#got inspired by dumbo
rinaestel · 1 year
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Presenting Stark(L) and Gale(R)
I’ve drawn Gale before but hadn’t had a good name for her at the time. In case you haven't noticed Stark was born with nubs larger then the average Fury. His litter-mates besides Gale found his larger ears to be strange and odd which led him to be left out of playtime between his siblings which didn't help the fact that the extra weight on his head made it difficult to fly.
Gale, however adored Stark’s ears finding them to be “Cool” and would often target them during playtime.
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idkaguyorsomething · 4 months
The Scott Pilgrim Takes Off treatment being defined as the movie being advertised as a more faithful retelling of its story, then going completely off the rails to shift focus and tell something different and new.
¡Reblog and explain your pick in the tags!
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artist-ellen · 1 year
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Hanbok (Joseon Korea) Mermaid… octopus?
Okay so I might have seen a clip of a dumbo octopus being adorable and hanbok-skirt shaped and got a little carried away. I based this on the fashion of Korean-Joseon Royal ladies, semi-specifically the Royal Wives because I love the most elaborate versions of their hairstyles/headdresses. The shapes are just so exciting. (A long time ago I did a bunch of research into it and at one point they were made all of hair (horse hair and real hair) …but it was so heavy it was made safer by being made out of wood. Historical fashion is wild and I love it dearly). I tried to make references to the mermaid-ness of her life by hiding little shell and starfish inspired details. What do you think?
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram.com/ellenartistic or tiktok: @ellenartistic
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imagitory · 5 months
All right...for those of you who don't know my thoughts about Wish, yes, I wasn't happy with the finished result, but no, I'm not a hater. I'm mostly just disappointed that this project that had so many good ideas came out so half-baked, and THIS is a perfect example of what I mean.
No, it's not because "Star Boy" appears in it -- at least, not by itself. I do actually like Star's "himbo" personality in this, even if I also completely understand liking the idea of a mute version of the character. (The downside is that the mute Star from the finished film honestly doesn't have much personality outside of just being cute, in contrast to other mute magical Disney characters like Tinker Bell.)
No, the lost potential here is two-fold --
Firstly, I once again felt more emotion watching this storyboarded sequence than I did at any point in the finished film. I smiled hearing the fun banter between Star and Asha, insinuating that they're becoming closer despite their contrasting personalities; I felt some suspense in how Star and Asha were going to get away from evil!Queen Amaya; I even laughed pretty hard at the cat-and-yarn gag! I didn't laugh once while watching the finished movie.
Secondly -- and this point is actually the one I want to focus on more -- is the commentary given about why this scene was cut. I truly think another unspoken reason behind the decision was that this sequence was clearly inspired by the transforming chase scene in Nimona, which Disney of course infamously dropped when they closed Blue Sky Studios and later got picked up by Netflix, only to receive glowing reviews from just about everyone...but one of the core reasons that Head of Story Mark Kennedy cites for why they changed this scene (aside from wanting Star to be mute and not a shapeshifter like other Disney characters, which I'm a bit confused about because yeah, Disney's done cute, mute non-human characters before too -- what about Dopey, Pascal, Maximus, Dumbo, Bambi, Magic Carpet, Sven, and again Tinker Bell?) is that they wanted Asha to be the hero and be able to "solve all her problems" without Star's help.
Up to a point, I understand what Kennedy means -- the theme of the film is supposed to be that we all have the power inside of us to make a difference, and that's great. But by making it so that Asha doesn't need any help from Star, it takes something away from their relationship. No human is an island, and relationships, both in stories and real life, are often built on that fact. Just look at Ariel and Eric in the original Little Mermaid -- Ariel saves Eric from drowning and from Ursula zapping him with Triton's trident, and then Eric saves Ariel from Ursula by skewering her with the broken figurehead of a ship. Even in non-romantic examples, we have Judy and Nick having to help each other solve the case in Zootopia; Buzz and Woody helping each other get back to Andy in Toy Story; the Parr family and Frozone all fighting together against Syndrome's robot with their unique powers in The Incredibles; Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver working together to save themselves and everyone else at the end of Treasure Planet; even Anna helping Elsa learn how to control her magical abilities through an act of authentic, courageous, selfless love that only she can do in Frozen. These characters needing help and deep emotional connections with others is what creates a bond between them, helps the characters grow and change into stronger people, and makes us as an audience enjoy watching the two characters together. We become invested in both the two individual characters and the relationship forged between them. Because they all have their unique strengths and weaknesses, they supplement and complete each other. Even perfect paragon Superman in most DC properties isn't an island -- when he's in the Justice League, there are plenty of times where he needs help from Batman or other team members to save the day. Even Superman is a stronger character when he has people around him who can balance out his flaws.
If Asha never needs help, that runs the risk of the challenges she's facing seeming far less consequential, because no human can handle absolutely everything, all by themselves. Yes, perhaps in the finished film, Asha asks her friends to help her liberate the wishes (a task which ultimately fails, leaving Asha to confront Magnifico alone again and realize exactly what everyone has to do to defeat him on her own anyway)...but just in regards to Star and Asha's relationship -- which even the filmmakers have said is something like a "soulmate" relationship, though not in a romantic sense in the finished product -- these two can't have a meaningful connection if one of them is completely self-sufficient. This is also why quite a few Disney fans didn't like that the Little Mermaid remake changed Ursula's defeat to have it be Ariel who killed her, rather than Eric, because it hurt the "equal" dynamic between the main couple where they both helped and supported each other.
In short, "girl power" shouldn't have to mean never needing to rely on anyone else...and honestly, looking at this scene concept, we don't see Asha relying on Star too much! She's the brains of the outfit -- she's making plans; she's providing Star some much needed common sense; she's using Star's light as a distraction so they can get away...she even escapes Amaya at one point by sliding right under her horse! Asha in this storyboard is a bad-ass!
What we see in this sequence is these two characters having to help each other in order to succeed. And that would've been a great foundation on which to build more dramatic stakes and a relationship with actual pathos, whether romantic or not.
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sheeluvsme · 1 year
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I just read the most hear breaking but heart warming head cannon. IM GONNA ELABORATE ON IT.
Alejandro and you with a baby. [LOUD UNCONTROLLABLE SOBBING] inspired by : lady_kuffy on TIKTOK
CW: Miscarriage , blood , angst , lots of baby stuff , hospitals , not proof read (lmk if I missed anything!!)
This baby ment absolutely everything to you and Alejandro..you were now a few months along with a little girl. Alejandro and you were thrilled but scared. He was protective and watched you like a hawk. You’d lost your first child due to falling down the stairs in your own home all alone. He’d been away at mission he had no choice , but he definitely made it a choice after getting a horrific call from you while you waited for the ambulance to arrive. You felt the world crash around you feeling your body shift and blood leak out of you. But he was amazing and came to you immediately, he honestly didn’t care if he’d loose his job, he knew you needed him. Meeting your poor swollen eyes at the hospital broke him. He knew everything you had been doing for there first baby and it was completely gone. He stayed with you every step of the way till you ready to try again.
When you did try again and you got pregnant with your baby girl , Alejandro did not leave you ever , he was always lending you a arm to balance yourself, taking care of you. Making sure he put everything together and not letting you move a muscle. Your little girl ended up being early , she was small but she was absolutely perfect, she had beautiful curly dark brown hair , her hands so small. Alejandro was so proud!! And especially proud of you. She was a little fighter. Your little fighter, Alejandro says your daughter is so tough because of you. When older Alejandro was constantly getting heart attacks from her!! She was a daredevil and would climb almost anything. You worried too but it was funny that she was putting Alejandro to work. She pulled him and Rudy into tea party’s and did Alejandro’s make up. He was willing to do everything with her. He liked to bring her around base just to show her off and so he could spend every second with her as you took a day to yourself to rest. Her first word was “ bonita “ of course it sounded more of “ bownita “ from her, she had just finished putting clips in Alejandro’s and Rudy’s hair and she said it. He immediately started screaming your name and absolutely beaming. “ look look!- amor- say it again!” She’d get shy but quietly say it again. You’d both smile hugging her. Alejandro kissing her head “ yes. Yes you my love are Bonita.”
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0mega-starl1ght · 5 months
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( more info underneath )
Name: Umbra Waddle Dee (she/her)
Umbra Waddle Dee ( or Umbra Dee or Umbree, whatever you prefer ) is a young Waddle Dee and is, simply put, a rather nice and polite looking chap ( if I say so myself )- albeit, she’s somewhat timid and doesn’t socialize often.
She lived a regular life in Dreamland in a seaside home with her parents, and she often went out to collect shells as a way of passing time- hence, her making the shell crown she wears. Though, one day she did meet Kirby and eventually his friends, and became friends with them as well. She did also meet some others that weren’t friends with Kirby that she became friends with, but that’s a story for another day ( this totally isn’t for OC’s i haven’t revealed yet nope mm-mm nope nada ).
Fun Fact: The ‘Umbra’ part of her name I got from shortening the word ‘umbrella’, which comes from the animal she’s inspired from, an umbrella octopus aka a dumbo octopus.
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this thing, right here
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knwatchesninjago · 3 months
I was rewatching S1E12...
lets just say i was inspired....
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Nya's main purpose in S1 was to be the flight attendent -_-
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yes i spelled "torch" wrong... deal with it
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This is literally Wu throughout the entire season... convince me otherwise.
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poor driver...he needs a raise, lol
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This mailman deserves the world
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sighhh... Wu u dumbo.... why didn't u just destroy the fangblades when u got the chance? instead u just monologed
Wu is just a :
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(loll, im just joking)
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aching-tummies · 7 months
Another great prompt here's my inspiration.
I can tell from the sick gurgling I hear in your tummy that somethings definitely wrong. I look over to see you trying your best to ignore the sounds your bellys making and the awful cramps you must be feeling. I can't help but to smile as I decide to see how long you can keep up this charade. I go to the kitchen pouring you another tall glass of milk before walking over to you "here babe you look thirsty" I say as I hand you the glass, your face surprised but still not admmitng what's wrong you quickly empty the glass into your crampy tummy. Just as you do, it moans even louder as your hands dart to your belly, trying your best to soothe it. You look up at me with tears forming in your eyes, pleading for help. "Next time, just say your tummy hurts dumbo." I say as I lift you into my lap, your tummy sloshing at the sudden movement. My hands quickly move under your shirt to feel your bloated tummy as it twist itself into knots. "Wow that milk definitely doesn't agree with you" I see you shake your head and you start swatting my hands away already knowing what's about to happen. I slowly squeeze your lower belly feeling all the milk shift and move around inside your tummy as my fingers squeeze probably a little more than necessary. Every squeeze or rub makes your tummy complain even louder as I hear you moan holding back nauseous burps as you squirm on my lap trying your best to get your bloated tummy away from my prodding fingers. "I hope your not feeling sick already cause we're just getting started!"
Response to this post. Thanks for waiting! Sorry it took so long. Dealing with a lot of SNAFU in jobs and finances. Lots of unexpected expenses came up this month and Savings goals and targets went out the window a while back so I've been trying to make plans and form new habits to try out going forward.
I squirm on the couch as I feel another twinge. It's getting close to noon—lunch-time--and I'm not hungry in the slightest. The glass of milk I downed around 8AM has cleared my stomach-organ, but it's been spending at least the last two hours twisting my intestines into knots. The cramps are excruciating. It feels like something tied my intestines into knots and every twenty minutes or so a different knot gets pulled, as though to tighten it. It started higher up, the first of the crampy tightening around my right side, below the ribs. Next one manifested around my navel-area. There's one on my lower left side, closer to my hip than to anything else. That one's a recent development and that's the one that just intensified, causing me to hiss a breath.
A low, wet grumble accompanies the tightening cramp. My guts are not happy in the slightest. I try to be discreet. I know how you get when it comes to my tummy and I honestly don't think I can handle anything being done to it right now.
“Babe, you hungry? Wanna get lunch?” You drawl lazily. You heard the muffled noise from my tummy and assumed it to be hunger.
“Ah...n-no thanks.” I murmur quietly.
“Ya' sure? Your tummy's growling.” You point out.
“I'm fine. N-Not hungry. S-Stomach's a little...it's just a little upset. You know how it gets. Go ahead and get food if you want some though.”
Quirking an eyebrow as my belly continues to grumble angrily, you make your way to the kitchen. As you fix yourself a sandwich, you pour out two glasses of milk and come back to the couch, where I'm focusing a little too intently on my crochet project.
“Here. At least drink this. I'll feel better knowing you've got at least a little something in your stomach.” You mutter as you set a glass of milk in front of me.
“B-Babe...I'm fine. It's not...I'll just have some tea later.” I pout, scooting backwards on the couch as though to get away from the dreaded glass.
“You can have tea too. Drink up.” You insist, gesturing to the milk as you settle on the other end of the couch with your sandwich.
I eye the glass warily. The opaque whiteness in the otherwise-clear glass, milk--Cold, cruel, milk. My stomach cramps and grumbles at the sight of the stuff. Even so, I know that you'll be upset with me if I don't make a move for it. Warm milk is gross anyway. Sighing and sending a mental apology to my tummy, I pick up the glass and down the contents quickly.
The ice-cold liquid irritates my stomach as it trickles in. My stomach convulses, sending painful cramps reverberating throughout my digestive tract. If individual organs can shiver or shudder like we do when too cold or thinking about something gross, that's what my entire digestive tract has done in response to more milk entering my system. The glass I'd secretly downed this morning hasn't even left my system and here I am introducing more of the toxin to my system.
By the time I swallow the last mouthful in the glass, tears prickle my lashes. I all but toss the glass onto the coffee table as my hands fly to my belly. A series of wet squelching noises burble from my stomach-organ; low, groan-like grumbles echo through my cramping intestines.
“Ah...nnngh...oww...b-babe...I-I don't...uhm...I-I think milk just...just upsets my stomach more...owwww...”I mumble, embarrassed but also craving some TLC for my sore stomach.
You watch my expression pinch into one of pain as I gently massage at my sickly belly. You can't help but think 'that's adorable' or some variation of that as I mewl and whine in pain. It's not enough though. Not yet.
“Hmm? What's that?” You ask.
“Nnngh...b-babe...c-could you...c-could you rub my tummy? P-Please?” I whimper, clutching my belly tightly as a particularly large cramp ripples through my digestive tract, tightening all of the 'knots' I feel in my intestines as well as seemingly birthing a couple more throughout the length of the organ. Little points of pain explode in my intestines, cramping, releasing, cramping again at random intervals.
“Awww. Next time just tell me your tummy hurts from the start, dummy.” You chide. Even so, you reach over to collect my tense, curled up form into your arms, bringing me over to rest against your torso as my stomach gurgles and gripes between us. My stomach rumbles indignantly at the change in position, a cool, sour liquid sloshing back up my esophagus and burning at my throat, making me feel sick at the movement. You spend some time positioning us, my stomach churning sickeningly with each tiny movement. Eventually, I feel your warm hands snaking under my hoodie, directly on the bare skin of my belly. Your eyes widen as you feel the tense muscles and tender organs beneath your palms.
“My, my....something's not agreeing with you. It's so...tight. So hard. You weren't kidding...this definitely feels like it hurts. Sorry, babe.” You murmur, kneading gently into the tense expanse of my belly. A wet, angry grumble ripples from the point you press against my belly, shocking you. “Oh wow...poor tummy. That milk really isn't agreeing with you, is it?” You coo, pushing into my belly yet again.
I shake my head, tears still in my eyes as I squirm on your lap. I swat at your hands, trying to push them off of the sorest parts of my belly. Belly rubs are usually awesome and always welcome, but right now your probing fingers are prodding pretty hard into the knots in my intestines and it really, really, really hurts.
You squeeze, thumb and fingers pressing deeply into the tense area around my navel. I see white as pain flares from the points of contact. The grumbles are constant now, my belly protesting the massage as well as the cruel liquid that's causing so much pain.
I moan as a sour belch presses it's way up and out of my throat. The pressure in my tummy intensifies rather than ebbs as your palm continues to find and squeeze the pockets of trapped gas in my system, coaxing them to move around and bruise up my sore intestines in their journey to be expelled. Hot air rises...and right now my digestive tract is full of four hours of rancid, hot air from the hours-long fight with an indigestible substance.
“Hmm? Hold on, babe. I don't want you getting sick on me so soon. C'mon—hold 'em in. It'll feel even better coming out if you just hold it in a little.” You coax, rubbing my back and making it very, very hard to swallow back against the pressure building in my stomach-organ, demanding release.
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A short comic about the AU
Big ol long text fueled with pieces of the AU's story under the cut! ( THE LORE)
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The Golden age
In the early days of house of Mickey entertainment, when the business was still run by a handfull of  people, the first chosen characters to be put as the face of the pizzeria were: Bambi, Pinocchio, The Good Fairy, Monstro, Dumbo, The Hippo ballerina, Chernabog, and Snow white. The newly built animatronics were barely a mechanical structure with vinyl external shells, with prerecorded voicelines, sounds and movements that singed from a stage. At the time it was enough to inspire tons of little fans to arrive and join the fun in the pizzeria. It was the 40's.
There was a supposed incident happened around the Snowhite animatronic, but no text or information about that survived to our days.
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The Silver Age
Leaving behind the doll-like era of animatronics, the Silver Age desired to create much more durable robots, for the time and fans to come. Resistant to time and usage. The characters were built with lighter metals and hard plastics for the external shells, and the endoskeleton enhanced with steel. These are the heaviest animatronics that house of mickey ever created (after Chernabog ). To balance the huge production costs, some parts were left uncovered by the external shell, leaving out the bare endoskeleton.
The line was sadly famous for the tons of problems it gave to the technicians and whoever adult crossed their space. Although they did not possess advanced technology (like later generations), these animatronics seemed to possess primordial specks of personality , which often hampered the work of anyone who had to repair them. They seemed to favor spite only for adults, while not giving any signs of aggressiveness towards the childrens.
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The Bronze Age
Their production was followed by a new creative team that wanted animatronics to reach a new level of realism. Newer endoskeleton technology, enhanced realistic movements and augmented mobility of the facial plate through silicone for upper part of the face capable of more complex emotions. (As always for economy, the parts that would have been covered by the clothing were not made of premium vinyl and weren't textured.) Freshly out, the bronze age line was greeted with enthusiasm by the visitors, with a positive decrease of children getting frightened by them. Barely a month after their debut tho, some parents begun to report complaints for the uncanny-ness brought by characters, one parent in particular said to have accidentally mismatched the Sikes animatronic for a friend till this one fully faced her, scaring the lights out her. These reports, weren't considered in the least by Mickey’s entertainment until the event that caused the animatronics decommissioning in block. One day, during the birthday of a little girl were requested as guest stars some Oliver and company animals characters. In the middle of the party, the girl began to show signs of respiratory distress and minor rashes that quickly alarmed the parents, due the little girl's only allergy were to cat hairs, and inside the establishment were sure to be none. The fact got silenced, and shortly afterwards the Bronze Age characters were put aside, bringing back to the stage the Silver age animatronics. Some independent newspapers tried to spread the incident, with vain results. There were rumors from an anonymous interview of a ex former visitor whom witnessed a fairly morbid event, happened during the re-enactment of the "Black Cauldron" before the models were decommissioned. "(...) that day i noticed that some of the Horned king’s teeth were missing, and i thought it was due to a pure aesthetic choice (...)  at the end of the performance when the stage floor cleared, i noticed something strange on the ground. I gave a further look because my eyes fell there and... my god. It were teeth. Actually human molars."
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The Renaissance
This was undoubtedly the most advanced line of animatronics in terms of performance and technology for their times. Advanced mobility to the point of being able to almost perfectly emulate the movements of their cartoon counterparts, plus some rather special effect for few of the characters (Ariel and Ursula being water resistant, Quasimodo and Tarzan huge athlete like ability to climb, etc etc).
The enlargement of the company brought more wealth into the pockets of the production, allowing the decrease of the unpainted parts in the body of the animatronics. The only flaw of these models was that to increase the movements, the outer vinyl shell was sacrificed through the partial removal of material nearby the joints making the endoskeleton rather visible. ( To prevent children from squeezing their fingers between the joints, House of Mickey entertainment decided not to allow this lines of robots to attend parties as guest stars but only appear on stage or in meet and greet booths.) . The others most surprising news about this line, was the technological growth of the animatronics ' artificial brains. While the Bronze Age ones had a basic idea of being just copies of cartoon characters that acted in fake environments (sometimes even by forgetting to be robots), from the Renaissance onwards the animatronics were totally aware of their state of being "interpreters" under the command of a company. Some robots have shown signs of sharp increase of cynicism and sarcasm after this update.
During the 1990s, House of Mickey built a bigger space for the pizzeria, becoming the huge structure known to this day. There are six major themed zones, that become the home of our beloved heroes, henchmen and villains for them to get back to, for whenever they are not busy doing shows on stage or greeting fans around the pizzeria. Have you already tryed Tarzan's jungle of sliding tubes? Esmeralda's mirrors-maze? Bolted climbing with Mulan?
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With the arrival of 2000, the new animatronics began to comply with tighter safety laws. The new line of robots was made with safer external shells without openings to the internal endoskeleton parts (safe from the risk that small fingers may remain closed inside), removal of cigarettes, cigars and pipes from some characters (Mrs Packard, Hades, John Silver, Toon patrol etc etc), and the closing of some of the attractions in the themes areas considered dangerous as : Clay pigeon shooting with Clayton, Hide-and-seek in the elephant cemetery with Scar and Hyenas (contrary to popular belief, the attraction was closed because too many children stumbled on the scenery forcing the animatronics present to stop the game to calm down the childrens. ), Archery and javelin throw with Philoctetes, Self defence class with Maggie and Buck , and Jim's Solar flying jumping in the vertical wind tunnel (mourned by many fans and also Jim animatronic). History of first aid class with Dr. Sweet was just upgraded to a formative experience rather than a historical show and tell of the 1900's medical procedures after some parents lamented that watching a dummy's femur being saw in half could be horror inducing in a child. (Alas the kids loved it).
Non-textured parts are practically absent here. The technical department has however decided to save in accessories and partial clothing, deciding to make it part of the aniamtronic's outer shell.
Rumors said that someone in the animatronic programming department was so determined to make animatronics realistic that they filled their artificial brains with terabytes of all the possible notions that character could canon-ly know. Although Milo’s animatronic would gladly help you doing your history and languages homeworks, House of Mickey entertainment would rather wish you didn’t. To anyone that is continuely asking to the Vinny Santorini animatronic to be taught the process of making a bomb, you are warned. Next time you'll be reported to security.
Memo for the reader : Animatronics cannot harm in any way our lovely fans! Each character is equipped with advanced facial recognition, capable of distinguish between invited guests from external subjects. Your kids will rejoice to know to being kept in check by our heroes and villains watchfull eyes! Visitors should't ever be found crossing the private or prohibited areas. In case of incident, injury, death, or burning Mickey's entertainment will be not responsible of such accadiments.
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hathousehappenings · 3 months
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79. Give Ants a Chance
I've only seen this episode once before, so it's still pretty new to me. Hare with the big plastic ant! With the little voice! Good lord. He's just too cute. (Both Hare and the ant.)
I think "Heebie Jeebies" is my favorite Walrus song. Probably because it's got that creepy Halloweeny feel to it, but I think it's just great. Everyone got to walk around and look all spooked! I can't get enough.
I thought it would be fun to use the "Pink Elephants" scene from Dumbo as inspiration for this picture. I had fun designing all the ants around him.
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hydreesia · 10 months
I adore the new underwater creatures in Fontaine omg I cannot shut up about them they are SO cute
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Like look at them, I'm 90% sure these r sea slugs or based off sea slugs, because they very strongly remind me of the blue glaucus and cyerce elegans nudibranches. I'm so excited to see them in game, they look so cuddly even though they probably aren't....
more of me rambling abt fontaine creatures below vvv
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And the jellyfish!! They look so squishy, and also they've got big dumbo octopus vibes bc of those ear flaps, it makes them look even cuter
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The manta rays r also so cool.. the bottom two look matching and they kind of remind me of the divda rays in enkanomiya??
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also omg look at the seahorses.. the big one lowkey reminds me a bit of a dragon as well, which reminds me of how a lot of dragons are depicted with pearls in China, and the eastern myth of how seahorses are actually baby dragons..
And the lil baby seahorses too!! I love how they look like they have little capes, and the variations in their designs make me think of other sea animals, such as the blue tang or the emporer angelfish for the two seahorses on the left, and a shark for the one on the right!
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And them! They look like somebody combined seals with manatees and created these lil guys... They look extra friendly and soft n squishy
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AND THE OTTERS... look at them!! They are so so adorable, but they also lowkey give me beaver vibes, probably because of their tail and maybe a little bit of how they're shaped? Either way they're quite charming and I hope that we can catch or befriend them cause <333
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The gulls are just Neat <3 They look a lot less mean than real seagulls, like they're just some silly lil dudes. They also remind me of corvisquire and corviknight from pokemon a lil bit? But maybe that's just me
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Lastly, the umbrellafinches are just adorable. You cannot tell me they don't look like those photos where people put flowers on the heads of little ducklings that make it look like they're wearing a cute little flower hat.
Actually a bonus if u actually decided to read lol, but I noticed these in the background of one of the shots from the livestream?
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In the livestream the way they move is w/ undulating fins (think of how a cuttlefish's head fins move, or how stingrays do) which lead me to think that they're inspired by stingrays? Maybe even are some sort of stingray-adjacent thing? But tbh they also kind of remind me of nudibranches too with their pattern and the little horns on them so who knows... but oh man am I excited for them and all the other new lil creatures..
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 6 months
Smol event update :v
Things got out of hand. Who tf let me cook?!
BUT! Because I'm around halfway done with the main thing... I decided to announce the thing in question and then see who is interested to be in the event itself. :3
So! I will hold a Dumbo-inspired circus event! :D
A certain date is not settled, so please keep in mind that this will not start until officially announced by me! :3
Our main star and ssr of the event is Sebek! :D
The gig of this event is that you get to enjoy a main story and you are open to participate with your yuusona/ocs or even other cannon twst cast.
So here comes the thing: I still need to finish the main story script. Unfortunately only the script is not my limit. (I'm fucking on a roll with this shit, I tell y'all)
But since we have a pseudo-event, we need personal stories.
So I'm open to an early collab to this event, regarding the personal stories!
This event has 4 cards: 1 ssr(Sebek), 2 SR and 1 R. The concept art for the cards is not solely dependent on the personal story, so there is sum creative liberty in there.
ALSO! BIG DISCLAIMER! This is NOT a zine, this is NOT payed work. All of this is absolutely voluntary work(with full credits given), so this is why I holded it more to myself, because at best, if this flops, I'm the one who takes the fall :'3
Also I apologise for the Sebek fans that got this popping on their fyp. This is his event so I guess you might enjoy it in the end. :'3
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"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." -Jessica Rabbit
Inspired by the movie and novel "Who framed/ censored Roger Rabbit?!" And Chowder
In preparation for more Fatui Harbingers x reader stuff.
Creation! Reader x modern! Fatui Harbingers (platonic? Idfk, might be torn into separate fics, like Yandere, dessert or something)
Tags: fantasy/realism, some hidden violence(?, Dottore's in here), fluff(?), Innuendos, hints racism/disability (?) Using fem reader (but you can change it up), magical bunny assistant reader.
Imagine you're not realistic, I mean. You popped into Phantasia, a city for creations like you. Yep, that's right, you're a drawing! After you've been created. You don't fit the criteria of a drawing, how you walk the talk is a kin to a regular person. You're neither.
You aren't bound to the laws of human physics. You can bend in unimaginable positions that weren't possible, fold, electrocute, hell. You can jump off a cliff and you won't die. Still you bleed and get bruises from it before a few shake offs.
One of the things you didn't like about yourself is that you're an assistant bunny girl in a magician's suit. And yes, you do have stockings. Most people can't take you seriously when you tell them you looked up to Betty Boop. You'll show them, and rub it in their faces that a deformed 'creation' like you could have their own show!
No entertainment programs could accept you due to your humane features, you weren't eye catching enough. Nor do you do funny gags consistently enough to retain children's attention for a good amount of time like other regular normal cartoons like Tom and Jerry, SpongeBob, Looney toons or maybe even Disney's toons. But children's educational programs allowed you to star in their shows. Even if you also attracted adults to the program when you didn't mean to. As long as you're being paid, not in peanuts like dumbo the elephant and the others.
But there is a particular group of people you aren't that much aware of in the entertainment industry. Today you're supposed to air in other countries like in Snezhnaya. You're acutely aware of them, but as a creation you have nothing to do with it. And besides you got kids to teach!
Occasionally, you get to meet other people. Like this child named Teucer who's been your fan since the show aired. At the convention, you're here for a meet and greet with some fans, of course all of them are lovely like him. Alongside is his brother Tartaglia who watched your show with Teucer.
Soon, someone from the entertainment industry proposed to you to let you have your own show like your own show, with its own educational flair. Though you owe everything to the first educational program you've entered, it feels rather scary that they offered a position that pays well and higher exposure.
In the end, you stayed with your program until the series finale when your partner, Kiki the protagonist, has grown up to be a fine woman. Often she comes to you for help.
So right now with income gone, left jobless. With merchandising still going strong and passively giving you some retirement funds.
Thinking about that little boy named Teucer. You dabbled into a side gig of being an entertainer at parties. And of course your first customer would be the little ginger boy at his birthday party.
You entertained guests with neat tricks and gave all fun games and rewards for anyone who participated.
Except for one kid who you couldn't cheer up. An indigo haired boy in a formal suit. Whenever you looked at him, he made a deeper frown than the last.
You discovered his name is Scaramouche and was forced to go to this 'kid's birthday party'. So you tried to cheer him up with fun party tricks like being in two places at once, though it drains you to do that.
Teucer's older brother Childe seemed to be interested and asked for your phone's number.
It lead to multiple meetups like at the park or even at Phantasia. There you met some of his other friends like Mr. Capitano, Ms. Signora. The latter had given you great tips on how to sound better when singing.
Columbina and Arlecchino are an odd bunch, since they just gave you some treats and sweets, then left. But you recognize the maiden anywhere, she licensed your studio's theme song and soundtracks. So you're lucky to even see her.
Meanwhile this 'Doctor' person kept asking you out on 'dates' to quote on quote to 'investigate' further. But of course he was stopped by a high ranking socialite Mr. Pantalone.
This boss person, you could have sworn you've met somewhere before in your life. Him and creations don't mix like water and oil but after meeting you, he just tolerates you since you aren't as wacky as the other creations from Fantasia's studios or something of the like. He somewhat finds it odd to know that you worked in the education program instead of-... Nope nevermind!
You liked Sandrone and Pulcinella, (mostly Sandrone) since they interacted with you the most. Asking how creations like you work, occasionally gives you a drawing of an outfit which thankfully adds a variety to your wardrobe and not wearing the same outfits each visit.
Thanks to them, you get to meet a very special person. The Tsaritsa herself in private! She's kind and warm just as they described her as such.
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muffinbeliever · 3 months
Introducing: Luna Mae Winchester
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x OFC
Word Count: 1710
Warnings: canon-typical violence, brief mention of child abuse, j*hn winchester
A/N: ok so dont hate me please but last week i was struck by sudden inspiration to make an ofc that was a crossover between supernatural and criminal minds and im rly just running w it now... this is her background/introduction that serve as a basis for the fics i'll write for her
about luna:
☽ sam and dean’s younger sister, born on september 20, 1984
☽ (5 years younger than dean, 3 years younger than spencer, and 1 year younger than sam)
☽ height: 5’6 (she had a short mom in comparison to the brothers lol)
☽ hair: dark brown; eyes: dark brown (giving the girl in the gif but not quite)
☽ physically fit, liked to run as a workout and got into yoga in college 
☽ as smart as, if not a little smarter than, sam, but she doesn’t flaunt it 
☽ people like her for her looks but it’s really her mind that is enticing 
☽ generally has a bubbly personality but she is an introvert so it doesn’t really come out unless she’s close with the person or she is really excited
☽ technically the winchesters’ half-sister (bc timeline) but it’s not obvious at all that they’re not full siblings 
☽ john met her mom on a hunt shortly after mary died → luna’s birth was a secret from john until her mom was murdered when luna was only a month old
☽ her mom left john a voicemail before she died telling him about luna because she felt like she was being stalked
☽ by the time john and the boys got there, she was already dead and left luna behind
☽ her mother’s killer was never found.
☽ the brothers tried their best to give her a normal life, especially dean when he was left in charge while john was away
☽ dean would steal food to feed himself and his siblings, but he would also steal a stuffed animal or toy for luna so she never felt like she was treated differently/worse than the boys 
☽ sam encouraged her to try hard in school because that’s what he also wanted to do, but dean encouraged her because he knew that he never could really do the whole “school thing”
☽ even if dean told sam about what john did on his hunts, the brothers agreed to keep luna in the dark as long as possible so she could have somewhat of a normal, worry-free life 
☽ john had a tendency to get physical when he was really upset (i.e. dean’s wrists when he was sent to that boy’s home) and wouldn’t give luna any special treatment just because she was a girl 
☽ so dean always took the brunt of john’s anger, especially when it came to her, by shifting the blame onto himself and even lying so that she wouldn’t get in trouble
☽ we all knew john was a terrible dad but he was an even worse girl-dad
☽ she found out about monsters/hunting when she was 14 and it scared her a lot but she would still go on hunts because john said so
☽ excelled in her classes and took a lot of sam’s senior classes her junior year because she’s just smart like that
☽ she was devastated when sam left for stanford, not just because she saw how much it broke dean but also because she felt like she would be pushed into the family business even more 
☽ when sam left for school, luna was a senior and john wanted to pull her out of high school before she could graduate because he was worried she would follow sam’s path 
☽ surprise bitch ! dean vehemently refused to side with john and encouraged luna to apply for college anyways
☽ “if a dumbo like sammy can get in, you can get in anywhere”
☽ definitely asked sam for college advice and he read her essays… she got into caltech 
☽ john didn’t speak to her for two weeks after she found out but dean and sam were so proud of their little sister 
☽ dean drove her out to california and helped her move into her dorm while john was helping out another hunter 
meeting spencer reid
☽ double majored in psychology and philosophy at caltech, which was where she met spencer
☽ fun fact, her degree in philosophy was one of the biggest reasons why Spencer went back to school to get a bachelor’s in philosophy → she inspired him :(
☽ spencer was 21, finishing his bachelor’s in psychology and he ta’d for her human memory class (a real class at caltech lol i did my research)
☽ even though his degree wasn’t complete yet, the professor obviously thought he was smart enough to be the primary ta/reader for the class… he even guest lectured the eidetic memory unit 
☽ a lot of students in the class found him really annoying/hated him because he was a harsh grader 
☽ he gave luna a b- on her first essay but she went to his office hours to discuss her grade and after speaking with her (and lowk getting seduced by her beauty and intelligence) he let her rewrite the paper for a better grade as long as she didn’t tell anyone 
☽ she got an a- 
☽ she invited him to dinner as a thank you but he didn’t think that was appropriate so they got coffee instead 
☽ he complimented her rewritten version and they ended up missing the class because they were so caught up in chatting about her work
☽ turned into a coffee tradition before class; they would meet up but only talked about class material/readings
☽ because the class only met once a week though, they only hung out for about two months before the semester was coming to an end 
☽ she invited him out to dinner again at the end of the semester, and this time he accepted because he liked her company 
☽ they became close friends (he didn’t really have anyone else)
☽ he was lowk appalled when he found out she had a fake id (it’s spencer lol) but really just wanted her to be safe especially when she was drinking
☽ she took him to a party once but he hated it so they left shortly after arriving and got a bottle of wine instead and drank at his place 
☽ her friends thought he was a little weird at first but she had him over a lot for movie nights/hanging out and they saw how well they complimented each other 
dating spencer reid
☽ started dating towards the end of her freshman year after she drunk called him and told him she liked him
☽ they had cutesy dates where they either do work/read together or they’ll go to a bookstore or museum 
☽ she loved listening to him ramble off random facts about things they see out and about
☽ dean was so shocked and flabbergasted when she told him about spencer, he stole a car to drive to california to meet him 
☽ at first dean thought it was a power-trip thing of an older guy/younger girl once he actually met spencer and realized he really wasn’t like other guys™ they got along well
☽ spencer graduated that year and was recruited to the fbi so he had to move to virginia but him and luna spent the summer together before he had to go/she started her next year
☽ they did long distance for two years but it was really difficult towards the end 
☽ they had a mutual break up but they still loved each other
post-college hunting 
☽ dean and sam waited for her to graduate before pulling her back in (1 year after dean told sam john was on a hunting trip)
☽ she always felt a pang in her heart whenever they impersonated fbi because it reminded her of spencer
☽ she considered reaching out to him, especially when they were in/near virginia but then she saw him in a tabloid kissing lila archer in the pool and she was heartbroken because he moved on 
☽ she threw herself into hunting and staying with her brothers 
☽ spencer saw dean on the tv during “Nightshifter” (spn) and had garcia look up his record; he was shocked and confused when he realized that the three of you were on the fbi wanted list 
☽ two weeks later, spencer was abducted in “Revelations” (cm) and had bigger problems to deal with than his criminal ex-girlfriend 
☽ a year later, garcia told him that she died after hendrickson faked everyone’s death in “Jes in Bello” (spn) and he regretted never reaching out  
reuniting with spencer
☽ it happened in “Demonology” (cm)/“Death Takes a Holiday” (spn) while the brothers were looking for reapers 
☽ she took on the case because it seemed to be demons and ended up running into spencer at the hospital when they both tried to interview the same witness 
☽ spencer was shocked to see her (she was supposed to be dead ???)
☽ she tried talking to him but he didn’t want the rest of the team to make the connection of her crimes and put her in danger so he said no (also he was lowk mad)
☽ she bought him coffee and they talked… she gave him the monster talk and they worked it out 
☽ BUT she had to go back to her brothers and he was still in the fbi so they only exchanged numbers and nothing more 
☽ she told her brothers when they got back and at first they were a little mad but then they realized that spencer is actually protecting her (and them) and they leave it be 
☽ sometimes her and spencer texted but it was really rare and mostly just to see which cases were monster-related or psychopath-related so they didn’t have crossover
☽ spencer discovered the supernatural books and read them ALL and i mean ALLLLLL
☽ it allowed him to catch up with their years apart and he realized why she was wanted as a criminal
☽ (he especially liked the chapters that he was in) and since it was written based off her inner monologue, he realized how much she loved (and still loves) him
☽ “The Eyes Have It” (cm) where an unsub seemed to be taking people’s eyes turned out some of the victims were actually due to an angel burning them and spencer and her work together to investigate/hunt, rekindling their relationship 
☽ (they got drunk and hooked up) and they ended up getting back together afterward
☽ it was even harder to date this time because of distance and crimes ofc, but they worked at it every day and finally made it work
☽ at one point i’d like to believe that the bau eventually catches luna’s mom’s killer
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fumblingmusings · 1 year
Your writing is so faultless to me i love your portrayals of evryone but if its alright me asking do you have any outside inspirations for your writing from historic books or documentaries? You seem so involved in historic events often I feel I'm right there with you when you describe things but at the same time I'm not from the west and i have no idea where to begin to get a grasp on things. do you have any resouces in particular?
That is absolutely not true regarding my writing I have clunky syntax and I was re-reading a chapter and saw that I accidentally made Gilbert change genders randomly so... typos. You never catch them all... Congratulations Gilbert on transitioning. But thank you. You're so very kind to say so.
I am sorry if I misunderstand, so you're asking about what inspires my writing that isn't taken from history? Because the honest answer is not much. I do genuinely get inspiration from moments in history. I love period dramas. A lot. I don't read as much fiction as I should, and when I do it's historical fiction. I don't really watch much tv... I read Wikipedia pages in my spare time about huge overarching things like International Relations between 1648-1814 and then go down rabbit holes because I then go 'Oh I wonder what Arthur and Francis would have thought of each other at this time'. I like the occasional fantasy and anime. I'm a big DC comic book reader and write fics for one unpopular pairing on my main blog - that's where I got all my writing practice from; I started fanficcing in 2019 really.
In terms of formative 'I am watching one thing but thinking of Hetalia whilst doing so' pieces of media at the moment. Currently it's good old Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, books and tv both. I am also thoroughly enjoying Trigun Stampede at the moment (a series about one twin with a mother complex who doesn't know he has a brother complex and the other twin who has a brother complex but doesn't know he has a mother complex).
I do cheat. I work for a University Archive so I have full access to the course readings and the library resources for the taught courses. A lot of Universities actually have their reading lists online. So I just pretend I am a student and have a wee nosey and see what topics and themes I want to read more about, which ones catch my eyes. I may also borrow the books from the University Library itself. I may in fact be that asshole who has your essential reading for that seminar out because oooh isn't Adam Ferguson's opinions on man as a social creature fascinating. I have a particular love for International Relations, so I automatically go towards those topics rather than things like social history. Neither is bad, it's just something I've learned I enjoy after so many years of studying. The former just tends to make for an easier narrative driven read, that's all.
Having said that. A lot of unis also just list books that they think are interesting and that people maybe would like to read. Rather wholesome. Many also make available their specific readings for their courses. For example, I like to go to UCL's website and see what History topics they cover on their website.
Then get very excited, for example, when I see say Transformation of Britain, 1547-1707, so I follow the links and see what they recommend. The University of Reading also has a very good list, as does the University of Edinburgh. These things make me go nuts - they lay it all out for you, and you don't have to pay a penny for the lists. Teach yourself ha!!! Some of the sources are available online, some you may have to dig around and see if a library has them. Some you sigh mournfully and only imagine what kind of information is contained within.
This is probably so unhelpful orz. Forgive my babbles.
EDIT: Oh! Music! I'm such a dumbo. I do use music quite a lot for inspiration. I don't have playlists but I do have songs and scores that I associate with certain characters for sure. They help a lot with moods and ~vibes~
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Much Ado About MOANA
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Say it ain't so!
Walt Disney Pictures is working on a live-action "reimagining" of MOANA that will involve Dwayne Johnson himself, who of course voiced Maui in the original animated feature directed by Ron Clements and John Musker for Walt Disney Animation Studios and released in 2016.
As of now, the movie has three forthcoming extensions: This project, a land at Epcot in Walt Disney World, and an animated series being produced at WDAS (namely its recently-opened Vancouver unit) for Disney+.
I used to grouse to the moon and back about how much I detested much of these particular remakes and reimaginings of Disney's animated features and characters. You know, the ones made in the aftermath of Tim Burton's ALICE IN WONDERLAND throughout the 2010s, and even into now. I used to see them as something of a threat to animation's reputation, and they all came at us fast! MALEFICENT in 2014, CINDERELLA in 2015, THE JUNGLE BOOK (a largely CGI movie with one live actor and maybe like, 5 real-life plants) and ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS in 2016, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST in 2017, and a five-finger-punch of DUMBO, ALADDIN, THE LION KING, a MALEFICENT sequel, and LADY AND THE TRAMP in 2019... And then MULAN in 2020, CRUELLA in 2021, and PINOCCHIO this past year. Mixed in with these movies were a genuine new take on hybrid film PETE'S DRAGON and a legacy sequel to MARY POPPINS, MARY POPPINS RETURNS. Even Burton's ALICE, which got this whole ball rolling, was pretty much its own thing, ditto the 2016 sequel.
On the horizon? PETER PAN & WENDY, THE LITTLE MERMAID, SNOW WHITE, MUFASA: THE LION KING, BAMBI, THE SWORD IN THE STONE, a JUNGLE BOOK sequel, THE ARISTOCATS, ROBIN HOOD, THE CHRONICLES OF PRYDAIN (which the 1985 animated feature THE BLACK CAULDRON was adapted from), THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, HERCULES, and LILO & STITCH. Now MOANA joins the ranks, the first all-CG animated Disney film to get the "live-action" treatment.
That's a ton of remakes in the span of almost 10 years, if we peg the actual start of this trend with 2014's MALEFICENT.
I think I've only seen... ALICE IN WONDERLAND, and THE JUNGLE BOOK, in full. I refused to watch the others. Back then it was out of protest and me just genuinely not being interested, nowadays? It's just the latter. These things aren't for me, and that's okay I guess. They haven't erased animation, nor did other recent "realistic" takes on animated classics, such as the 2017 GHOST IN THE SHELL movie with Scarlett Johansson. It hit me one day at my cinema job when THE LION KING was released. The Cinemark that I work at used to have a cart for movie merchandise, including things like T-shirts and Funko Pops and such. Most of the merchandise for the remakes that came out that year? Were for the animated originals... (I use the word loosely, but... You know what I mean!) I'd say it was an 85/15 ratio. Some stuff for the new remake, but mostly stuff for the classic animated movies that inspired them... It hit me... These are just over-glorified theatrical re-releases of the animated classics, made to move some merch and stuff at your local Hot Topic. It's kind of a weird transition from the way Disney used to keep their films in the public eye, whether it was a re-release cycle from the 1940s up until the mid-1990s, or their video releases being available for a limited time before being retired to the infamous "Disney Vault" (a ruthless marketing strategy thankfully put to rest with the arrival of Disney+ in 2019).
But in 2017-ish, I remember just being so goddamn grumpy about these things. Made worse by various directors, actors, and producers involved with the remakes making disparaging remarks about the classic movies for being... Well... **Animated**. Imagine that! The director of live-action BEAUTY AND THE BEAST declared that filming that story with real people gave it layers of psychological depth and nuance or some such bullshit. An actor on ALADDIN said almost verbatim the same exact thing. Disney stressed that their LION KING remake wasn't animated, even though the entire thing except a single shot was computer generated and "animated"! Then of course, several folks involved with the remakes making up nonsense about the princesses and heroines in the originals. We're seeing that now, even, with THE LITTLE MERMAID. Though these particular remarks about classic Disney heroines are nothing new, they remain nonetheless a bit irritating and proof that media literacy is lacking in many people. Then again, we do live in a world where people constantly parrot nonsense like "Batman is a rich guy who beats up poor people" and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is about being bullied until you're useful to your bullies."
Some people just don't pay attention to what they watch, do they?
But really, the remakes come, make a lot of noise, often times make a crapton of money at the box office... And then they just... Disappear. Like, it was insisted that BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 2017 fixed the plot holes of the 1991 movie and was "darker", more "adult", whatever- Uhhh, I don't really feel its presence anymore, whereas the 1991 animated movie directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale? Still here, still beloved, still holds up. I guess you could not outmode the dumb ol' kiddie cartoon, now could you? All that "darker" and "more psychology" talk is gimmicks at best, and most folks just kinda watch 'em because they saw the originals... and then that's it. It's a movie, it's a thing, it exists. You got what was on the tin: It's [insert Disney movie here], all over again!
This all being said... Now the CG movies are fair game, and possibly Pixar's some time in the future. It ain't just the 2D movies they're going after anymore. Look at Universal, they're readying a HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON live-action movie for 2025 with Dean DeBlois himself - director of all three of the animated DreamWorks HTTYD movies - at the helm! It's either going to be a straight-up live-action version of the DreamWorks adaptation released back in 2010, or it's going to be a whole new take on Cressida Cowell's book series. I hope it's the latter, honestly, then I might give it my attention.
To this day, many rightfully concerned folks still feel that these live-action/photorealistic remakes insult pure animation. Pure animation as in, animation that KNOWS it's animated. Straight-up cartoon or abstract. That Hollywood sees animated movies as but a "stepping stone" to superior live-action, but really... What I see is this... Money. People love an animated movie or show? Money. How many different coats of paint can we put on the car?
Some are asking... Why not just a MOANA sequel?
The weird thing about that is, Ron Clements and John Musker left Disney Animation. They were last seen developing a METAL MEN movie for Warner Animation Group. Of course, the directors being off on a new adventure doesn't mean anything in capitalism, Disney could plow ahead with a MOANA sequel if they wanted to. But they choose not to at the moment, only this and a D+ series. Kind of keeping in line with a history of not really making sequels in-house, and the days of outsourced direct-to-video fare has been loooooong over. (The remakes are often compared to the DTV sequels of the '90s and '00s, and for good reason. They're little more than brand extensions, and you can ex 'em out of the equation if you so choose to do so. Disney EU or Disney "Elseworlds" if you will...)
But what's actually seemingly upsetting is that... In the past few months, on the year of Disney's 100th anniversary... Most of the movie announcements have been nothing but continuations and brand extensions. They also serve as a nice distraction from needless layoffs, but yes... The big announcements have been things like TOY STORY 5, FROZEN III, ZOOTOPIA 2, Live-Action MOANA, etc. etc.
However, one ought to look closer. In-between all the franchisey stuff and synergetic things, there's still original movies being made... Like, there's not only 20th Century Studios continuing to make new live-action movies that aren't remakes or re-dos or new adaptations of books (y'all seen THE MENU and BARBARIAN last year? Great stuff! Highly recommended.), but you still have Pixar. From March 2020 to March 2022? Four straight original animated movies: ONWARD, SOUL, LUCA, TURNING RED. After spin-off LIGHTYEAR, we're getting ELEMENTAL in two months, ELIO in spring 2024, and presumably many more on the horizon.
Oh, but ELEMENTAL looks "mid", you say? "A parody of Pixar"? Or whatever else is being mindlessly parroted at the moment? Whatever, I don't know what to say to that, but like it or not, a movie like ELEMENTAL is the rare original movie from Disney, a small island in a sea of remakes, Marvel, and Star Wars. Ditto ELIO, and again, whatever is in the works after that that isn't a sequel.
And of course, Walt Disney Animation Studios, who have all but abandoned literary adaptations outside of public domain fairy tales, keeps up with original stuff, too. After releasing no new movies in 2017, two back-to-back sequels from 2018-2019 and taking 2020 off due to COVID-19 complications, they hit us with RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, ENCANTO, and STRANGE WORLD. Next up is WISH, also an original story, despite the weird way it was presented and reported on at D23. Whatever releases after that, I do not know, but FROZEN III and ZOOTOPIA 2 aren't the only things in development there. Plus, they have partnered with Nigerian upstart studio Kugali to make an original show for Disney+ called IWAJU.
Much like the reception ELEMENTAL is getting online, a movie that isn't even out yet, a lot of the recent WDAS output and what's next is just being written off... But it's all there, it's original, it's a mere morsel of something coming out of the company that seems to be all about them brands. I'm not blaming audiences specifically for, say, STRANGE WORLD's epic floppage this past holiday season, buuuuut- Those numbers are looked at, and they possibly bring about consequences.
I do get the worries, though. Under former CEO Bob Chapek, we saw Pixar's originals post-ONWARD all go straight to streaming while franchise entry LIGHTYEAR hit the big screen... and lost money. WDAS movies had a hard time, too. RAYA did a day-and-date thing with Disney+ before most of the vaccine rollout, ENCANTO dealt with Delta and Omicron before being a huge hit at home, STRANGE WORLD was straight up left for dead after testing very poorly.
With Bob Iger back in charge, Chapek's strong pivot to streaming is being reversed, as it's being realized that streaming is not the be-all end-all of the movie world. And sharp eyes knew it never would be, either, but you know how things go in capitalism: New thing shows up, abandon everything for the new thing! Disaster! Hey, that's how hand-drawn animated features prematurely got the boot circa 2001. Anyways- Yes, Iger rearranged a lot of things, and now the release strategies and marketing campaigns are back in the hands of the studios and creatives, and I'm pretty sure that there's an effort, a commitment to make ELEMENTAL the first Pixar box office success in four years. That's right, the last Pixar movie to make its money back at the box office was... TOY STORY 4... Back in 2019... And you wonder why a fifth one was greenlit?
I'd imagine Iger saw how Chapek and co mandated Pixar to send TURNING RED straight to streaming, and knew what to do from there. Ditto how, on the WDAS front, STRANGE WORLD was just straight up abandoned. TURNING RED probably would've made ENCANTO or BAD GUYS numbers at best, which wouldn't have been enough for its hefty budget (Pixar needs to stop overspending on these things), but I wonder what's in store for ELEMENTAL. Few animated movies post-2020 have passed the $100m threshold domestically, and I feel that is due to how many trips to the movies families can afford a year. (Say the line, Kyle: In 2014, statistics showed that the average American family goes to the movies four times a y-) It's opening amidst a ton of blockbusters and other animated family movies, including Disney's own LITTLE MERMAID, and the fifth INDIANA JONES movie. Maybe movies should just be more affordable? And theaters, better places to sit down and see a movie? I can see why many just don't go anymore, again, having worked at a theater for 7 1/2 years (and ready to move on to something better).
Or better yet, Pixar and WDAS need not spend more than $150m on the movies that they make. DreamWorks, Illumination, Sony, et al. put out dynamic-looking movies that are rewriting the CG animation book for way less, WDAS and Pixar should probably consider that. Leave the tech-flexing to things like that LION KING remake and prequel, let their animated movies experiment and have fun again. But even movies they don't seem to be flexing tech cost so much. Why, though? I know in California, these things are expensive, but DreamWorks is based out of California, too. I guess that Moonray software they themselves created and other solutions have gotten their movies to cost less than $100m each time out. Well, WDAS opened their Vancouver unit, so maybe they can up them to feature status? Like they did with the defunct Florida unit way back when? Split the effort with Vancouver, lower the cost? I dunno, just spit-balling here.
Basically, I don't want ELEMENTAL and WISH to come up short at the box office. Or any of the original stuff coming out, period. Again, WDAS, Pixar, and 20th Century/Searchlight are like Disney's last outlets for that kind of stuff on the movie end of things. 20th is fine and good, because in small-scale live-action, most of the time the studios know how to be smart with budgets. $150m budgets make the average WDAS and Pixar movie a risk, that they have to get on the stage and essentially perform like a Marvel movie just to break even! That's a lot to ask of an original animated movie! And not even the WDAS name nor the Pixar name can guarantee people will show up, both have had their fair share of flops. And now, judging by how ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA is doing, the Marvel name ain't a guarantee anymore either. Ditto Star Wars, remember how SOLO just sorta existed at the box office and lost a lot of money? TV and elsewhere is a different story, of course, there's plenty of original stuff to choose from there.
MOANA Live-Action is likely being made to fund the fun cool stuff, much in the same way sequels help fund originals. They... Pay the bills, shall we say.
In other words, I'm just indifferent. Whatever. Tell me more about the original stuff coming out, and you'll have my ear.
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