#gowther angst
librathefangirl · 4 months
A Debt to Pay - Chapter 3
ao3 (Chapter 3/4; 3.3k+)
As the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins rushes to mount a rescue for their missing captain, Meliodas struggles to survive Galvina's rage.
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Torture, Kidnapping.
I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last posted something on ao3… hi. I originally wanted to put the rest of this story in one chapter but it kept growing lol, so we're doing 4 chapters now :)
Read the previous chapters here! Read chapter 3 on ao3 or under the cut!
A loud rumble suddenly broke through the tension that hung over the room. The weapons rattled violently against the wall as the ground swayed under their feet. Though, the latter might have just been Meliodas’ perception. Maybe he had lost more blood than he initially thought? Galvina who had only been a few steps away from him – dagger raised and eyes glowing with determination and rage – now stood frozen and wide-eyed. Meliodas could see her listening. Her ears twitched, taking in the far-away sounds. Meliodas didn’t even bother to try to do the same. Between the blood loss and the power inhibiting cuffs – their imagined buzz still filling his head – his energy felt depleted. Galvina’s gaze flickered back and forth between him and the door several times. Her grip on the dagger tightened.  Then she finally let out a frustrated sigh; the air rushed past her lips in a quick, harsh puff.
Meliodas couldn’t stop the flinch as Galivina surged forward without warning. The dagger was still raised in her hand. He closed his eyes instinctively, letting the comfort of darkness surround him as he waited… waited for the pain. It never came. Only the same old agony from his leg, and the soft throbbing of his arm – but nothing new. Nothing torturous, nothing lethal. Meliodas opened his eyes again just in time to see Galvina disappear out the door with a muttered curse. He was left alone. The curved dagger was embedded into the wall right above his head. A mere inch lower and it would have cut straight through his hair, possibly even his skull.
Another rumbling was heard in the distance. No, not rumbling. This was something else. Without having to focus on the threat of Galvina’s rage, Meliodas strained his ears, pushing past the exhaustion. He tried to catch the distinct characteristics of the sound this time; tried to picture the source behind it. It wasn’t a rumble – it was a roar. Yes, Meliodas was sure of it. This wasn’t a sound made by nature. This rumbling-like roar belonged to a beast. It could have been a dragon, or maybe some native creature to this pocket dimension? It was too far away and Meliodas too unfamiliar with the land to know for sure. It was, however, getting closer. A third roar sounded – this one more loud and clear than the others. A few smaller weapons threatened to fall off their hooks as the walls shook once more. The spear in Meliodas’ leg was jolted as well, bringing out new waves of pain and blood.
It made sense why Galvina had suddenly left. She probably knew better what exactly kind of beast was approaching her small little hideout. Meliodas didn’t need that information to know they’d be in trouble if it actually found them. Demons were hardly the most dangerous beings in existence, not even within their own realm. And here they were intruders. If Galvina’s attempts to steer the beast away – which Meliodas was assuming was what she was doing – failed, then… 
Well, it would be kind of ironic, wouldn’t it? Or maybe it was more poetic? Two demons, hated and spurned for crimes against their own kind, facing their demise together while stuck in a drama that almost felt irrelevant now with the Demon King dead. So much of the past had been changed. Yet still, emotions and mistakes seemed eternal and immutable to the passage of time. Even in peace, the victims of war remained, desperately screaming for a fairness that didn’t exist…
Meliodas wasn’t sure how long he remained there, waiting for his would-be murderer to return and finish her work. His right pant leg was soaked a deep red. The blood that had now pooled under his feet stole what precious little grip he had on the ground. The pressure on his shoulders and wrists were even greater than before. His arm cried, his leg screamed. He was so, so tired. None of this was anything new – Meliodas had faced death many, many times before. So, why did this one feel so… different? It wasn’t just the finality of it now that the curse was broken. From the very start, with every new moment, the control Meliodas had had over the situation had just become less and less and less.
Is this goodbye?
Meliodas had gone into this knowing how it would likely end. He had known what kind of person Galvina was, had known her history, and also what that combination would probably mean for him and Gowther. He had… He had given up from the start, hadn’t he? Meliodas had gone into this with an acceptance of how it would likely end.
I hope not.
What the hell was he doing?
The thought snapped right through his mind, clearing the hazy fog that had slowly but surely settled there. Meliodas was no real stranger to the concept of resignation either. He had given up several times over the years and years of being alive. None of them had been like this though. They had always come with loss, with failing time and time again, with some sort of a fight. This time, there had only been a resignation to the end. Sure, Meliodas had fought Galvina back in Britannia – but that had been for Gowther’s life. Not for his life. Not for a happy ending. He had fought to win the battle, not the war.
What was he doing? 3,000 years of fighting against their parents’ cruel curses and now he was just giving up? Leaving Elizabeth alone? Letting his sacrifice be the last memory Gowther had of him. No. No, this time Meliodas wasn’t ready to die. He might have thought he was, but he wasn’t. He had too much left to lose.
The problem was, he was quite literally chained and pinned to a wall. Soon Galvina would come back and continue the torture. If Melidoas was going to have a chance to get out of here, he would have to do it before that happened. While he still had the mind and strength left to do something. First things first, the spear. It had to go. Meliodas glanced down at the weapon stuck in his leg with a growing frustration. Normally, he would just rip it back out – the damage could be dealt with, the pain would pass. Unfortunately, that would require actually reaching the spear with his hands, which were currently firmly cuffed above his head. As it was, Meliodas would have to pull his leg from the spear instead. It could work. The spear was embedded far into the wall, it would remain where it was. He only needed to get the grip to do it. That was his second problem. The floor had become slick with blood and he could barely even reach it to begin with. There was no way he could get enough of a grip on the floor to maneuver his body the way he needed too. Not to mention that his injuries and blood loss was less than ideal. He had strength left, yes, but nowhere near as much as he normally had.
However, Meliodas was no stranger to keep fighting when it felt like the universe was against him either. He had given up before, and he was still here for a reason. Well, he was still fighting for a reason. They had won not only because of the strength and love he had found in the people he cared about, but also because of the sheer stubbornness that they all seemed to share. Meliodas would keep fighting. He couldn’t let the possibility of anything else cloud his mind again.
If the floor wasn’t an option, he would just have to use something else. A little bit of improvisation. He could do that. Meliodas looked around again, studying the restraints that kept him dangling too high; the cuffs, the chain to the ceiling, even the hook connecting them both. They were limiting his reach. Maybe, he could use that limitation to his advantage. Pushing himself up on his toes, careful no to slip, Meliodas grabbed hold of the chain above his head with his hands and pulled. The cuffs strained against his wrists and his shoulders burned. The wound in his arm made itself reminded as it felt like he was going to tear his arm off. Meliodas didn’t stop. He continued pulling until he was completely off the floor. He couldn’t lift himself up without moving his right leg. If the action had made it feel like he was tearing his arm off, his leg felt like it had already been ripped off – two times over. More and more pain rippled through his body. Still, he didn’t stop. He couldn’t. Besides, he had lost limbs before. He could handle this. There was no other option. Gritting his teeth, Meliodas focused on what he needed to do next. Without wasting any time – or giving himself time to think about it – Meliodas shoved his left foot against the wall behind him and pushed off at the same time as he swung his body forward.
For a brief moment the pain almost caused him to black out – but it worked. The motion tore the spear from his leg, or rather, his leg from the spear. His vision blurred as he slammed back against the wall hard. The air got knocked out of his lungs and he barely avoided getting impaled back on the spear. Breathing heavily, Meliodas leaned his head back against the wall, trying to get all portions of his body to just… stop hurting. He was only having mild success.
And that’s when the door slammed open. Galvina was back.
Meliodas pushed his leg against the side of the spear. It was obvious to anyone who actually looked that he no longer was impaled – but maybe Galvina wouldn’t look. If she did, well, Meliodas wasn’t sure how she would react, nor what he himself would do about it. However she reacted it probably would not work in his favor. Actually, she already seemed more agitated the moment she stepped back into the room. She also kept throwing glances back at the door. The rumbling hadn’t been heard in a while, but Meliodas had a feeling their peace – if you could even have that with your torturer and potential would-be murderer – would be short-lived.
It didn’t matter. Meliodas had no intention of sticking around here. He had people who waited on him. He had already set the wheels in motion. There was no way he was going to quit now. He had to get out of here. Though, Galvina was not going to give up either. That meant he would have to get out of here and away from her. With a punctured leg, injured arm, and cuffed hands. Oh, and without his powers too. Admittedly, it was a lot easier said than done. Especially considering the fact that he was still dangling from the ceiling. Meanwhile, Galvina was only hindered by her barely contained rage, which was just as likely to lead to his early death as it was to help him escape.
Galvina slammed the door behind her, sharp nails scratching against the wood. She stopped for a moment – to regain control of her emotions? – breathing heavily through her nose. Meliodas glanced up at the hook and chains again. He was running out of time. Any moment Galvina would notice the spear. He looked at the angle of the hook, the small space between its opening and the wall behind him; he glanced at Galvina, her height, her build, the rage that was still so clearly visible on her face. Despite everything, this day was not going as she had planned either. Better than Meliodas’ no doubt, but she, too, was losing control. As she walked across the room again, it was clearly written in her movements; fast and angry, rash. No plan or real thought behind them. This was where Meliodas had to do better. Galvina was acting on instinct. Her actions were ruled by emotions, where his had to be ruled by logic. He had probably two seconds left to analyze the situation and decide his next move. It was fine. This was what he knew; how to keep fighting no matter the circumstances. 
Galvina came to a stop in front of him. Her gaze landed on his leg. A new level of rage pulled her lips back into a fanged growl. She lunged forward – for the dagger still embedded in the wall? For Melidoas’ throat, ready to end it all? He wasn’t sure. But she moved, so he had to as well.
As Galvina threw herself forward, Meliodas retook his grip on the chain above him, as high above the hook as he could reach. He lifted his legs. Swung himself forward as soon as he could. The chain slipped in his hands, his grip clumsy. He drove his legs forward – despite his awkward hold – despite the pain in his leg – despite knowing how much worse the pain was about to get. He didn’t give himself time to hesitate. Their bodies collided like the swords of a duel. Except here, there was no clash of steel, and neither of them remained standing. The second Meliodas felt Galvina’s weight under his feet, he pushed off. As hard as he could. 
With the use of two feet and Galvina’s opposite movement, the force was even greater than before. They were both thrown backwards. Meliodas let go off the chain, praying he had pulled himself high enough. For a moment, it was like time had slowed down. At least to Meliodas it felt like it. He could feel the pain in his leg, constant but in a way also new, what with him suddenly using it regardless of the injury. Fresh blood spilled from the holes in his skin. The wind whipped harshly as he got shoved through the air; it whipped his skin, felt ice cold against his burning injuries, threw his hair down in his eyes. Meliodas couldn’t see the handcuffs pull free from the reach of the hook, but he felt it. He felt it in the air around his hands and in the distinct lack of anything pulling him harshly back. Joy and relief surged through him – it worked! – then time sped up to normal. 
Meliodas slammed against the wall. First his back, then his head. Then everything turned black.
– X –
He couldn’t have been out long. Probably no more than a few seconds, because when Meliodas opened his eyes, Galvina was still sprawled awkwardly on the ground. She gasped where she lied on her back, struggling to recover from the fall – and likely having her breath knocked from her body – just as Meliodas was. But that was all Meliodas let himself take in. He didn’t have time to think about Galvina or the way his lungs were still playing catch-up. If he did, he would lose the miniscule chance he had worked so hard to create for himself. He threw his sprawling limbs over one another, shoved his hands against the ground, and used his good leg to force himself upright. He tilted to the left for a moment, taking the weight off his still bleeding leg.
And then he ran.
It wasn’t ideal. It was so, so far from ideal. Meliodas would have preferred to fly. It would have been quicker and wouldn’t have required the use of his legs. Unfortunately, with the power inhibiting cuffs still secured around his wrists, that wasn’t an option. So Meliodas ran. His injured leg threatened to floor him with each step – but he kept going, shoving the pain into a tiny little corner in his mind. Survive first. He could deal with everything that made him want to just stop and collapse to the ground later. The blood loss was starting to become a bother, but he had dealt with worse. He could deal with this too. Any other option wasn’t an option.
Meliodas ran past Galvina’s form on the floor. He had barely made it to the door when she let out an outraged shriek behind him. He didn’t waste time to look back and see if she had made it off the floor yet. Instead, he threw himself against the door. Just as he had expected, Galvina hadn’t locked it this time either. She hadn’t thought she would need to. The thought made Meliodas grin. It seemed there would always be people who would underestimate him. How close her prediction had come to being right, he didn’t dare to think about. It made him quiver with an unsteadiness that he couldn’t blame the blood loss for. Meliodas had given up. He’d come so terribly close to condemning himself to a death at Galvina’s hands… With even more determination, Meliodas forced his legs to run faster, even as the light outside blinded him. The light had shifted. It wasn’t necessarily darker, but it was changed somehow, showing the time that had passed. How much time? Well, that was another thing to deal with later. As was how the hell he would even get back to Britannia. Right now, Meliodas had to survive long enough to get to later. Which meant getting away from Galvina.
Meliodas turned towards the west, steering his steps in the direction he thought he had last heard the roar of the beast. 
– X –
Gowther supposed that he should have felt hopeful as the Seven Deadly Sins arrived in the pocket dimension that Merlin had located Galvina and Meliodas too. They were so close now. After hours of Meliodas being missing. But perhaps that was why Gowther felt nothing but dread. It had been hours. Hours, during which Galvina could have already killed Meliodas. Gowther had already watched Meliodas die once – he did not want to experience it again. Especially when he was the one to blame for it in the first place.
Whatever hope the others felt, they seemed to share in Gowther’s dread as well; Ban had barely even said a word since their departure from Liones. They had also left Elizabeth and Escanor behind. For Escanor’s part, it had been his own idea, having felt like he would only be a hindrance and desperately not wanting to get in the way of whatever chances they had of a successful rescue. Elizabeth on the other hand, had required a lot of convincing. It had taken much back-and-forth from Merlin to even get her to consider the idea of not coming along. In the end, Gowther suspected she had only agreed to ensure they didn’t waste any more of Meliodas’ time. Merlin had made it clear that she would not back down this time. Elizabeth surrendering was the quickest way to get Meliodas help. Although, perhaps just maybe, Elizabeth had relented because she shared in Gowther’s fears. He wasn’t sure she could handle finding Meliodas’ lifeless body again – if that was how it would end. It was a possibility none of them dared to voice, but all of them were thinking. As it were, Elizabeth and Merlin’s decision was illogical. Elizabeth’s goddess powers could be crucial, perhaps even the difference between life and death. She was also just as capable – if not more – than the rest of them to deal with whatever Galvina might do, and Liones would be safely protected by its Holy Knights. It would have made more sense to bring Elizabeth with them. That was, if they were assuming they would find Meliodas still alive. 
Gowther couldn’t really blame her for staying behind. A part of him wanted to do so as well, to hide away and pretend this was all just a long nightmare.
“So, where to now?” King asked as they all took in the new land around them. He and the others glanced at Merlin. Gowther didn’t need to. He already knew the answer. He could feel Galvina’s magic. It called to him like a beacon; a black hole holding the truth Gowther wasn’t ready to face.
Still, he raised his hand and pointed, “They’re over that way, about 9.8 miles.”
There was one other thing none of them dared to voice; they couldn’t feel Meliodas’ magic.
To Be Continued...
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nostalgicbookworm · 2 years
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— this was the final chapter, a heartbreaking epilogue of our sad story.//t.c
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seven deadly sins masterlist
What the Goddesses do in Their Free Time
His Best Friend
Ban and King- Modern Au
Gowther Coffee Shop Au
Orlandi, Nanashi, and Arthur Friendship Headcanons
Escanor High School AU
Monderi Headcanons
Helbram x King
Gowther x King
Gowther and King Sickness Headcanons
How the Sins Deal with a Hangover
King and Elizabeth Friendship Headcanons
Sins Found a Stray Bunny Headcanons
Merlin, King, and Gowther Pregnancy + Parenting
Meliodas Sickness Headcanons
The Seven Deadly Sins as Babies
Sick Nanashi Headcanons
How The Seven Deadly Sins Would React If Their S/O Was A Transmale And Had A Kid In A Previous Relationship
Sins Reaction to Sad Gowther
King, Diane, and Gowther With Hiccups
Zeldris Fluff
Galand on the Sins Side
Seven Deadly Sins Highschool AU
Gowther x Slader
The New Family Member
Drole x Gloxina
Nanashi with a Witch S/O
Sassy King and Gowther
Sins Working at a Fast Food Place
The Sins Reaction To COVID 19
Ban x Bookworm S/O
Sharing Session Part 1
Favorite Dog Breeds of the Sins + Elizabeth
Sharing Session Part 2: Angst Event Fic One
A Disease of Love: Angst Event Fic Two
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kaeyankat · 2 years
What I'll write for
Oneshots, headcanons (All x reader, no ocs or canon x canon)
Some au's or themes I'm good with: Yandere, poly, love triangle, celebrity, monster au, etc. Themes I WILL NOT WRITE FOR ANY CHARACTER: Angst (Death of character or reader included), cheating, r^pe, abuse, certain Kinks (Non-con, bathroom kinks, extreme pain, etc)
In mature posts, all underage characters are AGED UP past 18.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Howser, Gilthunder, Griamore, Slader, Arthur, Helbram, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Estarossa, Monspeet
One Piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Akainu, Smoker, Coby, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Marco, Kid, Killer, Law, Buggy, Crocodile, Cracker, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Fairy Tail
Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus, Bickslow, Freed, Elfman, Lyon, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Bacchus, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, Jellal, Midnight/Macbeth, Erik/Cobra, Zancrow, Mard Geer, Jackal, Zeref, Acnologia, Larcade
Vampire Knight
Kaname, Zero, Ichiru, Akatsuki,Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma
My Hero Academia
All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Vlad King, Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Monoma, Mirio, Tamaki, Shinso, Enji, Keigo, Fat Gum, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Pokkle, Silva, Chrollo, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Uvogin, Wing
Potentially Others, Ask. But these are the main characters. I do not do Females.
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[ooc] trina-as-white-king asker here… i really enjoyed the previous post expanding on your thoughts. this too is mostly just rambling, please feel free to discard this from your inbox, i’m just so mesmerized by miquellatrina relationship and want so much to talk deeply about them with someone haha, analysis on them like the ones you’ve written down is such a salvation.
trina in her capacity as a maiden in the tower, as it is, has been really fascinating to me, even more so for the fact that i think she is much less passive than most are to believe. since elden ring is so entrenched in arturian ideals i always loved her as the lady of the lake. trina is submerged in water, her roots growing deep, her connection to lilies a light link to 'the romance of the water lily' being one of the lady's earliest written records. the proverbial sword the lady gives being the intangible, desperate & translucent instillation of the all consuming desire to kill miquella, once being hers, now passed down to thiollier & most of all the player. an analysis in the same vein of the same way you could interpret her and miquella’s respective positions as hell and heaven, physically the highest point and the lowest point. miquella ascends to heaven by casting trina to hell, to rebirth and give new life violence is a necessary thing.
it all entwines so nicely with your alchemization view on them — before the dlc released i had wanted trina to be specifically more masculine as a contrast to miquella… trina as the white king is so deeply satisfying for me because of this. you speak of her like an equalizer, which i agree with: even in the domain of sleep, i don’t believe any of the demigods are unique to it. a balancing beam act that she holds in place with her own too hands, the saint balancing the scales. her and miquella both bear such weight for children!
& the trans readings for miquella.. so delicious. i favor transfem miquella so tenderly but i really like what you’ve put down here! the desire be freed from the confines of the princess and the tower. trina being the opposite to him is really sweet to me too.. but i can imagine her just forsaking all of it, the will and the answer beyond any system. the cherry on top for me — you mentioned in your other post miquellatrina being, romantic like an experimentation for curiosity around lust. i was thinking about this for so long too! i think there’s a love there too deep and entrenched to reduce to simple physicality but on some level i don’t think the game tells you that marika and radagon’s relationship bore fruit despite them being one-of-the-same-whole just for you to think that their child’s relationship with his own other self was entirely chaste. i really enjoy them being the measure of all of each other… a first time together and perhaps a last as well. they follow in the path of their parents but something is vitally missing. what does it mean to be a child, eternally, what can they not have, and what can they freely take? what is allowed to them, and what is given, and what can they take? they’re so very similar but too different that they would always have been doomed to separation, in some grotesque and beautiful way. anyways. in any case they’re so so beloved to me i’ll definitely be thinking about these ideas for a while.
Ohhh my god I love all of this. I love all of this so much. And I definitely agree with transfem Miquella, I've just been going the angst route of "for my goals and what I want I can't AFFORD to be a woman", shoving down who he's meant to be for practicality's sake. He'd sacrifice anything for his sister. Including himself, and his own wants. He's already dealing with the age dysphoria, more on top of that is nothing right?
I NEED to read more Arthuriana, I've just read a couple of obscure ones like Sir Gowther and that one about the lord cursed to be a werewolf, and then I listen to a lot of Arthuriana-themed music sometimes. Tarnished Silver by Heather Dale is one I actually put on my Trina playlist.
I also absolutely analyze and characterize them through the lens of DID. It's not entirely accurate, obviously, considering the strong fantasy elements of everything going on, but the relationship between headmates is something really hard to explain or define well and I love slipping stuff like that into my writing. Like... you grew up together, so that could make you siblings, but it doesn't. You technically have the same family, but really only one of you does. No one else can love you like someone who has seen every thought and reason firsthand. You live inside eachother and haven't spoken in months. You miss eachother even though you have the same heartbeat. You kiss a boy for the first time but the person that finishes the kiss isn't you. It's complicated.
They're so very very wonderful and I'm so glad people are enjoying my rambles, PLEASE come back and ramble anytime.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep7-12 !!
(Still from my drafts! Just moved back to college yesterday and today and classes start tomorrow. Wish me luck! My schedule sucks this year so I'll need it lol)
man this is flying by!! but lucky me, the druids’ holy land arc is one of my favorites
King learning throughout this season that not only does he need the other Sins, but they need and love him is so sweet. I just love the character development they all go thru this season
draw him like one of your french girls ~~
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I love that Matrona has purple eyes like Diane, the small details really make it
I actually NEED to know what Monspeet and Meliodas’s relationship was prior to his betrayal. “I can’t believe HE’S the one who sensed us” ?? Whats that about🤨 also zeldris and monspeet seem to have been in good terms, like were they all friends?
I don’t know how its possible, but Monspeet’s voice is even hotter in spanish
I love that despite galand not being able to lie, they still don’t believe his stories lol
KAJSDKWUDFL I forgot how shocked i was with the reveal that Merlin stole Mel’s power i just love the druid training arc sm
theyre so silly i love them
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do we know why jenna and zaneri don’t have wings? are they just hidden with magic or something??
okie so apparently they’re just inhabiting human bodies and their real bodies had wings. found this on the wiki, do we know where the info comes from?
WAIT do jenna and zaneri know elizabeth?? Like KNOW her?
HAHAHA this part always destroys me
ngl the best thing seven deadly sins as an narrative does is portray the intense agony and trauma from mel and ellie’s curses
anyway... the fact that Meliodas and Zaratras were of equal rank when they met is kinda funny
the absolute horror on meliodas’s face when he hears liz is just PERFECT
liz is so slay she’s everything i want elizabeth liones to be
King: uhh hey jenna...🥺 what are you planning to have us do in there😓
Jenna: isnt it obvious??? 🤨 rigorous training 😤😤
the way they cut btwn scenes of meliodas abt to lose it and him and liz being happy is just so well done
I love that they were trying to get Meliodas to abandon his emotions to keep his rage in check and then when he actually has no emotions we find out that he’s straight up evil and much, MUCH worse than before lol
the tears pooling on their insanely pointy chins always gets me lol. but also mel just violently sobbing and then suddenly being fine. Mans has serious issues with repression that can def be drawn to his daddy issues
BAN/ZHIVAGO ARC😭😭😭 a few observations: Ban is very clearly influenced by Zhivago’s style, like the clothes are so similar, the fact that they sent Ban to Aberdeen prison and his favorite is Aberdeen ale makes me think he associates it with his dad, Zhivago was hot, Ban mirrors Zhivago’s words to him to Elaine, Zhivago tells Ban to never trust humans and the only humans he ends up trusting are Escanor and Jericho, zhivago has lived in misery about the deaths of his children for almost 40 years :(
idk why this is one of my fave arcs it’s literally just angst lol
gil and howzer as boyfriends. Discuss.
seeing gowther fight hand to hand is actually pretty cool, i had assumed he was weak like king but he can hold his own
how did king not clue in when galand literally opened with “Meliodas its been such a long time” like BABE CMON
meliodas just mocking king for his lack of wings is always funny. nothing like a dick joke to make you feel better after Zhivago’s death
I HAVE to do a meliodas self hatred/relationship to being a demon post, i have so many thots
monspeet shielding Derieri from the rocks with his cape🥺
melascula is so sassy i love her
estarossa is my deranged babygirl i love him. that fucking freak
taizoo is a bottom.
meliodas somehow has 15 year old rizz. like the fucking blond boys.
(not so) fun fact: Elaine is my mom’s name so its a little weird
nakaba’s size kind seriously needs to be studied
okie doke that’s it join us next time !!
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animehime94 · 2 years
Grudge of Edinburgh Part 1 Thoughts
First of all, animation quality is weird. They used 3D CGI 🤦
Tristan seems like Boruto 2.0 with his angst and daddy issues 😅 He accepts his angel side, but refuses his demonic powers. I don't blame him though. I hope he will have some good quality time with Meliodas in part 2. Having both powers and wanting to be a Holy Knight to save people is an interesting dream for Tristan.
One of my favorite scenes was him and Gowther riding horses together. Gowther is a wholesome uncle and he even got an upgrade on his glasses 🥹He can see people's organs to tell how they were hurt. I'm guessing Merlin gave him the upgraded glasses.
Lancelot was interesting too! I thought he was human, but he also inherited Elaine's powers. He had a good dynamic with Tristan.
Now it's time to introduce my favorite character of this movie!
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I'm so happy we finally got to see her! She looks so cute 🥰🥰🥰 I hope she can transform in a way similar to Lancelot, but even if she can't it's fine.
As for the villain I was a bit confused because I forgot his name and thought he was Denzel. But his grudge and motives make some sense.
Last but not least, this is a good connection between 7ds and 4kota but PLEASE USE A GOOD STUDIO AND STOP DROPPING THE ANIMATION QUALITY 🤦🤦🤦
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Anime I write for right now are
Seven Deadly Sins
Arthur Pendragon
Platonic! Meliodas
Record of ragnarok
Jack The Ripper
Sasaki Kojiro
Lu Bu
Platonic! Adam
Things I do write
Nsfw/ slight nsfw
Pegging (although it might not be good)
Things I don't write
Non-con/Dub-con (I just can't write it)
Abuse and stuff like that
If you would like to request ideas and such pls do
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muichiroslover · 3 years
I saw you made a part two on the meliodas angst.
I was wondering if you could make a part two of that ban angst where ban runs into y/n years later. Cuz she survived the demon by jumping into a deep body of water somehow and washed up somewhere.
I just think its would be pretty cool 😅
Oooo yes! I changed up the story a little if you don’t mind! I hope you enjoy this!
Part 1 here!
Pairing: Ban x fem! reader (pt 2)
Warnings: none!
Genre: Angst
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Meliodas sits at the bar as Ban cooks up some food for when the boar hat opens
“Hey Ban have you heard about that masked hero going around?” Meliodas asks as he gets himself a cup of beer
Ban turns around placing down a simple breakfast plate
“I’ve heard of them” he says shrugging and the door opens to show a excited Diane
“Are you guys talking about the masked hero?? I heard that she’s actually a girl!” She says excited as she sits close to Ban and Meli
“Oh yeah? I wanna meet this Masked hero, after all with her around she’s been taking all of our work” Meliodas says cheerfully
“Eh she doesn’t sound that interesting” Ban says dismissively and Diane rolls her eyes at that
Finally when the team had all arrived they were just chatting when all of a sudden their were booms and explosions, they all got up with haste
“That’s our call” Merlin says
“Please stay safe Ban” Elaine says and he nods
they all begin to leave the boars hat, they quickly follow the sound of the noises and screams
But by the time they had gotten there they were surprised to see a person fighting the last demon, a mask covering their lower face and a hood over them that pulled down to a cloak
“Is that-“ King begins surprised as the person finishes off the last demon and the people cheer and praise them
“That fighting style looks familiar, though I can’t quite put my finger on it” Merlin says putting a finger to her chin in thinking
“Well let’s not let her get away! I wanna ask her some questions!” Meliodas says excitedly as he starts walking towards the person
“Captain!” Diane shouts following after him and King sighs as he follows and so does the rest of the team
The person was adjusting their mask and putting their weapon away getting ready to leave until
“Hey! Masked hero, nice to meet cha! I’m meliodas!” A voice suddenly says next to them, they slowly look to the side and down at the little man who was grinning widely at them
The team soon gets closer as well causing the person to back up
“We won’t hurt you, our captain here is just too curious” King sighs as he sits up criss crossed on his floating pillow
The person still didn’t make a move to get closer or speak as she basically glared at the group in front of them
“Is it just me or is she glaring at us” King sweat drops and Gowther nods
“She is in fact glaring at us, after all we left her to die” he says and the whole team looks at him confused
That’s when Merlins eyes widened
“Y/n?” She asks and it falls silent as the masked person makes a ‘tch’ sound, slowly they remove their hood and pull down their mask
Your eyes looked tired and dead and your face void of emotion, you had a scar that took up most of your right cheek now and your hair was slightly disheveled
Everyones eyes widen upon seeing you and your new appearance
“W-we thought you died” Diane says, tears starting to form in her eyes and you stare blankly at them
As the demon grabbed you you believed this was the end and that your life would end here because of your stupid love for a guy who never loved you
you thought you could accept that
you were wrong, you used the wine bottle you were drinking and broke it, you stabbed it into the demons hand that was gripping you and it let you go dropping you to the floor in pain
You got up quickly, limping a bit and started running as fast as you could, the demon didn’t stay still for long as it chased you, you started running towards the boars hat, but you suddenly stopped
It’s not like they were looking for you, in fact the one you thought you could trust the most left you for dead, you grit your teeth, running back to the place you dropped your weapon you find it and pick it up, you skillfully kill the demon and drop to the ground
You were in a lot of pain, the injuries were brutal, usually Merlin would heal you right up but now
You shakily get up
You limp around and end up leaving the town, you go to a town a few towns away and end up collapsing, when you wake up you slowly sit up to look around the infirmary type room, the door opens and a guy looks up and smiles
“You’re awake, I was afraid that you would be asleep for a day or two” he says and you get on guard, he noticed this and smiles kindly
“Don’t worry I won’t hurt you, I saw you collapsed and wanted to help, you can leave if you want but don’t push yourself too hard with those injuries” he says and you furrow your brows slightly as you slowly slip out of the bed
You keep an eye on the doctor who was fixing the bed you left and sighed when you realized he truly had no bad intentions
“Uh..thanks” you mutter and he turns around and lightly smiles
“You’re welcome”
It was like that for the rest of the months you were missing, you’d go out and fight demons then come back to Dr. Ealis’ office
“Jeez Y/n, this time is really bad” He says as he mixes potions together, you groan “Sorry Ea, they were tougher then I thought” you say as he sighs and hands you the light blue potion
“It’s fine, just don’t be too reckless” He reprimands and you roll your eyes as you chug the potion
Ealis also was the one who gave you the mask and cloak, he’s the only person you felt you could truly trust in this world
Flashback over
The team stand guiltily silent as you stared at them blankly
“That’s how I survived being left behind by my ex boyfriend Ban for his ex girlfriend Elaine�� you deadpan looking directly at Ban who looks away from you
“We’re so sorry Y/n...” Merlin says not knowing how else to respond to this, Ban was biting his tongue to stay quiet, this hurt for some reason
You sighed as you pull back on your mask and pull your hood up
“I don’t care anymore, I’m fine as I am now and don’t need to rely on this team” you say
“Don’t say that! Please come back!” Diane cries and you close your eyes
“I’ll pass, I escaped death once, I won’t put myself in the position to have to escape it again, goodbye” you say and before they could say anything you were already off, they stood in shock and guilt
Ban covered his face as he sunk to the floor, a tear slipping out
“This is my fault, I’m sorry y/n”
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sydns · 2 years
AU idea ?
7ds au where Derieri manages to take the commandment of reticence from Estarossa, but she just cages it & dips cause she says it's only thing she has left of Monspeet.
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Title: What Does Love Feel Like?
Rated: General Audiences
Pairing: Meliodas/Elizabeth
Warnings: N/A
Complete: Yes
Author: CaramelPenguin
Elizabeth has a question. With most of the sins out buying herbs with Ban, she decides to ask the Captain.
For ExistingIsFun.
Ello, Fun! :)
You wrote something for me, so it's only fair I return that. I'm sorry it's short but...yh.
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librathefangirl · 1 year
A Debt to Pay - Chapter 2
ao3 (Chapter 2/3; 2/4k+)
Febuwhump Day 19: "You deserve this".
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Torture, Kidnapping.
At long last: chapter 2!! ;D
It should be noted that this fic does not follow canon timeline. The defeat of the Demon King has happened, but Escanor is still alive and the whole chaos thing with Merlin has not happened.
Read Chapter 1 here! Read Chapter 2 on ao3 or under the cut!
In hindsight, Meliodas had not thought this one through. At all. Not that he would have changed anything given the chance. He stood by his decision. There was no way he could have actually let Gowther go through with that stupid plan of his. Confronting – going off alone! – with a demon who wanted to kill you was insanity. Maybe that made Meliodas the biggest hypocrite around, but he didn’t care. He was the captain; Gowther was his responsibility. He was not about to let him kill himself.
That being said, Meliodas probably should have put a little bit more thought into this – thought about what would happen after he got Gowther out of harm’s way. Galvina certainly had. There was no improvising on her part. She’d had a solid plan going into this from start to finish, the only thing that had changed was him for Gowther. For what it was worth, that meant Meliodas’ plan had worked. Now he just needed to figure out the end of the story.
A lot easier said than done. At least if you were looking for a happy ending. The moment they had stepped through the portal, Galvina had slapped a pair of handcuffs around Meliodas’ wrists. It was a solid pair, well-made and high quality. Thick but light, the black-ish metal glinting ominously in the light of the sun. Recognition pricked at his mind; he knew these cuffs. To Meliodas there seemed to be a hum to them, but he knew that was his imagination. He did know this kind of cuffs, they were completely silent to those around them. He’d never actually been on this side of them before. The moment they had shut around his nest, he’d felt the pull and grip of them; the feeling that there should have been a hum louder than a wasp’s nest. They’d been crafted by a demon with the intent to be used against his own kind, as was the Demon King’s wish – a pair of handcuffs capable of inhibiting even the demon clan’s powers.
Guess he wasn’t going to fight his way out of this one.
“Where are we?” Meliodas asked, looking over his shoulder at Galvina. The only response he got was Galvina glaring at him and shoving him harshly to keep him moving. Meliodas resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead looked around as they continued their walk. If he were to guess they’d entered one of the pocket dimensions existing in-between the human and demon realms. They weren’t widely known – although most things regarding the demon realm weren’t widely known amongst the humans – but easily accessible if you knew the right way. Truth be told, Meliodas was relieved. He hadn’t been in the Demon Realm in 3,000 years. He wasn’t sure he was ready to go back there just yet. He especially didn’t want to make that trip with a demon criminal who planned to kill him.
– X –
Fine. I accept your deal. I guess he has learned his lesson about following orders now. So, I’ll take my justice with you. Let’s go!
It felt like Gowther was trapped in a Nightmare Teller.
Don’t leave.
Except this wasn’t some crafted nightmare.
You’re gonna be okay.
This wasn’t a nightmare at all.
Is-... Is this goodbye?
This was all real.
I hope not .
An unalterable reality crafted by Gowther’s own actions.
Look after the others for me, will you?
“Are you okay?”
Gowther startled at Elizabeth’s question. He blinked repetitiously, his focus returning to the present. It didn’t feel any less like a nightmare. Elizabeth sat down beside him, meeting his gaze with a weak smile and eyes glistening with unshed tears. Gowther looked down at the floor. She was worried about him. She shouldn’t be – if anything, she should be blaming him.
“I’m fine. Merlin fixed me.”
Elizabeth shook her head, “That’s not what I meant. How are you feeling?”
Gowther didn’t want to think about that. For once, he didn’t want to understand, he didn’t want to feel it at all. He wished he could look at this without any feeling. Maybe he would still have come to the same conclusion his heart was. The facts pointed to one thing.
“This is all my fault.”
“No,” Elizabeth immediately insisted. “It’s not, Gowther. I know that for certain.”
“How?” Gowther watched as she took his hand in hers, a warm feeling slowly starting to spread through him at her kindness and attempt to comfort. “You weren’t there.”
“Because I know Meliodas.” Gowther looked up at her face just in time to see a tear slide down her cheek. “Because this is what he does. Always has been.”
A soft smile graced Elizabeth’s lips as she looked off to the side. Her gaze turned distant, trapped in memories long ago; maybe back in those early days with Meliodas, maybe somewhere in the multitude of lifetimes they’d shared since.
“Whatever happens,” Elizabeth squeezed his hand gently, “Meliodas will try to protect the people who matter the most to him, no matter the cost. Especially if it’s his own life.”
Her words hung heavy in the air between them. Logically, Gowther saw the truth in them. He might not have known Meliodas through all the lifetimes Elizabeth had, but he still knew him. Meliodas, who’d made himself a traitor to his own kind and family, to fight by Elizabeth’s side. Meliodas, who’d almost turned himself into the one thing he didn’t want to become, to end the curse and save Elizabeth from more suffering. Meliodas, who’d tried to face the Demon King alone, to keep the others away and not have them risk their lives for him any further.
“But,” Elizabeth continued with another reassuring squeeze. “We will find him.”
The tears still shone in Elizabeth’s eyes, yet her gaze was steely. She held her head high, any trace of fear gone from her face. She looked the epitome of the princess she was raised as, but also every bit the goddess who had dared to stand against the gods. Gowther didn’t have to look in her mind to know that whatever doubt she still held was now locked away tightly. To her, there was only one end to this.
Gowther envied her confidence; the refusal to believe this might end in tragedy. The future was too uncertain, the factors too many. Galvina’s behavior alone foretold a different outcome. She was explosive in her actions, driven by her thirst for revenge almost to the point of madness. At the same time, she was determined too; she knew what she wanted and how to get it. She was not about to let anything get in her way. Gowther wasn’t sure they would find Meliodas in time.
– X –
The destination of their journey turned out to be a cross between a cave and an old cottage, or an old wooden cottage jammed into the cracks of a mountain. It seemed a perfect match for Galvina; cold, callous, and firmly stuck in the past. Galvina wasted no time shoving Meliodas inside. As soon as they entered, Meliodas felt the drop in temperature. If he’d been human, he would probably have been shivering. As it was, the low temperature just burned across his skin. The wound on his arm felt especially hot, like a small fire dug into his flesh. When the door shut behind them, Galvina didn’t even bother to lock it. Not that it really mattered. Galvina quickly dragged Meliodas to the wall opposite the door. His back was slammed roughly against the wall, the cuffs threatening to break the skin on his wrists as Galvina attached them to a dangling hook hanging from the ceiling. 
Meliodas’ new position strained painfully through his shoulders and back. No matter how much he stretched, the height of the hook left his feet barely touching the ground, forcing his cuffed wrists to support most of his weight. His cut arm had gone from a small burn to sending ripples of fire throughout his body. Meliodas breathed harshly through his nose, trying to let the new pains wash over him. Once they were firmly shoved to the back of his mind, he redirected his attention to Galvina again.
She had started pacing. A small dust cloud followed in her steps, the sound of them echoing in the small room. Her hands moved quickly in harsh jerking movements. The fluidity she had shown earlier in the fight was all gone now. Similarly, Meliodas could feel himself losing the confidence he’d had when initially confronting Galvina. Though, truth to be told, that confidence had been more of the failure-is-not-an-option variety than the this-is-gonna-end-well kind. Meliodas had always been confident in his own ability; he’d also learned quickly how to be confident even when he wasn’t. A part of him had known this wouldn’t end well, but he had known he could keep Gowther from taking the fall for it too. Gowther was his responsibility, and so was Galvina. As the leader of the Ten Commandments, he was the one who deserved her rage.
Galvina finally came to a stop in front of him, her jaw clenched so tight Meliodas would have worried for her teeth – that was if she hadn’t been plotting his painful demise that very second. For a moment, they both just stared at each other. The only sounds in the room were the slight rattle of the hook’s chain and their strained breathing; Meliodas’ from the position he’d been forced into, Galvina’s from poorly suppressed emotions.
“Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?”
Meliodas tilted his head to the side, taking her in. Her jaw was still clenched enough to make her words sound sharp and forced. The tension running through the rest of her body was almost palpable. Meliodas was in no position to oppose her, not with the restraints hindering his movements and powers. Right now, all he had were his words. 
“What exactly do you want me to say, Galvina?”
Her eyes flashed, miasma leaking out from her like a physical manifestation of her hatred; “That you regret ruining my life!”
Regret… Right. Galvina saw herself as the only victim here. She was putting all the blame on the Demon King and those following his rule. She wasn’t wrong about that, nor about Meliodas’ part in this – but she was also completely disregarding the pain she herself had caused, the civilians’ lives she had ruined. Just like she had been about to do all over again, attacking Gowther for something that hadn’t been his choice.
On one hand, Meliodas could appease her rage, feign a confession for all his wrongdoings, and apologize for even the parts he didn’t regret. This whole ordeal would probably be a lot less painful for him if he did. On the other hand, it wasn’t in Meliodas’ nature. He had learned a long time ago not to let others scare him into submission, even if they had power over him – and Galvina had the power to kill him today. Meliodas hadn’t been born as the most feared demon; he had grown up around demons who were stronger than him, bigger than him, older than him. Even if Meliodas couldn’t do anything to defend himself, he wasn’t about to just submit to her either. If he did he was telling her she was right, and then there would be nothing stopping her from taking her revenge on Gowther as well. Meliodas could only trust that she would honor their deal for as long as he was still alive. He could pray she’d stick to it even after his death, but he couldn’t count on it. By then at least the others should be all caught up. They would keep Gowther safe.
“You don’t want me to say that,” Meliodas responded at last.
“Do NOT tell me what I want!”
“You don’t just want me to say it, you want me to actually regret it. But I don’t. I told you before, Galvina, I’d do it all again.”
She didn’t explode at that like Meliodas had expected she would. Not that it meant that her reaction was any safer for him. Meliodas was well aware of the all-silent kind of wrath, and just how deadly it could be.
Galvina leaned closer, her breath blowing in his face with every hissed word, “I will make you regret it.”
Yeah, this isn’t going to end well , Meliodas thought to himself as Galvina turned around. She walked over to the wall to the left with determined steps.
The room they were in was scarcely furnished. To the right of where Meliodas was hanging were the bare necessities: a bed, a chair, and a table with the remains of a meal. On the other side, the wall that Galvina had approached buckled and bent with the mountain it was embedded in. On one of the few flat portions hung several weapons. All sharp and deadly. Galvina knew how to properly wield them too. She, just like Meliodas, had been raised in a war. For a while, it had felt like fighting was all Meliodas knew how to do. He wasn’t sure Galvina had ever left it behind. Her hand trailed over her assorted weapons; brushing over a double-bladed axe; testing the weight of a curved dagger; before finally she picked up a spear with a slender head that no doubt could still cause serious damage.
I’m sorry, Elizabeth – gods he wished he could see her face one last time – I can’t give you the life I promised.
Galvina returned to Meliodas, the spear now held tightly in one hand. As she met his gaze, he saw no remorse. In her eyes, she wasn’t doing anything that wasn’t her right. This was why she’d never been offered a spot in the Ten Commandments. This self-centered entitlement that had left ruins in her wake with no regard for enemy, ally, or civilian alike. Even if Meliodas had trusted her on his team, his father would never have trusted in her loyalty.
“Last chance, traitor.”
An eerie calm surrounded her. There was no reasoning with her, Meliodas knew, no way out of this. Ge just hoped Elizabeth and the Seven Deadly Sins would stay away from here.
“I can’t give you what you want.”
Galvina pressed her lips together, taking a deep breath through her nose; “Fine.”
She moved with fluidity and speed, barely giving  Meliodas any time to react before she had driven the spear into his leg. The edges of his vision blurred as a blinding pain erupted through his body. Galvina kept pushing and pushing, pulling a scream Meliodas couldn’t suppress, and she didn’t stop until the spear hit the wall behind him. Finally, Galvina let go of the spear. Both she and Meliodas were breathing heavily. Blood oozed out around the spear, slowly running down the front and back of his leg and pooling on the ground under him. Galvina leaned down close to his face once more, meeting his gaze without hesitation.
“You deserve this.”
The stench of blood hung thickly in the air. It made Meliodas feel woozy – or maybe that was the pain? Or the blood loss? No, not the blood loss. The impalement had been clean, missing anything too important, while the spear itself kept most of the blood from spilling out of the wounds.
“You – ugh – you really think so… huh?”
Galvina turned around and walked over to the weapons again, “And soon you will too.”
– X –
Tension filled the room. Gowther and Elizabeth sat in silence now, his hand still cradled in hers. As time had passed, the others had gathered around them too. They were scattered around the room in various states of worry. Diane sat on Gowther’s other side, biting her lip. Escanor was basically shaking with anxiety as he eyed the door Merlin had disappeared through earlier. King had abandoned his position by Diane’s side in favor of stopping Ban from destroying the wall. Ban was… still destroying the wall. King’s efforts seemed rather futile. To Gowther it looked like it was more about having something to do than actually saving the wall. King did look the least anxious out of them. Gowther could understand it. He was doing the same thing right now, watching the others instead of thinking about the fate he had doomed Meliodas to.
Suddenly the door slammed open. The room froze, all of them staring at Merlin with bated breath.
“I know where they are."
To Be Continued
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justyouraverageotaku · 5 months
hello there! i hope you are well i don't know if you are still doing the angst event but can you do Doll Gowther with his emotions back? Thank you so much in advance ^-^
Of course! Anything specific you have in mind? Or just general angst for when he gets his emotions back?
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kyaruun · 5 years
I’ve decided to continue watching Nanatsu no Taizai and...
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avis-writeshq · 3 years
last updated: september, 2023
◜key:ㅤ ㅤㅤ◝
f [fluff]
a [angst]
◟s [suggestive]◞
dc comics
criminal minds
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▸▸▸seven deadly sins◂◂◂
▹true beauty ; f. a.
▹cross dressing/knight!reader ; no rating
▹ hidden places ; f. a.
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▸▸▸ace attorney◂◂◂
▹▸miles edgeworth◃◂
▹ cuddles (hc) ; f.
▹ letters from no one ; f.
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▸▸▸other characters◂◂◂
▸▹crush x reader◂◃
▹cliche kinda things ; f.
▹ through the years ; f.
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herwritingartcowboy · 3 years
Fandom: Seven Deadly Sins
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
You were the wife of Gloxinia who found their way out with Meliodas. You were a fairy who met a doll, he was comforting, nice, smart, and you both had you issues. But you both had fun.
After everything that had happen Gowther stood with you for a bit as you both traveled finding a village filled with nice demons. 
One day as you sat with Gowther you brought up something. “Remember how a fairies corpse can’t decompose” “Yeah, Why are talking about this?” “Well some one was burrying Glox and Droles bodies. But gave me some of Gloxinia blood for some reason but with a little bit of magic i helped made a seed that will have out child it will bloom soon.”, That was a lot you had told him, using him and yours DNA to make a child to be born as a regular fairy that was smart but weird but he didn’t care. 
“So girl or boy” “Well that is for nature to figure out”, you smiled at him. 
Then it happen so soon, the tree you had your beautiful baby at was near a villaige where everyone can mingle together. It was attacked by what knows what, but you found out your baby was missing.
You cried for days and Gowther was there for you, he never liked to see you sad. “You know Gowther you don’t have to do this” “Why shouldn’t i” “Gowther thank you really i will forever be greatful” “Don’t be i do this is because i love you” “Gowther i love you too, your my best friend”.
Yep he soon caught feeling for you but he knew you still loved Gloxinia and you only still see him as a friend even after all of this.
You both still stood together till you went out by yourself one day for everyone to find out you were murder. Gowther was one of the first to find out sense the fairy’s try to bring your almost dead corpse back with them hoping to save you but was to late. Ban and Elaine were alerted by Gerhead and everyone else found out. 
A funeral will be held for you but all will attended have to know you on a personal level, Gowther didn’t say anything only to leave Britannia again.
Few Years Later~
Gowther soon shall three kids one with green hair, pink hair, and the other with H/c. When the knight came and started attacking Gowther made sure to keep an eye on the H/c teenager. When everyone was turn into baby’s he help H/c child in his arms as he looked the child more better now but it couldn’t be he can’t think of this know when there is Chaos knight here.
~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~
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