#good luck Anon
good-advice-ganondorf · 3 months
mr. dorf i need to get these really important tests done to help with treatment for my disability but im extremely afraid of to do it :( i want to get better but it's scary and painful
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frownyalfred · 4 months
How do you find the motivation to write?
The longer, detailed comments on fics I've worked really hard on that pull out the individual writing choices and describe why they liked them. Those are like heaven to me. I can't count the number of times I've gotten one on a longer, semi-abandoned WIP and thought to myself "wow, if someone else sees all of those choices that way, maybe it isn't a terrible story. maybe it is worth writing for again."
Outside of that, I treat it a little bit like I treat exercise. It's something I try to do weekly, or on some sort of routine schedule. If I go without writing for too long, I check in to see what's up. Is it because of a lack of energy? Etc.
Surrounding yourself with other writers or creatives really helps too. Being in Discords where people are sprinting or doing challenges really helps normalize it for your brain. And for some people, even just reading other's fanworks keeps their brain invested in their own writing, though I personally struggle to read in the same fandom as I write in at the same time.
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alterhuman-culture-is · 4 months
Alterhuman culture is silently going "now, am I attracted to this character, or am i this character?" For 4 or 5 months, and still not knowing
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borderlinereminders · 2 months
I have diagnosed ADHD and suspect I also have BPD, but due to some stuff, I’m unable to go through the assessment process for that at the minute.
I sometimes have trouble knowing whether some of my suspected BPD symptoms are actually just ADHD, like BPD splitting vs ADHD rejection sensitivity. Do you know ways I can figure it out? Or just reassure myself I’m not making up having BPD? It’s the kind of thing I think a real assessment would help with.
Thank you for answering, and sorry if you’ve already made a post about things like this!
Hi anon,
The truth is that I don’t have advice. I’m sorry!
I have autism, BPD, ADHD and cPTSD. And I’m mostly sharing that because 9 times out of 10, I don’t know what is causing a specific symptom for me!
I eventually got to a point where I just started working on coping for specific symptoms and didn’t stress which disorder it came from.
I realize it’s more complicated when you’re questioning whether you have BPD. I’m sorry I can’t offer advice. If a follower has any ideas, please share!
I do want to say that you aren’t “making up your BPD”. Even if it wasn’t BPD, your symptoms are real and honestly a lot of the BPD coping might help regardless. I can’t word on three hours sleep apparently but what I mean is your symptoms are real and honestly, I think that makes you valid. And you’re valid to use “BPD” resources or coping methods!
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I wanna maybe try filling in hitlists this year and see if it makes a difference, but I also dont want to go into the server to find any because honestly ew i hate going in there. Is there any way i can find hitlists without having to touch the server 💔 Anyone willing to drop their hitlist form in the replies... please...
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Schizospec culture is .. (Not towards anyone, more in general) when you ask a culture is question/ask and it never gets posted or it gets low likes. Now all of a sudden, everyone hates me and I’ll be crucified so I have to stay in my home and tape up my phone camera/microphone.
(Again, not directed towards anyone. Just something I experience a lot)
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aaccultureis · 4 months
AAC culture is using AAC around people who have only known you as verbal and getting nervous :[
good luck anon
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Hi, it's the anon that sent the reply to the suicide attempt confession.
I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you but if you could actually not post that that would be great. The situation is stressful for all of us, and I'm worried if I came off as too rude in that one, and if I'm going to talk to them about it I'd like to sound nicer, if I try to bring it up again at all.
Again, so sorry if this bothers you!! I just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Yeah I'll remove the post from the que, no problem anon. I was hesitant to post that one (and the previous confessions relating to it) in the first place because it seems that a lot of it has to do with a Discord server that the rest of the community doesn't really know the ins and outs of.
I'll still take confessions related to that topic though, people still need a safe space to speak openly about things that they might not be able to otherwise do safely. Good on you for wanting to speak to them personally though.
EDIT: There were two replies made to that confession, I took them both out of the que but I didn't delete them because I'm not sure which one was yours. Could you send an ask and tell me what day you sent the confession so that I can know which post to delete and which post to leave in the que?
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lots of queer people auer peopq ueeueueueu wuer wuer wueeet peopel lol quee pelpld adia cours eargue quer people queue online real lif eeiejeje
you may want to call an ambulance rather than sending anon hate buddy i think you're having a stroke
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Can I ask some advice. I was pro choice for years but recently became pro life but now I’m struggling with the realization that all my pro choice friends have really hateful attitudes towards babies and even disabled people that I didn’t notice when I was pro choice. I want to say something but doing so would admit that I changed my mind and I’m afraid they won’t want to be friends with me; they don’t have nice thoughts on prolifers and I don’t want them dismissing me as a brainwashed prude
Hello, thank you so much for your ask! Also, in case nobody else has told you, welcome to being pro life! It is extremely brave of you to make that change when everyone around you has a different view point. As far as advice for talking to them, it is definitely really tough, and I don’t have all of the answers.
My number one piece of advice is to come at it with love and remind them to do the same. A lot of times people who feel very strongly about something feel attacked when they are confronted about it, and it’s important to state out loud that even if you disagree with them, you still love them.
As someone who has been in similar situations regarding different beliefs, if you do feel like you need to speak up about it, you don’t necessarily have to start a debate doing it. A lot of times I’ll say something like “Hey, that’s a human person you’re talking about there” or “That’s not cool, how would you feel if someone said that about you,” which tends to get them to drop the topic.
As far as having a conversation about it, let them come to you and be genuine about it. Explain your points using science-- don’t use religion to convince them if they aren’t religious. Remind them (and remember) that both sides are usually coming at this out of a desire to help women, so we can agree on a lot of concrete solutions that aren’t abortion, such as crisis pregnancy centers and better care for moms. You could also point out that in a lot of ways, abortion is extremely misogynistic and does much more to hurt women-- for example, it’s much cheaper to pay for an abortion than it is to pay for the support the mother will need, so many in society would rather do that then provide women with what they need. 
Another thing to remember is that a lot of pro choice woman have had abortions, and in today’s society, people tend to judge their self worth based off of the actions they have done. So if they have done something “bad” they consider themselves “bad” and they can’t fix that. It means that a lot of those women are going to be more resistant to pro life arguments because they don’t want to be bad, and because if they admit that the unborn are humans, then it means they killed their baby.
This is really tough to deal with, and there is no good answer to it outside of the Sacraments. But I would take the time to remind them that just because you do something wrong, it doesn’t make you a bad person. Yes, there is nothing we can do to undo that mistake, but that doesn’t mean that saying it isn’t a mistake is the right answer. Remind them that you love them (and if they are religious, remind them that God loves them and that they can and will be forgiven).
I know this is long, but I hope that it helped!
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coffeexxcigarettes · 3 months
Help she loves me for who I am
This feels like a humble brag, say it with your chest.
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descendingraz · 1 month
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malachitemischief101 · 3 months
Hi um, I’m seeing mu celeb sp soon and he’s very very famlus and many people want him (he’s in a big group) and no matter how much I affirm and cancel my doubts and negative thoughts I cannot feel like he’s already mine, I feel very anxious and that I’m gonna fuck everything up,
What do you think?
(I saw your post about celeb sps and thought I would ask you❤️)
Hey darling, first off, congrats on going to see him! It sounds super exciting 💕 let's see.
Starting off, as I said previously, being famous is part of his job, nothing wrong with it, proud of him! Using my example: If I like this girl, let's say 'Ana' (Im not good w coming up w names mb 😭) and she's a doctor. Would I ask 'Can I manifest Ana? she's a doctor.' NO I WOULND'T. Because whichever impressive things she's done as a doctor (earning a big paycheck, having a PhD, Saving lives, fucking create a new medicine) IT'S JUST PART OF HER JOB, all it means, is that she's doing a good job at it.
"famlus and many people want him (he’s in a big group)" That's okay! remember, this is YOUR reality, not theirs, you control what happens, not them. You're the operant power, the one who chooses.
Actually an excercise (cr: hyler, I think?) Deep breaths
You're the operant power of your reality, you control what happens, okay?<3
And remember, it's okay to feel anxious, but let me tell you something, intrusive thoughts, or doubts don't manifest!
Because they're not your DOMINANT thoughts. They're thoughts that come and pass, remember to do your best not to dwell on them though!! You don't neccesarily have to believe 'he's already mine¿, but rather affirm it.
-> Your mind tells you he's not yours? affirm that he is. -> A newspaper says gossip about him being interested in somone? yea thats you
-> you think he's not yours? yes he is! even if you don't believe it, say you do. And of course when something's going to happen soon I use affirmations as a safety net, so like, maybe you could do an affirming challenge of 1 week, or 3 days (depending on when you're going to see him.) Or maybe even the 10k challenge! (Also if you'd like to read my reminder about methods, read my other post: https://www.tumblr.com/malachitemischief101/754828769555087360/a-more-organized-less-angry-version-of-this-i) But remember:
-time does not determine when your desires arrive, you do.
-You're the operant power of your reality / god(ess) of your reality
-You're affirming to remind yourself!!
Sending much love! and try and do something to cope if you feel like you're really really anxious becaue remmeber, loa is supposed to be comfortable.!!!<3 apologies if this is too long sweetheart!! Success stories to motivate you (none mine!!!):
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hello! may i ask if you have any tips for aspiring writers? like how to find the style of writing you like?
Hi there!
Tips for aspiring writers, huh?
Not sure what would work for everyone, but I can tell you what worked for me. So I've always loved writing, but never knew when to start.
So I started small.
I wrote short stories. Took random prompts, wrote for 10-15 min, and then posted the result. By trying out so many different styles and genres, I learned more about myself and my writing style! Gradually I took longer and longer with my stories, and then I made part 2's, and then continuing on this I wrote a few couple full length novels and a handful of novellas!
I really feel posting it helped, even if the number of people reading them was very small, especially at first. Seeing if people caught my themes and intentions, seeing people love the characters I loved and talk about the worlds I made helped me to take the worlds and characters more seriously. I love interacting with people about my works, and nothing beats hearing from someone who loves the stories you wrote from your heart.
Of course, putting all your work on the internet for free is probably not the best route to get published (considering I am just starting to think about self-publishing now, and I know that some doors close when you share everything), but depending on your goals you can tailor this sort of strategy.
Overall, have fun with it. GIve yourself understanding for the days when you can't write at all. Allow yourself to write badly, to write silly things, to write cliches. But just keep writing.
Good luck!
I'm cheering for you!
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whinlatter · 6 months
CONGRATULATIONS! I’m sure you’ve done an incredible job!! Free from the shackles of phd-ing…I can only dream
mate thank you so much. honestly what a colossal ordeal. horrendous. feel so much lighter i cannot tell you. and now i can just write for joy??? life changing. transformational. may all be free from these self-imposed chains soon enough 🙏
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not super excited for af this year and i dont know why. probably has to do with my depressive episodes, but i hope i come around :((
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