#half way through he stops fighting and just sits there snarling at Yuu
cafe-smut · 6 months
The Girl With The Dogs tiktokt account
But it's just Yuu attempting to bathe and groom Savannaclaw Dorm.
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britishassistant · 4 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Needs a New Uniform
You hate magic.
You hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic, you hate magic so so so much.
You especially hate magic when it’s being used by an off-his-rocker prince with a persecution complex the size of Shibuya to disintegrate you because you’re trying to stop him from being consumed by evil magic waste and turning this dumb boy’s school into a desert over a sports tournament.
Your left side throbs around the grit of the sand buried in it as you desperately scramble upwards. All around you the formerly stable bleachers are wavering, tonnes of metal and support slowly crumbling to dust from the ground up with every second that passes.
“Prefect! Are you okay?!” Deuce has begun taking a few steps towards the bleachers—
Turning his back on Kingscholar.
“DEUCE, GET DOWN!!” You scream.
One of Cater-senpai’s clones trips him up, only to scream in agony as the magic blast intended for Deuce disintegrates it instead.
You try not to retch as you heave yourself up onto the commentator’s box roof.
“Pay attention, dumbass!” You faintly hear Ace bark. “You can’t just forget about the crazy overblot! We’re in the middle of a battle here!!”
“But my minion’s stuck up there!” Grim wails back, “We gotta do something!”
Buchie-senpai says something you can’t hear in reply, because you’re too busy hollering, “Howl-san, MOVE!!”
Howl-san only narrowly dodges the incoming attack despite his speed. The sand slams into the already weakened bleachers, causing you to stumble as the roof shakes under you, tilting at an alarming angle.
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” Kingscholar mocks, creepy hollow voice clearly audible despite the distance. “Didn’t I tell you herbivores to be prepared?”
You fight the urge to flip him off with great difficulty.
This is so much worse than Rosehearts-senpai’s Overblot. The ligament in your right ankle still gives twinges that show it’s not fully healed yet, but at least you weren’t the only one roughed up in that battle, as the dorm head lashed out at everyone and everything in his rage.
Kingscholar is aiming for you specifically. Which means that this overblot can think enough to recognize threats beyond those flinging magic attacks at it.
And exploit the fact that the you’re weak and in danger to force the others to choose between saving you and taking him down.
Your teeth sink into your thumb. You don’t wanna die here, you refuse to die here, so what are your options??
Option one; focus on directing the battle and try to stick it out up here until Kingscholar is defeated.
A bad plan right off the bat, if the tremors underneath you are any indication.
If you try to hold out until the end of the fight, the sand will finish eating through the bleachers’ supports just like it’s eating into your thigh and hip right now. You will not survive the fall onto the jagged steel and rebar below.
The others might manage not to get distracted by your messy death, but if they haven’t finished off Kingscholar by then, they’ll be sitting ducks if they can’t agree on a strategy.
Ace and Grim are down there.
There’s no way they’re not dead if you bite the dust.
And all that’s on the very generous assumption that Kingscholar won’t just King’s Roar you right here and now. He’s certainly smirking like he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea, the cocky bastard.
So option two; get the others to help you down ASAP, preferably while Kingscholar is distracted.
Marginally better than option one, but not by much. If they all come to help you, Kingscholar can just pick them off at his leisure, even if Cater-senpai uses his clones to try and confuse who’s who. While all of you are struggling to see in the sandstorm, the accuracy of the overblot’s attacks show that the storm isn’t affecting his eyesight one bit.
Plus, the more of your allies get on the bleachers, the higher the likelihood of the bleachers collapsing faster and crushing them and you with it.
Even if you try to have one or two of them split off from the group to help get you down while the others try to keep him occupied, Kingscholar can target you, the splinter group before they can get to you, or even wipe out the remainder of the attacking formation who won’t have the necessary magic to defend themselves from a head-on assault.
Divide and conquer. As expected of a might makes right fanatic.
Kingscholar-senpai, you decide, is one of the biggest bag of dicks you’ve ever laid eyes on. Even counting the ones you’re related to.
All that’s left is option three.
If you want a job done right, do it yourself.
“Eyes on the Overblot guys, nobody break formation no matter what you think you see or hear!” You wince as you strip your blazer off, feeling fresh blood soak into your side. It’s tattered around the edges where King’s Roar tore into you, but the body of the jacket seems whole enough at least. “I’ll be fine, so just focus on Kingscholar!”
You grit your teeth as you tie the sleeves together. “Buchie-senpai, I need you to use Laugh With Me to keep him still so Rosehearts-senpai can Off With His Head. Howl-san, Cater-senpai, Deuce, Grim, you need to hit him then with everything you’ve got! I’ll signal when by telling Ace what he needs to do! No more holding back, we need to end this, understood?!”
“Loud and clear!” Buchie-senpai calls back, brandishing his magic pen.
“You better not be planning anything too crazy Yuu-chan~” Cater-senpai calls up, his exhaustion evident through his usual bravado.
Kingscholar chuckles. “If this is something you think you can fight back against, just try to fight it! I’ll turn all of your meaningless efforts to sand!”
The sandstorm picks up in response to his words, the small grains burning your eyes and scraping across your skin.
“On my mark!” You yell, bracing yourself.
The roof shrieks in protest under you.
“Ace—“ You hold the ragged edges of your blazer tight in your hands. “Give me some wind!!”
You start running.
You jump.
You vaguely hear yelling below you, beyond the swoop of your stomach and the roar of the bleachers collapsing into rubble behind you. Your makeshift parachute feels like it’s on the verge of tearing itself out of your grip. You think you’re screaming.
Oh god, this was a mistake, this was a horrible, horrible mistake. You don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die, you don’t wanna die—
The wind picks up in your ears, but it’s not enough, you’re barely slowing down, why did you think this was a good idea, you saw it in a video game for the love of god, you’re going to die, you’re going to break your legs and die—
Small pricks of pain seize onto your hair, your shoulders, your back, and your uninjured leg. Several small and hard somethings start hitting you in the face repeatedly.
Huh. You thought bats were nocturnal. What are they doing here in the middle of the day?
Wait, before that, why are there even bats in a sandstorm in the first place?! And whey are they all latched onto you like you’re a piece of fruit they’re trying to carry off??
“Sebek, if you would~?”
You shriek as something clamps down hard around your injured thighs and waist, the wind half knocked out of you as a shoulder is driven into your stomach.
“Stop screaming, human!!” The loud green-haired Diasomnia member roars at you. “Be grateful Lilia-sama saw fit to sav—”
“Yes, yes, I’m very thankful, just hold on a sec!” You babble, twisting in his grip. The sandstorm’s weakened a lot, and while Kingscholar’s looking a lot worse for wear than he did before you leapt, he’s not down for the count just yet.
But you know exactly the combo to finish him off.
“Grim, Ace, Deuce!!” You yell. “Fire-tornado-cauldron him!!”
“Leave it to me, fnagh!” Grim crows as Ace shouts, “We have GOT to come up with a cooler name than that!!”
The overblot dodges out of the way of the aptly-named fire tornado, still smug if tired and badly scorched. However, as he races forward to counterattack, it becomes clear that he forgot about the third part of the combo you yelled.
“TAKE THIS!!” Deuce screams.
The look on Kingscholar-senpai’s face before the cauldron lands on him is something you’re gonna treasure for weeks.
“King...I’ll...be...” The lion prince staggers, and finally, finally collapses.
There’s a quiet moment as the sand storm slows to a gradual stop.
Kingscholar doesn’t get back up, the giant lion dissipating like a mirage and the grey and black leeching from him.
“It...it’s over.” You pant. “We...we beat him...!”
Rosehearts-senpai doesn’t lower his magic pen. Instead, he wheels around and points it at you with a thunderous “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!”
The heavy metal collar snaps shut around your neck. “ACK!”
The Diasomnia guy actually drops you at the sight of Rosehearts-senpai storming over, face redder than a strawberry tart and eyes burning with fury.
Please God, don’t make you have to deal with another Overblot after just beating an extremely painful one.
“No, I just didn’t want to get impaled!” You bristle, gesturing at the rubble. “If I jumped, I at least had a small chance of surviving—”
“Sure, because that’s what you falling with that dumb torn jacket was!” Ace snarls, popping up over his dorm head’s shoulder. “It was everything I could do to even make you slow down some—‘give me some wind’ my ASS!”
“It certainly was interesting though.” The Diasomnia vice dorm head pipes up from behind you. “I was almost worried for a minute there that my bats wouldn’t be able to rescue you and you’d be a smear on the playing field.”
“The hell d’ya think yer calling ‘worthless’, hah?!” Deuce growls, storming over to him.
“Yeah, don’t insult my minion, fgnah!!” Grim barrels into your good side, hissing at the Diasomnia guy from under your arm, conveniently turning you into a shield.
You flop onto your back. The pain from where King’s Roar tore into your left side is returning full-force, now there’s no threat to divert your attention from it. The collar around your neck only adds to the pain with its weight, and all the yelling is giving you a headache.
You hate magic.
You hate magic so much.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Rough | Kyotani Kentaro
Originally posted Aug 5, 2016 on dA.
WolfHybrid!Kyotani x SnowTigerHybrid!Reader
All I've done is argue with her the entire week. Kyotani's eyes were firmly closed shut as he leaned against the window of the bus. There's just something about that manager that rubs me in the wrong way. Ever since I first noticed her presence, my entire being practically screamed at me to get away. That first year brat... Why am I so bothered by her anyways? Kyotani was still half asleep and filled with confused thoughts when the bus stopped at the indicated location he was heading to. He grabbed his duffel bag that was packed with his gym clothes and several water bottles. However, the crowd outside the normally empty gym surprised him, but upon seeing the college students he normally practiced with during his time away from the club, he casually made his way over. "Oh, if it isn't Kyotani, what are you doing here?" one of them asked. The latter almost scoffed, but because it was rude he merely answered, "Extra practice." "The adoption center kids are having several sessions with the kids' junior youth volleyball team inside. They should be out in another hour or so." Kyotani's ears flicked, clearly showing slight interest in the idea of others like him, albeit smaller version, playing volleyball. The college students withheld their laughter and ask, "You wanna go watch them?" A part of him wanted to refuse, but another part was interested. What if they were the same kids from his adoption center all those years ago? He nodded and followed the college students into the gym as they found some empty bleachers to sit on. His golden orbs swept over the court. No, they're not from the same center as me. That old hag isn't here after all. And she always keeps watch over us no matter how far away we went. He was about to sit down when his eyes widened at the sight of a familiar figure on the court. What the hell is she doing here?! Kyotani's gaze on you was more than obvious as he saw you acting as coach to the younger kids from the adoption center. Your white hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and you were wearing the familiar colors of Aoba Johsai as you talked to your team during the time-out that was in process. "Heh? What's this? Lil' Kyotani interested in a female?" one of the college students snickered. The younger male growled back, and they laughed, "That's [L/N]-san, she's acting as coach for the children since she lives in the same adoption center as them." Kyotani's eyes widened even more. How was it that someone like her was not adopted yet? His scowl deepened and he murmured, "I see." Kyotani watched you like a hawk, although he's a wolf his gaze unwavering as he watched you demonstrate ways to receive, spike, and set. However, whenever you were about the set, the flicker of pain that briefly crossed your face reminded him that you were still injured.
Her shoulder still hurts, but she moves so fluidly. If I had slightly more control.. Kyotani's thoughts cut off and he growled, for some reason or another, Kyotani felt irritated by.. something. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but whenever his thoughts strayed to how badly he had messed up during that practice match the other day, his irritation just blew up like a bomb. And then there was you, despite the newly acquired injury due to Kyotani's lack of control, you were still pretending as though everything was okay with you. Those sitting near the boy could hear a low growl and his eyes were narrowed at you as though you were an enemy. However, Kyotani's hostility was quickly diminished as soon as he made eye contact with you. You had been paying close attention to your kids, but as soon as you saw that they were now having fun and actually holding their own, you allowed yourself to slightly relax. However, as soon as you scanned the crowd, the familiar crop of blonde hair with two stripes stood out to you. Surprise painted your expression and the way you tilted your head so cutely almost made something in Kyotani snap. "Kyotani-senpai?" Kyotani notices the way your lips moved to frame his name. And for some unknown reason, it irritated him. He looked away, refusing to acknowledge you in any way, shape or form. There was a prominent scowl on his face and you frowned. What's with that face...? And what is that senpai doing here? "[L/N]-nee!" a child called out your name as you saw the match had ended with a 2:1, your team barely winning. You gave them a bright smile and cheered, "You guys won! I'm so proud of you guys!" They all nodded eagerly and began chattering away, but you stopped them before they got too excited and had them line up. Once the proper exchanges gone through both teams, you saw the caretaker of the adoption center lead them over to the lockers to get changed. Your gaze went back to the bleachers, and you blinked. Eh?! He disappeared! Your ears twitched, and a sigh escapes your lips. Meh, not like it really matters to me. The familiar squeaking of shoes on the gym floor caught your attention, but you were still so focused on packing your bag that you didn't look up until a shadow covered you. Your ears twitch in slight irritation before you stand up, bringing your bag up with you as you sling it over your right shoulder. However, as soon as you did, you almost dropped the bag if it wasn't for the male standing in front of you. "Aren't you still injured?" Your eyes widened at the softer tone of his normally gruff voice and you nodded, before muttering, "I'll be fine." His scowl deepened, "To hell with that. Have you even taken care of it properly? You're in pain every time you used your shoulder!" H-How did he know?! What the heck?! I was masking it perfectly fine! Even Ojii-chan hasn't noticed it! Or Yuu! Your ponytail almost slapped Kyotani across the face at how fast you turned to look at him. Your mouth was opening and closing, and you settled on closing it. You bit your bottom lip nervously and asked, "How did you-" "If anyone was watching you they'd know, you idiot!" Kyotani practically snarled at you. You flinched at his harsh tone. What's his problem with me?! Your eyes narrowed, "Well then, sorry that me being in pain apparently pisses you off!" Kyotani's eyes widened at the anger in your eyes and his snarl was wiped off his face. Horror filled him. I yelled at her again? Why does this keep happening? What is it about this manager that just ticks me off? You frowned, and then took several steps back, wrenching your bag free from Kyotani's grip at the same time. You sighed, blowing your loose strands of hair out of your face and you muttered, "I apologize for my behavior." You turned away, about to walk and you sighed, "Don't overwork yourself senpai, we have a practice match on Monday." Crap crap crap crap crap. Your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to calm yourself down. What is it about me that makes Kyotani-senpai hate me so much?! It hasn't even been a week since I've become manager, but the amount of times I've gotten into an argument has been practically every day. You frowned. The two of you would fight over the dumbest things. It could've been from the way you were cleaning things up. Or the way you would offer constructive criticism to the team about their weaknesses. Or even when you were honestly praising them about how they did something really well. You sighed. I guess I can't please everybody, but it's so damn frustrating. I don't even know why I get so easily riled up by him. I'm not that quick to anger, but with Kyotani-senpai, all I see is red and- "Did something happen [F/N]?" an elderly voice called out. You looked up, and there was the caretaker of your adoption center, and you softly mumbled, "Ojii-chan." You shook your head and he softly patted your head, "We can talk about it later, if you'd like." You contemplated holding it all in, but your guard was lowered and your ears and tail immediately drooped. His fingers gently rubbed your ears in a relaxing manner and he smiled, "I may not be your actual grandfather, but I've spent enough time with you that you're practically my granddaughter." "Ojii-chan..." You nodded, a strained smile on your lips. "Later."
"What's his problem?!" Yahaba hissed. Kyotani was clearly not in a good mood on Monday. Although he performed perfectly fine during the practice match, once the match was over, his lack of will to cooperate with others was on full blast as he refused any help. Yahaba, unfortunately, was the target of Kyotani's rant as his "sets weren't good enough." The fellow second year frowned and he muttered, "As though him arguing with [L/N]-chan every day wasn't bad enough." Yahaba spared a glance to Kindaichi who looked at you in concern as you tolerated another bout of Kyotani's rage. Your ears and tail were twitching with uncontrollable rage though. "Tch, at least get us a manager that can play volleyball properly," he spat out. Your grip on the clipboard tightened, and your ears were flat against your head. Oikawa and Iwaizumi exchanged glances and Oikawa firmly called out, "That's enough from the both of you." Your eyes widened as you turned to look at the vice captain. ME?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BUT LET HIM YELL AT ME. Oikawa didn't spare you a glance as he walked up to Kyoutani with Iwaizumi in tow. "Your behavior and attitude are affecting the rest of the members Mad Dog-chan," Oikawa elaborated, "And you're clearly making our Manager-chan uncomfortable, so why don't you-" Oikawa kept talking, but Kyotani heard none of it. Oh, so you're going to take her side? Really? This little sad excuse for a tiger. You're going to just... His thoughts trailed off incoherently as he glared at you and Oikawa. One step is taken towards you, and you take one step back. Kyotani was practically radiating hostility and you let out a low hiss as your entire body instinctively reacted to the call of challenge that Kyotani was issuing. Iwaizumi noticed the change in the air, and quickly chopped the back of Kyotani's head as Oikawa blocked your view of vision. "Let me go!" Kyotani growled out loudly as Iwaizumi dragged him away from you. You felt the constricting air around you lighten up, and upon realizing what a dangerous situation you were in, your legs gave out from beneath you. But Oikawa's arms wrapped around your waist, steadying you. "Are you okay Manager-chan?" "I don't get why he hates me so much," you muttered. Oikawa had expected at least some hints of sorrow in your voice, but the amount of anger overrode everything else. Your fists were clenched tightly, and your knuckles were an unseemly white. "I don't get it. I've personally done nothing against him and yet.." Your words stopped short, your tail flicking angrily in the air. No one spoke, but Oikawa sighed, "Everyone go back to practice." His eyes were no longer playful when he carefully pulled you out of the gym. "[L/N]." You flinched at the tone and you meekly looked up at Oikawa. The taller male sighed and his hand gently patted your head, and instead of feeling intimidated like the first time, you felt yourself relax as he gently scratched the back of your furry ears and he laughed, "You're pretty cute sometimes aren't you Manager-chan?" "Oikawa-senpai?" "I think you and Mad Dog-chan should try speaking to each other." He saw you open your mouth to retort and he effectively cuts you off, "Without lunging at each other's throats." A pout forms at your lips and Oikawa smiles, it was a genuine fond smile, "I think if you guys just talked about it, everything would be fine." "I don't think so," you muttered. "Kyotani-senpai hates me." "Eh? Is that so?" You eagerly nodded, "Don't you see the way he always yells at me? I don't mean to sound like the victim here since I'm pretty rude to Kyotani-senpai too, but! But.." you stop and mumble, "But I don't know, I can't seem to help but get mad at him when he gets mad at me." Oikawa held back his laughter relatively well, and out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a very exasperated Iwaizumi holding back an even angrier Kyotani. He sighed, "The both of you are pretty clueless." "Eh?" you tilt your head in confusion and Oikawa ruffles your hair before withdrawing his hand. "It's nothing Manager-chan~ Just talk to our Mad Dog-chan whenever you're up for it." The kicked puppy look on your face was visible to everyone outside as Oikawa walked away. Why do I have such strange senpais? One is super rude and the other is just plain weird.
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