#gor master
gothpetgirl · 8 months
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thetearmiser · 11 months
After a hard journey with many dangers you find yourself standing just inside Master Tear's School for Wayward Slaves. It's renown driving you to make the journey. You are met by a nude woman with a neon pink band fitted loosely to her kneck. She falls to her knees, hands raised palm up well above her head stretched out to you. Sitting on them is a neatly rolled piece of parchment tied with a pink ribbon that matches the slaves collar.
The note reads....
Tal Traveler,
Please take off your coat and accept my offer of bread and salt. The pleasures of this house are yours. We have many slaves here as well as food and water.
If you would you wish to see the pens and get a sneak preview of the slaves for the block tonight please find a slave wearing a pink collar. They are owned by the house. Feel free to use them however you desire and beat them if needed.
It's a very good line up today. They have all been trained properly to serve men in all the standard ways right here in the greatest slave school in all of Gor. Dancing, cooking, cleaning, and of course in the furs. They are all red silk girls so they are fully ready to please. We will be exciting them before the block tonight. They will spend 5 minutes in a pen of male slaves before they are brought out so that they will be fully ready to be displayed.
May the pleasures of SWS serve you.
Long days and pleasant nights,
The HeadMaster
Master Tear.
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doomed-era · 6 months
one thing about gboh link i like is that no matter if its pre or post calamity if you insult horses it is over for you. insult him all you want he doesn't care but HORSE??? instant death penalty for you
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cinnabeat · 2 days
literally what was the point of hiding brains face in the beginning
#was it for the murder mystery plot#i mean#i didnt really consider him The Killer#he was just the likely option bc of process of elimination#at least for me its like well obviously it cant be ventus hes The Good Guy (LMAO)#and it cant be lauriam bc he is GENUINELY distressed about strelitzia his sister#so brain was the only one left in my eyes#i never even considered the vanitas angle in regards to ven tbh#like i never forget theyre connected#but vanitas is a whole separate character to me#and as far as we knew at this point vanitas only cane about bc master xehanort pulled them apart#and i guess you could argue that vanitas is proof that ven had the capability for darkness since the beginning#but that would involve a whole discussion about personhood and nature vs nurture that i do Not have enough tags for but just know i think th#that idea is bad and wrong#not that ven always had the capacity for murder or whatever#like ee all have a little darkness in us this has been established#we cant all be princesses of hesrt#ANYWAYS i swear im not gonna get into it rn bc i do Not have the space#but anyways the vanitas angle and all relevant theories from that never occurred to me#but if i knew about it im not sure if i would have agreed? like im not sur ei wouldve been like yeah that seems likely#if someone argued for it passionately enough i mightve been convinced tho#im a sucker gor long theory posts even if theyre too deep#anyways#why did they cover brains face for so long he wasnt even hiding anything#just being dramatic#imagine he had an eyepatch#xigbar style#i am 5 minutes into the fandub im sorry i have so many thoughts#michi tag
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letoscrawls · 1 year
I had to cancel plans for lunch with friends today because i don't even have an hour of free time in between study and work
My sister is going out with her friends and they'll have lunch in the same restaurant my friends are so i'm watching her getting ready and knowing all the people i love are eating sushi happily and without a care in the world today
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thedancingkajira · 1 year
My Master discovered something about me yesterday: I truly do love games.
The day began with a near perfect game of Kaissa. We were well matched and that match had its result in 42 moves. I lost. 42 is a significant number to some. I’ve heard it said that top authorities consider it the meaning of life.
I ended up “losing” in that I was roughly taken afterwards. Another win-win situation in my estimation. But more importantly, I learned a lot from the game.
One of the things I learned was that I play too openly. Appropriately enough, my Master declared that we would have a wager. If I won within the next two games, I could ask a confession of Him. If He won, he would ask one of me.
Asking such questions, like a good game of Kaissa, is revealing on both parties’ parts. One not only learns the confession, one learns what the one asking the confession cares about. Sometimes, the question is even more revelatory than the answer.
I’ve heard this philosophy, when translated into a strategy, called by the shadier operatives of Ar “counter intelligence.” In this case, the operative presents s certain narrative in order to discover, through its proliferation, who is listening and how they react.
One clever narrative that my Master and I have lately explored involves my continued masquerade as a Free Woman. He had me purchase all the vestments and accoutrements of that station. I like to think that I wear them well, much as I do the more fetching garments underneath them.
We will see where that particular game leads. There’s no telling about the outcome of games. The best plan always involves the change of the plan, often several times, with a clear and open mind.
I am open to all things as a slave girl. I adapt to survive and to thrive. I’ve said before that a girl must do so in order to be pleasing. I’ve also said that everyone, even Ubars, are subject to the same dynamic of variable fate. The best we can do is be the best in any given game, learn from the outcome and use that knowledge to flourish.
With change as the only constant, even victory is relative. That’s inspiration enough for every girl to face a new day with fire.
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deadwhisper · 2 years
(takes a deep breath)
I just cannot
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lonerphilosopher22 · 3 months
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"The smallest tasks in your life, how you clean your Master's leather, how you set out his clothes, how you cook, and sew, how you shop, how you clean and launder, even the tiniest and most servile tasks, all such things, will become sexual, all will become expressions of your femaleness, fitting and joyful manifestations of your worthless but helplessly proffered, gladly tendered love and service, that of only an insignificant slave."
Mercenaries of Gor
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gothpetgirl · 7 months
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msallurea · 10 months
Things I'm manifesting
-Everything from my notes/Dream life (this just basically everything😭)
-Dream face
-Dream body
-Lighter prettier eyes
-Caramel brown skin (think goldenbih)
-Being 5'1 in a half + weighing 110lbs
-Smaller prettier feet, hands, toes, nails
-3b curls/perfect hair
-Lighter hair with caramel highlights
-Freckles + Beauty marks
-Natural makeup appearance
-Dream wardrobe/Fashion/Aesthetic
-Dream mansion + living in luxury city
-Being famous/celebrity/superstar/popstar
-Desired talents/talented at everything
-Being an it girl + sex symbol + muse + vixen (yall get it 😭)
-Being master manifestor + perfect pretty self concept (even tho technically I already am this its just like why not? Ya know😭)
-Dream parents/family + Being an only child (I'm sick of this sibling shit 😒) + radiate and embody hot older sister energy (just cuz I don't wanna be a older sister no more doesn't mean i dont still want the energy😭)
-Prettier handwriting +top notch writing skills/communication skills/over the top intelligence/stupidly high IQ(basically just the brainsy gyal)
-perfect 50/50 HD eye sight + looking hot asf in any pair of glasses (I wanna not be blind but still be fine)
-Prettier whiter teeth and pinker tongue and gums and just dental/mouth in general + OP top notch hygiene skills (I feel people who have bipolar depression understand this part)
-better mental health + no mental health issues + no anxiety/fearful etc
- balanced hormones + increased estrogen(as a girl I have wayy too much testosterone n I've been insecure about it for years)
-perfect coochani + OP coochanini skills (ummm so this is just self explanatory but honestly if yk yk 😭)
-Naturally smell like my desired scent (which is basically like a bakery n just so deliciously annoyingly sweet and seductive; but remember how I said I have too much testosterone gor my body to handle yea..ifykyk😭)
-No more sweating (I don't sweat excessive I just hate it period)
-top notch crystal clean health + no more constipation + no longer pooping n its healthy (ik somebody gon question me but those who suffer from severe constipation especially for me its been my whole life u understand where I'm coming from)
- desired voice + accent + unique lingo n slang etc
-Desired personality + persona + aura + vibe etc etc
-super flexibility skills
-unbearably photogenic videogenic audiogenic + always looking perfect naturally
-Desired school, friends, lover, etc + school it girl
-Speak/know already desired languages
-drivets license, car, motorcycle, etc etc
-Be intimidatingly wealthy (when I say wealthy I mean WEALTHYYYYY) + come from a family of aristocrats + wealthy generational family in general (yall know what I'm tryna say) + luxury etc etc
-Revised life and childhood
-Dream singing + rapping skills + song writing etc
-Good in all sports like frfr just good at everything (basically the perfect it girl)
-Be a Gazillion times better then Kokomi teruhashi (not tryna be self centered i promise🥲)
-Perfect life + graduation + live teenage fever dream
-Bald, completely hairless body and face (but keeping my brows, lashes and scalp hair)
It's more I just can't think of it rn but this is all I will be manifesting
How will I manifest all this?
So for me I'm not really tryna overcomplicate any more I'm just gonna go straight back to the basics n apply what I know which is choose what I desire, affirm/assume its done and persist. I already overconsumed so much and at this point it's a waste of time. I'm not really tryna do no challenges I'm just gonna focus strictly on trusting and having faith not just in myself but my imagination and subconscious thats its done n taken care of, I'll give yall updates on anything that happens soon! I love you guyssss💗💗💗
Affirmations I'll be using
-I have all of my desires from my notes
-I am living my dream life
-it is done
-I choose to live my new story, my old story no longer exist
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averagehorrorgirl · 5 months
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-> Forged in War <- Tags: Spoiler for roughly 4 episodes of The Clone Wars, violence, let me know if I missed any! Synopsis: You unfortunately are paired with General Grievous at the request of your master, Count Dooku. He knows the two of you combined will result in devastating casualties, only he couldn't predict his apprentice falling for his metal General. Author's Note: I kinda rushed this so sorry if it's trash
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Due to the quick escape from the crumbling Malevolence, you were shoved into Grievous's starfighter sitting in front of him like some youngling. You bit the inside of your cheek as you watch the stars outside the ship. Anger and frustration bubbled inside of you, of course you understand why your master assigned you to the general but that didn't mean you had to like him. Every time the two of you crossed paths you had to resist the urge to throw him against the wall with the force. As you continue to pout about your defeat against the republic Grievous growls behind you that sent shivers down your spine as he answers a transmission from Dooku. You instantly downturn your eyes since you are unable to bow before your master, Grievous - you sense is irritated just stares right at him.
"Yes, my lord?" The mechanical general asks.
"Hello master" you say with respect in your tone.
Dooku hums as he looks at you and then to Grievous, "General, the ongoing stalemate in the war has become unacceptable. There is concern that you have lost your focus. Lord Sidious demands more dramatic results."
As Dooku speaks you glance up at Grievous who narrows his molten yellow eyes at the hologram of Dooku. Anger and frustration pouring off of him.
"-More dead Jedi" Dooku says sternly.
"You expect victory over Jedi but all you give me to fight them is battle droids!" He growls again in frustration before slamming his metal claws down onto the console hanging up the transmission with Dooku.
You meet his gaze as you speak almost in a whisper against Grievous's ire. "There is a disturbance within the force, stay alert."
Grievous's eyes stay locked with yours almost weighing what you are saying before he begins to descend down the planet's surface.
After questioning Grievous on why the two of you are here you quickly discover that Grievous took you to his home. 'Of course, the only man to ever take you home was a murderous cyborg.' Grievous throws his massive black cape on draping over his shoulders as he coughs slightly before he tells you to follow him. You nod and fall in line beside him looking all over the place as Grievous calls out to something called Gor.
Suddenly the force bombards your head as you groan in discomfort, "Grievous, the Jedi, they're here" You summon your lightsaber in your hand as you shake your head to clear your head.
Grievous watches you before he turns and takes another step before two Jedi and a squad of clones appear with their headlights on momentarily blinding both of you.
You ignite your red lightsaber as the green tailheaded Jedi spoke "Welcome home, General, I didn't know you had friends. I'm afraid I must request the two of you to surrender. Cooperate and perhaps the senate will be merciful."
You prepare to fight the Jedi as you hear Grievous chuckle almost as if this is all a joke to him as he reaches for his own sabers that are from dead Jedi. "It is you who will have no mercy."
As if that's your que you instantly dash towards the youngest of the two Jedi bringing down your saber with great force. Your sith eyes bore into his as the young Mon Calamari looks at you with a familiar sensation. That of the Darkside. "You will fall young Jedi. To my blade" you laugh maniacal at him before you twist out of the way of his blade. The sound of cables hitting metal tore you out of your power fueled fight as you watch the clones anchor their cables into the metal beams of Grievous's legs. You quickly ignore the younger Jedi and sprint over towards the general as the older Jedi cuts his legs causing Grievous to crash to the floor. "Grievous!" You shout as you force push the Jedi away from him quickly cutting the lines that held the General in place. Grievous using his four arms quickly crawls away as you force choke two clones out crushing their windpipes as you throw their now lifeless bodies into their comrades. Sprinting after Grievous you slice through two more clones before you catch up to the general as he puts in some form of passcode into the metal door. Once the two of you are through the door and the power of the force and adrenaline wear away you notice you have a blaster bolt gash on your arm. You shrug, it gives you more power anyway there is no reason to bind it. You take a deep breath to calm yourself before you find Grievous with a droid that was back talking him. 'Impressive, must be an important droid or Grievous would've smashed him' You continue into Grievous's command center looking at the many cameras throughout his house watching the remaining clones and two Jedi. You chuckle to yourself as you push some buttons putting the house into lockdown. You can sense the groups dread through the force as you push more buttons causing the floor to collapse as one more clone perishes. You project yourself in front of them via hologram. "I thought the Jedi had better manners then to break into someone's home."
"We thought the Sith had a better apprentice then a mere child." The younger Jedi snarked back.
You snarl towards the two of them "I will kill you Jedi and mount your sabers on my wall!" You slam down on the control panel causing the hologram to disappear. Your anger pumps through your veins before a familiar cough followed by your name pulls you out of it.
"Y/N" Grievous calls for you.
Almost in shame you walk before the General who laid on his back while the droid repaired him. "Yes General?" You keep your eyes to the floor.
"You have my thanks, Y/N."
Your eyes look up towards his as he held your stare for a while as you give him a nod, "the Jedi are in Gor's arena once you are able to move." You quickly hurry out of the room leaning against the cool metal of the wall closing your eyes to rest, allowing your memory to never forget the molten stare.
Your eyes snap open at the familiar sound of metal upon metal. Grievous sat in his chair pressing some buttons before you hear the smashing of electronics. Gor is dead, the essence within the force is gone. You walk behind Grievous's chair to offer condolences before Dooku's hologram pops up on the transmitter. You bow your head out of respect to your master.
"Y/N, General I understand the Jedi have infiltrated your lair. Your recent defeats at their hands have shaken my faith in both of your abilities to lead the droid army." Dooku states plainly. A pang of betrayal sits within your stomach as you look at Grievous who glares menacingly towards Dooku as he continues to speak. "I'm sure you can understand my need to reassess the two of your effectiveness."
Grievous speaks first, "You! You deactivated my guards, you let the Jedi in here so you would test us!"
Dooku smirks "I do hope the two of you emerge victorious"
Grievous enraged presses a button hanging up on Dooku's transmission before turning to you, "we'll play his little game."
You hold his stare of determination, you never really noticed how much emotions his eyes really held but you find yourself getting lost within them. "Tonight, we will have two dead Jedi at our feet" you smirk at him. The two of you begin to walk out of the command center as the younger of the two Jedi begins to attack you separating you from Grievous and the older Jedi who was now fighting the General.
Blue and red clash against one another as you use the force to rip a pipe of the wall and take out the Jedi's leg. The young Jedi groans in pain as he gets up clashing his saber with yours once more. He grazes your other arm with his saber causing you to hiss in pain. A smug look crosses his features as you snarl at him lifting him off the ground with the force slowly choking him before you bring his head down forcefully onto the metal floor. For extra measure you stab him through his chest with your red lightsaber. Inhaling through your nose you use the force to take the young Jedi's saber and begin running towards Grievous and the older Jedi - using the force to guide you to their location. Once you reach the landing platform it's completely fogged in and you hear Grievous growl in frustration as he scans the fog to no avail. You calm you breathing and close your eyes using the force to sense out the other Jedi, Grievous in the mean time begins to swirl his lightsabers around his body.
Your eyes open quickly as you force leap behind the general igniting your saber just in time to clash against the Jedi's as he begins to speak to the two of you. "You might have been a proud warriors once, but now you're just a pawns in Dooku's game."
Grievous chuckles darkly, "we wield great power, Jedi fool."
The Jedi's eyes glance to your belt noticing the younger Jedi's saber there he uses the force to rip it from you igniting it in his hand. "That power will only consume you."
Almost instantly the Jedi darts towards Grievous who quickly countered his saber attack, you circle in behind the Jedi forcing him to defend his back and his front. The Jedi's saber sparks from coming close to Grievous's chest plate before he uses the force to push him down into the ground. Grievous glares at the Jedi as you use the force to send the Jedi flying towards the cliff edge. Both Grievous and you walk towards the cornered Jedi lightsabers ignited as a unified front as the general speaks. "How quickly power can change hands. Surrender, and I promise you will die quickly."
You smirk twirling your red lightsaber in your hand as you watch the Jedi sheath his saber with a half grin before he backflips into his fighter and begins to fly away. Quickly you outreach your hand attempting to stop the ship with the force but it merely wiggles a bit before it flies off. You slump your shoulders defeated as you begin to walk back into Grievous's lair avoiding his bright yellow eyes that bore into the back of your skull.
Grievous follows behind you as you come face to face with a hologram of your master. You bow to him as Grievous speaks for the two of you. "Count Dooku, the Jedi have been defeated."
Dooku looks at you almost unimpressed before he speaks, "victory over the clones and the young Jedi was expected, but to best a Jedi Master...this is truly an accomplishment worthy of recognition."
"The Jedi Fisto escaped." Grievous replied with a hint of something within his voice as he looks at you, almost as if he's taking the fall.
Dooku narrowed his eyes between the two of you "so there is room for improvement" he threatens before the hologram disappears.
Grievous growls menacingly as you stand to your full height, "thank you, for what you said to Dooku." You bow your head towards the general.
Grievous just looks at you with his golden reptilian eyes, but not with hatred, something different, before he turns around and leaves.
You smile fondly at the memory as you watch the space fight through the glass of the command ship, the republic ships were crumbling quickly due to the surprise attack. You give a small smirk as you turn to the general who sat in the command chair, staring at you with his molten eyes.
"Be careful when you board, Grievous." You say to him as he rises from his spot.
He stops walking for a moment, his back facing you almost as if he's unsure what to say. "Stay in the command center Y/N." He says as he continues to walk.
You sigh but follow his orders watching over the various monitors within the command system. Everything seemed to be going according to plan with the battle as you feel a force essence closing in on you, instinctively you summon your lightsaber to your hand before you hear Grievous chuckle dragging an almost lifeless Jedi. "We have a little message to give to our Jedi come, stand beside me Y/N." You raise your brow at his odd request but follow through, Grievous punches some codes into the transmitter before he begins to speak making sure the transmission has the two of you plus the barely alive Jedi at your feet. You and Grievous got very good at giving commands to each other without even speaking so when your eyes met you let him know your ready to do your part. You raise your hand towards the half dead Jedi and begin to raise him from the floor and lightly force choke him, enough to be painful but not enough to kill him.
Grievous returns your nod as he begins to speak "Greetings, Jedi. It would seem, once again, one of your Order has lost his way. And even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council. Listen to us, Jedi, we do not care about your politics." Grievous gives you a look telling you to make him suffer. You use the force and break one of the Jedi's arms causing him to scream in pain as Grievous begins to talk again. "We do not care about your Republic. We only live to see you die." Grievous backs away from you slightly as you use the force to slam Master Koth into the metal ground of the ship causing him to whimper in pain. "But death will not come so easily for Master Koth. We will make him suffer endlessly, because we know that is more painful for you all." Grievous finishes his speech with a manically laughter before he hangs up the transmission and picks up Master Koth throwing him into a confinement field on the bridge.
Passion flowed through your veins as you smile up evilly towards Master Koth, it's been a while since you outright tortured someone. You could feel Grievous taking in your form from where he stood but you didn't turn to face him, you knew the Jedi were coming for their comrade.
Time Skip
You smirk as you turn away from Koth and come face to face with Anakin Skywalker and Adi Gallia. "So the Jedi came crawling out of their holes at last." You chuckle darkly as you summon your lightsaber igniting the red blade before them.
Anakin smirked "looks like Grievous left his pet in her cage."
You press your comm link on your arm alerting Grievous that the Jedi have infiltrated the bridge. You take a step back and raise your hand coursing the force through your fingertips in the form of force lightning towards Koth to wriggled and screamed in pain. "This pet has more bite then you do Jedi."
The two Jedi take no time in attacking you one on each side as you begin to parry their saber attacks. You twist and turn avoiding their blades, using the force to chuck things towards them that they cut in half. As the fighting continues with neither side wining nor loosing you begin to tire, seeing your own actions becoming sloppy as you raise your arm close to your face as you continue to deflect their saber attacks. "Grievous I need help in the bridge I can't hold them much longer" you practically beg the general as you miss a block against Anakin as he slices his saber through your thigh causing a deep cauterized cut. You scream as you fall to the ground defeated as Adi cut down Koth but Anakin looked down at you with hatred in his eyes. He waits until the two other Jedi left the bridge before he picks you up with the force and slams you against the glass of the bridge.
"Doesn't feel so good now does it Y/N?" He asks you darkly.
Your sith eyes bore into his refusing to give him the satisfaction that he caused you great pain. "I'm not afraid of death Skywalker" you grit through your bloodied teeth.
Anakin chuckles before he picks you up with the force again and throws you with all his might against the metal of the ship. You definitely felt numerous bones break as you feel your own blood on your skin. "If it was up to me I'd kill you right here, but from what Kenobi tells me Grievous is on his way here right now."
You weakly roll over facing your comm link "Grievous don't come to the bridge it's a trap...get out...while you still can."
You hear Grievous growl into the comm link "stay awake Y/N I'm almost there."
Your vision edges begin to darken as you watch Skywalker smirk as he ignites his lightsaber at Grievous storming into the bridge, a look of horror quickly crosses his eyes before he ignites his sabers and begins circling Anakin. "Skywalker" he growls towards the Jedi as he purposely continues circling him. He's putting himself in between you and Anakin. The two begin to fight each other but Grievous is worn out from his fight with Kenobi, he's no match for Anakin. You flutter in and out of consciousness as you see Skywalker pin Grievous. You use the last bit of strength you had to shock Anakin away from him before you pass out.
You were gravely wounded and awoke in Grievous's arms as he sprinted into a droid landing ship. You couldn't make out anything outside of the jerking of the landing craft. You barely recognized the inside of an escape pod as you fell unconscious again feeling Grievous worried eyes on your form.
You could feel the warmth of your own blood in between your fingers followed by a metal talon creasing your cheek. Everything hurt as you barely open your eyes, the brightness of whatever planet you crash landed on instantly giving you a migraine. You felt dirt beneath your body and the cold metal of the escape pod behind you. Your eyes quickly lock with Grievous who looked down at you with his towering frame. You attempt to move out of your spot hissing in pain, it was only then you realized you were wrapped in his famous black and red cloak. "Don't try and move little one it will only make it worse."
You blink, your breath quickens keeping your eyes locked on him as if your brain refused to believe what Grievous just said - and now sweet he said it. "I-I can fight" you attempt to move again only to collapse back against the metal and a rush of blood escapes your fingers.
Grievous growls at you lowly narrowing his eyes at you before he quickly scopes up your body in one arm, keeping one free in case he needed his saber. "Stay with me little one, stay with me." His voice once again becomes faded as your breath becomes shallow and you fall into unconsciousness once again.
When you awoke you were still wrapped in the generals cloak and in his one arm nestled against his metal chest. Your blood stained the metal as you blink a few times to focus your eyes. You were riding some strange beast while the droids walked on either side of it. Grievous growled to one of the droids "we should be there by now!"
The droid who barely had any power left looks down at the data pad "we are, sir, there, almost"
You giggle quietly to which Grievous glanced your way as he continues to berate the battle droids. "You better be interpreting the coordinates correctly!" Almost subconsciously Grievous tightens his hold on your frame.
As the droid begins to shut down another one grabs the data pad from it. "We're almost there, sir. One klick out. Straight ahead."
Grievous just growls in annoyance as that droid powers down as the beast moves forward, "I'm....totally stealing this....cloak from you when we...get back to the ship." You mumble weakly with a small smile up towards Grievous.
He looks down at you again with that look that you can never place before your wounds and your hold on the force slips back into darkness.
When you awoke again you were on the ground, back against the metal of the escape pod with Grievous and the droids creating a protective circle around you. You heard the familiar sound of blaster bolts being fired all around you, the sound of republic tanks walking, a speratist shuttle attempting to land, and of the igniting of lightsabers as Kenobi and Grievous clash sabers. Kenobi sees you as your eyes widen in horror "oh how the mighty sith have fallen" the Jedi snarks as he begins to attack Grievous.
The general made sure to keep himself between you and Kenobi as he kicks Kenobi away. "Forget trying to land!" He shouts orders at the droids in the ship above. He quickly scopes you up quickly in one arm once again shooting a cable to the base of the ship as it begins to fly off. The clones begin to shoot at the two of you as you barely pull your arm out from under the cloak and deflect the bolts with your own red lightsaber before your chest heaves with exhaustion.
You continued to flutter in and out of consoinceness still nestled in the generals chest, his one arm craddling you like you were the most precious thing in the galaxy. You felt your legs sway in the air as if you weighed nothing. The next thing you aware of is the medical droids poking and proding at you. You could feel the sting of bacta patches as you rolled your head to side your eyes locking with a pacing General Grievous. His hands were touching your blood that stained his chest plate before he growls and continues to pace. You reach your hand out to him instantly stopping his pacing as his molten eyes look at you. "Grievous" you mumble towards him, to which he inched closer to your body. You place your hand on his chest and the fearsome general froze.
Captivated by what you did he closes his eyes for a moment before they snap open motioning towards the cloak that laid under you "you may keep it little one." He says lowly towards you as if trying to distract himself; but his thought betray him.
You give a weak smile as the medical droids continue their work "your thoughts betray you Grievous." You take a shakey deep breath closing your eyes momentarily to ignore the pain you felt all over before you opened them again. "For the first time in my life, I was scared to die. I was scared to die before I got to tell you that I understand." Grievous tilted his head slightly placing his metal talons over your hand that remained on his chest. "It was forged in war Grievous - I care for you and I will lay my life down to prove that to you."
Grievous doesn't respond for a bit as he processes what he heard from you. He leans down over your frame and places his faceplate against your forehead - his verison of a kiss. "I will protect you little one, always."
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hanzajesthanza · 7 months
it really does matter so much that fringilla vigo is nilfgaardian, beauclairoise, for many reasons, but let's start here:
her entire role is that of an illusionist; one which she would not be were it not for her family lineage, rooted in beauclair:
There was a corridor in Beauclair Palace, and at the end a chamber, the existence of which no one knew about. (...) The corridor and the chamber, disguised by a powerful illusion, were known only to the palace’s original elven builders. And later–when the elves had gone, and Toussaint became a duchy–to the small number of sorcerers linked to the ducal house. Including Artorius Vigo, a master of magical arcana and great specialist in illusions. And his young niece, Fringilla, who had a special talent for illusions.
and since her talent in illusions is well-defined in the series, as it is her who grants geralt the very silver-mounted chrysoprase amulet which saves his life in the final fight against vilgefortz:
Geralt clenched Fringilla��s medallion in his fist. The bar fell with a clang, striking the floor a foot from the Witcher’s head. Geralt rolled away and quickly got up on one knee. Vilgefortz leaped forward and struck. The bar missed the target again by a few inches. The sorcerer shook his head in disbelief and hesitated for a second. (...) ‘I didn’t know …’ Yennefer said at last, scrambling out of a pile of rubble. She looked terrible. The blood trickling from her nose had poured all over her chin and cleavage. ‘I didn’t know you could cast illusory spells,’ she repeated, seeing Geralt’s uncomprehending gaze, ‘capable even of deceiving Vilgefortz.’ ‘It’s my medallion.’ ‘Aha.’ She looked suspicious. ‘A curious thing...’
that talent is something which cannot, by far, be separated from her character. and returning back to her lineage, it is again her familial relations which place her in beauclair.
she was positioned there, ready to intercept geralt, as early as the autumnal equinox in september, by which time geralt had barely just left the town of riedbrune:
The world over, the autumn Equinox was a night of spectres, nightmares and apparitions, a night of sudden, suffocating awakenings, fraught with menace, among sweat-soaked and rumpled sheets. Neither did the most illustrious escape the apparitions and awakenings; (...) In the huge castle of Montecalvo the sorceress Philippa Eilhart leaped from damask sheets, without waking the Comte de Noailles’ wife. The dwarf Yarpen Zigrin in Mahakam, the old witcher Vesemir in the mountain stronghold of Kaer Morhen, the bank clerk Fabio Sachs in the city of Gors Velen and Yarl Crach an Craite on board the longboat Ringhorn all awoke more or less abruptly. The sorceress Fringilla Vigo came awake in Beauclair Castle*, as did the priestess Sigrdrifa of the temple of the goddess Freyja on the island of Hindarsfjall.
* Slight correction - As explained in Chapter 3 of Lady of the Lake, Beauclair is not a castle, but a palace.
and she's only invited to beauclair in such a capacity because she is a relative of the duchess:
‘I’m in Beauclair because the largest, best-stocked library in the known world is here. Apart from university libraries, naturally. But universities are jealous of giving access to their shelves, and here I’m a relation and good friend of Anarietta and can do as I wish.’
(whom, you may note, she stands by and jointly receives geralt with at their first meeting, and participates in the festival of the vat with)
and therefore, she was in a perfectly strategic position to delay geralt, keep him captive:
‘(...) Please at least tell us … has the Witcher calmed down now? Are you capable of keeping him in Toussaint at least until May?’ (…) ‘No,’ she answered at last. ‘Probably not until May. But I’ll do everything in my power to keep him here as long as possible.’
because fringilla is not just an illusionist literally, as in the magic she is naturally gifted at, but 'illusionist' is her entire identity as a character.
and as her family hails from beauclair, this specific identity is compounded with the fact that beauclair itself is the center of illusions, a dreamland, a fairytale:
‘There’s something bewitched about this place, this fucking Toussaint. Some kind of charm hangs over the whole valley. Especially over the palace (...) no two ways about it, there’s something bewitched about this bloody Toussaint.’
fringilla is an illusionist because she is beauclairoise. she not only hails from a long line of illusionists, but hails from, is related to the ruler of, the very city of illusions and dreams.
she is the illusionist not just in a literal sense, but in the entire narrative role of casting an illusion over our hero, because it is the illusion of love which keeps her and geralt in beauclair. (the tricky trick is that geralt, taking a page out of yennefer's playbook of seduction, cleverness, patience, was able to cast an illusion upon the mistress of illusions herself, free himself from the witch's spell, awake from a pleasant dream to face the harsh reality).
(sighs) and even if you want to forget fringilla's beauclairoise identity and erase her entire positioning as the illusionist which poses a threat to our heroes, entices them to complacency, her role as nilfgaardian in the sense of her academic identity and imperial service also defines her.
because it is also fringilla, the illusionist who casts the wool over people's eyes... who blinded yennefer at sodden hill.
‘We’ve already met,’ Yennefer spoke again. ‘I don’t recall,’ Fringilla said without looking away. ‘I’m not surprised. But I have a good memory for faces and figures. I saw you from Sodden Hill.’ ‘In which case there can be no mistake,’ Fringilla Vigo said and raised her head proudly, sweeping her eyes over all those present. ‘I was at the Battle of Sodden.’ (...) ‘Occasionally one happens to see another person for only a split second, right before going blind, and one takes a dislike to them instantly.’ ‘Oh, enmity is considerably more complicated,’ Fringilla said, squinting. ‘Imagine someone you don’t know at all standing at the top of a hill, and ripping a friend of yours to shreds in front of your eyes. You neither saw them nor know them at all, but you still don’t like them.’ ‘So it goes,’ Yennefer said, shrugging. (...)
fringilla's (proud!) participation at the battle of sodden is a crux of the lodge, because she alongside her good friend, the scholarly assire, they are nilfgaardians who, owing to their nationality, find challenges meshing with the northern sorcereresses. the lodge brought together representatives of magic across nationalities in the midst of a raging, bloody war between them all.
and it's so integral to fringilla's character that she has imperial biases, that she approaches even the international lodge with an imperialist view.
with no factual basis, she initially exotifies and sexualizes the northern sorceresses, despite her own prior denial of these base stereotypes:
Fringilla Vigo was putting on a brave face, but she was anxious and stressed. She herself had often reprimanded young Nilfgaardian mages for uncritically yielding to stereotypical opinions and notions. She herself had regularly ridiculed the crude image painted by gossip and propaganda of the typical sorceress from the North: artificially beautiful, arrogant, vain and spoiled to the limits of perversion, and often beyond them. (...) Her untrammelled imagination offered up images of impossibly gorgeous women with diamond necklaces resting on naked breasts with rouged nipples, women with moist lips and eyes glistening from the effects of alcohol and narcotics. In her mind’s eye Fringilla could already see the gathering becoming a wild and depraved orgy accompanied by frenzied music, aphrodisiacs, and slaves of both sexes using exotic accessories.
she even has a difficult time understanding why the northern sorceresses are upset about the nilfgaardian invasion, believing it to be a boon to their society. only through their discussion does she just barely begin to grasp the meaning of "invasion" and why she wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it:
Some were clearly anxious about the close proximity of Nilfgaard. Fringilla had mixed feelings. She had assumed that such educated people would understand that the Empire was bringing culture, prosperity, order and political stability to the North. On the other hand, though, she didn’t know how she would have reacted herself, were foreign armies approaching her home.
all of this indoctrination into imperial beliefs, at the same time that she is an educated woman, and herself, as an imperial sorceress, known for being rebellious and an upstart within her own culture:
‘Stop staring,’ Assire said, touching her bouffant and glistening curls. ‘I decided to make a few changes. Why, I just took your lead.’ ‘I was always taken as an oddball and a rebel,’ Fringilla Vigo chuckled. ‘But when they see you in the academy or at court…’
this is such a chaotic rambling post, but all i want to say is that fringilla's character, like most of the minor characters in the witcher series, was not invented through random generation, a roll of the dice, a spin of the wheel. her specific traits - such as her nationality, lineage, talents - all relate back thematically. everything is relevant, specifically chosen to create a specific character.
if once changes her backstory (e.g., to place her at aretuza... though i don't know who would do such a thing for no reason) they would change her entire character, the series' commentary on imperialism, and because of her role she takes later on, even the entire ending of the story.
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Heroic Promo!!!
As the camera flickers to life, a classroom filled with people comes into your view. They all look different, very much so, but most appear glad to see the camera having turned on properly.
"Nyeh... I got it working... Chabashira, you can start us off now..."
"Ah, yes, thank you, Yumeno!"
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One of the other girls bows in a martial arts esque way, then raises rigidly again.
"Hello! My name is Tenko Chabashira, though you may better know me as Wild Strikes! A hero of justice, of course! Here to protect you all from villains! And this is Class 1-A at U.A. High School, a school that trains heroes' quirks! And we were told to welcome visitors with open arms today and to associate with others! So we welcome you!"
"Yes. My name is Sonia Nevermind, also called Princess Pinpoint. Do not worry, we mean you no harm. We shall protect you should a villain attack occur, yes?"
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"Yeah! We're totally looking forward to getting to know you personally! I've got tons of donuts just for occasions like this!"
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"I'm simply here to protect Young Master, so don't interfere and we won't have an issue, alright? That is all from me."
A boy sighs.
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"Well, now that that's all said and done, I think we deserve a promo, right? Y'know, just gor bein' such great heroes-in-training and all?"
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(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Blogs with Kokichi or Kotoko as a muse DNI! If you have discomfort characters on my cast, let me know and I won't include them for you, if you choose to interact! ))
@human-monokuma @dreamyandkikimora @mikado-sannoji @sparks-of-despair @morals-and-florals @ask-ultimate-mortician @the-cursed-crew @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer and anyone else! Please the mod is lonely- /lh
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thedancingkajira · 11 months
Peace and patience aren't seen as romantic, but that's by the shortsighted. In my estimation, it's the affection that one applies to oneself that's just as important as the affection shown to others when it comes to caring for someone else.
My Master and I reunited after a long time of passing like the proverbial ships in the night. He heard of the birth of His children and asked why I'd dressed in a soft pink dress. I replied that it was not a very thought-out decision.
I make a lot of decisions that way, with what some call "no mind." It's highly recommended to liberate creativity and regulate stress, both valuable activities.
I went about the rest of our time the same way. I had no expectations, only gave myself over, peacefully as possible, to my Master's demand. And it was delightful.
It was affirming, serene and exciting; all one would hope from a homecoming. We connected, physically and emotionally. We took our time. We talked.
All things come and go in this world. The best way to hold onto something is by respecting the ebb and flow. We follow the course of events, together, and so we hold together. That's a bond worthy of a collar.
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whoppert · 4 months
Sunna 7 (stephen strange/reader) (loki/reader)
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3969 words
warnings: the after effect of mind violation
AO3 Master Fic List
Despite the gaping hole in my memory, I'm confident that I've never felt like this much of a burden before. A few days ago I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at the staircase, but now? Now it’s an impossible mountain to climb.
Most of the world is contained to my room now. 
Wong had mentioned struggling to cleanse the space of mystical markers that had been left behind, but I couldn’t even tell. The power that flowed through me, albeit slight compared to Stephen’s or Wong’s or even this goddamn house? It’s gone. The purple energy that used to flicker around my fingers, forming shapes almost of its own will was gone. I'd tried to call it, but I almost threw up. My body is at odds with my spirit right now and I hate it.
Stephen brandishes the worm, dropping it into the palm of my hand.
“What the fuck is that?” I ask, trying to ignore the pool of slime it extruded.
“Excuse you, ” said the worm.
The flick of my hand was involuntary, and I fling the worm onto the rug.
Stephen, who had been trying to tell me to be careful, squats down and plucks the worm out of the carpet fibers. “This is the frontier in magical psychology. Its name is Gorron.”
“It’s a worm.”
“It’s a grub, thank you very much, you ungrateful mammal,” the worm had an accent that I couldn’t identify. “You’re lucky I’ve already been paid or I’d march right outta here! Worm? What am I, a nematode?”
Stephen sighs and shoots me an apologetic look. "I know it's strange, but it's actually very good at it's job."
"I'm really sorry, I don't usually do bugs. I'm sorry if I offended you and for... throwing you," I wince. “So… do I just lay back and tell Gorron my problems? Care to summon me a chez lounge?”
“It is much more simple than that. Look, I recognize that this is going to sound really gross, but-”
“Stick ‘im in ya ear, baby, lemme have a look at that mind!” Gorron interrupts.
So stark was the silence after that statement, that I almost decided that I might have a limit when it came to finding a cure. I look from Gorron to Stephen, who nods in confirmation and then back at Gorron whose little mouth had fallen open and was licking his lips. If grubs have lips. “Absolutely not.”
“Look doll, I’ve got a job to do, so open your ears and shut ya mouth, capeesh?”
Stephen snaps his hand shut, muffling the grub’s yells of displeasure. “I’m sorry about him, he doesn’t get out much," he continues, obviously with the intention of Gorron overhearing, "and he hasn't updated the way he speaks to women since the 1950s ap-pa-rent-ly."
I talk over Gorron's slew of deadened swear words. "You're joking, right?" I hear how desperate I sound, but- "In my head? This is a joke? To lift my mood?"
Stephen is right in front of me. Really there is a-step-and-a-half between us. “He’s crass, but if anyone can figure out the next steps, it’s Gor-”
My stomach bottoms out in my gut, a wave of panic hitting me with such force that I literally stagger. “I’m not-”
His free hand steadies me. Stephen says nothing, taking his bottom lip between his teeth, his gaze flitting back and forward between my eyes. I don't understand, what his expression is conveying, concern, and sympathy and pain all together perhaps.
“I can’t,” I want to sound strong, but my voice betrays me, cracking. “I’m sick of this, I’m sick of having shit shoved into my head. I’m sick of it, I’m sick of it. Please.” My breath comes fast and sharp.
“I know,” Stephen eases into the space between us, his empty hand still grasping my upper arm gently, the warmth seeming to loosen the knots in my body. “I know you’re scared. You have every right to be. Does it change anything if I assured you that Gorron can’t hurt you? He can only see what’s going on in there, he can’t change anything.”
My bottom lip wobbles, and Stephen’s gaze shifts to look at it, before snapping up to look me in the eye.
"Would it change anything," Stephen's voice soft, "if I told you that Gorron's basically my shrink?"
"Do you remember after I found you and we were sitting in my office? And I told you I've been... having trouble sleeping, and you joked about therapy?" He pauses for confirmation. "Well, Gorron's my therapist. Wong makes me see him."
Excluding fighting lessons, Stephen and I are never this close, but lately I appreciate his sparing touch. There is something inviting about him when he isn’t trying to hit me, something comforting. I guess this is his job. I've seen him behave similarly for the people that seek out his help. “Does it hurt?”
A smile tugs at the corners of his lips, “not at all, it can be a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t hurt, no. After your injury you might be a little sensitive though.” Glancing around the room, Stephen adds, “I’m right here, you know. Right by your side, I won’t leave you. You are always safe with me.”
His gray eyes hold no hint of a lie.
I nod. “This is coercion though.”
“I know.”
“And if it goes wrong, I’m holding you accountable.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Stephen opens his hand. Gorron, who had spent the last few moments remarkably silent, opens his eyes in mock surprise. “Glad to see you haven’t forgotten about me! I have a waiting list ya know, I could be getting ignored by far more important people than the pair of you!”
Stephen grasps the grub by its tail.
“Do you trust me?”
“I guess. Yes. I do.”
His gloved hand lightly grasps my cheek, tilting my head, my right ear skyward, before dropping Gorron right into the shell of my ear. Gorron's rolling and wriggling sent a shiver through me. There was a little resistance, culminating in a wet plop, and then he was inside. There’s a grub in my brain, there’s a grub in my brain, there’s a grub in my- I shudder. I feel bad about thinking it's gross, Gorron's a sentient being after all, but I don't do bugs.
Stephen tilts my head back to my midline and then removes his hand from my cheek. I feel its absence keenly.
“Wow, Strange, ya weren’t wrong, something’s destroyed it in here,” Gorron’s voice is too loud and it vibrates in my skull.
I swear, instinctually jerking 'away' from the sound and I feel Gorron brush up against something, strings that bring the spots back to my vision. I grasp Stephen’s hands.
“Wow, talk about a household in denial,” Gorron mutters, quiet enough that I wasn’t sure Stephen could hear, but I was too dizzy to ask what he meant. “And your powers have gone too. That’s a knock to the balls for sure.”
“Can you give us any insight?” Stephen asked.
“Yes, but you’re not gonna like it.”
“Out with it.”
“Firstly - lass, gotta commend ya on having the cleanest brain ever. Not a single mind mite to be found. I have literally never seen that before. Secondly - whatever Loki did, it broke that enchantment that you were under.”
“That enchantment ?” Stephen and I say in unified confusion. There is a yellow and green blob floating between us and it makes the sorcerer look like he's got a bad case of jaundice.
“You heard me. I’d ask if you knew who put you under their spell, but I can see you don’t remember at all. Hey, have you considered renting this space? I know a few parasites that could use a place to live.”
“Gorron.” It was Stephen's last warning.
“Non-lethal of course.”
“Wind it back up a sec,” I demand, “what do you mean Loki broke the enchantment? What enchantment?”
I can feel Gorron squeeze it's body through some tight spot and the spots in my vision cleared.
“Has she always been this slow?”
“Mind your manners, Gorron. I know some bugs that lay their eggs in live prey,” Stephen threatened.
“Jeez, it was only a joke, man. Learn to take a joke. Hmm…” inside my brain, Gorron trailed off. “Your oldest memory is meeting Strange… because that was the day the enchantment was created. It’s got a magical signature that I don’t recognize, but boy did they hide it well.” 
“And my memories, my life before that?”
“My best guess is that whoever put this enchantment in place didn’t account for Loki going for a trip through ya head, and it broke the enchantment differently to the way it was supposed to be broken, it severed your mind. Separated the before-the-enchantment from the after-the-enchantment. Your memories from before then might still be here, but as a result of the spell or the unorthodox way in which it was broken, yeah, I wouldn’t know how to find them. The block on it can only be reversed by the creator. I’d say your best shot would be to find them.”
“Wait, so our best chance of finding out who put the block in place is to find out who put the block in place?”
Gorron sighs like I'm wasting its time, “yes. That’s what I said. Look, if there’s no mites in here, you’re gonna have to tip me, Strange, I didn’t come all the way out here for nothing.”
“For nothing. My whole brain has imploded and it’s nothing to you,” I whisper, my cheeks tight from my uncomfortable smile, before falling into a stunned silence. Everything feel so far away.
“Gorron, what can we do to figure this out?” Asks Stephen.
There's a whoosh, and I feel the grub slide out of my ear, the opposite ear to the one it had entered. “Seems to me, your next step would be finding someone who knows memory magic like the back of their hand and get them to have a look. See if they can recognize the signature. Maybe even see if they can locate where her memories have been hidden in there. Once you know that, I’d go and ask-” Gorron almost fell, but Stephen catches it, “thanks doc. Anyway, figure out who put the enchantment in place and get them to remove it. Easy as pie.”
Without missing a beat, Stephen crushes Gorron in his hand. The sound had a surprising crunch, like the grub had more bones than expected. I gape at the sorcerer.
“Sorry,” he opens his hand to reveal that it is empty empty, no fluids or bug guts in sight, “I was getting really sick of him, and the only way to send him home is to 'kill' him. He’s fine, I’ll see him later about his tip. How are you? That’s a lot to process.”
“If I wasn’t so overwhelmed, I’d probably be angry. Yeah. Probably angry.” I look down to find that Stephen is still holding one of my hands. I recount what we have learned, “so there’s a block on my memories, created the day I met you, probably not by you, because then Gorron would’ve recognized the signature? Correct?”
Stephen nod.
“And the only way to find out who it is that cursed me, is to let someone else have a look? I'm assuming it's a very similar type of magic to what Loki did to me.”
He nods again.
“Even though the last time someone did that it gave me the magical equivalent of a severe concussion?”
One final nod.
My heart pounds. “That voice- from my dream told me what a disappointment I was. I don’t even know who I’m letting down. And my powers are gone, and yeah they weren’t big and dramatic but they were mine. They belong to me, it’s like I’ve had a limb sawn off and I can’t even walk up the fucking stairs without my body giving up on me so I’m just trapped in this room. Is this my life now? Someone just put a spell on me one day and for what? I’m not important, I’m not powerful. Whoever did it must have had a reason but I have no idea who- or what? Except it’s got something to do with you? It must do, or maybe it’s just a coincidence that we met that day, I don’t know.” I'm spiralling.
Stephen doesn't say anything, just squeezes my hand tighter and like a toddler having a tantrum, I try to wrench it from his grasp, but he has a stronger grip than I’d anticipated. I poke a finger into his chest, but he doesn’t flinch.
“And you! You have the nerve to stand there, all sympathetic and concerned, ‘cause I’m just another pathetic-”
“You’re not pathetic-”
“Maybe I’m not, but who’s to say because I don’t know who I am! I couldn’t tell you my favorite food! I don’t know who I am and I feel so stupid. I’m barely a person.” Tears well up in my eyes and I hate them. I try to brush them away, but Stephen still wouldn’t relinquish the hand he held. He was swimming in my vision, and I was glad because then I didn’t have to look him in the eye as he beheld my tears. I’d never cried in front of him before. 
It was the second time he had ever embraced me. The first time even through the wave of nausea and the bright lights, I could feel his relief that I was safe, but this time? Stephen pulls me in, his arms wrapping around me, no relief, only release as I bury my eyes in his shirt and sob. He doesn’t say a thing. Doesn’t move, just holds me, one arm around the small of my back rubs small circles and the other grasps my shoulder firmly. I can feel the ridges and stitching of his glove through the fabric of my shirt.
After a while, I couldn’t tell you how long, I manage to stop crying, taking deep breaths to get myself together. He smells like earl grey tea and lemons.
“You are a person,” said Stephen, finally breaking the silence. His low voice rumbles through his chest. “Look, I’m not the most open person in the world, but,” he takes a deep breath, “I… care about you. You're not stupid and you are certainly not pathetic. I promise we will get to the bottom of this, but until you get everything you’ve lost back, you’re still a person. You're no burden to me.”
My arms are around his neck, our bodies pressed together. “I’m scared.”
"I know."
"I'm scared I'm going to be like this forever."
“I know,” his lips skim my temple, and goosebumps raise down my limbs. “I felt the same way when my hands were crushed. But we have no evidence to suggest you won't make a full recovery. And worse case scenario, we’re going to figure this out. Do you believe me?” His breath is warm on my skin.
"I believe you.
The air is charged, the question is charged, and Stephen holding me is the only thing keeping me together. I get the distinct impression that I should feel embarrassed, humiliated for sobbing in front of Stephen, as though a proper lady might have done it more demurely. I don't though. I like it. I like how caring and attentive he has been since I was injured.
"What do you need? What can I do for you?"
I glance around my room. It seems especially small with another person in it. The green wallpaper is still bright and the iron bed below it is a mess. The room itself is mercifully, not too messy. The curtains are mostly drawn now, blocking out the harsh light of the sun, and leaving only a thick stripe that cuts the room into unequal halves. The room itself is cozy, but after all the time spent in it the last few days, and what had happened there, it's suffocating me. 
"Take me somewhere else. I need to get out of this house."
Stephen clears his throat, and created a portal. Through the golden circle is the stark night. The chill from the cold air radiates through, prickling my skin. We manage to detangle.
The wind is mild and the sky clear. I have no memory of the world so dark. Back in the city the night is never dark, polluted with bright lights and fluorescence and color. But here, the sky is a sheet of black, with hundreds, no, hundreds of thousands of stars of every hue. The world is so quiet and there are no tell tale signs of humanity around. All this space and only the two of us.
"New Zealand." His robes had shifted into casual wear. That grey sweater again. Stephen stores his hands in his pockets. "Aptly named by the European settlers as the South Island, due to the fact that it is the Southern Island."
"They sound creative." When the portal went, so did all of the light and my eyes tale a moment to adjust. "It's beautiful."
"It is. And it will only get better."
I look at him surprised, eyebrows raised though he probably can't see it in the darkness. The tracks my tears have left behind feel particularly cold in the icy air.
“From a scientific point of view, auroras are the result of charged solar wind particles caught in Earth’s magnetic field. These particles ionize oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the upper atmosphere, a chemical reaction creating light. The indigenous people of this land saw auroras as the campfires of their ancestors.”
“Are they? The campfires of their ancestors?”
Stephen stands at my side, and passes me the sweatshirt that had been hanging on the end of my bed. “Yeah, they are. And if I’ve timed correctly, they should be just about to…” He trails off.
Nothing happens. There is only blackness around us.
Stephen chuckles, “that would’ve been really impressive. This area has been having an increase rate of solar storms-”
The dull cloud twists into a ribbon of white which begin to curl across the sky. Then it's yellow. Red, green, blue - a nebulous glowing arc ornamenting the sky and I look on in awe. The lights of New York had been overstimulating, but this is- "beautiful."
The dam inside me breaks and energy floods me. Even being out in the fresh air had invigorated my soul a little and I take off marching towards the slab of rock on the edge of the cliff. I dig my fingers into the top and hauling myself up.
"Jesus Christ, be careful!" Stephen's at my side in half-a-second, clamoring up to stand at my side.
"You're worse than Wong," I complain.
"At least sit ," Stephen's hands find my shoulders and gently push.
I groan but comply, letting my legs dangle off of the edge. He joins me. I could see our breath in the air, and pull my sweatshirt tighter around my shoulders.
"What made you want to be a doctor?" I ask finally, breaking the prolonged silence.
"Do you want the PR answer or the truth?"
"Well," Stephen runs his fingers through his hair and I wonder what it feels like, "what I used to tell people was that I wanted to help. We are the world type of bull," he laughs and it cuts through the cold, warming my chest. "But the truth is that I wanted to be the best at something with a lot of status."
Stephen digs through his pocket and pull out a chocolate bar. He hands it to me and I snap it in half, letting him choose which piece he prefered.
"Well, I've been thinking about why I must have chosen anthropology to dedicate myself to. I have three possible answers."
"And they are?"
I chew my chocolate thoroughly. "One, knowing how big of a motivator spite is for me, someone probably told me I couldn't do it."
Stephen laughs again, "sounds about right."
"Two, it's just so damn interesting! I was reading through my doctorate thesis and I seemed really passionate about how teeth could tell you so much about someone's social status.” Cupping my hands I blow warm air into them. My knuckles are bright red. "Three, and probably the most boring of all the answers, maybe it was related to my powers. I didn't really ever figure out the origin, maybe I thought it would be linked to something else, something bigger."
"Well, it's looking more and more like you are a part of something bigger."
"Now that I know what 'bigger' entails, maybe I should have wished for a more simple life." I finish my half of the bar and suck the last of the melted chocolate off of my fingers. The aurora crackles around us like radio static. “The way the light flows… It reminds me of the incense that Wong burns. You know the stuff, lotus and patchouli.”
I look at Stephen, his face bathed in colored light. “I know exactly the one. Gives me headaches, but he still insists on it.”
“That’s because it gets you out of his hair once in a while.”
“I suppose, yeah. It does.” Then he adds, "metaphorical hair."
It's nice to laugh with him. “Why did you choose-? I mean, I said I needed to get out of the house, why was New Zealand the first place you thought of?” I shiver, my sweatshirt is not holding up against the winter breeze, I twist my hands in my lap trying to increase the friction.
“Ah, I don’t know,” his eyes levelled against my gaze, the grey taking on the colors passing overhead. It's mesmerizing. “Just popped into my head, I guess.” His voice gets quieter and quieter and I have to lean in to hear him.
There's a magnetic pull between us. Something strong have sucked us into its current, it wasn’t just this moment, it's everything, it's the universe deciding our fate and pushing us together. Everything since we had met had just felt so right, like we were made for each other.
“Aren’t you cold?” I whisper. “I’m freezing.”
For the moment he looks so relaxed. He's only inches away from me now, and his hand covers mine, his warmth permeating through the yellow leather, and I look from his eyes to his mouth, pink lips from the cold slightly parted and bordered with his dark beard. “Stephen?” I couldn’t get my voice to work properly, my breathing had gotten shallow, heart clanging in my chest.
My eyes flutter shut, as he comes close enough that his nose brushes against my cheek, and he murmurs something I can’t make out, cut off when I press my mouth to his.
Stephen tasted like the chocolate we had shared and for a moment everything in this dark world, with its vibrant skies slowed, until he kisses me back, energy flowing through us at the places where we connected, his hand gripping the back of my neck to deepen the kiss, his tongue running over my bottom lip.
He's gone.
I've lost my breath.
Twisting around, I find Stephen standing behind me. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, I was just- trying-”
Heat floods my cheeks and for once I'm at a loss for words.
A portal opens to my room and I flinch at the sudden piercing light.
“I should go,” Stephen hurries into my room, disappearing into the hall.
In his haste, he left the door wide open.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
To anyone reading this
I don't know what truly happened because the situation is extremely weird. To explain it a bit, the whole thing started with my Levi x Oc art that probably if you're reading this, you follow me and therefore had seen that art. It was label as mature and I don't truly understand why, despite that, it was flagged. But then over 10 reports of my content added in... from posts that weren't EVEN mine. They were from moots of me, from memes with the word "D*ck" on it or Levi art with him LAYING on the GROUND WITH CLOTHES WHICH had NOTHING of explicit on it. All of them from moots of mine. Because, as you may know, I don't do many "Explicit content" and I bet who ever was doing this didn't have much to report. The weird thing, all this posts, except from my art (the only one that was truly mine), were from other blogs. I'm not mad at my moots AT ALL, I don't want this to look like that. But it's obvious that who ever decided to report all those blogs had no intentions to truly report the original art but MY account. I don't know what to say, I've been talking to other people who got their blogs flagged and some NEVER gor their accounts back and others took months for them to get them. I don't know who could have done this and less I understand why. I had always tried to make my blog a safe space for those who came. I always wanted to make sure that each person who decided to interact with me or my content to get a interaction that made them feel I had all the time of the world to be with them and share with them in that moment.
I'm so sad. I was only a few followers away from 2k and I was already planning the event. I know all of you had been waiting for me to bring back my "Levi takes over my blog and answers your questions," specially now that I was mastering my sketchy art style. I was working on the pfp, cover and color pallette to make it look Levi was the owner of the blog, etc. I was even making time and advancing work to have time for the event and now.... I don't even know if I'll get my account back. I wanted to make time for it to make it longer so all who didn't have the chance to ask the previous time would have it now. I had always kept in mind that I don't know what someone else is going through and maybe getting a reply from me or me filling up their headcanons would make their day a bit brighter for a second. So, despite all this or whatever, if the person who decided to report my account and etc. was at some degree angry or offended by me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I ever make you feel bad, wronged or sad to the point of doing this. I had never like ever meant to create such emotions on anyone, on purpose or not. So from my part, I apologize. The only left for me to do is wait and see what will happen.
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