#interesting a lot of work and some really beautiful writing!! nothing wrong with a review!!! theyre important
bmpmp3 · 4 months
sorry to be a bit of a hater but i do wish youtubers weren't so scared of making their videos just like, "reviews", whys everything gotta be a "video essay" all the time. every day my recommendations are filled with 40 minute videos titled "_____: An Underrated Masterpiece" where the first like five minutes are reading the wikipedia definition of "masterpiece" in a somber voice with dramatic themed text on screen. please just tell me how good or bad you think something is and use the rest of the runtime to explain why. you dont need to put on all these airs
#i know the ahem. channel. of some awe....... that whole situation kind of scared people off from using the word review#but like we live in the future now. you can make a review. i believe in you#AND LIKE i like a good video essay!! but im picky. because i read academic shit for fun#when i see a capital E essay im expecting theses. im expecting sub headers. im expecting multiple examples AND footnotes with asides#(and i know this is a controversial topic but i do expect them to be long. because if you read aloud a 4 page journal article its gonna)#(take a bit of time LOL maybe i just read too much academia shit. but i dunno man. theres not a lot you can say about like a big huge)#(topic with multiple angles if you only have like 10 minutes. maybe i just talk too slow. i need to breath <3 )#theres other formats too. surveys. retrospectives. informative essays. persuasive essays. etc#and like i also read lots of reviews not just of like movies and books but of like gallery exhibitions and shit!! they can be extremely#interesting a lot of work and some really beautiful writing!! nothing wrong with a review!!! theyre important#but i do get annoyed with like. the odd air of pretention i see in a lot of video essays. especially cause its usually not backed up by#the content. i dont care for those airs in academia either. nor do i like it in documentaries#just talk naturally. you'll find your voice. there might be pretention in it in the end but it'll be yours#if im making sense. i hear a lot of people talking in a pretention that is not their own. something they put on because thats what they#think they should do. you need to find your own pretention. be pretentious in a way that feels natural to youuuuuu#hell im being pretentious. about this LOL but like its my own. it is a pretentiousness ive built over the past half decade#play around. write a blog. i dunno. find your voice dear youtubers. find your voice
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dyns33 · 1 year
Burning love
The Jon Dondon x female reader nobody asked for. Jon is very OOC.
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They had met in an Art gallery.
Y/N had won free invitations thanks to a stupid contest on the internet. She didn't really know much about Art, except that it was either beautiful or ugly, interesting or very boring, complicated or terribly simple.
The exhibition included works by several very different artists, so she had been able to admire Art in all its forms.
It was then that she was admiring an abstract painting that Jon came to talk to her.
Quite honestly, he confessed to her later that he had thought she was the artist, or at least an artist, that he could have recruited for his agency, but he was happy to have spoken to her anyway.
They had discussed the work, Jon asking her what she thought of it, and Y/N answering that she didn't really know. She couldn't tell what it represented, or if she liked it.
     "Well, I guess that's a good sign that it doesn't leave me indifferent."
     "What do you mean ?" Jon asked, raising an eyebrow, puzzled.
     "Well, there are a lot of paintings that you see without looking at them. Without it marking you, and which you almost immediately forget. You think, 'yes, not bad', but nothing more. Here, I believe that I don't like it, because it makes me uncomfortable, but at the same time I don't hate it, there is something... It's hard to explain."
     "And that's a very good explanation of what Art should produce in people. Are you free tonight ?"
Very quickly, Y/N got to know Jon, but also to know Jon Dondon. It wasn't the same thing.
Jon knew how to be gentle, kind. He wasn't very good at socializing, but he really tried. Jon Dondon was thinking above all about his work and his reputation.
Always very honestly, Jon told her from the start that he didn't want anyone to know that they were together. He wasn't ashamed of her, he had no reason to be ashamed of her, but in the Art world you had to look available, detached, free and he had a few rivals who might use her against him, or try to hurt him through her.
In addition, he liked this separation between his work and his private life. She was like his secret, something he had only for himself. He stopped seeing other people, but he wanted to give the impression that he was able to have fun whenever he wanted.
It was difficult, but Y/N really liked Jon, so she accepted this situation, behaving like a stranger or a simple friend when they saw each other in public.
This lasted until the Dease paintings were exhibited.
Jon had asked her to come with him to give him her opinion, because even if he was an Art critic, he considered that she had more talent than him for these things. With Y/N's vision, his influence in the industry, and his gift for the right turns of phrase, he could quickly tell if this new artist had value or not.
As every time they collaborated, they separated to explore the rooms, before meeting in front of a canvas to discuss their impressions.
The tour was very quick for Jon, who was captivated by what he saw, like everyone else in the exhibition. Everyone except Y/N. She stopped at the first painting near the entrance, and didn't move until Jon joined her.
     "So ? Your verdict ?"
     "... You have to burn these things."
     "... What ?"
     "Jon. These things need to be burned." Y/N whispered again, shaking, totally frightened.
     "Jon Dondon, please. And why do you say that ?"
She was unable to explain what she felt to Jon, and she didn't think he would have been able to understand, but there was something wrong with those paintings. Oh, they were very beautiful, very well done, but there was something else, dark, stale.
Of course, Jon doesn't write that in his article, just saying like all the other reviewers that Dease's work was intriguing.
He remembered all the same what had happened, deciding to carry out some research on the subject of the artist. But it was more because one of his rivals, Morf, seemed very troubled in Dease, and Jon was very keen to discredit him by finding something compromising.
It was pretty clear the day Y/N came home and came face to face with one of the artist's paintings. Jon had bought it because, as a good Art critic, he had to own at least one work by fashionable artists.
She stayed in the hallway, staring at the canvas, until he realized she was there. "You really don't like it ?" he chuckled without malice. "I thought a simple painting might be fine. A little weird, like all of his work, but appropriate. I think they look like us."
The canvas depicted a man and a woman. A couple. The colors were cold, dull, they had no face, standing, the man looking at the woman, who was looking at the viewer. She seemed sad, as if she was trying to run away.
Y/N didn't feel that. In any case, she didn't want to feel that. Sometimes, with Jon Dondon, it happened. But not with Jon.
     "... No, it doesn't."
     "If you say so. Anyway, if it's not us, it's ours."
     "It's yours. If it was mine, I'd burn it."
They didn't argue. They never argued, Jon always thought he was right, and Y/N didn't see the point of trying to change his mind. She just ignored the canvas, going in and out of the house as fast as she could without looking at it. She sometimes had the impression that it was looking at her. 
It was difficult. That, and the secrets, and Jon's behavior, began to rub off on her. Slowly, she felt like she was being drained of her joy, of her passion, of her life. As if she entered this cursed painting that she was trying to ignore.
As always, Jon saw nothing, continuing his research and his work. He had hired a private investigator to investigate Dease and he proudly claimed that he was going to find something soon, he felt it. Y/N sensed that something terrible was going to happen.
She decided to tell him, while they were at his office.
     "Jon, I think..."
     "Jon Dondon, please." he said, like every time they were in public.
     "Don't go to your meeting with that detective. I have a bad feeling."
     "I paid a fortune for it, and I hope to have results."
     "Jon Dondon."
Y/N couldn't finish her sentence, struggling not to cry. It had been years since she had cried. Not once since she had met Jon, who despite his many faults made her very happy. He finally turned to her, and he seemed to see her. Really see her.
But something had broken, and she left without adding anything, leaving him alone.
At home, she stopped to observe the painting. The feeling was still the same as the first time, oppressive, bad. Y/N didn't want to think about it, occupying her mind by doing the housework and the dishes, which was useless, since Jon had a maid for that.
Lost far away, she didn't jump when a head rested on her shoulders, arms surrounding her gently.
     "You ate ?" Jon asked, looking at the plate she had been cleaning for ten minutes.
     "Have you been to your appointment ?"
     "No. Tell me what's going on."
     "Because you care now, Jon Dondon ? Why ? I've been telling you for weeks that something's wrong. But you don't listen, you don't see. You don't care, like you don't care about Art. The important thing is the appearance. The fame. The money. I know that's why you don't want us to be seen together, admit it. You're ashamed of me. You do not love me."
     "I do love you."
     "Really ? You saw a painting of an unhappy couple, a desperate woman, and you thought of us. Of me. Wonderful."
Jon didn't answer, his head still resting on her shoulder. Slowly, he took the plate from her hands, before turning her to face him. He looked at her eyes for a long time, as if searching for something.
     "What can I do ?"
     "Burn this painting. Forget this artist." she begged him one last time.
Silence returned to the house. Jon continued to stare at her, before looking at the entrance, where the canvas was. Without saying a word, he then left the kitchen, and Y/N was convinced that he had chosen. She was going to have to leave.
But Jon reappeared with a little metal box and matches. He took the canvas, placed it in the fireplace, sprinkled it with the contents of the box and set the fire without the slightest hesitation.
The flames reflected in his glasses, dancing close to him, but he didn't move, admiring his handiwork.
Not daring to believe what was happening, Y/N approached, equally fascinated by this spectacle, feeling all the fear and despair coming out of her. She couldn't help smiling as she looked at Jon.
     "Jon... Jon...Thank you."
     "You were right, it had to be burned."
     "Are you sure ?"
     "You're better at these things than I am. I'll... I'll tell the detective he can stop looking. I'll take some vacation too. We could go to Europe, or somewhere else. Spend some time together. I feel like we need it."
     "Jon..." Y/N sighed, jumping on him to kiss him.
They were far away when they learned about the series of suspicious deaths that happened to all those who had participated directly or indirectly in the sale of Dease's paintings. For a moment they wondered if the same fate would befall them.
But Y/N still didn't know anything about Art, except how it made her feel, and Jon had decided to change his approach, trying to better understand the artists. Even if they weren't perfect, they had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and Dease seemed to know it.
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Bonsoir Katie ! What advice would you give to someone who want to start writing (novel, short story) ?
Bonsoir ! :)
**[Disclaimer: this is my advice based on my own experience -- the journey with writing is different for everyone, so do not take my words to be absolute truths, just little nuggets of information which you may wish to consider or disregard at your own discretion.]
I think my main advice would be...write what you wish to read. Create stories that interest you. If you write simply to cater to a particular audience, you will be bored writing it, and if you're bored writing it, then the readers are bored reading it -- or something will seem off when they read it, at the very least.
Be honest with yourself. Try your utmost not to limit yourself on what topics/themes/ideas you wish to explore. You can experiment plenty before deciding "oh, hey, this is pretty good" or "this piece will never see the light of day ever again". Ideas can come from anywhere, so let them. Don't block them out just because the thing/situation that sparks the idea seems ridiculous.
Don't fear disappointment. Writing is hard! Sometimes inspiration strikes you and it causes a natural flow in your writing, but it takes discipline and dedication to finish a piece. Writer's block is common and you may go days or months without writing (or at least anything they find decent quality). Some choose to power through it, writing pieces of lower quality so then eventually the good stuff comes back, and others wait it out a little and chip away at works until their flow returns with better strength. When you begin to write, or when to begin to edit, you may think "Oh dear God, this is terrible. What was I thinking?!" THIS IS NORMAL. Honestly, alarm bells should be ringing if this DOESN'T happen to you at some point to some extent during your writing/editing process (because if it doesn't happen, it means you're not thinking critically). BUT sometimes you may write a beautiful sentence you surprised yourself with (e.g. I have accidentally some rather poetic/aesthetically pleasing lines without even realising it, and only noticed upon reviewing the section) and you should allow yourself to celebrate these! This is a reminder that you CAN write! And it can act as a motivator to push you to finish your piece, if you so choose to. And besides, there's an editing process for a reason! That's where you REFINE your work -- up until then, rough drafts can be as shitty as you want so long as your idea or message/intention is clear and interesting to you.
Also, it may take a while to find what you're really good at writing. There's nothing wrong in challenging yourself either, but it's useful to know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Experimentation would be helpful. For example, I prefer long-form storylines -- I find writing short stories IMPOSSIBLE and affectionately envy those who can do it!
Writing may also make you discover a lot about yourself which you never consciously knew about before. This doesn't happen with everyone, but it can occur. I find this therapeutic, but it can scare some, so if you find yourself in such a situation, I think it is best to acknowledge this new information about yourself and then either move on or deal with it in whichever way you deem fit (preferably in a healthy manner!).
And my final piece of advice, which is most obvious: read broadly when you can and enjoy writing! By reading other books, you'll naturally take in a lot of information re structure of a story, character development and general formatting rules (which then leave it up to you to decide whether to follow or disregard/twist these rules, depending on what your writing style is). By reading broadly, you familiarise yourself with a range of different writing styles, and you'll learn which styles might help improve your own, or act as inspiration for you in some way.
Saying "enjoy writing" sounds cliché but it certainly helps if you enjoy the whole act -- this is about you first: write what you enjoy and your readers or external interest will follow (even if it's friends or strangers online at first).
Hope this helps! ^.^ x
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deux-jared · 2 years
the boys in the band review
"Show me a happy homosexual and I'll show you a gay corpse."
this review is about the 2020 version specifically but it applies to all bc im mostly just talking about the themes and plot.
it’s a good movie it’s. great movie. it’s maybe the best movie about gay men to exist. it capture that generation of queer identity brutally and honestly. there’s slurs. there’s homophobia. there’s cool little trinkets on the tables and art on all the walls. with only a single setting the movie really makes it feel like home. an incredibly beautiful home.
not to spoil it, but it’s not a movie where anything happens, don’t go into it expecting some jump or big event or such. it’s like a slice of life movie. and that slice of life happens to be kinda fucking wild cause everyone got too drunk.
the movie has beautiful flashbacks, the kind that kinda make your heart hurt. these men think about their pasts, childhood, regrets. and in a queer light. they think back on failed attempts at romance, gay awakenings, and hookups. it feels dramatic but it well represents how they actually feel. looking back on memories with too much flair and importance, replaying copies in their mind. they are not living the ups and downs of queer life in the movie, but instead look back on some. you know there’s a YA novel story back there. but it’s not about that, it’s about community.
the movie touches on issue that are Extremely relevant to modern queer communities. the characters aren’t young, all in the 30-40 range i’d say. they’re aging, something that’s hardest of all for queer people. no family surrounding you, rarely financial stability, but worst of all you don’t look like the perfect skinny twink anymore. gay men especially put an over abundance of importance into appearance. more so than heterosexuals. the friends put so much working into dressing up then insult each other incessantly. they hold so much importance in image even just the group of them in the comfort of a house, and age scares them. they fight to be see as young. watch The Gay Body Image Issue
rarely is the pain of the queer community talked about beyond a homophobia level. too few feel strongly about gay life in the 60s. (always look into lgbt history it’s some of the greatest stuff ever and it’s well documented) an era where queer culture was more apparent in public, but still wrong. where people could be all like that but as a joke ofc. this movie is sad. it’s sad and angry and mean and nothing good really happens in it. but nothing really bad either. it’s a deep rooted sad. these men are isolated from society, hate themselves, and seem to see the worst in each other despite being each others only real friends. they insult each others age, race, apparent, effeminacy, intelligence, mental health, life style. most of them really truly hate each other. like they really truly hate themselves. life was fucking hell and they couldn’t even find community in it. that’s sad. they’re sad sad men. it’s not a fun watch with your family or friends movie. idk. it’s more of a watch alone and think about your life movie. how do you view yourself and your friends ? we all get old eventually.
anyway for a real review. the writing could be better and it could be longer. to make it feel more like a movie and less like an episode of a show we’ve never seen. i can think of endings that would have been a lot more satisfying without ruining the integrity of the whole concept. i wish they had given focus on all the characters and not just five of them because the others seemed more interesting honestly. glad i watched it tho. tex was my favorite. xoxo.
it’s on netflix and i put the link to watch free in the comments
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rhombusboy · 1 year
haunting adeline review
I put this up on goodreads but no one is going to read it so I figured I'd post it here too.
To paraphrase my hero Jenny Nicholson, I've ordered my thoughts into a numbered list. General warning for spoilers below.
1. The paperback version of this is 583 pages, and the font is not large. Furthermore, this feels like a 583-page long book, which is interesting because it's not some grand epic with years and years of events to cover. As the main character realizes right at the end, the whole book covers about three months. Which brings me to my next point.
2. I really feel like this could have worked with at least 100 (but preferably 200) pages shaved off. I sped through the first 300 pages, and everything fell off very quickly after that. My patience for the characters, my patience for the writing, the speed at which I was reading, my will to finish the book...
3. But, you may be wondering, cutting out that much of the book would surely cut out some of the plot, right? Well, yeah. And that's a good thing. Zade's whole weird Batman/John Wick thing was not enjoyable. I didn't pick up this book for cringey descriptions of a hacking coalition and our indestructible hero going all Jason Bourne on some henchmen. I picked this up for the romance, dammit! All of Zade's stuff and the murder mystery felt like subplots that got way too big for their own good and overshadowed what parts of the book were actually fun to read.
4. Speaking of Zade's big motivating cause, his crusade against human trafficking, it felt to me like a very obvious move by the author to make Zade's mission in life so undeniably good, that all the bad and unethical things he was doing with Adeline would seem fine, because he's actually a really good person, okay? Which felt like a weird inclusion to me, because this is clearly a dark romance. We don't need the fucked up hero to be redeemable, but that's exactly how this went down. Adeline finds out about how Zade has made it his life goal to save trafficked women and children and it gives her this whole crisis of "Well, he can't be all that bad. Look at all the good he does for these people!" And like, whatever. But Zade could have just been a pediatric neurosurgeon or something and it would have accomplished the same thing, without the pages and pages of his own little action novel shoved into the plot.
5. Zade's whole trafficking takedown plot is the reason there's a warning at the beginning of the book that says, and I shit you not, "The conspiracies found in this book have nothing to do with QAnon or antisemitism." The next time I find that preceding a story I'm taking the red flag for what it's worth and not reading the book. Essentially, there's a secret society of rich and powerful people in government and across the planet (who are literally called The Society) who do terrible things to women and children, perform literal blood magic rituals, and supposedly sell their souls to Satan to commune with "otherwordly entities" to achieve Eternal Rebirth. There are so many reasons for this plot not to be in the book. And also, if you notice the conspiracies in your book are VERY similar to real-life conspiracies that have harmed people for years and continue to do so today, maybe just don't leave that in the book? In addition to that, the book also says a lot of stuff that I found super uncomfortable along the lines of "Beautiful women get kidnapped into human trafficking all the time. It happens in grocery store parking lots, or even on the front porch of your own home. All it takes is for the wrong person to see you, a beautiful [read: white] woman, and they're going to come after you." Ugh.
6. The writing is just not good. Think of the most stereotypical example of "fanfiction writing" you can come up with. This book is pretty much that, down to literally calling eyes "orbs" more than once. There's also a lot of explaining things that the book was actually showing and not telling just fine on its own. Adeline is being stalked and is clearly not reacting to it the way a person usually would. That's evident from the book. But the author still felt the need to include paragraphs of inner monologue from Adeline here and there just to make sure you're really getting it. Stuff like "I know a normal person would be calling the cops right now. But I've never been that kind of person. It's fucked up, I know. But the adrenaline is making me feel some type of way." (not a real quote, but that's the essence of it)
7. I'm telling you now: if you don't like the way Sarah J. Maas writes smut, you are not going to like this. There's a lot of "to the hilt," "our tongues battled for dominance," "he consumed my lips with his own," stuff like that. Don't say I didn't warn you.
8. I will say, had this just been a dark romance and nothing more, I would have liked it. The smut was not written super great, but the scenarios were creative, and I liked them. It's a shame they end up not even feeling like the focus of the book.
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Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love
Genre: Rom-com, Action Comedy
Author: @isthisselfcare
Word Count: 199K
OVERVIEW: Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, (hereafter, referred to as BATMOBIL), is a whimsical, amusing delight of a rom-com set against the backdrop of an Auror protection job. Right off the bat, it is worth mentioning that this is a highly indulgent fic, border-lining on crack, I daresay. It’s chock-full of tropes and clichés that rom-com lovers will be familiar with. If a reader swapped out the magical references with their muggle counterparts, the Dramione vibes generally disappear. But if you’re looking for a low-stakes, feel-good summer read—well then, grab your ice cream, coziest blanket, fuzzy socks and dive right in to have your heart tickled and soaring with glee!
TECHNICAL WRITING: Isthisselfcare’s writing voice is one of her greatest strengths, full-stop. It is immaculate, masterful, sharp, idiosyncratic, and clever. I would wager to say that this is a top reason why so many people love this fic, even those who typically don’t prefer rom-coms! If you scroll through the top comments in each chapter, reviewers literally dissect favorite lines that stood out to them—there are a lot). The author expertly plays with puns and double-meanings. The level of banter, quips, and comedic timing is reminiscent of olivieblake’s work, one of the most respected banter-writers in the fandom. I oftentimes found myself re-reading certain lines to fully appreciate the layered jokes that flew over my head the first time. And there are hidden gems in nearly every line.
For the more quiet moments when comedic levity isn’t needed, the author’s use of prose is absolutely beautiful. I would include some lines as examples, but really, the only way to appreciate the power of the writing is by reading it yourself.
SETTING: Tonally, I thought the sets were absolutely gorgeous, immersive, and visceral. Without giving too much away, a large part of the story is set in various places around the world that Draco and Hermione travel to. And those places (which exist in real life) are described beautifully—I felt right like I was there with them; every location felt like a postcard moment. The places that D and H traveled to by far felt the most “alive” to me, and overall, added to the mood of the rom-com. Special nod to the Hogwarts trip, in which the author’s description of the castle through the eyes of two adults was very pragmatic, relatable, and actually made me nostalgic for my very own childhood.
DRACO CHARACTERIZATION: Yes, out-of-character to canon Draco, very much so. However, since everyone’s preferences and tolerances of Draco characterization vastly differ, I won’t interject with my opinion as not to sway others. Here are general observations: In times of levity, Draco is debonair, clever, casual, vain, flippant, and a bit of a scoundrel. In times of gravity, he becomes highly competent, protective, and reliable. Because this is a light-hearted rom-com, we don’t get to see any of the angsty “tortured soul in love; we can’t be together because I’m me and you’re you” characterization that we see in so many fics. Take with that what you will.
HERMIONE CHARACTERIZATION: Not quite in-character, not quite out. There’s truly nothing wrong with her at all. She is, however, rather one-dimensional throughout the whole story—she’s there mainly as Draco’s love interest. I’m personally okay with this, because this fic was obviously written with Draco’s POV transformation so the reader can experience his transformation from a suave bachelor in the prime of his life to being whipped for a dazzling woman far beyond his league.  Personality-wise, Hermione is brilliant, clever, pure, innocent, diligent— bit of a Mary Sue, and nothing quite fresh or new. However, it’s worth mentioning that her character is enhanced by her many accomplishments, accolades, and goals, and I loved that about her. This alone is why many readers consider her to be a BAMF.
SIDE CHARACTERS: Loved them. They definitely were not part of an ensemble cast (mainly there for comedy and to make Draco very uncomfortable), but they were lovely, nevertheless. My absolute favorite was Theo. Honorable mention to Tonks. Hermione didn’t interact with them much at all, if I recall correctly, which indicates that they really weren’t critical to the overall external plot.
 For a rom-com, I thought the external plot blended quite nicely. The first half was a bit slow for me, as it was setting the foundation for Draco’s feelings, and the action didn’t really exist. But about halfway through, the plot and action really picked up, and continued on at a satisfying pace until the end. As I mentioned earlier, angst is really quite non-existent in this fic, even throughout the action scenes. It reminded me of a fun, summer blockbuster MCU movie (in which despite the highly competent superhero action, there is still levity). I didn’t feel like I was sitting on the edge of my seat with bated breath. Nevertheless, there was a lovely external plot that kept my interest because there were *real stakes to the wizarding world.*
I don’t want to spend too much time on this because I don’t want to spoil when the sexual and emotional payoffs occur, but all I can say is: OUTSTANDING. Though really, that should come across as no surprise to anyone, given that the title of the fic literally indicates the entire romantic arc of the story. As mentioned in my earlier post of “what makes a GOAT Dramione”, a well-paced romantic payoff is highly important to me. And in BATMOBIL, this was very well done.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I put this fic down with a big, silly grin on my face, grateful to have experienced a truly euphoric and fun tale. However, it didn’t leave me with the “empty satisfaction” feel that I love in heavier fics, in which it ended perfectly but I’m desperate for more because I’m not ready to part with this world. I’d love to read one-shots or drabbles about these two idiots in this universe, although I wouldn’t want them to focus on the romantic development (as that is a closed chapter for them). But perhaps ones about future wacky shenanigans they get themselves in. And Theo. More Theo!
If you enjoyed this fic, you may also enjoy:
Love and Other Historical Accidents, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Universal Truths
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Suna x reader: Final part (smut)
Here’s the final part to my Suna series! I wasn’t satisfied with my fluff version of the ending (which you can read here if you’re interested) so I decided to write a more smutty version. 
Warning: degradation, angry sex, light choking, mostly just a lot of degrading lol
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I genuinely think this is the hottest fanart I’ve ever seen of him I can barely look at it without ✨butterflies✨. 
Art creds go to @minghuaa_art on twitter!
Despite Kita seeing you that day in the car, Suna still asked to keep whatever was between you a secret. That was fine with you--you didn’t particularly want a boyfriend, especially with the second semester of college work picking up. You still got to see him pretty often, hooking up in his car or your dorm at least three nights a week or more. Never the frat house; apparently his roommates were annoying. 
It was nice. Easy. Far easier than you ever expected friends with benefits to be. And beyond the sex, you loved talking to Suna; laying together on your tiny bed, legs tangled, while he explained the new music he was listening to, or walking together to the cafeteria as he made you laugh so hard that water came out of your nose. 
The good parts were enough to overlook the bad parts. At first. 
Suna was an abnormally horrific texter, barely ever responding within the day, if at all. If you ever wanted to get in contact with him, you’d have to call directly. And honestly even then he didn’t have the best track record. 
What was more frustrating was that it was always on his time. He would text you asking to hang out that night, and you would say yes, and then he wouldn’t respond until the following afternoon with some vague excuse about being busy. The first few times it happened, you got so mad that you didn’t respond to his calls, until he showed up at your dorm with panda express and forced you to watch Tokyo Ghoul with him. 
He had apologized...but it didn’t stop happening. It made you feel like you were some sort of side whore, who he called when he was bored and had nothing better to do. Like you were second best to everything else he had going on in his life. 
You had promised yourself from the beginning that you wouldn’t allow yourself to get close enough to get hurt, but it was hard. You really, really liked him. 
You liked the way he would stare at you while you talked, actually listening and curious as to what you had to say. You liked the way he hugged you after a few days of not seeing each other, burying his face in your hair like he couldn’t get close enough to you. You liked the way he laughed, both the usual, quiet chuckles and the rare snorting wheezes. You liked the way his mouth looked when he smoked, the way he moaned your name when he came, the way he could make you laugh at anything at any time. 
You didn’t want to get the “I told you so” talk from Kiyoko, so you avoided the topic all together: with her, and yourself. 
After one month of hanging out with Suna, you were planning on meeting up and going to see a movie. Both of you were more homebodies, preferring to stay in rather than party, but you had decided that you wanted to try and expand your horizons once again. The movies seemed like a happy compromise. 
The film was something Suna had been talking about for a while, an action thriller that honestly looked like shit but got good audience reviews because of all the flashy fight scenes. He had been so excited when it came out that you hadn’t been able to say no to going, especially not after he pried you with food. 
He was coming to get you at 6 pm, and your last class ended at 3pm, which gave you plenty of time to get ready. You stared at the face of your teacher on the screen within your zoom class, zoning out as he explained the flood system around the school. You glanced over as your phone buzzed, a message from Suna popping up on the screen. 
Wha u doying rit now?
Sorr little drynk 
You’re drunk? 
im at psrty
Are we still seeing a movie tonight?
There was no response, and you felt your stomach drop. You didn’t even notice as your teacher ended class and logged you off the meeting. Suna was at a party at 3 in the afternoon, drunk, and didn’t seem to remember you had plans. You swallowed, shoving your phone aside as you ground your teeth. Why was he so frustrating? 
You stood up, angry at yourself for caring, furious at Suna for making you feel this way, for being such a piece of shit. You knew what party he was probably at--Kiyoko had said she was going at some point--and suddenly you were moving before you could think about it. 
You dressed nice, but casual enough that it wasn’t out of place at a frat party. Sexy enough to make him want you though, of course. 
You didn’t give yourself time for nerves as you strode from your dorm and headed in the direction of the frat house, following a steady stream of people already going in that direction. You knew it was Friday, but how the fuck were so many people already getting ready to party when it was literally 3:30????
It wasn’t overly crowded in the house when you entered, but enough where it was confusing as you wandered through the crowd. You snatched two drinks from the counter, downing them as fast as possible as you searched for Suna in the crowd. You’d need to be at least tipsy before having this confrontation. 
You found him in the living room, sprawled out on the couch next to who you recognized to be Akaashi, Kuroo, Kita, and Iwaizumi--all who you knew through Kiyoko. There were a few others you didn’t know, and they were all clearly drunk out of their minds. 
As you entered the room, Suna met your eyes for a brief moment, but then they moved on without a reaction. He didn’t care at all that you had come to find him, or that he had never responded to your text. 
The drink in your hand trembled, and you walked out of the room without looking back. 
Instead of talking to Suna, you decided to get wasted. An hour after first coming to the party, you were deep in a game of beer pong and you had a pleasant warmth in your gut, the world a little hazy. You felt braver, more angry, and suddenly all you wanted to do was track down that yellow eyed idiot and slap him. 
“Where’s Suna?” You slurred, turning to look at your partner at beer pong. You knew him vaguely as one of the frat boys, Suna’s friend Atsumu. 
Atsumu grinned, raising his eyebrows as he stared down at you. “Suna? Why?” 
You weren’t drunk enough to tell him of your “friendship” with Suna, so you just shrugged. 
“He’s over there,” Atsumu pointed towards the kitchen, and you felt all the blood drain from your face as you followed his gaze. Sitting in a chair, his back to you, was Suna...and on his lap was a beautiful blonde girl with her hands in his hair as she kissed him fiercely. 
You must have made some sort of sound, because Atsuma looked back at you. “You good?” 
You forced yourself to nod. “I’m...going to go get some fresh air.” 
“I’ll come,” he said, and you decided not to argue. 
Seeing Suna had sobered you up considerably, but your emotions were still a complete mess. All you could feel was a deep, unending hurt. 
As you headed down the hall, Atsumu grabbed your wrist and spun you around to face him. “So...you and Suna huh?” He said, a strange smile on his face. 
“What are you--?” 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to keep it a secret.” He took a step towards you, and you raised your eyebrows. 
“We aren’t together.” 
“Really? Then you wouldn’t mind,” He gently took your chin, lifting your face. “If I did this?” 
“What the fuck.” 
All the breath wooshed out of you at the familiar voice, which was now laced with anger. Suna stood a few feet away, his hands in his pockets as he watched you and Atsumu. He was smiling, but it was icy with rage and...jealousy?
“Suna,” Atsumu grinned, releasing your face but not stepping back. “What do you want?” 
Suna jerked his chin in your direction. “How about you get away from her, and then we’ll talk?”
“Dude,” Atsumu rolled his eyes. “She just told me she was single. I don’t get what the problem is.” 
Suna’s face tightened. “If you don’t get the fuck out of here in the next three seconds, I swear I will break your--”
“Chill, ok!” Atsumu stepped back from you, given you a frustrated look before heading away down the hall. 
When he was out of sight, Suna’s head slowly turned to face you, his eyes dark. “Single?” His voice was a low snarl. 
You swallowed, feeling your anger return full force. How dare he. “Yes!” You snapped, “Since you clearly don’t view this as any sort of relationship.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“So you can go off kissing other girls, but I can’t flirt with Atsumu?” 
“Looked like a bit more than flirting,” he said, teeth bared, before the other part of what you said caught up to him. “And how drunk are you? I wasn’t kissing shit!” 
“Are you seriously lying to my face right now? I saw you!” 
“I didn’t kiss anyone! Do you really think that little of me?”
You clenched your fists. “Atsumu said--” 
Suna was in your face in a second, towering over you as he backed you against the wall. “What did he say?” He growled. 
You clenched your jaw, glaring at him in silence. 
Suna gave a dark chuckle. “So that’s how it’s going to be, huh?” 
You barely had time to react before he gripped your chin, kissing you roughly and shoving his tongue in your mouth. You moaned, and the sound snapped whatever restraints Suna had. His hands ran down the back of your thighs, lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist as he carried you through the nearest door into a random bedroom. He kissed down your neck as he kicked the door shut, and you gasped as he tossed you on the bed. 
Your eyes slid down his chest and across his toned stomach as he pulled his shirt over his head, completely at a loss for what to do. You could feel the heat pulsing between your legs, making your heart race and your body tremble. But this was wrong. Right? 
You didn’t have anymore time to think about it as Suna gripped your ankles, dragging you to the end of the bed. 
“Why do you still have clothes on?” He snarled, yanking your leggings off and leaving them in a tangled mess on the floor. His eyes darkened as they swept over the pair of lacy underwear you had worn, sliding towards your center where you kept your thighs clenched tightly together. 
He didn’t say a word as he forced your legs apart, dropping to his knees at the end of the bed, yanking down your underwear, and positioning one of your legs over his shoulder. You shuddered as his hot breath caressed you, and he ran lazy circles along the inside of your thighs with his long fingers. 
“Fuck…” He murmured under his breath before looking up at you. “Do you want me to--”
“Stop teasing me Suna,” you groaned, shifting your hips, and he laughed darkly. 
You practically screamed at the first sweep of his tongue, managing to turn your face into a pillow to muffle your noises as he worked around your clit and used his fingers in your core. You bucked your hips up into his face, and his laughter vibrating through your body almost had you coming within the first minute. 
You let out a low cry of protest as he pulled away, raising his head to glare at you. His mouth was covered in your juices, his hair rumpled and eyes glassy. He leaned over you, yanking away the pillow you had been using to cover your mouth and throwing it across the room. 
“What are you--”
“I want to hear you begging for it,” he snapped, and you managed to roll your eyes before he shoved his fingers back into you. 
“You’re so--ah!” You shuddered. 
Over the course of a month of fucking each other, Suna had figured out exactly how to make you fall apart under his tongue and fingers, so it didn’t take long for him to work you into an early climax. Your legs shook, and you let out a series of moans as you came all over his mouth. 
He got to his feet after making sure he had licked you completely clean, gazing down at you with possessive smugness. 
“Why do you look so fucked out already? We’ve barely gotten started.” 
You didn’t even argue as you got onto your knees on the bed, hands sliding into his hair as you kissed him angrily, unsaid words erupting. He allowed you to shove him onto the bed, and you focused on unzipping his pants and throwing them aside, ditching your shirt and bra along with it. His boxers went next, and then you had his dick in your hands, stroking it while Suna groaned. 
��Here,” he panted, tossing you a condom, and you slid it over his cock just like he taught you. You positioned yourself over him, impatient, your knees on either side of his hips as you thrust yourself down on him in one go. You both moaned at the feeling of finally having him inside you. 
“F-fuck,” you gasped, slowly rolling your hips as you rested your hands lightly on Suna’s chest. You went slow, taking the time to feel how deep he reached inside you, the movement on your clit enough to send tingles up the rest of your body. 
Suna watched you ride him lazily, his yellow eyes half closed as he took in the way your naked body shifted to move on top of him. 
“Ha, you’re doing so good...god--you’re so fucking sexy,” he groaned, and you glared down at him. 
“You make me so...mad…” You managed between pants of pleasure, and Suna raised his eyebrows. 
“You can still talk? I guess I’m not doing enough…” 
Before you could protest, he flipped you over so that you were lying on your back with him hovering over you, his dark hair falling around his face as he gripped your throat lightly. 
“You’re such a little cumslut aren’t you?” He murmured in your ear, and you arched slightly. “Don’t you ever try and fuck someone else again, got it? You’re only allowed to come around my cock.”
You moaned in agreement, and Suna rolled you over onto your stomach, dragging your hips up so your ass was high in the air. He gave you no warning as he thrust back in, practically fucking you into the mattress. 
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he used his fingers to reach around and rub your clit, his other hand running along your breast. You could  barely think through the pleasure, and the only coherent word you were managing to say was his name.
Suna leaned over you, yanking your head back to murmur in your ear. “You’re mine, got it?” His words were rough, and you clenched hard around his cock. You could feel your second orgasm approaching, and he could tell too by the way you shuddered around him. He paused in his motion, and you wiggled your hips in protest, trying to get him going again. 
“Why’d you stop?” You snapped, glancing over your shoulder when he didn’t continue. 
Suna grinned. “Beg for it, bitch.”
He moved slightly, letting you feel the friction, and you gasped in anger and pleasure. This bastard wanted to tease you, make you submit to him…
Despite knowing this, you broke almost immediately. “Please, Suna, please please, I need you so bad--”
Immediately, he picked up his pace once again, adding more pressure to your clit, and you jerked. “That’s a good girl.” 
“Ah, ah, Suna, fuck, I love-- you, ahhh…” You cried, feeling moisture spill down your thighs as your stomach erupted for the second time that night. 
For a moment he stilled, and you bit your lip in tired confusion. Did he want you to beg again? You weren’t sure you had another round in you. 
You looked over to see him with a shocked expression on his face, but it quickly melted into smugness again once he caught you staring at him. “Of course you love me while I’m fucking you like this,” he growled finally. “It’s because you’re such a slut for it, right?” 
Your mouth dropped open, but you didn’t have time to say anything as he started moving once again, making you yelp at the overstimulation. Had you said you loved him? Out loud? Oh my god…
“Have I fucked you stupid already?” he purred in your ear, pulling out of your dripping cunt before slamming back in and picking up his pace. You moaned loudly, thrusting your hips back to meet his as all thoughts flew from your head. 
“S-Suna I--” You could barely speak, it felt so good, despite the fact that you had already come. Twice. 
 He began to pant in your ear, groaning as his grip on your hips tightened.“F-fuck--” He grunted, arms sliding around your waist as he jerked and came. 
You both collapsed on the bed, sweaty and exhausted, and Suna easily pulled the condom from his dick before tying it and tossing it in the trash. After a long moment, you rolled to your feet to padded over to where your clothes lay--until you realized that your leggings had a massive rip in them. 
“Suna!” You cried, holding up the fabric. He raised his eyebrows, and had the decency to at least look vaguely guilty. 
“What do I wear?!” 
“Here.” He threw the shirt he had been wearing earlier at you, and you gave him a glare.
He had already wiped himself down with the tissues on the counter, and had pulled on his sweatpants once again, leaving him shirtless. His eyes swept lazily down your still naked body, his tongue coming out to wet his lips, and you crossed your arms in annoyance. 
“Suna,” You snapped, but finally pulled his shirt over your head, not seeing another option. “I’m going to go get cleaned up,” you said, before heading out the door without waiting for a response. 
The bathroom was thankfully right down the hall, and thankfully empty. You didn’t feel very guilty about fucking Suna when you should have been communicating in a healthy way, but you definitely still felt mad. 
After you had wiped all the fluids from your inner thighs and core, you headed back to the room to grab the rest of your stuff. 
You found Suna on his phone lying on the bed, but he looked up as you came in. 
“Where are you going?” He said as you gathered your stuff, and you huffed. 
“Back to my dorm.” 
“Wait,” he lunged out of the bed and grabbed your arm. “Don’t go.” 
“Now you want to spend time with me?” 
“Just...stay. Please.” 
You swallowed, taking a deep breath. “Fine.” 
His expression relaxed into a happy smile, and he dragged you onto the bed with him before flicking out the lights. You weren’t sure what time it was exactly, but you were sure it was far past two in the morning. Your eyelids drooped as Suna wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back against his chest. 
You were right on the edge of sleep when he murmured, “Did you mean it?” 
Immediately you were awake; you knew exactly what he meant. “U-um--” You hadn’t worked out any of the problems between you two, and you were sure he didn’t feel the same way. How were you supposed to admit to loving him like this?
“It’s fine,” he finally muttered. “We can talk about it tomorrow.” 
You swallowed. “Yes. I did mean it.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but you felt Suna tense around you. 
You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to say it. “Yes... I love you.” 
You felt his sigh against your air, ticking the little hair on the back of your neck. His hand slid across your stomach while the other gently began to stroke your hair, and the movement had you relaxing despite the tears that had built up at his lack of response. 
You closed your eyes and set it aside; you would deal with it tomorrow. Now, it was time for sleep. 
“I love you too.” You heard, so soft that it was almost just a breath of air.  
It was probably just a dream.  
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queenshelby · 3 years
Unexpected Circumstances (Just Friends Part 7) - Cillian Murphy Imagine
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: SMUT
Words: 5789
Notes: I have decided to include one of the requests I received in this series as I didn’t know how to best write it as a standalone at this point. I think it makes sense as part of this series as trust between Cillian and the Reader has been clearly established. I might still write a stand-alone piece as well incorporating the same request as this is the sort of Smut I like. So, stay tuned for that!
The Letter
It has been five weeks now since Cillian and you admitted your feelings for each other and things were going great.
Some days you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have found a man like him, someone who cared not only for you but also your son Max.
Cillian adored Max and Max enjoyed Cillian’s and Cillian’s children’s company.
Cillian would often pick Max up from preschool when you had to work late and prepare dinner for you and Max. Max thought that this was fantastic since you were a terrible cook.
But, despite this, it was sometimes difficult to arrange dates when you both had children to look after. You both tried to work around this issue as best as you could but, realistically, you only managed to have three sleepovers per week, mostly when Cillian didn’t have his boys. This was when he came over to stay at your house and you always hated when he had to leave.
After all, you were madly in love, a feeling which was unfamiliar to you. You wanted to be around him all the time and whenever you weren’t together you missed him.
As expected, you received some backlash from strangers due to your age gap but you tended to ignore the frustrating comments. They didn’t know you and they didn’t know your relationship.
The comments you received from your friends were nothing but supportive and even your grandmother thought that Cillian was good for you, much unlike your previous partners.
You still haven’t told your parents about your relationship, but your sister was aware. She followed Twitter quite eagerly and loved Cillian’s TV Show hence the reason you told her.
Your sister was concerned that your father wouldn’t approve of your relationship due to the large age gap, but that wasn’t a problem you were ready to face yet and little did you know that you were about to have bigger problems than that coming your way.
Bad news was about to hit you like a freight train. It was 10am on Friday morning. You were working from home while Max was at preschool as the doorbell rang.
It was unusual for the postman to drop off letters personally. Usually that meant that you had to sign for your letters, which was never a good sign.
You thought that it must be a vehicle recall, or notice of some sort. But it was worse. It was a letter from your real estate agent advising you that you will be required to vacate the premises within 30 days.
You could not believe it. It was difficult enough for you to find this townhouse as a single mother in an area where the schools were decent enough. You were always on time with your rent and never missed a single payment. You had no idea why you had to move out.
You called the real estate agent immediately and were advised that the owner is returning from America and requires the premises at the end of the lease term. There was nothing you could do.
The real estate agent advised you that there were no suitable rentals in the area within your price range but that they were willing to give you a good reference should you find something else with a different agent.
You were devastated. The last thing you wanted is to take Max out of preschool just after he made some friends. Furthermore, Cillian’s youngest son was attending the same preschool and it was a perfect arrangement for the both of you.
As you went on with the day, you put your non urgent work aside in order to search for rentals online as, all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
‘Oh Cillian… I totally forgot’ you said as you opened the door.
‘You forgot our date?’ Cillian chuckled as he walked in the door, giving you a quick kiss.
‘I must be the worst girlfriend’ you said with some embarrassment. You never forgot a date with your boyfriend before. After all, it was what you looked forward to the most.
‘Relax, it’s fine Y/N’ Cillian said before noticing that your face was slightly flushed and your eyes were red.
‘Are you alright though? You look like you’ve been crying’ Cillian said as he ran his hands over both of your arms. He knew that something was wrong.
‘Yes, I just had a very stressful and shit morning. I am alright now though’ you said as you walked into the bedroom to get changed, ready to go out for lunch.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Cillian asked from the hallway.
You took the letter which you received from the real estate agent from the sideboard in the hallway and handed it to him.
‘I’ve just been searching for a new rental but they are either too expensive or out of the area. But, I have found one in North Dublin and the schools there have halfway decent reviews so…’ you explained and, before you could finish your sentence, Cillian interrupted you.
‘The schools here are much better Y/N. I don’t think you should change Max mid-term; it will put him behind’ Cillian said.
‘Don’t you think I know this?’ you asked frustrated. You were still quite upset about having to move.
‘I will lose the enrolment as soon as I move out of area. Despite, I cannot drive backwards and forwards with work. I barely make pickup time now with the hours I am at the office’ you added just as tears began to build up in your eyes again.
‘Common, sit down’ Cillian said as he sat down on the bed next to you and wrapping his arms around you.
‘I might have a solution’ he said as he wiped your tears away.
‘Go on then’ you said, still sobbing.
‘You and Max could move in with me. That way, we could spend more time together and Max won’t have to change preschool and can start year one with Charlie’ Cillian suggested.
‘Move in with you? Cillian, don’t you think it’s a bit too early for that? We have only been together for 5 weeks’ you said.
‘Yes, but we’ve known each other for a few months now. Seems like a perfectly reasonable timeframe’ Cillian chuckled, making you laugh. You knew that he was being sarcastic. He always had a good sense of humour.
‘Coming from the man who just a couple of months ago didn’t want to settle down’ you smiled.
‘Well, that was before I got myself such a beautiful girlfriend’ Cillian said before giving you a passionate kiss. He could taste the saltiness from your tears but it didn’t seem to bother him.
‘You are crazy, you know that’ you chuckled after your lips drifted apart.
‘Well, you do that to me’ Cillian said while cupping your face with both of his hands.
‘We would, however, need to work on your cooking skills’ he added jokingly, earning him a nudge.
‘Very funny’ you said with a laugh.
‘Seriously though, what do you think?’ Cillian asked.
‘I think Max would really love this idea and I would love nothing more than sharing a bed with you every night. I am just worried that you will get sick of me after a while’ you said.
‘I don’t think I could ever get sick of you Y/N. Just your cooking’ Cillian chuckled before telling you that he loved you.
‘I love you too Cilly’ you said before kissing him passionately.
‘Is that a yes?’ he asked.
‘It’s a yes, thank you’ you said before pushing him back onto the bed.
‘The lunch reservation is at 1pm Y/N’ Cillian said as you hoovered over him.
‘Forget about lunch’ you responded just as you threw your t-shirt to the floor.
However, just as you were getting down to business, your phone rang, not once, but twice.
It was Max’s preschool and you knew that it was urgent.
You quickly returned the call and were told that you must pick up Max as he had a fall on the playground.
You got dressed quickly and drove to preschool to pick up Max. You were advised to go to hospital to see whether Max’s arm was broken.
Being cautious, you followed the teacher’s advice and took Max for an x-ray at hospital. Luckily, it was just a sprain which should resolve with some rest. Unfortunately, by the time you got to leave the hospital it was 6pm. You were there for hours.
Cillian suggested that you and Max come over to his place for dinner. You gladly accepted the offer and this allowed you both to talk to your kids about moving in together.
As you told them, they were beyond excited and Max was quick to arrange a sleepover for the following night.
You and Cillian agreed but, for a change, arranged a babysitter to look after your three boys allowing you to go for dinner and to the movies with your friends which was something you didn’t do very often.
Movie Night
The next evening, Cillian’s sister came over to watch the kids. This was the first time you met someone from Cillian’s family and she was quite excited to get to know you.
Apparently, Cillian had told her and his parents about you already.
After you chatted with her for half an hour, you both made your way to the restaurant.
Unfortunately for you, your friends had invited Jeremy, unaware of the fact that he continued to message you daily much to Cillian’s frustration.
Regardless of this, both you and Cillian were polite as you sat down across from Jeremy and your friends.
‘What did you guys do with the kids tonight?’ your friend Amy asked.
‘My sister is looking after them at my house’ Cillian responded.
‘What about Max?’ she asked.
‘Max is at Cillian’s house as well’ you said, which is when your friend Amy slipped the news. You had already told her that you would be moving in with Cillian just before he starts filming again.
‘Oh well, better to get used to it. Living with 4 boys soon Y/N eh? That shall be interesting’ she said.
Her comment quickly raised a lot of questions, in particular from Jeremy.
‘You really are becoming a sugar baby Y/N aren’t you?’ he said sarcastically, causing Cillian to laugh. He tried very hard to take Jeremy seriously, but it was difficult.
‘A sugar baby? Is that even a word?’ Cillian asked.
‘You know what I mean’ Jeremy said.
‘No, please enlighten me’ Cillian responded.
‘Alright’ Cillian chuckled.
‘It’s none of my business Cillian, but why is that you actors have to get involved with women who are so much younger than you?’ Jeremy said.
‘You are right, it’s none of your business Jeremy’ you said harshly while Cillian tried hard to bite his tongue.
Your friends quickly changed the conversation after that but you couldn’t keep your hands of your boyfriend that evening simply to annoy Jeremy and Cillian played along.
‘I am sorry he’s been a tool’ you whispered into Cillian’s ear as you walked to the movies with your friends.
‘I find it very difficult to remain polite around him’ Cillian said.
‘I know’ you responded just as the theatre opened.
You took your seats and, to your frustration, Jeremy sat down right next to you, causing Cillian to get annoyed.  
After what Jeremy had said to you and Cillian, you refused to speak to him and largely ignored him until the movie started.
About twenty minutes into the movie, you started to get rather bored. You couldn’t believe that you had to be there for another two hours. Who decided to choose a two- and half-hour movie in French, with subtitles? Of course, you did, without doing any research.
You looked over to Cillian and noticed that he was disinterested in the movie as well and stopped reading the subtitles. It was evident, he was somewhere in dreamland, probably thinking about how he could annoy Jeremy after his most recent insult.
Noticing your boyfriend’s disinterest in the movie, you reached for his hand, running your hand over the top of his gently. You had his attention now and he gave you a warm smile for all you could tell in the dark theatre.
Taking his hand into yours, you guided it on top of your thighs which is where it sat for a while. Not getting the hint, you arched back into your seat and guided his hand further up beneath your loose cotton skirt.
Whilst you couldn’t see much, you noticed Cillian turn his head towards you. Just as he did, you guided his hand further up your thigh while biting your lip. You tried hard for your eyes not to leave the movie screen.
He finally got the hint and squeezed your thigh gently before handing you your cardigan from your bag.
You placed the cardigan across your lap just as Cillian lifted up your skirt slightly beneath it, giving him better access.
You glanced to your right to ensure that Jeremy, who was sitting next to you, didn’t see what Cillian was doing.
Luckily for you, he was intensely focused on the movie although, no doubt, your boyfriend would have preferred if Jeremy knew what you were doing. After all, Jeremy had just insulted him and it wasn’t long before Cillian and you got together, that Jeremy had told him that he would like to get into your panties.
Just as Cillian’s fingers wandered up your upper inner thigh, you released a sigh and parted your legs slightly while making sure that your cardigan provided enough cover.
By the time Cillian’s fingers reached the apex of your thighs and touched your panties, they were already damp.
You were grateful that the theatre was so dark because your skirt was up to the top of your thighs and draped over Cillian’s hand which would otherwise have been clearly noticeable beneath the thin cardigan.
You were panting with desire, just from Cillian stroking and squeezing your thighs and running his hand over your wet panties.
You slid down a bit in your chair and spread your thighs even more. The adrenaline rush had your inhibitions going out the window.
You could hear a slight chuckle from Cillian as he noticed you pushing your body down against his hand.
Just in that moment, you felt his fingers sliding your panties to the side.
Within seconds, he dipped a finger inside your wet entrance, gathering some of your natural lubrication, then moved it upwards toward your clit.
You sucked in a breath through your teeth, hissing quietly. By that time, you both had completely stopped paying attention to the movie.
Cillian started in a slow rhythm, circling your clit a few times, then dipping down shallowly into your entrance, repeating it over and over.
Your fingers were digging into his forearm on one side and onto the armrest on the other.
Your hips were moving of their own accord as you were whimpering quietly as Cillian’s fingers moved in and out of you.
Suddenly, it hit. You groaned quietly, gripping boyfriend’s hand, pushing his finger into you even deeper and grinding your clit against the palm of his hand.
Your walls clenched around his fingers as your orgasm washed over you and you couldn’t help it but let out a shallow moan.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Jeremy asked, noticing the sound you made while looking at you with some confusion.
‘Yes, I am fine’ you said bluntly and with a deep breath while Cillian pulled his fingers out of you with a grin on his face.
You handed Jeremy your popcorn before rearranging your skirt and handing Cillian your cardigan. At this point, he needed it more than you as his erection pushed against the zipper of his jeans.
‘Follow me’ you whispered into Cillian’s ear before standing up and excusing yourself, walking past Jeremy.
‘Where are you going?’ Jeremy asked.
‘Bathroom’ you responded. You were still annoyed with him and he wouldn’t get anything from you but stern and short answers.  
Cillian waited another minute or two before following you so that he wouldn’t raise any suspicion.
You waited for him in the front of the cinema with a big smile on your face.
‘You choose the worst movies’ Cillian said with a cheeky smile.
‘I have been enjoying it so far’ you smirked before taking his hand and pulling him towards the parents’ room.
‘Y/N, I don’t think this is a good idea’ Cillian said as you locked the door behind you.
‘Relax, it’s 10pm. No one will need this room until tomorrow. We will be safe. Despite, I know you, this won’t go down any time soon unless we get to it’ you smirked as you placed your hands on Cillian’s crotch before crashing your lips onto his with haste.
Without wasting any time, you unbuttoned his jeans and pushed down his zipper before running your hand inside his briefs and stroking his hard cock.
‘You’ve got ten minutes’ you said after breaking the kiss and before turning around, leaning forward over the wash basin.
Within seconds, Cillian lifted up your skirt and pushed down your panties before lining himself up with your wet entrance.
You smiled at him in the mirror as he gently pushed your legs apart and grasped the perky butt cheeks before him.
Cillian pried them apart and stepped forward. He was flush against you and you couldn’t help it but release a soft moan.
His cock slipped between your legs, and the head glided across your sensitive lips.
‘Fuck I want you so much’ you moaned as you pushed back against him in anticipation.
Without words, Cillian pulled back a little and then pushed up into your tight tunnel.
‘Fuck’ you moaned loudly as your walls stretched to fit his length inside you.
‘You got to be quiet’ Cillian whispered from behind you as he began to thrust in and out of you.
He gave you barely a moment to brace yourself before he gripped your hips and pulled back. His cock slipped out almost the whole way before he thrust his hips forward and dived back into your heat.
Cillian set a hard pace, knowing that you didn’t have much time together before someone would get suspicious.
You could hear his laboured breathing behind you as you held onto the basin tightly.
‘God yes’ you moaned quietly as the tip of his cock hit your cervix over and over again.
Cillian smiled at your reaction and reached down to grab your thighs. He spread your legs even wider. By that time, you were on your toes, with no leverage of your own.
‘Don’t stop’ you whispered as you could feel another orgasm build up in your stomach and, within seconds, your walls constricted around him.
You cried out a little too loudly, and your whole body shook as your orgasm slammed into you.
Cillian kept his brutal thrusts up as you rode out the waves of pleasure. Your legs trembled before him and he smiled as you whimpered with every thrust.
The contractions around his cock and your moans sent Cillian over the edge also and, shortly after you came down from your high, he reached his and filled you with his warm cum.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned quietly as he slowly began to relax, his face resting on the back of your shoulders, kissing them gently.
After he came down completely, he pulled out of you and you could feel the mixture of his cum and yours drip down your thighs.
Cillian handed you a paper towel but you declined the offer and simply pulled up your panties.
‘I like to remember this for the rest of the night’ you grinned before giving him another passionate kiss.
Your comment earned you a chuckle but, deep down inside, Cillian liked the thought of knowing that your panties will be wet from his cum for the remainder of the night.
After making sure that no one was around, you left the room together and made your way back to the theatre together.
‘You’ve been gone for a while. Is everything alright?’ Jeremy asked as you sat back down next to him.
‘Yeah, I had to make a phone call’ you said just as Cillian sat back down next to you.
You both had a cheeky grin on your face as you watched the rest of the movie.
‘The movie was great, wasn’t it?’ your friend Alice asked as you left the theatre and Jeremy agreed simply because he knew that you chose it.
‘What did you think about the twist towards the end Cilly?’ she then asked.
‘Yeah, uhm…yeah it was alright’ Cillian said, not knowing what she was talking about.
‘There was a twist?’ you whispered to Cillian as you walked outside the theatre.
‘I think we missed the majority of the plot babe’ Cillian whispered back before taking your hand into his and following the others to the pub.
Jeremy kept starring at you and Cillian and you could notice the frustration on his face. You enjoyed it, a lot.
Later at the pub, Cillian received the usual attention from some young females. It always made you chuckle but it really annoyed Jeremy.
Despite the fact that Cillian enjoyed Jeremy getting annoyed, it soon became too much for him and, after about three drinks, you both decided to leave.
Getting Down to Business
You called a taxi and drove back to Cillian’s house.
‘It’s unbelievable’ you giggled sheepishly and slightly tipsy from the three gin and tonics you had earlier.
‘What is?’ Cillian asked, closing the door behind you.
‘All the attention you get from all of these young women every time we go out’ you said.
‘What can I say, it’s Tommy Shelby Effect’ Cillian laughed.
‘Hmm I think I get it’ you said and, just after this comment, you kissed him passionately just as his sister walked out of the living room.
‘Alright, I am going’ his sister chuckled.
You both thanked her for looking after the children and made your way to the shower. You both smelled like beer and popcorn.
Just as you got into the large shower together and were talking about the evening, Cillian couldn’t help it but complain about Jeremy.
‘You know, I am yours Cillian!’ you said as you ran your hands over his chest.
‘You are mine, are you?’ he chuckled in response to your comment which reminded him on his script for Season 5 of Peaky Blinders.
‘Yes…’ you whispered into his ear just before biting his earlobe gently while the hot water ran down in between you.
Cillian’s hands soon moved from your back down to your naked butt cheeks while his lips kissed the bare skin on your neck.
‘I love you Y/N’ he said in between kisses.
‘I love you too Cillian and I want you to fuck me as if you own me’ you whispered. ‘Take me the way you want to’ you added seductively.
‘You’ve been watching too much of this TV show’ Cillian said with a chuckle, referring to a new TV documentary series that you were watching on Netflix about BDSM.
‘It’s intriguing though, isn’t it?’ you asked running your hands over Cillian’s chest and down in between his legs. He grew hard almost instantly as you touched him.
Your face was inches away from his and you could see pure hunger and lust aflame in his eyes as you were stroking him gently. His warm breath fanned over your face like an aphrodisiac and the want in his eyes was intoxicating.
He remembered the last episode of the documentary quite well and grabbed your hair at the back of your head gently, causing the hot water to run down your breasts.
You bit your lip with excitement, fire building up in your eyes.
‘You really want to try this don’t you?’ Cillian asked, causing you to nod.
‘Alright’ he sighed with a smile and, with his free arm, he pushed you onto your knees almost instantly.
That’s it, exactly what you wanted.
He pulled on your hair, making you look up at him while you were biting your lips.
You suddenly felt a wretch in your stomach. Cillian wasn’t normally that forceful with you and you knew that, for him, it was a roleplay more than anything. Being with an actor clearly had its perks.
‘Is this what you want?’ he asked, causing you to nod again.
With his hand still firmly in your hair, he guided your mouth towards his hard cock.
You open your mouth willingly and, within one thrust, the head of his hard cock hits the back of your throat, making you gag.
You didn’t even try to pull away and he slowly and deeply began to thrust in and out of your mouth, giving your barely enough time to breath.
You gave into his rhythm as the warm water was running over your back.
‘God, your mouth feels amazing’ Cillian moaned, knowing that you enjoy it when he is talking to you while were intimate. You loved the sound of his voice.
Just as you got used to the sensation of being forced up and down his cock, he began to tweak one of your erect nipples with his free hand, causing you to moan around him.
‘Good girl, keep going’ Cillian said with a slight smirk as he toys with your nipple, pulling and rolling it between his fingers.
The pit of your stomach was set aflame and your thighs were slick with your juices.
With his cock in your mouth and your nipples being aroused, you are under sensory overload.
As he continued to thrust in and out of your mouth, you closed your eyes trying to concentrate on the raw pleasure that was radiating from your body in waves.
‘Look at me’ he demanded, causing you to open your eyes again and dig your hands into his thighs as he kept going.
‘That’s it’ he moaned, thrusting into your mouth a few more times before pulling you away from his throbbing cock and your mouth comes off with a satisfying pop.
Some small tears were running down your cheeks, your mouth sore from opening so widely and your hair was still in his hands. He roughly wiped away the saliva around your mouth and wrapped his hand around your throat gently.
You looked up into his blue eyes and wanted nothing more than for him to take you, fuck you hard.
‘Common, let’s take this to the bedroom’ he said as he began to notice the water getting cold.
‘Yes sir’ you winked, earning him a chuckle.
‘You defiantly are serious, aren’t you?’ Cillian said as you dried each other off. He was slightly out of his comfort zone but decided to play along as he could see the desire in your eyes. You were by far the most adventurous and kinky woman he’s ever been with.
Moments later, you made your way to Cillian’s bedroom.
‘I don’t think so’ Cillian said firmly as you reached the edge of the bed.
With his hand on your throat gently again and the other on your waist, he guided you towards the large reading desk in the bedroom.
‘Turn around’ he instructed and, as soon as you complied, he pushed you down onto the table.
Just as you your face leaned against the cold wood, he took both of your arms and secured both your hands behind your back.
Electricity shot down your spine as you tried to struggle out of his grasp teasingly.
You were completely under his control just as you wanted.
He put your two wrists wrapped around one hand and with the other, slowly traced a finger up your inner thigh.
You bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning too loudly.
Cillian took his time, exploring every inch of your thighs and ass.
‘So sexy’ Cillian said as his fingers brushed against your wet folds, causing you to whimper.
He continued to run his fingers up and down your pussy, teasing to put his fingers in.
You whined and struggled against his grasp, your wetness started trailing down your thighs.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned as Cillian slowly eased his fingers inside, scissoring his fingers as he went.
‘Shh’ Cillian said, knowing that you had to remain quiet with the boys in the next room.
Your mind went blank as pleasure shot through your nerves, spreading like wildfire.
Cillian’s fingers swirled around inside of you languidly, leaving no space unexplored and, moments later, he brushed against your g-spot causing you to jerk.
‘Stay still’ he said as he pressed his body down, immobilizing yours.
He knew very well that you liked to squirm when he reached your sweet spot as the intensity was too overpowering.
This time, you wouldn’t get away, no matter how hard you try.
‘Oh god Cillian, please’ you yelped, the feeling of his fingers on your g-spot being too much for you to handle.
But Cillian wouldn’t let you squirm away and you soon learned that you had to just give in, surrender to him.
But, just as you relaxed and could feel your orgasm approach, he pulled his fingers out of you.
‘Did I say you could come?’ he teased as he placed his fingers into your mouth, making you taste your wet juices.
‘No sorry’ you said, hoping that he would put his fingers back inside of you.
‘Sorry what?’ Cillian asked sheepishly.
‘Sorry Sir’ you grinned just before you ran your tongue along the length of his fingers.
‘Good girl’ he whispered just as he trailed his fingers back down towards your wet entrance.
Within seconds, they entered you again and continued where they left off.
You tried hard not to come right away and, after several more minutes, you couldn’t control it any longer.
‘Cillian please, can I come?’ you moaned, your walls already beginning to contract around his fingers.
‘No Y/N, you cannot’ he said, withdrawing his fingers once again, pulling your head back on your hair and kissing you passionately.
Just as he pushed you back down, you could feel him line himself up with your entrance.
Your hands were still pinned behind your back as he pressed the tip of his cock into you slowly. Your walls clench instinctively.
‘Don’t you dare come until I’ve given you permission’ he murmured into your ear as he pushes into you torturously slow.
‘I promise I won’t come without permission’ you said as you could feel Cillian’s body against yours and his hands gripping over your hands pinned behind your back and your hair.
‘Good girl’ he whispered as he continued to push inside you slowly until he was completely inside.
You tried to wriggle so you could adjust to his size, but Cillian held you in place. He slowly moved out until only the tip remained inside and thrusts back in deeply.
You moaned loudly into the table as he continued his rhythm, fucking you slowly but deeply. Your mind blanks, pleasure rocking through your body.
You could feel him tighten his grip over your hands as he slowly pulls out and slams into you, eliciting a yelp.
‘Yes, oh god, yes’ you moaned loudly as he began to pick up the pace, knocking you almost breathless.
Your moans caused Cillian to place one of his hands over your mouth gently. You were way too loud.
You felt like a wound-up toy, yearning to be released from the tension. With every thrust, you come closer to your orgasm. He's hitting you fast and deeply, but not enough to send your over the edge. You whine and whimper, weakly struggling against his body. You are so close, teetering on a cliff.
‘Please’ you moaned into his, desperate for your release.
‘Please what?’ Cillian asked as he thrusts in and out of you and removing his hand for just one moment to allow you to speak.
‘Please let me come’ you responded.
‘You will need to do better than that’ Cillian said as he thrusts into you even deeper.
‘I do anything, please’ you moaned, your walls beginning to clench around him.
‘Anything? Hmm, alright, that seems like a fair deal’ Cillian said picking up the speed.
With those words, you let go. Pleasure rocked through your body like a wave.
You tried to fight the feeling of falling and flying at the same time as your orgasm washed over you.
Cillian moaned at the same time as he felt your tight walls close around his cock and, with three more thrusts, he came inside of you.
You could feel his cock throb inside of you as your legs shake from the powerful orgasm.
Just as you both came down from your high, he slowly pulled out of you, causing some of his cum to leak out.
He released your hands and helped you up from the desk.
You turned around to face him and, with one of your hands, you reached in between your legs collecting some of his cum before licking it from your fingers suggestively.
‘I enjoyed this’ you smirked, causing Cillian to stare at you in disbelieve.
‘You are naughty, aren’t you?’ he chuckled just before giving you a kiss.
‘Yes I am’ you smirked before you both made your way to the bed.
By that time you were exhausted.
You curled up in each other’s arms and shared some gentle moments together.
‘I am looking forward to sleeping in this bed with you every night’ you said.
‘So do I’ Cillian responded, before turning off the light.
Morning After
The next morning, you got woken up by the smell of pancakes and three missed calls.
Your father had tried to call you to congratulate Max on his recent soccer medal.
You returned the call and handed the phone to Max while you joined Cillian in the kitchen for a coffee. Just as you were drinking your coffee, you listened to Max speak to his grandfather on speaker.
‘So how have you been Max?’ grandpa asked.
‘Good poppy, we are having pancakes’ Max said.
‘Mum made pancakes? Do they taste any good?’ grandpa laughed.
‘No Cillian made pancakes. Mum and I are moving to his house soon and then we can have pancakes every weekend’ Max said.
‘Cillian? Who is Cillian?’ grandpa asked.
‘Mum’s boyfriend’ Max responded, causing you to choke on your coffee.
‘Can you please put your mother on the phone’ he said.
To be continued…..
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startanewdream · 4 years
Godfather duty
Summary: When James is surprised by Sirius and Harry coming home drunk four in the morning, he questions himself when he got too old for that.
For @theblueocean 
Part of the Jily Lives AU
Rated M for mentions of underage drinking and some swearing.
Read on AO3 with all the correct italics, or below the cut:
His eyelids feel heavy, but James keeps writing. He is almost finishing the first draft of the article for Transfiguration Today; it's due Sunday and he still has five days to finish it, but James is really anxious for presenting it. It's not his first paper for that magazine, but his article will be the headline this time, and he promised himself he would send them in advance as much as he could - and he still needs to send it to Minerva for her to read and review.
It feels a lot like he is back in school doing essays, but James doesn't remember being that excited back at Hogwarts - well, not about homework anyway.
He puts the final dot and lets the quill rest, satisfied. He will proofread in the morning, maybe even rewrite altogether from a different perspective, but it's done and it's a competent article, he knows.
Human transfiguration was always a point of interest to him.
He raises, stretching up and looking at his watch. It's past four in the morning already; he really lost track of time. He remembers Lily calling him to go to bed - and then he promised her he would go in a minute, which he clearly forgot.
He suppresses a yawn as he leaves the library, thinking only of sinking on his bed when he hears a sound coming from the front porch.
All his sleepiness is gone instantly, and he turns with his wand already raised, alarmed and with his instincts screaming even though it’s been months since the war ended; someone is turning the doorknob. The spell is almost leaving his lips when the door opens wide and he sees Harry's joyful face.
Harry is not alone; Sirius is with him, their arms around each other in a brotherly gesture and for a moment James has a flashback of himself with Sirius with that same easiness, both of them beaming happily and goofy; it's a memory of twenty years ago, of a night they went around Muggle London joining a pub crawl that ended up with James' mother finding them passed out in the middle of the Potter’s living room in Godric’s Hollows.
A lot of things happened that night - a flight from the Muggle police when they tried to climb Cleopatra’s Needle, an attempt to perform a serenade to Lily only to realize they were on the wrong street and throwing eggs at Grimmauld Place number twelve - but what he remembers clearer is the smell of the alcohol on him as he woke up next morning - and then the taste of it all as he threw it all up.
And right now Sirius and Harry have that same smell of cheap whiskey mixed with beer.
James blinks, confused. As far as he thought, Harry had been back from work hours ago - James was sure Harry had been sleeping on his bed right now.
It’s evident he was wrong.
‘Hi, Prongs’, Sirius says, grinning from ear-to-ear, sounding much steadier than James would have guessed from the smell coming from them. ‘Care to let us in?’
'What's going on?', James asks, worried, stepping aside to let them enter. Both of them are stumbling, but James has the impression that Sirius is supporting Harry more than the opposite.
For some reason his question makes them look at each other.
'What I said?', Sirius asks Harry as if they are sharing some old joke. Harry lets out of one of his rare carefree giggles. 'What d'you think we are doing, dear Prongs?'
'Coming home drunk in the middle of the night?’
‘Chill out, Dad’, Harry says, winking at him.
Chill out?
‘It’s four in the morning of a Tuesday - I thought you were home already!’
‘I had to work late’, Harry answers immediately, grinning. Sirius takes him to the living room, trying to help him on the couch, but Harry slides to the floor, falling on the carpet.
‘On a bar?’
‘It’s for work’, Harry insists, eyes open as if that was obvious. 
‘It was a very important mission’, Sirius agrees. ‘Stealth. Mixing with locals. Spying on people’.
‘Oh, were there Death Eaters on that bar?’, James asks, rolling his eyes.
‘It could have been! Harry needs to know how to handle his alcohol!’
Harry giggles.
‘I handle it very well’, he says proudly, clapping his hands. ‘Tell him, Sirius’.
‘He won us money on darts. He even closed his eyes for the last shot. You would be proud!’
‘That you were letting my barely out-of-age kid bet on games?’
Sirius rolls his eyes.
‘Everything was under control, he won. Stop worrying, I was on godfather duty tonight -’
‘Between a drink and another, you mean?’
‘ - and I brought him home, right?’
‘Speaking of that’, James raises his eyebrows, now sounding openly reproachful. ‘How did you come home? Don’t tell me you drank and apparated’.
‘I would never!’
‘Or that motorbike - if you came here flying, I swear I will -’
‘Relax, Dad!’, Harry intervenes, now raising on a jump, ignoring how he tumbles in the process. ‘We got a cab. Eeeeeeverything under control’.
James watches his son go to the cabinet in the room, searching for something until he takes out a feather to doodle something on a parchment, not realizing it’s a grocery list.
‘I see the control’, he says dryly. ‘What are you doing, Harry?’
‘I am making a howler’.
‘What? What for?’
‘To howl, duh - hey!’, he turns to Sirius, his eyes sparkling madly. ‘Remus never sends letters - he only sends howlers!’
Sirius chuckles. ‘I howl too! Owoooooo!’
‘Hey, hey, you are going to wake up Lily!’
‘And maybe you don’t want her to see what you did to Harry - Harry, stop that, you are not sending anyone a howler’.
‘I have to tell Ginny I love her!’
‘She already knows, I am sure, you’ve told her’.
‘But I never yelled it!’
‘And she loves you more because of that, come on, give me that letter’.
‘I knew he wouldn’t let you send it’, Sirius says, his voice now smug. ‘Prongsie is old’.
James rolls his eyes.
‘Same age as you, Pads’, he remembers distantly, taking the letter from Harry, though now he realizes he didn’t need to worry. Harry’s letter is unintelligible and he doubts he could cast the spell to turn into a howler.
Harry pouts.
‘Sirius is right, you are square’.
‘We can never have fun’.
‘And you are so serious - more than me, haha!’, Sirius adds, now laying down lazily on the couch, his legs spread. James is about to complain that his shoes are all muddy and Sirius should take them out, but he stops.
Oh, Merlin, he is really getting a bit square, isn’t he?
‘I can be fun’, he stresses, making Sirius let out one of his bark laughs.
‘Yeah, years ago. Before you were a dad - no offence, Harry’.
Harry doesn’t seem to have heard him, which James considers a shame. Harry would surely defend him - he was a cool dad to Harry.
No, he is still a cool dad. The kind that Harry can feel at will to talk about anything, that supports Harry and that is always there for him.
Except that Harry didn’t tell him about working late tonight or going to a bar. Except Harry and Sirius didn’t ask for his company.
And if they did - he thinks of the paper he just finished and how excited he was for it.
He would have said no.
That’s not very cool of him.
‘I will take a flight!’, Harry declares, his eyes shining with this idea and for once James doesn’t feel satisfied with the mischievousness in him.
‘No drinking and flying’, James says sternly, and he decides that he will have to remain uncool for a little longer. ‘You - you stay here! Sirius - watch him. Better than you did so far, I mean’.
Sirius grimaces, evidently annoyed, but he sits next to Harry, who is now mumbling something incomprehensible, though Sirius seems to be listening to him with attention. James leaves them in the living room, locking the door behind him just in case, and goes to Lily’s office hoping she has stored a Hangover Potion. He is in no luck, of course; it’s been years since he and Lily even needed one - James believes it comes with the age knowing when to stop - and there was nothing in Harry’s latest behaviour that showed them they would need it.
For a second James almost considers waking up Lily, knowing she would make the potion in minutes, but he doesn’t want her to see the mess Harry is right now; it’s far better she hears it later than witnessing first hand. He grabs a small cauldron and the ingredients he will need and returns to the living room.
In the few minutes he was out, Harry and Sirius managed to make things strangely worse. There is snow in the room, that he sees Sirius casting from his wand; Harry is perfectly still, the snow making a sort of white hat on his head, his arms wide open and also covered in snow.
‘What -’, James tries to ask, but he just blinks at the weirdness on the scene.
‘Shhhh’, Sirius says, a finger on his lips. ‘Don’t distract him!’
‘What is Harry doing?’
‘Isn’t it obvious? Disguise training! He is a snowman!’
‘He is missing a carrot nose’, James notes, grimacing, and that makes Sirius turn his wand to Harry’s face. ‘I am joking!’
It’s too late; there is a flash of light and then there is a carrot on Harry’s face, replacing his nose.
‘Sirius!’, Harry complains, raising his hand to touch his new nose. His voice is muffled. ‘I can’t have a nose this big! How can I snog Ginny now?’
‘That’s your concern?’, James asks, half-amused, now taking out Sirius’ wand to make sure he doesn’t cast any more magic.
‘I will poke her in the eye!’, Harry says, moping, scratching the tip of his pointy nose thoughtfully.
‘I will transform you back as soon as you drink this potion, now lay still’. Harry sighs, sitting on the couch. Sirius sits next to him, patching him in the back as if he weren’t the one that turned Harry’s nose into a carrot in the first place.
‘Your nose matches her hair’, he says bracingly. ‘You will look beautiful together’.
‘I am not sure this is much comfort, Padfoot’, James notes, placing the cauldron in the fireplace and starting to throw in the ingredients. He could add something for the taste, but he believes the bitterness helps build character.
‘Well, I got him quiet, didn’t I?’, Sirius asks, pointing at Harry who is now sitting on the couch, still playing with his carrot nose.
‘You could have messed up so badly’.
‘I am not that drunk - I watched over your kid, no matter what you think of me’.
James shakes his head.
‘Letting him drink that much? He barely can stand - what if someone -’
‘The war is over, James’, Sirius tells him, sounding much grim now. ‘And like I said, I was there. Me, half-a-dozen junior Aurors and some seniors too’.
‘Unless any Death Eater threat would be a challenge to a drinking contest, I don’t think it would make much difference’.
‘Oh, Merlin’. Sirius sighs, walking to the drink cabinet and opening it to take a bottle of firewhiskey. ‘Here, drink this’.
‘You are sober, I hate talking to sober people when I am pissed. Sober people are boring’.
‘I am not boring’, James complains, pushing away the bottle that Sirius extends in his direction. ‘And I am past the age of being forced to drink to look cool’.
‘Then drink because it’s nice!’, Sirius says forcefully now. ‘Drink because you are alive! Drink because you are happy! Drink because for the first time in his life your son is properly pissed!’
‘That’s not a reason -’
‘That’s enough reason! He is eighteen! What age were we when we first got pissed?’
‘Seventeen’. Sirius raises his eyebrows, waiting for him, and James flushes, turning his attention to the cauldron. The potion is almost over. ‘Fine, fifteen - but it didn’t count, we weren’t thinking straight then’.
‘Yeah. Our first transformation’, Sirius remembers, but there is something heavy on his voice now.
‘What is the problem, Padfoot?’
That makes James stop. He takes the cauldron out of the fire, to let the potion cool down, and turns to Sirius, watching him. Sirius’ eyes are watery as he always gets when he drinks, but he sustains James’ look for a surprisingly full two minutes before he sighs.
‘Fine, you are the problem’.
‘Me? You take my son out for a drink without telling me, return home four in the morning and I am the problem?’
‘Look at what you are saying! He is of age! He was with his friends - and his very trustable godfather! He was having fun for once in his life, instead of living that responsible life you want for him’.
‘Responsible?’, James repeats, dumbfounded. Nobody had ever accused him of wanting to do the responsible thing. ‘I am just being his father’.
‘Well, maybe Harry doesn’t need his father anymore’.
There is a long pause after that. James blinks, once, twice, very slowly, trying to understand what Sirius means by that, and it’s only when he reaches for the drink cabinet to get a glass for the potion, that Sirius moves.
‘Shit - I didn’t mean like that - sorry, James, it’s not -’
‘No, I get it’, James says, his voice forcefully steady. ‘Harry wants the cool father figure that allows him everything - and, well, Sirius “what’s life without a little risk” Black is perfect for that’.
‘Don’t be absurd - that kid worships the ground you walk upon -’
‘And yet he was with you, not me. I get it. I am a father, not a friend’. He offers Sirius a full glass. ‘Drink this, you’ll feel better tomorrow’.
‘No, I deserve the hangover tomorrow, but that’s beside the point. It’s my fault’.
‘I don’t think you forced Harry to drink’, James notes dryly, sitting next to Harry to help him drink the potion. Harry seems to be in another world now, but he obliges to James’ help without questioning.
‘No, that was all on him - I mean it, he’d make you proud, he won a drinking contest with Thompson and he is twice Harry’s size - er, not helping, sorry’. Sirius sits on the other side of Harry. ‘He was going to tell you we’d be out for a drink. And I didn't let him'.
'Why? Why would you -'
'Because I thought you would overreact. Worry too much about him. Don't let him have any fun'.
'I would not -'
'And because I thought he'd ask you to come’.
James blinks. Between them, Harry lays his head on James' shoulder, now watching Sirius with mild curiosity.
‘I would ask’, he agrees, a note of pride in his voice. 
'Am I that bad company?', James asks in a low voice. Sirius shakes his head.
'Would you come with us?', he challenges. James keeps his gaze for a few seconds, but just like Sirius didn't lie for him before, he wouldn't dare speak anything but the truth.
'No, I had things to do today'.
'That article', Sirius scoffs. 'You don't talk about anything else'.
James frowns.
'It's really important - a chance of -'
'Getting yourself a name, I know, I know. But see -', his grey eyes are burning over James now, somewhat desperate. 'The Prongs I know would never care for reputation'.
'The Prongs I know would be honest with me'.
'I am - what are you -'
'I heard you and Kingsley, ok?', he blows off. 'Registering as an animagus? After all this time?'
There is another silence, broken only by the crackling fire.
'I was going to tell you', James says finally. 'I didn't think it was important - you don't have to register too -'
'That's not the point - you are breaking our trust -'
'It's just an entry on a list. It doesn’t change anything, I will keep our full moon nights -'
'When Remus has time, you mean?', he asks, sounding bitter now. 'He missed the last two, he'd rather stay home -'
'He has a kid now -'
'So do you and… you guys are getting old and responsible and too serious for me'.
'Nobody is more serious than you', James says, smiling at him, but Sirius just rolls his eyes and grabs the bottle of firewhiskey on the coffee table, taking a sip.
James extends his hand. Sirius raises one eyebrow, in disbelief, and his expression only relaxes a little when James takes a long sip of the firewhiskey. The drink burns his throat, infusing him with that weird dose of courage and a will to do something, but James just sighs.
'You are no less serious because of it', Sirius notes.
'I got serious - the war, the first one and then the second one and everything - and I think I forgot how to relax - but that doesn't mean… you are my brother, Sirius'.
'The annoying prettier baby brother?'
'You are older', James says, grinning, and after a second of hesitation, Sirius smiles too. 'You can invite me - I mean, we can do things together. Even if it sounds - or is - stupid'.
'Things together like… registering our animagus form?'
James rests against the couch, and Harry moves his head to rest more comfortably on his shoulders; James thinks he will sleep soon.
'You don't need to do it too - Kingsley already knows about you and he is the bloody Minister of Magic, isn't he? This was not about doing the responsible thing'.
'Then why -'
'I want the credit'. James presses his lips, before admitting something he didn't even share with Lily yet. 'I talked to Minerva - if I get back to my studies, get enough recommendation to be approved by the board, I could get her position'.
Sirius blinks, startled.
'Her position? You mean -'
'Transfiguration professor, yeah'.
He looks away now, feeling somewhat embarrassed. It had never really been an ambition - teaching was much more something Remus had always wanted to do than him; James had been glad to focus on his studies and develop new theories of transfiguration until then. 
But ever since Minerva had vented that possibility to him a few weeks after the end of the war, when they were repairing one of the halls destroyed in the battle, that thought had been on his mind. He wasn't in a rush, but the idea of getting back to Hogwarts, this time as a professor, watching other students learn from him as much as he had learned from Minerva McGonagall… he couldn't deny that idea had taken root in his mind.
James always teased her that he had been her favourite student, but the fact was that she was his favourite professor and there was some part of him that wanted to impress her and prove himself good enough to replace her someday.
He waits for Sirius' response, but there is only a silence that doesn't seem good.
'I know it's huge', James mumbles. 'There are others far more capacitated than me, I am starting now to -'
'Shut your mouth, Prongs', interrupts Sirius, and James turns to him. There is a grin on his face. 'Being humble never suited you'.
James laughs softly.
'I wasn’t trying to', he assures him.
'I thought - I thought you had wanted to do the right thing. You know, registering just because you wanted to follow the law, as if… as if you were ashamed of what we did illegally -'
'Now it's you who needs to shut up, Padfoot'. He takes another sip of the firewhiskey. ‘Animagus at age of fifteen? I’m damn proud of it. Also, that’s the only thing that I have done that’s cooler than half the stuff Harry got into’.
‘Yeah, I suppose it’s hard when your son is a bloody hero’.
Harry chooses that moment to start snoring loudly, which sends James and Sirius into a fit of laughter. James raises, careful to let Harry sleep on the couch, and Harry doesn’t look remotely close to waking up.
‘I am glad you took him out for a drink’, James says, taking out Harry’s glasses. ‘I was just jealous - it should have been me’.
‘I am sure there will be another occasion’, Sirius says dismissively. ‘He will probably forget every embarrassing thing he did, you know how that works’.
‘Oh, he embarrassed himself?’, James asks, a glint of fun on his eyes. Sirius smirks.
‘That happy giggling Harry you saw? Just the last stage. He was all cocky at first - that’s how we got into that darts bet’.
‘Harry? My son? Cocky?’
‘Oh, yeah, he reminded me a lot of you’, Sirius’ smirk increases. ‘He was strutting and all’.
‘Tell me you took pictures of it’.
‘I would never’, Sirius declares, though James isn’t sure he believes him this time. ‘And then he got very… honest’.
‘That doesn’t sound good for that stealth mission’.
Sirius shakes his head.
‘If he was spilling out Auror secrets I would be happier - no, instead I had to hear about the time he and Ginny -’
‘Nope, nope, I don’t want to know’.
‘Well, me neither, I won’t ever use your Invisibility Cloak again, you can be sure. But anyway - that’s why he got here so drunk. I decided vodka was the only way to shut him up properly’.
Sirius looks so satisfied with himself and his choices, that James knows what he has to do.
‘It’s late’, he says pleasantly. ‘Crash here tonight’.
‘Oh, I think I will - I am not fit to apparate’.
‘Let’s go upstairs then’.
‘And Harry?’
‘Oh, look at him. He is sleeping so well, he can stay here tonight’.
‘If you are sure’.
‘Yeah, yeah, everything will be fine’.
James has slept barely four hours when he wakes up with Lily’s cry. He puts on his robe lazily, waiting a few minutes to go downstairs; when he passes Sirius’ room, the door is already opened.
He finds them all together in the toilet next to the kitchen, and by the sounds coming out of there, his Hangover Potion wasn’t very efficient.
‘We were working late, Lily’, Sirius is saying, sounding properly desperate. ‘And we went out for a drink -’
‘It was a Tuesday night! He has to work in one hour!’
‘So do I - but you see, I’m his boss, so everything is fine! Also, I don’t think any of the boys will show up -’
‘Perfect’, Lily interrupts him, her eyes sending daggers in Sirius’ direction. ‘Then you can take care of him’. She sees James. ‘Did you know about this?’
‘Me? I was working late on my text, you know’, he answers, yawning and looking very innocent.
Sirius waits until Lily is out for the kitchen to turn to James, his eyes narrowed.
‘You knew she would be mad. That’s why you told me to stick around’.
‘If I knew how my dear wife would react to knowing you got our son pissed? How could I?’
Sirius grimaces as there is another retching sound coming from the bathroom.
‘Oh, you better go there and don’t forget to keep Harry hydrated’.
‘Watch it’, Sirius says, but he goes into the bathroom anyway. ‘I won’t ever show you the pictures’.
James shrugs, undisturbed.
‘That’s fine. Next time Harry gets drunk, I will be there’.
‘I won’t ever ever ever drink again’, Harry moans, hugging the toilet seat now, his face sweaty.
‘Oh, kid, we’ve all been there’, Sirius sighs, flushing down the toilet and helping Harry raise.
James grins to himself, glad that Sirius is doing his godfather duty once again, and leaves them alone.
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Recommendation engines and "lean-back" media
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In William Gibson’s 1992 novel “Idoru,” a media executive describes her company’s core audience:
“Best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It’s covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth…no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections.”
It’s an astonishingly great passage, not just for the image it evokes, but for how it captures the character of the speaker and her contempt for the people who made her fortune.
It’s also a beautiful distillation of the 1990s anxiety about TV’s role in a societal “dumbing down,” that had brewed for a long time, at least since the Nixon-JFK televised debates, whose outcome was widely attributed not to JFK’s ideas, but to Nixon’s terrible TV manner.
Neil Postman’s 1985 “Amusing Ourselves To Death” was a watershed here, comparing the soundbitey Reagan-Dukakis debates with the long, rhetorically complex Lincoln-Douglas debates of the previous century.
(Incidentally, when I finally experienced those debates for myself, courtesy of the 2009 BBC America audiobook, I was more surprised by Lincoln’s unequivocal, forceful repudiations of slavery abolition than by the rhetoric’s nuance)
“Media literacy” scholarship entered the spotlight, and its left flank — epitomized by Chomsky’s 1988 “Manufacturing Consent” — claimed that an increasingly oligarchic media industry was steering society, rather than reflecting it.
Thus, when the internet was demilitarized and the general public started trickling — and then rushing — to use it, there was a widespread hope that we might break free of the tyranny of concentrated, linear programming (in the sense of “what’s on,” and “what it does to you”).
Much of the excitement over Napster wasn’t about getting music for free — it was about the mix-tapification of all music, where your custom playlists would replace the linear album.
Likewise Tivo, whose ad-skipping was ultimately less important than the ability to watch the shows you liked, rather than the shows that were on.
Blogging, too: the promise was that a community of reader-writers could assemble a daily “newsfeed” that reflected their idiosyncratic interests across a variety of sources, surfacing ideas from other places and even other times.
The heady feeling of the time is hard to recall, honestly, but there was a thrill to getting up and reading the news that you chose, listening to a playlist you created, then watching a show you picked.
And while there were those who fretted about the “Daily Me” (what we later came to call the “filter bubble”) the truth was that this kind of active media creation/consumption ranged far more widely than the monopolistic media did.
The real “bubble” wasn’t choosing your own programming — it was everyone turning on their TV on Thursday nights to Friends, Seinfeld and The Simpsons.
The optimism of the era is best summarized in a taxonomy that grouped media into two categories: “lean back” (turn it on and passively consume it) and “lean forward” (steer your media consumption with a series of conscious decisions that explores a vast landscape).
Lean-forward media was intensely sociable: not just because of the distributed conversation that consisted of blog-reblog-reply, but also thanks to user reviews and fannish message-board analysis and recommendations.
I remember the thrill of being in a hotel room years after I’d left my hometown, using Napster to grab rare live recordings of a band I’d grown up seeing in clubs, and striking up a chat with the node’s proprietor that ranged fondly and widely over the shows we’d both seen.
But that sociability was markedly different from the “social” in social media. From the earliest days of Myspace and Facebook, it was clear that this was a sea-change, though it was hard to say exactly what was changing and how.
Around the time Rupert Murdoch bought Myspace, a close friend a blazing argument with a TV executive who insisted that the internet was just a passing fad: that the day would come when all these online kids grew up, got beaten down by work and just wanted to lean back.
To collapse on the sofa and consume media that someone else had programmed for them, anaesthetizing themselves with passive media that didn’t make them think too hard.
This guy was obviously wrong — the internet didn’t disappear — but he was also right about the resurgence of passive, linear media.
But this passive media wasn’t the “must-see TV” of the 80s and 90s.
Rather, it was the passivity of the recommendation algorithm, which created a per-user linear media feed, coupled with mechanisms like “endless scroll” and “autoplay,” that incinerated any trace of an active role for the “consumer” (a very apt term here).
It took me a long time to figure out exactly what I disliked about algorithmic recommendation/autoplay, but I knew I hated it. The reason my 2008 novel LITTLE BROTHER doesn’t have any social media? Wishful thinking. I was hoping it would all die in a fire.
Today, active media is viewed with suspicion, considered synonymous with Qanon-addled boomers who flee Facebook for Parler so they can stan their favorite insurrectionists in peace, freed from the tyranny of the dread shadowban.
But I’m still on team active media. I would rather people actively choose their media diets, in a truly sociable mode of consumption and production, than leaning back and getting fed whatever is served up by the feed.
Today on Wired, Duke public policy scholar Philip M Napoli writes about lean forward and lean back in the context of Trump’s catastrophic failure to launch an independent blog, “From the Desk of Donald J Trump.”
In a nutshell, Trump started a blog which he grandiosely characterized as a replacement for the social media monopolists who’d kicked him off their platforms. Within a month, he shut it down.
While Trump claimed the shut-down was all part of the plan, it’s painfully obvious that the real reason was that no one was visiting his website.
Now, there are many possible, non-exclusive explanations for this.
For starters, it was a very bad social media website. It lacked even rudimentary social tools. The Washington Post called it “a primitive one-way loudspeaker,” noting its lack of per-post comments, a decades old commonplace.
Trump paid (or more likely, stiffed) a grifter crony to build the site for him, and it shows: the “Like” buttons didn’t do anything, the video-sharing buttons created links to nowhere, etc. From the Desk… was cursed at birth.
But Napoli’s argument is that even if Trump had built a good blog, it would have failed. Trump has a highly motivated cult of tens of millions of people — people who deliberately risked death to follow him, some even ingesting fish-tank cleaner and bleach at his urging.
The fact that these cult-members were willing to risk their lives, but not endure poor web design, says a lot about the nature of the Trump cult, and its relationship to passive media.
The Trump cult is a “push media” cult, simultaneously completely committed to Trump but unwilling to do much to follow him.
That’s the common thread between Fox News (and its successors like OANN) and MAGA Facebook.
And it echoes the despairing testimony of the children of Fox cultists, that their boomer parents consume endless linear TV, turning on Fox from the moment they arise and leaving it on until they fall asleep in front of it (also, reportedly, how Trump spent his presidency).
Napoli says that Trump’s success on monopoly social media platforms and his failure as a blogger reveals the role that algorithmically derived, per-user, endless scroll linear media played in the ascendancy of his views.
It makes me think of that TV exec and his prediction of the internet’s imminent disappearance (which, come to think of it, is not so far off from my own wishful thinking about social media’s disappearance in Little Brother).
He was absolutely right that this century has left so many of us exhausted, wanting nothing more than the numbness of lean-back, linear feeds.
But up against that is another phenomenon: the resurgence of active political movements.
After a 12-month period that saw widescale civil unrest, from last summer’s BLM uprising to the bizarre storming of the capital, you can’t really call this the golden age of passivity.
While Fox and OANN consumption might be the passive daily round of one of Idoru’s “vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organisms craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed,” that is in no way true of Qanon.
Qanon is an active pastime, a form of collaborative storytelling with all the mechanics of the Alternate Reality Games that the lean-forward media advocates who came out of the blogging era love so fiercely:
Meanwhile, the “clicktivism” that progressive cynics decried as useless performance a decade ago has become an active contact sport, welding together global movements from Occupy to BLM that use the digital to organize the highly physical.
That’s the paradox of lean-forward and lean-back: sometimes, the things you learn while leaning back make you lean forward — in fact, they might just get you off the couch altogether.
I think that Napoli is onto something. The fact that Trump’s cultists didn’t follow him to his crummy blog tells us that Trump was an effect, not a cause (something many of us suspected all along, as he’s clearly neither bright nor competent enough to inspire a movement).
But the fact that “cyberspace keeps everting” (to paraphrase “Spook Country,” another William Gibson novel) tells us that passive media consumption isn’t a guarantee of passivity in the rest of your life (and sometimes, it’s a guarantee of the opposite).
And it clarifies the role that social media plays in our discourse — not so much a “radicalizer” as a means to corral likeminded people together without them having to do much. Within those groups are those who are poised for action, or who can be moved to it.
The ease with which these people find one another doesn’t produce a deterministic outcome. Sometimes, the feed satisfies your urge for change (“clicktivism”). Sometimes, it fuels it (“radicalizing”).
Notwithstanding smug media execs, the digital realm equips us to “express our mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire” by doing much more than “changing the channels on a universal remote” — for better and for worse.
Image: Ian Burt (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/oddsock/267206444
CC BY: https://creativecommo
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Heyyy, could you do a headcannon post for tsukki, kenma, suga, Kageyama, and kurro, and how they would go about proposing to their s/o. I love your writing btw!!! 💜
proposal hcs make me so sOFT, and thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺 It means a lot! I’m going to bury myself in these hcs to get rid of the stress my uni are giving me rn also kageyama’s is so long omg i got a little carried away
slight timeskip spoilers (kenma, sugawara, kageyama, kuroo)
Requests are open!
Proposal Headcanons - Tsukishima, Kenma, Sugawara, Kageyama and Kuroo
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Tsukishima wasn’t one for extravagant publics displays of love and affection, so his proposal wouldn’t be either
he wanted it to be natural, not some crazy, over-the-top event that had everyone in the neighbourhood witnessing
it would be around 5-10 years (depending on how old you were when you started dating) of being together when Tsukishima decided he wanted to marry you, it’s not that he never thought about it, he just wanted to be sure this was the right decision for both of you
he had mentioned marriage to you one night a few months before proposing to test the waters and see your opinion so that he could gauge whether you would say yes or not
he took Yamaguchi with him to pick out a ring, he was great friends with you too so he knew your style and preferences well to help out Tsukishima
the proposal itself what somewhat planned, he knew the day he was going to do it but, other than that, he left it open to change
the two of you had gone for an evening walk across a pathway that overlooked the town, something you two do often to wind down
you two hadn’t spoke much, a comfortable, warm silence surrounding you besides pointing out the odd squirrel or brief check-ups on each others day
both of you had stopped at a railing on your walk, leaning against it to watch the sun set over the tall buildings
his hand was in yours, brushing his thumb over the back of it as he looked out to the view
“I love you (Y/N),” his voice was quiet but it seemed certain
he wasn’t the kind of man that told you he loved you multiple times a day, it was reserved for special moments and the times where he couldn’t get how lucky he was to have you out of his mind
“I love you too Kei,” you didn’t need to be loud, or shout your confession to the world to know that you both meant it deeply
“Marry me,” it sounded more like a instruction than a question and his gaze hadn’t left the sky
“W-what?” had you heard him wrong? was this a joke?
he turned his eyes to you, locking them with yours - this was the most serious and sincere you had ever seen him
“Marry me,” he repeated
you stood with your mouth slightly open, eyes wide as he pulled out a box from his pocket, opening it to display a simple, yet stunning ring
“I always thought that if you went for what you truly wanted, it would just end in pain and disappointment, that all the effort and sentiment would be for nothing, but with you it’s so easy. I might never be, but I want to become the best man for you, that you deserve, so marry me.”
gets married for tax purposes
marriage was not something Kenma had ever though about in his life growing up
he never thought he would get married or find someone he had a connection with and, honestly, he was fine with that
he didn’t really see the appeal of it in the first place
it wasn’t until many years down the line of being with you and his friends around him getting into relationships when he started to consider the possibility
the first time it came into his head was at Kuroo’s wedding
he spent most of the time wishing he could go home and get out of this uncomfortable suit, but there were times when he say Kuroo’s beaming smile that he was glad he came
some of the ex-nekoma team members had poked at him with questions of when he was going to get ‘hitched’, which he responded to with a sigh
he certainly wasn’t going to propose because others told him he needed to
the next time it crossed his mind was when he started a new game that his fans had recommended he play
it was a romance game which wasn’t his usual go-to genre, but it had incredible reviews and created a storm in the gaming world so he thought he might as well check it out
through the game he got to witness an endearing story of a couple that went at odds to be together
the story delved into their married life and all the little things they enjoyed together through the years
he didn’t really want to admit it, but it did make him feel a little emotional
he saw himself and you in the characters, as if he was watching his own life play out on his screen
every now and then you and Kenma played some games together so you could spend time with him and he could show you want had been interesting him lately, so he decided to show you this game
you thought it was adorable, so heartwarming yet a little sad at points, but you had always been a little more outwardly emotional then Kenma
“imagine if we got married haha, how cute would that be!” you gushed out in the moment without thinking as you played
“eh...I guess” it wasn’t really the answer you were hoping for, but at least he didn’t sound utterly disgusted by the thought
you continued to play with him for a while, tucked into his side and making comments every now and then
a particular endearing part was plating on the screen and your eyes shone as they fixated on the characters
he could tell by the glassy look that you were getting a little affected by the story, but you looked so cute
the way your lip pouted ever so slightly, and how you gripped at his hoodie, as if to steady yourself
he had a sudden rush of adoration for you, he really did love you and the last couple years of you living together had been wonderful, how he got to wake up beside you, do daily chores with you, how you supported him in his many careers
“Maybe we should get married,” he blurted out, you whipped your head towards him so fast you almost got whiplash
“Are you...proposing?” you questioned, with somewhat of a laugh in your voice
“huh...looks like I am.”
Sugawara was sensible, mature, a little bit of a tease and sometimes chaotic if Daichi wasn’t watching but also traditional
he had often thought about what it would be like to grow up, get married and have a family
it wouldn’t take long before he knew he wanted to marry you, even throughout the 3 years you had already been together he had daydreamed about marrying you more times than he could count
from all the memories you had together, all the times you helped enough other in rough patches and the learning the two of you wanted to continue in the future had him certain that he wanted you beside him forever
so he set out his plan
he took his old teammates, Daichi and Asahi with him on a hunt to find the perfect ring
Daichi was there to keep him in check and calm his nerves, although Asahi was probably the most nervous and Asahi had a great eye for stylish, beautiful pieces due to his designing career
now it was time to plan
he didn’t want it to be crazy, but he wanted it to be something, a whole event in itself
so he scheduled a meal for the two of you and some of your friends
it was at quite a fancy restaurant in the evening and your group had its own secluded table at the back, surrounded with dividers from the rest of the restaurant
all of you spent the meal catching up and laughing, but Sugawara seemed a little quieter than usual
you had asked him if he was ok, but he just replied with an ‘of course!’ and a smile, so you let it be
Asahi was shaking but you put that off to general anxiety
you guys had ordered desserts and everyone had gotten theirs first
as the waiter brought yours over, the table went silent
the waiter came from your left, Sugawara on your right, so you had looked over as he came
as he set the plate down, you noticed the words spelled out in chocolate sauce 
“Will you marry me?” 
you gasped and turned towards Sugawara, who was now on one knee next to you, holding out an open ring box
“I have known for so long that I wanted to marry you. You’re beautiful, smart, courageous and so loving, and I want to have you by my side forever. I promise I will continue to grow as your partner and take care of you every step of the way, so, will you marry me?”
the only thing in this boy’s brain is you and volleyball, its all his one braincell can cope with
that being said, he has never once thought about marriage
his whole life he has spend all his energy and focus on becoming a better player, the best setter he possibly can and standing on the court longer
but you were the first person to get him, to understand him and accept him as is while helping him improve and grow
you helped him to open up and communicate with people better
you helped him whenever he was frustrated with volleyball and a certain play he was working tirelessly on
you never once turned your back on him when he struggled or lost his temper
you were his partner, but it was different from a volleyball partner
he cared for you, every part of you, and always wanted to know if you were ok or spend time with you
you made him genuinely smile everyday and he knew that he wanted to be your partner for life
it came about when he was hanging out with Hinata on one of their rare days off to catch up
he had been talking about you constantly, expressing how much he loved you and adored you
“Why don’t you just marry them?” Hinata questioned with his held tilted, as if it was obvious
“w-what? Hinata boke!” he shouted as his face grew red and pushed Hinata aside
the two talked about it and Kageyama decided, very bashfully, that yeah, he should just marry you
but how does he ask you that?
he knew nothing about marriage or proposals, so he spend the next few weeks asking his friends, teammates, even his coach on how to propose to you
“Take them to an expensive restaurant!”
“Wouldn’t it be cute to propose in Disneyland??”
“Well, I proposed to my partner by sending them on a scavenger hunt”
he was bombarded with ideas, but none of them seemed right
none of them seemed like him
he was getting frustrated with the pressure of coming up with a good way to ask you to be his forever, it had to be perfect, it had to be special and it had to fit with your relationship
you noticed he was getting agitated a lot more recently, he was quieter and snapped more often, he stayed back later at the gym to train and he rarely ate dinner with you anymore
whenever you asked what the problem was, he replied with an ‘it’s nothing’ and stormed off
his teammates had noticed too and were less than pleased with his attitude as it affected their gameplay
one of his teammates had begged you to come to the gym and talk some sense into him when he started continuously overworking himself
it was 7pm when you set off from your house to the gym where he was still training
as you entered, you noticed that he was the only one here, hitting serve after serve that never seemed to land right
“Tobio,” you called out
“Baby,” you tried again but you couldn’t catch his attention from his deep focus on the ball
you walked over to him and lightly grabbed his arm, stopping him from serving the ball again
“Tobio, what’s wrong? Everyone is worried about you. Are you having trouble with a play? Because we can sort that out with your coach-”
he cut you off by mumbling something under his breath, much too quiet for you to hear
“What was that?” 
“I want to ask you to marry me and I don’t know how,” he said louder this time, his eyes staring at the ball in his hand as he gripped it tightly
“O-oh, right...” you were stunned, speechless, this wasn’t something you thought you would hear from him
“Everyone’s been telling me how to do it, but none of them seem right,” his voice was low and his gaze still hadn’t let the ball
you put a finger under his chin and lifted his face towards you
“It doesn’t need to be what everyone else tells you, we can do things our own way,” you tried to comfort him with a smile and he simply stared back at you
“So go on then,” you were beaming at him by now, yet his face got even tighter with confusion
“Go on, ask me to marry you.”
his jaw hung wide open, his eyes seemed to be staring into your skull like he had seen a ghost, this is certainly not what he expected
he tried to speak a couple times, stumbling on his words as they got caught in his throat
“It’s ok, take your time,” you brushed your thumb over the back of his hand as you held it, encouraging him to continue
“w-will you....will...willyoumarryme?”
BONUS: you two picked out a ring together afterwards, this boy has no sense of style, don’t trust him by himself
Kuroo had jokingly asked you to marry time multiple times throughout your relationship
the first couple times ended with you being a blushing mess while he teased you
but by now you just tell him to shut up go off sis
marrying you had always been part of the plan for him, just a natural progression of your relationship
while Kuroo can be quite the tease, he was extremely serious of his relationship with you and your future
he started off his plan by asking your dad if he would like to spend the day together, you know, father-son-in-law bonding time
what your dad wasn’t prepared for was Kuroo to turn up in a shirt, suit trousers and confess how he wanted to marry you
he had a whole speech prepared about how he would be the best husband for you, how he would be sure to take good care of you and, possibly, be the best father in the future if you planned to have children
you dad had to eventually shut him up as Kuroo kept going, saying how he would be delighted to have you marry the man
step one: check
now he needed to find the right ring
he had a look around at multiple stores but he couldn’t find anything that was unique enough to be called yours and that captured you or your relationship
since Kuroo had quite the high-paying job plus a little backing from a certain famous youtuber so the cost wasn’t an issue and he wanted to spoil you
so he got one custom made
he sat with a designer for hours creating the most stunning, distinctive ring that he knew you would love
step two: check
over the next couple days he planned a meet-up evening with your family and his where he would pop the question
you both had spent the day cooking and preparing for the evening before they all come to your house
you had all finished dinner and moved over to the living room to chat
Amidst all the chatter, Kuroo stood up and cleared his throat, grabbing everyone’s attention
“I have something I’d like to say,” he said with confidence, then turning to you with a grin
“The last few years with you have been perfect. We’ve had some ups and downs, but we have made so many amazing memories together. You really are my other half and I think everyday about how truly lucky I am to call you mine. You know me better than anyone else. I know I’ve asked you this a couple times in the past when we’re laughing together, but this time I’m serious,”
he got down on one knee, holding one of your hands while presenting the custom ring in the other
“will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
and the crowd goes wild
Tagging @togasknifes so she can read Kageyama ty ly
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maariarogers · 4 years
Thoughts on True Beauty and Why I’m On Team Suho
Ever since the tv show started, I’ve begin thinking and noticing for a while now that, more than anything, I’m more #TeamSuho than I am #TeamSeojun.
And the thought of “why do I think like that?” kept repeating in my head, because, if I’m honest, the casualness that Seojun and Jugyeong shared early in the series (I’m talking webtoon and, truth be told, a bit of the tv series) really struck me as them having a much easier and playful, therefore fun, relationship. Which makes for an interesting dynamic than what Jugyeong had with Suho.
So, here are my thoughts why I think I prefer Suho with Jugyeong towards the end.
To warn, this is, firstly, have nothing against any of the characters or the ships! I’m merely sharing an in-depth analysis of my thoughts on my own view why I prefer Suho with Jugyeong. Secondly, I’ll be referencing a lot of the webtoon rather than the tv series (although I feel like I’d like to spill my thoughts on that soon, so I don’t know if that long analysis of “why I surprisingly find myself enjoy the adaptation more than I thought I would” is coming soon, buuuut yeah, we’ll see) so, please be aware of spoilers.
As reference, I’m currently at Chapter 124 of the English-translated version of True Beauty as I’m writing this, but I am aware of spoilers ahead of the chapters.
Another Warning: This is so long. Oh my god. How did I manage to write it this long? So. There’s that.
Okay. So. What brought this on?
Honestly, it was just the excitement from knowing that True Beauty was airing soon and I was just so interested to see the dynamics the actors were going to play out rather than just seeing the characters across the a page screen in comic strips as I’ve been following them since I stumbled into the webtoon about, yikes, a year ago?
But – more than anything, I just really wanted to see how Suho played out.
1. So, What’s The Deal With Suho?
If I’m honest, I’ve always thought that Suho is laughably (yikes) boring. Not necessarily in a bad way, no! I actually think it’s one of the things that’s made him quite appealing — in ways that, in other settings, I would have actually found him uninteresting and easily passable as a main lead. But not in this particular world.
To add: the Author also referenced this many, many times throughout the webtoon. Quite brilliantly, in fact — specifically, from Sua’s point of view, as she points out quite a few times that, besides from Suho’s looks, “he’s really got nothing going on for him” or that “he’s boring”. (I frickin’ love Sua in both the webtoon and tv show!)
This was also a really important plot device during the Prince of Princes (Did I get this name right? Omg) competition TV show when the influencer (again, I really can’t be bothered with what’s-his-name) actually called Suho out for basically “not trying his best” when everybody else was clearly giving his all. This triggered Suho to actually act outside of his comfort zone and actually wanted to pose for a sexy photoshoot.
I do also honestly think he’s clinically depressed on top of just having had naturally adapted a much calmer composure to compare with an easily expressive Jugyeong and a very charismatic Seojun. But the thing is, the author really made Suho “boring” on purpose — and the best thing is? It works.
Because as much as Suho is “expressionless” — as in, he doesn’t really emote whatever his feelings as honest or as obvious as the other two leads — he can still carry his character well. Like Jugyeong has learned over time, we start to figure out that, oh, Suho has to put his act together because his father’s famous and he doesn’t want to tarnish that reputation. He’s ruthless to admirers because he’s logical about rejecting unwanted advances. He’s surprisingly rigid and slightly cold, but only because he’s used to only have himself as company.
In all honesty, I’m still trying to wrap my head around Suho. I still don’t quite understand why I’m so fascinated by his personality when, if those sort of “dark brooding” tropes were played in other medias, I would have rolled my eyes and rejected it instantly for how much it’s overplayed.
But I didn’t. Not with Suho. 
Perhaps, an angst-lover at heart, his unrequited relationship with Jugyeong really struck with me. His patience when he’s obviously hurting as Jugyeong dismissed their almost-romance, or when Seojun and her were being lovey-dovey in front of him was really incredible. Suho rarely lost his composure, which was quite a feat considering as readers we know he still has lingering feelings towards Jugyeong, and I felt like that spoke volume about his character.
(Besides that, Suho was always so incredibly respectful — not only towards Jugyeong but also towards Seojun. Seojun obviously learned it much later on, but Suho never once carried any ill-intention when he learned Seojun and Jugyeong were together. In fact, again and again, he congratulated and cheered them on, even when we knew later that he feels awful for the lost chances. Still, Suho never acted violently or aggressively. Not once. It was only Seojun who had easily misunderstood him and thus, reacted badly.)
(Although again, that’s so brilliant on the author — because Seojun’s quick-temper is such a staple and big part of what made Seojun Seojun. I’m happy that he acted that way, because that meant his characteristics are consistent from when we first saw him in the webtoon. Of course, that doesn’t mean the temper in and of itself is always good, but — it’s realistic for him.)
2. So, Why Jugyeong and Suho?
Now, this is the part where it gets tricky.
A lot of the fans — some of which are my own friends, and people I knew — abandoned the webtoon because the drama has gotten “tacky” or Jugyeong’s growth has been “stunted” for a few chapters. I can’t say I totally disagree, because I do see there’s quite a lag in the plot, buuuuuuut.... I do feel like the author adds that in on purpose.
Of course! I might be wrong! But hear me out.
I think it’s on purpose because it wants to show the development of Seojun and Jugyeong’s relationship – and why it didn’t work. (Again, anything can happen; I’m only at Ch124, so things might still change for Team Seojun!) Of course, for all those who are aware of the spoilers, the answer was simple: they didn’t work because the agency asked Jugyeong to stop dating Seojun due to his rising status as an idol.
It’s more than that, though.
I’ve also been reading a few comments and some of them pointed out how they thought that Jugyeong has always seemed more relaxed and more playful when she’s with Suho than she is when she’s with Seojun. But... I do have to slightly disagree. Only slightly. Because, if we review the arc during their high school when Jugyeong liked Suho, she was obviously more comfortable and were able to tease and be more playful with Seojun — but she was a little guarded with Suho, which was understandable. She didn’t want to look bad in front of her crush.
I’ve always felt a little threatened at this point because, man, Seojun and Jugyeong’s chemistry was so, so good during this arc. I love Seojun, I really do. He is such a nice and considerate man in ways that I really didn’t think he could be when we saw him as a teenager — but the author really pulled him off well. And he’s so sweet, too? So loyal? Ugh.
The downside is, though — he doesn’t push Jugyeong.
More than that, their relationship (perhaps because they were each other’s first true, committed relationship) really caused each other massive anxiety. Jugyeong wasn’t really honest all the time due to this — not her feelings and not her concerns, and Seojun became an unnecessarily worry-wart even when he shouldn’t be. This had, several times, led him to become inconsiderably possessive i.e. during the time he fought with Suho when Suho had only wanted to help.
Of course, they sort the issue out in the end and Seojun started to reform himself to be an even better partner. But... you can tell, in a lowkey sort of way, that the good-feeling they had when they were just friends, it isn’t really there anymore. They don’t really have fun together. (Although maybe that’s just because Seojun became busy and/or the author skip most of their dates along, so — I might be biased a bit regarding this!)
But with Suho, even as friends, Suho has always pushed Jugyeong — more than just about her bare face, he pushed her to pursue what she wants to do. Not only that, he encouraged it; he helped her.
Which is why I think the plot became slightly stagnant in the moment: because, like Jugyeong, we’re focusing too much on her relationship with Seojun and what would it mean when Seojun became an idol. We’re carried along with her anxiety, with their upside down, with Jugyeong’s worries. We’re stuck in Jugyeong’s first relationship — and that’s it.
But with Suho, the plot moves: Suho pushes Jugyeong to study, Suho talks to her about her ambitions, Suho makes her confronts her fears, and one of the best parts of the series so far — when Suho was consulting her after Selena scolded Jugyeong for messing up on set — Suho recognised what she wants to do, what she likes to do, and he encourages her for it. He comforts her, and tells her to not give up. So now, we see her wanting to try her best in wanting to help Selena.
With Suho, I feel as if... Jugyeong’s focus grows more than just her being upset about one single relationship. Suho’s calamity and logic straightforwardness probably helps — it doesn’t cause as much anxiety as Suho’s relatively honest, which Jugyeong can depend on and seems to explicitly trust — and Jugyeong’s story, once again, grows to be more than just another love story.
It’s become a story of her trying to find a place in the world again, of her trying to figure out what exactly she can do for herself despite all these obstacles and hurdles.
I’m not saying with Seojun, she doesn’t go through any character development at all, no — but her focus tends to single-handedly narrow towards Seojun directly and their relationship, and it leaves very little for Jugyeong to really consider anything else, specially her own growth, which is equally important.
With Suho, she’s just able to do that a bit better, and we can see she’s slightly more comfortable too.
(And, before anybody comes at me, yes, I do think Jugyeong pushes Suho too. She literally recommends Suho books that he doesn’t seem he was going to read anytime soon, or he could’ve overlooked it easily — but she does that. She pushes him out of his comfort zone and suggested a new author / series. And Suho reads it, and he learns that he likes it. It’s the same when she recommends the music app. Or the hairdo. She’s always been a giant force pushing Suho forward; Suho’s always trying to change and/or improve himself when Jugyeong comes in.)
3. Conclusion
This is sooo long so I thank you if you’ve made it this far! I’m just really, really happy with the TV series and these thoughts about why I adore Suho have been nagging at me.
I hope everyone likes the full analysis of my messy thoughts as much as I enjoyed writing it fully on a whim at 1am.
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geshertzarmeod · 4 years
Favorite Books of 2020
I wanted to put together a list! I read 74 new books this year, and I keep track of that on Goodreads - feel free to add or follow me if you want to see everything! I’m going to focus on the highlights, and the books that stuck with me personally in one way or another, in approximate order. Also, all but two of them (#5 and #7 on the honorable mention list) are queer/trans in some way. Links are to Goodreads, but if you’re looking to get the books, I suggest your library, the Libby app using your library, your local bookstore, or Bookshop.
The Faggots & Their Friends Between Revolutions by Larry Mitchell, illus. by Ned Asta (originally published 1977). I had a hard beginning of the year and was in a work environment where my queerness was just not welcomed or wanted. I read this in the middle of all of that, and it helped me so much. I took this book with me everywhere. I read it on planes. I read it on the bus, and on trains, and at shul. I showed it to friends... sometimes at shul, or professional development conferences. It healed my soul. Now I can’t find it and might get a new copy. When I reviewed it, in February, I wrote: “I think we all need this book right now, but I really needed this book right now. Wow. This book is magic, and brings back a sense of magic and beauty to my relationship with the world.” Also I bought my copy last July, in a gay bookstore on Castro St. in SF, and that in itself is just beautiful to me. (Here’s a post I made with some excerpts)
Once & Future duology, especially the sequel, Sword in the Stars, by A.R. Capetta and Cory McCarthy. Cis pansexual female King Arthur Ari Helix (she's the 42nd reincarnation and the first female one) in futuristic space with Arab ancestry (but like, from a planet where people from that area of earth migrated to because, futuristic space) works to end Future Evil Amazon.com Space Empire with her found family with a token straight cis man and token white person. Merlin is backwards-aging so he's a gay teenager with a crush and thousands of years of baggage. The book’s entire basis is found family, and it's got King Arthur in space. And the sequel hijacks the original myth and says “fuck you pop culture, it was whitewashed and straightwashed, there were queer and trans people of color and strong women there the whole time.” Which is like, my favorite thing to find in media, and a big part of why I love Xena so much. It’s like revisionist history to make it better except it’s actually probably true in ways. Anyway please read these books but also be prepared for an absolutely absurd and wild ride. Full disclosure though, I didn’t love the first book so much, it’s worth it for the sequel!
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum. This book hurt. It still hurts. But it was so good. It took me on a whole journey, and brought me to my destination just like it intended the whole time. The author’s note at the end made me cry! The sheer NEED from this book, the way the main relationship develops and shifts, and how you PERCEIVE the main relationship develops and shifts. I’m in awe of Ancrum’s writing. If you like your ships feral and needy and desperate and wanting and D/S vibes and lowkey super unhealthy but with the potential, with work, to become healthy and beautiful and right, read this book. This might be another one to check trigger warnings for though.
The Entirety of The Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty. I hadn’t heard of this series until this year, when a good friend recommended it to me. It filled the black hole in me left by Harry Potter. The political and mystical/fantasy world building is just *chef’s kiss* - the complexity! The morally grey, everyone’s-done-awful-things-but-some-people-are-still-trying-to-do-good tapestry! The ROMANCE oh my GOD the romance. If I’m absolutely fully invested in a heterosexual romance you know a book is good, but also this book had background (and then later less background) queer characters! And the DRAMA!!! The third book went in a direction that felt a little out of nowhere but honestly I loved the ride. I stayed up until 6am multiple times reading this series and I’d do it again.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon. I loved this book so much that it’s the only book I reviewed on my basically abandoned attempt at a book blog. This book is haunting, horrifying, disturbing, dark, but so, so good. The character's voices were so specific and clear, the relationships so clearly affected by circumstance and yet loving in the ways they could be. This is my favorite portrayal of gender maybe ever, it’s just... I don’t even have the words but I saw a post @audible-smiles​ made about it that’s been rattling in my head since. And, “you gender-malcontent. You otherling,” as tender pillow talk??? Be still my heart. Be ready, though, this book has all the triggers.. it’s a .
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender. This book called me out on my perspective on love. Also, it made me cry a lot. And it has two different interesting well-written romance storylines. And a realistic coming-into-identity narrative about a Black trans demiboy. And a nuanced discussion of college plans and what one might do after college. And some big beautiful romcom moments. I wish I had it in high school. I’m so glad I have it now! (trigger warning for transphobia & outing, but the people responsible are held accountable by the end, always treated as not okay by the narrative, and the MC’s friends, and like... this is ownvoices and it’s GOOD.)
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. My Goodreads review says, “I have no idea what happened, and I loved it.” That’s not wrong, but to delve deeper, this book has an ethereal feeling that you get wrapped up in while reading. Nothing makes sense but that’s just as it should be. You’re hooked. It is so atmospheric, so meta, so fascinating. I’ve seen so many people say they interpreted this character or that part or the ending in all different ways and it all makes sense. And it’s all of this with a gay main character and romance and the central theme, the central pillar being a love of and devotion to stories. Of course I was going to love it.
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl’s Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom. “Because maybe what really matters isn’t whether something is true, or false. Maybe what matters is the story itself; what kinds of doors it opens, what kinds of dreams it brings.” This book was so good and paradigm shifting. It reminded me of #1 on this list in the way it turns real life experience and hard, tragic ones at that (in this case, of being a trans girl of color who leaves home and tries to make a life for herself in the city, with its violence), into a beautiful, haunting fable. Once upon a time.
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. I need to reread this book, as I read it during my most tranceful time of 2020 and didn’t write a review, so I forgot a lot. What I do remember is beautiful and important nonbinary representation, a really cute romance, an interesting parental and familial/sibling dynamic that was both heartbreaking and hopeful, and an on-page therapy storyline. Also Mason Deaver just left twitter but was an absolutely hilarious troll on it before leaving and I appreciate that (and they just published a Christmas novella that I have but haven’t read yet!)
The Truth Is by NoNieqa Ramos. It took a long time to trust this book but I’m so glad I did. It’s raw and real and full of grief and trauma (trigger warnings, that I remember, for grief, death (before beginning of book), and gun violence). The protagonist is flawed and gets to grow over the course of the book, and find her own place, and learn from the people around her, while they also learn to understand her and where she’s coming from. It’s got a gritty, harsh, and important portrayal of found family, messy queerness, and some breathtaking quotes. When I was 82% through this book I posted this update: “This book has addressed almost all of my initial hesitations, and managed to complicate itself beautifully.”
Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro.  I wasn’t actually in the best mental health place to read this book when I did (didn’t quite understand what it was) but it definitely reminded me of what there is to fight against and to fight for, and broke my heart, and nudged me a bit closer to hope. The naturally diverse cast of characters was one of the best parts of this book. The romance is so sweet and tender and then so painful. This book is important and well-written but read it with caution and trigger warnings - it’s about grief and trauma and racism and police brutality, but also about love and community.
The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden.  This is a sci-fi/fantasy/specfic mashup that takes place in near-future South Africa and has world-building myths with gods and demigoddesses and a trip to the world of the dead but also a genetically altered hallucinogenic drug that turns people into giant animals and a robot uprising and a political campaign and a transgender pop star and a m/m couple and all of them are connected. It’s bonkers. Like, so, so absolutely mind-breaking weird. And I loved it.
Crier’s War and Iron Heart by Nina Varela.  I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVED the amount of folktales they told each other with queer romances as integral to those stories, especially in Iron Heart. A conversation between the two leads where Crier says she wants to read Ayla like a book, and Ayla says she’s not a book, and Crier explains all the different ways she wants to know Ayla, like a person, and wants to deserve to know her like a person, made me weak. It lives in my head rent-free.
Queen’s Shadow by E.K. Johnston @ekjohnston . I listened to this book on Libby and then immediately listened to it at least one more time, maybe twice, before my borrow time ran out. I love Padmé, and just always wish that female Star Wars characters got more focus and attention and this book gave me that!! And queer handmaidens! And the implication that Sabé is in love with Padmé and that’s just something that will always be true and she will always be devoted and also will make her own life anyway. And the Star Wars audiobooks being recorded the way they are with background sounds and music means it feels like watching a really long detailed beautiful Star Wars movie just about Padmé and her handmaidens.
Sissy: A Coming of Gender Story by Jacob Tobia. I needed to read this. The way Tobia talks about their experience of gender within the contexts of college, college leadership, and career, hit home. I kept trying to highlight several pages in a row on my kindle so I could go back and read them after it got returned to the library (sadly it didn’t work - it cuts off highlights after a certain number of characters). The way they talk about TOKENISM they way they talk about the responsibilities of the interviewer when an interviewee holds marginalized identities especially when no one else in the room does!!! Ahhhh!!!
Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie. Disclaimer for this one that the author was rightfully criticized for writing a Black main character as a white author (and how the story ended up playing into some fucked up stuff that I can’t really unpack without spoiling). But also, the author has been working to move forward knowing she can’t change the past, has donated her proceeds, and this book is really good? It has all the fanfic tropes, so much delicious tension, a totally unexpected plot twist that had me immediately rereading the book. This book was super fun and also kind of just really really good Star Wars fanfiction.
How To Be a Normal Person by T.J. Klune. This book was so sweet, and cute, and hopeful, and both ridiculous and so real. I had some trouble getting used to Gus’ voice and internal monologue, but I got into it and then loved every bit after. The ace rep is something I’ve never seen like this before (and have barely read any ace books but still this was so fleshed out and well rounded and not just like, ‘they’re obsessed with swords not sex’ - looking at you, Once & Future - and leaving it there.) This all felt like a slice of life and I feel like I learned about people while reading it. Some of the moments are so, so funny, some are vaguely devastating. I have been personally victimized by TJ Klune for how he ends this book (a joke, you will know once you read it) but it also reminds me of the end of the “You Are There” episode of Xena and we all know what the answer to that question was.... and I choose to believe the answer here was similar.
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson. I wish I had this book when I was in high school. I honestly have complicated feelings about prom and haven’t really been seeking out contemporary YA so I was hesitant to read this but it was so good and so well-written, and had a lot of depth to it. The movie (and Broadway show) “The Prom” wants what this book has.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth. I never read horror books, so this was a new thing for me. I loved the feeling of this book, the way I felt fully immersed. I loved how entirely queer it was. I was interested in the characters and the relationships, even though we didn’t have a full chance to go super deep into any one person but rather saw the connections between everyone and the way the stories matched up with each other. I just wanted a bit of a more satisfying ending.
Honorable Mention: reread in 2020 but read for the first time pre-2020
Red White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. I couldn’t make this post without mentioning this book. It got me through this year. I love this book so much; I think of this book all the time. This book made me want to find love for myself. You’ve all heard about it enough but if you haven’t read this book what are you DOING.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan @sarahreesbrennan​ . I reread this one over and over too, both as text and as an audiobook. I went for walks when I had lost my earbuds and had Elliott screaming about an elf brothel loudly playing and got weird looks from someone walking their dog. I love this book so much. It’s just so fun, and so healing to read a book reminiscent of all the fantasies I read as a kid, but with a bi main character and a deconstruction of patriarchy and making fun of the genre a bit. Also, idiots to lovers is a great trope and it’s definitely in this book.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. This book is forever so important to me. I am always drawn in by how tenderly Sáenz portrays his characters. These boys. These boys and their parents. I love them. I love them so much. This is another one where I don’t even know what to say. I have more than 30 pages in my tag for this book. I have “arda” set as a keyboard shortcut on my phone and laptop to turn into the full title. This book saved my life.
Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. This book hurts to read - it’s a story about trauma, about working through that trauma, healing enough to be ready to hold the worst memories, healing enough to move through the pain and start to make a life. It’s about found family and love and pain and I love it. It’s cathartic. And it’s a little bit quietly queer in a beautiful way, but that’s not the focus. Look up trigger warnings (they kind of are spoilery so I won’t say them here but if you have the potential to be triggered please look them up or ask me before reading)
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine.  When asked what my all time favorite book is, it’s usually this one. Gail Carson Levine has been doing live readings at 11am since the beginning of the pandemic shut down in the US, and the first book she read was Ella Enchanted. I’ve been slowly reading it to @mssarahpearl and am just so glad still that it has the ability to draw me in and calm me down and feels like home after all this time. This book is about agency. I love it.
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman @chronicintrovert . I’ve had this on my all-time-faves list since I read it a few years ago and ended up rereading it this year before sending a gift copy to a friend, so I could write little notes in it. It felt a little different reading it this time - as I get further away from being a teenager myself, the character voice this book is written in takes a little longer to get used to, but it’s so authentic and earnest and I love it. I absolutely adore this book about platonic love and found family and fandom and mental illness and abuse and ace identity and queerness and self-determination, especially around college and career choices. Ahhh. Thank you Alice Oseman!!!
Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray @claudiagray​ . I have this one on audible and reread it several times this year. I love the fleshing out of Leia’s story before the original trilogy, I love her having had a relationship before Han, and the way it would have affected her perspective. I also am intrigued by the way it analyses the choices the early rebellion had to make... I just, I love all the female focused new Star Wars content and the complexity being brought to the rebellion.
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pantstomatch · 3 years
I love your writing, and (the cliche, it burns) one day I'd like to publish too. But a lot of things have changed since the last time I was confident in trying to do this, and I wondered if you would talk about the process (getting an agent, that sort of thing) if you're comfortable and have the time. It's also cool if you privately respond, if you'd prefer, I'm just trying to figure out how to get started again? And so many tips are "publish on Amazon!"
Thank you!!!! Okay, so here’s the thing. I’m probably not the best person to ask about this, because I’m actually really bad at being published, but I can tell you some stuff that I’ve learned? That might be helpful? I ended up being long-winded, so (if tumblr works right here) everything is under the cut...
1. Querying!
So in general, querying sucks balls. Like… it’s probably the worst thing you’ll ever have to do. You’re gonna want to research what agents are looking for the kind of stuff you want to write or have written. Some are looking for certain genres or what they think is marketable, and you want to send your query to someone who’s open to what you have, or it’s a waste. Most likely the agency website or the agents “I’m looking for…” page or whatever will give you specific instructions on what to include in your query email - how the subject should be written, what they’re looking for, how many pages of your manuscript they want to see, how to attach it to the email and in what form, and if they want a synopsis of your novel. Some agents use Query Manager, which is basically a form you fill out and attach all the things they want, and you can go back in and edit it and it’s a nice way to keep track of your query. Next, they’re gonna (hopefully; some just never respond) either say no thank you very politely, or ask you for the full manuscript. Most of these agents will also give you a general timeline for a response, and if they’re open to a nudge from you or not. After that, they’ll either say no to the full manuscript, or welcome you aboard!  
Most places allow you to send multiple queries out for the same work, meaning they’re not “exclusive,” except within their own agency. If they ask for a full manuscript, but before they get back to you, another agent has snapped you up, they’ll want you to let them know so they don’t waste their time on it. Occasionally, if they want to see your full manuscript, they’ll ask for you to not send the full manuscript to someone else until they’re done, or for you to tell them if someone else is looking at the full manuscript. You can also change your mind!  You can email them and let them know you’ve decided to pull the novel out of consideration, maybe if you think it needs more editing.
I have never successfully queried. I found the whole thing demoralizing, and I did my first contract on my own, without an agent. This is something I don’t recommend because I had to figure out a lot of confusing shit on my own that I still don’t fully understand. And it also made me doubt my writing after the fact, because agents don’t give a shit if you’re already published, they’re focused solely on whatever you’re presenting them with. And then after that, I figured if I got another book out of my current editor, would I want to present that to the people who already didn’t like my writing? I have an agent for another project I’m working on, and the only reason I have her is because someone introduced us and told her I desperately needed help.
1a. So you found the agent(s) you think you like!
Other than the instructions/guidelines written out by the agency/agents that you’re interested in, you’re gonna need the most complete and fully edited version of your novel in hand. If they ask for your full manuscript, you absolutely should not say it’s not done. Make sure it’s finished, and preferably edited, before you send your query in. If they ask for a synopsis, hard pass. Ha ha ha, just kidding. No, really, arguably, this is going to be the hardest thing to write. A synopsis will suck your soul out of your body and make you weep blood. The only thing worse than querying is writing a synopsis for that query. I have never written a synopsis that I didn’t think was utter shit. I hate them.
Querytracker is a cool place to look up agents that you want to query and see how responsive (and nice) they are. It took me a little bit to figure out the abbreviations, though.
2. Pick your genre carefully
Unless you are a best selling author, they are never ever ever going to let you change genres. I mean, maybe if you wrote under a different name. Maybe. But they’ve bought your book based on how they think it will sell, and they’re going to want to sell you, too, and genre jumping is usually a no-go. This is, basically, one of the biggest things I hate, and one of the greatest things I love about fanfiction, that I can write whatever the fuck I feel like writing. So, you know, make sure you really really really want to write about what your first book is going to be about, because you’re going to be writing about that forever.  And I don’t mean just YA vs New Adult vs Adult, although you need to take that into account too. I mean if you’re writing about high school regular kids, you probably can’t write about supernatural high school kids. You can’t write about high school kids in space. You can only write about regular high school kids. So.. think sci -fi vs fantasy vs historical vs contemporary, etc.
3. I hope you don’t hate people!
Do you want to go to a bookstore and talk in front of a crowd? Do you want to go to cons and network with other authors? Do you want to call up publications and volunteer for interviews? Do you want to talk about your books with strangers?  Because I sure don’t.  Publishing houses do the bare minimum of publicity for you for your book. First book, they’ll probably help set up some store signings. Going forward, if you weren’t proactive the first time around, they’re probably not going to do anything. If you’ve got some really good advance reviews, they’ll do ads. They’ll probably do the rote social media posts. But basically, you’re going to have to advocate for your book. You’re going to have to create your own brand. You’re going to have to make swag and send it out, call up bookstores, post constantly about it on twitter, buddy up to other authors, go places where you can network. And I will tell you that all of that is my nightmare. I don’t want to do any of that. I don’t like meeting new people. I had several panic attacks leading up my book signing, and the book signing itself was pretty bad. I’m just… not good with people. And, honestly, at my age, I don’t want to be any better. All it does is give me stress and hives, and to get over that I’d really really have to want to do it.
4. Personal perks?
Editors!  I’ve worked with two awesome editors, and it’s amazing having someone to tell you how to fix things in a way that makes sense. By far, one of the only perks of being published for me. I absolutely don’t know for sure, but I always got the feeling that they expected more push back from me with their suggestions, but nope. I was open to everything, and that’s probably why the books worked so well, because editors absolutely know what they’re doing and only want what’s best for the book.
Holding a solid book of my work!  Always awesome to hold that first book in your hands, with the beautiful cover work and everything. The fact that other people can read it and know it was me who wrote those words only counters that by about a half.  
Money! Advances vary drastically, but, listen, the money kind of made the panic attacks worth it. A little.
5. Advances and royalties
The things I’ve read about advances is that too little, and you might think they have less confidence in you, and too much and you’re panicking about selling, because if you don’t earn out your advance, there’s a chance they won’t want to invest in you in the future. Generally, the way they work is they offer you a contract with the amount they are willing to “advance” you. This is basically saying, we think this book will give us this amount of money, and this is your share of that amount of money. You earn this out with royalties. When you sign the contract, you will get a certain amount of money, usually half of your offered advance. When you deliver the finished manuscript, after your editor and you have gone over it and it’s been approved, you’ll get the other half. A two book deal would be split into 4 parts, and you’d get the first 2 parts for signing the contract (1/4th for each book), the next part for the first finished manuscript, and then the last part for the second finished manuscript, generally after the first book is already published. After that, you won’t see any money until your royalties reach the amount they already paid you in advance. Unless otherwise negotiated, you’d get a royalty check twice a year.  Your earnings from January to July would be sent to you in October, and your earnings for July to December would be sent to you in April. Since any books sold to bookstores and online stores can be returned to the publisher if unsold, they will usually “hold back” a certain amount at first, to make sure you’re really earning that royalty. Royalty statements themselves are a hot mess and I’ve never been able to read them, which is also a good reason to have an agent. An agent will get your money sent to them, make sure it’s the correct amount, take their cut, and then send you a check from them.
6. Self publishing
Okay, I know nothing about self publishing, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it if you have the right support system (ie editors). If you’re going to have to do a lot of the marketing yourself anyway, I don’t see how this is much different. Biggest thing would be the upfront cost, and making sure you make that cost worth it.  Independent author S Usher Evans has some good advice for self publishing - Sush’s worked very hard at it, and started her own publishing company. Also, @qwanderer might be a good resource, I think they use Lulu, which is a really cool self publishing site.
Uhhhh, so that’s a lot of info and also not a lot of info, so please feel free to ask me anything else, and I really hope I haven’t made this harder for you to get started ha ha ha. I think the best thing to do is to figure out what you want to write and write it and just… go from there. If you really love what you have, someone else is going to love it, too.
And if anyone’s had a different experience or thinks I got something wrong or has more/better advice for @heyninja, let me know!
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foxanddragonbooks · 3 years
Witchshadow Review and Rating
I have thought about this rating for a long time. This was my most anticipated book of the year and my favorite series. It hurts my soul to rate it low, but anything else would be a lie. There were just so many things I did not like. Of course, there were things I liked, the writing was beautiful as always, Stix’s arc, but unfortunately the positive couldn't outweigh the negative. And I had a lot of negative feelings while reading this book.
The first thing that didn't work for me was the nonlinear timeline. The prolog takes place a few days after the last book ended. That was nice. Then the next chapter takes place one month after that event. That is already too big of a time jump for my liking. Characters were in certain places already, and you don't find out why, how, or when until later on. Usually in a flashback scene. It was so confusing. I want to know why someone is at this place now and how they get there when it happens, not through a flashback. This type of storytelling might work for movies and tv shows, but it's really difficult in books. The flashbacks also felt ill-placed. We already knew this plan went wrong because if it didn’t the character wouldn't be in the position they are in now. It could have just been described in a few sentences, instead of flashbacks that took up several pages.
Second of all, one of the MAIN characters was completely absent. This just doesn't make sense storytelling-wise. At all. He still has so much left to do and there is only one more book left. One 500 page book that is distributed into 6 povs. I really can't see how that's supposed to work. I can see how that character had to be gone for some time, given the events of the previous book, but that could have been solved with the usual 2 week time jump between books. Keeping the main character away for a whole book/movie/series just never works. Remember when Game of Thrones left out Bran for an entire season even though GRRM said that he is one of the key five? This is what this book felt like.
Another main character was barely in the book either. He was there, but he was not himself. He was literally possessed for 95% of the book, so in a way, two main characters were not part of the book.
That brings me right to my next point. Way too much focus on side characters I couldn't care less about. This was supposed to be Iseult's book but it felt more like a Hell Bard book. Again, I don't understand why. They are side characters but they felt so present in the book while other characters that are much more important to the story were absent. I wanted this to be a Nomatsi book. A book about the history of the Nomatsi. Why are they hated? How did they live before they came to the Witchlands? I was so sure that all those questions would be answered in this book but all we got were a few folktales and a history in hell bards. This was supposed to be Iseutls book, not theirs. They are not even that important to the plot and a big chunk of their plot could have been given to maybe the two missing main characters. That would have been pretty epic. The hell bard loom was never mentioned before, Midne, the first hell bard was never mentioned before, but they take up such a big plot in ISEULT’S book? Why? It felt so random. Esme’s loom was important to the story in the previous book, but it was barely mentioned in this one.
And Esme, oh God. This was supposed to be this super powerful, badass villain, and then she is turned into a weasel just like that. It felt so off and weird.
Furthermore, at this point, Safi has more development with the hell bards, SIDE CHARACTERS, than she has with any of the main characters. She had 1 book with Merik, her love interest, 1 with Iseult, her best friend, and 0 with Aeduan, Vivia, and Stix. This is the second to last book. I really don’t understand how she didn’t get to interact with all these important characters more or at all so far.
Things also didn't add up. It's implied that Safi is 18 in this book when she has been 19 for the last two books. Leopold suddenly becomes younger too. In the first book, Safi says he is the same age as Merik, who is 20, now he is 18. Or it is implied that he is. It’s confusing. It doesn't make sense.
There is a very weird scene that borders on romance and made me dread reading further. It's said in the beginning of the book that these characters are thread FAMILY. Thread SIBLINGS. Yet one thinks about the other as very handsome and they are only inches apart and holding hands in a scene. IT'S WEIRD. If they are supposed to be family then why was this scene written? If you consider someone your sister or brother from another mother you don't do this kind of stuff. The Vivia/Vaness romance came out of nowhere.
The Vivia/Stix being thread siblings came out of nowhere and made 0 sense. They were supposed to be the mutual pining childhood friends to lovers ship, now they are family. Vivia was jealous in Windwitch when she thought Stix had slept with someone. This is not sibling behavior! The set up for Vivia/Stix was right THERE and so present! Whereas Vivia/Vaness came out of nowhere. I don’t understand what’s going on anymore. Please don’t foreshadow things that you don’t mean to go through with. I hate this.
To quote Iseult: “Nothing felt real. Nothing made sense.” That sums up the entire book for me. The characters felt so off to me.
Safi comes up with this ridiculous plan to noose the Emperor while kissing him, and OF COURSE, it goes wrong. It was such a stupid plan, and Safi at this part of the story would have never done this. It felt like a step back for her and made zero sense. She is supposed to be smarter than that now.
Iseult felt so off at the beginning of the book, I didn’t even realize it was her at first. She was all ‘I kill people and regret nothing, I am the badass puppeteer, don’t fuck with me’ and then she went back to her old self in like a blink and never returned to her ‘dark self’.
There is a scene where Safi walks into the Emperor’s room while he has sex with his mistress, IT WAS SO WEIRD and uncomfortable. Literally, why was this scene necessary. Like she wanted to steal something from his rooms but she could have done this at night while he was sleeping. While everyone was sleeping.
Safi’s original plan was also to noose Henrick during their wedding night. That was so weird and made me so uncomfortable. He is 3 times Safi’s age, please. Like I get that she honestly believed she would be forced to consummate the marriage, so she thought hmm might as well get my revenge on this bitch then. But when Henrick said he had no intention of taking Safi to his bed, she was not relieved at all? She was like no, no, no, you have to take me to your bed. It felt so unrealistic. Safi is literally a teenager. Any teenage girl would be glad to not have to sleep with a man old enough to be her father. She should have been relieved that she wasn’t forced to sleep with an old man, and glad that that would mean she had more time to come up with a more fleshed-out plan to kill him. And Iseult would have never let Safi go through with her original plan. Never.
This book felt so, so different from the other books of the series that I love so much, and not in a good way. I don’t think I have been so disappointed and upset since the last season of Game of Thrones aired.
I want to go back in time when the main characters of this series were still main characters. At this point, I have so little hope for the last book. Maybe I am wrong, I would be glad to be wrong, but this book feels like a bullet hole in my chest and I am not sure it can be fixed.
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Fix His Broken Heart
Jess Mariano x f.reader
(not my gif)
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request: Hiii, i want a jess fic🥺 theres not enough jess mariano fics here, how about after rory goes to visit him at truncheon he meets the reader and she helps him move on from rory and he falls in love with reader. 💞💞
requested by: @beautiful-thinking
note: I’m a big literati shipper so this was hard but also fun to write I really love this
warnings: movie references, drinking, gilmore girls s2,s3 and s6 spoilers, some fancy vocabulary, Logan hate
word count: 1,7k
reading time: 7 min
And he saw her walk away to his arms. She found comfort in another guy. She moved one.
He hated himself for realizing that after all these years of knowing this person, still, it isn't enough. He and Rory evolved separately, they don't have the same goals or the same resources. As much as they try, it seemed like destiny didn't want their paths to cross one another.
He realized that he lost her as soon as she walked out of that door. She was gone. What now?
He'll probably see her again at Luke and Lorelai's wedding; hell, he'll even see Logan there also. The way he despited that guy. He cheated on her, and still, there she was, madly in love with him.
Logan is better than him in Rory's eyes, and he couldn't do anything to change that. He was a forgotten part of her story, an item locked inside a box that she opens when she feels lost. She probably doesn' think of him anymore like she used to.
But he thinks of her at least once a day. When he walks through the bookstore and notices the new edition of Dawn Powell's My Home Is Far Away, or when his friends bring coffee and offer to him, reminding him of her slight coffee addiction. Who's he kidding? There's nothing "slight" about Rory Gilmore's coffee addiction, it's concerning.
Any little thing reminded him of her and the fact that now he's sure she doesn't think of him anymore... saddens him.
Everyone was celebrating the success of the event that day, while Jess drowned his sorrows in a cold beer, also glancing over the girls that walked past him.
"I should warn you that if you are planning to Kurt Cobain on my bar, don't." That expression provoked an immediate reaction on Jess's face. "Not a fan of dark humor?"
"Not when it comes from the mouth of a stranger, not," he replied, making the girl chuckle. "Do you always attend your costumers like that, Rick Blaine?" Asked Jess naming the main character of Casablanca, who happened to owned a bar/restaurant in the 1940s.
"Rick Blaine? Don't tell me you are one of those guys who listen to The Clash on repeat and think they are better than the rest of the world because they know references from black and white movies and have read at least one book by Bukowski in the last three months." Jess drank from his beer, making the girl opened her mouth widely. "Oh, God, you are! A living Danielle Steel novel main character drinking alone in my bar." He laughed.
"I used to be that guy," Jess corrected her. "I've changed."
"A girl?"
"A breakup with a girl, to be fairer. I work at a little bookstore called Truncheon. We are all independent writers, and to give you some credit, some of us do look like Danielle Steel's characters. Not that I have read anything by her, though."
Jess wasn't like that. He didn't tell people he doesn't know about himself or his personal life, but for some reason, probably the effects of the alcohol in that beer were making him loosen up a bit with this complete stranger. Yeah, a significant event has happened in his life. The girl he thought he was going to be with forever decided to be with someone else rather than him, and he hasn't thought of anyone else romantically. He's so used to being alone, so used to not having anyone to actually talk to, that, maybe, liberating his internal thoughts and regrets with someone he isn't going to see again is probably for the best.
Not a therapist or a friend, just, someone external who isn't going to dig dipper in his subconscious to understand his situation and actions or someone who is involved in the story; someone who just―listens.
"You read one, you read them all." She commented. "Independent writers, huh? Have you published anything I have written?"
"Probably not," he said with that typical modesty he has earned through the pass of the years. "I just have one book out, is a self-published, so..." She nodded. "I actually did a little road trip, trying to make independent bookstores like mine to put them in the store. Probably, by the end of the month, I'll have twenty bucks and a sticker that says: «keep trying, champ.»"
"How poetic," the barista murmured, and both chuckle.
"Do you have a copy of your book?" She asked, and he nodded, giving it to her. "The Subsect, by Jess Mariano. Truncheon Books," she read before turning it around and reading the back cover. "«A self-published, prominent and dark-humored coming of age short novel following the unique life of J., a seventeen-year-old with no place to call home.» That's dark. How much for it?"
"Twenty bucks and a sticker," she chuckled, "or, a free beer."
"Sounds like a fair deal, Jess Mariano." He smiled at the mention of his name. "I'm Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." She placed the book inside her apron with a tiny smile. "So you work here."
"Oh, you said that because of the apron and the fact that I'm behind the counter? No, I'm just a big fan of... college bars in Philadelphia." The sarcasm in Y/N's voice made Jess grin. "My brother owns the place. He lets me live upstairs while I go to college, and I pay rent by working here. The books you see behind me are mine. I study on my break."
"What are you studying?"
"English. I want to be a screenplay writer." He sighed before shaking his head. "What?"
"A film writer? Why?"
"I love films. I love watching them, reviewing them, analyzing them. I want to write masterpieces. What's wrong with that? At least I'm not writing coming of age short novels."
"It's not a coming of age novel, that's just the hideous synopsis that my poet friends come up with for the book. It's actually a lot deeper than that."
"The only way of finding that out is reading it, right?"
Both looked at each other for a few seconds before she asked for his glass to refill that free beer she offered him.
"How about... if I come tomorrow, take you out, and you buy me that beer? How about that?" Y/N chuckle before agreeing.  He didn't believe it actually worked. He had tried to ask girls out in the last two years, but they've always said that they weren't interested. But there was something different and intriguing about Y/N that had caught the young writer's attention. "At what time do you finish class?"
"Pick me up at eight here, I'll wait."
He was nervous.
A date. Jess has never even been on one before. Not even with Rory. He never took Rory on a date like a dinner or a movie before they started going out. He used to tease her, and she fell for him, God knows why.
He took Rory on dates when they were dating, although if you count the car ride as a date. No, it wasn't a date. She was Dean's girlfriend at the time, and he crashed her car.
Why did she even like him? He crashed her car for God's sake. If he was Rory, he would have hated himself.
He hated himself already.
It wasn't like in books. Girls are complicated, and the male writers he is so used to reading about usually don't talk about dates and how to get a girl; the girl is already in love with the main character.
She did mention Danielle Steel. Did she read that kind of dramas, like Nicholas Sparks and John Green, where the characters just die in each other's arms like a shoddy Shakespeare tragedy imitation? Did she like that? He didn't know how to be a "romance" kind of guy. He still used the "bully her because you like her" technique, and maybe that's the only part of him that hasn't changed with the years.
He still didn't know how to communicate and express himself. He still wasn't used to talking about his emotions or being in a healthy relationship where there's no such thing as privacy. He wasn't born to assist to cotillions and balls, wear tuxes like James Bond and use fancy words gentleman-like, such as "Farewell," "Luxury," "Eloquent," and "Hope you had a marvelous evening, thanks for joining us in our humble and splendid gathering."
But that was Rory's world. Probably Logan used words like that without even knowing the meaning of them.
He quickly noticed that thinking about his ex-girlfriend before a date wasn't a good sign.
Maybe he should stand her up? No, that is an old Jess move. He is a changed man, he doesn't treat girls like that anymore. He is better, he is more mature, he wants to achieve something, actually becoming a better and selfless person who thinks about the consequences before acting. He wasn't going to stand Y/N up.
By a quarter past eight, he was standing on the bar's entrance, making eye contact with the barista from the previous day. Y/N smiled at him before saying goodbye to the guy next to her, grabbing her purse and walking towards Jess.
"Thought you wouldn't show up, Romeo."
"Can't believe you took me for a coward."
"In my defense, I saw you drinking your problems away yesterday." He nodded before putting her coat on her shoulders for her, making Y/N smile. "What a gentleman."
"There are so many things you don't know about me. You would surprise yourself."
"Oh, let me guess: you've never been on a date before."
"What? Why would you say that?"
"Well, because we are walking instead of driving."
"I have a dark past with cars and girls. You wouldn't want me to be behind the wheel while you are inside the car after you hear it, believe me."
"Good to know." Both laughed as they walked under the streetlights of Philadelphia. "I've never been on a date either," she admitted, taking him by surprise, but not as much to make a comment about it.
Jess has never felt more comfortable. Next to her, he felt like he was free of judgments. Starting a new story, blank page, blank notebook. He felt safe, and he hasn't felt safe in another person's arms in such a long time.
This was good for him. To finally... move on.
And who better than her to fix his broken heart.
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