#got a little bit sidetracked
alright, so this is a question about netflix series which i've recently watched and now i'm suffering from asoue brainrot. there is an obscure moment in the penultimate peril (s3ep6) where frank locks olaf in the closet before the trial, and just as frank is about to close the door, olaf says, "one last thing", as if intending to say something. what do you think he wanted to add? is it something that is maybe more clear in the books?
OKAY so after rewatching that scene (several times) and rereading the corresponding scene in the book, I now feel at least partially equipped to answer this question! (But please bear with me because my research did send me on a bit of a tangent)
So first off, I don't think dealing with the book scene will be of too much help here (although not entirely unhelpful, either), because, as much as I love the netflix adaptation—and I do wholeheartedly adore it—it changes so much that the comparable scene is functionally unrecognisable in several key aspects. The main one being the lack of hostility towards to Baudelaires—Olaf is solidly isolated and supposedly running out of options at this point in the show, whereas his mentality in the books is entirely different because things appear to be going much more his way. He has a crowd at his back and the Baudelaires are seen as far more guilty, which doesn't really translate into the show!verse at all.
So, if we're looking at the show from a more isolated standpoint, I had to consider the possibility that it was a deliberate "what if" moment, without having anything else planned to say, purely for the purpose of getting in the Baudelaires' heads. However, I do feel like the most likely answer is that Olaf did in fact believe he would be heard out, so that's what we'll be assuming from here on out.
The fact that the Denouement in question calls him "buddy" and yet treats him roughly could have made him believe that this is Ernest playing the long con—pretending to be an ally to the others because they were outnumbered at the time, or simply for his own ends. However, he could also genuinely believe that it's Frank, and that he'd be heard out because it's the "noble" thing to do—VFD and the general society in the snicketverse is routinely governed by politeness over logic, and so cutting him off is simply impolite, so he may have believed he'd be able to talk his way out of being locked up. The use of "buddy" could be a generic, positive moniker used by Frank, or a genuine sentiment expressed by Ernest; the rough shake of his arm could be simply how Ernest behaves on any given day, or genuine righteous anger from Frank—just as it's impossible for us as the audience to be sure, Olaf has to try and figure this out in mere moments.
Regardless of what he thought would happen or who he thought he was talking to, though, I have to believe that whatever he was going to say would have been targeted more at the Baudelaires than the Denouement currently getting in his way, so it would likely have been an extension of what he'd already said, and what he'd go on to say at key moments for the remainder of the series—another attack on the Baudelaire parents, a critique of VFD's intentions, or something equally ambiguous to sow the seeds of mistrust in the minds of the children. Despite his general demeanour, he is actually a terrifyingly capable villain, and the human embodiment of the "either I'm god, or truth is relative" soundbite. If he's allowed to talk for long enough, he can convince just about anyone of anything (which is exactly what happens when he takes the stand during the trial), and I wouldn't be surprised if he was expecting to be allowed to run his mouth until both the adults are on his side.
What I think is a very interesting point to consider, though, is one useful comparison from the books—the number of the room he's sent to. As we all know, the rooms in the Hotel Denouement are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System, and people are categorised above just as the records are categorised below. In the book, the Baudelaires are confined to room 121, and Olaf is locked in room 165 to await their trial. In the Dewey Decimal System, 121 refers to Epistemology—the theory of knowledge. A quote taken from the wikipedia page for epistemology reads:
Epistemology asks questions such as: "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?"
Having the Baudelaires placed here shows that they aren't sure what people know about them, or what will be revealed at the trial, or what will happen to them (as clearly illustrated by the their conversation at the end of chapter ten). Olaf, however, is placed in room 165: Fallacies and Sources of Error. This could imply that he's in the wrong, but perhaps more likely foreshadows that other people are wrong about him. He will not go to prison, he will not be convicted, and, perhaps most crucially, he is not as completely evil as the Baudelaires believe. He has done terrible things, and he is a terrible person, but—as discussed during The End—they are wrong about the most crucial of his evil deeds (to them). Because he didn't kill their parents. He represents everything that VFD pretends it isn't, but at this point the Baudelaires believe (and have been told) that he is the complete antithesis of what the Volunteers represent—and so, he is categorised as a source of error.
However, in the show, both parties are placed in entirely different rooms, and therefore entirely different categorisations. The Baudelaires are placed in room 342: Constitutional and Administitive Law. This is a choice I absolutely adore, because at this point in the narrative they are quite literally trapped in bureaucracy. They fail because the system is rigged, and they are literally imprisoned by the law—not in the sense that they have already been convicted, but in the sense that they will be no matter what they do. If they stay, the High Court will pronounce them guilty. But, when they run, they're supposedly only proving their own guilt—damned if they don't, and damned if they do.
Olaf's is perhaps the more interesting change, though, because he's no longer seen as a source of error—despite the claims he makes about the Baudelaire parents and VFD immediately before being locked up (once again implying that he isn't lying to them, just using convenient truths). And it carries through to the trial, because he uses the truth (albeit a very deliberately and pointedly edited version) to make the Baudelaires seem just as guilty as he is. In the show, he's placed in room 170: Ethics (moral philosophy). And he is given the chance to talk at the trial, and talk he does. He twists the truth, spins it so that the Baudelaires seem guilty, but that is the exact point of moral debate! He trolley-problemed his way into screwing with the Baudelaires' heads, not because he needed to (he knew he was never getting convicted, because he knew who was on the High Court), but to prove a goddamn point. Yes, he's done terrible things, but did anyone think to ask him why? Of course, to us, the reader, the viewer, the third party observer, it doesn't matter. Because at a certain point, actions speak for themselves. Reasons can explain, but not necessarily excuse—that is the reasonable stance to take, and no matter his reasons, the explanation will never be an excuse for him.
But he's an actor. That's why Klaus calls him up to the stand in the trial, because he knows he'll want to talk in front of an audience, and can't imagine any way he wouldn't incriminate himself. And despite the Baudelaires' personal opinions of his ability, we've seen time and time again that he must be a good actor, because people always believe his performances. And as any good actor could tell you, it's crucial to be able to read your audience. If you want the best reaction, then you need to work out, as quickly as humanly possible, how they'll respond, and play up or tone down your performance accordingly. And he's spent so much time with VFD, with the Baudelaires, that he knows just what to say. He knows that, regardless of their reasons, they will feel guilty—in both the book and the show, they question if they're not just as bad as him! They did what they did to survive, and they genuinely worry that they're the same as the murderous, fortune-hungry beast that's been hunting them through their grief and fear. And he knows that. He wants to get in their heads, maybe just for fun, but mostly to get them to come to him. And the worst part is that it bloody works! They end up escaping with him, burning the hotel and potentially letting him out into the world, turning away from the good-hearted people trying to help them because if they can't trust anyone to be on their side, at least they can trust him not to be.
All this to say that, looking at his character, the writing of the show and the way the events unfold, while I can't give you a verbatim quote of what I think he would have said, I will say this: I wholeheartedly believe it would have been a short, targeted line to the Baudelaires, attacking them, their belief system, their very moral character. Because he didn't know he'd be allowed to speak at the trial—remember, it was only Klaus' fear and paranoia that put him on the stand in the first place—and as far as he knew, that could have been his last chance to ensure they'd come to him. He wasn't sure his previous words had been enough, and we all know he has a flair for the dramatic. Think back to one of the most chilling moments of the entire series, both in the book and show, at the end of the Bad Beginning. When the lights go out and he makes his escape, the Baudelaires would have still lived in fear of him, knowing he was on the loose, but that wasn't enough. He risked capture, risked losing his window of escape, all to torment Violet one last time; to plant that final seed of paranoia and fear into her mind, to whisper threats in the dark. And I have no doubt that, had he been given the chance, that is precisely what he would have done here.
By cutting him off, the Denouement gave the Baudelaires hope; hope that it might be different, hope that people wouldn't listen to him this time. But after all they'd been through, they couldn't risk not letting him talk—everyone always listens to him, in the end, and they had to make sure that everyone would finally believe them instead. And that very act of cutting him off, of not letting him give that final threat, is perhaps what sealed their fates. If Olaf's threat was fresh in their minds, they might have been too fearful to address him. If, like in the books, he'd eluded to his acquaintance with the High Court, they might have known what would happen. But he didn't get the chance, and neither did they.
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forgottenloverboy · 2 months
friendly and gentle reminder that it’s okay to not be into something anymore. it’s okay for your kinks and limits to change. it’s okay if something that once turned you on now makes you feel gross. it’s okay if you’re uninterested in something that once turned you on. never force yourself to do something you don’t like anymore just because you used to be into it. take care of yourself. you deserve it
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morningmask27 · 6 months
You seem like a good person to ask this, and I’ve enjoyed your Warrior Cats posts.
I’ve never read them.
Is there a preferred order to read the books?
warrior cats is a monstruously huge series; (like really a lot a lot). nobody even expects you to own all of these and if you don't find them in your library, here's a link to all the pdfs
the first book in the series is "into the wild" and it's basically the best starting point for any warrior cats adventure. then reading the entirety of the 6 books of the prophecy's begin to have the full story if this arc. (warrior cats is split in arcs, all of whom have 6 books, we are currently at arc 8 right now...)
after TPB you have a few books that kinda open themselves to you; Firestar's quest is the first super edition (longer books than the main arc books at a difference of about 300 vs 500) or you can immediately jump into the next arc: The New Prophecy and read how the adventures continue. the first book there is called Midnight (also book five is called Twilight, do not get confused by it's more famous counterpart, this one has nothing to do with it).
(if you do read firestar's quest two other books kinda tie into them: SkyClan's destiny (another se), Cloudstar's Journey (a novella, they are smaller than the main series books) and Skyclan and the stranger (a graphic novel/manga/comic, whatever you want to call it)
the arcs go as follow: Power of Three -> Omen Of The Stars -> A Vision of Shadows -> The Broken Code -> A Starless Clan (there is also Dawn of the Clans: it's a prequel arc about how the clans were made, you can technically read it whenever you please, but it's suggested to keep it for after oots as it was written after that arc and a few things from that previous arc connect to this new series).
I'd say you at least read the four first arcs as they really have a lot of supplemental material attached to them, which would get confusing if you don't know what's happening in these arcs.
but from then on there are suggested reading lists, here's a somewhat outdated one, but it still does the job quite well. honestly you can just pick and choose whatever interests you most. some additional (SE's, Novella's, graphic novels...) books have ties to the main arcs (which are the main thing to read if you want to get into warriors), but they're not always needed, so pick and choose; this series is very vast and you'll probably find something that piques your interest!
if you do want to check up on a few things about the books or others, there is a warrior cats fandom wiki that will normally answer any question you have
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birchbow · 1 year
Chapter 38: The Body, The Head, And The Fangs
Kurloz sighs a deep and heavy sigh, drops his head to his hand and rubs a thumb at his own horn, like his pan’s aching him.  “It’s not the body of the church I’d be sending you to see—straight to its heads, and that’s where the fangs live.” Your pusher picks up a couple beats. “To the ringmasters,” you say, suddenly a lot drier in the flap than you were.  “Oh.  Fuck.”
I made that poll thinking excerpts would be necessary but instead SURPRISE!!!! PENIS BLAST!!! and by PENIS BLAST I mean UPDATE
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oocmadagascar · 9 months
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0-k-4 · 6 months
the thing is, I am deeply unable to understand the transphobic biological men/women only bathroom argument.
"i don't want a man in women's stalls/toilets!" "i don't want to share a stall with a man!" "this makes me uncomfortable!" I've gone to bisexual bathrooms for 3 years at my school, and nobody ever had any problems with that. You are peeing the exact same way wether the person before you was a guy or a girl. Nobody cares about the biological sex of the person shitting in the stall next to their. Literally nobody. The closest thing we had to a problem caused by men/women coexistence in our bathrooms was a scribbled debate on the door of one stall because someone put up a flyer promoting abortion. People freaking out because of a trans person in their bathroom is just so stupid to me. Worst that could happen is the girl with a dick in the next stall will make a lot of splashing noises because she's playing snipper with her pee and trying to hit exactly the center of the water.
actually the single sex bathrooms of the dormitories caused more tension than our bisexual bathrooms because some guy shat everywhere in the men bathroom last year, including on the walls, and it caused a ruckus because no one knew who did it. So these toilets got closed for months and the guys had to go to the (bisexual) bathroom of the upper story. And then when the men bathrooms reopened, the shit guy did it again. He never did it in the bisexual bathrooms. Maybe he was a trans activist actually
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automatisma · 4 months
Every time I start emulating a game I actually start thinking about emulating several other games and I see the opening cinematic of like ten different games from the ps1 to the wii era and then I never complete any of them. This is my curse
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etoiile · 6 months
so i was making this lil rin drabble and it started with "you're itoshi rin's weakness" and it continued with "itoshi rin says 'i love you' through his actions, not his words" and it ended with "itoshi rin doesnt understand how someone like you could love him, but he cherishes you dearly regardless, because you're the true love of his life." like how did this happen.
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
Ooh fic asks r open yess! First one uuhh,,, Are you gonna make any changes to the relationship between illia and Blake/got any cool writing plan for them?
Also would love some general white fangmily (<-new way to say white fang [found] family, open to thoughts on it xp) hcs?
I’m always open for asks tbh :) ok!
i actually have a lot I’m changing for ilia and blake’s relationship, some of which I… probably don’t want to give away just yet due to ~spoilers~, but case in point: how I’m (slightly altering) bits of Ilia’s backstory very heavily affects her interactions with Blake when they first meet. Will go more into that once we get there,
but now… ~found family~ Ilia will inevitably be included in this once we get to her (NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!), but looking at the stars of the show, Sienna and Adam’s relationship is as close as it is insanely distant.
Sienna outwardly is a very confident and charismatic person, but like, 70% of that is just a persona she puts on. She’s hidden her genuine emotions very well under so many layers of fake stuff that some of those emotions are just outright not there any more, after so many years of fearing her true emotions would be taken advantage of and she’d be betrayed or hurt again. But once she meets Adam and has ~that moment~ in Chapter 3, there’s always this lingering feeling in the back of her head. This familiarity, back to Arun, who, in one of her last moments with him, was vulnerable. Crying about wishing his father was there too. In complete contrast to Adam who is so deathly afraid of showing vulnerability he’s inadvertently making himself more so. She sees it as a second chance, to try and be the person she was before joining the White Fang, to almost “redeem” herself, in her own mind. Having never forgiven herself from the belief that she let her own son die that night (we get into that more later).
But Adam is on fifteen fucking higher levels than her, somehow. Dude reveals nothing. Jack shit about his past, about what he’s gone through, and alongside making shit up he too molds himself into a false persona to the point he doesn’t even know what is fake or real about himself. Fuck, Sienna, who is easily the person Adam is the closest with, who is the only person who he’ll voluntarily show his face to at this point, is unaware of a whole decade of shit that happened that served to be the worst period of his existence. (Cough cough, Chapter 8) And for a good while he’s fucking terrified of being around her. Worrying whether or not he’s displeasing her in any way and that she’ll leave him or even “send him back”. (Yeah. That one guy’s monologue from chapter 1 scarred this 5 year old boy so much it lasted. Seriously that monologue is still maddening to reread) Like? All I’ll say for the future, is that as Adam’s… mental and emotional state, I guess “changes”, so too does their bond. But I promise, after [a certain event] their bond becomes near unbreakable.
I made these tags a while back that I feel explain some bits of this a decent amount. Three little pigs analogy. I’m funny.
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The stick house is weaker and when it falls it stabs and lashes and hurts
But the brick house’s walls never really fall down, but that’s alright because there’s warmth still inside.
But~ I’m so fucking sidetracked. Headcanons. Okay.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sienna enjoys the sound of rain at night meanwhile Adam fucking hates them because they’re loud and cringe or something. They also shared a bedroom between chapters 3 and 4 (2 year timeskip baby! ANOTHER ONE) because Sienna was, in fact, consistently taking care of and rehabilitating him.
Speaking of… you know the red shirt Adam is given by Sienna at the end of chapter 3? My brain decided to go “What if that was originally meant for Arun and is also what he eventually wears under the one uniform “once he grows into it”” and I will cry about that for the next month
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tj-crochets · 7 months
Hi, am from the UK, I seen your teddy bear of kukalaka from ds9.
How much would it cost to make one for myself along with the t-shirt .
Regards barry
Ps I only just joined so I could message yourself
Hi! I'm sorry, but I don't accept commissions for copyrighted characters, so at the moment I'd only make kukalaka as part of an art trade or charity fundraiser, and since I'm in the US the cost of shipping to the UK would make kukalaka prohibitively expensive. I did draft the pattern for him myself, though, so I could probably share the pattern online for you (or someone more local to you) to sew?
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morningmask27 · 8 months
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And another little creation of mine, I think I'll retouch it a bit more, but it's already quite nice
It's based on this picture of my sister's cats she sent me
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blueheartedmayor · 2 years
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Sure, things have been quiet for personal reasons lately, but this blog is more than just a resource for people. There's been a bunch of things that have happened over FIVE WHOLE years. I've had so many fun threads, dynamics I've been so invested in, and that's not mentioning the amount of changes to my mayor and my 'Dark' while trying to figure out how to write a pair I was comfortable with. If I tried to make a list of everything, I can guarantee I'd forget something. (Luckily I found this post that sums up my sentiments on that)
But this isn't about any of that! This masterpost is dedicated to things I've really loved on the blog in no particular order. This ranges from silly events, to memorable posts, to anything else that makes me smile.
Since this is a special weekend, there shall be NO read-more. >:D
First thing: you need to remember that Damien, regardless of the verse I write him in, is TEAM MOM.
Second thing: Damien has been a mayor for a long time.
Damien is a very good dad. I think that goes without question. He's encountered many characters over the years that he's taken under his wing, whether as a parental figure, a guardian/uncle, or the unlucky human who has to deal with a non-human being. (There's so many good examples I'd be here for another hour trying to find links to them all)
Damien can swear.
On two different occasions, Damien has drawn every single Dark he knew at that moment. This was the first, a few months after the blog was set up; and the second, done roughly a year later (featuring Wilf).
Speaking of Wilf, did you know I first wrote William here? It's true! I had two events. The first was my 2018 April Fools event. Then, a few weeks later, people wanted him back, so he spent a day hanging out with Damien and answering a few questions. Ultimately, that had me set up Will's own blog in June (but Wilf took over about three days in).
If you need some silliness, don't forget about our beloved Mayur Daniem!!
Waaaay back at the start of the blog, Damien had a verse where he was a ghost that comprised part of another Dark. Despite what that would imply, he was actually extremely dorky, finding some sort of light within the darkness (and encouraging the non-rp blogs to join the chaos too).
Damien has no idea what's going on. He's the last to know about everything.
One time, Damien managed to insult every single Dark he knew at the time. They all popped out of the woodwork to object, and it was very funny, until there was a bit of sads. ^ However! I should give a warning!! A lot of this focuses on a long-dead ship Damien had with a Dark. They aren't the same person, and the implication was timeline crossover hijinks (with the mun eventually tweaking the lore to not be connected to W.KM)
But in better news about Darks, Dante has gone through a lot of work! Way back in the day, he was a repulsive character I called Snake (and he still exists in the form of Dante 'In Character'). Then, I had a chance to change things
Roses are red, my number is five...
I had this blog when the calendar was announced. You know, that calendar. I was barely writing two months when we discovered naked mayor month was a thing. People had great fun making fun of Damien. (As an aside, don't worry! There's nothing NSFW in this!)
This isn't mine, but if you ever need to spend an afternoon watching W.KM related stuff, pleaaaase go watch the musical. And if you need a massive long-term watching project, my friend compiled an ultimate masterpost of Mark's acting stuff!
If you've ever worried that Damien works too hard and really needs a break, we have you covered. A good friend of Damien's turned him into a M.ooshroom plushie.
Why does he work really hard? I mean, he's been mayor for a WHILE...
We have a tag dedicated to positive things, specially to help people find something to smile when they need it.
(speaking of tags, friendly reminder that I already have the post showing all the Damien tags!)
And how can I talk about positive things without mentioning Barnum? What people might not realise is that a lot of my time on the blog was paired with a heavy sense of stagnation. I didn't feel Damien was special or had anything going for him. Barnum didn't solve the problem, but it definitely helped me feel waay more settled about all of this.
I've got a tag dedicated to Damien deserving better. I've been an avid supporter of this for YEARS, hence the main verse.
Finally, I have made a tag for any of my art pieces that 'escaped containment breach' and were noticed by a more general audience, since I accidentally rediscovered several have and that surprised me.
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thursdayg1rl · 1 year
didn't realise that the summer I turned pretty season 2 was still going lmaoo. I finished episode 6 and was like well damn I guess this is it. here we go again ig
#the problem with this series is that it is too set in todays time#but the books are so so 2010 coded and it kind of ruins the whole vibe#even the little choices of adding in modern music.. idk man. like my Jeremiah has never heard of Ariana grande and I know this in my heart#its so. Netflix originalified#and I know we will look back in 10 years to cringe at this bc even now I am cringing at it#and then the casting. that's a whole separate issue#she really said Conrad was 'dark dark dark' and they made him barely a brunette (can you use brunette for men? many have been wondering)#and Jeremiah isn't even properly blond like can we commit to the bit please. be serious about this im not even playing#bc they could have dyed their hair its not even that deep#I like belly at least like I look at her and I think yeah that could be belly#and Taylor as well actually. not in season 1 but her season 2 hair I believe it can be her#the only good thing they changed is making Jeremiah bisexual#and also I think the characters aren't obsessed with each other how I thought they should be after reading the books#the stakes are simply not that high when in the books it was like life or death for belly to get Conrad to notice her#ALSO not enough flashback scenes to their childhood#I don't even care ab this like that but it's just the principle of the thing! like it could have been great and they fumbled it completely#I need to have some kind of input in these things they should hire me as a creative director 😤#also I came here to say that Jeremiah is wearing an outfit I have worn many times before but I got sidetracked
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tsubasaclones · 3 days
I gotta stop telling myself I’m going to lock in over the weekend because then I never get shit done
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
ive been very sidetracked but i have been looking at the smaller things away from WWW because i find them very interesting, if not tough to learn bc theyre before my time- and such a small number of people actually care about it. seeing tilde and gemini had me so curious. which i came across them after finding the midnight pub. midnight pub's format alone.... i like it a lot- its more accessible to people who dont understand irc while still being just as minimal. and honestly this isnt me actually saying irc is a "solution" (its not in comparison of what people what from forums- and in terms of protection arent much better) its more so just an interesting way to communicate that is long forgotten, and to anyone tech adept who wants to see how it still keeps up, its neat! also in general i think just learning about all old methods of communication is fun, especially seeing how people use irc at all these days
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savanir · 4 months
DP x DC prompt [3]
during one of the final psych evals at Arkham right before he gets to be released, the whole thing wrapped up so tidy, just a little relapse which involved a robbery. Getting sent back to Arkham, but he got to stay at the asylum so long that he no longer has to serve a prison sentence, score!
But during that eval his overseeing psychiatrist recommended him to have a change of scenery, some fresh non polluted air.
Riddler was rather convinced the guy was making this recommendation to everyone in Arkham in their own weird way to convince them to just leave Gotham and become someone else's problem. should he notify Batman about it somehow? nah, it’ll be more interesting to see how this is gonna turn out in the long run.
But can he leave the state? Can he even leave the city? he never really bothered to look into it, at least not legally, up until now if he felt he needed to leave for one of his plans he just did it.
Turns out he can, it’s a whole hassle and a half though, first a judge and then a probation officer and he’s pretty sure both were like “what the hell is this psychiatrist guy thinking!?” but at the same time, shrink probably knows what he’s doing (WRONG) so he’s allowed to go visit out of state family or whatever.
he had to wear this nice ankle monitor though, Wayne Enterprises™ tech, not overly bulky but still very present. real fancy, and a fun extra challenge heh.
now as for a good reason to leave New Jersey he’s going to need distant relatives, and he finds some, great grandpa walker also has a son, who had a son who had a daughter Madeline, who married some guy Jack Fenton, and she lives somewhere out in the boonies Illinois. great he’ll visit her.
far enough away in all sense of the word that there is no way she knows anything about him. it would be best to call her first though, be polite about it.
“hello, you have reached Fenton works, this is Maddie speaking” 
“Riddle me this-” ah whoops, habit, oh whatever, “we don’t share parents, but certainly a part of your life, from laughter to strife. Who am I?”
there is a pause …  he’s going to be a bit disappointed if she hangs up if he’s honest.
“cousins~” comes the cheery reply.
“correct! the name is Edward Nygma, we are distantly related you and I and well-”
“oh you simply must come visit!” 
well this was rather easy, perhaps a little too easy, but she lives in the midwest so maybe just going with whatever some guy says over the phone is normal there? stranger danger not really a thing in a small town where everyone knows everyone?
things start to make a little more sense once he gets there and he’s starting to think some things might run in the family. like a preference for the colour green and weird hyperfixations and genius bordering on insanity. Though that remains to be seen, Jack does not seem like a very bright light after his very enthusiastic welcome.
their kids however are observant and sharp. young Jasmine is wasting no time trying to psychoanalyze him. and the boy, Danny, he had not really meant to and he swears he’s sticking with calling the kid Danny so he wouldn’t seem overly familiar, but he might have called him little bird a couple times now.
but that’s all whatever, he’s playing nice here. and he doesn’t even have to worry about his eccentricities tripping him up because this place is insane.
There actually is a local teen vigilante active but he seems about as loved as he’s disliked. and the ghost boy’s enemies are basically all his own kind, which another crazy thing to now know about. ghost. they are real actually, how is Gotham not completely overrun? and how do they even work? and where do they keep coming from?
Edward might be getting a little sidetracked here. He had fully intended to sneakily get his next big game plan underway all the way out here, ankle monitor be damned. but he hasn’t made any progress at all.
Instead he’s been listening to Madeline and Jack to maybe figure out what the deal is with these ectoplasmic entities, he has to know, at this point he might go crazier if he doesn’t. 
He’s making Jasmine promise him not to get her doctorate in Gotham, he’s going back and forth with space riddles with Danny.
so yeah the whole thing kinda just became a vacation, maybe the psychiatrist had the right idea after all? hmm nah, probably not. but this is fun. He’s thinking about recommending this place to some of the others.
It's different enough to get the vacation feel, but enough crazy shit happens to make it all feel like home.
it is not until Maddie wants to talk with him about potentially switching the position of godfather of Danny to him rather than some weird rich friend of theirs that Edward realizes he might have lost the plot somewhere
Apparently the little bird basically begged them with a powerpoint presentation on how he likes Edward so much more than that Vladimir guy. 
And honestly, the fellow sounds like a Dracula Lutho so even if it’s kinda sad Edward can understand why he’d be considered a better option. Even if the guy has more money and a huge company that makes him said money. And it’s not like the Fentons know about his Riddler activities.
Thinking it over, Edward does think that Danny would like Gotham and Wayne has that space program thing right? The kid is definitely smart enough for that (Nygma certified), and yeah Edward does quite like their space themed back and forth. So, fuck it, why not, what is the worst that could happen?
He doubts Maddie and Jack are gonna kick it any time soon anyway out here in the boonies, it’s just a title thing, a stamp of approval or something.
he should have known he was going to eat those words later… he had this whole beautifully elaborate trap set up for the whole Batclan, and he was just getting to the good part when his phone went off.
Had to put the whole thing on pause cause that particular contact wasn’t gonna get ignored. He did promise to be available.
If the whole thing he had planned now went tits up he could at the very least laugh later at the reactions of the bats as he told them to “hold up one second, I have to take this.” while they were all in various perilous positions. 
Sadly he did have to go, he had a very distressed godson to pick up.
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