#haladriel oneshot
bad-surprise · 1 year
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this is our last dance
haladriel modern au | M | 8.1k | 1/1
There’s a laugh of recognition in Galadriel’s voice. “That bad already, huh?”
“Every single fucking thing I say is wrong,” he murmurs into the phone. A glance back inside reveals that his daughter isn’t paying the least bit of attention.
“Oh good,” Galadriel says cheerfully. “So it’s not just me.”
A dry laugh escapes. “Unfortunately not.”
“Don’t take it to heart, Hal,” she says in a reassuring tone. “Celebrian’s holding onto a lot of anger right now, and she doesn’t know how to work through it.”
He furrows his brow, leaning on the railing. “She’s just a kid. What could she possibly have to be angry about?”
“I don’t see the point of placing all the blame on someone who isn’t fucking here to defend himself.”
or: while recovering from a horrific attack, Celebrian recalls the last summer she spent with her father.
Inspired by the film Aftersun (2022, dir. Charlotte Wells)
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pinkbeastie · 2 years
so… this oneshot… just happened. yeah. for all you haladriel lovers!
Between the Trees || Halbrand x Galadriel
“Bind yourself to me!” 
It had felt like an age ago. 
The calm of the storm had felt like an age ago. Now it was a whirling, raging hurricane, hard and battering beneath her armoured chest. 
Galadriel took a breath at Halbrand’s voice, calling her out of her act of fury and disgust. 
She blinked twice and removed her dagger, the left edge slick with the twisted orc’s blood. 
As if reading her mind, he muttered, 
And that was enough. Galadriel stood, roughly pushed past her Southlander companion and stalked out of the door. But not before hearing the whisper of a question to Halbrand. 
Who was he? 
Even she did not really know. 
He hadn’t uttered a word to her on the ship, not the whole voyage. 
But she noticed his touches. 
Every gentle brush of the shoulder, each soft skim of his fingers against hers. But clearly, he paid no mind to those. She wasn’t really sure if they were even real. 
So when he sat down beside her, so dangerously close, it was her who spoke first. 
“Thank you,” she said quietly. “For pulling me back.” 
Then Halbrand uttered the first words to her since they left Númenor. 
“It was you who pulled me back first.” 
Halbrand was tired. He was tired of hiding, tired of not speaking to the elf beside him. The inescapable pull he felt towards her had drawn close to a powerful need. And it weighed upon him. 
He wanted to have that feeling forever, when they were both equals, riding on the battlefield. He wanted to memorize it, bind it to his very being. 
So when Galadriel said she felt what he was feeling, so deep down inside, a gasp escaped him. 
He wanted to believe her. 
She wanted to believe him. 
But a man interrupted. Halbrand stood, and took his leave. 
Suddenly, a small hand was on his. Cool slim fingers weaving between his own. 
Galadriel took a breath as Halbrand stopped, turned to face her. 
“I felt it too, Halbrand,” she repeated softly. 
This was so out of character for her, so strange, so peculiar. 
And it drew Halbrand in like a moth to a flame. 
Slowly, carefully, he lowered his face to her level, just enough to make their noses brush. Galadriel took a step back, almost daring him to continue. Halbrand ignored her. His forehead was up against hers, his right hand wound his fingers into her hair. 
Neither knew who moved first. 
Halbrand’s mouth was on hers, and he was forcing her back until he felt the clink of her armour against the tree. She bit his bottom lip, and with a low growl, he forgot all previous hesitations. 
“Lord Halbrand.” 
The call came again, and Galadriel let out a small moan of protest as Halbrand stepped back, untangling his fingers from her braid. 
“Between trees is not the best place,” he said to her, almost with a chuckle. “Especially with you in all that infuriating armour.” 
And ignoring her shocked and slightly dazed face, he sent her a small wink and headed back through the forest. 
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jhalya · 1 year
The tides of fate: a haladriel oneshot collection
The tides of fate are flowing, but, them, together - they are a constant.
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myfavouritelunatic · 20 days
What I seek in your arms, you might find in mine.
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Suffering from terrible nightmares of the past, Halbrand turns to the only being he knows that can give him comfort.
For Galadriel, she believed she was only playing the role of the caring friend.
But the unspoken connection between them is solidifying...
...and growing into something that cannot be denied any longer.
He turned his head slowly to look at her through the messy locks that covered his face. He didn’t know what to say. What words, if any, would even suffice in this moment? To admit his pain, his suffering, would be to admit to her who he really was. And if he did that right now, then all he had strived for with Celebrimbor, all he hoped he might gain with Galadriel… it would all be lost. So instead, Halbrand, found his way to still be honest, and still find what he yearned for from his elven companion. He crawled to be on the bed proper, curling his figure around hers, resting his head in her lap, his arm draped over her legs. “Halbrand, what–” “Please. I need this.” He admitted with a soft yet anguished voice. He clung to her tighter and nestled his head against her.
Thanks to the amazing @lassieposting here is another Haladriel oneshot! Featuring a comfort craving and touch-starved Halbrand. The softest most tormented boi.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse/trauma, deceased partner. All around angst, with some smooches of course hehe.
Enjoy! ❤️
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thefudge · 2 days
do you have any plans to write Haladriel?? curious fans are curious 👀 (this is inquiry with zero pressure, just thinking that your writing of dynamics would be amazing with them)
aww, thank you. funnily enough, i have written something....i started a religion-themed AU fic of them last year , but i think i should've turned it into one longer oneshot, because i kind of lost steam after the first chapter, even though i would like to return to it. i'm tempted to write a modern AU oneshot at some point, but i'll see how i feel after season 2 is finished.
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folklauerate · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @bad-surprise and @ladykettlechips
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71 under my name and a few on anon!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
796,982 which is kind of insane to think about. I started writing creatively for the first time in years in January of 2022. To have published this much is kind of crazy to think about. I'm likely going to hit 800k this year which is... Just wild. Lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The vast majority of my fic Bridgerton! I've written a two for The Rings of Power (Haladriel), one for Shadow and Bone (Darklina), and one for The Hunger Games (Everlark). I have plans for a few more Haladriel and Darklina :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(NOTE: I actually have never looked at my fics by kudos, I only know the set up is the most kudos'd one because well it's over 1k and none of my other fics are. So going through this was interesting!)
The Set Up — My Kathony royals au where Anthony is the King of England and Kate is a world famous actress. This is my most popular fic by far, I'm not sure how it ended up that way! It's a mind boggling amount of kudos (1,769 as of right now) and I know a lot of folks have much larger kudos counts, and it's hardly the most kudos'd in the fandom lol, but it's pretty big for me and I'm not sure if I'll write something else that'll get more lol. I do love this fic a lot, it feels like they're my own characters and that's likely because I've taken plenty of liberties and whatnot. Anyway. I could do talk about it for ages so I'll move on!
Hold Onto You -- A oneshot of Anthony holding babies--his own and his siblings. It was one of the first things I ever wrote for the fandom! Looking back it's a bit of foreshadowing for how I started to write lol--it was a pretty long oneshot written in less than a day which I've done multiple times since then. I haven't revisited this one in a while and don't even know if I can--writing regency is not my strong suit and my earlier writing is still hard for me to read these days lol.
leave the light on — A twoshot where Kate and Anthony are roommates and fall in love. It's set in NYC and is very rom-com-y! It has some of my favorite things to write; domesticity, people growing with one another and around one another, descriptions of the sky, descriptions of the subway, descriptions of NYC, a big wedding, a love confession. I recently finished it lol! I'm actually surprised this is up there!
Office Hours — I wrote this in September of last year in an attempt to get better at writing smut! I actually posted this on anon first because it felt too revealing to post this lol. I was actually really uncomfortable writing smut back then and I think I've improved a lot since then. The response was wild, I really was just so in the weeds with this fic that I couldn't even tell if it was hot or not lol.
lost in your current like a priceless wine— this is my prof au! And an age gap au :) writing this was wild and special. It was a lot of texting Kara and being so very thoroughly enveloped and possessed with this idea that was taking shape. I wrote this over countries and continents and on planes. I wrote all 40k of it in far less than a month and just! I dunno! It was so immersive. It's one of my favorite things I've written. It's crazy it was just this year.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Lol that being said--I have quite a backlog right now. Responding to comments takes a lot of energy and time from me and I usually figure that people want me to write fic as opposed to responding to comments. I do want to say that I honestly sincerely appreciate every comment. I think all fic writers do. We love hearing what you loved and love hearing your thoughts! I'm sure my not responding to them is likely not encouraging so I'm sorry. Know that I want to respond to them and I am quite literally in the process of doing so right now lol. If you commented on Bridgerton, Actually (my Love, Actually AU from last year) then I've been responding to you lol!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This fic isn't finished but my daddy warned me about men like you lol!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a sucker for a happy ending! I'm not sure what my happiest ending is, but the vast majority of fics have a happy ending :) Feel free to lmk what you think the happiest ending is.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. I've gotten some really inane hate comments that are just... dumb and easy to brush off. I've also gotten really intense hate comments that are so long they've required multiple comments, with people reposting exactly what they wrote after I deleted it. It's been really tough to deal with and I think I have some mild anxiety around comments in general as a result. Anyway, it's tough! I think hate comments tend to stick around the most in my brain and so I do appreciate all the nice comments because the gut clench from negative ones never really goes away :,)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do indeed write smut! I'm not really sure if I can describe what "kind" or how you can tell what your kind of smut is? I write plenty of dirty talk and smut with and without feelings. In general, I think that smut does need to do something for the story if it's in a fic with plot--if it's a fic that's just smut then it doesn't really matter. If it's a fic with plot, I like to make sure the smut actually helps the plot along and works to carry the reader through what the characters are feeling and their journeys.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't but I will enjoy adding celebs or pop culture things in fics!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope but if anyone ever wants to, lmk! Translation is an art form and tricky and time consuming and I'm happy to work with anyone who wants to :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have and I have LOVED doing it!!!!! I was so thrilled to write the West Wing AU with Rama, whose Tumblr @ I simply cannot find, and @grantairesbottle and I wrote in our perfect park together! Both AUs will be getting follow-up fics :) I truly adore both of their work and getting to write with two dear friends and incredible writers was just so lovely. Even more fun than that was just getting to freak out over this shared idea together! It was just such a lovely joint venture.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I could not pick one! I love James/Lily from Harry Potter, Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games, and Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton. I'd honestly say they're my OTPs! I love them so, so much. I've read so many Everlark and Jily fics growing up, too, those I've had for so long. It's kind of hilarious how those three have so much in common, like it's not like I went around looking for ships like that but it just happens. You like what you like, I suppose :)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I honestly do want to finish all of them but I don't think I'll finish my Gilmore Girls AU, simply because the characterization is so far off from what I think or how I understand those characters now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Creating really immersive worlds through specific details. Doing research to make worlds lived in. I write a LOT of modern AUs for a book/show that takes place in regency England so I think world-building is one of my biggest strengths. Being able to transport characters into new worlds and understanding how they'd respond to that specific world and situation of the fic is another strength. I think my banter is pretty good? I also like to think I have a pretty good pulse on what my audience will like and what seems to be the thing du jour in the fandom. I usually don't end up writing to it lol but this is a strength as a reader, I'd say, not as a writer.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PATIENCE lol! If I spent more time perfecting, editing, and letting things percolate, I think my works would all be better for it. Instead, I largely write and write and write and then hit publish the moment I'm done. With a few fics (specifically the royals au) I will have someone beta for me and then I at least have another level of editing and another pair of eyes for a vibe/gut check before I publish. I do think, however, that if I was brave enough to actually face my work and sit and edit, it would all be better in general. I'd also then be able to finish a fic before posting, which I've simply never done.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do plenty of this for Bridgerton fic because I usually try and include Marathi or Hindi for Kate and her family. Idk if i'd count it as another language but it is another language in the sense that it's not English!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol! I wish I still had my old HPFF fics :,,) that website sadly went down and I don't know how to use the wayback machine to find that. But yeah!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh, I couldn't pick just one! The Set Up is def one. I've done a lot of work with world building and research for that one. Sweet Like Honey is another favorite fic. I wouldn't even say that it's really a great example of those characters because I did a lot of work to bend things to make stuff work for this particular situation. I maintain that it's true to the characters for this specific situation which is a p bonkers one. I mean, I wanted a step-father fic so I wrote one! It turned into something a bit more involved. lost in your current like a priceless wine is another fav. This one is just... it's special to me. It was really different from the other fics being written at the time and I hadn't seen or read an age gap like that for these two or a fic where they don't have that initial bickering/fighting vibes, which was a result ofc of Anthony being a bit older and the characterization I gave him for the AU, so it felt really scary putting it up for people to read. The response was really overwhelming and wonderful and so kind. That fic also marks a sort of turning point in my own writing, for me at least. I think I got braver after that one.
Thanks for the tag! I hope this is fun or interesting to read :) tagging @grantairesbottle @amalinwrites @somethingclearandtrue @tinacentury and Rama whose @ is not coming up !! Also tagging anyone who would like to do this :)
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the-heartlines · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @madsmilfelsen! ♥️
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82...83..including the one i have on anon shhh ;)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 208, 351 words which is crazyyy
3. What fandoms do you write for? house of the dragon primarily because i'm OBSESSED. (thank you rhaegon) i have a eversnow oneshot from the hunger games, a snow/reader one from abosbas, a uncle/niece reylo one from star wars, a darklina daddaughter one from shadow and bone, a demon/witch haladriel one from the rings of power, a hellcheer one from stranger things, a momson soulbates one from bates motel.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
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5. Do you respond to comments? 90% of the time, within a few days, unless someone is just like "update now!" or something not even saying they liked the fic lol. and honestly sometimes i read the comment and forget to reply lolol.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ...oh god my very dead dove helaena/blood & cheese fic titled anything..."daemon targaryen sends his regards." indeed he did...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? my modern rhaegon fic: one love, two mouths...i wrote that fic during a super difficult time in my life last summer and oof anytime i went back to that fic and wrote it for the weeks i did i poured everything angsty and all my feels into it and it turned out so so fucking good!
8. Do you get hate on fics? yes lmaooo...and sometimes i just get plain dumb comments that make no sense ??? like why'd you even continue reading??? i will never understand that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? stealing mads answer of "hell yeah, fuck yeah" because HELL TO THE YES. i feel like i write super explicit, visceral smut with FEELING, whether that be possessiveness, anger, jealousy, love, LUST. it's all very encompassing and passionate...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
if my helaemond twins inspired by reylo force bond counts this YES i have!
i need to expand upon that and write something longer!
11. free space / no question here, send me an ask with one instead please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? YES one love, two mouths was
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not yet...but one day...a beloved bestie and i want to and have talked about it before! ;)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? my fave ships are a tie between rhaegon and helaemond and they are my fave fave fave to write! especially when they're fucking each other lol
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i will not tolerate this kind of negativity LOL but rn i feel like i won't ever finish my heldaemond sequel to peaked with crimson or my rhaegon oneshot inspired by the rape me scene in succession
16. What are your writing strengths? incest smut lol no but i think i add a power punch of emotions to even the most smuttiest fics. also my symbolisms & alliterations are awesome ;)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i think some of my fics can seem similar but idk it's hard when it's INCEST and a brother wants to breed his sister =/ also i'll go back and read a fic of mine after a time and see quite a few grammatical errors or something DUMB...sooo...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i used high valyrian in one fic and meh...i honestly forget about it ngl
19. First fandom you wrote for? house of the dragon
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? my rhaegon fics: poisonous veins & suffocator are tied for my top two favorite fics. also dragon sear; seared by sunlight is my most poetic and fave helaemond fic i've written
tagging: @unusual-raccoon @barbiedragon @humanpurposes
@stxrks @arcielee
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abnerkrill · 2 years
2022 Year End Fic Review
tagged by @jeynepoole, thanks friend!!
1. What is your AO3 account?
it is apo_mekhanes -- blame my 2 years of ancient greek and my preference for greek over latin :)
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
394,596, which feels unhinged because it was also the year of my thesis and graduating university. girl help. this is also not counting original stuff, probably another 30/40k?
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
i unfortunately Do Not finish things often, so let's see. 12 oneshots on ao3 versus 33 multi-chaptereds, but at least 5 of the multi-chapters only have 1 chapter at this time, lol.
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
longest: the abner/reader love should make you feel good at 92,012 words, but about half of it was written in '21. shortest: the kieren/simon you can hear it in the silence, for the taylor swift prompt fill, at 463.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
most popular based on kudos: obviously again love should make you feel good. least popular: between the daylight and the deep sea, the angsty eliot spencer hurt/comfort that was just posted for leverage secret santa in december, at 7 kudos.
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
ngl i thought people would go for elendil/female character more! maybe i should actually get around to the sex scenes or something. or maybe people just aren't into sub!elendil? much to think about
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
the elrond/durin really exploded in popularity, probably due to being posted in the last week of of ROP airing. i knew people were into the ship but it's like, really popular, which kinda psyched me out of finishing it oops....!!! soon, probably. probably.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
i'm very partial to my magnum opus and ship i originated and captain all on my own, the elrond/adar crushed by the wheel and reshaped by the gear, as well as the intensely tragic adar/arondir no wasted love. spot the similarities (it's someone loving adar.)
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
i'm gonna do a 3-way tie. there's ready to serve by @aadmelioraa; this fic rewired my brain. thanks! (crying.) next is @brynnmclean's fell in love with the fire long ago, which made me care about mairon and ship a version of haladriel, to my great shock and dismay. and finally there's a fresh start by @wildwren. unlocked potentials in my mind for arondir/bronwyn, who were lowkey boring to me until this fic made me experience galaxy brain connections. i owe you all my life. i love you rop mutuals (roptuals?)
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
@reynaofrivia @salzundhonig @ongreenergrasses @firstelevens @elrondsscribe @murraybaeman @charlybaltimore @brynnmclean @capondi @moonatoms @geislieb and anyone else who'd like to participate!!
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
The fic I was working on yesterday is here!!! :D With all the spoilers we've gotten for season 2 of "Rings of Power" I had to write this and what I think might happen with Haladriel from Halbrand/Sauron's POV. Major spoiler warning though so if you don't want to know what might happen next season don't read. But I'm really excited and I had to write this to get it out of my head. LOL We'll see next year if these and what I wrote are right. I've still got my other 2 oneshots I already wrote and editing to post but had to do this one first.
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jackpotgirl · 2 years
I just wanted to say the biggest thank you for your wonderful Haladriel fic which is one of the most beautiful fanfictions that I've ever read. And I've read a lot, with a lot of pairings. It feels like home, like old times when I was 13 and I found out there is a whole new world behind the books or series: the fans incredible talents and imagination. It was mesmerizing. It feels like when I first read a wonderfully wellwritten dramione or spuffy or bethyl or dumbeldore/grindelwald fic throughout my years. I didnt know how i missed this feeling and this kind of fanfiction until I read yours. Because yes, there is a lot of lovely fanfic in this fandom too, cute oneshots, more cuter humanHalbrand and Sauron angst, smut and AUs which are good but we know they could never be true - and I like them too. But your work... Your work grab some really true part of them, that make the whole thing REAL. That IT COULD BE. I think the writers of the rings of power truly find something incredible what hidden under Tolkien's wise, old, and sometimes too white OR black books. They found GREY, there were little hints in a huge world where the story goes to different ways and had no time or intrest show other ways. But the hint was there and I belive that the writers did good. And its so rare when something feels real true PLUS the actors chemistry and LOVE for their roles hit the whole thing a different level and an OTP is born. Ahhhh. (When I read your story I wished couple of times that Charlie Vickers read this!!! I think he would love this redemption arc, he truly understands Mairon and Sauron goals)
So what you wrote in this fic could be real, could be canon, its hanging in the air, like a cloud (♥️♥️♥️) above the series and the books. I really feel that and in my nearly 20 years of reading fics I felt the same max 3 times. And the last time was so long ago!
So yeah, reading this was truly magical, i read at night and couldnt stop, I read under breastfeeding my baby, i read every 5 minute when I could, I was so tired but I had to read more! And I felt the adrenalin rush, the giggling like a 13 years old, my cheeks were burning because I was so excited whats happening, I teared a lot, mostly when Sauron tried to explain his very being to Galadriel and sometimes I had to reread parts because how true they were. I feel they will rent free in my head forever and Tolkien's Galadriel and Sauron never will be the same for me and its wonderful because yeah, I feel this could be true for them. Of course not in the show, not in the books, but after that when no one knows what Tolkien wants, yes... Their relationship is truly cosmic, not just a simple love story.
You are a very talented writer and I hope your passion for writing cause you many many happy hour. You did such a great job at maping up feelings and love. I thought a lot of my marriage and how the years flying and we are getting older and see things in different levels, understand each other deeper, studied like Galadriel did with Mairon. There was always love but it could be even more.
And in the end because I wrote too much sorry: im glad that in my early 30s I found a total different Sauron because I think its wonderful and shows how is the life is going truly: when I was a child and innocent etc it was easy the see the world like Tolkien did. Good and bad, simple choices etc. But when you getting older and you made mistakes and others too and you are not too good and not too bad... And sometimes you've got the control and sometimes not... You just understand that you cant hardly judge anyone... Even the Dark Lord himself... :) Everyone wants to be Aragorn in the begining and a few will be Sauron, but mostly we just some random guys in the middle(Earth, haha), trying navigate and understand both sides and live a happy life.
Oh my God how I wrote such a sentimental mess, sorry! My english is worn too, agh but im tired and couldnt practice long ago! But I wanted to THANK YOU that feeling. Of course I will wait chapters till the end! ♥️
Oh my god, thank you so so much for this beautiful message! never apologise for long messages, I relished every word!! It means so much to me that I could help spark that joy in you and you are such a rockstar, breastfeeding (I am sure that takes a lot out of you) and being a mom to a baby, so I am incredibly happy that I can offer some distraction from that too!
Thank you thank you thank you, I am so happy to have received this and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story, too <3<3<3
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bad-surprise · 2 years
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you know i’m no good
haladriel x belle de jour | rape/non-con | E | 7.8k | 1/1
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
Marriage isn't for everyone.
or: Bored with her life as a housewife, Galadriel accepts an offer from a mysterious stranger to spend her afternoons turning tricks.
Inspired by Belle de Jour (1967)
cw: rape/non-con, sex work, infidelity, sexual coercion, face slapping, choking, hair-pulling, light masochism, light ddlg, humiliation, spitting, smoking, drinking, blood.
check the tags on ao3 before proceeding.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
It’s often easiest to outmanoeuvre them
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Bc8COnN
by AnMorrighan
Halbrand reluctantly watches on as Galadriel teaches the Númenórean soldiers how to correctly slay orcs. The display of her skills and commandeering attitude leaves him wanting and fighting against the lust that's brewing inside him.
Following their argument by the forge, he finds himself stomping to her chambers that night, eager to give her a piece of his mind.
It doesn't end in the way he imagined it would.
Words: 1564, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022), The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Galadriel | Artanis, Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Elendil the Tall
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst, Set during Episode 5, Númenor, Sexual Tension, Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Halbrand is not Sauron, But it can be read either way probably, Oneshot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fighting that's definitely going to lead to smut, Cosmic tension, Un-beta'd because I'm trash, Haladriel, Drama & Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Bc8COnN
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 years
I Felt It Too
A Haladriel/Saurondriel Oneshot from Halbrand/Sauron’s point of view.
I was inspired by that infamous scene in the woods after the confrontation with Adar. What would have happened if they had not been interrupted…?
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: It’s mostly fluff but there are some allusions to smuttiness. 😜 Also lots of angst.
“Fighting at your side I... I felt... if I could just hold onto that feeling, keep it with me always, bind it to my very being then I...” Halbrand let his voice trail off, suddenly afraid of how Galadriel would react if he finished his words. Oh how he wanted to tell her everything, stop hiding his true self from her. The past weeks had been pure torture for him, from the moment they had met on that fateful raft and saved each others lives.
“I felt it too.” Galadriel admitted, her head slowly turning towards him. Halbrand gazed at her, his expression containing a multitude of emotions. He had not expected her to feel the same, nor to declare it so. He craved her power yes, but there was something else tied to it, something much deeper at work. For Halbrand could not help but love Galadriel. The effect she had on him had been profound. He had found the other half of his spirit within her, and knew he could never part from her. Halbrand sensed in Galadriel’s voice as she spoke those words, in her gaze as she looked at him now, that her feelings aligned with his own, and that the bond between them would never be undone. They were bound.
The two of them shared a silence, speaking only with their eyes. The air between them was charged with an unnamed force, Halbrand feeling as if he were paralysed. He fiercely desired to penetrate the space that separated them, a small distance that suddenly felt as wide as the seas upon which they had met. He had longed to physically explore how he felt about her, show her how much he cares for her, be with her the way he feels he is destined to. He had crafted visions, images, dreams inside his mind that played out over and over. They began as ways of quenching his desires but soon morphed into torturous pantomimes that existed to remind him of how he’d never have her.
Each one was different. In them, Halbrand would imagine what it would be like to have Galadriel’s lips pressed against his, in a soft return of affection. He imagined running his fingers all along her fair elven skin, watching as her hair stood up, a sweet tingling sensation no doubt coursing through her. He imagined her on top of him, committing lustful deeds, using her body to pleasure his, and just how delicious it might feel to move inside of her.
He also imagined just holding her. Laughing with her. Walking with her. Clasping her hand. Being by her side. Watching how the light catches her eyes, how her smile makes him forget himself for a moment, forget who he truly is: the being responsible for the death of her brother. The catalyst for her quest. The reason their paths crossed in the first place. 
And now here Galadriel was before him, speaking of sharing this feeling that he had held prisoner in his heart for so long. Halbrand let his right hand fall to his side, making contact with the seat nature had provided them. He looked away from Galadriel then, off into the distance, staring into the fresh memories of fighting with her side by side.
Then, a spark.
Halbrand felt the lightest of touches against his hand. Galadriel had placed hers next to his upon the rock. He looked down to witness the sensation that was occurring. Her little finger was tentatively wrapping itself around his own. Halbrand responded to the delicate touch by gently moving his fingers so they interlocked with hers. She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, then their eyes connected once more.
Galadriel’s expression was filled with something Halbrand could not name. He felt that even with all his knowledge of smithing and craftsmanship, he would not be able to capture the way she looked at him now. For no one had ever looked at him like this. To say she was simply beautiful was an injustice, for she was so much more. The elf raised her free hand to cup his face. Halbrand leaned into her tender touch, as a tear quietly fell from him, landing on her skin.
“Galadriel, I-”
“You need not speak.” Her exquisite voice was almost a whisper.
“There are things you need to know.”
“And there will be time to know them.”
“Please...” Halbrand begged her to let him talk, for he could feel what was about to happen. With each brief word, their bodies had subconsciously moved closer to each other, the pull magnetic. Galadriel was now so close to him, he could count the lashes of her eyes. At last, the space between them was but a memory, and their lips met in a kiss.
It began almost hesitantly, as if neither of them wanted to force the other into any touches that might be unwanted. This soon changed however, as Halbrand raised his hand to hold her face, desperate to have her skin under his fingertips at long last. Their lips paused their movements then, separating only for a moment, and he could feel her warm breath against him, the rhythm of her lungs quickening. He kissed her again, but this time, he took it further, passionately caressing her with his mouth. Galadriel let her lips open wider, giving Halbrand’s tongue the entrance he desired. Their physical symbol of love hastily became more and more heated, as they began to get lost in each other completely.
His mind was on fire. If the sensations she was causing him had not been so intense, he would have thought himself dreaming. This was really happening, but it still seemed so unreal. Halbrand’s imaginations were coming true, his torture ending. And it was even better than he could have conjured. The way Galadriel felt against him, her desire, her love for him so clear with every touch, every movement she made. Her hunger matched his own. It was like nothing he had experienced. She had her hand tangled in his hair then, and was kissing him with such desperation, almost relief, as if she had been waiting for this moment with the same longing, just as he had.
However, Halbrand’s mind was filling with intrusive thoughts that had begun to creep in unbidden, but unavoidable. About Galadriel’s brother, about the evils he himself had committed against her people, about his true identity, and when he could not shake free of them, he freed himself of her instead, swiftly rising to his feet.
“I’m sorry. As much as I want this... I want you to be with someone you deserve, someone worthy of your light... and I fall short of that.” Sadness laced his voice, and he turned away from Galadriel. He could hear her calling out for him, but Halbrand let his feet carry him towards the village, where he hoped to earn her light, his goodness, in the eyes of the Southlanders, as their king.
But despite this, he feared nothing would save him from his past. Galadriel would never truly love him, not once she learned the truth. And if she didn’t accept him then how could he live.
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Tagging: @denzit​ @starlady66​ @chimeracuddles​ @hikarielizabethbloom​ @helenvader​ @coraleethroughthelookingglass​ @anemarie​ @honeyfarts666​ @mordorgp​ @myrsinemezzo​ @lordhalbrand​ @restless-tides​ @rebelrebelwrites​ @emarasmoak​ @bananaphanta​ 
I’m sorry it’s not the cell fic, but I just had to get this out forgive me
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 year
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @coraleethroughthelookingglass thank you so much! ❤️😘
So I have five WIP’s currently:
1. Ensnared - Galadriel x Female Reader (this one is the most developed)
2. I Felt It Too (originally a Haladriel oneshot, a few readers have inspired me to consider continuing it!)
The rest are Haladriel Week stories:
3. Seen and Unseen
4. Your Blood, Your Power (Modern Day Vampire AU)
5. Barred (I really wanna write a part two to this!)
Tagging, no pressure: @pursuitseternal @myrsinemezzo @nenyabusiness @hazelmaines @gil-galadhwen 🖤
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jhalya · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you @hazelmaines for the tag ❤️
Alright, so here we goooo:
1. A small matter of vengeance (Haladriel, dark AU - I love writing unhinged characters and I think this is my favourite Haladriel fic of the 3 I have written so far)
2. Undertow (Obiyuki, The Martian AU and my claim to fame in the obiyuki fandom. I still get the occasional review that screams at me for *that* chapter).
3. Unruly Desires - chapter 4 (Akagami no Shirayuki Hime - although this is part of a series of izanazakurayuki oneshots, this Zakura centric chapter is my absolute favourite).
4. Nobody Talks About Itoya (Akagami no Shirayuki Hime, extremely rare pair featuring my favourite psycho, Touka Bergatt and Itoya of the Mountain Lions).
5. The wendigo man (Obiyuki, Agency AU - I had to think long and hard about what to choose for number 5, but I went for this, because it was a great idea, I loved the non-linear narrative and it really got people wondering what the truth was - I was quite chuffed about that).
Tagging @sabraeal @bubblesthemonsterartist @claudeng80 @coraleethroughthelookingglass @demonscantgothere @ruleofexception and anyone else who wants to play!
PS: @onedivinemisfit - wanna do favourite art?
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