#hardly species of concern
audible-smiles · 5 months
When gardeners get a little too enthusiastic about "native plants good, invasive plants bad", they miss a crucial fact; very few plants have zero value to wildlife. An abandoned urban lot full of invasives still offers some options for shelter, habitat, and food...sure, the species who make best use of them are going to be the resilient generalists quickly adapting to urban life, but it's something. A barren parking lot offers pretty much nothing except human waste scraps.
So when you're managing an area with a large number of invasive plants, you have to keep in mind that in the short-term, you'll actually decrease the complexity of the ecosystem by removing plants. Obviously you're going to make up for it in the long-term with plants better-suited to your region, but some of those will take years to reach maturity. A lot of experienced native plant gardeners will recommend tackling a large space in sections so you don't turn your entire yard into an empty expanse of wood chip mulch all at once.
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eldragon-x · 11 months
Let me ask you a question, Light.
What it is, Ryuzaki?
I've been wondering: Who is your favorite Pokemon Mystery Dungeon character?
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...I see what your game is, L. Deducing the probability of me being Kira based on my answer. Not bad, but I'm already ten steps ahead of you.
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If I tell him my favorite character is Dusknoir, it's obviously going to link me to Kira. Not only is he a cunning, detective-like figure chasing after himself, but he is part of a species of grim reapers which can be connected to the shinigami.
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It would be befitting Light to pick Dusknoir since in the expanded story of Explorers of Sky, he grew willing to take great risks in order to make the world into a better and safer place. And even before his redemption arc, he is shown to be genuinely concerned about fellow Pokemon who are in immediate danger.
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Of course, he could always play it safe and say Grovyle, who is a well-written and widely beloved character in the community. Not to mention a true seeker of justice.
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No, it's too obvious. I have no choice. I'll just be outright. He can't possibly connect my liking for Dusknoir to Kira if I just present the facts.
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I think my favorite would have to be Dusknoir! His development in Special Episode 5 was a fascinating choice and made me appreciate his character as a whole.
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I see. I'm personally rather fond of Celebi.
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What the hell... Who would care about Celebi? Is this a threat? She is one of the characters who contributes to foiling Dusknoir's plans... Is he that confident in his ability to stop Kira? What is your angle, L...
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!? I love these games! My favorite is Munna!
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Misa, what are you doing?! Munna seeks to rid the world of rotten Pokemon! You're blatantly making a connection to Kira!
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Besides, Gates to Infinity is hardly worth of the Mystery Dungeon title... It's naive message about trying to better the world just through hope... I suppose it is just like Misa to like this game.
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Still! Munna is an incredibly incriminating choice. Dammit, Misa...
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Ahehehehe... Wigglytuff.
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stubz · 9 months
Injuries and a ship invasion, no one dies
"Why do they let humans take care of our younglings? If it hadn't been for the coalition then it would've been another century till they realize our existence. Their senses have dulled to the point where its laughable that they are the dominating species of their planet. And lets not forget the fact that they're at constant war with each other over the most stupidest things, color of skin, where one lives, who they love, what they believe, etc."
"Calis stop it! Your being a xenophobe. And while some of that is true you should know by now that the humans care deeply for our children."
"I am simply being concerned parent who worries for their young's safety and well-being...we are in a dangerous area right now, the middle of a war zone, and it would make me feel safer if we had some others at the care centre till reinforcements arrive."
"Trust me my brightest, the humans will do everything they can to ensure the safety of our Dali...and knowing them they'll likely surprise you and live up to their reputation."
"...fine, fine, I apologize, you are right. The humans have surprised me so far, what's one more?"
"Calis calm down! Your arm!"
"Calis, your hurt and so is your partner. Think of Gala, they need you right now."
"...Gala is hurt because they were looking for Dali. They got shot because they were heading to the centre...I have to find Dali. For Gala, Captain."
"I'm sure that Kim and Max are doing everything they can to keep them safe."
"With all do respect Captain, how could 2 unarmed humans survive what our force couldn't."
"...I don't know but its probably going to be one hell of a story we'll be telling for the ages. Now go get your arm treated. That's an order."
"oh great stars please no...nonononono DALI!" the Delzah rushed forward, breaking through the search party, only to be stopped by their captain.
"Calis...you have to let them do their job. We, we just have to hope." he could not help the hitch in his breath. Hoping, praying, that his own child was okay underneath the wreckage that was once the youngling care centre.
They fight and thrash until eventually grief overtakes them. They collapse into the captain's arms wailing.
"...what hope do I have that my child is alive under all that rubble. Captain...the only hope I have is that they died quick and that they are with the stars now..."
"Oh Calis..." he sobs. He knows it. There was hardly a chance that anyone was still alive underneath there. Only the strongest younglings who were from a strong species may survive and his child was not one of those few. They were strong but his child was like him...a runt, the joke of the family. Too small, too weak, too soft. She was surely dead...why couldn't it have been him?
One by one, children emerge from an opening made in the rubble, and at the front of them was Dali and a small feline like child.
"my glorious star" flinging themself from the Captain Calis dragged themself to meet Dali who leaped into their Mapa's arms.
The captain was not too far behind, running to his daughter and cradling her close. Words were not exchanged but Calis could feel the vibrations coming from their purrs.
"See...I told you they would be waiting..."
last to emerge from the rubble was the humans, carried out on stretchers. Only one was conscious. Glass glittered from their skin, dirt and dust blended with vibrant red blood, staining their white bandages, and a rebar was poking out of the unconscious one's side.
"You...got everyone right?"
"Yes, human Max."
"Good...that's good..." and finally did they lose consciousness.
"Apparently they covered the windows and hid the kids in the storage room, putting them to the farthest corner while they formed a human wall in front of the door.
When those quiznaking bastards couldn't break down the door they rigged the centre with explosives. Lucky for us the humans personally requested that the storage room be made durable for the equivalent of their disasters on earth so it held up decently well."
"But how did they get so injured?"
"Decently well, meaning the room wasn't completely stable. Eventually the walls started to give and the humans had to improvise by becoming the new pillars. They took shifts until they both had to hold up the weight for what the kids guess to be 3 hours...imagine holding up all of that weight until you were on your hands and knees with rebars, broken glass, and debris piercing into your body."
"...Gala said that Human Max nearly flatlined and Human Kim needed 2 liters of blood."
"You seem confused."
"...Humans are impressive but how did they do all of that? They were already injured and yet managed to hold up a collapsed ceiling for hours until help arrived, I thought they were completely average and even weaker than us."
"Apparently when their loved ones, especially children, are in danger they tap into their more primal instincts. Allowing them to withstand a shot to the side, a slab of concrete to the head, and hours of keeping a ceiling from collapsing until they know everyone is safe.
Heard a story of a human who died only after he saw his kids was safe from a fire."
"Looks like Gala was right. Humans have surprised me once again."
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abyssruler · 1 year
ft. jing yuan, dan heng, blade x gn!reader
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JING YUAN - reincarnation
They say the Arbiter General of the Luofu only takes a lover every few decades, each one doomed to end in the tragedy that befalls that of a love between a short-life species and a long-life one. It’s widely speculated why the famed general chooses to continue taking short-life species for lovers, knowing the ending that would come about such a union. Jing Yuan cares not for idle gossip, save for the fact that people spread misinformation about him taking multiple lovers, but he can hardly tell everyone that he has only had one lover throughout his centuries of life. It’s just that you always happen to die far too soon for his liking. He fears sometimes, during those first few years after your death, that you’ll never come back, that one day he’ll wake up and realize that hundreds of years have passed without you. But you never fail to appear decades later with a smile on your lips and an apology on your tongue, soothing years’ worth of worries with a few measly words. Sorry, Yuan, I’ll be sure to live longer this time.
DAN HENG - soulmates
The Imbibitor Lunae was not only tasked to bear the responsibility of being the High Elder of the Vidyadhara, he was also destined for a love that spanned beyond lifetimes. Dan Heng knows of the story between the previous incarnations of you and the Imbibitor Lunae. Reincarnating at the same time, falling in love, and repeating it all over again in a never ending cycle that Dan Heng had been sure to end—that was, until he met you. Jing Yuan told him of your decision to forcefully reincarnate as well after Dan Feng’s crime, so it stands to reason that you shouldn’t feel anything for Dan Heng at all, what with this incarnation of yours having never met him in this lifetime. And yet, you keep looking at him with such softness, something like nostalgia in the tone of your voice as you spoke with him, that he can’t help but feel as though he, like his previous incarnations before him, can do nothing but fall into that never-ending cycle of love and being loved.
BLADE/YINGXING - time travel
Yingxing thinks you’re strange. Not in a bad way, of course, only that your mannerisms and way of conduct when it comes to him and his companions is odd. He’s caught you almost calling Dan Feng the wrong name, Dan He-something. You keep demanding Jing Yuan to spar with you for what you dubbed was a ‘rematch’, though Yingxing has no recollection of any instances of you and Jing Yuan fighting before. But it all pales in comparison to the way you act with him. You’re overly familiar, smiling and talking to him as though you’ve known him for years instead of a single month after he discovered you wounded on an alley with a broken blade. He still remembers the look of relief on your face when he crouched in front of you in concern. Blade, Kafka’s gonna kill me, this is the fiftieth sword I broke this month, was all you said before passing out. Despite the oddity of your first meeting, he found himself getting close to you, drawn in by your smile and your laugh and the tender way you looked at him. He imagined spending what remained of his life with you, but you disappeared a day before he was supposed to confess his feelings. It isn’t until many years later, when Elio is introducing the newest member of the Stellaron Hunters, that Blade connects the dots amidst his fractured memory. And it isn’t until another few years that you confirm his suspicions. Blade, you won’t believe what I just went through—or rather, when!
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 months
Bang Bang
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Requester: @Laer111ee (wattpad)
Rating: R
Summary/Inspiration Song: Bang Bang by K'NAAN
Note: my goodness.. it may be my longest one shot
Loki’s POV
I’ve always known humans to be the weaker species, surely much lower than most of the nine realms of this universe. It wasn’t until I had really spent an.. annoyingly long amount of time on Midgard to realize I could still be surprised.
It was strange, how Midgardians have history books filled to the brim of war and chaos, caused by their own doing. Why is it that when I try to rule, they turn against the idea? They most certainly have no problems living with those elected to decide how they live; is it because I am the god of chaos that makes things different? That I am not human? All.. nuisance cast aside with how things went upon them sending their earth’s mightiest heroes, I did at least gain one positive aspect through it all.
Was wasn’t quite special, no powers running through her delicate yet capable feminine body. Just years, perhaps a great solid decade at most of hard-core training- that humans would consider hard core. Gods even I am picking up on their simpleton language. Nevertheless, whatever this woman has gone through to earn her spot amongst these Avengers, she was truly the first, pure human that could actually get my body to tense in battle, for me to actually have to concentrate, to be less.. cocky, as I’m told.
She keeps up.
“you have a nasty habit of running from the inevitable-‘’ she called, slowly walking through some abandoned building as I kept myself around the corner from her eye sight.
The SHIELD uniform hugged beautifully to her body, much more mesmerizing than The Widow. She quickly let her eyes flick down briefly to make sure she was carefully walking amongst the debris, going right back up to make sure I hadn’t appeared in sight yet. It was quite amusing, the serious in her face as she searched for me, this not even being the first time she’s sought me out.
Although this woman walked around half the time with a loaded shotgun, -though it was hardly enough to concern me, something about her seemed to make me feel like I could have no concern with whatever she would point at me. Like she wouldn’t be able to pull the trigger, though I wasn’t quite in the mood to test out the possible bluff. She seemed to shoot me straight in the heart anyway, and to my own surprise, it came with no pain..
Why they don’t send someone with heightened abilities, I am unsure. Yet she’s lasted this long, though most of our encounters I’ve held back a lot- and she knows it. I just tend to always look forward to our next encounter, and I can’t very much do that if she is in a recovery wing. I am not a fool though, and normally there is either one or two Avengers outside the building in which I sneak to, indicating that she is perhaps still being put to the test by going after me.
‘’and yet you still follow darling.’’ I chuckle, using the angles where my voice could echo rather than give away my location as I eye the gun clutched in her hands. ‘’tell me, how many times will your heroes send you before they finally think you’ll catch me?’’
Her E/C eyes narrow, her head moving to all directions as she pressed on, her nose twitched as she ignored the knocking feeling to sneeze with all the dust. Cute.
‘’perhaps I’ve been holding back as well, when are you going to have the balls to have a real fight with me?’’
I couldn’t help but smirk at her vulgar language, most likely using sarcasm to substitute her fear, though I did not smell any on her. I began moving myself through the halls, knowing from a birds eye view of the building, I was making my way around so I could be behind her. ‘’when I know you won’t break as soon as I touch you..’’ quite often, I’ve hinted at an inuendo. As I’ve pushed much of the thoughts down, it wasn’t new for the idea of perhaps laying down with her to cross my mind if even given the opportunity- though I do like my partners willing most of the time.
‘’how about you stop hiding like a coward then?’’
It was a weak answer, but I knew she just wanted me to keep talking to give away my position as I quietly turn the corner and was now getting an eye view of her backside- hips swaying with a sculpted rump. I have wondered if those heroes merely send her for me to be distracted in hopes that she could use that to defeat me.. it hasn’t quite worked yet.
“It could be fun if you stop holding back.’’
My brow raised at her last statement. Did she enjoy these pointless battles just as much as I did? I rather sought out her closeness, her sarcasm and fierceness though she was as harmless as a young mongrel. I could always smell her scent when we fought, almost seeing the oils and soaps she uses and there was only one time I could have sworn I could smell arousal. My cock twitched at the mere thought and brought me out of my thoughts as I slowed my pace behind her. Though this closeness now I just couldn’t resist.
‘’you want fun then? Let’s have fun..’’ I whisper in her ear, seeing her body tense at the realization of my whereabouts and I had just enough time to inhale, my eyes fluttering as I got what I wanted before I leaned back when she swung an elbow back.
She was quick, turning around and pointed her gun towards me in which I was quick to grab and yank free before I had to watch her other arm. Fighting Midgardians was almost like fighting something that moved in slow motion, and I was happy to play along as I let her hit my chest now and again though I could tell she had gotten stronger since the last time we’ve met.
‘’dare I say you also look forward to our little dance sweet Y/N?’’ I smirk, teasing her to throw off her concentration as she glares, increasing her speed as she keeps trying to find an opening.
‘’I look forward to finally seeing you behind glass again Loki’’ she snapped though I gathered no anger in her voice as she dropped down and I quickly stepped back from a leg swing.
‘’ah so you much prefer talking than our physical interactions out here?’’ I press before she humps back to her feet, ramming the top of her head into my jaw. It didn’t hurt but it was the force that had my eyes fly up and I had to regain my footing as she kept going at punching at my pressure points- trying through my armor at least.
‘’I prefer you putting your mouth to better use-‘’ she cut herself off, the surprise matching my own as her body stilled for a split second and she shook her head ‘’interrogation!’’ she added, trying to redirect her meaning as her mistaken inuendo had my humor triggers.
I laughed and something in my chest seemed to switch at how this woman made me feel in that moment where she was quick to try to correct herself by fighting harder. It worked.
For once she got the best of me, fighting rather dirty through her embarrassment and opted to quick me in the groin. My amusement was quickly replaced with pain and she had me on my back in an instant with her blade to my neck. My hands were up, palms towards her in a surrender position where we both caught our breath.
‘’let me know if the offer still stands,’’ I smirk, knowing any wrong moves she would press the blade deeper than it was as I felt the slight warm trickle of blood at my neck.
Her free hand moved to her thigh, my eyes watching rather mesmerized as my mind screamed to get me out of this situation. With her body on top of mine quick comfortably in a pin, my body had other plans and wished to remain as she pulled out her radio. Sound seemed to have left my ears, seeing her speak but I couldn’t hear anything as I watched her.
This woman was different..
That had been quite some time ago, perhaps a little bit over a year and It was only 3 months later of.. attempted interrogations, they even sent her, because they realized my “plans” haven’t been put into place yet, day saved if it hasn’t started yet. After those boring 3 months, I found out someone had requested and convinced me to remain house bound to the Avengers tower, participating in community service here and there if my magic needed to be put to use depending on the foe they were fighting that same day. Of course, they never let me out without a particular Asgardian bracelet my idiot brother brought back that would dull my abilities, ensuring my escape would not be easily attempted.
When I had arrived at the tower for my new living situation, I received the not-so-surprising welcome from those heroes, and I often wondered who convinced SHIELD to let me be housed here. When my eyes landed on Y/N, those features reddened and her eye contact wavered, I knew it was here. I never brought it up, but as we conversed here and there throughout my time, her kindness compared to the others was a define confirmation where I never really needed to ask.
And our friendship grew.
Reader’s POV
Loki and I were similar in many ways- not so much the fact that he killed people or tried to take over the world or that he was narssassistic.. okay perhaps not that similar. Though in many house-life ways we seemed to be two peas in a pod.
I knew from the start the Avengers had sent me first to try to take him down, to put me to the test, so to speak, during my training days. To everyones surprise, he and I weren’t the stereotypical enemies. I would never admit it, but Loki was right.. fighting him was almost something I would look forward to, because we knew we couldn’t bring ourselves to kil each other.
Weve grown in friendship since he’s arrived, I noticed long before there was something different about him.. so I spoke with Fury and although Loki hasn’t figured it out yet- to my knowledge, I was assigned to secretly ‘babysit him’.
Whenever he entered the room, I couldn’t help but look at him with the feeling that my lips wanted to curl into a smile. There was a strange flutter in my chest, almost a wanting that I hoped he would sit next to me, talk to me, anything where I was really in his attention. He strongly disliked everyone else, perhaps me a bit less so I hope that wasn’t the main reason why he would come over..
I don’t want him to hate me..
We sat across from each other in another meeting, hosted by Rogers as he yet again had to debrief us on how we could do better on the latest assignment. From the corner of my eye, I could tell Loki was staring and I shifted a little shyly by his intense gaze. Whenever I would move to look back at him, his eyes were quick to move on Rogers and sometimes I would question if he had really been looking over here or not.
Just to test that theory, I would sometimes lean forward against my forearms on the table, my clevage showing a bit more with whatever top I was wearing that day. From the corner of my eye I could see Loki seeming to study my skin, him taking a strained swallow as he shifted in his seat sutly. I couldn’t help but smirk as I ‘listened’ to Steve, loving to tease this man to get back at mild mischief he would throw around in the tower when he was bored.
I would only sit back in my chair when I notice Tony activitly leaning forward to stare down my chest, hearing a growl form Loki as he seemed to look jealous before I would roll my eyes at Stark.
He would after flirt, casually of course in a normal conversation and catch me off guard where he’d smirk at how red my cheeks would get. Often mentally preparing myself to see him every day I would usually beat him to it with a flirtation inundo where he then would either stutter or turn away to try to make sure I wouldn’t see his own cheeks redden.
Cat and mouse, taking turns on who would be played and the player.
That’s how our relationship was, flirting and conversing. The only one who could hold up an interesting conversation around here and get me to think. He had so many ideas, good ones, and thoughts where we’d lose track of time. Truth be told I think I have began to gain feelings for this god.. and it scared me to death but upon seeing how.. for lack of a better term, weak, I could make him, it also made me feel bold, powerful, and I liked the person I was when I was around him.
Yet it’s not like he felt the same.. I probably was just another weak mortal in his eyes, decent enough to kill time with if this was all the options he had..
Nobody’s POV
Loki’s footsteps slowed, moving with causton down the halls as soon as he heard slight sound coming from the kitchen down the hall. Exactly where he was heading to In the middle of the night, as one does.
He was bare chested, black boxers being the only article of clothing he had on and with a dagger formulating in his hand as he neared the corner. No one has been up this late, and judging the cercumstances of where they were, you could never be to sure with the enemies that could pop up. Yet when he peaked around the corner, there was no enemy..
She had on.. very short shorts, a tank top with no sign of bra on as she kept her back to him at the stove. The dim stove top light was the only lighting she gave herself as she stirred something in the pop while his body relaxed with the non-threat.
Why was she up at this hour? He was only fetching himself a glass of water..
The dagger slowly vanished within thin air, his eyes starting from her ankles and slowly working their way up as he leaned himself against the doorframe. He had seen her in varies outfits- from work, to casual but never sleep attire. His teeth captured his bottom lip, feeling like he hasn’t blinked as he shifted himself by the slight growing reminder at how he felt towards her. Upon pawing at his boxers, he exhaled in slight discomfort and as soon as he noticed her body tensed, his hand moved to his side as she turned.
‘’oh! Loki-‘’ she gasped, quickly hushing herself as she grabbed her heart from the surprise. Her eyes seemed to widen at the sight of him, not exactly having seen him in his own sleep attire before- let alone shirtless. ‘’what are you-‘’
Playing it off quickly as if he hadn’t been staring for long a moment ago, he casually shrugged and moved himself towards the fridge with his eyes forward. ‘’I am merley fetching a glass of water, I am more curious as to why you would be cooking yourself a meal this late in the night?’’ he asked, glancing over at the stove as she turned off the burner.
‘’sometimes I just wake up with cravings- I wasn’t to hungry at dinner time so I suppose my body makes up for it now’’ she smiled sheepishly and leaned herself against the counter, watching him.
Loki gave a mild hum and a nod, taking a glass and turning around to face her. ‘’well do not mind me, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything’’ he smirked and slowly sauntered over to her.
He could notice her breathing picking up as he stood before he, having to tilt his head down a little to look at her as his height served as a reminder.
‘’n-not at all-‘’ she shook her head, sucking in a breath as he raised his arm while he held eye contact, their expressions steady at a stalemate before he reached around her, his arm gliding against her side before he pulled back with the water pitcher in hand. Looking embarrassed, her eyes moved over to the stove, checking on nothing which made him smirk.
‘’is there a problem?’’
‘’of course not- I’m just waiting for you to finish up.’’ She said with quick defense where he couldn’t help but chuckle, motioning around him as he poured into his glass.
‘’I am not in your way darling, unless of course you require things from the fridge but I do remember you favor that particular meal as is- plain package contents.’’ He said with no judgement- not anymore, he had wrinkled his nose the first time he had seem packaged ramen but held back his negative opinions when she had him try it one day.
‘’I know I just- am not used to working in the kitchen with someone around..’’ she said and rubbed her arm as she seemed to want to close in on herself.
‘’that is not try Y/N, I distinctly remember you having no issue working in the kitchen when one is present,’’ he corrects calmly and takes a sip of his drink, eyeing her before he sets down the glass beside him. ‘’I think you are merely just not used to one seeing you in quite the.. intimate attire..’’ he smirked and she picked up on his teasing, narrowing her eyes as she crossed her arms to seem stubborn but she really just tried covering herself.
‘’I am perfectly fine, Loki, with cooking in anything with anyone. I just enjoy my peace and quiet and wish to resume it as soon as you leave.’’
‘’quite the lie darling, how long will you be keeping it up until you remember what the god of I am?’’ he laughed, quickly lowering his voice as he leaned against the counter across from her, almost acting as a mirror as he rests his palms beside him on its edge just as she did.
He couldn’t help but notice her- not so subtle- eyes roaming over his chest in quick movements as if he wouldn’t notice. Did she admire him as much as he admired her?.. or wasn’t strictly just their forms they liked..
‘’..was it an innuendo?’’ he asked, seeming to surprise himself as the words came out.
‘’-what was?’’ she asked, raising a brow as she thought if she said anything right now that would make him think that but he clarified with a shake of his head.
‘’in our last fight.. when I was free.. before all,’’ he waved his hand around as his eyes slowly raised over to hers. ‘’this..’’ he cheeks reddened at the very pit he had dug himself but he had to ask. ‘’you told me.. that you would rather put my mouth to better use-‘’
‘’that was strictly involving interrogation-‘’ she said quickly, her cheeks heating up as she turned herself around, gripping the counter edge in her hands as she kept her back to him.
She was hiding, quite shy and although he was rather embarrassed himself upon asking the question, he quite liked the way he could make her squirm this was as she hid her face from him. ‘’all of it?’’ he asked slowly and she knew he was waiting to try to read on if she would lie to him.
Her eyes studied the countertop, her mouth searching for words while her mind raced before she closed her eyes and shook her head. ‘’no..’’
Loki’s heart seemed to jump in his chest, his eyes looking over her back.. backside to be exact while he listened to her answer. So she did want him.. he began to take a small step forward, watching how she stayed still as she kept her back to him but she was very much listening to his movement. ‘’as it may seem.. I want you to Y/N.. but not in just that way..’’ he took a breath, finding it easier to confess while she wasn’t piercing him with her eyes and he continued on.
‘’your not like the other mor- ..humans.. your strong, you help others, your not selfish and dare I say just as mischievious as me.. intreging.. I’ve often looked forward to the next time we got to fight if it so meant being just a little bit more close to you..’’
By now he was standing behind her, seeing how she kept her head low and her body began to shake as she drew in a breath. ‘’..i like you too Loki.. you make me feel like I’m alive.. you make me want to be better.. stronger.. free.. I knew since day one you were holding back in the fight for a reason..’’
He slowly rested his hands along hers, his body hovering just barely against hers as his chin almost rested against her shoulder. His eyes fluttered closed, taking an inhale of her sweet scent he loved so much while he shook his head. ‘’I couldn’t hurt a sweet thing like you.. it was you who told Fury to put me here, wasn’t it? Out of the cell?’’ he finally asked and she nodded a little, looking forward as she straightened a little, bringing her body up so her shoulder was resting now against his chin.
He took this as an okay to rest a little weight on her, his chin down on her shoulder while his hands moved to rest on top of hers. His body was so close to hers, he could feel her body heat radiating off of her skin and his cock throbbed as he could smell her arousal. Her sweet.. sweet scent..
‘’thank you Y/N..’’ he whispered, grateful every day to be stuck here if I meant being close to her like this. Glass between them didn’t cut it. His thumb gently stroked her smooth skin on her hand, his brows furrowing as the straining reminder and he took a shaky breath. ‘’..does the offer still stand?’’ he whispered, asking the same question he had asked a long time ago.
His body tensed, holding itself back to remain in control as she slowly nodded and whispered back, ‘’yes..’’
Moving ever so slowly, keeping in control and full prepared to stop himself if she would change her mind, he pressed himself up against her, his bulge resting against her ass while his chest pressed against her back. His hand slowly left her own and moved to her waist, his palm flat as it glided down her hip and moved so his fingers could dip under the edge of her shorts.
With one last hesitation as if she would change her mind, his hand moved into her shorts, dipping into her underwear and found out just how aroused she was. They both seemed to suck in a breath, her body beginning to shake as he buried his face against the side of her neck and hair.
‘’gods Y/N.. how long have you dripped for me..’’ he breathed and felt her body tense as she bit her lip.
‘’to long..’’ she whispered and felt the pads of his two finger tips began to rub lazy circles against her clit.
Her hips seemed to press forward into his hand, her head falling back to rest against his shoulder while his hand stroked through her folds. Her breathing was shallow and she arched her back a bit when he began slowly grinding his bulge against her ass, following the same rhythem of his hand.
His own body shook a bit, his breathing seeming to match hers as he nuzzled his cheek against hers, their eyes closed as they feel into the sensation of lust while Loki moved his hand so his thumb could take over her clit while a digit began ghosting her enterance, teasing her as he moved his finger barely in and out.
Her fists clenched as she bit her lip, the teasing slowly driving her made and she could almost see the smug look on his face as he waited for her to give him what she wanted. She wasn’t having that and instead, pushed her ass a bit into his crotch, pushing him a step back before pulling his hand out by her wrist before she turned herself around.
Loki smirked, following her intentions as his hands moved to her waist and helped her jump onto the counter, her legs spread while he made quick work to pull her shorts and panties off all in one go. He had to take a pause, the sight to beautiful to just admire as his hands gripped the counters edge alongside her spread legs while she rested back on her palms.
His mouth seemed to water at the sight of her cunt, ready and waiting while he sank to a knee. The care if someone would walk in was long gone for them both as Loki moved his hands to grip her hips before he dipped his head between her legs. The very taste of her had him pulling her forward so she was closer to the edge, her legs shaking to almost squeezing his head while her own rested back with her eyes up to the ceiling.
‘’fuckk..’’ she breathed, her fingers gripping the edge as he moaned, lapping her center while his vibrations helped her along to build her pleasure.
Silver tongue alright and he couldn’t get enough of her as he ate like a man starved. He lapped through her folds, taking turns suckling at her clit and tongue fucking into her center while her hand moved to his hair.
His locks were silky smooth, her fingers tangling themselves in his hair while she panted for her sweet release. His careful slow movements made her eyes flutter open, noticng how he slowed as soon as her cunt began clenching against his tongue and she bit her lip. Replaying his tongue with the pad of his finger, he kept her on that glorious edge while he rubbed into her clit, raising his head as he smirked up at her.
‘’say it.’’
She held her breath, cheeks heating up as her fingers gripped his hair, knowing he was to strong to pull him back down herself as his eyes pierced hers. With a shaky breath, she knew what he wanted.. she knew for so long what he wanted..
‘’please.. oh god please Loki.. please let me cum..’’ she begged, a whine in her tone as tears of sexual frustration build up pricked her eyes as he gave her that all to familiar smirk.
‘’as my lady commands,’’ he purred before moving his hand back to her hip and replaced it with his tongue, plunging it in and out of her center while the tip of his nose rubbed against her clit.
Her hips began bucking, her grip tightened in his hair before she threw her head back and moaned, shamelessly moaning his name as her eyes fluttered closed while she came. Loki wasted not a single drop as he drank her in, his hands rubbing up and down her thighs soothingly, almost like that alone was telling her good girl..
With shallow breaths, she felt his mouth slow its movements, helping her ride out her orgasm while her body shook. Pulling his body back slowly, he gave each inside of her thigh a kiss before he raised himself to be nose to nose with her, his palms resting beside her thighs as he smirked.
‘’how’s that for holding back?”
Her eyes widened as her hands moved to grip his shoulders. ‘’you were holding back??”
‘’do you think I hold back just in battle darling? I do not wish to break my fair mortal’’ he smirked and his eyes glanced over her before flicking back up. ‘’we are merely in the kitchen, if you wish for a proper.. fucking, then to the bedroom we go.’’
Her cheeks heated up and the realization that it gets 10000 times better- impossibly- made her eyes flick down to his raging erection. That piercing gaze of hers moved back up to his own and she mirrored his smirk as she moved a hand down to where he wanted her most.
‘’how about we put my mouth to use too..’’
Loki smirked and pulled her forward, her arms wrapped around his neck while her legs around his waist.
‘’..i will accept that offer in.. full.’’
DM a song for your own Musical Mischief one shot!
Tag List: @foxherder  @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
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honeybeefae · 2 years
Unexpected Visitors (Bat Boys x Reader)
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Kinktober Day Four: In Heat
Summary// With your mother only being half river nymph, you didn’t expect to have to deal with hardly any of the things that full nymphs have to go through, especially heat. However, after a few days of painful cramping and unrelenting need, Madja diagnosed you with the thing you had thought would skip over you. So when you isolate yourself from your friends, specifically three Illyrian males, to ride it out, the last thing you expect is for them to come to your door offering help.
(My first multiple fic, my first heat fic, my first bat boys fic…ya girl is stressed but ready to impress. I hope it meets every wild fantasy you have because let's be honest, who hasn’t thought about being in the middle of them? Let me know how you like it!)
WARNINGS: 18+, smut, multiple partners, one reader, dirty talk, just so messy, oral (m&f), anal, everyone gets a hole lol, teasing, multiple orgasms, masturbation, cum eating, double penetration, 
After Madja had sent you off to your apartment, giving her best advice to just ride it out until the hunger and fever broke, you felt like sobbing. The room was too hot, the feeling of your clothes on your skin stimulating you too much, and with every agonizing step towards your bedroom, you cursed your mother and her entire bloodline.
River nymphs had heats every year, it was what kept their species alive, and you couldn’t fault them for that. But you did fault your mother, who granted was only half nymph, for dismissing your concerns over the same thing happening to you and explaining that you were hardly considered one of them, your blood holding more faerie than nymph. 
She had only experienced them every ten or so years so after you had hit the age of maturity and showed no signs, your mother assumed you were in the clear. If she were here now, you would be stomping your feet and shouting like a child for her lack of information that could help you at your most desperate hour. 
“I’m going to die here.” You groaned, stripping off your clothes and letting the air try to dry your sweat-slicked body. “I have nothing, no one, to help and by the time anyone finds me I will be dust from how bloody hot my skin is.”
A sharp cramp twisted your stomach, sending you to your knees as you cried out in pain. Madja had given you a few tips to help you, most of them being some form of intercourse or sexual gratification, but you could barely gain the strength to use your own hand let alone prowl the streets for a poor guy.
Suddenly you remembered her suggestion of an ice bath, knowing it would at least curb the heat, and you crawled to your bathroom to turn on the tap to the coldest setting. You didn’t even wait for it to fill up, slinking all the way down as the water rose slowly.
It made you hiss at the drastic change, your skin now feeling like it was getting freezer burned, but you gritted your teeth and closed your eyes to try and meditate through the pain.
I can do this. I can get through this. I am more than my pain.
“Motherfucker.” You grunt, feeling like a knife is slicing open your belly while a fresh wave of need makes your already wet sex even wetter. Using your foot to turn off the water that was now up to your neck, you let your other hand slide into the tub and between your folds.
As soon as you touched your clit the tension in your neck and shoulders started to disappear. It was like drinking water after going through a desert, an orgasm already building up quicker than your fingers could rub.
Your mind flickered through different people, and different scenarios, trying to find one to settle on to bring you over the edge. The coil was getting tighter and tighter, your body screaming for release just as you imagine your friends, three of them to be exact, watching you hungrily as you chased your release.
The image stayed front and center in your mind, molding to them fisting their own cocks as they watched, and you felt your orgasm start to travel up your body. 
Until loud, insistent knocking ripped you from your fantasy. 
You let out a shriek of frustration, almost falling out of the bathtub as you got up and wrapped a towel around yourself to march over to the door. Whoever it was was still knocking, and when you yanked it open, you opened your mouth to scream at them to leave you the hell alone before letting it snap shut in shock.
Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian stood outside your apartment looking somewhat uncomfortable, all of them fidgeting in their spots as you stood there dripping wet. 
Literally and figuratively.
“W-what are you guys doing here?” You stuttered, grasping your towel closer to your body while trying not to think about what you had just imagined in the bathroom. Madja had told you she would explain your condition to them, but you hadn’t expected them to come over. 
“Uh, Madja told us you were sick, so we just wanted to check on you.” Cassian said while rubbing the back of his head. You knew they could smell your arousal, but you were praying to the Mother that they wouldn’t mention it, that they would just leave before the cramps came back.
“Yeah, she said you were hurting pretty bad.” Azriel added, mouth tight and hands clenched. You pinched the bridge of your nose and looked over to your High Lord, watching his eyebrows draw together in concern.
“Do you need anything, Y/N?” Rhysand asked with sincerity, making your heart flip at the kindness. They all had your best interest at heart, the four of you had been friends for years, but it was coming at the worst time possible.
“Yeah no, I’m okay.” You smiled before grunting as your cramps came back, making you grasp the doorframe with all of your strength as if it was calling out your lie. “Really, I-I’ll be fine!” The last word was more of a wheeze and you shut your eyes to take in some deep breaths.
“By the gods, Y/N, are you alright?” Rhysand cursed, catching you in his arms when your knees buckled. His warmth and scent immediately had your mind going into a frenzy, moaning as your common sense started to drift out the door when he unconsciously pulled you closer.
It felt so nice, he felt so nice, and you couldn’t stop yourself from burying your head into his neck and inhaling his smell. You missed the look he was sharing with his brothers, looking to them for answers. They licked their lips, practically tasting your arousal in the air, and Cassian motioned for everyone to go inside. 
Whatever was going to happen didn’t need to be done in the hallway. 
“Fuck this place is covered in her scent.” Azriel noted, his cock stirring in his pants as they went further in until they found your bedroom. He turned to look at you squirming in Rhys’s arms, noticing how you were rubbing your thighs together in need, and even he couldn’t control how his shadows slid out and down his arms in excitement and curiosity.
Rhysand laid you on the bed gingerly, groaning loudly as you all but ripped the towel off of your body. All three of them felt their morals slip, eyeing you up like a piece of meat as you reached for the closest male…who turned out to be Cassian.
You looked up at him with big, doe eyes and a pout on your lips. “Please, please touch me, I can’t do this alone…” You pleaded while moving your hands down to the front of his pants, palming the large erection that made your walls throb in want. “Cassian, please!”
He took a deep breath through his nostrils before grasping both of your hands in his own, holding you still as more pretty cries left your mouth. “What do we do? We can’t just leave her but I don’t think I can take much more of this, Rhys.”
They shared another look, as if they were speaking in their own language, before Rhys took Cassian’s place and bent down to your eye level. He grasped your face firmly, trying to use pain to get you to come back to reality for a moment so he could ask for your consent. 
“Y/N? Y/N.” He said sternly, watching the light return to your eyes briefly. “You need help. We can help you but we need your consent.”
The world around was blurry, your primal instincts fighting with all their might to take back control, but you tried your best to focus on his words. They wanted to help you through this, like the good friends they were, but…
“All of you?” You questioned, words slurring while looking at Cassian and Azriel. “At the same time?”
Azriel chuckled, coming up behind you while Cassian joined Rhys in front of you. “If you can take us, angel.” He teased, one of his shadows caressing your bare arm which made a shiver overtake your body momentarily.
Rhys shot him a glare, knowing he wasn’t helping, before softening his gaze when he looked at you again. “You’re in pain, darling. Let us help you.” He cooed, his own lust prickling his blood while Cassian ran a large hand up your leg. 
“We’ll take care of you sweetheart, we promise.” Cassian smirked, watching your eyes flutter at all of the attention your body was craving. It wasn’t even up for debate at the point you were out, your body so desperate for them that you would sooner throw yourself out the window than say no to the men that you dreamed of. 
You licked your lips and nodded, looking deep into Rhysand’s eyes as you softly whispered, “Yes, please. I want it. I want all of you.” 
As soon as you gave your permission, they descended on you, three pairs of mouths claiming you in different places. Azriel had moved your hair so he could kiss your neck, his tongue easing the fire under your skin while Cassian lifted one of your legs to start kissing up your inner calf and thigh. Rhysand had taken your lips, molding them perfectly against your own and groaning at your taste. 
It was hard to focus on who to pay attention to so you decided to finally give in fully to your heat and let your body guide you. One of your hands went behind you to grasp Azriel’s hair, nails digging into his scalp while your other went down to Rhys’s collar to pull him closer.
They continued their coordinated attacks for a few more minutes before Cassian grew tired of being at the bottom. He grabbed both of your legs and threw them sideways so that you were now fully on the bed, ignoring his brothers growls as he quickly found a home between your legs. 
“Look at how wet you are for us, Y/N…” He grinned, spreading you open as Azriel and Rhys bent over to look. All three of them moaned as they saw how sticky you were, the juices of your arousal now sliding down your ass from how much you wanted them. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ve got you.” Cassian murmured before licking your pussy clean, his long tongue going in every crevice to taste as much as he could. You gasped loudly, your hands flying to grasp at the sheets as he ate you out.
Your hips immediately started to grind against his face while Azriel bent down to start playing with your breasts, pinching and squeezing the soft mounds that caused your sounds to grow even louder. He watched you with those dark, amber eyes as he took a nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue at the same time Cassian flicked your clit.
The pleasure was making you go insane. Your head tilted back only to blink in surprise when Rhysand stared back at you, a feline grin gracing his lips as he went behind you and held your arms above your head so that you were powerless against them. He then forced your head back down so that you were watching his brothers touch you, whispering into your ear to add to your experience.
“Look at how they are touching you, darling. How desperate they are for just a taste of you.” He purred, licking the shell of your ear while you started to pant. Another coil winded tightly in your belly and they could sense it, helping you get closer to your release. “I can’t wait to see for myself but I want you to cum first, can you do that?”
You nodded shakily, your mouth opening as all of the sensations of their touches grew to be too much. Cassian’s tongue snaking into your hole and Azriel’s teeth tugging your nipple was what pushed you over the edge, babbling out incoherently as your orgasm hit you like a shooting star.
Rhysand talked you through it, his cock throbbing steadily as he watched you coat Cassian’s face in your cum. Azriel removed himself from your breasts and started to take off his clothes, his brothers following suit until you were all naked and horny.
All of their cocks were of various sizes and girths but you wanted to taste and fuck them all, your body moving on its own as you crawled towards Azriel and started to fist his cock. You were on all fours, ass out, and you didn’t even flinch when you felt one of them slap their cock against your cunt.
When Cassian appeared beside you, you realized who was behind you, turning to look as the High Lord of the Night Court eased himself into you. It was a stretch but you didn’t feel any pain, a high-pitched whine escaping your throat as he wasted no time in grabbing your hips and picking up speed.
“Angel,” Azriel called, his shadows curling around your face to turn you to look back at him and Cassian. “Don’t forget about us.” 
Your hand resumed its pace while you turned to Cassian and gazed up at him innocently, opening your mouth wide enough so he could guide his dick into your mouth so you wouldn’t lose your balance. Both Illyrians growled above you, Cassian using your hair as leverage while Azriel thrusts his hips in time with your hand. 
“That’s it, darling, that’s it.” Rhysand praised behind you, enjoying how tight you were squeezing him and also how much you were into this. He wishes he could freeze this moment forever. You looked so beautiful, taking them all like this, and he knew his brothers felt the same. 
“Mmmmm, fucsks!” You garbled around Cassian, drool trailing down your chin as Rhys abused your hole like he owned it. You switched your positions so that Azriel was now in your mouth, taking him all the way down which had him shouting your name while you let Cass fuck your hand.
The room smelled like sex and sweat, an intoxicating combination as Rhysand felt his own orgasm swell in his balls. Your body sensed it as well, catching up easily as your walls fluttered around him. Azriel’s thrusts were starting to get sloppy as well and before you knew it, they were both filling you up with their cum. 
Both of your holes couldn’t handle the amount of seed and when they pulled away, it leaked out of the corners of your mouth and cunt. Rhysand used two fingers to catch what had fallen and stuff it back inside, smirking at how you sucked his fingers back in.
Cassian’s release was right there and you turned to face him, opening wide as he moaned your name and coated your face and chin with his finish. It was hot and sticky but you loved it, swishing around the mixture of him and Azriel before swallowing it.
Two strong, scarred hands lifted you up and brought you to his height, kissing you and tasting himself and Cassian on your tongue. The fire that was once burning uncontrollably was now dying down but you still needed more. You wanted them all.
“I need more.” You panted, turning to look at them pitifully. “Please, I need more of you all. To be stuffed full.”
They chuckled at how desperate you sounded, as if they would deny you of that. Cassian snatched you from Az’s arms and laid himself back onto the bed, getting comfy as you reached down to line him up to your cunt. He was longer than Rhys, hitting that button inside of you immediately. You grunted when he bottomed out inside of you, enjoying as his hands came up to grope your tits as you started to ride him.
“So perfect,” Azriel said, coming up behind you and kissing down your neck as you felt one of his fingers prod against your asshole. It felt foreign but you didn’t care, arching your back to give him easier access. “You think you can take both of us, Y/N?”
Rhysand came up to your side and tilted your face to look at him, brushing the hair out of your eyes while taking in your cum-stained beauty. “Of course she can, Azriel. She’s a good girl.” The words sent a chill down your spine and he smirked, bending down to kiss you gently at the same time Azriel pushed into your ass. 
A loud whimper came from your chest at the feeling, nails digging into Rhys’s skin so deeply that blood pooled at the sight. He could care less though, pulling away so he could wrap a hand around your throat to watch you lose yourself in their presence. 
After a moment you motioned for Cassian and Azriel to move, eyebrows knitting together at just how good they felt being in you at the same time. It was your wildest fantasy and judging from the sounds of everyone else, it was theirs as well.
“Oh my gods…” You moaned, your face still turned to Rhys’s. He stuck a thumb in your open mouth and you immediately wrapped your lips around it and began to suck it. 
Meanwhile, Cassian and Azriel looked like they were in heaven. The former had his eyes screwed shut as you bounced on his cock like you were made for him while the latter was biting and kissing any bare skin he could get to. The sound of everyone’s skin slapping against something had your ears ringing and despite your best effort to hold off, your body wanted to cum again.
You looked down and saw Rhysand’s cock standing tall but lonely, trying to reach for it but he tightened his grip on your throat and shook his head. “I enjoy watching as much as I enjoy partaking, Y/N Darling.” He cooed, pushing his thumb farther back until you gagged. “Just enjoy what my brothers are giving you.” 
A nod was your only response as he let you go, Azriel taking full advantage and pulling your face towards him for a searing kiss. Rhys started to stroke his own cock as Cassian started to get close to another release, smacking your ass roughly.
“M’gonna fill you up, sweetheart, fuck.” He panted, watching you tongue fuck Azriel’s face which only spurred him closer to the edge. “Cauldron help me. You’re going to be the death of me Y/N.”
His cock throbbed inside of you and when you left Azriel to kiss him, he lost in. Cassian’s mouth was dominating as he thrust sharply into you, groaning into your mouth as he emptied his balls into you. Azriel was right behind, grasping your hips and moaning loudly.
The feeling of both of them stuffing you full had you finishing with them, your body slumping forward and onto Cassian’s chest as you barely had any energy to even cry out. It felt like the first wave of your heat was finally done, your body exhausted, as they both pulled out of you.
Before you could fully fall asleep, you realized Rhys hadn’t came and when you turned to him, he smiled sweetly and kissed your forehead. “Go to sleep, Y/N. We can continue this when you wake up.”
Your body immediately listened to him, eyes shutting as you fell asleep quickly on Cassian’s chest. They all looked at each other, everyone tired and fucked out, before Azriel said, “When she wakes up?”
“Oh yes, heats like these come in waves,” Rhys explained, heading towards the bathroom to grab some towels for everyone. When he returned, he threw them at his brothers with a smile, looking at you sleeping peacefully and saying, “We’re definitely doing this again.”
“Can’t wait.” Cassian grinned, kissing your temple. Azriel nodded in agreement and joined the two of you in bed. It was going to be one hell of a week. 
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radiantlyrey · 4 months
Ruby Sunday: Thoughts & Theories (SPOILERS)
The Facts Were These:
Ruby Sunday was abandoned by as a newborn baby by her birth mother. (Note A: Her birth mother's name is unknown, but has been promised to us. Note B: Her birth mother's provenance is equally unknown, and has not been promised to us.)
Ruby Sunday has been taken out of time twice--once by the goblins on the night of her birth, and once by her stepping on a prehistoric butterfly and changing history.
Despite a genetic test, Ruby Sunday apparently has no relatives on Earth who her DNA can be matched to.
The snow from the night of Ruby Sunday's birth and abandonment appears when the memory of Christmas 2004 is invoked. (Note A: It also seems to appear when she is feeling some strong emotion.)
Maestro, a child of the Toymaker and a part of the pantehon, believes Ruby Sunday is human until Christmas 2004 is invoked. They then think Ruby may be connected to "the oldest one" (another child of the Toymaker? another god?) before calling Ruby a "creature" who is "very wrong."
The events of "73 Yards" appear to show Ruby Sunday trapped in a loop of time (perhaps more a Möbius strip of time) that only breaks when she dies.
The Doctor at times is discomfited by Ruby Sunday and her existence. (Note A: He is surprised by the Butterfly Incident detailed in Point 2. Note B: He hides his concern about the snow with a hug. Note C: He runs a genetic scan of Ruby after their first adventure.)
The Doctor has been following Ruby Sunday since before they properly met. He has admitted this to her, but he has not explained why.
Ruby Sunday and the Doctor have a lot of common in their backstories--they were both abandoned as children; they were both adopted; they are both somewhat unconnected to their adopted societies. Coincidence seems to be tying them together, and to their adventures. (There have been a lot of parentless children in these stories.)
So those are the facts.
Now for some metafictional facts: There are a lot of strange things going on with Ruby Sunday. She has yet to properly, by herself, save the day. (In fact, in two of her five episodes, she has been absent for the climax entirely.) Most modern companions do this in their first couple of episodes. Despite her moment of defiance in "Boom", she has yet to make the Doctor angry with her actions, which most companions have done by now. It's almost as if she only exists as a character on a purely surface level. She has little depth, hardly any flaws; she and the Doctor get along like breezy best friends, but there's not much of substance about her. Given RTD's reputation as a character writer (especially as concerns Doctor Who), the characterization of Ruby Sunday has seemed more than a little flat. And I can't help but wonder if maybe this is all deliberate.
By this point in the season, when we've hit the halfway point, everyone has a theory about Ruby Sunday. The writing has encouraged the mass theorizing, piling on mystery after mystery with gusto. There are even theories (mostly driven by the fourth-wall breaks in "The Devil's Chord") about the whole season being some kind of misdirect or fakery. But those theories, I think, go slightly too far.
I have theories of my own, of course. My crack theory is that Ruby is either related to the Time Lords or even the Doctor's mysterious species. There is a little evidence for this--her disappearances and reappearances from the timeline, the time loop stuff from "73 Yards"--and it might be true, but I'm starting to shy away from it slightly. Another theory I've seen in this line is that Ruby is part of the pantheon, another god-like being who's been disguised as a human. This seems a little likelier, but I have another idea.
Maestro refers to Ruby Sunday as a "creature" in "The Devil's Chord"--and the word "creature" has the same Latin root as the word "create." I think it's entirely possible that Ruby was created as a trick or a trap for the Doctor, that she's merely an idea that's been given human form. The idea is this: "someone who travels with the Doctor." Fans have already pointed out the numerous parallels Ruby has with other New Who companions--she phones her mum from the future like Rose in "The End of the World"; her existence mirrors the mystery of Clara Oswald in Series 7; she has a lot of the spitfire spunk we've seen from Donna Noble; she even dies and comes back to life like Rory constantly did during his tenure!! Given the teasers we've received for the penultimate episode, "The Legend of Ruby Sunday"--an image of a monitor with the episode's title on it, and [NOTE: I cannot seem to find a source for this; please help!!!!!] a line of teaser dialogue about the Doctor's life playing out on multiple screens [AGAIN: cannot seem to find a source; if you know where teaser dialogue lines for this season were released---or if they're even real--PLEASE LET ME KNOW], it seems to me that the Doctor's life has been studied in order to create the perfect companion, a tailor-made trap for the Doctor and the Doctor alone.
I don't think RTD is stupid enough to pull a "gotcha! it was all a dream/TV show/hallucination!" trick for the whole season, which I know a lot of people are theorizing about. That is a hard needle to thread in the best of situations, and if it doesn't land effectively, then a good chunk of your audience will leave in disgust and never come back. But I think it's very possible you could pull the same trick with one character.
My theory is this: Ruby Sunday is a simulacrum, or hybrid (ha), or something else entirely! But she is not Real. She was created to be thrown away, a lure for the Doctor meant to be eaten or discarded. It might be that she's part of the Doctor's species, but caught by the pantheon (or something else) and changed into a tool or toy or something not-quite-Real. There's been talk about how Doctor Who is gaining more fantastical elements (goblins and gods and so on), and what is more fantastical than a fairy tale? I think the legend of Ruby Sunday is one such fairy tale, and I think I know how it's going to end.
Ruby will, at last, assert herself. She will break free of what she's been created (written) to be, and claim her personhood/characterhood. She will re-enter the world fully herself and fully three-dimensional. She will finally become Real, with all that that implies.
And nothing is more fairy tale than that.
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cozage · 1 year
Helloooo! First things first, I gotta say, I LOVE your writing! Anything you post I eat it up, even if the characters aren't my cup of tea you somehow make me a complete simp. Congratulations on your absolutely AMAZING work <3
Okok onto the real ask, tho! I was thinking gender neutral reader, with Sanji and Zoro? (Maybe Usopp if it tickles your fancy :)) Reader is like, very badass at first glance kicks ass easily and does it looking very cool. Leather jacket, maybe some cool tattoos and piercings, stuff like that.
But when they start getting to know them better they're like... A total dork??? A complete nerd??? They like roleplaying games like DnD, they know a bunch of animal and science facts for absolute no reason other then "it's fun to know about stuff :D" (also, fun fact, did you know there's a species of penguin that is like- 12 inches tall?? And they're blue???? They're called fairy penguins and I LOVE THEM-)
It could be a short fic or headcannons, whatever works best for you <3 thanks for reading this! And writing! Have a wonderful day!
A/N: Eeeeek this was so cute and soft to think about!! As a fellow d&d nerd and just nerd in general this was really cute to write (I however, am not an intimidating badass, but I admire those who can pull it off)
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Usopp
Total word count: 700
Intimidating Nerd
He finds your intimidating nature so hot. SOOOOO hot.
He’s always fawning over you and desperate to give you attention. You hardly pay him any mind, but that just fuels him even more. 
Sanji discovers pretty quickly that you’re not as intimidating as you appear (because he’s literally always watching you), but at first he doesn’t let on.
He does learn all about the topic you’re totally obsessed with, and uses that to win you over. 
Not the type to call you out or gloat that he knows, he just drops random hints about it at first. Little facts, and when he sees you perk up he knows he hit the jackpot.
After a few mentions of it, you finally cave, and just totally info dump on him while he’s baking. 
He just stirs the batter and hums along, only half understanding all of the things you say (he only learned enough to impress you) while you get louder and louder from excitement. 
But your excitement doesn’t phase him, in fact it makes him giddy. He’s thrilled to see such a vulnerable and different side of you that not many get to see. 
Zoro is concerned at first that you’re all talk, but once you prove yourself in battle, he becomes pretty impressed with you. 
Impressed becomes adoration, due to the look you have and the flirtatious words exchanged between you all. 
He hears you occasionally speak about your special interest(s), and on island days he can usually find you in one of those weird stores he usually tries to avoid. 
After you leave one, he sneaks in and asks the guy what you were in there for. He explains that he’s a crewmate of yours and is trying to find you something nice, but has no idea where to start. 
He ends up picking out a cool piece of jewelry that has some hint towards whatever you love. That kind of merch that still looks cool, but fans know where it’s from. 
Luckily, the guy is super helpful, and even explains a little bit about the backstory of the item he picked out (all of which goes right over Zoro’s head).
He leaves it on your bed in the bunkhouse. He doesn’t really know what to say or how else to give it, and when you see it, you know it's from him immediately. He’s the only one who knows that you like that thing, and you instantly put it on. 
When he sees you again, he compliments the jewelry, to which you smirk and roll your eyes. “Thanks,” you say. “Some nerd got it for me.”
He is so scared of you. Literally tenses when you walk in the room at first.
Yeah, you’re hot. But you could also definitely kill him in 5 seconds with your pinky. He’s seen you do it to stronger enemies in less time. 
He doesn’t even try that boasting thing with you. He tried it once and you just raised an eyebrow at him. He got so flustered that he immediately shut up. 
And then he brings up an old game he used to play, an old TV show he used to watch, an old comic book he used to read. And your entire demeanor changes. 
At first he thought you were making fun of him or trying to scare him, but he can see real enthusiasm about it in you. And you like…know your stuff. 
Suddenly you all are BEST. FRIENDS. You’re inseparable. You teach Luffy and anyone else who will listen about the lore. Most of it goes over Luffy’s head, but Robin, Franky, and even Sanji get a hold of the concept and become slightly interested. 
Every time you stop at an island, the two of you saunter off together trying to find new merch or new updates about it. 
Usopp loves having you around because he knows that you will always protect him and you can fight enough for two in battle, and you’re cool enough to always keep a conversation going with him.
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Welcome back! =D
Part 2
Warning: long, long post (also a part 2 but I think y'all are used to it by now-) 😊😅
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MattMick!! Also, Beer looking between them like that and Q and Toey peeking from behind cracked me up hehe
Also, does that mean Beer is single? Wait, maybe he's aroace. That'd be really cool.
I did see some hints of a throuple of him and MattMick, but I'm happy with either option.
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Poor QToey 😭
Their romantic moment got rained on so hard-
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Exhibit: Here you can see three males from the species Homo sexuals. Two of them are already mated, and the third is in the courting process. We think the other male is interested too.
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Oh- But I thought- oh, this makes sense actually. So the others know. I mean not really surprising when you think about it, to be honest.
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With his unprecedented levels of obliviousness? Yeah, no, I get where you're coming from, Chain.
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That's your biggest concern about getting a penguin?? 😭😭
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Why does Peem look like the exasperated mom friend of the group 😭
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After all the tiny crumbs of the past *checks notes* 8262 eps, this is a lot of progress.
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HANDS. (I will never stop screaming about hands.)
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Peem, babe, he hardly ever goes to class anyways. He's too busy following you around like a puppy.
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Me, who holds handholding above everything else (yes, even sex): *DEEP BREATHS THROUGH THE NOSE* I'm fine. *SMOKE COMING OUT OF EARS* Totally fine.
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Nothing to say, just a really good shot. (Also, Phuwin's exasperated smile seemed too real and then I learned Pond improvised that scene and yeah, that explains it)
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ChainPun: only two people with matching pillow cases
QToey: missing (me?) [Sorry I couldn't resist 😭]
TanFang: peacefully asleep
PhumPeem: chronic insomnia, aggravated by Tan's snores
Matt: cuddling Mick
Beer: dreaming of him and his friends and their boyfriends all graduating with good grades
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ChainPun. <33
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Let me wrap this moment in my memory forever. (I tried to adjust the lighting a bit but it didn't really work out 😭)
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Look, we all expected this. I even said on record I wouldn't survive. And all that mental Muay Thai still didn't prepare me for this.
Till now, I have watched 60 BLs, give or take, so I've seen a lot of NC scenes. Compared to some of them, this is very PG-13, but this one really got me, like very few sex scenes have managed to. The intimacy, the palpable love, want. It all came together so beautifully in this scene.
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Them saying 'I love you' during sex is canon! Yay! I knew it in my guts (wrote a fic about it) but feels so good to be right in canon hehe.
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"I love you too, now kiss me again."
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HANDS!!!! (It's canon now, they hold hands during sex, and so I can freely write a fic about it. Not that something not being canon ever stopped me but yeah.)
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Fang: my brother is in safe hands. 😌
Also, love how Peem didn't hesitate to at the chance to kick both brothers and make it a streak 😭👍🏼
Honestly though, this scene shows that Peem is going to go to very long lengths to make sure Phum is okay, even kicking his own brother (which assures me that Peem maybe wouldn't hesitate that much to sucker punch their dad either, which is important information to have for possible future fics.)
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How can one man be so goddamn cute??
The whimpering puppy noises- 😭
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Cakes are so hard to bake, for real. This one is so cute though 😭😭🫶🏼
Puppy Phum- honestly is anyone surprised? No? Thought so.
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This smile-
It holds so much happiness and the brunt of so many years of trauma. It's so beautiful. I'm probably gonna rewatch the heck out of this scene.
I end Part 1 here, Part 2 will be out (hopefully) soon!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊 (All mistakes are mine, but in my defense, I literally fell asleep while writing this.)
Here, have a pie (of your favourite flavour) 🥧
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tribbetherium · 3 months
The Early Rodentocene: 5 million years post-establishment
(Remastered from this entry)
In the Middle Temperocene, a hundred and fifty million years after life was put onto this planet, the creatures that roam and live and thrive upon its surface have attained a pinnacle of diversity, with such a diverse range of sizes, shapes, colors and niches that it seems improbable, impossible even, to fathom that they once had a common origin, from a single humble species.
But this was not always the case: early on, when the world was young and its creatures small and unassuming, the animals that filled its forests, plains and grasslands were still clearly of close kin, recognizable as hamsters- or at least a similar related rodent. Yet they had already begun to fill the niches that were open in the empty ecosystem, quickly diversifying in a short period of time into grazers, seed-eaters, insectivores, omnivores, foragers and predators. In a retrospective view, these early species were the forerunners of peculiar, very derived, and unexpected descendants, yet already bearing the beginnings of the defining characteristics of these clades. But during the time in which they lived, they were but ordinary creatures: living their lives blissfully unaware of the grand future to come.
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Among the first pioneers of the tree-tops in the Early Rodentocene was the speckled peachpitter (Archaeosciurucricetus punctus), a descendant of the hairy-tailed hamster subspecies Cricetulus griseus hirsutolongicauda. Their long, hairy tails proved useful to balance as they clambered up the trunks and branches of the abundant stonefruit trees, and the atavistic re-emergence of a fifth digit on each paw, independent to that of Cricetulus griseus pentadactylus, would prove an advantage in scaling and getting a grip on the rough bark.
In this lush, predator-free environment, the speckled peachpitter was a bold, fearless and abundant creature, leaping from branch to branch in great numbers out in broad, open daylight: entirely unconcerned by aerial attackers which had not existed at this point. It was the influence of this miniscule arboreal hamster, in fact, that would greatly shape the evolution of HP-02017's plant life. Feeding on the large, single-seeded fruits of the earliest stonefruit trees, the peachpitter destroyed countless forests in its time by eating too many of their large, vulnerable seeds, and created a selective pressure toward smaller, harder seeds and more protected pits: bringing about the early forebearers of the many-seeded pebblefruit and the hard shelled disnuts, both of which remain highly successful in later eras.
With hardly any enemies to concern them, the speckled peachpitter is active all day round, resting intermittently and foraging day, night, or Beta-twilight. In temperate areas where snow is present they may reduce activity and reproduction during the cold winter months, but in tropical climes they forage and breed all year round, producing large population spikes from time to time depending on local food availability. With hardly any enemies, speckled peachpitters are also rather neglectful parents, producing many young in litters of six to ten on average, nursing them only for two weeks until their fur grows in and their eyes open, and almost immediately leaving them behind to fend for themselves. With little else to threaten them, their population is instead leveled off by high mortalities from harsh competition during periods of food scarcity. Until something emerges to keep their numbers in check, they will continue this boom-and-bust cycles of population, and live a risky but fearless lifestyle, all the while shaping the world they live in, by forcing other life-forms to adjust to their ravenous numbers.
Agile in the treetops, this early species will, in time, become the ancestor of the Arbocricetidae: a vast, diverse lineage of tree-climbing species with prehensile grasping limbs and fur-covered tails that are skilled acrobats among the branches of their canopy home. While many of them would remain similar to the speckled peachpitter as small, recognizeable rodents, two particular lineages of interest would arise from this group. One, developing opposable digits, larger body sizes and larger brains from acquiring complex social behaviors, would become the primate-like lemunkies. Another, developing membranous webs of skin between their limbs to travel from tree to tree, would eventually progress into powered flight: giving rise to the earliest ratbats.
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Meanwhile, across the continents of Nodera, Westerna, Ecatoria and Easaterra, a descendant of Cricetulus griseus pentadactylus would instead spread far and wide across the plains and grasslands, its efficient bipedal locomotion allowing them to cross the land bridges before they sank early on. The most widespread of these, the common plains jerma (Dipodoeocricetus saltus) would make it to all four of the major continents and in time dominate the open grounds. Only the isolated Peninsulaustra and Borealia, having separated earlier, would be out of their reach, though these would eventually be reached far later by small species rafting or migrating over times of briefly-lowered sea levels.
The common plains jerma is distinguished by its long and powerful hind limbs, and, perhaps surprisingly, its long tail, which compared to some of its later descendants was still relatively short and stiff, comprised of few but elongated caudal vertebrae derived from those of the ancestral Cricetulus griseus, which had proportionately long tails for hamsters. These structures allowed them to balance and run and leap on two legs, enabling them to cover large expanses of ground in search of food and evade some of the earliest predators of the Early Rodentocene.
The common plains jerma is both a skilled runner and hopper, moving about quickly on its two hind limbs while its forelimbs are relegated to grooming, digging burrows and holding and grasping its food, which may consist of grasses, seeds, fruit, and the occasional small insect if it can catch them. Common plains jermas breed all-year round, with their young being fairly precocial for hamsters, born larger and fully-furred and more developed. Their eyes are open in about a week's time, and almost right away are able to follow their mother as she leaves the burrow to forage. Unlike the speckled peachpitter, which shows little concern to its young, the common plains jerma is a more dedicated parent, leading its young toward food and shelter and away from danger in the more precarious ground level of the open plains as opposed to the safer treetops.
The descendants of the common plains jerma would, over time, diverge as the geographical isolation of its extremely widespread population becomes fragmented by the continents' separation. One lineage, specializing as walkers and burrowers, would become the long-tailed, facultatively-quadrupedal furbils, which continue to exist worldwide as small, "typical" rodents filling niches similar to voles, mice and rats. The other main lineage, becoming even more specialized hoppers, would develop longer, stronger hind limbs and even more flexible tails with increased numbers of vertebrae, giving rise to the jerryboas, from which the many bipedal clades, such as the oingos, walkabies, rhinocheirids, boingos, drundles, podotheres and pterodents would eventually descend from.
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While the common plains jerma and its kin dominate the plains and grasslands, another herbivore is rising in prominence in the bushy scrublands, forest floors, and other areas of low-to-mid-height vegetation. Larger than most other hamsters, about the size of a large guinea pig and even taller due to long, slender legs, the scrubland goutie (Protoacaudamus altipus) is one of the biggest animals of its time, a trend that will only continue with some of its descendants.
Still possessing a vestigal nub of tail that will be entirely lost in future species, this descendant of Cricetulus griseus acauda has adapted to be a herbivorous grazer, turning its attention on grasses, leaves and stems, rather than the seeds, fruit and insects that other hamsters specialize on. Traveling in small groups, they forage on the tender stems of the earliest grasses, sometimes overgrazing small patches of grass when their numbers grow too plentiful. This degree of damage would over time pressure the grasses themselves to retaliate with defensive measures: some producing toxic, foul-tasting compounds to deter them, while others developing thorns or hard woody stems to make them more difficult to eat. This increased scarcity of easily-edible and palatable food, as well as the rising numbers of early predatory hamsters, would gradually keep the destructive effects of the scrubland gouties' grazing under check, with its presence heralding dynamic changes in the food web, both in the evolution of the plants it eats, as well as the first predatory hamsters that eat it, in turn.
Scrubland gouties are fast runners and live nomadic lives, traveling long distances in search of food. They do not dig burrows, merely seeking shelter in natural structures such as rocky outcrops or the shade of trees, and are constantly on the move. To compensate for this, they instead give birth to very precocial and well-developed young, in smaller litters averaging three or four at a time. Born fully furred, open-eyed and much more well-developed, they are able to walk within minutes of being born and are able to follow their mothers around in just a day or two. They remain in the care of their mother, safe from the small, predatory hamsters thanks to her large size and sharp teeth, for up to six months until they are weaned. Once weaned, however, the mother typically chases away the now subadult young, as, by this point, she is usually now preparing for and expecting her next litter.
With a stocky body and long limbs, the scrubland goutie is one of the largest hamsters of the time, and, as the eons go on, this trend carries on to its descendants, to whom large size affords them protection from the early predatory hamsters that, in this day and age, grew no larger than a rat. In time, as its descendants grow bigger still, two clades out of them become prominent and eventually dominate in the successive eras. One clade are the slender, fleet-footed hamtelopes, which, while playing second-fiddle to the boingos in the Therocene, eventually come to colonize Borealia by rafting or migrating at intermittent periods of lower sea levels, eventually producing the hoofed ungulopes: the dominant herbivores as of the Temperocene. The other clade, specializing on larger sizes and bulkier bodies, are the cavybaras, among which arose species such as the mison, the bumbaas, the hammoths and the piggalo, some of which becoming the biggest land animals the planet had ever seen.
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Hamsters, however, are not the only animals introduced to the planet. With the need for detritus-scavengers, soil-burrowers and plant pollinators to create a functional ecosystem, a diverse array of insects were also introduced to the planet: beetles such as the darkling beetle, known for its mealworm larvae, as well as moths, ants, wasps and bees to act as vital agents to enable plants to reproduce. These are among a vast array of invertebrate life that also included free-living soil nematodes, earthworms, terrestrial isopods and springtails, as well as marine gastropods, some of which became terresteial independently of true earth land snails.
But such a diversity of invertebrate life would not go unnoticed for long. A descendant of Cricetulus griseus vulgaris, the forest shrewbil (Eomyotalpa polyvora) would quickly take advantage of this buffet of invertebrates, becoming a specialized insectivore that hunted insects, burrowed to search for worms underground and proliferated in the niche of small insect-eater rummaging through the leaf litter in the forest floor, searching for bugs to eat. Breeding all year round, mother shrewbils developed expansive cheek pouches to hoard large quantities of food for her fast-growing pups. Able to bear as many as four litters a year, and able to reproduce at six months old and keep breeding for the rest of their five-year lifespan, their numbers would come to swell rapidly in the Rodentocene: spelling trouble for invertebrates that lacked any means to deter these new enemies.
The emergence of this species would end up playing a significant role in what was basically the planet's first mass extinction: while occasionally eaten by hamsters beforehand, the local terrestrial invertebrates would never have been hunted at such a large scale as this before. Countless numbers of the initial invertebrate species would be eaten into oblivion by the ravenous shrewbils, leaving only those that had defenses, were able to quickly escape, or reproduced in even greater numbers to increase the chances that some would survive. Flying insects would remain mostly safe for now, but ground-dwellers, including large, slow-moving beetles and their fleshy, vulnerable larvae, and the first wave of terrestrial gastropods, would be completely decimated. One unlucky victim in these early days would be the twigbeetles: long-bodied, slender beetles that mimicked the appearance of twigs in the leaf litter of the forest floor, unable to fly or run fast but was gifted in stealth, staying entirely motionless to hide from attackers. An effective visual disguise against other predators, it unfortunately proved no match against the forest shrewbils' keen sense of smell, and would ultimately die out early into the Rodentocene.
With its insectivorous diet and burrowing habits, the forest shrewbil would be the precursor of the molemice: small-eyed, keen-nosed digging burrowers that spent much of their time underground. While rather typical creatures at first, in fact, the shrewbil may indeed actually have gone the most bizarre evolutionary path of all the initial species of the Early Rodentocene, even in comparison to the other clades' surprising descendants. The rattiles, ectothermic armored creatures converged upon a saurian form that became extremely successful in the Temperocene, the shieldears, with armored pinnae forming false jaws enclosing the head, and the cave dwelling daggoths, with their plethora of appendages and lack of any mammalian resemblance into borderline alien forms, each one among the strangest and most derived of hamster lineages, all owe their existence to the humble and mundane-looking forest shrewbil.
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Shrewbils may have not been the first hamsters to develop a taste for fellow animals, but they were the most prominent. That was, until the emergence of the first proper carnivores, among them the golden huntster (Venatocricetus ferox). While cannibalistic tendencies had always been present since the original seeded hamster species, and interspecies predation had occured sporadically among earlier species, none had specialized to such a degree as with the golden huntster, with hooked claws on its forepaws for restraining struggling prey, pointed incisors for piercing bone and flesh, forward-facing eyes for better binocular vision, and a shorter digestive tract better suited for processing animal meat than plant matter. While no larger than a rat, the golden huntster was, in its time, the undisputed apex predator of HP-02017.
Like all other apex predators, the golden huntster ended up completely changing the dynamics of the world and its creatures upon its first appearance. Suddenly, this predator-free safe haven of plenty, a hamster's paradise, had once again become a battleground for survival, from one of their own coming to recognize its fellow hamsters as an abundant food source left unexploited by an empty niche. While the tree-dwelling peachpitters would remain complacent, down upon ground level other species would be pressured into defensive adaptations. The jermas would evolve into faster and more agile leapers, the gouties would grow ever larger to become more difficult to hunt, and the small burrowing shrewbils becoming even better tunnellers to hide from their newfound enemy. While the first wave of evolutionary radiation in the Early Rodentocene would simply be them diversifying to exploit empty niches and take advantage of new food sources, the coming of the golden huntster would kickstart another burst of adaptive radiation, as different species found new ways to survive its predation and defend themselves, flee, or hide in inaccessible places.
Golden huntsters, like all predators, are much more few and far between than their prey, but, like typical rodents, retain their extremely fast reproductive rate, especially now with a far more nutritious food source. During periods of population spikes, their numbers can be devastating to local populations of prey species, but fortunately, their numbers are kept in check by a most unlikely failsafe: themselves. Aggressive, solitary, and opportunistically cannibalistic, golden huntsters are not above eating one another when prey species becomes scarce or when huntster populations become too dense. While litters are born every few months, of up to eight babies each, few of those actually reach adulthood, with many falling prey to rivals raiding burrows seeking to eliminate competition, to their stronger, hungrier siblings while they share a nest, or even the mother herself, if she lacks the resources to care for many pups or is stressed enough to turn on her young. In a way, their own savagery to their own kind is a blessing in disguise, as it generally keeps them from getting too numerous enough to become an ecological menace.
The golden huntster would eventually give rise to the clade known as the hammibals: becoming the primary predator clade of the Early Rodentocene. But as of the Middle Rodentocene, they would find themselves gradually being edged out by two new clades of unrelated carnivores: both descendants of Cricetus griseus hirsutolongicauda. One clade would become the ferrats, mustelid-like predators able to tackle prey larger than themselves, which proved useful in hunting the ever-bigger descendants of the gouties, while another, the rat-like scabbers, became ambush hunters that lured in small, insectivorous prey. Pushed to the margins and relegated to becoming mere mesopredators hunting small prey, this dethroned pioneer lineage would only find success in the continent of Ecatoria. Here though, in the absence of competition, they would produce the large predatory hamyenas, which in turn would eventually give rise to the intelligent, adaptable and sociable zingos, a canid-like group that enjoys great success and wide diversity as of the Temperocene.
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While other clades have begun to take shape as they occupy vacant ecological niches, some have instead taken refuge in the familiar. The banded dawndusk (Eocricetus linea), descended from Cricetulus griseus vulgaris, has remained basically unchanged in the last 5 million years, even as other lineages became hoppers and climbers and hunters and grazers. A small, crepuscular seed-eater with no notable anatomical changes, it is, basically, just a forest hamster. While adapted to living in burrows in the forest floor as opposed to their ancestor's desert habitat, its lifestyle is practically identical, emerging at dawn and dusk to hoard seeds in its cheek pouches that it then carries back to its burrow to stash away for later. Like its ancestor, it is also a frequent, opportunistic breeder, bearing litters of up to a dozen blind, hairless young that are dependent on their mother for the first few weeks.
The banded dawndusk, thus, is an illustration of the nonlinearity of evolution: while some branches of a taxonomic branch become more derived, in some cases extremely and unrecognizably so, others remain virtually unchanged. Evolution is not a race to be better or stronger, but merely a contest of surviving to reproduce, being simply sufficient to pass on its genes. And if the initial form is capable of persisting in its niche, then it continues to exist: alongside other divergent relatives far different from both it and the ancestral form they trace back heritage from.
Banded dawndusks are part of the group that would become the duskmice: a clade of abundant but mundane short-tailed hamsters that fill typical rodent niches along with the furbils. These change little over the course of the Therocene, Glaciocene and Temperocene, persisting in abundance as small and basal hamsters. And while, perhaps ironically, one related lineage, the aquatic pondrats, would emerge from the duskmice and dominate watery environments in beaver-like, seal-like and eventually whale-like forms in the cricetaceans, the direct descendants of the banded dawndusk would be the far more mundane hampters: a clade so remarkable in being so unchanged that it may in a loose sense be seen as a sort of living fossil.
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Yet a future as an unchanged relic now prey to other lineages' more derived descendants is ultimately still a more fortunate outcome than no future at all. And yet, that is ultimately the tragic fate of the black-pawed dendend (Melanopodocricetus ultimus).
Very early on, at about one million years post establishment, as many as twenty separate subspecies would arise from the basal Cricetulus griseus subspecies. But of these, four of them would come to dominate: C. griseus vulgaris, C. griseus pentadactylus, C. griseus acauda and C. griseus hirsutolongicauda.
Other lineages would continue to persist in the margins, but as the "big four" began to diversify, one by one the other species' lineages would be outcompeted by the new species emerging from the four and occupying different niches. As of the Early Rodentocene at 5 million years post-establishment, only four other lineages survive: the descendants of C. griseus musculus, mouse-like forms eventually outcompeted by the furbils, the descendants of C. griseus macrotia, big-eared desert species that eventually lose out to the jerryboas, the descendants of C. griseus giganteus, large-bodied omnivores ultimately crowded out by the cavybaras and hamtelopes, and the descendants of C. griseus mirabilis, to which the black-pawed dendend belongs.
The black-pawed dendend would be the last one standing, persisting in the massive influx of new species from the four main clades. An adaptable omnivore, it persisted as a generalist despite the competition, by being able to consume a wide variety of food, switching from one to another even if it had no sole monopoly on each. Yet the final straw that would end up spelling its doom would be its eventual specialization on leafy grasses that would coincide with the emergence of defensive grass species fending off the gouties, as well as the rise of the huntsters. A combined double blow of a relatively sudden lack of palatable grass and the coming of a new predator that reproduced quickly would prove too much for them to overcome, and the black-pawed dendend would finally disappear shortly before the beginning of the Middle Rodentocene 10 million years post-establishment. There were winners and losers in the game of life, and in the competitive environment of the Early Rodentocene in the midst of rapid evolutionary radiations, the black-pawed dendend would, sadly, not come out victorious.
It would leave no living descendants, and be relegated as merely another footnote and experiment in the cladogram's family tree, while the descendants of the main four subspecies move on to greater things in the eras yet to come.
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002yb · 10 months
how abt an au where the villains of the month steal dickjay's dna and make a clonebaby :O
Okay, but what if it's a scenario where the Superfam and Batfam come together on some mission. They save the day, but in the wreckage of everything is this dark haired, bright eyed clone baby and all of them just stare because two of them are daddies but they don't know who.
So they all take turns caring for the baby until they can figure out what to do; whoever's DNA was used will have ultimate say, but they need to consider risks and the liability of it and-
Clark understanding where Bruce's concerns are coming from, but getting prickly regardless because Bruce is treating this clone baby like a threat. Clark has one clone son and he's perfect; they would be so lucky to have another. )<
To which Bruce shuts himself up because he's 1) not fool enough not to recognize that Clark will throw hands and Bruce is woefully under prepared for such a fight and 2) per his therapist, Bruce needs to make active efforts to 'be more sensitive to others.' This is a prime opportunity.
Also, Kon overhearing Clark being protective over him and getting all timid over it. Just scuffing his boot over the ground and acting like he doesn't care but really he's feeling so warm and loved and Tim rolls his eyes before bumping his shoulder against his friend and offering him an assuring and soft smile and ahhhhhh
Anyway, Clark and Bruce taking first watch of the child
And Clark isn't surprised by it; he's seen how Bruce is with kids of all species/creeds, but it still takes him by surprise to see how good Bruce is to this baby
He might be endeared, too. Because there's something really sweet about catching Bruce sat back in a chair, baby on his chest as he works, hand large enough that it spreads to support the babe's back and head - a protective stance
Or rather, Clark is definitely endeared. Because when Clark offers to tend to the baby, he only gets as far as reaching out to take them before Bruce is shuffling away, grunting as he goes to do the task himself because the old bat is attached after no time at all.
Clark does eventually get to hold the baby (which he loves; he gets all nostalgic about back when Jon was this small and how children grow up too fast, which Bruce can only grunt in agreement to because they really do).
But anyway, Clark gets to hold the baby and it's sweet. He supports them, holding them close to his chest and bouncing as he walks around, turning his head to smell the top of their heads and smiling at the baby smell
Bruce might feel just the slightest endeared by the sight, even if Clark being gentle and kind is nothing new.
Reluctant caretakers!dickjay, but only because Batman looks especially grim as he hands the baby off to Dick. Like this man is not keen on letting this child go
There's nothing to be done for it though. There are JL matters at hand and Superman and Batman can't skirt their responsibilities for too long at a time, so.
Even still, Bruce lingering in the shadows and being this foreboding presence in the background for a time while Dick and Jason take their turn with babysitting.
Things only settle once Superman herds Batman away. A comical sight that helps break some of the tension once Dick and Jason are alone.
Maybe they aren't anything to each other in this AU yet, either. Not really friends, hardly brothers. And it's not that they're estranged, but they don't seek one another out, either. Not unless it's for work.
Which is why babysitting together is weird.
Something something where Dick encounters the same problem as Clark had with Bruce, because while Dick tends to the baby, Jason keeps a distance and just sort of looms in the shadows. Wandering to the fringes of Dick's peripheral before pacing back away, arms crossed tight and scowl looking very much like a pout.
Because Dick is capable of watching a baby on his own and takes on the responsibility because Jason didn't/hasn't/has never seemed keen about kids in this way. Making sure they're safe? Of course. Having them drool and snot and vomit all over you? Not so much.
But the more Dick watches Jason and how fidgety he is, the more Dick realizes that it seems like Jason really wants to hold this kid.
So Dick asks Jason if he'd like to [hold the baby]. And of course because Jason is Jason, he won't admit outright that he wants to. It's clear with how his eyes light up, how he has to bite back a smile, that Jason is so eager though.
It's unexpected, to say the least.
What's more surprising is Dick's introduction to caretaker!Jason and how much of a mother Jason is.
It takes him out at the knees.
It's all Dick can do to stare in awe and wonder as he watches after Jason and the baby. Because Jason is so soft and gentle and sweet with them. The baby cuts through Jason's prickly exterior and on so many occasions Dick catches sight of the most devastating smiles.
And Dick has something of a domesticity kink always and forever so at some point he starts to get flustered by Jason being all kind and caring and delicate. Which Dick knew Jason always was, but to be confronted by it in such a darling way? Fuck.
But Dick tempers himself because it's still Jason.
So they go about their time babysitting.
Something something Dick playing with the baby a lot and keeping them engaged. Jason happening upon them because he hears baby laughs. So he wanders out from wherever he'd gone to find Dick and baby playing peekaboo. And the baby is thrilled by it. Their titters are so sweet that even Dick smiles - more wide and genuine (biting, Jason recognizes) than he's allowed in a long time and ahhhhhh.
And something to take Jason out at the knees: coming home from running errands or working a case to find Dick reading to the baby. Not even a baby book. Just straight up case notes and censoring the graphic bits as he goes and Jason is so damn endeared.
That feeling only gets worse when he comes back from showering and finds the both of them napping.
Jason gets a blanket over them and starts dinner. And when Dick wakes up to the noise, he flusters worse than ever before because Jason. Apron. Cooking for the family them.
Something something they're working on the couch together. Jason's got the baby cradled to his chest. Dick looks over occasionally because it's cute. But between one glance and the next Jason fusses and Dick looks over and oh.
The baby tries to nurse off of Jason through Jason's shirt and Jason tuts at them and Dick just stares because omfg. Jason scowling and Dick being genuinely flustered although he still laughs because it's funny and cute.
He still goes to get the baby's bottle though.
And when he comes back Jason jokes about how Dick would be surprised how often that's happened.
Which. What? <- an internal thought with an envy that rears itself in a startling way.
Externally though, Dick plays it cool.
'You've done this before?'
'With Damian.' What? 'He'd always bite, too.' What? 'Hah, he didn't change.'
Which leads into a conversation about how Jason cared for Damian way back when. And grumbles about how he should have stayed longer if only to have raised the brat with some proper humility and manners.
Dick minding his tongue over how Damian might have internalized plenty of Jason's ornery qualities, but a lot of his best qualities, too.
It becomes very clear how Jason missed out on being there for Damian growing up. So Dick fills him in starting from the point where Damian came to him, at least, and what an ornery punkass brat he was and how Dick loves him anyway
And from there they just talk. And they laugh. They taunt and challenge and jibe and get recklessly close to flirting as they exist in this domestic bubble with one another.
Oh. Something with Dick taking the baby to shower. And he has a towel around his waist but he's very much a wet and glistening dream as he pokes himself part way through the bathroom door to hand the baby off to Jason and Jason just about combusts because he was wholly unprepared.
Anyway, Jason's had a crush since forever and Dick falls in love over the span of their babysitting duties.
So when it's time for Conner and Tim to take over, Jason is more intense than Bruce ever was because no. Fuck off, losers. The baby is theirs. His. Uh.
The baby is eventually coaxed from them (despite Jason's snarls and scowls; despite even Dick's disappointment) though because vigilantism doesn't lend itself to this sort of normalcy, this form of goodness
But Dick tries anyway by at least holding on to Jason. And asking him out on a date and moving in together getting married having a circus trope of kids and-
For flavor and funnies: Tim and Kon struggling to babysit the baby. They've overcome any number of hardships together, but child care might be their undoing.
Just two very young adults with no aspiration for having a family being confronted with family life and not jiving with it in the least. Like they're absolutely the sort that hold this baby beneath their arms and at arm's length as there's a two v one stare down because like...what now?
Spoilers: chaos.
But before that, Kon and Tim jinxing themselves because for a while the baby is just chill and not doing anything and just...it's so boring? They honestly don't understand baby fever or the hype of new parents; this is miserably dull.
Famous last words between them, because right after it's all crying and hiccups and blowouts and just all the nasty things those who aren't ready for parenthood tend to fixate on hahaha.
Like, one of them absolutely gets peed on while trying to change a diaper. And they screech about it while the other laughs. But it's okay because karma exists so the other party definitely gets puked on after changing their shirt for the third time.
Tim develops some sort of system for troubleshooting baby problems; manic first parent energy dialed up to 1000
And by the end of the day they're both exhausted and they just got the baby down and they're ready to sleep, but then there's more crying and they just smack at each other because, 'it's your turn.'
But it's Tim and Kon, so of course they get into a routine and get everything sorted.
Anyway, abrupt cut to:
Where Tim is working and has the baby in one arm against his shoulder while he types away with the other. Just patting the baby's back to burp them since they just ate while attempting to catch up on a case he's fallen behind on.
Tim distractedly grabbing the baby's bottle instead of his coffee cup. And when he goes to drink it, the rubber nipple pokes him and he scowls because ugh, come on.
Meanwhile Kon is just there, staring intensely and being wildly jealous because it's been days of nothing. So Kon makes a dramatic gesture to his chest/nips and Tim cackles because omfg, shut up stop.
Which only makes Kon snicker and smirk and take the challenge for what it is.
Basically everything devolves into Kon trying to seduce Tim
Another abrupt cut:
Where Tim is debriefing with Batman over something and Bruce hears the baby crying in the background and visibly straightens and leans forward, shifting left and right to try and get a better view while asking after the baby and Tim is just ._. because the baby is fine, no they don't need help and Bruce don't you dare zeta over-
Damian standing there with hands out ready to receive the child into his care, only Bruce is being stubborn about it again.
Bruce making all manner of excuses for how Damian doesn't need to babysit and that Bruce can cancel his plans and-
But Damian is a dutiful son through and through and is wildly obtuse so he misses the obvious with Bruce wanting more time with the baby and insists that his father resume his duties and responsibilities because Damian can be trusted with this mission
And Bruce is just a big sad boy about it because baby
Meanwhile Clark is just fond as he looks after his partner before turning back to Jon to assure him that Jon can call for him if anything happens.
Which Jon rolls his eyes at because it's just for a few hours; they'll be fine. And then a little hair ruffle moment because yes, they will be fine they've both grown so much proud dad feels ;3;
But also they'll be fine because DamiJon spend their babysitting time on the farm with the grandma and grandpa Kent supervising lol
Anyway, Damian holding the baby and being so calm that the baby is just zen af, dozing and drooling on Damian's shoulder.
Damian swatting at Jon's hand when Jon goes to poke the squishy baby cheeks
So Jon smirks and pokes at Damian's cheeks, too. Because they're still round with youth.
Damian retaliates by pinching Jon's cheek. Doesn't matter if Jon is grown now; Damian can fuck him up - watch it. )<
Since it's only a few hours of babysitting, they'd pass the time wandering the farm. Introducing the baby to all the farm animals.
Just baby pats for the cows and sheep and Damian mindfully taking the baby's hand when Jon brings them a chicken because he's not risking any bird pecking at the babe.
The chickens pecking at Jon instead lol
The baby being snuffled at by a horse and the sound/feel of it making the baby laugh and Jon beams about it because this baby is a Kent through and through; a total farm baby.
Damian commenting on how that might be. Because the baby has Jon's nose. Which makes Jon fluster a bit because what? Really?
Jon scuffing his foot over the dirt and mumbling about how maybe the baby is theirs, after all? They have Damian's eyes.
Damian refusing this, because it's clearly his father's eyes.
And Jon just about gags because no, nope. Damian or nothing.
But anyway, an easy day spent babysitting on the farm.
Jon being surprised by Damian's grace with looking after babies. And Damian gets to share some of the experiences he remembers with the nanny that looked after him. It left such a lasting impression on Damian and it's so clear that he's fond and tender towards the memories and Jon is both glad and jealous because it's nice to know that Damian had some kinder childhood memories, too (even if Jon wasn't a part of them).
Martha showing them both how to properly feed a baby and burp and change and bathe them.
Come the end of the night, they're all tuckered out. Jon and Damian passed out on the couches in the living room. And the baby nestled up with grandma Kent who is so happy to have another grandbaby. Great grandbaby? Doesn't matter.
And then of course there's a clamor (or as much of a clamor as Bruce makes) as Bruce charges up to the house to fetch his clone baby because Bruce is always and forever an intense father
Bruce taking the baby but forgetting Damian at the farm
The way this man reverses the car all the way from the main road back to the farm ahahahaha
And Clark is there with Damian passed out in his arms and Bruce is so flushed with embarrassment because 'not a word, Clark.'
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mychlapci · 3 months
I keep thinking about the merformers sick eel Starscream, he was treated so bad in his old facility. it made me think about how last time i really looked into eels apparently we didnt know how they reproduced (we do now) but i think id be funny if the new facility had the same problem where they had no idea how eel mers reproduced and didnt have much experience with them in general so when they get Starscream as a rescue its like a learning experience for the entire staff.
Starscream would probably take awhile to get used to a new, clean tank where he doesn't have to fight for his own space. he probably would eat any live food offered to him if he only got dead fish dumped in his old tank and he wouldn't eat if anyone was watching him.
Maybe staff member Skyfire was the first person to get him to eat, even getting Starscream to eat a live fish even if it was hand fed to him. Starscream would stay at the bottom of his tank and only try to swim if Sky was doing work around the tanks edge but because of his sickly state he wouldn't be able to swim for long so Skyfire decides to get in the tank with permission from his supervisor or whoever. I think i would be cute if Starscream immediately led him to the bottom of the tank, both of them just laying at the bottom together until Sky had to go back up.
Skyfire happily notes everything he learns about Starscream and practically begs to be on a one to one ratio with Starscream so they can research his species further. after thats accepted and maybe Starscream gets transferred to a public tank so the facility can boast about their new addition that they successfully rescued Starscream gets very popular with the general public.
the topic of eel reproduction comes up again and everyone is stumped because not a single eel they've ever rehabbed has had sparkling in their care, only for Skyfire to open up Starscreams tank one day and find him at the bottom of the tank with a single tiny purple eel sparkling. news quickly gets out and everyone at the facility is freaking out because Starscream wasn't sparked when he came to them, he was completely separated from the other mers and that purple eel looks nothing like Skyfire. their even more concerned because eels usually have tons of sparkling's at once but Star only had one. Starscream is just happily living his life with his singular sparkling (definitely Slipstream) since it was the only one that hatched from the the bad batch of eggs he laid when he was still sickly and hardly eating.
(really quickly googles "how do eels reproduce")
aaaaah Starscream forcing eggs out of himself during his first few weeks in the rescue facility... he barely knows what’s happening. He was never even moderately healthy enough to reproduce. The eggs spurt out of him quickly while he squirms and cries, refusing to come out of his nest because he knows he’s fragile and he can’t let anyone know...
Only one of the eggs hatches, and while Starscream is not very sure what to do with it, he’s pretty protective of the little thing nipping at his tail. The only person who can come close to the bitlet is Skyfire.
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marc--chilton · 25 days
house md pokemon teams, as meticulously picked out by someone who's been into pokemon since birth:
house - cyclizar, audino, gothitelle, mabosstiff, toxtricity amped mode, hisuian zoroark
wilson - blissey, morgrem, male meowstic, cinccino, absol, zoroark
cuddy - kangaskhan, leavanny, male pyroar, jynx, lucario, hatterene
foreman - alakazam, noctowl, ferrothorn, luxray, midday lycanroc, malamar
chase - yamper, komala, liepard, klefki, alolan raichu, lurantis
cameron - sensu oricorio, froslass, crobat, mimikyu, female indeedee, sylveon
taub - alolan persian, glameow, snubbull, starmie, swanna, male oinkologne
thirteen - houndoom, drifblim, gardevoir, sneasler, armarouge, cloyster
kutner - goodra, seel, aipom, quagsire, mr mime, pawmot
people tend to assume that house's ace is one of his 'cooler' pokemon - zoroark, toxtricity - but it's really audino. can mega evolve and everything. he loves throwing people off by bringing him out when running diagnostics (audino have excellent hearing; his can detect heart issues typically only found through invasive testing)
cuddy's hatterene HATES house. and he knows it. if threats of clinic duty doesn't get him to leave her alone when he's bothering her, she'll threaten to get hatty out, and hatty has NO qualms about beating the fuck out of him
wilson doesn't bring absol out at work. with his profession and the species' reputation as doombringers, it wouldn't exactly be a comforting sight. he doesn't even really remember how he acquired her, nor does he know that she's not concerned about his cancer patients but for him.
taub hardly trains his pokemon, making him the most unready for battle of everyone listed.
kutner and his pawmot get into many defibrillator adventures (accidents)!!! quagsire, being water/ground, is unaffected and therefore happily takes up the task of putting out fires when needed :DD
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
This is a life... (3)
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3: with you | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
Procreation is the way your people live on, how they ensure their existence out of their own short and sometimes futile lifeline, they keep their species alive, passing down not only genetic information but also in some beliefs that can be learned by the next generation.
Procreation it's an almost foreign and forgotten word for his people, they don't interface with creating a new spark in mind since it can hardly happen, you can spike whoever and not get any results, let alone carry, almost no mechs or femmes have functional gestation chambers to get a spark to end inside their bodies and it has been way too long since a new spark was given life from another bot, you want to know how long? Way before the war, that long, but with Vector Sigma and their supposed peace no bot was concerned about their numbers for a millennia and half.
At least before the war and the end of it, that's it.
Now, numbers are minimal, worst and nowhere near to the numbers they had once even in their most terrible energon lack that is dated back to when Kup wasn't even online, you ask him how long was that and Prowl answers you saying that not even the sea of rust existed then.
So, a very, very long time ago.
And so, Prowl wants to take your worry away when he goes on his day without recharging for 10 cycles straight, he tells you how important this is and how important is to have him be responsible to make this spark make it, the ones in New Cybertron and the ones in Luna-1 are ripe and trying to get their own bodies, but protoform metal is scarce and he may need to make it happen even when he doesn't know how, he will make it anyway.
You worries make him feel bad even when he tries to tell himself this is his job, wearing his usual stoic nature and acid comments, occasionally returning to your shared living unit from time to time when he really can't keep hearing Pyra Magna never ending claims on how the sentio metallico is scarce and how her blacksmith team is beyond exhausted with the continuous work or how the Senate pressure him, saying he needs to get Rodimus back with his whole ship to bring more energy to the whole operation even if Prowl has to tear apart that ship with his own servos or how the survivors of the functionalist world still need help adapting to this reality and-
And then there is you, little and unafraid you that has waited for him to return home, strange human word, for Primus knows how long, he can feel and see his terrible physical situation everywhere there is a glass like structure but can't afford to see your tired eyes when you caught him trying to get some basic energon down his intake after so long without a break.
"Oh Prowl" you say his designation like it hurts you, he finally takes seat where he can, you hurry to move around even when he tells you to leave him alone, the message and plead of going to sleep on your own almost forgotten when he catches how you, organic little you, tries your luck with a concoction of energon he has only showed you how to make once when he really had enough of take outs in hopes of getting him something warm and not flying away by an explosion.
It has been a while, since someone took care of him, and he doesn't like it, not even the strange attraction this simple act places upon him, because this makes him remember how all started.
He shouldn't have been weak at that moment, he shouldn't have.
You should take care of yourself, he should take care of you, not the other way around when only the attempt of filtering energon can kill you with a little mistake, that's all it takes, he doesn't care how his spark hums, he doesn't care he feels strange fuzziness when you try to get the cube near to him, Prowl quites down the growing sound of his engine revving with sheer willpower and a stoic face plate.
How does he look to you right now? Probably a mess, absolutely destroyed to some point, his wing doors are falling to his sides because he doesn't have the strength to keep them up in the familiar ground your home is, he doesn't let you do everything, getting on his pedes to take the cube and downing it on one go, is messy, hardly different from basic energon really and the rust flakes you put to add some flavor are still on the bottom, he just takes you on his servos after discarding the cube away, smiling tiredly and as non threatening as he can when you ask if it was good.
You look angry, you really aren't, just so tired, just like him, it has been long road and a tiny smile doesn't catch you by surprise anymore, only getting near to his servos and hugging what you can, you clothes do little to keep you warm in the cold planet that Cybertron is with the temperature regulator out in another electric failure in your part of the city.
Prowl really needs to hunt down Rodimus and get his ship even when his scientifics tell him they are near to a new energy source, he just wants it to be fast and even if he gets it the former Primer will hear a piece of his mind.
His usual terrifying and murderous train of thought is cut short when he feels the now cold fingertips of yours pass near his transformation seams, if that isn't a clear indicator of your needs then the hormones and pheromones his nostril and HUD recognized when he put a pede back home really are, it has only subsided a little when you saw him, drained and in need of recharge.
"If you are too tired it's fine"
It isn't, because he is supposed to take care of your needs.
Interfacing with you, having sex or making love with you, is strange in more ways than he really thought to begin with, apart from the names you and your people gave to the act of sexual intercourse, he knows is a way of showing affection or a deep connection, just like cybertronians did before the war.
Still, it doesn't stop the annoying bug in the back of his brain processor.
It's a stupid idea, one as ridiculous as the image of Jazz, one of the few bots he keeps considering a friend and keep contact, totally mass displaced and holding a way too young and sleepy human infant with a smile on his faceplate that goes from one audial to the other, "The name's Pauline" Prowl has to make a double take, process this slag and then ex-vent, asking to himself who let this happen, "quite the servoful, but boy, it's a delight" Jazz does look at the end of his energies too but the smile he keeps on is giving away so much happiness, the infant look at him with those curious little eyes before looking at Jazz again, neck still too weak to support the head and Jazz helps the infant to look at the screen, "Hi there uncle Prowl" he makes a childish voice while moving the infant hand, which is slowly sleeping now, he doesn't have the energy for this and he tells Jazz so even when he laughs wholeheartedly before ending the call.
And now, he can't stop thinking about it, because it's in his nature and programming to be inquisitive, how did Jazz get a human infant? Did it come from the human he is courting? Prowl doesn't know how to answer that because there is the necessity of two to create new life.
Even as one of the best mechs he has ever meet, he knows Jazz wouldn't be thrilled to share a prospective mate, since it's impossible for a cybertronian to copulate and impregnate a human, well, he realizes once again that knowing and doing are two different things while you call out his designation, bent over in search of more contact that have almost been lost with his unnecessary thinking.
You seem to think otherwise, telling him that is okay, you'll take care of things from here, Prowl doesn't want you to tire out but he can't deny you while the lays on the berth, losing himself on your kind words, talk about him in a way he doesn't even believe while his spark pulses painfully inside his chamber, you take him again, going slow, telling him to power off his optics and he does so without a second thought, your fingers dragging along his armor and derma, leading his ventilation system to near failure with the slow pace you keep, he is worried for a moment, are you already tired? Are you bored of this? He is fast to seat again and power on his optics, he stops mid movement when he notices what you are doing.
Now, Prowl wasn't the most friendly with humans back on earth but he saw them on a regular basis, especially the ones that found their way inside the ark or the ones that roamed the streets when he was patrolling, Prowl knows what you are doing, entertaining an image, a thought that was only passing by, an idea of what you two could have if you were of the same species, he needs a minute to consider why are you doing this now, why are you doing this to him.
You are touching your soft flesh, just where he can reach without inflicting damage inside your body, you look dazed before noticing the glow of his optics on you in the middle of the night cycle, blue light shinning over heated skin, beads of sweat dragging along your body.
"It's nothing" you say while returning to move and don't look back at him, he has to take a moment, decipher what's going on, his HUD taking notice once again on the chemicals in the air and giving him an answer that leaves him blank in the processor before he totally understands what is going on with you.
When he does, his spark chamber opens without his consent, almost making you fall back by the surprise if it wasn't for the quick action of his leg armor where your back impacts, it gives a new angle that rips a moan out of you and makes him clench his dentae hard while his servos hold you near his open spark chamber and keeps you in place, you both know what is going on to some degree, he let's you do what you want and doesn't even say a word out of the hard movement and sound of his cooling fans as you start to kiss his spark and the sensible cabling around, his vox start to glitch and static fills the air in an idiom he knows you don't understand, it gives him some privacy, at least to some degree, he would be more embarrassed if you could know of the promises he says than the way his servos hold you flush against him when your flesh is nothing but restless while taking from him and all he is worth.
Prowl promises a whole future even if he knows it's futile, his logic refusing every glyph spoken but that doesn't stop him, he promises new life that comes from you, he promises he will give it to you.
If others can have it; why not you? Why not him?
It's mere fantasy, one you want to indulge and one he will let you have, computer working on four thousand options in where he can give you what you want, hearing pleas for your release, which he can give you, your fingers scratch on sensitive transformation seams and your dull, sharp less teeth bite on a cable near his spark.
Prowl tries to cool down his burning frame, difficult task when he takes a glimpse of his transfluid on you, his system is about to shut down and reboot next, internal computer showing him that all his options can't be possible and there is no way for him to help you if not to let you reproduce with another human.
The idea makes him grunt in anger.
This anger dies down quickly, feeling your lips on his, hands giving loving caresses on his cheeks, and with it is that he let's his system shut down on recharge that he needs so much.
@dundeey here is your offering, let go of the knife in @montyuh throat slowly... Let them do their Hound content (because I also want some) while you get this.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
Hello! I'm moving to the north of France in a few months and my property has ample space and a barn, so I am considering getting a donkey. Is there anything that you didn't know before buying donkeys or any big obstacles you faced that you didn't expect, even after doing your research? I know you have talked about how finding veterinarians that really care about your donkeys is hard. Is there anything else a potential owner should know?
That's really exciting news! The only donkey-specific advice I can think of is stuff you've probably already encountered if you started doing research, like make sure you find a farrier who is familiar with donkeys, as their hooves are different from horse hooves and should be trimmed differently. And make sure your donkey has a shelter—the llamas hardly ever use the shelter I've built but Pirlouit often spends entire days in there if it's raining. I've read somewhere that unlike horses who have waterproof coats to some extent, donkeys who have evolved as desert animals just get soaked to the bone. But other than that they're quite hardy and can live outside year-round, no need for blankets or anything.
Also a donkey really needs a friend. When I sent the llamas away for a few weeks Pirlouit was miserable and brayed constantly, even though I live right next to his pasture and he sees me every day. A fellow herbivore is probably best for company—I’ve seen chickens amongst the species recommended online but Pirou barely seems to notice my chickens’ existence, I don’t think they’re closely related enough to have any interest in one another. I've also read that donkeys can be hostile to dogs and that's not been my experience, if anything Pirlouit shows saintly patience with Pandolf ! But he's known him since puppyhood and Pan basically lives in the pasture most days, which probably helps.
The biggest ongoing Pirlouit challenge I face concerns his weight, donkeys are really prone to obesity. So unless you get an elderly donkey, make sure you don't feed him the richest type of hay in winter (and give it in small quantities at a time). I recommend using a hay net with small holes so he'll eat more slowly. I've thought of getting a hay ball for Pirlouit, but his pasture is so slopey, the ball would probably end up rolling away at unfair speeds and make him feel persecuted. He's dignified, I don't know if he'd enjoy having to run after his food like some common carnivore.
Other than that donkeys are pretty low-maintenance animals in my experience. My recurring expenses for Pirlouit (other than hay, but he doesn’t need much of it compared to a horse) are a hoof trimming three times a year, a deworming twice a year and a new salt lick every so often, and that's about it. Donkey ownership is only time-consuming in the spring when I have to figure out how to keep him from overeating. Limiting his grazing area by penning him works okay (he just gets a bit lonely)—it helps that he is respectful of fences including very lightweight ones. Which immediately places an animal in the low-maintenance category for me!
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Here For You
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pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
rating: M (period talk!, reader has PCOS, painful menstruation, talks of bodily fluids [blood, vomit], brief mentions of alcohol consumption, nonsexual nudity, one mention of a future blowjob, frankie carrying the redemption of the entire male species on his back)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: another self-indulgent piece because i am currently dying from my PCOS cramps. just a disclaimer: this is based on my personal level of pain and symptoms. everyone menstruates differently. this one is for my fellow PCOS girlies—hang in there babes!
frankie masterlist | frankie playlist
It was a typical Friday night, Frankie off at one of Benny’s fights per usual while you were supposed to have been going out with your friends for drinks, but thanks to a particularly rough second day of your period, that was cancelled. Instead, you laid in your bed writhing in pain, your PCOS deciding to make itself extra known this month by bringing on the most unbearable cramps you’d experienced in months.
Clutching your heating pad to your lower stomach, you reached for your phone on your nightstand at it buzzed. With a wince and a tear slipping from the corner of your eye, you breathed through the contraction-like cramp until you could focus on the message displayed on your screen.
[9:04 PM] Lover: Hey, sugar. Just got to the fight.
[9:05 PM] Lover: Santi’s being particularly determined tonight. You can blame him if I’m drunk when I come home.
You wanted to smile at the thought of a drunk Frankie, his sweetness only amplified whenever he got liquored up, but between the pain that seemingly radiated from your uterus to every single nerve in your body and your extra-sensitive emotional state thanks to your hormones, you found yourself crying.
Without messaging him back—you were too irritable and sensitive to hold a conversation at the moment—you locked your phone and set it back down before forcing yourself to your feet. You nearly fainted from the change in position as you waddled your way to the bathroom, hoping that a hot bath would help ease some of the pain.
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“Here,” Santi sat down beside Frankie in the front row of the packed gym, handing him a beer while his free hand held his own. Frankie accepted the drink but immediately set it down on the floor between his feet, his eyes fixed on your message thread, concern filling his stomach with each passing minute and no response. “You gonna stare at your phone all night?”
“Sorry,” Frankie sighed and locked his phone before stuffing it in his pocket. “She’s just not responding right now.”
“You guys in a fight?” Santi asked, keeping his eyes on the two lower-level boxers in the ring that were opening the fight night.
“No,” Frankie lifted his beer to his lips and took a swig before elaborating. “She’s supposed to be out with her friends, but she never checked in.”
“Why don’t you go call her before Benny comes out? Just make sure she’s good,” he suggested and Frankie immediately nodded, knowing that until he heard your voice assure him you were good, he’d spend all night distracted with worry.
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The bath had helped a bit, but as soon as you left the comfort of the hot water, the pain hit you like a tonne of bricks. You hardly made it to the toilet before you threw up what little you’d managed to keep down today, the convulsing of your stomach furthering the exhaustion and pain rooted deep in your bones by now.
As you laid there in your towel recovering, you heard your phone buzzing against your nightstand, a sigh leaving your lips at the thought of standing up again. Instead of even trying, knowing full well that you’d likely faint if you tried to overextend yourself—you’d done it before—you found yourself naked, free bleeding, and crawling into your bedroom to reach your phone, sliding the green arrow to accept the call from your boyfriend.
“H-hey,” you croaked into the line, bile still burning your throat.
“Thank god,” he exhaled in relief. “Was worried something happened to you. You guys alright?”
“Didn’t go out,” you managed through a sigh, laying on your back on top of the rug covering your bedroom floor as you felt another cramp begin to dawn. Unable to hold in your whimper, you winced at the pain that began to flood your every nerve again.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Frankie worried. When you couldn’t form a response, you swore you could hear his heart begin to pound in his chest over the phone. “Baby? Talk to me.”
“Can’t—cramps,” you whimpered through heavy pants, trying to breathe through the contracting in your uterus but it only triggered another vomit-spell. “Gonna puke.”
You reached for the trash can you placed at your bedside earlier just in case, but didn’t have time to mute your throwing up before it came out, forcing Frankie to hear the whole thing.
“Oh, baby,” he fretted. “I’m coming home.”
“No,” you croaked in between wretches. “M’good.”
“No, you aren’t,” he snapped. “I’ll be home in fifteen.”
“Frankie,” you sighed, hating the thought of ruining his one night a week he got to spend with his friends. “Stay, I’ll be fine.”
“There’s literally no way in hell that’s happening. I’ll be home in a second baby, okay?” You hummed in response, finally giving in to his persistence.
Frankie arrived exactly when he said he would, not bothering to take off his jacket, hat, or boots as he stomped his way down the hall to your shared bedroom, cooing at the sight of you still on the floor.
“I’m disgusting right now,” you cried, hating the fact that he was seeing you at your lowest—blood between your thighs, throw up in the trash can beside you, a cold sweat covering your skin.
“Baby, no,” he shook his head and stroked his warm palm over your forehead to wipe some of the sweat away. “C’mon, lemme help you up.”
He hoisted you into your feet and carried most of your weight as he walked you into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, he helped you settle back into the bathtub, letting the hot shower head rain over you to wash the blood away before he switched it to the faucet so that the tub could fill up.
“Gonna go clean up a bit,” he mumbled as he placed a kiss to your forehead. “Have you eaten?”
“Mm-mm,” you shook your head, your eyes closed at you relished in the warmth of the slowly filling tub.
“Okay, I’ll order a pizza.”
“Can’t do pizza—can you just make me some plain oatmeal?” Frankie frowned at how sick you must be to turn down one of your favorite foods in exchange for plain oatmeal.
“Sure thing,” he nodded. “Have you taken meds?”
“Ran out.”
“Pobrecita,” he cooed, sitting down on the closed toilet seat, unable to leave you quite yet. “I’ll go to the drugstore.”
“I feel so bad,” you whined, opening your eyes to look over at him. “Ruined your night.”
“No you didn’t,” he was quick to correct. “I’d rather be here for you than out getting drunk. Do that every Friday anyways.”
You chuckled weakly and leant your hand out for him to take, Frankie quickly intertwining his fingers with yours. “Soon as I feel better, I’m gonna suck your dick for hours.”
It was Frankie’s turn to laugh, lifting the back of your hand up to his lips. “Holding you to that.”
Standing up, he let go of your hand and placed a kiss onto your cheek.
“Be right back, bonita.”
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Somehow, Frankie’s momentary presence had given you enough strength to climb out of the bathtub, change in to a clean set of pajamas, throw away the trash bag filled with vomit beside your nightstand, and make yourself cozy in bed all on your own by the time he got back from the drugstore.
Frankie looked pleasantly surprised to see you beneath the comforter as he walked into the bedroom with a plastic bag filled with much more than just a bottle of Midol.
“Look at you,” he commended with a dimpled grin, setting the bag down at the foot of the bed before peeling off his outside clothes until he was was stripped down to just a pair of black boxer briefs. He tossed the comforter back on his side of the bed and crawled in beside you, his warm hands quick to replace the warmth of your heating pad as he pulled you close to his body.
“Even managed to brush my teeth,” you mumbled, exhausted from the pain of menstruating. He chuckled and kissed your shoulder.
“Wanna see what I got you?” You nodded and watched as he sat up, allowing you to place the heating pad over your stomach once more as he opened the bag up and began to take things out one at a time. “First, Midol.” He opened the packaging and handed you two pills which you quickly downed as he reached into the bag again. “Next, snacks.” He placed a bag of your favorite gummy candy on your lap before repeating the action with a chocolate bar and a bag of your favorite chips. “Lastly and most importantly,” he grinned as he reached into the bag and pulled out the book that you’d been dropping hints about wanting for the last month, your eyes tearing up at the thoughtful gesture. “Since I’m forcing you into bed rest, thought you’d want some reading material.”
“I am so in love with you,” you breathed out and tugged him down for a kiss, Frankie’s warm body half on top of yours as he moved his lips soft and slow against yours, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone as he cradled your jaw. “Thank you for doing this—for being here for me.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he reminded but you were quick to shake your head.
“I want to. You could have easily just stayed out and left me to deal with this alone, but you didn’t.”
Frankie gave you an adoring frown, wondering what shithead you’d been with before set the bar so low that you were this blown away by what Frankie considered to be just a basic show of love, but he didn’t dwell on the thought too long, suddenly remembering you still had yet to eat.
“Gonna go make you that bland ass oatmeal you requested,” he mumbled as he pecked your lips. “Don’t get up.”
“Yes, sir.” You saluted him and delighted in the chuckle you caused, his chest vibrating against yours. Before he could get too far, you reached out your hand and gently gripped his bicep to stop him, his eyes quickly turning to yours. “I love you.”
Frankie cooed and crawled back into bed for one more kiss, letting his nose nuzzle against yours.
“I love you more.”
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