theood · 5 months
Th' stereotype that autistic people like numbers was always one I was like "oh! not me though haha. Cuz we are normal"
In 4-5 grade all I would write were Haikus. I wrote hundreds of them for my classes and I would share them when we shared our work. My teacher was super positive about nurturing this in me and I loved counting out syllables and following the rigidness of writing them.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately
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thinking abt how magnus could have defeated loki with either love and hate but chose love. soo i wrote some fierrochase and it's shitty but whatever tbh. hope you like it <3
It was a normal evening, but when are evenings ever normal? It had been a few months since they had trapped Loki in his walnut, but something had been bothering Magnus.
He was sitting on the grass in his room, flipping through a blank notebook. When he was still alive, he used to write. It was usually poetry that never rhymed, centered on some depressing event or another, but he enjoyed it. It always felt like he was putting a piece of his soul into his writing. It was intimate, and the only person he ever shared it with was his mom.
Maybe he should get back into writing. It did make him feel good. Maybe it would help him get rid of the emotional baggage he felt like he was carrying.
The notebook had fresh white pages. It was one of those cheap ones, the kind you get at a stationary shop, with an inspirational quote on the cover. This one had a brown cover with 'Good Vibes' printed on it. If only it were that easy to have 'good vibes'.
He flipped to a blank page. He picked up the blue gel-pen he had brought with him and fiddled with it for a while, before opening the cap and fixing it on the other end of the pen.
To be honest, he had no idea what to write. These things just came to him when the time was right, but he didn't tell them when to come. He decided to just let his subconscious guide him.
well, i'm dead now. both inside and outside. i've been thinking, what's the difference between love and hate? they both ultimately change the world, don't they?
This was one of the things that had kept Magnus awake. Sure, he had defeated Loki with the love for his friends, but didn't his hate for the god play a part in his defeat? Both love and hate were directed differently for the same purpose, to vanquish a foe, but ultimately, didn't they have the same result?
Somebody knocked on his door, interrupting his thoughts. "Can I come in?" yelled a certain green-haired person's voice.
"Yeah," Magnus yelled back. He put his pen and book down and got up to answer the door.
"Hurry up," whined the voice outside the door. Magnus quickly walked to the door and opened it to reveal the ever-stunning Alex Fierro.
His newly dyed mint-green hair was down, and he wore a neon pink crop top, black ripped leggings, and neon green sneakers, so he gave the impression of a human highlighter. How very fitting. "Hello!" he said cheerfully, as if he hadn't interrupted Magnus's brainstorming.
"Hi." Magnus was sure he looked as tired as he felt. He self-consciously adjusted his own hair, trying to brush it out of his face. Alex took the remaining blond strands and tucked them behind his ear. Magnus could feel a blush spreading on his face.
"What are you doing here?" He tried to keep his voice even.
"What, do I need an excuse to see my boyfriend? Hmm?" The green-haired boy's voice was lined with playfulness. When Alex Fierro got like this, it was best to just go with it. It was always best to go with it when dealing with Alex.
"N-No-" Magnus stammered. "Whatever, Mr. Highlighter."
Alex rolled his eyes and pushed past him, walking into his room. "I'm taking that as a compliment." Magnus hurried after him, trying to stop him from seeing that one open notebook, but he was too late. Alex had eyes sharp as an eagle.
Now, the shapeshifter was looking at Magnus weirdly. It was admirable how quickly Alex could change moods. "Magnus, you of all people should know the difference between loving and hating."
"Alex, leave it alone. I was just trying something." He sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"No." Alex strode back towards him, stopping right in front of his face. "Are you okay?"
"I-" Well, maybe he wasn't. Maybe the last quest had taken more out of him than he had thought. He was tired. It felt like there was a gray cloud above his head. "I don't know."
Alex put his hands on Magnus's shoulders and looked into the blonde's eyes. His mismatched eyes were mesmerizing as always, the amber and brown contrasting with the copper color of his skin, sprinkled with dark freckles.
"Magnus, the difference between love and hate is.." He paused, then touched his forehead to Magnus's. The sensation of skin-on-skin didn't repulse Magnus. Alex smelt sweet and fresh and just a little bit sour. "It's that love heals, and hate just hurts."
Magnus could see it in Alex's eyes that he meant what he said, he meant it with passion. Alex had been through so much at such a young age. Unloved and unwanted, his heart was full of hate, with just a couple of exceptions. Magnus, on the other hand, had been loved his whole life by one central person, until she died.
They had both had different lives, but now, they had something in common. They were both loved, by each other and people around them. They had found family, the only for Alex and another for Magnus.
They stayed like that for a few golden moments, two disillusioned boys, deeply in love and trying their best to heal each other.
Then, Alex straightened up and pulled Magnus to the grass, where the notebook and pen still sat undisturbed. Magnus crouched down and picked up the book, uncapped the pen, and wrote, Alex standing right beside him.
"Thank you."
life is like a tapestry. you can choose to do with it what you wish. you can love, and stitch it closer together, or hate, and let it tear apart with time. oh, and i'm dead now, but i've never felt more alive.
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sxe-notsex · 7 months
one minor inconvenience away from having a fixation on the London tube system
I had a dream (read: nightmare) that my shirt was too small for me and I've been wearing it every day since just to make sure it's not.
my new prized possession is a bracelet from a stranger that was almost a friend- but we never did trade names, numbers, or anything besides beads and letters. instead, maybe I almost got my phone stolen or maybe you were too suspicious, but I'm inclined to believe you on this one. I got a bad vibe from that guy too.
I hate wearing it. it's uncomfortable. but I do so anyway because when I look at it (DETOX. RETOX.) it's one of the only bits of tangible evidence I have that I was there- a saving grace to help me save face and not lose this caring. I existed in that space, amongst the thousands, hoping it wouldn't go to waste- I wouldn't forget (and that was about as a hopeless endeavour as it gets, it's all gone).
one bracelet, two shirts, and a digital trail of train tickets and emails. that's all there is left, and I know I'm mourning the lost memories of a moment that was so important to me; but I can't access those feelings and I'm starting to worry that it'll spread. like wildfire.
or instead like a disease upon my consciousness, something rotting from the inside out and losing its sweetness to bitter, to decay, to the passing of the time that fits in the day. Maybe Eve wouldn't have taken the fruit had it been gnarled and twisted- (seminal) sin, maybe; but it doesn't feel like my fault so I guess I should spurt some poetry in place- how about... iron bars wrought and flaked, that rust and decay coming back again like a broken record- like a broken record- like a broken record.
DETOX. weaning off that high like it wasn't a withdrawal, considering damaging my hearing just to feel it in its entirety (maybe then I'd remember? probably not). a tube drive home. almost getting my phone stolen. going a week and skipping saturday.
and okay, the RETOX has yet to come but I don't think I can survive without it. I can't claim addiction to a feeling, but a scenario is more compelling to repeat (broken record).
I'm sentimental, but in the way the weeds stick through the pavement. forcing thoughts onto objects to fill the empty hole in my skull- let's play a word association game, tell me what you think of when you hear HOME (issues, probably, but that's not unique). how about BODY? (yeah, let's not do this). or perhaps LOVE (okay, now you're crossing a line, shut the fuck up please and thank you).
it's like a cardboard wrapper on the ground, walked over and discarded again and again until it's pressed so flush against the concrete (or whatever the fuck roads are made of) that it almost seems flat. then no one picks it up and it just stays there until it melts away in the rain. pathetic fallacy with an emphasis on PATHETIC.
I left little pieces of me there, embedded in plastic like I split my soul into twenty phylacteries and slipped them into the unsuspecting hands of those I deemed 'me' enough. don't worry though, I still have two twentieths (one tenth) of my soul left (plus one bit of someone else's). can't get rid of me that easily.
sxe xoxo
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
i've been trying to write but i've had the worst writer's block for literally 3 years now. if you experience it, how do you overcome it?
hi anon! i'm so sorry you're struggling with this, especially for so long 😔 i know how demoralizing it can feel to feel 'stuck', or unhappy with anything you manage to get out. i can't promise that i have all the answers, but here are some different strategies that often help me!
fill the well
i think i stole this term from 'the artist's way' but i can't actually remember if her definition is the same as mine, so. when eye say filling the well, what i mean is: i take a purposeful break from attempting to create content, and i consume. i eat eat eat whatever i can get my hands on. poetry, books, music, movies. i go to an art museum, or go see a live performance of something, if i can!
i find that getting myself out of my own head and fully invested in someone else's creations tends to get my wheels turning. and it's therapeutic, that feeling of discovering some piece of art that speaks to you and reminds you that you're a human. it helps reconnect me to the purpose of why i create, the way i strive to give someone else that same experience by writing stories that i hope people can see themselves reflected back in. seriously - consume stuff! NEW stuff! go out there and find a thing that you love that someone else created.
box yourself in
this is a strategy i had never really tried before until last year, when i was struggling with wicked "i hate everything i write" syndrome, and the love of my life @gimmethatagustd gave me this tip! it's so weird, but it worked for me, so maybe it'll work for you too! they said that as someone who had to write a lot for school, even when they were blocked as fuck, that sometimes they would assign themselves specific rules or prompts for a piece in order to switch things up~
maybe for you, this looks like churning out a few drabbles, and forcing yourself to make them EXACTLY 100 words long. maybe it's writing something only in dialogue (a thing i actually did once when super blocked lmao!). maybe it's trying a new genre, maybe it's trying to write ~in the style~ of someone else, maybe it's writing member POV if that's not something you normally do. maybe it's looking up specific writing prompts/challenges, or playing some weird game with yourself where you try to fit song lyrics into a piece, or make each new sentence start with the last letter of the sentence before it - i don't know! get crazy with it! don't ask me why, but sometimes giving yourself more rules to adhere to makes it easier to write - or just gives your brain something else to focus on, at least 🤪
show up anyway
i hate that sometimes, this is what works, but it's the truth. stephen king has said a lot of things (including many racial slurs lol 🥴) but one of the not-dumb things he's said is along the lines of: "don't wait for the muse. ...your job is to make sure the muse knows where you're going to be every day from nine 'til noon. or seven 'til three. if he does know, i assure you that sooner or later he'll start showing up."
sometimes, writing is showing up, putting down crap, hating it, and doing it anyway. (this might go along with #2 - maybe your drabbles suck! write them anyway!) turning on the tap and running it until all the junk in your pipes gets out and the water runs clear. it sucks! when i'm in a place where that's all i can do, it's the worst feeling in the world! but there have been times where i've found that my "writer's block" was just me wanting things to come easily, like they do in a moment of fresh inspiration. and sometimes, you don't have inspiration. sometimes, you don't even have motivation. you gotta be disciplined and just do it anyway, and just keep shaking your brain like a piggy bank until something good eventually comes out of it.
rest. but like, actually rest
"but m! you just told us to push through and do it anyway!" okay, yeah, well. sometimes that works, but also, brains suck, and sometimes it doesn't work. if none of the above strategies have worked, or i'm stressing myself out so much that i'm like, actively bursting into tears over writing, that's when i know i need to rest.
there's this idea that i actually use a LOT in life - and not even exclusively about writing. when i have a friend who is struggling to get something done, and i ask them "did you rest?" and they tell me they did, i like to fire back: "did you actually rest, or did you spend the entire time feeling guilty about how you weren't doing X thing?"
guilt, as it turns out, is not rest. thinking about how much you wish you were writing is not rest. worrying about how you'll never be able to write anything good ever again... is also not rest! when i know i'm burnt out, i give myself a timeframe - it can be anywhere from 48 hours to several weeks, depending on severity - and i make a promise to myself: for that time, it is ILLEGAL to think about writing, to feel bad about writing, to want to write, or to even so much as TOUCH a word processor. AGAINST THE LAW, YOU HEAR ME?
i force myself to do anything else. if i feel like being creative, i'll pursue non-writing avenues to do so. but if i don't? i'll do fuck all. i'll watch a season of a terrible reality show. i'll take naps on my couch. i'll eat ice cream or do a puzzle or read a book or learn a language or whatever else. but i don't touch my writing, i don't think about my writing and i do not feel bad about my writing, or lack thereof.
usually, by the time my sentence in anti-writing jail is up (the only kind of prison i believe in lmao ✌️) my energy levels feel restored, my outlook is more positive, and i'm chomping at the bit to get back to it, with a renewed sense of appreciation for my work and my ideas. sometimes you just need to take a break, a real break, and that's okay!
accept it
sort of a continuation of my last one - and i know this sounds kinda dire, but i'm saying this with only love: not every season can be a season of harvest. there are some seasons where the ground is frozen, and nothing can grow. we cannot always be making all of the time. some seasons of life are for other things instead. healing, changing, starting over. i went through a years-long period of really wanting to write, but never managing to get words out when i tried. and guess what? it came back to me, eventually. but for a long time, i had to just... not write. and go live my life. and the world kept turning.
banging your head against the wall when it's not coming out won't solve anything. if you've tried it all, and it's still not happening? it might not be your time right now. and you might be doing yourself more harm than good by trying to force what's not, in this moment, meant to be. so deep breaths. chin up. know that it is okay to move on to the next season, and trust that it will come back when the time is right. life is long. nothing is forever, good or bad. there is so much more out there for you. infinite possibilities. i really do believe that!
sorry for the rambling lmao 😓 but hopefully you find some/any of this helpful!!! i'm here for you if you ever wanna talk more about writing struggles, bc i am no stranger to them. i love you! fighting!! 💜
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p-bee-writes · 10 months
Writer Q&A tag game
Thank you so much @vintagecivet for the tag! I took my time coming around to this, but I've been a bit inactive and I wanted to this justice and give it the attention it deserves.
What motivates you to write? A lot of things! I get motivated when I remember a piece I wrote ages ago, I get very motivated by reading! Also the daydreams. The daydreams keep yelling to be put on paper so. Yeah. The fact that writing has been the one constant in my life that I've never grown tired of, afraid of, or demotivated by, even during my worst writers' blocks, definitely contributes. I give back to writing what writing gives to me.
A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them) I'll do both! For my own piece - I'm extremely proud of my prose poetry collection and my first and currently only completed piece of work, "The Little Flower Shop". He himself smells of burnt wood from the north, with hints of the southern spices and western perfumes. He enthralls me with stories of ships that sailed past the edge of the world and days spent in the wilderness. - Querencia, The Little Flower Shop For a work I love: I want you to know one thing. That in the heart and thick of it, deep in the trenches of experience and wonder and ancestry and the darkest dark and brightest light, you are wildly, primally, ravishingly magical. - Victoria Erikson (Edge of Wonders)
Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like? Maya Mahato! She is my OC for the one fantasy WIP that I have, set in a small Indian village nestled in the Himalayas. She is an charming young woman, with her eyes wide open and always looking for the magic of her little village in the big cities she goes to. She has a thirst for learning, often overworks herself, and prefers reading over getting an adequate amount of sleep. She hates tea with milk, but herbal and green teas are okay. Coffee is her new elixir of choice, something she discovered only after leaving home for college. She is the apple of her grandfather's eye, and often scandalizes her grandmother with the skills she decides to pursue. She pretends to hate dancing, but that's only because she never had anyone to teach her. And her favourite time of the day is dawn, right before the sun rises.
What process of writing do you enjoy the most? The daydreaming stage? I love the ideation of stories. That's the time when I don't have to worry about loopholes, family relations, geographies or literally anything that requires brain power. I can just happily think up whatever I want to - fitting them all together is a problem for future me.
What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay) Ideation? XD I think I'm really good at writing banter and dialogues. Something about people talking has always clicked easier for me than figuring out how the think and act.
What is something in the writeblr community that is the most enjoyable? How nice people are. (At least the corner I'm in?) They're always up for a chat, interacting with posts, cheering you on and sending fun games my way to break up the monotonity of life. It's lovely to be a part of.
A writing device/tool you use that helps you write? A writer's notebook. It's something I learnt about a couple of years ago and I'm absolutely in love with it. It's what gets me out of my deepest trenches of writers' block. It's a notebook that has EVERYTHING. Half-cooked ideas, random dialogues that sound cool, a quick sketch of an OC or the map of a city, small scenes - anything and everything that I create or think of, all in one place.
A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc.) My towns. I put too much time into them, but they're very fun to create, and I end up with elaborate maps and very pretty looking places (in thought, I haven't tried recreating them on paper or screen)
What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch? Breathe. Leave your desk. Go get food, water, take a walk, listen to music. You need breaks, and so does your muse. It doesn't make you any less of a writer. Come back when you're ready.
Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters Ayeeeee. No pressure tagging people: @yesireadbooks @nattheauthor @catfail @scumpleforeskin @aether-wasteland-s @midnightsandmadness @holdmyteaplease
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships I know I said "summer"
But hear me out.
~ill-fated reality~
Prologue: The First Step
[Marianne's pov]
A ball. It began with a ball.
The ball queen Catherine, my mother had held up for the neighboring kingdoms that accepted the invite, bringing in their finest princes fit for yours truly, though I never cared less about what king of tyranny in a welcoming disguise would do for a hand as treasured as thee. My time was crystal embers and it shall not be lent out to sitting all alone on a corner- not technically alone, but with only a lady-in-waiting as my younger sister makes the place shimmer as I've shone a light in the crowd.. a nice lady stays a nice lady. Particularly speaking when you want to earn a simple nod coming from your mother's rather stiff head.
I look around the room as Lady May, though the name's too formal for a casual addressing, looks over me with reassurance painted on her face, a sign of a calm manner as she slowly fans herself. "Your highness.. I may have spotted something of your interest.." she snickered.
Anything that will get me out of my boredom, I'd take, so I leaned over to her. "What could it be?"
Lady May giddily pointed at the two people talking.. and as my mind could make out who they are, I recognized their faces. It was count William and queen Elisa's lady-in-waiting, Irithel. Towns said they hated each other, and so my lips curl up a bit as the sight intrigued me. Irithel had been overheated in her dress and was only using a fan for air, whilst count William had gotten the wrong idea!
"Isn't it true that when a lady strikes her fan with such ferocity while glancing at a man.. she is signifying interest?" Lady May hid her face in her own fan seemingly making it obvious that she was trying to gossip.
I chuckle at the sight, and at her statement. "Oh, if only such scene could be a portrait! Though I suppose this was written in the stars, they are from warring kingdoms. What stayed in flames for a long time could not be faded into embers, I'm afraid."
Lady May could almost snort if they were all alone. "You speak of such poetry.. could you be a writer in disguise?"
Oh, but she knew I was.
I simply grin mischeviously at her teasing, although quite flattered she noticed I slipped a little metaphor, albeit how I delivered it never seemed to satisfy me. I like to have my sights on.. taking an ink-dipped quill and writing down words I cannot say out loud, that only a heart could hold.
"I figured we should go ahead and dance!" My mood shifted, like a coin being tossed in the sky and flipped onto a different side. My lady-in-waiting grabs my hand and together we joined in the crowd.
'Strike while the iron is hot, and not when it's yet to be.'
"Ah, it's the mighty warrior prince Damian!" I hear the same salt in the wound from a mile away, the same bitterness coming from the man I'd been obligated to wield a sword with, with his hands on his pockets as he approaches in his signature smug expression.
"Oh. The sparring partner." I spat back, but still I had no other choice but to let him pester me. For as long as he isn't distracting me from reading my favorite book from an anonymous author, whose identity had never been in an informatice literature book in all of my castle's library. I figured sometimes talent does not have to be flaunted, maybe that's why this person has lived under a rock.
I snap out of my thoughts as I started thinking about things far away from what was happening.
"Goodness, you're a bookworm, ain't ya?" Jake almost grimaced at the sigh of what I'm holding in my hands. Real smart. What an original observation. "Sometimes I wonder if you'll marry a woman out of a book."
"Then I figured you'd never marry." I replied.
He scoffed. "Whatever. Elona's having a ball tonight. Thought it would be a good idea to see Elizabeth but I've already accepted we weren't written in stars.."
"Don't be absurd! If you love this woman, go get her!" I try to sound encouraging. Maybe it was the romance stories I got it from?
"She's the princess of Elona, hello?" Jake spat sarcastically.
"Well then.. best of luck moping on the floor." Then I had an idea. "Though it would be a great idea to pay a little visit."
Jake threw his arms in the air. "Are you insane? You know that king Frederic won't allow you."
I put an arm around his shoulder. "Who says I have to tell him?" I say, a hint of mischief in my tone. Father never really cared enough to forbid me from doing things, so I have to know what was right and wrong by myself. "Besides.. I never said they could recognize us.."
Jake looked at me like I was a giant butterfly walking the earth. Not that I would oppose to be a pretty butterfly, ofcourse. I would've loved having to perceive ultraviolet light to see colors regular humans cannot. That's a fact!
"You know how queen Catherine is when she gets furious. I hate her!" He whined like a little child he still was inside.
I close my book and give him a snicker. "You don't want to talk bad about your mother-in-law now, would you?" I tease, then my expression turns to one full of passion. "If you love her truly, you fight for her."
He gave me a glare. "Or if it's not meant to be, let her go."
I tilt my head at his pessimism. "Come on. Maybe we can help father get back at them. But ofcourse.."
I lean close to him, hatching up a plan.
"We go in disguises."
Not too long ago I saw my sister walking side by side with her lady-in-waiting, dancing without a care in the world.. not something mother would have taught her. She was being herself, and that was a good thing. My sister could be prim and proper when she needed to be, most of those times in question was when she meets a certain presence of queen Catherine.
I look over to Lady May, and how her flowing locks of seemingly grey hair laid there unscathed as she moved along to the music being played.. she had been way more sophisticated than my sister during her time spent with her and the queen. Unlike Marianne, she wasn't queen Catherine's daughter.. and if she could slip up, that would be the greatest mistake known to mankind.
Ofcourse mother would allow Marianne to slip up. She was the heir, and nothing has ever been more important to her than that one fact.
I nod and smile shyly at Lady May.. I hadn't known why I couldn't take my eyes off of her brown eyes. Maybe she had been naturally beautiful it intrigued me. I adore her the way one would adore a pet. Nothing more is ever going to come out of it.
She notices me.. and I feel a lump in my throat I cannot explain. We have been friends since we were kids.. why am I so stuck up on her now? Surely she could get a lot of attention from the males any moment now. Especially my sister. The woman of the hour herself.
They both walk over to me, Lady May nervously fanning herself with a curious glance my way.
"Are you exhausted yet?" Marianne asks.
I shrug my shoulders for a bit before replying. "I've got to entertain the audience somehow."
Marianne smiled at me, one that the kingdom swore even the angels would shed tears from their eyes at the sight. "That's a good thing. Although you could use a little work on the looks department!"
Lady May turned her head away as Marianne giggled at her own teasing.
I roll my eyes in a chuckle. "Oh, yes. Ofcourse."
She then rubbed my arm gently. "Try not to get too hyper or else mother would've suspected you for eating all of the sweets!"
I smirk at the thought, when I've fully known that the chocolate fountain was just out of my reach minutes ago. "I'm the princess, she can't get rid of me!"
"Oh, she could try! Nothing's ever going to take my little sister!" She responded, certain.
"You have Selene to pester!" I say, half-serious.. and holding onto the only one fact that mother couldn't have possibly have the heart to. Every queen needs a right hand.
Lady May gasped softly at the mention of her first name, not the term she'd been used to in her time spent in court. "Elizabeth!" She softly scolds me, her cheeks fading into crimson red.
I give her a snicker, before fleeing off to the maidens.
"Is this truly a good idea?" I say, as I know this man all too well. If there's a thrill he'd live for it.. and if there's trouble, he'd look for it. Let's just hope king Frederic doesn't find out about this.
"Don't be so absurd! Think about it as a thoughtful gift to my father. His revenge." He responds, grabbing my hand to discreetly climb up the castle walls towards the entrance to the ballroom where they held the gathering.
"Damian Amnon, I hope you know what you're getting US into." I glare at him. He was just too cocky and full of himself, thinking he could take over anything as long as he's got a sword and his pride alongside him.
And I resent that he could.
"Trust me." He says.
I don't, but I climbed the wall with him.
As the dancing faded into silence, and attention drifts onto me, I smile knowingly at the people who have arrived. I see Lady May and Elizabeth from the corner of my eye and somehow I felt a sense of relief in me.
I clear my throat as I held my hands together, poised as a doll, regal as a ruler I am yet to be.
"I thank you all for arriving at the ball. I'm afraid mother cannot accompany all of you in this event, for she had important matters to take care of. But nonetheless, I hope your time has been well-spent with entertainment.. and ofcourse, with the comfort and services.. the great hospitality my people have shown. I offer my deepest gratitude." I nod to them. "Alas, we must go on.. once again, Thank you for choosing to spend your time in here.. and as for the suitors.." I say the last bit with uncertainty and bitterness. "Best of luck." I say as though I spat flames at them.
I hear the applause from the crowd, and I curtsy at them one last time before walking over to my sisters. Atleast, Lady May has been one to me for so long.
The ladies engulfed me in an embrace. "You were amazing.." Elizabeth muttered under her braath, a statement only for three to hear.
"Thank you!" I say, flattered.
"You'd be a great ruler.. even greater than queen Catherine, perhaps!" Lady May joined in, fueling my mirth.
That's what I hoped to be. I want to make my mother proud. I want her to look at me with such pride even the deadliest sin of it would've been surprised.
Her time would've been well-spent raising me.
"I'm sure the suitors would be fighting tooth and nail for your hand by now.. you were so.. what's the word.. elegant?" Elizabeth tried to conjure up words.
If I'd been a man, I would have nothing but their comments in my head for the rest of my life, then have the nerve to think I'm better than anyone else.
Flattery. Seriously.
I smirk at my sister and hit her arm playfully, a thing mother would never allow.
But she wasn't here.
Strangely enough, that brought me peace.
"Ah! Lovely women." I bow at the maidens giggling at the sight of me, striking their fans signifying adoration.
"Good evening, ladies! I am just a measely stranger passing by.. no status.. not at all." I greet them, grimacing in my head as I fear I've been too obvious.
"Oh, quite the charmer!" One of them said. "A gentleman indeed! A very handsome one! Have you come to ask for the Princess' hand?"
Oh. So this is for suitors? This is what the whole fuss is about?
"Oh, not at all! I just.. like special occasions like these.." I blurt out.
"Oh!" One of them looked even delighted at my statement. "Does that mean you're not for the princess' taking, then?" She asks me.
"I suppose so, yes." I respond.
"That is interesting.. have you ever thought of courting a lady?"
O h.
I laugh nervously. "That is the least of my interest at the moment!"
"Aw! A shame.. well then.. we best be on our way! Ladies?" She called to the others as though they were puppets. Were they?
I watch as they leave.. and I am once again met by the lack of human company.
Or so I thought.
"Damian Amnon. Prince of Avarron, is it?"
A woman spoke to me from behind. It sounded like an enchantress casting her spell.. soothing me with her voice hiding her evil demeanor behind the light reflecting her every feature.
I turn around.. she looked exactly the same as her voice made her seem.
A woman.. in the finest clothing there is. Her seemingly caramel blonde hair perfectly still like they had their own mind to behave. Her composure was that of a poignant mistress.. she had been calm, but her eyes had something different in them.
I bow silently at her, not knowing where this could go.
The woman never seemed to care about my bare minimum gesture of respect.
"Tell me, your highness.."
She leaned in close, with the intent of intimidating.
"What exactly is your intention of tresspassing into my castle?"
{HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK ME TWO DAYS BECAUSE I STILL HAD A LITTLE WRITERS BLOCK aaaaand I got lazy with the last part. Also. Cliffhanger. Hahahahahahahahahaha I'm so evil
Also... you met our main characters!! Yay! I promise Lady May will have her pov. This is only the prologue.. so not a lot going on at the moment.
*looks at Marianne and Damian meeting* oh shit. There IS something going on at the moment. Also Damian is a ladies man what can I say?
Ig I'll see you at the next part??
This was not proofread 😨}
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jackiebrackettt · 1 year
29 28 23 11 ghostkicks :}
- weedsmokingboyfriends
29) what is something they can never agree on? how do they meet in the middle?
*stares at the fucking mess of their disagreements in canon* okay so. both of them are Very stubborn. things they have difficulty agreeing on stem straight from their morals on How To Deal With Things + their general safety in fights
they're both very stubborn and they.. kinda Don't meet in the middle. necessarily. they just kinda talk a lot and then stop talking bc either it's something they can't do anything about at the present moment or one of them gives in (dakota going to wavelength's/william giving up on getting dakota to make a concrete promise that he'll help himself)
28) what's something that reminds them of their partner? do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
william the kinda guy to go buy a heart shaped locket and put a picture of dakota in there. i think they paint each other's nails and sometimes they'll paint either 1 nail or the full set each other's colours. hey wait i just remembered there was a bit where dakota canonically carries william's asthma puffer (<- wtf is the other name for this shiOH right inhaler)
23) do they like pick up lines?
they both use them and they both hate whatever the other person says. i think dakota is aroace but he seems like the kinda guy to just mimic something he heard specifically bc he knows william would hate it. william uses puns
sometimes they'll stumble onto something the other likes but it's very much a game of "how much can i make him cringe at hearing this" -> although william Did originally use a couple pick up lines on dakota it just flew over his head bc of his aroace swag. william will also read dakota poetry and dakota loves it
11) what's a song that describes their relationship? or, what's the song that they've deemed "their" song?
idk about "their" song but GOD please listen to what-ifs by elliotly ESPECIALLY with how william's character is shifting this season. i've had this on my playlist for them forever bc of how much william considers dakota a hero but it didn't Really fit and then william started acting Like That and..
"But i've fallen for a hero carved of sun / and you're holding me in your arms right now but if / i told you everything i've done, would you run?" <- just a couple lyrics for you so you see what i mean
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ishipgenfics · 1 year
The Glow Cloud, Explained
Well, I was going to try to catch up from where I was but this arc seems really cool so I'm just jumping it. I know who Lubelle is from Tumblr posts, so let's go!
First thought: Oh my god Cecil's voice is so pretty. How did it get even prettier? How. How is this possible.
Second thought: 'After I finish my radio show of course.' Dork. I love him so much.
Third thought: It's odd to have Cecil pointing out that things are weird, but I guess Night Vale is a little more aware of their weirdness since the Huntokar thing. Not explaining of it, no, that's just this lady, but aware.
Fourth thought: Oh my god her voice. She sounds so... condescending. Like, yes, I know what it is best for you, I know the right thing. I know the answer, just go sit in the corner and listen. I've had teachers like her and hated them, they don't listen. That is a perfect voice. I love it, and I hate it.
Fifth thought: Until there is not an ounce of poetry left. Yup. That's a very good line. Unravel everything until there's nothing left of it but string and despair. I kind of get it, I like answers too, but this is... bad. And wrong. Scientists don't act like this. This isn't how science works. If Night Vale is different, you expand your understanding. You don't try to force everything to be the way you think it should be.
Sixth thought: Cecil. Calm down about the lanes.
Seventh thought: My Carlos's science is so interesting to me. It's the way that people look at science, without any of the substance. Beakers and numbers, yes, but what is he actually finding out? And that kind of science, in Night Vale, is safe. (Plus Carlos probably does do actual investigations. We know Cecil is unreliable at time.)
Eight thought: Poor Cecil. I just want to give him a hug, he sounds so scared. He's the Voice of Night Vale. This town is part of him. It is the place where everyone he loves lives. If Lubelle takes all those people away... what is NIght Vale?
Tenth thought: It isn't going to work. I've seen the writing on the wall I've heard her mutterings I know it isn't going to work. I'm so sorry. Cecil, Glow Cloud, everyone. I am so sorry.
And now, dear readers, I take you to the weather.
Special Weather Thought 1: Wow, this fits the situation really well. They don't all do this, I'm pretty sure. I've listened to a couple. Maybe I should listen to the weather more.
And we're back!
Eleventh thought: You're just going to write it off as collective hysteria? Sure. Okay. Very scientific, Lubelle. I'd like to see some sources for all this, if you don't mind. Because from what I can tell, mass hysteria can be used as an explanation for LITERALLY ANYTHING. And if the dead animals really are being picked up by dust devils, then why are there so many dust devils around NIght Vale?
I am going to kill you with your own damn logic, Lucelle. You can't keep doing this to my town.
Twelth Thought: No, NO no no no no no no PLEASE. You can't-- but you can. You can do it forever, and it's wrong, and I won't forget. It's the Glow Cloud, and it was real, and it was alive, and you killed it and you are wrong. You are wrong, Lucelle. I am a scientist and I will not forget.
Thirteenth Thought: We are all temporary arrangement of water Lucelle. We are all made of carbon and water and molecules and I know your death date and I am knocking on your door. I will fix this, Cecil. I promise.
Fourteenth Thought: All Hail. All Hail. All Hail.
Fifteenth Though: That child must never return Cecil. We cannot lose it too. It must stay safe and away from Night Vale, until I find a way to fix this.
Sixteenth Thought: Your voice is beautiful, Cecil, and I love you beyond words. Words can be twisted, their meaning and beauty stripped from them. I will not love you in words, Cecil.
Seventeenth Thought: Lucelle, I will fight you with everything I have in me. I will save this town, my town, from you. You may be a scientist, but I am The Scientist. I will stop you. For Cecil. For Night Vale. This I swear.
From the Notes of the Journal of Carlos the Scientist, recorded in full by a representative of the Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency.
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seethesunny · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged my @oliviassunrise. Thank you so much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently it's 190, 177 but I want to reach 200K words before this year ends hehe
3. What fandoms do you write for?
EAH and TLOU but I'm mostly writing about TLOU these days, since I have to really be deeply invested in something to actually write for it!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. It is late now, I'm a bit tired; the sky is irritated by stars. (And I love you, I love you, I love you.) - TLOU main Jackson AU series 2. hoax - EAH rapple pain 3. it is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world - TLOU main Jackson AU series part II 4. I was lost within the darkness (until I found you) - TLOU family ficlet collection 5. Let's chase the sun while it still burns for us. - TLOU Canon divergence AU — Tess lives and they can actually lay low kinda a fix it fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, I know I'm not the best at replying bc I feel like I repeat myself too much, but I need people to know I'm grateful about them reading in any way I can convey that 😭
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If you know me, then you're aware I go full angst mode and I make these poor characters go through hell lol but probs unraveled/undone though because it physically hurted to write it (since the OG ending was more hopeful and the two endings I wrote are so sad)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm delusional enough to say it's Daylight, another Jackson AU where nothing bad ever happens and everyone is happy
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Aside from two snarky comments earlier this year, not that I'm aware of!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Okay answering this is funny bc contrary to what my archive shows, I rarely can write smut and only when the mood strikes right and I have something to say, I guess 🧍🏽‍♀️which means that it's mostly really bad written kinky smut lol but who will stop me
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really, I don't have enough interest in them anymore (but back in 2016 I created one with a friend that involved anime and werewolves. It’s not posted, don’t ask)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No that I'm aware of! And please don’t do this ever lmaooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but I have considered that maybe I could translate my own stuff to my first language in the future, if you ever want to do it tho I'm open to the idea 👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unfortunately not yet :(( there have been some talks with some writers about the idea but it never happens, and it's unfortunate because I loooove sharing ideas and working together creatively (Koku can agree with me on this, we've created so many things this year)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I have a bunch of them that I cherish with my whole heart but if there’s one that hits all my checkmarks it's Joel/Tess, their ambiguous nature has always been fitting for them and it works wonders to fill in the blanks, and also I've loved them since the beginning lols I'm never making it out of this hell
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Shaking and crying I think it's ALL the multichapter fics I have planned but have no clue how to keep writing 💔💔 in any case it would be Fourth of July (canon divergence au where Ellie is Tess and Joel’s bio kid, she leaves and they reunite when she gets bitten then reconcile in the canon journey)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Maybe that I have versatility? I think I can write about many things and topics efficiently, characterization and that I employ poetry often... I think
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Would it be wrong to say everything 😭 but joking aside it's definitely dialogue, plot heavy writing and certain genres (action and suspense mostly)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I encourage it doing proper research + consulting someone who actually speaks the language, so it's authentic! That's what I would do
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anime fandom who shall never be brought up again.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
J&T Ficlet collection because it has some of my best writing and it showcases my style perfectly, I'm glad I got encouraged enough to post it <3
Tagging: @beerandyarn @wardenannie @anne1marie @raffinit @ilovecats491 @thefloatingwriter @mariatesstruther and anyone else who wants to share 🤲🏼❤
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Rising Signs: The Poetic Take Pt.2
Hello my wonderful peoples, I hope you're having an awesome day. Part 2 is here and I hope you enjoy it. I hope you don't mind but my thoughts ran wild writing the 1st 4 so...yee. Reminder that this is all for fun and should not be taken too seriously
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Libra Rising: I am love. I am airy, light and fun. Dinner dates and stars, a true classic Hollywood romance for each person I loved. Love is just and love was fair in the world that I lived, but no amount of love could prepare me for the heartbreak and suffering of earth. And so my mission was born: love for all. love over hate. love in myself. By this code I will live and someday I hope you'll find love too.
Scorpio Rising: You never knew how sweet the embrace of death could be until you met me. You never know depth until now, but who could ever know a secret? I am but a shadow in this world. A mysterious presence in an empty room. A scorpion under a rock, waiting to strike, waiting to join death...and then arise reborn. I know you're afraid, but you shouldn't be. Death is just a door. Don't you want to see the you on the other side?
Saggitarius Rising: So you want to know me? Have you tried running alongside the leaves in the wind? Have you run through a forest on nothing more than a whim to explore? Have you climbed the highest mountain or braved the violent sea for no other reason than "I want to"? Have you chased your desires with reckless abandon, because you wanted to be free? To know me is to know freedom. To know me means living life with no limits at all.
Capricorn Rising: Ok, so I know I said poetic take, but fuck that, ya'll made me feel real vibey writing this. "I wanna be your slave, I wanna be your master"- Måneskin had the right idea. I'm feeling some 50 Shades of Grey bs over here and some Megan Thee Stallion too. Just total boss energy. The real dom. 7 rings by Ariana Grande "I want it, I got it" vibes too. I planned poetry for you, but the universe really said "Nah, have some vibes instead."
Aquarius Rising: I am revolution. I am rebellion. Progress does not exist without me at the forefront. I will challenge the known order, the dominant doctrine. Like an assassin I will strike at the heart of the situation so that no other choice than change remains. I will not fall into the mold of society, I will break it to fit me. I will bring change.
Pisces Rising: I walked with you once upon a dream. Sleeping Beauty's title suits you well. I've seen you dance on the Aurora Borealis. I've seen you, hazy and dream-like, in a place I can't quite remember. Your reality is rippled and distorted, the only reminder that you are a dream, unreal and unanchored in a world so sadly tangible, so horrifically real.
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I sincerely hope you enjoyed this and I want you all to know I live you so so much. You guys really made me feel welcome here and I really love this space we created. Until next time my peoples, sweet dreams.
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annalyticall · 2 years
How about Alistair or Dorian? 😊
I'll do one for both because I love them both. Alistair first:
favorite thing about them - What don't I love about Alistair? Big strong heart full of love open to vulnerability compassionate chivalrous funny I could go on
least favorite thing about them - Maybe a little too rash during the landsmeet. I ultimately executed Loghain but only because Alistair was insistent about it, otherwise I thought it was a bad idea to kill off a military general just before a horde of the undead attacked us. His anger was justifiable though, just short-sighted
favorite line - "I think it's better sometimes to just be a little weak." He has so many good lines, especially in his romance, but this one-off line in his party banter with Leliana hurt my heart when I first heard it. It encapsulates everything I love about his character; he's strong and capable but still favors compassion and gentleness.
brOTP - Leliana. I really liked their banter together, they seemed to get along like siblings.
OTP - Me. Oops sorry I meant my grey warden lol
nOTP - Morrigan, I guess? Not that I hate the idea of them together but I've seen enough of their awkward sex ritual scene I don't need to imagine more
random headcanon - He writes poetry. The man cannot give me a rose picked from a dying town, compare me to a sign of light in a dark time, and expect me not to believe he's talented with poetic metaphors
unpopular opinion - He's not stupid. He's plenty knowledgeable at the start of the game and is adept enough at conversation to pick up on things unsaid. When things do go over his head, it's usually only humorous asides, nothing serious or important.
song i associate with them - Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos is a good one for him but I could also choose any song from my hopeless romantic playlist and it would fit him too
favorite picture of them - I don't have one but I do think it's hilarious whenever one of his eyebrows raise. What are you so suspicious of
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favorite thing about them - He's very funny and charming but I also love his naturally curious nature. Bringing him to any ruin was great, he was so interested in anything new he could learn, especially if he could use it to humble his homeland
least favorite thing about them - Not a fan of the dismissive way he talked about elf slavery in Tevinter. Claiming slavery couldn't be as bad as being impoverished and is in some ways preferable to poverty is just a bad opinion dude. Playing as an elf, this was the only point of contention I really had with him.
favorite line - "You are my dearest friend. Perhaps my only friend. That will never change no matter where we are." Another line to hurt my heart
brOTP - Me. Oops sorry I meant my Inquisitor lol
OTP - Iron Bull. Unfortunately, I didn't get their romance in my playthrough but I do love the whole "outcasts from warring nations find common ground" relationship dynamic.
nOTP - I can't really think of one. I guess any ship with a woman?
random headcanon - He secretly does like Varric's books but he can't let Varric know that
unpopular opinion - hard to tell what an unpopular opinion is when I've just finished the game but I can tell by the way he is often depicted in fan works that I don't like the way he's often depicted in fan works. I usually only saw shipping stuff for him before I started DAI and after DAI I see either shipping stuff or the "sassy gay best friend" stereotype and I think that sometimes diminishes his character. I mean yes he is gay yes he is my best friend but where is the depth? The humor? The need for reassurance?
song i associate with them - Can't really think of one just yet.
favorite picture of them - Again don't have one, I just like it whenever he's genuinely smiling rather than smirking. I found this one, I think it only happens when you romance him? but it's great
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 50 - watching notes (part 2)
I had to split these liveblogging notes into two posts because tumblr doesn’t allow for more then 10 pictures in one post and it couldn’t limit myyself on the screenshots ^^
Click here for part 1!
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People so rarely HUG on this show!!! 😭😭😭
So of course, wwx immediately jokes
Guys he's OKAY!
That's wwx, not exactly like from the start, he couldn't be, but that's HIM. He's healing!! 😭😭😭
A Yuan You Little Shit!!! 😂
Embarrassing your dad in front of your other dad
"And when a pretty lady passes by..." 😂
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That's the face of a man who does NOT want his husband to hear such a thing :D
And look at lwj's face
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That SMILE!!!
Don't tell me this isn't the little family he longed for all these years that wei Wuxian was dead! 😭😭😭
"I will still plant you in that pit. Understand?"
Oh, he's immediately in parent mode. I'm overflowing with emotions gute 😭😭😭
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I only noticed this when o took the screenshot but IS HE TOUCHING THE HEADBAND? 😭
And more importantly, lan Sizhui is letting him!
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They're little and broken but good, yes, still good 😭😭😭😭
Wen Ning 💔😥
I'm not good with good byes 😭
He'll walk back to cloud recess with A Yuan! 😭😭😭
"For the rode ahead, let me be on my own."
I'm so proud of him!!!!
But still so so so sad
This feels like saying good bye to a friend guys
Or like the end of lotr when the fellowship parts. It's that sadness that settles in your stomach like a warm cup of tea. It's still sadness, but it's comforting
I'm trying to somehow give wird to what I'm feeling because it's just SO much
Lan Zhan ... what are you doing?
Don't let these two part as well
I can't deal with that
Holy shit that silence
That silence after their melody
Guys no
Okay, there's still 12 minutes kettle
Holy shit it's Gusu
They're both at Gusu
That gave me scare
I'm still crying ...
I haven't stopped crying in a bout 20 minutes btw
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They got their wish guys! 😭😭😭
And... lwj is chief cultivator now? Did I catch that right?
These two!!!!!
I'm not used to getting these okay?? 😭😭
There's still the nie Huaisang question 😳
I cried so much I nearly forgot
Wait ... that's... that's
Was he the one who sent the letter????
SO IT WAS HIM????!!!!
The whole plot against jgy's plot was HIM???
Wait what???
He even let Mo Xuanyu out, leading to wei Wuxian's resurrection?
I hadn't even made that connection!!!
Like holy ... shit
They had me
Right until ... well really now, though I did suspect something for a second last episode
But still
They had me!
I did not see that coming!
Can you not head different ways???😭😭😭
Can you not do this to me TWICE show??
Oh god, the way they look at each other
"I will wander the world and make it my own." Oh god guys. Guys. It FITS! The orphan, the outcast, the untamed. He's embracing it! 😭
And lan Wangji... he's chief cultivator. He can't always wander around ... 💔💔
Guys ...
"As long as the sea is bound to wash up on the sand, and stars are above you, we will meet again."
Fuck it, that deserved cursives
I. Cannot. Explain. To you what I'm feeling right now
This this right here
I love it and I hate it
This kind of bitter-sweet and gentle and peaceful "until we meet again"
It hits so so deep
That's... that's life
A thousand "until we meet again"s, even to those you love most
And there is nothing more tender than a promise, we will!
And it fits! As bitter-sweet as it is! It's also so them! They've always kept each other go when they needed it. Because that's what you do for those you love. You let them go. :')
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Guys ... I'm overflowing with emotion
"Way ahead of you."
He was!!! He was!!!
Always one step ahead :')
It's a promise! All of this! This whole ending! It's bittersweet and a parting of the ways, but every sentence spoken is a promise: "We will find each other"!!!
Guys ...
I'm crying so hard
This hits something deep in me
I'm not going to tell you half my life's story but "let go of what you love" is something I learned early and this hits EXACTLY that spot
But ... in a good way 😅
I ...
Again the sound I made when the big orchestral wangxian part ended and it was just wei Wuxian's flute playing was not human
I watched it without typing from there, quite frankly, partly because I was hiccuping, trying to hold in sobs
So what I'm writing now is after I've finished watching.
I honestly can't explain to you what I'm feeling now. That last scene ...
The flute playing into the silence ... already did so much to me
And then
And then
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And ...
I have no words
I still have tears in my eyes typing this, even though I took five minutes to get myself together
What I can't show in screenshot, but what took my breath away the most was the fact that Wei Wuxian stops playing just before the end of the song
It's the second to last note he's ending on and ....
The last note of Wangxian never gets played!!!
The song isn't over!
WANGXIAN isn't over! 😭😭😭
I ... I can't put into words what that did to me
I heard that last note that REALLY WASNT THE LAST NOTE and I gasped
Because it just klicked in that moment
Something in my head klicked that THIS WAS HOW THEY'RE TELLING US !!!
This song isn't over
This STORY, their story, isn't over!
And that silence right after the song didn't quite end it took my breath away
It's like the show is telling us!
Look at the space in between! Listen to the silence! Listen to that note that could not be played! This! This is what we're ending on! Listen!
I want to bow down to whover wrote and directed this show!
Guys! I don't know how the book ends (and don't tell me!!) But they took the fact that they can't make this romance "explicit" and made poetry instead ...
All of it ALL OF IT is a promise: "we will meet again", "way ahead of you", the song isn't over, "Wei Ying" ... it's all a promise
I'm speechless
I'm crying and I'm smiling and I can't stop!
And then, of course, that last shot
The one wwx is smiling at Lan Wangji outside the shot (because again, look at what we can not show you!)
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I cannot even begin to describe how happy I am that his smiling face as he looks at lan Wangji is the last thing were seeing
I'm smiling. I have tears streaming down my face and I'm smiling. :')
"Thanks to the author, Mo Xiang Tong Chou for bringing the characters to life."
"May their wishes come true thereafter." 😭😭😭
"Until next time."
I ... I'm speechless
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
Thank you thank you thank you guys! (I might be a tat more emotional than usual right now 😅) honestly, thank you for the great discussions and your insights and reading my rambling and especially thanks to those of you who got me to watch this show in the first place. I am so so so happy right now and so sad that it's over! 💙🖤
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wilder-minded · 3 years
SFB Chapter 4
Read previous chapter.
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Our school gave us a holiday every year for the few weeks that the Games were broadcasting, the Capitol deeming it of the utmost importance for most life to take pause. This meant that aside from the mines and some merchants, everyone was to take the time off to watch the torturous broadcast. As the daughter of the Mayor, I had been afforded the luxury of my father's library as a child, though stocked with Capitol-approved titles only. By now, I had read my way through all of the books I found interesting. I had loved helping our housekeeper tend to our small patch of flowers as a child, though I mostly occupied myself with reading or playing the piano.
On days like today when I had nothing to take up my time, I found myself on the piano bench playing my way through the keys in patterns that had become second nature over the years. My mother felt well enough to come downstairs and was perched in a chair by the window, wrapped in a blanket with her tea in hand. Some days, when the migraines hit especially hard, even the soft music from the piano was too much and I was confined to silence. But my mother always insists that she loves hearing me play, so I do today—for her.
Her eyes were focused on the life outside of the window, but I watched her quietly. Between my parents, I resembled my mother the most. We had the same wavy blonde hair and soft features, but my blue eyes came from my father. I had a distant memory of my mother mentioning to my father that I looked so much like Maysilee; a thought that put her in bed for three days after. I supposed I did after all, they were twins.
"I wonder how Emily is doing," she says softly, breaking the silence between us.
"Emily?" I respond, my fingers stilling on the piano keys as I try to place the name.
She nods wordlessly, her eyes still gazing through the window. "Her mother." It takes me a moment before I realize that she means Mrs. Everdeen. They must have been friends as children, I think. Mrs. Everdeen was the daughter of the apothecary in the district and grew up with the other merchant children. It made sense that they would have known each other.
"I'm not sure," I admit and she sighs sadly, her eyes finally moving from the window to the tea cup cradled in her hands.
"She must be..." she trails off, her voice wavering. "I can't imagine what she must be feeling." She's right, she can't. I was never at any real risk of being reaped, but neither was Prim. One slip of paper is all it takes, I supposed.
"I'm sure this is difficult on them. Katniss has been taking care of them since her father passed away," I tell her, moving from the piano bench to the chair beside her.
"Yes," she says thoughtfully. Her eyes meet mine finally and she gives me a soft, sad smile. I notice the dark circles under her eyes and the way her cheeks curve slightly in. The years of constant pain and dependency on morphling have taken their toll. No one really knew what happened to my mother, and my father once told me that the only relief she has had was the first few years of my life.
"Emily loved him so much," she confides, adjusting the blanket draped around her shoulders. "She heard him sing when we were young, and she never looked back."
"Were the two of you close?" I question, not used to my mother speaking of her past. This was something she had always kept to herself.
She sighs, her eyes gazing back out the window again. "She was our best friend as children." My mind pauses on 'our' before the realization that she means her sister. I nod without speaking, watching her quietly for a moment. I can see that she has retreated into her own mind, so I stand and lean over, kissing her cheek softly. I had always wished for a mother who was present. Frequently I would catch myself lost in a bitterness over what could have been, ashamed and guilty. My mother loved me, even if that didn't fit with my idea of how a mother should be.
I tried to busy myself with the housekeeper, assisting with odd jobs in the kitchen before an idea crossed my mind. I pulled a small satchel from the hall closet, filling it with various items from our pantry. As I turned to walk toward the front door, I noticed my mother watching me from a doorway with a small book in her hands. I recognized it, a poetry book with a songbird drawn on the cover. It sat untouched on our bookshelf for years. I had once tried to touch it, and that had been the only time my mother had raised her voice at me.
"Will you give this to her?" she asks, holding the book out to me as I walk closer. I don't need to ask who; she already knows where I'm going.
I nod, smiling softly as I take it from her and tuck it into a safe pocket of the satchel. "Of course, I will," I promise as she reaches out, rubbing my shoulder gently before disappearing up the stairs.
I slip out of the front door and start down the stone road toward the Seam. I pass silently through the alleys lined with merchant shops; the streets much quieter than they would normally be this late in the morning. Once I reached the Seam, I tried to navigate the dirt paths by vague memory and when I reached the small shack with a goat contained in a small pen at the side, I knew I had found my destination. I had remembered Katniss mentioning the goat her sister doted on a few times during school.
I had barely knocked on the door once when it opened, and Prim's small face peaked out with a small smile. "Madge?" she asked, the door opening more. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see your mother, can I come in?" I ask and she nods, letting me slip in beside her. It isn't until I turn to close the door that I see the eyes watching me from behind curtains across the street. I was used to it by now, but I could only guess that they were not used to seeing someone like me in their neighborhood.
Mrs. Everdeen stood over a wash tub; her arms wet up to the elbows as she worked over some clothes. Their small one room home had the few windows open to let the summer breeze pass through, the small television playing quietly in the back corner. "Miss Undersee, is everything alright?" she asks, using a towel tucked into her belt to dry off her hands as she comes around the table toward me.
I nod reassuringly, my fingers pulling the satchel from my shoulder. "I wanted to bring some things by for you, we have far more than we need..." I say, trailing off as she helps me lift it onto the table. I reach in, pulling out the small book.
I run my thumb along the binding before holding it out for Mrs. Everdeen. "My mother wanted me to give this to you," I tell her, watching her eye fix on the cover. As she takes it from my hands, her fingers brush along the edges of the drawing on the cover. I see the creases in the corner of her eye deepen before she shakes her head, blinking quickly.
"This was her sister's," she says quietly, suddenly grabbing my hand. "Tell her I said thank you?" I nodded in agreement, noticing the tears in her eyes—eyes that looked similar to my own.
"Of course," I promised, both of my hands gripping hers. If she had been close with my aunt, I realized that Katniss wasn't the first person that the Games had taken from her. We let go and she moved to place the book on a small shelf with a beautiful tea set.
"Would you like to stay for a while?" Mrs. Everdeen asked, gesturing toward where Prim was curled up by the tv on a small chair. "I'm just getting some things done, but I'm sure she'd enjoy the company."
I accept the offer, taking a spot in a chair beside Prim. As she filled me in on what had happened that morning, I noticed a cat slink in from the open window. He automatically strode over, weaving himself between Prim's legs before she scooped him up in her arms. "What's his name?" I ask, reaching over to scratch the top of his head. He seems to like this, giving me a small purr as Prim strokes down his back.
"Buttercup, I've had him since he was a kitten. Katniss hates him, but she let me keep him," she says proudly as the cat jumps down, fixing the tousled fur on his back end. "My goat's name is Lady."
"I love that," I smile and I see her eyes light up for the first time since I had arrived. Nearly everyone loved Prim, and it was easy to see her gentle nature even just in passing. It was easy to see why Katniss took her place; Prim would have no chance in that arena.
I listened as Prim told me about all of the animals she had attempted to keep as pets, her mother chuckling behind us at the memories, when there was a knock at the door. It swung open and Gale stepped in, his game bag hanging heavy at his hip. He and Mrs. Everdeen immediately get to work sorting through the game and herbs that he brought for her, and it's a few moments before he notices Prim and I across the room.
"Hey, Prim," he says, his smile warm toward her. "Undersee," he nods toward me, though I notice that his smile lingers for just a moment.
"Hawthorne," I return the greeting, Buttercup now weaving himself between my legs.
"I didn't think he liked anyone but Prim," he comments, gesturing at the cat as he pulls over a chair beside Prim.
"He likes people who like him," she retorts, her tone with a slight teasing edge. He chuckles and reaches over to mess up her hair.
"He's only useful for keeping the rats away," he shrugs, his eyes meeting mine for a moment before he looks at the television. The cat turns back to look at him, giving him a half-assed hiss almost on cue before stalking off. "So what's new?" he asks as he rests his elbows on his knees, nodding his head toward the tv.
Prim shrugs, playing with the end of one of her braids. "She was hiding in a tree for most of the morning. The career pack killed a girl right by her and I was scared that they would find her, but they didn't. And... Peeta is with them... the career pack," she tells him, her voice quieter.
"Why would he do that?" he says bitterly, a crease forming between his brows. Prim just shrugs and I say nothing. I am perplexed by this as well as I think back to the gentle boy I had crossed paths with occasionally. He definitely was no Career tribute. Then a thought occurs to me; he might be trying to protect her.
"She's hunting now, but I don't think she's found water yet," Prim finishes and I notice the cat has perched himself at her feet yet again.
"She will, she knows what she's doing more than anyone else in there," he reassures her and Prim gives him a small smile in return.
"This is the most ideal arena she could have hoped for," I chime in and they both nod in agreement. The arena looked so much like the hills surrounding our district. We settle into silence, watching the Games with occasional comments. An hour passed before Gale got up to leave, refusing the trade Mrs. Everdeen tried to give him.
"When do you start?" she questions, finally convincing him to take a salve for his mother's hands that she had made.
"The week after next," he tells her and I think back to our conversation the day before. "I'll try to get ahead on hunting so both families are okay." She thanks him, and his eyes meet mine as I give him a small, sad smile. He disappears out the door, game bag in tow before Prim and I turn back to the screen demanding our attention.
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smilepal · 3 years
Character Study:
Tagged By: @noirapocalypto
Tagging: @shinycorvidae
Layer 01: The Outside -Name: Hiro Oda -Eye Color: Blue--decided to keep it instead of replacing it with optics. -Hair Style/Color: Hiro has messy black hair, kept shorter on the sides. It's usually worn in a bun or a short ponytail. He has black hair, and spends an embarassing amount of time on it. -Height: 5'4. He more than makes up for it with his personality though, or at least so he says. -Clothing Style: His Style is cyberpunk meets urban samurai-likes lots of layers and stylishly over (or under) sized shirts. He likes to scavenge clothing he finds on jobs, so his wardrobe reflects this. He wears a wide range of colors, and isn’t always the most subtle, with occasional pops of bright neon--especially in the clubs. He usually wears comfortable, flexible shoes or boots--preferably ones that are good for climbing/running and making a quick getaway if necessary. When on missions or out and about, he disguises his face using his old Tyger Claws mask. He has two--one in red and the other in black. It's a chore trying to get him to wear formal clothing, he hates getting dressed up and prefers fabric with a shine/interesting textures (especially leather, but he wouldn't say no to a dash of latex on occasion, anything that catches the eye). -Best Physical Feature: He's attached to his tattoos, despite that they represent a part of his life he's very much done with but he thinks he'd look strange without them. He's confident about his appearance and spends a lot of time working on it, and is a touch vain. Layer 02: The Inside -Fears: He's afraid of more than he likes to let on. He's afraid of water especially if he can't see the bottom of it--he never learned to swim. He's definitely afraid of losing people he cares about--there's not very many of them and he's afraid of his defection from the Tyger Claws painting a target on them. While not exactly a fear he finds the Badlands unsettling--there's so much open space and it's oddly quiet, especially after the noise and lights of Night City. -Guilty Pleasures: Real coffee (even though it's a frivolous expense), baking, and trying to pet every stray cat he can find. -Biggest Pet-peeves: How people tend to treat joytoys/dolls, as if they're disposable. As someone's who's past is a bit spotty, it's a sensitive topic and he gets grouchy/tight-lipped if you push him too much -Ambitions for the Future: Beyond finding a way to extricate the chip and keep both him and Johnny in one piece? He'd like to eventually make enough doing merc work to be able to just make a living fixing stuff. He's a good mechanic and would love the time/financial stability to be able to work on his hobbies more. Layer 03: Thoughts -First thought waking up: I don't have nearly enough coffee for this (in the event he managed to actually sleep in the first place) -What they think about most: Trying to keep their partners safe, in NC this is a constant job and requires a lot of vigilance -What they think about right before bed: So much--they have terrible insomnia so post-sleep anxiety is fairly common. -What they think their good quality is: They're generous and have a strong moral compass--will occasionally not charge people for gigs despite the monetary loss, especially if it seems like he'd be taking advantage of the situation or it doesn't feel right. He's kind, even if he does come off as rather prickly. Layer 04: Either Or -Single or group dates: As he has two partners, a lot of his dates tend to be group dates. He's not one to set up formal dates though. He'd rather just go out for a casual cup of coffee or a late night bike ride. He only realizes it's a date after the fact, usually. -To be loved or respected: He'd rather be loved. He's seen where only wanting respect gets you and he'd rather not turn out like his corpo older brother -Beauty or Brains: He definitely coasts by on intuition, luck and good looks at times so he's a bit biased but in regards to a partner, it doesn't matter much to him? A sense of empathy/loyalty are
more important to him than either. -Dogs or Cats: Cats! He loves them (and owns two--a Sphinx named Kira, and a black cat he's dubbed Goro--as it seems to share the same look of general disapproval.) Layer 05: Do They... -Lie?: Yes, if it's to protect their partners or for work. -Believe in themselves?: It depends on who's asking. They come off as very confident but it hides a lot of deeply rooted insecurity. They're more sensitive than they like to let on. -Believe in love?: A bit. They admire the idea of it but don't think it's for them. It's something they secretly really crave though--even if they'd have a hard time admitting it. -Want someone?: Yes. They end up with @shinycorvidae's V (Vic) and Johnny because damnit they're getting a happy ending. I don't care if it's not cannon 😂 Layer 06: -Been on stage?: Yes, it's a common thing (or at least, previously had been) and they're fairly desensitized to it. -Done drugs?: Tends to try really hard to stay away from them. Both his parents had issues with them and definitely played a role in their death. He uses airhypos/anasthetic grudgingly but that's it. -Changed who they were to fit in?: Not to fit in, per-se but to slide under the radar better. They know that it's safer going unnoticed in Night City most of the time and that's the way they like it. They're good at putting on masks for people though. It takes a lot of patience, and a bit of a thick skin to get them to drop it and show facets of their real personality through. They're a lot softer than they first let on though. Layer 07: -Favorite Color: Black/red especially together. He's also partial to blue -Favorite Animal: He loves cats (and has two that he dotes on like his children) -Favorite Book: It would be challenging to get him to admit it, but he can't read very well. He loves it when Vic reads to him though, because she seems to enjoy it so much and he likes hearing her voice. She's a fan of the classics, and he enjoys the poetry the most. -Favorite Game: Not a game per-se but he's really into racing. Bikes are a hobby of his and he's damned good at it, and has very little fear (and more than a little recklessness). He also wouldn't say no to a game of pool once in a while, particularly if he can rope his friends into a game of it. Layer 08: -Day their next birthday will be: He doesn't know his birthday so he decided on Oct. 31st. -How old they will be: 25 (at least he thinks so) Layer 09: I... -I Love: My partners, and the people I've let get close to me -I Feel: Determined. We'll find a way where we get to decide our future, whatever the cost. -I Hide: My fears and ugly bits of my past. I don't like letting other people know and making them worry. I don't want their pity. -I Miss: Jackie. There's still a lot of guilt there. -I Wish: We had more time, or at least a more clear solution. I feel adrift.
Thanks for tagging me @noirapocalypto! It was really fun to fill out--and I'm always happy to talk about my characters :)
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mc-critical · 3 years
How do you think Şah Huban and Ibrahim's relationship really was? We've never been given insights about it and while I would have loved flashbacks, the way it is also fits well imo. Şah has an air of mystery around her, part of why I love her so, because I love unravelling ambiguous yet clear characters with hints but not insights to their backstory. I've always been drawn to them and Şah Huban is another one of them.
Personally, I can see why they would be drawn to each other at first. They are both shown as appreciative of art, very intelligent and pragmatic and have a similar personality, but in the long run I can't see them working as both prefer to be the dominant partner and Şah is very prideful and always maintains a power balance with those not from the family, whereas Ibrahim is quite insecure. They'd clash.
Even Hatice's reminder of his status hurt him so much that he started an affair with Nigar. According to him, it was a loss of innocence between them and for sure Hatice's innocence, purity, and nativity is what I think drew him to her, and I can see why. Among all the darkness of politics, power plays, his own insecurities and early loss of innocence, Hatice would have been the one ray of light to him..Their entire early interactions and love was so pure and free of darkness and I don't think he ever had that with Şah, who I don't think was ever innocent.
Şah also told Hürrem that Ibrahim is quite difficult to control and I thought that was maybe hinting at the past. It always seemed to me that she was the one who ended things with Ibrahim, judging by her and Ibrahim's interactions ( I really wish we had more of those ) and I have many theories why.
Also, my personal interpretation is that she did move on from Ibrahim and only had vestiges of her feelings for him, his memories to be more precise, left by the time we see her. Unlike many people, I don't think her unwillingness to be with Lütfi sexually or romantically has anything to do with Ibrahim. I just don't think she loves him or wants him and I can see why tbh. While he is a decent enough politician, he doesn't have much personality to be attracted to nor demeanor lmao. even the way he read her that piece of poetry was quite dry, and he is visibly much older than her.
What do you think?
{I also love Şah's character for much of the same reasons you do. Her lack of a backstory and more simplistic design that isn't put through a deconstruction for a character arc in the way Hatice's was during S02/3 bring us one of the most unique characters in the whole franchise. These aspects of her personality complement her motivation and I find her motivation to be the most fascinating element about her that makes for an interesting, contrasting duality in all her relationships. Revealing more backstory for her risks throwing all this out of the window, that's why I'm usually okay with that the show not delving deeper into her past.}
Still, in the case of Ibrahim, I agree that we could've seen a few more flashbacks. I feel Şah's distance and tiny resentment of Hatice stems from her previous feelings for Ibrahim and more flashbacks would put that distance and resentment into more context, which I don't think would harm her character all that much. It would actually help flesh out Şah's relationship with Hatice on a deeper level and that's always welcome for me, since I found their relationship to be the epitome of where Şah's character shines the most. All these delicious contrasts, the way her ambition goes with the care she has for the people she's closest to.... I love it! sorry for the blabbering
I also pretty much agree with your view on Şah and Ibrahim's relationship. They definetly wouldn't get on all that well - their ideals would clash right out of the gate and Şah isn't a person that would pull rank out of ignorance, it's not something she wants to detach from, no, she's living with her position and she's proud of it. Anytime Ibrahim would disagree with Şah, I feel she's going to pull rank instantly. And that's not something that Ibrahim would bear - Hatice did it one time and that one time was enough to make him doubt his whole relationship with her, I believe with Şah it's going to be an even more reccuring conflict and it's going to make things even worse.
I believe that in Manisa, in their past, Şah didn't have hopes for so long when it came to Ibrahim. Maybe she learned very quickly that he didn't have any feelings for her. Maybe Ibrahim didn't pay all that much attention to Şah and if she tried to give him subtle hints, he didn't catch on them at first. If Ibrahim and Hatice indeed had tiny crushes on each other that just hadn't had the chance to flourish yet in Manisa (as the flashback from E58 implied) and Şah became aware of this? All these factors could've contributed to Şah moving forward, along with her ambitious personality. Even her older self isn't a person who would fight what she views as a pointless battle (she didn't want to fight Mihrimah, she didn't get why Hürrem was such a problem at first, she could hold her part in the decisions SS made for Hatice off for so long) and her love for Hatice was apparently present even when they were kids (the whole horse situation), so these would be decent enough reasons for her to want to step out of it.
Her getting to know Ibrahim more personally after he could've gotten the hint is very likely, too. Her "he's difficult to control" line is definetly something to ruminate on: maybe she decided that they wouldn't get along despite of all, because yes, she would like to be on the more controlling side of the relationship. Not only is Ibrahim very insecure and wouldn't handle it when someone is pulling rank on him, this line could hint that a part of Ibrahim has had that ambitious side of him back in Manisa. Not as much in terms of power, but rather as in his sharp mind and dreams he had together with SS to conquer more than Alexander the Great and maybe Şah felt this aspect of his ambition whenever they've interacted. That means he could have exerted some amount of control in the relationship, and maybe Şah wouldn't be so okay. Both could be very dominating and that could very well show even earlier. There wouldn't be any innocence in their relationship, it would only result in clash of personalities and philosophies and probably both of them got aware of this. While with Hatice it was possible for both of them to get over their extremely idealistic delusions, because they both were able and willing to reason with one another deep down, you wouldn't get that with Şah. It's probable she would consider herself right and not realize what's wrong, especially in terms of pulling rank, because well, that's what the tradition and law stands on and for her, Ibrahim's only role is to fit the mold.
Yup, Şah definetly had some of her feelings for Ibrahim remaining, because that's what moved a lot of her conflict with Hatice. Maybe she felt some jealousy that Hatice succeeded to make this work and that could be also a part of why she wanted to stop Hatice from grieving and didn't tell her where Ibrahim's grave was, but on the other hand, she had accepted it to an extent, as seen by her reaction when she learned about the infidelity. One could argue that she got irritated because of her own feelings, but I feel she felt bad for Hatice, too, and was really surprised that he pulled something like this. Yet both circle back to her own feelings anyways. Another reason why I think she didn't get over her feelings for him completely is that (most of) what she does is driven by personal desire and attacks directed to her personal bonds and attachments. It's Hatice's suicide attempt that drove Şah to act against Hürrem, but it's also Ibrahim's death that made her at least think whether should she act, in my opinion, because of something so surprising happening to a personal attachment of hers, seemingly all of the sudden. (in E84, she also said in front of Ibrahim's grave that she wouldn't let his blood stay on the ground) Şah's actions are driven by feelings more than anything else, but she tries her best to mask these feelings and only use them as fuel to her more pragmatic plans, if that means letting go of them or discarding them completely. She puts mind over emotion not because she doesn't have emotion or vulnerability or feelings lingering from the past, it's more because she considers pragmatism and careful planning the better, more effective way to achieve her goals. Just like the dynastic views and the elitism, it's something engrained in her she's proud of, but in the case of her feelings, when she's alone or with Hatice she can open herself a bit more. But because she has gotten over Ibrahim, she would never admit outright she has something for him in front of him or Lïtfi later.
I also don't think Ibrahim has ever had feelings for Şah to begin with. I don't think he forgot their experiences and memories completely (the "did your love turn into hate?" line) , but he has definitely left them behind him, even more than Şah herself.
While I think the love for another (Ibrahim) was a part of Şah's distaste for Lütfi, especially because the first hint of conflict between them, as far as I recall, was him sorta shading on Ibrahim in E82, it's definetly not the only factor. He just isn't a guy she could fall in love with, no matter how much he seemed to love her (more like tough love, but still), I'm sure she has gotten to know the more shadier aspects of his character, since they've lived together for so long. (even though the situation around the prostitute surprised her, since she hasn't ever seen such amount of disrespect, Şah may have seen other skeletons in his closet. He seemed to be very authoritarian in the relationship. She also said in E101 that the divorce was a long time coming and I don't think it all originated from the show, the situations there were simply the peak of previous issues.) It being a forced marriage made things even worse, no one would like a forced marriage. I actually admire Şah for keeping up with this marriage for so long and finding advantage in it, being as composed as possible. (when she is) Their daughter is most probably what kept them together all these years, on a personal level outside of Şah's ambition.
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tickotaku · 3 years
Hi! Could I request match up with Bungou Stray dogs and Ikemen Vampire?
I'm a average height girl 5 feet 1.8 inches. I've got redish purlpe hair..yes I colour it. My eyes is dark brown. My beauty mark is on my chest a little above on my breast. Also I'm a chubby person. I got low self-esteem, anxiety, a little lazy and depression. I'm not that talkactive I only listen to what people talk about and I'm a good observer, I only talk when there is something important.. I know little martial arts (Taekwondo). I'm a introvert person. I LOVE HOODIE!! BLACK COLUR ONE. People always say I'm a mysterious person (including my mom say this to me). Quite place is my fave.. I don't really like crowded and noisy places.
I good at writing a poem kind of.. I also like to spread love to those in need, I can cook and draw. My hobbies is listen to music with my earphones, sleep, draw something, write poem and lyrics and play my Kalimba. Oh! Also, I can speak Chinese, Malay and English. I like black colour and dark blue. I hate it when people being rude towards other.. Also, I don't like it when they disturbed my sleeps! I don't really people that have short temper.
Hello! Firstly, thank you so much for sending in a match-up!!! And secondly, thank you for you patience!!! I know its been quite a while since you sent this in, and I’m really sorry about that, but the wait is now over! I hope you like it enough to make up for it.
So without further ado, here is your match-up!
For Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Edgar Allan Poe!
(I'll try to leave spoilers out, but some things in here are inspired by Poe in the manga so yee)
So here's the thing, Poe is six feet tall. And to him you're the most adorable woman in the world
He was drawn to your mysterious nature. He was a detective, and he had a case (of love)
He doesn't care that your "chubby" and to be honest he barely notices.
You and Poe are both quiet, observant people.
And he likes that he can sit with you and enjoy your presence in a comfortable silence.
When it comes to low self esteem and anxiety, Poe completely understands
He also doesn't care for crowded and noisy places, so you're dates are generally more casual. Like staying in or going on a picnic.
He'll do everything he can to comfort you when you feel depressed and will shower you with love.
His affection is awkward at first because he's not sure what to do exactly
But he likes to hold you and stroke your hair.
When Poe found out you right poetry he was ✨ ELATED ✨
He can and will write you love poems.
He also loves to read whatever you write. He'll try not to be too pushy about it, but he'll drop "subtle" hints about wanting to see.
Hearing you play the kalimba is soothing for him and he'll often work while listening
He can be kind of extra sometimes. That and his wealth means he'll think of some interesting gifts. He won't over do it, but don't be surprised if you get another odd pet.
Whenever you play with Karl, this man melts.
He'll have a dopey grin on his face as he comes over to join you.
He's getting hoodies. He doesn't care if it doesn't fit his aesthetic. He wants to do that thing where he gives you his hoodie to wear.
He finds you impressive as well. The ability to spell three languages, the thoughts you put into your lyrics, even the bit of martial arts you know.
All of them add to the list of things he admires about you and he feels so lucky to be with you.
For Ikemen Vampire I match you with...
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Dazai Osamu!
(His route isn't out yet, and I haven't played many of the other routes yet, so I apologise if he's out of character in any way.)
Dazai is considered a bit of a mysterious person himself, and he finds you interesting.
He's also perceptive, so he picks up on your insecurities pretty quickly.
He'll always compliment you as you pass in the halls or anytime he sees you.
The two of you started bonding because you'd often see each other in the library.
He discovers that you write, and compliments you on it.
Anytime he sees your lyrics or poetry, he smiles to himself as he reads it.
You have friendly competitions and write to certain prompts or about a random subject.
He writes you a love poem to put under your pillow but before he can, Arthur starts nagging you about whether or not you and Dazai are a couple.
If Arthur tries to make a move on you, queue protective Dazai.
He ends up just handing you the letter himself.
And is really happy when you accept.
He always has your back and won't let the other residents be rude to you.
Only he gets to tease you
He won't wake you from sleeping, but don't be surprised if he joins you. Wrapping his arms around you softly.
He boasts about how amazing you are sometimes. It took about two minutes for the entire mansion to know you guys were together.
If you're feeling off or upset, he'll try and cheer you up.
If that doesn't work he'll simply be there for you, and offer to listen as he holds you close.
Dazai loves how kind you are. He wants to do everything he can to make sure your pure heart never gets broken.
He may ask you to teach him some of your hobbies, mostly so he can spend more time with you.
Being around you is comforting to him, and his favorite time is when he's relaxing in the library with you.
Reading together, writing, talking, as long as it's with you it's better. Even just watching you as you sketch is a beautiful moment to him. Almost as beautiful as you.
Thank you for requesting a match up! I hope you like it!
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