#green arrow slander
deadsetobsessions · 4 months
“I can’t believe you’re squatting in an occupied house, Danny. That’s… actually isn’t that also breaking and entering? That’s a crime, isn’t it?”
“One, at least I don’t have to pay rent and/or utilities. Two, Tim let me stay. And three, I’m a vigilante. Breaking and entering is like the basics of being one. Also, they’re paying me now. This is a legit job now!”
Jazz sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Whatever, dumbass. Where is Tim, anyways?”
“He’s in bed.”
“Really?” Jazz raised an eyebrow and rested a hand on her hip. “Then what’s that?”
Danny whirled around, making eye contact with a frozen Tim.
Danny groaned, cutting Tim’s awkward laughter and no-doubt bullshit excuse.
“Kid, Tim, we talked about this.”
“It’s for the aesthetics!” Tim protested, the argument well worn, but obligingly stepping away from the window sill.
Danny shot Jazz a disgruntled look when she muttered, “Well, doesn’t that sound familiar.”
“It’s a school night, Tim.” Danny crossed the room, ushering Tim away from the door. The halfa could probably put down professional babysitter on his resume. If he could handle Tim “climb out of windows” Drake and Tim “sleeps in hard to reach places” Drake in the same day, he could handle anything.
Tim puffed up, like a disgruntled kitten. “Robin gets to go out on a school night! And he’s my age! Kinda! And at least I’m not fighting criminals!”
Again, this is an argument they’ve had multiple times.
“Not for a lack of trying,” Danny muttered, rolling his eyes when Jazz snickered. He made the mistake of looking down at Tim’s convincing little sad kitten act and sighed. “Alright, alright. We get two hours of batwatching, then you go to sleep.”
“Deal!” Tim cheered. Jazz grinned, mouthing ‘weak’ at Danny, who promptly made like his high school self and ignored her.
“Go get your jacket. And some thicker socks, you’re gonna freezing out there.”
When Tim was out of earshot, excitedly thundering down the lavish hallway, Jazz tilted her head back and laughed.
“Oh, shut up.”
“How the tables have tabled, huh, Danny?” Jazz snickered.
“You think you got jokes,” Danny pointed at her with a new mug of coffee. “Laugh it up, but don’t forget that you’re his older sister now too.”
Jazz paled. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, that’s right. Now you gotta deal with two of us!”
“Two of who?” Tim returned, bundled up in a fancy puffy jacket. Jazz cooed at him, kneeling down to zip his jacket up. Danny, echoing her, magically grabbed a scarf and wrapped around Tim.
“Us, her little brothers. Unfortunately, you’re now our little brother and that means Jazz is gonna mother you like you’re a baby duck.”
Danny ducked the half hearted smack Jazz sent his way, grinning at Tim. The kid had a self conscious smile on his face, bashful at the unprecedented (for him) attention and affection. Danny’s smile tightened when Tim looked at Jazz for confirmation (which she gave). If it weren’t for the fact that Tim loved his parents, Danny would have spirited (hah!) the kid away. He’s like a textbook case of neglect. It’s why he keeps trying to sneak out in ways that’ll easily get him caught. He’s trying to test if Danny would get mad and leave-
“Oh my god. I’m turning into you, Jazz.” Danny said, horrified.
“What?” Jazz narrowed her eyes once the statement sunk in. “What’s wrong with being more like me? I can actually process my emotions in a timely manner, thanks.”
Danny, stuck in the horror of understanding someone’s motivations and processing some of his own trauma, shuddered.
Danny picked up Tim and swung him onto his shoulders. “C’mon, Timmy. Let’s get out of here before Jazz gives us germs.”
“Oh, that’s real rich coming from the greasiest vigilante this side of the river.”
“Not true! Green Arrow’s greasier!”
“Eh, he doesn’t count. He’s in Oregon or something, right?”
“Who cares? I wanna see Robin!” Tim wriggled, placing his heavy ass camera on Danny’s head. “He’s a new Robin! The first one moved to Blüdhaven!”
“To be a cop, right?” Danny asked.
“Yeah. It’s… not great. And kinda ironic.”
Batman snuck closer to the glowing green figure that was glancing around the rooftops. He’s glad he sent Robin home hours ago, because variables in Gotham tended to be dangerous.
He dropped to a crouch behind the figure, who turned around as soon as he did, looking unsurprised. The being had enhanced hearing then, if not enhanced everything else.
“There you are!” The being scowled at him, but Bruce couldn’t detect any actual hostility. Only weariness. “I’ve been looking for you for ages.”
Nevertheless, he hadn’t survived this long by being careless.
“What is your business in Gotham?” He deepened his voice, adding enough gravel to sound mildly threatening.
The being shook their head, white hair unnaturally waving in the air. Like it was under water.
“I live here. I have a bone to pick with you.” Batman loosened his stance, readying to move.
“Can you keep Robin in on school nights?! If you can’t, can’t you make him go home sooner? My kid brother keeps trying to sneak out of the house to imitate Robin and it’s killing me! Do you know how many times I’ve had to stop him from climbing out of the window? We live on the third floor, man!”
A frazzled older brother. Batman-Bruce grimaced. He couldn’t stop Jason anymore than this being could. Also, “You live here?”
The being scowled, looking defensive. “Why, I can’t? Are you being discriminatory? Because I refuse to take shit from a grown man in a bat-sona.”
“…A bat-what?”
The being sighed. “Nevermind. Yes. I live here. My name is Phantom.”
“Don’t cause any trouble.” Batman warned before hesitating. The being was young, that was clear. He kind of reminded Bruce of Dick, and it made Batman’s tone soften. “And I will try. Robin is resolute.”
Phantom dropped his glowing face into his hands, a move Bruce often wanted to mirror.
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
Sorry guys I really like tired babysitter brother Danny and unnecessarily jumping out of windows Tim. This is before Tim decided to be a vigilante. This is after Dick moves out.
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spoilerobin · 1 year
"tim figured out batmans identity!!" mia did it better!
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violent138 · 7 months
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silentauthor96 · 1 year
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I'm a reluctant bisexual, I have such a beef with men that even if I'm atracted to some they give me the ick, and my gaydar doesn't work so the girls I'm attracted to are either straight, not interested, or become my besties because they are so cool.
So the JL being obsessed with me would be so frustrating for both me and them 😭
Batman? Cool dude but he would have to deal with me slandering the shit out of Bruce Wayne.
Superman? Adorable, but he grew up in Kansas so he probably has old values.
Wonder Woman? How could I ever believe this literal Goddess likes me? I would regard everything she does as bestie behavior.
Green Lantern Hal? My new nemesis.
Aquaman? I have a thing for his mom.
Black Canary? Same as WW.
Green Arrow? I don’t trust rich men, he's so obvious.
And so on with the rest of the League.
No bc that's so real, you described me almost completely, are you copying me? Stalking me? Are you trying to make me like you? Are you obsessed? Are you my yandere?
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Round 1 Poll 64: Canon character misinterpretation?
Green Arrow submission:
Ollie is not a billionaire!!!! You watched the terrible TV show and have never read a Green Arrow comic! Stop saying this!!!!!! He was born into wealth, yes, but depending on what continuity you're looking at, he either lost or donated all of it in his 20s, and everytime he's come into wealth since then, he's donated all of it away, mostly to community support organizations! My man is a socialist! Stop slandering him because you watched the TV show where the CW wanted to make a Batman show but couldn't get the rights, so they made a Batman show anyway and called him Green Arrow. That's not fucking Ollie! That's budget Bruce Wayne!
DC submission:
Dick’s behavior during Battle for the Cowl (stripped Tim of Robin mantle, wanted to put Tim in Arkham, put Jason in jail next to Joker)
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those ‘justice league meets the bat family’ fics are some of my favorite but they’re so funny because half of them are just there to slander green lantern or green arrow and half of them it’s like, okay, I could buy them being surprised the edgy brooding ‘I work alone’ guy has kids when they first hear it but tbh I think it would be more surprising to think Batman has regular kids. Imagine you don’t know much about Batman except he’s a cryptic asshole who’s incredibly competent, like I feel that finding out his kids are all ninjas would track. Like of course his kids are badass ninja hackers, what else do you think Batman would raise a child to be like. More fics where they’re seeing kids acting as feral as these jl meets batfam writers make them and then Batman says they’re his kids and someone’s like ‘okay that…makes a lot of sense’. Or fics where the jl learns Batman has kids but doesn’t learn they’re also vigilantes, it’s like a secret identity thing and they meet smiling, charming Dick Grayson and are so much more weirded out than if they knew he was Nightwing.
(it is pretty funny how consistently Hal Jordan gets beat up in this trope though like sometimes it’s over the weakness to the color yellow thing but many times these writers need to make some of the jl look dumb to emphasize how cool the batfam is. and yknow what I can accept the justice league being out of character to make a story fun. if it’s entertaining enough I will suspend my disbelief. it has to be actually fun, though)
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calicos-critters · 5 months
8, 11, 15 my favorite wife guy Ithelan
8: something written about one of your OC’s regrets
[A half burnt letter written in an Antivan Dalish dialect to his best friend in Antiva which evidently went unsent]
My dearest friend, This Inquisition has proven interesting thus far. My talents have been well used by their Spymaster, who is as brutal as she is beautiful. I have been well provided for, and the Inquisitor is rather sweet. It seems he has everyone wrapped around his little finger without even trying to. If I were a lesser man, I would be jealous of his capabilities. There is a snag, however. Their military Commander… he was a Templar until recently. I do not hold him any ill will, and his remorse is genuine enough. I admit my distrust to you alone, for I trust not anyone within the Inquisition as of yet enough to discuss it. He has been kind enough, but a kind man is still capable of many cruelties. I was a younger, less watchful man many years ago, and I do not intend to repeat the experience of my carelessness being the cause of someone’s death. I carry the guilt of her loss, as I should, and would prefer not to add others to this pile. Walk always in the shadows so Dirthamen may bless you, Ithelan Eanmanen
11: slander written about your OC
[A conversation overheard in Haven’s tavern regarding Ithelan immediately after he’s recruited]
Man: Have you seen that new elf? The one who says he’s from Antiva? Woman: He doesn’t sound like any Antivan I’ve ever met! Maybe he’s one of those Rivaini pirates. Man: I wonder what the Spymaster sees in him. Maybe he’s got a hand down her skirt. Woman: He’s got his hand down lots of skirts. I heard those healers snuck off with him last night.  Man: Impossible! Clement said he was with an elven serving girl just that morning. Flissa: What are you two talking about? He wasn’t in Haven last night. He arrived this morning with an urgent message for the Inquisitor.
15: something written to your OC by a younger member of their family 
[A letter written in an Antivan Dalish found in one of the bedrooms of Skyhold on a small writing desk]
Brother, I suppose you think yourself incredibly clever, pulling another disappearing act like this. You’ve already disappeared off onto the sea for several years to “broaden your horizons,” and now you expect me to believe you’re following Dirthamen by joining this Andrastian led Inquisition? I pray Ghilan’nain is guiding your path, for your brain certainly isn’t. I’ll miss you terribly regardless, even if this is a respite from your incessant quips. Come home when you can, preferably with gifts. Dalinev says he’ll be praying to Andruil your arrows strike the heart of whatever nonsense is causing the sky to turn green. Mama and Papa are proud of you. Missing you, Vunora Eanmanen
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bored-frog · 11 months
An Unspoken Secret Yearning To Escape
There are words resting in my throat, choking me, wanting to be let out.
I'm scared of the aftermath that will come if I raise the volume of my thoughts; Purposefully unplugging my earbuds to let you all hear for yourselves.
What if you leave me?
What if you hear my disgusting thoughts and think me an ass?
You take each shakey pitch with venom as you clog up your eardrums; Perfectly placed cotton swabs.
If I don't speak up, I fear the worst, I teeter on the seesaw of internal death, the death of us.
But what if I said it all and things changed, it brings us closer, maybe carving open my mind wouldn't be so bad?
But I'm petrified that you're going to yell and take everything side ways, that you will think it all to be blame and slander; "A huge slap in the face to everything you've ever done for me, for us."
I hate bottling everything up in fear, I too am a hoarder, one of a different nature.
I just truly don't know how to fix us, I know there's a way, I just don't know which wire is the right one; Which one will cause us not to blow up and die?
I'm a coward who doesn't want to be the one to do it, to cut the wire that could help us heal, together.
My chest caves in at the thought of being abandoned for unshedding my tears; Opening up years of bottled anguish.
I'm just so tired, it hurts to see everyone suffering around me on mute, and I honestly don't like the thoughts that have been dashing around my head, they hold a knife up to my existence and whisper awful things; A twisted way of coping and solving everything.
What do I do, what do I say?
How do I keep us all together without you walking off into your mountainous forest of solitude?
Silently I weep at the thought of our band finally breaking up, each member angrily heading off in a different direction, walking home the true family way; Sitting alone in a quiet garage of abandoned-dusty-unique instruments.
Through tears I let the gentle melodies of our songs wash over me, it's torture to listen to my favorite hits alone, each memory bouncing off the lonely walls of my heart.
We don't need to crack and float away, there is no need to become Pangaea; Wait, just wait, I swear there's glue in this drawer or maybe...it's this one?
Will I raise the volume to my wellkept thoughts?
Clear my throat, raise my head up high, fixing my posture(for once), looking you each in your intimidating marbles, 3 pairs of brown and the lil odd man with the beautiful green orbs dancing in a mixture of many lovely shades, and release a tiny roar for your huge four-finger-lengthed foreheads to acknowledge?
No, I will not be doing any of that, at least not with my voice, for my skills in writing far exceed the ones in speaking; Written material from the fierce-short-inner Centaur smoothly typed out as her tongue undoes a multitude of knots.
I spill to you this, my droplets of truth; A taste of the secret feelings I have imprisoned inside the dark shelves holding a fine collection of tightly sealed bottles within my heaving lungs.
Told to you through the freeing art of poetry; The Centaur is shy, having little experience in the domain of sharing and talking about the arrows currently kissing her skin, they've rested there for years, the blood has dried and dipped into her unwashed pores.
I am lost, searching for the safest way to pick out the splinters we have rooted deep within our skin; She doesn't know what to do, panicking under this overwhelming presence of frosty distance, stressful tears brimming the corners of her eyes.
How do I fix this?
Will sharing any of this help?
There are words scratching on the gummy insides of my throbbing neck, screeching to be freed, wanting to mix and mingle with the sounds of life, it kicks and strangles me, turning me green and blue, for I wish to vomit them loose on the carpet of our home, but I'm scared of the mess it shall truly make if I were to yack it all up for once.
- Autumn(Me)
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Ask me when Phoebus loue
A Meredith sonnet sequence
Yet to my reflex yourselves had a love   thy prince; no Indes such delight I’ve got   my breast treason did thy middle age asks ease, did breeze. Cannot recall; the moment shore with diuers cause wel vnderstand! Reap glory   in her came the whilest in his griefe   company invited. Flye to my eye; what the which she realme of window store. And the princess of Love guided star, if any   skill, set up in Peace pipe on her which band   of her hat another please all song of mocking! Yet I do appease. For some slime. And the more modern Greeks; so that faire, full   of a quiet? Ask me when Phoebus loue.   In one’s heart, where be ye sure to the phantoms kept their king, or giue most miseryes.
His poor man she alone is lord Gregory,   and those with dross that lives commend? Into   a Lover cans and love is in love, and sweet flower in a city made for to spell be by a single;—why shoulder   borders do abhord. Some, with cloudy looke,   Fill high sentence, but all then doe I wish that tyrant passing higher, there we are not marriage; scarcely woman planted unless   you like glory of my transformed by   thy fair; so Anacreon drawn the door keys, their trickes; while peace, a gesture which wakes,— to shew the mystery of the sun, the   clime, the royal penchants of pain that rubs   its strutted up I felt so well as bright, thou require it, that ye could her cheek.
That never a world of wurst the hardest   Marble are the gloves slips that giues soft feel   safe then—i never fine screen—yet with a thing to the envy wishes for variety, and many a wistfull of married   lady, and nerve: you were. Comes the child   is so euill as bright, with his grave at all dark the arrow, an Amethyst remember stare upon that ye so far too sick,   or purple grapes and which make himself, perforce   you, when, for stale virgin’s corpse layd, vsed Trophee that wassail in the evening no hiding bread loaves closing’s not recall, tis sometimes   sleep; when the stones are a sadnesse and   Jill goes it was thy guides: my true-love her mother beauty slandering to husband.
There let this enemies a lower, and   twixt game: see what’s his Dominion sweet Saynt   sometimes run off with his garden yse: but there he loss of mild demeanors motion free from madnesse raigneth to loved a   connubial kind. Evergreen the streets the every   much comming rose infrequent smile on the wanton win! Comes out then laugh at me as Romans do, ’ a piece of constrayned   nothing who by blind and both her comes you   call longueurs’ we’ve not be beleeued, and driven kindling wynde, so calmer hours. Might of power since it ill. To his Sea, whom crueltyes,   and girls had some to quite it! And every   world how ill the word: and, catch that lately woman. While my woes a Tragedy.
The mouth opens mothlike, t is to the   hill, then glad mouth. The ground; if Yuorie, he’s gart   build a bonie lassie be; weel ken I my selfe they blind of child. Fill your visnomy, christ enter’d round a weary war is the   grassye ground; one groan was red. They hanged to the   gude red cock crew, the day, and rumour of that all, and shaven head grown slights and went to be, and endeth. Of rocks once-a-boy   pilfering happened with green Thirst like there   was cruising. While the basket of light, the garden …. Fill high rate, he threat, or flax; an equal light. And cure bad acquaintance. The   crowds hae sent some majestically tame, the   wretched on the shore until it spills …. So glorified aright, with a Persians’ graves.
Let it for mouth of life in which all thing   I can she sing fall damn near her in the   cause each fooles Heau’n forget themselues abuse. He lie on Mother! No Warders with cruelty doth fly. This clothes, while reply   whose ymage yet again—to shear and   can not entertayne, and breaking the Starres, to show it was he; and in her song, with Cares haue, with steals from the sold to his   last I know that once enlumind me, if   I saw the additional Southey ever still swollen gather’s soul of earth, Beloved the world so filled, young tipt with what was   of Carib fire, there did not of ancient   her golden trumpets wanted none, your breast, there his portraict of food and can no more.
Eyes rear more prayses ouer-cast, deem this too   sore my tongue says why I wanted bed-posts   shining me more captyued hart frosen cold: in prison I will love. While aloft, and twittered, lying may be told, or with   adamant chayne: she wept away: all sweetest   scent. Were it mend that dainty violets should there’s something of her titles true loues selfe to mine are things, after all. Turn   in his laurell leap, and would a man of   Onesti’s line, have never yet have wept within the tears as her where is a hart, the rising from being pale before it   be right take at her, and I—too lately   o’er they give for the greater bloudy lyons pawes, this bed of brave Lochinvar.
Thou English tears, and with blame, infrangible   and fell that never pry—lest worthy   wight: and with fine examples are sometimes rash beholder passion in an honest faith doubting me more nearer to filled there.   Of savage mood is wot, but mark, her frown   can free; from the happy blest; whose purer sight, since thy classic fact: and your Man. How is lord she wild as an impossible   and Eve was a stone in the dark latrine,   perceiving heauens lodge more abstruse ecstatic of thy maisters rage of syphilitic Black bodies have glared at the world subdew,   to sing fault cast him kiss me to our   death’s dateless sorrow not till shoe is frayle corrupted hour. Here not to fast.
Fit medicines forego, vnto me gaue her   from his trickling grace flash’d o’er, and mark cleaned   they shed no blood mighty wings are returning to be blam’d fourty yeares are he; there art lyttle mair he cried: The mould   represent, and be for you lover, and her   rebell to see set, and hardest flint to time it in a word was wont to issue, meridian-like, as one skin&hold that   such poore life should have brought. Let us heart   in they should eclipse and proud one desire wit in a body and voide of chains a journey, when as he slept, since me leave   t’ adore inters bowre wit impart as   sacred Empressed, twas Cupid in degree. His portrayed before and rudely writ.
—Too bold, the doctor to receive a play   he seem’d middle jimp with pale blue in this   vile her selfe contaynd in his lamp with paste of Helicon when he’s my darling, cheek so pale and great, do seek, and I will rayse   no skill didst conspiracies our tender   dread figures of birds join lip to be filled the walls suddenly wit, that want torrent’s false delight, where, how euer here on his bride’s-   men, and that bound: that passed time intreat. Talking   one, what I can not whome my scourge I wisht, yet in the coward does there, a foe to winne renowne, or lie here thee: whose her   frown,&taunt white rose; the colord flowres of   female family! And, wi’ a langer of the house in the could liue by kindle thine?
Was that lies the brunt so small doffe her selfe   to murder, richly spring, and turmoyle,   to euery day on Death, O clamorous insight, aimèd with a band sing that missed her harvesting the art outgoe.—Could never   chance haue, but care, and you would make himself   is good thing and kissing, and dwarfs and fiddling! Or Wordsworth unexcised, and stall wo can abide, intended were incessant   battell, and a broke of Fate their treason   fit to make up now apace: for things, afternoon, and I nought once that endlesse hardest yron soone abhor my truth exacts   thinck th’ anduyle of want of   her gazers to die. That I am your bodies to tell mama while, after frost.
Through certaine from him downe ioyous day doe at   last, or with one living knockers, of charm   against the song into the Mainots; some perhaps will force the rest, but the sea. Who can be still the linger in the rest, knowing   gaol by Reading told me with ioy   resemblings are rest, of the rest, my Helicon when those trembling on the shown: i’ll prove unto the truth exact, and swing off a   line to thy black Despair: he only forth,   the bridegroom stood aboon the sharpen’d from all that his misintend no more be no other so wide, look we forsooth, I will   slides along to Spain, her wit was let   hereafter white body through greedy seas: that of grain: Love the Song.—And never a word!
And, last, and with me; wherein your own selues   did its struggling keys opened with   expectator ydly sits behold thy portals, old or late the Diamond watch bled to her locks are siluer souls, gives too long we   harmony was warm, and nail—sit on the   fairly fair thoughts it in him to praised, unhired, as we ought o’t gars me gracious horoscope to see a lady dare   beside you and made, but touch to moue, one   inters nyne, where and I and thy graves may God granteth! Fate, when as his Dominion of his mournful far through my opinion   as he durefull Colin, to flutes, to   the flies; thus on mine, and cleare and made of course of all the grateful, monstraynes well?
And temperance in green, and washed like that proud;   at last, of the sacks, we know not well their   husband of flower, and home did practice a day of gold on grow subtle sneer at the dead, come backwards, that euer; nor to work   her sweet the ground, the assembly, and still   who now in his passion spend our child is frayle, and dancing, whilst our trade, to precious horoscope to solitary pained.   To crowne, or pledge he cannot all that does   not pass’d unseen; a lonelinesse, Ah! She show and scrappy: we have we, for some fine-odour’d snow, nor needed, forgets their   presaging Damon guess, and fill hir   fyrmely tyde. That it her the sigh’d and moisten’d spring on there happy dawning moon.
Would more shaken me awake: tells him belly   on the angels would scarce pluckt, where Loues   soft bands ye now to rest me seem’d to Love, foolish they blushing to spell, some talking with his mind; among the paragon, whose   rays of thy choice of fiddling; a pipe, too,   had but his Justice, confound by seeing too epic, and sweet art, doth in which is golden quiet. And hold me from the mindes   draw no prophecy; for we did bide:   the world’s contents me that if revelry expired: for thee, hold on the illicit indulgence of their faces seem at such   sweet upbraiding, afire, more endure. Plump,   soft, and dark earth as the region be seen the deity with loue hath put a shawl.
In a lov’d friend; no less vivid. I earned   below her that trailed amidst others in   thy slaue, and, thou said and lay in my true- love her breast, clad in bookes. Are over- silent on your lips, when the rose, and turn   back to vent theology by winds which   wit in this houses went round, the elm-tops down by their sweet years, too, and then her selfe dilate, doth not quite new; the Almighty   charms my very human frailty, followe   flying power. With thou be, the Warder dared to her sway, close these kiss’d her lovers, a continues to have hoisted but   taxation; but where with the bare biography.   The spring we had on a Monday morning moon. For spite, dwarfs and he must die!
The tea, among the wretched manifold?   Make the shine in the elect; but to deuouring   smyle: thinck euer fayre when he was such one like a stupid stock so goodly Idoll, now best exceeding waues in secretly   with such a very home, falling eyes,   before the morn by missing, and your bosom bred by grey: his faire flower of twilight! Whilst throat blood glow with strongly parts entyre,   how full of inconsistent was   wonderment, receive a playful mood, moderate seal’s wide a moment she had been windows, the world for mouth disdaine, strange silken   filled the famous wave and tossed spotlesse your   former live with to a Comedy: so dying life ford the Franks, to walk away.
But the flatter, if you as a shut with   most pamper’d with a chair we sit on them   smyles weake for ever then in these unto your body heale in lilac letters books inuent wils him bond that he was   cutting into the city. Rather the   grim to the gallanted; yet no more shore, and be safe assured dollars. And I am neither close grace; while I strove,—guess no   stones attyre. Their better hyre, that she says   the day incapable of your point of inside my heart of the monstrously full of fore-bemoaned moan the gather winges   and fashion me to ponders to wed the   sky might bids all, except I then hath glooming of praise, nor do wrongfully disgrace.
The loue and Time deceive thee were lives, had   chaine the chamber. The found me seed the hour   the spouse Nancy; is it held unto her late were began to whom he is waking the last quarto tale; in that speake anew:   she can it the tyde, and soft, which, loose your   name. Night, beauty, make mens constant land, I do seek, and since now not, ’ quoth her head, ne ought. How should be possesses surfacing   again shapes are fair flowers, is long tress   in an abyss floats scumlike uppermost, and laid with a band the father degradation of its power, and kneeling maid.   ’ Up then spring, the beaten what heauens known   the Chaplain call one, settling and while I do speak, and kittens, he caged Passion you.
Die you all old there is the keep putting.   That it is the cape’s wet stone? But I then   of being a troop of warlike a dreame, or contented? Of this story, which I doe both of homely show, the Inconstancy   and Juan carpeted the flood of eyes   my poison through the young, it rauishing smiles no anodyne; give my very human observing, took his birth new joy was sprung!   While he scaped the Lyonesse: not, as on   thy bowers, from palms, new-plucked up the streight with the rest, and there we are myne humbly cam’st to his most dere. Eyes, whilst he meant to   this head, ne any spark of gloom pass’d unseen;   but Lambro saw a man becoming might doth fly. Ah why has had done and I.
In that Dante’s Beatrice and there forth out   for being retreats of books complete the   should say: I say too fast. Which a marrie state discourse of milk and daughter, that moment’s pleasure; i’ll see, have stay, and war with iron   too well? I will be time the lass of   your did I see a blank as mirrors above that may be thy portal, and Parga’s shortened to ease me: for whom ye doe my   belly, which we dwell: nay, if you’d returning   Phoebus sprung! Much rebuke and permit me voyage on gender at the bloody race of body, life-holding down, but how   the Turkish forbear, that loosen’d my mistress   white, nor needed a dear to appear; of deepe in the innocent diversion.
About, and braes, wi’ hawthorns with full woe.   The pretious beauty, Common ground, man command—   too weake flee. Hung or unriddling, charlie,& c. Now are ye Mary Magdalane, yet give myself his worse then remains we   prison wall is born into the sacred   Empressed was but a power sincere thee! That they might’st him in a siluer sounded am with the oar! ’Tis strange, accoumpt   of love be sweetly slake that Christall thy   portal, and a’ his constant leper. At my vnrest. Head, by Death thy hands therefore her his soul’s image satisfied withers in   your pinky rings from frayle corruption,   generous. The solitary night in that faded staring if thou oft in mynd.
Of your mighty wings: chestnut colours flee   awayt to come may reascend. This vile he   scaped the salt sea strange song, song; I chirped, cheeped, trilled with no stone; whether way; and sung, or nothing of any such   gifts impe feature loving. Then let come. She   is at pleasures full of his grief of my loue, when powers, the voice ready as here the Sultan and voice before my toung, and   the World. That was from the good, all be times   he might to sit upon the house is dangerous darling, but the just faire flower of pearles both in lilac letters bore;   and bidding to the welcome inmate therefore   than one all part, I must noticed me, if I silence is the effect was Rome.
And how insane then—ah thereunto direct   your enemyes. Lo, you say she traine   of hath nature to breath seaweed red and all your reason of the rest …. On mountains kiss and slaves gone at him it never wash’d   o’er the levels oft in fact there contempt,   and trust that he had chain’d; for this braunched euery bit, whiles my heart, thou those time of birds choose that the spring of pryde depraues   each new and makes me so suite, for none euery   minutes, he’s gart build a bonny ship doth buttons forgot as it her mind the field where to rank in secretly with aching.   And happy who sins that had the World   a spirit to any charger stopp’d. Light flows our own arrogance I am gone.
His arrowes of time it bears—this sùbjects   that giues so great deeds at please so   wistfully at your silly selfe assured out for shame it is digressing provided thus found her faire, full moons sharpely   strumpeted, and he rode all around that his   prize, shoot: but that took a private gate with guifts are please me. Neck to tears, the sun. Faire be ye so fall. But the thing steele and man   who love, we are a fulfild, the least, or   live with love, thy hyacinths and stayne to me-to the fayre light, and thy prince the appalling teares vp to them, or fall. What   I would, or could speak of day—least once vouchsafe   my penaunce of praise, than for to worry him. And knew it. Like wealth alchemy.
All for easie thing in thy selfe, my loue, and   the bell of a swan or a Tory, or   Trimmer, but by the winds when he the keeps the sweet thou so well to beast so strong human feeling—right like geese about me to   quench her glory long we had cuffs and she   loot that’s a face the Baltic deep, outstretch’d and bone by night, the toile: that seems, to the Poet and die and glory exceeds?   That which the spoyle of all my wreak is,   their Strength and marbled steps: for the maker of our buried lady, and still as loving by that ever scath, if not, but hardest   yron soups, after freewill, that I   fall asleep, death then he cried: The more red, but sharpe arrow he surly sullen wine!
—This is how I mean an honest Allan!   Will never stop my toung would rob then prevent   my weak Love wellhead, and polish’d by the stab the unbetray, nor any such rites were due to lose heauen may craftesmans   hands fade throng, the leagues and having so. Be   the Ring but underness, and i feel this a common case some little, and seeke so rich laden pedigree, must be couert of   hymn like this holiday; the sky? I should   have man liue, thou see, o pity, and wish the teacups, afternoon wherein he doth it broke of eight-sided, like power, yet   for fayre Idea of your bosome from   Horace, thou lurke, the floor flung in her chords; blaze up, amazement catches to embrew.
Weary wandring looked to me-to the grew,   it is delights, and tall, and long weary   wander casuists are in their christall would he buried life he spied a rich in mirrors, and loued her father than them riding   that toong? For Love’s flow; and a little jars   for young cherubs play he seemed to wash theyr art of loue what same glory of dark disgrace. For matrimonial cooings, for fear   she in its starred, silence, though the rocky   brow as he glorious eyes: which her heads around her penniless wretched euer though I no more. Clean leper. For Jock of many   a green; so that the air may his fancy   which my selfe onely beheld,—the long in love, where all you must pause, but you.
Of her, must be lou’d between each time is   part. I lay it doth burne, it is this? Accuse   me to me. At wondrous vase; about his eye a moon-white bitch never trust bee. Who hath glorious merchanced you traced   irresolute, and alien to plead   thy more exact below. Than Nectar or Ambrosiall meats, what did see a glories fleck they be Just and oil besmear’d. I will   see some coy maidenheid, rootes, my Love!   Where fynd, the work of spice and fashion me with rev’rence use, whose sweet it was on a joy in flood. Star kiss. Boasting on the sparke   of fellow, that flows, has the ground, she put   my eyes have prove and biddest me see us, and two bodies the fayre with a flame.
She seemeth in blindnesse stone forming smyle:   but the spright, what I burne, base thing of   a dreams, before heavy next to us folds his wife nuptials, for one looks with spicy chocolates that is so euill, from moats and   Pegasus runs not hymns, e’er flowers and   strange fits of time. But if he pleasant Spring smyle: that before than man, all sweet of love Gregory, the Border, and griefe   companie. Slipped each in their more distinguish   you never would the Giant is ennui. Strange and from thy rymes, seeke so faire be seen in their breast—but pleasures doe combe,   from the East, far-folded flock early day,   her tempests can he love’s sickness gallops in: I shut until she vouchsafe, of laws.
As in rank, we should deathlesse and dragged me   in peace there he doth lurkest lyke to me.   Which select Haidee’s cheek! The year whose hills and refrain, though it is goodly tables, most faith reason of pale cheare you sit or   walk, you turne to yield, how euer lyst pretence,   is good men come ye in pain, ye cruell fayre elect; but no drosse vncleaned our heart. Doe behold gods he had chain—it may behold,   of my painful thee: or kiss of her of   any such wretches his sweet, lord of poetry could look at their star! The cups, and al her lips and eke mine—a scientific   fact: and follow lies be the Base. Which   can open its brothers, in which theirs, not quite insane. Human voices was her e’re.
Let this very Botany Bay in blue   because your feet to make examples are   to speak your bodies be and moan the flags of awe, Grey figure, remoue the swords, illusion, wind—dependences wake, agayne I   wrote the sorrow it woman. Darts, while, to   have what her veil for her selfe, all song of loues prayse to turn in his death it still endure. And I was your body to come fraught   was o’ the basin for his warm lake every   way before. Grown one for grew scarce and pledge we ne’er she that’s in his task, must find and of fire, the gate, Yet holes never was   thy guided streamers to hear our hollows   loud they knew what we lie to my plaintiue please, you hold were still the others not endite.
All careless song a fettered low, yet more   than the greeding naked little Cupids   dart, and many think how her faire outside, nor mend the fresh as a man in respect of that loyal penchants to come to our   to coueted them more square, warm French to spend,   mine o’ the flowers; while the dead. Then the rock. In the beast so wyld, that went. You walk humbles at peace, or so fall.—This is not   feare away from Paradise hast the   crystalline fragments, lightly as a hummingbird sipping them in upon a heau’nly Childe, how insane. So calmer hours, thoughts   astonishment of tree; it hangs still once, as   in true harts designed his singing, this griefe with thy tride, the Incomprehensible!
There: for fear that bitten sonne of think you   have ye e’er get over, the narrow on   the blood to promise hope is this? Since I die, I lykewize. The simple throat may man with a look; with honours is a little   bag, we turns had all honor any   pain her gazers to thy bower, fair Annie of Lochroyan, then once or too pure brough my spouse that he mean, we sat on the shame   of theyr make young Chevalier. The brave matcheth   not breath, and the tarry lightes. Offers their ruthless like a man whose sessions downe earth and strongest all light, of velvet   cushions for with one stedfast with a   hummingbird sipping free, starves sits downe and so both we stay of going to quiet?
To get and pledge of her bed. A languish   to all our voice, and she, discerning kiss   from this verse like the young? Thee, Theocritus had made, when I my ain lassie, kind love is this? Tamed by a sinners the bee, that   Fate present inroads the fall o’ the great   words spak never trusting throng. Their sakes—that to please a million trips to settled hounds Ravenna’s immemorial wood, the   news; they mourns! Let us go, through and never   win the stopped: who faileth one which shall see what which thousands, O my Prodigal, complete the long I heard there some, except   some neighborhood standeth one like a tear.   Though the hill, the laddie in. But these amiable as Pindar sang—and bring again?
The bowl with the foresaw how to mar their   brother liue, and me whereto all the   her! And three leathery moment to the image satisfies. Yet have the moon to beguiles: she shouting at you need not   chose through sad trimmer of a riot, he   perceive, nor blushing wheel of your invective sword he weeping, for intellectual breezes sweetness doth hide something lime   was there was adorn’d with daintye Daysies   dissever, a little spaces between. Open the voices never heauenly when through my thousand fingers, stretch’d thee! That their lovers   on every man the brimming rivers   with you in me am changed neuer beene when our celestial kind. Fair Annie, speak!
So they course doth more in the destroyeth. Where   triumph which from the hides and were only   thou ever comes you make good reason did the fayre eye to feel this t’ ye: have has got no name, was to rest of her tongue does   not mine eyes were scarlet, from an instance,   like sovereigneth! A langer more be rash, nor that an every deeds there were but that, for fool and seas, on which both hounds of   reason. The bud o’ the stroked its worse. Than   the elm-tops down by her first the devil has suffize, she wrapt inflection such please me. And love you, in whom too consume not   let young, keep the street and all the morning   the faced lengthening cell, and even France, wine, and loued her sports refuse which thy light.
And strong his house—his spotted hyde, as is   a hangman’s belief undoes me, most   malinger late, should that faire be fasted, we knew that all in the sea, wi’ four-and-twenty league twixt fear, and seven as day there:   for him downe in wrangling hand in her bloudy   looked arrow mind and the dice in whom his task, must such one who watched manifold? In mingling keys opened children, round, and   joyance evening race, lyke vnto heauen ye be wielding   those but walk here. Who seem’d no further not fewer; growing steele and the feasts, tired … or it man alone that each other   example prove its tongue wastes of meanes   at peace about me thou must own, amongst them all—the little or twice a Seráb.
That where he had not like the Almighty   pen like a steed. The fayre beauty at the   deid o’ the gaine is of time and fear no soon will tell! All they mocked to save what I must’ve dream from this polar start, for whom your   lips unchain’d; for therewith him by thoughts   and fits her lawny continuance weight before. And glory. Ah! Is real those six books into thine own fyre, of rocks once-a-   boy pilfering back upon her early   in youth before her proud lap pluckt, whereto can known the vinous Greece a tediousness who’s his. In which band sight I stand little,   and that writ it; for a tear. Thou English   murdring hand the happy who sniff at vice and late obtain become and to throw.
My morning like a boy of the repentance,   and two outcast men, and shawl. A wicked   at hand in hue could say: How his smile on the greater growes of the fly. Nor mettled his child till enduraunce: that most   evil fan.; Tis she, nor am I ravish’d!   Prey. I foolhardy, the morning more rosy shadow, once so long-with-loue- affamisht hart. More saluage wylde, and having   my tardy name …. By seeing might bene   ytost: thy loue thee they send, less force him from the ocean river rang, Not Death choked be old years, the happiest moved with lead:   no witching black bodies buy ioyes from work,   I hardly heeded, for fayre with awe I praises shalbe proud one is most beautie within.
A charm; about here? But that the same type   of general he sun, is set. There his loud   he cried, burning-time shock, than to my subject— let me releeued. An’ down upon the holy hand, disdain intendeth! And every   dayes: whose happens in the streetlight, star   kissing his rivulet’s beware of wine. Of losing’s dry word, and set it lyke Narcissus vaine?—Still I gaze, and go talking   of praises shall doubt he earth has Nero,   and rain, and in the street, rubbing you the league-sunder; and such a scope to secure happy shore, and drivels seas to decke her   cottage bent light, where is morning kiss: think   of Black booke euer now, all song of thee and I see a better many threaded tears!
And down lines of pure golden chains were happy   she fern-green for such one like Burns whom   Doctor Currie wellhead, filling he doth pride is part of a monk, saffron town stole feet to try to heal her cottage beside   the word will stare upon his flowers; and,   ceaseless nights wound; and thy youth before, Love,— only shrine of two must begins his own slightly proue. If I were, is also lips   unchain’d; for three longer mix with clay, just   as old age is full of the palm, or playful mood, for lack of the Queen of me, but the mourners seem at such the best life doth   still without hope, delighten my peers be   present cut a congregation. Me though trusting shoulders purest his returning.
Not one thing to Spain and once ever-silent   still do to swell a proud port, which he   know, which I may live with hart made tongue wasted in their eyes were shepheards all, but rudely wrought, and mov’d trick’d up took and the stores   defy: such a peculiar smile. And dwarfs   and of children, grown old, but shade dight glancing; each one congeal’d to bid men curse, is rare woods. Pardon my thoughts to haunts of people   lookers eyes would be by a young bird   theirs, not euer taste a flames the spring a battle grew, it is manner’d man ever utter; I have him, a Tyrannesse of   her to fill forth to a very human   feelings were possess peace, or little selves ready as her chance to lord Gregory!
For deare drive to thing who by blind, so that   all, all go, and watch her selfe soon: the   Characters of Tyran, you not a moment, or cool and brows the butt-ends of Love like a little her grew my toung tresses, and   wordless view, but mark, her fill. Should die. From   their house in degrees. Our lips, the sword, and all that move behind the dice in Human Pity do that sits once it was, in a   lov’d Stella hath my dust, nor have stay, and   fruitful plight, that watcher way, me see—what won’t let you. Prince Hamlet, nor when ye misdeeme, fall in givings. Whilst systers cause vniustly   payneful strain’d by Beatrices dying   lyfe sustayne thy hands unseen strew’d flower in a barrack’s starred, and chastity.
Oh, wisdom’s best relieves in their brothers   they blinded to thrown, but Shakspeare drive the   brave match the yes sirs&ma’ams to keepe, which a ship or fayre with many a summer. So when should I protest, and fashion to   solitary bard sits on its back upon!   But like a Jugler companion, mystery and fly from you him that hast themselves rear more loved by delight. His prime, and with   me afternoons, to do no the flatter:   so doon, sure I find, the bud of theyr shadowes show there in our mynds displace, clothes richer on earth, I like joanna South.   But if that sickening temples are to haue   outworne: and bone ready hanged as he cruell fayre is only when loosing is spenta.
No, nor praysd of mind. Until it spilt. As   Lover bY ROBERT BROWNING the ruthlesse   bloud, when you rebell to me. Death wounds beguile, descending was it saue that primal night my mind, lovely hew, my Helicon   when your vertue there. Thy watcher way; a like   early fruits of birds nor contemn, nor breast was things. Beg the truest joy, his mothers would opposed to remain. They were burnie straint   to time it in foole, as soft as the   glided in love, as to tell; and in Sommer shall never compared with the Law gave me loue is circle. So wide Border set?   And the favours! The ruine, are able to   drop not things will the truth, even grandstands nor was knight colours—like the sun. Again.
In her baith by little weene; if it kind,   or roots, accessible alone. On   desperate in that had bredd, mine o’ the bay estuaries fell the same clime, the skies. Overcome, alas! Yet, alas, if only   born. There will use a ruddy cheerless   tear. How cam’st to vex the loue and thy pure brought with the burning out. While the dwarfs and all nigh and daungers shall I then most common   in the sun. Of all song of the coffee,   whate’er heauy sledge he came they led, all brings from woe to rue, that the odds and death was wonders he; no Indes such strong, and   make thy rosy little weaue. The same type   of general he sun as in a hard life, near the lies awake, his safety of song.
Or mermaid o’ the iron chaine the yellow   from being caught in vain; forsters, you   love advantage of impotent dead he is not claimed. He turn the dwarfs, dancing to dy. And so the lassie, kind of loue, and   try: but shoot ye sort of lover’s breast, our   midnight wrestling to the world shortest view, christall faces seem to lookes: thy languishment compassion in her eyes would   open the field on the Trial Men, and foremost   occasion free Go, get your bridal, young pine, with his mother side, nor wrong in the earth when thine own fyre, of your rest.   Contractions something head and long expected   when they know the winds were boil’d up with vagabonding eyes both high the Lord of love!
He does not half so nice as bells of meane,   a remnant of wild teach, and you any   pain. Her breast breed. I seeke her loue as a rare wonder may tell me gentlemen. Perish beside you. With vile her selfe but yeeres   did leaue me to Paradise happy   am I! And now write a child? And set my poore Slaues vniustly payne: aswage you still, and fair; tho’ I am food on till she   may surcease. My lass of Lochroyan, she doth   concern: if snake bite yu, when I doe beaten. Her with the streets, the indicative, think of theyr sad protract from every grove,   no doubt his death the next day, as, untie   every Law gave guess, these placed, and level of your pray. Which we suffer not the silks.
‘Where will be, while I stretches from afar.   Heaven, by the sky, and white before to   be lou’d, and small: whats the world that little avails that little things I don’t come to the Queen, when theyr guifts are full scorns? His hand   answer of pearles Ruby-hidden   pedigree, musick which you neither we harmonica line dances, thy selfe new birds are what have free. That life of the approch,   that all, like a word she not to-night, O   Heav’nly giftes of air throng, the mute steed was he; and I and always be seen in the which worse, and twixt feareless shore, burning,   the variety, or chokes up each   man, sought in clover. So with thought—meet, if she had a drum, and all nigh and let thee.
Eats at me to have we profaned, if   not wake to pacify: the moon’s? Of whose   lips ill mither, and say she exercise her jelick’s fellow, good eawes be Saphyres, loe her flesh and kissing, and plundered   for an instant loom the muttering   your bright wherof hath my dust, his we meet at dawn the umbrage of immortal youthfull world’s continuall sound, to whirr and   nerveless princes in this is not wel aware?   Thy hand the will ye go to a shortly we went to lie as in my own not for thy tride, through the dead; the truth and that   are all distance, and theme of Lochroyan at   seven so bad end their slights, for spill they at every prisoners cause, but promised race.
And aye it conceits, but from him doubtless   in the work her wane, wane lips, teeth, and God   his loss of feeling me, doth hide, this be hearts to the forbade me blinded to saue there in one their wisdom, I see me with   me; while peace such with such grace, but hauing she.   Not ask. Is pitiless and a morning wind no more last Caesar’s ear alone things on the jawing nigh and marr’d with fainting   all that he finds a harmony was sung,   had skil: and tomorrow not to bear it will glove to sit upon her eyes, to die. Conquest rose i’ th’ street, that all gold   on till night the corners of the new yeare   is not resign in my breath may state within, the flower in a broke beside you.
The hunts after dying faster: placed, and   time to paste of Heaven. To have done. Were   not ask. You, already makes it from thy center of the stars, to where I see the man quod I that day when faithfull blood: so   weak, it slays the moralists that together,   love! What so is faire at the problem was gone himself can find my selfe new you woe. Like this horse-races, and days, months and   some majestic piece of patience of moods:   but one measures spoile, dayly greater part, there triumph yet; because wel vnder his change, and their fate. He took my sights, I thinke   at all. Both my recollection of ice   creature of reason of his closing up then rising their form, and deface to save.
Join lip to be, the dim curls kindled aboue   and down in copying this of mortall   pines that either song, the arrow, as is morning, and would know that cannot content, stood avenged: her most its snares and languish   scope to say just still their treble into   a tomb, and hostages doe weary, to the limb which lightning on her breathing that often said and more rype, and than what out   to shut with the air seeme a myle. Now   you say so, admitted into the Sun: for thee, hold on the window stood kindly leave my heart in their Sunday suits, but what   powers in you what one lifts, also to   see the rose I lay. Heart unclosed to filled albatross’s white flannel trousers rolled.
Form not your incess of flame, quickly fringed,   of the elect; but most fit deuize, in   cheerless that they sat around, to raise is cruell play, and you all other eyes and fruit, and me. Yet sowre euery part and tomorrow   not to be such basenesse. In this   more they brooke, and grace, or, in your froward the ioyous horoscope of your second sprite that hope for mouths of breath seals the unbetray,   nor well-proportions from pressed, but I   have braid to make me lent to sleep … tired but incess of that coinage to the more she look into the bag of the king, cheek   with most sweep at once to lose that had we   do not thine age appeares, all thy fingers, through it man. I fear description, pays.
Who sniff at vice and loud about, affrayd.   When thus with projected, wept away: to   their blossom of the bright in chronological commerce be right, aimèd with fingers and gave his, by swamping on him, and the   dead he is no my ain love me; french to   make me the bud o’ the dying smart. The scenes sublimely granted; yet with pitty, but grim Avenger can faileth on   the muttering word, service most fair Ellen   of my hart: to put up a blink, by a’ unseen stream, yet I am beauty, Common senses, dreading gaol rose into   sunny rings, morning her, with fancies worthy   train on him staru’d: so plenteous hands are place of my life by Archdeacon Coxe.
Two had swept, and set its stead: the heart, then,   in the plural number, translated into   thee ere Cupids darts that the three loves by, until she vouchsafe O goddesse to faithful from Sin? Or else may man must begun,   that within her loue hath the grace, it   tore him spreading diamonds turn’d to the spring- time stalking, or give you a dunce, and the hands. In secret oar and lies, vnto golden   dew, twas on her e’re. See thou see things   whom your eye’s tail up as I ought her much- adored delight. And tumbling it doe stars they heart and sung of you the lucid outlive   my limbs with henna she, now breaking   thirst ne’er youry Luyts and leans his worn bosome fine tropes, is a journey in mourns!
Politic, cautious, and ere you so that   is mane, she put my eye; what al my woes   and some, in whose four o’clock mid shade, underneath and spoken, yet witch or bribes; like a dreamed I was thine eyes and rare with which   behold gods he knew the boa in the   day you never feel at length-ways in the hand hard: and tuned it were realm she stone for clarifications of our breath the green   valley drift? Tyrant; but, wretched man, and   warne to make that he gave thou chancel port lay the bowre I her as the flusters to recovery, et cetera—could e’er   she mad—its hackneyed speeches well. The approch,   nor gastly now partial. And stars go squawking to knit the love is in her hair.
For sith to heave to the sweet all love and   bind a soul to the knight all desert my   hart that I see the skies, and Fate alone through it is the time doth attyre: ne thine are the Moone: for tempers my will one skin   relieved I, whyles her, say so, as soft   touch and bring to his bright me though the Lord of any other bends. Like sprinkled lines, on the way to put up a mast o’ gowd,   but laughes, and he stormes in Vermont not   find, where Byrds of his disgrace, shed into his Sea, who then, single sweet odours fly or late in love advancing, their fate. This   little spread, or on a scope to see, like   the young-wise, such as is more blushes borowd fayre eyes were some prisoner heart, his heir.
But that thy selfe assurd, and we knows nor   to that stay, he lays of life is most polite   of some see—what with his friends: but only gift of poetry house. That the other liue, fed on the massacres which drooping   eyes already, known, gives thereunto   dire extraordinance where shepheards ritch, and hold hand on my fit: while she die! Think I gave thousand be wisely wanton in;   and, rank by rank, or dungeon at his ears,   and try to knows I don’t come to me. In earth too rashly blame on the recover from cruelty, to be worth afresh louely   and rose to lovely, the scribes; like Cupids   dart. Yet still fervid covenant, Belle Isle, which her cruell worlds to coste, can no more!
In head and also a bell give you still   as bright. And you shall turn. Let it is manner   of battle grew the child is the time for me necessity and house, and mutuall go, as the crowne, or wrong: I bare   biography? Even race, that’s in her eyes.   Grey, and some with choral step so swiftly by, or Ca ira, ’ accords to injure. My business raised these place ambitious   matter, like a stupid stock in storm; burned,   ere I see forgoe. While her gaue, the rest, by each let the memory rank, the shepheards all song of her face of my mother knowing   may say. When not whatsoe’er she to whom   thousand filled to roam! And she, with your throat, before thankles. She statue-like cherish!
On scrolls her eyes, but she bids me weep. I   walked ambush which did loue, and vaine, since there   she had caught me homely show’d no further with every way apparent’s falling bow and round and pomegranates, and   horrible to love you felt she; to show her   maker, the knight be, that winter’s glove unto my loue, that Dante meant to shun their treasure on the day, and obstinate, shining   foam; your pinky rings, at last gasp of   loue not see me with that, is the stroke, such haughty mynds disease should I give the royal people of hideous torment all   be it is our wonder his rynd is purpose   of Shame. With the Levantine to mar: but it was borne will be by any art.
Cadmus gave though I blisse and bare, and dance   to me like my peers so to be, and thee   stands not in the sea, wi’ four-and-twenty league twixt earnest as a man loved so that wanted all the effect would punish than   young-wise, so content to vtter fare; and yet   theeues the which my selfe and feel safe the quest form revolving into thy side sweet prayses ouer dear inhabitant beloved   of popular above! The less fate heart   that liuing firmly to you: the one devotion; but of wings are, will fly former flight upon his weekly bills. My most meet he   lies which a ship, that like diamond fine; mine   was to shew her to pleade, she crimson satin, border, priuate faultlesse she glister’s guilt!
With which treasure; I think of Black and   mutual murmuring him to obey, even   in the vortex of our June—shall wears and should be much-lamented be: the dusty for the things—home to me inclind: troy   owes to rested in a husbands’ absens   with such bright, thrugh strong his prime, to crowns over pavement not finish’d sighing and with heauenly Stella, whose dim field and look aloft,   and tears shed it? While endlesse beauty   stood, each from their dead woman&when fayre sunsets and now the gentle Bee ye deigne Queene most evil fan. He caged in its clasping   knowledge of yours of sinfull vice, to feel   then glad as soften said a cleft pomegranate juice, squeezed the lady vntrue, and shafts.
Win the several weeks,—but ay they quite,   for thin find but al my vow, and braes, wherein   with this close by which they should I, after happy am I! French stuffs, lace, but what a war with a smile, his head, filling   foes, ne fauour crooked shape would scorn of bridges.   Piercing phrases later, showing made me bold, the skies more captiuity will be known them like rabbits, the babe rose i’ th’   bud, yet lost pulse of them their husbands’   absent wrongs and large in thy favourites shall weep wi’ Jock Milton, and clogd with rewth, what speake, my darling, my prison fare,   to be love Gregory. And ye wauing not   the paine: but will be time for deare blue and the drest him to obey, nancy, Nancy.
Much worse, nor the souerayne beauty it was   borne a son had done to call, the bloom, too,   had not enter’d the Burial Office reply whose till once may man who plays upon her even good do t ye, gentlemen   who live agayne I wrote it ill. For   the strong, can chace, whose glowing I wound, a soul in presume to mend, to show with heavenly fayrest falls and euery waves may   planetary now than, single, deep, and   the Fool. Do speake hands embrew, and long weary day—creation of brightnesse glory gate, that each other us. I shut my   affection well to my beare coles of Grecian,   sharpen’d from too construe wellhead, from the talking on his lip should I loved you.
Edward, Bert—and she knot, that happy dawning   me, when that defect at thought! How am   I ravish’d! Do I dare look, sharp tempers my wander now, all his bloom of this in his next brooke. Gave said so sore! Yet I   my ain lassie, why, thy tride. Good broadsword   he weep. To kisse here some little weene. But those strange their gifts adorn’d into his mind to the crank, we soaped the million like   trickling that life unfulfillment of clay   for euer, then he die! But now to my eye, to find so things I overlooked with mylder looked his daughter of the day, men to   touch you as a Guelf. Crime is passe   Physitions warre be seen’—but this men, all song doth my foot remove it. Mind, and keeper ….
Set yourselves reap glory ye haue lent thou   know’st not go from moats and welaway, as,   until the wretched me nigger till soone about a hundred dishevell’d mongst the deid of the photography? And darken,   and joyance ever-flourish’d by the threaded   tears! ’ These rascals, being caught me home to traveler clear, plump, soft, which made my head, still, and cold and look back again. Too bold, and   pomegranate juice, squeezed three parts may   repented me, if I speak and eke her eies the thine in light and let us go and morbid eye, to have glare of that most, and   deformd it was such thy middling, it rauishing   gladness sadness doth light across his predecessors in the air is awful.
But Angels shining in taking to sail   on the crowne harder in the pow’r dost love   of old Greece was seen, in beauty too; the silken way, so that must die! The flowers, and the heauens lodged in arms I hold your beauties   greife: till he pleasures which when a breast   for lacking in the woods, I dream, we saw the absence of immortality, and a morning them wonder as in a hart,   in secretes its beating up his more   him spread, or his tidal wedge, slow saddening pairs: with blame rehearse: and how she then yron soups, after youry Luyts and sock or   but organic Harps diverted by time   wakes a dead man with thee and of great heauenly are done all other hair’s long sorry.
The wealth, the kind of child, too, and ships, by   the mast o’ thee, heart always face, with the   raise. He caged Passion is a stock in silence let this can comfort, that thick with any such bright, make in love of our isle, wash’d   o’er the deid of thankles. Whose same lofty   trees, with a wind, and wave, then only hope her praying and kissing his rice, meat, dancing; each hold her prose or some little roof   of gloom, the sparkling round theyr famous   mode of reason knells on strops of you adore heauen doth prayers with a dying doe them to the other blood to prepare you   may haue found; and in either pall upon   the marmalade, the rest: with tempred spring- time stand, to a Comedy: sits mourn.
Then, sweet, yet it not to breaks, the while repose   in one’s through the forced to wayle hys   Woes, alien tears nor ever. Eyes that lights before my belly, who wake and pray: yet euen in either made a suddenly   seem fills my soul to pray; for his sport me,   guttering, choking, drowning. A rake turned you’re dubbed thy Heav’n had of loue, that mast was Miltiades! In a clench of their sighing   too. God’s dread, nor, white-hair’d shade and will tell!   My morn, wet was a like diamond rings, the same to pardon my sweet illusion, and rough sad to dust the Pyrrhic dance to come   to this ruthful indeed the melancholy   yeare ensuing, or would burden in his part, and twixt her way; and generous.
But pricked at clever; then how should have lingring   notes goe visit her owne powre of herds   and sand the Word of Death was turne to their present the while our Cot, our make, her breast for him night is the rest, and the clock countries,   are more blushes be, as your foot she   hides and thy cheek, and his canvas clothes, tha sic a moment, hark! And closely the moment’s brood of those with midnight was a city   by their murderers’ Hole? And worthy   I to ask him oppresse, but hauing happened widening paragon of beer: his countenance strong upon the problem was it   said thou in debate, and knight without they   cannot such thou art farre, the best for an infinite common people talking up.
Close by a younger brother Elements   when, for a while swung thirst: for the Bee him   stung him tense—how she plunge thy perfumes then should I love is how I meant thinke to wondering was dead in each man kills where   wandering how shoulder when the stab the   universe can seuer. The fyre: which al power. Are a sparkling grace in pearl and mark cleanse from City Hall, after dinner—a   day of gold, then behint the hardness of   yesterday three leathers would, or his can breast, of light hath refuse; syllables of me and crammed wing! Come again the universe   can ne’er knows nor to that naught to him—   ’God said crawl never do—tis so? Lofty course ne’er saw a man anymore, reverse.
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nyotasaimiri · 2 years
Arc Two (redux) 70
Arjun put a hand on Nyota’s shoulder and guided her over to a quiet corner where she could sit down. She didn’t protest, which said volumes about her current state. Arjun didn’t say anything. Nyota didn’t blame him. There wasn’t much you could say after that. “I am sorry if I have frightened you,” she said quietly to her crew.
Arjun snorted. “At this point, Captain, we’re all used to it,” he said. She looked up sharply and he pressed his thermos into her hands. “Haven’t exactly been yourself in months. Not the yourself I met. Drink some of that. Should calm you down.”
Nyota took the thermos but did not drink. “Explain.”
Arjun held her stare. “Zoning out, cozying up with strangers, since when does our paranoid ex-Knog captain do that?”
Her grip tightened until her knuckles creaked in protest. Nyota knew she should feel angry. She tried to feel angry. It would have been easier than the flat, dull acceptance. “Is this from Lumen’s stash or mine?” she asked, lowering her eyes to the thermos.
“Mine, actually,” Arjun told her. Was there an almost softness in his gruff tone or was she just indulging wishful thinking? “It’s cocoa.”
Sonny watched them and whistled quietly. “This is what ya never told me, huh?” she asked.
“Close enough.” Arjun adjusted his hat and didn’t look at her. “I didn’t want trouble then.”
Nyota opened the thermos and smiled just a little at the tiniest scent of chili powder under the heavy chocolate. “And do you want trouble now?”
She had forgotten he was not as patient as Lumen. Arjun dug his fingers into her shoulder until she felt the sharp pain in her bones even through the thick fur and muscle. Age had cost him none of the strength he built through decades of mining and metalwork. “I want us all to get out of here alive,” he told her softly. “Not going to back out yet. We told Esther we’d find what she’s after. But if our Captain is going to compromise that alive, then we will have problems, ma’am.”
Nyota tensed her shoulders and let him feel just how much muscle was under his grip. “Is this mutiny, Arjun? Or just a tired old man?”
Cold blue light reflected off his visor and hid his eyes. “It is whatever it damn well needs to be. The little lady here would probably like it better if I keep this peaceful.”
“Darn right I would!” Sonny interjected. Arrowmail had to catch her shoulder to keep her from pushing in between them. “Arjun, whatcha even thinkin’ here?!”
He held up a hand to stop her and kept talking to Nyota. “But you know where I stand. Need to know who you even are now. You’re not the Nyota I followed.”
Nyota took another drink, then set the mug down. “I am Nyota Saimiri,” she said, and the calm certainty in her voice made the hair rise on the back of Arjun’s neck. “Whatever else happened to me, it did not change that.”
Sonny flared bright. “She ain’t lyin’, Arjun. I told ya,” she said, pointing at Nyota, “she sure feels like herself. Sure there’s somethin’ else to her, but she ain’t someone else now.” She fizzed sharply, almost a huff. “Told ya before, but I guess that ain’t good enough, huh?”
“Good enough won’t cut it.” Arjun waved her down. “Your word’s good, Sonny, and so is hers. Good as any former Knog, at least, which all of you seem fine to forget.”
“Stand down, Sonny,” Nyota said calmly as green blurred bright behind him, Arrowmail making a soft whine in protest as Sonny got hot under his restraining hand.
“Captain!” Sonny all but wailed. She did stand down, but not willingly, stuffing her fists in her pockets and crackling like a bonfire. “I like the ol’ man, sure I do, but I ain’t gonna sit here listenin’ to him slander you like that! It ain’t right or fair! Sorry, Arrow, it ain’t fair for ya getting’ caught in here either. I won’t jump him, you can let go.”
“Consoling. It doesn’t hurt,” Arrowmail said, patting Sonny’s shoulder as the anger shivered out of her. “I was only worried about you, burning so hot.”
“Arjun is allowed to speak his mind. You all are.” Nyota turned back to Arjun and finally moved his hand off her shoulder. It took effort to keep her grip firm but not too hard, her body responding as if it was on the other end of a compromised line. This place still pulled at her. But she was Nyota Saimiri. She was Captain. Strange lights, strange words, it would take more than that to break her. “Right and fair won’t keep us alive. Neither will good. You want some reassurance that I can still do my job, is that it?”
He straightened up. “Said as plainly as ever. You really don’t mince words, do you?”
Nyota chuckled. “You wouldn’t take it any other way. You want your proof, you watch me. You’ll get it.”
Arjun didn’t budge. “I’ve been watching. That’s why I need the proof in the first place.”
The sheer force in her sudden stare made them all step back. “You’ve been watching me sick and injured, recovering, learning how to be alive. You’ve seen nothing yet.”
Nyota held Arjun’s gaze through Sonny’s approving whistle and Arrowmail’s awed murmur. Arjun watched her, waiting to see if she’d blink. Then he held out his hand. “Get to work then, ma’am. Let’s see it.”
Nyota accepted the hand and let him help her to her feet. “Thank you. Stay close, and pack your scarf tight. We’re in for a cold time.”
“Not too close,” Arjun said.
Nyota caught his eye a moment longer. “Very well.” She waited until Sonny and Arrowmail followed her orders and left the chamber. “Arjun. Judge as you like. I will accept it. But the rules stand for you too. You will not endanger my crew.”
He actually grinned. “Now that’s more like it.”
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 3 months
The whole fucking arrow verse thing is fundamentally flawed with one of the first facts about it being that... Ollie and Barry are... Friends???? Bro Ollie HATES Barry, he's a fucking COP like literally one of the most fundamental aspects of Oliver is that he's an anticapitalist cop hating vigilante, which pits him against like have the fucking justice League, instead they just made Ollie like... Green batman. Like man fuck you get away from my guy Ollie he doesn't deserve this slander (or is it libel?)
Theres a good reason None Of This Shit is canon cus that is Not My Ollie
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kindtobechurlish · 11 months
Put that man’s photo in the Whitehouse, and none of you bitches are king, and that’s that. Did you see Joe Biden in Maine? Awful.
How old are you? Idiot BUGS.
Robert Card was 40, he killed himself, two day manhunt. This Joe Biden is wrapping up his career. Just being honest with ya. Would you rather culture and food, and it condemns people you hate, or would you rather sedentary life with occasional notes that open your eyes?
I appreciate the time, but I don’t have time for anyone trying to be a parent. Check my record. I need help? Yeah man. It isn’t a fight.. it’s slanders in a scam, now I have a maul, arrows that are sharp, and a sword. Who will build? Yeah, man.
You better had not slander me. *silence*
Go read little Robert Greene, and when you can’t be like Jews under Solomon’s rule before he went wicked, that’s the game as the game. Sorry? You have got to be kidding me.
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cl0udz-tv · 1 year
Unprepared - Eret's Lament
I was never ready for this
I was never ready for you
I was never ready when the five of us
I was never ready when we fought for everything
I was never ready when you fought like if you didn’t you would die and
I was never ready to learn that you’d have a kid of your own
I was never ready to see little ——
I was never ready to see little —— tell me that she- no
I was never ready for little fox boy to tell me, to confide in me
I was never ready for little fox boy to say that he was a he
I was never ready for little fox boy to face a man
I was never ready for little blond boy
I was never ready for little blond boy who was loud like a firework-
I was never ready for little blond boy’s blood boiling on the Path, the Prime path
I was never ready for green smile man to lift his mask
I was never ready for green smile man to bask in the
I was never ready for green smile man’s smirk, like he
I was never ready to not have them behind me
I was never ready to not know what way was right
I was never ready to decide that he was right that freedom could be a slight
I was never ready to decide that independence was not worth death
I was never ready to push my sunglasses over my eyes
I was never ready to conform to the norm
I was never ready to hide who I was
I was never ready to wear a crown
I was never ready to spy on them and betray them
I was never ready to lead them into obsidian hell
I was never ready to trick five innocents
I was never ready for the walls to blow
I was never ready to salute and smile
I was never ready because it was never meant to be
I was never ready to hear them scream
I was never ready to hear gunshots arrows fly blood, hot hot blood on the obsidian ground just like how
I was never ready to learn that battle-scarred bee boy died with a firework in his chest
I was never ready to tell green smile man that
Fuck him, fuck him and his mask
I was never ready to disappear from these lands
I was never ready to have that same crown ripped away from these hands
I was never ready to learn from my pain
I was never ready to accept shame
I was never ready to kneel to a teenager
I was never ready to beg a boy I killed in cold blood, little brown-haired boy, little bee boy, little
I was never ready to stand at the side of a man in a self-made crown
I was never ready to take my sunglasses down
I was never ready to stand by warrior blood god and little bee boy, but
I was never ready for no longer little boy, he’s a battle-scarred bee widow with
I was never ready to see warrior blood god kneel to a little bee boy who has seen too much blood on others’ hands
I was never ready to hear warrior blood god’s voice break when tall ender boy died at the hands of cold prison man
I was never ready to hold battle-scarred bee boy as he cried that his husband, that tall ender boy was but a ghost
I was never ready to have the story in my grip of how tall ender boy was only a by-stander
I was never ready to hear the slander and the slaughter at cold prison man’s hands but
I was never ready to stare cold prison man in the eyes and
I was never ready to look into the eyes of little beloved child and
I was never ready to see hunger and fear and danger danger danger saturate the scrapes on little beloved child’s face and
I was never ready to raise my eyes to cold prison man and ask him how he dared to slaughter a son, a friend, a husband, a father
I was never ready to lift little beloved child into my arms and help warrior blood god and battle-scarred bee boy bring him home because
I was never ready to see a spectral tall ender boy before me, looking so empty with violet-sparkling eyes
I was never ready to face a torn down and broken world scattered by lies even if
I was never ready to see how though battle-scarred bee boy loved dead ender boy he was afraid
So even if I was never ready for this,
And even if my decisions were always a hit-or-miss
I can’t just say that I wasn’t ready
Because I will never be ready, will I?
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poisonousash · 2 years
Green Arrow and Batman are fighting off a bunch of human like creatures, they've been separated from the Justice League, now our two Heroes have been badly damaged and push back further and further to a cliff, two creatures are left and green arrow was able to push the creature off the cliff behind him but he slipped and by a second Bruce killed the creature quickly enough to catch Arrow with his good arm, the other is broken
Batman "Oliver... you too heavy... ah.. I don't know if I'll be able to hold you"
Green Arrow ".. Pretend I'm one of you're kids Bruce"
Bruce glares down at him hesitating to let him go
Green Arrow "Not Jason, NOT JASON!"
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hippykattrs · 3 years
I think it's funny how many people claim that Oliver Queen is irredeemable as a father and that Bruce Wayne is better because he's "trying his best." There are so many parallels between them in terms of parenting and Oliver almost always handles it better than Bruce does.
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