#half of them might believe it
aesthetictokinghost · 2 years
Dr. Marcus told Wesker & Will to have lunch with the new class and report their thoughts on promising pupils
William loves messing with new employees
They've joined the class in the communal cafeteria, everybody is sharing stories about what they know or have heard of Umbrella
Will chimes in, "There's a rumor going around that the most successful recruits and upper echelons of Umbrella consist entirely of reptilians, but it's definitely not true. Can you imagine? HSSSS."
Wesker nudges him
"I mean. PFFFFT."
William and Wesker simultaneously stand up and leave, mirroring each other's movements in perfect synchronicity as the trainees stare after them in silence
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zuzu-draws · 8 months
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Rest Easy, He's in a good mood right now.
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nerdy-hyperfixations · 2 months
I just want to remind everyone that Wallace is canonically the worse one to sleep in the same bed with.
Scott can be a bad roommate in every other aspect but GUYS Wallace is the one that canonically snores and kicks in his sleep.
Scott sleeps like a princess with his back against the sheet lying perfectly straight (and also taking all the covers) and Wallace sleeps semi-on-his-side and apparently just fucking punting Scott in the leg every so often (not to mention he talked in his sleep too) and I don’t know why this is important to me but it is.
Because when people draw them cuddling in their sleep it’s always Wallace being normal and Scott turning and snoring and shit but you’re missing out on sleepy-cuddly Wallace turning and snoring on Scott. Let that cringe-fail 25 year old be annoying. Istg.
I’m talking to the Mobillace people too btw. Not that I’ve seen anyone draw them cuddling in bed (which is a CRIME btw. Draw that. For me.) but like imagine how funny it would be: Mobile stays the night for the first time and the hot-weirdo is a bed-menace, snoring and kicking and tossing and turning and suction cupping for warmth and Mobile is like “I want him to be my boyfriend” THATS FUNNY! LIKE-
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wickedcriminal · 2 months
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An alternative direction for Stryke Out where Elder gets stuck in a cage, Toothless is the top competitor for more than a few dragon fights, and— what's this? By Thor, there's a colorful mood dragon here, and she can speak Norse! What are the odds of that?
Little does Elder know that wherever this mood dragon is, Camicazi will be close behind.
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pothospant · 3 months
his default recall is so cool..........
#not me arts tag#ive never used his default skin so i didnt even know what it looked like until now....ough#i wish u could mix and match sounds or recalls with skins................#i honestly forget half the time hes supposed to be like. Cool and Suave and a Competent Badass#because my brain is always like. god hes so small and floppy and will die if you breathe on him wrong#also hes always crying and breathing heavily in my ear so im just like. poor guy#he should be at the bed taking a nap not fighting....... who made him fight.... stop that he doesnt belong on the battle field#he might be a badass hitman or smth but my brain is like#this is just a sad theatre kid who took gymnastics#''aphelios how is your assassin training going'' aphelios who has only been reading the acrobatics textbook: my what#is there anyone still reading these tags. hi there#i have a lot of thoughts on him. im very obsessed with his animations#like he has a laugh animation for every weapon.......#all the various weapon animations...#maybe the real reason we wont have a legendary for 10 more years is all the animating they have to do#i mean his base animations are so good id honest be like OK if they reused them#cant rly do much better than already Top Tier animations#unless we get an alune legendary.....#hope alune is super awesome and badass and all the aphelios voicelines are a really shy awkward guy or smth#like you look so cool and awesome fighting and the whole world doesnt know ur listening to a lil guy in your brain the whole game#the contrast would be very funny methinks#if anyones still reading this. yes i know riot made up some reason about budget or whatever for voices#but i choose to believe aphelios is head empty no thoughts and thats why he doesnt talk to alune#(STILL GOOFY OF A REASON... lots of VAs can do both genders of voices.... like. what about kindred and kayn....)#then again wouldnt be surprised if they were overbudget on the animations but still smh my head into oblivion#can relate to a guy who simply doesnt wanna talk#(said after 10000 tags of talking to myself)#i should really put my thoughts onto a separate post or blog or something#anyways have i mentioned i think hes really cute
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bmpmp3 · 17 days
sorry to be a bit of a hater but i do wish youtubers weren't so scared of making their videos just like, "reviews", whys everything gotta be a "video essay" all the time. every day my recommendations are filled with 40 minute videos titled "_____: An Underrated Masterpiece" where the first like five minutes are reading the wikipedia definition of "masterpiece" in a somber voice with dramatic themed text on screen. please just tell me how good or bad you think something is and use the rest of the runtime to explain why. you dont need to put on all these airs
#i know the ahem. channel. of some awe....... that whole situation kind of scared people off from using the word review#but like we live in the future now. you can make a review. i believe in you#AND LIKE i like a good video essay!! but im picky. because i read academic shit for fun#when i see a capital E essay im expecting theses. im expecting sub headers. im expecting multiple examples AND footnotes with asides#(and i know this is a controversial topic but i do expect them to be long. because if you read aloud a 4 page journal article its gonna)#(take a bit of time LOL maybe i just read too much academia shit. but i dunno man. theres not a lot you can say about like a big huge)#(topic with multiple angles if you only have like 10 minutes. maybe i just talk too slow. i need to breath <3 )#theres other formats too. surveys. retrospectives. informative essays. persuasive essays. etc#and like i also read lots of reviews not just of like movies and books but of like gallery exhibitions and shit!! they can be extremely#interesting a lot of work and some really beautiful writing!! nothing wrong with a review!!! theyre important#but i do get annoyed with like. the odd air of pretention i see in a lot of video essays. especially cause its usually not backed up by#the content. i dont care for those airs in academia either. nor do i like it in documentaries#just talk naturally. you'll find your voice. there might be pretention in it in the end but it'll be yours#if im making sense. i hear a lot of people talking in a pretention that is not their own. something they put on because thats what they#think they should do. you need to find your own pretention. be pretentious in a way that feels natural to youuuuuu#hell im being pretentious. about this LOL but like its my own. it is a pretentiousness ive built over the past half decade#play around. write a blog. i dunno. find your voice dear youtubers. find your voice
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carterashofficial · 8 months
Half-drow Tav, seeing Astarian: classic good looks, white hair, red eyes. let me guess: you're half-drow?
Astarian: you could not be more wrong, but im delighted you were thinking of me
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compacflt · 1 year
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the only thing i ever wanna write anymore is icemav just being old and married and happy in retirement (so many thousands of words just dedicated to that & i have no idea where to post it)
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sonknuxadow · 1 month
jesus christttt im not surprised at all to hear that the knuckles series focuses on wade and other human characters a lot i saw this coming a mile away with how almost all the news we were getting before the trailer came out was about the human characters/actors and not about knuckles (or sonic or tails or any other animated characters) but the fact that somebody calculated how many minutes of screentime knuckles has and it came out as LESS THAN HALF OF THE ENTIRE SERIES' RUNTIME when the series is NAMED after him is ridiculous. after this show comes out wade will likely have more screentime and overall plot relevance in the entire scu than tails does. did they actually think wade is a popular enough character for people to be down with this. what the fuck
#was gonna pirate the series but at this rate i might not watch it at all LMAO or at the very least only watch the parts with team sonic#because my interest in this series is dropping every second and i already wasnt very interested in it.#and i love knuckles so you know theyre doing something wrong if knuckles getting his own series isnt interesting me#the thing about wade is i dont even hate the idea of human characters. i dont think its bad for human characters to be present#and i dont think its bad for them to be involved in the plot and have relationships with the existing sonic characters#i personally didnt mind the wedding subplot in the second movie and i know a lot of people hated it#but. it becomes a problem when the random humans are overshadowing the characters people are actually here to see#like the show is literally called knuckles and all the marketing focuses on knuckles but its mostly about wade. allegedly.#and . i wouldnt have minded knuckles having a human costar. but again. they should be getting equal or less focus not more.#and also. its fucking wade who cares about wade enough to want this. would have been more forgiving if it was maddie or jojo or something#because i actually care about those characters. and also theyre not cops#for a moment i was willing to believe that the complaints about wade having way more screentime than knuckles#were a little exaggerated since a lot of people just get mad when the human characters have any screentime at all#but then i saw the article showing that knuckles really did show up for less than half the show and i was like Ummm. What#sorry for being so negative lately#its just that every new piece of info we get about upcoming scu projects has me like that reaction image of the guy holding a cigarette#like WHAT ARE THEY DOINGGGGGGG
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linktube · 2 months
"the bit is never over" never been more real
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mymarifae · 1 year
i will always advocate for skipping classes btw. to all the high schoolers following me: don't sweat having a perfect attendance record it quite literally does not matter. if anyone tells you good attendance is important for being considered for scholarships they're lying to you. my attendance was fucking abysmal and i was offered several full-ride scholarships because my grades were still solid and that's all 90% of colleges care about.
and besides. taking care of yourself - whether you need a mental health break or you're tired or you just frankly don't want to go to that fucking class - should always take priority! now don't take a page from my book and skip a month and a half's worth of pe classes because you ditched One Time because the coach said he was going to make everyone run a mile that day and then he kept trying to get you to "make up" the mile that you missed so you kinda just stopped showing up until he gave up on you forever like please know that you should go to class regularly BUT.
i think taking time off and leaving early and such needs to be normalized. for school and work. i don't think it's fair to punish people for needing breaks. the human brain is literally not made to sit in the same stifling environments for 8 hours almost every day and just focus on "working" or "studying" and "learning." it's very cruel to deprive young, still developing minds especially of proper breaks and time to Play (not that it's not cruel to do the same to adults)
if the system won't give them to you freely though... well. break the rules a little. you know your limits better than anyone. don't try to work to an impossible standard. rest when you need to!! it's very, very easy to burn yourself out, but it's very, very, very, very difficult to recover from it
#i believe all teachers should have flexible due dates on their assignments and should accept late work without penalty#like. i can't fathom the purpose of strict due dates and no late work policies. the only Real deadline is when grades have to be submitted#maybe a week or a week and a half before that hard deadline can be the last call for turning in missing work#because obviously if 15 students turn in All of their missing assignments the day before their teacher has to finalize grades like#that's not going to end well for anybody. but outside of That#there's no fucking point in no late work policies. some hs teachers are idiots man like your kids have 6-8 other classes yknow.#and a life outside of school. jobs. sports. clubs. friends. time for themselves so they can unwind and recharge#do you want them to rush through your assignments and get everything wrong? or copy all the answers off of google?#or do you want them to learn what you're teaching them? if you want your kids to learn you have to be flexible and open#i believe there should always be an alternative to taking tests. they work for some students but not everybody#if you cater to only one style of learning and only 1/8th of your class learns and retains the material like.#that's not the kids' fault. it's not their failure. it's Your failure for not being an actual fucking teacher#ugh. can you tell i'm extremely passionate about this Lol#sometimes when i tell people i want to be a teacher they're like are you sure...?#and then at some point we might have a conversation about the education system and i'll go on a tirade and they're like i understand now.#starts punching walls and stuff
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ripoffyourhalo · 10 months
Everybody's on Crowley's side and that's okay because that's what the series wants us to do but I think Aziraphale needs some allies who believe in him and his purely good intentions, who's with me?
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sysig · 1 year
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He¥ $@il0r (Patreon)
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#Doodles#Deltarune#Spamton#Pink Addison#He's a siren - beep beep beep#Believe you me I felt very clever at the realization of that pun lol#He makes a perfect siren haha - tempting you with things that he Definitely Has and Won't Break You[r Computer]#Temptation by way of a free antivirus lol - nothing weird about it#It's a very flattering creature - we all know he's that one IT vine lol#It's a simple design but I do like his tail and fins :) Simple two-tone shiny chromatic scales! Very pretty!#He's already got a cracked design ugh (affectionate)#I also like the idea that while his fins are two-sided they have opposite colours per side - so one pink side and one yellow side each#So no matter how he flips them they always match his glasses (and yes they also flip-flop with his glasses lol)#I always do the pink-yellow for shorthand lol#I also remembered something while drawing these which puts Soda in a bit of a weird limbo in my head hmmm lol#As a littley I used to differentiate between sirens and mermaids by the fin shape - Sires had a split tail like this#And mermaids had the paddle fin style - I don't remember my reasoning aside from Vibes but hmmmmm#I mean I'm not beholden to my opinion from a decade and a half ago lol but it is interesting!#If nothing else it might be an interesting thing to look up :) The different fin styles and what they specialize in!#Probably speed vs. power? I don't actually know tho!#Anyway lol#Pink of course keeping Spam's car keys on his own keyring very normal#I do like Spam's second pose there haha ♪ Hackles down and demure very cute uwu
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humanmorph · 1 year
every few months I go "maybe I DO want to play ttrpgs" and then usually nothing happens because I get too nervous and also realize that I don't care for roleplaying (you know. ttRPg)
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horizontalsplash · 18 days
the thing about the new doctor who season is that there’s a 50% chance that this is all planned out intricately and we’ll all look back and see how everything connects in a way that makes all of the slightly weird moments suddenly make so much sense and there’s a 50% chance that this is halfway planned out flying off a cliff into a twist that makes no sense at all. and in reality it’s probably more likely the first one but we’ve all been used to the chibnall “seemingly setting little interactions up to prelude a bigger conclusion but there’s really nothing there” and the moffat “the season seems coherent but then the finale whips around and smacks you across the face” for the past 15 years so it’s kinda hard to believe that there will actually be a clever and carefully attended to plotline that ends with a conclusion that doesn’t hit you in the back of the head
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aquilamage · 1 year
I don’t have anywhere to go with it but I’m very compelled by the idea of Vi lying about her age to the explorer’s association
#in a universe where eetl's line about not allowing children is more of an actual Thing#normally I tend to think of her as being 17 but for this she's like sixteen and a half. maybe like three quarters. because its funnier#(and I always think about her looking young for her age but that's extra true in this case. because it's exaggerated with her pretending to#be older)#she uses fake id stuff she got from someone in the underground tavern#also have thoughts on that getting 'revealed'#although one of them is an au where muse is around and the very first time she has a moment alone with vi she's like anyway how drastically#are you lying about your age. deadpan. because they're similar enough that she can just Tell#I suppose leif might also suspect her at some point but it wouldn't be as immediate#(this is more of a separate post thought but sometimes I have feelings about the comparison drawn between them)#(I don't personally vibe with the idea of leif and or kabbu being (like) vi's parent but I do think leif has moments where he looks at vi#and is like. sees in her someone that could be a version of his and muse's kid. and emotional)#but anyway back to the other relevant thought. which is that Vi doesn't bring up the age thing until they get to her birthday#(which. the one on her id may or may not match her real one idk)#and leif or kabbu remarks on her being nineteen oh wow can't believe it. and she's like *awkward inhale* /yeah/.....#an aquila original#bug fables#vi bug fables
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