#graveyard keeper church
junglethegamer · 9 months
Graveyard Keeper Best Church Layouts
In this article, we explore some of the finest Graveyard Keeper church plans for increasing your religious influence as well as your financial fortune. Exploring these layouts will give you ideas for creating a lively church environment in Graveyard Keeper, where faith and funds will develop under your watchful eye.
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this game is so funny
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ghostkidet · 3 hours
Something positive for this blog: I finished writing my prologue yay me !!
#now we move only act one#I feel my author voice isn’t the best and I DO struggle with like idk uh setting#I often just straight into yapping and forget to set where the characters are but!! but!! I feel like everything reads casually which is#nice in my opinion I wanted things to sound as though you were listening to a friend recount a story#😄👏🏽 now my pacing from here on out is what I have to watch but!!! I’m SO excited to get to the main characters new actual love interest#going to go absolutely feral over them#he was just supposed to be a graveyard keeper who smokes behind a specific grave but then!!! I thought hey hey hey what if he fell asleep#by the grave and she covers him 🥺 yeah my head liked that a little too much cause next thing you know I’m imagining her waking up in his bed#golden like peeking through his blinds 🫢 I have a section in my skeleton document that’s for scenes I like to include#tell me why I wrote 2000 in detailed scenes of just him#👏🏽 I even gave him a cool biblical name cause his father is the priest of the church where the graveyard is#and !!!! yep nights ago we watched clue and I had a FANTSTIC idea of a date for them that involves well#it’s a book about a murder mystery so it’s a murder mystery inside a murder mystery#and!!!! they leave the party early together because she solves it and realizes soemthing important about her own mystery and then#like two reckless kids they head back to his cabin and 🫢 cue her waking up in his bed#I should NOT be writing this many spoilers but I’m!!!! so lost in the sauce#okay bye 😭#oh yeah I also wanted it to feel kinda dream like and gloomy because this !!! is all based on a very vivid dream I had a few years ago#I’m hoping to one day publish a bunch of my dreams as short stories 😄 the oldest one I have is probably 2015 when I started my dream journal#okay now by e
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demonlordcosnime · 5 days
lets play graveyard keeper part 9
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143htg · 11 months
Could I have some info on Kel, Hero, and Mari? Like any general facts about them- also I love the character designs for all of the characters
Thank you! Glad you like them <3
Kel is quite cheerful. He's Sunny's best friend and likes to accompany him to his 'drawing hang-outs' when he can, sometimes even models for him a bit and is a very recurrent character in Sunny's art. Personality wise it's not too different from canon Kel I guess, he's just a bit less of a airhead, more mellow. He doesn't like very much the boy in red Aubrey likes, though. He has nothing against him, he just doesn't appreciate much the way he lingers and stares without even saying hi.
Lives with Hero at the end of the street. Likes to sew! He sews with Mari when he can. As hyperactive as he is, a bit of a relaxing hobby is needed.
Hero is involved with the funerary home which belongs to the local church. He's a grave digger and graveyard keeper, for the most part. Sometimes Kel helps him out.
Not too much to say about him. He's never home. But Mari assures that he's the best man she's ever met, Kel does too! Hero was the one to introduce Aubrey to wood-carving years back.
Mari is a sweet and loving woman, a bit of the mischievous and smug type. She owns a bakery and is very happy to run it, everyone loves Mari's cookies and pastries. She can do so many things, always seem to have a solution for nearly everything, Aubrey loves her.
She's pregnant as of now but I may decide to change it for story related reasons
Sorry if it isn't enough!!
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
Terrarium Lights, Pt. 3.1
Last time on Terrarium Lights: Samuel was taking his state of unbeing rather hard, had a literal lightbulb moment, and vanished into thin air. (Next part >>here)
Gail was beginning to get concerned.
That night, she had cleaned up the mess in a mixture of confusion and worry, carefully scouring the floor for broken glass, and wondering what in Heaven's name had happened.
This seemed similar to the first time he had vanished, so perhaps it was a way of him processing what was going on. She wondered how many days it would take for him to reappear this time, and hoped he was doing okay, wherever he was.
It was almost a week, and he still hadn't shown up.
Michael had been delayed, again, but in the Lord’s mercy he was due back in the next couple of days, so maybe he'd have some idea of what to do about the situation. But for now, Gail worried.
Something had happened, clearly—Samuel had been startled and upset by something before he’d broken the terrarium—and, well, how does one track down a ghost? There was the possibility of searching obituaries, or the hospital in town, but those had limited value. They might give her more information (and that was a powerfully vague 'might'), but they were unlikely to tell her where Samuel had gone, or, more importantly, what had happened to him after his presumed death.
Finally, she decided she had to do something, so she went by the church and the graveyard in the off-chance he went back to visit the graves. No luck; he wasn't there.
It had been an unsure shot, but it was disappointing to have it miss.
She took a moment to pray in the chapel again, squared her shoulders, and headed back for another day of waiting.
On the way back, the distant lighthouse caught her eye. Gail remembered what she had been trying to the other day, when they’d been writing information down and forming plans—they had meant to go to the lighthouse.
She stood for a long moment at the crossroads.
It was something of a trek to get there, and it was only a faint hunch. She didn’t even know if Samuel remembered that the lighthouse existed. He hadn’t brought it up since the churchyard visit, at least.
But she had come all the way here because there was an itch in her bones, and the thought of sitting still and waiting when there was an option to explore flared it up again. Still was not an option for her right now, and even if it didn’t do anything, a long walk would be good for her. She was searching, and by golly she was going to do a thorough job of it.
Straightening her hat on her head and offering an extra prayer for guidance and wisdom, she strode out towards the lighthouse to find what might be there.
The lighthouse was not as secluded as some lighthouses often were. It was decently close to the city, and along a prominent coastal road (if a tad off the beaten path), so the lighthouse keepers also ran a sort of bakery café for passerbys. Both Mr. and Mrs. Seward enjoyed baking, so it was a good passtime for them, and a decent way to bring in extra income for upkeep and the like. Mr. Seward mostly attended to his duties as the Head Lighthouse Keeper, but when he had the time and energy he would help in the kitchen, while Mrs. Seward ran the bulk of it. It being both a pretty area and a distinct landmark meant they got rather more business than one would expect, and soon became a fairly common spot for smaller cultural events and gatherings.
There were not many people about as Gail made her way up the path—a peddler with his steamwheel, a horse, plus a gearmount or two—so it did not encroach too heavily upon the quiet air of the woods, or the swooshing of the sea waves just beyond the tree line. The closer she got, the stronger rose the enticing smell of fresh bread from the windows of the café, built against the side of the lightkeeper's house.
Gail was at the door, wondering if she should go in—after all, Samuel had expressed discomfort with the idea of being around people, so it was likely he would be in a more isolated spot—when a scramble of movement, disappearing around the corner, caught Gail's eye.
If it wasn't anything related to her quest, it was at least bound to be something interesting—she hoped—so she quietly made her way around the edge of the café.
Samuel was hovering uncertainly in the corner between the back of the café and the house, as messy as she had ever seen him, curled into himself and with wide eyes like a rabbit that's just been targeted by a hawk.
Gail stopped short in shocked recognition, before putting her hands on her hips, the part of her still wading through the surprise half-wanting to give him the piece of her mind that had sprouted at her surge of relief and confusion. The rest of her quelled the impulse, more concerned at his scared state.
He froze upon spotting her, with a wild look, like he was about to dart away again. Gail got the impression he was scared of her.
Gail pursed her lips, regretting not knowing his full name. "Samuel, lad, young man," she said as the pieces stopping whirring about and suddenly clicked together, "have you been keeping away from my place because you feel bad about that terrarium?"
He winced visibly.
She shook her head, unable to quench a laugh. "Good heavens above, you think I'd get mad at you for an accident like that? It’s a small matter in the end, and can be redone. More importantly, where have you even been this last week? Are you alright?"
At her laugh, he shrank back in confusion.
"Well…" he looked at her pleadingly. "You had worked really hard on it and had been keeping it and taking care of it for so long, and then I ruined it because I messed up and overreacted to a different thing, which was the lightbulb, which was something you were kind enough to provide me with—and also you've been doing so much and going out of your way to help me after I invaded your garden, and I've just been a drain on you throughout all of that and haven't given anything back. And then I broke the terrarium. So I thought I should try and figure something out on my own instead of leaning on you too much and maybe breaking something else in the process or just continuing to inconvenience you while you’re just trying to live your life."
Gail put her hands on her hips. "Well, young man, it seems as if you've got a lot to say for yourself and not a lot of sense about the matter. Why, you didn't ask me for any of that. You weren’t somehow imposing your will on me, I was the one that volunteered—if I hadn’t wanted to or couldn’t have or had some reason to keep you away, I could have simply not helped you. But I did, because I wanted to. So please believe I'm being honest when I tell you that I helped you because I wanted to, and I still want to."
There was a noise from inside, like someone calling out questioningly. She realized she was standing behind the building and talking loudly at what might possibly look to others as empty air. Taking a few steps further towards Samuel, she pulled her voice back to a more normal volume. "We can go talk this over somewhere else, if you'd rather. Don't want to scare the locals." She winked at him, hoping to lighten the mood.
The miserable droop of his shoulders and face indicated that he did not share her amusement.
"Doesn't matter," he muttered. "They can't see or hear me."
"Ah.” She stopped chuckling, letting her pang of sadness at his response manifest on her face. Cheerfulness would have to be put back in her pocket for when he needed it. “So you tested it out?"
He nodded, and did not meet her eyes.
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Autumn Switch Games
Graveyard Keeper
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You wake up in the middle ages and are a graveyard keeper. Tend to your church, make friends with the local witch, talk to inquisitors, enjoy fishing, raise zombies, and find a way home. This game is one of the more complicated farming simulators, and is especially fun if you're looking for more involved gameplay.
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A delightful, soothing, beautiful puzzle game. Use tiles to build a charming town with a minimalist UI. As you play, you unlock new tiles and different color palettes. This is a game I like to play at family gatherings or other events, because it's easy to pick up and put down, and anyone can appreciate the sweet aesthetics.
Strange Horticulture
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An occult puzzle game, in Strange Horticulture you unlock new plants, pet your cat, and solve mysteries in order to discover the story. This game has a rather witchy vibe, and I love all the plant information.
Alchemist Simulator
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Discover new potions and spells in Alchemist Simulator! The game is a little janky, but it's so much fun uncovering new recipes and ingredients.
The Flame in the Flood
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You and your dog are trapped in a camp during a great flood. Repair your raft, navigate a huge river, forage supplies, avoid wolves, find shelter in the rain, and try to make it to the end of the river. This game is darker than some of the others on this list, but it is decidedly autumnal and I can't recommend it highly enough.
Bonus Game: Dome Keeper
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Currently only available on PC, Dome Keeper is a brand new game released this year. Equal parts tower defense and resource management, in this game you are sent to an alien planet where you must mine for resources in between defending yourself from monster waves. This game is incredibly well designed, and the retro look and color palette make it perfect for a chilly autumn day. I usually only play games on the switch, but this game is so much fun I had to get it. You don't need a ton of power to run it, and I would argue it's one of the best games of 2022.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Had a dream about Gilf!joel. He was a priest/church groundskeeper/graveyard keeper or something and he could shape-shift into a large crow. Idk why but he was really creepy because he kept following me around and wouldn't let me leave the church area, but like he was also hot, you know? Anyway when I woke up my first thought was "forgive me father for I have sinned, more like: sorry daddy I've been a bad girl"
LOVE THIS. knew he was nightmare fuel . . .Why do I enjoy giving people nightmares, I'm sorry 😨. I love the shape-shifting into a crow.
Pawn shop - GILF Joel
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allen309 · 6 months
I apologize for this post being rather long. I wanted to write about Graveyard Keeper as an inexperienced player, and as someone who bought Graveyard Keeper thinking that I was going to get a similar gameplay experience to Stardew Valley. I know that I’m not the only one who bought Graveyard Keeper after reading a few online articles about how similar the two games are.
*Brief summary: I bought Graveyard Keeper back in August and only have 12 hours into the game, but that’s because I don’t often play on my computer.
To those who are thinking about buying Graveyard Keeper in hopes of getting a ‘similar’ Stardew Valley gameplay experience; don’t. Graveyard Keeper isn’t at all similar to Stardew Valley, but I don’t discourage people from playing Graveyard Keeper. Just don’t go into the game thinking that it’s similar to Stardew.
A lot of website articles have Graveyard Keeper as a ‘similar’ gameplay experience to Stardew Valley because of the graphics, the mining/combat, fishing, management style gameplay, and farming. However, despite these similarities the two games are vastly different from each other.
- Unlike Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper doesn’t have any time limit. You're allowed to be out as late as you want and finish quests at your pace
- Graveyard Keeper is more of a quest focus game/story focus game. While maintaining a graveyard and upgrading your church
- Graveyard Keeper is more complex than Stardew:
* There’s more crafting in Graveyard
* You have to collect technology points to unlock parts of the skill tree, and even when you unlock certain technology you have to do other steps before your allow to use that technology:
^Like mining isn’t as straightforward as it is in Stardew. Graveyard Keeper you have to talk to the black smith which will give you the ability to build a furnace. After building a furnace you still have to earn technology points to unlock the mining skill on the skill tree, and then you can start mining basic materials
^Even getting a fishing rod isn’t that easy, but I won’t bore you any further about the skill tree
* Making money in Graveyard can be pretty difficult
These are just a few examples of how Graveyard Keeper is different from Stardew Valley.
Another thing from my own experience is that Graveyard Keeper can be confusing when you first play the game. Especially if you decide to go into the game blind. Both games (Stardew and Graveyard) drop you into the game, and allows you to figure the game out on your own.
- However, with Stardew it’s much easier to start the game because the game provides you with some farming seeds and gives you an objective to meet the NPCS which helps lead you further into the game.
- With Graveyard you’re dropped into the game with a few objectives to follow, and a crash course on how the skill tree works. Which can be overwhelming because there’s so much to do from the beginning and it’s hard to know where to go and how to start.
* I really enjoy going into any new game blind and just trying to figure it out as I go along. However, for Graveyard I followed the starting objectives, but quickly realized I wasn’t making much progress and at one point got stuck and didn’t know what else to do. I believe I was about 4 hours in and didn’t know how to get a fishing rod and I also accidentally used my first four iron parts to fix something instead of making a furnace which set me back.
* Graveyard Keeper is my only and currently first game that looked up beginner tips and a beginner guide on YouTube. I also read several Reddit posts about the game. And painfully decided that it was best to start a whole new game file and start from the beginning with the new knowledge I had. Luckily I only had 4 hours into the game and I hardly did anything within those four hours so it wasn’t much of a set back.
I personally feel that unlike Stardew Valley, Graveyard Keeper does not hold your hand at the beginning of the game and doesn’t provides you a good direction on where to go. From a beginner guide on YouTube I learned a lot of good information about what to do early game in Graveyard, a lot of which isn’t mentioned in the game. Like unlocking the quarry as soon as possible, and buying the teleportation stone to help get around the map faster. Once you get more of the skill tree unlocked, explore the map a bit more, and upgrade your church it’s much easier to know what to do and what you need to do to progress in Graveyard Keeper. At that point it’s just about collecting the resources and completing quests.
Overall, I really enjoyed playing Graveyard Keeper. I also really like how the game can be challenging at times especially for new inexperienced players. I personally wouldn’t compare Stardew Valley to Graveyard Keeper. The two games are very different from each other and because of that I like both games for different reasons. However, when I first played the game I was disappointed because I bought the game going into it believing that it would provide a similar gameplay to Stardew Valley. But after playing for a few hours and learning the game (and getting the notion that this is just a new game, not a Stardew Valley clone with a graveyard) I really enjoyed the experience.
So for those who want to buy Graveyard Keeper, just keep in mind that it’s nothing like Stardew Valley. If you’re looking for a fun challenging management game that is story/quest focus I highly recommend checking the game out. I also read on Reddit that Graveyard Keeper is really buggy on consoles and that it’s best played on PC.
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snoozingredpanda · 1 year
Okay I need more Benni and her very accepting Darling to have more scenes. This is very good. I enjoy all of this so much.
Thanks for the support :D sorry this is a bit depressing but I kinda needed to get backstory out of the way lol so readers know why she’s the way she is
Benni Winters — Promise
Warnings: Loneliness, depression, PTSD, mentions of SA, neglect and homophobia, swearing
• “You won’t ever leave me, right?”
• It was something Benni asked every night. She lay there next to you, a meek look on her beautiful face, staring up at you, her beloved darling.
• “Of course not. I tell you this every day, Ben,” you smile, fingers tracing her lips. “I love you too much to leave you.”
• “But…” She sighs. “What if you find someone better?”
• “There is no one better. You’re everything I could’ve asked for.”
• She lays her head back, staring at the ceiling. “Promise?”
• “I promise,” you reply.
• There’s a silence for a few minutes, neither of you speaking. But you had so many questions.
• “Is everything okay?” You ask after a while. She looks back at you.
• She nods. “Yeah. Why?”
• “You always get like this,” you murmur, brushing some of her brown hair from her eyes. “All… insecure.”
• She shrugs. “Dunno. Got a lot on my mind, I suppose.”
• “Tell me?” You gently pry. “You know everything about me, but I hardly know anything about you.”
• She’s conflicted. Part of her wants to tell you, but the other part wants to keep it locked away.
• “I don’t know where to start.” Her mouth speaks for itself.
• “At the beginning? What was your childhood like?” You smile.
• Benni doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. “Mom and Dad didn’t like me at all.” She started.
• “She always favoured my older sister. I was just an accident. They already had their perfect little princess, and then came along me. I was just a burden to them.”
• She let out a shallow breath. “Juliet was their pride and joy. She could do no wrong in their eyes. I, on the other hand, could do no right.”
• Benni scoffs.
• “My grades were never enough. I was too fat. I was always too ‘scruffy’ and ‘tomboyish.’ They’d say. ‘Don’t dress like that! The neighbours will think you’re one of those gays!’ But when Juliet wore sweatpants she was ‘just having a rest day’.”
• You stroke her cheek, silently telling her it was okay. “I hardly had a friend growing up. People at school always made fun of my name, saying it was a boy’s name. That’s Juliet’s fault too: our parents let her choose it when I was born, and she named me after her favourite book character, Benni the fuckin’ Bunny.”
• You watch her mutter something inaudible, chewing on her lip.
• “I had no one. I had to eat my lunch in the headmaster’s office because I kept on getting beat up by bullies. I was so lonely, no one ever gave me hugs or told me I was doing good. It was awful.”
• She angrily glares into space, but it turned to a frown. “My family was Christian. Like, really, really religious. Church every Sunday, all that stuff. I never really believed in it, but I had to go. It was alright, I guess.”
• You were listening intently, letting her get everything out. She clearly needed this.
• “When I was nine, I think, we went there Easter Sunday to do the usual prayers. During the after party thing I was playing with Juliet in this corridor in the church and then this… guy… appeared. I think he was the graveyard keeper, and we ignored him until he asked us our names.”
• Something about her tone made anticipation boil up in your chest. You were scared for her, despite this being in the past.
• “Juliet was an idiot and told him, and our ages. She was fourteen at the time, she should’ve known better.” Benni bit her lip. “He asked—told her he’d hidden Easter eggs around the church, and she ran off to find them.”
• “…Leaving us alone. H—he…” She didn’t need to finish her sentence.
• You knew.
• “Benni, baby…” You kiss her gently on the lips, seeing she was on the verge of tears. You didn’t blame her, that was a horrid thing to go through. Anger was swelling up inside you. “Did you tell your parents?”
• “Y—yeah. But Juliet said I was l—lying,” she sniffs. “I h—hate her.”
• You hate her too. Her own sister. This world really was something.
• “A—and when I was fifteen I h—had a date with a girl one night and Juliet found out and told our parents and t—they kicked me out. I haven’t seen them s—since.”
• Benni was sobbing by this point. You pull her in, kissing her forehead as she cries into your chest. You don’t know what to say.
• When you asked, you hadn’t expected neglect, sexual abuse and homophobia. No wonder she was so clingy, so obsessive, so unstable. She’d never experienced love before. And when she did, it hit her like a truck.
• She couldn’t control these feelings, she was infatuated. You were the complete opposite of her family, so beautiful, so sweet so accepting. No wonder she fell so hard.
• And her nightmares. You now understood why she babbled about ‘graveyards’ and ‘him’. Poor thing.
• This was the moment you vowed never to leave her. This girl needed your protection. She needed you, and you were going to keep her safe, just like she keeps you safe. You were going to heal her broken mind and be there for her forever.
• “D—don’t leave me!” She begs. “You’re all I have!” She’s grabbing at your shirt, nails digging into your skin. She’s frantic, as if you’re going to turn to dust. “I’m not a bad person, I promise, I promise!”
• “I’m not going to leave you, honey,” you tell her, peppering her face with kisses. “Never. You’re my beautiful Benni,” you smile, tears of your own falling. “You don’t need them. You’ve got me now. I don’t care if you’re a stalker, or if you watch me sleep. You’re my Benni, okay?”
• “Promise?” She hiccups. You wipe her tears.
• “I promise, sweetheart. As long as you want me, I’ll want you, okay? You could kidnap me and I would be happy with you.”
• “M—maybe I’ll take you up on that,” she jokes. You think.
• “Please do. The world is better in your arms.” You kiss her forehead again and again.
• She replies, “Can we stay like this?”
• You pull her in closer. “Of course, baby.”
• “…Can I tell you one more thing?” She whispers.
• “Anything,” you coo.
• “I’m in love with you. I can’t stop falling in love with you. I know we haven’t been together long but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to part from you. It’s scaring me. I can’t stop thinking about you.”
• “Well it’s a good thing I feel the same way,” you laugh. “I’m yours, Benni. Yours and yours only. I love you so, so much, even if you are a little strange. I need you, I love you.”
• You’d never seen her happier.
• This just proved to her you’re the most perfect thing in the world. Her pretty darling.
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nico-di-angelic · 11 months
graveyard keeper has completely worn me down. im tired of googling every little thing. this game tells me nothing. i can’t get into the church bc my graveyard rating is too low. i can’t craft grave markers bc i have no nails. i can’t make nails bc i have no anvil. can’t make an anvil bc i have no scrap metal. can’t make scrap metal bc i have no anvil??? can’t buy metal bc i have no money. can’t buy seeds bc i have no money. can’t farm without seeds. im. done.
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fleurmatisse · 4 months
hey what if vash was the keeper for a graveyard/cemetery (graveyard is the one w a church. idc which one for these purposes i just wanted to look that up.) anyway that but like with the cold storage he knows everyone’s names who’s buried there. 🌈✨
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mifithemuffin · 1 year
[spoiler for episode 0]
Hi! Since you have read all the episode 0´s manga, I was wondering if we ever learn what happen to the Mason family? (For now I’m unable to buy them and tbh I doubt it’ll be one day affordable in my langage — but well. I just need to know at least that point please 😭)
Thanks for feeding us aod content 🙏
hi!! thank you for the ask!
sorry for keeping you waiting, i had to carefully look through episode.0 to give you a proper answer!
spoilers ahead
so the short answer is no, we have no idea what happened to any of them.
but at one point, around ch.12-13, we do learn that Eddie's family is still around!
it's referenced here when Gray sends Eddie off:
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"thank you for the information, but please go home already." (meaning he has a home to return to)
and also here when Shin [the previous B4 resident] stumbles upon him on the graveyard:
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"is it alright for a kid like you to be out that late at night? what about your family?"
"it's fine, no one knows anyway. besides, I don't think they'd even care."
in terms of timeline, I'm pretty positive this takes place after episode.Eddie
in the game the Girl is the only source of his happiness, he doesn't seem to have anything else going for him. Masons are very likely tied to the church as a whole, but we never see it in game, not in relation to Eddie at least. so his late night outings boil down to checking on the graveyard and burying pets, not helping out with the church burials.
in episode.0 he spends a lot of time in the church, so much so that Gray isn't surprised to see him in the middle of the night +Gray refers to him as their local "grave keeper", not "one of the grave keepers" or anything else indicating Eddie's brothers help out in one way or another.
Eddie also says that he suspects something strange going on in the church but as long as he can make graves he's not going to question it.
at the start of episode.Eddie he longs for acknowledgement, praise, for someone to talk to. by the end of it, after all the abuse, he enters this strange mindset of acceptance and the idea that death is the answer to any misery. he makes the Girl "his own" and, as a consequence, loses her forever, returning to being all alone again.
back to episode.0: Eddie's involvement with Shin grows into genuine attachment as he starts spending more and more time in the church and on B4. he's still technically not an angel, but he's always there. his nights are busy with things he likes doing and people (a person?) who accepts him. he gains a support system he severely lacked in the game.
not much to say about his family anymore, but I do want to note that it feels like after becoming an official B4 resident Eddie stops returning home. either something happens to the whole family (i know there's a fanon he murders everyone) or he simply runs away and leaves his family behind.
also when Zack becomes part of the angels, Eddie seems to be constantly in the building.
i got a little bit off the track, but hope that helps somehow!!
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Reblogging my active muse posts <3
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demonlordcosnime · 6 days
lets play graveyard keeper part 8
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ghostsiren · 2 years
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Stream schedule for week of 10/10/2022 | https://www.twitch.tv/ghostsirenofficial
Monday - No Stream
Tuesday - 11am EST - TERROR TUESDAYS: I have three spoopy short games lined up for today! Which one will make me scream the most? Serena? Faefever? or Scarlet Hollow? Will we get through them all? O:
Wednesday - No Stream
Thursday - 7:30pm EST ~ Tranquil Thursdays ~ Graveyard Keeper! We have a church now... but Donkey is on strike! 
Friday - 7pm EST ~ Skyrim Together with Luna Arcana! 
I’ll see you there~
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