#guess i just suck at doing the laundry sorry dad
saviourkingslut · 7 months
buying something online and choosing to pick it up from a shop in the next town over that you'll have to cycle 6km back and forth for to save 5 euros. #dutchcore
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exvangelicalrage · 1 year
Hell Wasn’t The Problem
All this talk about hell reminds me of the Oprah meme. I made a christian version for you:
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christians are obsessed with hell, though I'm pleased to say, my brother doesn't believe in it despite identifying as christian. So that's a good thing.
Anyway, 5-year-old me, I stated semi-incorrectly in my previous post, was afraid of hell. But actually, that wasn't it. What I was afraid of was separation from my mom.
That's a pretty lizard brain thing, I think. 
Here's how it worked: my mom was sick. She'd been sick my whole life. Almost died during childbirth, in fact (I almost died too!), as a result of her condition. 
Growing up, I always knew she could die at any moment. My parents were christian though, and so we believed that if she did die, it would suck, but it'd be fine. Why would it be fine, you ask? 
Obviously, because she was going to heaven. And all I had to do was make sure I got there eventually too, and we could live out eternity as one big happy family (assuming my dad and brothers also made it). 
Then I learned that "bad behavior" = sin and sin prevents you from getting into heaven. The only way to fix it was to either never fuck up, or to repent of all your mistakes. Of course, they added, everyone is a sinner. That means everyone needs to repent.
So right from the get-go, you started out on the wrong side of the fence.
Enter my first existential crisis (as an elementary school student): what the hell was I doing wrong? 
I was five, six, seven. Sometimes I cried or got mad. I knew that. So I said sorry. I said sorry for not knowing how to tie my shoes. For not wanting to go to school. For getting upset when my brother was mean to me.
Every single little thing I assumed was a mistake. If my mom cried, it was my fault. If I didn't want to do my chores, I was a bad person. If I disobeyed, I was on a slippery slope to hell. And to me, I didn't even care about the fire or eternal damnation or all these concepts that were supposed to frighten you into donating ten percent of your gross income to the church. 
All I cared about was that I might never see my mom again. 
Every time a pastor warned me about lying, stealing, premarital lust, being sad, not fulfilling my role as a female human, daring to question a man in a leadership position—it was like a little bell in the back of my head would ring and a warning message would flash: You're never going to see your mom again.
And the closer she came to death—every ineffective doctor's appointment, every test gone wrong, every step backward—the fear intensified. My mom's death wasn't a vague thing. It wasn't something that would eventually happen in the far future and I could just not think about it.
Try not thinking about it when she's lying on the couch vomiting into a bucket for three days.
Try not thinking about it when she's in so much pain she can't even stand up.
Try not thinking about it when old ladies make rude comments about her being too young to use an electric cart at the grocery store. Or when you're loading her wheelchair into the trunk of the car. Or when you're twelve years old and carrying in the groceries and doing the laundry and cleaning the house because she can't.
Her death was a fear I stared in the face every single day.
I guess it shouldn't surprise me that as an adult, I turned my back on an ideology that told a five-year-old they were so evil they were likely to be ripped away from their mother at a moment's notice, separated for all eternity. From an ideology that offered no guarantees that heaven was even attainable. From an ideology that couldn't even make up its mind about what the "right" path to heaven was. 
Which means it also shouldn't be surprising that believing nothing comes after death is a much easier belief to bear.
There is no heaven; there is no hell. There is only now. 
When I die, I'll be dead.
And that's okay.
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fractallogic · 7 months
I think my brain is very understimulated. I think that’s why I’ve been having weird Feelings the last few nights. So brain okay are you listening? Here’s the plan for tomorrow. I’m not gonna set an alarm because it’s so late and sleep outweighs everything on this list, but like, don’t fuck this up for us. Can we be up by 10 please?
Eat an actual breakfast (like eggs and potatoes)
Send a message to the Dr saying please let me go back to the other birth control because I think this one is giving me brain problems and you literally put zero thought or consideration into putting me on this one
See if the bookstore downtown has the two books my dad wants
Gym (this should hopefully be around 1-2 PM at the latest)
You are allowed to get boba if you want
Lunch, I guess? Idk. Whatever. Ramen? TJ’s frozen stuff? PB&J?
Two pomodoros of coding errors. I’m so sorry. I know. But like. My friend. We gotta do it. We have to finish it this week, ideally. And 58 FEELS like a big number, but we calculated that we can do all 75 in about 30 pomodoros, or about 5 participants per two pomodoros, and we did 17 in 6 pomodoros, so like, the math works out to somewhere between 20 and 24 pomodoros left, which means that if we do two pomodoros tomorrow, we just need to do 4-ish pomodoros each workday to finish by the end of the week, and that is TOTALLY DOABLE and ACHIEVABLE so that NEXT monday we can draft the practice talk for lab meeting next Tuesday and do the whole thing all over again with the other data for the NEXT practice talk the following Tuesday
Try reading a book at some point instead of watching YouTube/TV, because I KNOW that’ll make you feel better
Figure out dinner, I guess. Go to the store if necessary. If you go to the store, also make sure you have the ingredients for cake.
Do the dishes. I know. Too bad. Sucks to be you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do the laundry. Maybe after you shower and change clothes so the sweaty gym clothes can go in the laundry too.
Message the grad students to not show up to zoom tomorrow morning
Again, read a book instead of watching so much stuff. You’ll feel better.
0 notes
goldeunoias · 2 years
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A/N: i have a jay obsession i have a jay obsession i have a jay obsession
I am also writing for Jay again bc his stans also always give me the most feedback on his works so i am more inclined to write for him ^^ 
if you want to see a member more the best way to do that is to leave feedback on the author’s works!
Word Count: 1.6k (i can’t believe i did this in one sitting adsfasd)
Synopsis: Literally you are something so sweet and lovely to jay and he wants to corrupt you. Yeah.
Warnings: Male masturbation, slight perv! Jongseong, some daddy kink in there, corruption kink, dirty talk, daddy dom! jay lowkey, i think this is it i can’t remember, ah yes, finger sucking
Who gave you the right to be so cute? 
Jay’s eyes were trained on you for a good duration of the night as yours and his parents conversed about things he didn’t particularly care about, but you however did, engaging in a deep discussion with whatever his mom was ranting about. 
Jay tried so hard to keep his thoughts pure, especially since he was literally at a family dinner but he couldn’t help himself. He’d liked you ever since his dad hired your mom, and you came into his life like a ray of sunshine. 
A ray of sunshine that he utterly wanted to ruin.
He knew you were inexperienced, he just knew it. You were so soft and delicate, shy giggles being let out every time his hand would grace any aspect of your body, whether it was to put the strap back on your dress if it was falling off, or to remove an eyelash that perhaps clung to your cheek. 
Jay felt his jaw clench and he adjusted his posture some as he tried to contain himself, enamored with how your eyes sparkled when his mom made a remark that you found funny. 
Gorgeous, an angel. 
“Jongseong, why don’t you tell her about the things you’ve been working on lately? You’ve been so quiet,” his mom interjected, pulling him from his thoughts. He immediately felt his heart pick up as you stared at him with captivated eyes, your whole countenance being warmer than fresh laundry. 
“Well, uh...I mean it’s all really stupid so I don’t think she’d want to hear any of that mom so it’s fine really,” Jay rambled out, feeling his body get hot. You smiled at his mannerisms and Jay felt his heart lurch out of his chest, giving you what he hoped was a smile that was not too forced but not too bland either. 
Jay watched as you went for one of the dishes that was placed near him and he rushed to help you, both of your hands colliding and inadvertently spilling the bottle of wine next to the food all over him. 
“oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to,” you immediately rushed out as you stood up and went to his side to clean up the mess with napkins, your face burning as you felt the gaze of both his and your family staring at you. 
“It’s okay you didn’t mean it. I guess we’re both a little clumsy huh,” Jay soothed, your face somehow getting warmer from the soothing sound of his voice. You handed him some more napkins so he could absorb some of the red wine from his ruined dress shirt and pants, apologizing to the rest of the group for causing such a ruckus. 
There was a murmur of “it’s okay” and everyone eventually went back to their conversations. You rushed out more apologies as Jay excused himself to shower and change to remove the stickiness of the wine. He told you it was okay and squeezed your hand for reassurance, the simple act making you nod and look down. 
Soon enough you went back to your conversation and Jay excused himself to his room, closing his door and stripping himself of his clothes to shower. If he was being honest, he couldn’t be happier to have a reason to excuse himself as he wasn’t really sure how much longer he could’ve held out. 
He hated himself for thinking about you in this way more often than not but you drove him insane and as the hot water started cascading down his body his thoughts start to run rampant, a low hiss emerging from him as he felt blood rush to his member. 
His mind started thinking about how frazzled and shy you’d get as he peeled off clothes from you one by one, remarking on how pretty his angel was. Jay groaned as he lightly wrapped his hand around his member and slowly started stroking, wanting to tease himself. 
Jay felt his face burn as his thoughts got even lewder, wanting so badly for you to disobey him so he could punish you with smacks to the flesh of your ass. His face furrowed as he thought about how you’d whimper and whine into a pillow as he delivered each ministration and how your voice would crack as you counted for him. 
Now drops of precum were profusely leaking from his tip and his mind now wandered to how warm your mouth would be as you tried to suck him off the first time, soft eyes looking up at him as you asked him if you were doing a good job. 
Like this jeongie?
At the thought of your voice asking it sweetly, he groaned against the shower wall, trying to hold out on his teasing for longer. The sound of the shower covered the lewd sounds that were coming from his hand as he gripped himself harder, his legs spasming for a second as he felt his stomach tighten. 
He hated how desperate he looked as he fucked himself into his hand, low grunts and hisses coming from him as he made thought of every indecent scene he could put you in. 
“S-seongie will it fit?” 
“Keep going please”
“I t-think I’m gonna cum”
Jay hissed lowly through his teeth as he imagined easing himself into you, your delicate hands wanting to grip onto his for something grounding as he would stretch out the gummy walls of your core. 
Were you a virgin perhaps? 
He knew you were inexperienced but it would kill him to know if you were. Jay felt his hand tighten more at the base as he felt his hand speed up, his stomach clenching as a tight knot started forming in his stomach. 
His name fell from your lip and he squeezed his eyes shut as he thought about your syrupy arousal soaking his sheets as he fingered you, his heart fluttering at how wet he’d make sure to get you. You were so sweet and lovely to him he wanted to spoil you like a princess, dreaming up you wearing the cutest lingerie for him before he’d fuck you in it. 
Jay’s head felt dizzy as he knew he was getting closer and a part of him was embarrassed at how badly you affected him and how badly he wanted to ruin you. He felt himself choke on a moan at the mere idea of you begging to be fucked by him, cute pleas timidly leaving your mouth about wet you were.
“Fuck angel I wish you were here,” Jay groaned against the shower wall, as he felt his balls clench before the knot snapped deep and heavy moans fell from his lips as thick ropes of cum spurted out from him. He lay against the wall for a solid five minutes and changed the water to something cooler to get himself to come back down from his high, his breathing finally returning to normal after some time. 
He reluctantly turned off the water and dried himself off quickly and put on his robe and opened the door, stopped in his tracks when he saw the sight. 
It was you, a frightened expression plastered on your face as stood next to his bathroom door frame, your hand shamefully frozen between your legs. 
“I-I’m sorry your mom wanted me to check up on you and I didn’t mean ohmygosh I-”
“Ey it’s alright baby, no need to be sorry” Jay soothed as his hand came down and moved your own from between your legs, holding it up so you both could see how sticky it was. “Were you listening to me?” 
You gulped and nodded, doing everything to look everywhere except his carob eyes. Jay nodded and you jumped slightly when he slid your fingers into his mouth and started sucking, the warmth of his tongue making you whimper. 
“Here’s what you’re gonna do princess. Go downstairs and tell them that I have a migraine and you’re gonna keep watch to make sure I’m okay. Got it?” Jay purred, his hands lovingly stroking underneath your shirt. 
“O-okay,” you agreed, Jay helping you in fixing your clothes before sending you on your way. You timidly walked down the steps with frazzled legs, clearing your throat at the base to get everyone’s attention. 
“Jongseong has a migraine so I was gonna keep him company just in case he needs anything and can’t come down to get it,” you told in the evenest voice you could muster. There was collective nodding and his mom and dad gave you polite “thank yous” you nodding and going back up the steps without rushing up there. 
When you opened the door you saw Jay had turned off the lights and just had the lamps on instead, his room being cascaded into warm honey lighting. 
“C’mere princess, sit in my lap” Jay ordered softly, spreading his legs as you came and took a seat. It was taking all of Jay’s self-control to not just ravage you right then and there, his hands gripping the soft flesh of your thighs and raising your skirt up more and more. 
“Do you want me to take care of you baby? I need your confirmation,” Jay cooed, one of his hands coming to hold your chin in place so you could stare at him. The already obedient eyes you were giving him were making the blood start rushing to his cock once more, dark desires fueling with him as you let out a whiny “yes daddy”, biting down on your lip in shyness. 
“Mm such a good princess. Daddy is gonna take real good care of you.”
if ya liked it tell me! likes don’t tell me much and usually cause me to delete fics bc no one says anything and then i think no one likes it asdfafsdfasfdsfa
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
Paging Doctor Barnes...
Fandom: Marvel (Doctor AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x GN!Reader
Summary: Bucky, your boyfriend, is a doctor in the pediatric wing and you love to see, first hand, how well he is with his patients.
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You knock on the door, entering when you hear a soft, "Come in!" When you peek inside, you immediately smile, "Hey there, Amelia! How's my favorite super star doing?"
"Alright, I guess," the nine-year old shrugs, looking a lot more tired than usual.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Is it okay if I can listen to your heart? See how it's doing today?"
"Can I hold Nurse Bucky Bear's hand?" Amelia asks shyly.
Bucky smiles and exclaims, "Of course!" he plucks out the mini bear dressed in scrubs from his chest pocket. He hands it to Amelia and you help her sit up straighter.
"Y/N, can you hold my hand too?" Amelia asks as she stares up at you.
"You don't even have to ask," you give her a fond smile and slip your hand into her.
Bucky leans in, pressing his stethoscope to Amelia's chest and he listens to her heart beat. He moves it around her chest and then says, "Take a few deep breaths for me?" You feel her squeeze your hand when she breaths harder and she winces.
"Hm," Bucky leans back and asks, "What happened before you got here?"
"I was playing with my friends on the playground. We were seeing who can go through the jungle gym faster. I was going super fast on the monkey bars and that's when my chest started hurting."
Bucky looks to Amelia's dad and he sighs, "I've been telling her to stop running around so much."
Bucky nods and he looks back at Amelia, "You gotta listen to your dad, Amelia. Your heart isn't like everyone else's. I know you're still a kid and you want to run around, but you have to take it at a slower pace , okay?"
Amelia sighs and looks down at her lap, finger running over Nurse Bucky Bear's arm, "Okay. I'm sorry."
"We just care about you, Amelia. We don't want you getting hurt, okay?" you ask the young girl, moving some of her hair out of her face as she nods.
You then hand Bucky her chart and he scribbles some notes down, while talking to Amelia's dad, "I'm going to prescribe some medicine for her to have. Two sets, one for home and one for school. Whenever she's feeling like her heart needs some help, she can take the pills."
Amelia's dad, "Yeah. Okay. Thank you."
"Of course."
Bucky then looks back at Amelia. He digs into his pockets and pulls out a lollipop and a strip of stickers, "Don't tell anyone. I only gives these to my favorite patients."
Amelia breaks out into a grin and accepts the gifts, "Thank you."
"You're welcome. We'll see you next time, hopefully, not any time soon, m'kay?" Bucky nods to you and you nod back, wrapping things up with Amelia and her dad so they can leave.
Twenty minutes later, you're in the break room, grabbing your lunch from the staff refrigerator. You then exit the room and make your way towards the hall where the doctors' offices are. When you get to Bucky's door, you knock and you hear the murmured, "Come in!"
You enter his office and he's staring at his computer. His white coat is off and his sleeves are rolled up.
"Lunch time!" At your voice, Bucky smiles and immediately exits out of the emails he was reading through. You hand Bucky the two tupperware and he takes them, immediately sticking them into his personal microwave to heat up.
He then stands, running his hands down his rounding belly, trying to make sure his shirt didn't form any wrinkles. He then took your hands and kissed them, "How's my love doing today?"
"A bit bummed out. It really sucks to see kids like Amelia not being able to enjoy being a regular kid."
"I know, lovebug. But that's why we're here, to try to make her childhood as fulfilling as possible, but also as safely as possible. But I haven't seen you in almost two days. I missed you. What have you been doing since I've been here?"
"Cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, cuddling with Alpine."
Bucky hums and moves to grab your food from the microwave. He sits back in his chair and you sit across his desk, "Sounds like you've been productive." he scarfs down the food you cooked for the both of you and you snort.
"It's to distract me from your absence. You know I hate being alone for too long."
Bucky smirks, "Anyone ever tell you you're clingy when it comes to me?"
You roll your eyes, forking some of your own food into your mouth, "Please, Buck, you're even worse!"
"Am not."
You look at him unamused, "Bucky, baby, love of my life, I fell asleep on the couch after you went to bed and I woke up to find you there with me!"
"I was cold without you."
"See! You can't even sleep without me!"
Bucky gives you a sad, exaggerated frown, "I'm just so used to your warmth. It feels weird not having you in my arms."
"Alright, Doctor Sap. Ease up, will ya?" you take your napkin and lean over the desk, wiping off some of the food from his mouth.
"Thank you, Nurse Lovebug."
"You're welcome, Doctor Sap."
You both giggle and continue to eat, enjoying each other's presence.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 300: Days of Our Todorokis
Previously on BnHA: Hawks was all “hey Jeanist, wanna go on a road trip with me to my mom’s house?” Jeanist was all “you know it,” and so they hopped into Jeanist’s jercedes and took off. Hawks took a nap and had a flashback to his Dickensian childhood living in a abject poverty with his jerk mom and jerk dad, thinking heroes were make-believe until one day Endeavor arrested his dad and Baby Hawks was all “OH SHIT.” And then he saved a bunch of people, and the HPSC was all “what do we have here,” and blah blah blah, you know the rest. Back in the present, Hawks was all “well my life is currently in shambles, but on the plus side there’s no one bossing me around anymore so that’s pretty cool,” and then decided he was going to talk to Endeavor. Fandom was all “I can’t believe Hawks would side with his childhood hero over the man who burned his wings off and posted a video calling him a violent murderer who took after his abusive dad,” so that was fun and stuff. I can’t wait to see what piping fresh takes this new chapter will bring.
Today on BnHA: Our old friend Carbonation Carl tries to loot a Starbucks and gets his ass kicked by a senior citizen. Society is all “YEAH, WE’RE REALLY STARTING TO GET SICK OF THIS SHIT.” Old Man Samurai is all “this room won’t stop me because I can’t read it” and abruptly decides to retire, which, fun fact, is literally THE LEAST HELPFUL THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE. Anyway so then a bunch of other punkasses follow suit, and while I won’t say that I’m actually starting to root for Stain to kill some peeps, just for the record I’m not not saying that either. Back in the hospital, Endeavor cries some tears because his life sucks, and then is confronted by his entire family, LED BY QUEEN REI, FIRST OF HER NAME, BACK IN BUSINESS AND LARGE AND IN CHARGE. Rei is all “fuck feeling sorry for yourself, we have a rogue Murder Son on the loose” and I swear to god I have never felt so alive.
so here we go! and just for the record, even though the last two chapters have been phenomenal, I don’t necessarily have any sky-high expectations for chapter 300, mostly because chapters 100 and 200 consisted of Mei Boobs, and Toadette and her horrific quirk lmao. so go ahead Horikoshi, what are you gonna pull out of your hat for this one
oh, back to this stuff again. sob
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I guess there was only so much time we could spend having hospital antics and exploring Hawks’s past before we got back to dealing with the whole “the world has gone to absolute shit” issue huh, lol
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what’s with these bizarrely cute Noumus. why do I want to pet them
so the narrative text is going on about how people have been super paranoid about the Noumu ever since the USJ incident a year ago. so yeah, I guess the fact that there are now a bunch of them confirmed to be running around is really freaking people out even on top of everything else
wtf is happening here
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what did this poor lil glass ever do to anyone. r.i.p.
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tsk tsk tsk. my man has graduated from snatching purses to raiding cafes. going after that big money. this man has no business sense whatsoever lmao
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lmao so that was fun. and now we’re cutting to Wash!! omg. look at him
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he’s so dedicated. too bad you don’t have a car like Best Jeanist. probably takes a while when you’re just running everywhere
you see?? you were too slow!!
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NOOOO, GRANDPA. he defeated Pepsi Pete, but lost his life in the process. this is too tragic
anyway so the good news is that the cafe has been saved! but the bad news is, there really isn’t much of a cafe left. huh. I guess that’s one of the reasons why people are supposed to get a license to use their quirks like this
oh snap and now everyone is coming outside, and they’re none too happy to see poor old Wash over here
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seriously Wash, get a bicycle or something. also the way this guy is gesturing so dramatically with his hand in this sort of “YOU SEE!! YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!” manner is sending me
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“the heroes had dwindled away” okay real talk you guys, it is literally only a matter of time before they press-gang the children into picking up their slack. I still don’t know how to feel about that, but it is happening one way or the other regardless. Child Soldiers 2 Electric Boogaloo. wonder if we’ll see a rise in vigilante action as well
-- no fucking way
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wow. so he didn’t do a fucking thing while the rest of the top ten were being turned into red mist in the previous arc, and now that it’s all over and they need his help more than ever, he decides... THAT IT’S TIME TO RETIRE. holy shit. “fuck you” doesn’t even begin to cover it my guy. you stand there and soak up those boos you coward
ohhhhhhh shiiiiit you guys. oh shit
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the “I am not here” breaks my fucking heart for real though y’all. oh man. everything he worked for is gone just like that
(ETA: okay so a couple of the takes I’ve seen on this make it seem like All Might is somehow the bad guy here?? “this is what happens when society puts a bunch of glorified cops on a pedestal”, “finally the cracks in hero society are showing”, etc. etc. so, just a friendly reminder that this isn’t happening because of too much trust and a lack of critical thinking; this is happening because the villains killed all the heroes and broke a bunch of murderers out of jail. it’s happening because an organized league of terrorists succeeded in terrorizing, and so society is now understandably awash in fear and panic. like, it’s just wild to me that AFO is RIGHT FUCKING THERE, and yet week after week fandom still has their “IT’S ALL THE HEROES’ FAULT” signs still up on their lawns. BUT WHATEVER, MOVING ON.)
also though, so exactly how much time is passing here now? I wanted to go straight back to the hospital and see what happens with Deku and the Todorokis. please don’t tell me we’re jumping ahead sob. my aaaaangst
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sob. yeah I was talking about Old Man Samurai actually but YEAH. HEY THERE ENJI
also is this entire hospital actually run by characters from Super Mario Bros though. first Yoshi and now this guy, come the fuck on that is not a coincidence
lmao they stuck him in another one of these cavernous creepy hospital rooms
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wtf is it with Horikoshi and these giant fucking rooms lately. Kacchan’s in chapter 298, then Tomie’s colossal house furnished with like one table and a TV, and now this. and the weirdest thing about it though is that “huge space with nothing to fill it up” is like the exact opposite of what you’ll usually find in Japanese homes lol
so now Enji is just sitting there thinking things like “my head is fuzzy” and “I’m alive” lmao okay. not quite all there yet, huh. I’ll give you a minute
I’m so fucking curious as to who his first visitor is going to be omg. either way it’s going to be interesting af, and either way fandom is probably going to feel some way about it but OH WELL
okay now his thoughts are getting more coherent! and he’s remembering Touya, and feeling regret for freezing up and forcing Shouto to deal with everything instead
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ohhhhhhh man
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okay, I mean I didn’t expect you to, but so instead then you’re just going to do... what? lie there and wallow in regret and self-pity for the rest of your life? son you know that’s not how we deal with our problems here in Shounen
though also, I totally do get it though. honestly, thinking on it, I probably would have been disappointed with any other response. but so this is where the rest of his family (including his adopted son) come into play now though, because like it or not they’re all in this thing together. and so friends, I am once again asking you WHO IS GOING TO BE THE ONE TO VISIT ENJI FIRST
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holy shit I’m so excited lkjlklhlglkasdsjldfk
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the way she has him by his collar lmaoooo. “lol nah you’re not going anywhere pal.” damn straight, siblings have to be ride or die in situations like this. banding together for survival. strength in numbers
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love how Fuyu has absolutely no idea how to segue into THE SINGLE MOST AWKWARD CONVERSATION SHE’S EVER HAD, so she just GOES FOR IT in pure small talk mode like they’re meeting up for brunch somewhere
lastly while I can’t wait for more of this delicious Natsu angst, I also just have to say that Enji has as much reason to cry right now as anyone on the planet. you can’t deny that being confronted by your not-dead-but-you-thought-he-was-dead son who’s all “SURPRISE DAD I GREW UP TO BE A MASS MURDERER AND I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND NOW I’M GONNA MAIM YOUR OTHER KID” with a side order of “EVERYONE HATES YOU AND SOCIETY IS CRUMBLING AND NOTHING WILL EVER BE GOOD EVER AGAIN” is enough to bum pretty much anyone out. there’s a Pagliacci the Clown joke here somewhere. BUT DOCTOR, I AM THE NUMBER ONE HERO
oh man lol he is seriously falling apart
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damn. like you guys, I’m sorry, go ahead and cancel me, but I do feel compassion for the man. it’s therapeutic for me to see an abuser actually feel remorse and be truly sorry and want to change and want to make it up to his family. and it’s also compelling as fuck to read a narrative about a family that’s trying to grapple with that, because let me tell you straight up, as someone who’s done a version of that song and dance -- it is exhausting. it is a piping hot mess. it’s a gigantic mishmosh of extremely volatile emotions that all somehow all contradict one another. love, hurt, hope, anger, betrayal, resentment, attachment, longing. it’s something you can both be desperate for and also want nothing at all to do with. and attempting to portray all of that and write about it is a monumental task, and one which Horikoshi has done so, so delicately thus far, and damn but I appreciate it. anyway, so I’m here and I’m ready for my latest helping of Todoroki Fam Feels you guys
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oh my god look at this lady folks
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(ETA: btw guys, seeing Rei handle this crisis like an absolute champ despite everything she’s been through is everything, though. I’m reminded of Hawks’s line last week about people sometimes unexpectedly finding liberation when they’re backed into a corner. like things may be shit but goddammit her kiddos need her.)
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oh my god. oh my god oh my god. AND FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI FOR CUTTING IT OFF THERE sob. it’s like each week the wait for the next chapter becomes more painful. the Todofam is about to get real, and on top of that Hawks is gonna crash the party at some point down the line, and on top of that we’re still waiting for Kacchan to have his own heartfelt discussion about What The Fuck Are We Supposed To Do Next with his best friend who’s currently in a coma. all I want to do with my life is read about these three things, and all I can do is simply wait as they are portioned out in agonizing, addicting little installments every week
anyway! tune in next time as we answer the question of whether or not fandom will finally run its train of logic all the way through to its natural conclusion and somehow manage to cancel Noted Abuse Apologist Todoroki Fucking Rei. don’t act like it can’t happen. you all know nothing is sacred lol. anyways but I’m ready for anything lol, bring it
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initiala · 3 years
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Oh hai.
It's not dead or abandoned! Remember how I started this for @cssns​ 2018???? Just, y'know, life happening, and also several global catastrophes. But it turns out that writer's block is really cured by procrastination, which is why I was able to finally figure out some spots I was stuck on while not packing up my apartment to move.
Please enjoy this overly delayed post-wedding fluff and smut.
Also on AO3 and FF.Net
The holidays weren’t really something she paid attention to, not after her parents died. Her mother had loved any excuse to have a party and Emma had grown up with the nondenominational trappings of Christmas in their house, but the tradition had died with Snow and David when she was sixteen. She normally spent the last week of December pulling extra shifts at work, covering for people who had families and wanted the extra time off, and never had a second thought about it. The Pack had their own holidays, particularly around the solstices, but nothing compared to the warm, colorful parties of her childhood -- and frankly, nothing ever would. 
So when their short honeymoon fell over Christmas Eve and Day, Emma didn’t think anything of it. Killian made no indication that he celebrated it, and when they returned home on Boxing Day it was to a chilly apartment without any of the decorations that dotted the windows up and down their street. She turned up the heat a little while Killian took their bags back to the bedroom to be sorted out, and she double-checked the windows were locked tight while turning on a few lights in the living room.
The colorful twinkle outside meshed with the light snowfall in a way that made her heart twist painfully in her chest, a flash of her mother’s laughter ringing in her ears and a brief memory of her father cornering her mother under the mistletoe. Her thumb went to the band on her finger, a lump forming in her throat, and she remembered why she normally worked herself to the bone this time of year.
Work was a distraction from missing them.
She whipped the curtains shut to put an extra layer between the cold glass and the warming room, between herself and her memories, and turned to face her husband as he came into the room. “Love, what’s wrong?” She shook her head, but his large hand engulfed her own as it went to discreetly wipe at her eyes. “Darling, I don’t know if you’ve forgotten this but I can smell when you’re sad,” he said, his voice soft as he pulled her into his embrace. “We’ve been home five minutes, you can talk to me.”
Fuck, she hated talking about her feelings and her parents and particularly her feelings about her parents. But she’d promised -- she’d vowed -- that she’d be more open and honest with him, and she was fairly sure he wouldn’t be able to get lucky and guess what all of this was about. She hadn’t told him enough about her parents to let him put all of the pieces together. “I just… I miss my parents,” she said softly, and let him hold her as he made a sympathetic noise and murmured soothing things in her ear. “Mom really loved this time of year. She threw the best parties, one year she actually got fairies to make it snow inside and me and the other kids had a snowball fight. She loved the colors and the whole family thing and she really loved the smell of pine trees -- it kind of gave my dad a headache. But we made it work because Dad always said how it put an extra sparkle in Mom’s eye and he loved her enough to put up with it. I normally try to work a lot through this time of year, everyone wants extra time off, but I was kind of hoping this year we could have some new memories to make this time of year less sad. And it helped, it really did, but then I just saw the lights outside and the snow and it just… it hit me a little harder because I’ve been trying so hard not to think about them. So I miss my parents and I’m sorry this time of year is going to suck no matter what and--”
Killian shushed her softly and she realized she was crying as he thumbed the tears from her cheeks. “You don’t have to be sorry,” he said. “If I’d known… well, I don’t know what I would have done. I can’t blindfold you everywhere -- well, I could, but not in the fun way --” He grinned as she swatted him on the chest. “So testy, my love. You don’t have to be sorry about missing your parents. You just need to let me know, so I can comfort you or let you sit and mourn them in peace, or drive you to distraction. And if I need to do so more this time of year, well, let it be my burden to bear. You don’t have to bear this alone, Emma, you can always rely on me.”
And didn’t that just make her get teary all over again? “How the hell do you always know the right thing to say?” she asked, burying her face in his chest.
“Because I’m magic,” he rumbled under her and she pinched his side. “And we’re too alike, you know. Now, what do you need?”
She sniffled and took a breath, taking mental stock. They really needed to unpack and get everything sorted out for laundry, but while that would keep her hands busy her mind would wander and she really didn’t want to keep thinking about the past. But she knew that leaving everything until tomorrow or the next day would bother Killian; she didn’t want to be alone right now, either. “Can we bring the bags back out here and watch TV while we unpack? I know you just put them away but--”
He was already nodding, though, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Whatever you need, love.”
Since he’d been the one to put them away and she was being the emotional asshole, she figured it was only fair that she bring the bags back out. She had no idea how he’d done it all in one trip, not with how narrow the hall was and how much she disliked scuffing her baseboards with the wheels, and surreptitiously eyed them as she made multiple trips back and forth.
No scuffs. “I’m magic,” she mumbled in a sarcastic imitation of her husband’s accent, shaking her head.
Killian had the TV on to the classic movie channel and the unmistakable scent of chocolate lingered in the air. “Dash of cream liqueur, whipped cream, and cinnamon,” he said, handing her a mug as she sat down.
Emma smiled into it, letting the warmth of the drink and the liqueur slide into her belly. “Did I ever tell you Mom’s the reason I like this?”
“Mm, no.”
She watched as he deftly unzipped the largest bag and started sorting through it; she’d done little more than toss everything in without caring about wrinkles, and the whole thing reeked of sex and wine -- they’d had not nearly enough of both over the last few days, but apparently enough to let the scent sink in to all the fabric. A different kind of warmth settled under her skin, but she wasn’t in the mood to act on it just yet. “According to my dad, Mom drank this all the time when she was pregnant with me. Her biggest craving; not that she didn’t like it before, but it was like another level. So then it became our thing, once I was old enough to have some, just sitting together on the couch or in the kitchen or wherever, with our matching cocoa with cinnamon.”
Killian glanced over at her, a glint of mischief in his eyes, and her heart swelled suddenly with reaffirmation of how much she loved him. His bangs fell over his forehead in a way some might call rakish, but when he looked at her like that -- lips quirked up in amusement at his own joke he was about to tell, unable to hide his glee at his own cleverness -- she could only call it boyish. “Sweet tooth before you were even born, eh Swan?”
Maybe not a joke then, but teasing, like they were twelve and he was pulling her tail. “I’m a wolf of taste,” she said loftily, setting her mug aside and pulling up another suitcase to go through. “Unlike some mangy curs around here.”
“Mangy cur?” Emma squeaked as she found herself pinned under him on the floor, his nose brushing against hers and heat flooding her body. His grin promised absolute filth, the hard length of his body pressed against hers deliciously, and the scent of his arousal was enough to make her dizzy. “Didn’t realize we were comparing pedigrees here, princess. Too bad you’re stuck with the mangy cur and not some stuffy purebred.”
“I happen to like the mangy cur,” she whispered, their lips close enough to tease.
“Good,” he growled. “Because he likes you too.”
She moaned into his kiss, which was far gentler than she was expecting, and he let up on her arms enough to allow her the space to embrace him. Her fingers threaded through his hair, then down his back, where she teased the patch of skin revealed by his sweater riding up. “Emma.”
He pulled back and she smiled at how he already looked wrecked. She glanced over his face, refamiliarizing herself with the little details she already had memorized but still loved looking at: the old scar on his cheek, the ginger hairs in his beard, the little freckles and the way his eyebrow seemed to jump up on its own when he got curious about something. He caught her eye with his again and one corner of his mouth ticked up, a sudden shyness in the way his eyes darted around, like he wasn’t sure she was staring at him . “What?”
She shook her head, reaching down and slipping her hands into the back pockets of his jeans, earning a surprised -- and pleased -- noise from him as she pulled him in for a quick kiss. “I just… really love you,” she said when they parted.
His cheeks reddened, but just around his cheekbones, and she loved that she knew that detail about him. If she was further back, she’d be able to see his ears turning the same color, and if she really got to him she’d be able to get his nose to match. She liked the way he could get around her, quiet and unabashedly himself, someone who couldn’t take a compliment seriously and waved off words of praise. It drove her a little crazy, but she’d made her vows to voice her feelings to him and she was going to make good on those vows.
“I love you too,” he said, his nose brushing against hers, and he leaned in to kiss her again.
The laundry could wait.
“ There she is!” Ruby hollered, ignoring the glares from the other bar patrons.
Emma also ignored the knowing looks on both Ruby and Dorothy’s faces as she shrugged out of her coat. She knew her hair was mussed and she had beard burn on the side of her neck -- Killian had a particular fondness for this dress and the lack of coverage it provided -- and she was definitely late for their night out, but she only felt the slightest hint of guilt over that. Besides, both Ruby and Dorothy knew what it was like to be newly mated, so they could cut her a break. “Hey, thanks for saving me a seat.”
She flagged down a waitress to take her drink order and then grabbed a handful of peanuts. “So… how’s it going?” Ruby asked in a sing-song.
“Babe.” Dorothy elbowed her.
“What? She’s got sex hair and she reeks of it. If that’s her excuse, she’d better dish.”
Emma rolled her eyes, cracking open a shell. “We didn’t have sex, thank you, he just… made it hard to leave.”
“Oh I’ll bet something was hard.”
The waitress arrived with Emma’s drink and they ordered one of those mixed appetizers platters to share, as well as another round of drinks. Emma gulped half of her drink after the waitress left again before saying, “I won’t kiss and tell.”
As Ruby made a face, Dorothy reached for her own peanuts. “Some of us appreciate that.”
Emma downed the rest of her gin and tonic; she hadn’t really taken the time to appreciate it, and seeing as how this was a wolf bar the drinks were made to match their metabolisms, but this was the first time she was getting to hang out with her friends since her wedding and she wanted to have fun. Tipsy, ridiculous fun, with no husbands and no responsibilities. Girl time. Catch-up time.
Only, she realized as the conversation started to actually move towards catching up on each other’s lives, she just had stories about Killian.
“Okay, I forbid you to talk about your husband for thirty seconds,” Ruby said, pointing a french fry at her for emphasis. The appetizers had been replaced by entrees, and Emma rolled her eyes as she took an enormous bite of her burger. Fine, she’d just chew instead. “You have to have been doing something other than banging each other silly or going to work.”
Emma took her time with her food, drawing out Ruby’s challenge and taking some small joy in the agitated tick in her friend’s eyebrow. “Well it’s not like you don’t know what I do for work,” she said finally, reaching for the ketchup. “And we’re in a post-holiday lull, so it’s gonna be a bit before things get interesting.”
“One of us has got to get a different job,” Ruby declared, while her mate rolled her eyes indulgently.
Emma didn’t bother to respond, instead flagging down the waitress for another G & T. There was definitely a happy buzz going on under her skin and she wanted it to continue; the burger would only dull the effects before too long.
“Bitch on the prowl, ten o’clock,” Dorothy said suddenly, looking towards the door.
Emma and Ruby turned to look, with what felt like most of the bar’s patrons and staff following their lead. A woman she didn’t recognize was taking off her coat, revealing a dress that would send normal humans rushing to her side in an instant; here, it only added to the allure of her scent. She was obviously in heat, unattached, and looking to rectify the situation.
Already two men were walking towards her, jostling one another to make her acquaintance first; Emma just looked back to her tablemates with a look of resignation. “They’re not wasting any time,” she said.
“Neither is she; she must be the first one of the season,” Dorothy said, watching the situation near the door with mild interest.
“Just glad it isn’t me this time.”
“If there wasn’t any concern about like, us not being turned into a science freak show, I would absolutely watch our version of a trash dating show.”
“Babe, we have too many seasons of Love Island on the to-watch list as it is,” Ruby said.
“Correction, we don’t have enough seasons of Love Island on the to-watch list.”
Emma glanced back at the display happening on the other side of the bar, letting the sound of her friends teasing each other blend into the rest of the noise. This woman was definitely taking no prisoners, making eye contact with one of the men while her hand rested almost possessively on the arm of the other, her lips spread into a wide smile. Hell, she was charmed by this kind of display, especially when the woman demurely glanced at the second man under her lashes for a moment. Maybe Dorothy was right about a dating show… She watched as the woman laughed at something one of the men said, throwing her head back to give everyone a good look -- and smell -- at her neck, and Emma found herself dazedly wondering when she might be able to slip away back home and ravish her husband.
“Oh no, we’ve lost her.”
“Pheromones side effect, tragic really.”
She blinked back to attention. “What?”
Ruby looked annoyed, but Dorothy at least seemed sympathetic. “She’s still in the honeymoon phase, babe, it’s gonna be a while before everything settles down. The coming season doesn’t help.”
“Okay, you can stop talking about me like I’m not here,” Emma snapped. Her drink had been refreshed without her notice and she downed it. “I get it, I’m sorry, I’ll shut up about Killian and whatever.”
Ruby started to respond, but Dorothy silenced her with a look. Whatever silent argument they had, Ruby lost and she huffed as she went back to her meal. The reaction stung -- it’s not like Emma hadn’t sat through hours of Ruby pining and then gushing over her own mate, she could stand being the recipient for a while -- but Emma felt it wasn’t worth it to argue and ruin the evening by just turning it into a fight.
Eventually, they started talking again, Ruby breaking first with some pack gossip. The night never got to the raucous levels any of them might have hoped it could get to, but was overall a nice time and Emma even forgot about getting her feelings hurt. It felt good to get out of the house for a while with friends -- but when someone wolf-whistled as the woman in heat from earlier waltzed out with an entirely different man clutched possessively at her side, Emma thought it might be even better to get back home to her mate.
Even short periods of absence seemed to make the heart grow fonder.
As the new year rolled through to its second month, Emma and Killian quietly celebrated the one-year anniversary of their meeting, marveling at how much had changed in just a year. Killian noticed that Emma seemed to greet each day with increasing wariness, and his own awareness of the mating season coming into bloom turned into some kind of insatiable itch under his skin.
He’d never participated in mating season before meeting Emma. He’d been soured from pursuing any sort of relationship after the disastrous affair with Milah, and even when he’d been half underwater with alcohol he’d decided he’d never again get snared by any she-wolf’s trap. And to his embittered mind, mating season was just another trap, luring men into siring pups or trying to turn a one-night tryst into a long-term commitment. Even after he’d sobered up and straightened himself out, he’d still felt the sting of rejection in his phantom limb and did his best to stay occupied and aloof in spring.
Until Emma.
He’d known from the start that she was different, that chance encounter with her packmates. She had fire, and the way she’d immediately come at him on the offense had piqued his interest immediately. Then the wind had shifted and he’d immediately known what the source of the problem with her packmates had been, the full-blown scent of a bitch in heat burrowing down to awaken his most basic instincts. He’d done his best to remain a gentleman and let her walk away, as she’d clearly had no interest in acting on her own hormones, and once her scent faded on the wind he’d walked away as fast as he could without rousing anyone’s suspicion. He’d thought that was the end of it, until a chance meeting at a bar led to a delightful night of conversation and drinks…
And the most wonderful, passionate woman he’d ever had the pleasure to offer himself up to the next day.
Poor love had been so miserable when he’d come to see if his magical hangover remedy worked for her that he’d hardly reacted to the overwhelming bouquet of Emma in heat. He’d acted immediately to try and rectify the errors in her spice cabinet, mixing his potion and letting her recover. And as he tidied up the mess he’d made, it became increasingly hard (in many senses of the phrase) to ignore the fact that he was absolutely surrounded by pheromones and the obvious lingering scent of everything she’d done to relieve herself of the ache over the last several days. And when she’d emerged from her blanket nest again and stood there with only a shirt and her knickers and legs that went on for miles and giving him every last chance to run before they’d do something they’d regret?
He’d never wanted someone more in his entire life, mating season or not.
It wasn’t long after he returned home, he realized that long weekend in her bed (and her shower and her kitchen… and one particularly enjoyable occasion with her back pressed to the window and the lights in the living room turned off to keep the outside world in the dark to their activities) would never be enough for him. Liam accused him of moping, his friends thought he needed to get out and meet someone new to get Emma out of his system.
Looking up now, watching her enter the room shyly and holding out a simple padded envelope, he knew just as well now as he’d known then: he could never get her out of his system, even if he tried.
“What’s this, love?” he asked, accepting the envelope from her as she settled in the crook of his arm.
“Early valentine’s present,” she said simply.
They had a reservation at a restaurant that day, so he was a little confused as to why she didn’t want to simply wait until then. “Any particular reason why this is an early gift?”
Her scent changed, a little surge of arousal, and amusement laced her voice, “I kind of figured it was safer to give these to you in private.”
Well now he was intrigued. “Very well then, thank you and I accept.”
Reaching into the envelope, he felt photos -- a stack of actual printed, glossy photographs. He glanced down at his wife -- fuck, he’d never be over that, his wife -- and watched her chew her bottom lip nervously as he pulled the photos out. 
Each photo featured Emma in some way, posed and primping and perfect in all her glory. These weren’t amateur photos by any means, and even her hair and make-up looked like someone else had done the job -- not that Emma did poorly at her own appearance, but she wasn’t one to add such accentuation to her eyes to give them that smoky effect. Killian swallowed hard as he went through each photo, his heart thumping especially loud in his ears: Emma looking directly at the camera in some sort of modernized glamour shot; Emma from behind, shot from the waist up, looking coyly over her shoulder as she slipped a shirt -- was that one of his? -- down her arms to expose her back beneath a wave of blond curls; Emma laid out on dark satin, her hair spilled around her like a halo, wearing what was definitely one of his button-downs and nothing else from the way she gripped it closed. “Emma, how did you--” his throat felt nearly as tight as his pants as he paused at the next photo, her eyes downcast as she lay on her stomach, the curve of her breast visible in the opening of his shirt.
“I am people who know people,” she said simply.
On and on it went, all of them sensual or titillating without pushing the envelope enough to qualify as lewd, until the last one: she reclined on her side, propped up on her elbow, on a pelt that matched her own. Completely bare, her back faced the camera, her hair spilling down her shoulders as she looked to the side, not quite looking over her shoulder but enough to give the viewer a look at her demure profile in an otherwise completely shameless photograph.
“Jesus Christ, Emma…”
She rested her head against his shoulder, by all appearances merely a content wife who was pleased her husband liked her gift, rather than the mischievous seductress she truly was. Minx. “You like them?” she asked.
“Very much. And may I add, excellent call on a private viewing,” he murmured, nosing her hair. “Had anyone else even glimpsed these, I would have had to rip their throats out with my teeth.”
She hummed and he grinned as her scent flared. “The whole murderous, possessive alpha male thing shouldn’t be such a turn on,” she commented, and squeaked as he hauled her up in his lap.
Placing the photos on her lap, he tapped the last one with one finger. “This one should be blown up and professionally framed, I might hang it up in my office. Your arse is a work of art, love.”
“It is,” Emma agreed, “but wouldn’t that go against the whole ‘if anyone else saw these I’d kill them in cold blood’ thing?”
He tweaked her nose; she really was a terrible mimic of his accent. She always made him sound like a Mancunian somehow. “I didn’t say it had to be the main office, and while I admit that intimidating any potential contractors to a better profit turnover would be better, I can’t say I’d be able to get much work done with such a distraction.”
“And it being in your home office would do any better?”
“Well,” Killian said, drawling on the l’s, “for one thing, I wouldn’t have to travel far to take care of any, ah, problems that might arise from a viewing.” Emma snorted, no doubt feeling exactly the sort of problem he spoke of pressed against her bottom. “Though why would I need to look at this if I have the real thing waiting for me?”
“Who says I’ll be laying in wait for you?” she asked, poking his chest. “If our history says anything, I’m the one who pounces on you the moment you walk through the door.”
“Or sooner.”
“Or sooner,” she said. Looping her arms around his neck, she tilted her head. “You really like them?”
He opened his mouth, prepared to remind her that he’d already answered that, but then he noticed the slight furrow of her brow, the nearly invisible downturn of her lips, her wide eyes flicking between his as she tried to read his expression. Killian softened, in several ways, remembering how difficult she found it to be vulnerable; he suspected the act of posing and taking the photographs had been easy -- Emma was a beautiful, confident woman and she knew it -- but now came the hard part: seeking approval. “I love them,” he told her seriously, tightening his hold around her. “A pale substitute for the real thing, but this on my desk,” he flitted through the photos to the glamor shot, “will remind me of the gorgeous woman I have waiting for me at home. And get me through the long , hard days when we don’t see one another.”
She gave him an overly patient look at where he’d emphasized his speech. He leaned down and kissed away the wrinkle between her brows, breathing her in. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve someone such as you, my darling, but I’m grateful every day to whatever thread of fate drew us together.”
Her breath hitched and her arms tightened around him. She shifted, tilting her head up to kiss him; the intensity of it nearly overwhelmed him, telling him without words how much she loved him and appreciated what he’d said. He felt her fingers in his hair, grazing the sides of his face and neck, her lips moving against his with a hunger he recognized well. “Let’s move these,” he rasped, doing his best not to just throw the pictures all over the floor, “before we make a mess of them.”
Killian gladly let Emma take control then, pushing him flat on his back on the couch and straddling him. “Show me what you really think,” she said, and whipped her sweater over her head, the offending garment falling almost protectively over the stack of photographs on the floor.
The dream started the way it always did: she was sixteen again and her body wasn’t cooperating as she tried to climb the height to the challenge grounds. Most of this was pulled from memory, the sounds of her mother and Regina fighting, the bitter cold, the tang of blood on the wind, but while the stones under her were covered in ice and snow, she’d been able to climb with only a little trouble. She’d been more worried about what she’d find than making sure her feet were going in the right place.
In the dream, though, it was like moving through molasses. Images came in flashes -- her mother lunging and scoring a blow on Regina’s side, Regina’s snarl and the moonlight glinting off the ceremonial silver knives, her father bleeding to death on the ground. Her voice stuck in her throat as she tried to scream for help, like her mouth was sewn shut.
She was helpless to stop what was happening; she always had been, and even in a dream she couldn’t change the reality that her parents had been murdered in front of her.
But for the first time she was able to get to the top, only to find Regina fighting Killian instead of Snow. He had no knife, no weapon at all, swinging wildly with his fist and kicking where he could, but Regina seemed to have the upper hand as she dodged his every move. It looked like she was completely fine with letting him tire himself out first before she had to do anything; Emma tried to scream, tried to get them to stop -- why would Killian be fighting Regina? -- but her mouth wouldn’t work.
Killian lunged and Regina dodged with ease, moving on the offense for the first time as she slammed her elbow into his back. He fell with a cry and suddenly a rifle was in her hands. A crack sounded in the frozen night and then Killian lay still on the ground.
Her body moved, freed from whatever had trapped her in place. Regina was gone, and Emma flung herself at her mate’s form. He lay sprawled on his stomach, a dark, wet patch spreading across his back in the same place where he’d been shot last fall. She packed snow against the wound, an animal cry ripping from her throat in a desperate plea for help. She turned him over, trying to see if he was conscious, but he was white as death and as cold as if he’d lain there for hours instead of moments --
Emma woke, a scream stuck in her mouth as she fought to get the blankets that were tangled around her and constricting her movements off. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tumbled to the floor; the solid impact shook off the confusion between dreams and reality, but it couldn’t get the image of Killian bleeding out in the snow out of her mind. She curled in on herself as her mind blended it with the same sight of her parents that she’d relived over and over again for more than a decade, her chest aching as she tried to stifle her sobs.
It was late, but she hadn’t gone to bed as Killian had still been at work. She’d dozed off on the couch, something she hadn’t done in a long time—in the last few months, the combination of Alice’s crystal magic and the ever-present scent and feel of their mating bond in the bedroom had helped ease both of their night terrors. Their den represented safety and security, giving them peace of mind to rest easily.
She hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
Emma took deep breaths, trying to calm down. She reached for where she’d left her phone, using the hem of her shirt to scrub her face dry with her other hand, and checked to see if there were any messages. A few warm tears leaked out still, even as she checked the time and noted that Killian had texted not long ago to let her know he was on his way home.
As if on cue, the sound of keys in the hall reached her ears, and a moment later they scratched at the lock and then the door opened. “Sorry I’m so late, darling, I—what happened?”
He was at her side in an instant, gathering her into his arms. She lay her head against his shoulder gratefully. “Bad dreams, it’s nothing.”
“Sweetling, the fear-scent hit me full in the face when I came in, it’s not nothing.”
His heartbeat under her ear soothed her, some of the lingering tension in her shoulders easing with the steady thrumming. Her arms went around him and his hold tightened, just a little, as if he could protect her from her own demons just by holding on tight.
She wished he could.
“Bad dreams,” she said again, clearing her throat after her voice came out thick. “A lot of the same, mixed up together in a shitty new brain cocktail I didn’t order.”
He knew about the recurring dream with her parents, and the newer ones from the incident in the fall, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to put together what she meant. He kissed the side of her head. “I’m sorry, darling. Why didn’t you just go to bed?”
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep out here. I was waiting for you to get home and just nodded off.” Her book, forgotten until now, lay face-down on the floor, pages bunched up and wrinkled now from when it had fallen from her lap in sleep. “If I’d known you were staying that late I would have just gone to bed.”
Killian sighed. “I’m sorry. I was working on a contract and needed feedback from the overseas partner; it’s morning in Singapore so I knew I could get prompt replies. I should have said something earlier.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“No, but I still feel terrible.” He kissed her again and stood, bringing her up with him. “Come on, let’s have a nightcap and you can tell me how to make it better.”
She smiled wanly. “I just need you. That’s all I need to make it better.”
Emma allowed him to lead her to the kitchen. “You have me, Swan, you know that. You’ll always have me.”
She woke slowly to the gentle, teasing press of lips against her own. There was a murmur in the back of her mind that sounded like ‘ wake up, darling ’ and she had the bewildering sensation of being in two places at once before a finger brushed against her neck and arousal surged through her body. Instantly she felt more alert, kissing Killian back with newly awakened vigor, and he groaned as she pushed him back, reversing their positions so she lay atop him. “Cheater,” she accused, only allowing them a moment to breathe before coming together again. 
He stroked her mate-mark once more and the swell of arousal almost hurt; she clenched her thighs together, trying to ease the ache that lay between them, but Killian’s hand moved down, coaxing them apart to tease his fingers between her folds. “So wet for me,” he murmured.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” she said, biting her lip at the feel of his fingers on her flesh, the warmth pulsing through her body, the sparks of pleasure with every stroke. He ducked down, pressing his lips against her neck and she whimpered at the touch, feeling like she was melting into putty in his arms. “ Tease .”
“I’m a cheater, a tease,” he murmured against her skin, punctuating each word with another kiss. “What’s next? Scoundrel ?”
She cried out as his fingers thrust home, filling her with that delicious stretch she craved. She could feel him moving his fingers inside, teasing her further, and she didn’t know how she wasn’t just soaking his hand with how turned on she was right then. With each thrust of his fingers, he seemed to lift her up and it took her far too long to realize it was a combination of his own urging and her unconscious compliance as she rose up above him. She threw one leg over his waist and felt the head of his cock bump against her thigh; Killian withdrew his fingers and she looked down to watch him rub her juices off his fingers onto his cock as he took it in hand, quickly positioning himself in place for her to sink down on top of him. "Oh fuck me," he moaned as she began to move, her lips finding his mate-mark.
His fingers dug into her hip as she rode him, skin slapping as she chased her pleasure. The combination of their teasing each other’s mate-marks was driving her nearly insane with lust -- she barely noticed when she peaked, the need for more clawing its way through her veins. Killian protested when she lifted herself off him, but he seemed to pick up on the general plan when she turned and got on her hands and knees.
She gasped, sharp and shallow as he pushed in again, her hand grabbing a fistful of blanket for purchase. He felt so much bigger this way— always had since the way he’d taken her that first time. "If we're going to do this like animals, might as well look the part,” he’d said then, and she certainly felt like an animal now as she pushed back onto him in earnest, back arching and throat rough as she keened, pleading for more.
“Greedy girl,” Killian panted through grit teeth, his hips slamming against hers as she cried out. “Drenching my cock, begging for it.”
“ You woke me up,” she retorted, gasping again as he hit a good spot. “There--do that again, fuck .” His hand found her hip again, nails stinging into her skin just enough to pull a groan out of her. Again, he snapped his hips forward, but it’s less frenzied than before, sharper, calculated, and the breath that punched out of her lungs at the next thrust felt laced with fire. She turned to look at him over her shoulder, felt her heart stutter at the way his mark stood out dark against the morning light.
She slipped against the sheet, nearly buckling, but his hand was there before she could, sliding up the length of her torso to curl his fingers around her shoulder. Too-fast, she found herself surrounded by him, his weight half-draped on top of her as he pulled her flush against him and oh, oh . Fuck tumbled out of her again as she twisted to claim a rough kiss. Distracted, his hips slowed at the contact, but she pushed back again with a roll of her hips.
The hand on her shoulder urged her down, his weight shifting off her back as he reared back and her head pressed against the mattress. The angle was just right, a keen tearing from her throat as he resumed speed, driving into her hard and fast and -- “ Fuck, Killian! ”
His hand slipped under her, between her legs, found their way to her overstimulated clit and teased, drawing circles around it and pressing--
Killian’s phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. Emma felt her orgasm slip beyond reach for the moment, her concentration broken, and she groaned in frustration. She didn’t even know what time it was, but it had to be too early for anything but an emergency. “Killian, you should see who that was,” she mumbled, her head shifting against the mattress as he pounded into her.
Her husband snarled and that sent a little thrill down her spine, reigniting what had been lost. “Whoever it is should fucking know better than to call when I’m balls deep in my wife.”
She had no idea how to articulate how absurd that was, but he moved his hand again and squeezed her breast, leaving wet streaks of her own arousal along her skin and her core clenched around him in anticipation. He exhaled sharply, another little growl escaping him, and she pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. She felt his fingers move along her skin, dancing up her back and nails scratching just enough to leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake, until they found her mate-mark once more and started tracing around it, lightly circling, pressing just enough--
She saw stars. Burst of color behind squeezed eyelids and an impossible wave of pleasure crashing through her, her legs feeling numb and buckling under her as he rode her through her orgasm until she heard a grunt signaling his own. She slid weakly down onto her stomach, her skin still tingling and her core still shuddering, dragging air into her lungs as fast as she could to try and calm her racing heart. She felt the bed shift behind her, heard Killian’s heavy breathing, then felt him settle between her legs. Before she could fully understand what was happening, she felt his nose brush the sensitive seam of her ass, and then dip lower as his tongue found her dripping, abused, and still fucking aroused cunt. “ Jesus --”
Emma tried to push herself up on her elbows, tried to army-crawl up the bed and away from her insatiable husband’s questing tongue, but he satisfied himself with only a few laps before pulling away. She twisted, flushed and glaring at the smug grin on his face. “Who’s greedy now?” she asked.
“I do love the taste of us together,” he admitted, righting himself and settling back on the pillows.
She fought the urge to roll her eyes and summoned all of her strength to get up and go clean herself. Wobbly as it was, she managed the trip to the bathroom and even brought him a washcloth to clean himself up before giving her weary legs a rest and laying next to him. The heady feeling of arousal still burned inside, though more like a smoldering ember pile than the full-on inferno he’d worked her into before, but she pushed it away; she wasn’t in heat yet and her body had limits.
For now.
“So what was that for?” Emma asked.
“Do I need a reason to wake my wife and lavish her with my attentions?” She poked him in the ribs, a particularly ticklish spot, and he squirmed. “Cut it out,” Killian said, giggling. “Your smell woke me.”
She raised an eyebrow. “My smell?” she asked, her voice flat. “You know, from anyone else those might be fighting words.”
He took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “And far be it from me to challenge you, darling. No, I believe it may be close to time, your scent has… shifted somewhat.”
Emma let her head fall back with a groan. Motherfucker. Well, it was to be expected; it’s the normal time for her to go into heat, it was just… the worst. Though, having a mate would make it exponentially easier than previous years; she had that to look forward to, at least. She just hated being completely ruled by her hormones, hated having so little control over her own body. And of course Killian would be the first to pick up on it, of course he’d know her so well that he’d pick up on even the slightest change in her scent. Idly, she wondered if he could tell because he’d smelled her in full-blown heat before, but in truth she believed he’d know any changes in her body and her scent almost before she did.
Puts the kibosh on any cutesy surprise things whenever we get around to having pups , she thought wryly.
“Judging by your enthusiastic response, you’re still unhappy about the prospect,” Killian remarked.
She sighed. “It’s not that. I love nothing more than using you as my personal sex toy, I just… hate everything else about it.”
“We could try a last-minute honeymoon,” he suggested. “We did talk about going somewhere this spring.”
“It’ll be wicked expensive, not to mention both of our bosses would kill us for leaving so last minute. And don’t even try to tell me Liam would be understanding, he’d find something to harp at you about.”
“Technically I’m my own boss.”
“Yes, but what captain leaves the helm to go fuck his wife silly for a week?”
His teeth flash in a grin that sends a shiver down her spine. “I’m sure plenty do, particularly when the captain’s wife is as beautiful and alluring as you. And I do have minions to keep things running, you know I don’t do everything right?”
“You have to stop calling your officers ‘minions’.”
“I pay their salaries, I can call them what I like. Besides, which is less of a mouthful, Chief Operating Officer or minion?”
“Coming from the man who takes an hour to tell a five minute story.”
His grin widened. “One of the many charms you love about me.” She rolled her eyes and the bed shifted as Killian reached for his phone, which pinged a reminder that he had a missed call and a voicemail. “Though I could have reason for it, seeing as how one of them called at a most inopportune time.”
Emma worried her lip between her teeth as he listened to the message, the tinny voice reaching her ears perfectly as questions even she knew could have waited a few hours were relayed. If he was right, and it was reasonable to assume he was, then it would be easier to just combine the honeymoon and her week in heat. It was extremely annoying that there wasn’t any way to really tell when her body would go into heat, outside of paying attention to signs like any subtle changes in scent, and they couldn’t have planned this ages in advance. The thought of paying all the last minute booking fees made her skin crawl, but she also knew he wouldn’t suggest such a thing if it wasn’t feasible.
Marrying up a couple of tax brackets was going to take a lot of getting used to.
Killian tossed his phone back on the bedside table, muttering darkly to himself, and she settled against him again. “How about this,” she started, “we take today to make sure a quick getaway isn’t going to be a problem, and then go in a couple of weeks? I don’t think it’s going to happen in the next few days and we need some time to get our shit together.”
“Eloquent as always, Swan,” he said. “And the full moon is next week, so we should schedule around that as well.”
Remembering that gave her another sense of relief: for some reason, it wasn’t common for their kind to go into heat the week of the full moon. Some did, but it was extremely rare, and always led to complications with the litter. She thought it might have something to do with how her monthly shifting stopped when she’d been pregnant before, nature realizing that changing forms while pregnant wasn’t good for the mother or the fetus, but it wasn’t like there was anyone she could ask about that. Again, something else that the more scientific-minded of their community were studying, but it was difficult.
And it wasn’t like there was The Scientific Werewolf Monthly to publish any of that research.
Maybe there should be.
“Well, that settles that,” she said, her mood buoyed by the lunar calendar. “We’ll go in a couple of weeks. Plunk me on a beach somewhere that’s not Boston in winter and I’ll be set.”
Killian’s expression was a thrilling mix of joy and sin. “Then I’d better make sure it’s a private beach, because I have no plans of letting you wear anything more than a bikini the whole time we’re gone,” he said, shifting to loom over her as he spoke, the last words breathed against her lips before he caught hers up in another kiss.
The wave of pleasure that had been building inside finally crashed over her, sending ripples up to the top of her head and down to the tips of her toes. She sighed, sated for the time being and pushed away the latest of her spent toys, reclining back on the silk maroon sheets to watch as he took his leave from her bed. They all knew the drill, the men lurking in wait for her summons; she hated for them to linger, but she did indulge in the view as they stumbled away from her room.
For now, though, Regina was tired. That was the third one today, and it was barely noon on the first morning of her heat. She rolled her head on her neck, as much as she was able, joints cracking and muscles stretching. She wasn’t a young pup anymore, as difficult as it was to admit some days, so while being ravished three times by three different, handsome young things in one morning certainly sounded like an ideal way to spend one’s time, it was proving to take a toll on her.
She didn’t like to think too much about what that would mean.
She didn’t care for the reminders, the lines at the corners of her eyes getting a little deeper if she looked too long, the silver strands she kept carefully colored, and now her body tiring a little sooner than it had the year before.
Any slip might give rise to rumors, and rumors often lead to those same men lurking downstairs foolish ideas about power.
No, for now she would rest a bit, take lunch, and assess what else she could do to keep her hand on their leashes until just the right moment.
Her phone rang midway through lunch. Annoyed, Regina answered in her usual, clipped way. “This had better be important.”
- She’s leaving town for a week, her and that British wolf of hers. My sources say it’s probably their honeymoon, but we have to remember the season. If she comes back pupped-- -
“I can make my own conclusions, thank you Sidney,” she snapped, her mood darkening. “Keep tabs on them if you can, and the Nolans. We may have to move faster than anticipated.”
She hung up before he could agree to anything -- it didn’t matter, he didn’t have to agree. He just had to follow orders.
She sat still for a moment, staring at her plate, then moved suddenly, throwing her tablet against the wall. The news that Emma Swan, previous heir apparent to the pack she now ruled, had taken another mate after all the work she’d done to destroy that last relationship had sent her into a rage that kept her people on their toes for weeks. She didn’t need any reason to allow support of any kind for that little bitch to rise, and a newly mated pair with a fresh litter on the way would definitely give reason for people to remember and feel sympathy for the girl. To start rumors or petitions to restore her place.
To revolt.
She’d put in too much work expanding, improving, and keeping her pack in line to let the memory of the old alphas resurface.
Snarling, Regina got to her feet. Rage mixed with arousal, the need to take control of something overpowering anything else, and she pressed the intercom that would summon another one of her playthings to the bedroom.
She hoped he had stamina, though she didn’t quite care if she ended up breaking him in the end. He was easily replaced, just as all the others were.
She was in control here. Not them. Not any of the hotheads she dealt with on a regular basis.
And never, never Emma Swan.
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seostudios · 4 years
mark’s dad.
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pairing: johnny x fem!readr
genre: fluff + smut (like little angst) info: dilf!johnny, son!mark, best-friend!mark, aged-up!johnny warnings: age gap, unprotected sex, masturbation (fem) wc: 2.1k
note: hi i wrote this on my phone at like 1-3 in the morning... sorry if it’s bad but i wanted to put out something! i hope you guys enjoy it though cause dilf!johnny is so sexy
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i think my son ditched you for haechan today, dear.” mr.suh informed you as you stood respectively in front of him, wearing an oversized sweater and basketball shorts. “aw man, i drove all this way for a movie with mark, and he ditched me for his other best friend...” you quietly sneer, the obvious jealously making an appearance. johnny chuckled, hands resting on his hips. he felt bad you came all this way for a simple movie night. “how about this?” your eyes look up, to the terrifyingly good looking man. “i will treat you to a movie and popcorn!” he suggested, knowing very damn well he’s going out of his way to possibly spend time with his son’s best friend, who he has known since they were sewed to the hip in sophomore year, now in university. “i-i don’t think that’s be appropriate,” “why? because i’d like to spend time and get to know the friend and possible love interest of my son? i don’t see any harm in that. i’ll get my coat.” he quickly responded, saving himself.
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you knew he said you’d watch a movie together but you didn’t expect to get yourself two tickets to go watch a movie at an actual theatre. “that was amazing mr.suh-“ johnny looks down at your tiny figure holding the popcorn, “-i mean johnny!” if you’re being honest now, it was really nice getting to know johnny, besides the age difference and the possible complications with your amazing friendship with his son, you liked him. making your way over to his car, you listen on as he rambles about how he hasn’t this much of an outing since mark was in high school. “now he’s clinging onto me like we’re dudes, like i’m his dad not his bro.” he laughed, starting the car. “that’s so sweet though!! my mom never gave an effort to trying to be my friend even when i tried,” although you kind of party pooped the mood, you can literally reverse uno it right there. “but whatever!! she still brings me shopping which is good enough,”
nearing midnight and you know god damn well your mom would’ve killed you if she knew you took a taxi home alone in the middle of the night. johnny picked up on this, and even if he saw you in a new light today, a light which could possibly ruin his relationship with his son and a possible one with you, he couldn’t have let you home alone. “you know what? marks sleeping over at haechan’s anyway. i’ll call your mom and tell her you should stay over.” nodding, you let yourself in and up into his (messy) bedroom.
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“hope you enjoy peanut butter and jelly for dinner, i kind of forgot to buy groceries...” johnny said handing you a plate of mini sandwiches. you mutter a quick thanks before digging in. tonight you saw johnny not as mr.suh but as johnny, the hot ass mother fucking dilf of the neighbourhood. you thought you were just a regular teenager to him, but you thought wrong. feeling his gaze on your exposed neck, lips. how his breathing would quicken whenever you leaned in to grab another sandwich. “wanna watch america’s got talent?” you asked pointing towards the couch. he shrugs agreeing, “why not?”
you had insisted on cleaning the dishes, i mean it was the least you could do. “so what’s the point of this whole show? to humiliate people or actually scout out people?!” johnny questioned staring at the screen, not noticing how you went from being on opposite ends of the couch to being almost inches away. should you initiate something? no, that would be overstepping into something erasable.
“this is so wrong,” you tell yourself before abruptly standing up. johnny turns his attention to you, trying to foreshadow your next moves. however, he didn’t expect for you to turn back around and straddle on his lap, “whoa..” he said, gripping onto your hips. “i want you.” his mind goes blur momentarily, “i-i cant, your my son’s best friend...” god, you looked so hot with your shorts bunched up as far as they could as you slowly grinder down onto his (huge) clothed cock. “fu..fuck,” he moans aloud, pushing all thoughts aside except for the one that kept telling him to ruin you tonight. the night was going better than planned, since you were in straddled on a topless johnny with only your bra and shorts on... probably a good twenty five minutes into kiss play, but mark chose the best time to unintentionally cockblock you and his dad. “y/n!!”mark shouted through the phone loud enough for johnny to hear (and the speaker wasn’t even on!) “yes markie?” you cooed, using one hand to speak on the phone and the other to signal johnny to keep it quiet. your hands trailed overtop your breasts, cupping them through your bra and pinching your hardened nipples, soon bringing your cold fingers down to the waistband of your shorts. “it’s fine. we can always watch a movie next weekend, i literally see you everyday! go hang out with hyuck,” you encouraged. past the waistband and under the hello kitty panties your hand comes in contact with your sensitive (dripping) folds. “a-ah, m..mark i gotta go...” “are you getting laid or something? i’m out.” he quickly ends the phone and you made sure to turn on ‘do not disturb’ incase he calls again.
“go on, i’ll watch.” johnny said seductively observing you as you toyed with your sensitive clot. “i’m close johnny!” you quietly moan into his ear, rubbing faster. “cum on your fingers, now.” he ordered, feeling you twitch underneath him, grinding as you had an orgasm. “dirty girl...” he groans watching you pull your fingers up to suck dry. now, you were a filthy girl, tasting yourself without being told to, cumming in your panties which you knew damn might have to force you to go commando tonight in marks bed. it was like a slap in the face when johnny lifted you up to stand, “it’s late. i- we should head to bed... i can give you some new shorts... since you know,” he quickly stammered before swiping his shirt off the floor, heading upstairs.
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it was almost nine in the morning when you woke up, you knew johnny woke up around seven to eight so the sizzling smell of bacon wasn’t just some evil mind games. after last night, you felt, intense shame and guilt. did you seriously just betray your best friend for a lousy orgasm you could’ve done alone in the bathroom. “your up! i made breakfast, go ahead and dig in, i’m just gonna be cleaning up my bedroom.” he sounded as if you didn’t cum all over his lap not even 12 hours ago, but i guess he shouldn’t dwell in the past especially this time.
“mr.suh! my mom’s here! thank you... goodbye!” you shout from the front door. “anytime! bye!” he replies before you jolt out the door.
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it’s been a couple days and johnny hasn’t left your mind. you always think about what stopped him, was it the age? your friendship with mark? that fucking phone call? johnny and you that night was like no other, you saw him for johnny, not mr.suh and it made your panties soak at every thought. how his ink black hair is always combed and in the most attractive middle part, how his broad should could feel when you hold yourself while being railed by his enormous cock. it was big, would it even fit? you’ve been with men before but the bulge you felt poking you in then thigh was something else compared to the other men.
you roamed his mind freely too. spending his day drinking hours, pondering over you, will you just slap him in the face and let him know you want him and you don’t care? he hopes. but it’s wrong. “dad! y/n’s coming over to study today,” mark shouted running down the stairs to his father. “so don’t snatch her up and take her away for a movie date, we got an exam this monday.” he said nonchalantly, the mention of their little outing slipping oh too casually. “w-what?” he asked surprised. “yeah yeah, i know about your little date and hook up” “- we didn’t hook up.” johnny interrupted, “well whatever you were doing for her to end my phone call like that,” he goes to the fridge to grab some milk, “so...” johnny said, eager on his son’s say on this. “so..? do you want me to be mad, dad?” i was lying if i said johnny was chill now... “no!!!!” he shouted, which earns a couple laughs from mark. “hey, dad,” mark sits down infront of his father. “it’s okay, y/n probably likes you back so you can do whatever you want with her, except hurt her cause i’ll kill you.” he deadpans before letting him off with a laugh. “so she can be your new mom for all you care?” he asked, playfully of course, waiting for the “hell no” and “what the fuck dad?!” to come but... “i mean she bags and tells me what to do, she helps me with school, laundry and chicks so... i don’t see why not,”
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ding ding ding ding ding ding now what? hopping off the bean bag you were binge watching the office on, you head over to the door, not caring what you look like, just shut up to whoever had the audacity to spam a doorbell. “hello?!” you look up, “hey y/n,” johnny said with a small daisy in his hand.
“let me be your boyfriend,”
“what about mark?” you asked, staring at your feet wiggle in anticipation. hoping he’d tell you he doesn’t care and we could do whatever we wanted to. “funny you asked, he said for all he cares you could be his step mom.” you threw your head back laughing “he what?! no he didn’t....” the laughter dies down soon enough to get back to seriously listening in on what he has to say but did mark really not care? “your girlfriend huh?” you asked, raising a brow. he nodded. johnny proceeds to take the daisy and place it behind your ear, “you look like shit, but that is sexy as fuck.” he said, caressing your cheek before leaning in to place a peck on your lips.
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“i don’t get why you drove half an hour here to say that, when i was already coming over to study.” you tell your boyfriend, johnny, as your backs his mattress. it was seriously an eventful day, wasn’t it? “i thought i should be romantic,” he shrugged turning to his side to wrap his large arms around your waist pulling you in closer. “i like this...” he mumbled into your hair, slowly drifting off to sleep.
“are you falling asleep?! we need to leave in ten minutes!!” you shouted, attempting to free yourself from his hold but he was knocked out and not letting go any time soon. “i hate you.” “i think it’s the quiet opposite y/n dear,” he replied, burying himself in the blanket, bringing you with him. “now let’s take a quick nap, mark can wait,” you sigh in defeat, “okay fine... twenty minutes!”
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five months later, and you couldn’t believe having a relationship with your best friends dad was oddly working out perfectly. “johnny! fuck! baby your so good!” you whine as he penetrates into you against the wall. your legs wrapped around his waist as his cock rubs around your g-spot stimulating you into your third orgasm of that night. mark had recently gone travelling with jeno for fun so that meant you and johnny could’ve have your own fun in the empty house. “you can cum for me one more time can’t you?” he begged, placing you on the kitchen counter, kissing down your stomach. “answer me...” he sucks harhly on your clit. “yes! i can!!” you whined, squirming feeling johnny licking up your juicie; which sure as hell was mixed with his own cum, lapping his tongue around until you were shaking under his mouth and curling your toes to his mouth’s magic. “i’m- i’m cumming!!” you scream, releasing your juices onto the man’s face. “my favourite meal of the day.” he playfully joked before pinching your nipple. “tired?” he asked, as if he hadn’t been using you as a cum dump for hours. “mhm,” you reply opening your arms for him to carry you up, because “no way in hell am i walking up the stairs today after being railed by a monster cock.” you said snorting with a laugh. nonetheless, johnny swoops you up and gracefully carried you up and into his bed, “we can clean up tomorrow, let’s sleep now.” he said, feeling you wrap around him like a koala. “mmm goodnight... i love you,” you said in the crock of his neck, right below his ear before drifting off, “love you too,”
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Can you please write something about Baekhyun enlistment and reader is really broken about it like it’s their last night before he leaves and she’s trying to remain strong for him and he promise to marry her and start a family as soon as he returns? Please I’ve been depressed all day long and I don’t even know how to feel 😞
Hi anon! I got two of this from you, but here it is! Sorry if I kinda rush post it (I couldn't wait to the real date too). I hope this is good and please don't be depressed. Remember if the wait is enjoyable, it's love
A/n : enlistment, crying, hard breathing (no detail explanation)
Here we go, Baekhyun is off to military in three... two..
You have to let him go eventually. Want it or not, like it or not Baekhyun has to go. You were aware of this, of the long lonely nights, of the carefully written letters, and of the bittersweet greeting about the weather.
You know that at some point, your man has to do his honors and serve for the country. You used to joke about it with him, about how silly he will look in his bald head. How he will cry when he has to sleep without you, and how you tease that he finally needs to do his own laundry.
Those days that were full of laughs, finally is coming to be reality. You will be sending Baekhyun to the military camp in less than a day. His bag is packed, his hair is shaved. Not that bad to be honest, you don’t laugh like you imagined you would back then. No, something in your heart tugs at you when you see Baekhyun comes home with his shaved head under his cap. You did not greet him with laugh but with a fascinated look as you run your fingers through the no longer fluffy hair.
His bag is settled, his uniform is already hung behind the closet. The alarm clock is ready and as you take a look at the city lights under the dark sky from your window, the toilet door opens and some thin steam comes out of the door along with your boyfriend in his oversized cotton tee and comfortable baggy jogger.
“What are you looking at, love?” He asks as he takes steps to the bed and sit beside you. His hair is semi dry, with the short hair it doesn’t take that much time for it to dry.
You break your eye contact with the night sky and quickly blink before looking at Baekhyun for the last time.
You smile and pull the blanket closer to you. He sits beside you under the cover and you scoot closer.
“I can’t believe… this is it.” You whisper as your eyes stare into the wall across the bed. A wall dedicated for warm fairy lights hanging around pictures and memories spent together with Baekhyun.
Baekhyun hums and gently places his arm around your shoulder. He slowly caresses your arm and turns his head to face you.
“I've delayed this for a while. I guess now is the perfect time. For a change and for a break.” He exhales and copies what you’re doing. Staring into the printed pictures that are smiling to both of you.
“I didn’t expect it to be this …” you shrug “sad? Quiet?” you scoff
Baekhyun giggles “What do you have in mind?”
You force a smile “I thought we would be laughing tonight and tomorrow i'll be sending you with tears like any other girls… but turns out..” you pause and choke on your tears. You can’t hold it back anymore as you let lose your wall for tonight.
Baekhyun pulls you into his hug and rubs your back “Turns out you're crying for me from tonight.” He smiles and sucks his own tears back.
You nod and ball your fist on his cotton teeshirt “I am sorry. I promised you I won’t cry tonight…” you sob “but here I am brawling.”
Baekhyun smiles secretly and rubs your back. He knew it when you said you'd be laughing the night before he leaves for finally getting freedom, he knew you'd be lying.
“I lied okay. I am sad. Super sad.” You and suddenly mumble out incoherent words as you let lose your tears tonight
Baekhyun just keeps quiet and listens to you. You try to stop, but the tears fall faster when you see his eyes still staring at you with love.
“It’s so long Baekhyun. What will I do without you?” you play with your fingers on his tee shirt as you watch him from your blurry vision.
Baekhyun takes the tissue box next to the bed and gives you a piece. His thumbs come up to wipe your tears and you try to calm yourself down.
Your chest rises faster and Baekhyun knows better that you need to stop sobbing now before you have harder times breathing.
“Easy love,” he gently holds your hand and instructs you how to breathe
“thank you" you mumble after blowing your nose and taking deeper breath.
“Done with the crying?” he carefully asks you when you're calming down.
You grin and nod shyly “Sorry. It’s our last night together why am I crying… we should be making the most out of it.” You give yourself a smack in the head and Baekhyun winces instead.
“Stop that. Later when I am away who will rub your head if you hit it too hard?” he scolds you like a mother while rubbing the red part with his soft hand.
“What will I do without you? I am so sad Baek.” You finally let go your real emotions. For long you were denying it. Saying to yourself that you'll be okay. Time would fly and Baekhyun would be in your hands once again, but come to think of it… his enlistment is not over in a short time!
Baekhyun pulls you to rest your head on his chest and his hand secures yours. “Love, you will be waiting for me and you won’t realize I'll be back suddenly! You’re going to be doing what you're doing right now. Your life will go on, you wake up, go to work , come home and enjoy some time then sleep.”
You pout “And none of that has you In it.”
Baekhyun hums “I will send you mails, when we get to use a call-"
“Call your parents first! They will miss you too!” you cut him off and Baekhyun giggles “Okay okay, I will call mom and dad.. and then you.”
You nod “Yes, you should still be a nice son Baekhyun. Write to your members too!” your nagging side is already back
“Every night I will be here with you, in your dreams!” he taps your forehead and you can’t hold back a smile.
“If you miss me, whisper my name to the night and the stars and moon will deliver it to me!” he pushes a strand of hair away from you and his thumb wipes a tear that escapes your eyes.
Your lips tremble and your eyes go wet again but Baekhyun quickly stops that by pulling you into a deep kiss.
When it is too hard to use words, sometimes a kiss can explain it better than anything else. Like right now, you can melt into his lips as he pulls you tighter in his embrace. His soft plush lips drive you crazy and after a while, your fingers tap his neck and he pulls back.
With heaving chest and red lips both of you stare into each other's eyes and exchange a deep voiceless conversation. Those moment where a deep eye contact can speak everything.
“I love you Baek,” you whisper and Baekhyun takes your palm up to his lips and presses a soft kiss on your knuckles “I love you too (y/n). Please wait for me, I'll come back safe and I'll bring you a ring.”
Your eyes sparkle and you clasp your mouth “You'll propose to me?”
You were already acting as if he already pulls out the ring when he hasn’t.
Baekhyun nods surely “I don’t have a ring right now, but can you please trust me and wait for me? I will come back to you, love with a ring! We will get married and you'll be the sweet pretty caring mrs byun that everyone is jealous of!” his body turns to face the ceiling and you copy him.
His hand makes big gestures as he rambles on moving into a house for only both of you, having a big garden, a baby room and ooh! He wants a brave son and a kind daughter.
Your eyes tear with proud and emotion once again. “We will start our own Byun family! A mini (y/n) and a small Baekhyun! Together we'll be the perfect dream family. We will make the other members jealous.”
You scoff at his competitiveness and nod along “Okay okay, just remember this okay! I will hold on to your promise.” You shake your intertwined pinky and Baekhyun quickly grabs the polaroid he has ready on the drawer.
He quickly brings your intertwined pinky promise and with the fairy lights and the memory wall as a background, Baekhyun snaps the new promise.
The print comes out and he shakes the frame to develop. You're still surprised at his sudden action and when the frame is developed, he hands it to you.
“Here, put it on the wall. It’s my promise on the last night before my enlistment. That I will come back to you and we will get married and start our own family.” He kisses you quick and you look at the picture with love.
“And I will wait for you Baekhyun.” You put the picture aside and turn the lights off.
With only the fairy lights illuminating the room, you cuddle closer to Baekhyun and place your leg on his leg.
“So, for the last night… do you want to do something we can remember too?” you wink and Baekhyun has you under him the next second.
It was a great way to end the night. Both of you sleep well and with Baekhyun holding you tight, you did not realize he has to go when the alarm wakes you up early.
“Oh you're ready.” You stretch on your bed and see Baekhyun already leaving the hot shower with his bath robe on.
You quickly get up and prepare him breakfast. He sits on the stool while watching you prepare his favorite breakfast for the last time and Baekhyun snaps a picture of you and secretly keeps the printed frame in his pocket.
“Ooh my favorite breakfast!” he whistles when you put the plate in front of him and take a seat across him.
“You should get whatever you love!” you pour him his coffee and both of you start eating breakfast.
“What time will manager hyung pick you up?” you ask him after both of you clean the plates and move it to the dish washer.
Baekhyun glances to his watch “An hour?”
You nod “I'll shower and you do your last check. Make sure you don’t miss anything.” You kiss his cheek before disappearing to get ready.
Yes you will send him off til the camp.
The next thing you know, Baekhyun already stands in the room in his uniform. He looks manly and mature. You wipe a tear and put on the beaming proud smile of seeing your man going to be a real man after this.
You'll be sending him to the military. The man coming back later, won’t be the same. He won’t be the same Baekhyun before the camp. Whatever man he is, you know he'll be a better version of himself and you'll love him more.
“One… two… three..” you snap the picture of Baekhyun posing In his uniform and you place it next to the picture where he poses with you.
“We should keep all of this and show this to our children one day!” Baekhyun comments on the pictures you took with the polaroid and you nod.
“Okay solider, let's go!” you open the door for him and walk together with him to the black van.
With manager hyung's careful drive and tinted window, both of you get to spend the last time together. There were not many words exchange. Just Baekhyun holding on to your hand for the whole ride. His thumb has been caressing your hand and you know he's nervous but trying not to be.
So, you pick up the camera and for the last time ask Baekhyun to see the lense and take one last pic with him
You let it develop and when it's done, you smack your red lips on the frame and test if it smudges.
“Woah! Neat!” he smirks when you hand him the nice kissed frame of the fresh polaroid.
You put it on his chest pocket “Keep it there! I'll be with you too!”
Baekhyun chuckles and kisses your forehead “I'll miss you and I love you! Stay safe love.”
You nod “I'll wait for you..miss you and love you even more every day! You too take care.” You press his cheek one last time and Baekhyun smiles.
“Just like Suho hyung said, if the wait is enjoyable, it's love.” Baekhyun reminds you that as he kisses your knuckle one more time
You nod “I will! Let's prove the world we can get through this. Take care love.” You kiss him one more time and finally wave yourself goodbye as Baekhyun exits from the van and greets the cameras that are all pointed at him.
He takes a quick turn to face you and still wave to you one more time with a flying kiss and heart and with that you wave back send him a heart and kiss and the door closes and your van has to leave.
You watch your man from the window one last time and take a deep breath as the car drives away and you know you'll have to take a good care of yourself so when the time ends, the wait will be worth it.
Aeris please take care of yourself! Remember if we enjoy the wait, it's love!
Soldier Baekhyun, please serve well and come back safe!
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writers-buck · 3 years
A Family Life
a/n; I hope you enjoy!
word count: 4.1k
relationship: Bucky Barnes x female reader, dad! Bucky x OC child
warnings: fluff, minor angst, mentions of pregnancy. 
Bucky entered the home quietly, after so many years of being an assassin for Hydra and now an Avenger operating quietly came naturally these days. Without even looking he shut the door barely hearing the soft "click" of the doorknob latching into place. He listened closely, trying to determine what room you were in and a grin appeared on his face when he heard you humming. He dropped his duffel bag from when he had to stay at the compound for a mission by the door and made his way through the house. The light was on in the bedroom and Bucky walked in to find you rocking your daughter against your chest.
He stood in the frame watching you for a minute. There was no particular name to what you were humming but it was a familiar melody the two of you would hum back in Bucharest after a hard day to calm the other down. That was before Steve found you and Bucky and life as you knew it began to fall apart.
Things were better now, you had house in the middle of nowhere. Steve had it set up for you, mentioning something about "the Barton's" lifestyle. Records of your connection to Bucky or your daughter were not in any SHIELD databases. Steve was the only one who knew of your existence and where you resided. That's exactly how you wanted it. Being any closer to the Avenging life than you already were was not for you. You preferred the quiet, no where near the spotlight, and no giant target on your back.
Your daughter was about a year and a half old. She was a tiny thing when she was born. Part of Bucky didn't know how something so small and innocent had come from him. Regardless little Hanna was a carbon copy of her father. With a dark head of hair that was usually pulled into small ponytail that stuck straight up with a bow, and piercing blue eyes she was the light of his life, other than you of course. Bucky enjoyed watching the two of you have alone time, bonding between mother and daughter. The moment was over when Hanna picked up her head from your shoulder and looked towards the doorway, making some kind of incoherent noise that sounded like "Da" and pointing.
You turned around seeing your husband, looking a bit worse for wear standing in the doorway watching the two of you rock back and forth. Relief fell upon your features as you quickly crossed the room to hug him tightly. He was still in his uniform, suggesting that he came straight from the mission to see you. He typically did that, not wanting to waste anytime between finally being clear of the danger and seeing you at home safe with your daughter.
"Bucky." You spoke holding him at arms length, checking him over for any injuries the team might have missed.
"Y/n." He whispered as Hanna reached out for her father. He gently took her from your arms kissing her forehead softly "hello babydoll."
Hanna giggled and tangled her fingers into Bucky's hair pulling gently. She was excited to see her father. Missions were rough on all of you, Hanna didn't necessarily know why her father left every once and a while for a couple days. You were constantly worried about Bucky and Bucky was just trying to make it back home to you where he belongs. She placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek and Bucky smiled. He missed this, even if he wasn't gone for long he waited being away from the two of you.
"I'll get her in bed, you go wash up." You spoke framing his face with your hand. "Then we'll talk."
He took his metal hand and placed it over yours, giving your palm a soft kiss, and embracing your touch. Afterwards he gave Hanna one last kiss on the forehead and handed her back to you. "Goodnight babydoll."
You watched as his shoulders slumped and he walked to the bathroom that connected to the master bedroom. That was something you had decided early on in her life. No talking about work in front of her. She didn't need to listen to the things her father went through. You thought back to when Steve had found your shared apartment in Bucharest when she was just a couple months old. He had to fight his way out, leaving the two of you behind. You told him to, knowing the danger he was in. To anyone else you and Hanna were civilians, but one look at Bucky's conflicted face and Steve knew that his best pal in the world had found his own family. That moment had terrified you, especially when you heard Bucky had been arrested. You were sure you had been left alone with a 3 month old daughter until Steve found you afterwards, saying Bucky had a breakdown and needed you.
You walked Hanna into her bedroom and laid her inside her crib, letting her hold onto your fingers for a minute as you smoothed her hair out of her face, and gave her baby blanket to her. Hanna took it and giggled a little bit, something she was doing more often lately. You watched her for a moment more before turning on her nightlight and baby monitor and exiting the room, turning off the lights. The shower had just turned off and you heard Bucky step out of the shower. You approached then bathroom door, hesitating for a moment before walking in. He had a white towel draped around his waist and was unsuccessfully towel drying his hair. You laughed taking the towel from him and drying his hair for him. He hung his head down, giving you easy access to his hair. It was now that you got a good look at his body and assessed his injuries. You lightly touched his chest where a big purple bruise was extremely visible.
"Buck-" You spoke looking deeply into his bright blue eyes.
"You should see the other guy." He spoke trying to seem light hearted and you scoffed grabbing his face again.
"Are you okay?" You asked gently stroking his cheek.
"I am now that I'm home." he told you truthfully. "I took a couple hits doll, but I'm here, I'm safe, and I have both of my girls."
You blushed lightly and tried to hide your smile unsuccessfully. He tilted your head up to his and pressed a gentle kiss onto your lips. When the kiss broke, you kept your forehead on his almost like letting him know you weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Hanna is getting really close to walking." You told him and he smiled widely. "I guess I was worried about nothing."
"That's my girl, she's strong." He said his smile never leaving his face. "I'm gonna get changed, how about we watch a movie before bed?"
"I'll set something up." You told him and exited the bathroom placing the towel you had used on his hair into the laundry basket. You had done a hell of a job of getting him caught up on pop culture over the years of your relationship. You picked up the remote to the TV in your bedroom and turned it on, flipping through the channels and looking for something to watch. Before you even had the chance, Hanna's cries from the baby monitor rang through the room and you set down the remote rushing to see what the fuss was about. Hanna typically was a quiet baby, especially when it was time for her to go to bed so this was strange.
Walking into her room you could see she had pulled herself up into a standing position on her crib and was crying, tears streaming down her face.
"What's wrong Han?" You spoke softly, picking the girl up.
"Dada" She cried and you rocked her gently.
"Is she okay?" Bucky asked alarmed. No matter what, hearing her cry always seemed to freak him out.
"I think she just wants her daddy." You mumble giving her a sad look as she reaches out to Bucky who takes her gently.  A loud noise sounds from outside and Hanna begins to cry harder. "What was that?"
"No idea." Bucky states already on high alert, he scans the area of Hanna's room seeing bright light coming from the outside of your home.
"What the hell?" You ask beginning to walk towards a window only for him to grab your hand pulling you back.
"Stay away from the windows." You could see the gears in his brain working. At the moment he was in Avenger mode, processing skills going a million miles a minute trying to figure out what was going on. He handed you your daughter and guided you back to the master bedroom, that was when a knock at the door sounded. You lived in the middle of no where, nobody should be knocking at your door especially in the middle of the night. He grabbed the handgun you knew he kept in his nightstand and went to investigate. "Stay here."
"Be careful." You told him grabbing his hand in letting his fingers slip through your own. He looked back at you and nodded, a strand of hair framing his face. You placed Hanna's head down on your shoulder rocking her back and forth to calm her down. Time seemed to pass eternally slow the minute he left. You sat in a rocking chair that was placed in the corner of your room, thoughts racing and heart beating a million miles a minute. A couple minutes seemed to pass until you heard Bucky's voice let out an exasperated sigh.
"Dammit Steve." He spoke and you loosened up a bit. "The hell are you guys doing here man?"
You hear multiple footsteps enter your home and slowly walk out of the master bedroom, Hanna attached to your hip. Her cries have turned silent but tears are still rolling down her face gently as she sucks on her fingers. Bucky turns around as he hears the quiet sniffling coming from Hanna and your eyes widen when you see the entirety of the Avengers standing awkwardly in your living room.
"We didn't have anywhere else to go." Steve told him. "Sorry for intruding Y/N. I know it's short notice."
"More like no notice." Bucky grumbled walking to your side and taking Hanna who had reached a small hand out to her dad. The daddy's girl seemed to not be getting as much attention from Bucky as she wanted.
"It's no problem," You spoke fiddling with your now free hands. "You know you're always welcome."
"Hold on, Barnes has a girlfriend? and a kid? And you knew?" The man you presume to be Tony Stark asks Steve.
"Wife actually." You told him. "Why exactly are you here though?"
"The compounds been compromised Y/n." Steve told him. "You know I'd never come here without it being an emergency. We would've called but we didn't want to risk having your phone being tracked. The quinjet has stealth mode, that's the only reason we weren't followed."
You took this time to take in their appearance. They truly looked worse for wear. Every word of what Steve said seemed to be true. Natasha had an arm thrown around Steve's shoulder and looked like she was about to pass out at any minute. Clint looked like he saw something out of his worst fears. Thor and Tony both had scratches all over them, some deeper than other and Steve was covered in rubble, his usually perfect hair sticking out in odd directions.
"That would explain why Hanna woke up." You muttered looking at your daughter who had fallen asleep on your husband's shoulder. "We have a couple rooms, you'll have to double up, and someone get's the couch, and there's a recliner in Hanna's room. She can sleep with in ours."
"Thank you lady Barnes." The tall blond Asgardian said graciously.
"Of course. We can talk more in the morning." You told them, grabbing ahold of Bucky's metal hand. "You guys look like you need to get cleaned up and some rest."
With that you exited the room, and entered your own, setting up a spare crib you had for Hanna. It was from when she was really young and required a lot more maintenance during the night than she did now. Still, it would get the job done for however long the Avengers were staying in your home. The thought was crazy, the avengers were residing in your home for who knows how long.
You heard the door shut behind you and turned to see Bucky with a sleeping Hanna. The duo looked adorable together and regardless of how stressed your husband was, him having Hanna in his arms always made him relax. For the longest time he thought he would accidentally hurt her with his metal arm, you of course knew he never would and helped him remove that fear from his mind.
"She's out like a light." He spoke beginning to place her in her crib only for her to begin to stir again and have him pause his actions.
"She missed you." You told him placing your chin on the shoulder that Hanna wasn't asleep on and looking up at him. "We both did."
"I know." He spoke, feeling guilty for being gone for so long. Part of him wanted to quit the hero life and live his life in your home quietly, watching Hanna grow up and the future children you planned on having. The other part of him felt like Avenging was the only way for him to make up for the horrors that he committed as the Winter Soldier. "I'm sorry Steve brought them here."
"Don't apologize Buck." You told him wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing him softly. "It was only a matter of time. Besides, Steve looked terrified I'm sure he has good reason."
"I suppose you're right." He spoke suppressing a yawn trying to escape. "Why don't we get in bed. It's been a long week and I've missed you both."
You couldn't argue with that and settled down in bed with Bucky doing the same. He had Hanna on his chest and you heard her whimper the slightest bit to being jostled around but she quieted down once Bucky began rubbing her back.
"You're an amazing father, you know?" You whispered watching how gentle he was with your daughter. "She adores you more than anyone."
"You two are my world." He tells you and you work your way into his side, cuddling close and stealing all of his warmth. "You got me out of a dark place, I don't know what I would do without you."
"I love you more than life James." You tell him pressing a kiss on his chest. "You gave me our daughter, and we might have 6 avengers sleeping under our roof right now but I wouldn't change our lives for the world."
"Neither would I." He laughs quietly as to not wake up Hanna. "Even if my best pal is a punk."
"He sure is." You laughed with him. "Now get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow, you get to deal with the Avengers and I get to help miss Hanna  walk."
"I think you might've gotten the short end of the stick." Bucky says sarcastically and you nudge him gently.
"Avenging is your thing. Being her mom is mine."
"Yeah I know doll, and you're damn good at it."
The next morning you awake before Bucky, Hanna is fast asleep on his bare chest and you can't help but snap a photo of the two of them laying so peacefully together. You smile to yourself and reluctantly pull yourself out of bed, doing your absolute best not to wake the father daughter duo. Sneaking out into the kitchen you pull out pancake mix figuring that would be something easy to make considering the amount of people currently in your household. Around half an hour later you look back to see Bucky coming out with a bright eyed Hanna on his hip.
"Well good morning princess!" You cooed, tickling her sides making her giggle softly.
"I sure hope you weren't talking to Barnes." Tony Stark said appearing from the bedroom, looking much cleaner than he had yesterday.
"Very funny." Bucky grumbled and you kissed his cheek.
"Cheer up Buck." You scolded and Hanna copied your actions putting a slobbery kiss on her fathers chin.
"Why thank you sweet girl." He told her, eyes wide with amazement and his mood having done a complete 180. Hanna always had that affect on him, no matter what was going on in that mind of his, Hanna could make it better. You took her from his arms and strapped her into her highchair that sat right beside the dining room table.
"Breakfast is on the counter if you'd like some, help yourself." You told the Avengers that were staggering into your kitchen. Pulling a chair to sit in front of Hanna you began to cut up some pancakes into tiny pieces, you'd feed yourself with whatever Hanna didn't eat.  You placed some on her plate and watched with a small smile as she held a piece out for you.
"Mama bite." She said choppily, and you took the food from her tiny fist with your mouth, thanking yourself for not giving her syrup. Steve walked into the room and Hanna's eyes lit up at her (second) favorite avenger. "Unca!"
You looked at Bucky and Steve who both had equally shocked expressions. Steve looked extremely exhausted from the past couple days and whatever he was dealing with but Hanna's newfound word seemed to put a smile on his face. "Your vocabulary is getting so big little miss!"
"She's got about a whole 20 words now." You spoke laughing as she shoveled more pancakes into her mouth.
"Sorry to interrupt the moment but we should talk about last night." Natasha said leaning against the wall. "How was the compound compromised?"
"I'm assuming Hydra isn't as gone as we thought." Steve began to speak.
"Steven Grant, you know the rules no business in front of her." You interrupted giving him a glare, he sheepishly looked down and apologized with Bucky giving him an amused smirk. Hanna was done with her breakfast, so you picked her up and took her to the bathroom. "Leave your dishes in the sink, I'll get them later."
"I like her." Natasha said nodding towards Bucky.
Bucky walked into Hanna's room about an hour later where you were reading to her and she was pointing at the pretty colors. There was a grim expression on his face and he tried to hide for a moment but failed miserably. You put Hanna on the ground, handing her a toy to distract herself with and stood up to grab Bucky's hands.
"You have to go don't you." You spoke, both you and Bucky's eyes began to tear up. He only nodded and pulled you into a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry doll." He whispered placing his forehead on yours. You swallowed your throat, Bucky leaving was never easy but the fact that the Avengers got their asses kicked and had to come to your home as a safety net? That made it harder. You didn't know if he would come back.
"You come home to us okay?" You told him authoritatively, holding back tears. "You come home and tuck your daughter in for bedtime, to kiss me goodnight, and to tell us you love us okay?"
"I will doll." He told you leaving was never easy, but the fact that HYDRA was involved this time? The main reason Bucky was plagued with nightmares and considered himself the villain of his own story? That scared the hell out of you. You couldn't bare them taking him away from you, from your daughter. You kissed him deeply, his hands grabbing onto your waist like a lifeline and when he let go he picked up Hanna and held her close. "Hey babydoll"
His words were gentle, and you heard him promise her he would come home, and if he didn't that he'd always be in her heart. That she was his greatest accomplishment. Of course Hanna didn't understand a word he was saying but it made Bucky feel so much better about himself that he had to before every mission. With that he grabbed you by the waist again, enveloping the two of you in a tight hug. "I'll come back to my girls, and I'll do my best to keep you updated."
"I know you will." You told him. "I love you James."
"I love you most." He told you. You heard a knock on the door frame and let go of Bucky's embrace to see Steve in full uniform.
"Hey, we've got to head out." He said sadly interrupting the moment. "I'm sorry."
"Just make sure he comes home okay?" You told Steve.
"Anything for my pal's best girls." Steve promised.
"I'll see you later doll." Bucky said giving your hand one last squeeze before walking out of the door. You waited until the house was eerily quiet to let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding.
It had been nearly a week since you had last heard from Bucky, a month since you had last seen him. You were worried, you always were when he went on missions. This one seemed to take longer than usual and it didn't help ease you're conscious at all. Since then you tried to keep yourself occupied. The house had never been cleaner, Hanna was pulling herself up and trying to walk along things such as the coffee table and even your bed frame once. As sad as it was, she wasn't let out of your sight much and you had her sleep with you most nights. Just to have some kind of company.
You were in the middle of doing dishes while Hanna sat in her highchair eating banana's. That's when you heard her squeal with excitement. Curious, you turned around dropping the plastic cup in your hand when you saw Bucky standing there. He had stitches in his forehead and a black eye and looked worse for wear but he has home.
"Buck." You whispered forgetting about the dishes completely and immediately running towards him. He caught you in his arms with an 'mph' and held you closer than ever before. Tears were streaming down your face as you hugged him. "It's been so long."
"Hi doll." He said refusing to let you go. "I missed you both so much."
"Daddy hug!" Hanna yelled at Bucky and he chuckled.
"I can't forget my sweet girl now can I?" He said picking her up gently and pulling her into a tight hug. She squeezed him as tight as her little arms could handle and you could hear her blow a raspberry into his neck. You laughed quietly wiping away your tears as he pulled you into his embrace once more.
"What happened to you out there?" You asked that night after putting Hanna to sleep in her crib.
"Hydra's done for." He told you playing with your fingers. "And I'm done working in the field."
"What?" You asked sitting up on your elbow and looking directly into his eyes. "No more missions?"
"No more missions doll." He told you. "I'll maybe work behind the scenes but it's time I leave Avenging behind. I want to be here with you, and Hanna and grow our family."
"I'm glad you say that" You spoke biting your lip. "because two kids would be a handful with you in the field."
"What?" He said sitting straight up.
"Another baby Barnes, coming to a cradle near you." You spoke. "Surprise."
"Really?" He asked, his eyes were wide like saucers and he sounded like a little kid with how excited he was.
"Really." You told him.
"God, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me Y/n, I swear it." He whispered kissing you softly and placing his hand on your stomach gently.
"I love you more than life Buck. I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't found you."
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Miles Morales’ Older Sibling
Miles Morales x sibling!reader
a/n: sorry if the spanish text is wrong i was using google translate 😌 these hcs were a lot better in my head 😪 i might redo these again later
prompt: y/n is miles’ older sibling
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as your brother’s older sibling, you were sort of his protector and keeper
especially since your mother and father worked some demanding jobs (bonus if y/n wants to be a firefighter??)
“miles, do your laundry”
“miles, take out the trash”
“miles, go to bed”
he was exhausted by you
but it wasn’t all chores and instructions, the two of you were close (as close as siblings could be)
“y/n, wanna throw up some of my stickers before dad gets home?”
“we should make it a game”
“how so?”
“whoever gets more up before time runs out wins?”
“you’re on”
you guys were known to get competitive at times
you usually won, but sometimes you’d let him win
especially when you were younger
“mamá, ¡y/n me ganó en wii otra vez!” (mom, y/n beat me on wii again!)
“solo tienes que practicar mas, mi amor” (you just have to practice more, my love)
miles grew up admiring you a lot
and you were really proud of him
even though you did have your quarrels as siblings
“it’s my turn to use the remote!”
“oldest gets first dibs!”
helping him out with his homework (when he needed it, of course)
soon enough that kid didn’t need it any more
miles hung out with uncle aaron a whole lot
which got in the way of your plans sometimes :/
“see you later, y/n, going to uncle aaron’s tonight! te amo!”
“te amo!”
he has a tendency to ignore mama and dad, but he always checked in with you
“you hear from miles recently, y/n?”
“yeah, he’s...out”
you didn’t like to snitch on him
“alright, ask if he’s going to be home for dinner”
young miles and you shared a room back in the day, meaning when he was scared/upset, he’d be in your bed
and he shifted a lot in his sleep, so you’d wake up to his feet in your face half the time
walking miles to school
sometimes he’d beg you to so that he didn’t have to get into your dad’s cop car
things started to change once he got into visions academy
obviously, he hated it, but you kept having to encourage him
“miles, you got an amazing opportunity, dont waste it”
“you wouldn’t understand, y/n, it sucks over there”
“you can call me anytime, hermanito, i’ll see you on friday”
friday night was family night
you’d catch up on each other’s weeks and just have a good time together
miles and you listened to music together, you were much better at remembering the words than he was
“come on miles, it’s not that hard! it’s ‘she was a bad bad, nevertheless’”
he still would miss the lyric and mumble it instead
and then he disappeared for a few days
just...no contact
it was unusual
you called and texted him over and over
“miles? yeah, it’s y/n. just checking in, havent heard from you in a while. is everything alright? call me back”
y/n😎: hey, hermanito, can you text me back? mama and dad are getting kind of worried..?
uncle aaron died and you didn’t know how to break it to him, your dad insisted he should be the one to tel your brother
things got crazy in brooklyn and it just worried you more and more
“i’m sure he’s okay, querid(o/a), he’s just at that age”
“i know, mama, i just wish he’d talk to me”
and then you got a phonecall from him
“miles?! hey, what’s going on? why haven’t you been answering me?”
“sorry, y/n. life got a little crazy. are you mad?”
“i might be”
miles didn’t keep his secret for long, though
the first chance he got to tell you about spider-man, he did
“okay, so you know how there’s a new spider-man right?”
“what are your thoughts?”
“uh...he’s cool, i guess?”
“okay, well im about to blow your mind”
he jumped on the ceiling and you almost fainted
“shhh, dont tell mama and dad”
“dude, that’s crazy! how did this happen?”
“i’m just that cool”
“yeah, right!”
after the news, you did get worried about him a lot, but you found comfort in seeing him swing above the crowds every once in a while
you did trust that he’d be able to take care of himself, though
well, spider-man could take care of himself
miles still needed some of your expert guidance
but he was growing up 🥺
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falcqns · 3 years
partner in crime ll
pairing: August Walker x OFC (Maeve)
summary: August and Maeve get acquainted.
warnings: fluff! dad!august.
a/n: this will eventually be a august x reader story, but that won't happen for a few more chapters, sorry! hope you enjoy! I also would like to say I hated writing him building her crib bc it brought back memories of me trying to assemble Lavenders while in labor bc im a dumb ass and left it to her due date LMAO.
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August was in way over his head.
he'd been trying for the better part of an hour to get Maeve down for a nap so he could put her crib together. he had tried a bottle, and a pacifier, but nothing was working. he refused to call Anais, he had just gotten the little girl, and he didn't want to lose her.
he may not be the best thing for her, but he was all she had left, and he was determined to do better than his mother at this single parent thing.
it startled him slightly just how similar his life and Maeve's were. both were either raised or being raised by a single parent, and both had a dead parent. for him it was his father, for her it was her mother.
that thought worried him. who would she go to when she got her first period? when she had boy trouble? when she needed someone who wasn't him for something he couldn't help with? is he limiting her possibilities by just being raised by him?
he didn't have any brothers or sisters. his parents were older when they had him; late 40's, and his fathers parents were dead as well, and his mom stopped talking to her family when she was 18. he never knew why, but based on the way she treated him, he could only guess it was abuse.
he didn't want that for Maeve. he wanted her to grow up happy and healthy, the way he was before his father was killed.
he glanced back down at the little girl who wouldn't settle, and had absolutely no idea what to do. he laid her on his bed, and that's when he noticed her shorts were sagging slightly, and he finally clued in to the issue.
he walked over to the bag that Anais had brought, and headed back to the bedroom. he dropped it as he walked in when he saw Maeve about to fall off the bed face first. he caught her in time, and was about to scold her, when he realized he was at fault.
that's right. he thought. can't leave babies alone.
he sighed, and laid her back on the bed, before opening up her bag.
he was shocked at what he found. she only had one other outfit, and those were pyjamas. she had 3 diapers, a small package of wipes, and one stuffed animal.
August still didn't fully know what she needed, but he knew she needed more than just one stuffed animal.
he took her shorts off, and his mind blanked. he had absolutely no idea how to change a diaper.
he grabbed his phone and made a quick google search of 'how to change a diaper'
he clicked on the first link he found, and followed the instructions carefully.
Unfasten the diaper tabs.
August grasped the diaper tabes, and pulled them away from the diaper. the diaper came undone, and he looked back at his phone.
Slide the diaper away.
He slid the diaper away, wrapped it up as best as he could, and placed it onto the ground next to him, so Maeve couldn't reach it. something inside of him told him that the dirty diaper was something she shouldn't touch.
he glanced up at her, and saw she was watching him intently, as she sucked on her pacifier. she wasn't crying, so he must be doing it right.
Wipe the baby clean.
he used one of the very few wipes to clean her up, before tossing that on top of the dirty diaper next to him.
Slide a clean diaper under your baby's bottom.
he grabbed one of the three diapers from the bag, making a mental note to order more diapers once she was asleep. he may not know much, but he knew that two diapers wouldn't last the rest of the afternoon and the night.
Close the new diaper.
he pulled the tabs away from where they were, and pulled them around to the front, mimicking the way he found the diaper in the first place.
he placed her shorts back on, and stood up. he lifted her up, and carried her into the living room, where he sat her on the ground in front of the tv.
"stay." he told her, and walked back into the bedroom to dispose of the diaper.
his heart dropped into his stomach when he walked back, however. Maeve wasn't where he left her. he thought if she was on the floor, she'd have less of a chance of getting hurt when he wasn't right there.
he glanced around the open concept area of his apartment, and saw a burgundy bum disappear around the corner, towards the laundry room.
he raced after her, and scooped her up just before she entered the room.
"lets not go in there, its not safe." he said, sternly, but immediately knew it was the wrong decision when she burst into tears.
"shit." he said. he turned her around, and held her the way he'd seen Anais hold her earlier. "its okay. i'm sorry."
she settled down slightly after his apology, and laid her head on his shoulder. he saw her eyes flutter closed, and made his way back through his apartment to the bedroom. he shut the door softly, attempting not to wake her, and placed her now sleeping body on his bed.
he'd done some research last night, and knew he should move the pillows from around her. she was only 7 months, and he knew she was still in the SIDS risk category. he didn't want to risk it, so he moved the pillows and placed them around her as a makeshift crib. he turned around, and faced the actual crib, which was only half assembled.
he sighed and got to work.
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Maeve stayed asleep for a few hours, which according to her file, was normal for her.
he headed into the kitchen, and looked at the box that held her highchair. it was almost 3 pm, so she'd most likely be hungry by the time she awoke.
August found that the highchair was much easier to assemble. it took him only 15 minutes rather than a few hours.
next, he scoured his cabinets for something suitable for her to eat while he ordered dinner.
he rarely bought groceries any more, since he was barely home due to missions, which was something he needed to talk to Sloane about. would she still let him on missions? would he be stuck on desk duty? who would watch Maeve? if he did find someone to watch her, would they be suitable to his taste for watching her?
he shook those questions out of his head briefly, and found Cheerios.
he loved Cheerios, and hoped that Maeve would too. her file said that she could eat most foods, and decided to order Chinese food for dinner. wasn't the healthiest for her, but it would do. he also ordered a few more things for Maeve, such as diapers, baby food and snacks, and few toys. he didn't know if she had other toys when she was living with her mother, but she needed some.
while he waited for her to wake up, and the food and baby items to arrive, he looked up some toys that he could get for her. he thought about what he played with, but the memory was fuzzy, and he didn't think Legos were suitable for a 7 month old.
he ended up buying a Children's Factory 5 Piece Ball Pit, a Melissa and Doug play kitchen, an iPad, a few Barbies, big Lego blocks, a few books and puzzles. he knew it wouldn't be everything he needed, but it was a start. he glanced around the apartment, and decided to start looking for a bigger one.
the one he lived in, while small, was rather expensive. it was only. one bedroom, but had a full laundry, two full bathrooms, a large terrace, and even an outdoor entertaining area upstairs. he knew Maeve would need a playroom, and a bedroom, and he'd need an office so he could keep Maeve and work separate.
he was about to look at apartments when he heard Maeve crying, he little sobs tugging on his heart strings already.
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dinner time went rather well, August thought. he gave her small cut up bits of everything, and the only thing she didn't like was the fortune cookie. she ate up all the noodles, and the lemon chicken, as well as the Cheerios.
he decided to skip bath time for today, he was way to nervous to handle a wet slippery baby by himself right now.
he put a sheet on her mattress, and laid her down with her stuffy, and her pacifier, and she drifted off to sleep rather easily.
August laid in his bed and watched his daughters chest move up and down while she slept.
that wasn't too bad, he thought to himself.
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howtosingit · 3 years
Fic: when the world’s on fire, all i need is you
Concerned about his lack of culinary experience, Carlos teaches TK how to make fajitas.
A missing moment from 1x06.
1.7K | Also on AO3
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Carlos stands in front of his refrigerator, staring inside and having no idea what he wants to make for dinner. 
He’s glad to have the night off at home, but ever since TK texted him to unexpectedly cancel their evening plans, he’s been wandering aimlessly around his apartment, trying to find things to keep himself busy. Unfortunately, he only has so much dirty laundry, and living alone means that his place is already pretty clean.
It’s not that he feels like he has nothing to do without TK around, it’s just that… Well, they’ve been spending a lot of time together - as friends - and he looks forward to the few nights that the both have off work. Tonight, they had planned a whole cooking lesson, with Carlos showing TK how to make chicken fajitas. Ever since he found out about TK’s limited culinary experience, Carlos has taken it upon himself to ensure that the man knows how to at least cook a few easy recipes for himself. They’ve spent many nights in his kitchen, music playing low as they circle around one another, making dinner together.
He’s not upset that TK cancelled on him; from his texts, he gathers that something came up with his dad at work. Carlos had offered any help that his friend might need, or at the very least his presence, but TK hadn’t responded to his messages. He’s trying not to worry too much; last he’d heard, Captain Strand’s treatments had been going as well as they could expect. In the past few weeks, TK has even seemed a little lighter, like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders, if only a bit. 
With a sigh, Carlos reaches into his fridge to grab the chicken and peppers, deciding that he might as well have the dinner that he’d planned, even if he’ll be having it alone. He turns on some music, prepping his work station, and has just started to slice the chicken into strips when there’s a knock at his door.
He looks up, wondering who in the world could be here to see him. A glance down at his phone shows no missed calls or messages, and everyone that might visit typically lets him know when they’re coming over. He puts down his knife, quickly washing his hands at the sink before moving towards the door and pulling it open.
“Hey,” TK says, standing on his front step with his hands hidden in the front pocket of his hoodie.
“TK,” Carlos says, his surprise clear in his tone. “Hey.”
“Sorry I’m late,” the other man apologizes, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, “but I was hoping dinner might still be on the table?”
Carlos scans his face, trying to get a read on what exactly TK might be thinking. Based on his texts, he wasn’t expecting to see him this evening, and he can’t tell if TK being here is good news or bad news. 
“I actually just started,” he finally responds, opening the door a little wider, “and I’d love an assistant.”
TK smiles, his face morphing into a grateful expression as he steps across the threshold and into the apartment. Carlos follows him over to the kitchen, wondering if he should ask about TK’s day, or if it’s better to wait until TK offers something. There’s soft music in the background, the only sound breaking the somewhat tense silence between them as TK washes his hands at the sink.
“So, MasterChef Reyes,” TK jokes, turning to face him, “where do you need me?”
Carlos stares at him for a moment, noticing how the other man is avoiding eye contact and fiddling with the sting of his hoodie. It’s clear that TK’s in need of a distraction, and he is more than happy to provide him with one.
“Okay,” Carlos nods, turning back to his workstation. “So, I’ve been cutting the chicken into strips, and then I’m going to cook them. While I do that, you can start cutting the peppers and onions.”
“Yes, sir,” TK teases, coming over to stand at his side and nudging him gently. Carlos briefly shows TK how he wants the vegetables cut, then goes back to his chicken. When he’s finished, he carries his cutting board over to the stove, turning on the heat and adding oil before tossing the chicken in and adding all of his spices and seasonings. 
His mind races with a possible conversation starter, anything that might pull them out of this awkward silence that exists between them, but following his quiet day at work, nothing really comes to mind. He’s just begun to hum along to the music under his breath, hoping that might fill some of the void left by their lack of conversation, when he hears the sound of forceful chopping behind him.
He turns to find TK huffing heavily over the cutting board, the knife in his hand a newfound weapon as he slices into the onion in front of him. Carlos watches him for a moment, taking in the tense set of his shoulders and the way his head is bowed over the counter, hiding his face from view. It’s only when his fear of a possible injury outweighs his desire to let TK destress in his own way that Carlos steps forward.
“Hey, hey, be careful,” he says calmly, his right hand coming up to grip TK’s weapon-wielding arm as his left arm circles around his waist to press against TK’s hip. “No one needs to lose a finger tonight,” he jokes quietly, guiding the knife down to the board, where TK finally releases it.
“You want to tell me whose face you were picturing on that cutting board?” Carlos hedges when TK doesn’t speak. Instead, the man presses his palms into the counter, his breathing heavy and his eyes wet - whether from the onion that he was just cutting or something else, Carlos can’t tell. 
“Fuck!” TK cries, pushing away from the counter and Carlos to pace on the other side of the island, near the table. He runs his hands through his hair, clearly agitated, as he turns and faces Carlos. “I’m so sorry, Carlos, I’m not trying to ruin your night, it’s just…”
He trails off, throwing his hands into the air. Carlos hasn’t seen him this frustrated since he cooked him dinner all of those months ago and then watched as TK stormed out of his apartment into the night.
He would give anything for that to not happen again.
“TK, it’s fine, you don’t have to apologize,” Carlos says gently, backing up to turn the heat down on the chicken before circling around to join TK on the other side of the counter. “Just, tell me what’s wrong. Let me help, I want to help.”
TK stares at him for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between Carlos’s own, almost like he’s weighing his ways forward. Then, with a nod, he steps closer, his shoulders dropping as he lets out a deep breath.
“My dad’s gonna lose his job,” TK says, his voice shaky.
Carlos’s eyes widen, and he instinctively reaches out to take TK’s hand, the other man gripping him tightly. “What?” he asks, sure he must’ve misheard.
“Judd introduced my dad to this fire captain buddy of his,” TK explains, an edge of anger in his voice now, “and my dad started spending time with him. He revealed all these things, including his cancer diagnosis. Turns out, the guy actually wants to take his job, so he turned him into the chief.”
“Shit,” Carlos breathes, his mind racing with all of this new information. 
“Yeah,” TK agrees, nodding as he clenches his jaw. “So now he’s got to take the CPAT in full gear or they’ll replace him.”
He pulls away again, letting out a frustrated groan. 
“Why is it that every single time I feel like I’m finally finding my footing in this place, something comes along to fuck it all up?” he cries, his voice thin as he drops down into a chair at the table. “Every time I start to get a really good look at things, to start to understand them, they shift and I’m just left trying to figure out where I am and what I’m supposed to do.”
“Hey,” Carlos says soothingly, coming up behind TK. Before he can think too hard about it, he bends over to give him a hug from behind, wrapping his arms around the firefighter’s shoulders as he presses their faces together. “It’s going to be okay, TK.”
“You don’t know that, Carlos,” TK says in defeat. He reaches up to run his palms along Carlos’s forearms, gripping his wrists tightly.
“Yeah, I guess I don’t,” Carlos admits, ducking his head to press his chin against TK’s shoulder. “But I do know that no matter how crazy things get, you are surrounded by an army of people who want to help you. So, be there for you dad. Do whatever you need to do to get him through this, but let others help you when you need it, okay?”
There’s a pause before TK turns to look at him, their faces close as their eyes lock. 
“Even you?”
Carlos sucks in a breath, a small smile pulling at his lips.
“All you have to do is ask, Ty. I’m right here, always.”
TK nods, his eyes shining as he presses their foreheads together. For Carlos, this moment seems completely outside of their normal friendly behavior, the lines blurring more and more as the seconds pass, but he can’t bring himself to pull away. He wants this, more than he’s ever wanted anything, so if TK’s willing to let him, he’s going to stay by his side for as long as he can.
The moment is finally broken by the sound of TK’s stomach rumbling, reminding them of the half-cooked dinner waiting for them in the kitchen. They both pull away, laughing softly. 
“C’mon,” Carlos says, holding out his hand. “Let’s make sure I haven’t burned the chicken.”
“I’ll forgive you if you have,” TK says, his tone light as he takes Carlos’s hand, rising from the chair. “Nobody’s perfect after all.”
Carlos laughs, shoving him away as he moves over to the stove. TK follows behind him, pressing up against his side to listen to his instructions, the small smile resting on his lips a far cry from his cloudy countenance when he first arrived.
The music plays on around them, keeping the roaring fire of their unexpected futures at bay for just a little longer.
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
I don't remember what the prompts were so I am picking a random one! Whiterose for Number 36
((Y’all mind if I uhhhh...project onto Ruby a little bit?
This got really long so I added a read more lol
You know what, heck it, this is it’s own AU now. Rosebloom AU!))
One accidentally runs into the other(s) while… 36. At a party
Ruby was not a party girl. She had never actually been to a party, but she didn’t need to to be sure of that. The idea of just milling about a crowded space while loud music played did not appeal to her at all, not to mention the potential sensory issues such an environment might cause (or definitely would cause). But she tried anyway, because she was in high school now, and high school kids party, right? And she desperately wanted to fit in at her new school and not be the same weirdo she had been in junior high. Yang had told her that she didn’t have to come if she didn’t want to, but Ruby insisted both to Yang and to herself that she could handle it.
Twenty minutes after arriving at the party, she was scrambling out the back door to escape the loud music and constant droning of conversation, finally starting to get overloaded despite her efforts to carry on. Inadvertently getting separated from Yang didn’t help matters as she stepped onto the back porch and held her fists to her forehead, clenching and unclenching her hands rapidly as she pressed the bases of her wrists against her eyes, focusing on the darkness and listening to the relative calm.
Once she began to calm down a bit, she sighed and sat down on the wicker chair on the back porch, her back to the wall. She took a deep breath, then let out a groan. “Damn it...”
“Are you okay?”
Ruby flinched, gripping the arm rests of her seat as she turned toward who had just spoken. “H-HUh?!”
The girl who had spoken stepped back, standing at the bottom on the steps to the porch. She had long white hair that seemed to shine despite the low light of the crescent moon and the light that escaped the windows behind Ruby, and her blue eyes seemed to take whatever light hit them and reflected it back twice as bright. She clutched a small light blue purse to her chest, making it easy to notice how the purse matched her sweater and pleated skirt. “Sorry for startling you,” the girl said, not looking directly at Ruby as she walked up the steps.
“It’s...fine,” Ruby said, relaxing a bit, letting her arms rest at her sides again as she watched the girl climb the stairs, noticing her black leggings and red hightops. “I thought it was just me back here.”
“So did I,” the girl admitted, now standing awkwardly by the front railing of the porch, facing Ruby. “I’m...not much for parties.”
Ruby chuckled, nodding as she looked away from Weiss, getting nervous being under her gaze. “Me neither.”
“Are your eyes okay?” She asked. “They look really red. I saw you rubbing them.”
“Huh?” Ruby asked, but then felt her face get hot and her heart leap into her throat. “That was...I just...I do that when I’m...” She shut herself up, knowing not to let herself stammer.
Weiss blinked at her, then nodded. “Just...nervous?”
Ruby nodded. “Yeah, nervous,” she agreed. Not exactly accurate, but not completely incorrect either. She let out a sigh after involuntarily holding her breath for a spell.
She hadn’t realized how cold it was, and her jacket was still in the locked cargo box in Yang’s motorcycle, leaving Ruby in just her red t-shirt and black jeans. She gripped her elbows, trying to stifle a shiver. “What’s...your name?” She asked. Totally normal thing to ask, right? Especially if this girl was going to keep looking at her, awkwardly, beautifully...
“Weiss,” the girl answered. “And yours?”
“Ruby,” Ruby said. “Uhm...what’re you doing out here?”
Weiss shrugged, lowering her purse from her chest to in front of her, relaxing her shoulders at last. “I came to this party hoping to meet new people. I just moved here so I don’t know anybody.”
Ruby chuckled, glancing at the empty backyard. “Not going well, huh?” She immediately regretted saying that. Am I seriously teasing her? That was so mean! What the fuck is wrong with me?
To Ruby’s surprise, however, Weiss chuckled, smiling as she glanced toward the grassy yard as well. “Not at all. I feel so out of place.”
That was something Ruby could relate to. “Same,” she admitted. “I don’t like parties.”
“Neither do I.” Weiss shrugged, leaning her elbow against the porch railing behind her. “People don’t really talk to people outside their little groups, do they?”
Ruby hadn’t noticed, she was more worried about the idea of someone actually talking to her, and having to come up with something to say that wasn’t awkward or weird, and then trying to carry a conversation with someone she didn’t know and probably shared zero interests with. Ruby sucked at talking to people, unless she was talking to friends over voicechat while playing Minecraft at home, or...to Yang or her dad. That was it, pretty much.
“I’ve actually said more to you than I have to anyone else tonight,” Weiss continued, chuckling again. “So...thank you for that.”
“Hm?” Ruby hadn’t done anything really. Oh, wait. I have actually been talking to her. Weird. “Oh, yeah! Thanks to you, too.”
Weiss smiled at her. Weiss smiled at her. “Do you go to Beacon High as well?”
Ruby nodded, feeling her face warm again, but not so much that it was distracting or unbearable. “Yeah, it’s my first year. I...kinda came here for the same reason as you, to meet people, but...yeah, I’m not good at...meeting...people.”
“I mean,” Weiss shrugged. “You met me.”
Ruby opened her mouth, but struggled to put her response together at first. “I...guess you’re right. Huh.”
“I’m a junior, but I was homeschooled up until this year, so I guess I’m sort of in the same boat as you,” Weiss said, fidgeting with the handle of her purse. “Not knowing anyone despite there being literally hundreds of other people at school feels...alienating.”
Ruby nodded. “Yeah, it kinda d-does.” She stuttered as she shivered a bit, having tried her best to hide how cold she was but beginning to fail at that.
Weiss tilted her head a bit. “Need a jacket?” She asked.
“I’m okay, mine’s in my sister’s bike, and she has the key, and...I don’t know where she went.”
“Oh, that was your sister,” Weiss remarked. “She seems...pretty popular.”
“She is.” Ruby nodded.
Weiss looked to the side, then set her purse on the railing. “Here.” She began to tug her light blue sweater off.
Ruby’s face felt like she was nose-deep in a toaster oven by this point. Is she taking her top off?! “What are you...?”
Alas, only a bit of Weiss’ midriff actually ended up exposed. She pulled off her sweater, leaving her in a white v-neck t-shirt. “I don’t want you to freeze,” she said with a chuckle, extending the sweater towards her.
Ruby stared at the sweater and shook her head. “No no, I’m fine, really.”
“I don’t get cold that easy, no worries,” Weiss insisted, nodding towards her sweater. “Go on.”
Ruby sighed, face still burning as she reached out and took the garment from Weiss. “Thank you.” She gingerly began to slip it on, and as she pulled it over her head, she faintly smelled lavender laundry detergent and...perfume? It kind of smelled like chamomile, like the kind of tea her dad would make when she or Yang got a sore throat. Ruby tugged the sweater down, her head poking out the top, and she immediately felt more comfortable, and much warmer.
Weiss giggled. “Not too small, is it?”
Ruby shook her head, tugging the sleeves down over her wrists. “It’s, like, the perfect size, actually.”
“Okay, good,” Weiss said with a nod, smiling.
Ruby looked up at her, making eye contact, and a lump formed in her throat inexplicably. Then she started to panic a little, trying to find something to say, but not coming up with anything, but she had to say something so she just started talking. “It’s really warm and it smells like—”
She was cut off when the back door opened and Yang stepped outside. “There you are, sis!” She said when she spotted Ruby. She was wearing a yellow and white stripped halter top and light blue jeans, her hair in a ponytail. “I’ve been looking all over the place.” Then she noticed Ruby’s newfound sweater, then turned and looked at Weiss for the first time. Then she pointed at Weiss, then at Ruby. “Do you know each other?” She asked.
“N-No!” Ruby said, then blushed when she realized how rude that might have been. “I mean, we just met and we’ve been talking about how much we don’t like parties and stuff. And...she gave me her sweater. Because I was cold.” She put that last sentence out in a pointed rush, trying to quell any ideas from forming in Yang’s head. “And, uh...her name is Weiss.”
Yang glanced back at Weiss, a faint smirk on her face. “Weiss, huh? Are you new?”
Weiss nodded, face red for more than just the cold, probably. “Yeah, I am. I just moved to Beacon.”
“Cool! I’m Yang!” She reached a hand out, which Weiss took and shook. “I’m Ruby’s sister.”
“I’m Weiss,” Weiss said, then stammered a bit. “You...already knew that.”
Yang giggled. “No worries.” She pointed at Ruby. “I just wanted to check on you. You doing okay?”
Now? Yes, she was just fine. Earlier, not so much, but there was no point in telling Yang that now. “Yeah, I’m good,” Ruby said.
Yang nodded. “Cool. Just text me if you need anything, okay?” She then waved to her and Weiss. “I’ll leave you two alone,” she teased before disappearing into the house again.
She just had to add on that bit at the end, huh?
“Your sister...seems nice,” Weiss said, her face still red.
“She is,” Ruby rattled off, not looking at Weiss now, fidgeting with the cuffs of Weiss’ sweater instead. Wait...Oh shit, Yang got the wrong idea from seeing me in her sweater, she must think me and Weiss are... She tapped both feet on the floor in quick succession over and over, doing her fist clenching thing again but keeping her hands on the armrests.
“Are you okay, Ruby?” Weiss asked, noticing her stimming.
“I’m good,” Ruby said, not meaning it so much as that was just a rehearsed answer to that type of question.
“Am I making you nervous?” Weiss asked, holding her purse to her chest again. “You can be honest.”
“No!” Ruby shouted. Why did I shout?! That came out WAY too quick.
Weiss flinched a bit at Ruby’s sudden response. “I...if you need me to leave you alone for a moment, I can.”
Ruby gritted her teeth. I’m acting so weird, fuck. She wanted to run away right at that moment, but she had nowhere to go. Home was miles away.
Weiss gripped her purse, pressing her lips together. “I’m sorry, I’ll...” She reached for the door.
“Wait!” Ruby reached out suddenly, grabbing Weiss’ wrist just before she reached the door handle.
Weiss gasped, looking between Ruby’s hand and her face, appearing worried.
Ruby blinked, then inhaled sharply and drew her hand away, tucking it against her chest. “I’m sorry, I...I don’t mean to...do that. I...” She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry...”
“Hey,” Weiss said, sounding restrained, putting a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “It’s okay.
“I’m just being weird and I’m sorry, I’m sor—”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
Ruby stopped, opening her eyes, freezing for a moment. She felt a small wave of relief. Okay...okay, she’s not actually that weirded out...is she?
“I...” Weiss began to say, then her voice trailed off. She took her hand off of Ruby’s shoulder, then reached into her purse, pulling out her phone. “What’s your phone number?”
My phone number?!
“Uh...” Ruby struggled to respond for a moment. “Uhh...right, my number, it’s...” She told Weiss her cell number, and Weiss entered it into her contacts. “Why...do you ask?”
“I just...” Weiss put her phone away in her purse. “I can tell you...aren’t really comfortable here, so I figured I could text you sometime so we can talk that way, and...I don’t know, we could hang out sometime, somewhere a bit more...our style,” she shrugged, smiling awkwardly.
Ruby stared at her for a moment, then nodded. “Oh, yeah, totally.” She took a moment to listen to the music playing inside the house, then got an idea. “Or we could...go somewhere else right now?”
Weiss’ mouth hung open for a moment, glancing toward the house as well, then smiled, giggling. “I guess you’re right. Uhm...where did you have in mind.”
Ruby perked up a bit, but then deflated just as quickly. “Well, my sister is my ride so I can’t exactly take you anywhere.”
“I could hail an Uber,” Weiss said.
Ruby blinked at her. “Ohh...I’ve never been to oovoo javer.”
Weiss chuckled, then snorted, then laughed even louder. “Oh wow, that was attractive of me.”
Ruby giggled, holding a hand to her mouth as she did. “It was cute!”
Weiss sighed, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear, her laughter fading. “So yeah, I’ll...” she took her phone back out, face red all the way down her neck. “I’ll call that Uber.” She turned away from Ruby, obviously embarrassed, as she tapped away at her phone screen.
Ruby kept giggling softly, mentally patting herself on the back. She made her laugh! Without even meaning to. Her brain had just played a split-second game of Word Association: Vine Edition and spit out a response. The planets must have been aligned in a certain way, because Ruby was sure she would never pull off something like that again.
Hold up...why am I so happy about making her laugh?
“Wait, where are we going?” Weiss asked. “Kinda need a destination if we’re calling an Uber...”
“Uhm...are you hungry?”
“A bit,” Weiss admitted.
“DQ?” Weiss asked. “I’ve...never been.”
“You’ve never been to see the Queen of Dairy?” Ruby asked, astonished.
“I’m afraid not,” she chuckled, but input the location of the nearest Dairy Queen. “But I’ll give it a try. The driver should be here soon.” There was still a faint red tinge to her cheeks. Actually, she was beginning to look cold being without her sweater.
“Would you like your sweater back?” Ruby offered.
Weiss shook her head, waving a hand. “I insist.”
Ruby nodded, biting her lip. “Okay. Oh, I should probably text Yang and tell her I’m leaving.” She pulled her phone from her pocket and started to type a message to Yang.
“You...” Weiss muttered. “Do you listen to Red Hallow Manor?”
Ruby froze. Weiss had probably seen the logo for the Red Hallow Manor podcast on her phone case, but the only reason she had that case was because she was so certain no one would recognize it, it was such a niche thing. But somehow Weiss had? “Yeah?”
Weiss chuckled. “I literally just binged the first two seasons a couple days ago.”
“Really?” Ruby asked, sitting up straight in her seat. “No way! We could listen to the next season together! I mean, I’ve listened to the entire thing at least three times, but I’d totally want to listen with you and hear what you think!”
Weiss smiled, laughing. “Sure! That sounds like fun.”
“Awesome!” Ruby said excitedly, hopping to her feet. “Sorry, I just...I’m, like, obsessed with RHM. Like, really obsessed. I never thought I’d ever meet someone in-person who listened to it.”
Weiss giggled at Ruby’s enthusiasm. “Yeah, I had just heard about it and I was curious, so I listened to a couple episodes, and then I listened to more, and...” She shrugged. “I ended up staying up way too late. I had to force myself to go to bed after listening to two seasons.”
“That’s awesome!” Ruby said, eyes wide, shining in the moonlight. “Do you like it? Who’s your favorite character? What season one or two better?”
Weiss held a hand up to steady her. “How about...you interview me while we’re at DQ, huh?”
“Okay!” Ruby nodded, stimming but for a positive reason now, doing a side-to-side dance in her seat.
Weiss smiled at her. “You’re cute,” she remarked.
Ruby’s face heated up, halting her movements. “Oh, thanks,” she said, voice wavering.
Weiss blushed. “But like...just, yeah, I...” She hurried to pull her phone back out. “The Uber is just around the corner, we should go out front.”
Ruby stood from her seat. “Okay, uh...” she glanced at the back door to the house. “Could we...go around? I don’t want to go back inside.”
Weiss nodded. “Sure,” she said, heading down the patio steps with Ruby behind her.
They walked around to the side of the house only to find that there was no gate, just more fence. “Uh...” Weiss shrugged. “I guess we have to go through the house.”
“Why not just climb over?” Ruby asked.
Weiss looking at the fence with an uncertain glance. “Climb?”
“As one does,” Ruby chuckled, taking a couple steps back, then running and leaping at the fence, using the horizontal beams to climb up, then sat down on the top (the fence was flat on the top, so thankfully no pickets in the butt). “Like that!”
Weiss stared up at her, dumbfounded for a moment, then shook her head. “I don’t think I can do that.”
“What, have you never climbed a fence before?” Ruby asked.
“I’ve never had to?” Weiss shrugged.
“Okay, I’ll help you,” Ruby said, hoping back down.
“Uhh,” Weiss glanced at the fence uncertainly, but then looked back at Ruby’s goofy smile and sighed. “Alright, I’ll try.”
“Cool, I’ll boost you,” Ruby said, taking a knee and holding her hands out. “Just step up and I’ll lift you.”
Weiss took one more uncertain look at the fence, then nodded and gingerly ran forward, planting a foot one Ruby’s hands and stepping up, just as Ruby lifted her with a grunt. Weiss yelped, completely missing the highest horizontal beam and ending up stomach-first on the top of the fence, top half on the other side with her legs kicking on Ruby’s end. “Gah, that didn’t work!” Weiss yelped.
Ruby stopped herself from giggling, instead scrambling back up the fence. “I got you!” She said, leaping over with ease to the other side. She made eye contact with a very concerned looking Weiss and smiled at her. “Just flip over to this side and I’ll catch you.”
“Flip over?” Weiss asked incredulously.
Ruby extended her arms. “I got you!”
“I’m slipping!”
“Now or never then!” Ruby said.
Weiss held her breath, then leaned forward, doing a half front flip. “AHH!” She screamed, but landed in Ruby’s arms, bridal style.
“Gotcha!” Ruby said with a proud grin. She allowed herself to enjoy holding her for just a moment, then set Weiss upright, her feet securely on the ground. “Not so bad, huh?”
Weiss regained her bearings, then straightened her skirt, face flushed. “Yeah, I guess not,” she said, obviously flustered.
Ruby rubbed her back of her neck. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay,” Weiss said, chuckling. “I’ve done something new already.”
“There you go.” Ruby nodded, but was interrupted by a familiar Beep! Beep! nearby. She turned and spotted Yang leaning on her yellow motorcycle. “Yang?”
“Hey, sis!” She waved, then raised Ruby’s red jacket in the air. “You might want to take this with you.”
“Oh, right, thanks,” Ruby murmured, suddenly conscious of what Yang might have been thinking about her being with Weiss. She came over to Yang and took the jacket. “Uh, me and Weiss are going to DQ.”
“Sweet,” Yang nodded, giving Weiss a look, then a smile. “Don’t be out too late, but have fun!”
Ruby rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah, I’ll be home by curfew. Just like you will be, right?”
Yang shrugged. “Mayyybe.”
A black sedan pulled up behind Yang, an Uber light on the front windshield. “This is it,” Weiss said, walking toward the car, glancing one more time at Yang as she walked past.
Yang smiled at Ruby, giving her hair a ruffle. “Maybe give her your jacket? Fair trade, right? Would be a smooth move.”
“Smooth move?” Ruby asked, glancing around her as Weiss climbed into the backseat of the Uber. Then she realized what Yang was insinuating and took this opportunity to put whatever ideas Yang was getting to bed. “We aren’t...dating or anything, okay?”
“Who said anything about that?” Yang asked, smiling.
Ruby sighed. “Okay, fine, but...don’t get any ideas.”
“You’re the one feeding me ideas,” Yang teased.
“Just...” Ruby sighed. “I feel like I’m making a friend. Please don’t make me feel weird about it.”
Yang blinked, smile disappearing. “How would I?”
Ruby glanced toward Weiss, seeing her with a leg still outside the car, waiting for Ruby to follow. “I gotta go,” she said, stepping past Yang.
Yang watched her walk past. “Be safe,” she called to her halfheartedly, then remained leaned against her bike, in thought.
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lu-undy · 3 years
Valentine’s day 4 - Hurt and comfort
(Warning for unwanted kiss!) Here it is!
Spy entered the kitchen and was greeted by his colleagues, sitting around the breakfast table. All acknowledged his entrance with a courteous nod, or a "good morning". All, but one who didn't move. 
Sniper took his coffee mug and exited the room, paying attention to go around the table and avoid contact with Spy. 
"He's still mad at ya?" Engie asked as Spy frowned. He had felt it like a dagger in his chest, Sniper's departure. And he knew it was no mere coincidence that he had decided to leave as Spy entered.
"It would seem so." Spy helped himself to some coffee and sat around the table at his place. The seat opposite him was empty. 
"What's wrong between you two? Maybe we can help?" Engie kindly offered. 
"Non, merci." Spy answered, slightly coldly, his eyes riveted on the empty chair in front of him. 
"Ha, what's it feel like bein' rejected, eh, fancypants?" Scout mocked and Spy put his fingers on the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes to contain his rage. 
"Uh, pardner, j-just finish your cereals, right? I can try and order more soda for you after?" Engie tried to calm the storm that he felt incoming. 
"Nah, Engie, c'mon! Not everyday the stuck up Frenchie gets rejected. I wanna know what he feels like!" Scout went on. 
The chatter around the table ended and all the eyes were now on Spy. Spoons and toasts were hanging in the air. The mercenaries knew that Spy wasn't the type to answer Scout's provocations. They expected him to sigh and take another sip of his coffee. 
Instead, he lit a cigarette and started smoking.
"C'mon, Spy! Tell us! And you still got that black eye from your fight with the enemy Snipes, eh?" 
Spy sucked on his cigarette and the smoke burnt his nose and his airway all the way down to his very lungs. It stung him and managed to absorb the boiling rage within him. 
"Scout, please…" Engie insisted. 
"Nah, today, he's gonna feel like one of us. Maybe that's gonna teach him not to be a pretentious piece of crap! See what you feel, Spy? That's how low I felt when I wedged my head through your door to ask you for help with Miss Pauling!" 
Spy finished gulping down his coffee and stood up. He headed for the door. 
"Ha! That's it! Now go away and cry in your fancy mask or something!" 
"Scout." Spy's voice split the room. "You want to know how I feel?" He asked, facing the door and giving his back to his colleagues at the table. 
"Y-yeah?" Scout started to be scared. He hadn't expected Spy to answer his insults. 
"I feel the same way as your father did when your mother decided to leave him." Spy answered and left his colleagues agape as he went out of the room. The noise of the door shutting made all the mercenaries uncomfortable. Their eyes went to Scout. 
"Bullshit! Ma' didn't leave my Dad! It's him who left!"
His colleagues' shoulders sank. Scout's being oblivious was a gift for himself, even if he was oblivious to that too.
Outside of the base, Spy had knocked at the Aussie's door, on his campervan. 
"Piss off." 
"Piss off, or I'll pop your head off." 
Sniper sighed. 
"You can stay there all day if you want, I won't open." 
It was Saturday and the mercenaries could enjoy their weekend. Sniper tidied up his van, and kept himself busy, as best as he could. He knew that, stubborn as he was, Spy would indeed stay there, all day if necessary. 
And he did. Smoking cigarette after cigarette, comitting a genocide in his metallic cigarette case. His eyes became red before the sunset sky did. He knew it was all a misunderstanding. He knew it was all useless. But what remained true is that Sniper had seen him, at the end of day's match, the day before. 
As the Administrator announced the end of the round, Sniper was looking for his colleague. Well, colleague… It seemed cold to use that word now. They were more than that, oh so much more. 
After waiting for Spy to show up unsuccessfully, the Aussie started looking for him, going through the battlefield and calling him out. When he found him, his heart sank. 
Spy was being pinned against the wall by the enemy Sniper and receiving attentions that left no doubt as to what was going on...
The enemy Sniper stepped away from Spy and their lips disconnected.
"You can get'im back, yeah, sorry I've been a bit long with him." 
Sniper's jaw had dropped. He had frowned and went back to the base, Spy running after him and shouting for him. The Aussie ignored him and locked himself up in his van, only to reappear the next morning for breakfast…
Spy sighed as he crushed his billionth cigarette butt. He was sitting on the step at the van's back and watched the lights switch on through the base's windows, as the sun sank below the horizon. He could see the shadows of his colleagues through the curtained windows and he stared. 
It was a misunderstanding. He never had wanted to kiss the enemy Sniper. They had been fighting until the very end, hence his black eye. As the Administrator's melodious voice blasted through the speakers, the enemy Sniper knew that if he sliced Spy up, he would die and not respawn, which of course prevented him from doing that. 
Instead, he chose to humiliate him and make him understand that he had won this encounter, even if he hadn't killed him. He had Spy pinned from his throat and the Frenchman could feel something pressing menacingly against his crotch. 
"Will you let me go? The match has ended, in case you were deaf." He said between clenched teeth and struggling to get some air. 
"Not yet, mate, gotta make you get who won this time." 
"I get it. You did. Now let me go-oh?!"
And on these words, the enemy Sniper pushed his lips against Spy who tried to kick him but the kukri pressed harder and he genuinely feared for his life. No respawn would fix him if he pushed his foe too hard. And he hated it. The enemy Sniper was a man that he respected as an enemy until then. Humiliation of that kind was something that Spy didn't think his enemy was capable of.
His teammate Sniper's voice put an end to that filthy and unwanted kiss. When the enemy Sniper finally let go of him - not without snickering - Spy spat out and away. He took a handkerchief to wipe his mouth and ran after his friend. 
His friend. Sniper was so much more than a friend.
The door opened and Spy jumped to his feet. 
The Aussie ignored him and went to the base with his bag of dirty clothes in his hand as if he hadn't seen Spy standing there. The Frenchman's shoulders sank sadly. About an hour later, he came back. 
"Sniper, please?" 
The Aussie put his wet clothes on the line between his van and the base and slipped back inside his narrow dwelling. He didn't say a word, nor did he even look at Spy...
In the end, Spy had stayed there the entire day, smoking like a train, or like a fireman, as they say in French. He stayed as the sun rose to its zenith, he stayed under the scorching afternoon sun, he stayed when the sun went down and under the horizon line. He only stood up once to throw all his cigarette butts in the outside bin of the base. He took advantage of his being standing up to stretch his legs and back before sitting back down. 
"Merde…" Spy cursed, as he realised his cigarette case was empty. He put it back in his pocket and sighed. 
It was ridiculous and had lasted long enough. 
"Sniper, if you don't open that door, I will pick the lock!"
"Piss off." The muffled voice answered. 
"Fine." Spy opened his cigarette case and took the pins concealed inside. He slid them in the lock and started twisting them until he heard a satisfactory click. He pulled the door and entered. 
Sniper was unfazed, lying on his bed, watching the stars through the ceiling window. 
"I need to explain everything to you." Spy said as he put his pins back where they belonged and he shut the door. "I did not exchange a kiss with the enemy Sniper." 
Sniper seemed as though he wasn't listening at all. 
"I did not want to kiss him." Spy raised his head. Sniper being unresponsive got on his nerves. He hadn't eaten all day to say all these things and the other one didn't even dare lend an ear? "Are you even listening?!" 
"I know what I saw. You're with him now, go away." 
"Non, I am not and non, I will not."
"Don't keep him waitin'. 's rude." 
"Nah, it's fine. Guess I was the idiot. I trusted you and all. But it's fine, no biggie. Just go and leave me alone." 
"Non. I will not leave this van until you listen to me properly." 
"Wastin' your time." He answered.
"Talk about a waste of time when you did not spend the entire day at your door smoking! I skipped lunch and melted under the afternoon sun for a chance to speak to you! I will not leave before I do so!" 
Sniper sighed and sat up on his bed, finally looking at Spy. He came down from his bed and towered Spy. 
"I skipped lunch too. I was locked up here cause of you watchin' and listenin' to my moves all day long. Even for my laundry I had to wait. Bloody ridiculous. So now, if you don't mind, I'd like to sleep in peace." 
"He forced me!" Spy exclaimed. "He had a hand on my throat and a blade between my legs! It even started to rip the silk! Look!" Spy parted his legs slightly to show where the textile had been cut. "All that after the end of the match. He was this close to killing me for good!"
"I knew you liked it rough but eh, whatever."
"Right. So he held a knife at your pants and you fell for him and kissed him. Ok, got it. Now, why on Earth are you still here?" 
"You don't get it, you idiot!"
"Oh I think I do. He showed you who's boss, you liked it and boom. I think that sums it up, mate." 
Spy frowned. 
"He humiliated me."
"Some folks like it that way."
"You know very well I do not." Spy answered, his teeth clenched. He sighed. "He forced his lips on me as a way to 'show me who is the boss' indeed, but not in a sexual way, as you are implying it. Non. He would have sliced through me, had the Administrator not called the end of the match. He did that obscene thing to show that he won, to humiliate me. I am grateful no one else saw this."
"Yeah, well, I did."
"And I thank you in part."
"I thank you because God knows what more he would have done if you hadn't intervened! Maybe he would have stayed on my lips in front of his colleagues too? Who knows! I was dying of shame!" Lucien exclaimed. "When he freed me, I spat out his filth and ran after you. But it was too late. Your mind had already processed everything…" He hid his face in his hands. 
"Has he ever done that to you before?" Sniper asked. 
"Non, I swear…! And I would never enjoy that!" Lucien turned his back to Mundy and wrapped his arms around himself. "I don't know what took him today to do that to me. Beyond the disgust, it surprised me from someone who is usually as calm, almost taciturn, as him."
"That's… disgustin'." Lucien turned to face his lover. "We gotta tell the Admin, let her fire him and get him replaced." Sniper said.
"Non, Mundy, please!"
"No!" Sniper exclaimed. "He forced you into something that's not on the contract and not right. Ok, it was just a kiss for show but… Hold on," Sniper closed the gap between them and held Spy's head between his palms, inspecting him. "He didn't put his tongue in, did he? Bugger, I'll make his bloody skull pop in goddamn confetti…! C'mere, Lu'..." 
Sniper wrapped his arms around Spy and kept him close in a dear embrace. 
"I'm sorry, luv'." Lucien removed his mask and Mundy slid his fingers in his hair to comfort him.
"So am I." Lucien answered, burying his head deeper in Sniper's chest. "I am terribly sorry, disgusted and distraught."
"I'm sorry I just saw you and him together and I assumed you just… Ugh, doesn't matter." Sniper tightened his hug. "I'm with you now, and you're safe." 
"Thank you… So much…" Lucien clawed in his lover. 
"It's fine, it's ok, we're gon-"
A knock at the door interrupted them. 
"Wear your mask, luv'." Spy smiled at the sweet name. Sniper handed it to him and stood between the door and his lover. Spy slipped it on quickly. "You ready?"
"Oui, merci."
[Yes, thanks.]
Sniper opened the door. No one. 
"Hey there, pardner."
"Oh?" Sniper's eyes went down and he saw his Texan colleague. "Hey, mate."
"Sorry to bother you. We received a message from the Admin. She said we're on a cease-fire for a week." Engineer explained. "It got announced during dinner but you and Spy weren't here. By the way, do you know where he is? I knocked at his door but he didn't answer." 
"I am here." Spy emerged from the shadows and went by Sniper's side. "Did she explain why this sudden decision?"
"Apparently, it's got to do with replacin' someone who didn't play by their contract on the opposite team." Engie answered.
Sniper and Spy exchanged a glance. 
"I see. Thank you, labourer."
"No problem. Have a nice evenin', fellas." The Texan went away and Sniper shut the door of his van. 
"So, turns out we didn't even have to do anythin', eh." 
"Oui, it seems so."
Both sat on the small couch. 
Mundy took Lucien's hand in both of his and removed the glove before caressing it gently.
"I'm sorry for what happened. If you wanna, y'know, talk about it or…"
Lucien chuckled.
"I am more affected by the consequences it had on us than the actual act itself. A kiss from someone is rarely a bad experience. But this wasn't a kiss. It was a show of animalistic dominance urged by a will to humiliate me. Bah, I have seen my fair share and will manage to sleep at night. Non, the issue is that you took it the wrong way and you thought that my feelings for you were not sincere." 
"Sorry about it…"
"It is fine. The main thing is that you now know and understand what happened. I care very little about the rest." Lucien answered and leaned his head on Mundy's shoulder. 
They laced their fingers together and stayed there for a while. The van was narrow, but it made it cosy. Mundy's voice broke the periodic sound of their breaths. 
"So uh… You still love me, right?" 
Lucien smiled and raised his head to his lover. 
"Of course I do. I love you more than any man before." 
"You sure?"
"There wasn't any part of you that… Y'know… Kinda liked it with the other Sniper?" 
Lucien chuckled. 
"Absolutely not. If anything, I lost all respect for him. It is a good thing that he got fired." 
"I love you."
Mundy smiled and pulled Lucien to him. 
"I love you too. And I missed you." 
They hugged as if they hadn't seen each other for years. 
"I missed you too." Lucien answered. "I missed you and you-"
The noise of Mundy's stomach growling cut Lucien's sentence sharp. 
"S-sorry. I haven't eaten a thing." 
"Neither have I. Come, we will prepare some dinner." 
Lucien stood up and was about to slip his mask on when Mundy got to his feet in a flash and held his wrist away. He dived straight for the Frenchman's lips and pulled his waist strongly. 
"I love you, Lu'."
"Mh… So do I. Now, let us go before your stomach screams again, hm?" 
"Right. But please cook somethin' edible this time."
Lucien slipped on the mask and his eyes snapped wide.
"Pardon?!" He asked in his mother tongue. "When have I ever cooked something that wasn't?" 
Mundy grabbed his hat and both exited the van. 
"Remember the snails?" He went on teasing his lover. 
"They were exquisite. Your palate was just not ready for such refinement." 
"My palate wasn't ready?! What kind of nonsense is that?! You just cooked bloody snails as if we had nothing else to eat!"
"I beg to differ, Mundy! Not only did we have other things to eat but it is a delicacy!" 
They entered the base and crossed the corridor still bickering. From the living room, some of the other mercs heard them. 
"Guess Spy and Sniper made it up, huh?" Engie said and Pyro clapped his hands enthusiastically. 
"Aye, seems like it, lad." Demo added before taking a swig of his scrumpy. 
Scout raised a curious eyebrow. He wanted to see it for himself. So without adding a word, he rose from the sofa and peeked through the door. 
"Ew!" He jumped back in the living room and resumed his seat on the sofa. 
"What is it, son?" Engie asked. 
"Go and see for yourself, ew!" 
Engie frowned and went to peek through the door. He smiled and tried to make his chuckle as silent as possible. From there, he could see in the dark corridor a man in a suit pressed against a door by a man taller than him and wearing a hat. Their shadows were one.
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actuallybarb · 3 years
The Aftermath ~ Part 7
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Summary: y/n goes to therapy, is a confirmed hoodie stealer, and gets a pep talk from sam wilson and wanda maximoff
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, trauma, me attempting to write a therapy session 
Word Count: 3850
A/N: so many things. 1) i’ve never been to therapy (even tho i desperately need it) so i’m solely basing that off of Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan. 2) i live for sleepy tropes and i hella indulged. 3) sorry not sorry
“Your projects are due next Monday. Have one partner email me who your group is working with, and no, Mr. Thompson, you can’t work with students from other periods. Class dismissed.”
“Want to work together?”
We had been going to class together for a month now, but it always seemed like Peter was surprised whenever he saw me sitting next to him. Maybe it wasn’t surprise...
“Yeah. When do you want to work on it?” I shoved my notes into my already disorderly backpack and slung it over my shoulders. It was starting to get colder in New York, but I was still wearing t-shirts and shorts (mostly because I could keep myself warm and also because I’m stubborn as hell).
“Thursday? Or do you want to start sooner than that?”
“No, I can do Thursday. Are you going to the compound this weekend?” It wasn’t more than a whisper, but I still checked who was around before asking. You can never be too careful.
“Yeah, May’s driving me up after school on Friday. Want a ride?”
I smiled. “That’d be nice.” People were slowly making their way out of the building to head home for the day, but I was heading to Manhattan.
“You going home?”
“No, I’m seeing my shrink. I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” He turned right, I turned left, and I might have turned around and glanced back at him over my shoulder, just for a second.
But so did he.
Taylor’s office had a billion plants and as many windows in it. She always had a candle burning that smelled like clean laundry, and she liked to talk first whenever we met up. That’s why I liked her so much.
“Remember my crazy neighbor’s dog?” She was watering one of her plants when I walked in. “Guess who I accidentally ran over?”
“You ran over a dog?” I left my backpack by the door and grabbed my own watering can.
“No, not the dog. I ran over my neighbor while he was chasing after the dog.”
I laughed. “Like that’s much better.”
“Running over a dog is unforgivable, Y/N. A person is understandable.” We finished watering the plants then sat down at the huge floor-to-ceiling window that took up her back wall. Another reason I liked Taylor: I actually do stuff while I’m talking with her. It’s not like I’m sitting on a couch staring at her while I talk about my feelings, we’re on equal ground. The last couple visits I’ve worked on painting New York, but I haven’t made much progress because I’m a shit painter. “That’s not the point,” Taylor would say, “it’s all about going with it. Be a shit painter. Own it.” Yeah, we get along great.
“No more panic attacks since the first day.”
“Yeah? That’s great.” Unlike me, Taylor is a phenomenal painter. Her skyline had identifiable buildings. Mine had — I think one looks more like a tree than a building. (That’s one huge tree.) “Any nightmares?”
Oh. We’re going there today. “Just on bad days.”
“How often are the bad days?”
After the Blip and before Europe, my bad days went from every day to maybe once a week. Then Europe fucked me over. Now? I don’t know. “Whenever they feel like it.”
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do better than that.”
I rolled my eyes and groaned. “It’s not like it’s a cycle, like the moon or a period or our meetings. It’s sporadic, Taylor, and fucking exhausting.”
“Why? Why are the bad days so exhausting?”
I may or may not have angrily made a bird smash against a window in my painting. “Because I’m the only one who knows. Mom guesses, most of the time, but it’s like she’s still dancing around me. Dad sees it when he’s home, but he doesn’t know what to do. And—“ I almost said ‘and Peter.’ That would’ve been awkward. “And my friends make it better, but they’ve got their own shit to deal with, and I don’t want to dump any of my problems on them. And I know you’re going to say ‘Internalizing your pain is bad, Y/N,’ but it’s the only solution I can handle right now until I muster up the courage to actually talk to my mom again. I mean, last time I needed Jess by my side, how the hell am I going to handle it without her?”
“For starters, I’m proud of you for acknowledging the way to address the problem. And secondly, you don’t have to do it by yourself. I’ve actually been wanting to have another session with your parents, and now seems like as good of a time as any. Bring them around for your next session, and we’ll talk to them, together, about how you can get through bad days with their help. Okay?”
My lips quirked up, just a smidge. “Okay.”
“Now let’s talk about King T’Challa’s new suit, you can’t pretend you don’t have an opinion on it...”
It was a bad day.
Which sucked, because it was also Thursday, and Peter was supposed to be over in half an hour to work on our project. And I was a mess.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Mom called from the living room. Her elementary school got out twenty minutes before Midtown, so she usually beat me home. “How was school?”
“It’s a bad day,” was all I said before I closed the door to my room. I didn’t slam it (not anymore) but I didn’t know anything else. I couldn’t tell if I wanted a nap, I couldn’t tell if I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, I couldn’t tell if I wanted to fly from rooftop to rooftop until I was too exhausted to come home; I didn’t know. Which sucked, because I’m the only one who could’ve told me the answer.
The was a light knock on my door. “Can I come in?” I didn’t respond, so Mom walked in. “Mind me asking why today was bad?” I still didn’t say anything, my face buried in my pillow. She sat at the edge of my bed, near my knees. “I can usually tell, you know.” It was a hushed voice that came out of her mouth - nothing like the loud and loving woman I’ve known almost my whole life. “You do a good job of trying to cover it up, but I can tell. Your shoulders are tenser than usual, and your eyebrows are crinkled together the second you step out of your room.” She sighed and put a hand on my back - her hands are always warm and usually smell like hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works because she refuses to use the government-issued ones at school. “You dad and I have no idea what you went through while we were gone. We have no idea what you went through in Europe. But we’re here for you now, Y/N. You carry this weight around with you, and I just — I want you to know that you have people to share it with. Maybe not the weight itself, but the pain it’s causing you.” She removed her hand and set both of them in her lap. “I don’t know how to make the bad days better, so I need you to tell me when you’re ready. I’m here for you, baby.” She leaned down and kissed my head, then stood up and started walking toward the door.
When her hand was on the knob, I finally spoke up. “Thank you.” It was barely a grumble, but she heard it.
The door closed quietly, and I finally decided what I wanted to do.
Cry. I cried. For at least twenty minutes. I cried because of my abilities, I cried because I lost Jess as a mom, I cried because I went to Europe, I cried because Quentin Beck was an asshole that fucked up my mental state for probably the rest of my life, I cried because I killed a lot of people, I cried because now I was friends with Peter but at what cost?
He showed up, eventually. I heard him knock on the front door as I blew my nose. Mom, bless her soul, kept him distracted until I came out of my room myself. It took me another twenty minutes to finally convince myself to leave my room, and at that point I was too exhausted to keep myself warm anymore, so the cold breeze blowing through New York hit me in full force. I slipped a hoodie on, grabbed my backpack, and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Peter was sitting at the counter while Mom washed the dishes from breakfast this morning. She was back to talking loud, and he was listening with a smile on his face. My door closed and his eyes immediately darted to me. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Pete. Is it okay if we’re in the living room?”
Mom glanced between the two of us and tried to hide her little smile, but at least one of us caught it. “Yeah, of course. I’ll be in the office if you need anything.”
He must’ve noticed my bloodshot eyes; he couldn’t stop staring. “Is that my hoodie?”
Shit. Is it? I glanced down at the Midtown Tech logo and remembered getting drenched at the compound after the sprinklers unexpectedly came on. Then Peter gave me his hoodie. “Shit, yeah, it is.” I pulled on the sleeves to take it off, but he shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it, I have at least two more at home.” He pulled out his laptop and it was suddenly back to business. “Any ideas how we’re going to do this?”
We bounced ideas off of each other until we came to a rough draft, but it was getting later, and bad days always get worse at night.
“Shit, is it ten already?” Peter started gathering his things and stuffing them in his bag. “I told May I’d be home by ten, I hate being late.”
I pulled out my phone and sent May a quick text; we’ve had each other’s numbers since my first weekend at the compound. We lost track of time, he’s heading home now.
I figured. See you tomorrow :)
Peter stood up and started walking toward the door, and I followed him. I had spoken maybe twenty sentences the whole time (it’s a miracle we got this far in the project) but I couldn’t convince myself to say anything else before he left. And I wanted to. But I also wanted to cave in on myself — and we both know which option was winning that battle.
“Do you need a hug?” He basically had one foot out the door, but he turned around and asked me this.
“Your heartbeat — it’s been off all day. And it still is right now, and — Do you need a hug?”
God, he was perfect. And I was so gone.
All I needed all day was a goddamn hug, and now he’s offering one, and tears started brimming in my eyes before I could even nod yes. He was so warm, and his voice flitted around in his chest, and I would’ve felt bad about getting tears on his shirt, except I didn’t care anymore. All I cared about was how the weight on my shoulders lifted when Peter Parker’s arms were wrapped around them.
“Are you going to be okay?” he mumbled in my hair. I only nodded again. “Okay.” He slowly loosened his grip, but not before he left a quick kiss on my head. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Another nod. “See you tomorrow.”
Peter was going crazy. Since we hadn’t found any footage that could clear Spider-Man’s name without incriminating Peter he wasn’t allowed out as his alter-ego. And he was literally climbing the walls of the compound.
I was blowing gusts of air at him, trying to knock him down from the ceiling. We had officially finished our project only twenty minutes before, so I pulled up the EDITH footage from London, trying to think of how to clear Spider-Man’s name.
And then it hit me.
“Oh my god.” I ran to the computer and started typing away furiously. “I think I figured it out.”
He came back to the ground. “Figured what out?”
“We can just use the audio file from the video. Then your face doesn’t have to be in it at all.”
I found the file and played it over the speakers.
“EDITH! Turn off the drones.”
“Should I execute all cancellation protocols?”
“Yes, execute them all.”
It was perfect. Exactly what we needed.
“Peter.” I turned to him with a huge smile on my face. “This can save Spider-Man.”
“This can save Spider-Man,” he repeated. “Shit, Y/N, you just saved Spider-Man.” He wrapped his arms around me tightly and lifted me in the air, his laugh ringing in my ear. “I can still be Spider-Man!”
I laughed along with him. He set me down after a minute, but we were still standing unbelievably close together. One minuscule step forward and my lips would be on his. His heart beat jumped, and so did mine, but he didn’t pull away. Neither of us pulled away.
His tilted his head and kissed my cheek (which I still freaked out over) and then took a step back.
“We have to call Pepper and tell her.”
“Yeah, yeah.” FRIDAY started the call and Pepper was over the moon.
“We’ll get a press conference set up for tomorrow, and I’ll work on a statement. Peter,” this was the sternest I had ever heard her - even more serious than when she was talking to Morgan, “I know this is all good news, but you have to wait to be Spider-Man still. All of this press has to die down first before you can go out in the open again, okay?”
“Yes, Mrs. Potts.”
“Okay. I’ll see you two bright and early tomorrow.”
She hung up and Peter hugged me again. This one was way more subdued than the last one. “Thank you, Y/N,” he mumbled into my neck.
“You’re welcome, Pete.”
The press conference went well, according to Rhodey. “I think most of them were relieved to know Spider-Man’s not actually a murderer.” Everyone was dying to have Spider-Man come out and answer questions, but Pepper insisted no questions were being taken at that time, or ever.
MJ called Peter after the press conference was released to the public, and they talked for what felt like forever. The second he got the call I went to the training room: to distract myself or actually train, well, it doesn’t matter because both were done.
A simulation droid was about to “kill” me, but red magic tore it apart at the last second.
“No problem. Are you okay?”
I shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because Peter’s been talking on the phone for the same time you’ve been in here.” Wanda gave me a knowing look. You forget that she can read minds because she’s not invasive about it, but she’s always there, holding the information to either back you up or tear you down.
I sighed. “He’s talking to MJ. And I know there’s a high possibility that they’ll get back together but a part of me is hoping they won’t.”
“So you can be with him instead.” I gave a small nod. “Don’t give up yet, Y/N. I see the way he looks at you. You might have more of a chance than you think.”
“She’s right, kid.”
I jumped in surprise. “How long have you been listening?”
Sam smiled from the observation deck of the training room. “Long enough. Boys are stupid, they need all the help they can get.”
“I’ve given him plenty of help already. Literally.”
“Haha, very funny.” He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. If it doesn’t work out with MJ, shoot your shot. I have a feeling you won’t be disappointed.” He winked before leaving, and Wanda followed suit.
I rolled my eyes before telling FRIDAY to pick another random simulation. “Make it a good one.” And, boy, did she. It was the hardest one yet, and all of my concentration was going into it. I was so focused I didn’t even notice Peter walk in until after I had won.
I turned quickly to see him standing near the door, his hands in his pockets. “Hey. How’d it go?”
“It was okay. She saw the news.”
“But it’s not happening. I-“ he looked down at the ground, “I can’t trust her. Not when she lost trust in me. And I- I think I’m interested in someone else.”
I nodded along. I tried to keep my heart as normal as possible but it was beating too hard from my adrenaline to be controllable; I’m almost positive Peter heard it jump at the news. “That’s understandable. Who’s the, uh, the someone else?” God, please be me.
Peter’s lips twitched up to a small smile. “You’ll find out eventually.” He stepped further into the room and relaxed a bit. “Want to do a round together?”
I wanted to. I really wanted to. But I was exhausted, and I think I pulled a muscle, and I could already feel bruises forming where I ungracefully fell on my side. So I just shook my head. “Some other time.”
My room had a bathroom attached to it, and that’s where I spent the next half hour, standing under the blazing hot water coming from the shower. Once I convinced myself to actually get out and change into pajamas, I grabbed my laptop and climbed into bed. I was going home tomorrow, I deserved a few hours of shuteye.
Then someone knocked on my door and ruined the whole ambiance.
“Oh, you’re - I was just - I’ll just go.”
“No, Peter, what’s up?”
He was standing there, hair damp from the shower, black t-shirt and flannel pajama pants on, looking hot as ever. “I was going to ask if you wanted to watch a movie, but you’re already in bed, so never mind.” He turned to walk away, and I almost let him because I was on-my-ass exhausted, but I didn’t. I couldn’t, not when he looked like that (soft, but also hot as fuck).
“Come on.” He turned, and I opened the door wider. “I was about to watch Gilmore Girls, but we can watch a movie if you want.” I pulled back the covers and left plenty of room for Peter to sit beside me.
“We can watch Gilmore Girls, I don’t mind.”
The second I pressed ‘play’ on the third episode was the second my eyes could barely stay open any longer. I tried so hard to watch Jess win Rory back, but sleep caught up with me and I let it win. I used Peter’s shoulder as a pillow and decided sleep was a battle I didn’t mind losing.
I woke up to my alarm, but as quickly as my eyes opened, Peter’s arm pulled me closer to him. I was too tired to feel embarrassed or excited about the fact that Peter Parker was in my bed with an arm wrapped around me. All I wanted to was to turn off my alarm and go back to bed, but my dad was picking me and Peter up in two hours and I wanted to bully Sam into making me pancakes again.
“Let go, Peter,” I ended up mumbling, “I have to turn the alarm off.” He moved his arm off and I sat up and grabbed my phone. “I’m getting breakfast.”
It must’ve been my lucky day, because Sam and Bucky were in the kitchen. “‘Morning, sunshine. Sleep okay?” I looked at Sam with a hard glare, and he laughed. Of course he knew Peter was with me, FRIDAY knows everything.
I sat next to Bucky and thought of fluffy pancakes to ward off my burning hatred for Captain America. “Sam, how much do you love me?”
“Depends on what you’re willing to give me in exchange for the pancakes.”
Of course he already knew my move. Typical.
“I’ll delete half of the embarrassing footage of you saved in FRIDAY’s hard-drive.”
Sam looked at Bucky suddenly, extremely confused. “I thought that was done months ago.”
He just shrugged and drank his coffee. “Must not’ve gone deep enough. Good thing Y/N is here to catch it.”
Sam glanced between the two of us and sighed. “Okay, fine, I’ll make you some stupid pancakes.”
I smiled, then Bucky slipped me ten dollars under the counter and whispered, “Save me the footage.” I winked back.
“Can I have some too?” Peter, soft as hell, came into the kitchen and sat beside me. (His knee was brushing up against mine.)
“Only if you have something to offer.” Sam liked us, I know he did (that’s part of the embarrassing footage FRIDAY has saved) but he was usually a dick to us - anyone who wasn’t Bucky (and even then) - in the morning. It was always playful banter, but we knew not to step too far before eleven o’clock.
“I promise not to test out my new long-lasting webs on anything you own.”
The pancakes were delicious (“hell yeah they were, I don’t mess around with pancakes”) but my dad was at the compound before we knew it, and it was time to face reality again.
“I saw the press conference,” Dad said when we sat down in the back, “and everything was very convincing. Congrats on getting to be Spider-Man again, Peter.”
He beamed. “Thanks, Mr. Y/L/N. Anything exciting happen at the hospital recently?”
They talked medical, while I sat back and listened to the engine. It covered up their hearts, but that didn’t matter, because both would’ve sent me right back to sleep. And it did.
We pulled up to Peter’s complex an hour and a half later. There were still plenty of daylight hours left, but we both left more homework to today than we would like to admit and neither of our parental figures would be pleased with that.
“See you tomorrow,” he said with a smile.
I smiled back, genuinely, (I was giving those out way more often now) and waved. “Bye.” Dad and I drove back and walked up to the apartment bumping shoulders. Our schedules didn’t line up very often because he was needed in the ER a lot of the time, but we always had a sort of silent understanding. He unlocked the door and let me in first, but when my eyes landed on the kitchen table, I stopped mid-step.
Blood. Everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, on Mom’s floral couch she claimed “added personality” to the living room. No one else was in the apartment, I could tell, but then it just raised more questions:
Who’s blood is everywhere?
Where the hell is Mom?
tags: @eridanuswave​ @vampirestrawberries​ 
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