#Jim Oswald Smith
nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Getting the hang of things: 12, Clara and the kids try to take a normal human family vacation together and things don’t go as planned.
Happy Twelve Day, everyone! It’s still 12.12 where I am, so meh this is going up.
2190 words; one of my favorite inconsequential personal headcanons for Coal Hill if Clara continues teaching there is that the Eleven expy coworker eventually becomes headmaster, because why the fuck not; makes mention of the very angsty ch.33 (tumblr/FFN/AO3); sorry I’ve had severe OP brain rot the past half year please take this in penance (though I’ve got a lot more for it than DW coming sorry not sorry); friendly reminder to not interact with wildlife unless you are with an expert and the Doctor does not count as an expert; not really thoroughly beta’d, but if I find something egregious I’ll fix it for now I’m just tired
All Clara really wanted was to go to the seaside. Just a seaside holiday with her husband and children… was that too much to ask?
The first reason it was deemed unattainable, it was because she had her time off request denied. She went directly to the headmaster’s office, as she was not in the mood to do anything else, and confronted him directly. She had the available time, there was no testing or other things going on then, her husband already had his time approved at his work (though, she did not mention that his time was automatically approved being as one saved the ability to tell a minor cosmic deity “no” for special occasions), so what was the problem…?
“Sorry, Clara,” the headmaster apologized. “I thought you knew.”
“…knew what, Adrian?”
“That’s the week of the Year Sevens’ class trip.”
Everything came rushing back to her in a rush of mortification. Yes, the Thursday and Friday she requested was when the Grade Sevens were going to Loch Lomond for a camping and culture excursion. She even was going to chaperone, since her “step-children” were on the trip this year. How in the bloody hell did she forget…? Wracking her brain quick as she could, she tried to think about when she could have possibly volunteer and then immediately forget the entire thing…?
“Did you get me to agree to this… say… late September, early October…?”
“October 3rd, actually. I’ve got the paperwork here.”
“Adrian… you know I’m out of sorts around then,” she groaned.
“I had to get the list of adults ready, you know that,” the headmaster defended gently. He was one of the few who knew of her… particular family situation and all the intergalactic implications involved, and had known from the start. “Any other empty long weekend is yours, no questions.”
“Then I guess I’ll talk with the Doctor when I get home,” she sighed. She rubbed her temples as she felt a headache coming on, her attention stolen when the headmaster placed a couple stacks of papers on his desk. “Adrian Thomas Davies, what the bloody hell is that?”
“Not much,” he shrugged. “Since you mentioned him, we do need to discuss the Doctor…”
The second reason that a regular family holiday was perfectly unattainable was due to the fact that… well… screw it, there was a lot of reasons, and they all kept piling up at a rapid pace.
Missing his tobacco habit for the first time in nearly two millennia, the Doctor stood surrounded by five dozen tweens who were wound up and excited for the fact they were on a trip away from home. He looked over at a pair of fathers who had also come along, envious at their excuse for a smoke break, the act of which brought them more than a few yards away at a designated stand at the edge of the carpark. It wasn’t even something he could magically pick up again for the duration of the trip, because one puff and Clara would be absolutely livid. Instead, he was surrounded by his children’s classmates, nearly all exuding a sort of energy he was not used to encountering, all because Clara accidentally volunteered him.
“Dad?” He glanced over and saw Alison staring up at him. “What's wrong?”
“I don’t know,” he lied. What was wrong was that he was currently risking a lot in order to be there for the trip. He was still taking the time off at the end of the week, but at the same time, he was also currently at the office, helping disassemble some extraplanar tech thanks to the scientific wonder that was the TARDIS. “How’re you holding up, Aly? You and Jim alright?”
“Yeah—he’s over with Auntie Nellie and Mum,” the girl said, pointing vaguely behind him. He turned and saw Clara and an Osgood—the only reason he was able to get away with a normally-contract-breaching use of time travel—as they attempted to corral some of the more energetic students. Although there were still other adults there to help out, there was not much being done to help the general chaos of sixty London-raised children getting ready to spend a week camping in Scotland. James was almost clung to Clara, which made his father chuckle. There was so much happening that it was a bit scary even for him.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith?” The Doctor looked and saw one of the wee terrors staring at him curiously. “When did you move to London from Scotland?”
“I moved to London from Gallifrey about two thousand years ago, in 1963,” he grunted. The tween scowled and looked at Alison.
“Is he going to be like this the whole trip?”
“He gets better,” Alison assured. The student shrugged and went off to another cluster, allowing the girl to glare at her father. “Don’t ruin this for us!”
“Ruin what?”
“Friends!” At that, he knew precisely what it was she meant: they needed to be able to interact with their new peers with little judgement. They had not yet been with these classmates for a year—as “transfer students”, they were on thin ice. That explained her outburst and irritation.
“Don’t worry, kiddo—I’m not looking to ruin anything,” he assured. The Doctor watched as she stormed off and joined her classmates. A pang of guilt struck through him—she was embarrassed by him.
“I see that look on your face.” He glanced over and saw Clara standing there, having abandoned Osgood to be devoured by rabid tweens or whatever was going on over on the other side of the carpark. “Don’t act like you’re surprised or anything.”
“Some normal family holiday this is turning out to be,” he noted. She just shook her head and sighed. “That’s what we wanted, right?” He bent down and they pecked their lips together—can’t show too much affection, after all.
“For the time being, anyhow,” she replied. She handed him a copy of the itinerary; it was decidedly packed with activities for the kids, which meant few breaks for the adults. “Think you can handle our group for the time being?”
“If our group isn’t stolen by the meme master over there,” he said, gesturing over towards Osgood. She and a small child looked like they were having a dance-off, with other adults watching carefully on from a distance. Clara made a note to invite Osgood back if they were running short on chaperones in the future—she was surprisingly good with the kids. “Let’s just get this over with, and then we can go on as normal. It’s only fair.”
“…to whom…?”
“Neither of us, I can tell you that.” Something over on the other side of the carpark caught his eye and he groaned internally. “None of these pudding-brains should know what the mechanics for trimonoclyde fusion is, correct?”
“Considering I have no idea what you just said…?”
“I’ll be right back—watch Osgood’s pockets. I think we’ve got thieves in our midst.” The Doctor went off to where there were some children huddled around a rock in order to confiscate something.
This was going to be a ride, that was for certain.
As it turned out, camping with so many tweens was not a wise idea, both the Doctor and Clara found out. Their children? They weren’t being the best, but they were manageable. It was many of the rest of the children—not to mention a couple of the adults—that grated on their nerves. Between students attempting to run off into the woods and the adults’ inane banter and members of both groups attempting to wander off at different points to find a town (and therefore, wifi), things were beginning to get complicated.
“Remind me to throw your boss into a supernova when we get back,” the Doctor groused as he sat down next to Clara. The pair of them were taking the early watch in their half of the camp, making sure that no one decided to sneak off. All of the tents opened towards them, which admittedly was a big help, but it was still a two-person job at the very least. With the loch to their backs and the other watch pair further off, it could have nearly been considered private.
“You will not be doing anything to Adrian… and no calling in favors on him,” she warned. She poked the fire in front of them with a stick, agitating the logs so more could catch fire properly. “This part’s nice, at least.”
“I thought you hated bonfires.”
“I do—I’m talking about the quiet.” She leaned back and looked up at the stars, the fact they were even there an incredible thing to see for someone who normally lived in London. Smiling, Clara continued to stare as she leaned against the Doctor’s shoulder.
“What are you looking at?” he asked.
“You see them all the time when we’re out in the TARDIS.”
“True, but I don’t often get to see them while on Earth,” she reasoned. “Even now, the village is close enough that we don’t really see everything.”
“It’s a shame, because everything looks amazing from here.” She turned her head to see that he was looking directly at her, without any regard for the sky above or the tents they were supposed to be minding. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly before wrapping an arm around her and tucking her head under his chin. “We’ll have to do this on our own when we’re feeling up to camping.”
“A camping permit for just the four of us?”
“I was thinking a little something pre-permits.” Clara could then feel the Doctor tense. “Did you see that?”
“See what?”
“I think I saw something over by the back tents.”
“A wildcat, I bet.”
“Possibly, but let me see.” He grabbed a torch and stood, heading back over towards the rear of the encampment. Shining the torch around, he didn’t catch anything. “Huh. Nothing. I guess it was my imagin—”
At that, a wildcat did indeed jump out from behind a tent and hissed at the Doctor. The Time Lord stared at it, unimpressed.
“I’d change your attitude if I were you,” he said. “No one’s here to steal your kills.”
A yowl and a hiss escaped the cat, the hairs on its back standing on-end.
“They’re a bunch of kids—kittens, if you will—and although yes I admit some of them are losing that thing that makes them cool, most of them are rather brilliant.” The wildcat did not yield. “Aren’t you the pleasant one?”
“Doctor? Should I get Osgood?”
“Naw—it’s just a cat,” he said.
Soon as the words left his lips, the wildcat attacked. The feline jumped at him, meowing loudly. Other cats then started popping out from the wood, all of them attempting to climb at him and bite or swipe at his ankles and knees. He tried to shoo them away to no avail; they kept coming, somehow all swarming him. Students and other chaperones alike began poking their heads out of their tents to see what all the commotion was about.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith, are you alright?” one of the chaperones asked blearily. The wildcat nearest her hissed violently, forcing her to retreat back into the tent.
“It’s always you getting into trouble like this,” Clara groaned. She suddenly appeared at his side with the broom left to them by the parks people, trying to bat the wildcats away without hurting them. A few got the hint, but most kept attacking. The Doctor made a run for the loch, wading into the shallow bit before the cats began to rethink leaving him alone. One, however, lunged up and at him, knocking him fully over into the water. By now their entire side of the camp was awake and staring at the scene, along with some from the other half, with James and Alison looking on in horror.
“This is an absolute disaster,” James squeaked. The cat that knocked over his father jumped back to shore and bounded through camp and into the wood, disappearing as silently as it appeared.
“Disaster doesn’t even cover it,” Alison groaned. She looked at the three girls that she was sharing a tent with and scowled. “Would you believe me if I said this wasn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen happen to him?”
“I believe it, Ozsmith,” one of them replied. They watched as the Doctor dragged himself out of the loch, absolutely sopping wet. “Maybe that’s the story behind the monster up in Ness?”
“Knowing Dad? Probably had something to do with it.”
If they asked, then yes, of course he had something to do with the sensation up in Loch Ness. To be honest, he’d had Victoria and Jamie take turns recording the whole thing. Yet right now? In front of most of his children’s Human classmates? In the cold? Under the scrutiny of half a dozen torches? He was just lucky that the TARDIS was able to tone down his cursing over such a long distance.
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tampire · 7 months
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This gifset slaps!
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riddle-man · 1 year
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railroad-spike · 2 years
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ɢᴏᴛʜᴀᴍ ₃ₓ₂₂
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gothicknightz · 2 years
experiment on me — jerome valeska
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experiment on me — jerome valeska
warnings: a punch thrown so far
notes: two parts? maybe three. the reader is gn. 
word count: 559
Jerome Valeska was finally silenced to a halt after being put in handcuffs and mailed off to Arkham without a hitch. He got into fisticuffs and ran his show, as well as getting his face punched off, and saying he had quite the day was an understatement.
But to him, the walls of Arkham were getting way too familiar than he precedented, despite running the show in a place he once called home temporarily. All the other locked-up systematic outlaws and failures were getting way too stale for him to handle.
Jerome was on his hands and knees begging for some stimulation and uprising. He couldn’t stand it anymore. When Jerome gets his hands on his friends, and he would, he was gonna blow the building like no other person had dared.
Then came in (y/n), someone who didn’t need saving even at the hands of a disappointing city with too many flaws. A city that Jerome and (y/n) were proud to call their home.
Oh, the thrill of someone new. Jerome was excited. Someone with flair, style, and panache. Finally, he was getting lucky in his unfortunate incarceration at Arkham.
But (y/n) didn’t plan on staying there long.
“Hey,” They snapped, “Ginger raccoon.” (y/n) was getting tired of countless attempts at getting Jerome’s attention, so in turn, they backed up and threw a punch. Hopefully, that would wake the smiling psycho up from whatever fantasy land he was in at the moment.
You could tell he was awakening something inside him as his facial expression was recognizing that he had gotten punched. “Oh,” He grumbled, backing up, and touching his cheek gingerly as if it were severely injured. “Thanks for the wake-up call.”
“About damn time.” (y/n) muttered as they now finally had a grasp on the ginger’s attention.
“Now, look,” They whispered, leaning in, “I can tell you’re not new here, and definitely have thrown your hat in the ring way too many times.” They then glanced at one of the many guards that loomed around the halls to keep the inmates in order, “You see that unaffected sad sack over there?”
Jerome seemed intrigued, arching a brow and leaning forward, “I need you to get his attention.”
“Why not get all of them?” Jerome asked, throwing out his arms in question, “Wouldn’t that be easier?” He pushed himself away from the table, going forward to stand on it and cupping his hands around his face to holler.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention!”
And as if they were zombies, anyone who wasn’t at least partially brain-dead turned their focus flat straight at Jerome, incoherent mumbles and questions being heard throughout the crowd.
“Today will be the day!”
The mumbles and those who were talking to themselves suddenly started to cheer as if they were some high school mob at a pep rally or sporting event, some of them even standing up to copy Jerome, who they adored with an unknowing passion.
“Today will be the day!”
The crowd cheered once again, but this time with a further sense of determination and insanity, with half of them unsure of what the day was or what exactly they were cheering for; most of them were too unhinged to comprehend their own sense of being.
Then that’s when the lights went out.
And everything turned to chaos.
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Drew the bbg a little bit ago
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peach-and-bugs · 3 years
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characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (RE:V) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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Walkerverse Character Tier List
Hello Walker Family! I'm here announcing the beginning of the Walkerverse Character Tier List series!
I've created a list of characters from Walker and Walker: Independence to put in a tier list ranking. I will be releasing a series of polls with all these characters (including pictures and brief reminders of their roles) to determine which Tier List ranking they get. Whichever option from S to F gets the most votes will become the official ranking of that character.
Here is the criteria I used to select the characters I'm putting in the poll series:
They must have a name on the imdb page
They must have a minimum of two appearances
I have to remember them, regardless of their appearance count
Single appearances that were special/memorable will also be included (ex: Uncle Willy, Minnie Jayne)
The rankings will be as follows:
S tier: Best character in the show, love them with all my heart, they can do literally nothing wrong
A tier: Beloved blorbo, one of my favorites, I'd want to be friends with them if they were real
B tier: I like them, but I have my critiques. A good character that I mostly enjoy
C tier: Mid character, not the biggest fan of them but I won't complain when they show up
D tier: I don't like them. I have many criticisms of their actions and personality. I may even dislike whole episodes because of them
F tier: Literally the worst character in the entire show. Hate them. Much dislike. I fastforward over them on rewatches.
I currently have pictures (for the poll and the complete tierlist that I will link when it is public) for 39 of the 120+ characters I put on the list, so that's where I will be starting. I will include the full list of all the characters from both shows below the cut along with the taglist.
The first poll will go up on Monday, September 23rd! Can't wait to see what you guys think!
@theladywyn, @jaredwalkertexasranger, @laf-outloud, @aborddelimpala, @mysterybeau, @sweet-sammy-kisses, @kickingitwithkirk, @rhl74, @peachparakeet, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @loveforwomenstuff, @low-soduimfreak, @ihavepointysticks, @waywardmaslow, @arte-mishuntress, @the-slythering-raven, @deeranger, @duo-kun, @inafieldofdaisies, @not-your-housekeeper98, @nancymcl, @sammysnaughtygirl
Cordell Walker
Liam Walker
Abeline Walker
Bonham Walker
Stella Walker
August Walker
Larry James
Trey Barnett
Geri Broussard
Cassie Perez
Micki Ramirez
Colton Davidson
Ben Perez
Dan Miller
Denise Davidson
Emily Walker
Gale Davidson
Stan Morrison
Clay Cooper
Clint West
Kelly James
Kevin Golden
Isabel Munoz
Trevor Strand
Detective David Luna
Julia Johnson
Hoyt Rawlins
Twyla Jean
Sadie Yoo
DJ James
Keesha Barnett
Carlos Mendoza
Officer Randall
Dr. Adriana Ramirez
Mercedes Ruiz
Miles Vyas
Coach Bobby
Principal Heaney
Byron Santos
Garrison (GM)
Nate Smith
Tessa Graves
Crystal West
Lana Jones
Tommy Adams
Jaxon Davis
Grant McLawson
Alma Munoz
Fenton Cole
Lorezno Munoz
Marv Davidson
Mr. Golden
Owen Campbell
Minnie Jayne
Becca Furgeson
Joanna Rawlins
Cole Tillman
Rebecca Tillman
Walker: Independence:
Abigail Walker
Hoyt Rawlins
Kate Carver
Tom Davidson
Lucia Reyes
Shane Davidson
Chief Taza
Francis Reyes
Luis Reyes
Ethan (Pinkerton Detective)
Salty Dog
Molly Sullivan
Anna Maria Reyes
Cordell the Horse
Burlesque Dancers
Teresa Davidson
Otis Clay
Martha Sullivan
Liam Collins
Eli McDowd
Charlotte “Charlie” Collins
Gil Santiago
Stella Rawlins
Wordell Calker
Amos Acorn
Parker Briggs
Judge Parker
Kirby Smith
Andrew Jones
Judge Carter
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writingkitten · 5 months
Now that I mention that about Robert's blurb. What are your HC about the songs the guys would play on their weddings?
THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE IS AMAZING I THRIVE ON MUSIC ASKS!!! Thank you, 🐾!!! Also things aren’t necessarily going to line up timeline wise especially for characters from older eras (this is the “first dance” song, but I can do a “walking down the aisle” one if someone requests it)
Ricky: I Walked The Line (Johnny Cash cover) by Halsey
Robert: Tiny Dancer by Elton John (for obvious reasons)
Harold: Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers
Otto: The Scientist by Coldplay
Doc Ock: Infinity by Jaymes Young
Harding: Like Real People Do by Hozier
Edelweiss: Yellow Submarine by The Beatles
Chandler: All or Nothing by Theory of a Deadman
Big Boss: Hurt (cover) by Johnny Cash
Andres: Do It For Me by Rosenfeld
Boris: Heart Like Yours by Willamette Stone
Dunlop: Make It To Me by Sam Smith
Arden: Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello
Jim: Stole You Away by Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Jimmy: I’m In Love With You by The 1975
Armand: Is There Something In The Movie by Samia
Manuel: Hallelujah (cover) by Jeff Buckley
Maxim: Finally // beautiful stranger by Halsey
Hank: As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese
Frank: Say Goodbye by Skillet
Oswald: Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Rey
Dick: Chocolate — Acoustic Version by The 1975
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bruniciobrunaldo · 6 months
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Hello, my name is Bruno, I'm 21 and I'm trying to get back on track with writing (also lost my old account) I'm thinking of using this account to express my love for all the fictional characters I love (not only Ash)
Either way, I write for different fandoms, being my thing writing for male readers and readers under the trans umbrella mostly
Who I write for
Michael Myers (RZ's too)
Jason Vorhees
Freddy Krueger
Leatherface (Bubba Sawyer)
Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt)
Chop Top Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Billy Lenz
Ghostface (Billy Loomis, Stu Macher and Mickey Altieri)
Brahms Heelshire
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Pennywise (1991 and 2017)
Leslie Vernon
Josef (Creep)
Kurt Kunkle
Norman Bates
Martin (1977)
The Creeper (Creepers Jeepers)
Albert Shaw/The Grabber
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill/Starlord
Scott Lang/Ant-man
Quicksilver (any)
Jack Russell
Steven Grant
Arthur Harrow
Peter Parker (any)
Doc Ock (Olivia or Otto)
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
George Stacy
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
The Spot
(movie or series versions)
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Edward Nygma
Edward Nashton
Arthur Fleck
Joker (Ledger)
Oswald Cobblepot
Jonathan Crane
Abner Krill (Polka Dot-Man)
Harley Quinn
Barry Allen/Flash (movie only)
Ratcatcher 2
Rick Flag
Chris Smith/Peacemaker
Adrian Chase/Vigilante
Judge Frollo
Dr. Facilier
Lottie LaBouf
Jim Hawkins
Madrigal family
Dead by Daylight
David King
Jeff Johanssen
Ace Visconti
Jane Romero
Kate Denson
Felix Richter
Mikaela Reid
Vittorio Toscano
The Trapper
The Nurse
The Doctor
The Huntress
The Legion
Skull Merchant
Other characters
Ash Williams
Carrie White
Dewey Riley
Robert Van Helsing
Coach Boomer
Jareth The Goblin King
Willy Wonka (Chalamet's)
The Janitor (Willy's Wonderland)
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Dewey Finn
Beetlejuice (Keaton's)
Abe Sapiens
Prince Nuada
Mostly for nsfw purposes (mainly monsters)
Freaky nsfw (the monsterfucker kind)
Long fics
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negativemindfeild · 6 months
is it really that hard?
just read...
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shameless ;
ian gallagher, fiona gallagher, lip gallagher, mickey milkovich, kevin ball, v fisher, carl gallagher, and frank gallagher
nsfw available for all [ s5 + for ian, lip, and mickey, s11 for carl]
stranger things ;
jim hopper, steve harrington, eddie munson, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, billy hargrove, mike wheeler, will byers, dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, max mayfield, and el hopper
nsfw available for all except mike, will, dustin, lucas, max, and el
the umbrella academy ;
diego hargreeves, allison hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, five hargreeves, ben hargreeves, and viktor hargreeves
nsfw available for all except five
the last of us ;
joel miller [ROMANTIC] ellie williams [PLATONIC]
nsfw available for joel
black butler ;
sebastian micheals, finny, bard, mei-rin, grell sutcliff, william t. spears, undertaker, and claude faustus
nsfw available for all
inside job ;
reagan ridley, brett hand, ron staedtler, and andre lee
nsfw available for all
kobra kai ;
daniel larusso, johnny lawrence, hawk moskowitz, robby keene, miguel diaz, and demetri alexopoulos
nsfw available for daniel and johnny
supernatural ;
sam winchester, dean winchester, castiel novak, lucifer, crowley, and john winchester
nsfw available for all
lucifer [netflix] ;
lucifer morningstar
nsfw available 
demon slayer ;
kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui, obanai igura, sanemi shinazugawa, mitsuri kanroji, shinobu koxho, giyu tomioka, gyomei himejima,  daki, gyutaro, muzan kibutsuji, kokoshibo, douma, akaza, enmu, tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agamatsu, inosuke hashibira, genya shinazugawa, and muichiro tokito
nsfw available for all except tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, genya, or muichiro
gotham ;
oswald cobblepot, fish moony, sal maroni, victor zsasz, edward nygma, harvey bullock, harvey dent, alfred pennytworth, and bruce wayne
nsfw available for all except bruce
daredevil ;
matt murdock
nsfw available
the mandolorian ;
din djarin 'mando'
nsfw available
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call of duty ;
simon riley 'ghost', johnny mactavish 'soap', john price, kyle garrick 'gaz', alejandro vargas, phillip graves, keegan russ and könig
nsfw available for all
red dead redemption 2 ;
arthur morgan, bill williamson, charles smith, colm o'driscoll, dutch van der linde, hosea matthews, javier escuella, john marston, kieran duffy, micah bell, karen jones, mary-beth gaskill, abigail roberts and sean magurie
nsfw available for all
team fortress 2 ;
spy, mun-dee mundy 'sniper', jeremy 'scout', mr ludwig 'medic', mikhail 'heavy', pyro, tavis finnegan degroot 'demoman', mister jane doe 'soldier', dell gonagher'engineer'
nsfw available for all
stardew valley ;
harvey, maru, sebastian, abigail, sam, penny, elliott, leah, alex, hailey, shane, emily, and sandy
nsfw available for all
sally face ;
sal fisher, travis phelps, larry johnson, and ash campbell
nsfw unavailable
mortal kobat 1 ;
johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, raiden, kung lao, lui kang, kui liang 'scorpion', bi-han 'sub-zero', tomas vrbada 'smoke', syzoth 'reptile', rain, kitana, mileena, and sindel
nsfw available for all
doki doki literature club ;
monica, yuri, natsuki, and sayori
nsfw unavailable
danganronpa ;
makoto naegi, byakuya togami, mondo owada, kiotaka ishimaru, yasuhiro hagakure, leon kuwata, hajime hinata, nagito kamado, izuru kamakura, chiaki nanami, gundham tanaka, sonia nevermind, kazuichi souda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, peko pekoyama, ibuki mioda, shuichi saihara, kokichi ouma, gonta gokuhara, k1-b0, miu iruma, rantaro amami, kaito mamota, kaede akamatsu, and kirumi tojo
nsfw available for all
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spiderverse ;
peter b parker, miguel o’hara, hobie brown, spider-man noir, ben parker, jess drew, miles morales, miles morales [ earth-42 ], gwen stacy, and  pavitr prabhakar
nsfw available for peter b, miguel, hobie, noir, ben, and jess
star wars ;
obi-wan kenobi, anakin skywalker, padme amidala, qui-gon jinn, luke skywalker, han solo, leia skywalker, ben solo ‘kylo ren’, poe dameron, finn, rey skywalker, armitage hux, and cassian andor 
nsfw available for all
marvel cinematic universe ; 
tony stark, steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, vision, bruce banner, natasha romanoff, clint barton, peter parker, loki laufeyson, and thor odinson
nsfw available for all except peter
x-men ;
logan howlett ‘wolverine’, peter maximoff ‘quick silver’, erik lehnsherr ‘magneto’, charles xavier, hank mccoy ‘beast’, kurt wagner ‘nightcrawler’, warren worthington iii ‘archangel’, storm, and scott summers ‘cyclops’
nsfw available for all
deadpool ; 
wade wilson ‘deadpool’, colossus, and weasel 
nsfw available for all
karate kid ;
daniel larusso and johnny lawrence
nsfw unavailable 
the breakfast club ;
john bender, andrew clark, brian johnson, claire standish, and allison reynolds
nsfw available for all
the outsiders ;
dallas winston, darry curtis, sodapop curtis, steve randell, two-bit matthews, johnny cade, and ponyboy curtis
nsfw available for darry and two-bit
the hobbit ;
bilbo baggins, thorin oakensheild, fili durin, kili durin, thranduil, legolas greenleaf, and bofur
nsfw available for all
lord of the rings ;
frodo baggins, sam gamgee, merry brandybuck, pippin took, gimli, legolas greenleaf, aragorn, and boromir
nsfw available for all
scream ;
billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, sidney prescott, tatum riley, and dewey riley
nsfw available for all
the ballad of songbirds and snakes ;
coriolanus snow, sejanus plinth, lucy gray baird, reaper ash, and jessup diggs
nsfw available for all except lucy gray
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madamealtruist · 1 month
ANOTHER AU!? I know what you're saying... Gwen, you're nuts. But not only are you absolutely right, I think this one might be my most ambitious one yet. As a young nerd, there were two groups. The Marvel fans and the DC fans. And while the rivalry certainly has calmed down a bit, I was almost always torn. So, earlier in the week, I decided to do the one thing that every fanfic writer has tried at least once.
A Marvel/DC crossover.
But unlike the typical realm merger, to put it in Mortal Kombat terms, this is a universe where both properties coexist. For example, picture a group of people walking to a Big Belly Burger while listening to Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson. That's just a fraction. I have an ENTIRE starting cast as well.
Welcome... to Earth-812
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Alex Organ/Edward Bosco)
Clark Kent/Superman (Talon Warburton)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Grey DeLisle)
Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk (Sean Chiplock/Lou Ferrigno)
Thor Odinson (Kyle Hebert)
Antoinette Stark/Iron Man (Erica Lindbeck/Andrew Bowen)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Roger Craig Smith)
Dick Grayson/Robin 1/Nightwing (Scott Menville)
Victor Stone/Cyborg (Khary Payton)
Kory Ander/Starfire (Kelly Rae Boyer)
Rachel Roth/Raven (Amanda Lee)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (Ben Schwartz)
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle (Miles Luna)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Nathan Sharp)
Gwen "Joyce Delaney" Stacy/Ghost Spider (Avril Lavigne)
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (Bryan Cranston)
???/Joker (Jason Marnocha)
Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina)
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin (Steve Blum)
Howard Stark/Iron Monger (Jamieson Price)
Eduardo Dorrance/Bane (Danny Trejo)
Dr. Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (Brina Palencia)
Dr. Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (Venus Terzo)
Nanaue Shei'ark/King Shark (Fred Tatasciore)
Louise Lincoln/Killer Frost (Jennifer Hale)
Edalyn Brock/Venom (Stephanie Beatriz/Lzzy Hale)
Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Addie Amick)
Johnny "Blaze" Ketch and Dani Ketch/Ghost Rider 1 and 2 (Clifford Chapin and Erica Mendez)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (James A. Janisse)
Eric Brooks/Blade (Christopher Judge)
Zod (Liam O'Brien)
Faora (Lauren Babic)
Non (Keith Ferguson)
Dr. Brian Banner/The Father (Jim Cummings)
Rick Jones/Red Hulk (Nolan North/Darin De Paul)
Emil Blonsky/Abomination (Ike Amadi)
Cletus Kassady/Carnage (Robert Englund/Jacob Craner)
Frances Barrison/Shriek (Cree Summer)
Mephisto (Alan Lee)
Professor Charles Xavier (Peter Capaldi)
James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (Steve Blum)
Hannah Marie/Rogue (Meghan Black)
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (Christina Vee, but with a Cajun accent)
Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Colossus (Stefan Kapičić)
Illyana Rasputin/Magik (Anya-Taylor Joy)
Dr. Curt Connors/Lizard (Rob Zombie)
Max Dillon/Electro (Jamie Foxx)
Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Dr. Joana Crane/Scarecrow (Kathleen Barr)
Waylon Jones/Killer Croc (Ron Perlman)
Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom (Lex Lang)
Erik Lensherr/Magneto (David Sobolov)
Frank Castle/Punisher (Thomas Jane)
Jason Todd/Robin 2/Red Hood (Jensen Ackles)
Flint Marko/Sandman (John DiMaggio)
Nick Fury (Karl Urban)
L. Thompsin Lincoln/Tombstone (Keith David)
Anastasia Kravenoff/Kraven the Hunter (Mariya Aranova)
Quinten Beck/Mysterio (Bruce Campbell)
Alexsei Systevich/Rhino (Paul Giamatti)
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justanoasisimagines · 5 months
List of Fandoms/Characters I write for...
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House of the Dragon ❀Criston Cole ❀Aemond Targaryen ❀Aegon II Targaryen ❀Harwin Strong ❀Cregan Stark
Game of Thrones ❀Sandor Clegane ❀ Tormund Giantsbane ❀Podrick Payne ❀Jon Snow ❀Robb Stark ❀Theon Grejoy ❀Jorah Mormont ❀Samwell Tarly ❀Gendry Waters ❀Tyrion Lannister ❀Jaime Lannister ❀Oberyn Martell ❀Ramsay Bolton ❀Viserys Targaryen ❀Khal Drago ❀Daario Naharis ❀Dickon Tarly ❀Koner ❀Ser Davos Seaworth
The Walking Dead ❀Rick Grimes ❀Shane Walsh ❀Merle Dixon ❀Daryl Dixon ❀Glenn Rhee ❀Jerry ❀Negan ❀Milton Mamet ❀Ceasar Martinez ❀Siddiq ❀Abraham Ford ❀Eugene Porter ❀Noah ❀Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas ❀Beta ❀Alden ❀Simon ❀Benjamin ❀Phillip "The Governor' Blake ❀Dante
Fear the Walking Dead ❀Troy Otto ❀Jake Otto ❀John Dorie ❀Nick Clark
Mayans MC ❀Ezekiel Reyes ❀Angel Reyes ❀Neron "Creeper" Vargas ❀Johnny "Coco" Cruz ❀Nestor Oceteva ❀Hank Loza ❀Gilberto "Gilly" Lopez ❀Bishop Losa ❀Che "Taza" Romero
Sons of Anarchy ❀Jax Teller ❀Harry "Opie" Winston ❀Juan "Juice" Ortiz ❀Alexander "Tig" Tragger ❀David Hale ❀Chibs Telford ❀Bobby Muson ❀Happy Lowman ❀Herman Kozik
Marvel ❀Steve Rogers ❀Bucky Barnes ❀Sam Wilson ❀Joaquin Torres ❀Baron Helmut Zemo ❀Tony Stark ❀Bruce Banner ❀Clint Barton ❀Thor ❀Loki ❀Pietro Maximoff ❀James "Rhodey" Rhodes ❀John Walker ❀Eddie Brock ❀Erik Killmonger ❀Charlies Xavier ❀Druig ❀Ikaris ❀Hank Mccoy ❀Frank Castle ❀Billy Russo ❀Danny Rand ❀Matthew Murdock ❀Kraven the Hunter ❀Dane Whitman ❀Wade Wilson ❀Pior "Colussus" Rasputin
DC ❀Adrian Chase ❀Clark Kent ❀Arthur Curry ❀Hank Hall ❀Leonard Snart ❀The Joker (Heath Ledgeer) ❀Victor Zsasz (Gotham) ❀Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) ❀Edward Nygma (Gotham) ❀Harvey Bullock ❀Christopher "Peacemaker" Smith ❀Jerome Valeska ❀Mick Rory ❀George "Digger"Harkness ❀Ciso Ramon ❀Ray Palmer ❀Bruce Wayne ❀Chato Santanna ❀Rick Flag ❀Alfred Pennyworth
Stranger things ❀Eddie Munson ❀Steve Harrington ❀Jim Hopper ❀Dr Alexie
Vikings ❀Ivar the boneless ❀Rollo ❀Ragnar Lothbrok ❀Ubbe ❀Sigurd ❀Bjorn Ironside ❀Halfdan the black ❀Harald Finehair ❀Aethelred ❀Aethelstan ❀Alfred
Bridgerton ❀Prince Fredrich ❀Anthony Bridgerton ❀Benedict Bridgerton ❀Colin Bridgerton
The Witcher ❀Jaskier ❀Eskel ❀Geralt of Rivia ❀Lambert
Top Gun ❀Robert "Bob" Floyd ❀Jake "Hangman" Seresin ❀Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Shadow Hunters ❀Raphael Santiago ❀Simon Lewis
Fast and Furious ❀Deckard Shaw ❀Han Lue ❀Jakob Toretto ❀Dante Reyes ❀Aimes ❀Owen Shaw
Zoo ❀Mitch Morgan ❀Jackon Oz
Twilight ❀Carlise Cullen ❀Charlie Swan ❀Sam Uley ❀Garrett
Ewan Mitchell Characters ❀Tom Bennett ❀Micheal Gavey ❀Billy Washington
Joseph Quinn Characters ❀Tom Grant ❀Billy Knight
Henry Cavil Characters ❀Napleon Solo ❀Captain Syverson ❀Charles Brandon ❀Walter Marshall ❀Gus March Phillips ❀Sherlock Holmes
Chris Evans Characters ❀Ari Levinson ❀Hugh Ransom Drysdale ❀Loyd Hansen ❀Andy Barber
Primeval ❀Connor Temple
Law and Order - SVU ❀Rafael Barba
Criminal Minds ❀Spencer Reid ❀Derek Morgan ❀Luke Alverez
9-1-1 ❀Evan "Buck" Buckley ❀Eddie Diaz ❀Albert Han ❀Howard "Chimney" Han
Station 19 ❀Dean Miller ❀Jack Gibson
Chicago PD ❀Kevin Atwater
Call of Duty ❀Simon "Ghost" Riley ❀Captain John Price ❀Alex Keller ❀John "Soap" McTavish ❀Koing ❀Phillip Graves ❀Nikolai ❀Kyle "Gaz Garrick ❀Alejandro Vargas ❀Rudolfo "Rudy" Parra ❀Vladimir Makarov
Grimm ❀Nick Burkhadt ❀Monroe ❀Captain Sean Renard
Beauty and the Beast ❀The Beast ❀Gaston
Shameless ❀Lip Gallagher ❀Kevin Ball
Black Sails ❀Long John Silver ❀Charles Vane ❀Jack Rackham ❀Captain James flint
The Night Agent ❀Peter Sutherland
Harry Potter; ❀Remus Lupin ❀Sirius Black ❀James Potter ❀Oliver Wood ❀Percy Weasley ❀Charlie Weasley ❀Fred Weasley ❀George Weasley ❀Bill Weasley ❀Viktor Krum ❀Neville Longbottom ❀Cedric Diggory ❀Severus Snape ❀Cormac Mclaggen
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them ❀Thesus Scamander ❀Newt Scamander
Vampire Diaries ❀Damon Salvatore ❀Stefan Salvatore ❀Enzo St John
The Originals ❀Niklaus Mikealson ❀Elijah Mikealson ❀Kol Mikealson
Maze Runner ❀Gally
Greys Anatomy ❀George O'Malley
The Mummy ❀Rick O'Connell ❀Ardeth Bay
Once Upon a time ❀Killian Jones ❀David Nolan ❀August Wayne Booth ❀Neal "Bealfire" Cassidy ❀Rumplestiltskin ❀Sheriff Graham Humbert ❀Jefferson
The Musketeers (BBC) ❀Porthos ❀Aramis ❀Athos ❀D'Artagnan
The Last Of Us ❀ Tommy Miller ❀Joel Miller
Fargo ❀Gator Tillman
Sebastian Stan Characters ❀Nick Fowler ❀Lee Bodecker ❀Mickey
Lewis Pullman Characters ❀Rhett Abbott
American Gods ❀Mad Sweeney
Scream ❀Dewey Riley ❀Billy Loomis ❀Stu Matcher
Shadow and Bone ❀Matthias Helvar ❀Kaz Brekker ❀Jesper Fahey ❀Nikolai Lantsov
Reacher ❀Jack Reacher
Bullet Train ❀Tangerine
Percy Jackson ❀Poseidon ❀Hepheastus ❀Aries ❀Hades
The Last Kingdom ❀Osferth ❀Finnan ❀Sihtric ❀Ulthred
AEW ❀Maxwell Jacob Friendman ❀Wardlow ❀Eddie Kingston ❀Orange Cassidy ❀Chuck Taylor ❀Trent Berretta ❀Cash Wheeler ❀Luchasarus ❀Hook ❀Kenny Omega ❀Daniel Garcia ❀Will Osprey
WWE ❀Damien Priest ❀Grayson Waller ❀Sheamus ❀Otis
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urxsavingxgrace · 2 years
(formerly know as fvrstxrrsponse)
This is a multi-muse/multi-fandom roleplaying blog featuring some of my favorite characters to write from different shows I like to watch.
Not all muses may be active. It never hurts to ask which muses are active.
Asks and Memes are always accepted.
Let's keep the drama to a minimum. We're here for entertainment but I won't entertain the nonsense.
A few things about me:
I am a mom so my free time is limited.
I work overnights so between the hours of 10pm to 6am Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun I won't be available.
I like my rest after work and my down time when the kids go to bed so I won't be active during those times either.
However I'm always down to chat OOC with anyone if you just wanna talk. I'm totally cool with that.
Replies will be drafted and sent out accordingly. DO NOT SPAM ME WITH MESSAGES. I can do a shitty job of keeping track sometimes but I will get to it when I can. Sometimes they get lost because of Tumblr or because of the amount of threads currently going. Please have patience.
Muse List:
Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire) FC: Taylor Kinney
Hank Voight (Chicago PD) FC: Jason Beghe
Negan Smith (The Walking Dead) FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med) FC: Colin Donnelly
Matthew Casey (Chicago Fire) FC: Jesse Spencer
Gregory House (House M.D.) FC: Hugh Laurie
Lisa Cuddy (House M.D.) FC: Lisa Edelstein
Jim Gordon (Gotham) FC: Ben McKenzie
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) FC: Robin Lord Taylor
Kevin Atwater (Chicago PD) FC: LaRoyce Hawkins
Jay Halstead (Chicago PD) FC: Jesse Lee Soffer
Elliot Stabler (Organized Crime/SVU) FC: Chris Meloni
Olivia Benson (SVU) FC: Mariska Hargitay
Odafin Tutuola (SVU) FC: Ice T
Bobby Nash (911) FC: Peter Krause
Athena Grant (911) FC: Angela Bassett
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) FC: Jensen Ackles
Musician/Athelete Muses:
Lebron James
Travis Kelce
Jason Momoa
AJ Mclean
Bruno Mars
Roman Reigns
Jimmy & Jey Uso
Shawn Michaels (HBK)
Paul Levesque (HHH)
OC Characters:
Desiree Michelle (Chicago PD) FC: Lisseth Chavez
Jason Joseph Anoa'i (WWE) FC: Jason Momoa
Kehlani Josephine Anoa'i (WWE) FC: H.E.R.
Kevin James Levesque (WWE) FC: MGK
Darian Parker (Chicago PD/Fire) FC: Chris Brown
If you would like to know more info please message me and ask away :)
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sylverfishies · 2 years
My fanfiction rulez 😱 + intro
Hi!! I'm Sylverfish! or just Sylvester 🤭 my pronouns are It/De/Xe/He
I'm new to fanfiction writing I am so sorry if it sucks in the beginning💀
Fandoms I'm in and who I write for:
🦇Batman universe🦇:
Batman (any version)
Joker (Joaquin Pheonix, Heath Ledger, Cameron Monaghan (Jerome and Jeremiah) + any comic)
Oswald Cobblepot (Comics, Robert L Taylor, Paul Williams)
Riddler (Paul Dano, Cory M Smith)
Victor Zsasz (Anthony Carrigan)
Butch Gilzean <3 <3 (Drew Powell)
Jim Gordan (any version)
Maria "Fish" Mooney (Jada Smith)
💣Team Fortress 2💣:
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Patrick Bateman
Norman Bates (Movie only srry bates motel lovers :(
Bubba sawyer <3
Robert (Chop Top) Sawyer
Nubbins Sawyer
Lester Sinclair
⚛️The Big Bang Theory⚛️:
Leonard Hofstadter
Sheldon Cooper
Rajesh Koothrappali
Professor Rocket
Jumpin Johnny Jumble
Captain Bones
🏃‍♂️Extras that don't make a whole category:
Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor)
Morticia and Gomez Addams (Anjelica Huston & Raul Julia) (yes it has to be poly >:(
Stuart "2d" Pots & Murdoc Niccals
Pavi Largo & Luigi Largo (Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Red guy (dhmis)
HEADS-UP: I picked these characters at 2 am so I most likely forgot a few people, if ur fav isn't on this list just ask if I write for them!
Rulez! Do's and Dont's
✅️What I will write for✅️:
Lemon and Lime
Minor fighting/violence
Male readers
FTM readers <3
Character x reader
full fanfictions?? Idfk
🚫Stuff I WON'T write🚫:
Fem readers or gender-neutral readers
Sc@t or V0m!t
Death of the reader
This list will have updates probably -Sylverfishies
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brightbertalt · 2 years
hey I’m bert!
wanna get writing requests done?
I write for….
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon, Kyle Spencer, Kit Walker, Jimmy Darling, Michael Langdon, Dandy Mott, and ask for any other characters!
Attack on Titan
Armin Arlert, Annie Leonhart, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Zeke Yeager, Porco Galliard, Pieck Finger, Floch Forster, Hitch Dreyse, Erwin Smith, Jean Kierstein, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus and ask for other characters!
Full Metal Alchemist
Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Ling Yao, Greed, Greedling, Mira Armstrong, Jean Havoc, Solf Kimblee, and ask for other characters!
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy, Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Carlos Oliveria, Karl Heisenberg, and ask for other characters!
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Alexei Smirnoff, Murray Bauman, Yuri, and ask for other characters!
Inside Job
Reagan Ridley, Brett Hand, Rand Ridley, Andre Lee, Glen Dolphmann, J.R, and ask for more characters!
Edward Nygma, Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska, Johnathan Crane, Oswald Cobblepot, James Gordon, Victor Zsasz, Jervis Tetch,
Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel, Faye Valentine, Jet Black, Vicious and ask for more characters!
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, and ask for more characters!
•Team Fortress 2
Scout, Medic, Engineer, Heavy, Sniper, Spy, Soldier, Demoman, and Pyro!
and many others! just ask 🥰
i write fluff, platonic, and smut requests whether they be drabbles, headcannons, fanfics or anything else :)
requests are very open!!!
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