#happy ninja noises
ash-apalone-ferox · 1 year
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I've gotten this like four or five times so far lol I'm not complaining his reaction is quite funny
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an0therperson · 1 year
Second part to this
Not that I’ve posted much as is, lol.
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My first time drawing Leo digitally (FISH STICK FINGERS😭), my first time drawing 2012 Raph cuz he is 🫶, some whiteboard doodles, my first and second time drawing April (APRIL OOOOOOO NIEL‼️‼️‼️‼️), my first and second time drawing Cassandra (I LOVE HER SO MUCH), and then last but not least, ✨Raph✨
I will be drawing more, and hopefully be making so au’s of mine public. There are too many in this head of mine that I can’t wait to share!🦉👌
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jflemings · 5 months
— lovechild
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pairing: jessie fleming x arsenal!reader
synopsis: your daughter accidentally exposes you and jessie’s relationship to the public
warnings: none
a/n: srry if ur name is piper 🫶🏼🫶🏼 also this fic is more kid-centric than initially planned but it’s cute. lmk if you want more of piper in any capacity bc i am more than willing to write it
“mum” piper says whilst holding tightly onto your hand, holding her ninja turtle raphael plush in her other hand as you walk into the change room “when can i wear mama’s jersey to a game?”
you bit your lip and placed your stuff down at your cubby, leaving some space to allow your five year old to sit down. she swings her legs as you dug through her ninja turtle backpack for the snacks you had packed her, handing them off and grabbing out your hair brush.
“when i’m dead” leah interjects from her own cubby “y/n you cannot put your kid in a chelsea jersey”
piper huffs “i wear it all the time at home!”
“y/n!” katie exclaims loudly before walking up to mia and stealing two of her crackers “you didn’t”
“guys she wears jessie’s jersey” you try to explain “it’s not like i’m putting her in a james or reiten shirt” rolling your eyes you turn to your shocked teammates.
there were many reasons why piper couldn’t go walking around in a blues shirt, one of them being that you and jessie weren’t publicly a couple. the two of you had somehow managed to keep your relationship totally private from the beginning, only interacting as rivals on the pitch before you’d go home and cuddle on the couch.
when you and jessie started seeing eachother you made it very clear that piper came first before anything. jessie, of course, had understood immediately and assured you that she wasn’t trying to barge in on the life that you and piper had created and that she was more than happy to follow your lead in the relationship when it came to her.
you had introduced jessie one afternoon on your day off and your daughter had taken an immediate liking to her. you didn’t know if it was the raspberry and white chocolate muffins that she had brought over or the fact that jessie had sat down with her and coloured whilst you finished up some laundry. it didn’t matter though, piper had talked her ear off about anything and everything whilst the two of them swapped coloured pencils and ate their muffins.
she piled question after question onto jessie, never dwelling on one answer for long before quickly moving onto the next thing. jessie didn’t mind, always answering simply and straight forward as the young girl babbled away contently. when you had finished putting the load of laundry on you returned back to where the pair were sitting happily, sitting down and grabbing your own colouring page so you could join.
when jess had left your apartment later that evening piper was quick to ask when she’d be back and if you knew she played for chelsea.
“yes, i know jessie plays for chelsea”
“auntie leah don’t like that”
“yeah katie” piper blows a raspberry at the irish woman cheekily before swatting her hand away as she tries to steal another cracker.
“so mummy when can i?”
katie ruffles her hair affectionately before picking the girl up and throwing her over her shoulder, making piper giggle loudly and forget waiting for your answer as she makes airplane noises and holds out one of her arms like a wing. you shake your head and follow them out of the change room to walk on the pitch, both katie and piper’s laughs echoing in the halls.
piper sits on the bench throughout the game with her raphael plush and plays with lotte, stealing glances at the chelsea bench when she sees that jessie isn’t on the pitch. guro spots her and waves, a cheeky grin on her face as she ducks behind fran to play a game of hide and seek. piper copies her, her small hands gripping onto lotte’s coat sleeve as she occupies herself before guro gets subbed on.
it’s when you go down during a tackle with niamh that her attention is drawn back to the game. she frowns deeply kicks her feet “that was mean of niamhy” she whispers, gripping the turtle toy tighter.
lotte looks at her “it’s just the game pip, you know that” she smiles “your mum’s tough though, nothing to worry about.”
you don’t waste any time getting back up and dusting yourself off before a long ball from kyra lands at your feet. you expertly weave through chelsea’s back line and find yourself an opportunity that lands in the back of the net past hampton’s fingertips, the sold out emirates crowd erupting as arsenal lead 3-1. piper jumps up and onto her feet quickly, holding onto lotte’s shoulder as she cheers and claps loudly for you.
the halftime whistle blows and piper allows herself to be carried back into the change room by katie, too distracted to notice she’s left her raphael where she was sitting. she sits through jonas and kim’s tactical and motivational speeches quietly before she reaches for the turtle toy. when she doesn’t feel it beside her like she expects, she begins to look around her frantically.
“mum” she whines, lifting her head up to look for you. when she can’t find you she scans the room for katie, only to not find her either. piper begins to panic as she digs her little arm through your bag, pulling all of your things out and over your cubby before emily comes over.
“what are you looking for pip?” she asks kindly as she squats down
“raph! i can’t find raph!” her bottom lip begins to wobble “emily i can’t find him!”
“okay, okay, he’s around. he’ll be here somewhere” the american soothes, catching the attention of lotte and kyra. once emily is sure he’s not hiding in a pocket, she packs all your stuff back into your bag and urges lotte and kyra to have a look around.
the two of them look under bags and coats and cubbies, quickly roping alessia into their search. “he’s gooone” the five year old all but wails as tears stream down her face “raph is gone”
you and katie return to the change room to a scene. piper is hoisted up on emily’s hip whilst kyra, lotte and lessi quickly put things back in their place with solum looks on their faces. your jaw drops as you rush to take your daughter off your teammate “what’s wrong?” you coo, wiping her cheeks.
piper sniffles and tucks her head into your neck “raph is gone mummy! no one can find him”
you rub your hand up and down her back soothingly “honey he’s not gone, he’s around here”
“no we looked he’s gone”
to avoid anymore tears you begin to bounce her slightly whilst walking back out to the pitch, piper’s cries now reduced to quiet sniffles in your neck.
you hand her off to lotte again, kissing her head and getting back on the pitch. kyra is subbed off ten minutes into the second half and immediately goes to sit by lotte and piper “did you leave him out here?” she asks softly whilst getting on her knees. lotte joins her and the two of them look under the bench and around the area, the australian getting up to ask other players and staff if they’ve seen your ninja turtle.
the search is fruitless and you slouch as kyra sits back down “i’m sorry piper, i’m sure mummy will buy you a new one”
piper wipes her eyes with the back of her hand “b-but mama got him for me! he’s special!”
kyra and lotte now suddenly understand the out of character outburst, giving eachother a sad look over her head as her little shoulders sag. lotte brushes stray hairs out of her face “i’m sure jessie will get you another one”
your daughter’s eyes widen “you can’t tell her, you can’t tell mama i lost him”
kyra furrows her brows “piper, your mama won’t be mad”
she shakes her head “i can’t tell her” piper stresses, holding her pinkie finger out for kyra to take “promise me you won’t tell”
the midfielder sighs but interlocks their pinkies anyway, a sad smile on her face “i promise” she whispers.
piper nods once and pinches her face as she turns her attention back to the game. she spots jessie and sinks into herself, half hiding behind kyra as she watches the canadian nutmeg leah. she snickers lightly at the thought of her auntie leah grumbling to herself like she does sometimes, her frown returning when she watches jessie frustratedly throw her arms when guro misses the net.
it’s only a few minutes later when she comes out of hiding at the sight of you running with the ball, alessia not fair behind calling for it. you cross it and lessi headers it in, your cheers seemingly echoing off of the sold out stadium as she jumps into your arms. the final whistle blows and piper remains reserved in fear that losing this game will mean that jessie is even more likely to get mad at her for losing her special raphael.
the teams shake hands and come off the pitch, leah and katie quickly throwing piper in the air in celebration. when her feet get back on the ground you’re quick to snatch her up and put her on your hip, her little legs locking around your waist securely as she squirms away from your hand that’s wiping at her face again.
piper pushes your hand and lays her head in the crook of your neck once again, making you frown at her behaviour. your daughter was a gunner through and through, even when the london derby came around, so for her to not even have a smile on your face broke your heart.
“piper, honey” you whisper “you didn’t find raph?”
piper sniffles and shakes her head in your neck. you place a hand on her head and lean your cheek on her forehead “i’m sorry baby, i’m sure mama will get you a new raph!”
you knew that she was disappointed, she had the whole set of teenage mutant ninja turtle plush toys and would alternate between the four of them whenever you went out.
raphael was for when you played chelsea or tottenham, because his bandana is red.
leonardo was for when the two of you got to watch a chelsea game, because his bandana is blue.
michelangelo was for when piper went to visit sam or katie, because he’s funny like them.
and donatello was for whenever, because he reminded her of jessie.
you thank all your lucky stars that piper hadn’t brought donatello, or else it really would’ve been a shit show.
you continue to soothe her as you wave to fans and idly talk to leah and kim, the two of them quickly coming over to see what was wrong. piper lifts her head and attentively listens to kim’s soft assurances, even if she didn’t believe them, nodding along and slightly smiling at the arsenal captain.
it’s when she sees jessie with fans over kim’s shoulder that she perks up immediately, her jaw dropping and beginning to squirm in your hold “mummy, mum, down. i want to get down please” she whines whilst pushing you.
you’re confused, and quite frankly shocked, at her sudden burst of energy but put her down without much fight. her feet hit the grass and she’s off running, her little legs carrying her as fast as she can go “mama! mama!” she yells as she pushes past emily.
jessie instinctively whips her head around at the sound of the little voice, squatting down and holding out her arms. piper barrels into the canadian and latches on “mama you found raph! you’ve got raph!”
jessie ignores the eyes that she knows are on the two of them and hoists piper up “you left him on the bench at half time”
piper’s lip wobbles as jessie puts the turtle into her hands, tears beginning to well again “i thought- i thought he was gone” she shakily says, wrapping her arms around your girlfriend’s neck “but you have him”
you bite your lip anxiously as you watch jessie and piper embrace, the look of shock across fan’s faces making you nervous. leah claps you on the shoulder “it’s fine, y/n” she says “it was bound to happen”
“i don’t even know if the public knew we were friends, let alone in a relationship” you whisper before beginning to walk over to the two of them, your brain on autopilot as you approach.
jessie gives you a shy smile over piper’s shoulder and her hand flexes against your daughter’s back. you can tell that she doesn’t know what to do in this situation, her otherwise confident demeanour being betrayed by the anxious look in her eyes.
“mama found raph” piper tells you excitedly as jessie adjusts her hold “he wasn’t gone i just left him on the bench”
she waves the toy in your face and you smile “i told you he wasn’t gone”
she nods shyly and plays with the tails of his bandana. emily comes up to the three of you smiling “you got him” she says excitedly, clearly relieved that she wasn’t going home without him.
“was on the bench” she replies before facing jessie again “i didn’t mean to leave him there mama”
jessie frowns “i know. it was an accident, accidents happen.”
the five year old nods again “so you’re not mad at me?”
the chelsea player’s jaw drops and she looks at you. you furrow your brows “why would mama be mad?”
“because i lost him and she got him for me” she answers you quietly, still playing with the red mask tails. it all seems to click for you. her outburst, her being so sure that he was gone, the anxiety. piper didn’t want jessie to be mad
“pip” jessie whispers, gaining her attention “there’s no reason for me to be mad about that. you got distracted and left him, it was an accident. you just need to be more careful that’s all”
she nods and smiles “i will, i promise” she tells jessie whilst holding out her pinkie. jessie smiles and links their pinkies before kissing her forehead gingerly, brushing hairs out of her face.
“did katie mess up your hair again?”
— —
later that evening the three of you are sitting in the living room watching a national geographic documentary about sea turtles. piper has all of her ninja turtles lined up and sitting against a throw pillow as she sits crisscrossed on the floor completely engrossed in the documentary.
your feet are resting on jessie’s lap and she idly runs her fingers up and down your shins, her eyes also glued to the tv. you snicker quietly at the two of them before your phone vibrates, a message from katie appearing on your lockscreen.
send a link
lovechild 🤣🤣 creasing
your brows furrow as you open her message, clicking the link to the tiktok she sent you.
the video is of a girl, early twenties maybe, wearing an arsenal jersey with a shocked look on her face. the sound is pretty funny, a low, short ‘huh’ playing in the background to go with her shocked expression. the text on the video says ‘when y/l/n’s daughter runs up to jessie fleming yelling mama after arsenal beat chelsea 4-1 at a sold out emirates’.
you clench your teeth and part your mouth slightly in an ‘oh no’ expression before opening the comments. quickly, people are met with the whole story. a fan that was at the game comments that piper had a toy in her hand during the first half but left it on the bench at half time and jessie had picked it up and taken it with her, and that piper had been upset until she’d seen it with her at the end of the game. replies ask if your daughter had actually called jessie mama, to which another fan confirmed, sparking more confusion.
multiple comment that they didn’t even know that you and jessie were friends, and others start to theorise that maybe the two of you had gone through IVF in secret and began to call piper your secret lovechild. from there it seemingly exploded. some user’s saying how unlikely it was because piper was five and jessie hadn’t moved to chelsea until she was three, and others said how she was from your previous relationship.
they weren’t wrong, piper was a product of a relationship you were in when you were twenty before you figured out you weren’t into men. you had gotten pregnant right before you broke up with him but had raised her as a single mother because he was still upset over the reason the two of you ended. it was a tough situation. piper wasn’t jessie’s biologically but that didn’t mean that she was her daughter any less.
you snicker and catch jessie’s attention “what are you laughing at?”
“people on tiktok think piper’s our lovechild” you wave your phone “it’s funny”
jessie smiles and shrugs “we didn’t even know eachother beyond playing against eachother for our national teams” she says quietly, turning her attention back to the tv.
“so?” you question “she basically is”
the midfielder cocks a brow “i’ve only been in her life for two years”
“doesn’t mean you’re not her mum” you point out, not missing the way jessie’s face softens before she goes back to running her fingers up and down your leg.
you toss your phone and sit up straighter “she calls you mama and you treat her like she’s your own. she’s got two mums. you and me.” you say sternly but softly, wanting to get the point across “biology doesn’t mean anything to me”
she squeezes your leg and nods her head “i know” she mumbles.
“mama” piper says abruptly “you’re not watching”
jessie is quick to look at your daughter sitting on the ground. she’s got a pout on and her brows are furrowed “sorry pip”
piper nods once firmly and turns back around, adjusting her turtle plushies so that they too are paying attention.
“does this mean she can wear my jersey next time we play against eachother?”
“if you can outrun my whole team, then sure”
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songbirdseung · 2 days
sneaky / park sunghoon
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where your secret not so secret boyfriend climbs through your window to see you after a long time genre fluff, est. relationship, tsundere bf hoon
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it was a little past 10 pm, and you were sitting at your desk, drowning in notes, your room dimly lit by the soft glow of your bedside lamp. you were trying to stay focused, but the exhaustion from your long day was creeping in, making it hard to concentrate. the house was eerily quiet, with your parents having gone to bed hours ago. it wasn’t unusual for you to stay up late working, but tonight felt particularly tedious, like time was dragging.
just as you leaned back in your chair, contemplating whether to call it a night, a faint tapping sound came from the direction of your window. your head shot up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. the noise came again, a little louder this time. cautiously, you stood up and walked over, pulling back the curtains. your eyes widened in shock when you saw a familiar figure standing on the narrow ledge outside your window—sunghoon, grinning like he hadn’t just risked his life to climb up there.
you immediately opened the window, allowing him to slip inside with a little too much ease. “what the hell are you doing here?” you whisper-yelled, trying to keep your voice down so you didn’t wake your parents. “are you crazy?”
“what does it look like i’m doing? i’m here to see you,” sunghoon replied casually, brushing off his jacket as if it were no big deal.
“yeah, i can see that, but you’re climbing through my window? at 10 pm?” you gave him an incredulous look, shutting the window behind him.
he smirked, clearly amused by your panic. “relax, i’ve done this before. it’s not like your parents are gonna check your room.”
“i don’t care! if they catch you, we’re both dead!” you hissed, crossing your arms. you couldn’t believe he thought sneaking into your room was some normal, everyday thing.
sunghoon just shrugged, kicking off his shoes and making his way to your bed. he flopped down onto it with a dramatic sigh, stretching out like he owned the place. “you’re overreacting. besides, i haven’t seen you in weeks. aren’t you happy to see me?”
you rolled your eyes but felt a flutter of warmth in your chest. sure, you were frustrated, but deep down, you were more than a little excited that he had gone through all this trouble just to see you. “well, yeah, i’m happy to see you, but this isn’t exactly how i imagined it.”
he chuckled, propping himself up on his elbows to look at you. “how did you imagine it then? me walking through your front door with a bouquet of flowers?”
“something like that,” you muttered, still shaking your head at his recklessness. “you really are unbelievable.”
“hey, i’m nothing if not creative,” he said, shooting you a playful wink. “come on, you can’t say this isn’t romantic.”
“it’s something,” you admitted with a small smile, trying to stay mad but failing miserably. “but seriously, what if someone sees you?”
“no one’s gonna see me. i’m practically a ninja,” he teased, making himself more comfortable on your bed. “besides, it’s not like i was gonna just sit at home all night. i had to come see you.”
you let out a sigh, unable to fight the grin forming on your lips. “you’re impossible.”
“and yet, you’re still dating me,” he shot back, his voice full of smugness.
you shook your head, walking over to your desk. “yeah, because i clearly have terrible taste in men.”
“hey, now,” sunghoon said, sitting up on your bed and giving you a mock-offended look. “that’s not what you said the last time we hung out.”
you laughed, glancing over your shoulder at him. “okay, maybe not, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for climbing up my window like a maniac.”
“aww, c’mon, don’t be like that,” he pouted, scooting over and patting the space next to him. “i’m here now, so just come cuddle with me. you can finish your work later.”
“sunghoon, i have a paper due,” you protested, even though the idea of snuggling up with him sounded way more appealing than continuing to work.
“you’ve been working all night,” he countered, tugging at your arm until you reluctantly joined him on the bed. “just take a break. you deserve it.”
you sighed but let yourself relax into his embrace, resting your head on his shoulder. “you’re lucky you’re cute, otherwise i’d kick you out right now.”
he let out a low chuckle, wrapping his arms around you. “i know. i’m irresistible.”
you scoffed, shaking your head. “you really don’t give up, do you?”
“nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’ with a smug grin on his face.
the two of you settled into a comfortable silence, your bodies fitting together as if you hadn’t been apart for weeks. you missed this—the simplicity of being close, without the pressures of schedules and distance getting in the way. sunghoon was never the best at showing his emotions, but moments like this, where he went out of his way to be with you, spoke louder than words ever could.
after a while, you glanced up at him. “i still can’t believe you did this. i mean, this isn’t exactly your thing.”
sunghoon smirked down at you, one eyebrow quirking up. “what do you mean by that?”
you gave him a teasing look. “you know, the whole sneaking into my room, rom-com style. usually, you’re more… stoic.”
“are you saying i’m not romantic?” he asked, pretending to be offended.
“i’m just saying it’s new,” you teased, poking his side.
he let out a soft scoff, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. “just because i’m not cheesy doesn’t mean i can’t pull off the occasional grand gesture.”
“grand gesture, huh? sneaking through my window at 10 pm counts as a ‘grand gesture’ now?”
“absolutely,” he replied, his tone confident. “i risked my life climbing up here. i’d say that’s pretty impressive.”
you laughed, shaking your head. “okay, okay, i’ll give you that one. but you better not make this a habit.”
“no promises,” he said, his lips curling into a smirk. “i might just have to keep surprising you.”
you rolled your eyes, but the warmth in your chest was undeniable. “fine. but next time, use the front door.”
sunghoon chuckled, pulling you closer. “we’ll see.”
the two of you lay there for a while, the soft hum of the night filling the room. eventually, you broke the comfortable silence, looking up at him with a playful pout. “you know, you still haven’t apologized for giving me a heart attack by showing up out of nowhere.”
“apologized?” sunghoon raised an eyebrow, his tone full of faux innocence. “why would i apologize for being the best boyfriend ever?”
you huffed, nudging him with your elbow. “i think i deserve an apology. and maybe some kisses to make up for it.”
he smirked, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips. “fine, but only because you’re so needy.”
you laughed, tugging him back down for another kiss. “sure, hoon. whatever helps you sleep at night.”
he rolled his eyes but didn’t pull away, his lips lingering on yours for a little longer this time. “you’re lucky i like you,” he muttered, though the warmth in his eyes gave away more than he’d ever admit.
“i know,” you teased, pressing one more kiss to his cheek. “and i’m lucky you’re crazy enough to climb through my window just to see me.”
“yeah, well,” he said, his voice dropping to a soft murmur, “i’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
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kindaasrikal · 1 month
Zane and Lloyd choose to ignore half the things they hear across the monastery with their heightened hearing.
Pixal enjoys listening, hunting down, and then joining conversations suddenly with her own input.
Wu enjoys randomly mentioning something a ninja said years ago secretly on the other side of the city. Sometimes he even implies he heard them only five minutes ago planning to turn all of his tea leaves into coffee.
Garmadon likes to stare directly at people when he hears his name at any point, appears randomly when they do too.
Kai always eavesdrops by accident. He doesn’t mean to it just kinda happens. He feels guilty right after and avoids the person despite them having realised with his guilty glances and stutters as he tries not to expose himself.
Cole has learnt how to pick up background noises easily due to his time at his music school, where they made them study how to identify the best song for specific dances as a test. His hearing for small noises has gotten so good he can easily hear when Lloyd or Nya mimic his voice after he tells them off for something dumb.
Jay somehow is always in the room when things are being said, important things, secret things. Somehow, no one ever realises he’s there, not even when he’s loudly eating a bag of popcorn on the couch staring up at Wu and Garmadon arguing again over whether Sensei G, resurrected Garmadon, or Sensei Wu is the better teacher. They only realise he’s there when he says Mystake was a good teacher. (Based on Lloyd’s observations)
Nya is able to hear things from the water, from years ago. It takes a lot if patience and effort and never comes out completely clear to her, but the phrase ‘water has memory’ has never made so much sense when she could briefly hear a conversation between Wu and Maya on what she would name her children one day. She briefly mentions to Wu that the name ‘apolonticass’ is the worst thing she’s ever heard.
Morro is able to hear whispers briefly using the wind, like how Nya can hear old conversations briefly from the water. He enjoys sending whispers in the wind back, or to people to mess with them. Sometimes Lloyd has to whip his head around a few times to make sure he really couldn’t punch Morro for making his hear “your lips are dry” for the tenth time today. When it stopped and he met Euphrasia, he was so happy to be free.
Until Euphrasia started asking why the wind wants her to blow Lloyd’s hair dramatically into his face.
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churipu · 8 months
( OO4 ) ★ bloody mess , nanami kento
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featuring. nanami kento x reader
warnings. mentions of blood, mentions of a lot of different pet names (sweetheart, love, etc.), hospital raahhh, anesthesia.
"quick question, how much blood do i have to let out to be deemed hospital worthy?" "a lot." "oh, well — that's not good."
tags: @sad-darksoul @sweeneyblue1 @idkuluka @colorful-happy-shit @tomie-it-girl
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the room reeked of blood. if you get a gist of it — you'd likely think of death.
you held your phone in between your shoulder and your ear, slightly trembling as your muscle stretched. chewing your lip in frustration, the device ringing.
"hi, sweetheart."
you sighed out in relief, "hi kento, i have a really quick question because i'm trying not to freak out—"
nanami immediately cuts you off, "is something wrong? what happened y/n?"
"quick question, how much blood do i have to let out to be deemed hospital worthy?" you asked him, eyeing the trail of crimson streaming down your ring and pinky finger — blowing on it softly, foot drumming impatiently. what a bloody mess.
nanami was silent for a few seconds, but you could make out a brief, "a lot."
that's when you finally let out a panicked but calm, "oh, well — that's not good."
the male on the other line shuffled a bit, and you made out a few static noises, "what happened, sweetheart? did you hurt yourself?" he softly asks you.
"um . . . i cut myself cutting fruits. it's stupid but — i was trying to imitate fruit ninja . . ." you explained, full of shame. yet again, from the other line, nanami shuffled; creating out static noises, "i should probably head to the hospital, right?"
"apply pressure on the wound, i'm already around the corner, love. keep on talking with me." he replies back calmly.
you did what he told you to do without ending the call, wincing every once in a while from the jolt of pain.
soon enough, nanami burst from the front door — his eyes finding your sitting form, a cotton pad wrapped around your bloodied fingers. with rushed steps, he approaches you, softly grabbing your hand, inspecting the wound.
"come here pretty," he softly mumbles, tugging you gently, "we're going to the hospital."
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two stitches.
because you decided to imitate fruit ninja — in your defense, it seemed really cool in the games.
with an IV attached to your other hand, you laid on the bed, half droopy as the anesthesia had already spread through your veins. limp and tired, a hard cast covering your wounded hand to press on the stitches.
"please keep watch of their hands, and try not to move it a lot during the healing process — come back in approximately two weeks time for cast and stitches disposal." you could definitely hear a doctor say — clueless to you or to nanami.
but you answered them nonetheless, slurring out incoherent words, "oh . . . doctor, yeah! okay, mhm, i got you, doc, i'll be back soon."
a few chuckling erupted and you shut your eyes, feeling fatigue take over, "how are you feeling, darling?"
fluttering your eyes open, you nod, "good. how about you, ken?"
nanami brushed your cheek gently, staring at your droopy state affectionately, his elbow prepped up on the hospital bed, "i'm good as well. are you still in pain?"
you shook your head with a stupid smile, "nope, just peachy," you smiled, "i have a dress on my finger—" proudly raising your index finger up, where the pulse oximeter was.
"it looks wonderful, sweetheart," nanami softly threaded his calloused fingers with yours, kissing your knuckles.
the wound was worse than he thought. at first, nanami didn't know whether to be worried about your poor choice of action or your wound in all honesty, but at this point — he's doing both at the same time.
the male was in the middle of a meeting with the gojo satoru when you called.
"right? and — i think they stole my fingers," you whispered, eyes darting around here and there before eventually trying to raise up your wounded hand. to which nanami prevented by carefully putting it down to your side, on the bed.
"i promise your fingers are there, darling." nanami chuckled at your behavior under the anesthesia.
"no, no. i swear, i can't feel them — the people stole my fingers while you were not here," you refer to the doctor and the couple of nurses who tended to you earlier, "go check them, i swear, ken. my fingers are gone."
cute. you were very cute. nanami knew he shouldn't be laughing at all, but the way you acted right now was . . . very out of character. the passion swirling in your eyes as you try to convince him that your fingers were stolen.
"angel, i promise. they're there, attached." he moved a few strands of your hair away from your face, "you can be angry at me if they aren't there."
bad choices of words. because the very next second, you were trying to pry open your cast to take a quick look at your fingers.
"no, no. darling, you shouldn't touch that," nanami stood up, carefully holding your unharmed hand. preventing it from gnawing at your harmed hand.
"'m trying to prove something here, ken . . ." you rolled your eyes, leaning back onto the bed, "let me go," your whines made him smile.
"darling, 'ts not good to touch it now. we'll get it taken off in a while," you softly whine at his words.
"'ts too long. my fingers . . ."
nanami cupped your face and pressed a chaste kiss onto your lips, "they're there darling, i promise." he held out his pinky.
you childishly nodded, intertwining your pinky with his, "okay. promise."
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"are they there?" nanami asks, holding your unharmed hand as he used his other hand to steer the steering wheel of his car.
it had been at least a couple of hours, and the anesthesia was slowly leaving your system — enough for you to be dismissed from the hospital. here you were, sitting in his passenger's seat, "are what there?" you questioned back, still feeling a bit droopy.
"your fingers."
in confusion you stare at him, "of course they are, in here." you mumbled, raising up your casted hand.
nanami chuckled, this was only something he and you (under the influence) knew.
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afreakingdork · 2 months
Soft Spot - Chapter 2
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Here to present this week's chapter art is @garbagemilkshake
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Romance, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Married Life, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Villain Donatello (TMNT), Love, POV Second Person, Babies, Pregnancy, AFAB reader, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fertility Issues, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Reader-Insert, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Cum Eating, Turtle Noises (TMNT), I have a Biology Degree and I’m Using it
Synopsis: First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the next step about as smooth as the others arrived. The baby-oriented sequel to Weak Spot.
Hello, I have a quick message that I would like to add to today's chapter. I want to make note of something that happened in the past week. I received an uptick in messages asking about when the next chapter of Soft Spot would come out. While normally I try to make myself as accessible as possible, the way these comments/questions were framed were incredibly disrespectful. I will make my stance as clear as possible.
Do not go on my other works and mention updates of others.
Do not ask me repeatedly when an update will happen.
I strive to post weekly, but when I am bothered, these types of repetitive comments make me not want to indulge. I write at the speed at which I do because I like it, but the fact that that is somehow not good enough or that another of my works is supposedly is lesser to you because of it is a form of disrespect that I will not tolerate. I should not even have to say this because it violates common decency (which is comical considered that's a mention in this chapter). I understand you are excited about this new content, I am as well, but please understand that I am a human being. I will still be open for any and all questions, but do be mindful. Thank you for your understanding.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜
“You must clarify if that was instigation.” Donatello had a death grip on your bare knees.
You weren’t exactly sure when you had lost your pants, but it made sense they were gone. “Donnie.”
He squeezed you tighter.
You covered his hands with yours. “It’s starting to hurt…”
“It is the only thing keeping me sane. Answer.” He didn’t relent.
You dug a nail under one of his digits to alleviate some pressure. “I’m not against having sex again, but I mean it.”
“Yes, I mean it! I want to have a kid with you! I’m not hitting up your breeding kink; I’m telling you I’m ready!!!”
He only gaped.
“Do you really not believe me…?”
He made a weary noise and you could feel through your bond that he wasn’t the least bit convinced.
“How many times do I need to say it?”
“More.” He begged.
“Help me clean up.”
He nodded and flew to grab tissues.
“I want to have kids with you.” You told him the moment he returned.
He helped wipe you clean.
“I want to have a kid with you.” You told him the moment you felt dry.
He helped you to your feet and you headed to the restroom.
You went, washed your hands, and cracked the door with the hand towel still in your grip. “Kids, me and you.”
You caught him flapping his hands excitedly as he disappeared around the partition.
“Let’s have kids!” You called out as you walked after and felt painfully aware of how you only had half your outfit on.
He thrust an arm out from behind the wall with your pants and underwear.
You took them and chuckled. “It’s so crazy you’re being shy because you’re going to be seeing quite a bit of me naked when you, you know, knock me up.”
You heard some part of him slam into the wall so hard you thought he might break through.
There wasn’t a crumbling sound so you put your bottoms back on. “Like with a baby.”
You heard his footsteps plod wayward and you finally gave proper chase.
You found him with his fists in the air where he appeared to be thanking your rooftop garden. “Baby.”
He turned in a blush.
“Baby, baby!” You ran at him.
He fled around the couch.
“Donatello!! My sweet and darling husband and mate…?” You sang for him.
He was nearing the dividing line between rooms and peaked at you between the fingers covering his face.
“Would you like to have a child with me?”
He nodded once.
“You sure?”
He nodded again.
“Sure, you’re sure?!”
“Yes!!!” He launched himself over the back of the couch and pulled you down with him into the cushions to snuggle.
“There you go, believe me now?” You teased as you wriggled to get comfortable.
“Ah!” He popped a waiting sound.
You stilled and looked up at him. “You don’t-?”
“Not that!” He scolded and righted you. “My preparations!”
“Donnie…?” You let him sit you on a cushion.
“You’re not staying there either.” He was up and moving towards his computer.
“Donatello, I need you to say you believe me.”
“It will come with a demonstration.” He said and tapped a screen to wake the system.
You listened to him tap in a flurry and got up to follow.
A dozen or so screens appeared and when you tried to look them over, he blocked you with his body.
You crossed your arms.
He grinned and then pulled his office chair out for you.
“Is this where I’m allowed to sit?”
“Yes. This is your preferred seat.”
You took it and he immediately spun you around so you could watch both him and the monitors. He then stepped back, appraised your distance and began to adjust. It came with about a dozen tiny tweaks to the chair’s position that were barely perceptible to you, but he eventually appeared with a self satisfied nod. “Comfortable?”
“Yes.” You shifted bored, but ready in the chair.
He took a step back, checked the monitors about as much as he had your seat before he flicked forward.
Screens projected off their spots and curled around him for a globe of information.
“My dearest. My heart. My love. My partner in this life and any others.”
You waited with a hopeless smile.
“I would love to have a child with you.”
You twitched wanting to meet him again.
He watched you with a similar gambit, but shook himself to stay in place. “What you see here is all my research associated with our childbearing.”
You tabled your excitement as best as you could and looked over the data.
He blinked and it began to scroll to show that it was even more than what was being displayed.
Your lips rounded in surprise.
“Years worth of calculations, studies, notes, and any other information necessary for our push to have progeny.”
You flicked your eyes over the screens one last time before you settled squarely on him. “How long?”
He quirked a brow.
“Have you been building this?”
“From the moment our intent at sexual relations arose.”
“Donnie! What?!”
“It starts with birth control!” He rebuffed your irritation. “To not have children means I needed a basic understanding of how we might in order to negate the possibility!”
You straightened a little as that was sound enough logic.
“I… didn’t examine otherwise until we expressed the possibility.” He looked a little embarrassed and moved a screen for the sake of it.
“Then you looked into how we could?”
“You expressed concerns that we might not be able to conceive. A reasonable worry. We also mentioned adoption.”
You nodded.
He followed suit and then sat back to look at his many years of computations.
He outright startled at the sound of your voice.
“Come here, the chair placement doesn’t have to be perfect.”
“It does!” He dragged out his whine but collapsed onto his knees in front of you regardless.
You pulled his head into your chest and cradled him.
The chair’s wheels slid, but Donnie held you in place.
“I love you.” You told him.
“I love you.” He replied.
You urged him to look at you before you carefully lifted his mask to place a kiss to his bare forehead.
He churred as you then put the fabric back in place.
“We don’t have to hurry. Presentation or not, let’s go through this however we want. Sound good?”
“Yes… No rush…” He spoke the words as if to convince himself.
You kissed his clothed head this time.
He churred louder and moved up to catch your lips once before wondering, “What were you about to say? Before.”
“I’ve…” You gave a little struggle. “It’s a little embarrassing, but I’ve never asked you how the birth control works...”
He lit up with excitement.
“Will you tell me?” You nurtured the prospect.
“I love you!” He yelled before flying to his feet. “My birth control!”
You watched as he sent some screens away and brought more forward.
“When I set out I was limited…” He addressed a specific hologram. “This one of my own volition, mind you.”
You tilted your head.
“I swore not to track you and while I didn’t swear to your secondary statement, you mentioned you did not want to hold my hand through the relationship. While the latter was difficult for both of us, I found duty in the first and saw to it not to manipulate that holding.”
Your brow came down to enhance the question on your face.
“I personally vowed to respect your privacy then, as an extension. In that moment.” He told you earnestly.
You hadn’t known that and your face warmed a bit.
He took you in with tenderness. “A choice made rash, but thankfully one that ended up falling in line with the accursed common decency.” 
You bobbed your head in both agreement and for him to carry on. 
You could hear his churr from where you were. “As such I was not aware of your body’s make-up, meaning I did not gather samples of your DNA or the like. After our first kiss, it felt as though a dam was broken and I got to necessary work. By our first date… It didn’t seem far-fetched to believe we might also partake in relations. I thought myself over-prepared until we saw one another.”
You remembered that night fondly.
“But that is moving too far forward. Planning began after our first kiss as a precaution. I tested local and Hidden City condom brands. I also dabbled in making my own until I found a suitable one for my member if that was what you so chose… We were meant to discuss such an option…”
“But you had already put yourself on the birth control.”
“Yes… I hoped your proclivities aligned with mine…”
“Breeding kink.”
He shot you a heated look. “I converted you.”
“I never said you didn’t.” You responded the same.
He chirped as an outlet and blew out necessary air. “Ahem. Again, I had no bodily data on you and I needed to prevent my sperm from fertilizing your eggs if they were to be introduced. Birth control typically functions the same amongst all forms: stop fertilization. This can be done in a number of ways from negating ovulation, release of an egg, to making the ureteral environment one not suitable to support pregnancy.”
You nodded.
“Altering your make-up was out of the question as it tampered with bodily will-”
“You wouldn’t slip me something without my knowledge.” You remembered.
He nodded appreciatively. “That meant I needed to stop my own gamete. How to stop a sperm and a mutant one at that?"
You nodded.
“It proved… difficult. As you surmised, I was additionally designed to breed. Be it leftover DNA structures or the fool Draxum’s concoction, species hinge on viable offspring and my fabrication made it especially so.”
“Obviously your sperm are mutated because you are, but what? They get their own superpower…?” You chuckled.
He didn’t not share the comedy. “Yes, actually.”
“Yeah…” He sighed. “When tested they were especially resilient. Commercial and yokai brand spermicides were inefficient. The condom kept them contained, but they were tenacious. A typical condom, we’ll consider both human and non in this case, is 98% effective when used correctly… In my case that number bobbed around 83% because even a single one of my sperm, given the necessary liquidity and need I remind you most condoms are lubed, had the strength to search true for its host.”
You gave a frown.
He nodded with large eyes. “I looked into mystic concoctions then. So many side effects, so many impurities, none made even close to a facsimile of my unique chemistry!”
“So you made one.”
“I made one.” He agreed. “I dug into male contraceptive research and found one that disabled sperm. As that was my exact intention, I chose that particular medication and ran with it. There were hormonal and non-hormonal methods, but I needed complete assurance that my sperm would not inseminate you under any circumstances. That led me to my current concoction, the one I am still on, a shot that inhibits tail maturation in sperm.”
You blinked once. “Your sperm…”
“When examined under a microscope, have tails that do not provide motility.”
“So you’re not shooting blanks, you’re shooting… sperm that can’t move.”
“Exactly. If you’ve seen films regarding fertilization, you will note that it takes quite a bit of mobile effort for a sperm to breach an egg. With the necessary mobility, they sit useless until they perish.”
“Yes, I had to hyper-escalate study and production to ensure it was viable in time for our meeting.”
“We barely set a few weeks for our date.”
“A dangerous prospect, but I had checked that morning before and found a sample was completely immobile and thus felt assured we would not have issue.”
“While I would still prefer that I never injured you during our first meeting, I must admit your recovery was advantageous as it gave me time to further refine the product for its necessary long term use.”
You nodded.
“While my personal study was rushed, the medication was undergoing the usual technical trials at my lab. We found it reversible given time as it will evacuate the system. It works by suppressing the necessary enzyme production. For the typical specimen, it took longer to go into effect and there was a lengthy duration for its dissipation, but again, completely safe and repeatable. For my dosage, I take a monthly shot that covers my needs…. Our needs.”
You smiled at him.
“Which… unfortunately leads me to my heat…” He grimaced.
You made a nervous noise and vaguely remembered something from a certain video.
“We had no idea what was going on. I had only summations. Barely a hypothesis. It was a scientific nightmare scenario.”
“You overdosed…”
He blinked wide at you.
“S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. showed me some security footage that first time. I didn’t know what to make of it, but I remember him being worried about side effects from some shot.”
Donnie looked at you with a sort of hopeless affection. “You are a delight.”
You rolled your eyes at him.
“As much as it pained me, I had to go off conjecture which was that my sperm production would be increased. If that were the case, it reasoned that my body ramp up enzyme production. In studying mammalian heats, in which I have mammal DNA along with reptile, there was an exhausting list of side effects that could tamper with the medication: heat, hormones, and more. I had to cover them all while not being lucid, which I wasn’t, and therefore I created a hyper concentrated dosage of the birth control which had the threat of untested side effects…”
He stopped completely.
You watched your mate hang in the air.
“Donnie…” You whispered.
“There was… a chance that my enzyme production may not stabilize if I were to ever stop the medication.”
You straightened. “That…”
“Is not something I have been able to test as I continue to take the medication. There is a chance my sperm motility might not recover.”
You tented your hands over your mouth.
“A necessary risk. Your safety superseded all else. At the time of my first heat we had never yet discussed children. I wasn’t going to let an accident like that fall upon you due to my inane biology.”
You nodded, feeling a little weepy.
He broke from his presentation and came to you.
You hugged him as soon as you were able.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head.
“I am. It was not something you had a say in.”
“None of it was. We didn’t know what was happening.” You squeezed him. “You made the best decision you could at the time.”
He gave one nod before he buried into you.
It bothered him more than he admitted.
How long had he been struggling with that knowledge?
It must have been a hanging bitterness against his dream.
He’d endured it all alone.
“I should have asked sooner.” You told him. “About the birth control and all this.”
“You trusted me. I meant to earn that. Plus, it is not known for sure.”
“But you worried.” You pulled back to see his watery eyes which he tried to hide. “You’ve been worried about it all this time.”
He gave the barest nod.
“You could have talked to me…” 
He wilted against you. “I prepared the presentation. It seemed a waste to bring up any sooner. Unnecessary discomfort that would have taken us several months to test. Between that and time to re-establish my medication, I would prefer to spend it making love to you and not concern myself with some unknowns.” 
You kissed his temple. “There’s a lot to plan and see. We had a feeling this wasn’t going to be so easy. We’re… you’re still… okay with adoption… if we need to?”
“Of course!” He spoke without hesitation. “It is the same in my mind. No less.”
You nodded and tapped the tip of your nose to his beak.
He gave a cutesy mating call for it.
You trilled one back.
“Let’s see…” He stayed close and looked back at his screens. “Where does that take us…? It will take approximately two months for the birth control to evacuate my system. We will know around then. It’s not exact. Then there’s your ovulation schedule if we were to try to conceive. What are your thoughts on giving birth?”
“That’s…” Your gaze shot away. “W-wasn’t this about your notes…?”
He didn’t pressure you in the slightest. “I’ve explored many possibilities. What I discuss next depends on what we’re considering…”
You snuck a glance at him.
He pet your leg in a soothing way.
You let him stroke the limb until you built up a bit of courage. “It’s… scary… In general and… and I don’t mean this is a bad way… but with a mutant… partner…”
Donnie nodded and dipped down to gently rest his chin against your leg.
You ran your hand over his head and whispered. “Can I pass a spiny carapace…?”
He looked up with a gaze that was both sympathetic and unsure.
“Pregnancy and childbirth… take everything from you. It ravages your body…”
He laid his hand out as a comforting weight.
“I know that’s what you’d prefer, but…”
“I prefer nothing. I prefer you.”
It was the perfect moment to interject.
“It’s a fear as old as time itself. It has gotten safer, but the dangers are still incalculable.”
You nodded.
“I only ask for the sake of direction. You do not need to decide now. I will not pressure you as there is no provocation.”
You thumbed over his cheek.
“Raising a child is no different than creating one in my mind. Whatever instinctual itch will be scratched.”
“You’re lying…” You whispered. “I know what you thought about a sonogram...”
He was similarly as caught as you had been and looked away.
“I don’t want to let you down.”
“You won’t.” He snapped back to attention. “Your concerns are founded. I am the concern. My mutant status…”
He made a little move and you released him.
He stood and summoned more screens.
He pointed to one in particular that had a set of chromosomes on it.
“The truth is… and this labeling is the best I have considering, but my DNA is elastic in nature, so to speak. From the many times I have examined myself, the closest labeling I have is that I suffer from a form of aneuploidy.” A few more chromosome maps popped up and had a different number of sets. “They can vary between cells. They have changed both with an increase and decrease throughout my lifetime. It is a wonder I am a stable organism.”
You took to your feet and came closer.
Donnie passed off his medical records.
You looked between them and the dates and saw they ranged throughout his lifetime. 
“Even if my sperm do recover, there is a likelihood that we are not compatible. That may come in the form of my inability to fertilize you to an inability of our cells forming a viable fetus.”
You pushed the screens away.
Donnie held a deeply saddened look.
It was yet another thing he’d held onto his whole life.
You hugged him.
He held you.
“I treated my ability to impregnate you as a grave concern, but the reality is I have always tempered my expectations. I never outright believed we were compatible in that way. I never believed it with anyone. I suppose that added to the taboo and enhanced the aforementioned kink. A space in which I can… have such a fantasy.”
You squeezed him as hard as you could.
He rubbed your back. “Mind, I also never expected to have a life partner or… make it this far in existence. My love, it’s alright.”
“But you got those things!” You lifted up and sent him a dewy gaze.
“And I will have more…” He smiled reassurance. “I… will admit… fine, adoption does not satisfy my instinct the same way as the thought of you round with my child…”
He took a little too long in his daydream and your lids fell, unamused, against your heartache.
“It’s not the same, but being at odds with my instinct is no new feature. Logically and emotionally I will be sated and I imagine my hindbrain will eventually make the necessary connections.”
You thumped your head against his plastron.
He swept his hands over you for a while.
You eventually gave in to a slight sway and he rocked with you.
“You need to check my DNA?”
“A blood sample ideally, yes. We could calculate compatibility.”
“Have you never checked with another human?”
“I’ve never run this analysis with anyone.”
You cuddled closer.
“Though… I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that genetics is a bit of an introductory topic. Meant non-demeaning as I am aware of the US educational system, but it is… as one might say, child’s play.”
“Bad pun.” You told his scutes.
He chuckled. “I don’t need to take your DNA to know our chances will be low. I would only need your genetic material to know exactly how low, but even that has a level of chance. Do you know of mules?”
“Donkeys?” You looked up at him.
He stared down a warm gaze. “Mules are a cross between horses and donkeys actually. The parent pair have differing chromosomes, but can produce offspring… only such creations are usually infertile.”
Your gaze widened with concerns.
If you had a kid with Donnie would they be sterile?
You knew this choice wasn’t going to be an easy one, but the amount of things to consider only seemed to grow.
“Usually. Not always. It can occur. Mitosis and meiosis. I can already tell you our chromosome numbers differ. Meiosis spits up our homologous chromosome pairs to create sperm and eggs which would meet for reproduction. They seek to match back up with their compliments, but ours leaves gaps which increases room for error. In mules, the lacking chromosomes from the donkey mean that all male mules are sterile, without question, but females can occasionally be fruitful due to the repeating chromosome formations.”
Your head spun a little.
“Without practice it’s hard to say. Those are separate species and they can produce offspring, but the next generation can’t. Lions and tigers are the same species, but also often create infertile offspring. I am part human and novel… We can go off what is known, but there will always be an element of unknown as a pairing such as ours has never occurred.”
“You mentioned mitosis…?”
“The process from fertilization on that creates a baby. The errors I mentioned would show up here in whether the pregnancy was viable.”
You made a little noise of vague understanding. “What about test tubes or clones…? It’s hard to believe yokai haven’t figured out some mystic cheat code too… You told me about womb tattoos.”
He almost sweat with guilt. “I may have indulged in a bit too much hyperbole…”
You hummed dry interest and waited.  
“Yes, womb tattoos have served to aid in fertility issues, but yokai constitute something that supersedes human rules of species. You have creatures who can naturally shift their form. If they chose to have offspring, which some do not, long life and all, little drive to reproduce, they have what I’ve been referring to as that elastic genetic material. It can match form to create those homologous pairs intrinsically. If the creatures are too different though, even mysticism has not superseded that. They’ll use surrogates if need be.”
You watched on.
“Clones and test tubes…” Donnie sighed and seemed obvious about trying to make the subject matter palatable. “I would still need other genetic material, I could not solely clone you or me. I could stimulate or even fertilize your eggs myself in a lab setting, but they would need to be gestated in a host. Artificial wombs are not something I can imagine we will crack in this lifetime. There is still too much we do not know. All that simulates the necessary environment in which a new organism can be created… The longest trials of gestation in an artificial setting have been about six weeks… or something similar? I theoretically could take that a few weeks further, but that would be asking me to break through an estimated hundred years or so of science on top of mixing our DNA? I… I fathom many unknowns. I’ve broken countless barriers, but that would be… our child! I would be the one directly responsible, using my own two hands, to make the fertilized cells. All that would go into their existence would lie on me! The mental toll of failure in that regard…!!” His closing throat cut him off.
You released his middle so you could tug down his neck in a tighter hug.
He dropped to his knees to give it. “Trial and error is a stage of science I usually relish in, but asking that while using our components…!”
“You don’t have to say it. I understand. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t know…”
“You couldn’t have…” He rooted into you and you felt him let loose a few tears.
You kissed his head over and over.
He slowly, but surely pulled himself back from the possibility.
“Not that. Never that.”
You felt his apology through his ring and cut him off.
“No, Donnie.”
He begrudgingly relented.
You moved to scratch his shell, but his battle shell was in the way.
It nearly immediately withdrew from the spot and you dipped down his collar to grab the dormant plate.
Donnie opened up his posture enough for you to pull it out of his shirt, then you returned your nails above the fabric and scratched in the way he liked.
He slowly melted into you.
“We are not doing artificial gestation. Not at all. Where.. did that leave cloning?” 
“It is a similar impossibility to clone me. My unstable DNA. Finding a genetic match to mix with. Finding a host.” 
“You would only be able to clone me…” 
He squeezed you. “A child that is wholly not ours is one thing. I…” 
You felt anger bubble up in your ring. 
“The thought of another’s genetic material… applied in vitro… to yours…” He seethed. “I can’t stand it. I apologize. I refuse. The same with donor sperm. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” 
“No… It’s okay… I wasn’t really interested in pregnancy already… I don’t care about it being me… I wanted… If anything I wanted it to be you.” 
He couldn’t muster a churr, but a faint loving squeak emerged from him. 
You breathed in the air. “There’s… so much… Is trying to have a baby… even worth it?”
Donnie was quiet.
“We should make adoption our go to, shouldn’t we?”
He gave a bare nod.
You leaned your head against his.
He sat still for a long time.
Your thoughts morphed. You thought about what you’d imagined in the park earlier today. Your mind’s eye saw Donnie and his little green duplicate. From the way your husband talked, there would be no way to even know if the child would be his color. There seemed to be thousands if not millions of possibilities and the outcomes recombination was even more with his mutant status.
You closed off the line of thinking and thought about adoption. There was the state paperwork to complete. There were thousands of children up for adoption across the country at any moment. They needed families and parents who would love them. You could easily see yourself providing that. You saw everything from troubled infants to even teens who you could care for.
That was only considering the human side of things.
Though Donnie had talked down about the yokai birth rate, there still had to be young ones who needed help. Their ages were further skewed and you wondered how you could provide with a human lifespan. You supposed that would help Donnie as he was going to outlive you, but wasn’t that in and of itself a negative way to think of things?
You pulled yourself from the thought only to find a mental image of you plump. You were waddling wide and had to stop for a break in that same park you were in just a few hours ago. You were in discomfort and blew out an exhausted breath. Donnie appeared doting with water and tales of pregnancy books he had read. He had done all the obsessive planning he had for your wedding, but in a new extreme form.
He was going to be an amazing dad.
How selfish were you?
There were children who needed help and you dared to imagine having a child of your own?
You cuddled closer to your mate.
Why would you cling to the scariest possibility?
Not only were you not sure you wanted to go through with it, there was a high likelihood that you couldn’t.
You were incredibly selfish.
An angered part of you also screamed.
You’d given up before starting.
You hadn’t even tried.
Hadn’t the odds always been against you and Donnie?
It was a miracle the two of you dated let alone married. 
You were happy on top of that. 
You’d endured endless trials.
You had never given up in the face of uncertainty. 
All you cared about was being with Donnie.
You’d done that.
You were here.
You were all better for it.
You pulled away from him.
He looked after you and searched your face for whatever it presented.
No one ever called you a saint.
You were just a person.
You pulled your hands from Donnie’s carapace.
He continued to examine you.
Donnie was the same.
Morality was subjective.
Lifetimes were about choice.
You’d chosen Donnie.
You would make more choices.
“I want you to do that blood test.”
His expression opened up to the possibility.
“Let’s try. There’s time. It’ll take some to get the results. It’ll take more for you to get off the birth control. There’s adoption wait times. All of it. We can take each thing as it comes and see what works best for us.”
“You’re… sure?”
“Are you?”
“I’m sure of anything that relates to you.”
You pinched his cheek. “This won’t be just me.”
“Part of you, whether in paperwork or DNA, is still you.”
You soothed the skin you pricked.
He smiled. “I’m sure.”
💜 NEXT 💜
Beta baby babes? The triple B's? @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
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Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death.
Summary: Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
Authors Note: Straight, flilthy smut in this chapter. That's all there is. enjoy ;) Tags for this will be open, just shoot me a message or comment if you're interested!
Tags: @alexxavicry @mdpplgtz03 @broadwaybabe18 @samsgirl93 @cherryflavoureds-blog @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @capsgrantrogersclqrosmgc @loumaaria-blog @queerqueenlynn @pampeop @cjand10 @purplerain85 @savannahcole99 @evanstanhoney @sebastianstansqueen @portrait-ninja @honeyglee @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @lilya-petrichor @valsworldofcreativity @buckycallsmeaslut
Arranged Masterlist
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The rain pelted against the open window of my old bedroom as I dragged my feet around, picking up whatever clothes I had strewn about when I was finding something to wear for tonight. The gala was tonight and the clothes I had brought with me when I moved in weren’t exactly gala official.  I was back in the closet, looking through. I had so many different items that I had decided to keep my clothes in the first bedroom I stayed in. 
My fingers traced through the clothes hanging in the closet when I froze on one of the only two dresses I had. The other was the dress I wore at my parents' funeral but this one, this was the one Bucky had gifted me on the first day here when we were supposed to go to dinner. 
And you ditched him. 
Shaking the thought from my head, I reached for the fabric with a scrunched face. It wasn’t really a dress for me so I had no idea how it would look once it was on me. 
It was a black, floor length dress with an open back but a low cut in the front, and skinny straps. It was gorgeous and that’s what I had reservations about. 
Sighing, I grabbed the closet matching pair of shoes I could find and crossed the hallway towards the shared bedroom between Bucky and I. The noise from the shower mixed with a soft 1940’s tune that played from the record player in the bedroom. 
The last few days were spent working my parents' case, chasing leads but running into brick walls at every turn. We came to the conclusion that people saw something but they kept quiet, afraid of the repercussions if they talked. It was frustrating and with the busy night ahead, Bucky suggested that we had a quiet afternoon. 
He opted on not working and we spent the time lounging on the couch as I forced him to watch the trash reality show I had been hooked on. Bucky never once complained, excited to spend some quiet time together; his vibranium fingers traced shapes on the bare skin of my ankle the entire time. 
The water in the shower seized and I tried to scurry out of the room before Bucky walked out. Even if we had gotten closer over the last few weeks, we still had yet to see each other naked. 
Bucky was patient, never rushed me into anything. It was sweet of him, really, but with the way his hand had been ghosting over my core almost every night when we slept, I couldn’t wait any longer. 
He walked out, towel hanging loose on his hips and water running down every crevice on his chest and stomach. My tongue rolled over my sudden dried lips at the sight of Bucky, a hunger burning low between my thighs. 
His lips parted in slight surprise, not expecting to see me. 
“I thought you were downstairs eating lunch,” he said. 
I nodded, remembering that was what I had planned to do but got distracted by choosing my outfit for tonight. 
“Uh, yeah. I-uh-got distracted,” my hands moved as I pointed around to the empty space around me. 
I was becoming a puddled mess of desire in front of Bucky and he knew it. With a hooked vibranium finger, he motioned for me to come closer; I obeyed. The air of the room had encased us in our own bubble of lust and I reached for his hips, nails grasping at the soft skin. 
“You know,” his voice was low, “All I could think about in the shower was you.” 
My core twitched. “Really?” 
Bucky nodded, his hand grazing to the back of my neck. “I almost forgot the way your lips tasted.” 
My heart jumped into my throat at how sexy his voice sounded; gruff. With a quick lick of my lips, I leaned up towards his face and brushed them over his. 
“Well, why don’t I remind you then?” 
His eyes turned dark and without another word, we crashed our lips together in a heated and needy kiss. Bucky began leading me towards our bed and softly we fell together, the towel on his hips barely hung on. My hands that were resting on his shoulders were now dragging down his chest and stomach, the softness of his skin caused me to smile into our kiss. 
I never imagined what our first time together would be like but all I knew was that I needed him now. 
Bucky nibbled on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open my mouth so he could divulge into me, deeper. Our tongues pressed and folded together and I moaned into it when Bucky’s hands began pulling at the string of my sweatpants. My hips rose from the bed, hoping it would help him. 
He quickly broke from the kiss. “Wait, are you sure?” 
I gave him an answer by pulling his face towards me again, our lips resuming their previous action. My pants were shed in seconds, Bucky tossing them to the floor while attacking my neck in an array of kisses and bites. My nails dug into the skin of his back, a hiss falling from my lips when he found my sweet spot. 
“Bucky,” I gasped while bucking my hips into him. 
“Fuck doll,” he groaned. 
The sensation between my panties and his towel was causing my core to heat up and I suddenly needed to feel more of him. 
Bucky made quick work of my shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the ground, and his pupil dilated when he took in the sight of my bare chest, his bottom lip getting caught between his teeth. With a vibranium finger hooked to the waistband of my panties, he slowly dragged them down my legs, eyes drinking every inch of me. 
His warm breath fanned over my swollen mound and I ran my hands through his hair, trying to force his face into me but groaned when he began kissing his way up my stomach. 
“Patience, baby girl.” 
My vision blurred while my head fell to the bed and Bucky began kissing me once again, my hands forcing his hips into me by grabbing a fist full of his ass. 
He groaned and began taking over the pace, our hips rocking together. The friction from the towel was almost making it worse so I hastily shed it from his hips, Bucky now standing in front of me bare. 
Even with the pouring rain outside, the sun had broken through the clouds and casted him in a golden aura as he stood almost God-like. The rays almost emanated from his vibranium arm and my body shook with ideas of how he would please me with it. 
My own gaze drank in every inch of him as it fell lower to his cock and my heart began to beat fast. Long, thick, and the precum that seeped out almost begged me to lick it up. 
“You’re gorgeous, doll.” Bucky mused. 
He hoisted one of my legs over his shoulder, vibranium finger slipping into my folds. HIs name fell from my lips in a needy moan. 
“I’ve been wanting to taste you for so long.” He breathed over my core. 
“Stop fucking talking and do it already,” I ordered. 
Eyes glazed over with desire; Bucky sent me a wink before his face disappeared in between my thighs. His tongue pressed circles in the perfect spot and I rutted my hips into him, begging for more. He knew my exact spot without ever touching me. 
With his tongue and now vibranium finger pumping in and out, I began to see white, the heat burning so low. Bucky could tell I was about to fall apart so he urged me along by pinching and pulling at my nipples. Our eyes locked in a brief second and his pupils had blown from lust. 
My back arched off the bed and my mouth fell open with a silent scream. My skin prickled as Bucky pressed his tongue harder into my sweet spot and I dug my hands into his hair, grasping at the ends. 
“So close,” I let out in a shaky breath. 
“Let go, doll. I’ve got ya.” 
With a final pump of his finger, I came hard all over Bucky’s face. My hips began to spasm into his mouth as he lapped up my juices. Once he was free from my center, I did the best I could to roll him onto his back, given his strength, and straddled him. The tip of his dick glided over my folds and I let out a strangled moan. 
I kissed my way from his lips, all the way down to his dick and licked up the precum that had spilled from its opening. While our eyes locked, my pussy throbbed at the sight. Bucky’s eyes were blown, filled with desire as he looked down at me. I rolled my tongue over my lips, to moisten them, and slowly lowered down onto him. A moan vibrated in my mouth when I finally tasted him; Bucky was fucking delicious.
My tongue pressed underneath the shaft while I bobbed my head up and down in slow motions, sucking up every inch of him.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so good,” Bucky uttered.
His hands ran through my hair, gently pulling on my scalp, and the action gave me what I needed to finish him.
Taking the rest of him that I couldn’t fit in my mouth in my hand, I continued my up and down movements until I felt him tense underneath me, legs beginning to shake.
“Doll, I’m going to-,” Bucky couldn’t speak, words coming out of a jumbled mess.
“Let go, baby.”
With my urge, he let go of his orgasm, his hot, sweet liquid spitting into the back of my neck. His ungodly groan of moans echoed throughout the room, and I pressed my legs together at how he tasted and the way he sounded when falling apart into my mouth.
Once I made sure to lick up every last drop of him, I kissed my way back up Bucky’s chest and started to kiss at a spot of his neck, leaving my mark. It didn’t last long, though, because I was flipped onto my stomach, and I internally squealed at what was about to come. 
With his vibranium hand, Bucky lifted my hips up from the mattress and pressed just the tip past my folds from behind. 
“Fuuuck,” I groaned into the pillow. 
His flesh hand tangled into my locks, forcing my face free. “I want to hear you, Y/N. I need to hear your sweet whimpers.” 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
“Are you ready?” Bucky slightly pushed himself into me, not all the way. 
I nodded, the best I could in his grasp. “Please.” 
In one quick snap of his hips, Bucky’s entire length filled me up and then some. I felt every thick vein as he dragged himself all the way out before slamming into me once more. This lasted for a few pumps, a spew of breathy curses falling from both of our lips. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Feels so good,” Bucky muttered into the skin of my back. 
I pressed myself farther back into him, needing to feel more; anything to help chase my second orgasm. 
Bucky had me on my back before I could even process it, his thrusts causing me to almost black out. 
With his vibranium hand, he pinned both of mine above my head and began leaving a dark mark onto the skin of my neck, all the way down to my breasts. The thought of them being in view tonight because of my dress crossed my mind but I couldn’t stop the moan that echoed throughout the room when I realized that’s why Bucky was doing it. 
His hips moved at a brutal pace and I huffed along with each hard thrust. The pad of his thumb found my nub and started pressing slow circles against it.
My toes curled at the pleasure I felt spill through me and my eyes fluttered shut.
Vibranium fingers released the grip on my hands and gripped my throat, forcing me to look up into his eyes; my own almost rolling to the back of my head with how dominant he was. I was climbing closer and closer to the peak of release, it being so close.
He continued to rut up into me, the tip of his cock slamming against my walls. I hissed at slight pain but knew that within seconds, the pain would subside being replaced with sheer desire.
A quick thrust caused me to arch my back and my hands reached to the center of his back, nails undoubtedly leaving marks. A few more thrust from Bucky caused before me to grab his face and I crushed our lips together, it being what I needed to come hard all over his dick.
“That’s it, baby. Come all over this cock.” 
“Bucky,” I stuttered, body completely wrecked with the wave of euphoria that washed over me.
“Oh, fuck. Doll, I’m gonna-.”
Bucky’s hips stilled before burying himself deeper into me and spilled himself, my name coming from his mouth in a messy breath. I rocked my hips a few times, making sure to milk him dry. 
His vibranium fingers gripped my hips, no doubt leaving light bruises. But I didn’t care, the feeling of our climax together was all I could think about.
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clawsmiic · 5 months
"Good, 'cause I want you to be my Dad."
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Repost from other account
1.5k words
CW: Domestic fluff, she/her use, afab reader, mentions of Billy's death (briefly), Billy Hargrove illegitimate child, mention of marriage and unconventional proposal
Early Winter 1989
The sound of clattering filled the kitchen as Eddie quickly steadied the bright green bowl on the counter. A pair of wide innocent blue eyes look up at him from the floor as he shushes him softly.
"We can't make too much noise. It's too early. You'll wake up your mom." A small giggle comes from the small boy next to him as he gave him a pointed look.
"Sorry Eddie." He says, continuing his giggling as he trots over to the lower cabinet next to the fridge, ninja turtle slippers dragging against the cold linoleum.
Eddie watched the little one open the cabinet and grab a box of off-brand sugary cereal almost as big as he was. His little waves of hair bobbing as he carried it over to the counter, he set it on the hard surface, climbing onto the chair propped up against the counter next to Eddie.
"Not too much now. We don't want you hopping off the walls when we go out in the snow later." He pouts, pouring the cereal into his bowl, Eddie supervising, as he knew this kid loved doing everything himself.
"Good?" His little face looked up at him for approval. Eddie nods, watching the kid go put the box back.
"Go turn your cartoons on, I'll get the milk."
This became the normal Saturday morning routine every time Eddie stayed at his girlfriend's apartment. Being woken up at 7am by her son Oliver, mostly called Ollie, just to watch cartoons together and eat cereal in front of the TV.
Not the most extravagant tradition, but it was something he enjoyed regardless.
Time passes as they dine on their bowls of cereal and watch the newest episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Ollie sets his bowl down on the floor, looking up at Eddie seated in his usual recliner. Enjoying his own bowl of cereal.
"Eddie?" The curly-haired musician stopped his chewing to look down at the boy. He looks nervous almost as he fiddles with the buttons on his pajama shirt.
"Yeah kid?"
"You love my Mom, right?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, a soft clank breaks the silence as he drops his spoon in his bowl.
"Of course I do. I love your Mom a lot." Ollie nods, looking back at the television, watching an ad for some brand new toy coming out soon.
"And you love me, right?" The brunet sat forward, having a feeling he knew exactly where this conversation was going.
"I love you just as much as your Mom, Bud." Eddie studied the profile of the little boy's face as he turned to look at the older man.
"Are you going to marry my Mom?" Eddie's eyes went wide, his mouth slipping open with a shocked 'uhh', Ollie patiently waiting for his answer.
"I'd like to some day if she wants to..." He chuckled nervously, watching the little boy nod and look back at the TV again as his cartoon came back on.
"Good, 'cause I want you to be my Dad."
Eddie stared at the kid, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. Nerves started to get the better of him as he started to dwell on the thought.
He never really pictured himself being the father type because he didn't really grow up with a Dad. Just his Uncle Wayne when he took him in at a young age after his own father went to prison.
He knew what it was like growing up without a father, and he knew about the situation of your son's biological father dying years ago in the Hawkins Mall fire. Right before you could even tell him you were pregnant.
This poor kid would never get to know his real dad, but by how you described the guy maybe it was for the best.
"You really want me to be your old man?" Ollie turned again, looking up at Eddie. His beautiful little blue eyes gleamed at the thought, making Eddie almost smile.
"Yeah, you're fun, and you want to spend time with me. I like when you play with me, or we watch cartoons together. And you make my Mom happy." Eddie finally smiled.
He knows he makes you happy, you tell him enough. But having a child notice just makes him feel all the more appreciated for his efforts.
"I'm trying to do good by you and your Mom." He knows what it's like to not have a father. Even if this kid technically isn't his son yet, he'd be damned if he didn't treat him like he was.
"You're both very important to me and some day I hope to be your Dad. You're a good kid, and I'd be proud to be your old man."
"You can't be my Dad right now?" Eddie tenses up, knowing it really isn't exactly that simple.
"It's not that easy. Plus, that would be a question only your Mother could answer."
"What question?" Both of their attentions turned to the hall doorway. There you stood, half asleep and confused with a coffee cup in your hands.
"Can Eddie be my Dad?"
Your eyes go wide staring at your son in disbelief. You knew he adored Eddie since you two started dating a little over a year ago. Introducing them to each other and becoming inseparable almost immediately.
It was obvious that your boyfriend would make a fantastic dad for your son, but you still didn't want to rush things with him and risk scaring him away.
"Oliver, honey. It's not that simple. From a legal standpoint..." Your lips draw to a line as Ollie stares at you, still innocent as ever. Glancing at Eddie, he just smirks. All the cocky son of a bitch can do is egg on the question.
"I think he really wants you to answer the question babe." Glaring at him, you think of exactly what to say, getting the idea to turn this around on him.
"For him to be your Dad, we'd have to get married. And that would mean Eddie would have to ask me to marry him." Ollie looks back at Eddie as the Metal heads face drops.
"Would you marry my Mom?"
"In a heartbeat." He answers, chocolate brown eyes locking on you.
Ollie looks back and forth between you two, little curls bouncing on his head as it bobs back and forth. His attention quickly turns towards the TV, hearing the turtles talking and remembering he was watching cartoons.
Eddie looks up at you, shrugging and patting his lap as he moves the cereal bowl off his lap and onto the side table next to him.
"C'mere sweetheart." Walking over, he takes your coffee and sets it down right before you sit across his lap. Tattooed arms wrap around your calves and waist.
"I'm sorry if he blindsided you. He's just been asking me about Billy a lot lately and... I guess since he started preschool he just sees other kids with their parents." His grip tightens on you, your head going to his shoulder as he chuckles.
"It's fine babe. I'm just a little surprised. I knew he liked me just not this much." You scoff, his head turning towards you. A soft smile on his lips as he admires your face.
"He's nuts about you, Eddie."
"Gets it from his Mom." You laugh, tapping him on his chest, sliding it up his collarbone and behind his neck past his mountain of messy curls.
"And I don't need some stupid papers to call him my kid. If he wants me to be his Dad, I'm his Dad... I'm just a little on edge about the whole thing, being a good role model."
"You already are. I don't see him causing issues or breaking any laws." Eddie grins, knowing what you mean, but that same sinking feeling won't go away.
"He's 4. I think the most I've seen him fuss about was going to bed at 8. I guess I just don't want to be like my old man, swore I'd never be like him."
"You aren't your father, Ed. Far from it. You love Ollie and treat him like pure gold compared to what you've told me about how you were treated. I'd be happy for you to be his Dad when the time comes."
Eddie beams, his chest going warm with love and endearment. You lean in to kiss him on the lips sweetly. Returning the kiss, he pulls you closer to his body. Almost like he's trying to become one with you.
"You think the Town Hall's closed because of the snow storm?" He asks, pulling away from the kiss.
"Maybe?" You look at him inquisitively, trying to figure out what he's thinking. "Why?"
Eddie moves his arm from around your calves, pulling off one of his many rings and looks at you.
"I know it's just a piece of paper, but I really do want to marry you. So, why don't we go down to the courthouse first chance we get an make it official. Make you Mrs. Munson. Would you like that?" Holding up the ring, he gestures it towards you.
You stare in shock, knowing your answer as you take the ring and slide it on your finger. The black band was way too big for your digits, but you didn't care. A rush of warmth washes over you, making your cheeks burn and your smile brighter.
"I'd like that."
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sardonic-the-writer · 11 months
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𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞
↳ summary: donatello messes with something he shouldn't have, and now you have to deal with five of him. or; a reader insert of an original plot of mine
↳ warnings: fighting & canon type violence
↳ notes: happy halloween! as a treat have the third installment of this series. this takes place after of rats & men, and picks up before the invasion part one. the usual reminders that the reader is autistic, bad with feelings, and that this is a donnie + reader centered series
↳ taglist: @purplehyacinthx
↳ song: ninja rap—vanilla ice
part one | last part | masterlist | commisions | carrd
Donatello was stumped.
For the past few days, he had been locked in his lab. The heavy metal doors that separated him from the rest of his family only ever opened for food and water to pass through its confinements, swinging shut as soon as the transaction had been completed.
The turtle had been tinkering nonstop with some new Kraang technology. After the most recent bust of one of their warehouses sprinkled across New York, Mikey had spotted an odd glowing staff amongst a pile of junk. It had been labeled in a language Donnie couldn’t decipher, and he snatched it up for later, scolding his brother for playing lightsabers with it. Leo and Raph had waved it off without so much as a second glance, claiming that there were much more important things to do than look at a glorified scrap of metal.
That glorified scrap of metal, so to speak, is what he had been messing with for nearly four days. The detailed engravings on it were starting to blur under his gaze now, and the shine of metal from his room’s dull light left imprints on the inside of his eyelids.
“If I just apply the correct amount of pressure—" He mumbled quietly, rubbing at his eyes slowly. Dark purple bags hung underneath them, and if Raph were there, Donnie was sure he would have made a snappy comment about his appearance.
Without warning, a loud crash from the room over shook his lab. Donnie yelped at the unwelcome surprise and was sent bumping into his work table. Glass tubes clinked against each other noisily while he attempted to balance himself on one foot. From its place on the left of his desk, the staff clumsily teetered off the edge in a crude game of see-saw. With one more sigh from Donatello as the shaking stopped, it tipped, falling to the ground with a clatter.
It was scooped up in one quick motion and placed back on the desks surface, now glowing a faint purple as Donatello handled it. He barely spared it a moment's notice before rushing off in the direction of his doors.
“Mikey!” He yelled angrily through the crack he had made. “Would you keep it down?! You almost broke my experiment!”
“How do you know it was me, dude?” A whiney voice answered back.
“Because you’re the only one stupid enough to make that noise!"
Some more words were tossed back and forth between the two before Donatello ended the conversation by slamming the door on his brother. From behind it, he missed the way Mikey blew a fierce raspberry at him as he went back to his own activities.
Grumbling to himself, the teenager stalked back over to his desk. With a huff he flopped in the one good rolly chair he had left and sat lamely as it squeaked around in a circle. Taking a moment to massage at his temples, he only noticed the empty space on his table after he took out his microscope in preparation for another round of tests.
“Hey. Where did the staff go?”
None of the other brothers noticed the purplish-pink ray of light that shone through the crack of his lab door.
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The sewers always stunk when you first climbed down into them. You didn't think that would ever change.
Pinching your nose as you oh so carefully descended into water reeking of filth, you looked down at your cracked phone screen one last time. A very poorly spelled text stared back, the words Michelangelo hovering above its contents. With one more furrow of your brows, you attempted to read it, coming up with nothing for the umpteenth time. All you knew was that it sounded urgent, and had a million exclamation points tacked onto the end. Which, knowing Mikey, could either mean that his favorite show had just been canceled or the world was about to end. You really hoped it was the first this time.
You had been walking downtown when the message came through. The trip was an aimless journey, really. You had nothing to do besides sit up in your room all day and look at the graying clouds. April and Casey were off doing their own things, hockey practice and calculus tutoring taking up time that could have otherwise been spent goofing off with you. Or at least snagging some pizza at Antonio’s.
With the promise of a day full of nothing hanging over your shoulders, you'd grabbed a jacket and set off into New York, sincerely hoping that it didn't start to rain anytime soon. Your umbrella had broken last month after someone ran over it with their bike, and you were still angry about it. The print on it had been green and plastered with the cartoony image of snapping turtles. It was part of the reason you had begged to get it as a child. A bit ironic, now that you look back on it.
Your footsteps slowed as you reached the entrance to a hallway that you were slowly getting more and more familiar with. Light breached your vision as you pried at a large metal door in the shape of a circle. A proud smile spread across your face as you stepped back enough to let it fully give way. The first time you’d tried that on your own, you’d ended up flat on your backside as Casey laughed nonstop from his place over you.
Climbing into the lairs entrance was the easy part. Making it a step further was the problem.
“Good! You’re here!” You just barely managed to catch a glimpse of a frantic green figure running around, chasing after someone that would occasionally let out a happy giggle.
“Raph?” You questioned the one out of the two you could recognize. Your brain felt as if it was running at half the speed it normally did. “What are you doing? What’s going on?”
Raphael grunted as he went to answer your question, but foregoed the notion to tackle the figure he had been chasing to the ground. A loud oomph left his lips, and you wondered why he hadn’t just used his sais to corner them.
“No time to explain.” He snapped with a huff. “Just help me find the other Donnies.”
“Other Donnies?”
You blinked, watching closer this time as he struggled to keep a hold on the happily squirming figure underneath him. Once you got past the initial shock of having Raph body slam someone to the ground two seconds after you showed up, you got a better look at the person he had pinned. Sure enough, it was Donatello. But at the same time, much much different.
Instead of a purple bandana, a yellow one sat wrapped around his eyes, right above the happiest smile you’d ever seen come from someone. You noticed he also seemed to be devoid of his usual bo staff; something he almost never left without.
He had a faint spray of freckles underneath his eyes, and it reminded you of his younger brother. His normally pristine elbow pads were smudged with soot and water. You recalled a time he had gotten upset with Leo for messing with his leather accessories.
Your eyes continued to sweep over this new addition to the Hamato family. It was like someone had taken your friend and molded him into someone completely new.
“Tag! You’re it!” This new version of Donnie happily laughed, coming up and hitting Raph between the head with a soft boop. His brother's eyes crossed for a moment before growing and looking at you.
“Get the idea now, genius?” He glowered.
“Am I supposed to believe that he—" You limply gestured at the yellow Donnie “—is your brother?”
“No! That’s the whole point! I don’t know what Donnie did with that Kraang thing, but now we’ve got five of him running around and, they’re all crazy!”
When he mentioned the Kraang, you winced. You’d run into them and their oddly humanoid bots a few times before, and were not eager to repeat the process. Last time, it had ended up with a batch of glowing green liquid just barely missing your face.
“So there’s four more of them?” You asked. By now you were approaching Raph, who was tying up the giggling Donatello with rope he pulled from who knows where.
“Yeah.” He tied off the end of a knot gruffly. “Mikey and Leo are handling some of the others right now, but there’s not enough of us.”
“So you called me.” The tone of your voice was very unimpressed as you stared down at him. He returned the look mockingly.
“Yeah, idiot. It’s not like we know anyone else that can help with this.” He stated like it was a fact.
“Uhm, hello? April? Casey? Your dad of all people?”
“Splinter is in a deep meditation session today. And I don't think April or Casey would want to help with this too much.” Raphael brushed off the edges of his shell as he stood. You wanted to tell him that it didn’t do too much, considering the giant crack zigzagging down the front of his plastron, but thought better of it.
“How do you figure?” Was what you settled on.
“Have you seen the way Donnie looks at April?” Raph squinted at you knowingly. “He’s practically a lovesick puppy when it comes to her. We don’t need that right now. It’ll probably end with a turf war between the five of them over her.” A pause. “And Casey would just end up messing things up more than helping.” He added the last part as an afterthought, and you shrugged as if to say ‘fair enough’.
“April? Oh, I love April!” The Donatello lookalike on the ground gasped. Both you and Raph glanced down at him. Besides a few bubbly giggles, he had been so quiet the past few minutes that you’d almost forgotten he was there.
“We know wise guy.” Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Or, at least what you thought was the bridge of his nose. You really couldn’t tell with them.
“Yeah!” Yellow Donnie beamed. “She’s such a great friend! I’m so lucky to have met her.”
At the word friend, your eyes widened. Slowly, as if you had imagined it, you turned to look at Raph in shock, finding him doing the same thing.
“Okay. Something is very wrong with him.” You stated carefully. Like you were talking to a tiny child. Raph nodded, outwardly cringing as he looked back down at the copy and paste of his brother.
“Come on.” He poked at them with the edge of his foot, “Let’s find the others. See if we can figure out what the hell is going on.”
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The best way you could adjust to the scene in front of you was with a few seconds of poorly timed surprise.
Raph didn’t stop as you tripped over your own feet, tugging the yellow Donatello along behind him and into the originals lab. Briefly you wondered if there was a better name you could give the new turtle, and filed the thought away fo later.
A part of you had hoped that Raphael was lying, and that this whole thing had been a giant misunderstanding. You wouldn’t put it past the four brothers to get themselves into a load of trouble, only to realize after that it had been entirely their fault. Again.
Four more carbon copies of Donatello sat in various spots around the room. In a weird way, it was like you were looking at a mirror maze with Donnie in the center of it all—his outline projected into each corner of the room. All but one of them were tied up, and you took a moment to get a good look.
Michelangelo was crouching next to someone with a deep blue bandana; not yellow or purple this time. It threw you for a loop to see that color on anyone but Leo, and you took a moment to get used to it. Besides that, the Donatello didn’t appear to be doing anything besides pouting in his confines. His eyes were glassy, and it looked like he was on the verge of tears.
Opposite the room was another version of Donnie. He had on a bright green bandana that stood out against his more muted skin tone. No one stood next to him as he clutched his legs to his chest tightly—not that he had much of a choice, considering the rope around them. He made small rocking motions, going back and forth while his eyes darted around the room frantically. A little pang of sympathy struck you, and you immediately squashed it.
Raphael tossed the smiling Donnie he had caught down next to someone else you couldn’t see. Positioning your neck to crane over Raph’s shoulder, you grimaced at the sight of an extremely dopey looking Donnie. He seemed to be a more tame version.
Much like his yellow counterpart, he was smiling impossibly wide. Looking at him made your face ache.
Instead of insisting on a game of friendly tag, he appeared to be staring off into the distance, occasionally mumbling something to himself as he practically made heart eyes at a brick wall.
“What’s his deal?” You murmured. Raph looked back with a shrug.
“He ran out of here looking like that. Asked where you were when we found him. Been pretty quiet ever since.” He offered. One of your eyebrows practically shot into your hairline at his words, and stayed there as he glanced at you from the corner of his eye.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Raph rolled his eyes. “I know just as much as you do, toots.”
Sticking a finger into your mouth, you pretended to vomit at the nickname. Raph hit you on the top of the head, and you quit the theatrics to take a swipe at him.
“Raph.” A stern voice interrupted both of you, bringing your attention over to a more familiar face. Although, at this point, you were getting plenty familiar with Donnie’s.
“Sorry Leo.” Raphael addressed his brother with a grunt. In the second he took to answer, he seemed to become more stiff, and you instinctively felt the urge to mimic it. Following his line of sight from behind his shell, you found the source of his discomfort.
A fifth and final Donatello sat on top of the originals desktop, legs spread and arms propped gallantly on top of them as he glowered at everything. A singular, vibrant strip of fabric encased his face, and it looked more like a stripe of fresh blood than a mask.
His eyes flickered from each corner of the room to the next. The shade of rusty red you’d gotten used to seeing in Donnie’s eyes felt more lethal now. Cold and calculating. Like the red dot snipers used to scope out their next kill.
This one gave you more of a pause than any of the other Donnies had. A stray finger twitched as you felt the urge to grab at your tazer, and you pushed that feeling down just in time for his steely gaze to land on you. It flickered away a mere second later, and if it had been any faster, you would have thought you imagined it.
“Good. We’re all here.” The mutant spoke firmly. It was identical to the tone that your friend used, but filled with ill intentions. So much so, that your skin crawled with unease at the sound. Silently you willed it to go away.
Leonardo stood off by the red Donatello’s side. His eyes were narrowed in concentration. He barely even nodded in your direction as a greeting before going back to watching the newcomer like a hawk. Tension sparked between them, and your mouth began to feel as dry as their air.
“I see you got stabby here to calm down.” Raph deadpanned as he spoke to Leo and Mikey, nodding once again at red Donnie; whose face had begun to sour. The copycat said nothing as he bore holes into the side of Raphael’s head.
“His name's Ronnie!” Michelangelo piped up before Leo would even get in a word. From the sigh that the leader let out, you could only deduce that they’d already had a fight over Mikey's inability to not nickname something for more than five seconds. The older turtle had apparently lost this round.
“Creative.” Raphael said sarcastically.
“Thanks dude!” Mikey preened, not catching onto the tone. “I call him that because red and Donnie makes Ronnie!”
“Wouldn’t that make his full name Ronatello?” You snickered to yourself at the sound of it, successfully bringing the attention of the so called Ronnie to yourself. You let your laughter pitter out under his gaze.
“Enough small talk. We have much to discuss.” He frowned. You repeated the action back in his direction; admittedly with a bit more attitude than you probably needed to.
Looking away from you with a huff, he jumped off the table in one smoke motion. For the first time, you noticed him twirling a shiny object in his hands. It resembled the bo staff that the Donatello you knew constantly hauled around; granted with a lot of modifications. Glowing purple symbols ran up and down the sides, and the color scheme immediately reminded you of the Kraang.
At the sight of you looking, Ronnie held it tighter.
“Listen.” He began harshly. “I don’t know why I’m here. Why we’re here. But I know we don’t belong. If any of my other counterparts had a brain, I’m sure they’d agree with me.” He sighed at the reference to everyone else in the room. Boredom crept in through his voice like a poison.
“Do you have any idea how to fix this?” Leo cleared his throat in a business like fashion. You almost applauded him for being so calm about this, and then noticed how he’d occasionally glance at the blue Donnie’s mask with a hint of distaste. Fair enough. That was his brand, you suppose.
“No, I don't.” Ronnie bit out as the answer to Leo’s question, looking upset at just having to admit it. “If I had to guess, this had something to do with it.”
He held out the stick you’d been paying attention to earlier with conviction. Leo positioned his palm outward as if expecting Ronnie to drop it in his hands, and awkwardly drew it back when he realized that they weren’t letting go of it anytime soon.
“Donnie was messing with that a few days ago!” Mikey mentioned from somewhere next to you. He was still low to the ground, talking to the blue Donatello— who looked less like crying, and more like he was pouting.
“I saw an episode on TV like this once.” You cut in. “This is Kraang technology, right? In the show, some guy touched a, uh, alien thing he shouldn’t have and ended up with, like, split personalities. In this case I guess they ended up turning into real people. Er, turtles.”
“Oh great. Thanks for the help. Now we know exactly what we have to do.” Raph rolled his eyes and said your name. This time you were the one to deliver a hearty slap to the back of his shell. Somewhere below you, a strangled gasp sounded. Looking down, you discovered that the pink Donnie had moved his staring contest from the wall to you, mouth open wide enough to catch a dozen flies. You crinkled your brow suspiciously and made a face back.
“Stop it guys.” Leo directed a stern look at the both of you. You broke uncomfortable eye contact with the Donnie clone just to point at Raph as if to say he started it. Ronnie watched on, his gaze on you growing more and more unimpressed by the second.
“However juvenile the explanation, your friend may have a point.” Ronnie eventually concluded. While you most certainly didn’t appreciate the tone in which he said it, you grinned sardonically at him. Somewhere behind you someone— who you were sure was the yellow Donnie —praised you for doing a good job. You ignored him.
“So, what? We’ve got Donnie’s different personalities running around?” Raph chewed at his bottom lip in thought. You nodded, taking your TV show theory and running with it.
“If I had to guess, you guys are all based on his different emotions.” You directed your words to Ronnie. He raised an eyebrow and nodded, a silent motion to continue.
“Yellow probably means happiness.” A finger came up as you physically counted the doppelgängers surrounding you. “Blue for sad, hence all the crying, green for nerves, and pink for affection. But I’m spitballing on the last one.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of paranoia for the green guy.” Raph snorted. You briefly looked back at the subject of your conversation, now finding him in the fetal position, and shrugged.
“Yeah that checks out.” You nodded. “If I had to guess, Ronnie over here is something along the lines of anger or annoyance.”
At the mention of his name, Ronnie blinked blankly at you. You scoffed.
“Come on man. You’ve practically been staring daggers at everyone this entire time.”
“And he tried to kill us!” Mikey supplied you with way too much enthusiasm.
“I’m ignoring that in favor of moving on.“
As you turned back to look at him, Ronnie didn’t look any kind of soothed by your words. If anything his glowering only increased.
“Well maybe if I wasn’t surrounded by such simpletons—"
“Alright guys.” Leo butt in with his eyes screwed up. “We can argue later. For now, let’s focus on getting things back to normal.”
“More normal than living in the sewers?”
“Mikey, I think I like you better when you’re quiet.”
“Aw, you’ve been saying that for years big bro!”
Ignoring the exchange between Raphael and Mikey, Ronnie’s gaze was still locked on you. It took a bit of unrelenting eye contact for him to back down first.
You didn’t feel any better afterwards.
“Fine.” Ronnie huffed. With a one last survey of you all, he turned to the more cluttered part of Donnies lab.
“Does anyone know where to find a good microscope around here?”
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It had been five hours since Ronnie had started his research with Leonardo, and you were this close to tearing your hair out.
After calming the other personalities down— and having them promise that they wouldn’t run the second you untied them —they had been released from the ropes. True to their words, none of them sprinted in the nearest direction of an exit. In fact, most of them looked pretty content to stay sat shoulder to shoulder in the living room—all gathered around a rerun of some sitcom. Green was the only exception. He hadn’t stopped chewing at his nails ever since being let out, and flinched at any approach you made to invite him over.
It was like trying to babysit four extremely tall toddlers. One minute you were calming Blue down— you had given up on nicknames beyond the colors of their masks —and the next you were shaking Pink off your leg. For some reason, that one really didn’t like to get too far from you. At this point you were considering just strapping him down again.
“I am going to kill something if they don't hurry up.” You had complained to Mikey after being sent for snacks in the kitchen. He shrugged sheepishly and went back to feeding Ice Cream kitty with sprinkles in a high pitched voice. Tossing the chilly mutant a slight wave, you pushed past the two to gather up as much food in your arms as possible.
Yellow gave you a large gapped tooth smile when you returned to drop a bag of chips into his lap. It crinkled faintly.
“Salt and vinegar.” He ogled at the blue bag like it was the holy grail. “My favorite!”
“I know.” You said blandly while handing the rest of the bags out. “For some reason that’s always been Donnie’s choice. With how much he talks about Mikey’s bad eating habits, he sure does choose the worst flavor possible.”
Yellow rewards your spiel with a happy hum. Chip crumbs already dotted the outside of his mouth, and you resisted the urge to reach over and bat them off with your sleeve. You might have done that with Donnie, but he wasn’t here right now. Just a bunch of strange versions of him.
You didn’t like the way your heart seized at that.
“So what’s up with you and us? Or Donatello. The other Donatello.”
The lairs ceiling came into brief contact with your head as you practically jumped five feet in the air. Sometime during your talk with yellow, Green had shuffled over to loom silently over your shoulder. Different Donnie, same bodies, and same freakish height difference.
He repeated the question again, although significantly quieter.
“Give me a minute to get used to my new concussion.” You grumbled without any real malice. He shrunk away at that and wrung his hands anxiously.
Once you got over the initial spook, your brain booted back up to fully process the question.
“What do you mean?” A hand thrust itself out from your person and offered Pink, who had found his way to your side again, another bag of chips. He took it with a breezy giggle you’d only heard from Donnie when he talked to April. You looked at him suspiciously before moving on.
“You seem to have a strong relationship with him.” Greens reiterated. He appeared to have settled on talking about his original with a separate tense.
You made a face in his general direction as a response. Combing through the last few days in your mind, you came up with nothing, offering an unbothered shrug.
“He’s friends with my friends. And a talking turtle. It’s not like I can really go to anyone else for the crazy stuff that happens to me.”
Green squinted at you. It was the closest emotion other than fear that he’d shown so far. He might have added more to the conversation, if the way his mouth opened told you anything, but his brief inhale was cut short by a sudden noise. It startled him so much, this time he was the one to jump up in the air and scurry away.
“Guys, I think we’ve found something.”
Leonardo had been the one to interrupt your conversation with a loud thump. From his place across everyone in the living room, he looked disheveled. His mask tails were laying over each of his shoulders, and looked like a very weird version of pigtails.
Wordlessly, you looked up at him from his sudden appearance, nodding curiously in the direction of the others. It was a silent question.
Leo shook his head back at you in the form of an answer, and you ended the mental exchange with a pat to your legs.
“Hey Mikester!” You yelled loud enough to where it would reach the kitchen. Five pairs of eyes followed your gaze. “I’ve got to use the bathroom! Watch the others!”
“That’s not the way to the bathroom—"
You completely ignored Blue as you slipped through the doors to Donnie’s workplace. With a creak, they swung shut, and you were left staring at two stiff turtles.
“Do you really have to be that obvious?” Ronnie’s lips dipped into frown territory as he commented on your less than graceful departure. He was sitting yet again on the desk's countertop, balancing a clean test tube on his knee pad as he messed with a metal scrap.
You noted the pairs of gloves and safety goggles he wore—equipment that Donnie had personally modified to fit his body. The ease at which they were worn on someone else sent a spark of emotions through your bloodstream.
“Do you really have to be such an asshole?” You deadpanned after a moment of tense silence.
The look-a-like glared at you, but said nothing else.
“Listen up,” Leo said your name, clearly not entertained by the conversation that had just played out in front of him. “We think we’ve found a way to get Donatello back.”
Strolling up to the station that they were standing around, you peeked past the katanas on Leo’s shell to see the silver staff from earlier. It was propped firmly on the table, and a few pieces of its outer shell had been stripped away, revealing an internal structure of wires zigzagging over one another.
If the way he was twitching anxiously said anything, Ronnie didn’t exactly like it.
“I’m listening.”
Leo launched into a fumbled explanation of what they had been tinkering with. From what you could pick up, they had been looking at the inside of it to get a feel for how the device worked, and now Ronnie had a general idea of how to send all five of them back to wherever they had come from.
Overall, the choppy explanation was filled with words you were sure he didn’t understand; and neither did you. Normally you would stop to ask Donatello what most of them meant, and if he was feeling bold he’d launch into an entire explanation. As you side eyed Ronnie from your spot next to him, you didn’t think you’d be doing that anytime soon.
“So my hypothesis, or whatever it’s called, was right?” Your hoodie pockets were filled with the absentminded fiddling of your hands as Leo paused to consider your words. He nodded at you in conformation.
“We think that the staff was meant to multiply Kraang bots. Making them stronger and faster than before.”
“Oh oh wait, let me guess. It didn’t work.”
“Obviously not.” Ronnie sighed at your obvious sarcasm. His tooth gap created a whistling noise that you had heard many times before. “Instead of dividing one organism into multiple, stronger organisms, it simply split the subject into parts of itself.”
It was strange. How such a small, skinny device could cause so much ruckus in just one day. You had been looking for some entertainment, but nothing that involved this level of calamity. Or effort, if you were being honest. You liked the guys, but you also liked really long and really uninterrupted naps.
“Do you know how to reverse it?”
Ronnie fell silent. Observing him through the pair of tinted lab goggles around his face proved difficult, but you picked up on the way his jaw clenched dangerously. A lone vein strained against his neck.
“Yes. He does.” Leo answered for him, awkwardly glancing between you and the other member in the room. You didn’t take your eyes off the duplicate long enough to notice.
“What do we have to do then?” Came your eventual query. “Gather all of them up and force ‘em back together?”
“I think it’d be a bit more intense than that.” Leo tilted his hand sideways and shook it in a wavy motion, symbolizing the difficulty of the situation. You resisted the urge to mimic the action curiously.
Craning your neck, you turned to look at Ronnie expectingly.
“Well? Come on smart guy, what’s the plan.”
He had angled himself away from the both of you. The expanse of his shell rose and fell as he breathed, and it was oddly quiet. Scars of all kinds dotted the back of his shell, and you couldn’t recall ever seeing them on Donatello’s before.
“The plan—" He clutched at the staff tightly. You didn’t remember him even reaching for it. “—is to get rid of them.”
You exchanged a wary glance at Leo, and saw that he was slowly reaching for the katanas at his back. The hilt unsheathed with a cool hiss.
The hair on the back of your neck stood up.
“Alright.” You took a slow step backward in the direction of an exit. “And how exactly do you plan on doing that?”
“You ask a lot of questions.” Ronnie positioned the staff in front of him as he spoke. The top end of it peaked over the crest of his head. With a nervous swallow, you watched as he methodically placed the scraps of metal that had been torn off of it back on. “Unfortunately, they seem to be a little late.”
Without warning, Ronnie whipped around and launched himself off of the table. Red and green mixed together in a blur of ugly brown before your eyes. You didn’t waste time seeing if he was heading for you or Leo—you just kicked your legs into gear, fumbling to keep your balance as you ran.
Blood began to pool in the lower corners of your mouth. Without having to feel around, you knew you’d bit down on your tongue. The throbbing pain was almost as bad as the burst of purple light that skimmed by the side of your head. It was close enough for you to feel the whoosh it left behind, as well as the scorching heat. Your pulse began to thrum louder.
“It’s always the weird ones!” You half screamed, half heaved over the sound of fighting. Leo offered no response other than a few grunts and a clashing of metal versus metal. It offered you no relief—other than the fact that a giant angry mutant wasn’t at your heels.
Okay, so a little relief. Sorry Leonardo.
“Don't bother trying the doors.” Ronnie smiled widely in your direction. He threw his arm back for another strike, and it landed in the middle of Leo’s plastron with an oomph.
You, being stupid, tried the doors anyway.
“Alright, alright, alright. I guess I’m doing this today.” You sucked in a sharp breath of when they refused to give way. Turning from the handles and glancing around the room, you looked for something that could possibly help. Leo appeared to be holding his own against the parallel version of his brother, but you had no idea how long that would last. Especially with the threatening glow coming from his staff.
While you scrambled to think of something— of anything —a fat drop of sweat rolled down the expanse of Leo's neck.
His footing was growing increasingly sloppy as Ronnie pushed him further and further back to the wall. Each lunge was as fierce as the last, and trying to strike back was like hitting a brick wall. A brick wall that was coated with concrete and surrounded by titanium. Either Donnie had been working out lately, or the staff had given him some serious upgrades
“Why are you doing this?!” Leo was just barely able to speak over it all. Even still, Ronnie pushed on.
“Donatello is weak.” He snarled. The corners of his lips curled up in tandem with a sweep at Leo’s legs. The leader barely managed to jump over it while blocking yet another jab from the Kraang staff. It was humming loudly now, and the noise unnerved him.
Leonardo was faintly aware of the yelling and desperate banging coming from the opposite side of the nearby door. It sounded like the rest of his brothers had caught on to what was happening and were trying in vain to get in. Leo wondered why the hell he hadn’t insisted on Raph staying with him now.
“Your brother is a joke!” Ronnie continued angrily. He landed a hit on Leo’s shoulder this time.
“He won’t stand a chance against the villains out there. He wouldn’t stand a chance against me! None of you could! I should be the one protecting this city. The only one. I’m the better version of you; unbothered by junk food and affection.” He spat the last part like it was the name of a disease.
“Leave April out of this!” Leo stepped back enough to point the end of one of his katanas at Ronnie, his mouth pulled into a thin line of anger. It made the red-masked foe pause as his face dropped.
“You all are more idiotic than I thought.” He gritted his teeth with obvious annoyance. “I was not referring to that human—"
Without another word, Ronnie begins to jolt in place. Wide eyed, Leonardo watches as the enemy seemingly glitches, arms spasming and body glowing in a nearly see-through manner. He manages to get out a few more violent spasms before collapsing to the floor in a heap of limbs and shell.
Behind his folded figure stands you, chest heaving. A very different looking tazer sits heavily in your hand.
Leo says nothing. He simply looks between you, then the tazer, then you, and then back at the tazer again. After a moment of eyeing the new chunks of technology nestled along its sides, he slowly lowers his gaze to look at Ronnie.
“Sorry. I was going to let him finish his evil speech, but he sounded too much like ‘Tello and it was starting to freak me out.”
You step over Ronnie’s body cautiously and quickly make your way over to Leo’s side. Silence encompasses the two of you, and each one wonders what the other is thinking.
“So new weapon, huh?”
“Don had some stuff lying around. I figured it was time for an upgrade.”
It was then that the lab doors decided to burst open, providing its mostly conscious inhabitants with a bunch of yelling mutants. Somewhere in the entanglement of green limbs, you thought you saw Yellow trip and fall on his face.
“Mikey, put the pizza box down. We already got it.”
At the request of his older brother, Michelangelo sheepishly lowered the greasy cardboard box. Ice cream kitty had been resting on its yellowed surface; looking very melted and very fierce as she bared her tiny chocolate fangs.
“What the hell happened!” An angry voice shouted. Its owner shoved past the mini crowd that had gathered around Ronnie, and Raph stormed forward. His sais were pointed in the direction of the ground, but you couldn’t help thinking he looked angry enough to use them.
“We were just talking about how I should probably start training.” You rolled your eyes and expertly avoided the question.
Ignoring the way that Leonardo sent you a very ‘I told you so’ look, you scoot forward slightly to nudge at Ronnie’s leg. It rolls with the force of the action before motionlessly falling back into place.
“How did you know that would stop him?” Leo clears his throat to ask. The group watches him in joint confusion at his words. He simply points at the upgraded tazer in your hand to clarify.
“I didn’t.” You frowned. “I just grabbed some of the leftover scraps from the table you were messing at, and put it on this.” You held your trusty weapon up with a small shake, jumping slightly when it sparked in your hand.
“I don’t spend so much time around a bunch of nerds without picking up a few things, dude.”
“Guys—" Mikey spoke up. He sounded shaken, and everyone saw as he crept toward the door when they looked up.
“As much as I love cool sticks, I think that one has something seriously wrong with it.”
You looked at the only cool stick in the room, yelping as it shook violently in place. A giant purple ring had surrounded it sometime during your impromptu catch-up, and looked like the definition of bad news.
“Everyone out!” Raph yelled, pointing at the nearest exit while making a dive for it himself. You barely managed to make it out the doors after him, throwing your arms in front of your face as you landed face down on the cold concrete below.
A large explosion sounded from behind you just as you managed to lift your head. The smell of gunpowder and something more acidic filled your nose as you coughed. You wouldn’t be surprised if it was your nose hairs burning. It was probably your nose hairs burning.
“Where are the other Donnies?”
It was almost as if Leo’s question had summoned him. Well, maybe. You didn’t know. What you did know was that a grating noise began to fill your ears— making you feel like this living hell was finally complete —before a pair of charred lab doors peeled back to reveal a burnt looking Donatello.
His face was covered in soot from top to bottom, and the rest of him looked the same. He had on singed knee and arm pads where they previously lay spotless. The strap around his chest was black at the edges. Confusion peppered his face.
But most importantly, that familiar lilac mask was back where it belonged.
“Yes!” You shouted your name with a whoop. All of the turtles turned to look at you on the ground, observing the triumphant smile stretching from ear to ear. “I save the day, and the turtle! Again!”
Mikey, Raph, Leo, and Donnie all let you have your moment of victory. The latter of them all looked confused and equally as tired. Still, he waited for you to tire yourself out, which didn’t take long.
“Should I even ask.” He coughed as you calmed down. Leo shook his head while Raph scoffed.
“I thought dealing with one of you was bad enough.” Raphael snorted. Despite his harsh words, a glimmer of relief swam to the surface of his gaze, and Donnie pretended not to notice.
You fully retired from the conversation as Master Splinter eventually entered the room, looking frustrated to no end.
“What is all this noise?” His tone bordered on harsh. “You broke me out of my seven days of meditation.”
You focused on melting into the cool sewer floor as the four turtles stumbled over each other's explanations. Leo yelped out something about sparring, while Mikey cut him off with his own explanation. The only time you tuned back into the conversation was when Raph mentioned your name.
With a snicker, you propped yourself up from the floor to look at everyone.
“Sorry Master Splinter. We were just beating the shit out of Donnie’s evil clone.”
Everyone around you immediately exploded into yelling.
You weren’t able to make eye contact with any of the boys for the rest of the night without laughing—set off by their look of utter betrayal.
“I can’t believe you’d rat us out.”
“That’s what you get for making me babysit four of Donnie, asshole.”
They all forgave you when you showed up with pizza the next day.
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queenofhearts7378 · 7 months
“So this is Jake's fault, right?” Randy asked.
Danny made a noise of agreement as they continued running down the hallway, red flashing against their eyes and alarms ringing through the air.
And okay, it wasn't really Jake's fault they were being chased by a killer robot after breaking out of some holding cells.
Ever since Jake had turned 16, he'd been getting more duties outside of New York, really stepping up into his role as the American Dragon. NYC was still his home, his main area of protection, and the main capital of the magical community; he wasn't leaving anytime soon.
But occasionally a smaller community would reach out, asking for help with bigger problems they couldn't handle and he couldn't answer over the phone or e-mail. So Jake began traveling (through mundane or magical means), and solving the problems in person.
And occasionally dragging his out-of-town friends along with him.
Which is how the four of them ended up here: in an off-the-books government facility in Horrible, Arkansas, and made up of the same branch as the GIW.
(Danny had groaned out loud in his and Rand's cell, thunking his head against the bars when he heard that.
The agent that was interrogating them gave him a weird look.
“He's from Amity Park.” Randy said solemnly, patting Danny’s shoulder.
The agent went white so fast Randy honestly thought he was about to pass out before fleeing the room.
“Wow,” Randy said, “Y'all's city really is a curse.”)
The four of them had literally stumbled onto the grounds, got searched and had most of their stuff taken away, and thrown into holding cells where agents would periodically come to interrogate them on how they found the place and who else knows about it.
Danny had phased them through the back wall as soon as they were left alone, and accidently ran directly into a wall of weapons that fell on top of them both. Randy only got a sore shoulder, but something zapped Danny and he hadn't been able to transform since.
Which was when the alarms went off.
And when they discovered that the facility used killer robots as security and were all too happy to shoot a couple of teenagers.
Now they were running for their lives trying to find their stuff and their friends without getting shot by the robots or the agents.
They skidded around another corner, and Danny grabbed open the nearest door, throwing it open to check for their stuff.
Instead they were met with two startled agents in the middle of grabbing their weapons.
Randy didn't waste the chance and spun around Danny, landing a kick in the first man's diaphragm and then bringing his knee up just as the man bent over to gasp for air.
(The ninja suit let him be faster, stronger, more bouncy, and protected him from hard hits. The lessons and training of 800 years worth of ninjas were pressed into the fabric enabling him to fight when he had never done it before. He still had training though. He spent hours in the Nomicon practicing the moves and katas his brain knew but his body didn't. Following the footsteps and marks the Nomicon drew out around him, mirroring the poses the illustrated samurai and dragons went though. And lately, following along next to the First Ninja as he performed the moves next to him, occasionally fixing his posture, as Plop Plop chattered nearby.
Being the Ninja wasn't all cool flips and awesome weapons. Even without the mask, Randy was still a ninja.)
Danny took the chance to leap onto the other agent's back trying to get his weapon, throwing the man off balance right as he tried to shoot Randy.
The shot went wide and hit the wall, leaving a faint scorch mark on the white plaster. Randy dived under the shot, rolling forward right past the agent. He kicked his leg out, catching him in the back of the knee, right as Danny yanked the weapon out of his grasp and leapt off the agent's back. Between the teenager using him as a springboard and his leg giving out on him, the agent hit the floor hard. Danny didn't give him the chance to get his bearings and swung the weapon, clocking him over the head.
He swayed for a minute before hitting the ground. He wasn't unconscious but he wasn't getting off the floor anytime soon.
Randy and Danny high-fived before fleeing back out the door.
“Randy, that was awesome!” Danny exclaimed as they checked the other doors for their stuff. “I didn't know you could do that!”
“I know, I know, I'm the Bruce McCheese. Hold your applause,” Randy bragged as he opened the last door in the hallway to reveal yet another supply closet. Running past Danny, he punched him in the shoulder, “I'm still a ninja without the mask Casper.”
“What was that? I couldn't hear you over your ego getting in the way!” Danny laughed as he turned the corner, only to catch a metal leg in his stomach. His back hit the wall and his stolen weapon went flying away from him.
“DANNY!” Randy screeched, knowing he wouldn't get there in time as the security bot charged up to fire.
His feet and hands moved before he could think about it.
‘Separate - Gather - Free’
Randy could feel the energy pool through him, starting with his feet (“Your stance grounds you,” First Ninja said, “It centers you. It's the most important part of using the spells.") and surging upwards through his body in a way he's never felt while in the suit. Randy could feel the air thicken in his palms and he thrust out his hands just as the energy hit his palms and the top of his head.
“Ninja AIR-FIST!”
He could see the ninja magic hit the security robot and smash it into the wall. All the energy that had surged through him faded out, leaving Randy feeling like he just played Grave Puncher for two days straight.
He swayed for a moment, exhaustion hitting him like a brick, before he stumbled over to a gob-smacked Danny.
“Since when could you do that?” Danny asked as he scrambled to his feet.
Randy braced himself against the wall, “Uhhhhhhhhh……now I guess?”
Danny looked at the dented wall, then back at Randy. “Can you do it again?”
“Nngh….think I'll pass out if I did.”
“Alright, last resort then. And I still can't go ghost.”
Randy groaned. “Man we are shoobed.”
“We just need to find the others…..and our stuff.” Danny crouched down in front of Randy. “Alright hop on. You look like you're about to pass out now.”
“Pretty sure it'd just slow us down.” Randy said, even as he wrapped his arms around Danny's neck.
“Dude it's like I'm holding a couple of grapes. What are you, 80 pounds soaking wet?”
“Screw you too.” He dug his heel into Danny's thigh, “Giddee up. I think I hear the others breaking things up ahead.”
Jake and Adrien were indeed in the next hallway over, both transformed and absolutely wrecking anything they came across.
“Hey guys!” Chat grinned at them, impaling the last security bot with his staff. “We were looking for you!”
“Yo Ribbons! What happened to you?” Jake flew over to hand them their backpacks.
“Turns out Mister Ninja over here can use his ninja magic out of the mask.”
Jake blinked at them, “You can do that?”
“Apparently,” Randy said as he slid off Danny's back, “if I want to feel like I went ten rounds with a hoard of robo-apes.”
“Oof.” Jake shook his backpack at them as Randy pulled on his mask. “Well we found the main computer room, stole a bunch of hard drives that I'm going to give to Spud and Tucker, and Chat broke like, everything in there with a Cataclysm so no need to worry about cameras.”
“And we found out what they are called.” Adrien chimed in, “Beings Under Government Surveillance. They had a sign.”
“No wonder the GIW are such pests!” Danny and Adrien said together, high fiving. Randy snickered at the pun.
“Yeah, you're all comedians, can we go? The missing fairies are running loose and I've got to figure out if they need to move, or if they'd be fine with some more magic barriers around their town.”
“And I really gotta talk to the Nomicon. It's wack they didn't warn me about this.”
Later in the Nomicon:
First Ninja stared at him in disbelief, “You did what.”
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acesgarden · 11 months
can you please do a movie Lloyd X reader basically this takes place after the movie so everyone in Ninjago city knows that Lloyd is the green ninja but back to the plot Lloyd is currently going through the Oni and dragon equivalent of puberty so he is growing 2 new arms, horns, Wings and a tail and the reader always visit and Lloyd is starting to feel insecure so the reader shows Lloyd all the messages on her phone and all of them are from there school saying that Lloyd will always be the city green ninja and so on and Lloyd is happy that everyone will accept him and the reader and Lloyd end up cuddling and then garmadon walks in accidentally and processed to embarrass Lloyd in front of the reader and the reader pushes garmadon out of Lloyd room and the reader locks the door so both the reader and Lloyd can have cuddling in peace and the reader says that she loves him no matter what he will look like
Helloooo! I wanna say thank you to who sent in all those requests although i’ve only decided to do two of them ^^’ I still appreciate it!! I am excited to write this one hehe. I’m a sucker for comfort stuff (thought this turned out more like a hurt comfort tbh) so I hope this does the request right! (cause it kinda deviates from the request a bit) I apologize for how long this took to get out. 😭
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“In my eyes, you are everything”
Pairing ->
Movie!Lloyd G. x F!Reader
Warnings ->
Blood mentions, OOC Lloyd(?)
Summary ->
After the events of the movie, Y/n and Lloyd officially get together and often sneak into each other's houses. But one thing Lloyd just so happens to forgets to mention is the fact he has Oni and Dragon blood. And Y/n only finds out when she stumbles upon Lloyd panicking over going through changes. Aka Y/n comforts Lloyd going through Oni/Dragon puberty.
1.7k Words | Masterlist
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Footsteps trudged against the pavement of Ninjago city. Today had been a long day for Y/n, but work was always exhausting. What made it worth the wait though was getting to see her best friend and boyfriend, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
Her pace quicken the second she saw that familiar apartment complex. She rushed to the alleyway as soon as she reached it and found the usual fire escape. Rusty as it was the fire escape was surprisingly sound. Climbing past the first…second…third, and finally on the fourth floor.
There wasn’t much to see through the curtains but if Y/n was right.. the window slid open with ease and she climbed in. The room was nice, surprisingly messy but overall organized. She scanned the room even with how familiar it was. Yet there was no sign of Lloyd.
“Must be getting a snack or something..” she mumbled plopping onto his bed starfish style. The feeling of soft sheets let her sink into the familiar mattress sighing contently. She always got jealous of this because seriously?! How does he get one this comfortable!
Y/n stared at the ceiling, more specifically as the spinning fan. The clock ticking in the background producing a rhythmical melody. A minute passed and Y/n got a little curious but stayed still, then another passed, and another. Still remaining comfortable until about five minutes. That’s when She began to worry. Had she misread the texts? Were they supposed to meet at her house?
Rolling over and pulling out her phone to opening their conversation from earlier. And right there, clear as day it confirmed they were in fact supposed to meet at Lloyd’s…but where was he? Y/n concerned shot him a text asking if he was okay and where he was. She put her phone down afterwards resuming staring at the ceiling.
A noise came from the bathroom, like something got knocked over and a pained hiss followed behind it. Worry flooded her systems as she hastily rushed to the bathroom door. Y/n knocked calling out “Lloyd? Is that you?” No answer. “Lloyd” and again there was no answer. So she tried the door handle, unlocked. She peeked in before swinging the door open. There stood Lloyd facing the mirror, hands messing with something on his head, and a box of bandages spilt over on the floor. “Lloyd..” Y/n moved closer but he just turned away like he was ashamed of something. “Whats wrong Lloyd? Are you hurt?” Y/n questioned, her voice soft.
Lloyd turned his head slightly and Y/n places a hand on his shoulder, he turned towards her hesitantly. Finally, as the two stood face to face Y/n cupped the teens cheek looking him over. There was dried blood matted into his hair, on his fingers and under his nails, on his forehead too. Two horns were visibly poking through his hair. And without a second thought he was pulled into a hug, tightly but not to tight either. She could feel his tears soaking her clothes but didn’t care.
Lloyd was gripping her hard, she still did not care, only pulling him closer. his knees felt weak as they both slowly sank to the floor. She rubbed circles into his back and ran fingers through his messy hair. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Y/n asked pulling away now holding Lloyd’s face in her hands. He didn’t say anything at first.
“Puberty..” Lloyd mumbled which led to a slightly confused look forming on her face. “Puberty?” She stated and Lloyd nodded. “Oni…Dragon? Puberty” Lloyd added and Y/n nodded “mmm.” She pushed his hair out of his face, wiping away the tears. “How do you feel right now?”
“Weird and and scared, scared of how people will see me now that not only am I, a Garmadon, but also..a monster.” The last part was spoken softly as he adverted his eyes from her. He didn’t want her to see the forming tears.
“Monster? No no no. Lloyd. You are not a monster. You’re changing and that is okay. I remember this story..The First Spinjitzu Master..he was the mix of Oni and Dragon..right?”
Lloyd nodded, not seeing why that story was relevant.
“and he had two sons, one of them being Garmadon, your father.”
Again, Lloyd nodded starting to catch on.
“It’s because of your heritage is it not then?”
For a third time Lloyd nodded.
“Then there is no reason to call yourself a monster. You should be proud to wear these. A symbol of your heritage and a reminder to yourself and the people that even now there is still a great person protecting them. This realm, and everything you stand for.”
Lloyd glanced back at her, sniffling.
“Mhm… I think we should probably get you cleaned up.” Y/n said referring to the dried up blood. She watched Lloyd awkwardly smiled and nodded. Getting up she looked around the bathroom.
“Sink cabinets.”
“Thanks” Y/n replied crouching down, opening the sink, grabbing an excess cloth before going to damp it with water. Getting on the ground she pushed Lloyd’s hair out of the way again and pressed the cloth to his forehead wiping the blood.
Lloyd hummed as if holding in the pain. “I know, it’ll hurt for a bit..once I get the blood off i’ll need to clean it so it doesn’t get infected.” Y/n explained continuing her work. She finished with his forehead moving on to his fingers and under nails. That was much significantly easier to clean. Y/n turned back to the sink’s cabinets for the med kit, and grabbing rubbing alcohol. “Ok, this will hurt. I’m gonna count to three so brace yourself.” She warned getting the gauze ready.
“Ok, 1, 2, 3” she began to clean the wound as Lloyd hissed trying to pull away. “Moving is only gonna make it worse.” Y/n warned..again.
Lloyd mumbles trying to not move as much.
Y/n finished and dressed the wounds. “How’s that?”
Lloyd nodded, “better thank you..” He watched his girlfriend nod and peck his forehead.
“Cmon, let’s go get comfy.” Y/n pulled up Lloyd and they walked back to the bed to get comfortable, maybe watch a show or something. She plopped down by the top while Lloyd sat at the edge near the bottom. Something was still bothering him it seemed. So she flipped over putting her head in her hands.
“You feeling any better?” Y/n asked.
“not really..” was the reply.
Y/n sat up, “come here.” She patted the place beside her. Her boyfriend moved closer and leaned on her. She pulled him closer. Her fingers brushing through his hair once again.
“I love you Lloyd, nothings ever gonna change that.”
Lloyd nodded “I know that..I love you to, so much. I’m just scared how others will see me” he spoke. “That they will no longer see me as their green ninja..that i’m..” He didn’t finish his statement.
Y/n gave him a look “Lloyd.”
Lloyd continued “different enough to be shammed, that I reflect my father more than my uncle or or the First Spinjitzu Master. I don’t want people to be afraid of me-“
“What if they start being afraid of me!-“
Y/n pecked his lips. “Lloyd!” He just stared at her “You are and will always be this cities green ninja, you are this cities hero, They are not afraid of you, they love you Lloyd.” Y/n cupped her boyfriend’s face.
“You are my hero, you are my favorite person in all of Ninjago, because you are you.” Y/n began pecking his face, starting on his forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, lips. “I love every inch of you. In my eyes, you are everything. You’re my world, heart, and sun. I smile every time you text me, every time I see you, your appearance will never change that.”
“How would you know that?”
Y/n looked confused, “what do you mean?”
“How do you know they don’t hate me.”
Y/n shows him her phone, she had Chirp pulled up. On the trending page were #GreenNinja, #Weloveyougreenninja, #LloydGarmadon, etc. She turned her phone away to click on one of the hashtags and turned it back scrolling through all the chirps. hundreds, thousands, of them about how the cites green ninja and hero. How they love him, congrats on saving the city and many more. That wasn’t all, she pulled the phone away and opened Instabook. Scrolling through hashtags related to him, even showing post from many of the students and school.
“They don’t Lloyd, they love you, as do I. Don’t forget that okay?”
Lloyd stared at her before tackling her in a hug. Causing his girlfriend to giggle, Y/n paused not even realizing till now “you have four arms?”
“…you don’t mind them?” Lloyd asked.
“What? No! they’re awesome! I mean like with four arms just think of all the things you could do, climbing faster, fighting faster! Plussss you can give me more cuddlessss.” Y/n said booping Lloyd’s nose. She pecked him and began to run her fingers through his hair.
They fell into a comfortable silence, just her and Lloyd together. Everything was alright in the world as if it remained only them two. Lloyd falling asleep on her as she falls asleep holding him.
Y/n looked down with a small smile, Lloyd looked half asleep by now. Especially in all this peace and quiet-
The door slammed open.
“Guess I spoke to soon..” mumbled Y/n
Lloyd shot up looking in the direction of the door and groaned plopping back onto Y/n. “Go away dad”
“Oh, did I interrupt something?” Garmadon spoke with a teasing tone and a raised eyebrow.
Lloyd’s face turned red which Y/n got a glimpse of. Burry his face into her more. Y/n just giggled at his response.
“You know you should really lock the door, son” Lloyd groaned “daddd.” All Y/n could do was giggle at this interaction.
Another head peaked through the open doorway. “Honey we should leave the kids alone. Let them have their fun.” Koko, Lloyd’s mom, winked.
“Moooomm not you too!”
Koko laughed. “Okay okay, we’ll leave you alone. Cmon you.” His mom dragged away Garmadon.
“Thanks Mrs. G!” Y/n Yelled out as Lloyd used his elemental power to shut and lock the door.
The two got comfortable again, cuddling up and laughing. Eventually falling asleep together, embracing themselves in each other’s warmth and arms.
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dyns33 · 6 months
Down the Pit - Part 2
I think I'll make like 5 or 6 part for this story. While writing other Bane's stories, because I love the man.
Tag : @jaxitaxibolehlaf (I remembered, I hope you'll like it)
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It had been almost five years since Y/N had left the Pit.
The world had continued to turn, she had found a new job, a bigger apartment, but nothing made sense anymore.
Out of curiosity, Y/N had done some research on Ra's al ghul, but it had yielded nothing. No information either on the infernal prison of India, on Talia or Bane.
She held out hope that just typing these names into Google or whispering them in the street would one day bring them up, since the ninja leader had found her that way the first time.
It was also possible, even certain, that he had never lost sight of her since. Y/N didn’t feel like she was being monitored, but they were probably very good at it. It wouldn't make any difference if she indicated that she wanted them to show themselves, they would stay hidden.
Maybe if they made a lot of noise, they would have moved. By going to an independent journalist to tell them her whole story, with the certainty that he would publish even if she had no proof to offer.
But they would find a way to make it all disappear. They would kill the journalist, and maybe they would kill her too.
So Y/N waited, without really waiting, remaining alone with her memories and her nightmares.
However, she didn't think about all that at all when someone knocked on her door and she went to open it without looking at who it was.
The girl was brunette, her hair tied in a messy ponytail. Her large almost black eyes stared at her while her face remained impassive. The clothes she wore were slightly too big, as if she didn't know how to dress or had grabbed what she could. She couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen.
It's been almost five years. But it only took a moment, a brief moment, for Y/N to forget how to breathe, taking the girl into her arms.
“Talia !” she cried, hugging her tightly. "Talia, I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so much !"
"… I missed you too." the little girl whispered, shyly returning her embrace.
Obviously, her father didn't hold her often. The master of the League of Shadows, as Talia told her it was called, preferred to train her so that she would be ready to take his place when the time came.
It wasn't really the life Y/N would have wanted for the little girl she had practically raised in the Pit. It had nothing to do with the bedtime stories she told her.
While eating chocolate for the first time, Talia told her about what she was learning from her instructor, a man named Barsad. The girl didn't like him too much, because he was too strict and he had vulture eyes according to her.
In addition to basic lessons like writing, math, and geography, Talia learned to fight, kill, manipulate weak minds, lead troops of soldiers, and many other things a child of her age shouldn't have to learn.
Locked in a temple in the Himalayas, she had only seen the things Y/N had told her about in pictures. Except the snow. There was a lot of snow, an intense cold, absolutely not alleviated by the people around her.
That was why Talia had decided to look for Y/N as soon as she had the chance. Her father had told her that she had abandoned her, leaving her in his care while begging to be sent home, and with the promise that she would never hear from the child again.
"I believed him… I was young and stupid. I hated you for a long time, and then I realized that he must have been lying, because you would never have done that ! You wouldn't have left me. When Barsad told me I was going on my first overseas mission, I knew it was time."
Thanks to everything he had taught her, it was easy to escape the surveillance of Barsad and his men. After finding a disguise, Talia had managed to get to Gotham without attracting attention, until she found Y/N's apartment.
It might have been difficult, but with her training, stalking someone was perfectly natural.
In addition to the need to see Y/N again, Talia also wanted to see the world she had dreamed of so much when she was in the Pit.
The plane had scared her a little, she wasn't sure she liked the city with all the noises, the smells, the lights, but seeing so many people was fascinating for her.
The feeling of new freedom was exhilarating. She could go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted, talk to whoever she wanted, eat whatever she wanted… And Talia wanted it all.
"I want to watch TV ! I want to dance ! I want to go to the beach !" the little princess of shadows almost ordered, jumping around in circles in the living room. “Now, now, now !”
"Calm down, Talia. You should probably call your father, he'll be worried."
"I don't care ! He lied to me. I want to try pizza."
"And… What about Bane ? Have you heard from Bane ?" Y/N asked with a bit of fear.
Talia stopped jumping, staring at her with a serious look. For a moment, Y/N trembled, thinking that she was going to tell her that he was dead, or that Ra's al ghul had refused to go get him.
"Bane… is fine. I'll call him."
There were many things her father had denied her, but going to save the man who had kept her safe since birth didn't seem possible.
Since he was strong and intelligent, as well as being completely devoted to Talia, it was decided that he could be useful, and he was allowed to join the League of Shadows. He quickly became an important member, earning the title of lieutenant.
Talia didn't see him often, at least not as often as she would have liked. As if he didn't want them to be together, her father sent Bane on missions outside the temple very regularly, and when he didn't have to report, he trained the new recruits.
Obedient, because he owed him his life and respect, the giant still found time to come and see Talia training. He asked Barsad, whom he treated like a brother, to give him news and watch over her in his absence.
Shyly, the girl admitted that he hadn't spoken about Y/N once since he was taken out of the Pit. No questions, no worries. Perhaps he also believed that she had abandoned them, or perhaps he had understood that their leader did not want her to be part of their lives.
The call was quick, calm. Talia gave the address where she was, firmly requesting that Bane and no one else come pick her up. No doubt she wanted to offer them a moment alone, all three of them, like before.
The tension was almost palpable when three knocks were given on the door. As Y/N took a deep breath, she was held back by the girl, who stared at her with great seriousness, but also what looked like fear.
“Promise me you’ll always love him.”
"… What ?"
"You love Bane. Nothing has changed."
"Of course. Why are you so worried ? Do you think… Do you think he doesn't want to be here ?"
"He'll be the happiest of all. Promise me."
Y/N promised her. She understood better the reasons for this insistence when she opened the door.
Taller than she remembered, Bane stood still until she invited him inside. Like his pupil, his eyes showed nothing, the only part of his face visible between a hat and a huge scarf.
It wasn't exactly cold outside, but since he was coming from a snowy mountain, Y/N figured he didn't have time to check the temperature of Gotham.
As he greeted Talia, he seemed to hesitate. It was not polite to keep his face hidden like that. With a gesture of her head, the young girl gave him a silent order. Then the presence of the scarf was clear.
The mask was strange. Impossible to say if it was so complicated and imposing for technical reasons, or also in order to scare.
For a moment, Y/N was afraid. But not because of Bane. More for him, wondering why he had that horrible mask, what had happened to him, but not knowing if she had the right to ask such a thing.
When he first spoke, his voice was weird, distorted. The pronunciation was also not normal. Sparing her any torture, between asking and staying in the dark.
"The other prisoners didn't accept that I help you escape. With everyone against me, I didn't have the slightest chance. But the doctor finished the job, trying to treat me."
“You… Are you in pain ?”
She wanted to know more, but Y/N decided now wasn’t the time. She would see later if he could remove it or if it might kill him. It didn't matter anyway, as she had promised Talia.
Instead, she held him in her arms, as she had held the child, letting her tears fall. This seemed to scare the giant, but he stood still, letting her do so.
"I missed you both so much. I'm so happy you're here."
"… Habibi." he whispered, his head leaning slightly to rest against hers.
The separaton was not easy.
Talia did not want to leave, while fully understanding that her father would not accept her staying. There would be consequences. Bane knew it too, and he was more adult, even if Y/N sometimes felt his hand brushing against hers, hesitant to take it.
No doubt he wouldn't have had the will to let go of her if he had given in.
Before agreeing to return to the temple, the young girl called her father, to present an absolutely insincere apology, promising to focus on her training, if in exchange she had the right to stay in contact with Y/N.
Ra's agreed, reluctantly. He knew nothing could stop his child anyway.
"We'll be back soon. I'll call you every day."
"You promise ?"
"Yes !" Talia said solemnly with bright eyes.
"The master agreed for you to come back. He didn't say anything about me."
"You are my protector. You will have to come with me, that's logical."
Translation, her father would have no choice. He had managed to separate them once, he wouldn't have that chance again. And since he was clever, he saw that the compromise was fair.
His daughter would continue to follow her destiny, as the future leader of the League of Shadows, not sticking to Bane when she was with her followers, but she would have the small freedom to see him and be with Y/N when she went in Gotham, from time to time.
All that remained was to define this time.
But since Y/N had waited five years, she was willing to wait a few more months, knowing now that they were fine, and that she could call them if she missed them too much.
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
Nobody Does It Like My Daddy
Relationship: Ari Levinson x Jake Jensen (bear and cubby) Ransom Drysdale x female!reader (ninja and puppy) implications of the quadrouple (NLLYL AU)
Words: ~1.5k
Summary: Father’s Day with the Jensen-Levinsons.
Warnings: explicit language, brief explicit sexual content (salad tossing, mention of blowjobs, m/m sex), a ridiculous amount of fluff, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE QUADROUPLE!!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Happiest of Father’s Day to you my lovely readers from perhaps my favorite DILFs.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Jake grumbled when he felt Ari kiss his neck, screwing his eyes closed against the morning sun that was filling their bedroom.
“Too early.” He huffed when his husband chuckled into his shoulder, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow to try to force himself back to sleep. “It’s Sunday, the triplets took forever to go down last night, let me sleep.”
“I just can’t, cub.” Ari purred and crawled so his body was stretched over Jake’s, kissing his shoulders and starting to move down his spine while he kept making pleasant noises. “Besides, it’s not just Sunday, it’s Father’s Day. And I’ve gotta show some appreciation for my favorite father.”
“Fine.” Jake let his eyes droop when Ari nuzzled into the small of his back, snorting when he kissed that damn tattoo like he always did before he nipped at his ass and slid under the covers. “But I’m gonna sleep while you eat me out.”
“Grumpy boy.” Ari started rubbing Jake’s ass cheeks before spreading them apart, kissing his little pink hole gently a few times until he heard Jake whine. “Just as long as Daddy gets a good blowjob from you once you’re awake. I’m sure we have plenty of time before the kids…”
“No!” As soon as Ari said something one of the babies stirred on the monitor and the sound of running feet filled the house, making Jake snarl at his husband even as he started licking his asshole. “You just had to say it.”
Ari didn’t have a chance to respond before their door was flung open by Isaac and Eli who were shouting “happy Father’s Day” at the top of their lungs. Jake tried to turn over but couldn’t with his bear holding down the lower half of his body, and said bear had to flatten himself out as much as possible so their children couldn’t see where he was and what he was doing.
“Where’s Pop?” Jake was bright red when Eli asked him that, fighting the urge to punch the lump in the sheets when he felt Ari chuckling against his hip. “We’re making you breakfast!”
Jake’s concern about his wild sons operating cooking appliances disappeared when Ransom walked into the room, though he did get even more red when the man smirked as he took in the extra lumpy blankets.
“You little dudes go wash your hands, c’mon. Give your dad a chance to wake up.” Ransom leaned against the door frame and grinned wickedly after the twins ran out of the room. “Morning Jake. Morning Ari.”
“Morning pretty boy.” Ari beamed at the man after flinging the blankets off his head, ignoring his husband’s scolding glare as he kept kissing his perky ass. “Where’s gorgeous?”
“Feeding the dumplings.” Ransom nodded to the monitor so they could see you sitting in the nursery and holding one of the babies close to your breast. “How long do you two need to finish up here?”
“Fifteen minutes?” Ari hushed Jake and smacked his ass when he tried to turn over again. “I guess I can wait to get my dick sucked until tonight.”
“Aww, the sacrifices you make for your kids.” Ransom sniffed the air and swore under his breath before turning and running down the hall. “Rach! That had better be toast I smell burning! I said no using the stove without me!”
“Oh god… Jesus!” Jake’s concern about what their children were getting up to disappeared when Ari buried his face between his cheeks again, arching his back and moaning while his tongue swirled around his tight pink hole. “Ugh, that feels so good.”
“I know, baby.” Ari purred as he gave one of Jake’s cheeks a gentle bite. “Now hush and let me enjoy my fifteen minute meal.”
Jake’s legs were a little wobbly by the time they made it downstairs twenty minutes later, a huge grin on his face when he saw the smorgasbord the kids had laid out for them.
“Wow, pancakes and waffles and French toast, you guys went all out.” Jake sighed when Ari kissed his temple when they walked into the dining room, his heart melting at the kids all covered in flour as they ran to hug their dads. “You guys are the best kids ever, I’ve gotta kiss all of you.”
“Oh no, dad!” The twins tried to wriggle away when Jake kissed the tops of their heads, escaping when he embraced Rachel only to be scooped up by Ari in a bear hug. “Pop!”
“It’s Father’s Day, you have to accept all of our affection, it’s the rule!” Ari laughed when they kept squirming until he let go of them, giving Rachel her own hug and smiling at Ransom when he came in holding Micah on his hip. “Hey bubba! Can you say ‘happy Father’s Day’?”
“Happy day!” Micah squealed when Ari scooped him out of Ransom’s arms and kissed his chubby cheeks, grabbing onto his beard and pulling playfully. “Happy day, papa!”
“Aw, what about me?” Jake beamed when Micah screamed for him to have a happy day as well, kissing his forehead while Ari strapped him into the high chair while he sat next to Rachel and helped her pile some pancakes onto her plate as Ransom tried to wrangle the twins. “Thank you for this, Ran. Did you guys thank your uncle?”
All of the kids said thank you as loud as they could before starting to stuff their faces, shouting again with their mouths full to say hello to you when you walked into the room somehow holding all three babies at once until Ari stood up to help you.
“Happy Father’s Day, boys!” You handed Caleb to Ari and Shiloh to Jake before sitting down with Naomi in your lap, shaking your head when your husband just let the twins climb all over him. “All three dumplings are fed and very happy. I think we have some presents for you to open.”
“Presents?” Jake laughed when the three older kids all ran to go get the gifts with a chorus of happy yells, the dogs running after them when they charged back into the room with their gifts. “Look at these, did you guys wrap them yourselves?”
Their affirmative answers were obvious from the haphazard folds in the wrapping paper and excessive tape, but they were the most beautiful presents either of them had ever seen. They got homemade cookies with paw prints in them from ‘the pets’ and gave exuberant thanks for them after you whispered that they were sanitary and safe for consumption in Ari’s ear. Ari cooed over the beard grooming kit and hiking guides, and Jake had to kiss the kids all over again when he got his book of dad jokes and a t-shirt that said ‘Dad Jokes, That’s How Eye-Roll’. And they both started crying when the giant photo board was revealed, much to the kids’ embarrassment.
“Okay, let’s all go clean up the dishes so we can go on a hike!” Ransom kissed the top of your head as he stood up, sighing when he got a look at the twins sprinting towards the kitchen with handfuls of silverware. “Little dudes, no running with the cutlery, c’mon!”
“Did you guys like your presents?” You bounced Naomi on your lap while she babbled happily, smiling at Jake and Ari when they nodded and reaching out to let Micah hold on to your finger when he pouted at you. “Well, you deserve them. You are the best dads.”
“We couldn’t do a lot of it without you and Ran, honey.” Ari cradled Caleb against his chest while he snored softly, leaning forward and kissing your cheek while watching Jake kiss Shiloh out of the corner of his eye. “Especially with these three. Do you need to pump at all?”
“No, I did last night and they emptied me out when I got here.” Naomi squealed and flailed her arms and you couldn’t help but smile. “Speaking of me and Ran, I have something to tell you that I need you to keep secret.”
“Oh yeah?” Jake grinned when Shiloh tried to snatch his glasses off before blowing a raspberry against her stomach while she kicked her chubby little legs. “Is this a good secret or a bad secret?”
“It’s a very good secret.” You lowered your voice when you heard Ransom bellow from the kitchen as one of the kids sprayed him with water. “We made the mutual decision that I wasn’t going to go back on my birth control but we didn’t really think about the fact that I’m not exclusively breastfeeding and well… I was late. And I took a test and…”
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leoizkool · 23 days
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-Leo was placed as the role model by master splinter since day one, tho his father never really meant any kind of harm to Leo, this costed him his stability WAY TOO MUCH, Leo is NOT a born leader..tho he was (unintentionally) tricked into believing that he is one. Any time he would fail to lead or help his brothers he’d be too hard on himself, asking why couldn’t he just be the perfect leader he was supposed to be! The one he always wanted to be..and ended up finding comfort in Tv shows and cartoons, which began his love for Space Heroes ^_^!
As time went on, Leo realized that trying to be something he wasn’t was really just taking a toll on him..to which he decided to split the leader title between his siblings, Leo would be the front man, and whenever he had no plans,one of his brothers would take on the leader title and get all of them out of a situation together..Nowadays Leo is still learning to be a good leader by himself , tho taking his time and actually enjoy what being a leader is.
LIKES !! : cartoons, old animes or indie films, traditional Japanese culture, SPACE HEROES, Space!, his brothers ^_^!
DISLIKES : having too many pressure on him, loud noises, spicy food..
Leo likes to use traditional Japanese clothing, mostly cuz he thinks it’s really cool, plus Splinter wears it too..so..yeah
Daddy’s boy, he can do no wrong in splinter’s eyes
Sweet tooth! He loves candy in general..
WOULD’VE been emo..If splinter allowed him to, tho splinter never let him and he grew out of it really quickly..
Drags Raph to see old animes with him
NERD ..like..”I’m gonna into dump you about my favorite show cuz you’re awesome!” Kind of nerd
Has begged Donnie to make him some space heroes related stuff..(Donnie has NOT done that)
Mostly listens to indie music, would like Alex G
Would totally write poems
They suck, but he tries..
Was pretty selfish for some time..due to his older brother status, but he turned out to be a really sweet lil guy
Undiagnosed neurodivergence probably
“What? No I don’t have any hyperfixations..I just really REALLY like space!”
Refuses to cut down his hair cuz it makes him look like a “Real Samurai” or something…?
Tried picking up an instrument cuz he wanted to have an excuse to talk to Raph more
In his mind “If my brother plays an instrument..and I try to play an instrument too..maybe we will have something in common and he will talk to me!”
That failed
The main reason He and Raph’s relationship is so rocky is because of stuff that happened between the ages of 6-13 yrs old..I will elaborate later on..probably 
Listens to vocaloid..his favorite is either MIKU or Gakupo (idk if that’s his name ..)
Really talented with his katanas! Tho he has tried using other weapons before
Likes pineapple on pizza ..
“ I love my brothers!..I might’ve been a bit of an idiot when we were younger…but I’m trying my best to be the best older brother ever now!..PLEASE BELIEVE ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS-“ (He has improved a LOT..he is getting that best big bro title!)
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afreakingdork · 1 month
Soft Spot - Chapter 3
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Spencer is here with something to say in this week's chapter art by @garbagemilkshake
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Romance, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Married Life, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Villain Donatello (TMNT), Love, POV Second Person, Babies, Pregnancy, AFAB reader, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fertility Issues, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Reader-Insert, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Cum Eating, Turtle Noises (TMNT), I have a Biology Degree and I’m Using it
Synopsis: First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the next step about as smooth as the others arrived. The baby-oriented sequel to Weak Spot.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
“Donatello… Y/N…” Spencer, the Senior Demonstrations Advisor at Donnie’s lab, folded his hands in front of his mouth in pseudo prayer. “There is no good way to say this, but… there is no circumstance in which the two of you will be able to adopt.”
From where you were sitting in one chair and Donnie in another, you both stared at the man.
He wilted without pressure. “You know I’ve done everything for you for all these years and you’ve treated me…”
He snuck a look at Donnie who was steel faced.
“I’ll just say it: Cruelly on your best days and like trash on your worst, but you have made my career and that’s why I stayed. You pay me incredibly well. The government pays me their own stipend in watching you. I have contacts like you wouldn’t believe! With the stakes in this company alone I’m set for-!”
Donnie only tapped his finger on his chair's limb.
It barely made a noise.
Spencer clammed right up. “Right and you know I brokered it all. I’ve gone to the board for you. I’ve gone to the government for you. When have I ever gotten you a response you didn’t want? They know it. They know I’m a pathetic middle man and you’ll do what you want regardless of them, so they often cave within reason and…”
This time Spencer cut himself off and sighed.
He then leaned back in his chair and looked his age. “The point is, the moment you started publically researching this topic two months ago, your activity was logged. The decision was made then. When you got your first state level rejection and came to me, I went up the chain with the usual ideology. The one that’s worked for years.”
You checked on Donnie, but even you couldn’t read anything from him.
“It was… different. I can't even tell you! It was like they removed anyone from the decision making process who could be swayed. My contacts were all gone. People who have dedicated their lives to America. It was… unlike anything I had ever seen.”
Spencer raised a hand to mess his hair, but thought better of it.
He stared at the appendage. “They levied all you’ve been given against you.”
You heard Donnie inhale.
It wasn’t sharp.
It wasn’t distinct.
He only appeared to take a single breath where he had not.
You looked away.
“You’ve never been convicted of a crime, but you are considered one of, if not the most, dangerous assets. Any time there’s a change in leadership, they almost always evaluate if you are still worth it to keep alive. When I got you approval to travel internationally, your data was shared with the world. They wanted to make sure you came back. They may not know everything you’ve done. Hell, I don’t know and I don’t want to know, but they know enough.”
You felt Donnie look at you.
“You’re brilliant. You’re the smartest guy I’ve ever met and ever will meet. You are insane. You’re something totally new. You do things… I can’t…” Spencer had to blow out a long breath to steady himself. “I have no doubt that even if you retired, that even if a mutant eradicating lunatic took office, you would be safe to live out your natural life.”
You couldn’t return the gaze.
“But there’s no way they’ll let you have a kid. In that way, you’ll always be a monster to them. The thought of you of all people raising a young mind?” Spencer kicked back from his chair and his admonishment was palpable. “They’re idiots! Idiots, all of them! I don’t even like you, but this!?”
Donnie finally returned his attention to Spencer.
“You know from when the EPF tried to cage and the others that they studied at least part of mutated DNA. They’ve guessed a lot from a little. They don’t think you’ll have a child naturally. They won’t let you use a lab to do it artificially. You're not going to foster. Hell, there's no way they'll let you even babysit a kid that isn’t yours for more than a few minutes.”
“Spencer.” Donnie spoke as if he hadn’t listened to a borderline lecture.
“We’re trying.”
Spencer rubbed his face and again tried to save his hairline. “I know. I’m trying too.”
Donnie clicked his tongue.
“To help you!” Spencer’s volume rose and he dipped horrified. “Not me trying have a kid! I have enough of those! I meant I know you are trying to have one! Both of you! You two! I’m saying I know what you meant.”
Donnie’s lids lowered.
“I’m assuming you crunched the numbers.” Spencer pivoted as you assumed most business men would.
Donnie’s leg bounced the slightest amount as he weighed his options before he relented. “We have a 1.73% chance of conception.”
Spencer nodded and each bob of his chin grew more weary. “Woof.”
“It’s not zero.” You added.
“It’s not zero.” Spencer held a hand up as if that had been a bone for him.
“So… are you saying that even if we conceived… They’ll take the baby-?” You had to stop because your voice shook.
Spencer struggled for a long moment before he finally raked his hand through his hair. “They are betting on it not happening.”
“But you said-?” You pressed.
“I know!” Spencer’s voice grew heated and he cut himself off with a fearful snap of his lips. “I’m sorry. It’s not you at all. You have every right to ask questions. I shouldn’t be the one answering them. They’ve dismissed this so much it’s a damn insult! They’re spitting in your faces!”
“You don’t know?” You asked.
“I asked the same thing!” Spencer pleaded with you.
You quieted at the man’s sorrowful face.
“When I pressed about the million and one chance that it happened, I got conflicting answers. There was more than one representative at the meeting.”
You finally looked at Donnie.
Spencer shook his head. “The answers all ranged the same! One man said it wasn’t an option so why bother. Another  acknowledged that mutants have been granted citizenship, but they’re all considered sterile with the implication they’ll be wiped out eventually.”
His jaw was set and he couldn’t return it.
“Point is, they don’t even want to consider it. That would mean drawing up new laws. They aren’t going to do extra work if they don’t have to. It’s a moot point.”
“Hacks.” Donnie sneered.
“This is going to be an ‘if it comes’ thing, if it comes at all! The certains are: you are banned from adoption. You’re not going to be able to sneak an abandoned drug den kid away with these rules, Donatello! This is as serious as serious gets.” Spencer set his hands on the table.
An unmistakable cowlick had broken free of his coif.
“They value my work, if I stop-” Donnie bore his gaze into Spencer.
“You are really, really useful to them alive. Genius Built is highly coveted and isn’t a company without you. It’s the place every graduate wants to work and every big brain hopes to walk through.”
Donnie waited for the other shoe to drop.
“They’ve finally drawn a line.” Spencer said with a pained expression. “Nothing you do is going to move the adoption thing. The baby situation…? That… If that existed, that might be something else, but that’s only a might.”
“What freedom-!?” Donnie seethed.
“Do you have!?” Spencer shot forward with his hands to his desk. “You have it all! You can walk about without police! You’re basically carte blanche! You get to live! You got to marry! You got to leave the country!! What do you have?! Is a kid that make it or break it!?”
Donnie rose in one fluid motion.
Spencer scrambled backwards so fast his chair squeaked. “I have kids! They’re nasty! They’re gross! The grossest! They’re draining little parasites! They’ll grow up to hate you! They despise me! Don’t get mad at me because you don’t know!!!”
You tore through your wedding band to demand Donnie sit.
Your mate tossed fury your way and seemed to ask why you weren’t this mad.
You let your sour show slow and leaked poison through your bond that you were.
An indignant wave hit him before he turned to Spencer. “They take away Y/N’s freedom.”
Spencer was still on high guard. “Y/N is on the same international list as you now.”
Donnie traded ire for horror.
“I’m what?” You blinked.
“Maybe not as a threat like Donatello, but you’re a person of interest. All your travel will be monitored.” Spencer explained warily.
“That’s…” Your head rolled and you stared at the ceiling.
“I thought you knew…” Spencer’s voice whined.
“How would we know?!” Donatello growled. “You said travel was clear!!”
“Y/N married you!” Spencer matched him without standing. “There was explicit danger there!”
“And now Y/N isn’t allowed to have a child!? They will be taken away!?” Donnie stormed forward.
Spencer tried to hold himself as the desk was between them.
You brought your chin down and into your hands while sending out a stop command to your mate.
He heeded it, but would not budge.
“You can’t adopt. You can’t use fertility options. They don't want you inventing ways around anything but au naturel. They're neutering you like that.” Spencer listed off.
Donnie loomed and you could almost see the miasma pour off his aura.
You thought over the conversation and then Spencer as a whole.
He was the man who sold Genius Built.
He was a man who has worked with Donnie for years.
He was a man who was as stereotypical white collar as they came.
“There’s no rule about me getting pregnant because they don't think I will.” You spoke.
Donnie didn’t turn.
Spencer tipped his body to see you. “Exactly.”
“What have you got for that?” You asked.
Spencer watched you for a beat before he smiled. “See this! Your spouse always gets it! They make you more palatable, but not great, you know?”
Donnie’s anger flared.
Spencer inched away from his desk and was clearly moving towards you. “I can’t guarantee your child will be safe.” 
You nodded.
Donnie’s head tipped back, but not enough for you to see.
“I can’t say they won’t be either. Donatello has always been a ‘ask for forgiveness instead of permission’ kind of guy. He was going to leave the country regardless of what I did. He was going to invent regardless of the label. He was going to fight the US government by himself regardless of whatever that was!”
You wondered how much Spencer really knew.
“What’s the gestation like if you get knocked up?”
You looked to Donnie.
“We aren’t sure, but hypothesize similar to human.”
“Nine months and that’s if you already got lucky…” Spencer ruminated.
Donnie didn’t correct him.
You guessed that made sense.
Donnie had only very recently entered the phase where he could test to see if his birth control was out of his system. He was meant to pick up some supplies from the lab today. There was no point prior to now. All that had been done is he’d started closely examining your body with your permission. It included daily wellness checks that supposedly charted your ovulation schedule. Your husband had made them tender periods instead of clinical ones so you hadn't considered them much.
“Are you two going to keep trying?” Spencer asked only you.
“Yes.” You answered.
“Are you going to break the adoption or fertility rules that have been set down?”
You met his eye harshly. “The first would endanger the child so I'm going to unilaterally say no. The second, what even counts? If I take a vitamin, is that wrong?”
Spencer lit up and went for his computer.
He tacked several things in before he apparently got a window he wanted.
Then, he mouthed out what you had asked as he wrote.
“If you conceived, how staunch are you on keeping the baby’s records secret?” Spencer finally asked something else.
Donnie took a threatening step.
“Sealed, heard.” Spencer nodded along with his notes. “What about you, Y/N? The pregnancy data will be something...”
Donnie meant to take another step, but you finally got to your feet and cut him off with a hand to his arm. “It depends. Are you looking for loopholes?”
“I work in sales.” Spencer stopped writing to look at you. “I sell Donatello. I do what I need to.”
There was a hefty confidence there that you felt was warranted.
Donnie had kept Spencer around after all.
“Don’t you guys have a crazy legal team?” You put yourself between Donnie and Spencer.
Spencer’s plastic smile shone bright. “We have the best damn legal team of sharks that ever roved US waters.”
“Can… we win?”
“We can try.” Spencer typed out one last thing before spinning to address you. “Here’s the pitch: you guys make a baby.”
Donnie shook his head at the absurdity.
Spencer ignored him. “While you break that hurdle, I will do everything in my power to protect the prodigal son. I’m gonna get the US decision saying what you can't do in formal writing and give it to the shark tank. We’ll shred the loopholes into doorways. We’ll walk all over them. They might want something though. We’ve got stuff in the in GB here that’s tasty and reserved to sweeten whatever pots we need. The EPF is gone and the loons were silenced, but the government can't pretend like they've really moved on from the mutant thing. Some people still see the advantages. There’s been real world change, especially environmental, that has stemmed directly from mutant cooperation! If it's got breakthrough written on it, they'll want it, especially pharmaceuticals. You have no idea how far this can go. If it can make money, that talks. Way louder than bureaucrats in Washington!”
You stared on.
Spencer’s lids lowered. “I'm saying we give up on trying to convince the US shit show. We get ourselves better backers, green ones, as in money green, Donatello green, and that's what's actually going to get you what you want. Like everything else.”
You nodded slowly.
“I’m gonna refine that speech, by the way.” Spencer told Donnie.
Donnie ignored him.
“Why… do all this…?”
“Pardon?” Spencer perked up.
“Why help us…? The travel thing was at least a wedding gift… This… this isn’t in your job description. None of it has been.”
Spencer stared at you dully for a moment before he leaned in like he had a secret. “So?”
You twitched at his apparent audacity.
He smiled a smarmy veneer. “You think it's in an assistant’s job description to get coffee?”
Your lips parted, but you weren’t sure with what.
Spencer answered for you. “No, but it’s implied you do it. Everyone does it. That and pick up dry cleaning. You maintain the boss's schedule, you push meetings when he’s hung over, and you work through the politics. It’s what you do! Have you ever heard me call Donnie an evil man? No and I never will. You know who gets called evil on a daily basis? Me, darling. I’ve been cussed out by more people than you can count. I’m hated by multi-international corporations because I’m good at what I do and what I do is sell him!”
Donnie looked down Spencer’s pointed finger with disinterest.
“I’m set for life because of it! I’m not going anywhere! I didn’t give you the travel voucher as a wedding gift! I would have been fine getting you a toaster that would break in six months. I got the travel ban lifted because I wanted my meal ticket to come back. If he wants a kid then I’m gonna move mountains because I know what he’s like when he doesn’t get what he wants and it’s bad.”
Spencer finally left the safety of his desk and openly approached Donnie.
“Do the screen thing. Projections I sent you in the email three days ago at 3:24pm.”
Donnie glowered, but brought his wrist up.
You saw a graph appear in one of Donnie’s screens that apparently showed Genius Built’s growth.
It had been on nothing but a rise in all the recent quarters.
“This-” Spencer pointed to a spot that marked right before the rapid incline. “-is when he disclosed his relationship with you, which I have only been able to guess is when you guys became official official.”
You looked between the data and him.
“You entered Donatello’s life and his creativity spiked. Not just any inventions, but one’s with mass-market appeal! All useful hit after hit. You rejuvenated our stocks. You’re the direct correlation. We’ve never tapped children’s markets! Do you have any idea how much potential there is!? How what you’ll make isn’t just some brat, but a kid’s revolution in general?! People won’t be able to think about popping out little shits without Genius Built!”
The man was manic enough that you inched away from him.
Donnie closed the screen and this time he used his body as a barrier.
Spencer cleared his throat and pushed out his hands in some sort of inspired breathing exercise.
“Point is, I’m not doing it to be a good person.”
You felt Donnie’s appreciation.
Your head pivoted toward your mate and you saw how his cold expression honed on Spencer.
Your brow wrinkled in confusion.
“I’d bet on what I'm doing over benevolence any day. I'm doing something that someone’s going to fight tooth and nail over.” Spencer added before he leaned back against his desk.
It was the honesty.
Donnie liked that Spencer was truthful.
Neither man bullshitted the other.
They were in the ultimate symbiotic relationship.
Something of only convenience.
The moment either party didn’t benefit, they would move on.
The fact they’d been at this for years said something too.
You heaved a sigh and guessed Spencer wasn’t wrong, though it didn’t feel great.
“I’ll think about the pregnancy stuff.” You relented.
“I’ll take it.” Spencer bobbed his body and looked at Donnie. “What do you think? Nothing moves without you, sir.”
Donnie let the moment simmer before he gave the barest nod. “Find me choices and security or find other employment.”
It didn’t sound like the threat Donnie hoped.
You tempered your grin.
Spencer took it the same way, but pretended to be alarmed by waffling away. “Understood! I’ll send my formal proposal in an hour.”
Donnie turned and, in passing, you shared a glance that said this meeting was over.
You said goodbye to Spencer where your mate didn’t and the man waved you off.
He started a phone call before his door shut closed.
Donnie continued to move, but you hung back by the office.
It was soundproofed and you heard nothing more after the door shut.
Donnie noticed your hindrance and turned back.
“Adoption… was our plan…” You spoke with burbling sadness. “Not a fallback, that’s what we-”
Donnie was at your side in an instant. “I know, but not here…”
“Not here…” You slipped away from your mate and held yourself as you walked.
He followed close behind.
There would be no adoption.
You were at the mercy of less than two percent chances.
You would have to give birth.
By all accounts, a child was now only a dream.
Donnie had told you.
Donnie would never be allowed to live freely.
He said he would live his entire life under some form of threat.
That would never end. 
It now extended to you. 
If you had a child with Donnie there was a chance they could be taken away. 
You squeezed your torso so tight that it felt like your ribs compressed.
Donnie touched your arm and you twitched in realizing that you were still in the labs proper.
Scientists busied themselves around you.
Not here.
Donnie needed supplies, you reminded yourself.
Not here.
You nodded for him to go ahead and slipped off toward where a pillar afforded you a place out of the way.
Not here.
It was unfair.
The injustice made you ill.
Your mate was loving.
Your mate was caring.
Your mate fostered a smile in spite of everything he had gone through.
Your mate was a murderer.
You blew out an air that allowed you to get just a little more of your body.
That was it and more.
Political enemy.
War criminal.
Weapons manufacturer.
Drug dealer.
There was no end to his crimes.
How had Spencer put it?
Something about Donnie shaping young minds.
Wasn’t that what he did now?
Donnie was the last step in the process granting all these scientists their projects.
He was allowed to do that because this benefited the world.
Would a child of his offer nothing?
Donnie was a weapon.
Donnie was a husband.
The swirl threatened to consume you.
Donnie was there, by your side once more.
You didn’t look at him as you moved for the elevator.
Your torso ached.
He got the button.
The elevator ride was a loaded one.
Every grievance filled the metal box until you thought you would suffocate.
Then the doors opened to the lobby and you darted out at freedom.
You stumbled as you crossed the clean floors.
You were outside and to where the car was parked.
It opened its doors, invitingly, and you accepted the offer.
Donnie moved to the trunk.
Its slam shook your body when it closed.
Donnie entered the vehicle.
The door closed.
The engine turned.
The moment you were in motion, your mate pulled you to him.
Your tiny body curled up in his.
It fell out of you.
“Why aren’t you allowed to add some good to this world?!”
“Don’t they see how you’ve changed?!”
“Haven’t they seen what you’ve done!?”
“How can we do this!?”
“How can we have a kid in good faith!?”
“How is trying to have a child under these circumstances not abuse!?”
“They did this! They put us in this position! How is that fair!?”
“I already thought it was so damn selfish! How can I add to that?!”
“We could do everything! We could do everything right and they could be taken from us!”
“We can’t even help another child like you!!”
“Another kid who was lost! We can’t save them!!”
“It’s ridiculous!!!”
“It’s not fair!!!”
Donnie responded.
You knew he did.
To each and every sentence, he had something to say.
You heard none of it.
You were irrational.
You could feel how much.
Who was that person who had been in the room with Spencer?
How had they taken the news so coldly?
Donnie had been furious.
Donnie had thought you would be.
You thought you were.
You were now.
It was too late.
For what?
What good would it have done?
Spencer was nothing more than a messenger.
That was why the government talked through him and not to Donnie.
How many times had they tried to buy out Spencer?
There was no way they hadn’t tried to place a plant as close to Donnie as possible.
Spencer had good in him.
You didn’t care what he said.
There was good.
He wasn't evil.
Nothing was so black and white.
Just like this.
When you emerged from your stupor, you were bundled up on the couch.
Swaddled in your favorite blanket, you rubbed your cheek against the softness and looked further.
On the table were at least three drinks and two snacks.
All things you loved.
Running at a near silent volume was one of your favorite shows.
Donnie had done what he could and presumably realized you were unreachable.
He’d then set you up with creature comforts before giving you space.
Instead of looking for him through your wedding band, you withheld yourself to search.
It seemed comical to you that he would be anywhere other than at his desk.
He was standing and looking over a microscope.
He was examining the mobility of his sperm to see if they had recovered.
After all you had said was he still planning to move forward?
He must have felt the question because your mate looked up, attentively listening to those emotions that you could both hear before he turned to you.
You felt helplessness in your eyes, but tried to parboil them for him.
He held a faint scold for your cover-up as he approached.
“Nuzzle, please.” You told him.
He diverted course to meet you with the back of the couch as your safety net. He caught it and leaned over to scrub his beak against your cheek. You let the affection roll over you before you felt you could return it in earnest.
He solemnly accepted.
As soon as you stopped, he retreated and tucked his chin against a couch cushion to watch you.
“I… didn’t hear anything you said. I’m sorry.”
Donnie’s lip pursed nonchalantly. “Nothing of importance.”
“I doubt that.” You held a hand up to his.
He lifted his fingers.
You thread the digits. “Tell me. I bet you had some great points or plans.”
He stared at your entwined hands for a long moment. “No.”
Your lips parted, but you didn’t make a sound.
He looked sad. “Everything you said. You are right.”
Your heart had barely surfaced and was once again treading water.
“This was always a dream. The mechanisms were always stacked against us, in my name. We went to Spencer because the state of New York was never going to let us adopt. Regardless of my record, there is discrimination in the system at its purest form, let alone against a mutant. I am only sorry I could not have protected you more.”
“All you did was warn me! All you’ve ever done…”
“Then you’ll remember quite clearly that each time you dismissed me I insisted upon the matter.” 
He was right and you lowered your gaze.
“I do see one thing differently.”
You punished yourself for a few more seconds before meeting his eyes.
“You said we were denied a chance to make a child happy. Be it our own, foster, or more.”
Your head rose a little higher. “You can’t-”
He squeezed your hand lightly to stop you.
You felt a little protest bubble through your bond.
He kissed one of your knuckles. “I have lived my life in complete rejection of authority figures.”
You stalled.
“I watched time and time again as parental-aged adults passed me over. Those who did not ignore my existence used me for gain or saw to destroy me. I had no childhood, but there was little time to yearn. I had to survive.”
You leaned into him.
He gave you no leeway. “My dearest, I don’t think I’ll be a good parent. I don’t believe they exist. I know that as a fact. All children are disturbed by their parents in some shape or form.”
You moved to fight, but he caught a finger to your lips.
“You can argue otherwise, but there are already signs. You know my disposition. You've fought it. I’m obsessive which would translate to helicopter parenting. I have days where I can’t handle noise or bodily fluid, both of which are the general make-up of young children. I am stubborn. I am cold.”
You frowned deeply against his digit.
He pressed once there as a point before releasing you.
You started with the usual complaints, but you saw his gaze.
It was clear, open, and didn’t hold pain.
It was a fact that he accepted.
He wasn’t exactly wrong.
The only thing you could fight him with was scientific data which came in the form of his pathetic sample size.
You bet he already knew that.
He also hadn’t thought himself capable of love in general though.
Yet here you were.
The gentle current through his ring held an understanding of that as well.
“Why do this then?” You chose as your response.
“Why do anything?” His lips crinkled with bare amusement.
Its unguarded nature caused your chest to restrict.
He tipped closer. “I’m selfish. All signs told me not to entertain you, but I did. Even when my apocalyptic heralding came to be, I could not leave you because despite all the suffering I caused you, it was outweighed by my desire for you. I have the same desire for children. I know I will mess up. I believe you will as well, no matter how high a regard I have for you. That is what I know, but you are my stunning anomaly. You are my heart and why would I not want to concoct the ultimate combination of our forms? I adore creation and what is this if not its elevated form?”
“I am under no delusion as to how that sounds. It’s selfish. My only awareness lies in their personhood which I learned firsthand. I tried for too long to control S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. I have barely amended such. Our offspring may have our visage, hopefully more so yours…” He gave a calculated churr.
You tapped him with your nose.
He languished in the touch. “But they are not us and won’t be.”
You gave into a small sigh and thought for a moment. “Is there a line for too selfish?”
“You nearly lost your life. Yes, there is and I am ignorant of it.”
“Even if there’s a threat of taking our child away?”
“Nothing…” Donnie rose a little taller to show his might. “That I have even the most minute control over will take anything away from us, especially you. I have contingencies. I will resort to the lowest blows. We may go into hiding, but I will burn the entire population of the Earth down before a sentient being thinks it can separate me from my family.”
You stroked his shoulder in a downward motion to coax him off the ledge.
He dipped down to meet you with a butting of his head.
You kissed him.
“That is of course only if you want to continue. You bear the bodily burden. I can renew my birth control at a moment’s notice. However, I believe the risk outweighs the reward and that comes from the purple personification of peril.”
You were quiet for a moment.
Was that really okay?
You supposed you had long been your own form of selfish.
You often and willfully had ignored Donnie’s warnings.
You to this day downplayed his past transgressions.
All because you loved him and wanted to be with him.
A sudden reel of all your own emboldened activities spun through your mind’s eye.
You had really aggravated an armed assailant once.
You couldn’t help but smile a little.
What was the US government?
People gave it the middle finger on a daily basis.
They weren’t some be all and end all.
They weren’t going to take your child.
With Donnie, you were invincible.
Even though in practice that was patently not true, you were inclined to still believe it.
When you looked at Donnie, you found him waiting without judgment either way.
You reached into his being through your bond to explore how deep that went.
He allowed you full access to his emotion and he only seemed to further soften in your mystic grip.
He was all yours.
You pecked the tip of his beak and only felt a little bad for your display because it seemed like wasted energy.
You supposed you were allowed a meltdown.
It was a lot.
It would continue to be a lot.
You were going from peace to the fire.
You wanted it no other way.
You slipped from your wedding band and stared Donnie down.
His eyes glinted under the interest.
“You’ll need to… renew… the birth control?” You asked softly.
His lids lowered sultry. “While it is not completely out of my system, there has been marked bounce back in sperm motility.”
“No lasting side effects?”
“We have a few more days to see, but signs say no. I posit I will return to full virility.”
You tapped the couch once before chewing your lip.
He waited with bated breath.
“You don’t believe in fate.”
“I don’t.”
“With our odds, isn’t it kinda like that?”
“It will happen if it does. There is only probability.”
“Not very romantic.”
“What were you hoping I’d say?”
“Something about how you’d make it happen…”
“For you? I would. I would move mountains. I would level forests. I would topple whatever stood between us because I could. As frustrating as it is, my precious science bars me here and I cannot bend her rules.”
“Ah, your mistress.” You shook your head.
Donnie growled a little and feigned leaping over the couch at you.
You giggled and pulled him the rest of the way over.
He churred as he laid on top of you.
With it, you imagined the weight of a child. 
How it would fill out your body. 
All that entailed. 
The pain. 
The horror stories. 
Was your only option a one you should chance?
Donnie had said something about it.
About child birth and how time only cured so many of its dangers. 
Dangers you and Donnie faced regularly. 
Dangers that might not manifest. 
All more playing of odds with no way to know. 
“My health…” You worried aloud. 
“You will have care like no other should you so choose. You are not to be left to chance. You will be my choice in an instant. My priority.” 
You nodded before a rueful smile played on your lips. “Unbiased science husband… Do you think… I’ll be okay?” 
“Impossible terms to ask under, but I wouldn’t consider this otherwise.” 
“And the rest…?” 
“There is no fate. We dream.” Donnie responded.
You pulled him close and felt your worries melt away as you pictured three of you cuddled just like this. “Then let’s dream.”
(Check out behind the scenes for this fic and more on my Patreon. You can follow me there, here, or the tag #softspotfic for updates)
Thank you as always to my darling betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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