#hand em over padre
positivelyghastly · 2 years
So you know how the Vatican has books bound in human skin? The Satanic Church definitely has some of those too. I think it’s probably their most sacred texts, the bible the Papas read from during service, the grimoire that was written upon the Church’s inception with the incantations used to summon the ghouls. All their most important books are bound in human skin. Perhaps one of them is even bound in a long dead Papa?
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thespiritssaidso · 3 months
They’re Not Rotten, They’re Overripe!!
Summary: Shawn is prepping to make banana bread, but Henry thinks the bananas have gone bad. And what do you do with bad bananas?
Notes: I wrote this in 30 minutes. Thank you psych discord for coming up with this brilliant idea.
Cupboard doors banged as Shawn shuffled through them frantically, looking for something very important.
“Where are they, where are they…” he mumbled to himself, double- and triple-checking the counter where he knew for a fact he had left the bananas to over-ripen.
Shawn could’ve sworn he had only just taken the overripe bananas from the freezer and put onto the counter to let them thaw. But apparently they had vanished into thin air.
Henry, having been drawn to the kitchen by the noise, asked “Watcha looking for, Shawn?”
In a desperate attempt to find the bananas, Shawn opened the cutlery drawer. Of course, there was nothing but cutlery. Obviously. “I left out bananas to make banana bread for the station, but I can’t find them anywhere.” He opened the fridge as well, just to make sure his ADHD hadn’t made him put it in there. Just condiments and a few wilting vegetables along with a steak marinating in a baggie.
“Oh yeah. You left them out for too long and they went bad, so I threw them out for you. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Shawn froze. A tingly feeling spread throughout him. “Sorry, you did what?”
“I threw ‘em out. I mean seriously, Shawn, I thought I raised you better than that. If you leave bad food out on the counter it’s going to become rotten, and then it’ll attract flies-”
“No no no no no. Dad, they weren’t rotten, they were overripe. I was gonna use them-”
“To make banana bread, I know. But they were brown and mushy and disgusting. If you tried making banana bread with those you would’ve given yourself food poisoning. Trust me kid, I just did you a favor.”
Shawn felt himself let out a tiny hysterical giggle, despite finding the whole situation very unfunny. “Dad. Padre. Vater. That’s how you make banana bread. You gotta use overripe bananas.”
“Oh come on, Shawn. Just admit you forgot about them. I got you new ones anyway. All I want you to do is say ‘thank you’.” Henry had, in fact, gotten new bananas. He was holding the bag of them right now.
Shawn took a deep breath. “Have you ever baked before?”
“No. I don’t see why that’s relevant-”
“Then maybe don’t give me baking advice if you don’t know jack shit about it.”
Henry sputtered indignantly. “Now hold on, Shawn. I at least have some common sense, like how rotten food shouldn’t be eaten.”
“For the last time: they’re not rotten! They’re overripe!”
“That’s the same thing.”
“No it isn’t!”
Henry threw up his hands. “I’m not having this conversation with you. I try to help you and maybe teach you a lesson about keeping your food good, and you pull this. Typical.”
“Oh, would you stop playing the victim and just admit that-”
“No! I’m done. Give yourself food poisoning, for all I care.” And with that, he stormed off, leaving the bag of fresh bananas on the counter.
Shawn sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. Leaning against the wall, he got out his phone to text Gus. Maybe he’d get lucky and Gus would have perfectly overripe bananas.
If not…
Well, he’d just have to wait until the ones his dad bought became overripe.
It had been a week since their argument. Henry walked into his kitchen and noticed a small ziplock bag with a loaf of bread. On top of it was a note in Shawn’s handwriting.
Made some banana bread for you. Don’t worry, I used extra ripe bananas, just to make sure you don’t have to worry about getting sick.
Henry smiled to himself. “Looks like the kid’s come to his senses.”
He shuffled through the cutlery drawer and grabbed a bread knife. Carefully, he cut himself a slice and bit into it. He immediately gagged on it, however. It tasted awful. How was this even banana bread?
Henry looked at the note again and turned it over.
If you’re reading this, it means you’ve eaten some already. Don’t ever try to a school me in baking again, I’m not seven anymore.
ao3 link
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bumblesimagines · 6 months
Ez Reyes
can i buy you a drink? for old times' sake?
you were never there for me.
i don't love you anymore.
can i buy you a drink? for old times' sake?
you were never there for me.
i don't love you anymore.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, Gender Neutral!Reader
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"You better not forget about us, Beverly Hills." You felt Bishop clap his hand over your shoulder, a big friendly grin stretched out across his face. You rolled your eyes at his words but couldn't help the giddy smile from spreading across your face, especially with all the supportive Mayans you viewed as uncles and brothers looking just as thrilled as your own father. 
"Well, I have to finish packing, but I'll drop by later." You told them, feeling Bishop playfully shake your shoulder before you stepped toward Riz. Your father pecked the top of your head and pinched your cheek, snickering to himself when you swatted at his wrist with a huff and an eye roll. 
"Don't stay out too late with your friends, 'ight?" Riz called as you headed toward the door, chuckles spreading throughout the bar when you shot him a glare over your shoulder. No matter how old you got, he still took it upon himself to embarrass you in front of others every chance he got. 
Opening the door and throwing one last wave over your shoulder, you stepped out of the clubhouse and headed down the rickety steps. You reached into the pocket of your jacket, feeling around for your keys but your attention turned away from your parked car when the gate slid open and two motorcycles rolled in. Ah, fuck. You bit the inside of your cheek and pulled the keys free from your pocket but just as you pressed down to unlock the car, you heard it:
"Aye, (Y/N)!" 
"Fuck," You sighed and turned around, planting a polite smile on your face while you waited for Angel and Ezekiel to finish taking off their helmets. Angel moved first and the only thing you saw before he tugged you into a tight embrace was his big dorky grin. You could smell the cigarette smoke reeking off him and grunted, hoping the smell wouldn't cling to your clothes. "Hey, Angel."
"Hey yourself, Beverly Hills." Angel laughed as he pulled away.
"I'm not even going to Beverly Hills." You groaned. "The new place isn't anywhere near there!"
"But with that fancy new job, you'll live there someday, right? You better tell the pretty girls about the attractive biker down in Santo Padre." Angel said, pushing his sunglasses up to rest atop his slicked-back hair. "Make sure to tell 'em he's funny and hot and-"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell them all about Coco." You grinned when he clicked his tongue and lightly pushed your shoulder with his fist, his eyes rolling dramatically. He glanced over his shoulder at his younger brother and glanced back at you, wiggling his brows and smirking before he spun on his heels and headed into the clubhouse. 
"Hey." Ezekiel greeted gently, tugging his gloves off his hands and offering a sweet smile. You remembered a time when just his smile would make you weak at the knees and giggle like a lovesick idiot. But it only filled you with bitterness looking at it now. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips as he glanced toward your car. "Leaving so soon?"
"I gotta finish packing." You answered.
"Ah, right, you got a new job away from here, right? I'm happy for you. It's hard leaving this place, take it from me." Ezekiel sighed heavily, stuffing his gloves into the pocket of his jeans and curling his fingers around the front of his kutte. "Listen, (Y/N)... can I buy you a drink? For old times' sake? I always miss you every time you visit. Thought it'd be nice to catch up with you."
You inhaled deeply, eyes flickering toward the clubhouse when the Mayans inside cracked up with laughter at some unheard joke or story. It'd been nearly two years since you'd last seen Ezekiel Reyes face to face and spoken with him. Two long years since you'd stood in his trailer with tears in your eyes while he kept his head bowed, never uttering a single word as you tore into him. You'd broken up with him when he couldn't promise to keep his distance from Emily Galindo, a married woman bound to be his demise. He'd called and called but you ignored him until Riz stepped in and forced him to back off.
"No, thanks, Ezekiel. I have nothing to say to you if I'm honest. Everything I did want to say was said years ago. I hope you're doing well but you were never there for me when we were dating so why would I need you as a friend? You showed me how conditional your loyalty was." You told him and turned away from him, heading toward your car and opening the door. Ezekiel followed because being stubborn ran in the Reyes family, and reached out to cup your elbow.
"I know, I'm sorry. I fucked up. I... I have no excuses, (Y/N). I miss you. I miss us. I miss what we have and what we could've had-"
"I don't love you anymore." You told him bluntly, watching his face crumble in a matter of seconds. He released your elbow and stepped back, his gaze dropping onto the ground and lips pressing tightly together. "That love faded a long time ago, Ezekiel. It's best if you forget about us... 'cause it's never happening again."
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tell me about Full Chrome Jacket from your wip files pls :3c
Okay here is a long excerpt from the chapter with the wedding! It's based on Jewish wedding customs.
It was a small guest list, a few representatives from every gang. Bea thought that was weird but V didn't have the time or energy to explain to her, after handwriting 50 names and mailing addresses, the intergang politics of Night City. V and Bea stood on opposite sides behind the folding screens, their respective parties next to or behind them. Rogue fussed with Kerry's bowtie, "Quit fucking whining, Kerry." "We're not that old!" Kerry hissed. The Rabbi walked up and looked at Bea and V, "You kids ready?" They nodded. The music started, a classical string quartet, and the Rabbi walked down the aisle to the chuppah. Rogue linked her arm in Kerry's and dragged him to the entrance. Kerry winked at V and Rogue squeezed Bea's hand before walking next. They sat on the left side. Rat and Dum Dum came next. Rat looked as handsome as ever. V wondered if that was the suit he would have worn to propose to V. Dum Dum's suit was pressed and crisp. He'd even his adjusted the lights of his seven eyes to be a more muted tone so he didn't take any attention away from them. Rat and Dum Dum stood on the left. Viktor wiped a drop of water off the top of Jackie's urn, he promised V he wouldn't cry. Didn't want to embarrass the kid. Viktor stood between the two sides of the screens and looked at Bea. She reached her hand out and rubbed her hand over Jackie's nameplate, then nodded for Viktor to proceed. Some Valentinos whooped and cheered for Jackie. Padre and Mama Welles kissed Bea on her cheek before linking arms with V. V's parents were dead but Padre and Mama Welles helped raise him like he was theirs. They were honored and says yes without a second thought. V looked back at Bea before walking down next. He felt a panic attack coming. Fuck what was he doing? Johnny appeared and walked backwards in front of V, humming the Bridal Chorus by Wagner. Padre and Mama Welles stood next to V under the chuppah.
Janice was next. Bea didn't care what Honey and Janice wore so Honey chose sleek, gold silk dresses for them. Janice sauntered down the aisle and stood on the right. Honey followed after. She kissed Bea on her cheek and squeezed her hand, "Knock 'em dead."
Bea peeked out and watched Honey strut down the aisle. She turned her head this way and that, demurely waving or winking at people she saw.
Pepe walked over with Nibbles in her cage. Her disgruntled meowing made the crowd laugh. Pepe set the cage down and opened the door. Nibbles wore a gold tutu and had two ring boxes strapped to her back. V pulled a few treats out of his pocket and knelt down, calling Nibbles to him. Nibbles kept getting distracted and various guests had to nudge her back to the aisle. They trained her to wear the tutu and harness with the rings but she always came when V called her so he didn't think he needed to do anything else. When she got to the chuppah, Honey picked her up and held her.
Arnie and Greta linked arms with Bea. She shook. "You cold?" Greta whispered.
"She's scared," Arnie said.
Bea took a deep breath and stepped forward. Everyone turned to look at her. She froze. She wanted to run. She started to hyperventilate, the veil moving closer to her face and out with her breaths. V furrowed his brow and mouthed, "Yes or no?"
He couldn't see her face so Bea nodded. Yes, keep going. "Just keep breathing," Greta whispered.
Bea focused her sights on V. He was hazy in her vision, a black column with a teal top. They stood on the right side.
"You okay?" V whispered.
"Yes," Bea said.
The Rabbi said his opening remarks and directed V to lift Bea's veil. The crowd gasped. Bea thought they were just being overdramatic, though.
The Rabbi spoke, "If there is anyone that objects to these two being married. Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
Johnny appeared sitting next to Rogue and Kerry. He cleared his throat and raised his hand. V glared at him.
Someone real, did speak up. A man in the very back stood up and spoke quickly, "Bea ever since I saw your bangin' body at Doll Parts I thought, wow she's hot. You," the man hiccuped, "You can't get married. You gotta go back," he belched, "I got a bigger dick than him, I swear." The man was very drunk and wobbled in place.
Eight different people from both Bea's and V's side stood up and turned on the guy. The tackled him to the ground and began beating him senseless before dragging him out of the area.
V whispered to Bea, "Are you really only in it for the dick size? I mean, if he's got one bigger than mine then, shit, maybe he's right."
Bea smiled and giggled. V's heart warmed and he felt all his nerves ease up.
They first circled each other three times then a figure eight around each other. "Building a wall of love around the relationship," The rabbi said.
The Rabbi next spoke the erusin blessings in Hebrew and presented a cup of wine, Rebbe's Reds of course, for Bea and V to drink from. It tasted wonderful. It must be a special vintage from Arnie.
Honey plucked the ring boxes off of Nibbles's back and handed them to V and Bea.
V opened the box with the simple gold band and cleared his throat. He memorized these words. He didn't want to take his eyes off Bea to read his retinal display. He wanted to look at her, and wanted her to know he saw her.
"Bea," his voice cracked and he cleared his throat again, "I love you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you performing your Maelstrom interpretive dance." Bea's eyes widened. "I agree with that guy, you do have a bangin' body," V continued. Bea looked horrified and V smirked. "When we kill people together, it feels like we share the same brain and body, like we're part of a single organism. That's how I feel even when we're not killing people together."
Bea looked at V's side of the aisle of guests as some mercs cooed and wiped tears from their eyes.
"I love you so fucking much and there is no one I trust more in the world to have my back than you."
Inelegant, but quintessentially V. Bea smiled and teared up.
Bea bit her lip. She didn't write anything. She knew if she did, she would fuck it up and overthink everything. She looked at the box with the matching gold band then back at V.
"I thought you were a fucking lunatic for enjoying my "Maelstrom interpretive dance." I didn't fall head over heels, that hasn't actually come yet at all," the crowd uncomfortably chuckled but V's smirk widened. "I really just wanted to know what was wrong with you."
Honey subtly nudged Bea in her back, "What are you doing?" she hissed.
"Vincent fucking Guerra, you are the gonkest, most annoying, insufferable shithead I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You are also one of the bravest and kindest people I know. In both cyberspace and realspace, physically and metaphorically, you have broken down barriers I never thought would or could be broken."
Bea paused for a moment and looked down. Bea closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her face. She looked at V again, "I am terrified everyday I wake up next to you. I am terrified I'll lose you. I'm terrified I'll lose myself." Bea stepped forward and put her hand on his face, Arnie, Greta and the Rabbi gasped. "Every fucking day I swallow my terror because I want to. Because I will endure anything to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life."
Bea pressed their foreheads together, "Vincent Guerra I fucking love you and that terrifies me more than anything in the world." Bea took the ring out of the box and took his left hand, placing it on his ring finger. Both of their hands shook.
Arnie handed the Rabbi the ketubah who read it in the original Aramaic. He handed it to V, who then handed it to Bea. The Rabbi then recited the seven blessings over another cup of wine. Then, they kissed.
Rat placed the wine glass wrapped in a white cloth in front of V. He held Bea's hand and they stepped forward. He lifted his foot.
Bea felt the familiar sensation of metal ripping through flesh. Through her flesh. "Mazal tov" echoed distantly as she looked down at the broken glass under V's foot. Had a piece flown out and hurt her? The cheering stopped and she looked down at her legs, a red stain was blooming through her dress.
V distantly called to her, "Bea? Fuck, Bea what happened!"
Bea pressed her hand to the stain and pulled it away. It was blood. She felt a deep, hot rage burn through her. She looked out at the roof of Kerry's house and saw the glint off the sniper scope. Before she could point it out, a small team of six Militech special ops soldiers burst through the divider screens. One of them yelled out, "She comes with us and no one gets hurt."
Bea scoffed and gathered up her dress. The tulle seemed fucking endless. V dropped to the ground and ducked under Bea's dress, he grabbed the HJKE from the holster, taking the briefest moment to admire and congratulate himself on the fact that Bea was wearing his absolute favorite pair of lingerie and stuck his hand out to hand it to her. Bea pointed it at the soldiers and V slid out, unholstering his own pistol fron the small of his back.
"Get the fuck out of my fucking wedding," Bea yelled. The HJKE smart targeting reticle locked on and she fired. Chaos erupted. Whoever planned to storm the wedding of mercs was getting fired from the corporation. Nearly everyone in the crowd, Rogue and Kerry included, were firing nonstop at the crew. The whole thing was over and done with in twenty minutes.
Bea sat on the floor and hiked her dress up, spreading her legs for everyone to see as she worked to assess the damage. She felt woozy. Viktor handed Jackie's urn to Rat and crouched down in front of Bea. He pulled a medhypo out of his jacket and jammed it into Bea's leg. "You'll be fine. Let's get inside and I'll patch you up properly."
Bea nodded and V lifted her up in his arms. "I think that went well," Bea said. V laughed.
"Aw come on! That's pure Indonesian synthleather!" Kerry whined when Bea sat down on the couch.
Bea and V chided him at the same time, "Buy another one!"
Honey helped Bea gather up her dress so Viktor could check her leg. Bea ended up buried under her own suffocating tulle.
"How bad is it?" V asked. He was pacing behind the couch.
"Jesus kid, calm down," Viktor set his kit down on the coffee table. He took a data pad with a portable X-ray lense and scanned Bea's leg. "Superficial but, gonna have to dig it out of you."
Bea extended one hand from under the fabric and waved it about, trying to find V. He took her hand and Bea said, "Do it."
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iamaslutforcoffee · 2 years
Just Pretend
Chapter One:Princess of Santo Padre
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"Curiosity often leads to trouble"
-Alice in Wonderland (1951)
"¿Tienes algún plan hoy, niña?" (Do You have any plans today baby girl? ) My father asked as I helped him bring in my luggage to abuela's house and into the spare room.
I simply shook my head.
"No, other than going to lunch with Emily. You know she's going to have my head if I don't come meet her and Miguel's son" I replied, finishing off a tight dutch braid of my hair.
"¿Por qué? ¿El club me necesita?" (Why? Does the club need me?) I paused briefly.
He simply chuckled and came over to me, kissing the top of my head.
"tu dedicación a este club me hace pensar que eres miembro de este club" (Your dedication to this club makes me think you're apart of this club) he replied. I simply smiled and finished off the second braid.
"I'm going to head out, they need me in templo.. something about going to base town." He spoke, placing a kiss on my head and heading out the door.
I simply smiled and stood up, walking him to the door and making sure he put on his helmet when riding.
"You know, it's almost like you care about his safety more then me, Fleur" I heard from my best friend. I simply flipped him off.
"Angel, leave her alone. You and I both know she will gut you like a pig" my father spoke and I shook my head.
Its always these damn men.
As i finished getting ready for the day, my phone went off, noticing it was Emily I smiled and answered.
"If you're calling to ask me to babysit absolutely. I'll watch my god baby" I smiled, picking out the days outfit.
"I was actually calling to see if you wanted to have lunch. Miguel is busy doing some kind of work and I don't want to stay in the house with Dita.." Emily spoke, the irritation in her voice evident when she spoke of Dita.
"Emily.. I love you to death. But give me a break on the Dita thing. That's your mother in law..you have got to understand her side of things" I replied. I decided on a simple pair of leggings, a nice and flowy t shirt and a pair of converses. It was extremely hot today in Santo Padre, I wasn't going to try dying just because I wanted to look cute.
"Nicole.. I do understand her side. But she's just so... pushy. Its as if she wishes she was me instead of in her own position. " I could hear the frustration and decided just to bed it. I didn't want to deal with her anger.
"So, where for lunch?" I asked, grabbing my jacket and purse.
"Just here. If its okay, Nestor is picking you up on the way to Miguel."
I sighed. Nestor was Miguel's best friend, and he was merciless. A beautiful, but very troubled man. He was Miguel's right hand, and also his best friend.
As I went to go outside to my car Nestor was already there in the famous black escalade.
"Yeah, he's already here Em. I'll see you soon!" I smiled, hanging up.
I peered at Nestor, whom seemed to be as enthused with me as I was him.
"You gonna let me sit up front or am I still subjected to the back seat?" I asked. He stared me down, the dark orbs of his eyes peering back at me. He cracked a smile and shook his head.
"Always a pleasure, Fleur." He opened the passenger door and waited for me to get in.
" Don't call me that, Duendecillo" (gremlin) I climbed into my seat and put the seat belt on, not trusting his ability to drive. Nestor scoffed and rounded to the drivers side of the vehicle.
"You really ought to give him a chance, Nicole. Hes not that bad." I heard Miguel say from behind me.
"Jesucristo, Miguel. Tienes que dejar de hacerme esa mierda sabiendo muy bien que tengo un corazón débil." (Jesus christ, miguel. You have got to stop doing that shit to me knowing damn good and well I have a weak heart.)
Miguel laughed, shaking his head. Nestor got into the vehicle and put his sunglasses back on, pulling out of the driveway.
"And give him a chance for what? To teach me how to braid my own hair?" I turned in my seat to face my bestfriends husband. I started playing with the end of Nestor's braid, much to his disapproval. I smiled and yanked it a bit, just for him to turn his attention towards me and give me a look that would normally make me melt, but only added fuel to the fire.
"I can't wait to kill you" he simply spoke, and I sat back in my seat.
"First of all, you can't. Emily would have your head and bitch to Miguel which we both know won't go over well. Secondly, where the fuck are you driving? Did you braid your hair too tight because this isn't the way to the estate" I replied. It wasn't a lie.. we weren't even headed in the same direction as Emily and Miguel's home was.
Miguel coughed uncomfortably in his seat, and I looked at him through the mirror. His eyes screamed for me to just please give him a break from our bickering and I sighed, knodding.
Eventually we did stop at an abandoned building, and a group of motorcycles stood outside the entrance.
"Wait, Miguel. Why is my father and the MC here? What's going on?" I asked, turning in my seat.
"It's just a small detour for buisness. I asked the MC for a favor on something and they simply complied. I hope you don't mind.. I can have Nestor drive you to Emily and Cristobal shortly.." he continued but I shrugged.
"No, it's ok. I can visit my father for some more time. " I smiled quickly and got out of the vehicle, being met by my tio bishop.
"Niña, ¿qué haces aquí?" (Baby girl, what are you doing here?) He asked, giving me a quick hug. He was always so protective of me, especially since his son, my cousin, passed away a few years ago. I think he took to me as if I was his own daughter..which was fine. Between him, my father and tio Marcus I was the princess of the Mayans.
"Quick detour, I was on the way to visit Emily. They picked me up. " I replied, looking quickly at Nestor and Miguel.
My eyes set on Nestor, who was standing against the vehicle. His eyes seemed to be trailing me, and as they set on mine he quickly turned his attention away.
We walked in and there was a bigger man tied to a church pew, this must of been what my father was talking about when he said that they were going to Base Town. For some strange reason, Miguel put on a yellow rain coat and it made me giggle.
"Look at him! He looks like he's going to audition for the role of georgie in IT" I quietly spoke to Angel, causing him to giggle.
"Nikki, stop." He replied and I couldn't help myself, I kept going.
"What? Look at him! He about to start singing and shit about dancing in the rain!" I replied, laughing harder. The attention in the room turned to us and I shrugged.
"My apologies" I very quickly spoke, Nestor looking at me with an annoyed look on his face. I shook my head at him and flipped him off, adding what ever fuel to a fire i could.
Miguel turned back to the bound man, starting to question him.
"You ever meet her?" He asked, crossing his hands infront of him.
"Never in person. She'd give us a call or a text, gave us a drop point" the man replied.
"Indio Quarry. We used proxies to drop off the drugs, pick up the cash. Never saw a face..no names.."
Nestor grabbed a bag off of the table behind him, handing it and its contents to Miguel.
"Found this in your jeep. Payment?"
"She didn't tell us it was the cartel..I swear" the man replied.
"Bullshit, your men were told of the fact it was the Galindo Cartel when they robbed the MC. "I spat out, getting annoyed.
"Not now, Fluer. Please. " Miguel spoke to me, turning his attention back to the man.
"Was she.. American?" Miguel spoke.
"No.. spoke English, but she was latina i think. Young. She sounded young. " the man replied. He looked so scared, but I knew it was a guise. I walked to Nestor who was playing with various knives, and picked up a machete.
"Unless you plan on getting your shirt stained and having a meltdown, put it down." Nestor spoke, not bothering to even look at me.
"Nestor, I think you did your braids too tight. You're forgetting I don't have meltdowns over blood on me.. you forget so easily." I cupped his face, smiling.
I walked away from him with the weapon in hand, towards the man. As Miguel turned around I lifted the weapon, and swung it down on the man's arm. He cried out in pain, obviously. His blood splattered on my face, my clothes..
Some of the Mayans who weren't familar with me looked at me in terror, my father simply shook his head and Miguel sighed, shaking his head.
"Nicole... we have people for that. " he spoke, but I put my hand up.
"He basically took food out of Cristobal's tummy. It needed to be done. Besides.. pigtails over there shouldn't be the only one to have fun" i replied. I walked back over to Nestor smiling. The look in his eyes was something different and I just stared at him, using his button up to wipe the blood off my face quickly.
"Dont ever doubt me again, pigtails. " I said quietly to him and walked back outside.
This was going to be fun.
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steeltraptrainer · 5 months
They land right back where they left off the night before. Between teeth, claws, and a barred door. Their weapons spark as they go on the attack, make the beasts fall. They are at least good at weaving around one another. They take what they can get.
Cathedral ward looms. it is huge, and it stinks. The incense is cloying. Ferro winces, and immediately pulls his scarf higher. Eugh. No. He doesn't like it.
"You alright?"
"It stinks. The incense." Giacomo grunts at Ferro's words.
"Not the most pleasant of smells. I can see how it would keep the beasts out." There is noise ahead. The Chapel Dweller. He looks stranger in reality than in the game. More stretched, skin even more sallow.
"Oh... Are you two hunters?" He tilts his head, exposing milky white eyes. Cataracts. "Very sorry, the incense must've masked your scent. Good, good. I've been waiting for one of your ilk. Two are even better." He wrings his hands. "These hunts have everyone all locked up inside. Waiting for it to end… It always does, always has, y'know. Since forever. But it won't end very nicely, not this time. Even some folks hiding inside are goin' bad. The screams of wimminfolk, the stench of blood, the snarls of beasts… none of em's too uncommon now. Yharnam's done fer, I tell ya. But if you spot anyone with their wits about 'em… Tell 'em about this here Oedon Chapel. They'll be safe here. The incense wards off the beasts. Spread the word… tell 'em to come on over."
"Sure. Why not?" Giacomo nods quietly. "It's not a bad idea."
"Yeah, we can do this. It's something."
"You two sound very young. I am so sorry to put this on you."
"Ah, don't worry. We'll be okay. We're hard to kill." And they kind of are, aren't they? Giacomo hopes that they won't die. That they didn't do so against the cleric beast is a wonder already.
"If you say so... Good luck out there."
"Where to now?" Ferro is leaning against the doors of the chapel, arms crossed. the bandages that had been around his eyes a day before now pool around his throat, the boy clearly not bothering to tie them today.
"Got a few options. We can walk around the ward for a while. Explore, and see where that lands us. Just have to make sure not to get snatched by an Amygdala." Giacomo crosses his arms. The air currents around them, around the chapel, twist a bit. "We could try to go through Old Yharnam."
"That comes with gunfire."
"Lots of gunfire."
"What else?"
"Find the executioner. Or the workshop."
"Not sure if I feel up for ankle-breaking parkour to get to the workshop."
"Fair." There is silence. "So the gun?"
"Yes. The gun."
To even get near the entrance to Old Yharnam, they have to open the entrance first. Neither of them is good with the map. They stumble through the wrong door. The Crow is there, leaning against the wall. She looks up, hums a bit.
"Oh, hello there. Perfect timing." A pause. "I see you have obtained new gear. It suits you." She tilts her head. "Did you steal it from the Father?"
"Ah, no." Ferro chuckles slightly, the sound just shy of embarrassment. "I... The Dream."
"Ah. Very good. Something to keep you two running a bit longer. On that note..." The glass in her mask shows nothing of her face, but Eileen's gaze clearly focuses on them. "Stay away from the tomb near Odeon Chapel for a while."
"We just came from there," Giacomo admits. "Calmed the Padre down and got him home."
"Oh? Curious, that. The Father's old partner, Henryk, went blood mad. He is my mark for tonight." She playfully shushes them, and Ferro has the sudden feeling that she winked at them. "So. Don't go near the tomb below Oedon Chapel in the Cathedral Ward." She turns a bit, then leans back against the wall. "I have business there first." Her low, raspy laughter fills the air.
"Don't die." Ferro swallows past the lump.
"We ain't letting her do this alone, right?" Ferro is quiet as he asks Giacomo. Eileen had left a few moments ago, disappearing with a swish of feathers.
"We sure as dist won't. You think you can try your electricity trick again?" As if to demonstate, Ferro holds up one hand that begins to spark and chirp, discharge growing brighter and brighter by the second.
"This is easy. I can go brighter way easier."
"Good. Henryk's clothes are good against electricity. Lock him up, and then... then what?"
"Dunno. We figure it out when Miss Eileen isn't in danger of dying."
"Fair. Let's go." One advantage they have on Eileen is that they are younger. Younger and faster, and with very little regard for being seen. They only slow down when they clamber onto the roof behind Henryk, where not even 24 hours before they had revived Viola and pulled Gascoigne back from the brink. "You want to try it again like yesterday?"
"Hmhm. Just... dialed up to eleven. If it goes wrong..."
"Try not to die, Ferro. I don't want to hold you as you dissolve. I'll jump in if it seems like Henryk ain't going to go down."
They're not here. Henryk can smell the blood, and he sees the puddles. One that smells like Viola, big enough that it is all but guaranteed that she is dead. When he checked the house a good few hours earlier, before the sun dipped in full, neither her nor Gascoigne were home. Ettie was afraid, and so was Colleen. He knew at that point that things were dire. Far too much blood, and deep groves in the stone. There was a fight here. With another hunter. Shit.
He knows there is a haze over his vision. He has to find that hunter. Show them why they weren't allowed to harm his people.
Then... A noise. a teenager in clothes that look far too much like Gascoigne's is dropping down on him, sparking like the Darkbeast locked underneath the Hypogean Gaol. He isn't fast enough to escape.
He never managed to master quickening.
His vision blots and blacks, and there is copper on his tongue. Bit it. His limbs ache and sting. But he can still move. And move he does. His saw cleaver bites into the teenager's shoulder, and he screeches in pain, stumbles back. That is just about enough damage to put him out of commission. Maybe down for good. If the kid doesn't have blood vials.
A fist crashes into his temple. Another teenager, dressed in classic hunter garb. The sparking teenager is fumbling with something, and Henryk can see the way his arm comes back together, realigns itself into its socket. No matter. He managed it once. He can do it again. He doesn't get a chance, not when crow-feathers fill his vision and there is the bite of siderite-steel in his own shoulder.
"Bad choice, Henryk." Crow. Crow, crow, crow, she's here for him. He backpedals, tries to gear up for a three-way fight. He doesn't get a chance. More electricity, applied right through the gap made by the Crow's blades. His vision goes dim as he topples, limbs unable to respond.
"You are awful little children." Eileen's breath is surprisingly heavy. And here she thought that she had more stamina. No matter. "Did you not listen to what I said before?"
"We did. And we thought it stupid. You'd have died." The one in the Father's garb grinds out, holding his shoulder still.
"And so would you. Don't think I did not see that wound. You have more luck than sense. Now let me finish the job."
"He was looking for Gascoigne and Viola. We know where they are. That they're safe. Think they might help better than a blade through the heart." Hm. Soft. But skilled.
"You have a soft heart, little one. On you it be, should he grow frantic once more. I will bring him. You have done enough today." She reaches down to haul the unconscious, paralyzed hunter up. "Should we meet again, I would like to know about this power of yours."
"That'll be a long story." The taller teenager sighs. "Come, Ferro. Let's see if we can't find people to send to Oedon Chapel. After we visit the Dream." Good. Something to keep them out of trouble a bit. As the two children vanish into Moon Scent Dust, she hauls Henryk over her shoulder, and begins to walk.
"Your partner and his wife better do as the children hope, Henryk. It would be a shame, to cut you down in front of your two lovers and children..."
They don't stay in the Dream long. Just long enough that the Doll mends Ferro's clothes. Just long enough to hand her a few books. The surprise on her porcelain face is something that warms them both. A children's introduction to the eighteen types, with colorful illustrations of the most common Pokémon of each type. They hope the Doll will like it. They feel it before it happens, and sit down, right before
T h e y
w a k e
u p
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Break In
Main Verse
"Uh, it's not gonna be easy." Dwight said with a shake of his head, "getting in there. PADRE knows we're coming now, they're gonna throw everything they've got at us." He took a moment and ran a hand over his mouth.
"They'll use the kids against us, they'll send them first." Dwight glanced around at the group, "they know we won't hurt 'em. I mean," He sighed and shook his head, "our best chance is to distract them and take PADRE down from the inside."
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0 notes
boyakishantrinity · 1 year
"I mean I just don't really know if we should."
"What do you mean if you should Mr Sullivan?"
The Italian froze, looking to the man as he tied his hair behind his head.
"I- err."
"You're here for your daughter. Yes?"
Emily pushed the man aside, chuckling as she tackled his body.
"PADRE. È bello vederti. perché sei qui?!"
"Ah, Emily. IO e il gentiluomo... abbiamo degli affari da sbrigare"
"Piccola ragazza."
"... Vedo. Bye Mr C!"
"Buona giornata!"
"È sera!!"
"Non mi interessa! ... Mr Sullivan?"
The moment the girl closed the door, she'd dropped the accent. He shifted his coat, his friend's car driving her away.
"Mi dispiace molto"
"... Can we..."
"Very well."
He closed the door, the man's head hung as he took his coat.
"I assume donkey riding?"
"anything I did sauce dropper?"
"... I- Comedian to the end huh?"
"You know me too well. How'd you plan to do it?"
The man frowned, before sighing. Reaching into his jacket.
"You know I don't want to do this."
"And you know what'll become of you after this."
"... Sì. Can you-"
"But of course."
"Not re-"
"I'll tell Emily everything."
"You know me too well."
"I'd rather if we didn't in here actually. Tea?"
"... Why?"
"Left a few experiments in here. I'd rather not blow this house to its foundations, assuming you beat me."
"... Makes sense. I'll have a black."
"Olivia really left that in you huh?"
"Yeah, I guess."
He handed him the cup, tea bag left within as he downed it. There came a pause, the two enjoying what would likely be their last moment with each other. He gripped his chest.
"I- I'm sorry."
"don't be. Had it coming for a while. Besides."
He reached for his mug, there came a hint of steel. His fist thrown towards the man.
"I had it coming for a while."
The punch sent him tumbling, the Australian sweeping his foot and slamming his back against the metal floor as his other foot switched. Slamming Sul into the living room. The TV dismantled, items left scattered in corners. He'd always done this, readying his place for a fight.
He got to his feet, gun in hand as he aimed towards his friend. But he wasn't running towards him, instead the man was thrown onto the floor again, a bag of rice weighing him down as his friend held his foot over him.
"I thought I taught you to never let your guard down."
"... who said I ever had it up."
His Adam swallowed, sighing as he pried the bag off him. Taking his gun, he fired the empty chamber.
"Figured you'd not even try."
"I wasn't that obvious. Was I?"
"Y'know Tony's probably outta town by now right?"
"Yeah- HEY."
Tossing the camera module into the fireplace, the microphone crushed between his fingers.
"Remember how I'm technically the best in the industry?"
He swore in Italian [read: not translating it], grumpy but alive.
"So that's it?"
"Fuck no. You think the Don's gonna be happy? I've got Poppy working on modding the system. If that man looks it up and doesn't find footage of your death. Y'know what'll happen to Em?"
"... I hate you."
"Hate me later, you're going to live with Olivia."
"Yeah- Olivia's dead."
"No. She isn't."
The Asian pulled out a book, a audio player stuck out the wall.
"DAD. You don't want to know how hard it was to keep THIS STUPID SPAGHETTI BITCH from pulling all kinds..."
He looked at him, patting his shoulder as he moved to the basement.
"Right. Come with me."
His hands shaking in front of him, I looked back.
"Are you crying?"
"She's- OW. [I'm not translating that]"
"Keep it down. This place isn't THAT soundproofed."
"... Scusa."
"Y'know you talkin' like that's really 'nnoying?"
The man let him walk down, kicking the wall in the basement, the panel opening a door.
"What- SINCE-"
The man slapped his ass, hissing once more.
Moving his arms, he glared at his friend.
"Chiedo scusa"
"Moi bien. Imbécil."
"You coming down or not?"
His voice echoed from downstairs, the basement door closed as what the sound of several people opened the door barely echoed to the basement.
"I'm coming! Stronza."
The panel closed as he did, lights already turned on as he sat in top of some kind of capsule.
"Ok big man."
He jumped off, hopping off the large plastic tube.
"Hand on the console, here's your bag."
"... Is this my stuff?"
"Yeah, robbed your place this morning. Your boss' encryption is really shit."
"... I thought I'd just lost my phone."
"Why did you leave your wine ring in your fan?"
"How long did you take to find it?"
"like most of- ohhh. That's actually smart."
"Mmm. Wait. Is this Tagliatelle??"
"Yeah. Your wife sent it over. You'll find more when you. Get. In!"
Throwing the man into the vehicle, the Asian scratched his head.
Hopping to the side, he skid his way down a hall. A few moments later he slid into the wall.
"OW. 愚蠢的摩擦!Here's your coat and shit. BYE!"
He slammed a big red button, the coat smacking him in the face as the vehicle didn't move.
He turned heel, flicking switches before pressing another button. Metal poles dropped down, hole opening on the platform in front of him as the mana crystals shimmered, held at eye level the crystal transferred it's energy into the small engine below. Lifting the man to the basement. Panels shifting into wall as he stepped out the basement. The elevator closed, as he looked around.
"You're back early."
"That woman is the reason British people could take over the world."
"Oh I'm sure. Go find you Megan. If she's still not up tell her she'll be drinking A blood until next week."
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marcelo-m2life · 2 years
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A MÃE DE UM SACERDOTE "ASSIM AS MÃES DOS SACERDOTES SÃO ACOLHIDAS" Quando um padre é ordenado, suas mãos são ungidas com óleo pelo Bispo. Em seguida, suas mãos são limpas com uma toalha de linho branca chamada MANITURGIUM. O óleo usado nas mãos do Padre é sagrado, abençoado anteriormente pelo Bispo, de modo que o MANITURGIUM, ou MANUTERGIO, não pode ser descartado no lixo. Embora pudesse acabar em um cesto de lavanderia para ser limpo, os Padres da história tomaram o hábito de guardar estes panos de linho para apresentar às suas mães durante a sua primeira Missa. Segundo uma tradição antiga, a mãe mantém a toalha em lugar seguro até o dia da sua morte. Então, quando seu corpo é preparado para o funeral, o MANUTERGIO é depositado nas mãos da mãe. Então, a tradição piedosa conta o que acontece quando a mãe do Sacerdote chega ao Céu. No Céu a mãe do Sacerdote se apresenta ao Nosso Senhor. Nosso Senhor dir-lhe-á: "Eu dei-te a vida! O que você me deu?”. Ela entregará o MANUTERGIO e responde: "Dei-te o meu filho como Padre". Esta mãe é levada à presença de Deus por aquela que brilha como o SOL, Maria Santíssima e Imaculada! #MÃE #alegria #força #FÉ #esperança __________ THE MOTHER OF A PRIEST "THUS THE MOTHERS OF PRIESTS ARE WELCOME" When a priest is ordained, his hands are anointed with oil by the Bishop. Then his hands are wiped with a white linen towel called a MANITURGIUM. The oil used in the hands of the Priest is sacred, previously blessed by the Bishop, so that the MANITURGIUM, or MANUTERGIO, cannot be discarded in the trash. Although it could end up in a laundry basket to be cleaned, Fathers in history have made a habit of saving these linen cloths to present to their mothers during their first Mass. According to an ancient tradition, the mother keeps the towel in a safe place until the day of her death. Then, when her body is prepared for the funeral, the MANUTERGIO is deposited in the mother's hands. So pious tradition tells what happens when the Priest's mother arrives in Heaven. In Heaven the mother of the Priest presents herself to Our Lord. Our Lord will say to him: "I gave you life! What have you given me?". She hands over the MANUTERGIO and replies: "I gave you my son as a priest". This mother is brought into the presence of God by the one who shines like the SUN, Mary Most Holy and Immaculate! #MOTHER #joy #strength #FAITH #hope
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We were wondering what happened to Eleanora Corming earlier this afternoon.”
Principal Padre’s grin suddenly turned from diabetes sweet to Warhead sour. “Miss Corming? I heard she fainted during period four.” His voice held a warning tone, drop the subject.
But Eleanora would not be deterred. “Has she woken up yet, sir.”
Felicia and Alois witnessed for the second time, Eleanora having a staring contest with someone.
“Has anyone else woken up?”
Headmaster Padre bore a glare that could turn victims into stone.
“No, they appear to be in a coma.”
“Do you know why, sir?”
An air of professionalism surrounded Principal Padre, “I assure you, if we knew why, we would have fixed it right away. I am sorry, but we don’t know why, or how these things are happening.”
Eleanora almost snarled. “So, you’re going to keep students here, even though you know there’s some lurking danger?”
The Headmaster seemed to have sniffed out the hidden message in her words. “Pardon? I never mentioned any ‘danger.’”
“But you didn’t mention the idea of it being a natural occurrence, in fact, it seemed as if you know that it’s caused by external factors.”
He stiffened, like a child with their hand caught in the proverbial cookie jar, before his plump face took on a shade of red.
“I believe this meeting is over. It is nearly curfew time, my lovely students. Best be back in bed.”
He stood as he said this, and began to usher them out into the corridor, before slamming the sizeable door at their backs.
“What was that about?” Mumbled Felicia. She had never seen St Em’s principal act like that.
“That,” grinned a smug Eleanora, “was suspicious. We’ve got a mystery to solve.”
Alois scoffed. “Sounds boring.”
Eleanora grinned at him. “What if we made Headmaster Padre pissed as hell?”
Alois deliberated for a second, before coming to a conclusion. “We’ll see.” But the stupid smirk on his face spoke volumes.
They had made their way back to the dorms, and were currently walking through the boy’s rooms.
“Let’s check on Valentino.” Felicia and Alois agreed (somewhat reluctantly).
Eleanora easily found his room and knocked.
There was no answer.
“Maybe he’s out?” Offered Felicia.
Eleanora frowned. “Something’s wrong. Anyone got a key?”
Alois scoffed. “How useless are you,” before he proceeded to kick the lock of the door until it snapped, allowing the door to open freely.
They wanted an empty room, but instead, they found Valentino lying face down on the floor breathing heavily.
Eleanora dashed to his side, and managed to manoeuvre him onto his back, showing off his deathly pale face. He did not stir, nor twitch.
He had fainted. He was the latest victim.
Chapter 11: Ghosts
Chapter Text
To say everyone was surprised was an understatement. Now, the squad was completely separate in some sort of civil war, and two out of their group were in the hospital unconscious. Even Alois was mildly concerned about the situation.
They decided that there was not much more they could do during the same day, so they went their separate ways (not really, just Alois) back to their rooms. When Felicia and Eleanora arrived at their dorm, Rianne was still inside.
There was a new level of awkward in the room.
Rianne was definitely upset (didn’t take a genius to figure this out), but instead of talking about her feelings, she left it inside to fester. Felicia couldn’t really care less - she was a minion of Ciel, and thereby, not her concern. Eleanora, however, tried everything to lighten up her friend’s mood.
The night wore on, and soon it was time for bed. Eleanora felt she had failed - she had failed to keep the group from splitting, to protect her friends, and being unable to cheer up someone obviously hurting. So, she gave up.
The night was quiet as they slept. At least, for everyone sleeping. Rianne sat up, the glow of her laptop’s screen comforting her troubled mind.
It was Saturday, the universal day of Rest and Relaxation. For our squad (or what’s left of it) that was not the case. Eleanora wanted to get shit done, and Felicia and Alois wanted entertainment.
Rianne was gone in the morning, long before Eleanora and Felicia woke up. Felicia had scoffed at the sight, although she did feel a stab of guilt.
After breakfast Alois, Felicia and Eleanora assembled underneath one of the many willow trees dotted around campus, and brainstormed their course of action.
“I say we confront Ciel,” stated Alois matter-of-factly. “He’s bound to have some answers.”
“No,” blocked Eleanora. “We’ll try and avoid him for as long as we can.”
Felicia nodded in agreement. Ciel probably needed time to cool down.
“Okay, can anyone think of any reason or rumour floating around the school to do with the fainting? We’ll start there.”
“What about the ghost?” Asked Felicia, remembering Valentino in religion. It felt so long ago. “Princess Euphie wasn’t it?”
Alois and Eleanora nodded as a sign for her to continue.
“Why don’t we check that lead out first? She supposedly haunts the kids at this school - wouldn’t put it past a ghost to do this.”
“Agreed,” stated Eleanora. “It would explain why Val suddenly fainted with absolutely no warning at all.”
They agreed on a plan. First, they were going to try and find Mrs Devon - a past student of the school, to see if she knew anything about the tall tale of Princess Euphie.
“Princess Euphie? I haven’t heard that in a while.”
Felicia, Alois and Eleanora were currently standing around a surprised Mrs Devon on the pink paved basketball courts of St Em’s. The court was open to the elements, our trio shivering every time a particularly large gust of wind blew, whipping their hair around.
“Why, that’s a legend from when I was at this school!” She held a dopey grin on her face, as if lost in fond memories.
“Do you know where we can find it, Miss?” Felicia asked happily. Enthusiasm usually made Mrs Devon more talkative.
Said Mrs Devon narrowed her eyes. “You three aren’t up to mischief are you?” Her hand rested on her hip, and her eyebrows were raised.
Eleanora pulled out her polite smile. “Not at all. We’re doing some research on the history of the school for the Newsletter. We thought that by including a dramatic tale, we’d generate more interest.” The fact that her lies came so naturally now made Eleanora slightly worried.
Mrs Devon looked thoughtful, especially with her wrinkled hand resting on her chin. “Hmmm, I suppose history does need some spicing up...Okay, I’ll tell you.”
Felicia and Alois fist bumped (behind their backs, of course).
“It’s in the Old Historia Building, you know, the one with all the old nun’s rooms? It’s supposed to be the favourite haunting of Princess Euphie.”
They all knew it. “Okay, thanks Mrs Devon!”
They waved goodbye as they dashed across the oval to their destination.
“I swear, those kids are trouble.”
Mrs Devon went back to her mid-morning stroll around the grounds, greeting Headmaster Padre...
To sum up the Historia Building in one word: creepy.
The place had definitely seen better days.
The building was decorated in rose pink paint (now peeling and in some places, had turned maroon with age). It had slippery tiled floors and dilapidated wallpaper; so old and so riddled with problems, that it was no longer used. In fact, the only reason why it remained on site was as a reminder of the school’s extensive past.
Right now though, Felicia wished it had been bulldozed.
Felicia, Alois and Eleanora had made their way through the squeaky front entrance, covered in years’ worth of graffiti and loose soil. The inside was dark - most of the windows had been boarded up, and it was cut off from the school’s supply of electricity. The stench of rat droppings and rotting wood took up every breath of air, it was a smell the group definitely wouldn’t be getting used to anytime soon.
The entrance room held several branching corridors leading further into the darkness. The sound of an old door scraping filled their ears.
Yep, definitely haunted,” muttered Eleanora.
“Ooooh, do you think we’ll actually find a ghost?!” Giggled Alois.
“Yeah! Maybe even a friendly ghost who’ll help us prank people!” Added Felicia.
“People like Ciel?”
“That’d be great-”
“Guys!” Eleanora whisper shouted. “Now’s not the time. Plan your schemes some other time, right now we have to focus! For Ele and Val…”
Alois scoffed. “I wasn’t too fond of either.”
“Well Felicia and I were, so shut up and pull your weight.” Eleanora pressed her pointer finger into the middle of his chest. “Take the corridor closest to the front door. Felicia, you take the one on the right, and I’ll take the back one. Meet back here in half an hour or scream for help. Whatever happens first.”
They agreed (reluctantly), and took their respective paths.
Alois was used to being lonely.
It was normal for him to be alone, to sit in silence - it’s what made the voices so loud.
So as he made his way down a possibly haunted hallway, he wasn’t scared - quiet was ordinary, normal. The suffocating darkness? Only terrible when he dwelt too long on it. Otherwise, this whole experience wasn’t anything special - more boring, if anything else.
He continued through, passing empty classrooms filled with ancient stacked desks and yellowed loose slips of paper. In every room sat a large chalk board, and he spotted one board that hadn’t had its share of chalk removed.
Small sticks of white, blue and pink chalk sat on the metal shelf just under the board, covered in thick dust.
“Oooh, what do we have here?” He gleefully cackled to himself.
What to do, oh, what to do? He internally rubbed his hands together. He could draw a dick on the board...no,no, a spider! Oh, Alois was here!
He just couldn’t seem to settle. “I’ll draw all three then!”
His mind wandered away with the gritty flow of chalk on the board. It was like a loop-de-loop. I wonder what’s Felicia doing...Why’re even here? That’s right, gotta prove Ciel wrong...I hate Ciel. I hate dogs, especially big scary guard dogs! Like Ciel...I hate Ciel.
He dropped his chalk in shock, the stick snapping into two distinct pieces. His heart pumped panic through his veins. What was that, what was that...dear God, what was that!
It was too loud to be a door, for it echoed around like a bitter aftertaste. It sounded...human, ghoulish. It sounded like a shrill woman’s growl - and he was running - running back to the main room. Back to the light, and back to people.
He really didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Eleanora read a lot of books. It was a simple fact of the nerd - reading was as frequent and necessary as taking her next gulp of air. The thing about books, is that she came to expect certain things.
Right now, she was the leader, the protagonist. She was the voice of reason, the commander...and the most likely person to run into any antagonist - in this case, the supposed crazy ass ghost, Princess Euphie.
Fear is a strong word - Eleanora preferred extremely wary. Whatever way you sliced it, one couldn’t deny that Eleanora was definitely cautious (*cough*, scared, *cough* *cough*).
She climbed a rickety staircase, creaks and groans summoned from every step. Her heart thumped in tune to the noises, and her nose began to run with years’ worth of layered dust.
She should have brought along allergy tablets, or maybe tissues. She sneezed for the upteempth time, and considered turning around and waiting for the rest to finish.
No. Ele and Val couldn’t turn around the other way, so why should she? With renewed courage, she took the flight of stairs two at a time, panting like a dehydrated dog by the time she reached the second floor.
What a legend.
The second floor seemed to be in even worse condition than the one underneath. The floorboards of level two had splintered and broken apart from age and water damage. Eleanora could smell the distinct scent of rotting wood, and the boards under her feet felt spongy. She needed to be beyond cautious.
Eleanora wished that she had had the common sense to bring a torch, as the combination of darkness and allergy-induced tears made it all but impossible to tell where she was going.
The awful sound reverberated through the dusty air, slapping against her sensitive ear drums. A woman’s cry - one that sent shivers down her spine and made ticklish goosebumps appear on her skin.
She was terrified.
This was not a good position to be in when being attacked by an angry ghost - waterlogged floor boards that could give way at any second, a space covered in equal amounts of dust and darkness, and the fact that her nose and eyes were reacting to said dust.
Yeah, now was a good time to leave.
However, as she went to turn around, she heard a scraping from behind, like something huge had clambered onto the roof. Eleanora slowly turned, terror twitching in her toes - just in case she needed to run.
A noose had dropped, with the remains of a body. It swung haphazardly, before turning to show the empty eyes of a skeleton.
Eleanora was out of there faster than you could say “one hell of a scare.”
I’m a frickin genius!
And she really was.
Felicia had decided that walking around like easy prey was a dumb idea. Screw being as slow as a tortoise, running was the way to go!
Unlike the other two members of her trio, she had managed to get down the full way of her corridor. There was just one last room to check, then she could go back and wait for the other slow pokes to finish.
She tried the door - it was locked.
Finally! Something interesting. If the door was locked, then clearly, someone had something to hide. However, how does one open a door without the key?
Her mind drifted back to Alois’...um method to get Val’s door open. It’ll just have to do.
How hard could it be anyway?
She put some distance between herself and her adversary, before charging and kicking out her foot.
It was a solid hit, and the muffled bang echoed around the deserted hallway. However, the stubborn door did not give way.
She tried again, aiming for the centre. She got the exact same result.
She remembered Alois’ technique. Maybe if I kick where the lock is…?
So she readied herself again, slamming her foot straight into the lock.
The door opened, alright, but not without a horrible screech, which deafened her for a solid two minutes. Whoops. Hope no one heard that…. (...ladies and gentlemen, we have dramatic irony!)
She checked in the room she fought for so long to gain entry into….
And it was just another empty room that the nun’s used to use. Damn.
With no real discoveries, she made her way back to the entrance.
The trio had reassembled in the entrance. Alois and Eleanora trembled in barely controlled fear, leaving Felicia to wonder if they had seen Princess Euphie’s ghost.
“Did’ja see her?” She asked, wonder leaking into her voice.
“Nope, b-but I sure did hear her!” Squeaked Alois.
“Seriously Felicia, she screamed! Could hear her throughout the whole building! It definitely was an inhuman screech!” Eleanora added.
Felicia thought back to her encounter with the door. It did sound kinda like a woman’s angry shout….
She burst out laughing at the hilariousness of the situation. Eleanora and Alois glared in annoyance.
“It’s not funny!” Growled Alois, “We could’ve died!”
Felicia imagined a creaky door killing Alois with splintery teeth. Imagine that - being killed by a door! She cracked up again, unable to give her account of things.
Eleanora turned to Alois, ignoring Felicia’s giggles.
“In all seriousness, this place is definitely haunted. I found a-a body…”
Alois gasped. “T-that could’ve been Princess Euphie’s last victim…”
Felicia grinned. “Let’s check it out then!”
She was feeling absolutely devious - it wasn’t everyday she held the power of fear over her friends.
“T-there i-it is…” Eleanora’s finger shakily pointed to the skeletal hull hanging by a thick rope from the ceiling.
Eleanora was paler than rice, Alois was trembling uncontrollably (Looking about ready to faint) and Felicia felt slightly less confident that this place was not haunted at all.
“Let’s take a closer look,” stated Felicia, as she clambered her way through the rotten floor material.
“Are you nuts!” Alois exclaimed loudly, his voice echoing around the space and making himself jump. “What if..what if you get - possessed!”
Eleanora was frozen in fascinated terror as Felicia continued on her path.
“You’ll become a zombie, and eat us! Then, the disease will spread, and e-everyone will d-die!” The poor dear was nearly sobbing.
Felicia had reached the body, and stuck out her hand to perform an experimental grab.
The skeleton swung from her touch, and the rafters holding the rope couldn’t take the strain. The skeleton dropped to the floor making a large thud. Alois screamed, latching onto Eleanora like she was a solid pillar of strength. Eleanora would later deny that she too, held onto the blonde midget for comfort.
“Guys, guess what?” Grinned Felicia.
“You’re now an evil servant of the underworld?” Guessed Alois.
“Nope. Our skeleton is plastic.”
Both Alois and Eleanora slumped in relief (or embarrassment. Take your pick).
“The screech…?”
“I kicked a door open.”
Eleanora placed her hand upon her forehead, like she was fighting a headache.
“I can’t believe this.”
Alois spotted a piece of yellowed paper on the ground still legible. He showed it to Eleanora (Felicia was too busy playing with the plastic skeleton).
“‘Come to our haunted house, where your worst nightmares are sure to come true, thanks to the haunting of Princess Euphie.’” She read. “The date says, 1989. This place was closed in...1975. Dude, Mrs Devon went to school during this event. We’ve been duped.”
Alois groaned. “So, Princess Euphie is just that - a stupid rumour, and the body is a prop.”
“Yep.” Felicia added, popping the ‘p’. “Should’ve seen the looks on your faces though.”
Both Alois and Eleanora stomped out of there as fast as they could.
<Rianne's phone>
Ash: Rianne was it? I saw your blog last night. good stuff :)
Rianne: thx yours was good too
Ash: it seemed a little sad tho…
Ash: i mean
Ash: you’ve got a lot of sad quotes…
Rianne: I’ve just got some school issues atm, thats all
Ash: you know
Ash: you can tell me whats wrong right
Rianne: really?
Ash: really really
Rianne: well
Rianne: my friends are all angry at me bc i couldn’t pick a side during a fight
Rianne: and one of my friends said he didn’t need me anymore
Ash: well forget about him!
Ash: i’ll listen to you!
Ash: you live in Syd right
Rianne: yeah
Ash: what area?
Rianne: Dryden
Ash: cool
Ash: i know this great cafe
Ash: we should meet there
Rianne: you really don’t have to
Ash: but i want to
Ash: even tho i barely know you, the thought of you suffering makes my blood boil
Ash: i want to help
Rianne: …ok
(stranger danger guys!)
Chapter 12: Interrogation
Chapter Text
Embarrassment left a funny aftertaste in her mouth.
Not even a second after leaving the forsaken Historia block, Eleanora decided that the whole series of events (which regrettably scared the piss out of her) would never be mentioned again.
After discovering that the legend of Princess Euphie’s ghost was just that, a legend, the unlikely trio was left with very little direction (and motivation). It was around midday, so they all decided on a break - perhaps something to take their overworked minds on a tangent of relaxation.
So they returned to the dorms (specifically, the girls’ rooms to discuss/hang out).
After making their way across the perfectly groomed, freshly mowed oval (Eleanora was definitely suffering today, the scent of freshly cut grass confirmed it) they reached the dorms. They entered Felicia and Eleanora’s room, only to accidentally startle Rianne, who was on her way out again.
“Sup,’” Eleanora low-key greeted. Felicia and Alois stood silently beside.
“Hey,” Rianne gloomily mumbled. “I thought you guys were ‘investigating.’” She performed the air quotations to emphasize her point.
Alois made a little scoff from behind, but no one chose to comment on it.
“Yeah, did you, I dunno...wanna help?” Eleanora tried. She stared at Felicia, with her mum glare that said, make up, I don’t like your attitude and you need to apologise.
Felicia looked away silently. Try as she might, she couldn’t shake Alois’ words away. Rianne had practically chosen Ciel over them by this point.
“Not really,” Rianne rejected, ending Eleanora and Felicia’s silent conversation. “I’m kinda busy. I’m gonna go meet with a friend.”
Eleanora raised an eyebrow. Where did this come from?
Alois scoffed again (for the upteenth time today), and pushed his way (to attempt) to plant his face inches from Rianne’s. It was like watching a kitten trying to extend its claws. Except this kitten knew what to do with them.
“I’m sure Ciel would love to see his little bitch outside of school. I’ve heard he’s into whores.”
There was a crazed gleam in his eyes, like a sharp kitchen knife left within the reach of a curious child. Felicia found herself lost in the angry swirls of harsh blue.
Eleanora growled, pushing her pointer finger into the middle of his chest, “Alois! I don’t give a shit what you think, but don’t you dare speak about Rianne in that manner! Regardless of what you think, Rianne is first and foremost, a friend.”
Rianne made no move to defend herself. Rather, she just sighed, and made her way around the group.
“See you later.”
Eleanora hated the tone of defeat in her voice.
When Rianne was out of significant earshot, she voiced her concern. “Someone should go with her.”
Alois grinded his teeth. “Be my guest. Then we can finally stop this shitty investigation.”
Eleanora felt a pang of annoyance. “Do you not care for Ele and Val? Because they sure did care for you!”
It was Felicia’s turn to scoff, “Y’know, they didn’t care for me, and they didn’t care for Alois. And neither do you.”
It seemed that the ‘dream team’ facade was cracking.
“Look, with me or against me, I’ll get to the bottom of this.” Eleanora stated matter-of-factly, Rianne all but forgotten. “I think I’ve got another idea.”
Alois groaned, long and suffering. “If it’s as ‘good’ as your last idea, then count me out.”
Eleanora smirked. “But it wasn’t my idea. That was Felicia’s.”
The door read number 23.
It was an interesting door. Obviously, the people living there had decided that a plain door was for peasants, so a huge host of internet memes had been plastered on every available space (except for the silver plaque which held the door’s numeral identity).
Behind Eleanora, Alois made a sound of disgust from the back of his throat. “What’re we doing?”
Eleanora pulled out a Mr. Michaelis I know more than you, smirk. “So, you know that Ele went to a tutoring session, right?”
Felicia nodded. “We had an argument about that, didn’t we?”
Eleanora agreed. “Well, now we’re going to ask the person she went to, Seiko. Maybe something happened during the session.”
Alois frowned even deeper, annoyance chiseled in his bleached brows. Eleanora secretly wished that the wind would blow, so he’d be stuck in that expression forever.
“If something had happened, then Psycho would also have fainted.”
It’s Seiko,” corrected Felicia.
“Doesn’t matter what the harlot’s name is, she didn’t collapse like Ele, so nothing happened.”
Eleanora sighed in obvious frustration. “We don’t know that, Alois. There’s so much we don’t know - the best place to start is to reinforce what we do know.”
Felicia pondered her words, and agreed. It made sense. “So, let me get this straight, we’re going to check how the tutoring session really went.”
“Exactly,” grinned Eleanora. “Maybe she went somewhere after tutoring? - We’ll ask Seiko.”
There was a groan from Alois. “I’m sick of this pointless hunt, I’m not going in. I’ll wait with the vending machine in the common room.”
He left the girls no time to reply, before he was down the hall and out of sight.
“That went better than expected.”
Eleanora had to agree with her.
Seiko was a short girl of five feet, cowering under Felicia and Eleanora. She was one of the better looking girls of the school, with long brown hair and deep brown eyes. However, she was also one of the nerdiest, with a classic messy bun and knee high socks.
She was also very good friends with Ele.
Like the rest of their (now separate) group, Seiko had been shocked and horrified to find out about Ele’s accident. She had also slipped into her own company, noticeably, no longer hanging out with her group of friends.
If the rumor mill was correct, Seiko’s grades, over the days of Ele’s absence, had dropped significantly. Felicia thought it was due to shock and trauma, but Eleanora felt a nagging that said it was, perhaps, a bit more complicated than that.
So here they were, face to face with an exhausted looking Seiko. She didn’t have bags under her wide eyes, no - she had luggage carriers.
“Hey,” greeted Felicia, noticing her poor state. “How’re you?”
Like she even needed to ask. Seiko’s less-than-desirable appearance was already proof.
“Fine,” she answered robotically. “What do you need?” There was a deep sigh to her voice.
“It’s about Ele.”
So much for subtlety, George. Thought Felicia, slightly irritated at her friend’s lack of social grace.
Seiko seemed to twitch like a startled rabbit. “W-what about G-Ele?”
Felicia had only heard Seiko stutter once - it was when their old biology teacher had assigned them homework (that would affect their end of year grade), and she had forgotten to do it.
Seiko’s stutter meant guilt and panic - she should be sad, not guilty.
“Well,” Eleanora continued on, oblivious to Felicia’s internal analytical session. “We were wondering what happened during your’s and Ele’s tutoring session.”
Seiko paled further, if that was even possible.
“Umm, it...it was good. E-Ele learned a l-lot.”
“Yeah?” Asked Felicia. “What were you guys learning about?”
What kind of a question is that? Screamed Eleanora internally.
Seiko started to wring her hands in a bunny-like fashion.
“Um, geometry a-and stuff.”
Felicia narrowed her eyes and straightened up. I may not be tall, but I know how to intimidate someone.
Eleanora noticed the strange encounter with startled curiosity. It was like watching a hungry bear stumbling upon a wild hare.
“Thats interesting, because Ele’s math class doesn’t do geometry.”
And in that moment, Seiko knew - she fucked up.
She slumped her shoulders to the point where she shrunk even further.
“Okay, okay - I’ll tell.”
“Tell us what?” Asked Eleanora, our favourite simpleton.
“I didn’t tutor Ele. She didn’t even come to my room.”
Le Gasps sounded from Eleanora and Felicia.
“Where’d she go?” Felicia pressed, recovering from her shock.
Seiko let out a breath of guilt. “She...she went to hang out with Valentino Acerbi, if you know what I mean.”
0 notes
drabbles-mc · 3 years
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Request by Anon: If you're up for it, could you do -insert whoever you want- and the reader either talking about leaving their kid with Chucky or actually leaving their kid with Chucky. He is a sweet strange bird that we don't get enough of 🥰
Warnings: language, Angel being a protective dad, Chucky being the absolute best human on the planet
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: I would take a bullet for Chucky with no hesitation. I love that man and I’m so glad he has found a family in Mayans. I love including him in my stories because he’s just??? The sweetest.
Join my group-chat here: (X)
Angel Reyes Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​ @yourwonkywriter​ @sesamepancakes​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @themoonandthewicked​ @garbinge​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @enjoy-the-destruction​ @withmyteeth​ @encounterthepast​ @lilacyennefer​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @luckyharley1903​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be tagged in any of my writing let me know! xo)
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“It would just be for a couple hours!” you sat on the bar stool next to Angel, “You’re telling me that she can’t stay here for a couple hours? She’s a baby, Angel. It’s not like she can get up and run off.”
“I’m not leaving her with these motherfuckers,” he shook his head.
Angel loved his brothers in the MC. He would take a bullet for any one of them. Which is why it was so surprising to you that he didn’t want to leave your daughter with them. He didn’t mind it when you brought her around the clubhouse, as long as one of the two of you always had eyes on her. He was fiercely protective of her, which was adorable, but it also made it difficult for the two of you to get any time for yourselves. She was six months old and it had been much longer than that since the two of you had some quality couple time.
“Angel, they know how to feed and change a baby. Coco has more kids than we do!”
“Then he can go watch those ones!” he was adamant, “I ain’t leavin’ her here.”
While the two of you were arguing, Chucky appeared from the back room with a few cases of beer. He saw the car seat sitting on the bar top and immediately set down the boxes to come and investigate. He’d met your daughter on a few occasions but there were always so many other people around.
He gently rocked the car seat with a smile, whispering things to her that neither you nor Angel could hear, but you heard her contagious giggles. You turned and looked to see who had her laughing like that, and you couldn’t hide your surprise when you saw the gentle, loving look in Chucky’s eyes as he let her reach and hold onto his prosthetic fingers.
Your heart melted at the way he was smiling at her and the words came tumbling out of your mouth, “You wanna hold her?”
He looked up at you, eyes as wide as his smile, “I would be honored.”
You laughed quietly as you stood up and carefully unhooked the straps that kept her safely in the seat. You lifted her up and out before passing her off to Chucky, who cradled her in his arms as if it was second nature to him. Chucky had always been a bit of a caretaker by nature but this was surprising even to you.
“Like you’ve done it a million times before,” you commented as you watched him bounce her gently on his hip.
“Maybe not a million, but close,” he didn’t take his eyes off the baby.
“Oh yea? You have kids?” you really never gave a lot of thought to what Chucky’s life was like when he wasn’t working at the scrapyard. You knew that he had quite a long history, but you never asked about the details of it.
He shook his head, “Haven’t had the good fortune of that yet. But I spent a lot of time with Jax Teller’s boys when they were babies.”
It was the first time that he had spoken to you about his life in Charming. He spared a momentary glance over at you as he said it before returning all of his attention to the baby on his hip. But even in that split second you could see the wistful look in his eyes. Sometimes you forgot about the fact that he uprooted his entire life to come to Santo Padre.
“Do you have plans tonight, Chucky?” you asked.
Both he and Angel whipped their heads to look at you, their expressions vastly different. Angel knew exactly where this line of questions was going and he wanted none of it. Chucky, on the other hand, had never looked more excited.
He shook his head, “Not a single plan in place, Y/N.”
You smiled, “You think you could watch our little pumpkin here for a couple hours while Angel and I get some Mommy and Daddy time?” you drummed your fingers on the bar, “It’d only be for a couple hours. Just to get some dinner and alone time.”
“It would be one of my life’s greatest pleasures,” everything he said always sounded so sincere.
You chuckled, nodding, “You’re a lifesaver.”
“Y/N,” Angel gently wrapped his hand around your arm, “Can I talk to you for a second?”
You nodded, “Sure, what’s up?”
He tugged you towards the opposite side of the clubhouse, getting the two of you out of earshot from Chucky, “What the fuck are you doing?”
“You just wanna leave our baby girl here with Chucky?”
You shrugged, “Why not? He seems like a goddamn baby whisperer.”
“Yea but—”
“And you heard him—he’s been around kids a ton before. Look at him,” you nodded towards Chucky, who was pretending to do some sort of ballroom dance with your daughter, “There is not an ounce of uncertainty in that man’s body. You telling me that any of the guys are ever that confident while holding her?”
Angel sighed, not able to deny that you had a point. Your daughter could smell fear from a mile away, and she could definitely sense when her tíos were getting nervous whenever they held her. You found it amusing because you could literally see the panic set into the eyes of the very tough group of bikers once she started to sound like she was about to cry. They would instantly try to locate you and glad you down to make you put out the fire that they inadvertently started.
Despite all of that, your daughter seemed happy as a clam as she waltzed around the clubhouse with Chucky. You could tell by the expression on Angel’s face that he saw what you saw, he just didn’t want to admit it.
“C’mon, baby,” you smiled and nudged his shoulder, “They make a good pair.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, “Two and a half hours tops. We’ll skip dessert if we have to.”
You beamed, clapping your hands, “Oh this is going to be amazing.” You pressed a kiss to Angel’s cheek before bounding over to Chucky, unable to try and tone down the huge smile on your face, “You really meant it about tonight?”
He nodded, “Of course. Anything for you. For her,” he looked at your daughter with a smile.
“You’re a gem!” you immediately started formulating a timetable in your brain, thinking out loud, “Okay I gotta jet home real quick to take care of a few things. Plus I’ll pack a bag of essentials for her to have here with you. And I’ll shower and get ready for dinner. I should be able to get back here by…6ish? Would that be alright?”
“That would be perfect.”
Angel sat back, watching the two of you make plans together while Chucky held your daughter on his hip. Despite his initial urge to reject the idea, he had to admit that there wasn’t the same knot in his gut about the idea of Chucky babysitting as there had been about literally any of the other guys. Chucky’s brain operated on a different level from the rest of them for sure, but realistically he was probably the most responsible out of all of them. Which was a strange thought.
You waved Angel over so that you could have him walk out to the car with you and the baby. You watched as Chucky carefully got her situated back into her car set, buckling and tucking her under her blanket. You wrapped Chucky in a hug, promising him that you would be back by six.
Angel carried the car set and got it situated in the back seat before turning to you, a smile on his face, “Drive safe, alright?”
You raised your eyebrows, “Wow, no smart comments?”
He chuckled, pulling you into a hug, “I’ll keep ‘em to myself…for now.”
“A true gentleman,” you laughed into his chest for a moment before pulling back to kiss him, “I’ll be back in a couple hours, okay?”
He nodded, “Whatever you need. Text me when you get home. I love you.”
You gave him another quick peck on the lips, “I love you too.”
You had packed everything that you could possibly think of into the diaper bag that you were bringing to the clubhouse. You had clothes, toys, formula, blankets, pillows, and of course diapers. It was impressive how much you were able to jam into the bag. Your daughter was babbling happily in her car seat as she watched you get everything set for her stay with Chucky. It was the first time that she was going to be away from both you and Angel for more than a couple minutes, and you were much more nervous about it than you wanted to let on. Not that you didn’t trust Chucky, but it was tough to leave your baby, even if you wanted some one-on-one time with her father.
When you rolled into the clubhouse, Angel was standing outside with Chucky and a few of the guys. Taking a deep breath you threw the car in park and got out, slinging the diaper bag over your shoulder before opening the back door and getting the car seat out. All of the guys looked at you expectantly as you approached the front steps. You could tell that they all had a hard time wrapping their heads around the fact that you were really about to leave Chucky in charge of your first and only child.
“Didn’t know that this hand-off had turned into a group affair,” you chuckled as you gently set the car seat down on the deck so you could get the bag off your shoulder.
“We just didn’t think that Angel would ever let anyone watch her,” Bishop piped in with a laugh, “Had to see it for ourselves.”
You made small talk with the group of them for a couple minutes before politely hinting that you and Angel had places to be—that was the whole point of this anyway. You unclipped your daughter from her car seat and picked her up, giving her a hug and a kiss before handing her to Angel so that he could do the same.
“I’m sure things will be fine, but if anything happens or if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to call me or Angel,” you gave Chucky a hug, “Thank you again for doing this. If anyone has got this under control, it’s you.”
You could see the pride on Chucky’s face as he soaked up what you were saying. Angel had the baby perched on his hip as he spoke to Chucky, “Anything happens to her and I’ll gut you like a fish, got it?”
Chucky nodded, not flinching one bit, “I accept that.”
Angel gave a nod of approval before handing the baby over, giving her one more kiss before doing so. He rested a hand on Chucky’s shoulder, “Thank you for doing this, Chucky.”
You didn’t know if Chucky had even heard what Angel had said—he was already enthralled with your daughter. You chuckled and shook your head as you tugged Angel back towards the car. You could hear the guys as you walked away. Coco must’ve picked up the diaper bag because you heard him call after you to ask if you had filled the thing with rocks instead of diapers, because that’s the only way it could be that heavy.
“What’d you put in there, querida?” Angel asked with a laugh as he got into the car.
“Just the essentials.”
Dinner was quiet, and just what the two of you needed. And, much to your surprise, you didn’t spend the whole evening worrying about if things were going okay back at the clubhouse. You trusted that Chucky would call if he needed assistance. You doubted that he did, though. Angel didn’t seem too flustered over it either. He checked his phone a few times just to make sure that there weren’t any missed calls or texts, but other than that he let it lie.
When the two of you got back to the clubhouse, everything was quiet. It wasn’t nearly late enough for it to be so dead, but you didn’t hear music or ruckus of any kind coming from the clubhouse. It was almost eerie.
You and Angel walked into the clubhouse to see that a large space in the center of it had been cleared of any and all furniture. Chucky had laid out all of the blankets and pillows that you had sent and clearly had come up with some of his own, and made quite the expansive play area for your daughter in the middle of the floor. She was fast asleep now, tucked safely in her favorite blanket with stuffed animals surrounding her. Chucky was sitting cross-legged next to her, just watching her to make sure that she stayed happily in her little dream world.
The icing on the cake was all of Angel’s brothers sprawled out across the blankets as well, also fast asleep. You giggled quietly as you leaned into Angel’s side, both of you walking over attempting not to wake anyone up, but especially the baby.
“Looks like you’ve had things perfectly under control here,” you whispered as you sank down and sat next to Chucky.
“Smoothest sailor out at sea,” he said back quietly with a nod.
“The boys can stay here,” you gently nudged Chucky’s shoulder, “But this little lady needs to come home with me. I’ll come by for the blankets and pillows tomorrow.”
You carefully got your daughter situated in her car seat without waking her up. Your daughter was luckily a very heavy sleeper, which would serve her well growing up surrounded by motorcycles. She hardly even flinched as you buckled her in and draped the blanket back over her again.
You hugged Chucky tight as you thanked him again, and you could tell that he felt it with his whole body, “I really appreciate you doing this for us, Chucky. Would you mind if we called on you again down the road?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all,” he looked back and forth between you and Angel as the three of you stood on the steps to the clubhouse, “Thank you, Angel Reyes, Y/N, for trusting me.”
“You’ve earned it, man,” Angel said with a nod.
The smile that spread across Chucky’s face could’ve melted the coldest heart in the world. The three of you said one more round of goodbye’s to each other before you and Angel headed off to the car, your sleepy daughter now in tow.
Once she was situated and you and Angel had gotten buckled in, you turned over to him with a smile on your face. He shook his head, not even needing to look at you to know that you had a smug expression.
“Just fucking say it,” he said with a laugh.
“I told you so!” you said in a loud whisper as you playfully slapped his arm.
He chuckled, rolling his eyes as he threw the car into drive, “Yea, yea. You told me so.”
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babybluebex · 3 years
Y'all are too sinful and horny
Kink list this and kink list that, but what about hug list??? How would The Danny Buch kiss???? Hold hands????? Read their prayers to God????
ok first of all, i NEED you to know how loudly i cackled when i saw this. my neighbors banged on the wall. it was Funny. 
but the danny bunch just,,, softies, the lot of em. 
EDIT: i just saw that hug was an option to discuss here, but i'll make that its own separate post skskksks
alex kerner is a good kisser. like, 8/10 i think. very soft and sweet, a lot of quick pecks on the corner of your mouth. he loses points bc his breath always smells/tastes like either beer or cigarettes which like is a Vibe sometimes but also no chew some gum you bastard. i feel like his mom would get a kick outta her baby boy being all mushy for someone, and alex would kiss you real quick and his mom just smiles at yall.  and holding hands with alex is Good. his hand is warm and his palm is a little rough from working on the tv dishes and all, but if yall are out at night, he’ll hold your hand to cross the street and if it was cold he would hold your hand and bring it to his mouth and warm up your fingers with his breath. sometimes though if he’s a little tipsy or high, he’ll tickle your palm with his middle finger and refuse to let go while you squeal with laughter
andrea marowski is a sweetie, and that translates to his kisses. back in his time, pda was like kinda frowned upon, so he doesnt kiss you a lot in public. but he kisses you All The Time at home. in the kitchen together making dinner, he’d press a kiss to your cheek; listening to the radio at night, he’s peppering kisses on your face. for some reason, i think his lips are really soft, and he tastes very good. dont know why. i just get the feeling.  and baby andy loves to hold hands. he’s ALWAYS holding your hand. his fingers are calloused from years of violin and like a little dry from the rosin he uses (bc that shit is drying as HELL) so it’s like holding hands with a paper bag, but he’ll squeeze your hand every so often. he likes to hold hands when he’s sitting next to you on the sofa and reading. if he has a bad dream, he’ll subconsciously grab your hand in his sleep. he also likes to stroke his thumb over your knuckles. he’s into kissing your hand a lot too. 
niki lauda is just,,, sigh. he won’t ever kiss you in public unless like it’s a press conference and he HAS to, but sometimes if you beg enough he’ll roll his eyes and kiss your lips. this is another one where he loses points bc his breath always smells/tastes like cigarettes, but it’s the 70s so he gets a pass. his Really Good kisses are after a race when he comes in first place and is on top of the world and feels like a king, he’ll pop the champagne and draw you in tight to him and just plant a huge kiss on your lips, and he smells like petrol and exhaust and his upper lip is all sweaty but he’ll REALLY go for it and like press his tongue into your mouth and dip you bc he’s just so pleased holding niki’s hand is a privilege, completely. and i don’t mean that like “you have to earn it”, i mean that like “wow this is great and i’m so happy that IM the one who gets to do this”. his hands are just big and warm and he’ll interlock your fingers and rub his thumb along the back of your hand. he also really likes to put his arm around your shoulders and hold your hand so that your arm is bent and he’ll pull you into him and kiss you. 
laszlo kreizler is a wonderful fucking kisser. first of all, we KNOW that he keeps his beard looking fresh and clean, and i just have an instinct that he uses like oil or some shit to keep it soft, so it’s not like you’re kissing a dead bush (i have kissed several guys who are guilty of this). his beard is soft against your cheeks and chin, and he’ll put his hand on your cheek and draw you into him. he has a little routine, i feel: he’ll kiss your chin, then your nose, then tilt your head down to kiss your forehead, and then he’ll kiss your lips. i had this little throwaway line in part 2 of good doctor kreizler that laszlo likes these things called pastilles that are essentially breath mints, and i think that the lavender ones are his favorite (bc that just seems like a laszlo thing idk) so his breath always smells nice and like lavender. his lips are soft and his tongue is gentle and just agdhshdjb  but he’s real weird about holding hands. he has this thing about how he doesnt want you to hold his hand, even if its his left hand, because he feels like bc of his injury, he’s just not worthy of love like that, even as small and simple as holding hands. in public, it’s an absolute no-go (again, bc old timey people were weird prudes), and the ONLY time you can hold his hand is after making love. sometimes, you’ll be able to take his right hand and just kiss his palm and he doesnt say anything (bc he likes it but doesnt wanna admit it)
zemo, unlike pretty much everyone above, is SUPER into pda. not like REALLY heavy pda (9 times outta 10, he isn’t), but he will Absolutely kiss you whenever he wants to. he won’t even have to say anything, he’ll just give you a look with those big brown eyes and you’re already leaning in. he’s partial to kissing your bottom lip and, if he’s feeling frisky or a little tipsy (bc mans was drinking in like every scene in tfatws?? we dont talk about that NEARLY as much as we should), he’ll bite your bottom lip and give a little “grr” holding hands with zemo. HOLDING HANDS WITH ZEMO. *screams in simp* his hands are Soft As Fuck bc we KNOW that our rich baron invests in good hand lotion. he’s got that o’keefes jawn going on, so his hands are soft and nice and warm. i have literally no idea why but i get the feeling that like zemo’s hands are a little sweaty a lot of the time. not, like, uncomfortably sweaty, but just like... a little... egh. i can’t explain it. but it happens. also, if you’re wearing a bracelet or ring he bought you, he’ll smile at it and grab your hand and squeeze extra hard.
i’m not even gonna discuss padre domingo here bc that is Literally worthy of its own post, but just know: kissing 10/10. holding hands 10/10. gold medal, a+, homerun, touchdown. the man does the job and does it well.  
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el rey de los mayas.
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© @thedevilsmoonshine.
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❝ request by @supervalcsi: Hello love!! I am once again thirsting for Bishop, so what do you think about this prompt: "You should have run away from me the second we met." with El Presidente?? The trailer is already killing me I don't know what I am gonna do with the actual show?! Anyway, Thank you so much love!! I love you!!! 💕💖💕
❝ words: about 600.
❝ a / n: as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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“Not now, sweetheart”.
Taza intercepts you before you can head the Templo with the door almost closed. You look defiantly at the ringed fingers around your forearm, gently gripping it, touring up his arm slowly as you raise an eyebrow. Nobody in this world knows your husband better than you, so he doesn't have a single idea of what you can or can't do.
“Watch me”. You just reply, not trying to challenge or disobey him somehow.
The older puckers his lips nodding his head whilst loosening his hand and letting you go. Firm steps lead your way to the inside, sliding closed the colorful glass door behind your back. Bishop is sitting on his chair. His body is reclined against it and his arms are resting over the edge of the large table with Mayan symbols. He doesn't pronounce a syllable, following you with his dark exhausted gaze as you come closer and closer until there's barely a distance between the two of you.
“You should have run away from me the second we met”. He catches his breath closing both eyes, shaking his head slightly when you take a seat on Taza's chair.
You have heard about the run-in with the other charters, you know how he feels. Betrayed. Santo Padre has protected them when they couldn't even protect themselves. That's not Bishop's, nor Mayans MC's fault. They didn't start the dog fight. Vatos Malditos did. They broke the rules, they played with lives and entire families. They killed one of yours, after trying to kill you all. It was payback. Your charter responded like anyone would have responded.
“Obispo, look at me”. You demand with no hesitation in your voice, grabbing his chin to literally force him to do it. “I'm not one of your brothers. I'm not one of those women who walk around trying to catch a dick. I'm not one of your workers. I am your wife, you hear me? And if they want a fight, we will bring 'em a war. Juntos”.
You keep his eye contact at all moments, giving him the security and the confidence he has lost. The faith he needs right now.
“Tú eres el rey. And believe me when I say they will regret their decision, in case they really leave you on the brink of hell, 'cause we won't fall. We won't fail”. For the first time in days, you can see his chest swelling, sitting up on his chair holding your hands with his. “El rey de los Mayas is who dictates the rules. So, stop hiding here like a fucking weak dog, and rule your empire, Obispo”.
Your husband leans forward as his right hand lands on the back of your neck, pressing his rough lips on your forehead. You always know what to say to bring his hope back, to bring his pride back. You're the only one who can make him remember why he started, from where he comes, and who he is. No, you'd never run away. You'd never run away from him. You are his reina, the one and only love of his life.
“Reunite the charters. Bring 'em to the Templo. Speak like the men you are, not like a bunch of wanna-be-gangsters from a hood”.
“You're right”.
“'Fucking course I am, querido”. You chuckle making him laugh, making him feel himself again. “If you all don't fix this shit soon… I'm gonna do it and it will be worse for your fucking MC, I swear it for Hunab Ku”.
“Sounds enough to bring Oscar and Canche here”.
“Poor of those two stubborn men who, luckily, don't know my anger…” You hum raising your chin.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @littlekittymeow
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @skyofficialxx @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @arveeee @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha @lucillewinchester @theocatkov @telfordlowmans @fanofalltheficsx @aurelie-celine @spideysimpossiblegirl
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Grey Jeans.
Massive shout out to my dear @beccabarba for being my editor and making sure this series has all been flowing well. But I know deep down she is only saying yes to read throughs so she finds out what happens first 😝😘. Thanks so much my love.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
This is my favourite part so far. This will most likely be the last part for a while till I decide where these two are headed.
Warnings: Swearing, dinner party from hell with a huge ugly fight with Emily, if you haven’t watched the new series I’ am sorry if you don’t know who Erin is, talks of Galindo’s yellow rain coat, Galindo handling ‘business’ and of course Bishop smut.
WC: 2838
Enjoy x
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It had been the four of you since elementary school, even though Erin was younger then you all, you were all joint at the hip till you weren’t. College had been an eye opener for you all, but once back in Santo Padre after you all graduated, everything started to slowly change. Emily got mixed up with Miguel, Erin never came back and you and Rosa were living your best life partying, and working hard to get somewhere in a small town. Although there was one of you missing, you, Emily and Rosa were extremely close, even with Miguel. You were Emily’s maid of honour and godmother to Christobal and Rosa was a bridesmaid and loving aunty to your ‘best friends’ baby.
You had always known what Miguel was, what his family was into, but because you never seen that side of him or his parents you pushed it all away. To you and Rosa, Miguel was your best friend's amazing husband who treated you both extremely well, like the sisters he never had. That was until one day when you were out with Emily, and she was pissed at Miguel for this reason or that, and she made her driver drive you both to the dress factory.  
Once you had pulled up Emily told you to wait in the car while she ran in, and her phone started ringing over and over. You grabbed her phone from her bag jumping out and jogging into the factory to find her. She had just got to a door opening it and you speed towards her, just as she stepped in the door way freezing you came up behind her looking into the room seeing Miguel in his yellow rain coat tipping hot oil onto another man while Nestor stood there watching. Miguel yelled at you both to get out and once Emily dropped you home you stopped all contact. Seeing that made everything too real about what you had heard.  
Emily tried to mend things but it ended in a big blow up and you hadn’t spoken since. That was until Erin reached out to you and Rosa that she was in town and wanted to see you both. Rosa begged you to say yes after Erin sent a message to you both inviting you both and Bishop for dinner at the Galindo house and she hoped you could both make it.
Bishop had known all about this history and he had told you he would come if you wanted to go or stay home with you if you didn’t. You didn’t know what to do, Bishop’s emotions were running high and you knew deep down agreeing to go wouldn’t end well. You knew that the Mayans and Miguel had business deals so there was a connection. You and Emily had unfinished business, you couldn’t look at Miguel the same way again, you were taking your biker boyfriend to the cartel boss’s house for a dinner party, but you missed Erin. So you took a deep breath agreeing to go and the night was finally here.
You heard his bike pull up just as you done up the button on your grey jeans and you tucked in your black shirt and walking to slide on some black slides, grabbing your black leather jacket off the end on the bed and walking out to answer the door. You swung the door open just as Bishop was about to knock. A grin spread across his face, his eyes running all over your body as he stepped forward hooking an arm around your waist and yours wrapping around his neck as your lips met kissing deeply,
“Don’t know how I feel about you looking this beautiful to go to Galindo’s” Bishop's hand slid down to cup your ass cheek through your jeans, giving it a slight spank.
“Don’t know how I feel about you looking so handsome for a cartel dinner” you shot back your hands running over the shoulders of his black button down.
“You two ready?” Rosa came up behind you wrapping her arms around you both and she rested her chin on your shoulder. Bishop kissed her on the cheek and you sighed.
“Guess so”
Bishop held your hand on the drive over. He kept one hand on the steering wheel and you clung to one hand tight with both of yours. You finally arrived at the sliding gates and got buzzed in, driving up the long drive way till you got to the house. Bishop lifting your hands to his mouth and kissing the back of it while Rosa got out of the car,
“It will be ok baby. Whenever you want to go we will go”  
You nodded taking a deep breath and lent over pecking Bishops lips a few times before you got out of the car walking towards the front door that Rosa was knocking on. Everyone had greeted you like you had just seen them yesterday, even Erin who squealed before jumping on you and Nestor who was over the moon to see you. You had a quick chat and cuddle with Christobal before he went to bed and Miguel had even invited Nestor and Marcus to stay for the night to join you all.
The night had mostly gone smoothly. Bishop was always by your side. If he wasn’t holding your hand, it was around you or on your thigh. Miguel had pulled you aside apologising for that day in the warehouse and you both clearing the air,
“Y/N, I’ am sorry. I never wanted either of you to see that. See that side of me.”
“It just made it all real you know. You were my best friend’s husband, one of my closest friends, not a cartel boss. I had heard the rumours, it just made it all real after that. And Nestor” you rolled your eyes “He was just the boy next door, not your right hand man.”
Miguel pulled you towards him wrapping you in his arms,
“I’am still that person. You know I never mixed both worlds, it was bad timing and I never should have yelled at you like that” Miguel kissed your cheek and pulled back, both his hands moving to your shoulders, “But you and Em, you need to talk it out.”
You went back and sat down next to Bishop on the couch, the conversation following nicely between you all, just like old times. The men laughed at old stories Erin told about you all and Miguel pulled out the cigar box handing them out,
“We need some girl time” Erin jumped up.
You all followed getting up, walking out to sit on the couches just outside the door. You all got comfortable sitting back to relax with full glasses of wine.
“So glad you guys could make it. I’ve missed this” Erin reached over grabbing your hand and blew air kisses to Rosa “But I should have come back sooner” Erin squeezed your hand letting go and looking over at Emily “You two need to fix whatever this is” she looked between you both.
“Oh you haven’t changed have you, straight to the point hey Erin” you scoffed taking a sip of wine.
“It’s the best way to be Y/N”  
“Erin, not tonight” Rosa shot at her.
“No, it should be tonight” Emily piped up.
“Here we go” you sighed your eyes locking with Emily’s.
“You have made up with Miguel and you see Ez all the time and your acting like this with me” Emily sat up off the couch “All this bullshit after that day in the warehouse”
“You know full well it’s not just about that” you snapped back.  
“So that’s only part of it?” Emily opened her eyes wide at you.
“Rosa” Erin stood up and started to walk inside, Rosa following.
“You know it’s only part of it. Don’t act dumb Emily you remember that phone call"
“I do. And you're nothing but a hypocrite” She almost screeched.
Miguel, Bishop, Marcus and Nestor’s heads shot up when they heard Emily raise her voice and seen Rosa and Erin walk back in,
“What’s going on?” Bishop stood up and went to walk out to you, Rosa grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“They need this, let them get it out” Rosa looked up at him.
“How am I a hypocrite?” You spat back.
“Huh. Now look who’s acting dumb. You tore into me about being with Miguel, how I didn’t belong in this world, look what world you’re involved in? You think it’s better than mine?” She raised an eye brow at you.    
“I’ am not sitting at home being a Galindo house maker while my husband is out pouring hot oil on people, Emily”
“No you just wear leather and ride on the back of Harleys like some old lady”
“Fuck you” you snarled.
“No Y/N, Fuck you”
“You gave everything up for Ez and then for Miguel. You think a big house, nice cars and drivers make you special? You don’t belong in this world.”
“And you think you belong in that world? Saving people by day and fucking a motor cycle club president that smuggles drugs by night. It will never work Y/N get out now, you think you’re the only one? You think he will marry you? Become a family man for you to please your Daddy, or do you call him Daddy too? Think he will give everything up for you? Wake up from your day dream Y/N, you were always the logical one. You’re just another girl that jumped on the back of his bike”
“You going to bring my dad into this?” you balled your hands into fists “After everything he did for you and you be disrespectful like that?”
“I’ am sorry- I shouldn’t”
“No you shouldn’t have. This was a mistake” you slammed your wine glass down on the table and stood up storming into the living area, grabbing your leather jacket off the back of the couch and bolting to the front door. Rosa quickly kissed everyone goodnight and thanked Miguel for having you’s and Bishop shook hands kissing Erin and followed you out the door.  
The ride home was silent, Bishop’s hand on your thigh the whole way to Angel’s to drop off Rosa. Rosa kissed you on the cheek, said sorry for making you go and she would see you tomorrow before she got out of the car to walk to Angel’s front door.  
Bishop backed out of the drive and you were back home in no time. You jumped out of the car unlocking the door and rushing into the kitchen pulling out a bottle of vodka and a glass. You poured some in and shot it back and went to pour another when Bishop came up behind you leaning against your back, his hands coming to rest on the counter either side of you,
“I heard everything. What pissed you off more?” Bishop's lips landed on your clothed shoulder.
“That she put doubt in my head” You put the lid back on the bottle of vodka pushing it away.
“Doubts about us?” you nodded back “You didn’t have any before?”
“Surprisingly no. But she always knew how to start a fire” you muttered.
Bishop’s hands went to your hips turning you around to face him. His face soft,
“You are the only one. You’re not just another leather wearing old lady that jumped on the back of my bike, you know that, you’re my girl and I love you. Not just anyone rides behind me” you nodded “Your Dad is a good man and I respect him and your Mum. They both know how I feel about you and what I want from this” You looked up into Bishop’s eyes shocked at hearing that “I can’t and I won’t promise that I will give up everything, but you will always be more important and my number one priority.” Your eyes filled with tears and you smiled, yours hands coming up to cup his cheeks, his beard on your hands making you shiver “This isn’t a day dream baby and don’t let Emily fucking Galindo put that shit in your head”
“Ok” you smiled “I love you Obispo” Bishop chuckled, his hands sliding down to the backs on your thighs lifting you up, your legs going around his waist and you giggled kissing down his neck as he walked you both into the bedroom,  
“Obispo now is it?”
You smiled into his skin, kissing up to his ear and nipping his ear lobe, your lips at his ear,
“Would you prefer Señor Losa?” you purred.  
A growl rattled through his chest as he dropped you down on the bed and started to undress you,
“Only when you’re on your knees baby, but that’s not what I have planned for tonight” Bishop purred pulling your jeans and panties down and off after he took off your slides “Shirt and bra off”
You sat up doing as he asked while he undressed himself. His hard cock springing free as he pushed down his boxers and jeans kicking them out of the way,
“On your belly, baby”
You laid back down rolling over and you felt Bishop's hands running up the inside of your thighs pushing them apart before you felt the bed sink and he settled between them. You then felt one hand run up your lower back while the other slid down to run along your centre and you moaned loud biting your bottom lip, Bishops rough warm finger tips brushing over your clit,
“Your IUD ready to go?” Bishop lent down kissing your back, his beard brushing over your soft back skin.
“Yes” you whimpered.
Bishop’s hands came straight to your hips lifting them up so you were on your knees and you moved to lean on your elbows. Bishop pushed his hips forward, his hard cock running along your opening and you pushed back into him. Up until now Bishop had always worn protection, but after you both had a check-up, after you suggested that you get an IUD, finally being at that point in your relationship.
Bishop pulled back for a moment and then you felt him starting to slide into you, your moans and his grunts filled the room as your hot drenched core wrapped around him. Bishop bucked his hips forward bottoming out while he ran a hand up your back into your hair balling it into a fist as he started to pound into you hard and fast. You knew it wouldn’t be long till you were both falling over the edge so you started to push back into him just as hard. Your body catching on fire.
Bishop could feel your inner walls fluttering around him. His hand that was still tangled in your hair pulled you up fast, your back flush with his chest. Bishop moved his hand out of your hair and ran it down to rest around your throat with no pressure, the other running down over the side of your body running along your soft tummy and down to your needy pearl, his thumb connecting with it circling it, still thrusting up into you and his lips kissing along your shoulder,
“You're my girl. I love you baby” Bishop grunted into your ear.
“I love you too” You moaned out.
The sensation of his hand on your throat, his beard and lips on your shoulder, thrusting up into you and his fingers playing with you was enough for you to gasp for air as your release hurtled through you so fast your whole body trembled with pleasure, Bishop’s name and loud groans leaving your lips.  
Bishop’s hand moved away from your throat coming to the middle of your back pushing you down on your chest, chasing his own orgasm, his hands then moving to your hips to slam you back into him. With a loud roar and the grip on your hips bruising, Bishop stilled and you felt him cum deep inside you, his seed spilling into you. Your name chanting from his mouth. You stayed like that for a moment, before Bishop pulled out and you both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty, heavy breathing tangle of limbs. The room was silent for a long while, you both snuggled into each other when Bishop started to kiss along your shoulder again,
“Did you ever think you would ever be on the back of a boyfriend's Harley?”  
You snorted with a giggle “Never in a million years. But there is no one’s Harley I would rather be on the back of than yours”
Bishop let out a laugh, his hand coming to your face pulling it towards him, his lips meeting yours kissing you deeply,
“Promise me baby, no more doubts”
“You know you can talk to me whenever you need to about anything. I love you baby”
“Love you too Señor Losa”
Tags: @beccabarba @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @withmyteeth​
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
New chapter, yay! Didn't I tell you I'd be faster?
Thanks for all of the lovely comments and interest, it really motivates me to write more.
Word count: 3041 | AO3 | <<Previous
Summary: Roman gets to work. Wooing Virgil will be a piece of cake!
CW: Swearing, anxiety, mild angst, maybe unsympathetic Janus (I don't really think so but it could somehow be interpreted as such because of Virgil and Roman talking about him, so I might as well give a warning). I don't think there's anything else, but, if you spot it, do tell.
Be yourself and let things develop naturally... that's just boring
Once he returned to the main living area, the noises of arguing and Logan’s screams could not be heard anymore. They were instead replaced by the clicking of spoons against teacups and mugs.
The moment the three noticed him they looked upwards at the same time. Patton, Logan and Janus were sitting at the table, drinking hot chocolate, coffee and tea respectively. The lights in the kitchen were on, illuminating them partially.
Logan nodded at him.
“How did it go?” he asked.
Meanwhile, Patton smiled and Janus stared at him inquisitively.
Roman went fully downstairs, hurrying to move a chair back. With his hands still on the backrest, he began to speak.
“Haha… I actually wanted to ask you…”
“Did something happen?” Virgil held his breath. “Is it about me?”
Roman could not stand the tension emanating from every pore of Virgil’s body. Thinking optimistically, he probably had no idea about his real motivations to come there, still, the thought of it eliciting such a reaction made Roman feel even more frozen in place.
“No!” he answered all too fast.
His body language went even stiffer with worry, to the point where he raised a hand to his mouth and began to nibble on the sides of the tip of his thumb.
“Everything is fine, Pierce the Nerves, I promise”.
“Okay… hmm what’s up with the rose?”
“It’s… uh…” Roman looked at it and began to felt ridiculous. “I just picked it up and it’s the same red as my sash!” he laughed as he placed it on the lapel of his suit.
“No comments. What did you want to ask me?”
Janus looked at him with a mix of horror and disbelief as Roman finished his recollection of the events.
“So I panicked and then I said that you had decided to help Patton bake something and now we need to make cookies this instant because Virgil will suspect something if we don’t!”
For a moment there was silence. Then, Janus ran his hands over his face.
“Roman, please take a seat already or put the chair back in place”, said Logan.
“Yeah, right” Roman sat down.
“Brilliant idea, Roman, there’s no way Virgil won’t buy that I’m making cookies and, of all things, invited him to try them. Why would you get me directly involved in it?”
Roman stood up, earning an exasperated eye roll from Logan.
“I drew a blank! I cannot come up with perfect stories on the spot while under pressure!”
“So you thought putting me in it would just magically fix how terrible you are at talking to your crush?”
“He’s not my--” Roman went deadly quiet, rethinking his life in a matter of microseconds. “Look, if I can trust you to do something is lie. So when Virgil comes down those stairs you need to help me fix this! You were the one who insisted I talk to him, so it’s your problem too”.
“Can I trust YOU not to mess up any of my--”
“Aaaah!” Roman and Janus screamed in unison.
One sigh later, Virgil added:
“You invited me to have cookies”.
“Oh, yeah, well… about that…” Roman began saying. “Patton and Janus haven’t started--”
“Kiddo, we already got them ready while you went to call Virgil” Patton interrupted him. “They’re cooling in the kitchen” he pointed.
“If you had paid attention you would have noticed the bowls in the sink” Logan added without bothering to look at him.
“Roman, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies” Janus finished the series of comments directed at him.
Virgil’s chair moved back as he stood up.
“Well, uh…” he said. “Thanks for the cookies. Hmm…”
A frown appeared on Virgil’s face as he was leaving. His feet stopped all of a sudden and he turned around.
“Janus?” it sounded like saying the name itself pained him.
The side in question raised his head, looking openly confused. Or was it an act?
“Hmm… Roman told me you invited me. And that’s… em…” he bought time, wondering what to say. Whether to lie or not. “Suspicious. So, a word?”
Janus raised his eyebrows, not buying it, but he followed him nonetheless.
They left the room, both walking at a distance from each other. For a second, Roman thought he saw worry in Janus’ face.
“What the hell was that?” Roman asked no one in particular.
“He’s trying to be nice” Patton smiled. “I’m so proud of him!” his tone was ecstatic.
“I guess… hey, padre, how did you know I’d ask you for the cookies?”
“Patton anticipated a few outcomes from your confession attempt and decided cookies would serve as a suitable response for either” Logan replied matter-of-factly.
“Yes…” he grimaced apologetically. “I thought that if everything went well we could celebrate, and if it didn’t… well, we’d be there for you, so the cookies might cheer you up”.
A few days after the confession fiasco, Roman decided to try again and woo him a little before pouring his heart out.
He popped into the living room, only to find Virgil and Janus sitting six feet apart. One was listening to music and, presumably, checking out Tumblr, while the other read a thick book.
With the volume of the music, Virgil didn’t notice him, Janus on the other hand…
His face stopped being obscured by the wing of his hat as he looked up at him.
Janus shook his wrist, making Logan’s watch appear on it. The other side wouldn’t be happy about that, but if Janus had survived stealing his crofters, Roman figured he could get away with pretty much anything.
“Well, look at the time!” he said theatrically as he stared at the watch. “I need to take care of other things, pitty to miss out on your company”.
Virgil moved his headphone to the side, managing to listen to the last part of what Janus had said.
“At least he doesn’t make it awkward”.
“What?” Roman asked.
“Yeah, you’re still angry with each other, right? I can ignore him, but having the two of us in the same room with him would be like asking for an argument”.
One short stare later, Virgil spoke again, a bit unsure.
“Do you want me to move so you can sit here too?”
“Oh, okay”
“I mean, I didn’t come here to be on the couch, actually I came to see you”.
“Miss me that much?” he teased.
And it was too good of a bait to just let go without reply.
“Terribly, I’ve been swooning and mopping because I didn’t have someone blasting Paramore around me!” Roman answered draping a hand over his forehead.
“Truly tragic”.
“I know. Anyhow, I was wondering…”
Virgil raised one of his hands to stop him right there.
“If you want me to do something stupid and dangerous in the imagination with you, I’ll pass”.
“Afraid you won’t be able to keep up?”
“No, it’s more like I don’t want to have to drag your ass back here when you get hurt”.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I’m the best swordsman in there”.
“So is it like, empty then?”
Roman gasped.
“Tss. It seems like it is”.
“No it’s not!”
“Well, if you keep inviting me, I guess it isn’t, even if we are the only people in there”.
“Virgil, you have seen my servants”.
“Hmm… yeah” he looked to the ceiling playfully, then back at Roman,
“I don’t seem to remember about it”.
“Okay, well, I guess I won’t ask the royal artisans to frame your painting, since they don’t exist”.
“What painting? Are you also hallucinating art?”
“No. I was about to ask you if I could paint you!”
“Wha-- really? You want to paint ME?” Virgil pointed at himself as if to make it somehow clearer.
“If you’re willing”.
The whole painting idea had gone well. Still, Roman wasn’t able to get the right atmosphere to confess with Virgil constantly teasing them. To be honest, he ended up forgetting about it once they began to get caught up in the conversation.
He had tried other things, of course.
None had gone as planned.
Writing poems would just make Virgil uncomfortable or even correct him, because, apparently, listening to all of those lyrics from obscure indie bands had made him a better poet than him.
Then there was the whole incident with the ukelele.
Roman had been trying to play something to catch his attention, set the tone and just tell him, but the string snapped and hit him in the face. Now he had an ugly cut and some bruising on his cheek.
He felt stuck.
Worse than all of that, Janus kept lurking around Virgil. Pretending to be nice and reformed.
But never mind about everything else. He needed to keep trying.
Eventually, Roman would manage to get it right.
Finally, he had a plan!
The last time Roman had gone to Virgil’s room to confess, he had panicked and let the effect of the room get to him. But, none of that could happen if he didn’t speak.
This would be perfect because Virgil would love it. Roman had recorded a playlist of their favourite songs into a vinyl record, just to make it a bit fancier. He’ll gift it to him and Virgil would understand.
Maybe he’d even ask him to dance to it!
Roman crossed the darkness of the entrance almost running.
This could work!
His mood deflated instantly when he emerged into the room.
Virgil was sitting on his bed, knees to his chest, hiding all of his upper body inside his hoodie. He left the vinyl on Virgil’s desk and walked up to the bed, making sure to be a bit noisy so Virgil wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
The other let a long breath out in some kind of acknowledgement.
Eventually, Roman sat next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
Virgil sighed and let his face come out of the cocoon of his hood.
“It’s not that something’s wrong per se. I…”
Without thinking, Roman placed his hand on top of Virgil’s. The contact made him feel like nothing bad could happen to Virgil as long as he held onto him.
Roman got the sudden realisation that he would be willing to protect him from anything. Which wasn’t too groundbreaking of a concept. He’d try to save pretty much everyone if given the chance, but that was his need to be the hero, to be “good”, whatever that eventually entailed. With Virgil, though… he just didn’t know what he’d do without him.
“Whatever it is, I’m here and I’ll make sure you’re okay” Roman promised.
Virgil chuckled. It stung a little.
“You can’t just say those things so seriously when I’m feeling bad, Princey, I never know how to react when you’re being so…”
“Annoying?” Roman tried to complete the sentence.
His head turned to the other side. He still didn’t let go of Virgil’s hand, but he could afford to, at least, not let him see how self-conscious he felt right now.
“Princey, look at me”.
“I’m not sure I want to, Virge”.
“Hey, I’m the one who’s feeling low. Don’t try to steal the spotlight, it’s kind of an asshole move…”
Hearing that only made him feel worse, now adding guilt to the mix.
“Especially since”, Virgil continued, “I was about to say you’re nice”.
“I’m sorry I reacted poorly” Roman finally managed to stare at him, “here you are, feeling like crap and I’m only thinking about myself. I can be very selfish sometimes. I apologise”.
Virgil frowned.
“Okay. Fuck off”.
“Did I--”
“No. Listen to me. Whatever you’re thinking I’m thinking right now is wrong. I know what you’re doing because I do it all the time. I’m not mad. And you’re not selfish. Not one bit. You’re self-centred, very much so, but not selfish”.
“Virge, I’m pretty sure those are the same thing”.
Virgil shook his head.
“You can be annoying when you make everything about yourself and try to be the centre of attention. But you never ignore people when they need you, even if that doesn’t benefit you. You’re willing to give up things you want just to do what you think is right. Hell, Princey, you let go of your pride just to be friends with me. How could anyone think you’re selfish when you’re so stupidly wonderful?”
“Don’t get too smug about it” Virgil cut him.
It got quiet for a second. Roman savoured the moment and squeezed Virgil’s hand. His smile began to return to him a little bit.
“Thank you. It means a lot, you have no idea” Roman muttered.
Virgil visibly relaxed. He slumped a bit more, letting himself fall against Roman’s side. The dark hair tickled his collarbone, but Roman wouldn’t ever dream of complaining about it.
“Yeah I do” Virgil whispered, so quietly Roman could have imagined it.
Having Virgil’s head on his shoulder made sense. Like it was meant to be there all along.
“What were you sulking about?” Roman asked.
“Not sulking”.
“Sure thing, All the time low”.
He felt Virgil muffle a laugh against the shoulder pads of his suit.
The laugher died down soon after a long sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about doing something”.
Roman stayed quiet for once, leaving him room to breathe and let things out at his own pace.
“I… I am considering forgiving Janus”, Virgil paused, twisting his neck to see Roman’s expression. “Maybe be friends again if it comes to it”.
A sigh.
His thumb started to move in circles, caressing the back of Virgil’s hand. Roman swallowed.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked tentatively.
“You’re not mad?”
“I don’t know. Should I be? It’s not like I’ve exactly forgotten about all of the bad blood between us. But… he makes Patton very happy and it seems like he’s trying to help, so I don’t know what to feel about it”.
“Roman, I know he hurt you”.
“Is that what you’re worried about?”
“In part. There’s more to it. But I can’t just go and bury the hatchet with him if that would hurt you again”.
A small part of Roman felt good knowing Virgil would keep on being angry with Janus if he wanted him to. In a way, it showed his willingness to stay by his side.
That’s why Roman couldn’t ask him that.
Besides, Janus had been helping him too. It wouldn’t be right for him either, as much as it stung to admit it.
“If that makes you happy, I will be happy too”.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I’m asking. I don’t want to know if you would ignore your issues with Janus for my sake”.
“I really don’t mind--”
“And I know that. But… fuck, Roman, you shouldn’t be constantly forced to put everyone first just to make things better for everybody else except you”.
That was… a lot to take in. Roman didn’t know very well what to respond. Eventually, Virgil must have interpreted his silence as him doing something wrong.
“You’re my friend. I… I care about you. I won’t do something you’re not okay with. You’re more important”.
“No need. It’s okay. Getting over my stuff with Janus is my own
problem. I also care about you, a lot. If you want to be friends with him I’ll support you, it has nothing to do with my problems. You won’t hurt me. I promise”.
“That’s good to hear. I mean, I’m still struggling with the decision and I don’t think I’ll be making up my mind anytime soon. But knowing that helps a lot”.
“Do you want to talk about it more?”
“Hmm. It’s… it’s so confusing. I thought nothing he did could rub off how angry I’ve been at him, make me want to trust him again. Before… well, no need to get into the specifics, but it made me feel very betrayed” his voice trembled a little. “The problem is, he didn’t exactly betray me, so I guess the doubts about whether or not things could go back to what they were, remained”.
Virgil swallowed, trying to compose himself.
“And it sucks because there’s a part of me that can’t tell if this is all part of a big scheme and he’s just trying so hard to be nice to me because he wants something, or because he actually cares. I’m scared of letting my guard down and have him ruin everything I’ve tried to achieve. What if I go back to how I used to be?”
“I won’t let that happen”.
“How can you be sure? How can we be sure of anything when it comes to him?”
“We can’t. But I have no doubts that, no matter what happens, we’ll figure it out. Even if it gets to the worst, you know me and I know you. Most importantly, I believe in you, Virge. I’m not going to tell you, of all people, that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But if you’re scared, know that you can trust me and you can trust who you’ve become. We’ll be fine”.
For a second, it seemed like Virgil was going to cry, or worse, do something like hug him AND cry.
“To be fair, though”, Roman went back to his usual self. Both would welcome the respite after… well, big conversation to unpack. “I honestly don’t think Janus is planning anything. He’s even trying to get on my good side just to make you happy. I’m not the best side for him to manipulate anymore, not after everything, and he isn’t that stupid. So I’d say the bitch is being sincere. That being clear, it would still be a pleasure to punch him if you asked”.
Virgil shifted a bit.
“Ouch!” Roman shouted after Virgil elbowed him. “What did I do now?”
“You’re dumb”.
“So are you, emo, what’s your excuse?”
“I’m friends with you and I think it might be starting to affect me”.
“Well, it’s about time. I knew even you weren’t impervious to my dashing good looks”.
Oh. Perhaps he had let on too much. Roman tensed up the slightest bit.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever lets you sleep at night, Princey”.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 4 years
A/N: I combined two requests for this one.
“Thanks for coming to bail me out, ____.” “I came to bail you out so that I can fucking kill you.” +  being bishop’s old lady and best friends with Angel who ends up getting arrested with you one night
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Bishop Losa x Reader
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Summary: When a night out gets a little hectic, you and Angel find yourself in a holding cell. Instead of calling Bishop, Angel calls Ez to bail you out. No matter how many times you swear Bishop is “a softy at heart”, Angel is still scared shitless of him. Being the person you’re with the first time you get arrested isn’t going to win him any favors with the President. 
Words: 2.3K
Somehow your brain manages to send a message to your overreacting body. 
You come to a halt in the center of the holding cell. 
You have been pacing for the last fifteen minutes. The action had you so preoccupied you couldn't even feel the pain from your swollen hand. 
Biting your lip, you study the damage before shaking your hand out. You wince as you flex your fingers, your heart leaping in your chest at the sound of clinking metal.
A mixture of relief and panic well in your chest as you take in your best friend, Angel Reyes. 
Flanked by two officers of the Santo Padre police department, Angel gives you a warm smile as the cell is unlocked.
"Try not to start any more shit, Reyes," Franky sighs as Angel steps inside to join you. His eyes pass over you, the scowl on his face softening once he takes in your current state. "I'll be back with some ice in a bit, Y/N."
You offer a polite smile. "Thanks, Franky." 
You wait until the door is locked, and the officers are leaving to turn to Angel. 
"Did you call Bishop?" 
Angel's laughter fills the cramped cell, his brown eyes rolling as he passes you. His laugh rings throughout the room well after he's layed out across the bottom bunk of the holding cell. Tucking his arm under his head, he allows his eyes to drift shut. 
Angel releases a breath, his eyes remaining closed, trying his best to ignore your panicked gaze.
"No, Y/N," he scoffs. "I did not call Bishop. That's the last person I would call right now." 
A silence falls over the room. 
You remain where you stand, back against the locked county cell door. Angel reaches back to adjust the pillow beneath him before returning to his relaxed state. 
Your arms lift into the air.
"Then who the hell did you call, Angel? In case you haven't noticed, we're in a freaking jail cell." 
Angel rolls his eyes. 
"Relax, Mayweather, it's just a holding cell." Pushing himself up, Angel runs his fingers through his hair. "Ezekiel's on his way."
"Thank God." 
He was hoping the news would be enough to make you relax, but before he can even blink you're pacing. 
Angel allows you to get off a few laps before letting his trademark grin spread across his lips. You catch sight of it out the corner of your eye, your pace slowing.
"Franky likes you," he smirks, his brows wagging suggestively. "If you ask nicely, he’ll let you keep the cuffs. You can take 'em home with you."
"Shut up."
Getting up, Angel crosses the cell to meet you by the bars. He rests his shoulder against them before chuckling. He lightly bumps your shoulder, waiting until you glance over at him to smile.
"Relax. They’re not gonna charge you."
"I broke his nose, Angel." 
"It was fucking awesome by the way," Angel chuckles, it dying out with one look at your face. 
Your face drops into your hands. 
The memory running back for another loop in your mind. 
Angel had shown up at your house, a mischievous smile, and a plan for going out for a game of pool in tow. The drunk guy, who had his ass handed to him, didn't take too kindly to you taking his money. One second he had hands on your waist, the next you'd punched him. 
Of course, the alcohol in his system paired with his embarrassment led to him grabbing you which then led to Angel getting involved. Five minutes later, Franky's slipping you two into the back of his cruiser while his overeager rookie partner tries to cuff your poor victim. 
"How are you not freaking out right now?" You groan, your head resting against Angel's shoulder.
"I’m preparing for my mug shot."
Angel laughs as you push against his arm.
"Shut up." You laugh weakly.
"If they do book us, we'll hang your mug shot up next to mine and Ez's." He chuckles. "Induct you into the hall of fame."
As much as you hate what's happened, you find that per usual Angel's demeanor is slowly but surely helping you relax. 
"I can't believe it took you this long to wind up here," Angel teases. "As long as you've hung around me."
"I'm supposed to be the moral compass, remember," you giggle. 
A silence falls over the cell as you allow Angel to look over your hand. He drapes his arm over your shoulder before grinning.
"Pretty sure piggy over there, once he got his nose checked out, was shittin' bricks when his friends let him in on a little secret." Taking in your furrowed brow, Angel rolls his eyes. "That the girl he tried to feel up at the bar is Bishop’s Old Lady."
Silence falls over the two of you. 
His words hanging in the air as your nose scrunches in confusion.
You surprise him by allowing a laugh of disbelief to fill the room. 
"I am not Bishop's old lady," you giggle. 
Now it’s Angel's time to laugh.
He must admit. Angel wasn't too excited when he noticed you and Bishop getting close. It was too weird for him to think about. But as three months passed and you two continued to see each other, he realized it was better just to roll with it. 
"I’m serious, Angel."
"I know," he laughs, the sound mingling with his gasps of breath. "That’s what makes this so funny!"
Your roll your eyes, but find a heat setting in on your face as his laughter continues. You bite your lip.
The many nights spent wrapped in your sheets, his lips on yours, almost outweighed the phone calls, smiles and kisses shared with the President. The transition from his harmless flirting to terms of endearment so seamless it was easy to forget it hadn't always been that way. 
You let Angel's words pass back through your mind.
"He hasn't called me that," you offer up as you glance over at your best friend. "So I can't be that. Can I?"
Before Angel can answer, a tap comes on the cell bar causing you both to jump.
Turning, you find the same guy from earlier in the evening. With Franky behind him, it seems he's completely sobered up. In the light of the county sheriff's office, he looks completely different than the handsy drunk from just an hour before. 
You take in the bruise forming beneath his eyes, the swelling of his nose causing you to flex your hand. Angel stifles his laugh at the sight of your damage as your elbow digs into his side
Franky steps forward unlocking the gate. He motions for Angel to step forward. 
"You two are free to go. We're letting you off with a warning this time," Franky explains at the confusion on your face. He clamps his hand down on the young officer's shoulder. The young man's eyes narrow as they pass over Angel’s smirk. His eyes flick to yours for half a second, his ears turning red as he adverts his gaze. 
"Maybe we’ll see you around, officer," Angel smiles as he steps forward. Sliding past him, Angel winks. "Let you get a rematch, chance to win back your money."
Shoving against Angel's back you attempt to follow, but your tracks are halted as you feel a hand on your elbow.
His grip loosens, falling away as quickly as it had come. 
The officer meets your gaze for a moment before clearing his throat. When he speaks his words are clear but carefully chosen. 
"I’m sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am." He says. "I had too much to drink. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable."
Before you can respond he stalks off, shooting Angel a glare as he passes.
By the time you catch up with Angel, he's nearly out the lobby. 
When you step outside, the first thing you notice is the weight that instantly lifts off your shoulder at the feeling of the night air. 
The second is the sight of Ez, Coco, and Gilly who are waiting in the nearly empty parking lot. Coco and Gilly are sporting grins that mirror Angels, Ez for once is not following suit.
"Thanks, little brother," Angel calls as he crosses the lot. 
"I didn't do anything," Ez mumbles as Angel's arm drapes over his shoulders. "I didn't even have to pay."
"I know," Angel chuckles nodding in your direction. "Southpaw over here had them scared shitless. They didn't even book us."
"Good," Coco chuckles as he passes Angel his dwindling cigarette. "Hey, Gil? You think that'll make Bishop ease up on his ass whooping?"
Angel's pace slows as he takes in the President who waits across the lot. 
"Come on, Ez." he groans, his neck rolling as he punches his younger brother's shoulder. "You called Bish-"
"I didn't call him," Ez rubs at the back of his neck. "He was right there when you called."
"You couldn't lie? You lied to me for months, with a straight fucking face might I add."
A silence falls over the group as they watch Bishop. He remains seated on his back, arms casually crossed over his shoulders. Although his expression is calm Angel can't help but nervously take a drag. 
Ez mumbles. "Shit, Angel. You know how he is. He's got that..."
"All-knowing fucking gaze, I know," Angel curses before dropping the cigarette to the ground. 
"Relax," you laugh as you pass the boys. "You guys give him too much credit. He's not even that scary."
"That's because he actually likes you," Angel shakes his head as Bishop starts in your direction. 
"Don't be jealous," you tease. "It's not a good look on you, Reyes."
"Thanks for coming to bail me out, Bish." Angel jokes, cautiously testing the waters, as the President stops by your side. "Looks like you got to keep your money since we-"
“I came to bail you out so that I can fucking kill you.” 
"Hey," lightly slapping Bishop's chest, you give him a stern look. "Play nice."
"I'm not playing." 
A wave of panic slides across Angel's face as he takes in the look on Bishop's face. It's a look that each Mayan knew very well. For a man with no children, Bishop has a way of making Angel fear for the safety of his own life in a way his father never could. 
Angel shifts uncomfortably as your arms wrap around Bishop's waist. You place a kiss against Bishop's cheek before smiling. 
"Believe it or not. Angel didn't start trouble tonight. He just finished it." 
Bishop's eyes hold Angel's for a moment longer before drifting over to you. Taking in your smile, he allows his eyes to pass over your features. 
It only takes a second for him to note your swollen hand. Lifting your fingers, he places a kiss against your knuckles. His brow raises as you give him an innocent smile. Angel relaxes, only slightly, as Bishop ducks down to place a second kiss against your skin.
"I wish I could've seen it." Gilly breaks the silence, pulling a grin to your face. "We always knew you were a firecracker, Y/N. But punching a cop?" 
"Now we know who keeps you in check," Tranq chuckles as he claps his hand on Bishop's shoulder. 
"Guess the cat's out the bag," Bishop sighs as his arm wraps around your waist.
"We’re gonna have to get a cake to celebrate this momentous moment," Ez teases as you roll your eyes. "You're officially apart of the club, Y/N."
"Maybe you can convince Bish to bring me on as protection," you giggle.
As Angel begins to reenact the play by play, of how the evening unfolded, for the boys, you tighten your grip around Bishop's waist.
You smile as your lips press against his neck. Nuzzling against his skin, you relax for the first time tonight. 
Pulling back, you take in Bishop's furrowed brow. His eyes are over your shoulder focused on the sheriff's station. 
"Can you please say thank you to Angel?" You ask your question pulling his focus back to you.
Bishop's brow arches, the corner of his lips twitching up to a smile. 
"Say thank you?" He tilts his head. "I didn't kill him. That's enough of a thank you."
"Bish, I'm serious." You giggle. "Believe it or not. You're pretty freaking scary when you wanna be. Angel may front like he has a big bark, but he's scared of you."
"As he should be."
You roll your eyes as his lips press a kiss against your forehead. 
"I appreciate him looking out for you," he says. "But apparently you don't need it. I gotta start sending the Prospect to watch you too from now on?"
Bishop's lips press against your swollen knuckles. His eyes lift to meet yours, a hint of concern inside. 
"You okay?"
You know his question is not about your swollen hand. 
Nodding, you smile as his lips press another kiss against your skin.
"But I'll be twenty times better if you talk to Angel." 
The corner of his lips twitches as you shoot him a smile.
Bishop nods, turning to lead you to his bike. He takes a step before turning to find Angel cautiously watching your departure. 
"Angel." The group falls silent as Bishop wraps his arm around your shoulder. "Thanks for looking out for her."
Angel finally relaxes as a smile spreads across his face. Nodding, he shoots you a wink as you drag Bishop towards his bike. 
"So," you sigh as Bishop concentrates on slipping his helmet on you. "Is this a first?"
"Showing up here to bail Angel out?" He chuckles as he fastens the straps beneath your chin. 
"I meant bailing out your Old Lady?"
Bishop looks up, the corner of his mouth turning up. 
"Depends," he shrugs. "Is that what they’re calling you now?"
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