.” Sinclair gasped. “I should go on Mastermind! I’d be great at it! I don’t need the money, I’d probably donate it to charity, or just spend it on you. Not that there’s anything I wouldn’t buy you anyway. Anything you want, I’ll get it for you, Betts.”
Betty bit her lip thoughtfully. “Well… there is one thing I’ve always wanted to do but I’ve never been able to afford it.”
“I’ve never been abroad.”
Sinclair was so shocked that he stopped moving, and Betty almost stumbled.
“Never? Surely not. Not even to France?”
“Devon’s the furthest we ever went for holiday.”
Sinclair shook his head stubbornly. “Devon’s not a holiday when you live in Cornwall! That’s just going up the road! No, that’s it, we’re going on holiday. Let’s find a travel agent tomorrow and book somewhere. We could go to the Caribbean, the Maldives, Hawaii… what kind of holiday do you like? I suppose you won’t know, will you, if you’ve never been away… do you have a passport?”
“Yeah, I needed one to get the shop set up. I don’t need to go somewhere fancy, Sinclair, but it’d be nice to go somewhere just the two of us, no work or Natalie in the way —”
“We need to bring Goldie!”
“Can’t Mei-Li look after him?”
“Well, yes, but she deserves a break from us too. Think about where you want to go and we’ll go! Somewhere dog-friendly with lots of fun things we can do!”
“I can think of some fun things we can do wherever we go,” Betty said suggestively, her eyes alight. “We wouldn’t even need to leave the hotel room…”
Sinclair blushed and glanced to the side, as if checking for anyone who might have overheard. “Betty…”
“Be careful what you say… you’ll make me want to whisk you off to one of Lionel’s many spare rooms.”
“Is that such a bad thing? I don’t think he’d mind…”
“I’d much rather get you home where we can cuddle and sleep afterwards.”
Betty laughed. “Sinclair, if we wait until we get home, it’ll be another hour before we leave while you say your goodbyes to everyone.”
“I… don’t have any condoms with me.”
“I bet Lionel does.”
“You’re determined to have sex in my cousin’s manor, aren’t you?”
Betty grinned. “What can I say? I waited a long time for you. I’m gonna savour every moment.”
She trailed a hand down his chest, stopping just a few inches shy of his waistband, her fingers teasing at the buttons on his shirt.
“What d’you say?”
Sinclair glanced around. No one was paying either of them the slightest bit of attention. He grabbed Betty’s hand and led her away from the dancefloor, away from the crowds, and no one noticed them slip away into the manor.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Betty giggled five minutes later as Sinclair hastily unwrapped a condom he’d snuck out of a drawer in Lionel’s study.
“It was your idea!”
“I thought we’d go to a bedroom, not Lionel’s personal art gallery!”
Sinclair grinned cheekily, a twinkle in his eye. “I thought it’d be more fun. We can go somewhere else though if you want —”
“No, here’s good, I don’t wanna wait.”
Betty hitched up her skirt around her waist as Sinclair unzipped his trousers and pulled his cock out to roll the condom down.
“You don’t wanna go on the bench?”
“No, wall’s good. C’mon, Clair, I need you —”
“I love it when you’re desperate.”
Sinclair gently pushed her thighs apart, then tugged the fabric of her soaking wet knickers to the side and began teasing her entrance with his tip.
It was easy to forget their height difference when they were in bed, but it was glaringly obvious now as Sinclair loomed over her, and though she knew he’d let her go if she asked, she liked feeling enveloped by him, as if there was nothing else in the world except the two of them.
“Arms around my shoulders,” Sinclair instructed her. She obeyed, and he lifted her thighs up with his large hands, wrapping her legs around his waist to allow him to slip inside her.
“Fuck , Clair…” Betty sighed with relief as he sandwiched her against the wall, pushing himself past her walls and settling in comfortably.
“Sinclair, please… please fuck me…”
He kissed her cheek and smiled.
“Since you asked so nicely.”
Betty had never in a million years expected this, yet here she was, getting fucked against the wall of a rich man’s personal art gallery, in the arms of her best friend, the sweetest and most loving man she’d ever met, who apparently had a daring sexuality with a bit of encouragement.
She felt completely safe in his arms, physically and emotionally, knowing he would never do anything to hurt her, that he loved and accepted her even with all her flaws.
“I love you, Sinclair,” she murmured against his ear, and Sinclair whined in response.
“I… I love you too, Betts,” he panted. “Mhm - fuck - this is really hot, but can I put you down?”
She giggled.
“Yes, I know I’m probably quite heavy. Wanna move over to the bench?”
“Yes, please.”
Sinclair put her down and pulled out of her, but he was back inside her within seconds when she bent over the bench and spread her legs for him.
He gripped her hips firmly as he thrust into her, and though he preferred to see her face, he did love the sight of her arse jiggling with each thrust, and he could see her hands holding on to the edge of the bench, trying to hold herself steady as he thrust inside her.
Betty knew that if either of them put a finger anywhere near her clit, she’d be done for. The sound of Sinclair’s moans, the slapping of his flesh against hers, filled the large, empty room, echoing back to them, and neither of them cared much that at any moment someone might decide to have a break from the party to have a look at some art.
They were so lost in the moment that they didn’t even notice the door open partway, only to close again as soon as Lionel realised he’d found where Betty and Sinclair had snuck off to.
Sinclair leant forward, his torso pressing against Betty’s back, and with her hair straightened he was able to pepper the side of her neck with kisses, alternating between kisses and murmured words of adoration, reminding her how much he loved her, how happy she made him, how much she’d changed his life in just a few short months.
“Clair… Clair, touch me, please, I need you…”
“Yes, yes, of course, anything for you, Betty…”
He reached around her body to rub at her sweet spot, and his expert fingers quickly had her cumming hard around him, her shouts of his name echoing around the gallery, and he came with a garbled cry soon after, the feeling of her walls shuddering around him too much for him to endure.
Some deranged part of Betty’s brain wanted him to cum inside her, to fill her up completely, and when he pulled out and lifted his weight from her, she felt like a part of her had pulled away with him.
She caught her breath, then let him pull her to her feet, giggling incoherently as she pulled her dress down.
“We really ought to get out of here before someone realises what we’re up to.”
Sinclair wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, smiling.
“Mmm, cuddles first though. Then how about we get cleaned up, say our goodbyes, and we go home and cuddle some more?”
“I’d like that. Can we fuck some more too?”
Sinclair had never left a party so quick.
31 notes · View notes
frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Headcanon Marathon
Meg suggested I write this all as a bullet point list instead of copying the chat this time; which is probably a good idea considering the workload here LOL
On the night of 5/4/23, we here at the Fig Tree Discord Server got together and headcanoned:
Primrose Gamgee is a redhead like her mother
Prim was born deaf
Prim and her brother Bilbo are thick as thieves
Signing doesn't come naturally to Bilbo, but he tries his hardest, and Prim understands him anyway
Goldilocks may or may not be named the way she is because Sam wanted to name a daughter Galadriel but Rosie wanted the hobbit version so they compromised
For the first like four years of her life Goldi thought she was named after a flower like her big sisters and was very confused why her parents laughed when she asked to plant goldilocks in the garden
Frodo later comforts her like "it's okay they can't plant Frodo either" and that got her giggling like crazy
She decides dandelions are goldilockses and is delighted when they show up in the yard
Sam is not
Actually Sam is just fine with this because hobbit lawns encourage natural biodiversity and also dandelions are good in salads
The Gamgee family is a big loud singing household
The Sound of Music, but it's Bag End
Fatty Bolger has three daughters and no other kids
One is Athelas, nicknamed Addie
Addie got sick when she was young and lost most of her hearing
Addie is best friends with Prim Gamgee
Addie and Prim hang out all the time and, in addition to being fluent in SSL (Shire Sign Language), they also constantly make up their own nonsense signs so that no one else can understand them
Another Bolger daughter is Azalea, nicknamed Azzie
Azzie and Addie are very close in age
(Not sure if we reached a consensus on who's older, but I feel like Azzie is older)
Azzie is a natural storyteller; she gets it from her dad
Since she tells her stories with both her voice and her hands it's somehow more spellbinding
She discovered puppet shows at the age of 3 and a half and was instantly hooked
When she's older, she makes her own puppets
Puts on puppet shows for her family
They don't have any talking, just Action, and Addie loves the action best
She used to put on shows for Baby Heather before she was ambulatory and got quite offended once Heather was old enough to crawl away
The youngest Bolger daughter is Heather
Heather is a good deal younger than her sisters and is spoiled rotten but she's the sweetest thing
Heather is constantly hungry and always eating, and yet she stays Very Short
She's perfectly healthy and round, just Smol
Mental image: Four girl hobbits (Prim, Addie, Azzie, and Heather) in a blanket tent, signing rapidly to each other, and no words can be heard but an unending stream of giggles
They're having a sleepover and Fatty has to keep coming in to tell them to be quiet. Heather and Azzie promise they'll hush, but Prim and Addie don't realize how loud they're being and it just sets the other two off all over again.
Azzie hears the story of Beren and Luthien from Prim's dad (very important he is, he's the mayor, you know!), and she sews her own puppets and puts on a show of it
The Beren puppet has a hand that's held on by a button
Once (don't ask me how) Aragorn and Arwen get to watch Azzie's Beren and Luthien show
They have nothing but positive reviews
(Even if Baby Heather tried to eat the wolf puppet halfway through)
Arwen is delighted and wants to help Azzie make some beautiful blinged out elvish puppets with gems sewn into them
Azzie never uses them but they are kept in a glass box and TreasuredTM
Fatty likes to wrestle with his friends' sons, since he has no boys of his own
Addie, however, is a tomboy and WILL go at it with her father if given the chance
Addie and Frodo Gamgee got in a fight once. For fun. She's four years younger than Frodo, and bby Frodo had to suffer a lecture from his no-nonsense dad, but Addie got off easy and Frodo still holds a bit of a grudge lol
He still thinks she's cool tho
(To which I suggested: "ship??" and got at least one eyes emoji, so there's that)
Prim is neither the best friend who's always talking Addie down, nor the best friend who's constantly hyping her up, but the best friend who hangs back like "I won't stop you but you should NOT"
Secretly Prim likes tending wounds
She has a makeshift vet office in the backyard
Bby Bilbo brings her his dragon (it's a lizard named Smaug)
(I suggested the lizard actually be a skink but the jury's still out on that one)
The Gamgees do not have pets, as a rule, but many animals and pet bugs are either smuggled or wander in
Rosie like "where's my best pot??" too bad now it's the home of Pippin's grasshopper
The Tooks, on the other hand, have lots of pets and very absurd ones too
Real conversation between Goldilocks and Rosie: "But Ma, why can't I play with the snake?" "Because it's poisonous. If it bites you, you will die." "But Faramir has a pet snake." "Faramir has a what now"
When they're older, Faramir and Goldie end up being that super weird couple with exotic pets and no kids for a very long time
"Ma when we get married we'll have snakes" "No Goldi" "Ma Faramir said so" "SAM call off the marriage" "They're seven, love—" "Call it off"
Mental Image: Estella is a fantastic baker. She's in the kitchen at Crickhollow or Brandyhall with a mess of little girls—her nieces and daughter(s)—all around her, talking and signing instructions, and no one is listening to her, and there's flour EVERYWHERE, and she's getting exasperated but simultaneously loving it
Elanor, being the oldest of a TON of younger cousins/relatives, is sort of the de facto leader on play dates
Get all the Gamgees, Brandybucks, Tooks, and Bolgers together, and Elanor can be seen holding a stick over her head like a general's baton and leading this veritable army of hobbit children down to the Party Field
Elanor was pretty uninterested in romance when she was young—too busy doing other things to get fussed about boys, and her standards were too high for most of them anyway—until one day she met Fastred and she came home and said, "Ma, I've found him", and whaddya know she had
(Still undecided whether they met because Elanor was in Greenholm for some reason or Fastred came to Hobbiton on business with his father, but either way Elanor and Fastred didn't meet until towards the end of their tweens)
When Sam tells stories he adjusts them for the ears of kids
Merry does not
Not even a little bit
(Unless Estella is nearby in which case he's gonna get an earful)
"Hey, kids, wanna hear about the time I killed a demon??"
Estella from the other room: "MERRY NO"
He's a bad judge of what's too scary for kids
He tells the story of their adventure with no filter at all
Sam tries to teach the kids lessons through the stories and that love conquers all
Pippin adds his own little bits and pieces every time he tells it until his version and the OG are nothing alike
At one point Legolas had wings (when Gandalf asked him to bring down the sun on Caradhras) and Gimli ate rocks
Gimli has actually eaten rocks
It was on a dare and he doesn't want anyone to know
Pippin had no idea; it was just a lucky guess
One time the kids asked Gimli if he actually ate rocks and he's just nervously sweating and wondering how the heck they know that
Pippin is shocked to find out he was actually right about this when he was just talking out his butt
(Legolas has also eaten rocks on a dare but we all knew that already)
The oldest kids get together sometimes—Elanor, Frodo, Boromir, and Faramir—to talk about their parents and try to understand what they went through
Faramir Took talks about how sometimes his father refuses that he get near any sort of fire
He'll be playing in his home by firelight while Pippin watches from the doorway, muttering to himself I'd never, I'd never, so fiercely that little Faramir looks up in innocent surprise and asks what he's talking about
And Pippin has to leave the room before he starts to cry
(Deep down, Pippin is sure Denethor loved his son too)
(And the Palantir haunts him to this day)
Boromir Brandybuck confesses that he's heard his dad cry out in his sleep some nights and he's scared to ask his parents about it
Boromir: "My father is a Knight of Rohan and Master of Buckland, a brave Traveller. He's never afraid." Elanor: "...He might be." Boromir: "No."
Merry's laughing in the face of fear mentality has an unintended effect on Boromir in particular. He wants to be his father; he wants to be fearless; Dad makes it look so easy!
Estella overhears once and has to explain the difference between fear and cowardice
The first time young Faramir goes to Gondor with this family, and poor little Goldi doesn't go, Rosie is struck with the sense of waiting her baby must be feeling
"He's my best friend ma" "I know, love" "It's far"
Rosie thinks, well, at least Goldi knows where he's going and when he's coming home again
When Theodoc's AccidentTM happened—the one that broke his feet and crippled him—the doctors were all telling Merry that Theodoc will live. All the pony did when it fell on him was crush his legs.
But Merry thinks they're lying. No, he is SURE that they are lying, because that's just how Theoden died. Crushed beneath his horse. They were both destined to die this way.
He cursed his son the moment he decided to honor the king who was like a father to him.
There he is, having a panic attack right there while the doctor is in with Theo, like "I killed him, I killed him, I killed my son—"
(And Pippin is the one who comforts him; Pippin, the one who has nightmares sometimes about burning with his Faramir)
The Travellers all talk about Gandalf differently
Sam waxes eloquent about his fireworks
That's all he talks about
Pippin laughingly and affectionately exaggerates how cranky Gandalf always was
"Once I rode on a horse with him" "Ooooooo"
"Didn't he call you a fool of a Took?" "NO that is what he called Merry but he is always caught up in his wizardry that he sometimes forgets that Merry unfortunately isn't a Took"
(Cue the distant, insulted Brandybuck noises)
Merry is the only reliable source of information, but only if you catch him in the right mood; otherwise he'll only mention the smoke rings Gandalf would blow
Merry has a killer Gandalf impression. Chomping on the pipe and everything
Bby Bilbo gets all his Gandalf info from Merry and Sam is Very Offended
(However, Sam owns Bilbo Sr.'s book, so that earns Bilbo Jr.'s trust back)
Frodo has had it up to HERE with fireworks, so he flees with his little brother to listen to Uncle Merry
They ask about Gandalf, and Uncle Merry goes "ah yes, brilliant fellow, a real grump. gorgeous fireworks—" and Frodo about tears his own hair out
(Merry is doing this on purpose. He knows how Sam gets about the darn fireworks.)
Frodo: "We have one last option. We have to go to Uncle Pippin."
Bilbo: "Do you trust everything he says? He once said that Mr. Legolas had wings."
Bilbo: "Mr. Legolas doesn't have wings."
Frodo: "How do you know that?"
Bilbo: "I don't want to talk about it"
(Legolas loves being called Mr. Legolas, but only by little hobbits)
And then there's the one about the lullaby Sam uses for his kids, but I'm saving that for a future fanfic ;-)
Brandybuck Kids: Theodoc (Theo/Trotter), Periadoc (Perry), Eomer (Merry?), Juniper, Madoc, Boromir (Rory), Eowyn (Wyn)
Took Kids: Faramir (Ferry), Simbelmyne (Minnie), Beregond (Berry), Sable
Bolger Kids: Athelas (Addie), Azalea (Azzie), Heather
General credits to @invisiblewashboard, @writingvalkyrie, @grondds-and-roses, and the illustrious Meg, you absolute madlasses X'-D
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gcldenchild · 1 month
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thinking more about goldie's dynamics with the rest of the alters and how the people around him might have identified what "mindsets" he's fallen into for the day based on the things he does. i'm currently drawing out sephtis in particular since he's the protector of their system (which means he is also one of the most active short of goldie himself as the host because of humility being. constant.)
right now i've got a key few indicators:
selectively mute
prefers the long white coat and red turtleneck as opposed to the denim outfit that goldie favors after age 14 (he thinks it looks stupid and can and will say as such)
actually does his goddamn paperwork. this is not too identifying though as sunny also does the damn paperwork, somehow. goldie and honey will never do paperwork unless they are forced (though honey is MUCH more active about avoiding it)
silent pranker. doesn't gloat. rarely does huge pranks like the paper cranes ones, but can and will make stupid and embarrassing paper messages to stick onto mustang's back as he walks the halls without him realizing.
hoarder (through pockets.) giving him anything? it goes in the pockets. candies? pockets. papers? folded to their max possible limit and then into the pockets. completely ignores the existence of the suitcase.
the one who cheats at card games.
absolutely just. RAVENOUSLY hungry. goldie doesn't eat all that well but sephtis can and will show up at the office stuffing a third crepe into his mouth as he carries two extra. he always is Eating.
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Merfolk!Au where The spider crew benignly kidnap Peter B., thinking that he needs help and Miguel comes back for him (he's apocalyptically pissed). Miguel is an octopid and Peter is a goldfish. Miguel's claws are retractable on both his hands and tentacles. Miguel can regrow limbs and can change color of his tentacles at will. Also yes, he inks. Inky boi!
... so my first thought for miguel was vampire squid...
and then i was leik OH YES please please please please PLEASE~<3!!!!
lmao, yes. yes to everything plus INKY BOI~<3!! when i do mer au's, i do tend to combine certain canon elements to make mer forms allusions to the original but i LOVE the idea of goldi peter and octo miguel~<3<3<3
tho i must admit, i'd be moar likely to do some kinda blend/maybe combine for that allusion/fantasy fish element (like the vampy squid for miguel~<3<3<3<3 but also *maybe* spiderfish for petey pie~<3) because i like deep sea horrors... but also ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
deep sea glowy vampy octopid with spiny lil spider carp/koi(goldi's and koi are carps!)~<3 maybe?
i LOVE that tho, *apocalyptically* pissed~<3!! YES~<3!!
i do imagine peter just being an idiot who gets caught in the fishing nets, not even that they intentionally kidnap him lol
mer aus can be pretty basic but there's def a lot to explore worldbuilding wise there. i like to include mers, sirens, and beast kin for various subcategories and differing abilities.
singing for sirens and sometimes mers for example, but voraciously carnivorous appetites for sirens and verious beast kin types.
there are also a ton a themes to explopre there but they do dive a little outward from them both being mers.
marine biologist, classic crabby hermit, lil mermaid rescue a dumb human vibes are always great choices for some variation. LOVE the idea of a scientist discovering this supposedly *mythical* beast is actually extremely intelligent. love it even moar when they get caught on purpose *possibly* to study the human, or even that the 'human' person secretly has mer blood in them without knowing~<3
OOH~<3! here's an idea<3<3<3
inky boi miguel is a marine biologist (who is aware of his own mer's blood BUTT avoids the water maybe because of some certain... hungry tendencies~<3), peter is the idiot fish boi who's trying to get his attention and keeps getting captured, on purpose (after the first time at least~<3) just to get his attention~<3<3<3
BUTT~! do also love the idea of miguel being a very clingy and protective octopid for his goldi petey pie~<3<3<3
CAN'T forget to mention but... PIRATES~<3<3<3
which might not so 'benignly' kidnap a pretty golden petey pie~<3<3<3
they do say the *flesh* of a mermaid can give *immortality*. maybe miguel already knows the truth of that rumor~<3 maybe he knows the cost that follows in a thirst for human blood/flesh, cursed to be an aquatic/replace the one killed~<3 maybe he's the captain and toying with his precious petey~<3<3<3
ahhhh, so many ideas, so little time~<3
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chidoroki · 1 year
For the queen who killed her father, it's in one of her flash back
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but you were right, it wasn't the king who was with Julius, but it's not clear of "when" it happened.
I thougth that it was just after the promise because she doesn't seems to be the kind of demon who make compromises (even her brother Leuvis is more easy to talk with and it's already a lot)
I'm actually surprised that she waited 1000 years to try to take a genious kid from The One. I don't think that Norman was the only one genious in 1000 years \_(:/)_/ I know that genious are kinda rares but in 1000 years, there had s had a lot of children, some must have been very smart. maybe because now they were more equiped to detect kids like Norman?
Also for Ray's watch, i think i read it in a interview where people asked if Isabella had given gifts to the other children, like she did for Conny, and the answer were yes and that Ray had had a pocket watch and Emma a music box. But sorry i can't find again the link of the interview =(
Ah, you're completely right. Looking back, that's from ch152 and something I clearly had no memory of until now.. oops. It's that flashback of Julius from ch142 that threw me off since he mentions making the deal with the queen, so I thought the demon he faced in those panels was just a younger version of Legravalima, not her father.
Pfftt, Legravalima is definitely the most selfish out of that entire family. Emma was brave enough to try and reason with Leuvis back at Goldy Pond, can you imagine if she had the chance to talk-no-jutsu the queen? It would be the shortest conversation ever. Leuvis entertained Emma's ideas because she brought back some excitement into his life and wanted a thrilling hunt; the queen would straight up just eat her with no questions asked.
It is kinda hard to believe that during all those 1,000 years that no other child managed to reach the level of intelligence that Norman had. I would think that maybe the royals weren't aware of such premium quality meat since they're always offered up to the demon god instead, but there are so many children born each year in order to keep up with the hungry demands of the demon society and Norman is the highest grade ever? Crazy. (Isabella raised him well.)
Ohh, I vaguely remember hearing about Emma getting a music box too.. kinda bummed we never saw it in the manga/anime. It's alright that you can't find the interview! Isabella giving gifts to her children is believable enough.
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toon4thought · 2 years
Watched "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish"
Okay, so for how much this film has been very heavily praised by critics and animation fans alike - and it really is incredible that this could even happen with a sequel to a Shrek spinoff in 20 freaking 22 - while I definitely enjoyed the film still, I can't say I *loved* it either.
The plot honestly didn't engage me all that much, mainly because the way the forest most of the film takes place in operates - while certainly creative - is able to just mold the environment around what the plot demands, and not every character turn felt earned to me either. Plus the writing can get a little repetitive and while there were indeed great laughs to be had, I didn't find the film all *that* funny. That said, there's still a pretty good flow to it and it always throws in some new twist or character insight to break up the journey and keep your attention.
The visuals are something else entirely. While the textures aren't all there, the character animation conveys such a wide variety of motion - especially during the action scenes, which are a serious joy to look at. Not to mention the very colorful, vivid backgrounds that really capture the storybook feel, and some really clever artistic flairs that pop up every now and then. There's a reason this is what everyone has hyped above all else ever since the first trailer, and this along with "The Bad Guys" really speaks for the exciting future Dreamworks has in store.
I liked a lot of the characters too. Puss has a pretty engaging journey of self-discovery and I also enjoy his relationship with Kitty Softpaws. Most of the antagonists are fun too - from the bandit found-family Goldy and the Three Bears, to the power-hungry Big Jack Horner, and of course, the ominous whistling Wolf who will send chills every time he appears. Perro did admittedly get on my nerves from time to time, but even then his presence in the story was very justified by the end.
So yeah, it's definitely a good movie, and I'm really glad it's won over so many people. I'm just somewhat more neutral on it, at least as a first viewing. Maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind, I dunno.
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beelzmunchkin · 2 years
Mammon when MC walks in with scrapes on hands and knees
AN: I’m thinking about making one for all the demon bros and royalty.
Here’s for the other brothers
(I don’t write for 13, Raphael, and Mephistopheles because I’m not there in the story and I don’t want to wrongfully portray them)
Mammons POV
Goldie!!!!! We can revive you again!! Suckers lost in poker with me! Who would in their right mind think they would win against the Great Mammon!
I can’t wait to let MC know!!! Then we could go grab food at Hell’s Kitchen a couple of times. Their always there when their hungry anyway.
Hmm maybe if I win a few more games we can go to ristorante six.
Class is about to begin, did I not see MC walk in? Their definitily nearby I can smell …human blood?
I’m looking for them frantically. It’s stupid to walk around lower demons with blood on them. I HAVE TO FIND THEM!
I run out the classroom door and straight into them. I almost knocked them over but in great skill and suave movement I held their hand and led them back to their feet.
I feel thier scraped up skin under my hands. I turn their hand over and I see tiny scrapes littering my precious humans palm.
Mammon: who did this to you? Where are they! They’re gonna pay!!
MC: mammon….
Mammon: What demon thought they could do this to my human! Grrrr (rolling grr sound)
MC: mammon…
Mammon: tell me their name or what they look like MC!
MC: mammon….
Mammon: what!
MC: no one did this to me I just wasn’t watching where I was going and fell.
Mammon: do humans just fall? Is that a human thing?
MC: sometimes, but no I was running late. while, running over here my uniform got stuck on the railing and when the uniform ripped it sent me flying hands first. My knees don’t look to well either.
Mammon: my human is a mess (laughs) come on let me heal you. And you should message Levi to see if he can fix your uniform.
MC: can you text him? My hands are still hurt right now.
Mammon: sorry no can do, he’ll do it for you no problem if you ask. If I ask I’m gonna have to owe him more.
MC: you should pay your debt some point
Mammon: oh but darling I have no money. Anyway are you hungry? After I heal you up we could grab some food to eat. Whatcha say? Hell’s Kitchen?
MC: heal first and yes I’d love Hell’s Kitchen but I thought you said you have no money
Mammon: I’ll always have money for you sweet cheeks (kisses the top of your head)
MC: can we go after class though Lucifer might get mad for us skipping class.
Mammon: nah he’ll understand after all I’m taking care of you aren’t I?
If you have any other obey me or maybe demon slayer prompts let me know
other brothers
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thesoggyraincloud · 2 years
Catching her Chapter 4
// Daryl Dixon x OC // Merle Dixon X OC (platonic)
Season 1-3 // THE QUARRY
word count: 2333
Instead of the comforts of a viable society, she had gotten two rednecks. They had arrived in a whirlwind a week after the initial incident. And a day after Quinn had run out of food.
Merle snapped his fingers, hand held in front of Quinn’s face. A slight flutter of a breeze brushed against her skin, her face scrunched up in response. The light pulled at her eyelids, her face felt constrained and she desperately tried to block it with her hand. 
“Hey! Hey! Goldie don't go passin’ out on the damn couch!” The disdain in his voice was clear, a frustration built from one two many nights carrying her through the house. Quinn attempted to evaporate into the soft cushion, pressing her face into the fabric and letting out a loud groan.
“Who the fuck… said I was passin out?” Her head rolled violently to her shoulder as she pushed herself up and off the sofa completely. Grabbing on to one of Merle's shoulders to stabilise herself. 
“You scared the shit out’ta me thought I'd have to lug your fat ass outta here” Merle shakes his head, taking her arm and taking some of her weight. 
“you’re the fat ass.” She sniped back, laughing to herself and throwing her head back.
“Come on Goldie, let's get yer’ annoying ass to bed.” Too tired and too weak to care enough to formulate a reply, she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly to curb the growing nausea. 
“Can't ever keep up with me but you always gotta insist on trying, when you gon’ learn you can’t out do Merle the Machine.” He laughed, and she focused on putting her feet in line along the rugs design, arm sticking out for balance, like how she’d walked the lines on a playground once a long time before.
She wondered who had taken the time to buy the rug. Had it been a family heirloom? Had his Aunt purchased it or his uncle? She couldn’t picture Jesse in a furniture store no matter how hard she tried. The rug soon disappeared beneath her feet, quickly replaced by the blues and oranges of Daryl's room.
“Thank you Mr. ‘Big and bad’” she called to him sarcastically as she threw herself face first on Daryl's bed, smashing her face against his comforter, taking in his smell.
“No problem Goldie.” 
There was peace in monotony, a gentle reassurance that you're safe. The Dixon brothers as unlikely allies they made were not the best men and had circumstances been different- all’s to say Quinn was glad she had the luck of meeting them when she did because she was not sure if that luck would be the same had she met them today. She did have a lucky streak recently, perhaps her debt of karma had been paid in advance. 
Awakening to the sound of Daryl back from his most recent hunt she relished in the repetition they’d all had fallen into. Stretching her arms across her head, her thoughts overtaken by breakfast and Daryl. Strolling out from her room towards the living room she spotted the man in question, greeting him with a wide smile. 
“Welcome back, You want breakfast?” Her voice was husky with sleep, and Daryl wanted nothing more then to keep her talking, but found himself short of words to say.
“Sure, what you makin’?” He drawled out, following  into the kitchen before finding a spot on the wall to lean on. 
“Well we're out of pretty much everything sept’ for eggs and potatoes.” Pulling up her sleeves and turning away from him to wash her hands. His eyes fell onto her back, sending her hairs on edge. 
“Got us a few rabbits and plenty of squirrels if that helps?” He answers, pulling the string of animals from around his neck and throwing them onto the dining table. Naturally she moved to grab the last of the eggs and potatoes from their places, a peeler joining them. 
“It's ok, save it for lunch. I'm too hungry to wait for you to skin them.”
“S’all right, I've already done most of it.” He answered, she nodded sitting opposite him and began slowly peeling the potatoes while he tended to the rabbit. The noise of the skins dropping to the table creating a dull symphony. Daryl really wanted her to keep talking, and he hated how awkward that made him feel, and act.
Quinn had no idea if it was as strained for him as it was for her. Making Daryl breakfast after a hunt had become an unofficial tradition she looked forward too. With Merle too hungover most mornings to wake, it was a rare opportunity to spend time alone with Daryl, who often kept to himself when his brother was around. He was unfairly overshadowed by Merle, like he was sinking into himself. 
He coughed slightly shifting in his seat to look straight at her. 
“Was thinking, you said you could hunt righ’, but you didn't get round to tracking?” He mumbled, eyes darting across the room. She nodded in response, chest rising in baited breath, waiting for him to continue.
“I could teach you… If you want?” His words hung in the air for a moment, and her eyes wrinkled into a smile. She let out a breath she’d been holding. 
“That would be really nice Daryl.”  Looking fully into his eyes, basking in his Blue shaded attention. His face shifted into a slight side smile before dropping to its usual place. 
“Tomorrow, i'm out again later.  Found an empty store on the way back.” He stated.
“Tomorrow then.” she didn't think she’d looked forward to tomorrow this much since Christmas Eve as a child. 
Daryl and her continued with their retrospective tasks, and she found herself not wanting to look up at the man before her. Focusing inwardly, her attention to the task wondered, peeling the potatoes in front of her in a trance. 
Slice.   Slice.  Slice.
Nicking skin on the last pass, bright red dribbled down her finger. Dripping with loud thuds as it hit the surface, pooling in thick red circles on the oak. She hissed and stuck her thumb in her mouth, dropping the peeler and snapping Daryl to attention. 
“Jesus Christ Quinn, come’ere.” Daryl grabbed her hand from her mouth, pulling it up towards him.
“Doesn't hurt-” 
“Bullshit.”  He cut her off, pulling her by her hand towards the sink, running her finger under the cold stream of water. 
“Really I'm ok,” she watched his face tighten.
“But thank you.” she rushed her reply and he pulled away quickly, towards the door. 
“I’m getting some paper towels, I’ll find you a band aid.”
 He was gone out the door before she could answer him. Alone in the kitchen, she could faintly hear him pulling open draws and shuffling through things. The slams ceased before he reappeared at the door, slightly shyer than he was before. 
“Come ‘ere.”  He motioned forward, wiped away the blood and water and pulled out a band aid. With as much grace as a redneck had to give he carefully wrapped it around her finger. Pulling his hands away back down to his side immediately after. He was being rather sweet to her.
“Rabbits done, I'm going to head out now. Be back before dinner.” 
With that he grabbed his bag back up from the floor and was ready to leave again.
“Stay safe out there.” she called in a slight daze, he waved back to her. 
she watched until the van shrunk into the treeline. 
She was disappointed maybe, didn't feel like she had much of a right to be though. The feeling felt bitter and foreign on her tongue and she busied herself with breakfast and prepping lunch, hoping to chase it away. 
It wasn't long after three that Merle stumbled into the kitchen, holding his head and slumping into the seat Daryl had once occupied. Without a word she put a plate of food in front of him, joining him at the table with her own. 
“So Daryl's back I'm guessing." He said between mouthfuls of scrambled egg, raking it into his mouth like one of those machines used to process hay. 
“Stopped by for a little, went back out to raid a store. Said he wouldn't be long.” she replied, taking her own more cautious bite of eggs. Chewing them until they were gritty.
“Kids always running this place, that place. Needs to slow down, always trying to show off.” Merle huffed, looking up at her, studying her expression. His hangover had settled in the bags under his eyes.
“I'm sure he's just doing his best.” It came from her lips without thinking and she watched his face turn sour while her own twisted into a frown.
“You don' know shit Goldie, been here five minutes.” 
She bit down her response and focused on finishing the plate in front of her. Leaving as fast as possible, determined not to indulge the balding redneck to a fight.
Pottering around she busied myself on finishing the rest of the cleaning she’d started a few days ago, the cabin falling into a wreck after many of Merle and her’s drug fueled nights. 
“If you keep takin’ that shit. That crap you take. Is gonna make it all worse.” 
Each moment of silence since that night almost two weeks ago was filled with those words, running on a circuit though her mind. Daryl was Uncomfortable. Everything about those words sat on her skin wrong. Like an ill fitting coat they were restrictive and frustrating. But he wasn't wrong when he said them, and she would be a fool to deny that. She tried to stay sober when Daryl was around, but nights alone in that cabin were harsher than she could take.
Collecting the discarded remnants of the past week into a black bag and throwing it into the half shed next to the house. Her eyes watched the road on the horizon with a funny feeling in her chest. Finally tearing away to head back into the cabin. The day was passing quickly and it wouldn’t be long before Daryl returned home. Hopefully. But still that ache in her chest remained, she’d take it with no complaints. It’s better than the emptiness of the hole it fills.
“You wanna get high or what?” Merle asks, jarringly pulling her from her thoughts. A smirk on his face and eyes staring unrelentingly. She rolled her own, pulling her head back in frustration and grumbling out a response.
When Daryl returned, exhausted and bloodied it was well past sunset. The first thing on his mind was sleep, to forget the horrors he had seen. The second was seeing Quinn and making sure she was safe. He often found himself thinking about her with a frown on his face, a pendulum of emotions swinging from frustration to something he couldn't place, yet.
Dragging himself towards the door of the cabin his hope for a peaceful return was squashed by the sound of Quinn and his brothers loud singing. The drunken chorus slurred beyond any real recognition, both of them slumped against the couch on opposite ends. They reminded Daryl of rowdy children at a sleepover and he could feel the anger rise in his chest. 
He rounded the corner and grabbed Quinn's arm, pulling her up in a swift motion before she could realise what was happening. She yelped out struggling for a second before turning to him and going limp in his arms, the room was silent for a second before Daryl spoke.
“You're going to bed Quinn.” He firmly stated, hastily pulling her across the room. 
“What the fuck!” Quinn exclaimed, pulling back and laughing. Her eyes glazed over and faced scrunched up in amusement.
“Yeah baby bro, don't ruin the party!” Merle chuckled darkly, insinuating a threat only Daryl would understand. 
“Merle back off!” He shouted, Turning towards Quinn rubbing his free hand over his red face. He tightened his grip on her arm. “You wanna stay here, you're giving me your shit. Now!” 
Quinn flinched away, pulling on his forceful grip. Daryl would not let go though. Face stern he forced her to meet his gaze, eyes searching her face. The night's exhaustion seemed to rub off on Quinn who softened and stopped struggling against him. It probably would have ended there, if not for Merle. Who had never been one to back down from a challenge. Especially one from his younger brother. In one swift moment he erupted from the couch, attempting to employ a twisted game of tug of war over Quinn, if only to prove a point.
“Don' get your panties in a twist, we’re having fun why don’ you back off”  Merle pushed himself into his brothers face, his voice dripping with venom. 
“You didn't even want her here Merle, you-YOU wanted to rob her and leave her for dead you asshole!” Darl shouted, pushing Quinn behind him towards the corridor, not giving her enough time to speak before resuming his shouting, “I'm not looking after two damn burdens, you don’ get to tell me shit!”
“BURDEN! Darylina If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be alive!” Merle spat towards his brother, Chest heaving in anger.
“Fuck you Merle.”
 Finishing his tirade he stormed away from Merle towards Quinn. Once again pulling her down the hall with Merle screaming obscenities at Daryl from the living room, taunting him into continuing the fight. His voice muffled once the door closed and an implacable silence fell over the two, both standing frozen. 
Quinn was the first to break, moving towards her bag and pulling out a small box, emptying its contents onto the bed. The pills spilled out over the green comforter like a macabre pinata, bright colours populating the space of the bed. 
“Take it.” Quinn spoke softly, shrinking herself slightly. Hands clenched hard enough her nails were starting to pierce flesh. “Im done being a burden. Im not doing this again.” The last part was quiter still, she was speaking to herself more than to him and He wasn't sure she knew that he’d heard her. 
Daryl still didn't speak, far too angry to trust himself not to make it all worse. A tight knot had built inside his chest when he saw her make herself so small. He gathered the pills, pushing them into his jean pocket, spending as much time as he could with his eyes on the bed and as little on Quinn as he could. Once the last pill was collected he turned straight for the door, leaving her where she stood. Head turned looking out of the window to the woods beyond the cabin. Grimacing inwards as he opened the door he found himself  speaking before he could stop himself. 
“You're not a burden.”
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A/N; Shorter chapter today sorry!
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gallfawn · 2 years
I'm putting this here cause there's no way I'm putting this on twt(again...twt had nuff of my bullshit) or anything but I consider this a rant just because I can't, won't and do not want to spoil my friends about the movie but I'm too fixated on how well constructed it was.
First off, I was watching the first few scenes and oh my god. They brought in so many memorable takes from the first one which was so sweet!
My favorite was the "Ooh" cat popping up in the cat shelter.
I just realized that the sleeping giant seemed to be an example to amplify how big of a threat death was. The sleeping giant was a possible ploy, as it poses a great threat to the lands. However, Pib is met with someone who's able to fit in the same room as him. Someone that resembles himself, someone he couldn't possibly be, because it's someone we'll always end up meeting in the end, staring at it. It stares at us with its red beady eyes. Death himself.
The design for death. man. Man.
The scene where Pib(Puss in Boots) felt genuine fear from bleeding from his head. The red piercing eyes and the fucking strength he shows. From first glance I kinda knew he was death already, since his presence alone said a lot. I love how you don't even need so much to tell the audience what a character is meant to be perceived as. Giving them a few lines, visuals and subtle movements and cues are enough for the audience to pick up on it.
And of course, who could forget the portrayal of panic attacks. That one gets one of the stars for me. I love how they framed it as something that basically gets you in a way where you feel like you need to leave. You have to escape. You have to survive and live.
Each scene of the panic attacks occurring played important roles that constantly concern Pib and the viewers. We first become aware of the threat, how we know this threat could appear at any time. Now that–that's terrifying to think about. Which is true, death can come for us at any time which we least expect, which I really like how they were able to represent that as well.
The scene where Pib was worried about someone coming for him, aka Death, where he stares at the front door and sees a snout sniffing near it. I knew it couldn't be death at his door since it was well established that he was being hunted by the Goldi and the Three Bears. I like the detail where he's literally concerned that he constantly has to keep his eyes peeled twice now for something that's larger than life.
The first of the main characters that were introduced were Goldilocks and the three bears. First thing I thought, "she's hiding something isn't she. Oh she wants the wish, oh she wants to find her family again doesn't she?"
Then the second one was Perrito, love that lil guy. This dude breaks my heart honestly. I mean. Fuck man, something this innocent (well partly) gets hurt in every way and still does his best to forgive... I honestly like how he was introduced to Pib just cause they have contrasting personalities. I love how he's determined to be a therapy dog one day! Aaaaahhh
And then the third was Jack horner, yeah no. I got nothing else to say other than the fact that he looks like the guy from the lorax with dyed hair and power hungry issues. No need for me to predict shit at all. I hate that guy and his Mary Poppins, Doraemon ass bag. (They made a good villain, good job, I hate him👍)
And then the last if I'm not mistaken was Kitty Softpaws, so glad she was back around. But oof, damn exes unite huh. Thought about her wishing she could trust someone from the get-go. Of course, she was wishing for Pib, obviously.
I was honestly thinking throughout the movie, like what's the point? Right? You have one wish, but you have these people around you already. What could be so great that could potentially be a wish come true to them?
Except there was me hoping that Pib would at least get his lives back MAN. I WAS SOBBING.
To be fair, some areas were predictable where others weren't but I don't care. I loved it. I loved the hell out of it. I don't care about the cliche. I care about the story telling. What I could not predict was QUALITY AND WHOLE. And oh my goodness, don't get me started on that, the DESIGNS THE LIGHTING THE ANIMATION, THE FIGHT SCENES WERE SO WELL MADE SO WAS THE MUSIC ACCOMPANYING THE SCENES HEEEELL YEEEEEEAH.
In the scene where the characters stood for the corners of the fucking star my god that was so smart. I was like "THEY PLANNED THIS ALL WAY TOO INTRICATELY I LOVE HOW EVERYTHING CONNECTS!"
I really like how the scenes weren't common. Like the fight scenes and everything. Where they take place and what kinds of combat could be possible with the equipment they're available with. I always love those kinds of combat.
We got like two found families except the other guy was just thirsty for world domination I guess. Yes I am insulting you, jack horner. Edna mode would kick your ass tbh. (Sorry I'm salty, I hate him, he was mean to Mr. Grasshopper cricket thing who I assume we might see again so that he gets united with Pinocchio, cause that was the first thing I thought)
The references are pretty good too. The jokes, the one liners were fantastic. I love how some of the humor transcends old style humor and some of the common ones today.
I was sobbing for almost the entire film cause of how well written and made it was. Jeez.
Wait, I think I've already done this before...huh deja vu.
Anyhow if I remember anything else I'll probably add it but whatever!
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part 2 for the lovie-cutie!! well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow... 'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do. 'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection. 'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT 'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story. no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense. writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!). if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt. 'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know.... ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist. 'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!! targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else. theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so. these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away. 'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain! 'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit! ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it. also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much. 'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message. 'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it? 'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue! im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
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i watched an ep of doctor who with my mom T_T it was a mistake to pick a random ep i was very ? confused i was pretending i understood it and just watched til the end because i was tryna commit to it T_T HAHHAHAH
anyway heres a kitty for good luck
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omg this reminds me of this stray that went up to our house and i pet him and he was so sweet and he laid in front of me and i was like i want to pet you but if i pet you im going to have to feed you and i have no food im so sorry so its a no for me 😩😞 it was a dark day for humanity
well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow...
'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do.
very good
'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection.
im not offended by that at all i wear my moms clothes that are older than all of us sibs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you dont have to apologize for it. i dont think ill ever be offended by being called old at least i hope not. ill always be old to someone and young to others
'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT
im hungry again but i cant eat cos im going to sleep and i cant sleep with a full stomach it hurts when i do T_T or ok not hurt its just uncomfy
'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story.
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im glad you find my cringe cute HAHAHAH 🤢🤢🤢
no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense.
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writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!).
lol HAHAHAH im not offended by things like that MY GOSH DO YOU THINK IM PETTY i am BUT NOT THAT PETTY
if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt.
im so glad 😩💅😬🤢
'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know....
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ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist.
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omg i think this is it im going to cry
i dont remember it being like this entirely but i think this is it. HELP PLUTO MY PLUTO T_T im going to cry
'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!!
HAHHAHAH i have no idea what the mars moons are called but if you say so i trust you i might remember this this time around because i dont have a kid brain anymore just a large kid brain HAHAHH
targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else.
theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so.
ur such a bad influence who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it so thats all that matters
these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away.
HAHHAHA THATS FINE <3 its so fun that we have a shared interest with space!!! LOVE THAT FOR US. go off my deimos and phobos queen she like me for real reciting and stuff HAHAAH
'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain!
T_T IM GLAD YOU THINK MY SUFFERING WAS CUTE you have no idea how frustrating this was for me i was like so if a day is 24 so half of that would be day half would be night but then i was like then that means they have ... 1 night.... and just really short days T_T HLAKHLKASHFLSAFLSAFASF im glad i didnt lose my brains either
'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit!
it was i cried like literally literally bawling cried
ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it.
i think it has to do with light polution as well. i live in the city so the lights are never off, never fully. also damN IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE ???? damn. i mean i can see the stars here i just ??? idk which is which
also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much.
[kicks can] im such a fucking nerd dude HAHHAHHHA
'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message.
'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it?
but it isnt about deserve its about tradition. rhaenys deserved to be heir but nah
'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue!
HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH i hope to see it to T_T i always like your ideas! and yes my queue T_T my loooong queue
im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
same my back hers as per usual
im luv you so much my dear
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npclibrarydump · 5 months
commentary for dragons rising ep10
-ngl the end of ep9 left me w a real big smile :))
-also.. nya said its been years?? so where are we with the timeline guys? ik theres a whole thing with if they make the ninjas have canon ages its less relatable for all audiences and other... fandom related issues come up. but idk if im supposed to see the main crew as still "older teenagers" or like... 25.
-okay really weird but the new monastery reminds me of the egypt-themed world from wizard 101. which is a whack as hell callback but it looks like the portal room in there. its a big goldy pyramid room
-i love lloyds current voice actor (when i first watched s8 with harumi and the oni mask, i literally went insane over the "stay back" voice line. literally two words) and!! idk its hard to get a good panic-y or exhausted voice. battle grunts and shouts too. but when lloyd wakes up and freaks out sounds reeeaaallly good :))
-some moments in ninjago can sound just as cheesy and rehearsed as most animation, but tbh it is consistently higher quality than a lot of anime dubs and other animation. and even when they recast or add new voices, it always fits really well. (i could go off abt lloyds va again, but yk. harumi, aspheera, skylor, arin+sora are great too!)
-i like when the ninja gush over each others cool stunts. its rarely "aw man im not that powerful" and more like "woah how did you do that!! you looked so cool and awesome!" i love it ;-;
-i also like villains who lash out at their underlings when they get beat by the heroes, but then they keep doing it and soon their minions are scared and disillusioned with them. and eventually the villain is left alone, sometimes not able to maintain the power+ position they had before, because they actually needed that support but became too egotistical and power hungry to recognize it <3
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Connie Cobbler (Welcome Home Oc)
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Name: Connie Cobbler Sexuality: Asexual/Panromantic Headcannon Voice Actor: Species: Human Puppet Residence: Home; The Hills (Formerly) Abilities: Super Strength Relatives: Varney Cobbler (father) ; Daisy Cobbler (mother); Elly Cobbler (sister); Buddy Cobbler (brother); Nancy Cobbler (sister); Bailey Cobbler (brother); Dabney Cobbler (brother) Age: 20's Personality: She's a level headed woman with sage advice and ready to fill anyone's belly at the tip of the hat. She often shows what she calls Hill Billy hospitality and won't turn away a customer if they are really hungry. However, she does expect you to act respectful towards her and she won't handle any rudeness. She is very hardworking and puts every effort into keeping her place up and running. She is a tough cookie and doesn't take any mess from anyone. She otherwise is a very sweet woman who does what she can to be a good neighbor. She also is very stern about people who waste food and thinks people should appreciate those who go through the effort into making their food. Background: Originally from a hilly bill area called the Hills she grew up in a large family but then decided to move out to make her own restaurant and found home where she set up shop. Her diner is a warm and welcome place where anyone can come to relax and chow down. She quickly becomes famous for her family's recipe of apple cobbler which delights everyone, even Wally who has to wrap his head around the concept. She's always great to lend an ear to and will always give sage advice to anyone who wants it or needs it. * Her love interest choices would be Howdy Pillar, Kaami, and Julie. * She, Polly, Howdy, and Kaami get along together due to being fellow food business people. * She is one of the reboot characters. * She gets some of her pies from Polly. * Like Kaami, she gives out couple discounts and special meals depending on events and holidays. * It's 50's-60's themed and even has a jukebox playing golden goldies. However, she is open to playing hits from other eras, especially the 80's and 90's. * Her family is all named after the cast of the Beverly Hillbillies. * She does various variations of her family's apple cobbler recipe and has a family recipe book that are on the menu at her diner. * She tends to use stereotypical diner slang/lingo. * Her family would come and visit and show their hill billy customs. Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/21562…
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