windy-trickster · 9 months
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Sialia's waiting for her favorite cousin to wake up... She wants to play!!! [Joint custody between me and @wormstuck ] Sialia Dulcha - Blue Spades Hadaly Kothar - Riding Shotgun
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trainwreck-trolls · 3 months
hadaly, besides the pay, what keeps you coming back to your job, and if you really can't think of anything else what would your dream job be?
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the promo7ion oppor7uni7ies on deep space jobs are pre77y amazing, especially for specialis7 roles like us helm 7echs. bu7 even wi7hou7 7ha7, i just love 7he adven7ure. been ou7 on seven research missions, each one was unique, i go7 very close to the o7her crew members who were mos7ly grea7, and i've seen some s7uff most 7rolls who haven't been ou7side the plane7ary sys7em wouldn'7 believe.
besides, you don'7 even know how much bureaucra7ic bullshi7 ge7s waived for deep space missions. i've only seen someone ge7 in 7rouble for some7hing 7ha7 happened ou7 7here once and i7 was egregious
...i'm no7 supposed 7o 7alk abou7 7ha7 mission, 7hough.
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vulpineocs · 2 years
Vi, Hadaly, Arinne and Uranie all work at the same research facility in different areas, and Hadaly fucks with Violet's office occasionally when she knows her sister in law can handle it bc Vi has OCD and has panic attacks if stuff isn't organized the way she's made it to be
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Have you played VKILLER ?
By Ettin from Weird Age Games
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KILLER is a short horror-comedy TTRPG. The players are streamers and VTubers at VibeCon, a popular but poorly managed streamer convention. (It even has a zipline!) They're here for three days of fun, networking, and if they ride that zipline, regret.
Then they meet the VTuber Heartful Hadaly, and people start dying…
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satur9-if · 8 months
Love Interest List
The "interlude" chapter I promised is mostly ready, or at least halfway so. While writing it, I ended up fleshing out the main Romantic Options, and so decided that writing up a "RO Roster" that describes everyone briefly may not be a bad idea. Keep reading if you want to see the list of Saturnine love interests and don't mind minor spoilers for the game.
Species: Android
Sex/Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: ~20 years
Appearance: Tall, pale skin, short blond hair, metallic eyes with blue irises
Likes: Nice suits, astronomy, flowers
Dislikes: Opening up for a single moment
Description: Damon was probably built to serve as a bouncer. He won’t confirm or deny that suspicion, that would require him to actually talk about his past, but everything about him points in that direction. His powerful stature, his love of suits, his desire to protect everyone in the group, his keen eyes, his skill with firearms. Coincidentally, those traits make him quite useful to your group, especially when it’s time to pack a punch.
Luckily, Damon’s not the mean type of bouncer. Ever since you met him some two years back, he’s been polite and friendly to everyone around him, even shy in some situations. You don’t suppose he’ll ever make a move on you, but if you don’t mind taking initiative yourself… His digital mind appears quite capable of love, and his body isn’t exactly missing any important parts.
Species: Android
Sex/Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: ~30 years
Appearance: Olive skin, titian hair, eyes that change color with the mood
Likes: Electronics, jumpsuits, patching the Player Character up
Dislikes: Humans, formal wear, idiocy
Description: Hadaly is a tinkerer. That’s what she always was for your group, and that’s what she’s good at. Electronics, engineering, android repair, you name it. Perhaps she was some kind of maintanance robot once, though that theory leaves you wondering why she’s so human-like in mind and appearance. You can’t even tell she’s an android at first glance, not until you see her eyes change color and spot the electric sparks between her fingers.
Hadaly doesn’t like to talk about her past. Whenever the subject gets brought up, her eyes turn blue and she begins stuttering, her confidence failing as though with a press of a switch. Perhaps literally—you don’t know if she has any switches or buttons anywhere on her body. She’s not one for revealing clothing, and won’t let you inspect her personally until you start working for it.
Kirill “Rook” Kosteniuk
Species: Metahuman
Sex/Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 303 years (effective age 32 years)
Appearance: Black skin, short dark hair, blue eyes
Likes: Talking, preaching, playing chess
Dislikes: Coffee, contractions
Description: Of all the people you’re working with, Kirill is probably the most human. He has some ill-defined powers, but looks and acts like a normal guy. Unless you consider his impeccable manners and love of long sentences to be abnormal, in which case fair enough.
Technically speaking, Kirill is the leader of the whole operation your group is forced to participate in, but his competency is… questionable at the best of times. He will definitely appreciate some support and advice from you and is likely to accept your friendship, but don’t expect him to lie down for you right away. As a deeply religious man, he may even decide to wait until marriage before doing anything too fun. Comes with the territory.
Renfri “Marshal” Riannon
Species: Kinnari
Sex/Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Age: 29 years
Appearance: Dark skin, chestnut hair, brown eyes, caramel feathers, nice thighs
Likes: Painting, being the hero, partisan politics, hamburgers
Dislikes: The Player Character
Description: Make no mistake; Renfri does not like you. You are an android, a creature she was taught to mistrust at the absolute least. Some even say her species, the winged Kinnaris, was engineered specifically to hunt rogue automatons like yourself. It’s hard to dispute that theory, given the constant glares of her narrowed, brown eyes.
Still, Renfri isn’t half bad once you get to know her. She’s not incapable of showing affection, and her sharp tongue can be used for humor just as well as for snide remarks. Maybe you still have a chance with this bird… provided you’re about as sapphic as her.
Lisa “Hellhound” Herbert
Species: Werewolf
Sex/Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Age: 24 years
Appearance: Fair skin, cropped ginger hair, grey eyes, sometimes lupine
Likes: Bad movies, bad alcohol, bad boys
Dislikes: Kirill, bombs, bald women, hedgehogs
Description: Lisa couldn’t care less about your group, your mission, or half the things happening around her. She’s just serving out her sentence, and while she may enjoy a good fight whilst in her wolf form, all interest disappears once there’s nothing to rip apart. At that point she’ll either go to sleep or get wasted, depending on the time of day and availability of drinks. That’s all she cares about, and stop implying she may actually care about her teammates or protecting people. Or else.
That’s not to say Lisa isn’t interested in you specifically. You have some things in common, outcasts once hunted by the Kronian Federation, big guns of the makeshift team you’re both on. And if you happen to also be a hot dude… maybe there’s yet another way of passing the time.
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dragonkid11 · 11 months
VKILLER is a short horror-comedy TTRPG by Weird Age Games, where the players are streamers and VTubers at VibeCon, a popular but poorly managed streamer convention. (It even has a zipline!) They're here for three days of fun, networking, and if they ride that zipline, regret.
Then they meet the VTuber Heartful Hadaly, and people start dying...
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honourablejester · 5 months
Some thoughts for an Osh Derrinalina PF2e Conversion
I’m considering how much would need to be tweaked to use PF2e for my Osh Derrinalina setting. And … in a couple of places, it’s actually easier than D&D 5e, in that it has two specific player ancestries that make my life much easier: the Anadi and the Leshi.
The Anadi are not quite what I’ve been picturing for the Ineian Weavers, but you know what? They’ll do the job quite nicely. Their lore, as very communal and diplomatic spider people, fits very nicely, and the bits that don’t I’d be tweaking for a homebrew setting anyway (such as the lifespan, because the Weavers are longer lived than elves). For the Weavers I would have been picturing the hybrid form as the only form initially, but I can roll with the were-spider angle. I’d probably want to do an Anadi heritage that grants darkvision and bioluminescence, call it Deep Weaver, and the rest is pretty much already there. Anadi already get weaving feats, I might add that Deep Weaver silk is also luminous to those.
The other small issue is that human absolutely would not be the standard alternate form for a Deep Anadi, given that humans are fairly vanishingly rare in Osh Derrinalina, but you need a whole other heritage to get a non-human Anadi form. I will probably just politely ignore that and say that the typical non-spider form for Weavers is Starfolk elf. Though … given their roles as diplomats and go-betweens for most of the Lightless Sea, it might actually be a thing to let Weavers outside of Ysea have a form that’s the common one for the area. So Weavers living/stationed in Tchorit would have gnome forms, and ones in Durgenrath would have dwarf forms. This is not a deception, Weavers are up front about who and what they are, and most of them probably stay in spider or hybrid form most of the time anyway. But. If weavers need to do politics and spycraft, their other forms could be handy, and also as a … comforting gesture, when they’re publicly known.
The Leshy, of course, specifically the Fungal Leshy, would be Patient Ones of Lochantu. For the Patient Ones, I might say that they’re Medium, rather than Small, I’m not sure if that would have any knock-on effects through the Leshy feats, but I think it should be fine.
Unfortunately, there’s still no player version of a flumph in PF2e, no more than in D&D 5e, so playing a Joy Singer is still out. Eh, maybe we can work on that.
For both Palerin Goblins and Durgen Dwarves, I’d probably want to do homebrew heritages as well. Call the Durgen the Grower Heritage, and give them some primal innate spellcasting, and maybe do something similar to the Death Warden dwarf heritage for the Palerin goblins? Palerin would also get wonky lifespans, as Rachinilea messes with their mortality. Homebrew ancestry feats for the girrish tattoos are definitely also a must.
For the Starbuilders, the Umbral Gnome heritage might work? I might still want to do a more custom heritage to pull some elements of the crystal/earth partnership in. I could do that with some ancestry feats either, though.
For the Hadali merfolk, the Ancient Scale Azarketi work perfectly. Exactly what I want, darkvision and bioluminescence. Obviously I’d be changing pretty much all of the Azarketi lore, just keeping the mechanics, since Osh Derrinalina is a very different setting and does not include fallen continents, Atlantean empires, and algholthu corruption. Again, might do up a few ancestry feats relating to Derrinalina herself and the protection of the Mother Sea.
(Sidenote: I probably also want to do a deity write-up for Derrinalina. Possibly also Rachinilea as well)
For the Starfolk, Cavern Elf again works pretty perfectly. In Osh Derrinalina, at least if you’re a native, darkvision is pretty much all you need from your heritage (with the possibly exception of Durgen dwarves, because of the suns, but dwarves get darkvision by default anyway). Again, a couple of feats relating to endurance and constitution, as a result of the legacy of the Great Flight, or a couple relating to trade and diplomacy bonuses, could be worth considering. Might give them access to a couple of the PF2e human ancestry feats in that cause.
For the Siinelan Crystalfolk, like the Joy Singers, there still isn’t really a good player option. I’m not sure what stat block I’d use for them as NPCs, either. However … crystal, empathy, luminescence … I am wondering if some reskinned Kashrishi might work? Trogloshi, obviously. I don’t know, I would have to think about that one. The Oread versatile heritage would also be something to consider. That being said, they’re a bit more alien than a lot of player ancestries, again like the Joy Singers, so it might be better to leave them as NPCs.
So the set up here is that, in Osh Derrinalina, the common ancestries are deep anadi, cavern elf, grower dwarf, umbral gnome, ghostly goblin, fungal leshy, and ancient scale azarketi, and everything else is rare and usually only seen on strangers via the Southern Passage or the Durgenroad.
I am wondering if I need to tweak Silrithantus. PF2e Umbral dragons have somewhat different vibes to 5e shadow dragons. But, honestly, I can just use the stat block and change the lore, and Silrithantus was always his own deal anyway.
For Zarathea, I definitely want to tweak a Dragon Turtle statblock for blindness, albinism, faint bioluminescence, and possible deathly influences, but then I’d also have to do all that in 5e too. Heh.
Lochantu’s sacred bats can be either Giant Bats or Albino Giant Bats, possibly a mix of both.
Overall, though? Definitely a doable conversion. And the Anadi … oh, the Anadi make my life so much easier, just by existing. I really love the happy little spider people? Long may they reign!
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innsyn · 1 year
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For me, worldbuilding only happens to support storytelling. I've spent the last 24 days developing the region of Coaban - so now it's time to write a story set there... and for that we're going to need a character... so meet Tak.
Tak stared at the horizon, willing it to burn. When it did not, he felt an ache, not dissimilar to a toothache. Another glorious day: sun, sea and sand. And for Tak, hate. Sludgy geezers of hatred for everything and everyone. A constant background urge to destroy that he’d learned never to act upon.
The village called him quiet, but Tak kept his jaw locked shut to stop the vitriol pouring out. Sometimes the voices in his head were deafening. The villagers called him courageous, but they didn’t know that he only went fishing in the deep water because he secretly fantasized about a leviathan swallowing his canoe whole. He politely rebuffed all amorous advances, fem or masc, to avoid any risk of impulsively strangling them in their sleep. He didn’t want to put that temptation to the test.
Tak’s hut was bare by the standards of the Hadali, and strange. He’d lined the inside walls with small clay tiles, uncannily regular, and painted the whole thing brilliant white. Still he hated it. He’d put a few elder craftsmen’s noses out of joint when he’d made his first canoe and eschewed all carved decorations for crisp, clean lines. It handled better in the water than any other on the island, but still Tak hated it. He firmly believed there was a right way of doing things, and a wrong way. Even if that was at odds with how everyone else saw things. But however hard he tried, Tak could never quite get anything right enough to not hate it. The real world was always too cumbersome. Perfection only existed in the visions at the end of a shaman’s pipe. Even then, dismissing the shaman’s entreaties, Tak refused to gather zemi for protection and openly antagonized the mabuya spirits. Even his visions were different.
Tak gathered up his didge, groaned to himself emphatically, and hauled-ass upright. He dusted sand off the mouthpiece as he trudged across the gold-white beach; tiny red crabs fled as he approached then gathered immediately in his wake, shaking their claws at his shadow. The sea was shallow and gentle here, lapping at the shore delicately. Tak splashed out a few steps, speared his didge into the clear, warm waters, sending small fishes darting away, and brought the other end of the pipe to his face. Blowing into the instrument, floppy lips vibrating in the tube, he made a sequence of deep, throbbing, popping and clicking sounds that looped, building in intensity. It was a song of calling; it was time to go fishing.
The archelon broke the surface a hundred meters away; a domed shell rising above the swell. When the giant turtle’s head emerged, Tak waved half-heartedly, then strode to his canoe, stranded up the beach by the tide’s retreat. He grabbed his rope from inside the boat, looped one end onto the point of his canoe, got the other end whirling as a lasso, and stomped back into the shallows. When the turtle had come as close as she could, Tak threw the lasso, catching the pommel on her shell at the first try. As the archelon turned and began to pull away, he hopped inside the canoe and gripped the handles of the short side-skis that would keep the boat balanced as the giant turtle dragged it into the sea.
Tak had been forced to give the turtle two names. To the rest of the village, she was known as Kampo, a very traditional name–one of the grand turtles of Coaban mythology. But she didn’t know her name was Kampo: wouldn’t actually respond to that name. When it was just the two of them together, as it was nearly all the time, Tak called his archelon companion Fuckface. He knew it was immature, unfair and demeaning to a creature that was smart, loyal and brave. But the first time he’d plucked the young archelon out of the water, he’d looked it dead in the eye and said “Morning, Fuckface.” Because archelon all have gargoyle features, but that one was particularly hideous. Tak hadn’t known at that moment that she was the one for him, and they’d be bonded evermore; in private the name had stuck. She was the best trained animal on the island. But even so, Tak hated Fuckface with a passion. Whenever she made even the slightest mistake, Tak would picture her slaughtered, salted, sliced into slabs and served to the whole fucking village. She’d make the most delicious meal he’d ever eaten. This time, the archelon towed the canoe off the beach cleanly, skidding smoothly across the sand and into the sea; no slack in the rope or snags on coral for Tak to complain about today.
Sharing the canoe with Tak, in a narrow ceramic tank, was a large remora suckerfish. Tak had carefully unwound the end of a slim copper cable and woven the two-dozen fine wires into the remora’s tail fin, piercing the flesh and knotting the fish to the line. The suckerfish was another disgusting looking companion. A long fish with a flat head, topped by an uncanny oval suckerpatch; ribbons of ridged and rippling flesh, stretched lips layered by the dozen. Once that monstrous kiss landed, it stuck fast. This remora was bred well, it would rip in two before its sucker pulled free. The cable attached to the fish ran into a recoiling clockwork winch, gleaming brass and leather, top of the line from the Cleverlys. It was already calibrated to the limit of the remora’s durability. The fish didn’t have much space to move about but it was having a good thrash nonetheless. Tak had named the fish Claptrap. He’d also named the winch, Tommo.
Completing Tak’s crew was a second clockwork contraption, another prize purchase from the Cleverlys. Bronze braces around leather and silk billows, which fed a long breathing tube and mask. This glorious machine, which he’d named Peppi, removed the need for human hands to pump the billows, allowing him to go out and do his work alone. He venerated the Albyn artificers who made these contraptions for giving him that sweet freedom. He knew that he could’ve borrowed an ape from the village to wind his clockwork machines, other people did, but Tak didn’t appreciate the way they looked at him, and reckoned that if his life were dependent on these devices, he’d best take full care of them himself. He’d spent an hour this morning winding both machines and their spare spring cans to full tension.
It was cramped in the canoe, so once they were past the first reef, he tied onto Fuckface and hopped across onto her shell. It was a two hour trip to the reef that marked the edge of the drop-off. Tak tugged the right side of her bridle to set their course, then gave the bridle straps themselves a quick inspection. The leatherman had promised Tak it would easily last a decade, but it was already showing hairline cracks after just three years: another example of how people lied constantly. It’d do well to last five. Tak settled down on the archelon’s shell and meditated on how many forks he could cut the leatherman’s lying tongue into without killing him. One happy daydream soon segued into the next, and Tak whiled away the journey; calm on the outside, but carnage within.
End of part one
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IM SCHILF DER STADT – Music and ambience selected by That Night.
»Im Schilf der Stadt« is a dreamy, floating and yet in places driving mix with ambience and atmosphere from films that can be assigned to the cyberpunk genre. Listening to it automatically draws pictures in your head – kind of like Moebius drawing Blade Runner and 川井 憲次 playing music while transforming into a Ghibli character.
The 90 minutes mixtape is handdubbed in a limited edition of 25. The TDK SA90 comes with a hand painted black matte top – plus 1c printed inlay in original TDK vintage clear case. (Girl from Kushiro-Shi illusioned by MT Nobo)
A) Palmbomen II – Hopeful 01 Unknown Me – Gaze On Your Palm Lawrence Lek – In The Game Visons – Segerfalk Pier Luigi Andreoni & Francesco Paladino – Aeolyca Pt.1 Tomaga – Reverie For Fragile Houseplants Futuro Antico – Concrete Music - Oa Oa Geinoh Yamashirogumi – Illusion Hinako Omori – Spaceship Lament Andrew Pekler – Avian Modulations Midori Takada – Mr. Henri Rousseau‘s Dream
B) FSOL – Dead Skin Cells Jeff Mills – The World Of Worlds Model 500 – The Passage Burial – Antidawn Lawrence Lek & Oliver Coates w/ Joni Zhu – Dragons Kenji Kawai – Type 2052 „Hadaly“ group A – Initiation Antenna – They Won‘t Regret Bill Nelson – A Short Drink From A Certain Fountain Star Searchers – Intertidal Shadezones David Whittaker, Tim & Lee Wright – Game Over Actress – Voodoo Posse Chronic Illusion
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leahsfiction · 2 months
LRB i was looking up the transcript to put under the audio, and L'EVE FUTURE MENTIONED???
(or maybe it's like. the tezuka anime adaptation of metropolis that's pulling in that additional reference?? i still have yet to see it...) afaik in the text of Fritz Lang's film the android (fake Maria) is only referred to as (lit. translated) "the machine-man". but quite possibly i'm missing context to how it was referred to in production or by contemporary viewers...?
(the spelling from l'eve future is "hadaly")
And then the middle is a very comfortable looking plush like, chair. With a deactivated robotic body there. With like, it has, it kind of in my mind looks like, Janine what was the name of the robot in Metropolis again? JANINE: Hadley(?). AUSTIN: Hadley. It kind of looks like Hadley. In terms of its face, and in terms of having like that, that kind of- the kind of thing around its head, like again, a kind of a halo, kind of like a- I wanna say a tiara, but it does like, on top of having the kind of crown, it- the crown does also have a- little rays that come out of it in to different directions. But I’m very much basing- JANINE [overlapping with Austin]: So it’s one of mine.
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explurgercs · 3 months
Exploring the Hometowns of 10 Famous Indian Authors
India, with its rich literary heritage, has produced numerous celebrated authors whose works have garnered global acclaim. These writers, drawing inspiration from their surroundings, have crafted masterpieces that continue to resonate with readers. This blog explores the hometowns of 10 famous Indian authors, delving into their works, the places they stayed, and other noteworthy sites in their cities or villages. Let's embark on a literary journey to discover the roots of these literary giants.
1. Rabindranath Tagore - Kolkata, West Bengal
About Their Work:
Rabindranath Tagore, a Nobel laureate, is one of the most famous Indian authors. His works, including "Gitanjali" and "The Home and the World," reflect profound thoughts on human nature and society.
Where They Stayed:
Tagore spent much of his life in Jorasanko Thakur Bari, his ancestral home in Kolkata, which is now a museum dedicated to his life and works.
Places They Visited:
Tagore traveled extensively, but Shantiniketan, where he founded Visva-Bharati University, remains a significant site reflecting his educational and cultural philosophies.
Other Places to Visit in Kolkata:
Victoria Memorial
Howrah Bridge
Indian Museum
Dakshineswar Kali Temple
2. R.K. Narayan - Mysore, Karnataka
About Their Work:
R.K. Narayan, another famous Indian author, is best known for his series set in the fictional town of Malgudi. His works like "Swami and Friends" and "The Guide" offer a humorous yet poignant look at Indian life.
Where They Stayed:
Narayan's house in Yadavagiri, Mysore, has been converted into a museum showcasing his literary journey.
Places They Visited:
Narayan’s descriptions of Malgudi were inspired by various locations in Mysore and Chennai.
Other Places to Visit in Mysore:
Mysore Palace
Chamundi Hill
Brindavan Gardens
St. Philomena's Church
3. Ruskin Bond - Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
About Their Work:
Ruskin Bond, a beloved author known for his children’s literature and stories set in the hills, has written classics like "The Room on the Roof" and "The Blue Umbrella."
Where They Stayed:
Bond has lived in Landour, Mussoorie, for decades, and the town's serene landscapes often feature in his works.
Places They Visited:
The picturesque settings of Mussoorie and Landour inspired many of Bond’s stories.
Other Places to Visit in Mussoorie:
Kempty Falls
Gun Hill
Camel's Back Road
Lal Tibba
4. Arundhati Roy - Shillong, Meghalaya
About Their Work:
Arundhati Roy, renowned for her Booker Prize-winning novel "The God of Small Things," is a prominent voice in contemporary Indian literature.
Where They Stayed:
Roy spent part of her childhood in Shillong, which influenced her perspective on diverse Indian cultures.
Places They Visited:
Shillong's natural beauty and vibrant culture often find echoes in Roy's socio-political essays.
Other Places to Visit in Shillong:
Umiam Lake
Elephant Falls
Shillong Peak
Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures
5. Vikram Seth - New Delhi, Delhi
About Their Work:
Vikram Seth, famous for his epic novel "A Suitable Boy," is a literary titan known for his versatility in prose and poetry.
Where They Stayed:
Seth’s residence in New Delhi has been a nurturing ground for his extensive literary works.
Places They Visited:
Seth’s experiences in various parts of India and abroad deeply influence his storytelling.
Other Places to Visit in New Delhi:
India Gate
Qutub Minar
Humayun's Tomb
Lotus Temple
6. Khushwant Singh - Hadali, Punjab (now in Pakistan)
About Their Work:
Khushwant Singh, known for his sharp wit and satirical style, wrote famous books like "Train to Pakistan" and "The History of Sikhs."
Where They Stayed:
Singh spent considerable time in Delhi, where he penned many of his famous works.
Places They Visited:
His narratives often reflect his travels across India and Pakistan, especially during the partition.
Other Places to Visit in Delhi:
Red Fort
Chandni Chowk
Akshardham Temple
Raj Ghat
7. Amitav Ghosh - Kolkata, West Bengal
About Their Work:
Amitav Ghosh, acclaimed for his historical fiction, is best known for works like "The Shadow Lines" and "The Ibis Trilogy."
Where They Stayed:
Ghosh spent his early years in Kolkata, which deeply influenced his understanding of colonial and post-colonial India.
Places They Visited:
Ghosh’s stories traverse various global locations, reflecting his extensive travels and research.
Other Places to Visit in Kolkata:
Park Street
Marble Palace
Science City
Eden Gardens
8. Anita Desai - Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
About Their Work:
Anita Desai, a prominent author, is known for her sensitive portrayals of inner conflicts in novels like "Clear Light of Day" and "In Custody."
Where They Stayed:
Desai’s childhood in Mussoorie and later years in Delhi influenced her literary themes and characterizations.
Places They Visited:
Desai's works often explore the intricate dynamics of Indian families and society.
Other Places to Visit in Mussoorie:
Mussoorie Lake
Company Garden
Cloud’s End
Jharipani Falls
9. Jhumpa Lahiri - London, UK (Raised in the USA)
About Their Work:
Jhumpa Lahiri, though born in London and raised in the USA, is deeply connected to India through her works like "The Namesake" and "Interpreter of Maladies."
Where They Stayed:
Lahiri’s visits to Kolkata have been integral to her storytelling, with many of her characters and settings inspired by the city.
Places They Visited:
Her works often reflect her transnational experiences, bridging Indian and American cultures.
Other Places to Visit in Kolkata:
Birla Planetarium
Kalighat Temple
New Market
Howrah Railway Station
10. Salman Rushdie - Mumbai, Maharashtra
About Their Work:
Salman Rushdie, a globally renowned author, is famous for his novel "Midnight’s Children," which won the Booker Prize.
Where They Stayed:
Rushdie was born in Mumbai, and the city’s vibrant life is often depicted in his works.
Places They Visited:
Rushdie’s experiences in Mumbai during his early years significantly shaped his narrative style and themes.
Other Places to Visit in Mumbai:
Gateway of India
Marine Drive
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus
Elephanta Caves
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windy-trickster · 1 year
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Thought I'd share this creature w/the world. A fanchild between Sherco Cerade and Damiri Kothar [Who lives w/ @wormstuck ]
Their name is Hadaly Kothar [They/Them]. You can see they get their fantastic looks from both of their dads ;) And Damiri's fucking smugness as well.
Them and Sialia are cousins too :>
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trainwreck-trolls · 7 months
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Qetesh Lazuli (left), geologist and Uranie's second in command for the Legacy mission
Hadaly Samiel (right), helm technician of the Legacy mission
(i forgot to make a standalone post for them oh no)
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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displayed in exhibit halls. [8] The term "android" appears in US patents as early as 1863 in reference to miniature human-like toy automatons. [9] The term android was used in a more modern sense by the French author Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam in his work
Tomorrow's Eve (1886). [3] This story features an artificial humanlike robot named Hadaly. As said by the officer in the story, "In this age of Realien advancement, who knows what goes on in the mind of those responsible for these mechanical dolls." The term made an impact into English pulp science fiction starting from Jack Williamson's The Cometeers (1936) and the distinction between mechanical robots and fleshy androids was popularized by Edmond Hamilton's Captain Future stories (1940-1944).
Although Karel Capek's robots in R.U.R.
(Rossum's Universal Robots) (1921)-the play that introduced the word robot to the world-were organic artificial humans, the word "robot" has come to primarily refer to mechanical humans, animals, and other beings. [3] The term
"android" can mean either one of these, [3] while a cyborg ("cybernetic organism" or "bionic man") would be a creature that is a combination of organic and mechanical parts.
The term "droid", popularized by George Lucas in the original Star Wars film and now used widely within science fiction, originated as ans CLONES
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Yuletide Nominations
Just submitted my Yuletide nominations!
屍者の帝国 | Shisha no Teikoku | Empire of Corpses (Anime) worldbuilding (empire of corpses) Hadaly Lilith John Watson (Empire of Corpses) Frederick Burnaby
The Devil Rides Out (1968) Duc de Richleau Tanith Carlisle Marie Eaton Rex Van Ryn
Darkwing Duck (1991) Drake Mallard Gosalyn Mallard Morgana Macawber Launchpad McQuack
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eiichiro · 3 years
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