#gotta head home... summer vacation over....
pocketramblr · 1 year
If you keep trying to use the ask game to get AfO simping I'm going to get meaner when I answer the other asks
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lnfours · 2 months
us. | l.n
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summary: and what seemed like fate becomes "what the hell was i doin'?" ; aka time heals all wounds, so they say, but has it been long enough for it to heal the one he left?
warnings: the highly requested part two to ‘august’, use of she/her pronouns, childhood friends to lovers, second chance romance, oscar giving lando advice bc duh, pining, language, lando absolutely word vomiting when it comes to his feelings, fluff towards the end.
‘august’ | listen | masterlist
oscar piastri took pride in being more observant rather than being the life of the party. he much rather preferred to be labeled as the 'wall hugger' rather than the wild child between him and his teammate. he let lando have that role, opting on sitting on the sidelines more often than not.
but tonight, it was completely different. the aussie driver had agreed to hitting the club in monaco tonight to celebrate charles' first home win and his own second place finish. he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on with his teammate, eyeing him as he sat down in the lounge area the group had gotten for the evening. something out of the normal for the brit.
he decided to take matters into his own hands, joining his friend on the couch. lando sent a tight lipped smile to his teammate, another red flag the aussie picked up on. he wasn't sporting his usual smile, the one that beamed. one of pure joy.
"you feeling alright, mate?" oscar asked, genuinely concerned.
lando nodded in response, "'m good, just a bit tired."
he hummed, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked out at the dance floor of people. the crowd normally lando would be in the middle of, but not tonight.
"gonna make me pry it out of you or are you just gonna tell me?"
lando chuckled softly, letting out a soft sigh, "y'know that new reporter for sky who was in the media pen earlier?"
oscar furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember your name, "think so? shit, what was her name?"
"y/n," lando said and oscar nodded in agreement.
"yeah, that's it," the aussie turned back to look at his teammate, "what about her?"
"well, a few years ago, her and i kind of..." lando trailed off, leaving his teammate to raise his eyebrows.
"you two had a thing?"
lando nodded, "yeah, she had a vacation rental next to mine in the states, and one summer we just really hit it off. y'know, we went on dates and eventually it turned into something more, and... oscar, i was in love with her."
the australian was shocked, "did you tell her?"
"i did," lando nodded, swallowing before continuing, "and i was with her when i got the call that they wanted me to join the team, and i just... i fucking left. i left without waking her up and saying goodbye. the best few months of my entire life, falling in love with someone who has never made me feel more loved and appreciated, and it all went down the drain because i fucked it all up."
oscar sat in silence for a minute, processing what the brit next to him had just told him, "well, do you still love her?"
"i never stopped," lando looked over at his teammate, his expression showing the guilt he still felt for leaving that one night, "i don't think i could ever."
"have you told her?"
he shook his head, "pretty sure she hates my guts, so, no."
oscar sighed, "listen, although she has every reason to hate you, i mean, i would too, doesn't mean deep down that she does. obviously, running into you again has probably brought up all of those feelings she worked to get over, but if you really feel the way you're telling me you feel about her, and it seems like you do, you gotta fight for it. you can't just let her slip through your fingers, again, and live a miserable life. nothing's gonna come out of it if you don't work for it."
lando sat in shock at his teammate, blinking at him like a deer in headlights. he had never known oscar to be this wise when it comes to relationship advice. he truly didn't know he had it in him.
"what?" the aussie laughed, "mate, i've been with lily for five years. you think we haven't had our own fair share of ups and downs?"
"no, i'm just amazed that at your age you're so wise." lando joked back, the two of them laughing.
"yeah, whatever," oscar waved him off, "but seriously, i mean what i said."
he nodded, "i know, i just don't know when i should talk to her."
oscar shrugged, "the sooner the better. that way you stop moping around like a sad, lost puppy."
lando jokingly rolled his eyes, pulling his phone from his pocket, "shut up."
his heart hammered in his chest at the thought of messaging you, opening instagram. but, just when he went to open his messages, your profile picture caught his eye at the top of the screen. he tapped onto the story you had posted not long ago, holding it down so it wouldn't disappear as he scanned over the picture.
you were still at the track, posting a picture from one of the offices. a video from your interviews today sitting on the screen, clear that you had stayed late to finish working on them. a caption written out on the photo.
'in desperate need of another cup of coffee'
he was up on his feet before he could even think through what he was about to do. shoving his phone in his pocket as oscar smiled at him softly.
"where're you heading?"
lando turned, walking backwards away from the lounge area, shouting over the bass of the club music playing loudly through the speakers, "'m feeling like having a cup of coffee! thanks for your help, osc!"
oscar raised his glass in a cheers motion to his teammate, watching him turn around and make a beeline for the exit. lily found her way to the lounge area, sitting next to her boyfriend and jabbing her thumb over her shoulder, motioning towards his teammate.
"where's he heading?"
oscar smiled, swallowing the sip of his drink, "going to get his girl."
the night breeze in the monaco air felt nice on lando's skin, a contrast against the overly warm club he had been in. he pulled his phone out once again, searching for a coffee shop that would still be open at this hour. he found one that looked promising after a few minutes of searching, putting in the directions to it and taking off in the direction.
he ignored the hammering of his heart in his chest as he carefully placed the cup in the holders of his car. was it the best idea to show up unannounced with a coffee in hand, especially when he wasn't sure how you felt about him? probably not. but after the conversation with oscar, all he could think about was how he couldn't lose you again. how even after searching for someone to fill the ache in his heart that was put there by his own doing, no one could compare to you. they couldn't ever be you, even if they tried or if he tried to make it work. it wasn't the same.
he parked the car, heading towards the building he knew all the journalists worked in. some of them still hanging around, sending lando smiles but confusion clear in their eyes as his eyes scanned the room.
"do you know where y/n is?" he asked an older man, a guy he had recognized to be your camera man from earlier. the man nodded, pointing towards the room with glass walls. he could see you in the room, your back facing the door. headphones sitting on top of your head, clearly invested in your work. he swallowed nervously, thanking the man before heading towards the room.
you hadn't noticed he entered the room until a hand placing a coffee next to you caught your attention. you slipped the headphones off, placing them on the desk before turning to see who was standing behind you.
he met your eyes, which were also laced with confusion as you spun around in your chair. he sent you a small, nervous smile. the same smile you had given him in the media pen hours ago.
"lando? what're you doing here?" you asked, "and how did you.."
he smiled softly, "saw your story."
"what is it?" you asked, moving to grab the warm cup, "i mean, i like my coffee-"
"with light cream and two and a half sugars. the pink packets, though, not the white ones."
your heart squeezed in your chest, he remembered the way you liked your coffee.
you took a sip of the warm liquid, tasting exactly the way you liked it. you took in a deep breath, meeting his green eyes once again and you swore you were slowly falling in love with him again. it was like you were back at the beach house, back at the exact moment you had realized you were in love with him.
maybe the feelings you thought had gone away after the years weren't truly gone.
your lipstick left a pretty mark on the white lid and he scanned your facial features. in the dim lighting you were still as gorgeous as the day he met you, pretty colored eyes that complimented the color of the strands of your hair. a pair of glasses sitting comfortably on your face, remembering that you only wore them when your eyes were starting to get irritated after a long day.
your voice was soft, "lando, what're you doing here?" you asked again, still confused on why he had come, "i mean, other than dropping off a coffee, which thank you for, by the way, but shouldn't you be out with the rest of the drivers? y'know, celebrating..?"
"well, i was," lando breathed, ignoring how it came out a little shaky, “but, to be honest, i just.. really want to talk to you.”
everything he rehearsed in his head during the driver over here was going out the window with each passing second. the longer he looked in your eyes the more he wished he had never walked out of that house all those years ago. the more it was eating him up inside that he let the best thing he ever had go, that he never told you why.
you sighed, pointing over your shoulder to the screen behind you, “i really have to finish this,”
“it’ll be quick,” he was almost begging. about to get on his knees if he had to, “promise.”
you nodded, your brain yelling at you for agreeing but your heart almost leaping out of your chest at the fact that he was here. standing in front of you. right now. when he could’ve been at the club, wrapped around some other girl. but he wasn’t.
“okay, just, let me grab my things.”
he nodded, biting down on his lower lip nervously as you saved your work and exited out of the editing software. you packed up everything in your bag, pushing the chair in before grabbing your coffee from the desk.
he held out his hand, “here,”
you furrowed your eyebrows in response. he motioned to the bag and you smiled softly, “oh, thanks,”
he nodded, letting you lead him out of the office. you said goodnight to the crew that was left, not batting an eye at the looks they gave you for having the, arguably, most sought out driver on the grid tailing behind you.
once you were outside, he walked next to you. matching your pace as he looked over at you, “so, uhm, how’re they treating you at sky?”
you nodded, “good,” you smiled softly, “didn’t expect i’d work in the same sport as you, to be honest.”
“you’re telling me you didn’t follow me here to make me realize i’ve been missing out all this time?” he joked and you laughed, shoving his shoulder with yours.
“shut it,”
“sorry, too soon?”
you chuckled, “forever might be too soon.”
he chuckled with you, unlocking the doors to the mclaren. he opened the passenger side door, letting you sit down in the seat. you took your bag from him and smiled, a silent thank you, before he closed the door for you and rounded the front of the car to get in on his side. he started the car, looking back over at you, "hungry?"
you hummed, "starving."
"perfect," he said, putting in the directions for a place he knew you'd like. you rubbed your lips together nervously, watching the monaco lights pass by you. the breeze was nice, something you could get used to.
you cut through the silence that fell over the two of you, speaking over the soft music he had put on for the drive, "so, what did you want to talk about?"
he looked over at you, the red of the stoplight illuminating his face. he had grown into his features, but the boyish things about him was what you loved. the way his dimples deepened the wider his smile was, the moles and freckles that littered his skin like stars, and you had noticed the small scar on the bridge of his nose. one that wasn't there years prior, but you had grown to love. you silently hoped he'd tell you the story sometime. wanting to know every detail of his life the past few years, the years you spent watching from the sidelines.
"about what happened," he said, the light turning green and his attention fixing back to the road, continuing to drive, "i feel like i owe you a very long, detailed, explanation."
you nodded as he pulled into a parking lot, "okay, yeah," you breathed out softly, "sure."
he parked the car, turning the engine off before looking back at you. you turned to face him, giving him a soft smile as he looked at you, eyes dancing around your face before he took a deep breath.
"listen, i know it's been a while and i really wouldn't blame you if you hate my guts, but i just... can't. i can't pretend that i've lived in a world i'm completely satisfied with. and i can't bring myself to fall in love with someone else because no matter what, i find myself wishing i was with you, at that stupid beach house where i first felt what love truly felt like."
you sat in silence, taking in his rambling thoughts. this conversation definitely wasn't going as well as he had rehearsed it in his head, but it was too late to turn back now. he was sitting here, spewing every emotion he's felt over the past couple of years in front of you. it's how he truly felt. no filter, no hoops to jump through, just pure emotion and longing and hints of regret, and true apologies.
"you're the first thing i think of when i wake up and the last thing i think of before i go to bed, and hell, sometimes i even find you in my dreams because for a while that was the only place where you and i co-existed. and i'm so fucking sorry for how i left you, how i packed up and moved on with my life without even considering how you would feel. it makes me sick to my stomach to think about the fact that i've fucked up the part of my life that felt normal. that felt real, and all because i was too much of a coward to tell you what was going on. too scared to drag you into all of this,"
he was still rambling and you couldn't help the way your heart hammered against your chest. the moment you had wished for all these years finally unfolding in front of your eyes and you couldn't help the tears that were starting to prick your eyes.
"but now, you're here, and i'm here, and... holy fuck i'm still so in love with you."
his throat bobbed, swallowing down the nerves as you watched him. you were speechless, unsure how to respond to everything he had just spewed to you. your heart was caught in your throat, the tears closer to spilling over after his rambling. he had said everything he was feeling and little did he know it was the same way you had been feeling too.
after every wish and journal entry wishing he'd waltz back into your life, he finally was here. sitting across from you, and now you were speechless. unable to find the words to tell him you felt the same way.
"i'm sorry," he mumbled, looking away and straight ahead of him, almost as if he was embarrassed to spring all of that onto you, "that was a lot all at once, i'm sorry-"
you leaned over the center console, grabbing his face in your hands, turning him to face you and smashing your lips against his. the tears falling down now at the feeling of having him this close again. the familiar feeling of having his lips on yours again being enough to send them dripping down and onto your shirt.
he was quick to kiss you back, as soon as the initial shock wore off. his hand moving to cup your cheek, deepening the kiss as you grabbed his shirt in your fist, not wanting to let go after he had been away from you all this time.
he pulled away when he needed to catch his breath, forehead resting against yours. you smiled softly, the two of you panting breathless and in love. he brought his thumb up to your cheek, wiping away the few stray tears that were still lingering. you leaned into his touch and he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"i love you," you breathed, nose bumping his, "so much. i never stopped, even after you left."
he smiled, his voice soft, "i'll spend a lifetime making it up to you."
you shook your head, "it doesn't matter. you're here now, that's all that matters."
"can i start with dinner?" he asked, smiling softly and brushing a piece of hair from your face. you hummed and nodded, pulling away from him as he got out of the car, jogging to open your door. you smiled and placed a quick kiss to his lips, joining your hands together. he walked with you into the restaurant, and as he opened the door for you all he could think about how he was the luckiest man on earth.
there was no way he was letting you again. you were incomparable. chemical.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Saw you took specific requests. Here's mine:
Jamil with a religious reader who gives him a protection talisman.
Fun fact, prayer beads are used in multiple religions as they help count prayers (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc).
So let's say reader comes from a world where magic exists but it's exclusively on religious grounds. Meaning if you wanna do magic you gotta pray to the right god or make a deal with some form of mythological creature.
Reader knows that Jamil's is always in danger due to the constant assassination attempts on Kalim, so they make a set of prayer beads and ask a diety to bless it in order to protect their boyfriend (could be Allah, Indra, Shiva, Buddha, Susanoo, whichever). Jamil accepts it and heads back home appreciating the sentiment but not really believing.
Except any form of danger keeps getting thwarted. Drink/food he's trying is poisoned? Conveniently spills over/has a whole in the bottom. Accident happens? Conveniently pushed out of the way. Someone tries to hurt him/kill him? Struck by lightning and straight up dies.
Not even his own parents are safe. They try to slap him to "discipline him" then they get zapped (lightly tho).
you know!!! I love this prompt so much... I'm a religious studies major so this kinda stuff is so ^w^ to me I get so excited.
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summary: giving jamil a protection spell type of post: short fic characters: jamil additional info: reader is gender neutral, the existence of religious beliefs in twst is. confusing. so we're keeping it vague, not proofread, reader is yuu
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Perhaps it was because your world was still considered "magicless" by Twisted Wonderland standards, or perhaps Jamil was never superstitious to begin with.
Either way, he wasn't exactly as excited as you'd been hoping for.
"It's nice. Did you make it yourself?" he asks, inspecting the beads. "A bracelet?"
"Prayer beads, actually. And yes, I did,"
"It's well made. What's the purpose?"
You hesitate. The nature of religion in this world is still confusing to you, although you can surmise there's got to be some kind of belief system. It's best not touching on for now.
Besides, Jamil has never been much of a believer in higher powers. For good reason.
"For protection," you explain. "Not that I think you can't handle yourself. But I worry about you over break, you know..."
He's quiet for a moment, inspecting the gift in the palm of his hand. And then he tucks the beads away in his pocket and smiles.
"I'll keep them with me, then. Thank you,"
Even if he's not exactly keen on the idea that these things will make his life any less terrible, they're from you.
And so he keeps his promise, and tucks them away after you part.
By the time he's "home" (back in Kalim's family home) he's all but forgotten about the little blessing at the bottom of his pocket. Not that you can really blame him- "vacation" is more of a title than a reality when he's back.
The first incident happens not even a day after.
The al-Asim summer mansion is certainly nothing to scoff at. Though it's only one of many, this one in particular houses a large sum of physical treasures, line with gold and ivory, stuffed full of spices and all the makings of a feast that could feed thousands, a shining jewel of the desert.
Jamil is not all that impressed.
Especially when it comes to navigating such an ornate building on orders. The polished-to-perfection floors present a challenge when you're carrying three crates worth of grain to the kitchen on the lowest floor.
Damn these stairs.
Though Jamil may not be a religious man, he still asks whatever deity may be up there to smite the slippery spiral staircase he's descending.
His arms strain to uphold the weight of the boxes, and his legs strain to keep a good footing on one of the many long and elaborate and narrow servant passages designed specifically so that the unwanted workers of the family can slip by undetected.
Quiet, diligent, and he has to be quick, too. Kalim is expecting him for a game in one of the many lounges soon.
Another unfortunate "vacation". How he'd much rather be spending it with you...
For a brief moment, Jamil swears he can feel the beads in his pocket warm against him, reminding him of their presence.
And then he slips.
The crates free themselves from his careful grasp and tumble down the stairs, creaking and thudding but mercifully staying intact.
Jamil, however, isn't made of wood. He winces as he feels himself tilting forward- and then... somehow, a strong draft pushes him on his back.
He lands just shy of his tailbone, luckily not hurting anything, except for his pride.
What a turn of luck.
The next happens at dinner.
Jamil keeps his earlier blunder to himself. His pride is damaged enough as it is, after all, and so he tries his best to conceal how shaken up the experience left him by moving swiftly across the kitchen.
"We have a dish ready for you to test," someone shouts.
He sighs. How many more evenings of this will he have to endure?
Though, he reminds himself- this may always be his last.
The thought makes Jamil chuckle as he's handed a hot dish and a clean fork. He can only stop to smell the roses for so long, so there's no chance of savoring such an exquisitely prepared meal before he's off to another part of the kitchen.
Just as the fork digs into the food, the dish slips out of his hand and shatters on the kitchen floor. Everyone falls silent.
His eyes widen. "How- ugh. My apologies,"
Now this is just getting ridiculous. How clumsy can he get in one evening? He's usually much more careful...
"Look," the head chef says, the whole kitchen crowding around the food as it dissolves.
Jamil's stomach lurches. Cyanide. It has to be. If he'd eaten that dish right there and then...
The kitchen is swiftly cleared out, and he's sent back to the lounge.
it only gets stranger from there.
What Jamil initially wrote off as clumsiness and luck seems to become a pattern-
a flying arrow at the archery range just narrowly misses him when he bends down to fix his sandal.
The al-Asim family tiger (because of course they have one) chooses to toy with a visiting prince rather than him in the courtyard.
A strong draft pushes him on his rear end seconds before a sandbag falls from an under-construction part of the mansion.
He would call it fortune if he believed in such a thing.
By the end of the vacation, everyone is absolutely perplexed by his string of good luck. Jamil isn't unfamiliar with how dangerous his family's position in life is, and he's had his fair share of injuries as a result, but this time all he has to show for it is a slightly lesser sense of annoyance than usual.
It's only the end of the trip where he ponders (unfortunately aloud) about the string of coincidences, and the beads in his pocket.
Kalim goes on to babble about Jamil's "good luck charm" to anyone who will listen, much to his annoyance.
"Oh, I want one too! Can you ask them to make me one, too?" he says, folding his hands in a pleading motion. "It's so pretty!"
"It was a gift. But... I suppose I can ask..." he sighs, and then smiles to himself.
Of course you'll come up with some excuse to say no. Because, for once, this charm is all his.
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Ok, I have this amazing idea for a good smutty smutty fic!
Your bring Matt home for the first time to meet your family (parents and siblings) and you guys get board of just sitting there so you decide to go downstairs into the basement that has a ping pong table and pool table. You decide to play pool and Matt gets turned on by the way you bend over the table and hit the ball (if that make sense lol) and then you guys ykw on the pool table while your family is upstairs.
8 Ball - Matt Sturniolo Blurb
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wow that’s a really good prompt lol thank you anon!! hope you enjoy it <3
content warnings: smut, raw sex, sneaking around, etc.
a/n: i don’t know too much about pool so sorry if the explanation of the game is weird 💀
Matt puts a hand on your thigh under the table, giving a reassuring squeeze. Your leg has been bouncing nonstop with nervousness for the past 5 minutes since you guys have arrived. You smile at him, holding his hand and he winks at you, continuing the conversation with your parents while they ask him about work.
You and Matt drove down to Plymouth over the weekend so he could meet your parents and siblings for the first time. You were from Boston like Matt, but your family had a vacation home on the coast, and it was a summer tradition to spend time here, enjoying the beach and sunshine.
You had recently hit the 6 month mark of the relationship, things starting to get more serious between you two. Just last month, you had met his parents which was terrifying but went really well. Which is why you’re not sure how you were so nervous about him meeting yours, but Matt has been nothing but supportive, always finding ways to keep you calm.
The rest of the night goes great, lots of laughter being shared while everyone eats dinner and by the time desert comes out, you’re starting to feel a little bored with socializing and slightly tipsy from the bottle of wine you and Matt split.
Matt takes notice from the way you stopped engaging in the conversations, a small yawn escaping your mouth as you draw mindless circles on his arm. His hand is rested on your thigh again, his thumb rubbing back and forth over your bare skin.
He loved when you wore sundresses, not only because you looked so good in them, but also because it showed off your smooth long legs which he was obsessed with running his hands over, and pressing his lips to the soft plush of your inner thighs. Not to mention the easy access, the way he could just lift the dress up when he was behind you and pull your panties down, slipping his cock inside you with ease.
“Matt.” you whisper in his ear, breaking him out of his thoughts. “You wanna go somewhere? I’m so bored.”
Everyone seems preoccupied in their own conversations, having already asked Matt every possible question they could. He nods and rubs your shoulder, setting his napkin on his plate. “Sure baby.”
You both excuse yourselves from the table and an idea pops into your head as you lead Matt inside the house, to the game room downstairs.
“Remember how you said you wanted to teach me to play pool?” you ask him, a playful smile on your face as you grab his hand, walking down the staircase.
“No way. You guys have a pool table?” he says.
“Yup. And a ping pong table. And shuffleboard.” you reply and he laughs, thrusting his fist in the air cheerfully as you enter the game room, the large felt green table in the center.
He closes the door behind him as you walk up to the table, grabbing the pool stick. The balls are already arranged in the middle as you remove the holder and stand at the side, awkwardly holding it.
Matt tries to hide his laugh as he watches you attempt to figure out the right way to hit the ball, missing each time as the stick slips through your fingers.
“Uh, a little help here please?” You ask, looking at him with frustration when he finally moves towards you, chuckling as he takes the pool stick from you.
“You gotta hold it the right way sweetheart. Here, let me show you.” he says, standing behind you now and placing the stick back in your hand. He places his hand on your back, softly pushing you forward so you bend over the table.
He leans over you and helps you position your hand correctly, the end of the stick slotting between your fingers. Then he angles your elbow on your other arm, speaking into your ear, his warm breath on your neck.
The feeling of your ass pressed against his crotch gets his blood pumping, and it takes everything in him to not grind himself against you to relieve some of the tension in his jeans.
“Okay, now you’re good. Go ahead baby.” he says.
He stand us straight as you hit the balls, the stick gliding easily through your fingers now. You smile widely and turn around to hug him quickly, now eager to start the game.
However, it’s not even halfway through before Matt is losing his self control, watching you bend over each time it’s your turn. Your dress rides up, showing him your ass cheeks and getting a peek of your baby pink underwear. He’s not even trying to win, hitting the ball lazily, keeping his eyes on you and how good you look.
Matt has been nothing but respectful since arriving in your parent’s vacation home but right now all he can think about is bending you over the table, snatching your dress up and having his way with you.
It’s your turn once more when you feel Matt suddenly push up against you, running his large hands down your back and leaning down to press soft kisses on your bare shoulder.
“Matt… what are you doing?” You whine, unable to help the way you sigh as you feel his lips suck lightly on your neck.
He doesn’t answer, instead he trails his mouth down the nape of your neck and the back of your shoulders, leaving goosebumps on your skin. His hands are all over you, gripping your hips as he presses his hardness against your ass, grinding onto you.
“Fuck…” you breathe out, feeling yourself getting increasingly wet from the way he’s touching and kissing you. Matt hums against your skin, lifting up your dress and yanking your underwear down.
“Baby! Don’t you want to finish the game?” you yelp in shock. “Fuck the game.” he responds and runs his fingers through your pussy, spreading your arousal and reaching down to rub your clit.
You moan loudly and he grips your neck with his other hand, leaning his head down to whisper in your ear. “You can’t be loud, sweetheart. Save that for later. Right now, I need you to be a good girl and stay quiet for me. Okay?”
You nod, and he wastes no time unzipping his jeans and pulling his painfully hard dick out of his boxers, rubbing it through your folds a few times before pushing himself inside you.
You grip onto the edge of the table, arching your back and biting into your bottom lip to keep the moans in that threaten to spill from your mouth.
“Shit baby… always so fucking tight for me…” He groans, throwing his head back and gripping your hips tightly, your dress still bunched up around your waist as he thrusts into you at a good pace, his balls clapping against your skin.
Your heart races at the fear that you both could be caught any second, Matt fucking you while you’re bent over the pool table. But it feels way too good to stop and you have every intention of cumming around his cock before you leave this room.
Matt’s panting and groaning as quietly as he can behind you, his hips slamming into yours. You let him take complete control, your ass bouncing against him with each thrust.
Your little whimpers and muffled moans have him throbbing inside you, sweat building on his forehead as he’s already getting close from the quick pace he’s been keeping.
“Fuck Matt, I’m so close. You feel so fucking good.” you breathe out, feeling yourself clench around him, wetness dripping down your thighs.
He suddenly flips you around and picks your hips up so you’re on top of the table now. You gasp and throw your arms around his neck as he thrusts himself back into you at an unforgiving pace.
“I wanna see your pretty face when you cum baby.” he says, one arm around you, holding you close while he reaches down with his other hand, massaging fast circles on your clit.
You moan against his mouth, your fingers in a death grip on his hair as you feel your legs shake around his hips, your orgasm hitting you. He cums shortly after, releasing inside you, his thrusts now stuttered and uneven.
You both struggle to catch your breath, panting against each other as he finally pulls out, kissing you sweetly.
“Why do I get the feeling this was apart of your plan all along huh? You knew what you were doing pushing your ass out like that.” Matt says, a smirk on his face as he tucks himself back into his pants.
You pull your underwear back on, a playful look in your eyes. “I just knew I had to get you in here once I remembered we had a pool table.” You admit and he laughs, grabbing your hand to help you off. “Naughty girl.”
taglist <3
@sturniolopepsi @junnniiieee07 @whicked-hazlatwhore @tillies33ssss @riasturns @christhopersturniolo @sturnsjtop @seahorsie11 @inveigledvex @honestlyjb @mattslolita @certifiednatelover @glassesmattsbae @eryismum @sturncakez @sturnioloco @wh0resstuff @ribread03
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bkgml · 2 years
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i’m going to combine these asks cause i think that’s cute. 😊
also i saw someone nickname bakugo ‘kugo’ and i think that’s adorable so i’m STEALING.
“just one kiss?”
you liked to believe you lived your life to the fullest, though your brothers best friend could beg to differ.
*15 years prior*
it was your brothers first day of kindergarten. you, still being a year younger, tagged along with your mother to drop him off.
“mommm, this is boring. can we go to the park?” you begged, tugging on her hand.
“we have to drop off your brother first. be patient yn.” she smiled.
“bye mom! bye yn!” your brother cheered, dashing into the school.
your mother laughed, saying her goodbyes.
as the two of you turned to leave you bumped heads with someone.
“ow!” you whined.
“you ran into me!” you heard from in front of you.
“katsuki! don’t be a brat. apologize.” you looked up to see a blonde woman.
“mph! ‘m sorry, i guess…” katsuki kicked at the pebbles in front of him, avoiding eye contact.
“go on inside, i’ll see you later.” katsuki’s mother said, ushering him into the school.
katsuki ran in, leaving you alone with the two women.
“sorry about that. i’m mitsuki.” the boys mother said, shaking hands with your own mother.
“hey no harm, no foul. i’m m/n”
“i’ve never seen my katsuki avoid someone’s eyes before. maybe he has a little crush on her.” mitsuki said, looking at you.
*present day*
“i’m home! bakugous over!” your brother called from the front door.
“okay hun!” your mom answered.
“shit mina i gotta hang up, bakugous over.” you spoke into your phone.
“when are you going to make a move on him?” she teased.
“never! i can’t do that! he’d say no!” you whined.
you hear mina sigh through the speakers.
“we all see the way he looks at you.”
“glares at me.” you correct.
“whatever. you can just do it subtly then! see if you get his attention.”
you pause, thinking.
“…how would i do that?” you ask.
“i know just the thing.”
“go! GO! come on b/n!” katsuki shouts, hands moving furiously over the controller.
“shit! my bad.” your brother apologizes dropping his controller.
“yeah it is. you’re trash.” katsuki says, walking to the kitchen.
“hi b/n!” you say, coming down the stairs.
“hey.” he says, not looking up from his phone.
you walk into the kitchen seeing katsuki standing there with his back to you. he’s on his phone, drinking some water he got from the fridge.
you stop and sigh, nervous for him to see you.
you saunter to the cupboard in directly in front of him, nerves concealed as you get on your tiptoes and try to grab a glass.
“hey, bakugou?” you call, back still turned.
“hm?” he asks, eyes lifting from his phone.
his words get caught in his throat as he sees you. tight shorts that hug you in all the right places and a tank top to match.
“kugo?” he snaps out of his daydream seeing you with your arms crossed in front of your chest.
he takes a sharp inhale.
“yeah?” he asks, voice sounding strained.
“can you help me grab a glass?” you say sweetly.
he nods and approaches the cupboard, expecting you to shuffle out of the way. you don’t.
he reaches his arm up, grabbing a glass. all while keeping eye contact with you.
god you look so perfect, he wants to smooch your face.
“thanks!” you say, going to reach for the glass.
he pulls it slightly out of your reach and you look at him, confused.
“i don’t get a thank you?” he smiles. inching closer to your face.
“you already got one.” you smile back, inching closer as well.
now that he’s caught off guard you swipe the glass out of his hand and smile, leaving him without a kiss.
his head falls forward and he sighs.
you open the fridge and get your water, laughing at him.
“bye kugo.” you grin going back upstairs.
*summer vacation*
the bakugous have a lake house they spend their summer at.
this year, you and your brother are invited.
“THIS IS SO GREAT!” mina cheers.
“a lake house, that’s so romantic! especially after he almost kissed you!” she flops on your bed.
“i know, i hope we get together before everyone comes up for the last weekend.” you say, throwing clothes in the duffel bag you’re taking with you.
“you will! he won’t be able to resist you after you teased him like that!” she grins.
“good on you by the way. making him chase you.”
“it took a lot of willpower to back away.”
“b/n! y/n! the bakugous are here!” your mom calls.
“i’m so nervous!” you whisper-shout.
“don’t be! you’ll be great! see ya!” she says, as she leaves.
you head down the stairs. duffel bag thrown over your shoulder.
“hi kids!” mitsuki says, hugging you and your brother.
“hi mitsuki!” you say.
“alright yn, you sit in the back with katsuki. i want to talk with b/n about university!”
you and katsuki look at each other slyly.
you all get in the car and your brother and mitsuki talk the whole time.
you sit on your phone, watching katsukis leg bounce impatiently.
you decide to text him.
y/n: nervous?
he shoots you a look before typing back.
kugo: why the hell would you think that?
y/n: your leg.
he looks down and groans ceasing the movement of his leg.
kugo: it’s your fuckin fault.
y/n: yeah? how?
he glares at you over his phone.
kugo: tease.
you smile at him and he huffs and looks out the window.
to katsuki the car ride seems like it took ages. he kept shooting glances at you and you would always smile back at him. it was exhausting for him.
*lake house*
“fuck this is high man.” your bother says to katsuki.
“don’t be a pussy. just jump.” katsuki encourages.
“okay, okay. fuck!” he yelps as he grabs the rope and swings off the cliff.
“guess it’s your turn.” katsuki says. turning to you, eyes roaming down your soft skin in your cute bikini. god you’re killing him.
“i don’t know, kugo.” you say warily, looking at him nervously.
“what? don’t say you’re too scared.” he grins.
“i am not! but it’s just… really really high.” you whine.
he thinks, looking a little nervous.
“c’mere.” he says reaching out to you.
“hm? ah!! katsuki!” you squeal as he grabs you from under your arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders.
“this okay?” he asks holding you with one arm and the rope with the other.
you nod, quietly. shooting him a shy smile.
“you’re so pretty like this.” he says.
“yeah? you think so?” you smile, looking at him.
“uh huh. calling me katsuki, looking so good in your little ‘kini. makes me want to jump off a cliff.” he grins.
“what?- OH MY GOD!” you shriek. arms and legs tightening around him.
he swung right off the cliff, laughing as he did so.
he liked the feeling of you clinging to him for protection. face hiding in his neck, soft skin against his.
he let go of the rope and wrapped his arms around you.
the two of you land in the water together and he lets go so you can swim up to the surface. both of you immediately missing the warmth of the others skin.
“oh my god! that was awesome!! can we go again?” you squeal.
“i’m not climbing that shitty mountain again.” he says, swimming back to the boat.
*one week later*
you’re doing your weekly checkup with mina. telling her about what happened on the cliff.
“WHAT? you should’ve kissed him!!” mina yelled.
“i know but i couldn’t, my brother was probably watching us from the water.” you sighed.
“yeah, i guess you’re right. he said you’re pretty though!!”
“i know. i really just wanna give it up and kiss him already. his face is so kissable.” you pout.
you hear a knock at the door before it opens.
katsukis standing against the door frame.
your eyes widen.
“kissable huh?” your breath catches in your throat.
“mina. i gotta go.” you say throwing your phone onto your bed and walking to him.
“i like these shorts.” he says looking you up and down.
“i bet you do.” you smile.
the two of you lean in.
you put your hands on his chest. it’s bare, and he’s wearing pyjama pants that make you want to jump him.
“your hands are fuckin freezing.” he says.
“yeah?” you reply, noses practically touching.
*ping! ping!*
katsuki groans.
“fuck off.” he says, moving away from you to grab his phone.
you sigh.
“it’s b/n. he wants me to play fuckin video games”
you sigh again.
“you should go then.” you say, sliding your palms down his chest onto his abs.
he shudders, grabbing your hands.
“just one kiss. come on.” he groans.
you smile, pressing up onto your tiptoes and pressing a couple rapid quick kisses to his lips.
he frowns.
“good enough for now, i guess.” he says, forehead dropping onto your shoulder.
he places kisses there and you giggle.
“katsuki, come on you have to go. don’t want people getting suspicious.”
he lifts his head and shoots you a grin.
“wanna smooch your pretty face some more.”
he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks and pressing kisses to your lips, nose, eyelids, anything he can get to, making you laughing quietly.
“katsuki! come on, you have to go.” you laugh, pressing your hands to his chest.
“mmm i don’t wanna.” he says, kissing you more.
“i know but you have to.” you press one last kiss to his lips before pulling away.
you lean forward, lips brushing his ear.
“come to my room after you’re done. i’ll be asleep but i wanna see you.” you say, pulling away and kissing his cheek.
“fuck. i’m gonna be counting down the fuckin seconds.” he groans and you smile.
“bye kats.” you wave awkwardly and close the door to the guest room you’re staying in.
“fuck i’m tired.” b/n said, throwing his controller onto the couch.
“same.” katsuki yawned.
“i’m going to head to bed. see ya tomorrow.” b/n said walking into his room.
the second your brother walked into his room katsuki shot up and practically ran to your room.
he opened the door quietly and saw you, curled up in your blankets.
your face looked so peaceful. it made him feel bad that he was going to pull you from sleep.
he crouched by your bed, caressing your cheek and pressing kisses all over your face.
your eyes fluttered lightly and your lips pulled into a pout.
“wake up, pretty.” he says, softly.
you smile and open your eyes.
“hi.” you say sweetly.
you lift the covers of your bed and pat the space beside you.
“come.” you say, sounding more like a whine because of your sleepy state.
he slips into the comfort of your bed and you shuffle closer to him, leaning on your forearms as you lay directly on top of him.
“hi.” you say, smiling.
“hi.” he smiles back, giving you a kiss.
you deepen the kiss, threading your fingers through his hair.
when you’re satisfied you pull away and katsuki moves onto your neck, nipping on the skin there.
“mmm i’m so sleepy.” you say, hiding your face in his neck and nuzzling deeply.
“i know, sweets.” he says, rubbing your back.
you look up at him, eyes soft.
“sweets?” you smile.
he nods.
“you’re s’ sweet. always wanna kiss you so i can taste your sweet lipgloss.”
“yeah?” you say, nosing at his jawline.
you feel him nod against you and you let your head fall.
“stay the night with me.” you say shyly.
“your brother always comes to my room early while someone’s busy sleeping in.”
you groan.
“i like sleeping in. just leave early. please?” you give him puppy dog eyes.
now it’s his turn to groan.
“you’re not allowed to make that face at me.” he grumbles.
“yeah? why not?”
he locks eyes with you.
“cause i cant say no to that face.” he frowns.
you grin.
“so you’ll stay?”
“yeah okay. i’ll stay.” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“go to sleep it’s late.” he rubs your head.
*last week of summer*
“MINAAA!” you scream, running off the front porch to the car that pulled into the driveway of the bakugous lake house.
“OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” she squeals jumping out of the car.
“jesus. my ear drums.” katsuki says and your friends laugh.
every year on the last week of summer, your whole friend group goes up to katsukis.
kirishima, sero, denki, jiro, mina, and you and your brother.
you send a half-assed glare to katsuki and he puts his arms up in surrender while shooting you a grin.
“come on let’s go inside! jiro! hurry it up!” mina calls, running up the steps with your arm in her grip.
*later that night*
“god i can’t believe there’s only a week left of summer.” you sigh, leaning further into your chair.
“i know, i wish i could stay here forever.” mina groans.
you see katsuki stand and head to the bathroom.
mina follows your eyes with a cheshire grin on her face.
“can you get me a refill, y/n?” she says to you, her eyes still on your boyfriend before she flicks them to you.
you smile at her knowingly and stand, nodding.
when you reach the kitchen katsuki has emerged from the bathroom.
he smiles and starts walking towards you.
“hi there, pretty lady, have you seen my girl anywhere?” he says, with his eyes pretending to search for you before you grab his face.
he grins and kisses you.
“you’re a dork.” you say, kissing him again.
he places his hands on your hips and pulls you flush against him.
“you love it.” he says against your lips before lifting you to sit on the kitchen counter.
“katsuki! what if someone comes in?” you frown.
“we better hope it’s mina then, i know you told her.” he replies as he pretends to frown back.
“come on we have to get back.”
“one more.” he says, kissing you sweetly.
“kats.” you say against his lips before gently pushing him away.
he doesn’t budge.
“just one kiss, c’mere.” he leans forward again and you swerve, giving him full access to your neck.
“wow.” you hear and the too of you whip your heads to the side.
seeing your whole group standing before you.
you hop off the counter.
“uh- b/n! it’s just- well why are you guys inside?” you ask, breathless.
“got cold.” he smiles.
“i was waiting to catch you guys. you thought you could hide this from us?”
you and katsuki look at each other before turning your heads back to everyone.
“you guys knew?!” you say together.
*five years after that*
you were 24 now. living with your husband, katsuki.
you loved your little life with your routine and your katsuki. and so does he.
he wakes up.
“ugh… fucking hate mornings.”
gets ready for his long day.
“shit. out of toothpaste.”
calls his mom and fills her in.
“yeah she’s perfect. we’re good.”
wakes up his perfect wife.
“wake up, sweet girl.”
gets too many kisses.
“one more, come on. just one kiss.” “katsuki!”
leaves for his day.
“mmm bye. one more?” “get out of here!”
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starshapedb0x · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: you go on vacation with your good friend Audrey, your other friend Arthur and your bestest of friends, Oscar. There’s things that can’t be left unsaid.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ (read at your own discretion), it’s very little though, fingering (f receiving), innocent kink, mostly fluff really. NOT PROOFREAD (do not hold it against me pls)
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Oscar Piastri x best friend!reader
𝐀/𝐍: I honestly forced myself to write this one so not at all the best, but enjoy some summer visuals 🪽
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You look at your half-packed bag as you fold the last one of the bikinis. You stare up at your best friend, Audrey, she’s lied down on your bed scrolling through her phone. Her bags packed to go, they were resting in front of the door, you’d agreed she’d help you pack so you both could finally go on vacation after a long college semester plus the exams to complete in the end.
Being in Portugal to study was a new experience for you, you’d travelled out of your country before but staying a whole year away from your family and home was different. It was hard, of course, staying away from everything you know for too long is always hard; but you’ve made so many friends, visited so many places, grown so much in this place that it almost feels like home. And overall, college was going well for you. Of course you’d talked about it with all your friends, specifically your one and only Oscar Piastri.
You’d known each other since you were still in nappies, your mothers were best friends and they insisted on often seeing each other regardless of where they were. As a consequence, their kids became friends, staying with each other throughout every difficulty that eventually showed up such as the distance between each other. You’d always had a thing for him, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell him, partly because you knew he didn’t like you and partly because it was so hard to keep the friendship with the little time you were together, imagine a relationship.
As so, you convinced Audrey, Oscar and one of his friends to all go to Audrey’s house in Melides, she came from a Portuguese background, her roots were here, therefore she had family and houses, including the cosy beach house located in the south of the country. Five minutes away from the beach and with a considerably sized swimming pool, there was really nowhere else where you’d rather spend summer with your friends.
“Are you done packing? Their plane already landed we gotta hurry.” She asked, leisurely sitting up on your bed, turning off her phone and placing it next to her. “You’ll finally be able to see your beloved Oscar..” She grinned slyly at you.
“Don’t say it like that,” you replied timidly “I need you to help me close this bag.”
And a few hours later, that so familiar smell of summer invaded your whole being. The wind hitting your face as you let your arm slide with it, back. The four of you in that car with all the windows open, You, Audrey, Oscar and Arthur. Having picked them up from the airport, Audrey was driving, being guided by her phone which loudly indicating the directions over the music you and Oscar had chosen, and being guided by Arthur who contradicted the phone and yelled both in English and French. You were sat right next to Audrey, almost fully outside the window, looking at your final destination; Oscar right behind you, eyes focused on the way your hair flowed with the wild wind and on the wide smile you kept painted on your face. Arthur behind Audrey who now told him with all her teeth to shut up.
As the car finally parked, you opened the door and ran outside to pick up your bags and finally settle in.
To be honest, the first day wasn’t that big. You guys had arrived late and all the guys wanted to do was rest after the long flight they had gone through to be here, so everyone just had dinner, something you all quickly whipped up from remainders, and headed to sleep.
The next day, everyone was packed and excited to get to the beach. You could already feel the sand in your feet and the sun hitting your skin, along with the salty water covering your body. It was a quick walk to the beach where you all went chatting.. specially you and Oscar. Both of you stayed behind and caught up with the few things you hadn’t through texting.
“You know, I’m pretty stoked to be here for summer break.” Oscar said promptly. “I missed you.”
“I’m stoked you’re here too! We haven’t seen each other in so long.” You looked at him. Oh god, that face you’ve liked for so long, the past year without him was torture. “I misse—“
You couldn’t finish your sentence, in a millisecond, Oscar had dropped his stuff and picked you up bridal style, running into the sea quickly. You screamed in surprise, your arms flying around his neck tightly. Soon both of you were fully clothed thrown into the sea, playfully hitting and throwing water at each other. Your white flowy dress sticking onto your body, revealing the tiny bikini you had underneath. At the sight, Oscar stopped for a second. There was no way he could keep his eyes off you the rest of the trip.
The day went as usual, everyone tanned a fair amount — except for Oscar who refused to let you put sunscreen on his back. Of course, his back is fully sunburnt, a shocking red painted on it.
“Oscar, please, let me put After-sun on it.” You insisted.
“Fine, okay.” He finally succumbed to your wishes, figuring it’d be the best option.
Both of you went to the bathroom, as Audrey and Arthur made dinner, you could only hope anything good would come out of it..
You held the bottle of After-Sun spreading a generous amount on your hand, warning it up before placing your hands on your best friend’s back.
“OW!” He winced, arching his back, flexing it. You pursed your lips and felt your face getting warmer.. you knew he had to work out more in F1 but. Wow.
“Come on, don’t be a baby.” You smiled and let out a quiet chuckle. Running your hands along his back to spread the product.
“I’m not a baby, you’re just a little rough.” He turned around, holding your wrists and looking down at you. You looked up at him. The way he towered over you, pressing his body closer to yours and leaning his face down. “Be gentler, yeah?”
You nodded, looking down at his dangerously close lips, then back into his eyes. His breathing hitting your face, your foreheads and noses pressing against each other, Oscar looks down at your lips and—
“Hey guys! Dinner is ready. Everything good in here?” Arthur had slammed the door open, and with the noise, both of you jumped away from each other. Your face went bright red while wiping your hands off the After-Sun to a nearby towel. Oscar scratched the back of his neck, looking around, face heating up.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be right there.” And so you did.
After that, you got frustrated. The next days, Oscar did not say a word to you. Well, you didn’t say anything to him either but — on your fourth day of beach together and he had no intention of talking to you about what happened in the bathroom? And this kept you awake at night. You were tossing and turning wondering if you had done something wrong. Should you have kissed him? Maybe he just doesn’t want to be with you. Whatever it was, he had to tell you himself.. even if it was hard to hear, you had to. Living off waiting had always gone wrong for you. You got up from your bed, in your sheer night gown, not bothering to get your slippers on even if the tile floor was cold. You walked out the door and went right into where you knew was the bedroom he was staying in. You looked at it a rethought your decision, but when your brain decided it was better not too, your heart was banging on that door with all the strength it had. In a matter of seconds it was open.
Oscar looked you up and down, and kept his head up to look into your face — your night gown didn’t leave much for the imagination. “Y/N..? Are you okay? Can you not sleep?”
“Why are you avoiding me? Do you not like me? Is it because of what happened in the bathroom? I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to almost kiss you! I mean I wanted to but if you—“ His lips gently pressed against yours and his arm slid around your waist. You let yourself melt into his touch.
“I’m sorry. I’m in love with you.” He simply said, mouth pressing kisses along your cheek and jawline. Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, he looked really lovesick now that you stared at him properly. You kissed him yourself this time.
He pulled you in to himself and closed the door behind you. You were pushed against the door and his hands slid along your half revealed skin, pulling and tugging on the sheer fabric. His mouth in yours in a way you’d never experienced before. If you were honest, you had no idea what to do.. you tried to keep your arms around him while he made your body feel in places it had never felt before.
“Oscar..” You whined. You had no idea what you were begging for, but he knew. And you knew he knew.
“Y/N, Y/N.. wait hold on. I’m.. uh. We’ll talk tomorrow-“ He figured it was a little to early for all of this, he couldn’t just jump in as much as he wanted to.
“What? No. You made me wait so much.” You looked down, his hard-on visible through the pajama pants. “Is it because of this?” You slid your hand over, palming his full clothed dick.
He looked down at you, mouth open as if he was ready to moan at any given moment. And you looked up at him sweetly, like you had no idea what you were doing, innocent little you. “Y/N, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
He was right, you actually had no idea what to do. Your experience was based purely off the one time you watched porn. “I can finish it.” You said promptly, although not very confident of your skills. Oscar grabbed you by your waist, and you let yourself be guided by him. He pushed you onto his bed and looked down at you. You looked clueless and all he wanted to do was finally make you know how good he could be. How amazing he could make you feel. And wipe that innocence right out of you. He slid his own t-shirt off and slid his hands under your night gown.
“You look so pretty in this.. such an angel.” He whispered, his fingers swiftly reached your breasts where he cupped them and then flicked your nipples between his fingers. Your hand flew to your mouth as you looked down to what he was doing. The way his head lowered, and only so then you realized he was getting on his knees. You sat up, and Oscar leaned his head into the inner side of your thigh, sliding his fingers along the milky skin. Your hand flew straight to his wrist.
“Hm? Can’t finish it after all, princess?” He asked, he wasn’t gonna do anything you didn’t want him to but at this point why ask. You let go from his wrist, and his fingers got closer finally reaching where they were needed the most. He slid his fingers through your fold spreading the wetness you’d pooled right when started kissing you. “All this just for me?” Oscar looked up at you, but you look away, hand covering your mouth, eyes struggling to keep still. Shaking with anticipation, why was he making you wait so much. He clearly wanted to take his time.
His movements were slow and he only lightly grazed your entrance with his digits, your mind started wondering to all the things he could do from here, to all the things you wanted him to do from here.
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bbrissonn · 1 year
𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
in which your relationship with quinn was never what you though it was, secrets being keep, one of those being you
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, this does NOT reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn't how i imagine them acting
warnings: angst, swearing, asshole quinn, not proofread
pairing: quinn hughes x gn!reader (im pretty sure)
wc: 4.5k (including lyrics)
a/n: the ending is kinda shit because i really wanted to post this before the rest of the album came out sooo yeah
GUTS series
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Hate to give the satisfaction asking how you’re doing now
How’s the castle built off people you pretend to care about?
Just what you wanted
Look at you, cool guy, you got it
I see the parties and diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
I love you truly
You gotta laugh at the stupidity
If someone would’ve asked you how to describe yourself a year ago, the words confident, independent and strong would’ve been some you used, but using them now if someone would ask you the same question wouldn't be right. You were no longer that person, the one who always had a smile on her face, one who was always kind and considerate of other’s in the room. No, that you was dead, and it was all his fault. 
When you had met Quinn almost a year ago now, he was the sweetest boy you had ever meet, his personality almost the same as yours. So it was no surprise to you that the two of you ended up hanging out as friends multiple before eventually asked you out on a date. You hesitated at first, scared to ruin your friendship, but the hockey boy was everything you dreamed of in a man, and you knew denying him would be a mistake, so you agreed. 
The two of you then started dating in January, and everything between the two of you was amazing. Sure, you guys didn’t see each other as often as you’d like, with him having practices in the morning and you working until late at night, mainly around the time his games would start. But you made it work, you saw each other at least twice a week, and when time wasn’t in your favour, facetimes were your go-to night time activities. 
But all that changed when summer started approaching, Quinn had let you know months in advance that he’s be heading home for pretty much the whole summer, excited to spend time with his family. Of course, he invited you, but you had the decline the offer, your job would never allow you to take the whole summer off. Thankfully though, you were able to switch your two weeks vacation you had taken in September, and move them to the begin of July.
When you informed your boyfriend you’d be able to join in a month after he left, a weird look creeped up on his face, making your brows furr. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked him, your head looking away from the TV and over to him. 
“Nothing. It’s just… we’re already a full house. You said you couldn’t come so Jack invited another friend. There’s no more bedroom.” 
“Oh, well, I though we’d just share, you know, I mean we already do.” You explained confused, it seemed pretty obvious to you that you’d be sleeping in the same bed. He was your boyfriend after all, why wouldn’t you sleep in the same bed?
“Right.” His answer was short and quick before his attention was back on the TV. “You’d have to meet my parents, and all my brothers and their friends. It’s a lot of people.” He said, almost as if he was trying to discourage you to go. You shrugged it off, thinking nothing too much of it. Quinn was a shy person, you told yourself he was probably just nervous for his two lives to meet together. 
“That’s okay, I’ll be fine.” You assured him. You didn’t worry much about meeting his brothers and their friends, especially considering the fact that you were the same age as Jack and his friends. You hoped that being the same age as them would make the whole meeting easier, something you had mentioned to your boyfriend everytime he’d talk about you having to meet his brothers, but each time, your statement never seemed to make him change his mind, always acting weird whenever you’d bring it up. 
When the older boy didn’t answer you, you grew anxious. Did he not want you to meet them? Was he too ashamed to bring you home with him? Doubt and self conscious thoughts being to fill your head and you couldn’t help but ask him about it. 
“Do you not want me to come?” You questioned him, your voice shaky and low as your eyes focused on your lap, while his shifted over to your figure. As seconds ticked by, regret overcame you, maybe you should’ve just dropped the subject instead of asking questions. 
“Of course I want you to come.” He lied, he couldn’t tell you the truth, you’d leave him if he did, and that was the last thing he needed. Well, it wasn’t a full lie, Quinn wanted you there, but not as his girlfriend, only had his friend. 
“Then why do you act so weirdly every time we talk about me meeting your family?” You pushed, you were desprated for an answer, you needed to know. 
“‘M not.” 
“But you are, Quinn! You always try and find reasons for me not to meet them. Are you ashamed of me?” You continued. The boy could feel the anger rising in him, he hadn’t signed up for this. An argument was not what he wanted when he walked into your apartment earlier that night, no he expected a silent movie night and sex, that’s the only reason he had even agreed to come over in the first place. 
“God, Y/N, you’re so delusion.” Quinn groaned, pushing himself off the couch, walking towards the front door of the apartment. You were quick on his trail, walking only feets behind him. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Home.” He mumbled, slipping his shoes on, only to find you standing in front of your door with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“Y/N, move.” 
“No. Answer my question, Quinn.” You told him, your voice stern. The boy only rolled his eyes before gently pushing you the side and leaving you all alone in your apartment. This was not how either of you planned this night to go. 
Looking back at it now, that night was the first sign that things were going sour in your newly formed relationship. You knew it at the time, but you refused to acknowledge it, your feelings for the boy overshadowing the red flags being waved in front of you. 
The second sign was not even a week later, the Canucks winning a big game in overtime, and obviously they all wanted to go celebrate with each other and their significant others. Of course, that meant you were invited, you always were. So to say you were confused when Quinn didn’t open the driver door of your car like he always did when you arrived at the bar was an understatement. 
“Get back in the car, Y/N.” He told you as he walked towards the entrance of the bar, only to stop when you yelled out his name. 
“What’s going on with you?” 
“Go home, I’ll find a ride home.” He said hrashly before walking in and joining his teammates at a booth, while you stayed in the freezing cold outside for a solid five minutes, confused as to what had just happened. 
The two of you hadn’t exactly cleared the air after your little argument at your place the previous week, so you just convinced yourself that he was probably still a little angry and just wanted a night alone. But deep down you knew that wasn’t the case, he had called you the next morning acting like nothing happened, and he had been acting that way ever since. 
You should’ve called it quits after that night, go back to his place and pack all your things before going home and packing all of his. But you didn’t, instead you waited until the next morning when he’d called you and act like it didn’t happen, that became his go-to thing after that, acting like you two had no problems. 
The third sign hit you like a truck. The season had ended a little while ago, the Canucks missing the playoffs, meaning Quinn was going to head home soon. He didn’t tell you when, you guess he’d probably stay a month, enjoy some time together before he left for the month and you’d join him in July. 
Only when it was almost one in the afternoon and you still hadn’t heard anything from him, you started getting worried. You went to his place after work, only to find his apartment empty, barely anything left in it. You called him, five times, three voicemails, not answer. Part of you started freaking out a little, deciding to call Pettey to see if he knew anything. You wished more than anything you hadn’t. 
The foreward informed you that the boy had left for New Jersey early in the morning, confused as to why you had asked him. You didn’t answer him, instead hanging up and trying to call Quinn once again, only to be met with the sound of his voicemail. 
It wasn’t until the next morning that your boyfriend answered you, telling you he was staying with his brothers to cheer them on during their playoff run and that he’d be heading to Michigan right after. You had never cried over a boy so much before, having to call in sick to work because of how unwell you felt. He left, no warning, no note, nothing, he just left. Little did you know, the next time you’d see him would end up becoming the worst day of your life. 
‘Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should’ve known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, fame fucker
Bleedin’ me dry like a goddamn vampire
A wide smile was plastered on your face as your taxi pulled up in the driveway of Quinn and Jack’s shared summer house, the July sun hitting your skin as you stepped out. After getting all your bags out of the car and paying the driver, you made your way to the front door, choosing to knock on it instead of just barging in. 
The door opened a couple of seconds later, the loud noise of music playing through the house as boy who looked your age opened the door, a confused look on his face. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Is Quinn here?” Your question made a slight chuckle come from the boy, making you a little confused. An awkward smile formed on your face as you realized maybe you had the wrong house. 
“You’re not his type, sweetheart.” The boy chuckle as he leaned against the door frame, making your brows furr. Not his type? What was this guy talking about. 
“Not his type?” 
“Yeah, he’s usually more of a skinny blond guy, at least the one last night was.” The boy explained, making your heart drop. 
“Last night?” You mumbled, hoping that he wasn’t talking about Quinn sleeping with someone else, someone who wasn’t you, who didn’t even look like you. 
“Look, I don’t how you get this address and all, but please leave.” He said before trying to close the door, only you pushed it, keeping it open. 
“I am his girlfriend.” You told him, holding up your phone in his face. Your lock screen being a photo of the two of you in bed, the side of his face pressed against yours as wide smile were present on both your faces. The smirk that was once on the boy’s face dropped, before looking back into the house. 
“I’ll got get him.” He mumbled before closing the door. A minute later, the door opened again, Quinn standing in front of you as a couple of guys were standing behind him, all of them looking at you. Just as the boy from before was about to say something, Quinn stepped outside, slamming the door behind him. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, his tone harsh and mean as tears started to form in your eyes. 
“Did you sleep with another girl last night?” You asked him, your voice small and shaky as your eyes stared into his. 
“Go home, Y/N.” 
“Did you?” You asked again, your voice a little louder this time, frustration building up in you as he avoided your question. 
“You’re not supposed to be here.” He said, his tone the same as before. 
“You invited me here, Quinn, you said you wanted me to be here!” 
“Well, I don’t anymore! I don’t want you here, Y/N, so go the fuck home!” He yelled, making your jaw drop slightly at his words. 
“You don’t want me here?” You asked after almost a minute of silence, your voice back to being small and shaky. Meanwhile, Quinn was staring at you with anger, rage almost. 
“Yeah. I don’t why in you’re right mind you’d still show up here when I’ve haven’t mentioned you coming here at all in a long fucking time.” He responded, his words slowly cutting your heart in half. He didn’t want you here, he didn’t want you. 
“Oh.” Was all you could say, you’re eyes now staring at the ground beneath you as tears slowly started falling from your eyes. 
“Go home, and leave me the fuck alone, Y//N.” He finished, his tone not changing. Before you even had time to say anything he had disappeared back inside the house, leaving you all alone again. 
You were sat on the steps of the front proch, waiting for a taxi to come pick you and bring you back to the airport. Where were you gonna go? You had no clue. All you knew was that you had the next two weeks off and you weren’t about to spend them in Vancouver. 
Suddenly, the boy who opened the door was sitting next to you, a small awkward smile on his face as you wiped as many tears away as you could. 
“I’m Alex.” The boy said softly, making you look over at him, trying your hardest to smile at him. 
“‘M sorry, about before, what I said.” 
“You got nothing to be sorry about. But, the blond girl you were talking about…” You trailed off, the though of saying the words out loud making you go quiet. 
“He slept with her. She wasn’t the only one this summer.” He told you, making your heart break a little more the more he talked. In all honesty, you didn’t even know who the boy next to you was, Quinn had never mentioned an Alex, but then again you knew they probably had a weird nickname for him like they do for everyone else. The only thing you knew was that he was Jack’s friend, knowing none of Quinn’s friend were here yet. Yet this stranger you’ve known for a couple of minutes has been more open and honest about your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend you weren’t sure at this point, had been during your whole relationship. 
“Save me the pain of knowing how many, would you?” You asked, more tears falling from your eyes. But they weren’t falling because of Quinn, no, tears were rolling down your cheeks because of yourself. How stupid you felt for no noticing how weird he had been acting, well more for just ignoring it, how you should’ve ran away from the moment he was avoiding the subject of you meeting his family and friends. You should’ve ran the moment a girl requested to dm you, warning you about Quinn’s playboy past when she saw the two of you at a bar. You should’ve ran and never look back multiple times, but you never did, your love for the boy too strong for your head to do what was right. You let your heart and emotions control your life, and it’s came back to bit you in the ass. 
“So, I am guessing you don’t wanna know that he never told us he had a girlfriend?” He knew he shouldn’t, your heart was already broken enough, but he needed too. You had travelled all the way from Vancouver for Quinn, only for your relationship to fall apart because of him. He needed you to know the truth. 
“Should I even be surprised at this point? He’s always avoided talking about me meeting any of you.” You scoffed, at the same moment, a taxi pulled up into the driveway. Thankfully, it wasn’t the same one as before, saving you the embarrassment of leaving the taxi the happiness women on earth, only to go back in the most heartbroken one. Alex helped you load your bag in the trunk of the car, silence sitting over the two of you. 
“Take care of yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over that idiot.” 
“I will.”
And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called ‘em crazy too
You’re so convincing
How do you lie without flinching?
(How do you lie? How do you lie? How do you lie?)
Oh, what mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill
Can’t figure out just how you do it and God knows I never will
Went for me and not her
‘Cause girls your age know better
You had decided to spend your two weeks off of work visiting your best friend in Calgary, being with her seemed like the only way Quinn wouldn’t be on your mind 24/7, and you were right. During your time there, you barely thought of the boy, your best friend being a light in your dark world, making you forget all your issues. 
Of course, that all changed the second your plane landed in Vancouver, all your memories of coming here to see Quinn after a road trip coming back to you. And it only got worst once you got to your apartment, one of Quinn’s hoodie before thing you saw when you walked in, tears immediately forming in your eyes. You couldn’t, you had already cried way too many tears over him during your relationship, you couldn’t let yourself cry some more now that he was gone. 
He made clear the state of your relationship when he sent you a simple two word text. We’re done. That was it. No sorries, or any signs that he felt bad, just we’re done. Luckily, you were already in Calgary when he texted you, meaning your best friend was there to make you feel better. But she wasn’t when he came by unannounced to pick up his things. 
It had been two months since your relationship ended, and you were doing horribly. Everything reminded you of him, and of how stupid you were for sticking around, every where you went, he was there, not physically, but in your memories. You had just came back from work when he arrived, knocking loudly on your door scaring you a little. 
When you opened the door, he just walked in, didn’t even look at you or say hi, instead heading straight for your room. He looked the same that he did in July, only his hair was a little longer now. When you joined him in your bedroom, half of his bag was already full, your drawers all opened with your clothes everywhere. 
“Are you at least gonna clean up the mess you’re making in my room?” You asked him, your voice full of anger. There was no way you were gonna let him barge in here with no warnings, then make a mess in your room, not say a single word to you, and then just leave, and if he thought so, he was dead wrong. 
“I am talking to you, Quintin!” You said louder this time, walking towards him and grabbing his bag just as he was about to put some sweatpants in it. His head flew up, giving you a death glare before finally speaking to you. 
“Give it.” 
“Y/N, give me my fucking bag.” He mumbled harshly, reaching out for it only for you to step back. You had the upper hand now, or at least you thought so. 
“You want your bag back? Then clean the fucking mess you made in my room, in which you came in without asking permission.” You said firmly, only making the boy scoff, his glare still present. 
“You’re fucking crazy.” 
“I could call the cops on you right now.” 
“Really? You’d call the cops on me?” 
“Yeah. Clean up, or it’s the cops you’re gonna have the deal with.” 
“You’re seriously fucking insane, Y/N.” Quinn mumbled before ripping his half packed bag out of your hands and storming out of your apartment, leaving you all alone again. Tears of anger started rolling down your face, part of you wanting to chase after him and yell, while the other wanted to just scream into your pillow and cry. You decided on neither, taking in the fact that half his belongings were still in your room. 
The next day, you quickly go into action, cleaning the mess Quinn had made the previous night, all while putting his things aside. When you were done, a pill of clothes was splattered on the floor just outside your room, and you soon joined it with a pair of scissors in your hands. One by one, you started destroying his clothes, letting out all your anger and rage on the pieces of clothing. 
He deserved it, after everything he had put you through in the last year or so, he deserved it, all of it. You showed no mercy, going crazy on the clothes you wore more often than the others, or the ones you knew held a special place in his heart, like his NTDP and Michigan hoodies. 
Next were all the gifts he had given you. It pained you, chopping off the heads of so many adorable teddy bears, but it needed to be done. Those gift were given in a way of saying ‘I love you’ but it didn’t mean anything to him. You didn’t mean anything to him. Everything single thing he had given you was destroyed, but the one that hurt the most was the ring he had gotten you for your birthday, both your initials engraved on the inside of it. Scissors weren’t enough for this, so you made your way to your kitchen, grabbing one of your big knife, doing anything and everything to bend the ring to the point where he couldn’t return it. 
Tears were falling down your cheeks as you placed the ring at the top of the box, above all the other gifts and his clothes, making sure it’d be the first he saw. It felt weird, like you were truly saying goodbye to your relationship. It was the end, after today you’d never see him again. Your boss telling you you could transfer to the compagnies office in Calgary as soon as next week, something your best friend was over the moon about. You’d never have to face the boy who completely broke and changed you, you’d never have to be in the same city as him. 
You didn’t even bother knocking on his door when you dropped off his things, instead just walking in, knowing he barely ever kept his door locked. He was sitting on his couch, a random TV show on the playing when you walked in. You heard him curse under his breath, but you didn’t pay any attention to him, instead dropping the box in the middle of his apartment. 
“I hope you rot in hell, Quintin.” You said harshly before turning around and making your way back out his home. 
“You’re a psycho you know that.” He called out, making you stop right before his door. You turned around, only to see he wasn’t on his couch anymore, now standing about five feet away from you. 
“Yeah? Then what does that make you? I hope one day you’ll feel that you’ve made me feel. That your self esteem is so low that you don’t ever want to leave your apartment. Karma’s a bitch.” You told him before opening his door and walking out. Part of you hope he’d follow you, tell you it was all a big mistake and that he still loved you, that way you’d be able to crush him, making him feel what he made you feel. But you weren’t okay with the fact that he didn’t knowing karma would eventually come back to him. 
And it did.
You said it was true love, but wouldn’t that be hard?
You can’t love anyone ‘cause that you would mean you had a heart
I tried to help you out, now I know that I can’t
‘Cause how you think’s the kind of thing I’ll never understand
A year later, you were sitting in the living room of your shared apartment with your best friend, mindlessly scrolling on your phone when an article caught your eye. Karma had done it’s thing. Barely a month after you left Vancouver, Quinn had found himself a model girlfriend, she was the complete opposite of you, but you didn’t spend any time analyzing everything difference between the two of you like you would’ve done when you first broke up. No, now you just wished nothing more than for her to break his heart. 
And she did. Barely a year into their relationship she cheated on him, publicly, meaning everyone knew about it. Quinn had grown a little famous because of his relationship, meaning almost every city he went in, people would stare at him, teenagers would giggle at him, while adults gave him looks of pity. 
You had ran into Alex during the last season, when the Kings were in town to play against Calgary, and a friendship was born. The two of you talked quite a lot, almost every single day, getting to know each other pretty quickly. The boy soon became like an older brother to you, and you became a little sister to him. 
This new friendship of yours meant if you ever wanted to, you could get updates of Quinn. Hearing that the defenseman was heartbroken over his girlfriend cheating on him brough you the most amount of join you had ever felt in the last two years. You slept amazingly that night, knowing Quinn was in his bed, his heart aching, just like yours was last summer. 
She had done to him, what he had done to you. Only, his was way worst because of the whole affair being public. To you, it felt like you had won. For months, it was him who wasn’t hurting, but now the table had turns. While you slept peacefully each night, Quinn struggled to find sleep, his mind asking himself so many questions. Did she even love him? How many other guys were there? 
One night, your words replayed in his head. Karma was a bitch.
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risriswrites · 2 years
Mary's Song
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summary: bradley bradshaw is in love with his best friend and it takes them years to figure out how to tell each other how they feel. loosely based on taylor swift's song "mary's song (oh my my my)"
pairing: best friend reader x bradley bradshaw, fem reader
author's note: so this is my first time writing a fanfic and actually posting it anywhere. i'm actually really proud of it so if anyone reads it and actually likes it feel free to like and reblog :)
word count: 7.8k words
She said, "I was seven and you were nine"
I looked at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love
And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes
And said, "Oh my, my, my"
It was a sunny summer day in Santa Barbara, California. Carole wasn’t sure if it was going to be a good beach day with the temperature being in the mid 70’s. A subtle breeze could easily take that seemingly beach friendly weather and turn it into a frigid nightmare.
In the end the absence of clouds made her commit to packing up her beach bag, loading up the car, and dragging her only son to the beach to soak up some much-needed sun.
Their lives had changed since losing Nick. Even though five years had passed, the loss still impacted them every day. Thankfully, having Mav around softened the heartache a little.
Pete had given Carole a call earlier that week letting her know he would be in town on his “completely unnecessary” vacation. And after humoring him with some back-and-forth banter and mild guilt tripping, she was able to convince him to come to Santa Barbara for the week.
Carole had never known Mav to have a sister, so when he shows up with a seven-year-old girl in tow claiming it’s his niece, she’s a little flabbergasted.
“It’s just so hard for me to wrap my head around that I’ve known you for years, and never knew you had a sister! Let alone a niece.” Carole squints at him accusingly.
Maverick, who had decided to take full advantage of the California sun, was laying out on an old lawn chair Carole had brought out for him. Peering over his aviators at her he smirked, “I’ve gotta keep some secrets to myself, don’t ya think? Besides, my sister and I weren’t close until a couple of years ago, so there wasn’t much to tell anyway.” He deflected. He wasn’t going to tell Carole the reason behind the reconnection of the two siblings being the death of her late husband.
“Still, when you first brought her out here, I thought you had finally found someone to settle down with and had a kid. Albeit I would have been offended for not getting an invite to your wedding if you had decided to have one, but I digress.” Carole brought the bottle of water she packed up to her lips gingerly, sipping at the refreshing liquid. Turns out she had left the umbrella at home and the sun had taken no pity upon her mishap.
“Definitely not the case. You know how I feel about settling down and it hasn’t really changed since Charlie.” Maverick let out, breathing out a laugh in the process.
Carole rolled her eyes, pushing her sunglasses further up the bridge of her nose, “It’ll happen one day when you least expect it to Mav, I can guarantee you that. Can’t be the heartbreaker forever.” She huffed, glancing over to the two children currently chasing each other on the beach.
Pete followed her gaze and focused on the scene playing out in front of him; hoping to derail Carole from lecturing him about his past lovers.
“She’s gonna have him wrapped around her little finger before the week’s over. I can see it now” he smiled, nodding his head in the direction of the two kids. Mav watched on as his niece looked up at Bradley with a small pout forming on her face, seemingly disgruntled with the game after playing it for so long and is now trying to convince him to partake in something else.
With a soft smile and another roll of her eyes Carole leaned further back in her chair letting her eyes flutter shut, knowing her son was safe with Mav’s own eyes on him.
“I mean seriously Carole, they’re gonna grow up and end up disgustingly in love with each other. Mark my words.” His gaze never leaving the two kids who had stopped chasing each other; after Maverick’s niece had successfully changed Bradley’s mind.
Now instead, opting to dig a tunnel from the water to a little pit they had made further up the beach. Mav had overheard his niece calling it a “hot tub” but he’s certain that whatever they were making had no resemblance to one in the slightest. Bradley didn’t seem to mind though and had gone along with the small build anyway, glancing over to the seven year-old girl every now-and-then to see how she liked it.
Carole didn’t even bother with glancing up at the two when replying to Mav with a very sarcastic “sure Pete” and allowing herself to slip back into brief relaxation.
Oh My My My
*Nine years later*
I was sixteen when suddenly
I wasn't that little girl you used to see
But your eyes still shined like pretty lights
“Relax sunshine, you’re gonna be fine.”
“Bradley, I swear if you tell me I’m going to be fine one more time I’m going to throw the nearest object to me at your head.” You growled.
Bradley glanced at the scene in front of him, his best friend of nine years (and counting) sitting on the floor of her bedroom currently pouting angrily down at her latest grade, with the closest object to her being an old textbook. Cute.
You have terrible aim; he’ll take his chances.
“Sunshine” he breathes out. “I’ve told you before Mr. Greenwood is just a hard-ass who likes knowing his class is one of the most difficult to pass in all of high school.” Bradley sighed.
You let out another huff of frustration swiping a lock of hair out of your face, “I know, I know, it’s just so annoying. I’ve spent weeks preparing for this exam and the most I can show for it is a B-.”
“You’ve only got a month left and you’ll be out of there, don’t stress about it, you’re passing and that’s what matters.” Bradley reassures.
“Easy for you to say, you’re graduating in three weeks, leaving me behind at this poor excuse of a school. Who knows when I’ll see you again! You’ll probably move to another country to become a hippie, learn to speak a different language, and change your name to something obscene like Holden” you sputter out waving your hands around in the process.
Bradley scrunches his eyebrows and wrinkles his nose at the obscene set of words that just left your lips, “I’ll have you know I would not become a hippie.” He pauses briefly before continuing, “I’d be a musician, thank you very much.” Bradley mocks offence.
You finally glance up at him from your spot on the floor, almost instantly regretting that decision. He looks too attractive laid out on your bed like that, it’s almost unfair.
Bradley had filled out a little over the summer, rambling on and on about how he wants to be in top physical condition for when he starts training to become a naval pilot -like his dad had been and consequentially like Uncle Mav. Last time you looked over to him a mere two minutes ago he was laid out on your bed looking up towards the ceiling like it was some humongous puzzle piece.
Now as you look at him, he’s propped himself up onto his forearm; his bicep muscle making itself very apparent; supporting his body weight on it, while simultaneously leaning his head on his fist, gazing softly down at you. Stop looking at me like that or I swear I’m going to fall in love with you.
You visibly swallowed before casting your eyes back down at your paper lying on the floor beneath you.
“I like that you’re more offended by the job title than the name change,” she scoffs.
“Also, there’s no way you’d become a musician, I refuse to believe you possess such a talent.” You threw back, giving your head a shake.
Bradley scoffed before jumping into a spiel of how he’s “like a magician” when he’s on the piano. Lecturing about his many talents and capabilities in an attempt to pull you away from staring at that stupid piece of paper any longer.
A smile pulls from your lips before you let out a few giggles regarding his exaggerated so called “talents”.
Bradley perks up at this and fixes you with a teasing glare, “What are you laughing at? I’m serious! I'm one of the best pianists of all time! I even give Beethoven a run for his money.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do, given that Beethoven has been dead for over a hundred years.” You chortle, tossing your head back in another round of laughs.
Bradley raises his eyebrows in offence, “Oh now you’re in for it.”
You look up between your fits of laughter only to see an eighteen-year-old Bradley Bradshaw launching himself off your bed and tackling you to the ground.
Bradley immediately starts wriggling his fingers up and down the sides of your ribcage, knowing that you’re extremely ticklish, sending you into an uncontrollable amount of laughter. You push away Bradley’s hands a few times in futile attempts to get him away from you; throwing yourself around in the process, before abandoning that plan and instead trying to push at his chest.
You manage to hook your leg over one of his and give his chest a hefty push using all your weight to send him over your shoulder. He grabs ahold of your arm in the process, bringing you with him. Both teenagers now laughing uncontrollably.
Bradley is currently holding both of your arms captive against his chest, laughing at your adorable attempt to try and tickle him. And you joining in because, why did you think you were going to be able to out-muscle him?
You look down at Bradley, stopping your assault and just enjoying the moment. His head is tossed back on the hard-wood floor, eyebrows scrunched while his eyes remain tightly closed pinching at the sides, his mouth is open letting out little breaths of laughter. He’s so beautiful. Your laughs have stopped now, just staring down at him with a soft smile.
Bradley notices your laughs have stopped and chooses that moment to look up. Oh. You’re peering down at him with a smile on your lips and a look he can’t quite decipher in your eyes. Your eyes are so pretty. He gives you a sheepish smile back. It’s too quiet now, and when did his hands move to your waist?
At that moment a loud, shrill pinging rings in the pair’s ears throughout the room. Making both teens scramble away from each other in a mess of “Oh I’m sorry” and “Shit” as your limbs get caught up in your hurriedness to get away from a moment neither of you know what to do with.
Bradley crosses the room in a few long, hurried strides successfully turning the obnoxious alarm off.
He huffs out a breath in mild relief. With the alarm off, your room is once again blanketed in quiet, which funnily enough he’s not sure if he prefers the silence or the pinging of his alarm. He turns to look at you and decides then that he definitely prefers the alarm over the silence. You’re standing at the opposite end of the room; your hair is a bit of a mess and you’ve got a subtle blush to your cheeks making your skin glow a little differently. Fuck.
He swallows, deciding to break the silence “I gotta go. Gotta be up for school tomorrow.”
You nod your head peering down at the floor afraid to look into his eyes, “Yeah” you breathe out. A beat passes, “Yeah of course. It’s late, I’ll walk you out.” You ramble out, before running a hand through your hair, hoping to compose yourself quickly and pray he doesn’t pick up on the massive crush you have on him.
You’re swinging your bedroom door open and stepping out hurriedly before Bradley can even grab his keys and wallet. He takes a breath once he’s got everything and forces himself to follow you out of the room.
You didn’t make it far without him, just a few steps down the hallway of your room before he’s right behind you again.
Before he knows it, you’ve made it to your front door and you’re swinging the cream colored door open for him. “See you tomorrow?” you ask as nonchalantly as you can, throwing him a tight smile as if it were a bone.
He steps over the threshold of your home, putting a little space between the two of you. Something’s different. He glances up at you, eyes wandering over your facial features. It’s still you, but something’s different.
He gives you a soft smile shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans deciding to let that thought go for the night, “Yeah I’ll swing by to pick you up.”
You glance over at the blue bronco currently sitting in your mom’s driveway. Your eyes quickly flitting from him to the bronco and back to him before you give him a genuine smile, “Sounds great!”
He gives a short nod before he’s pulling you away from the door into a quick hug, giving your waist a squeeze, then begrudgingly letting you go. Bradley turns away from you then, and starts walking down the gravel of your driveway.
You watch from your front door, making sure he gets into his truck safely. Leaning against the doorframe as you call out, “Let me know when you get home!”
He looks back as he opens the door smiling, shaking his head with a short breath of laughter leaving his lips, leaning his weight onto the door tilting his head up as he shouts back to you, “I’ll call you!”
And then he’s climbing into the driver’s seat, starting the car, reversing out of your driveway and speeding down the road to get home to his mom, who no doubt is wondering when her son will be home; he said he’d be back by ten and it’s almost twelve in the morning.
You watch him speed off before deciding you should really close the door and stop watching after him like he’s going to turn around and come back.
With that thought in mind, you grip the door and shut it softly. Leaning against it in hopes to not wake your mom; at least that’s what you’re telling yourself, who’s got a shift at the hospital in a few hours.
“Bradley leave?”
You nearly jump out of your own skin at the sound of your mom’s voice. “Jesus don’t scare me like that! At least make a noise or something before talking, I swear I almost shit myself.” you huff. “But yes, he just left, and I really need to get ready for bed sooo… goodnight.” And with that, you’re quickly making your way back to your room to start your night routine.
Your mom watches you make a quick escape before rolling her eyes and laughing softly to herself.
Oh My My My
*Nine years later*
“I’m just saying, there’s no way you guys didn’t date back then.” Jessie emphasizes, punctuating her statement by pointing an accusing finger in your direction, slurping her strawberry milkshake obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes, glancing away from your friend to look through the window at the traffic piling up outside of the small diner. “Nothing happened Jessie” you huff, mumbling an “unfortunately” under your breath. Jessie doesn’t notice, thankfully.
“Well, you guys had everyone else fooled in school then. I’m pretty sure Kimmy was going to blow a gasket when she asked Bradley to go on a date and he shot her down because of you.” She smirks, swirling a fry into her milkshake before biting into it.
You huff in annoyance, “Okay that was like nine years ago first of all. Second of all, I had nothing to do with that! He could’ve easily gone on that date. He knows I would’ve been fine with rescheduling our weekly movie night.” you follow your statement quickly by sipping from your own milkshake, trying to avoid having this conversation with Jessie for what seems like the billionth time.
“That’s my entire point! He could’ve if he wanted to! But instead, he turned her down to spend time with YOU!” she all but shouts.
You tuck into yourself, scanning the diner to see if anyone was paying attention to Jessie’s loud proclamation. No one’s looking; to your relief, so you quickly return your gaze to her. “Look, Bradley and I have been best friends since we were seven. I’m pretty sure if he had any romantic feelings for me, he would’ve acted on them by now.”
“Where is your loverboy anyway?” Jessie asks, quirking a perfectly arched brow.
Another frustrated huff leaves your lips, Jessie was never the type of friend to let something go. You grab at a fry from your own plate and casually dip it into the pool of ketchup before tossing it into your mouth, “I think he has training today.” You punctuate your guess with a shrug of your shoulders, “I don’t really know, I’m not his keeper.” That’s exactly where he is. He texted you this morning saying so himself.
“Why? Do you want to go on a date with him?” you tease.
“God no! He’s not my type, you know that.” Jessie scoffs.
“Mhm, sure he’s not.” He’s not. You’re just tired of Jessie trying to make something out of nothing. False hope sucks, so reversing the accusations onto Jessie allows you to have the upper hand.
Jessie flicks a strand of wavy black hair out of her face, takes her last sip from her milkshake, then fixes you with a pointed look, “I know you want me to drop it so I will. But please just think about it. There’s something there, and I’m ninety-five percent sure if you were to kiss Bradshaw the next time you saw him, he wouldn’t pull away.”
And with that, Jessie scoots from her side of the booth, grabs her check, and proceeds to walk up to the cash register to pay for her meal, and to flirt with the cashier of course.
With a small smile and a shake of your head, you grab your own check and start to scoot out of the old booth.
Once Jessie has secured the cashier’s number you pay for your meal and you both exit the diner pausing outside to give each other a brief hug before parting ways to your respective vehicles.
Once inside of your car you immediately lock the doors and glance briefly down at your phone. A new message from Bradley has popped up.
Bradley: “Hey sunshine, I’m going to be finishing up here in two hours, do you want to meet up at the hard deck for some drinks?”
Your heart jumps at the idea of seeing Bradley later. Fucking traitor.
You: “Hey!”
You: “Yeah I’m down for that! What time are you thinking?”
You put your phone down in the cupholder of your car and pull out of the diner’s parking lot. Halfway back to your apartment your phone vibrates inside of the cupholder. Knowing that it’s probably Bradley has you going a little over the speed limit to hurry home.
Once you’re safely parked in your designated spot, you grab at your phone, unlocking it to see what he’s said.
Bradley: “7:15?”
You quickly send a quick “that sounds good” text before hopping out of your car and making the trek up to your space.
By the time you’ve ascended the elevator to your room and locked the door behind you, your phone has vibrated again.
Bradley: “Perfect, I’ll come pick you up.”
With a few hours to kill you kick off your sneakers and jeans, throwing on one of your favorite oversized shirts and make yourself comfortable on the couch.
A power nap is just what you need in order to liven yourself up to go out to the bar with Bradley. So, with that thought in mind you set an alarm for an hour and click your phone off, slipping under your old throw blanket and drift off to sleep.
Only to be awakened by the blaring noises of said alarm, what feels like only seconds later.
Sure enough, it’s been an hour. You huff in annoyance throwing the blanket off your face and take a few deep breaths before forcing yourself to sit up from the couch and make your way to your bedroom to pick out an outfit for tonight.
The little yellow sundress you bought a few months ago peeks out from your closet and you quickly pull it from its hanger before you can talk yourself out of it. Discarding your oversized shirt onto your chair you slip the sundress over your head and pull it down to settle at your midthigh.
Glancing at your reflection in the mirror you decide a touch up of your makeup and fluffing of the hair should be enough for tonight.
Once you’re finished, you glance over at your phone to check the time, pressing on the screen making it come to life. There’s a text from Bradley telling you he’ll be at your place in five minutes – four minutes ago. Your eyes go wide, and a panic runs down your spine before you’re scrambling around your room for a pair of shoes to go with your dress and where the fuck did you put your purse?
A few knocks land on your door moments later and you curse under your breath deciding to just go answer the door and forego searching for your purse. Only to see it sittin pretty on your kitchen island.
Swiping the forsaken piece of faux leather off the counter you stride towards the door, opening it in one swift motion.
And there he is.
Bradley Bradshaw in all of his sun kissed glory, hands in his jean pockets looking down your hall before he’s turning to look at you.
He sucks in a quick breath, barely audible, but you heard it.
Fuck, stop looking at me like that.
“Hey” he breathes out.
“Hi” you smile.
A second passes by, both of you just looking at each other before you come out of your daze and decide you’ve been staring for too long.
You breathe out a laugh and step out into the hallway, “ready to go?” you ask.
He takes a small step back from you as you turn to lock your door, giving his head a shake before fixing his gaze. Once you’ve turned yourself back to face him he has an easy smile on his face grabbing your hand in his, leading the way down the hallway, “Just waiting on you sunshine.”
You roll your eyes, he can’t see it, but he knows you’ve done it as soon as you quip out, “Coming from the guy who sets aside time to groom his barely-there pornstache I’ll take as much time as I please, thank you very much.”
He hits the “down” button for the elevator before turning to you and settles his hands on your hips pulling you a little closer to him. Your breath hitches at the action and your eyes widen for a second before you’re forcing yourself to appear normal again, unbothered.
“So now you’re hating on my stache,” he fixes you with a questioning look.
You stick your chin up a bit in defiance, “yes.”
You say it so confidently he almost believes you.
“Oh really? Then who was the one protesting against Nat, just last week; about the ‘stache’ being one of my best features? And how I can’t shave it off,” he raises an eyebrow.
The elevator button dings allowing you a brief escape from his grasp and question. Sidestepping out of his hands into the elevator, you press the “ground floor” button before looking back at him cocking your head to the side smiling, “Wasn’t that Jessie?”
He jumps into the elevator before the doors close and scoffs out a laugh nudging his shoulder against yours, “No sunshine, pretty sure that was you.”
“I don’t recall saying that.” You hum back.
“That’s because you were too busy downing those fruity drinks of yours.”
“Okay first of all, it’s called a fuzzy naval, second of all, it’s not my fault beer is disgusting, I don’t even know why you guys drink that shit.” you scrunch your face at him.
The pair of you step out of the elevator, Bradley once again slipping his hand back into yours, “Don’t worry sunshine, I won’t judge you.”
You decide not to comment on that and just let Bradley guide you to his blue bronco. Seriously, that car just screams Bradley Bradshaw and you’re not sure if you like the car so much because of the way it looks, or if it’s just him.
“Bradshaw, you have got to let me drive her one day.”
Bradley opens his passenger door for you and keeps a hold on your hand, helping you into the bronco. Totally unnecessary but you’ll allow it. One side of his mouth quirks up in a smirk, “in your dreams baby” and then he’s shutting your door and jogging over to the driver’s side.
That’s new.
Before you know it, he’s reversing out of the guest parking space and turning onto the main road to get to the bar of choice, the Hard Deck.
He’s got his window down letting one arm lean out of it and the other has a grip on the steering wheel, looking completely relaxed and carefree. You turn to look out your own window, leaning your head back against the headrest letting the soft sound of ABBA playing through his speakers to be the only thing you focus on.
Once he’s parked, Bradley has already made his way to your side of the vehicle and is opening your door, before you can even reach for the handle. He offers his hand to you again and you take it as you step down and out from the bronco.
You smile at him mumbling out a quick “thank you” before letting his hand go again and start heading towards the entrance of the Hard Deck. He follows behind you quickly grabbing the door for the both of you and letting it swing closed behind him.
The Hard Deck is a little crowded tonight, so Bradley decides to make his way in front of you to make it easier for the both of you to head towards the bar. This time you slip your hand in his as to not lose him in the mass of people.
Bradley’s heart jumping at the feeling of you reaching for him this time.
Once you’ve reached the bar he grabs Penny’s attention, waving her over to him.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favorite troublemaking duo.” Penny smirks. “The usual?” she quirks a brow.
Bradley smiles before replying with a “you got it”, and Penny glances over to you for a confirmation on Bradley’s request, receiving a small smile and a nod promptly followed by a “yes please”.
Penny lets out a light laugh before heading off to get Bradley a beer and to teach one of her new girls how to make a “fuzzy naval”.
Bradley looks around the bar looking to see if he can find Nat in the sea of civilians and naval aviators. He knew that more often than not, she’d be floating around here once they’d finished up for the day. Most of the naval aviators would come here to destress after training, so it’s not much of a surprise to him when he sees her leaning against the pool table, baiting another civilian into playing a round of pool.
Once he’s spotted Nat, he makes a mental note to head over to the pool table she’s currently occupying. He knows you find comfort in Nat’s company and considering the amount of people crowding around the bar tonight, he can already see that you’re ready to make a run for it.
He slides his arm around your shoulders, trying to provide some comfort before you two can move away from the bar.
Bradley gives your shoulder a light squeeze to gain your attention before he points casually over to Nat. You smile up at him before turning back to the bar, relaxing into his side.
Finally, Penny returns with your drinks, flashing the two of you a smile and giving Bradley a knowing look before she’s turned away and rushing to the opposite end of the bar. Bradley grabs your hand pulling you towards Nat.
Natasha sees the two of you making your way over to her and the grin she had on her face widens even more seeing Bradley holding your hand.
Once the pair of you have reached her, she hits the cue ball towards the black eight ball. Easily slotting it into the pocket, shooting a hand out to the shocked civilian; who she has successfully hustled for the night. He lays a fifty-dollar bill in her hand and walks away in shame before she’s turning and looking at the two lovestruck dumbasses in front of her.
Smiling she says, “Look who decided to drag her ass away from work to make it out tonight.”
You smirk, “How’s the best naval aviator I know?”
Natasha’s smile turns into a smirk, “She’s doing great, already made fifty bucks off the civvy who’s sulking over there in the corner.” She gives her head a nod, gesturing to the man who’s now looking like a kicked puppy, chatting with his buddies.
Natasha turns back to the duo, “Head was a little big when he came over here, figured I’d help him deflate it a bit,” she shrugged.
You laugh and Bradley just looks up to the ceiling with a small shake of his head.
“Good, someone needs to do it.” You say, exasperated, sipping on your drink in the process.
Bradley just let you and Nat carry on conversing with each other, listening in on things that he deemed important, but he was mainly just looking at you. Eyes roaming over your features as you talk.
He is definitely enjoying the view. You’re giggling at something Nat had said, occasionally sipping on your drink, usually followed by flicking a strand of hair out of your face. Don’t even get him started on how the sundress is making him feel. Where did you even get that from? You never wear sundresses. The color complements your skin and makes you stick out in the sea of khaki and jeans like a sore thumb.  
He's suddenly pulled back into the conversation when Nat smugly starts talking about training earlier today.
“Oh, and you’ll never guess who finally got their callsign today” Nat laughs, exaggeratedly leaning over towards you, sneaking her eyes over to Bradley.
You whip your head over to him with widened eyes, “You didn’t tell me that you got your callsign today!”
“It’s not a big deal sunshine,” he smiles warmly at her, happy to have her attention on him instead of Nat.
That statement grants him an eyeroll from you, “sure it isn’t. It’s not like you’ve been wanting to know what your callsign would be since you were five.”
He lets out a laugh, bringing his beer up to his lips and taking a sip, eyes trained on yours.
Your eyes flicker to his lips for a second before you catch yourself and focus back on his eyes again.
He smirks and drags the bottle away from his lips setting it down on a nearby table, “they decided to pay homage to my dad” he breathes out. “So, Rooster is what they came up with,” a small smile graces his lips. “Keeping it in the bird category.”
You smile warmly at him, squeezing his arm, “I like it.”
“Definitely beats Holden by a landslide.” you scoff.
Bradley snorts and glances over to Nat, who’s watching the exchange with a knowing smile.
“Has Nat told you hers yet?” he inquires.
You shake your head before fixing Nat with a questioning stare.
Nat lets out a huff, “It’s a long story”.
“Well, how about you two talk about it while I grab us another drink.” He suggested.
With approval received by both women he quickly makes his way back over to the bar ordering two drinks and a water for himself.
He’s drumming his fingers on the bar waiting for the drinks, casually bobbing his head with the music, when he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Knowing you and phoenix were in that general area he turns his head to check in on them, only to see some dick, leaning on the pool table attempting at starting up a conversation with you.
He watches as your face, once relaxed and happy, turns sour. With narrowed eyes and pursed lips, you start talking back to the stranger.
Bradley hasn’t moved yet, but the longer the guy stands there talking to his girl, the angrier he gets.
Bradley thinks he could’ve been fine with letting you and phoenix handle the dick who looks like he walked straight off the set of jersey shore. However, the second he put his hand on your wrist Bradley lost all resolve and was moving swiftly from the bar to make his way back towards you.
You scowled down at the unwanted hand on your wrist before yanking it back towards your body, “Yeah, that’s great, glad you’re having a good night, but don’t touch me.”
“Oh, come on sweetheart, I was only being friendly. Let me buy you a drink?” He reached again for your hand, prompting you to take a step back, bumping into a hard, familiar chest.
“Pretty sure she already told you to keep your hands to yourself.” An arm sneaks around your waist, “And I’d hate to have to tell you again.” Bradley’s hostile voice rings in your ears, crystal clear over the music coming from the jukebox.
The Vinny wannabe scrunches his brows at the pair, “hey man, maybe if you don’t want your girl to be approached, maybe you should tell her how to dress. You can see that ass for miles.”
Bradley clenches his jaw and starts to make his way around you when he feels his hand being pulled back. Turning to face you, he gives you a questioning look, furrowing his eyebrows in the process. You mumble out a quick “I’ve got this handled” before moving around him and slapping the greasy-haired asshole.
The sound reverberates through the bar and effectively catches Penny’s attention, and without another thought she’s wringing the bell. You don’t disrespect women or members of the navy in her bar, and from the way both Bradley and Natasha are glaring down at the man in front of them, she’s guessing he did both.
Two naval officers appear out of the sea of people and roughly grab at the guy’s arms, dragging him from standing in front of you, Bradley, and Natasha to landing in the sand outside the bar’s parking lot.
Penny locks eyes with you receiving a smile and giving one in return before directing her attention towards Bradley, who’s glare is still transfixed on the door where jersey shore was thrown to the wayside.
Penny frowns and locks eyes again with you nodding her head towards Bradley before turning her attention back to serving the crowd that has formed at the back of the bar.
You take a step towards him and grab his arm, giving it a subtle squeeze. Bradley breaks his glare from the door to meet your sparkling eyes, and just like that his anger melts away and he refocuses on getting his girl a drink. Nat had started another round of pool with a naval officer so Bradley decided to bring you with him up to the bar, finding one stool unoccupied and allowing you to sit while he stands and waits.
Not much is said between you two while you wait for their drinks, the sound of Billy Joel’s “uptown girl” muffled by the chatter that has resumed throughout the bar.
Bradley’s eyes are scanning the bar, while yours are focused on Penny who is putting the final touches on your drink. And before you know it another fuzzy naval is placed in front of you, along with a brand of Natasha’s favorite beer. With both drinks finally accounted for, Bradley grabs your hand once more and makes the journey back over to Nat.
Casual conversation ensues between the three of you for a few more hours before Penny calls out to inform you that she’s closing up for the night. Bradley closes out his tab for the night and you guys make your way out to the parking lot.
Nat is still walking towards a vehicle that has pulled into the parking lot when she turns her head lazily to face her two best friends, “well, it’s been fun troublemakers, but I need to get back to the base. Early morning and all.” She waves a hand out to them and a small smirk spreads across her face before she calls out, “Rooster, don’t forget what I told you earlier!”
Bradley gives her a mock salute before she’s hopping into the vehicle and riding out of the parking lot.
You look over to him with a goofy smile on your face (possibly from the amount of alcohol you’ve consumed in the past few hours), “what’s that all about?”
Bradley looks down at you and laughs at the ridiculous look on your face. Hooking his arm around your shoulder he leans down towards your ear and whispers, “you wanna walk the beach a little, before I bring you back to your place?” effectively avoiding your question.
Your eyes light up at the idea and you immediately b-line it past the Hard Deck and towards the pitch black sea. Bradley shakes his head before bolting after you, “Hang-on speed racer!”
Giggling erupts past your lips, “hurry up Roo!”
Bradley’s smile faulters for a second as his heart lurches in his chest at the new nickname.
He finally reaches you and grabs for your hand yanking you back to him. You’re all giggles and messy hair with a light flush on your cheeks, definitely from the alcohol.
You place your hands on his chest, feeling the warmth through the white t-shirt lying underneath his Hawaiian button down. Classic Bradley.
“You know my callsign for all of five hours and you’re already shortening it sunshine.”
You push your body away from him, only keeping one hand in his as you lead him further down the beach, “I like it, it’s cute.”
“That is not what callsigns are for. But I’ll let it slide just this once.”
“I don’t know, I’m quite fond of it, Roo” you smile back at him this time, clearly teasing. Teasing is always easier than admitting your feelings after all.
“Makes me think of that cute little kangaroo from ‘Winnie the pooh’. Oh! And you’re tall, and kangaroos can be tall!”
“So, what I’m hearing is, you think I’m cute and tall.” Bradley teases.
You blow out an exasperated breath, “No Bradley, I said that kangaroos are cute and tall.”
“But I remind you of a kangaroo from Winnie the pooh?”
“And kangaroos are cute? And can be tall?”
Bradley quirks a brow up at you, “So, by association of being nicknamed after a kangaroo. I’m cute and tall.”
You scrunch your nose up at him, “Not everything is about you Bradshaw.”
You let go of the hand you’re holding and continue your walk forward, hyper focused on the ground as you walk.
“I’m taking it as a compliment anyway.” He states, following after you.
After a few minutes of just ambling down the beach in comfortable silence Bradley decides the two of you should probably start heading back to his bronco.
He quickens his pace to reach for your hand and is once again pulling you back towards him.
Being slightly tipsy though doesn’t forebode well with trying to stay balanced and you manage to trip over your feet, falling into Bradley. He stumbles back trying to keep the both of you upright before he loses his balance as well and is falling into the sand.
“Shit” you breathe out, “Are you okay?”
Bradley has one hand on your waist and one hand cupping the back of your head.
“I’m fine sunshine, are you okay?” eyes currently wandering the expansion of your face checking for any signs of pain or visible injuries.
“Well, I was fine until you pulled me down. I was looking for seashells,” a small pout forming on your lips, Bradley’s eyes instantly falling down to them.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to ask if you were ready to go home.” He whispers out, afraid that whatever spell your under right now will be broken at the mere mention of leaving.
“You coulda just asked? Didn’t have to pull me to the ground to get my attention.” you mumble out.
“I don’t know about that sunshine; you were pretty focused” fingers playing with the fabric of your dress. “Besides, I think I have a great view right now.” His eyes have moved from your lips back up to your eyes.
A beat passes. Your cheeks are flushed pink and you’re painfully aware that you’ve been laying on top of him for longer than what can be considered normal, but you can’t move. He’s pinned you to where you’re at with his honey brown eyes and you’re positive you can’t move away.
You’re holding your breath above him, he’s too close. Too close for you to pretend that you only see him as your best friend. And the way he’s looking at you right now, isn’t helping.
Closing your eyes, you take a breath in, “You’ve gotta stop looking at me like that.”
And then you’re making an attempt at getting up and off of him.
Bradley’s eyebrows furrow before he’s catching your arm and pulling you back down to him. Your eyes are still closed.
“How am I looking at you?” he whispers.
“Like you can see my soul.” You suck in a breath and open your eyes; fuck it, “Like I’m the only person you want to look at for the rest of your life.”
Exhaling the breath you’d been holding you murmur, “and I can’t sit here and continue to pretend it doesn’t do anything to me when it does.” You look up and out towards the sand dunes that lead back over to the main road.
You really don’t want to hear the rejection, let alone see it.
Completely prepared to get up and off of him again you’re about to do just that, when he lets out a small chuckle.
A few tears begin to form in your eyes as you begin to whip your head down to tell him off for being a fucking asshole when you see that he’s still looking at you with the same adoration on his face.
Bradley’s bringing your face closer to his, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “sounds about right then” he whispers, lips ghosting over your own.
Five seconds is how long it takes for you to understand what he just said before he’s slotting his lips against yours.
The world feels like it’s stopped and the only thing grounding you to it is Bradley and the feeling of his lips caressing your own.
The kiss is tender and sweet, there’s no rush or clashing of teeth, it’s calm and patient. Like the love you’ve had for each other that’s been building over the years. His hand that had a hold of your arm has moved to cup the back of your neck, keeping you close, where you belong. Your body once cool from the sea breeze, now feels as though it’s on fire as you melt into Bradley; his mustache tickling your top lip.
Bradley sits up bringing you with him as the two of you explore each other’s lips for a couple more seconds, before you’re breaking the kiss to get some air. Leaning your forehead against his, you smile, eyes still closed.
Bradley has his own smile on his face as he nudges your nose with his, “Only took eighteen years of being best friends, but we got there.”
You let out a short laugh, “Speak for yourself, I was ready for you to kiss me when I was sixteen.”
Bradley lets out a chuckle, “I think we need to make up for lost time then, shouldn’t we?” he mumbles against your lips.
“Definitely” you whisper before capturing his lips with your own.
You pull away again all too soon for his liking as a groan leaves his lips, mouth chasing after yours.
You laugh, running your fingers through his soft curls and he lets out a hum, “I still wanna know what Phoenix said.”
“Calling Nat by her callsign now huh?” He pecks your lips trying to bring you into another long kiss, before sighing out an, “Okay.”
“She told me to grow a pair and ask you to be my girlfriend. Said something about how she couldn’t keep dealing with all of the sexual tension.”
“Which speaking of by the way, I love this dress on you.” his hand bunching up the material around your waist as he says it.
Giggling you lean forward again, catching his lips, letting out a hum of appreciation, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Bradley leans back and looks you in the eyes again. You’re glowing brighter than the moonlight shining down on you right now, and if the sun was out he’s certain you’d be shining brighter than that too.
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” a confident look has settled across his face as he bites his lip, waiting for your answer.
You hum again, looking over his shoulder in mock contemplation. Head moving from side to side in an attempt to look like you’re weighing your options. Bradley squeezes your sides earning a squeal from you as you try to block his hands.
He stops long enough for you to catch a breath and look back over to him, “Yes” you breathe out.
His lips quirk up into a surprised smile, “yeah?”
Bradley surges forward towards you again and brings you into another blinding kiss.
He breaks the kiss this time, before murmuring, “Any chance I can stay at your place tonight?” his tone hopeful.
“Keep kissing me like that and I don’t think I’ll ever let you leave.” you smile.
He grins at you, “That’s the plan, sunshine.”
Oh My My My
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magniloquent-raven · 3 months
I wasn't thinking about Fathers' Day ON Fathers' Day but I'm thinking about it now. Late. But whatever.
It's got me thinking about nine-year-old Eddie moving in with Wayne. Short for his age, all elbows and eyes too big for his face little Eddie who gets into all the trouble he can find, and when he can't find any he makes his own. His knees are never not scabby. He lost two teeth going down the slide at school face-first and then threw the teeth at some kid who laughed at him. He has to get his head buzzed because he tried to bring home a skunk and the smell WOULD NOT come out of his hair.
Wayne is way out on a limb here and he has no idea if he's doing right by this kid.
But then like. A few months in Eddie comes home from school unusually quiet. They're not far off from summer vacation and Eddie's been bouncing off the walls about it for weeks, seeing him silently shuffle in and drop his backpack with a puckered little frown is. Unnerving.
Wayne is automatically assuming the worst. He knows the kids at school aren't always kind, but it doesn't usually get to Eddie this badly. He's trying to think what could have possibly happened to make him this upset and everything he comes up with terrifies him.
Eddie doesn't say a word until he's seated across from Wayne at their cluttered little table, hands fidgeting in his lap. Wayne knows not to push. He pretends to keep reading his magazine and lets Eddie work up the nerve.
"So, you're like. My dad now, right?"
It's not what he was expecting. At all. And he has no idea where Eddie's going with this. He puts his magazine down slowly. And he hedges. "Do you want me to be?"
Eddie's frown deepens. "That's not an answer, Uncle Wayne."
Wayne can't help but chuckle at the exasperated tone. "You're right it's not." He smooths down the corners of his magazine, and watches the paper curl back in on itself.
He hadn't talked to his brother about this part. They didn't talk about much, really. Wasn't time, and they were never the type to hash things out like that anyways. All he has are the guidelines the state gave him. Keep him fed, sheltered, and in school, and don't let him near his father. Wayne's all he's got now. For the foreseeable future.
"You gotta answer the question or you don't get your gift." Eddie juts out his chin in a stubborn pout, crossing his arms.
Wayne blinks at him. God, he hopes the kid didn't bring home a frog in his backpack. He rubs a hand over his mouth, fingernails rasping against stubble. "Truth is, I don't know." He pauses. Grimaces. That's not good enough. He knows its not. "But you can count on me to take care of you, okay? And...that's what matters."
Eddie's expression has softened, he's less squinty, which is good.
Then all at once he brightens, all gap-toothed smiles like Wayne's mumbled half-assed assurances are the best news he's heard all day. "Okay!" He tips out of his seat, less of a lean down to get his bag and more of a flop. Miraculously he doesn't fall on his face, and after a few seconds of rummaging through crumpled sheets of loose paper that Wayne's sure should be in a folder of some kind, he presents Wayne with...
A lump of clay.
It takes a couple blinks to make out what it's supposed to be. And even then, Wayne's not entirely certain. An ashtray is his best guess. The edges are uneven and covered in tiny finger-dents, and when Eddie slides it across the table it rocks ominously. He's painted it red, and scrawled around the rim it says Happy Father's Day! in poorly spaced, loopy writing.
Wayne doesn't expect his eyes to sting with unshed tears, but they do. Eddie slams against his side, barrelling into a hug that makes Wayne's chair skid a few inches across the floor. Which does not make his insides feel any less goopy and warm.
He pats the top of Eddie's head. "Thanks."
Wayne stashes the gift in his nightstand, afraid to leave it anywhere it can be knocked to the floor. Eddie has a habit of running through the house and sweeping entire surfaces clean by accident.
Eddie forgets about the ashtray. He's fairly certain it ended up in the garbage anyway, and he's not bothered. That's what his dad used to do with all his art projects. Never in front of him, of course, he'd always say thanks and send Eddie on his way, but a few days later Eddie would find his gifts in the trash. He's sure his dad didn't know he knew.
He never finds the ashtray, but maybe Wayne's just better at hiding it.
Ten years later Wayne sifts through what's left of their trailer. He hasn't seen Eddie in days, and Hawkins is in ruins. There's a chasm where their home used to be. He's not sure what he expects to find beyond more thin hopes that Eddie's still out there somewhere.
All he can salvage is a shard of clay, painted red. He touches one of indents baked into it, brushing a fingertip over Eddie's prints. His hand shakes. The piece turns to a red blur between his fingers.
He keeps searching.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Azriel Beach Vacation headcanons
A/n: @princess-tulip-writes and I were talking about this and now this exists lol. I will now be thinking about this for the rest of my vacation
Warnings: some smut (18+ only)
You and Az would rent an ocean side cottage next in the Summer Court
It was a surprise vacation from Az, you both deserved some time off and you were surprised it was his idea
But he was willing to relax for you
When you winnow to the cottage he picks you up bridal style and carries you in
It’s the cutest little place (Az is good at picking vacation spots bc he’s very detail oriented and a perfectionist)
There’s a large parlor area that opens into the kitchen
There’s even a big balcony/deck area with chairs to lay out on with a view of your private beach
When you get there it’s late afternoon so you take time to unpack and go out to dinner in the little town nearby
He took you to a cute little seafood place and then for ice cream after
On your way back to the cottage you guys walk along the beach holding hands
Looking out at the water and the sun setting over it, it looked so inviting. You gave Azriel a smirk and started stripping
“Baby! What are you doing!” He’d laugh out as you raced down to the water naked.
You dove in and popped your head up giggling at him asking, “Are going to join me?”
Az rips his clothes off and swims out to you as fast as he can, pulling you into him. You wrap your legs around his waist and he picks you up, he unfurls his wings to shield you with them
As he sways you in the water you play with the hairs on the nape of his neck. You feel his hardened length causing you to smirk at him
You pull him to your lips, tongues battening for dominance. You stick your hand underwater and stroke him. He moans into the kiss as you tease your entrance with the head of his cock
Azriel grabs your wrist, pulling your hand away from him. He slides into you making you drop your head back and moan. He bottoms out and starts thrusting in and out of you
You reach your highs together, slumping in his arms as he cuddles you closer. A few minutes later Azriel winnows you to the outdoor shower at your cottage
You and Azriel take turns washing each other. There was a need beneath the loving touches. Azriel pulls your back flush to his chest
He runs his fingers over your nipples and squeezes your tits. You arch into him at the arousal that rushes through you. Az pivots so you place your hands on the wall
“So good for me baby.” He groans in your ear as he fucks into you from behind, reaching around to rub your clit
You spent your week mostly on the beach
You would take walks and you even convinced Az to build a sand castle with you
You know that TikTok trend where girls give their bfs a shovel at the beach and they just dig holes. I feel like Az (Cass and Rhys) would do that
(if they we’re together they would compete for who can dig the bigger hole)
Your bathing suits would all be blue and he definitely picked them out. He also picks tie bikinis for you
“They’re easier to take off baby” he’d tell you with a wink
He loves when you wear his shade of blue he’s obsessed with how you look in it
You like it too bc when he’s away it’s like he’s with you
Azriel is crazy about you putting on sunscreen
He doesn’t want you to burn because he knows that all burns, small or large, hurt and Az hates when your in pain
You love when he rubs it in on your back. He massages you a little too making sure your covered
Covers you with his wings and makes you sit under the umbrella to take a break from the sun. His shadows can tell when you’re too hot and when you need a break
“Gotta keep you cool baby. I wouldn’t forgive myself if you got a burn.” And he’d kiss your forehead making sure you had cold water
There was one day you guys took a break from the beach to chill out home
You decided to tan out on the deck naked. “I don’t want tan lines Azzie.” “Will rub my tanning oil in Az?”
He happily rubs the oil on you. You start out laying on your stomach. He pays special attention to your ass, rubbing and squeezing while kissing up your spine
Az sits with you outside reading on a lounge chair
When you turn to lay on your back you pretend not to notice him watching you
You prop yourself on your elbows teasing him like you’re going to spread your legs to give him a view of your soaking core
A low growl escapes Azriel’s throat as he lowers himself to his knees in front of you
You smirk as he grabs your legs pulling you to the edge of your chaise lounger pushing your thighs apart
He spreads your slick through your folds and licks a stripe up your cunt
You tug at his hair as his tongue fucks you. Your orgasm comes up fast. He can tell your close as your walls flutter around his tongue
Az starts sucking on your clit bringing you over the edge. He licks you through your orgasm
He rubs at your thighs as you sit up. You wrap your legs around his waist and he picks you to bring you inside
He says your going in for a break, “you looked like you were overheating.” “Oh, yeah”
When vacation is over your sad and you pout asking him to stay for one more day
He doesn’t like saying no to you but promises you’ll come back leaving a kiss on your temple
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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blossomwritesthings · 2 months
𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞
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⬷ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞┊ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ┊ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: minho x felix (minlix)
genre: dancer!minho/artist!felix. brothers best friend troupe. college au. age gap (abt 4 years). minho pov. extremely dark themes throughout, including smut - MDNI, 18+ only.
word count: 4.4k
the playlist 🗡️
a/n: OKAY, SO- 💀 I HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THE DELAYED UPDATE!!!! 💀😔 My life has been so incredibly fucking busy lately... with working full time and doing summer uni courses full time and planning for lolla and like, the 5 other concerts im going to in the later half of this year... it's been a lot, fam. 😭 I've been under sm stress at work and from school that I've been getting really bad chest pains, but I'm trying to manage things so it's slowly getting better. But the burn out is real, people. That shit fucks you over sooo bad omg 😭 I just have no motivation to write anything at the end of the day or on the weekends because I'm so fucking tired of using my brain all week. Going to Lolla will be my first REAL vacation from work/uni in over 2 and a half years. That's acc insane to me lmao. ANYWAYS!!!! 🗣️💥 I've already written like, 2 more chapters for this fic when I was in a mania-induced rage a few weeks ago lol, so I just need to find the time/motivation to edit those within the next few weeks. And I already have big plans for the rest of the chapters in this so... I'm excited. Now I just gotta find the willpower to ACC write my ideas 😜
🗡️ - ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ other cool stuff ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌! ࿐ྂ
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
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 To his utter surprise, Minho decided to attend Felix’s dorm party that weekend. The final decision shocked the rest of his friends too, who had grown accustomed to his home-body spirit. Because usually, every time they asked — more like begged — him to go to parties with the three of them, he always backed out of everything. His favorite excuses were being too exhausted from dance practice or not feeling good from studying so much. 
  “I actually cannot believe you’re going to this shit,” Chris said with a laugh that night. He was sprawled across Minho’s bed, one earbud in his ear as his head bobbed up and down to a beat he was mixing on his laptop. Meanwhile, Minho was scurrying across his room, slipping on a pair of socks and making sure he looked somewhat put together. But he didn’t want to seem too desperate to fit in either, since he knew that most of the people at the party would be young freshmen and sophomores. 
  He had decided — with a little bit of Chris’ help — on a pair of black sweats, and an oversized graphic tee from one of his favorite Korean bands. It was nothing out of the ordinary for him to wear, but just ‘normal’ enough for him to fit in with the crowd that night. 
  “Honestly, I’m kinda shocked that you’re not going too,” Minho said as he hurried to slip on his Converse.
  With that, Chris looked up from his flashing computer screen with a deep frown plastered across his face. “Do you really think I want to go to a party and watch as my little brother sticks his tongue down at least ten people's throats?” 
  Minho stopped fumbling with his shoelaces and looked up at Chris with a raised eyebrow. “He’s not actually gonna do that tonight, Chris.” 
  “You obviously don’t know my brother these days… the one that’s mature— at least in his eyes, anyway,” Chris started, tapping away at his computer keyboard again and cursing under his breath for a split second. “That little boy that you grew up with is completely gone, Min.” 
  For a few beats, there was utter silence in Minho’s bedroom after Chris’ statement. Then, Minho fit his wallet into his pants pocket and unhooked his phone from his charging port. 
  “Is that why you… don’t really spend a lot of time with him ever since he got to campus?” 
  Chris threw a long roll of his eyes towards Minho, “That, and the fact that I’m a little too old and tired to be fucking around with a bunch of young kids these days.” 
  “Felix isn’t a young kid, Chris. He’s a grown adult.” 
  Sighing heavily, Chris hoisted himself up and off of Minho’s bed, patting his shoulder in a rough way as he passed Minho on the way out of the bedroom. “We’ll see if you change your opinion on that after tonight.”
  And the entire time Minho made the short trek over to the freshman’s side of campus, he couldn’t get Chris’ words out of his head. They were stuck in the depths of his brain, playing over and over again. Because there was no way that Felix would be so badly changed from the last time he had spent a night with him during their childhood. 
  Sure, Minho had noticed a slight change when they had met in the campus gardens the day before, but it wasn’t… that bad. Not like anything Chris was describing.
  Even still, Minho could feel his entire body tense up as he got closer to the freshman dormitory. He could hear his heartbeat in the corners of his ears as he knocked on Felix’s door. He could sense his palms growing cold and clammy as the loud base of music thrummed underneath his feet. 
  Almost as quickly as he had knocked, someone opened the door. He had never seen the guy before, but he had purple-dyed hair and a dazzling white smile. Reaching out to Minho’s hand, the beautiful stranger yanked him in excitedly. 
  “Holy shit- you must be the famous Minho! I’ve heard so much about you!” The guy shouted over the music, closing the door behind Minho and leading the two of them into the nearby kitchen. “I’m Jisung, by the way.” 
  Without even having time to process the chaos that was the person in front of him, Minho’s hand was grabbed by Jisung and shaken thoroughly. “Uhm- nice to meet you, Jisung…” His voice trailed off as his mind carded through the slightly slurred words that had just fallen from the purple-haired man’s lips. “What do you mean by hearing so mu—”
  “Hey, Jisung! Stop being such a fucking weirdo and let the man breathe!” Someone off to their right shouted in an exasperated tone. 
  Minho turned and noticed a dark-haired figure bent over in the shadows of the kitchen. They raised their head from the counter, rubbing their nose and sneezing violently. Slowly, Minho’s eyes registered the small bit of white substance that was left behind and laid out on the kitchen counter in a neat line. The dude was fucking snorting cocaine. Just then, Minho’s focus turned to the rest of the kitchen’s counters, which were lined with a plethora of drinks, drugs, and other shit he didn’t even have names for. A random couple was making out in the background, the girl’s ass pressing down atop the counter as the man between her legs bit violet marks into the side of her neck. 
  Turning his eyes away from the couple, he watched as the cocaine-snorter sidled up to their sides. Slinging a lazy arm around Jisung’s neck, he pulled him in for a tight hug. “You must be Minho, huh?” He asked in a long drawl, the kind you only got with copious amounts of drugs and liquor flowing through your system. 
  “Y-Yeah… Felix invited me to this last minute, but I’m starting to think maybe coming was a bad idea…” Minho said in a quiet voice that was barely decipherable over the ear-piercing rap blasting throughout the entire dorm. Feeling suddenly uncomfortable under the two strangers' gazes, he fit his hands in his pockets, eyes darting around the kitchen for the closest exit. 
  “You’re a lot cuter in person than what I always imagined,” The guy holding onto Jisung said, stumbling over a bit and making Jisung laugh heartily. The guy had soft cheekbones but razor-sharp eyes. The kind that Minho felt were piercing into him and studying his very being with each second that passed. His jet-black hair was messy atop his head and slightly curled at the ends. “I’m Seungmin, by the way. But most of these fucks around here call me Doggy.” 
  Placing a hand on Seungmin’s chest lovingly, Jisung flashed Minho a sly kind of smile. “He can get you anything you want— just say the word, pay up, and he’ll have it in your hands by the end of the week…” Jisung’s words drifted off into the chaos around them as he studied Minho. 
  Minho felt like both of the young men in front of him were sidling him up — wondering, and guessing, why someone as plain and boring as him was connected to Lee Felix in some way. Minho could feel his palms growing sweatier by the second as he gripped the suffocating fabric of his pant pockets. 
  “So— what’s your weakness?” Seungmin slurred on, eyes growing dark as his gaze traced Minho’s form up and down in the kitchen’s dim lighting. “Fet? Coke? Meth—”
  Already starting to feel sick to his stomach by the topic of conversation, Minho held his hands up in a silent plea for him to stop. “Uhm— not really into that kinda shit.” 
  “What a shame… you’d be a pretty addict, for sure.” Jisung said in a flirtatious tone, biting the corner of his lip as he studied Minho.
  Slowly, Minho could feel himself caving inward. His shoulders dropping, and heartbeat turning into a low thrum, all he wanted to do was get out of the situation he was stuck in. “How do you guys know Felix? Are you both freshman too?” 
  Jisung burst out laughing at that, reaching towards the nearby kitchen counter and pouring himself a solo cup full of vodka. “You're kidding me, right? We’ve been Felix’s homies since our high school days.” 
  “And yes, if you must know— we’re freshman’s,” Seungmin said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed the solo cup from Jisung’s hand and took a long swig of it. Much to Jisung’s displeasure. “Why? What’s it to ya?” 
  Minho shrugged nonchalantly, trying to act like the entire atmosphere around them wasn’t making him extremely uncomfortable. “I was just making friendly conversation,” and before he could let either of the guys in front of him say anything more, he decided to remove himself from the situation entirely. “Actually, I think I’m gonna go try and find Felix…” 
  As he was walking away from the kitchen, he could hear the boys snickering behind him, with Jisung shouting in slurred words, “Good luck finding him if he’s getting his dick sucked in the bathroom!” Minho could hear the two guys laughing manically in the kitchen as he made his way into the rest of the dorm. 
  Immediately upon entering the living room, he remembered just how small the freshman’s living spaces were. The entire place was jammed packed full of bodies writhing and shaking. A space in the middle of the room had been cleared for a makeshift dance floor, so couples were grinding up on each other and making out to the sultry r&b coursing throughout the entire place. Bodies filled up every seat and sofa in the vicinity. 
  The entire room was dark with the curtains closed. That added to the smoky atmosphere, as people smoked cigs, vapes, and joints everywhere that Minho looked. It was hard to see through the haziness of everything, but eventually, he spotted Felix. 
  Felix was… 
  Sitting on one of the couches, 
  Busy making out with another guy.
  And just then, Minho couldn’t even understand the exact feelings he had upon such a discovery. It was a mix of surprise, queasiness, but also… something else too, which he dared not name. 
  He shoved everything down into a firm ball in the pit of his stomach, shuffling towards a nearby table and popping himself a cold bottle of soju. Taking a long swig from the chilled rim, he gradually shuffled his way through the dance floor over to where Felix was. 
  The younger man seemed to exude a certain kind of presence… captivating at least half of the room with his aura. Felix's energy was dark and smoky and… something so mysterious and foreign to Minho, he had no idea how to navigate all of it. 
  “Felix— hi,” Minho yelled over the loud music, waving towards Felix to catch his attention. There were a few other people squished onto the sofa where he was sitting, but all of them were focused on the tv screen which was flashing with an intense game of Super Smash Bros. 
  As soon as Felix’s focus was caught, he was pulling away from the other man’s lips. In the dimness of the room, Minho distinctly caught onto the way that messy strings of saliva parted from their lips, and how Felix’s mouth was puffy and swollen from kissing all night.
  Eyes brightening and pink freckled cheeks shading just a tiny bit, Felix shot up from his spot on the couch, fumbling his way over to Minho’s side. For a split second, Minho was able to gaze at Felix’s form — at the white skort he was wearing which was so short, half of his ass was exposed, and the baby-blue crop top that rose just above his belly button. A belly ring glinted in the sultry lighting of the room, along with all of the silver earrings, rings, and necklaces that adorned Felix’s milky-white skin. 
  “M-Min, oh my god, you made it!” Felix exclaimed happily, tugging on Minho’s wrist gently and leading him over to his spot on the couch. The man that he had been making out with only seconds before shuffled to the side, allowing room for Minho to sit down. Then, he grabbed Felix’s hips and sat him down on his lap. Felix let out a tiny giggle, snuggling his ass backward and earning a grunt from the guy underneath him. “I’m so happy to see you!” 
  Minho flashed him the best smile he could muster at that moment. What with being incredibly overstimulated by everything, and the shock of meeting some of Felix’s... choice friends, and seeing his best friend’s little brother making out viscerally at a party… 
  The night definitely wasn’t turning out as he had hoped, that was for sure. 
  “I met some of your friends, they’re uhm— interesting, to say the least,” Minho laughed awkwardly, carding a few shaking fingers through his hair. “I wasn’t expecting you to be… part of such a crowd, Lix.” 
  Felix shrugged the tiniest of bits, his eyes flicking away from Minho’s and focusing on the video game some of the others were playing. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Minho. Things have changed since the last time we hung out.” There was a weight to his words, they felt heavy on Minho's shoulders and weighed on his heart. Even still, he tried to push away those feelings and just live in the moment, without any worries or inhibitions 
  “That’s for sure…” 
  But Minho wasn’t really paying attention to anything else that Felix was saying, if he was saying anything at all. Because he was too busy watching the guy underneath Felix draw circles against his bare skin. Fingers skirting across his skin, the guy softly massaged the soft skin of his thighs, forcing gooseflesh to erupt to the surface. 
  “This is Renjun, by the way,” Felix said, cutting through the silence between them and breaking the trance Minho had fallen into. “He’s a… friend, of sorts.” 
  Renjun turned his face away from Felix’s body, taking a long drawl of a joint that Minho hadn’t even noticed was positioned between his fingers. “Yeah, ‘cause friends definitely stick their dicks in each other’s assess… that's just what friends do, right?” Renjun let out a loud cackle, the kind that would probably make Minho burst out into laughter too, if they were in a different situation. 
  Felix gave the man underneath him a deep frown before his eyes focused back on Minho. “I mean… if you’re truly friends— anything could happen, right?” Just then, he started moving again, hips circling just a little bit atop Renjun’s lap. Almost instantly, the dark-haired man was groaning out loud and clutching onto Felix's hips for dear life. And the entire time, Felix kept his gaze locked with Minho's, practically staring right into his soul.
  Minho was keenly aware of the dry saliva he swallowed down, trying to ignore the way his heart lept just a little bit in his chest at the sight of Felix grinding down against Renjun’s lap. Trying to ignore the way his pants grew just a tiny bit tighter at the sight of Felix flashing Renjun a playful, dim smirk. 
  “Renjun, stop fucking moaning, you’re ruining the vibes right now!” A silver-haired guy who was sitting in front of Minho said. He was part of the group that was focused on the tv, playing Smash like they were in a professional tournament or some shit. “I’m Jeongin, by the way, Lee Felix’s bestie since the sixth grade.” The silvered fox said, momentarily looking away from his game and flashing Minho a smile. 
  At that, Renjun let out a low chortle. “Too bad you weren’t close enough to fuck him, eh?”
  Minho’s attention darted from Jeongin’s face back to Renjun, examining the way his raven locks were somewhat disheveled— like they had been gripped pretty hard recently. 
  Gripped hard by… Felix. 
  Felix threw his hands up into the air, seeming to admit defeat. “What is it with everyone around here wanting to fuck me?!” He exclaimed- although he didn’t seem that upset by the prospect in the first place. Instead, he grabbed ahold of the joint Renjun was smoking and took a long drag of it. Blowing the smoke up in the air around him, Felix’s slightly hooded gaze zeroed back onto Minho. “It’s not like I’m that attractive— I only get the young people to fuck me.” 
  Minho shifted in his spot on the couch, feeling that floaty, twisted snake thrum through his veins. He stared down at his strawberry-flavored soju bottle, pretending to be fascinated with the label. When in actuality, he was doing everything in his power to avoid Felix’s stare. 
  “I mean, who wouldn’t wanna fuck you? You’re cute— you’re hot, you’re fun, and you’re a damn good bottom, too.” Renjun said in a deep voice, and through the reflection of the tv screen in front of them, Minho could make out the way he leaned down and pressed a feverish kiss to Felix’s exposed neck.
  Like a train wreck that you can’t stop watching, Minho couldn’t help but turn his head to watch Felix atop Renjun again. He was still dancing across his lap, doing so with a little more fervor this time. The compliments probably fueled his fire, Minho assumed. Felix was gradually beginning to wreak of a mix of weed, liquor, and the sweet scent of floral perfume. Yet in that moment, it was all too intoxicating for Minho. 
  Turning his head slowly, Felix ruffled Renjun’s locks playfully. “Awe thanks— I feel so flattered that you find me pretty, Renjunnie~” He cooed in a gentle voice, fingers skirting across Renjun’s round cheek with a caress. 
  “Well, I’m sure Minho sure doesn’t wanna fuck you.” Jeongin deadpanned, his voice cascading down around their small group. He was still focused on the game but bent his head backward a bit. Fox-like eyes studied Minho’s face in the smokiness of the room just then. And Jeongin’s lips cracked into a wide, Cheshire grin just as he turned back to the tv. “Actually, never mind— maybe he does.” 
  The entire time, Minho had been entirely too quiet. Letting everything play out, observing and judging silently. He was probably the oldest one in that room, and he could feel the significance of his grade year and maturity weighing down on his shoulders like a 200lb barbell. 
  He took a final swig of his soju, before tossing it into a nearby trashcan. “Honestly, I’m old enough to be his brother, so no— definitely not,” Minho said in a low tone, his throat constricting a tiny bit. 
  But it was just the alcohol, it was just the liquor that was getting to him. 
  And the weed in the air and the cigarettes and every other thing floating around him. It was the loud bass thrumming through the bottoms of his feet and it was the blaring disco ball that was flashing rainbow-colored shapes on the dance floor. 
  Yes, it was all of that… 
  And none of what Felix was doing beside him, or how Felix was looking at him or- 
  “I mean, yeah— a dancer and fashion designer together?? Fucking hell, it’d never work. Aren’t dancers always too tired to even get it up in the first place?” Renjun slurred his words just a tiny bit, as the weed no doubt flooded into his system. 
  “But I bet those hips don’t lie!” Jeongin shrieked with laughter, slapping his leg in happiness at their stupid jokes. 
  So suddenly, Minho realized why he was invited to the party in the first place. 
  He wasn’t included to have a good time, or because he was missed, or because people wanted to meet him. 
  No, he was invited to be the laughing stock of everyone there… 
  Hey guys- look! A stupid ass senior shimmying his way into a freshman party, look at how stupid he looks— 
  trying to hit on the hottest guy on campus.
   And the thinks that he has a fighting fucking chance when everyone else wants — and gets to have Felix — 
  But no , definitely not him, not ever. The brother’s best friend?? Felix would never stoop so low. 
  The energy shifted between Minho and the rest of them sitting there on the couch, freezing in place as soon as he shot up from his spot on the couch. Yanking out his phone from his pants pocket, the screen flashed with the time — one in the morning. He had been acting stupid, been the night’s entertainment, for more than three hours. And just as he realized the time, he noticed the eyes on him — how half of the room was watching him, with people hiding their smiles and laughs behind palms and solo cups and joints. 
  “I have class tomorrow, I should head out.” Is the only explanation he gave, not even affording Felix or the others another glance as he pulled away from the sofa and forced his way through the shaking bodies on the dance floor. And when Jisung and Seungmin called out to him from the kitchen as he passed them by, he gave them no attention. 
  The eyes on his back, which he could feel the entire way to the door, just about killed him. He felt like he was about to suffocate, his heart racing against his ribcage, pushing and pushing, just like he had been pushed all night by everyone. 
  And Felix was no better. 
  He was no better than everyone else because he was the one who had invited him in the first place. 
  So Minho was shocked, then, when he felt a small hand grab ahold of his wrist just as he was about to step into the elevator. To take him away from such a hellhole and such a depressing prison of losers. 
  “Minho— wait, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean—”
   Minho didn’t even turn around, couldn’t, in that moment. Instead, he let Felix hold onto him, let the feeling of his nimble fingers cascade through his system. Let Felix gradually move his hand until he was threading his fingers through Minho’s. 
  Just like they used to sometimes when they hung out together in their childhood. 
  When they were bored, and no one was around, and Chris was nowhere to be found and they could— 
  “It’s all my fault, I’m sorry— I was so fucking stupid for thinking—”
  “Why do you hang out with those people?” 
  Was all that Minho could manage to say, focusing his attention on the way Felix’s hand radiated warmth, how it lit up all the synapses of Minho’s body and kindled the dying fire inside of the deepest parts of him. 
  “They’re my friends, they’re not just ‘people’ to me.” 
  At that, Minho let out a dry laugh. The kind that had no humor in it and was completely sardonic. “What a great bunch of friends you got there, Lix…” 
  Minho regretted the moment he said the word, the moment he used the old nickname in such a cold, seething kind of way. Because as soon as it fell from his lips, the warm fingers wrapped around his were pulling away. 
  “I was nice enough to invite you, I was nice enough to let you into my life again— and you’ve decided to shit on it.” Minho still had his back turned on him, but he could imagine the look on Felix’s face then. If his low, venomous tone was anything to go off of. 
  Slowly, Minho turned around. He found his body moving on their own accord. And just like that, he was facing Felix again. Minho was studying his face and the way it was drained of all color. How there was nothing in his eyes then, but only heartbreak and barely-masked tears. 
  “I never asked to be let in, Felix,” Minho said, but the words came out as a whisper. Like if he spoke loud enough, someone from inside the party would hear them and come running out to take photos. Look, the campus's local desperate senior trying to coax the popular freshman into- “You know I didn’t. Not like this, never.” 
  Without even trying to, Minho could feel his body moving again. His hand reached up and caressed Felix’s cheek. Thumb smoothing across freckles and softness, brushing just underneath his long eyelashes. And for a moment, just like it was once again a dream, Felix leaned into it. Let himself go for but a mere breath, sighing into it. 
  He pressed his face a little closer to Minho’s hand, eyes fluttering shut only slightly. Cheeks heating up underneath Minho’s touch, Felix's gaze shot open again as soon as the thumb underneath his eye migrated to his mouth. Migrated to caressing his bottom lip. 
  Minho watched the single word escape past Felix’s lips, and instantly, the tension in the air between them broke and shattered. Like someone had taken a knife to his heart once more, tearing him apart by flesh and bone, his hand was dropping from Felix’s skin. 
  “Go back to the party so you can get fucked by Renjun.” 
  The statement was a double-edged sword, both of them knew. 
  The words registered in Felix’s mind and Minho watched as the disdain colored his energy again. Painting him in violent shades of crimson and lilac, Felix said nothing as Minho backed away and into the elevator. 
  Just before he was able to press the button inside to go down, Felix reached out and grabbed ahold of the elevator’s door. “Don’t you ever fucking come back around these parts, or I’ll-” He spit out in a wicked kind of way, the emotions swirling in his pupils. 
 “You’ll… what? Beat me up? You and I both know you’re not capable of that, Lixie…” Minho said, his tone winding around the crackling air between them. He flashed Felix one final smirk, before pushing the button to go down to the first floor. 
  The last thing he saw before the elevator doors closed was Felix’s face, the way his pretty red lips were pressed into a firm, displeased line. The way his eyes were hooded with a mix of rage and exasperation. 
  The last thing that Minho saw on Felix’s face that night was utter betrayal and contempt… 
  To be honest, it was just like the old days again… when Minho had told Felix he was leaving for university and they'd never be able to talk again...
  He had wished to travel back to their childhoods so much, 
  And like a blessing from the God’s, he had been afforded such a thing. 
  What a sweet memory to travel back to… Such sweet revenge to be gifted. 
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
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starkstruck27 · 3 months
Day 6 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it!! This was another one that took me forever to write, but I finally finished and I'm so excited to share!! Prompt: NSFW - Overstimulation Title: Won't You Help me Cure this Overload Word Count: 3564 words TWs: Overstimulation, Panic attacks
It was Thursday night at the Hideout, the first Thursday of summer vacation, and somehow, Dustin had talked Steve into giving him and the other kids a ride to come out and see Eddie Munson play with his band. The club was in Chicago, but the four boys were going into their sophomore year next year, and it was summer, after all, so their parents had all given the O.K. on them going to the show, as long as Steve stayed with them. They were going to spend the night in one of his dad’s condos, and then after breakfast and a bit of shopping, they’d come home on Friday afternoon. At least, that was the plan.
But now they were in the club, and Steve was severely regretting agreeing to bring the kids out here alone. There were so many people packed into the tiny room, and it was hot, and the music was too loud, and everything was too fast and it smelled like weed and he already had a headache, and if he didn’t get out of that room right then, he felt like he’d have a meltdown.
“Guys, guys, we gotta go for a minute,” he shouted over the music. Eddie’s band wasn’t on yet, it was a different band that was playing, so he figured the kids wouldn’t mind stepping outside with him for a minute so he could calm down in preparation for the main event.
“Where are we going?” Mike asked, he and the other three looking at Steve like he was nuts.
“Just… outside. Come on, hold onto each other so I don’t lose any of you,” Steve said, panic creeping up his spine as someone bumped into him, and he had to fight to keep it inside.
“But these guys are great! I don’t want to leave now! Besides, we still gotta muscle our way up front for when Eddie comes on!” Dustin complained, and Steve had to look away for a second so he didn’t strangle him. He loved Dustin, he loved all four of these knuckleheads, but right now, he was having trouble breathing on his own, and he needed to take a second to remind himself that it wasn’t their fault he was getting overwhelmed. 
“We still have plenty of time for that, but we need to go outside, right now! Come on!” Steve said, but as he started walking, none of the kids followed. “C’mon, guys, chop chop!”
“We don’t want to lose our spot! You go outside and we’ll stay here. We promise to stay together!” Lucas said, the other three agreeing, and at this point, Steve had had it. Against his better judgment, he threw his hands in the air and walked away, heading for the door.
Only problem was, in the time they’d been there, the crowd had nearly doubled in size, and in the dark, smoke-filled club, Steve could hardly tell which way was up, let alone which way led to the exit. He was caught in the sea of people, and as another song started, the panic started gripping him at full force. His vision went blurry, and the next thing he knew, he was starting to push people out of the way trying to get out. This only made things worse, because then people thought he was just doing it to have fun and mosh with the music, and they started doing it back, until he was at the center of a full fledged mosh pit with no way out. 
Finally, it all became too much, and Steve couldn’t take it anymore. He began to cry as he fell to the floor, curled up in a ball and tried to cover his ears, doing what he could to shut everything out and hoped it would be over soon. It didn’t end, though, it seemed to go on forever, until he felt a gentle hand on his own, and it pried it away from his ear long enough for someone to shout, “Hold onto me, I’m gonna get you outta here!”
Steve didn’t know who it was that was talking to him, nor did he know if he should really be following this guy, but at that point, he’d do anything to get out of that club, so he did as he was told and clung to the guy as he led him through the crowd, shoving his way through if necessary until they were outside in the cool, fresh night air.
“There we go, sit down here,” the guy instructed once they were outside, guiding Steve to sit down on the curb and placing a hand on his back. “That’s it, just breathe. Take your time, you’ll be alright.”
Steve did as instructed and took a few deep breaths, calming himself down enough to open his eyes and look around. There were no more people, no more smoke, just the open air of the street and the muffled sound of music coming from the club. 
“There you go,” the guy next to him said, smiling nicely as he patted Steve's back. “Would you like some water?”
“S-sure, thanks,” Steve replied, looking over at the guy and managing a tiny smile. 
“Don't mention it,” the guy said as he reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts and pulled out a small bottle of water, handing it to Steve and waiting for him to drink. “Number one rule of concerts, if you can smuggle in water, do it. Otherwise the venue will charge you through the nose for it.”
“I never would've thought of that. I never really go to concerts, though, I'm only here because-” Steve cut himself off, standing up in a whole new panic as he realized he left the kids inside by themselves. “Holy shit, thank you for everything, but I gotta get back in there!”
“Whoa, whoa, calm down, you're not gonna miss anything, you gotta chill first,” the guy said, standing up and blocking Steve's path.
“No, you don't understand, I'm supposed to be chaperoning a bunch of kids and I just left them in there!” Steve tried to get past the guy, but he wouldn't budge.
“No, I know, but if you aren't calmed down first you're not gonna be much use to them. And anyway, they're safe, believe me,” the guy said, looking Steve in the eye and placing a firm hand on his shoulder. “My friends and I were standing behind you guys and we saw you starting to panic, so I told my friends to keep an eye on your friends so I could help you when I saw you get stuck in that pit. And my little sister is here, too, she's about their age, and I trust my friends to keep an eye on her, so they'll be fine, trust me.”
“But I was supposed to look after them and no offense, but I don't even know your name! I gotta get back to them,” Steve tried, but the guy held his ground.
“My name's Billy. My friend's names are Sid and Wayne, and my sister's name is Max. We saw you having a hard time in there, so we agreed to help you if you needed it, and you did, so we're helping you. Now look, I'm not trying to keep you from your friends, but if you're gonna go back in there, you can't do it panicked or else you'll just end up on the floor again, so here,” the guy, Billy, said, reaching into another pocket and pulling out a few things. 
“What are these?” Steve asked, taking the little orange nubs from Billy. 
“Earplugs. They'll muffle the sound a bit so it's not so loud, but you'll still be able to hear. And here, take a couple of these,” he said, pulling out a small bottle of ibuprofen. “Perks of traveling with a younger sister, you always remember to carry ibuprofen, just in case.”
Steve thanked him and downed the pills, already starting to feel better as he took a deep breath and tested out the earplugs. They helped to muffle the sound, just like Billy’d said, but they also made him hear himself more, so his breathing was easier to regulate and he could actually hear himself think now. 
“How do you like them?” He could hear Billy raising his voice so that he could hear him.
“They’re great, thank you,” Steve said at a normal volume, taking them out again so that nobody had to keep shouting.
“My pleasure,” Billy said, smiling kindly as he sat down on the curb again and pulled Steve down to sit beside him. “So, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” Steve said, putting the earplugs in his pocket for safekeeping.
“If you get overstimulated at concerts, why’d you come to one?”
“I told you, a bunch of kids I used to babysit wanted to come, so I said I’d chaperone,” Steve replied, shrugging.
“Why didn’t you just tell them to get someone else? Or say they were out of luck and they could catch the next one?”
“Well, I was going to, but they really wanted to come and see their friend play. And I didn’t think it’d affect me this much, so I caved. And I guess none of their parents wanted to come and then drive two hours back home when they have to work the next day, either, so since my dad has a condo out here where we could stay for the night, things just seemed all too perfect.”
“Hey, two hours is better than two days,” Billy chuckled.
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean that at least you’re close enough to Chicago that you could go home tonight if you wanted to. We’re from California, so we’d have to either take a plane or drive for two to three days to get back home. Not that I’m in a big rush to get home, anyway, but at least you have the option.”
“I guess,” Steve said, “What are you doing out here though, if I may ask?”
“I’m looking at colleges, I’m taking a gap year, but then I’m gonna go next year. Sid and Wayne wanted to come with me, and Max of course had to join, too, and so we packed up and came on a road trip. While we were touring one of the campuses today, we saw a flier for the concert tonight, and we decided to come. I’m glad we did, too. Now I can tack an extra day onto the trip and I won’t have to rush home in the next couple of days.”
“That sounds like fun. Any colleges stick out to you?”
“None right now, but that’s just the indecisive part of me not wanting to have to pick,” Billy said. “What about you? Are you doing any type of college?”
“Nah, I went straight into working once I got out of high school. I don’t think college is really for me, anyway. Too much pressure that I just don’t need right now.”
“I get that. I’m already under pressure, that’s why I want to go to college, to get away from it. Hopefully it ends up as rosy as the picture I have in my head when it actually becomes a reality.”
“I’m sure it will. You’re a nice guy and you seem to be prepared for anything, so it should be a breeze for you,” Steve said, smiling.
“Thanks. I hope you’re right,” Billy replied, grinning back.
The two sat outside and talked for a while longer, telling each other about themselves and getting to know each other in a conversation that was as easy as if it were being shared by two old friends. They got so wrapped up in their discussion that Steve completely forgot why he was even anxious in the first place, and he hardly noticed it when the ground stopped shaking from the music inside the club.
“I think the opener just finished,” Billy said as the conversation hit a lull, “It usually takes a while for the next band to set up after that, so do you want to go inside and check on your friends?”
“Oh shit, I’m a horrible babysitter,” Steve said, “I completely forgot they were in there by themselves! Yeah, I need to go make sure they’re okay, fuck.”
“Hey, don’t sweat it, they’ll be just fine, I promise you. Oh, and if you want you can put those earplugs in before we go inside. It’ll still be kinda noisy in there and we wouldn’t want you to get overwhelmed again. We’ll all probably have to shout to talk, anyway. And I can kinda guide you so that you don’t get lost.”
“That’d be great, thanks,” Steve said, blushing a little as he put the earplugs back in. Billy waited until he had them the way he wanted and then took his hand, guiding him over to the door and back through all the crowds of people until they got to where their friends were. Steve let out a sigh of relief when he saw that all four boys were still right where he left them, no broken bones or black eyes to be seen. What he did see, though, was the boys talking with a girl their age with bright red hair and black makeup covering most of her face. She had a safety pin stuck in her ear and a black shirt on that seemed way too big for her, but it was tied in a knot behind her back. The boys were chatting away with her like there was no tomorrow, and from the fact that Dustin had his notebook out (he never went anywhere without it), they had all just exchanged numbers so that they could talk again later.
“That’s my sister, Max,” Billy said loudly to Steve as they walked over, “And the two guys behind them are Sid and Wayne, my two best friends.”
“They seem cool,” Steve said, suddenly feeling a little self conscious as he approached the group. When he saw the boys getting all dressed up in their black clothes and edgy makeup, he figured they wouldn’t be the only ones, but there would be some normally dressed people here, too, so he only wore a black t-shirt and jeans. Now he kinda regretted that decision as he walked over to Billy’s friends, who were more decked out than anybody and seemed to be fitting in better, too. Who knew that a bunch of nerds would be able to make Steve Harrington feel insecure?
He didn’t need to, though, because as soon as he and Billy walked up to the group, the boys were all over him, hugging him and saying they were glad he was okay before introducing him to Max. She gave him a firm look up and down before shrugging, which seemed like the best he was gonna get from her, and he took it gracefully. Then Billy introduced him to his friends, and they seemed a lot more friendly than Max, smiling and engaging in a nice conversation with him and the rest of the group as they waited for the next band to come on.
As Corroded Coffin took to the stage to tune up before starting, the boys and Max insisted on getting as close as possible, and they began to shove their way up front much to Steve’s dismay. He really didn’t want them to get hurt or anything, and he also didn’t really want to go up there with them, but he felt like he didn’t have a choice. He sighed and was about to follow them up, but Billy grabbed his arm and pulled him back, nodding for Steve to follow him.
“Sid and Wayne are going with them, they’ll be fine,” he said, seeming to read his mind, “But I can tell you’re still nervous so come on.”
“Where are we going?” Steve asked, still following anyway.
“There’s a few tables pushed up against the wall in the back. If you sit on one, you’ll be able to see the whole club, so you can keep an eye on the boys while also staying out of the mosh pits.”
“Am I allowed to do that?”
“Probably not, but I’m not going to tell on you.”
Billy helped Steve up onto one of those high tables that bars always have, and he was right, from up here, he could see the entire club, including where the crowd met the stage, and that’s where the boys were. He sighed in the closest thing he could feel right now to relief, and was about to thank Billy again, but by the time he turned to say it, the first loud chords to a song rang out, and he never got the chance. Still, Billy looked up at him and smiled, and he was sure he got the message.
They spent the whole rest of the concert together at the back of the club, Steve keeping an eye on the boys and Billy just enjoying the music. At one point, Steve tried to encourage Billy to go and do his own thing, he felt bad that he was staying with him all night when he should’ve been able to have fun, but Billy pretended not to hear him, and he stayed where he was until the show was over. 
When it was, Billy helped Steve down from the table, and they met the rest of their group halfway as they made their way back, the boys and Max unable to stop talking about how good the show was, and Sid and Wayne having to practically drag them along. The club was starting to clear out, so Steve was able to breathe a bit easier, especially when they started making their way outside, and once they were out in the open air, he got the first good deep breath he’d had all night.
“Thank you again,” Steve said to Billy as they leaned up against the wall of the club. The kids were still talking, and they knew they weren’t getting out of there anytime soon with the way traffic was gonna be, so they settled against the wall to share a smoke while they waited.
“If you thank me one more time, I’m never going to speak to you again,” Billy smiled as he flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette.
“Well, considering we only just met tonight and you live halfway across the country, I doubt we’ll be talking much after tonight, anyway,” Steve shrugged, surprised by how much his own words saddened him.
“That might’ve been true, if I didn’t plan on giving you my number and asking you for yours. But if you try to thank me again, I’m not gonna do it out of spite.”
“You want my number?” Steve asked, staring at him. “Why?”
“Because you’re a nice person and I feel like I made a potentially really good friend tonight, and I don’t want to never speak to you again,” Billy turned and smiled. “Besides, I have a feeling that I might be moving a lot closer to here within the next year or so, and it’ll be nice to have a friend so close when the rest of my friends will be back home.”
“Is that what we are? Friends?”
“That’s what I’d like us to be. And friends give each other their numbers all the time.”
“I guess you’ve got a point,” Steve said. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
He walked over to where the kids were, taking Dustin aside and borrowing his notepad and pen. He scribbled down his number and tore the page out, telling the boys to start saying goodbye to their friend, they were gonna have to leave soon. They all groaned, but did as they were told, and Steve made his way back over to Billy with the paper in his hand.
“We have to get going soon, but here,” he said, handing Billy the paper. “We’ll be back home by tomorrow afternoon, so feel free to call whenever after that.”
“I will,” Billy smiled, then tore the paper in half and pulled out a pen of his own. “I don’t know when we’ll be home, but I’ll call you when we are, and then you can call me whenever, too.” He handed the torn paper he’d scribbled on back to Steve, who folded it neatly and put it safely in his pocket. 
“I will,” Steve patted his pocket, then looked over to the kids again. “I should probably get going. It was really nice to meet you, Billy.”
“Same here, Steve. I’ll talk to you later,” Billy said, waving as Steve walked away.
It took him a few minutes to wrangle the boys over to his car, but when he finally did, they said goodbye to Max and she, Sid and Wayne walked back to where Billy was, the four of them watching Steve drive away.
“So, did you manage to get his number?” Sid asked, a laugh hidden in his voice as Wayne and Max made kissy faces at him.
“Shut up or I’m leaving you all here,” Billy blushed, but he smiled. “And yes, as a matter of fact, I did.”
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starrbitez · 4 months
Short fluffy one shot: sick fic
Rick is drunk and Morty has the flu. Rick has to take care of his grandson but he’s a little kinder than he wants to be.
Rick finishes his dozenth drink when Beth walks into the garage. She tells him that the rest of the family is going out for the weekend on some sort of vacation near a shitty lake, but Morty was sick and had to stay home. She knew Rick was drunk so before she left she simply rolled her eyes and mumbled an annoyed, “just make sure my son doesn’t die.” Rick was drunk as fuck, so the request had taken about ten minutes to settle into his brain. Right. His grandson was sick.
Rick stands up. His poor grandson. What? He’s so dizzy, and while trying to leave the garage he stumbles over the gap between the garage floor and the inside of the house. He growls harshly, looking at the missed step with disdain. He had to fix that. Stupid fucking step. What if Morty tripped on it? Or Beth or Summer of course. Rick rolls his eyes. He doesn't care that much.
While his mind is busy thinking about how much he doesn’t care, his body has him already heating up a can of soup in a pot, boiling water for some alien tea with virus killing bacteria, and gathering supplies like Tylenol, a cold towel, and water. Now one could say Rick could whip up a cure for this ailment in no time, but Rick would say that, a.) he was too drunk, and b.) it was better to let the virus go away itself than using a dangerous tool on his grandson. (He didn’t care that his grandson was sick, he just wanted to please his daughter by keeping her useless son alive).
Before he knows it he’s standing outside of Morty’s door with his body mod arms assisting him in holding that shit ton of stuff he was holding. He hears a heavy cough on the other side of the door, one that’s deep in your chest and hurts, one where mucus comes up in the back of your throat. Rick frowns. He hadn’t been sick in a long time, and he hated being sick. His grandson especially hated germs, and usually took showers that were nearly an hour long after every adventure. Morty must be in hell.
Rick opens the door slowly and cautiously (as much as he can in his drunken state), but instead he lets out a large belch that alerts Morty of his presence.
”H-hey-hey little-little buddy,” Rick slurs, moving to place the soup on Morty’s nightstand. The boy in the bed gives him a weird look. “W-What’re you- what’re you lookin’ at Morty?” Rick belches again.
Rick hands Morty the tea and the Tylenol, putting the glass of cold water on the nightstand too. He feels Morty’s forehead, which he approximates to be around 101 degrees fahrenheit. Poor kid. He places the cold towel on Morty’s sweating forehead with a frown. The boy is huddled up in blankets, covered up to his chin as he shivers. He’s looking at Rick with pained eyes and eye bags that neared the severity of Rick’s. The boy stared at the soup, unmoving. Morty makes a small whimpering noise.
”Ea-Eat, lil’ dude. You gotta eat.” Rick gestures to the soup, smelling it and slurring ‘mmm’ for dramatic effect, like he was talking to a picky toddler.
Morty shakes his head and holds the blankets tighter, shivering further.
”S-Sit up, Mort.” Rick commands.
Morty’s eyes widen, but he does as the man asks. Rick moves closer to his sick grandson, and he brings the fallen blankets back up around Morty, and sits on the edge of the bed next to the kid. Rick sighs as he picks up the bowl of soup, trying to exaggerate the extra work the boy was making him do, even though he was already doing him a favor. (Rick would be sitting here no matter what, he would be sober, too). Rick stirs the soup around with the spoon and looks at Morty, holding the spoon up and saying ‘aaa’. Morty’s eyebrows furrow in frustration and embarrassment, but he leans forward and takes the spoon into his mouth. Rick tries to match the angry and reluctant expression, as if both of them hated that this was the only option. there was nothing else they could possibly do so instead they glared at each other and scoffed and swayed together when Morty’s NyQuil hit in and Rick’s 13th drink punched him in the gut.
Every five minutes or so, Morty asks, “can you pass me a tissue?” And Rick, without fail, always does.
At some point, the duo starts playing Minecraft, but after thirty minutes Morty had fallen asleep on Rick’s shoulder, drool dripping from his mouth.
“Gross.” Rick pokes the boy’s cheek to see if he’ll move. He has to do more work? This kid sucks.
Rick carefully puts the laptop down on the floor, and gets himself up without waking Morty up. Gently, Rick leans Morty down to his pillow, tucking him into bed snugly. He makes sure to keep the window open for fresh air. Morty’s glass of water is full, there’s an empty bucket next to Morty’s bed in case the boy’s stomach acts up, and tissues are ready. Rick finds a random stuffed animal on the boy’s bed and tucks it into Morty’s arm. With a satisfied smile, Rick kisses Morty on the forehead, grabs the bowl of soup, and whispers,
”Goooodniiight, Morty!! Feel-Feel better lil’ buddy.”
Between the alcohol and cough syrup, both will find it hard to remember what happened last night or to figure out why they both woke up in good moods.
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takaraphoenix · 11 days
Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy) please, please, please tell me this is the smutty sister version of Home At The Hale Farm!
(I just wanna see cowboy hats because Ian in Yellowstone has given me a need for Peter in a cowboy hat)
Oooh wait I have to quickly look something up--
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Oh. Uhm. Ah. Yes. That's a lot. GUESS I gotta put that on my to watch list that show is making my man look fine.
Right sorry back to your question just gonna get my mind back out of the gutter.
YES. This is the story that Home at the Hale Farm was supposed to be before I accidentally angsted too hard and too much. Though I figured I don't want to just include all the same lead-up since I did end up using that already.
So. Stiles going out for a nice summer vacation at a farm with Scotty. They wanted to do this for so long. The Hale Argent farm sounds perfect. And while Scott falls head over heels for Allison, the owners' daughter, Stiles, uh, well, Stiles is busy falling for the owners because you can not put two hot cowboys in front of him like that and expect him not to get horny over them, alright?
The real problem - beside the fact that they're happily married - is trying to seduce them while their daughters are around and while Scotty is around trying to flirt with one of the daughters. But worry not, Stiles will get laid, or die trying!!
(Check out my WIP folder post if you too are curious to see what's coming up!)
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lili863 · 1 year
Merlin trials
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Summary: While enjoying summer vacation, Ominis and Sebastian stumble over multiple merlin statues
*Sebastian and Ominis walk through the highland meadows*
Sebastian: So then I just started blasting which of cour- *pauses*
Ominis: *Pauses as well* What is it?
Sebastian: *Walks forward to and see a Merlin statue* Damn how many of these are there?
Ominis: What are you talking about Sebastian? *walks forward and touches the green leafy archway*
Sebastian: I've been seeing these Merlin statues all over the highlands. Even near the sea!
Ominis: *Feels the leafy statue before smiling* Only one person responsible for this.
Sebastian: Well, at least they look beautiful.
*Random Villager walks by before seeing the two boys observe the statues*
Villager: Ooh, hello there! I see you've stumbled over a Merlin trial.
Sebastian: Merlin TRIAL?
*Villager approaches them*
Villager: Yup. I am sure you kids seen them all over, but they dont just appear out of nowhere ya know.
Ominis: What do you mean by trial sir?
Villager: The reason we call them Merlin trial is because they only appear like this after a trial is completed. One can activate the trial with mallowseet leaves, but after you complete the trial, this archway appears.
Ominis and Sebastian:?!?!?
Ominis: You mean someone doesn't just conjure them there?
Villager: *chuckles* Son, these statues are more special than ya think. My cousin happened to find a weird platform made of rock right here, and he activated the trial but couldn't solve a damn thing. He just left it there after hours of trying and lo and behold after a month I see this statue appear. Someone must have solved it.
*Sebastian and Ominis look at each with knowing smiles*
Villager: Yer gotta be smart to solve these trials. I have been seeing them all throughout the valley. Bless whoever's been solving these trials makes people happy to see such beautiful structures, its livens a whole place dont ya think?
Sebastian: * Looks at the statue with a smile* Yes, I agree.
Ominis: Very much so.
Villager: Welp, best get going. Get home safe boys.
Ominis: Its just like MC to be venturing throughout the land solving Merlin trials *Shakes his head in amusment*
Sebastian: *Sighs* Shes too cool for us.
Ominis: *Chuckles in response* That she is.
Sebastian:*Grumbles* Honestly, why doesn't she take is to one of these Merlin trials. Always off on her own, fighting goblins and dark wizards. AND this is only her first year! Ugh, I hate her.
Ominis: *Leans against one of the Pillars and stares into the distance in admiration* Makes you think how she chose us out of everyone to be her firends.
Sebastian: *Crosses his arms* Excuse me?! Whats wrong with being my firend?!
Ominis: *Frowns* A lot of things Sebastian. Dont get me started.
Sebastian: *Scoffs in disbelief* Your mean Ominis. Your a very mean person.
Ominis: *Smirks before reaching out and shoving Sebastian back as means to show jest*
*Both of them stay silent and enjoy the gentle summer breeze as it whips past them*
Ominis: I miss her.
Sebastian: Me too...
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trainerjames-reads · 7 months
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Snowed in with Summer by @tianawarner
Date Read: March 5, 2024 - March 8, 2024
Snowed in with Summer is about Avery, the novel's protagonist, and her journey to rediscover the woman she used to be. She and her boyfriend were planning a trip to the Yukon to see the Northern Lights during the winter solstice, but her boyfriend got cold feet and dumped her instead. The trip was already paid for, though, so why waste it? Avery decides last minute to go and enjoy the week-long vacation by herself. However, when she arrives, there's someone there she wasn't expecting...
The someone is Summer, Avery's ex-girlfriend from seven years ago, hence the title: Snowed in with Summer. Look, I like the title. You wouldn't expect snow during the summer (unless you're Olaf), but in this case Summer is referring to Avery's ex. It's a cute title. I thought it was a really cute book, too.
At 216 pages, it's an easy read. It took me a few days to finish it, but only because I'm a slow reader. I really enjoyed this book a lot and I look forward to getting caught up on the author's other books that I've missed over the years. So, what did I like about the book specifically? I'll tell you (without spoilers)!
I found Avery to be a really pleasant protagonist. This story is told through the first-person point-of-view and it was fun being inside Avery's head. Tiana Warner writes her really well and you can feel when Avery is experiencing anger, joy, love, heartbreak, and passion.
Speaking of passion, author Tiana Warner knows how to write some spicy sex scenes. Her descriptions are on point and she paints the scenes vividly with her writing. By no means is this a bad thing, this book is a romance novel after all, and what's some adult romance without a little bit of sex? I will say that I was glad that I was home when I read these scenes, though.
I really enjoyed Avery and Summer melting the ice between each other and then getting to experience them being playful, flirty, and loving with one another. This is why I love romance. I just love reading about two people fall in love (re-fall in love?) with each other and Tiana Warner did a great job at showing the connection Avery and Summer used to have to one another and still have with each other.
Summer as a character is beautifully written with her own set of flaws. She's not one to stay in a single place for a long time; she enjoys traveling and seeing the world. However, as you read the novel you learn why she travels so much and you feel for her. You want to hug her and let her know that everything will be okay. As a person who grew up with divorced parents who absolutely hated each other, I get it, Summer. I get it.
Overall, I would recommend this book. It's a short, beautifully-written, lesbian romance with a protagonist with whom I really enjoyed spending time. Give this book a read!
OH! I gotta add, I really enjoyed the Epilogue. It was so incredibly sweet! :')
-My review score: 5/5 stars
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