#hamlet: to be or not to be that is the question
“to be or not to be…” is the elizabethan equivalent of “i don’t wanna die, i sometimes wish i’d never been born at all”
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autistic person x autistic person is the only ship to ever exist actually
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trek-tracks · 7 months
Space, the final frontier.
That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to explore
The strange new worlds of our outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a five-year mission
And, by opposing, end it. To go—to seek,
Once more; and by “to seek” to say we find
The new life and new civilizations
Where man has gone not: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To go, to seek;
To seek, perchance to find—ay, there's the rub:
For in these voyages what dreams may come,
When we have boldly gone whence we have not,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes a mission of so long a life.
For who would bear the Enterprise of time,
The starship’s wrong, admirals’ contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy treks,
When he himself might make his voyage on
With a bare warp core? Who would tribbles bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the hope of something to be found,
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
We travel and return, puzzling our will,
And makes us wish to solve those ills we have
And fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience makes explorers of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is glistened o'er with the stars of thought,
And Enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents warp ahead
And seize the name of action.
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ROUND 1: SHERLOCK HOLMES (sherlock holmes) VS HAMLET (with bangs)
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Have you heard? Disney is making another Lion king, but this time, it's a prequel, and it's going to be about Mufasa's backstory. Which i think it's very interesting. i'm open to seeing how they're going to show/represent the movie. Even though it's coming out of nowhere? A prequel after all these years?
I've also seen a lot of criticism about the movie, even though it's not even out yet. A lot of fans are disappointed that Mufasa and Scar/Taka (interesting how they're using "Taka" instead of "Scar") are no longer blood related brothers, but instead, both are orphans which doesn't make much sense since in the original Lion king Mufasa comes from a lineage of royalty and gives Simba a speech talking about “great kings” and “let me tell you what my father told me” I'm open to new ideas and stuff but i don't know how to feel about it. Maybe it’s the nostalgia? This honestly feels like a cheap cash grab, and seeing how Disney has had quality control issues lately, it's either going to be a flop or not.
I'm just HOPING that they're NOT going down the "misunderstood villain arc" because I've had enough of it. if they’re going for the "Mufasa was adopted and usurper who took Scar's rightful place at the throne! Showing that Scar was right all along."
What do you think?
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Oh, I’ve heard of it! I’m not that interested in watching though. I’ll probably just wait for it to come out while praying that TWST gives us free stuff in a promotional campaign and listen to some commentary or review channels give their takes.
According to Wikipedia, Mufasa: The Lion King is supposed to be a sequel to the 2019 live action adaptation, not the original 1994 animated film. The prequel film was confirmed in September of 2020, which isn’t that long after The Lion King live action movie came out. They’ve been steadily releasing new information about Mufasa, such as voice cast reveals in 2021, 2022, and April 2024. It was officially announced and title dropped in 2022 during the D23 Expo. It’s possible that the film took longer to make due to the pandemic and worker’s strikes that occurred between 2020 and now.
On the Scar/Taka thing, I believe “Taka” (I’ve also seen “Askari” in some sources) is Scar’s given name and “Scar” is a nickname Mufasa gave him following an incident in which Taka was as tricked and attacked by other animals, which was the origin of his scar. This information comes from The Lion Guard (a series I haven’t watched myself; this is what I was told by a friend who has). If Scar is being called “Taka” in Mufasa (and assuming The Lion Guard is canon), then that means Mufasa must take place prior to the brothers’ relationship souring and him getting his signature scar.
I watched the trailer and… the phrasing is quite odd??? Now Mufasa is “a lion born without a drop of nobility in his blood”. That implies he and Scar aren’t blood-related. In real life, that makes sense since it’s usually the strongest lion that leads the pack rather than the eldest. Scar has a line where he says Mufasa got the brawn whereas he got the brains, so it sort of supports this idea. However, making it so that Mufasa and Scar are unrelated orphans within the Lion King universe doesn’t make sense if you hold that up next to the already established lore. They imply multiple times that Scar lost his claim to the throne when Simba, Mufasa’s blood-related son, was born to succeed him. So royal blood of the king is important??? The only way Scar could take over was to eliminate those in Mufasa’s lineage. It’s possible that Mufasa’s speech to Simba about the “great kings” and his own father could be in reverence or to show love for his adopted dad or pack…? But that makes those scenes a lot less impactful. Additionally, part of the reason why Scar’s actions are so evil is because he committed fratricide. He turned against his own blood brother, then manipulated his nephew, whom he also shares blood with, into taking the blame. There’s something very visceral and cold-blooded about that—plus it adds to the Hamlet parallels.
Seeing as Mufasa is the titular character, I don’t think they’ll go down the route of intentionally making him the bad guy to Scar. Disney’s so shy about making its main characters morally grey or just bad people… though like you said, they might do it unintentionally because by writing Mufasa as an orphan, that means he’s an illegitimate ruler… meaning Simba is an illegitimate heir… meaning Scar killed/deceived those with no claim to the throne, so actually Scar was not in the wrong at all 💀 But technically it wouldn’t be Scar’s right to rule anyway because he’s not of royal blood either (since you said he's apparently also an orphan? I did not see this mentioned in the trailer though)??? Unless Scar is the one from a royal lineage and everyone else is just dead???
I think it’s still possible that we get something tragic between the two; blood does not determine everything. Mufasa and Taka could form a genuine brotherly bond that later falls apart. It doesn’t really make up for the retconning of current lore, but who knows 😂 maybe they’ll pull some of their old magic out and actually write a story that makes sense to lead into The Lion King. I’m not going to hold my breath though, the live action movies have never been that good to me 💦 I’m going to let the movie come out and speak for itself before I make any real judgments on its quality, as I don’t believe in jumping the gun (even given previous track records).
I wonder what this new movie’s lore would mean for TWST… Since Tamashina Mina was very inspired by The Lion Guard, that means (depending on how the film goes) Mufasa’s events could be retroactively integrated into TWST history?? It’s not a guarantee, but just something to consider.
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In what free time did Hamlet practice fencing as he implies he has in Act V? He’d spent the last few months crying, writing a play, or trapped on a boat. No damn way he had time to get good at swordplay.
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lovely-v · 1 year
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Guy who just read Hamlet:
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unsightlythinker · 2 months
This video is literally every friend group ever:
And it is also the epitome of British popular culture.
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inspired by the Ophelia in Globe Theater's 2018 Hamlet play
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lin-archive · 7 months
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hamletunfortunately · 8 months
gonna ham post violently today
Have we ever EVER considered a Hamlet thats simply monotone? one that isn't screaming his emotions and crying in your face?
what about the Hamlet that only yells when hes truly angry? that just gets slightly aggressive body language and a stern voice when people annoy him?
maybe im just an idiot, maybe i just dont understand Shakespeare, but i genuinely have never been able to read TBONTB in this.. aggressive..loud, yelling manner! he seems dead! tired! like he's over it, clearly at some point in the play hes just OVER it, right?
it might not be good performance-wise, maybe not as interesting, but damn, it sure would be a joy to watch a quiet, dying Ham. maybe a guy who got worn out of talking with his entire body, or shouting every word, that maybe he just got *tired* and decided "i dont have the energy to put on a show right now".
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Tumblr, this is for scientific purposes.
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lansolot · 23 days
i'm thinking about making a rp blog again. i'd love to make a p blog for hamlet, martin mathias, horatio, or victor frankenstein, but i’m not sure yet!
i just fear people who have blogs of the same character getting uncomfortable with me also roleplaying as said character they're roleplaying as, but i’m sure that’s just a silly fear that my overthinking brain came up with
but, anyways, i'm looking for anyone who roleplays as classic lit or slasher characters that i could maybe make a blog to roleplay and interact with! i’m a very flexible person and can roleplay in a serious and non serious way. when i do make a canon character rp blog, i plan on roleplaying seriously and in a non serious way depending on the situation!
more of my rambles about this are in the tags. and some important info (possibly)
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moonlarked · 4 months
horatio and ophelia are to be or not to be btw
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Had a shitty day, time to go watch a fucked up David Tennant character
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eukaryotesrool · 7 months
Do any of y'all actually believe the Ghost was just a figment of Hamlet's insanity, or is that just a neat different version of the story?
I need to catch back up on Hamlet, but that theory seems so wild to me, lads.
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