#green gunk
Ok, I could use prayers.
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Today on CHUNK! FUNK! GUNK! We rate
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8/10 Chunk
10/10 Gunk
8/10 Funk
It’s been a long time coming, and anyone who’s been following this blog for any amount of time is well aware of my obsession with these funny wiggly boys.
Moray eels. My beloveds. Look at that girth, high chunk. The slime layer that makes it so that I cannot hug them without a proper wetsuit or fabric layer, absolute gunk. The big squishable cheeks, the weird sticky-out-y tube nostrils, the two mouths, incredibly funky.
Overall: 10/10
Everyone has a selfish dream of what they would do if they won the lottery. Mine is simple: buy a giant saltwater tank and fill it with 3 giant moray eels. (Preferably of different colors/patterns so I can tell them apart)
Everyone also has a dream of channeling their inner Disney Princess with a wild animal: I want to hug a moray eel.
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It was my birthday on the 18th, so as a gift to myself, I rate my beloveds.
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luminarrow · 8 days
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I turned him into a Webkinz horse
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vatoffakeacid · 7 months
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I thought it would be silly to have a trainer Rick holding a Gunk / Toxic Morty plushie.
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mychlapci · 7 months
Oo idea, Tfp Optimus getting bred up by Ratchet, while he was under Synthetic Energon he managed to Flirt his way into the primes berth, filled him so good Primes all sparked up with a heir
mhmmm synth-en makes one hell of a stud out of ratchet. very few people get to see the prime moaning and squealing as he gets filled with a baby.
of course, later the synth-en wears off and ratchet apologizes but optimus loved getting filled so much he lets him do it again, and again, again... of course, after a while it's clear he got knocked up with a big, strong heir back when ratchet first pinned him down and made him overload on his spike until he was lying in a puddle of his own lubricate...
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quackzimm · 5 months
Slime otherkins RISE!!!!!! I love being sentient goop!! Im just a little thing in a little test tube!! Just a silly goopy gunker!!
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lyroa · 1 year
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Fell back into the hell that is flight rising.
But at least this time around I'm good enough with my art that I can make myself some cute little gijinkas of my forever homed dragons and no one can stop me.
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chaosintheavenue · 9 months
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Welcome one and all, to West Tek, 'proud' home of the New P-
*audio cuts off*
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girlarmand · 10 months
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me when the bath bomb i bought bc it was darksided is darksided: 😮
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gunkbaby · 5 months
Oh he knows he’s a cutie!!!!!
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waspcup · 10 months
assign me a bug cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
green darner . cunt
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tarvastries · 10 months
65% sure I’ve got an upper respiratory infection. in august. >:(
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bunnyb34r · 7 months
Okay I'm officially disgusted. I buy this organic salad mix every week and I'll be honest it's VERY hit or miss on how much shit you have to sift through (rot) but this one was unbearable
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That's all rotted. It's wet, contaminating all the actually decent leaves, and it's sooo slimy disgusting
I really wish there was another brand that made big tubs of salad greens 😩 here the choices for salad that's just leaves no mix ins like ceaser salad stuff, are Josie's Organic or Dole. Dole is eh in quality/taste, the biggest problem is the price. I can only get 2 portions per bag. For the same price I can get a tub of Josie's and get 4 portions.
I'm thinking maybe Josie's Organic is a little TOO organic 😖
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dhampir-dyke · 1 year
I think I might have some kind of chest infection.
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lesenbyan · 4 months
I also dropped my good pipe this morning and it was swallowed by the void
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singmyaubade · 1 year
in love with my bullies
warning: mentions of smut : throatfucking, p in v bullying, and cursing
sypnosis : the marauders bullied you, tortured you. what will happen when you finally stick up for yourself?
dark!poly!marauders x female!reader
pacing is horrible in this story, ik but i was writing it while listening to music LMAO. did not proofread btw..
once again, here you were.
washing green slime gunk out of your hair in the abandoned bathrooms due to another marauders prank that was only towards you.
somehow their pranks always involved washing something out.
you tried your best to not be bothered or even show any sign of disdain in your face but this had really pissed you off.
it was relentless.
everyday, every hour, every minute, every second. the marauders would continue to bully you for no reason other than you being a slytherin.
but you would think that since there are so many slytherins, you wouldn't be top pick. you were quiet, kept to yourself, and never tried to go noticed in a huge crowd.
yet all the marauders did was pick you out and torture you.
the only one that showed you mercy was peter, he usually hung out with his girlfriend and never paid you much attention.
you thought it would be remus since he had a reputation for being mature and kind-hearted but even he showed you no mercy.
it's not like you could ask for any help, you didn't have a lot of friends that could help and even though you were a pureblood, the pureblood slytherins didn't accept you because of you family not helping the dark lord.
it wasn't easy.
and even though you tried to reason with them, they refused due to the fact you believed in 'blood supremacy' and you thought muggles 'deserved hell' which was complete rumors and you didn't believe that at all.
and now it was time to go back to class and the slimy substance had yet to disappear on your head. you then tried several spells in order to get it out of your hair and one had worked, getting whatever you couldn't.
you performed a drying spell before exiting out of the bathroom. you stepped out to see three out of the four marauders laying on the left of the wall with a smirk embroided on their face.
you scoffed, trying to move elsewhere.
"was that a scoff i heard?" james asked, stepping towards you with intimidation.
you never tried to look scared but you could tell it was painted all over your face.
"just let me go." you said, whimpering a little.
"aww," sirius stood in front of you, "are you gonna cry?" he asked, mocking you.
"i think she is." james replied in the same tone.
you looked over to remus who was looking at the entire situation with a look of entertainment and interest.
"fuck you." you spat, stepping face to face with james.
"don't say something you'll regret." he responded in a dark tone as you moved to step backwards but sirius was suddenly behind you.
you tried to carry a strong look on your face but they could tell you were easily intimidated.
"if you wanna go so bad," remus stood off of the wall and toward you, "all you have to say is please." his pointer finger holding up your chin.
you knew you wouldn't be able to move without doing as he asked.
"please," you whispered, locking in his eye contact, eyes watering.
"please what?" remus asked.
"please let me go." you said.
"good girl," he complimented, "that's all you had to say."
"you just have to be good, bunny." sirius whispered in your ear, feeling his hot breath down your neck, hand holding your waist.
in this moment, you were glad this was an abandoned hallway.
the worst part was, you wanted sirius to touch you more, aching for relief in your core.
you couldn't stop the butterflies in your belly nor the vibration in your entire body, it was as if you could feel all of your sense ten times more especially in your cunt.
your eyes were even getting blurry as if you were stuck in a trance.
you suddenly snapped back to reality to realize there was nobody around you, remus's eye contact, sirius's hand on your shoulder and james's stern tone, all gone.
it was all as if you had imagined it and the only thing that argued with that was the vibration throughout your body.
you had decided to take the rest of the day off, going to your dorm.
you entered your dorm to see your best friend, riley.
"i looked for you everywhere!" riley yelled, hugging you, "i gave them each a piece of my mind before i went to look for you." she looked into your eyes.
"it's fine riles, you know they are assholes." you said, half smiling.
"i'll kill them if you want me to, seriously," she said, knowing she wasn't joking.
you laughed it off, going to fix your bed.
"soooo," riley said, "there's a party tonight."
"where?" you asked.
a moment passed, "gryffindor."
you rolled your eyes, "no."
"cmon y/n!" she sat on your bed, "you can not let your fear of the marauders stop you from going to a party?"
"that's not it!" you said, still fluffing your pillow, "slytherin's aren't allowed at gryffindor parties."
"im pretty sure that rule only applies to the malfoys, dolohovs, blacks, and every dark lord supporter," riley said.
"they still hate me." you replied.
"only the marauders," she convinced.
"and they run that house," you argued.
"no they don't, most people think they are irritating." riley said factually.
"please don't make me go." you groaned.
"for me, please." riley pouted.
"don't do the puppy dog eyes," you groaned as she continued doing it, "fine, i'll go." you said, riley yelling excitingly and smothering you.
"can i still wear this?" you asked through her screaming.
she stopped and looked at you in disappointment, "y/n, i know i am not best friends with a vulture."
you giggled as riley went to her closet and picked out a red dress that was a little too short for your liking.
"this will hug your shape perfectly!" riley squeaked and went inside the bathroom before you could even give a response.
after a couple hours, you and riley were both finally done getting ready. she looked at you in total shock, "y/n, you look so fucking hot right now. and i mean that in the gayest way possible." her mouth open.
your entire face turned blush pink, "not too bad yourself riley." you laughed.
"let's go." riley suddenly rushed, grabbing your hand, practically dragging you to the gryffindor common room.
you couldn't hear anything from outside but you guessed it was a silencing charm.
you heard riley mutter the password before the dark opened and you saw students from each house having the time of their lives and the music was outrageously blasting.
riley grabbed your hand, dragging you through as the door closed.
you looked around to see if you could spot any of the marauders, only finding peter dancing with his girlfriend.
it was like you were a bunny in a room with foxes that you couldn't distinguish.
"let's dance!" riley shouted, making you look at her.
you shook your head but riley rolled her eyes and dragged you on the dance floor.
she started dancing but it's like she could feel your awkwardness as she grabbed your hips, moving your body with hers to the rythym.
eventually, you decided to just let go and try to enjoy yourself.
after about two or three songs, you had told riley that you were going to get a drink and asked if she wanted any but she was already making out with a hufflepuff girl and only swatted her hand.
you laughed, moving over to the drinks table.
you poured yourself some firewhisky when you felt someone roughly grab your wrist.
you turned around to see three of the marauders with james having a hold of your wrist to which you scoffed, yanking your wrist back.
"can you guys seriously fuck off for one night?" you sighed.
"have you forgotten yourself?" remus genuinely asked.
this was the night to stick up for yourself.
"have you?" you argued, "you all are fucking pathetic," you laughed humorlessly to which you could feel their anger radiating onto you, "i pray for the poor bastards who end up being your children if you all can even have any when your too busy sucking eachothers cocks," you insulted, "but if you don't me, i am going to go bed because you have unfortunately ruined this party for me." you shoved past them harshly, leaving the common room.
adrenaline was bouncing off of you, a new high you had never felt before. you were even partly turned on by the whole encounter.
you were even surprised they had let you pass
you speedwalked through the hallway in victory, you felt like you had finally won, that you had finally got a one up off of them.
you had yet to realize that the hallways were dark with a little bit of moonlight pouring through and you couldn't navigate your way due to you leaving your wand in your dorm.
you went to turn back to the common room but bumped into a hard surface to which you looked up to see remus lupin.
your heart skipped a beat as he roughly put his hand around your neck, shoving you into a wall. he was squeezing not enough for you to go unconcious but enough for you to not be able to take full breaths.
"what happened to your voice sweetheart?" he said as you croaked, "what happened to that dirty mouth?" you tried slapping off his hand but he only pushed you further into the wall.
you looked to both of your sides to see james and sirius.
"what do you think boys?" remus asked, "think she deserves to be punished?"
your eyes opened wider as you tried to make a sound but it came out in little squeaks.
"i think she does moony, i think we have given her too much freedom." sirius responded.
"yeah, i think we might have to fuck her into obedience." james said, inching closer.
even you couldn't stop the wet patch in your panties.
"i think that's what she wants, i mean let me check." remus said as confusion painted your face.
you felt him raise your dress up, hand now in your panties as you moaned.
"she's soaking wet," remus scoffed, "turns out to be a little slut after all."
you felt remus start rubbing your clit as you moaned more, his grip on your neck never softening.
you and remus staring at each other as james whispered something in his ear and he nodded.
he suddenly took his hand out of your panties, your entirety angry at his lack of letting you release.
he put your hands behind your back, leading you somewhere you couldn't figure out. there was a haze in your eyes that made it impossible for you to see a thing.
you heard a door close as you looked around, it was james's prefect dorm.
before you could grasp onto your reality, james put his mouth onto yours, bruising your lips as you moaned into his mouth.
you tried catching your breath but james was relentless, not letting you go.
you could feel sirius behind you, sucking hickeys onto your neck, knowing it would leave spots.
you couldn't even spot remus in the room due to all of the pleasure you felt.
sirius was unzipping your dress, letting it fall onto the ground. james was working your bra, letting it fall to the ground as he nibbled on your nipple.
sirius pulled your panties down, lifting your legs out of them.
suddenly, they both stopped touching you which made you whimper.
"on your knees bunny." sirius instructed as you obeyed almost immediately.
remus came into view, stepping in front of you.
"are you gonna suck my cock nice bunny?" remus asked, tipping your head up to look at him using his pointer finger.
you nodded immediately.
"good girl." he complimented which sent you into orbit.
he stroked his cock in his pants, bringing it out. his cock sprung up out of his boxers, pre-cum leaking off of his tip.
you licked stripes onto his tip causing him to groan.
"don't tease bunny." he moaned which caused you took his entirety into your mouth, gagging. he ponytailed your hair from going into your face using his hand.
you were still looking up at him as he threw his head back in pleasure, "so fucking good bunny," he praised you which sent tingles in your cunt, "sucks cock like a fucking champ,"
you looked over to see james and sirius jerking off to the sight in front of them.
before he could come, remus pulled you off of his cock, standing you up.
he took off his boxers fully, laying on the bed, reaching for you to climb on top of him.
you put your knees on the side of his hips as he stroked himself a bit and aligned himself up to your cunt.
you sank down on his cock with a moan, trying to fully adjust yourself. both of his hands were on your hips, speeding you up slowly.
you felt a mouth on your neck, sucking. the pleasure hitting you rapidly.
suddenly, remus pulled your head down to kiss you, his hand gripped on your neck while roughly fucking you.
you felt someone prodding into your ass before slipping inside. you moaned loudly into remus's mouth.
"bunny, don't tense." james said and you knew he was the one prodding. he went slowly but every time he went in, you sank down on remus's cock which made immediate pleasure shoot inside of you.
"you feel so fucking good," remus complimented, sucking harsh bruises onto your skin.
"so fucking good." james murmured.
both of their words praising you made you almost come on sight.
you were so cock drunk, babbling about how close you were. your eyes were watering due to the amount of pleasure you were receiving.
what made you crazier was sirius putting your mouth on his cock, throat fucking you while your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
your spit dribbling off of your chin as tears rained on your cheeks.
remus sucked on your nipple as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
their words muffled in your eyes.
remus and james had both cum inside of you which caused your first orgasm, moaning loudly, barely able to see due to the pleasure you were recieving.
sirius pulled out of your mouth as you gasped for air, throat being a bit hoarse.
james pulled out of you, delivering a kiss to your neck as a thank you.
your chest dropped to remus's chest as he pet your hair and praised you, "come one more time for me bunny?"
you babbled something while nodding your head which gave sirius permission to slide into your ass.
remus continued holding your head, eyes on his, admiring you.
"i love you bunny." he said before kissing you but this time more softly and delicately.
remus didn't give you the choice whether to say it back or not but you didn't know if he was being genuine or not.
sirius continued pounding into you but you were only able to whimper based on how cock drunk you were.
he praised you, telling you how good you were while remus massaged your puffy clit.
sirius came soon with you as your entire body felt exhausted. remus pulled you off of him as james grabbed a wet towel and wiped your legs and mouth. you winced as he brushed your clit, being hyper sensitive.
remus laid you down into james's bed, putting the blanket over you, kissing your head as you closed your eyes.
you didn't know what you were sure,
that you were in love with your bullies.
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