#google how do i make ppl laugh at my joke
zeecringez · 11 months
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insert awful dad joke
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wifeglor · 8 months
14, 21 for maemag, 22 for gap pussy
hi hi!!! (From this list)
14. What are your favorite smut tropes?
I feel like you know them already :D But hmmmm more seriously... I think in general, I have "will think about something I initially found off-putting too hard and decide actually it is hot/fun/wtv" disease, so this would be a long and very inclusive list. I love a good power dynamic in smutfic (good in the sense of a fine vintage, not moral good), whether it's like a fun thing a sweet couple is playacting, an underlying reality for a ship, or outright dubcon/noncon. Obviously "power dynamic" can fit a billion tropes, but I love very many of those tropes for that underlying reason lmao. Also, I love when there's a lot of emotion, be it DRAMA, or angst, or hurt/comfort, or anything else. Obviously those strike different notes and it depends on the story, but like while I think it can be less "sexy" than pure porn I LOVE SO MUCH reading a good like "magical healing dick" conclusion to an arc of longing and woes. It's an orgasm of the SOUL. Or "magical healing baby spawned from magical healing dick," I am Not Immune to this (it's about the Cherishing). Also, I love those ppl on AO3 who are out there writing the most fucked up (affectionate) monsterfucking oneshots ft. worldbuilding with their original characters and original universes--doing Eru's work. ALSO I remember once upon a time being judgy about omegaverse and laugh because wow that really didn't last long on my part as soon as I opened those fics and realized there was longing inside.
21. Share a smutty headcanon about [character(s)]. (Maedhros/Maglor)
Wow who are these characters I've never heard of them before...
I feel like I need a whole essay to try to get out all my thoughts about them and it wouldn't entirely make any sense, but I think the one-headcanon version is like. Maglor longs to be claimed by Maedhros and please Maedhros and be absolved and loved and worthy & this translates well in his brain to being penetrated. Maedhros longs to feel like he can effectively take care of Maglor/make Maglor happy (something I think he has real despair and doubt about, but the resigned despair and bitterness that he can't correlates to how much he WISHES to) and also that his control issues/endless responsibility-taking are Working Actually And Perfectly Good & this translates well in his brain to penetrating Maglor (which is on unspoken offer from Maglor whenever Maglor is in the same continent and Maedhros is still breathing). Much love. I think that dynamic remains in play between them regardless of the sex act but this sure is my preference for them.
22. Share a DVD commentary on [one of your smut fic/smutty scene from a longer work]. (Mapmaking, known in my google docs folder as "gap pussy")
YEAHH okay. So this one has been lurking almost a full year (I think) as a handful of incoherent notes in my notes app, which sort of sketched out a lot of the dirty talk and action. This was very convenient for finally sitting down and writing it!! Which I had a lot of fun doing; every fic of mine for smut week has been pure self-indulgence. This fic owes a spiritual debt to Death and Taxes, an amazing russingon fic by TheLionInMyBed that was formative in my Maedhros thinking like... very early in my entry to Silm fandom stuff. I just loved Maedhros combining his politics and strategy (never turned off!) with sex and romance in such a blatant, funny, affectionate-but-instrumental way. Also, I've been making "Maglor's Gap " jokes since like. Forever, so it was bound to happen sometime.
The actual "strategy" on Maedhros' part here (aka the policies he wants Maglor to enact) is purely styrofoam porn setup and maybe doesn't really make sense, but I figured that's not what we're here for so I didn't pay it too much mind. What I did want to come through in that aspect of the story was Maedhros' affection for Maglor (kinda understated I think in this fic, but he doesn't want Maglor to die in like, say, dragonfire, and he will do all he can to prevent that. He wants Maglor to be as secure as he can, even though maintaining the siege/leaguer & his own trust & strategy mean Maglor is at great personal risk in this critical position) and Maedhros' tendency to taking leaderly responsibility (he's aware of the risk and that he's asked this of Maglor, & Himring will help out the Gap).
Also, in my head this is a spiritual sequel to my magnum opus Thine Ever, Makalaurë, despite the fact that in between these 2 Gap-era moments, Maglor by miracle of Yavanna's touch gained a pussy. This is a period I associate with a lot of hope for them and a sort of renewing of ties, testing and forging of Maglor's devotion and Maedhros' reliance on it, and Himring!Maedhros=sexiest Maedhros. I'm finding it really fun lately to write humor and dirty talk, both of which are kinda new terrain for me, so that's been delightful on my end. New terrain... ha
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b0mblover · 2 months
j rants abt dead loptson as usual because he cannot be bothered to keep the thoughts to himself
i think im gonna start just calling this ‘loptson hawaii: part ii’ BECAUSE ITS ESSENTIALLY WHAT IM MAKINGGG 😭😭
second of all, funny thing, im /planning/ on drawing lopt playing piano and mason playing violin because in hawaii part ii its the instruments i noticed specifically (i swear it makes sense) but uh.
brain rot j made a fucking omori joke and now i cannot get it out of my head 😭
the only difference is that mason is getting killed but doesnt play piano (oh ig omori spoilers but its 2024. even if you havent played it you probably already know)
uggrbfnd fuck im not even kidding i swear. those maps i made im using for this project J PLEASE QUIT DOING THIS TO ME WHY DO YOU HATE ME. THIS IS SUCH A BG ASS PROJECT. YOU CANT EVEN PROPERLY FINISH A SMALL WRITING THING. WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THIS SHIT (talking ti myself somewheee thats not main sorry)
im sorry but uh. look. unironically, guchiry characters playing instruments have been actually rotting my mind for literally years 😭 trust me i dont even know how i dont have a list. i just associate them in my mind and remember it.
CHOKES sorry yeesh!
i actually made three maps but uh, i think only one will get used in this project (if i ever finish it that is) bc i havent even named the other two! i might just use them for idk. aesthetics in my room or smth idk.
jesus i have so many ideas i need to quit this is excalty how burn out happens but i cant help itttt
hggvfddnsn i the brainrot so much
currently (like as im writing this) im working on i uh- drawing smth rather reveling(?) like uh. it isnt -sexual- in like the slighest but is???? idk look. i really need to practice/actual/ anatomy 😭😭 it sucks bc like. man its akward as hell bc im essentially drawing lopt with no clothes on but i feel like i kinda gotta??
(i really wanna have smth to laugh at when i get older alr)
ANYWAYS the point was that i cant figure out if i should render it or just leave it at line art.
christ im rambling again fuck.
back to the topic (yes im leaving that in)
i should absolutely end masons life in the most guresome and blood curdling way possible! 😍🥰 /j
but srsly. maritime forest. you are having BLOOD on your trees 🥰 (look it up. that isnt the /name/ of it its just a descriptor)
man. these names are kinda. weird ish tho.
aphelion, periciel, vacant beach 3- (last is a joke)
ahhbrbdns but srsly naming this shit is hardddd bc following real world naming (at least acordding to google) is such a pain, like uh, (from what i remember) it usually is either a feature of the place, named after someone, and a third thing that i cannot remember rn.
(funfact, im 99% sure periciel isnt a real word! peri acordding to google means about and ciel means sky in french apparently, yea. about sky. aphelion((heres the google def bc im not explaing this))
“the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun."
(SO! uh yea. if you were wondering how i came up with the names ig. oh yea funny thing. the thing about periciel. i actually looked up peri bc in puyo puyo tetris 2 (im being dead srs rn i wish i was kidding) in a call out line schezo says “parry” but i thought it was “peri” so yada yada boom. this shit is unnecessary complicated but uh. thats my entire existence! so)
man i have SO much to do. i think im gonna attempt to draw bread sheeran. well actually scratch that. i have a week to do that, i was working on uh. nonsexual lopt before i went outside and got brainrotted to death, so ill probably work on that, or start the other drawing (i really REALLY wanna draw mason playing violin. i actually dont even know that in white ball violin is the main instrument. i just think it is 😭😭) hggggbbhh well! im gonna go suffer now. thanks to like the 2 ppl that read this in full. im sorry for your eyes!
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like i just straight up don't kno wht's going on at all ever anymore
#just been oscillating between great and fucking awful#nd the intervals have been getting increasingly shorter#like i was hungry for once in my life when i got home nd i made a bunch of food#nd the switch flipped before i even finished the rice#i didn't even get to eat my soup :(#nd i'm trying this instead of dumping my shit on other people#esp my one friend#so we'll see how this works#i either need to figure out a way to get my phone away from me the second i feel anything even start to go weird#or i just need to lock things down nd isolate 4 a while until whatever tf this is stops#bc for some reason i can't write like i normally do????#idk wtf is up w tht#i've been wanting to make plans w people 4 th last few days bt idk if that's a good idea rn#nd i figure this'll work bc talking in tags or in the descriptions of my playlists is smhw satisfying nd#writing in my notes/a google doc/a notebook doesn't work???#talking in my playlist descriptions is fine bc ik ppl won't see those#idk abt this bt tumblr's algorithm is fucked enough tht i doubt it so i can say what i want#plus i add 2 many tags 2 things 4 anyone to read anyway#i made a crack earlier abt wrapping myself around a tree nd sm1 told me tht no i needed to hug a tree nd i said yea w my car nd no1 laughed#nd i was mad like tht was a quality fuckin joke nd none of you fuckin appreciated it like it deserves#i need 2 find some people tht r like#12% more unstable to sit w @ lunch bc then i'm funny as hell#ik tht gabe would've lost his shit bt he dropped out nd i haven't seen him since 10th grade#also i got like 900% worse after coming out?????#like literally everyone else ik who's out says it's great nd i was sick+freaked out by excited for like 3 hours#nd thn it just sucked nd has continued to suck since#which is fuckin dumb bc my parents r chill
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aropride · 2 years
hello dash. it is time for some ranboo pos. warning this post is long as fuck
things i love about ranboo: a list. /parasocial
i love his "hi chat" at the beginning of streams, the way it feels like an instant shot of serotonin.
i love how he and tubbo messed with us about the uk trip for months and how they even went far enough to use google zoom to mess with us. i love how much joy he got out of it as well, how he would laugh and make fun of us for our conspiracy theories even when one day they were right.
i loved that one stream where he got eighteen thousand subscribers in one night and he cried and thanked people for five hours and then he realized what a big platform he had, how much change he could make, and he used it to donate over 100,000 dollars to the trevor project.
i love how much he cares about us, how he just wants to help people, he said it's all he's ever wanted to do. he didn’t know what he was doing with his life and didn't have a plan until we came along, and he's told us how much he appreciates us, and it goes both ways.
i love his dumb jokes. i love that he laughs at his own jokes, and i love when he makes a joke in his own head and laughs at it.
i love how when ppl would ask him his zodiac sign he would just reply it was whichever one makes you lazy. i love the old bits he did he's probably forgotten about, the light demons, the water fairies, the soap water.
i love the way he talks, his repeated words, his stuttering, the phrases that are so very ranboo they can't quite be described any other way. his "hmm? hmmmmm?," "and everything,” “honestly," "hi michael.”
i love how honest he is. i love that he was one of the first cc’s to flat out say we wouldn’t be getting lore from him for a while. i love how hard he tried to give us lore before that point.
i love how much he loves music and i love the fact that he belts out songs in the middle of the night. i love when he makes his mc character dance or moves his mouse to a song and i love hearing him gently hum along to songs. i love his insistence that he doesn't sing when he literally does. i love his sheepish "i didn’t realize the walls were that thin my bad" when he found out we could hear him singing will wood in the kitchen at 2am.
i love how much he loves his friends, how when he played life is strange when he had to decide whether to sacrifice arcadia bay or chloe he chose chloe and he sobbed over the ending, and he cares about his friends so much that he said this was what he would have done were it real.
i love his welp claps, and i love how tubbo caught onto them too. i love the little speech he did at the end of each stream, about following and checking his socials and "i'll see you in my next stream which will be... tomorrow!" and the way he said it the same way every time (and it hurts that it's a past tense thing but i'm so glad he's taking care of himself).
i love that he started off appreciating his community, appreciating art, appreciating being able to help people and that's what he still cares about, those are the things he puts work into. especially appreciating his community, he gives so so much to us and begs us to do the free stuff first and tries to make lots of perks for people to subscribe with but also doesn't want non-subs to feel left out so he encourages people screenshotting and reuploading ranmail and the like because he understands not everybody can subscribe. i love how despite everything it's still him.
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realcube · 3 years
msby boys finding out their s/o is pregnant
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navi | masterlist | taglist  
thank you to anon for this wholesome request 
content warning ♡ pregnant! reader, sexual references, swearing & fluff
characters ♡ sakusa, atsumu, bokuto & hinata
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kiyoomi sakusa 
♡ he faltered
♡ there was half a minute of silence between the two of you; him just staring at your stomach while you gazed into his eyes
♡ he was almost certain that he misheard you, so he felt inclined to inquire, ‘huh?’ as indifferently as he could, though he wasn’t doing a good job of concealing the shocked expression on his face 
♡ ‘i said i’m pregnant, sweetie.’ you giggled, admiring the emotions he displayed on his face as it wasn’t a sight you got to see often
♡ sakusa continued to stare at you, eyes wide 
♡ though he knew what you meant, apart of him insisted that he was mishearing you 
♡ his wide-eyes were fixated on you, his lips slightly agape as he tried to process what you just said and what this meant for the both of you 
♡ the only emotion you could read of his face was shock. at first, you were sure that he was happy but he was just taking a while to accept it, but now that a few minutes had passed and he was still yet to say anything or even smile, you were starting to second guess yourself
♡ despite the fact sakusa had already agreed that he was on board with the idea of having a child many times before - in fact, there were nights where he’d admit that he can’t wait to start a family with you - but you still worried that perhaps he has now that had a change of heart
♡ that was until you noticed his eyes become unusually glossy and red, along with his cheeks adapting a somewhat red tint, ‘if this is a joke, (y/n), it’s not funny.’ his ordinary, monotone voice was now slightly shaky and low 
♡ ‘it’s not a joke, ‘iyoomi.’ you laughed, feeling your own throat go dry and your cheek flare up upon seeing how emotional sakusa had become
♡ before the tears spilled from your eyes, you felt sakusa’s arms slowly snake around your waist, place an elongated kiss on your forehead then rest his chin on your shoulder 
♡ he held you close enough that you could feel his rapid heartbeat thud against your chest and his wobbly breath tickle the back of your neck
♡ he stayed like that, silent, for a good few minutes 
♡ when he finally pulled away to admire your stomach, you noticed how his damp cheeks glistened in the light and you couldn’t help but smile
♡ although he wasn’t very vocal about how happy he was, his actions spoke a thousand words
♡ he’d insist in home-cooking all your food now because he didn’t want to risk you getting food poisoning 
♡ when he’d come home from practise, absolutely exhausted, the first thing he’d do when he gets home is  wash his hands then cut you some fruit 
♡ when he has free-time, he used to just watch TV but now he’s picked up a few hobbies of reading childcare books, tending to your every need/want and researching good baby names
♡ also, he’s so gentle with you - like, he was gentle with you before but this is a new extreme
♡ excluding the time he almost tackled you to the ground when you suggested atsumu as a baby name
♡ like he baby-proofs the house like a month into your pregnancy lmao 
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kōtarō bokuto
♡ the corners of his lips slowly curl into a bright smile, ‘pregnant?’
♡ you cocked your head to the side slightly, then hummed, ‘yeah. pregnant.’
♡ ‘like..with a kid?’
♡ you snorted, playfully rolling your eyes, ‘i’d hope so.’
♡ ‘like..with my kid?’
♡ ‘our kid - but yes.’
♡ a while passed and he had yet to do anything besides stare at you in pure adoration so you prompted him by opening your arms 
♡ to which he immediately responded by throwing himself onto you, ‘I’m gonna be a dad?! like seriously?!’
♡ luckily you were sitting on your bed so you fell back onto that but you were still being smothered by his chest 
♡ ‘bo!’ you squealed and squirmed under his weight and tight grip, glad that he was as cheery as you had hoped but not appreciating being suffocated 
♡ he suddenly pulled away but kept his large hands glued to your shoulders, revealing the tears that were already streaming down his cheeks and dampened your shirt, ‘really?!’
♡ ‘yes, bokuto. i am 100% pregnant.’ you declared for the final time before bokuto cupped your face with his hands and pulled you in to a passionate kiss, not stopping until your lips were basically swollen
♡ he’s just so hyped during the first few days of your pregnancy and he’s just super duper ready to become a dad!
♡ like he’s already practising his dad jokes 
♡ but then you remind him that he’s gonna have to wait around 9 months before he can actually see his baby and his hair literally deflates 
♡ ugh how rude of you 
♡ can you not like...make it grow faster?? please??
♡ once you explain to him that’s not how babies work, he kinda accepts it and just focuses his attention on you
♡ he kinda does some research on babies/pregnancy but not prior, he just does a quick google search when he needs to 
♡ but the intention is definitely there bc he googles the most trivial of things like ‘what to make pregnegant ppl for breakfast?’
♡ ‘what do pragnant ppl need from the supermarket?’
♡ ‘can my pregenunt wife have peanut butter?’
♡ ‘how to spell preaignant’ 
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atsumu miya 
♡ DEEP denial
♡ he thinks you are playing a prank on him bc you don’t ‘look pregnant’
♡ even when you show him your positive pregnancy test he’s like ‘and how much did that cost?’
♡ he deadass acts as if he wasn’t the one who’s been trying to get you pregnant and raving on about how much he wants a family with you for the last few months 
♡ but he just doesn’t want to believe you bc he know he’ll get way too happy for his own good and he’s afraid to be let down
♡ plus, it was one of those ‘a blessing of this magnitude couldn’t have happened to me - of all people - so this is probably either a cruel joke or a hallucination.’ moments 
♡ he’s just so far gone that after your eleventh attempt at trying to convince him that you’re pregnant for real, you just give up
♡ so y’all just go around your business somewhat normally - except atsumu was more skittery - until your baby bump started to become more prominent
♡ one day, he came back from practise, noticed your bump and pulled you into the most passionate, heartfelt kiss before placing a gentle kiss upon your stomach, a buoyant grin gracing his features
♡ though he doesn’t say much since he is at a loss for words, he mutters a few sweet nothings into your ear as he carries you to the bedroom
♡ for a joke, he pretends to be gutted if you’re libido production decrease but really, he couldn’t care less
♡ but if it increases tho- 
♡ expect him to take full advantage of that 
♡ also, if he didn’t already treat you like his goddess, he does now 
♡ work has moved down his list of priorities and you + his baby are now at number one 
♡ usually he keeps his phone on silent/stuffs it into his bag while he is practising but now he insists on keeping it on full volume, out on the bench, just in case you call him for an emergency 
♡ same goes for texts; he will literally stop mid-set to rush over to his phone if he hears it vibrate 
♡ bokuto thinks it’s sweet but the rest of them get pretty annoyed of his antics quite quickly but whenever they try to call him out on it, he’s like ‘is your wife 6 months pregnant? no! i didn’t think so. i should be on paternity leave right now so be glad i’m blessing you with my presence.’
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shōyō hinata
♡ he cannot stop thanking you
♡ as if you’re doing him a favour, which - depending on how you view it - you are
♡ he’s literally on his knees with his hands clasped together, tears of joy streaming down his face as he looks up at you in pure adoration, ‘thank you, (y/n)!’
♡ you tilted your head to the side and stared at him with a perplexed expression, ‘you’re welcome?’
♡ it’s a while before he moves from that position but when he does, it’s only so he can press his ear against your stomach to see if he can hear the baby 
♡ ‘shō, i don’t think it’s body has even formed ye--’
♡ ‘shh! it’s speaking to me.’ he chuckled then proceeded to squeeze his eyes shut, intensely listening to whatever the baby had to say 
♡ you quirked a brow, waiting for him to finish and once he did, he sprung to his feet and threw his arms over your shoulders to pull you in for a hug - in which he had to stop himself from squeezing you too tightly in fear of hurting you, as if pregnancy meant that your bones were now made of glass
♡ he’s just so happy that you agreed to bear his children 🙏
♡ also, seeing how excited you were to tell him about your pregnancy really prompted him to step up his husband-game 
♡ from now on, he loads the dishwasher, does both of your laundry, cleans the house on his own and cooks most of the food 
♡ he acts as if being pregnant means you are no longer able to do basic tasks but his real motive behind doing these things was not only to take the pressure off of you but to also prepare himself for father life 👍
♡ also, to prepare him for shopping for his kids’ clothes, he goes out and buys you maternity wear 
♡ he does this like...3 weeks into your pregnancy though so the clothes just sit and catch dust until a few months later when you actually need them 
♡ and although he is a bit of a pain to go stroller/pram shopping with (he just says buy whichever one goes the fastest), you let him take the reins when it came to buying/preparing the baby’s room and it came out beautiful!
♡ like the cradle was good quality and firm, the rug wouldn’t irritate the baby’s skin, the walls were painted expertly and the plushies/toys he picked out - unbeknownst to you at the time - kept the baby entertained for ages
♡ oh and no matter what day/week/month you are in of pregnancy, he will always look at you and your bump with the same amazement and gratitude as he did the first time you told him
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teqrfulrobin · 3 years
errand and chinese | quackity x tall gn!reader hcs
notes: tysm for all the love on my last post??? i was expecting to get like 9 notes max, you guys are the best????? reader is taller than quackity in this hcs post!! i headcanon that alex would actually LOVE having an s/o that’s taller than him. also more food talk bc im...hungry. sure. lowercase intended.
warnings: fluff? slight swearing.
- alright, so, quackity was in a call with whoever and streaming.
- conversation probably went something like this
- alex probably brought you up randomly, like "my s/o made me lunch today" or whatever and
- "you have an s/o?"
- "yeah."
- "no you don't."
- "what- what do you mean i don't?"
- "i refuse to believe alex quackity got an s/o before me"
- insert alex laughing his ass off.
- "fine, yk what, i'll call them."
- convo below would probably be in spanish but i’m too lazy to google translate all of that.
- "hey, i'm a little busy right now, what do you need?"
- "oh shit, if you're busy i can- call you back-"
- "no, it's fine. what's up?"
- "my friend doesn't believe that i have an s/o and i called you to prove it.
- "you don't have an s/o."
- "wh- what the fuck are you on about."
- alex rn bc you called him bubs on stream: 🧍‍♂️
- "am i on speaker by any chance?"
- "you are, indeed, on speaker."
- "...so you said you called me to prove that you have an s/o?"
- "yeah."
- "what do you want me to do- like- introduce myself?"
- "yeah! something like that. also say you're shorter than me and imply you're my s/o."
- "alex, i'm 5'10."
- mans life flashed before his eyes.
- chat and the ppl alex was in call with losing it rn
- "whatever you say, bubbas. did you run that errand i asked you to run for me this morning? i forgot to check."
- "you really need to stop calling me bubs and bubbas when i'm live streaming. also yeah, i ran your errand."
- he did not run the errand.
- also he did not care that you called him bubs/bubbas on stream he loved it.
- "okay, thank youu. i really appreciate it. when are you gonna stop streaming?"
- "an hour or so."
- once you hang up bc he rlly needs to run that errand.
- "alright, uhh, what do you wanna eat? i can't make any food tonight, i'll be busy with homework."
- "chinese is fine."
- "okay. i'll be home in a few hours. i have to go, i love youu"
- "i love you too. bye."
- "bye."
- "i forgot i was streaming for a sec"
- "wh... how is this.. possible.."
- "i don't know man, i think i'm just better than you.”
- ^ i feel like tommy would say that.
- alex stops streaming like 30 mins later and runs your errand.
- comes back home panting and praying you won't be back home for another hour.
- you were back home an hour and 15 mins after that 😎
- you both had chinese, cuddled while watching tv, and fell asleep.
- the second you woke up, you crammed for like three hours doing all your college hw so you don’t miss the deadlines.
- alex probably had trouble letting you out of his grasp when you were cuddling and helped you with ur hw afterwards.
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cutemeat · 2 years
wait as a newish fan can you tell me how / why rob is misogynist? (like besides his weird things on the podcast lol idk if theres more) and also who is jordan lol
ok im gonna say first of all i was mostly just joking in those tags ur referring to KJNFGDKJ just as full disclosure before I dig into this any further. ..
that being said, me joking abt that stuff in regard to rob is bc it just seems like rob is insecure about how he's contributed to a shitty system and really screwed someone (jordan reid, aka the original Sweet Dee) over personally and after being made more aware of his place in contributing to said system he's overcompensating while he's working thru some of that.... and uh. in all honesty it's something that i find funny and make jokes about cuz i am also someone with an extremely fragile ego n it feels good to deflect and make fun of someone else for having a fragile ego LOL
so it seems like rob's talking on the podcast and in other interviews abt misogyny n trying to 'correct' himself or pulling out that fuckin button on the podcast for 'Solves the North Korea Situation'.... i think this ties into him reconnecting with Jordan (who, like i said, was the og sweet dee who got booted from the production at the last minute largely as result of her n rob breaking up n none of the other guys backing her up...) and basically writing the MQ ep A Dark Quiet Death about that whole situation and the falling out.. idk it just seems like. maybe having to reconcile the fact he has been A Part Of The Problem and an asshole has gotten to him n again it feels like he overcompensates for that in the pod n i like to exploit those insecurities im familiar with in my own ways for laughs LOL. but yknow... i am a 20 yr old unemployed HS drop out on tumblr dot com n hes got a nice mansion and successful career in the film industry so i dont feel like im gonna hurt any feelings here..
so with all that context out of the way: i dont think rob is Actually some raging misogynist ... and if he is I wouldn't know either way cuz I Dont Know The Guy! so def take what I say here with a grain of salt I am very often not being serious and bad at using tone indicators so I do apologize if any of it gets confusing kjndfgkjd. he def has been misogynistic in the ways a lot of men will be without rlly thinking much of it (think dennis' obliviousness to how insane some of his logic about women sounds on sunny, but maybe less predatory but again idk the guy lol) but as of now he seems like he's more aware of that n better late than never n all that!
(once again.. a lot of my opinions here are mostly based in my own experiences and emotions projected onto people and situations I have only heard accounts of in articles/blog posts/podcasts n interviews so def keep that in mind. don't take me as the authority on anything lol. google 'jordan reid' + 'always sunny' and read thru her old blog posts about the situation if u are so inclined and draw your own conclusions! but like i said it's a mostly interpersonal thing between two ppl i dont know and it doesnt seem like there's much bad blood on that interpersonal level anymore rather than anger with a system that failed her. that being said its def a part of the shows history that shouldn't just be forgotten or discarded as it is apart of a larger issue anyway. srry this is all so messy if it wasnt obvious by how badly i am at talking abt this stuff i feel weird talking about strangers lives even celebs but yknow. tbh if i wanna make jokes abt this shit i should be prepared to explain myself anyway. like god im so bad at talking abt any of it seriously but i always wanna know all the dirt cuz I'm so fuckin nosy I love drama n gossip and Backstory!!!)
+ this is an older article that sorta sums up the events n links to her blogpost about it!
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up No. 13
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glasses-and-bandana-s hat gefragt:
Hi, I was wondering if I could ask you for a match up if you don't mind? 👉👈
My name is Nille, I'm 20, bi and I use she/they pronouns. I'm a college student in 3D animation 😊 I'm a pretty passionate person and hiding my emotions is not smth I'm good at or like doing for that matter. Aside from that, I try to be more laid back and relaxed. Being the mom friend, putting myself aside and stressing over everything for 6 years was enough for me 😅😂 I'm naturally curious and I try my best to be kind and helpful.
I like learning languages, all art forms (making and history), traveling and baking. I am a MASSIVE movie nerd, especially when it comes to animation.
I don't like my dad, feeling lonely, being underestimated and the snob mentality we have towards animation in the West (I can and will fight ppl over it).
As for a short physical description: I'm 1m69, have an hourglass figure and I'm as pale as a sheet of paper. My hair is a dark brown pixie cut and my eyes are green/grey. Oh and dem freckles lol.
Thank you a lot for your time and energy. Please take your time (not just with this request, but with all of them), your health goes first 💕 Take care and thank you once more 💕
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Hey! How are you doing? I hope your doing good. First of all I apologize for making you wait for so so sooooooo long. It´s just that I had a lot to do for college and was really worn out after I was done with the biggest exams I had. I am really sorry. Like I really felt bad when I started to work on your request and that of the others. Thinking about the fact that I still have a lot do finish makes me actually want to cry… AnYwAySSSS. That’s not the point. Thank you so so much for requesting. You seem to be a great, creative, super nice and fun person. Therefore I really hope you will like with what I came up with. But if not let me apologize in advance. Tell me when your disappointed or if there is something you do9n´t like. I will work on it.
Other than that my dear requester, happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: please tell me when you know who made this beautiful masterpiece so I can give credits and tag them. Found it in google pictures(?). Thank you in advance. !!!
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- I´m gonna be honest with you. I was struggling. Like struggling real hard. Like was sitting in front of my laptop with a picture of Shanks and Ace in front of me while trying to figure out who to choose. But then Luffy popped up at some point but then vanished only to be replaced by Sabo. He at some time vanished too and I was back at wondering if I should take Shanks or Ace. But then I thought about Vivi and I was getting nervous. BUT. A FTER A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. I MANAGED TO CHOOSE! And here we are my dear. I will be pairing you up with Bartolomeo.
- ….
- No! Jokes aside now. I´m pairing you up with Ace. XD
- You were part of the Whitebeard pirates since a year now. You enjoyed every single day o sea while living your best life.
- You got along with every crew member, no matter if there were male or female. You were one of the youngest members and one of the most loved one. Not gonna lie you sometimes were even called Pops little princess. The way he always called you to sit next to him during meals was always adorable. But everyone understood why. You were a chill and cheerful young lady. You were easy going and sweet. You always tried your best to help wherever you could. There were a lot of days in which you did the least liked tasks what always got Pops to get mad at the boys for making you do it. But you never cared. You enjoyed and liked being helpful.
- You took care of every crew member. Mostly when some of them came back from a missions /fights. You loved all of them and always genuinely showed it what made everyone appreciate and respect you for being with them.
- And whenever you did not help out any crewmate you would be hanging out with Ace.
- Ace. That reckless and sometimes clumsy man was the best part of being out on the sea as a pirate.
- They say that a princess would never leave her comfort zone voluntarily. For nothing and no one. But if it´s a person that is able to make them forget who they are and treat them like a normal human being, they would drop anything and anyone to be with them.
- And exactly this was the case. You were part of the royal elite on a island that was located at the first half of the grand line. You were an intelligent and open minded young royal, that was liked by the civilians but hated and despised by the royalty for being hard working to achieve your dreams and fulfill all of your wishes. They didn´t like the fact that you did not make others work for you while you did nothing but enjoy life as a royalty. (Not gonna lie I was inspired by a character of another anime I recently started. XD). They wanted you to follow the words of the elders and simply focus on your appearance so the prince can fall in love with you.
- You hated your life there. You hated your family. You hated the norms and values they lived there. The only thing you wanted was to get out and live your life as a normal human being when Ace appeared out of nowhere and dragged you around the island in hope to find a good restaurant that served good meat.
- This might sound ridicoulus but that was your first encounter. Your first encounter with a man that did not bow in front of you, placed a kiss on your knuckles, made you tons of compliments and had a stupid conversation about the weather.
- He came up to you and asked if the old grumpy looking man was botheting you and if you wanted him to punch him. He was ready to fight the stranger for a stranger. But when you told him that the grumpy man was your father he shrugged his shoulders and just repeated his question. His beahviour made you laugh and you told him that as much as you wanted him to be punched in the face he still was your father. So you asked for his name and lead him around the park you currently were at. But the poor man got bored and made you lead him to the market so he could eat.
- Whenever you would think about your first encounter with him you would be smiling and thanking the gods for sending you such a good hearted and nice man. A man that slowly and with more days and weeks passing turned into your boyfriend who turned you, a well mannered and raised royal into a navigator of one of the strongest pirate crews.
- Ace never held you back from doing what you liked or wanted to try. In fact he always encouraged you to keep doing that and always made sure no one was bothering you.
- There was one think you really appreciated. And that was his habit of always being around you. No matter what the circumstances were. There was a party? He always made sure to keep an eye on you. The whitebeared pirates were docking on one of their islands? Ace would be holding your hand and show you around. He would go out to eat. He would always drop by at your cabin to ask if you wanted to join him.
- Ace knew that you didn´t like being alone since you were always left alone by your family so he alwys tried his best to accompany you.
- As much as you loved and appreciated him, there was one thing that always and forever will be overwhelimg to you. and that’s the fact that the most energetic and reckless man was able to fall asleep in a blink of an eye. Like you could be talking to him and look away for a second just to find him snoring on the ground when you searched for his eyes. Like WtF! How is he able to sleep on the ground so peacefully?!
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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Allright. Elliott thread that nobody asked for. Part 4
The words you read seem to be some alien gibberish? Try these first:
Part 1   |    Part 2     |   Part 3      
Don’t worry guys. It will be over soon, I promise.
Bevore we start: This happened yesterday.
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And I basically turned into that iCarly gif, where she’s on the Computer, sippin’ her drink and goes: interesting.
Because look who we have here. Our future husband acting all self-aware? Right after I assumed in my last post that he never talks about the possibility of his failure...
Elliott, do you know that I talk shit about you on Tumblr?
Please stop breaking the 4th wall...
To safe at least some of my ‘credibility’, he followed this up with something along the lines of:
“No, no...I am not fishing for compliments. Which does not mean I don't appreciate them ;) “.
Sure. Whatever.
In comparison to that:
A few in-game days previously, I had a cut-scene with Leah, where the player can suggest that she should organise an art show. And there, Leah openly communicated her fears of ppl not liking her art. I was surprised about how open she was, given that it was probably her 2nd heart event or something (?). It's interesting, how Leah (who I perceived to be more reserved than Elliott), was so willing to let us know about her insecurities. Meanwhile, Elliot seems to brush these thoughts aside rather quickly and returns to his nonchalant, graceful self.
I always thought that from the two of them, it might be Elliott who is more vocal about his emotions. But now, Elliott doesn't seem to wear his heart on his sleeves as much as I thought he would. Which changed the way I think about him quite a bit. Maybe he is more likely to hide behind platitudes and a self-assuring smile, after all.
And what can we take from this, when we would want to write, let’s say a scene with Leah/Elliott friendship dynamic?
What do you guys think?
Anyways, before I was so disgracefully exposed, I was roasting Elliott’s life choices. To which I now gladly return to.
You see, the "issue" I see with Elliott is, that he plays into a trope:
The brooding hermitic author, who turned his back onto society in favour of finding inspiration in nature.
While this might sound thrilling and "romantic", we know that Elliott is not the best candidate to conform to this lifestyle. Just compare, how we as the player, manage to form quite strong relationships with everyone in Pelikan Town just by talking to them regularly.
We see Elliott outside the beach-area quite often. But aside from Leah, he does not seem to interact with anyone much. I don't know if there are statements about Elliott made by other characters, to have some inkling on how they feel about him. But its quite remarkable, how all other friendships outside to his connection with Leah, are not explicitly known as canon (?).
After a whole year living in this town, previous to our arrival, I would suggest, that Elliott might still be very much an outsider. He even remarks how, with our arrival, it will be nice, to no longer be "the new guy" in town.
But the problem with that might have been Elliott's reservedness, to begin with. Polite, but yet, maybe, quite impersonal. All pleasantries and platitudes as mentioned above. It all plays into Elliott's refusal to experience the comforts of a normal lifestyle in favour of pursuing his art.
And I love how Elliott just brushes that aside as if its nothing. I'd really love to know: what would have been his plan b, if his debut failed?
Worst case cenario: What would he'd done, if he ended up stranded in Pelikan Town, penniless and unsuccessful?
Where would he go? Is there a place he can return to? A previous home, previous friends?
I don't think so.
But, dedicated, impuslive, sweet, dumb Elliott just thought to himself:
“I can do that. How bad can it be???, it will be fi~ne.It will be marvellous!
Authentic, truly!
It will be superb pictouresque and that is all I need to write my novel....”
Thanks Yoba. You’ll keep doing that please.
And then we also have interactions of the likes of:
“People have scaped a living off the sea for thousands of years....
I just go to the grocery store.”
A different thought I had on Elliott kind of plays into what I already said previously. But I will adress it as its own topic.
The downside of Elliott’s ego.
As much as we explored the rather whacky / chaotic elements of his character and how he does stupid shit for prestige itself, it is interesting to see what happens when the player challenges his self-dramatisation.
I keep re-thinking if and to what degree Elliott can laugh about himself.
He is not one for self-deprecating humour, I think.
I can imagine that to be more Shane’s thing.
We see different scenarios, in which Elliott reacts differently to things not going his way. One of the positives is the whole “A tiny crab made a home inside his coat pocket”- story. I have seen two interpretations of this scene. And both are dependent on the tone, in which you read his dialogue. One group thinks he is just complaining yet again.
On the other hand, you could read it more like:
“My, look what we have here. Can you believe that [y/name]?!“.
I think that Elliott does not appear to be angry or annoyed at all in that scenario, too. He could have vented to the player, how he needs a new coat, now.  But he simply leaves it at that. And you know what?
But, there are other times, where Elliott reacts negatively to the player not doing what he wants you to do. Meaning:  your reaction to him or your behaviour in a specific situation. Let's look at his 2nd (?) heart event at the Stardrop Saloon. He comes up to the bar, finds himself in the mood for company, and orders wine for you and ale for himself. 
New Headcanon:
That little crab still lives there! It will probably live there long after you two get married. And he will feed it scraps from the dinner table even though you ask him not to.
Whatever...Sounds Cute. 
My first reaction to that was: “aw, wHaT a GeNtLemAn!!!”. My second reaction was my inner feminist having a temper tantrum because: “how dare a man, to assume what I want to drink!” 
New Headcanon on Elliott and gender roles, anyone? Or is it given, that with him being a good old fashioned lover boy, his expectation on any relationship dynamic might be more traditional?
As much as I find Elliott charming and all, this could be a great red flag and, again, beautiful material for character-conflict. Maybe Elliott needs to learn to not take everything at face value. Maybe he needs to learn, how to take a joke. Especially those made at his expense.
However, when the question arises, what the two of you should drink on, he will not laugh if you say “your doom”.
This is not something he sees as sarcasm or as a joke. In fact, you lose 50 friendship points! Like holy shit. That in itself is not much, but its a game-penalty. He is actively reacting negatively toward you. This is one of the few times, where your decision actively has an impact on the friendship-metre. Of course, that statement could be delivered in a non-joking matter. Which then justifies his reaction.... sure.
But even the fact that Elliott chooses, to not downplay or gloss-over your comment, leaves me with the following interpretation:
He hoped for a charming, flirtatious interaction. All you had to do, was to play along. But you ruined it.
Just imagine a situation with a little bit of miss-communication and a version of Elliott that is a little too proud for his own good and *chef's kiss* we have drama.
Me to Elliott and Farmer-OC: fight! fight! fight! fight! :D
All of you reading right now:
omg can't you just chill??? We are here for the fluff :(((
Also: depending on how it's written, that could be one of Elliott's major character flaws. The one that is not cute at all!
I wanted to take some jabs at Elliott's likes and dislikes. But as it turned out: Yes, you can turn Duck feathers into quills. I had this funny headcanon that Elliott wanted to be extra special by choosing duck feathers as his preferred writing instrument. And I was all like: “use a pen!!”.
But then I found out about the Unobtainable Weapons-List and Elliott’s pen is one of them. Okay, whatever. 
And then I asked google how to make quills. And while duck feathers are not the preferred or most popular option, there is also nothing that would speak against it, as long as the feather’s shaft is durable enough. So that theory has flown out of the window pretty quickly as well.
The only thing that comes to my mind instead is, how Elliott would still need a digital manuscript for publishing. But me screaming: “Where is your Laptop Elliott??? You need a computer! Its the 21 century!!!” is not half that funny anymore.
I guess I’ll end it here.
I hope you enjoyed this completely useless stream of consciousness.
I will now continue playing Stardew Valley and indulge in all my other quarantine-born obsessions.
I wish you a wonderful day and happy farming.
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daz4i · 2 years
ok ok this is another one of those posts where i’m being angry over something only i care about to let it out. okay. sorry about that. but hope if you read it you enjoy my rage. 
so bring me the horizon kind of changed their image in recent years (i’d argue that sempiternal was the turning point but for some reason ppl insist this era is still old bmth so idk). they’re leaning way more into scene culture and mix more pop-ish aesthetics into their image and music by collabing with artists like babymetal and ed sheeran or even just with visual changes, and i fucking love it tbh i think it’s really cool and a nice way to adapt into the modern music industry while still generally sticking to the same genres, just giving them a new twist
but as i mentioned this affects their aesthetic as well, and a few days ago they uploaded a pic of oliver dressed in rainbow clothing and i think makeup too? and that outfit genuinely fucked so hard i thought it was awesome and like, most of the comments on their posts are usually supportive so i like looking at them, but this time it was a mistake bc my god. 
(edit: just checked and a key detail i forgot was the caption of the pic was just a pride flag emoji and a credit for the photographer. so yeah this def impacted the comments lol)
it was all people talking about bmth changed (as if it hasn’t been like. nearly a decade of that??) or making these lame cheap jokes with homophobic/transphobic undertones that ppl tend to make when they see a man be just a smidge too feminine for their taste, making jokes about bmth being like sensitive snowflakes or w/e and laughing about how bmth is “woke” now? for uploading a pic of their lead singer in colorful clothes???? 
like 1 what is wrong with you 2 where do you think you are. what do you think this band stands for. the band whose most songs are about mental health and opening up about feelings. a band that encourages a sense of community within its fans and is constantly showing support for more vulnerable groups in society. that’s their whole THING it always has been!!!!!!!! they’re just no longer wearing black about it ig!!!!!! 
like you see a man wearing a cool outfit and your first reaction is “hmm i don’t like the direction bmth is taking...” GIRL WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. WHAT DIRECTION. THE ONE THEY’VE BEEN GOING FOR SINCE *googles sempiternal release date* 2013????? IT’S 2022 GET OVER YOURSELFFFFFF GROW UP. literally if you miss their old stuff so much go listen to it it’s all available on basically every music service. no one’s forcing you to interact with their new stuff, not just their music but everything around it too. if you’re not having fun just leave no one’s forcing you to stay. but why are you being so shitty about this. shut the fuck up
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wowtobio · 4 years
Nishinoya finding a s/o whos significantly shorter than him! And he's so excited! I see so many where the s/o is taller than him and im like sitting here in my 4'8" glory
Nishinoya and Kuroo have a shorter s/o
yes ofc! this is so cute hehe and omg ur so adorable 🥺 short ppl unite! and i decided to add kuroo bcs i thought this scenario would be cute for him too :) 
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• Ok but it was love at first sight when noya first saw you
• You walked into the gym, all eyes on you and Nishinoya’s eyes along with his teammates. i mean a cute girl walking through? all attention on you. and your height was somewhat noticeable too
• Eventually when you two do end up going out, Nishinoya is on cloud 9. he’s the happiest boy out there. he got a girlfriend? a cute one? a shorter one??? jackpot
• He absolutely adores your height and he will not let you hear the end of it. he will be extra affectionate and display pda (if you’re comfortable with it ofc) 
• Extra extra tight hugs, most of the time from behind so he can prop his chin on either your shoulder or your head. Hand-holding as well, where he squeezes your hand tight the whole time, sometimes even cutting off circulation. He can’t help himself, he’s just so amazed and mesmerized by your presence he wants to savor it all :’)
• He showers you with compliments, especially on days where your mood is down. Noya is especially good at lifting up your self esteem!! 
• If it’s been a very very bad day and nothing seems to cheer you up, Nishinoya makes it his life mission to make you smile again whether it is the last thing he will ever do
• Cuddle sessions feel like a dream to him. He loves to encase you in his arms and feel your tiny self flush against his chest. He doesn’t mind being the little spoon either! He loves to be hugged by you feeling your affection hehe 
• He takes up every opportunity to tease you. I mean ofc the guy has always been surrounded by abnormally tall guys so he would often tease your short stature. It isn’t too bad in the end, when situations such as you not being able to reach the top shelf, Noya’s teasing and laughter dies down once you both realize he can’t reach it either
• Let’s just say there are stools everywhere
• (nishinoya yelling) NO SHAME!!! 
• You two probably have matching shirts and wear them whenever you guys have sleepovers. And you guys probably wear them often alone. You send him cute selfies of you in them and all he can do is just screenshot and heart-eyes 
• If anyone even dares comment about your height expect Nishinoya by your side with that scary face of his alongside Tanaka both warding off the person bothering you
• He often boasts about your relationship to others, confidently claiming you as his girlfriend. You sometimes get red in the face and very shy about it, adding more wholesomeness to the scenario awwwwh 
• He has so many cute nicknames for you, some made-up ones based on your name and the general “baby” or when alone, “sweetie” 
• Oh boy, when you wear his jersey get ready. HE WILL BE SO WHIPPED FOR YOU. Peppers you with kisses and cries over how cute you are. He engraves the image of you into his mind too
• He probably stares at you a lot too, you distract him too much so you laugh at Daichi yelling at Nishinoya to stop ogling you so much and to focus
• Your relationship would honestly just be nothing but wholesome cuteness. Nishinoya absolutely loves you with all his being and he plans to just love you even more everyday 
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• First impressions? He did not see you at all.
• And he jumped a bit upon hearing your voice calling out to him
• After he asks you out though, you have all of his attention and you are on his mind 24/7
• oF course he teases you about your height. Sometimes he pushes the boundaries without realizing it but he apologized profusely when he realizes the damage that’s been done
• forehead. kisses. Both you and him cannot get enough of it 
• He’s probably convinced you to be Nekoma’s manager and when you agree, Kuroo suddenly finds himself doubling the drills for the majority of the members as he catches them making googling eyes at you
• I mean can he blame em, it’s not like he can’t keep his eyes off of you either
• It’s a necessity, you must wear his clothes. It is one of his favorite things in the whole world right next to volleyball, seeing your small form in his big, oversized clothes. His phone wallpaper is of you sleeping, cuddled up against him sporting on one of his favorite shirts
• Like your first encounters, he probably jokes around with you by pretending like he doesn’t see or notice you. One April Fools he acted like you didn’t even exist for the first few hours of the day. Key word: few, since you almost bursted into tears and he had to break his act
• He apologizes the whole day, bought you ice cream, and cuddled you throughout the night giving you allllll of his love and attention (as he should smh)
• Casually just has his arm over your shoulders or his hand on your hip walking through the hallways, giving glares to guys whose gaze lingered a bit longer than what Kuroo would’ve liked 
• idk about you, but I love Kuroo’s lazy smile. I can just imagine you two waking up and he sits up, pulling you into his lap and he just hugs your waist close to him, face buried in the crook of your neck and then he just looks into your eyes with a lazy grin on his face. “good morning” he purrs 
• OMG CUTE TRAIN SCENE** You, Kuroo and Kenma are riding on a crowded train going home. Kenma’s playing his games as usual, it’s golden hour, Kuroo is standing next to you, arm up holding onto one of the upper train handles. Your tiny self is in front, flushed against him. And every-time the train makes sudden movement, Kuroo uses his free arm and catches you, keeping you stable. You glance up at him and he looks down, smirking slightly before placing a loving kiss on your forehead and keeping his arm scooped underneath you
• his biceps tho omg
• Kuroo would just treasure you and he would just love your shortness along with you as a person. He would constantly just feel the need to protect you and he swears he will :)
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ducavalentinos · 2 years
Different anon, and not to drag the fidelity talk onn, but i like reading your thoughs! I was thinking here: would CNM be a good thing for Mon? Or the only type of rl/marriage he could do? I know s3 gave him fuckboy vibes but I’m not sure,Ii don’t think it works for most ppl with normal lives, with him? aún menos. It’s a firm negative to me, what do you think?
Ok, I thought long and hard about this while listening to deftones and lana dey rey, and I had to google what CNM means because I was ???? for a minute there *I'm getting old* but ok, I'll add my thoughts below after the read-more link because this might get long, rambly and repetitive:
So, anon, I think I have to say here that I'm  really not a fan of the p*ly concept/system for rls, and it's why it took me a while to answer, because I had to put aside my personal thoughts and experiences and focus on Món and what the show established about him and think what would be best for him accordindg to that alone, and basing myself on that I will say is such a HELL NO for me, like omg, just thinking about it made me feel bad for Tijuana and all the men in it djsdjdjs. It's just way more than simply him not having the emotional maturity for it, although I don't even think that's related to this quite frankly, but I'm gonna focus on that and say he wouldn't have it, baby boy still watches cartoons and eat cereals, not that there's anything wrong or immature about that, because there isn't per se and I find it adorable with him bYe, but yeah it's a no. And then, we can all speculate and agree/disagree with just how possessive Món would be: a normal level, a high level, a low level, but whatever the degree of it, I think we could all agree he would be possessive with the woman he loved in some way, so already an issue there, too, because this is a concept that requires you don't feel feelings of jealousy or possessivess and/or actively fight on those feelings. Do I think Món could do that? no, I don't think he could, I don't think he's the type to be cool, indifferent that the person he has feelings for, the person he has an emotional and physical relationship with, would also be having that with others (and that's not a bad thing, either,sorry not sorry), that would drive him crazy and mi bb is already a bit crazy 🙄, I say this with affection. I can see him agreeing to it to make his partner happy and thinking more about his side of things, he probably wouldn't have a problem with the part of him getting to sleep/date other women, as a lot of men naturally don't have a problem with that lmao, he'd probably even smile at the words of his gf/wife saying he could be with whoever he wanted and it's ok mi amor, he'd think he has the BEST COOLEST gf/wife in the whole world, and I mean perhaps even a 3some with her and some other girl? HEAVEN. But his happiness would be short-lived imo, because the moment she told him she has other plans with other guys, or she cancelled plans with him because of it, or he saw her making herself look good for other guys, or worse, he saw her flirting, dancing with them, kissing them, having a great time with them and laughing at their jokes, in my view, even if he doesn't want to feel hurt by it, he would, and then he would just freak out, he wouldn't know how to deal with these emotions, not in healthy ways, so instead of having a conversation and being honest like: I don't like this, we should stop, it's not working, he'd probably just skip the convo part and go straight to the action part lol, and like regardless if he would continue or not to f*ck other women while all this is going on, and something tells me the moment it started to bother him, he wouldn't even. I can see him being so bothered, so miserable by the whole thing it would just turn him off from other women and he'd just sulk and be moody, or maybe he'd just have sad/angry/drunk/disconnected sex with them and leave the moment it was over and never call them again and continue to be sulky and moody, I can see him acting similarly as another babe of mine, Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy when it comes to sex with other women, when he says to the woman he loves, who had left their town yeas ago, then came back and was leaving again: "You wanna know how many women I've slept with over the last 10 years? hundreds, maybe more, I don't know. I barely see their faces. [...]because when I'm inside someone, there's only one face I see." 😭 This line gives me Món vibes with his the one, but yes anyways, he'd either go over to the guy she was with and beat him senseless, or he'd send the juniors to do the job for him while he watches happily, or he'd just tell them to kill the guy in the most public way possible so that all of Tijuana, all of México, knowns exactly what happens to whoever dares to date his gf/wife, and any man bold enough to keep persisting, would perish. Or it would be the guy and Ramón trying to kill each other and causing havoc in the city, that's the norm of his world, he's a bandito and banditos have their own rules and norms how to deal with these stuff. And here I'll add that I don't actually think his agression, his anger would also be directed at the woman herself, he might be hot-headed and he might have anger issues, but I don't see in him the type of man who hurts/kills the women he loves tbh, given I think despite his environment, within his family he had mostly positive male and female role models, with his siblings, and that might have given him a balance there. We don't know how young he was when his father died, and we don't know anything about his relationship with his mother, but for me his strongest male role model is Mín, it's possible he and Francisco kinda entered the role of father figure in some way, too, with him and the younger siblings. And we know his closest bond with is with Dina, and that I think gave him a sensitivity and a respect for women, she has a strong personality, she’s a strong woman and he very clearly respects and loves her so much, so as far as Ramón is concerned, I don’t see any danger for the gf/wife, but for the guys around her? oh yes. And I'm not even going to really enter into the personal dramas between the gf/wife and the other women because we’re focusing on Món here, but it’s totally possible the gf/wife wouldn’t really like seeing him with other women either and vice-versa, or into more serious stuff like: what if the gf/wife got pregnant? and she doesn't know who the father is? Would Món be ok with that? it's another hell no for me and I wouldn't blame him for it. And how would this child be raised? wouldn’t already be complicated enough for he or she to grow up in a drug-related environment? wouldn’t it just add an extra layer of complications not really knowing who their father is? or not having them around? And of course this situation would increase Món’s level of stress, moodiness, anger, anxiety, it could make him consume more drugs, too....I’m sorry, but overall I think his life and  his personality are chaotic ENOUGH dsjdjds, he needs as much stability on his life as possible, he needs things, people to keep him centered, to tame his demons a little bit, to encourage him to handle it better, self-restraining his bad instincts more often, not surrendering to them, his lifestyle already makes that too easy, I def. believe he would benefit with a Ruth or a Tata on his side, he needs emotional security and comfort to balance the chaos around and within him, which this concept/system wouldn’t bring to him at all. So, yes, I'm inclined to agree with you. It's true the show gave him f*ckboy vibes djdjsjsj, but again, I don't see in Món the kind of guy to pull off this kind of rls, you have to be a particular kind of guy to pull it off (and to me guys like that are a huge red flag) I don't see even Miguel Ángel pulling it off, and he's infinitely more mature, pragmatic, business-oriented and closed off with his emotions than Món is or ever would be. Ramón is all emotions, so he might f*ck around, but once he got older and/or fell in love with a woman, in my mind, he'd fall hard, and those feelings of jealousy, protectiveness, and deep caring for sure would magnify with him, an attachment would be created there, an emotional bond which sex would only make it stronger tbh, and you can bet he wouldn’t be able to separate all that, (most of us can’t and again I don’t think that’s a bad thing) so even if he and the woman agreed to do open rl thing, and they talked about it, even so subconsciously, understandably, he'd still think and see her as HIS mujer, or MORE HIS mujer than any other guy, and it's likely the other guy/guys would think the same, too, and even the mujer in question regarding other women with him, and any contradiction to this would give rise to trouble, esp. for Món, he'd feel upset, and eventually, very soon, he'd just go off, it doesn't matter what he said, what she said, words are words, feelings are feelings. A lot of things are great in theory, but awful in practice imo, and when it comes to human beings, we're such a mess of feelings and thoughts, we like to pretend we aren't and that we are in total control of our emotions all the time, but that’s not correct, and it sure doesn't apply for Ramón hahaha. As far as serious rls goes, I'll say the closed one is the only way to go with him, I think it's the least bad, destructive path for all parties involved. Sure, problems would still occur, life is full of problems, relationships are hard, and nothing is perfect (well, maybe chocolate and tequila are 💓) and it's possible he would cheat after a while, it's also possible he wouldn't, or it would be one slip up here and there, and then he would just follow Mín's path like we talked about in other asks about this topic, I can see both of these scenarios happening, but even with the cheating scenario, imo that's still a better scenario than the one above with the open rls .And I think ultimately the choice would rest with the woman, if she could make her peace with that, knowing the viejas mean nothing to him and knowing the place she occupies in his life and his heart, I suppose it would be up to Món to make that clear and I think he would honestly. And If we’re talking marriage here, then she would be the wife, the mother of the children they have, the partner he loves and respects, (the one he would die for if necessary), when things get serious she’s his top priority, she’s the one he worries about, the one he wants to provide and protect, all of that stuff. Would that be enough? for some women it is, for others it’s not, so it’s a personal choice in the end, but still as far as I understood his character and the world he lives in, those are the options, in my mind it’s either something similar to Pablo and Tata or Mín and Ruth, anything other than that it’s just asking for double problems and bad things to occur, it’s a firm negative for me, too anon. PS: Can I just add I would pay to see a TV series, 18+ mex telenovela that it would be Món in this kind of rl/marriage?? like oh my god, the drama, the family drama, the heated arguments, the passive-agressive behavior, the sex, the violence !!!!  CHAPO'S JOKES ABOUT IT !!!!! I'm already laughing just imagining 😂😂😂, now that’s a show ok, and it’s my kind of show and it would be sooo entertaining to watch, even if I also felt sad for our Móncito lol.
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glitterblazercalum · 4 years
seventeen questions, and a much lower number of people game! thank you to sam ( @tirednotflirting) and cam ( @haikucal ) for tagging me! love lives in the -am names <3 
nickname: well,,, iba is a nickname to begin with. my best friend will try telling you that I wanted people to call me riri in fifth grade but she’s lying don’t listen to her
zodiac: libra sun/ virgo moon/ scorpio rising, and I finally have a tentative grasp on what this means thanks to mel! thank u mel I love u <3
height: like so tall. so so tall. if u consider 5′ 1 and a half tall
hogwarts house: this question keeps me up at night honestly. I’ve taken the full test twelve times and gotten slytherin six times and ravenclaw six times. I think I definitely used to be very identifiably slytherin but in one of my many existential crises over the topic I realized I’ve kinda lost some of my ambition,,, so uh... yeah let’s not get that deep. how about u all Perceive me instead,, do u think I’m more ravenclaw or slytherin?
last thing I googled: like cam, I always clear out my search history but I currently have a tab open for “can drones be used to deliver blood” bc I thought I was on to something but apparently this already exists and has been in use for a while   :(((( not as innovative as I thought I was
song stuck in my head: nice to meet ya by niall horan,,, uh no explanation really
number of followers: 55 we are a baby blog here at glitterblazercalum headquarters
amount of sleep: ha. hahahaha. what a great joke. three and a half hours usually, although I try to be in bed for at least four-five hours. BUT when I get super duper tired, either physically or emotionally, I am able to pass the fuck out and sleep for like fifteen hours at once
lucky number: well I don’t think any number is lucky per se but my favorite number is 13 for two reasons: it’s the day I was born and I like to be contrary to the ppl who are like “oooh thirteen is unlucky” like bitch my sixteenth birthday was on friday the thirteenth in spooky month I guess I’m just too powerful for u
dream job: I’ll do u one better I’ll give you my entire career plan: first, I graduate a year early and get my master’s in the year that I save. next, I apply to law school, get in,  and study intellectual property law and health policy. next, I become a kickass IP and health law lawyer. eventually, I will weasel my way into the supreme court and become the first muslim supreme court justice. but like, tomorrow I might decide I hate that plan and decide to become a surgeon or something idk
wearing: a shirt with obnoxiously flared sleeves I just keep whacking things by accident
favorite instrument: hmmm... probably piano? one of my best friends plays and one of my favorite memories from when we were a little younger is being at her house and letting her play me to sleep after I had been having a really bad day at home. honorable mention goes to any form of trumpet/ horn especially if it’s being played by jj from ajr <3
aesthetic: I have no idea what my aesthetic is I’m just going to do what bella did and list things I like: giant libraries late at night, neon lights bouncing off of my friends’ laughing faces, running across a room in stilettos, grand staircases and chandeliers, mosaic tiles in mediterranean houses, completely full legal pads with pages falling out, late night deep dives into random subjects, hearing my name announced for first place at debate tournaments, baking with my friends and it devolving into a competition for who can get the most flour and sugar on the others, bright laughter and twinkly smiles, curling up in a cozy armchair with the fire roaring when we’re snowed in, people talking to me about things they love and getting passionate and throwing hand gestures everywhere, people letting ME talk about things I’m passionate about, the split second of intense anticipation before the roller coaster shoots downwards, perfectly heading a soccer ball into the goal, watching the sunset and sunrise from my roof, and losing my voice after a debate tournament because I know that means I gave it my all. 
favorite author: this is just a dumb variation of “favorite book” and I refuse to answer both on the basis that I CAN’T make decisions. 
favorite animal noise: bro idk I guess a cat purring? I have very little experience with animals. 
random: apparently when my little brother was born and I was first brought to meet him  the first thing I did was ask the nurse who was in the room if we could return him
I have legitimately no idea who has or hasn’t done this I’m very sorry but my excuse is that I was avoiding tumblr anyways I guess I’ll tag @ashesonthefloor @cthlftv @calumcest @mashlums @blackbutterfliescal  @ashtcnirwin and anyone else who wants to do it!! oh also @clumsyclifford bc cam’s right annoying u is fun <3
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hwangskz · 4 years
in another life (pt. 1) | soulmate! minho
part 1 of the uwma! au series !!!! i was so excited to get this up bcs, if u hadn't realised alrdy, i LOVE uwma with my entire heart :( (ps if any of u watch any bls or even just uwma pls hmu thank u) and pls read this post b4 or after ur done reading this fic so u don't get confused in the next part!! +++ tw suicide !
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• "y/n….do u like him?"
• ur automatically reminded of the time u first met
• u remember it as clear as day
• u both had taken film as ur major and on the first day, ur college held a lil gathering
• u picked up the nearest headband and read it's label
• 'belle'
• so….were u supposed to find ur beast now???? JSGSSHE THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID
• "10 seconds to find ur partner!!!!"
• u looked around bcs u were NOT standing in front of that huge crowd, later trying to find ur partner
• when a boy caught ur eyes
• he stood on the side, his hand limply holding the blue headband as he looked around
• and he looked ?? sad :( ??
• "last 5 seconds!!!"
• u turned around one last time and ?? EVERYONE HAD FOUND THEIR PARTNERS ALREADY??
• so u RAN towards that boy
• and caught him off guard as u pulled him down to sit on the ground as the announcer continued talking and giving out future tasks 
• "hey."
• "???"
• wow this boy is worse than YOU at communicating
• "are u sure we're partners??"
• "..."
• "right, yea. i was the one who dragged u..haha..sorry.."
• so u pulled his hand up to view his headband
• 'prince adam'
• u probably looked really confused rn bcs u just made the guy speak up
• "beast."
• u looked up, OBVIOUSLY confused
• this new voice box working??? wonder whose it is
• ":o huh?????"
• he sighed and held it up for u
• thank u nameless boy bcs ur hands kinda WERE getting tired JDKHD
• "prince adam is the real name of the prince in disney's beauty and the beast."
• ":OOO REALLY???? wait but how do u know"
• "..... google?"
• "... RIGHT sorry haha"
• even after the lil gathering ended and u got to go to ur class
• ur mind was still thinking abt the guy
• u probably didn't even notice u had entered the class w that DULL ASS look until
• "ouc- WHO THE F-???????"
• "still in ur dreams?? lmao dumbass"
• "this group needed the following of a sane person so im here too. hello to u too, y/n"
• "MISS YEJI??? PEOPLE THAT I KNOW AND CHERISH????? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ OMG HELLO TO U TOO"
• and there it was, once again, ryujin trying to get ur over affectionate ass off of her as yeji laughs 
• and when u take a seat
• u can't help but follow the movements of the boy who enters the class
• his moves aren't rushed; they seem calm. too calm.
• and that's when u hear all the whispers around u
• "is that blood on his shirt? is he already following in his dad's footsteps?"
• ‘what footsteps?’
• "i heard he dragged his partner today for the freshman gathering today?"
• ‘but i was the one who dragged him..then how-’
• "y/n?"
• "h-huh?" 
• yeji's third call woke u up from ur train of thoughts
• "are u ok?"
• "yea.. i'm fine. dw!!"
• "see i told u they’re thinking abt their fantasy boys and/or girls again it's fine"
• "yes y/n l/n i totally believe that"
• ur group's laughters echo in the room, along w the other friend groups'
• except for that boy who now sits in front of u
• u wonder if he's waiting for his friends
• but they never seem to show up
• even though it's alrdy been over 5 months now
• and that pretty boy in front of u is DISTRACTING u from the lesson (๑•ૅㅁ•๑) !!!!!
• and this one particular day..yeji and ryujin were absent..
• so u were kinda lonely anyways
• and hearing ppl continue to whisper abt that guy..it made u wanna talk to him again
• u don't know exactly why ?? but u did
• so u gathered up ur stuff from ur desk
• and sat at the desk next to his
• and immediately u could hear the whispers getting a bit louder
• and he ducked his head and turned towards u
• and u decided to ignore those words, and looked at him, with a bright smile on ur face
• "don't worry about them. i'm here now."
• it was something abt u
• something abt those words that made him feel some type of way
• he took in a deep breath as he looked down and then looked at u again
• "......thank you, i guess"
• u nodded and he turned towards his work
• a small smile on his face
• he had found someone
• "so?"
• ryujin asked u, bringing u back from ur flashback
•"yea..i think so.."
• yeji and ryujin sighed
• ur mind : ALERT
• IS IT BAD??? THAT U LIKE HIM???? (๑´╹‸╹`๑) ??
• "y/n...do u not know abt him..?"
• "(o゜ー゜o)??"
• they share a Look and turn towards u, worried looks on their faces
• "he's the son of a mafia... that's why ppl talk abt him in such..hushed tones..and basically isolate him"
• "and look y/n..we know that isolating him is truly bad, but maybe get a little away? from him? what if u get involved in smthg bad?"
• u...ur honestly a lil shocked
• not fully by the news that his dad is a mafia
• but by the fact that they think something bad can happen when ur with him
• with HIM
• "but it's his dad who is a mafia. he's not at all like that !! he's a bit shy, and is just scared to express himself. and don't worry, yeji. i am not going to get myself in trouble"
• they muttered an "okay" and leaned back against their chairs again
• "but wait.."
• ryujin spoke up again
• "when did u even hangout w him? enough to, well, get feelings for him?"
• "uh well..that day both of u were absent, i went and sat w him in class..then shared some of my lunch w him when i saw him on the rooftop..and kind of having been bringing him lunch and staying w him..during that time.."
• they laughed, and u could feel the tension easing away
• "never knew y/n's a dom lmao"
• "they seem like a switch tho"
• and so u did join the guy 
• (who's name u had learned to be lee minho)
• whenever u found him to be lonely
• and even tho minho seemed to be against the whole idea of u joining him all the time
• trust me he's a whole softie inside
• he just ;;;; he gets so happy whenever u come by
• and not just bring him lunch
• and not only during lunch breaks
• but all the time
• whenever he passes by u
• u always greet him, and 
• wave at him and u just feel like a shield from everyone and all the bad things everyone says and he just
• he can't thank u enough
• but it's not just that
• and he knows that
• even when he sees u coming towards him in the library
• sneaking in some food bcs it IS lunch
• so technically u ARE supposed to bring him food
• "hey !! :D"
• u take the chair in front of him
• and take out the food, both of urs, and shove his one towards him
• "WHY-"
• minho shushes u and u turn around to look if u made anyone else angry
• and perhaps...... u DID.... AJSBBE
• so u just duck ur head as an apology and the furious students go back to studying
• "why are u studying rn???? it's lunch!!!!!"
• "ok and??"
• "rest is important!!"
• "what makes u think i haven't rested enough alrdy?"
• "well i've seen u w the book the ENTIRE DAY ??"
• minho sighs, but then perks his head up
• "u..u watch me..?"
• "!! im not a STALKER-"
• minho shushes u again and ur pretty sure the other students r staring daggers at u rn JDVSJE
• "-im not a stalker,, ur in my class.. right in front of me.."
• minho chuckles silently at ur words
• "sure"
• u were flustered until u realised u just
• u just made the biggest tsundere chuckle
• c h u c k l e
• "did u just …….. chuckle at me…….."
• minho looked down, scared to meet ur eyes bcs shit ur rite
• "no…….what makes u think that………"
• u giggle at his failed attempt to delete that successful moment from ur memory
• minho smiles a little
• he was so happy
• even tho it was abt u
• even tho u had made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that u like him
• like at random times u would be like
• "damn i can't believe i fell for u"
• or
• "oh good lord!! i always try to hangout w the guy i like but he pretends to not like spending time with me!!!!!!! what did i do to deserve this !!!!!!"
• and in these situations what does minho do??
• just a bit bcs he's still under that tsundere cover JSGSJSB
• but like !!!!!!! in his defense !!!!!!!
• that too w his first ever friend..................
• little did he know he was truly so engrossed in his thoughts that he had stopped eating and had been staring at the sky above for like ??? more than 5 mins now ??
• "MINHO ???????"
• he flinched and moved away a bit at the sound of ur voice suddenly piercing his thoughts
• "w-what"
• "bitch i thought u died or smthg...u have been staring above for so long pretty sure some flies even touched ur food and it's now UNHYGIENIC"
• his eyes met urs and, as if he got some idea, he suddenly kept his lunch box away to look at u
• "wait im pretty sure the flies didn't sit on the food!!!! it was a joke-"
• minho exhaled loudly before he spoke
• "y/n?"
• "yes…?"
• "can i ask u smthg…..?"
• "sure!!"
• minho inhaled sharply before continuing
• "do u ever feel uncomfortable? when ur with me?"
• u thought for a while, before giving him a smile and answering him
• "why would i? idk if ur referring to the rumors here...or if they're supposed to be involved here but...they don't affect me. firstly, i don't even know if ur dad truly is a part of the mafia-"
• "he is."
• minho was staring at u intently, wondering how u'll respond to this
• "well, uh, nice for him? i guess? but it's him right? not u? then there's nothing to worry about."
• minho shook his head as he tried to look anywhere but at u
• "but what if u ever get in trouble? bcs of me?"
• "that's on me. not u. and if it's through u, or if u ever get in trouble or smthg-"
• u picked his hand up, holding it tightly, which seemed to catch him off guard
• "-i will protect u."
• he could do nothing but give u a soft smile, before turning his head away
• and so did u bcs damn y/n since when did u become so confident huh JDVSJE
• so u decided to go for it
• "y/n, will u be my partne-"
• u gently pecked his lips before moving away real QUICK JSGEJE
• WAS HE ABT TO CONFESS ???????????
• "i-i'm sorry….i didn't mean to-"
• and u looked up in time, only to see minho leaning in, before he connected his lips to urs
• it was a slow kiss
• it took u a while to get the fact into ur head that he's right here
• he is kissing u
• and so u snaked ur arms across his shoulders, as he held u tight, even closer
• and when u both pulled away
• both of u were flushed red
• and it did feel kinda quiet so u just
• "damn im glad we have lunch on the rooftop, huh"
• minho chuckled as he moved away
• "kinda ….. yes"
• and so for the next months u continued to tease him with this JDGSJS
• even tho yall are technically dating now uwu
• but he never tells u he likes u
• which is : frustrating
• and the fact that EVEN THO he's ur bf and u KNOW it, u continue to be curious if he even likes u :(
• so u just slam ur spoon on the table
• which makes him look up
• "what? is the ramen too spicy?"
• u shoot ur head towards him, a pout on ur face
• "do u like me?"
• ".........what"
• "u never….u have never said u like me…...and yea sure im not supposed to question this bcs ur my boyfriend and i know that but im sorry i overthink alot and it's just me saying i like u all the time but not u and i just can't help but-"
• "i …….. i like."
• "huh?"
• u shoot ur head upwards at minho, who now gets up to keep his empty bowl in ur kitchen sink, with a grin along ur face
• "u heard me."
• and u wish u could still be as happy as u were on this day
• when he first confessed
• well, half-confessed
• but u couldn't be
• even as he stood in front of u, saying that he loves u
• and he's grateful for u
• u couldn't stop the tears that continued to stream down ur cheeks
• ur eyes could only focus on the gun that he held right beside his temple
• his dad used to send people behind minho whenever u two went on a date
• "he wants me to go on w his job after he resigns" minho had once told on one of ur dates
• "do u want to?"
• "no, obviously-"
• he held ur hand in his
• "i want to be with u"
• then why
• why was he standing there, with that gun
• that stupid gun aimed at his temple?
• today while u had closed ur eyes, wishing for something, like minho had told u when he brought that birthday cake for u out of nowhere while u and minho were having ur date
• u opened ur eyes when u heard a muffled voice screaming loudly
• only to find it was minho's
• which confused u when u saw the hand covering his mouth
• but surprised u, when u saw his dad standing right behind him
• he kept pulling minho away from u
• minho yelled, tried to free himself away
• but couldn't
• until u yelled at his dad to stop
• and minho dropped on the ground, with his wrists red from being grasped so tightly
• u went on and on abt how he has made minho feel and what minho truly wants
• u had shut ur eyes out of fear
• but u had opened them to see what minho truly wants
• death ;
• an escape
• from all of this
• and so he spoke one more time
• "y/n. remember, i love you, okay? i….i'll always keep my promise."
• and then, a gunshot.
• u weren't sure if time had stopped or if it was just u frozen
• but u could only hear a beep sound going in ur ears as his body dropped on the ground
• limp.
• and at once u leapt towards him, sobbing, u fell to ur knees, ur hands grazing his cheeks and gently hitting his chest
• "y/n…. i don't know how to go on…"
• he had told u this months ago, when u guys had been dating for abt 5 months then
• "minho, we'll always be together, no matter what. i, at least, will be there for u, always."
• minho had looked at u with tears in his eyes 
• he rlly was so stupidly in love w u
• "but what if i...die...someday?"
• u sighed and turned to look at the night sky
• at least none of his dad's assistants had found out abt ur place yet
• (thankfully)
• u turned to look at him again
• "then...i'll die too."
• so that's what u were gonna do
• u searched for the pistol, as u blinked several times to focus properly
• when u finally found it, ur hands shakily reached for it
• and then as u aimed it at ur own temple
• the last part of that conversation popped into ur head again
• "then, will we meet each other in next life?"
• minho thought abt it for a few secs
• "probably"
• u nodded
• "i once heard that...when u fall for someone at first sight, it probably just means that we're recognising our partner's soul from our past life….do u think that will happen w us? do u think we'll…. we'll recognise each other?"
• "...i hope so…."
• u both let out a stifled laugh
• and so u stick ur pinky finger out, asking for his 
• "minho."
• "yes?"
• "promise me."
• "promise what?"
• "promise that…...that we'll find each other.."
• minho was abt to argue w u but seeing ur lil pout
• he had no choice but to agree
• "promise."
• and so, another gunshot was heard.
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