#greyface ask
He tugged hard on Thomas's ears. "Inutaisho is not old!"
I check my blog for once in this century and come back to find this?
"First of all. Rude! Watch the ears!" Thomas flails lightly.
A I didn't say he was old, I said he was oldER. .... not that it makes much of a difference
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
Do we know for sure Divina, Kent, etc aren't in s2 of Wednesday? The press really only reported on Percy and Naomi's departures. And while they weren't in the big cast photo, perhaps their roles were judged too minor for inclusion there, but they'll still be on the show? I mean that cast photo is the regulars + the famous guest stars they want to promote to bring eyeballs on the show. Objectively speaking, as much as I love them, they are neither of those things.
We know for certain that Yoko/Naomi Ogawa wasn't asked back. Her statement on IG is incongruous to her previously posted podcast where she states that she had some major doors closing on her, but because none of us were paying attention, we missed that and saw her statement and accepted it as fact.
And if Naomi wasn't asked back and isn't listed on the cast list (from the trailer and the cast photo), then you can bet that Johnna and Oliver are also in the same boat as Naomi. They would have been listed.
Which brings to mind that casting call they had ~ 5 months ago for these dbags
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We should have known something was up then. These actors WERE pictured in the cast photo. I don't know which one is Karloff or Wolfgang, but Annie is obvious.
Why the Hell we need a girl who's 'whip smart and wise beyond her years' when we have Wednesday for that is beyond me. Maybe I'll make them all casualties of the Goodmen. 👹
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 5 months
B e e r
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"...hah. Funny, maybe a little, but only when I actually work with my brewing personally, which is not as often as one might think these days."
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"Hell, I barely drink as often as I used to. I still enjoy the flavor and aroma of most alcohols, but the alcohol itself has no effect on me anymore... it has not been able to affect me in a very, very long time, now that I think on it..."
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kunosoura · 11 months
uhh sorry but if you steal from small businesses you are a terrible person. that's my parents (poor immigrants) livelihoods you are hurting.
uhh sorry but if I DON'T steal from your parents I'm a terrible person because my parents are poorer immigrants who will die from smallpox if I don't steal specifically from your parents. Since you're on anon and we're in imaginationland.
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xaallo · 4 months
xaa and ardaka sitting in a tree~
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" Must be a thick tree."
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brazenlystrong · 5 months
Maybe you should have given him his bobba tea
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“Maybe you should mind your business.”
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nether-twins · 9 months
M!A: Neftin is a warehouse.
What's this? Riot has found the ask in a letter, unopened, before anyone else has and is now holding it in his mouth oh so gently. Whatever will he do with it? Well the answer is quite simple: burn it to a pile of ash. He's not sure what the anons are trying to do with their weird magic, but he's not gonna let this one get to the guy that pretty much saved him, even with how funny it is.
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
wow i was just trying to compliment you for how grateful i was to see an Indian actually care about us as asexuals i wasn't even trying to be rude. you didn't have to be an asshole to me. i know about those things you linked but do you know that asexual people experience the most hatred of any LGBTQIA2S+ group? or that we're killed disproportionately compared to others? but yeah cool give me more issues to worry about. i take it back.
sorry I didn't accept your obnoxious, backhanded, racist compliment (for meeting one the bare minimum requirements for being a decent person) with enough grace and manners.
Let me try again:
Fuck you and eat shit for saying native rights and murder are just "more issues" for you to worry about. Poor little fucking baby is so hurt by just pretending to support BIPOC 🙄 And fuck you for trying to hide your racism behind your queerness, too. What the fuck is that? And the MOST hatred of any group? Even BIPOC queer folk? Even 2s folk who have been damn near wiped to EXTINCTION and are JUST RECENTLY starting to publically use the term again after HUNDREDS of years of colonization?????? Yeah fucking right, you melted fetus.
"I take it back" GOOD. Shove it up your ass.
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plenilune · 11 months
I missed the accidental mango cardamom cheesecake link, would you please repost it?
fgjfhtjrh. okay friend but I have to warn you: it is only a photo and not a recipe. so it will haunt you as it haunts me. (new Punjabi popup has a wildly rotating menu and only appears at various events so all past menus are An Torment. given Cincinnati's restaurant scene they'll probably have a stable place of some variety within the next three years though. but I Want the mango cardamom paneer CHEESÉDCAKE. [sound of weeping])
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Getting the hang of things: 12, Clara and the kids try to take a normal human family vacation together and things don’t go as planned.
Happy Twelve Day, everyone! It’s still 12.12 where I am, so meh this is going up.
2190 words; one of my favorite inconsequential personal headcanons for Coal Hill if Clara continues teaching there is that the Eleven expy coworker eventually becomes headmaster, because why the fuck not; makes mention of the very angsty ch.33 (tumblr/FFN/AO3); sorry I’ve had severe OP brain rot the past half year please take this in penance (though I’ve got a lot more for it than DW coming sorry not sorry); friendly reminder to not interact with wildlife unless you are with an expert and the Doctor does not count as an expert; not really thoroughly beta’d, but if I find something egregious I’ll fix it for now I’m just tired
All Clara really wanted was to go to the seaside. Just a seaside holiday with her husband and children… was that too much to ask?
The first reason it was deemed unattainable, it was because she had her time off request denied. She went directly to the headmaster’s office, as she was not in the mood to do anything else, and confronted him directly. She had the available time, there was no testing or other things going on then, her husband already had his time approved at his work (though, she did not mention that his time was automatically approved being as one saved the ability to tell a minor cosmic deity “no” for special occasions), so what was the problem…?
“Sorry, Clara,” the headmaster apologized. “I thought you knew.”
“…knew what, Adrian?”
“That’s the week of the Year Sevens’ class trip.”
Everything came rushing back to her in a rush of mortification. Yes, the Thursday and Friday she requested was when the Grade Sevens were going to Loch Lomond for a camping and culture excursion. She even was going to chaperone, since her “step-children” were on the trip this year. How in the bloody hell did she forget…? Wracking her brain quick as she could, she tried to think about when she could have possibly volunteer and then immediately forget the entire thing…?
“Did you get me to agree to this… say… late September, early October…?”
“October 3rd, actually. I’ve got the paperwork here.”
“Adrian… you know I’m out of sorts around then,” she groaned.
“I had to get the list of adults ready, you know that,” the headmaster defended gently. He was one of the few who knew of her… particular family situation and all the intergalactic implications involved, and had known from the start. “Any other empty long weekend is yours, no questions.”
“Then I guess I’ll talk with the Doctor when I get home,” she sighed. She rubbed her temples as she felt a headache coming on, her attention stolen when the headmaster placed a couple stacks of papers on his desk. “Adrian Thomas Davies, what the bloody hell is that?”
“Not much,” he shrugged. “Since you mentioned him, we do need to discuss the Doctor…”
The second reason that a regular family holiday was perfectly unattainable was due to the fact that… well… screw it, there was a lot of reasons, and they all kept piling up at a rapid pace.
Missing his tobacco habit for the first time in nearly two millennia, the Doctor stood surrounded by five dozen tweens who were wound up and excited for the fact they were on a trip away from home. He looked over at a pair of fathers who had also come along, envious at their excuse for a smoke break, the act of which brought them more than a few yards away at a designated stand at the edge of the carpark. It wasn’t even something he could magically pick up again for the duration of the trip, because one puff and Clara would be absolutely livid. Instead, he was surrounded by his children’s classmates, nearly all exuding a sort of energy he was not used to encountering, all because Clara accidentally volunteered him.
“Dad?” He glanced over and saw Alison staring up at him. “What's wrong?”
“I don’t know,” he lied. What was wrong was that he was currently risking a lot in order to be there for the trip. He was still taking the time off at the end of the week, but at the same time, he was also currently at the office, helping disassemble some extraplanar tech thanks to the scientific wonder that was the TARDIS. “How’re you holding up, Aly? You and Jim alright?”
“Yeah—he’s over with Auntie Nellie and Mum,” the girl said, pointing vaguely behind him. He turned and saw Clara and an Osgood—the only reason he was able to get away with a normally-contract-breaching use of time travel—as they attempted to corral some of the more energetic students. Although there were still other adults there to help out, there was not much being done to help the general chaos of sixty London-raised children getting ready to spend a week camping in Scotland. James was almost clung to Clara, which made his father chuckle. There was so much happening that it was a bit scary even for him.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith?” The Doctor looked and saw one of the wee terrors staring at him curiously. “When did you move to London from Scotland?”
“I moved to London from Gallifrey about two thousand years ago, in 1963,” he grunted. The tween scowled and looked at Alison.
“Is he going to be like this the whole trip?”
“He gets better,” Alison assured. The student shrugged and went off to another cluster, allowing the girl to glare at her father. “Don’t ruin this for us!”
“Ruin what?”
“Friends!” At that, he knew precisely what it was she meant: they needed to be able to interact with their new peers with little judgement. They had not yet been with these classmates for a year—as “transfer students”, they were on thin ice. That explained her outburst and irritation.
“Don’t worry, kiddo—I’m not looking to ruin anything,” he assured. The Doctor watched as she stormed off and joined her classmates. A pang of guilt struck through him—she was embarrassed by him.
“I see that look on your face.” He glanced over and saw Clara standing there, having abandoned Osgood to be devoured by rabid tweens or whatever was going on over on the other side of the carpark. “Don’t act like you’re surprised or anything.”
“Some normal family holiday this is turning out to be,” he noted. She just shook her head and sighed. “That’s what we wanted, right?” He bent down and they pecked their lips together—can’t show too much affection, after all.
“For the time being, anyhow,” she replied. She handed him a copy of the itinerary; it was decidedly packed with activities for the kids, which meant few breaks for the adults. “Think you can handle our group for the time being?”
“If our group isn’t stolen by the meme master over there,” he said, gesturing over towards Osgood. She and a small child looked like they were having a dance-off, with other adults watching carefully on from a distance. Clara made a note to invite Osgood back if they were running short on chaperones in the future—she was surprisingly good with the kids. “Let’s just get this over with, and then we can go on as normal. It’s only fair.”
“…to whom…?”
“Neither of us, I can tell you that.” Something over on the other side of the carpark caught his eye and he groaned internally. “None of these pudding-brains should know what the mechanics for trimonoclyde fusion is, correct?”
“Considering I have no idea what you just said…?”
“I’ll be right back—watch Osgood’s pockets. I think we’ve got thieves in our midst.” The Doctor went off to where there were some children huddled around a rock in order to confiscate something.
This was going to be a ride, that was for certain.
As it turned out, camping with so many tweens was not a wise idea, both the Doctor and Clara found out. Their children? They weren’t being the best, but they were manageable. It was many of the rest of the children—not to mention a couple of the adults—that grated on their nerves. Between students attempting to run off into the woods and the adults’ inane banter and members of both groups attempting to wander off at different points to find a town (and therefore, wifi), things were beginning to get complicated.
“Remind me to throw your boss into a supernova when we get back,” the Doctor groused as he sat down next to Clara. The pair of them were taking the early watch in their half of the camp, making sure that no one decided to sneak off. All of the tents opened towards them, which admittedly was a big help, but it was still a two-person job at the very least. With the loch to their backs and the other watch pair further off, it could have nearly been considered private.
“You will not be doing anything to Adrian… and no calling in favors on him,” she warned. She poked the fire in front of them with a stick, agitating the logs so more could catch fire properly. “This part’s nice, at least.”
“I thought you hated bonfires.”
“I do—I’m talking about the quiet.” She leaned back and looked up at the stars, the fact they were even there an incredible thing to see for someone who normally lived in London. Smiling, Clara continued to stare as she leaned against the Doctor’s shoulder.
“What are you looking at?” he asked.
“You see them all the time when we’re out in the TARDIS.”
“True, but I don’t often get to see them while on Earth,” she reasoned. “Even now, the village is close enough that we don’t really see everything.”
“It’s a shame, because everything looks amazing from here.” She turned her head to see that he was looking directly at her, without any regard for the sky above or the tents they were supposed to be minding. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly before wrapping an arm around her and tucking her head under his chin. “We’ll have to do this on our own when we’re feeling up to camping.”
“A camping permit for just the four of us?”
“I was thinking a little something pre-permits.” Clara could then feel the Doctor tense. “Did you see that?”
“See what?”
“I think I saw something over by the back tents.”
“A wildcat, I bet.”
“Possibly, but let me see.” He grabbed a torch and stood, heading back over towards the rear of the encampment. Shining the torch around, he didn’t catch anything. “Huh. Nothing. I guess it was my imagin—”
At that, a wildcat did indeed jump out from behind a tent and hissed at the Doctor. The Time Lord stared at it, unimpressed.
“I’d change your attitude if I were you,” he said. “No one’s here to steal your kills.”
A yowl and a hiss escaped the cat, the hairs on its back standing on-end.
“They’re a bunch of kids—kittens, if you will—and although yes I admit some of them are losing that thing that makes them cool, most of them are rather brilliant.” The wildcat did not yield. “Aren’t you the pleasant one?”
“Doctor? Should I get Osgood?”
“Naw—it’s just a cat,” he said.
Soon as the words left his lips, the wildcat attacked. The feline jumped at him, meowing loudly. Other cats then started popping out from the wood, all of them attempting to climb at him and bite or swipe at his ankles and knees. He tried to shoo them away to no avail; they kept coming, somehow all swarming him. Students and other chaperones alike began poking their heads out of their tents to see what all the commotion was about.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith, are you alright?” one of the chaperones asked blearily. The wildcat nearest her hissed violently, forcing her to retreat back into the tent.
“It’s always you getting into trouble like this,” Clara groaned. She suddenly appeared at his side with the broom left to them by the parks people, trying to bat the wildcats away without hurting them. A few got the hint, but most kept attacking. The Doctor made a run for the loch, wading into the shallow bit before the cats began to rethink leaving him alone. One, however, lunged up and at him, knocking him fully over into the water. By now their entire side of the camp was awake and staring at the scene, along with some from the other half, with James and Alison looking on in horror.
“This is an absolute disaster,” James squeaked. The cat that knocked over his father jumped back to shore and bounded through camp and into the wood, disappearing as silently as it appeared.
“Disaster doesn’t even cover it,” Alison groaned. She looked at the three girls that she was sharing a tent with and scowled. “Would you believe me if I said this wasn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen happen to him?”
“I believe it, Ozsmith,” one of them replied. They watched as the Doctor dragged himself out of the loch, absolutely sopping wet. “Maybe that’s the story behind the monster up in Ness?”
“Knowing Dad? Probably had something to do with it.”
If they asked, then yes, of course he had something to do with the sensation up in Loch Ness. To be honest, he’d had Victoria and Jamie take turns recording the whole thing. Yet right now? In front of most of his children’s Human classmates? In the cold? Under the scrutiny of half a dozen torches? He was just lucky that the TARDIS was able to tone down his cursing over such a long distance.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
i have the exact satin dress! bought mine from asos a few years back... it costs me less than £30 tho 🌚
LOL Which one, the light one or the black one (hardly used, I believe she wore a collar on it/over it for the Joyce scene)?
...And can you stride out of an antebellum mansion for an old wet teacher in it? 🌚
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I only know a few things about Miller's Girl wardrobe, like how this bish's accessories together cost more than one month of my rent (her sunglasses plus her snakeskin backpack). With all that money going into accessories, you would think that they would have at LEAST one wardrobe change for certain scenes that were obviously filmed the same day but were not 'the same day' and can only be explained by flashback or some other out-of-order happening. I can explain this in a bit, I've been wanting to, because I tend to notice shit like this.
ETA: The black one
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 11 months
LOVING all your new rp icons!! They're so expressive and well made :3
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[Why Thank you! I can't take credit for them though, that honor goes to the good friend and excellent artist/writer I've been commissioning these bad boys from: @unknowngoddess-art - who is also the writer behind @thelittlestdemon amongst other blogs. As a treat, have my favorite 'icon' they've done of Hriob thus far-]
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tickingdial · 2 years
(RP request ask. Will reblog from my multimuse.)
A beautiful sunlit day in Redwood, Zora's stomping grounds.
But something felt a little bit wrong.
Against the wall of a building, a small girl rested next to someone vaguely familiar... she was definitely small, at 5'2, at least, compared to her observer. The brown haired girl cringed in the harsh light of the midday sun, prompting the person next to her to hand her a pair of sunglasses. The burgundy redhead sighed, then spoke.
"You wanted to meet Zora, right?" The girl nodded, wiping her eyes. "Mhm... Well, anyway, is she gonna be here, Myrtle? I don't know this place well... there just haven't been enough reports for me to scan through on the internet." "You'll find her, Lizzie... though I really don't think this version of her will be..." The burgundy redhead gulped. "...like the one from my timeline." "My namesake will keep us safe. She wouldn't have granted my request otherwise. Besides, don't forget your Epithet, Myrtle." The glare in the girl's eyes made them flinch.
"...she wouldn't..." The girl trailed off. "...I doubt it, but it's always better to be safe than sorry."
"Zora Salazar... I wonder what this version of her will be like. If she's anything like the one you know, Myrtle... she might keep my attention."
Well, wasn't this an interesting situation in some amount? It was something that clearly, was very much different in the usual woods of trotting, and a visit to Redwood Run after a day of hunting doesn't commonly lead to a suspicious party that's ended up stumbling into what someone might call her town. Who is she, if not curious even a little, to investigate a bit?
The sundrifter stays within at least eyesight of the strange new person, knowing that she isn't on a bounty list anywhere (as far as she knew), and knowing that means she could at least get the drop on scaring someone post-October. Get a small spook, a laugh, it'd be as simple as that, wouldn't it?
Yeah. It'd be as simple as that. Zora's hand is held upwards gently, and orange sundials begin to tick, tick, tick through the air. The trees themselves seemed to change, from their growing state of decay for the upcoming winter, to the sudden bright orange that one may associate with her kind in the multiverse. A mark that she is watching, and she wants to watch them squirm for a moment.
This'll be fun to watch at least.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Keira Black and the Runaway Train
Once upon a time, in a small, picturesque town, there lived a young woman named Keira Black. Keira was a free-spirited soul with a passion for adventure and a heart full of dreams. She had an infectious smile that could brighten the darkest days and eyes that sparkled with curiosity. Keira had a deep connection with music, and she found solace in the melodies that echoed through her life.
One fateful summer evening, as Keira walked along the train tracks that snaked through the outskirts of town, she heard a distant sound that caught her attention. It was a haunting melody carried by the wind, pulling at her heartstrings like an invisible force. Keira followed the enchanting tune, her steps quickening as the urgency grew.
As she drew closer, the sound became clearer, revealing itself to be the haunting melody of "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum. The lyrics resonated deeply within Keira's soul, as if the song had been written specifically for her. The words spoke of lost souls, searching for their place in the world, and the yearning for someone to guide them home.
Unable to resist the allure of the song, Keira found herself standing at a deserted train station, where an old, weathered train stood silently. It seemed frozen in time, waiting for its passengers to return. Keira hesitated for a moment, unsure of what lay ahead, but her adventurous spirit propelled her forward.
With a surge of courage, Keira stepped onto the train, feeling an electric energy coursing through her veins. The moment she boarded, the train came to life, its engine roaring to life with a thunderous sound. The windows rattled, and the train started to move, hurtling through the tracks with an unstoppable force.
Inside, Keira discovered a myriad of characters from different walks of life. Each person carried a story, a burden, or a secret that weighed heavily on their hearts. The train became a sanctuary for them, a place where they could confront their fears and find solace in the presence of others who understood their struggles.
As the train journeyed through cities, forests, and desolate landscapes, Keira listened intently to the stories of her fellow passengers. She became a confidant, a source of strength and support, and she found herself inspired by their resilience and determination. Keira, too, shared her own experiences, her dreams, and her aspirations with the newfound friends she had made on this extraordinary journey.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as the train carried them across vast horizons. With each passing day, Keira felt herself changing, growing, and evolving. The experiences she encountered, the friendships she forged, and the melodies that filled the air seeped into her very being, shaping her into a wiser, more compassionate individual.
Finally, as the train approached its final destination, Keira realized that her purpose on this journey went beyond finding herself. She had become the guiding light for those who had lost their way, just as the song had guided her to this very moment.
As Keira stepped off the train, she bid farewell to her fellow travelers, knowing that the memories they shared would forever remain in their hearts. She understood that her journey had not reached its end, but rather, a new chapter was beginning—one where she would continue to spread love, hope, and understanding to all those she encountered.
And so, Keira Black, forever changed by the soul-stirring journey aboard the Runaway Train, set forth into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With her heart full of melodies and a spirit untamed, she embraced the unknown, knowing that her story was still being written, one beautiful note at a time.
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"Great story but the only sort of TRAIN I have experience with involve... Well let's just say I'm playin the role of Twinkie in 'em"
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One purple soda, please.
"Purple soda, eh? You got it. Grape flavor, I assume?" the overweight pseudo-anon asks, slipping behind the counter and pulling out a glass.
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nether-twins · 1 year
😶 + What are your true feelings about the foes you've faced in battle? (To whichever twin ya feel up to writing! also tbh this is probably pretty mild of a question for this meme I'm so sorry lmaooo)
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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"You really brought up a easy question, didn't you, anon? I never thought much about the foes we've faced in the past. Most were just an obstacle, something that needed to be removed in order to get the plan going. Some... were not deserving of what happened, and for that I feel guilt. But I were to tell you my true feelings about a few of my foes, then I guess Ratchet and Mr. Eye are really the only one worth mentioning here. I interacted with them the most so, yeah. I found Ratchet to be pretty annoying at first for always being in our way and trying to stop us from completing our plan. That and...I found him to be a coward, someone who lost the guts to find his race. Orvus was I quick to change my mind once I was taken to jail after the that whole Mr. Eye incident. That Lombax is far from being a coward, and I wish I had listened to him when he tried to warn me about using the Dimensionator. The fool is me and, well, I now have to live with the mistakes I've made. I don't ever expect him to forgive me for what I did. As for Mr. Eye... I hope I never have to meet that lying bastard ever again. I spent 20 years of my life trying to help him, thinking I was doing something good, and what did I get? Nearly trapped in a world I didn't feel welcomed in. I hate him, simple and plain as that."
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"I really don't have that many feelings when it comes to the foes I've faced in battle. Like, yeah, I sometimes felt a tiny bit bad for what I did, especially if it was some guy who was just trying to do their job and stop us, but that's about it. Ratchet and Mr. Eye, however, are something else. The furball started out as our foe, I even got into a fight with him and- just like any other bad guy in the past- lost, but then the whole thing with Mr. Eye happened and, well, I guess you could say things changed from there. I was pretty angry at Ratchet for taking my sis, hated him even, and didn't let go of those feelings until everything was over. Being in jail gave me time to think and, although I'm still a bit miffed over what happened, I'm forever grateful for what he did and hope I get a chance to tell him that. Though I'm not sure if it would really mean anything to him. I mean... I did let that one thing happen on the Nebulox. Mr. Eye on the other hand? I always knew something was fishy about him but I could never figure out what it was until it was too late. I'm never forgiving that monster for what he did and I hope he and the rest of our kind rots away in his dimension."
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