#gross recovery problems
Kinda struggling with how bloated I am tonight. the acid reflux/stomach problems aren't helping. Can't stop burping. Gross recovery problems; my digestive system is not happy. The starving was hard, but familiar. This constant processing of food is hard to get used to.🫤
Still better than starving though. For sure.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
oh yeah, there’s this other bl I’ve been keeping an eye on that’s almost done being tl’d, I might put it in the rec tag but I’m still waiting to see how it plays out because like… this is the most low key and to some extent respectful/optimistic depiction of gambling addiction I’ve seen in a story? ever? it’s quite fascinating, the standard narrative is for the character without addiction to be very involved with discussing and being in conflict and supporting etc. like even when the conclusion is ‘the character with addiction needs to find their own way through recovery’ there’s still a huge emphasis on the other character’s role up to that conclusion. it’s like… you know how people talk about Rat Heaven as in the experiment examining addictive behaviors and conditioning and environmental needs and enrichment. that’s essentially the way this narrative goes. li starts off as his life’s been derailed by a series of tragedies which led to and exacerbated gambling which led to conflict and dissolution of his support system which exacerbated everything etc, and the mc just kind of lets li crash at his place and after a while of having stable shelter and food and an environment that’s… receptive to him would probably be the best descriptor, li just starts adjusting to the stable environment and independently pursues recovery. I feel like having the outside perspective actually enhances it too, the writer never writes the li’s thoughts, only what li says out loud to mc. like there’s half a chapter left so there’s still time for things to end up :/ but yeah actually I really like this approach to a romantic narrative that is tied to a serious topic. oh actually I should specify the respect/optimism is after a while into it though and more in the metanarrative sense, there’s still a lot of fear/stigma/reacting to how li is in the present
edit from the future: the second half of the last chapter sucks
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anarchywoofwoof · 8 months
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the funny thing is that i don't think younger people - and i mean those under the age of 40 - really have a grasp on how many of today's issues can be tied back to a disastrous reagan policy:
war on drugs: reagan's aggressive escalation of the war on drugs was a catastrophic policy, primarily targeting minority communities and fueling mass incarceration. the crusade against drugs was more about controlling the Black, Latino and Native communities than addressing the actual problems of drug abuse, leading to a legacy of broken families and systemic racism within the criminal justice system.
deregulation and economic policies: reaganomics was an absolute disaster for the working class. reagan's policies of aggressive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and slashing social programs were nothing less than class warfare, deepening income inequality and entrenching corporate greed. these types of policies were a clear message that reagan's america was only for the wealthy elite and a loud "fuck you" to working americans.
environmental policies: despite his reputation being whitewashed thanks to the recovery of the ozone layer, reagan's environmental record was an unmitigated disaster. his administration gutted critical environmental protections and institutions like the EPA, turning a blind eye to pollution and corporate exploitation of natural resources. this blatant disregard for the planet was a clear sign of prioritizing short-term corporate profits over the future of the environment.
AIDS crisis: reagan's gross neglect of the aids crisis was nothing short of criminal and this doesn't even begin to touch on his wife's involvement. his administration's indifference to the plight of the lgbtq+ community during this devastating epidemic revealed a deep-seated bigotry and a complete failure of moral leadership.
mental health: reagan's dismantling of mental health institutions under the guise of 'reform' led directly to a surge in homelessness and a lack of support for those with mental health issues. his policies were cruel and inhumane and showed a personality-defining callous disregard for the most vulnerable in society.
labor and unions: reagan's attack on labor unions, exemplified by his handling of the patco strike, was a blatant assault on workers' rights. his actions emboldened corporations to suppress union activities, leading to a significant erosion of workers' power and rights in the workplace. he was colloquially known as "Ronnie the Union Buster Reagan"
foreign policy and military interventions: reagan's foreign policy, particularly in latin america, was imperialist and ruthless. his administration's support for dictatorships and right-wing death squads under the guise of fighting "communism" showed a complete disregard for human rights and self-determination of other nations.
public health: yes, reagan's agricultural policies actually facilitated the rise of high fructose corn syrup, once again prioritizing corporate profits over public health. this shift in the food industry has had lasting negative impacts on health, contributing to the obesity epidemic and other health issues.
privatization: reagan's push for privatization was a systematic dismantling of public services, transferring wealth and power to private corporations and further eroding the public's access to essential services.
education policies: his approach to education was more of an attack on public education than anything else, gutting funding and promoting policies that undermined equal access to quality education. this was, again, part of a broader agenda to maintain a status quo where the privileged remain in power.
this is just what i could come up with in a relatively short time and i did not even live under this man's presidency. the level at which ronald reagan has broken the united states truly can't be overstated.
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myballsyourballs · 2 years
Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya with recovery girls grandson? They get injured and we kiss them to make em feel better. (:
a healthy recovery!
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bakugo, todoroki and midoriya (seperate) x m! reader
genre: fluffy drabbles
notes: i enjoyed writing this! thanks for the req
masterlist | make a request
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bakugo !
"Bakugo, seriously. Just let me--"
"Fuck off! I'm not letting your gross lips kiss me!" Bakugo is blushing furiously, limping around with a surprising amount of speed given his sprained ankle.
"Stop acting like such a child!"
You quickly dart around the bed he's hiding behind, grabbing him by the nape of his neck and smashing your lips against his cheek. You activate your quirk quickly, and then pull back just as fast. "See, that wasn't so bad!"
Bakugo doesn't answer. In fact, he looks like he didn't even register your words. His face is completely red, but his features are contorted into the most furious scowl you've seen on him yet.
"Woah, okay... look, I'm just doing my job, okay? Please don't--"
Bakugo stomps off on his now healed ankle, hands shoved deep into his pockets. Once the door is slammed behind him, you swear you hear him mutter a "holy fucking shit holy shit oh my god holy shit"
...Nah, you're probably imagining things.
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todoroki !
"You... have to kiss me?" Todoroki frowns at the burn on his arm.
"Yes. As I said, I'm Recovery Girl's grandson."
"She... has a grandson?"
"...Yes," you furrow your brows, watching as Todoroki stares at you with a perplexed yet intrigued expression. "Please just let me kiss you now."
He nods, and leans in with his eyes closed and lips puckered. Aiming for your lips.
"Woah, now!" quickly, you place a hand on his mouth. He opens his eyes, startled. "Take me out to dinner first. I meant on your cheek. Or your hand, or something."
"Yeah, oh."
You feel kinda bad. The poor guy averts his eyes completely, the tips of his ears red and his head lowered. He raises his hand towards you, and you quickly grasp it and kiss him on the back of his hand.
Mesmerised, Todoroki watches as his burn slowly recedes until his skin is smooth and free of blemishes. "...Thank you."
"Not a problem!"
Silence, for a moment. You wonder why he hasn't left yet.
"Can I take you out to dinner?"
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midoriya !
"Is your quirk an exact replica of Recovery Girl's?"
"Mine doesn't make you as tired."
"Really? How does that work? Does it use your stamina instead of the stamina of person you're healing? Or does it drain something else from someone? Let's say, their thirst? Maybe hunger? What about--"
"Midoriya," you sigh. He stops muttering. "I'm here to heal you. I'm happy to answer your questions, but you are getting blood all over the floor."
He looks down.
There's... a bit of a puddle. Not a big one, but still... a puddle.
"Give me your hand," you murmur, holding out your own hand. He obliges, blushing heavily when you gently grasp his. Bringing it up to your mouth, you kiss Midoriya's hand softly -- the large cut on his arm fading into pale, freckled skin.
"Perfect," you drop his hand. "Are you feeling better?"
He nods enthusiastically, inspecting his arm with interest. Midoriya watches intently as you walk over to the cupboards and grab a towel to mop up the mess on the floor. He stays silent for a minute or two, just watching quietly. Once you finish, he speaks once more.
"...Can I ask you questions now?"
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hitlikehammers · 7 months
feels like home
rating: t ♥️ cw: coming out, softness, recovering from the upside down ♥️ tags: pre-relationship, post-s4, fluff, hurt/comfort, Eddie is having many feelings, the main one being that Steve feels like home, platonic stobbin, supportive platonic soulmates coming out so Eddie feels safe to do the same, injury recovery, still-so-soft
for @steddielovemonth day seventeen: Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost (@yournowheregirl)
this definitely takes place chronologically after this one so: have some of these codependent lovebirds as they start to figure their big feelings out ♥️
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It’s weird, and probably unhealthy, that his hospital room—like this—feels kinda like home.
But he thinks it’s okay, to be fair, because it’s not like he thinks this place is home; the smell of antiseptic is still pretty sharp in the air even as he’s gotten disconnected from one machine, drip, or monitor every day until he’s largely free to toddle to the bathroom on his own as long as there’s someone to watch and make sure he doesn’t fall. Wayne’s there for that when he can be, which explains the home associations, but: the rest of the time, in fact—kinda more often than it isn’t?
It’s Steve.
And Eddie struck a deal with himself—no digging in to the fluttery-gooey-warm-chest-squeezy feelings while he’s laid up in a bed—but when he walks around even under supervision, it’s…feeling like he’s cheating.
Plus the feelings are getting kinda…kinda loud.
Because Steve is always there, sometimes he ever stays when Wayne comes, at least for a while. He leaves to keep an eye on the Party, leaves to check up on Max, hits the community hub: but it’s…it’s such a blip of time, honestly, in comparison to being here, with Eddie.
And when he’s gone, it doesn’t…it doesn’t feel at all like home, it feels kinda fucking horrible, so.
Eddie doesn’t even actually have to dig in to that train of thought. It’s pretty fucking clear as-is.
He’s surfacing from kind of, like, a light doze, not even a full on nap, and he’s gentle with the coming-to of it because he can kinda, like, feel Steve’s presence at his side and he’s talking really low anyway, even if he couldn’t, so Eddie definitely knows it’s him, and he could have guessed the other visitor pretty easy even if it wasn’t her voice that was the first to bleed through with actual words:
“She’s,” Robin makes a little stifled whine; “you’ve seen her.”
“Not my type but,” Steve’s saying from next to Eddie; “ I see your point, yeah.”
“She’s like a,” Robin’s voice goes kinda hazy, a little dreamy; “like a fairy creature, or! Or like a prairie woman with those, those hats—“
“A prairie woman who likes boobi—“
“Stop!” Robin hisses low, and Eddie can feel her knock his mattress a little, she must lean over like she wants to enforce her will somehow: “stop stop stop—“
“If you can’t say it you probably shouldn’t be touchin—“ Steve’s saying and god, his voice is so bitching, and Eddie think he kinda fucking lov—
Oh. Oh, well. Shit.
“I’m not touching!” Robin moans, but kinda frantic with it; “the problem is I am not touching!”
And Eddie, too, is not touching the thought he just had about those four fucking letters that are, that, that are—
“Also it’s a gross, immature word,” Robin’s going on and…oh.
Okay, so like: even if he’s just kinda in that liminal space of awareness, they have to know he’s more awake than not; his two remaining monitors are different even when he’s calm and just resting, but as the words themselves sink in, now? His heartbeat’s betraying the hell out of him for the staccato it’s pinging on the screen as he processes it: Robin’s showing her cards, though Eddie’d always figured she might be a bird of his feather, but, like—
“Is it though?” Steve’s murmuring low and so, so judgmental; “seems more immature to not say it at all,” and he, he fucking tsks at her, then, and, and—
And then—
Then Steve’s saying words that make no sense at all, like: sure they’re words. In English. Eddie’s very sure of it. So that means he should definitely comprehend them. But…
“You should listen to me, Robs, seriously. I do still like boobies, too. I have insights.”
And Eddie—Eddie’s eyes fly open, he thinks out of shock? That makes the most sense, like he’s startled into full-wakefulness, that tracks as he blinks up at the water-stainer ceiling with his heart in his throat as he tries to find sense in those words, fails, tries again, fucking fails, all as the Corsican Twins cackle over word choice, good god, and then—
Steve’s grabbing his hand at the wrist and covering it so gently, fucking…cradles it and stories his thumb over the insistent tap of his pulse and meets his eyes, so wide and honest and earnest and if Eddie’s heart wasn’t already primed toward racing it sure as shit would have started just with those eyes on him, and that touch on him, and:
“You okay, man?” and it’s so simple, and Eddie doesn’t fucking know what’s happening on his face, what kind of of shock or terror or something deeper still is seeping from his expression but Steve’s studying him, watching for long seconds that stretch for-fucking-everbefore his jaw squares and his head tiles, something resolute shining through in him and he moves so slowly, lifts Eddie’s hand in his so slowly and Eddie doesn’t even wholly clock what’s happening, let alone that it’s real, as Steve fucking pauses their hands by his lips, so Eddie can feel his breath so warm and he watches, then, waits, and Eddie doesn’t think through what it means when he nods, like it’s not actually a legitimate thought, exactly, he just knows that, that—
Whatever’s happening, and however terrified he thinks he is: he can trust Steve.
Because somehow: Steve’s home.
It’s still fucking earth-shattering when Steve does lean, when his lips brush against the heel of Eddie’s palm, still scrape-covered, and then he reaches just as slow again for Eddie’s cheek to cup, to fucking cradle that, too, and Jesus H. Goddamn Christ—
“You’re safe, Eddie,” is all he says and maybe, maybe Eddie’s reading into it way beyond what he should, but like, it doesn’t feel like Steve’s telling him he’s safe maybe from the lingering threads of a nightmare, or that he’s safe from the government, from the cops, or from the Upside Down coming for them because they all know it’s still fucking coming but Eddie has felt scared of it once, yet, not like this, not here, with—
But Steve’s tone doesn’t just hold that: it’s bigger. He means…
They had to know he wasn’t really asleep, and so, Eddie, Eddie thinks Steve means…
“You’re outta water,” Steve’s saying and Eddie didn’t even notice he’d been reading to pour Eddie a glass from the ever-present pitcher at his bedside then he’s standing, his hand leaving and fuck all if Eddie doesn’t lean into it before he can think twice but Steve just smiles, soft, as he walks out the door.
“We talked about it.”
He turns to Robin almost violently, head kinda snapping her direction with the speed and force he moves with.
“We weren’t gonna hide it from you, but like,” she mashes her lips together, Eddie can see she’s trying to find a way forward with the least possible rambling, but the clearest possible throughway so she can get what she needs to say out, before Steve comes back.
“You shouldn’t feel like you have to,” she hums a little; “be that, you know, open? With us, if you don’t want to,” her eyes are so big and sincere, and Eddie’s pulse is steadying if only slowing by a fraction, but she does help put him at ease, even as she trips a little over the rest: “if you had any thing that was, y’know, kinda private or, something,” she nods to herself and plays with the hem of her shirt: “yeah.”
Eddie nods to himself, and…he can’t, he can’t not ask her, not in this window, because she said they’d talked and if this wasn’t part of it she loves Steve fierce and he could be still a little fresh off death’s door, she’ll still tell him to fuck off if she needs to, so at least there’s that, at least he knows, like, he won’t be allowed to step where he’s not welcome, and—
“I’m,” and fuck, his voice is a mess, he does need a fucking drink but in the absence of one at hand, he clears his throat hard and accepts that consequences of it burning like hell; “he, umm,” Eddie bits his lip and gestures toward the empty door, eyes Robin kinda pitifully: “he said—“
Robin, thank fuck: Robin is merciful, has to see where he’s going, here, and she points to the doorway indicative of who isn’t in it, yet:
“Very both,” she says simply, then point to herself: “very…”
“Boobies?” Eddie suggests and Robin, she just groans.
“Not you too,” and…okay, shit, umm, well—
Eddie… maybe Eddie can be brave. Like, in small doses.
“Actually, ah, I,” he stumbled but then he makes himself take a breath, makes himself try:
“No, not me too,” he says in a rush and looks up at her through his lashes, so fucking vulnerable: “like, very specifically not, me too.”
And she smiles at him so warm and…like, almost welcoming, which is weird but feels, nice? And she pats his arm kinda affectionately and, just—
“Did you decide to take me up on my wisdom so we can actually accept she’s almost definitely into you, and move on to planning your wedding?” Steve slides back in and shuts the door behind him, getting to pouring Eddie some water before he even sits the fuck down.
His fingers brush Eddie’s as he passes it off and, it probably shouldn’t make Eddie all tingly, Steve did kinda kiss his hand? Like, a little?
But that don’t mean shit: Eddie’s all pins and needles and, like, sparkles.
“He’s the only help you’ve got here, Buckley,” Eddie screws his courage up one more time because…because Steve needs to know, too; Eddie wouldn’t put Robin in the position of not knowing whether she can tell her platonic soulmate something, make her keep a secret even by implication but so much bigger that that is, are—
All the things he doesn’t want to poke at, or dig up and examine, that he’s dodging on the excuse of convalescence: all those things taken into account: he trusts Steve. He feels…so much for Steve already, and he feels weirdly sure that whatever happens next, those feelings are only gonna find ways to grow, so—
Steve has to know, not just because Eddie thinks he suspects it, but because Eddie tells him—because it’s….’cause it’s Steve.
“Feels like it’d be foolish not to take the man up on the offer when he’s definitely the expert in the room,” Eddie pushes on, awkward but determined; “seeing as I don’t, umm, know about,” and his eyes flicker to Robin for a second, before they land on Steve to finish:
“About boobies.”
And Steve does say anything, doesn’t look any way save how he’d looked before: calm, and mostly-relaxed, and right next to Eddie, and Eddie’s eyes drop from Steve’s face and find the collar of his shirt, the peak of hair from in between and, shit, shit, he’s talking about tits and then there’s Steve’s chest hair and holy fucking wow he is staring:
“Umm, I mean,” and fucking fuck, now he’s talking—
“Like, not that kind, at least,” and then he forces his eyes down to the sheets over his lap and considers if it’s possible to dissolve into cotton if it’s startchy and uncomfortable as shit, and you happen to be mortified enough to sink into the fucking threads.
But then; then there’s Steve.
Because of fucking course there’s Steve.
And Steve?
Steve takes his cup from him when he could easily have leaned to put it down himself, but then Steve replaces the cup in Eddie’s grip with his own warm hand, like a tether, like a lifeline, like a…
Like a promise.
And when the conversation turns toward strategizing Robin’s approach for Vickie, Eddie’s, he, he just…
He’s home, y’know?
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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Ninjago Team Medic Headcanons
Wu gave them all basic first aid training, and later taught them some more advanced techniques, but I think everyone has their own specialties.
Kai - Kai treats the serious injuries. He’s the only one who can cauterize wounds, if needed. But other times, he can splint broken or sprained limbs with ease. Kai is the closest thing the ninja have to an official medic. His protectiveness led to many sleepless nights watching videos ranging from treating muscle soreness, to burns, to CPR, to live surgeries. 
Jay - Good at treating injuries during missions, but is prone to… unorthodox methods. If you need something dealt with fast, he is the guy. Accidents in the junkyard and his time on the Misfortune’s Keep taught him how to quickly patch up anything out of almost any material. His methods of sloppy stitches, makeshift bandaging, or increasingly strange ways to prevent infections are temporary solutions, but they’ll keep you alive long enough to get real help. He’s always got fun bandaids stashed somewhere. But in terms of moral support, he’s your guy. Jay is a master of distraction, keeping the others either chuckling or groaning with his jokes while he or someone else works. When he gets very stressed, however, he’ll be dead silent as he treats the wound, looking on with a clenched jaw.
Nya - Nya is the best of everyone at traditional first aid. Before she was a ninja, she did a lot of the patching up after missions, so she’s got lots of experience. Nya is also so good at treating burns that it’s like her second elemental power; back in the day, her inexperienced brother had many blacksmithing accidents in the forge. It’s been established that she can’t access water inside of people’s bodies (cough, water in Jay’s lungs, cough), but if the blood is outside of you… It’s not quite bloodbending, but she can keep her team from bleeding out. She is also helpful during times of rest and recovery, keeping everyone drinking plenty of fluids and threatening them to take it easy. She’s an expert in heatstroke and dehydration because her stupid ninja forget to drink water on a daily basis. 
Cole - Cole’s big hands and strength make it difficult for him to treat delicate injuries like stitching someone up, but if you need a joint popped back into place or a broken bone set, he is absolutely your guy. Most of what Cole provides to his team’s wellbeing is emotional. He gives the best hugs. Kai and Jay utilize his calming presence when dealing with more… tricky wounds. Also: as mud is nature’s sunblock, he’s always happy to provide some to prevent his team from getting burned when they inevitably forget sunblock. 
Lloyd - Lloyd still believes in the magic power of bandages. For himself, and for others. Over the years he’s gotten better at recognizing when to use them and when more serious medical attention is required, but he’d still prefer not to have to deal with his injured team. In a situation where someone gets badly injured, usually Lloyd has many different problems to deal with and the other ninja are happy to take things off his plate instead of making him deal with a downed teammate. When it is up to him, he’s no medical expert by any means, but he’ll try his best. Occasionally, he’ll have to use his powers to combat some sort of magical ailment. 
Zane - Do NOT try and get Zane’s help with an injury. You think his ability to access any and all medical knowledge would be useful? WRONG. The guy sees one of his friends injured and practically shuts down. Dislocated joints? Broken bones? Heck no, he needs to leave the room. Catches a glimpse of blood? He is gone. Poor guy once almost started crying when Lloyd got a bloody nose. The whole situation is a mix of him hating to see his loved ones injured, and also being queasy over blood because he doesn’t have any. All those body parts that he doesn’t have are GROSS. The only thing he’s able to help with is diagnosing illnesses and occasionally pointing out concussions. Even then, it gets out of hand (“You have a mild cough? MY SOURCES SAY YOU HAVE FIVE DAYS TO LIVE.”) After treatment, however, he’s always ready to provide an instant ice pack and physical therapy. 
Pixal - Pixal is eager to help. Do not let her help. Her solution to almost everything-- whether it be a skinned knee or fractured wrist-- is amputation. She has spent years building so many backup prosthetics and just wants to be useful (“please let me implement my prosthetics, Kai, please! Lloyd would look so good with a robot arm!’). She knows hundreds of different options but she feels more comfortable working on machines, so what’s her solution? Cut it off, install a machine. That she can work with. Luckily, the ninja deal with both of the nindroids by having Zane keep her away, successfully distracting both of them from bloody situations. 
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supernaturalistthings · 7 months
Season 4 Dean Winchester Headcanons
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Lazarus Rising- Having a reunion with Dean after hell. You wouldn't believe it's him at first but after reassurance from Bobby and Sam you’d run into each other's arms. He'd be holding back tears while holding you like he needed you to breathe, and THE KISS? The kiss is magical and mixed with tears because you just can't believe you got the love of your life back. The relief you both feel is top tier. “Don't worry baby i got you” But really you'd have him and you know this is the start of a hard road of recovery for him.
Are you there God? It's me Dean Winchester- comforting and reassuring him after his fight with the ghosts of Meg and Hendrikson. Slowly running your hands through his hair and singing his praises because he deserves that. 
Monster Movie- You’d accompany the boys on this case and actually be the one to get taken by the “vampire”. Once Dean fights to get you back safe you'd laugh at the shifter together after everything is said and done and just be in awe of your lives and the things that happen.
Yellow Fever- You'd also be on this case with the boys. You'd comfort Dean about his ghost sickness and promise to keep him safe from any angsty teenagers that come your way. He really believes you and clings to you for any comfort he can get. You and Sam do the heavy lifting on the case, sharing the load of your worries about Dean together. You can't help but giggle a little when he gets scared of the cat jumping out of the storage thing. Vowing to tease him for it later, and you do when he's okay. “I had freaking ghost sickness okay?! Let that cat try it now and see how little I care…” he'd say.
Wishful Thinking- He wishes for you to be right there with him which results in the sudden urge for you to drive for hours to get to him. The downside of the curse is that you were not happy about the drive or being mind controlled by a coin so you're livid when you show up. Of course when the curse is broken you both laugh at the whole thing together and needless to say he’ll do ANYTHING to make it up to you;)
The Monster at the End of This Book- You’re shocked to learn that you and your boyfriend are full frontal in a book “youve got to be kidding me” was all you could say. You'd be even more shocked to learn that you have fans and they are “shipping” you and Dean. You'd be grossed out to find out that people also “ship” you and Sam. “Ewww” you'd both let out in unison. “Yeah it better be eww” Dean would huff out in disgust with an added eye roll.  Dean would secretly re read the chapters where it talks about your feelings towards him, he secretly loves that its written by a prophet how much you love and care for him. It's a huge reassurance.
When the Levee Breaks- You help him try to detox Sam and are there to calm him down when he's alone. He doesn't tell you that he gave himself over to the angels wanting to enjoy his last moments with you. You constantly have a hand on him and just hold him through the whole Sam demon blood detox telling him it's going to be okay no matter what happens.
Lucifer Rising- You're on Dean's side with the whole Ruby thing of course, you always saw through her and got the feeling she was just trying to manipulate Sam for some reason. You were with Bobby when Dean was teleported to the angels and you both were freaking out knowing there was nothing you guys could do. You sat with him panicked, waiting on any signs of life from either of them. Cas pops in to reassure you guys that Dean is somewhere safe which does nothing for the both of you and you freak out telling him to bring him back which then Cas just vanishes with no answers. Eventually Sam and Dean turn up pretty beat up. You're beyond pissed at Sam when you hear the whole story. You're beyond worried when you hear Dean say the devil is out and it's their problem.
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Alright, I’m gonna make a post talking about BIID and how the radqueer community grooms kids into their gross ideas. Warning for mentions of anti-recovery ideas, grooming, childhood trauma, bigotry, and y’know, radqueer shit.
So, I have BIID. This is a disorder where one has the desire to amputate a healthy limb. Without going too much into detail, it is caused by my trauma relating to amputations from when I was a little kid. Now, seeing kids calling themselves “transabled” is horrifying to me. Let me explain;
Currently, there is no known cure for BIID. However, that doesn’t mean one should go through with amputation (or, in some cases, blinding or paralysis). This can cause many, many problems considering one would quite literally be disabling themself. Sometimes, simulating, and, in mine and some other’s cases, drawing, can help ease the discomfort of BIID without the need to disable yourself.
(I also want to add that I do not blame those with BIID who’s discomfort was too much and who went through with disabling themself. It is a disorder, and not everyone has access to things that can help them, nor will anyone fully be “cured” by things made to help them. You are not to blame.)
The transabled community, however, actively encourages this, as well as actively discourages seeking help. They claim people advocating to not disable yourself are “basically transphobic”. You can even find posts mocking those struggling with BIID.
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And it doesn’t just stop at amputation.
This community also believes that one can “transition” into mental disabilities, and gives tips on how to give yourself these disabilities. Just scrolling through the “transabled” tag you can find people giving “advice” on how to get or act like you have these things.
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So, let’s say you’re a kid with BIID. You find this community of people mocking those who are looking to recover, and are encouraging and even praising your disorder. Well, it doesn’t stop there. Let’s say you decide that you’re “transabled” and look into the community. And now, you find that not only do they discourage recovery for things like BIID, they also discourage recovery for harmful paraphilias.
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Not only are they ‘pro-contact’ for things like actual pedophilia, they also promote the idea that minors being attracted to adults (a normal thing, btw) is actually being an AAM (adult attracted minor) and also believe that these minors should seek out adults. I can’t show screenshots because looking up “AAM” on Tumblr would put me on a watchlist. That’s how bad it is. I do, however, have examples of radqueers ENCOURAGING minor/adult relationships.
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So, boom, you’ve got the perfect recipe for grooming. And, oh, did I mention the “transrapist” and “transnazi” stuff? Because yea, that exists too.
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I could go on and on about how awful this community is. It blatantly manages to capture every sort of bigotry imaginable all while grooming kids and pretending it’s the most inclusive community on Earth.
Be aware.
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fuck-your-proana-blog · 2 months
Fellow disabled people/in recovery people/suicidal people, please avoid interaction with @skylarthethompson .
I tried to kill myself last year because of my ED and chronic pain. I was in a coma for 2 days, in the hospital for 2 weeks, and am still suffering the after affects of the damage the 3 months worth of pills I swallowed did to my brain and body, and I'm still struggling with suicidal thoughts due to my many physical and mental illnesses. I just hope me exposing this cruel human will keep them from hurting anyone else who is also struggling.
Telling someone they have nothing to live for is so fucking beyond ok and I just want to warn anyone else who is suffering from chronic pain/illnesses/disabilities and mental illnesses/suicidal ideation that this person is a cruel and insensitive troll and to not let them rent space in your mind.
I reported them; anyone else who sees this please report this despicable behavior so they don't do any further damage to the mentally ill/chronically ill community here on Tumblr.
The first comment is clearly suicide baiting, and I guess they realized that and tried to seem a little less depraved; but you can't undo saying shit like this:
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Also, take a look at the victim mentality at work here: "you're a smart smart nice person and I'm a dumb dumb mean person." 🙄.
And then there's the fake "do-gooder" story. So telling a very disabled person that their life isn't worth living is helping, and "a good coping mechanism"?? Anyone with half a braincell can tell you're just trying to seem less like an asshole when you've been exposed as one. Nice try to not seem like an absolute garbage person; but it didn't work.
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And this selfishness: "I don't feel safe now! I don't want my virtual life ruined! I don't want gross people telling me horrible insults when my mental health can't take it!" Funny, because I didn't want your gross opinion on why I should just kill myself because my life is too miserable to be worth living with all my mental and physical illnesses. Nice ableism you got there. Also I didn't ask anyone to send you "horrible insults." I just asked my followers to avoid and report you for suicide baiting; which is a very severe problem on the internet that no one deserves; least of all mentally and physically disabled people like me and many of my followers.
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"Please don't ruin my life over this!" If you say things online that you don't want everyone to see, that you can come to acknowledge are the actions of an asshole, that's your problem. Don't tell people they should just give up and kill themselves if you don't want people to see how heartless you are. If your life is "ruined" by something you said you have no one to blame but yourself.🤷
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And of course the classic "I reported your post; I won't let you ruin my Tumblr life." ...are you even serious? You wrote those words; all I did was take screenshots and show them to my followers so they don't become victims of your harassment themselves- not everyone has the great support system I do, so they deserve a warning about people like you. Plus I said nothing wrong, I just told you that telling people to kill themselves is fucked up and made a post exposing your cruelty so you couldn't harm others who struggle like I do. If your "Tumblr life" gets "ruined" from this, your have no one to blame but yourself because all I did was post the words you put on my posts. I don't give a shit that you're "only 18;" you're still an adult and should know better than to tell strangers on the internet that their lives are so horrible they should just kill themselves.. also if you were actually "sorry" you wouldn't have said more cruel things after your oh-so-sincere apology.
There were even more responses they made saying they were going to kill themselves and it was my fault because I posted things they publicly said on a public platform, telling me they were going to Livestream their suicide and publicly blame me for their death, etc. (I reported those comments to Tumblr for a suicide threat but didn't get screenshots before they were deleted.) You can look at the amount of notes on said posts; this one has 27 replies with only 2 from me so they were harassing me all day with 25 comments while I went to some of my many appointments, so obviously I didn't get screenshots of them all, but the ones I did screenshot are more than enough proof that this person who told me I should just die and was trying to blame me for their mental state; saying I was guilty of something THEY actually did to ME, and that if they killed themselves it would be my fault... For simply making a post telling vulnerable people to be aware of them and their disgusting behavior because no one deserves to be told their life isn't worth living; especially when they've been fighting with those thoughts in their own mind for years and don't need some asshole online trying to push them over the edge towards suicide.
When I was a fucking child I knew that telling people to kill themselves is wrong. Not my problem that you're so cruel you can't see it that way and harassed me all day as I went to my disability appointments finding out if I need more surgery while my notifications were going off at a ridiculous rate as you were trying to convince me I'm the bad guy for warning vulnerable people about you; a person that told someone they don't even know who is a suicidal, ED recovering, physically and psychologically disabled person, that their life isn't worth living and they should just kill themselves.
This person is a threat to the mentally and physically disabled and they need their blog to be terminated so they can't trigger people on the edge like me and so many of my followers and others in the disabled/ED communities on Tumblr.
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating the Hazbin crew based on how well they’ll take care of you when you’re sick 🤒
So letting Charlie know you’re sick might actually be a bigger health concern for her than it is for you
She’s gonna act like you’re dying
She legitimately might make Razzle and Dazzle plan for a funeral
You are now gonna be on house arrest
Scratch that
You’re on bed arrest!
No getting up under any circumstances! 😤
She’s wait on you hand and foot till you’re 1000% better
She’s gonna be overbearing but in her defense, she REALLY doesn’t want you to suffer/die so please just bare with her
She just wants you to recover asap ;3;
Ok so on one hand…her chicken soup is pretty good
On the other hand…she’s a very “tough love” kinda gal to anyone who isn’t named Charlie Morningstar
It dose not help that she’s canonically Latina…
All my fellow Latinos know, if you get sick…you get the vaporub
And that is probably something Vaggie still firmly believes in
“Just rub some raporub on your chest and nose and walk it off, you’ll be good in no time!”
Said every Latino parent in history….
She’s probably never had to take care of many sick people in her human life, let alone her afterlife in hell
Cut her a bit of slack and just use the vaporub, she’s trying damn it!
Do you have a death wish or something!?
Best case scenario, he’ll help you but your soul is gonna be on the line for a while!
Worst case scenario, he’s just gonna let you suffer
And I don’t mean that he’s just gonna leave you to sleep in your room
No no no, that too boring
He’s gonna make sure no one else in the hotel knows of your predicament and he’s gonna watch you struggle and laugh at your misery…
For the love of all that is good in the universe…don’t let him know you’re sick…ever.
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
Listen…he’s not the worst option….but you do have better options
The problem asking Angel to help you when you’re sick is that you’re sick…
You’re gross…he doesn’t want not on his fluff
But if y’all are very close…
Like besties or lovers? That changes the game
He’ll cuddle you, no questions asked
So it really depends on who you are to him how much effort he’s gonna put in
He’s also kinda forgetful
For example, if you ask him for a cup of tea, he’ll absolutely go brew a cup for you
But you better pray that nothing and no one distracts him!
Cuz otherwise just forget about having hot tea or tea in general…
He’s pretty shit at remembering to take medication at certain times too so I’d set multiple reminders
Even then…might not help much…
He is a pretty good cook though so rest assured, you will be very well fed during your recovery period
Will this crusty old man complain about having to help you? Yes.
Will he bitch and moan every time you ask him for another cup of tea? Absolutely.
Will he curse under his breath while holding your hair back as you puke your brains out for the 10th time in the past 24 hours? Without question.
But he’s still fucking helping you
He can say whatever the hell he wants, he’s waiting on you hand and foot till you’re better of his own volition
He’s out here making some of the best damn soup you’ve ever had he’s gonna make sure you finish every last spoonful god damn it!
If you gotta take medication on a schedule, best believe he’s setting multiple timers
You’re also taking all the naps you need, no arguments! 😤
If you ask, he will cuddle you, but he will make you swear on your mother’s grave that you won’t tell a soul he did that for you
He’d rather chop his arms off than admit this, but he is genuinely worried for you and just wants you to recover
You did not hear that from me though 🤐
Oh she makes some of the best soup! 🥣
Her home cooked meals are delicious
Honestly the best part of having Niffty taking care of you is just how well fed you’re gonna be 🥰
But this is Nifty we’re talking about…
So she’s gonna be….Nifty….
She’s gonna hover uncomfortably close to the bed while you rest…
Just…watching you…
She’s not even trying to be creepy or anything
She’s just making sure you’re ok
But like…she’s starting a little too intensely at you…not blinking even once…
She’s just waiting to see if you want tea or something tbh
She just forgot you’re supposed to blink
She’ll also just watch you sleep
Not sure why…she just does
If she’s feeling ✨spicy✨…she miiight give you some questionable medicine…
Like, medicine she found in Alastor’s room….
Please get an actual doctor 🙏
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
Get an actual doctor
He means well
He really does!
But this man died in the Victorian era!
Don’t let a man with medical knowledge form the Victorian era help you!
He will use leeches on you!
And that’s the best case scenario for you!
And for the love of all that is good in the world, do NOT let the egg boys help!
They all share a brain cell between them and I don’t think any of them is ever fully away of where it is at any given moment
They’re likely to take one look at you and think the best way to reduce your fever is to stick you in an ice bath…for hours….
Go to an actual doctor if you wanna keep your ability to breathe. Please.🙏
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yellowroseswrites · 1 year
"Gotta be nourished sweetheart"
Soft!Rafe cameron x Ed recovery!reader
Bascically, rafe won’t sleep with you unless you’ve eaten properly and drank enough water.
Tw- {ed behaviors, mentions of reader eating, mentions of reader drinking water,reader is recovering from an eating disorder, theres talks of retricting, purging, and lax pills, none are in detail and its very vague on which ones reader actually had problems with, just to keep it open for anyone to self insert, reader forgetting to drink water, curse words used, idk how to write rafe without cursing im so sorry, soft rafe tho, ooc rafe, hes not a psychopath, reader is called numerous petnames, pretty angel, pretty baby, implied smut, no actual smut tho, idk if this is too close to smut to post on a comfort blog?} Pls tell me if this is crossing some comfort line
Your eyes lingered on the tall boy in front of you as he went about cleaning up the trash from the movie night you two had just concluded. He put the dishes away, catching you staring as he made his way back to the couch.
“My pretty angel, what’s with the ‘fuck me’ eyes hm?” He stood in front of you, using his hand to lift your chin so you were looking right at him.
You giggled a bit as you pulled your face away from his hand, “Shut up.”
Rafe took a seat next to you, “What did my pretty baby eat today while I was out?”
He always asked this, but he somehow found a way to make it seem casual. You knew you didn’t have a choice but to answer him, yet it never felt forced. He was nothing if not caring, making sure this topic never had to be any more uncomfortable for you than it already was.
“The lunch and dinner you made, I ate pretty much all of both to be honest, and I had some yogurt right before you got back.” Saying it all out loud made it feel like way more food than it really was, making you stress nearly immediatly, but before you could linger on the thought any longer you saw the immense joy in Rafe’s eyes.
He smiled a bit before responding, “Did you do anything after? Or take anything?”
He meant purging, or lax pills, something you had always found gross and unnerving, not wanting anyone to know or think you would do either, but he always talked of them with no judgement.
“Nope. My meals stayed fully digested today.” You couldn’t help the slightly annoyed tone, but you moved on quickly, “Did I pass your test?” You reached out to place a hand on his neck, gently scratching at his scalp.
“Mm, How much water did you drink?” shit
“Enough.” You responded, hoping he’d believe it.
“Uh-huh, sure.” He stood up, slowly walking to the kitchen.
“Rafe, it's not that big a deal, come on.” You huffed, "I'm plenty hydrated enough."
He knew what you wanted, you knew you weren't getting it until he was satisfied.
He brought you a glass of water, "Drink."
You took the cup and rolled your eyes, taking a sip from it.
"Keep acting like that and that cup will be the only thing you put your pretty little mouth on."
You nearly choked at his words, but quickly recovered enough to drink the water.
Rafe was just happy his baby was eating and drinking.
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lxndmine · 2 months
so i just saw the tiktok of that one creator i dislike out of curiosity. i got some strange looking anons that im not responding to- and ive seen jiraitwt and jiraiblr say she put up a relatively negative vid on jirai recently and. ill be ranting quite a bit here because i had some THOUGHTS.
yeah. still dont like her. i didnt like her before bc an irl friend of mine is a gyaru! and apparently quite a few gyarus dislike her as well. dont get me wrong- i genuinely believe shes had bad experiences. i agree that you dont need to be mentally ill to wear dark girly. i think some of the harassment shes received is awful.
my problem is she has constantly spread misinformation about jirai kei. she does shit like this and pokes at a community quite literally known for being explosive. its in the name and all. poking at a community known for mental illness and for not always being a "safe place", having tons of people who aren't in recovery for one reason or another? not the best idea. constantly spreading misinformation about those people is even worse.
i think i wouldn't be making this post though if it weren't for the part of the video that feels so very? "trauma olympics" like. i dont think it was the intention- yes, a lot of people are privileged for not being in a "worse" situation than we could be. but i kinda really hate that you're bringing up that "you have it better" because a community that centers mental illness... wants it to remain that way? i dont know, it feels gross. a lot of the people who want to preserve the jirai community the way it is are struggling- i dont think its particularly fair to bring up the "you could have it worse" card to a community of people who often feel at their worst. a lot of people in "lifestyle jirai" spaces relate to a struggle, the struggle of mental health affecting your ability just to live and not being able to do anything about it.
more privileged? sure, some of us are. but different kinds of struggles exist and you're generalizing us all as privileged brats? saying we're all putting on an aesthetic is also just- odd to me, because ESPECIALLY on tumblr, jirai ISN'T an aesthetic. she's generalizing lifestyle landmines that gatekeep jirai, but we don't view it as cute clothes to put on and take off because we INHERENTLY DO NOT VIEW JIRAI AS THE CLOTHES. our mental health isn't an "aesthetic" to us- us being a "landmine" isn't an aesthetic so much as a signal to others in the community. if ur gonna generalize the people you dislike at least do it correctly- im not as sure abt jiraitwt but i know plenty of lifestyle jirai who don't care about the clothing. plenty of us advocate that you dont need to buy into dark girly to be jirai!
i feel bad for how much hate she gets but she CANNOT keep misrepresenting different styles and people then immediately double down on it when she gets backlash. and you just... don't get to play trauma olympics because people disagree.
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tgrailwar-zero · 7 days
Trying to out-drink two Heroic Spirits is definitely something we’re going to live to regret
But that’s a future us problem~
Bottoms up!
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IZOU: "Fine! Bring it all on!"
MUSASHI: "Woo-hoo!"
And so began the drinking contest. The staff brought whatever they could, and...
You drank.
And drank.
And drank.
And drank.
And drank.
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???: "Window."
???: "Yes, ma'am."
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The gentle feeling of the morning breeze started to stir you awake, and you faintly heard two voices.
You felt sunlight on your face. It was too bright and too warm. It'd be nice if somebody could turn the sun off. Just for a second.
Slowly, you stirred. Your head felt like a thousand jackhammers were… jackhammering. It wasn't good. You didn't feel good. You weren't sure if this body was capable of barfing, but you really felt like you needed to. Actually, there was a vague sensation in the area where your mouth would be that felt vaguely vomit-esque. Maybe you already barfed. It felt gross, either way.
MUSASHI was laying on the foot of the bed, face-down. The only reason you could tell she wasn't dead was because she hadn't de-materialized.
You looked over, blurry-eyed, making out two shapes off to the side. A short woman, quietly whisking something in a bowl, standing next to a man. You squinted, and their forms became clearer as you witnessed RIKYU preparing something, and GIUSEPPE awkwardly standing by her side, pacing a bit. He stopped, bowing his head to her.
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GIUSEPPE: "…Once more, you have my deepest gratitude."
RIKYU: "Mhm. Spare me the flattery and just keep your end of the bargain."
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GIUSEPPE: "…Yes, ma'am."
He looked like a man who had been called for a parent-teacher conference, had been told everything wrong their child was doing, and was trying not to outwardly look disappointed or embarrassed and failing.
RIKYU: "This should at least handle the hangover, meaning that the Samurai can fight without immediately losing balance or vomiting. Have them drink it when they awake. Then, just water. Then, steep these leaves. If you want a full proper recovery, it'd be best to talk to the Priest."
She set two cups on a small table before standing up with a long sigh.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Ok but what sort of side effect does Wukong deal with when it comes to making stone eggs? Because if the usual procedure would result in a Stone Monkey's death and damage to their very soul, then there has to be long lasting effects. Is Wukong just... permanently weaker and doesn't have as much endurance as he used to? Does he have moments of chronic illness and pain? Does he lose his breath easy or have lung and/or heart problems? What does the recovery look like for Wukong?
Permanent power debuff during and even after the Stone Egg pregnancy. In addition to a lot of typical pregnancy symptoms... for the next few centuries.
So much energy is needed just to form the egg, that having the parent "awakened" and surviving the process puts a *Huge* biological pressure on the body.
Wukong experiences a much weaker immune response than normal - his divine body and immortalities no match for regulatory T-cells keeping his immune system dampened to protect the Egg and/or to reduce post-partum inflammation. First time he ever caught a cold on the Journey - he thought he was dying cus he'd never experienced that kind of illness before. Spent the rest of the Journey super sus of anything that could get him sick. Same in the modern day; huge advocate for vaccines and mask-wearing. He wont die of illness, but he'll feel like it.
Chronic pain in his lower back and abdomen for like ever. Wukong's body argues with him after the baby arrives since it's been the same shape for hundreds of years, and it takes a while for him to stop having post-partum afterpains. Lots of heat packs, cold compresses, and massages from Macaque are needed to soothe this sore monkey.
Wukong also retains a bit more water afterwards (normal hormonal thing) so his ankles still swell up at odd times.
Gets short of breath a lot faster than he used to. Just something he has to deal with now.
Slightly gross but 100% normal post-partum symptom; Wukong is left with some issues making to the bathroom on time for the next few months or so. The Egg wrecked his "downstairs" on the way out.
Aesthetically; Wukong gets left with some gnarly stretch marks that are really hard for him to glamour off and it makes him a little self-conscious, but he's really proud of them esp since the marks are literally scars from surviving the Stone Egg pregnancy.
Most of the symptoms don't stack (thank buddha) when the lunar node twins happen, but Wukong does experience bonus morning/midnight sickness with them.
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
Warning in advance: it’s Steddie, but not happily ever after.
So. Steve Harrington who becomes romance repulsed. Let’s go with he and Nancy get back together and the second break up is even worse. He and Rob move away and Steve tries again, and Amy is wonderful and he loves her but she never trusts Robin, and something about the way that one ended ugly gets wrapped up with everything romantic and breaks inside him.
He still likes romance as a concept, in the abstract, in a hypothetical. But applied to himself? Immediately throws him back into memories of those breakups. He’s genuinely thrilled for Robin and her new girlfriend. Max and Lucas go on a sweet trip together and it’s objectively wonderful. It’s fine, as long as he doesn’t imagine himself in that situation.
Hookups are okay. The girl can’t be named Amy or Nancy. Or Robin or Erica or Max or Chrissy or Barb or—
Guys are easier. Cruising is the easiest. No one is looking for love or morning kisses. He rarely even trades names.
Robin hates it. Not just because she knows that Steve isn’t being safe enough when he goes out, but because he’s accepted the way it is. That he’ll never get to have anything close to Romance, and that trying to get past the way his stomach curdles isn’t worth it. He’s not unhappy, they both love Chicago, even when lake effect snow traps them inside. But that’s her soulmate, and he’s the sappiest romantic she’s ever met. He isn’t one for poetic metaphors, so the closest he gets is saying “it’s like when a banana has one of those gross spots. It’s still good. You can still eat it, you just have to scoop out that section”
And he refuses to see it as a problem.
Eddie eventually gets tired of New York and joins them. It’s not a shock when, a couple months after he moves, Eddie and Steve sleep together. Steve is like that now, attaches no meaning to any of his hookups. He and Eddie have been trading stories about gay bars and cruising for the last two years. And they sleep together again the month after. And again two weeks later.
At least Steve is always meticulously safe with Eddie, cause god knows he isn’t safe the rest of the time.
And it’s fine. Steve has closed up that whole section of himself. Doesn’t look at it, doesn’t think about it. He makes it absolutely clear that it’s just a friends with benefits situation. That he does not want more than that, that they aren’t exclusive, and that he’ll end it if Eddie tries to make it more. He still hooks up with strangers, guys and girls, whenever he feels like it. And it’s fine. For Steve it’s fine.
Not so much for Eddie. They’d stayed friends, and he and Robin talk even more now in Chicago. He knew that Steve didn’t do romance. He thought Robin was exaggerating about how bad it really is. He thought, storyteller that he is, that maybe he could make it better if he stayed and proved to Steve that it was safe to try again. And yeah, he wants Steve to try with him, but once he sees how much of Steve is missing, he’s happy to be a recovery step if that’s what helps.
So Eddie keeps saying yes, then initiates it more when he and Rob notice that Steve isn’t just safe with Eddie, he’s safer for Eddie. The condoms Robin has been shoving into Steve’s pockets get used more often now. And sure, Eddie wants to scream every time Steve flinches away. And yeah, it creates a weird gulf where Eddie can be his friend, or can be his lover, but never both at the same time.
Eddie keeps a lid on it though. Never let’s his growing love for the guy show. Does what he can to keep encouraging Steve to at least use the condoms if he’s going to fuck strangers. It’s wonderful and it’s awful and it gets worse as the boundary of what Steve considers Romance gets clearer. Then the boundary gets bigger.
They can Fuck on the couch, but they can’t sit next to each other while watching a movie. Steve starts avoiding kissing. Starts avoiding eye contact during, then at all.
It’s not a shock when Steve ends it. Robin confirms what Eddie already knew. They were too close to becoming something Steve can’t even think about without feeling sick to his stomach. Eddie never, ever let it show, which means that Steve was too close to romance, too close to thinking of Eddie as more.
But you can’t help someone who thinks there isn’t a problem. Steve is still a great friend, a great person, and neither Robin nor Eddie are going to walk away over this. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t break their hearts to see him recoil from any hint at him having what was always his dream life.
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shock · 9 months
right now my biggest brain problems related to my top surgery are:
1. what if I die while under bro (had this fear right as soon as they started putting me under for my hysterectomy) but I've been combating it by thinking about how legendary it was to have the first thing I post after be a pic of me in the hospital saying I Lived Bitch
2. What if my recovery goes wrong and I have to be out of work longer than two weeks (scary because after that I won't have any PTO!!!)
3. What if they forget to let me keep my nipples and they're gone forever 😭😭😭
4. I've been preparing a lot mentally and I know I've wanted this since before I even knew I was Trans but I'm so scared about the post-surgery ugliness like ugly isn't quite the right word because idgaf about like the conventional definition of that word but I think maybe it's going to be really hard to go from this thing I've been dealing with that my mind has reduced to a general daily nuisance to what I KNOW will longterm be the best thing ever short of not having my endo uterus trying to kill me on the daily but just thinking about the drains and not being able to do anything independently and all the gross body stuff makes me so FREAKED
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