#harges aird
blackacre13 · 2 years
(Sort of) sorry for blowing up your asks! But since I just saw you mention this -- would love a Carol/Abby origin story fic!! Please?? ^_^
I got a few requests for this and just posted the first one recently here , so this is sort of a part two/Carol POV since that one was very Abby POV heavy.
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She couldn’t bear to face it. That look she knew so well. A mixture of shock and horror and disappointment. Trust that she had earned and then broken into pieces, shattering it and grinding it down to dust. Nothing left to do but sweep it away, under the rug, pretending like there hadn’t been anything to break in the first place.
It was what Carol did. What she’d always done.
And though it wasn’t the same, in some regard, it was every bit the same. After all, everything comes full circle. And perhaps she hadn’t broken her own heart in the process the last time around, but she had left a piece of her soul and betrayed her best friend. Now, she was breaking her own heart and shattering that of her lover’s, who had no idea that when she awoke, Carol would be gone forever. She had to push Therese away. She had to pick up the pieces of her own life she’d run away from, no matter how painful it was to keep moving forward. She had to let go. She couldn’t drag that poor girl down with her, through the mud, with the promise of a life that most likely couldn’t ever be no matter how much she wanted it to exist. She had to release her. Like she did Abby.
Dearest. There are no accidents and he would have found us one way or another. Everything comes full circle. Be grateful it was sooner rather than later. You’ll think it harsh of me to say so, but no explanation I offer will satisfy you.
She stared hard at the fountain pen as she pressed it further into the paper, the ink angered and frustrated, seeping out excess like droplets of blood from a wound before she released her frustration and lifted the pen. It was no use punishing it. This was her own doing. She had always been her own worst enemy, after all.
She pushed people away. She pushed love away. Was it because she was afraid? Was it because she was too weak and tired to fight? The world wasn’t different enough yet, sure. But it couldn’t change without people pushing for that change, and here she was, moving backwards. Standing still. Trying to stop the clock and slip away into the familiar. Into the simple. Into the known.
And she couldn’t face Therese. She couldn’t tell that beautiful soul that she should have never gotten her tangled up in the chaos of her world. In Rindy. And Harge. And Abby.
Abby. Hadn’t Carol put her through enough? How many times had she turned Abby down or given her false hope only to let her down again? And still, Abby had come to her rescue. Had dropped everything to save her and help her, no questions asked. Carol knew she didn’t deserve her.
Please don’t be angry when I tell you that you seek resolutions and explanations because you’re young. But you will understand this one day.
She was older now. Wiser. Perhaps, still more foolish and stubborn than she should have been, but life had handed her enough lessons in the last two decades or so for her to instill some wisdom in Therese, even if she couldn’t understand it in the present. And in a way, it would be easier for Therese not to understand. For her to be angry or upset. She would have an easier time trying to erase the last few weeks with Carol. As if none of this had ever happened. The doll. The gloves. The lunch. The visit. The trip. It could be gone in the blink of an eye.
It was the people who were threaded throughout your life, that you couldn’t truly let go of. Like Abby.
Carol could refuse her advances. Could tell her she wanted her out of her life. But she couldn’t erase the little girl who had sat in the grass, fascinated by Carol and the way she could tie her laces for her. Or forget the bubbly thrill of a feeling the first time Abby had called after her, teasing, “You nitwit!”
And when it happens, I want you to imagine me there to greet you, our lives stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise.
Yes, it was better to let Therese go. To let the past go. Abide by Harge’s demands and his parents expectations for them and for Carol. Do whatever it took to be able to see Rindy, even if it meant denying her every satisfaction. Denying every bit of who she was. That took strength too, right? Denial?
She was at a crossroads again. Just like she had been that night the Ford broke down. Curled up next to Abby in her childhood bed, finally feeling brave enough to bring up the thought that always lingered on the edge of her mind and the tip of her tongue. Did Abby remember? Of course she did. Carol had never forgotten. Had never forgotten both how strange and delightful it had been for Abby to reveal such a secret to her. Abby had never kissed a boy, which was ordinary for a girl to admit to her friend. But Abby had never wanted to kiss a boy either, and Carol could never have imagined such a thing, until Abby had admitted that she had wanted to try kissing a girl.
Carol hadn’t judged or been scared. She felt trusted and happy that Abby would tell her such a thing. But she hadn’t understood it. At least not then.
But it made her look at Abby differently. It made her curious. Made her wonder if Abby’s lips were as soft as her own. Made her wonder if she would feel those butterflies in her belly the other girls talked about. She had only pretended to have them when she’d kissed boys. She had never really understood why the other girls blushed and giggled and shrieked about it. It had just been so, so. A transaction of sorts. An expectation.
And when she asked Abby to kiss her, everything changed. Everything. Carol finally understood. She understood Abby. She understood herself. But she also understood that she could never have the other things she had always wanted.
A daughter. A great big house. To be a wife.
It would be a life hidden in the shadows. A life only whispered about. There was only so much joy she could seek in secret kisses and sacred touches.
But until then, there must be no contact between us. I have much to do, and you, my darling, even more.
It would be a clean break this time. There would be no difficult conversation. No heart-to-heart to explain what she felt she had to do.
She wouldn’t see the sting she had seen on Abby’s face. The hurt in her eyes when Carol had told her that she had to start taking things seriously, tossing Abby away like a childhood toy for the sake of society and principle and not much else. The pang she had felt in her heart when Abby had let her go, only asking if this is truly what she wanted.
She hadn’t agreed. She hadn’t understood. But she had let Carol go all the same.
Please believe that I would do anything to see you happy and so I do the only thing I can—I release you.
And now Carol understood. Knew why Abby had let her walk away. Knew why Carol had to walk away now.
If you loved something, you let it go. And if you were lucky enough, maybe, just maybe, it would find its way back to you.
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miss-morgans-lover · 7 months
It's Therese taking photos of Carol getting a Christmas tree month too.
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And them going on their first date month
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And Therese meeting Rindy and Harge at Carol's house month as well
(Honourable mention for Harge's line of "That's bold")
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And Therese and Carol's roadtrip month
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(Honourable mention for "My angel, flung out of space" month, {January})
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mymoviewatches · 1 year
ᐢ..ᐢ - Carol (2015)
- - - - [Movie Rating 38] - - - -
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★ Ratings ★
✩ Personal Rating: 8/10
✩ IMDb Rating: 7.2/10
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sharry-arry-odd · 2 years
Was life, were human relations like this always, Therese wondered. Never solid ground underfoot. Always like gravel, a little yielding, noisy so the whole world could hear, so one always listened, too, for the loud, harsh step of the intruder's foot.
The Price of Salt, by Patricia Highsmith
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reppyy · 1 year
Please consider subscribing to my channel :D
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hallospaceboyy · 9 months
Easy Living
Carol Aird x Femme Reader
Content warning: Smut
Carol rises gracefully from the carpeted floor, hips swaying as she approaches the gramophone. The dulcet sound of Billie Holiday's ‘Easy Living’ caressing your ears as her slender fingers place the needle delicately onto the record. While you imagine caressing Carol.
You know it’s wrong, know that it could cost Carol everything, but you can’t seem to stay away from her – and her you. As far as Harge knew, you’d gone your separate ways months ago, when Carol assured him so; and the joint custody of Rindy had remained steadfast. You’d never expected Harge to be a man of his word.
Carol turns and smirks at you, her neat curls bouncing.
“Do you remember the first time we danced to this?” Her voice is sonorous, teasing, as her hands clasp your waist and pulls your body flush against hers. You feel your cheeks warm as you feel every soft curve, every angle of her.
“How could I forget?” Your voice comes out a whisper as her hands travel lower, as she begins to sway you in time to the music.
She kisses you then, lips velvety soft and full against yours, and your head spins, fogs with only thoughts of Carol – how she tastes, how she feels, her warmth, her scent, sweet and spicy all at once. Carol has that effect – complete euphoria, invading all of your senses in the best ways possible. She consumes you, burns you up, until it feels like only the two of you are left on the entire planet, until you forget the existence of everyone else.
Carol’s kisses become more desperate, her teeth nipping at your lip, her chest heaving with want as her hands paw at your ass, red nails digging into soft flesh – kneading there as you deepen the kiss, tongue meeting tongue.
All of a sudden, Carol pulls away, and her blue eyes are hardly blue at all – pupils dilated, dark with lust and longing. She bites her lip and nimbly kneels before you. Her hands glide up your thighs, squeezing firmly and she pushes you gently to lean against the wingback chair, conveniently behind you.
“Y/N...” Your name leaves her lips as a breathy sigh, and you shiver, brushing her hair from her forehead as she begins bunching up your figure-hugging dress you’d deliberately worn around your hips.
“Yes, Carol?” You part your legs.
“I want to taste you. Now.” The blonde nips at your inner thigh and you gasp, letting out a breathy laugh. She grins up at you as you snap the waistband of your lace underwear against your hip, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Then what are you waiting for? Bon appetit.”
Carol chuckles as she tugs the garment down your legs, flinging them to one side. You feel her warm breath between your legs as her eyes gaze upward to meet your own.
“Don’t make me regret taking you to Paris. Cheeky.”
Then her tongue flicks out over your clit, quickly at first, followed by a long, firm stroke. Your breath catches in your throat, head falling back as you fist a hand in her blonde curls. She laughs deeply against you, relishes watching you come apart so easily for her.
“My good girl.” She murmurs against you, then resumes the rapid movements of her tongue. You can feel the warmth flood between your thighs, and just as you tense, sparks dancing behind your eyelids, she slows, reverting to long, teasing strokes with the very tip of her tongue.
You whine in frustration, one hand clutching her hair, the other clawing at the chair behind you as your legs shake.
“Carol, please,” You breathe, voice tremoring in your throat.
“Look at me, sweetheart,” Her voice is soft, yet commanding, and you roll your head forwards on your shoulders to gaze down at her with clouded eyes – taking in the haze of her own, her mussed hair, her always perfectly red stained lips smudged. She smirks and winks at you. “Now keep looking. For as long as you can.”
You nod meekly, unable to think of anything but how desperately you need her to carry on, to grant you release – and so she does. Peering up at you, she resumes her ministrations ravenously, her lips closing around your clit and sucking, then flicking again, hard and fast, right on the sweet spot that makes you feel like your legs are going to collapse beneath you.
Your climax crashes through you like a tidal wave, bursts of pleasure jolting through you like lightning, and you moan and whimper loudly, hips bucking against Carol’s eager mouth. You maintain eye contact, and she hums, gripping your hips and anchoring you to the armchair as your legs threaten to give way at the vibrations.
As you come down, you let your eyes drift shut and she smirks up at you, pressing a single kiss to your still sensitive nub before licking her lips and rising to stand on her knees. Carol presses the side of her face to your stomach, and you cradle her head with trembling arms, fingers raking through her blonde tresses.
“I love you,” She murmurs, arms snaking around your waist.
You smile, taking her arms and tugging gently, gesturing for her to stand. She does, coming face to face with your hooded eyes; and as you gaze at her, taking in the soft crows feet at the corners of her eyes, the smile lines alongside her mouth, the pinkness of her cheeks, the sky blue of her eyes, she looks almost unsure – pale blue searching your face, but her smile never wavers.
“I love you too, Carol. And I have for a long time.”
Her whole face softens as you cup her cheek, and she kisses you, with no urgency this time. Soft and slow, with the faint hiss of the finished record still spinning in the background, Carol knows you have all the time in the world.
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Carol Aird and f reader. Reader is carols maid and confesses her love for her
You're beautiful
Warnings: Angst and hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic
Word count: 1.8 K
Pairing: Carol Aird x Fem!Reader
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Carol masterlist]
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Florence had given up.
Florence had grown tired of Mr. and Mrs. Aird's constant bickering, prompting her imminent resignation.
While Carol had never liked Florence, there was no doubt that she missed having a conversation with someone other than asshole Harge, not to mention needing someone who could help her with Rindy.
Carol had started on a complicated search mission to find the perfect woman. She didn't think it would take as long as it did, but her search led her to a beautiful young woman.
Y/N had flushed cheeks and dreamy eyes, with eager lips that trembled every time she was in the presence of Mrs. Aird, but those same lips smiled and laughed every time the young woman was in the company of the little girl Rindy. Both girls couldn't stop playing, laughing, and loving each other.
Now, in the middle of the 20th century, it is frowned upon that a girl as small as Rindy was, was away from her mother, and considering that Carol was implicitly forbidden to leave the house without the company of Harge, the girl she was condemned not to be able to live with many kids her age; so, the fresh air that Y/N brought to the house put the brunette's tiny body in complete ecstasy.
Carol was also ecstatic, watching her little girl change her serious expression to a big, bright smile, making her own smile appear again, after what seemed like many years.
Both women loved Y/N with every fiber of their hearts. The same way that Y/N was in love with both of them.
To say that Y/N had a slight crush on the blonde woman was an understatement. At first, Y/N thought that she was just impressed by that elegant woman.
Y/N wasn't from a wealthy family like Carol or Rindy was. She had been raised by a family that earned just enough to support her and her four siblings. So, she never saw anyone in such coats, with the jewelry, or driving the car that Carol was driving.
But, the admiration ended when Y/N's eyes stopped focusing on the patterns of the dresses to focus on the blonde's ankles, on her long and thin fingers, on how fragile her wrists seemed.
Y/N was head over heels in love with her boss.
"Y/N!" Rindy's screams caused the woman to stop paying attention to her book so she could hug her little friend.
"Hello little one, what are you doing outside?" although when it snows the temperature doesn't usually drop much less than normal in New York, it was still a low temperature for a girl as small as the chestnut.
“Dad got mad at mom again. They asked me to play on the swings while I waited for you."
If he paid close enough attention, Y/N could hear Harge's complaints and Carol's tired sighs.
"Well, little girl, let's play"
After a few awkward minutes, Y/N could see Harge's head sticking out of the door, causing the woman to silently thank him, her throat beginning to ache from how hard she had tried to keep the argument from reaching Rindy's ears
"We're leaving" she manage to hear
"But daddy…"
"Shut up Rindy, I told you to say goodbye" Mr. Aird's tone began to increase
"Harge, you don't have to be so hard on…"
Before the argument could escalate to any worse, Y/N's right hand instinctively landed on the girl's back, making reassuring circles, while her left hand began to caress the silky hair, showing her a bit of sweetness.
"Come on honey, let's prepare a backpack full of toys so you can take it with your dad"
Without giving her time to answer, her hand began to pat her back, encouraging her to leave the line of fire that was forming between the woman and the man.
Carefully, every last toy was put away, causing the little dark-haired girl to go out into the living room, finding both parents much calmer than they had been just a few minutes ago.
"I'm ready, daddy"
"Okay, beautiful girl, say goodbye to mommy"
"Can't mommy come with us?"
Y/N found the closeness and love that Rindy had for her mother endearing, and vice versa. She missed that relationship with her own mother.
"No, sweetie," it was Carol's turn to speak again, "Mom has to stay and make sure there are some gifts under the tree for you." Gracefully, the woman crouched down to her daughter's level, cupping both cheeks between her hands and planting a big and resounding kiss on her forehead.
"You have to make sure I get the redheaded doll I asked for" the girl reminded her mother, causing the blonde to giggle despite her teary eyes.
“Sure, sweet pea”
The woman's eyes had to leave the tender image of a mother and daughter to settle on the cold, soulless eyes of Mr. Aird.
She always preferred to remain silent in the presence of the man. It sent chills down her spine.
“Do you want us to take you to the train station?”
The girl's eyes fell on the blonde, seeing how her shoulders trembled slightly, while she kept looking at the ground, just to prevent her little daughter from seeing how vulnerable she was.
"No, thank you, Mr. Aird."
"Are you sure?"
That was another thing that Y/N hated Mr. Aird for, it was because of that sense of doubt that he wanted to implant in women's minds, of course she was sure, if she needed a ride, she would have asked for one.
"Yes, I'm completely sure"
"Okay, then…let's go Rindy, Grandma is waiting for us"
The girl quickly gives her mother another hug, while she was kissing the girl's forehead one last time; faster than lightning, the girl's body collided with Y/N's leg hugging them, causing the woman's heart to clench with love and affection.
"Bye Y/N"
"Goodbye little flea"
"I promise to bring you a present from Florida," the girl commented before being dragged by her father's arm to the car.
"That would be the best gift you can give me this Christmas," the woman joked, causing the girl to giggle.
"Bye mommy! Bye Y/N!"
Both women said goodbye to the girl, while they watched as the car moved away little by little.
"You should leave. I wouldn't want to keep you any longer than necessary” Carol spoke.
The silence that had settled in the room was not uncomfortable, but that was not why Y/N could not help noticing the sadness in the woman's gray eyes.
She knew that when a cigarette was in her right hand, and a glass of liquor in her left, something bad was about to happen.
"I can't leave you alone, ma'am…"
"Carol, how many times have I told you to call me Carol?" the woman commented as she gave her a smile
"I'm sorry…"
"You'll have to get used to calling me by my first name, especially now that the divorce is approaching faster than ever, thank God"
“You and Mr. Aird…?” the blonde woman only managed to nod her head "oh, I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry dear, it was something I had dreamed of many years ago"
"Divorce?" Carol nodded again.
A silence settled in the room again, Carol tried to enjoy it, her head resting on the sofa while Y/N watched the woman's face, trying to process the new information.
"Can I ask why?"
"Why am I getting divorced?"
"No, why are you waiting so long to do it?"
"Well, there are several things, but… the main one is Rindy"
"Don't he want to give up custody?"
Carol's head snapped around to look directly into the younger woman's eyes.
"Darling, for being so young, you know a lot about this."
"My parents got divorced. My father was left with full custody of my brothers and mine; It's also not like my mother fought for us in the first place."
There he could see how Carol's eyes crystallized again
"Oh my poor girl"
Again a silence settled in the room.
"Is it because you're a lesbian?" Carol's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets at that statement. Her back quickly stiffened, and just as she opened her mouth to object to the comment, Y/N spoke again. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"
"Who told you?"
"That damn bitch"
“You don't have to worry Carol. That does not make you a worse person, you are still that loving and beautiful mother in my eyes "
Now Y/N could see how tears fell from those gray eyes, causing her own eyes to begin to water.
“That is what hurts me the most, knowing that nothing I do for my daughter will be worth enough; As soon as Harge tells the judge, I'll have to forget about Rindy. If he can't have me, I can't have my Rindy."
Y/N noticed how the feelings Carol was having were beginning to physically exhaust her, so she carefully placed a hand on the taller woman's waist and began to guide her to her room.
She carefully laid her down on the bed, removing her shoes and giving her calves a little massage.
"I understand what you are going through, Carol, as soon as they found out about my homosexuality my father forced me to leave the house"
Carol's eyes returned to rest on Y/N's eyes causing the last mentioned to shudder.
“My sweet, that must have been very hard. Come lie down with me"
Carefully, Y/N's head rested on the blonde's shoulder, while the latter stroked her scalp, as a way of reassuring the young woman and herself.
"You're beautiful," Carol commented.
"You are much more beautiful than me"
Carol didn't answer until minutes later.
"I really want to kiss you. Ask me not to do it" she spoke, as she began to bring her face closer to Y/N's
"Don't do it" Carol wasn't expecting a refusal as serious as the one Y/N gave her, stopping short with a frown "don't get me wrong, I've wanted to kiss you since day one, but you're having a hard time" T /N planted a kiss on the blonde's freckled cheek, while her left hand caressed the cheek and the hair on the other side of her face "I don't want to take advantage of you"
"Oh my angel" Carol planted a kiss on the nose of the younger girl "so thoughtful"
They both let out a knowing giggle, full of affection and adoration for each other.
“It is time for you to sleep for a moment; crying drains all the energy" Y/N whispered in the blonde's ear
"Promise you'll be here when I wake up"
"I promise, beautiful"
Sorry for the delay, but, IT'S FINALLY HERE. I hope you enjoy it.
P.S. Change "maid" to "nanny" or something similar
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015)
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Kyle Chandler, Sarah Paulson, Jake Lacy, John Magaro, Cory Michael Smith, Kevin Crowley, Nik Pajic. Screenplay: Phyllis Nagy, based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith. Cinematography: Edward Lachman. Production design: Judy Becker. Film editing: Affonso Gonçalves. Music: Carter Burwell.
With her Mamie Eisenhower bangs and heart-shaped face, Rooney Mara in Carol becomes the reincarnation of such '50s icons as Audrey Hepburn, Jean Simmons, and Maggie McNamara -- particularly the McNamara of The Moon Is Blue (Otto Preminger, 1953), that once-scandalous play and movie about a young woman who defies convention by talking openly about sex while retaining her virginity. It's just coincidence that Carol is set at the end of 1952 and into 1953, the year of the release of The Moon Is Blue, but the juxtaposition of McNamara's Patty O'Neill and Mara's Therese Belivet seems to me appropriate because the 1950s have become such a touchstone for examining our attitudes toward sex. Director Todd Haynes and screenwriter Phyllis Nagy, adapting a novel by Patricia Highsmith, have done an exemplary job in Carol of not tilting the emphasis toward Grease-style caricature or Mad Men-style satire of the era, or exploiting the same-sex relationship in the film for sensationalism or statement-making. Carol is a story about people in relationships, clear-sightedly viewed in a way that Therese herself would endorse. After asking her boyfriend Richard (Jake Lacy) if he's ever been in love with a boy and receiving a shocked reply that he's only "heard of people like that," Therese replies, "I don't mean people like that. I just mean two people who fall in love with each other." It's this matter-of-factness that the film tries to maintain throughout its story of Therese and Carol (Cate Blanchett), the well-to-do wife in a failing marriage. That the film is set in the 1950s, when cracks were showing in the conventional attitudes toward both marriage and homosexuality, gives piquancy to their relationship, but it doesn't limit it. The story could be (and probably is) playing itself out today in various combinations of sexual identity. The film works in large part because of the steadiness of Haynes at the helm, with two extraordinary actresses at the center and beautiful support from Sarah Paulson as Abby, Carol's ex-lover, and Kyle Chandler (one of those largely unsung actors like the late Bill Paxton who make almost everything they appear in better) as Carol's husband, the hard-edged Harge Aird. The sonic texture of the 1950s is splendidly provided by Carter Burwell's score and a selection of classic popular music by artists like Woody Herman, Georgia Gibbs, Les Paul and Mary Ford, Perry Como, Eddie Fisher, Patti Page, Jo Stafford, and Billie Holiday.
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eddysocs · 1 year
Carol OC Masterlist
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Name: Loretta Butler
Face Claim: Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Love Interest: Carol Aird
Fic Title: To Love In The Open
Plot Summary: During a fight with Harge, Carol's favorite dress is ripped. She changes into something else and leaves the house in a huff, taking the torn dress with her and driving until she finds a tailor a couple of towns over. Whether fate or coincidence, her need to escape brings her to Loretta Butler. Loretta promises she can have the dress repaired in an hour or so, with it being a slow day. When Carol asks if she can stay and watch her work, since she’d rather be anywhere than home, it kicks off an affair that could have dire consequences for both of them.
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likecastle · 1 year
Howards End is like if Carol Aird died suddenly and left Therese Belivet her house in the country, and then Therese went and married Harge.
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someoneinbrasil · 7 years
wild life
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blackacre13 · 2 years
Could you do a Carol and Therese enemies to lovers fic? I’ve never really seen this trope when it comes to this pairing but I think if anyone could pull it off- it’d be you💗
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“Hey! Terry!”
Therese rolled her eyes at the nickname, but pasted a smile on her face as she turned around to face her co-worker.
“John,” she nodded. “Something wrong? I’m wearing the hat. See?” She sighed, shaking the pom pom portion of the Santa hat at him to demonstrate.
“Nah, nah, nah,” he laughed, coming forward to lean over the counter as he waved her closer, urging her to lean in. “Just wanted to tell you I had this interaction with a customer. I mean what a bitch.”
“John,” Therese hissed, reaching out to smack his arm as he let out a yelp, shaking it dramatically as he winced. “You can’t talk about the customers like that. Forget it. You can’t talk to women like that.”
“You don’t understand, Terry,” he warned her. “I wouldn’t talk about just any woman like that, but she was all up in arms, trying to smoke on the floor. Something about her husband needing new damn skis and how he’d ruined Christmas and she just needed to get out of there and—you know what? You’ll see for yourself in a minute. Said something about having a daughter and had me direct her to the toy department, so don’t say I didn’t warn you when she blows through here.”
She had some choice words on the tip of her tongue, but thought better of it as she thanked him curtly and went back to studying her book, ducking half-behind the counter until she noticed a woman over by the train set, studying the little train chugging around the track with an amused look on her face that made Therese curious, but as much as she wasn’t a fan of John, her guard was certainly up now. This could’ve been the woman he had been talking about and her mood was already sour enough without a hysterical customer to make matters worse.
The blonde woman seemed to be smiling at her, probably about to ask for assistance, and Therese was suddenly grateful for the harried woman who appeared in front of her with a toddler in her arms, asking for directions to the bathroom, the blonde woman gone by the time Therese appeared back at the counter. She wasn’t sure why she was partially disappointed, but decided to thank her lucky stars that she had avoided extra chaos from customers around the holidays as she snuck another glimpse at her book, suddenly distracted by black leather gloves landing on the counter, Therese looking up as she swallowed thickly.
“Hi there,” the woman sighed with a tired smile. “Let’s hope you can help me more than that bastard in the ski department.”
And there was all the confirmation that she needed. No apology. No shame. And already setting Therese up for failure that she just wasn’t having.
“I’m looking for a doll,” she explained, her hands fumbling in the air as she tried to explain it. “She’s about—I don’t know—this tall and this…let me try that again, shall we?”
Therese merely frowned, studying the woman as she rummaged through her purse, finally producing a crumbled slip of paper that looked very much like a letter to Santa from a child that ordinarily would have made Therese’s heart flutter at the thought of such sweetness, but she was already more mad than she probably had any right to be, already having decided her opinion of this woman, who merely seemed dismissive, rich, snooty, and utterly ridiculous. Even if she was one of the most beautiful women Therese had ever seen.
“I was wondering if you might help me find this doll for my daughter,” she murmured softly, passing the slip over to the brunette as Therese snatched it from her, her eyes running over the messy scrawl.
“Well, that is what we do here,” Therese smiled sarcastically. “At the doll counter.”
The woman’s lips twitched with irritation, but her smile only broke for a moment, before she continued looking at Therese hopefully.
“Bright Betsy,” Therese nodded. “She cries.”
“Oh?” The blonde laughed. “I suppose I may want to rethink that choice then.”
“I suppose so,” Therese mocked through her fake smile. “Wets herself too. But, we’re out of stock.”
Luckily, Therese thought. Maybe the woman would go elsewhere to look for the screaming doll. A little, twisted part of her hoped that it drove her as crazy as much as the child loved it.
“Left it too long,” the blonde sighed, staring to rummage through her purse again. “Right. What was your favorite doll as a girl?”
Lucky again, Therese thought. She didn’t even have to lie. Therese had never wanted or played much with her dolls and didn’t have a recommendation for the woman.
“Me?” Therese laughed. “Not many—ever—nothing comes to mind. To be honest,” she added, not wanting to come across even ruder than she meant to be.
The blonde lifted a cigarette to her lips, placing it between them before rummaging again for a lighter, and Therese was happy to have an excuse to possibly have her removed from the store. Or at least, to direct her outside and then make her escape.
“Sorry,” Therese smiled. “No smoking on the sales floor.”
“Oh, of all the—“ the woman started, her face growing red. Here came the anger. But she seemed to cool down, rethinking the comeback she’d mapped in her mind. “Forgive me,” she sighed. “Shopping makes me nervous.”
Then leave, Therese thought. Go smoke your little cigarette outside.
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miss-morgans-lover · 6 months
Give me Carol (Haynes, 2015) asks, I wanna talk about it!!!!
These can be a variety of things:
Cinematography etc (be scene specific please)
Fav/Least Fav character
Opinions on characters
Opinions on scenes
Fav scene
Opinion on film in general
Any fic or AU ideas I have
And more, anything, I wanna talk about it!!!!!!!
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firstactproblems · 3 years
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carol-quotes · 5 years
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‘They’re not horrid. One’s just supposed to conform. I know what they’d like, they’d like a blank they could fill in. A person already filled in disturbs them terribly.’[...]
(Chapter Eleven)
‘Carol’ (Patricia Highsmith) Images ‘Carol’ (2015) dir. Todd Haynes
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hikelesbian · 6 years
57 & 169 for carol and Therese
#169 — “What a pretty sight.”
Here on AO3.
#57 — “Is that my shirt?”
She comes home late, having drawn the day out with Rindy as much as possible. The apartment is dark and silent except for the occasional sound of a car passing by outside, and Carol leaves her things laid on the back of the couch, steps out of her heels and makes her way to their bedroom.
There had been an early lunch with Rindy and then a day at the museum of natural history, with dinner to cap it off and even ice cream. But there had only been so long a young child could stay up, particularly after walking for such a large part of the day, and she’d finally dropped her off with Harge, said her goodbyes for the week, and gone home.
Now she slips into the bedroom, tries to avoid turning on the light and makes her way to the bathroom from memory. There she can turn on the light because it doesn’t fall directly on the bed, and it takes no time at all to remove make-up and shed clothes and put on pajamas, to walk over to the bed and turn down the covers and slip in.
Therese has slept through the entire thing because she hasn’t stirred, sound asleep on her stomach with a hand resting near her face, and Carol leans close, propped on an elbow, reaches out with her free hand and smiles and slips a hand under the hem of the shirt Therese wears, palm against the small of Therese’s back, warm from being curled under blankets.
“Is that my shirt?” Carol teases softly as her hand slides its way up, recognizing the flannel pajama top that’s just a bit too loose on Therese, and at that Therese stirs, breathes out a bit as Carol’s hand comes to rest fingers-splayed against her upper back.
“It’s warm,” Therese says thickly, her excuse, and Carol can’t argue with that, knows Therese and cold are two things that don’t go together. Therese turns over slowly, shirt and Carol still tangled, and Carol ends up with her hand just under Therese’s breast, moves it up just a little and finally sinks down onto the bed next to her.
“Can you help me develop the pictures tomorrow?” Carol asks, settling her head on Therese’s pillow, receives a sleepy hum in reply. She’d brought along some camera Therese had lent her, had only to point and click and wind the film and gotten a few good ones of Rindy, a mixture of candids and of her daughter standing next to exhibits she’d found interesting, asking to be photographed.
There had been one too that Carol’s sure will be her favorite, no matter if she’s got the timing wrong and her eyes closed or if Rindy’s looking the wrong way or blurry from a sudden movement—the one where she’d asked a passing woman to hold the camera, had freed up her hands and picked up Rindy, held her on her hip like normal and finally been in a picture with her.
Therese has yet to meet Rindy, really meet her, and so for now stories and pictures about visits will have to do, and the photos taken earlier today are all ones that Carol can’t wait to show her.
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