#half up half down wedding hairstyles tumblr
crystallizedkingdoms · 2 months
Johann braids Avi’s soft hair in peace.
wc: 1,708
this is a fic I wrote back in fuckin. 2021. I think it was the first fic i ever wrote with my inuk avi, so it features that very prominently. I posted it solely on tumblr for funsies. but finally I’ve posted it on ao3, where you can read it now. but alongside with it I edited it Just a tad (plus an extra paragraph) so I think it deserves a repost.
“Hey, be careful.”
Johann pulls his hand away from Avi’s hair. “Sorry,” he says almost immediately. “Won’t start from there then. Can I try again?”
“Hey, don’t tug too hard, man.”
“Okay, now you’re just lying. I haven’t even touched your hair yet!” Johann huffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Though Avi faces away from him, focused more on his phone rather than much else, Johann can practically feel the smug grin growing on his face when he says that.
“I could feel you thinking really hard about it!” Though Avi tenses slightly when Johann takes the ends of his hair into his hands, he plays it off by shifting his position on the floor. “So what’re you going to do? Just my usual ponytail or something?”
Threading his fingers through Avi’s soft hair to rid it of any knots he might’ve missed with the comb, Johann hums in thought. “Not sure. Just a simple half up half down braid, maybe, if that was okay with you,” he says when he’s finally sure that he has gotten rid of any tangle in Avi’s hair. Not that he had many to begin with. He’s careful with that sort of thing, Johann has come to notice.
“What’s that look like?”
“Fuckin’ Google it or wait for the results. You’ve got your phone right in front of you. I can’t project the image into your brain.”
Avi laughs, and it’s a sound that makes Johann feel hot all over his skin every time he hears it, no matter how many times he’s experienced it before. “All right, all right. Just give me the vibes of it or something, at least?” he asks, his head twisting to the side to look over his shoulder. There’s a big grin resting on his lips from what Johann can see, and he wants nothing more than to lean in and kiss him.
But Johann simply pushes Avi’s cheek away to face ahead. He has braiding to do, after all. “Think Pinterest wedding vibes. I might put an Inuk spin on them though. What I have in mind will look really cute on you.”
“You’re giving me a Pinterest hairstyle? That’s practically sacreligious.”
“…Are you being serious? I won’t do it if you are.”
“No, I’m not being serious. You can do it! I was just kidding,” Avi’s grin can be heard when he says that, which gets a small smack on the arm from Johann. “Ow! I said I was kidding!”
Kissing his teeth, Johann gathers a section of hair from the right side of Avi’s head, near his temple, “You kid too much. Now, do you want it to be tight or not? It needs two small braids around the side of your head, around the length I’m holding right now. Is that fine? Do you want more or less hair for these braids?”
When Johann asks these questions, he notices how Avi’s body finally relaxes from its tense state from earlier. He leans a little closer to Johann and his shoulders slump into a more comfortable position. “The amount of hair is fine. Try not to make it too tight or too close to the scalp or whatever? Whenever I try to braid it myself I always go too tight and it sucks. And when I loosen it, it just falls apart completely,” Avi explains with a sigh.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with braided hair. Is that why?” Johann attempts to make conversation as he segments the section of hair in his hands and begins to braid them in a simple manner. He intentionally left some hair loose and kept the braid from growing too tight. His hands move in a swift and calculated pattern, but he occasionally slows down to admire just how soft Avi’s hair was in between his fingers.
“Yeah. The ponytail I usually do is a lot easier to put on and manage than a braid,” Avi says. His voice grows quiet when Johann ties off the braid he was working on, then moves to the other side of his head to grab another section of hair. If Johann were to strain his ears just a little, he would hear the hitch in Avi’s breath when he begins the new braid.
Even though Johann would’ve preferred to talk while doing his braiding, he allows the silence to continue when he notices that Avi is completely relaxed. He watches as Avi places his phone to the side when Johann begins the second braid, and instead lets his hands rest on his lap.
Johann weaves the new braid with a rhythmic motion. He splits the section of hair in his hand into three, smaller sections, then works to thread them together into a simple braid similar to the one he made before. Over the middle, over the left, crisscrossing down the length of Avi’s hair. Not once is Johann rough— his fingers smooth down the rest of the hair that isn’t being braided when he must, he allows the braids to be loose, and he never tugs Avi’s hair, not even playfully.
What is it about this that feels so intimate? It slows Johann down. Only by a little, but it slows him regardless. Why do the tips of his fingers buzz when he threads between the silky strands of hair that Avi took great pride in and maintained to the best of his abilities? Perhaps it’s the utmost trust Avi places in Johann to care for his hair, and knowing he’s trusted to that degree sends a thrill in his chest. Or perhaps it’s simply due to how soft Avi’s hair is. Either way, Johann embraces the intimacy.
The second braid finished in nearly a minute, Johann ties it off at the end and lets it drop. He has to pick it back up anyway, but he gives himself the time to take it in. Not the braids, those are fairly simple and Johann doesn’t quite find pride in them because of it. No, he takes his time admiring Avi, from his hair to the movement of his back as he took in deep breaths.
Avi takes this pause as a sign of completion. He looks over his shoulder at Johann, his eyes twinkling softly. “Are you done already? Most of my hair isn’t braided,” he points out. Aside from the sections of hair near his temple, the rest of his dark hair flows freely down his back.
Johann shakes his head and takes the rest of the unbraided hair into his hands. He begins to weave it into one big braid, in the simple pattern as the other two, “No, I’m not done. Sorry, I was just looking over it.”
That makes Avi turn back around, but not before Johann could catch a bashful smile on his face as opposed to the wide grin from before. “Like what you see, eh?”
“Duh. Your hair is really nice. Really, really soft. Also really thick, it’s a bit tough to braid this big one.”
“See what I’m talking about?? It’s too hard to put it into braids,” Avi sighs and slouches his back.
In response, Johann pauses the braiding and pushes one hand on the centre of Avi’s back to force him back into a straighter position. “It’s not too hard for me. It just takes a few seconds to get used to, that’s all. If you want me to do this for you more often, I can,” he says when he continues his work.
As he completes the final braid, Johann takes the two smaller braids and tucks the ends of them into the larger braid, creating a distinct loop to them. Once he’s finished, Johann props the large braid over Avi’s shoulder, then places a kiss on the nape of his neck. “Okay, now I’m done. Your phone is right next to your ass if you wanna check it out.”
“Check out my hair or my ass?”
“You do the first, I’ll do the second when we’re done.”
Avi takes his phone and swipes to the camera. As he props the phone up towards his face, Johann is surprised to see that the corner Avi’s eyes are wet with barely-held-back tears. He doesn’t ask about it— Johann knows the reason. Asking will only embarrass Avi.
“Hey, you actually did a really good job,” Avi mutters in awe, his free hand moving to feel at the larger braid.
“You doubted me?”
Avi shakes his head and places the phone back on the ground so he can turn and fully face Johann. “Of course not! I just wasn’t sure what it’d look like on me. I really like it though.” His hands are fiddling with the braided loops by his temple when he says, “Thank you, babe. I really mean it.”
Johann rolls his eyes and presses a kiss against the bridge of Avi’s nose, right up against the line of tunniit on his skin. “Oh, you’re such a sap, but you’re welcome. I wouldn’t mind doing it more often if you’re comfortable with it.”
“Yeah, I think that’d be nice,” Avi admits with that sheepish smile.
They quiet down for a moment, their faces still so close that their foreheads almost touch. Johann thinks about backing away just as he feels Avi shift his head. He cocks his face so his nose is pressed right onto Johann’s cheek, and he inhales against his soft skin. The deep sniff makes Johann’s heart pound wildly in his chest, and he can’t help but smile without restraint just feeling it.
“I still can’t believe you do that with me now.”
“Who’s the sap now? Getting all giddy over a kunik,” Avi teases. Johann doesn’t dignify it with a response— he just toys with Avi’s new braid and leans into Avi’s body. Enjoying their closeness.
Avi gives Johann another kunik. Then another, breathing in so deep and breathing out so gently. Then Avi moves again, and he kisses Johann’s lips, and Johann throws his arms around Avi’s neck with one hand on the base of the braid. Until they’re both smiling and giggling into their kiss for god knows how long.
And it’s soft the whole time.
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audreydoeskaren · 3 years
Abridged history of early 20th century Chinese womenswear (part 1: 1890s & 1900s) *improved version
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*I’m fixing and reposting the first two posts of this series because back then I had no idea how Tumblr formatting functioned and they deserve better. I’m keeping the shoddy original versions for archival purposes.
*After some thought I think it makes more sense to group the 1890s and 1900s together.
Other posts in the series:
Part 1: 1890s (original)
Part 2: 1900s & 1910s (original)
Part 3.1: 1920s-silhouette
Part 3.2: 1920s-design details
Part 3.3: 1920s-accessories, hair & makeup
Part 4.1: 1930s-silhouette & design
Part 4.2: 1930s-hair, makeup & accessories
Part 5: 1940s
Part 6.1: 1950s-Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & friends
Part 6.2: 1950s-mainland China
Intro & context
In order to understand early 20th century Chinese fashion we have to go back a bit into the past to have some clue about the context. When the Manchus conquered China and established the Qing Dynasty in the mid 17th century, Han Chinese men adopted Manchu style clothing but Han Chinese womenswear remained independent and separate from Manchu womenswear. Han Chinese women retained the habit of wearing a two piece ensemble as the outermost layer, unlike Manchu women, who wore a single floor length robe. I will be only discussing Han Chinese women’s fashion in this series.
In the 19th century, Han Chinese women wore 袄裙 aoqun, a two piece ensemble consisting of a robe and a skirt. The robe had a very low 立领, standing collar. In the second half of the 19th century, the robe in aoqun had a very generous and roomy cut and huge sleeves, a look which reached its peak in the 1860s and 70s. The hem of the robe hit the knees, the length in vogue since the 1870s. The collar of the robe is very low, only providing enough space for one button, likewise in fashion since the 1870s. The robe is closed with 盘扣 pankou, which in this era were always plain with either a bead or fabric knot tip. The robe closes at the side, usually at the right side at the 大襟 dajin, the side closure, however examples of robes with closures on the left also existed. Robes with closures on both the right and left were also a thing, a style called 双襟 shuangjin, double closure. Shuangjin robes were derived from a men’s riding vest, the 巴图鲁坎肩 batulu vest (batulu is Manchu for “warrior”), that could be opened from both sides, and would experience a revival in the 1920s. 
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1870s/80s photograph of a group of women in aoqun, the two skirts on the left are the elaborate mamian style, the one on the right is plain.
In aoqun, the skirt was usually of a style called 马面 mamian, made of two long horizontal pieces of pleated fabric with two flat sections each sewn to a waistband with one flat section overlapping, creating a wrap skirt that once worn around the wearer’s waist, appears to have two unpleated sections, one at the front and one at the back. This skirt was very decorative in the 19th century, full of embroidery, tassels and elaborate trim, sometimes giving the illusion of a separate apron being attached (I’ve seen this weird stereotype that traditional Chinese womenswear has a separate apron at the front this is complete bogus). The robes were likewise heavily decorated around the seams, ceremonial outfits like wedding gowns could be so full of embroidery that the original fabric is hardly to be seen.
The combination of robe and pants, 袄裤 aoku, was also a common way of dressing since approximately the 1800s or 1810s. This combination would become the norm in the 1890s.
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1870s/80s photograph of a woman in a ginormous ao, roomy pants and with bound feet.
Another noteworthy fad was bound feet. The middle of the 19th century was the pinnacle of foot binding and fashionable women had incredibly small feet, dubbed “lotus feet”. This was achieved by wrapping tight foot binding cloth around the feet since childhood and restricting the growth of the feet, I think also breaking a couple bones in the process. Women wore foot binding cloth and baggy stockings underneath their shoes, tied up with garters below the knees. Foot binding is said to severely restrict mobility and cause intense pain; I don’t doubt the pain part but I’m not sure about mobility since I’ve seen plenty of photographs of women with bound feet roaming about the streets.
Not every woman did foot binding though, it depended heavily on region, class and the individual family. For one, Manchu women all had natural feet. For Han women, an account from the 1850s said that in Beijing, every five or six out of ten women did not have bound feet, and that probability is three or four out of ten in the countryside. In the provinces along the southern coast, most women did not bind their feet (this probably has to do with the influence of indigenous cultures in the south, since foot binding was primarily a Han fashion), whereas in the northwest almost every woman had bound feet. By the way, I really don’t like how articles on foot binding describe it in the most sensational way possible, why is it so hard to approach history with peace of mind? And it pisses me off that all the articles containing 1890s photographs only talk about the foot binding as if there is nothing more of value in portraits of whole ass women.
Anyway, if you are interested in learning more about foot binding, check out  Cinderella‘s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding by Dorothy Ko, recommended by @thefeastandthefast​ . Or just anything written by Dorothy Ko tbh.
In the 1890s, the cut of the aoqun began to become more slender and form fitting, commonly believed to be a result of westernization. But I think it’s also because the wide sleeve look has also been in fashion for quite a while now (some 80 years or so) and people were getting tired of it. The robe inherited the knee length hem from the 1880s but was less baggy and took on a more straight cut silhouette. The collar remained quite low until the end of the decade. Pants were overwhelmingly more popular than skirts in the 1890s, I speculate this may be due to a rising interest in feminism and women wanting more mobility, but aoku was also very popular in the 1870s and 80s in general so it may have also just carried over. The pants were still ankle length and straight cut but less roomy than earlier 19th century models. Overall the 1890s just looks like a shrunken and simplified version of the 1880s.
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The aoku as of the 1890s.
By the second half of the 1900s, the collar began to rise, becoming medium height. This was kind of reminiscent of late 18th century Han women’s collars I mentioned in this post on Chinese standing collars. The robe and pants shrunk further, becoming quite tight fitting. The robe was still around knee length. The pants were especially tight and could be considered skinny. Foot binding became less common and many women had natural sized feet. However, since foot binding is something that begins in the childhood, the fact that many women without bound feet appeared in the 1900s meant that many parents started to reject food binding in the 1880s and 90s. 
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Ca. 1907 photograph of a group of women, possibly students, in tight fitting aoku.
Design details
The 1890s saw the mass disappearing of wide, embroidered trims around the seams, popular throughout the 19th century. The use of multiple rows of binding/trim from the 1870s and 80s was continued, albeit in a much more minimalistic and geometric way. I’ve seen a lot of plain white ao finished with multiple rows of black binding of different widths, it’s mighty avant-garde and elegant. Because clothes of the era were still constructed in the older Chinese method, they had a seam down the middle of the sleeves used to extend the length of the sleeves; this seam could be bound and decorated but it was not compulsory. Actual embroidery on the robe and skirt/pants was rare, if not non-existent; completely plain fabric was the norm. The ao of this era commonly had a 厂字襟 (厂 shaped closure), where the front placket is held up by one or two buttons and then closed by more buttons down the side seam. This style of closure was first popularized for Han women’s clothing in the 1800s and 1810s, before that Han women’s clothing closures were a straight line from the collar to the armpit. The pankou used to close the ao of this period became a lot more elaborate and the main source of decoration; I have a whole ass post on them here. A general air of simplicity, comfort and proportionality dominated the fashion of this era. In the mid 18th century, Han women’s robes started having folded cuffs (possibly borrowed from Manchu court dress), called 挽袖 wanxiu, and these became fake and represented by a piece of trimming in the 1850s. By the 1890s this design feature largely disappeared, leaving the sleeve edges either plain or simply bound.
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Three women in aoku, late 1890s. I looooove the look on the far left, I will probably make it some day.
Going into the 1900s, the geometric trims became more simplified and austere, while the pankou became increasingly ornamental.
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Late 1900s photograph. The robe is trimmed with fur and thin, geometric binding, and closed by very ornamental pankou.
Hair & Makeup
There were no significant changes in hairstyling in the 1890s, fashionable women would wear existing 1880s hairstyles but style them with bangs. A common style I’ve seen in photographs was long hair pulled back into either one big bun at the back or two smaller ones at the sides. The short bangs were usually very neat, precisely cut and sat closely to the forehead. Elastics did not exist, so Chinese women used strings and hairpins to tie their hair together. Hairpins of this era were usually very thick and sturdy, a single one was enough to hold all your hair into a bun. It was popular to use flowers and/or pearls to form a ring of decorations around a bun. 
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Common 1890s hairstyle, for most people the decorations weren’t so elaborate.
A popular headpiece was this thin headband adorned with pearls worn at the place where bangs should be, although that has been around since the 1870s as well.
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Ca. late 1890s. Some women wearing the pearl headband. 
Around 1905 the bangs began to grow in length but still weren’t long enough to cover the eyebrows. They were longer at the sides and shorter in the middle, creating this volume and curve at the forehead.
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Photograph ca. 1905. Long bangs.
By the end of the decade these evolved into a being with a will of its own. Long hair tied into braids or low buns became fashionable instead of tight, high buns.
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Calendar painting from 1911.
Fashionable women in the 1890s wore little to no makeup, because of the influence of female university students who were usually without makeup. In the 1870s and 80s, thick makeup was more common and was a trend popularized by sex workers in Shanghai, thus becoming increasingly considered indecent in the 1890s. I find this quite problematic cause respectability politics suck and there’s nothing wrong with wearing fashion trends invented by sex workers. All the straight male writers of the 1890s and 1900s praising female students for being “pure” and ”hygienic” in contrast to the supposedly nasty sex workers make me cringe to my core, it’s just pitting women against each other and setting us up for “I’m not like other girls” in my opinion.
The common makeup look includes white power, lipstick and blush. The lipstick shape was usually a tad smaller to the actual lips and blush was applied in large areas toward the outside of the face.
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Standard 1890s and 1900s hair and makeup look. This drawing is probably from around 1902, it’s a bit more festive folk art than fashion plate so take the patterns with a dash of salt.
Unfortunately I don’t have many pictures for undergarments of the era but I can describe them to you. Since women commonly wore pants, they would usually wear another layer of pants (could be considered drawers) underneath that was of a similar construction but plain and easy to launder. Panties and such didn’t exist so drawers were the innermost layer, enough to protect women’s private parts. Likewise for the robe, another plainer, sturdier version would be worn underneath. In the mid 1900s, as the sleeves of the outer robe began to shorten, the undershirt became more form fitting at the wrists and could serve a decorative function. 
Chinese women in the 19th century bound their breasts with long strips of fabric to achieve the flat look. I’m not exactly sure how this is done but basically you wrap fabric tightly around your chest until the boobies are concealed. A famous undergarment of the Qing Dynasty was the 肚兜 dudou, which was actually unisex. The female only version was called 抹胸 moxiong, 袜肚 wadu or 袜腹 wafu, the latter two are etymologically similar to earlier words for “corset” or “a pair of bodies”. However, unlike what many later 20th century artists would like you to believe, wearing only dudou on the upper body was not legit underwear for grown up women, as it was usually worn in conjunction with breast binders as an extra layer of warmth. It was also worn very tightly around the breasts and waist, not tied loosely like in paintings or period dramas nowadays.
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Dudou diagram.
Women began campaigning against bound feet in this period and many drawings depicted women with natural feet. However, if a woman had her feet bound since childhood it’s difficult for them to return to their natural size, so some women who were born in previous decades would still have very small feet, even if they began to reject it at this time. Women’s shoes of Western construction weren’t yet so common so most women wore Chinese style shoes, which were commonly made of fabric and had a slightly upward pointing toe. Women with bound feet would use a long piece of ribbon/cloth to wrap their feet (to maintain the shape) and wear small fabric pumps with a white sole. These could be flat or have a teeny tiny bit of wedge heel, called 弓鞋 gong xie, bow shoes. Women without bound feet would wear normal sized pumps, likewise of fabric, with slightly upward pointing toes and a thick white sole. Embroidery on shoes was a huge thing in the 19th century and before but by the 1890s it started to disappear as well, and shoes in the 1890s were commonly plain. In the 1900s, Western leather shoes were increasingly popularized, but it wasn’t until the early 1910s that this popularity reached its height.
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Foot binding cloth.
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Shoes for bound feet.
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Woman with natural feet wearing Chinese style pumps. Western style knit stockings were becoming popularized in the 1880s for women with natural feet as well.
Some editing afterthoughts
I’ve been looking more into 18th and 19th century Chinese fashion lately and I realized I held some deep rooted misconceptions about the Qing Dynasty. For some reason I always considered the 1870s and 80s look with the elaborate, big robes conservative or backwards, which is really not fair. Chinese women’s fashion was revolutionized in the beginning of the 19th century, going from the flowy, slender robes of the 18th century to stiffer, more structured robes with flared sleeves. Styles also differed dramatically from decade to decade, it’s just not very well studied and there’s a stigma around Qing Dynasty fashion so people don’t get into it as much. Because Han women were allowed to continue wearing Han style clothing into the Qing Dynasty, a lot of 18th century reproduction ensembles nowadays get mistakenly labelled as Ming style hanfu, which really isn’t helping... I was definitely not alone in this though, the perception of Qing Dynasty Han women’s fashion most people nowadays have is: in the first couple years Han women were allowed to wear Ming style hanfu, but then bam the late 19th century look was forced upon everyone. This view is super not nuanced and false on almost every level, but it is extremely widespread and I don’t blame you at all if you also think like this, this was me just two months ago too... A wise woman (I mean Karolina Zebrowska) once said that everything in fashion history happens gradually, which is also extremely true for Chinese fashion history. 
I’ve really started to question what modernity in fashion means because the elaborate 19th century Chinese look that white people back then considered the epitome of conservative Chinese clothing was actually new and exciting in the beginning of the 19th century. I can’t help but wonder if this view that Chinese clothing as of the 1870s and 80s was symbolic of Chinese culture’s “backwardness” and “stagnation” was a product of colonization and white imperialists’ efforts to demonize Chinese society and take things out of context. I would prefer to say that Chinese fashion westernized a lot during the 1890s and 1900s but not necessarily modernized because what is modernity. Fashions change and that is the most normal thing on the planet. 
If you read what white historians or politicians wrote in the late 19th/early 20th century about Chinese fashion or culture (which I highly recommend you don’t, that shit is detrimental to your mental health), it becomes obvious that the majority of them have no clue what Chinese fashion looked like before the 19th century and how we got to what we had in the 19th century in the first place, so they just assumed that Chinese fashion always looked like that and that we haven’t progressed as a culture in hundreds of years lmao. Bullshit pseudo-Darwinism at its finest. Oh or if you look up 18th century European Orientalist paintings depicting imaginary Chinese characters, the clothes they wore and the hairstyles they had were so far off from what actual 18th century Chinese fashion looked like to the point they felt racist and were uncomfortable to look at. I stumbled across so many of them when looking for 18th century Chinese painting and every time I see one it almost gives me a stroke. So I think it’s really important to acknowledge that Han Chinese fashion of the 18th century is a valid field of study.
In my original 1890s post I said that the elaborate embroidery and trimmings started to appear on Han women’s fashion around this time because of Manchu influence, I take that back because I’ve realized it’s a whack claim. I’ll explain it more when I make some posts on the 19th century later.
Reworked part 2 is coming soon as well :)))
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dahvangogh · 4 years
and empty word are evil| Jason Todd
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[ prologue | one | two | three | four ]
[ao3 link] [masterlist]
note: hello, there! I KNOW, I KNOW. I'm a day early but I finally got two new comments on this story: one on AO3 and another here in Tumblr, so I got excited and decided to upload it a bit earlier.This chapter sets in motion many things for this story. Also, despite perhaps not being as exciting or long as the others, it is key to the development of the whole thing. As usual, I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes. I corrected it myself but I'm no English native.Please, could you leave a comment or kudos? It really helps a lot! 
Much love xx
There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss
“She hasn’t called me yet… why hasn’t she called me yet? This never happens to me!”
Lisa throws her hands to her head and messes the blonde tresses even more than they are, pacing back and forth in Grace’s open concept kitchen and living room, her posture completely straight.
“Oi, chill!” the raven-haired tries not to laugh, biting her bottom lip “People have jobs and lives, so it’s most likely she is busy!”
The blond turns to look at Grace, who is sitting comfortably on her big comfy sofa doodling in one of her many sketchpads, and crosses her arms under her chest.
“I also have a life, you dumbass. But not even a text? C'mon!”
Grace rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s been a week… perhaps you are getting sloppy in the flirting department?” She tries not to laugh at Lisa’s indignant face and quickly picks up a pillow seconds before the blonde starts hitting her. “Kidding! Just kidding!”
Her friend keeps hitting her, not as if to hurt her but in a playful manner.
“I will have you know that I’m the fucking best at flirting… and other things.”
Grace looks over the rim of her pillow and makes a face as if throwing up.
“Dis-gus-ting” the raven-haired accentuates each syllable, then raises a hand to stop her best friend from starting hitting her again. “No, but for real. Who cares? It’s her loss… you are amazing and the day you date someone, that idiot will be a lucky girl.”
Lisa moves her head to the side and her shoulders drop as if exhausted. Then, she bites her bottom lip while tapping her foot for a few seconds.
At last, she nods and sits next to her on the sofa. The blonde leans her head on her best friend’s shoulder. Grace smiles softly and leans her head on her friend’s crown.
“After hooking up, she told me to wait until her shift was over… then we went to eat tacos.” Lisa’s voice sounds soft and dreamy, not loud and humorous as usual; after a long week, finally telling the ink-haired girl what had happened that night. “We were there for three hours, talking and laughing, and we even closed the fucking place… And it wasn’t a simple hook-up on a nightclub, there was a connection there. I swear.”
The raven-haired smiles while imagining the scene.
“If she saw you eating tacos and didn’t leave your ass there immediately, she is clearly interested.”
Lisa raises her head a bit and looks up at her while Grace looks down, a mocking smile on her plump lips. They hold each other stares for a bit, now the raven-haired is biting her lower lip while the blonde presses her lips together.
They both burst out laughing, even both keep giggling after a few minutes pass and their laughter has died out.
“Shit, that's true.”
She nods, giggling about how a messy-eater her friend is and pictures it in her mind.
Grace picks the discarded sketchpad and pencil from beside her on the sofa, not the side where Lisa is sitting, and turns a page over.
She quickly draws Lisa’s face, starting with her high cheekbones tinted with hundred freckles and then her petite cute nose, following with her soft-looking jawline. In the drawing, her best friend's big blue eyes are filled with wonder, staring at something they –the viewer of said drawing or the drawer– can’t see, while her thin lips are curled in a lovely smile. Her blonde head, framed with soft long waves, is resting on her hands on the table and Grace adds a napkin holder near.
“Should I draw guacamole smeared all over your chin?” Lisa giggles at that, so the raven-haired quickly draws it. “Perhaps a bottle of Tears of Llorona No. 3 Extra Añejo Tequila besides you?”
“Nah… that thing is 233 bucks.”
Grace huffs, then asks out loud: “Who pays 233 bucks for a bottle of Tequila?”
Dad does, I saw him drink a glass of that thing many times while watching tv or reading.
“Your dad.”
Both laugh while Grace also shakes her head, her father’s expensive tastes never ceasing to amaze her.
“But not me, girl.” Her friend answers back, which makes both of them laugh again. “Desperados is more on my budget… Though sometimes I spend a bit more on a Jose Cuervo one if I feel like treating myself.”
Grace smiles sadly.
Two months after her kidnapping and before she went to Berlin, they both had graduated from their prestigious and expensive private high school. The blonde had decided it was time to come out to her parents and Grace had completely supported her, thinking that Adam and Mary would be open and accept her daughter.
She had been mistaken.
The Addington’s had completely lost it and kicked Lisa out of their home. Thankfully, Lisa’s aunt Marissa had welcomed her in her own home and called Grace to tell her what had gone down.
Three days later, Lisa had been notified that she had been written out of her parents’ will and she wouldn’t be able to get a single penny from the family’s fortune. Plus, to add salt to the wound, she should never call her parents or even step a foot on her old home.
The raven-haired remembers how heartbroken her best friend had been, crying loudly on one of the beds of her aunt’s many guest rooms, while Marissa explained what the family lawyer had informed her.
She hadn’t been sad about the money but her parents’ hatred and lack of love for her.
Despite all of that, Marissa had sat down at the rim of the bed and had helped Lisa sit down. When she had calmed down –Grace remembers running to the kitchen for a glass of water and some chocolate–, her aunt had announced that she wasn’t going anywhere. Marissa unofficially had adopted Lisa, using her own wealth to help and support her niece.
Yet Lisa didn’t like asking for much, too independent and still licking her own wounds.
“Next week, I will buy a few bottles of the expensive ones and we will drink them all while watching RuPaul Drag Race: All-Stars, how does that sound?”
The raven-haired hears her friend harsh breath as if holding her cries.
“Fucking amazing, Gracie.”
She smiles, understanding what her friend is truly saying underneath coarse language, and pats her on the hand.
[ – – – ]
It has been a few hours and they both have just finished eating Chinese Takeaway, sitting in the same position as before but with a big and fluffy warm blanket wrapped around them. Grace is drawing again while they both watch the new season of  Peaky Blinders  on the big living room TV.
Grace is drawing from memory one of her favorite paintings of Empress Sisi, with her beautiful half-braided hairstyle decorated with silver flowers, and lovely white wedding gown. Don’t mistake her, she prefers others over this painting of Sisi, but someway somehow she had memorized only this one.
So beautiful, poor heartbroken Sisi.
“I’m a proud lesbian, okay?” her friend says, her blonde head moving on Grace’s shoulder as if she speaks with her whole self and not only with her mouth. Grace stops her pencil moving. “But I totally understand why so many people want to be dicked down by Tommy Shelby.”
She laughs at that.
“Yeah, he is hot…”
Suddenly, Lisa raises her head from her friend’s shoulder and mimics her friend’s posture, sitting cross-legged and reclining her back against the sofa. Then, the blonde starts arranging the blanket better around her.
“But?” she asks, still busy arranging the big blanket.
“I don’t know... ” Grace sighs loudly and looks at her friend, shrugging her shoulders. “He is handsome, in an i-would-draw-him-time-and-time-again way, but I never thought, and excuse my vocabulary, oh I would totally such his dick.”
Lisa now leans her head back, now looking at her best friend with a sad smile, the TV series completely forgotten or unimportant to them.
“How long has it been since you dated someone?” her voice sounds rueful, though the blonde knows the answer already. “Or kissed someone?”
Grace shakes her head, almost embarrassed about what she is about to confess, and even feels herself blush.
Here we go.
“Since I was eighteen.” the raven-haired sighs, then rubs her hands together, forgetting her drawing for the moment. “I can’t still stand someone touching me that way… It’s hard for me to trust any men. I mean, when you start a relationship you expect to have sex or at least close skin to skin proximity… ”
The last words make Lisa laugh loudly.
“Why do you say it so… formal and weird?”
“Because it’s true!” Grace feels her smile completely gone, her feelings and worries pouring out of her mouth without a stop.“People expect to be able to touch, hug, kiss or do sexual things when in a relationship with someone. But I can’t… I couldn’t possibly stand it. I want to, but I can’t!”
Lisa instantly hugs her tightly, caressing the arm her hand rests on.
“Well, that’s okay. Your mental health is above any fucking relationship.” her friend’s voice is soft and kind, still hugging her tightly. “One day, you might meet someone who will understand and maybe you might try.”
Grace sighs, though weirdly enough something in her stomach starts moving.
I hope it's a stomachache... better to have diarrhea than a relationship.
“Or maybe, you might meet an amazing hot dude with a big dick and only want to kiss him until you die of lack of oxygen… ”
That last sentence makes her laugh loudly, Lisa quickly joining her.
“Doubt it, but hey… if it happens, it’s not a bad way of dying.”
Both laugh again.
“Now, seriously. Have you talked to anyone about it?” her friend looks at her, worry all over her freckled face. “I mean a psychologist. Or perhaps participated in a PTSD group therapy or rape survivors group therapy? It might help, you know... ”
She can’t help but whimper when hearing that word.
“No.” Grace closes her eyes and leans back against her sofa. Despite being best friends, she didn’t like talking about what had happened those three days, though she did explain a bit so her friends, family and police would understand. “My dad made me see a psychiatrist for a few years in Berlin, it was one of his many conditions so I could stay there. To give him peace of mind, you know?”
The raven-haired snuggles into her best friend’s side, searching for warmth and acceptance, then continues explaining.
“I still get in touch with her once or twice every few months.”
Dr. Louise Bell had been like an angel sent from Heaven. She had been kind and patient with her, explaining how the impact of that incident goes far beyond any physical injuries, supporting her and never judging her. Also, the psychologist had been right.
Grace had spent a month in the hospital because of her physical injuries but to this day, she was still recovering from the internal ones.
The world will never feel like a completely safe place ever again.
Nor will she trust others as much as she did before.
Neither does she stop self-degrading herself or questioning her judgment from time to time.
She still has nightmares, a few flashbacks and unpleasant memories coming back to her from time to time. Nevertheless, time helps to heal.
“You are not dirty, Grace. Neither are you damaged goods or unworthy of love.” she always replays Louise’s words in her mind when she is feeling bad about herself or in one of her depressive episodes.
She has improved a lot in many aspects. Grace doesn’t shower three times a day anymore, nor does she start shaking when seeing a man and she has been able to go to a park again.
Not Central Park, though. Not yet.
The raven-haired has gained much confidence and self-love through her friends, Louise’s help and her powers –the last thing helping a lot.
But relationships and intimacy are yet impossible for her.
She had tried but it had gone wrong so soon.
“I did try… I went on a couple of dates with this guy in Berlin and…” She sighs, the memories fuzzy in her mind because of how scared and anxious she had been back then. “All was going well until we kissed but… he touched my waist and I flipped out.”
He had gone flying, but Lisa didn't need to know about that.
Lisa, always kind to her, hugs her closer to herself; letting Grace confide and vent if she needs to.
“Dr. Bell told me to talk about it, to challenge myself from time to time, to reconnect with my body and feelings while not avoiding or numbing them,” Grace explains, thinking back about all she learned in her sessions with Louise. “You know I also took some self-defense lessons, learned yoga and even did massage therapy to not be so uncomfortable with being touched.”
And became a night vigilante of some sort.
“I can stand people touching me but... ” she rubs her hands together, taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “A relationship means trusting someone and having intimacy… I’m not ready for that. Not yet.”
“And that’s okay, Grace.”
“Yeah, I know. Dr. Bell always reminds me that everyone deals with trauma in their own way. So even if it has been six years, I can take all the time I need.”
Lisa pats the arm her arm is draped on.
“Please, don’t think I’m pressuring you into going around hooking up or dating random people… I just worry about you sometimes.”
Grace looks up at her friend and gives her a soft smile, nodding. Then, she rests her head on her shoulder, looking at the TV.
“He really looks hot while smoking though.”
She is talking about Tommy Shelby, who is currently smoking a cigarette in front of a nun, looking like a dark prince.
“Fuck, he really does.”
[ – – – ]
Grace is an early bird, she had always been one and probably will always be. The raven-haired likes sitting on her balcony, the views of her skyscraper apartment always being better than any morning News program, with a cup of coffee or even a smoothie.
The building, all constructed with glass and sustainable materials, has forty floors and her apartment is in the thirty-nine. Each floor is divided into two apartments, her thirty-nine neighbor is a nice woman recently divorced who works in an expensive and reputed law firm.
The raven-haired doesn’t usually interact much with her neighbors, though she knows that the five low floors are used for work purposes and that her neighbor from the forty bought his whole floor to make his apartment bigger because he is an eccentric millionaire who doesn’t like sharing that much.
Also, he sometimes likes to use the stairs instead of the elevator.
Imagine using the stairs in a skyscraper of forty floors and with your apartment being in the last? Can’t relate at all.
She looks around her balcony, which is quite bigger than a standard one, and smiles proudly at her good taste in furniture. The raven-haired selected white and black furniture for this place, plus added many plants. A low garden glass table is in the center, a big white sofa placed against her big glass windows and looking directly towards the table and subsequent views, a big white armchair on the left of the table looking at the low table and all big beautiful pot plants through the floor of the whole railing, surrounding it.
“Grace, do you prefer having breakfast here or we go and hit Pauli’s Diner for a quick meal?”
Her blonde friend asks from the kitchen. The big balcony is connected to the living room, which is open-concept with the kitchen, so her voice sounds quite close to her. Grace stands up, places her coffee on the glass table, and folds her fluffy grey blanket on the white armchair.
She picks her cup and walks inside, seeing Lisa in the kitchen preparing more coffee, her stereo on in the WXYZ Radio channel.
“Good morning, Gothamites! It’s me, Alan Scott and currently, it is seven AM of this fine Saturday morning. If you have been paying attention to social media or the News, you probably already know that last night things went crazy in our dear city. But to those who don’t know, last night Poison Ivy was being personally delivered to Arkham Asylum by GCPD until things went BOOM!”
Both Lisa and her look at the stereo with interest, confusion across the blonde’s pale face while the raven-haired waits for confirmation of Harley’s plan succeeding.
“Fuck, what happened now?” her friend mutters.
“I don’t know” she says a white lie, after all she truly doesn’t know what really happened.
“Literally, things went BOOM. The crazy bird Harley Quinn blew up many of GCPD car patrols and the SWAT van where Ivy was being transported allowing the eco-terrorist to escape. Five policemen died on the spot and other seven are in critical condition. Unfortunately, two passed away on their way to Gotham City General Hospital. Despite Batman and Robin trying to help, as of now Harley and Ivy are missing. Commissioner Gordon and Mayor Sebastian Hady’s joint press appearance is scheduled at 10 am today and we will get further information. Now, Molly. What do you think about this horrible incident?”
“God, the Hospital and the clinic are probably bustling.” Lisa’s hands go to her head as if going insane just thinking about it. Then, she turns towards her best friend. “Yesterday and today are my free days, should I call my boss and offer my help?”
Grace is completely in shock.
She had specifically asked Harley to not kill any policeman. The raven-haired had done so when they first talked about the plan in the nightclub VIP room, then twice at their “sleepover” and another time after delivering the explosives.
Harley had promised her she wouldn’t.
That damned harlequin...
“Grace?” her friend calls her, looking up with concern towards the kitchen ceiling where the lights are flashing on and off nonstop. “Grace?!”
I’m going to fucking kill that lying harlequin and make myself a carpet with her hyenas.
The lightbulbs in the ceiling explode, Lisa lets out a very high scream and protects her head with her hands while bending over a bit.
You are a dead man walking, Harley Quinn.
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nanchatte-tips · 4 years
Hairstyles for nanchatte!
Not sure what hairstyles to wear with nanchatte? Look no further! Nanchatte emulates the look of girls who wear these clothes every day, so certain OTT hairstyles may seem out of place with its style. With that in mind I compiled this list of text/photo tutorials and Youtube videos.
Edit: I had these as hyperlinks, but Tumblr kept blocking the links. So here they are as normal links. Sorry for the mess.
Hair with hats https://violetlebeaux.com/2014/05/14/6-hairstyles-wear-hats-hair-tutorial-inspiration/
Chin- to shoulder-length hair:
Curl inwards at ends https://youtu.be/w_hY-0BeqRQ
Gyaru hair https://youtu.be/gRSz_wYgYJY
Two gyaru styles https://youtu.be/bYA0Q0M0xAw
Two more styles https://youtu.be/WF_66XEd6JQ
Eight(-ish) styles https://youtu.be/I6aBt9rnfpk
Long hair:
Bear ears https://violetlebeaux.com/2014/03/14/bear-ear-hairstyle/
Curler waves https://youtu.be/xWjDtr5E8WI
Half-up half-down french braid(s?) https://youtu.be/LrQGi-TRnl0
Heart-shaped corset braid https://youtu.be/VT9EWLZj298
Heatless waves https://youtu.be/pGb_1WIJdbg
Looped braids http://poupee-sapphira.blogspot.com/2011/05/looped-braids-hairstyle-tutorial.html
Rag curls https://old.passionatehomemaking.com/2011/12/frugal-festive-hair-for-your-little-girl-or-you.html
Ribbon braid https://violetlebeaux.com/2014/12/19/simple-ribbon-braid-hair-tutorial/
Sheep horns (sorry, I couldn’t resist) https://youtu.be/oZfHLYTfDqQ
Waterfall braid http://www.oncewed.com/diy/waterfall-braid-wedding-hairstyles-for-long-hair-2/
Two styles https://youtu.be/7l9yUgDp1dg
Two more styles https://youtu.be/E69gLkOzdVU
Two more more styles https://youtu.be/iKj6eDJMUH8
Three styles https://youtu.be/EtOBFYSY6rg
Three more styles https://youtu.be/5LHnIaR_yoA
Four styles https://youtu.be/dOHM7EhzmNk
Five heatless styles https://youtu.be/cLJGgBa4jSI
Seven styles https://youtu.be/I6aBt9rnfpk
Nine styles https://youtu.be/FpT6hkCs52U
Ten styles https://youtu.be/I6aBt9rnfpk
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edge-lorde · 4 years
hp update: its ur favorite tumblr user back at it again with another great post. thats right, as promised here is a more in depth look at the recent dragon themed time sensitive event!
this event takes place in year 6. bill is graduated but has been coming back to the school periodically to teach us bootleg DADA just like harry did in the books. it is on one such occasion that bill lets it slip that his next job from gringotts involves him going to the dragon reserve that we know charlie will eventually work at. bill had not told charlie about this job prior to this discussion precisely because of what happens next, which is that charlie wants to go.
this brings me back to year 4 days with the first charlie focused sidequest, where we scrounged up money to by what may or may not have been a dragon egg (it was not) from a strange man who had been seen trying to approach other unaccompanied minors walking around hogsmeade. this pure of dragon centric heart, but dumb of dragon centric ass quality was what made me start liking charlies character in the game in the first place. he begins negging his older brother in a way that is very familiar to me as a younger sibling. i as the mc of course jump on the bandwagon with charlie immediately. 
bill sounds very defeated in this part because he knows the negging wont end, and/or knows that he will eventually cave to charlies demands. “no you cant come.” he says with a sigh.
but well see about that, because charlie and i go ambush bill at work to ask again. 
as stated previously bill works at gringotts bank, which is run by goblins. i already had access to the location diagon alley, but before this event gringotts itself was closed to me. newly unlocked, charlie and i walk inside. unlike the hogwarts kitchens, it does not feel like walking into hell for me to do this. unlike house elves which only have 1 basic model used for every elf except for the 1 named elf, there is some variety in the goblin designs. there appears to be one basic goblin face that i can tell, but its paired with several different outfits and hairstyles, giving them the illusion of originality typically spent on unnamed background characters. there are also 3 named goblin characters with all their own stuff.  
the first is obviously griphook, the only real goblin character from the books. hes bills supervisor. in the books hes a pretty unlikable guy but here, though hes not nice exactly, he seems at least kind of chill. he doesnt kick charlie or me out for barging in and says its ok for us go on the mission with bill. its nice to see him unstressed. 
the other 2 goblins are the perhaps, hopefully, cool ones. one is younger than the rest and has some friendly dialog with you and his other named goblin friend, who possibly exists so the first one has someone to banter with. they dont do anything else this event but gringotts stays open after the event is completed so hopefully they will come back again and get their own plotlines. 
anyway, charlie and i harass bill at work for a bit. his boss comes in, hears our plea, and doesnt immediately tell us to leave.  instead he tells us the rundown of bills mission: a long time ago a goblin boasted that he could craft a golden dragon egg that would be indistinguishable from the real thing. he did, and it was. so much so that a dragon destroyed his house and stole it, i think he died in the process. 
“so,” says griphook, “that is why we must send you, 18 year old we just hired, to go to a remote location filled with dragons by yourself to rifle through their nests and bring back what is rightfully ours. no we dont know which dragon took the egg or even the type. yes you can bring your little brother and his friends.” 
sounds legit. charlie and i convince bill to not only let us come with him, but also our other classmates from his DADA class due to scheduling mishaps. we go gather the rest of the class to tell them about this but only merula, penny, and barnaby show up and so only they get to go on the field trip, which is convenient because otherwise wed have half the school out there and that would be entirely too many characters for the devs to write at once. 
we borrow the same tent the canon characters will eventually use in all their camping shenanigans in the book from hagrid and get to the dragon reserve via portkey. the reserve now appears on the stairs screen as a permanent new location, not a fleeting one as i once thought. theres dragons flying all around, majestic as hell. 
its too late in the day to start searching so we set up camp and settle in, roast marshmallows, barnaby tells a story about a vampire broomstick. then we go inside the tent and play truth or dare. im asked to pick at one point which of my friends id most like to have with me if i were to get lost in the woods. i pick barnaby because hes the one who asked, but really id probably want merula there more. barnaby is supposed to be into dueling but ive never seen him in a real fight. ive seen merula take a Cruciatus curse and then get up and walk. pennys whole thing is potions too. i thought this choice would be relevant to something in the event but it was not. 
in the truth or dare game, merula gets bill to tell some embarrassing stories about charlie as a kid. he talks about charlie putting wings on their rat and a dragon mask on their owl, pretending that they are real dragons. everyone laughs.  this his a cord with charlie though and he storms out. we wrap up truth or dare and go to bed. 
the next day we begin the search.charlie has not come back yet. we realize this and begin freaking out, start looking for him instead. we scare a mother dragon off its nest for unfathomable reasons. eventually we hear charlies voice coming from inside a cave. we go in, charlie is alive and uneaten, but has a broken leg. he ran off to find the egg by himself in order to prove himself as teen boys are wont to do. bill and i then realize the other 3 didnt follow us into the cave, and a big ol dragon walks in. i gotta fight it singlehandedly while bill heals charlie in the back. 
the boss fight was actually pretty hard. it took me like 5-6 tries to beat the dang thing thing. much enjoyment many high stakes. i put a sleeping spell on it to stop its attack at the end, though i had the option to use the Cruciatus curse which seems a little intense, game. then the other 3 run in and are like cool your safe! sorry we couldnt help u fight the dragon, there was a dragon. im like “yes, understandable.”
bill had given up on finding the egg at this point, but then charlie finds it! its a gold egg. in retrospect this egg might have been the egg that will inspire the gold egg stealing challenge in hp book 4 but i forget if that was inspired by a story or not. 
then we have a cool down level with bill and charlie, where they both apologize, and charlie says what he did was stupid, but i insist its wasnt stupid it was cool and good even though that is factually wrong because thats what i would say in real life regardless. bill and charlie promise to never speak of this trip again, especially not to their mom. 
the last level is us going back to gringotts and regaling griphook with the tale of our journey, including the marshmallow and truth or dare bits. he says “great job, teens!” and then we all jump up in the air and the theme song plays as we freeze midair and the colors fade to black and white. we all learned some valuable dragon based lessons today friends. it took me 2 full hours to write this and i have to wake up at 6 tomorrow. 
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Of Earth and Sea: 9/9 (Epilogue)
Tumblr media
My fic for the 2019 @cssns will drops TOMORROW, so to celebrate, I’m re-posting my fic from last year (and also because I was a tumblr newbie back then and didn’t post the chapters here, just the link to Ao3)
Gorgeous art by @shipsxahoy!
Summary: Five years after their wedding, Emma and Killian are ready to start a family. But Emma discovers that raising a family isn't that simple when your husband is a Dunedin (half-elf) and your mother-in-law is neither dead nor alive.
Rated T
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @welllpthisishappening @kday426 @jennjenn615 @let-it-raines @profdanglaisstuff @wellhellotragic @xhookswenchx @mythologicalmango @thislassishooked @resident-of-storybrooke @lovepurplepumpkins
Killian still wasn’t quite used to seeing his mother this way: sitting with a cup of Granny’s coffee, wearing a cream colored blouse and dark wash jeans. A necklace hung around her neck of green, blue, and brown beads, a gift from Emma and Elien. His little girl had explained that the colors reminded her of the elven lands. Tauriel’s red hair was pulled back from her face in a barette rather than in the loose knots of an elf. But the hairstyle still put her pointed ears on display.
“How are you settling in?” he asked her before taking a sip of his own coffee.
She smiled contentedly. “My room here is quite comfortable. And Moe French is being very patient with me at the flower shop. I’m still having trouble with that . . . what’s the magic box called again?”
Killian grinned over the rim of his cup. “A computer, mother.”
“Right, the computer,” she replied with a matching smile.
Belle was kind to put in a word for Tauriel with her father. The shop was the perfect fit for her, putting her close to the sights and smells of growing things. Still, he sometimes caught her looking longingly towards the woods at times. That was why he was secretly negotiating with Rumple to purchase his old cabin. He knew she would be happier out there.
Tauriel set down her mug and regarded him thoughtfully. “But checking up on me isn’t the reason for this breakfast, is it?”
Killian sighed. “No.” He ran his finger along the edge of his mug nervously. This had been Emma’s idea, though he knew she was right. He and his mother needed this conversation.
“You can tell me anything,” she said softly.
His mother already knew his darkest sin. How could he possibly make things worse? “Why did you stay away so long? After . . . you know, what happened with father.”
Tauriel’s brow furrowed. “You asked me to stay away.”
Killian swallowed hard. “I thought . . . perhaps . . . that I had fallen too far. Become too dark for you . . . to love me.” He blinked furiously, willing himself not to let a tear escape. He suddenly felt like a small boy again.
“Oh, darling,” Tauriel said, reaching across the table to grasp his hand and hook, “nothing could ever erase my love for you. And trust me when I say I was never far. But you had suffered so much loss, had so much pain and anger, I thought it was best to heed your wishes and give you space.”
Her eyes shone with tears as she continued. “And I was watching when you met Emma the very first time, and I knew you had found your true love.”
Killian chuckled. “It wasn’t exactly love at first sight.”
“A mother knows. So I kept watching, so proud when you became the hero I always knew you were. And when Emma accepted your proposal, I finally thought that maybe you would allow me back into your life again.”
She squeezed his hand and hook with affection and Killian lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss there. “I love you, mother. I’m so happy you’re here with us.”
Tauriel’s smile was beaming as she pulled her hands into her lap. “I have waited so many long years to hear you say that.”
The tender moment was interrupted by a perky voice bustling into the diner.
“Tauriel,” Snow exclaimed, approaching their table with a large binder in her arms, “I hate to interrupt your breakfast, but I found some things on Pinterest this morning for the party, and I just had to show them to you.”
Emma was behind her mother, her hand grasping Elien’s. She caught Killian’s eye. “Sorry, I couldn’t stop her.”
“Nonsense!” Tauriel said, sounding almost as eager as Snow, “I can’t wait to see it all.”
She gestured for Snow to sit next to her and the two women began to eagerly pour over the contents of the binder. Elien insisted on sitting between her Grandma and her Effie, practically climbing over the table to squeeze between them. Emma shook her head at the three of them as she slid into the other side of the booth next to Killian.
“Oh, I like this,” Tauriel said, pointing at a picture in the binder.
“Isn’t that adorable?” Snow gushed, “The kids get to decorate little bottles and put sparkly sand inside as fairy dust.”
“Real fairy dust?” Elien asked eagerly.
“No, sweetie,” Snow laughed, running her hand over her granddaughter’s strawberry blonde curls, “just pretend.”
“Oh, and look at this, an archery competition,” Tauriel continued, turning the page.
“With foam tipped arrows of course,” Snow explained, “I thought we could put it right next to the horses. David’s going to dress up in his Prince Charming clothes and give the kids rides.”
“Mom,” Emma spoke up, “it’s just a kid’s birthday party. It sounds like your throwing Elien a full blown Renaissance festival.”
“Five is a big birthday,” Snow argued, and Emma laughed lightly at the indignation on her mother’s face. “And she’s a princess.”
“On both sides,” Tauriel put in.
“That’s right,” Snow said, a hint of teasing creeping into her voice, “Killian never did tell us he was of royal blood.”
Killian coughed, his face turning red. He scratched behind his ear as he muttered, “Well, I never said anything about being part elf either.”
“But Papa’s proud of being an elf now, and so am I,” Elien announced, pushing her hair back to show off her ears. “See how cool my ears are? Just like Papa’s and Effie’s”
Everyone laughed at Elien’s pronouncement and Tauriel pulled her in for a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. Emma watched her daughter, sandwiched between two grandmothers who looked no older than her parents but were technically 60 and 500. Then Emma squeezed the hand of her daughter’s father, who was 300, but didn’t look a day over 35. Emma was sure there would be days when Elien got older that she would roll her eyes in embarrassment over her crazy family, but Emma hoped she would also know how incredibly blessed she was.
Killian leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Nin ylv na-pant.”
Emma grinned, her eyes bright. She always loved to hear him speak elvish. “What does that mean?”
He kissed her forehead before answering, “My cup runneth over.”
He always could read her mind. She wondered if that was an elf thing.
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lalka-laski · 4 years
What’s something you always wear, even in the shower? My rings. Although I try to take my promise ring off when I remember to. My Claddagh on the other hand is pretty much fused to my finger... there’s no getting that thing off.  What’s your favorite thing to wear to sleep? Usually nothing. Or just a loose tee-shirt What is or was your favorite stuffed animal growing up? My teddy bear Lemonade Have you read any book more than five times? Besides a picture book, no. I never enjoy re-reading books which I think is unusual for someone who loves literature as much as I do.  How did you feel after your first kiss? It was very anti-climactic
What type of underwear do you prefer? Lace thong What was the first movie you’ve seen in a movie theater? I believe Toy Story. Which would explain my lifelong attachment to all the movies.  What’s your state or country’s minimum wage? I honestly don’t know. $12/hour? What moment in time did you truly feel “awe-inspired”? Life is full of those moments What’s your least favorite food? Meat or seafood What’s your favorite constellation and why? I don’t have one. Maybe I should look into it.  If you could have any hairstyle you wanted, what would it look like? I’d love thicker, bouncier hair. I’m not sure if that’s actually answering your question but... Gold, silver or bronze accessories? Silver. Or rose gold!  Do you have any allergies? Not that I’m aware of.  Do you like the smell of cedar wood? LOVE IT. It’s one of my favorites ever.  Shower curtain or door? I’d prefer a door but I have a curtain  Do you wear slippers? Sometimes. I always buy slippers and fuzzy socks just because I can’t resist comfort items, but my body temp is usually too hot to actually wear them.  What’s your favorite pattern? I love all things floral!  Do you watch any big sports games? I like the World Cup and Euro Cup. And I do like watching The Superbowl mostly for the commercials and half-time show.  Can you play any instruments? Nope, I wish. If you could learn any language that you don’t already know semi-fluently, what would it be? I desperately want to be fluent in Polish. I’m decent at it but wouldn’t describe myself as even “semi-fluent” so, that’s my answer.  What’s your favorite topic in history class? That’s too broad for me to answer  Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really. I mean, I guess soulmates can recognize each other upon their first meeting but I can’t speak from experience on that.  What’s one dream that ruined your day when you woke up? The other day I had a dream about a mass shooting (at my grandmother’s wake, no less) and it really shook me up. It took me several hours to really come down from that anxiety.  Have you ever burned yourself? Way too many times Do you own a hair dryer? I do, but now I use my Revlon hot air brush. That thing is a GODSEND! What age did you learn to make toast? Whenever my parents decided I was “old” enough to operate a toaster. Fairly young, I assume.  What color’s the mat in your bathroom? Pink, of course What’s something in your bathroom you constantly run out of besides toilet paper? Tampons. But that’s because I never actually buy them myself. I snag them from work. Shhh...  What kind of watch do you wear? I don’t  How much did the shirt you’re wearing right now cost? Less than $10 because I got it from Plato’s Closet Are you still friends with anyone from middle school? Yep!  Do you hope to advance at your current job? No thank you, although the opportunity has been presented to me. I hope to just dip out entirely, though. Would you like to marry whoever you’re seeing right now? I plan on it :)  Have you ever thought to yourself that you’re the luckiest person in the world? Actually, yes. What’s your favorite color to paint your nails? Lately white. But usually pink. I’m so predictable.  What time of day do you most enjoy looking at the sky? Sunrises and sunsets are nice?  What’s your dream vehicle? Anything that comes with a personal driver ;)  What was the best thing you ever did for your parents, legal guardians or parental figures? Getting my act together, graduating college & moving into my own place Have you ever worn a suit? Nope Would you rather make 2D or 3D art? Hmm...2D I think  Have you ever made a list of questions for Tumblr? Nope  Do you prefer candles or incense? Candles. All incense seems to smell the same to me and I don’t know why? If you marry, would you do a traditional wedding or get hitched? We’re gonna do a traditional wedding What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done with binder clips? Ummm...?  Do you still go trick-or-treating? No but I wish! I actually had this conversation with Glenn not too long ago. The neighborhood surrounding our apartment complex is very wealthy & loaded with mansions, and I remarked that they’re definitely the type of houses that give out full sized candy bars. We need to borrow a child!  Have you ever won a costume contest? No, but I don’t think I’ve ever even entered one. What’s something you’ve done every summer for as long as you can remember? Well I’ve visited my family in Canada every summer for as long as I can remember but Covid said “NOPE!” this year.  Do you touch things for no reason? Actually yes Do you eat candy corn? Yeah. I don’t mind it but it’s by no means a favorite.
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ayearofromcoms · 7 years
#56: Picture Perfect (1997)
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IMDB plot summary: A young advertising executive's life becomes increasingly complicated when, in order to impress her boss, she pretends to be engaged to a man she has just met.
Is this an accurate plot summary? Imagine me starting a slow clap. Finally, an IMDB plot summary that is succinct and accurate.
I saw Picture Perfect (or at least part of it) when I was a small child, but I rewatched it for three reasons:
1. It was on Netflix.
2. I think about Jennifer Aniston’s mustard marketing idea ALL THE TIME. “Number two and that ain’t bad” is a GOOD IDEA and I stand by that.
3. I distinctly remember thinking Jay Mohr was very cute in this movie, a thought I have not had since. And let me just say, while some of my childhood crushes do hold up (I still think Ethan Embry is cute), this one did not.
I’m not going to pretend that Picture Perfect “makes sense” or “has a compelling love story” or “is a remotely good movie.” What I will tell you is that I really enjoyed watching it. But first, let’s go over the plot, because it’s kind of confusing. Here we go.
So Jennifer Aniston is single, as the movie spends about ten minutes reminding us. Her mom wants her to get married and her friends are all paired up. Single Jennifer Aniston goes to a wedding and ends up being the only woman in the bouquet toss, so she gets her picture taken with the guy (Jay Mohr) who caught the garter. Is this a normal thing to do? I wouldn’t know, because I tend to make the kind of friends who don’t do bouquet tosses at their weddings.
Anyway, at work the next week she can’t get a promotion and she asks her boss why. He explains that it’s because she’s single and unencumbered, and he only wants to invest in people who are tied down by marriages and mortgages. This seems like an HR nightmare, but whatever, it’s the 90s and the Ask a Manager column didn’t exist. So Jennifer Aniston’s only friend, her coworker Illeana Douglas, tells the boss that Jennifer Aniston is engaged. Her “fiance,” of course, is the guy in the picture from the wedding.
By going along with this lie, Jennifer Aniston gets a sweet new office. Her boss loves her. Kevin Bacon wants to sleep with her. Everything’s coming up Jen! But then, Jay Mohr saves a child and ends up on the news and everyone wants her to bring her fiance to dinner. So Jennifer Aniston has to convince Jay Mohr to be her fake fiance, but GUESS WHAT, Jay Mohr wants to be her real boyfriend because he’s instantly in love with her. I would say “for SOME reason,” but we all know the reason. This is 90s Jennifer Aniston and any man, Jay Mohr or otherwise, would be in love with her.
I’m exhausted from recounting all of that, but it’s only the first half of the movie. Picture Perfect takes SO long to get to the actual romance. I think I’m supposed to be so enthralled by Kevin Bacon’s wavy hair that I don’t notice I’ve barely met the love interest, but guess what? I noticed! As a result, Jennifer Aniston and Jay Mohr have almost no chemistry. Who is Jay Mohr’s character, anyway? He makes wedding videos and saved a kid and loves Jennifer Aniston and that’s all we know!
Plotwise, this movie is hanging on by a thread, but as previously mentioned, I really enjoyed it. Part of that was the nostalgia. Jennifer Aniston wears the most 90s clothes (a spaghetti strap dress over a tshirt! TO WORK!) and, at one point, she and Illeana Douglas smoke and tan on a rooftop as the Twin Towers loom in the background. I actually can’t think of a film scene that better encapsulates the 90s.
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But the main reason this movie works, if it does at all, is Jennifer Aniston. There’s a reason why people love her! She’s beautiful and charming and she has that ineffable movie star quality that makes you want to watch her no matter what, even when she’s marketing mustard.
Also, her wardrobe is truly bananas. She walks around town and goes to work and attends weddings all while wearing no bra, like she’s Kirsten Dunst in a street style photo or something. Far be it from me to tell another woman how to dress or what to do with her own body, but her nipples are constantly on display. Again, AT WORK! Part of me is like, “that seems unprofessional,” while the other part of me is like, “Wow, Kerry, capitulate to the patriarchy much? A woman’s body isn’t inherently shameful.” Maybe Jennifer Aniston’s nipples are like a Rorschach test, and in them we see a representation of our complicated relationship with modern feminism.
Nipple tangents aside, I 100% thought I would dress like this when I grew up. Spoiler alert: I haven’t started dressing like this, but i guess I still have time.
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But Picture Perfect isn’t just a slide show of Jennifer Aniston wearing various fantastic outfits. It’s a romantic comedy, and whither the romance? Well, even though it’s about as small as one of the dresses Jennifer Aniston wears to professional functions, I was into it anyway. I was skeptical, but did I end up falling for Jay Mohr by the end? Yes. I did. Maybe I don’t care much for real life Jay Mohr, but I enjoyed young fictional Jay Mohr. I mean, let’s get real: the main characters had literally ONE emotional conversation where they talked about their pasts, and it was extremely obvious how it was going to play into the end of the movie. But still! I was feeling it!
This movie isn’t perfect. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, and half of it isn’t even that romantic. That being said, I would still recommend watching it, if only to bask in the nostalgia and the charm of 90s Jennifer Aniston.
Stray Thoughts:
-Up until now, my feelings re: Kevin Bacon have been decidedly neutral. But for the duration of this film, they were strongly negative! He wasn’t even that bad (more like a garden variety d-bag than an actual villain), but I couldn’t understand why Jennifer Aniston liked him so much. Perhaps it was because, in both his build and his hairstyle, he kind of resembled her. It was almost as if she was building a love interest in her own image, kind of like Liberace did.* I also didn’t buy that Kevin Bacon wasn’t interested in her. As if there was a straight man in the 90s who didn’t want to get with Jennifer Aniston.
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-This was the third thing I’ve watched this week that featured Macy Gray. What is happening? Are we entering a Macy Gray singularity (a Macyngularity, if you will)? Either way, I’m not mad about it.
Romantic comedy cliches: A wedding, someone who works in advertising, a love triangle, a fun best friend, a demanding boss, fake boyfriend, a mom who wants her daughter to get married
Is this a good movie? I’m not sure. The characters are underwritten and there’s almost no chemistry between the leads, which would lead me to say it isn’t. And yet...
Did I like this movie? YEP.
Would I watch this movie again? Whether or not I ever see it again, I fear that Kevin Bacon’s feathered hair will haunt my dreams.
Did this movie make me believe in love? Oh, no. Not even a little bit.
If you’ve got romcom suggestions or thoughts, send ‘em my way on Twitter @KerryAnn or email me at [email protected]. I try to check my Tumblr messages, but I often forget!
*This doesn’t really fit within the scope of this blog, but if you haven’t seen the Liberace biopic staring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon, Behind the Candelabra, I highly recommend it. My brother Alex gave the best summary of this or any movie when he said, “I think what we learned is that you can take a lot of baths with someone, but you can never really know them. 
PS: If you’re a romcom fan (and I hope you are if you’re reading this blog), you might like my YA novel, LOVE AND OTHER ALIEN EXPERIENCES. It’s been called “a YA version of The Shop Around the Corner.”
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monkeydluffy19920 · 7 years
Chapter 861
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Glorious wedding (catastrophe) awaits in Whole Cake Island !
Ok so Vito is peeking around and we are introduced to big big family of Charlottes and all I can say is that there will be so many characters to be remembered (and I bet half of the names and faces will be mixed up). 
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More importantly, we are now seeing the picture of the mysterious Mother Caramel whom Big Mom treasures a lot. Earlier today when scrolling around the das I bumped into a theory that this same character could be somehow linked into Dadan, Luffy’s adoptive mother but since I didn’t have much time to dig into it I don’t remember where this idea was mainly based on so maybe better to skip it in this review.  Seems like it’s a sensitive subject for Big Mom to talk about since she got mad because someone tried to ask about it. One user around Tumblr (sorry forgot the URL because I browsed the dash with such a rush around the noon) but since there few mention about memories in general they were guessing whether Pudding will mess around with someones or everyones memories since she has that ability. 
I guess in the end it’s Linlin who gets the wedding gifts she is so hyped about them but more importanly, the tamatebako shes been talking about is back in business. I remember that earlier here were talks about that it might explode since we learnt from Fishman Island that there might a bomb but Momma doesn’t know about it and no doubt she will be so pissed if and when the KABOOM happens :D
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So part of their plan is to exploit the Mirror World and the  door with soul is getting killed just in case, good thing though because in Whole Cake Island everything can eavesdrop.  In last review I was wondering where the retrieval team will hide or how they can blend into mass if everything around has souls but @chefalier made me wiser by reminding about Capone’s ability  and now they are actually hiding inside Capone (sounds so damn creepy and the design is still ugly ::D). Was also talking about this chapter with my mate @pernanegra who had paid close attention on the panel here they all sleep and made me notice Brook isn’t there, so maybe he is up to something (probably some part of the plan that was discussed “off screen”). 
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Then we have Sanji is together with his future wife we can confirm that the wife swap theory is swept under the rug until proven otherwise because we clearly saw Nami sleeping elsewhere. Well Sanji has hard times to focus to to because Pudding is gorgeous and tries to distract him with her charm. 
I already forgot that Pudding hasn’t seen Sanji’s “Ero Kappa” side yet so it must been quite a surprise for her and she seemed to bit a bit annoyed by that. Even though his reaction seemed to cause lots of talk I’d say this was just Sanji’s usual pervy “mellorine”- mode. Lets not forget that he saw Pudding’s picture for the very first time in chapter 825 and had similiar reaction. Then we have  chapter 845   where they (assumingly) met for the very first time but he didn’t go in love cook mode and this proofs how down Sanji was back then. Well we knew already that because he never was ready to go through the marriage thing if he wasn’t forced to. Luckily after he reunited with Luffy and others he has been more himself, rational and calculating.  
Anyways @pernanegra​​ made a really good points in his post where he brought up a vey interesting comparison between him seeing Nami in wedding dress and him seeing Pudding in wedding dress and there indeeds is a difference. Like my fellow shipper mate said, surprisingly Sanji doesn’t go to pervy mode when seeing unconcious Nami, he calls her goddess and talk about the purity. Sanji might fall for Pudding’s cuteness but his admiration is really shallow (just look at the nostrils) It’s also good that pernanegra brought up the panel where Sanji first reacts to Pudding’s comment about this all being a dream. As you can see, there is a exclamation mark so it means he is well aware of the situation and has nanoseconds to react. Maybe it comes somewhere from the core that he thinks Pudding is cute when wearing a dress, despite the fact that he knows her real side. I won’t deny that he will face hard times with dodging that bullet but he’ll manage to outsmart her for sure !  (I assume Capone is showing the respect towards Sanji in the last panel?)
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This was mentioned already in my previous post but another important thing @pernanegra​ reminded me in our discussion was that Oda is an author who is skilled when it’s about misleading the readers. In other words he has managed to trick us believe that things are what he makes them to see like an then he throws a unexpected surprise there which turns the tables big time.  
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So the party has begun andit seems like almost everyone is enjoying. From Vinsmoke siblings Reiju is the only one showing a worried face, I still wonder has her mind changed since the last time they talked with Sanji because if she has ditched the plans about just allowing herself to die along the other siblings she might do an unexpected move. Then we see something rare, Judge smiling at Sanji. I don’t think he is proud of Sanji because he only cares about his ambitions but still and Momma is giving a greedy glare as well (those two psycho wackos should marry each other)
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Pudding still hasn’t got her box so I have high expectations about her but whatever will happen, the wedding will be a mess and can’t wait to see how things will get twisted !
ps. I’m not good in physics but if they are riding a cloud downwards shouldn’t a slight wind affect of Pudding’s hairstyle (making it go a bit up and maybe revelaing the third eye)? or maybe she uses good hair products ::D 
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New Post has been published on Trending Hairstyles
New Post has been published on http://www.hairstylesmode.com/hairstyles-half-up-and-half-down-model/
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hairstyles half up and half down Elfin braids, 1/4-inch thick braids tied off with small, uncoated rubber bands, add interest and playfulness to medium or long hair. Start the braid loose, tightening the weave as you go. All that is necessary are two or three braids along the side of your face or behind the ear to make your hairstyle more interesting in only 5 minutes. Allow about 1-1/2 minutes per braid.
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hairstyles half up and half down Some mornings, simply rolling out of bed in time to feed, bathe, and dress the kids before school seems nearly impossible. And when it comes to doing your hair? You can probably just forget about it. Lucky for you we have these five-minute hairstyles that are so cute and easy, you’ll have no excuse not to pull them off. hairstyles half up and half down
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hairstyles half up and half down What you put into your body has an affect on your hair. In an “Allure” magazine article, dermatologist Frederic Brandt notes that the B vitamin biotin promotes healthy hair growth by elongating the hair follicle and stimulating the cells. Take 5,000 micrograms a day or eat a diet rich in nuts, avocado and salmon. Foods with B6, such as kale and broccoli, and vitamin B12, which is found in nut milks, fish and dairy products, provide additional hair-healthy nutrients. Folate — found in whole grains, beets and berries — also aids in promoting healthy hair growth. hairstyles half up and half down
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hairstyles half up and half down If you leave your home with your hair looking great only to find your hairstyle becomes limp and frazzled after a few hours, you’re not alone. Various factors can affect your finished style such as an unusually chaotic day or even the humidity level of the environment that you are in. This article will address the most common complaints such as hair that refuses to hold your chosen style, hair that frizzes, and hair that falls flat. Making just a few alterations in your morning styling routine could make all the difference in how your hair looks at the end of a busy day. hairstyles half up and half down
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
1. What is something you always wear, even in the shower? I used to have three rings that I literally wore 24/7, which means I even wore them in the shower, for years. Sometime last year I took them off for some reason, and I just didn’t end up putting them back on. They’ve been off ever since, so now I don’t have anything I always wear.
Cool story, I know.
2. What is your favorite thing to wear to sleep? Comfy pants and a baggy shirt. <<< Same.
3. What is/was your favorite stuffed animal growing up! Growing up I didn’t have one, but now my favorites are all my giraffe stuffed animals that I have.
4. Have you read any book more than 5 times? No. I’ve read a lot of books that I really enjoyed, but I’ve never reread any. For some reason I can’t do that with that books? I don’t know why.
5. How did you feel after your first kiss? It was awkward, but it was my first and all I knew. I was giddy about it, lol.
6. What type of underwear do you prefer? Cotton.
7. What was the first movie you’ve seen in a movie theater? I don’t know, but the first one that comes to mind is Stuart Little. I know that’s not the first, though. It was probably a Disney movie.
8. What is your state or country’s minimum wage? I think it’s $10.50.
9. What moment in time did you truly feel ‘awe-inspired?’ Uhhh. I don’t know.
10. What is your least favorite food? Chinese food.
11. What is your favorite constellation and why? I don’t have one.
12. If you could have any hair style you wanted, what would it look like? I like my length, but I would add some layers.
13. Gold, silver, or bronze accessories? Silver.
14. Do you have any allergies? Latex and tangerines.
15. Do you like the smell of cedar wood? I do.
16. Shower curtain, or door? Mine has sliding doors.
17. Do you wear slippers? Nope.
18. What is your favorite pattern? Plaid.
19. Do you watch any big sports games? Nope.
20. Can you play any instruments? No. :/ I used to be able to play some piano, but it’s been too long now. I’d need a serious refresher. I wish I kept up with it and took it more seriously. I’d love to be able to play.
21. If you could learn any language that you don’t already know semi-fluently, what would it be? I do know some Spanish, but I’d like to be fluent in it.
22. What is your favorite topic in history class? There’s a lot of interesting topics throughout.
23. Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
24. Name one dream that ruined your day when you woke up. I’m sure there’s one that had me in a bad mood or upset after I woke up, but I’m blanking on an example right now.
25. Have you ever burned yourself? Yes. Not fun.
26. Do you own a hair dryer? Yeah, we have one. I don’t use it, though.
27. What age did you learn to make toast? Uhh. I have no idea. Probably pretty young since it’s super easy.
28. What color is the mat in your bathroom? Brown.
29. Name something in your bathroom you constantly run out of besides toilet paper. There isn’t anything else that we constantly run out of, though. Not anything on the same level as toilet paper.
30. What kind of watch do you wear? I don’t wear one. I just use my phone.
31. How much did the shirt you’re wearing right now cost? I’m not sure because it was a Christmas gift.
32. Are you still friends with anyone from middle school? Yeah, my friend Amanda.
33. Do you hope to advance at your current job? I’m unemployed.
34. Would you like to marry whoever you’re seeing right now? I’m not seeing anyone right now.
35. Have you ever thought to yourself that you’re the luckiest person in the world? I felt that way with Ty, as cheesy as it probably sounds.
36. What is your favorite color to paint your nails? Black, honestly.
37. What time of day do you most enjoy looking at the sky? Like evening time when the sun starts to go down. When the sky has pink and yellow and orange mixed in.
38. What is your dream vehicle? I don’t have one.
39. What was the best thing you ever did for your parents or legal guardians or parent figures? I’m not sure. You’d have to ask them.
40. Have you ever worn a suit? No.
41. Would you rather make 2d or 3d art? I suppose 2D. That is if I could actually make any kind of art at all.
42. Have you ever made a list of questions for Tumblr? No.
43. Do you prefer candles or incense? Incense.
44. If you marry, would you do a tradition wedding, or get hitched? I don’t know. I don’t even know if I’ll ever get married.
45. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done with binder clips? Nothing weird that I can think of.
46. Do you still go trick-or-treating? No.
47. Have you ever won a costume contest? I’ve never been in one, but I’m sure I wouldn’t have won any.
48. What is something you’ve done every summer for as long as you can remember? Complain about the heat? ha.
49. Do you touch things for no reason? Uhhh. Maybe? I don’t know. Probably more so absentmindedly.
50. Do you eat candy corn? Yup. I actually really like candy corn in small quantities. <<< Same!  Because it’s so sweet I can only have a little at a time as well, but it is good.
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cherry-jim · 4 years
it’s been a long while since i logged into tumblr. a lot has changed and i guess i just felt like penning my thoughts down.
i guess one of the major things that happened this year, although it doesn’t feel like it was actually this year, was that a and i broke up. that was at the beginning of february. it’s only may, but the first half of this year has really felt immensely long. but anyway. i was the one to bring it up, some late night when i was on my way back home from headquarters. i was sitting in the back of the grab and i don’t know why i felt so strange. well, i had been feeling that way for a while now. it started somewhere around the end of december (julia’s christmas dinner party), slowly seeping into my mind during january (ana’s wedding), worsening toward the end of the month (that CNY period).
i began to fall out of love. our fights were getting worse. they could be about the most ridiculous thing. i started to feel less loved. maybe i was loving less too. i was definitely loving less. i’m wracking my brain for the memories of this, of us, but it’s begun to dissipate.
i was spending a lot more time with my friends. my last day of work was nearing. back then, i still had plans for copenhagen (so so heartbroken that it got cancelled). i was excited for all the freedom to come. and i started to feel like i wanted freedom from him too. there was a buildup of events and incidents that abated my feelings for him.
there were often times in the shower i would ponder - “was he really the one i wanted to marry?” honestly speaking, deep down, my answer was no, not really. if it was a yes, it was accompanied with “then you’re just settling”. there was a part of me that didn’t want to let it go, because we had been through a lot to even start what we had been. maybe i felt like it would’ve gone to waste. but there was a part of me that felt like i wanted, needed more. i wasn’t satisfied. we were always arguing. it was tiring. we were both finding it hard to compromise. and to be brutally honest, when i agreed to date him at the very beginning, it was partially because i felt bad, a little guilty. it wasn’t like a yes, god yes, i want to go out with you. it was a little what if i don’t find someone else. i mean, eventually, i did really like and then love him. i’m not discrediting him nor our past relationship. but i can’t deny that it was more him than me, at the start.
anyway, this is going to sound real cliche.
s appeared again in my life. i’ve known him, or rather who he was, since four years ago. i used to work at penny’s affiliated cafe down at tampines west community club. his elder brother worked there too. and he, he worked at the little churro shop downstairs, opposite starbucks.
i’ve always thought he was cute since back then. but even back then, i was with c. i never really saw much of him after that, unless i went down to penny. anyway, somewhere around the end of last year, i went to motherdough to meet fadhli and the rest. and he was there too. it was the first time he ever really spoke to me, because i accidentally drank some of his tea and he jokingly asked me to pay him for it. it took me a little by surprise, because i’ve always thought of him as really shy, and definitely not a joker. whenever i saw him, he always looked so serious and stoic. anyhow, we all went for dinner after that. i was still with a at this point. he came down for dinner too. a has never met him before so upon arrival, he asked me “who’s that guy at the end?” i replied “that’s ____. he works at penny too.”
then end january came. it was the end of that hellish cny period at work. a and i had been through a pretty fucking rough patch, but we were still hanging on. my sister and i had just gone for spin and we were heading to fayidha for dinner with (yep, you guessed it) fadhli and the rest. now, i know the memory should not be clear in my mind... yet it is. it’s ever so distinct.
my sister and i were seated side by side. i looked up and i saw fadhli, ameer and him walking toward our table. i think my heart might’ve skipped a little bit. there was something in my chest, a little fluttery feeling. a tinge of excitement. i hadn’t known he was coming. then i mentally reprimanded myself. a was coming for dinner too. how could i even look at someone else?
but a hadn’t arrived yet. and s had begun to make jokes. i really didn’t know he was the type, but i found myself laughing anyway. when a finally arrived, i felt a little sick in my stomach. i was secretly stealing glances at another boy while my own boyfriend was seated next to me.
he’s really handsome. s. his nose is sharp and i can definitely tell you that god spent a little extra time on the dip of his cupid’s bow. his jawline is cutting. he is gorgeous. and he has that hairstyle, the short bangs type. a hairstyle i’ve always loved on boys. he gives off a real bad boy persona (again with the cliches).
that night, i began to understand what cherry valance meant when she said “I hope I never see Dallas Winston again. If I do, I’ll probably fall in love with him.”
there was another night we all went to simpang for dinner. i was supposed to meet a that day but he had cancelled on me last minute due to something that happened during soccer. so instead, i found myself waiting for fadhli to end work so we could all hang. a few of us, including s, ended up at simpang. and that night, that night i think i really fell in love with s.
i’m not saying it was a’s fault or whatever. but i think it’s funny how the events unfolded the way it did, all because he cancelled on me that day.
post-breakup, i kept denying that s had anything to do with it.
but i think i knew, deep down, a part of me wanted some part of him.
and it’s not like i actually knew him at that point or that we were even talking, asides from when i saw him at penny.
but he was charming and sweet.
we started talking days after my breakup. and i kind of hated myself for it. because i didn’t really know what i was searching for. or again, maybe i did but i was just too afraid to admit it.
naturally, the friends who knew about it advised me against it, because it was not letting me heal properly. except nira. nira was all for it. i felt sad about the breakup only on some days, and it wasn’t many days either. and then, s and i talked more and more, and we flirted and we talked and we flirted and we talked.
i was a little scared at first. because i found myself smiling at his messages (can I please stop with the fucking cliches, please I am begging myself…) and i didn’t really know what we were doing and i was a little scared it might be nothing to him.
but he voiced his concerns. he was worried i was just trying to fill the void. everyone thought it was odd that we were hanging out, just the two of us.
i stopped writing this a while back lol but the point is i love him so much and he is everything! one day i will pen down all about him, the way he deserves to be written about. but for now, he has my heart and i his! 
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28 gorgeous hairstyles that you can choose for prom
Prom hairstyles are all the time chosen very long time earlier than the occasion, and this tendency isn’t groundless. Firstly, there are lots of particulars to contemplate with the intention to have a flawless picture. And secondly, this occasion is so awaited that you simply begin to suppose that you don’t have any proper to make a mistake. In addition to, who is aware of, what if this nighttime will probably be particular for one more cause? So, you’ll want to be ready beforehand. Allow us to decide you essentially the most flattering coiffure.
There are various prom hairstyles for brief hair. So, in case your hair is brief, you do not need to begin rising out it two years earlier than the occasion. Any hair size and texture will do for a stunning coiffure.
And the identical is true about prom hairstyles for lengthy hair and medium hair. Your prospects are countless. Nevertheless, many styling choices aren’t solely a blessing, but additionally a curse.
That’s, how to decide on only one if most of them are so fairly? The answer is simple: discover a skilled stylist and seek the advice of with her or him. And ladies with pure curly hair have the best resolution: simply be your self, don’t straighten your superb curls, there are many hairstyles for them, too.
Nevertheless, it’s higher to have your individual concepts and share them together with your hair stylist. So, look by means of these stylish styling choices and decide a number of that you simply discover essentially the most stunning and tasteful.
Now if you go to your hairstylist, you’ll be able to present her or him these photos after which ask for recommendation. You’ll be informed that a bun coiffure will probably be an ideal complement to your night gown and add romance to your prom look. The perfect factor is: this coiffure gained’t be a distraction out of your gown and equipment, it would emphasize their delicacy. Every of those up dos is the class in its purest type, isn’t that the best way you need to look this nighttime?
If you need every little thing to be excellent, you might be able to spend all of your time and money to succeed in the perfection. However, who mentioned that you need to? Always remember in regard to the magic energy of simplicity: an easy ponytail seems superb with this prom look. Simply look how properly these traditional waves and the look: you don’t must all the time go to a salon to look stunning.
Have a look at these pics, every is particular in its personal means. Slinky clothes and a braided or waved coiffure type a mesmerizing duo. You may add a little bit wavy accent to your brief hair, it would look attractive, too. Bear in mind: no matter coiffure you select, you’ll all the time look particular.
24 Prom Hair Styles To Look Amazing | Hairstyles | Prom hair, Hair ��
24 Gorgeous Prom Hairstyles 2019 – Cute & Easy Prom Hair Inspiration
65 Stunning Prom Hairstyles for Long Hair for 2019 | Braid Tutorials …
24 Gorgeous Prom Hairstyles 2019 – Cute & Easy Prom Hair Inspiration
A High Ponytail Trend | Hair | Bridesmaid hair, Hair styles, Hair
24 Easy Long Hairstyles For Valentine’s Day | hair doooo | Hair …
60 Trendy Easy Hair Updos To Look Stunning This Summer | Hair …
21 Beautiful Hair Style Ideas for Prom Night | Social hair ideas …
24 Gorgeous Prom Hairstyles 2019 – Cute & Easy Prom Hair Inspiration
43 Beautiful Hairstyles Inspirations Ideas For Prom – VIs-Wed
24 best Wedding Hair/Nails/Makeup images on Pinterest | Wedding hair …
27 Gorgeous Prom Hairstyles for Long Hair | Braidistas | Pinterest …
60 Trendy Easy Hair Updos To Look Stunning This Summer | Hair …
42 Half Up Half Down Wedding Hairstyles Ideas | beautify moi …
prom updo | Tumblr
medium hairstyles | Tumblr
Curly Hairstyles Pictures | Prom Wavy | Wedding — One Side Curly …
prom updo | Tumblr
25 Best Formal Hairstyles to Copy in 2018 | Page 2 of 2 | StayGlam
Beautiful Bridal hairstyle for long hair to inspire you | Hair …
3 Easy Prom Hairstyles – YouTube
prom updo | Tumblr
easy hairstyles for short hair | Tumblr
braided-hair-tips | Tumblr
prom updo hairstyles
prom hair styles
25 prom hair styles
prom hairstyle ideas
28 gorgeous hairstyles that you can choose for prom
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s3venpounds · 6 years
For real? I mean I don’t mind but I’m starting to feel like no one actually reads these lol
1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Tumblr usually
2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first?
Teen section. Their books are short and sweet and the romance books i find in the general romance section are huge and just have huge bulging men. I just wanna read about dumb teenagers doing dumb things but also accidentally being poetic as all hell sometimes dumb jokes are a plus as well.( plus I don’t have enough patience for long books haha)
3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing? On my phone. Still part of the conversation just replying out loud with no eye contact unless its a really funny story or topic
4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to?Don’t got a car but I’d love to just go for the general top songs in my city. I usually listen to really old songs so listening to whats popular takes me by surprise nowadays
5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do? Check my phone if someone messaged me during the night or my calendar app if theres anything I have planned today
6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____. BBQ Pulled Pork or Adobong Lechon Kawali
7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender? See if I’m attractive to my standards? Probably go hang out with friends BUT tell them all me and my cousin are coming to chill with BUT i cancel last minute so my cousin is still coming to meet them. Commence pranks
8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant? Buy food from a restaurant. Although I’d love to try a bunch of recipes from youtube vids
9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose? I would say smell? although given how taste works I’d lose about 70% of taste if i lose smell right? but i still wanna taste food so yeah smell.
10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be? 17 that or 13 would be neato
11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know? yes
12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent? rich and dumb. Ignorance is bliss I say. 
13. What TV character do you most relate to? I don’t know any TV characters that I can relate to but I do know some Disney movie characters I relate to? Jim from Treasure planet is the biggest one
14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to? Frozen section or snack aisle ice cream and junk food mmmm
15. Is sex before marriage wrong? nope. I feel like marriage comes after you’ve accepted them for EVERY aspect. then again it depends on how you view sex. If its sacred to you more power to ya, if its just whatever it feels good hey i agree. its wrong if only 1 person agrees to have it. 
16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings?keep 25% in a secure place. a portion goes to a bunch of charities and streamers of my choice. a portion goes to whatever i wanna spend it on. a portion goes to pay off whatever friend’s college debts i can. a portion goes to a way i can keep a stable income i can live off of. and a portion goes to my family I guess.
17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react? I don’t feel the same.
18. Will the USA ever have a female president? I fuckin’ hope so. Maybe not hilary clinton. maybe. I don’t know enough about politics to make an informed opinion
19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger? Passenger, I space out too much
20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses? Nothing is too short i guess. let people wear what they want. its the people looking at fault for objectifying or whatever
21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose? Potatoes sounds neato. that or sandwiches cuz i can customize it as much as i like. potatoes sounds like a def good idea tho
22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing? playing overwatch with friends
23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date? depends on what part of their personality I hate. Are they shallow ? Are they hate filled or closed minded? if they simply just disagree with things like pineapples vs no pineapples on pizza then thats fine, take the good with the bad. if its the closed minded stuff then no I wouldn’t want a second date. Be as pretty as you like, if I can’t stand you then theres no use.
24. How strict should gun laws be? Pretty fucking strict? what, we were in like not even a month of 2018 and we get another school shooting? are you fucking serious? like look at every other country out there, majority of them had 1 school shooting and said “ ok lets maybe be stricter on gun laws” boom. public shootings basically disappeared. WE NEED STRICTER GUN LAWS. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.
25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team? Worst player on the best team. Because I’m bound to improve and I would never be playing alone. I AM on a team after all.
26. How well do you work with others? Dunno. I would say I’m ok but not a savant by any means. It’s been a while since I’ve had to work with someone back to back
27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose? Cancer most likely Whatever is most common, uncurable, and hardest to research
28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you? I mean maybe? I’ve seen so many of my friends look half dead and be a husk of their former selves just to graduate and thats not a hell i would willingly put myself through. But I suppose if I’m guaranteed a job right off the bat I would.
29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now? Dead? or homeless I guess.
30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro choice. If it aint yours you aint got no say over it. 
31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited?  Hell yeah, weddings a wedding. weddings mean new people and food. Especially food. oh and friends
32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life? K Days with C and friends
33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested? Yes
34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be? Fall. Cold enough to use my other 60% of my wardrobe but still warm enough I can go out with shorts and a shirt and be fine
35. What is your biggest regret in life? thats a loaded question my dood. Letting my social life be such a huge focus at such a critical time
36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be? Freddie Mercury? That or Elvis
37. What offends you the most? People that try to make my decisions for me thinking they have my best interests at heart.
38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald? ugly hairstyle eugh. I can’t do bald. I’d rather be ugly as fuck.
39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage? 16 i think?
40. What do you think happens to us when we die? We’re trapped in our dead bodies until we fully rot then we wander the world as nothing but whispers and chills down people’s necks.
41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking? I heard a hot sauna can help get rid of the tobacco in your system that makes you crave
42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose? a Puma would be neat
43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species? I wanna say our biological predecessors were created with our evolution in mind but its not the end we may evolve further.
44. What scares you the most? Death or at least the thought of the aftermath
45. What personality trait turns you off the most? People who think theyre right and everyone else is wrong and refuse to consider new perspectives.
46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it? I’d take it. maybe not for the rest of my life but at least for a while
47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have? nothing to be honest.
48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself? pretty often
49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose? Will Smith or Jackie Chan
50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to? Jon Bellion or Aj Rafael
51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving? nope
52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young? Yup 11 KF SSAC
53. Is world peace possible? Yeah its just humanity isn’t ready for it.
54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Most likely a second date but if youre saying this person is absolutely revolting to me then maybe not a date so much as just to hang out.
55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real? I didn’t I knew off the bat. Every time my parents would say “ its from santa” as I was with them as they bought my present. My parents don’t do subtle.
56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity? I believe in some omnipotent figure HOWEVER I don’t let it dictate my life. I do believe there is something out there.I mean it can’t be coincidence that literally as soon as humanity could think they all believed in some form of god. Greek, Roman, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Native, Hawaiian etc.
57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it? Hell yes. Jail time is temporary, A life is permanent.
58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money? Yknow I never done something like this yet I always wanted to
59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be? Injustices or poetry about rain
60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw? Also a loaded question. Theres a lot haha. I would sayyyyyyyyy how hypocritical I am.
61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend? nah
62. Have you ever “woke up like this”? Do you mean the song or something else. If its the song then no. 
63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it? Hell yeah man, part time jobs exists, other ways to make money exist. If I love it then money is a small price to pay to be happy for the rest of my life.
64. What do you think is your best physical feature? I’ve been told my hair is nice and my eye brows?
65. What do you think is your worst physical feature. the way my face looks when i smile
66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide? no.
67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don’t know? I talked to a stranger who was new to the city about all the places to have fun. Malls, tourists sights, events, small cafes and restaurants and activites.
68. Have you ever had a night’s dream come true? Oh god no. My dreams are all crazy as fuck the MOST TAME one was where i was in a shopping bazaar in Philippines and i got shot 5 times in the bathroom  by someone who went on a rampage. and thats the most tame
69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn’t like? I’m gonna pass on that. - is what I would say.
70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all? Never trying at all.
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sheepbearfox · 7 years
fifty question studyblr tag.
questions from @organizedminimalist​
i decided to start off this baby studyblr with a questionaire studyblr tag. <3 i love doing these types of things. it’s super great exercising for the brain... well, specifically my own brain if not others, lol! 
you can check out organizedminimalist’s answers here! btw, she tagged everyone!
What country are you studying in now? USA
What’s your major or specialization? I have no idea, but I’m considering Art History, Neuroscience/Neurology/...everything neuro lol, Psychology, &/or Business
What year are you in? 1st year in General Studies atm.
What courses are you taking (/will be taking if on break)? I haven’t even enrolled/picked my classes yet! lol!
Favorite course? I have a feeling it’s going to be Drawing, but who knows?
What languages do you know? Want to learn? I am only fluent in English atm, but I used to be fluent in Lao. Languages I’d like to learn?: (especially) Korean & Japanese, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Thai, refresh on Lao, and Hmong (due to being half Hmong.)
What language do you study in? Do you think in a different language? Study in English, and I think in English... with a whole bunch of different language onomatopoeia (thanks Korean Dramas.)
Career aspiration? SO MUCH ASPIRATIONS, but I mostly want to be an artist, writer, and entrepreneur or possibly a CEO.
If you couldn’t be #8, what would you be? Psychologist, Art Professor, or Wedding Planner.
Moment you knew what you wanted to do? I slowly understood what I wanted to do from little snippets of ambition. I finally understood the whole picture about a year or two ago.
Where is your favorite place to study? Quiet places that allow my study music and with LOTS of desk space (coffee shops, library, closed rooms, etc.)
When is your favorite time to study? I don’t have a favorite time lol, but late mornings/late nights to early mornings. I like it to be dark outside basically.
Clean desk or organized mess? Depends on the mood, but clean messy...if that makes sense? The exact stuff I’m studying with would be messy while everything else is organized.
Music or no music? What type? Music for sure. Softly played piano covers (k-pop piano covers, anime piano covers, etc. I also enjoy easy listening music like Crywolf. *PRO BACKGROUND MUSIC TIP: USE AMBIENT-MIXER.COM FOR THESE COOL BACKGROUND SOUNDS LIKE HOGWART’S LIBRARY. YO.
Name top 3 worst distractions. Social media, Korean drama, youtube... other life planning (making lists, pinterest, etc.)
Exam time, dress up or dress down? In sweats. I’m always in sweats.
Exam time, hair up or hair down? Depends on the mood... but most likely high up pony-tail. My favorite hairstyle.
Favorite outfit for studying? Same-old sweats. Maybe in pj shorts this time if it’s hot. But tbh, even if it’s cold... I’d wear shorts and jus use a blanket.
Favorite study scent? After rain morning.
Name 5 things you would consider your ‘study essentials’. 0.3 mm or smaller mechanical pencil, small black MUJI eraser, 0.5 mm or smaller black gel pen, small ruler (6ish inch,) graph paper, hobonichi techo planner (random notes are in there,) laptop/phone (online notes & pinterest for study layout inspo,) books, and music.
Hardcopy books or pdf online? Both are okay with me, but the physical book is a tad bit easier.
Favorite study snack? drink? Goji berries or blueberries... maybe grapes. Slightly chilled water or coconut water.
Favorite pen (or pencil)? Pilot for my pen. I lost my pencil, so I’m not sure about that one at this moment. I’ll edit it in later.
Favorite notebook/paper? I love, love, love graph paper (specifically the SMALL squares like within the hobonichi techo.) I also love the Cambridge notebook papers, but they’re on the expensive side. As for blank pages? Textured sketchbooks like the Canson Mixed Media Pads.
Name 5 apps/tools that help you be productive. Evernote, but recently an addition of the Bear app (transitioning note-taking app,) Tick Tick, TORA reminder app, myHomework Student Planner, and still discovering!
How many pens/pencils/markers are in your pencil case? I haven’t been pen/pencil/marker shopping yet... so 2 black gel pens, 1 0.3 mm mechanical pencil, and the rest are MUJI erasers and a ruler.
Backpack or purse? Backpack, and SOMETIMES a shoulder laptop bag.
How many notebooks do you have? ROFL. A LOT. I’m a journal/notebook/sketchbook-hoarder-in-responsible-journal/notebook/sketchbook-purchasing-training member. My favorite “note” journal/notebooks are my hobonichi techo, moleskine journals, my large Cambridge lined notebook, and graphing notepad. Since I’m trying to avoid buying journals/notebooks/sketchbooks, I’ve been using Evernote & Bear like crazy.
How do you motivate yourself when you’re not motivated? Take a break, stroll through the amazing study note-taking on pinterest/tumbr/instagram, think about my future and the ambitions I have, &/or listen inspirational speeches.
Pump up routine before writing an exam? Bag needs to be packed, have to have showered, dressed nicely, hair done and minimal make up applied - and listen to either EDM or coldplay on my way there. Finish a crying session with Korean Dramas, reading serious-businss tumblr threads, get dressed in sweats, put on my eyebrows, contemplate on eyeshadow or eyeliner, coconut oil & bite lip agave lip mask lip time, tie my hair up, pack my bag, sit down and scroll through phone one last time for a while AND ALSO EAT SOME FOOD, head there, and pray I’ll stay awake.
Crammer or pacer? Both, but mostly crammar. I for some reason have a part time studying/remembering long-term knowledge under pressure. Short-term memory is stronger for pressure/stress.
Type of learner (kinesthetic, auditory, visual)? Visual and a little bit of kinesthetic.
How do you plan? (digital, planner, lists, no plan, etc.) myHomework planner, Tick Tick if needed, planner, more lists (the more I write it down, the more I remember to do it/makes it a higher priority in my mind.)
Preferred note-taking method? Typed/digitally AND hand-written/drawn. I have to do both.
Do you make to-do lists? How? Hell yes, I do. I make lists EVERYWHERE. I LOOOOVE making lists.
Do you stick to your to-do lists? Depends on the list. But majority of the time. It has to be high-priority/a list I create on every item I can think of.
Group study or independent study? Independent.
Average number of hours of sleep during exam time? I can’t do less than 6 hours, or I’ll pass out during the day/exam.
Ever pulled an all-nighter? Not for school related things... SO FAR.
What do you do to recover from getting a grade lower than expected? I feel down about it, but I know I end up having a decent to great grade at the end of the road. That’s all that matter to me... trying my best.
One advice you’d give others? There is more than one way to get to where you want to go. Put your heart into your work. The more genuinely interested you feel, the easier and BETTER you learn and remember anything. Find interest. Find purpose.
What are you most proud of right now? Surviving schoolwork with lack of motivation from depression.
Favorite quote to keep you going? Oh my, too much... just too much quotes. LOTS.
Favorite way to de-stress? Sleep.
Favorite 5 studyblrs? I’m new, so I haven’t seen a lot yet!
How often do you check Tumblr? At least once a day.
Hobbies when you’re not studying? Art, pinteresting, taking notes/making lists, thinking about the future, etc.
Favorite compulsory-reading book? I’m not sure lol.
First nerdy joke that pops into your head. My favorite one.
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dehair-blog · 8 years
Half Up Wedding Hairstyles
Half Up Wedding Hairstyles
The half up wedding hairstyle is the simplest and perfect for easy wedding hairstyle to make. This wedding hairstyle become trend for the recent wedding hairstyle.
The half up wedding hairstyles is the most common wedding hairstyle option for casual and simply wedding hairstyle. The messy look becomes the character from this wedding hairstyle.
However, you can make your half up stay look elegant…
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