#guy either needs a hug or therapy
kytrensol · 5 months
So does anyone else think the 1966 Ultraman series was just downright brutal or is it just me?
I mean, I won't deny it was the first Ultraman series, but it had some unnecessary fights against Kaiju that weren't even dangerous (Jirahs, Gavadon, Seabozu, Gomora). Like, these Kaiju weren't even harming people (Jirahs essentially gave everyone all the fish they wanted for free) and Ultraman was ordered to kill them just because they were monsters.
And now that I say it... what was Ultraman's thoughts on it? Did he truly regret killing these Kaiju? Or did he eventually start to see them all as threats like the humans did?
Personally I feel like he didn't want to kill most of these Kaiju, but because he was technically on Earth illegally and would kinda risk being prosecuted if found out, he had no choice but to go along with whatever the humans instructed him to do.
What do y'all reckon?
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fellhellion · 11 months
the way Miguel conceptualises the alternate self and Gabriella is sooooooooo ahdhdjfj god he’s so mentally ill and emotionally isolated. like, he views himself and the other Miguel as functionally synonymous (“I found a universe where I was happy”) and thus sees Gabriella as essentially as much his own daughter as she was to the man she actually knew.
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
I made this :)
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Haha. Been emotional neglected until slash. Even if she was to hurt. She would tend wound even if it's for her own amusement and entertainment. She is gentle like a real parent
Poor kid
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obeymematches · 22 days
🫧🚿taking a shower together🫧🚿
nobody asked for this but let's go!!
At first it was...awkward. This is a very intimate moment and frankly, he is not used to this. You already washed yourself almost entirely when he offers to wash your back. Also, he prefers very cold showers; he is used to not having warm water, living with Asmo and Levi. If you don't mind the cold water he'll suggest a thing or two... ;)
"Of course you may join me, my dove, need a hand getting in?"
He behaves as if he has done this before?? Very playful the entire time, teasing you with the showerhead. Gets the showergel and as a routine he washes your body. Isn't shy at all. Prefers very hot showers though so get ready for that. Will suggest sexy time at first.
"It's me MC, lemme join ya pleeeaseee!"
Boy just wants it to be over at first, despite taking 40 min showers when he is alone. Very uncomfortable in this situation, just washes himself and gets out earlier than you. Not sure if this becomes a habit, but if you can get him to do it again he will like it more!
"Okay MC, I.. I think I'm ready!"
Loves loves loves the idea and the moment!! Makes sure the water is perfect for you!!! "That's alright" won't do! Asks for permission to wash your body, hair, everywhere basically and his knees become weak when you offer to wash him. Now you must do this everyday, he has a new favourite part of the day!
"How did I not think of this before? Come on in!"
Well he is not a shower kind of guy but who is he to refuse this opportunity!! Poor bby doesn't even know how to switch from the tap to the showerhead. Very gentle when he offers to wash you! Compliments each part of your body! Feels like a therapy tbh. Likes his water warm but not too hot. Probably gets suggestive somewhere down the road.
"Ahhh MC I must join you! I really hope you don't mind!"
Honestly he usually takes quick showers so this entire session lasts 10 minutes max, including drying. Offers to wash you but he uses the 2in1 very masculine gel so if you wanna smell more feminine you must stop him. Likes to hug you to make it even more intimate! Likes his water a bit cold but not too cold!
"Ohh, come on in quick! Of course I don't mind, are you kidding?"
Doesn't show it but he likes this moment so much! At least he has a reason to shower right? Very casual the entire time, doesn't ask but motions that he has the intetion to wash you. Looks very hot with wet hair! Doesn't really have a water preference but I feel like it's either too hot or too cold depending on the day.
"Ah now we're gonna have more time to cuddle! Let's do this MC!"
Adores this idea, though he also prefers kind of cold water. Acts very natural but inside he is melting. Pls wash his hair it'll make him want to kiss you. Doesn't become a habit but if you offer once in a while he is down to shower together. Though now he enjoys buying you different kind of showergels!
"I don't remember ever doing this before so uhh.. maybe if I stand here and you there-"
Ah he is very shy at first, might not think this is a good idea. If you can convince him though he'll be quick to warm up to this moment! Just washes himself though, it's not on his mind to do it for you. Likes moderate temperature water.
"Ah this is not so bad, honestly. Would you wash my back, please?"
Does his best to enjoy every minute he gets to spend with you. The water is however you want it to be, he can make do with whetever. Has veey good quality gels and he uses a generous amount if you let him wash you. Anything for you MC <3
"Alright, come in. How do you like the water?"
He overthinks the situation a lot. Has to make sure you have showergel options to choose from and whichever you pick he gets more of. The first time is awkward, doesn't really know what to do so it's up to you to show him the ropes. The second, third, etc time he becomes so casual and funny you can't help but look forward to these sessions.
"Come MC, there is plenty of place for both of us! I'll just move over here and-"
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wolfiesmoon · 2 months
Genshin guys as dads 🤭
in honour of finally getting off my ass and finishing mondstat, i bring you genshin men as dads <3 i decided to challenge myself and write for characters i haven't written for at all yet
the reader is gender neutral (u can interpret that the kid was adopted or u can interpret that the kid is biologically yours)
Yk the more i read these guys' lines to get a better idea of their characters the more i think they need a therapy session stat
Characters featured: Diluc, Alhaitham, Childe, Ayato
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౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Diluc Ragnvindr
"Diluc! Diluc, are you in here?" you knocked before opening the door to his office, assuming he's probably there. You were finally returning to the winery late in the evening and wanted to see how your daughter and husband were doing.
Tonight, they should both be at the winery.
But to your surprise, the office was completely empty. You haven't heard a single peep from your daughter yet, either. Usually she'd be running around and yelling, even if she wasn't with Diluc.
You went upstairs to check your bedroom and were met with a most adorable sight when you opened the door. Your daughter was very peacefully asleep, drool and all, on Diluc's chest. Diluc did not seem very pleased with this arrangement, however.
"Welcome home." he sighed upon seeing you walk to the side of the bed.
"Looks like someone's on pillow duty." you teased him, petting your daughter's head.
"Don't make fun of me. She's been running around all day with seemingly no end to it. Sometimes I'm surprised at what her tiny legs are capable of." he leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling.
"She said she's not tired at all. But she fell asleep almost instantly when she sat on top of me to, umm... bother me." to anyone else, Diluc would seem like he hates this kid with how much he says she bothers or annoys him, but you know that isn't the case.
Whenever she runs up to him to show him something she did, he pats her little head lovingly. He keeps the drawing she made of him in his office, even if he is a bit concerned at how grumpy he looks in her artistic interpretation.
"I wasn't making fun of you... Okay, maybe a little bit." you leaned down, cupping Diluc's face and kissing his cheek. He hummed in dissaproval, but his cheeks turned pink anyways.
"Would you mind joining me? If I can't... I want to know that you're safe, atleast." his eyebrows were creased in worry. You don't know what for, exactly, but you gladly joined him on the bed, hugging him too.
"Is your aim to suffocate me further?" the combined weight of about a quarter of your body and his daughter was not the most freeing in the world.
"No, I just happen to understand the appeal of sleeping on top of you." and you really do. It's always so warm and homey.
"You've worked hard today, dad." you moved some stray hairs out of his face. His tired eyes met yours for a moment before they slipped shut. Hehehe, you need to take a photo of this.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Alhaitham
(let's pretend you live together with him now instead of kaveh haha)
"Dad doesn't love me!" the sudden accusation had you turning your head fast, wanting to know what was going on. "What did he do, sweetie?" the little pout on her pudgy face was adorable.
She ran up to you and hugged your leg. "You still love me, right?" she seemed very worried about your reply. It seems like she isn't in the mood to give a proper answer to your question, though.
"Of course I do. You're very very very special to me." You pat her head gently. She seemed satisfied with your reply, giggling happily at you before running off to play.
When Alhaitham returned home that day, he attempted to interact with his daughter, as he tries to every day, but he was utterly ignored.
He looked to you, hoping you'd know the reason, but you just shrugged. "She says you don't love her anymore."
"Hm..." was his only reply.
"That's because he doesn't! I told him 'I love you' yesterday but he didn't say it back!" Your daughter crossed her little arms, scowling at her dad before turning around so she didn't have to look at him.
"So it was that." Alhaitham seemed like he understood the situation properly now. And you realised what happened too, because it happens to you occasionally.
"Sweetie, listen. Your dad likes to wear these thingies in his ears. And when he wears them, he can't hear a thing." You explained in the most child friendly way you could.
"Not even an explosion?" Your daughter finally turned back to look at you and Alhaitham, though her eyes were fixated firmly on you.
"Nope. Nothing at all. When he didn't say 'I love you too' yesterday, it was because he was wearing them and couldn't hear." Your daughter turned her head back with an annoyed 'hmph', but you knew she was listening to you.
"So I propose a hug attack. Whenever you see him wearing them." You smiled evilly, glancing at Alhaitham who shot you a dissaproving glare in return.
"Leave me alone." Your daughter huffed, stomping off down the hallway. Oh well, kids don't always think critically, do they? You have a feeling she's already forgiven him a little, though.
"Children make no sense to me." He admits, and you finally greet him properly with a little welcome home peck.
"That's the fun in it, though." You smiled at him and to your surprise, he smiled right back. As awkward as he can get with the kid, he loves her a whole lot.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Childe
"Mhhhh... what is it?" he mumbled in annoyance when he felt his hand getting shook. His voice sounded quite raspy now.
"Dad... Dad..." turns out it was your son who was pulling on Childe's arm. He looked like he was about to burst into tears any second, now.
As soon as he saw the distress on his son's dimly lit face, his attitude changed and he was overcome with the sudden urge to take revenge on something or someone. Maybe it's the dad instinct.
"I had a nightmare.... I'm scared..." your son sobbed.
By this point, even you woke up, but your body was still mostly asleep, so you were just listening in.
"Come up here." Childe tapped the bed and your son awkwardly climbed up into his arms.
"Was it a scary monster?" Childe asked in an exaggerated scary voice. Your son nodded, gripping onto the front of Childe's shirt.
"In that case... you don't have to worry at all. I always love a challenge." you could practically see the smile on Childe's face. You turn over, opening your eyes slightly. You have to admit, the sight in front of you is adorable.
"What do you mean, dad?" your son sniffled, rubbing the snot away with his tiny hand.
"I'll fight the monster, of course. Oh, how wonderful it would be to see the b-" he winced a little bit when he felt the light slap on his face.
"Ajax, you'll scare him even more." you warned, your own voice raspy. You moved your other hand to ruffle your son's hair to comfort him.
"Ow, clearly, someone doesn't appreciate me enough." Childe rolled his eyes playfully.
Without warning, you lean forward and peck him on the lips. "There. Now I've evened out the slap."
"Just one peck? Well, I suppose we can't do much more right now... Hehe." Childe turned his attention back on your son, stroking his back gently to calm him down.
"Why do you have that look on your face?" you noticed he was smiling strangely.
"What look?" your accusations have been denied. But he sure does have a plan for you later.
౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅ Kamisato Ayato
"DAD! Look at where I am!" Your son shouted from somewhere in the tree that was stood in the beautifully maintained garden.
Being the little rebel he is, he climbed the tree despite you telling him multiple times not to.
"Please get down from there. It's unsafe." Ayato tried to reason with him calmly upon noticing him in the treetops.
"Nah, it's so cool up here! I can see the whole estate!" Sometimes, your son's stubborn nature made it hard for him to get along with Ayato. This is one of those cases.
"This is not a joking matter. You could get seriously hurt." Ayato doesn't think he could properly live with himself for a bit if his kid got hurt when he could have prevented it.
"What's going on here?" You joined in, happening to pass by the garden.
"He won't come down. I'm... worried about him." He admits, crossing his arms. Though you do sense a bit of annoyance behind his voice, too.
"Come down. I told you not to climb that tree so many times." You crossed your arms firmly. Your son looked at Ayato's face, then yours and sighed, beginning to descend from the tree. He'd rather avoid a scolding. But his little foot slipped and he suddenly tumbled to the ground.
"Son!" Both of you immediately ran to his side as he started wailing. "Call for healers. Immediately." He seemed fine, looking at him initially, but he might have a broken leg or something.
Both of you stayed by his side the whole time, offering him words of comfort (and a bit of a scolding). It seems like something like this happens almost every week, now. The Kamisato household has certainly gotten livelier ever since getting blessed with your son.
"Well, that was certainly an afternoon." You huffed, sitting down behind the table across Ayato.
"I wish he wasn't so reckless and disobedient, sometimes." Ayato held his cheek in worry. He let his son get hurt, again.
"He got that mischief from you." You smiled innocently, sipping your tea.
"Whatever do you mean, dear?" He smiled innocently back.
"I miss days of solitude. We only have moments now. I suppose my life hasn't been a calm one for a long while now, though." He sips his own tea, looking outside at the sunset. Working as hard as he does every day is taxing on the soul.
"Guess we gotta make the most of it." You stood up, sitting back down next to him and playfully pecking his cheek.
"Oh, I see what you mean." He returned the mischevious smile you know and love. Just as he grabbed your waist, though...
"LOOK WHAT I HAVE!" Your son burst into the room, holding a sword. His sword.
"Aren't you supposed to be resting?!"
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aryxchse · 3 months
hii! could you do f! reader dating percy headcannons? i loved you jason grace one <33, thanks!! but also no worries if you can’t do it
ocean eyes. | percy jackson x fem!reader
a / n : i 💃🏻 am 💃🏻 on 💃🏻 to 💃🏻 see 💃🏻 my 💃🏻 husband 💃🏻
warnings : percy jackson's hot self, cursing
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- alright mr obsessed af
- dating with him is like dating with a mama's boy who never leaves his mama's side
- you are the mama btw
- constantly hugging you, or has an hand on you, follows you around like a puppy etc
- overprotective, possesive, jealous, would kill someone for you, obsessed
- those are his red flags
- i won't write green flags because it doesn't end
- the only main problem is his fame
- at least five people falls in love with him the moment he enters somewhere
- but, he's only looking at you ofc
- 'everybody's watching him, but he's looking at you-u-u-uu'
- he does have girl friends but you know them all
- you know when he's shitting at this point
- the type of guy who does something and it looks unintentionally hot
- but he doesn't get why you're drooling all of a sudden
- hearts from water in the lake
- matching outfits
- sleepovers in his cabin, because cabin 3 has a calming aura
- being the mom and dad of the camp and leading the activities
- do i have to mention that sally knows you before he even introduced her to you??
- swimming in a bubble, exploring the sea
- wearing his silly shirts
- you constantly break the dressing code just to wear his sea creature shirts
- sword practicing together
- exploring the camp's forests
- sneaking out from the camp just to see a movie or visit an aquarium
- long talks under the cozy blankets
- matching shark plushies that are married
- your shark is pink
- "jewel told me that blue made her upset."
- "no worries, i already beat the shit out of him."
- dirty words whispered in your ear out of nowhere
- like, now-i-have-a-pool-between-my-legs kinda dirty
- he loves playing sports, he doesn't only swims, so you can often cheer for him on his multiple games
- like that one night he organised a football game night with the gang, and as girlfriends you cheered the boys
- wearing his jumpers that has your lucky number behind it
- kissing you after winning the match
- serious talks that turns into a therapy session
- carrying eachothers ugly childhood pictures in your wallet
- shopping together to buy camp's needs
- surfing together
- hanging out in the nyc on his skateboard
- constantly going on an adventure
- loving the shitty quests like 'finding hecate a special gemstone' or 'stealing aphrodite's hair clip from the museum'
- being in love with either or both of you is the camp's rite of passage at this point
- inside jokes
- babysitting estelle
- dancing in the kitchen
- you may think it's romantic like any other couples do but you guys dance to disney songs while both of you pant from jumping
- going to greek mythology musicals like hadestown
- dating with percy is like dating with that one boy best friend of yours that you loved all of your life and realised he was the one this entire time
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking of demon! Adam going through development and reaching the point of like,, doing something nice without anyone telling him to do it, purely for the sake of doing it. Something he never would have done before. Even if it’s something as small as sitting down with you while you’re watching your favorite movie or show and not shitting on it the whole time, just to keep you company. Or something like that. I dunno. I’m just a sucker for slow burn subtextual romance.
THAT, and the reader seeing his face beneath the mask, looking him the eyes, and smiling a little. Even if they say nothing. I feel like that would stick with him.
Exactly. Demon!Adam lives in my head rent free now. I know this weren't a request of sorts but I kinda wrote something for this
random ficlet below
Demon!Adam x GN!reader (Fluff)
DemonSinner!Adam is something that plays on my mind a lot. He still doesn’t believe in the whole redemption shit that Charlie is laying down but if it gets him a glimpse of seeing heaven again he is willing to try.
Adam was bored and needed something to do that would put off the inevitable “therapy” session with Lucifer’s brat later. So that must be why he finds himself outside your room. He knocks lightly on your door. You didn’t answer, he knocked again louder this time. Still no answer. So he opens the door and peers in.
“Hey errr (Y/n) Charlie asked me to check on you.” A blatant lie but he won’t tell you that.
He sees you’re watching TV.
“Huh? What no shitty nickname this time?” You mumbled around a mouthful of popcorn. Adam walks over and flops down on the couch next to you.
“Oh yeah, nah I didn’t really feel like it.” He grabs a handful of your popcorn.
You quirk a brow.
“Also Charlie said nooo giving nicknames to people that demean them and also who don’t want it and people were given names to be used blah blah blah.” He shoves the popcorn into his mouth. “So what are we watchin?”
“I'm watching a movie I really like so if you're staying either shut up or fuck off.” You sink back into your blanket cocoon.
*10 minutes later*
“What the fuck! This guy clearly likes her but she goes for the other bozo. Is she blind . . . . as well as ya know hot.”
You choke on your drink. You didn’t think that this would be his kinda thing but here he was emotionally invested in the film you had picked. You had really wanted to just wallow in your depression by binge watching trashy romcoms but what was really making you feel better was watching the ‘dickmaster’ himself rooting for the underdog to open up about his feelings to the lead woman.
You go to grab some popcorn but see the bowl is empty.
“Gotta pause.” You go to stand but he stops you.
“I got this.” He hides the good deed by quickly saying “And I need to piss anyway.” You pass him the bowl.
“Not in the popcorn I hope.” You rearrange yourself back in your blanket burrito.
“HAA, You nasty but don’t watch without me. Coz that is a dick move.”
“You know all about those.” You mutter into the blanket. But Adam had gone to the hotel kitchen to make popcorn.
You chose to scroll on your phone until he got back. There were a few messages but you didn’t really feel like answering them. You flop on your side. You can always move when he came back.
While you waited in silence for Adam. You think back on how he really was getting better. After seeing him slowly open up to Charlie’s ideas and seeing that he can be a good guy when it suits him. You smile to yourself.
Your door slams open.
“Okay I’m back bitch.”
Nevermind looks like he has thrown up his walls again.
He lays out the armful of snacks and the bowl of popcorn that looks way bigger than the bowl he left with. He sees you on your side.
“You comfy down there?”
You groan and slowly sit up again. He sits back down but wraps an arm around you and hugs you into his side and nothing more.
“Okay we can continue now.” He grabs the popcorn and rests it on his lap.
You set the movie going again and snuggle just a little bit closer. For popcorn reasons of course not that Adam was nice and warm and you felt safe next to him.
“Clearly she don’t know a good thing when she sees it.” You pipe up after about three minutes into the film again. You had seen this film so many times but there was one scene that always brought out annoyance in you.
“Right!! She needs to open her eyes this guy clearly loves her for who they are and not some fake ass bs that other . . . what?” Adam stops mid-sentence looking down at you resting against his chest.
You blink a few times before realising you are staring “Huh oh nothing.”
You focus back on the screen in front of you.
The climatic end of the film was approaching and the main lead were confessing their love and as the credits role you can here someone crying. You glance up and see Adam wiping away tears.
“You okay.” You sit up and reach for the tissues on the table to hand them to him.
“What!!! I’m fine. Of course I’m fiiiine. Shut up bitch.” He grabs the tissue box from you.
“If it helps I cried the first time I watched this movie.” You wrap the blankets tighter around yourself.
“I . . . ah . . shit.” He saw you curling further in on yourself. He feels guilt crawling into his stomach. “Sorry, I’m . . .Ugh. Look I’m bad at these feel your feelings crap that Charlie spouts. But it was a good film and yeah I cried but . . .”
“It don’t make you any less of a man.”
“Yeeeah I know. Of course I know. I’m the first man.”
“Huh back to that are we.” You bump shoulders with him, making him laugh.
He pulls you back into his side “So what are we watching now?”
I really didn't mean for this to be as long as it was. I'm sorry
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Sagau touched starved reader but you know got trauma so not comfortable with being touched. Like staring like a cat for affection but terrified of being hugged back or things like that
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You got it, Anon! Though, I will warn you a little: I'm not going to go too deep into detail with the trauma stuff. It'll be very brief.
Touch Starved! Reader Wanting Hugs From Zhongli, Diluc, and Al-Haitham...With A Twist.
The moment he realizes that you are touched-starved, this old man isn't exactly sure what to do. After all, you got some extreme PTSD going on after the whole "imposter-creator" fiasco.
He does try to approach it as a topic, but since you're weary of (quite literally) everyone and find suspicion in every action, you kind of catch on to his intentions. And Zhongli notices this, but he's still going to take it slow.
"I assure you, Your Grace, I will not push your boundaries lest you are uncomfortable." He's sincere and means every word. To him, this is like signing a contract. He's the God of Contracts, so this is especially important to him. What he says is solid as stone—his dedication to prove that is clear as day.
This man is also very keen—he sees how you look like a touch-starved cat when you want affection, but are too scared to approach and ask. It kind of breaks him, but he doesn't show it because he wants to prove that he's not helping out of pity, but understanding.
In the end, Zhongli will probably be able to be near you, and get in a few (with consent) head peats that you are very well aware of. It's going to take time for you to warm up to him before this guy gets to hug you.
This guy probably understands your intense cat-staring the most. He sometimes feels like that after his father passed. He's very unsure and awkward of what to do, if I'm being honest.
After a little while, of course, Diluc feels like he should place the offer out. He feels too awkward and guilty for just noticing you like this and not doing anything about it.
"Your Grace...I hope I'm not crossing any boundaries, but please know that I am willing to offer you any assistance you need." It's only later does he realize you wanted hugs and were too scared to ask for it.
Yeah...he's not exactly that open with his emotions either, so it will definitely be awkward, but he is willing to give it a few tries. Diluc will also be the first to pull back and apologize if he realizes you are in any discomfort.
To say it took a while is only putting it in the simplest form.
Oho...if you though Diluc was awkward, consider this man. He's more "thinking machine that feels" than like his roommate ("feeling machine that thinks"), so he definitely does not understand the "social cue" that is your cat-stare.
He has done research (aka read books way back in the days and remembered the contents) and understands the mental turmoil you've gone through, so he has gone through the steps of trying to get out of your way, and also try and link you to a therapist. This, of course, kind of fails.
"Your Grace...please get some therapy. It's beneficial for your mental health." Quite literally might drag Tighnari or someone else into this if he can't convince you. This is quite literally out of his expertise.
The entire "I want a hug" cue flies completely over his head, and had it not been for Kaveh (and/or Nahida), he probably wouldn't have realized his mistake.
...Yes, it took what felt like 3 eternities just for him to try and give you affection. Must I say anything else?
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: AND HERE WE ARE! Anon, I am so sorry for taking 30 years to do this, but I have finished it! Boy, I was so tired and stressed these days, but I'm kinda glad I finished this!
For anyone waiting for The Lost Shining God of Celestia Pt. 2, please have some patience—I currently do not have much motivation to work on that series. Instead, feel free to dump requests in my mailbox!
Also—feel free to dump any HSR requests into my mailbox! I want to give them a try :)
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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almondamaretto · 5 months
chris x volleyball!reader pleasepleasepleaseplease
or chris/matt fluff im good with either! Thank you so much!
honestly i think doing sports/hobbies!reader x matt and chris would be really cool!!
chris x volleyball!reader hcs
warnings: some sfw parts and some nsfw parts!! mentions of injury
i actually did volleyball once 😎 (it was 8th grade and i broke my arm in an unrelated activity 4 games in...)
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— tries his hardest to come to every single game you have. he's a busy guy, always recording and planning out new ideas, he's always doing something different—but he refuses to miss your games.
— matt is actually so tired of him 'cause he is constantly driving chris to some random place.
— he has most def spent hundreds of dollars just on ubers to your games.
— we all know that chris is into sports, watching, playing, all that fun stuff. bro would 100% get too invested in the game.
"red card? for fucking what!?" his hands shoot up as he exclaimed to no one in particular, rolling his eyes and groaning as the other team was awarded a point.
— secretly cusses out refs when they give you penalty cards:
"what a fuckass ref"
"bro's never made a correct call in his entire career."
— doing a full 180 when the referee doesn't card you for something you fully deserved a card for
"best ref i've ever seen, hands down!"
— after winning a game he's congratulating you in every way possible. a tight hug as he kisses you all over your face, picking you up by your ass to hold you even closer.
— after losing a game he's pulling you into a long hug, burying your face in his chest as he comforts you, rocking you back n forth as he pets your hair.
— go to hand placement is directly on ur ass.
— will definitely smack your ass at every opportunity. walking a step in front of him? going up the stairs in front of him? oh fs
— will absolutely play with you/ help you practice (he's lowk terrible at it and spikes the ball way too much to actually help you but he's cute so does it really matter?)
— if you get an injury during a game my man is gonna be jumping over people to make sure you're okay. doesn't matter if its a sprained finger or a broken foot he is inconceivably concerned probably worse off than you lets be honest.
— will 100% try to take care off you if its a bad injury, going with you to the hospital, doctor's office, physical therapy—you name it, he is right by your side.
nsfw below !
— your uniform actually has him on his knees every game.
— those tight little spandex shorts never fail to create a tent in his pants !! he thinks he might actually go crazy every time you invite him to games, he knows what to look forward to after
— like yeah sure he's watching and enjoying the game your ass !!
— its js something about the way you look resting your hands on your knees, jersey riding up to show off your ass... all of a sudden he's tugging at the crotch of his pants and praying no one happens to glance down.
— god forbid he catch another man even looking in your general direction. bro is taking you home fucking you 2 inches from death. you’re his girl, no one else’s.
— either super sweet and loving sex after winning a game or rough sex filled with praise and teasing.
"y'did so good today ma, gonna make you feel so good."
"gonna fill you up, show you how proud i am of you."
— rough, angry sex whenever you lose esp if you get an attitude with him, either you or him on top—he wants you to do whatever you need to feel better, he hates seeing his baby upset ☹️
"take it out on me, ma."
"gonna fuck that attitude out of ya."
— chris is actually just horny 99% of the time
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mysticalburntpaper · 6 days
Something I've noticed in whump is that there's a surprising lack of medical attention after the whunping.
Yes, caretaker taking care of whumpee with hugs and affections is supreme, but I feel like whumpee being forced to get medical treatment is either treated as an afterthought or as even more angst.
Like... Hear me out, forcing whumpee to go to a doctor (or to go to several doctors), forcing whumpee to get therapy, or even taking this bitch to a damn DENTIST (guys, please imagine the amount of cavities. Maybe whumpee lost some teeth from the lack of care with whumper, or maybe whumper just whumpered a little too hard and took teeth out themselves, or it's so bad they need extractions, maybe caretaker can't afford the care to begin with), because caretaker KNOWS they're not qualified.
Now that I'm typing this out, caretaker knowing they can't help whumpee with genuine medical things... Maybe caretaker was a doctor who quit or was a med student who dropped out, maybe they just don't know anything and are regretting skipping biology in highschool, maybe they refuse to take whumpee to get help (bad caretaker maybe?) or listen to whumpee a little too much and accidentally make them worse.
But please imagine all of the possible scenarios, it's almost never ending!
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lynn-writes-things · 2 years
Ok you touched upon it in your GOD TIER relationship writing but could you do headcanons for the jjk men that focus on how possessive and/or jealous they are with their partner? ☺️ Thanks
oh ASBOLUTELY I can!! thank you for the request!! :) I'm lovin' these haha
jealousy, jealousy - jjk men
starring: Yuji Itadori; Megumi Fushiguro; Yuta Okkotsu; Toge Inumaki; Noritoshi Kamo; Satoru Gojo; Suguru Geto; Toji Fushiguro; Naoya Zenin; Choso Kamo; Ryomen Sukuna
cw: some of these get pretty suggestive!! ; very very very brief mention of a knife k!nk in Toji's, but I promise I did not elaborate at all I promise <3
Yuji Itadori:
he only really gets jealous if you're laughing at some guy's jokes if he doesn't already know him, cause he likes being the person to make you laugh the most :(
ngl he gets a teensy bit pouty even if one of his friends make you laugh harder than he does :((
he's not overbearing tho, he gets that you're your own person and can talk to/laugh with whoever you want, but he might get a bit irked every now and then
he'll probably come up and throw his arms around you, or kiss your cheek, and tbh he's such a social dude that he'd probably start talking to the guy
(tbh they'd probably become friends, it's Yuji, man just goes around being his sweet himbo self and ends up collecting a new buddy everywhere he goes)
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Megumi Fushiguro:
7/10? mayyybe 8/10?
he's super insecure in himself, having such a rollercoaster of an upbringing will do that to ya'
idk he just doesn't see himself as being as he really is, he's got a lot of childhood trauma that keeps his self-confidence stunted
(because evidently Fushiguro men cannot grasp the concept of therapy)
he'll either come up and grab your hand/pull you into a side hug or somethin' along those lines
nothing too extreme, he's not big on pda ya know?
OR he gets really pouty and reserved
you'll have to get him alone and ask him what's wrong, pls help him figure out how to talk through his problems dude, he needs the helping hand
reassurance and affection will fix him right up, don't you worry!!
the key to fixing a pouty Megumi is just lots of love <3
ngl if you're gonna throw in some minimal spice here, he'd totally be the type to mark you up that night (probably not anywhere too visible, he's still Megumi, still a very easily flustered baby boy <3)
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Yuta Okkotsu:
he's got a bit of insecurity in himself, but ever since making friends with his classmates he's really gotten better with his confidence!
sure, dating you kinda shook his nerves back up, but he trusts you completely, he doesn't think you'd ever cheat on him, so he doesn't really get too worried about it ya know?
that's MOST of the time
sometimes someone will just rub him the wrong way and he'll step in, usually just kinda hugging you from behind or kissing your cheek/forehead or somethin' like that
he'll definitely make a point of calling you by a cute petname while doing it too
like a lil' "Hey baby!" or "Hi, love!!" :) <3
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Toge Inumaki:
7/10, bordering an 8/10
he's just.. insecure :(
between the seals on his mouth and his limited speech, he just doesn't really feel like he can give you the kind of love that you deserve
cause he's too worried about uncovering his mouth to kiss you in public, and he can't fucking talk to you
it just makes him feel bad, like you deserve better
that being said, he doesn't wanna lose you, so he will absolutely fight for you if someone tries to flirt with you
he's got no issue with other forms of pda, so he'll come over and wrap his arms around you, put his head on your shoulder, or he'll just straight up grab your arm and pull you away (not hard, baby boy would never ever hurt you)
he might get pretty pouty tho, probably get pretty in his own head about it
so you'll have to kiss him and hold his hand and reassure him that you love him, that he's more than enough for you, and that you'd never want anyone else - just him <3
now.... I have touched on this......
if Toge can TELL that you're playing it up and TRYING to make him jealous?
ngl it kinda turns him on if you're doing it on purpose lmoa
this mf is NOT afraid to leave visible hickeys <3
let's just say he's gonna make damn sure that you know you are his <3
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Noritoshi Kamo:
hmmmmmmmmmm, 5/10? maybe?
idk it's hard to gauge with him cause he refuses to act on his feelings for the sake of saving face publicly
like he absolutely gets jealous, but he'll never really show how jealous he is
he'll just kinda come up and say that he needs you for something
or generally come up with an excuse for you needing to leave
if he's REALLY jealous then he'll lead you away with his hand on your wrist or arm
he's definitely the type to talk to you about it once you're alone together
you won't have to force it out of him (like a certain somebody) cause he wants to clear things up right away
he's got enough stress goin' on, he doesn't want your relationship to be stressful too, so he's big on communication <3
he's a verrry affectionate guy in private, so if you reassure him of your love and give him lots of cuddles and kisses then he'll relax and be happy <3 :)
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Satoru Gojo:
9/10 if you add in the possessive factor
if we take away the possessiveness, mayyyybe closer to like a 4/10
Gojo is one cocky son of a bitch, but he is also a fucking ball of bottled up trauma, ya know?
he trusts you as much as he can, but again, trauma comes into play here
man has deep rooted trust issues and until he properly addresses and works through them with you, he can't allow himself to fully trust that you won't leave him out of nowhere too
he's good at fronting ya know? so if someone's making him jealous, he's apt to just cling to you like a child and flash the dude the cockiest fuckin' grin after he kisses your cheek super obnoxiously (we're talking full blown "shmack!" noises)
"Made a new friend, my lil' mochi? Whatcha talkin' about? Hm?"
nowwwww if you TRY making him jealous, he will not take the bait
he will simply wait until you are alone (even if that means dragging you into a closet somewhere) and uh... he'll make sure everyone in a nearby radius hears you say exaactly who you belong to <3
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Suguru Geto:
ahhhhh, the cunning, conniving, cocky bastard himself <3
0/10 tbh
like I said in the other post, he's too confident in himself and in his trust for you to really get jealous
he is possessive tho, but in a really cocky way??
if he sees someone getting a lil too friendly with you, he'll come right up and sling his arm around you, kiss your temple, and just join right into the conversation
if the guy stops talking (cause Suguru is fucking intimidating with how calm and collected he carries himself) then he's very quick to fill the silence
"Oh, don't stop on my account. You were saying? Something about how nice my baby looks, right? Go on, continue, aren't they stunning?"
all the while he's got this mf look in his eyes, his smug ass grin, he doesn't even have to say anything to get the message across
"Bet you wish you were me, huh?"
ngl there's also a quiet implied threat, like he's daring the guy to actually speak up
alternatively he will give you a look
I'm thinkin one eyebrow slightly raised, unamused expression
this mostly happens if you're the one trying to make him jealous
all in all this look of his towards you has a very clear message of "Get over here now or you will regret it"
yes sir 🛐
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Kento Nanami:
another 0/10
not the jealous type, he trusts you completely and he's pretty confident in himself
he's very good at communication, and he's willing to do anything to make things work, so he's not worried about anyone stealing you away from him
the only time I can really see him stepping in is if someone's flirting with you and you're clearly uncomfortable and the guy isn't letting up
it's then that your big strong prince charming will swoop in and put his arm around you, or just kinda step in front of you and firmly tell the guy that you are taken
Nanami can be a pretty intimidating guy when he wants to be, so it's very likely that the guy will back off
if not? well, Nanami knows how to fight, and he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if it means saving you from some creep <3
oh-ho, but if you try to make him jealous? giggling, maybe throwing in some light touches to the guy's bicep or somethin?
he knows what you're doing. ha.. haha.... oh honey, you ain't walkin' tomorrow :)
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Toji Fushiguro:
10/10, possibly an 11/10
like I said, my man's a double whammy, he's jealous AND possessive
he trusts you to the best of his abilities, but it's very very hard for him, ya know?
everyone who was supposed to love him growing up only ever hurt him, then the one person who he loved, who taught him how to love and to be loved, fucking died
so, he's scared, trusting somebody scares the hell out of him, but he does trust you as much as he can let himself (it'll get better as time goes on, but ya know, it's just gonna take a bit)
basically what I'm getting at here, he's still not totally certain that you're gonna stick around (and quite honestly, he doesn't know why you do in the first place)
he is also MAD possessive tho, you are his and he does not intend on sharing <3
if he sees another man so much as look at you twice then he's pulling you closer, wrapping his arm around you, kissing you, throwin' out lil "Hey there, doll" and stuff like that
if you happen to be away from him (say he went to the bathroom or something) and comes back to see some guy with you, if you look even mildly uncomfortable, or if he can see you trying to get the dude to leave you alone, and he won't.......
hehe, that dude is gonna be napping for a bit! ......on the ground! ...........in the middle of the bar! ......he might wanna invest in some concealer for the black eye tho :')
he's scared you're gonna leave, but make no mistake, nobody is fuckin' takin' you from him without a mf fight
no matter the circumstance, a jealous Toji is a very good assurance that you uh.. yeah.. yeah I think you get where I'm goin' with this
he is not afraid to leave visible marks on that pretty neck of yours <3
ngl my knife k!nk is gonna scare people away here so I'm just gonna keep that on inside! use your imagination!! :)
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Naoya Zenin:
he's honestly a pretty insecure guy who tries to act overly confident to mask it cause his clan taught him that any signs of weakness will make him unworthy
his family is just so damn strict with him, always has been, always making him feel like if he makes one slight wrong move then he's just a total fuck up
that translates to his relationship with you, he's terrified of making a mistake, he's constantly overthinking things and feels like he's screwing things up with you all the time
he just never feels like he's "good enough"
that being said, if someone's gonna try and steal you from him, they're in for a fuckin' fight
much like Toji, he may be insecure, but he loves you too much to let anybody take you away from him <3
if someone's flirting with you - hell, if some guy so much as looks at you wrong - he's grabbing you and kissing you
not a peck, no, he'll kiss you like it's the last thing he's ever gonna do
he's gonna leave you breathless and EVERYONE is gonna know that you're his <3
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Choso Kamo:
I was gonna give him a 0/10, but I started thinking more about this
he's not quite a cocky man, but he is very sure of himself and confident
and for him to love you means that he trusts you completely
but he knows that he's kinda.. not really up to date on a lot of things
he wonders a lot why you'd rather be with him than someone who can relate more to you and understand your little references
(help, now I'm just picturing Choso as fucking Steve Rodgers, after you start introducing him to more media he'll just start fucking going "I understood that reference!!" and be so proud of himself)
like I said tho, he isn't much a jealous guy, but he is cautious, so he'll step in if he sees you talking to a guy he doesn't know
either just stands by you lookin' all intimidating, or he'll wrap his arms around you
he won't say anything to the guy, I think he'd just kinda stand there (menacingly), givin' the guy a look
if he does recognize the guy then he's a lot more chill about it, unless the guy happens to be a known slut like Gojo or Geto
even then, he knows they won't try anything if he's by you, so he'll just be a lil extra clingy <3
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Ryomen Sukuna:
0/10 for jealousy, 1000/10 for possessiveness
ain't NOBODY touching you <3
some guy dares to flirt with you? haha, hey buddy, how's hell treatin' ya?
if he's in a good mood then murder can be avoided, but the guy will prooobably be scared shitless when faced with a big scary Sukuna giving him a death-glare
big scary guard dog <3
he also doesn't ever leave your side because of his possessiveness, like he is always right there, always holding onto you in some way or another
you are his and he will not fucking share <3
no one shall even have the slightest chance <3
oh, but I mean, obviously if he gets even mildly riled up, he's obviously gonna have to "remind you" that you're his, and his alone :) <3
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amazon160 · 8 months
Lord Shen headcanons cus I said so
(I finally rewatched the movie 🤭)
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You guys.
You guys.
I finally rewatched Kung Fu Panda 2.
Three things reawakened inside of me--
One, an understanding of my obsession with Tigress as a seven year old watching the first KFP.
Second, the GOOSEBUMPS I got from that score. IT WAS INSANE, I’m putting this right next to How to Train Your Dragon on the list of “Movies I wish I could watch for the first time again” (I’d break down sobbing at LEAST five times)
Third, my strange fascination with Lord Shen.
Was he one of my first fictional crushes? Sadly, yes.
Am I ashamed? Of course, sadly, yes.
Was he the worst one? Sadly….not even close.
But we’ve all stooped down this low at some point. So let me just live my life and do this thing cus I think it’s funny
-I’m gonna follow the cringe royalty x reader path here
-He spoils you, a lot.
-And he doesn’t take no for an answer
-Shen is either the definition of clingy or just “no one come near me or you will be SLAUGHTERED”
-I’m following the yandere route, so he’s clingy
-You don’t go anywhere without an escort whether it be him or a guard
-Watch his mood VERY. CLOSELY. You don’t want to catch him in a bad mood and push his temper
-He gets jealous very easily and is one bipolar mf
-One moment he’s getting angry at you for making eye contact with him, the next he’s mad that you’re scared of his hugs :(
-Shen will attack anyone who lingers on you longer than he’d like, and only twice have you convinced him to spare someone’s life.
-He either HATES hugs or absolutely NEEDS them
-But either way he does need one thing…
-He ain’t getting it
-Thinks it’s for the weak minded lol
-So two months and one Stockholm syndrome later, you finally adjust to the bipolar mf’s tendencies
-Now you blame YOURSELF for when he decides to snap
-Everyone else can see it’s bs
-Shen’s precise with everything he does, and it’s very evident with what happens in the movie
-Manipulative when he needs to be
-He puts on firework shows for you
-Interpret that how you will
(he used fireworks as inspiration for his weapons…but it could also be a literal firework show)
-B O N D A G E
-idk I just wanted to write that down
-it’s not even relevant
-B O N D A G E 👹
-yea that’s pretty much it, unless I come up with some new ones
-then you’re getting a part 2 ✌️😛
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Hi!! So sorry to bother but I’m been fixated on Moon Knight for awhile and I haven’t seen any fics on Tumblr about the moon boys with a plus size!reader. When you had a sec, I’d appreciate maybe hcs about how they’d be with a chubby!reader!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Warnings: There's some mentions of reader being made fun of for their body and weight. Marc needs therapy but he refuses joke. Calling out Jake for being horny and that he would want reader to sit on his face but there's no actual smut or anything like that.
Author’s Snip: As a chubby/plus size person. I adore this request thank you so much, anon
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
Steven has hearts in his eyes
He thinks you're so lovely with how soft you are
Literally doesn't mind one bit
Calls you his favorite stress toy because he likes to cuddle and squeeze you when he feels upset or stressed out, so it's endearing
He likes to lay his head on your thighs and stomach because its the softest parts of you
He will fall asleep and take a nap there and it will be the best sleep he's ever had
Him, Marc, and Jake could spend the whole night doing MoonKnight work and all he would need is an hour long nap and he's completely rejuvenated till he's able to come back home and actually get some sleep. It's crazy
Steven of course hates confrontation but would tell someone to leave you alone as soon as they start making comments about you
He hugs you from behind a lot and just stays there for a minute
Something about holding you and feeling how warm and soft you are just fixes everything that's making him upset
It's like a child with a teddy bear or blanket. He just holds you and everything's okay
Marc Spector
"I don't need therapy, I have chubby s/o"
So the whole holding you for a while and everything is okay effect also works on Marc
He could be having an episode where he's closed off and not doing well with communicating his feelings and then you just come in and give him a hug and it helps him come off of it a little
Marc has this habit of grabbing some of your chub or the parts of you that are squishy like you waist or cheeks, sometimes the butt if he's feeling more flirty
He actually doesn't know why he does it either
It's not to be mean. There's just something about holding it that scratches something in his brain just right
Your softness gives him a good amount of free serotonin and dopamine, that is why he uses cuddling and holding you as therapy
If anyone says shit then he's telling them to shut the fuck up with no hesitation
Marc refuses to believe that he falls asleep easily when you hold him. But with the softness of your body, the warmth, and you calmly breathing... he sleeps like a fucking baby
Literally nothing will wake him up, manz is gone
Jake Lockley
Jake Lockley is a man who firmly believes that chubby lovers are where it's at
To him, you being heavy means that you eat good
He is canonically a horny bastard so I think he'd like the extra chub because he also believes in more cushion for the pushin'
He likes to pick you up. It makes his ego bigger to show off how strong he is
Will literally bully someone for making fun of your body and weight
Jake calls guys who don't like chubby women/people "boys" because to him real men like them soft and heavy. If you can't pick them up then start lifting so you can and stop crying about it
When you two cuddle he's the big spoon every time. He likes holding you like that because it feels like he's holding a living pillow with how soft you are
Makes you sit on his lap, all the time, no buts
No you are not crushing him, he has thighs of steel and he's a literal vigilante hero who works with a god of the moon. Sit on his lap. It's fine
His hand is constantly, chronically, on your thigh. And he squeezes it a lot too
He is an ass man, yes, but all parts are good to him
And also, respectively... sit on his face please
If he suffocates that's fine. That's the way the gods intended him to go
Lives by the thickness and would die by the thickness
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Hey, I love your writing 🫶
Please can you write an Eddie angst pleaseeeee.
The idea is that reader has been in love with Eddie for years and when he dies they’re distraught. The gang helps them through all the stages of mourning. Months later they wake up feeling really good so they go to one of the gangs house where they all will be hanging out. They all are acting really off and try to make them leave and then Eddie walks. Reader thinks they’re hallucinating until Eddie starts talking to one the kids and then it dawns on them that their best friends and the person they love have been lying all this time knowing the suffering they’ve endured. An argument and a confession follows, where they try to explain they did It to protect them but reader isn’t having any of it. All they want to do is hug Eddie but they can’t even look at him. They leave on bad terms with everyone. I can’t think of an ending heheh :))
I’m so sorry that request is so long. Thank you so much hope you have a lush day :))
In the back of my mind, you died
a/n: ANON I LOOOOOVEEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! YOUR BRAIN IS SO SMART FOR THIS!!!! i'm sorry it took so long my life has been hectic rn😭i'm not sure if i'll be writing a part two to this?? the ending might be fixed/changed cause idk how i feel about it,,anyways i hope you enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
read part two here!
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Denial. That's all you've been doing is denying. Eddie didn't die, no. He's just decided to lay low until this whole "earthquake" shit and him being a murderer dies down. That's all he's doing you think to yourself, but that doesn't stop the nightmares of him dying in your arms. Every time you close your eyes you see the exact moment where the life leaves his eyes. You can't escape the horrible memory no matter what you do, you don't want to consider therapy cause how are you supposed to say that the love of your life died in the claws of bats from another dimension? Exactly, you can't.
You appreciate your friends, you do. You love them so much but you wish that they can leave you alone.
“I’m not broken, you know that right?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he's reading on your bed and smiles.
“I know that.”
“So why are you guys on babysitting duty with me?”
He sighs.
“Y/n, we're just worried. You've been ignoring the fact that Eddie-”
“Don't.” you cut him off.
“He's gone y/n. We're not rushing you to let him go, take all the time you need.” he stands up from his spot on the bed and crouches down to be eye level with you.
“But you're going to have to accept it sooner or later, and when you do we promise to all be here for you.”
Tears start to form and you throw your arms around him finally letting go of all the bottled-up emotions you have.
Anger. Pure anger is running through your veins when you see students gathered in front of Eddie's locker. Some are writing mean things, others are leaving sincere notes either way it pisses you off. Nobody in this school liked Eddie! It was always just you and hellfire who stuck up for him, so why the hell is everyone acting as if they care?!
“This is bullshit,” Gareth mumbles next to you.
You scoff. “Tell me about it. He's gone and suddenly the whole town loves him?”
“Like they weren't accusing him of murder weeks ago.”
If there was anyone you knew who was taking his death as hard as you, it was Gareth. Gareth knew Eddie his whole life, Eddie was practically his brother, and the fact that he doesn't even know what happened to him kills you.
“I fucking hate this town.” You whispered while shaking your head when the cheer team leaves a teddy bear in front of his locker.
Gareth chuckles, you take it as a sign of agreement.
“If I could I burn it to the fucking ground.”
You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are red and you're not sure if it's cause he's been crying, or because maybe rick gave him the hookup but you give him a soft smile. You've talked to Gareth before, and you consider him a friend. You glance down at the watch resting on your wrist and look back at Gareth.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“Hell yeah, let's go.”
You Gareth quickly exit the school and you both try to ignore the heartbreak you feel when you think of how happy Eddie would be knowing his best friends have someone to watch each other's backs.
Bargaining is something you find yourself frequently doing. You toss and turn through the night and look at your alarm clock. The bright red 1:00 taunting you. You let out a quiet tsk and decide enough is enough, quietly searching through your dresser you pick out the first pair of pants and grab the first shirt you see. You open your window making sure to leave it a crack open for you for whenever you sneak back in. You're not sure where you're going yet, your brain is not up to full speed with your body but soon you start recognizing that you're going to Eddie's trailer. Before you know it you're a good distance away from it but you stop in your tracks. Your heart is pounding and it's the first time you ask yourself what exactly are you doing here? We're planning on going to the upside down to find Eddie? Were you even looking for Eddie? Your thoughts are cut short when you see a familiar set of curls hidden under a hat exit the trailer quietly.
His body tenses and he turns around slowly to face you. He smiles at you nervously and waves as you take steps to get closer. You weren't supposed to be here, he hasn't even spoken a word to you and the guilt is already starting to eat him alive.
“Y/n! What are you uh, doing here?”
You cross your arms.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
Dustin stood frozen on the porch speechless, his eyes scanning your body trying to find any kind of clue as to why you're here. He wants to come clean and say it but he made a promise, and he was way too scared to break it. He narrows his eyes at you and something in his clicks when he sees the determined look on your face.
“Were you going back?”
“I-i think so? I don't know.”
Dustin mumbles out a Jesus Christ and stumbles over to you, dragging you away from the trailer.
“Are you insane?! What exactly were you gonna do?”
You stop walking, causing Dustin to look at you. His heart sinks when he sees tears falling down your cheeks as you stumble over your words.
“I just want him back Dustin.” you cry out.
Dustin wraps his arms around you and holds you as you cry, his brain is screaming for him to tell you. To just end all the pain you've been feeling but he made a promise. They all did.
He pulls away from you and gives you a sad smile.
“I miss him too, but y/n, you can't risk your life going back in there for something that's not even there.”
“We just left him there Dustin. His uncle never even got to see him.”
The both of you are crying now.
“And that's killing me, but there's nothing we can do.”
You look Dustin in the eyes and you have a strange feeling in your gut that he's hiding something but you're too exhausted to question him. You nod your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face, and take a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, you're right.”
“C'mon, let's go home. You can ride my bike, my leg is killing me.”
You hum knowing his leg is a bit more sensitive since the incident and agree to take him home.
“I'll walk home after I drop you off.”
“My mom thinks I'm at Lucas’.”
Silence is shared between the two of you as you slowly turn to look at Dustin.
“You mean the Lucas who's practically living at the hospital reading to Max?”
Dustin kicked a rock and mumbled out how it sounded better in his head. You shake your head and chuckle, throwing your leg around his bike and waiting till you felt his hands resting on your shoulders. While Dustin was getting on the bike you took a glance at the trailer that sat behind you two and you could be sworn you saw a figure that you knew all too well.
“You ready?” Dustin asked you. You looked at him then back at the trailer only to be met with nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah, let's go.”
Everyone was worried about you the second Eddie was gone, but to their surprise, you were still up and moving. What they should have been worried about was the third month of his death. Depression hit you like a semi and you couldn't get out of bed to save your life. Everyone would stop by to drop off some food and water only to throw it out the next day when they saw it was untouched. They tried everything to get you out of bed but were unsuccessful every time.
It was midnight now, Nancy was sleeping on the couch in the living room as you rotted away in bed. They usually didn't spend the night but you haven't eaten in five days, to say your friends were worried about you was an understatement. You stared at the picture of you and Eddie laughing that rested on your nightstand when the familiar feeling of needing to use the restroom came back. For the first time in days, you slowly took the blanket off of you and began to sit up in bed. The room spun a little bit but now you were sitting up and looking at your bedroom door.
Go. You thought to yourself. Just go pee and then you can get back into bed. The thought of standing alone was enough to exhaust you, let alone use the restroom. You know you should get up, your bladder was starting to hurt from how long you haven't used the restroom but you couldn't move. You look down at your feet and see one of Eddie's shirts on the floor, it was his favorite, and now it's dirty. It's dirty, it's on the floor, and it was nearly forgotten about until now. The pain in your bladder was getting stronger but you didn't move, you stayed sat in bed looking at the shirt with tears streaming down your face.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel a sudden pang of pain in your lower abdomen. You let out a gasp and quickly put pressure on it but it only makes things worse. I need to pee. Was the only thing running through your mind. You start to stand up but let out a small cry from how much it hurts.
“Y/n?” You heard Nancy call. You stayed quiet trying to steady your breathing. You take small steps toward your bedroom door, counting down how many you have left to go to the restroom when you fall to the ground. You hear Nancy start to run to you as you cry and clutch your side tightly.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!” Nancy asks as she rushes over to you. You push her away determined to get yourself to the restroom. You know what she's thinking. You know she probably thinks you're insane at the fact that you could get a kidney infection trying to get to the restroom by yourself cause you're thinking the exact same thing. You curl into a fetal position on the floor, your breathing rapid as the pain gets worse with each passing minute. Nancy decides enough is enough and helps you up while whispering how you'll be okay. She helps you stand up and gently shushes you when you let out a whimper.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay,” she whispers. She takes you toward the restroom and turns on the bath for you. She makes sure the water is warm before she looks at you, you have your shirt pulled over your legs as you sit on the toilet finally giving your bladder some ease.
“I uh, I'm running you a bath,” she says gently. “If you need help with anything, call me, okay?”
You nod your head and watch as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door, leaving it a little open.
You sigh and slowly get off the toilet, holding onto the wall for support as you flush it. You step into the bathtub with your shirt still on and sit in the warm water. Nancy knocks on the door and peeks her head in to check on you. You both make eye contact and you clear your throat.
“C-can you wash my hair?”
Nancy nods her head and rolls the sleeves of her pajama shirt up. She sits on the edge of the tub and gently strokes your hair as you rest your cheek on your knees.
“There's a cup in the cabinet. Eddie would bring the dog that lived next door and we’d give her a bath.
Nancy makes her way to the cabinet and grabs the small cup, filling it with water and counting down before she gently pours it onto your head. Comfortable silence is shared between you two before she drains the water and grabs a towel. She helps you stand, squeezing out as much water as she could from your shirt before you grab onto her hand.
“Thank you. F-for helping me.”
She gives you a sad smile and wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“I changed your sheets, and there are some clothes laid out for you.”
You hold onto her hand as she helps you out of the slippery tub and onto the cold tile floor. She leads you to her room, closing the door all the way so that you can change out of your wet clothes. You place the towel on the floor and toss the shirt on top of it knowing you'll take it out soon. You slip into the comfortable clothes and sit on the edge of your bed, your hands rubbing over the clean material of the new sheets Nancy changed for you.
Your eyes drift back to the picture that's on your nightstand and you swear that you can hear Eddie's voice in your head telling you to eat something. You hear three knocks on your bedroom door and you're guessing you told Nancy to come in cause now she's leaning up against your door and smiling at you.
“I know it's nearly one in the morning but are you hungry?”
You wanted to say no, you're too tired to eat anything and you just want to lay in bed and sleep until you feel better, but you don't. Instead, you slowly nod your head.
“I think there's still some pizza in the fridge from when Steve and Robin came over.”
Nancy gave you a genuine smile, happy that you finally decided to eat some food. She started to leave your room to reheat the pizza when she heard you call out for her.
“Thank you. Seriously, this whole…healing process hasn't been easy for me.” You clear your throat and send her a small smile. “So thank you, really. You've all helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys."
Something in Nancy shifted, you could tell from the way her shoulders dropped and the small smile she gave you.
She wants to say it. She's seen you suffer enough and it's killing her not to tell you everything she knows. It's on the tip of her tongue, she's so close to saying it. You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“You never have to thank us. What are friends for?”
A few more months pass and little by little you start to feel okay, normal even. Is currently Friday, which is movie day at Steve's. It started as a way to get you out of the house but it's blossomed into something more now, you park the car in front of Steve's house and grab the snacks that are in the passenger seat of your car. You hum out a tune and gently kick at the door with your foot. Robin opens the door laughing but quickly stops when she sees it's you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Haha, very funny.” you teased. “It’s movie day! Here grab the snacks so I can come in,” you say while dumping some snacks into her arms. She stumbles over words and her feet as you make your way into the house, you throw a hey to everyone and place the snacks onto Steve's counter.
“Geez, why is everyone quiet? Did you guys start the movie without me?” you chuckle out. You turn toward your friends who are sitting on the couch staring at you with wide eyes.
“Jesus, are you guys okay? It's like you've all seen a ghost or something.”
“Thanks for giving me my vest back Steve, I've been dying to see her again.”
Your body stiffens and your blood runs cold when you hear a voice that you've missed for far too long. Your eyes lock with Dustin and suddenly everything clicks. The night you found Dustin at Eddie’s trailer, the way everyone looked at you with guilty eyes, how everyone seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you. They knew. They all knew.
“It's no problem man, I washed like three times- oh shit.”
This had to be a trick. You must've not been over his death yet and now your brain is making you hallucinate him. You slowly turn around to face him and tears instantly form in your eyes. Eddie feels himself freeze under your gaze, feeling like a criminal that's been caught. You shake your head and walk up to him, you raise your hand as if you're going to rest it on his shoulder but you freeze.
“You're not real.” You whisper while shaking your head. You let out a laugh like it's some kind of sick joke and turn toward your friends.
“Please tell me he's not real.”
The lack of answers confirmed it for you. You then turned toward Eddie with tears streaming down your face, but there was fire behind your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/n, hear me out-”
“How long?!”
Eddie stays quiet and decides his shoes are much more interesting cause he can't bring his eyes to meet yours. You let out a scoff and look at your friends.
“Okay, since the fucking ghost doesn't want to talk I'll ask you guys. How long has he been back?”
“Ever since you caught me at his trailer,” Dustin spoke up.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“So did you all know?”
Everyone on the couch nodded their head and Steve mumbled a quiet yeah.
“Was anyone going to tell me?”
“We wanted to,” Mike began.
“That's not what I asked. I asked if you were ever going to tell me.”
Everyone was silent once again and to be honest, you were getting fed up with it.
“you know what?” you chuckled out. “I think I'm done.”
“Done?” Nancy asked.
You grabbed your keys and started to walk toward the door.
“Yeah. With you guys.”
Everyone started to talk over each other and Eddie rushed to stand in front of the door, blocking you from leaving.
“Hey hot shot, just hear them out. Hear us out.” He begged.
For the first time in months, you look Eddie in the eyes, and it feels like you're back at the very beginning.
“Get out of my way Eddie, or else you'll wish you were dead.”
Defeated, he steps out of the way but chases you outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and the dam finally broke. Tears were streaming down your face and you felt arms wrap around you. You try your best to push him away but he's not letting you go.
“Get off of me!” you cry out.
“Sweetheart, please.”
“No! Do you know how fucking miserable I was Eddie?! Did you know that I considered going back to that hell hole to get you?!” you're pushing him now and you catch a glance of your former friends watching you from the window.
Eddie grabs your hands trying to stop you but you twist out of his grasp.
“For months people you love have suffered Eddie! This isn't even about me anymore! Does your uncle know you're back?! What about Gareth and the rest of the party?!”
Eddie shakes his head and tears are forming in his eyes.
“Really?! You're crying, Eddie?!”
“You weren't supposed to find out this way.”
“Then how? How the fuck was I supposed to find out Eddie? Were you going to come to my house with a bouquet of flowers? Were you gonna wait until I tried to go back to the upside-down again?”
Eddie stayed silent. He never really thought about how he was going to tell you, or how you would react. He knew that the more time dragged on the more difficult it would be, but he still had hope.
You saw a tear fall down Eddie's cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it away. You've dreamt of this moment, you've even prayed for it but this isn't how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy he was alive, jump into his arms and finally kiss him as you've always wanted to do.
“You know,” you started as you walked to the driver's side of the car. “You may not be dead anymore Eddie,”
You start the car. “But you're dead to me.” you nod your head at everyone gathered by the window.
“They are too. I don't want to see any of you ever again.”
You drove off after that, you weren't sure where you were going, considering all your friends lied to you about something that big. Part of you wants to rationalize what they've done, and you can kinda understand why they did it but you would've never done that to them.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you walk up to the front door of the last person you should be seeing. You knock three times and wipe away the tears that are streaming down your face, you look like a mess right now you're sure of it but you don't care.
“Y/n?” Gareth asks with concern. “What's going on, why are you crying?”
“Eddie isn't dead.”
Gareth wants to laugh, but he can't. He won't. The way you look right now, the shakiness in your voice. He wants to think you're joking but what kind of sick person would make a joke about this? He steps to the side and opens the door wide for you, silently asking you to come in. You step inside his home and stuff your hands into your pockets, not bothering to wipe away your tears anymore.
“You've got a lot of explaining to do.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “How much time do you have?”
Gareth let's out a sigh and hugs you, his hand rubbing your back gently as you cry into his shoulder.
"I've got all the time in the world right now."
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pixiesndberries · 2 years
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note ; this is only for sarcastic and entertainment purposes (if.) please im no one to do this so don't take this seriously , this is just what i (honestly) think about you. yes you and ur fave jjk character.
⊹₊ ⋆ GOJO
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, you're horny i just know it ─ it's either your are just horny or you really just find him hot even tho he looks eh just an average hot daddy haha.. jokes aside , you probably sit down and search up 'gojo x reader smut' / 'gojo smut' on the internet like we know it gurl , we know it.
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, there are two sides of itadori stans ; the chill ones and the fucking horndogs because he got a piece of sukuna on him. The chill stans are my fave cuz they be sweet and just yknow a normal stan 🛐 u guys r the best. For the horndogs i hope you guys go check yall selves up xx june.
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, you like him because of his dad or you kin him ? Ok gurl i get it toji is hot don't need to repeat it twice , for the megumi stans there u guys (THE REAL ONES) , love u guys cuz you love him because of who is he and big hug to yall 🙌 you guys deserve an award for that. definitely my fave.
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, idk what to feel abt u guys ─ but YKNOW u guys r pretty cool and stuff.. you got massive daddy issues and stuff like gurl you don't have to tell me , we all in the same hole. you guys are kinda cool if i would rate yall it would be 8.5/10 😘💅
⊹₊ ⋆ GETO
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, We get it ure' horny.
⊹₊ ⋆ TOGE
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, i won't bother yall cuz u guys r chill and u guys just a normal living stan who reads cute fanfics between u and toge so ion got problems with u guys <33
⊹₊ ⋆ PANDA
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, as long as u don't simp for panda were good. Cuz if u simp for panda im leaving and i hope you get therapy.
⊹₊ ⋆ MAKI
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, ok "L" in the lgbtqa+ you like her ─ hahaha same like her , im getting the hype <33
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, ok "L" in the lgbtqa+ you like her ─ hahaha same like her , im getting the hype <33 (2)
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
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a/n - @countingsheepboi had the idea and now I’m gonna do a part two bec these are funny >:)
Warnings ⚠️ - chaotic g/n reader, crack-ish
Opposites attract p2
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- he’s never wanted to cry from stress until now
- he could be just talking to one of his siblings for one second, and when he turns around, you’re gone
- you enjoy messing with him by hanging onto his back so he can never find you until he either uses haki or you scare the absolute shit out of him
- will go to brulee for advice
- he’s the only thing keeping you alive, and you’re singlehandedly shortening his lifespan
- “KURI! Look at this cute mushroom! It’s so small-!” You said, poking the spotted little plant
- it was so squishy and adorable that you decided to stick the whole thing in your mouth to see if it tasted good
- tasted like shit mixed with tree sap
- you choked on it lmao 😭
- “Y/n did you swallow it??”
- whats the ginormous mochi man wearing platform boots with spurs gonna do-?! (as you can see I love his boots a lot lmao)
- he doesn’t want to hurt you but he also doesn’t want you to keep choking so he’s trying to pat your back with two of his fingers gently
- it still hurt
- he swore he could’ve fainted at some point from anxiety
- you’ve unfortunately introduced him to panic attacks
- cannot sleep without knowing you’re in bed, ok, not eating poisonous things, and that you’re not hurt
- yes he’s stressed now, but you’re the only thing that makes him happy
- and so fucking stressed at the same time
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- joins therapy with smoker
- he’s already stressed, and now he’s more stressed
- requires screaming into a pillow every once in a while to blow off some steam
- will make bepo or shachi or even Penguin watch over you
- almost every time you manage to magically disappear
- the amount of energy and effort it’s taking him not to scream is amazing
- he needs to get you a rope for you to hold onto like a kindergartner lmao
- before he even gets to say a word about his plan you’re already beating people’s asses with no second thoughts
- a little part of him becomes more depressed every single time you rush on ahead
- spends all his time on these plans 😭
- inside he secretly appreciates it when you bring over a marine that’s been beaten up by you with a smile
- makes him happy :)
- you’re so thoughtful and he loves that 🙃
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- he’s clumsy enough already 💀
- he ends up setting you on fire as well sometimes
- nooo but his devilfruit with your abilities is so overpowered 😭
- no sound is made when you literally rush in and beat every single person up inside the room while Corazon throws a grenade inside when you’re done
- y’all have the epic moment of walking away from the explosion
- and then his coat catches on fire
- will be by your side whenever you need
- you’re the one who’s dragging him along by his coat into danger because he can’t run a single minute without falling
- imagine seeing a 9’7 man getting dragged by someone half his size 💀
- doffy will always be confused as to how you two got together
- 10 year old law is even more stressed now
- poor kid is surrounded by clumsy reckless people lol
- Cora is the type of guy who would run into danger without thinking just because you were right next to him :)
- he didn’t know wtf to do when you ate something poisonous
- he is freaking out
- started sobbing thinking you were gonna die, “Y/N I LOVE YOU SO MUCH-“
- he’s now crying out of happiness while suffocating law in a hug
- I think he sobbed for a solid hour straight into poor law’s ears
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a/n - poor katakuri :’)
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