#great rhino
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
*Spidey and the Sinister Six having their usual fight*
Doc Ock, landing a hit: You’re getting slow Spider-Man! Age finally catching up to you?
Spider-Man: You wish! I haven’t even hit my 30s! From those costumes I can already tell I failed to save you guys from those midlife crises! Sorry by the way.
Vulture: Watch it wallcr- wait… Did you just say your not in your thirties yet?
Spider-Man: Surprised that this spiders so young and spry? Well-
Electro: Dude I’ve been fighting you for at least 5 fucking years! How old even are you?
Shocker, joking cause he’s the only one who picked up no grown adult acts likes Spidey: Don’t swear in-front of the boy you don’t want him to pick it up.
Rhino: Christ! You’re tellin me I almost crushed some 12-year-olds skull all those years ago?
Spider-Man, regretting his quipping: I was not that young! Like just starting freshman year but-
Sandman, horrified as he’s the only one with a kid and dad instincts(as of my iteration): I could’ve killed a kid…
Shocker, genuinely curious: Are you even old enough to drink? Cruel to kill a man who ain’t had his first drink yet.
Electro: Please tell us you’re at least over 25 as of this fight. Hell, I’ll take over 21!
Sandman, realizing just how young he really is: Oh my god.
Spider-Man: My birthday’s coming up soon so I guess it counts?
Doc Ock, exacerbated: It. Does. Not!
Vulture: What would your mother think if she knew her son was out here risking his life telling poorly constructed jokes?
Spider-Man, offended cause it quips slap: 1. My jokes are great 2. She and my dad are dead so-
Sandman, hysterical cause holy shit he almost killed a kid orphan: OH MY GOD!
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truth4ourfreedom · 4 months
Dr. Phil Promo Ad for Trump Interview Rejected by TikTok
He wanted young people to have the opportunity to see who Trump is - for good or bad. TikTok refuses to run the ad.
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It's been several months but I can't stop thinking about when I reblogged a post that talked about how you shouldn't buy nautilus or abalone shells because these animals are very much endangered or threatened by extinction in part due to the overharvesting of their shells, and then someone reblogged it from me with the tag "abalone shells fuck majorly i got one on my shelf"
????? I'm sorry but read the room??????
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Great Lakes Avengers #3
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gluevah · 2 months
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"Oh I don't collect Jellycats, I just want a few because they're so cute."
-me, a liar
I saw that Lachlan Sad Rat had come back in stock on the Jellycat website, so I picked him and a couple others from my wishlist to order. And I used Amazon reward points to get Fangwick (Stellan Sabertooth) so Woolsworth (Viggo Mammoth) could be reunited with his best friend!
I absolutely adore these lil guys! I'd heard a few people say that Brooke Otter isn't soft, but I actually really love his texture. It's fuzzy and prickly-coarse at the very tips and just delightful to touch. Lachlan's texture is also really nice, I like that kind of fur with the different lengths in a pattern. Zeus Great Dane and Roderick Rhino are super soft, Roderick is my second softest Jellycat (right behind Wilf Wolf)! Zeus's face is so sweet 🥺
I'll have to get a group photo of my Jellycats soon, I never intended to start a collection!
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sregnarkroywen · 6 months
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Rhinos put Jase in the net for the third... maybe because Anand had 50 SOG in 40 minutes 💀
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unironicallycringe · 2 years
1am, time to post misc igo knight and icespine rhino rider concepts
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joriontel · 1 year
Was good.
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
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nashvillehotchicken · 9 months
so guess who tested positive for that new dangerous respiratory virus (not covid, sucks that i have to clarify)?
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hollowsart · 2 years
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Ough.. Ma'am.. 🙏😩💕
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Save The Rhino Day
Save the Rhino Day, celebrated globally on May 1, is a day centered around raising awareness of the rhino’s plight in the world, and highlighting ways to help this incredible animal. This day is especially important given the current devastating statistics — on average, one rhino is poached somewhere in the world every 22 hours. On this day, various animal rights organizations, non-profit companies, zoos, animal activists, and other concerned groups provide opportunities to encourage more rhino conservation efforts from people around the world.
History of Save The Rhino Day
To trace the origins of the Rhinoceros, we’d have to go back some millennia — almost 56 million years ago, to be precise. That’s when the first ancestors of the modern Rhinos roamed the planet. They were more horse-like in structure and had no horns. Old rhino bones found from this period in North America show a gradual evolution from this old horse-like structure into one more aligned with today’s rhino. Over these years, there were three distinct species that scientists think might be the ancestors of today’s rhinos. One of these was called the ‘running rhino,’ which was adapted for speed.
Another was more aquatic and resembled today’s hippopotamus. The last, most direct ancestors to the modern rhinoceros appeared approximately 25 million years ago and had multiple sub-species in their families. Of these, the wooly rhinoceros was one of the largest subspecies, weighing in at almost four times the size of the average African elephant, and boasting one-meter-long horns. This species inhabited a large area, from Siberia to the British Isles. These plant-eaters lived alongside the wooly mammoths, and have been found fossilized in ice and in cave paintings made during that period.
These rhinos only lived in Asia initially but began traveling to other places around 25 million years ago. Over time, these rhino ancestors roamed the continents, primarily living in Eurasia (Europe and Asia combined) and North America. However, the American rhinos went extinct sometime between 5.4 and 2.4 million years ago.
Rhinos have also featured in many Asian and African legends — they are the fire-stamping heroes in many stories from Burma, India, and Malaysia. According to these stories, rhinos appeared every time a fire was lit in the forest and would stamp out the flames. So popular is this tale that it even featured in a popular 1980 South-African movie named “The Gods Must Be Crazy.”
Unfortunately, these once-abundant creatures have lost out to human activity. Hunting, and now, poaching and habitat loss, have drastically reduced the number of rhinos across the world. Rhino horns are also integral to traditional medicine in many parts of Asia, with people believing it has mystical powers. Since 2007, there has been a sharp increase in poaching activity and illegal trade of rhino horns, to the extent that many subspecies of rhinos have been declared extinct and the entire rhino population is listed as ‘endangered’.
Save The Rhino Day timeline
1973 A Symbol of Queer Identity
Two Boston artists, Daniel Thaxton and Bernie Toale create a lavender rhinoceros as a symbol to increase awareness of gays and lesbians and put it in a series of subway posters.
2011 No More Black Rhinos
The Western Black Rhino — which used to live in Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Sudan, and South Sudan — is declared extinct because of excessive poaching.
2012 A Ray of Hope
For the very first time, a Sumatran rhino — the smallest of the rhino family — is born in captivity in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Indonesia; this miracle repeats in 2016, and then in 2022.
2018 A Sad Farewell
The world bids goodbye to the last known male northern white rhino; only two females survive to this day.
Save The Rhino Day FAQs
What day is World Rhino Day?
On September 22 each year, the global community celebrates the rhinoceros and explains what people can do to help them.
How many rhino species are there?
At present, there are five species of rhinos in the world — the white rhino and the black rhino (both found in Africa), and the Indian, Javan, and Sumatran (all found in Asia).
Are rhinos endangered?
The black, Javan, and Sumatran rhinos are still listed as ‘critically endangered,’ while the entire species is classified as ‘endangered.’
How to Observe Save The Rhino Day
Learn about the rhinoceros
Visit a rhino
Help save the rhino
Uncover more interesting information about this magnificent animal. Watch documentaries featuring the rhino, read books and other literature about them, and discover more studies and research that show just how the rhino lives.
Why not go see a rhinoceros in real life? Check out rhinos at a local zoo or plan a trip to visit rhinos in the wild.
Research the efforts various groups make towards saving the rhino, and check out what you can do to help. These could include online volunteering services, donations of funds, and more.
5 Fun Facts About The Rhinoceros
The rhino communication method
They don't have 20-20 vision
How the white rhino got its name
Their horns are like our nails
And still, people steal their horns
Rhinos make funny sounds — like snorting, sneeze-like sounds, and even honking — and use their bodily waste to 'speak' to other rhinos.
Rhino eyesight is notoriously poor, so much so that if an animal only 100 feet away — in an open space, too — stood motionless, the rhino wouldn't be able to spot them.
This rhino isn't actually white — English explorers mistook the Afrikaans 'wyd,' which refers to the huge girth of this animal, as 'white' and the name stuck.
Rhino horns are made up almost entirely of keratin, which is also the protein found in human hair and nails.
Even as rhino horns are proven to have no health benefits, signs in museums — like the National Museum of Scotland — notify visitors that the horn on display is a replica, as the real one has been stolen.
Why Save The Rhino Day is Important
It helps increase awareness
Creating safe havens for rhinos
Building a rhino-loving community
Rhinos are becoming increasingly rare in the wild, and only continuous efforts to raise awareness, like celebrating Save The Rhino Day,  can help this endangered species. Do your bit today to support rhinos.
The spike in awareness such days provide also subsequently raises the amount of help being offered to save the rhinos. These increased efforts could help secure various safe and protected spaces for the rhino to survive and thrive.
Conservation efforts have had a significant impact in the past — various subspecies of rhinos have seen their numbers gradually increase over the years as a result of these activities. After these celebrations, we are left with a passionate and motivated global community that wants to see the rhinoceros flourish in the decades to come.
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pleistocene-pride · 2 years
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The Indian rhinoceros, also called the Indian rhino, greater one-horned rhinoceros or great Indian rhinoceros, is a rhinoceros species native to the Indian subcontinent where they can be found in a handful of national parks throughout the countries of India and Nepal. The Indian rhino alongside its close relative the Javan rhino make up the genus rhinoceros. Unlike most other species of modern rhino which are typically solitary animals, the Indian rhino can often be found living in social groups of upwards of 6 individuals typically consisting of mothers and there calves as well as subadults, said groups are occasionally accompanied by a bull but as they grow older males grow more solitary in nature. They typically inhabit grasslands, open dry forest, and riverine woodlands where they feed upon grasses, roots, leaves, branches, fruits, and submerged and floating aquatic plants. Because of there size indian rhinos have few natural predators except for tigers and mugger crocodiles which occasionally prey upon young, elderly, or infirm rhinos. Males are typically larger than females standing at upwards of 6ft tall at the shoulder, 12ft in length, and 4,800lbs in weight compared to females at 5ft tall at the shoulder, 11ft in length, and 3,500lbs in weight. This makes the Indian rhino the second largest living rhino species behind the white rhino, and also the second largest land animal in asian behind the asian elephant. These rhinos have a thick grey-brown skin with pinkish skin folds and one horn on their snout. Their upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart-like bumps. They have very little body hair, aside from eyelashes, ear fringes and tail brush. Adult males sport huge armored neck folds. After a 15-16 month pregnancy mother Indian rhinos will typically give birth to a single calf, which will remain by there mothers side for at least 2 years. Females reach sexual maturity sooner than males at around 4 years compared to males a 5 years of age. Under ideal conditions an Indian rhino may live upwards of 40 years.
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spnsidebloguwu · 2 years
something about how the boys’ poverty was an essential part of the early spn’s american gothic themes and societal commentary
something about how when the boys came into generational wealth (the bunker) it completely changed the tone and themes of the show
something about how the limited resources contribute to a tight knit hunter community that the boys clearly become disconnected from
something about how it happens when their position in life changes & they get resources that they clearly never take the initiative to share (maybe when someone asks them, but that is not the same)
something about how the assurance of wealth and the approach to life and community that it gave henry winchester can clearly be seen carried down to john and the boys and their interactions with the people around them
something about how mary’s family were hunters, who are implied to have been the ‘dirty poors’ of the old hunting world (day laborers vs academics) and how the fear and ambition and compassion and community-mindedness that arise from not knowing if you will have enough clearly shine in every aspect of mary’s character and actions
something about how mary died and john lived until amara gave dean ‘what he needed’
something about the show’s ‘monsters’ survive on earth only by taking from humans (eating them, or wearing them)
something about how early spn is about taking agency and denying those who would subsist off of you without giving anything in return - team free will vs angels & demons
something about how the show has the boys learn that ‘monsters’ are not always simple parasites leaching the rest of us dry and that sometimes there are humans that are
something about how throughout the show, even as it slides off it’s rails in later seasons, there is the implication that the greedy and wealthy are the true enemies (the clothes of ally lucifer vs enemy michael) (the british men of letters) (first amara & then god himself)
something about jody’s house being stuffed to the brim with orphans and empty bedrooms lining the bunker’s halls
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twenty-orange-balloons · 11 months
I love that the Wonkapiercer was supposed to be a practical joke played on Chris Evans. That's hilarious 😂
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labwebs · 1 year
🕸️I still think it’s pretty messed up that there were people dressed as peter’s enemies at that one Halloween party in the game like. I’d love to know what was going through his head a bit more when he saw that lol
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