#haides work
valuesofold · 4 months
Hope you are all doing well! I come to you with another info sheet, this time on Hades as requested by: @darknesscomforted, thank you so much for the request!
While doing this info sheet I found out there is very little information left about king Hades, I think this is because of the way ancient greeks treated the khthonic gods, especially because of miasma.
I still tried my best and hope it is helpfull in some way.
The orphic hymn to Pluto (Plouton/Haides) #17, which I used, was too big to include in its entirety. I tried to search for an alternate, smaller hymn but to no avail. I used the theoi.com website for the hymn in case you want to check out the rest.
That's all, stay well!
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
Haides's Blessing Deity Oil
"HAIDES (Hades) was the king of the underworld and god of the dead. He presided over funeral rites and defended the right of the dead to due burial. Haides was also the god of the hidden wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil with nourished the seed-grain to the mined wealth of gold, silver and other metals." - Theoi
I work with King Haides to let go of negative attachments, ancestor work, and financial matters. He's newer to my practice, I honour Queen Persephone with a candle beside him. He loves having his wife near him, especially since spring is on its way.
He's firm in his teachings. Honest but can be gentle. Will make you face your inner self and problems head-on.
I made an oil for him to call upon him. I use it to carry him with me, to wear for certain purposes and as a candle-dressing. It helps me with spirit communication, drawing prosperity and protects my heart space when placed on my chest.
You will need
A clean and cleansed jar
Peppermint - Prosperity, connections to the underworld
Cypress - Connections to death, protection, grief
Allspice - Prosperity, inner healing
Clove - Psychic Shielding, prosperity, personal growth
You can either do the folk method or the hot method. You can find my post on infused oils here to learn how to make infused spell oils. I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your oils. Speak to the herbs kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention. The same goes for the Olive oil.
You can sub any of these, however, Cypress and Mint are historical for him. Along with Olive oil. Try to keep within the theme of the underworld, death, spiritual connection, prosperity, introspection and protection.
Looking for all of my posts in one place? Check out the Masterpost
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apolloslyrics · 6 months
Hey hi! Here are some pictures (and one video) of my spring equinox ritual from a while ago ☀️🫶
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persephonesfoxway · 10 months
offering post for King Hades.
Orphic Hymn To Hades
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Orphic Hymn 18 to Pluton (trans. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.):
“To Plouton (Pluto) [Haides]. Plouton, magnanimous, whose realms profound are fixed beneath the firm and solid ground, in the Tartarean plains remote from sight, and wrapt for ever in the depths of night. Zeus Khthonios (of the Underworld), thy sacred ear incline, and pleased accept these sacred rites divine. Earth’s keys to thee, illustrious king, belong, its secret gates unlocking, deep and strong. ‘Tis thine abundant annual fruits to bear, for needy mortals are thy constant care. To thee, great king, all sovereign earth assigned, the seat of gods and basis of mankind. Thy throne is fixed in Haides’ dismal plains, distant, unknown to the rest, where darkness reigns; where, destitute of breath, pale spectres dwell, in endless, dire, inexorable hell; and in dread Akheron (Acheron), whose depths obscure, earth’s stable roots eternally secure. O mighty Daimon, whose decision dread, the future fate determines of the dead, with Demeter’s girl [Persephone] captive, through grassy plains, drawn in a four-yoked car with loosened reins, rapt over the deep, impelled by love, you flew till Eleusinia’s city rose to view: there, in a wondrous cave obscure and deep, the sacred maid secure from search you keep, the cave of Atthis, whose wide gates display an entrance to the kingdoms void of day. Of works unseen and seen thy power alone to be the great dispending source is known. All-ruling, holy God, with glory bright, thee sacred poets and their hymns delight, propitious to thy mystics’ works incline, rejoicing come, for holy rites are thine.”
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unseendeity · 9 months
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solvicrafts · 8 months
Artemis WIP
In addition to my wood elf line, I've started working on the first of my Greek mythology series: Artemis!
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I thought the yarn I ordered was going to be a bit darker than this (oops) but I guess I'll do multiple versions of her and try another brand when I decide to make another set.
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presefone · 8 months
remember that wild time when hera asked persephone to send the furies to drive dionysius mad because he was ''a bastard'' and ''a mortal''? just girly activities
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fragmentedhekatean · 1 year
been thinking about King Haides the past few days and I've come to realize when I do there's often a feeling of loneliness attached to it, of abandonment
He makes me feel a little less alone and I think he understands. He sits with me and it's a comfort. I imagine he sometimes feels that way in the Underworld. At least I know I would
I dunno there's something comforting about the quiet stillness and company and I really do appreciate it and him so much
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aliciavance4228 · 7 days
Bitches be like "Oh Hades always has to deal with his stupid youngest brother Zeus who cannot keep it in his pants."
First of all, Ancient Greeks didn't wear pants.
Secondly, Hades and Zeus are actually decent with each other. Hades isn't ashamed of asking him for help whenever he considers that there's the case, whereas Zeus trusts his eldest brother enough to give one of his daughters as his wife. There's also this whole discourse claiming that Zeus got the best and Hades got the worst, but if you actually give a second thought to it the Underworld actually has some of the greatest peaks: besides the fact that you're extremely rich all the mortals eventually become your subjects. Even poets stated that in numerous works:
Ovid, Fasti 4. 443 (trans.Boyle) (Roman poetry C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
"[Zeus speaks :] ‘My rank is no greater [than Haides]. I hold court in the sky; another rules the sea [Poseidon], and one the void [Haides].’"
Seneca, Hercules Furens 53 (trans. Miller) (Roman tragedy C1st A.D.) :
"Dis [Haides] himself, who drew a lot equal to Jove's [Zeus's]."
But if you're so desperate to give Hades a brotherly rivalry then I'm here to tell you that there's no need to erase all of Zeus' qualities (leadership skills, wisdom, long-term planning, determination, cunning etc.) and over exaggerate all of his bad actions in order to portray him as an incompetent asshole Hades always has to deal with. You could simply give Hades and Poseidon this type of dynamic instead.
Poseidon is way more impulsive, temperamental and testy than Zeus. He doesn't hesitate to show his wrath, let aside make others suffer because of it. On top of that, he's the god of the sea and earthquakes, and he's also almost as powerful as Zeus. His attributes and realm could easily represent a threat to the Underworld if he lets his anger go too far.
Take this passage from the Iliad as a relevant example:
Homer, Iliad 20. 67 ff :
"Poseidon from deep under them shuddered all the illimitable earth, the sheer heads of the mountains. And all the feet of Ida with her many waters were shaken and all her crests, and the city of Troy, the ships of the Akhaians (Achaeans). Aïdoneus [Haides], lord of the dead below, was in terror and sprang from his throne and screamed aloud, for fear that above him he who circles the land, Poseidon, might break the earth open and the houses of the dead lie open to men and immortals, ghastly and mouldering, so the very gods shudder before them; such was the crash that sounded as the gods came driving together in wrath."
Dude was freaking out in this scene. During the entire Greek Mythology he's presented as stoic and rarely frightened, but when his brother was causing a strong earthquake he was shitting himself and sucking his thumb like a baby (metaphorically). For the first and last time we see a god being vulnerable and scared by other gods in a similar way a mortal who is about to lose all of his property and belongings would be. Poseidon is pretty much capable of drowning the entire Underworld or exposing it to the Aboveworld if he wants to, so who's actually the more problematic brother? The one who can maintain his calm and control and understands better how distructive power can be, or the one whose anger was on the edge of breaking the border between the realms of the living and the dead?
What if people would stop completely changing the original personalities of the Greek Gods and create more headcanons and fanfictions based on what's actually stated (or at least what is suggested/more plausible) in the myths?
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
💀 Subtle Haides Worship 🐕‍🦺
If you have a dog (or any pet), play with them
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Donate dog supplies to animal shelters and places who help families in need
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, or birds
Start a coin collection with the intention of souls who need payment at the Underworld's gates can use those coins
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altars needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Have a stuffed animal owl, dog, or black ram
Have imagery of a bident, Cerberus, or ancient Greek helmets around
Drink coffee or a soothing tea to start your day
Honor your ancestors/souls that have passed; learn about your family history
Hold onto any family heirlooms; keep items from people who have passed in your life
Eat pomegranate seeds; drink pomegranate juice
Support suicide prevention or funeral funding organizations
Visit cemeteries; if allowed (get permission first please), leave flowers at graves; visit loved ones' or family members' graves
Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so; I just think it's respectful to do so)
Learn about death; acquaint yourself with the idea of death; figure out what you believe happens after death
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Work on learning to let go of the past; forgive yourself for past mistakes, and release past regrets
Start a garden or tend to plants
Save your money, if able; work on spending it wisely
Practice patience, understanding, and gratitude
Be a good host to all who enter your space; Haides is the ultimate host, the Ruler of All
Take a walk during a new moon (if it is safe to do so in your area)
Bury a time capsule
Honor old family traditions; dig into your heritage and find pride in it
Learn to find simple joys in life; make a list of things that bring you joy in your day to day
Meditate in nature; ground yourself often; practice mindfulness
Visit/explore caves (please do so safely!!!)
Visit ancient ruins, ghost towns, and any place where people used to be but are no longer
Hope this helps someone! I may add more later on. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Haides. Take care, everyone! 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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ltwilliammowett · 16 days
Ekke Nekkepenn - the merman
In short, Ekke Nekkepenn is a merman who lives with his wife Rahn at the bottom of the North Sea and plays pranks on sailors and inhabitants of the North Frisian islands.
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The best-known realisation of the Ekke-Nekkepenn myth today can be traced back to Christian Peter Hansen, who condensed and reshaped various sagas from the North Frisian region into his own continuous narrative in his Sagen und Erzählungen der Haidebewohner auf Sylt (Sagas and Tales of the Haide Inhabitants on Sylt), published in 1858. The first section of this tale is entitled ‘Der Meermann Ekke Nekkepenn’.
The story begins with Ekke Nekkepenn asking the wife of the captain of a Sylt ship sailing to England in a storm for help with the birth of her child. The beautiful and helpful captain's wife is led by the mariner to his wife Rahn, who lives at the bottom of the North Sea, and returns to the surface after a successful birth, richly endowed with gold and silver. The skipper and his wife are able to continue their journey in fine weather and later return safely and soundly to their home in Rantum on Sylt.
Many years later, Ekke Nekkepenn remembers this incident and decides - in view of the fact that Rahn has become ‘old and wrinkled’ in the meantime - to take the captain's wife as his wife instead. One day, when he spots the Rantum captain's ship, he persuades Rahn, who is sitting on the bottom of the sea, to grind salt, and the Sylt skipper and his crew perish in the resulting strong whirlpool.
On his way to the captain's wife, Ekke Nekkepenn, who has transformed himself into a handsome sailor, meets her virgin daughter Inge on the beach near Rantum. Against her will, he puts a golden ring on each of her fingers, hangs a golden chain around her neck and declares her his bride. When the girl tearfully begs him to release her, he replies that he can only do so if she can tell him her name the next evening. But nobody on the island knows the unknown stranger. As Inge walks along the beach again in despair the next evening, she hears a voice singing from the mountain at the southern tip of the island near Hörnum:
Today I shall brew; Tomorrow I shall bake; The day after tomorrow I want to get married. My name is Ekke Nekkepenn, My bride is Inge von Rantum, And nobody knows that but me alone.
She then runs to the agreed meeting place and calls out to the stranger arriving there: ‘Your name is Ekke Nekkepenn and I'll stay Inge von Rantum.’ Ever since that time, the man of the sea, who has been coerced in this way, has harboured a great rage against the islanders of Sylt and is always up to mischief when he feels like it. He destroys their ships in storms, causes them to sink in Rahn's maelstrom and damages the Sylt coastline with the tides he unleashes.
This myth is particularly prevalent on Sylt itself, because as soon as it storms, Ekke is said to be angry and he is once again angry with everyone.
It is not entirely clear what the myth itself is based on, but it is clear that Hansen has worked with two things: Nordic mythology and its sea god Ögis or Ekke as he is called in Frisian. In his ‘Materials for a Frisian Mythology’, published in 1850, Hansen writes: ‘The god of the sea was called Ögis by the Germans, Eiger by the Danes, Eie or Eia by the Frisians, also Ekke or Nekke. […] His wife was the goddess Ran, who blessed the beach, pulled the shipwrecked into her nets and after whom the old beach and dune village of Rantum was perhaps named. Incidentally, in Norse, Rane means to rob. According to a Frisian legend, Ekke once went to a woman from Rantum named Inge, but was given a basket.’ The problem here is that it is a pure invention by Hansen himself, this kind of Nordic mythology does not exist.
The second is Rumpelstiltskin. The Rumpelstiltskin variant used by Hansen belongs to a widespread complex of fairy tales and legends. In most of these tales, a dwarf or other creature helps a girl spin a certain amount of flax. The original North Frisian form of the story - which Hansen follows in his composition - does not contain precisely this element. This means that it belongs to a relatively small group of forms, which includes sagas from Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Tyrol, Lower Austria and Schleswig-Holstein. However, here he uses the verse often found in Rumpelstiltskin, except what is a merman doing on a mountain?
Apart from what Hansen has probably used here to give Ekke a story, it is more likely that this myth has been around on the islands for a long time and only in different versions and without a real name. It can therefore be assumed that Hansen was just trying to give it a unified story and a name.
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
When the Stars Were Brighter, a speculative fiction collection by @authoralexharvey — AVAILABLE NOW
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The Temple on Cicaro Hill - Born and raised on Cicaro Hill, Muirenn's suffering comes to a head when they remember a simple gift given to them long ago.
Within These Twisted Vines - Isabella is the latest in a lengthening string of missing women. Macy, her best friend/girlfriend/Facebook-Status-It's-Complicated, is desperate to find her.
I Would Enter Haides - When Agape and Aspasia cross paths, it is love at first sight. Alas, it cannot be. Engaged to another, Agape thinks her fate sealed, until a hand in the dark changes everything.
You Are Not This Person Anymore - Resurrected after an untimely death, you struggle with the life you have come back to. What happened to you? Why can't you go back to being the person you once were? And why, after his delight at your return, does your husband continue to scorn you?
Following a Northern Star - As a worker for [COMPANY], Jane's life is thus: piss away the dredges of her mother's death stipend, eat shitty reconstituted meals from the Five-Dollar Store, and try to keep her head down long enough to avoid starting a fight. But when she is selected as a pilot for the next Salvage Suit, a job her mother did prior to her suicide, Jane's life spirals further out of control.
Morning Afters - Quinn's body changes every morning when they wake up to fit their current dysphoric needs. The system works for them—mostly. Thus far, they haven't had a chance to tell their latest friends-with-benefits, electing instead to sneak out in the dead of morning. Today, however, it could all change.
Also includes an ASMLP teaser!
Info page/Purchase links
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ladydeath-vanserra · 11 months
as disappointing as it was to find out Rick Riordan was defending Israel, overall it wasn't.... completely unsurprising. He made Greece the "father of western civilization" which.... is a sentiment rooted in yt supremacy. I also, personally, really dislike how he portrays the gods (especially Hekate don't get me started), especially the goddesses. He literally made Haides the father of HITLER???? (if I'm remembering correctly anyways) and I have seen some creators on here making criticisms of his writing of poc and queer characters, especially Piper, and the relationship with Hazel and Frank (that did give me the ick too tbh)
I feel like he's taken the criticisms and has tried to work on them and improve his representation and I do appreciate the inclusion he's trying to put into his books
but. yeah. idk it wasn't Completely out of left field for me to see him defend Israel
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hellopersimmonpie · 3 months
Setelah didiagnosa ADHD dan dijelaskan sama psikiater bahwa penyandang ADHD bisa saja tidak mampu melakukan multitasking dan kesulitan untuk switching pekerjaan dengan cepat, gue lega banget.
Selama ini, gue sering banget ter-gaslight dari lingkungan. Bahwa dosen harus bisa multitasking karena kerjaannya banyak. Bahwa cewek harus multitasking karena harus mengurus keluarga. Maka orang-orang di sekitar gue tuh sering banget bilang:
"Kamu jangan mental block kayak gitu. Harus dicoba"
Udah gue coba. Dan saat kerjaan banyak banget, gue stress. Stressnya itu sampai di level haid berantakan banget.
Setelah gue menerima bahwa gue ga multitasking, gue mulai pelan-pelan memanage hidup gue dengan lebih baik. Gue mulai hafal kapan gue punya energi buat deep work. Kapan gue kelelahan dan harus tegas untuk berhenti.
Neurodiversity adalah sesuatu yang nyata banget tapi terasa tidak nyata karena nggak semua orang mengalami. Jadi nggak banyak orang yang bisa berempati.
Betapa gue dengan desperate terapi ke psikolog karena gue nggak mampu dateng ke suatu kegiatan secara on time. Bahkan ngajar pun gue selalu telat sampai sejam. Kalo gue ga paham tentang neurodiversity, gue pasti bakal menganggap diri sendiri sebagai orang yang jahat.
Beberapa penyandang ADHD itu punya persepsi yang berbeda terhadap waktu dibandingkan Neurotypical. Di level yang sangat parah, hidupnya harus selalu dibantu dengan alarm. Karena saat mengalami time blindness, 5 menit sama sejam itu seperti tidak ada bedanya.
Beberapa penyandang ADHD juga memiliki kemampuan yang buruk untuk estimasi menggunakan angka. Selama ini nilai matematika gue tinggi tapi gue ga mampu hitung cepat. Gue kesulitan berurusan dengan angka. Jadi pembelajaran matematika gue emang beda dengan yang lain. Gue melihat matematika sebagai konsep dan gue pelajari dengan otodidak. Nilai matematika gue pas SD jelek banget. Baru naik signifikan pas SMP karena di SMP tuh ada pelajaran Fisika yang surprisingly bisa membantu gue berimajinasi tentang banyak hal dan memperkuat konsep matematis gue. Sementara matematika pas SD kebanyakan harus berurusan dengan pembagian dan perkalian secara manual.
Tipe ADHD gue tuh gabungan antara hiperaktif - inatentif. Tapi tidak impulsif.
Jadinya pas d kelas tuh gue nggak mampu keep up sama guru karena gue tenggelam dengan ramainya pikiran gue sendiri. Jadi guru tuh tahunya gue tuh cuma anak nakal dan nggak sopan. Kalo diajak ngobrol sering memotong pembicaran. Meanwhile gue jadinya memotong pembicaraan tuh lebih karena ga sadar aja. Orang ADHD tuh otaknya kan berpikirnya cepet banget. Jadi kadang satu topik belum selesai tuh udah pindah lagi.
Sekarang gue tahu alasan di balik itu. Kenapa logika gue bagus banget sementara gue ga mampu menjumlahkan angka secara manual. Psikiater bilang ini tuh namanya Diskalkulia. Kadang diskalkulia tuh jadi penyertanya ADHD.
So ketidakmampuan gue mengestimasi sesuatu dengan angka tuh ya pure karena otaknya berbeda dengan neurotypical. Tapi meskipun demikian, gue nggak kehilangan kemampuan untuk memanage sesuatu. Pendekatannya aja yang sedikit berbeda.
Gue sekarang udah mulai embrace banget hidup sebagai penyandang ADHD. Udah jarang mempertanyakan:
"Kenapa mereka bisa dan gue enggak?"
Pun dalam hal penjadwalan, ADHD itu harus dilatih dengan rutinitas. Dengan ritme yang kalo bisa tiap hari tuh sama. Nggak banyak berubah. Maka gue disiplin untuk tidak membuat acara dengan mendadak. Tidak mengizinkan orang lain menggeser-geser jadwal seenaknya. Karena begitu rutinitas berubah, gue stress.
Jadinya emang nggak fleksibel. Tapi itu less stressfull buat gue.
Gue pun pelan-pelan membangun sistem kerja gue sendiri biar sustain.
Saat memasuki usia 30, gue takut banget karena nggak bisa mengejar mimpi. Tapi pas jalan umur 34, gue menyadari bahwa di usia segini tuh segala pertimbangan gue lebih matang dan tidak fomo.
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unseendeity · 9 months
ya know what.. all this time I had devotional jewelry & I never thought about it in that way until recently.
(one thing about me is I'm a necklace wearing person. I also like rings, but you'll always see me wearing a necklace.. if I'm not at work)
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(zoom in for better quality!)
1st necklace: pendant that says ‘memento mori’
2nd necklace: smoky quartz
3rd necklace: broken skull
4th necklace: pirates of the caribbean coin
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gemini-forest · 1 year
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Halo/Rise references.
Key info relating to the boys.
CW; mention of experiments, infant death under cut.
Also if there's any inconsistencies or something that doesn't make sense, just consider it part of the rules of the AU
1: The UNSC wanted to see if it was possible to create Spartans out of animals out of curiosity. Taking DNA samples from "Splinter" Aka Hamato Yoshi, a Spartan who volunteered himself to test and see if it was possible.
2: After grabbing three random eggs from REACH before it fell they injected the embryos with human DNA till they hatched.
Their names already determined as Projects Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and Michelangelo
Raph was the first to hatch, a year later Leo hatched, Donnie didn't make it and Mikey was the last one year later. The numbers 315.01 through .04.
3: With what DNA and information they had relating to Donnie they started to experiment and see if he could be an AI. Somehow it did work yet his AI needed time to develop as a living creature. They could never explain it.
4: The Covenant attached that location, Leo, Raph and Mikey were separated and by the UNSC Leo was determined dead. But in fact The Covenant got a hold of Leo.
5: Mikey and Raph haid their tails docked at as infants for battle reasons. Raph had taken a little longer to learn how to walk but figured it out.
6: Despite being quite small Mikey is one of the best Spartans in his group.
7: Leo was raised by the Elites and learned the universal language and Alien languages. He started training at a young age with Thal being his mentor. At the age of 14 showing great skills with strategy and leadership, and working hard he was granted Major. As disliked as it was Leo brought much honor to the Elites.
8: Donnie's personality and equivalent of soul or spirit thanks to the technology and resources Donnie grew to be a pretty powerful AI. Being one of the few that can manifest weapons and usually rides along in Raph's helmet
9: Raph and Mikey are called "Sunset". Mikey also rides on Raph.
10: Despite being turtles their shells are more closer to their back and spines, or even non existent. Which helps with their armor.
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