#grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
countv0ncunt · 1 year
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Feeling incredibly mentally ill rn and the only thing I'm capable of doing is watchinh Dimension 20 videos while drawing. Feeling like an emo panhandle slim except there's no history or portraits of famous people here just me
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aubstacle-of-course · 2 years
Baby’s first website is live and it only minimally makes me want to scream/cry aksjsk
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vieraslaji · 8 months
top tips muistamaan käytetäänkö eraan sanan kanssa sisäpaikallisijat vai ulkopaikallisijat:
tiedätkö toinen sijamuotoa samalle sanalle? esim. lentokentällä siis käytetään lentokentältä
kuulostaako yks tai toinen vaihtoehto typerältä? älä käytä sitä 👍
onko se paikannimi? anna periksi; on mahdotonta tietää
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butchviking · 6 months
like its not enough to just have the general natural struggles that are going to come with being part of a minority group its not enough to feel kind of isolated and weird and different and left out of things for being gay theyve got to actually make a point of telling you youre bad and youre doing something wrong or its a moral fault or something like you could choose to be different. if i could choose to be into dudes i would in a heartbeat and its not even because of the homophobes its not because of anyone who tries to actively make me feel like theres something wrong with me its just because of the general sense of social alienation from the majority of people being heterosexual. the actual homophobia is just like. pointless and unnecessary girl if i could change this i already would've so what do you think you're doing here. what do you think you're achieving.
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motherhenna · 8 months
am I the only one who's starting to feel like self care culture and therapist speak has lowkey done some serious damage to a lot of mentally ill young people over the last 8 or so years? It's literally the perfect vehicle for justifying insanely unhealthy coping mechanisms and addictions but I haven't heard anybody talking about it on here. Instead, I keep seeing posts that are like "be gentle with yourself: go at whatever pace is comfortable for you" and "it's okay to say no to things you don't want to do" but like...what if that thing you don't want to do is taking a shower or leaving the house or cooking your own meal at home? What if moving at a pace that is "comfortable" for you means you still haven't stopped smoking for the last decade because nicotine withdrawal and anxiety are not "comfortable"? And hey--at least you're only smoking ONE pack a day instead of two now, so that's almost as good as quitting entirely!
I'm saying all this as someone who is only just now coming out the other side and realizing how much of my late teens and twenties I've wasted because of my lack of accountability and aversion to the hard work that's necessary for recovery from addiction, eating disorders, and depression...and the whole time, I thought I was just practicing self care. But a lot of us should probably take a closer look at our behavior and ask ourselves, "is this really self care? Or is this just complacency, fear of failure, and denial?"
There's a word in addiction treatment that's used to describe family members, friends, or partners who give into their deeply disordered loved one's every demand--even when they know it's hurting them: enablers. I've seen a documentary of a 700 lb immobile man who was still managing to pile on weight because his wife went out every day and brought him every kind of junk food he asked for, all while claiming to love him more than anything else. But genuine, healthy love isn't watching your partner literally waste away before your eyes because you'd rather make him happy in the short-term: it's being fucking honest, and helping them get the assistance they need to get better even if you have to drag them kicking and screaming into rehab. And I'm of the belief that a lot of you out there end up confusing self-love / self-acceptance with self-enabling. One is easy while the other requires you to wake up and do the work every single day, even when it's ugly and messy and painful.
And listen--if your therapist has given you the full go-ahead to take the whole "gentle" route, or it's clearly working out really well for you, then by all means: keep at it. But more often than not, I think we need to stop wrapping ourselves in cotton. The way we treat ourselves should be how we'd ideally parent a child: obviously the overly harsh, critical, strict route rife with threats and punishment is a recipe for disaster, but the other extreme can be extremely damaging too. An overly compliant, indulgent parent who gives into their kid's every whim is likely going to produce selfish, entitled brats who have no concept that their actions have consequences. Neither approach is going to do their children many favors in the long run.
While I'm not fond of the boomer bootstrapping rhetoric, as I think a lot of it comes from an extremely skewed perspective of reality and the expectation that "if I can do it, everybody else should be able to do it just as easily", I also can no longer stand by the victimhood mentality so many fellow young millennials / gen z'ers seem to be living by. Because I spent the last ten years wallowing in it and all it gave me was lowered standards, a million excuses, self pity, and obesity. And it fucking sucks to confront the fact that you are ultimately the one who's responsible for your own behavior as an adult: it means you can't just blame it on society or your parents or your illness or whatever 'ism or 'phobia applies. Are all those things contributing factors that should be taken into account? Absolutely. Should you compare your progress to more privileged people's and feel shame that it's taking longer? No. But that doesn't mean you have no control of your life and choices--that you're powerless to do anything but wait for someone else to save you. Unless you're literally being held hostage at gunpoint, there are always things you can do to `improve your life and yourself. So next time you want to give up on a dream of yours, or justify not changing out of your pajamas for a fortnight in the name of self care, maybe ask yourself what an enabler would do vs. what a true friend would do
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I have been drowning in quicksand for 4 1/2 years.
Happy Birthday to me. If I ever amass a fortune it would go to proper funding and fight for legislation for safe humane abortions and safe humane assisted suicide.
Until then, I will shut the fuck up and smile at the table. Just like home just like family just like culture.
Shoutout to the Uber rides where the drivers waxed poetic about how hope is a harmful meaningless lie and useless and I should stop it “no offense” and I quoooooote.
Shoutout to the 47 year old for the sobering conversation, I hope it scares me enough to get up get out and get something by any means necessary fuck family. Thanks man.
Thanks mom for these past 4 years you broke my heart while I was trying not to break yours. It’s not your fault none of it, you’re not a victim you’re a survivor. I pray God grants her a thriving life.
so many chances ya know. so much trauma most before age 10 lollll fear and self loathing. “What a waste, I’m sorry.” On a slab of rock buried if these customs cont to exist.
whatever happens happens, it is what it is.
attitude gratitude regardless. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
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tezerenotameiki · 2 years
i will not pull for dollhouse mika. i will not pull for dollhouse mika. i will not pull for dollhouse mika. i will not i will not i will not
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beskad · 1 year
This little Ferus and Trever ficlet has been ALMOST finished in google docs for like a month oops
The draft expires on Ao3 on January 11th so that's my self-imposed deadline LOL
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scarysexycool · 2 months
ranted so hard to my mom I got stress hives we've entered a new era I fear
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banglatown · 1 year
i’m just a very damaged person overcompensating for the fact tht i’ve never felt loved 🥰
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cygnusxxii · 1 year
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squirmmm · 2 years
nearly unfollowed someone cuz they said they dont care about turkey vultures but theyre a depressed artist and i felt bad
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legglessdraws · 2 years
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confinesofmy · 2 years
oh. cool. i have a huge cavity in the tooth that i most recently got filled, the one where the dental assistant didn't go in after so i wound up leaving with an unpolished filling and excess filling material bonded to a healthy tooth, both of which had to be fixed by someone else. so i'd assume he either didn't remove the entire lesion before filling or in his sloppiness he left a pocket for bacteria to gather in that couldn't be cleaned. that is so neat! *adds another piece of bad news to the 2022 stack and watches as it teeters back and forth but somehow doesn't fall* haha okay! 😃🔫
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adrianprimes · 1 year
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“god, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage me to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference”
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juanarc-thethird · 29 days
Zen Jaune #2
Jaune: *Finds a lamp and rubs it*
Suddenly smoke comes out of the lamp and a Genie appears.
Genie: (Nice~ A new idiot to fool, hehehe…) Greetings mortal, for finding my lamp I will grant you three wishes. But with some exceptions. I can't make anyone fall in love with you, I can't bring back the dead, and no wishing for more wishes. (Also, if you are not specific, I will make your life an eternal suffering, hehehe….)
Nora: *GASP!* You found a magic lamp?!! *She says excited* What are you going to wish for? Money? Power? An oven that doesn't use electricity, is portable, and can create delicious food from nothing?! Tell me!!
Ren: Nora, leave him alone. Jaune needs time to think about it.
Genie: (Oh humans, always with their greed.) *He smiles*
Jaune: Is ok Ren. I already know what I want.
Genie: Oh really? Well, what is your wish, boy? (I can't wait to trick him. Hehehe...)
Jaune: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Genie: Your wish is granted, and…
He bows to Jaune.
Genie: ..I want to apologize.
Jaune: *Concern* Wait, What? Why? Please raise your head, Mr. Genie.
Genie: *Still bowing down to him* (All this power and knowledge in the palm of my hands, and it was a human who taught me not to judge others.)
Jaune: Please, Mr. Genie. Raise your head.
Ren: *bows to Jaune* Sensei
Jaune: Huh?
Nora: *Also bows to Jaune* Teach me your ways, master!
Jaune: Don't do that! Please, you three, raise your heads!
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