#guess i'll get a 1 on the exam
fitzrove · 8 months
German speaker followers of firztove.rungle.com. Does anyone know what the difference between vermissen and versäumen is???
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misskamelie · 3 months
Wrt the situation(tm), I managed to resolve the communication issue between us and it's been pretty chill since then. I care about them a whole lot, but there's still something I cannot quite grasp about what I feel towards them
#it's like. Okay fine I want to see them but it's. Idk I don't even have a specific reason to want that#I'd be fine just sharing space w them. Going on a walk getting something to eat together#To be in silence in the same room each doing their own thing#Idk man I cannot understand if this is a very specific and odd thing (compared to what I feel toward others) or if this is slightly skewed#Because of the obvious and clear physical distance between us#there really is no point in bringing any of this up either because of the obvious current logistics and situation#But I really hope I get to see them in person within the year. First I'll have to find the confidence to say so to them tho#(In a 'look. I'd pass by anyway at one point but I *am* in good part motivated by the possibility to see you and hang out w you' kinda way)#it is also slightly difficult to share the correct amount of info on the situation w my friends because#While most of them have more experience than me w relationships none of them had something comparable to this#so there's 1) distance issue and 2) cultural issue because it's clear the difference of cultures plays smt into how we interact#(As in. Things they/I assume while communicating. As in. Slight difference of texting etiquette I guess?)#also like. I might complain about not getting attention but in reality? I'd get tired about *too* much attention and eagerness#Even just. How do I talk about it to others? I don't really know what words I could use to describe the relationship between us#I generally say 'friend' or 'a friend I care a lot for' if that has some significance#my post#ah who cares I have some exams to take care of first
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Chapter 1: A Ruff Day for two
Damian is humiliated. Who wouldn't be? Joker had teamed up with a bunch of other villains and had stolen a magical device that turns people into animals - why? Damian doesn't know!
While fighting however he was split from the rest of the family and hit with the ray.
You want to guess what animal he got the luck of turning into?
If you guessed a Yorkshire Terrier then you'd be correct.
It's not that Damian doesn't like the animal, he adores all animals no matter what, it's just offensive that that's what he ended up being. Couldn't he have been something cooler? A Doberman? A German Shepherd?
Whatever... Either way he is now wondering the streets trying not to get picked up by strangers - or stepped on for that matter.
While lost in thought about how he will get back to normal and whether his family are okay he didn't see the pair of legs standing in front of a closed shop.
He bumps into them, as soon as he does he dashes back and starts to growl - it's really all he can do.
He looks up at the figure who looks more confused than anything, they have a phone in their hand and pajamas on. They look half asleep.
Damian quickly deducts that the person was harmless.
Honestly, Damian was ready to just leave, walk around this person, yet when he attempted to a loud bang filled the air.
He swears it was the dog instincts, that it wasn't his own instincts, that made him run behind the person.
He's Damian Wayne! An al Ghul for crying out loud! No way is he scared of an explosion, even if it was even louder as a dog.
The person reacts slowly, clearly extremely tired. They turn to look at Damian and after a couple seconds they speak up, pulling Damian from his fight or flight response.
"Poor puppy... Are you lost?" The person bends down and slowly and carefully pats Damian. Damian is tempted to bite the person's hand off but refrains in case they call the pound.
"your coat is so well taken care of... Not to mention the fact that you're a handbag dog. You must belong to one of the wealthy elites... That part of town is so far away from here though, poor thing" their voice is soft, clearly tired. They yawn slightly.
"it's pretty late right now so the pound is probably closed, I'll take you tomorrow to check for a microchip because I don't see a collar."
Damian wishes he could scoff as a dog. Why would this stranger help him? Especially the breed he is. They're noisy, skittish and more, definitely not the type for run down apartments that this person definitely lives in.
Yet, he doesn't bite or growl when they pick him up. He squirms slightly in discomfort but soon enough they hold him properly.
Fine. He'll stay the night then in the morning he'll make his way back to Wayne Manor and find his family.
You have decided that your luck is absolute shit. It has to be. You're pretty sure whatever god is watching is purposefully planning your demise.
First, your lover of three years cheats on you.
Second, you fail two of your exams and forgot to hand in an assignment.
Third, your favorite convenience store closed early so you couldn't buy a tub of cheap ice cream so you can act out how a person in a movie would react to all of the above.
Fourth, a dog stumbles into you, clearly from some wealthy douche and now you've spoken before you thought and moved before you could comprehend.
Your landlord is going to have your head. A great way to end the shit show of a day, not to mention Yorkshire Terrier's are the most yap filled dogs imaginable. Luckily this one is quiet... Hopefully for the rest of the night.
You look down at your phone in your other hand, you were messaging your dad to ask for more money because you were recently fired from your last job.
It's not like you like asking others for money, it's embarrassing, but your dad is well off enough to send some over.
You and your family are stable, something a lot of people in Gotham can't relate to. Sucks to be them you guess.
The only reason you're living alone is because they live in Metropolis and you were studying at Gotham University.
Was the degree worth living in this dump of a city? You sure hope so. If not you'll actually become a villain.
You glance at the dog from time to time, checking for any discomfort. The dog is still, eyes blinking occasionally. Was it in thought? You didn't think dogs would think like that.
Eventually you make it to your apartment complex, it was better than the one next to it, but to be fair the one next to it was abandoned after a fire.
You head upstairs to your apartment on the third floor.
Turns out the higher the apartment from the ground is, the higher it will cost. Luckily for you your mother is paying for it, you just pay utility bills.
You struggle with your keys and the dog in your arms. Eventually though you open the door and all but throw the dog down, he was super heavy.
That or you just weren't used to holding anything that breathes.
The dog walks in and sniffs around.
"I suppose I should name you.." You speak aloud, closing the front door of the apartment and walking to the kitchen right next to it.
"how about... Buddy?" The dog huffs.
"No? Okay uhm... What are dog names? Give me a second." You search up dog names and click on an article.
"Uh, Oreo?" A huff.
"Max?" A huff.
You continue going down the list before groaning.
"Fuck me... Forget it, I'll put on the TV and the first name I see will be your name."
You grab the remote and turn on your shitty old TV. The news pops up, one of the headlines reading:
Robin seen being hit with animal ray!
"huh... What about Robin?" The dog rolls it's eyes but doesn't seem to object. You smile, relieved.
"Good. Robin it is."
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uravichii · 2 years
4:17 AM ー shinsou hitoshi
genre: fluff, heavy comfort in the end, self-indulgent !!
cw: (1) mention of "ma'am" i'm so sorry it sounded cute i couldn't help it. that's the only gendered term here tho :') this is for all u tired smarty pants girlies im giving u a bf who'll stay up with u 😡
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shinsou hitoshi's favorite thing to do is staying up with you throughout every single one of your all-nighters.
whether it's for an exam, a shit ton of homework, or a group project which, for some reason, you're finishing all by yourselfー he's plopped there on your bed, perfectly behaved and quiet as you threatened asked him to be.
when you ask him why he's so insistent on accompanying you during these ungodly hours when you can't even give him a scrap of your attention at all due to your heavy workload, he simply shrugs and says:
"'ts fine. can't sleep in my own room anyway." hitoshi's lips slightly curve into a smirk. "plus, i like watching over you. you pout when you're focusedー did you know that? cutest shit ever."
you roll your eyes as you turn back to your laptop, frowning at the heaps of unfinished work left. "well, if you bother me, i'm throwing you out of my room, alright?"
"yes, ma'am." he obliges. "coffee service is an exception though, right? back rubs too... if that's not a bother."
you whip your head back at him with tearful puppy eyes of gratitude. it's taking everything in you not to mount your boyfriend right now and pepper his face with little kisses.
he snorts at your adorable expression.
"stop. don't look at me like that. i'm gonna want to snuggle with you, and you won't get any work done." he chuckles softly as you swivel your chair back to your desk. "let me know if you want anything else."
a few hours and two cups of coffee later, he's still there, watching as you hunch over your desk, nimble fingers typing incessantly on your laptop with the occasional cursing of familiar names under your breathー he's guessing you're carrying a whole group project by yourself again.
he glances at the time on his phone, and being the ridiculously observant boyfriend that he is, he knows the exact second you're about to say:
"okay!" you hoist yourself up, slamming your hands on your desk. it doesn't startle your poor boyfriend anymore at this point.
"power nap?" he guesses.
"just for 20 minutes."
"alright, c'mere."
you collapse into his open arms, melting into him as he instinctively starts rubbing circles on your back. he peeks at your already closed eyes. "hey, you set a timer yet?"
your eyes snap open, "oh right." you pull out your phone and clumsily make a few taps before you toss it away, not even bothering to turn it off. "'kay done. g'night."
hitoshi glances at the bright screen. "uh. sorry to break it to you, y/n, but i don't think typing typing '430' on your calculator's gonna wake you up."
"fuck." you jolt up and grab your phone again.
hitoshi watches as you make a second attempt to set an alarm, which seems to have magically disappeared from your phone.
"that's... that's the calendar, babe."
and then another attempt,
"you're dialing 430?"
"well, i can't find the damnー" you shove the phone to him and whine, "you do it!"
he snickers before pulling you closer, caging you in his long limbs and obligingly pulling the phone from your hands "alright, alright. i'll wake you up. you just take a nap right here, hm?" he gently pats your cheek twice before kissing your forehead. hitoshi has always had a habit of babying you when you're all sleepy and snug like this.
he doesn't actually let the alarm go off. you're obviously exhausted, burnt out, and a tad irritatedー the last thing you ever need is having your power nap cut short with that god-awful noise.
instead, you're woken up by your boyfriend rhythmically smoothing his palm down your arm, planting featherlight kisses across your sleeping face.
"y/n. babe, wake up." he gently lifts you up until you're sat up on the bed, your back laid flat against his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist. he props his chin on your shoulder and coos, "sleepyhead. c'mon, you can get all snuggly and cute with me when you're done. right now, you gotta get up and get that gorgeous brain working again. you're not done yet, are you?"
he presses one last kiss on your cheek before you eventually (and reluctantly) rise from the bed, dragging your languid feet across the floor until you reach your desk and start working again almost instantly.
you hear the pads of his feet across the hardwood floor as he walks over to you, draping his heavy arms around you and brushing his thumb against your shoulder, "coffee?"
you give him a tired smile in response.
this cycle repeats two more timesー you crawling in his arms for another power nap, him waking you up in the sweetest, most gentle way possible, and you rising from the bed like a zombie, getting increasingly worn out until you finally stop typing and pass everything barely on time.
you slip into hitoshi's arms again and nuzzle your face against his chest, "'t's done." you mumble, your exhaustion draining out your energy to even enunciate your words.
"really? that's good then." he strokes the back of your head, pulling you closer by your waist. "you okay?"
you instantly start weeping. "no, i'm so tired. i'm so fucking tired. i'm dying. i can't do this anymore. that group project took up so much of my time so i couldn't write my own essay well. i just bullshitted my way for the last two paragraphs. it's awful."
"hey, you never write anything awful, y/n. it's physically impossible for the y/n to write a bad sentence." he continues petting your head as he consoles you.
"i justー" you mumble, your voice muffled by his hoodie as you press your face against his chest, "i could've done a lot better if i had more time."
hitoshi sighs, soothingly rubbing circles on your back. he wishes people didn't expect so much of you. never mind how intelligent and reliable you areー he's sick of people exhausting you like this. aren't you tired, even a little bit, of people constantly taking more than what you can give?
hitoshi's lips pressed on the top of your head as he ponders.
"hey." he calls.
"what if i... extend the deadline for that essay? you know, 'convince' your teacher to set a more reasonable one."
you raise your head to meet his eyes. "what?"
he clears his throat, avoiding your concerned gaze, "what if i brainwashed your teacherー"
"no, i get what you were saying, but i don't think that's a good idea, hitoshi." you frown.
"look, if you're not on board with it, i won't force it. i can't help you with these essays, can i? no one writes as good as you, so i'm just trying to help in any way i can."
"but hitoshi, that's notー" a yawn interrupts your sentence, brimming your eyes with tears. you easily surrender to sleep and snuggle back on his chest, "yeah, you know what? do that. fuck them."
your uncaring teachers be damned. count in your group mates that may as well be dead weights too. sleep and your sweet boyfriend felt less irksome to think about. you'll worry about everything later.
hitoshi snorts at your easy submission, hugging your waist even tighter as he whispers sweetly in your ear, his voice deep and tired, "i love you." he presses a kiss behind your ear, "if only i was half as smart and brilliant as you, i would've helped you with these thingsー you know that, right? if i could write essays as well as you do and my talents were on par with yours, i would've helped you a lot more."
he lowers his head to peek at your adorable, sleepy face before attacking your cheek and neck with smooches, "but you write such beautiful sentencesー how do you do that? what's your secret?" you giggle, both from the validation and his loud smooches.
silence settles over you as you catch your breath from that burst of laughter. he gently strokes the back of your head, feeling comfort himself at the steady rise and fall of your chest against his.
a sleepy mumble of "i love you." was all you could utter to your boyfriend before you start to drift offー you'll coddle him in the morning when you have the energy.
hitoshi smooths your hair back and presses a soft kiss on your forehead. "i love you too. i'm proud of you, okay? if you ever feel like no one acknowledges how hard you work everyday, just know that i'm here, and i see you every single timeー i've never missed an all-nighter, have i?" he snickers, "no matter how delirious and insane you get during these hours, i'm always there."
you chuckle softly and sigh, brushing your thumb softly against his arm.
"yeah? what is it?"
you pause in hesitation, but you say it anyway. hitoshi would love the idea more than you already do.
"what if you brainwashed my group mates too?"
hitoshi smirks proudly. this is when he knows you've been spending way too much time with him.
"give me their names first thing in the morning, babe. i got you."
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special tag: this is for @escapenightmare who also recently carried a whole group project on her back gws <3
TAGLIST [1/2] @uxavity @joy-the-reader @kiiraes @escapenightmare @afk-dreaminq @avocamich @theboredvee @wonderwrench @ur-local-simp @p-ol @x0xuglyh0tgrl2005xoxo @cosmonettica @melin-oe @mitzi127 @lilac-o @r2katsu @bakucumsackslut @idunnomynamesince2005 @astralwaifu @taurus852 @creepyproxies @maycat-19-142 @stella-fleurets @veenxys @devilgirlcrybabiey @drawingaddict @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @lexiv-web @angelshimaa @izukus-gf @christiansdior @homosexualjohnwayne @uwiuwi @hirugummies @cupidines @loveisningning (bold couldn't be tagged)
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nonotnolan · 4 months
Jock Cock, Part 2
Check out Part 1 here.
"Excuse me, Professor Jones?" I wasn't expecting to be recognized out in public, but I did live in town, and it wasn't unheard of for a few of my more friendly students to engage in small talk if they happened to see me out grocery shopping or what have you. I'm usually too introverted to develop deep bonds with students, especially over a trivial intro course, but some people just want to be social.
"Please, just Mr. Jones. Or Kevin. I'm a teaching assistant, not a… Jared?" I certainly wasn't expecting a member of the basketball team greeting me out in public. "Do I… I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting to be recognized. I don't think you've ever been enrolled in one of my classes?"
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He smiled at me, letting his bags drop to the ground. "Well, we've crossed paths before, I just didn't make much of an impression on you. I don't take it personally, I was a pretty non-descript guy." The thought of Jared ever blending into a crowd was… ridiculous, to say the least. My skepticism must have shown up on my face, because he started laughing at me. "The real me, not Jared. I'm the same guy who swapped with Adam last month."
I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks as I recalled that night. He dumped three different loads in my ass once he was no longer my student. It was one of the most risky hookups I have ever had, but that made it all the more exciting. Especially since the man inside of Adam's body clearly had experience. Most guys with a fuck stick over seven inches were terrible in bed, but he was diligent about both foreplay and aftercare. Snuggling against a tight chest of rippling muscles, breathing deeply the manly aroma of his musky pits, gazing deeply into his eyes as his fingers ran through my hair… I didn't even realize I was daydreaming until I felt the strain of my cock against my boxer briefs.
"You wanna do it again?" he said, whispering softly. "Jared hired me to take care of Summer School exams for him. I've still got two more days inside of this body, and I'd love to see you again. That razor sharp mind of yours is just… the fucking sexiest thing about you, Kev. I want to be near you, I want to pull you in close and hold you tight." The stranger's hand slid down to his crotch and cupped his junk. "And I want to rail you with this jock cock until you scream."
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I started to fidget with my suit jacket. "Jared... Adam... whoever it is that you are... look, it was risky enough when you were in the body of someone who graduated. Jared is... what, a junior? He's barely 21. And he's still a student"
"But he's not your student," countered the stranger. "I looked up the university policy. It only matters if there is a conflict of interest, like student and teacher. And age means nothing as long as the body is legal, which it is. Besides, you're... what, mid 30s? A bit older? That's nothing for hookup culture."
As always, the man had a point. Was he always this confident, or was that a side effect of wearing a jock's skin? "I mean, you're right, I just... I'm not a big fan of hookup culture. I know we had that night when you were Adam, but... I'd much rather go on a date and get to know you first. And I can't help but feel guilty that these athletes don't know you're having sex in their bodies, so that plus the hookup guilt is... it's a bit much for me. I really should say no. It's not personal."
Jared, the man inside of Jared, just smiled at me. "I don't know what sort of operation you think I'm running, but I make them all sign contracts that outline everything I'm allowed to do while I'm inside in their body, sex included. So if you don't want a hookup, I guess I'll just have to hang out a bit before we fuck. Why don't you come back to my place? We can hang out at the pool before we head upstairs."
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"Pretty nice apartment complex, right? Jared's parents are loaded." He smiled at me as I glanced around the property. I knew the buildings in this part of town were incredibly expensive, but I didn't realize just how extravagant they were.
My eyes were drawn to the water droplets running down his muscular pecs. "Well, honestly, I assumed it was due to his status as a star athlete," I said, trying to keep my eyes focused on his face.
He shook his head. "Nah, they barely get paid anything, and the regulations around it are pretty bullshit. The scholarships cover the classes, but anything else is a crapshoot. Most of the athletes I hop into, I have them pay me by giving me extra time in their body. I don't think I could ever develop all this," he gestured at his chest for emphasis, "on my own. Being a jock is a lot of hard work and dedication, but borrowing it? Much easier. I love being able to borrow bodies like this, and doing their schoolwork is a breeze. It's a pretty sweet gig for someone like me."
"It sounds like you're being a bit hard on yourself, Mr...?"
The man in Jared's body shrugged. "Call me Mike, if you want. Or you can call me Fuck. That's what you'll be screaming later, when I'm balls deep in that ass of yours." It was one of the dumbest lines I'd heard, but the delivery was aided by the absolute stud who said it. "Come on, let's head upstairs. If you want a date, we can have coffee between rounds."
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"You are going to be the death of me," I said, panting for breath. I could feel the sweat dripping down my thighs-- among other fluids, given that I'd already taken two loads from Mike's current body. I was falling for him, hard. "Okay, I have to be awkward. You clearly have a crush on me if you're trying to find me when you're in these hot bodies. But if you're not going to let me return the favor… where do you see this going?"
He just started laughing. "Why does it have to go anywhere? We're just two gay guys enjoying a series of casual hookups. It happens all the time."
I rolled off of the mattress and walked over to where I had tossed off most of my clothes. "Because I want it to go somewhere, Jar-- Mike. I don't want to have a series of casual hookups. I know a lot of guys are fine with that sort of culture, but… I'm not. I need more than this."
"Whoa, hey…" He came up behind me and pulled me close, and I could feel the warmth of his body. "Kevin. My guy. You don't even know what I look like. Are you in love with me, the idea of me, or the jock cock that I can provide to you?" He started grinding his growing erection against my bare ass for emphasis-- God, of course Jared's body was already prepared for round three. "I promise you, a relationship will never live up to your dreams. Don't ruin a good thing by trying to get even more. Just sit back and enjoy the dick, for as long as I can supply it."
I brushed his arm off my shoulder and stepped further away. "I can't… Mike, I'm not going to settle for 'good enough' in matters of love. And if that means ruining a good thing to chase what I want… what I need? That's what I'm going to do." I kept waiting for him to say something as I started getting dressed, but he just stared at me with his arms crossed.
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He followed me out of the apartment, though he remained silent as he walked behind me. I guess he thought I would realize that his dick was too good to leave, and he had been right all along? I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. We were both too stubborn to admit defeat.
"I'll… see you around in some other college stud, I guess."
Check out Part 3 here.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Grateful Dad Part 2 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Bradley can't believe you and he are about to be parents. Just when he was getting used to the idea of how his life would be, the two of you get an unexpected surprise. And by your third trimester, when you make a promise to him and then break it, he's left to deal with some things in his own.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swears, smut and pregnancy
Length: 4900 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is an optional one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time!
Read Part 1! Check my profile for my masterlist
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It didn't fully hit Bradley until the first time he noticed that soft swell of your belly. It seemed to sneak up on him, the way it took several months before it was noticeable. But once it was there, it was all he could think about. 
He was going to be a dad. And you were going to be a mom.
"Sugar," he whined that first day he noticed it. "You have a bump." You were lying in bed, trying to read as he pushed your tie dye shirt up a few more inches. "This wasn't here yesterday."
You set your book down and glanced to where his hands were resting gently on your belly. "I guess I do have a little bump," you replied softly, running your fingers through his hair as he kissed the spot just above your belly button. "My wool skirt is getting snug for work, but I thought I was just bloated."
Bradley was mesmerized. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" he asked, glancing up at you with a grin. 
"Do you really care?"
"Not at all." He kissed your bump and started humming his favorite Grateful Dead song. Bradley knew this was likely the only time you'd want to get pregnant. Your career was important to you, and you were already concerned about the baby coming before the end of your spring semester. You said you were going to have to take the following fall semester off from teaching, because you didn't want to let down the math majors at San Diego State University where you taught calculus. 
"You don't know how easy it is to love you," he sang to your belly before abruptly rolling over in bed. 
"Where are you going?" you asked him with a laugh. 
He grabbed his phone and opened his music app, mumbling, "The baby should get to hear the Grateful Dead perform it. Sounds better than when I sing."
He queued up the song and placed his phone near your belly as it started. "I don't know. I kind of like your version, Beer Boy," you promised, and he kissed your lips before pushing your shirt up high enough so he could see your tattoo of the song lyrics. 
"That's good, because I'll never stop singing it," he whispered, running his nose along your tattoo. He placed one hand gently on your belly and sang along.
"I'm so excited," Bradley whispered for the seventh time in five minutes. "I don't think I've ever been this excited before. I also kind of feel like I'm going to throw up."
"Relax," you whispered, taking his hand. If he was this bad today when you were getting a high definition ultrasound, maybe you didn't want him with you when you actually delivered the baby.
"I just want to see the bean," he mumbled, practically bouncing in the waiting room chair. 
You tried not to smile, because he actually looked a little pale and nervous. "We don't even get to find out the sex today."
"Yeah," he replied, exasperated, "but we get to see the bean, Sugar. Up close and personal."
When they called your name a minute later, Bradley jumped out of his seat and dragged you down the hallway. He paced around the first room while you had some blood drawn. And then he paced around the next room while you waited for the technician to come in.
"Why did they call us back if they weren't ready?" he grunted, eyeing you up and down as you sat on the exam table in a hospital gown. "This is taking for fucking ever."
"Watch your language in front of the baby," you scolded, and his eyes went wide.
"Shit, you're right. Oh, fuck. Damn it!" You were cracking up now as he sat down with his forehead resting on his palms. "I'll get better, I promise!" 
"You have about six more months to shape up your act." 
He thought about everything he had planned for the next six months. Buy a crib and a stroller. Put a car seat in the Bronco. Paint the extra bedroom. Put those little plastic safety things in all the outlets in the house. 
When the exam room door opened, he jumped to his feet as a woman in pink scrubs walked in. "Hi, I'm Elaine! Sorry for the long wait, but we were double checking your blood work," she said walking toward you.
"What's wrong with the blood work?" Bradley asked, his voice suddenly hoarse. The desire to throw up returned, and he was reaching backwards for the arm of the chair. 
"Nothing at all," she replied smoothly, helping you lay back on the table and opening the hospital gown. "A lot of different levels were elevated, so we wanted to be sure. But if you're ready to see the babies, then we can get started."
"Babies?" you and Bradley nearly shouted in unison as Elaine opened the software and turned on the gigantic monitor. 
"Yes," she replied with a smile. "You're having twins."
Bradley nearly collapsed back into the empty chair. "Holy shit. Holy shit, Sugar!"
"Twins?!" you asked Elaine. Bradley couldn't tell if you were excited about the idea or not, but he was thrilled. Two babies? In one go? This was better than getting a promotion at work. This was almost as good as his wedding day. Almost as exciting as when you and he reunited in Virginia after ten years apart.
When you reached out your hand toward him, Bradley rocketed out of his seat to get to you. "Are you happy?" he asked, lacing his fingers with yours and kissing your forehead. 
"I... I think so. I think I'm kind of shocked."
"Me, too. But in a very, very good way."
As the two of you watched the monitor while Elaine moved the wand around on your belly, Bradley's eyes filled with tears. He had never seen anything so sweet in his life. 
"Two little beans," you whispered, and Bradley watched you cry as you smiled. When he nodded, you added, "Yes, I'm happy."
But when Bradley got you settled at home, his apprehension started to creep in. You were clearly tired. You were the one growing the twin beans. He probably wasn't doing enough. As you slowly dozed off in bed wearing his old Grateful Dead shirt, he watched your lips part, soft breathing taking over. 
His thoughts drifted to his own parents. He could only remember how much pain his mom had been in before she died, and he could barely picture what his dad looked like unless he had a photo in his hand. 
Bradley could feel his heart rate pick up, the rapid pounding filling his ears started to make him feel crazy. He sat up in bed, trying to catch his breath. "Fuck," he muttered. He was going to mess this all up. He didn't know what he was doing. He couldn't remember his dad. And all he knew was that his mom somehow made him feel safe without really doing anything that he could model his behavior off of. Carole just made everything seem effortless, which was not helping him right now. 
He bolted out of bed, and then your eyes were open and focused on him. "What's wrong?" you asked groggily. "I need you to snuggle with me."
He studied your pretty face and your earnest expression. "What if I suck at being a dad?" he blurted out.
You set your head back down on the pillow and reached out for him with one hand. "You're good at everything else. You'll be good at this, too."
"But what if I'm not?" he demanded. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I barely even had a dad." He thought of the navy desk lamp and how he'd followed in his father's career path and how he somehow knew Nick had loved him. 
"You've never let me down yet, Beer Boy." Your soft words and the way you reached for his hands were enough to get him back into bed. And then his pulse returned to normal as you wrapped him up in your arms. This time he was dozing off before you were. 
Bradley went sprinting out of work at the beginning of lunchtime. If Maverick kept them one minute longer, Bradley would have earned himself some push-ups for insubordination. It was your anatomy ultrasound scan day, and now he was going to be late meeting you there.
"Fuck," he groaned as he yanked down the zipper of his flight suit a few inches as he pulled out into traffic. He was trying so hard to stop swearing, but days like this just called for the f word. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he growled, weaving around cars.
He wanted to know more about the twin beans. You and he had been talking about names, and he was beyond excited about everything. Last weekend he had painted the nursery a soft gray color and assembled two cribs. He even ordered a variety of matching tie dye onesies. Then you told him he did a great job and pushed him down on the floor on the new cloud shaped area rug in the nursery. His reward was getting to run his hands all over your round belly and tits while you rode him.
Bradley was in love with you and the babies, and being late today was making him upset. You were already on the exam table with the technician when the receptionist led him back to the room.
"Oh good, you're here," you sighed as he rushed toward you and grabbed your hand.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," he whispered, kissing your forehead and then your belly.
The technician smiled as Bradley knelt next to the table with his hand in yours. "Let's begin?" the technician asked. And when you nodded, he rubbed some gel on your belly and ran the wand slowly back and forth until those adorable beans were on the monitor just like last time.
"They got so big!" Bradley said, proud of how nicely they were growing.
"They are measuring right where they should be," the technician said, pausing the screen to take some pictures. "And I can tell you the sex for both of them if you want to know."
"Yes!" Bradley nearly shouted, looking up at your beautiful face as you laughed. "Please!"
"Okay, here we go."
It felt like an eternity as Bradley gripped your hand, waiting to be informed about what he was looking at on the screen. You were stroking his knuckles with your thumb, always so calm and analytical. 
He glanced at your face and watched you as the technician said, "Baby number one right here is not shy at all. He's waving hi."
"He?" Bradley was on his feet, trying to get closer to the screen. 
"Yes. A boy," the technician said.
"Another little Beer Boy in the making," you said before Bradley leaned down to kiss you.
He was sure he looked ridiculous as he said, "Nah, he'll be so much better than me. He's half you."
The way you smiled up at Bradley had him kneeling next to you again. "What about baby number two? Can we look at that bean now?" he asked, squeezing your hand. 
"Okay," the technician said, drawing Bradley's attention toward the screen again. "And baby number two...well she's trying to hide behind her brother, but there she is."
Bradley shouted, "Yes!" so loudly that you and the technician both jumped a little bit. "Oh my god, Sugar!"
"One of each," you whispered, covering your lips with your shaky fingers. 
"This is exactly what I was hoping for, but I didn't want to say it out loud," he whispered against your ear before kissing you all over your face. "Two little beans. One of each!"
You wrapped your arms around Bradley's neck and said. "You don't know how easy it is to love you."
"I'm not going to make it," you moaned, laying on the couch while Bradley made dinner while his phone rang. You were at the start of your third trimester. You were huge. You were always hungry. It was getting hard to stand up for your lectures that were longer than an hour. And Bradley was the only thing holding you together. 
"Fuck!" he suddenly shouted from the kitchen. 
"What's wrong?" you asked, lifting your head up from the cushion. When Bradley walked into the living room, his brow was pinched and he was eyeing you warily. "What?" you demanded, struggling to sit up.
He knelt in front of you and eased you into a seated position. "Sugar," he whispered, pleading with you. "I just got the call. A special mission."
Tears sprang to your eyes. "A deployment?"
"Yeah, baby. I'll be back before the due date."
You cried while his lips met your belly through your shirt. "But, Bradley," you sobbed, "I can't! You've been doing everything! I'm so exhausted, I can barely function! And what if they extend you? That did that last time!" 
Great big sobs wracked your body, and you started gasping for air. Soon you were close to hyperventilating, but Bradley got you into the bathroom just in time for you to throw up in the toilet. And then you curled up on the floor and looked up at him. Your voice was a harsh whisper as he rubbed your back. "I can't do this without you."
He looked distraught as he said, "I don't want you to have to. But Uncle Sam owns my ass."
You closed your eyes, dreading asking him for the mission details. So instead you whispered, "No, the beans and I own your ass. Uncle Sam just borrows you."
"You absolutely own my ass, Sugar," he replied softly, kissing your tear streaked cheeks and helping you get to your feet. "Let's try to eat dinner, and we can talk this through."
Bradley carried two plates of food to the dining room table where you had the perfect view of the glossy white doors he had used to propose to you. He had hung them up on the wall, turning them into the most beautiful work of former frat boy art you had ever seen. 
You picked at your food as he filled you in on the missions plans. He was perfect. Your husband was perfect, and now you were scared you weren't going to be able to get through a month without him. And then you started to spiral, because if four weeks alone while you were pregnant felt too daunting, how would you manage twins while he was gone for months at a time?
"Beer Boy?" you whimpered. "I can't do this."
"Yes," he said adamantly, "you can. You're the strongest person I know."
You bit down hard on your lip as it quivered. "What if something happens to you? Or me? Or them?" Your voice broke, and once again, Bradley was collecting you into his arms and abandoning the dinner plates. You cried softly as he helped you out of your work clothes and into his old Grateful Dead shirt. And then you curled up in bed and watched him strip down to his underwear. 
You watched the flex of his muscles as he took the hideous, tie dyed Grateful Dad shirt out of his drawer and pulled it on. "Nothing's going to happen," he whispered as he got in bed beside you. "You'll wear your shirt, and I'll wear mine. And we'll think about each other the whole time I'm gone. And I'll hang up all the sexy photos I have of you plus the ultrasounds of the beans. And before you know it, I'll be back. And then the beans will be here. And then we'll actually be even more perfect than I ever thought possible."
You cried yourself to sleep in his arms, soaking up all of his beautiful words. 
Bradley's duffle bag was packed. He was leaving in the morning. You'd made him a little folder of copies of the ultrasound photos, and he'd added a few wedding photos as well. He laughed every time he looked at the photos from your Vegas wedding with Elvis. But right now, he felt like crying.
Somehow you were holding it together better than he was right now. "You coming to bed, Beer Boy?"
He zipped his bag closed and looked up to find you standing there in your navy blue bra and matching panties. Your tits looked bigger than ever, practically spilling over the lace cups. And your belly had gotten so big, your panties were tucked below your bump. He reached out for you, pulling you close so his nose met your belly.
"I want the two of you to be good for Mommy while I'm gone, okay?" he whispered, kissing and tickling you with his mustache. He was rewarded with your fingers in his hair and a kick from one of his twins. "I love my Sugar Babies."
You giggled and said, "I wonder if that was the jellybean or the spoonful of sugar that kicked you." Over the past few weeks, you had taken to giving the twins cute little candy related names, and Bradley couldn't get enough. 
He'd never get enough of you either. The way your fingers felt in his hair as he knelt in front of you. The sound of your voice when he closed his eyes. The warmth of your skin where he kissed you. 
"I'm gonna miss you," he whispered before he stood and followed you to bed. 
"I'll be there to pick you up four weeks from tomorrow," you promised, reaching back to unhook your bra. "I promise."
Bradley groaned loudly as you sank back into the pillows. "Your tits look delicious," he moaned, crawling across the bed to get to you. "Fucking huge."
"Watch your language in front of the babies," you whispered against his lips as he palmed your breasts and stroked your tattoos. "Daddy."
Bradley pulled your underwear down your legs and tossed them aside, running his fingers through your slick. "Bradley!" you gasped, your eyes following his every move as he brought his fingers up to his lips. 
"You look delicious, and you taste delicious," he told you, licking his fingers clean before you reached for his cock through his boxer shorts. You squeezed him, eliciting a strangled, needy noise, and he whined your name. 
And you let Bradley do whatever he wanted with a devilish little smile on your face and his name on your lips. You sucked his cock until he was panting, and then you leaned back with your hands on your chest. When he ran his wet length through the valley between your breasts, you urged him along.
"I want you to," you whispered as he titty fucked you. Your tongue darted out to taste him as he tried to go slow. But you looked and felt so good, he was already so far gone by the time he pulled away from you.
"I wanna make you feel good," he gasped as you pushed him onto his back. "As fucking good as you make me feel all the time."
He was treated to the sight of you awkwardly positioning him at your entrance as you had to work around your belly. And when you slid down around him with your perfect pussy, Bradley let his hands come to rest on your hips. Your body was wider now and impossibly sexy, and you rode him as you ran your fingers gently along your breasts. 
"I love you, Sugar," he whispered, running his knuckles along your clit until you were clenching. His other hand came to rest on your belly, and Bradley felt so connected to you, so in love with you, that he felt a tear leak from his eye as you came from him. And then he came inside you as he met you halfway for a kiss.
As you eventually started to doze off on his shoulder, still full of his cum, you whispered, "I love you too, Beer Boy."
Being away from the three of you was tedious at best. Bradley found it hard to pay attention to the things he was supposed to do. He knew the mission parameters inside and out, but he didn't take the time to think about how dangerous it was. There was no space left in his jumbled thoughts for anything except you.
Phoenix had promised to go to your appointments with you in his absence, and when he was allowed to call you, he listened intently to your updates 
"Jellybean boy is measuring a little bigger than our sweet girl, but they both looked good! Nice and strong according to the doctor. And I gained three more pounds, which is probably not ideal, but all the meals you made and froze for me are so yummy." 
And then he flew the special mission, set on making sure it went as flawlessly as possible. Determined to stay as safe as he could. Whatever it took to get back home to San Diego and his perfect little family. 
You were less than a month out from your due date now. And when Bradley arrived on the dock exactly four weeks after you'd sent him off with some filthy kisses, he was so excited to see you. See if you'd gotten bigger or had trouble walking now. He was excited to kneel down and talk to his twins. 
But when he turned his phone on, he was greeted with a voicemail message of your incoherent sobbing. He dropped his bag to the deck of the aircraft carrier as the sound of you crying met his ears. His heart sank to his stomach. You'd left him this message just a handful of hours ago, but when he tried to call you back as the ship was docking, you didn't answer. 
"Come on," he whispered, his voice harsh and filled with unshed tears. "Sugar." But still, you did not answer.
He could feel himself gasping for air. He promised you nothing was going to happen. He never broke his promises to you. Not even when he was twenty one years old and didn't understand the strength of the love he felt for you.
He was staring at his phone screen for a few seconds as tears filled his eyes before he realized he was receiving a call.
"Nat?" he asked, answering his best friend.
"I'm on the dock," she said simply. "I'll find you as you deboard. We're going to head right to the hospital."
"What happened to her?" he asked, clutching his own stomach, barely able to speak. "To them?"
"Early labor," was all she said. Then she sighed before repeating herself. "We'll head right to the hospital."
You weren't sure what was going on. All you knew was the intense amount of pain you were in was enough to make you throw up over and over again. When your water broke during your calculus lecture, you shouldn't have been surprised. You'd been feeling off all week. You tried to chalk it up to missing your husband, but it was more than that. 
After your water broke, you collapsed, only breaking the fall with your hands on the hard floor. You were pretty sure at least one of your wrists was broken, but nobody at the hospital was even slightly concerned about that. Not when they were trying to determine if your babies were okay. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you had to beg Natasha to leave you and pick Bradley up from the port on base after she met you at the hospital. You had been informed that the babies were fine, but you needed to deliver them now as you were running out of amniotic fluid. They would deliver the beans by cesarean section. They were going to put you under general anesthesia for it.
You cried as they prepared you for surgery. You were alone. Bradley was probably with Phoenix by now, but they wouldn't wait any longer. "Let's get started," your obstetrician said as you settled on your back with your battered wrists as your sides. 
"Okay," you agreed, crying as the drugs to put you under started to cloud your vision. 
You laughed softly at the nurse to your left. "That sounded like my husband," you said with a giggle. Then you caught sight of Bradley running into the room in his khaki uniform, drenched in sweat. "It looks like him, too. Hi, Beer Boy," you said, still laughing as he rushed toward you.
"Sugar," he gasped, eyes wide. But they wouldn't let him touch you as you fell asleep.
Pain. You woke up in so much pain. Everything hurt. You were on your back and the room was dark and you could hear beeping. 
"Bradley?" you gasped, trying to sit up, but you couldn't. You started crying and calling his name, and then he was at your side.
"I'm here, Sugar," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay. I love you. You're just waking up again."
"Again?" you asked, completely confused. "Where are the beans?"
"In the nursery," he promised. "They've been in the nursery since yesterday when they were born." 
Your head was swimming with information and memories and fear as Bradley left you to turn on the dim hospital room lights. "They were born yesterday?" 
"Yes," he told you, making his way back over in his rumpled, wrinkly uniform. "And you had surgery on your left wrist today."
But you were starting to remember more now as your eyes settled on the white board across the room. The birth times and birth weights of the twins written in an unfamiliar scrawl. Baby A and Baby B were born just five minutes apart. You must have been on a lot of pain medication, because surely those were not the names you and Bradley had discussed?
You cleared your throat a few times, and then he was grabbing your cup of water and holding it so you could take a sip through the straw.
"Bradley," you started, but he stopped you with a kiss to your chapped lips.
"I'm so proud of you, Sugar," he said, letting his forehead come to rest against yours. "Do you have any idea how fucking amazing you are?" 
"But Beer Boy," you said, glancing at the names written on the board.
"The doctors said the kiddos are doing just fine, and when they wake up hungry in another hour or so, you'll be able to see them."
"But I-"
"And only your left wrist was broken. Your right one will heal on its own. And your abdominal incision will heal up great. And you'll be back to work after the fall term, no problem."
"Bradley!" you said loudly, realizing it was nearly three in the morning as you checked the clock before looking at the names again. "Did you go rogue and name the children without my approval?"
Your husband was silent now, and you could see his cheeks were a little red. "Just the middle names," he muttered softly. 
You sighed and read out loud from the board. "Emma Bean Bradshaw and Levi Garcia Bradshaw," you said slowly. "Really?"
He looked so sheepish as your gaze met his again. "I thought they sounded nice," he whispered, and you felt your lips curve into a smile.
"I love them," you said, swallowing hard. "Their names are perfect."
And then you were treated to your husband's lips and mustache as he kissed you all over your face until you were laughing. "I thought you were mad," he said with a sigh of relief.
"Not mad," you promised, letting him adjust your bed and get you more water. He flitted around the room for a few minutes, and then the door opened as two nurses pushed bassinets into the room, and you cried as you looked at your daughter and your son in their matching tie dyed onesies
Bradley picked Emma Bean up in his arms, and he gently held her out so you could give her a kiss. "Here she is. And check it out, Sugar. I've been feeding them and changing them since yesterday!" 
You marveled at how he held her and bent to coo at Levi Garcia at the same time. And then a moment later, he was sitting in the chair right next to you, feeding each baby a bottle as he sang his favorite Grateful Dead song. 
"Beer Boy," you said with a soft laugh. "You really are the Grateful Dad." 
He smiled at you and said, "I haven't been home yet to wash my hideous shirt, but one day soon we can all wear our tie dye together." 
You examined the cast on your left wrist and ran you right hand gingerly along your belly which felt horribly tender. "You're going to have to take care of all three of us when we go home."
"I'm up for the challenge," he promised immediately. "Nat's gonna help. And Bob will, too. And we'll be just fine. Better than fine."
Bradley stood carefully and set down Emma Bean, your tiny daughter, along your right side. Bradley didn't move as she snuggled up against you, rather he bent and let you kiss Levi's cheek. 
"We'll be perfect," you supplied, smiling at your son and daughter as you listened to your husband sing. 
"You don't know how easy it is to love you."
I couldn't leave Beer Boy hanging in his ugly Grateful Dad tee without letting him know how was having twins beans. And I just know he's going to take the best care of all three of them. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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I'd like to request reader after a succesful final exam get rewarded by Steven and Marc. They would whisper things like i'm so proud of you or that's my smart girl, but she gets so dumb on my cock
Thank you!
Hi anony!^^
One word: SMUT!!
Some quality time
Tumblr media
Steven Grant & Marc Spector x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, oral (fem! receiving), fingering, p in v, soft dom Steven, the boys are utterly horny in some parts, cliffhanger ending(?).
I think I made Marc a pantie sniffer for 1 second, oops(not sorry, hehe)
Summary: You've successfully accomplished your final exam as the best one and your boys wanted to reward you.
Out of all graduates you of course were the best one. To be honest you were scared of the final exam, and if it wasn't for Marc and Steven helping you, you'd probably had worse results. After everything was done, including the small party at the end, you already saw him standing outside waiting for you.
On your way out, you waved goodbye to some of your friends going the opposite direction from you before you approached him.
"Hi Steven, hi Marc."
This time it was Marc, he smiled warmly as you got closer
"Hey sexy. You look beautiful in that dress." he gestured towards the dress you were wearing.
"You already told me at our breakfast today." you couldn't help but blush slightly.
"And I'd do it again and again." Marc held out his arm for you in a gentle manner for you to hook yours on.
Both of you started to make your way back home in silence for some time.
"So, how did it go? Did our teaching help you out?"
"Actually I was the best out of all. So yes, your teaching did help alot."
"Oh? Really? That sure screams for a little reward, don't you think?"
You nudged him with your elbow "You don't have to do anything."
Marc laughed. "Honey, we want to. By the way, Steven wants out. He's going nuts."
Before you could even blink Steven took over the body.
"Love, you look absolutely stunning in that dress!"
You could hear the genuine admiration in Steven's voice.
"You two seem a little happy today."
"Of course we are! You finally made it! And you were the best."
"Come on, it was just an exam! Okay and a little party after, but still, only an exam!"
Steven gave you a playful glare, nudging your shoulder. "You forgot something, love. It was a final exam. Final. Means you're done now."
You just grumbled in response, trying to not laugh.
"Even Marc said that." Steven said, reaching out with his other hand to flick your nose with his finger.
After a while you broke the silence, curious of what the 'reward' might be.
"Marc said something about a reward? I'm sure you must be involved, right?"
"Yeah. A reward for our smart girl." Steven's voice lowered teasingly, hinting at what they had in mind.
Soon enough you arrived back home. While Steven minded his own business you went to get changed. You were only in your underwear, hanging your dress on the coat hanger with your back turned towards the door, not noticing the boys sneaking up on you as out of nowhere two arms snaked around your waist, causing you to jump slightly as he rested his chin on top of your head.
"Gotcha." He said softly, it was Marc again he pulled you against him, hugging you from behind.
"Next time make some noise so I'll know you're sneaking up on me, Spector."
"Maybe. Or I'll get Steven out." he teased, knowing Steven would talk back.
*Oi, not cool mate.* Steven replied in their headspace.
Marc laughed softly, it was the laugh that told you Steven was talking back to him.
"Guess Steven will let you out next time when there's some fight going on." You couldn't help but take part in this and tease Marc, who in return poked your side.
"Whoa, boys what's the reward?"
"Some nice, long quality time with your boys."
Marc guided you to the bed, gently laying you onto your back.
*Marc, please tell me I'm not the only one thinking she looks breathtaking in her underwear everytime?*
Marc looked at you with a smirk before answering Steven.
"Absolutely right, buddy." He was already starting to take off your panties.
"Was it Steven? What did he say?"
"He was just spilling facts that you're so, so breathtaking in your underwear."
After that, Marc brought your panties to his nose and inhaled, closing his eyes for a second.
"Not only does our girl look stunning, but smells perfect too."
*Oh hell yeah she does* Steven's voice inside their headspace was already needy.
Meanwhile your cheeks were already flushing, catching Marc's attention.
"You see that Steven? She's lighting up like fire."
Marc leaned down, spreading your legs and closed in on your inner thigh, sticking his tongue out, slowly and teasingly licking his way upwards, causing you to whimper softly and already moving your hands towards his head.
When Marc's mouth finally arrived at your core, he teased your entrance, moving his tongue around your hole, spooning up the pooling wetness already there.
"Oh fuck!" Your hips arched upwards, desperate for more.
*God...I could listen to her angelic noises all day...* At this point Marc was certain Steven was already foaming at his mouth.
"Honey, you're making Steven lose his shit inside the headspace. Oho, when he's going to have you, you're gonna get it." Marc said lowly and seductively, looking up at you.
He gave your clit a flick with his tongue, catching you off guard before he thrusted his tongue inside you. This caused your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
*Marc, tell her if I could, I would eat her delicious cunt out the whole night.*
"Oh baby, if you could hear what you're doing to Steven right now, he's a mess already and I haven't even started yet." Marc smirked against you.
You whimpered. "W-what did he say?"
"He'd eat out your pussy all night long. Wouldn't matter if you'd be asleep or not." He thrusted his tongue inside you once more, swirling it around, making you tug at Marc's hair.
Marc stopped his magic without a warning, getting up and stepping between your legs before pulling his already rock hard cock out.
"But I can't blame Steven. With a pussy as delicious as yours, it's hard to resist."
He positioned his dick at your entrance, collecting your wetness with his tip before pushing inside.
"Fuck- I have to say- no matter how much we fuck you, you always manage to have a- f- death grip around us-"
Marc already sounded like he was losing it but he kept his pace steady.
*Mate, our girl looks marvelous every time.*
Steven's words made Marc smile and lean down to you.
"You're right Steven. Our beautiful, smart girl."
*Yeah until she gets cockdrunk for us*
The sounds escaping from you always managed to make the boys go feral.
"We are so proud of you, babygirl. So proud."
You heard him, but you were not sure if you could respond logically
"You two h-help-ed me..."
If you weren't cockdrunk before, you were definitely now.
*I think she's saying we should get rewarded instead, Marc.* Steven chimed in.
"Ohh, she wants to reward us now, huh?" Marc teased, angling his hips to hit the spot deep inside your core making you let out higher pitch moans.
*Fuck, that hit a spot there, mate.*
"Hit a spot there, didn't I?"
Both said almost in unison although you couldn't hear Steven. Thinking wasn't your speciality now anyway.
"We're so happy for you. We knew you'd be smart."
Marc repeated the same thrust he did earlier to make your mind spinning, drawing another high pitch moans out of you.
"Yes- you're our clever girl. But when it comes to our cock..." He trailed off, leaving you to try and think. "You're so dumb when we have our way with you, hm? Feels so good you're going dumb, right honey?"
All you could do was moan in response.
*Marc, keep teasing her...please..* Steven's voice was almost pleading with Marc to urge an answer out of you.
"Too dumb to speak, hmm?"
He decided it was time to increase his speed, pounding into you full force.
"Y-yess.." Was all you could moan out while Marc made a mess of you.
*Bloody hell, she's so beautiful all fucked out*
"I-I'm close, boys!" You warned, gripping the sheets.
Marc, already panting leaned down to you
"After I'm done with you, Steven's gonna have his fun with you. So better not get too comfy."
Right after he said that, you walls gripped his dick like a vice, gushing your juices all over it.
Marc moaned. "Fuck- you're killing me here."
He came too, pumping his hot load into you, supporting himself on his hands on either side of your head.
You on the other hand couldn't help but ask why they're so riled up today
"Boys, why are you so in the mood today? What happened to you two on the last mission?"
Marc was still catching his breath and pulled out of you
"Well, we said we're gonna reward you. You should know by now we take this very, very serious."
"Yeah but I feel like poor Steven is possessed by something. Oh and you too, Marc."
*Yeah we got possessed by her.* Steven said in their headspace.
"There you have it, Steven just said we're possessed by you." He chuckled.
Marc pushed himself up "I'll be right back." he made his way to the bathroom watching you calm down and giving you a seductive side eye you didn't notice.
You only got a few minutes of break before you heard him come back. This time it was Steven.
You snapped your head up "Right, I forgot about the package deal you two come with." you chuckled.
Steven sat down on the edge of the bed "Yeah. And don't worry about resting, it's not like you have to go somewhere tomorrow, so y' have the whole day to sleep after this."
*Steven, tell her we would gladly keep going until she's snuffed out like a candle tomorrow.* Marc said in their headspace.
"Marc said we could keep going all day, to make sure you remember this day."
"All this because of an exam?" You giggled.
Steven leaned down close do you
"Ah-ah, what did I say earlier? Final. Exam. You don't have to study anymore."
"Final." You mimiced him.
*Let's go buddy, show her.*
"Cheeky lil' thing, eh? Alright, back to business."
Steven grinned, getting up to step between your legs.
"Think you can go another round, love?"
"Yeah? Wanna go dumb on our cock again?"
*Now I know how you felt earlier, Steven.*
"Seems like," Steven moved his hand towards your previously well fucked hole "now Marc is the one goin' crazy." he began rubbing your clit to get you needy again.
"But he already had his, uh, 'round'."
"Never doubt us, love. You know how we can get." Steven teased.
"Stevenn.." you moaned.
*Fuck, listen to her sweet noises...*
Steven couldn't help but laugh. "If you could hear Marc rightnow, you'd think he's mentally jerking off."
You half laughed half moaned at this "Wait you two can do that?"
*No I'm not.*
Steven chuckled "He just said he isn't." he moved his hand further down to thrust two fingers inside you.
You moaned, feeling yourself coating his fingers in your juices.
*She's still tight as hell, right buddy?*
"Oh yeah, like she wants to stay that tight."
"Oh my god, boys."
Steven curled his fingers inside you, making your hips arch up.
*Look at our good girl.*
"Mhh-mm, taking us so well."
Steven kept thrusting his fingers, loving how responsive you were.
"Y'see how lucky we are with you, love?"
"Y-es..." you moaned.
The way you were responding to them was almost too much for Steven.
"Fuck, I don't think I can hold back any longer."
Steven straightened up, grabbing his already hardened again dick and positioned himself at your hole, teasing you with the tip then pushed inside swiftly.
"Stevy!" You mewled.
*Oh shit. Do that again, Steven.*
"Yeah? Like how we take care of this cunt?"
Steven pulled out until only his tip remained inside and then pushed his whole girth right back into you.
*Yeah that's it, there she is.*
"Bloody hell, love, you're turning Marc into a maniac back there." Steven chuckled.
"He already is." You spoke without thinking.
*Really? Tell her I hope she knows there is still some time left before the day ends.*
"Oh oh, you're in trouble now, sweetheart." Steven teased, speeding up his movements.
"W-what? Wait what?" You moaned, pushing your hips to meet his movements.
"Marc said there is still some time left before the day ends." He slammed into you.
You began to realize what you said, but you couldn't concentrate about it because of how good Steven is slamming into you.
Steven leaned close to you. "Gettin' stupid again, yeah?"
You could only nod.
"Our clever girl. So smart. But when she gets our cock, she's a stupid mess."
You could feel yourself getting close again, the speed in which Steven is pounding into you made your head spin.
"Stevy, I'm getting close!"
"Yeah, can feel it." Steven breathed, feeling himself get close too.
It wasn't long before you gushed over him, coating his dick in your juices once again as Steven did the same to your insides, painting them white.
Steven collapsed ontop of you, burying his face into your neck.
After a moment of content silence you spoke
"You two are insane." You giggled.
Steven raised his head, rolling off of you and to his side, smiling. "You're welcome, darling."
"Now comes the resting, yes?"
"Yeah we uh, should be done..."
You raised your eyebrow "Should?"
Steven gave a dirty smirk. "Y'know, you called Marc a maniac, me insane and both of us insane aswell. Makes two for each of us."
Your jaw dropped. "No way, you can't be serious." you laughed.
Steven flicked your nose with his finger. "Besides, we already told you you'll take tomorrow to rest."
You just laughed, nudging his shoulder, not believing him, not even noticing the switch.
"Oh so now you're laughing, huh?" Marc was back.
You immediately stopped laughing.
Marc narrowed his eyes, a faint smirk was on his face, he looked like he was about to pounce on you.
At this point you were already certain you'll put tomorrow to good use in terms of resting.
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sugakookie78 · 4 months
Instagram Posts (Instagram AU)
Posts that either you or the driver post about your relationship.
Pairing: Group 4:
Post 1: Carlos Sainz x Reader
Post 2: Alex Albon x Reader
Post 3: Sergio Perez x Reader
Post 4: Paul Aron x Reader
Pictures are from Instagram, Tumblr, or Pinterest
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@/carlossainz55 Beach <3
Tagged @/Y/N.Y/L
Liked by @/Y/N.Y/L, @/charles_leclerc, and 249,851 others
Y/N.Y/L <3
carlossainz55 <3
user1 She is so pretty!
charles_leclerc Can I join next time?
Y/N.Y/L I don't know, maybe. Maybe not
charles_leclerc What? Why?
user2 You two are adorable together
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@/Y/N.Y/L Alex was trying to help me study for exams. Honestly, didn't help a lot and was a bit distracting. 3/10. Would not ask to be my study buddy again, but was pretty cute
Tagged @/alex_albon
Liked by @/alex_albon, @/yourclassmate, and 18,349 others
alex_albon I tried, I failed. You are much stronger than I am. Sorry for the distractions... Good luck and I love you!
Y/N.Y/L It's fine. Thank you! I love you too!
user1 What are you studying?
yourclassmate What did you get on the first part of the exam? Also, can I borrow some of your notes?
Y/N.Y/L I got a 91%. You? And yeah, sure. Text me which pages and I'll email them over
yourclassmate Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver! I got a 87%
user2 How do you keep your notes so organized and neat?
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@/Y/N.Perez He said he didn't like the first one... Then he bought me two others to match. Thank you, mi amor!
Tagged @/schecoperez
Liked by @/schecoperez, @/maxverstappen1, and 25,983 others
schecoperez Yeah, they're cute, I guess. You're welcome, sol
user1 That's so cute!
maxverstappen1 He keeps that buddy on his desk all the time. He even named it Sol. If he could, he would bring it in the car with him
Y/N.Perez Thank you, Max, for this very important information
schecoperez You are giving my secrets away, Max. You promised not to tell
user2 He is so in love
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@/Y/N.Y/L We did get lost... but got there eventually
Tagged @/paularon_
Liked by @/paularon_, @/dinobeganovic_, and 8,395 others
paularon_ We weren't lost... just taking the scenic route
Y/N.Y/L Sure, yeah, definitely
user1 Where did Paul get the suitcase?
dinobeganovic_ Was it Paul's fault?
Y/N.Y/L Partly, yeah. But it was my idea for him to be in charge of the GPS
paularon_ Hey!
142 notes · View notes
bubbly-parker · 1 year
~Stiles x Reader Best Friends to Lovers~
warnings: Angst, family fights, bullying by family member(grandma), body insecurities, plus size reader, f reader, SMUT: face sitting, oral both m and f receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (WRAP UP) 18+ NO MINORS I'll tell your Mom! Stiles and Y/N are 18 yo in this and in their last year of highschool.
summary: After another nasty comment about your body by your grandma you stormed out of the house, your best friend Stiles picked you up and decided that today would be the night he shows you how hot you really are.
probably like 5-6k words ? just guessing here
spoiler : Stiles didn't think you could get any hotter, but when he looked up into your eyes from this position, taking you in in your blushing form, he swore you got even more beautiful
a/n: my insomnia is kicking my ass rn, I have an exam in 5 hours its 3 am and I can't sleep so enjoy, also if things don't make the most sense in some parts of the story it's because it is 3am- the ending was rushed i have no brain energy left to think of a real ending I'll revisit this story in the next few days and fix it if necessary enjoy and don't forget to please reblog if you liked it and leave a request right here
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"So, Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asked, looking over to you in his passenger seat.He could tell you were in a sour mood before he even picked you up.
You were rounding the street, leaving your house behind. You didn't want to answer at all; tears were already burning behind your eyes, threatening to spill. "No" was all you managed to choke out before your tears started freefalling. You hung your head low, watching your tears drop on your lap.
Stiles had no idea what was going on; just a few hours ago after school, he dropped you off at home, and you had a bright smile on your face knowing your family was over for a visit and you hadn't seen most of them since moving to Beacon Hill with your parents two years ago. In the last two years, Stiles and you have grown inseparable; he's the best friend you could have ever asked for, so when you texted him at 1 in the morning asking him to come to pick you up, he knew something was off. He could always tell.
It wasn't unusual for you two to go on late-night drives, but the way you had conveyed your message seemed off immediately: "You need to come pick me up right now." Stiles didn't hesitate; he threw on whatever clothes he could find and took an extra hoodie with him, sneaking past his dad and out into the cold night air. He tossed the extra hoodie onto Roscoe's back seat, knowing you probably didn't even put a jacket on. And he was right, driving towards your house. He saw your silhouette standing in your driveway, no jacket on, just your PJ shirt and a pair of sweatpants that he swore were missing from his closet. You walked towards the jeep, and when Stiles stopped, you entered without a word, put your seatbelt on, and all you said was a quiet "drive".
Stiles didn't know what to do; you didn't want to talk, but he couldn't stand watching you cry; it made his stomach churn and his chest feel tight in a sickening way. He needed you to be okay.
He reached his right hand over to you, taking your hand that was fidgeting with your shirt in his. You loved the way his fingers wrapped around your hand; it always made butterflies erupt in your stomach, even if he was just doing it to comfort you. You let out a choked sob that went straight to Stiles's heart breaking it a little. "I can't help you feel better if you don't talk to me," Stiles whispered, but the Jeep was so quiet that you understood him perfectly. You knew he was right, and you also knew that if anyone could make you feel better, it was Stiles.
Stiles already had a feeling about what was wrong but didn't want to say anything in case he was wrong. He knew you loved your family, but they could be harsh at times. You told him about a year ago how, especially, your grandma would often give you a hard time because of your weight. He found it ridiculous because a) it was none of your grandma's business what your body looked like, and b) he thought you looked amazing—the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. He loved holding you close and loved the way your body felt pressed against him. You've slept over at his place multiple times in the last two years, and holding you close as you slept is still his favorite pastime ever. Of course, he told you multiple times that you look amazing either way, but he understands how hard it is to feel comfortable in your own body, especially when your personal bully used to live with you.
Ever since moving away, your relationship with your family has gotten far better. Before, you used to live in one big house with your grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins constantly around you.
You wanted to tell Stiles what happened and wanted him to hold you and make it seem like everything was alright, but your grandma's voice kept nagging you: "You better start dropping a few Pounds if you ever want that boy to like you back." That was the first thing she dared say to you as you walked into the house earlier. She had been watching you through the kitchen window as Stiles dropped you off after school.
Anyone could tell how in love you were with Stiles by the way you smiled at him. You'd have to be an absolute idiot to miss it, like Stiles, as Lydia likes to point out; he was one of those absolute idiots, as he doesn't seem to notice your feelings for him. Your mother immediately interfered with your grandmother and told her to back off; they never got along, as she treated your mother with just as much kindness as she showed you, none.
You didn't feel hungry sitting with your family during dinner, and even though your mother had served your favorite lasagna, you could only stomach a little salad from the side dishes before you excused yourself and went back to your room. Part of you knew your grandma was right. Stiles would never like you back in the way that you like him; your name doesn't start with Lyd and end with ia, nor are you a fit strawberry blonde; no, you're about the exact opposite of what Stiles has always desired.
Shortly before you texted Stiles to come pick you up, your grandma had entered your room. You had honestly thought that she would be in bed by now, as you hadn't heard any noise from down the stairs in hours as you kept to yourself in your room. "You know, I am just looking out for you." Your grandmother had started her lecture, a lecture that you are all too familiar with; you've heard it about 250 times by now. She's just looking out for you; she just wants to motivate you to lose some weight; she doesn't want you to end up alone with no man. You never understood where your grandma took her audacity from, considering that she wasn't the skinniest woman herself.
"I saw the way you look at that boy; be real with yourself. Do you really think you'd have a chance with him right now?" Knowing your parents and your family, you couldn't exactly lash out at your grandma, so you did the next best thing you could do, which was only moderately disrespectful: you walked right past her out of your room, put your shoes on, and left the house. You stood in the driveway, and the only person that you wanted to see right now was Stiles. You knew he would pick you up at any time of the day, so you shot him a quick text and ducked yourself into the shadows under a tree in your driveway. You didn't want your grandma to see you, but you knew she was watching again.
Stiles couldn't bear your silence anymore, so he spoke again. This time it startled you, as his voice was more firm and he sounded quite angry. "Was it your grandma?" he asked. Your head shot up, and you looked over at him in disbelief, wondering how he knew. When your eyes met his, they softened; his angry stare was gone. Of course, Stiles knew he always did, didn't he? You weakly nodded your head before looking down at your hand again. You suddenly noticed how cold it was in Roscoe, and you shivered. Stile's hand let go of yours as he reached behind your seat to get his hoodie from the back seat. "Here, I had a feeling you would be freezing," he said as he handed you his hoodie. As you pulled his hoodie over your head, you inhaled Stile's scent deeply, hoping he didn't notice. There was something so intoxicating about Stiles that you didn't know if it was just him in general or if your feelings for him were playing a trick on your mind.
"You know everything your grandma has ever said is not true, right?" You have heard this from many people over the years, but only when Stiles said it did you feel put at ease for a little bit. You sat in comfortable silence, knowing Stiles took over the conversation when you were sad, so you could just listen. "Y/N, I mean it; there's nothing about you that could count as a flaw in the slightest, and I don't know how to make you believe that... Sometimes I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes, so you could realize." Stiles sighed in frustration. You know his frustration wasn't directed at you, but it still made you upset. "Thank you, Stiles," is all you could say.
You leaned your head back against your headrest and closed your eyes. Just now, you noticed that there was music quietly playing in the background. Stiles must have turned it on at some point. It was your playlist, with Until Forever Falls Apart by Ashe playing in the background. You closed your eyes, just enjoying the feeling of driving around.
You were startled when Stiles woke you up. You noticed the Jeep was parked in front of his house. Sometime during the drive, you must have fallen asleep. Stiles still sat across from you in the driver's seat, his hand on your cheek as he slowly stroked across it to wake you up. You felt a yawn make its way across your lips and stretched your legs. Stiles got out and rounded the Jeep, opening your door for you. He held it open as you jumped out. Stiles took your hand as he walked toward the door. You shuffled a little closer, putting your head on his arm. You noticed the sheriff's car was gone. "My dad was called back to the station about an hour ago." Stiles said he had noticed you staring at the empty spot where the sheriff's car usually stood. Once inside, you made your way to Stiles's room; according to his alarm clock, it was almost 2 a.m. Stiles must have been driving a bunch of circles around the city while you were asleep. You made a mental note to quickly steal Roscoe tomorrow and fill his tank for Stiles.
You took your shoes off and crawled into Stiles's bed. You heard him shuffle around behind you like he was searching for something, but you just wanted to lie down. A few seconds late, you felt Stiles get in bed behind you, his chest pressed to yours as his arms sneaked around your waist. At first, you hated when Stiles touched your stomach, but at first, you were also not used to cuddling with a boy in general. To anybody walking in, you two would seem like more than just friends, and the thought of that made your heart race. As you lay in silence, you once again noticed music playing in the background. Stiles must have looked for his speakers; your favorite playlist was quietly playing from the direction of his desk.
Stiles's hand sneaked under your, or well, his, hoodie, and he laid it right under your breast on top of your pajama shirt. Suddenly you noticed how hot it was getting under the hoodie and blanket, but you didn't dare move to take it off out of fear Stiles would move back.
Stiles shifted slightly behind you and buried his head in your neck. While you were absentmindedly intertwining your legs, you swore you could feel something poke you from behind. Your eyes widened. You have felt Stiles boner against you before a few times in the mornings and always just shrugged it off as morning wood. You felt Stiles move a little again when he whispered "I'm sorry" right in the nape of your neck. You didn't know how to react as goosebumps covered your skin and a shiver ran down your spine. You thought Stiles would move away from you, but instead, he pulled you in, making you gasp out when you felt his hard-on fully pressed against you.
Stile's head was still buried in your neck when you felt him slightly lift it and press a kiss right between your neck and shoulder. Another shiver wrecked your body as you turned your head slightly to look Stiles in the eyes; he had fully lifted his head, looking down on you.
Stiles didn't know where his sudden boost in confidence had come from, but ever since he saw your tear-filled eyes in the car, he wanted to confess his feelings to you and make you feel beautiful. Usually, when he got a boner around you, he would run off to the bathroom and take care of it, but right now, he wanted you to feel what you do to him.
He felt like he was about to explode with the way you were looking up at him—your big doe eyes, pupils blown wide, and lips gaping. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you.
You couldn't make out what you saw in Stiles's eyes right now; his dark eyes were almost black. "I really want to kiss you right now." Stiles's raspy voice said in a whisper that had your breath stuck. When you didn't respond, he moved his head a little closer to your ear. "Can I?" he asked again in a whisper. You could only nod your head. That's when Stiles removed his hand from under your hoodie to cup your face. When his lips finally met yours, you were sure time had stopped. You felt a new set of goosebumps rise on your skin as you kissed Stiles back eagerly, and you both smiled into the kiss when Stiles suddenly moved back. He pushed you back to lay flat on your back as he climbed in between your legs before kissing you again.
He couldn't believe that he was actually kissing you, mentally thanking every god out there for today. Stiles ground your crotches together, which ripped a loud moan from you. You turned your head away, embarrassed by what just happened. You felt Stiles heavy breathing. He took your face back in his hand and turned your head so you would look at him again. He looked heavenly; you can't believe what just happened.
"I've been wanting to do that for two years."
With these few words, Stiles had your whole world crumbling as tears slowly started falling from your eyes. You stared up at Stiles as he slowly started to panic, not knowing what he had done wrong. You couldn't stop the tears from falling. For the past two years, you thought that Stiles only saw you as a friend, when he might have wanted you just the way you wanted him. "Y/N, I'm so incredibly sorry. I didn't want to cross any boundaries. I- I m so stupid." Stiles started to sit back and move away from you when you reached for his arm to hold him still. You still had tears in your eyes, but you couldn't stop a smile from stretching across your face. "And I've been waiting for you to do that for the past two years, you idiot." Now, it was Stiles's turn to look absolutely shocked and dumbfounded at the same time. "HuuH?" was the only thing he managed to get past his lips. You laughed at him and leaned forward, reconnecting your lips. You felt like a heavy weight was lifted off your chest. A lump in your throat that you didn't know was there dissipated, and when Stiles started kissing you back, you finally wrapped your arm around his neck. Stiles deepened the kiss, asking for permission with his tongue, which you happily granted.
"Do you want me to stop? We don't have to go further," Stiles asked. "Honestly, this was already way more than I ever expected to happen. You don't -"
Stiles groaned into your mouth when he finally got to kiss you the way he wanted to for so long, and when you pushed your hips up to grind against him, he swore he lost his sanity. His hands traveled down your sides and under your hoodie, where they settled at your waist. "Can I take these off?" he referred to his Hoodie on you and your shirt. You hummed, opening your eyes and looking back at him. "I need verbal confirmation, y/n." He chuckled at you. " Yes, Stiles, please." He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before pulling your shirt and hoodie above your head in one go. What Stiles didn't know was that you wore no Bra underneath. He tried not to stare at your naked chest underneath him, so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable when he looked up at you. You had your head turned away again, slightly covering part of your chest with one hand. He took your hand in his own slowly moving, removing it from your chest.
He leaned back down and started spreading small pecks along your neck and down to your collarbone, which had you whimpering and trusting back up against him.
You felt him smile into your skin. His hand slowly traveled down your body, settling onto your hips and pushing them back down into the mattress. "Patience, baby, we will get there." Stiles moved his head back up and turned your face to look at him. You couldn't keep yourself from blushing at his words. You've never known that Stiles had such a side to him. Your hands tucked slightly at Stiles's shirt, signaling that you wanted it off; he sat back on his knees and pulled his shirt above his head. You've seen Stiles shirtless before, and every time it makes your skin heat up, you're sure you couldn't blush a deeper shade of red as you were staring at his perfect form. When you looked at his face, you noticed he was already looking at you. Watching as you stared at his body, you felt flustered under his dark eyes. Stiles's hands were back on your thighs, rubbing small circles with his thumbs that made your legs twitch.
You giggled as you noticed Stiles was starting to get into a nervous ramble. "Stiles, calm down, you're fine, I don't want to stop." For the first time tonight, it felt like you could talk freely with nothing holding you back. "Okay, good, good, but tell me if I need to stop. I will I prom-"
"Stiles! "
"Will you please shut up and get back here?" You reached your arms out to him, signaling to him that you wanted him back on top of you. Stiles smiled as he leaned back down, capturing your lips in another kiss. Both of you hadn't planned this, and neither one of you knew how to make the next move. You both knew you wanted more, and you knew that Stiles had slightly more experience than you and hoped he would make the next move.
And thankfully he did. Stiles slowly moved his hand that was still on your thigh a little higher, feeling your breath hitch as he cupped your heat through your pants, slowly rubbing his palm against you. You let a small moan escape your lips, which was swallowed by Stiles as he kept kissing you. He undid the tie of your (his) sweatpants and pushed his hand inside he moved his fingers down over your panties to feel how damp they were. "Stiles, please," you whimpered against his lips. Stiles swore he was so hard that he could come from just looking at you right now. He pulled his hand out, and you buckled your hips in protest. A small laugh passed his lips. He decided not to torture you any longer and started to pull your pants down. You lifted your hips for him to make it easier, and when they were finally off, he ran his hands up and down your thighs, feeling your soft skin.
You reached one of your hands between you to cup Stiles's erection through his own sweatpants. Feeling your hands on him for the first time made Stiles let out a loud groan that went straight to your own core.
You pushed Stiles slightly so he would lay on his back as you climbed between his legs. He stared at you as you settled on your stomach between his legs. He wet his lips and groaned when you palmed him harder. He lifted his hips off the bed and watched you pull his sweats and boxers down in one go. You wrapped your hands around him and looked up at him as you leaned forward to lick one long stripe along the underside of his dick up to his tip, where you collected his precum on your tongue. "Fuck, Y/N, don't do that." Stiles threw his head back; there was no way he could look at you if he wanted to last. You wrapped your lips around him and started bobbing your head up and down in a slow rhythm. Stiles groaned above you as his hands grabbed the sheets, and you saw his knuckles turn white.
You took his hand in yours and guided it to the back of your head to signal him that he could take control. Stiles took your hair in his hand and wrapped the other one around your scalp, holding you close. Suddenly, he started thrusting up while simultaneously pulling your head down, his cock going further down your throat with every thrust. You tried your best to breathe through your nose. Stiles moans fueled your desire to make him finish, so you hollowed your checks more and sucked harder. One of his hands left your head, and he draped it lazily over his eyes, thrusting his hips fast and keeping your head down. "I'm I'm close- fu- so close, Y/N." You felt a stutter in his rhythm, and after a few more thrusts, his hips lifted up one last time. He pushed your head down fully, your nose pressed against his pelvis as he came down your throat. You swallowed around him, the overstimulation making him pull out.
"Come here," Stiles pulled you towards him. You had to crawl on his lap because you were too short to reach him from your position. Stiles pulled you into another kiss and groaned when your wet panties rubbed against his half-erect dick.
Stiles's hands roamed over your body and settled on your ass; he pushed your hips down to grind harder against him as you were still mostly hovering over him, unsure whether you should put your whole weight on him.
When Stiles finally felt you let go and sink down on his lap he moved one of his hands from your ass and in between your bodies where he pulled your panties aside, he moved back a little so he could see you fully and ran one of his fingers up and down your slit collecting your wetness, you moaned at the feelings of stiles finger on you, he moved his finger up and slowly started drawing circles on your clit with his finger pad, you fell forward and put your hands against stiles chest as you let your moans slip freely from your mouth you started grinding against stiles hand as he finally inserted his finger into you, you needed more already soaking stiles hand you begged Stiles for more "More, please Stiles" he added another finger, spreading you open, the hand on your ass helping you move faster against his hand. The palm of his hand rubbed against your clit. 
Stiles couldn't believe the sight above him, trying to implant your beauty into his brain forever as you threw your head back. "I'm gonna come- Stiles!" Your hips stuttered, but his hand on your ass helped you move through your orgasm. You collapsed on top of him. He slowly stroked your back, but Stiles wasn't done with you yet. He waited for your breathing to calm down before he spoke again. "I want to taste you." You felt another blush creep up on your cheeks. You weren't going to deny Stiles his wish and were going to move off him to lie down when he held you still. "Sit on my face," Stiles said as he pulled your hips upward. Your cheeks fired up as you started stuttering. "Whaat no, I can't, we can't," you tried to move off. "Baby, look at me. I know what you're thinking, and I promise you won't hurt me." Stiles insisted looking up at you. "N-no, what if I crush you?" you said quietly, not looking Stiles in the eyes. Stiles smiled at you, and his hands traveled up your thighs, gripping them tightly. "You won't, and even if you did, it sounds like a great way to go out." You frowned and slapped him across the chest, earning you a laugh from Stiles. "Y/n, I mean it; you won't hurt me if it makes you feel better. How about I tap your thighs like this if I need you to move up?" He asked while tapping two of his fingers against your thigh three times. He looked up at you, giving you the best puppy eyes he could muster. You knew you could never deny him when he looks like this, and with a sigh, you gave in "Ookay- but..."
"No more buts!" Stiles interrupted you. He lifted you up slightly as if you weighed nothing and helped you out of your panties before moving your body towards the headboard until you were hovering over his face. He caressed your inner thighs, spreading your legs further apart. Stiles didn't think you could get any hotter, but when he looked up into your eyes from this position, taking you in in your blushing form, he swore you got even more beautiful. Stiles's hands moved up to your hips, which he grabbed tightly before pressing you down onto him, finally having your cunt on his face. He liked a long stripe up from your hole to your clit, moaning at the taste, which sent vibration right through your clit and a shock up your spine.
Stiles ate you out like a man starving, pulling you even closer and fully burying his head into your cunt. He rocked your body against his face, his nose brushing against your clit as he pushed his tongue into you. You grabbed his hair with one hand and the headboard with the other, rocking your body back and forth against Stiles's face, letting moans of his name echo through his room, which only fueled Stiles on more. When he sucked your clit into his mouth, you ground down right into him. "Shit Stiles, s-sorry," you tried to lift yourself back up, but Stiles held you close, pressed up against his mouth. He opened his eyes and looked up at you, the eye contact sending shivers down your spine.
Stiles moaned against your clit making you throw your head back. One of his hands sneaked up your body and ghosted over your breast. Stiles has always wanted to touch them. When you put your hands over his to grab them harder, Stiles finally lost his last reserve and started rolling your nipple between his fingers. "Stiles, Stiles..." His name fell off your lips like a mantra as you came a second time that night, your legs clamping together around Stiles's head, trying to keep him there. He tried his best to lap up all your juices, and when the stimulation became too much, you lifted yourself up, much to Stiles's displeasure, as he would much rather have kept you there. You moved to the side, lying down next to Stiles.
You looked at him, his face glistening in your juice. "That was the best thing ever!" Stiles exclaimed with a smile on his face. You chuckled at his bright smile. He looked like a kid on Christmas. He leaned over to you, connecting your lips. You could taste yourself on his lips. You felt Stiles hard on press against your thigh. You moved your hand down his stomach and wrapped it around your shaft. You moved, so Stiles was in between your legs. "I want you inside me," you mumbled against Stiles's lips.
Stile's mind went haywire. He didn't expect to ever get so far with you, so he didn't have any condoms. You saw the worried look on his face as you watched his eyes scan the room. "I'm on birth control, Stiles," you reassured him as you ground your wet cunt against his hard cock. "Are you sure this is okay?" Stiles asked as he lined himself up with your entrance. "Yes, Stiles, I've never been more sure."
Stiles slowly pushed in, making sure not to hurt you. He knew you hadn't slept with anyone since losing your virginity over two years ago, so it stung a little when Stiles was fully inside you. He stayed still for a moment, just taking in your beautiful face and the feeling. "You're beautiful," Stiles said, smiling down at you. Stiles has called you beautiful before, but it had never made you feel the way it did now that you knew he felt the same way about you.
You moved your hips a little, signaling Stiles to move. "Stiles, move, ple-ase!" Stiles pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back in. He immediately found the right spots that had you moaning under him, "fuck- fast- stiles faster!" You moaned in his ear. Stiles picked up the pace and felt your nails dig into his back. He hooked one of your legs over his shoulder so he could reach even deeper. The new position made him hit your g-spot with every thrust and had you tightening incredibly around him. "Fuck Y/N, you're too tight." Stiles swore you were sent to earth just for him, as he filled you perfectly. He propped himself down on his elbow, pressing himself even closer to you. He reached one hand between your legs, rubbing your clit. 
You were still incredibly sensitive from earlier and came almost instantly while he continued rubbing your clit in slow circles to help you back down from your high. Your thighs were shivering. Stiles pulled out of you and turned you around; he gently pushed you on your stomach. You slightly lifted your ass up towards him as well as your shaking legs could support you. Stiles trusted back inside you, but with the first thrust of his hips, your legs already gave out. You were gripping the sheets between your fingers as Stiles held you against him, chasing his own orgasm. "Fuck y/n, I'm going cum," he said, his rhythm breaking. "In-inside... please stileees" you whined out for him. The thought of coming inside sent Stiles over the edge. He pressed his chest against your back as he slowly emptied himself inside you.
When he pulled out, you flopped back on the bed and said, "Don't move; wait here!" Stiles got off the bed and ran into the bathroom, you guessed. When he came back, he had a roll of toilet paper and a warm washcloth. He cleaned up between your legs the best he could before crawling back in bed with you. He pulled you flush against his chest, loving the way you curled into his side. You laid your head on your chest, listening to Stiles's heartbeat as he played with your hair. You heard Stiles say something but didn't register it, exhaustion finally catching up on you as you fell asleep.
At 6:30 a.m., just a few hours later, you were rudely awakened by Stiles's alarm. You debated for a second about just skipping class when Stiles and you heard his dad in the hallway. You both immediately sprang into action, getting your clothes back on, just as you had finished putting on your clothes and pulling your shirt down, the sheriff entered the room. He looked surprised, expecting to only find Stiles.
It's not like you have never slept over at Stiles place, but usually the sheriff knew. Judging by the way the sheriff looked at Stiles, he already knew what had happened between you two. "Just make sure you both make it to school in time, okay?" Was all he said, looking at Stiles, who nodded his head, hand scratching his neck. "We have to be quick; I need my stuff from home," you reminded Stiles after the sheriff left.
Stiles dropped you off at him with barely 10 minutes to spare, which definitely wasn't because you two took an extra long shower this morning. Your mother tried to approach you and question you about what happened and why you weren't at home, but you just brushed her off promising to fill her in later. You changed your clothes, grabbed your bag, and were back in Stiles's jeep in record time. You knew your grandma was watching again from the kitchen window, so you reached over and pulled Stiles into a kiss.
Stiles caressed your cheek and deepened the kiss. You didn't pull back until you couldn't breathe. Just as you were about to lean in again, you saw your dad leave the house out of the corner of your eye. "Drive!" You turned to Stiles, who didn't need to be told twice as you both made your way to school. You couldn't help but laugh at the face your dad made while standing alone in the driveway.
At school, you and Stiles walked in holding hands, looking for your friend group. The first one you spotted was Lydia, who gave you a knowing smirk. "It looks like you're no longer on the list of oblivious idiots, Stiles," she said, making Stiles look confused.
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scrubbinn · 4 months
Slime HRT Day 1: First Pages
I was told I should write down my experiences in this journal. I'm only really doing this because I was told I didn't have to share my writings with anyone except for emergencies, whatever that means. Today is the first day of my new life, and becoming something not human anymore.
I've seen a lot of social media about species HRT. I think it’s supposed to be “Human Removal Therapy”. There’s a lot of people online bashing it, and I'm sure someone is going to try and ban it eventually, but for right now it's pretty unrestricted. To be honest, I am fascinated by it. Becoming something inhuman seemed so, I don't know, cool I guess, but it felt distant, like it would never happen to me, or I'd be labeled a freak by my friends. It was only until my girlfriend brought it up in a passing conversation that I gained the courage to admit I was curious about it. She said I should go for it. The amount of joy I felt then and there was like a 20 ton weight had just exploded out of my chest, but in a good way! We spent the rest of the night talking about treatments and articles, I never felt so happy except then and there, to be seen like that.
My legs were shaking when I met with that doctor. I was told it was normal to be nervous, but it really felt like I was going to just have a breakdown the entire time we talked. There was a lot of psychological exams and way, WAY too much paperwork that basically said I was sure I would be happy and cool with going through with this process. The doctor was patient at least, though he was rude with how little he tried to hide the boredom of his job. Besides that, there was something about him that just made him feel like this was the last thing he wanted to do, the kind of man who’s a total pushover. We eventually got to the question I was dreading “what was I here for, what am I looking to be?” My voice just suddenly stop working right there. It's so funny how I saw an actual dragon on my way here and somehow my request seemed so much more ridiculous. That stupid doctor kept prying me to just tell him until my frustration surpassed my anxiety, and I was able to blurt out that I wanted to be a slime.
I don't know when or why, but I've always liked the idea of slimes. It's their fluidity I think. Being able to morph myself the way I want whenever I want. I mean, how can I trust I'll be happy with my body shape everyday when I can't even pick a favorite color. I spent so much time writing out my own ideas of how their biology worked, or creating a bunch of slime girls for stories I never finished writing. It took me a while to realize I wanted to be just like them, like how it took me a while to realize I wanted to be a girl too.
I thought I'd get laughed out of his office, I mean I've seen the photos and stories of people on slime HRT but it just felt different, like I was going one step too far, I was probably just super anxious, I felt so relieved when he just showed me a list of slime variants instead of laughing. There were so many different options on the list, slimes made of just gel, sap, wax, and there were so many different colors, but that was the problem, they all felt right, I wanted to be any of them.
It was so selfish to ask, but I needed to know if a slime that could change color was possible, or something that could truly transform into any kind of slime. He asked what I meant, if I was looking into becoming a shapeshifter. I shook my head no and said I wanted something like a chameleon. He took off his glasses and pinched his nose, like the weight of every request he ever had just hit him. We, kind of, argued for a while. Well it was him telling me all the different reasons it wouldn’t work or how some people had set up safe LED strips to become a slime strobe globe of different colors, but for some reason it was the one thing I didn’t want to budge on. The one thing I was certain I wanted was that I wouldn’t be certain about my final choice. I was actually ready to just punch this old man until he suddenly folded to my demands and told me he'd need time to make a new variant for something like that. Something about a membrane and chromatophores I think. He also stated, bluntly, that I still needed to pick the type of slime. Being able to switch from red to blue is one thing but there needs to be a base. 
There were a lot of good options, to the point it took me an hour to go through everything and just think about it. I was probably pushing him a bit too close to his next appointment with how long I was searching through options. It certainly makes me wonder how anyone can just know the answer right away. Eventually I had to settle on one and chose the soap variant. I was told it wasn’t actual soap, but it smelled nice and helped deal with germs. I’m not a germaphobe but I like the idea of smelling nice all the time.
After that, I was told I would be contacted eventually when my medication was ready. The wait could be best be described as brutal. There were a lot of calls I made only for me to be told it wasn’t ready yet. I thought I got scammed, like I went to the wrong place and that quack doctor was just faking everything and I wouldn't ever get to be the real me. The most I got was a message once a month saying the research was going well, if I was lucky. 
It was about a year when I got a call back from him, explaining that my medication was ready. I'll be honest, I thought he wouldn't have ever completed it and just stole $600 out of my bank account for a single appointment. I have it now though, a bottle of gel capsules. They taste awful, like shoving soap into my mouth, which makes sense thinking about it. Apparently I won't need to take my normal hormone medication after a bit. Which is good because it's really expensive to pay for both. I guess that concludes my thoughts on the first day. The doc wants me to keep writing down my physical changes but also that I write down my emotional state as well. I don't really get why that’s so important, but whatever, it’s the least I can do if I finally get to be the slime girl I always wanted to be. I can't wait to see how I turn out.
Thank you for reading through this story. While I’m sure it’s obvious, this is a story inspired by @ayviedoesthings own Dragon HRT as well as @welldrawnfish Fish HRT. I’ve loved these stories ever since they first came out. But I never felt like I had a story of my own to write until I read @sandyca5tle own slime HRT. Please check out all these people’s stories if you haven’t already, and thank you to sandyca5tle for really lighting the fire in me that made me want to try my hand at this sort of thing. I have plans to continue this for a while, not sure how long it’ll be but I want to be able to write a new segment at least one post every one to two weeks. I hope you enjoyed this, and please let me know if you have any advice on how to improve my writing. Thank you so much for reading all this, seriously, it means the world to me. 
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iovetecchou · 9 months
⌜Love To Hate You ⧸ Hate To Love You⌟ 𓂃༞♡
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༞ Gojo Satoru x Reader
༞ Contains...! partial smut, angst, fluff, misunderstandings, enemies to lovers trope, implied hidden feelings, "princess" used as a nickname for the reader, dancing, alcohol, cursing, bickering, banter, making out, groping, heavy petting, grinding, fondling, slight begging
༞ AFAB Reader.
༞ 2,140 words.
༞ Part 3/? Part 1. Part 2.
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The ride over to Gojo's place was eerily quiet. You made small talk about the students, only slightly bickering when Gojo disagreed with how you graded the last exam.
It felt strange being alone with Gojo in his apartment. You've only ever been over for school parties and gatherings. But now that you had his full undivided attention- you felt a bit nervous.
"Before you ask, the liquor cabinet is in the kitchen," Gojo smirked as he made a beeline down the hall. You observed his apartment curiously as you treaded through.
"Trust me, I didn't forget that vital intel." You heard Gojo chuckle as he pulled a few ingredients from the refrigerator, before retrieving his cutting board and a clean knife.
"Oh, so you memorized my apartment? I didn't realize you were so in love with me, princess," Gojo watched you intently as you raided his stash. He rolled up his sleeves before he began preparing dinner.
"Don't flatter yourself, G- Satoru… I only memorized the goods." You scoffed, letting out an excited gasp as you found the bottle you had your heart made up on trying months ago.
"Ah! Found it!" You excitedly exclaimed as you made your way over to Gojo. You perched yourself against his island as he skillfully chopped a few vegetables.
Gojo gave a once-over to the bottle you gleefully clutched. "Ah, excellent choice, princess. That's one of my favorites." Gojo carefully placed the knife atop the cutting board before turning in his place.
He rummaged through his cupboard before pulling out two fancy wine glasses. "Allow me," He whispered. Gojo's fingertips grazed the back of your hand as he grabbed the bottle of liquor from your grasp.
You felt yourself get hot from the soft touch, mentally cursing yourself for being so impacted. Gojo carefully poured the fine wine into the glasses, taking a swift sip before continuing dinner.
"How do you like it, princess?" Gojo lifted his gaze from the prepped vegetables to admire your reaction. When the saccharine liquor crashed over your tastebuds, you let out a groan. Throwing your head back slightly in delight.
"It's better than what I pictured!" You sighed, not failing to notice the prominent blush adorning Gojo's cheeks from your enthusiastic display. He smiled softly at you before ushering over to where you were standing. Gojo tangled his hand into yours as his other palm rested flat against the small of your back. Pulling you flush against his chest.
"Dance with me for a little, yeah?" He quipped, taking a large step back. You followed in tow, allowing the lanky man to take the reins. Gojo hummed a soft melody as he spun you around his large dining room. You couldn't help but giggle with how he maneuvered the both of you through his home.
"You know, I thought you would be a lot better at dancing. You're terrible, Satoru!" Your giggles wracked through your whole being as he pulled you impossibly close to his sturdy chest. You could have sworn you felt his heart from how hard it was beating against his ribcage.
Gojo let out an airy chuckle before his grip on your waist tightened. He held you close as he dipped you, squeezing your hand that was intertwined with his. You felt heat course through your body as he cradled you in his arms. Gojo moved his face impossibly close to yours, leaving you with no choice but to gaze up at him.
"Hmm… guess I'll have to practice more if I want to impress you with my dancing skills, princess," Gojo whispered. You were beginning to get shy under the intense gaze. Even past the blindfold, you could feel his crystal eyes on you. All the witty quips you had lined up died on your tongue before you could utter them.
Gojo slowly lifted you back up, still holding you tight. Your hands shakily came up to his face. His smile faltered slightly as he anticipated your next move. "So you're trying to impress me? Good to know." You uttered as your fingertips hooked under the fabric of his blindfold.
You slowly pulled the cloth down his face, revealing his mesmerizing diamond-blue eyes. Gojo smiled softly at you as his blindfold came to rest around his neck like an ill-fitting necklace. "I'm always trying to impress you, princess."
You couldn't take your eyes off him as your hands cupped his annoyingly perfect face. His minty breath tickled your lips when he spoke. A constant reminder of the proximity. You hadn't noticed the way Gojo's long leg wedged itself between yours until you felt the top of his thigh pressing into your core.
You bit your lip in an attempt to stifle a whine, but to no avail. Gojo heard it. Loud and clear. "Fuck, you drive me crazy." He muttered, pressing further into you. Another moan slipped past your lips as your hands dropped down to his shoulders. You balled the fabric of his uniform into your fists as you held onto him for stability. You could feel your legs trembling.
"Satoru… kiss me, please," You whined. Gojo didn't need to be asked twice. In an instant, his lips were on yours. If your legs weren't shaky enough before, they sure as hell were now. You clutched his shoulders even fiercer as his tongue darted past your parted lips. Your eyes rolled back into your skull as Gojo groaned against your mouth.
You could tell he was desperate for you by the way his hands came down to roam along your sides. His large palms squeezed your waist tightly before they trailed lower. Gojo hooked his hands underneath the back of your thighs before hoisting you up. Never once breaking the kiss.
Your mind flashed back to that heated moment you both shared in the elevator as your legs wrapped around his waist. You could feel the heat pooling in your core as Gojo's tongue swirled along yours. Your hands now found purchase in his snowy tufts of hair, grazing along his undercut.
"Fuck, princess. So good… so fucking good," Gojo mumbled in between kisses. You were so lost in the moment that you hadn't realized Gojo began taking long strides toward his bedroom. Only putting two and two together when the backs of your thighs hit the edge of his mattress.
"Satoru, I need more. Please!" You begged pathetically, too aroused to care about how desperate your plea was. But lucky for you, Gojo was just as desperate for you. His hands quickly found the waistband of your pants, tugging them down your legs in one tug. You let out a small gasp as his nimble digits worked on removing your shirt next, leaving you in only your bra and panties.
Gojo took a step back to admire your half-naked form. You watched as his icy gaze trailed up and down your body. "So beautiful, princess. I need you too- so fucking badly." He whispered as he wedged himself between your parted thighs.
Gojo cupped your face as he knelt slightly to capture your lips once more. Your hands began eagerly tugging at the waistband of his pants, urging them down his hips desperately. Once you pulled his slacks down over his thighs, your hand came up to cup his length from beneath his boxers.
"Ah! S-Shit, princess. Do that again- please." Gojo huffed against your lips. You experimentally palmed his hard length once more, reveling in the soft whines he let out against your lips. Gojo gently pushed you to rest flat against his mattress as he made himself comfortable on top of you.
You lost yourself in the pleasure of his mouth against yours, and the moment you felt his long fingers slide along the crotch of your panties, you moaned. "Fuck, you're so worked up for me, princess. Practically dripping through your cute little panties." Gojo smirked against your lips as the pad of his thumb found your clit through the flimsy garment.
"S-Satoru! Fuck- shut up! It's your fault I'm so worked up… so it's your responsibility to take care of this mess." You huffed, heating up with embarrassment as he began circling your clit through your panties with more pressure.
"Gladly, princess. Gladly. Now let me hear more of those pretty little noises, yeah? You can do that for me, right?" His voice was deep and teasing against your lips as he rubbed tight circles into clit with vigor. Your legs trembled beside you as your orgasm neared.
"Hah… I'm so glad we're doing this. Once we fuck this frustration out of our system, we can go back to normal." You huffed. Gojo's ministrations stopped the moment those words left your lips. He lifted himself off of you as he studied your expression intently.
"Satoru… why did you stop? I was so close!" You whined. Sitting up and tugging on his waist; in an attempt to get him to continue. He averted his gaze from yours as he slowly backed away. Gojo knelt to retrieve your clothing. He slowly began dressing you. Pulling your pants up your legs as he mumbled, "I'm sorry, princess. I hate to leave you hanging, but I don't think we should do this."
Embarrassment flooded your entire being as you shot up from his bed. You swiftly snatched your shirt out of his hands before tugging it over your head. "I don't fucking get you. You tell me that you like me, invite me over, and then leave me hanging? Was this all a part of your plan from the beginning?"
Your embarrassment mixed with frustration as you grilled him, crossing your arms over your chest as you awaited a response. Gojo let out a deep sigh as he pulled his slacks back up his lean legs. "No, princess. It's not like that at all. I just- I don't think you and I want the same things."
His response only left you with more questions than answers. "So you don't want me… in that way?" You shook your head in confusion, trying your hardest to understand.
"I do! Believe me, Y/N… I really fucking do. I think about it every day. But I want more than just sex from you…" Gojo sighed, slumping down to sit on his bed as he brought his hand up to ruffle through his hair.
Your eyebrows were knitted in concentration as you scored your bottom lip with your teeth. The wheels in your brain were turning as you recounted all the interactions you and Gojo shared throughout your time at Jujutsu High.
That's when it clicked for you. When Gojo said he liked you earlier today... he meant that more seriously than you initially thought.
"Satoru… so when you said you liked me, you meant-"
"Yes, Y/N. I want to be with you. I don't want to sleep with you just to get our frustrations out and then go back to how things have been between us. I want more than that. I want more of you."
His words made your heart rate speed up. All of this felt unreal, and Gojo's intense gaze boring through you only made you more nervous. Sure, you had wet dreams about your annoyingly sexy superior. But you never entertained the idea of being in a relationship with him.
Your mouth opened and shut a few times with no words actually escaping past your lips. You were completely at a loss for words, and you didn't know what you wanted. This was all so sudden.
"I… thank you for the wine, but I really should be going now. I'll see you tomorrow." You nearly fumbled over your words before you turned on your heel. Making a beeline toward the front door. You didn't fail to notice the look of hurt on Gojo's face before you turned your back on him.
You could hear his heavy footsteps as he caught up to you. "Hey, Y/n- just wait a second, would ya? Did I scare you off with what I said? What's with the sudden dismissive attitude?" He gently grasped your wrist, turning you to face him. Gojo looked stressed as he searched your expression for answers.
You averted your gaze, taking in a deep breath before you mumbled, "I need to think about all of this, I'm sorry. I… don't know what I want right now." Gojo's lips curved into a small frown as he released your wrist. He gave you a slow nod before grabbing the door for you. Seeing Gojo so distraught over this made you feel awful, but you needed time to ponder.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." Gojo's voice was laced with regret as he watched you step out his door. You didn't dare to look at him as you hurriedly said, "See you tomorrow."
Did you just make the wrong decision?
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taglist: @mystickenma @bookiuo @delightfulpersonmentality @creamhoodie @iloveyoutyyy @janbannan @akutagawacvmslvt
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pedrithink · 1 year
love is not easy (2) ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: everything seems more difficult when you are the shadow of your older sister and Kylian and her are in love with each other.
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notes: don’t worry, it will have a part 3 (with happy ending) :)
@nightlockcornucopia @gaviandgrizisgirl @blubffsd @philipetchebest @sunnytkm23 @topguncultleader @http-isabela @bisexualbith @laylaynaynay130 @lovekm
(part 1) / (part 3)
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Ky <3: Hey, are we going out tonight? There's a new pizza restaurant that opened and I want to eat all the new flavors with you.
You: I can't today, sorry.
Ky <3: Oh.
Ky <3: Another time then.
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Ky <3: HEEEY, pretty. I have tickets to see the Beauty and the Beast musical. Let's go?
You: Hey, Ky. Sorry, but I have to review for the exam.
Ky <3: Oh, got it.
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Ky <3: How about we go for some sushi tonight?
You: I've already made an appointment with a friend :/ Maybe another day. Seen.
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Ky <3: Ice cream Saturday?
You: Not today, Kylian.
You: Sorry!
Ky <3: What's your problem?
Ky <3: I've been calling you out almost every weekend and you don't even make a point to set aside ONE DAY to be with me.
Ky <3: If I did something at least tell me so I can fix it, but don't leave me in the dark. It hurts.
You: I'm sorry, Ky. You didn't do anything, I'm just full of things to do.
You: Call Ana, I'm sure she'd be up for it.
Ky <3: What the fuck? I don't want to go out with Ana, I want to go out with YOU.
Ky <3: Is that so hard to understand?
You: I'll talk to you later, Ky. I need to get back to studying.
You turn off your phone and take a deep breath. Kylian has noticed your behavior and knowing you well, he won't settle down until he knows what's really going on. You understand the frustration he's been feeling because you've shared an 11-year friendship and you don't want it to end. You just need some time for your thoughts to reorganize themselves and for the loving feelings about Kylian to disappear from your mind.
Your thoughts disperse when you hear some knocking at the door and the figure of Ana appears. "Can we talk?"
You frown and take care to agree with a brief nod.
"It's just that you haven't been the same…I don't know." Ana says with a frustrated tone of voice, she makes clear when she lets out a sigh. "Did I do something? If I did I'm sorry, but I don't want to see you away from me. It's always been the two of us together against everything after we moved away from Mom and Dad."
You feel a huge weight on your shoulders for having made Ana imagine she did something, she is your best friend, but you just needed some time to yourself. That's all. "Ana, no. You didn't do anything, I swear. I'm just really busy with college."
Ana walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. "I know it's not just that.” Ana stares at you intently. "Kylian texted me that you haven't had a Saturday night together in almost two months, and it's been a tradition since you guys were 14." You take a deep breath and try not to feel bad about it. "What about that day at the breakfast? And seriously, you ALWAYS have something to say over breakfast." She lets another sigh fall from her lips and affirms. "I just want you to know that if anything is going on, you can count on me. You'll always have my support, always."
You throw your weight on top of Ana and remain hugging her for a few minutes. "I know that and thank you for everything." You hold her hands. "I guess…I don't know. I just need some time to myself, you know?"
She smiles and nods. There is no reality that you don't love Ana, she is your best friend and best partner in crime there could be. Since you moved to Paris, away from your parents, you have witnessed every good and bad moment together. You need her as much as she needs you.
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After this conversation you had, Ana had to leave for some things at work, and you decided to finish an article for college. You had so much to do that you felt a little lost.
Halfway through your article, you hear the doorbell ringing and get up, a little confused, to answer it. Who would it be at 6:30 PM on a Saturday? Ana had the key, so you couldn't think of anyone else. Until you answered and found yourself face to face with a Kylian Mbappé with two pizza boxes and a mischievous smile on his face.
"Since you are running away from me, I decided to come after you." You widen your eyes a little and let a surprised expression take over your face. "Aren't you going to let me in?"
You, still a little stunned, to let Kylian go into the apartment. He faces you and watches your expression. "Aren't you going to tell me anything?"
"I don't know, Ky. I'm just a little surprised you're here unannounced." You say following his figure as he walks over to leave the pizza boxes on the kitchen counter.
Kylian turns to you. "Well, if I said something, you'd make up some other nonsense just to get out of answering me."
"That's not true…I'm just busy with college." You swallow dryly and try to help him get plates and cutlery. "What do you want to talk about?"
Kylian washes his hands at the kitchen sink and turns a little sideways to face you. "You're the one who should tell me, aren't you?" He says with a tired tone. "What's going on? And don't lie to me, that's all I ask."
You wait for him to finish washing his hands and move over to wash yours. "I don't know, Kylian. I guess I just needed some time to myself."
"Does that time mean without me?" Kylian lets a sad look take over the face you love so much and his tone of voice…sounded so brittle that you tried to explain yourself.
"No one, Kylian. I can't explain, I just…" You turn to him and make it clear that the problem is not him. "I've been feeling weird about everything and I just need to figure myself out, the problem isn't you or Ana, it's me. I'm the one who has to sort out my thoughts and I don't want to hurt you with my crazy head."
You bow your head after talking a bit about how you feel and Kylian tries to take both your hands and bring them close to his chest, you could feel every beat of his heart through your fingertips. "It was always you and me against the world, remember? When I lost my ground during the World Cup you held me by the arms and were my greatest source of strength." He pulls you close to him and fits his hands to your face. "Don't leave me in the dark, I'll take it if it's just to stand beside you in silence. But please don't push me away. Because I don't know what to do without you."
You let an exasperated sigh escape your lips and can only nod at him as you stare into those dark eyes. Your heart just wants to scream at him, "I love you. And I could never imagine someone with such intimacy and intensity, I didn't even know I had the capacity to love someone so much," but your brain commands you to push him away so that you don't suffer from the 99% chance that he will say he doesn't feel the same way.
Kylian pushes away this direct contact between you and pulls you over so that you both can sit and enjoy pizza together, like every Saturday of every month. Saturday was the sacred day for you to reserve a moment to spend together. It was always like this, you together against the fucking world.
You try to concentrate on what Kylian is saying, you really try. But, it seems your mind just tells you to throw the weight off your shoulder and tell him you love him. You hold on for a few more minutes, but you can't. You've tried.
"Hey, can you hear me?" You lift your gaze to him and whisper a "Kylian…", he just lets out a "Hm?" and lets his gaze fall to your trembling hands under the table.
Kylian takes your hands and lets a look of concern assume his face. Just as he was about ready to say something, you let go like a bomb about to explode. "I love you."
Kylian understands the way you mean it. You have already said "I love you" to each other, but he knew this time was different. He knew it from the way your hands trembled, the way your eyes filled with tears, and the way your voice sounded pleadingly. He knew.
"And I know it may sound crazy, but…it's been like this for 8 years and I can't hold it in anymore." Your voice sounds brittle and you try to hold back your tears, but two escape from your eyes. You close your eyes tightly to try to pull yourself together and continue, "I promised myself that this would never leave my thoughts, that it would be the single most intense secret I would ever keep from you. I just… love you. They say that true love transforms. How then could I doubt that you are my one, great love? You transformed and continue to transform everything in here. You gave me the joy of living, the pleasure of loving. I hope I can give you back at least a drop of the ocean of happiness that you have brought me since you came into my life. Even if it was unconsciously, you gave me the most beautiful way to love someone and I just want to thank you for it."
Kylian stands stunned in front of you and stares at every tiny part of your face, he doesn't know what to say and doesn't know how to act. He just stands there with his breathing fast and shallow, he didn't expect this and you know it.
You just hold his hands and smile weakly. This hurts more than anything you have ever witnessed in your life, but at the same time it is a relief that this weight is off your shoulders after so long. "Hey…" You whisper with a smile that hurts more than a knife through the heart. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything, just go home."
"But what about you?" That's the only thing he can think to say after you unleash a baggage of feelings on him and it makes you smile in the truest possible way.
"I just need a little time to think about everything and so do you, but know that nothing will change between you and me." You pull his body to the door and hand him his cell phone that was lying on the table in the living room.
After Kylian leaves you can only put your hand over your mouth and try to hold back a loud cry, you can only feel a burning in your chest and the pain of knowing that things will never be the same. To love and not be loved hurts, and it's not that pain that you take medicine and it goes away, it's the pain of the soul.
Ana comes home and almost gets into despair after seeing you like that, she can only take you in her arms and hug you to see if she can stop that painful crying that makes you shiver and your chest hurt.
You finally gave up this war and it hurts more than if he had screamed in your face that he would never be able to love you like that.
Kylian leaves the apartment with his heart racing and unable to think straight. When he gets home, all he can think about is "what have I done?" He should have spoken what has been in his heart for years, he just couldn't. He just couldn't react. He stood there and left you with a feeling of sadness, a torn heart and the thought that you were not loved back.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #23
Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
PFFT-EH?-EHHH? It's confirmed daylight savings time? Then take down the posters that've been up for 30 episodes implying it was November, you goofs.
I'm thinking Hazel showed up around September or October (i.e. before the November Sneezy Hawkins dance and we know she was in school for a few weeks before the exam at the end of "Teacher's Pal," because she told us), then Antony came home for winter break, and now it's March. That gives us a good estimate of things like founder's day and Dev's birthday. In fact, we know exactly what the length of time between those two dates is because Dev told us his birthday was 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days ago. I guess that checks out since Antony probably came home in December. If it's March for daylight savings, that would be another 3 months. This also implies Dimmadelphia is farther south than Dimmsdale, which occasionally saw snow (though it's possible godkids were wishing for it). Dimmadelphia doesn't seem to get snow.
Or he could just say "set your clocks BACK" as soon as I unpause and I'll just... sit here with my little notes. it's fine.
We're confirmed for fall, then. Possibly Hazel's been here a year if the posters are to be believed, but also at this point, those posters stay up all year round, so they're not to be trusted even for Episode 1. Unclear what the summer situation is, but I'll make a proper timeline another time.
I would say this is the key episode to build a timeline around. Then roughly place Dev's birthday and then Founder's Day the appropriate time apart and fill in the blanks.
Looks like "Operation: Birthday Takeback" aired July 31st, which might be a good place to start if I want to canonize Dev's birthday date for fanfic purposes.
Founder's Day was around school because Dale was prepping during "A New Dev-elopment," when we know school was in session, so I'll do math and consider my options when I'm done with Season 1.
So... Dev just told Hazel someone has a crush on her, but I find that hard to believe because they're at odds and I can't imagine he has good reasons for chatting like this.
He called her a nickname, which he only does when they're not friendly. And no Peri to give her any clues...
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I would not trust this man, but I respect the hustle.
Are we going to be manipulating time and space; is that why it's daylight savings?
They have a class pet:
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Aw, I like how Winn became a Prime Meridian fan after the book club episode, apparently.
Huh. Was it Winn who had Shakespeare for Mimes early on? It's clearly in their locker. I could've sworn it was Jasmine, which is why I was confused she was afraid of clowns. Maybe she finished and gave it to them. I'm gonna check.
I say as I look up and see the clown toy sitting in her locker. Good for her for conquering her fears.
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No, it was Jasmine (end of "Teacher's Pal")
Yes, those dance posters are still up. They're getting the boot from my canon.
Hazel's "next class" is Room 104, so that could theoretically be used to scout her classroom number. Which confuses me because we know she's on the 2nd floor, but okay.
I love Father Time; he's such a silly guy.
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I like how Hazel is just... so stressed out about Jenkins having a crush on her.
I particularly enjoy like how after he said she was so confident in a flirty voice, Hazel's body literally shatters and then she rushes to the cereal, throws back her head, and gobbles it in bulk. She wants this so little, she's not willing to return his affection whatsoever. sldfkj.
Hazel in "Prime Meridian Love": I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10. Hazel now, even after I was starting to believe she might be growing a crush on Dev: I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10.
That's so funny...
Timmy: I have a crush on someone even though she's not interested in me, but I hope she'll change her mind. Hazel: you guys are having crushes??
I really like how Hazel's specific reason for not wanting Jenkins to like her is "I'm too self-conscious and can't remember how to act normal." She's a very anxious character...
It's not that she's into someone else, and it's not that she has anything against Jenkins specifically. She just is way too anxious and doesn't want to deal with it.
Hazel, scrambling for a way out without hurting Jenkins' feelings: I can't go around with you. I have a crush on someone else. Uh... Trev. Trev, who was behind her and she didn't notice: Did I just hear you have a crush on me, Hazel?? Hazel: /absorbs entire box of cereal in .2 seconds
She doesn't want ANYONE to like her!! she is 10 and squirmy!
I'm once again sad Dev cited Trev as "his bud" in Episode 1, but we haven't seen them interact. I feel like Trev existing on the periphery of her interactions with Dev would've made this even funnier, lmao.
That said, it's funny that Dev's description of Trev was "He's my bud, so he probably won't give YOU time of day" and Trev is out here like "I am totally down to give Hazel the time of day." He's just chillin' and smiling. I like him.
Hazel at the top of her lungs when the entire hallway flirts with her: I don't CARE who like-likes me! I don't like any of you BACK!!
Chloe and Hazel (to me):
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Holy cow, Hazel. I don't have much to say, but I enjoy watching her screw people's memories up by manipulating time. And that's a heavy sentence to drop out of context, but...
Yeah, she just did 568 timeloops speedrun and now everyone has a crush on her.
Including Dev, apparently.
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Should we be worried that Dev specifically cited the thing he finds attractive about Hazel to be "how ruthless she is," because buddy... You're on track to continue the Dimmadome abuse cycle!
Hey Dev, it's kind of weird to know her middle name. What've you been doing; who've you been talking to?
Wow, it took absolutely 0 thought for Dev to yell loudly about how in love he is with Hazel [in this time loop] for the whole hall to hear.
I am once again fascinated by how he's never cared for "maintaining a reputation" at this school in any way and he's willing to dropkick whatever "cool, tough, and closed-off" persona he's formed at the first sign of what he thinks is a better future.
Local rich kid desperate for affection once again willing to jump 12 feet if you ask him to jump 6. She asked him to jump 0. She asked him to sit down and not even think about jumping.
Dev "I would commit B&E for you a second time; please let me commit B&E for you a second time" Dimmadome.
I like how Dimmadomes are known for putting the Dimm name on everything, but we keep seeing Dev's first name used (such as in the episode title "A New Dev-elopment" or Peri's quote "I'm going to take you from Dev to Dev-ine!")
It gives me the vibe that yes, he's a Dimmadome, but he's a little disconnected. Wow, it's a pun AND sadness!
I can't stop thinking about how annoyed he sounded when the time came to finally tell Vicky his last name. All the other Dimmadomes repeatedly introduce themselves by their full name... but he holds back.
Also, I like how the O-pairs are always down for anything. Dev is their special boy <3
I really really like them for some reason and I'm sorry because I can already tell any Dev 'fic I write is going to lean into them. My curse of getting attached to weird background characters unfortunately continues and these might be the worst ones I've ever fallen for. I don't look forward to trying to search up cute 'fics or fanart of them. haha; I'm in danger...
I just looked up how to spell O-pair because I was tired of not knowing and I found this Wikipedia page:
au pair /ˌō ˈper/ - An au pair (/oʊˈpɛər/; pl.: au pairs) is a person working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for child care as well as some housework, and receive a monetary allowance or stipend for personal use.
oh. okay.
IMBD's "Operation: Birthday Takeback" page lists them as O-Pair #1 and O-Pair #2, which just hurts.
Dev: My dad gives me the coolest gadgets. They have fancy futuristic names. They're my friends and I love them :) Dale, who knew exactly what he was doing:
Wow, it's TWO puns and sadness!!
Hazel's theme song, but it's rewritten for Dev and the "pair quite strange" who changed his life are the O-Pairs.
I like how in "Operation: Birthday Takeback," Peri's instinctual disguise was an O-Pair, which is incredibly fitting now that I see this description.
I wish we saw signs of Peri hanging around Dev, like a pin on his shirt or the headphones again. Or maybe I'm afraid.
This is nuts. How many hours did Hazel just live through? She needs a nap... Aw, I like the moral lesson for this episode (Letting go and not obsessing over things you can't change). Mr. Guzman is a lovely character; he's so friendly.
Jenkins: Um... I don't have a crush on you, Hazel. Dev: PSYCH! I made it up~!
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She's SO mad. sdfjk
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I've never seen her this mad. That's great.
Local anxious girl just put herself through some of the worst experiences she's faced, and for WHAT??
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He's just a quirky little guy! You wouldn't hurt a quirky little guy!! He's just goofin' with you~
- This feels extremely in-character for Dev considering he outfoxed the never-before-beaten negotiator aliens in "Peace of Pizza" by memeing on them. He's just a silly wittle boy... I'm fascinated by the way his mind works. - I'm not sure Dev even knows how his mind works.
That was great! I liked that. I don't often see a character trying to work through feelings about crushes like this and I enjoyed it.
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sylusjinwoon · 2 years
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{ 89 }
OK overture.
denji x fem.reader
10 stages of love
{ but i'm not dead yet, so i guess i'll be alright. }
1. first sight
you weren't expecting your life as a university student to be so damn difficult or boring. barely twenty years old, you had high hopes of experiencing the exciting kind of life, filled with parties and study dates with friends, maybe even meet a cute guy or two.
yet sadly for you, you experienced none of those things. instead, your university days were filled with stressful deadlines, abhorrent exams, and late nights spent studying while consuming unhealthy amounts of caffeine pills just to get by.
there was an emptiness felt within the depths of your heart, one that you weren't sure what you could even do to fill it. you truly weren't expecting your life to be so bland, and that more than anything else was what put such a damper on your mood.
unable to take the sight of your plain apartment much longer, you dress in your favorite pair of sweatpants and don a hoodie for warmth, deciding that a trip to the café would cheer you up. perhaps you could buy something warm while filling your stomach with all the pastries you can afford?
just thinking about it all was enough to make your stomach begin to growl, prompting you to quicken your pace. however, there was one tiny little detail you forgot, a devastating trait to have while living in a time where cellphones hadn't become quite as advanced as they were today-
you were hopeless when it came to directions, more often than not, you spent your days getting lost in the midst of the city. hell, if it wasn't for the fact that you took the same train every morning to get to your classes, you'd probably never make it to school, either.
when you thought you recalled where the café was located, you ended up being completely wrong. the constant twists and turns you took leads you to so many dead ends. you were now questioning yourself, really wondering if you could find this damn café after all.
as your wandering takes you to yet another dead-end, this time within the depths of a dark alley, fate seemed cruel enough to play a joke on you. before you could leave, there was a strange sound heard coming from behind you. the sound was wet, being reminiscent of a snail or a slug trailing its slime against the wet pavement while in the rain.
but...no snail or slug could be that big, right? the lighting in the alleyway was dim, with the single overhead light constantly blinking on and off. as you strained your eyes to see what that figure was, you tricked your mind into thinking that it was a dripping wet dog, whimpering because it had accidentally fallen into a river or some puddle.
filled with both a curiosity and a desire to help the mutt, you step closer to the hulking figure. "hey buddy, it's going to be okay. are you-"
you trail off, becoming frozen on the spot when the sudden stench hits you, like rotting flesh and decay. instinctively, you cover your mouth with both hands, but the memory of such a powerful stench was enough to make you gag. it was at that exact moment the figure reveals itself, finally coming into the light as you could merely see a blob the color of mud. its eyes and mouth kept sliding off its face, further fueling your anxieties as you were positive witnessing something so horrifying would forever taint your very memories.
you had come into contact with a devil-
and truly, what shitty luck did you have to warrant such a meeting?
completely frozen on the spot, you felt your body take slow steps away from the nightmarish creature. but unfortunately for you, your flight or fight response was delayed. the moment you took back control of your body, ready to run away when the creature reaches out to you, engulfing you within its foul scent as you struggled to breathe.
"devour, need to devour such a sweet morsel." its voice was guttural, sending shivers down your spine as your body slowly sunk inside a beast, like a body sinking in quicksand.
your scream reverberates across the alleyway, with tears dotting your vision as you reached out your hand as far as you could manage, begging for something, anything to come and save you. the thick and toxic mud ends up overtaking your senses, and before you could lose consciousness while ceasing your breaths-
you felt a hand forcefully pull you out from the devil's grip, its disgusting mud staining at your clothes as you felt globs of it sliding down your body. the slick sensation of the disgusting slime surrounding you makes you feel nauseous as you gag almost immediately, unable to get rid of the scent since it had now completely drenched you.
struggling to get to your feet, you pinch your nose shut to see the sight of your savior standing in front of you. immediately, you felt panicked. this guy was just too lanky, and you could only see his bare back as it faced you. unruly strands of blond hair decorate his head, and you were concerned with how his lanky form stood without fear in front of the poisonous devil. despite how the beast roared at him in anger, the strange man retained his almost nonchalant stance-
that is, until he turns back to face you with a wink and a smirk, "wanna watch me do something cool?"
you weren't given the chance to answer him. all you could see was how he pulled at an odd string settled on the middle of his chest before a chainsaw rips his head in half. letting out a blood curdling scream, you swore you felt as though you were going to faint, your heart caught within the confines of your throat when the man finally reveals himself.
gone were his messy blond locks. all that covered his face was a metal mask with a deadly chainsaw sticking out of it. not only had his head turned into a chainsaw, but the entirety of his arms as well, the deadly blades acting as a shield as he shredded the devil into tiny bits and pieces.
you weren't sure how you were supposed to feel. the more rational part of you knew that you had to feel afraid of this man who clearly had a devil half-
but the stronger part felt more intrigue for him than anything else.
in just mere seconds, the chainsaw man comes out victorious, with his dirty converses standing in the puddle left over from the devil's destruction. once he was sure it was over, the chainsaw man steps closer to you. unsure of why you didn't want to move or run away, you end up standing completely still, allowing him to reach out and touch at your cheek gently with the tip of his chainsaw.
"you're lucky you're so damn cute."
that was all he said in that strange voice of his before jumping away from you, disappearing against one of the rooftops as you felt your legs give away, unable to hold your weight any longer.
with your heart pounding within your chest, not with fear but with excitement, you knew that your first meeting ever with the chainsaw man would forever be imprinted within your memories.
2. introduction
ever since that fateful night when you were saved by chainsaw man himself, you became a tad bit obsessed with him. he was just so cool, so powerful and fearless when he had saved your life. that strange half devil hybrid was the spark you needed in your life, and it was thanks to him that you finally felt so alive- hell, it was because of him that you were still alive.
unfortunately, such a cool meeting came with a heavy price, mainly in the form of how the stench of the toxic devil still remained attached to your body regardless of the sheer number of showers you took whilst lathering copious amounts of body wash on your form. during those first few weeks, you had to cover your scent with a variety of perfumes in hopes of masking the stench of decay left over from that night.
despite the number of complaints your peers told you, telling you that your perfume was overwhelming and headache inducing, you knew that it was better to give them a migraine than make them feel nauseous whenever you were around.
but you digress-
roughly two months had passed, and you were still searching for any signs of the chainsaw man. when you asked around your university questions pertaining to who it might be, no one had a clue what you were talking about. and all the books you read within your university's library spoke little of a human/devil hybrid.
with a sigh, you figured that it was completely hopeless to try and find out anything about your savior. you were quickly becoming dejected now, with no signs of the man with the dirty blond hair anywhere in sight.
not wanting to wallow in your despair for too long, you decide to visit the udon stand settled within close proximity of your university. the owner and cook, recognizing you almost immediately, welcomes you with open arms as he let out a hearty laugh whilst saying your name. "the usual for you?"
"absolutely." taking your spot on the stand, you wait eagerly for your favorite bowl of udon. you kick your legs back and forth with your hands clasped against the table.
you paid no attention to the person that suddenly sat next to you, their proximity completely noticeable when you could feel the right side of your arm touching them. with your faced scrunched up in dismay, you were about to move seats had it not been for the fact that your beef udon had already arrived.
"here ya go, miss! and as always, enjoy!"
"wah! that looks amazing! 'scuse me, sir, but i will definitely have what she's having!"
cue a rich chuckle coming from the owner himself. "absolutely, young man. one beef udon comin' right up!"
you couldn't help but feel slighly annoyed at this man's childish behavior, ready to scold him as the words hung heavy against the tip of your tongue-
but upon seeing him for the first time, you felt them die against your throat. with messy locks of blond hair and eyes the color of smooth, hot chocolate. he was dressed in a jacket and a pair of jeans, but those worn converses were undeniable.
he was the chainsaw man; the same man you had dedicated your time trying to find.
the young man appears nervous from being scrutinized with your wide-eyed gaze, letting out a cough before saying, "uhm, long time no see?"
yet all you could manage was a shaky whisper of this single phrase: "chainsaw-"
but that was all you could say when he immediately places a hand over your mouth, looking panicked while darting his eyes around the area, "please, just call me denji."
3. interaction
"denji?" you test the sound of his name against your lips, repeating it a few times as the boy settled next to you slowly begins to turn pink in response.
"i like it." returning your attention back to the steaming bowl of udon, you grab your chopsticks and clasp your hands together, "thank you for this meal!"
you dig into your bowl of noodles, suddenly not minding denji's close proximity when he receives his own bowl of noodles just minutes later. he repeats your actions before slurping up his own noodles.
you ate in a comfortable silence, neither one of you speaking as you each simply enjoyed the bowl of udon. "you know, you're being kind of rude." denji wasn't facing you when he said that strange phrase.
"oh? and what makes me so rude?" you take casual sips of the broth, looking at the blond expectantly as a sheepish expression paints his features.
"well, you didn't tell me your name yet, and that's kinda what i wanted to know."
"hmm." you lick your lips, the sight of your actions not going unnoticed by denji as his eyes suddenly hones in on your lips. thinking that it was only fair that he know your name as well, you tell it to him and listen when he does the same thing you did with his name.
he repeats the syllables that make up your name a few times before grinning widely at you, "i think i like the sound of it."
you cheeks felt heated, and you continue to eat your bowl of udon, but this time, you could barely taste the deliciousness of the broth and how well it tied the noodles and the beef together. instead, your stomach kept twisting each time you felt denji purposely lean into you whilst enjoying his bowl.
within seconds, he finishes his meal entirely, leaving behind an empty bowl. digging into the pocket of his jeans, he places a few bills against the table, paying for your portion of the meal as well before beckoning you to follow him.
"come on, let's take a walk."
it was as though he put a spell on you, for that was all the urging from denji you needed to follow him wherever he went.
4. attraction
denji was by no means the cute and handsome boy of your dreams. he appeared disheveled, as if that were his fashion statement as he walked with a natural slumped posture. he keeps his hands hidden, buried deep within the confines of his jeans while keeping his gaze focused on the pavement in front of him.
"so you gonna ask me 'bout that night or what?"
his blunt words make you wince in response. "do you actually remember me?"
denji takes a look at you from the corner of his eyes. "hell yeah i do. can't ever forget a cute face like yours." he seems smug then, rubbing at the tip of his nose with the back of his hand all while smirking.
"heh, okay smartass." you purposely run your hip against his, making the smug expression falter as you continued to walk closely beside him.
"how long have you had such powers?"
"uh, since i was seventeen?"
"and how old are you now?"
you giggle, facing him with a smile on your face. "cool, so the chainsaw man is my age."
you continue to walk in silence, and from your periphery, you could see the way denji was turning red with a blush. even the tip of his ears was pink now, and it was truly such an adorable sight.
"so do you go around saving people from devils like a vigilante or something?"
"heh, nope! i only go around saving cute girls like yourself." he gives you another toothy grin, showing you its sharpness while running a hand through his unruly locks of hair. "the goal of it is to have the girl become so in love with me that she takes me back to her place, where she can show her thanks for me by spreading her legs as i lose myself in her."
you could feel your cheeks burn with the audacity of his wishes, trying to hold back your laughter as a snort ends up escaping from your lips. "and how's that working out for you?"
"ugh, terribly. here i am, in my twenties, and i'm still not getting any."
now, you couldn't hold back your laughter any longer as ugly snorts and giggles came out of you. denji was so refreshing to you, with his honesty and bluntness that delighted you in so many ways. you kept on laughing, with your stomach twisting in pain as denji simply stood there, watching you with an unreadable expression on his face.
you didn't know how long you just stood there, laughing like an idiot while in front of denji. finally calming down, you wipe the stray tears from your eyes and give him an apologetic smile. "sorry about that, denji. you're just so funny, so honest with your desires that i couldn't help but laugh at what a total guy you are."
but instead of joining you in your laughter, denji gently reaches out to you, allowing the back of his hand to brush against your cheek when he tells you in a breathless whisper,
"you're so fucking adorable. please, go on a date with me."
5. date
denji is so not your type.
he's definitely not your dream come true.
and to top it all off, he seems so shameless-
so what the hell prompted you to accept his invitation to a date saturday night?
was it due to the fact that he was the chainsaw man you had been searching for? was your intrigue with him due to the fact that he had literally saved your life?
you couldn't say for sure why denji fascinated you, but all you knew was that you were eager to get to know him better. something about him just drew you into him, and more than anything else, denji seemed to be drowning in his own loneliness.
something must have happened in his past, but you didn't dare bring up anything so personal when you've only met him a handful of times.
but you were willing to stick around and try.
with you dressed comfortably for your date with denji, you stand outside of your train station, waiting for him to appear. your eyes kept looking around for any signs of him, and the moment you had your gaze off of the streets was when you felt someone press themselves against your back.
you stiffen, about to scream had it not been for the teasing whisper of your name against your ear, "hey cutie, were you waiting for me?"
"d-denji!" he lets go of you then with a teasing smile on his face. dressed in a shirt and another pair of jeans along with his converses (his signature style, you suppose), he holds up his hands in mock surrender. "my bad my bad, didn't mean to scare ya. let's just get going, okay?"
placing a hand behind your back, he leads you inside the station, finally starting your date you had been anticipating.
6. holding hands
your date with denji ends up being the most fun you've had. he takes you to one of his favorite arcades located in the city, where you spent hours beating each other with the various games. whilst in the arcade, you shared an extra-large pepperoni pizza, laughing at all the funny faces he made and terrible jokes he tells you.
when you had your fill of the arcade, denji takes a hold of all the tickets you had won in combination with his, going up to the gift counter to exchange the tickets for a cute little teddy bear. he shows you the adorable plush, holding on to what looked like a sunflower within its brown paws. your smile couldn't be any wider, accepting the cute plush while giving it several kisses.
meanwhile, denji kept looking at you embracing the teddy bear tightly against your chest. he tries to convince himself that no, he was not getting jealous of some stupid teddy bear-
but ends up failing miserably.
"come on, it looks really nice out tonight. let's go out and admire the stars or something."
taking a hold of one of your hands, he interlocks them together with his fingertips. unconsciously, denji ends up shivering at the contact, swearing that he's never felt a hand so soft before while taking you away from the arcade.
7. first kiss
the teddy bear that denji had gotten for you was still settled safely on your lap as you sat with denji on the water fountain. the gentle gurgle of water was all that was heard as denji kept his gaze at the stars scattered above him.
you were feeling awkward now, pulling at your teddy bear's ears as you tried to find the right words to say to him. with your legs drawn up close to your chest, you sigh and decided that it was best to be honest with him.
"i ah...i really had a great time with our date. it's been so long since i've been to an arcade, and i loved it."
"hm, that's good."
you shift uncomfortably beside him. "why are you acting like i'm such a nuisance now? didn't you have a good time as well?"
"you bet your cute ass i did."
you ignore his use of profanity at that moment, feeling your frustrations about to reach a boiling point. "then why aren't you acting like you're having a good time?!"
"because i'm consumed with thoughts of wanting to kiss you. but i don't wanna scare you off on our first date."
finally hearing his confession, you look at him to see him glaring at the sky, refusing to meet your gaze. his rough admission causes a surge of warmth to course through your veins, and you could feel yourself swallowing thickly as you tried to find the right words to say.
should i...? or should i not...?
with a sigh, you purposely slide closer to him, allowing your shoulders to meet with his as you rest your head against him. "then why don't you?"
your words causes denji to do a double take, whipping his head around so quickly that you were afraid he was going to break his neck. "w-what?"
"you heard me. i said why don't you kiss me already."
you figured denji would be filled with hot air now, puffing up his chest as he kissed you with confidence-
yet instead, you watch as denji becomes even redder in response. he hides his mouth from your curious gaze with his hand, eyes looking at anything but you.
"j-just give me a damn minute, okay?! i-i never had a girl i wanted to kiss so badly actually let me kiss her before...!"
ah, so this boy was all bark and no bite after all.
with a smile on your face, you gently place a hand on his chin, forcing him to face you. his eyes appeared so hopeful, so needy for even an ounce of your affections. letting out a sigh of his name, you allow your lips to perfectly slant against his, giving him a kiss denji was sure to cherish for the rest of his life.
8. relationship
you couldn't quite put a label on whatever was going on between you and denji.
all you knew was that he made you happy. his presence measured up to that of the sun itself. despite his gruff language and perverted nature he tries to display, you found that he was so warm and kind. there were different aspects to denji's personality, and little by little, you were certain that you were slowly breaking down his walls.
tonight, denji had suddenly appeared at your apartment during the middle of the night. he looked half-asleep, with the way the dark circles seemed to darken beneath his eyes as his arms hung limply by his sides.
yet the moment he sees you, denji perks up immediately, taking you in his arms as he makes his way to your bedroom. when he lays down, settling you on top of him with your cheek pressed against his chest, you could feel the gentle beatings of his heart.
you felt so soft then, your affections for the man you had quickly grown so attached to-
but did he feel the same way?
you sigh, burying your face within his chest, tracing at the chainsaw cord that served as his means of turning into chainsaw man. denji immediately stops your hands from exploring any further, "no, don't. i don't want you to get hurt."
"what am i to you?" you whisper to him, feeling your insecurities take over as you played with the front of his shirt.
"have you been saving any other cute girls lately?" was the question you end up asking, refusing to meet his confused gaze as you kept the fabric of his shirt clutched tightly in your hand.
denji then takes a hold of your hands, freeing his shirt from their tight grip. you half expected him to leave you right then and there, feeling the tears begin to dot your vision as you fought to keep your breathing even.
you refused to cry, even when denji decides to leave you.
yet he blows all of your expectations out of the water when he clasps your hands together to press a kiss against the back of them. "nah, you're the only cute girl i wanna save."
taking your silence as proof that you had finally calmed down, he adjusts his hold on you so that you now lay within his arms, with his chest pressed against your back. you felt the way his body heat seemed to engulf you, trapping you in a safe cocoon as you smile in response.
"what am i to you?" you ask once more, this time with your voice ringing loud and clear from the confines of your room.
"isn't it obvious?" you feel the way denji lets out an exasperated breath against your hair. "you're my girlfriend, and i couldn't ask for anyone better than you."
9. love
life truly had a sense of humor.
never would you have ever expected to fall in love with someone like denji. when you first met him, he seemed so far away from what you considered your ideal type-
the one that was prim and proper, with an education that matches yours plus having great ambitions.
well, you suppose you could take back that last bit, since denji has shown you that he has plenty of ambition, even if they were a bit misplaced before he met you.
"i used to want to take over the world with my powers, you know? make all of japan bend to my will and get all the women and riches i desired."
he tells you of his dreams one night when you were both cuddling on the couch, watching some boring sitcom that you didn't bother to try and recall the title of. all of your focus was on denji and the way he softly smiled down at you.
"but now, that shit doesn't matter anymore. now that i got you in my arms, i feel as though every single one of my dreams have come true."
with a kiss filled with passion that you didn't even think denji was capable of, he holds you tightly within his arms while conveying all the emotions he held for you. the kiss was successful in taking your very breath away, eyes turning almost hazy with the sheer amount of love you had for the man that held you.
letting out a hoarse whisper of your name, denji rests his forehead against yours before confessing, "i fucking love you. you're everything a sad and pathetic man like me could ever ask for.
that's why, i'm gonna spend the rest of my fucking life protecting you and makin' you happy."
10. commitment
there was no way denji could sleep peacefully, not when he could spend the next hours watching you rest instead.
with a yawn, he carefully sits up from bed, allowing the blankets to slide off his body as he takes this chance to truly admire you. was his behavior a little strange? maybe, but truly, he didn't give a damn.
he finally found what he has always desired; the one thing he has craved for his entire life:
an unconditional love that he knew he would fight and die for. what started as him wanting to save a total babe from distress ends up leading him down the path he has always wanted- a dream come true.
with his right hand, he presses down against his chest where his heart still beat. he was comforted by the fact pochita would always be a part of him, protecting his heart while feeling each ounce of happiness whenever he was by your side.
"we finally did it, pochita. i finally reached my dreams."
when he finally decides to fall back asleep, he ends up bringing your body closer to him. with you now pressed against his bare chest, he could feel you smile in your sleep as you curled yourself even closer to him.
perhaps he should surprise you with that little, black velvet box currently hiding within his drawer in the morning after all.
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a.n. - i have been listening to ajr's -ok overture- on repeat for days now, and the entirety of the song fits denji so well that i had to make this story for him 🥹 this is unedited, but i had such a blast writing it, and i hope you readers enjoyed it, too ♡
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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AITA for giving students harder exams than the initial project?
I (24F) am a mathematics teacher. I decided to do something new in class and make a mobile game to help them study. Similar to Duolingo, I guess. Then I gave them a challenge:
"If all of you can do this project in two weeks (weekdays are mandatory, while weekends are free) you don't need to join the exam and I'll use the score you get from the project as your score for the report class." So, at the very least, I expected them to do in total 10 questions (if they do 1 questions per day).
I updated the game every day, 5 questions per day. So, in total today, there are around 70 questions in the game.
However, when I checked today, in one of my classes (I teach in 3 class with the same challenge), only 4 out of my 25 students actually did the project. Even if one of them only does it once. Ngl, I was hurt. I kinda expected this, but it's still hurt, you know? I thought they would choose the easier project, albeit needing hard work, rather than joining a hard exam.
So, I give the exam today, 10 10-question essay (compared to the 70 multiple choices in the game). The boys in the class barely do the exam too (those are the usual problematic students who skip during afternoon prayers)!
So, am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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nyasiaaaaa · 1 year
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse)  Fem reader x Arthur ( platonic) Fem reader x Micheal ( platonic )
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 6.6k
Warnings: Cursing, blood, death, child birth, drinking, alcohol, talks of war, guns, Tommy Shelby ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) ( Also Y/N is on dick, IDKY she acts like this)
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually. 
There is month and week time just in here, this is the only part where I would do that cause I had a lot to fit in. Because I had a lot of fit in, I have to add another part so too much won’t be going on all in one part. Also this is bit of a filler for that time jump from the end of season two to the beginning of season three
Part 1  Part 3    Part 4   Part 5  part 6
Although you didn't see Thomas again for nearly a year, you knew he was there watching you, keeping tabs on you. You had seen Arthur more than you had seen Thomas; he'd often come in, all cut up and in need of stitching.
 You still remember the first time you met Arthur; you were busy with a patient in one of the ER exam rooms when one of your fellow nurses slid back the curtain.
"Hi, excuse us. I need to borrow her for a second," She said, smiling towards the patient as she grabbed your arms, pulling you out and sliding the curtain back.
"You've been asked for by name, exam room three. I'll take over here."
"Why, what's going on”You asked confused.
She shrugged her shoulders, 
 "All I know is that it's a peaky fellow, a Shelby, to be exact." 
She went back into the exam room, but you stood still. Thomas, he's here to see you? You were confused, if he wanted to meet, he could've just come to your apartment; he did know where you lived. 
Then it clicked ,he's hurt again; he has to be. 
You turned and started to walk down the hall towards the third exam room. Walked…. ran the same thing.
Soon, you were standing in front of the curtain to exam room three. You took a deep breath as you smoothed your outfit out. 
You don't know why you were so nervous to see him; you felt kinda silly; you had literally performed surgery on this man and dressed him.
 You shook your head, then quickly pulled back the curtain before you could change your mind. 
You’re puzzled because the man sitting in front of you is not Thomas Shelby. 
"Hi," you drew out, unsure who this man was and what he wanted with you.
"Oi, you the girl that took care of Tommy when he was here?" he asked, all chipper despite his ear being split, cuts on his face, and blood being littered all over his body.
You shook your head slowly, still unsure where this was going
"Tommy sent me here to get patched up; he said you were, uh, sympathetic to the cause." That made you laugh a bit 
"I guess I am; let's see what's going on here, Mr.Shelby." You stepped into the room, closed the curtain behind you, and went to the table to find some gloves.
"It's Arthur"
"Oh, Arthur, and who is Thomas to you again?" 
You pulled the stool underneath you as you began to clean the cuts on his face with some wipes. 
"He's my brother; I'm the oldest, then Tommy, and then John, and last Finn."
You made a face; you didn't know Thomas had a brother, let alone three; in all the stories you heard about Peaky Blinders, only Thomas had been brought up. 
You continued to clean Arthur up, and as you did so, you asked a million questions like where they grew up, how old they were, and how betting even worked. 
You have learned so much from Arthur in the past 30 minutes about the business and Thomas than you would have ever thought. 
Arthur was so talkative, he answered all your questions, he honestly was a bit too happy, you had assumed he was on something but wasn't sure. 
He had just gotten done telling you a story about when he and Tommy were younger when you finished his last stitch.
"It sounds like loads of fun," you said, cutting the string to the last stitch. 
"Yeah, it was different back then; Tommy was different back then. " 
You had wanted to ask what he meant, but he had gotten up before you could. He walked over to the mirror to look at his face; as he did so, you pulled some cream out of the draw for him. 
"Here, make sure you put this cream on so you won't scar." 
"Ahhh, thanks, Doc; Tommy told us whenever we need fixin' to come to you, and you didn't disappoint." 
"And how is Tommy? Is he all healed up?" Part of you just wanted to say his nickname out loud, and another hoped that Arthur would continue his over-sharing streak. 
"Yeah, all good; you know our Tommy strong as a horse," He said before walking away. 
You smiled and waved to him, watching him walk away. Our Tommy that made you giggle and smile like an idiot. You started to clean up your mess and wipe stuff down when you suddenly stopped, and your smile dropped. 
It had just dawned on you, but It was too late; he was far too gone when you realized. What did he mean by Tommy told us whenever they needed fixin' to come to you. You were hoping it didn't mean what you had thought, but it did. 
To say you were overworked was an understatement; you couldn't have imagined first how many men were peaky blinders and second how often they got hurt. 
Every time you turned around, your patient was a peaky boy, saying Tommy had sent them to get fixed up. Some of these men came into the hospital standing even though they had cuts the size of your arm on their bodies. They were bleeding out, but they remained calm like it was just another Tuesday, and soon, so did you because eventually, it was just another Tuesday. 
You and Arthur became close; you would even say you became friends. You saw him often; either he was in for himself, getting more stitches, or he was dropping off a person to get help. And on those sad, rare days, he was picking up a body, someone you couldn't save. 
You and Arthur talked a lot about everything and anything; you felt like his priest with the kind of things he confessed to you. How he felt the business was going, how he was still messed up from the war, how lonely he was. 
On those days, you would just listen to him talk and give him a hug after; you knew he needed it. Your relationship truly felt like brother and sister, and you couldn't have been more happy about it, seeing as you are an only child. 
Arthur and Thomas were the only Shelby brothers you had the pleasure of meeting. Polly and Ada, you have not, but Arthur said you shouldn't because they don't get involved in dirty business. Finn was far too young; he often just hung back, and Micheal Polly's son only handled legitimate business. 
So you were pretty shocked when you had been requested, and Michael Gray was behind the curtain. 
"You the peaky doc."  
"I am." You had tried to tell the boys that you were only a nurse, but none of them listed, so you just accepted the nickname.
He nodded and started to take his shirt off; he had bruises and cuts all over his body. One big cut on his stomach and one on his forehead; that's the ones you will be focusing on. You put your gloves on and got to work; you cleaned the cut on his stomach a bit before starting your stitches.
Your head was down the whole time you stitched him, but you still knew he was staring at you; you felt it, and the way he looked down at you made you slightly uncomfortable. 
Once you finished the stitches, you stood up from the stool, making you come face to face with him.
His eyes were quite different from Tommy's; you didn't know yet if it was in a good way or bad.
He cocked his head to the side as he looked at you, then looked down at your name tag before looking back up at you.
"Can I smoke in here?"
"Sure, and do you mind if I stand right here? It's the only way I can reach," you said, pointing to in between his legs. 
He took a long drag of his cig before responding, "Whatever you want, doc."
Even from this position, you had to stand on your toes; he was pretty tall. You were pulling a stitch through when you almost fell, but Micheal had placed his hand on your back, keeping you upright. 
You cleared your throat. "Thanks" 
He just nodded at you with his hand still on your back
"Tommy pays your rent, right? I've seen your name in the books."
"I always had thought he did that cause you to stitch the boys up with no questions asked and no coppers involved." 
You just smiled back, unsure what to say 
"But now I'm not so sure."
"What do you mean"
At this point, you were on your last couple of stitches 
"You have your own protection detail; he sends his most important men to you, and he pays your rent."
You knew about the rent and never paid much mind to why Tommy started sending his men; you'd just assumed that it was your payment for free rent. A protection detail, though, you were confused; Micheal had to be mistaken. You'd never seen anyone following you, or maybe that was the point. 
You tied the thread before cutting it,  all while Micheal's hand remained behind your back; you looked down at him and asked. 
He shrugged his shoulders, taking one last drag before putting the cig out on the tray behind you.
He blew his smoke to the side before saying, "Tommy takes care of his own; he protects what's his." 
You were stunned, but Micheal didn't allow you to process. He stood up, putting on his shirt before walking towards the door.
"Thanks, doc," he yelled as he left
You smiled and nodded back before turning around and cleaning up.
Had you really made that much of an impression on Tommy, you were confused and stuck, your mind racing to solve this riddle. If you had left such an impression, why hadn't you seen him in weeks? Not even so much as flowers or Arthur playing playing messenger, nothing. Micheal had to be wrong. 
But what if he wasn't? What angle was Tommy playing? What was his end goal? 
Your head was starting to hurt, maybe cause you were tired or cause your brain had been overworked trying to figure out what this man wanted from you. You decide to go back to work cause, whatever was happening, you wouldn't figure it out.  
It had been a little over nine months after your visit from Micheal that you saw Tommy again. 
You had been requested at his house, Arthur came and got you. This house wasn't in Birmingham it was nice and big, a mansion. You knew why you were here. Arthur had been keeping you up to date with all the Tommy and Grace drama. After Arthur told you about Grace and her and Tommy's Past and present, you knew that Micheal was wrong. 
He couldn't have been more wrong cause here you are, arriving at Tommy's house about to see him for the first time in a year to help deliver his baby.  
"There already a doctor there, you say," you asked Arthur as he helped you out of the car. 
"Yes, Tommy said he still wants you there, though."
You didn't understand why you had to be there if a doctor was already there, someone who has had more schooling than you and should hold more knowledge. 
Arthur had led you through the house, at first he got lost, it was a big house, but soon he found his way and plus it wasn't hard you just followed the screams and cursing. 
You should have braced yourself before entering the room, but you had thought you would be fine; you weren't.
As soon as you opened the door, all eyes were on you, including Tommy's, his eyes which you hadn't seen in so long; they were so intense. 
He was standing next to Grace, who was lying on the bed; he was holding her hand, blood smeared on his shirt. Two women were on the opposite side of him next to Grace, two women you assumed to be Polly and Esme. 
You kind of just stood there, unsure of what to do and a bit scared. Grace's head popped from behind the doctor who stood in between her propped-up legs. 
"Arthur, would you shut the door" Grace yelled
He laughed awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't see anything, Tommy; go on, Doc." He gave you a push as he shut the door. 
"Umm, where can I help?" you asked, and it was clear that you were nervous, but you hoped they thought it was because of the situation and not because of what it actually was, Tommy.
"The doctor is saying the baby is trying to come out feet first and that he must cut her open. Polly and Esme say that the baby can be turned, and if she is cut, she will bleed out." Thomas said as he rubbed his face; he was trying to hide it, but you could tell he was nervous.
"OK, OK, OK, Excuse me, I need to assess Grace to see which option is better." You placed your bag down and pulled out some gloves before approaching Grace.
"OK, Grace, I'm just going to see where the baby is at," You said as you reached up in her cervix, checking for the baby, and it was trying to come out feet first. You pulled out of her before speaking again.
"OK, Grace, the baby is coming feet first, but it's still far up, so I think we have a good chance at turning it around. It will be painful, but it's better than cutting you open and risking you bleeding out."
"Well, I can't do that, and I still believe that a c-section is the way to go; I've done many and have had many successes." The doctor tried to argue, but you knew that the risk of her bleeding out was higher than her not. 
"I can do it. Trust me, Grace, I can do it."
"Are you even a doctor?" the doctor asked. 
"No, but that doesn't matter. Grace, what do you want."
Graces looked between you and the doctor before looking up at Thomas, who was looking at you. And for the first time since you stepped into this room, you looked at him in the eyes. You nodded slightly, telling him you had this; he stared at you a little longer before telling you to go ahead. 
You got right to work pushing on Grace's stomach, pushing the baby's head, and slowly turning the baby. She screamed in pain, and Thomas held her hand, encoring her along; after 30 minutes, you finally got the baby in the correct position. You would’ve let Grace take a much-needed break, but she said she felt the need to push and couldn't hold back. 
"OK, Grace, that's fine. Push." You got back between her legs and sat on the stool at her feet.
It only took two pushes, and the baby was out, but It wasn't breathing; you panicked, and everyone looked at you scared. Except for Thomas, he looked at you in a way you can't describe as anything other than murderous. 
You held the baby in your hands, quickly walking over to the dresser and placing the baby down before grabbing the suction ball from your bag below you. You sucked the goo from the baby's mouth and throat and ran your knuckles across his chest. 
The baby still didn't cry out, and you were nervous. Had you pushed on its head too hard? You had never done it yourself, only seen it done, but-
The baby coughed and let out a cry; relief flooded your body, and tears slipped from your eyes. You cleaned the baby before turning around and walking over to Thomas.
"Here you go, Mr.Shelby, a beautiful, healthy baby boy." 
For the first time ever, you saw Tommy smile, like a full ear-to-ear smile, as you handed him his son. You smiled to yourself before stepping away and collecting your things. You looked at the doctor who stood in the corner, flipping him off before saying.
"You can handle the rest, right, or do you need help with that too?" 
He rolled his eyes at you before walking to Grace to clean her up.
You opened the door and saw Michael, Arthur, who you assumed to be John and Finn, and many more waiting outside the door.
"Grace is fine." 
"And," Arthur asked. 
"And it's a- " 
"It's a boy," Thomas said, interrupting you, you turned around, and he was standing right behind you. 
"Congratulations," You said to Tommy. 
"Thank you," he said back before he got rushed with a bunch of hugs.
You went down the steps, deciding to wait for Arthur outside, and truth be told, you needed some air not only because of Tommy but also because that was the most ballsy thing you had ever done in your career. You just delivered a baby, all on your own. 
You weren't waiting on the steps outside long when you heard the door open, and you stood up, brushing the dirt off yourself, slowly turning around.
"I thought you had gotten lost again. Arthur thought I had to come to find yo-"You stopped your sentence abruptly, seeing as Arthur wasn't the one standing in front of you.
"Micheal, where's Arthur?"
"I had asked him if it was alright if I took you home." 
"Oh, OK, let's go," You said before hopping in the car, with Micheal right behind you, sliding next to you in the driver's seat.
The drive back was quiet, and soon you were back at your house; you hopped out of the car and walked towards your apartment building, Micheal right behind you.
"You don't have to walk me to my door, Micheal; I'll be fine."
"Who am I to defy orders?" 
That made you stop and turn towards him. 
"You’re wrong, Tommy's with Grace. We're friends; he has no feeling like that towards me."
"You sure about that" 
"I just delivered his baby, Micheal."
"Exactly," he said, then turned around and left. 
You walked into your building and up the steps to your apartment; you stood at the door searching for your keys and became frustrated when you couldn't find them. You threw your bag at the door, making everything fall and spill across the floor. 
You took a deep breath before squatting down, picking everything up, and putting them back; your keys had also been on the ground. You grabbed them and unlocked the door, walking in and shutting it behind you.
You walk over to your bed and jump in it; you don't even have the energy to change. You were so tired, and your head hurt trying to figure out what Micheal got from playing with your head like this. 
You wouldn't even let yourself go down the guessing road; he was with Grace, and that was final. They were apart and came back stronger than ever; their love was fairy-tale-like. 
You couldn't help yourself, though; a small part of you still thought, 
What if.
Months have passed since you last seen Tommy since you delivered his baby. You haven’t seen him, but you know he was keeping tabs on you. You also started to see Arthur less; he was a changed man so he says. He met a new dime, Linda. You’re not going to lie, you don’t like the bitch, but Arthur does, and seeing as he has stopped the fighting, drinking, and even snow, you’ve decided to let it go. 
You still see peaky boys, though; they have become a part of your day-to-day life. You can’t remember the last time you had a regular patient or even a day off. And you needed a day off, you barely sleep cause of all the doubles you’ve been pulling at the hospital, and you never go out anymore. You honestly don’t remember the last time you got laid.
It’s been a while. 
So that’s why you decided to take the day off and to take up one of the doctors at the hospital's offer to go out.
You honestly didn’t care where the doctor took you or what y’all talked about; you had one goal tonight: getting laid.
You were ready to go out, sitting at your kitchen table bucking your shoes, when you heard a knock on your door. He was early, but you were ready, so it was fine. You walked over to the door, a smile taking over your face. You opened the door and were immediately pushed out of the way as someone invited themselves into your home.
“ Um, excuse me,” you said, turning around to meet the stranger.
Only it wasn’t a stranger. It was Tommy
And he wasn’t alone; he had his son in his arms.
“What's wrong?” You asked, rushing over to them. 
“ he fell. I was changing him, and he fell, and he cried and cried, but then he just stopped.” He was pacing your living room with the baby still in his arms.
You slowly approached him. 
“ It’s ok, Tommy, babies aren’t glass, ok. Every kid has been dropped on their head, I’d reckon Arthur, more than once.”
You got him to stop pacing with your words, but he still held the baby in a death grip.
“ Let me see him, Tommy; everything going to be fine, just let me see him.” You spoke as softly as you could as you stood before him, placing your hand on his shoulder. 
He looked up from the baby to look at you; you nodded as you placed your hands under his to take the baby from his hands. He slowly let go of the baby, releasing him to you. Once you fully secured the baby, you held him close as you walked over to your med bag at home. You fetched out your stethoscope and put it on before listening to the baby’s heart rate and breathing; you then checked his pupil reaction with your small flashlight. 
The baby seemed fine; Tommy probably put the baby to sleep by rocking it for so long, that’s why it probably stopped crying. 
“ Your baby’s fine, no signs of brain damage; he is just sleeping. That’s why he stopped crying,” you said, walking back over to him, and handing him back his baby.
You could see his body ease up slowly as he rocked the baby back and forth. 
“ Did you drive here, or” you trailed off
“ Yeah, but my car ran out of petrol; I’ve sent Curly to get me some more.” 
You nodded slowly; you weren’t sure what you were supposed to do next.
“ Do you have a quiet place where I can put him down?” 
“ Yes, my bedroom, it's over there,” You say, pointing towards the back of the room.
Tommy walks back towards your room, and you just stand there, uncertain what to do in your own home. He came back soon and started to head towards a seat in your living room and to make things less awkward, you took a seat across from him in the other chair. 
“ Can I smoke in here?” 
You nodded to his question; he pulled out his cigarette holder and took one before offering you one.
“ Oh no, I don’t smoke,” you said, making him make a face.
“ I only smoked that one time cause I was a bit stressed.”
He just nodded at you, lighting up his cig and taking a drag, and y’all just sat there; honestly, how long does it take to get some petrol. You couldn’t be this still any longer. You had to get up.
“ Would you like something to drink?” You asked, walking over to your drink table.” Whiskey fine?” you asked, even though you knew that’s all he drank 
You turned back to see him nodding his head, so you continued to ask, “ Brown or white?”
“ Brown” 
You poured the both of you a cup, filling yours up a bit more than his; you would need the whole bottle if he stayed any longer. You walked over to him, handing him his cup before sitting back in your seat. The silence followed again shortly after, and it was killing you; he had finished his cig, and you had finished your glass; you were seriously thinking about getting that petrol yourself. 
“ You were a nurse in the war? “ Tommy asked, pointing towards your medals on the shelf above your fireplace.
“ Yes, I was stationed in France, you? “ 
 You already knew the answer, though, cause of Arthur
“ Yep, I was in France, tunneler.” he finished his drink before continuing, “You kept your medals?” 
Even though he didn’t phrase it like a question, you still knew he was asking why you had kept them.
This question caught you slightly off guard, but you knew most people around here threw theirs into the cut as a fuck you to the king for the way they were treated when they got back.
“ You mean, why didn’t I throw them in the cut like everyone else?” You asked as you got up, getting his cup and you for a much-needed refill. “ I don’t see them like how you might; I see them as my team telling me good job and not the king. My team nominated me for the medal, not the king.” 
He nodded, slowly taking his drink back and sipping before asking you another question. 
“ And the war,” he cleared his throat, “is it still with you.”
You didn’t know why he was asking you all these questions, but you didn’t mind answering them. The more you talked about your experience, the easier it was to continue your life and leave the war in the past.
“ Honestly, there must be something wrong with my brain because no matter how hard I try to think back, I can’t remember half of the things that happened.” You let out a slight chuckle as you spoke. 
“Nothing, eh?” 
“ Well, not nothing; I remember why I was nominated for that medal.” You paused, unsure if you should tell this story. Men like Tommy don’t often reminisce about their time in France. But Tommy tipped his glass towards you, encouraging you along.
“ Ok, umm, my group and I had been relocated closer to the battlefield; we were located where fighting had taken place and tunnels dug. So there were a lot of caved-in holes and shells everywhere, but they said they had swept the area, and there were no bombs or anything. Nightfall came, and we were all set up; everyone but the guards were asleep. I couldn’t, though; I could hear the fighting going on in the distance. And even though it was really dumb, I went for a walk. I just couldn’t keep still and didn’t want to wake up the others.” 
You looked down and realized that you had finished your drink, so you got up to get some more; you went over to the drink table but didn’t pour anything. Instead, you just leaned against it before turning back to face Thomas. 
“ I was walking, and um, I tripped, fell right on my face. I had dropped my flashlight, hitting the ground must have turned it off. So I reached around looking for it, and that was when I touched something, but it wasn’t my flashlight; it was my hand. I panicked and backed up as quickly as possible and ended up finding my flashlight. I quickly turned it on and saw a hand sticking up from the mud, almost like it had broken through. I was trying to calm myself down when I saw the hand twitch; I had assumed the guy was dead. Next thing I know, I’m on my hands and knees digging through the dirt, and it seemed like no matter how fast and hard I dug, dirt kept refilling up the hole.” Tears started falling from your cheek, but you wiped them quickly, not wanting to cry in front of Tommy.
“ I uhh eventually was able to dig his head out, then shoulders and then I was able to pull him out, he wasn’t breathing, so I began CPR and mouth to mouth, the mud got all in my mouth cause his face was caked with it, but I didn’t care. Finally, after five minutes, he began coughing and gasping for air; I pulled him up into my lap, propping him up a bit, hoping that would help. Then he opened his eyes. He had tried to speak, but he just kept saying the same thing over and over again; he wasn’t making any sense. I told him he should save his strength, which made him quiet down. And so we just laid there for a bit, with him in my lap holding onto my arms; he just looked at me, and I looked at him. He eventually remembered that other men were still down in the tunnels, and thankfully, the tunnel hadn’t fully clasped. Together, we dug them out and helped them back to camp. They were all too badly injured for us to help, so they were driven to the nearest hospital.” 
You had walked over to Thomas, picking up his cigarette holder, taking one, and lighting it up. Tommy took notice but didn’t say anything. 
“ Soon after I was nominated for the award, the soldiers I had saved and the nurse in my unit nominated me. And the rest is history.” You took a couple more puffs of the cig before putting it out on the table since you didn’t have an ashtray. 
Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but there was a knock at the door; you walked over to it, opened it, and was greeted by Curly.
“ Tommy, I’ve got the petrol for you and filled your car; it's all ready to go.”
You turned to face him, smiling, before heading to your room to pick up the baby. You brought the baby out to Thomas, placing him in his hands.
“ Welp, this has been fun, but I’m tired, and this little one needs to get home. See you, Tommy.” 
He said your name, tilting his head down before leaving your apartment.
 You have never told that story to anyone before; it brought up a lot of emotions, more than you expected. It had felt good telling that story, though, especially with a person who also served, who might have understood where you were coming from. 
You had washed up and changed your clothes; the Whiskey made your eyes feel heavy, and you practically had to drag yourself to bed. You did make it, though. You got under the covers all warm and cozy, and you were about to fall asleep when you suddenly realized, 
You never went on your date.
You wish you could say the next time you saw, Tommy was as pleasant as the last.
You had a late shift at the hospital tonight.
You walked into the hospital late, around 8:00 p.m. The air felt good, and you had been inside all day at home, so you decided to walk to work; it wasn’t far. You had run into a friend at the door and were walking in together. She was talking to you about her lazy husband, but as soon as you entered the hospital, you had tuned her out. You heard a voice screaming in the distance; you knew that voice. You started running in the direction the voice was coming from, leaving your friend without a goodbye.
It felt like you were running in slow motion; the hallway was getting longer and longer, and you thought you would never get to the end. 
When you finally reached the end, you stopped and scanned the room. Tommy was being held back by multiple guards and doctors, Polly and Linda were screaming at the nurses, Arthur had been pressed to the floor, and John was against the wall. 
“ Mr.Shelby, if you don’t calm down, we will have to put you out,” one of the nurses said, trying to get him to calm down, but that only made him more mad.
The nurse screamed as Tommy held a gun to her face. “ I’m sorry, what was that? hmm” 
You had rushed over, placing yourself in between the gun and the nurse, 
“ Tommy, Tommy, look at me. What's wrong? Tell me how I can help.”  
His breath was coming out shaking. He waved the gun to the side, trying to tell you to move, but you didn’t; he did it again, and you still didn’t move.
“ Move!” he yelled. 
“ No, Tommy, what’s wrong?” 
He yelled out in frustration, then put the gun back in his holder. He turned around walking away from you, putting his hands on top of his head. 
“ Talk to me, please, Tommy.” You begged 
You blinked and suddenly he was in your face, he was so close you could feel his breath on your face. He squatted down to your eye level before pointing his arm out in no particular direction, his mouth opened and closed, as he struggled to find the words.
“ Them fuckers shot Grace, and now these doctors won’t let me see her.”
“ Ok, I will go check on her, okay, but you can’t threaten them; they’re just doing their job.”
“ Ok, Tommy,” he nodded slowly back at you. 
“ Ok,” he whispered.
You turned to the nurse you had protected earlier. 
“ Take them to a private waiting room, please.” She nodded, whispering a small thank you as you walked towards the surgical wing. You were about to walk through the door when you had been tugged back; it was Tommy.
“ I got her, Tommy, I promise.” He squeezed your hand before letting go. 
You pushed through the door to the surgical wing and started to run; you weren’t sure which room she was in, so you checked every single one, busting through the door and looking at the person on the table. You have reached the last surgery room with no luck so far. Grace had to be in this room; it was the last one. You opened the door, saying a slight prayer.
“ Time of death 10:55” 
You tried to talk, but the words got trapped in your throat; you felt it sitting there, causing your throat to burn as you struggled to breathe. Tears began falling down your face as you fell against the wall, feeling too weak to stand alone. This wasn’t supposed to happen; this isn’t how things were supposed to go. 
“ No,” you sobbed out.
“ No, no, no, no, no, what did you do?” you screamed at the Doctor.
You pushed yourself off the wall, walking over to Grace; you touched her arm, and she was still warm. You looked up at the Doctor; it was Dr.Brown.
“ What did you do? The shot was to the fucking shoulder; what - did - you - do” 
He just stared at you, not answering you. You looked around the room, and everyone was staring at you. You went around the table and pushed Dr.Brown against the wall; you didn’t know what you were doing; you didn’t know what you wanted from him.
“ Do you think you could tell Thomas for me?” his voice was shaky. 
You let go of him, walking backward. You stared at him in disgust, and then you started to laugh. 
It was an eerie laugh; you were practically choking on it. You wiped the tears and snot from your face with the back of your hands.
“You want me to tell him that you killed his wife because you don’t want him to smell the alcohol on your breath 'cause you want to live right.” 
The Doctor stared at you with his mouth gaping open like a fish; you even saw his eyes start to fill up with tears.
“ Oh, don’t worry, I’ll tell him, and when he’s in the right mind, I’ll tell him that you’re a drunk and you killed his wife.” 
You walked out before he could spill some bullshit to you. 
You wanted to walk slowly and drag your feet, but you knew better.
You’ve lost patients before and family, but it didn’t feel like this. You’ve never felt like this; you never felt so responsible for someone's death. 
You know that there was no way you could have stopped it, and there was no way you could have known. But what if, what if you called a taxi instead of walking? What if you told the police about the Doctor's drinking. So many moments played through your head, so many moments you wished you changed because somehow this feels like your fault. You knew that. Dr. Brown was a drunk; you should have fought harder with the hospital board. You should’ve- 
You stopped cause; deep down, you knew there was nothing you could have done. There is no way you could have saved Grace. 
You approached the private waiting room and stood there for a second to gather yourself. This death isn’t yours to cry for; it’s theirs. You wiped your tears and snot on your shirt; you cleared your throat and took a deep breath.
You pushed open the door and entered the room; they all stood when you entered, except for Tommy, who already standing cause he had been pacing. You looked around the room. Every single person's eyes were on you, waiting for you to speak; it was so quiet, no one made a sound.
“ So,” Tommy’s voice cracked as he spoke.
You took a deep breath before you tried to speak, and you tried, you really did, but you couldn’t keep it together. A sob left your mouth before you could stop it.
This caused Polly to bring her hand to her mouth as she fought back her tears.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before trying again.
“ I’m s-so sorry, Tommy; when I got there, she was already gone. There was nothing I could do.” Your voice grew horse as you spoke, and your throat burned as your fought back tears.
“No,” he whispered. 
“ Tommy”
“NO!” he shouted before throwing the chair across the room.
Polly started telling everyone to get out and give him some space, but you stayed. You knew the last thing he needed was to be alone with his thoughts.
Everyone had left, and it was just you two alone. 
He had stopped throwing things and rested his head against the wall.
“ Get out” 
“ No,” you said, walking over to him, 
You had placed your hand on his shoulder, but it was only for a second cause soon he had flipped you, and now you were against the wall. He held a tight grip on your shoulders, keeping you bound to the wall. His eyes started directly into yours, and even though he appeared mad, his eyes showed he was hurt. 
He pushed you deeper into the wall. “Why didn’t you save her?” You heard the pain in his voice as he spoke. “You saved me; you brought me back to life; why couldn’t you save her? Why couldn’t you bring her back.” He whispered out
You just stared at him; you were speechless. 
Then it finally happened: he broke down; you put your arms around him as he slowly fell to the ground, with you falling with him.
You held him in your arms as he cried; his grip on your arms kept tightening as if you would let him go. You hadn’t planned on it; you would hold him till he asked you to let go. You’d lay here as he slept if he needed you to. 
He needed you, and you were going to be there for him. 
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