#gotta make the shipping costs count!!!!!!!!
orcelito · 1 year
am i about to spend $14 on some gimmick vash bracelets?
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riyangiis · 2 months
your best friend has a big game, you nearly die, something you've been waiting for centuries happens in one of the most unexpected moments.. pretty crazy week, right?
pairing , non-idol!yujin x gn!reader
genre , fluff, you deserve it 😓 also crack 😋
word count , 3.6k
warnings , lowercase intended, not proofread, smau included, highschool!au, near death experience, car accident (that's def not an accident), bullying, swearing, ocs, .. reader is implied to be filo? (BANANA KETCHUP ILY), both of them are down bad, yujin plays basketball cs I don't know how to write football games ✌✌, kissing.. well on the cheek, that's all I think..
[ note: this fic is based on another fic, it is recommended to read that one first! ]
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you hear endless notifications coming from your phone inside your pocket, that's probably yujin. normally you would check it but the red light is so close to disappearing. why is it even here? there were no cars anyways.
you start making your way to the other side of the road as you stare at the white horizontal lines you're walking on.
you start to lose focus until.. did your headphones just die on you? great.
you start to walk slowly as you remove your headphones and keep them in your bag. you hear multiple people honking at one car that is going faster than what the speed limit is supposed to be.
wait a minute.
is that car going..
you turn your head to see the speeding car that those people got mad at.
you drop your headphones that literally cost a whopping 500 plus a shipping fee out of shock and run like you're sonic the hedgehog and you're running away from sirenhead. i'm not exaggerating.
you hear your headphones get crushed by the car as you stop near a street lamp. did you just survive a car accident? but clearly your headphones didn't and took the fall for you. well shit.
you try to take a look at the driver who literally almost killed you.. he looks familiar doesn't he? you just can't seem to remember who it is. the driver owns a car that looks really expensive though..
wait. is your mind playing tricks on you or is that..
"shit, gotta tell him about this.." you whisper to yourself and grab your phone out of your pocket. it seems like yujin's worried about you not answering right away.. too clingy for a best friend, but you like it though.
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the loud voice can be heard around the entire first floor. although, nobody really cares. eunkyung always throws tantrums that what seems like a loud scream, loud enough for others to think that she's getting murdered, is just nothing to the people living with her.
her father sighs and tries to reason with his bratty daughter. "listen I was speeding, even I wouldn't have survived that. that [name] is a fast thinker and just ran away like they're the usain bolt."
"ugh.. they always mess up my plans.. CURSE YOU HAN YUJIN AND [NAME]!!!" eunkyung exits the room to go in her own. her father watches as she goes up the stairs looking infuriated. what did he do to raise the definition of brat? the devil herself? he even got dragged in her shenanigans as well..
"there's no way that happened.."
kyungsoo, jiwon's girlfriend, also known as the better kyung, joined the drama session inside yujin's room. she took another piece of popcorn and tossed it inside her mouth. her other hand was playing with jiwon's hair whose head was laying on kyungsoo's lap. "ew.. lovebirds.." yujin muttered.
"yeah also have you guys heard about jiyeon cheating on hiro with-" the entire group of friends was waiting for kyungsoo to finish her sentence but was met with silence. kyungsoo tried to check the box to get more popcorn, she looked inside the box and saw nothing but crumbs.
"um.. there's no popcorn." yujin raised his eyebrow in confusion. "..can't you at least finish your sentence? we're like waiting for a new episode because the last one left us on a big cliffhanger.." kyungsoo gets off yujin's bed and gets the popcorn box with her.
"yeah.. I'm getting more popcorn, you'll have to guess who the mysterious person is!"
"what the? kyungsoo you can't just-" you get cut off as kyungsoo shut the door on you.. sigh, you look at the bed if there's any other food except for popcorn. guess you'll have to follow her and get more snacks. you get off the bed and walk to the door, "[name], where are you going?"
well.. who else would have a deep voice except for your best friend, yujin? you turn to face him and see a worried look.. "uh.. to the convenience store? to buy some snacks?" he sighs, "[name].. you just survived a car accident. and you're going out again? on your own?" he gets up and grabs your hand to drag you back to his bed.
"what the? yujin-" your sentence gets cut off, again.. when yujin yanks you a little aggresively. you held his waist for support, the both of you end up to be in a.. pretty questionable position for friends? yujin ended up being under you, your faces a little too close to each other.
you didn't move a single inch and just stayed in your position, speechless. you can feel your cheeks burning. the room was filled with nothing but silence, and the air conditioner. he looks into your eyes deeply, then your lips for a little bit.. did he just do the triangle method? lord, this boy makes you go crazy..
yujin hand reaches for your face, is he actually going to.. no way.. it's finally happening, well.. maybe you're just delusional. he just removed the stray hair that's blocking your face, but surely that means something? he looks at you and smiles softly. how could you not fall for him?
you decided to break the silence and say something. "uh.. I should um.. go.." you're still blushing after everything that happened, did he do that on purpose? does he know?
"woah.. that was pretty good for a loser like you, yujin."
"what the heck?" yujin turns to see jiwon awake. "I thought you were asleep?" jiwon chuckles at yujin's reaction when he found out that she was awake and saw the entire thing.
"gosh.. you do all that yet you can't confess to them yet. really man? and for the your question I was never asleep, I just got too comfortable in your bed.." yujin can't seem to say something against her knowing that she's right.. "I'll help you."
your day is so not going great.. first you nearly died in a car accident, and yujin.. is just yujin.. that boy.. you recently just got out of yujin's house and currently going to the nearest convenience store to get more snacks. the sun's almost down, meaning that you'll go back home after a few hours. fortunately, you don't have to go to the other side of the road to get to the convenience store.
you get closer to the store, but you start to hear footsteps behind you. it's probably nothing.. but why is it speeding up? you turn around to see who's the mysterious person behind you.. "WHAT THE FU-"
the person jumps at you for a hug. the both of you fall due to the fact that the hug was unexpected, you fall hard on your butt while the person lets go of you. "ouch... who the heck are you..?" you look up to see.. kyungsoo? what's she doing out here?
"..kyungsoo? why are you here?" she looked at you worriedly, that hug was one of the deadliest ones known to man, surviving death counter: 2.. kyungsoo lends you a hand and helps you get up, "I'm so sorry I didn't think it would end up badly.." she apologizes with a very worried look all over her face and holds both of your hands.
you groan at the pain in your butt, the sidewalk isn't the smoothest or flattest one that you've ever seen. it's very far from that actually.. "ow.. still doesn't answer my question though, why are you here?" you ask again incase she forgets.
"uh.. I noticed that we ran out of cheese powder for the popcorn and sour cream powder for the fries, so I went here to get more! also I noticed that the snacks in my house are running out so I decided to buy them too.."
"I see.. let's go now. the next thing you know the store will close.." kyungsoo holds your hand and walks with you to the convenience store.
.. great. you jinxed it. the both of you stare at the store and watch as the owner closes it. no snacks.. no flavor.. what will you do?
"I.. think I can handle popcorn with no flavor..? don't know about fries though.." kyungsoo breaks the silence, she's still staring and the broken sign with blinking letters. ".. just add salt and mix ketchup and mayo for the sauce?" you answer her, she finally turns to look at you in curiosity.
"you can do that? well, that is a.. rather interesting combination.. but I'll try!"
"WAIT!! it's recommended to use banana ketchup.. yujin already has it, I gave one bottle to him because he was curious.."
"hurry up then!!" kyungsoo starts running away from you, suddenly this turns into a race to see who gets to yujin's house the fastest.
for a pretty short time. the both of you are exhausted and sweating.. this sidewalk is also not the best place to run, what's wrong with this sidewalk? are there no good traits about it?
"wait.. [name].. I.. forgot to ask you something.." kyungsoo pauses a lot to catch her breath and also due to the fact that she's.. really exhausted... "huh? .. what is it?" you on the other half.. it's not that bad compared to kyungsoo. she's not the athletic person, she's very far from that.. you're even convinced that she's the opposite of athletic!
"[name] you.. you.. like yujin.. don't you?"
the sudden question caughts you off guard, you feel your heart beating faster. was it that obvious? or did jiwon give up on keeping her mouth shut and told her about it.. either way, avoiding the question makes it even more obvious, so you just admit it. "uh.. yeah.. was it really that obvious?"
"oh.. not really. jiwon just told me." knew it, that girl can't keep herself from telling her girlfriend everything. one of the reasons why almost no one share their secrets to her. "as expected.. she can't control herself when it comes to secrets.."
kyungsoo turns to look at you and smirks, "you and yujin huh.. I got a feeling that he likes you too.." you look away from her to hide your blushing face and your smile. "hey don't get my hopes up.." she giggles at your embarrassment. "okay okay.. but I'm not wrong though?"
today's the game.. you kept your promise to yujin when you said that you'll make a whole banner to support him, and also be annoyingly loud. unfortunately, your seatmates are from the other school..
currently the game is going well for yujin's team, you decided to take that opportunity to rub it in your seatmates' faces. behind you are jiwon and kyungsoo, you can hear them giggling by you having a fight with strangers from the other school.
you felt the need to fix yourself and go to the bathroom. you stood up and gave the banner to jiwon and kyungsoo, you walked to the bathroom expecting that no one would be there due to the fact that the entire hallway is empty and not a single noise is heard except the game.
you open the door of the bathroom and was met with the most awful person to ever live in this century, eunkyung. what does she want.. she smirks at your annoyed face, "it seems that you got lucky and survived.." you scoff, you get your phone out to ignore her and attempt to make her irritated.
"so you admit that you did it? try to look menacing all you want but you're just revealing your crimes." nice, now she's the one that's annoyed. ".. w-well, that would've been obvious. don't be stupid.." she stutters at her words, almost speechless about her unintended mistake. that's good.. you need to be more annoying and make her expose herself. she's definitely not the brightest person you've seen in the school.
"get your ass out of my way, I didn't go here to see your disgusting face." eunkyung gets offended and gasps dramatically, "should've made father go faster.. you know what, I should've been there with him so that you'd see this disgusting face during the last moments of your life!" she screams at you without thinking about the consequences, you smirk at the girl's stupidity.
you decided to stop having your fun before eunkyung thinks of another way of killing you. "good luck with that.. also, thank you." she stares at you with the word confused all over her face. you make your way towards the door outside. "..for what?" she asked you genuinely, but you never answer.
".. for everything you said." you whispered to yourself. you exit the bathroom and take your phone out, you smiled to yourself and paused the audio recorder.
you finally returned to your chair, you're lucky that you used that audio recorder after learning from your past attempts of trying to screw up eunkyung's evil plans. "[name]! why did you take so long? did you have gallons of pee or something.." jiwon asks you and gives you your huge banner back. "oh it's.. something happened again, I'll tell you later." you look around the place and catch eunkyung at your left staring at you. you sit on your chair and watch the game, well.. specifically yujin.
"your boyfriend is winning by the way.." kyungsoo whispers in your ear to tease you. "hey, he's not my boyfriend.." although you wish he was.. jiwon giggles and follows her girlfriend with teasing you. "yet!" you roll your eyes at them and continue to watch the game.
yujin gets called for a break and returns to his team. you finally get a close up of what he looks like right now, you can clearly see that he's very.. sweaty. to be honest he looks really handsome like that, but you've seen him like this a few times before and you were trying to keep yourself from giggling like a loser who's madly in love with their crush. okay you take that back you are a loser who's madly in love.. you're real lucky that jiwon and kyungsoo are behind you because you're blushing real bad..
he wipes his face and neck with a towel and looks at you. you notice and look away swiftly in shyness, you can feel your heartbeat speeding up and your face turning pink. you attempt to sneak a glance at him but find that yujin is still staring at you, he starts smiling and waves at you. you smile back awkwardly and give him a thumbs up with both of your hands, he chuckles and finally sits down. lord, this boy really makes you crazy.
you see a girl his age hand him a towel for him to wipe his sweat, he smiles at her the.. same way he did at you. what the heck? maybe you were getting your hopes up too much.. you unconsciously furrow your eyebrows and frown slightly as you watch their interaction. wait, why are you even jealous? it's not like it's your business or that you have the right to.. nevermind.
you stop staring at them to prevent yourself from getting even more jealous. you didn't notice yujin staring at you looking all angry, 'maybe I should do this more.. they look cute like that' he thought to himself. you also didn't notice jiwon and kyungsoo giggling at the both of you.
"you were right.. they look so cute together!" kyungsoo whispers to jiwon, "well.. we were like that before, right?"
"yeah.. I'm glad we could experience it again." kyungsoo lays her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.
yujin gets called again to go back to the court. ricky, that famous senior known for being "young and rich, tall and handsome", comes up to yujin and pats his back, yujin runs to the court and starts playing. whatever they're doing, not like you know much about basketball anyways.
some time passes as the game continues normally, with your school still in the lead and the other school catching up. you stopped screaming and cheering and also have the banner folded, you're spent.. so are your seatmates from the other school, all of you are just watching peacefully. you can hear a couple of people screaming as the game almost draws to an end..
the ball is currently at one of the guys from the other school, 'park, 8' on the back of his jersey. you have to admit, he's kinda cute.. got a few girls screaming for him.. he passes the ball to one of his teammates but one of yujin's teammates, gyuvin, ends up getting the ball. he runs and then passes the ball to yujin quickly.
the time almost runs out as yujin runs to the hoop, the screaming gets even louder.. you watch yujin closely and see how determined he is to score.. 'come on yujin... you can do it.....' you thought to yourself, you held the banner laying on your lap tightly.
yujin decides to shoot the ball at a pretty risky place, the crowd goes silent and watches if the ball gets in the hoop. the players can't do anything but watch it.
'so close...'
'you're running out of time, yujin....'
the people from your school shout and cheer loudly as the others can't do anything but sigh in defeat.. you stood up from your seat and quickly ran to yujin, both jiwon and kyungsoo watch, still in their seats, as you ran to your best friend. you saw him and jumped into his arms immediately without warning him.
"hey.. that's what I did to them!" kyungsoo told jiwon, she laughed as yujin fell from your sudden attack. "ouch.. what was that for?!" yujin says as he gets up and sits on the floor, you get off of him and help him get up. "you.. you won!! oh my gosh you actually, you actually did it!!" you hug him again, your arms around his waist and your head on top of his shoulder. he reciprocates the hug and smiles widely.
"oh my gosh I actually.. I love you so much.." he says unconsciously while hugging you tighter but you let go of him in shock, both of your hands cover your mouth that's wide open after what he said. yujin realizes and does the same thing.
"I-I'm sorry that was so sudden uh.. you.. don't have to say anything.." both of your faces turn extremely red, yujin slowly backs up from you in embarrassment and fear that you won't like him back. he turns his head away from you while you still stare at him, you run up to him and hug him again.
"I.. I love you too!! you don't know how long I've been waiting for this!!" you smile widely while yujin is still frozen due to your words. he turns his head to look at you all joyful and wraps his arms around your waist. he smiles back at you and stares at you lovingly, you let go of his torso and use both of your hands to hold his cheeks. you can feel them burning and getting hotter as you hold them softly.
you smile and laugh at each other for not knowing what to do, you ended up kissing the both of his cheeks, a lot. yujin giggles and then lays his head on your shoulder after.
"hey yujin!" a familiar voice interrupts the both of you, he turns around to see ricky. "not bad, kid.. seems like you got yourself a partner too." ricky teases his younger teammate and giggles at how yujin's face turns pink and how you still haven't let go of him. "let's celebrate later, ricky's treat!" gyuvin, beside ricky, pops up in the conversation. ricky looks at his friend confused. "hey I never said anything!"
"well too bad, it's on you now!" gyuvin says. the both of them continue bickering until ricky decides to leave the both of you together. and.. you hear another voice behind you again.
"so.. finally confessed to each other?" the both of you turn around to see jiwon and kyungsoo behind you. "you.. you were here all along? at this point you could be a spy.." yujin says to jiwon surprised about how this happened for the second time.. jiwon chuckles, "no. we just got down, kyungsoo was the one who told me about you two." kyungsoo smiles and realizes something. "hey! about what happened inside the bathroom.. I thought you were going to tell us?"
"I don't think I should tell you here.. maybe when we get out?" kyungsoo sighs about how she's going to stay curious.. you feel something on your hands, you look at it and see a new pair of headphones. the headphones that you sacrificed. you then look at yujin, the one who gave them to you.
"what? I promised that I'd give you new ones?" you smiled and kept the box of headphones inside your bag, you held yujin's hand and follow jiwon and kyungsoo as they go outside the court. "so.. what was kyungsoo talking about earlier?" yujin asks you, you get closer to him and whisper to his ear, "eunkyung admitted that she tried to kill me.. I recorded it inside my phone.."
yujin widened his eyes in shock. ".. what do I do with it though?" you ask him quietly. "let's not do something yet.. we need things to go smoothly. this is eunkyung we're talking about.." you nod in understanding.
and now.. your week comes to an end. should take the award for 'the most unexpected and maybe the luckiest week in your life'.. expect the unexpected I guess..?
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[ note: THEY'RE HAPPY NOW!! :33 AND KYUNGSOO IS BACK AS WELL!!!! honestly I was rushing to write this and it was harder cs I was planning to make yujin a football player 😓😓 YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW??? 😒😒😒 ]
taglist: @zahraism , @taesansidechick / @jelllijeans , @goldoie / @n-americano
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eponastory · 4 months
Gotta apologize again for practically swimming in your DMs lately, but I remembered why people like 'Toph x Aang', and often cited Toph's honesty and lack of glorification to Aang as a reason why she would've been a better romantic interest for Aang than Katara. And I don't disagree with that, Toph is much more likely to put her foot down to let Aang know when he's wrong, which should urge him more to grow. But despite Toph theoretically being a better love interest for Aang, I have a question:
Would Aang be a good love interest for Toph?
Because since you, @longing-for-rain , and other Zutara supporters described Aang's immaturity very well, I have to wonder if Toph would be happy with Aang, knowing how hurtful he can get (Desert, Ember Island, did Aang even apologize for those instances?). What do you think? Do you think Aang has the qualities to be a good love interest for Toph? Could I ask this question for Ty Lee too? Because I see lots of people believing that Ty Lee would've been a good choice for Aang, but would Aang have been a good choice for Ty Lee? You know what, let's just get every popular alternative candidate out of the way, since people ship Aang with Toph, Ty Lee, Zuko, Sokka, and even Azula and Mai. Run the gauntlet (if you want to). Would Aang make a good love interest for literally ANY of the main characters?
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Unpopular opinion, but as Aang is written in the show... he's not a good candidate for anyone.
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Wait wait wait...
Hear me out before everyone gets up in arms...
This is where we have to acknowledge that Aang is a fictional character and not a real person (we are not going to count LA Aang because technically that would make him an actual person because he is portrayed by an actual teenage boy) therefore everything is written to be as it is. However, because fiction is subjective, we can debate whether or not to treat Aang like an actual person.
So with that in mind, let's begin this deconstruction of Aang's character and how he is not a good fit for any sort of romance as he is written in the show.
Aang's Selfishness
This right here is glossed over many, many times in the show. What I mean by selfishness is the fact that he is unable to look beyond his nose when it comes to other characters and their feelings. In real life, this is a very twelve year old thing to do, but unlike real life there is no one there to call him out on it. Just the writers, and they don't even do that. That coupled with the fact that he is written to be a child, it really doesn't make sense to me. That and he is the McGuffin and 'The One' of the entire show.
Bryke sets it up to be a good show by giving us the premise right from the start, but as the seasons move on, I don't really see any development from Aang. Only the characters around him.
That being said, because you don't get that development, any relationship going forward is going to feel shallow, like most of the relationships (except sukka) feel. Zuko and Katara progress in their relationship well because there was growth from both of them.
When it comes to Aang, he is more concerned with his views than taking a moment to think about everyone else's. Of course, I applaud those who actively seek peace in their lives and with dangerous situations, but Aang is incredibly naive. He doesn't get any better, even when Zuko calls him out on it. We see Aang struggle with the solution, but then Deus Ex Lionturtle shows up and doesn't really encourage that growth.
Because you don't get that growth and him moving past how HE feels, that is where a relationship is going to fall apart. It's not toxic, but if he doesn't change then it can become that way. Again, Aang is not a narcissist. He is just selfish and naive. These are two big things that cost him.
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kritischetheologie · 5 months
for the trope mashup - dystopia x coffeeshop
Since you didn't request a ship I'm trying my hand at galex for you! Worldbuilding cribbed from that one movie I haven't seen where years of your life are literally money or whatever.
1. George doesn't have time to stop for coffee on his way to work. He really, really, doesn't have time for it. Going to Eton cost him forty years, which was nothing to his classmates, born with lifespans into the four-hundreds, but. But George was born with eighty years to burn, into a family that believed he could beat the clock. Imperial college cost him another twenty, and four actual years of his life, to boot. He'd have died if he hadn't worked those summer finance internships. Half the time, he has to take a payday loan to make rent on his Mayfair apartment, or when he picks up the tab for a work dinner, to keep from zeroing out before his next deposit hits. All the time, he keeps his cufflinks carefully buttoned, watches the number on his arm tick toward zero, and counts the days to his next paycheck. Plus, his first meeting of the day is at 7. He doesn't have time to stop for coffee.
2. Alex's mom was given the choice between five years in prison and a twenty-year deduction. Alex can't blame her for choosing prison, except-- except he had to drop out of school to take care of his siblings, since she couldn't. Except he couldn't get a scholarship, without A-Levels, so he never went to Uni. He'd wanted to study mechanical engineering. Maybe he still can, someday. Life is long. His dad left him a hundred years when he died, and the rent in his shithole apartment is cheap, a couple days a month. He doesn't mind the coffee shop for now, though. The people working there are nice, a lot nicer than the asshole kids he grew up with.
3. George stops in for coffee every day, anyway, even though he doesn't have the time. What's a couple more minutes when you might as well be bleeding out? Alex makes the best latte in town, not that George knows that. He just likes his soft brown eyes, his perpetually bleach-fried blonde hair, the little jokes he makes when George is ordering. Alex wears frayed t-shirts for punk bands George hasn't heard of over long-sleeved thermals, or else under his beat-up denim jacket, and keeps the AC in the shop cranked to near freezing temperatures. Of course George wonders what's on his arm, but it would be impolite of Alex to show it off, a cheap way of guilting people into tipping more. The waiters in the fancy restaurants George takes Carmen to, for birthdays and anniversaries and to celebrate promotions, are told to roll their sleeves at the elbow, so you can see how well-paid they are. The first time someone with five more years than George took his order, George ended up throwing up in the bathroom.
4. When Alex writes his phone number on the paper cup he hands George, it takes George two whole weeks to call him. He shows up every day, and Alex takes his order with the same cheer, makes the same jokes, like it's all the same to him. It makes George not want to call him at all, but then Carmen's best friend gets engaged, and George gets dragged out for celebratory drinks, for her and her fiance, and of course neither of them are going to pick up the check, and of course he can't ask Carmen to do it, and suddenly there's three bottles of champagne on his tab, like six fucking days worth of champagne, and George is getting paid on Wednesday but it's Monday, and he's got three left days on his arm and half an hour before the waiter comes to their table with the check it's past midnight, none of the payday lenders will open until morning and George has to find a solution, fuck, so he goes out for a cigarette-- "babe, you've gotta quit, those thinks will kill you someday," Carmen chides, and everyone giggles, and maybe George should just let this night be the thing that kills him, fuck-- and calls the only person he knows who has any chance of having any connection to the criminal underworld.
5. "Georgie!!" Alex says, sounding surprised and delighted and maybe a little drunk, or high, or-- George doesn't have time to think about what else could make his vowels so smooth, his voice so calm. George doesn't have time. "Fuck, Alex, I'm so glad you picked up, I've got a friend in a bit of a scrap, you know, and I'm wondering if you might know of anyone who could get him some off-market time. Exchange rate's not an issue, and he doesn't need very much, it's not for anything illegal, I swear, but--" "shit, George, this isn't the type of thing you can just call a guy about. Do you have any idea how illegal this is? Fuck, are you a cop? Is this about my mom? Who even told you? What the hell kind of s sick joke is--" "--OK, I lied," George interrupts, because he has to, fuck, he'll die if he doesn't. "It's not for a friend. It's for me. And I only need a week or two, but I need it now, like, now now, or you're going to be short a regular tomorrow. If you. If you know what I mean." He hears a deep inhale on the other end of the line. "I'll transfer you two weeks, right now, if you promise not to ask questions," Alex says, and George is too relieved not to cry as he accepts.
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sleepymccoy · 4 months
Let me tell you about the space ship I've made up
Looks like an alien ufo
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Biggish. Like, could land in a football stadium but it'd be tight
Used to be a novelty luxury cruise ship so the interior walls are artistic and stupid
The outside is artistic and stupid too lol
This is a random google image, but has the vibe
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Is now a retrofitted fishing vessel owned by the government
Still has a theatre tho. Madness
Top floor in the little alien bubble is the bridge and some of the engine
The government is making the crew trial a new form of engine fuel which is basically fish offal and sunlight. It's working but god at what cost?
Is fish offal a term? I think it gets the vibe across
So the engines need like weekly cleaning and are exhausting
They've got three engines cos if a crab gets caught stalled in there they have to swap to an auxiliary
And it smells like cooked fish
One quarter of the floor opens up to let them do some open air fishing when they're over water
The bottom floor is smaller than the main and used to be the staff rooms when it was a yacht
Now it's been retrofitted into a vegetable farm in another government initiative to have self sustaining food on short transit ships
Like this
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It kinda works, this is a small scale rollout to check feasibility
They don't have fake gravity so when they're in space everyone floats
The beans are having a hard time adjusting to zero grav
Some of the crew are a bit new to it too
There's hooks to help people walk and furniture on the ceiling to use while in space
The ship feels much smaller when it's landed
Cos it's a big ol disc it has to flip 90° to launch out of orbit, cos of air resistence
So all the launch safety chairs are mounted on the walls out of the way and you've gotta climb a little ladder to get to one lol
Union regs are trying really hard to keep up with 24/hr ship maintenance
There are four eight hours shifts in a 24 hour day, three of them function in turn for a third of the day each, and the fourth in management
They don't have titles like night duty, morning shift, so on, cos time is made up here. But they have different focuses and skill sets
Like the equivalent of night duty has an extra cleaner to do deep cleaning, and the engineer is more skilled in maintenance and upkeep than complex flight support
The management shift is the worst for sleep schedule cos you just gotta get up when shit happens
There are half as many beds as there are crew and they share with someone on a different shift
Management shares with night duty and if they have to be up during night duty they just find a different spot to kip during the day
Like I said, union is still figuring it out
We're around Saturn, the union movement is pretty new! This is a source of tension cos most of the government employees aren't unionised
They also actually wear the uniforms, the losers
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So I got ahead of myself there, there's three types of crew
Ship function, like engineer, cleaner, cook, pilot, that kind of vibe (mostly unionised, mostly refuse to wear the uniforms)
Government hire, like the gardeners (they prefer botanists but cmon) and chemical engineers figuring out the propulsion system (taking the initiative project very seriously)
The fishermen (the fuck is a uniform I'm paid commission) (that is not true, but they have that vibe)
When they're over the ocean fishing most of the rest of the crew take a weekend
When they're landed to trade fish nearly everyone gets time off
When they're flying the fishermen get time off
There might be some small jobs to do if there's a long period of time with no real work, like if it's four days between fishing jobs the fishermen will do a stocktake count in storage
Or if they're trading keeps them overnight the engineers and cleaners might take the opportunity to clean the airlocks and chutes safely
An eight hour shift is never busy, there's a lot of down time between tasks cos they work every day and need some time off
This means there's often an opportunity to fuck, which has formed most of the forward momentum in the story I'm writing lolll
Also cos the beds are on a roster they kinda have to fuck in public places oh noooo what a shame that I get to add tension to every other blow job
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pure-garbage · 2 months
Corrin Strikes! The Mark That Never Fades
Chapter Warnings: Violence
By the time the ship docked at a harbor safe enough for Lana to consider disembarking, she had abandoned any thought of parting with the straw hats. Luffy charmed her, Sanji swooned over her, Usopp proved even more hilarious than his captain. Nami and Zoro were still less than warm at times, but Lana didn't mind. Every day she spent free to do as she pleased was a day she couldn't find cause to complain.
For the first time, Lana realized she'd spent the last five years thinking of nothing past escaping Corrin. She didn't want to go back home. She wasn't ready to face the family she'd run away from and even if she was, the journey back was hardly an easy one. She had absolutely no idea what she wanted her newly secured future to look like. When she considered the manifold obstacles confronting her, it felt like the easiest path forward was also the best.
'You'll always be a criminal now, no matter what you do. May as well commit to it.'
The advice she'd grudgingly accepted from Zoro turned out to be, perhaps, the most influential thing anyone had ever told her.
"Well, guess this is good-bye."
Luffy's grin as they moored at the small port was exactly what Lana had come to expect from him.
"Actually, I decided to take you up on your offer. Assuming it still stands."
"Yeah? You're gonna join my crew?"
"Yeah. I'll join."
"Alriiiight!" Luffy bellowed, pumping a fist into the air and drawing the attention of the rest of the crew. "Sanji! Make sure you pick up plenty of meat in town! We've gotta have a feast tonight, okay?"
"You always find a reason to make every meal a feast," Sanji tsked. "Nami's given me a strict budget for this supply run and I'll honor her request at any cost."
"Food! Meat, meat meat!"
Luffy launched himself off the ship, chanting, closely followed by the others. Nami clapped Lana's shoulder in passing, affording her a smile that seemed warmer than any Lana had gotten from her up to that point.
"Welcome to the crew," Nami told her. "Just in time too... someone needs to watch the ship while the rest of us resupply."
"Huh? Hey, I wanna come too! What about Zoro? He's still here!" Lana protested.
"Yeah, him and his half-sliced off feet," Nami chortled with a roll of her eyes.
"But he's fine! Look, he's been working out for four hours!"
Lana pointed while Zoro ignored them and kept counting.
"... 1,372, 1,373, 1,374..."
"Hold down the fort, new kid!" Nami called back as she ran after the others.
Zoro finished his insane workout and dropped onto the deck with a soft groan and a thud that was way quieter than it should have been. Despite her annoyance at being left behind, Lana was still impressed with the control he demonstrated over his body.
Still, she crossed her arms over her chest, frowning as Zoro caught his breath.
"Is all this moving around really a good idea?" she asked. Admittedly, she was lashing out more with annoyance than worry for her newly acquired crew-mate.
"What, worried your patch job isn't up to the task?" Zoro challenged with a grin.
Lana glanced down and gulped. The silk stitches around both his ankles were intact, but still...
"I'm not a doctor," she reminded him. "They're not sutures, just stitching. They're meant to mend cloth, not flesh."
Lana felt the need to say it as a disclaimer in case the make-shift treatment didn't work as intended, but Zoro mistook her words for concern. He decided to stop teasing her.
"I'm staying off my feet," he assured her. "I won't break the stitches."
Lana puffed a little, blowing a stray lock of hair back up into it's proper place. It was true. She'd watched him exercising and he'd done an entire routine using only his arms.
"You'd better not break them," she warned. "Sewing your mangled ankles up was the grossest thing I've ever had to do, and if you think I'm doing it again, you're... you're... you're sleeping."
Zoro's only retort was a soft, gurgling snore.
Lana settled down on deck.
"Guess... I could practice if I wanted," she mused.
Lana only had one weapon, but she was in the habit of keeping it concealed. She'd swiped it nearly six months ago and hidden it well in her boot to keep Corrin from discovering it.
'It's a wonder the Baroque Works agents didn't find it. These are the best boots I've ever owned.'
She tugged the knife free. It was a balisong style blade, the very same she'd famously managed to stick a naval captain with. At the time she'd stolen it, she'd watched the vendor demonstrating the various ways you could flip it open and shut. She'd been dazzled by the display, but under Corrin's thumb, never dared try her hand at the tricks for fear that he would take away her prize.
"Alright, now..."
She swung it loosely, but still fumbled the opening and smacked her own wrist with the weighted handle.
Lana lost track of time as she wrestled with the knife and her own clumsiness. Her concentration as so complete that she inadvertently blocked out the world. Every iota of her focus was invested in bending the weapon to her will.
A slip-up cost her some blood as the blade bit into her fingers.
"What a dangerous toy you've picked up, Avariya."
Lana's blood ran cold. Corrin's voice was right below her at her back. She turned, springing to her feet. Her old oppressor stood on the deck of a sloop, rocking gently on the waves in the shadow of the Merry.
"Corrin! How did you-"
"Escape? Well, it's a wonderful story, Avariya dear," Corrin grinned. "I'll be sure to tell it to you... after you've come with me!"
Corrin wasn't alone on the small boat, but the five men with him weren't familiar to Lana. He wasn't traveling with his usual crew.
'What happened to all the others? Are they dead? Serves them right, I hope they are!'
Corrin took a leap, launching himself onto the deck of the Merry with a resonant thud. Lana stumbled back, horror washing over her. This was a nightmare.
The rest of the men followed Corrin while he appraised his new surroundings.
"What a nice little ship," he chuckled. "Surely it can't be yours, can it?"
The savage light in his eyes alone was enough to make Lana tremble. The memory of the retribution he'd promised her for another attempt at escape...
'He won't take me. I'll die before I go with him again!'
Lana locked the knife open with both hands. All she could do was fight.
"No matter. Now, you're coming with me, Avariya!" Corrin growled. "Drop that little toy and come quietly... maybe I'll shorten the beating you're due, just by a little, if you don't give me much trouble now."
Corrin's men spread out to surround her. Lana gripped the knife like a lifeline, planted her feet firmly on the deck. With all her attention directed at her foes, she failed to notice Zoro waking. He yawned, stretched and sat up, rising cross-legged as he surveyed the scene.
"I'm not coming with you, Corrin!" Lana scowled. She was visibly shaking, but she still stood fast. Her determination was apparent to Zoro at a glance. "There's nothing you can do to make me!"
"Come on, lockbreaker!" Corrin sneered. "We've been through this enough times already! You know the outcome! Just give it up before you earn yourself an even worse beating than you already have!"
He reached for her and she slashed at him, sending him recoiling with a snarl. Zoro smirked.
"Hey Lana!" he called. "Friends of yours? You should have checked with the captain before you invited them aboard."
"The captain, eh? That you?" Corrin asked, turning his attention to Zoro.
"Hmph. That's too bad. If you were, I could have struck a bargain with you for Avariya."
Lana sliced a grasping hand, sending one of Corrin's hired men scrambling back cursing.
"Sorry to burst your bubble," Zoro informed him, "But even if our captain was here, there's no way in hell he'd ever hand her over to you."
"You're confident you can speak on his behalf?"
Corrin's men were closing in on Lana. Her short, erratic attacks kept them at bay, but Zoro could tell that whatever meager training she had wouldn't be enough to save her. It was only a matter of time before her resolve, firm as it was, would be overcome.
"I am," Zoro announced. "And I'll only say this once: Get off our ship."
Corrin laughed and drew his cutlass.
"Take the lockbreaker, boys. I'll deal with her new friend."
The order given, Corrin's men descended on Lana all at once.
"Hey Lana! Don't let them overwhelm you," Zoro called helpfully, not moving from his seat on the deck. "Keep your focus, your grip and your balance!"
"I don't think I had any of those things to start with!" Lana protested from somewhere within the fray.
"If I were you, I'd worry less about Avariya and more about myself," Corrin warned as he advanced.
Zoro unsheathed Yubashiri by an inch, but otherwise remained rooted in place as Corrin approached.
Lana wasn't faring as poorly as she'd feared and a break in the scuffle afforded her a look at Zoro's situation.
"Zoro! Don't move! You'd better not- Ah! Hands off!"
'What's she so worried about, the stitches?' Zoro wondered. His smirk deepened.
"Come on, Lana, you think I need to get on my feet to take this pathetic sack? Don't make me laugh."
"Zoro! I'm serious! Don't you- Hey, watch it jerk!"
She was starting to get on his nerves. Nami had also been insufferable in the days following his injury and he was fed up with hearing about it.
"Don't order me around!" he snapped, eyes fixed to Corrin. The Seeker captain was almost close enough to cut down. "I don't need you or anyone else fussing over me like I'm some sick puppy!"
"Roronoa! Don't... you... dare!"
Lana rolled away from the tussling men, leaving her cloak behind as she planted herself between Zoro and Corrin. Zoro fumed. If she thought she could get between him and his adversary...
Lana panted, struggling to catch her breath while the men triumphantly restrained a figure wrapped in her cloak. She met Zoro's furious glare with fiery eyes of her own.
"Corrin is mine!"
Zoro's rage quelled and his eyebrows shot up as he realized Lana had no interest in keeping him off his feet after all. She just wanted to settle the score with her former captain herself.
"My mistake," Zoro chuckled, letting Yubashiri settle back fully into her sheath. "By all means."
"Corrin! We got her!"
The men proudly displayed their captive: one of their own comrades, battered, dazed and tangled Lana's purple cloak.
"You numbskulls! Avariya's right here!" Corrin raged.
"Quick moves and sleight of hand," Zoro observed. "And here I was, thinking you were pretty much totally untrained."
"I've trained alone. I never had the benefit of instruction," Lana admitted. "But don't think for a second I'll let that stop me from getting even with this scumbag!"
Zoro didn't think that, not even for a second. He could tell easily that Corrin wasn't a warrior. Not in the same sense as Zoro, or even barely trained little Lana. The man standing before them was just another bully trying to cow the world into submission with force and fists.
"Alright then, can I at least take out these other guys? Just sitting here watching is gonna bore me to death," Zoro groaned.
"Do what you want, I don't know any of these goons. Just leave Corrin to me."
Corrin's hired hands were just starting to get a handle on what had happened. They weren't the brightest bunch.
"Oh no! Orvil! We've killed Orvil!"
"He's not dead, dummy, you just knocked him out!"
"Me?! You're the one who-"
"QUIET!" Corrin roared. "Fools!"
While Corrin berated them, Zoro took a moment to correct his crewmate.
"Don't tell me you're gonna take him on with that."
Lana held up the knife like she'd forgotten she had it.
Zoro crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm not gonna sit here and say it's impossible for one to win a sword fight with a knife... just that you don't have the skills to pull it off," he sighed.
"Well, you're not wrong, but it's all I have," Lana protested.
"Open your eyes. Grab that Orvil guy's sword while these goons are squabbling."
"Then what? I've never even held a sword before! I have no idea how to use it!"
"The same is true of that knife. Pick up the cutlass. Training or no, it'll at least put your reach on par with your opponents'."
"I guess you're the expert," Lana admitted. She moved on the cutlass, drawing the collective gazes of their foes.
"Get her and let's get going!" Corrin barked, mobilizing his men.
Behind Lana, Zoro stood and drew a single sword.
"If you want your fight, take it," he told her. "I'll clear out the riff-raff."
Just the thought of Zoro's feet made Lana's stomach turn, but she had her own battle to face.
"Corrin! Let's end this!" she declared.
As Zoro engaged the others, Lana stared down the man who had sworn to hunt her to the ends of the earth. She pulled at the sash on her wrist, yanking it up her arm to fully reveal the mark she'd been branded with years before.
"Today... You're taking this mark back!"
<== Previous Chapter
Next Chapter ==>
== First Chapter ==
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
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WeVerse is a platform where we can watch BTS content and interact on the forums with the artists.
WeVerse SHOP is where we buy official and exclusive merch.
Gonna recommend you bookmark those two links.
Did you know you can even set up WeVerse on your smart TV and watch content on your big screen? For tutorials on how to set up accounts, go here:
Before we get into it, I’m just gonna make a plug that you try to purchase your ARMY annual membership. Even and especially while the boys are in military service, your membership lets HYBE know there’s still interest and engagement for our boys and that they have SOME funds and fans they can depend on coming in from BTS-related content. I can’t afford the fancy exclusive expensive membership but the $22 a year gets me a free pass to all kinds of cool paid media like behind the scenes footage and extra content, too.
Okay, now back to the shop. So far, I’ve found WeVerse shop to carefully package their folios and albums. I honestly can't afford much because I want to prioritize purchasing the music more than the merch. However, for international ARMY, WeVerse Shop purchases often come with steep shipping costs and delays, so just be mentally prepared to wait for your hoodie or whatever several weeks if not months longer than our K-diamond ARMY have to. Them’s the breaks.
In terms of helping your bias chart, physical albums (CDs, vinyls) sold on WeVerse USA Shop WILL count toward Billboard 200 if you live in the US. (So will physical albums in Target—and some physical albums on Amazon IF they come from the official BTS source. You absolutely gotta check the fine print and see if they tell you which charts their sales might count toward, or just don’t risk it.)
Sales on WeVerse GLOBAL Shop will NOT count for Billboard 200, but those will count toward Hanteo and GaOn charts. If you are a non-US-based I-ARMY, please go ahead and purchase from the GLOBAL STORE to help the boys win awards in their home country if you have the funds.
Also note that WeVerse digital albums are basically QR codes that you get access to the day an album drops. You scan the code and you can play the songs in WeVerse only. None of those plays in the WeVerse app count for our charts so I highly recommend you prioritize Spotify, YouTube, Apple, and Amazon for streaming.
For more information US ARMY can use about WeVerse items for sale, including FACE presale releases, I recommend following this account:
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Please go ahead and share this so the word gets out. If you know of better information, please let me know so I can keep these tutorials evergreen, and thank you!
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I am a Dope Old Person and have been ARMY since January 2022. So I still have a lot to learn.
I’m making mini-tutorials for people like me who are comfy with technology but totally new to voting, streaming, and buying Kpop stuff.
If you know of better, more up-to-date information, please comment or DM me so I can make sure I’m not spreading misinfo. Please be polite about it, though—we are on the same team!
Feel free to apply whatever you learn here to other BTS members and other artists; I’m Jimin-biased so I am focused on helping Jimin at this moment in time, but I’m OT7 so rest assured I’ll put my shoulder to the wheel for all our members!
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darabeatha · 1 year
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@invictah​ said ; ❝ Which do you prefer, running or swimming? ❞ to jason ! and no, esra is NOT at all up to something   🧍‍♂️ ............ 🏃‍♂️💨  /  from: 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐈 𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑
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        ❝ ―Ugh, why do you keep on asking these questions?? Do you even know what silence is?? Obviously swimming! Sure, I AM the captain of the fastest ship that has ever sailed, but if I had to I could swim my way on my own anywhere I wanted- Not that you would understand so i’m now putting it under big terms to help you get the idea- ❞  Well- maybe that might have been an exaggeration, but it wasn’t really a lie if Jason himself truly wished for it to be true very deep down- right?  It wasn’t until after he’s been monologuing to Esra about the sea and his incredibly fast and nicely built legs that could run and swim miles if so he wished and many more other extraordinary feats that he noticed a very particular little grin tugging at the corners of Esra’s lips, one that gave him the biggest chills down the back of his spine and that brought the captain to freeze on the spot- almost as if he knew that if he did or said anything more, he would surely get involved in some sort of insane batshit crazy activity that the other would certainly think to be very normal and non-life threatening. Why was he even just stanting there like that! he could perfectly see through him! through the fact that Esra looked nothing different to him than a wolf ready to jump on a poor, poor innocent sheep! (jason note: make that a bull at least!)
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It was obvious by this point that this was a trap- this was obviously a trap! These questions have been TOO specific for his own liking, and he couldn’t believe it finally hit him...! 
❝ Huooooooggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! Heraaaaaaacleees―!!! ❞ He shouts internally with a mix of concentration and desperation, as if by frowning harder, he would manage to somehow magically manage to send some sort of specific mind waves to Heracles to let him know that he was in danger (not that even if he was able to achieve such feat, Heracles would come in any case) but to him, such words would have meant nothing- heck, at this point; Medea could have done something as well!
He’s.... He’s being cornered like a sheep !!! Don’t look at him like that!! he’s busy, incredibly so! Yet no amount of internally manifesting Heracles would work (this time). He knew it- that he had no time to spare, so it was in that moment that a bright idea appreared inside his mind in the midst of his shouting;  But calm down Jason! if there is something you are the most talented at...... it certainly is at surviving!!. No matter the cost !! I can just tell him― .......!!!
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❝ Oh man but- you know how servants areee- that was waaaaayy in the past, now I don’t know how to swim! (that won’t stop him!! I gotta be more specific!!) nor run― nor walk, nor jump, nor sit on that matter― pshhh... Silly throne of heroes, am I right? besides, I’m a busy captain too, extremely busy. There’s so many things I have to do that I can’t even count them right now- just think of the busiest man in the world and that’s me ! It’s not easy the life of the captain of the Argo, but if you ask Castor and Pollux, surely they’ll be able to help you in whatever freaky task you need ❞
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merulast · 5 months
Planing #5 - Adventures on -or- around the Caspian Sea
I already made an long post about 'issues with ferries', and this is going to be another one.
The straight line
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The original Plan was to cross this part of the world in a straight line. Ferry over the Black Sea. Ferry over the Caspian Sea. Arrive in Kazakhstan. Feel happy!
While Georgia tries its best to make everyone feel happy and welcome... We have Azerbaijan on the other hand.
A small country that is locking up its borders since Covid19. Again and again and again. First it was a bit like 'weird' to watch this. But since they started to re-open the conflicts with Armenia, it seems to make a whole lot more sense.
They only allow you to enter by plane, while you could leave any way you'd like. They offer E-Visas and this is nice.. But if you love to buy a Plane ticket for about 100€ for an Road Trip, that you could had yourself, or for 20 bucks getting on a Train ticket. Probably you wont be happy with this 'solution'.
And last but not least. The Ships. Oouf. Good thing first. There IS a ship crossing the Caspian Sea. But ..
They arrive 'around then' and have an local mobile number that will give you 'a call' once they are there. This could be up to 10 days. I also saw people on the internet claiming, they had just been forgotten
They do not use the Baku Harbor. Oh no. They use the Port in Alat, an small Desert Town where you probably wont like to spend 10 days in the only existing motel.
Once on Board everything seems to be find. And as usual the staff on this ferries is not responsible for the companies being not able to even setup an, don't know, X account or anything to communicate to its customers.
Then you would arrive in Aqtau err, Kuryk. Kuryk? Yeah! Another Desert town in the middle of nowhere. 70 Kilometers below Aqtau.
You cannot even play 'desert Bus' on any of this locations. You need to hope for a cab. Or friendly truckers that will let you hopp on. But how to get a Cab in the Desert? You hope for internet? Wow. Risky bet. Seems like social networking on the ship will be crucial at this point.
Normally I would say 'wow, what an cool adventure', but, the price of this adventure.. About 150-200€ for the Plane ticket. 80€ for the ship. And another fixed 30€ for the e-visa. How many days you gotta wait for the Sip? Count in Hotel Costs and stuff. I would say the whole segment might hit 400€ and who knows how many days.
Since I have an limited amount of time and money on my hand. This gotta be an hard pass.
What then?
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(Graph-Hopper - Geotrackers almost best friend)
For obvious reasons I had not planed in crossing Russia. For very obvious Reasons. But .. lets check it out
Most important things first: An E-Visa would come for 50€ and you don't have to jump hoops anymore like on the normal Visa Process.
No invites, even for tourists. No 120€ extra for weird travel agents that you would need. No limitations on how and where to move (in theory). And there is a huge list of border Stations that do have an E-Visa progressing scanner! I think china should also release this kind of list.
In other words: A lot had changed and to get an Russian Visa seems to be .. ... okay.
I had no trouble getting the Visa and there should be no reason for anyone to hire an agent to do this task. All Questions had been clear and easy to understand. Except that they ask you for an 'inviting company' even though that you stated to be an private tourist with no connections whatsoever. I just filled in the hotel where I booked an room for this purpose anyway. Maaybe I could not remember 'any social media platform' that I'm on. But who could?
And it was fine. Got he Visa and believe me, if I could get an visa with THAT photo that I used, everyone could.
Running up that Hill
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The only public operating Border Station between Georgia and Russia is above 2000 Meters high up in the mountains. So there is no wonder that you have pretty limited Options how to cross it. No train! Only bus!
Mimino Trans Ge - A smal bus Company that offers the thing. You could basically start directly from Batumi or Tblis. They have an active Facebook Profile and seems to be friendly. If you want to "book" a Ticket or request prices you have to ask them via FB, Telegram or Whatsapp. I had no problems on that. From Batumi to Vladikavkaz (more on Vladikavkaz later) they take 200 'gel' (local word for lari, ₾) - thats about 70€ for an 9h trip. Fair.
The other one is Trans Kavkaz. They start in Tblis and to Vladikavkaz they want 2000₽ from you. About 20€ for an 5h ride is also fair. They offer this twice a week. Once you got the right mobile number into your Whatsapp (some numbers on 'mirror' homepages are outdated) you can book. They even try to write english, whats very kind of them given the fact that all homepages are written in russian only.
Both of them want you to pay on the bus when you hop in. No payment in advance required.
I do not expect much from the 'bus' that will drive. On some pictures it was actually an bus, on some it was more an big van. But who cares as long you have an good seat and it brings you out to the destination.
How many roads must I walk down ...
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(I'm REALLY not sure what it is. But it is from Astrakhan!)
The next goal is to get to Astrakhan, that I usually call Astra-Chan since I think that sounds cute... But anyway!
Normally rome2rio is a great tool that pushes you into the right direction. Every time I need to know my options, rome2rio is there to help me out. But not this time. All the connections offered are high risk gambling or even outdated. How much sense do it makes to take an train that only arrives once a week, if it does? Some of the offered routes for trains even go way more north than I started my journey to begin with!
I spend many days on this. Maxed out the google translator and checked on any town or city in that part of russia. That's btw the reason why we will jump out on Vladikavkaz and not somewhere else: It's the overall package!
The train Station offers you to progress multiple times a day. You could decide to travel like people to in the 'deutsche Bahn': try to get closer to the Destination. Hope for the best. As least you are not stuck.
Sleeping on 'Rok's Hostel' is only 7€ a night and does not require any reservation. It's close to the train station as well.
The Bus to Astrachan.
Yeah. There is a direct bus from Vladikavkaz to Astrachan. Rome2Rio is not listing it, but I found it while strolling around on russian busticket sites. It starts each day on 11am and takes 8,5h. I had trouble to get an ticked for them. Many offered one, but only TuTu was able to progress payment with an western credit card while all the other homepages did not. It took 25€ from me.
The bus seems, from what I saw, to be pretty full most of the time. That's why it's good to be in a town with an decent hostel. In case that online booking fails, you still can try to get an regular ticket.
Pfew. You wont believe how difficult it was to find this bus. And a way to get an ticket secured. Isn't it weird, that you tend to do not trust something because it was hard to get?
The second Border
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(The Border boardgame!)
Once in Astrachan we just wait for the next Train over to Atyrau. I decided to just take 'whatever is available'. Maybe also an Bus.
Train tickets can be bought online by Kazakhstan Railways. It should be around 33€.
And I just wanted to say how silly it is that blabla-car really believes that ANY customer will be there and use their service. lol.
This is it!
We crossed the Caspian Sea. Kinda. It will take us about 5 days, maybe more and cost about 200€. That's ALMOST the price (209,-) of the Lego 75371, Chewbacca. One of the most ugly things you could buy. Even the plate is just raw plastic with a sticker on it.
Lets feel happy for this world being so crazy if it comes to values..
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(Lego set 75371)
0 notes
banewhyse · 1 year
'ello! here's all the information you need before you DM me for a commission or send me an ask for a drabble/request!
requests and commissions are slightly different (:
requests are free and please use the ask box instead of DMs for these!
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requests are 100% free but will take a bit more time than commissions
please use the ask box and not DMs for a request
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you cannot take credit for writing a request, if it's not obvious.
commissions can be oneshots, drabbles, or full fics (price of the commission will vary depending on how many parts) that can receive multiple parts!
commissions are NOT free, and i will probably not extend an exception if you are not a friend. so don't ask for a free commission.
i do not accept time limits (the max a multichapter fic is gonna get is like 3 months)
i accept word count minimums, but i can cap it if it's 9k+ (i'll charge like a literal extra dollar for it. gotta keep the ranboo sub renewals going.)
use DMs and not the ask box for commissions.
commissions can go on either Tumblr, ao3, or both. they will not go on Wattpad or any other platform. report if you see a commission on another platform.
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if you commission a fic or wish to tip me for a request (which would absolutely be optional) i will DM the payment info to you.
i take payment before writing, and if i cannot finish the commission, i will pay you back fully.
i use cashapp as i am a minor and can't do anything else. if you do not have a way to pay me through cashapp, do not commission me (:
some important things to consider before you DM me or request in the ask box
i have the right to refuse service to whoever i want. (ex: boundary breakers, zoophiles, queerphobics, ableists, racists, and more)
i will not refuse service for someone being: an age regressor, a furry, queer, POC, part of a DID/OSDD system, neurodivergent, etc,.
i will not write smut about anyone.
i will not write ship content for those uncomfortable with it.
i will write major character death, violence, etc,.
i will not write on any platforms that are not ao3 or Tumblr.
you may request to be let in on the google doc (view-only) after commissioning or requesting to see the progress in real-time, but some things i won't use a google doc for and will just write on Tumblr (ex: a short drabble)
deadlines are a no. i'll work on my own time (:
i have the right to say no to writing a ship if i'm uncomfortable doing so
i have the right to say no to writing any ship content if i don't feel like it
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characters (you can choose duos from groups, like for example, from SBI, you can choose bedrockbros instead of SBI as a whole)
SBI (will only write ship content for Phil and Kristin for obvious reasons)
beeduo (platonic & queerplatonic content only)
TNTDuo (platonic & queerplatonic content only)
Niki Nihachu (platonic content only)
RanbooLive (the Live makes it sound fancier and more professional) (platonic content only)
The_Eret (platonic content only)
AUs (you can combine them too!) (does not cost any extra)
mer people
humans (but not irl AU, sorry!)
if i can add extra characters (such as for sbi, kristin) and who
word count minimum, leave blank if i can do whatever
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a general scenario
what AU you want
the duo, group, or person you want it to be about
happy ending, sad ending, bittersweet ending, vague ending, etc,.
i may add or remove things to this list, so check it frequently before requesting/commissioning!
have fun commissioning/requesting! this took like an hour to type out /srs
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juletheghoul · 2 years
The Covert
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AN: A few weeks ago, @babiiface95 slid into my dms and sent me a voice note that would throw me into the grips of a horny daydream. What she said was - what if Din was a cam-boy? We then proceeded to scream back and forth about what this would entail. Tiny minute details to enrich this delicious fiction and what we came up with was this. A series of 'sessions' that Din and reader will produce for their viewers. This will not be a 'story' per say - very minimal plot so there will not be a posting schedule, but asks and requests for this are highly encouraged. I hope you enjoy what we came up with, a special shout out to her - as well as @frannyzooey for beta'ing the hell out of this first chapter with amazing suggestions and questions that only served to make it better. More shoutouts to @wheresarizona for this gorgeous moodboard and to @foli-vora for always being super supportive and listening to my horny rants.
Pairing: Din x f!reader
Warnings: 18+(no minors) implied sex, oral - male receiving, slight voyeurism, cum-play / eating, dirty talk - if I'm missing anything please let me know
Word count: 1900
reblogs are appreciated
“Fuck, right there Din,” you moaned and his hands gripped your hips tight to hold you in place as he picked up the pace. 
He’d already made you come twice and by the looks of things, he was determined to see you do it again. He licked his thumb before pressing it onto your swollen clit and the glide of it threw you over the edge, waves of your release making you go silent while he kept up his rhythm.
He dropped down and covered your body with his, the wet slip of your cunt swallowing his length a handful of times before he groaned deeply into your ear, grinding hot spurts of his come deep inside. 
“Good god man, I swear people would pay good money to watch you fuck.” You felt boneless as he crushed you with his comforting weight, a laugh escaping his lips along with the haggard breaths of exertion. 
“Very funny.” His face was gorgeously flushed, a bead of sweat collecting in his hairline that begged for you to brush it away. You obliged. 
“I’m serious. There’s good money in it. You’d make a killing.” He let out an amused sigh, turning to nuzzle at your palm as it caressed his cheek softly. You paused for a moment, catching your breath together before you gave him a nudge. “Now let me up, I gotta pee.” 
You kissed his nose, letting him pull out with a hiss before slipping out from under him and making your way towards the bathroom. Your comments had been honest, but offhand and although you had forgotten them by the time you came back; he hadn’t. 
They sat on the back burner of his brain, a low simmer when he went to sleep that night with you curled up next to him and they were still there when he awoke early to head out. Following him incessantly throughout his hunt, he tried to shake them off in order to focus, but they persisted - eventually boiling over when he collected payment for his latest bounty. 
It was hard to keep the annoyance off his face or out of his voice at the meager sum presented to him. 
This barely covers fuel. 
With the cost of everything on a steady incline, a separate form of income now had a slight shine that gave him pause. 
He spent the whole of the trip back to you weighing his options. The amount he’d earned was almost an insult, this job would have earned him triple the amount not too long ago. 
He sat in the cockpit, a long sigh cutting through the soft hum of his ship. The stars stretching out before him reminded him of you, how you always took this time to sit in his lap and tease; drive him mad with need for you. An image of you riding him popped into his mind, the idea of it being broadcasted for people to watch and it shocked him how fast he felt his cock swell in his pants at the prospect.
It burned brighter now, the thought of people paying to watch him fuck you and whether he admitted it or not, it was starting to excite him.
Maybe this could work.
Signing up for the service had taken a considerable amount of time, along with a few drinks and a handful of nervous laughs from both of you. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” His eyes were bright with mischief but there was a tinge of fear there, of uncertainty. 
“We don’t have to. We can just close it up and forget about it.” You put your hand on his thigh, your way of soothing him. 
“No, I want to. I’m just a little apprehensive - I don’t want to get stage fright.” He let out a little laugh, his big hand landing on top of yours before he leaned in to place a soft kiss onto your lips. 
“It’ll be just us,” you reassured him. “Just like always and I think what we decided for the first show makes sense.” 
You pulled away to make sure everything was set up just how you wanted: drapes had been pulled to soften the light in your shared room, everything personal rearranged to ensure the space looked neutral for your safety. You could never be too careful. 
“Ready?” You walked over to his place on the edge of your bed, your hands pulling his face up to meet your gaze.
“Yes, I’m ready.” 
He pulled you onto his lap, craving a moment of intimacy before the show began. His face burrowed into the crook of your neck, inhaling the clean scent - grounding himself with it and you couldn’t help but thread your fingers through the short crop of his hair.
“Good, hand me those cushions.” 
He put them on the floor in front of him and shifted closer to the edge of the bed. Smiling wide before getting the small camera ready to start recording, he nodded his head at you when it was filming. 
Fuck. Okay this is real. We’re doing this. 
You took a deep breath and smiled at him, keeping eye contact as you seductively sank to your knees in front of him. There was a nervous energy in the air of your private space: yes you were alone, but people could join and watch what you were about to do. The idea both terrified and thrilled you.
It’s just us. 
You repeat the thought in your head and let out a shaky breath, focusing on him and letting the sight and touch of him ground you. It’s just the two of you and this is easy; focusing on him, his body, his pleasure. 
Your hands run up and down the firm muscles of his thighs, making space for yourself. Ignoring the camera he had pointed at you, you focused instead on the way his breath hitched when you grabbed at the heft of him in front of you and how it stiffened in your palm. 
You pressed your face against his crotch, the warmth of his cock against your cheek and he hummed in appreciation when you mouthed at the clothed tip, letting your saliva dampen the fabric. His hand came up to your face, his thumb sliding over your cheek affectionately as he watched your fingers curl around the waistband of his bottoms. Rising slightly to let you expose him, you smiled at the way he bobbed in front of you, making your mouth water as you took your time stripping him. 
He was so thick, so heavy in the palm of your hand. It almost made you sigh, even after all your time together.
With his fingers molded around your neck, you dipped your tongue to taste the bead of precum gathered on the tip of his cock before taking him into your mouth and relishing the soft breath he let out at your actions. 
You want to make this good for him, you want him gasping - barely able to control himself. 
Lifting your palm up past the camera to his mouth, you smile sweetly up at him. “Spit.” 
He bites his lip before complying. 
You wonder if the camera can pick up the noise, the soft wet stroke of his cock in your palm while you continue teasing the head of him and soon you become so focused you almost forget the camera pointed at you. 
“Take it deeper baby, open up.” His voice comes out low and it hardens your nipples, his hand reaching down to guide you softly. “That’s it, just like that. God, I love your mouth.” He groans it out as you take him as far as you can, your nose almost touching the small patch of hair at his base before gagging. 
“Good?” you pull off and ask him, gathering spit in your mouth before taking him as far as you can and a pained yes escapes his mouth when you gag around him again. Your eyes are swimming with unshed tears this time and you take a deep breath, your hand stroking as you get yourself under control. You move down to tongue at his balls, drawing out the pleasure for as long as you can before making him come. 
Your cunt is aching, slick gathering at your entrance, this whole endeavor exciting you much more than you ever thought it would. 
His hand now moving to the loose shirt you’re wearing in a silent question for you to take it off, you do, tossing it onto the floor. Your tits now on display for him and whoevers watching, he’s quick to possessively palm your breast, groaning from deep in his belly as you take him into your mouth once more before moving away to stare up at him with your own lust-blown expression. 
“Where do you want to come?” You smile up at him, summoning your sexiest voice and his cock is a wet slip within your grip.
“In your mouth.” He groans out the words, the weight of his trembling hand on your shoulder with a squeeze when you take the head of him in your mouth once more and your eyes never leave his. You see his breath hitch when you twist your wrist on the down stroke, assuring that he was close. 
“Fuck, fuuuuck baby, I’m gonna come.”
You doubled your efforts, increasing the suction around the sensitive head. Your cunt clenched painfully around nothing when you felt him spurt into your mouth, hot and salty and you did your best to catch it all. 
“God yes - show me.” His hand joined yours at the base of his cock now, holding himself still for you to open your mouth to show it full of his come, just how he liked it. 
He cooed appreciatively when some of it leaked down onto your tits, watching you rub some of it against a peaked nipple. It was truly a show for the audience when he slid the sensitive head of his cock against the slick mess on your tongue with a hiss, but the flushed smile on his face was only for you to see.
“That’s my girl. Now swallow.” His voice was a satisfied rumble and you hurried to comply, gulping it down just before he reached to turn the camera off. 
You couldn’t help but laugh after - giddy that it had gone well, arousal flowing through your veins and down your thighs. 
“Your turn.” A mischievous smile dancing across his features as he pulled you up and spread you out underneath him. “Going to take good care of you, for being such a good girl for me.” 
You both waited a few days to check how the video had gone over- half terrified to see what people actually thought about what you’d done. When you finally got the courage though, it seemed silly to have waited at all. 
The response had been overwhelming even though they couldn’t, and wouldn’t, ever see his face.
Hundreds of comments had been left by those who watched your session. Everything from words of encouragement to incoherent scrawlings and you both took the time to read each and every one. 
“They love your voice, they want you to speak more.” You could see the pattern of people praising him and you wholeheartedly agreed. “Your hands too.”
“My hands?” He was smiling, the comments affecting him more than he let on. “They like my voice and my hands?” He reached over you, rereading what they’d said.
“Oh yes, they aren’t wrong.” You kissed his cheek, relishing the little blush in them. 
We’re going to make a killing.
Tag list: @danniburgh @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @sherala007 @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @mandosmistress @deadhumourist @felicisimor @tuskens-mando @no-droids-on-sunday @sophiefatale2495 @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @maievdenoir @kissasith @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @lorosette @softsweetedbeauty @c4psicle @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @ameliaofasgard @squidwell @allthatsleftbehind @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @planetariumx @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed @swtaura @evelynseventyr
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soothinglee · 3 years
warning: cursing, bad Spanish translations (thanks gg translate), mentions of sex (but not having sex), angst but not (I have trouble writing angst),
suv3 or suve is y/ns' online name! you can change it :) (sue-vay)
a/n: I'm slowly finding a good and intriguing way to write this, bare with me. Next chapter will be longer, more speaking with quackity/other members of the smp, its not planned out but time will tell. I wrote half of this at 2 a.m. let me know how I did!
not proof read!
series m.list | previous - next
[ 3 A.M ]
“god fucking dammit.”
“you okay over there?” he asks, trying to see through the darkness. another thump makes its way into the microphone and into his headset.
“god fucking dammit!” the person screams out, there’s more shuffling and a crash is heard.
“SUVE! what the hell are you doing??” he shouts trying to get a glimpse of the figure hunching over a cardboard box.
she huffs and bends backwards in defeat, “I just dropped this Lego set I built for Dreams’ birthday, which took me forever to do.” she leaves the room for a second and comes back with a broom and pan.
quackity thinks for a couple seconds and responds with, “dreams birthday is not for another 5 months?”
“yeah,” she sweeps some of the legos up and drops them on their bed. “But shipping in Illinois is like shipping to the fucking North Pole, it takes forever.”
he grins and shakes his head “no one’s ever shipped anything to the North Pole.”
she shoots him a look, “and you know that how?”
he shrugs in return “dunno, I just do.”
“what are you, Santie Claus?”
laughing he takes a swig of his water, “hell yeah, I walk around with my sack n’ shit.”
she shoots him another dirty look “quackity.”
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. I could look it up though.”
“noo,” she whines cleaning the remainder of the mess “I’m too tired for this, I bought this in January..it’s the first week of March.”
“So? You’ve been busy. Nothing you can’t rebuild.”
she plops down in their chair and stares at the camera, and though his was not on she knew that he was staring back at her. “It’s 8,000 plus pieces,” she grabs the empty monster can on her desk and crushes it up. “plus it cost me like, 300 bucks.”
quackitys mouth drops “suve.”
she groans “what.”
“300 hundred bucks for a couple chunks of plastic! are you crazy?”
she giggles and lets her head hang with a smile, “just a tiny bit.”
he sighs and shakes his head, “you’re a mess.”
“a hot mess.”
well. “I’d beg to differ,” he shoots back, “you look like you’ve been through hell and back.”
“yeah well I haven’t slept in like,” she begins counting backwards from ten on her fingers. “2 days.”
“what.” she stresses bringing all the Lego pieces to her desk, pushing all of the unwanted stuff onto the floor.
“go.to.bed.” his tone is playful but the look he’s giving her through the screen is much more serious.
“I can’t,” she begins to separate the pieces by color and size. “I gotta finish this, it’ll make me feel better about myself.”
he watches as their fingers move seamlessly through the pieces, connecting them like a puzzle until half of a section was finish, “how are you doing this so quickly without the instructions.”
y/n shrugs not taking their eyes off of the pieces “muscle memory I guess.”
quackity hums and pets his cats who had jumped onto his lap throughout his watch, tiger purs as a thank you.
"do you wanna join tomorrows stream? everyone's going to be there, it'll be on my channel." he asks.
"yeah sure, what are y'all playing?"
he shrugs "this mod I found awhile ago, something to do with Minecraft and shopping carts."
sometime passes and y/n is still working on the Legos and quackity is slowly drifting asleep.
“you can leave if you want.” y/n comments gazing up at quackitys unmoving icon. “it’s getting late.”
“nuh-uh,” he gets up from his slouched position and rubs his face. “ ‘m not sleepy.”
they laugh and a smirk plays onto their lips, “are you sure? because I’m pretty positive I heard you snore.”
he scoffs “I don’t snore!”
“take it up with the judge.”
“You know what? I will. I’m going to be a lawyer, and when I finish school I’m going to sue your ass for defamation!”
“okay bucko.” they snort.
“I will!”
“okay, I believe you.”
silence takes over the call, the shifting through legos is a clacky sound but soothing. quackity takes this time to let his mind race, why was she doing all of this for him, and why so early? You never really do something like this for someone unless you like them alot, did they like dream? and why haven't they never done that for him?
the question was eating him up like an infection, and if he didn't get it out he would explode. But thats not really a question you'd ask someone, it's kinda personal. yet he really wanted to know.
and though he was scared he mustered up what ever courage he could find;
"suve? do you like dream?" his voice was shaky, hesitant, and kinda hard to hear. But when he said the last word their head shot up fast with a confused look.
"of course I do, I like everyone." she didn't get the question.
"no," he shakes his head fiddling with his discarded water bottle cap "like, like like dream. as in you have a crush on him."
she scoffs and eyes the computer screen, "why are you asking?" no response, they roll their eyes and continue building, "no, I don't like dream like that, he's a brother to me, I'm doing this as a thank you."
"a thank you to what?"
she groans and cracks their neck, "a thank you for taking care of me."
"well I take care of you."
"you do, and I thank you for that, you'll get something this," she motions to the almost done build "severe when the time comes, but what dream did was different."
he makes a face, a mixture of disgust and confusion "how different?"
"I can't tell you that."
"well why not?" he pushes, what was she hiding?
"I just can't, okay? I'll tell you when I tell but stop being so-" they let a frustrated noise, "so pushy."
"was it sexual?"
she laughs in disbelief. "fuck no, what the hell are these questions? are you interrogating for something?"
"no, I'm just being curious."
"well stop, stop being curious, its to late for that and I'm tired and hungry so could you hold the questions until the morning? or forever."
"I was just wondering" he shrugs feeling uncomfortable, he didn't mean for his questions to sound so bad, it was harmless. to him at least.
"I get that quackity but please, just stop." they sounded exhausted and on the brink of tears yet when he looked at her the only thing he saw was the bags under their eyes.
he would stop but his mind was clouded with jealousy, but why would he feel jealous? he didn't even like them like that to feel that way, he saw them as a friend, a friend he cared about alot. maybe too much.
"okay, okay I'm sorry, I'll drop it," he starts scanning their features to if she could handle another, "when was the last time you ate?"
"earlier yesterday."
"when's the last time you drank water."
they sloppily shrug, the legos were long gone and now occupied their hands with picking at her nails, "all I drink is monsters so I don't know."
"y/n, that's- that's not healthy," he complains, he looks at her through the screen and the artificial light from her monitor lights up their face, her body rocked back and froth as if she was trying to comfort herself. Her eyes were away from the screen trying to find something to land on, the bottom part of her eyes shimmered and couldn't tell if they were tears or sleep deprivation.
they let out a jittery breath, as she spoke her voice cracked, "I've gotta go, I'm getting tired."
he sputters out an excuse to make her stay, panic washed over him quickly and stayed in the deepest part of his heart. he didn't know how to stop, he wanted to make sure she was okay, he wanted to make her feel alright, he wanted to do what dream couldn't.
she shakes her head and dismisses his lame excuses, "bye." and Quackity was left in the call alone.
he sighs and runs a hand over his face, "fuck."
he went too far, he knows he did, he just wanted to know, but that information was personal, and he pushed her boundaries.
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"hello?" she chokes out, swallowing the remainder of the ice cream. she had traded out her ruined hoodie for a black smiley face one, one that dream got them awhile ago.
"y/n? tell me what happened." Dream says jumping straight to the point.
sighing she adjusts herself in their gaming chair, it was a black thing, the cushion on the headrest was worn out and fading, the labeling was almost nonexistent. the padding on the main part had a hole in it and the stuffing was sticking out, they had a habit of picking at it.
"I got you something for your birthday-"
"this early?" he comments, she couldn't see but they knew he was smirking.
"yes, now stop interrupting me."
he apologizes and she continues, "and I was putting it together, Quackity noticed that it was a..big thing and realize that I was getting it ready mega early. He asked me if I liked you because I was doing something so grand but I just told him it was because how grateful I was because you took care of me, and he just wouldn't take that answer. He kept digging and I couldn't take it so I left."
they take a breath and lean all of their weight into the backrest, "that topic is sensitive y'know? I only trust certain people with that information, I don't want what happened last time happen again."
dream nods and hums in agreement "I understand, I remember what happened and I wouldn't want you to go through that mess again." he pauses "but don't you think you'll have to tell him sooner or later?"
she shakes her head, "no not really, I don't know how that information would be vital to our friendship."
dream raises an eyebrow at the screen "just a friendship?"
her eyes snap back to the computer, a dumbfounded look in their eyes, "what?"
"a friendship, that's what you want out of this?" he questions playing with a smiley coin on his desk.
"why wouldn't I want a friendship outta this?" they stutter, of course they wanted to be friends with him, never ever really thinking about any other feelings that could be residing in the back of their mind. they try not to think of people in the romantic way, love is fucked up and complicated and sometimes you just don't want to deal with it. until you find that person.
was quackity their person?
dream bumps his shoulders and sighs "I don't know man, I don't know."
he was deflecting, trying to avoid going into the topic further. obviously they weren't ready for it so he was not going to go into it. he had to wait and see how it would play out.
"no, you do know. tell me." they lean closer to the screen in a way to intimidate him, he couldn't see her so it didn't really work.
"nuh-uh," he shakes his head like a child and y/n would think that he's crossing his arms like one too.
"dreeamm," they warn a sly smile on their lips.
"noo." he taunts back.
they huff and fall back into their chair, "fine."
dream giggles and starts scrolling through twitter.
y/n sits back to think, their walls had been crumbling down since joining the call with dream, they were tired of putting up defenses so why were they still doing it.
they let their mouth move before their brain could process, "could you stay on call with me?"
dream looks up from his phone and furrows his eyebrows but nonetheless says "yeah of course."
a twitter notification goes off and y/n picks up their phone to check but it says 'No Older Notifications.'
"was that you?" she asks setting it back down, pulling their knees into their chest and their head between them.
dream nods but forgets they can't see him "yeah, and- oh shit."
they perk their head up, "what? what happened."
he lets out a laugh "check your messages."
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"'is this bitch quoting sonders," dream laughs liking the post. "I'm taking this has something to do with the conversation y’all had earlier?"
y/n says nothing but stares at the tweet, dream takes their silence as a yes.
🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!
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dumfanting · 2 years
Same Heart ch 9: Dust
A03 Link
Rating: M
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1384
Yes, now the real Pain begins. I’ve actually been putting off starting this arc because of how damned depressing it is, but hey, gotta get it done, yknow?
Shoutout to @kaminocasey for coming up with Bortuse’s name.
Thanks again as always for reading, commenting, and reblogging.
F! Reader/ Fives (technically Echo)
The men return from Umbara.
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You spend every single moment Fives is off-world worrying about him, though you try to reassure yourself that he would be fine. Just as you had before Echo left on the Citadel mission, you remind yourself that Fives is an ARC Trooper and can take care of himself.
Umbara may be home to a Separatist blockade, but not only would Rex, Kix, and General Skywalker be there, General Kenobi, Commander Cody, and the 212th would be as well. If Fives did get into trouble, he would have plenty of backup.
Knowing how fond Skywalker was of his men did ease your mind somewhat, until you pass him while walking the halls only a day after they’d left. You idly think that it must have been a short mission, but when you return to your post and Kix does not report in, confusion takes over.
You mention this to Bortuse, a tall Torgruta male who Kix had left in charge, and ask if he had heard anything. He taps at his datapad a few times and frowns, which does little to ease your mind.
“They’re still deployed,” he says, his deep voice rumbling out from his chest. “Looks like Skywalker was called back at the last second and someone else has taken command.”
“Does it say who?” You ask, fidgeting with your necklace again.
“Pong Krell,” he says after another few taps to the datapad. “Great,” he continues, setting the pad down and rubbing his forehead.
Before you can say anything else, he sighs heavily. You aren’t Force sensitive, but you can feel the stress radiate off of him. He speaks again and says “I need you to double check all of our supply stocks. We’ll be busy with the wounded when they get back. We always are with Krell.” He sighs and shakes his head before walking away to attend to something elsewhere.
Your confusion deepens, and you quickly snatch up the datapad that had been left behind.
“Pong Krell…” you mutter to yourself as you search through the database. “Why is that so familiar?” You wonder aloud.
With a few more taps and swipes of your fingers, you’re able to pull up a personnel file on him. You quickly read over the text, and your stomach does a backflip. Krell had a commendable mission success rate, but at the cost of the highest number of casualties among all of the Generals. He always returned with significantly fewer men than he left with. This only deepens your worry about Fives and the others.
Now you understand why Bortuse told you to check supply stocks. You switch to another program on the datapad, walk over to a nearby cabinet, then open it and start counting and taking notes on what was inside.
You’re about twenty minutes into this when you suddenly remember where you had heard the name Krell before. Several cycles ago, the medical wing was overwhelmed with mortally wounded and dying men. Kix had been cursing Krells name under his breath for most of the day. You recall Kix telling you that the General held a great disdain for clones and saw them not as men, but disposable tools. Your stomach roils at the thought, fear and anger making your heartbeat too loud in your ears.
You count faster.
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Another day or so passes before the familiar sound of landing ships rumbles through the building. Bortuse told you and all of the other medics to gather up equipment and med kits and be ready to move immediately, then led the way to the landing site.
There were wounded men, of course, but nowhere near as many as the team had expected. You, as a unit, move quickly to stabilize the critical cases and get them transported into the hospital.
You, as an individual, made it a point to be one of the first to respond and last to leave during troop returns like this. You instruct a medical droid, and when it moves aside, you can see Kix approaching. You see a hollow, haunted look in his eyes and know right away that something had gone very, very wrong on this mission. You and the remaining medics quickly run to meet him and wait for his orders.
He looks at the group and shakes his head. “There are no other shuttles. We’re what’s left,” he says, not stopping to stand while he speaks and making his way into the GAR building. That’s why there were so few wounded, you realize, and your heart sinks as you watch Kix walk away. He didn’t seem to see you, much less indicate that Fives was alright. You hadn’t seen anyone you recognized among the injured, but that easily could have been because someone else on the team had gotten to them before you.
Adrenaline pumping, you and the others raced back to the medical wing.
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Although there aren’t many men that come back from Umbara, the injured ones that did need immediate critical care and you are so swamped with them all that you’re barely able to wonder what the time is. Your chest aches with each soldier you work on, but you can’t help but feel cold hearted when you’re quietly relieved that Fives and Rex aren’t among them.
After a grueling, nonstop shift of over twelve hours, you’re dismissed for the day and told to go home. As you take your normal route through the Coruscant streets back to your apartment, your head swims with exhaustion. When you arrive home, Fives is not there. This doesn’t mean that something had happened to him, but your gut twists all the same.
You shed your sweaty, stained clothes and take a long, hot shower. It eases your aching body and clears your head somewhat. You likely hadn’t seen Fives because he was being debriefed, you think while drying off, and the twist loosens a little.
Once you’re dressed, you plop down onto the sofa and stare into space, holding your chin over your clasped hands, deep in thought and going over everything you had heard after the men arrived. There were so many fragments of hushed conversation about the mission.
Hardcase, the same man who lost a bet about you and Fives to Tup, had sacrificed himself in order to destroy a Separatist supply ship.
Rex’s name flew around between the men. Rumors of treason and disobeyed orders buzzed about, and you had heard a few of the men talk in low, stilted voices about reconditioning.
You remembered hearing that an ARC Trooper would be court martialed as you rushed between patients, but you were too busy to really process this until now. You fidget with the stone around your neck and continue mulling everything over.
The most important thing you had heard, stated as fact by multiple people, was the news that Krell was dead, and not by enemy hands.
You rub at your temples with a groan, trying to make sense of it all, when you hear your comm link chirping. You quickly answer, and it’s Fives. Even through the static of the holo comm, you can see the stress of the past few days on his face. But he’s alive, and a massive weight slips from your shoulders. You’re about to speak when he cuts you off.
“Cyare,” Fives says quickly, glancing around, “don’t wait up, I’m going to be in debriefing and inquiry for a while over here. I can’t talk about it now, I’m sorry.” Before you can react in any way, the holo shuts off.
“Inquiry?” You say aloud, aghast.
Shit really had hit the fan, it seems.
Fives’ being debriefed you understood, that was a standard part of returning from missions. The inquiry part though, that worries you. Is what you heard about him being court martialed true? You knew that Krell was dead, could it be possible that Fives was involved?
You cut that thought off before it fully forms in your mind and you feel a headache coming on. You glance at the chrono on the wall, realize how late it is, and the returning aches, exhaustion, and worsening confusion convince you to go to bed. You had been given the next day off and so you decided to try and sleep as long as possible.
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Taglist: @kaminocasey @studioramekin @madameminor @wolveria @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @whore4rex @jennamelinda12
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sunflowersoldat · 3 years
Man Out of Time Pt. 6
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Pairing: Steve x reader
Warnings: angst, mild language, mentions of death
Summary: Its time to get the stones back, but at what cost?
Word count: ~ 1600
Steve Rogers Masterlist
Main Materlist
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Then you were in a quantum tunnel, focusing on not missing your exit point, it was coming up, wait for it… wait for it… now! You pressed the button to take you out of the quantum realm.
You landed with a thud in the streets of New York, there was debris and Chitari bodies everywhere, as you stood a strong hand yanked you backward, letting a Chitari whiz by nearly taking you out. You turned to see Steve, Tony, Scott and Banner-Hulk. Breathing heavily, you grabbed Steve’s hand squeezed it, “Thanks for that.”
“Of course, Sweetheart.” He nodded, turning to the team,
“Alright let’s go. Everyone follows my lead, Y/N go in the maintenance door, stay out of sight and make sure the cameras don’t see us. I will get the scepter, Tony and Scott will go after the tesseract, and Banner… smash.” Steve gave everyone their orders and took off in the direction of the tower.
When you arrived, you were able to steal a computer and access the mainframe with ease, erasing any proof of the team ever being here. Tony’s voice broke through your headset,
“Ugh Mr. Rogers I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass.”
Steve sighed, “No one asked you to look Tony.”
“I think you look great Cap. As far as I’m concerned that’s America’s Ass”
You rolled your eyes; you could practically hear Scott fawning over Steve. “Alright gentlemen a little less chatter a little more stealing stones please.”
“Aw come on Y/N you gotta admit it’s a nice ass.” Scott pleas over the comms,
“Just worry about your mission Scott.”
You continue to watch the cameras and stop one when you see Steve fighting… Himself? “Rogers! What the hell?” you bark over the comms, “What happened to don’t get caught?!” you scold,
“Had to improvise Y/N. I got the scepter didn’t I, heading back to the rendezvous point.”
You rolled your eyes, packing up the computer and turning off your comms. You caught up to Steve,
“That is America’s Ass.” You joke as you lightly smack his suit clad ass.
He stopped walking and glared at you, but you couldn’t help but giggle,
“What? It’s a nice ass.” You smiled lightly making him chuckle,
“Come on Sweetheart. Tony and Scott have been oddly quiet.”
You walk the rest of the way in silence, as you approach the rendezvous point both Tony and Scott have their heads in their hands, but you can’t see the Tesseract anywhere, and dread fills your whole body.
“What happened?” Steve asked.
Scott sighs and they start to argue, you walk away trying to calm yourself, this is not happening how could they have blown it. You turn around to say something but see Scott take the scepter and disappear, you assumed he went back to the present,
“What’s going on?”
Steve and Tony look to you, “Change of plans we need to make a pit stop, grab the Tesseract and refuel, then we will head home.”
You start to shake your head, Steve grabs your hand, “Trust us Sweetheart.”
You are reluctant, but slowly you nod your head and type in the new exit point for quantum travel,
“Stick close.” Steve whispers squeezing your hand.
You were in and out of the quantum tunnel in what felt like mere seconds, you landed in what looked to be a military installment, very much out of your element here, you quietly followed Tony and Steve’s lead for now. In the elevator a lady started asking questions, you could tell she knew you three didn’t belong, you needed to get in and get out quickly. When the doors opened you followed Steve to get the Pym Particles, and Tony went to find the Tesseract. Steve had to get Hank Pym out of his lab somehow, so he called the lab pretending to be part of the shipping department with a package gone wrong.
“You know you are devious; I like the idea though, Captain America with a dark side, sounds kinky.”
When Steve hung up the phone, he scrunched his eyebrows at you and pulled you into the lab. “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your mind, and then you say something like that, and I remind myself that it is probably terrifying in there.”
You smirk, picking up and setting down test tubes and lab tools, “Will you stop touching things, you don’t know what that stuff is.” He hissed.
“You know exactly what goes on in my mind Rogers.” You wink biting your lower lip.
Taking a deep, steadying breath Steve turned around, grabbing the Pym Particles and your arm, starting to lead you out of the lab, but you pull him back, crushing your lips to his, pressing him into the wall, before pulling away.
You feel him melt into you, body relaxing, hands tracing up your sides to rest on your waist. “Calm down Cap, this is gonna work.” A moan leaving his lips has you asking yourself if you had time to go farther, but you shook your head, finish the mission first, get laid later. Besides the two of you had a lot to talk about still.
You peck his lips again before you grab his hand and lead him out of the lab. You both moved down the hallway, keeping your heads down, the same woman from the elevator rounded the corner, Steve ducked into a random office pulling you in with him, closing the door and shoving you against the wall, your bodies flush.
“Are those the Pym Particles in your pants Rogers or are you just happy to see me?”
Steve sighed and looked down on you, man this military disguise was definitely doing things to you. You reached up lacing your hand around the back of his neck, rising to your tiptoes to kiss him, when something catches your eye, you stop.
“Steve. It’s you.” You whispered,
“Um yeah Sweetheart, it’s me, the particles are in my hand.”
You slap his chest, damn, “No on the desk,”
You turn his head so he can get a look at what you are seeing. His eyes narrow on the picture frame sitting alone on the desk, it was him, but it wasn’t at the same time. The picture was from the military academy, before the serum, he picked it up examining it, you watched him carefully. His movements were calculated and slow, there was a voice on the other side of the window across the office, as Tony’s voice broke through the comms, pulling your attention from Steve,
“Guys I’ve got the package lets….” His voice is cut off, you can hear another person with him. Shit.
“Steve… Steve!” you hiss, looking past him, then you see her; Peggy.
Your heart sinks. Panic settles in your stomach, as you grab at Steve’s arm to pull him out with you, but the he rips himself from your grasp. The action stuns you for a moment, before you grab his arm again and yank him from the office,
“We gotta go now.”
You walk down the hallway, your emotions clearly getting the better of you, the way he looked at her engrained into your mind, you couldn’t stop your heart from breaking. You and Steve didn’t talk the entire way back to the surface, you didn’t even touch him, keeping your eyes trained ahead. When Tony finally caught up with you, he could feel the tension.
“Everything okay?” he asked cautiously.
You nodded looking away, but Steve just handed you both the Pym Particles you needed, and you were on your way back the compound in the present. When you arrived back, everyone else arrived with you, everyone except Natasha. You were knelt down, your heart thundering in your chest, chest tightening,
“Where’s Nat?!” Steve asked.
When Clint finally finished telling you what had happened, you turned to Steve,
“Whatever it takes huh?” you snapped, then you were gone, you could hear Tony and Scott yell for you, but you need to go, anywhere but here, anywhere but near him. You were hurt, you shouldn’t have snapped at him, it wasn’t his fault Natasha was gone. But everything you felt right now was overshadowed by the pain in you breaking heart.
You made it outside before you broke down. Fuck this mission, fuck it all. Everything came with a price. Poor Nat, you couldn’t believe she was gone, you had done a lap around the compound and noticed everyone down on the dock by the lake and made your way there. They were talking about Nat and how if they used the stones they could bring her back, everyone started arguing,
“It should have been me.” You heard Clint through everyone else.
“Enough!” your voice like a knife through everyone else’s. Everyone quietly looked your way, “Nat knew what she was doing, she sacrificed herself for this mission, the least we could do is see it through. I don’t like it any more than the rest of you, but we all knew there was a possibility that some of us wouldn’t make it.”
You swallowed. “Now, lets get in there and bring everyone back. For Natasha.”
“For Natasha.” Steve repeated after you, giving you a soft look, you looked away, next was Tony, then Thor and Bruce, and the rest of the team. Tony stood heading back to the compound and everyone followed…
“F.R.I.D.A.Y activate Barndoor Protocol.” Tony ordered, Bruce had the Gauntlet on his hand getting ready to snap, you moved closer to Tony, a subtle movement, but Steve noticed. It happened quicker than you had time to react, Banner snapped, then an explosion, and everything went dark…
Bucky's Duckies:
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wandaromanova · 3 years
“And I... Am...” [2]
A Natasha Romanoff x Gn!Avenger!Reader story
warnings: fighting, little bit of violence, angst, death (let me know if i should add any!)
A/N: Ahhh, here’s the final part of this very brief series. i hope you all enjoy and if anyone would like me to write something else my asks are open. thank you for reading! <3
tagging: @username23345
summary: 5 years ago, the avengers lost. half the world may have been taken away, but Y/N’s entire world faded to nothing in their arms. they would do anything to bring everyone back, most especially the love of their life. whatever it takes.
Part 1
Word Count: 3.7K words
(gif is not mine)
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5 years. 5 years without seeing her bright, pearly white smile. 5 years without her sarcastic comments and snarky remarks. 5 years without her messy red hair sprawled across her pillow as she sleeps peacefully beside you. 5 years without her warm hugs as her lavender scented perfume invades your senses. 5 years without long nights of cuddling in each other’s arms as you watched the cheesy romcoms of your choice. 5 years without waking up to her playfully kissing your face. 5 years without her standing by your side during missions. 5 years without your little dinner dates that you both decided to go on whenever you both had the time. 5 years without her teasing kisses against your neck that made you laugh as hard as ever before. 5 long, long years without Natasha Romanoff.
Everyday without her was agonizingly slow. Every part of your shared apartment a constant reminder of your failure. Your failure to protect the world, the failure of protecting your world. Natasha always ensured your safety and protection when you needed her most, and the time she needed you; you astronomically failed her. Your heart ached every night as you fell asleep, even more so in the mornings. The mornings were the worst as you would reach over to her side of the bed, expecting to feel her peaceful form breathing steadily next to you, but you are only met with the cold white sheets of your once shared bed. The cold sheets a heartbreaking contrast to her warm body.
You didn’t get a single night of uninterrupted rest, as the memory of Natasha fading to nothing in your arms would replay over and over like a song stuck in your head. You cried the first time you returned home on that fateful day. The walls of your apartment holding the memories of happier times, when she was still alive. Her coffee cup that she never washed and left on the counter every morning still sitting where she left it that very day. You didn’t have the heart to move it. You didn’t dare to move any of her things, leaving them where she had placed them. You wore all of her hoodies though, as they still held her scent. However, you went through all of her hoodies quickly, her scent fading away just like she had. You considered not staying in the apartment, the memory of her making it hard to breathe within the confines of your shared space. But, you didn’t have the heart to leave it either. Leaving your home felt like leaving her, although your true home was her.
You tried to hold out hope though. Every single day you would go to the Avengers Compound and oversee any occurrences. You would communicate with any avengers that were not in New York or simply not on earth such as Captain Marvel, Rocket, Rhodes, and Okoye. You got consumed by your need to compensate for the failure that changed your life and absolutely wrecked your self-esteem. Although you were stuck in the past, some of the other avengers tried to move past it. Tony and Pepper brought a beautiful daughter named Morgan into the world, you were so happy for them, albeit a bit envious. Steve joined a support group, Clint was.... somewhere doing lord knows what. But you remained in the compound, constantly ignoring your own well-being, unable to stomach the failure and desperately trying to find something to hold out hope. However, your stubbornness was not for naught, as one day, while Steve visited you at the Compound, Scott Lang appeared at the front of the Compound. As he explained about Quantum Physics and the possibility of time travel, hope made its way back to you full force. You could all quite possibly make things right again. This spark of hope didn’t ignite within you only, but it also coursed through the remaining avengers when they were informed of the insane, but good idea of time travel.
Time travel. That’s our only hope of restoring what used to be. It sounds absolutely insane, but it’s the only option we have. Just the fact that there even is an option, is a miracle. Tony took a little bit of time to be on board with the idea, but he came around and now all the avengers stand together on the platform. Clint and Rhodey were set to go to Vormir. You, Tony, Banner, and Steve were to go to New York. Nebula went to Morag, Thor and Rocket went to Asgard while Scott stayed behind. What felt like hours for the team, was only a minute in real time. As you all made it back to the present, you looked around at the entire team. “Did we get them all?” You turn to your right and look at Banner. “You mean to tell me this actually worked?” You asked with a wide smile. Suddenly, a thud is heard to your left.
The entire team looks at Rhodes, he is soaked and it is then you notice Clint’s absence. “Rhodey? Where’s Clint?” You ask nervously. Rhodes just looks up at the team with sorrow evident in his eyes. The whole room knew what that meant as it fell silent, you dropped to your knees. You were as close to Clint as Nat was, given he was your girlfriend’s best friend. Your soul was absolutely crushed by the news, and the fact that someone would have to tell his family about his sacrifice to bring everyone back was heart crushing. However, Clint’s death only fueled the motivation to get this over with once and for all. No one had time to truly mourn as now that the team retrieved the stones, the stones just needed to be placed into the gauntlet.
However, this was not the hardest part, no. The hardest part was figuring out who should actually snap their fingers. Thor, Tony, and yourself offered to do the snap, but Banner immediately intervened. “It’s gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive.” He said solemnly. “How do we know you will?” You asked him seriously. “We don’t, but the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s like, I was made for this.” He finished off, and everyone in the room begrudgingly agreed. Unfortunately, before Banner could even put his hands on the gauntlet, the compound was attacked by a huge explosion, sending everyone flying in different directions, some knocked out by the impact and buried beneath rubble.
You wake up with a groan, you entire body is aching. You slowly open your eyes and take in your surrounds. You are buried beneath the concrete of the compound. The once magnificent architectural building, now a destroyed foundation. You look to your right and notice that water is flooding into the area where you, Rhodes, and Rocket are trapped. You noticed that Rocket and Rhodes are both trapped under a piece of cement and you use your powers to lift it off of them before dropping it back onto the ground with a grunt.
You speak into comms, “Is anyone there? We’re trapped and are unable to get out of here. I can hold off the water, but I can’t get us back to the surface.” Your powers are strong, but it will take a great deal of energy to get yourself, Rhodes, and Rocket out of here. You have no clue how deep you guys are below the surface. But you could at least hold off the water until someone is able to save you all. Scott replies and says “I’m on my way, I’ll get you guys.” And you mumble a “thanks” before asking another question, “How on earth did this happen?” you ask this as you use your powers to form some sort of blockade to keep the water from drowning you all. Scott suddenly appears, going back to his regular size and says “Nebula was compromised. You guys better hang onto something,” as he turns into a giant and breaks you all out of the concrete cage you were held in.
As you all return to the surface, Scott places the three of you on the ground. You take notice of the state of Steve, Tony, and Thor. They are badly beaten as Thanos cowers over them. Your eyes widen as you notice the ships approaching behind Thanos, along with his army of thousands. You, Rocket, Rhodey, (and Gamora??) together, ready to attack. You have no time to question Gamora’s sudden seeming resurrection as you notice Banner is the only one missing from the bunch, nowhere to be seen. You turn to everyone as you point at the gauntlet in Gamora’s arms and speak “Protect that gauntlet at all costs, don’t let him get to it. As soon as Banner is spotted, give it to him so he can do the snap and end this, once and for all. Understand?” Everyone nods in acknowledgement at your words.
A sense of deja vu hits you as you turn to face the impending battle. Once again you all are drastically outnumbered, you all must stand and fight against Thanos once more. The only differences being that you all are 5 years older, half of the universe’s population is gone, and Natasha is not by your side. The entire team is angered that this happened in the first place and the desire and will to defeat the mad titan is as strong as its ever been. You all failed to protect the world and your loved ones once, you all refused to lose this battle again. You all have something to fight for. You all attack and after what felt like hours of fighting Thanos’ army, you notice Scott running with the gauntlet, and your eyes widen as Thanos makes his way towards Scott. You quickly throw the enemies you were dealing with, with the flick of your hand and rush for the titan head-on.
Using your vibrant blue powers, you strike Thanos with a powerful beam of energy. Thanos tries to block himself but is a little too late as he’s sent flying back. “You took everything from me.” You say angrily and with a vengeful conviction as your eyes turn blue and your blue powers waver across your hands, levitating you a few feet off the ground. The titan stares at you as he stands and says “I don’t even know who you are.” You look at him and tilt your head, and reply with a dangerous calmness, “You will.” You then end up encasing Thanos, holding him up high in the air, your powers acting as blue hands. You squeeze him with all the strength you can conjure up and start to rip off his armor without laying a finger on him. “Rain fire!” The titan exclaimed to his servant. “But sire, our troops.” “Just do it!” Thanos screams. Unfortunately, you were so caught up in your rage that you failed to notice what Thanos was saying. You were soon knocked out with a powerful blast from a ship above you. Your grip on Thanos no more as you flew across the field and were knocked unconscious.
You wake up and groggily try to take in your surroundings. Your entire team beat to the ground. Banner, Scott, and Clint are unconscious, and the rest of the team are too weakened to move. Captain Marvel was also here, when she got here? You have no idea, but that doesn’t matter as she was knocked out as well. However, at least the giant ships and Thanos’ army had been taken out. You guys did impressively well considering how outnumbered you all were. You look away from your battered teammates beside you and you feel panic wash over you. Above you, the massive titan stands, placing the gauntlet on his hand. No. He CANNOT get that gauntlet, you think in a panic. However, your body is too weak to get up, you still try to stand with every ounce of strength that’s left in your body, but to no avail. All of a sudden, you feel a tingling sensation from your hands that you have never felt before.
You look at your hands and notice little sparks of electricity forming. This has never ever happened before, your powers are a dark blue and are more like laser beams than sparks. What is happening? As you stared at your hands, you failed to notice Mjölnir rising beside Thor. Mjölnir abruptly launches itself into your hand, and you suddenly feel a surge of electricity flow through your veins, giving you a spark of energy. The people who are still conscious are shell-shocked as they had all tried and failed to wield the mighty hammer. You yourself had even failed to lift Mjölnir all those years ago before the Ultron situation, but now here you were, worthy and determined to win this battle. As you attempt to stand once more, Thor joyfully exclaims “I knew it!” At Thor’s words, Thanos stomps on Thor, successfully knocking the Asgardian God out cold.
You rise to your feet, the only thing on your mind being that you need to bring Natasha back. You charge at Thanos, rising off the ground as your dark blue powers mixed with the lightning of mjölnir radiate off of you. You struck the titan with a powerful, concentrated hit with Mjölnir before using up the most power you ever have. You manage to do damage to Thanos, but with the gauntlet on he manages to use the stones to fight against your own powers. As he hits you, he fails to notice you exchange the gauntlet with the stones, with another gauntlet that he failed to notice lying on the ground. As your body is flung like a ragdoll across the floor, you look up as Thanos says “I... am inevitable.” And he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens. He, along with everyone else looks confused as he does this. All of them were puzzled, except for you.
You get on your knees and place the real gauntlet on. The energy so powerful as it courses through your veins, it’s an intense burn as if your blood was made of fire, pumping through every part of your body. You look around at the team, the people you have grown to love and call a family. You know that this will be the end of you, but you are content with that. What better way to go than saving the world and bringing the love of your life back? The team seems aware of your fate as well, the sadness evident on the faces of the broken down avengers. It hurt them, but they knew it had to be done. They couldn’t stop you, even if they tried. You already had the gauntlet on and you had made up your mind. After one last glance at your family, you focus back on Thanos, who stares at you in shock. A human wielding the stones, that was a sight for sore eyes. The snap almost killed Thanos the first time, imagine now? You have powers of your own, yes, but you’re still a human. You take a deep breath, your mind is racing as it is taken over by thoughts of Natasha. How you’ll never get to see her red hair and green eyes sparkle again, how you’ll never hear her raspy laugh that warms you up inside, and how you’ll never have the future you both had always wanted together. But you remind yourself that this is all for her, and that was the final push you needed to follow through with this plan.
You stare Thanos dead in the eye again as you shakily say “I... Am...” you envision Natasha and her big bright smile as you finally say “an Avenger.” And with the snap of your fingers, a bright light consumes your body and radiates across the field. All you hear is the ringing in your ears and all you can focus on is the burning of your charred body. The conscious team members gather around you, they are all speaking to you but you can’t fully hear what they’re saying. They sound far away even though they’re right in front of you. You watch as Thanos and his little servants disappear into dust, just like half of the population did 5 years ago. You release a heavy sigh of relief at the sight.
You look back to Steve who’s directly in front of you. He reaches into his pocket and dials a number, and when he turns the phone towards you, you notice the contact name; Natasha. Steve’s eyes widen as the redhead actually answers her phone, it worked. He however, tried to swallow his shock as he let’s her know that you’ll be put on the line. He doesn’t have the heart to inform her of your condition. You use every muscle in your body just to reach out for the phone and grasp it in your hand. “Hello? Y/N, baby?? Where are you?? What happened??” You smile widely at the sound of her deep, raspy voice as your eyes slowly start to close. The team panics as they try to convince you to keep your eyes open just a little longer, Natasha’s voice sounding more concerned and alarmed at the coaxing of the team. We did it, we really did it... she’s okay... it’s okay... is your final thought as your eyes close even further. The darkness is so tempting and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into it, until you’re consumed by it. Never to see the light again.
2 weeks later
At your funeral, Nat was suspiciously devoid of emotion as the ceremony commenced. It was so weird for the team to see and they were genuinely worried. Natasha was always sure to not make her emotions known, it’s how she was trained as an assassin, but to show no emotion after losing the love of her life? Definite cause for concern. After the beautiful ceremony and burial, the team all returned to Tony’s cabin, he let the team know that there was something he needed to share with them. Tony stands before the team in his living room and places his iron man helmet on the mantle. He clears his throat before he begins, “Before the time heist, Y/N approached me and asked me a favor. They borrowed my iron man helmet and asked me to play this recording if things went south. So, this is me fulfilling their final wish.”
You appear as a hologram, sitting on a chair in your time heist suit. “So, if you’re watching this.. that means that I’m... yanno” and you make a throat slicing motion with a little laugh. You then realize that the people watching this will most likely not find humor in your little joke and immediately stop laughing. “I hope that in watching this, that means that we succeeded in bringing everyone back. It’s all we have been hoping and praying for, for the past 5 years. And I pray to God... or to Thor... that it worked out.” You actually laugh at your terrible attempt at a joke. Everyone in the room laughs at your corniness with tears in their eyes.
“If we did win, that must mean that you’re here Natasha.” You pause and take a deep breath. At the mention of the redhead, the room falls silent as Nat watches intensely, desperate to hear what you have to say to her. You proceed, your voice wavering as you were overcome with emotion, “I’m so sorry that I had to leave you so soon. I’m so sorry that we’ll never have the chance to get married and have little rascals of our own running around a little farmhouse of our own in the middle of nowhere like we always dreamt of. But, the day you left me, those 5 long years ago, a part of me left with you. And I would do anything to get you back, and I’m sure I’ve proven that to be true if you’re seeing this.” You take another break as your voice starts cracking, as Natasha finally let a tear escape.
You suddenly stand up, and move over to the camera, staring directly into it with an intense gaze. “But Nat, baby, you have to listen to me when i say that this is not the end of the world. It may feel like it, but I promise you it’s not. Those 5 years without you, I felt as though I was drowning in grief and despair, but then hope made its way into my life when Scott suddenly appeared on the steps of the compound. And I promise you that you will have hope again, not for my return, but for happiness in your life again, without me.” At your words, Natasha shakes her head furiously as silent tears steadily fall across her pale cheeks.
You giggle “I know you won’t believe me right now, but you will one day my love. You were wrong that day in Wakanda. You WILL survive this. You must move on eventually, as impossible as it sounds and as much as it kills me to say. Please do not give up on the world, don’t push everyone away, but let them in. I gave my life up so you could live yours, and I know you wouldn’t let my life go to waste.” You stop and look down at your watch. “I have to go now, if this time heist thing goes to plan, then everyone who vanished will return. God, I hope so.... I love you Natalia Alianovna Romanova.” You look down at your hands, and back up at the camera and say your final words.
“Remember...” you begin while moving closer to the helmet, “You could never lose me moya lyubov... I’m yours forever.” You smile tearily and the recording ends. Those last words were what finally did it for Natasha. All the emotion she was keeping bottled up broke loose and she had no control of the wheel of her emotions as she slammed head first into a breakdown. Natasha cried in sorrow as she mourned the possibilities that are no longer possible and screamed out in anguish for the unfulfilled promises of a happy, long life with you by her side.
The world had won, but Natasha had lost her world.
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bountyhunter-s-bane · 3 years
Pairings: Cad Bane x M!Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.6k+
Summary: Cad Bane and his apprentice hunter (Reader) wait out a thunderstorm on Ryloth. Neither seem to have much fondness for the weather (content warning for astraphobia)
Your latest hunt brought the pair of you to Ryloth. Not perhaps the wide welcoming landscapes or the friendlier towns (under siege by the Separatist forces), but every planet seemed to have a hidey-hole for the less hospitable kinds of people, such as smugglers and bounty hunters such as yourselves. This one was a bar stuck into the side of a cliff and surrounded by dozens and dozens of ramshackle huts for refugees trapped on the planet, either trying to eke out a living or waiting for the first opportunity to get to somewhere safer.
Cad Bane left his freighter outside the outskirts of this shanty town, and instructed you to stay and keep watch whilst he got to business. As you were left sitting there and waiting, staring at the lack of scenery, you figured you would have preferred to join him at the bar. The air was muggy and heavy and the wrong kind of warm, all alluding to the thick black clouds gathering on the horizon. Where you were now however was bright sunshine, and to keep from melting you took shelter under the wing of the fighter with Todo as company. The droid kept up light conversation, both of you bouncing discussion back and forth regarding your latest job. This one was apparently meant to be person gathering over information gathering, something that Cad tended to interchange depending on the current prices going. Both were often available after all, and both could be equally dangerous and fleeting. But for now, you were waiting on your contact to gain the whole picture for what you and Cad would be collecting.
The clouds were almost overhead before Cad returned from his meeting, about as stormy as the oncoming weather.
“Trouble?” you asked.
“Our information and money source didn’t turn up on time,” he grumbled. “I commed him only to find out he’s not going to be in until tomorrow. Waste of time.” He turned and thumped a hand against the side of the freighter, face wrinkled up further from frustration. You remained calm, albeit disappointed as well. The waiting times between missions were often the dullest times you had to deal with. Being made to wait reeked of a particular kind of person that neither of you enjoyed working for, so long as they paid up at the end.
“So we stay the night, wait for him in the morning,” you said, folding your arms as you lean against the side of the freighter. Cad looked down to you, an expression of grim resignation on his face. Taking a moment to rub at the bridge of his nose, he heaved out a tired sigh.
“That’s right,” he replied. You watched him as he slowly sat down on the ground next to yourself and Todo, digging into his coat for a toothpick to start chewing on. His irritation was rolling off him in waves. If you disliked being made to wait, he hated it. Sure, he could be patient while waiting on a target to come out into the open, but there was a difference between patience and being practically grounded on the planet. As he stared up towards the line of black clouds, he felt a gentle weight lean against his side. You shuffled quietly into more of a comfortable position, thinking perhaps that the motion was subtle, up until he raised an arm away from you and draped it heavily over your shoulders.
“The view’s nice at least,” you commented.
“I can agree to that. ‘Least until that storm hits.”
The storm finally broke a few hours later, the tension in the air about as thick as soup. Cad tasked you with going out and finding a place to get food from, which was much easier said than done when wandering about a ramshackle village. Eventually you were able to find a Twi’lek family serving out some wrapped up meals, a couple portions of which you obtained having bargained several credits and an hour of small-talk. It was difficult to bring in any information into this place, so people were getting what they could however they could. While the family seemed keen to move on, they weren’t going to risk getting a ride out with a bounty hunter and his apprentice, it seemed.
A sheet of rain cascaded down, causing you to flee back to the freighter, shielding several foil-wrapped parcels of hot bread and hunks of dried meat under your coat. There wasn’t exactly a kitchen or a section of the ship where a person would sit and eat, and so normally you and Cad would simply eat meals in the freighter’s cockpit where there were seats. Tonight Cad had set up a small burner for heat and extra light, over which you could hang up your sodden coat. With the majority dampness deposited to dry off, you handed over his portions in silence and plopped down into one of the seats. Raindrops pattered across the front viewport, filling some of the empty space as you both dug into the meal.
“It’s weird. It’s raining but still kind of warm”, you commented.
“That’s Ryloth storms for you. Be grateful for the warmth, it’ll get real chilly at night”, Cad replied.
Lightning flashed in the distance. You counted the passing seconds under your breath and around mouthfuls of food. Eventually the grrmmm of thunder sounded, but not before several other flashes of lightning had struck. The distant sound sent cold shudders down your back.
“Shouldn’t we be worried about the ship?” you asked nervously.
“It’s parked close enough to the cliff. Natural lightning rod. It’ll be fine,” Cad replied, hand-waving your concern. He trusted his own intuition on keeping his possessions safe, and so leaned back in his seat as he watched you sit back as well. 
“…I can’t actually remember the last time I saw a proper thunderstorm.”
“Don’t be sappy, lad. You get used to them, and sure get to hate them with some of the planets we gotta work on.”
“I’m not being sappy. I’m being grateful.” 
The lightning got closer, brighter. The thunder started to sound closer to each flash, becoming more harsh until it wasn’t a grumble and more of a CRACK. Cad blinked slowly, feeling more lethargic with the evening rolling in but still very much perceptive of the room. The lightning kept him on edge - too similar to a blaster flashing blue. He could see each flinch you made, the way you recoiled from the viewport in time with the loud thunder. It wasn’t the usual sort of fear he saw on your face when the pair of you faced a situation that had gotten out of hand, that sort of fear came with excitement and adrenaline. This fear was paired with a cold helplessness. 
“C’mon, get up,” he grumbled, getting to his feet and pulling you up from your seat as well, reaching out for the burner. “It’s getting late. It’s quieter in the bunk room anyway.” 
“It is?” 
“Yeah. Makes it easier to sleep and all.” For all his snark, there was an ulterior intent to Cad nudging you out from the cockpit. Discomfort remained in his gut even after moving you away, even now in the soft quiet where you relaxed. No rumbling thunder in here. True to Cad’s earlier warning, it’d gotten quite a bit colder, even in the cramped interior of the freighter’s bunk room. The burner was set on the holotable and cranked up, but that wasn’t going to keep anyone warm without hugging the little machine, and no-one wanted to burn the engine fuel for a cosy night if you were on ground instead of in space.
The silence turned weirdly heavy as you kicked off your boots and Cad draped his coat over one of the seats. You were already shivering from the change of temperature, and Cad wasn’t looking too hot either. By the time you’d set aside your jacket, you were glancing from your own personal bunk to the space that was blankets and leathers and pillows that Cad had built up for himself over time. While you were glancing at the bunk, Cad was looking at you. You were pretty sure you both had the same idea. And while you were hesitant to suggest it, Cad was anything but shy.
“Peh, get over here.” He grabbed your wrist and tugged you over the bunk. “If you got ill from the cold that’d cost us both credits and time.”
Your continued hesitation got you a firm nudge in the back that sent you teetering over to fall into the bedding.
“Kriff’s sake, that was uncalled for!” you snapped, much to Cad’s delight.
“Come on, you were acting like I was going to bite you.” His sly smile became a grin. “I mean, unless you-” 
“That is a conversation for another time,” you said, feeling heat rise rapidly in your cheeks. Cad snorted, sitting down into the bunk as well.
“Seems like the perfect time for this conversation.” Whatever response you had died on your lips as you felt a slight rumble through the ship, just noticeable enough to catch your attention. Cad noticed it too, the heated look in his eyes fading as the moment slipped itself into the cold room, and he settled in close to your side. 
“....So….” Your words trailed off.
“Just get your rest. And stay close to me.”
Rain clattered softly off the metal overhead as the thunderstorm passed overhead. Sometimes you could feel another rattle in the metal of the ship, and you wondered whether it was thunder or your own imagination. Cad was fast asleep, but part of you knew that he’d be awake the moment something bad happened. He’d also managed to coil himself around you, contact generating warmth while one arm rested heavily over your chest. Possessive. Comforting. For all his grit and teeth (and you did think about those teeth more than you probably needed to), he pulled out stops to keep you alive and well under his wing. You’d noticed this protective streak with all his possessions, and wondering if he considered you as such. And really, how bad was that in the end, when he held you like this and gave you that smug grin that caught your tongue so often.
You relaxed and let yourself fall asleep as well, to the sound of the rain.
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