#had a nice conversation w my bf today
seiwas · 11 months
a good cry always does wonders
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sugarrookiedesign · 1 month
A Date So Bad, I Made A Tumblr Post About It
I'm sorta just listing events from the date off but its not entirely in order, and I most certainly forgot a few details bc it was all so stressful and chaotic
Mostly posting this for myself and my friends to gawk at (hi! 💓)
We met on the hellsite grindr. They're conventionally attractive, a bit odd and confusing through text, but were nice and seemed chill overall. We exchanged socials prior to meeting up and they had no local friends or much online community at all despite living in the area their whole life but I chalked it up to being newly trans.
These were the red flags I shouldn't have ignored, if you're keeping track lmao
I agreed to come to their place and my boyfriend dropped me off
First off I aint judging, but their house was completely empty besides their room even tho they claimed to have roommates and werent moving/recently moved?? unrelated but justa odd vibe and potential red flag lol
They were so erratic from the moment I met them they just kept talking n talking, and were clearly not all there bc I couldn't understand alot of what they were sayin. It made conversation so hard.
We sat on the floor of their bedroom and smoked wii'd
They got very emotional about everything and would like jump up and like grab n shake me by the shoulders to emphasize the shit they were babbling 😭
Throughout the date they gave lil signs that they were a volatile person like they explained how they have had frequent fall outs w friends and family, their exs have called the cops on them on numerous occasions(explained in bits n pieces throughout the date during their semi-coherent rambles), and they had spicy reactions to me, just like, saying anything.
Thoughout the date they said the R word 3 times even after i told them it upset me, both to be funny and because they were mad at someone in their head, they made fun of muslims(amongst many others), told me "i dont go too far left, my political opinions will get me in trouble" and didnt elaborate when I tried gently asking about it.
They asked if I wanted to have sex like 4 times like out of nowhere in different ways and I had to say "Ive told you no 4 times, absolutely not, please stop" and kept pushing questions about my kinks. They also really hammered on how confusing polyamory was and made it clear that they thought it was dumb and funny that I have an asexual partnership w my fiance even though I explained it all to them prior ro meeting. :')
Like 6 times throughout our 4 hour date they made themselves so mad from talking(basically to themselves) about their traumas that they were like yelling at themselves while staring at the ground??
Surprisingly the thing that made me text my boyfriend to pick me up ASAP was they asked me to buy them food like over and over and made me explain why I didn't want to do that it was so creepy and weird and upsetting, ik it sounds dumb but just the way they were saying shit n pushing it really triggered my anxiety 😭
(obviously manipulative voice that i notice immediately): "aw you know I could really go for some icecream but ive been broke recently and i have no food in my fridge"
me, knowing whats coming, already so sick of them: "Ah I feel you I love icecream, and I've been nearly broke recently too"
"..please buy me icecream?"
"uh no im sorry not today"
"uuuuh, what? I dont really feel like it i already bought us snacks and i dont have alot of money"
"you said *nearly broke*. Can you please?"
"why not you have money"
and just kept going and was like asking how much I had in my bank account 😭
i try to ignore my phone when im w people to be respectful so the first time i texted my bf was to get rescued right after they begged me for food money and they just stared at me silently for like 15 seconds while I was texting before angrily saying "Oh so do you talk shit to your boyfriend when your grindr dates aren't going well? Is that it?"
for my safety I had to pretend like I was willing to go on a second date but I blocked her everywhere except grindr before I was even out of her driveway 😭😭
its hard to fully explain how fucking weird and bad this date was
One last small thing lmaooo when she put a youtube video on for us to watch she just straight up unblinkingly stared directly at my face to gauge my reactions to it FOR THE ENTIRE VIDEO I STG IF THAT ISNT SERIAL KILLER VIBES DUDE
Im tired, I just wanted headpats but I put myself in danger instead uuuugghhh
Part of it was absurd and almost-funny, I couldn't believe what was happening at times, but it was also mostly just super stressful. Lots of thoughts n anxiety swirling through my silly kitty brain 😖
Im not judging them for being clearly mentally unwell and I really hope they heal and get help for the stuff they're going through.. but also they were an objectively bad person who I need as far away from me as possible!
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lqfiles · 4 months
omg omg omg omg omg omg im here im here!
also i wanna know what haechan asked jaemin bc wdym he just gave him y/n’s @? 😭 no wait but the at the same time, he probably thought he was probably playing matchmaker… idk jaemin cracks me up tho 😭
“but it’s quite cute” “you know where my room is” ugh im in love with them already but seeing how haechan is, ik the angst is gonna go crazyyy 😭 (if it involves all of us throwing rocks at haechan, karina calls dibs)
BUT YES I REMEMBER THAT about your friend and tbh sameeee rn (a little lore about me 😈) i have a situation with this friend who is great btw she’s very talkative, very friendly, well, extremely friendly, and lately she’s been having a thing with this guy and mind you, i used to live with her for a bit in her dorms (i commute which means i don’t live in uni) and she would drop me if her then bf came over, but we got closer after she and that bf broke up
but she’s been talking with this new guy, i have been encouraging when she is overthinking it, and lately… it’s all she’s been talking about 😭 i try to talk about my day and it gets dismissed when she tells me something about the guy and believe me, im happy for her, but we haven’t talked for two days now and when she does text me, it’s to let me know what the guy did
okay that’s it 😋
but it’s just like… i love our friendship but previous friendships before ended bc my friends would make their partners their entire personality and would drop their friends. like what is going on 😭😭 idk but thats enough lore 🫡
But i totally get not feeling excited…
i hope everything is okay tho! hope youre taking care of yourself and are staying well hydrated. thank you so much for the update! your brain just goes crazy and i love it 😋
- 🫧
(bella is getting a new harness with a little bow and she’s very excited! she’s also getting shoes bc it’s getting hot and i don’t want her paws to burn)
(also! She’s a maltipoo right? but we’re starting to notice she spots like a dalmatian and it’s kinda cool and so pretty 😭)
(and yes, we got compared to satoru and suguru out of nowhere 🥲 like damn… it makes me sad tho hearing that comparison 😭😭)
WELL YES jaemin is the biggest ynhyuck shipper of course he’s gonna give y/n’a @ to haechan (he had no idea of his motives), bless his clueless heart, he’s so silly 😭
i love how we all want karina to to fr throw rocks at him like we need this to happen one day, karina WILL call dibs when it comes to the angst and hurting haechan you already know she doesn’t play about y/n!!!! even jaemin might throw a small rock
OMG NO…. i’m so sorry to hear that 😭😭 i can tell that this is the beginning stages of her crush, so i advise (definitely not saying you SHOULD because i know confrontation is scary even if it is with friends 😭) that you genuinely have a talk with her about how all she does is talk about that guy and how you feel like conversations w her are starting to become pointless because they revolve around stuff you’re not interested in. its an extremely shitty situation to be put in and i’ll honestly never understand why people can’t seperate their friends and relationship and not bring one into the other.
i think your friend might understand if you bring it up tho, since you said she’s very friendly, if you say that you’re saying this from a malicious stance but rather in a way where you’re trying to improve your friendship, im sure she’ll understand. and if she doesn’t, then it really isn’t a friendship you should waste your time on because it shows where her priorities are (men over friends)
anyways yeah i’ve been well i actually saw her for the first time today since she reached out to me again and it was surprisingly.. really nice.
I FIND PEOPLE WJO PUT THEIR PETS IN CLOTHES AND ALL SO CUTE LIKE YESSS PUT HER IN CUTE LITTLE SHOES PLSSS, i bet she looks rlly cute w her spots, but wouldn’t that maybe mean that she might be a hybrid? either way i hope she is gonna be happy with her new shoes and harness, a little early (?) birthday present!!
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liliansun · 11 months
no one particularly cares but i need this moment to vent bc i’m on the verge of tears and i wanna smash a pumpkin against my wall. and like,, if for some reason you read this lmk if i’m being unreasonable bc i feel like i am but then again i’m not.
so my bf is going into the military and he’s gonna be leaving in december right? so he just left meps today and got to his house and said his family pushed his birthday dinner from tonight (it’s his birthday today) to tomorrow night. i was like okay, he was gonna come over in the morning and we hang out w my baby and then he was gonna skedaddle off to the bday dinner with his family.
with this information i was gonna make him a cake and surprise him bc i didn’t get to see him today. so then he tells me his dad pushed it off to wherever so he was gonna go out w his guy friends to hang out and plan for the bday dinner to be later this weekend and i’m like okay and he tells me he’s gonna come by later in the day tomorrow instead of the morning bc he’s out w the boys. i’m like okay, have fun and be safe and i update him and yada yada. so then he tells me he’s going to texas which is like a few states over (4+ hour drive in the night) and i’m in the middle of a cod mobile game and i’m thinking to myself. wtf? bc in my head that contradicted the whole plans he kept changing for tomorrow (context: i was off today and tomorrow) and then he’s like nvm my friends voted against it and idk if you think like me but i thought that was dumb as hell.
so then i’m in a sour mood, i lost my br match bc i was so just out of it bc i’m like wtf? sure go do whatever you wanna do w your friends,, but if we made plans to hang out how tf do you expect me to feel when you plan to go state hopping instead. so we get into this discussion which i don’t want to call an argument and he’s like “i’m sorry but at the same time i’m not” and i’m like. elaborate. bc that shit didn’t make sense to me. “he’s like i’m sorry i’m being difficult but i’m not sorry bc i assumed you had no plans for tomorrow. well sir,, i was trying to SURPRISE you and idk if me asking a million times what time you wanted to come over didn’t give a hint?? guess not?? but okay and i’m trying to end the conversation bc i’m annoyed and he’s annoying me even more by wanting to talk it all out right here rn and i’m the type of person who needs time to think over everything,, collect my thoughts and readdress it once i’m clear headed and can see where i was wrong and he’s not
and then we get to the point of conversation where he’s like well what do you have planned for tomorrow and i’m like nothing now, you wanna go out w your friends so go out w them and he’s like we’re not going and im like okay, so go do something else w them i’m just not in the mood and he’s like no i wanna see you and i’m thinking to myself that i don’t particularly wanna see him but ik it’s bc i’m in a bad mood and maybe i’ll feel better in the morning maybe i won’t but rn i’m like stay the hell away from me before i start crying. and he’s like well the latest i’ll be by is 3 and i’m like okay. nice. and he’s like my recruiter might need me around 4 ish and i’m like. so you mean to tell me you wanna drive 40 minutes to my house to turn around and drive another 30 minutes and come back for another 30 minutes?? this is coming from the man that literally told me earlier today “since i’m quitting my job bc i’m going into the military, i don’t wanna be reckless w my spending till then”
so i mention that bc that’s a waste of gas and idk where y’all live but that shit ain’t cheep here and he tells me to let him worry about that and i’m like okay bc atp i’m done having the conversation and he’s trying to be lovey dovey and i’m about to throw my phone into the gulf and cry to tswift songs bc i just don’t know what to do.
part of me is like let him come bc he’s gonna be gone soon and you don’t know how long or where he’s gonna be at for boot camp and part of me is like he didn’t take in consideration the fact that he made plans with me and threw them out the fucking window on the highway while he was keke giggling at the thought of driving idek how many hours away and sleeping with his friends in his friends’ car.
so yeah. if you’ve made it this far on my lil ted talk, i love you. i think i’m genuinely gonna go cry and hold my baby and just try to sleep bc my head hurts and my heart hurts and i feel like i’m being irrational but at the same time i feel like i have a right to feel this way.
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kazuchii · 3 years
Hihi, can I request hcs for Xingqiu, Venti, Albedo, and Diluc with a gn s/o that seems aloof but they're such an idiot? Like for the first time s/o's bf see's how soft s/o really is and s/o is kinda being a tsundere about how soft they really are. I hope that made sense ashbesjks
Aloof GN!Reader w/ Genshin Boys
A/N: Hellooo! Thank you for requesting! You’ll be my first request so I’ll do my best to fulfill everything! I hope everything seems in character, I really need to get used to writing different personality types.
Synopsis: The Genshin boys discover that their s/o is actually softer than they originally thought.
Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Venti, Xingqiu
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
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Albedo definitely didn’t mind you being distant towards him. I mean, he struggles with interactions in general so he just assumed,
“Oh, they must struggle as well.”
He never saw it as an issue between you since he knew deep down that you deeply cared for him.
He knew you’d always come back to him at the end of the day, he fully trusted that fact about you.
Strangely enough, he found you an intriguing person due to this.
Although the citizens in Mondstadt appear to see him in a positive light, there still are many who fear him deep down. After all, he keeps his secrets zipped up inside him. They know absolutely nothing about him or anything he’s capable of.
But you…you didn’t seem to care about that. And he was thankful for that.
And that brings you to today; a bright sunny day with the rays from the sun gleaming down.
The two of you, along with Klee, were outside the walls of Mondstadt, nearby the lake surrounding the city of freedom.
Today, Klee decided to have a little play date with the two of you. While Albedo was painting away, you and Klee were supposed to play around together.
If he’s being honest, Albedo was a little nervous.
You and Klee had never played together before and due to the distant and cold personality he was used to when it came to you, he wasn’t sure how you’d react with being around a bouncy and hyper child such as Klee.
So when Albedo spotted you playing with Klee, a soft smile on your face, he had a mini heart attack.
Not because he was panicking or anything, but more because he wasn’t used to seeing you smile like this. It made his chest feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Later that day, Albedo made sure to comment on the event.
“Well, it appears you two were getting along fondly.”
“You were watching?!”
“Of course I was watching. How could I look away from that fond smile you had on your face?”
“Shut up!”
“It was very cute.”
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Diluc and you first met months earlier. You were just another customer at first to him while he was simply a bartender.
Immediately though, he found you interesting.
While his other customers were loud and obnoxious, you would just sit at a table in the corner of Angels Share, minding your own business.
You would only ever speak to ask for another drink, which he would always provide.
“Another glass of apple cider, please.”
He doesn’t know what came over him when he decided he mentally decided to court you. He probably will never know the exact answer either.
It wasn’t the easiest either. Courting you was one of the most difficult things this man has ever done, and somehow he accomplished it in the end.
You were challenging with your distant personality, to say the least. It seemed to him that you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, that you didn’t see him in the way he saw you.
So when you finally accepted him after weeks, the relief this man felt wash over him in an instant is indescribable.
Now present day, Diluc finds himself heading back to Angels Share in the middle of the night. The moon was directly above him as he silently walked through the city, the only other light source being lanturns.
Due to the drowsiness that he was currently feeling, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him when he spotted you.
“What in the world are they doing out in the middle of the night?”
But what startled him more than the time on the clock was your facial expression. For the first time, Diluc saw you smile.
Diluc just stood frozen in time as you sat there, rubbing the belly of a stray dog, an empty bowl beside you. He could only assume you’ve been taking care of a stray.
“Who’s a good boy? It’s you, isn’t it!”
You instantly froze in place, your head creaking towards Diluc’s direction.
“What in the world are you doing up at this hour?”
“I-I could say the same for you! What are you doing up this late, huh?!”
You shot up from the ground, face beet red.
“I asked you first, love.”
“That dog below you giving you puppy dog eyes says otherwise-“
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Venti was simply just strumming away at his lyre, the sound alluring the Mondstadt citizens around him as he stood at the foot of the Barbatos statue in the plaza.
His eyes were shut as he too, was preoccupied with listening to the soothing sounds.
When his fingers came slowly to a halt, his aqua green eyes peeked open, the sound of the citizens around him clapping filling his ears.
A smile morphed onto his face.
But soon that smile increased in size. Beyond the crowd surrounding him, he spotted you. You weren't doing anything special, just standing there.
The bard could hardly control the excitement of you watching him doing what he adored.
Although your facial expression read that of a bored person, Venti didn't seem to mind at all at that moment. Instead, he craved your attention.
Soon enough, the bard stood in front of you, his grin somehow getting wider.
"(Y/N)! Did you enjoy the song?"
"It was nice."
Nice? Only nice? Your facial expression said otherwise. Was the song boring to listen to? Did he mess up a note? Maybe it just wasn't your type of song.
Venti's eyes narrowed in thought, his lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. He wanted you to say something more than just nice, he wanted you to smile for once due to one of his songs.
That is how you found yourself in this situation. Daily, Venti would find you around Mondstadt, play a song for you, and then wait for your response. He wanted you to say something more than the song was nice without a single hint of emotion before leaving.
But each time, that was your answer and Venti was getting annoyed. Not at you of course, but that he lacked the power to make you smile. He’s the Anemo God, but he can't seem to make his s/o smile.
So the astonishment Venti felt when he glimpsed his eyes over towards you after he played yet another song and saw you smiling ever so slightly, he almost dropped his lyre.
"(Y-Y/N)...are you smiling...?"
"Wait what-"
"I saw it! I saw you smile!"
When I tell you Venti was all over the place, I mean it. He was like a bouncy ball with him bouncing in every direction. But he couldn't control it. The pure bliss he felt in that moment took over all his actions.
"I-I didn't do anything. My face twitched."
"You can't lie to me! I saw it with my own eyes!"
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The relationship between Xingqiu and you happened almost instantly. The two of you went from total strangers to Xingqiu always dragging you on his little adventures.
It all started with just a single sentence;
"Oh, you like Legend of the Shattered Halberd as well?"
Let me tell you, the look on his face when you said that. He always dreamed of having another person he could converse with when it came to books. So, the moment you said that he wasn't about to let you walk away without learning your name and other books you have read.
A friendship sparked between the two of you. He was one of the only people who would constantly talk with you even if you acted distantly. Soon enough, the two of you became a couple.
He wasn't worried about grabbing you from your home and taking you outside on a little adventure after he just finished reading one of his adventure novels. And of course, he'd always have a book with him during this time. You found that cute about him, but you never showed it.
Whenever the two of you would chat about books, Xingqiu was always shocked whenever you told him you haven't read a certain book.
"You're telling me you've never read The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies?!"
That's when he shoved the first volume in your face, an immediate serious expression on his face. Blinking a few times, you accepted the book from him.
"Read it and then tell me how you feel about it. I can give you the other volumes if you enjoy it."
Xingqiu thought you seemed wary at first to read it. He knew you weren't as majorly obsessed with books as he was, so he internally was just preparing for you to end up not reading it.
He didn't mind it though, reading wasn't for everyone after all.
The following day though, he felt the sudden urge to stop by Wanwen Bookhouse. He just wanted to skim some of the books there, maybe purchase one or two.
But those plans immediately ended when he spotted you. You were leaning against the wooden red railings, the book he had let you borrowed flipped open in your hands. And you were a chunk through it already.
Xingqiu could've worn his eyes were bulging out of his eye sockets because the one other thing he saw was the tiny smile located on your face.
You didn't seem to notice Xingqiu before he was standing right in front of you, a huge grin on his face.
"You seem to be enjoying the book I lent you. Would you care for the remaining volumes?"
You almost dropped the book as a shriek left your mouth.
"Where did you come from?!"
"Well, I felt the urge to stop by the bookhouse and saw you. So, about those other volumes..."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, your cheeks slightly reddish.
"I'll...pick them up later..."
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3rensgf · 3 years
rent a gf - two eren yeager x reader
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word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of sex, talks about "getting bitches", eren is an idiot, fuckboy!eren implied, tatbilb mention, uhh fluff idk theres not much to warn abt in here, not beta read
notes: chapter two is out! i'm really glad a lot of people are enjoying rent a gf. it really means a lot! i see some people commented on the previous chapter, and i would love to reply to them, but i'm not familiar with tumblrs commenting system D: if you wanna leave a comment for me to just read, that's fine you can still keep commenting here on tumblr. but if you would like me to reply to it, you can comment on ao3, and i will reply! happy reading :) p.s, waffles w whipped cream r so much better
[ read on ao3 ]
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In the early hours of Saturday morning, you felt a hand shaking your shoulder to wake you. Groaning and mumbling, you sleepily swatted the hand away and pulled the covers over your head. No one should be forced to wake up early on the weekends. It was Saturday, for fucks sake. Not to mention your hangover due to last nights mistakes was making your head throb.
The hand rested on your shoulder once more, shaking you gently. “(Y/N),” Mikasa said softly. “Your alarm has been going off for the past 10 minutes. Wake up. I have water and Advil.”
“Nooooo,” you moaned, snuggling deeper into your bed. “Don’ wanna.”
Mikasa stopped bothering you for a moment, and you let your guard down. Finally you could sleep. When it was time to wake up, you’d wake up.
Right as you were about to pass out again, your blanket was roughly tugged off of you. “Mikasaaa!” you whined, covering your face with your hands. “What was that for? I was trying to sleep.”
“Get up. You have to shower and get ready for lunch with Eren today. Breakfast is almost finished,” she explained, setting down the pills and water on your bedside table. “Go brush your teeth and wash your face so you can eat. Now,” she instructed sternly, moving to your window to open the curtains. The bright sunlight hit your still half-asleep face, making you hiss quietly.
She left the room moments after, probably to check up on breakfast. Honestly, you didn’t know how she could function this early in the morning despite having partied all night last night. Curse her and her inability to get hungover.
Grumbling to yourself, you adjusted your sleep clothes that had gotten disheveled overnight to make sure you looked decent. Your sleepy gaze wandered over to your nightstand to see two Advils on a napkin beside a glass of cold water. Thanking every higher power for sending Mikasa to you, you downed both pills and the glass of water. Even though you might bitch and moan to her constantly, you really weren’t lying when you said you’d die without Mikasa.
After sitting down at the edge of your bed for a few moments, you eventually shuffled into the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your morning routine. It took longer than usual thanks to your sluggish and tired movements, but you got done nevertheless.
A wonderful aroma came from the kitchen when you left, stomach grumbling in anticipation for the wonderful food you were about to scarf down. Mikasa was in the process of setting down both your breakfasts on the island, sitting down on the stools when you walked in. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” she greeted, resting her chin on her hands.
“Morning, sweet angel,” you replied, sitting at the stool beside her. In front of you was a plate of Funfetti pancakes with whipped cream instead of maple syrup (syrup was for pancakes only). There were a couple of cut up fruits beside them, too. “Where did you get these?” you asked, picking up your fork to take a bite of your breakfast.
Mikasa dug into her own breakfast of oatmeal as soon as you started eating. “Went grocery shopping and saw the mix in the baking aisle. I thought you’d like it,” she explained, taking a bite of her food. “Good?”
Your response was a moan, tilting your head back as you chewed. “Insanely,” you said, cutting up another bite. You stabbed the piece with your fork and guided it to Mikasa, keeping your hand under it to catch anything if it dropped.
She finished her bite and leaned in to take the bite, humming in satisfaction at the taste. “Good,” she nodded.
“They put like crack ‘n this shit,” you said through a full mouth, shoveling forkful after forkful into your mouth.
You could feel Mikasa's judging gaze for eating like a pig, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was eating these crack laced waffles as greedily as possible. “What time are you supposed to meet Eren today?” she asked to make conversation.
You remember drunkenly slurring to her that Eren was supposed to take you out for lunch today while she was trying to put you to bed. All she did was nod and dodge your flailing limbs while she tried to change you into your night clothes.
“Uhhh,” you trailed off, “I dunno actually. I think he’s gonna text me when.” The familiar notification from your phone indicated you had a text from Eren. “Right now.”
ren ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ - 9:04 AM picking u up at 12 dont be late
you - 9:04 AM k
ren ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ - 9:05 AM dont use k with me that makes me sad :(
you - 9:05 AM k
“He says 12,” you told Mikasa, setting your phone back down on the table. You went to go take another bite of your waffles, only to be met with stray bits of whipped cream and waffle crumbs. How disappointing.
“You have time to get ready then,” she said, finishing up the last bit of her own breakfast. Holding her plate, she got up to go put it in the sink, taking your plate for you as well. Literally an angel.
Suddenly, she leaned in to sniff you like the weird English professor you had your freshman year and cringed. “You’re gonna need all the time you can get. You stink.”
Never mind, not an angel.
Grumbling and cursing under your breath, you got off the stool to go take a shower. “And here I was about to offer to get you something for lunch while I was out.”
“A burger from the joint I like would be nice. So would a Coke and side of onion rings.”
“Medium for both.”
You would’ve caved in and bought her something, anyways. Might as well know what she wanted in the first place.
Showering took longer than expected. Most of your time got wasted by you standing under the shower stream and soaking in all the warmth. It wasn’t until Mikasa knocked on the door asking you not to use up all the hot water that made you actually start going through your routine.
The clock read 10:09 when you got out. You still had more time to kill until Eren came, so you elected to sit on your bed in your towel to scroll through social media. At 10:45, you started to get ready for real now.
Your makeup was just enough to cover any imperfections on your face, and your outfit cute enough for a lunch outing with your friend-fuckbuddy.
At 11:50, you stepped out into the living room with your belongings in hand to lounge around while you waited for Eren. You would’ve gone to bug Mikasa, but she had just stepped into the shower minutes prior.
12 on the dot, a rhythmic knocking was rapped on your door, meaning Eren was finally here. Skipping over to the door, you opened it to reveal him while slipping on your shoes.
“Hey,” he grinned when the door opened. He leaned in to give you a kiss on the lips after you’d straightened up from putting on your shoes.
A grin found its way on your lips during the kiss. It only lasted a couple of seconds, ending with you pulling away with a quiet smack. “Hi,” you greeted back.
“Ready to go?” he asked, one hand leaving his jacket pocket to jut his thumb down the hallway towards the elevators.
“Yup, ready,” you said. Over your shoulder, you yelled into the apartment to say goodbye to Mikasa and locking the door once you closed. “Okay, ready for real now.”
There was a new hot pot restaurant near campus, Eren told you, that he so desperately wanted to try. He overheard some people talking about the place in his Stats class, and he’s been wanting to go ever since.
“So, about what I told you last night,” he said, leaning on the table close to you after giving your orders to the waitress. “You said you would help me get Mina.”
“I said it was a bad idea,” you countered, taking a sip of your drink.
“But you said you would help me. For a price.”
“That I… did say,” you sighed. “What’s your plan?”
Smiling, he opened up his jacket and dug into the inner pockets, getting out a small notepad and a pen. Your eyebrows raised at the sight of them. “Okay,” he started, flipping through his notepad. “So I was thinking about it this morning, and this is what I have down so far.”
Sliding it towards you, he waited impatiently for you to read what he had.
Your lips pursed to prevent giggled from leaving your lips. Well, it was a plan, alright. Written in Eren’s chicken scratch of handwriting were a few very simple steps.
eren yaegers fool proof plan to get bitches get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. talk to mina to get her interested in you ✓ 2. get hot girl ((Y/N)) to pretend to be your gf and show you can be a good bf 3. get mina jealous so she wants you even more and not poopy thomas wanker 4. “break up” with (Y/N) and pretend to be sad 5. get mina to comfort you 6. get bitches make mina your gf 7. pay (Y/N) for her services 8. ta-da!
When you looked up from the notepad, you saw Eren waiting for your answer. “Well? What do you think? Is it any good?” he asked.
“Were you high when you wrote this?” was the first thing you asked him. Eren shook his head innocently. “You’re 100% serious?” He nodded.
You bit your lip, deep in thought about Eren’s supposedly fool proof plan. “What makes you think it’s gonna work?”
“I know girls and how they act. If Paradis University let me major in women -- don’t get smart with me I don’t mean Women Studies -- I would be passing all my classes with flying colors. I know it’ll work, trust me,” he said cockily, leaning back in his chair.
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. I know you. I know everything about you, (Y/N). I even know how to make you scream my name in--”
“Okay!” you cut him off, not wanting the strangers around you to know the intimate details of your sex life with Eren. “Okay.”
“I knew you were gonna do that. See, I do know women.”
A moment or two passed, both of you staring at each other. You with a deadpan expression, and him with a proud one. You were the first one to break the silence with a heavy sigh. “Okay, say I agree to this. What do I get in return?”
“Anything you want,” he said. “Within reason, of course. Please don’t ask me to like, hide a body or something.”
Ignoring his last comment, you continued speaking, “You’re not allowed to back out of whatever I ask you to, right? If this plan fails or succeeds, you still owe me whatever you promised.”
Eren nodded. “Of course. I swear on it.” He shifted a little so his elbow was on the table, holding out a pinky. Instinctively, you held out your pinky as well and intertwined the both of them. Pinky promises were something you and Eren had been doing for years now. It meant that the other was dead serious on their promise.
The waitress came back with your broth and dipping ingredients, setting them on the table for you right when your pinkes left each other. Thanking the waitress, the two of you talked some more while you waited for the broth to heat up.
“We should make it official. With a contract and set of rules,” he said. “Like that one movie you forced me to watch with you. The Boys I Loved or some shit like that.”
“To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before,” you corrected.
“Yeah, that. They’re kinda doing something like us, yeah?”
“Guess so,” you shrugged, picking up your chopsticks and a sice of pork belly when the broth started to boil. “After we eat though.”
Idle chatter was shared between the two of you as you ate. Even though you saw each other nearly every day, you never ran out of things to talk to. You could be talking about complete nonsense or how quantum physics made no sense, and you would still have the best time of your life.
By now, the broth had been drunk up and the table had been cleared out to be replaced with banana milk and ice cream. Eren brought out his notepad again to write down the set of rules for your fake relationship while enjoying your desserts.
Good progress had been written so far on the notepad. Both of you had given input and criticism on each rule made. In the end, you finally had a good set of rules written down.
(Y/N) and erens contract and rules for eren yaegers fool proof plan to get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. act normally. eren and (Y/N) act like a couple already. just double the pda a little more 2. don’t tell anyone about the deal. the more people who believe in the relationship, the more likely it is for the plan to work 3. post each other on ig a lot. maybe add names and a date to bios to make it more believable 4. date night every saturday (go out or just hang out) 5. go to parties together 6. walk each other to class if you can 7. call each other cute pet names 8. after breaking up, the couple act has to stop including the sex 9. DON’T SLIP UP
payment for (Y/N):
Eren tapped a beat on the notepad, reading “payment” over and over again. Eventually he looked up at you, deep in thought. “Have you thought of anything so far?” he asked, clicking the pen to write what you wanted.
This was a tough decision. Eren was ready to give you anything to help him get Mina. You had to be wise and pick something big to take advantage of him. Something you were sure you wouldn’t ever regret getting.
“How about,” you started, trailing off, “you do my laundry for the rest of our time at ParadisU, buy me lunch every Wednesday even after we break up, recommend that godsend of a tutor you keep gatekeeping to help me too, and…”
“And?” Eren asked, looking up from his writing, waiting for your next words.
“All the orgasms I want during our relationship,” you finished, satisfied with what you chose.
“Is that all?” he asked, writing down the last of your words. “That’s a lot.”
“How about I let you know if I wanna add more,” you said. Eren nodded in response. His head hung to look at the notepad again, writing something down. Once he was done, he plaed the pen on the pad and slid it to you.
“Sign it so it’s official,” he instructed.
There were two lines beside each other, one already with Eren’s signature. Without hesitation, you signed your name neatly on the paper, giving the items back to Eren once you were done.
(Y/N) and erens contract and rules for eren yaegers fool proof plan to get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. act normally. eren and (Y/N) act like a couple already. just double the pda a little more 2. don’t tell anyone about the deal. the more people who believe in the relationship, the more likely it is for the plan to work 3. post each other on ig a lot. maybe add names and a date to bios to make it more believable 4. date night every saturday (go out or just hang out) 5. go to parties together 6. walk each other to class if you can 7. call each other cute pet names 8. after breaking up, the couple act has to stop including the sex 9. DON’T SLIP UP
payment for (Y/N): eren has to do the (Y/N)’s laundry for the rest of university, buy her lunch ever wednesday, get tutor to help her and give her as many orgasms as she wants during the course of the relationship
signed x eren yaeger x (y/n) (l/n)
The two of you shook hands when Eren put away his things, to seal the deal again. The waitress came by again to give you the bill and collect your dirty dishes. Eren set down the cash needed to pay along with a tip in the check presenter before the two of you left.
You walked hand in hand back to Erens car before you realized you missed something. “Wait. What do we tell people when they ask how we got together?” you asked, pausing in your tracks.
Eren stopped with you, turning to look at you. “Um, you can say I confessed after lunch, and that this is technically our first date,” he suggested, tugging your hand to walk back to the car.
“Huh. Okay. That works,” you nodded.
The two of you got into the car a little bit past 2:30 in the afternoon, ready to go home. “Wait,” you said again, making Eren pause. “Mikasa wanted a burger from that one joint near our apartment. Could you take me there first?”
Eren smiled and nodded, starting the car. “Of course. Burger with medium Coke and onion rings?”
“How did you know?”
“She always gets that when we go there.”
“Huh… I guess you’re right.”
“When am I not?”
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taglist - @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag , @lazalee , @countthemoons , @se-va-muriendo-mialma , @liaxxx109 , @prxttyguardian , @jeansbabycake
italic names, it wouldn't let me tag you!
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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rose-of-the-valley · 2 years
For ✨wanna be nosy here's your chance✨ ask-
3) do you smoke?
13) biggest turn ons?
14) biggest turn offs?
15) favorite movie
16) I love you if_____
19) a fact about your personality
21) what I love most about myself
28) a description of the person I dislike the most
33) what words make me feel the best about myself
34) what I find attractive in women
35) what I find attractive in men
(if you go both ways answer both, if not, answer only the one that's relevant to you)
42) the last thing I ate
Have a nice day! 😆🌹
im putting this under a read more bc i talk a lot and it got a little too long LOL
3. do you smoke
nope! no smoking here. i am an epitome of the success of the dare program
13. biggest turn ons
if i were a romanceable option in a dating sim you'd probably win me over by helping me do the stuff that i dont feel like doing, listening to me give multi-hour repetitive lectures about my favorite media, and feeding me sweets
on a slightly more explicit note, im a sucker for praise
14. biggest turn offs
you'd lose dating sim hearts if you stress me out unnecessarily, think you know what's best for me/try to push your views on me, or are too into PDA
on the explicit side, cannot handle any sort of ageplay. i can deal w/ a daddy kink if it comes up in like a fic or something but otherwise no
15. favorite movie
hmm idk if i have a favorite bc it's usually "whatever movie i watched recently that was good" BUT i do regularly rewatch the 2005 pride and prejudice so probably that
16. i love you if ________
you let me be weird around you
19. fact about my personality
i like to say that my first priority is always committing to the bit but in reality i feel bad pranking people and am almost always the first to tell ppl the truth afterwards
21. what i love most about myself
i'm actually really adaptable and good at figuring things out when i want to be. it's how near the end of my boat job one of the captains told me "you can't tell it's your first season" bc i'd learned so quickly.
the problem is the "when i want to be" part LOL
28. person i hate the most
oohhohgohoho my first bf's bestie, henceforth referred to as L for Loser, was a total sleazeball
L kept hitting on me and my friends asking us to go over to his place even when we were in relationships, and he convinced a later gf of my ex to cheat on him with L
L also ended up dating 2 of my ex's exes
the ex has joked that me not dating L is one of the few things that kept his self esteem intact in high school which is funny but also sad bc wtf kind of bestie does that
33. words that make me feel the best about myself
as someone who grew up mostly being known as the smart kid sometimes being told "you can do this" is actually more stressful, so it'd have to be more along the lines of "you can do this, but it's ok if you don't get it the first time or if you don't want to"
34 + 35. what i like in men + women
for context i've dated 4 ppl so far, all men (with varying degrees of gender conformity), and 3/4 have been >5'10", 3/4 were in a high school robotics team, 3/4 were asian, and all were stem majors
if you want me to like you, you HAVE to have a love of science and some level of fascination with space and be able to tolerate me going off on long tangents about whatever's occupying my mind that hour (and preferably be able to engage w/ those so they're more conversations than monologues)
when it comes to physical traits i only really have a pref when it comes to fictional characters
also i like sharp teeth but no one irl has that without severe tooth pain so
42. last thing i ate
my mom gave me half a sushirrito that she had for lunch as my dinner. first time having one. ngl i hated them as a concept but they're actually pretty good
also i got groceries delivered today so i am HIGHLY contemplating eating the entire can of peaches that came with it
thanks for asking! ^_^
re: this ask game
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kyanmapng · 3 years
hello ! i loved the bf hcs of suho 😭 he's literally like my ideal bf so i was so happy lol, anyways can i please get hcs of suho being jealous ? like he sees a guy flirting w his girl aka us aha bites lip
and he asks if she wanted to like get coffee, and reader being friendly and being a bit intimidated by the guy and not knowing how to reject an offer, she was ab to say yes,, but before she even opens her mouth, suho interferes ! tbh just imagining that happen already gives me butterflies LMAO, also thank u in advance if u do this ! i love ur writing btw !! <3
˗ˋˏ author’s note ˎˊ˗ 
i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer!  i hope it was to your liking, i made it into a bit of a hybrid - short general jealousy hcs and a scenario-ish hcs. sometimes i still struggle to get suho right, because he is definitely more nuanced than a lot of people think. 
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lee suho & jealousy.
suho hates feeling jealous and it doesn’t help that it happens pretty easily. it all stems from his insecurity -- he feels like he doesn’t show his emotions enough and that his s/o could find someone else. it eats at him quite often but he also trusts his s/o and tries not to jump to conclusions too fast. 
he used to be jealous a lot more when he was younger and he felt great deal immature when it happened. he calmed down a lot more but sometimes he just couldn’t help it and his insides once again churned in that familiar way. 
he was meeting with you after u finished with your work. he saw you waiting in front of your work place but you weren’t alone. some guy who was standing way too close was talking to you. suho was just on the crossing waiting for the green light to flicker and it never felt longer. 
you were just too nice for your own good. it felt mean not to answer when this person started talking to you but it seemed to snowball into him asking you out. honestly you almost replied yes just to make him stop this conversation but before you could do that Suho was standing next to you with an expression that could give people a frostbite. 
Suho turned to you and gave you a soft smile, asking if you were waiting for a long time, completely ignoring the other guy who had the nerve to complain that you didn’t tell him you had a bf, saying how you wasted his precious time. 
suho is far from saint, but he could rival one with his patience sometimes. this wasn’t one of those days, because his head whipped to face the dude so fast it made him dizzy. “why are you still here?” the look he gave him froze the guy in place for a split second before he quickly turned around and marched away, muttering under his breath. 
suho didn’t even realize how tense his shoulders got until he felt your hand resting on them and he let out a sigh. “i’m sorry i made you wait.” he said and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.
you smile at him, snaking your arms around him, startling him momentarily. “it’s okay, you are always worth the wait. i even got to see your jealous side today.” suho could feel his face heating up, so he wound his arms around you too and held you tighter. once again he was worried for no reason. 
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seiwas · 1 year
hope everyone’s had/is having a lovely day so far!! 🥺💗 here is some extra love!!!
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bookishjules · 3 years
How did your day went🌝
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hiii <33🤗
my day has gone alright.. been feeling pretty down, probably largely due to the fact that I broke up with my bf last month and today is, well, valentines day 😅😅 but I bought some wine on my way home from work (aka babysitting lol) and made some nice curried chickpeas for dinner 😍 might make brownies next, might just lose myself in a book lol
I was supposed to get drinks with a friend tonight as a "fuck exes and fuck valentines day" thing but I just couldn't bc of this stupid mix of emotions.... it made me feel kinda bad to cancel, but I think she understands
ANYWAY thank you for asking :))) sorry if this answer was more than you were looking for lol how has your day been??? 🤗
4 hours later update: made brownies, had a fun convo with my roommates, and then got a text from my ex telling me he entertained conversations w other women during our relationship 🙃 it's a great day
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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flamediel · 4 years
Hi so im kinda new to the fandom and i see all this drama on your blog, which is lovely and great you seem so nice, can you help me with like getting a lil up to date with all cuz i love drama and it seems messy
Ahhh welcome to the fandom! I'm glad you like my blog. This is gonna be a quick summary bc I need to sleep and if you have any specific questions lmk and ill get to those in the morning. putting these in categories by who its about
Chris/joel drama:
Ok, so around two years ago, joel started dating this girl emilia. They broke up about six months ago and joel posted online saying it was really toxic and hurt him a lot. At the time he was hanging around chris a lot and we kind of got the vibe chris helped him through the breakup. Chris was also one of the people who unfollowed emilia at the time, not all the boys did that. Everything was chill for a while, then the day the hero music video was supposed to come out, someone (samantha camara) posted a video from Joel's close friends story where he was hanging out with this girl sam sanchez and they looked all couply. Thing is.. sam s is Chris's ex, so people were mad. Personally I think its pr bc hero was coming out that night and sam s was releasing music, so the timing was toooooo good. Also sam s and c are still really good friends (they were hanging out today) which wouldn't be the case if she had exposed a relationship that was supposed to be private. This all is lowkey for a while, the guys seem to be close in the vlogs and content we get, then last night Chris flowed emilia again. Right after that, joel posted sam s on his story. One theory is this is them being petty and fighting, but sam s is releasing music the same day deja vu comes out so I just think (or hope) its more pr. Thats the gist of this
Erick: ok so erick was seeing this girl nadia mualem for a while. She was in the de cero music video (his girl) and a few others i think (pretend for example). We didn't see them together a lot but we knew they were hanging out bc she was always posting hinting about it. He took her to cancun this summer for example, and when she's in miami she'll post stories that are obviously from his house and stuff. Recently they unfollowed each other.on insta and people thought they might have broken up. Then she posted in miami but she was staying in a hotel which confused people bc she never did that before. Someone asked her if they broke up on tiktok and she answered like this:
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This was super out of character bc she's always shoving the relationship in people's faces, so suddenly acting like its private is sus. Imo this and the hotel is definite proof they broke up or at least are fighting/on bad terms. Erick is a huge fuckboy anyway so I doubt he committed.
Richard: speaking if fuckboys.. OK, so you know how I mentioned that erick took nadia to cancun? Richard went too, with a girl named Olivia wong. No one had seen olivia before so we thought she was just a one time hookup he met at the club, but then people did some digging and found that she was at their NYE performance in times square the year before. This was kind of big bc his mom also attended the performance, so if olivia was there w him she met his mom. It also implied they had been together for a while. We didn't see much of olivia after that, but bc we only saw her once it was implied they were still seeing each other. Then the beso video dropped, and Richard started reposting his beso model (doug, idr her last name rn) all over his instagram. Still, he and Olivia kept following each other so all seemed chill. Then in the middle of December olivia posted a tiktok at the airport saying she was gonna go surprise her bf and he dumped her right before. She later said the situation had been "updated" in a comment but all we saw was a text conversation w a contact named "king" where he sent her the tiktok and was like "ouch you were gonna surprise me 🤕🥴" or whatever emoji the fuckboys use these days idk. In the tiktok olivia just responded w "Ig we'll never know" and thats basically all we saw of her. BUT she never unfollowed him so idk. Then, days later, doug is EVERYWHERE. She's in the vid of Richards fam wishing him happy birthday, talking to aaliyah, and she seems really close w all of them. AFAIK she's the only hookup to meet his daughter (other than yocelyn ofc). This is kind of sus bc this was RIGHT after the thing w olivia, so why is he bringing another girl to meet his family? Idk man, in my opinion there was definitely some two timing going on, but this is all we have for now.
Ok, I think that's all of it. Im sorry if this is confusing, just send me more messages if you have other questions. For now tho, gn lovessss
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years
Hi, I have an emergency request. Tomorrow is my birthday. It is also the anniversary of my ex bf dumping me immediately after sex. He told me he hadn't loved me for months. Later that same day I also found out he had secretly been cheating on me. I found out by seeing the girl's insta. I have a history of selfharm/suicidal tendencies. Could I get a aone, suga, daichi, OR ushi (just 1) bf spending my bday w/ me so I don't feel alone/unwanted & so I don't hurt myself? I always hated my bday. Thnx!
I know you said just one, but I thought it would be a nice addition to show you how the others would treat you on your birthday too. So I did little snippets for three of the guys while you spend the day with your boyfriend, Aone.
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You dread this day every year but this one seems to be even more difficult than all the others combined. You stayed awake well beyond your intention last night just overthinking every decision you’ve ever made so when you get up for the day it feels like you haven’t slept at all.
There’s texts waiting for you as you blindly walk yourself through getting something to drink, preferably with caffeine if you have it, before you actually open it up. Once you do, you see the first one is from Daichi; Happy Birthday! I’d really like to bring you breakfast when you wake up, just let me know when is good for you.
You almost say no, pushing people away is the normal way you deal with things, but there’s something about seeing his disappointed face that encourages you to send a quick, ‘I’m awake now’ text back.
You text with him while preparing your drink and soon he shows up with a bag filled with two of your favorite breakfast sandwiches and a couple muffins.
He says he can’t stay long but he wanted to see your smile and as hard as it is to do, you find a way to give him that. It’s as sincere as you can possibly offer and he understands.
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Aone just shows up at your door in the middle of the day with a picnic basket and he offers you his hand.
You hesitate but you take it and he leads you to a small field where he has a blanket on the ground and a small bouquet of your favorite flower. You feel your face warm slightly but he mistakes it for the chill of the breeze and quickly offers you his jacket which only flusters you further but it’s warm and it smells like him so you hold it as tight against your face as you can.
He’s brought some of your favorite snacks along with an actual entree he made himself. It’s so thoughtful and kind that you have a hard time not just tearing up because someone actually cares enough about you to go through all this trouble just to make your day feel a little better.
Because while you might not have given him all the details, Aone knows this day is hard for you so he wants to distract you as much as possible.
You’re kind of still partially full from the food Daichi brought for you but you eat a little more with his encouragement and you find it all tastes amazing and you make sure to tell him that.
Aone doesn’t talk much but you enjoy one another’s company beyond words. His presence is overwhelming for some but you like the way you feel smaller with him. You like the way he lets you talk when you want to but also doesn’t feel the need to fill the silence if conversation lapses for a while.
He loves you how you always hoped someone would and no one ever did.
He loves you in the silences, in the dark, in the empty hollow parts of you that you can’t seem to forget no matter how hard you try. Sometimes he just holds your hand, kisses your wrist, and you know exactly what he’s saying.
He’s saying thank you, thank you for staying here for me.
Thank you for being alive.
Thank you for loving me.
Because he said it that night, the night you told him. He said those words as tears slid freely down his cheeks. The thought of you being in so much pain had hit him harder than you expected but he showed no hesitation in letting you see how important you were to him. He didn’t hide away and save the tears for later, he just let himself be raw and vulnerable right along with you.
It was probably that moment that you realized you loved him.
You start to tear up thinking about that night again, and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you in a bit closer to shield you from the wind. He drops a kiss to your head and softly whispers, “Thank you for letting me celebrate your birthday. I’m so happy you were born.”
“Love you, Aone.”
“And I you.”
Once you pack everything up, Aone walks you back to your small apartment and you start to feel a coldness seeping inside you at the thought of him leaving.
He doesn’t though.
He waits at your door seeking permission to come in the same way he always does and you don’t hesitate to invite him inside.
“Don’t you have plans?” you ask, because you don’t want him to sacrifice his whole day just to spend time with you.
“You’re my plan.”
Your eyes go wide and he quickly realizes what that could sound like and he backs away a few steps. “Spending time with you, is my plan. I don’t have any other plans.”
There’s a slight flush to his cheeks and you want to comment on it but you don’t want to make him feel more embarrassed. “Oh, okay. Do you want to watch a movie or something?”
He nods in agreement so you turn something on as a distraction.
Before the movie is over you have two waiting texts, one from Ushijima that says he hopes you’re doing well today and that he wishes you a happy birthday. It’s a bit dry, he can be that way sometimes but you know he’s never insincere with his words so you quickly send back a thank you.
The other is Suga asking if you feel up to a vid call later because he misses your cute face and he’s sorry he couldn’t make it over this morning with Daichi because he had to work but he asks you to hang out later this week to ‘celebrate properly’. He also mentions that Aone is welcome to tag along of course, but he wants pictures throughout the day to make sure you’re actually being taken care of on your birthday, not that he doubts your silent king in the least. But as intimidating as Aone is, Sugawara would absolutely fight him if he wasn’t physically there in person taking care of you.
You shake your head at him but send back a photo of the two of you cuddled together on the couch and he breathes a sigh of relief when he gets it. You also say yes to the vid call but you make him promise to keep it short because you don’t want to split your time for too long,
Aone deserves a hundred percent of your attention and affection.
Most of the rest of the day is kind of the same. You watch a couple movies, have that quick call with Sugawara when he’s done with work for the day, and you sit cuddled up with the man you love.
When it gets dark and evening rolls around Aone does ask that you eat some more and offers to get takeout but there’s still plenty of food left from the picnic so you wave him off and you both eat reheated leftovers.
It gets late and you can feel the air around you tense a little and you’re not sure why.
Normally you’d let it go, let it pass...but Aone looks like he’s struggling to say something.
“Is everything okay?” you ask, pausing the movie to look up at him.
“I-” he swallows. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “You never make me uncomfortable,” you say, because he doesn’t, never has. He’s always felt like safety and home.
“I would like to stay. I’m not asking for anything...improper. I just, I don’t want to leave you tonight.”
It’s the least eloquent you’ve ever seen him. He rarely speaks in long sentences but when he does they’re usually well put together and thought out. Clearly this must have been weighing on him for a while.
“Aone, you don’t have to leave if you don’t want to,” you say, then you look up into his eyes. The eyes that hold depths of softness and warmth. The eyes everyone overlooks when they take in his stature, the eyes that betray his intimidating appearance. When his gaze flicks back to yours, you calmly, truthfully respond, “I trust you.”
He hugs you tighter to his chest and kisses you softly on the head.
He pulls back only to smile down at you like you’re the most amazing thing in the world before he squeezes you against him again.
It’s one of the hundreds, no thousands of ways he regularly tells you he loves you.
“Love you too, ‘One.”
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rcl-stan · 4 years
my (probably controversial) opinions on ships
percabeth: their relationship set the bar so damn high i want what they have 😔 10/10
jasiper: i say jasiper bc everyone argues whether or not it's jasper or jiper and it's a solid combination of the two. tbh their relationship wasn't good. like good while it lasted but if they never broke up i would've been surprised. it was also hella fake, and piper is probably gay let my girl live hera 4/10
frazel: ✨no✨ first of all (here's a side controversial opinion) i don't like frank. don't worry, i absolutely love hazel. second, that age gap? um, chile anyways 👀 sorry if you think that an eighth grader dating a junior in high school is okay, but it's a definite no for me ❤️✨ 0/10
caleo: it's cute, i like how they were a whole "destined to be together" thing and how they both believed they could never find love, but it was rushed. i have a whole long ass headcanon about how i would've done leo and calypso and their love lives better, but that's a post for another day. tbh leo's probably gay tho. the gods were nice to cal 5/10
gruniper: tbh this was the beginning of rickald sticking literally every character in a relationship but i'm happy for grover and they're really cute 7/10
charlena: they're so cute they make my heart soft 🥺 10/10
chrisse: tbh they're also super cute and i really love clarisse not being "just an asshole" like everyone can be loving and compassionate and that's sweet <3 and her saving him from insanity after the labyrinth?? and her getting dating advice she loved him so much?? 🥺👉👈 also i was simping over both of them watching sea of monsters sooo 10/10
solangelo: they're cute but i ship nico w someone else peep the non canon portion. bonus point because i love will solace more than anything and he should be known more than just being nico's bf 8/10
tysella: cute and i like how even monsters can find love but once again just ricks attempt to stick as many characters together as possible like it was so out of the blue PSA it's okay to not feel/want/find love <3 don't let fiction bring you down ily and you're doing fantastic sweetie <3 anyways 5/10
zarter: yes yes yes just YES ugh they're real cute and let me just say the red pyramid/the throne of fire broke my heart but we got back on it 10/10
saltnubus: i- just- what the fAwk 😃 they're the same person ?? i, gIrl eye- chicas it's- ugh let's just get to the rating because words can't describe this ship but numbers can 2/10 (extra points for effort and not dead walt)
Not Canon:
tratie: YES V GOOD SHIP they're adorable please make this canon we have one more book pull some strings. i remember in my most recent reread of pjo i was waiting for tratie and there was nothing and i realized it isn't canon my mind was blown. loss of a point because it's been around for so long and still hasn't been made canon, like, around for so long most people forget it's fanon until it's brought up every once in a while. 9/10
jercy: tbh i don't ship it. like they'd make good friends, but even then they'd both have multiple people they'd put over each other. 0/10
jasico: once again a hard no for me. i just don't see it. like def bros and i think jason being the ultimate good friend to nico, yeah that's cool, but no romance just bromance 1/10
pernico: ✨no✨ 0/10
pipabeth: v cute ship but once again feel like they wouldn't've been #1s to each other, better than jasiper worse than percabeth 6/10
thaluke: feel like they may have had a small thing when they were on the run, but it's a no for me 1/10
perachel: this ship is so valid y'all are just afraid of having this conversation well here it is. it's more similar to jasiper in how if they had gotten together i don't think they would've lasted, but there was some thiqq chemistry and they would've been really great together. and they're also really good friends, stop erasing that 😡✨ 8/10
jeyna: they would've been so great together. as much as i love me a lesbian reyna, i have to admit jason and reyna would've been lowkey goals and super adorable and just, perfect for one another. super sad hera decided to get in the way of that :/ 9/10
theyna: tbh i don't ship it. i just don't see any chem between the two. cool friends maybe, but it's a no for me. 3/10
pipeyna: yessss now that's a badass duo if i've ever seen one. turn it up! 7/10
clareyna: y'all ain't ready for this oneeee ugh like too powerful of a duo the world ain't ready but they'd be so cute i- 🥺 soft clarisse and reyna but also stern and badass clarisse and reyna ahhh this is so shmackalicious, spicetastic, words can't describe... but numbers can 10/10
clarina: a couple of cuties and they definitely had something. not bad, 6/10
valdangelo: no words can describe how much i love this ship. litch-rally gay percabeth. they're meant to be and i'll bet my life on that. like they've both gone through almost the same things, they just handled them differently. they'd feel for each other and eventually open up to each other and get along great. never feeling like they belong but finding comfort in eachother. knowing that there's someone there for them, who understands them, not feeling alone, ugh 🥺 please they're sooo cute 🥺👉👈 also forgive me if this is horribly incorrect but i feel like leo constantly flirting with every girl is just a bit of internalized homophobia ?? like if he had a super religious family i could see them being homophobic (i'm mexican and a lot of my family is like that so i can see it being like that, but not all mexicans are tho) so that could've been kinda rooted in him. he was also called el diablo by his family that could've ran through his mind a bit idk that was just a bit of random extra info anyways 10/10
valgrace: i've never gotten background on this ship?? like i'm open to options yk let me learn so like if anyone wants to elaborate on it/give me reasons to ship them i'm all ears ! but based off of what ik of them in general i don't think they'd be super great. def better as just friends, 3/10
jason + annabeth: uhm issa no from me they'd be that super bland saltine cracker couple, maybe like lifeless praetor duo or smth (if anna elizabeth was somehow roman ofc) 0/10
piper + percy: chaotic and iconic, but definitely not in a relationship 1/10
beckendorf + percy: no❤️✨ but beckendorf was definitely percy's first crush and you can't change my mind 0/10
carter + hazel: this one was a request from my ig.... idk how to feel like.. i mean.. tbh i don't even know... i haven't heard this before today, if you got reasons lmk i'm here for it but i'm very... idek what i'm feeling. ??/10
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epiphanyyyyyyyyy · 4 years
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3/100 days of productivity
        Yesterday, i did such good and get to sleep so early while feeling so happy that i didn’t even remember to post here, so i’m going to give myself a pass card for this and keep it up as if today was “day3″!! haha 
        - Today i wake up a little late and at the same time, got to sleep earlier yesterday. By the moment i wake up i felt so much energy to do anything…such a nice feeling to have by the morning.
        - I did some cleaning at my room by taking finished laundry and putting on their respective places. The smell!!
        - I played Pokemon Ruby for a while by my own.
        - I had a good talk w/ my mom about the Covid-19, and it was such a productive conversation, i was really worried about my parents bc of the latest presidential discuss, anyway they’re a lil more informed right now.
        - Today i ate pancakes…… that isn’t really productive but it made me really happy ahh… ^.^
        - I read Pride and Prejudice bc i love it a lot, maybe it’s my favourite, i never know. (the sec pic is from the cover of my book, i love the print!)
        - I spent 2 hours dancing k-pop music today and it boosted my energy a lot!
        - Today i helped my grandma to do simple chores as she’s dealing w/ back pain for a couple of days now, i hope she’ll be better soon.
        - Today i saw a rainbowwww!!!!!!!
        - I cleaned my dog’s piss, she did this at the kitchen…probably bc it was raining a bit.
        - I had dinner w/ ma bf while watching SNK, i can’t get enough of it, season 3 is so so great!
        I’m feeling that little by little i’m being able to do more stuff without staying in bed all day, it was a bit depressing with much ups and downs before,but now it feels as if i’m starting to heal.
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mitsuya-takashi · 5 years
“Special Place”-Taekook
This is the second one shot I’ve written, no judgment, please! This is basically a little “how they got together” story for Taekook, so it’ll be a bit shorter than the Yoonmin one I posted.
Also, shoutout to @handcuffsandneuroscience​ for reading this over for me and helping me improve it!
TAEHYUNG      He didn’t mean to forget his umbrella. But he was already running late, and he had left it buried deep in a bin that he didn’t have time to sort through this morning. Taehyung thought he was in the clear when he left class, but as he was halfway to the studio to practice with Jimin, the rain came down hard. It was sudden, the pale gray day becoming dark and chaotic, exactly the weather Taehyung was not prepared for. At all.
     He looked around frantically to find a place to go for refuge and noticed a small business nearby, the lettering on the front reading “Special Place”. He ran inside, shuddering from the chill that bit through his drenched clothing. As he raised his ducked head, the first thing he saw was a display of cupcakes, fluffy and round. Ah, so this is a bakery. He thought. I guess I’ll buy something then. Taehyung turned to the counter to order but stopped when he saw the worker on duty.
     The man was currently helping someone, an adorable bunny-like smile on his face as he handed the customer their pastry. He had dark, fluffy hair that Taehyung for some reason really wanted to run his fingers through, and his nose was something that could only be described as “really cute” as it scrunched with his smile. The beauty of this stranger distracted Taehyung for a moment, but he was able to get over himself and walk up to the counter.
     “Hello! Welcome to Special Place Bakery! What can I get for you today?” Taehyung was immediately mesmerized by his voice, having to pause for a second before he answered.
     “Uhm...yeah. I’d like one of those, please?” He said, pointing to the display he saw earlier.
     “Alright, that’ll be $2.00.” Taehyung shifted to grab his wallet and gave the worker his money, noticing that his name tag read “Jeongguk”. Jeongguk handed him the cupcake with a smile, saying “Here you go! Come back here any time!”
     Taehyung simply nodded and turned away, sitting down at one of the tables scattered throughout the area. He pulled out his phone, texting Jimin to tell him why he’ll be late (again).
Tae: i’ll be a bit late to practice today :(
Chim: Taeee! Why this time?
Tae: it’s raining rlly rlly hard and I don’t have my umbrella so i'm waiting in a bakery
Tae: buuuut anyways there’s a guy working here and he’s,,,rlly hot
Tae: like,,,,rlly
Chim: W o w
Chim: Yoongi’s the only one who really cares for me :(
Tae: he’s ur bf, he has to
Chim: Woowww I’m hurt
Tae: i’ll leave when the rain stops
Chim: OK, see you when you get here <3
Tae: yup <3
     He set his phone down to eat his untouched cupcake, every so often sneaking glances at Jeongguk. After he finished, he made sure that the rain had stopped and left, remembering to visit the cute bakery (and the even cuter worker) again sometime soon.
JEONGGUK      Jeongguk was officially intrigued. The first time the mystery man came in the bakery, he was completely drenched from the rain outside. His dark locks stuck to his forehead in a way that should be illegal. His clothes were soaked, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. Even then, Jeongguk took a mild interest in him. It isn’t often they get a new customer, being a small business and all, but one who’s that good looking? That was almost unheard of in the tiny bakery. So when the man kept coming back, Jeongguk got more and more interested.
     He started coming in at kind of regular intervals, most times alone, sometimes with a shorter boy with bubblegum pink hair. When Jeongguk’s best friend and coworker, Hoseok, told the managers of Special Place, Seokjin and Namjoon, about the other boy’s infatuation, the three of them made it a point to keep Jeongguk on duty whenever the mystery man came by, thoroughly enjoying meddling in his love life. Today was the second time that week he stopped in, three weeks after he first discovered it.
     As Jeongguk heard the telltale bell ring, he looked up to see the cheerful face, calling a ”Hello again!” to the man he had become oh so accustomed to seeing. He smiled and walked over to the counter, winking as he made eye contact with Jeongguk.
     “I’ll have the usual.” Came the man’s deep voice. It always melted him; the mysterious male had a voice that Jeongguk had only been hearing for a few weeks now but one he doubted he could live without.
     “Coming right up!” came Jeongguk’s usual reply. Jeongguk handed the man his cupcake as he paid but gently grabbed his arm before he could make his way to the seats. “Wait!” Jeongguk said. The man looked at him curiously.
     “Yeah? What is it?” That voice again, damn. Get it together, Jeongguk. You still don’t even know him.
     “I wanted to ask your name? You’ve been coming here pretty often, but I still don’t know it, and I feel bad calling you ‘Sir.’” The man looked surprised at this as if he didn’t realize he never told the man what to call him.
     “My name is Taehyung.” Beautiful face, beautiful name, Jeongguk thought.
     “Well hi, Taehyung-ssi. My name is Jeongguk.”
     “I already knew your name,” Taehyung laughed. “It’s on your name tag.”
     “Oh, oops,” Jeongguk responded, red in the face. “Well, anyway, it’s nice to formally meet you.” He said, sticking out his hand. Taehyung smiled and took it in his own, shaking it firmly. Jeongguk couldn’t help but notice how their hands fit together nicely, wondering what actually holding his hand would be like. He quickly shook that thought off, though, and let go of Taehyung. The man’s face morphed into a slightly conflicted look as if he was debating something with himself.
     “Since we, you know, know each other now, would you be willing to give me your number?” Taehyung said suddenly.
     “Yeah, sure. What for?” Jeongguk said while getting out his phone, flustered at the unexpected question.
     Taehyung looked hesitant. “Oh, uh...I just... maybe wanted to be friends?” Jeongguk was surprised. He was acquainted with most of the customers, but they never became “official friends”. He beamed at the idea and exchanged phones with Taehyung, typing in his number before handing it back to him.
     “So...friends?” Jeongguk asked shyly, still smiling.
     “Yeah. Friends.”
TAEHYUNG      Ever since they had exchanged numbers, Taehyung and Jeongguk were texting every day. They had grown inevitably closer, their bond developing more and more as the weeks went by. Originally, it was just making small talk and getting to know one another with little things like 20 Questions and Never Have I Ever. Now, however, their conversations have evolved, and so have Taehyung’s feelings. Two months of non-stop contact, staying up talking until 3 AM, and visits to the bakery every Tuesday and Friday have created a special connection between the two, one that Taehyung didn’t have with anyone else (Well, there was his platonic soulmate, Jimin, but that was different).
     Needless to say, Taehyung enjoyed every moment with Jeongguk and wanted to take it a step farther. He made a plan to ask out the other during his next trip to the bakery. He was unsure how the younger would react but unwilling to back down until he got an answer.
     That Tuesday, Taehyung walked up to the counter of the conveniently empty store, fidgeting nervously.
     “Hyung!” Jeongguk beamed at him. “How was your cupcake?” Taehyung smiled fondly at the younger, admiring his energy.
     “It was amazing, Gguk, as they always are.”
     “Great! So, was there anything specific you wanted to talk about?”
     This is it. Taehyung thought. This, right now. I’m gonna ask him out. I’m gonna do it. I am going t-
     “Hyung?” Jeongguk unknowingly interrupted the other’s train of thought with one word, one word that snapped Taehyung back to reality.
     “Oh, yeah.” said a startled Taehyung. “I was actually wondering if...you’d wanna go out with me sometime?” he finished, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he asked.
     “Oh. Oh.” Jeongguk said, caught off guard.
     Taehyung became more uncertain, not wanting to make Jeongguk uncomfortable. “It’s fine if you don’t want to. It doesn’t have to be a date, we can just grab some food sometime this weekend?”
     Jeongguk shook his head. “No...I think it would be better as a date. If that’s ok with you, of course?”
     Taehyung laughed, gaining his confidence back. “A date then. Does this Saturday work for you?”
     Jeongguk looked elated at the idea, nodding quickly. “Yeah. Yup. Saturday definitely works.”
     “Great. I’ll text you the time and place later on.” said Taehyung. 
     Jeongguk smiled that adorable smile that Taehyung found so fascinating even on the first day they met. “Perfect.”
     Taehyung walked over to the door smiling but turned around before leaving and winked at Jeongguk.
     “I guess this really is a Special Place. Maybe, from now on, it can be our Special Place.”
     Taehyung didn’t know it yet, but that simple phrase would be the catalyst for a new relationship that would eventually turn into something beautifully unbreakable, admired especially by those who got to see them grow old together.
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