#hair so we were getting out the car to go get ready for bible study at church but then he’s all like ‘VK i need to talk to you can you pleas
avatardoggo · 1 year
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soooo i was right 🫠😐🫥 the Friend like likes me and it seems e v e r y o n e around me has known sINCE FEBRUARY
#SO 👏🏾 let’s just let it be known that i’m an Obviously Silly Clown so no one needs to tel me that ik already so i already told y’all how he#said he needed to Talk to me and i was planning on avoiding him but my friends said not to bc it’s not the Adult Thing To Do and he is my#friend and i care about him so it wouldn’t be nice so i didn’t me and my roommate went to dairy queen with him after i finished braiding her#hair so we were getting out the car to go get ready for bible study at church but then he’s all like ‘VK i need to talk to you can you pleas#stay?’ and i was like KAJDJDJFJFJJD NO but on the outside i was such a Normal Girl and was like sure :)) so we’re in the parking lot and i l#left the door open bc i didn’t want to feel claustrophobic but i lied 🤥 and said it was hot so he starts out all like sorry i made you anxio#us by prolonging this talk and i was like lol no it’s fine i was busy with exams and stuff and he just kinda gets quiet and he was like sooo#i like you and i’m like#🤔😃🫠😶🫥😧 processing#and then i was like ok elaborate and he’s like i have feelings for you so i’m SHOOK BC WOWIE ppl aren’t cowards like me cause i could never#and i say well thanks for telling me and i think you’re really brave for that but i’m sorry i don’t feel the same way but i still want to be#friends but if you need space then it’s fine as well and he’s like ya i didn’t expect anything from you i just didn’t want to regret not#saying anything so i was ABOUT TO CRY BC I HAD TO REJECT HIM BC I REALLY DONT HAVE THOSE FEELJNGS FOR HIM so i left and went home and my <3#almost exploded from my chest i was on the verge of a panic attack and i told my roommate and she was LAUGHING BC SHES SUSPECTED HES LIKED#ME SINCE FEBRUARY when he paid for my pizza and aPpArEnTlY hOw He LoOkS aT mE 🙄 WHATEVER#AND THEN I TOLD MY SECOND ROOMMATE AND SHES LIKE O YA IM NOT SURPRISED#so i’m just an oblivious silly goose who doesn’t USE HER BRAIN like kajdjdjhddjd and and now i’m thinking of the things i’ve done that made#him think i like him too like i baker him a pie for his birthday and i just feel silly and need advice if anyone has any but if not it’s fin#just an update on my life if you’re interested#vk overshares in the tags
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Part 3
"You guys really don’t have to do this.”
“Yes we do”, Robin and Eddie said in unison.
Every once in a while Steve wondered if he had a type and this was not helping things. But he knew he’d never be able to stop them, so he just threw his hands up and went into the kitchen to finish helping Ms. Henderson.
“I can’t believe you made that book club homemade brownies”, he said as he wrapped a plate in plastic. “I mean, after what Sheila said...”
“Oh I can’t afford to burn any bridges there”, Claudia said. “Or else I’ll have to go back to the women’s bible study group.”
They both shuddered at the thought.
“Besides”, she continued, “It won’t be all bad for long. I’m planning a coup.”
Steve’s eyes widened. He didn’t know when he became the type that thirsted after book club drama but that’s the kind of guy he was now. Before he could ask her to spill the details, Dustin called from the living room that they were starting. He returned to the living room while Claudia took her brownies and was out the door.
“Your mom is going to war, did you know that?”
“I know, I gave her the idea”, Dustin said while shuffling some index cards in his hands.
“I think you’ve got more important things to worry about now”, Robin said.
“Seconded”, Eddie said.
Eddie and Robin sat on the couch next to each other. Dustin had a whiteboard with both of their names, ready to be tallied up with scores. And a handful of question cards, custom made for the occasion.
“This is ridiculous”, Steve said, standing behind the couch and leaning forward, hoping to talk some sense into everyone.
“I think you’re forgetting about the strange correlation between relationships and this game”, Dustin said. “Ever since that first round at the cabin, you and Eddie got together, Mike and El broke up, and now Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle are in this weird, trio thing.”
“And while correlation doesn’t always equate to causation, this game seems a pretty decent measure for how well you know a person”, Robin said.
“And the stakes are too high to give this up”, Eddie said. He and Robin had been fighting over shotgun rights in the car as well as the prime real estate that was Steve’s lap.
Seeing an opportunity, Steve leaned in close to Eddie. “If I promise you a ‘good time’, will you give up the game?”
“You’re playing favorites again”, Robin complained.
Steve covered Eddie’s ears. “He’s just easier to bribe. You’re too pricey, Rob.”
“Hey, I heard that. You callin’ me cheap?”, Eddie accused.
“Can we get started with the game, please?”, Dustin brought them all back to the task at hand.
“Get ready to lose”, Robin started.
“Not on your life, Bucks.”
“Alright. First question: How does Steve spend his days off.”
“A jog, a big breakfast, then he spends the rest of the time lookin after you guys”, Eddie answered.
Robin looked at Steve incredulously. “You jog? On your days off? Steve, I think we might need a jock intervention.”
“It’s not just a jock thing. It’s a I can’t believe how many times I’ve had to run for my life thing.”
Dustin put down a tally for Eddie. “Next question: his go-to dancing song.”
“Take On Me!”, Robin nearly shouted.
Eddie raised a brow at Steve.
“It’s good head bopping music!”, he said defensively.
“Said the human bobblehead”, Robin teased.
“His worst date?”
They answered at the same time. “Lina Williams.”
Steve groaned. “I regret telling either of you now.”
“Who is Lina Williams?”, Dustin asked.
“Bad kisser.” “Chatterbox.” “Compulsive liar.” “Kind of a klepto.” “Won’t take a hint.” “But also never stops dropping them.” “Also a name dropper.” “Bad at head-”
“Okayokayokay”, Dustin stopped the duo’s back and forth. “That was more than I needed to know.”
The next few questions they both answered correctly as well. “Where is his grandma from?” “Describe his hair care routine.” “Favorite thing to cook?”
Steve looked at the scoreboard. They were still tied. He sat down between them and laid his arms against the back of the couch. “You know, I don’t see two competitors. I see two people who care about me very much and just want my attention.”
That made Robin pause. “When did I become the kind of girl who fought for Steve Harrington’s attention?”
Eddie stared into the distance. “Yeah...when did that happen?”
“Yeah, he kinda creeps into your heart, don’t he?” Dustin grinned. “Like a little stray.”
Robin nodded. “Like a little, wet stray.”
“Like a little, wet, sad stray.”
“Okay, feelin’ less loved here”, Steve said.
“Well let me give my stray a collar then”, Eddie smirked. “‘Cause I’m never lettin’ him go.” He leaned in the kiss Steve on the lips but then quickly went to his neck.
“Eddie!”, Steve protested in shock. “Eddie~”, he breathed out next, this one less of a protest.
Dustin covered his face and began voicing his own protests, as did Robin.
“We gotta have a rule for this, right?”, Robin said before removing herself from the couch.
“Yep”, Dustin said, still not uncovering his eyes. “We’re gonna bring it up the next time we have everyone. These two are not allowed within five feet of each other.”
“Dustin, make up your mind”, Eddie said when he came up for air. “Do you want me and Steve to get along? Or be apart?”
“This is like the wish you get from a genie. Or a monkey’s paw”, Dustin lamented.
“So are you two fine with calling it a draw?”, Steve asked.
Eddie and Robin shared a look.
“I call indefinite shotgun rights”, she said.
“Then that means his lap is reserved for me”, Eddie replied.
“Okay. Now that that’s settled”, Steve adjusted his position and Eddie immediately sat in his lap while Robin got comfortable at his side. “Dustin. Tell me about this book club coup.”
Dustin didn’t hesitate. “My mom’s gotten fed up with Sheila’s crap, right? And she’s not the only one. So she and like two other moms are going to...”
Steve didn’t know exactly when they’d all changed. Because there was definitely a time in his life where if you told him he’d be sitting in Dustin Henderson’s home, listening to the drama of middle aged moms, while cuddling up with a band geek and the school freak, he would’ve thought you were insane.
But somehow, someway, here he was. And there was no place he’d rather be.
Tag Team
@spectrum-spectre @archerwithmanybows @henderdads @menamesniall @bornonthesavage @grtwdsmwhr @vi-the-best-you-can   @kardinalkalamity @leather-and-freckles @resident-gay-bitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @snowstar2368 @alienace @martzja @fangirltofangod @saramelaniemoon @lexyvey @ape31 @gay-stranger-things @beautifully-useless @freddykicksasses
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usaigi · 1 year
Modern Blue Lions headcanons
Has difficulties with fine motor skills following the car accident that killed his family and Glenn. Has to use accommodating tools like specific silverware and a laptop to take notes in class. Kids used to be jealous that he got use a laptop in class but he just wanted to be normal
Regular member of his school GSA but everyone assume he's just a straight ally because look at him. Look at his hair. He's straight. His classmates don't discover he's actually bi until a week before graduation when they see him kiss Felix
Also a regular member of the BIPOC solidarity club. Dimitri, Dorothea, Ashe and Constance are the token white allies.
(mental health spiraling) "haha puberty/hormones :) No need to discuss these new symptoms with anyone, it's just normal teenager things" (it is not normal teenage things)
banned from home ec after starting a fire while making a salad... She's was trying to make homemade croutons...
girl ADHD :)
she got a B on a chem test one and cried about it for 2 days straight
"Maybe if I get all A and get this many awards and get this many scholarships, my dad will love me :)" (girl.. :( )
Frenemies with Lysithea. They're buddies until it's time for exams. Then it's war. There can only be one valedictorian. (death note's "I'll take a potato chip and eat it" songs plays in the background)
Olivia Rodrigo stan
Hasn't said "okay i'm sorry that I looked at Mrs Riley and lightly grazed her left tit" but has said that exact same thing
friend with a car. "yeah we can all fit into my Audi; Annette and Ashe are tiny, just squeeze in and pretend you like each other. We can stick Felix in the trunk" "I'll kill you."
He's in Lacross AND theatre. Ice hockey AND Ice dancing and figure skating. He can do both, he's bisexual
Has to pick between a major sport game and his theatre show. His dad wants him to follow his dream and do the game but Sylvain is getting ready to tell him "no dad i'm giving up your dream." He backs out. He goes to the game.
"You got a perfect score on the college entrance exams?" "Why is it hard?" (he studied so much)
"Gay people are real??? They don't just exist in San Francisco and on Glee???" /gen confusion. Not in a homophobic way, she's just raised in a conservative environment and instead of going on the internet, she hangs out with her horses (Just wait till she finds out about trans people)
When her family was going through a particularly hard financial time, her friends started packing extra lunch. They all know she doesn't accept handouts but Ingrid will never say no to leftovers.
So chronically offline. Who's Billie Eilish? What's Succession? What is Rizz?? They're making another Spider-Man movie!?
Vice-president of the BIPOC solidarity club. The school gives them club money and he uses it to make food for the members.
"..." "Go on" "Down with... gringo?" *Claude, Petra, Felix, Cyril, Hapi, Constance, Dimitri, Ashe and Dorothea all clap*
Football/Basketball/Hockey couches keep trying to recruit him. He just wants to garden.
(Tw racism and ref to violence to poc men) "I don't want to antagonist white people. As a large brown man, I'm already perceived as a threat." "That's ok! Your safety comes first. I got this," Dorothea says as she throws eggs at someone's car with a confederate flag.
"I'm joining the war on liberation theology on the side of liberation theology."
"Mercedes! Can you explain your tardiness?" "Forgive me, professor, I was at morning mass." (She was. But she's late because she stop to smoke a blunt.)
In her most angelic, big sister voice, "fuck TradCaths 😊"
Somehow still failing her religious studies class
(tw cults and implied anti semitic conspiracy) Raised in a religious cult where her step dad was the leader until she and her mom escaped. Because of this, did not know Jewish people were real. "I knew they were people in the bible but all I knew was [redact]" (Don't worry, she knows better now that she's not in a literal cult)
"I fucking hate my dad" "why? Is it cause he didn't accept you being queer/trans?" "No, he was cool with that. He's just fucking annoying."
"Ingrid, what the hell, I'm literally trans. You know this. We've been friends since we were in diapers." "Oh. I forgot." "YOU FORGOT!?"
Wasian. (tw sui joke) @ Dimitri and Sylvain "stop joking about killing yourself--you're appropriating my culture, assholes."
Secret Olivia Rodrigo fan. He only listens to her music on youtube + incognito mode. Only Annette knows. Annette manages to get them concert tickets were they run into Lysithea.
Spider-Man stan on main. Somehow he convinces Dedue to be his Ned Leeds to his Peter Parker for Halloween
He knows Ingrid would like the MCU if she watched it, but she's scared of needing to watch 10000 movies
*slaps Ashe's back* You can pack so much anxiety in this guy
Started school in the middle of the year because he's a foster kid. Rumors started spread about him being a harden criminal because he went to juvie. He keeps tries to correct them and say he's never been but Caspar keeps fueling the rumors
"Caspar! Stop telling people I went to juvie! That never happened!" "...You... lied to me? :(" "You made it up!" "Oooh. Right."
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Yuletide Blessings, the Night of Many Curses, and a Reflection of Myself: 2022
I grew up in a very Catholicism-centric home. I was a bad Christian, but I'm a half-decent Pagan.
My grandparents took me to mass every Sunday, some Fridays, and the occasional special Wednesdays. I did First Communion, and my Sacraments. Though she still harbors a decent stash of Southern Woman brand of Fear of God, my mother has never been as dedicated as her side of the family are to the Bible, and so I was raised with a peculiar religious education. We celebrated Easter, and Christmas, and she always made it a point to explain that all of our Christian-centric holidays are part of a two-sided, very Pagan coin. Through those lessons is where I found myself.
My mother raised me to have a connection to the earth that sustains us, the air that gives us breath, the sky that gives us dreams, the water that gives life to all, and the fire that burns in our bones. I was raised to listen to the whippoorwill's song above the chorus of cicadas, the thrum of katydids as they struck the wild grass. I remember well the lessons of how to track animals as they moved through the land, and how to tell if they were safe at the end of their trail.
One needs very little imagination to see how I went from a wide-eyed and breathless child, hair wild from the wind and face sunburnt, to an adult with the same half-cocked tendencies, a green thumb, and a few too many animals.
It was that same wildness I've always possessed that landed us without running water, in the middle of a winter storm, on Christmas Eve.
I, generally, dread the holidays. When I was 7, my mother and I were disowned by her family on Thanksgiving, at Thanksgiving dinner. There's very little stretching to be done to understand why I don't particularly enjoy this time of year. It's cold. The wind hurts. Tumbleweeds have completely taken over my life, and seem to have no interest in moving on to better things. It has been bitterly cold here the past few days, dipping well into the negatives and truly testing our grit. We don't even have snow to show for it, just very dark eye bags.
Imagine my rueful chagrin and general air of I-Told-You-So when my boyfriend was getting ready to leave to pick up my other partner from work, and I was preparing to run a mop bucket, when neither the water would run nor would the car start. Several panicked phone calls, a dropped flashlight, and an "Adventure" later, and we learned the car wouldn't start because of a loose wire, and the water wouldn't run because we had a geyser of a broken pipe under the house. Many, many hours later, the pipe is fixed, and the contact points for the pressure sensor in the well needed to be replaced. Once that was finished, and the daily temp was sitting at a balmy 7F degrees, we turned the water back on to see if we were good to go.
We were not.
We have at least one more leak to patch, and see if that's our last one. I don't have the greatest gut feeling about that, but at least now we know how to fix it. Our neighbors truly saved us, and have let us use their running water and buckets to keep the dogs watered. I never thought I'd be looking forward to running a mop bucket. Our neighbors also brought us food today - a green bean casserole, a stick of butter, 3 potatoes, rolls, and cheese enchiladas. I've never been more grateful for them, and they gave us a carload of free dog food to help us get everything settled back in this month when Tommy left.
Ultimately, we figured out that the feral cats getting under the house provided enough traction for the wind to rip a piece of siding off. The cats then sought warmth further in their stronghold, and dug into the insulation around the piping and under the house. The exposure to the arctic air froze the pipe, and the pressure burst it as soon as it started to try to thaw. We can't even put new siding on until it warms up a little bit so we can get the siding to the house.
It occurred to me, while standing in a hole in the ground and studying the well pump, that I'm proud of the progress I've made this year. I have several blog posts waiting for me to finish the research to flesh them out - facts about pigeons, chickens, microgreens, and self-sufficient apothecaries itch for me to info dump somewhere. I wish I could say that I'm surprised at my misfortune, but it also occurred to me while standing in that hole just how lucky we are. Our small, strained community came together to help support us in a time of desperation. We had a pipe burst? Yes, but my mother's friend/my ex boss is a master plumber who hates the holidays as much as I do, and answered the call immediately. The well pump needed fixing? Sure, but it was something we could do. No running water? Between our friend and our own shopping trip, we have several buckets, and our neighbors have a water hose. Our main house heater doesn't want to cooperate? We have a number to a repairman, who our neighbors used, and we have multiple space heaters keeping everything functioning.
I've never looked forward to spring more, if for nothing else than for the fact I can start to sow the earth that has humbled me so, and finally give something back to the people who have kept us afloat.
Happy Holidays, all.
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
ASK FRIDAY - CREATE A SCENARIO: roommates trope with Kylo
Due to some last minute room swapping and late registering Reader and Kylo end up in the same dorm but they're mad about it and hate each other (cue intense sexual tension)
Dorm room, Snowed in, evening time like 6
The heater/power has just gone out and Kylo knows a few ways to get warm...only if Readers up for it...
been working on this for FOREVER ANON. 
I loved it! 
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TW: NSFW, dirty talk, dom/sub vibes, exhibitionism, kinda fluff, Kylos not that nice and is an entitled man.
Oh yeah, you fuckin’ slut. 
‘M gonna cum all over your fucking tits.
You slapped the wall next to your bed, hard. 
“Can you guys keep it down! It’s 1 in the morning!” 
Muffled voices came through the paper-thin wall, sounding like bodies moving to the floor. Good, you thought, at least he will get rug burn from the shitty carpet, might keep him from fucking everything that moves. 
A hard knock on the wall pulled you from that thought. 
“Go read your fucking Bible! I’m trying to get my dick wet!” 
“Why don’t you go get fucked!?” 
Some giggled came through next, followed by more muffled whispering. You whined loudly, trying to ignore the sounds of him fucking whatever bimbo your dormmate had in his lair. Shoving your face into your pillow, muffling your tears and wails. 
You turned on your TV, drowning out the final act of his performance. Fingers poised over your keyboard to file another noise complaint with the RA… not like they ever helped you. The last time they intervened they left with a black eye and broken nose, shrugging for you to sort it out yourselves. 
A door slammed shut, you let out a sigh of relief. 
At least he wasn’t a cuddler. 
You climbed out of bed, tip-toeing to your door to take a peek of whatever slut found her way into his room this evening. The special lady was a new cinderella every fucking week, he didn’t even try to know their names. You heard him admit it once in class to his friends, saying he called them all ‘baby’ so he wouldn’t have to learn. 
You peeked out the door, blinking from the harsh fluorescent lighting of your dingy dorm halls. The walls were a screaming white, yellowing from years of shoddy cleaning. You tried to clean your room when you first came to school, but it was too disgusting. 
A non-smoking dorm, ha. Everyone smoked, especially your neighbor. 
“Shouldn’t you be in bed creeper?” 
You jumped at his voice, exhaling harshly through your nose. You steeled your features, caught red-handed looking for his latest prey. Crossing your arms defensively, not that there was anything to hide. You were in your ratty pj’s, they were on sale at Old Navy a few years ago and you never threw them away even though they barely fit anymore. 
“If you’re so interested in being a cuck,” he grinned at you, flashing his crooked teeth, “I would love to have you over for an encore, I’m sure you’d love to watch me in action.” 
“Buzz off, Ren.” 
“Ooo, angry tonight,” he smirked, now stepping out of his door frame. You choked a little at his appearance, no shirt on, basketball shorts barely hanging off his hips. Dangerously low, seriously, if he took one wrong move they would be on the floor. His chest was covered in fresh scratch marks, no doubt from his latest victim, a sheen of sweat glistening under the lights. 
Fuck, he was good-looking. 
But he was terrible. 
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat, daring you to stare back at him. 
You gulped, caught again. You were better than that, you were just tired from being kept up since ten with his version of ‘love-making’. 
“My eyes are up here cupcake,” he stepped forward. Pushing you back into your doorframe, almost inside your sanctuary. “If you ever decide you want to break your vow of chastity, I’m right next door.” 
“Step away from me, Kylo.” 
He cocked his brow, “I love when you’re mean, come on. Let’s see if kitty has claws.” 
You bared your teeth, fists balling under your underarms, “Not even if you were the last man on Earth.” 
He shrugged, backing away from you. 
“Deal, bitch.” 
You moved to shut your door on him, “Go away.” 
“See you in class, bright and early.” 
When you imagined leaving for college, it was different. 
Saying goodbye to your parents, packing your car with whatever small valuables you owned. Determined to make a name for yourself all the way across the country, no friends or family, truly on your own. You imagined everything would be different, the dorm would be filled with new and friendly faces. 
RA’s greeting you as you parked outside, giving you a tour and maybe a group lunch with all your floormates. Getting to know each other, maybe even going to some new-student orientation event they planned for the newbies. 
Classes were smooth, acing all your major requirements. Professors were kind and ready to help you at any moment, letting your artistic vision flow through your body every morning with your 8 AM yoga class. 
But no. 
Instead, you registered late. 
Your classes all at the worst times, bright and early. 
Second rate dorm, COED even… smelly dudes between your single bedroom which would be better defined as a broom closet. Burping and fucking on both sides of you while you tried to study. Your major requirement classes were boring and filled with pretentious art students who thought they were the next Picasso. 
Professors didn’t care if you lived or died, only focusing on the bell schedule because they couldn’t control what the freshmen did in their classes. 
Your options for clubs were limited, either join a sport or a cult. 
And worst of all. 
Kylo Ren. 
He was your neighbor, signed up late just like you. You actually arrived at the same time, he pushed you down on your ass in the lobby so he could be checked in first. Calling you a clumsy bitch, only for you both to be handed keys to the same floor. Right next to each other, sharing a flimsy wall. 
On top of that, he was an art major like you. 
And since he registered late, he was in almost every class. 
Even yoga! 
He took your mat the first day, leaving you in tears in the hallway. He apologized afterward, handing it back to you before storming off to be with his beefy upper-class friends. Any moment he could, Ren would humiliate you. Trying to push your buttons, whistling at you when you had to cross the hallway to the showers. Tripping you when you had your hands full, making fun of you for hanging out with your sparse group of friends. 
And when he found out you were annoyed with him making noise, he latched onto it. 
One week he decided to recite the entire Phantom of the Opera, just because you mentioned in class that you loved that play. 
He did every part, even the musical scores, you could’ve sworn he did it with a megaphone on the wall, just to spite you. 
Your parents told you ‘he just likes you, he’s a boy.’ 
That’s not how people express feelings, at least not healthy people. 
Your alarm clock blared on your nightstand, you didn’t sleep so it didn’t bother you. Letting out a heavy sigh of defeat, Ren ruined another night for you, a night you’d never get back. Of precious, precious sleep that you desperately deserved. 
Slipping on some plum leggings and a sports bra. No one gave a fuck about your outfit in your early morning class, as long as you went with clothes on. You popped on your headphones, trying to drone out the noise of Ren’s music through the wall. He liked to blast some god-awful music every morning. 
Today, it was an old Black Veil Brides album! 
You made it out of the dining hall, snatching a muffin for breakfast. Smiling at some guys you knew, waving at your friend Rose as you stormed off to the gym. The cold chill of Winter biting at your nose, it was too cold to not wear a full outfit. But there was no time, with Ren keeping you up all night and classes back to back, you didn’t have time to fuck around with dressing up. 
Ren ran in after you, laughing with his friends. Big nose all red from the frost, his hair looked frozen to his scalp, probably showered beforehand. You rolled out your mat, trying to stretch while he bragged about the pussy he got last night. Making a big show of your complaining, saying you were desperate to fuck him based on your whining. 
You rolled your eyes when he planted next to you, “Good morning, you ran out in a hurry.” 
“I didn’t want to be late,” you sneered, not giving him the time of day, still stretching your back into child's-pose. 
“How are we supposed to walk together if you run away from me, cupcake?” 
You scoffed, shooting him an icy glare. Despite him grinning at you like the happiest man on Earth, god, you needed to stop giving him a reaction. That would shut him up if you didn’t give him the attention he is clearly lacking from his parental figures. 
“Good morning class,” your teacher greeted you calmly, “I hope you’re all doing well. As you all know, this next week is finals week, I’m offering makeup classes to those of you who need to make up some credit hours. We are also hosting some meditation if you need time to relax between classes.” 
Next to you, Ren leaned towards your mat, setting his hand right behind your back. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know he was hovering. Ready to devour you like a piece of meat.
“Hey,” he chuckled. 
You stayed quiet, pushing back into his arm so he would move. Ren stayed put, purring in your ear, “Did you sleep well?” 
“Move off my mat, Ren.” 
He smirked down at you, “You seem stressed, do you want me to help by fucking your brains out.” 
You shot off your mat, effectively knocking him onto his back. Laughing loudly in a relatively silent room of students trying to center themselves. He grinned from the floor, hands up in the air in defense, “I’m just offering to help you, Jesus!” 
“Just,” you pointed in his face, hair falling out of your ponytail. Everyone was staring at you, even your instructor. Shocked you were yelling, you barely spoke in class, at the scariest person in your class. 
“Just, leave me alone.” 
Ren avoided you for the rest of the week, mostly. 
Still had his nightly fuck-more subdued though, you had on noise-canceling headphones to try and focus on studying. There were still so many classes to get to, and you wouldn’t be finished until the day before Winter break… you were desperate to get this over with. 
You missed your family, the plane ticket itself cost you a whole month of meals. 
Of course, you would do fine in your classes, it was just the motivation to get there. Every morning you glared at Ren when he greeted you in yoga, still standing next to you like a menacing shadow. 
This morning was no different, only you skipped class to study in the library. Bundled up in your winter coat, long black scarf, hair in a lazy braid, and thermal leggings on. The wind had picked up last night, bringing on an ice storm that wasn’t expected until late next week. You walked on treacherous sidewalks, dodging all the other students who were seeking the warmth of the library. 
You settled inside, sprawling your books and laptop on an old desk. Grabbing out a few sketch pads so you could finish up some pieces that were due in a couple hours. Most of your finals in art were ‘unconventional’ which meant the professor wanted to see what you were motivated to work on during the year. 
For yours, you had decided to draw the people you saw on campus. 
Studying their faces, mannerisms, languages while they were in an organic environment. It was a great piece, and one of your professors was very interested in showcasing it in a show. You were proud, it wasn’t large but it was important for you and you wanted it to be perfect before turning it in. 
Your pastels were spread out, fingertips smudged and stained from charcoal, a few lines on your face and brow from forgetting about the streaks. There was this one person you couldn’t finish, it was one of your friends from last week. She was laughing and holding a drink, the expression wide and full of emotion but it was hard for you to capture without her being there. 
But you steeled yourself, you weren’t leaving this spot until you finished her. 
“You smudged that dude's face,” a low voice rumbled behind you. A finger pointing down at the top left corner, “Stop-don’t touch it.” 
You moved to swat the hand away, not wanting some random guy to ruin your piece with their grubby fingers. Recentering yourself, he wasn’t smudged, he was just in the corner so it looked like it wasn’t finished… what did he know, anyway? 
“You didn’t draw me?” 
Now you stopped, why you didn’t recognize the timbre of his voice was ridiculous. 
You let out a long sigh, “Please, don’t touch the canvas, Kylo. It’s not ready, yet.” 
The chair that housed your backpack slid out next to you, your things tossed on the ground carelessly before Ren sat. You scooted away from him, he smelled like he just showered. Judging by his wet hair you were probably right… “What are you doing?” 
He shrugged, fiddling with one of your notebooks. Flipping through pages carelessly, “I don’t know-you weren’t in yoga so.” 
“So,” you gave him a weird look, “You stalked me to the library?” 
“There’s no reason to go to yoga if I can’t bother you,” he flashed a smile, dropping it slightly when he saw you weren’t playing back with him. 
Silence fell over you both, the only noises the heat kicking in around the scuffling of boots and shoes to face the weather again. 
“I like your piece,” he gestured to your work, “For drawing, right?” 
You nodded stiffly, not enjoying his friendly tone. Like he wasn’t your demon neighbor who made it his job to annoy you and had for the past four months of your life. Ren shifted again, now leaning on the table with his cheek resting on his forearm. Looking at you with wide eyes, you never took the time to look at his face. 
He had very large eyes that betrayed his emotions. Swimming with flecks of auburn, gold, and some streaks of green, blinking slowly as he studied your canvas. You looked away from him, trying to ignore the urge to draw them, how his long lashes rivaled your own. How his skin was freckled with beauty marks, creases from frowning lined his forehead and nose. You could even make out his stubble, some pieces he must’ve missed the last time he shaved. 
You went back to drawing, no longer focusing on it. Just trying to understand what was happening, your tormentor was a foot away from you. Breathing calmly like a cat laying in a patch of sun. Hunched over the edge, torso too long to rest like a normally proportioned human being, had he always been this big? 
“Wanna get coffee before class?” 
You blinked slowly, not registering that he spoke to you. 
Ren leaned off, letting out a big yawn and scratching the back of his neck. 
Yes, definitely a cat. 
“Do you want to get coffee,” he stared blankly, “Before we head to English?” 
You looked down at your mess, then back up at him. Shaking your head softly, voice quiet as a mouse, “No-thank you.” 
He exhaled harshly, “I’m not gonna burn you with it, it’s just coffee.” 
“No, I’m fine,” you said firmer, “I wanna work on this some more.” 
Ren stayed still, probably trying to think of a way to get you to agree with him. You had known him long enough to know he doesn’t like people disagreeing with him. Didn’t have to be a college graduate to see that the man had issues with control, hence terrorizing you all semester. You didn’t want to offer him an olive branch, because he was just doing it as a joke. Probably, waiting until you were calm around him to do something cruel. 
You went back to drawing, listening to him get up and leave you. Mumbling something under his breath about ‘trying to be nice’ before walking out. You shook off the awkwardness, not willing to break down and let him do something nice for you, just because he didn’t ruin your final piece didn’t mean he wouldn’t do something in the future. 
The day was still young. 
Oddly enough, Ren didn’t bother you that evening. 
Not even a door slam! 
You almost thought he was dead, but you saw him in the hallway when you were walking to the bathroom. Wrapped in your robe, caddy in hand, he didn’t whistle or try to touch your ass like he normally did. Just a stale smile before closing himself back in his room. 
Not to waste the precious quiet, you went to work packing your bags for your trip tomorrow. Deciding to do a quick load of laundry, your hall was almost empty, so no one would be down there while you waited. 
Piling up your hamper, you threw your pj's and slippers on. Remembering to grab a blanket and your laptop so you could hang out down there while you waited. 
Your friends back home were all excited to see you, ready to hear all about your time away. The boys you met, friends you made, classes, all that. So excited to get home and see your cat, Gremlin, he was all alone without you. Your mom sent you pictures earlier of him curled in your blankets, saying that he knew you were coming home soon. 
Maybe next Fall you could get an apartment, you didn’t want to leave him for another year. 
A washing machine door slammed shut next to you, causing you to jump from your perch atop your own. Faced with Ren, who was doing his laundry in his pjs, or his version of pjs. Giving you another tight-lipped smile before leaning against the far wall. Yawning loudly before sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. 
You ignored him, turning back to your laptop that was playing a crime documentary. Texting some friends to keep your mind from wandering to Ren and why he was in such a mood. 
“Are you leaving tomorrow?” Ren called from his wall. 
You pretended to not hear him, refocusing on the documentary, there was something very interesting happening and you weren’t about to miss how they found the killer's shoe prints in the mud just because Ren was trying to talk to you. 
Then something was thrown at you, and it smelled awful. 
You shot off the washing machine, throwing down the offending garment. Ren was laughing loudly, “Chill out! It was just an old shirt!” 
“How old was it?!” 
He smiled at you from the ground, propping an elbow on his kneecap. One leg stretched out on the tile, you tried to regain a sense of calm, he was just messing with you again. Just take some deep breaths… in-out-in
“Are you leaving tomorrow, after our final?” 
You let out your deep breath, sitting back on the washer. “Yeah,” you paused your show since mister meanie wanted to have a tea party. “I have to get to the airport right after.” 
He hummed, “Same.” 
The washer beeped loudly, echoing in the otherwise empty room. Ren watched you hop off, fixing your shorts which definitely rode up too much. Trying to not flash him your underwear as you bent to move your clothes to a dryer. You cursed when a sock fell from your pile, great.  
“How come we’ve never fucked?” 
Now all your clothes were on the floor. 
Along with Ren, who was staring at you like you were an art exhibit. 
You dragged your clothes back to the washer. There was no way you were finishing now that they touched the dirty floor, no one cleaned down here and just because it looked clean didn’t mean-
A whistle, “You good over there?” 
“Okay,” you heard him stretch, popping his joints as he lifted off the floor. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck as he closed in. Almost touching you, no escape, “As I was saying, how come you’ve never let me steal your virginity?” 
You scoffed, “I am not a virgin.” 
Ren pressed into you, pushing you against the washer now. Grinding his hips into your own, you squirmed, trying to dispel every fantasy flooding your brain. Every night you spent listening to him through the wall, imagining just once that it was you. If he weren’t such a monster, you would have gladly laid on your back and let him do whatever he wanted. 
You took a deep breath, placing both palms on the top of the washer. Biting your lip as you silently pleaded for him to let you go, but also continue. You could smell his cologne from this close, how it complimented him so well. Mixing in with his dark aura, you wanted nothing more than to spin around and…
Soon you were doing just that, but not on your own violation. 
Ren had his hands grasping your hips, thumbs slipping under the fabric of your t-shirt to caress your soft skin. Lips capturing your own, you froze in his hold. Unsure of what to do, a part of you wanted to scream and smack him, but the other part loved the smell of his toothpaste. 
He relaxed when you relaxed, your lips still awkwardly locked together. Not opening and allowing for more, but not moving away either. You stared at him, startled to see him looking back at you. Pulling back slightly, you watched his face chase yours. Bringing your lips together a few more times, kissing at the seam. 
You felt his tongue flick for entry, trying to pry your mouth open so he could explore. When you didn’t move he finally huffed in annoyance, “I know it’s your first kiss, but you’re supposed to open your mouth.” 
You groaned, bringing both hands to cradle his cheeks. There was no way he was going to make fun of you, he initiated this so. 
Ren made a muffled noise when you pressed your lips back together. Probably of shock and surprise, because, no. This was not your first kiss, not even your fourth or fifth kiss. Working your tongue skillfully into his mouth, you moaned softly at his taste. Just like you imagined… not that you put much stock into this but… it was wonderful. 
Bringing your fingers to the nape of his neck, tugging on his dark brown hair. Just like you always wanted to, whenever he walked past you with it tied in a bun you dreamt of tearing through it. Ren returned your affection in kind, his left hand moving to the small of your back. Fingers dancing under the waistband of your pajama bottoms. 
You heard him swear when he felt the lace underneath, nestled between your cheeks. Ren slid a hand over the globes of your ass, moving his hips in time with his tongue. Tasting every inch of your mouth, even growling in approval when you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip. 
Petting and groping each other against the washing machines, the sound of you swapping spit barely heard over the rumble of your clothes. Ren had gotten sick of grinding against your hip bone, pulling away from you for a moment. Shushing your pathetic whimpers, he hooked the hand not cupping your ass behind your left knee. 
Hiking it over his hip, opening your legs up. Allowing him to assault your center with his straining erection, oh you could picture it now. How easy it would be to just let him slip inside you. 
Right here, in the laundry room. 
You pulled back roughly, barely able to unsuction your lips from Rens' own. A string of spit connecting your kiss-bitten lips, he looked at you with pleading eyes. Grinding himself against you harder, pulling a few soft mewls from your throat. 
“I need to switch my clothes,” you croaked.
He nodded, shakily setting your limb back on the floor and backing away. You watched through your own lust-filled state as he trembled. Walking back to his far wall, a hand cupping his cock through his sweats. Your throat clicked as you took in a much-needed breath, doing what you said you would. 
Setting them in the dryer, all the more aware of his eyes watching your every move. 
Not sparing him a glance when you sat back on the washer. 
Turning on your laptop once again to watch your crime documentary. 
Ignoring the throbbing between your legs, his deep breaths, and your shaking limbs. 
The TV’s at the airport all said the same thing, “Record snowfall this winter, right before the holidays! Experts say that we will be lucky to keep power until it passes. Our friends on the west coast are enjoying a white Christmas, while we’re stuck in the North Pole.” 
All flights have been grounded until further notice. 
You could barely make it back to your dorm without crashing. 
Bursting into tears several times when you realized you wouldn’t be home until it was over. Wouldn't be able to safely leave your dorm room until it passed, leaving you utterly alone. 
You had emailed your RA letting him know your bad luck, he let the staff know you’d be there so they would have food and water running still. 
But other than that, this was your holiday. 
You slipped on the walk up to your room, sobbing loudly in the halls as you clutched your luggage. No going home, no seeing your friends or family, no Christmas dinner, no personal shower, no Gremlin to sleep on your face. 
Collapsing on your bed, curling yourself in the multitude of pillows and blankets that adorned it. The room had shitty heating, the entire building had shitty heating. The entire month of December you’d been freezing, and no amount of personal heaters could fix this kind of cold. 
You drifted off to sleep after crying for a few hours, letting your parents know what was happening. Setting alerts for earlier flights, anything you could do to get home. You were so tired in fact, that you slept through a power outage. Leaving the entire building to shut down, no backup generators. 
And no heat. 
It wasn’t until you felt yourself being lifted that you woke up to the commotion. 
Squirming in the kidnappers' arms, limbs aching from freezing for a time in your bedroom. The window must’ve cracked open because it was much colder than when you arrived. Your attacker didn’t let you go, growling in your ear to be still. 
Dragging you out of the building, towards a car you didn’t notice when you pulled in. With the snow swirling all around, it was a miracle they could see their own vehicle. You were thrown in the front seat, followed by your luggage tossed in the back. You stayed still, every time you moved it hurt, hypothermia. Common in the New England storms if you were foolish enough to be outside… 
You about passed out when the driver's side door opened, Ren climbed in. Looking just as frozen as you, slamming the door shut and mumbling something as he started his car. You could’ve cried when the engine turned, heat blasting between the both of you. 
“Hands,” his teeth chattered, holding his own out. He nodded for you to do the same, grasping your pink fingers between his own and blowing on them. “Power went out,” Ren took a shallow breath, “I was leaving and I saw your car. You were almost frozen to your bed, the window broke.” 
“Th-thank you-u-u.” 
Ren cringed at your fingers, slowly gaining back their normal color. “I tried to grab everything I could, like your backpack and luggage. But we can’t stay there, we’ll fucking freeze.” 
You nodded, tugging your hands away to curl into your chest. Thankful that Ren had enough sense to grab blankets, stuffing them in your lap from the backseat. You thought about grabbing your phone, but you could barely make a fist so it would do you no good. 
“My plane g-g-got ground-d-ed.” 
Ren shivered, nodding sharply, “Mine too, my mom got me a hotel room not far from here to stay until the storm passes. So, I’m taking us there.” 
You didn’t say anything else, not wanting to distract him from the treacherous roads. Thank god he had a Jeep, or else you would’ve died. You couldn’t see more than ten feet ahead, less than that when you were on the highway out of the city. 
Ren kept mumbling things like it’s okay, I’m sorry, I know it's cold, whenever you shivered and took in sharp breaths. You must’ve been out for a while, to get this bad. A quick look at the clock in his car said you’d been asleep for three hours, who knows what would’ve happened if he hadn’t noticed your car… 
He helped you out, more carried you, towards the check-in desk. Too worried you would pass out in the car if he left you for too long, the front desk lady was quick and sweet. Making sure to send up extra blankets and pillows to your suite. Ren had you walk up with him, so he wouldn’t have to carry you and the luggage on separate trips. 
You clutched his hand like a child, tight enough for his knuckles to turn white. But he was so warm, it’s all you could think about. All you wanted was to be warm, nodding blindly to whatever Ren said to do. 
Plug your phone in, check. 
Let him talk to your mom, check. 
Draw a bath for you, check. 
Climb in the bath with you, double-check. 
It wasn’t until you were defrosted in the clawfoot tub that you realized you were naked with him. 
Rens chest against your back, holding you like his life depended on it. Judging by his shaking, you both were probably suffering from acute hypothermia. You had been silent for so long your voice spooked him a little, “Thank you.” 
He hummed into your hair, which was sitting on top of your head in a messy bun. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded slowly, “Can we go lay down?” 
“Yeah,” Ren hastily got out of the tub, draining it and wrapping you in plush towels. You were still too cold to blush from your nakedness, not how you pictured this going. You imagined you would finally give into him on some drunken party night, barely remembering his reaction to seeing you nude. 
But now he had seen you half-frozen, forced to cradle you back to life. 
You squinted from your cocoon, greeted by a dimly lit room. 
One spare lamp on a dingy-looking nightstand, well it wasn’t terrible. It was better than your nightstand in your dorm room… where was your dorm room anyway? 
Something vibrated behind you, followed by a heavyweight sprawling against your back. 
You held your breath, you were in a hotel. 
With a stranger. 
“Shit,” you whispered. 
Okay, you could wiggle out of here. You took a moment to study the room, there was the lamp from before, and some curtains on a metal rod in the far corner. If you managed to get out without being detected you could knock out the assailant. 
“You smell so good.” 
More weight settled on you, now you were trapped. This bear was closing in, who knows what happened while you were asleep! All you could remember was falling asleep at your dorm after the upsetting trip to the airport, then being dragged away. 
Your fingers burning when you tried to use them, being shoved in a car… 
You threw your arms up, successfully throwing him off you and the covers. Your limbs screaming at the sudden movement, you were still suffering from the cold. Next to you, curled in a ball, totally catlike, was Ren. 
A sleepy smile gracing his lips, hands curled under his cheek, and legs moving towards his chest, Like a child under a blanket. You gasped when you saw he was naked, “Fuck!” 
You were too. 
“What the fuck, Ren!?” 
“Stop yelling,” you watched his hand bat his nose like an animal, “Come back, you were warm.” 
You huffed, flailing off the bed in search of your bags. 
Memories flooding back to you, he took you here after saving your life. 
The bath. 
Ugh, bad time to remember your kiss the night before. 
Ren sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and blinking slowly. You flushed red when you looked between his legs, shit. How does he walk around with that? Is that why he has bad posture? You choked on your spit when he spread his legs out. 
Sprawling completely on the mattress like he wasn’t in a room with a stranger. 
“Snow hasn’t stopped,” Ren yawned, snapping a hand and pointing between his legs, “Come back.” 
“I’m not doing anything until you have clothes on.” 
He rolled his eyes, now looking you up and down. Focusing on your bare tits, swinging around with your erratic movements. You watched him lick his lips, wagging his eyebrows, “Come on, don’t you want to sit back on the bed?”
You shook your head, crouching down to your bag. Trying to not flash him more of your goods, but that didn’t work. Not with him leaning to the side of the bed to make a show of him peeping on you. 
A wolfish grin splitting his face, “You have a nice ass.” 
“Can you stop,” you huffed, tugging on some sweats you found. 
Ren made a pouting noise when you stood, pushing his bottom lip out while you threaded your arms through a t-shirt. You shivered a little-it was still freezing in the room. Probably from the weather, it sounded like it got worse… hopefully this place would keep power. 
You looked back at the bed, Ren was still manspreading. One of his large paws crawling towards his cock, watching you with the same smirk. He let out a soft sigh when he touched himself, eyes momentarily shutting in bliss. 
“Do you have to do that with me here?” 
He cracked an eye open, “Do you have to be that far away?” 
You scoffed, moving to the corner of the room. Shivering since you were near the window, you plopped down in the cheap armchair. Ignoring the sounds of his fist gliding along his cock, you tucked your feet under your body. Humming a tune to ignore the arousal growing between your legs, there was no way you were caving to him. 
What kind of man does that with a complete stranger present!? 
More importantly, why was it turning you on? 
“Come here,” he whistled, you spared a glance at him. Blushing profusely at the sight, his cock was now fully erect. Standing tall and proud, tip flushed almost purple from want. You quickly looked away, trying to swallow down the drool that gathered in your mouth. 
What would happen if you gave in? 
Not like it would hurt you… he looked so delicious. 
“If I come over there, what's gonna happen,” you whispered, determined to stay put.
With a deep breath, the mattress groaned under his weight, probably leaning back to get comfortable. He seemed to love you being there, watching him, or trying not to. Ren made a small non-committal scoff, “Whatever you want to happen, baby.” 
“Don’t call me that, you know my name.” 
Your head snapped towards him, met with his grin. “Come on-you really want me to do this by myself?” he waved his cock, fist tight around the base. You rolled your eyes, training your eyes to focus on the least attractive part about him. 
You were coming up empty, all you could stare at was his cock. 
The prominent vein along the underside thrumming in time with his heartbeat. You could practically feel it along your tongue, rigid and stiff. Slowly, you stood from the chair, met with a soft whine from Ren. Eying your hungrily as you sauntered over, you planted a knee in the mattress. 
Between his legs, which were spread obscenely wide, he licked his lips in anticipation. 
“If I help you, are you going to be nicer to me?” 
He nodded, chest taking in sharp breaths. You slowly leaned back on your heels, stripping your top off, despite him seeing you naked earlier. Surprised when he bit his bottom lip, watching you play with your tits, rolling them in the palm of your hand. Just to make him squirm a bit, “I’ll be nicer, whatever you want.” 
“I’m really cold still,” you spoke softly, making sure to lean in close enough to graze his lips with your own before pulling away, “Can you help warm me up?” 
“Yes,” Ren's hands shot out, kneading your flesh a few times. Debating to grasp your tits or the small of your waist, like a kid in a candy store. So many options, but you didn’t want to wait. If you were doing this, it would be about you.
“Eat me out.” 
He stilled, cocking a brow, “Excuse me?” 
“You heard me,” you exhaled on his neck, being sure to drag your kitty claws along his chest. Briefly grazing his nipples, savoring the way he gasped. “Eat me out, if you make me cum, I’ll let you fuck me. Like the desperate slut you are.” 
Ren scowled for a moment, nudging your face from his neck. Eyes dancing across your face before capturing your lips, moaning softly in your mouth, “I can make you cum so hard you’ll never want another man again.” 
You placed a soft kiss, rolling onto your back dramatically. Splaying your legs wide, “If that's true, why do you fuck a different girl every week?” 
He growled at you, actually growled. 
Hands no longer soft in their quest to memorize your skin, instead Ren pinned your legs hard enough for them to pop. Making you squeal from the stretch, “How fast do you think I can make you cum? Hm?” 
Before you could answer, he dove in. 
Lips wrapping around your clit and suckling fast, tongue flicking out every few seconds. You were already bucking up to meet him, but his firm hold kept you flush. While his tongue began to lap thick stripes along the seam of your pussy. Briefly hooking the tip into your entrance, both of you moaning when he tasted your wetness. 
“Mm,” his voice vibrated against your clit, continuing his assault until you choked on your spit. You buried your fingers in his hair, keeping him in that right spot. “I’m so fucking close,” you cried out, pleading his name over and over and over. 
“You know,” he popped off, smacking his lips that were glistening with your cum, “I’d rather you cum on my cock.” 
Ren flipped you onto your chest, yanking your hips into the air. You barely had time to take a breath before he shoved his cock inside you. His breath hitched as he sank to the hilt, you groaned at the stretch. Now this, this you could get used to.
He pulled out slowly, you heard him swear under his breath. Leaving just the tip of his cock inside and ramming his hips into yours. Pulling a loud scream from your lungs, Ren chuckled at that. Pumping his cock at a rough pace, “Shh-you’re going to upset our neighbors.” 
You huffed, cheap shot, angling your hips a little so his cock would rub up against your front wall. Moaning when he picked up the pace, skin slapping skin. Ren leaned over your form, planting a hand on the headboard to keep it from knocking. You weakly lifted your head, clenching at the sight of his knuckles turning white. 
All you could do was sit and take it, revealing in the bliss you’d denied yourself for four months. 
Ren dropped you both off at the airport two days later. 
You spent three days together, fucking each other's brains out. 
Choking on his cock while he was brushing his teeth, eating you out while you read through your newsfeed. Bouncing on his cock while he fed you breakfast, you didn’t need to change clothes the entire vacation. 
But you wanted to go home and were thankful for the storm ending so you could head home. It was a little awkward, Ren wasn’t very excited about the snow stopping. It felt like he was trying to stall you leaving but reluctantly listened to your desire to fly home. 
“Got everything?” he mumbled, hitching his backpack over his shoulder. The two of you were waiting in the TSA line, about to part ways to head home. You nodded, giving him a tight smile before stepping up on your own. 
Ignoring the feeling of his eyes on the back of your head. 
Both of you stood awkwardly after making it through, “Well-my gates over here,” you pointed behind you. Ren hummed in acknowledgment, kicking at the ground instead of looking at you. 
“Thanks for letting me crash with you,” you tried again, still nothing. 
You groaned, spinning on your heel. Back to being an asshole, you were kicking yourself for thinking he would be nicer. All he wanted was some pussy, and you willingly gave into him when you should’ve remained strong. 
Your parents picked you up back at home, lots of tears and laughs were shared. Thankful that you made it home without freezing, your mom was grateful for your friend who saved your life. She wanted to call him and tell him how much she appreciated it but you shrugged it off, he was just being nice. He wasn’t your boyfriend or anything, you left out the part that he was the neighbor you always complained about. 
Collapsing on your bed felt surreal like you would wake up and be back in the hotel room at any moment. It was odd not sleeping next to him, you had grown accustomed to his clingy arms. Circling you in the middle of the night when he thought you were dead asleep, smelling your hair before tucking you into his naked chest. 
You tossed and turned all night, groaning when you were woken by your siblings to get up the next morning. Barely sleeping a wink, you resolved to take a nap later to try and not spoil your trip back home. 
At breakfast, your mom yelled at you from the kitchen. 
“Hey hon, someone’s calling you!” 
“Just answer it,” you groaned through a mouthful of cereal. Briefly hearing your mother answer in a typical chipper tone, stalling mid-sentence before she yelled again, “It’s someone named Kyle?” 
Shit, you shot to the kitchen. 
Snatching the phone and escaping to the living room where no one was hiding. 
Hey, didn’t think you’d answer.
“How’d you get my number?” 
Took it while you were napping the other day, I knew you wouldn’t give it to me willingly.
You rolled your eyes, “Alright creeper, what’s up?” 
Just wanted to talk or whatever, felt weird not to. 
Are you gonna let me buy you coffee when we are back?
“You were being serious about that?” 
A scoff. 
Yeah-or we could just fuck again if that’s all you want from this. 
“Coffee sounds good.” 
Cool. Cool. 
It’s a date. 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @historyandfandoms50 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @ghoulian13 @mrs-kylo-ren @millenialcatlady @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes @wayward-rose  @contesa-lui-alucard @daydreamsofren @insufferablelust @ohdamnadamm @mariesackler @caillea @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars @shesakillerkween @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch @jynzandtonic @roanniom @celestiasin @glassbxttless @cornmousequeen @driversmutbucket @blowthatpieceofjunk
192 notes · View notes
hopecountysfavhoe · 4 years
‘Cold’ Chapter Nine pt.1
Word count: 3,687
TW: Not really anything in this chapter
     The Deputy woke up on a bed in the Wolf's Den with her side patched up and a damp cloth on her forehead. She let out a groan and looked around and saw Wheaty walking into the room holding some sort of a box.
     "Oh hey you're awake! How are you feeling?" He asked and set the box down on a table on the other side of the small room.
     "Like I got kicked in the stomach, how about you?" The Deputy asked and Wheaty laughed.
     "Good one, nice to see you're getting your sense of humour back. But seriously, Marianne told me I have to 'monitor your progress' so how do you actually feel?" Wheaty laughed and the Deputy sat up, leaning on her knees with her elbows.
     She pulled the towel off of her forehead and wiped away the extra water with the back of her hand. "I feel much better, my fever isn't bad anymore and my head only hurts a little bit."
     "A little bit? God, Marianne told me she gave you enough painkillers to numb an elephant. I'm surprised you can still feel anything." Wheaty sounded shocked.
     "Yeah...I just kinda have a high tolerance I guess." The Deputy shrugged and looked around the room, trying to look for something. "Hey Wheaty, what day is it?"
     Wheaty looked down at his watch. "Oh uhhh, it's December 22, why?" He asked and the Deputy let out a sigh of relief. She really didn't know what day was which anymore but she was very happy that she didn't miss Christmas. Christmas was pretty important and she wouldn't have been able to stand it if she missed it, plus then everybody would know something was wrong with her.
     "Thanks Wheaty, what's been going on here?" The Deputy asked him, concerned about the state of things.
     Wheaty shrugged. "It's been pretty quiet, apparently the cult gets pretty slow around Christmas, we haven't had a single Resistance member go missing since you left for that hunting trip. Hey, I've gotta ask. What happened up there? When you came in you said you were camping but you were in no condition to be camping so...what gives?" Wheaty's face showed concern, as well as his words.
     The Deputy brushed a hand through her hair. "I was going up for a night and to go hunting but the I had a little incident with a not-so-frozen creek and I had to stay for longer." She said and Wheaty let out a low whistle.
     "That doesn't sound good. But how'd you survive through that storm? We were going to send a group out to look for you when Eli talked us out of it." Wheaty leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "He said you probably wanted some time alone after everything you've gone through and for us to let you be." He looked at her with a face that said he should not have been telling her this but he was doing so anyway.
     The Deputy gave him a small smile and nodded. "Thanks Wheaty."
     "Of course we were going to look for you so we looked at the cameras but you must have been in a blank spot." That made sense for Jacob to have a cabin away from anyone's cameras. "We were actually getting ready to send out a team to look for you when you came knocking on our front door, you have perfect timing." Wheaty have her a cheerful smile and the Deputy let out a chuckle.
     "I guess it was kinda perfect huh?" The Deputy asked and Wheaty nodded. She was happy that the Whitetail Militia hadn't forgotten about her, but she was also relieved that Wheaty had forgotten he asked her about the storm.
     Tammy's voice called Wheaty from down the hall and he perked up. "Hey I gotta go, but you stay here and rest. Marianne said those antibiotics need time to kill that nasty infection you've got." Wheaty instructed and the Deputy nodded. Wheaty shuffled out of the room in the direction of Tammy's voice, leaving the Deputy by herself.
     Wheaty was nice, he'd always been kind to her when she arrived, especially after she destroyed those radio jammers on the radio towers for him. It was a shame he had to go through this, he was always so bright and cheerful. Eli told her that all of the fighting used to really get to Wheaty and that it took him a long time to embrace his job fully. But now he fit in great with the Militia. Even though he's young he'd proven himself to everybody there, even Tammy.
     The Deputy took Wheaty's advice and laid back down. It was such a weight off her chest to be in the Wolf's Den and not Jacob's cabin. She didn't even realize how strained she'd been up there, or how easier she breathed down here. That must have been the reason she fell down the stairs when she got to the Wolf's Den, her whole body knew that she was safe and so it just decided to let Jesus take the wheel.
     She was just glad that Wheaty was there, if not it would have been pretty embarrassing to just fall down the stairs and pass out alone on the floor.
     Thankful that she was finally able to relax, the Deputy listened to Wheaty and got the rest she had been hoping for.
     Her infection was pretty much gone, those antibiotics Marianne has used worked like a charm. She was able to leave the Wolf's Den and she had actually rested enough to stay conscious.
     It was Christmas Day, December 25, and the Deputy had gotten her truck back up and running (with the help of a nice Resistance member and a jumper kit). Now she was on her way to make her Christmas rounds. She had promised Nick and Kim that she'd be there by 10 o'clock in the morning so she made sure to get going in time.
     The Deputy looked over at a small stack of poorly wrapped gift sitting in her passenger seat of her car. Each one was wrapped in brown paper and had a name written on it with sharpie, it didn't look the best but it was the thought that counted, right? Either way she brought one to Mary May and Pastor Jerome at the Spread Eagle and told them about what happened.
     As it turned out, everyone was worried about where she'd gone, especially her friends (GFHs). Mary May tried to give back her gift sayings she didn't need anything but the Deputy forced her to keep it. Pastor Jerome opened his with the Deputy, thanking her politely. When he realized what it was, he smiled. It was a new hollowed out bible.
     "Since I broke your other one, I figure it was the least I could do." The Deputy shrugged and Pastor Jerome gave her a hug.
     "Thank you, for everything Deputy." He thanked her and the Deputy smiled.
     When she got to Nick and Kim's house, Nick was the first one to greet her. He was wearing a Christmas sweater with a Christmas tree pattern all over it. "Merry Christmas indeed!" The Deputy exclaimed with a laugh and Nick sighed, a big smile still on his face.
     He showed the Deputy the sweater and told her about how Kim had them in storage. "She's had them for years but I never agreed to wear mine till now." He told her while the Deputy fished their gift out of her truck.
     "And how is it?" The Deputy had to ask.
     Nick pulled at the collar with his finger. "A little itchy." He said and the Deputy just laughed.
     He walked the Deputy inside where Kim and Carmina were sitting on the floor next to a small Christmas tree. Kim was wearing a match sweater to Nick's and Carmina was in a baby version with a little onesie. Their house wasn't very decorated but they did have some music playing on a small speaker. Their tree reached to about the Deputy's hip, wrapped in glittering lights and tiny ornaments. Each ornament was handmade out of things like pipe cleaners and glitter coated pine cones.
     "Ho ho ho, Santa's here!" Nick exclaimed and Kim laughed. The Deputy followed him, a present under her arm.
     Kim picked up Carmina and walked over to the Deputy, giving her a big hug. "Merry Christmas! We were worried about you! How are you?" She asked and Carmina babbled in baby talk on her hip.
     "Merry Christmas! I've been fine, how's the baby's first Christmas?" The Deputy asked and gave Carmina a big smile.
     Kim adjusted Carmina on her hip and looked over at Nick who had just walked around the couch by where Carmina was playing. "It's been good, we had breakfast a little bit ago and now we're having some play time. Come in, come in." She motioned and the Deputy followed her.
     She set her gift under the Christmas tree and followed Kim to the floor with Carmina. Carmina was only a few months old but she was already crawling around everywhere.
     Nick sat himself on the couch, studying the Deputy. "Where've you been, Dep? We haven't heard anything from you." He asked and the Deputy glanced over at Kim. Kim gave her the look that Nick was worried and motioned for her to go talk to him.
     "I was up in the mountains. I was trying to find some deer but I didn't have any luck and I wound up staying in this old cabin I found." She said. She'd rehearsed that line in her head over and over on the drive there, making sure people would believe her. Nick nodded and took a sip of his beer. "Really? No eggnog?" The Deputy messed with him and Kim laughed.
     Nick looked at the can, squinting to read it. "Oh I was sure this was eggnog." He said in an obvious lie. "Oh well, guess it can't go to waste now." He said and shrugged.
     The Deputy laughed and turned back to look at baby Carmina who was crawling all over her lap. She laughed her cute baby laugh and tried to grab the Deputy's sweat shirt to pull herself up to her face. "I think she wants a kiss." Kim laughed and the Deputy picked Carmina up, holding her up to her face. She gave her a little kiss on the cheek and Carmina was delighted.
     The Deputy kept planting kisses on Carmina's face, making her giggle every time. It was such a blessing for the Deputy to be able to be with a baby like this. She knew that this baby was going to be protected her whole life because she would never let anything happen to her, ever. And Carmina was so happy, she would put her tiny baby hands on the Deputy's cheeks and try to pull it like she was a doll. She had amazing strength for a baby, which always made the Deputy laugh.
     She never really thought about having kids, she just didn't seem like the type. She was more of a fun aunt sort of person, but every time she was around Carmina she could feel Nick and Kim giving her that look. That 'you would be such a good mom' look. But she could never raise a kid, so she just had to settle for spoiling this one.
     The Deputy was laying on the floor with Carmina crawling all over her. She had discovered how fun it was to sit on top of her godmother's stomach and bounce up and down. It hurt her side a bit but the Deputy couldn't care less. Nick and Kim sat on the couch together, watching them play. They exchanged stories about childhood Christmases and what crazy things their parents did around the holidays. The Deputy didn't have much to offer in in that conversation but she gladly listened.
     Noticing how quiet she was, Kim tried to rope the Deputy into the conversation. "So what about you Deputy? Do you have any funny Christmas stories?" She asked and stirred her hot chocolate.
     "Not really, we didn't celebrate much when I was a kid." She shrugged and sat up, letting Carmina bounce on her extended legs.
     "Really? That's sad, every kid should have Christmas." Kim said and the Deputy didn't look away from Carmina.
     "It's fine, now I can just focus on this little baby's Christmas." She said and tickled Carmina's stomach.
     Kim smiled and got up. "I would like to see what in the world you could have gotten for us." She said and picked up the present from under the tree.
     "I'm sorry it doesn't look prettier, I couldn't find wrapping paper anywhere." The Deputy apologized and picked Carmina up, holding her close to her shoulder.
     Kim simply waved her hand and sat down next to Nick. "It's absolutely fine, we haven't used proper wrapping paper since those Peggies moved in." She said and handed it to Nick to unwrap. Nick set his beer down and quickly unwrapped it, the Deputy watched to see their reactions.
     It was first confusion. "A camera?" Kim asked and picked it up. "Deputy, is this your camera?" She asked and the Deputy nodded.
     "I'm not using it and every new family needs a good camera to take photos with." She explained and glanced down at the squirming baby in her arms.
     "Oh Deputy, thank you!" Kim exclaimed and Nick nodded along. "Yeah thank you, but why would you give it to us?" He asked not without a smile on his face.
     "I don't really have any pictures from when I was a kid, my mom didn't take any, and I remember growing up wishing I had some so I figured you could make sure you take pictures of Carmina." The Deputy said and looked over at the couple.
     Kim was already pushing buttons and turning it on, while Nick still looked shocked. "Alright, first picture on the camera! Say cheese!" She said and pointed the camera at the Deputy.
     "Oh no, I couldn't! Seriously it's enough that I'm here, I don't need to be in your family photos!" She laughed but Kim just shook her head.
     "Nope, rules are rules, you're Carmina's godmother, you should be in the pictures." She was firm and the Deputy agreed.
     "Fine, but I'm taking the rest of you guys only, ok?" She made Kim promise and she nodded her head.
     "Perfect! Now say 'Baby's First Christmas'!" The Deputy laughed and held Carmina up in her arms, holding her so that she looked like she was flying. Carmina laughed and giggled and looked down at the Deputy with bright blue eyes.
     The sound of the camera click made Carmina look over at her parents, the Deputy kept her gaze on Carmina, swooping her around in the air like she was actually flying. The camera clicked again and Kim looked at the pictures.
     "These are great! Thank you so much Deputy!" Kim said and showed Nick the pictures. Nick was clearly gushing on the inside but tried to hold it together outwardly.
     The Deputy stayed until Carmina fell asleep, she thanked Nick and Kim for the snacks they had and the hot chocolate before she braved the cold again.
     She found Grace at the Lamb of God church, she was kneeling outside in the snow next to her dad's grave. The Deputy waited by the stone wall, not wanting to interrupt Grace if she was praying. Grace turned around, saw the Deputy and waved her over. The Deputy stuck her hands in her pockets to try and help block out the cold. She walked over to Grace and waited by another grave.
     Grace stood up and turned to look at the Deputy. "Hey Dep, I've been wondering where you were at." She greeted her and the Deputy nodded.
     "You and every other person in this valley." The Deputy let out a small laugh.
     "I'm serious, where were you?" Grace asked, clearly she had been worried. She and the Deputy were pretty tight, they did a lot of missions together so when one of them 'disappeared' the other tried to find them.
     "I was up in the mountains on a hunting trip, got caught out in the storm so I had to bunker down for a few days in an old cabin I found." The Deputy explained, though Grace didn't seem to buy it.
     "Ok..." she said, still keeping a watchful eye on the Deputy. "Merry Christmas." She said, a little late but better than never.
     "Merry Christmas, I got you a little something." The Deputy said and took a keychain out of her pocket. She held the key chain out for Grace to take and waited for her to grab it.
     "What is this?" She asked, studying what looked like a little metal slab hanging off the key ring.
     "Pastor Jerome showed me a picture of you and your dad when you were little so I had a keychain made with the picture on it. That way you can have a little bit of him with you." She said and Grace looked up at her, a shocked look on her face.
     "Deputy...you did this for me?" She asked, holding the keychain in the palm of her hand.
     The Deputy nodded. "It's not much but I couldn't just do nothing after everything you've done for me." She said sheepishly.
     Grace smiled and looked down at the keychain again. It really did have a picture of her and her dad on it. It was a really old picture from when she was just a little kid. She was wearing an oversized camo shirt, her dad's shirt and smiling while he had his hands on her shoulders. "I thought I'd lost this picture in the fire. Thank you, seriously." She thanked the Deputy who only smiled.
      Sharky and Hurk were both at the trailer park, blasting the loudest Christmas music they could find on Sharky's speakers. When the Deputy got out of the truck they were arm wrestling over who's snowman was better. They both looked pretty lopsided but it was nice to see them doing something together. Sharky was wearing his normal hoodie but had on a winter hat and green scarf. Hurk had on his bandana and an American flag scarf. Their gloves had been discarded on the ground, probably from when they started arm wrestling. They looked like two kids, both of them with serious expressions on their face.
     The Deputy stood a few feet away from them and tried to clear her throat loud enough to get them to notice her. Obviously she couldn't get anywhere near loud enough to be heard over the blaring music so she just yelled Sharky's name. When he looked up to see who was calling his name, Hurk slammed his hand into the table they were arm wrestling on. Sharky was so blindsided by seeing the Deputy he almost didn't get mad at her for making Hurk win.
     He turned the music down (only a little) and ran up to give the Deputy a hug. Hurk followed his lead, telling him that the winner should be the one to hug the Deputy first. They started arguing and the Deputy just laughed.
     "You know I would have won that fair and square if the Deputy hadn't of distracted me!" Sharky exclaimed and Hurk just shook his head.
     "Man you know I'm just stronger than you! I'm telling you bro, beer makes me strong!" Hurk blurted out and Sharky folded his arms over his chest.
     "How about you both hug me?" The Deputy proposed while Sharky and Hurk eyeballed each other.
     They lifted their chins, surveying each other. Sharky gave a nod and Hurk followed suit. "Alright then." Hurk said and quickly wrapped his arms around the Deputy's shoulders before Sharky could. "Ha! I got the first hug, suck it cuz!" He said and Sharky frowned.
     The Deputy laughed and Hurk stepped away. Sharky hugged the Deputy, turning her around so that he could stick his tongue out at Hurk from over her shoulder.
     "Merry Christmas guys." The Deputy said, giving Sharky a pat on the back. Sharky let go o fthe Deputy and adjusted his hat on his head.
     "Oh yeah that's today innit?" Hurk asked and Sharky thought hard.
     "Yeah I guess it is!" He said in an excited tone. Then his excitement turned to a frown. "But Santa didn't come!"
     "Nah man, he knows you're on his naughty list." Hurk chuckled and Sharky threw him a look.
     "I got you guys something." The Deputy interjected and the cousins both looked at her with wide eyes.
     "You did?" Sharky asked and the Deputy nodded. "But we didn't get you anything!" He exclaimed, mortified.
     "It's more of a thank you, you two have been a major help to me ever since I got here so it's the least I could do. Hang on let me get it." The Deputy turned and walked back to her truck. They followed her, trying to peak over her shoulder at what she was giving them. She pulled a gift out of her passenger seat and turned around, holding it in her hands. She held it out and Hurk took it, quickly tearing the paper off.
     "Hey Sharky, look it's us!" He nudged Sharky's shoulder and showed him what he was holding in his hands. It was a framed picture of them that the Deputy had sneakily taken in fall. They had made a giant leaf pile in the forest by Sharky's house and the picture was of Hurk leaping in while Sharky yelled at him.
     "Aw Dep, this is the sweetest thing, thanks!" Sharky thanked her and looked back at the picture.
     They started arguing about who's house it would get hung up in until the Deputy suggested they shared it and took turns keeping it. When they agreed to a bi-monthly ownership plan, the Deputy headed over to Adelaide's house
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Riot Act: Ten
Clint watched you in the mirror, carefully drawing your eyeliner onto your face. Lips pursed in concentration. And he couldn’t help but smile a little. 
It all reminded him of Utah. 
Where he first realized he had feelings. Feelings he tried to ignore. Feelings he didn’t have to hide anymore, now that you were his. He should send the police department in that town a fruit basket.
He stops and looks back towards you. It had been a rough mission. One that called for a master thief. And an escort. A mission you hadn’t wanted to do because escort work turned your stomach. 
And he’d known it. He’d tried. Argued with Fury that you weren’t ready. But Fury needed those plans. And to get those plans he needed you. “Sorry,” he said, slowing down so you could catch up. “You cold?” 
You nod, teeth chattering so hard you can’t answer. And he isn’t surprised. That dress is skimpy and those heels... jesus. It’s not remotely tactical gear. 
“Here,” Clint said quickly, taking your jacket on and draping it around your shoulders. “There’s a little bar up this next hill. We can wait there... Since I killed the car.”
You swallow hard and nod again, looking away. And Clint can see it in your face. You feel gross. You feel dirty. And you just want some fluffy jammies and to hug your teddy bear for a while. “C’mon kid,” he encouraged, “We’ll get a beer. And I’ll get you something to eat. It’ll help.” And when you try to smile at him, he feels his heart drop. So he pulls you against his side trying to block the worst of the wind for you. “Not because I like her,” he tells himself, “She’s cold.”
But any illusion that he might have had is shattered quickly in the bar. Fried cheese, beer, and classic rock proved to be a panacea of sorts. By the time Don’t Stop Believing started to play you were dancing and the glitter shimmering on your skin winked at him in the dim light. Winked at him as you pranced around dancing with one of the guys that had asked you to dance. 
They were clean cut. And not drinking. Which told Clint they were probably on their mission. Or maybe coming from a bible study and in for the food. But... No one could turn down being on the dance floor with a girl that looked like you look right now. 
But when you started making excuses to get off the floor. Protesting that you didn’t want more to drink. Protesting that you were ready to go back to your table. And someone. A dark haired kid with dark eyes and an ugly tie put his hands on your hips and tried to pull you in for a kiss, Clint saw red. 
The only person that was going to manhandle his rookie was him. And even then it was going to be to carry her out of the bar over his shoulder.
Still. When he punched the kid, he didn’t mean to send him through a table. And he didn’t expect the cops to get called. 
Or to laugh so hard as these small town cops in the middle of Cousin Fuck County no where tried to keep a master thief and rookie spy in handcuffs. Because there was nothing doing. No cuffs. No zip ties. Nothing would hold you. And the poor rookie cop had no idea how to deal with a classy breathy voice and some magnificent cleavage. Clint could have sympathized if he wasn’t so busy laughing. 
He was still laughing in the holding cell when Nat showed up to post their bail.
His ribs hurt. His stomach hurt. He had to pee. And Fuck. His heart was full. His heart was full and as you sat in the Quin Jet with them, Still drunk and laying your head in his lap. Singing Ceelo Green’s seminal hit ‘Fuck You’, he never wanted the night to end. 
“You look especially sparkly tonight,” he said smirking.
“But is it too much?” you ask, pausing.
“Never,” he said grinning, pressing a kiss into your bare shoulder and stroking your bare back tenderly. “I like a little glitter... Keeps other girls from flirting with me.”
“That makes it sound like I’m marking my territory.”
Clint snorted and kissed the back of your neck, “I can’t go anywhere without being covered in your hair, kid. You already too that. Because you shed like a labrador.”
“Did you just call me a dog?”
“No! I mean-”
And when you started to giggle, it took a lot of self control not to lock the bedroom door and tear that dress to shreds.
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The 15x08 episode Preview is the Reason I’m Drunk.
Firstly, I must mention that the episode that airs tonight was written by Bucklemming and directed by Speight, so... get ready for pain and cheap jokes. :)
Alright here’s where we’re starting out. The kitchen.
This scene being shot in the kitchen is so important. This kitchen is regarded as the emotional hub of the Winchester family. It’s been a common place of gathering for the boys and their closest of kin. It served as Castiel’s happy place when he was being used by Lucifer in season 11 episode 18 “Hell’s Angel”. This kitchen was where they mourned the passing of their son, celebrated his return, and fought about how to handle his downfall -- which led to the “break up” between Dean and Castiel. 
Even though the kitchen is just one of many rooms in the bunker, the conversations that happen in this room are usually about the boys’ relationship with each other, the people they love, and the struggles they have with their emotional bonds. From Sam telling Dean he would have let him die if Dean had been the one to undergo the Trials in season 9 episode 13 “The Purge” to Jack asking Castiel why he can’t tell Dean and Sam about Cas’s Empty deal in season 14 episode 8 “Byzantium”. Unlike the strategy-bound plot points they tackle in their war room, the sickeningly violent threats in their dungeon, and the deafeningly long silences in their respective bedrooms, the kitchen is for family. 
The kitchen is the room in the bunker in which Castiel feels the most comfortable. In there, he is pictured seated lethargically or leaning on a table or wall whereas in any other room in the SPN!verse, he stands or sits stiffly at attention for the most part. I
It is also the place where Dean feeds his family. Dean is known to see food as a type of love language; he cooks and eats emotionally. He has been known to consistently prepare meals for and feed Cas who has slowly stopped reminding Dean that angels don’t eat. Like at the end of “Byzantium” when Dean, Sam, Jack, and Cas all shared a burger and a beer after Jack’s rebirth. 
Now, that that’s out of the way, let’s jump into the meat and potatoes of this meta study on the 15x08 midseason finale preview scene.
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We open with Castiel sitting on his usual side of the kitchen table brooding, pensive, and alone. Immediately after, Dean appears by the door, peeking in before walking tentatively into the kitchen.
Something intense just happened between Castiel and Michael!Adam.
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Cas glances up and they lock eyes for a second. The only time they give each other eye contact for the duration of the scene. Dean immediately heads to the fridge for a beer and opens it. He grabs this beer for show. He doesn’t seem to take a sip from it.
Note: This scene has running for 14 seconds in complete silence. Not even music. Just footsteps and breathing and Dean opening the fridge and popping a beer, so clearly that’s what the show is trying to get us to focus on. ITS QUIET. It’s tense. It’s strange. It sticks out to you as uncomfortable. This is on purpose.
Dean leans in the frame as though he’s standing at the table where he usually sits. The angle is staged in a way where they are both in the shot, but cannot be in focus at the same time.
For most of s15 a table has been between them whenever they were in a scene alone. There is intentional space here. They’re usually standing so close, a Bible couldn’t get through them. Dean has openly told Castiel to back up. This is weird for them, and it speaks volumes. They’re not as close as they used to be.
Dean says the first line, “Maybe you went too far.”
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We can safely assume Dean is talking about what just happened with Cas and Michael!Adam, but there’s another strong layer to consider here.
Cas broke it off five episodes ago in season 15 episode 3 “The Rupture”. After that episode, Cas hopped in his car, stopped answering calls, and basically disappeared. He made himself unreachable. 
Hmm. Speaking of going too far...
If anyone has “gone too far” in Dean’s mind, it’s Cas. Remember, y’all, Dean is the type of man to blow up Cas’s phone if he can’t find him. And, if he’s missing Castiel so much so often that he’s doing that, anywhere that isn’t right beside him is too damn far away. I don’t know what went on in the scene with Michael!Adam yet because this is just the preview scene we were given. 
This episode airs tonight. 
Cas does not look at him and eventually grumbles out, “………maybe.”
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Cas noticed how loaded Dean’s opening line was. It had a double meaning for them. The only reason they are in the bunker together is because of Michael!Adam, Sam’s wound, and… well, because the plot demands it. They’re refusing to talk about why they’re so upset with each other, and that communication issue is manifesting through one long, continuous, never-ending fight. In past seasons, things get icy when Dean and Cas fight. They’re known to ignore each other, stare coldly in silence, bicker about how hurt they are, talk to each other through their family (Sam and Jack), and throw in a diss whenever they can slide it smoothly into the conversation. All that stuff your Grandma and Grandpa do at the Thanksgiving table after their 60 year anniversary. So, Cas clearly knows what Dean was getting at when he suggests Cas went too far. Because they’re fighting. And they’ve fought off and on for eleven years. Dean stabbed him the second he met him, this behavior is nothing new.  
So, when Dean accuses Castiel, the angel answers, “Maybe.” instead of “you’re right”, which means there’s a fundamental disagreement here. They disagree when it comes to the episode’s textual issue of dealing with Michael!Adam and the subtextual issue of these two refusing to confess something to each other.
All in all, Castiel doesn’t think that he went too far in either situation, especially when it comes to Dean. Dean treated Castiel like a verbal punching bag, so he left and he did some stuff that Dean didn’t like, yeah, but he didn’t go too far. Not from Cas’s perspective. And, so Castiel’s answer to both questions is a passive aggressive “maybe”. Oof.
Dean speaks again, refusing to meet Cas’s eye, “I mean he’s been on lock down for quite a while, you know? Maybe you just, uh…………….. went too fast.”
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Being locked in Chuck’s narrative has been like a trap for Dean. This narrative is something he can’t seem to get out of, much like a prison. Not knowing what’s scripted and what isn’t is getting to him. Freedom and free will is the paramount of Dean’s moral compass. But, in this situation, he doesn’t know how to be free, so he’s going through an existential crisis. And when he lashed out, it came from that locked up mentality being forced to do whatever someone else wants for the rest of his life, confined into a box, fighting the same fight over and over again. Dean can’t even trust his own friends, because they’re in this trap too and may be used to hurt him, which they have been before. 
(i.e. Castiel being used by Heaven to hurt/betray him in s4, Castiel being used by Crowley to hurt/betray him in s6, Castiel being used by the Leviathan to hurt/betray him in s7, Castiel being used by Naomi to hurt/betray him in s8, Castiel being used by Metatron to hurt/betray him in s9, Castiel being used by Rowena to hurt/betray him in s10, Castiel being used by Lucifer to hurt/betray him in s11, Castiel being used by fetus!Jack to hurt/betray him in s12...... they need the best counseling money can buy.)
So, when Dean says that he’s been locked up for a while and Castiel went too fast, he means he needed Castiel to stay --  to put up with his attitude for just a little while longer, but Cas...
He went.
Too fast.
After hitting Cas with cruel words in the face of what seemed to be endless, brutal rounds of family tragedy after family tragedy, Cas peaced out. He’s done being treated this way. He wanted to leave, so he left. And when he left….
He left before Dean could figure out the right words to say to make him stay. He left before Dean could take it all back. He left before Dean could fix it.
He went.
Too fast.
That being said, what makes Castiel "Cas” is that he confidently writes his own stories. Dean was who he decided to follow while he lived this chapter of his own angelic life, but if Cas wants to stop following Dean, he can and he will. With barely a moment’s notice. Just like he did with Heaven. Castiel is his own singular being. He is self-sufficient, independent, and strong as a ox. Castiel is a creature of the sky, he can fly far away and it will feel natural to him. But because he is his own man, he will do so when he chooses. Chuck’s involvement in their lives bothers Cas, but not in a way that prohibits him from living his life and being himself.
That is not the case for Dean.
There is another long pause. Cas is waiting for Dean to keep talking. Castiel’s silence is loud, but not striking. Dean looks down at himself like he said too much. In a way he did. He starts again, “What’s he doing now?”
“No idea. He was very distraught.” Cas answers with curt and measured statements, hands folded on the table, hair... flawless.
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Cas knows what it means to be imprisoned and trapped. He knows what it means to feel pain. But what he doesn’t understand is why Dean internalizes his pain, lets it boil into toxic emotions of self-hatred, and uses it as an excuse to hurt others -- even as an excuse to hurt Cas. Why Dean would do that… Cas has “no idea.” 
He knows how he wants to be treated by Dean and he now refuses to accept any less. Thing is... Cas hasn’t told Dean how he wants to be treated. He just takes it and frowns. That doesn’t in any way mean he deserves to put up with Dean’s sourpuss attitude, but he is also expecting Dean to read his mind. They’re both at fault for the rift between them.
Dean presses the task at hand, wanting to cut through their fighting and solve the problem, “Yeah, but what exactly did he say?”
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Cas, not getting the memo (which is very on brand for him), replies with words Dean has said to him unapologetically, “Leave. Get out. I want you dead.”
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Cas looks like he’s about to cry.
There’s a long pause where Dean takes in his answer, knowing Cas is shoving his words back in his face. Dean nods and looks even further away from Castiel. 
Somehow, this can also translate to the dramatic scene that will soon happen between Michael!Adam and Castiel. 
It is important to note that Michael!Adam was the archangel who ran Heaven alongside Chuck for most of existence. He was every angel’s boss, including Castiel’s. There is no doubt that everything in Castiel’s life happened because Michael gave an order, and “Cas of the past” did it without question. Fast forward to 2008, Michael gives the order to rescue his true vessel and Cas fucking falls in love with it. Then, Cas rejects Heaven, teams up with his true vessel to fight him, and tricks him into The Cage for a very. long. time. Mind you, this happened after millions of years of basically being the most powerful being in creation with no enemies that could possibly be a threat. 
I bet Michael hates Cas, and if those two were in a room together, he’d see Cas as a traitor against his own kind -- against him. Without Castiel, he wouldn’t have been locked away. Whatever words Michael!Adam had for Cas couldn’t have been kind. And when Cas said this, he was telling Dean that nothing Michael!Adam said to him cut worse than what Dean had said to him over the last few weeks.
Then, Castiel adds, “We didn’t bond.”
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When Cas said the word “bond”, Dean Broke Down. It’s all over his face, his eyes go glassy, he looks up with an emotional blush. He’s clutching that beer like a lifeline. The words hanging here are:
               We [Michael!Adam and I] didn’t bond. But, Dean, you and I did.
The thing about Michael and Adam is that they’re both Dean mirrors. They’re both final results of the two paths that Chuck’s script offered Dean, and they’re both not AT ALL who he is.
In every known universe, Michael is shown as this war hungry, super strong, ultimately immortal sociopath with unfettered power and no regard for humankind or monsters. If the supernatural world and Chuck had gotten their way, Dean would have literally become Michael. A villian. Dean does not consider himself a villian. 
Adam on the other hand is a Dean mirror in a universe where John has little to no influence on his life. Adam is “pure!Dean without John and Sam”, raised by Mary as Mary wanted to be (not a hunter, living an apple pie life). Untouched by the supernatural, Adam’s happiest memories are of his prom and playing at the park with his mom. He liked sports, he dated girls, he planned for college and a career in his future. His life is what Dean missed out on when he was raised by John. Yet, what happened to Adam at the end of his life would have happened to Dean if he wasn’t trained and ready to fight the supernatural (which happened when he was raised by John). If the mortal world and Chuck had gotten another variation of his way, he would have ended up killed and possessed without the proper tools to defend himself from a tragic fate. A victim. Dean does not consider himself a victim.
Neither Michael nor Adam are versions of Dean that Cas could have bonded with, and these are the versions of Dean that Chuck kept pressing into his narrative throughout his life. 
So when Cas said “We [Michael!Adam and I] didn’t bond” he was telling Dean that he always came back to him because he likes Dean for who he is, not for the narrative Chuck forces on his life. He doesn’t follow Dean because he’s the Righteous Man or because he’s Mary Winchester’s son. He follows Dean because they bonded. They have a connection, they’ve fought for each other, they know each other, they have history, they’ve coparented, and it is unlikely anything can break that bond between them.
He doesn’t understand Dean’s self hatred and cruel words which is why he left. Cas has come to a point where he knows Dean is a lil butthead sometimes, but because Dean and Cas are who they are, that connection between them is still there. Their bond hasn’t been severed, and it likely never will be. And a bond like that means that they love each other and will make it through this. But, Dean better not get it TWISTED. Their bond may not be broken, but it’s been beat down and slapped around. He needs to say sorry. Give a hug. Talk it out. Be a grown up.
Dean felt that pain Castiel felt when he heard his words repeated back to him. 
He knows he hasn’t apologized. And everyone (Cas, Sam, Eileen, even the viewers) are waiting for an apology and Dean’s not doing it.
Why is Dean not apologizing?
Why won’t Dean say sorry for the things he said to Cas? Why can’t he find the words? Why is this so hard for him? What is he afraid he’ll accidentally say?
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Dean doesn’t respond, so Cas sighs and asks where Sam is.
Relieved to have a break from being confronted with his previous actions, Dean struggles out his next line, but his voice wavers like he’s trying to sound casual even though he’s definitely about to cry. Sam has always been an easy topic for Dean to talk about, and while Cas isn’t done fighting, he still wants to be able talk to Dean while they’re together.
Dean says, “Eileen hit a snag on a case. So… he won’t be gone long.”
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Kitchen Point #1: Eileen and Sam are quickly becoming a package deal. Just last episode, they were cooking and flirting and smiling after a long night of having fun together. And, here, we see Dean and Castiel having the complete opposite of a good time in the exact same space. There is a notable mirror between the scenes of “Eileen and Sam in the kitchen” while Dean goes off to let them build up their bond, and “Dean and Cas in the kitchen” while Sam let's them repair their bond.
Kitchen Point #2: The kitchen shakes in a way reminiscent of when their son Jack escaped from the Malak box in season 14 episode 19 “Jack in The Box”. Then the first time kitchen shook, it was the final catalyst to break their family. Mary had just recently been killed, Jack was soulless, Dean and Sam went behind Castiel’s back to lock Jack in the Malak box, and Jack was soon to run away and get murdered. The end result of the previous shaken kitchen was Jack’s murder, Chuck’s reveal, and Dean and Castiel’s split.
Now the kitchen shakes again.
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Cas looks at Dean for a second time as the scene closes and gets up pointing out the culprit as he says Michael’s name.
We don’t know if Dean looks back.
We get a harrowing shot of Michael!Adam.
The screen fades to black.
I can’t believe there was so much to read from that one small lil tiny preview scene. Safe to say I’m strapped in for the episode. Bring it on.
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Just gotta say, I’ve loved all y’all work for a while :) I wanna be a meta-writer too and finally got to do one :) I will be doing more throughout the final season :) your meta work gives me life :) so glad you are writing too :) 
@amwritingmeta @drsilverfish @naruhearts @mittensmorgul @bluestar86 @tinkdw @legendary-destiel @elizabethrobertajones @dotthings @dimples-of-discontent​
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owlsbride · 4 years
This Too Shall Pass
Chapter III: The Reaper.
London was no longer London. At least not the London he had come to love. Now it was a mix of modern buildings as tall as the sky itself. The old carriages over the years had been replaced by modern cars much faster and more compact at the same time. Now there were buses and even high-speed subway trains. Modernity was a new world and infinite possibilities. There was no misinterpretation, he had adapted well throughout all these years. He had learned to use every technological advance that came his way: cell phones, computers, the glorious internet, television. He even enjoyed from time to time going to the movies. He had learned that the latter was not significantly different from how people's cinematics records worked and that in a way filled him with pride. Even if he was a deserter, he had to accept that his people were far more intelligent and advanced than humans. He was used to modern life; it could be said that he even enjoyed it. He had come to learn some of the little pleasures that this era could bring him. He could sit for hours in some trendy little cafe, (where in order to pay a cup of tea, a regular person would have to consider selling a kidney on the black market) just to watch humans live their lives as fast as possible, coming and going without even pausing for a second to look to the side or behind, without even having the slightest consideration for what they did to the other or to the world in which they lived. These people lived oblivious of the finiteness and fragility of their bodies. They walked around proud of their cars, their clothes, their lovers and their promising careers, never stopping to look at or ask the needs of the others, never acknowledging that in the end death was inevitable and that at the last breath she equalled them all. Royalty, politicians, businessmen or beggars, they would all follow the same path and some of his former colleagues would be willing and able to judge them and take them without the possibility of the slightest protest. Oh these humans, they would never know what they got till is lost forever. He had lost everything once, even his sanity, and he was sure he would not do it again. Not now that he saw things as they were. His obsession with death had long been replaced by his obsession with life. That was what had driven him away from what had made him a legend so long ago, and what drives him crazy every time a little more. It was the burning desire to know what life was afterlife itself. How to prolong it, recover lost moments, and why not, create new ones. How to find once again what was lost and how to restore it as an exquisite work of art. Ironically, to reach his goal, he needed death: he was tied to it, and just today, in these times, the business of death was dying. Hilarious. Something as simple as passing, now it was complicated. In the good old days, when he had decided to turn his back on everything he knew, he had become London's best-known mortician. With his small business in Camden Town, he had had access to the most extraordinary elites of English society, and yet also made important contacts with simple commoners. As an undertaker, he had connections, the most varied and they all turned to him. Of course, he was not moved by money, he had never cared, he simply demanded in return a good joke that would make him laugh. After all, even death was not to be taken too seriously. He ran his business diligently getting to know more people than he ever imagined, one more curious and entertaining than the other. As an informant for the queen's watchdogs, he had managed to get into the elite, and thus each subject of study reached him without significant problems. He was happy, Oh what wouldn't he give for listening to the Earl's little voice once more asking for information? That butler was an incredible specimen, and he would have loved to dissect him. Oh lord, if only the little boy wouldn't be so stubborn about his stupid vengeance. Today the Parlour was not enough. Undertaker knew that if he wanted to continue his investigations even nearly 200 years later and with many incredible technological improvements, he had to be able to access another source of income. Modern times meant diversifying. Today, everyone's favourite mortician was no longer called to make arrangements for the afterlife. No. Now there were hundreds of other undertakers who did the same as him. Therefore, a place in the hospital morgue had been secured for some time. Who better than him, after years and years of seeing corpses to perform an autopsy and making himself time to take a look at his hidden agenda secretly? So yes, Undertaker was happy. Even if he missed the old times sometimes, he still ran his Parlour in the afternoons and was a forensic doc in the mornings. Just like a superhero with a secret identity, thinking about it, too many identities. Undertaker was sitting on the counter at his place, his long booted legs swinging lazily. The newspaper rested next to him, he had just finished reading the news, and they were hopeless, people in London were dying in droves, more like hundreds a day and that sort of hurt. Of course, he had witnessed other pandemics and knew very well what the consequences were. Not only did people die from the disease itself, but the devastation left, and the collateral damages were incalculable. It was as if the Horseman of the Apocalypse from the bible really put his feet on the slaughtered Earth. Undertaker knew that by now his fellow shinigamis would be desperate from overwork and felt sorry for them. How much would the lists of people to die have increased in recent months? He also felt sorry for the doctors who work non-stop to save lives. Two sides of the same coin: medical services and shinigamis, both barely surpassed by an infamous virus invisible to everyone's eyes, even his own. He regretted his work in the hospital too, it had been interrupted in these months, and he no longer had access to people's bodies for security measures. Obviously, the virus did not affect him in the least, but he had to keep up appearances. He sighed bored as his black nails drummed on the surface of the counter, he had no pending work, and he only had to wait. Sighed and wait. No more laugh, no more research, no more hilarious strange glances from his fellow doctors, nothing. Just desolation in every corner. His day couldn't get any worse, he burnt his bone-shaped cookies and was running out of tea. He would have to go to the store soon. He hated the store, he much preferred Lau's herbs, even the funny ones, those who made people laugh and relax when used in the right amount, and if not, still, he was not one to judge. So picking up the keys, he was ready to go out when something or somebody took him by surprise. "Heh heh, but if it's none other than the red shinigami ~ Tell me, sweety, Dear William gave you some free time?" "Undertaker, always a pleasure ..." Grell began nervously. Being in front of the legend of the shinigamis made him nervous "I have a favour to ask you." "A favour? Hmm ... How long has it been since the last one?" The silver-haired man chuckled, removing his bangs from his eyes. "You know what to do ~ give it to me first. Come on, you know what I want." "Undertaker ..." Grell pleaded "Now is not the time, besides you know I don't know how to do it." "My my, your face is priceless; you are still a nervous wreck." The Undertaker smiled almost fondly at the younger reaper. "What do you want?" "I need you ..." Undertaker raised an interested eyebrow, putting the keys back where he had found them, the tea could wait. Not every day a Shinigami would show up at the doors of a deserter asking for help. "I mean... WE need you." "You mean the London Despatch?..." Disbelief in his words, Grell nodded "Now, that's the joke of the century Grell, come on, I don't have time, I'm running out of tea". Grell Sutcliff rolled his eyes. He hadn't changed in years, Undertaker was just the same and he kind of like it. If it weren't for his relationship with William, Oh, the things he could do to the revel grim reaper in front of him. "Really, Undertaker? Is that what you do now? Take tea like an old lady?" the red-head spoke loudly, pointing at Undertaker's hidden scythe. "Well ... I'm quite old after all" Undertaker smiled and Grell pouted. "Ok, Ok. Why don't you take a seat on one of my special coffins and explain yourself?" Grell blew out the breath he didn't know he was holding and accepted the invitation. It was his idea after all, and he couldn't bring a no for an answer to his beloved William.
The chilly winter covered the city with a heavy mist. The sky threatened to snow at any moment. It didn't take long to convince him. Once young Grell Sutcliff had finished telling him his crazy plan and talked about how much the Despatch needed the help, he was ready to go. Plus, the red riper dared to say that the snob William T. Spears would have more than a headache knowing that he, the renegade shinigami, would accomplish the task better and faster, and nothing made him happier than bother poor Will. He was ready to wear the shinigami outfit one more time. He had to admit that he had missed it and that there was nothing like fieldwork. He was prepared to prove that no one could ever match him. Within just a few hours, he had been able to carry out the work of four shinigamis together and was just getting started. He caressed his lifelong companion with devotion, he had never gotten rid of his lover, and today they were walking together once more. His scythe was fantastic, and he loved her. Standing on the terrace of the hospital, he checked the list one more time. There were only two names left before the end of the shift when something caught his attention. She wasn't on the list moments ago. Her name had appeared suddenly, and she should not be there: Gwenhwyfar O'Doherty. He knew her, he had seen her from time to time in the corridors of the hospital. The young Irish doctor, lovely green eyes, cute freckles, she was so full of life. Working diligently every day to save others and yet here she was about to take the somersault that would make her, at best, one of his own kind. She wasn't ready to go, the world needed her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, dear~ You are very much need it right now~." and his soft chuckle got lost in the winter night.
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick thoughts: Prologue - Ch 11
Full video here.
We start right away with a bible verse which, if you’ve read any of my books, you know I’m a big fan of
We have a prologue from 1565 France…
The visual of a person perched on a gravestone and mistaking them for an angel statue at first is cool tbh
“Who are you?” “One of the devil’s brood”
The mind control parts of this I like, and I already have a feeling this is the gonna be the best part of this book
Except we don’t get another example of someone fighting it the way he is fighting it - nora doesn’t even realize it’s happening when it happens to her which isn’t as fun
The guy being maniped is a duke and the angel tells him no you’re half fallen angel so do what i tell you (nephilim)
This angel doesn’t have wings but a big cut in the shape of a V on his back
The image of a barbie and ken taped to the chalkboard of the sex ed class is great
Her best friend’s name is V!
“Camera phones to take photos for the school E-zine”
Oh shit she’s a hoe
“V as in virgin” never mind
“It may not have occurred to you kids that sex is more than a 15 minute trip to the backseat of a car” lmaoooooooo
Is this book gonna be good? Did yall lie to me??
The school e-zine
V is a “few pounds over curvy” damn
V is my “untwin” i love that
“I’m all legs like a barstool”
The sex ed teacher is making them all sit by new people...in april…
She knows everyone except the transfer who of course is her new seat mate...this is a very convoluted way to get them to sit together
“It was a smile that spelled trouble with a promise”
“Human reproduction can be a sticky subject” LMAO
“Call me patch. I mean it. Call me.” and he winks
He takes pictures “of an ezine columnist who…” and describes a bunch of stuff about her and she’s like what the fuuuuuuck
And then he is like “you’re scared of what you can’t control”
He knows she plays the cello
She doesn’t wanna ask for another partner because she doesn’t wanna let him win and i’m like NORA CALL THE FUCKING COPS!!!!!!!!!! THIS GUY HAS BEEN STALKING YOU?!?!?!?
She has a cut on her wrist, her dad was murdered
At the end of class he gives her his number so she can get her answers - she no longer has it by chapter 18 but doesn’t remind the reader that she did have it written on her hand so we just think becca forgot nora already got his # for a bit
She’s a sophomore, he’s a senior
He has black eyes and wears all black because ofc
They get a lot of fog and don’t have many neighbors
Mom is an auction coordinator so she’s not around a lot so there’s a german housekeeper that watches over her
But she leaves her alone at night...i already KNOW patch is gonna be “Watching over her” ala edward watching bella sleep i just KNOW
She’s thinking that patch seemed closed off but she liked what she had seen - aka his bod
“Smile that was part playful, part seductive” NOTHING about the interaction y’all had sounded seductive!!!!!! This is exactly like in crave when she’s getting horny that jaxon is yelling at her...like these men seem UNHINGED. Why is that sexy????
“Biology was my toughest subject, i teetered between an A and a B” i’m gonna punch you. I know you wanna go to ivy league so this matters but…
She calls patch!!!!
She asks if he wants to meet up to finish the assignment...you couldn’t...ask...over the phone??
“Nora” he says my name like it’s the punchline to a joke
He hangs up on her because he’s playing pool
She starts her assignment anyway: “jerk” “smokes cigars, will die of lung cancer, hopefully very soon” i laughed v hard tbh
“Excellent physical shape” and then crosses that out lmaooooooo
She flips a coin and it makes her decision: go to the arcade and confront patch
The cashier is pissed that she didn’t pay to get in so she sneaks by
“I was like a rolling snowball gaining speed and momentum” weird out of place metaphor but ok
Patch says she’s with him and the cashier lets her go
His black eyes are magnets clinging to her every move
She feels something different here, more animosity, more electricity...more horniness
“Queasy tap dance in my stomach”
Something about patch wasn’t right, something about him wasn’t normal, something about him wasn’t safe
“Biggest dream” “to kiss you” she doesn’t buy it so like good for her but still blech
Patch says he’s never been to school before and nora’s like you’re a liar
And he says he came because of her
He says “those cold pale grey eyes” are surprisingly irresistible
There are almost zero connections between what she’s saying and what he’s saying, as if he’s having a conversation with himself...it’s really hard to follow
“And that killer curvy mouth” ew
“You seem to know a lot about me,” i said, making the understatement of the year.
“Say provoke again, your mouth looks provocative when you do”
Her jaw twitches when she lies
He has a birthmark in the same place she has a scar...soulmate shit fer shure
She says after her dad died a strange presence felt like it was “orbiting her world, watching her from a distance” like...a guardian angel perhaps
She feels someone in the house with her and i’m calling it now: patch is “Watching over” her
She’s trying to come up with reasons for patch not to be her partner anymore...he fucking ADMITTED TO TAKING PHOTOS OF YOU AND STUDYING YOU AND BASICALLY STALKING YOU. IF THE COACH WON’T LISTEN GO TO THE PRINCIPAL ABOUT THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She’s anemic and has to take iron multiple times...a day??
“What qualities are you attracted to in a potential mate?” asks the teacher
She’s not ready so patch answers, “intelligent, attractive, vulnerable”
“How do you indicate if a female is interested?” and patch says, “if she’s biting her lip and playing with her hair the way nora is doing right now” lmao
“She’s game”
He puts his arm on the back of her chair and mouths “vulnerable” and while i would literally call the cops on a man for this, it was kind of hot in context
She tells coach she feels uncomfortable sitting by patch and he’s like, “not only are you gonna keep sitting by him i actually need you to tutor him.”
Fire this fucking guy IMMEDIATELY.
How lazy is this writing becca. How lazy. You couldn’t think of any other ways to make them spend more time together??
She and V go to the movies to write a review for the e-zine and v says: “can you imagine living your whole life without a clue that the only reason you’re being kept alive is to be used as a sacrifice?”
Do you smell that? The foreshadowing
V says patch’s dark side calls to her and nora is thinking, yeah no shit.
There was a dark magnetism, i felt lured to the edge of danger, at any moment it felt like he could push me over the edge.
Edge twice in the same sentence, crave’s editor has been in the game since 2009 apparently
V’s basically like nora you’re not attracted to anyone and nora’s like i haven’t found love and v’s like it’s about fun not love dumbdum
V says Patch would probably be “really good”
Nora says patch isn’t good for v and v says, “Careful, you’ll only make me want him more” and i’m like...i know this book came out when i was a freshman but somehow, becca fitzpatrick managed to put me from sophomore year in this book lmao
Marcy a cheerleader with “half a bottle of foundation on” and “¾ of an inch between her skirt and underwear, if she was wearing any” sits beside them
She calls V supersize: YIKES
Marcy’s being a dick to V and V just goes, “you have food stuck in your teeth, chocolate ex-lax maybe?” i love this so much
Patch is at the library…
V’s like “i’m trying to read the title he’s checking out...how to be a stalker?” lmao i love V
V thinks patch is following nora but she’s kind of into it lmaoooo
Nora’s like he’s alluring but also fucking scary
She hits someone during a storm on the way home
He’s wearing a ski mask?!??!?!?!?
The car died oh my gooooooood
He’s tearing the door off??!?!?!!?
He punches through the window!!!!!!!!!
She’s like totally freaking out but doesn’t wanna tell V that a dude almost tore the door off the car
She goes to V’s to avoid being alone
When she and v examine the damage...there is none…
She realizes the eyes behind the ski mask were black like patch’s eyes
She can’t remember hardly anything about the crash which is freaking her out
They meet some dudes called elliot and jules who is SIX FOOT TEN
They are probably other fallen angels that are after nora, and then elliott says he just transferred to their school from the prep school as of today, so yeah, this is what’s happening
Also...it’s fucking april. Who transfers schools in april
“You smell good” “it’s called a shower” lol
They’re having like an “are you following me” talk during the quiz
“I wanted my life to go back to the way it was before patch barged into my life”
I truly don’t know if it’s the delivery of the audiobook narrators that is making this issue SO GLARING to me but jfc
She confronts him after class to talk patch into asking to switch seats but he’s like “nah you’ve grown on me”
V really wants to sleuth around and read Patch’s file
they go to the nurse’s office using nora’s iron pills as a distraction to get into the files in the front office
Nora needs to register her iron pills with the nurse...it is april...she has been taking pills out of her backpack all year...no one cared???
She says this is all because she thinks patch is stalking her - which no shit he admitted to taking pictures of you…
V called in a bomb threat from the pay phone outside!!!!!!! I’m fucking crying
Also if you guys don’t know what pay phones are, let me know
She’s trying to punch through the window in the door!!!!! V is the fucking greatest
“As patch’s biology partner, i had a right to know”
The principal caught her but doesn’t suspect her
She meets back up with v at a mexican restaurant
The one patch works at!!!!!!
He asks her what she’s doing sunday night
“You’re getting cocky. I like that, angel” - bleck
“Not on a date, not alone” a hot thrill upon speculating what a night alone with patch would entail
Bitch!!!!!!! You just committed a crime to find out if this dude is STALKING YOU but you still wanna fuck him???????????
“Did you just call me angel? I don’t like it.” “it stays, angel” negging asshole
He brushes his thumb on her mouth and says “you’d look better without lipgloss” HARDIN SCOTT HAS ENTERED THE CHAT
“Interested? We’re talking about you, i’m fascinated.”
“You aren’t ready to know me”
It’s totally empty. “I’m going to expose you” “i look forward to it”
“Why are you looking at me?” “because you’re nothing like what i expected” “neither are you, you’re worse”
Elliott is in her gym class
The fog seemed to clog my lungs...fog and clog...don’t like it
Marcy miller… “that’s because you haven’t met anyone better, like me.” marcy twisted her hair around her finger. “You’ll hear all about me soon.”
He calls her gray, her last name, which is a trope i thoroughly enjoy
We describe marcy’s smile as toxic twice in 2 paragraphs
Elliott comes up behind her to help her with her batting stance
“Let me show you, like this, you feel that? Relax” EXCUSE ME
She hears her name in her mind said in someone else’s voice, it’s patch
“Batting lessons, nice touch” elliott is TOTALLY a rival angel guy
“I told myself i imagined the words because the alternative was considering that patch held the power to channel thoughts into my mind. Which couldn’t be. It just couldn’t.” this type of stuff makes me roll my eyes.
“Not yet” she hears in her mind, and ends up slamming it out of the park
She gets smashed in the head with the glove and ball, ouch
Elliott blows on her scraped kneeeeeeeee
“Had he talked directly to my thoughts? Was there some inexplicable link between us that allowed it happen? Or was i losing my mind?” meh
Elliott “i’m not gonna chase after an unavailable girl”
He invites her on a date
There’s a convo with the housekeeper about “reinventing the sexy side” and not changing yourself for a boy…
V calls and is like “let’s go to the party on the coast”
Driving moccasins?
Damn V is like “you look like a boy, put some lipstick on”
And Nora isn’t wearing makeup because patch planted the idea in her mind - NEGGING!!!!!!!
The delphic coast sounds like a blast
The new ride is called the arcangel lmao
Patch is at the arcade omg
Jules looks as enthusiastic as three day old meatloaf - this is a very weird metaphor but i don’t mind it much?? It would have bothered me in crave but there haven’t been many in this book so far so it’s not like completely pulling me out of the moment
It’s a new day, and today, the name patch is really irking me. It sounds like a dog
V is STIRRING THE POT between Elliott and Patch god i love her soooo much
Elliott wants to talk to patch about leaving nora alone!!!!
V is a messy bitch who lives for dramaaaaaaaa
Nora goes to talk to patch so elliott won’t start shit
“He was tall and lean and hard and i was sure he had street fight scars under his clothes...not that i wanted to look under his clothes” LMAO
She asks what he’s playing and he says, “baseball, wanna stand behind me and give me a few pointers?” LMAOOOOO he hates elliott so muuuuch
Patch challenges her to a pool game, she punches his arm, he says “Careful they might think we’re flirting” this guy is MADDENING
“Part of me wanted to run away from him screaming fire, the other wanted to see how close i could get without...combusting” AHHHHHHH
He’s talking to her in her thoughts and then being like, “you know that sounds crazy don’t you?” GASLIGHT CENTRAL
“You scare me, and you’re not good for me” “i could change your mind”
“Meet me at the arcangel, i’ll be waiting”
Nora goes to get cotton candy and sees the arcangel, and she goes
She gets the “cold heart-stopping feeling that someone is watching her” and spots a hooded figure
She runs into patch and he’s like “if you keep running away from me, you’re never gonna figure out what’s going on” and she’s been drinking dumb bitch juice so she’s like OHKAY.
Now she’s not scared of the arcangel because patch makes her feel safe...no he DOESN’T?!?!?!?!?
“If you ride without screaming, i’ll get coach to switch our seats” why do i feel like this is gonna be that scene in the movie fear where they hook up at the top of the ferris wheel
“I don’t scream, not for carnival rides.” not for you is her inner voice i assume and ommggggg
He sits in a car that shows demons ripping the wings off an angel, an angel sitting on a gravestone and watching children, then possessing a little girl
Okay foreshadowing
“Scared, angel?”
Our car flew demonically fast - we get it
Her seatbelt came undone and she fell out!!!!!!!
Oh wait...she didn’t? She ended up grabbing him and screaming??
He offers her a drink from his soda can and she’s like “ooh my mouth where his mouth is”
Her phone is dead so she hitches a ride with patch...did he kill her phone with angel powers somehow??
V had left her!!!!?????
Ooh or did the boys kidnap her??
So she’s sure the mind-talking is real but not sure if the guy in the mask or the falling off the coaster is real…
Patch rides a motorcycle because ofc
He takes her home and then has her keys in his hand somehow
He is totally fucking with her, the key won’t turn if she uses it but he can get it to work
“Go ahead, i’m home alone” immediately i realized it wasn’t a smart thing to say
Self preservation has left the chat!!!!!!!! The same boy you thought was stalking you 3 days ago, you just told him you are home alone...dumb bitch juice
“Dorothea will be here soon. She’s old but strong, very strong” You would absolutely be the first to die in a horror movie, nora
He comes inside without her inviting him so he can make her tacos
He...knows where her kitchen is...fuck no
She is scared of him having a knife but also...goes over to him so he can show her how to make tacos…
So idk if most teens are so horny they’re literally willing to die for it, because i was on antidepressants when i was grace’s age and i had no desire to get busy...please let me know in the comments below if you ever went from scared of a dude to wanting to bone him at breakneck speed the way nora continually does in this book
“I’ll answer your questions if you make tacos”
This is a VERY horny scene where he stands right behind her and like whispers in her ear how to cut the tomato…
“Did you follow me to the library?” he smiles and she’s like OH FUCK I WANNA KISS HIM RIGHT NOW
NORA!!!!!!!!! FOCUS
“Scared?” “no” “maybe i’m just scared of -” “liking me?” “yes...wait no”
“I feel a scary attraction to you”
He lifted her onto the counter!!!!!
“You should go” “go here?” his mouth went to my shoulder “or here?” it moved up my neck AHHHHHHHHHHH
Her mom calls and she’s like “can i call you back?” her mom says “sure what’s wrong” and she HANGS UP LMAOOOOOOO
V calls her and is like “i was looking for you all night” and nora is like “ummmm no you fucking left me???” and v’s like “DID Y’ALL KISS?!”
“I’ll pick you up at 4” “thought we were meeting at 5?” “circumstances have changed” lmao V for president tbh
We get a weird story about lionel dorothea’s godson daring nora to lick a broken piece of glass, “falling for patch would be like licking that shard”
This is the WEIRDEST analogy i think i have ever heard…
This is a first draft analogy for sure
She acknowledged that her phone had been dead so wtf happened
They go to victoria’s secret and she’s like “ooh sexy stuff ooh patch” wait i shouldn’t be thinking about dangerous patch
“I secretly enjoyed the attraction between us but the eeriness outweighed it” ma’am are you trying to lie to yourself or the reader because 1. It’s not a secret, 2. We (i) keep SCREAMING at you to have a shred of self-preservation but you threw it away for tacos
I’m going to flush patch out of my system like a detox diet, except last time i did that i binged” welp...i’m sure that’s not a sign…
Lmao V tries to take the clearance stickers off the clearance bras and puts them on the nice ones I LOVE HER SO MUCH
The hooded guy is watching her from outside…
But he’s gone before V sees him
V develops a diversion to get the hooded guy to follow her...but they can tell it’s actually a girl…
V gets hurt?!?!?!?!
V is in the hospital with a BROKEN ARM THAT NEEDS SURGERY!!!!!
Patch is absent…
She goes to the new school psych...WHY ARE THERE SO MANY NEW PEOPLE COMING IN APRIL!!!!
She’s def also an angel
She brings up that nora is supposed to be tutoring patch and is like “all tutoring should be under adult supervision, and i don’t want you meeting alone” um...thank you for being reasonable because this dude is creepy but ALSO. Just...don’t have her tutor him…?
She goes to the computer lab in the library to look up reviews but then she’s like “i should google patch” but nothing
“No facebook, no myspace” OH MYSPACE!!!!!
She comes across a kinghorn prep article about a hanging, and finds out elliott was with the victim on the night of her death
Elliott is right behind her!!!!!
“Something cold flushed through me, like a blush, only opposite”
He’s like “Call your mom and tell her you’re taking too long at homework” and she’s like STRANGER DANGER
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 13 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 13
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Check out my Patreon for more!
It was early morning and (y/n) woke up, a little shocked that Nikki was still there. She smiled and was about to kiss him when she heard a roar outside. Looking out the window, she gasped.
"Nikki!" She said, shaking him. "Nikki, get up!"
“But you’re so comfy babe,” Nikki reached for her but she had already moved away from him. “What’s going on?” he moaned when she tossed his shirt at his face. “(Y/n)?”  
"Tommy's here…" she said, eyes wide.
"Shit!" Nikki jumped up.
"Why is he here? Does he know you're here?" (Y/n) asked.
“You did leave without a word to him (Y/n),” NIkki began getting dressed. “How do I get out of here?” Nikki looked at the window and hid when he saw Tommy walking up to the door. “I can climb down when he comes in.”
"We could just tell him…" (y/n) said, but she shook her head. "Be careful." She kissed him.
“We got time,” he whispered as he pulled her in and kissed her deeply. His fingers threaded in her hair as his tongue invaded her mouth.
"(Y/n)? You home?" Tommy called out.
"You should go." (Y/n) whispered to Nikki. "I'll be out in a second Tommy!"
“Bye sweet girl, I’ll call you later.” He gave her one last kiss before disappearing out her window and climbing down the side of the house. Reaching the ground he looked up at her window and smiled. That was fun, he wondered what it would be like to climb up and sneak in. running to his car he drove off back to the apartment.
"Hi Tommy." (Y/n) had her robe wrapped around her as she came downstairs.
“I got worried when you disappeared,” Tommy hugged her and looked her over. “Are you ok?”
"Yeah. Some creep was following me and I decided to come home." She told him. "I couldn't find you. I'm sorry."
“As long as you’re ok,” he breathed. “What did you think of the guys? I can make you breakfast and you can tell me what you think of them.. Oh and Nikki is an asshole! He told me he was going to a party with his girlfriend at the valley. I get there there’s no party!”
"Ugh." (Y/n) laughed. "Maybe he just wanted to spend time with her?" She shrugged.
“But I’ve never met her and hey… I might be a better catch,” Tommy smiled. “eggs, bacon, and toast?”
"Sounds good." She sat down, cringing a little. She had to smile, thinking if what that was from. "You guys are really good. Too bad I couldn't snag you guys before Elektra did."
“Oh man, It would be awesome if you worked for Elektra. I mean I could keep an eye on you and you’d help us out!” Tommy placed the cooked food in front of her and tilted his head. “Are you in your robe? You’re usually in those pajama pants and a shirt, aren’t you?”
"It was hot and you surprised me.' She shrugged. She wasn’t entirely lying. The AC had been acting up. And Tommy had taken her by surprise. "Dad was supposed to have someone out to look at it."
“I can stay and call someone to come look at it.” Tommy looked at the time. “Or I could get the guys over and see if we can fix it?”
"No offense Tommy, but if you brought the guys over, more than the AC would need to be fixed." She laughed.
“Aww come on! We can at least try! If not then we can go to the beach and you can invite Vanessa and I’ll call Athena… Please? Let me try and be a good big brother?” Tommy got on his knees and crawled to her. “Please (Y/n/n)!”
"Okay, okay. Call them over." (Y/n) laughed. "If they're all awake."
Nikki opened the door to the apartment as quietly as he could. He was thankful that Mick and Vince were asleep. Vince had Vanessa on his chest, NIkki had to bite his finger to keep from laughing. As he made his way in he accidentally bumped into Mick’s guitar which fell and hit Tommy’s drums.
“Fuck,” Nikki whispered and groaned when Vince and Mick woke up along with Vanessa.
“Well, well, well, look who’s home.” Vince smiled.
"Uh, hey Vince. Vanessa." Nikki said. "Beautiful morning right?" Mick came out nowhere like a vampire and stared at Nikki.
“And where were you last night?” Vanessa smiled.
"Bible study." Nikki told them. "Totally a lot of God being thrown around."
"If you actually stepped foot in a church, You'd probably burst into flames." Mick grumbled.
Vanessa raised her eyebrow at Nikki, “Did you deflower my best friend?”
"I don’t know what you're talking about…" Nikki lied. Vince high fived him
"My man!" He called out.
“Please… Athena and I talked to her about just relaxing and letting go,” Vanessa sighed. “Did my techniques work?” She walked up to Vince and kissed him. “What do you think handsome?”
"Oh I think they worked very well." Vince moaned. Nikki sighed and got ready to hit the shower when the phone rang.
"I'll get it like the responsible adult I am." Mick said as he picked up the phone.
“Mick Dude!” Tommy said. “I need help fixing my parents AC you guys wanna come over to the house?”
"Do I look like an electrician?" Mick asked. "Your parents arent home anyway. You said so last night."
“Yeah, but (Y/n) is here by herself with a broken AC and the guy never came to fix it, please? We can look at a book my dad has or something!” Tommy pleaded.
"Well I'll do it, but only because it's for (Y/n)." Mick said. That got Nikki's attention.
Nikki gave Mick a thumbs up and rushed in the shower. He cleaned himself up and got dressed fast, putting on pants and a shirt. Rushing to the living room he took a breath.
“I’m ready let’s go,” Nikki smiled.
“You’re going just so that you can try to sneak off with (Y/n) and deflower her more,” Vanessa muttered to him. “You’re lucky I think you guys are cute together.”
“Just be careful getting caught.” Vince said. “As much as I would love to see Tommy cut ya, we really can’t lose our bassist.”
“I will, but dude it’s going to be sweet sneaking around,” Nikki smiled as he let everyone pile into the car.
“Let’s go guys.” Mick groaned, getting up. “Apparently, we’re damn handymen now.”
“Hey dudes!” Tommy said, letting the guys into the house. Vanessa had headed back to her dorm to change and freshen up, and was going to meet them at the Bass house. Nikki looked around, not seeing (Y/n).
“Where’s the sister?” Vince asked.
“Out by my parents pool. I told her just to relax. Might be the only day she has completely off until she graduates this winter.” Tommy smiled. “I’m trying to be a good big brother.”
Mick snorted, “At least you’re good at something besides drumming.”
“Hey, is she out in a swimsuit?” Vince asked. “I might have to go keep her company.” He smirked at Nikki, who was making daggers with his eyes.
Vanessa came through the side gate and smiled over at (Y/n), “Is my suit still here from last time?” she walked to (Y/n) and smiled. Bending over she whispered in her ear, “Nikki’s here and you have a story you need to tell me lady.”
“Nikki’s here?” (Y/n) asked. “Uh, your suit is up in my room. Let’s go get it.” She looked at the window to see the boys talking.
Vanessa followed (Y/n) to her room and closed the door behind them. “Sooooooo, how was it?” (Y/n) draped herself on her bed.
“He’s all I can think about now,” (Y/n) admitted. “It was amazing. He’s amazing. He would’ve stayed and we would’ve done more, but Tommy showed up.”
“Did you only do it once or did you go all night?” Vanessa put on her suit and smiled. Her bikini was the latest style that showed off her legs and her cleavage.
“All night.” (Y/n)  blushed, slipping into her own. She had been in a tank top and shorts. She went for a one piece, not as comfortable in her body as Vanessa was. “He was ready to go over and over.”
“Oh man,” Vanessa hugged her. “Oh no… you are not wearing that.” Vanessa rummaged through her bathing suit drawer and pulled out a bikini that Athena had bought (Y/n).  “You are going to wear this. Don't argue with me and do it!”
“You know I don’t like wearing bikinis. I feel weird.” (Y/n) told her. “And you know Tommy will freak out if he sees me in it.”
“But Nikki will get excited,” Vanessa smiled. “You have a killer body (Y/n/n). Don’t let your idiot brother tell you otherwise. Besides if he freaks out, it’s because he knows guys won’t stop looking at you.”
“I guess.” (Y/n) sighed and changed suits. “How’s this look?”
“Nikki’s eyes are going to pop out of his head,” she smiled as they walked out and back downstairs walking past the boys. “Hey boys,” she sang wiggling her fingers.
“What the hell is she wearing?!” Tommy yelled, making Vanessa laugh. (Y/n) put her sunglasses on and took her spot back in her lounge chair.
“It’s called a bikini Thomas,” Vanessa said as she patted his cheek. “Doesn't she look gorgeous?” she sent Nikki a look and a wink.  
“I say you both do.” Vince chuckled. “Maybe I’ll take them both back with me.” Vince smirked when he saw Tommy and Nikki both glare at him, Tommy not realizing Nikki was.
“You touch my sister, you’re dead.” Tommy said, marching outside. Nikki walked up to Vince.
“Touch my girl, and your girl isn’t going to be able to play with your dick when I cut it off.” he growled at Vince before walking outside.
“Vinnie, you know that I am very, very adventurous,” Vanessa grabbed him by the balls. “But don't joke about my best friend that way, ok?”
“O-okay…” He said, nodding. Vanessa let go of him. He ran over to the AC unit that Mick and Tommy were looking at. Nikki made his way over to (Y/n) and sat by her legs.
“Hey there.” (Y/n) said, smiling at him.
Looking around he made sure Tommy wasn't looking and bent down and gave her a deep kiss. “You are hot, and I want to take you to a secret place and have my way with you.”  
“Really now?” (Y/n) sat up, showing off her cleavage. “I might know just the place.”
“Oh?” Nikki raised his eyebrow at her. “Is my sweet girl wanting to be sneaky?” She just smirked and took his hand, sending a signal to Vanessa to keep Tommy busy. She led him through a hole in the fence to the empty house next door, with a drained out pool. It looked like their house; trashed, dirty, and smelling of pussy and beer.
“Eyesore of the street. Been empty for months and the teenagers all come here to do drugs and screw.” (Y/n) laughed, kissing Nikki deeply.
“Oh yeah,” NIkki said as they walked inside.
Tommy looked around, “Hey, wheres my sister and Nikki?”
“Little old lady a couple houses down asked for some help. So (Y/n) and Nikki went to do it.” Vanessa told him. “They’ll be back.”
“Oh,” Tommy scratched his head. “I guess that’s ok, I mean Nikki has a girlfriend so he won't try anything right?”
“Nikki’s a good guy man,” Vince said. “He knows your sister is off limits.” He had to turn around to keep from laughing.
Vanessa jabbed her elbow against Vince’s ribs, “stop it.”
“Ok Tommy startup the AC that should do it,” Mick said and wiped his hands. Tommy headed inside to start it up.
“Might want to go get the lovely couple.” Vince whispered to Vanessa. “Tommy’s gonna go look for them if they don’t come back soon.”
Vanessa nodded and rushed over to the abandoned house she knew they were at. She could hear their moans and groans as she got closer.
“Hey you two, Tommy’s asking too many questions might need to wrap it up!” she called and sighed.
“Shit,” NIkki cursed as he picked up the pace and moved his hand between them pressing circles on (Y/n)’s clit. He could feel her walls clenching around him as she came and he spilled into the condom.
“So much for taking you over and over again,” Nikki smiled as he kissed her gently while he pulled out and discarded the condom. “Come one sweet girl, let’s head back.”
“There’s always later.” She sighed, getting up and fixing herself. They made their way out, Vanessa giggling. “What?” (Y/n) asked.
“You’re loud.” Vanessa teased.
“Am not!” (Y/n) shot back.
“Actually babe,” Nikki rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. “You are but I take it as a compliment.” he kissed her quickly before helping her and Vanessa get through the hole in the fence.
“Hey! There you are!” Tommy said. “What did the old lady need help with?”
“Pipes were clogged.” Nikki said. “Needed help cleaning them out.”
“So, who’s hungry?” (Y/n) asked. “I can cook, or order something. There’s a new Chinese place down the street.”
“Chinese!” the group called out.
“Thank god, cuz I didn’t want to cook.” (Y/n) laughed.
After eating the Chinese food and a few more stolen kisses between (Y/n) and Nikki, the boys headed home. Nikki walked to the machine and pressed the button.
‘Um hey guys it’s Tom. I'm calling with good news, so we're releasing Shout AT The Devil. The album is a go!’
“Holy shit!” Nikki yelled as he grabbed Mick by the shoulders. “Did you fuckers hear that?”
“They decided to release it?” Vince asked, looking over at Tommy. “Hot fucking damn!”
“We’re gonna be rich guys!” Tommy yelled out, hugging them. “Fuck yeah!”
“Which of you fuckers sacrificed a virgin for this?” Mick said giving Nikki a pointed look as Tommy got their special party treat.
“You don’t think…” Nikki started. Vince and Mick shrugged. “I don’t care guys. I think she’s my good luck charm.” He smiled. “Fuck yeah!”
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @livingdeadharley @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva
Nikki Sixx Tags: @daisystuffsstuff
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags:  @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12 @shawnsstxtches
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 9 // July Challenge Day #12 (Revelation)
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You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @mvrinettes, @whoinvitedalx, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @janurary, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @tia-bi, @monagf, @monahott, @fal-carrington, @crazzyplays, @honorablebicycle​, @teja-desai​, @iam-the-fuckin-queen (let me know if you want to be tagged!)
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
- As I couldn’t write an entry for @choicesjulychallenge today, I’ll be using this chapter for the theme (Revelation).
- This chapter contains some NSFW content.
“You bribed my daughter, who has been recently operated, to play the bait for a serial killer on the loose. Are you out of your mind?! You are no different from that Kaneko man!”
The discussion and yelling in the living room had been going on for hours. Mona’s mother, Sara, was extremely furious at Detective Wheeler, not letting him speak a single word. For a moment, Mona even felt sorry for him.
“I told you,” Mona said. “You don’t wanna push her buttons. She will keep yelling at him for days.”
“Wow,” Allison commented. “Now I know where you’ve got your temper from.”
“No, actually I’m more like…”
Mona looked down at the message on her cellphone. Her father sent her a picture of her at college, in the basketball game, telling how proud he was. She knew he was only being sarcastic.
“You’re not like him, Mona. From what you’ve told me he’s selfish, arrogant, puts his own well-being above anything.”
“And how I’m different from that?”
“You took a bullet for me, and now you’re in this investigation because you didn’t want me to do this alone.”
“Maybe I was only trying to spend more time with you.”
Allison looked at her in silence for a brief moment, her eyes staring at her mouth in an inviting manner. Since their false kiss in Brian’s room, moments like that were getting more and more frequent.
“Whenever you want, babe.”
“I want it right now,” she prevented Mona from going forward, “but… Griffin.”
Mona rolled her eyes. It was like that douchebag had been purposely ghosting Allison to prevent her from dumping him.
The door opened in a slam, interrupting the moment.
“And you,” Mona’s mother shouted at her. “I thought you had finally learned your lesson, but no. You’ve got yourself in trouble again, for another woman!”
“…” she still tried to argue, but her mother interrupted her.
“No. Don’t even try to justify yourself.”
She entered the room, impatient, examining Allison head to toes, as if she was scanning for a threat. After she finished, she took a deep breath to recompose herself.
“You two, in my hotel room tonight. 8 o’ clock. Don’t be late.”
Allison had only going through the experience of meeting in-laws only once, with Griffin’s parents, in a fancy dinner to celebrate their anniversary. Meeting Mona’s mother was twice as scary, knowing she held an enormous grudge against her.
8 o’ clock they met her in a hotel room. She was sitting behind a laptop, ready to give them instructions. For decades, she had been working with technology and programming. One of her latest jobs was for the security company, who works for the University they were attending. According to Mona, until now absolutely no one, could pass her security protocols, even to hack grades or the surveillance cameras.
“I’m not being able to retrieve the data without direct access to the University’s network,” she explained. “I’ll need you to go to the library, plug this flash drive in one of the computers and install the programming.”
“Piece of cake for your smartass daughter,” Mona bragged. “Let’s go, Allison.”
“It’s not only that. You’ll have to wait until I’m able to decrypt the footage. When I call you, you clean the computer and come back here.”
“Do you promise to be careful?” Sara got up from her chair, tucking a strand of her daughter’s hair behind her ear. “If you see anybody or anything suspicious, stop immediately and run.”
“Mom,” Mona assured her. “Nothing is happening to me this time. I promise.”
Allison smiled softly, noticing how respectful and sweet Mona was for her mom. She wouldn’t let anybody else command her or yell at her like that, but with that woman she was an entirely different person.
“Meanwhile we can attend the party,” Allison suggested. “My dad said it could be a good opportunity to find more suspects.”
Mona’s mother expression changed and she looked at her in an intimidating manner again.
“Look Allison,” she sighed. “I have absolutely nothing against you, as we just met. But like your father, I’d rather you to keep a distance from my daughter. In case you have forgotten, she almost died because of you.”
“M-Mom…” Mona tried to argue, but Allison interrupted her. “I’ve already told you…”
“I could never forget what she did for me. And while we both agree it was a little stupid, it also shows how brave and selfless she is.”
“Brave?!” The woman let out a small laugh. “I’ll tell you something, everytime my daughter gets brave because of a girl, it never ends well.”
“I’m completely different from her ex, that I can assure you.”
“How exactly? Where were you for all these years she spent in jail? Did you know she was always mourning your absence?”
“I told her to not go visit me, or even write me,” Mona protested. “I wanted her to follow with her life and she did. No hard feelings.”
Allison inhaled deeply. She felt extremely guilty for never visiting Mona, despite her request. Letters, she had written a thousand, that she never sent, wondering how she’d react. She never wanted to cause Mona more pain, but it didn’t mean she stopped loving her or that she had abandoned her completely. With teary eyes and a confident voice, she finally confessed a secret no one ever knew.
“Wrong. You’re wrong… If Mona is here tonight it’s because of me. Because I could never forget or abandon her. I promised I’d get her out of jail and I did, I paid for her lawyer.”
There was a complete and awkward silence in the room. Mona was paralyzed, she opened her mouth several times but no words would come out.
“Y-You did… what? H-How?”
“Dr. Williams was giving this lecture in Langston, and as I learned she was one of the best lawyers in the country I went after her. She had never lost a single cause. The price I had to pay was extremely high, of course, but nothing that selling my car couldn’t do.”
No more words were pronounced. Mona seemed a little bit surprised and disturbed. The drive to the university was completely quiet. It was only when they arrived at the library that Allison finally asked.
“M-Mona, you’re not mad at me, right? For paying for your lawyer? I asked Dr. Williams secrecy because I didn’t know how you’d react but… I’ve never felt so happy in my life like when she told me they had reduced your penalty in a great deal.”
Mona stopped what she was doing at the computer to look at her.
“That was the hell of a good car. It was really stupid of you to sell it, because of me,” she told. “But how am I supposed to be mad? If it wasn’t for you, I would…” her mouth opened in a huge grin. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”
At the desk, their hands met again.
“You’re worth every penny. I would never give up on you.”
“When I’m allowed to, I’m gonna kiss you so much you’ll wish to lock me up again.”
“I could never!” Allison punched her shoulder slightly.
“You’ll see,” a notification indicated the computer job was done. “So, party?”
They were leaving the library holding hands. Mona was so happy nothing could ruin her mood, not even Krista, who was sitting at a near desk focused.
“Look at her, isn’t her perfect?” Mona commented. “Way too perfect?”
“What?” Allison furrowed her brows. “Do you think she could be a suspect?”
“It won’t hurt to take a look.”
Hidden behind a shelf of books, they waited until Krista left for a moment. Mona rushed to her desk, taking a hurried look at her papers. As expected, all she could find was Krista’s homework and a schedule with her Bible studies.
“You were right after all,” she told Allison. “Our girl is clean.”
Yet, something caught her eye as they were leaving. A keychain hanging out of her purse. Her brand-new car had been acquired at her father’s dealership.
The party was crowded and loud. A hurricane of teenagers getting drunk and wild in many manners. Spotting them as they arrived, Brian waved and smiled, coming in their direction.
“Hello Brian,” Allison greeted.
“Have you seen anything weird these days?” Mona asked.
“Except for two dudes from the team joining Kista studies?” He told. “Not at all. It seems whoever is selling the stuff is laying low for a while.”
“I see. Remember our deal.”
He returned to his drinking game with a group of friends.
Mona’s high expectations for that night were quickly frustrated, when Dr. Allison Wheeler told she couldn’t, under any circumstances, to play beer pong or do a keg stand yet, because of her recent surgery.
“That’s okay, I guess I can keep living without a full-experience of college. How else are we supposed to have fun then?”
“Let’s dance,” Allison took her by the hand to the dance floor. “Still get the moves?”
“You can bet on it, gorgeous.”
Mona started dancing around her in a seductive, inviting manner. Allison responded by doing a sexy set of moves herself, pressing her back on Mona’s body and leaving their faces only one breath away.
The song changed to an old pop song. Allison’s expression suddenly changed. She became sad and distant.
“What’s wrong?” Mona asked, placing her hands on her waist and bringing her closer. “Missing Irwin?”
“It’s nothing,” Allison wrapped her arms around her neck. “It’s just…” she looked down, blushing a little bit, “this song used to make me sad. It reminded me of you.”
Mona closed her eyes, paying attention to the song’s lyrics. She had listened to it probably a thousand times before, but it never meant anything so far. As their bodies slowly moved together, she inhaled Allison’s sweet and hypnotizing fragrance. It was becoming harder and harder to resist the urge to kiss her.
“Well, you’re getting your ’another life’. It’s up to you to take it or leave it.”
“I’m not letting you get away, not again.”
Mona brushed her lips on Allison’s, requesting her permission to go further. But before she could move forward, her cell phone started ringing.
“My mom,” she announced. “She has gotten the footage. We have to go.”
Allison sat tense on an armchair, waiting for Mona’s mother to play the footage on a screen. She glanced at Mona, who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, so expectant as she was.
“The Leon guy is innocent,” her mother told, pressing the ’play’ button. “Here we have our suspect. The one who cleaned the basketball player’s room.”
“Krista?!” Mona shouted, looking at the screen. “I knew it! I told you, Allison. Too perfect to be true.”
“But… she’s only the tip of the iceberg,” Allison said. “Somebody big and powerful is commanding her.”
Mona fell pensive, before letting out of laugh.
“Of course. David is behind her! He’s her godfather. It explains his move to Los Angeles and his sudden obsession with me. He expected me to be his dealer.”
“Wait,” Sara interrupted. “You think your father is developing synthetic drugs? Honey, at this point I thought you knew him better. David is a dumb coward.”
“But her car came from his dealership!”
“I hate to do this but…"
Minutes later, Mona’s father, David, also joined them in that small hotel room. Allison had never been in such an awkward situation before. There was clearly a tension in the air between the three of them. Recently, Allison learned that Mona’s parents were quite young when she was born. When she was only two, her father abandoned them for his current wife.
"A family gathering. How lovely,” Mona mocked. “Allison, call your father. Something tells me his handcuffs will be needed here.”
She gave her father a threatening look.
“What? You think I’m behind this girl?!” He protested. “I’ve never seen her in my life before.”
“She has the same car as you. It came from your dealership and gifted to her by a godfather.”
“Wait, now you mentioned it, I think I remember…”
He searched his phone for the most recent sales of that specific model of car.
“A little over two months ago, this man came to my dealership. He bought not one, but three, of this same car model. He paid for them immediately, in cash. I thought it was shady, illegal maybe, but…”
“You needed to make money,” Sara finished.
“Exactly,” David cleared his throat and passed her his phone, while she did a background search on her laptop.
“Got it. Indeed, he’s Krista’s godfather. There are plenty of pictures of them together on the internet.”
She transmitted the laptop image to the larger screen. Allison’s eyes went wide, as she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing.
“Dr. Carlson?!” She covered her mouth in shock.
“Correct, Emmett Carlson. Powerful and influent doctor. A perfect mind to be behind the drug’s creation. Do you know him?”
Now everything made sense. Of course she had seen Krista before, in one of the big parties the Carlsons threw.
“I heard him on the phone with a guy in the hospital’s parking lot the other day,” Mona told. “I thought the conversation was creepy but I had no idea.”
“Now I’ve been declared innocent, can I leave?”
Mona rolled her eyes at David. Then, she approached Allison by the window. Placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Are you okay? I mean, it must be hard for you to know…”
Allison hugged her and started sobbing.
“The main component of the drug is obtained from a plant, found only in Africa. You know what that means right?”
Allison nodded, without being able to answer. Griffin was involved in the scheme, of course. It explained his trip and his recent behavior.
“I’ll be alright,” she took a deep breath. “I just need to get out of here and clean my head for a while.”
“Allison,” Mona told. “I know how you must be feeling but… this isn’t a good idea at all.”
“I don’t care,” she accelerated Mona’s car at the empty and dark road, as much as she could. “I do it all the time when I need to relax.”
Mona started questioning what was making her more nervous, if it was the fear of getting caught by the police or the fear Allison could damage her car.
In a sudden and dangerous move, they were out of the road and Allison started drifting around the sand. At least now Mona was sure of the improvements her father had done in her car.
They stopped. Allison was panting in stress and adrenaline. She looked determined to start drifting again.
“Stop,” Mona placed her hand on the wheel. “You’re gonna get us both killed and we need to hand your father this flash drive with the evidence we got. We’re doing this, right?”
“How can you even ask this?” Allison shouted. “What do you think I am? That I’m involved too?”
“Of course not, but… this will be the end of your engagement with Griffin.”
In a blink of an eye, Allison moved unexpectedly and straddled Mona on the passenger seat.
“My engagement with Griffin ended when you walked through that hospital’s door,” she wrapped her arms around Mona’s neck and stared deeply into her eyes, making her heart race inside her chest. “Don’t you understand? I never belonged to him. My body could be his, but my heart and soul were always yours!”
Her eyes locked with Mona’s burning in pure desire.
“I was only with him because I couldn’t be with you.”
Mona grabbed her left hand, looking at the big diamond on her finger.
“Can I do the honors?” Mona asked.
“As you wish,” Allison shrugged.
Mona slipped the ring out of her finger, throwing it by the window in the middle of the desert.
“Good riddance.”
Her mouth met Allison’s in a hungry and desperate kiss, while her hands explored the rest of her body, wanting to feel every inch of her. Allison’s mouth lowered to her neck, placing small kisses and biting softly.
“You still remember how I like it.”
“How could I forget?”
Allison took off her shirt, letting Mona kiss the way down to her chest. Her hands traveled from her lower back to the waistband of her skirt and then to her inner tights.
“Should I take it slow or…?” Mona grinned.
“No,” Allison kissed her again, nibbling on her lower lip. “Give me all you’ve got.”
“Remember, you asked for it.”
Wasting no more time, Mona’s hands found their way to where Allison wanted her the most. As she massaged the most sensitive area of her body, she moved her hips to meet the rhythm. Her mouth wouldn’t leave Mona’s not even for a second.
“You have…” Allison moaned between pants, as she arched her back in pleasure, “no idea… how much I wanted this.”
“Really?” Mona teased, whispering in her ear. “So that means you’d still think of me, once in a while, when you…”
“Everytime. Even when I was with Griffin. Sometimes I’d close my eyes and pretend it was you I was having sex with.”
“Okay, you’re driving me really crazy here, but we’re kinda cramped. Let’s move to the backseat.”
As they moved, Allison quickly advanced, pinning Mona on the backseat, where she started taking off her clothes. She started placing kisses everywhere she undressed. When there was only Mona’s underwear left, she stopped.
“What are you waiting for?” She complained. “I wanted it as much as you did.”
“Sorry, I hadn’t seen it in a while. I appreciating the view, you know?”
Allison laughed, lowering her head between Mona’s legs. She moved her tongue teasingly, reducing the pace to prolong the sensation.
“Am I doing this right?” She continued to provoke.
“Allison… just do it…”
“What’s the word?”
She lowered her head again, moving more intensely now, until Mona collapsed in ecstasy.
“Are you exhausted yet?” Allison wanted to know.
“Are you kidding me? I’ve waited eight years for this day. No way I’m stopping this soon!”
When Allison woke up in the morning, she was still undressed, lying in Mona’s arms, in the middle of nowhere. Her phone had dozens of missed calls from her dad.
“Oh shit,” she looked at herself in the rear view mirror, checking the small purple bruises on her neck. “He’s going to kill me.”
She woke Mona up with a kiss and told her they needed to go.
“Come on,” she pulled Allison back to her arms. “Only a little bit longer. It’s just that… it feels unreal, like the last time.”
“It’s different now, there’s no Brotherhood standing in our way. We’ll have plenty of time to do this.”
“Straight to the precinct?” Mona asked, after getting dressed and taking control of her car.
“Actually, let’s go home first,” Allison suggested. “We’ll have a long day ahead and I’d like to shower first, grab something to eat.”
A while later they were back to Allison’s place. A familiar car was parked in front of the house.
“Is that your dad’s?”
“I don’t think so.”
Allison swallowed hard. The front door was unlocked and as she opened it, two figures were standing in the living room.
“Dr. Carlson, Griffin. What are you both doing here?”
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tallglassofsweetpea · 6 years
Little Darlin’: Chapter Five
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Sweet Pea x OC, 1950′s AU
Warnings (this chapter): language, angst, mild sexual content, underage drinking, think that’s it for this chapter??
AN: I’M BACK FROM THE DEAD! Thank you all for be patient over the past few weeks. I was having some serious writer’s block during the holidays, but I’m back and ready to get back into it. I’m already working on Chapter Six and will hopefully have that put up soon as well. I’ll also be working on some of the requests you guys have sent me! I hope you enjoy the new chapter! :)
(Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters. Also feel free to message me if you have any suggestions for this story and where you’d like to see it go, or if you have any general comments/questions! My ask is open :) Also I am taking requests!!!)
Chapter Five: Tears On My Pillow
Summer quickly faded into the fall and school was in full swing. Lily was somewhat thankful for the start of the new school year. She had plenty of things to occupy her time, there was homework to be completed and tests to be taken. Although, her mind would often wander to thoughts that weren’t exactly school related, like Sweet Pea. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since the night of their date to the drive in. She figured he was just busy with the Serpents, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t disappointed that he hadn’t so much as called.
Trish was over, getting ready to go see Fangs, it was the first she had seen of her in awhile.
“I take it everything worked out between you two? He seemed really upset that night at the drive in.”
“We talked.”
“And…He told me he loved me.” I guess he had listened to Sweet Pea’s advice after all.
“Did you say it back…?”
“I did.” Trish broke into a bright smile.
“That’s fantastic, Trish! So, what about Archie?”
Her face immediately dropped. “What about Archie?”
“Oh, Trish you can’t be serious…You can’t keep seeing them both. Someone’s going to end up hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing, Lily.”
Lily took a deep breath and chose her words carefully. “Are you afraid of what Archie might do if you call it off with him?”
Trish scoffed, an unconvincing look of confidence on her face. “He won’t do anything to me.”
“Trish I’ve seen what he’s done when he merely thought that you were-“
“Lily, drop this. And stop frowning, you’ll get premature wrinkles.”
Lily sighed at her.
“I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl. I just need a few more weeks until Archie messes up again and then I’ll be free.”
“…You’re waiting for him to cheat on you so you can break up with him?”
“Sure! That way there’s no blame put on me, and he can’t get upset with me because it will be his own fault. It’s fool proof!”
“Trish. You can’t be serious…”
“Don’t patronize me, I’m a woman with a plan. She said decidedly. “Speaking of plans, Fangs and I are going to some party by Sweetwater River tonight. You should come! I presume Sweet Pea has already invited you-”
She felt her heart sink a little bit. “Actually no.”
“I haven’t seen him since our that night at the drive in. He hasn’t so much as called.”
“Did the date not go well?”
“I had thought it was great. We went to Pop’s, we watched the movie at the drive in, we kissed…”
“Which led to…”
“Oh come on, how can you possibly resist him? He’s got that dangerous look in his eye. Talk of the town is that he’s very gratifying. Hell, if I hadn’t met Fangs-“
“Sweet Pea is…very attractive. But he’s far more experienced than I am, which he said he understood but I just don’t want to make a fool of myself. Not that it matters anymore. He has clearly lost interest.”
“Well we won’t have that, will we?”
“Its fine, Trish. I don’t know what I expected.”
“It is totally not fine, Lily.”
“I’m just not the type of girl that guy’s like Sweet Pea go after.”
“But he did go after you…”
“Yeah, and then suddenly ran for the nearest exit sign!”
“He’s probably just nervous.”
“You know, Trish. He doesn’t really seem like the type of guy that gets “nervous.”
“Oh come on Lily. He’s just a guy. A guy that to the best of my knowledge has never pursued anything beyond hookups. Sweet Pea probably has no idea what he’s supposed to be doing.”
“You may be right, but that’s not an excuse to completely fall off the map for weeks with no explanation. I feel so stupid! I never should have let my guard down.”
Trish’s eyes softened, she pulled Lily into a tight hug. “If you want, I can always tell Fangs we’re just gonna have a girls night in. My poor Lily-pad is having her first heartbreak.”
“No, it’s okay. I want you to go have fun, I don’t mean to bring you down. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, well I hate to leave you in such a state but Fangs should be here soon.” She walked over to the window, propping it open.
Lily lay back on her bed, taking a deep breath. Another night alone, moping around her room. Her mind would often drift to the few nights she had gotten to see Sweet Pea. She missed the way his lips would curl up into a smirk, and the way he caressed her skin. Gosh. She hadn’t even known this guy for that long, so why was this eating her alive? How much longer could she possibly sit around and do this?
“You know what, Trish? I changed my mind, I’m coming with you guys.”
Lily had never been to Sweetwater Forest at night. Her father warned her of the “hoodlums and sinners” from the Southside that were out hiding in the woods preying on the innocent. From the sound of it, you’d think there were sacrificial rituals being performed out there. In reality, it was just a hangout for the young Serpents where they would drink and socialize around a bonfire. Lily followed Fangs and Trish through a discreet trail tucked away in the woods. The trees towered over their heads, umbrellas of brightly covered leaves indicating the shift into autumn. Lily could barely make out the bright flames through the trees as they came closer to the party. Serpents gathered around the fire, some sitting on the chopped down tree trunks while others leaned against the trees that still stood.
Fangs and Trish greeted some of his buddies that stood by the fire. Lily scanned the area surrounding the fire, no sign of Sweet Pea. Perhaps he actually was busy. She felt a slight sense of relief, at least he hadn’t just been avoiding her. She found an empty spot on one of the fallen trees surrounding the fire, took out her handkerchief from her purse and lay it down before taking a seat. The young Serpent that was sitting next to her laughed. “Can’t say I’ve seen you around before.” Lily turned to him, he was a good looking young man with short brown hair. “I’m not usually around.”
He looked her up and down. “Never would have guessed.” He joked. He reached down beside him and offered Lily a bottle of beer. “Care to indulge?”
Lily waited a beat. “No thank you…sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
The Serpent offered her a smile. “Slash.”
“Right, Slash. You all seem to have such unique names… I’m Lily.”
“Nice to meet you. Dare I ask what brings you around here? No offense, but you seem out of place.”
“Well, actually I came looking for-“ Lily lost her train of thought at the sight of Sweet Pea stumbling out of the darkness of the forest. He was laughing with his arm around the waist of some dark haired girl. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart sank into her stomach.
She made eye contact with Sweet Pea as he approached the fire. His eyes softened, while hers hardened.
Lily rose from the stump she was sitting on with Slash and stood with her arms crossed.
“Looks like you’re really busy. I guess this explains why I haven’t heard from you.”
Everyone’s eyes were on Lily. Including Fangs and Trish who was shaking her head at Sweet Pea.
“Oh come on, Lily don’t have a cow.”
“Don’t have a cow? You’ve been avoiding me for weeks with no explanation Sweet Pea!”
The dark haired girl hanging off of Sweet Pea laughed. “Looks like little miss goody two shoes is having a temper tantrum.”
Lily turned to the girl and threw a punch, sending her back. Lily’s eyes widened when the girl bounced right back up and lunged after her, Slash jumped up and grabbed the girl by her arms. “Lily, I would run if I were you.” Lily looked at Sweet Pea one last time before booking it into the woods. She ran as fast as she could out of the woods and into the parking lot. She leaned against the closest car she could find, trying to catch her breath. She heard some rustling from the woods and her head shot up in fear. She knew if that girl was coming after her she didn’t have enough energy to run away.
Luckily, it was just Trish and Fangs.
“Lil’ are you alright?”
“I’m fine, can we just please go?”
Lily walked over to Fangs’ car and opened the door to the backseat.
Trish and Fangs shared a look.
“Trish do we have to go? We just got here..” Fangs whined.
Trish sighed and shot him a look.
Fangs groaned. “Okay, fine.”
The car ride was completely silent, save for the radio.
Lily watched the pine trees zoom by as they sped down the road. She felt defeated. She fiddled with her necklace. The one time she let her guard down, the one time she believed someone really liked her. She tried to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over. She felt a cool tear roll down her cheek, followed by another. Silently she let the tears fall down her face. She felt so naive. To think that a guy like him would actually want to be with a boring northsider like her.
“Lily?” Fangs glanced at her in the rearview mirror. Lily looked up.
“Nice punch.” He said, smiling. Lily forced a small smile through her tears.
As the days passed by, Lily did her best to keep herself busy. When she wasn’t in school or working on homework, she was at dance class. When she wasn’t at dance class, she was at bible study . Life seemed to have resumed it’s normalcy.
A few weeks passed, it was late September.
Lily sat down in her seat for chemistry class, her usual lab partner had been out with the flu all week. Mr. Beaker presented the weekly project to the class.
“Lily, since your usual lab partner, Mr. Doily is absent today I’m going to pair you up with Reggie who also doesn’t have a partner.”
She nodded her head and glanced over at Reggie, who was on his way over to take the seat next to hers. He had a cast on his left arm with various signatures and doodles from his friends.
“Hi.” Lily gave him a polite smile. “So, I figured we could split up the reading, we could both take notes and then compare once we’re done.
Reggie chuckled. “Well that sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately I’m left handed.” He lifted up his casted arm.”
“Oh-uh. I’m sorry. I guess that won’t work after all.”
“That’s quite alright.”
“I guess I will be the notetaker.” Lily and reggie both flipped open their books looking for the right page.
Lily glanced over at his arm. “So…how did that happen to you anyway? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Sprained it during a game. I’m hoping it’ll be healed in time for the homecoming game next week.”
“Oh right, I forgot that’s coming up soon. Well I hope everything heals up in time. From what I hear, you do the team fine.”
“I do what I can. I can’t say I’ve ever seen you at a game. I think I would’ve noticed a cute girl like yourself.” Reggie smiled at her.
Lily felt the heat rush to her cheeks, a smile threatening the corners of her mouth.
Mr. Beaker stopped by their table and cleared his throat. “I assume this chatter is related to the assignment.”
“Of course, Mr. Beaker.”
Lily went back to reading the assigned chapter, but Reggie’s gaze lingered on her. He leaned in and lowered his voice, not wanting to get scolded again.
“Hey, uh…if you’re free after school today, would you want to grab something to eat at Pop’s?”
Lily looked up from her book to see a smiling Reggie. He was very cute, and she did have some time between school and dance.
She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and returned the smile. “Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.”
Once the school day ended, Lily met Reggie in the parking lot and they headed over to Pop’s. They found a booth and placed their orders  talked. The conversation was light, mainly small talk about school and sports. She had at first assumed he was just like the rest of the buffoons on the football team, but it turned out that he was very nice guy.
“So are you planning on going to the homecoming dance?”
Lily took a sip of her vanilla shake. “Oh, I don’t know. I signed up to help decorate but..”
“I think you should go, it’s gonna be a blast.”
“I don’t know, I don’t have a date.”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll be your date.”
Lily nearly choked on her milkshake. “Y-You want to go with me?”
“Sure, I haven’t got a date. I think we’d have a good time.” Lily was entirely thrown off guard.
The bells on the front door jingled, in walked a group of leather-clad young men, led by Sweet Pea. She sunk a little in her seat, her eyes shifting around the room. She watched them pile into a corner booth on the opposite side of the restaurant. Sweet Pea’s dark eyes locked with hers.
“So whaddya say?” Her eyes snapped back to Reggie.
Sweet Pea was watching her, she could feel his eyes on her. She couldn’t let him know he made her nervous. She could hear Trish’s voice in her head. Make him realize what he’s missing. She reached across the table and placed her hand gently over Reggie’s and gave him a flirtatious grin.
“I think that would be lovely, Reggie.”
“Great, I’ll buy our tickets tomorrow!”
In the corner of her eye, she could see Sweet Pea’s eyes narrow and his jaw clench before he looked away from their table.
Lily: 1 Sweet Pea: 0.
“Hey Reggie, would you mind lending me some money for the jukebox?”
“Not at all, doll.” He reached into his pocket and dished out some coins to hand to Lily.
She smiled and thanked him then sauntered over to the jukebox located on the opposite side of Pop’s. She had taken a few more notes from Trish’s book and swayed her hips as she made her way through the restaurant, making a point of flipping her hair as she walked by the table of Serpents silencing the table as she passed by and rounded the corner to the jukebox. She began to shuffle through the songs when she felt someone move next to her.
“Hey blondie.”
Lily didn’t look up, she just kept flipping through the music library.
Sweet Pea sighed. “So are you ignoring me now?”
Lily raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t feel very good, does it?”
“Look, I’m sorry. If you let me explain-“
“Any idea as to what Reggie might like to hear?” Lily looked up to him with a forced look of curiosity on her face.
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but roll his eyes at her. “Okay Lily, you can quit the theatrical bit. You got my attention.”
“Theatrical bit?”
“I mean, you can’t seriously be interested in that meat head.” Sweet Pea nudged his thumb over to where Reggie sat eating his fries. “And the way you walked by me-”
“He’s actually quite lovely if you give him a chance, there’s more to him than meets the eye.” She had once thought the same to be true of Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea looked at her, dumbfounded. “Mantle? Reggie Mantle? The guy eats rocks.” He scoffed.
“And what makes you so special?”
Sweet Pea’s shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I don’t know. If I remember correctly, it wasn’t too long ago that you saw something in me that you liked.”
Lily threw some change into the jukebox and selected a song, “You Don’t Own Me” by Lesley Gore, before turning to look Sweet Pea in the eye. She hated how no matter how anger she felt toward him, the second she looked into his chocolate brown eyes, her heart would melt. A smirk crept up on Sweet Pea’s lips. Lily looked down to the floor and cleared her throat. “Well, I’m starting to think maybe I was blind. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get back to. Goodbye, Sweet Pea.” She rushed by him before he could respond.
Sweet Pea let out a sigh and watched her blonde curls bounce with every step she took back to her booth. He shook his head. Why couldn’t he just let her go?
It was the week of the big homecoming game and dance. Lily and Reggie had been hanging out more often, they would usually go to Pop’s to grab a bite to eat and work on homework together. Lily thought Reggie was a very charming young man, he was handsome and a real gentleman. When Lily told her mother that she had a date to the homecoming dance, she was thrilled. She drove them right down to the town center to pick out the perfect dress. They settled on a pale pink tea length tulle dress with a satin sash across the waist that tied into a neat bow in the back. Her mother was of course far from fond of the strapless bodice and insisted she wear a sash to cover her shoulders. “We want you looking like a decent girl, unlike that redheaded girl you spend too much time with. She’s far too fast for that age.”
Trish was also ecstatic that Lily had found a date, she had their entire night planned out not even two minutes minutes after she told her on the phone.
“Okay, so first we have to go to the game to cheer on the boys. Then we have got to get our hair done together, I know just the place! Oh my goodness, Lil’ this is truly going to be a night to remember!” She really was happy to go. She liked Reggie, and it seemed like he liked her too. But there was something in the back of her mind that made it difficult to feel the full excitement Trish felt.
Suddenly, Lily heard a rapping at her window, she rose from her mountain of frills and walked to her window, stretching the coiled phone cord across the room. She pulled back her curtains and nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of Sweet Pea on the other side of the glass.
“Trish, I’ll call you back later. I’ve got to help my mom with something.”
“Oh okay, well-“
Lily hung up the phone and went to open the window with wide eyes, and stepped back so the tall Serpent could enter. He somehow managed to fit his large frame through her window and stood against the wall.
At first she was infuriated, how dare he show up like this in the middle of the night.
“Sweet Pea, what on earth are you-“ Lily examined his appearance, he looked like hell. His forehead had a large gash on his brow, and he had a nasty black eye. She came closer to him, pulling his face down into her soft hands, examining the damage.
“What happened to you?”
“I was out running some errands with Fangs when these psycho Bulldogs came out of nowhere, tried to start shit with Fangs. So we got into it and then some kid came out with a gun, we had to get out of there. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Was Archie there?”
Sweet Pea scoffed. “Andrews? Please. He’s too much of a candy ass to fight his own battles.”
He reached up to slick back his hair. “Fucking Bulldogs.” She wanted to ask if Reggie was there or not but then she noticed the gashes on his hands.
“Oh my goh! Look at your hands.” She gently took his fist in her hands, the knuckles were cut and swollen. “Let’s get you into the bathroom, you don’t want this to swell anymore or to get infected.”
“Princess, you don’t have to do that. I’ve survived a lot worse. You should see what the other guys look like.”
“Well I might not survive my mother if you get blood on this carpet.” She led him over to her private bathroom that branched off of her bedroom and instructed him to sit on the edge of the pink bathtub.
“I know I’ve got a first aid kit in here somewhere.” Sweet Pea watched Lily walk over to the bathroom closet and begin rummaging through it’s contents. He looked around the small bathroom, everything was pink and covered in frills and flowers just like her bedroom.
“Sorry, I didn’t know where else to go around here…and I’m real sorry I didn’t reach out to you before, I’d been dealing with a lot of-“
Lily poked her head out of the closet to look at him. “Serpent stuff? Otherwise known as you busy with your tongue down that girl’s throat? And lord knows where else…” She mumbled the last part.
Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow at her choice of words and shook his head. “I wasn’t doing anything with her, we were just hanging out.”
Lily gave him a pointed look. “With your arm around her?”
Sweet Pea sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I was avoiding you. I just-“
“You just what?”
Lily went over to kneel between Sweet Pea’s legs with a first aid kit in her hands. She took out some rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and bandage wrap.
“I just got…scared?”
“You were avoiding me because you were scared?”
“I know it sounds lame, but…I’ve just never liked a girl as much as I like you.”
Lily dabbed some rubbing alcohol on one of the cotton swabs. “You could have called.”
“Yeah, well the phone works both ways toots.” Her eyes narrowed, she took the swab dipped in rubbing alcohol and ran it across his knuckles.
Sweet Pea winced at the sting. “God. You’re on a mean streak, blondie.”
“I don’t like to be made a fool of, Sweet Pea.” She set the cotton swab aside and began to bandage his fingers.
“I’ve gotta say, watching you knock out that girl at the bonfire was pretty hot.” He smirked.
A blush rose to her cheeks as she tightly wrapped the bandage around his fingers.
“There, you’re all fixed up.” She sat back with her legs tucked beneath her and started to put her things back into the tin box of the first aid kit. Sweet Pea looked down at her, she wore no makeup and her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. Lily sat there a second, looking into his dusky eyes before sitting up and bringing her lips closer to his, her eyes fluttered closed. Sweet Pea met her the rest of the way and captured her lips between his. He held her there like that for a moment before he pulled away, tucking a stray blonde curl hair behind her ear.
“You really hurt me, Sweet Pea. I thought that you liked me.”
“I’m sorry. I do like you.”
“I mean, come on. Me and you? We couldn’t be more different. I’m just some greaser from the wrong side of the tracks. But you’re this sweet, beautiful girl from the Northside. I mean seriously, you’re like an angel.”
Lily fiddled around with her necklace as she listened.
“I guess I just felt like you were too good for a guy like me. Figured it’d be best if I left you alone, let it fade out.”
“I don’t want you to leave me alone. And all of this Northside/Southside stuff? It doesn’t matter to me. I-I just want to be with you.”
Sweet Pea’s eyes softened, he swallowed hard. “And I guess I kind of messed that up, didn’t I?”
Lily paused, then shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t say that…”
His face lit up almost instantly. “So does that mean you’re gonna give me a second chance?”
Lily tried to keep her composure, but the corners of her mouth kept threatening to lift into a grin. “Maybe I am.”
Sweet Pea’s smile stretched from ear to ear. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“Don’t give me a reason to.” Sweet Pea leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.
Lily couldn’t fight the blush that rushed to her cheeks. “Alright, now that I’ve got you fixed up, you should probably go. It’s getting late and I have school tomorrow.”
“Well, uh. That’s the thing…”
“I have a feeling those creeps are still out there looking for me…Do you mind if I stay here tonight?”
Lily instantly shook her head at the suggestion.
“Noooooo way, my father would have a cow if he knew I had a boy in here. Never mind a Serpent!”
“Oh come on, Lily. I’ll be gone before the sun rises. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse, it’ll be like I’m not even here.”
“I don’t know…”
“Are you really gonna send me out there with a gun wielding maniac on the loose? That’s not very Christian of you.” He joked.
Lily shot him a glare. “Okay fine, you can stay here. But you cannot make a sound. My parents would have me sent to a convent if they knew about this.”
“I owe you big time. Hell I’ll even sleep right here in the bathtub.”
“You don’t need to sleep in the bathtub, you can have my bed.”
Lily got up off the floor and headed into her room where Sweet Pea followed. Lily locked the door and leaned up against it, gesturing to her mattress.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve done more than enough for me already. I’m not kicking you out of your own bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“Are you sure? That can’t be comfortable.”
“Trust me darlin’, I’ve slept on a lot worse.”
Sweet Pea stood in the middle of her room, taking in his surroundings. Lily found it both amusing and incredibly cute seeing the tall, dark serpent standing in a sea of pink flowers and ruffles. How on earth did this happen? Lily chewed on her lip.
“At least let me put down some blankets and pillows for you.” Sweet Pea glanced back at her and shrugged before he returned to his examination of Lily’s bedroom. She walked over to her closet and pulled out some extra blankets and pillows for him to use.
“I would offer you some clothes to sleep in, but something tells me we’re not the same size.”
Sweet Pea shrugged off his jacket and as he continued examining the room. He tossed it onto the pink velvet chair that was in front of the window.
“That’s alright, I’ll make due.” He walked by her shelf of Dance awards and trophies. He looked back at her, she was now sitting on her bed.
Lily shrugged. “I’ve done my fair share of competitions.”
“I guess so, huh?”
Next to the shelf, Lily’s homecoming dress hung from a coat hook in the wall. Sweet Pea reached out and fingered the fabric.
“What’s this for?”
Lily’s heart sank. Reggie. “That’s my dress for the homecoming dance.”
Sweet Pea looked at her. “Homecoming dance?”
She nodded her head. “It’s this Saturday.”
Sweet Pea snorted.“Let me guess, Mantle asked you to go with him?”
He shook his head. “I don’t trust that guy.”
Lily sighed. “He’s really nice to me.”
“That’s exactly why I don’t trust him.” Sweet Pea started to make his bed on the floor.
Lily crossed her arms. “I think you’re jealous.”
“Jealous? Don’t make me laugh, Lily. Guys like that aren’t just “nice” for the hell of it. He’s after something.”
“Reggie isn’t like that. He’s never been anything shy of a gentleman with me.”
“If he starts to get too handsy, you let me know.”
“I think I’ll be okay.”
Sweet Pea sat down on his makeshift bed, untied his boots and tossed them to the side. Lily watched as he reached back and pulled off his white tee in one swift motion, baring his strong chest.
“You’re catching flies, sugar.”
I can’t believe this is happening right now. She opened the drawer of her bedside table and took out her rosary beads and slid off the bed and onto her knees. It wasn’t every day that Lily had a half naked gang member in her bedroom. The least she could do was pray for forgiveness.
Sweet Pea knew the bulldogs most likely weren’t out looking for him anymore, he had just wanted to buy some more time with her. He watched her as she kneeled down to pray, she wore a white satin button down pajama top with a matching set of shorts that slid up a little higher when she sat with her legs tucked beneath her. She really looked like an angel, with her golden locks pulled back behind her shoulders. Tonight he was going to have to practice some serious self control, which was always a challenge with her around.
Lily quickly said her prayers before turning off the lamp on her bedside table and getting under the covers. She quietly whispered “Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
“Sweet dreams.”
She closed her eyes in hopes she would fall asleep. She could hear Sweet Pea rustling on the floor. Once she thought he was settled in and comfortable, he would shift again. She let out a sigh.
“Is everything alright?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Just having a tough time getting comfortable.”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut, she couldn’t believe the words that were about to escape her lips.
“If you want, you can sleep with me.”
Sweet Pea paused for a beat.
“I-I mean, you can sleep in my bed.”
Sweet Pea clicked his tongue. “Are you sure?”
“Y-yeah, it’s no big deal.”
She moved over to one side of her full sized bed, making room for Sweet Pea.
She felt the mattress shift when Sweet Pea got into her bed. She closed her eyes again, trying to relax herself, but her heart was beating like crazy.
“I don’t think the good pastor would approve of this sleeping arrangement.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
He let out a quiet chuckle. She could feel him breathing behind her, it sent small tingles up and down her spine. She felt the warmth of his body press against hers. She felt his arm drape over her waist. They lay like that for a few moments. Lily opened her eyes when she felt Sweet Pea’s lips dance along the side of her neck until her breathing became a bit heavy. He brought his hand up to her jaw, tipping her head back and kissing up her throat. Her body pushed back against his involuntarily, earning a small groan from Sweet Pea. He turned her face to him, her emerald eyes opened. God, he looked so irresistible. Sweet Pea leaned down to capture her lips between his, his hand coming up to caress her cheek. Lily sighed into the kiss. She had missed the way his full lips felt as they moved against hers. She felt his tongue glide over her bottom lip, she opened her mouth slightly, letting her tongue gently caress and tangle with his. Lily softly moaned. Sweet Pea’s heart dropped at the sound of her. He pulled back from the kiss, both of them were breathing heavily.
“Sweet Pea?”
“Touch me.”
Sweet Pea looked down at her and swallowed hard. Her face was flooded with a deep blush, her lips slightly parted, and her eyes yearning.
He pulled her hair back and began kissing her neck. He let his hand slowly drift from her cheek down to her arm. He pulled her closer to his body, his bare chest pressed against her back. His hand slid down her arm.
He whispered into the crook of her neck. “Show me where.” Lily let out a small sigh. He was driving her crazy, she couldn’t even think clearly. She had no idea what she was doing, she just knew she wanted more.
She covered his hand with hers and let them slide up the side of her stomach beneath her shirt until they reached her underside of her breast. Sweet Pea groaned into her neck. Her skin felt so unbelievably soft and smooth. Lily slowly brought their hands up higher until she felt his the rough skin of his palm cup her breast. Lily let out a small moan. She felt him suck on her skin, sending a tingle down between her thighs. Her heart was racing. She felt Sweet Pea’s hand make its way down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her silk bottoms, his fingers slipped just past the waistband. Lily froze up. “We should stop.”
Sweet Pea halted and kissed her temple. “Okay.” She did want him to do more, she really did. But something kept stopping her. He draped his arm around her waist once more and closed his eyes. They both lay there, letting their breath catch up with them. Lily turned to face him. She reached out and let her finger trace over the lines of his serpent tattoo on his neck. Sweet Pea half opened his eyes to look at her.
“You’re beautiful.”
Lily averted her eyes. “Thank you.”
“I mean it. You’re beautiful.”
Lily looked up to him for a moment before she let out a nervous laugh, shaking her head. Sweet Pea looked at her, perplexed.
“What’s so funny?”
Lily looked down, she was fidgeting with her gold cross. “I don’t know. It’s just… no one has ever said that to me before.”
“I find that hard to believe, darlin’.”
“I mean, people have called me beautiful before. Just…not the way that you do.”
Sweet Pea cocked his head at her. “And how do I say it?”
Lily paused for a second before she answered.
“Like you mean it.”
Sweet Pea lifted her chin up to look her in the eye. “That’s because I do mean it.” He gently pressed his lips to hers before he laid back down. Lily curled into his side, letting the sound of his breath evening out lull her to sleep.
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alsbesluit · 5 years
losing my religion
  Franklyn hadn’t been to his usual church in three weeks and he was starting to feel weird about it. With a lack of his usual church on Sunday he went to the other church in town during the week, but it wasn’t nearly the same. He prayed every day, like he did, he read in the Bible at least three times per week and he found himself reaffirming his faith constantly. God was with him. He could feel it. With every step he took and every decision he made, he just knew that this was the path that God send him on. This was the hard part. He had to show up, both for himself and for God, and he would be rewarded.    After all, he tried it the other way around. He tried crushing what he felt for boys. He tried ignoring his feelings and very persistently going about his business, but that hadn’t worked. God had never approved of what Franklyn did then, looking back on it. And as though to tell him, He had send Terence on Franklyn’s path. That admittedly had been a struggle at first, going against his upbringing and what he thought his faith told him in order to be with Terence, but Franklyn could only conclude that he was doing the thing that was right for him. This was who he was. Gay or bisexual or something, but at least into boys, but other than that still very much the same person that his parents raised and whose faith was very important to him.
 If only his parents would accept that.   Truth be told, Franklyn hadn’t seen them since that evening. His father’s gaze cold, colder than Franklyn had ever seen it. His mother clearly disappointed in him. The glance they exchanged, the look that he only ever saw when they discussed Daphne or Astoria. It was never directed about him. They set up the situation with the intention to show him that his sexuality was so wrong that he couldn’t be a part of the family any more. Astoria yelling, Daphne crying, both of them mad, Franklyn unsure who they were mad at. Him, for coming out? Their parents, for subsequently disowning him? He had been mad at God, for a while. Then at the world. And then at his parents again. But it didn’t change anything, just like not seeing his parents and not going to church wouldn’t change anything.   That Saturday, over dinner, Franklyn asked a question he never thought he would have to ask over dinner. The answer had been such a given that the question never needed to be asked before. “I am planning to go to church tomorrow morning. My father’s church,” he clarified. “I was wondering if anyone wanted to go with me.” He watched how the Higgs family exchanged glances with each other. It was not the kind of glance that his parents exchanged before they told him to leave. No, this glance implied thoughtfulness, respect and concern. After a short silence, Terence’s mother Sarah spoke, as kind as the first time they met. “I will go with you, Franklyn. At what time does the service start?” She smiled and laid a hand on his briefly, as though it was the most normal thing in the world that Franklyn was in their house and asking such questions. It really wasn’t, but Franklyn was extremely grateful for Sarah Higgs and the rest of her family just then.    It was difficult to sleep that night. Franklyn knew exactly what he was going to do. In a way, this brought his usual scheming to a completely new level. Usually, scheming was between him and his siblings or alongside Roxanne or Alfred to get an advantage of some sort. This time it may be interpreted as him putting his parents to shame by showing up at the place they least wanted to see him. Showing up at their house would have been better. The church was a sacred space, created by his father to be so, and Franklyn would be intruding. His parents would immediately assume that his angle was to get back at them for disowning him, because that was how the entire congregation would view it as well: Franklyn Greengrass putting his foot down and making the family look bad just by existing and being there.  That was not in any way his angle, but it was doubtful that he was going to get to explain himself before being kicked out a place by his parents for the second time in one month. That was why he wanted to bring an adult with him. By bringing either one of Terence’s parents, it would seem less like he was just there to meddle with his parents’ reputation, or so he hoped. There was no way that Terence’s parents would go along with that and Franklyn doubted that they didn’t have him figured out after the time he spent at their house.    On Sunday morning, Franklyn woke up early and went through some very familiar motions, only in a very different place. He had laid down his clothes for church the evening before, so he went to shower and put them on afterwards. He wrestled with his hair for a couple of minutes until it looked somewhat appropriate and made his way downstairs then. There, Sarah was having breakfast already. He drunk some coffee and had his usual breakfast (muesli with yogurt). When it was time to go, he offered to drive to the church.   With Sarah next to him in the passenger’s seat, Franklyn was calmer than he thought he was going to be. He parked his car on the small parking lot next to the church and watched how the members of the congregation walked into the church or spoke outside, on the pavement. It looked so oddly familiar, but at the same time it felt strange to Franklyn, as thought he wasn’t supposed to be a part of any of that any more.    “Franklyn,” Sarah addressed him, her voice soft. He managed to tear his gaze away from the front of the church and turned to look at her instead. “Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” she asked him gently. “You don’t have to force yourself to do this. Not unless you want to.”   “I want to,” he replied. “Thank you, though. It means a lot.” He tried smiling at her, which he seemed to succeed in briefly, before getting the key from his car. He locked it after they both got out, right when the service was about to begin. Well aware that it would look way worse if they arrived late, Franklyn lead the way into the church and wanted to walk to his usual seat in one of the front rows immediately, only to pause in the doorway and look behind him, at Sarah. She just smiled at him. That made him decide to sit in the back row. He wasn’t here to draw attention to himself. He was here because he wanted to attend a service.   The service was too short for Franklyn. He wouldn’t have minded it if it went on for another hour. He had truly missed being able to sit down and listen to his father talk about God and read from the Bible. Formerly he had the privilege to get to listen to it every day after dinner, but now this was what he would have to do with. For the week, maybe. Forever, possibly, if his parents had the audacity to kick him out here as well. 
  When the service ended, Franklyn remained where he was, on the church bench at the last row sitting next to Sarah. Numerous people from the congregation passed by.  Some looked at Franklyn and didn’t say a thing, but most just passed him by without looking. Roxanne passed him and smiled at him. He got a nod from Alfred and some of his other friends. When the church was empty with the exception of his father, Franklyn got up. Sarah, who got what he was doing, told him, “I will wait for you in the hall,” softly before exiting as well.   His father was busy reassembling his paperwork that he did in preparation for that day’s service and didn’t look up until Franklyn’s footsteps were close. He looked tired, Franklyn thought on first assessment. He looked a bit like Franklyn felt, quite frankly. He put the papers back where he had been ordering them previously and studied his son up and down. “What are you doing here?” was the question he eventually asked.   Franklyn had to suppress the urge to fold his arms over one another defensively. “I wanted to talk,” he said. “I refuse to be the reason why this family is falling apart and I refuse to be the son that tore the family apart. That’s not what I’m like and that’s not what I want. You raised me better than that. My faith didn’t leave me. In fact, my faith is stronger than ever. I feel that God has send me on this journey and I feel that he is with me. If God has made me this way, then you should be able to accept God’s work the way he meant it, not the way you want it to be.”   “Franklyn -” his father started, but for the first time in his life Franklyn wasn’t going to let him speak. He had never once interrupted his father or his mother. He had always let them interrupt him when they thought necessary and listened carefully to their every word. Not any longer.    “No,” he said. “I’m not done yet. I know that Leviticus calls homosexuality an abomination and detestable. And in the New Testament, you could also make a case that Paul said that two men being together goes against the natural law made by God, in Romans. And of course this is confirmed in Matthew, when Jesus explains that God meant for marriage to be between a man and a woman. But none of that goes any way towards explaining why this feels right. I am myself now. I know that God send me on this path. My faith in Him was wavering until I choose to come out because I didn’t understand what He wanted. Now I do. This is the path He send me on and I make no apologies, because I’m following Him. And if that means that you still want me out of your house and your life, that’s your decision to make, but know you’re going against God.”   Oddly, his father was smiling. Franklyn had prepared himself for a lot, mostly a variety of reactions that were bad, ranging from disappointment to anger and everything in between. This decidedly wasn’t that. Caught off guard, he stepped away when his father reached out for him.    “I’m sorry,” his father said softly. “I understand you don’t feel comfortable.” He took a step back and away from Franklyn and studied him then. “Your mother and I have talked about you a lot. We came to the conclusion that our reaction was harsh. Now, I’m not going to claim that I understand anything what you’re going through. But you are clearly convinced that this path is right for you. You know when God is with you and if you say that He wants you to do this, I believe you. It’s time to use another interpretation of the Bible.”   Franklyn waited for the other shoe to drop, but oddly nothing seemed to be dropping.  His father was still looking at him, waiting for him to say something, whereas he just felt lost. This was not the kind of scenario he prepared for. “What will mom say?” was the best he could come up with.   “Your mother,” his father started after clearly hesitating briefly, “missed you terribly, as did I. This is going to take getting used to, Franklyn. But we’re not unwilling to try, if you’re willing to meet us halfway. If you tell us more about how you see your path now, we may understand better.” On a softer note, his father continued: “I had a rift with my parents about who I was seeing as well. They didn’t want me to be with your mother. She wasn’t good enough for me, or so they said. It wasn’t until they met her and I explained that this was right for me, that they started to accept her. I think if we communicate, we can make this work.”   With that, Franklyn moved forward, flung his arms around his father and buried his head against the older man’s shoulder. When he drew back, his usually so stoic and calm father had to wipe away the tears that had fallen on his cheeks. Together, they exited the church.    “We should meet this boy that you like sometime,” his father said. “Is that where you’ve been? We should have his parents and him over for dinner really soon. We owe them a debt of gratitude for taking care of you so well when we couldn’t. Do they go to this church?”  Well. That was another conversation for another day.
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
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THE BIBLE SAYS (I can’t get a header for some reason, sorry)
Genre: Smuttt
Contains: Mentions of religion (Christianity), blowjobs, anal sex, masturbation, voyeurism?, top!phil, bottom!dan, pet names
Note: Sorry if this sucks. I’ve been writing this throughout a few sleepless nights, so I apologize for mistakes, and yes, I know I use the names Dan and Phil a lot. I could’ve found other names instead of repeating them, but eh ya know. Anyways, enjoy!
Summary: Phil isn’t very religious, but Dan is. When Phil invited Dan over to his house, they might not exactly follow the word of God.
Phil never liked school. The discipline, the subjects, the other students, the work, none of it. But his parents made him move to a new school last year.
One with more discipline, an extra few subjects, more annoying students, and stacks of work... St. Elizabeth’s Christian Academy. Yep. A Christian school.
Phil wasn’t very religious, but his family was, and they thought it’d be good for him to get closer to his faith and all that crap. There was one good thing about this school though. Dan Howell. Dan was just perfect in every way, in Phil’s eyes. There was his brown, curly hair, swept to the side, out of the way of his work. His small frame, making most clothes slip off his shoulder occasionally.
And god, his body. Yes, St. Elizabeth’s is a Christian school, but the faculty believes that students should be allowed to be whoever they want to be; within the dress code of course. That meaning that Dan could wear a girl’s uniform, complete with the skirt and high socks. He was also on the cheerleading squad, always sporting a tiny blue and gold skirt and tight, clingy top.
As Dan decided to adorn himself with skirts that barely pass the dress code and nice pastel bows in his hair, Phil decided to go for a darker look. He still wore the uniform, but his hair was black and pushed into a quiff. He never wore the school jacket, instead he got away with a leather jacket. Phil had a few tattoos tucked away under his shirt, but a few poked out. The few Dan started to take a notice to.
Dan was very serious about his studies. He was brought up in a very religious family, much like Phil. However, Dan actually liked being apart of it. Dan couldn’t stop himself from gazing at the tall, punk boy. He knew it was wrong, to feel this way about another boy, but he couldn’t help it. Phil played it off like Dan’s staring was normal and it wasn’t a big deal. But it was a big deal. Dan had to be his.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Phil shuffled up to Dan putting his Bible away.
“H-hey, uh, hey,” Phil mumbled out. Dan whipped around to the smooth voice, already knowing who it was.
“Uh hi,” Dan squeaked out, slightly intimidated by Phil’s stance, but also kind of turned on.
“I’m Philip Lester, Phil for short.”
“I know who you are,” Dan stated, instantly regretting it. Phil chuckled from behind him. “I’m Daniel Howell, Dan for short.”
“I know who you are,” Phil smirked, sending a blush to Dan’s face. “I was wondering if you’d wanna come over to my place.”
Phil was making this very straight forward, but he couldn’t wait much longer. Seeing Dan everyday and not being able to call him his was driving him mad.
“Umm, yeah, uh, sure,” Dan grinned.
“Great. Ready to go then?”
“Yep, lets go,” Dan said, swiftly leading Phil out the door, his skirt barely lifting to reveal white lace.
Phil almost choked when he saw that. Nice little religious Howell... wearing panties?
They walked out to Phil’s car, not having to worry about Dan’s, as he took the bus. It was mostly silent on the way to Phil’s house, but his hand stayed glued to Dan’s thigh, begging to inch closer to the pleated plaid covering the beautiful white lace.
They both were kind of surprised at how easily this was going. Phil literally just walked up to Dan and now they’re a few blocks away from Phil’s house.
They pulled up outside a decently sized house. The front garden was well kept and a statue of some saint was in the center. Phil unlocked the door and motioned Dan inside. The decor was very nice, more religious than Dan would’ve thought, knowing Phil’s apathetic attitude towards Christianity.
Phil led Dan upstairs and to a door with band stickers on it, along with one that said “WWJD... What Would Jesus Do.” It was torn and scratched, an obvious attempt to take it off. This must be Phil’s room. His room was neat, apart from the scattered papers and books, one being a Bible, to which Dan picked up and placed on the desk.
“Want anything to drink?” Phil asked.
“No I’m good, thank you,” Dan replied.
Dan sat on the corner of Phil’s bed, smoothing out his skirt and crossing his ankles. Phil plopped down next to him, looking at his phone.
“Umm, not to be rude, but uh, why did you invite me over? It’s not like we really know each other,” Dan asked, turning to face Phil more.
That was true. They didn’t know each other that well. All Dan knew about Phil was that he wasn’t very religious, but very attractive. All Phil knew about Dan was that he was very religious, but also very attractive.
“Oh, uh yeah. Well, I thought we could get to know each other better. After all the staring you do,” Phil smirked, dropping his phone on the bedside table.
“What? I don’t stare at you,” Dan choked.
“I didn’t say you stared at me,” Phil said, enjoying Dan’s flustering.
Phil moved his hand to Dan’s knee, rubbing small circles with his thumb. Dan’s heart thumped in his chest. He quickly stood up and walked to the end of the bed.
“We can’t do this.”
“Do what?” Phil asked, standing up as well.
“You know what. It’s wrong. The Bible says so.”
“Actually, not true. But even if it did, wouldn’t God want his most favorite creations to enjoy themselves?”
Phil had him there. Before Dan had time to reply, Phil was extremely close, one hand on Dan’s waist, the other lifting to Dan’s cheek.
“I do want to get to know you, Dan. Very much so. But dammit, you’re so beautiful,” Phil whispered, running his thumb along Dan’s cheek bone. “I can’t handle seeing you in those skirts, all the guys looking at you. They want you. But not as much as I do.”
Dan’s breath was caught in his throat. As if he wasn’t running out of air already, Phil leaned in and pressed his lips to Dan’s. Dan should pull away. He knows it, but he finds himself staying in the same position, melting more into Phil’s touch. Dan’s fingers intertwined in Phil’s hair, lightly pulling on the ends.
Phil moved his hand down to the hem on Dan’s skirt, lightly pushing it up, slipping his hand towards Dan’s growing erection. Phil dipped his fingers into the waistband of Dan’s panties, snapping them back, making Dan squeak into Phil’s mouth.
“Who’s the lace for, kitten?” Phil breathed. “You put on this charade as this pure, Christian boy. Do you wear these pretty panties all the time? While you stretch yourself out? Huh, baby?”
Dan knew sex before marriage was wrong, as is homosexuality, but Phil did have a point about it not being technically true in the Bible. However, Dan did masturbate, quite often to the thought of Phil’s tattooed body on top of him. Dan let out a moan at the image.
Phil spun them around and pushed Dan onto the bed, unbuckling his pants and pulling off his shirt. He dove down on top of Dan, moving his body up to meet Dan’s mouth, bringing the skirt up with him. Phil pulled Dan up, slipping of his shirt.
He flipped Dan’s skirt up to reveal Dan’s dick poking out of the lace. Phil palmed Dan while slipping his tongue into Dan’s mouth. All of Dan’s moans were capturing in Phil’s mouth and swallowed. Phil slowly moved down Dan’s body, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses. He stopped to lap at Dan’s nipples, to which Dan arched his back and let out a few moans.
Phil continued down, avoiding the place Dan needed him. Instead, he went along Dan’s hip and down to his thighs, spreading Dan’s legs. Dan lifted off the bed, so Phil could peel off his panties, tossing them somewhere in the room. Dan’s erection sprung up, leaving a bit of pre cum on his skirt.
Phil finally licked a bold stripe from Dan’s base to the tip, savoring the taste of his pre cum. Dan’s fingers laced into Phil’s hair once again, but the pleasure was too good to be gentle while pulling at the roots. Phil took Dan all in his mouth, sinking down to the lowest he could go. Dan was in pure ecstasy to say the least. Phil bobbed his head up and down, pumping what couldn’t fit with his hand.
Dan pushed Phil’s shoulders, signaling for him to stop. Before Phil could ask what was wrong, Dan flipped them over and was now working on removing Phil’s boxers.
“I’ve never done this before, so I’m sorry if I disappoint you,” Dan said, ogling at Phil’s size.
“It’s ok, pretty boy. You’ll do great,” Phil said, running his hand down Dan’s face.
Dan took a deep breath and tried to take as much as Phil as possible. He got about half way down when he gagged, pulling back up and looking at Phil, expecting to see regret or dissatisfaction on his face.
“It’s ok, Dan. Hallow your cheeks and breathe through your nose. You’re doing fantastic,” Phil encouraged.
Dan took another breath and leaned back down, following Phil’s instructions. He actually got farther down this time, beginning to slowly come back up and down. Phil gasped at how quickly Dan was learning. Dan found a steady pace and swirled his tongue around the head whenever he got high enough. Phil’s breathing quickened and his moans became more frequent, a sign to Dan that Phil was going to come soon. He pulled off, reluctantly to his and Phil’s liking, but he wanted Phil now.
“I want you to watch me,” Dan stated, leaning back on his heels.
Phil propped himself further up against the headboard. He reached into the bedside drawer and fished out a bottle of lube, tossing it to Dan. Dan popped the lid and smothered three fingers. He inserted one finger, throwing his head back as he worked himself.
Phil’s eyes were glued to him, and it took everything in him to not move. Dan pushed in a second finger, scissoring himself, and moaning louder. Beads of sweat were dripping down his face, eyes screwed shut.
He heard Phil’s panting and glanced at him. Phil had his hands behind his back, trying very hard to not touch himself or Dan. Dan finally pushed in the third finger, gasping at the fullness and hitting his prostate.
“Hmm ugh, Phil!” Dan moaned.
Phil couldn’t take it anymore. He pounced forward and replaced Dan’s fingers with his own, flipping them over. After a few pumps, he pulled his fingers out and circled Dan’s hole as he searched for a condom in the drawer. He slid the condom onto his length and leaned down, placing a kiss on Dan’s neck, making him squirm.
“Are you ready, kitten?” Phil asked, searching Dan’s eyes for any sign of hesitation.
“Yes. Please. Fuck me! Fuck me till I can’t walk! Please, Daddy!” Dan screamed.
Being called Daddy was like a drug that only Dan could administer.
“Call me that again,” Phil grunted.
“Daddy! Please fuck me! I need your cock inside me!”
Phil moaned as he pushed into Dan. Dan gripped Phil’s arms and threw his head back, a flow of moans and noises coming out of his mouth.
“Fuck, baby. Make Daddy feel so damn good,” Phil praised, earned a high-pitched moan from Dan.
Phil had a steady pace, but it wasn’t fast enough for Dan.
“Harder! Harder, Daddy!”
Phil looked into Dan’s eyes. They were darker than usual and full of lust, probably like Phil’s are. Phil thrusted in and out of Dan as fast as he could, hitting Dan’s prostate every time.
Moans were spewing out of both of their mouths. Phil buried his face in Dan’s neck, lightly kissing around, a larger contrast from what was happening farther down their bodies.
“D-Daddy! I’m gonna c-come!” Dan yelled, digging his nails into Phil’s biceps.
“Me too, kitten,” Phil gasped out, throwing his head back, but quickly lifting it back up. “Look at me when you come.”
Dan pried his eyes half way open, but being able to see Phil’s face. Phil reached down and pumped Dan’s cock, thrusting in and out at a quick pace. The headboard was slamming against the wall, most likely making a dent and chipping the paint, but Phil didn’t care.
“Daddy!” Dan moaned, coming on his chest and Phil’s hand.
Phil continued to push in and out of Dan, chasing his orgasm and riding Dan through his.
“F-Fuck, baby. Gonna come. Make Daddy feel so fucking good,” Phil gasped.
Phil burst into the condom and thrusted a few more times before coming down from his high. He pulled out of Dan and took off the condom, tying it and tossing it in the bin. Both boys layed there, catching their breaths. After a few minutes, Phil finally spoke.
“Wow. That was uhh...”
“Amazing,” Dan finished.
Phil rolled over to meet Dan’s warm, brown eyes.
“Yeah. Amazing,” Phil smiled, hair sticking to his forehead. “Do-Do you regret it?”
“Not for a second,” Dan grinned, scooching closer to Phil.
He placed a kiss on Phil’s lips.
“Look, I know that you’re really religious. I’m sorry if this made you uncomfortable and you never want to talk again. But I had a great time, nonetheless,” Phil said.
“Like you said. God wants us to be happy. And I’m happy right here. I had a great time too. I’d like to do it again sometime maybe?” Dan asked, squinting one eye closed, waiting for a response.
“I’d love to do it again. Maybe as something more than acquaintances though?” Phil chuckled.
“Ha, yeah. I’d love that even more.”
Dan put his head on Phil’s chest and Phil wrapped his arm around Dan, pulling him closer. He kissed Dan on the top of his head, noticing he was already passed out.
Phil quietly reached over and grabbed a few tissues, wiping off Dan’s cum from his hand and Dan’s chest, then tossed it away.
Phil breathed a sigh of content, finally happy with Daniel Howell. His Daniel Howell.
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