#han gets adopted by mandos
direwolfrules · 2 years
3 Mandos and a Baby AU as Incorrect Quotes 2
Young Ursa and Alrich in a flashback:
Ursa: *holds a gun out to Alrich* Alrich: I-I don't believe in guns. Ursa: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Fenn's been hanging out with the rest of them for too long:
Fenn: *shatters a window and climbs through it* Fenn: *turns around and helps Bo-Katan through it* Breaking and entering is wrong Bo-Katan. Bo-Katan: Okay.
If your bromance doesn't include a karaoke bar crawl I don't want it:
Patrok: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer. Fenn: Why are we so fucking awesome? Patrok: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Satine's reaction to Bo and Fenn disappearing for an hour that one time:
Satine: I've connected the two dots. Bo-Katan: You didn't connect shit. Satine: I've connected them.
Please Fenn think of the children!:
Fenn: That's it, I'm cutting off the internet! Amis: No, please don't! I have a family to feed! Fenn: Fenn: What? Amis: I need to feed my Neopets!
This is basically their dynamics in a nutshell:
Korkie: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple... Ursa: I really care about your feelings! Alrich: I really care about YOUR feelings! Korkie, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple... Bo-Katan: YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD OF BEING AT THE HOSPITAL! Fenn: I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME AT THE HOSPITAL IF YOU STOPPED INSISTING ON FIGHTING EVERYONE WHO COMES WITHIN A FIVE FOOT RADIUS OF YOU!
Because they adopted the scruffy nerf herder and the guy who doesn't know what a Star Wars is in this AU:
Bo-Katan: Han, what do you have? Han: A KNIFE! Bo-Katan: Okay, have fu- Fenn: NO!
Han, laying in bed: Get out of my room. Din, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Just in case you forgot Korkie's favorite holofilm is Space Mamma Mia:
Korkie: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by a spontaneous musical number.
This one was just too funny not to include:
Korkie: Din has never seen Star Wars? Bo-Katan, the only people in the universe who haven’t seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that’s cause they lived them, Bo-Katan! That’s cause they lived the Star Wars!
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auroramoon-draws16 · 9 months
My friend convinced me to get into Star Wars
Send help
(Warning: SPOILERS and I’m not THAT into it, so correct where you see fit)
Assassin’s Creed x Star Wars
But the Brotherhood is an ancient af group, as old or older than the og Jedi order, they’re so secretive and mysterious that not even the modern order are sure they exist. Kind of like a spooky myth?
The Force be like: “Brotherhood? What Brotherhood? I didn’t help make any Brotherhood!” We love a bad gaslighting bitch 💜
I think they’d be force users who pretty much do as their original universe do: “We work in the Dark to serve the Light.” All the tenants included.
Their sabers are small af and more blade-like, sort of like the darkblade, but crystal clear and emits very little light, they barely make any noise too. (Phantom Sabers? Maybe? That sounds cool, right?) The Assassins got the white hoods and shit too. Omfg they can finally do the Leap of Faith wherever they want! Fuck gravity! We have the fucking force!
As for Eagle Vision, I think you could pass it off as a force ability. Being able to sense feelings and danger is a thing already, so being able to do a large sweep and tag friend/foe would be a step above that. Also treasures. Like the grabby lil dragons our Assassin babies are. They need to be able to fund shenanigans on the fly, and not all of them have time to grab some from their reserves!
As for their role in the main Star Wars story, we got options:
Shoving Desmond into this shit because I can~
Desmond and his Team™️ investigate the Clone Wars shit, because the Brotherhood has always been against oppression and have been systematically wiping out slavery from several parts of the galaxy for a while now, so they would automatically get suspicious. (Clones? Meant for fighting?? For an entire republic??? With no rights of their own???? Idk man, that sounds sus. Oh and the Jedi don’t have a choice because there’s a whole ass war and it would be against their code not to do anything about it? And there’s an order to kill literally all of them at a moment’s notice? Alright, guess we’ll fix this ourselves!)
Des and the crew find the chips and save the Jedi from mass genocide. Maybe killing Palpatine, because fuck that guy.
Would they need to reveal the Brotherhood’s existence to have that happen? Probably not, but it could happen. Boy, wouldn’t that be interesting?
Also, clone shenanigans, because I love them sm
Especially Bad Batch and Domino Squad
And Rex and Cody
My poor babies
But: if the Brotherhood was weakened like in their og universe and they couldn’t investigate (lets say they were compromised by the Sith for a while before the clone wars)
+ Des was born a bit later
Time to aid the rebellion and face destiny!
(If you REALLY want to throw Des into bullshit, like I know you do: Time travel fix it fic with Luke, Leia, Han, and Desmond!)
(You may also include Mandalorian fun, because I also love the Mandos, my other babies <3 Mandalorian culture goes hard and the fics that include them have kidnapped surprise adopted me)
Y’all have fun, I’m tired ^_^💜
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antianakin · 7 months
Funny thing about the Mandoclone idea is that the Clones are in a unique position to experience a ton of different cultures as well as having their own on Kamino.
Via the Clone Wars they'd have the chance to experience the culture of the Jedi, Ryloth, Courusant, Kashyyyk and any other allied planet where they may have spent an extended period period of time. As compared to Mandalore which was an unaligned system that didn't interact much with them.
Like imagine if instead of "vode" the 212th used the word "nera" after Waxer and Boil introduced it to them from their time on Ryloth.
A group of Clones spend a long time living with the Wookies and adopt some of their behavior.
They spend a bunch of time on Courusant and get used to big city living.
There're limitless possibilities for the different divisions to branch out into their own miniature cultures based on who their Jedi is and the kind of people they meet out in the Galaxy. I don't know why people fixate on Mandalore.
I imagine people fixate on Mandalore because there's a lot of EU content and lore describing what Mando culture might look like which has spawned a lot of fandom engagement sort-of expanding on what Mando culture is and could be. Mandoclones are just... simple and easy. You never have to put a ton of work or thought into them, tbh, because everyone who goes for it just copy/pastes some variation on Mando culture onto the clones and calls it a day: armor means everything, they say riduurok vows or whatever, they speak Mando'a and call each other vod/vod'e, they exchange gauntlets as a form of courtship or marriage ritual, they adopt everything that moves, they like spicy food. I don't even CARE about Mandos and have never sought out fics about them or read a single book from the EU that focuses on them, but I feel like I know basically everything there is to know about them because I've read a lot of fics with clones in them that repeat the exact same things over and over.
Whereas having to go for, say, Wookie culture or even Twi'lek culture via Ryloth means having to be a lot more creative with your headcanons because you're likely going to have to come up with most of it yourself since they're VASTLY less examined in Star Wars than the Mandos have been (at least, so far as I'm aware of). It just takes more work and not everybody wants to go for that in fanfic when the easy simple obvious route is right there for the taking and it's probably in your head via osmosis anyway (despite the fact that canon doesn't showcase almost any of these traits).
But I am immensely tickled by the idea of a bunch of clones bonding with wookies during the war and learning how to understand the language the way Han does and absolutely loving the idea of living in trees and stuff and in a happy fix-it AU they just move to Kashyyyk and get adopted by a wookie family.
I'd love to see more stories of clones getting invested in various different cultures. Clones who go to Pantora because they love the cold snowy weather and the various different festivities Pantora has involving winter and snow and ice and the pretty fuzzy clothing they wear to keep warm. Clones who love Tatooine or Jakku because it might be a hive of scum and villainy in some of the towns, but deserts have their own beauty. Clones joining the community on Kiros after the war as they recover from the trauma of Kadavo and find peace. Clones who figure out a way to live alongside aquatic species like Mon Cala and Nautolans because they're still drawn to water worlds even years after leaving Kamino and they're drawn to the large ocean worlds even though they can't breathe underwater like the native inhabitants.
The options are truly endless once you break away from Mandoclones and they're all great and nobody talks about any of them ever.
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thedynamicworm · 10 months
So I had a thought…
What if Han and Omega knew each other at some point?
By my estimate they’d be the same age, since they were both 12/13 when the empire was created. And I know just having age in common isn’t that much, but I have some thoughts.
Since the bad batch was running around doing odd jobs everywhere (I haven’t seen s3, please don’t spoil it without warning at least) and we all know the clones-adopting-Mando-culture headcanon, they probably get into a bit of bounty hunting at some point (it’s been a while since I’ve seen TBB, so I can’t really remember if they did any bounty hunting in canon). The bad batch takes the bounty and very nearly catch him, specifically he and Omega get into a physical fight at some point.
Fast forward to after the empire has been defeated, or maybe even just post-Hoth. Omega has already met Hera in canon, while TBB has also met Kanan (we’re gonna pretend our man is alive here), chasing after him during O66.
So now we have a three way reunion here.
Of course Omega is thrilled to see Hera again, so they’re catching up as old friends should (And Omega meets Jacen), while Han and Kanan are wondering how this shit keeps finding them.
Feel free to add, it’s late where I am and my motivation is about as energizing as NyQuil.
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
renewing my "anti ahsoka" club membership on a monthly basis now because i'm beyond done with her stans getting pandered to especially at the expense of other jedi. and i'm one of those people that didn't mind her much in tcw even though i really think she maybe should have been the apprentice of plo koon or literally anyone else instead of anakin. but it's apparent to many people that she's outlived her narrative purpose and is there just so filoni can make live action fanfic.
like i was watching the disney gallery episodes for Both bobf and mando and everytime filoni feels the need to go into his "isn't ahsoka so amazing and powerful, she trained under anakin" spiel i fast forward through that shit, like we Get It filoni you want to worship your precious darling! he even describes working on her show as a "religious experience" and wants her to be this enlightened force goddess, aka the Daughter reincarnated. if he's already like this when she's a mostly redundant cameo, can you imagine how insufferable he is going to be in the behind the scenes episodes for her own show?
just scenes of badly recreated togruta cosplay with mediocre acting, parodying better made samurai films. maybe a trapper wolf cameo thrown in somewhere. who wants to sit through episodes of that shit? not me.
I am so glad you pointed out the TCW thing because I've often thought the show would be MUCH stronger with a tighter focus on Ahsoka as another Jedi's apprentice and just occasional cameos or episodes featuring the Main Characters like Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Mace, Yoda, etc. More like Rebels. It could've been really cool to see the Clone Wars through a young apprentice's perspective since the main films we usually see it through the eyes of the higher ups. (That's what I liked about Rebels the most - it's not just Leia and Luke and Han who deal with the big picture, but we got a tighter focus on fighters on the front line, and new characters to fall in love with.) (Also one of the biggest reasons I hate TCW is how they warped Anakin especially but also Obi-Wan ooc, those are NOT my boys, and a focus on Ahsoka would've mitigated that and kept Filoni away from them.)
I don't begrudge any fan their love for a character, and Ahsoka has undeniably widened the playing field for female characters in Star Wars, but Filoni, please: variety!! She doesn't have to be in everything!! I'm tired of watching a show for something else and then suddenly it's TCW 2.0 Featuring The Super Specialist Jedi-But-Not-A-Jedi-Because-She's-BETTER Ahsoka. Mandalorian S2 E5 spent more time on her than Din and Grogu!! She completely took over the Rebels season 2 finale!! Filoni invented time travel in the Star Wars universe to save her from Vader and had Ezra save her over his father figure. What the fuck??? I mean, I can write endless fanfic about Cara Dune bc no one is paying me for it and I owe no one anything. He's helping lead an entire franchise and for god's sake can we PLEASE have something besides Ahsoka, Order 66, and Man Adopts Child? (And stop acting like Ahsoka is the third member of the prequel trio. IT'S PADME.)
I'm not gonna lie, I hope the show flops hard. I'm not proud of that, I'm still torn because don't want that to affect Rebels characters, and I do hope the Ahsoka fans like it, but I wish Filoni would get a reality check as vengeance for ripping apart Zahn's Trilogy for pieces and rebuilding it around Ahsoka and for handing Din's set up arc in The Mandalorian to Yet Another Fucking TCW Character. Or at least that Lucasfilm stops licking his butthole and lets him greenlight what's basically his own fanfiction.
Don't even get me fucking started on the Daughter and the Mortis arc. That was when I quit TCW when I tried to watch it all. THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS. (Also doesn't Anakin like resurrect her with the Force or something? The power he was trying to get in RotS when it's pretty explicit it isn't a thing and Palpatine was lying to him to mainpulate him? Filoni broke canon just so precious widdle Ahsoka won't die? Are you shitting me???)
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leiainhoth · 11 months
Unofficial headcanons of IJADIHIM pt 1
Can you believe I finished it? Neither can I. This beast took me two and a half heckin years to write, but here we are:
The Kyber Cave on Concord Dawn is where Rey, Ben and all future Jedi younglings get their Kyber crystals.
Han took to Mando culture like a cat to water. It took him six months to stop jumping when a mando walked up behind him.
But he loved being an engineer; it was his idea to use the glass to rebuild the biodomes.
After the war, he and Chewie fixed the Falcon and cursed Boba's poor flying the whole time.
Luke, Din and Grogu stayed on Mandalore for six months after Leia became Mand'alor and raised toddler Rey in the new royal residence before moving back to Chandrila.
Speaking of, Chandrila got a new senator, Leia stepped down in the interim of taking the Darksaber. The new senator is jacked---no way they would've got in while Leia was there.
Mon Mothma, Hera Syndulla and other Republic higher-ups visited Leia via holo until Mandalore warmed to the idea of Republic interference. But Leia didn't allow ex-Imps to rejoin a position of authority in her government.
Hera did the same, and her argument with the senate in the new Ahsoka show worked. The Republic began siphoning the ex-Imps from their government.
Baby Rey could say two words when they adopted her; she mostly spoke to her family in the Force while she recovered.
They never found her parents or heard anything about them, but they made a memorial for them on the rise behind the cottage on Chandrila.
Boba Fett took to parenthood with abject enthusiasm, adopting a cache of babies, toddlers and kids without parents and raised them in a community in the palace. It became an unofficial underground railroad to free kids in Tatooine from slavery.
Poe, Grogu, Rey, Edie, Ben and Han and Leia's new adopted son, Finn (rescued in one of Hera's missions with Ezra), grow up together as best friends.
Han and Leia's twins are named Breha and Padme :')
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hawthornsword · 9 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you for the tag @lizardberries and @marbled-polecat
Okay so. ALL? Of the files? In my WIP folder? Ahaha 😅. 
I have story ideas for at least twenty different fandoms.
In Star Wars alone I have over 370 different story ideas. (I said that to my husband and he said "I'm so sorry 😂.")
I'm very curious what y'all will want to know most about. So here is a small selection of what I think are the ones I'm most likely to actually work on, divided into categories for your perusal:
The ones I think about most:
Altar pt 2
Loyalty As A Love Language pt 2
Your Body is A Weapon (codywan)
The Last Daughters of House Mereel
Nothing Between Us But Light (Fox/Quinlan)
Seeing Fives (Chip arc fix-it)
Time Travel:
Quinlan is Ahsoka's master
Ventress timeloop
Dogma/Fox/Fives timeloop
Vader and Fox back to Phantom Menace
Obi-Wan and Quinlan back to teenagers
Boba/Ahsoka variations
Original Clone Characters:
Dogma and Tup's batch
Lambda squad undead Geonosis
Ahsoka Dogma prison break
Boba raises Luke and Leia
Cody reconditioned during Rako Hardeen
Obi-Wan de-aged post-66
First Lifeday (Christmas)
Witcher fusion
Arcane fusion
Wolffe/Mon Mothma
Kid Etain meets a Mando and gets a new master
Jaster adopts Satine instead of Jango
Gunslinger (Padme and Quinlan)
Stewjoni Knitting AU
Han Solo Fulcrum
Omega as a Jedi Quinlan is her master
Maul kidnaps The 501st
Not gonna tag that many people, so please consider yourself tagged if you want to!
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ceaselessbasher · 1 year
My thoughts of how the universe of the Star Wars sequels would make sense go from mild to spicy to extra spicy and I'm very often thinking about the last one.
Mild: The main three should've continued being the main three, not Rey and the other two guys. Finn should've gotten a satisfying arc, maybe with some Jedi stuff, and Poe should've been a whole new character like he started out being, not Han Solo 2.0. Rey should've been a child of nobodies from nowhere. Fine, I'll let you keep your bitchass Luke that barely makes sense.
Spicy: Finn should've absolutely gotten a Jedi arc, in his own way. Absolutely no weird, poorly written Re*y*lo allowed. What the fuck was that. I wish I had more to say about Poe but his Han-Solo-fication sucked away so much character that I can't say what I want developed, but something sure should've been developed. If you even try, try, to look at my specialest boy, who looked at his father in his worst moments and said he believed there was still good at him, if you go anywhere near him with your "one thing went wrong and he panicked and ran", I will destroy you.
Extra spicy: ok so the "real" sequels want a world where the generational trauma is never broken and I say fuuuuck you to that. We're taking this by pieces and then putting them all together. Starting with this one thing I read once in a fic and is now canon in my heart, Boba adopts Finn from a young age. How?, you ask. By intercepting an early-stages First Order child-kidnap-inator, please save your questions for the end. Give me a Finn that trades stormtrooper armor for first-rate inherited Mandalorian armor. Give me Finn Fett with both a lightsaber and several other types of weapons on his belt.
Okay okay next step. Rey? No, I'll fucking get there when I get there. Kylo. But he's not Kylo, obviously. This is a Ben Solo that went to Jedi school with a Luke that makes sense. So is he an amazing and kind Jedi? Of course not. The fact that this boy has problems doesn't have to change. But again, this is not a boy that was taught by the old ways, Luke is not Yoda or (sorry king) Obi Wan who ignore red flags left and right (WE ARE BREAKING THE GODDAMN GENERATIONAL TRAUMA). Being a Luke that makes sense means that he is also a Luke that doesn't shun Grogu for loving his dad. So this is also a Ben who gets to interact with Mandalorian culture, not just Jedi culture, who has a chance to compare and contrast both and realize that he is not made for the one his family tradition dictates. He has a different sort of temper and passion that never mix well with the Force and that Jedi's have been historically shit at training. But not Mandalorians. That shit flies wonders with them. Yes, you've guessed it, Mando Ben, for me fixing the sequels is also the mandorification of the sequels. But I have to clarify that he is not a Jedi-Mando like Finn, he breaks away from that fully, and he can keep the black palette and maybe a similar helmet because that would be funny in a fourth-wall, sequel redo way.
And now, Rey. I don't have a lot to say about Rey because, again, she's a nobody, and I say this with a lot of affection and with a kiss on the forehead. And also, because taking away the layers of bullshit, it become what it appeared to be at first. She was born in the middle of nowhere, the cruelty of the First Order left her orphaned, and she had to fend off for herself for a while until her Force-sensitiveness got her involved in Plot. That's it. Also if they want Din and Luke can adopt her.
And for your final question, uhhhh what's the conflict now? That's super fucking easy, it's what it always is, it's imperialism. You think those bastards are not there just cause Kylo, Lord Emo Boy Puppet, isn't there?
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boogisstuff · 2 years
Boba adopts Rey
Dantooine was in the system, he was on business. She hit him with her staff, he showed her tuskin moves. She told him about her parents, he offered to help find her parents in return for a part she’d found.
He takes her to tatooine because that pissed off the food guy. Din is hired to find her parents when they found she didn’t know their names or faces. Did think she could recognise them though. She identified their ship. Din tracked system traffic, process of elimination. Found what happened to the ship, got space dashcam/hit gold with the logs. Mentioned bounty hunter, but was wiped. Only records where from leaving the system after wiped, but he got the bounty hunters name. Bummer he was wiped too, but tracked ship instead. Found the family world, managed to talk to locals, older ones did recall a ship crashing. Thought it was a star. Din has to call Boba and break the news.
Boba had been teaching Rey to read, as well as mando’a. Boba breaks the news. Din finds the snake thing, enters tunnel that way. Scares it off with darksaber. Finds the ship and takes everything that might hold data/value.
Removed system dashboard, bags droid, mistakes dagger for possible family heirloom. Gets com records, ect. Brings it to Rey, unfortunately doesn’t have their bodys for a funeral, but phrases it as “burial among the stars.” Nice way to say their bodys were spaced.
Boba offered to adopt Rey. Not replace her parents, but whatever relationship she wants. THis time he’d been taking care of her, feeding her, teaching her to shoot, ect. Said she was in his care, their culture demands he treat her like family.
(Chapters alternate between bountyhunter/detective Din, action. And Soft crime lord dad Boba bonding)
Jedi/Luke invites family and/or other force sensitives to stay at the temple with family for a time. Supposed to be to introduce them to others like them. Parents called it as a ploy to get kids to join. Luke doesn’t deny it and further explains he wanted to dispel misconceptions and propaganda about the jedi and force users in general. 
Rey meets Ben. Family conflict or hit it off. Friendly rivalry? Boba does not acknowledge or engage with Han, though he doesn't avoid him, and does pay respects to Leia. 
*Boba deadpan/roughly gives Rey praise in mando’a so it sounds like criticism. She asks why. “Can’t let the outsiders know we aren’t droids.” She ducks her helmet in a way that tells him she’s smiling.
Rey wants to win, be the best, because of cultural and family rivalry. Boba tells her, he appreciates her defending her family, but he holds no grudge for business. They are here for her, for her to learn. She spars with Ben, outsiders think she’s out of control, Boba stops them, Rey ends with a tuskin move and Ben yields. She drops the weapon and helps him up. He immediately asks her to show him how she did that. She agrees if he shows her this other move.
A mando child accidentally hurts someone else. Before Jedi can make it over,  mando has already force healed kid. Others are like “wow!” and mando’s like, what like it’s hard?
Mandos are obviously great at fighting, even force users, but in a mando style, as well as healing (fix your mistakes) and fair amount of skill hiding/finding. Bird people were better with force mind and prophecies ect.
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weepylucifer · 3 years
AU where Mand’alor Din meets Leia through politics before he even sees Luke again and oh boy
Leia, who’s lived and breathed politics for every single day of her life sees this guy who’s clearly new to being a head of state and whose advisors are all pulling in different directions while he just tries his best and is like “Hey dude? I know we’re sorta on opposite sides of negotiating a treaty here but, do you need help? A crash-course in ruling a nation maybe?” and Din’s like “Oh thank GOD yes please, but no I’m not gonna join the New Republic that’d be crazy”
they are now unstoppable besties
Leia notices that her new bestie sometimes makes mention of a kid? He adopted a kid and then he lost the kid somehow and it’s extremely sad. She assumes the poor kid must’ve died. Very tragic. You can hang out with my horrible toddler if you ever miss that life
Din gathers that his new bestie has a brother who runs a school for specially gifted kids or something and doesn’t com as much as Leia thinks he should. That sucks. You can hang out with me and pretend we’re brother sister if you ever miss that life
The dots are never connected until at some point Luke appears in the political arena for some event at which the Senate thought it would be picturesque to have their Jedi present
Leia is like “Hey Din this is the brother I mentioned, Luke Skywalker, he’s a Jedi Master”. Din is like THE DARK MAN TOOK MY SON
Leia, now rapidly putting the pieces together, in the same inflection in which Griffin Mcelroy said “the same blastoise”: “THE SAME KID”
obviously Leia tears Luke a new one for not just spiriting her new bestie’s child away but also running off with Prince Grogu of Mandalore, Son of the Mand’alor
“You can’t just DO these things you can’t just steal the child of a neutral system’s ruler, do you know what an awkward situation you’re putting the New Republic in?? Din is very precious to me now and you’re over here trying to kick off Mando-Jedi Wars 2: This Time It’s Personal, you are killing me, you are killing your sister”
Luke who lives in an abandoned temple on a nowhere moon and has no idea what’s going on anywhere: “What”
Leia is by this point hitting him with Yoda’s stick that she just made appear out of nowhere and demanding he apologize profusely and let Din see his son before this becomes an intergalactic incident and she does Not give a Shit about the Jedi Code. Luke is like god I guess, please step this way Mr Mand’alor
2 weeks of Din reuniting with Grogu at the temple later Luke appears to Leia again like “I have fallen in love with the Mandalorian.”
task failed successfully
“He’s just so gentle with Grogu and he fights so good and he has a moustache under the helmet I SAW IT. Did you know. He is so strong and safe he is doing his best. His armor is so shiny and the Force sings when he is near. Our destinies are entwined. I just want to get dicked down again”
Leia’s like fuckin marry him I GUESS
Han started fucking Boba Fett like 8 bullet points ago
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direwolfrules · 2 years
3 Mandos and a Baby AU: The One Where Fenn Purposefully Adopts A Child
So, while nonsense is happening on Aq Vetina Fenn and a squadron of Protectors are dispatched to Corellia on an escort mission of great importance. Mandalmotors executive Jaor Ordo and senior member of the Ministry of Defense Korast Eldar are to meet with a Corellian ship company to negotiate a joint project.
Korkie decided that just Kom’rks and Fang-class fighters aren’t enough for the Mandalorian fleet. He wants something like the old Kandosii-class Dreadnoughts, just without the obvious weakness to the hyperdrive. Also, he wants a dedicated transport network to move civilians around Mandalorian space, especially now that the young Mand’alor’s Meshgeroya league is finally getting off the ground. Beer and circuses.
The initial meeting goes well, and as they’re heading back to the hotel Fenn hears noises from a nearby alley. He sends the squad on ahead while he checks it out.
Fenn sneaks up quietly to assess the situation and finds a bunch of scrumrats beating up a younger kid. Before he can make his presence known and come to the ad’ika’s aid some feral kid comes barreling in to try and help and just winds up being beaten by the gang instead. At this point Fenn does intervene, shouting “HEY” with his helmet’s vocoder turned all the way up. All the kids scatter, including the brave little one who jumped in to help the other.
A few days later negotiations are wrapping up really nicely. As they’re leaving the Corellian company’s office building a kid manages to slip through their guard perimeter and steal Eldar’s datapad. A datapad that contains so many state secrets, why the hell was it out, by the Ka’ra Korast!
Fenn and most of the other Protectors pursue the kid right down to the Den of the White Worms. Lady Proxima is yelling at the kid who brought the datapad down because he was supposed to steal a piece of beskar from the Mandalorians, not a datapad. Moloch goes to hit the boy when another kid steps between them and takes the blow. Fenn recognizes him as the kid from before – the one who jumped into a street fight he had no chance of winning to help out another kid – and his Mandalorian adoption instincts activate.
It’s bit of a fight, the Protectors take down Proxima’s enforcers and call the Corellian authorities to arrest them, and then they turn their attention to the kids. The feral child who keeps putting himself in danger to save others is standing between the Protectors and the younger kids.
Fenn manages to convince the boy, whose name is Han, that he’s not a threat and they take all the kids back to the hotel to sort things out. Fenn pays for like ten more hotel rooms on Korkie’s dime.
After a few days of the Protectors feeding and sheltering them without asking for anything in return some of the kids put down their guard. Han asks Fenn once, when they’re all eating dinner together, why they’re doing this. Fenn just replies that no Mandalorian worth the name would ever leave a kid to starve on the streets, it’s not honorable.
The kids start getting adopted, because over twenty Mando’ade were left alone with orphans. Garr and Ashara Peskod, seven year old twins whose parents died in an outbreak by the spaceport a year ago, get adopted by Vengo Reeves. Treka, a little Rhodian girl, gets adopted by Jaor Ordo. The human girl Han likes to hang out with, Qi’ra, gets adopted by Kaden Beviin, though she still seems fairly suspicious of the rest of the Mandos.
Han doesn’t trust Fenn that much. He can’t fathom a world in which a guy like the Protector just...cares. It’s not how things are done. Still, Han winds up talking to him more than he intends to. He tries to ignore the Mando, honest, but he always talks about such cool stuff. He even showed Han around the cockpit of his Kom’rk when he heard Han wants to be a pilot.
What really, finally gets Han to trust that Fenn is really just that nice happens on their second to last day on Corellia. Han’s suspicious of where Fenn disappears to everyday for an hour, and he manages to convince Qi’ra to cover for him while he sneaks to find out. Han watches from the air vent in Fenn’s room as the Protector holo-calls some lady named Bo.
This Bo lady moves the holocomm so a little kid lying in bed is visible and Fenn gets all extra soft and happy. The kid calls him buir and Han’s spent enough time around Mandos the past week to recognize that this kid must be Fenn’s son. Fenn sings the kid to sleep and Han’s not sure how to handle how soft and sweet and sappy the normally tough soldier gets.
Once the kid, whose name is Din, apparently, falls asleep Fenn and this Bo lady discuss what’s going on with Aq Vetina, which Han kinda remembers from the big holonews casts on some of the screens throughout the city. Apparently the Mand’alor is ready to go down to Coruscant and personally rip the Chancellor a new asshole, and when she says how proud she is of her nephew Han realizes that Bo must be Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, who he didn’t recognize without her armor. He gets kinda shocked and almost gives away his position because “holy shit Fenn’s on a nickname basis with his king’s aunt and may or may not share a child with her”.
Han refocuses on the conversation only to realize they’ve switched topics. Fenn’s now talking about some kid he kinda wants to adopt. He doesn’t want to push the kid into it but “by the Ka’ra Bo he wants to be a pilot and you should have seen him when he jumped in to save that other kid” and Han realizes with a start that the kid Fenn’s talking about is him. And Han’s…not sure how to feel about that.
He sneaks back and when Qi’ra asks him what he found out Han just tells her the truth. That Fenn wants to adopt him.
Their last day on Corellia Han just goes up to Fenn and asks “So are you going to adopt me or what?” and Fenn looks like he might cry. Han doesn’t know why he asked that, but maybe it had to do with how genuine Fenn had seemed when singing to his son, or while taking about Han.
Anyway, Fenn and company stroll back up to Mandalore with thirty two more passengers than they left with and absolutely no one is surprised. When Fenn introduces 12 year old Han to the Kryzes he’s like “this is my son, Han Rau”, and little Din runs headfirst into Han’s legs and screams “ori’vod”.
Listen, it’s my wish fulfillment stream of consciousness time travel AU and I’ll do what I want.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Mirdal’ika (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Summary: Reader takes care of the Razor Crest and the child while Mando is out hunting. When Mando doesn’t return when he’s supposed to, the book-smart reader has to learn some street smarts and help her Mandalorian.
WC: 4.6k
Warnings: violence, cussing, mentions of blood
A/N: Okay, I’m a nerd, a certified nerd as if that wasn’t clear. This is my love letter to the nerds out there, to the ones who had their first kiss a little late, who stayed in and read books rather than partying. I love you, you’re cool. Italics are for emphasis and internal dialogue, but in some places also to show that another language is being spoken. Hopefully that’s clear! Oh, also: mirdal’ika is a word of my own creation. No Mando’a word exists for “nerd” that I could find, so this is my interpretation of the language using my best etymological skills!
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mirdala= intelligent, clever -’ika = suffix meaning small or little mirdal’ika = intelligent little one; Mando’a slang meaning nerd.
Growing up, you were the kid who had her nose buried in a book at all times. You rarely interacted with the outside world. While the other children on Tatooine made sandcastles or played games, drawing in the sand, you read encyclopedias and fact books, learning about the other planets in your systems and other cultures. Your fixation at age 12 had been on Mandalorian culture, fascinated by the warriors that were like faraway, mythical knights to your young self. As a child enraptured by fairy tales and stories of intergalactic heroes like Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, you’d somehow always been enchanted by the bad-boy type, the dark and mysterious man who reluctantly saves the day, more along the lines of Han Solo. Naturally, the fact that Mandalorians never showed their face was mysterious, and you’d admit that you dreamed of being swept away by the Mand’alor and having the privilege of being the sole person to see their face, of being a queen and finding true love. You later moved on to research other cultures, even teaching yourself various galactic languages should you ever get the chance to travel. That didn’t seem likely, growing up on a planet where the only claim to fame was Luke Skywalker’s brief residence a few towns over. Your knowledge of Mandalorian culture was part of what made you so special to Mando, your employer-friend-coworker-roommate-co-parent whose name you had yet to learn. You never asked questions of him. Never asked him to take off his helmet, never asked him what was under it, never asked anything too personal, understood that the helmet could only come off in front of members of his clan. You’d cut him off and finish a sentence when he’d explain something of his customs to you, stunning him with your knowledge. He liked it, and by association he liked you. You had bore much of your life story to him, and he gladly would’ve given you some of his. He had come to like you, to trust you even, but you never asked. For fear you wouldn’t want to hear it, he held back. You even spoke Mando’a, though he didn’t know that. It always brought a smirk to your face as he’d turn his back after calling you some sweet words in his native tongue, thinking you’d be oblivious. It shocked you at first; you didn’t expect such a stoic and silent man to be so openly flirtatious, but after a while it most certainly grew on you. You would tease him equally in another tongue, calling him handsome or dashing in Pak Pak or Bothese. It was fun, the way he’d try to guess what you were saying, usually assuming it meant something negative.
With your vast knowledge of languages, you’d both expected that you would be able to interpret the words of Mando’s adopted son, that his babbling would be easily deciphered into some species’ tongue. Eventually you realized that he wasn’t speaking a language yet, simply regurgitating syllables like any child would. He was a baby, after all. You set out to make it your mission to teach the child languages when Mando was away, and he had begun to identify the meaning of words, even if he couldn’t say them himself. He could identify body parts on himself, you by your name, and Mando by his; well, the name you called him, which you knew wasn’t his real name. Mando had taken you on as a crewmate for the Razor Crest a few months ago now, and you still knew next to nothing about the beskar-clad warrior. He was a forward man, so you assumed he would tell you things when he was ready. That’s about all you knew: he was a man, and he was a Mandalorian. He wanted to tell you everything, especially the fact that he had been enchanted by your intelligence and wit since the first time he met you, stopping on Tatooine for a bounty and encountering you when he asked a fellow villager who the most knowledgeable person around was. The tiny green thing he held was a menace, and you cared for him while the Mandalorian man went and hunted his bounty. The child was hesitant to leave you, getting attached after a quick few days of staying in your hut, and the man had decided you could be valuable. Just before he walked through the door, he turned and offered you a job. You were shy when you accepted, and had nursed a crush the whole time you two had traveled together. You couldn’t believe the situation, just like in those trashy novels you’d read when you were interested in his culture. Now that you lived with him and the tiny green thing, you stayed aboard his ship while he hunted and cared for the kid, cleaned, fixed up the piece of junk, and generally ran the almost-household. It was enjoyable; you liked the man, especially once you came to find his sense of humor similar to your own, and you absolutely adored the child in your care. Your little ragtag crew fell into a rhythm after the first month or so: Mando would leave on a hunt for a few days. While he was gone, you’d play with the baby, feed him and care for him. You washed the blood and dirt from the man’s clothing and the child’s bile from the clothing belonging to you and the baby, taught the child new words, and generally… well, raised him. The baby felt like your child when you two were alone, but when the Mandalorian came home, he was the only thing visible in that child’s round black eyes. It was all about him, sitting in his lap, babbling incoherent words to him, playing with him. Luckily for you, the Mandalorian is on a hunt. You and the child sit in the bed compartment; you lie on the mattress and the child rests in his mesh hammock above the entry. At the last port, you picked up as many books as possible to entertain both you and the child. He loved listening to your voice, and so you happily read aloud to him as you rest together. The Mandalorian should be home tonight, you figured, since he told you that this was a rather easy bounty and that it should take him no more than 3 days. It’s now a couple hours after the third day, but you’re sure it’s fine. The child’s eyes droop closed as you read to him, flawlessly translating the book from the Pak Pak it was written in. The Basic words pour from your mouth, and the little thing gives a gentle yawn before curling up with his favorite blanket and silver ball and passing out. Looking up, you laugh at the sight softly and transition to reading in your head. Not long after the kid falls asleep, you follow. It was unintentional, but reading soothes you, and the perfectly cozy bed that smells like Mando draws you in further and further until sleep washes over your body. You hug one pillow to your chest as you sleep, imagining it was the man’s body you cuddled up against. - Mando is 24 hours late. You’ve been pacing in the ship since you realized it’s officially a day later than he said he’d be back. Dammit, you’re going to find that man. You’re not unaccustomed to violence, having been in scuffles as a child and teen, fighting off Jawas or unsavory men in Tatooine cantinas. You need to track him down and find him. First, you go up to the cockpit and look at the comm watch he gave you. It has a two-way tracking device; one for him to find you, and one for you to find him. Mando has the technology to see where you are built into his vambrace. You, however, have nothing. After searching the cockpit, you find and crack open a tracking fob he used in the past. You open the back of the comm watch, finding the bit with the tracker and wire it to the fob. As you connect two wires, the fob suddenly blinks with light. Laughing at the fact that you made it work, you relax a little. Now you can track the Mandalorian man down. After slipping the fob into a pocket of your pants, you scoot back down the ladder and to the cargo hold’s back wall: Mando’s arsenal. You can do this, you tell yourself, and dare to open Mando’s personal armory built into the wall. You strap a holster to your thigh, adding a vibroblade there. A belt with two guns rests on your hips. An ammo belt drapes across your chest, settling between your breasts and pulling your black tank top tight, the back of the leather sash holding Mando’s backup pulse rifle. You take a look in the mirror of the refresher, and you have to admit that you look badass. Weapons and homemade tracker at the ready, you set out to find him. You leave the baby with a trustworthy woman at the hangar, one who has babysat him before for Mando, then enter the bustling city. - Following the blinking and beeping of the fob, you find your way to the opposite end of the city, to a building located near the outskirts. It’s run down and looks abandoned. It makes perfect sense that someone would hide here. As you approach, the beeping of the fob encourages you; the Mandalorian is definitely here. You disable the sound on the fob and slip it in your pocket, grabbing one of the blasters from your hip. As you approach, the building is silent. The roar of the city is quiet but present, and you slip through an open doorway quietly. You scan the rooms, blaster held in front of you and ready to shoot. You take inventory of the first floor and find nothing. The staircase looks terribly old, and you wince as you take your first step onto it and it makes a noise. Now or never, you tell yourself and quickly run up the steps, knowing the noise can’t be avoided, so you’d better make it quick. You reach the top of the steps, pulling out your other blaster, and find a male Twi’lek standing over  a pile of silver and black on the floor. Mando. He’s most definitely unconscious, maybe even- no, he can’t be dead, you can see his slow breathing and the way it makes his body rise and fall. “Fuck,” you say out loud, and the Twi’lek turns towards you. The man is large, much larger than you. He’s overweight and dressed in combat clothes, his face battered and bloody. Your heart sinks as you realize this man is the bounty Mando was going for. You need to start thinking on your feet, and quickly. The man starts to move toward you and you hold out both blasters. “Easy there, nerra,” you tell him in Twi’leki, calling him ‘brother’ to attempt to put him at ease. It doesn’t have the effect that you hoped. “Why are you here?” he asks back, also in Twi’leki, reaching for his weapon. “Don’t draw,” you threaten and inch closer. He was a bail jumper, Mando had informed you before he left, but not for a petty charge; he had escaped in order to avoid several charges of murder. He was a former bounty hunter, who Mando had encountered once. The idea strikes you. “I’m here for him,” you say and nod to the lump of beskar behind the man on the ground. “There’s a bounty on his head. I… heard whoever turns him in gets to keep the beskar too,” you say, raising an eyebrow as you look at him. “You going for him too?” The Twi’lek man shakes his head. “No. He was coming for me. Thought he could beat me.” You seize this opportunity. “From what you look like, I don’t think anyone could. This one is worth a lot of credits. Enough to run away to a pleasure planet… twice over,” you say, inching closer. Mando makes a soft groan and it breaks your heart as he gains consciousness. He must notice you; he starts to moan out words, but you know he can’t speak or he’ll expose you both. “Silence, Mandalorian,” you say again in Basic, words holding acid. “Twice over… let’s bring him in together. Find some wonderful planet to share that bounty on…” you offer, raising an eyebrow and slowly creeping closer to the man. “What’s your name?” You ask. He tells you his and you tell him yours, then give him a seductive smile. The man’s face falls into a smirk. You put both blasters in your belt once more and his posture relaxes fully. “Sounds wonderful to me, beautiful.” “Wow. For a jaded bounty hunter, you’re more foolish than one could ever believe.” Before the man can process your words, you’ve slung the pulse rifle over your shoulder and pull it into position. You shoot a pulse and it finds its target in his chest. He groans in agony and falls backwards, directly on top of Mando. Wincing for the man beneath the hulking Twi’lek, you grab a blaster, shooting the man in each leg. “Mando, hey, it’s me,” you tell him as you roll the behemoth from on top of him. “I’m here,” you murmur. He starts mumbling back, but it’s in Mando’a. That makes sense, you suppose, that he’s reverting in such a moment of crisis. “How hurt are you?” you ask, beginning to speak Mando’a to him in hopes he’ll understand you better. Mando’s brain works through the fog, hearing your words and recognizing that it’s you. “Real bad,” he groans out, speaking his native tongue. You touch his elbow, unprotected by beskar, and he whines. “No, no,” he whimpers, sounding almost like a child. You sigh. This was going to be harder than you expected. “Fuck, how am I going to get you out of here?” The brain function that the Mandalorian has left is your saving grace. “Speeder bike. Hidden down there. We can get on.” “Yes, but how are we going to get you downstairs?” He doesn’t respond, simply groans in pain. If this was going to work without immense pain on his part, some kind of miracle was going to need to happen. “I’m going to drag you down the stairs as carefully as I can, okay? We’ll let gravity do the work. Do you have a good arm?” “The left one… so clever, so smart, pretty girl,” he breathes out, words rasping. You blush at the words but chuckle. He’s in so much pain there’s no way he can think straight now. “I’ll go get the bike, then we’ll get you down there.” This is the hard part, you think to yourself. First, you run down the steps and search for the speeder bike Mando mentioned. You find it and sigh in relief. It’s a piece of junk, but it should do. You position it at the bottom of the stairs and then run up them again. “Okay, this is going to hurt. Can you roll yourself?” “No, shoulder’s all fucked up,” he mumbles and you groan. “Well, I’ll have to drag you on the good one. Get ready.” Taking his good arm, you begin dragging him towards the steps. He groans and you wince. “I’m so sorry, you’re doing so well,” you tell him as you move him. “Here we go.” Once he’s at the top of the steps, you hold him under his armpits, blushing at how close you are. He’s so strong, even injured, and you smile softly to yourself. You lower the two of you down the stairs with careful movements and manage to hold him long enough to get him seated on the speeder bike. He leans forward onto the handles. “One moment,” you tell him. Running up the stairs once more, you shoot another pulse into the bounty. He gives a dazed nod, clearly not understanding anything through the pain he’s in. You can’t let Mando leave this man behind. You’re sure he’s unconscious, so you repeat the same movements as before but with next to no gentleness. You toss him on the back of the speeder bike, where the gunner would sit, and tie him down with ropes before covering him with a blanket. “Alright, back to the ship as quick as we possibly can,” you inform Mando and get the speeder to a door wide enough to fit it through. Once it works, you hop on between Mando and the handlebar and start it up, moving as quickly as you possibly can. Soon enough, you’re back at the hangar that holds the Razor Crest. You enter the back way, using the speeder bike entrance. You hop off quickly and park it by the Crest. “Stay right there, I’m going to get this asshole into the carbonite,” you tell Mando. His consciousness hasn’t been clear for at least a day. He didn’t even process the fact that you had grabbed the bounty. “What? You got him?” “One of us had to,” you tease, enjoying the fact that the two of you are finally conversing in his native tongue. You’ve always loved Mando’a, the way the words sound rolling off your tongue. You untie the man, still unconscious, and haul him up the ramp of the Crest. You’ve seen Mando work the carbonite freezer once or twice, and you hope you press the right buttons as you force the man onto the slab. “Come on, baby,” you murmur to the machine, hoping it’ll work. With one final button, there’s a hiss and cold air blows from it, freezing him. You sigh in relief. You return to the main hold and pop out a cot for him to lie on. Running back down the ramp, you find the dazed Mandalorian in the exact spot you left him in. “I’m going to carry you into the ship,” you tell him, grunting with effort as you lift his practically deadweight body off of the side and into a standing position. You drag him up and immediately shove him onto the cot. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” you cringe as he moans in pain at the contact with the cot. “One more thing and we’ll get some bacta in you.” The owner of the hangar is waiting for you outside the ship, holding the kid, both confused by the commotion. You very quickly and hurriedly explain to her that everything is fine now, thank her and pay her a generous amount of credits, and rush back onto the ship with the baby. “Keep the speeder!” You shout behind you as you close the ramp. - A full day and a half later, the Mandalorian awakens from a deep slumber with a pounding headache. He sits with a jolt, which only makes the headache worse. He looks around to find that he’s in the Razor Crest, the familiar hum indicating that he’s in hyperspace. The events of the past few days begin to manifest in his memory and he groans, lying back down on the cot. You climb down from the cockpit as you hear him stirring and find him on his side. “Good morning,” you say softly as you sit on the edge of his cot, the kid in your arm. You set the child down and he toddles off elsewhere.  “You were out for a good day and a half,” you tell him and stroke his side softly. “How do you feel?” “Like shit,” he groans, rolling to his back again. He’s hyper aware of your touch, the way your fingers drag down his- oh shit, he’s shirtless, armorless- skin, avoiding the bruises. “You… thank you,” he says, gravelly voice soft. It sinks in that he’s wearing just a pair of shorts and his helmet. You must’ve undressed him, cleaned and bandaged his wounds. His breath catches in his throat. You nod and stroke his good arm. “Of course. That’s why you brought me on, isn’t it?” you tease. He chuckles, but it’s clear that takes effort. “Really, thank you. And you got the bounty too! Shit, mesh’la, I-” he says as he starts to sit, but you push him back down with a hand to his chest, caressing the side of his beskar helmet. “Nayc, stay down,” you tell him, chuckling softly. “Rest. I’ll bring you some water and go back up to the cockpit so you can take off the helmet,” you say with a soft smile, standing and going to where you keep the food and water bottles. As you move, he mulls over the events that led him here. He got knocked down and beat by the man that was supposed to be his bounty. That never happened. You came to rescue him and- wait. You just told him no, nayc, in Mando’a. In fact, you were speaking Mando’a to him the whole time you rescued him, reassuring him and directing him in his native tongue, which he had no idea you spoke until just now. You return with a nutrient bar and water bottle, setting them next to his side on the cot. “I’ll head back up-” you start to say, but he stops you by grabbing his wrist. “You speak Mando’a,” he says simply, looking up at you with wonder behind his mask. “Yeah,” you chuckle and admit, face flushing with warmth. His is equally heating beneath the beskar. He sits up slightly but instead you come to his level, sitting on the edge of the cot and pushing him down with a firm palm to his chest. He chuckles softly. “So you’ve understood me every time I’ve called you beautiful,” he says, a tinge of shyness in his modulated voice. Nodding, you tuck a stray hair back from your face. “I… yes, I have,” you nod, giving him an awkward smile. “I hear you talk in Mando'a in your sleep too, sometimes.” Even his chest is flushing with warmth now. You look away, at a corner of the ship “You talk about your life. People from your past.” The silence hangs between the two of you, your hand still resting in the center of his chest. You slowly drag it to his good shoulder, and down his arm. He clasps your hand in his when it reaches his fingertips. “Have you heard the name Din?” He asks in his native tongue, and you shake your head softly, truthfully. It never came out. “That’s… my name. Din, Din Djarin,” he admits to you, hand squeezing yours softly. You gasp softly, not expecting that information from him. A smile settles on your face after a moment. “Well then. Hello, Din.” You lean down and press your forehead to where his lies beneath the metal. A keldabe kiss, you know, the most intimate gesture a Mandalorian can do. It truly melts his heart, the organ pumping frantically in his chest. “Hello to you too, gorgeous. Wait,” he stops and pushes your face from his, gently. He returns to speaking Basic with a chuckle. “How many languages do you speak?” You look upwards, mentally counting. “Uh. 8 and a half. I’m still not finished with Ubese,” you say and turn back to face him, a shy smile gracing your face. “Wow. You’re a mirdal’ika,” he tells you, the smile evident in his voice even though you can’t see it through the mask. Separately, the syllables make sense. You understand the direct translation, but it’s odd, and you cock your head to the side as you look down at the Mandalorian- no, Din. “Little clever one?” You ask, unsure if you heard him correctly. “Yes, well, that’s the direct translation. It’s really more of a slang term.” “For?” “In Basic… I believe the equivalent would be… nerd.” “Din!” You squeal and laugh, smacking his good shoulder lightly with a backhand. “Excuse me, that’s rude,” you chuckle, the smile growing even wider on your face as you look down at him. He doesn’t respond for a moment and you give a soft sigh. “Well, you need to drink that water. I’ll head back up to the cockpit,” you tell him, really meaning to leave this time, the smile falling. Once again, as you stand and try to move, he grabs your arm. “I… I think I’m going to need help with that,” he admits, almost ashamed. “Please. Stay.” You nod, but then realize what it implicates. “No, Din,” you sigh, shaking your head. “I can’t do that to you, you and that helmet, it’s… it’s your everything, I couldn’t possibly-” “Please, cyare,” he asks in his native tongue again, and your heart melts. “I want you to see me. I need you to see me.” Heart pounding, you take a beat before you respond with a nod. You sit down once more, hands slowly tracing up his sides, then his chest and up to the base of his helmet. “You’re sure. Positive,” you ask. “Of course I am.” With a nod, you allow him to bring his hand to the side to unlatch the lock. Once it releases, he lifts his head just above the pillow and you slide off his helmet, catching the back of his head with one hand and easing it back down to the pillow. You make sure the helmet rests on the floor before you finally look at him. He’s gorgeous, truly. His tanned skin, which you saw when cleaning his wounds, is covered with dark stubble and a mustache on the lower half of his face, broken by two plush lips. Your fingertips trace his jawline as you take in his softly hooked nose, his dark eyebrows, his dark and messy hair, but most importantly, his eyes. His eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown, set gently into his face and looking at you like you’re a shimmering supernova, no, something even more beautiful. For a moment, you get caught up staring at him. “You’re absolutely beautiful, Din,” you mumble in Mando’a. He just gives a soft smile and murmurs his thanks. After you finish staring, you shake your head quickly. “Sorry, the water,” you chuckle nervously, turning to grab it from your other side. Din’s hand catches the side of your face. “The water is a secondary need,” he says softly in Mando’a, turning your face back to his. “I took this off for something else.” His eyes hold a question as he looks up at you. You bite your lip for a moment before breaking into a smile and nodding. The Mandalorian pulls your face down to his, and, ever so gently, your lips finally meet, real and warm and absolutely delicious. You sigh softly, putting a hand on the side of his face too. His lips are softer than you’d expected, while yours are just as beautiful as he dreamed about at night. You both continue for a moment, his hand drifting to your neck, completely lost in each other. A moment later, you pull back and giggle. “I have to admit something, Din,” you tell him and lovingly stroke the side of his face. “It better not be that you’re secretly engaged,” he asks teasingly, a soft smile on his face and raising an eyebrow at you. “No,” you laugh and run your hand through his curls, carding your fingers between the surprisingly soft locks. “That…” you gulp and look away before looking back at him. “Was my first kiss,” you admit and bite down on your bottom lip. He laughs softly but there’s love in his eyes. “A girl as beautiful as you never dated when you were younger? Never went out and flirted with her classmates?” You shake your head. “I was generally too busy at home, reading or teaching myself the language of the man who’d eventually be my first kiss.” You both laugh at that and you grin. His hand rests on the side of your face, gently sweeping his thumb across the skin beneath his fingers. “Of course you were. My little mirdal’ika,” he laughs, bringing your face to his to kiss you once more.
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taags-old-account · 3 years
As the title says above: I have an idea for an AU. None of us have really created any recently (for the fact that it's October and everybody is writing but me). So I thought I would slide over some content for an AU idea that is another bout of pure self indulgence!:
Ok, I don't know if this has been mentioned before, if it has then whatever. I have ideas and I want to share 'em.
Why it would actually be pretty interesting/cool:
Akaridion-5's relationship with the rest of the galaxy
We know almost nothing about the planet except that it creates and sends out blanks to the galaxy and has really great tech otherwise we know nothing. This would be a cool opportunity to add lore and headcanons.
I headcanon for this AU is that Akaridion-5's shields were so strong that the Star Destroyers couldn't breakthrough. So when the first Death Star was created the Empire planned to destroy the rebels then move on to Akaridion-5 (gonna shorten it down to A-5). If they couldn't take A-5 then they'll destroy it. But said Death Star was destroyed and the Star Wars plot flows smoothly. Though that is just my idea.
Either way: I think it would be interesting for more lore about space and its concepts to come through.
The TOA crew could legitimately make any part of Star Wars 10x better
They would. They could and would totally make better. The original trilogy, Prequel, and Sequel, and side series (me totally not thinking of the Mandalorian because I want Din to adopt them- NOOOOO)
But it would totally turn into a crossover fix-it fic. And depending on which part the larger or smaller the fixing may get.
Battle scenes probably wouldn't be so high stakes because there's a wee wittle moppet over there named Douxie and he-could-kill-you-with-no-hesitation dON'T ANGER HIM
The Gun Robot has to show up for at least one fight.
TOA space-styled weapons and armor go brrrr.
The characters actually meeting each other would be cool
I didn't really think much into this *COUGH* MANDO ADOPTING THEM *COUGH* but it would be cool.
There is such a wide range of personalities from both universes so it's hard to pick and choose who would get along and who wouldn't.
But correct me if I'm wrong but Krel would totally want to fix all these beat-up ships *ANOTHER COUGH* The Falcon and The Razors Crest *ANOTHER COUGH*. Han and Mando both adamantly refuse. Krel still manages to sneak some VERY HELPFUL tech in.
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ariainstars · 4 years
The Mandalorian: Is He “Better Vader”?
This may sound funny, but please hear me out for a moment. 
The further I watch Star Wars’ new live-action tv show, the more I get the impression is that Mando is meant to be a positive version of Darth Vader (the “dark father”). 
Father figures usually don’t have a thankful role in this galaxy - either they are absent like Anakin’s, terrifying like Luke’s, or well-meaning but failing in their primary duty of keeping their child safe, like Ben’s. 
Not a few fans, though a little mockingly, like to call Kylo Ren “better Anakin” since his conflict is more fleshed out and the whole figure inspires more sympathy. My theory: is Mando meant to be “better Vader”? 
It was repeatedly and amply shown that the cause for the never-ending conflicts in the galaxy lie for a large part on the side of the Jedi, whose stuck-up attitude ultimately failed. Their order prohibited personal attachments, and even the wisest among them were not affectionate. This was what drove the all-powerful but passionate Anakin, who desperately wanted to have someone he could love and protect, to his ruin: the moment he finally became a father he also became a ruthless monster. Mando is introduced as a merciless bounty hunter, but as he opens up to the child, he becomes kinder and begins to find friends. He grows even more valiant, but also learns how to be gentle and caring. 
Since the Jedi are almost all extinct, but Force-sensitive children still are born throughout the galaxy, we are left with the question of what is to become of them. Some were brought to Luke’s new temple later, but we can assume that not all were identified. 
Mando’s little protegee is staying and making life experiences with a guy who doesn’t know anything about the Jedi and has no clue of the source of the child’s mysterious powers, but instinctively does the right things: he keeps him safe, instructs him, scolds him when necessary, and offers him friendship and companionship. (The Mandalorian who adopted him probably was a good father figure, too.) The child never sees his “father’s” face, but nevertheless he trusts him explicitly. Mando is the living proof that coolness and fighting qualities are not opposed to being gentle and caring.
Ben Solo’s tragic fate was the result of failed fatherhood: Luke did not know how to be a father because he had no children of his own and had had no role model, while Han did not trust his capacity to protect his son from his own powers.
The Parallels
Both Vader and Mando are soldiers. Though not Force-sensitive, Mando is extremely strong and well-versed in martial arts; he never shows his face; he wears an armor completed by a black cape which does not seem to have much practical use. He usually speaks only in short, clipped sentences and has a wry, sarcastic kind of humor. 
Vader was a follower of the Emperor, factually a slave who had no choice but to obey his master, and wherever he went he wreaked terror. Mando does take jobs from the bounty hunter’s guild, but essentially, he is a free man and often offers his services negotiating on his own terms. Noticeably, he fights against raiders and mercenaries or remnants of the Empire, peace following in his wake.
When he first reaches out for the baby, it looks like the opposite to another famous scene in the saga: here we have the adoptive but good father, while the other was the biological but cruel father.  Luke did not take his father’s hand, while the baby instinctively reached out to the man who had protected him.
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Note also the scenic reversal: one figure is standing on the right side, hand with upturned fingers reaching out into a void, the scene is bathed in cold light. The other figure is standing on the left, hand reaching down, illuminated by warm light. 
When we do see his face once, Mando is lying down and helpless like Vader; he is not disfigured though and despite being injured, he is not dying. Shortly after this he finally accepts his task as the child’s father figure, while Vader died a few minutes after his unmasking and could not fulfil his fatherly task any more. Also, in both cases we learned the person’s real name not long before the mask went off: Anakin Skywalker respectively Din Djarin.
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Given the saga’s love for cyclical narrative, this would make a lot of sense. Star Wars is telling us once more how important a protective and kind father is for a child, both as a role model and an attachment figure. We do not know yet how baby Yoda will turn out; but it would have made little sense for the storytellers to think up such a figure in the first place if they didn’t want him to go another (possibly better) way than his more famous predecessor. 
Is the galaxy at last healing after the terrible conflicts caused by both Jedi and Sith, and will the good fathers be responsible for a better future, maybe even for the long-awaited Balance in the Force? I hope so.
May the Force be with the Clan of Two. 😉
(On a side note: Vader / Anakin was in his mid-forties when he died. Din Djarin is about the same age.)
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After the closure of Season 2, I would like to add a few details that also set Din Djarin apart from Anakin.
 Attachment vs. Affection
Anakin’s greatest weakness was his anxiety to lose the ones he loved. In the end, he sacrificed all of his ideals for the purpose of saving his pregnant wife. Luke also loved his friends and wanted to save them, but in that fateful moment before Palpatine, he realized that he would have had to give up his integrity for the purpose, and that was when he decided to throw away his weapon.
Din suffers deeply when he has to give up “his” child to a literal stranger for an indefinite time. However, he knows that it must be done because he does not have the knowledge to train him. Grogu also, reluctantly, lets go when he sees that his “father” is doing the same. This goes to show, again, that he is much stronger than Anakin.
 Following Rules vs Following One’s Heart
Like Anakin / Vader, Din takes his helmet off the moment he has to say goodbye to his child. The famous sentence “Just once, let me look on you with my own eyes” comes to mind. Vader was a Sith Lord and Anakin had been a Jedi. Both adhered strictly to their code: Anakin was a faithful Jedi until he became a Sith and Vader obeyed to the rules of the Sith until for a brief moment he acted like a Jedi again (and, also, like a father, which was a first). Mando unmasks not only before Grogu but also
-     Luke, who is a total stranger -     Moff Gideon, an enemy -     Bo-Katan, a possible potential enemy since she pursues the Dark Saber -     Fennec, an ally but not a friend -     Cara, a friend who never saw his face.
That he is willing for all of them to witness the moment he lifts his incognito shows that Mando is finally listening only to his heart. The Way of the Mandalore, which was his guideline for his entire adolescence and adult life (i.e. thirty years or more), has become less significant to him than the bond he has with Grogu.
Anakin’s tragedy was that he could not follow his heart but that some rules defined by an outside source always were in control. He wanted to be a husband and father and loyal friend, a mechanic and a pilot, not a Jedi or a Sith.
Ben Solo’s tragedy was the same; though not born a slave, he also had no choice about what to do with himself and his life. It was either being a Jedi or a Sith. But we know that he wanted to be a son and a lover, and a pilot.
The same fate occurred to Luke, many years later: the kind-hearted, affectionate young man from Tatooine, who so easily befriended everyone and always was compassionate and helpful became aloof and detached on being a Jedi, because he thought that was what this task required. But in the end, it was exactly what made him not understand and even fear his nephew, with disastrous results.
Din Djarin chose the way of the heart, he is no longer adhering to “the Way”: he said himself that now he can’t put his helmet back on. (Alternatively, he could put it on again, but that would mean defying the Way otherwise.) Grogu has witnessed that a man can very well choose family over a code that was taught to him, even if he adhered to it all of his life. Luke is the one who carries him away, but Grogu looks over his shoulder to his “father”. Luke may become his teacher, but Grogu’s role model, his hero, will always be Din; as it was for Ben with his father Han.
 Hints at the Future
Anakin died twice: once on Mustafar, where he also lost his blue light sabre, and on the second Death Star, where he had lost the red one. Din Djarin, at the end of this part of this journey, receives a sabre, although he never wanted it.
With the Dark Saber, a new fate is awaiting Mando. Is his destiny that of being the warrior-king, protective and honorable, that ought to have been Anakin’s place? Maybe. As they say, the best leaders are the reluctant ones. 😊
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
I really enjoy Star Wars but only from your perspective/takes do you have any fic you recommend your mind is a wonderful place to observe Star Wars much better than those movie should be
I still haven’t seen the movies lmao, and a lot of the fics I read aren’t necessarily the kind of thing I actually futz about with? But here are a few that mostly err on the side of comedic (I don’t have the energy to include disclaimers and warnings, so please check tags before you read anything):
Either outright comedies, or plot-heavy with significant comedic moments:
Untitled Soulmate Game - soulmate AU where the main plot device is that one morning a goose shows up and bothers you until you find your soulmate
Be Careful What You Sith For - Palpatine does A Sith Magic that results in everyone in the galaxy getting the name of their death (in the default timeline) written out on their arm. I... can’t remember if this is actually funny but there are certainly moments.
Sith Lord Swell - Luke and his students (Ben Solo is mid-teens) end up pre-TCW and... decide the best cover is to pretend they’re all Sith Lords. It’s all very silly and Luke goes in real hard on being a big ham, it’s great.
Wake the Storm - Mid-TCW Anakin swaps places with ANH Vader. His body comes with him. It’s all very confusing. I don’t remember how funny this one was, but.
Lies About Jedi - Cody uses a shiny trooper to guilt-trip Obi-Wan into taking a nap
Shining Bright Above You - chatfic clone hijinks
The Happening - yet more chatfic clones
GAR Requsitions - clones deal with bureaucratic nonsense
Soft Wars - TCW but, like, soft
Senator Obi-Wan AU - AU where Obi-Wan isn’t a Jedi, but insists on running into danger even more than Padme does
Old Man Luke - Sequels Luke ends up mid-TCW
Shifting Sands - Sequels Leia shows up on Tatooine a year pre-TPM, forcibly adopts herself into the Skywalker family. It’s not... technically a comedy, but there are a lot of satisfying “Why are you LIKE THIS” moments for everyone involved
Realign the Stars - time travel (Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Cody, Rex) not primarily a comedy but there’s a lot of moments that are just like “Anakin won an entire moon and half of Tatooine by rigging the bets in a race” and that’s just. It’s choice.
An (Un)fortunate Haunting - Anakin is haunted by Vader’s ghost
The Corteous Art of Correspondence During A Galactic War as Performed Aptly by Certain Sith and Jedi - Rael Averross sends bitchy letters to Dooku during TCW
Bar Fights and Beaches - short and sweet, Anakin is very “dis mine” about his soldiers
Everyone is confused but R2-D2. - Vader finds out his children exist while on the Death Star, proceeds to cause problems
Din Djarin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Time Travel Incident - Din Djarin time-travels to mid-TCW. Everyone assumes he’s a Mandalorian from so far in the past that the Jedi/Mando rivalry didn’t exist yet. He does not realize this, and accidentally keeps confirming their suspicions.
Not comedies but very good, mostly time ravel:
Living in Borrowed Time - Ahsoka & Rex do mental time-travel from their deaths to a day or so before their first meeting
wilder mind - Force-sensitive Rex!
Don't Look Back - shortly post-OT Leia gets physically transported back to just before AotC
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns - Sequels Leia goes to sleep the night after Han dies and wakes up nineteen again, on the Death Star
Reprise - Ben Kenobi dies, wakes up physically thirty-five and several hundred stories below the Temple main floor, claims he’s 16yo Obi-Wan’s uncle, things spiral wildly in directions that make political sense but are also Very Odd if you want stations of the canon
Probability Matrices - Darth Vader dies, Ben’s ghost does A Thing, Anakin Skywalker wakes up a week before Qui-Gon arrives with almost forty years of memories he shouldn’t have. This series is like 50% therapy by volume so I love it. Din Djarin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Time Travel Incident
The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars - Mental time-travel for Ben, de-aging and physical time travel for the OT trio. Feelsy.
The Desert Storm - Ben time travel, mostly serious, very long, good if you have a few weeks to waste (I admittedly took only a few days but binge-reading your weekends away is not recommended)
Double Agent Vader - a classic
into the desert - Anakin doesn’t go evil, fic is very heavily 
Well It Goes Like This - Anakin doesn’t Fall, but everything else mostly still happens as it did; he manages to save a handful of kids and escape O66
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padawansuggest · 3 years
I hate a LOT of the newer movies, but nothing more than taking away Luke’s family, making Ben Han’s son who kills him, straight up ignoring Anakin, Jacen and Jaina (an actual canon Chosen One and not just speculation like it’s in her wiki and everything) and making the Sith rise again through the Skywalker line like some sort of curse.
So. From hence forth, just know, Ben is Luke and Mara’s son when I mention Mando posts with him. Anakin, Jacen and Jaina are Leia and Han’s kids. Grogu get’s to play with all of them. Luke and Mara are happy with their son and students. Leia and Han’s worst relationship issue is dealing with bounty hunters coming by to try and kick Han’s ass. There are force ghosts hanging around to chill at Skywalker/Organa BBQ’s and the Mando in the corner is very confused at why people are attending a BBQ through holo projection lmaoooooo. Din finds kiddo Rey on a random rock and immediately adopts her, brings her back to Luke’s school one day when he’s picking up Grogu for family day, learns she’s possibly as attuned to the force as Daddy Vader, only to realize that Anakin (who didn’t have a male parent, is an imperfect clone of his mother) is the progenitor of this delightful little confused baby who’s an imperfect clone of him, and is therefore, also one of the Chosen Ones. Now Din has two kids enrolled in Luke’s school, and Grogu is coping with no longer being an only child. Badly.
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